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File: 43d3dcb9dc0b01c⋯.png (8.98 MB,3121x2714,3121:2714,43d3dcb9dc0b01c28f8da5d762….png)

4c28e3 No.22310984 [View All]

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701 posts and 587 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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a13cb2 No.22311733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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a22a6b No.22311734


It's their Province

It's none of our Business

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f0981c No.22311735


One for each of his Daddy's.

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8344a9 No.22311736

File: af7f374271e49b3⋯.png (364.92 KB,952x326,476:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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2902ed No.22311737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Will Smith REVEALS How Quincy Jones Coerced Him Into Doing Gay Acts

Maybe it smells extra bad because of stuff like this.


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09a5ac No.22311738


They should go to special place to get that same treatment for the next 20 years.

Rename Gitmo to Eye for a Eye Island?

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31bb52 No.22311739

Luggage sales lobby


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91967a No.22311740

File: a03788bda719e0f⋯.png (353.61 KB,445x835,89:167,a03788bda719e0fe845d2ce021….png)


I was there.


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2902ed No.22311741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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f0981c No.22311742

File: f426ddb2c0c47be⋯.png (1.54 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



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19293d No.22311743

File: c866303212fabe2⋯.png (1.31 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


In his own words…

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c37a22 No.22311744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4e4fd3 No.22311745

File: cd8cc0b697b03e9⋯.jpg (322.01 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20250107_185954….jpg)

File: b3bfef624678d76⋯.png (361.87 KB,710x716,355:358,545_2.png)

File: 2e62fd951279ff8⋯.png (56.01 KB,710x672,355:336,459.png)

File: a81630942099187⋯.png (126.04 KB,710x1024,355:512,49_3.png)


#49's timestamp

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8344a9 No.22311746

>>22311726 sauce is WSJ

Chinese Vessel Cuts Taiwan Internet Cable inApparent


https://www.wsj.com › World › Asia

1 day ago — In Taiwan in 2023, two undersea internet cables to an outlying island were severed by a Chinese fishing boat and a cargo vessel, according to …

Chinese Vessel Cuts Taiwan Internet Cable in Apparent Sabotage

Service largely unaffected in episode highlighting vulnerability of vital global infrastructure following Baltic Sea incidents

Jan. 6, 2025


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791e7a No.22311747


That's what happens when you take money from jews for stardom

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421705 No.22311748


>Barry's library?

>Seems like a money laundering gimmick?

Presidential libraries are put in place to retain control over self-incriminating c-doc releases.


Dec 13, 2017

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f0981c No.22311749


and when he does he will kamikaze Canada into the dirt.

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d2903b No.22311750


It’s not who is works on what, it’s who the boss is.

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19293d No.22311751

File: de422bcd6bd270a⋯.png (441.51 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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0223c4 No.22311752

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB,415x496,415:496,_1.png)

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936597 No.22311753


…You sound under the influence of superstition.

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f6e5b9 No.22311754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Blame canada

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f0981c No.22311755


Not just money…

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0223c4 No.22311756

File: 46ae5b0bea13fdb⋯.png (483.82 KB,740x738,370:369,_11.png)

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0223c4 No.22311757

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB,695x888,695:888,_11111111.png)

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c7bdc1 No.22311758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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0223c4 No.22311759

File: 49f335c2ec2331e⋯.jpeg (40.38 KB,387x470,387:470,0DAEAEEF_3B1A_4E1A_80CB_6….jpeg)

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d18eb1 No.22311760


And smelly laundry additives because plain old laundry detergent won't get the stink out.

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f8a87f No.22311761


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2902ed No.22311762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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791e7a No.22311763


yup Got it in the shithole

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2902ed No.22311764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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19293d No.22311765

File: 356535ee3bb5ef6⋯.png (1.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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0223c4 No.22311766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6f58d8 No.22311767

File: 131fc7cd1ce8ad8⋯.jpg (48.73 KB,1170x707,1170:707,PepeSmokingNight.jpg)

When do they start building the Vaults?

The resource wars are not to far away

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936597 No.22311768

File: 40d831c1d2cd5c1⋯.jpg (147.12 KB,1066x1283,1066:1283,c0500b6a3f7a83699ffaaedee9….jpg)


…Get fucked.

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71c882 No.22311769


it doesn't upset me to see that at ginsberg's coffin

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c7bdc1 No.22311770

File: c7d8089ae26e8e6⋯.png (1.52 MB,1920x1080,16:9,IMG_7642.png)


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f8a87f No.22311771


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000000 No.22311772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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791e7a No.22311773


shitposten from bed Bitch

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4f1d43 No.22311774

File: 9ae6a7e6f64bbe6⋯.jpg (64.85 KB,625x625,1:1,And_its_gone.jpg)

Who started the fire in Pacific Palisades

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abd012 No.22311775


He don’t give a fuck. Lulz

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765826 No.22311776

FINAL Notables

#27289 >>22310992

>>22311011 @RealSKeshel: Gulf of America - Counties in Red won by Trump

>>22311048 Trump White House seeks to limit staff who have direct access to the president | NBC

>>22311049 VIDEO: Rep. Pete Aguilar claims there were "AR-15s" and "guns and weapons" inside the Capitol on Jan. 6

>>22311058 Kamala Delivers a Eulogy at the Lying in State Ceremony for Former President Carter

>>22311059 @disclosetv: New York appeals court denies Trump’s bid to delay Friday’s sentencing in hush money case.

>>22311059 Trump Truth @ 3:50pm EST – Jeffrey Sachs interview video re Middle East: the finger is pointed at Obama, CIA, Netanyahu.

>>22311068, >>22311388, >>22311396, >>22311412, >>22311512, >>22311710 LA Wildfire, Biden was scheduled to speak in the city this fire started.

>>22311070 @disclosetv: Vaccine stocks jump on U.S. bird flu death — WSJ

>>22311125 PF: GTMO844 update

>>22311166 First Photo of Site Hit By Russian "Oreshnik" Missile - Complete devastation!

>>22311172. >>22311180 Court Awards Judicial Watch $21,578 ‘Fees and Costs’ in Open Records Lawsuit against Fani Willis

>>22311196 U.S. attorney from Massachusetts District Joshua Levy resigns

>>22311233 @MarioNawfal: Hungarian PM Viktor Orban exposed how Soros told the EU it had to accept millions of migrants

>>22311263 FBI has uncovered 'additional criminal conduct' by NYC Mayor Eric Adams | ABC

>>22311282 John Fetterman Is First Senate Democrat To Step Up, Sponsor Laken Riley Act

>>22311225, >>22311265, >>22311283, >>22311334 Hey Canada, if Trump takes Canada he will deport all the illegals. The world will be a better place.

>>22311339 Four people rescued, three remain missing after seaplane crashes into ocean near Rottnest Island in Western Australia

>>22311346 VIDEO: jess philips says Elon Musk is causing her life to be threatened

>>22311352 Australia’s secret war in Yemen … just don’t call it a war | MICHAEL WEST

>>22311373 Cannibalism horror in Australia jungle fighters wield machetes and pose with a severed human foot: 'This is our meat' | DAILYMAIL

>>22311381, >>22311404, >>22311417, >>22311465, >>22311494, >>22311518, >>22311547, >>22311460, >>22311483 Jimmy Carter History Bun

>>22311462 @BRICSinfo: Iranian state media reports that "in the coming hours, the world will witness unusual scenes and extraordinary events."

>>22311476 @thejimwatkins: re 9chan: "It's the sunrise of a new era."

>>22311505 @WesternLensman: Tom Homan announces that he will be doing a weekly briefing from the White House

>>22311531 Preemptive Strikes On Iran Will Be A 'Real Possibility' Under Trump: Officials | ZERO HEDGE

>>22311560 VIDEO: Steve Forbes on Trump's Press Conference Today: "Trump did more in one hour than Biden did in four years … The contrast was vivid."

>>22311578 @CollinRugg: Irvine, California middle school teacher arrested for allegedly trying to meet up with a minor.

>>22311595 How Jill Biden Meghan-Markled A President | THE FEDERALIST

>>22311603 'America First' meets Greenland, Taiwan, and the Panama Canal | RESPONSIBLE STATECRAFT

>>22311604 @EricLDaugh: Ron DeSantis says his appointment to the U.S. Senate in Marco Rubio's opening seat will be someone who is tough on the H-1B visa program - POLITICO

>>22311708 Amazon pays $40 million to license new Melania Trump documentary film | POST MILLENNIAL

>>22311726 It Begins: China Cuts Undersea Internet Cables to Taiwan | GATEWAY PUNDIT

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f8a87f No.22311777


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791e7a No.22311778



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bcaae4 No.22311779

The Dick Tinkler Show

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d2903b No.22311780


Best pic I’ve seen in years

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1d51bf No.22311782


God Bless Trump

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c37a22 No.22311783


Already over. "They" were playing on the wrong board the whole time. "They" needed to be on the Monopoly board instead. They oopsed.

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