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File: 1ca5a3c189217d4⋯.png (100.27 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

1daa7e No.22326656 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'


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a2065d No.22327461

File: 61561a9ed5fc9b0⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB,576x1024,9:16,1736492244364480.mp4)

buyer's remorse

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000000 No.22327462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trudeau tells Americans Trump’s 51st state is ‘not going to happen’


[3 hours ago]

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0d9a24 No.22327463

File: cb04b827cb31e67⋯.png (190.81 KB,383x680,383:680,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1441631cb8f504c⋯.png (192.5 KB,372x809,372:809,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk Got Destoryed by Ian Carrol Earlier Today.

Dominic Michael Tripi


@IanCarrollShow has just ratioed @elonmusk by nearly 30k likes within hours on a controversial post regarding Israel-US relations.

This may wind up being one of the largest ratios ever on X and an extremely important moment in internet history.

We await Elon’s response.

8:49 PM · Jan 9, 2025



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deba84 No.22327464

File: e5966585f1676ee⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,e5966585f1676ee5127b1df0c1….mp4)

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9254ad No.22327465

File: 94675de631d384f⋯.png (215.21 KB,1582x624,791:312,ClipboardImage.png)


A variation on Gavin Newsom's sin taxes, to coerce behavior. Totally unconstitutional, but nobody is fighting.

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deba84 No.22327466

File: 424a47f3633c1a6⋯.png (182.18 KB,340x272,5:4,424a47f3633c1a684b0eff467a….png)

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61eebc No.22327467

File: a030f6c887c5cd4⋯.png (287.02 KB,807x564,269:188,ClipboardImage.png)

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9947ff No.22327468

File: d0ad97b5f0a694c⋯.jpg (722.9 KB,1500x1500,1:1,Christo_.jpg)

Watch the Water of Life

'Then He said to me, it is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of the water of life without cost.' - Revelation 21:6

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bccce5 No.22327469


>Scott Adams

Gosh, I can't stand this Clown, Scott Adams.

I'm old enough to remember when he hated President Trump, posted baloney about this Q military operation, and insulted thousands of Americans who were questioning the MSM.

He once challenged me to a debate on YouTube.

I did not respond.


Because the last thing an Anon wants to do is go public, unless absolutely necessary to spread information that others, in the battle, need to know.

Screw you, Scott Adams.

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61eebc No.22327470

File: b42275e583104e0⋯.png (693.53 KB,1356x932,339:233,ClipboardImage.png)



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61eebc No.22327471

File: bd8845eee9327dc⋯.png (377.71 KB,568x597,568:597,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2065d No.22327472

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

looks like an unpopular topic of discussion is being forced into the public square.


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deba84 No.22327473

PEDOVORES Do you have good HOMOwners insurance?

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d7809b No.22327474


Likely just be a trainee lol

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c8c038 No.22327475

File: 07ebb591acefd88⋯.png (95.04 KB,361x240,361:240,07ebb591acefd889c820cce168….png)


>What's going on here?

They tried slipping in a new judge to spread the blame, and failed.

He's going to have to face the backlash all on his own.

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a2065d No.22327476


newsom is the ventriloquist speaking through the fish. the fish would never fuck your house but newsom would

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601cea No.22327477




I see wut ya did there


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d7809b No.22327478


Dont you know theres an app that would alert everyone if there was a real post?

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a2065d No.22327479

File: e57f51e331f8221⋯.png (548.65 KB,946x968,43:44,ClipboardImage.png)

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bccce5 No.22327480

File: 73e3047c24d2042⋯.jpg (275.42 KB,795x384,265:128,Band_of_Anons_with_Jesus.jpg)


Amen, Anon.


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322735 No.22327481

File: 4e2ba72fbf6196a⋯.png (557.81 KB,1001x511,143:73,ClipboardImage.png)

sad old faces

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61eebc No.22327482

File: 4ce04c0ce766d2e⋯.png (1.1 MB,900x675,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2346c No.22327483

File: c3ba8571e9f80ad⋯.jpg (67.89 KB,400x572,100:143,c741119ac143128acfa38d9e04….jpg)


…Baking now


#27307 >>22326666

>>22326676, >>22326697 Baker change

>>22326978 SpaceX NROL 153 launch

>>22326992 @realDonaldTrump - What is going on here?

>>22327203 @elonmusk - Um … well … uh … (@FreckledLiberty - Men, is this true? ; Meme: The most addictive drug known to mankind: Crazy women)

>>22327245 Gov. Gavin Newsom VETOED a recent bill which would have allowed CalFire to retain seasonal firefighters to help with staffing shortages


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9254ad No.22327484

File: 51351f8636fe248⋯.png (308.85 KB,611x698,611:698,ClipboardImage.png)

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e6e7e1 No.22327487

File: 491424b312fd567⋯.mp4 (2.41 MB,270x480,9:16,0000000000.mp4)


Paris Hilton pays a visit to the ashes that were her home

Jan 10, 2025, 12:08 AM


I've always wanted to see the inside of Paris Hilton's home.

Damn I'm a dick tonite.

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e50576 No.22327489


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e50576 No.22327490

All of the Dems totalitarian shit in Cali, and nobody posted Dead Kennedys "California Uber Alles".

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92bba8 No.22327492





I know the New York appellate courts are compromised.

All state courts are.

Many federal ones, too.

It sure would be neat if somehow we could fix that. . . .

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5e1640 No.22327494

File: 9dcd9cdd8e62a0f⋯.jpeg (84.82 KB,683x1141,683:1141,IMG_2670.jpeg)

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66b86e No.22327495

Bread #27307 is ghosted?

BAKERneeds fixt

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601cea No.22327496

One of her homes.

It is a beach house.

She has several other homes.

Even in California,

She doesn’t live there, she plays there with family.

They have many homes amongst their family and sister married a Rothschild.

Boo hoo


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9254ad No.22327497

File: 73b65170aee74f7⋯.png (298.06 KB,404x500,101:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2346c No.22327498

File: 9f0326982c7f516⋯.jpg (55.89 KB,690x470,69:47,abe91c23131544c80b82a82a8f….jpg)

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61eebc No.22327499

File: 2bd30d761093b3b⋯.png (345.97 KB,594x803,54:73,ClipboardImage.png)

Charlie Kirk


Meet the people in charge of LA’s fire response.

All of them lesbians named Kristin.

Kristina Crowley - First LGBTQ Fire Chief LAFD.

Salary: $439,722

Kristina Kepner - First Lesbian Assistant Chief LAFD.

Salary: $264,468

Kristine Larson - First black lesbian Equity Bureau Chief LAFD.

Salary: $399,000


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d67e6e No.22327500

File: bf60380cd29d2ae⋯.png (649.64 KB,680x499,680:499,bf60380cd29d2ae3446120c46e….png)


Trolling is fun.

They think they will get help and we don't even try.


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66b86e No.22327502


>Q Research General #27308:What is Going on Here? Edition

Q Research General #27307:What is Going on Here? Edition


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601cea No.22327504

Preview of how they will look in caskets if they get one


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e6e7e1 No.22327506

File: 487aac7f05118da⋯.png (6.49 MB,1501x2000,1501:2000,ClipboardImage.png)


>sister married a Rothschild.


Makes cents now.

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55f961 No.22327509


a hectare is 1km square.

about 2.5 acres

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55f961 No.22327510


sorry, 100 m sq, 10,000 square meters, about 2.5 acres.

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deba84 No.22327514

File: 364b7900f099075⋯.webp (278.01 KB,1080x1350,4:5,364b7900f099075c313430918….webp)

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601cea No.22327516

Crowley an L ARSON



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601cea No.22327517








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e50576 No.22327519


I think we're watching a movie…

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e6e7e1 No.22327520

File: 856d16893be8fab⋯.jpeg (27.68 KB,636x641,636:641,Boobs_AOC_Fake.jpeg)

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e50576 No.22327521

Yeah, that's her…college days…

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e6e7e1 No.22327524

File: cda728bbb488991⋯.jpg (56.53 KB,680x455,136:91,Boobs_I_Press_Like.jpg)

File: f409e8c31af2c2b⋯.jpeg (15.42 KB,474x271,474:271,Boobs_Bewbs.jpeg)

File: 79e474a15aa161f⋯.jpg (146.72 KB,797x809,797:809,Boobies_Pew_Pew_2.jpg)

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e50576 No.22327525

Those look dangerous….I better have a closer look…

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e50576 No.22327529


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e50576 No.22327531


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