c9e325 No.2424730
are not endorsements
>>2393582 Thank you for your interest in Q and QResearch >>2410101 Please watch this video
>>2355675, >>2351700, >>2349367 BO/BV on nudity/thot policy (incl history)
>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)
>>2251030 , >>2261001 EXPLANATION of bread-archiving situation. Fix habbening
>>2366140 Transcript of speech that got POTUS elected (!!!)
>>2424598 Houston SWAT teams surround home of suspect in death of HW Bush doctor
>>2424335 Skyrocketing POTUS Approval from Blacks
>>2424342 Q Comes out of the Closet Video
>>2424330 Paul Craig Roberts: Who Does America Really Belong To?
>>2424156 OBummer Photo - Not Wearing Allah Wedding Ring
>>2424090, >>2424138 No Wonder the Media is Pissed
>>2424715 #3056
>>2423704 Intel from 2anon friends at rally tonight.
>>2423607 Digs on New HRC Emails
>>2423447 SARA CARTER: GOP Lawmakers Demand Declassification of Bruce Ohr FBI Interviews
>>2423384 Protester disrupts Trump rally in Wilkes Barre PA 8-2-18 (Video)
>>2423233 Dem New Hampshire State Senator Arrested for Assault.
>>2423945 #3055
>>2423074 PlaneFag Reports
>>2422617 Obummber Pics Photoshopped?
>>2422531, >>2422746, >>2422901 Trudeau Mouthy after Summit Thinking POTUS Would not be Around Long (Missle Launch?)
>>2422521 Digs New HRC Emails
>>2423210 #3054
>>2422413 Pedophile Faces 60 Charges After “Sadomasochistic” Child Porn Found at a Hot Springs Church
>>2422029 PlaneFag Reports
>>2421862 Sealead Indictments Through 7/31/18 (Up tp about 45,500 - that is a gain of about 5K)
>>2421806 Pope changes Catholic Church teaching on death penalty, brands it ‘inadmissible’ & wants abolition
>>2421940 Montreal model and artist known as Zombie Boy dead at 32
>>2422431 #3053
>>2420969 Anons lays it out for the shills.
>>2421019 Most anons are being logical, but for the rest of you:
>>2421112 Reporters, Celebs Call Trump-Supporters "Nazis", "KKK", Want Them "Euthanized" After Tampa Rally
>>2421133 HRC e-mails
>>2421210 POTUS Schedule Update
>>2421459 Fox and Butowski Motion to dismiss defamation suit by Wheeler GRANTED by Southern District of NY judge in Seth Rich defamation case
>>2421493 Fresh media attack
>>2421591 The Elysium trial started in Germany today.
>>2421786 #3052
>>2420165 Iran’s FM calling out U.S. Navy:
>>2420264 New details re: Dianne Feinstein's chinese mole
>>2420477 POTUS thanking Pennsylvania
>>2420600 The VA Hospital In DC Was Reportedly Using Rusty Surgical Tools And Water Full Of Bacteria
>>2420661 (spanish article) What is QAnon, the conspiracy theory according to which Trump fights against pedophilia and the "deep state"
>>2420682 House Majority Leader Demands Jack Dorsey Testify On Twitter "Shadowbans"
>>2420748 NZ news: QAnon - the 'deranged' conspiracy theory that's sweeping America
>>2420736 #3051
>>2419312 Qproofs: Do you believe in coincidences?
>>2419333 “These are some things that have been planned for a while.”
>>2419678 Anon sums up part of Trump rally talking points
>>2419723 Empty seat nr. 17
>>2419745, >>2419907 Update on Rothschilds - caught in money laundering.
>>2419771 Todays Resignations
>>2419786 No homemade signs allowed at rally
>>2419934 CNN's Fake News Acosta: All Journalists Should Make Bumper Stickers
>>2419995 #3050
>>2418679 The World According to MSM (memes)
>>2418743, >>2418745 Q sign on Trump entry
>>2418798 Giuliani says Trump to talk with Mueller within 10 days: report
>>2418955 Rally in Ohio coming up!
>>2419048 ThinQ Mirror
>>2419120 2 Sealed cases have something to do with Wells Fargo
>>2419338 #3049
Previously Collected Notables
>>2418515 #3048, >>2417745 #3047
>>2415409 #3044, >>2419249 #3045, >>2416967 #3046
>>2413054 #3041, >>2417760 #3042, >>2414614 #3043
>>2410736 #3038, >>2411522 #3039, >>2412299 #3040
>>2408342 #3035, >>2409196 #3036, >>2409984 #3037
>>2405809 #3032, >>2406722 #3033, >>2407591 #3034
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
c9e325 No.2424736
War Room
#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'
[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
Be your own tweet storm army.
Useful twat hints on war room info graphs
Best Times to TWEET:
Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC
Anon Research Tools
>>974637 How to archive a website offline
Threads & Research Section
>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity
>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)
>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)
>>1667382 --- META
>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II
>>870846 --- The Letter Q
>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread
>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game
>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.
>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2
>>618758 --- Merkel research thread
>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking
>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture
>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread
>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A
>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials
>>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2 ("Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers.")
>>2089271 -- New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312
>>2178691 -- NEW Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject Thread - Project
>>2294272 -- No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html
>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research
>>2399939 –- Clockwork Qrange #3 ("Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers.")
Q Graphics all in GMT
Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488
Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490
Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950
Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103
Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303
Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071
Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#33 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073 , >>2361495
Q Graphics all in EST
Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966
c9e325 No.2424739
QPosts Archives in All Formats
* Q Clearance Archive:
MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg
SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW
MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf'''*
Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup:''' docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/
* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/
* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439
* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)
* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807
* QAnonProofs.com
* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html
* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE
* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip
* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]
* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp
* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools
* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/
* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help
*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w
Tweet Tools
* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets
* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com
* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/
* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/
Other Tools
* NOPE button >>2374212
* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg
* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb
* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905
* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)
* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188
* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases
* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub
* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/
* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677
Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)
* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157
* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php
* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/
Q Research Graphics Library
22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic
Advanced Graphics
>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes
Meme Ammo Stockpiles
26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884
Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/
MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/
Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/
Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa
QAnon.news anon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]
Learn To Bake!
Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
==New Bakers Required== Read this ---> >>2172540
1635b0 No.2424741
27d5c3 No.2424755
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. CNN taking the bait - totally, hook, line, sinker and even the godamn boat!
4:34 this vid.
24dd26 No.2424761
c9e325 No.2424762
Baker Requesting Handoff
456d03 No.2424763
a95838 No.2424770
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. is walter still seeking vengeance over a toe
is he blinded by his traumas and make sudden bad choices of violence
is he pensive and unsatisfied
018359 No.2424771
Click here:
Then use the links to download our work!
09f341 No.2424773
>>2424680 (lb)
a18956 No.2424774
can some of you really not wait for the dough or are you just shills?
its not that difficult
b9a13c No.2424775
>>2424706 but after breaking the mainstream barrier and then a sudden lack of Q gear would make it look like we rolled over and died and the MSM hit pieces had the desired effect, no way do i want them to have that satisfaction
f7b8a8 No.2424777
Since we all know nothing is ever deleted, can a good anon post a picture of Q's deleted post from /patriotsfight/ re: something BIG about to drop?
a18956 No.2424778
thanks baker, forgot that, kek
57f92f No.2424780
I find this photo triggers snowflakes beyond any other.
I often wonder if the guy next to POTUS, sneering at Hussein, is on the Q team.
5a266b No.2424781
Is POTUS going on vacation? Is this how he may be insulated when feces meets the fan?
8635d2 No.2424782
>>2424090, >>2424138
>No Wonder the Media is Pissed
Bye bye CIA run newspapers….
9bd8ed No.2424783
more 113
more big
and a biggest
24dd26 No.2424784
shit thought you had posted the dough already didn't mean to shit up your bread, baker (although we posted at the same time kek)
i'm available to bake but would rather lurk.
if no other bakers are around i can take it
7b5f76 No.2424786
That's eric trump.
456d03 No.2424787
Not shill just blonde with penis and drunk.
Triple Threat.
Bad combo.
29a720 No.2424788
>can some of you really not wait for the dough or are you just shills?
>its not that difficult
A link was posted to the previous board, Sally.
We clicked it and came over.
5ceba6 No.2424790
Thank God these dumbasses will be handed their asses soon ;p
112112 No.2424791
The sneering guy is Eric Trump
7cc5d0 No.2424792
Guy next to POTUS is Eric Trump.
f75643 No.2424794
remember we do not condone violence
know how to handle confrontation
Q training videos are here to help
Watch and Learn
57f92f No.2424795
Do y’ah think he’s…
fb9455 No.2424796
1635b0 No.2424797
DEC 18
We won't telegraph our moves to the ENEMY.
We will however light a FIRE to flush them out.
Define Shutdown.
Was ATL shutdown?
Will NK be shutdown?
Who controls NK?
Remove leverage to capture the flag?
Capture the flag to end the rule?
End the rule of who?
Who controls NK?
6b760d No.2424798
>>2424394 lb
>>2424493 lb
I think the soft jungle light helps.
32283a No.2424799
Spreadsheet is updated to >>2422155
Full-sized images Q posts/responds to
(nested) Screenshots (in EST)''' updated
AUGUST '18: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2rc5iqf5m/
Thank you to those who provided original screenshot of >>113!
All mockingbird hit-pieces posted by Q are ARCHIVED on the lines in the spreadsheet next to the corresponding post, as well as many others that anons provided (thanks to those who already archived some) EXCEPT THOSE IN THE LAST FEW BREADS… (super laggy, buggy weird shit fuckery going on)
bc0f91 No.2424802
That's the guy from Fargo.
c2ea05 No.2424803
Lepa Svetozara Radić (1925–1943) was a partisan executed at the age of 17 for shooting at German soldiers during WW2. As her captors tied the noose around her neck, they offered her a way out of the gallows by revealing her comrades' and leaders' identities. She responded that she was not a traitor to her people and they would reveal themselves when they avenged her death. She was the youngest recipient of the Order of the People's Hero of Yugoslavia, posthumously awarded in 1951.
WHO has control now???
Follow the White Rabbit…
f9cd43 No.2424804
c9e325 No.2424805
Kek, I was not the one calling out breadshitters this time - somebody else is on it!!
OK, we can give it a bit… See if someone else steps up
298cc8 No.2424809
1635b0 No.2424811
456d03 No.2424813
Go ahead Weasel Jones. Accuse away.
I apologized in my own blonde dumbass way.
a18956 No.2424815
thats an acceptable excuse
that is not newfag
ef533a No.2424816
safely protected while shit goes down.
1635b0 No.2424817
DEC 19
House of cards.
12 deals rejected (today alone).
Panic in DC.
Enjoy the show.
deef12 No.2424818
It's been posted 15 times already.
5a266b No.2424819
Right 10 DAYS!!!!!!
7c9759 No.2424820
211e63 No.2424822
Zombie, zombie, zombie eh hey eh hey…
456d03 No.2424823
The absolute truth is ALWAYS acceptable.
c9e325 No.2424824
Freedom's Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose
7c9759 No.2424825
9dae64 No.2424826
Good. Starve that beast. Useless and destructive organization.
7b5f76 No.2424827
(((shills))) are busying doing stupid obvious tag teaming.
TLDR, mossad/jewish criminals and black hats will LOSE, OUR people will CRUSH them and take back our children and our POWER.
Also, jewish girls are world-class pioneers in coal burning.
5ceba6 No.2424828
More like Eric thinking "My dad is gonna wipe the floor with your ass… And then you're all done Barry ;)" in his head kekek
7159a0 No.2424829
7c9759 No.2424830
1635b0 No.2424831
10 day vacation while Congress and Senate are out on recess……
deef12 No.2424832
d67fd7 No.2424833
Like I said, this is all optics.
>This is not a game.
>Learn to play the game.
>Moves and counter-moves.
>We may have to 'force' the issue.
Sigh, I know it's necessary at this stage of the game, but I'm so fucking sick of mind games.
ef533a No.2424835
acd902 No.2424837
7c9759 No.2424838
wait a tick..
zombie boy was chill..
7b5f76 No.2424839
UN will be 'restructured'.
Just like the FED.
29a720 No.2424840
We better let it go bankrupt and seize the property.
Put a VA hospital there.
We better not bail those leeches out.
No tax payer $$$ for that useless organization.
551a83 No.2424841
You stupid nigger. SAGE is for half chan.
c61d91 No.2424842
The full Armour of qresearch
6b760d No.2424843
Tippy top time for a vacation me thinks.
acd902 No.2424846
DEC 19
NAT_SEC_A,H,H, L, B, E, classified Cdg-23k
JUSTICE_FED_J[1-4]_remove + appellate
19 OPs [now].
Operators active.
Operators in harms way.
POTUS awake.
No sleep during OP.
c441a8 No.2424847
The Germans were right though. They fought the Jewish communist cabal that controls America now. Educate yourself. Q mentions Mossad. Mossad is Israeli, not Nazi.
aa331c No.2424848
what if i told you 30+ news organizations wrote about QAnon in the
last 24 hours?
b6f24b No.2424849
IMHO, the Pope is trying to change the teachings of the Church by editing the Catechism – the death penalty is seen by the cabal as the lowest hanging fruit.
Make one change sets the precedence for other more draconian changes.
298cc8 No.2424850
deef12 No.2424851
673856 No.2424852
You filter an anon who is simply posting Q's old posts in chronological order?
91389d No.2424853
doj probably has podesta tapes of molesting son
9bd8ed No.2424855
bc0f91 No.2424857
What did he know and when did he know it?
59d3f1 No.2424858
Brock, throwing the ball to yourself is stupid.
dc7e23 No.2424859
Not sure how much I trust gatewaypundit but there you go anons.
3627fb No.2424860
People!! Stop Pissing in the soup…. BO/V's can only take so much waste. Go to the proofs!!!!!!
It's elaborate for a reason……
8635d2 No.2424862
137dca No.2424864
Yeah you keep repeating this bullshit! Just like the youtube videos that came out after Q posts, these people are trying to sell books. Grow up! You are like a flat earth retard that never learns!
d67fd7 No.2424865
Goddammit, anon.
It's in the US Code that one is NOT supposed to wear the flag!
You take that off!
Right now!
And then take some new pics!
7c9759 No.2424866
I've read more crumbs than you can count…
Been here since 1776….
3f9fb3 No.2424867
why is no one saying the "ANONYMOUS" part… anon stands for anonymous..
d11cbf No.2424868
Are you new here?
Put Q to the test.
Here are 10 predictions.
What will it take for you to believe?
ccab1f No.2424869
What if I told you that Q listed them all in several drops today. *smh*
24dd26 No.2424870
sounds good, if no one steps up by 200ish posts i gotchu – keeping an eye on notables either way
cac3cf No.2424871
pissing in an ocean of piss, m8
f9cd43 No.2424872
298cc8 No.2424874
Someone post thjs on his twatter. Kek
ebe161 No.2424875
Trips confirm
[Nothing is ever truly deleted]
7c9759 No.2424876
30 for 30: what if I told you an ANON named QANON cracked the matrix?
8635d2 No.2424879
551a83 No.2424883
What if an illegal alien uses a straw? Many of them?
5ceba6 No.2424884
>don't make Sarah sad
a81ce7 No.2424885
We need some one minute elevator pitch to spread far and wide to our Reddit and halfchan step children. They will be getting interviewed now and we need to curb the dumbness.
Something like this.
Q is a peaceful, group research movement. We collectively use open source information and expose corruption world wide. You should read the crumbs and learn the comms to make your own decision. You in the media make us look like crazy gullible people but we are the ones following the facts, while the main stream media has been misleading the citizens.
And say no more.
It needs polishing but we need to get a short, concise message laid out and spread down thru the channels for protocols of giving an interview.
32283a No.2424886
Mind if I save this to a permanent offsite gallery? It contains, so far, only those I've made
It's a way to store & share them that anyone can access…
be7437 No.2424887
Like many people across Hollywood, Tom Hanks heard of Harvey Weinstein’s “shenanigans” with women, but he’s confident that there are some who knew a lot more than he did.
Hanks addressed the Weinstein allegations several weeks ago, but suggested in a recent interview with NPR that there were people who knew what was happening and actively did nothing, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
“There were people who knew exactly what was going on,” Hanks said. While the 61-year-old actor has never worked with Weinstein and does not feel complicit in the allegations against him, he suggested that there are people who should. Hanks suggested those people ask themselves: *“Did you aid it? Did you abet it? Did you warn people against it?.”*
5a266b No.2424889
Since when does POTUS ever stop working???
34eaf2 No.2424891
A few yeas ago I saw the Monkees being interviewed. They're all old now. The interview went well, except for Peter Tork. When it was his turn to talk, he babbled incoherently–alternatively between sentence fragments and run-on sentences. Some things he even shouted out, like leftist slogans. It was clear he didn't have all of his marbles anymore. The others guys covered for him and kept the mic away from him.
I don't know why I had the recollection just no.
3627fb No.2424893
I am not one now but was many years ago….
c8dbee No.2424894
I can bake a few. On a new IP now though cus I moved but last bread I baked was 2716.
Can probably get someone to post from there tomorrow though if that would help BO/BV
bbda3b No.2424895
So are we gunna play nice and give newfags a REAL introduction to the board? Maybe lay out simple rules so they dont pinch the loaf?
Working on something I will share in a bit. Kinda present proves past type deal.
Good to finally have life paused to be able to be on the board.. lot went down and i had to spectatorfag a bit. Was on earlier after i got home from work. Brought up the difference in rallies.. some shill said i wasnt being autist enough to see Q stuffs.. but i was remarking on differences in rally vs last.
Great to be with you all.. say are more ladyanons thanking backer w homebaked bewbs?!
112112 No.2424897
The intelligence community of every nation is in control behind the scenes. Not muh Jews. Thats just stupid shit fuck tard anons bought into. Feed to them by the intelligence community. Division tactics. Works everytime, for the weak minded.
fd872e No.2424900
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Read everything together :D
91389d No.2424901
or doing something shady at a highschool
guys on his own sado pedo jihad
afdd5d No.2424902
We are Q! We have it all. WE DROP the BOMB. Autists win big!
just a thoqght
8635d2 No.2424903
77fb2c No.2424904
Under the radiation tattoo is baphomet.
fd872e No.2424905
ahh sry missed the Sky Event :D
2d2335 No.2424907
WWEs Kane wins mayor seat in Knox, TN
c92d50 No.2424908
I am willing to bet he still tweets at least. :)
bc0f91 No.2424909
His Twatter account:
c9e325 No.2424910
OK, I am collecting too and will provide updated dough if it gets to that point
fdd58c No.2424911
4d3f3f No.2424912
let's not forget about the fact that in Caliphornia, knowingly infecting someone with HIV is now a misdemeanor
mental illness
the lunatics have taken over the asylum
298cc8 No.2424913
Just tell them to stfu!
8133a4 No.2424914
Suspend their memberships until they pay
ccab1f No.2424915
Meh. I hate people. Hardly talk to anyone.
60f41d No.2424918
Have you seen the recent UN commercials begging for money? They are running two different ones, non-stop, under the guise of helping children/refugees, now you know why.
74ce93 No.2424919
This guy had mental heath issues
nobody noticed? weird
4f1cb1 No.2424920
I will never, ever forget.
Worst morning of my life……….. not far from NYC then.
a18956 No.2424922
wouldn't be a bad idea
got whined at for saying something about that by one
>say are more ladyanons thanking backer w homebaked bewbs?!
137dca No.2424924
Q missed Vice News Tonight ;)
551a83 No.2424926
He will still be working, just won't be in DC or flying to Rally's. Maybe he can make a bunch of recess appointments?
2a1c13 No.2424932
Q, I'm going to stay up all night AGAIN waiting for your "something big to drop" In the mean time I will be PRAYING that the subject matter is about pedogate. That shit needs to be handled now. if you expect people to just sit behind their computers while known pedophiles/worse are walking free in the streets, you've miss calculated. I assure you, Q…people will not sit around and make memes. They will take these people out themselves. Our children are not safe.
815785 No.2424933
Huh. Weird. I don't remember seeing this back then.
When did that Sarah chick start that Twitter account?
How Convenient
fb9455 No.2424934
Partisan means a willing participant in WAR
You are a liar. I see you lying.
The truthfullness of this picture is in doubt. There are too many pictures of Soviet fakeries for me to just let you proclaim this as true.
Its too late at night. I am not looking through hundreds of photos because your disingenuous jewish ass wants to drudge up the fake holohoax.
Here is the best I can do on short notice…
Oh look at that. The jews at youtube decided that a bunch of photos that display no gore or blood are too much for the goyim. Proving media fakery (photos) is anti semitic apparently.
673856 No.2424935
Shhhhh….. I love it when newfags use SAGE! It makes it so you can spot 'em without even looking at what they posted.
8635d2 No.2424936
Save it, share it far and wide :)
a2cc3d No.2424938
Can we get this out of notables (#3054) ? As nice as it would be if true you can clearly see on the hires >>2422950 that she has bleached hair at the ends.
We don't want to look foolish...
Love your work (androgynously)
18fbaf No.2424940
Marsha Blackburn wins (R) Senate Primary in TN
1ba81c No.2424941
mirrior Future Proves Past, when are the elections? 8/8/18
796890 No.2424943
The soldiers’ remains covered in U.N. flags…
ccab1f No.2424944
Kek. What if POTUS is about to declare FB and TWTR public utilities?
That has been mentioned before.
Plus FB has tax issues now, if I read an earlier post correctly.
Oh Q. You're such a tease…
c9e325 No.2424945
Here to monitor handoff??
dc7e23 No.2424947
5ceba6 No.2424948
No need for rehearsed lines concernfag. This place has always been about Q research.
Ovservers watching a fucking movie :D
Like, dafuck. It says so right in the title. Anyone who says otherwise is full of shit ;p
fb9455 No.2424952
You are a liar.
Just wanted to let you know before you went to bed.
5c49de No.2424954
633ea1 No.2424955
Please stop bitching and read the fucking crumbs before you give yourself a goddamned aneurysm with your nonsense. Or do you not pay attention to when your problem is being addressed high low and everywhere because you prefer bitching and shitting the bread for no goddamned reason?!
7b5f76 No.2424956
Also, /ourguys/ ass fuck pedophiles, rape and kill paki gang rapists until they learn their place, hang pedo human trafficking saudi prince upside down from the ceiling and break his spirit/balls, level mountains to bury 200 NK nuclear scientists and nuke materials, snatch chinese black hats from chongquing, chase down muzzy criminals and human trafficking ms-13 to KILL/IMPRISON them.
Force vs violence.
Those who aggress against decent people and dream themselves powerful learn what wrath and hatred will mean, from our fists and bullets - all done by professionals.
We are indeed peaceful. That is why our operators and soldiers shed blood for our future and that of our children, our PEOPLE.
Good vs evil.
15f391 No.2424957
018359 No.2424958
Any legitimate interviews must be done on site.
Proposed format:
Publication must put out a prior tweet or article stating the time and person who will come to the board.
BO/BV then can authorize the ID of some early Anon's who can speak, maybe like 10 to give a broad perspective.
fb74b9 No.2424960
Have not seen a set of /ourgirl/ beautiful and organic patriotess bewbs all day….
0448d1 No.2424961
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2424920
"Of course the orders still stand!"
298cc8 No.2424963
I don't think he can or would do that. Tades, taxes, taxes.
6c83f1 No.2424964
That's good anon. But don't mention crazy gullible etc. It only has people associate movement with it more like when someone says "i am not a liar"
Best to say there are a lot of misconceptions, but come see for yourself. everyone is welcome
5b8d38 No.2424965
Dana Loesch, NRA TV personality and nationally syndicated radio host, dropped CNN’s Chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta with one blow on Thursday.
Loesch was responding to Acosta’s continued complaints regarding the way President Donald Trump, his administration, and his supporters treat media outlets they view as hostile.
Dana Loesch
If only America was as infatuated with Jim Acosta as Jim Acosta is with Jim Acosta. Maybe he should have his own presser where he can regale the country with questions about himself.
2:54 PM - Aug 2, 2018
For the past few days, beginning with President Trump’s Tampa rally on Tuesday in support of Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis, Acosta has been complaining about the way media outlets and personalities — particularly CNN and Acosta himself.
96.1K people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy
Jim Acosta
Another snapshot from Trump’s Tampa rally, I tried to take a picture with a father and his daughter while people yelled “CNN sucks” in my face. I am sorry that this little girl had to see that.
9:34 AM - Aug 1, 2018
12K people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy
When Fox News host Sean Hannity accused Acosta of editorializing rather than reporting, Acosta came out swinging.
Jim Acosta
Hannity is a propagandist for profit, peddling lies every night. He says he’s just a talk show host, not a journalist. But he’s injecting poison into the nation’s political bloodstream warping public attitudes about the press. I’m confident in the long run the truth will prevail.
9:36 PM - Aug 1, 2018
58.5K people are talking about this
Twitter Ads info and privacy
Hannity responded by saying on his show Wednesday that, were Acosta or any other reporter ever in any real danger, he would be the first to step up and throw a punch in his defense.
The situation sputtered to a boil during Thursday’s White House press briefing, when Acosta directly challenged press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to split with President Trump and state unequivocally that the press is not the “enemy.” She did not.
Jim Acosta
I walked out of the end of that briefing because I am totally saddened by what just happened. Sarah Sanders was repeatedly given a chance to say the press is not the enemy and she wouldn't do it. Shameful.
2:02 PM - Aug 2, 2018
5d51fd No.2424967
I’ll dissimenate where I can. I really hate reddit tho. That’s where the ones who act like cult members are.. >>2424885
29c201 No.2424968
CIA monkey just keeps repeating itself.
fb9455 No.2424969
Shut up. This is neo con patriotard stuff.
Nice try Brock.
5a266b No.2424972
Think DC is about to get a bid 10 day Feces Storm
Hannity drops "something big"
Q says something BIG
c9e325 No.2424975
29a720 No.2424976
@Jack testifying about shadow bans does nothing except let the useless congresscunts look like they are actually doing something.
But, like all these show hearings, congress isn't doing jack shit … and they will never do jack sit about the assholes like @Jack who give them money.
Crooks covering for crooks in plain sight.
That's all this is.
c86210 No.2424977
Wow, late to the party are you? Or do you just not get it? Movement = intel/ assist, for Q + spreading truth/TTP
a18956 No.2424978
you're killin it anon
deef12 No.2424982
Qresearch is a board of peace.
Get some sleep, misguided friend.
a891a0 No.2424983
Time for an Executive Order for all states to clean the voter rolls up, issue notices to those ineligible to vote, make a fail proof Voter ID Mandatory and all elections need a paper trail for recounting, etc.
***Every voting machine can be hacked or preprogrammed.
More than 392 FELONS ILLEGALLY VOTED in just 2 MN counties in the Al Franklin Election & a few yrs ago, more than 140 moslem refugees voted from the same unoccuppied building, recently.
Do we want Fraudulent Voters, Murderers, rapists, robbers, illegals or those that want to install sharia law to determine who our elected officials are?
How can so many felons & others break Minnesota's law and vote?
The problem is that voter registration lists are a mess & way too easy to avoid prosecution. States are mandated under Section 8 of the "Motor Voter" law to periodically purge voter rolls – to remove dead people, felons, illegal voters and those who have moved out of state.
But many states, including Minnesota, have refused to check these rolls, making it easy for felons to vote and for other vote fraud to occur.
Obama's Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes ordered Justice Department lawyers to drop all these cases.
Time for an Executive Order for all states to clean the voter rolls up, issue notices to those ineligible to vote, make a fail proof Voter ID Mandatory and all elections need a paper trail for recounting…..and NO (Connected to George Soros) voting machines allowed any where, etc.
Time for an Executive Order for all states to clean the voter rolls up, issue notices to those ineligible to vote, make a fail proof Voter ID Mandatory and all elections need a paper trail for recounting…..and NO (Connected to George Soros) voting machines allowed any where, etc.
e4aa73 No.2424984
Let them bring more attention.
09ff29 No.2424985
c441a8 No.2424988
No it’s not. Bolsheviks were all Jews. Zionists control the US they are Jews. We send Israel billions of OUR tax money. The intel agencies are a fifth column for Jewry. You need to read more. Read stuff you’re currently afraid of. Look up the Yinon Plan it explains the wars in the Middle East. Look up the 19 dancing Israelis, who cheered as the towers fell on 9/11 and were caught with vans full of explosives. You are very misinformed and you have a mental block preventing you from seeing the truth. MOSSAD fired the missile. Thousands of Israelis rallied a few months back DEMANDING the slaughter of the Palestinians. Yes these are regular Israeli citizens too. I hope Israel gets nuked off the face of this good Earth, because the deep state sure as shit isn’t in Iran. Once again educate yourself. Look up the things they tell you you can’t. Because Israel is the only country we can never criticize that’s how you know they are the power behind the curtain. Get a fucking grip before it’s too late.
fb9455 No.2424990
Of course they were right. Pay no attention to this ONE piece of shit commie CIA faggot that destroyed his country for shekels.
24dd26 No.2424991
baker, if BO/BV don't respond, can you avatarfag?
8635d2 No.2424992
Make him holding the rainbow pedo poster that was stapled to a telephone pole!
e538e0 No.2424993
Wat'd Hannity have?
acd902 No.2424994
Just thinking the same thing.
cf63bb No.2424995
>>2424598 (lb)
The doctor could have been murdered because he knew that Bush was suffering from advanced kuru (like Hillary, but further along) instead of Parkinson's and that was the real reason for the motorized wheelchair.
0c0f57 No.2424998
24dd26 No.2424999
nvm just saw BO response
673856 No.2425000
Here is the other one in the set. (for you, not @you)
a2cc3d No.2425001
566edb No.2425003
20e4a2 No.2425004
>>2424006 (pb)
Zoomed, cropped, and inverted to read white boards for anything interesting.
dc7e23 No.2425005
But if he lies he can get in trouble BIGLY. Hope he's ready for that.
5c890b No.2425007
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Interview with Tommy Robinson
a18956 No.2425008
see this BO: >>2417603 (meta)
7c9759 No.2425009
isn't it nice when your wife looks like this?
298cc8 No.2425010
My neighbor is a reddit-tard. Stupid a asshole has stickers all over his car.
Don't know if he's into Q. I hope not.
ccab1f No.2425011
Manana y'all. If something big happens I'll wake up overnight. I always do.
How weird is that?
32283a No.2425013
Done, ty!
These articles are all archived on the spreadsheet - except the first one - that looks like print, I didn't see it online…
5ceba6 No.2425016
digits confirm, bullshit gives POTUS headaches!
0c0f57 No.2425017
a18956 No.2425019
c8dbee No.2425021
avatarfag? like pick a picture to always use?
5a266b No.2425022
Said Tick Tock
I know he has said it often but
POTUS schedule shows 10 day VACATION
815785 No.2425023
What in the fucking fuck
551a83 No.2425024
fb74b9 No.2425025
We’ll see them again fren.
15f391 No.2425026
Kek! That's some funny shit
d67fd7 No.2425027
Because Jack owed that ho some Benjamins.
211e63 No.2425029
In September 2012, Genest became the face of the Jay-Z music fashion label Roc-A-Wear for its re-launch in Europe.
9824dd No.2425030
c9e325 No.2425032
Confirming Handoff?
I will not make you wait… If you are not legit, the anons will roast you over hot coals :)
NVM, BO just weighed in!!
Dough with Notable & changes
24dd26 No.2425033
oh nvm i thought you had one already.. carry on :)
551a83 No.2425034
LEL Those niggers will fuck anything won't they?
298cc8 No.2425035
I'm not big on banning people, but you're my number 1 choice right now.
b051e0 No.2425036
No attack happened, POTUS seams to appreciate much….
Was usss pushing against the signs for other reasons?
If not, oldfag, please respond.
d4e133 No.2425038
>We need
scrolled down…
a891a0 No.2425039
Why is the media barely covering them?
Because almost 100% of mainstream media sources, as well as several prominent publishing news sources are implicated in the leaks in colluding with the Clinton campaign. These "news" sources (as you will find in the leaks below) have conspired to get Hillary elected, by only reporting anti-Trump smear pieces, manufacturing or exaggerating scandals, and hiding anything damaging to Hillary. Most are even donating big money to the Clinton campaign in order to keep the globalist status-quo. These revelations are the stories journalists dream of, but CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, Huffington Post, AP, and several more are all implicated in the leaks. This is why the media has been so one sided this election season, and why only 6% of people trust the mainstream media.
e538e0 No.2425041
10 days darkness
Nah not agaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnn
2f5114 No.2425042
Kek. Especially in Cali, straws are worse than giving someone aids.
e5a7bb No.2425043
bc normies consider Anonymous as somewhat credible (robin hood style) and MSM is pushing crazy conspiracy called Qanon
ebe161 No.2425044
1800-1801 - 3 min delta
1801-1802 - 11 min delta
3.11 mirrored 11:3
be7437 No.2425045
2ffbbb No.2425046
He had Levin on & they were talking about Mueller & Levin was venting & Hannity said something about it all changing, tick tock
d566ac No.2425048
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2424961
check this out from MIB(1997).
start at 1:50 and watch the towers.
18fbaf No.2425049
An Overview- What is Moloch Worship?
59d3f1 No.2425050
Quit posting pictures of the same girl! WTF! Major stalker type shit going on.
c2ea05 No.2425051
a TRUE Patriot…
Time Travel to Save??
This Woman gave all!!!
deef12 No.2425052
112112 No.2425053
Here we go. Muh jew bashing time. You are no better than normies. But but but muh research! Yeah. You are lead to results through research, but never once question who leads you to those results. It's all open source material. Who runs the info biz? Muh Jews! Bwahahahahahahahahahaahahaahhahahahahah
Question everything. Even what you think you know.
fb74b9 No.2425055
24dd26 No.2425059
10% of the bread is emily ratajaksoskasjsi
4996b3 No.2425060
look who’s here playing
asked you a question last time
no way you could forget this
what did you tell me on the padanaram bridge?
5a266b No.2425061
325a06 No.2425062
Fuck of back to rebbit cunt
a891a0 No.2425063
Hey Hillary…Where are all the Missing Children??? Pedo Island…Haiti ( Silsby was arrested at the Haitian border attempting to smuggle 33 children)..etc.
—Contrary to reports in the media, the crowd sourced investigation labeled by some as "Pizzagate" did not begin with internet sleuths digging through the Wikileaks Podesta Files releases looking for pizza parlors and encoded language discussing human trafficking. It began with the shocking discovery that Hillary and Bill Clinton provided assistance to convicted child trafficker, Laura Silsby, resulting in a reduced sentence for child trafficking.
—Silsby was arrested at the Haitian border attempting to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti without documentation. Her sentence and charges were reduced after an intervention by Bill Clinton. In the aftermath of Silsby's arrest, her originally retained lawyer Jorge Puello was arrested in connection with an international smuggling ring accused of trafficking women and minors from Central America and Haiti. The revelation of this news in November was either ignored by the Western media or attacked by Clinton controlled publications. Hillary Clinton Intervened Politically on Behalf of Laura Silsby
8c5b45 No.2425064
2422617>>2422658 >>2422698 >>2422835 >>2422866 >>2422868 >>2422887 >>2422898 >>2422927 >>2422950 >>2422978 >>2423105 >>2423124
Alot of people thought it was notable,
But a few people considered it an embarrassment.
I wonder why?
b051e0 No.2425065
070d66 No.2425066
I’m sure this is already been posted, but Tucker Carlson appears to be doing a story on Obama saying that he was from Kenya.
The funniest part is that he claims that no one else noticed it but they did. Tucker I love you but the entire Internet noticed it long before you guys did. Maybe just come here for stories from now on buddy.
c8dbee No.2425067
Handoff Confirmed
And no worries I got this. Only messed up once and made the bread too big i guess.
7159a0 No.2425069
so who controls them, then?
0c0f57 No.2425071
e4aa73 No.2425072
Q Post #2
Oct 28 2017 17:15:48 (EST)
>POTUS will not go on tv to address nation.
>POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics.
018359 No.2425073
"Zombie Boy" Star Of Lady Gaga Video Commits Suicide At 32
fd872e No.2425074
New Premieres Star falls Ray Donovan
what does anon say?
566edb No.2425075
clown/shill tactic to make anons go fap and fill up bread faster
faa43a No.2425077
He is doing a rally in OH Saturday.
be7437 No.2425078
Nice marter command embedded in the second file name.
2a1c13 No.2425079
I've read every crumb. I was on 4chan when the first drops happened. I've been following pedo/pizzagate well before that. Q confirmed it again last night before he had it deleted. He had it deleted because they know that there are plenty of people, like myself, who will not wait much longer for something to be done. They are raping and eating children. Some people will not wait around for their government to do something in cases like this. If Q really does have the servers/video, what else do they need? Time is running out for these pedo's.
4996b3 No.2425080
8f40d6 No.2425081
Yeah. No thanks.
c9e325 No.2425082
Thanks for Baking, Baker!!
Enjoy your time in the kitchen
29a720 No.2425083
Butter face.
And an insufferable leftard.
Give me lesser known babes.
a18956 No.2425085
29c201 No.2425087
He probably found out how expensive the ink on his face is to get removed…
e09e8b No.2425088
For what, bursting your bubble? These People are SICK! Can you imagine what else (they) are doing?
Expand your Thinking
15313c No.2425089
b051e0 No.2425090
Optics and attacks. Probably even usss. My thought….
a891a0 No.2425091
Hillary's Campaign Purposely Hired The Mentally ILL For Fake Protests and to Incite Violence!
The DNC is doing it again…
591bee No.2425093
Learn how to filter bread wasters and shit posters
>Click on the triangle at the left
>Hide Filter
86f7e5 No.2425094
sexually assaulting pedos and rapists is illegal and it is not what heroic individuals do
137dca No.2425095
You realise how fucking stupid that sounds? You really haven't thought that through have you? Or is that the best you can do?
d67fd7 No.2425096
I see what you did there.
But that's (((their))) symbol (on the left).
I wouldn't be flashing it.
dd6844 No.2425097
to all normies and new lurkers
welcome to pornchan
d566ac No.2425098
In the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke you! Be gone!
a2cc3d No.2425099
(op) She looks pretty unhealthy too, take her out to dinner instea.. before taking any more pictures of her. Kek
5eea70 No.2425100
Retiring judge creates vacancy on El Paso County District bench
24dd26 No.2425102
0c0f57 No.2425104
29c201 No.2425105
It might be time for you to get reported to the FBI soon if you dont stop.
be7437 No.2425106
Wait a second, since when did we start posting nudes where the subject was not a willing participant in the publishing of the image?
2ffbbb No.2425107
Sean Hannity: Mark, you know when I say ‘Tic-Toc’? Something big is coming that will blow this all out of the water.
Hannity Video at:
8635d2 No.2425108
My own rendition :)
ebe161 No.2425109
Slyly inciting violence?
Last straw shilling?
Silence is golden.
a18956 No.2425110
aa331c No.2425111
in case you need link.
6c83f1 No.2425112
Welcome to Q research!
Read the crumbs!
Trust the plan!
And most importantly!
Don't blame the jews for anything. At all.
325a06 No.2425114
Why do you keep reposting the same useless shit faggot? shoo
c133aa No.2425116
cd56c0 No.2425117
James Woods
Final thought of the day: it’s late, I’m going to sleep, and I can’t stop laughing picturing @PressSec hopping down from the podium and giving whiny ass @Acosta a mega wedgie. A real nut cracker wedgie. Oddly enough I believe it would do the country good. #AcostaWedgieForAmerica
7b5f76 No.2425120
ever heard of 'enhanced interrogation'?
This is war for our very survival.
We are at WAR, anons. Perhaps you would like to protest like those faggots about Ms. Haspel?
6de546 No.2425121
>>2425007 Glad he's out.
Thanks Bond.
ebe161 No.2425123
Reporters have been here from the beginning. Where do you think they go the material for all of these coordinated hit pieces from?
313f71 No.2425124
Nope, he pussied out.
5eea70 No.2425125
Sweden’s Princess Christina retiring from official royal duties on her 75th birthday
8133a4 No.2425126
Save your breath.
If you haven't figured it out yet 8 chan is "chaos for a purpose".
A planned distraction to dive the media off the deep end chasing a phantom,
Our intended purpose was to be "discovered" then cause Fear Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) in their minds, while the try to stamp out out by discrediting us.
If we are harmless, they ignore.
If we are "dangerous" they must make sure no one will be interested in what we have to say.
Believable or not, we get massive free publicity
(think Trump-style - no such thing as bad publicity)
By focusing on us, it frustrates them (what is we are real and influence (LIKE THE RUSSIANS BOTs did)
They can't afford to let that happen so they are on a mission, although a suicide mission.
We draw attention, create FUD, they have to cover us (like they did Trump) with the same outcome (they are too blinded to see)
They same con will work on them AGAIN, because the still believe they are in control
How do you fight an anonymous phantom that is immune to their ridicule, condescension and scoffery
We are immune so invulnerable.
Think what they try to do to Trump everyday, and FAILING.
Rinse, repeat with 8 chan
112112 No.2425127
Everyone wants to point to a boogeyman or specific enemy. Information is king. Whoever holds the information, runs the world. Intelligence community holds a shit ton of information. Open and secret. But by all means, blame muh jews.
a891a0 No.2425130
Poll: 72% of Americans Believe Establishment Media Deliberately Report Fake News!
More than two-thirds of Americans, a full 72 percent, believe “traditional news outlets knowingly report false or misleading stories,” according to a Axios/SurveyMonkey poll.
Only 25 percent of Americans believe the media “rarely” or “never” deliberately report fake news.
In other words, only one-quarter of the country believe the media are not guilty of intentionally spreading lies to mislead the American people.
298cc8 No.2425131
Fuck off. I know all about what they do. You have no idea how much I know. I hope it nevef happens to any child you know or love.
They will never recover.
49bdd4 No.2425132
>>2413825 rt >>2413389 ——————- VIP Access.
Sorry if already shared. Assuming this is "Kate" posting here.
>a4ac74 #3040
>*Stopped a guy who wanted to kill the President plus plus plus
>Sorry… in a hurry getting ready for TRUMP RALLY!!!
say wat?
7c9759 No.2425133
she'sssss fine!
as long as she's got a tight pussy and those tities
45d54a No.2425134
What are you holding, lad? Each one, teach one. And which nation do you think will revalue their currency first?
59d3f1 No.2425136
No, it doesn’t bother me at all, none of it, Gore, nudes, whatever, but why are the clowns posting just this girl, I hope she’s ok…
d566ac No.2425137
don't worry about it. filter me if you don't like it or just stfu. I'll post whatever I feel like. now kindly gfk.
0c0f57 No.2425138
a8daf8 No.2425139
POTUS mentioned Jay-Z at his rally in PA earlier.
be7437 No.2425140
We are probably going to have to figure out a way to distribute a clean copy of the archives. Clean meaning no illegal content.
aeba8e No.2425142
Appreciate the (you). Thank you sir, may I have another.
6c83f1 No.2425143
cf63bb No.2425144
Oh, and didn't Hillary's doctor also end up mysteriously dead? (Sorry no link.)
The old-guard cannibals are dying. The supply must have gotten infected at some point, and because of the long incubation period they didn't notice it until it was too late for many of them.
796890 No.2425146
0f321f No.2425148
Jews are not a total monolith, but to deny the number of Jewish Supremacists involved (and sitting at the top) in the worlds evil is to deny reality.
796890 No.2425149
Someone stop this fool
0c0f57 No.2425150
593c82 No.2425151
these people are evil
Thank god he's ok and he's out
Emigrate to America Tommy
we'd be glad to have you
4996b3 No.2425152
Push it into the river. I used to stand on the upper wheelhouse catwalk and flip off those sitting on the lower rooftop as we steamed past pushing barges..
Got flipped off right back a lot too….lol
7c9759 No.2425153
09f341 No.2425154
For the MSM
What Qresearch is
Questions asked by Q.
Anons find Answers.
Basically a Q & A.
Fact based research.
Outside of the box thinking.
Connections made through open source internet.
Drops do not always make sense until future events prove to be true (proofs)
The meaning of Future proves Past.
We are patriots of the USA
We are patriots of our relative countries(non-USA).
We the people.
What Qresearch is not.
We will never be Violent.
(we would never harm another unless it was in defense)
The facts we have found are not a Conspiracy.
(a lot of conspiracies are shared but quickly dismissed)
We do not report Fake News.
(we do not make false stories to fit a narrative or agenda)
We are not racist.
(often, actually constantly, rasict people frequently post that are not part of this movement. They are in fact, operatives of the people we are researching/or bad actors still in government)
Something like this?
211e63 No.2425155
Genest wiki
On August 1, 2018, Genest died by suicide. His body was found in his apartment.[23] He died six days before his 33rd birthday.
7b5f76 No.2425157
'new guard' will be swept up so fast they will regret ever entertaining the idea they wanted to be 'king'.
World will wake up. They will LEARN.
018359 No.2425158
Chinese Foreign Minister Urges Seoul, Pyongyang to Officially End Korean War
BEIJING (Sputnik) - North and South Korea should publish an end-of-war declaration, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi insisted on Friday, saying a new flare-up was in no one’s interest.
"If no one wants another flare-up of hostilities they could publish a declaration ending the war, which is in line with modern trends as well as with the will and wishes of people in the North and South," he said.
Wang Yi maintained that North and South Koreans were one nation and did not want a new war on the peninsula. "We think other countries, including the US, do not want a repeat of hostilities," he added.
The Chinese top diplomat stressed that upgrading the declaration to a peace truce was a separate issue that required both sides to sit at the negotiating table, but any effort toward this goal should be cherished.
North Koreas have been formally at war with the South and the United States after the 1950-1953 conflict. Pyongyang signed an armistice with Washington in 1953, while Seoul refused.
The two Koreas eventually signed a pact in 1992, vowing to refrain from mutual aggression. South Korean President Moon Jae-in met in April with Kim Jong-un of North Korea for a rare summit where they pledged to work actively this year toward reaching a lasting peace.
815785 No.2425159
He's getting to be as bad as AJ. Fuck. I can't even watch him anymore. So God damn annoying
a891a0 No.2425161
#WalkAway! #[[[fb]]]ByeBye!
Dems Issue Depressing Statement on Independence Day as People Leave Party in Droves
The Democrat party is in complete disarray.
The violence, threats, calls to abolish borders and abolish ICE are causing people to leave the Democrat party in droves.
The #WalkAway campaign is gaining momentum as decent Americans are fed up with the vitriol and overall lack of message from the Democrat party.
The mask is completely off; Democrats are openly embracing a Communist Socialist candidate for the House of Representatives.
DNC Chairman Tom Perez claimed this week that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist running for Congress, is “the future of our party.”
6da948 No.2425163
Don't be divisive and tribal about which platform people use in our movement. I hope we have Q "tards" on every social media platform.
0f321f No.2425164
A few at the thread start are fine, gets boring having it everywhere.
325a06 No.2425165
noone has responded to it, except to tell you to fuck off! Now piss off you dumb kike, we have enough shill cunts shitting in this bread as it is.
7b5f76 No.2425166
Baker, notable
Chinese Foreign Minister Urges Seoul, Pyongyang to Officially End Korean War
cca1ff No.2425167
Um, guys, what's going on here?
acd902 No.2425168
DEC 19
Theme will be pushed.
BIG threat to them.
All absorbed in RT.
Feel proud.
a41e46 No.2425169
>But by all means, blame muh jews.
If they were the innocent little victims that they claim to be, no one would be blaming them.
46886e No.2425172
>>2424342 (pb)
>"Qanon is pizzagate on bath salts" ~VICE
Alefantis' perp walk will be one of my favorites.
Pizzagate was THE watershed moment. And you Mockingbirds know it.
86f7e5 No.2425173
When a criminal is in custody, the military/police are not in a situation of having to abuse someone to survive. There are legal interrogation techniques that work. If you break the law to enforce the law, that is called lawlessness and abdication of the rule of law. It does not work; in the end it is always tyranny.
e09e8b No.2425174
I hope (it) never happens to anyone's children but I'm pretty sure this was some kind of Genetic Experiment. Either way, the Sickness is bigger than we can imagine.
2a1c13 No.2425175
NOTABLE. How many more children need to missing before people act. And I don't mean by making memes.
e9476d No.2425176
>>2420853 (lb)
I wonder if a transcript of what CNN will even make notables lol.
Thanks for your efforts summarising while the rest of us dig.
4996b3 No.2425179
hi ya leafy.
changed ya dress huh?
apron dusty?
aab795 No.2425181
jw thats one for you to spread
0c0f57 No.2425183
New baker is a good Anon, I don’t care what the last baker says.
7b5f76 No.2425185
The fact that so many IDF conscripts and msm types are on here (((shilling))) for literally one and only race/religion/faction from last nov means something.
We got em all.
(((they))) will FALL.
9a0666 No.2425186
2 days after the crown jewels were stolen eh…
d7476e No.2425187
Hmmm … intredasting
acd902 No.2425188
6da948 No.2425189
If Trump wasn't colluding with Russia then why would so many people claim that? Your logic is gay
551a83 No.2425191
Mason's killing them off at 32 and 33 it appears. Isn't the moon in the wrong phase for that now?
298cc8 No.2425192
That's my opinion, and I did not say Q-tards
2df347 No.2425193
>>2420103 (pb)
I have to review the "Obama hypnotism" pdf. Did you check out his hand movements? And the background music? Reminded me of "Forrest Gump" I had no idea why I was crying in that movie, until I realized it was the sound track. Super con.
What is Red_Red stringer. There was a weird reference to Coke at the beginning of the segment. Didn't Hillary and Bill make a trip to Russia right after Jefferson became Pres? Where they ostentatiously drank Coke. That was really weird. There has to be more to it.
I know "Red Bull" means an occult reference. But Coke?
Funny how they wait til every one is gone to take it out of Notables. Slick.
Too many anons have zero visual intelligence.
They're trying to say there are no blond hairs there. But this seems more like a plot.
Too many can obviously see the white hairs and the lack of matching skin color.
Plus, "Q" pointed us to an issue re: Hussain and little blond girl by posting an image ofj the girl in question, who is a blond.
Why wait 'til the crowd has changed and then sneak it out.
Seems fishy. None of my business since I'm grateful to the Bakers, but still
HOLY SHIT AND THEN THEY TRIED TO BLOCK ME,. Uncool and proves it was wrong to take the insight into the Hussain image out of NOTABLES / Ohterwise, why block my dissention. Freaky.
32283a No.2425194
great, thank you!
POST & COURIER: ‘QAnon’ weird new low at rallies
cc664d No.2425195
27d5c3 No.2425197
porn, gore, muhjooz, out in force. Only missing 2 for the full monty of recent b/s shitpost shills.
Somethin must be about to happen.
acd902 No.2425198
DEC 19
We have tremendous WW support.
SATAN has left the WH.
Day of days.
9c06e4 No.2425199
Thank you Baker Babe! this is for you,Twitter @ridethevote
Agreed. this is for you,Twitter @ridethevote
859f7a No.2425200
This is a a response to a previous bread
Nice pic. I couldn't resist.>>2423793
7208c7 No.2425201
Keep the Emily pics going
a891a0 No.2425202
The Democrat Party/ Now Socialist Party doesn't even trust their own members….
Rigging their own elections, primaries, and corrupting hiring processes to ensure their own political power and interests are perpetuated has been the Democratic Party’s modus operandi throughout the 2016 Democratic primary and post-election process. Dissent and protest from progressives and Sanders supporters have been ignored, suppressed, scolded and shamed, all while Democrats falsely call for party unity without extending any o,live branches to encourage that “unity.”
On February 25, the Democratic establishment sent a message to progressives that it will not make any reforms in the wake of the party’s embarrassing defeat in November. Bernie Sanders-backed DNC Chair candidate Rep. Keith Ellison was the initial frontrunner to become the next DNC chair until the Obama administration hand-picked former Secretary of Labor Tom Perez to challenge him.
Former Vice President Joe Biden endorsed Perez, and one of Obama’s closest aides, Valerie Jarrett, called DNC members to vote for Perez for DNC chair leading up to the election. Despite Ellison making several concessions to appease the establishment, including openly endorsing a billionaire donor the to become the Florida Democratic Party Chair and reducing all criticism of Hillary Clinton, the DNC members chose Perez over Ellison.
One hour before the DNC chair election, the DNC, which was still led by Donna Brazile—who was fired by CNN during the election after leaked emails revealed that she helped Clinton campaign cheat—changed the rules at their own discretion. Though DNC rules stipulated that the DNC chair election votes were to be public and transparent, Brazile made the votes private. The decision was most likely made to conceal any backroom deals and to protect DNC members who voted for Perez.
5eea70 No.2425203
Arizona Mafia is not a fiction – but a group of Democrats from Arizona in DC – and they are meddling in NXIVM case
112112 No.2425205
I never said not to criticize anyone. But tribalism and division hatred is for idiots. If Godzilla was behind it all I wouldn't care. There many "groups" behind it all. Many individuals too. All have information. Knowledge is the power.
46886e No.2425206
Robert Mueller, As U.S. Attorney In 2001, Allowed The Biggest Child Porn Processor In California History To Avoid Prison
David Asimov, son of celebrity scientist, caught with thousands of disks & videos
ONLY 6 months home detention & probation
As seen on: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2656681
640237 No.2425207
Hmm…let's use emailfagging instead of namefagging. Derp. That'll work fo sho!
acd902 No.2425208
Q, would be helpful if we could IDEN the guy outside MA's offices on Sunday.
303640 No.2425209
hmm cant imagine why…
a2cc3d No.2425210
Habbening now, bigly
a41e46 No.2425211
There is no evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians.
There is mountains of evidence demonstrating jew involvement in all sorts of crimes and treason.
Your logic is gay and kike.
Thanks for playing.
c2ea05 No.2425214
Our Enemy is these Mother Fucktards…
Do you get it???
d566ac No.2425216
ID: 325a06
exhibit one anons - the overly concerned about somebody else's posts. feels the need to keep name calling and engaging me for no apparent reason. real anon would ignore me or filter me but this fucker just won't let it go. wonder why.
d03e63 No.2425218
Keep the MSM constantly off balance. Never let them control the narrative. They have almost lost complete control. Remember Trump and Bannon said it would take 2 years to destroy the MSM. We are now 18 months in. Looks like they will be ahead of schedule. Winning!
a8daf8 No.2425219
Baker Notable
Allowing signs at Tampa rally may have been a deliberate exception on the part of Q+.
20e4a2 No.2425220
Huh, same pattern as all the drug and human trafficking
5ceba6 No.2425222
And we're cooking through bread like soup crackers..
fb9455 No.2425223
fa65f9 No.2425224
A new type of shilling?
4996b3 No.2425225
drop acid again?
was it moldy?
d67fd7 No.2425227
0c0f57 No.2425228
The pizza boxes will fall like dominoes on cheese. Or is it pasta?
b051e0 No.2425229
Very nice!
A good Q quote to add?
7b5f76 No.2425230
Anons, vet and spread some of these Q proofs as needed. Remember to pick ones that are legit/well made and convincing.
acd902 No.2425231
551a83 No.2425232
Was it that day Q said that a Clean House is needed?
3627fb No.2425235
People!! Stop Pissing in the soup…. BO/V's can only take so much waste. Go to the proofs!!!!!!
It's elaborate for a reason……
a18956 No.2425236
and anons think they'll accurately relay what we say?
now that its gone 'mainstream', why would we start now??????
the crumbs, side by sides, and memes speak for themselves
the [MSM] will do nothing but discredit and subvert
fuck em
4f5d6c No.2425238
Sometimes I wish the human cloning..
815785 No.2425239
What about her? She's a lying attention whore. We finally get a bunch of breads without that dumb bitch & here you are. Drop dead Kate. PLEASE. I honestly hope when that guy gets out of jail, he beats the shit out of you. Since he knows where you live. lololol
018359 No.2425240
Hollywood Unhinged: ‘The GOP Has Become a Party of Traitors’
a891a0 No.2425241
You can't trust Ellison to tell the truth!
According to Mr. Farrakhan, the 2013 meeting was not the last time he and Mr. Ellison were together. After Mr. Ellison renewed his denunciation of Mr. Farrakhan in 2016, Mr. Farrakhan stated in an interview that Reps. Ellison and Carson had visited him in his Washington hotel suite the preceding summer.
acd902 No.2425242
This was before that.
aeba8e No.2425243
It matters not what you say, the media will twist it to benefit their own agenda.
a2cc3d No.2425244
I don't think MSM will be posting. Cabal will be watching them very closely.
86f7e5 No.2425245
Too many movies glamorizing theft - like Ocean's 11.
49bdd4 No.2425246
How about a 5 second pitch?
"We are the media now. Now kindly fuck off."
bbda3b No.2425248
Bettah sauze that shit!!
Any linkiepoos to homebaked bewbs?
52b9c0 No.2425249
eb2fc1 No.2425250
No, they equal banning per BO
46886e No.2425251
Hang on, I'm having pizza for an hour.
018359 No.2425252
INTERESTING Read. Posted yesterday actual sauce is Frank Report!
96c04d No.2425254
Clovis writes a $20 million check payable to the SEC, hoping to rid itself of the lingering roci probe
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Clovis Oncology $CLVS wants to put the SEC’s nagging questions about the way it handled its controversial roci data to bed. And they’re willing to pay $20 million to make that headache go away.
In their Q2 report Clovis revealed they had reached an agreement to settle the SEC investigation in principle for $20 million, provided it’s acceptable by all parties.
The housekeeping item appears about 4 months after the biotech revealed that the SEC was prepping civil charges against “current and former” execs for the roci debacle. There was no detail provided on who that may be, but Clovis CEO Patrick Mahaffy has been in charge there throughout the controversy — pulling back the curtain only occasionally to reveal an SEC as well as DoJ probe of the affair.
Here’s what happened:
With shares pumped to about $100, Clovis stunned investors in late 2015 when it suddenly slashed the response rate on rociletinib for non-small cell lung cancer to 34% for the 625-mg dose arm, and 28% for the 500-mg dose arm, a plunge of more than 20 points. The news put the drug — until then positioned as a promising rival to Tagrisso (AZD9291) backed with peak sales projections of $3 billion — at a distinct disadvantage, and the subsequent rout eviscerated the biotech’s share price.
Setbacks happen in biotech. But some of the experts who watched this drug say this was not the usual kind of clinical reversal that can easily occur in a risky field like drug development. Clovis execs had been purposely misleading investors with a false portrait of the data, they claimed.
0448d1 No.2425255
Like that time Joan Rivers died from a "routine" endoscopy after an assisting doctor added a secondary procedure " that wasn’t initially discussed" after she was knocked out, all ~ a month after she's interviewed saying "michelle obama is a transvestite. We all know."
ebe161 No.2425257
>If Trump wasn't colluding with Russia then why would so many people claim that?
Because they were told to.
815785 No.2425258
Where is there illegal content in the archives?!
f428b7 No.2425259
Does anyone have screen shots of
/patriotsfight/112 &
/patriotsfight/113 ?
c8dbee No.2425260
500ish notables
>>2424854 Bill Mitchell Twat on Rally "They are yelling LOCK HER UP" Trump Says "Some things just take a little longer. Things are changing"
>>2425073 "Zombie Boy" Star Of Lady Gaga Video Commits Suicide At 32
>>2425100 Retiring judge creates vacancy on El Paso County District bench
>>2425125 Sweden’s Princess Christina retiring from official royal duties on her 75th birthday
>>2425162 Allowing signs at Tampa rally may have been a deliberate exception on the part of Q+.
>>2425166 Chinese Foreign Minister Urges Seoul, Pyongyang to Officially End Korean War
>>2425203 Arizona Mafia is not a fiction – but a group of Democrats from Arizona in DC – and they are meddling in NXIVM case
7c9759 No.2425261
a200fc No.2425262
Metallica is Enter Sandman not MegaDeath. And a good song that’s actually redpill is Peace Sells but Who’s Buying
aeba8e No.2425263
THIS I could get behind
436862 No.2425264
Are you in tears bruh are you in tears?
8eb088 No.2425265
Congrats on getting noticed, but a quick word of advice.
Too anyone new here from all the news reporting, try to stay here on this board. There's a lot of weird other boards out there and we the people on said boards aren't as welcoming as the people here. We got out own culture and our own process of bullying newfags that would crack under a swarm of boomers. Don't get me wrong, you boomers are great and I really do enjoy this board, but please stay here and post in the designated boomer board. If you're wanting to venture out to /pol/ or some other board, please lurk for a while instead of trying to barge in. If you do we reserve the right to bully.
a18956 No.2425266
kek you wish you boomer SJW shill
32bf5b No.2425267
a30588 No.2425268
but it was 6 days before he turned 33, has to count for something….
acd902 No.2425270
Now I am nostalgic for the December days, Q.
a891a0 No.2425271
Both Funded By George Soros
Keith Ellison is unfit and unqualified to hold any office in Minnesota, or US…Ellison holds extreme communist and anti-American views.
***Keith Ellison was put into office by dedicated communists and is directly tied to not only the Communist Party, but Muslim Brotherhood & CAIR, who are considered Terrorist groups, as well.
***Ellison supported the dissolution of the United States to create an ethnostate only for blacks.
He’s been the biggest defender of the Muslim Brotherhood in Congress.
Ellison is also widely believed to function as an operative for the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim American Society, which has been called a national security threat,
Ellison advocates Violence and has in the past as well! What kind of message are the Socialists of Minnesota sending to our children by supporting Ellison as Attorney General???
Obviously, Violence and it's use to get what you want! Sick and disgusting!
In 2006, the Minnesota State Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board reprimanded Ellison for unreported campaign contributions, discrepancies in cash balances, and misclassified disbursements during his campaigns for the Minnesota House of Representatives. These transgressions occurred in 2002–04. In 2005, the board opened an investigation, and Ellison was subpoenaed and fined.
Ellison was repeatedly fined for late filings, was sued twice by the Attorney General of Minnesota, and was warned about absent or incomplete disclosures.
bbda3b No.2425272
Thanks for the effort, but they don't care. Remember they are not /ourfrens/.. they just want to be here insert lies of violence, shit the bread, and divide us anons.
325a06 No.2425273
You don't seem to realise they stole it all from Mustaine
a18956 No.2425274
I don't
last night there were 2 or 3 in one bread I think
didn't fukken save
82cc0a No.2425276
Oh gee, better purge them and start over…
a2cc3d No.2425277
Good with tastier sauce?
7b5f76 No.2425278
(((reuters))), (((NYT))), all are here.
Tactics to infiltrate and shill will increase.
Autists must wade through the muck and present the TRUTH.
Moar Qproofs: Anons, vet and spread some of these Q proofs as needed. Remember to pick ones that are legit/well made and convincing.
47393f No.2425279
The only thing we are getting out of the MSM is exposure.
What is it that they say, Any Publicity is Good Publicity?
051319 No.2425280
>>2425214 who is the women hanging in the pic?
24dd26 No.2425284
great job on notables so far, baker :)
15f391 No.2425285
Pick your favorite kike
e9476d No.2425286
Elevator pitch:
/qresearch/ is the research arm of the League of Women Voters. We hope to moderate the next Presidential Debates.
acd902 No.2425287
86f7e5 No.2425289
When will they admit that the DNC/Dems hacked the voting machines and allowed foreign nationals (illegal immigrants) to affect the election by illegal voting.
fa65f9 No.2425290
How many times has "enjoy the show" beeen said?
bbda3b No.2425291
I got those, thought possibly saw homebaked earlier today..
640237 No.2425292
the phrase "clean house" first shows on 10/31, then again 12/21. 8 more times after
a891a0 No.2425293
What you may want to know about Tom Perez, Head of the Democrat National Committee that you won't hear on CNN, NPR or read in Propaganda Papers called News, …because they don't want you to know!
– Tom Perez supports Islamic Sharia Law in America.
–Violated the Federal Records Act, by using his private email to hide what he was doing from federal officials, according to The Wall Street Journal.
– Tom Perez radically supports amnesty for illegal aliens and is anti-border enforcement.
– Perez is a racist who fought to expand alleged hate crimes
– In 2012, while at the Obama Justice Department before becoming labor secretary in 2013, Perez sued Jacksonville, Florida, because black firefighter applicants got lower test scores on exams than white applicants. Perez believes that written tests for firefighters and police officers is somehow discriminatory.
– Perez believes that applicants to certain professions should be given preference based on skin colors other than white.
–Perez was previously president of Casa de Maryland, a communist front group and a notorious advocacy group for illegal aliens funded by George Soros and socialist Hugo Chavez.
7208c7 No.2425294
Dreaming. Mustaine sucks.
29c201 No.2425295
Well the last straw violence shills just popped up in the last 48 hours and theres multiple threats in every bread.
Theyve been here before.
112112 No.2425296
Strawman argument 101.
If you haven't heard the news lately, the White man is to blame for all society ills. By your own standard, you are exposed as an idiot.
aab795 No.2425297
pervy porn lawyer is here wonder if the twitter pinyata is aswell
7b5f76 No.2425298
baker, notable error:
>>2425166 (You) Chinese Foreign Minister Urges Seoul, Pyongyang to Officially End Korean War
should be >>2425158
f428b7 No.2425299
Thank you very much Anon.
460e18 No.2425300
Maybe he'll be taking a few flights w/Patriots just for the glorious fun of it.
aa9ca0 No.2425301
Is Barron Trump compromised?
I'm praying.
551a83 No.2425302
Read the Global Notables and come back with that retarded and uneducated opinion.
a51443 No.2425303
It began with this.
39686f No.2425304
Question anons:
What does GEOTUS mean?
6da948 No.2425305
lol If you think the entirety of any group of people (besides these cults and cabals) are inherently evil then you are missing the most important part of this movement. I'm not against jews… im against evil jews. I'm against all evil. Division by race is evil.
d4e133 No.2425306
Smell what yer steppin' in anon.
AND, beware of the 'Manifesto Trap'.
Intentional public statements attempting to define a movement, even the most benign, are tricky at best in our Media reality.
a18956 No.2425307
there are a few sayings like that
325a06 No.2425308
928c76 No.2425309
Listen, dudes, I know it's not a game, but we still have to play it like a game because if we get bogged down in the gravity of what we are participating in then we'll lose our shit and lose the war
So, it's not a game
But play it like a game
And play it to win
God bless, patriots
cc664d No.2425310
aa331c No.2425313
Know truth, no violence.
Q uestions are GOOD.
R_search is GOOD.
551a83 No.2425314
Thanks Crumbanon. I don't have the dates all memorized.
24dd26 No.2425316
welcome, new fag
god-emperor of the united states
325a06 No.2425317
9824dd No.2425318
i wish you homos could larp something coherent and relevant at the same time , besides the turd goblins feltching for dignity, wtf are they really
f428b7 No.2425319
God Emperor of the United States
bc73f9 No.2425320
Notable asf, not something that should be easily dismissed.
Photo originated FROM WH
Does not mean WH did not shop it
6987d7 No.2425321
God Emperor Of The United States
ebe161 No.2425322
>and anons think they'll accurately relay what we say?
>now that its gone 'mainstream', why would we start now??????
Who said that we do?
Invite them here or not, they're here already, and will do what they have been doing. The only change is that it's gone much much more public.
>Quiet attempts to shut down will become public & loud.
No one who's informed is surprised by that.
a18956 No.2425323
29c201 No.2425324
God Emperor of the United States
0c0f57 No.2425325
Tits do not equal degeneracy Anon.
c8dbee No.2425326
woops thanks anon
a41e46 No.2425328
Except for the fact that there is a mountain of evidence to support the claim that jews are criminals and treasonous. Everything from their Talmud, all the way through tons of historical events.
Nice try, Moshe.
154c32 No.2425329
MSM possibly putting actors in the ranks
make us look uninformed
that's all you have to say fuktards
aeba8e No.2425330
for your consideration Baker
>>2425246 Suggested Interview Reply
86f7e5 No.2425332
Just another globalist useful idiot and anti-American subversive.
df6c83 No.2425333
New America…controlled by Eric Schmitt of Google…developed pic encryption for info theft
7208c7 No.2425335
Only a faggot thinks Mustaine was the brains behind Metallica.
640237 No.2425337
neither do I…that's what my magic database is for. Elephant memory. Kek!
5ceba6 No.2425338
Funny no one ever asked any of us why we all have pictures of fucking popcorn…
But ya knwo ;p
8133a4 No.2425339
But he got elected anyways
Bitch to his constituents and work against his reelection.
House races are every two years.
All are up for re-election in 2018
45d54a No.2425341
https:// www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2018/08/01/jessica-vogel-hells-kitchen-contestant-westwood-nj-dead-34/883101002/
They killed another one yesterday. Headline reads 34 but she's actually 33.
Keep an eye out for more deaths at, or around (((33))).
https:// www.famousbirthdays.com/age/profession/33/
24dd26 No.2425342
not notable, this gets posted here every day
goes without saying but we have a new baker in the house
a41e46 No.2425343
I have read the most important excerpts from your Talmud, kike.
The goyim know.
ff4e1b No.2425344
27d5c3 No.2425345
lurk moar.
Back to reddit for you.
905559 No.2425346
People like you are the problem.
"muh reddit fags" is the new "muh jew shills" , is divisive and will end up pushing people away. It's not wwg1wga when some on 8chan feel very obviously superior to our newcomers. Or is that just some shit you say when Q is around?
7b5f76 No.2425347
This fucking whore won't matter anymore. Nor will any of the muzzy scum running for office. They will be taken in and expelled.
a18956 No.2425348
it wasn't you, scroll up, anons are saying we should do interviews with [MSM] here
just keep doing what we've been doing
815785 No.2425349
That's what I was thinking too. Because the email about the Tampa event specifically said NO SIGNS are allowed in.
And yet there they were. II just figured this rally they were following that rule
298cc8 No.2425350
They do if it's a fixation.
86f7e5 No.2425352
go away child abusing pervert
7159a0 No.2425354
b0a416 No.2425355
325a06 No.2425356
e09e8b No.2425357
Does your GF know you post pics of her Shia?
633ea1 No.2425358
Let's just hope the scat doesn't run hardcore. I don't mind it that much but I get flashbacks when I'm eating.
15f391 No.2425359
Sounds like you haven't met many jews irl.
b8d91a No.2425360
DEC 19
Iris Weinshall.
New York City Department of Transportation.
Responsibility of DoT?
Budget for past (5) years?
Former commissioner?
Empire State Dev Corp?
Urban Dev Corp?
Dept of Economic Dev?
Integrated Resources, Inc.?
US Senator of NY?
Follow me down the hole.
These people are STUPID.
eb2fc1 No.2425361
Read the top…BO says no nudity.
NO child porn report to BO.
a18956 No.2425362
you know I'm not the one to call for this, better safe than sorry
bbda3b No.2425365
Son of a bitch, what i was saying earlier during rally.. optics. Smdh and someone said i wasnt looking hard enough.
There are anons, autists.. and strategizer-anons.. sometimes the strategizers get totally lost on the the prior 2..
ccb379 No.2425367
7208c7 No.2425368
I'll tell your mom hello.
d602b4 No.2425369
Makes you wonder what exactly they all did to become this insane. I'm sure we will find out in due time, one way or another.
52b9c0 No.2425370
blonde hair is there, possible shop
137dca No.2425371
We are fighting sexual deviants therefore all sexual images are unwanted here.
e09e8b No.2425372
That's Mia Goth. Shia's gf or maybe wife now. She is of age.
ebe161 No.2425373
>scroll up, anons are saying we should do interviews with [MSM] here
Must've mentally filtered that, never noticed KEK
>just keep doing what we've been doing
And get better at it. Agreed
dc0b73 No.2425374
Yep. I'm glad I'm not alone out here.
018359 No.2425375
fcdb38 No.2425376
preaching to the choir, i know
Libya then
Libya now
b8d91a No.2425377
DEC 19
Are we there yet?
6f20ac No.2425378
551a83 No.2425379
Keep your plastic straws concealed.
815785 No.2425380
You call this out in force?!
a51443 No.2425381
This analysis link without the gotcha "? +ending"
5f89a6 No.2425382
Has the top picture been fully addressed?
I couldn't find much on it.
Stumbled across it the other night.
I don't think it is, but the thought crossed my mind. No offence. Good luck out there. 🇺🇸🙌
482e6b No.2425383
325a06 No.2425384
momjokes? Get TF back to reddit you dumb niggerkike
a18956 No.2425386
>doesn't refute anything
suck muh dick
read the second global notable, not rehashing this shit
5eea70 No.2425387
52b9c0 No.2425388
haven't seen any sexual images
why are you sexualizing females
018359 No.2425389
Some of us know exactly what they did!
8133a4 No.2425390
Wishful thinking and total fantasy
1000 legal reasons it could never happen
aa331c No.2425391
One more time.
anons! Enjoy the show!
24dd26 No.2425392
can we get rid of the emilyfag..43 posts now
i third
7208c7 No.2425393
kike jokes are overrated on 4chan also
6da948 No.2425394
At least the blame everything on muh joos guys are funny.
59d3f1 No.2425395
You shoulda said that 4 minutes ago…
a891a0 No.2425396
Where are the Missing Children Hillary? Where are their bodies hidden? The unthinkable was done! Worse than you could imagine. Make the all videos, text messages, emails, photos, lap top info all public. The world needs to see for themselves the true parasites these people are…the Political Pedo Party (NWO Global Pedos and Child Sex Traffickers).
39686f No.2425397
Thanks guys, that's too funny. I did look it up but got no results. You are way quicker than the search engines. Love this place!
48c7ad No.2425400
This is not a Christofascist crusade. We are restoring the Republic. This is a radical free speech zone. Get used to it.
49bdd4 No.2425401
>What about her?
That she smells a bit more coordinated than the average lying attention whore.
Sorry to strike a nerve, wasn't around earlier. Will drop the matter.
You should really work on your anger issues.
b8d91a No.2425404
Hopefully not but I have noticed Twitter chatter that the Left thinks (or is planning something) so that 'Trump doesn't last through the month'.
eb2fc1 No.2425405
LOL What! That little shriveled thing?
47393f No.2425406
Just a shill disregard.
The only thing Q posts for (((them))) is disinfo.
All good.
29c201 No.2425407
We cant control MSM. Our job is to wake people up and research. Maybe if JustInformedTalk or SgtReport could get a fair interview with Hannity we could get the message out.
7b5f76 No.2425408
Moar IP hopping (((shills))) screaming "muhjooshills". Fucking typical.
MOSSAD FAILED, israel and jewry will learn its place in the world
436862 No.2425409
Don't tread on me!!
6b760d No.2425410
Anons here is some new Hero Kate info from reddit.
See GeauxTiger
20e4a2 No.2425411
Not to knock, great work, but isn't it "future proves past"…which is opposite of what you have there.
Not a gypsy with a crystal ball
906693 No.2425414
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. I'm just waiting for the hammer to fall.
815785 No.2425417
And her daughter was shut up real fast.
aeba8e No.2425421
Recognize whatever contribution you have to make is diminished by this decision.
32bf5b No.2425422
Did somebody say Muslim Brotherhood?
Here's another Progressive plant, Georgia candidate for governor Stacey Abrams and her campaign BFF Valerie Jarrett.
7542d5 No.2425423
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>2424822
Perhaps for showing MS-13 how to pull off False Flags while looking like regular white males? They can wipe off their "disguise" quickly after…
bbda3b No.2425425
How many times man? How many fucking times is this lame shit game going tro be ran?
The shill algos are pathetic
a18956 No.2425427
eat shit newfag
d2d877 No.2425429
Did labeouf ever come back tonight? He might be an undercover Patriot.
6da948 No.2425430
we've heard that before. it really means "We won't last another month unless he's gone.
cacc62 No.2425431
If youre not a shill what the fuck are you going to do ? First do you even own a gun? What good would you do the world if you go out and shoot a big fish or hurt someone
You will give them ammo
cc664d No.2425432
Sarah Ruth Ashcroft is a psuedonym is it not?
SRA = Satanic Ritual Abuse
but I am guessing the picture is real
551a83 No.2425433
I hope you never show and stay clothed 24/7 you sot. Don't look at any of God's creation either. Unless behind cloth to hide from the eyes. Animals and plants don't need your dirty eyes on their beautiful splendor.
a81ce7 No.2425434
Stephen Miller. Who else?
29a720 No.2425435
>can we get rid of the emilyfag..43 posts now
>i third
Likely it's that stupid cunt's publicist trying to get attention for her from this board, now that it's obvious that we get a shitload of traffic.
29c201 No.2425437
Shes getting bullshitted by 0Hour. LOL.
"No outside comms"
30a148 No.2425438
is that ron howards son
b8d91a No.2425439
DEC 19
Twitter rants can be harmful.
Lesson learned?
How about _SIERRA_C_?
How about ($22/Singapore)?
When does a bird sing?
Goodbye C.
551a83 No.2425440
c133aa No.2425441
Suicide weekend
Attempts relevant meme
633ea1 No.2425442