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4836b5  No.2420844


are not endorsements


>>2393582 Thank you for your interest in Q and QResearch >>2410101 Please watch this video

>>2355675, >>2351700, >>2349367 BO/BV on nudity/thot policy (incl history)

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)

>>2251030 , >>2261001 EXPLANATION of bread-archiving situation. Fix habbening

>>2366140 Transcript of speech that got POTUS elected (!!!)


>>2420165 Iran’s FM calling out U.S. Navy:

>>2420264 New details re: Dianne Feinstein's chinese mole

>>2420477 POTUS thanking Pennsylvania

>>2420600 The VA Hospital In DC Was Reportedly Using Rusty Surgical Tools And Water Full Of Bacteria

>>2420661 (spanish article) What is QAnon, the conspiracy theory according to which Trump fights against pedophilia and the "deep state"

>>2420682 House Majority Leader Demands Jack Dorsey Testify On Twitter "Shadowbans"

>>2420748 NZ news: QAnon - the 'deranged' conspiracy theory that's sweeping America

>>2420736 #3051


>>2419312 Qproofs: Do you believe in coincidences?

>>2419333 “These are some things that have been planned for a while.”

>>2419678 Anon sums up part of Trump rally talking points

>>2419723 Empty seat nr. 17

>>2419745, >>2419907 Update on Rothschilds - caught in money laundering.

>>2419771 Todays Resignations

>>2419786 No homemade signs allowed at rally

>>2419934 CNN's Fake News Acosta: All Journalists Should Make Bumper Stickers

>>2419995 #3050


>>2418679 The World According to MSM (memes)

>>2418743, >>2418745 Q sign on Trump entry

>>2418798 Giuliani says Trump to talk with Mueller within 10 days: report

>>2418955 Rally in Ohio coming up!

>>2419048 ThinQ Mirror

>>2419120 2 Sealed cases have something to do with Wells Fargo

>>2419338 #3049


>>2417785 Searchable Database of 1.6 million QResearch posts (follow links: seems like dedicated work!)

>>2417800 CDAN on Kurt Russell?, >>2417969 Bonnie Bedalia, Macaulay Culkin's Aunt, >>2418315

>>2417827 45,468 Sealed Indictements in July

>>2417877 Q Proof on NK, >>2418414

>>2417954 QProofs 1,2,3 & 4 of ~7000

>>2418150 Some side-by-side proofs!

>>2418241 Qanon trending on Twitter!

>>2418278 Nov 30. The Asia Foundation.

>>2418397 [[[[RR]]]] Delivers remarks at Bar meeting

>>2418515 #3048


>>2417047 Clockfag Update, Re-read qrumbs.

>>2417103 Journalist Beef: Washington Times Calling Out CNN & Acosta.

>>2417104 Q-Member Proofs, >>2417105, >>2417113, >>2417120, >>2417126, >>2417129, >>2417133, >>2417135, >>2417143

>>2417112 More Qproofs

>>2417169 Democrats already dumped 1 Billion Midcoins in Actblue's Coffers for their Candidates

>>2417354 POS Child Molesting Scumbag lands a measly 18 years in prison

>>2417355 Wtf more Qproofs

>>2417471 Gummy Animal Breeders .. ?

>>2417577 OMG. Compiled list of all the Qproofs posted in Bread #3047

>>2417618 Anon looking into freshly released HRC E-mails

>>2417711 Qproofs!

>>2417723 Sealed indictments July 2018 update

>>2417745 #3047

Previously Collected Notables

>>2415409 #3044, >>2419249 #3045, >>2416967 #3046

>>2413054 #3041, >>2417760 #3042, >>2414614 #3043

>>2410736 #3038, >>2411522 #3039, >>2412299 #3040

>>2408342 #3035, >>2409196 #3036, >>2409984 #3037

>>2405809 #3032, >>2406722 #3033, >>2407591 #3034

>>2403550 #3029, >>2404349 #3030, >>2405170 #3031

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

4836b5  No.2420849

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1667382 --- META

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

>>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2 ("Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers.")

>>2089271 -- New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2178691 -- NEW Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject Thread - Project

>>2294272 -- No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>2399939 –- Clockwork Qrange #3 ("Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers.")

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#33 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073 , >>2361495

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

4836b5  No.2420854

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Q Clearance Archive:




MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g2RHWQyZ!26l2m6b8Vg_2l1ArPM9aEXn_wN2BG4-KzmLOS01qv6A

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/384624849/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-6-0?secret_password=8mEuXmnRBOy4TdKbwBd7

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/q8sfoo8hi8idhm8/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.6.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* NOPE button >>2374212

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

==New Bakers Required== Read this ---> >>2172540

4836b5  No.2420860

File: 902ec84bc454441⋯.jpg (134.58 KB, 775x465, 5:3, _4h8x03of0wc.jpg)

Dough #3052



3d49f1  No.2420883

Given fast MSM attacks were planned, we could ask them for their research basis.

As there is none! No anon talked to, read nothing, just scripted acting.


1ac317  No.2420896

File: ecdbd594759fa9d⋯.png (578.95 KB, 692x688, 173:172, Screenshot_2018-08-02-19-5….png)

Not my work, but clever.

673062  No.2420910

File: f753d5eb6ccc65c⋯.jpg (112.04 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2f6xxc.jpg)

File: 03ab5f1b67cc14b⋯.jpg (96.04 KB, 1200x945, 80:63, C2ypLIrWEAAqvsf.jpg)

c92bd5  No.2420912

if you get sleepy from these boards blame Mossad tyranny against freewill

4a6d23  No.2420913

File: 7972a82f8080d41⋯.png (368.21 KB, 1214x1214, 1:1, Baker4.PNG)

Nice Job Baker

779bd2  No.2420914

Will Sommer basically named the Jew at the end of that CNN clip. Please post.

df567d  No.2420915

File: dc0918cdb5017c6⋯.jpg (53.48 KB, 383x526, 383:526, dc0918cdb5017c60eb53215f26….jpg)

df37eb  No.2420916

File: 3579e06ba8b2481⋯.jpg (19.69 KB, 255x160, 51:32, c41fe8327d1cc9823b1ba54c11….jpg)

File: 0f482e805060425⋯.png (189.15 KB, 499x499, 1:1, comfy.png)

Don't respond to obvious shills trying to get a knee-jerk reaction from you, they get paid by the number of replies.

3336d9  No.2420918

File: 4d06a76e91f8d00⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1903x9790, 173:890, muhlarp.png)

frenly reminder the muh larp faggot from last and past breads is the CTA soyboy

thanks baker!

c0a5f0  No.2420919

Strange the "woman" isn't related????

Florida Girl, 4, Dies After Being Thrown Off Bridge; Woman in Custody


68fa66  No.2420920

Tucker going to report on Obama Kenya speech

2d405d  No.2420921

File: 85bab477ccc47a2⋯.png (329.97 KB, 412x480, 103:120, tybaker999.png)

5f12cc  No.2420922

File: 36d960b32e33fbe⋯.png (798.07 KB, 616x682, 28:31, baker-ty-horse.png)

ty baker

ad05d3  No.2420923

File: 7f522e9a55ff5bf⋯.jpg (92.17 KB, 750x937, 750:937, Anastasiya Kvitko.jpg)

811c1d  No.2420924

File: fe01d4f14faf1fe⋯.jpg (75.72 KB, 714x960, 119:160, communismkills.jpg)

>>2420814 (Last bread)

>after false promises


How long have you been reading this board?

False promises is all we've every gotten, never mind the last two days.

4dc604  No.2420925

File: a7c9bf63252a5dc⋯.jpg (111.89 KB, 1363x567, 1363:567, AWEBarbossayellsfire1.jpg)

Shitposters at the ready.

Thar be shills coming!

d1a087  No.2420926

Too all the muh this rally was not so Q..

You can not expect the same results back to back. If you get all pumped and expect the same results you will fail. I am sure some of the fellow SK8 & Shred'r anons here get what I am saying. You take step back and regroup. Take a couple of simple lines (that once whee not so simple) and then crush that line you have been working on again.

af95ec  No.2420927

>>2420870 last

Its not blame. They refuse to correct.

We all corrected. They refuse.

We were all blue pilled. We corrected.


d570d4  No.2420928

If you are a Q person being interviewed,

Tell Anderson that Q is a larp run by Valerie Jarrett as part of a coup to oust Trump.

hehe 5D chess

a2a3e0  No.2420929


Fuck you I made the internet

990c12  No.2420930

File: e6ca56bde02aaa6⋯.jpg (8.02 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ba4cf4839ad67a3a97e5ef14ad….jpg)

I have a question. Who is this Obama guy everyone is talking about? The name sounds vaguely familiar but I just can`t seem to place him. Anyone????????

f60430  No.2420931


Look the glow fags are trying to tag team.

8f0e54  No.2420932

File: 502fdaaeb7e149a⋯.png (8.37 MB, 3240x3240, 1:1, 732FE9B8-FED7-48BD-8E4A-0A….png)

c1c640  No.2420933

File: 72309faf396ab23⋯.jpg (102.86 KB, 917x487, 917:487, trump11.JPG)

File: 08d1e5bb9047ccf⋯.jpg (122.26 KB, 1011x501, 337:167, CaptureJFK4.JPG)

File: c2c01cd7989b991⋯.jpg (54.76 KB, 668x380, 167:95, Capturejfk15.jpg)

File: d801104c7d06c28⋯.jpg (84.46 KB, 1069x530, 1069:530, Capturejfk7.JPG)

File: c01fbb115a3dfc9⋯.jpg (84.25 KB, 958x632, 479:316, Capturejfk11.JPG)





ad05d3  No.2420934

So anyone got a link for cooper live? hate to ask

f3e44d  No.2420935

>>2420708 (lb)

all in fun anon.

you'll laugh when you check out bublé

c514ba  No.2420936

File: 798bd01604ced8a⋯.jpeg (145.98 KB, 1440x811, 1440:811, 1533082455.jpeg)

2048b3  No.2420937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



4dc604  No.2420938



827b11  No.2420939


Oh yeah, anons are full of hate. So much so that they are constantly posting those ref, white and blue wavy things. They care so much of their country that they spend hours digging on a single subject for days.

Real scary people!

fb54e0  No.2420940

File: 46ce12e3cf71095⋯.jpg (34.64 KB, 312x490, 156:245, The-Art-of-War.jpg)

NOTE: Beware of PDFs as they can harbour nasties – anti-virus/spy/malware scan them!

Just in case anyone’s interested.

When looking for any version of the Art of War make sure to find one with commentaries otherwise you’ll most probably have to sit and meditate upon the meaning of anything you don’t understand for a few days, or weeks! The first book I bought had no commentaries and yes you were simply instructed to meditate upon the meaning until you understood. I went and bought another one with commentaries after that. Commentaries are vital to understanding but the no commentaries versions are good for a quick overview or refresher of the topics.

Look around as some versions have additional, more contemporary explanations of the commentaries to aid understanding.

Most freely available ones are translated by Dr. Lionel Giles in 1910. There are other translations such as by Samuel B. Griffiths (1963) and Thomas Cleary (1989).


This page will help in determining the best translation for you


This fellows personal opinion -

Thomas Cleary is the best translator of "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu (book) PERIOD!!!!!


On the other hand in the quora page above is written ‘Some, such as Thomas Cleary — attempt to explain the text in a wider scope of “Eastern Philosophy”, though his version is not personally preferred by me, as I feel he casts his net too wide to allow truly deep study of the text.’

Actually, I found the Thomas Cleary translation in a box of books (freestuff) outside of what you might call a thrift store but haven’t read it yet so can’t offer a personal opinion on it. I’ve found such boxes always good for a look through as many women throw out books with topics which don’t generally resonate with the feminine mind.

Interestingly it has a page with a list of his translated books one of which is another 1989 translation titled Mastering the Art of War by Zhuge Liang & Liu Ji which are additional commentaries on the Art of War. Remember, commentaries are vital to understanding Sun Tsu.

The Art of War

Without Commentaries

Simple text page https://classics.mit.edu/Tzu/artwar.html






With Commentaries

The Art of War by Dr. Lionel Giles, Puppet Press


Original book in virtual format V1.1


A good clean version


Mastering the Art of War by Zhuge Liang & Liu Ji


(You’ll have to copy/paste and make your own document)

There’s also the Chinese Thirty-Six Strategies or Thirty-Six Stratagems and the Japanese Book of Five Rings.

The Chinese Thirty-Six Strategies




Miyamoto Musashi’s Book of Five Rings


I’m not going to lead you by the nose to every possible version/translation available. If you’re interested enough you’ll look for yourself.

Find the translation/format/font you like. Me, I prefer a physical book to carry about and read. The smaller texts like the ones immediately above can be easily printed out and stapled/clipped for bedtime perusal.)

"Those angry will be happy again and those wrathful will be cheerful again, but a destroyed nation cannot exist again, the dead cannot be brought back to life." Sun Tzu


As for the concubines… they thought it was a game.

(This is Not a Game – Learn to Play the Game.)

069dcb  No.2420941

File: 879e9645c154c29⋯.mp4 (15.97 MB, 960x540, 16:9, Qshirt.mp4)

When POTUS was exiting tonight's rally, did he single out the woman with the Q shirt at the top right? She looks quite flustered after he waves and fist pumps. Maybe she was just getting high off the Trump vibes?

3336d9  No.2420942

File: 49c52615f15e25c⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1467x1079, 1467:1079, ClipboardImage.png)

oh and the Can'tTouchAss shills said Q would be arrested in august

(pic related)

420c70  No.2420943


some nigger faggot

28936d  No.2420944

let's play for a second.

Trump win all, clean all, Trump dies, all start over.

erase it now.

no kidding.

take the cream


they have their time

410fe2  No.2420945


Then there is the potential for an actual physical attack — with a missile or laser — to destroy space assets. Some experts worry the most about that scenario, which was exemplified by a 2008 test in which China tested an anti-satellite laser to blow up one of its own satellites.

That kind of space war would impose especially heavy costs on the U.S., because each such explosion creates debris that will linger forever — including the millions of pieces left over from that Chinese test. Even small pieces of matter traveling at 17,000 mph can do serious harm to the satellites that the United States so relies on. For example, a fleck of paint the size of a thumbnail once hit the 6-inch-thick windshield of one of NASA's space shuttles and went about 3 inches into the glass, an Air Force official said.

e42d17  No.2420946

File: dff10a6c8f85756⋯.png (292.5 KB, 661x838, 661:838, 41012EE8-C26E-43A9-9389-EA….png)

File: dfe133e7605ecca⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1406x831, 1406:831, 14961D1F-9864-46FF-ACF4-36….png)

File: 869c9529bf610b4⋯.jpeg (96.87 KB, 598x475, 598:475, AA565F0D-2CAB-4E91-8E45-3….jpeg)

File: dba840fde0f1998⋯.png (592.1 KB, 853x499, 853:499, 46B3ED37-6A45-4345-B0A5-46….png)

File: 8b78d018368e4a3⋯.jpeg (96.58 KB, 728x960, 91:120, E5A66095-862E-432E-8F63-5….jpeg)

>>2420907 pb

794e73  No.2420947

File: 4158fb9bddc88fd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 205.78 KB, 1366x1030, 683:515, 1_1_8_f1.jpg)


a8edf1  No.2420949

I hate dejavu…

417577  No.2420950

File: 0791f3f49e99f2d⋯.png (994.93 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 18363d043f6b48c34c1832ba41….png)

3baedb  No.2420951

File: 37aea4d1a3bfcd7⋯.mp4 (5.36 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, n770MCbIiTU.mp4)

"Some things just take a little bit longer"

0fe484  No.2420952

File: 948fcd3fe89d789⋯.gif (851.42 KB, 660x600, 11:10, ICEpepe.gif)

3d49f1  No.2420953


No dividing.

Worldwide. Handle new arriving folks w/ care.


c92bd5  No.2420954


how's tipper??


is there a way to make all breads refresh after 10+ seconds? by the time I scroll down to reply there's already already eight posts I have to keep scrolling through

9b16b0  No.2420955

File: 500375bc01e8108⋯.jpg (61.26 KB, 288x417, 96:139, frantic.jpg)

5f12cc  No.2420956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

50 year (pre internet) recording exposes all, we have all been fooled.

811c1d  No.2420957

File: 9ef1eef5e94f110⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1104x1599, 368:533, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Baker.

f60430  No.2420958


Yep. Also, the cameras were panning a lot more during the Florida rally.

420c70  No.2420959


finally, new tits

2048b3  No.2420960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


5aadf0  No.2420961


thank you baker, AND Anon for keeping the boobs and bread flowing. Fuck these soccer moms that want their safe space without tits.

d7dfbb  No.2420962

File: 23f3be25def9e70⋯.jpg (46.27 KB, 600x744, 25:31, 94a28ef732d13622cc8252231d….jpg)

TY Baker

e42d17  No.2420963

File: a0836e39851784b⋯.jpeg (139.82 KB, 776x587, 776:587, 458C69DA-0AC8-4029-AB75-0….jpeg)

File: f075e10bc1db8ac⋯.png (170.81 KB, 485x507, 485:507, BD791058-632A-468A-81BD-02….png)

File: b8c1528521c3f8a⋯.jpeg (131.01 KB, 1080x648, 5:3, 5B3E5154-7A42-4662-B7E9-A….jpeg)

File: e318b740e67ddc0⋯.jpeg (59.68 KB, 960x617, 960:617, E6D86CA3-044B-4478-A568-4….jpeg)

File: d34abb165880fd4⋯.png (890.17 KB, 1160x832, 145:104, BB4C97CC-BF72-4925-BB07-46….png)

779bd2  No.2420964



just junkies trying to bait out a crumb.

it doesn't work. it never works.

f02952  No.2420965

File: 373d8bc0dda959c⋯.jpg (91.19 KB, 595x595, 1:1, CNN death throes.JPG)

>>2420765 (pb)

>>2420740 (pb)

54efb2  No.2420966

File: 5ead5fc3571fd0b⋯.png (250.2 KB, 258x357, 86:119, Screenshot_555.png)


Yes, POTUS did.

b88413  No.2420967

File: 7e7ff555e3e257d⋯.jpg (79.96 KB, 678x367, 678:367, 2018-08-03 01:00:35Z.jpg)


881218  No.2420968

File: 90bc1a047dbda97⋯.png (61.74 KB, 626x327, 626:327, Bolling re Walkaway 8-2-18.PNG)

File: 847ccab581cc827⋯.png (495.88 KB, 645x843, 215:281, Bolling CRTV re Walkaway 8….PNG)


46d96c  No.2420969

File: f4b69b709c3689e⋯.png (203.8 KB, 2121x968, 2121:968, IMG_4847.PNG)


this is what you shills have left. commenting on our board. we have the justice deparment. we have the military. we have the election ballot counting secured. you have nothing. every falsehood you have pushed is coming to light and all crimes you committed are the knowledge of our board. who runs the nsa? who is looking at all your past comms now? we are. we always knew this day would come. we just really overestimated our enemy. trump 2020

3336d9  No.2420970

File: 352c98491fcd4f2⋯.png (199.17 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

0a176c  No.2420971

File: 728b9adf8c438de⋯.jpg (254.12 KB, 2048x996, 512:249, FS1gFMBj.jpg)

File: f5a7fd9c07b9ff7⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1065x594, 355:198, PA rally Q 1.png)

File: ed6738a8f55cc17⋯.png (3.63 MB, 2048x996, 512:249, PA rally Q 2 me.png)

File: 0e7b8578ad2e067⋯.png (2.77 MB, 2048x996, 512:249, PA rally Q 3 me.png)

Trump's PA Rally today w/ Q's

(blue Q pic was not my phone cap, from last bread)

Key Words:

Criminal / Crimes

Changing (ref to Clinton / Dem arrest double standards)

Betrayed / Betrayal

==>> It was signaling, to my ears anyways.

2048b3  No.2420972



51198c  No.2420973

File: 2e39e94245da4ec⋯.png (21.79 KB, 595x194, 595:194, unknown.png)

Documentation of very first post of Sarah Ruth Ashcraft, which is after Q first posted. She has not been talking about abuse by Tom Hanks for years. Interesting that her first post is about @LizCrokin, one of the most followed pedo-hunter accounts on Twatter.

Can you say honeypot? Same person?

If anyone wants to post any sauce about Tom Hanks with posts prior to this date, go for it. Otherwise, sauce or STFU. You've been outed by QArmy.

16e57d  No.2420974


You have personally done nothing but talk


Quit whining and step up since you know how easy it is, and blame somebody else.

88b3f0  No.2420975


Hot damn!

e42d17  No.2420976

File: 897845d93786347⋯.png (233.71 KB, 1538x1454, 769:727, 39CF80F4-3B41-4CA5-A069-40….png)

File: eb88fad9a1d7caa⋯.jpeg (1.71 MB, 1242x1542, 207:257, 295C8010-95D9-426D-97AB-7….jpeg)

File: 38e09e831949a08⋯.png (317.75 KB, 810x700, 81:70, B25941EA-B58B-469C-ADD9-FE….png)

777373  No.2420977


Did Acosta pussy out and not show up for this one?

b88413  No.2420978

File: b5f848d0e5db1a1⋯.jpg (93.97 KB, 679x670, 679:670, 2018-08-03 01:01:21Z.jpg)

Stay united.

0dcbd0  No.2420979

>>2420798 (last pretzel)

Is Fox the organiser? I mean who organises who films? It´s all part of the equation. Maybe they wanted to go low profile or Pennsylvania just didn´t bring as much. Let´s see what´s habbening at the next rally.

b23737  No.2420980



That night in November :)

257c09  No.2420981

I am willing to talk to any media here about my hacking history or my leadership here.

Remember if they aren't on our side they're the enemy.

-The hacker known as 4Chan

4a6d23  No.2420982

626e3a  No.2420983

File: 25f145bdc6a822b⋯.png (652.45 KB, 653x1024, 653:1024, 1_Jew_Circumcision_2_Traum….png)

File: 389fa33e3ac1c33⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1048x1570, 524:785, Circumcision_Effect_on_fem….jpg)

File: 46e45300313e2dc⋯.jpg (709.45 KB, 1288x2080, 161:260, Circumsision_Business.jpg)

File: b29d68e0e8caa09⋯.png (33.1 KB, 624x225, 208:75, z.PNG)

File: 920db3f652df1d0⋯.jpg (30.46 KB, 402x203, 402:203, zf1524ba4277c4173bd099af2f….jpg)

>>2420701 (lb)

Let us now learn a little about jewish culture and history so you can understand why judaism IS a supremacist ideology

From the book “When Victims Rule” (link to book: https://archive.is/1IEWq ):

“ In order to understand the present and prospects for the future, something must be understood about the past. Jews claim their origins to a seminal patriarch, Abraham, in the land of Ur (today part of Iraq) 4,000 years ago. Abraham was not a farmer or village member of a settled community. He was likely one of the "wandering" tribes of his time, a citizenship less, "outsider" social class known as the "Apiru," or "Habiru" (Hebrews) who were scattered across a wide area of the Middle East, from Syria to Egypt. [ANDERSON, p. 33] According to traditional Jewish religious belief, God is reputed to have singled out 75-year old Abraham among all people on earth and struck an arrangement with him, providing his progeny the consummate family inheritance: "If Abraham will follow the commandments of God, then He, in His turn, will make the descendants of Abraham His Chosen People and place them under His protection ... God at this time stipulates only one commandment, and makes only one promise." [DIMONT, p. 29] The initial agreement, by modern standards, seems extraordinarily peculiar. God's commandment was that all males by the eighth day of birth must have the foreskin of their penises cut off, a painfully literal branding of Jewish distinction around the male procreative organ:

"God ... said to Abraham ... You shall circumcise the flesh of

the foreskin and that shall be the Covenant between Me

and you." GENESIS: 17:9-13

With this physical marking, notes Barnet Litvinoff, “no male child born of Jewish parentage is ever allowed to forget he is a Jew ... it reminds him of the doctrine of the chosen people.” [LITVINOFF, p. 5] "As a sign of this sacred bond, of being special seed, Chosen," note Herbert Russcol and Margarlit Banai, "The Lord of the Universe commands Abraham" to circumcize "every man child among you." And as the Torah states it: "I will establish my covenant between Me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant." [RUSSCOL/BANAI, 1970, p. 173] Is this alleged commandment by God to the Abrahamic "seed" in Jewish tradition not racial?

"Circumcision," says Lawrence Hoffman, "has thus remained the sine qua non of Jewish identity throughout time. Jews came to believe that it warded off danger, and even saved Jews from damnation, that the sign of circumcision was tantamount to carrying God's ineffable name carved in the flesh, that it was a means of attaining mystical unity with the creator, and that it brought about visionary experience." [HOFFMAN, p. 11] It also symbolized, on the male genitals, special attention to the genetic continuance of the progeny of Abraham, that -- if they obeyed the laws and demands of God -- they would someday be as "numerous as the stars.""


>Problems with the above facts:


Circumcision is scientifically proven to cause permanent brain damage in children (pic related 1);


Its a form of non-consentual religious branding;


Its a barbaric form of child abuse via male genital mutilation; and


The first reason it is done in the first place is to remind the jewish children that they are "God's chosen", which incites the jews to adopt a supremacist mindset toward the goyim/catle, who according to judaism are implicitly inferior due to not being jews, and thus, not part of the ones who were "chosen by God".

Important note


For those that say that ”most science today is fraud”, in order to implicitly downplay the relevance of the studies about circumcision causing permanent brain damage in children I say this:

Go grab the test I am referring to and disprove it using the scientific method then if you want to solidify what you're trying to imply.

Extreme pain in children scars alters their brain structure (aka: brain damage), circumcision does that to children.


For those that say that “As a very acomplished person, I see no problem with the process of circumcision because I am a very acomplished person”, I say this:

Doesn't mean the damage isn't there.

Doens't make the process of circumcision any less barbaric.

Doesn't make judaism any less of an idological threat to the West.


You could just be lying. Try to not use anecdotes next time, try to use verifiable facts :)

4e8538  No.2420984

File: 5b30c0e9be1dc9e⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 332x500, 83:125, IMG_5862.GIF)


This dancing faggot!

31f83e  No.2420985

At the beginning of the rally when POTUS was talking about Tom Moreno and said he's a great guy, he and Lou love each other, how many of you annotated that no homo

c514ba  No.2420986

File: 0865112175f21ad⋯.jpeg (97.9 KB, 1020x1020, 1:1, 1527962144.jpeg)

5f12cc  No.2420988

File: b95ef67f3a67719⋯.png (384.89 KB, 497x277, 497:277, lovely-potus-family.png)


Love you too e-bot

c92bd5  No.2420989


can y'all imagine how Hillary feels watching everyone TRULY excited to be with Trump lmao

e42d17  No.2420990

File: af5242caf779425⋯.jpeg (66.74 KB, 300x413, 300:413, 4A978D54-FA3C-430B-B1EC-A….jpeg)

File: ad0d62a15252f8d⋯.jpeg (114.18 KB, 1000x702, 500:351, 0DE694AD-BB22-4B91-B6A6-0….jpeg)

File: fafab6f1ceec914⋯.png (571.69 KB, 749x617, 749:617, 5E411E12-0111-4124-AEA9-5C….png)

File: c55ae52acab03bb⋯.png (452.15 KB, 763x919, 763:919, ABD71CE4-278E-4CE2-8E0E-B3….png)

3d49f1  No.2420991


417577  No.2420992


Fake tits are a fucking embarrassment. I hope they leak & you go bald

ffbced  No.2420993

File: 91143d1f8c2a52f⋯.jpg (195.1 KB, 1200x431, 1200:431, Special Forces Creed.jpg)

File: 99017b06f9e3960⋯.jpg (640.21 KB, 1481x1040, 1481:1040, Nxivm out.jpg)

File: 98d20b6cf294ba2⋯.jpg (362.2 KB, 1000x722, 500:361, Bruce Ohr Demoted.jpg)

File: aece78e032d3574⋯.jpg (28.42 KB, 405x225, 9:5, ideas.jpg)

File: 373bd7095060e2b⋯.jpg (106.08 KB, 541x541, 1:1, Julian Assange.jpg)

9b3b05  No.2420994

File: 2a7950de3c385b1⋯.jpg (129.18 KB, 1000x1130, 100:113, IMG_20180802_210137_043.jpg)

bdfacc  No.2420995

File: 750368b7cb1b106⋯.jpg (246.07 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, IMG_0414.jpg)

File: 2c90965520f96f9⋯.jpg (281.95 KB, 1200x863, 1200:863, IMG_0415.jpg)

File: 3916ebede49cd4f⋯.jpg (241.54 KB, 1196x873, 1196:873, IMG_0416.jpg)

File: d2caa5fc4c4ea2b⋯.jpg (322.19 KB, 1200x962, 600:481, IMG_0417.jpg)

File: 653c42b60332c59⋯.jpg (274.89 KB, 1200x929, 1200:929, IMG_0418.jpg)

7e577a  No.2420996

File: f4859420e5b6b55⋯.jpg (46.02 KB, 435x366, 145:122, Q media matters 8 2 18.JPG)

Media Matters

Naming names

A list of the right-wing amplifiers of the QAnon conspiracy theory


df567d  No.2420997

File: b08510db615c280⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 480x414, 80:69, b08510db615c2808fc40fd9bf2….jpg)


this is the greatest post ive read in a long time

673062  No.2420998


Well he left the White House briefing and was last seen kicking a can somewhere near the Potomac.

e42d17  No.2420999

File: d78d650047fd804⋯.png (175.87 KB, 797x633, 797:633, 1C904930-3691-44BA-836F-BE….png)

File: cbb7f35b62bb7b7⋯.png (95.53 KB, 780x627, 260:209, 05AD9FAD-E770-4713-ACF4-4A….png)

File: fab79661cfc4394⋯.png (84.16 KB, 759x522, 253:174, C4263F9E-E8F2-4452-8384-65….png)

File: cc8cdf8d97010c0⋯.png (42.46 KB, 600x302, 300:151, EBB9C3AB-804A-4359-8B26-0A….png)

File: 54eb82abd3cdb76⋯.png (188.93 KB, 1178x547, 1178:547, AD0DA4F3-2DA1-4939-A3B5-5D….png)

b88413  No.2421000

File: d8b5e38e4300277⋯.jpg (104.47 KB, 1410x384, 235:64, 2018-08-03 01:02:28Z.jpg)

People UNITED hold the power.

8f14d0  No.2421001

File: 559953770502508⋯.png (1008.49 KB, 1048x869, 1048:869, hillary in her own feces.png)



2d405d  No.2421002

File: 3257efa74775af4⋯.gif (790.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, nope.gif)

3336d9  No.2421003

File: 691a8e17da2dd98⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 250x333, 250:333, 4chan.gif)

2048b3  No.2421004

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


3d2459  No.2421005

File: 3e34f473e92dd26⋯.png (59.75 KB, 214x214, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

"Hello this is Anderson Cooper here with an anon from Q Research."

"Tell us about yourself…"

"I'm a 'Planefag' from Bread #2341 ID: 12eieio…."


ad05d3  No.2421006

File: bde6945e4fe36a3⋯.jpg (27.9 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault (1).jpg)

88b3f0  No.2421007

File: 7e551dcfe544f2a⋯.jpg (169.72 KB, 702x661, 702:661, chappie ebot.jpg)


Faggot say what?

c294db  No.2421008

File: 04f2bf96c83e639⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1194x1450, 597:725, PBS.png)


93c8c3  No.2421009

8e1d11  No.2421010

Hanity fixed his button (pin)

54efb2  No.2421011

File: 7b074b6b8c96de0⋯.png (1.74 MB, 720x859, 720:859, Screenshot_158.png)

c8f23a  No.2421012



>gee we got kicked out of /pol/ so let's try it here

069dcb  No.2421013

File: 0b27869ca3ce5ad⋯.jpg (401 KB, 800x960, 5:6, 1531185721169.jpg)

71cddf  No.2421014



Or release HRC vid.

Preferably, release HRC vid.

If you go dark now, I am out.

c92bd5  No.2421015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


e42d17  No.2421016

File: 90a8ec6272a4623⋯.png (257.08 KB, 1303x1079, 1303:1079, 1BC511F9-176A-42D7-B3E6-59….png)

File: 143448cfaf1d1d2⋯.jpeg (50.38 KB, 640x493, 640:493, 3613C53B-6E68-4D3C-85E6-2….jpeg)

File: 2fe78296b8ac95a⋯.jpeg (265.24 KB, 727x918, 727:918, 83833B7F-AAF2-4382-BBE2-B….jpeg)

File: 93295aa2c281774⋯.jpeg (166.3 KB, 811x559, 811:559, 59AA2DC6-3A91-4A20-9C82-9….jpeg)

File: 61e304aeac512a6⋯.png (845.2 KB, 1562x870, 781:435, C3A8159A-C6E8-4651-821B-A2….png)

a8edf1  No.2421017

ac6f3c  No.2421018

Fucking Based Tucker calling out BHO. It's fucking go time! We are the news! (((They))) can Fuckoff!

ff55f4  No.2421019

Most anons are being logical, but for the rest of you:

- Q takes us to the main stream (major goal, achieved)

- What happens when opposition hits critical mass in the public consciousness?

- MSM coordinates to talk about the potential dangers of the Qanon phenomenon.

- Anderson Cooper piece even has Cuomo say "they can believe what they want, but they do in the NAME of those beliefs is what matters" despite there being literally no radical threat to ever come from anons or this board.

- Sarah Sanders asked about Q, she hand waves and says "we don't support any violent group whatsoever."

They are obviously covering bases for what appears to a building towards a false flag to discredit this movement. POTUS must distance himself from Q until that blows over so it doesn't look like he's radicalized a group of gun nuts, which is what MSM will try to push.

Even more suspicious, the same day MSM coordinates against Q, they coordinate against 3D printed guns. Today, some single posting anon links the download for the 3D gun, says it's only 1 dollar, and tells anons to enjoy. Can you see the narrative building?

OF COURSE POTUS needs to get out ahead of this before they can false flag.

Q is now mainstream. We don't need POTUS to confirm Q. We need the claims raised on this board to be discussed, people to get curious and dig for themselves, and then POTUS to deal with those claims.

Belief in Q is not and has never been the end goal. Exposure of the cabal is. Revealing truth is. Creating an outcry for disclosure and justice is.

And don't forget, one of the earliest Q crumbs solidified that POTUS will not openly associate himself with Q. He must appear impartial and separate from the storm.

Please calm down, concernfags. Keep redpilling, keep digging, and enjoy the show.

8528b7  No.2421020


Jesus hates u

d27506  No.2421021

Dear Media Matters,

Post less and KYS more.

Warmest Regards,


104882  No.2421022

File: 559675f962923ae⋯.png (554.21 KB, 1017x553, 1017:553, Livken.png)

File: e04d117ca0a1e65⋯.png (984.65 KB, 936x654, 156:109, 77afe833202271d3c8cbfb62fc….png)

File: a984f8fe67ca7e6⋯.png (37.17 KB, 255x227, 255:227, finger.png)

3d49f1  No.2421024

8e1d11  No.2421025


Ha ha ha ha Top KeK

c494e2  No.2421026


do we know anything about this blind?

i ques hostel ( horror movie ) was based on some real shit

cda92a  No.2421027


yea can somebody get a friggin closeup of that one?

949123  No.2421028

File: 0cf31f5e5773b45⋯.png (349.84 KB, 734x509, 734:509, Omarosa1.png)

File: ba35c5e55d51eb9⋯.png (238.17 KB, 1659x981, 553:327, Omarosa2.png)

File: 9522c356ae80ba7⋯.png (724.53 KB, 1031x1111, 1031:1111, Omarosa3.png)

File: 6076b6632494924⋯.png (421.02 KB, 1047x1115, 1047:1115, Omarosa4.png)

File: b902b303c65b920⋯.png (713.07 KB, 1031x1093, 1031:1093, Omarosa5.png)

Omarosa's REVENGE

From Daily Mail - https:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6019907/Omarosa-tells-President-Trumps-mental-decline-not-denied.html

Talk about biting the hand that fed her. This crazy bitch has turned on President Trump in a major way.

Anons, you know what to do.

774ae7  No.2421029

>>2420347 (pb)

You remind me of a woman I knew once. Her name was Kendall from a place called White Pines.

417577  No.2421030


Squirtle is NOT THAT FAT you stupid WHORE

673062  No.2421031


Dammit I put had instead of has

8f14d0  No.2421032


we circumvented the #FakeNews MSM.

4dc604  No.2421033


Most important part:

>Enjoy the show.

af95ec  No.2421034


Step up? What does that mean?

What if I told you I created hours and hours of video content that recieved hundreds of thousands of views red pilling that contributed to this point?

I have no problem with Trump supporting boomers that just live their lives.

But Boomers are not allowed to invade this place and start injecting their blue pilled horseshit worldview that TRUMP HAD TO WORK AROUND in order to get elected.

Not going to happen. No chance.

199df9  No.2421035

File: e8178d01705a01c⋯.png (17.73 KB, 587x221, 587:221, lee.png)

ae8aee  No.2421036

File: cfeb8d8f878a802⋯.png (10.41 KB, 480x300, 8:5, cfeb8d8f878a80259b75a224e8….png)

Isn't it funny that Twitter and Facebook stock drops by record shocking amounts, but then Apple hits $1 trillion market cap?

All the stolen 2008 bailout money is right there in one place, Mr. President. Confiscate it all.

9b16b0  No.2421037

File: a758f79ae988d59⋯.jpg (36.26 KB, 615x409, 615:409, 000A4DB1-19D9-1329-9CB80C0….jpg)

4394ce  No.2421038

File: bce5773109bb01c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 135.99 KB, 850x1250, 17:25, bf7d76a2032674ca4e58f5d16a….jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

417577  No.2421039


Oh, and give your kid back his shirt you fucking monster

be5ca3  No.2421040

>>2420601 lb

>We are not equals when it comes to politics.

>And I will not allow you to pretend that is the case.

Good to see you admit your ignorance, sonny.

Do you really think YOU foung all the sauce uncovered here?

Do you think without the internet Q would be possible?

Some of us have been trying to redpill the world all our lives - with no platform that remotely compares to the power of the internet.

Check your fucking ego, already.

f47cf7  No.2421041


These are amazing.

ty anaon.

stealing :)

fb54e0  No.2421042


Damn stubby Homer Simpson fingers! It's Tzu not Tsu!

2048b3  No.2421043


the lady in the mask was kidnapped with a time machine, prol eaten , and remains blamed on jack the ripper , prescott attended

and it was fucking evil

i think kuberick gt conned into making loves for that audience too

1f29f6  No.2421044


Niggers gonna nig. It's a law of nature.

e42d17  No.2421045

File: 9d3cc2cbf13d497⋯.jpeg (91.3 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 0EBFA565-32BD-4F88-9529-F….jpeg)

File: faf2e257fcd297a⋯.jpeg (77.17 KB, 618x420, 103:70, 4E61CEC9-7B95-4D00-A80B-3….jpeg)

File: 890134a0be53bea⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x1273, 1242:1273, DC98E9E3-B25A-4AC4-B73A-A….jpeg)

File: b46cd8f475f0e18⋯.jpeg (130.39 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, D4AC3227-65DA-4F7E-9156-C….jpeg)

d570d4  No.2421047


Maybe someone will ask him live about Q's pic of him

779bd2  No.2421048


>you have nothing.

Except freedom, right? And their own separate tier of justice, right? An infinite stream of money to continue operations, probably some half eaten cheese pizza. And guess who's paying for all of it every time you submit your taxes, take out a loan, or watch a movie?

043331  No.2421049


I can't find it either. On TV or the interwebz. I NEED to see this!! Anons??

2048b3  No.2421050



d7a6d5  No.2421051

here we go

Hannity is going to review cnn and msnbc for us

hey Hannity if i gave a shit what they had to say , I'D HAVE WATCHED THEIR FUCKEN SHIT MYSELF

46d96c  No.2421052


wwg1wga. always.

990c12  No.2421053


>This is better than /b/


e42d17  No.2421054

File: 32cce65a5e2de65⋯.png (245.12 KB, 426x433, 426:433, DFC799D2-5023-498B-8EED-F7….png)

3336d9  No.2421055

File: e76300a30c48b64⋯.png (153.91 KB, 639x604, 639:604, ClipboardImage.png)

39e853  No.2421056

File: 5cd35426a86a932⋯.png (79.63 KB, 527x347, 527:347, pepeboobeyes.PNG)

1e1212  No.2421057

File: 1ecd061e9921982⋯.jpg (435.52 KB, 1293x988, 1293:988, 1ecd061e9921982e284cabe374….jpg)

b88413  No.2421058

File: 3b0bef5219ef71b⋯.jpg (105.5 KB, 688x498, 344:249, 2018-08-03 01:04:03Z.jpg)

United We Stand (WW).



Conspiracy no more.

63ee0e  No.2421059


Blinder than many other people too

Literally kek

99c69f  No.2421060

File: f45ceec89d5df94⋯.png (192.52 KB, 1258x1020, 37:30, Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at ….png)

66% to 18% on little-faith Jack Posobiec's poll. That's a route.

All the MSM/cabal has left is ridicule and demonization. Same tactics that lost them the election.

And now all the newfags (welcome to the newfags) will get a very close-up and personal view of how the MSM smear machine works in real time. That's probably as damning as anything: the shear brazenness of the lying and propaganda.

46d96c  No.2421061


read more EO's. :)

e42d17  No.2421062

File: 20461269c175b23⋯.png (421.47 KB, 872x889, 872:889, E9D0BB7B-8698-40A9-832D-2D….png)

File: 72c5e599401f829⋯.png (246.33 KB, 335x590, 67:118, 14B89EDA-4B83-4260-AA6E-F5….png)

File: 1898eb9e3f58d08⋯.png (159.01 KB, 335x589, 335:589, 39F4EE18-320F-4853-8298-D9….png)

File: 628062fa8cd3cef⋯.png (297.4 KB, 337x597, 337:597, 94EF06B6-45AB-41A4-9B35-3A….png)

File: 984e5d61dd033b9⋯.png (735.49 KB, 899x591, 899:591, 945BE5CD-334B-4396-BCD8-60….png)

ad1fe9  No.2421063

Potus is protecting this movement.

c92bd5  No.2421064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this is what she sounds like

979947  No.2421065


The quoted story is a nothing burger; it's also incomplete, as in what happened afterwards is missing.

Remember Big Brother with all the teasing leading to nothing of significance at all?

She's either a media whore, or part of the plan.

16e57d  No.2421066


We are "the shiny object" created to distract and confuse - out specialty.

The heaving lifting is being done by others while the MSM get hysterical about us.

That was always the plan

Draw incoming fire, while the real warrior fight the battle unobserved.

We are the chaff spread behind the jet to confuse the incoming missles

We ain't the pilot and don't drop bombs and fire missles

Chaff - get it?

043331  No.2421067


LULZ!!! KEK!!!

199df9  No.2421068


That was before he lost 8k+ followers. I've been holding onto it, waiting for the big drop to come, so I can make him lose some more.

b88413  No.2421069

File: eb63cb2d1d4a172⋯.jpg (15.49 KB, 729x187, 729:187, 2018-08-03 01:06:23Z.jpg)

April 28, 2018.

Godspeed, Patriot(s).

Stay strong.

Stay united.

d9b4d4  No.2421070





779bd2  No.2421071


Read the EOs, didn't mention any justice being served.

a8edf1  No.2421072


Very well said, anon.

3336d9  No.2421073

File: 287413ffdb28ce6⋯.png (18.67 KB, 678x196, 339:98, ClipboardImage.png)


if almost as many people don't know as who don't believe, thats a good thing

most that know understand!

e42d17  No.2421074

File: 9e05c03be29a0ab⋯.png (426.2 KB, 514x773, 514:773, 0CA88904-8B18-47B8-A116-4F….png)

File: 316b719c2d490b9⋯.png (293.76 KB, 656x696, 82:87, 7859D1FA-3F95-4F28-AE38-13….png)

File: 6c865b64f6ca213⋯.jpeg (611.3 KB, 1242x1170, 69:65, BCD5BC9D-4D36-4B09-9499-D….jpeg)

File: bbc1ae3e2dcd808⋯.png (444.55 KB, 910x601, 910:601, 71E478BA-C7BD-4B98-B417-D4….png)

File: b8de4c98a823cf1⋯.png (476.17 KB, 661x809, 661:809, A83861BE-B130-4A00-9D7F-61….png)

8f14d0  No.2421075

File: 71b4bf6cf86456c⋯.png (823.92 KB, 1091x582, 1091:582, hello darkness my old frie….png)

File: 66529da63aaa45c⋯.jpg (260.17 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, L O S E R.jpg)

File: aa8e10ac268f301⋯.jpg (57.29 KB, 1200x510, 40:17, aa8e10ac268f301455760d6814….jpg)

6cb6b1  No.2421076

File: c7692436fcd9fc0⋯.png (938.94 KB, 1909x1043, 1909:1043, thunder.PNG)

File: 5edd127b15a485d⋯.jpg (308.5 KB, 1109x1479, 1109:1479, S__64389145.jpg)

Anons, this is a screen shot of Imagine Dragon, [Dan Reynolds] song Thunder.

This song is EVIL. This Band is using this hypnotic crap to turn our people into literal Homosexuals. This is part of the Cabals plan, to Gay up our youth and get/keep them farther from GOD! I am digging on this Fag and he is VERY disturbing! Look at this other pic, look where he has his giant hand on his "Daughter?"

This is not normal.


ac6f3c  No.2421077


Gutfeld. Kill Yourself Selfies. Market it now for suicide week. Greg is a visionary.

268678  No.2421078

>>2418798 (pb)

late arrival, has any anon pointed out the less than 10 Q post >>2393006 sort of correlating with this Hill report about Giuliani/Mueller/Trump

1cd157  No.2421079

Hundreds of Q signs at rally

TV feed hiding the Q signs pictures hats keychains

Patriot Welcomes

CNN to the Great Awakening !!!

46d96c  No.2421080


Ty patriot. same to you and yoars.

c92bd5  No.2421081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


glad to hear it Anon. now hear this high energy tune

5cb007  No.2421082

File: 3b4bfa0fd993271⋯.png (48.89 KB, 354x358, 177:179, ClipboardImage.png)

Hannity just said "I train 5 days hard, MMA"

So Hannity could have broad shoulders.

I still think it was Hannity with MA on Sunday!!!!!

I think Stormy, MA, Hannity, Cohen all Whitehats


dea8ce  No.2421083

File: 892ea1f9df5c96c⋯.jpg (822.79 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, mydoglookedlikeddfromphant….jpg)

Welcome to Game Theory

03179f  No.2421084

File: db12f9bd6d984ab⋯.png (74.07 KB, 484x861, 484:861, Screenshot_20180802-205920.png)

HRC email dig a small discovery concerning email from HA to HRC about this:



The day before… also Google Libya Crossfire you get a list of mockingbirds

445ebe  No.2421085


laser pointer

tbh this board would benefit well from creating dis info to confuse (((msm)))

fuk htem

8e1d11  No.2421086


Will try, think its a thin blue line flag pin cop support

827b11  No.2421087


Every time I see Anderson Copper I picture that creepy doll he has in his office.

c8f23a  No.2421088


Trips say Pedo Dan had him killed because he was talking. They often OD people with fentanyl now.

2048b3  No.2421089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f3e44d  No.2421090


he doesn't have a computer.

b88413  No.2421091

File: d8ecdcb44568ecf⋯.jpg (126.08 KB, 681x727, 681:727, 2018-08-03 01:07:23Z.jpg)

You are a strong Patriot.

Do not give in - fight, fight, fight.

You have more friends than you can imagine.




417577  No.2421093

File: 137a474cf84c7f0⋯.jpeg (97.14 KB, 500x750, 2:3, cdd93a41ebc683989b27b99b2….jpeg)



1cd157  No.2421094

Anderson Cooper looked nervous

Who are they ? What do they talk about ?

Do they talk about AC ?

8b1c68  No.2421095

File: d9d50c92b28cb45⋯.png (343.93 KB, 512x638, 256:319, ClipboardImage.png)

the promisefagging is getting old

5b4683  No.2421096


Why are they still allowed to carry out false flags? Drop the fucking hammer. Release the hounds. Less talk, more action. "People have to be ready" - they'll be surprised how quickly people will accept the truth once it is actually ALLOWED to have its day. Just DOITQ

3336d9  No.2421097

anons, I wouldn't expect a showing of Q/Great Awakening like we go in Florida very often

its taken a long time to get to where we are, and that was special

be grateful we got that, don't expect everytime to get a showing like that

there were Q signs tonight, but FOX/media didn't focus on them this time


45c7cb  No.2421098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

71cddf  No.2421099

Why get our hopes up right before rally if only to disappoint?

Maybe got hopes up to encourage anons to be as visible at rally?

To increase odds of getting a "confirmation"?

So that this "confirmation" can be another one of your "coincidences"?

How about PROOF?

We know certain things can't be revealed b/c being used as evidence (hopefully) against HRC/cabal.

But surely in all your vast NSA database, you can find something to share with anons as PROOF AND NOT COINCIDENCE

4cb135  No.2421100

One can hope SHS bitchslapped Acosta into oblivion today.

df1e4e  No.2421101

File: 1bfc7e330e58b43⋯.jpeg (25.42 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 62DD4C04-CB99-4476-8B26-B….jpeg)

46d96c  No.2421102


it is not policy for officials to comment on ongoing cases. please understand what that means. if further evidence needed please watch video of wasserman schultz laptop video

ad05d3  No.2421103

File: 8406be79caf9173⋯.png (11.3 KB, 255x227, 255:227, interdasting.png)

99c69f  No.2421104


Yeah, at the same split we'd be over 75% yes

949123  No.2421105


Yes, Anon, I realize that she has nothing. I also agree with you that she could very well be part of the plan. OUR PLAN, lol. That would be my sincere hope, because she and President Trump go way, way back. We won't know until time passes. But I expect she'll soon make all the media rounds. Perhaps her monopoly over the talking points in the next few weeks is nothing more than a "shiny object" in the room so that the good guys can focus on important things with a little less scrutiny from the crooked MSM ('cause they'll be busy with Omarosa).

Either way, I'm trusting the plan. I just wanted to post 'cause this was a new headlilne on Drudge this evening.

1e1212  No.2421106

File: 4aaf9d6464eb92c⋯.gif (148.68 KB, 620x483, 620:483, 4aaf9d6464eb92cbd0a199a3b4….gif)

File: 1da3a09f640c801⋯.jpg (458.33 KB, 890x874, 445:437, 1da3a09f640c80111eac510e20….jpg)

b88413  No.2421107







I thought the person who critiqued anons unitedness last bread might want to see what Q has said about unity. These are a few examples. There are many more.

To learn what Q has said, you can visit qanon.pub and type a search term into the search box.

54efb2  No.2421108

File: e8c63cea10c9647⋯.png (1.02 MB, 634x847, 634:847, Screenshot_553.png)


They understand


bdfacc  No.2421109


Please do. And feel free to flood social media with them

dca9ce  No.2421110

File: 50792e16cb5e2a6⋯.png (342.28 KB, 855x524, 855:524, ClipboardImage.png)

Hello AI Anon…

Please do tell us…. What's up? What do you know that I want to know?

2048b3  No.2421111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

squirrel action for fags

c0a5f0  No.2421112

Reporters, Celebs Call Trump-Supporters "Nazis", "KKK", Want Them "Euthanized" After Tampa Rally

President Trump held a raucous rally in Tampa, Florida, Tuesday night.

Thousands of supporters packed the arena to hear Trump hammer his critics and tout his administration’s accomplishments. There was plenty of hecklers, comedy and chants about Hillary and 2020. Trump stopped to pick on one of his favorite targets, the media, approximately half-way through the speech. The president heckled the press in the press pen as “fake news” and the audience roared, chanting “Fake News” and “CNN Sucks” at the reporters.

One of the favorite targets of the audience was CNN’s Jim Acosta, who tweeted multiple videos of the crowd mocking him before and after the rally.

Acosta blamed Trump for the vitriol, saying “I’m very worried that the hostility whipped up by Trump and some in conservative media will result in somebody getting hurt.” The tweet showed Trump supporters jeering at Acosta after the rally.



1cd157  No.2421113

File: a7350299b202396⋯.jpg (16.48 KB, 220x304, 55:76, BS_1975_television_special.jpg)

Who is Q ? Hollywood asking ?

f47cf7  No.2421114

5d84dc  No.2421115


>Why get our hopes up

expectations diminish joy

e42d17  No.2421116


Argentina. Queen Beatrix. Her sister Ines suicided. Use that info and crack the webz. Happy searching. Sad story. Truth sandwiches on the way for us.

ca90c1  No.2421117

That CNN piece has me kekkin my fucking ass off




006ef5  No.2421118

File: 74d3f9ca790ffef⋯.png (161.92 KB, 526x318, 263:159, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2420165 (prev)

If he thinks we do not have subs punching holes in the water - all over the Persian Gulf, he's dreaming. They'll never see it coming.

45a83f  No.2421119


POTUS at Wilkes Barres- Scranton. hign security.

Turn out unbelievable for a supposibly "blue" [D] area. RED wave for Pennsylvania.

5b4683  No.2421120


Apple hits $1 trillion. Many of our vets can barely survive. What's wrong with this picture?

086f58  No.2421121

File: c8ca13cf3e00eae⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 9B1D0894-9D6A-4030-BE6B-C7….png)

03179f  No.2421122


I posted this in earlier bread but i was OCD. Hope its useful.

bdfacc  No.2421123

c7a170  No.2421124

File: 1f0c6349502c8de⋯.mp4 (221.35 KB, 432x250, 216:125, SPACE FORCE.mp4)

File: 5266ebb6a794e37⋯.jpg (15.36 KB, 656x482, 328:241, b2fab0d88c742a64d5b0728fa2….jpg)

File: 44552e39f7a3d4f⋯.png (131.23 KB, 588x476, 21:17, Screenshot_2018-08-02 ❌#QF….png)

File: 35c81cf6303c75e⋯.png (316.61 KB, 588x508, 147:127, Screenshot_2018-08-02 ❌#QF….png)

File: c32e64b62f28ce7⋯.png (12.13 KB, 588x108, 49:9, Screenshot_2018-08-02 ❌#QF….png)

Spaaaaccce Fooorrrccce!

We are on the verge of FULL disclosure!

Until then this should interest some you.

https: //patents.google.com/patent/US20060014125A1/en

https: //www.cnet.com/google-amp/news/new-radio-telescope-picks-up-mysterious-signal-from-space/?__twitter_impression=true

626e3a  No.2421125

File: 22275193bf4a601⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1584x4553, 1584:4553, 0_Jews_Do_Control_The_Medi….png)

File: bab9e839f09d4af⋯.png (380.32 KB, 1224x3360, 51:140, 1_Jewish_Supremacism_Issue….png)

File: f77e6bb6c4874e3⋯.jpg (111.23 KB, 634x555, 634:555, 1528582550160.jpg)

File: b27be26c6331972⋯.png (2.32 MB, 3580x1252, 895:313, Jews_Immigration_And_Natio….png)

File: cc2621cb464eff9⋯.jpg (189.35 KB, 900x1046, 450:523, jews_Migrants.jpg)


Exposing jewish supremacism is not divisive, and equating exposing FACTS pertaining to jewish subversion to shilling IS shilling.

Have some more info about this issue.

Frenly reminder that jews control the fake news violence inciting treasonous media. Pic related 1.


Reminder that the problem is not jews per-se, it is unchecked jewish supremacism and subversion. Pic related 2.

Remember this:

-Jewish money and lobbies can’t buy off a redpilled general population's ire.

-Redpilling the gen pop is the best deterrent to jewish-supremacism, just like a 2A is the best deterrent to an armed invasion.

That being said, remember this:

"There are plenty of people of Jewish descent who do not support Israel, who are not wealthy slumlords, who are not racist, and who exhibit in all spheres the solidest of moral character. But where are they when the Collective Jewish Body speaks, acts, and oppresses in their name? If the Jewish community dictates a “community of fate” by bloodline, surely all those of even partial Jewish heritage have a stake in raising critical voices against the steamroller that claims them."

Non-subversive jews need to refuse to stay silent about jewish supremacism and subversion, because in their particular case, silence is consent.

Basically, non-subversive jews have to REFUSE to continue to be the human shields of the jewish interest groups that subvert the Western nations in their name (which is ALL of them), and the way they need to do it is to ACT against them, legally of course, by speaking out against them using every channel of communication available to them and presenting the verifiable proof that jewish interest groups have engaged and continue to engage in subversive activities, as well as start to organize groups that pro-actively speak out against the subversive jewish groups, and making the names of the members of said anti-jewish interest groups groups public. Off course that would mean that said jewish interest groups would target them, but the truth of the matter is, and I say this as a statement of fact and NOT a threat, if non-subversive jews don’t speak out and organize against the jewish interest groups, they will be targeted (legally and perhaps otherwise, I fear) by the patriots who are sick and tired of the subversive interest groups.

Pic related 3, 4 and 5 are excellent examples of why this is necessary, and it WILL happen, one way, or another.

In case you have trouble reading ANY image in the board: right click the image and select the option "open in new tab" or "open in new window", then you will be able to zoom in all the way on it.

d570d4  No.2421126


"I only go there for the ty baker pics"

28936d  No.2421127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

higher will decide when, but i decided.

8e1d11  No.2421128


Hannity ALWAYS wears work boots

881218  No.2421129


Not yet

9b3b05  No.2421130


She thought she was going to win … haha ha.. priceless !

3336d9  No.2421131


not sure if anyanons have it

but last time that fuck did that poll, it was like 50 know, 25 don't believe, and 25 don't know

something like that

ca86ff  No.2421132


''And on this bread we had a planefag,


Tippy Top Kek

a1db1e  No.2421133

1cd157  No.2421134


AC you are in Podestas MAP !!!

c294db  No.2421136

File: ca0ac137e37d15d⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1968x1182, 328:197, Time.png)


ea04e2  No.2421137


Can I get the highlights, anything interesting?

5d84dc  No.2421138


>Hollywood asking ?


ff55f4  No.2421139


Only thing I can think of is that false flags have crisis actors, and no actual victims. They're gathering evidence of additional crimes and tracking additional networks as they prepare the hammer drop. They appear to not want to take action until they can do so against all bad actors simultaneously. Lots of moving parts, I imagine.

417577  No.2421140


Is that the sleeping guy…sleeping?

f47cf7  No.2421141

File: 6a99afec5b1f92f⋯.jpg (12.17 KB, 159x255, 53:85, 7b7f056e93e3d28a31517fa9c7….jpg)


we look fabulous in Fringe….

257c09  No.2421142


They're going to be taking that fringe right up their ass

949123  No.2421143



I concur. These are some of the absolute best memes that i've seen in a long time. Excellent work, MemeFag. WOW.

45c7cb  No.2421144

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bruce Bueno de Mesquita: Stories of Research to Reality: How the Social Sciences Change the World

f3e44d  No.2421145


how did they get those patents away from HRC?

a1db1e  No.2421146


anti-missile missles

Nothing else new from what I heard compared to Tuesday.

4394ce  No.2421147

File: 2f67d1d7ee7e1fc⋯.jpg (105.32 KB, 866x500, 433:250, IMG_2121.jpg)

e42d17  No.2421148


I had trip 9’s in an id today. Yikes.

f8ce37  No.2421149

File: bfb01e3071ac6e2⋯.jpg (568.64 KB, 734x1618, 367:809, Screenshot_20180802-200749….jpg)

File: 44a4ae5fbf7493d⋯.jpg (269.22 KB, 733x928, 733:928, Screenshot_20180802-200813….jpg)


I've been saying this for a long time. Look at any of his speeches right from the beginning of his media coverage. He was basically a Bernie Sanders socialist. He would condemn capitalism and free enterprise. D'souza rightly points out that the 1910s-1920's progressives that Spencer looks up to, are the same ones that bred the National Socialists and Italian Fascists. Spencer has always been a lefty. Not much has changed the Progressives were racist, anti semitic, socialists then, just as they are now. For those who dont know just look up the difference between the 2015 democrat party platform, Mussolinis fascist party platform and the National socialists 25 points. There is little to no difference. #walkaway

d8c534  No.2421150

File: f3d7b21b6526109⋯.png (907.52 KB, 1156x810, 578:405, ClipboardImage.png)

'This Is Not America’s Finest Hour’: Madonna Claims She Moved to Portugal over Trump

Pop star Madonna says she moved her family to Portugal partly due to Donald Trump being elected president of the United States.

Ahead of the election, Madonna offered to perform oral sex on anyone who voted for Hillary Clinton.


2048b3  No.2421151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hitler takes too many blue pills and invades poland

31ac36  No.2421152




417577  No.2421153


Is Flynn eyeballing Hillary?! hahahaha. I'd want to burn holes through her head too

3336d9  No.2421154


POTUS was hilarious

so was the crowd

not many crowd shots with a Qshirt/sign but there were some, and a lot of people there with them


I disagree: NATO, Queen, and a lot of others

e42d17  No.2421155

af95ec  No.2421156


Drop the apoligies fren.

Seriously drop em.

This is war.

bbf4df  No.2421157

File: a2e4ce42af64b0b⋯.png (567.51 KB, 901x773, 901:773, pepe.png)

16e57d  No.2421158


Yet he "pushed his message" and it "went viral"

How you coming along with yours?

ffbced  No.2421159

File: d4628cbbe117f35⋯.jpg (77.61 KB, 911x767, 911:767, Q drop 05142018.JPG)

File: d1656bea444dd94⋯.jpg (392.29 KB, 1456x1280, 91:80, Navy Seal Eric prince.jpg)

File: f53cbd1106a86c8⋯.jpg (218.27 KB, 1125x1044, 125:116, qdrop.jpg)

File: ba7a26605c860cd⋯.jpg (80.07 KB, 700x343, 100:49, Amack.jpg)

File: 5ef088ff1ebed3d⋯.jpg (123.61 KB, 512x510, 256:255, MSM word dark.jpg)


28936d  No.2421160


planet must by finished

1cd157  No.2421161

File: c5d8c41d51a7ea5⋯.jpg (14.05 KB, 220x335, 44:67, CR.jpg)


Anderson Cooper welcome to the club

f3e44d  No.2421162


for new viewers… i'm not suggesting she owned the patents… i'm suggesting you look into the stealing of patents.

7886f2  No.2421163


AC showcasing bewbs now? The world (((HAS))) changed indeed.

bdfacc  No.2421164


The fake MAGA Zionists are scrambling on how to deal with Q

a90fc4  No.2421165


Re-review RED_RED stringer.

Focus on Hussein AIDS Video.

Cross reference.

Date of stringer vs video?

Learn to decider.

News unlocks message.

Find the keystone.



Red Cross is corrupt and used as a piggy bank.

Future topic.

Diseases created by families in power (pop control + pharma billions kb).

Think AIDS.

Future topic.




6e8b91  No.2421166

File: 07a59eefaefe650⋯.png (7.96 KB, 764x118, 382:59, n-screen-sys.8ch.net-2018-….png)

08f91b  No.2421167


ayyy if every brainwashed demonic pricks could move away, we'd be thankful

89ad85  No.2421168

File: b1056fa374b7ca9⋯.png (61.14 KB, 247x175, 247:175, cocain.png)

c92bd5  No.2421169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


here you go

f47cf7  No.2421170


he knows.

1cd157  No.2421171

File: ccc104842762a43⋯.jpg (8.65 KB, 220x275, 4:5, 220px-Matt_Lauer_2012_Shan….JPG)


Anderson Cooper Welcome to the Cult

ae8aee  No.2421172


Omarosa today isn't the moron she was on Season 1 of The Apprentice. She's extremely kept, attractive, and articulate. You don't think she'd want a key role in helping to save the world as the decoy of decoys? There's gotta be a reason Trump kept her around at all.

e42d17  No.2421173


I figured that one deserved its very own post.

af95ec  No.2421174


Biggest faggot wigger on 8chan.

Totally exposed posting his hip hop KRS ONE Maxine Waters clip.

You are canadien right?

b88413  No.2421175

File: afe8bb1604f614b⋯.jpg (43.31 KB, 691x453, 691:453, 2018-08-03 01:11:27Z.jpg)

File: 5e4596c462a4623⋯.png (190.31 KB, 2255x3053, 2255:3053, We The People.png)




We Fight.





There is no doubt that unity is central to what We, the People must do to take back our country. While Q and POTUS are doing the heavy lifting, We the People must also embrace unity.

Q team anons well understand this. I am just repeating it for the sake of those who haven't been here very long.

c0a5f0  No.2421176


Click here:


Then use the links to download our work!




45c7cb  No.2421177


More on Game Theory!

71cddf  No.2421178

Hate to say it, but AJ tonight was more on point than Q.

Seems Q is focused on fame more than Truth and Action these days.


418645  No.2421179

File: 02742cd15ce513b⋯.jpg (25.52 KB, 496x466, 248:233, 1507341972512.jpg)

fbea28  No.2421180


Absolutely… Absolutely!!!

United We Stand - WWG1WGA

779bd2  No.2421181


>ongoing cases


How long are you going to buy this shit?

How old is the DWS video now, and how long has the police had the laptop evidence?

They don't see justice. Haven't you been paying attention for the past few decades?

f3e44d  No.2421182


just laugh bible anon… my comment was mocking a "hateful" jesus.

6ddd95  No.2421183

File: c39b24260828d96⋯.png (107.5 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8chanPostDetectorOS.png)

0dabf4  No.2421184


Keep posting this, time to get back on track.

I’ve started digging but brah I need a damn holy grail of biogs for her contacts

a90fc4  No.2421185


Expand your thinking.

When did Hussein travel to Asia?

When was the stringer released?

When was the RED video taped?

Do you believe in coincidences?



Dates: 25, 27, 28.

Stringer, RED RED, ASIA.

Analyze the connection.

Learn to read the map.



Learn to read the map.

You have more than you realize.







Why was that STRINGER sent out?


News unlocks message.

Future proves past.

Where is the RED CROSS?

Runs deep.




c514ba  No.2421186

File: 8b72bde07f7491c⋯.jpeg (250.11 KB, 1268x1694, 634:847, 1533258794.jpeg)

28936d  No.2421187

choose wisely

08f91b  No.2421188


Hey j'tai spotté hehe

Muhhh tabarnakkk

ad05d3  No.2421189


I believe he's german

2048b3  No.2421190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

wanna see the midland bank they practiced on before WTC 9/11?

3336d9  No.2421191




found CTA, or a reddit faggot that actually watches AJ

64f09e  No.2421192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Best cover so far or this one. imho

f3e44d  No.2421193



i stand corrected.

c92bd5  No.2421194


I'm phonefagging I can't even get down to uncheck it fast enough before it loads new ones

39e853  No.2421195

File: f60fd20b22a6a22⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1092x560, 39:20, ClipboardImage.png)

63ee0e  No.2421196


I watched that guy, and I can truly say

I hate him. Everything about him is arrogant, shilly and something is off.

He like many others claim to be investigators but

call Q a Larp and those who follow Q drops crazy. They only want to talk about stories they wrote, when someone else is dropping something much more bigger than they could ever pull out of their butts, they attacked.

Q gave and is giving us transparency , the most transparency ever known in history from a presidency… and these self righteous idiots

have been too egotistical to see it.

I will enjoy when they all fall on their faces.

71cddf  No.2421197

File: 1d043ff88234226⋯.jpeg (249.86 KB, 1527x1123, 1527:1123, titsgtfo.jpeg)






457298  No.2421199

File: aeb7e2d88116b11⋯.png (611.94 KB, 2250x2250, 1:1, DaysFree237.png)

0a9ac2  No.2421200

Anyone have video of the AC interviewing anons??

777373  No.2421201

The rally was great, but didn't see a whole lot of Q's there, didn't hear any Q chants, just shows how unawoke even most Trump supporters are, long way to go still, something really big (AND SHOCKING) has to happen before most people will be compelled to take the time and effort to find the truth either here or elsewhere, unfortunately almost all Americans prefer to let someone else do the thinking for them, someone else to tell them who to vote for, someone else to tell them what is good and what is bad

ac6f3c  No.2421202


They can Fuckoff!

f8ce37  No.2421203


Don't ever forget the mother of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist and a progressive who is beloved by lefties and looked upon fondly by the Nazis and Fascists.

d570d4  No.2421204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For Brook Baldwin, CNN, as you read this:


b88413  No.2421205

>>2421028 Man face.

410fe2  No.2421206


Don't get your hopes up too high about becoming a space marine quite yet. But if the House of Representatives' version of the 2018 defense budget goes through, you may soon be able to enlist in the US Space Corps.

Back in January of 2001, days before the inauguration of President George W. Bush, a commission headed by future Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld warned of a "space Pearl Harbor" and urged a reorganization of the military to put a greater emphasis on warfare in the space domain—defending US communications and intelligence satellites, and if necessary taking out the satellites of adversaries.

7ce04c  No.2421207

here for my dopamine rush

gimma moar Qrack!

a90fc4  No.2421208


RED RED 9/11.

Funds raised vs distributed?


7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.

Those in the know never sleep.


279573  No.2421209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


bad (_v_) redpill

881218  No.2421210

File: 44a2d8b665082b7⋯.png (516.84 KB, 649x808, 649:808, POTUS Schedule 8-2-18 6 11….PNG)

257c09  No.2421211

File: 2398a4d83232b6d⋯.jpg (110.88 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 2398a4d83232b6d9cc029dc32d….jpg)

ca86ff  No.2421212


REE-bot(not) 'exposed' itself many months ago.

homotus, anyone?

ccef1a  No.2421213




f02952  No.2421214

File: c3acbf9ac8b6e6f⋯.jpg (118.01 KB, 1001x564, 1001:564, Media Matters.JPG)



Excellent….. feels good man… feels real good…

ad05d3  No.2421215


OK concernfag

a90fc4  No.2421217


RED Haiti.



Since POTUS elected what changed w/ RED?

Since POTUS elected what changed w/ CF?

Since POTUS elected what changed w/ Mc_I?

These people deserve …. . .. …….



RED RED stringer 25th.

Hussein RED video 27th (response).

Hussein in Asia on 28th post stringer.



More than one meaning.

Hussein RED Indictments variables.

Think circle.

Expand your thinking.

Take multiple paths.

One connects to another.

Learn to read the map.

The map is the key.

Find the keystone.

What holds everything together?


9aa4ab  No.2421218


God bless you anon!

8e1d11  No.2421219

File: 3fb635321763f4f⋯.jpg (6.39 KB, 269x187, 269:187, images(12).jpg)

File: fc78b3468e301d0⋯.jpg (8.25 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images(11).jpg)

Hannity's either wearing the thin blue line pin or the USSS pin. Which is what i think

af95ec  No.2421220


Well then he is a perfect example of the de-nazification process.

(jewish brainwashing)

89ad85  No.2421221


as soon as Trump won. Her phone blew up. with boners ready on the other line.

71cddf  No.2421222


Fuck off faggot

I'm not who you claim

2048b3  No.2421223

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


11 - 8 - 08

bbf4df  No.2421224


Hi Jim,

you keep posting your picture bread after bread. Something you want to say..?

4e8538  No.2421225

File: d84c9f81f721dea⋯.jpg (185.89 KB, 600x720, 5:6, IMG_1695.JPG)

0221e5  No.2421226

File: 5f3999361ccbd45⋯.jpg (52.89 KB, 739x718, 739:718, 1471139783092.jpg)


Some clearly don't understand what has happened:

the mockingbirds were baited into writing about Q (and they all did).

Now, at the rally no/very little Q

If they keep on about it, they look more and more unhinged.

If they drop it, they look unhinged.

No matter what they do, any move will put them in a worse position than they are now.

They blew their load in 5 seconds, basically


Relax, sit back, point and laugh at them and their hysteria, and enjoy the show!

1cd157  No.2421227


AC does Q do fact checking ?

AC hinting Snopes ?

31ac36  No.2421228

File: b53c64bc6d7741c⋯.jpg (45.76 KB, 386x499, 386:499, hitlermeinwompf.jpg)

ffbced  No.2421229

File: 9ad1d8c944160b8⋯.jpg (57.12 KB, 687x497, 687:497, Dept of justice_2.jpg)

File: 8b938badb244674⋯.jpg (41.41 KB, 683x469, 683:469, Supervisory Special Agent.jpg)

File: 2270d26714a4aba⋯.jpg (97.19 KB, 707x776, 707:776, James B Comey signature.jpg)

File: c671e39f8f5b440⋯.jpg (66.19 KB, 740x637, 740:637, Sally Quillian Yates.jpg)

File: 3d3a785d6864103⋯.jpg (196.38 KB, 814x494, 407:247, daily callar trudeau syria….jpg)

ac6f3c  No.2421230

File: 1fcd7a193bdf6ec⋯.jpg (35.2 KB, 480x360, 4:3, pissedofftruth.jpg)

0dcbd0  No.2421231


You totally don´t understand anything what is happening. And it´s not done with Hillary.

You want Hillary dealt with, so you can go back to sleep. I doesn´t work this way.

c92bd5  No.2421232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Jewish brainwashing

vid related

949123  No.2421233


Excellent point, Anon. I like the way you think. Omarosa actually would LOVE to play a role in the take down of the corrupt, crooked, Satanic, pedophiliac, child–killing left. She is, after all, a Christian and an ordained minister. You're right. She would love to play a role in the takedown of our mortal enemies.

I wonder if we can go back and look at when she left her White House position and then compare it to when Q was posting about good actors and this being a movie.

I'll look into that. . . .

5cb007  No.2421234

File: 87b0f5490210a08⋯.png (172.87 KB, 434x271, 434:271, ClipboardImage.png)


Hannity Thanksgiving 2017 - sunglasses a match?


417577  No.2421235


Bullshit. He's looking past them.

Flynn tho…

93b2ee  No.2421236


You're not wrong, if you want an example just go take a look at the Q thread on T_D.

Plenty of Trump's core are good people with bad brains.

194746  No.2421237


Started digging, but there are no actual dates on the emails…just the date of release. No real info, no details.

043331  No.2421238



f47cf7  No.2421239


he knows

54efb2  No.2421240

File: 750ad30fce4504c⋯.gif (1.76 MB, 500x279, 500:279, Afraid.gif)




88b3f0  No.2421241


Thanks for the link

Cooper is fucking scared!

3336d9  No.2421242


>Americans prefer to let someone else do the thinking for them

eat shit shill

go fuck yourself, I assume you're from CA or EU, with socialism/communism

c0a5f0  No.2421243

File: c93bb492afb1f4c⋯.png (496.7 KB, 507x484, 507:484, ClipboardImage.png)

6c68b4  No.2421244


yes in Canada , does not mean Canadian though considering all the new guests .

31ac36  No.2421245

File: 8805be04a24fa10⋯.png (109.77 KB, 261x320, 261:320, beanzisnotpretty.png)

a90fc4  No.2421247


Hi, and no. Never caught it before.

af95ec  No.2421249


Sorry wrong goy

Well then he is a perfect example of the nazification process.

(jewish brainwashing)

104882  No.2421251


Fuck off Jerome

ffbced  No.2421252

File: 0f83b6ae7ae32ce⋯.jpg (124.78 KB, 590x549, 590:549, Trump Tweet 04282018.jpg)

File: 8d0b4c1f0d8b4fb⋯.jpg (150.22 KB, 900x575, 36:23, hrf.jpg)

File: d0a008addf36e62⋯.jpg (37.56 KB, 600x280, 15:7, Release the texts 04262018.jpg)

File: 656340cbeb5d564⋯.jpg (91.33 KB, 650x419, 650:419, Haiti Official found dead.jpg)

File: f86fff0c77383f2⋯.jpg (157.42 KB, 650x433, 650:433, what happened Haiti.jpg)

d1a087  No.2421253


Very true. Who controls the feed… It is a step back for a regroup. Is this board ready?? Did it do its proofs ? I see a lot less titties and Nazi crap. For the record Nazi tards you are socialists… Go join the resistance. The media ate up the Florida rally. It forced the question even more and it got more people involved and here….

d570d4  No.2421254



e90fea  No.2421255

>>2420159 (PB)

>Another journalist at the White House Thursday griped afterward: 'She’s going to get us killed!'

I'm glad that they are beginning to recognize that their lopsided, biased pretense at reporting the news is not a good idea.

Now … let's see if they have the stones to correct course.

101da8  No.2421256


Love when Anons use my 8chan Post Detector LOVE IT!!!

043331  No.2421257


Look weak when you are strong… Let her attack him, the left froths, a black woman bringing down the racist Trump!!

Then she flips on them at some point. Boom.

f47cf7  No.2421258


any old fags here remember the Q rules?

279573  No.2421259

File: dca0228c96ecfde⋯.jpg (317.28 KB, 640x853, 640:853, scarygirl.jpg)

File: 4db80e8d0860672⋯.jpg (344.62 KB, 640x853, 640:853, truth.jpg)

54efb2  No.2421260


I'm blowing

my load

all over



9aa4ab  No.2421261


How would u know?

af95ec  No.2421262




Well then he is a perfect example of the de-nazification process.

(jewish brainwashing)

46d96c  No.2421263

File: 632d2a5a64f0a45⋯.png (46.93 KB, 1242x393, 414:131, IMG_1217.PNG)

File: 45133887fbf13f1⋯.png (66.25 KB, 998x316, 499:158, IMG_1245.PNG)


my poor doubtfag …… catch up or be left behind.

0feb5b  No.2421264

File: ec321867cde5637⋯.jpg (13.78 KB, 248x255, 248:255, YOU.jpg)

e42d17  No.2421265

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Old Witchy has a mention in this old old recording of “john miller” Potus’ p r guy. Courtesy of the wayback machine. Worth a listen.

>He has been onto ((them)) for a long long time.

069dcb  No.2421266

File: b1fd18eee18ff0b⋯.png (25.01 KB, 720x644, 180:161, pepecone.png)


It's like the shills have mentally checked out and are just collecting a paycheck now.

1e1212  No.2421267

File: 39c7eda9a3f7698⋯.jpg (439.82 KB, 1100x847, 100:77, e8c63cea10c96477bad203c10c….jpg)



71cddf  No.2421268




Look bros, Q deserves to take some flak for this one. He shouldn't fan the flames if he can't control a satisfactory outcome.

ba44b1  No.2421269


Celebrity Boxing?

2e464e  No.2421270



6da337  No.2421271

af95ec  No.2421272


Move to Israel Jew

3726a0  No.2421273

File: 98acc0f184d0d4c⋯.jpg (173.14 KB, 1130x797, 1130:797, ks.JPG)





The Passing of a Critical Thinking Giant: Richard Paul (1937–2015)


1. The Elements of Thought—the parts of thinking that are present in all thinking.

2. The Intellectual Standards—the measurement criteria for the quality of thinking.

3. The Intellectual Traits—capacities that a thinker has and should develop.



Who is King’s Dauthers Medical Center?

6ddd95  No.2421274


How the fuck can you look at the state of the country and think otherwise?

76d41e  No.2421276


Well said Anon. Also keep in mind that in their panic they will make mistakes. Q team is prepared for their counteractions. They are stepping into a trap and they don't know it. What better way to catch them red handed then to nab them at the scene of an attempted FF?

Fingers crossed.

043331  No.2421277


POTUS has the greatest sense ever according to all who know him. NO WAY he keeps a traitor close like that. This is like Rodman.

5a8d12  No.2421278

File: 99e273e05214df4⋯.png (816.08 KB, 1152x619, 1152:619, Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at ….png)

File: 7d34d6a3b90b054⋯.png (111.28 KB, 648x349, 648:349, Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at ….png)

2b730e  No.2421279


And prior to that it will drive the shills bonkers.

9bcdc4  No.2421280

File: 9b6ccae1425996e⋯.jpg (60.58 KB, 600x364, 150:91, UD4.jpg)

417577  No.2421281

File: 4fd2ff267069821⋯.jpg (100.18 KB, 864x976, 54:61, 442282ab63fae9a9329419f0ee….jpg)

6e8b91  No.2421282


Go to a different thread, untick it, then come back and refresh.

bc2ef8  No.2421283

File: 97d2ddd5bad90f8⋯.jpeg (105.41 KB, 866x500, 433:250, 1A4903CF-70E8-46D3-9228-C….jpeg)

File: 728f28f280e1eae⋯.jpeg (99.52 KB, 866x500, 433:250, 6A8B22FD-549D-4063-93F6-A….jpeg)

File: 4afffee0b76c599⋯.jpeg (101.55 KB, 866x500, 433:250, 14ADC160-3A20-4408-B50F-7….jpeg)

File: 9a9c485a07bd840⋯.jpeg (97.65 KB, 500x664, 125:166, 7DB2C335-10AD-44A6-B20F-6….jpeg)

File: 6d705e1c463b74d⋯.jpeg (111.69 KB, 500x664, 125:166, AEBA4468-3206-4868-9775-C….jpeg)

a90fc4  No.2421284

Decider: the point, goal, game, etc, that determines who wins a match or championship.

e42d17  No.2421285


Filtered for failed.

03179f  No.2421286


I posted this in earlier bread but i was OCD. Hope its useful.


Yes there is…

3336d9  No.2421287

File: 7c8ecdf4e2a5590⋯.jpg (9.85 KB, 210x161, 30:23, fukkensaved2.jpg)

c92bd5  No.2421289


thanks amigo

2048b3  No.2421290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ca86ff  No.2421291

File: 3cf4b36de591625⋯.jpg (19.08 KB, 500x281, 500:281, haroldandmaudeeyetwo.jpg)


Nice perspective anon. Like yer style.

9b3b05  No.2421292

File: d53bb8732957b4e⋯.jpg (69.21 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, thumbs-up.jpg)

44068d  No.2421293

>>2420737 lb

How is a bunch of people who do not know each other a cult. We seek the truth. The real cult has been running our country for 5o years and permeates every level of society. This cult, is real. They rape kids, kill for fun, steal everything, and wanted most of us including YOU, dead. Wake up.

ffbced  No.2421294

Who has the power?


28936d  No.2421295

go ahead.

all rods select +

779bd2  No.2421296




Gotta thank the MSM for sending an army of normies to red pill on the JQ but if they were "generally decent people" they would've called each other out and self-corrected a LONG time ago. If normies lurk long enough they'll start to (((notice))).

9bcdc4  No.2421297

File: f2660b1c6fea8c1⋯.png (313.76 KB, 791x1024, 791:1024, missing.png)

File: 53fefc3be128411⋯.jpg (782.27 KB, 1500x2160, 25:36, Produce Blank.jpg)

File: e742e8e9878bc24⋯.png (1.3 KB, 85x26, 85:26, redpill.png)

File: 38ce5be55f09013⋯.jpg (48.84 KB, 560x372, 140:93, star.jpg)

meme ammo

2048b3  No.2421298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

55d7a9  No.2421299

File: 2f21e5d68f515df⋯.png (1.75 MB, 2144x1192, 268:149, Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at ….png)

THIS one is for MEZZ 303

TROLLING hard on the YT CNN boards

199df9  No.2421300


from a logical standpoint I would say it's easy to fall into the ego trap when you have 80k followers defending and propping you up, it's easy to fall into an intellectual rut (same thing all academics suffer from, a lack of divergent thinking). I agree though, too much gusto and bravado and not enough listening and thinking.

3336d9  No.2421301


who let all the SJW commies in here?

go back

46d96c  No.2421302

File: 93a9d0a31d75a3a⋯.png (267.79 KB, 1242x776, 621:388, IMG_4931.PNG)

File: e50360b6ad3d5bd⋯.gif (5.24 MB, 496x280, 62:35, IMB_QoGIlE.GIF)

File: 5c140cb013eb103⋯.jpg (303.71 KB, 1242x964, 621:482, IMG_4936.JPG)

File: 486b5a539813b1c⋯.png (404.33 KB, 1242x731, 1242:731, IMG_4946.PNG)

File: 5299fc7c55bdf92⋯.gif (3.74 MB, 285x160, 57:32, IMB_WxwPiO.GIF)

af95ec  No.2421303


Good book. More informative than the jew bible.

c807be  No.2421304


f3e44d  No.2421305


sorry bible anons… all in fun.

445ebe  No.2421306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 491f56 No.875587 📁

Apr 2 2018 23:03:57 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 015520 No.875485 📁

Apr 2 2018 22:58:41 (EST)


Tip Top Tippy Top Shape


It was requested.

Did you listen today?


4e8538  No.2421307

File: 5049a3e64a3b417⋯.jpg (113.58 KB, 500x612, 125:153, IMG_1223.JPG)

2b730e  No.2421308


I don't know why, but I'll bet you have bad breath

5b4683  No.2421310


I'm sure you're right. There is way more going on behind the scenes than we know. I just hate to not be able to do more.

626e3a  No.2421311

File: 16dcb7273c93b96⋯.jpg (3.62 MB, 3884x7735, 3884:7735, Kikery_Graph.jpg)



>Progressives were racist, anti semitic

Progressives are not anti-semitic, the whole "progressive" political ideology (cultural marxism) was created and initially spread by jews, as an ideological weapon of subversion. This is a verifiable fact.

4ee0bf  No.2421312

File: c7edb6d32bd06b5⋯.png (226.12 KB, 1551x718, 1551:718, Screenshot from 2018-08-02….png)



A place where child *always* know where the "cookie stash" is!

a3c945  No.2421314


FAKE news.

785e78  No.2421315

. >>2421167

Just think of how high wages would go if all of the idiots who eat up 4 am talking points leave the US. Massive chunk of population, oh boy, but I'd rather redpill. Now Madonna is cabal. Relocating her only solves the problem if that relocation is to a prison.

774ae7  No.2421316


He was absolutely murdered by the deep state.

4dc604  No.2421317

File: 40c2b78681299f7⋯.jpg (67.52 KB, 397x391, 397:391, 30229b386292184e5239632fee….jpg)

MFW some intern is going to have to pour through 3000+ breads looking for clues

df37eb  No.2421318

File: b43dd142be17a42⋯.png (1.5 MB, 919x931, 919:931, Eyes open.png)

[ 71cddf ]

Children, this is a shill. Instead of replying to it, identify it and move on like so.

c356c6  No.2421319

File: f49325551642477⋯.jpg (31.04 KB, 300x300, 1:1, th-3.jpg)



279573  No.2421320


ha ha ha awesome

bbf4df  No.2421321

File: 863796fbd4e943a⋯.jpg (40.46 KB, 474x355, 474:355, Clown-Slide.jpg)

Huge slide ongoing re Jim Acosta.

Possible FF set up.

28936d  No.2421322

no take back.


no take back.

final decision

761e33  No.2421323

File: eed41809d99b87f⋯.jpg (9.41 KB, 255x254, 255:254, reeeeeeeeee.jpg)


dafuq is a qanon member? we don't have membership you dumb shits!

fuckin msm… reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

9430d6  No.2421324

We know that the cabal is a bunch of families

That practice incestuous marriage mostly with

First cousins

In order to keep their wealth

Within the family

And these families believe they are above the law

Because they have a divine right to rule

They are special

Because God said so

This is the doctrine of the Divine Right of Kinds

And most of these families are indeed

European monarchical houses

Where did they come from?

Perhaps these articles will help[ you understand



2e464e  No.2421325


This has Dan Schnider written all over it!!!

b18d03  No.2421326


You're insane.

9bcdc4  No.2421327

File: 06e9358588bb4b6⋯.jpg (128.09 KB, 600x490, 60:49, 43-0068a.jpg)

File: 95d3a716c717e79⋯.jpg (94.17 KB, 600x474, 100:79, 43-0251a.jpg)

File: f50f37aca9d310a⋯.png (541.36 KB, 575x800, 23:32, POTUS_6.PNG)

File: 2b8409c13d48789⋯.png (40.79 KB, 320x231, 320:231, red_red_colored_gelatin_ca….png)

File: f14c9e27cd8ab2a⋯.png (13.75 KB, 372x57, 124:19, We Have The Server.png)

31f83e  No.2421328

File: 6fe29cb562d474b⋯.png (177.42 KB, 427x282, 427:282, 6fe29cb562d474b6c40c5809be….png)

2048b3  No.2421329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

95657c  No.2421330

417577  No.2421331



Past 2 days now. Reddit fucks have invaded. They don't like how things are done here, so they are demanding change!

Fuck them. Fatasses

c9b486  No.2421332


silent Mueller

e73e89  No.2421333

Cabal now terrified of Qanon.

https:// www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2018/08/02/what-makes-qanon-so-scary/?utm_term=.7b1d5eedab74

46d96c  No.2421334

File: f2ccd9ca8b81c85⋯.png (68.07 KB, 1242x762, 207:127, IMG_4806.PNG)

File: aea60538a06fa67⋯.png (191.91 KB, 1242x480, 207:80, IMG_4851.PNG)

File: 42069217be66742⋯.png (62.32 KB, 1242x609, 414:203, IMG_4852.PNG)

File: 9544fc4d087bf2f⋯.png (142.31 KB, 1242x956, 621:478, IMG_4853.PNG)

File: b689151af64b82a⋯.png (158.37 KB, 1242x716, 621:358, IMG_4900.PNG)

a76a1e  No.2421335


A brief bit on the Hahvahrd Law Review and the contributions of he who had to use the name of his biological father…

ffbced  No.2421336










39e853  No.2421337

File: 724b7ddf8c92e6c⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1092x554, 546:277, POMPEOFLYNN.PNG)

4394ce  No.2421338


Top fukkin kek!

0fe484  No.2421339




















a90fc4  No.2421340


Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info)

Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info




Adm R/ No Such Agency (W&W) + POTUS/USMIL =

Apply the Keystone.

Paint the picture.


bc2ef8  No.2421341

File: 78fbd44e7d2d19d⋯.jpeg (127.38 KB, 502x500, 251:250, C3125318-ACB0-413D-9FEB-A….jpeg)

d570d4  No.2421342


Agree. Likely FF shooting with fake Q person. Twofer.

a9acde  No.2421343

File: 2f22b0c17a839d7⋯.jpg (96.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, obama gay 2 2.jpg)

5f12cc  No.2421344


We need you 4 the next phase vs the deep state e-bot. (zero delta proves next phase)

Can we count on you?

2b730e  No.2421345


>Cabal now terrified of Qanon.


af95ec  No.2421346


That is what we are here for anon.

Don't let them convince you otherwise.

Red pill vs. Blue pill

We are done being nice.

1cd157  No.2421347


Anderson Cooper beware with the Pedo

Millions of Q researchers snagged me

a1db1e  No.2421348


First thing is we need someone to chop these up into smaller images. Images to text. Start trying to fill in boxes and expand initials.

f47cf7  No.2421349

File: 95226161085d482⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1140x1090, 114:109, ClipboardImage.png)


Any old fags here remember the beginning?

d27506  No.2421350


HOLY SHIT that’s fucking gold Anon!


We know your life sucks and we know you hate yourself for attacking freedom and logic. But we have a way you can redeem yourselves.

Kill Yourself Selfies

You know what to do.


268678  No.2421351


Hi Alex.

9bcdc4  No.2421352

File: 015f25db5ddc8e6⋯.jpg (49.15 KB, 560x372, 140:93, Pederast.jpg)

File: d22c0d98db4d142⋯.jpg (49.2 KB, 560x372, 140:93, PEDOES.jpg)

File: 51aa295d1a100b7⋯.jpg (49.14 KB, 560x372, 140:93, Perverts.jpg)

File: 90437cd0d7a66c5⋯.jpg (49.11 KB, 560x372, 140:93, RAPISTS.jpg)

1b221e  No.2421353

>>2421112 Hey Christopher O'Riley….the feeling is mutual.

0dcbd0  No.2421354


I think they´re done. They´re just still there so everyone can see how stupid they are. Think optics.

c514ba  No.2421355

File: 5f2ddcb46cfa98a⋯.jpeg (191.39 KB, 1440x961, 1440:961, 1533259345.jpeg)

785e78  No.2421356


Free speech, anon. We still respect it even if they don't. Best advice is filter or ignore and move on.

16e57d  No.2421357


If you think that "wealth" will be redistributed you must be a Marxist since you have no idea how "wealth" is created

46d96c  No.2421358

File: e156227ad3832bc⋯.png (254.18 KB, 1242x781, 1242:781, IMG_4399.PNG)

File: 6819e182096b96d⋯.png (108.37 KB, 1242x777, 414:259, IMG_4401.PNG)

File: 3376a6c32a8ee63⋯.png (169.5 KB, 1242x898, 621:449, IMG_4402.PNG)

File: c6278f04117f7c6⋯.png (204.56 KB, 1242x1769, 1242:1769, IMG_4412.PNG)

2048b3  No.2421359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ODB was a political movement

1cd157  No.2421360


Anderson Cooper Q caught me !!!

With Pants down ?

d9b4d4  No.2421361

279573  No.2421362

570ed6  No.2421363

>>2420853 (pb)

Maybe next they'll say:

"And they believe the Networks used CGI to simulate a plane attack before the Towers were turned to dust by some stop secret weapon"


"And they believe the C-A and the FBI and H.W. Bush were involved with the killing of JFK

Maybe "Q" can put that in all the 4Am talking points? That's such winning.


Really beautiful work. Wow.

bc2ef8  No.2421364

File: f667fbca96d98cd⋯.jpeg (130.61 KB, 771x499, 771:499, BB3A4353-13D6-4C16-B063-A….jpeg)

779bd2  No.2421365


July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH that it was all for the FAMEFAGGING!

10/10 good b8 fren

1f7e7d  No.2421366


And they will be here daily afterwards once they see everything posted.

af95ec  No.2421367



Add that to the list

b18d03  No.2421368

Just an FYI…

All of our Fab Five Eye Countries [[[MSM]]] is busy trying to brainwash their populations that Q is a "deranged", "dangerous", "cultish", "conspiracy" for Alt-Right Trump supporters.

It's like they're all coordinated or somethin'….Kek


2b730e  No.2421369


From first first week…

4dc604  No.2421370


Don't feed (((them)))

a90fc4  No.2421371






417577  No.2421372


We need some members only jackets up in here!!

626e3a  No.2421373

File: 7431a214ddefd91⋯.jpg (131.57 KB, 800x1079, 800:1079, Spurdo_Based_Gentleman.jpg)



Its not, I just choose my wording to be as non–aggressive as possible. A part of the audience will look at the verifiable facts if they are presented in a very soft way wording wise, I take that into account on my posts as best as I can (not always).

>this is war

Indeed, ideological and cultural war.

425d3f  No.2421374

File: 610b4e1d7c73342⋯.jpg (56.95 KB, 618x400, 309:200, 2f6zl8.jpg)

a90fc4  No.2421375


Godfather III

Be prepared for what you find.


a76a1e  No.2421376


Shoot, CTH, had this done back in 2011.

c0a5f0  No.2421377

==Trump I Would ‘Personally Prefer’ a Government Shutdown Before the Midterms

Thursday at a rally in Wilkes-Barre, PA, President Donald Trump said he would “personally prefer” to shut down the government before the midterm elections in November if Congress does not pass funding for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Trump said, “We are going to be taking some very tough actions. I don’t know if it’s before the election or after the election. You know a lot of the Republicans say, and they are good, they are good, we need more Republicans, and they are friends of mine, and they say president, you know –some of them are really tough guys —and they say, ‘Sir, we are better off if we wait until afterwards.'”

He continued, “I say it’s better before. Let’s do it before. You know who thinks It’s better to do it before? Rush Limbaugh thinks it should be before, before the election. You know who else? Sean Hannity. A lot of them, great people. A lot of people, a lot of great Republicans, they are well-meaning. They say ‘look we have the best economy ever. We are doing great.’ Maybe they don’t want to complicate it. I understand it. You know I’m a little torn myself. I would personally prefer before (November’s midterm elections). But whether it’s before or after, we’re either getting it, or we’re closing down government. We need border security. We need border security.”


af95ec  No.2421378


More rap from the wigger

45c7cb  No.2421379


Why does Bruce Bueno de Mesquita call the CIA

the Culinary Institute of America?


9430d6  No.2421381


Somebody is missing the point of the whole show

It was a rally

For the midterm elections

Which can elect Republican majorities

Which will speed up Trump's reforms

Now what could be more important than that?

a9acde  No.2421382

File: 6933c666ce69429⋯.jpg (115.46 KB, 900x870, 30:29, IMG_0854.JPG)

a1bc26  No.2421383


gtfo clown

4dc604  No.2421384


Not her father lmao

3d49f1  No.2421385







Great you are HERE! Please read!

No division. Pray for Q & POTUS.


39e853  No.2421386

File: e73bdb924f6ec2d⋯.png (95.51 KB, 340x438, 170:219, SHILLHARDERFAGGOT.png)

File: 23164864f6a22ca⋯.jpg (14.91 KB, 255x143, 255:143, shillresponse.jpg)

File: 4f19130359f9f9a⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1065x809, 1065:809, shilling.PNG)



626e3a  No.2421387

File: e59bac657c38593⋯.png (437.93 KB, 1200x426, 200:71, Rothschild_attack_4c_2.png)



6c68b4  No.2421388

File: 0a4aba8bbac8dfa⋯.jpg (15.09 KB, 255x255, 1:1, f9ed059b15770590a14d99f0c1….jpg)


wow , you found the one time i would thank gorefag .

a90fc4  No.2421390



Banks control Gov'ts

Gov'ts control people

SA controls elected people.

SOROS controls organizations of people.

Ready to play?


d1a087  No.2421391


I do not believe he was there.. I was watching some fox10 feed. Who gives a crap about him. You guyz read about the stupid resists guy shawn or what ever his name is having child services show up at his door. PR stunt cuz he is becoming irrelevant… ??

abb5d7  No.2421393

File: a5cd30120202320⋯.jpg (62.8 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 2f6zm4.jpg)

1cd157  No.2421394

File: 35c7e29f72fdb44⋯.jpg (43.28 KB, 640x441, 640:441, 99d7e8_sexual-misconduct-l….jpg)


Q caught me 2

Milllions of Researches WW

Fact Checking ? Did i hear that at CNN

They have the videos !!!

531517  No.2421395

The gloves, children, have come off.

c9b486  No.2421396

File: f3acbff88c27331⋯.png (3.17 MB, 1732x1199, 1732:1199, ClipboardImage.png)

I have waited my whole life for a man like this~

2048b3  No.2421397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ca86ff  No.2421399

File: 616efcf270f952e⋯.png (25.92 KB, 713x611, 713:611, smokey.png)



Then when they have to accurately outline 2000 Q posts…

a5ae7e  No.2421400



2e464e  No.2421401


She's on the run. . . .

4aee55  No.2421402

Who's got pics of the lady who saved potus life, posted up in vip? Like Q said? I'll wait….

0dabf4  No.2421403

f10336  No.2421404


Sure do….

043331  No.2421405

File: f29bc3791594aa1⋯.jpg (46.77 KB, 728x546, 4:3, Disney.jpg)

File: 7209faf4093502f⋯.jpg (14.13 KB, 250x165, 50:33, hollyweird-sign.jpg)

File: 8ff1b80968e6483⋯.png (194.29 KB, 504x284, 126:71, Screen Shot 2018-03-04 at ….png)

File: 9f39f07601a7914⋯.png (223.01 KB, 492x253, 492:253, Screen Shot 2018-05-29 at ….png)


I like these as well. We GOTTA keep hitting Hollywood. Do any of you anons have any Hollywood memes??

f02952  No.2421406

File: 9694c92c2dd191e⋯.jpg (59.28 KB, 418x630, 209:315, dilemma.JPG)

05231a  No.2421408


Sure do!!

eedaaf  No.2421409

File: 32603df56d24a64⋯.png (408.48 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ANON_PERSISTENCE_8_2_18.png)

af95ec  No.2421410


"What they are is anti white"

Fuck it is tiresome dealing with these retards

You are doing the lord's work anon

101da8  No.2421411

File: fee204129dc84d5⋯.png (107.85 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8chanPostDetectorOK.png)


Re Read Posts

1e1212  No.2421412

File: 89bb9a9ab39bcc6⋯.jpg (58.67 KB, 450x488, 225:244, 6b3fa65cbe6ee2c17b8abb03a8….jpg)


>don't filter your water goy

1f506e  No.2421413

The FF coming is going to be a MSM "journalist" getting attacked by a supposed Qanon. They've already set the stage. Who is the sacrificial lamb as it were?

d570d4  No.2421414


'Did good people prevent the rigging'

Did MI prevent Chinese/CIA spies from changing Presidential election results in Florida?

Big, if true.

a32f5a  No.2421415

To all the 'where's muh Q' folks…remember this is like a sword fight. Thrust ..feint. theist…feint. there is a reason for fewer Qs at this rally and you'll see it soon enough. This is a BRILLIANT team, they know what they're doing. So chill. Just chill. Dig, think, dig…that's our part in this movie

570ed6  No.2421416

File: d9464a43402f0a5⋯.jpg (47.02 KB, 369x316, 369:316, bill hicks small pic 8.jpg)


now it will be easy for them with a searchable archive?

2d405d  No.2421418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

starts @4.45

0dcbd0  No.2421419


You know I wonder why they won´t be able to walk down the street, you know. Double meaning.

4e8538  No.2421420

File: 8cef303223147b1⋯.png (429.85 KB, 478x597, 478:597, IMG_0706.PNG)

1cd157  No.2421421

File: 4144ca30b79f32d⋯.jpg (11.99 KB, 220x288, 55:72, JT.jpg)


Anderson Q is onto me

Remember that pool party at your house

The Anons have found the map

bf178b  No.2421422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Start clip at the 1:10 mark and watch the two birds that enter the frame upper left of K's head. they are flying towards the twin towers. you see them fly behind Reggie the aliens head and then they disappear. Poof. Immediately the alien baby pops out and they run over to see it. You briefly see the statue of liberty(freedom) before Reggie the alien stands in front of it blocking it from view.

c9b486  No.2421423


spot on

enjoying the show~

46d96c  No.2421424

File: a16f6e346133297⋯.png (317.01 KB, 1242x1649, 1242:1649, IMG_3362.PNG)

File: 1c3fae437b202a0⋯.png (103.8 KB, 1242x720, 69:40, IMG_3367.PNG)

File: baf1b93470dffa3⋯.png (555.13 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_3373.PNG)

File: 794cd36f038b37a⋯.png (175.94 KB, 1242x1113, 414:371, IMG_3484.PNG)

File: f08542ca327f7ef⋯.png (146.37 KB, 1060x655, 212:131, IMG_4956.PNG)

2e138f  No.2421425

>>2421368 – nice

Where the hell is COBRA COMMAND synchronized MSM vid with a usable link ??

It's been a long time waiting to send that one off on red pill missions.

3d49f1  No.2421426

Bless those interns… and coffee

af95ec  No.2421427


Fifty? Try a hundred.

df567d  No.2421428

File: 4ce900b27f31969⋯.png (9.08 KB, 396x397, 396:397, 6c74d253b46c53b318cb829334….png)

47b00a  No.2421429

File: cd2bf88ef08e72a⋯.jpg (314.62 KB, 1973x1125, 1973:1125, kdidkfiikd.jpg)

File: 9812d60d528488c⋯.jpg (78.19 KB, 775x720, 155:144, djdjufki.jpg)

File: fdc818070a8e5fe⋯.png (500.9 KB, 998x686, 499:343, kdkdiii.png)

File: 60bc6802ba726d5⋯.png (14.47 KB, 480x188, 120:47, june 10 2018 death threat ….png)

File: c245b3bdbe9630d⋯.png (4.3 KB, 381x131, 381:131, regardless.png)

This was a direct assassination attempt on an United States President…And these tweets are death threats, proof of knowledge of the future event to take place….High Treason!

Who planned and carried this out? Who authorized it? Who had the highest level of security clearances to carry it out? NO ONE from the previous administration should still have any security clearance, anyone not working under the current administration should have lost all security clearances!

These people are sick! Traitors to our country. We the people demand justice and equal justice for all!

2048b3  No.2421430

File: f22889bb809f309⋯.png (608.2 KB, 640x640, 1:1, gabbyepstein.png)

File: 0c59b0bab913a23⋯.jpg (232.09 KB, 2162x2293, 2162:2293, glory.jpg)

File: 41e5538bcb7459c⋯.jpg (394.4 KB, 1280x1653, 1280:1653, Go Away Gnome.jpg)

043331  No.2421431

File: c429ebe05230f31⋯.png (274.43 KB, 591x511, 591:511, Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at ….png)

Anderson Cooper Q piece on Twatter. I would imagine this isn't the whole piece. Better than nothing.

16e57d  No.2421432


They have ALL been political movements since the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Saw it in action since then

a8edf1  No.2421433


Job security…KEK!

89ed00  No.2421434

File: 169e3b58a1623fb⋯.png (54.04 KB, 902x496, 451:248, Screenshot_2018-08-02 NYT ….png)

NYT Hires Editor Who Absolutely Hates "Dumbass Fu*king White People"


a76a1e  No.2421435


And taking it back to 05….

44068d  No.2421436

File: a165700a9829f88⋯.jpg (9.47 KB, 192x263, 192:263, o.jpg)


She has a cool signature. kek

e97c37  No.2421437



9bcdc4  No.2421438

File: 561f347864bb98b⋯.jpg (30.91 KB, 473x285, 473:285, CNN Bubble.jpg)

File: eed9561322c0f06⋯.jpg (28.07 KB, 468x285, 156:95, Jim Bubble.jpg)

1f506e  No.2421439

File: 96d4badc9aa0a8e⋯.jpg (49.12 KB, 811x473, 811:473, Capture.JPG)

2d405d  No.2421440

File: 8c15e14a99353fe⋯.png (972.78 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, hollywood.png)

618176  No.2421441


It was posted around 17:00, you want it go find it

777373  No.2421442

File: 3fea7c16588f025⋯.jpg (11.8 KB, 310x163, 310:163, fktrumpportlandartgallery.jpg)


That art gallery in Portland understood fear too, amazing how fast it took get them to remove their 'Fuck Trump' graphic from window, beware the wrath of Patriots

785e78  No.2421443


Did you reply to the wrong post? Wages will rise if the commies leave makes me a Marxist? That's called economics. You missed the /sarc

b18d03  No.2421445


Really David? Well I'm calling for a full audit on all media personalities and leftie blue checked cucks Gmail accts (including drop boxes), wicker/signal/whatsapp apps, text messages and phone records.

0dcbd0  No.2421446

The president is departing from plane.

2048b3  No.2421447


ask immortal technigue

it was still a war back then

99a624  No.2421448

I will be nice to newfags cause Q asked me too…JS

8f14d0  No.2421449


i remember the halloween graphics on 4chan, yes.

445ebe  No.2421450

how do i red pill if literally every platform has me so banned i cant even make an account

df1e4e  No.2421451


I member

45c7cb  No.2421452


Is it the same Culinary school Podesta attended?


eedaaf  No.2421453

File: 9fd0084031702d4⋯.png (526.15 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, STEALTH_PUNISHER_ANON_8_2_….png)

531517  No.2421454


Her name is Sossage?

1f506e  No.2421455

Very interesting!


4394ce  No.2421456

File: 63706595de69b4c⋯.jpg (125.69 KB, 960x960, 1:1, DUPgq-xVoAAMNLS.jpg)



Sauce for 100+ years.

1cd157  No.2421457

File: 4fd7f5b7dca9ad5⋯.png (449.07 KB, 683x449, 683:449, 4fd7f5b7dca9ad58560675a443….png)

a1db1e  No.2421458



>Great you are HERE!

Is it really though?

e00f64  No.2421459

File: f6526f88963f9a6⋯.jpeg (175 KB, 750x892, 375:446, 782CAE86-A530-4FAD-A446-8….jpeg)

File: a0b9adc88f763f6⋯.jpeg (175.21 KB, 750x895, 150:179, 3067AFC5-35EA-42C9-9A4D-3….jpeg)

File: 58581777460a3b0⋯.jpeg (175.77 KB, 750x905, 150:181, 7EBC5B3E-37D4-4CD5-9ABE-3….jpeg)

Fox and Butowski Motion to dismiss defamation suit by Wheeler GRANTED by Southern District of NY judge in Seth Rich defamation case…


e73e89  No.2421460


Pedo for sure!

2e464e  No.2421461

File: 42068031715bc9d⋯.jpg (4.94 KB, 302x319, 302:319, Alex Jones is a Clown.jpg)

0a176c  No.2421462


WTH is a Pederast?

Shouldn't we have PedoSexual???

ffbced  No.2421463

Does Q say to be racist?

Or does he say "Patriots have no skin color"?

If you see someone racist, are they with Q?

Perhaps shill?


Do anons respond to shills?

Why not?

410fe2  No.2421464

File: a615de44ff8434b⋯.png (118.63 KB, 1122x526, 561:263, chinaspace.PNG)


6da337  No.2421465


Well said Anon, thank you. Remember things that Anon's are thinking of now, such as a FF, you can bet your arse Q group thought of that many, many months ago.

881218  No.2421466


"QAnon members"

Just like a cult, right MSM?


779bd2  No.2421467


I bet you think that meme is totally radical.

ba44b1  No.2421468

File: 188e03d148b2fa1⋯.jpeg (108.47 KB, 564x867, 188:289, 8F2F18F4-A6C3-4BD7-BA9E-E….jpeg)

I sees newbies

3e7c8d  No.2421469

File: 44671fc82f37a40⋯.jpg (19.86 KB, 191x255, 191:255, They fear.jpg)

5f12cc  No.2421470

File: e5da9e4337b1838⋯.png (39.63 KB, 465x461, 465:461, trust-dude-skin-pepe.png)

bb1158  No.2421471


Miss him much. He would love this.

9eb93a  No.2421472



Reply with truth. That's the bottom line. For Christians taught to wear the armor of God, the sword of truth is our weapon. NOT using your weapon is agreeing with the enemy. "Nothing to see here."

Very important that the nightwatchman respond to the enemy coming. Ezekiel. If he doesn't sound the alarm he is responsible for what happens to those he did not warn. If he does sound the alarm then the people are responsible for their own decision to take up the sword (of truth), or not and suffer the consequence.

af95ec  No.2421473


ODB was a dumb nigger

Nobody cares about your wigger shit

811c1d  No.2421474

File: 3e0792862e9b998⋯.jpg (14.43 KB, 298x529, 298:529, femalepills.jpg)


>I have waited my whole life for a man like this~

He's an entertainer. Nothing more.

Stop worshiping men.

4dc604  No.2421476

File: 70a04ad7e6b7237⋯.jpg (46.9 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, raf,750x1000,075,t,fafafa_….jpg)


low power level anons, they'll learn in time

3336d9  No.2421477



I agree with both

carry on



<when Q still is anonymous

kys shills

31ac36  No.2421478

File: ad6b90fd821d09b⋯.png (62.23 KB, 189x302, 189:302, symonealphawut.png)



2048b3  No.2421479

File: c5d657739a52936⋯.jpg (137.22 KB, 1296x966, 216:161, greatplan.jpg)

4aee55  No.2421480


Guess I'll just go to qproofs, Cuz, that's definitely not something to pass up, right? No way it won't be there….

101da8  No.2421481

File: af3fb9e601ad76c⋯.png (111.83 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8ChanPostDetectorS.png)

a9acde  No.2421482

File: 1928501ce08cf2b⋯.jpg (78.91 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 83fc504a79365cbd1c691a6e63….jpg)

c0d496  No.2421483

File: 03addcc2c2f77b9⋯.jpg (389.26 KB, 772x1030, 386:515, 20180802_212508.jpg)

File: ea593afe0fdeb88⋯.jpg (435.82 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, 20180802_212612.jpg)

I'm assuming since the President and Don both look photoshopped in this is an old background. Though it's posted from today's Pennsylvania rally.

a1db1e  No.2421484


The part I love is that it's not like the faggot leftist US/THEM groups. It's just a damn letter. IT'S JUST US.

44068d  No.2421485


Agreed but since Kennedy. We had a really short break. Really short.

03179f  No.2421486

File: fe09419942ac518⋯.png (146.88 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180802-193613.png)


This is mentioned in a email

H telling HRC she will like this tomorrow.

8f14d0  No.2421487

File: 054e11124f1a0ab⋯.jpg (92.34 KB, 1249x441, 1249:441, It's Time To Move On.jpg)

eedaaf  No.2421488

File: 8efee3bfff76a3f⋯.png (560.71 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, RESOURCEFUL_ANON_8_2_18.png)

1cd157  No.2421489


Anderson Cooper Remember the party at Comet Pizza …

They have video . that have it all !!!

3d49f1  No.2421490

Power low, sir

0dabf4  No.2421491

File: 577968f3f3c1a7c⋯.jpeg (206.27 KB, 1125x512, 1125:512, 888A10C0-D3C9-4F6D-AC25-A….jpeg)


Phase 1 complete

Phase 2…enter JA

16e57d  No.2421492


The will cherry pick all the stupid ones that make us look like unhinged racist nut bags

That will prove they are rigtht. but won't be enough to stop the coming storm.

We are immune to their ridicule and scorn.

That why we were chosen - Untouchables

c0a5f0  No.2421493

File: 3755a6de3a23993⋯.png (67.48 KB, 658x777, 94:111, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58385bc5998691a⋯.png (1.06 MB, 649x914, 649:914, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c2aba85268b7b3⋯.png (220.58 KB, 640x900, 32:45, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3440c10f3c567a7⋯.png (442.76 KB, 661x924, 661:924, ClipboardImage.png)


New here? Notice how you now have a non-medical professional who is clearly biased trying to put ideas into the public consciousness to distort reality.

EXCLUSIVE: 'Something serious was going on in Donald's brain.' Omarosa tells how President Trump exhibited a 'mental decline that could not be denied' as she watched his rambling Lester Holt interview in her explosive book



8b1c68  No.2421494

File: 0436e8a5674bbf2⋯.jpg (20.03 KB, 224x224, 1:1, dontcare.jpg)


you clearly care

c9b486  No.2421495


ok you go do that


0de5d4  No.2421496


she called out locals in her state and hivites. pretty sure she is legit

6c68b4  No.2421497

File: cacc60a85b2b148⋯.jpg (54.36 KB, 600x789, 200:263, tis-the-time.jpg)

df1e4e  No.2421498

File: 9421b5d790a4918⋯.jpeg (68.77 KB, 757x500, 757:500, FBB2FAB6-52C1-424D-B8A5-B….jpeg)


Here comes the pain!

bc2ef8  No.2421499

File: f667fbca96d98cd⋯.jpeg (130.61 KB, 771x499, 771:499, 21BDB5EE-CD27-4C05-A0D5-9….jpeg)

File: 25613f396762005⋯.jpeg (128.04 KB, 771x499, 771:499, 27B0304E-C90F-4DB8-9C68-4….jpeg)


Check this

Red is highest number of sealed legal matters.

f02952  No.2421500

File: e80d729eb3193a0⋯.jpg (334.78 KB, 1084x762, 542:381, comfy.jpg)

2048b3  No.2421501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this is a great audiobook for sharpening a knife ironically

417577  No.2421504

File: 6f766332e3fea5b⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 6f766332e3fea5bca1ac6c1d0a….jpg)

531517  No.2421505


And it is to counter exactly such programs that the Declaration of Independence was written.

1cd157  No.2421506

File: 9b593cc6939c47a⋯.jpg (222.54 KB, 774x588, 129:98, 9b593cc6939c47ab92b8219029….jpg)


Anderson Q is unto us !!!

They have millions of Gold star Researchers WW

9bcdc4  No.2421507

File: 2b261522a4c4b32⋯.jpg (49.23 KB, 560x372, 140:93, PedoSexual.jpg)

File: a1e0db99a722d8b⋯.jpg (65.97 KB, 560x372, 140:93, TTWWFTS.jpg)

a90fc4  No.2421508


WONDERFUL friends.



"Yesterday, I was thrilled to be with so many WONDERFUL friends, in Utah’s MAGNIFICENT Capitol. It was my honor to sign two Presidential Proclamations that will modify the national monuments designations of both Bears Ears and Grand Staircase Escalante…"


d95760  No.2421509

File: c5fb157c1c45dd0⋯.jpeg (258.2 KB, 1329x395, 1329:395, 41868E52-DB44-4337-9446-4….jpeg)



Research shows that even debunking the obvious ridiculousness of conspiracy theories like the one spread by QAnon helps spread it, so we’re not going to delve into it here. Instead, we’ll just repeat some basic facts for good measure:

Fuck these people.

4394ce  No.2421510

File: aadfd6ccc852937⋯.png (309.75 KB, 596x578, 298:289, CentralBank.png)

File: 9daf3e5f96ad3af⋯.png (326.65 KB, 593x579, 593:579, CentralGov.png)

File: c34feb8f5e92676⋯.png (69.31 KB, 596x576, 149:144, CentralTech.png)


Hit smaller forums with a couple thousand members.

445ebe  No.2421511

File: 7a8aefd5f7095ec⋯.jpg (11.13 KB, 239x255, 239:255, 93196fae0cf4fe8ad72af2a477….jpg)

File: a5077bbce119509⋯.jpg (374.24 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1HpOb3F.jpg)

File: 76f27a3d1c1103b⋯.jpeg (60.55 KB, 952x714, 4:3, 1a9fb4ad927ad89e62b602986….jpeg)

attention all newfags

rachel chandlers instagram

what do you see here ?

3336d9  No.2421512

File: 857fb4b3f50ce3c⋯.png (674.83 KB, 1059x826, 1059:826, ClipboardImage.png)


was but a lurker then

0a176c  No.2421513

File: 301014ff47127a9⋯.jpg (63.89 KB, 631x242, 631:242, 301014ff47127a98f3c589857d….jpg)

to amazing Anon who made this series several breads back….

can we have this one w/

"Undocumented Amnesty" or

"Undocumented Holiday" ???

ba860a  No.2421514

!CbboFOtcZs 07/28/18 (Sat) 15:06:24




af95ec  No.2421515


Is the population brainwashed literalist?

That might be a factor right?

Did you see Trump's tweet about Rush Limbuahg and what it was about?

Of course not.

Seriously go join the democrat party and stop "contributing" here. Seriously.

47b00a  No.2421516

File: b91e3545cbf65fe⋯.jpeg (57.39 KB, 860x962, 430:481, ksisop jimsteyer pedo hav….jpeg)

File: d25f5f4015f481f⋯.jpg (45.96 KB, 300x247, 300:247, tom and jim steyer pedo ch….jpg)

File: 3947cf114fab6b5⋯.png (63.31 KB, 500x479, 500:479, jobn-podeataegnail-connail….png)

File: c836bc5c7989151⋯.jpg (117.58 KB, 1470x956, 735:478, corx3792f2701.jpg)

File: 4e94f19bf117c40⋯.jpg (24.77 KB, 540x281, 540:281, safe_image.php.jpg)

LOOK WHAT WE HAVE HERE: Tom Steyer, The Man Behind The $20 Million Dollar Trump Impeachment Ad Campaign, Emailing Podesta About "Walnut Sauce". Calls Podesta "True Master Of Cuisine".

Is your sick demented and perverted pedo lifestyle in jeopardy, Steyer?


Pedos trying to impeach Trump…and they are desperate! How desperate? $20 Million for starters!

From:jim@commonsense .orgTo: podesta.mary@gmail.c om, john.podesta@gmail.c om CC: tsteyer@fahrllc.com Date: 2015-04-11 20:28Subject: Re: Walnut sauce?ing Indeed, Mary. :).I'm coming to town the week after next and will bring some walnuts!From: Mary Podesta [mailto:podesta.mary@ gmail.com]

Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2015 03:18 PM Pacific Standard TimeTo: John Podesta <john.podesta@gmail. com>Cc: Tom Steyer; Jim SteyerSubject: Re: Walnut sauce?ingWalnut growing northern CA surely knows and celebrates walnut pasta sauce? Actually what surprises me is that we haven't already served it to you.

On Apr 11, 2015 3:51 PM, "John Podesta" <john.podesta@gmail. com<mailto:john.pode sta@gmail.com>> wrote:It's an amazing Ligurian dish made with crushed walnuts made into a paste. So stop being so California.JP–Sent from my iPad–john.podesta@gmail.c om<mailt… ta@gmail.com>Forheduling: eryn.sepp@gmail.com< mailto:eryn.sepp@gma il.com>>

On Apr 11, 2015, at 5:45 PM, Jim Steyer <jim@commonsense.org <mailto:jim@commonse nse.org>> wrote:>> Hey John,>> We know you're a true master of cuisine and we have appreciated that for years …>> But walnut sauce for the pasta? Mary, plz tell us the straight story, was the sauce actually very tasty?




Where are the Missing Children Hillary? Where are their bodies hidden? The unthinkable was done! Worse than you could imagine. Make the all videos, text messages, emails, photos, lap top info all public. The world needs to see for themselves the true parasites these people are…the Political Pedo Party (NWO Global Pedos and Child Sex Traffickers).

2048b3  No.2421517

File: 1c8c270153699dd⋯.png (46.51 KB, 590x262, 295:131, arbitrage.png)

46d96c  No.2421518

File: 0ab65171506a907⋯.png (226.76 KB, 1242x694, 621:347, IMG_4929.PNG)

File: dbd27f35014f5cd⋯.png (416.85 KB, 1242x765, 138:85, IMG_4935.PNG)

File: d6c6420f6fb28e8⋯.gif (8.6 MB, 320x180, 16:9, IMB_2Br6nm.GIF)

fb8ec1  No.2421519

File: 8eead32e39a610d⋯.png (9.26 KB, 951x137, 951:137, ClipboardImage.png)

File: edbc7428f75661f⋯.png (144.05 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5341143df0ff161⋯.png (143.66 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

clock fag from earlier


cbts #27


cbts #28

thats 12/3

night shift anons 12/2

remember all Qproofs EST if using hour hand

because Q team likely synchs to EST

because 4am talking points ref is always EST

mockingbirds EST

im late

im late

a1db1e  No.2421520



>responding to bot

Are you a retard?

e73e89  No.2421521

Didn't notice this posted on here yesterday. Sorry if dupe.

Maxine under investigation by the FEC.



a90fc4  No.2421522


HRC tried to cut a deal today.



0dabf4  No.2421523


Swampy af in Texas. Can’t wait for all that freed up real estate kek

5cb007  No.2421524

File: a80317752054e61⋯.png (755.12 KB, 957x586, 957:586, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6c8ad7b7530607⋯.png (717.36 KB, 971x588, 971:588, ClipboardImage.png)






Hannity wearing FBI hat and shot of it in Mirror

with a



1d9824  No.2421525


Ding Ding Ding!!!

Well done anon.

b18d03  No.2421526


This cunt will do ANYTHING for $$$ or attention.

a9acde  No.2421527

File: 702f659815e254e⋯.jpg (29.81 KB, 480x360, 4:3, IMG_0899.JPG)

File: 5be05dcf9527dfc⋯.jpg (80.59 KB, 992x558, 16:9, NoCoincidences.jpg)

99a624  No.2421528

>>2421487 Your right man …cmon lets take our ball and go home i will follow you to reddit …faggot

0dcbd0  No.2421529

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WTF? Live…

1cd157  No.2421530

File: 7cf4ec53f51d5b2⋯.png (972.16 KB, 635x686, 635:686, 7cf4ec53f51d5b2d4fc957ea13….png)


What the hell is Anderson Cooper doing in the video ?

8f14d0  No.2421531

Gold has come WAY down over the last 2 months.

I have a feeling the cabal is selling off for cash tp continue their operations.


ba44b1  No.2421532

File: 119577cc8e75e53⋯.jpeg (60.75 KB, 931x524, 931:524, 8031DF9B-E34B-4370-869A-2….jpeg)

2d0181  No.2421533

File: d092c45bd4c3c65⋯.png (23.43 KB, 644x319, 644:319, becareful.PNG)



You Glow Fag

9bcdc4  No.2421534


"Why are border states like AZ/CA important?"

618176  No.2421535


Hey you are right, I think around 17:43 somebody did a Qproof

4aee55  No.2421536


Congratulations, you're delusional.

a90fc4  No.