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File: e7e47c634f44489⋯.png (553.73 KB,1073x570,1073:570,UQntitled.png)

a40b4d No.22279875 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'


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700 posts and 526 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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3c7606 No.22280771

File: 00fd9a80b382a3f⋯.jpg (15.56 KB,550x260,55:26,up_in_smoke_giant_joint_ch….jpg)

Last call

…Baking ~@720


#27254 >>22279887

>>22279901 @MJTruthUltra: Authorities say he was there for 17 seconds before exploding. None of the footage released shows the full 17 seconds, nor a muzzle flash. Where is the full video?

>>22279920 @laralogan re a Green Beret carrying a Desert Eagle

>>22279924, >>22280221 Bourbon St attack on the clock

>>22279934 Did the NOLA &cybertruck terrorists work together at Ft Bragg?

>>22279991, >>22280008, >>22280035, >>22280066 Sundance: Elon Musk Gave DOJ the User Data of Every MAGA Account on Twitter plus discussion

>>22280015 Anon theory on DS plan for Biden seizing power

>>22280051 Scavino: “HE WAS DONE FOREVER…” 18 DAYS⏳

>>22280086, >>22280107, >>22280316 "Is there an epidemic brewing in China?" - India Today

>>22280087 Memorable memes

>>22280132, >>22280135 MORE FOOTAGE: Smoke seen coming from the French Quarter in New Orleans; cause unknown

>>22280144 BIDEN ON NOLA ATTACK: The terrorist "had a remote detonator in his vehicle to set off those ice chests."

>>22280150, >>22280319, >>22280401 #BREAKING: Las Vegas Police say the Trump Cybertruck Bomber sustained a GUNSH0T WOUND to the head PRIOR to the detonation

>>22280156 DC Long - Army Combat Vet's Mysterious UFO Encounter in Underground Military Base | SRS #66 on Ft Bragg

>>22280178 Pornhub is banned in 17 US states

>>22280201 Jonesy: UPDATE: Why Are Both New Year's Day Attackers Associated With The US Army Headquarters For PsyOPs?

>>22280226 Milei: new state employees can be hired only if 3 existing employees are fired within the same dept

>>22280296 Polish Catholics and Jews come together at the Catholic University of Lublin to celebrate Hanukkah.

>>22280316, >>22280321, >>22280363 You thought H-1B was bad? Turns out ‘OPT’ is what’s REALLY killing American jobs…

>>22280349 New Orleans Offered PS5s in Exchange for Guns Day Before Attack to 'Boost Public Safety'

>>22280368 Adam Schiff on his new senate appts

>>22280390 Family of Matthew Livelsberger: “He used to have all patriotic stuff on Facebook, he was 100 percent loving the country.”

>>22280391 Office of Strategic Capital Announces Release of Fiscal Year 2025 Investment Strategy

>>22280396 Portion of I-85 closed due to reported bomb threat involving 18-wheeler in Greenville County, SC

>>22280414 Noteteaker out

>>22280757 Dough claim


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9d21a3 No.22280772


>I didn't know anything about all the previous times our military was caught training terrorists

Now you can go look up every known and reported incident and then ask yourself how many we weren't told about.

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ca162c No.22280773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Live: Small plane crashes into building in Fullerton



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1387c9 No.22280774



this here worthy of note

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000000 No.22280775


He's powered by ZIONISM 2.0


Smith Mundt X




Not even the SEC can touch him

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dc2a9d No.22280776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.













Bernie reads NPR

Glad he's now basically powerless.

And will be more so as time goes on.






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34d94d No.22280777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6328ca No.22280778

File: 8798023770adfcb⋯.png (817.82 KB,2778x1284,463:214,IMG_2618.png)

File: 26198d4b03aa9e7⋯.png (4.5 MB,2778x1284,463:214,IMG_2617.png)

File: 4d64193d07d01a3⋯.jpeg (180.15 KB,664x496,83:62,IMG_2517.jpeg)

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92ac11 No.22280779

File: 3d741159940f25e⋯.png (3.14 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_5077.png)

File: 2078bf398e925e5⋯.jpeg (568.2 KB,853x939,853:939,IMG_5071.jpeg)

File: cda971baeba997f⋯.jpeg (567.61 KB,851x1051,851:1051,IMG_5068.jpeg)

File: b23e0df5fa686fa⋯.jpeg (851.36 KB,1156x1471,1156:1471,IMG_5051.jpeg)

File: 0a1b7962049a7e0⋯.jpeg (214.82 KB,1170x876,195:146,IMG_5052.jpeg)


Kash can’t be bothered by the Chart that saved PDJTs Life!

Turning the 'Corner'

**“Kash’s Corner” debuted in the summer of 2021, when after years of increasingly powerful roles within Trump’s national security agencies, the former federal prosecutor was out of a full-time job following his boss’ election loss.

That January, he began consulting for Trump’s Save America PAC, which devoted most of its spending to the ex-president’s legal bills. (Patel ultimately earned $325,000 for the job.) In April, he started “fundraising consulting” for the campaign committee Friends of Matt Gaetz, pulling in $145,000 that year, following news that the far-right congressman was the subject of an underage sex-trafficking investigation (Gaetz has denied the allegations and no charges were brought). Patel also set up a website, Fight for Kash, where he solicited donations for undefined legal efforts that promised to “strike a major blow to the far-Left media and Big Tech!”**


CPAC bankrolled by Jan. 6 rally organizers and groups spreading 2020 election fraud claims

Anna Massoglia February 25, 2022 5:26 pm


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33b8a1 No.22280780

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ebf615 No.22280781

File: 11b5ce599465417⋯.png (155.33 KB,368x251,368:251,ClipboardImage.png)


Joe Biden Discussed Bombing Iran Before Trump Takes Office

Joe Biden and his National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan discussed bombing Iran’s nuclear site before Trump takes office later this month.

According to Axios, Sullivan brought up the option of bombing Iran in a meeting several weeks ago.

Iran has quietly been expanding its nuclear enrichment capacity at two underground sites as it publicly denies it is seeking nuclear weapons.

The terrorist state has long maintained its Obama-backed nuclear program is to help its citizens. According to various reports, Iran is very close to possessing a viable nuclear weapon.


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32d29c No.22280782


I can prove everything because it has all been documented here. You will never acknowledge and never have, because it is not your goal to save lives. You say you saved mine multiple times but give no proofs, not one. I know the one who calls me the me, me, I, I shill, is actually the killer of my stepson's dog. Because on the day that that dog died, you were looking for me and were already mocking me. You should go analyze the Schumer resonance on that day.

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d97d4e No.22280783

File: d212040d0e6945d⋯.png (95.17 KB,365x445,73:89,jeet_train_next_frame_remo….png)


I want to see more of RFK Jr right now

And less of the pure profit motive side of the admin

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30b27b No.22280784

File: 96d129746fd1540⋯.jpg (114.88 KB,567x672,27:32,Screenshot_2025_01_02_1805….jpg)

Curiouser and curiouser

Family says he was a huge Trump supporter. Questions him shooting himself.


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9bd907 No.22280785


he's welcome to come and hunt deer on my property any time

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5559ef No.22280786

File: bc0808edaf89fae⋯.jpg (141.91 KB,1218x1372,87:98,20250102_113827.jpg)

File: a625078f87521f3⋯.jpg (39.62 KB,503x360,503:360,20250102_041903.jpg)

File: 14aaaf5b2a61cdd⋯.jpg (53.59 KB,765x440,153:88,20241231_230314.jpg)

File: 3d9d46517e81db4⋯.jpg (119.39 KB,1010x1024,505:512,20241230_040728.jpg)

File: 1787f7dab8fca5b⋯.jpg (213.99 KB,950x1334,475:667,20241228_045459.jpg)

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34d94d No.22280787

File: 68c9fa117fd21a5⋯.jpg (21.45 KB,255x254,255:254,doitq.jpg)

File: f975cf3ace0530f⋯.png (1.37 MB,1278x966,213:161,Screenshot_2023_12_02_at_1….png)

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3c7606 No.22280788

File: 3dccca28f135bb4⋯.png (699.23 KB,960x633,320:211,3dccca28f135bb42997c847660….png)


…Baking now


#27254 >>22279887

>>22279901 @MJTruthUltra: Authorities say he was there for 17 seconds before exploding. None of the footage released shows the full 17 seconds, nor a muzzle flash. Where is the full video?

>>22279920 @laralogan re a Green Beret carrying a Desert Eagle

>>22279924, >>22280221 Bourbon St attack on the clock

>>22279934 Did the NOLA &cybertruck terrorists work together at Ft Bragg?

>>22279991, >>22280008, >>22280035, >>22280066 Sundance: Elon Musk Gave DOJ the User Data of Every MAGA Account on Twitter plus discussion

>>22280015 Anon theory on DS plan for Biden seizing power

>>22280051 Scavino: “HE WAS DONE FOREVER…” 18 DAYS⏳

>>22280086, >>22280107, >>22280316 "Is there an epidemic brewing in China?" - India Today

>>22280087 Memorable memes

>>22280132, >>22280135 MORE FOOTAGE: Smoke seen coming from the French Quarter in New Orleans; cause unknown

>>22280144 BIDEN ON NOLA ATTACK: The terrorist "had a remote detonator in his vehicle to set off those ice chests."

>>22280150, >>22280319, >>22280401 #BREAKING: Las Vegas Police say the Trump Cybertruck Bomber sustained a GUNSH0T WOUND to the head PRIOR to the detonation

>>22280156 DC Long - Army Combat Vet's Mysterious UFO Encounter in Underground Military Base | SRS #66 on Ft Bragg

>>22280178 Pornhub is banned in 17 US states

>>22280201 Jonesy: UPDATE: Why Are Both New Year's Day Attackers Associated With The US Army Headquarters For PsyOPs?

>>22280226 Milei: new state employees can be hired only if 3 existing employees are fired within the same dept

>>22280296 Polish Catholics and Jews come together at the Catholic University of Lublin to celebrate Hanukkah.

>>22280316, >>22280321, >>22280363 You thought H-1B was bad? Turns out ‘OPT’ is what’s REALLY killing American jobs…

>>22280349 New Orleans Offered PS5s in Exchange for Guns Day Before Attack to 'Boost Public Safety'

>>22280368 Adam Schiff on his new senate appts

>>22280390 Family of Matthew Livelsberger: “He used to have all patriotic stuff on Facebook, he was 100 percent loving the country.”

>>22280391 Office of Strategic Capital Announces Release of Fiscal Year 2025 Investment Strategy

>>22280396 Portion of I-85 closed due to reported bomb threat involving 18-wheeler in Greenville County, SC

>>22280414 Noteteaker out

>>22280757 Dough claim


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543676 No.22280789

File: f61a2e4a5e99bab⋯.png (241.68 KB,487x572,487:572,ClipboardImage.png)


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604b2f No.22280791


just because you spread your lies and fantasies here does not mean they are true.

the schumer resonance. that's rich. you don't know how stupid you are.

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d97d4e No.22280794

>>22280695 >>22280602

>New Orleans ISIS terrorist and Cybertruck bomber both served at Fort Bragg



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75a1bc No.22280795


With a single 4year Term

Trump put them 8 Years behind Schedule

And Now they only have 19 Days to get up to Speed

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342b62 No.22280796


>why fly the fucking flag and risk getting caught before you can even get the attack started?

Yeah, and drive by a cop with it. Or his house/rental burning down.

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8643d4 No.22280797

File: 1a5f53adb2b6418⋯.png (7.36 MB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_2616.png)

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d97d4e No.22280798


>New Orleans ISIS terrorist and Cybertruck bomber both served at Fort Bragg


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000000 No.22280800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fullerton has a history of IFE and CRASH

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7a2f76 No.22280801


how did he set it off if he shot himself

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3c7606 No.22280802

File: f7a34d3b15b83b9⋯.png (42.39 KB,400x306,200:153,e7a295b36c4ee98945add710aa….png)

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342b62 No.22280803

File: 1e56a7521e128c3⋯.png (1.14 MB,662x666,331:333,1e56a7521e128c36c2fa3e4941….png)

Or was the house burning down the LV guy? Can't keep their bullshit straight. KEK!

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44622d No.22280804

File: d34d5f408a242fc⋯.jpeg (212.04 KB,610x483,610:483,IMG_2604.jpeg)

File: b5d2c03f86bbdf6⋯.jpeg (275.14 KB,732x558,122:93,IMG_2603.jpeg)

File: 44d600964599983⋯.jpeg (123.98 KB,418x543,418:543,IMG_2602.jpeg)

File: 73475c4b481ca20⋯.jpeg (811.28 KB,1008x903,48:43,IMG_2601.jpeg)

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dc2a9d No.22280805

File: 7f982674ea7e6df⋯.png (138.13 KB,511x511,1:1,AntiglobalistAction.png)


well, now you know.

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af2e71 No.22280806

File: 647556fd5adb5f0⋯.png (127.15 KB,1003x611,1003:611,ClipboardImage.png)

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10e854 No.22280807

The burning lithium creates a metal fire existing at temperatures of 2,000 degrees Celsius/3632 degrees Fahrenheit.

Toggle navigation

OnlineMetals.com Home Page – Customer Service (888) 527-3331

Home Melting Points of Metals

Molten steel in a forge

Melting Points of Metal

Date Published: 3/21/22 | Last Updated: 10/16/24

One of our most commonly asked questions is about the melting point of metals. Depending on the project or end-use, the melting point can have a huge impact on your result. If you’re trying to melt metal or expose the metal to high heat, you’ll want to be aware of the melting point for the specific material you are using.

The melting point of iron alloys and the melting point of steel, occur at higher temperatures, around 2,200-2,500 Fahrenheit (°F) / 1,205-1,370 Celsius (°C). Melting points of Copper Alloys (including bronzes, pure copper, and brass) are lower than iron, at ranges around 1,675-1,981°F / 913-1,082°C. Aluminum Alloys have a lower temperature range than copper alloys. Pure aluminum melts at about 1,218 °F / 659 °C, but alloying with other elements can raise this.

Check out our quick answers on the highest and lowest melting points of metals, a video guide, and a table including more common metals found in our catalog, as well as an extensive table of all metals and their melting points.

Which Metal Has the Lowest Melting Point?

Which Metal Has the Highest Melting Point?

Guide to Melting Points Video

TABLE: What are the Common Melting Points of Metals?

TABLE: Full List of All Metals and Their Melting Temperatures

Which Metal Has the Lowest Melting Point?

At the lower end of the melting point spectrum, lead melts at the relatively low temperature of 621 °F / 327 °C.

But, the melting point of metals is more complicated than you’d imagine. There isn’t a set temperature where metal melts. Rather, there is a range going from Solidus to Liquidus. You might guess from the names, this is the range from when metal is solid (Solidus) to liquid (Liquidus).

To help answer that question and explain more, check out our new video below. (Video measured in °F)

Which Metal Has the Highest Melting Point?

Towards the high end of melting point extremes, nickel and tungsten both melt at very high temperatures. Nickel melts around 2,646 °F / 1,452 °C, Tungsten around 6,150°F / 3,399 °C, yes you read that number correctly.

Guide to Melting Points Video

What are the Common Melting Points of Metals?

This melting point chart contains the most common metals used in manufacturing in order of their melting points, and are more commonly used due to factors like strength and corrosion resistance. Scan below to find melting point temperatures of popular metals you can purchase from Online Metals today.


Fahrenheit (f): 1,220

Celsius (c): 660

Yellow Brass

Fahrenheit (f): 1,660-1,710

Celsius (c): 905-932


Fahrenheit (f): 1,675

Celsius (c): 913

Red Brass

Fahrenheit (f): 1,810-1,880

Celsius (c): 990-1,025


Fahrenheit (f): 1,983

Celsius (c): 1,084

Cast Iron

Fahrenheit (f): 2,060-2,200

Celsius (c): 1,127-1,204

Carbon Steel

Fahrenheit (f): 2,500-2,800

Celsius (c): 1,371-1,593


Fahrenheit (f): 2,647

Celsius (c): 1,453

Wrought Iron

Fahrenheit (f): 2,700-2,900

Celsius (c): 1,482-1,593

Stainless Steel

Fahrenheit (f): 2,750

Celsius (c): 1,510


Fahrenheit (f): 3,040

Celsius (c): 1,670

Elon is using stainless because it's melting temp is 2700 degrees.

Steel and iron melt at about same temp as lithium batteries. Elon doesn't want the car melting because no one will buy it

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d56be6 No.22280808

File: d693ab58c771658⋯.png (687.18 KB,1028x711,1028:711,ClipboardImage.png)


big hole

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c432dd No.22280809

File: 31c100e40840580⋯.jpeg (290.6 KB,1861x1284,1861:1284,IMG_2286.jpeg)

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40d556 No.22280810


Not surprising considering the entire Biden Admin is run by Israeli firsters

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31c894 No.22280811

File: 8a62a6f543c9c25⋯.png (8.82 KB,300x110,30:11,ClipboardImage.png)



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34d94d No.22280812

File: 3ce7c6243772689⋯.png (2.31 MB,2192x1096,2:1,Screenshot_2025_01_01_at_2….png)

File: 02b06df95dcb3b1⋯.png (377 KB,388x508,97:127,Screenshot_2025_01_01_at_2….png)

File: 0592e10c3a498b6⋯.png (337.49 KB,1452x798,242:133,Screenshot_2025_01_02_at_1….png)

File: c1169f0415007fa⋯.png (980.03 KB,1096x610,548:305,Screenshot_2025_01_01_at_2….png)

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000000 No.22280813


1. Spray him with Relaxin Herb, what's it called CHLOROPHORM

2. Turn off Trump Tower Cameras

3. Remotely Drive Truck to the Tower

4. Push Red button

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7a67cc No.22280814

File: 8798023770adfcb⋯.png (817.82 KB,2778x1284,463:214,IMG_2618.png)

File: 26198d4b03aa9e7⋯.png (4.5 MB,2778x1284,463:214,IMG_2617.png)

File: 96581cf559f3c24⋯.jpeg (702.5 KB,1077x570,359:190,IMG_2641.jpeg)

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dc2a9d No.22280816

File: 8d3e7a2b1301ed5⋯.jpg (117.62 KB,1200x590,120:59,jokergrin.jpg)


It's for "crazy making"

they are mocking us

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aa3336 No.22280818

File: 8798023770adfcb⋯.png (817.82 KB,2778x1284,463:214,IMG_2618.png)

File: 96581cf559f3c24⋯.jpeg (702.5 KB,1077x570,359:190,IMG_2641.jpeg)

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3c7606 No.22280819

File: 3c4acb86b7521a6⋯.png (1.59 MB,1036x666,14:9,allegorypattern.png)


…Get your shit straight, idiot!

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604b2f No.22280820


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ba7934 No.22280823

File: 2ae85b2d72b3be6⋯.png (447.1 KB,500x812,125:203,ClipboardImage.png)

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db7f84 No.22280824

File: 04251f21a9c8936⋯.jpeg (727.49 KB,1284x715,1284:715,IMG_2502.jpeg)

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755a5e No.22280827


Wrong, six ways from Sunday. I know exactly what you have done. I got attacked six different ways before that dog died by someone who has access to the NY legal system using the same people who attacked PDJT. Why were you asking the board, where is the me, me, I I, shill that day? Mockery, you knew what had already transpired by trying to minimize my story before I could even tell it. Clown.

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604b2f No.22280828

shadilay reloaded

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61fe89 No.22280829

File: b4195d6153b41f2⋯.jpeg (422.15 KB,1284x732,107:61,IMG_2510.jpeg)

File: c71cf04240dd5ea⋯.jpeg (710.61 KB,1284x1711,1284:1711,IMG_2606.jpeg)

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6a94e5 No.22284832


AS will face the Karma he left behind at the Standard Hotel that night.

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