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File: 5012ca26a437b92⋯.png (1.29 MB,1920x1080,16:9,5012ca26a437b9217bd18f37d0….png)

9e1195 No.21926700 [Last50 Posts]

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9e1195 No.21926704

International Q Research Threads

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ANONS: Stay positive, Eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26851 >>21925941

>>21925949 Venezuela says hopes for 'good relations' with US after Trump win

>>21925960 Top 5 CEOs of Big Pharma holding emergency teleconference today

>>21925975 No gold brocade on the flags…



>>21926005 Michigan for TRUMP Great Lakes swing state trifectas turns Kamala's storied "Blue Wall" red

>>21926020, >>21926040 Follow The Money POLYMARKET ODDS

>>21926036 Thousands of Ballots Expected to Be Dumped in Philadelphia

>>21926064 Houthis Reportedly Declare Ceasefire Shortly After Trump Victory

>>21926082 8 States Approve Noncitizen Voting Amendments

>>21926095 Streets of RUSSIA after TRUMP Won The US Presidential Election 2024

>>21926111 Steve Bannon Reminds the WarRoom Posse Their Impact: "It's Like Being In The American Revolution."

>>21926127 Trayon White Cruises To Reelection After Getting Caught On Camera Allegedly Taking Wads Of Cash In Bribes

>>21926147 JUST IN - Apple CEO Tim Cook congratulates Donald Trump on victory

>>21926149 Dr. John Campbell Congratulations Mr.Trump This is a real opportunity to get back to data driven healthcare decisions.

>>21926187, >>21926214, >>21926439, >>21926458 HUGE - Jack Smith and the DOJ seeking to end cases against Donald Trump

>>21926265 Scott Jennings masterclass on CNN last night. "The political information complex"

>>21926271 Swamp McConnell Holds News Conference

>>21926279 Trump now has a total of 301 Electoral Votes

>>21926286 Scott Baio lists a lot of names and sticks his tung out

>>21926288 Democrats Vaporize over $2.1 Billion in Losing Effort Against Donald Trump

>>21926291 Robert F. Kennedy Jr Says It's Time to Take Fluoride Out of the Public's Drinking Water

>>21926304, >>21926623 Kamala Harris called Trump "to congratulate him on winning the 2024 presidential election"

>>21926305, >>21926432, >>21926504 Space Force

>>21926330 Opposition to vaccines constitutes “antisemitism” claims Jerusalem Post

>>21926358 Megyn Kelly just dropped a bomb regarding Epstein

>>21926420, >>21926588 Mike Davis @Article3Project

>>21926456, >>21926467 Jerusalem Post Publishes, Then Deletes Report Exposing 'Illegal U.S. Ballot Harvesting Scheme in Israel'

>>21926510, >>21926531 No way PDJT only got 72M votes!

>>21926608 Joel Salatin and Thomas Massie have been tapped for the USDA, while RFK is vowing to wipe out multiple whole departments of the FDA!

>>21926641 WATCH LIVE: Kamala Harris delivers concession speech

>>21926667 Governor Hochul Makes an Announcement

>>21926676 NJ Governor Murphy Holds Press Conference on 2024 Election Results

>>21926684 Jake Tapper stayed bitter until the very end.

>>21926695 #26851

#26850 >>21925076

>>21924925, >>21925045 Trumps acceptance speech and anons opine - sources, statements and dough.

>>21925370 House Broke the 200 mark!

>>21925069, >>21925094 A lot of freedom!

>>21925124 Turtle"Going to do everything he can to HELP the now administration be successful.

>>21925155, >>21925813 Full Feral Pig

>>21925185 Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA"…

>>21925240 🇷🇺 🇺🇸 Kremlin says President Putin has no plans to congratulate President-Elect Donald Trump.

>>21925244, >>21925118, >>21925593, >>21925652, >>21925820, >>21925824 Lib tears gettin deep here

>>21925361, >>21925639 🚨 Kamala Harris to speak at 2100 GMT (4pm ET) after election defeat: White House/at Howard University

>>21925362 "President Trump Is Back": Epshteyn Reflects On The Lead-Up To President Trump's Historic Victory

>>21925412, >>21925485, >>21925626, >>21925786, >>21925793 NASA/Space/Science

>>21925498 HW : “A Sign of Deep Nihilism”

>>21925570 Musk: It is morning in America again

>>21925576 Kamala Harris did not “underperform” per se’, she was just not the beneficiary of the same scale of ballot fraud

>>21925695, >>21925713 Trudy: The friendship between Canada and the U.S. is the envy of the world. I know President Trump and I will work together

>>21925765 Vance n Thiel???


>>21925897 Trump wins Michigan --- AP

>>21925932 #26850

#26849 >>21924182

>>21924211, >>21924301, >>21924320 Kamala Harris is expected to call President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday to concede and plans to speak publicly, according to two Harris aides. - NBC/Harris will deliver her concession speech around 6:00 pm EST - Reuters

>>21924220 UN chief says 'ready to work constructively' with Trump/For the keks!

>>21924226, >>21924248 House lead is widening

>>21924261 Democrat blame game begins TODAY!

>>21924295 Juan Williams the worst panelist on FOX, has been instructed to say, she lost because she's a woman???

>>21924334, >>21924346, >>21924411 Moar Lib Tears

>>21924336, >>21924461, >>21924657, >>21924731, >>21924921 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day/Space/Science

>>21924353 Gates No Moar

>>21924358 🇨🇳🇺🇸 China says it hopes for a "peaceful coexistence" with the United States.

>>21924406 Today in Q Post History we have 25 Deltas

>>21924463, >>21924470, >>21924478, >>21924482, >>21924503, >>21924557 Anons Reflections on Winning

>>21924467, >>21924454 Bezos: Big congratulations to our 45th and now 47th President on an extraordinary political comeback and decisive victory

>>21924501 Hey radical leftists, you can move the heck out of of here if you don't like our Country and our Constitutional laws!!

>>21924520, >>21924576 George W. Bush congratulates President-elect Trump. Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton have yet to do so

>>21924536 If Benson didn't keep RFKjr on the ballot, Trump would have won over 50% already

>>21924544 Transition starts now

>>21924600 NV official for Trump, last night they were reporting K won it

>>21924637 Oops Trump won MI.

>>21924640 Live: View of Mar-a-Lago

>>21924661 11:30 a.m. EDT: McConnell holds presser after GOP flips Senate

>>21924709 World Leaders Congratulate Trump On Winning Presidency

>>21924714 Swing-State Voter Says She Broke To Trump Because ‘Media Is More Of A Threat To Democracy’ Than Him

>>21924868, >>21924892 Fresh House Count

>>21925011 Trump Economy Starts Already: Dow Futures Absolutely Explode Overnight as Trump Secures Presidency.

>>21925034 @US_STRATCOM #StrategicDeterrence

>>21925049 #26849

Previously Collected

>>21924160 #26848

>>21921717 #26845, >>21922506 #26846, >>21923242 #26847

>>21919441 #26842, >>21920214 #26843, >>21920977 #26844

>>21917151 #26839, >>21917901 #26840, >>21918696 #26841

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #25: Time >>21641140

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9e1195 No.21926714

File: c2239ae465554e1⋯.png (373.53 KB,568x539,568:539,c2239ae465554e1f646b80a316….png)

File: 6ff7128bd08234b⋯.jpg (15.22 KB,200x255,40:51,74c96b52fde0114216d03810e2….jpg)

File: e63f25ea1598e4c⋯.png (308.71 KB,500x500,1:1,e63f25ea1598e4cb190bd7f445….png)

File: 147b3ed861bc92a⋯.png (199.52 KB,568x562,284:281,147b3ed861bc92ad7233e58962….png)

File: cf26923b4a1c77a⋯.jpg (178.45 KB,500x432,125:108,cf26923b4a1c77a3cc79a05518….jpg)

Fresh Dough


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24e35b No.21926724

File: ed5a2e07066747e⋯.png (139.94 KB,256x256,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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51c11d No.21926725

File: 76fd5052cb2d22c⋯.gif (1.07 MB,462x200,231:100,76fd5052cb2d22c1c3cf96658e….gif)

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05bd02 No.21926726

File: db88eae6d68baf1⋯.png (199.22 KB,568x378,284:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd67cc No.21926727

File: b9592d0b4caf9ff⋯.jpg (65.05 KB,500x515,100:103,Karma_la_Bitch.jpg)

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51c11d No.21926728

File: bf6e521de3036a2⋯.png (441.66 KB,1862x795,1862:795,Disgusting_.png)

File: 5c8e67402f10aea⋯.jpeg (379.25 KB,1125x2380,225:476,HRN_stealing_other_people….jpeg)

File: 2120925f0c02453⋯.png (421.37 KB,607x411,607:411,2120925f0c0245384355f142e0….png)

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,HRN.jpg)

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5162bb No.21926729

File: e89720384a1525d⋯.png (713.98 KB,748x850,22:25,fren.png)

When is the Great Awakening set to begin?

Inauguration Day?

Askin' for a fren

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05bd02 No.21926730

File: b9f12f92a26831d⋯.png (416.88 KB,568x373,568:373,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8e23c No.21926731

File: 91610f68fa3396e⋯.jpg (83.66 KB,1024x640,8:5,91610f68fa3396e001d655f0d9….jpg)

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710f2a No.21926732

File: bbfc9c1d2286aae⋯.jpg (331.94 KB,1424x1444,356:361,bbfc9c1d2286aaeea2dc1fd64d….jpg)

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e80979 No.21926733

File: 075ac1a9a4dcbd9⋯.jpg (233.29 KB,2157x1306,2157:1306,Screenshot_20241106_132233….jpg)

File: 191ecf9219eca0f⋯.jpg (276.68 KB,2147x1622,2147:1622,Screenshot_20241106_132203….jpg)

Maybe one of you knows something I don't?

Why are the total votes different from presidential to senate race?

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3425e2 No.21926734

File: 5e70e495d9ec826⋯.png (588.59 KB,1990x1662,995:831,ClipboardImage.png)



Dems still trying to figure out how to cheat us out of the 10 points need to retain House.


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0cce94 No.21926735

Haven't seen any movement on the House race.

They must be planning something to flip it.

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a7e0ab No.21926736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


God says I'm not going anywhere. Even if I want to.

Guess what that means…

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0a38ca No.21926737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Kamala Harris delivers concession speech

Watch live as Kamala Harris delivers her concession speech after Donald Trump was elected the 47th president of the United States.


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05bd02 No.21926738

File: fdc137124a1a3f9⋯.png (232.05 KB,568x331,568:331,ClipboardImage.png)

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5063a2 No.21926739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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bc6447 No.21926740

File: 2efadd6aeadfb5e⋯.jpg (14.57 KB,255x255,1:1,9c9a06359fe157a9d58329c9d7….jpg)


You missed it. It's over. Go back to sleep.

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635ee5 No.21926741

File: ba4337d32556a83⋯.jpg (186.31 KB,1200x915,80:61,ba4337d32556a83f9c8422c4be….jpg)

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012b8a No.21926742

File: 819213db58a5824⋯.png (1.01 MB,665x920,133:184,feelsGoodMan.png)


I don't usually TYB

But today I'll make an exception.


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000000 No.21926743

Daughter of Judge Overseeing Trump Case Works with Biden-Harris Campaign

Frank BergmanApril 4, 2023 - 9:23 am



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1be1bf No.21926744

File: d975751f38e4fb9⋯.png (82.81 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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45c904 No.21926745

>>21926477 pb

Fake, mostly gay, mostly retarded.

>The National Popular Vote Act makes Colorado part of a multi-state compact — but it only takes effect if and when enough states join to control 270 electoral votes.

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05bd02 No.21926746

File: 8fb523f3a45e21c⋯.png (564.82 KB,568x583,568:583,ClipboardImage.png)

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d9ba3a No.21926747

File: f2f836c4ce42f14⋯.png (415.95 KB,1008x606,168:101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2cd37b88de93f30⋯.png (508.25 KB,1175x672,1175:672,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 382dcee91b328dc⋯.png (553.08 KB,500x515,100:103,ClipboardImage.png)



some news from the u.k

the snivelling talking heads in the u.k and the mps are throwing insuts at each other and sadiq khan and blm leaders in the u.k are panicking.

the tone of the media is changing already.

watching farage on gbnews where a creepy two faced taking his spot called chopper a westminister journalist who sucks up to everyone is trying to speak calmly but his body language is giving him away.

source below, but screencap of sadiq khan posted for anons to use as ammo for meme warfare,



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adea85 No.21926748

File: e01965cef5815f2⋯.mp4 (10.94 MB,1280x720,16:9,SaveTwitter_Net_WriZnx0Ig4….mp4)

Collin Rugg


JUST IN: The Department of Justice and Jack Smith immediately end their cases against Donald Trump.

The DOJ cited their policy that presidents can't be prosecuted however it was assumed they would work up until the "last day."

"What's interesting here is that the DOJ is moving to end them even before he takes office, citing the longstanding DOJ policy that sitting presidents can't be prosecuted."

"And there were some thought that maybe special counsel Jack Smith was going to sprint through the finish line, was going to work up until the last day, force Trump to fire him, wait till a new Attorney General was appointed."

"But that does not appear to be the thinking inside the department. The thinking is that these cases can't go forward." (They are afraid of what he will do when he gets in. If Merchan and Bragg were smart, they should negate their charges.)

1:34 PM · Nov 6, 2024




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ab6597 No.21926749

File: fb05529c7eaf556⋯.mp4 (380.65 KB,320x568,40:71,We_Did_It_Joe.mp4)


Silent Memejority


We did it Joe. #Election2024

2:09 PM · Nov 6, 2024


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0a1b73 No.21926750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



confirmations la durango

war sgt b

war svv

lfg q.

congrats q+

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83751d No.21926751

File: af43de29e2c054d⋯.png (152.76 KB,478x520,239:260,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1993733c4d2eaf3⋯.mp4 (511.75 KB,480x360,4:3,rwn2y1VjoFD8pD53.mp4)

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63d6c5 No.21926752

File: b1f96da2211a7b4⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17309190893….mp4)

File: 513d3903859c9d2⋯.jpg (49.04 KB,229x216,229:216,Xnip2024_11_06_14_33_05.jpg)



JUST IN: The Department of Justice and Jack Smith immediately end their cases against Donald Trump.

The DOJ cited their policy that presidents can't be prosecuted however it was assumed they would work up until the "last day."

"What's interesting here is that the DOJ is moving to end them even before he takes office, citingthe longstanding DOJ policy that sitting presidents can't be prosecuted."

"And there were some thought that maybe special counsel Jack Smith was going to sprint through the finish line, was going to work up until the last day, force Trump to fire him, wait till a new Attorney General was appointed."

"But that does not appear to be the thinking inside the department. The thinking is that these cases can't go forward."


i missed this the first time. POTUS is the sitting president?

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f8e23c No.21926753


My meme

Anon feels gud that it's still alive 5 years later.

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d5ea02 No.21926754

File: 3a48fda6916637c⋯.png (131.56 KB,367x337,367:337,3a48fda6916637ced74b286a17….png)

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24e35b No.21926755

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,SP_popcorn2.gif)

KEK. They got their shit pushed in last bread and are expressing their anger through mimicry. Basically having a toddler's tantrum.

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dcb6b2 No.21926756

File: 71b7a0ae87be249⋯.jpg (15.9 KB,574x317,574:317,71b7a0ae87be249dc0981182b8….jpg)

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3554b5 No.21926757


Where were the 81 million voters who supposedly voted for Biden in 2020?

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0a38ca No.21926758

File: 9a5b7bbf92a2408⋯.png (29.78 KB,454x176,227:88,ClipboardImage.png)


85,566 kek

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df0efd No.21926759

File: b7152e6f61511b3⋯.jpg (283.34 KB,796x626,398:313,Pepe_beyond_the_veil.jpg)


>When is the Great Awakening set to begin?

2015. It's a process, not an event.

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39c693 No.21926761

Hmmmm. It’s is dangerously quiet out there….the calm before the storm…something wicked this way comes..what do the libs have planned, pray tell?

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212952 No.21926762

File: 24b728e771c018f⋯.png (387.97 KB,583x849,583:849,32545.png)

BOOM! Corrupt DOJ & Jack Smith Suddenly Drop Political Witch Hunts Against Donald Trump After Win

JUST IN: The Department of Justice and Jack Smith immediately end their cases against Donald Trump.

The DOJ cited their policy that presidents can't be prosecuted however it was assumed they would work up until the "last day."

"What's interesting here is that the DOJ is moving to end them even before he takes office, citing the longstanding DOJ policy that sitting presidents can't be prosecuted."

"And there were some thought that maybe special counsel Jack Smith was going to sprint through the finish line, was going to work up until the last day, force Trump to fire him, wait till a new Attorney General was appointed."

"But that does not appear to be the thinking inside the department. The thinking is that these cases can't go forward."


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000000 No.21926763


FBI and SES personnel are testing their sphincter AIR LOCKS soon.

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0a1b73 No.21926764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



better than madison ave

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05bd02 No.21926765

File: 056a4b410dbb666⋯.png (141.53 KB,510x490,51:49,ClipboardImage.png)

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af4d33 No.21926766

Dear Q,I am a Jewish Israeli citizen and we have been in a bloody war for about 11 months, hundreds of soldiers have been killed, and because of the demands of the corrupt Biden administration to bring trucks of "humanitarian aid" into Gaza, the Israeli army has entered a war of attrition that seems to take years to end if it continues as it currently is until the full cleansing of Gaza from Hamas, and whether there will be the establishment of a Palestinian state That includes the Gaza Strip at the end of the process or not.

So the question is, does the Trump administration have plans to allow Israel to keep humanitarian aid trucks out temporarily, without it causing a decline in diplomatic relations between Israel and the U.S.? Humanitarian aid, most of which of course goes to Hamas terrorists with the assistance of the UN terrorist forces (UNRWA (Trump blocked aid to the organization during his presidency)) and not to the citizens of Gaza who are themselves oppressed by a murderous and radical terrorist organization,and it must be temporarily blocked to cause the terrorists ' starvation and death and finally an Israeli military victory, and to sign a deal with some abductees Faster

Also, I imagine there is a huge trafficking of human beings and children by paedophiles operating under the auspices of charities and aid organisations,and UNRWA is of course just the tip of the iceberg in this filth.

Is that a topic you can answer right now?

Hope in Israel that after 4 years with this idiot Biden,the Trump administration will restore the enduring alliance between Israel and the United States that was and will remain forever.


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108e54 No.21926767

File: 48d9ab34bb14421⋯.jpg (317.13 KB,1600x900,16:9,65h43536g65.jpg)


Dave Mcormick is a winner!

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6e18c8 No.21926768

Q or Q+ how about a new drop? Anons have been patiently waiting and been hard at it for over 7 years. Congrats on the HUGE victory last night!!

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d5ea02 No.21926769

File: 2fc12b89e9eb9cb⋯.png (422.01 KB,380x602,190:301,ghouls.png)



Party's Over.

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cd67cc No.21926770

File: aaed7112a8c5ac0⋯.jpg (73.4 KB,960x720,4:3,1031_n.jpg)

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63d6c5 No.21926771



hive is active!!!

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1f4dd5 No.21926772

File: f5b893a02441d33⋯.png (1.2 MB,750x1334,375:667,6F78713A_037F_4A57_A9CE_45….png)

File: 0262297db954466⋯.png (20.63 KB,473x189,473:189,B6DFF5C0_24B5_4EAC_92CA_BF….png)

File: 7fd10d8693e512d⋯.png (184.87 KB,473x610,473:610,7C8ADFC4_5E82_48CA_80A6_14….png)

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dcb6b2 No.21926773

File: 218bb1005b447ea⋯.jpg (619.51 KB,1286x830,643:415,2024_11_06_19_33_16_LIVE_K….jpg)

10 people waiting for camel toe's speech


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212952 No.21926774


'Merica fuck YAH!!!

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bc6447 No.21926775


Where are the shills today. Paid day off?

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3554b5 No.21926776




but some major arrests of politicians, musicians, athletes, and actors could put it into overdrive

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6396df No.21926777

File: ea3c2ec4a6b9865⋯.png (930.46 KB,784x1391,784:1391,Screenshot_20241106_123409….png)

>>21926708 (LB)


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9505b1 No.21926778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A Hero Will Rise

- Future World Music

Got up off the floor in the 17th round and whooped ass.



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cd67cc No.21926779


the enemy within is retreating

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6fd35c No.21926780



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a6b0b4 No.21926781


Total votes are diff because you don’t have to vote for every position listed on the ballot. In this case a lot of people voted for President but didn’t bother voting for Senator.

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0e9eff No.21926782


To be fair, most of them look like they are awaiting a pay check.

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635ee5 No.21926783

File: 0d29affdd68ce69⋯.png (118.06 KB,384x480,4:5,beb353a442f2fcbe0e03992889….png)

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3554b5 No.21926784


hiding in their caves to try to avoid being arrested

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0a1b73 No.21926785

File: 0441ee53a39ec93⋯.jpeg (243.33 KB,1280x724,320:181,4A2222DC_63E1_43AE_99A6_9….jpeg)

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65a261 No.21926786

File: 1cc95d76b137b71⋯.png (19.14 KB,460x376,115:94,672b82c227c62.png)

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d02d93 No.21926787

File: 49dbed3c8e04b69⋯.png (1.12 MB,1075x2393,1075:2393,Screenshot_20241106_143704.png)


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f8e23c No.21926788


Trips of truth

Anon will never understand how people can base their entire political belief system on the killing of unborn babies.

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3b665e No.21926789


I sense a YUGE ass avalanche of toddasos incoming

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a3a60d No.21926790

File: 2def9b7be8cdfe1⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,1938x1174,969:587,2def9b7be8cdfe196c12e9c261….jpg)


Thank You Baker!

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03d102 No.21926791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





All these congratulations by the criminal conspirators

(Remember Hockul told Trumpers to leave NY "you don't belong here")

All these "But we are peaceful and accepting [not like you-know-who] is like a possum who plays dead?


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000000 No.21926792


On the CB radio this kind of RANT is called GHOST TALKING..

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05bd02 No.21926793

File: ee3f0c86239185f⋯.png (360.43 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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592991 No.21926794


All just to witness the pure butt hurt a cock sucking puppet can display.

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5063a2 No.21926795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cc0cdb No.21926796

File: 292df9698842c7f⋯.png (472.14 KB,626x417,626:417,ClipboardImage.png)

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d9ba3a No.21926797

File: c93b333aad2ebc1⋯.mp4 (10.33 MB,640x480,4:3,elon_go_out_and_vote.mp4)


ty elon.

your last statement helped and you being out there doing rallies.

welcome to the family of anons.

Anon now loves you like Trump who has given you glowing praise.

do not do anything stupid,

you are now free to be you


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635ee5 No.21926798

File: e76fcbdaac9afa8⋯.png (191.9 KB,856x1350,428:675,ClipboardImage.png)

They had complete control of the media

They had complete control of our federal law enforcement agencies

They had corrupt politicians, district attorneys and judges

They had all the celebrities

They paid for influencers

They relentless censored us

They controlled the voting machines

They imported millions of new voters

They had unlimited surveillance over everyone

They had lobbyists

They had BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street

They had control of our legal system

They had control of public school systems

They had control of our universities

They had control of our military

They had control of homeland security

They had control of hundreds of NGOS

They had complete control of the financial markets

They controlled our regulation agencies

They had more money

They controlled foreign policy

They taxed us to death

They flooded our social media with bots and trolls

They controlled Big Tech

They controlled Google

They controlled the talk shows, radio shows, magazines and broadcasting licenses

They had the largest corporations on earth behind them

They had decades of experience

The military industrial complex was behind them

They had data centers running prediction models

They had all that and they still lost.


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adea85 No.21926799


They are doing this to keep in the minds of the people he's a felon as the President. They want to leave it undone because they will not be exposed pf fraudulent charges and prosecution. Shitheads!

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0a38ca No.21926800

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6fd35c No.21926801


we are waiting for BO to be fired and replaced by Operator 2 of 10 are you just getting here?

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1f4dd5 No.21926802

File: f33158b9315be0b⋯.png (2.17 MB,750x1334,375:667,3618B959_8914_4142_AED8_C9….png)

File: 5eb60ce47b26aa4⋯.png (15.56 KB,473x147,473:147,A00511C5_B743_4149_B274_73….png)

File: b005e7d6119b8bf⋯.jpeg (188.42 KB,1200x1200,1:1,CAB4650A_DF94_4151_B1A4_6….jpeg)

File: 02919ac2d31a0c1⋯.png (133.5 KB,473x798,473:798,8D21E879_0D39_452D_B6DC_07….png)

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b55a91 No.21926803

File: c07311b254fbf45⋯.jpg (71.49 KB,501x500,501:500,ayatollah_yaso.jpg)



>I sense a YUGE ass avalanche of toddasos incoming

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affae2 No.21926804

File: faa55810d039c0e⋯.jpg (1.6 MB,2560x2560,1:1,WWG1WGA_Metal_Sliced_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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344737 No.21926805

File: 50357abc6aa0cf2⋯.jpg (2.2 KB,108x125,108:125,1730920915008581s.jpg)


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11cba6 No.21926806

something does not feel right; expecting a big boom out of nowhere

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e20808 No.21926807

File: 9d3f65f703d9bc0⋯.png (337.35 KB,467x350,467:350,ClipboardImage.png)


>Dave Mcormick is a winner!

Yet, they're stealing the election from Rogers in MI.

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344737 No.21926808

File: 9e18e2041a20adc⋯.jpg (89.94 KB,720x831,240:277,1730921324378684.jpg)

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a7e0ab No.21926809

File: 30ef5258a1e93ce⋯.png (1.79 MB,1024x1536,2:3,Shiina_Hugo_Boss.png)

File: 07bd4c1d6eb166a⋯.png (522.16 KB,687x1030,687:1030,Shiina_and_the_Desert_Jack….png)

File: 5f120bc35f7efe5⋯.png (304.13 KB,498x552,83:92,Lumi_and_the_Truth.png)

File: 41dcfb7ac448ec4⋯.png (370.43 KB,746x786,373:393,Lumi_Hugo_Boss.png)

File: d3881483466f52b⋯.jpg (104.64 KB,602x283,602:283,Reich.jpg)


Just so you know who I am.

(They Do)

Come at me and either coexist within the Law and of Free Will or Perish.

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6fd35c No.21926810


He literally JUST GOT ELECTED TODAY RELAX ! You're making me nervous with all this spastic shit KEK

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3425e2 No.21926811


Can you make it even smaller please?

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0e9eff No.21926812


I’m no ant

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e46148 No.21926813

File: 685ca473ad455e0⋯.gif (1.81 MB,400x320,5:4,bdPOpp_2247707117.gif)

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56563e No.21926814


Not in Washington state we had a rigged primary and a blue wave making sure not one office can be challenged for 4 more years

Great good thing the states have the authority now

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63d6c5 No.21926815

File: ca160ee88939778⋯.jpg (354.21 KB,592x1101,592:1101,Xnip2024_11_06_14_38_10.jpg)

Yes we were. Gen X gets tired of bullshit quickly and does something about it.

no whining allowed.

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1f23f7 No.21926816

17 States Are Part Of "The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" Trump Gets 534 EV.

This isn't over. 209 Electoral Votes should come Trumps way. These states agreed to give their Electoral Votes to the Winner of the Popular Vote & Electoral College even if the candidate didn't win their states vote.

So this means Kamala will only have Vermont to claim as hers. 4 Electoral votes. BTFO. My fucking sides. Team Trump better force them to hand it over. Enough of this nice guy shit.


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a6b0b4 No.21926817


They are busy packing for Gitmo

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af4d33 No.21926818

>>21926766 what's that suppose to mean?

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000000 No.21926819


Wall street Apes are stupid sometimes, half this fucking shit is COLOR OF LAW AGENCIES that shouldn't exist.

CHEVRON the fuck out of it all.


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9b85f9 No.21926820

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03d102 No.21926821


That's not even a crowd

That's a gathering.

ex-employees she failed to insult?

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51c11d No.21926822

File: db4abd96cd0cc30⋯.png (771.93 KB,1862x795,1862:795,Unemployed_HRN.png)

I think I'll continue to post here 10 hours a day because I can't do anything else with my life including my teeth.

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f8e23c No.21926823


she cray

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623c5c No.21926824


Wait. You think people are going to be arrested??? Hahahaha yeah. That’ll be the day. I’m sure interest and taxes will be gone too!!! Hhahahahahahahahahahbahahahaabbabababa. Bbababananhahahahhwbbahababba

God damn. That’s funny

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cd67cc No.21926825


tell me you are having your period

without telling me that you are having your period

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e80979 No.21926826


It's only fair to give him a third administration, election free, after 2024 is over.

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63d6c5 No.21926828

File: dc3480960bfee2e⋯.jpg (177.97 KB,591x600,197:200,Xnip2024_11_06_14_41_08.jpg)

Questions will be asked…most certainly

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bc6447 No.21926829


How drunk and high do you think she will be when she comes out. I have a feeling this is going to be a meme moment taking shape.

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11cba6 No.21926830


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05bd02 No.21926831

File: 39875c922bf83bd⋯.png (604.51 KB,568x799,568:799,ClipboardImage.png)

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dcb6b2 No.21926832

File: 86c793cd1d1f05b⋯.gif (5.2 MB,480x316,120:79,86c793cd1d1f05b9e8a5782eca….gif)

File: e43d5e78ce7b907⋯.png (122.42 KB,1064x992,133:124,e43d5e78ce7b907306a2ecf9ff….png)

File: eabffcebf1ffe51⋯.jpg (98.72 KB,900x683,900:683,eabffcebf1ffe518cc5c958177….jpg)

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9b85f9 No.21926833

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0a38ca No.21926834

File: 7d997cfab515b76⋯.png (803.55 KB,863x485,863:485,ClipboardImage.png)

Wonder how much this lot were paid to attend…


It may be entertaining…

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cb0262 No.21926835

File: 956fd2e7c1e9668⋯.png (1.19 MB,1140x723,380:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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710f2a No.21926836

File: bea127a960b7acf⋯.jpg (199.88 KB,751x900,751:900,george_magazine_2020_survi….jpg)

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000000 No.21926837

Restore TITLE IX to 1985's version

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9505b1 No.21926838



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e20808 No.21926839

File: f469d3276263348⋯.mp4 (2.35 MB,320x486,160:243,Gen_X_is_worst_generation.mp4)


>Gen X gets tired of bullshit quickly

Kek. They fucked around and found out. o7

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a7e0ab No.21926840

File: 88a1787c3aaba78⋯.jpg (702.03 KB,950x593,950:593,APC.jpg)


Re-evaluate what was posted 7 years prior. Quite the loop…


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05bd02 No.21926841

File: 52b47caf414587d⋯.png (433.69 KB,568x378,284:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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3bc2cc No.21926842

File: 48dd9c4070c8545⋯.jpg (282.8 KB,600x836,150:209,48dd9c4070c8545a1dbb7f61cf….jpg)

File: e48bd2a51f6ae0c⋯.jpg (361.08 KB,1332x1244,333:311,e48bd2a51f6ae0c7a78ed62dde….jpg)

You glorious, beautiful bastards, every one of you. Proud to have served with you all.

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0cce94 No.21926843


She's really not all that bright, is she? kek

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592991 No.21926844

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83751d No.21926845


he should respond with

>and they're highly emotion

further proving the case

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f8e23c No.21926846


I can't.





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adea85 No.21926847


Ken the CIA spreads more propaganda and conspiracy theories. Trump's lawyers need to demand that reveal the whole thing a hoax, or history will be recorded "he only got off because of a DOJ rule". Devious, evil people.

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63d6c5 No.21926848

File: 18aa3a894f96899⋯.jpg (59.45 KB,587x186,587:186,Xnip2024_11_06_14_42_41.jpg)


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e46148 No.21926849


I that's the fake media.

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3554b5 No.21926850


Maybe they can start working on prosecuting Joe Biden on Jan. 7, 2025

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3425e2 No.21926851


>oxygen thief

She sure seems to be deprived of it.



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b0b02d No.21926852


Ooooooo questions. I’m sure Mike Johnson is ready to answer.

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05bd02 No.21926853

File: 1a7292b5f30219d⋯.png (634.84 KB,568x592,71:74,ClipboardImage.png)

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df0efd No.21926854

File: 5638688257e9c6b⋯.png (89.62 KB,444x582,74:97,JCS_MILDEC.png)


>major arrests of politicians

The creators of the Q mission used the idea and expectations of mass arrests as Patton's Ghost Army. The enemy was forced to respond and prepare while preparations were made to employ a different strategy.

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000000 No.21926855


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68b066 No.21926856

File: 73385089d60e494⋯.webp (142.62 KB,2560x1854,1280:927,Pants_Shitting_Panic_Trum….webp)

File: 67cbec0029cff36⋯.gif (4.08 MB,640x432,40:27,Peter_Pants_Shitting_Panic.gif)



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ac78f5 No.21926858

File: db5f49a09ddde5d⋯.png (492.44 KB,720x450,8:5,watnn.png)

File: 1b53c842004f1db⋯.jpg (384.51 KB,1210x908,605:454,watnn2.jpg)

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b59a00 No.21926859

File: d313f085163eba1⋯.jpg (118.51 KB,644x620,161:155,WIN.jpg)

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b0b02d No.21926860


One joke. All day. Just one joke.

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635ee5 No.21926861

File: a69af69b3031183⋯.png (280 KB,901x777,901:777,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18b0c38d2ac9757⋯.jpg (119.88 KB,1170x1713,390:571,1.jpg)

File: 76999791cc65565⋯.jpg (111.58 KB,1170x1829,1170:1829,2.jpg)

File: cb694711fe0ff37⋯.png (91.69 KB,909x526,909:526,ClipboardImage.png)

The Covid mRNA stocks are not happy today. Moderna hitting new 52 week low.



During the summer of 2021 a former hf analyst for 2 big hedge funds said that $PFE would go bankrupt in 5 years for crimes against humanity. That’s 2026! He may be right hopefully


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1f4dd5 No.21926862

File: d16d4bfef4ac609⋯.png (1.37 MB,750x1334,375:667,A42B5024_481B_4259_8B7B_4E….png)

File: 21a5317b0001092⋯.png (112.22 KB,473x945,473:945,51722C26_5AAC_4675_B875_31….png)

File: 868e607542a08b2⋯.png (152.65 KB,473x641,473:641,CD4488DA_17E0_4BE3_8C31_B3….png)

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f0dbbe No.21926863

File: 2b9e19dfb16042c⋯.png (908.23 KB,634x782,317:391,2b9e19dfb16042c8d83dcde754….png)

A small part of making America great again granted, putting El Greco women back in Burquas is still essential to freedom.

Freedom from stick figures, cave drawing and Provincetown portrait-tier sketch bitches.


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0cce94 No.21926864

File: f4706a3e2a4227d⋯.png (306.03 KB,700x740,35:37,pep_lmfao.png)



D'OH! Forgot.

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39c693 No.21926865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just sitting….waiting for the ambush…keep your heads on a swivel anons…something is coming…

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63d6c5 No.21926866

File: de47107dda6f53d⋯.jpg (75.67 KB,591x165,197:55,Xnip2024_11_06_14_43_51.jpg)

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6fd35c No.21926867

File: 0d23e7d6c67ad22⋯.jpg (146.24 KB,818x1024,409:512,0d23e7d6c67ad22ab8bc746ec0….jpg)

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000000 No.21926868


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344737 No.21926869


Thank you, RFK Jr

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f170f3 No.21926870

File: 596a62a5e83b222⋯.jpeg (20.32 KB,255x255,1:1,threwrtgewtrw.jpeg)


Get them!

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65a261 No.21926871

File: 4628416a0affe5c⋯.png (31.41 KB,554x798,277:399,aW4xWen_700bwp.png)

The Left is starting to wake up, those Biden vote totals are unlikely to have been real.

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f69d03 No.21926872

File: 5f8befe61857b62⋯.png (346.08 KB,729x408,243:136,TrustUs.png)

Arizona has a day off today?

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b59a00 No.21926873

File: b673d2e71f1c43c⋯.jpg (140.65 KB,494x659,494:659,PIG_S_PIG.jpg)

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05bd02 No.21926874

File: 43c85e42a16ffd7⋯.png (485.65 KB,568x538,284:269,ClipboardImage.png)


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000000 No.21926875


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0c182b No.21926876

File: 89c89817648d355⋯.png (593.37 KB,622x647,622:647,7j654h7645765.PNG)

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a9d15c No.21926877

Fox News/John Roberts:

First Kamala called Trump to congratulate him, now Biden has called

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000000 No.21926878

Once Trump enters office on January 20th

things are going to move very fast.

#576 - 2018-01-22 02:12:19 (UTC+1)


The flood is coming.

Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.

FBI accidentally deletes texts?

No Such Agency accidentally releases IT ALL>

Shall we play a game?


Elon Musk and Ron Paul are coordinating the downsizing of government

#2403 - 2018-11-04 18:03:25 (UTC+1)

….."But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." - Declaration of Independence"….

RFK Jr is going to {clean} house, he knows where to look

#1010 - 2018-04-04 20:24:51 (UTC+1)









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0cce94 No.21926879

File: 247f1690bc0a97b⋯.png (49.72 KB,720x377,720:377,ClipboardImage.png)

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dcb6b2 No.21926880

File: 6ba5aaa55f822d5⋯.mp4 (219.54 KB,600x360,5:3,6ba5aaa55f822d5a4079dd716b….mp4)


Truth. There's not one older than 17.

Bussed in. kek

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e38f31 No.21926881

File: a51d74ab6385507⋯.png (675.2 KB,849x566,3:2,6j34h63j34654.PNG)

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d36430 No.21926882

File: 19f855a59360842⋯.png (9.68 KB,512x142,256:71,1.png)

JON RALSTON: Sam Brown will likely win the Nevada Senate race at this point.


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83751d No.21926883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6fd35c No.21926884



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f69d03 No.21926885

File: ce5a98c3b01effc⋯.jpg (428.56 KB,1600x1070,160:107,FuckFacesandThePep.jpg)

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f8e23c No.21926886


can't wait

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add5e5 No.21926887

File: 2a012eb0c9ad0a8⋯.jpeg (347.09 KB,2495x2995,499:599,2a012eb0c9ad0a85a4e9abde6….jpeg)


Ty Anon

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000000 No.21926888


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0e9eff No.21926889


Surprising comment from Tate, beings his story.

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5f145b No.21926890

I truly believe that the markets will crash and will bring the end of the Fed sometime between now and Jan. If Trump is to be isolated from what is to come, then it only makes sense that the initial justice hammer will strike when he's yet to be inaugurated.

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3bc2cc No.21926891

File: 96edc9bce435b09⋯.png (557.8 KB,543x676,543:676,96edc9bce435b095a905733d3e….png)

File: b6dd8218e287d1b⋯.jpg (79.24 KB,500x666,250:333,Trump_Jedi_01.jpg)

File: c9b4475166d6d60⋯.jpg (270.45 KB,874x500,437:250,TrumpDoom1.jpg)

File: 160e29ba7d75611⋯.jpg (271.42 KB,874x500,437:250,TrumpDoom2.jpg)

File: 6f317416a3ccfc9⋯.jpg (58.82 KB,527x473,527:473,Proper_Fucked.jpg)


They are proper fucked.

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05bd02 No.21926892

File: 53a608cc2933f8c⋯.png (435.79 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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63d6c5 No.21926893

File: 980da764c011dba⋯.jpg (138.03 KB,583x327,583:327,Xnip2024_11_06_14_45_41.jpg)

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a9d15c No.21926894


let that sink in >>21926866

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175b56 No.21926895


You clearly have no idea what information is being drip, drip, dripped in the next few weeks.

Lucky for you, the U.S. Military does its tribunals quickly, so traitors will be swinging from ropes before they know what hit them.

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3554b5 No.21926896


Even though Trump won, that doesn't mean that the Dems. didn't cheat.

The Dems. always cheat. Let the arrests, prosecutions, trials, and hangings begin.

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b59a00 No.21926897

File: 4aba1a8719f6a9d⋯.jpg (120.42 KB,630x680,63:68,MAGA.jpg)

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000000 No.21926898


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4c83e3 No.21926899

File: b52827df2cc0f6e⋯.png (29.83 KB,462x426,77:71,ClipboardImage.png)



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ac0d18 No.21926900


Oh okay. My bad. Well at least you know it all.

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f2a9ad No.21926901

File: 649b112d2f96a2c⋯.png (261.11 KB,820x787,820:787,649b112d2f96a2c37f2341845a….png)

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dcb6b2 No.21926902

File: 911af5ea059a6a0⋯.mp4 (3.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,911af5ea059a6a0ba211d81a78….mp4)

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f8b798 No.21926903

File: 0d6fa57948d701f⋯.jpeg (413.86 KB,1183x1724,1183:1724,IMG_5839.jpeg)

Citizen Free Press


Thomas Massie as Secretary of Agriculture.

Joel Salatin:

I have been contacted by the Trump transition team and have accepted one of the six Advisor to the Secretary spots.

Thomas Massie has agreed to go in as Secretary of Agriculture.

2:33 PM · Nov 6, 2024



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0a38ca No.21926904

File: 683aa71ce698d5c⋯.png (7.82 KB,260x194,130:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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710f2a No.21926905

File: 3383e09eceb1b9a⋯.jpg (41.6 KB,1000x1203,1000:1203,3383e09eceb1b9ae0d7a2848e5….jpg)

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63d6c5 No.21926906

File: efb6877bbf61ed3⋯.jpg (379.15 KB,798x1087,798:1087,Xnip2024_11_06_14_46_28.jpg)

holy shit, X is lit!!!

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175b56 No.21926907


Lots hitting the fan, Anon.

Lots of good things for the good guys.

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bb8c06 No.21926908

File: 776a83ed694da8a⋯.jpg (68.41 KB,888x484,222:121,ddefefer.jpg)

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a7e0ab No.21926909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Golden Eyes.

Now What?

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000000 No.21926910





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05bd02 No.21926911

File: a92435fa1d7c2eb⋯.png (494.63 KB,568x581,568:581,ClipboardImage.png)

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24e35b No.21926912

File: ead8c7f9ddbdce1⋯.jpg (49.39 KB,1000x1024,125:128,a45_2439448186.jpg)

I'll bet the pedophiles are starting to get nervous.

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f0dbbe No.21926913

File: edc69c615bbffce⋯.png (212.51 KB,568x420,142:105,edc69c615bbffce79f8bd7c866….png)

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f5e4c0 No.21926914

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212952 No.21926915


That Good! or Bad! ?

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314064 No.21926916

File: f35b07b81eeea8f⋯.png (155.44 KB,1200x900,4:3,f35b07b81eeea8f13476ab4639….png)

File: 08c6af1d4b8af4a⋯.png (602.36 KB,1011x1167,337:389,08c6af1d4b8af4a84171bda54c….png)

File: fc2810c3f9bd361⋯.png (43.08 KB,474x315,158:105,fc2810c3f9bd36182ec4ed9e00….png)







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ab6597 No.21926917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chuck Schumer Should Resign

November 6, 2024

Democrats never learned the lessons of Trump’s successes on tariffs and trade. Now the party’s leaders must take responsibility for their failure to embrace economic populism.



…they're firing on their own positions

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0cce94 No.21926918

File: f4706a3e2a4227d⋯.png (306.03 KB,700x740,35:37,pep_lmfao.png)

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3425e2 No.21926919



I don't have a twatter account.

Someone please ask her;

You seem oxygen deprived. If I blow in your ear, will you reimburse me for the refill?

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7eaa8b No.21926920

File: 12eeaf5e429f452⋯.png (136.22 KB,636x805,636:805,Screenshot.png)

Good work Patriots, the world is very proud of you.

Nevada, Arizona and Alaska will all turn red. It was truly a RED WAVE.

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dcb6b2 No.21926921

File: 1afd7fd4b480d9d⋯.mp4 (8.1 MB,640x360,16:9,1afd7fd4b480d9d5ab1ce7d686….mp4)

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3bc2cc No.21926922

File: 1f9891a6d90c807⋯.jpeg (25.32 KB,460x294,230:147,1f9891a6d90c8078f419213dd….jpeg)

File: 159cebc26697a69⋯.png (1.04 MB,720x897,240:299,159cebc26697a69b8f15bd3886….png)

We're drowning in liberal tears. It's glorious.

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212952 No.21926923

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6d2306 No.21926924

File: 345392a7ad0106b⋯.jpg (1.37 MB,4032x3024,4:3,doublerainbowLEAVINGSPAIN.JPG)



Can confirm the double rainbow.

We are on a TransAtlantic Cruise, and left Cartegena Spain on Oct 30. There was a double rainbow on our way out. Alas, I did not see UFOs- but I wasn't looking for them either

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11cba6 No.21926925

they are takin xanax for their panic while watchin the tube

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0a38ca No.21926926

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,0_LAUGH.png)


Concur. Maybe she'll be unburdened by what has been, and be full of joy.

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fa3e4c No.21926927

File: b8ac065eac6c9c5⋯.png (1.26 MB,700x984,175:246,75h43636g354.png)

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0cce94 No.21926929


A landslide to say the least.

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63d6c5 No.21926930

File: d336452c96e8bf7⋯.jpg (57.65 KB,586x121,586:121,Xnip2024_11_06_14_49_08.jpg)


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2722ec No.21926931

File: ffaebfa03566072⋯.jpg (40.7 KB,426x428,213:214,000_Home_app.jpg)

The project is ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE in that unlike all other initiatives related to lockdown, protection of workers ' rights or initiatives and lawsuits aimed at stopping the use of vaccines and documenting their harmful side effects, this project shows a completely different and much deeper level of abuse of these injections. This project is the only one that shows how through covid injections, which represent a TROJAN HORSE, in human bodies installing Bluetooth operating systems to establish full control over their thoughts, feelings and actions, turning them into remote-controlled programmable biological objects. Thus, this project is also unique in that IT INSTANTLY PROVES THE EXISTENCE of INTENT in the commission of this crime. Court cases that seek to prove that vaccines are not safe and CANNOT PROVE INTENT TO KNOWINGLY create these harmful side effects, while the current approach instantly discloses such deliberate action. Thanks to this function, the method provides the fastest and most effective opportunity for deep awakening of the masses.


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0e9eff No.21926932


I have. Zero words.

Just one big off fuggin smile.

God bless you.

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6d2306 No.21926933

File: 345392a7ad0106b⋯.jpg (1.37 MB,4032x3024,4:3,doublerainbowLEAVINGSPAIN.JPG)

>>21926581 LB


Can confirm the double rainbow. We saw it too.

We are on a TransAtlantic Cruise, and left Cartegena Spain on Oct 30. There was a double rainbow on our way out. Alas, I did not see UFOs- but I wasn't looking for them either

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a9d15c No.21926934

File: 35ad8b6342d049b⋯.png (485.95 KB,680x452,170:113,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c38976dc8aad2a⋯.png (3.49 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,ClipboardImage.png)

Nick Sortor


🚨 #BREAKING: Sources say Rep. Thomas Massie is set to be tapped for Secretary of Agriculture by President Trump

This would be HUGE!

Massie has been pushing for Food Freedom and getting the government off the backs of American farmers for YEARS.

He’s the perfect pick, and a key player in gutting the overregulation choking out family farms!

I’m pumped for this.


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9505b1 No.21926935


They thought they owned the popular vote. If this is legally binding, then this will backfire worse than standing behind a flatulent elephant with a lit match in their teeth.

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344737 No.21926936

File: d9489239bb8fdc7⋯.jpg (320.32 KB,1024x1023,1024:1023,1730922485976707.jpg)

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d36430 No.21926938


Good, Sam Brown is a combat wounded veteran that ran as a pro-Trump Republican.

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a7e0ab No.21926939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Whose Military?


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0a1b73 No.21926940

File: 6e162726a9a4ab8⋯.jpeg (394.47 KB,1350x1800,3:4,EDD2098C_989E_46FE_8FB5_2….jpeg)


vve're in af

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63d6c5 No.21926941


but, but, but, Alaska!!!???


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000000 No.21926942


Get that CAN OF DRAIN-O away from the XANAX FEIN..

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f8b798 No.21926943

File: 43003ee0a7024bf⋯.mp4 (84.23 KB,480x270,16:9,SaveTwitter_Net_dRyfckvQYr….mp4)

Bannon lets out a Richmond rebel yell.

Natalie Winters


Best. Moment. Ever.

10:26 AM · Nov 6, 2024



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dcd61a No.21926944

File: cd548910f044135⋯.jpeg (73.97 KB,624x415,624:415,BF198F72_FD2E_4BD1_A3D0_9….jpeg)


Thank you, baker.

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2722ec No.21926945



are the main tool through which all vaccine-related manipulations are conducted. This project allows for the rapid and reliable dissemination of information about the hidden purpose of vaccination, which will give real ground to all parties to leave this organization, through which to get rid of its overbearing influence, and resort to judicial responsibility of its leadership. The same applies to other international organizations that participate in this initiative.


due to severe information curtain, most victims of harmful side effects of vaccines can not make a link between her condition and the vaccines, and, unfortunately, this greatly reduces the likelihood of successful treatment. This project makes it easier to spread information about vaccines and increases the possibility of successful treatment.

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f0dbbe No.21926946

File: bc9b2fc3fe45a73⋯.png (27.04 KB,596x334,298:167,bc9b2fc3fe45a7376b8d95e89a….png)

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0b8278 No.21926947

File: a2ef5d4df2c9767⋯.jpg (27.17 KB,946x529,946:529,baldwin.jpg)

anon having trouble not spending all day in schadenfreude. wasting lots of time

"Schadenfreude is a German word that describes the feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that comes from witnessing another person's misfortune. The word is a combination of the German words schaden, meaning "damage," and freude, meaning "joy"."

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39958f No.21926948

File: 117e6de1e4fa4d2⋯.mp4 (6.48 MB,640x360,16:9,Dan.mp4)

Rally withdrawal is starting to set in.

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a9d15c No.21926949

File: 579ded9bde393ae⋯.png (481.7 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

THANK YOU to the Amish and Mennonites who otherwise wouldn't have voted, you are patriots

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83751d No.21926950

File: ec9a220d16cd903⋯.png (179.87 KB,478x432,239:216,ClipboardImage.png)


elon must have read art of the deal


fucking based

massie is a good dude

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000000 No.21926951



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92dafd No.21926952


Seriously question: states like Colorado that promise their EC votes to the majority winner, when do those get added? At House certification?

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212952 No.21926953


ok then…..Good!

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83751d No.21926954

File: d94269e311a5f69⋯.png (10.23 KB,478x78,239:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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45c904 No.21926955


Fake, mostly gay, mostly retarded.

>The National Popular Vote Act makes Colorado part of a multi-state compact — but it only takes effect if and when enough states join to control 270 electoral votes.

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0c784b No.21926956

File: e9d9a3243acf337⋯.png (12.48 MB,5818x2730,2909:1365,herodstein.png)

>>21926710 (pb)

this collage is not complete yet, but it is inspired by an anon who asked why HRC reminds him of LCH

rodham ~ herod/hadron

king herod ordered the mass killings of children to kill of Jesus Christ, as how nowadays mass killings and poisoning of children is done by vaxx with the intention to kill off the soul of any possible Christ that can save humanity from eternal damnation.

the theme is that Q(rist) is John the Baptist, the Christ of those ((('without a soul'))) seeking the path of self-sacrifice followed by Jesus Christ instead of eternal damnation as self-servitude towards satan, as how romans killed Jesus Christ for (((shekels))), and how the intended Q(rist) can be overtaken by those 'more knowledgeable/influential' through sorcery as how HRC through forbidden acts against the self-sacrificial path of the Holy Ghost commit rape and torture to become 'Q', i.e. 'most knowledgeable' of how it is being a 'god' in complete opposite of the God Jesus Christ, and the most influential over others as a 'god' through child-rape blackmail and a 'presidency'.

>>21922021 (pb)

the reason why JFK's death is not disclosed in entirety is because as how Donald John Trump is the John the Baptist of today as John F Kennedy was Q in the 1960 (according to his Q gravesite), and how he was killed by those soulless wanting to remain servants to satan instead of committing suicide, as how frame 313 shows JFK being shot from under his chin as if shot by JacQueline O/Q, and why satanists are trying to assassinate Trump, to damn everyone to hell by denying the Gospel of self-sacrifice preached by Jesus Christ.

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e8648d No.21926957

File: 83f5ee8d626bf4a⋯.png (114.07 KB,640x456,80:57,ClipboardImage.png)


Here, go play with your blue wall.

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1cbd30 No.21926958

File: 9c10baeabd8a898⋯.png (5.59 MB,2745x1636,2745:1636,flags.PNG)


Not true, not notable, unfortunately.

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f91053 No.21926959

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d2306 No.21926960

File: 345392a7ad0106b⋯.jpg (1.37 MB,4032x3024,4:3,doublerainbowLEAVINGSPAIN.JPG)

>>21926581 LB


Can confirm the double rainbow. We saw it too.

We are on a TransAtlantic Cruise, and left Cartegena Spain on Oct 30. There was a double rainbow on our way out. Alas, I did not see UFOs- but I wasn't looking for them either

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a7e0ab No.21926961



Bring back the High Command.

Show them how we do.


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dcb6b2 No.21926962

File: 5aafa7ef43f94e0⋯.jpg (55.87 KB,519x494,519:494,5aafa7ef43f94e022cb0595a73….jpg)

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b59a00 No.21926963

File: 379571545352f34⋯.jpg (161.97 KB,793x597,793:597,SOUL_FOOD.jpg)

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175b56 No.21926964



>Well at least you know it all.

I don't know it all, not by a long shot.

But I know enough.

And what I know supports what I said in >>21926895.

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d36430 No.21926965

File: 718a3d201847f7e⋯.png (11.73 KB,517x144,517:144,4.png)

President Biden spoke by phone with President-elect Trump and congratulated him on his victory.


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3bc2cc No.21926966

File: bd50b95a1607b6e⋯.png (596.99 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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f69d03 No.21926967

File: 20f610da97e9828⋯.jpg (279.53 KB,1498x1012,749:506,QNN_GenX.jpg)

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0a38ca No.21926968

File: 34f63cf95892b63⋯.png (40.07 KB,510x340,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2d8df No.21926969

File: 16b4c647c0a94ba⋯.jpg (207.26 KB,1080x811,1080:811,16b4c647c0a94bae9d8d712ab5….jpg)

What if you were to make a race of slaves and made it so they would literally worship perceived authority, but then you lost control? Then you have to live with a bunch of order followers that worship perceived authority.

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055645 No.21926970


That was a dumb response. Just shut up for a while.

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d5ea02 No.21926971

File: bc97efb5571d82d⋯.png (46.3 KB,716x525,716:525,top_kek.png)

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b427e2 No.21926972

File: d9c8e4ab241aaaf⋯.jpg (88.81 KB,640x426,320:213,d9c8e4ab241aaaf5c7ba112702….jpg)

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d4d945 No.21926973

File: 57245df27dd6408⋯.png (39.13 KB,552x561,184:187,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cdbd9e898d9d85⋯.png (5.1 MB,1900x1266,950:633,ClipboardImage.png)

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df0efd No.21926974


>so traitors will be swinging from ropes before they know what hit them.

Get ready to hear the phrase 'for the good of the Country' a lot, Anon. Within two weeks the talk of forgiving and forgetting and 'moving on' 'for the good of the Country' will dominate the media.

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ab6597 No.21926975


FOMC Meeting today and FED press conf. tomorrow

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20d5ac No.21926976


Rothschild pushed for pasteurized milk.

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05bd02 No.21926977

File: ad8490abe5bf53a⋯.png (268.35 KB,568x441,568:441,ClipboardImage.png)

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7fd156 No.21926978

File: 9c1e82370488050⋯.png (653.06 KB,1041x901,1041:901,2ws537.png)

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e20808 No.21926979


>JON RALSTON: Sam Brown will likely win the Nevada Senate race at this point.

If there wasn't any cheating, GOP should have snagged the remaining four. They're going to split them down the middle. Gallegos and (((Slotkin))) are going to win Nevada and MI respectively, if the bullshit isn't called out.

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a7e0ab No.21926980

File: 24dc467b3eb2f41⋯.webp (17.21 KB,360x360,1:1,Big_Boss_TPP_infobox.webp)


How do(you)know about that?

Wanna Identify?

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51c11d No.21926981

File: e779d3b1e798273⋯.jpg (161.34 KB,800x800,1:1,e779d3b1e798273a08367855f0….jpg)

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000000 No.21926982

(state department proxy) Democrat MSNBC Analyst Admits ‘Trump Knows Our Country Better Than We Do’ Frank BergmanNovember 6, 2024 - 2:03 pm


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2722ec No.21926983

File: d971c0b5e9aa3cc⋯.jpg (165.01 KB,1024x576,16:9,OriginalTruth01_en_1024x57….jpg)



More than 1 million users can easily discover the most popular Bluetooth devices with this app. This way, ANYONE CAN identify the source of mysterious Bluetooth devices easily and quickly.

This project was the FASTEST, MOST EFFECTIVE AND MOST AFFORDABLE way to put an end to all the manipulation associated with the pseudo-pandemic airstrike of WHO. There is no other approach that applies uncompromising, demonstration is undoubtedly an important proof in a few minutes due to a fully accessible tool for every person-a mobile phone.

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f5e4c0 No.21926984


Sup namefag. Been a spell since I saw your glownigger ass.

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48fd62 No.21926985

File: 4de779a25a7aef6⋯.png (220.51 KB,1600x1196,400:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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581e11 No.21926986






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05bd02 No.21926987

File: ca8b32b6d204d63⋯.png (427.94 KB,568x630,284:315,ClipboardImage.png)

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63d6c5 No.21926988

File: 90c4a1a6c62efa7⋯.mp4 (760.6 KB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17309227262….mp4)

File: 4b066cff0b472ec⋯.jpg (285.71 KB,426x519,142:173,Xnip2024_11_06_14_53_40.jpg)

laughs in Jackson Pollock

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9edc1c No.21926989

I met this man years ago. I can't believe the biden/harris administration would have arrested him for Jan. 6. Wonderful man who inspires you.


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000000 No.21926990



Dodge is making Baracuda Muscle Car Again?

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6943ab No.21926991

Lenigga James lecturing us on justice and the law..

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f5e4c0 No.21926992


Sup HRN. One of the few namefags I actually like because you bake to help out

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51c11d No.21926993

File: bf10d394bdebafc⋯.png (427.47 KB,500x500,1:1,bf10d394bdebafc91f7384bd0c….png)

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3425e2 No.21926994

File: d13d03e70fb252a⋯.png (294.25 KB,2952x1308,246:109,embracethecomfy.png)

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92dafd No.21926995


Oh, they will love Joel Salatin giving agricultural advice! He’s been fighting the food oligarchs and government jackboots for decades!

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0b8278 No.21926996



the "new guard" = genx

the "old guard" = boomers and silent generation

this whooooole thing is an epic retelling of the greek tale of orestes. the son taking down the king.

don't worry millenials, we'll turn over the reins when it is your turn.

elon, thiel and co. are genx

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24e35b No.21926997

File: ea5aed6a0e1057c⋯.jpeg (623.68 KB,640x877,640:877,ea5aed6a0e1057c9fe352afb6….jpeg)

KEK. I wonder who the shills hate with a passion and have been spending almost two years now in imitation in an attempt to destroy. Better than seeing the dumbfuck merchants and circle-jerk copypastas they used to post.

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0e9eff No.21926999


Love to have some sauce with that, may BBQ?

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e3f6c2 No.21927000

File: aa6ceb6af4740f8⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,1280x720,16:9,SaveTwitter_Net_CUgCz_c6u7….mp4)

Coping because they know what is coming

Natalie Winters


MSNBC on suicide watch

9:39 AM · Nov 6, 2024




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8ed812 No.21927001

3 months is a long time

for them to fuck around

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95379a No.21927002

File: 6d7544aef4dfbe3⋯.png (1.39 MB,881x632,881:632,65423523g523.PNG)

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000000 No.21927003



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65a261 No.21927004

File: 75a1bba1967d235⋯.webm (3.37 MB,460x654,230:327,a4P3d8Q_460svvp9.webm)

Parrty time

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f5e4c0 No.21927005


Earth to retard, merchant memes are still posted at all hours of the day so I have no idea what the fuck you are trying to say without sounding like a retard.

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1f23f7 No.21927006


The Plan worked. The Deep State just stepped on their own landmine.

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441002 No.21927007

File: 6dfc16a86c0b349⋯.jpg (72.94 KB,768x432,16:9,6dfc16a86c0b349f771e765c43….jpg)

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f8e23c No.21927008


It's reallyNOTgonna be OK for them

(And they know this)

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f0dbbe No.21927009

File: 54ee04a7b606745⋯.png (12.65 KB,255x213,85:71,37574cf8f784fa9ed42163594a….png)

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ab6597 No.21927010

File: dc2176ea0e862a9⋯.mp4 (477.39 KB,480x270,16:9,Kamala_Dc_Motorcade.mp4)



Kamala Harris crossing Washington DC on her way to make concession speech

2:37 PM · Nov 6, 2024


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dcb6b2 No.21927011

File: 5f789bd145070dc⋯.png (1.45 MB,836x1412,209:353,5f789bd145070dc70abf9de5c3….png)

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83751d No.21927012

File: 928c642bd7ab06f⋯.png (8.38 KB,478x533,478:533,ClipboardImage.png)


the fuck you tag me for weirdo

anyway, the dude who threatened to 187 djt and all his supporters finally had his post removed…..several hours later

meanwhile if you dare say anything about a trannie, you'll have your post instantly removed

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585de6 No.21927013

File: fe4a9f18016d0c2⋯.jpg (121.54 KB,900x900,1:1,kameltoeKamala.jpg)


lots of votes need to be removed from the Kamala tabulations. we all know it. this moving on thingy is not gonna happen til the REAL votes are counted and we see the true results. Millions of fake votes and no one not going to jail for it does not cut it.

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8e5b23 No.21927014

File: bb1cd39d9d5b918⋯.png (1.34 MB,1118x792,559:396,6jw546h4634.PNG)

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a9d15c No.21927015

File: 7f918e7f7d930d1⋯.png (273.57 KB,680x573,680:573,ClipboardImage.png)

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03d102 No.21927016



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218002 No.21927017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6943ab No.21927018

James is acting like he strong armed his way into power.. totally forgetting we voted him in and he won the popular vote.. it's us not him..

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0f3df0 No.21927019

File: 9f37ac89cb239d7⋯.jpg (53.52 KB,1079x821,1079:821,media_Frm8N07WYAAaBmB.jpg)

FOr soooooo many years I have been telling yall to buy BTC but nooooooo. Now here we are. Trump Candle sending BTC to the moon and you guys are not on the rocket ship.

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4c83e3 No.21927020


sausage party time

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3425e2 No.21927021


Perhaps, but it's proportional to the Find Out, so…

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3bc2cc No.21927022


Nah, dust off and nuke it from low orbit, just to be sure.

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251101 No.21927023


Let's convert all the states to how Nebraska and Maine divide their electoral votes.

No more winner take all votes. See how that pans out.

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ef4ad4 No.21927024

File: 886eeb6f702e1cd⋯.png (265.3 KB,490x354,245:177,emc7db5b0e03de9af78ce2bd39….png)

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000000 No.21927025

Dollar & Bitcoin Surge as Trump Wins Presidential Election

(the only grumpy face today is gold and silver)







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63d6c5 No.21927026



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24e35b No.21927027


Space to shithead, if you've been following what's been going on here you would have noticed a pivot occurring last year in the spring, when the mimicry crusade began and the merchant posting took a back seat.

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cb8f67 No.21927028

File: ee4f00817f07189⋯.png (516 KB,719x528,719:528,543g52hg543.PNG)

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592991 No.21927029

File: 1505d43f5397136⋯.gif (297.15 KB,220x148,55:37,tenor.gif)

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e46148 No.21927030

File: f259b4730a4dff2⋯.mp4 (122.2 KB,640x480,4:3,01528227011.mp4)

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92dafd No.21927031


Including 2020.

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efc33e No.21927032


CA still has another 7M+ votes to count…

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63d6c5 No.21927033



sauce in case any other anon wants it

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4c83e3 No.21927034


That's K street near GW university

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f69d03 No.21927035

File: 760d6e44c4d5501⋯.png (485.26 KB,686x702,343:351,McDonalds.png)

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d22e8b No.21927036

File: 809c1c131bae5e8⋯.png (376.97 KB,542x679,542:679,6j5wj4j6rere.PNG)

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48fd62 No.21927037


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83751d No.21927038


>shekel shaman gives unsolicited bloviating opinion faggotry yet again

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f5e4c0 No.21927039


Any sauce or quantifiable data to prove that? I've noticed basically no difference

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000000 No.21927040


Double Print them.

Add the word

SUX at the bottom.

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68b066 No.21927041

File: ee12d44a762f683⋯.gif (2.7 MB,636x304,159:76,B2_Stealth_Refuel.gif)




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05bd02 No.21927042

File: 3016400c4c890e8⋯.png (317.48 KB,568x584,71:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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07b9b3 No.21927043

File: 3118fb7eb76f1dc⋯.jpg (47.62 KB,595x619,595:619,56n4252n654n34.JPG)

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adea85 No.21927044

File: 7d67497bb6ddb53⋯.mp4 (4.65 MB,1280x720,16:9,SaveTwitter_Net_ql3_5ugNx8….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Cedric Richmond sounds just like John Podesta in 2016.

From Adam Sabes

1:54 PM · Nov 6, 2024



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05bd02 No.21927045

File: 11f0c479c479dc2⋯.png (370.51 KB,568x426,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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d9ba3a No.21927046

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: live now, rewind and watch from the start or not.


Election Results 2024 LIVE: News, Exit Polls, Updates and MORE



Election results, updates from the Secretaries, and more! Let's go, America!

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585de6 No.21927047


yep if you look in Trump's column it shows he got pretty much the same amount as 2020, but Kabal's was a lot less tho it is rising more. but take out the millions fraudulently cast i will guess it is 1/2 or less that what they are showing for her. take out the algorithms etc and Trump would have more.

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3bc2cc No.21927048

File: 225070fe6b91ec6⋯.jpg (297.18 KB,889x500,889:500,TrekTrump3.jpg)

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df0efd No.21927049

File: f99c1f70b9a228e⋯.jpg (12.17 KB,255x158,255:158,in_not_on.jpg)


>no one not going to jail for it does not cut it.

This is /qresearch, Anon. We've witnessed seven years of 'does not cut it' yet here we are.

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6ecad6 No.21927050

File: 56cd24de8766577⋯.png (525.28 KB,579x588,193:196,5h532g52523.PNG)

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e46148 No.21927051

File: 2ef0eae0e83b85f⋯.jpg (122.68 KB,954x643,954:643,2ef0eae0e83b85fab00ae655f8….jpg)

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3ac4b3 No.21927052



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05bd02 No.21927053

File: e10d8d6218b8c84⋯.png (174.82 KB,500x504,125:126,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5e4c0 No.21927054

>Space to shithead

That's actually pretty damn good, especially coming from smoking pepe. Not bad at all for a change

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abd482 No.21927056

File: d45966c6f1078d1⋯.png (1.51 MB,1020x762,170:127,6jh3252h353523.PNG)

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104908 No.21927057

File: 317656f1ab1f1e3⋯.png (259.34 KB,1494x1142,747:571,new.png)

new freespoke results:






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000000 No.21927058


Anon can't find FBI in the Constitution or Bill of Rights, Can you help? https://constitution.congress.gov/search/

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592991 No.21927059

File: 0a4559b4456fa64⋯.jpeg (206.7 KB,1600x1150,32:23,0a4559b4456fa6439c51beef2….jpeg)

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92dafd No.21927060


This anon had the same gut reaction.

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65a261 No.21927061

File: d383f36142ea44e⋯.webm (812.06 KB,460x574,230:287,a5QWPAO_460svvp9.webm)

There were signs

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05bd02 No.21927062

File: 1e452c39a294e32⋯.png (491.82 KB,568x438,284:219,ClipboardImage.png)

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175b56 No.21927063



We're not moving on from anything.

We're digging deeper and holding every one of [THEM] accountable for [THEIR] crimes.

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3baebc No.21927064


81 million WTF?

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3bc2cc No.21927065

File: cd308d83871125d⋯.png (397.57 KB,498x639,166:213,Bomber_png.png)

File: 2a4ec76356a63fb⋯.png (643.28 KB,563x734,563:734,Navy_png.png)

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314064 No.21927066

File: 3118fb7eb76f1dc⋯.jpg (47.62 KB,595x619,595:619,3118fb7eb76f1dcee59f914a94….jpg)

File: 8fd47900bacc2ec⋯.gif (7.05 KB,255x122,255:122,ee12d44a762f68360b6547ae6e….gif)

File: 89c89817648d355⋯.png (593.37 KB,622x647,622:647,89c89817648d3552ba47b30ae9….png)

Thank you, RFK SeniorandJunior

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c95bd3 No.21927067

File: f5b008208d2744b⋯.png (1.47 MB,1239x1239,1:1,6h7v2473_45m.png)

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24e35b No.21927068


>Any sauce or quantifiable data to prove that?

Yeah, there's almost two years of breads to verify that. Help yourself.

>I've noticed basically no difference

You tried engaging in conversation with PILOTORB. You're an Absolute Retard and not worth spending any more time on.

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dcb6b2 No.21927070

File: 1f663c3f4bb7b41⋯.jpg (609.67 KB,1314x788,657:394,2024_11_06_19_49_22_LIVE_K….jpg)

File: b79b3e72dff8560⋯.jpg (518.31 KB,1319x783,1319:783,2024_11_06_19_58_25_LIVE_K….jpg)

AP attempt to make it look busier for kamal by cutting out the empty lot behind these few schoolkids.

The state

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c4f0e7 No.21927071

File: 8a93f74f61989e3⋯.png (402.94 KB,764x430,382:215,865n3764h57543b7b453657346….png)

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05bd02 No.21927072

File: 3e7a30b6e6cb5d2⋯.png (357.71 KB,568x375,568:375,ClipboardImage.png)

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dcb6b2 No.21927073



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585de6 No.21927074



and ONLY THEN, will we move on. after the trials and the tribunals.

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95379a No.21927075

File: cbc6655ab078085⋯.jpeg (393.1 KB,1898x941,1898:941,cbc6655ab078085a881119146….jpeg)

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05bd02 No.21927076

File: a3b4d861aa69892⋯.png (478.52 KB,568x378,284:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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cb0262 No.21927077

File: 2fa154aa6367120⋯.png (1.12 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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bdb36a No.21927078

File: 1e584851d632a03⋯.png (17.76 KB,457x142,457:142,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f3df0 No.21927079

THIS MAN KNOWS THE 9TH and 10TH!!! They exist because of the Commerce Clause.

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63d6c5 No.21927080

File: a291f29aca0fe57⋯.mp4 (235.83 KB,320x270,32:27,ssstwitter_com_17308956200….mp4)

Tim Walz can finally return to the life he's always dreamed of…


conservatives can flat-out meme

none better

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10cb2f No.21927081

File: 5f94eaf3f35ca1a⋯.jpg (488.26 KB,1199x800,1199:800,E9VnT34X0AI0KiF.jpg)

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83751d No.21927082


for real

they had to sweep the white house last time due to certain "devices"

peperidge farms remembers

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3425e2 No.21927083

File: d33c5ff59345bca⋯.png (568.72 KB,1990x1634,995:817,ClipboardImage.png)

8 points to go, Frens.


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3bc2cc No.21927084



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344737 No.21927085


>young voters +10


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ebec7e No.21927086

Remember in 2018 Q kept saying red wave? Looks like we got it. President and Congress. Remember this one 53-47. Sure is looking like that's coming true again, too.

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adea85 No.21927087


Oh yeah, they are so predictable

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68b066 No.21927088

File: cc203e5e4a8015b⋯.png (256.98 KB,597x429,199:143,JFK_Jr_7_Days_MAGA.png)

File: 3a6466fc59b7c59⋯.mp4 (14.01 MB,640x344,80:43,Dream_On_Trump.mp4)


It's Ain't Comfy for the Globohomo Deepstate Pedo Empire…

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ea36e3 No.21927089

File: 28c6136fa18519f⋯.jpg (134.99 KB,736x736,1:1,28c6136fa18519faf6be97999c….jpg)

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000000 No.21927090

Iron Maiden Singer Paul Di’Anno Dead at 66

October 21, 2024 - 2:02 pm

fuck I missed this one..


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24e35b No.21927091

File: 24cf32b10fc2ba1⋯.gif (634.28 KB,400x236,100:59,kek3.gif)

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05bd02 No.21927092

File: d116d7b90420f39⋯.png (98.12 KB,568x465,568:465,ClipboardImage.png)

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dea6aa No.21927093


see colon run fulldiapur.xml

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ab6597 No.21927094

File: d63548fed7b61ed⋯.jpg (1.93 MB,3024x3050,1512:1525,white_house_clock_hm.jpg)

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20d5ac No.21927095

File: aa6120c8d0221ba⋯.jpg (222.73 KB,950x1174,475:587,5c9a01a201651783299450_402….jpg)

Our Father showed us how to deal with Kikes that try and sell bullshit.

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39c3d6 No.21927096

File: e7d093f70f6444f⋯.png (288.93 KB,784x643,784:643,tretvgww.PNG)

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0f3df0 No.21927097


Not comfy until the IRS is gone and I get my machine guns back

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e46148 No.21927098

File: c77d89503308d72⋯.png (295.79 KB,458x561,458:561,ClipboardImage.png)

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91e103 No.21927099

File: 71b14522cba9c11⋯.png (1.91 MB,1085x1085,1:1,78702e12082c47b539cd659883….png)

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f5e4c0 No.21927100


Don't you engage with every shill on the board? Do you understand the definition of irony, smoking pepe? You're the laughing stock of the board and conversely the entire world watching. You do realize you're the punchline Retard king of all Retards, right? Anywho, habbent seent a difference in the amount of merchant memes posted. Seen an absolute ton over the past few months, the entire time while you keep repeating they don't get posted.

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dea6aa No.21927101


see colon run mkdr/ harrycry.exe

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a3a60d No.21927102

File: 0c86471e62c96fb⋯.png (202.56 KB,720x514,360:257,8n7546b437553v545.png)

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0c784b No.21927103

File: 8a849e7982e5703⋯.jpg (228.59 KB,1120x629,1120:629,1d35d5b7c73d5f32cd07024b43….jpg)

File: 4ba0808047d25f4⋯.jpg (188.54 KB,1200x846,200:141,Screen_Shot_2019_07_22_at_….jpg)

File: be8abf937da5332⋯.png (785.3 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


it is possible that 'Alice' is the feminine counterpart of John the Baptist, as how Mary is the mother of Jesus, and that through sorcery/chidl rape, losing ther Q/Christ, Mary/Alice is all that remains, as how jesuits who rape children to become as a 'god' opposite to Jesus Christ, i.e. anti-Christ 'pray to Mary' as Jesus would have wanted their death according to Matthew 18:6.

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cb0262 No.21927104

File: 78a8d7ce7e1c012⋯.png (1.66 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2d8df No.21927105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You know what IS in there? Law prohibiting government from doing a lot of what government keeps doing.

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ef4ad4 No.21927106

File: 6dd026835f0b65b⋯.png (346.91 KB,676x406,338:203,ClipboardImage.png)

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b42bc0 No.21927107

File: a9727ce312b0b6a⋯.png (364.87 KB,469x416,469:416,060.png)

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05bd02 No.21927108

File: b544b4f18de469e⋯.png (426.19 KB,568x379,568:379,ClipboardImage.png)

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f0dbbe No.21927109

File: 6caeb44c5c26778⋯.png (12.77 KB,255x255,1:1,59d6a91da479561f51322ebf5b….png)

It's not over, dude.

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e787b0 No.21927110

File: 230b71ec9cd0f0a⋯.png (612.16 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)


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a7e0ab No.21927111

File: 61283c3823593ed⋯.webp (240.4 KB,958x539,958:539,960x0.webp)


Tell them where that comes from, and why it is offensive to whoever that refers to. Lets get some history and context behind this. Show them who they are.

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9e1195 No.21927112

File: 978e0925ea6fcc0⋯.mp4 (7.61 MB,1080x1920,9:16,978e0925ea6fcc05dbcab1be85….mp4)

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8ffd60 No.21927113


Posting all these – with ZERO LINKS wtf

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ef4ad4 No.21927114

File: 97c8fa967a4491d⋯.jpg (10.09 KB,255x255,1:1,dv0c686271872c479ca5a33061….jpg)

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314064 No.21927115


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2252ef No.21927116


Oh that will be the bomb.

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d510bb No.21927117

File: 117068b6b055ab7⋯.png (548.33 KB,680x453,680:453,ClipboardImage.png)

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80b054 No.21927118

File: 81bea511bea5e51⋯.png (143.15 KB,472x770,236:385,ClipboardImage.png)

"Prepare to die"



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f69d03 No.21927119

File: d392d222a064933⋯.png (17.12 KB,373x269,373:269,asTold.png)


Long time, yes. But how much power do they have left? I trust the plan, because it is called The Great Awakening. There was and will be some carnage. War is ugly. But it isn´t called The Great Extinction. Patriots are in control. So I remain comfy and carnivore!

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63d6c5 No.21927120

anyone know what music is playing at the kamala rally? it's annoying.

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05bd02 No.21927121

File: 0e5323ca9bdc140⋯.png (416.46 KB,568x307,568:307,ClipboardImage.png)

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dea6aa No.21927122


see colon run LEEKY runny poo wiff alec bladwin hostage pron @yahoo.gov

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65a261 No.21927123

File: 69ade599df74b27⋯.png (46.42 KB,937x1273,937:1273,672ba5276cdcd.png)

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3eb416 No.21927124

Y’all got any more of them libtard meltdown vids??

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b427e2 No.21927125


The divider in Chief

Is barry a dual citizen of kenya

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e20808 No.21927126


Kek. I need to go back and see who won Senate races that year…..

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51c11d No.21927127

File: db4abd96cd0cc30⋯.png (771.93 KB,1862x795,1862:795,Unemployed_HRN.png)

File: bf6e521de3036a2⋯.png (441.66 KB,1862x795,1862:795,Disgusting_.png)


The person you are speaking to is this lazy fuck in these pics.

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0e9eff No.21927128


Was a pdiddy track earlier, says it all. Paying homage

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63d6c5 No.21927129


they're just meme material

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05bd02 No.21927130

File: d30a3e4ed1506ea⋯.png (575.26 KB,568x552,71:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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65a261 No.21927131

File: 292f71e8cde7e04⋯.mp4 (648.83 KB,460x290,46:29,ayNe0WX_460sv.mp4)


Fresh combo

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2c4b59 No.21927132

File: 23bf5ecedb90ef5⋯.png (58.87 KB,1106x711,14:9,media_Gbs_TOvXoBAv5_o.png)

Does it seem POTUS' popular vote tally is lagging bigly? He'll probably surpass the 74 million mark from last time but anon expected a far sharper increase, not so much a plateau. Wut habbened?

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ef4ad4 No.21927133

File: 7ddd43c5dc5e3bb⋯.png (14.12 KB,448x72,56:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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83751d No.21927134

File: 5f5ff1c400bc4c9⋯.png (9.42 KB,396x143,36:13,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9dae3f9f4c6a9ba⋯.png (20.71 KB,397x257,397:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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dcb6b2 No.21927135

File: 8d4d005354b61f5⋯.mp4 (10.55 MB,320x568,40:71,8d4d005354b61f5114292f7c41….mp4)

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3565f9 No.21927136

File: 405cecd620b06f4⋯.jpeg (8.84 KB,255x138,85:46,miracles_you_say.jpeg)

File: c2a1abeec628d3f⋯.png (11.56 KB,255x205,51:41,missed_bullet.png)

File: e2e645221f608d3⋯.jpg (5.45 KB,277x182,277:182,Q.jpg)

File: f463644134dbdad⋯.png (12.16 KB,255x130,51:26,bible.png)


Yes, It took an Act of God; in both cases.

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48fd62 No.21927137


12 steps to volcano rapture

buy buuk

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0e65c0 No.21927138


They still trying to steal the House or what? Tf is taking so long counting down ballot candidates?

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bc6447 No.21927139

Anyone else get the feeling that something isn't right. This has been way too easy. Election called within 24 hours? We have heard for weeks that it will take weeks to confirm the winner and now this. Its great but clearly not what was expected.

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6943ab No.21927140


Honestly it's not much better for anon if his account is still banned because the AI that took the place of the retards won't reinstate his account that was hacked and used to spam..

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0a38ca No.21927141


Chaka Khan - I know you, I live you

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63d6c5 No.21927142


pretty upbeat given the occasion. kek

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ccf594 No.21927143


Biden and Trump got how many votes on 2020 with COVID?

80 million each?

You're telling me trump only got 70 million this time?

Naw something is not right here

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df0efd No.21927144


>Show them who they are.

That's why President Trump read 'The Snake' to the USA.

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344737 No.21927145

File: 4b7c33f16cb0bc0⋯.png (22.2 KB,579x213,193:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9d15c No.21927147

File: 16e75e95abae051⋯.png (304.16 KB,581x644,83:92,Screen_Shot_2024_11_06_at_….png)

>we are the news now


Elon Musk


The reality of this election was plain to see on 𝕏, while most legacy media lied relentlessly to the public.

You are the media now.

Please post your thoughts & observations on 𝕏, correct others when wrong and we will have at least one place in the world where you can come to find the truth.

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6fd35c No.21927148


Fuggin brilliant TOP KEK!

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a7b844 No.21927149

File: 2327f13a0e16581⋯.png (514.82 KB,636x632,159:158,7ce61586238821f4a2ba38aa1c….png)


they cheated in 2020


Ty Anon

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05bd02 No.21927150

File: 8aae9de864ed5f9⋯.png (358.27 KB,530x385,106:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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63d6c5 No.21927151


then get it fixed and stop whining about it

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344737 No.21927152

File: 97bbdb769d832eb⋯.png (14.78 KB,462x224,33:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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65a261 No.21927153

File: 191b3c48a1299ba⋯.png (56.54 KB,700x764,175:191,a4P3dyA_700bwp.png)

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635ee5 No.21927154

File: fe06fb6d9f6b445⋯.png (552.74 KB,831x855,277:285,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f2432c83bb39b7⋯.mp4 (455.46 KB,480x270,16:9,If_Trump_becomes_President….mp4)

“If Trump becomes President again in 2024…it will be the final death blow…to the Global Order…”

- Yuval Noah Harari

World Economic Forum Top Advisor

Last Night Globalism Died 🔥


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314064 No.21927155





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585de6 No.21927156

File: ce67af0b4e9256d⋯.png (800.32 KB,1202x796,601:398,Pepe_logistical_tactics_pl….png)


i know.. 7 long years. but the shit posting and memeing has been the fun part of the rollercoaster ride.

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dcb6b2 No.21927157

File: 4744439e33ad183⋯.mp4 (6.02 MB,576x1024,9:16,4744439e33ad183b06f7f556bd….mp4)

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4ba2b7 No.21927158

File: 593705fad783cef⋯.png (95.22 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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20d5ac No.21927159

File: 1dc4a942216d6df⋯.jpg (247.08 KB,960x960,1:1,25383_1993977233.jpg)


They are a den of vipers.

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63d6c5 No.21927160



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2c4b59 No.21927161

File: 174a90aa93bdf4c⋯.png (2.92 MB,2560x2560,1:1,174a90aa93bdf4c73ed08ae400….png)


"Handle with care."

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05bd02 No.21927162

File: 7ad64103aa45ef8⋯.png (606.65 KB,568x751,568:751,ClipboardImage.png)

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963b01 No.21927163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Drowning In Their Tears: Elites Panic At 2024 Election Results

With the 2024 election in the bag, there is no shortage of surprises. Including the surprising campaign appearance of anti-Fed, anti-spending, and even anti-neocon sentiment. And record viewership of the Liberty Report. Also today…Politico warns of Trump seeking "revenge"…but is it really revenge or justice?

1 Hour ago 29:27 Nov 6, 2024


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261633 No.21927164

File: 71188daa733d854⋯.mp4 (383 KB,640x360,16:9,trumpwinsjp.mp4)

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e787b0 No.21927165

File: 795946fa6cec716⋯.png (305.16 KB,686x551,686:551,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6374a6ef13c6d8c⋯.png (129.47 KB,207x243,23:27,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a201ba3f71d5cbf⋯.png (406 KB,500x375,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a197a54339b91a⋯.png (163.88 KB,291x219,97:73,ClipboardImage.png)


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679af9 No.21927166


didn't Q post something about 6 oclock being deadly?

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9505b1 No.21927167


Come February she'll be paying for rickshaw rides.

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e46148 No.21927168

File: 10ad34ab749cafb⋯.jpg (96.91 KB,725x800,29:32,1667178441357170.jpg)



He should buy CNN and MSNDC as well.


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05bd02 No.21927169

File: e3464ae2741fb54⋯.png (486.05 KB,526x520,263:260,ClipboardImage.png)

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f71cd9 No.21927170

File: 1734c9422ad3593⋯.jpeg (60.23 KB,800x574,400:287,1734c9422ad3593bde4950bac….jpeg)


fuck yeah TYB

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377f07 No.21927171


i love being an outlier.

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83751d No.21927172

File: 3536c49471138bf⋯.png (214.23 KB,478x475,478:475,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e38af9d86c54c4⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB,640x360,16:9,TRy9jTirH3tVqg7E.mp4)


i hate em so fucking much

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dcb6b2 No.21927173

File: 3b0b798cc2b7f70⋯.png (43.99 KB,568x241,568:241,3b0b798cc2b7f700c3681db581….png)

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6d1d59 No.21927174

File: 656e23bfde1440f⋯.jpg (5.41 KB,225x225,1:1,akc.jpg)

Q Research General #26850: We The People Edition


>>21925112 (pb)

>>21925129 (pb)

>>21925192 (pb)

>>21925323 (pb)

>>21925349 (pb)

>>21925353 (pb)

>>21925367 (pb)

>>21925660 (pb)

>>21925683 (pb)

>>21925766 (pb)

>>21925804 (pb)

>>21925879 (pb)

>>21925892 (pb)

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6fd35c No.21927175

File: 6dcadd2a2fe05e4⋯.png (101.05 KB,290x254,145:127,Screenshot_2024_11_06_at_1….png)

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1f23f7 No.21927176

File: 43660421d8ce04a⋯.png (198.73 KB,1188x793,1188:793,2024_Presidential_Election….png)

This is the real Electoral College map if Team Trump wants it to be this way. Do it!

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20d5ac No.21927177

File: 4be98b39d5ae510⋯.jpg (85.68 KB,600x900,2:3,181bd35b1a1765ca6ab4833a09….jpg)

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dbf876 No.21927178

File: 641a5d4eac02eab⋯.png (9.94 KB,255x169,255:169,djt2c8bd639c04fc36ffef6877….png)

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b2eb7e No.21927179


dammmmn she chubbed up.

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d9ba3a No.21927180

watching r.gouveia.

doj policy : you cannot prosecute a sitting president. jack smith is retiring.

donald trumps legal problems have all gone away.

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2605f2 No.21927181



Last night Faux was practically giddy about how it played out.

I was all WTF got into them???

Then I saw a clip this morning where Joe-n-Mika were being all respectful about the PDJT win.

Spoopy imo, too spoopy.

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3bc2cc No.21927182

File: 8aa68c6112753c7⋯.jpg (74.83 KB,500x575,20:23,Yoda2.jpg)


Me too.

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05bd02 No.21927183

File: 11725c044395da5⋯.png (424.62 KB,540x601,540:601,ClipboardImage.png)

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647bed No.21927184

File: 926118aa3653fe6⋯.png (95.16 KB,399x410,399:410,hm282a.png)

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123dde No.21927185

Which feed are we going to watch?

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0cce94 No.21927186


Hummm didn't the DOJ say something about these matters?

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68b066 No.21927187

File: 7c98787b279da62⋯.png (408.83 KB,1051x1109,1051:1109,1730758638018.png)


Christina Applegate interrupts Self-Suck NPC and says, "Hey Lemme Have a Few Puffs on That!"

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7f04ff No.21927188

File: dec233616eb6fff⋯.jpg (128.46 KB,720x903,240:301,20241106_092941.jpg)

File: 0ee5190b68998ec⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,720x1280,9:16,End_Wokeness_20241106_1_ne….mp4)


Cardi B Says Election Results Are Why Some States Get Hurricanes, Deletes Post | Click to read more 👇

Fuckin witch

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e20808 No.21927189


>habbent seent a difference in the amount of merchant memes posted.

Kek. Speaking of. I noticed some irony here. Every time SP goes off on muhJoos™ or making comments about merchants, I always link him to a video of Jews pretending to be White and doing shit like spreading anti-White rhetoric such as calling for White Genocide or to incite hatred towards non-Jewish Whites. I always ask him to condemn the vile behavior of the racist and supremacist Jews, as he's always going off on muh anti-Semitsms™.

He never does…..

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377f07 No.21927190


she seems like a fierce opponent.

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212952 No.21927191


Such freakin' Good!!!!

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0a1b73 No.21927192

File: 95d84bf1c1eb80e⋯.jpeg (379.77 KB,1350x1800,3:4,64BB3C56_BD12_46C0_8BCF_6….jpeg)



vvatch the cabinet

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9b85f9 No.21927193

File: 9f4d7d373897f46⋯.png (71.32 KB,580x806,290:403,3599_3.png)

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dcb6b2 No.21927194

File: 0872a74a938a076⋯.jpg (168.13 KB,800x800,1:1,0872a74a938a076270169f5d29….jpg)

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963b01 No.21927195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New York Post

Watch Live: Kamala Harris concedes 2024 presidential election to Donald Trump

Kamala Harris is set to give her concession speech to supporters at Howard University at 4pm ET after Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential election.

4,700 watching now

Started streaming 32 minutes ago


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bdb36a No.21927196


At least he can share a cell with Big Mike.

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92dafd No.21927197


If just to make them undo their stupidity!

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0e9eff No.21927198


They are not me

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212952 No.21927199


What the fuck is THAT!?

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df0efd No.21927200

File: 306cb518e7e0d2f⋯.png (1.39 MB,1055x593,1055:593,ClipboardImage.png)


>i know.. 7 long years. but the shit posting and memeing has been the fun part of the rollercoaster ride.

And this pic. This pic was a fun part:

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f68df5 No.21927201

File: 7a7e0ef3fbb0f8d⋯.png (263.42 KB,640x640,1:1,3ee061ac9ccf4aa6b5834f0b89….png)

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cbbedf No.21927202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3eb416 No.21927203


They could still launch a nuke any moment

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e787b0 No.21927204


She should have waited for Saturday Night, LIVE!

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9b85f9 No.21927205


She is so dumb, really, really dumb.

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05bd02 No.21927206

File: 63901612bd20644⋯.png (440.03 KB,568x319,568:319,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump won. Weird.

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9505b1 No.21927207

File: ebd93325804595c⋯.gif (93.69 KB,250x107,250:107,Gallows_3_drop.gif)


Election theft is slavery. It should be punished as such, and attempts or conspiracy all count as if a completed act. Subjecting free souls to the domination of another is a crime and high sin.

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7eaa8b No.21927208


This dumb bitch was hating on Kamala and then flipped and started worshipping her, I hope the money was worth it, it does not go with you when you leave this realm.

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6fd35c No.21927209

it's quiet in here what the fuck is going on

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bdb36a No.21927210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Marxist Whore is about to let rip…

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11c6c1 No.21927211

File: f5497316686b0ff⋯.jpg (496.83 KB,786x1017,262:339,Anon_Time.jpg)

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63d6c5 No.21927212

File: b9c49b6a8bfe16d⋯.jpg (501.12 KB,964x543,964:543,Xnip2024_11_06_15_13_24.jpg)

File: 8c6bdb1e87dbb70⋯.jpg (405.66 KB,475x565,95:113,Xnip2024_11_06_15_14_26.jpg)

deep state employees are out in force in that crowd

alot of white dudes for kamala

gonna be alot of white dudes for unemployment

Of all the places she could have picked for her election after-party, she picked a place right in the heart of the DC deep state machine

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0a1b73 No.21927213

File: 8814d23bcb690db⋯.jpeg (616.12 KB,851x729,851:729,0021B0F0_C227_4034_80D0_7….jpeg)

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d9ba3a No.21927214

File: d59f1278ff87cfe⋯.png (178.38 KB,323x237,323:237,ClipboardImage.png)


it has a beard

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48fd62 No.21927215

boof of f/ELON chapter 666.11

thou shall fayk twat nazi missle an cheer on battery powered dildo cruzurs xtra gahy barr money #shotshotshot

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affae2 No.21927216

File: cbc464a9c1a080c⋯.jpg (569.33 KB,2600x2600,1:1,Kekistan_News_Q.jpg)

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0e9eff No.21927217


The calm before the storm

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585de6 No.21927218


good to see. the end.


kek too bad, we know she wont do it lol. but i hope she doesnt that would be a painful horrible death.


we shall see what she does.

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92dafd No.21927219


Is this expected to start at 4 or 6 Eastern?

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dcb6b2 No.21927220

File: 991fe5d09fd2d07⋯.mp4 (223.36 KB,480x270,16:9,991fe5d09fd2d071eb6e39163f….mp4)

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046b8f No.21927221

File: 2b3944bcf2b7fef⋯.jpg (194.21 KB,800x800,1:1,2b3944bcf2b7fefa094b2f3015….jpg)

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05bd02 No.21927222

File: a5a98128f5a9628⋯.png (161.5 KB,568x383,568:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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68b066 No.21927224

File: a6dc2ce11053fdb⋯.jpg (41.98 KB,600x300,2:1,WTF_is_Cardi_B_Trump.jpg)

File: 53eda42df825bca⋯.png (1009.97 KB,1145x1018,1145:1018,1730868664199.png)

File: a26a997e6874468⋯.png (1.58 MB,935x1247,935:1247,1730767964389.png)

File: a63aacbed9b1fd9⋯.png (1.25 MB,1247x935,1247:935,1730759631933.png)

File: 2c8ef86fe829a59⋯.png (979.12 KB,1146x1017,382:339,1730759052906.png)


What and/or Who in the fuck is a Cardi B?

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24e35b No.21927225

File: 2c21d88a943dba9⋯.png (104.66 KB,250x185,50:37,ClipboardImage.png)

The MuhJoo clowns sure are desperate today. They must feel an axe hanging over their necks or something.

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3425e2 No.21927226


Puppets typically are.

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65a261 No.21927227

File: 0f95feb513675a2⋯.png (72.66 KB,700x1076,175:269,aBym3eN_700bwp.png)

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e20808 No.21927228


>She is so dumb, really, really dumb.

She has a vested interest in going after him. Wonder what they have on her, she's trying to keep hidden? She can't be this stupid. They have to be hanging something over her, she wants memory-holed.

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6fd35c No.21927229


Good place to see who shows up from afar and undetected .

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592991 No.21927230


It's a filter…

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212952 No.21927231


She can always get a cozy job bending over for the National Endowment of Democracy club like Nuland has (or perhaps not like Nuland, maybe on her knees).

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b13a92 No.21927232


Game Theory. I'm sure it's been accounted for…

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2c4b59 No.21927233


Oh of course kek. I'm just wondering if they're not counting or destroying Trump votes in some states right now, or just flipping them outright to the Whore of Babble-on.

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f68df5 No.21927234


Been relaxing, listening to music, enjoying this beautiful day.

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7eaa8b No.21927235


She needs to be investigated, she has skeletons in her closet.

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51c11d No.21927236

File: 10c5df694fcfeb7⋯.png (2.06 MB,1024x1024,1:1,10c5df694fcfeb72049aab50a2….png)


Or probably their unemployment entitlement ending sooner than later.

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9c11ba No.21927237


What heathens, and God knows who you are, will never understand is that: To the remembrance of this is given power. Future proves past. You have more than you know.

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48fd62 No.21927238

File: c6b95a8aa281015⋯.jpg (400.15 KB,1500x999,500:333,2009_01_20_01_54_IMG_3832.JPG)

rented milf feelurs fills fishin for edipus

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05bd02 No.21927239

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affae2 No.21927240

File: 5892b2ab3fbdcb0⋯.jpg (471.93 KB,2560x1751,2560:1751,Wine_Q.jpg)


Shhhhh…. Don't jink it!

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d9ba3a No.21927241


looks like a.i

but why put it there.?

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3425e2 No.21927242


White men without college degrees built this country, cow.

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dcd61a No.21927243


Shhhh. Ixnay the atterchay.

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0c784b No.21927244

File: 1653e36f99e7eba⋯.jpg (35.69 KB,800x532,200:133,5730267372_2a5c4b52ab_o_11….jpg)

File: 868563129795c72⋯.png (50.3 KB,958x196,479:98,oie_h5gy2vnGEAnP.png)

File: 2f34cd9e740eb5b⋯.png (1.46 MB,2560x1430,256:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a05932c71578c91⋯.jpg (153.94 KB,921x1200,307:400,Fjj4Y3gXEAMUPhd_3841606582.jpg)

File: a3855a9408f6e8a⋯.png (757.48 KB,1050x700,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


'the reality of the execution plan…' - elon/herod, king of the jews


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9e1195 No.21927245


#26852 >>21926714

>>21926737, >>21926758, >>21926773, >>21927070, >>21927195 WATCH LIVE: Kamala Harris delivers concession speech

>>21926748, >>21926752, >>21926762 The DOJ and Jack Smith immediately end their cases against Donald Trump

>>21926787 Papi Trump "THE STORM IS HERE!!!"

>>21926798 [They] had all that and [they] still lost.

>>21926816 - 17 States Are Part Of "The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" Trump Gets 534 EV.

>>21926861 The Covid mRNA stocks are not happy today.

>>21926882 Sam Brown will likely win the Nevada Senate race at this point.

>>21926903, >>21926934 Transition Team - Thomas Massie has agreed to go in as Secretary of Agriculture.

>>21926931, >>21926945, >>21926983 BLUE TOOTH POLICE

>>21926943 @nataliegwinters - Bannon lets out a Richmond rebel yell.

>>21926965 President Biden spoke by phone with President-elect Trump and congratulated him on his victory.

>>21927000 Coping because they know what is coming @nataliegwinters MSNBC on suicide watch

>>21927010 Kamala Harris crossing Washington DC on her way to make concession speech

>>21927044 @CitizenFreePress Cedric Richmond sounds just like John Podesta in 2016.


>>21927090, >>21927112 Iron Maiden Singer Paul Di’Anno Dead at 66

>>21927131 All your libs meltdowns in one big mess

>>21927147 @elonmusk - Legacy Media is dead. You are the media now.

>>21927154 WEF Top Advisor - If Trump becomes President again in 2024…it will be the final death blow…to the Global Order…

>>21927163 RonPaulLibertyReport Drowning In Their Tears: Elites Panic At 2024 Election Results

>>21927172 NY AG Letitia James vows to go after Trump for another 4 years

>>21927188 Cardi B Says Election Results Are Why Some States Get Hurricanes

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68b066 No.21927246

File: b611b3326802270⋯.jpg (82.25 KB,678x381,226:127,Joe_Biden_Air_Force_One_St….jpg)

File: 1f4c2ab3a573d92⋯.png (26.08 KB,480x488,60:61,2_in_the_Pink_1_In_The_Sti….png)

File: d3eeaa9574099d4⋯.png (632.88 KB,1617x1640,1617:1640,HD_Pink_Wojak_NPC_Scream_C….png)

File: 330f5d8f3df19d2⋯.jpg (358.07 KB,1600x900,16:9,Dildo_Assassin_Trevor_Pink….jpg)

File: 0a59acee8e2558c⋯.png (114.77 KB,319x351,319:351,Bloody_Eyes_Tears_Shriekin….png)


Trips Chekt

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e20808 No.21927247

File: 37ea51f8289af95⋯.png (677.47 KB,1900x1900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>What and/or Who in the fuck is a Cardi B?

A simple summation using a picture.

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05bd02 No.21927248

File: 0a1d90b3969717e⋯.png (612.76 KB,563x657,563:657,ClipboardImage.png)

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7eaa8b No.21927249


Maybe we are all dead and this is the after life?

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11c6c1 No.21927250

File: 895f9fe236444b8⋯.jpg (211.63 KB,503x624,503:624,Anon_4.jpg)


>What and/or Who in the fuck is a Cardi B?

It is not your primary cardigan.

You have you best cardigan Cardi 'A'

Cardi 'B' is what you would wear to do gardening or cleaning tasks.

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a7e0ab No.21927251

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I just wanted to say, It's time to correct the record. Ask questions, like Christ taught us. Our history has been rewritten. Who has an agenda???

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dbf876 No.21927252

File: 4cc2eb065747053⋯.png (354.98 KB,767x675,767:675,ClipboardImage.png)

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6fd35c No.21927253

File: f239a427de98bd2⋯.jpg (7.58 KB,233x255,233:255,ee3fa59f7eaa6c444f1bbc5318….jpg)


Q diggiez check

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f71cd9 No.21927254

File: 5bdc5cb0378be8d⋯.png (366 KB,749x551,749:551,5bdc5cb0378be8d55ee502135f….png)

File: da4c9962835521c⋯.jpg (155.39 KB,1340x920,67:46,da4c9962835521c4a1f3801c43….jpg)

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05bd02 No.21927255

File: 3a2f8bc489aa771⋯.png (640.27 KB,568x836,142:209,ClipboardImage.png)

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592991 No.21927256


A lot of young people use filters. Especially the ones who invite demons.

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dbf876 No.21927257

File: d389d6c080e7db0⋯.png (1.61 MB,1333x1333,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d2306 No.21927258



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b07a10 No.21927259





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0a38ca No.21927260

File: f206e6b97734a05⋯.png (29.92 KB,466x175,466:175,ClipboardImage.png)


125,396 now, that's more views than any of her pop concerts, kek

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df0efd No.21927261

File: 3e88b911bae91f9⋯.png (48.94 KB,600x338,300:169,ClipboardImage.png)


>They are a den of vipers.

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2605f2 No.21927262


It's mildly ded here most of the non-It'sHabbening! time in the modern era.

But, yeah, so soon after this one is surprising.

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7f04ff No.21927263


She made a song called wet ass pussy, then campaigned for Kamala and read her speech off of her phone cause she's retarded

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592190 No.21927264

File: 630258eba04ee52⋯.png (494.66 KB,622x460,311:230,n54454g3.PNG)

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460424 No.21927265

File: 401adfb10a8ea87⋯.jpg (133.52 KB,960x976,60:61,Trips_Chekt_Shocker_Ice_Cr….jpg)

File: 641496e97818b71⋯.jpg (86.59 KB,604x730,302:365,Kum_Allah_Her_Ass_Cookies.jpg)

File: 8b66d59db954608⋯.jpg (98.04 KB,720x405,16:9,Kamala_Certifies_Trump_3.jpg)

File: 09cea3a400f6902⋯.jpg (61.25 KB,540x540,1:1,Kamala_Certifies_Trump_2.jpg)

File: 792e59476febbca⋯.jpg (72.93 KB,540x540,1:1,Kamala_Certifies_Trump_1.jpg)


Trips Chekt & Kekt



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b55a91 No.21927266

File: 74048ff3587c225⋯.png (769.61 KB,1440x960,3:2,74048ff3587c225aa020f8ab53….png)

We are entering a golden age of shitposting, mean tweets, destruction of big pharma, big war, big food, the propaganda machine, and rigged elections.

Damn it feels nice.

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1f442a No.21927267

File: c2ac01b9b85b918⋯.jpg (72.62 KB,720x559,720:559,Jkhjydx.jpg)

There is a conversation starting.

Brick Suit



Did Biden really win? 2004 Kerry - 59M 2008 Obama - 69.5M 2012 Obama - 65.9M 2016 Clinton - 65.9M 2020 Biden - 81.3M 2024 Harris - 66.4M

2:11 PM · Nov 6, 2024




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212952 No.21927268


Yah, their own destruction would be assured as well. Even Putin came out a couple years ago, said the US oligarchy, NGOs and political establishment would all be FAIR GAME if there were ever a nuclear exchange between countries (IMF, central banks, Soros NGOs, CFR, et al all included!) Suicide option.

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f8b798 No.21927269

File: 6de1a71d7a983e5⋯.jpeg (368.98 KB,1284x2128,321:532,IMG_5844.jpeg)

File: d82e5d1b98ed4d7⋯.jpeg (181.9 KB,1284x1255,1284:1255,IMG_5846.jpeg)

All states counted except AZ with 11 electoral votes, that will get PDJT to 312!

3:14 pm Nov. 6, 2024


There is NO WAY Kamala got 226, let the whistleblowers come out now

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a324e2 No.21927270


mass psychology in action

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9c11ba No.21927271


Interesting, I said yesterday that Trump in reality will win all states except CA.

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11c6c1 No.21927272

File: 092e6da0776d17a⋯.jpg (78.08 KB,452x335,452:335,Glass_raise.jpg)



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377f07 No.21927273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>it's quiet in here what the fuck is going on

precipice celebration!!! we made it!! it's O.V.E.R!!!

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0c784b No.21927274

File: 385b225df000779⋯.png (1.16 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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d510bb No.21927275

File: 9160fa18513891d⋯.png (35.44 KB,898x237,898:237,ClipboardImage.png)

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f69d03 No.21927276

File: 482c8e7d9dc041b⋯.jpg (85.73 KB,620x488,155:122,8IsUp.jpg)


>we will have at least one place in the world where you can come to find the truth.

There is already a place (without shadowbanning!) But for how long?

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2605f2 No.21927278


Vatty, in standard form, still awol?

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2c4b59 No.21927279

File: ec1e169eab927f1⋯.jpg (116.48 KB,1182x1280,591:640,FmN7e54WIAwdg76_jpeg.jpg)


Yes, anon do feel like that be:



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585de6 No.21927280

File: af6728a2d09d6cf⋯.jpg (278.58 KB,1200x1450,24:29,Trump_skyISblue_NPC_reeee.jpg)


the sky is blue, the sun is warm and the birds are singing and the butterflies and dragon flies are flittering around. life is good and we have weathered the first part of the storm. i think there may be more to come but the Golden Age is in sight.

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e787b0 No.21927281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


BREAKING - Letitia James Targets Trump Again!

The New York Attorney General states she has prepared to respond to Donald Trump's victory in the 2024 election - insinuates more lawfare against the President-Elect is possible!

"We are prepared to fight back once again!"



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05bd02 No.21927282

File: 952cf9d1a99f2d1⋯.png (64.53 KB,568x209,568:209,ClipboardImage.png)

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11cba6 No.21927283

the danger to Trump is greater now then before he was elected. now they know he IS president instead of may or might be president. the entire I.C. will be trying to get him if he really is the agent of change people say he is.

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f71cd9 No.21927284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d5ea02 No.21927285


DS is in wtf do we do now mode.

Shills are sitting on their buttplugs awaiting further orders from their handlers.

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63d6c5 No.21927286


>125,396 now, that's more views than any of her pop concerts, kek

if it bleeds, it leads.


I'm watching to see the chemical dependence possibility.

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460424 No.21927287

File: 9f2a4b527660d00⋯.jpg (1.8 MB,2000x2000,1:1,No_Deals_Hillary.jpg)

File: a73ad3c87ad352f⋯.mp4 (8.18 MB,480x270,16:9,3_Treason_Inferno_Dante_Mi….mp4)





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90dded No.21927288

File: 3ae50dfb4694a2f⋯.png (22.68 KB,656x226,328:113,ClipboardImage.png)

Stephen Miller

It’s important to keep in mind that Democrats rigged their own nominating process to give them an immense systemic advantage. It would have been vastly less difficult to beat Harris if she had to compete in a conventional campaign primary.


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d9ba3a No.21927289

File: 757cfc336465176⋯.png (217.9 KB,565x648,565:648,ClipboardImage.png)


that is a lot of words for a faggot.


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9505b1 No.21927290

File: df3d10092934f00⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB,320x400,4:5,Pig_rider2.mp4)


Tim Walz this morning.

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11cba6 No.21927291

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012b8a No.21927292

File: 45ac56c25f412fa⋯.png (924.37 KB,680x742,340:371,halfIsRetarded.png)


Just a reminder that half is completely retarded.


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63d6c5 No.21927293

File: 54c2a45941b6bc9⋯.jpg (13.6 KB,320x180,16:9,tbv_dzm.jpg)

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5162bb No.21927294

File: 782c31068aadd2a⋯.png (465.94 KB,643x366,643:366,2024_11_06_15_24_10.png)


>Anyone else get the feeling that something isn't right.


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3425e2 No.21927295

File: 5807046b396b164⋯.jpg (68.79 KB,720x617,720:617,onlyfarms.jpg)


Where's pigrider1.mp4?


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45a25f No.21927296


This is about Kamala replacing Biden. She gets to be the first female President for 2 months. And maybe they are also planning a "constitutional crisis". to avoid transfer of power………

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2605f2 No.21927297


Muh Blue Wall almost (MN) went Full Red.

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51c11d No.21927298

File: d9a8dd07d1bf08b⋯.jpg (175.25 KB,1024x752,64:47,d9a8dd07d1bf08b213573337af….jpg)

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cb8f67 No.21927299

File: 6f0c44ccb74c896⋯.png (843.32 KB,825x658,825:658,n653454235h23.PNG)

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05bd02 No.21927300

File: ee67aee16bc6207⋯.png (411.98 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3bc2cc No.21927302

File: 9e2baa59ea83fb1⋯.jpg (16.65 KB,232x255,232:255,2d72ca34740d75b485a8539035….jpg)

File: 0556f3e5ff3aa9b⋯.png (22.64 KB,255x255,1:1,1b37f0e52f6e7f9fbde86b70d8….png)

File: 5dabd7d6c8069ff⋯.jpg (83.47 KB,589x500,589:500,shitpost_wars.jpg)

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bc1abc No.21927303

File: 51f3107b54402cd⋯.jpeg (120.23 KB,1178x1114,589:557,IMG_2485.jpeg)

Get your magically delicious

The fuck out of here

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e46148 No.21927304

File: 44256c282e77afe⋯.png (499.48 KB,631x823,631:823,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b29e127b17c275d⋯.png (579.91 KB,701x548,701:548,ClipboardImage.png)





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f71cd9 No.21927305

File: 229ac59e8751ffd⋯.mp4 (4.27 MB,720x720,1:1,5675gh.mp4)

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11c6c1 No.21927306

File: 899806f355e5051⋯.mp4 (10.9 MB,640x360,16:9,Sound_of_social_justice.mp4)

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11cba6 No.21927307


somethingz not right……………

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05bd02 No.21927308

File: 828d6a658b246dd⋯.png (465.52 KB,568x800,71:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b0c25 No.21927309

File: 215cd31c905f271⋯.png (701.4 KB,753x753,1:1,215cd31c905f2715eb1edfbd1f….png)

File: cd8ef316dec8894⋯.jpg (56.73 KB,500x618,250:309,cd8ef316dec8894192fafb5021….jpg)

File: c0a5b8d573efd2b⋯.gif (5.18 MB,329x251,329:251,c0a5b8d573efd2b4bbcd68d027….gif)

File: c6357841de8f280⋯.webp (47.12 KB,818x1228,409:614,NINTCHDBPICT000668323573.webp)

File: 45d8ffb8c95b99f⋯.jpg (32.65 KB,860x484,215:121,MV5BOTA5MTIxOGUtZDNjMC00Mm….jpg)


So much this!

2020 fraudsters need to be brought up on charges.

All of them.

Glorious day Anons!

A GLORIOUS fucking day!!

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c495ef No.21927310


yesterday when the fear porn was posted I posted how it would all be OK.

the shill who posted the fear porn posted back using the term 'naive' twice.

are you that same one.

please refrain from spreading fear porn. Thanks.

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0e9eff No.21927312


Hidden fkery

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add5e5 No.21927313

File: ef508ef9dc1a5f0⋯.png (1.02 MB,888x499,888:499,h46e565e65.png)

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212952 No.21927314


=Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!such Good!

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3f7092 No.21927315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the only kamala concession live streaming I could find so far.

AP unfortunately.

LIVE: Kamala Harris delivers concession speech


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df0efd No.21927316


>6 oclock being deadly?


It means 'Watch your back'. As in 'Check your six'.

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9edc1c No.21927317



It is only just the beginning of the really hard part.

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05bd02 No.21927318

File: 4002d516318f479⋯.png (390.99 KB,568x468,142:117,ClipboardImage.png)

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98a1e9 No.21927319

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9304bc No.21927320


Fuck that gay nigger.

And his lil dwarf too.

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710f2a No.21927321

File: 02c7e94d6458a33⋯.jpg (87.28 KB,720x720,1:1,92229217_3287437571317380_….jpg)

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6fd35c No.21927322


KEK the other Pigs were just chillin checkin it out

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123dde No.21927323


Me to. T y.

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63d6c5 No.21927324

File: bd9a0f0c7e452bf⋯.jpg (470.24 KB,428x1102,214:551,Xnip2024_11_06_13_38_07.jpg)

File: 37f1a253ce95ab3⋯.jpg (139.78 KB,421x512,421:512,Xnip2024_11_06_13_38_40.jpg)


it had to be this way

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f72aae No.21927325


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affae2 No.21927326


It had to happen this way

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90dded No.21927327

File: 272e3e6235b361e⋯.png (400.16 KB,658x614,329:307,ClipboardImage.png)


Calling all cybersecurity researchers! Share your groundbreaking work at HotSoS'25, an NSA-sponsored symposium dedicated to what’s hot in security and privacy. The Call for Papers is open until December 13. Submit your research today! Visit https://sos-vo.org/group/hotsos/cfp for details. #HotSoS #Cybersecurity


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98a1e9 No.21927328

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11cba6 No.21927329

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2252ef No.21927330


Queen of Lawfare needs to be investigated. Find the source of those "donations".


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05bd02 No.21927332

File: bddac132e52ec2e⋯.png (1.07 MB,568x1066,284:533,ClipboardImage.png)

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0cce94 No.21927333


Sobering up from lastnight.

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aeb50c No.21927334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm still broke

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6d2306 No.21927335



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80b054 No.21927336


2020 was "allowed" to happen, to expose the cheat, to awaken the people.

2024 patriots behind the scenes likely threatened to castrate the cheaters and this time they listened.

patriots in control.

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be1d7a No.21927337


Yes, as grueling as it's been, I cannot wait for the change that's a comin!

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98a1e9 No.21927338


Trump, Madonna, jfk jr and Val Kilmer maybe??

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9505b1 No.21927339

File: 4e3480adee6173e⋯.gif (3.5 MB,360x270,4:3,Pig_rider.gif)

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05bd02 No.21927340

File: b1bfee3bcc97ec5⋯.png (176.58 KB,447x316,447:316,ClipboardImage.png)

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7eaa8b No.21927341


This is what we have been saying for 4 years, but nowfags think this would take 2 fucking weeks.


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95379a No.21927342

File: 1d302cb306084fe⋯.png (1.13 MB,980x725,196:145,m7eneyreyter.PNG)

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1c6be2 No.21927343

File: dc33f36a2ebe112⋯.jpeg (222.96 KB,1236x873,412:291,IMG_5503.jpeg)

File: dcb2f254b1c614f⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,1290x1798,645:899,IMG_5504.jpeg)

Updated graphic.

Next up:

Trump will be certified

Trump will be inaugurated Trump will be vindicated


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48fd62 No.21927344

File: 67df82571370b0d⋯.jpg (698.82 KB,1252x1252,1:1,2017_06_20_00_10_IMG_9550.JPG)

brightly colored infidels wavin tahy selfi schticks

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f8e23c No.21927345

File: f6cf1d6f202f722⋯.gif (1.85 MB,498x385,498:385,rerun_whats.gif)

What if KommieLa comes out and confesses everything.

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80b054 No.21927346


Remember when the cult shills mocked anons with the vax?

Retribution time.

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3bc2cc No.21927347


We had to show them.

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65a261 No.21927348

File: 0ea8637fb3a3fa6⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB,460x816,115:204,aMVxrMR_460sv.mp4)

Buffalo Gals

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d5ea02 No.21927349

File: 3c71735af709bda⋯.jpeg (71.78 KB,438x502,219:251,A7F1824C_2A4E_47DA_A82F_8….jpeg)


Probably moves and countermoves.

Shitbags probably had something really nasty planned in case Trump won but there’s nothing like a hypersonic nuclear missile “test” to make a fella reconsider things.

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7f8d9d No.21927350

File: 9146b5e0dac7934⋯.png (201.85 KB,629x619,629:619,ClipboardImage.png)


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90dded No.21927351

File: 148da703a249496⋯.png (26.24 KB,380x535,76:107,ClipboardImage.png)

Where is the cope?

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0cce94 No.21927352

FFS! When are they going to call the house races in PA?

They are at 99% IN right now.

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212952 No.21927353


Country life is based. Once you live it you never want to go back to the metro areas. I personally am lucky to have experience living rural. I'll never go back to the crowded suburban/city life again. Rather die on the soil I live on out here, in beautiful country life.

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05bd02 No.21927354

File: 26b7ed4b7752a3b⋯.png (817.69 KB,725x800,29:32,ClipboardImage.png)

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14e098 No.21927355


Ya. The enemies prepared with a deathvaxx solution.

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710f2a No.21927356

File: 569e879c42ea444⋯.png (278.39 KB,345x565,69:113,569e879c42ea444d8b493d2e3d….png)

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5063a2 No.21927357

File: 52e4598f19d5bad⋯.jpg (257.68 KB,1285x1334,1285:1334,52e4598f19d5bad457814429f8….jpg)

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bdfc48 No.21927358



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3f7092 No.21927359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAKING: Harris calls Trump to concede election


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bc6447 No.21927360

File: 72a1afd599ce605⋯.png (75.46 KB,666x490,333:245,Screenshot_2024_11_05_1813….png)


How do you safeguard future elections post- POTUS?

Nothing has been fixed yet. Something is coming.

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2605f2 No.21927361


Good grief.

It's just an anon wondering wtf all the Deep State Fuckery is.

I'm sure plenty of others are wondering the same thing based on the recent past.

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218002 No.21927362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9505b1 No.21927363


…in order to fulfill all righteousness.

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9b85f9 No.21927364

They never thought she would lose.

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d9ba3a No.21927365

File: 43f026ef91ef5b7⋯.png (159.68 KB,559x445,559:445,ClipboardImage.png)


meme it

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fa11cf No.21927366


Thanks for NOTHING, Elon.

You still won't return my X account.

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aeb50c No.21927367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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cecb69 No.21927368

File: a9e5f3fce243c19⋯.png (1.6 MB,1085x1085,1:1,a9e5f3fce243c19c15e6f7f81e….png)

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e787b0 No.21927369

File: cec54a8518fcf5a⋯.png (1.21 MB,580x858,290:429,ClipboardImage.png)

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5162bb No.21927370

File: 00a2c1ceff2aaad⋯.png (425.65 KB,619x465,619:465,2024_11_06_15_35_02.png)



Going home?

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bc1abc No.21927371

File: 9615fe16680504f⋯.jpeg (173.43 KB,1121x1280,1121:1280,IMG_2479.jpeg)

What part of we caught them all do you not understand?

Remember the 2 lanterns?




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647bed No.21927372

File: d83457eb80f900d⋯.png (277.58 KB,493x718,493:718,jjw154.png)


Still 'Work' to Be Done

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f72aae No.21927373

concession time soon


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0e9eff No.21927374


That’s probably as it’s heavily associated with pron.

I remember Elon saying.

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3c8714 No.21927375

Anon could go for some Mark Cuban memes

smoke him if you got em…

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094cb9 No.21927376

File: fe4686a3706b33f⋯.png (1.41 MB,922x695,922:695,fe4686a3706b33f90e29716f0f….png)

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f72aae No.21927377

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45d5d9 No.21927378

File: 607b80dd1aa9bf1⋯.png (353.41 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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48fd62 No.21927379

File: 81e1cf56ee2ca4e⋯.jpg (245.68 KB,636x636,1:1,2016_11_24_15_14_IMG_0057.JPG)

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963b01 No.21927380




“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”


What is the New World Order?


…They are subservient to the deep state, to globalism, to aligned thought, to the New World Order which they invoke ever more frequently in the name of a universal brotherhood which has nothing Christian about it, but which evokes the Masonic ideals of those who want to dominate the world by driving God out of the courts, out of schools, out of families, and perhaps even out of churches. …


…Their thirst for a one world order [destruction of national sovereignty] serves to obtain control over America [and her allies [think EU]] by diluting your vote to oblivion and installing a new one world ruling party. …

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eddabb No.21927381

File: 351f039bd56a2ac⋯.jpeg (208.13 KB,828x513,92:57,A63ED726_2697_454E_ADC2_A….jpeg)

>>21926358 pb

Old shit

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11cba6 No.21927382


Michael to France Barack to his boyfriend in Spain

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11c6c1 No.21927383

File: 4124bdc9786bd91⋯.jpg (79.13 KB,616x366,308:183,right_you_know.jpg)

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e787b0 No.21927384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b55a91 No.21927385


>FFS! When are they going to call the house races in PA?

They had to give up on Trump, but there's still lots of down-ballot stuff to steal.

Wisconsin, PA, etc. worked hard on senate seats overnight.

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846835 No.21927387


Next up:

Trump will be certified

Trump will be inaugurated Trump will be vindicated


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d5ea02 No.21927388

File: b5adbac34fce363⋯.jpeg (380.94 KB,1168x1711,1168:1711,IMG_3962.jpeg)


Shadow of Ezra


Donald Trump officially wins the presidency as the 47th president of the United States, completing one of the greatest political comebacks in history.

Meanwhile, James Holley, an advisor to RFK Jr., has stated that Barack and Michelle Obama have boarded a private jet and are leaving the country.


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f8e23c No.21927389


>They never thought she would lose.

double meanings


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3bc2cc No.21927390


Needs confirming, because "sources".

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add5e5 No.21927391

File: d9371c0461cf4e3⋯.png (729.06 KB,561x608,561:608,tewntnrewtwne.PNG)

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45a25f No.21927393


She lives in the most progressive state in the US. She and her daughter can get abortions on demand in CA. Likely even a concierge service to boot.

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710f2a No.21927394

File: d9375606a37a5c1⋯.jpg (77.29 KB,739x796,739:796,Q_sig.jpg)

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212952 No.21927395

I want to see Dr. Steve Turdley to break down some of the wins for us. WHEN?

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7eaa8b No.21927396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Election Coverage 2024: Kamala Concedes

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3bc2cc No.21927397


>Meanwhile, James Holley, an advisor to RFK Jr., has stated that Barack and Michelle Obama have boarded a private jet and are leaving the country.

Can we find out which airport, so that the Planefags can get on the case?

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23d084 No.21927398


more like christina apple hit the wall.

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9505b1 No.21927399

File: 8d17e2777fe9145⋯.png (77.76 KB,500x699,500:699,Popo_Pepe.png)


I policed the big city for over two decades, now I only go there if I have to and then for the shortest time possible. It was very bad then, it's an uncivilized sewer now.

Those people need to listen to us, not the other way around. I'm glad us country bumpkins finally pulled together enough to begin to unf* this mess.

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65a261 No.21927400

File: cdf2e145a9d29a8⋯.png (59.21 KB,716x974,358:487,672b86d1e82ac.png)


ww fuggery

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f72aae No.21927401

They're playing Kendrick Lamar at Kamala's concession speech

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e3de94 No.21927402

File: 886aa2f85e05dfc⋯.png (2.43 MB,1215x827,1215:827,y5mw54n4354y.PNG)

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978564 No.21927403


When the non-stop


transmissions start.

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9e1195 No.21927404

last call


#26852 >>21926714

>>21926737, >>21926758, >>21926773, >>21927070, >>21927195 WATCH LIVE: Kamala Harris delivers concession speech

>>21926748, >>21926752, >>21926762 The DOJ and Jack Smith immediately end their cases against Donald Trump

>>21926787 Papi Trump "THE STORM IS HERE!!!"

>>21926798 [They] had all that and [they] still lost.

>>21926816 - 17 States Are Part Of "The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" Trump Gets 534 EV.

>>21926861 The Covid mRNA stocks are not happy today.

>>21926882 Sam Brown will likely win the Nevada Senate race at this point.

>>21926903, >>21926934 Transition Team - Thomas Massie has agreed to go in as Secretary of Agriculture.

>>21926931, >>21926945, >>21926983 BLUE TOOTH POLICE

>>21926943 @nataliegwinters - Bannon lets out a Richmond rebel yell.

>>21926965 President Biden spoke by phone with President-elect Trump and congratulated him on his victory.

>>21927000 Coping because they know what is coming @nataliegwinters MSNBC on suicide watch

>>21927010 Kamala Harris crossing Washington DC on her way to make concession speech

>>21927044 @CitizenFreePress Cedric Richmond sounds just like John Podesta in 2016.


>>21927090, >>21927112 Iron Maiden Singer Paul Di’Anno Dead at 66

>>21927131 All your libs meltdowns in one big mess

>>21927147 @elonmusk - Legacy Media is dead. You are the media now.

>>21927154 WEF Top Advisor - If Trump becomes President again in 2024…it will be the final death blow…to the Global Order…

>>21927163 RonPaulLibertyReport Drowning In Their Tears: Elites Panic At 2024 Election Results

>>21927172, >>21927281 NY AG Letitia James vows to go after Trump for another 4 years

>>21927188 Cardi B Says Election Results Are Why Some States Get Hurricanes

>>21927267 There is a conversation starting. Did Biden really win?

>>21927327 Calling all cybersecurity researchers! Share your groundbreaking work at HotSoS'25, an NSA-sponsored symposium

>>21927350, >>21927388 RUMORS Barack and Mike have boarded a plane and left the country (Needs moar sauce)

>>21927359 BREAKING: Harris calls Trump to concede election

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e787b0 No.21927405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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eb06fd No.21927406

File: 17e2b8075b64c27⋯.jpeg (814.42 KB,1290x2087,1290:2087,IMG_6148.jpeg)

I’ll just leave this here

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923780 No.21927407

File: f7144be2864daeb⋯.png (757.73 KB,692x690,346:345,6j54j5h63g453.PNG)

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bc1abc No.21927408

File: a2ceacbb22d29ee⋯.png (2.93 MB,1179x2556,131:284,IMG_2482.png)


▶Q  06/28/22 (Tue) 21:17:04 000000 (14)  No.16551871 >>16551881 >>16551883 >>16551884


And you wonder why we are saving you Jews for last


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5063a2 No.21927409

File: 16689aef2517bed⋯.jpg (51.96 KB,428x496,107:124,8ee563c997922fbf71644db5dc….jpg)

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212952 No.21927410


That's it. I think their attempted coup against We The People has finally failed. That…. or they know something insane and bad is about to happen, as in FALSE FLAG or Sampson option???

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0e9eff No.21927411


What king f drugs did he use to tame the women.

Askin for a fren.

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3bc2cc No.21927412


Actress Christina Applegate has multiple sclerosis (MS), a disease that affects the central nervous system

She could be full of steroids while the medics try to control it.

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647bed No.21927413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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963b01 No.21927414

File: a62bbbb688b3fbe⋯.png (3.12 MB,1919x1079,1919:1079,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3b7523ec72bcc8⋯.png (1.99 MB,1919x1079,1919:1079,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a51bcfce3f8f1c⋯.png (3.06 MB,1919x1079,1919:1079,ClipboardImage.png)


>>21926737, >>21926758, >>21926773, >>21927070, >>21927195

WATCH LIVE: Kamala Harris delivers concession speech

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2605f2 No.21927415

File: 9ede8f7a6b9dc41⋯.jpg (112.05 KB,796x588,199:147,Q_Deals.jpg)


Hopefully, it's just Joe that they made a deal with and not Hussein.

Pretty sure it's neither Hussein nor Crooked.

Maybe Bill has a shot tho at being one of the ones Q was talking about.

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05bd02 No.21927416

File: 26efb3feb28e1f7⋯.png (719.87 KB,568x620,142:155,ClipboardImage.png)

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f72aae No.21927417

File: 0eba2562bde4245⋯.jpeg (148.64 KB,1400x700,2:1,IMG_1557.jpeg)

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24e35b No.21927418

File: 6c2ee6818eb840a⋯.gif (3.5 MB,832x355,832:355,2514152034.gif)


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23e4fc No.21927419


Absinthe will do thst

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a9d15c No.21927420

File: ae5bc4838fc1a23⋯.png (415 KB,680x465,136:93,ClipboardImage.png)

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33a885 No.21927421

File: 55fb827c341e0e7⋯.png (53.92 KB,300x199,300:199,ClipboardImage.png)

If Elon is going to make government more efficient, does that mean the end of Ketchup Viscosity Testing?

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212952 No.21927422


No way, ok got to see this!

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963b01 No.21927423

File: e00b600a8a2520e⋯.png (999.15 KB,1201x1076,1201:1076,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala Concedes


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710f2a No.21927424

File: 7bef1f5a3544885⋯.mp4 (3.39 MB,1280x720,16:9,Donald_Trump_Not_Like_Trum….mp4)

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5162bb No.21927425

File: 3397418aedd57f1⋯.png (105.42 KB,253x254,253:254,kek_kek.png)


All gay!

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f8e23c No.21927426


two jets

Two separate locations

Smells like PANIC

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9b85f9 No.21927427


While eating donuts

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585de6 No.21927428


Micky Rourke with the headband to the right

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11cba6 No.21927430


gold trim on flags

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f69d03 No.21927431

File: 2fdc937c3634966⋯.jpg (17.57 KB,474x237,2:1,Raute.jpg)

Tik Tok! Greetings from a German, trapped in the BRD. It´s getting better and better!

German government coalition collapses as Scholz sacks Finance Minister Lindner

Christian Lindner’s liberals are making demands for economic reforms that are hard for other coalition members to accept.

BERLIN — Germany’s three-party ruling coalition collapsed on Wednesday evening after Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced he would fire his Finance Minister Christian Lindner over persistent disagreements about economic reforms.

Many in Germany had hoped that the victory of Donald Trump in the U.S. election earlier in the day would force the coalition to hold together over fears that the incoming president would give Europe’s biggest economy a hard ride — targeting its all-important car industry in a trade war.

Ultimately, however, not even the looming threat of Trump proved enough for the fractious parties to put aside their differences.


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bc1abc No.21927432

File: debc9d7fcfe0952⋯.mp4 (55.66 KB,496x320,31:20,IMG_7564.mp4)

File: 4e842afa5e0a278⋯.mp4 (268.34 KB,544x848,34:53,1856631546963623082.mp4)

File: d5eaf97acc37ee0⋯.mp4 (41.83 KB,1280x1092,320:273,IMG_8641.mp4)

File: a32c0ac4373cc95⋯.mp4 (3.63 MB,1280x376,160:47,IMG_9242.mp4)


Don’t try it.

Not once



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963b01 No.21927433

File: f6d91701966c5b0⋯.png (153.89 KB,804x821,804:821,ClipboardImage.png)

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33a885 No.21927434

File: 04415d7a2e3cc9f⋯.png (792.46 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9c4f3 No.21927435


Anon believes she will be stopped in her tracks this time around.

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f2d8df No.21927436


I'm still locked out until I delete a tweet in which I said "Why would I be angry I'm not the one that made a fool of myself?" to some idiot projecting.

I will never delete it.

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11cba6 No.21927437

File: 87305cd4666e01a⋯.png (192.29 KB,353x417,353:417,Screenshot_2024_11_06_at_1….png)



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d5ea02 No.21927438

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24e35b No.21927439

File: 61575fe59f06064⋯.jpeg (27.88 KB,474x470,237:235,pepe_sip2314.jpeg)


You ever wonder if they took FISAs out on anons here?

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ab6597 No.21927440



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585de6 No.21927441


media just had to go there. tho seeing demoncraps actually do the right thing is not normal to see

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963b01 No.21927442

File: 0e1ccbe8bed7955⋯.png (426.95 KB,676x689,52:53,ClipboardImage.png)

… that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. – Abraham Lincoln Nov 1863

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9104fe No.21927443

File: 648903185a5dfd1⋯.png (7.26 MB,3000x2000,3:2,Joe_Biden_Kamala_Harris_Ge….png)


happy dance time

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9505b1 No.21927444


I thought Big Mike drowned BO's squeeze in Martha's Vineyard. BO probably has backups.

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592991 No.21927445


Don't be mean kek

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1f23f7 No.21927446

Kamala tried cutting a deal today.


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63d6c5 No.21927447

File: 2b7c6b3f4d5140b⋯.jpg (197.25 KB,994x667,994:667,Xnip2024_11_06_15_42_36.jpg)

If GOP isn't careful, they are gonna let them steal NV Senate seat


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0a38ca No.21927448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sky News has it, but it's the same feed.


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bb8c06 No.21927449

File: ebb0262248b6ac1⋯.jpg (80.84 KB,800x597,800:597,singing_blues_praises_how_….jpg)

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562765 No.21927450

File: 1a1d135efe48dc1⋯.png (179.99 KB,435x605,87:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab6597 No.21927451

File: d800fbf9487c558⋯.jpg (52.88 KB,610x653,610:653,rockwell_cop_diner.jpg)

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65a261 No.21927452

File: 5d61079b43994fc⋯.png (46.55 KB,700x1193,700:1193,aryV4Yy_700bwp.png)

Libs aren't coping it

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9b85f9 No.21927453


Anon's permanently banned for targeted harassment or something like that for constantly calling out some insane covid doctor.

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f0dbbe No.21927454

File: f114db6cb4239ff⋯.png (396.91 KB,720x501,240:167,f114db6cb4239ff6cb88b477ba….png)

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7eaa8b No.21927455

Are old anons back posting again rather than lurking? Breads are going much quicker today, a few days ago it was 7 hour breads. kek

UID's way up

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e787b0 No.21927456


Oct 31 2017 22:58:00 (EST)

Why does Obama travel in advance of POTUS to foreign locations?

Why is this relevant?

Focus on the power of POTUS as it relates to the Marines.

How can MI be applied to prosecute bad actors and avoid corrupt agencies and judges?

Biggest drop on Pol.

Above is reason why the shills are sliding. In case you didn’t know, shills log and send new info back to ASF for instruction. They use a 5 prong pre packaged injection (one post auto generates four more at random designated times). Common drive of posts they all tap into. Since they misjudged the influence of the MSM they are aggressively looking to censor throughout major platforms in exchange for CIA slush funds and WW access for expansion of said networks. Everything they do has been forecasted and prepared for.

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f8e23c No.21927457


can they not read a room?

Diddy music in the background?

Feels like maybe someone's controlling this picture in the background.


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d5ea02 No.21927458

File: 823623c17ef55f3⋯.jpeg (46.37 KB,434x333,434:333,IMG_3874.jpeg)

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9104fe No.21927459

File: 407036d424062dc⋯.jpg (7.92 KB,255x145,51:29,Putin_Nyet_Hit.jpg)

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6d2306 No.21927460

File: a92dc24260761ed⋯.png (32.15 KB,445x373,445:373,Q5.png)



Can you rely on being able to board a plane?


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9e1195 No.21927461

final bun


#26852 >>21926714

>>21926737, >>21926758, >>21926773, >>21927070, >>21927195, >>21927437 WATCH LIVE: Kamala Harris delivers concession speech

>>21926748, >>21926752, >>21926762 The DOJ and Jack Smith immediately end their cases against Donald Trump

>>21926787 Papi Trump "THE STORM IS HERE!!!"

>>21926798 [They] had all that and [they] still lost.

>>21926816 - 17 States Are Part Of "The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" Trump Gets 534 EV.

>>21926861 The Covid mRNA stocks are not happy today.

>>21926882 Sam Brown will likely win the Nevada Senate race at this point.

>>21926903, >>21926934 Transition Team - Thomas Massie has agreed to go in as Secretary of Agriculture.

>>21926931, >>21926945, >>21926983 BLUE TOOTH POLICE

>>21926943 @nataliegwinters - Bannon lets out a Richmond rebel yell.

>>21926965 President Biden spoke by phone with President-elect Trump and congratulated him on his victory.

>>21927000 Coping because they know what is coming @nataliegwinters MSNBC on suicide watch

>>21927010 Kamala Harris crossing Washington DC on her way to make concession speech

>>21927044 @CitizenFreePress Cedric Richmond sounds just like John Podesta in 2016.


>>21927090, >>21927112 Iron Maiden Singer Paul Di’Anno Dead at 66

>>21927131 All your libs meltdowns in one big mess

>>21927147 @elonmusk - Legacy Media is dead. You are the media now.

>>21927154 WEF Top Advisor - If Trump becomes President again in 2024…it will be the final death blow…to the Global Order…

>>21927163 RonPaulLibertyReport Drowning In Their Tears: Elites Panic At 2024 Election Results

>>21927172, >>21927281 NY AG Letitia James vows to go after Trump for another 4 years

>>21927188 Cardi B Says Election Results Are Why Some States Get Hurricanes

>>21927267 There is a conversation starting. Did Biden really win?

>>21927327 Calling all cybersecurity researchers! Share your groundbreaking work at HotSoS'25, an NSA-sponsored symposium

>>21927343 UPDATED - Trump will be certified. Trump will be inaugurated. Trump will be vindicated.

>>21927350, >>21927388 RUMORS Barack and Mike have boarded a plane and left the country (Needs moar sauce)

>>21927359 BREAKING: Harris calls Trump to concede election

>>21927431 German government coalition collapses as Scholz sacks Finance Minister Lindner

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8793b1 No.21927462


And all the sudden , they have no children?

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710f2a No.21927465

File: a9fd9a1d015a10e⋯.png (2.45 MB,1400x1937,1400:1937,a9fd9a1d015a10e30be0f608ea….png)

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1f442a No.21927466


who do you suppose gave the order to kablewy the pagers ?

That was waiting years for a leader with the guts to deploy it.

Trump wants Israel to hurry the fuck up is all.

Bibi better be better than bibi was before with our boobala

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ac6e76 No.21927467

File: 9e21e59419d76b1⋯.png (300.51 KB,488x583,488:583,ClipboardImage.png)



same day, CMZ retired

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0a38ca No.21927468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Different feed, from PBS


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f8e23c No.21927469


>Why does Obama travel in advance of POTUS to foreign locations?

Lsat time it was to make deals, I presume.

But this time, meybee he looking for refuge?

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11c6c1 No.21927470

File: 2aca560fed5c459⋯.gif (335.08 KB,601x379,601:379,Circles.gif)



Oldfag in the house


▲ ▲

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0e9eff No.21927471


Fair play bruv What tweet?

I have strange recollections for most things on this board.

I enjoyed the convo with Elon.

So you must be a comedian to one of my questions was his reply.

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11cba6 No.21927473


absolutely kek

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e787b0 No.21927474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



MSNBC LOSES IT as Trump Election Win FINISHES OFF Kamala

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51c11d No.21927475

File: ace2b210a18d54c⋯.png (584.76 KB,720x469,720:469,ace2b210a18d54cf697b6a03d8….png)

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33a885 No.21927476

File: 3de0ce3f8119d4e⋯.png (657.76 KB,1022x1010,511:505,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6de76a98047049⋯.mp4 (7.94 MB,960x644,240:161,pB1g3AnuNJpJyeXZ_1_.mp4)


For all my soul surfers out there in the digital army. I love you all, even the bots who would cut me off on a perfect wave!

Enjoy and repost!

1:49 PM · Nov 6, 2024


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fa11cf No.21927477


What?!? You think she just fell off a coconut truck?


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90dded No.21927478

File: 0930e98985fcf51⋯.gif (5.7 MB,600x338,300:169,NS_NCSWIC_PUNISHER.gif)

File: f8c926b5ac851a6⋯.png (618.2 KB,896x500,224:125,NOW_THEY_ALL_LOSE.png)

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9104fe No.21927479

File: 54cb0fc24443a00⋯.png (351.15 KB,526x509,526:509,ClipboardImage.png)


what's this? Without a keystone that shit is about to fall.

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9e1195 No.21927480

File: 5fb67b67f3ed02c⋯.png (1.29 MB,1428x1068,119:89,5fb67b67f3ed02cab36b011d0a….png)

File: 6af9effc9d5dcb4⋯.jpg (195.5 KB,1242x782,27:17,6af9effc9d5dcb44283986f772….jpg)

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11cba6 No.21927481


arch of Baal?

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23d084 No.21927482


she became one of the fat ladies that al made fun of NO MAM

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f5e609 No.21927483

File: 9c4133bb87e47d2⋯.gif (3.92 MB,600x338,300:169,DO_IT_Q.gif)

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2ca702 No.21927484

Never left

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9e1195 No.21927487

File: 3b4e1c00535b57b⋯.png (970.67 KB,1080x1102,540:551,3b4e1c00535b57b21132992f36….png)

File: 118d974642a9de2⋯.png (3.24 MB,1478x1407,1478:1407,118d974642a9de26c381603304….png)

File: 249a21619221f2b⋯.jpg (117.34 KB,593x607,593:607,249a21619221f2b33d231f3d6f….jpg)

File: 7677ef73179a6f8⋯.jpg (166.36 KB,1024x1024,1:1,7677ef73179a6f8add78d31d46….jpg)

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bdb36a No.21927489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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05bd02 No.21927490

File: 5116b040dec7ff4⋯.png (127.58 KB,464x769,464:769,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ca702 No.21927491


Never left

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9e1195 No.21927493

File: b30176c1c8f8ccd⋯.jpg (80.57 KB,1080x628,270:157,2d2a5c2295a2516b3cad0a04cd….jpg)

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9e1195 No.21927495

File: 3b23fc891154b09⋯.jpg (165.97 KB,634x639,634:639,3b23fc891154b0908ce9d61825….jpg)

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63d6c5 No.21927497

File: 7661912f44a8ab1⋯.jpg (206.2 KB,562x545,562:545,Xnip2024_11_06_15_48_56.jpg)

no Veep Seal on podium

between this and what was said about the DOJ not prosecuting a sitting POTUS, somethings up with this.

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9e1195 No.21927499

File: 058fcfb89d651af⋯.jpg (89.76 KB,1152x1365,384:455,058fcfb89d651af9dec39233e4….jpg)

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