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File: 64cad991e68ad6d⋯.png (345.67 KB,625x373,625:373,6ee82fb39f4382b4962cca1ed1….png)

6effb2 No.22292817 [View All]

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701 posts and 465 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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dd665a No.22293864

File: bf6210e0ce8c41e⋯.png (63.73 KB,691x571,691:571,elon_monkeys2.png)

File: f2512c4980483e3⋯.png (615.22 KB,976x549,16:9,elon_monkeys.png)

File: 5c5020ae19a983e⋯.png (799.77 KB,634x842,317:421,monkey_penus.png)


how's em monkey pox

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f66eb1 No.22293865


Worked for Goodwill industries training retards how to stock shelves etc. There was a black dude who was always trying to be funny. He worked on the aisle with TP, paper towels etc. He thought it was funny to toss things over the aisle trying to hit the white dude working that aisle. White dude kept asking him to stop but he continued. Eventually the white dude picked the black dude up over his head and headed for the warehouse with the black dude laughing all the way. White tossed the black dude into the cardboard baler, turned it on and calmly went back to work. Black dude NEVER fucked with the white dude again. I still kek at that one.

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597ee4 No.22293866

[Di]vine space banking

Prefix ……

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dd665a No.22293867


add the

x social credit score system one >>22293605

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87e615 No.22293868


video showing potential movement of declared dead suicide bomber doesn't make the cut? dayum

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dee529 No.22293869


needs sauce

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869c61 No.22293870


That's why the crooks were so pissed when Trump got him killed.

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8badfa No.22293871

File: c8960dbdeeb4c4a⋯.png (101.82 KB,1214x326,607:163,ClipboardImage.png)

>>22291649 pb notable

>$MSTR insiders executed 5,700 transactions, 99.998% are share sales

Yeah but look at the details.

Most of it was back in FEBRUARY 2024

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71f431 No.22293873

File: 65e313570c43eca⋯.png (245.72 KB,534x500,267:250,7c7592a447982bed34ded152f1….png)

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09dada No.22293874

File: b941b03ba11b4d8⋯.mp4 (15.02 MB,360x360,1:1,pepe_journey.mp4)

The level of topic here

has not raised above


set your signal to slightly above average.

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ce8a61 No.22293876


…It's extremely flimsy 'evidence'.

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597ee4 No.22293877



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1d586d No.22293878

File: fc02357297baf1c⋯.jpeg (26.72 KB,255x136,15:8,62753EBE_F952_4F99_A178_3….jpeg)

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8badfa No.22293879

File: 9d16a3b5f9a032c⋯.png (1.03 MB,1060x1206,530:603,mccain_bomb_smoke_muh_iran.png)


> Iran Condemns New Orleans Terror Attack

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dc2b67 No.22293880



sumting not right about that choppy video

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8ed153 No.22293881

File: fb8468007239aa8⋯.jpg (60.4 KB,570x587,570:587,me.jpg)


>The level of topic here

>has not raised above


Anon can give scientific reason for tard strength if you'd like.

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72e397 No.22293882


they needed him to give them a hand

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869c61 No.22293883

File: 806d415e46cbc79⋯.jpg (65.82 KB,550x366,275:183,khans_palace_bakhchisaray_….jpg)


I got the same message.

if you go to the grrr cartoon link you can see a bunch of people posted the output from Grok when they asked what violations had they committed.

Everything's a violation if you write about politics or make a joke about a political enemy.

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87e615 No.22293884

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ce8a61 No.22293885

File: 15c5e97d0896bf7⋯.jpg (33.52 KB,474x386,237:193,ef2447cbfa96a0424c34756f1b….jpg)


..Bakering now


#27269 >>22292828

>>22292874 Dough claim

>>22292841 Col. John Mills: “This Is A Chinese Malign Influence That Could Topple South Korea.”

>>22292885 Texas high school football team takes to the field with American flags

>>22292895 Lionel Messi SNUBBED Joe Biden, and skipped the Presidential Medal of Freedom ceremony, where he was supposed to receive the award

>>22293089 Rep. Chip Roy: "We Need To Hold The Speaker Accountable And That Needs To Start Now"

>>22293279, >>22293284 Indie filmmaker Jeff Baena, Aubrey Plaza’s husband, found dead at Los Angeles home

>>22293708 Army CID offers $10,000 reward for stolen HMMWV doors that no one likes


>>22293779 @RepMTG - Jan 6th at 1:00 pm Congress must certify President Trump’s historic election. Washington has a winter storm warning for Jan 5-7th expecting possibly a foot of snow. Many members of congress left town this weekend even though they were told to stay. I’m here and will walk to the Capitol if I have to.


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d0dd5b No.22293886


NewFag detected.

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ddf207 No.22293888


So says the talking Frog

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000000 No.22293889

Princes William and Harry's ex-nanny's stepson among New Orleans attack victims


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db1194 No.22293891

File: 7711ca46c692bd2⋯.mp4 (858.6 KB,960x720,4:3,7711ca46c692bd23e41c4b7b70….mp4)

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18b648 No.22293892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



wtf? They sounded prepared for stuff like that.

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d0dd5b No.22293893


NY baker.

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753fba No.22293894



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8badfa No.22293895

File: 005c0a989e87c50⋯.png (297.76 KB,396x595,396:595,democracy_is_retarded.png)

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869c61 No.22293897


sounds good to me, where is it?

I know people are blind.

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ade13b No.22293898

File: f705f76b07e4efb⋯.mp4 (11.87 MB,1280x720,16:9,maMAJ2UCBLNKAWSl.mp4)

he exact moment when President Javier Milei greets Edmundo González.



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ade13b No.22293899


theres the Blue Folder

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8ed989 No.22293900


ask grok "why are you a faggot?" and see if score goes up or down.

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ce8a61 No.22293901

File: a759dadc8516e71⋯.jpg (1.79 MB,3312x2456,414:307,canadian_soldiers_going_ov….jpg)

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000000 No.22293903

Situation in China not unusual: Health Ministry urges calm amid HMPV spread scare

The Union Health Ministry on Saturday assured the public that there was no need for alarm over the recent rise in respiratory illness cases in China, including those caused by the Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV). In a statement, the ministry emphasised that the "situation in China is not unusual" and that "India remains well-prepared to handle respiratory infections effectively".


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961bb3 No.22293904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> Triangle physics?

Moar cowbell

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ade13b No.22293906


DJT should have marine guard in the WH with drawn sabers at all times …

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2e3754 No.22293907


Ozempic makes you look older

Not buying that explanation

Hillary 2.0 (3.0?) is a younger, thinner person playing a role

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000000 No.22293908

AI has created a dilemma in higher education


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db1194 No.22293909


get them babies in the sun asap

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8ed989 No.22293912


good for what?

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ade13b No.22293913


Milei is greeting the true winner of the Venezuelan Presidential election, Gonzalez, a slap in the face to maduro regime

Vive La Libertad, Carajo!!

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47d42d No.22293914

Stop with the 404 photos

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000000 No.22293916

Trump picks aide involved in planning summits with Kim as senior White House official


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47d42d No.22293918

I’ve had enough

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4e0cae No.22293919


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2e3754 No.22293920


I assume good for getting others to see your tweets.

With a 38 you may as well only reply to others because barely anyone will see your tweets.

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4e0cae No.22293923

Enjoy Gitmo!

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47d42d No.22293925

Truth belongs with the people.

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ade13b No.22293927


i spot bullwinkle, thor, beatles, ….retarded is helluva lot better than delayed

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ade13b No.22293928

C before D

key of C before key of D

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