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File: aae55e0d32e4954⋯.png (1.02 MB,1035x580,207:116,000ddd.png)

d0be71 No.22242645 [View All]

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4bc944 No.22243446

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Donald J. Trump A.K.A "POTE"


Big threats on my life byIran. The entire U.S. Military is watching and waiting. Moves were already made by Iran that didn’t work out, but they will try again. Not a good situation for anyone. I am surrounded by more men, guns, and weapons than I have ever seen before. Thank you to Congress for unanimously approving far more money to Secret Service - Zero “NO” Votes, strictly bipartisan. Nice to see Republicans and Democrats get together on something. An attack on a former President is a Death Wish for the attacker!

Sep 25, 2024, 12:34 AM E.S.T


Feb 06, 2020 11:16:52 PM EST3836

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 256bf1 No. 8056704

Think HRC Russia reset statement [Russia].

Think Hussein 'I'll have more flexibility after the election' hot mic statement to Russian depo re: Q to Hussein re: Putin.

Think Hussein WH refusal to send weapons to Ukraine [R Congress push to assist] but instead sent only blankets.

Think [D]s attack(s) re: POTUS for failure to 'protect' Ukraine against Russian aggression? [Impeachment]

What advanced weapons did POTUS send to Ukraine?

2 + 2 = 6?

Define projection.

Think $1,800,000,000 Hussein WH > Ukraine [which bank?].

Think US AID > Ukraine

Think WW AID > Ukraine

Think U1 [sale of US uranium to Russia]

Sold out US to benefit Russia for personal financial gain?

Risked US National Security for personal financial gain?

How was payment made to US person(s)?

Think Ukraine.

Think IRAN.

Russia & IRAN allies?

Russia, IRAN, & China allies?

US pol corruption China

US pol corruption Ukraine [US leverage on behalf of…]

US pol corruption Russia

US pol corruption IRAN

Common denominator: China, Russia, and IRAN: Closed financial systems?

Logical thinking.


Apr 24, 2018 11:27:03 AM EDT1254

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: bc4b43 No. 1169101

IRANis next.



POTUS today.

“Mark it down.”

“Bigger problems than ever before.”


CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2 [important]

Refers to more than continued payments of $250B.


Sweet Dreams.


Israel should strike Iran’s nuclear sites – Trump5 Oct, 2024 10:08

Preventing Tehran from acquiring weapons of mass destruction should be a priority, the Republican candidate has said


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2174e3 No.22243447

File: 16208dc0d74becd⋯.png (302.25 KB,835x664,835:664,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac7c1b4dd1a3110⋯.png (313.48 KB,691x776,691:776,ClipboardImage.png)


everyone is attacking elon and vivek, they are both disposable but no one has said a thing about Scott Bessent!!



note: The only nomination by trump that the deep state agrees with is Scott Bressent in the most important position. There are 3 reasons why they are happy,

1) Bressent is bait

2) Bressent has turned and has the inside knowledge

3) Trump appointed him as a deal with the money men which will be a last minute betrayal (The hero will be provided, think starmer).



Donald J. Trump @realdonaldtrump

Dec 18, 2024, 3:49 PM



Why CEO's are cheering Trumps pick for treasury secretary..



By Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and Steven TianNovember 23, 2024 9:42 AM EST

The announcement that President-elect Donald Trump’s long-anticipated pick for Treasury Secretary will be hedge fund manager Scott Bessent is being received well by business leaders and markets, who are reassured that Bessent finally emerged on top after a selection process and jockeying by top candidates.

Indeed, I heard from several CEOs who had been on edge over the last couple of weeks as Trump’s search for Treasury Secretary remained unfinished, raising different sets of concerns about other contenders. By far, Bessent, a global macro investor, was the only contender who CEOs viewed as qualified and competent and able to work constructively with Trump. As I told The Washington Post, “Bessent has the backing of everybody on Wall Street.”

Bessent has spent much of his career avoiding the spotlight. Still, he has a reputation as an experienced investor and savvy businessman and entrepreneur with decades of expertise navigating macro markets. The list of Bessent’s supporters, mentors and business partners reads as a who’s who of Wall Street across institutions and political parties.

After getting his start on Wall Street as an intern to a legendary investor, Jim Rogers,


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e89fd0 No.22243448


I'll say it. We need a full 100% immigration halt for at least as much time as it takes to deport 90% of the illegals. Allocate all available resources to solving the biggest problem first.

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97b523 No.22243449


In the search for the check mate removing the pawns is crucial.

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c182b8 No.22243450


Israel’s Rule Over the Palestinians Has Created a New Judaism

Supremacy, oppression, force – never before has the Jewish people engaged in such an explosive fusion of sovereignty and rule. Messianic fervor, once under the radar, is now rearing its head

Can there be Judaism without Jews? Is there somewhere an entity called “Judaism” that exists in a disconnect from Jews in terms of time and place? This question does not relate to the source of the authority of Judaism. In other words, it does not address the issue of who authorized people to create this entity – whether it was God, as tradition maintains, or a social-human initiative, as biblical criticism argues. The question I pose here deals with a given situation in which Judaism already exists. Who if not human beings created it? And can it exist without Jews, detached from a concrete social experience?

I want to argue that it cannot. The fact is that Judaism as we’ve known it for the past 2,000 years is post-Temple Judaism. It’s a Judaism that the sages renewed upon the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 C.E., and the failure of the Bar-Kochba revolt in 132-136 C.E.. Effectively, the sages fomented a total revolution in Judaism; they changed the modes of worship, the religious experience and the connection with God. Prayer and intensive study of the Holy Scriptures replaced animal sacrifices. The rabbinical revolution also changed the social stratification of the Jewish people. Its leaders supplanted the priests and the Levites as the social and religious elite.

As a result, the path by which one entered society’s elite underwent a dramatic transformation. It no longer depended on one’s biological origins – being born to a father from the tribe of Levi – but rather was dependent on the individual’s intellectual and religious deeds and personality.

The historical circumstances of the time also led to geographical and political decentralization. Jerusalem remained only a symbolic focal point of Judaism. Religious authority was no longer centered in one place or in a hierarchical establishment of priests, as had been the case in the past. After 70 C.E., the Jews had neither a church nor a pope, as it were. Even well after that era, there was no single model of authority. Alongside the Torah scholar were now the admor (a spiritual Hasidic leader), mystic, folk preacher, dayan (religious judge) and professor.

If the face of Judaism reflects the situation of Jews, and if Jews shape Judaism in keeping with the circumstances of time and place – then what Jews are doing in the sovereign State of Israel is also shaping Judaism. Sovereignty involves the exercise of effective rule over a territory and a population. It behooves us, then, to consider how ruling a territory and population has changed Judaism. And, in the main, how rule over a non-Jewish population – in our case, the Palestinians – has spawned a new Judaism.

There is no precedent in Jewish history for the existence of a Jewish state that constitutes a regional power and rules another people. Never before has the Jewish people possessed a combination like this of sovereignty, power and control, which are being exploited to oppress another people. The Hasmonean Kingdom (140-63 B.C.E.) was not a regional power. The Hasmonean ruler and high priest John Hyrcanus I converted the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Edom to Judaism in 125 B.C.E., after conquering them. But a mass conversion to Judaism of the Palestinians was not and is not on the agenda – they are meant to remain outside the Jewish collective.

The Jewish people was always ethnocentric. It believes in the supremacy of its ethnic collective over other nations. This is a blatantly hierarchical conception, according to which the Jew is superior to the non-Jew. But throughout history, this was a supremacy that lacked the force of a state and an apparatus for wielding control over non-Jews. On the contrary: The Jews were inferior in status in the social and religious order that was established by the empires and states that ruled them over two millennia.

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459696 No.22243451


mujhe taco bell chahiye

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4692cf No.22243452


…was always a nagging feel in the back of my mind about not trusting this asswipe.

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2174e3 No.22243453

File: abfce50b3b3f963⋯.gif (3.12 MB,640x360,16:9,a_djt_bullet_gif.gif)


Bessent worked at Brown Brothers Harriman before joining up with Jim Chanos, the short seller who correctly predicted the downfall of Enron, Wirecard, and other corporate disasters. Bessent then became a partner to George Soros at Soros Fund Management, where alongside Stanley Druckenmiller, he was a driving force behind perhaps Soros’ most famous trade, his 1992 shorting of the British pound which won Soros, Bessent and their team over $1 billion in profits.

Roughly half of $ 4 billion capital behind Bessent’s own firm, Key Square, came from Soros investment. If confirmed by the Senate, Bessent would be the first openly-gay Treasury Secretary in U.S. history. He is a graduate of Yale and a generous supporter of the university.

The business community expects Bessent to reach out and work closely with business leaders, as well as policymakers from both sides of the aisle, to create economic growth and usher in the “golden age” of American economic opportunity Trump touts. Unlike some of Trump’s other cabinet selections, Bessent is regarded as a problem solver whose support bridges ideological and sector divides. Bessent is a longtime Republican and a loyal supporter of Trump, but he has also given generously to Democratic presidential candidates, including Al Gore and Barack Obama. He was supported in his bid for Treasury Secretary by individuals as different as former Trump National Economic Council and Fox Business channel anchor Larry Kudlow, former Trump advisor Steve Bannon, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon, Evercore Senior Chairman Roger Altman, and Hayman Capital Founder Kyle Bass.

Bessent’s approach should help when it comes to key issues, such as tariffs, where business leaders are most apprehensive about Trump’s economic policy. While Bessent has expressed strong support for tariffs, so too have many CEOs—as long as tariffs are targeted, selective and carefully executed. Bessent discounts the inflationary effect that worries most economists about tariffs and the likelihood of punishing retaliatory moves from trading partners creating barriers for US exports many CEOs fear as he believes Trump’s plan is just to threaten these measures as negotiation tools.

Sure, Bessent will have his work cut out for him in striking a balance between driving American economic growth and satisfying Trump’s tariff whims, but the business community is eager to engage as partners in charting a constructive path forward. Trump’s Trump’s selection of Bessent increases the chances of that happening.

Bessent’s nomination shows he was able to hold his ground against powerful opponents in the Trump camp. Economists and business leaders will have differences his decisions but will respect his decision-making style. Bessent’s track record of engagement provides a genuine reason for optimism for the American economy’s growth.


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23e171 No.22243454

File: 03251ef6e1f3ea1⋯.png (173.58 KB,568x284,2:1,racist_so_what.png)

File: b173591521c0ec2⋯.jpg (172.87 KB,780x1024,195:256,racist_replacement_myth.jpg)

File: 29d0db4826690b3⋯.png (449.97 KB,1233x1586,1233:1586,time_is_racist.png)

File: 2fe4c093f5913aa⋯.png (700.07 KB,1317x951,439:317,seth_rogen_racist_against_….png)

File: 675b98b007ee944⋯.jpg (46.56 KB,500x307,500:307,take_daughter_and_wife_not….jpg)

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551bb9 No.22243455

File: 8d9e8cdea8512b4⋯.jpg (844.55 KB,1536x1803,512:601,hussainosbma6.jpg)

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1d991f No.22243456




>Baker haz IRL and owes the diggies gawds cobbee

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6aa5db No.22243457

File: fff303de1e19eee⋯.png (390.95 KB,640x428,160:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ec084 No.22243458


Normally, sure. We're talking about actual racists.

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4692cf No.22243459


Nope, it's JUST US!

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26e17e No.22243460



excellent video

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97b523 No.22243461


It's all about White Replacement, raising kids takes money, so the judeo-satanic rulers make it easier for foreigners to reproduce in high numbers and harder for Whites to reproduce as numerous thru financial hardship. It's just another facet of the on going race war foreigners are waging against Whites in their own homelands to conquer them via mass migration.

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459696 No.22243462


Bessent, 49, who some consider Soros' protege, will now oversee the $25 billion that belongs to Soros, his family and foundations, after Soros retired this summer and Keith Anderson, the former CIO left in July.

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3eefc7 No.22243463

File: 564cf50b80289ed⋯.png (141.29 KB,709x853,709:853,Screenshot_2024_12_28_tesl….png)


here some more if you really want to bake your noodle

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c69daa No.22243464

File: 17b639c5875759a⋯.png (328.1 KB,461x782,461:782,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa1328299a32951⋯.png (366.68 KB,484x679,484:679,ClipboardImage.png)

Interesting post from Reddit on H1B fraud from 4 months ago.



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23e171 No.22243465

File: aeda5b73807e2a6⋯.jpg (147.74 KB,1290x940,129:94,Trump_illegal_immigration_….jpg)

File: d02420d9e9e4c3d⋯.png (3.77 MB,1856x2000,116:125,illegal_imigration_trump_c….png)

File: 50466de72ab7d7e⋯.png (1004.75 KB,1011x568,1011:568,Trump_2024_RNC_the_chart_t….png)


>I'll say it. We need a full 100% immigration halt for at least as much time as it takes to deport 90% of the illegals. Allocate all available resources to solving the biggest problem first.

Good point. The election promises should come first, at least.

You pointed out the big unspoken assumption in all of this. Which is that we all know that there will never be a "deportation as big as Eisenhower's".

We all know that the fucking chart will keep going up


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c182b8 No.22243466

File: 9c96e9a60a636d7⋯.png (982.78 KB,711x891,79:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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23e171 No.22243467


are you? then you've joined team commie. congraulations.

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435877 No.22243468

File: 1d3d942860d558a⋯.jpg (59.78 KB,794x501,794:501,4a256e2e6bb409572d27708e94….jpg)

File: a557b3bb79c98d1⋯.mp4 (8.59 MB,400x224,25:14,Fuddy_Crash_.mp4)

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3f13b8 No.22243469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Secret Of Light By Walter Russell (Unabridged Illustrated Audiobook)

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1a825c No.22243470

File: ff6b25c1b48ec97⋯.png (62.08 KB,928x467,928:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56009a43d096468⋯.jpg (355.49 KB,1488x1086,248:181,J_China_2.jpg)

File: 8fffd9cbcae4a77⋯.jpg (177.61 KB,960x1188,80:99,J_China_3.jpg)

File: 519ef2242a6bb38⋯.jpg (297.12 KB,1485x815,297:163,J_China.jpg)

File: a2def496d592f4f⋯.jpg (281.19 KB,1544x892,386:223,J_China_5.jpg)


"Clowns" who created CCP (and China in 1949) were jews.


Look it up.

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0b1290 No.22243471

File: ff7ade30f0e33ce⋯.png (4.07 MB,2580x1242,430:207,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_0….png)

File: 5c224b81190cab7⋯.png (2.65 MB,2460x1088,615:272,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_0….png)

File: a2fb46c6a813d13⋯.png (1.6 MB,1770x1114,885:557,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_0….png)

File: f079578d3154f4e⋯.png (38.81 KB,178x112,89:56,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_0….png)

File: ad0a2ac6670ed39⋯.png (2.59 MB,1770x1332,295:222,Screenshot_2024_12_28_at_0….png)


where are these H1B1 Visa Lottery Winners?

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c69daa No.22243472

File: 5ceead8334bbdbb⋯.png (293.64 KB,619x680,619:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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3eefc7 No.22243473

File: 7c06fa0e41679b7⋯.png (242.42 KB,914x1593,914:1593,Screenshot_2024_12_28_Top_….png)

==Top 200 H1B sponsors


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c69daa No.22243474

File: 1a621f16d6a7235⋯.png (515.2 KB,1070x992,535:496,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71d1675660898f6⋯.png (489.56 KB,1070x484,535:242,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0e217271f26f17⋯.png (567.27 KB,1236x881,1236:881,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8541409c303c361⋯.png (179.13 KB,1338x214,669:107,ClipboardImage.png)

>director of pickleball


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e93250 No.22243475

File: e556a3ca42ae6ad⋯.png (26.67 KB,444x422,222:211,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c9dc11f267dc5d⋯.png (44.15 KB,463x689,463:689,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d10c70b1b274647⋯.png (11.96 KB,466x238,233:119,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9a306bbc3d4b81⋯.png (72.35 KB,474x387,158:129,ClipboardImage.png)

Show is becoming pretty good I must say.

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0b1290 No.22243476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>"Clowns" who created CCP (and China in 1949) were jews.


are the kgb in india russian jews?

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c182b8 No.22243477

File: 29627b5379dc493⋯.png (91 KB,240x352,15:22,ClipboardImage.png)


He was directly responsible for managing the establishment of a communist party in the Republic of China and other far east countries.

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551bb9 No.22243478



China was there before Jews.

Mao was Chinese.

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9ec084 No.22243480

File: c7d892d7b4690d9⋯.jpg (52.8 KB,500x500,1:1,45v5xu.jpg)


That must be it.

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3f13b8 No.22243481

File: d2f482b39549e98⋯.png (2.37 MB,933x925,933:925,gh.PNG)


How to Keep Your Balance While Spinning

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e89fd0 No.22243482


Now once the whites figure this out, and start their own businesses is when this gets interesting.

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551bb9 No.22243483


But was he religious?

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0b1290 No.22243484

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


uh, i'm with the band

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9f6b3f No.22243485




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c182b8 No.22243486



Voitinsky is considered to be the "chief architect" in founding the CCP.

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26e17e No.22243488


Same with 7-11's.

How to Americans compete with foreigners getting endless tax deals ? They might get the initial tax break for starting a new business, but they perfected the jew-art of advancing it: sell the "store/business" to a family member and the clock starts all over again, while keeping it in the family.

Unfair practice toward Americans who didn't get a tax break to open up their business.

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1a825c No.22243489


are you jewish, perchance?


another genius

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061101 No.22243491

File: 3ffe90f41c3bbb7⋯.jpg (32.7 KB,400x400,1:1,grammar.jpg)

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551bb9 No.22243492

File: 6cfc790ae0a608c⋯.jpg (346.8 KB,1024x768,4:3,jewhatersasawitwasaresort.jpg)

Jew haters never give up

They say the work camps were a resort.

they make no distinction between different Jews.

They feel the ten commandments means nothing to "da Jews"

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551bb9 No.22243493


you need a new script

go back to half chan

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0b1290 No.22243494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3eefc7 No.22243495

File: ba1f7b17b06ed54⋯.png (263.59 KB,923x1582,923:1582,Screenshot_2024_12_28_Top_….png)

File: ba5aaffac7db3ce⋯.png (258.75 KB,923x1587,923:1587,Screenshot_2024_12_28_Top_….png)

File: 0748a3ae4ec4c6b⋯.png (256.33 KB,917x1522,917:1522,Screenshot_2024_12_28_Top_….png)


DOORDASHon that H1B "talented foreigners" list

Elon is fucking liar and needs to just start focusing on the job he was nominated for which is fixing government waste.

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b444ad No.22243496

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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97b523 No.22243497

File: 8000c59196d1815⋯.png (2.74 MB,3580x1252,895:313,1965_Immigration_Act_Jews.png)

File: bcdbc9665e025a5⋯.png (342.99 KB,1199x1019,1199:1019,Jews_migration_UN_Holocaus….png)

File: 0158dad2291d93d⋯.png (55.79 KB,598x583,598:583,Jews_anti_White.png)

File: b9f863dc0cd8328⋯.png (897.08 KB,1602x1308,267:218,jew_anti_White_books.png)

File: b2c5f36bec79839⋯.jpg (47.9 KB,522x720,29:40,jew_anti_White_1.jpg)


Regardless of why EUROPEAN American stock migrants decided to cross the ocean from Europe to America, they were EUROPEAN American stock. There is no acceptable way to ever justify making Americans (aka EUROPEAN stock Americans) a minority in their own homeland via mass non-European migration.

Reminder that the Founding Fathers were Ethno-Nationalists and that the US was built by White people for White people, nothing anyone says or does will ever change that verifiable fact.



"This was the first law to define eligibility for citizenship by naturalization and establish standards and procedures by which immigrants became US citizens. In this early version, Congress limited this important right to “free white persons.”"

1 minute video about this subject (the American man is Jared Taylor, who runs the American Renaissance organization):



Whites (aka Europeans) are a global minority with less than 10% of the world population being Whites, and only our countries are being flooded with other races as a way to ethnically replace us (which is genocide). White countries for White people only, all races have their own countries, and if we don't act in a decisive way we will not have any country to live in peace on. Christ saves our souls regardless of our race, and Ethno-Nationalism saves our countries regardless of our Nation (btw Nation means blood and soil, and the tower of Babel is Biblical justification for Ethno-Nationalism, as well as the fact that God created various Nations, distinct and apart from each other).

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551bb9 No.22243498


jew haters are allowed here.

and are an annoyance.

Nothing new to offer


Nothing about Q research or Trump that's relevant to q research.

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