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File: 6a8040a5cf16f2d⋯.png (100.28 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

8d3859 No.22289161 [View All]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'


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577 posts and 318 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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721787 No.22289909

File: 992fac858aec9a6⋯.jpg (44.98 KB,613x460,613:460,image_015.jpg)

File: 9ee0323c5a181b4⋯.jpg (73.36 KB,616x565,616:565,a85e13a9539287992e5a4a3348….jpg)


…You'll always be lost.

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3e8932 No.22289910

taking out spam, plz refresh in 5

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000000 No.22289913


I CliK'd

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48a8ca No.22289914

File: 53014949ff37e95⋯.png (79.27 KB,1000x600,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e8932 No.22289917


too much to take out now,

just 18 VS out

will take the rest after the bake.

- BV

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de2718 No.22289920


Hush you. You're supposed to trade one unquestionable middle eastern master for another.

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721787 No.22289921


…Cool, thank you.

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4d6ae4 No.22289922

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c2f776 No.22289923

File: d7e87a6a235591c⋯.png (382.28 KB,500x387,500:387,d7e87a6a235591c0e3b83bac15….png)

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499aba No.22289925



Arabs! Arabs! Arabs! … Israel/Zionists/Jews.

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effd49 No.22289928


Welp, there goes their foreign aid…

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4d6ae4 No.22289929

File: cf515336185f054⋯.gif (1.94 MB,566x520,283:260,cf515336185f0545f69e15abe0….gif)

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48a8ca No.22289930

File: e1d1ca9a41abf4b⋯.png (1.45 MB,705x943,705:943,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.22289931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reality Inside Syria! Who Is CONTROLLING The Battle?

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de2718 No.22289932


Palestinians in Gaza are undergoing the rite of demonic induction as we speak, as happened with the Jews in Germany before them.

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3e8932 No.22289933

File: a5bc80af2dfb53c⋯.png (399.58 KB,717x822,239:274,2021_06_14_17_03_15.png)

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3e8932 No.22289935

File: 93a1694d0da18f4⋯.jpg (14.12 KB,208x243,208:243,Q_2.jpg)

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3e8932 No.22289936

File: 9d39aa2e31c7638⋯.png (104.38 KB,494x273,38:21,8kun.png)

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3e8932 No.22289937

File: 4aa467a9d7adbe7⋯.jpg (18.51 KB,255x170,3:2,lets_roll.jpg)

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eadf68 No.22289938


Every time I filtered you, it was because I thought you were just retarded. Now I know you are a fucking scumbag enemy.

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3e8932 No.22289939

File: b6d69c49994f7b1⋯.png (128.23 KB,413x244,413:244,2020_07_07_12_26_15.png)

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3e8932 No.22289940

File: 700bcc07eac13a4⋯.png (201.14 KB,346x339,346:339,8_kun_research_meme.png)

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3e8932 No.22289941

File: 54495a0d0a28c7f⋯.jpg (22.41 KB,255x241,255:241,3_liberal_dems.jpg)

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3e8932 No.22289942

File: e91b8435a58c617⋯.png (10.69 KB,123x255,41:85,460f08515daf8454e78452ade4….png)

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3e8932 No.22289943

File: 8224da68ce679a1⋯.png (386.78 KB,759x771,253:257,2025_01_04_1_19_13.png)


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3e8932 No.22289944

File: cc59a92415b48c1⋯.png (432.89 KB,734x470,367:235,2025_01_04_1_21_50.png)


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25cf7e No.22289945

File: 43780f50991cac3⋯.png (1.27 MB,1199x800,1199:800,ClipboardImage.png)


Meet the new boss, Same as the old boss.

It's funny how Elon decided to decide H1B1 was the hill to die on.

Not that smart; if he was smarter he would have hidden his admiral Palpatine intentions much longer and only unmasked for something crucial.

Or maybe he is legit just an autistic retard.

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6284e2 No.22289946

File: 44fd3002f2c08bf⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB,1280x720,16:9,44fd3002f2c08bf5db27899464….mp4)

PDJT "We caught them all!"

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3e8932 No.22289947

File: 73b7114c389d90a⋯.png (351.48 KB,1031x765,1031:765,2025_01_04_1_28_18.png)


Washington State Democrats Accidentally Leak Their ‘Radical’ Tax Plan

by Cristina Laila Jan. 3, 2025 10:30 pm

Washington State Democrats accidentally leaked their radical tax plan to the entire upper chamber in Olympia on Thursday.

According to Seattle-based radio host Jason Rantz,Washington state Democrats accidentally emailed their radical tax plan to the entire senate.

The tax plan, which includes major property tax hikes and a new 11% tax on firearms, directly contradicts the state Democrats’ campaign promises, Jason Rantz said.

Fox News reported:

ashington state Democrats appeared to have accidentally emailed their sweeping revenue plans and internal talking points on tax hikes to the entirety of the upper chamber’s members in Olympia, Fox News has learned.

Property tax hikes and a new double-digit tax on firearms are among proposals Washington state Democrats are considering, according to materials originally disseminated to all members by Washington Senate Deputy Floor Leader Noel Frame, D-Seattle, in late December and later obtained by Fox News Digital.

A document titled “2025 Revenue Options” and a PowerPoint presentation describing how to talk to constituents in defense of the plan were included in the messages.

The document lists proposed figures for an 11% tax on ammunition and firearms, reclassifying storage unit rentals as a retail transaction and a lift on the property tax levy lid for certain Washingtonians.

A PowerPoint slide, highlighted by Seattle radio host Jason Rantz, described the “Best way to talk taxes” — with a chart of do’s and don’ts for lawmakers.

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000000 No.22289948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ray Mcgovern Warns: The MOST Fatal Attack Is Coming After Moscow & Tehran's UNTHINKABLE Strategy

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de2718 No.22289949


I find it funny how the left wing has suddenly decided that immigration is bad.

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721787 No.22289950

File: 7195574018193f4⋯.jpg (231.56 KB,900x672,75:56,field_bakery_with_bakers_a….jpg)

Last call

…Baking soon


#27265 >>22289171

>>22289214 Dough claim

>>22289311 Honduras President Xiomara Castro just issued a threat to President Trump, saying she'll shutdown U.S. military bases if he deports Honduran nationals.

>>22289655 @realDonaldTrump - The Democrats are all “giddy” about our magnificent American Flag potentially being at “half mast” during my Inauguration. They think it’s so great, and are so happy about it because, in actuality, they don’t love our Country, they only think about themselves.

>>22289772 @SLDelta45 - The Trusted Traveler program has been suspended at Patrick SFB & Cape Canaveral SFS. Any individuals WITHOUT a DoD-approved access credential (e.g. CAC, dependent ID, retiree ID) will be required to obtain a visitor pass.

>>22289783 @SpaceForceDoD Protect – Defend – Deliver 💪

>>22289815 🇦🇶🇨🇱President Gabriel Boric Font launched Operation Pole Star III, the first visit by a sitting Latin American president to the southernmost Antarctic extreme.

>>22289947 Washington State Democrats Accidentally Leak Their ‘Radical’ Tax Plan


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6284e2 No.22289952

File: dbdaa2a3e63b3d7⋯.jpeg (23.6 KB,255x170,3:2,dbdaa2a3e63b3d72a65960adf….jpeg)

File: ee7888435193e8f⋯.jpg (270.25 KB,1003x931,1003:931,Screenshot_20250104_093149….jpg)

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ec3aa6 No.22289955

File: 1eb19fa01d0c883⋯.gif (7.81 MB,720x628,180:157,Mexican_Laughing_Guy_Tijua….gif)

File: 35efe8fd753ca8d⋯.gif (130.36 KB,200x151,200:151,Tijuana_Donkey_Show.gif)

File: ee0201cd4b17eeb⋯.gif (716.51 KB,444x250,222:125,Shill_Democrat_Donkey_Shit….gif)

File: 3c1f99bc47c1c05⋯.gif (916.38 KB,420x315,4:3,Shill_Democrat_Donkey_Show….gif)

File: 1d4106f7054cc54⋯.png (158.64 KB,1024x367,1024:367,DEMOCRAT_DONKEY_SHOW_10_6_….png)


Thanks for the Keks Baker!



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b982fa No.22289956


Any Anon have pic of Beebo Russell in cafe wearing sunglasses?

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eadf68 No.22289957

Holy fuckton of spam. This bread is completely fooked.

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6284e2 No.22289959

File: b912a8f4d658fb4⋯.png (124.57 KB,644x762,322:381,b912a8f4d658fb442a2d5d8949….png)

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696650 No.22289961

File: 08e9bc73f103599⋯.jpg (156.27 KB,1000x1005,200:201,AA1n8cKd_1959963570_2.jpg)

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6284e2 No.22289962

File: 6639c0837d69968⋯.mp4 (10.35 MB,480x480,1:1,6639c0837d6996824a0fadfc94….mp4)

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6284e2 No.22289967

File: e84d7c04d24da68⋯.jpg (26.47 KB,1079x585,83:45,SkyKing.jpg)

File: dc817511a6a7328⋯.jpg (60.53 KB,647x364,647:364,0cc44a22_d791_4ab7_9491_a4….jpg)

File: 406d0b439bf8f02⋯.jpg (67.46 KB,494x484,247:242,406d0b439bf8f02d3d22ee3249….jpg)

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3e8932 No.22289970


not for long.

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3e8932 No.22289975


suggest posting FRESH right after baking, gonna take out spam and lock it.

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3e8932 No.22289977



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721787 No.22289979

File: 15c5e97d0896bf7⋯.jpg (33.52 KB,474x386,237:193,ef2447cbfa96a0424c34756f1b….jpg)


…Baking now


#27265 >>22289171

>>22289214 Dough claim

>>22289311 Honduras President Xiomara Castro just issued a threat to President Trump, saying she'll shutdown U.S. military bases if he deports Honduran nationals.

>>22289655 @realDonaldTrump - The Democrats are all “giddy” about our magnificent American Flag potentially being at “half mast” during my Inauguration. They think it’s so great, and are so happy about it because, in actuality, they don’t love our Country, they only think about themselves.

>>22289772 @SLDelta45 - The Trusted Traveler program has been suspended at Patrick SFB & Cape Canaveral SFS. Any individuals WITHOUT a DoD-approved access credential (e.g. CAC, dependent ID, retiree ID) will be required to obtain a visitor pass.

>>22289783 @SpaceForceDoD Protect – Defend – Deliver 💪

>>22289815 🇦🇶🇨🇱President Gabriel Boric Font launched Operation Pole Star III, the first visit by a sitting Latin American president to the southernmost Antarctic extreme.

>>22289947 Washington State Democrats Accidentally Leak Their ‘Radical’ Tax Plan


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3e8932 No.22289982


roger that.

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6284e2 No.22289983

File: f961d3fdb6066b9⋯.jpg (303.94 KB,1079x596,1079:596,Screenshot_20230731_210730….jpg)

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de2718 No.22289986


As compared to…?

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721787 No.22289989

File: a759dadc8516e71⋯.jpg (1.79 MB,3312x2456,414:307,canadian_soldiers_going_ov….jpg)

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3e8932 No.22289992


ty baker


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6284e2 No.22289993

File: 31cd57cb4884b81⋯.png (298.77 KB,529x463,529:463,31cd57cb4884b8125a3bb08be9….png)

File: 02a6781973ea2ce⋯.jpg (805 KB,1390x1200,139:120,02a6781973ea2ceb522b1f76b8….jpg)

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