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File: a08f80ba7a45ff5⋯.png (1.12 MB,1529x856,1529:856,In_God_We_Trust.png)

9ab7a3 No.22250105 [View All]

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702 posts and 498 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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a52c5b No.22250993


Good question.

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5179b0 No.22250994


is he walking this shit back?

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775f0d No.22250995

File: 4edf09d896a61f5⋯.png (131.61 KB,260x255,52:51,ClipboardImage.png)

The H1B system is being abused. certain politicians got paid off to allow this. The system needs to be fixed and the abusers and political criminals punished.

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081472 No.22250996

File: 3a3d21ca3efd293⋯.jpg (267.93 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241229_133848….jpg)

File: e6e8cdb227b1ff9⋯.jpeg (331.61 KB,1024x768,4:3,Gf_DuWlWoAA2BdN.jpeg)

File: 658a7e5c6307380⋯.png (17.86 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage110.png)

File: cd0e59e0847a710⋯.png (1.12 MB,710x3140,71:314,1310_1.png)

File: 7a82cf1b6cccca5⋯.png (768.49 KB,877x855,877:855,7a82cf1b6cccca5cc0fe079f10….png)

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2d5860 No.22250997


To be fair - he can out speak Obama by a factor of a MILLION.. Obama is a stuttering dumb F in comparison.

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7eb7b5 No.22250998


There are 345,000,000 people is the usa. Elon you are a God damn idiot.

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1d9057 No.22250999

File: 62bb617e8eadb7a⋯.png (181.84 KB,268x378,134:189,gm.PNG)

see vids about new drone with flapping wings like bird

few days later South Korea Bird Strike Before Deadly Boeing Crash

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fa6a54 No.22251000

File: e3f791bc2761f83⋯.jpg (229.21 KB,1280x1280,1:1,fauci_dallas.jpg)

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4d55a8 No.22251001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yeah me neither

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2d5860 No.22251002


Yup - MERIT is king, DEI is death spiral.

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a38c7c No.22251003

File: 43bb2c6ce6252f7⋯.png (147.21 KB,500x560,25:28,smj49g7.png)


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081472 No.22251004

File: 6feb7e61efe8e84⋯.jpg (280.33 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241229_134045….jpg)

File: 8343c0ccd7c92e3⋯.png (286.57 KB,710x2080,71:208,121_5.png)

File: a432628f49483b9⋯.png (27.02 KB,710x364,355:182,1321.png)

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a7f376 No.22251005


>adding a yearly cost for maintaining the H1B

like maybe something that would offset the FICA saving that the company gets


>You are becoming untrustworthy by the minute

literally the only apology that would mean anything at this point is "I was drunk and I'm a fucking faggot when I'm drunk"

And still then, I can't imagine giving him the benefit of the doubt I did before

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16d38f No.22251006

Hire Ron

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3def1d No.22251007

File: fc385dd2b2aabc6⋯.png (304.86 KB,598x476,299:238,ClipboardImage.png)

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409396 No.22251008


He hasn't even started yet, and I'm already sick of his ass.

Zero Tolerance for Bullshit of UNELECTED big mouths.

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b3c6a1 No.22251010

File: ab78f0ebb153e12⋯.jpeg (16.56 KB,228x255,76:85,ab78f0ebb153e12cdfbdfd760….jpeg)

You think he's been here in the past 24 hrs? Anons know he was known to baker here.

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0357b4 No.22251011


she got away "Scot free"

some sort of long-in-advance foreshadowing?

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081472 No.22251012

File: 899e3656c0bb781⋯.jpg (240.92 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20241229_134208….jpg)

File: f7775c55908bd44⋯.png (340.3 KB,710x2432,355:1216,137_2.png)

File: 0ac41f08266e65c⋯.png (64.22 KB,710x716,355:358,1337.png)

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f35ff7 No.22251013


Most red heads are RH- blood I believe

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a7f376 No.22251014

File: 13bb41468bfd65d⋯.jpeg (24.56 KB,474x208,237:104,more_obama_brain_scar.jpeg)

File: d18f58be7256462⋯.jpg (8.22 KB,162x292,81:146,obama_brain_scar_another_a….jpg)

File: 897f8b71597c120⋯.jpg (27.99 KB,375x200,15:8,obama_brain_scar.jpg)


>he can out speak Obama by a factor of a MILLION

Yes. No doubt. Obama's brain surgery or whatever fucked him up. He was a weirdo. I'm not comparing really. I'm just showing that video of him copying obama speeches

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4d55a8 No.22251015


"sources say"

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b95087 No.22251016


His employee kache still has his job, twitter account and is safe from having to publically repent for bashing white Americans because he's Canadian and claims he's an Indian Jew and Elon will still gets government subsidies for removing American voices from social media.

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fa6a54 No.22251017

File: 4f7f434b3463d18⋯.jpg (88.37 KB,1080x652,270:163,Gendered_Terms.jpg)

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409396 No.22251018


Said the same when he was running for POTUS.

Dubed him RamSWAMPY

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a52c5b No.22251019


He got dog walked by Trump. Ramaswamy is still hiding under the bed. Crying. Glad it happened pre inauguration.

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9ab7a3 No.22251020



#27221 >>22250114

>>22250131 Dick Morris to Newsmax: Trump Will Stop the Grift With H-1Bs

>>22250179 Today in Q Post History we have 07 Deltas

>>22250196, >>22250201, >>22250241 Join the REFORM UK Party or 404

>>22250261 @seanspicer - Lets settle this and vote on H1B Visas

>>22250262 Russia Will Abandon Its Unilateral Missile Moratorium, Lavrov Says

>>22250296 Charles Dolan, HBO and Cablevision Founder, Dies at 98

>>22250332, >>22250341 Abortions are up in the US.

>>22250357 Finally, An Electric Minivan With Six Wheels That Launches A Drone

>>22250456, >>22250657 False Flag Dr. Leana Wen is Back to Sound the Alarm on Bird Flu

>>22250500, >>22250503 The Democrats stupid "Divide and Conquer" childish scheme

>>22250535, >>22250556 Time to move forward as one team.

>>22250558 Bird flu has nothing to do with health. It's a tool of the central bankers

>>22250573 Drones attacked Rostov region: Locomotive depot damaged

>>22250576 WATCH WHO chief escape Israeli airstrike at Yemen airport

>>22250589 Debate Over H-1B Visas Intensifies

>>22250643, >>22250688 Russia Deploys New Anti-Drone Buggies on the Battlefield

>>22250663 Brigham Buhler on How U.S. Taxpayers Are ‘Subsidizing the Innovation of Big Pharma’

>>22250679 Major meat suppliers in the USA CAUGHT using GLUE on MEAT to stick together scraps and fraudulently sell them as PRIME CUTS

>>22250691 Trump border czar considering military bases to aid deportations

>>22250690, >>22250712 Was Huma an H1B visa???

>>22250722 RT - Crashed Azerbaijani plane hit from ground

>>22250726, >>22250757 Some Justice Department Lawyers Look for Protection—and the Exits

>>22250758 The 2024 Trafficking in Persons Report: Hong Kong

>>22250820 Ukraine's Magura V5 Naval Kamikaze Drone Makes History as First to Sink a Warship in Combat

>>22250828 Who Says The Left Can't Meme? pretty much everyone

>>22250846 There were 21 campus hate crime hoaxes uncovered in 2024

>>22250870 Julie Kelly On The Accountability That Patel And Bondi Will Oversee In Next Trump Term

>>22250877 Israeli Army Moves Deeper Into Southern Lebanon Despite Ceasefire

>>22250899 Darren Beattie: H-1B Visas Are Not About Talent, It’s About Cost Cutting

>>22250910 GEORGIA - Ex-lawmaker for the right-wing ruling Dream party Mikheil Kavelashvili, has been inaugurated as president

>>22250913 Elon Musk Calls for Major Reform of Broken H-1B Visa Program

>>22250917 PM Trudeau Sends Ministers to Mar-A-Lago To Negotiate With Trump Team

>>22250933 James Comer Promises to Investigate Biden-China Photo Scandal

>>22250958 Here’s How Tom Homan Plans To Track Down The 300,000 Missing Migrant Children

>>22250962 “The H-1B Program Is A Total And Complete Scam.” Steve Bannon

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a891b8 No.22251021


oh ok. is this about giving amnesty to them all?

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4d55a8 No.22251024


it's not vivek who through the bombs the day before yesterday though is it

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19f3a0 No.22251025


If he was sincere, he'd be promoting the O-1 Visa program.

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a7f376 No.22251026


digits andnotable anon theoryabout plane crash drone

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a52c5b No.22251027


Fuck him

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03471d No.22251028

File: 1d327f05395d7d9⋯.mp4 (4.18 MB,854x470,427:235,0000000000.mp4)

Loy Brunson:











When that is understood by the mainstream population

it’s going to be a revolution. People are going to come unglued.

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fa6a54 No.22251029

File: 172fc17f4303ffe⋯.png (702.24 KB,964x615,964:615,generator_electric_car.png)

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409396 No.22251030


Recipient of Neurolink?


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a891b8 No.22251031


faek, ghey, and chinee.

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e7a68e No.22251032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6458d9 No.22251033

File: ee0a086a96778d2⋯.mp4 (6.31 MB,1920x1080,16:9,caught2.mp4)

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b3c6a1 No.22251034





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cb18ea No.22251035


msndcHo1 in disgrace






less gotoback top1 noHO


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9ab7a3 No.22251037

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eb6f05 No.22251038


>Unless you have worked in an engineering team, you will not understand how hard it is to find genuine talent… most people think they are engineers and programmers, but when it comes to highly complex systems, the average person creates spaghetti garbage…

>Even a degree in engineering is not a guarantee of finding capable engineers..

Agreed. I have found the most telling characteristic is that degreed new hires that follow sportsball teams and cite game statistics from memory are usually worthless.

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a891b8 No.22251039


Godspeed, b.

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fa6a54 No.22251040

File: caa48c98bb8e8c9⋯.png (235.91 KB,572x565,572:565,google_please.png)

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775f0d No.22251041

File: de4901e7590b46d⋯.png (293.57 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa6a54 No.22251042

File: f17f3891064ed39⋯.png (440.27 KB,828x789,276:263,govt_avocado.png)

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92d648 No.22251043

File: 8d4558ddf8c86d1⋯.png (23.29 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

“‘If they could make me stop loving you—that would be the real betrayal.’ She thought it over. ‘They can’t do that. . . . They can make you say anything—anything—but they can’t make you believe it. They can’t get inside you.’”

With Goldstein’s manifesto in hand, Julia and Winston talk over the sacrifices they are prepared to make for the cause. Julia convinces Winston that no matter what the Party makes them say under torture, the Party will be unable to force them to change their minds. She will be wrong. In this conversation, Winston and Julia also unwittingly give the Party ammunition against them, as the room is bugged.

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4d55a8 No.22251044


ding ding we have a winner.

.01-1.0% of the

"top talent" they constantly extol actually appropriately fits in the O-1 visa not the H-1B

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fa6a54 No.22251045

File: 1b78b4f423ef933⋯.jpg (115.57 KB,773x960,773:960,grand_theft_uranium.jpg)

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9ab7a3 No.22251046

File: ca760d8bd518e75⋯.png (51.13 KB,230x255,46:51,obe_2020_07_22_19_33_32_UT….png)

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