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File: 43d3dcb9dc0b01c⋯.png (8.98 MB,3121x2714,3121:2714,43d3dcb9dc0b01c28f8da5d762….png)

cd0f5a No.22309090 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'


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df4a92 No.22309915

File: 9f949443ff62a6e⋯.png (12.07 KB,255x177,85:59,f72b21c174ae905b3fe9fa1147….png)

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13d78f No.22309916


Drumpf I’m faykgina twat

Is not even satanic

It’s juuuuuuus gross

And negligent

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e2fe12 No.22309917


It's too bad you retards don't read it.

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99ccdc No.22309918

File: 46db12c6f2e0fcb⋯.png (570.79 KB,764x327,764:327,ClipboardImage.png)

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321d9b No.22309919


Not under Klaus, but truly by the people.

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df4a92 No.22309920

File: a89cb3031e5dbd3⋯.png (505 KB,746x748,373:374,monday.png)

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8ba49c No.22309921


You have no effect here or anywhere.

Rope Day draws nearer.

The end won't be for Deep State scum like you.

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19643c No.22309922

File: 7202bc5cde9acf6⋯.jpg (28.4 KB,584x393,584:393,7202bc5cde9acf6f049376d794….jpg)

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8ba49c No.22309923

Deep State is in deep shit.

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df4a92 No.22309924

File: d28eabd8b6de2e7⋯.jpg (14.21 KB,255x239,255:239,7c0cda1cde84657f901515a6bb….jpg)

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a9af65 No.22309925

File: bc70fed660c22b8⋯.png (104.05 KB,341x480,341:480,341px_Emblem_of_Space_Base….png)

Pituffik = Y

("the place the dogs are tied")

formerly Thule Air Base

Release the dogs, soon?

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e2fe12 No.22309926


Billionaires are not people.

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df4a92 No.22309927

File: 07f71823d695508⋯.jpeg (87.18 KB,650x452,325:226,07f71823d695508fc57a692b3….jpeg)

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fd80a7 No.22309928

File: b2ba43d1d216cea⋯.png (163.06 KB,332x331,332:331,FLOTUS_is_wonderful_.png)

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9bfc3a No.22309929

File: 13ca22076cbc09c⋯.png (373.95 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20250107_131902.png)



Yea. Yea….hypersonic

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04e50c No.22309930


Seriously. You’re retarded and bore me. You have no response because you aren’t capable of critical thinking

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321d9b No.22309931

File: fd1e219b506622c⋯.png (296.06 KB,515x484,515:484,pepe_proper_fkd2.png)

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df4a92 No.22309932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8ba49c No.22309933

File: d75dd639e38f2ea⋯.jpg (39.84 KB,813x475,813:475,sdesednuuou.jpg)

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e2fe12 No.22309934

File: 30d59c86f751857⋯.png (440.3 KB,571x466,571:466,ClipboardImage.png)

The no shoulders sucks his own dick guy looks nervous.

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14d1c2 No.22309935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump talking about Whales "17 years" @ 2:17:40

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3b45cf No.22309936


lulz in the kek place = fedboi shill

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df4a92 No.22309938

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,4CHOOSEPAIN.png)

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cd0f5a No.22309939

Final Bun


#27287 >>22309098


>>22309241, >>22309243 NOW POTUS UP LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Give Remarks in Palm Beach, FL - 1/7/25

>>22309242 TRUMP - $20 billion to build new data centers across the country

>>22309435, >>22309569, >>22309906 The Gulf of Mexico will be renamed The GULF OF AMERICA!!!

>>22309285, >>22309293, >>22309334, >>22309344, >>22309353, >>22309354, >>22309379, >>22309391, >>22309397, >>22309400, >>22309404, >>22309406, >>22309409, >>22309411, >>22309413, >>22309432, >>22309447, >>22309453, >>22309497, >>22309513, >>22309537, >>22309548, >>22309563, >>22309588, >>22309644, >>22309728 Trump Presser Quotables

- - - - - - - -

>>22309139, >>22309146 Alibaba autofills in Adrenochrome when you search using "chidlren" - misspelled

>>22309140 The Charlie Kirk Show on Real America's Voice 12pm

>>22309150 Today in Q Post History we have 33 Deltas

>>22309186 PF Gitmo express on route to Lauderdale…

>>22309225 A massive fire breaks out at a homeless camp in Colton, Southern California

>>22309256, >>22309538, >>22309589, >>22309613 Meta Facebook and The Big Tech Scam

>>22309259 JUST IN - The Washington Post lays off 4% staff - Axios

>>22309289 Two found dead in JetBlue plane’s landing gear area after flight from JFK

>>22309309, >>22309312 DoD, GSA, NASA unite to boost cybersecurity workforce standards in FAR alignment with EO 13870

>>22309371, >>22309582 Canada’s Green Party leader offers a wild “proposal” to annex California, Oregon, and Washington into Canada

>>22309393, >>22309611, >>22309700, >>22309739, >>22309769, >>22309821, >>22309893 NASA & Space News

>>22309664 Earth Science Data Roundup: January 2025

>>22309676 Peter Doocy: Why was this done secretly? Gitmo Transfers

>>22309689 Young Canadian dies after leaving emergency room due to wait times

>>22309701 Trump rips Biden for sabotaging transition: 'Making it really difficult'

>>22309713, >>22309767 Judge Cannon temporarily blocks release of Jack Smith report

>>22309770, >>22309783 @Papi 13 DAYS!!! WE ARE THE CAPTAINS NOW!!!

>>22309816, >>22309819 Trump pushes Canada to 'merge' with US: 'There would be no tariffs'

>>22309831 Donald Trump Jr. in Greenland with Charlie Kirk - Incredible day!!!!

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99ccdc No.22309940


God destroys the earth with fire, so there's that.

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e62565 No.22309941

File: 0aec7e4cf7a4901⋯.png (139.84 KB,348x321,116:107,0aec7e4cf7a49019fbec992421….png)


They couldn't bully or bullshit their way out of this one. Poor bastards.

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df4a92 No.22309942

File: 33e9f07b5513f8c⋯.gif (210.39 KB,650x702,25:27,00000aamm.gif)

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f54743 No.22309945

File: 05900f90fc0d246⋯.png (8.25 MB,7874x4331,7874:4331,QClock_August_29_2022_Detr….png)




*Note the purple line.

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d7b892 No.22309946

File: 7db88d42274434c⋯.png (1.47 MB,1623x1788,541:596,ClipboardImage.png)


Don't be a white guy in an emergency room in Canada.

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df4a92 No.22309947

File: f8b853e783e6b4c⋯.jpg (19.59 KB,255x191,255:191,b5ed1e8e65c6ca3761551be87a….jpg)

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7a5d20 No.22309948


Will I be happy?

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df4a92 No.22309949

File: 55a842c04757576⋯.png (3.27 MB,2560x2639,2560:2639,nsjesus07.png)

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322854 No.22309950

File: 419001b3bfe201d⋯.jpg (332.9 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20250107_132224….jpg)

File: 29420f5d2d88931⋯.png (326.88 KB,710x2610,71:261,620_3.png)

File: f3e1ba23cbe5307⋯.jpeg (340.23 KB,1638x2048,819:1024,GgpXjSDXYAAzBy9.jpeg)

File: 8ec313aed08a70e⋯.jpeg (336.6 KB,2048x1520,128:95,GgpXkUzWYAAgGxw.jpeg)

File: 004ae74d66df403⋯.png (30.29 KB,710x408,355:204,1820_3.png)

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df4a92 No.22309951

File: f4559a7a3c24a57⋯.png (20.98 KB,251x255,251:255,7d19ab2e0a86d12c2773081646….png)

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96c3e4 No.22309952

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Journalist Steve Baker Alleges Gen. Mark Milley Approved Heat and Sound Directed Energy Weapons During 2020 Riots — Claims He Has Evidence to Prove It


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989cb3 No.22309953

File: 8830046b3b20285⋯.jpg (96.83 KB,513x379,513:379,THE_PLAN.jpg)

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df4a92 No.22309954

File: 3c521014d98a81a⋯.gif (106.79 KB,339x349,339:349,trig1.gif)

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8ba49c No.22309955

File: 81044d08eb5559a⋯.jpg (20.85 KB,750x851,750:851,81044d08eb5559a40e7fd5fc5a….jpg)

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df4a92 No.22309956

File: 9f5b01489082742⋯.png (403.98 KB,636x600,53:50,NSDAY22.png)

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8ba49c No.22309959

File: cea52c03fdf395a⋯.png (237.84 KB,1080x997,1080:997,ClipboardImage_2025_01_04T….png)

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fd80a7 No.22309960

File: 5583ed8b52a5a4c⋯.jpg (54.37 KB,750x563,750:563,MAGA_SMILES_Trump_FLOTUS.jpg)


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df4a92 No.22309961

File: 18e13a02705ec71⋯.jpg (11.07 KB,245x255,49:51,4choosepain7.jpg)

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df4a92 No.22309962

File: 12801cf17846e87⋯.jpg (122.97 KB,1024x1276,256:319,a23.jpg)

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cd0f5a No.22309963

File: feaffb132e1836c⋯.png (46.18 KB,520x332,130:83,feaffb132e1836c821b2b0ae00….png)

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9f951d No.22309964

File: 78c903f3074f40a⋯.png (477.92 KB,936x568,117:71,Screenshot_2025_01_07_at_1….png)

File: 86ecbfb8c612f87⋯.png (3.63 MB,1836x1288,459:322,Screenshot_2025_01_07_at_1….png)

File: c832e391f0cca6f⋯.png (921.69 KB,1240x654,620:327,Screenshot_2025_01_07_at_0….png)

File: 0b9ceb5fa25c6e7⋯.png (1.82 MB,1100x1498,550:749,Screenshot_2025_01_07_at_1….png)

File: b4e56afc0ecdaf4⋯.png (651.89 KB,2284x1102,1142:551,Screenshot_2025_01_07_at_1….png)


"We hold these truths to be SELF-EVIDENT, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

the pragmatism of pragmatism

omg, you will get your ass kicked

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df4a92 No.22309965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6f8ce6 No.22309966

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df4a92 No.22309969

File: 1d4c567838039ff⋯.png (81.69 KB,693x552,231:184,0kbw1.png)

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cd0f5a No.22309971

File: 85ac782b65fae23⋯.png (2.42 MB,1198x1434,599:717,85ac782b65fae23ad8ad3a73ef….png)

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fe108e No.22310151

File: ac2a60aab9aab59⋯.jpeg (814.88 KB,1210x1101,1210:1101,126.jpeg)

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