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File: e148d103ad2c6f7⋯.jpg (247.56 KB,1200x803,1200:803,dayshift_1.jpg)

171641 No.21819681 [View All]

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701 posts and 375 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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2e3b1f No.21820441


I didn't read your post, Snowflake.

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d9ac7a No.21820442

File: 91a0ed9643a4646⋯.png (493.58 KB,568x834,284:417,ClipboardImage.png)

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0127fc No.21820443

File: 7451c8354166e8a⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB,854x480,427:240,Boom_Boom_Pow.mp4)


Needed sound. You're welcome.

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3d46fe No.21820445

Trump is a conman.

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171641 No.21820446

#26719 >>21819690

>>21819941 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

>>21819981 Former Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries was cut loose from court Tuesday

>>21819985 YES, Across the board

>>21820053 Major National Cybersecurity Exercise on Election Day?

>>21820097 John Ralston Nevada Report, great news for Republicans:

>>21820112 Notables for #26718 posted in #26719

>>21820115 24/7 Anonymous News Feed. All Eyes on for the 4am

>>21820119 Is North Korea about to attack the South while supplying troops for Russia?

>>21820169 The Real Reason for Food Contamination

>>21820202, >>21820220 Election rigging machines for decades and no one corrected it

>>21820239 Ahoy! The Ship Show

>>21820278 Bill Gates tries to squirm out of court case but the Dutch aren’t having it

>>21820283 Mid bread music play TURN IT UP!


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78f990 No.21820447

Trump is a grifter.

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61e806 No.21820448


A Higher Loyalty

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c524f3 No.21820449


just end your life.

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2e3b1f No.21820450


God is your nightmare.

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ddd6a3 No.21820451

File: 43191f0782d32cf⋯.png (48.52 KB,711x389,711:389,tsdtsztzstz.png)

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5c49be No.21820452

Trump is chaos.

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a138a8 No.21820453

File: 9063377def25983⋯.webp (97.09 KB,1272x1063,1272:1063,98d00a47_3fe0_4fd7_bf6f_f….webp)

File: 96c0bdd3a8babef⋯.webp (30.75 KB,592x400,37:25,5f338bf4_15a5_4d7e_9cb4_2….webp)

File: 62bed60388a7f98⋯.webp (104.46 KB,1272x1165,1272:1165,3ce76a7d_b5bd_47e9_9f56_7….webp)

File: 064d142e54eeae7⋯.webp (142.88 KB,1190x1430,119:143,158c5ebc_2e5a_4804_9f24_a….webp)

File: 0df6e10b64cb24a⋯.jpg (178.31 KB,2168x1336,271:167,f716c603_1e06_4a06_b837_e1….jpg)


The Rural Rebellion Will Decide This Election

PsyWar: The Deep State Versus Trump

Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oct 23, 2024

Who is Robert Malone


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The Rural Rebellion Will Decide This Election

PsyWar: The Deep State Versus Trump

Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oct 23, 2024




There is a modern battlefield in which the objectives are molding, controlling, and capturing the thoughts, emotions, and beliefs of the common man. This is being deployed by the US “Deep State” and “Uniparty” political organizations, allied military, intelligence communities, public health organizations, US Homeland Security and State Departments, social media/internet service companies, non-governmental organizations, and aspiring global governance organizations (UN, WEF) - often in close coordination with “mainstream” corporate media- on all Western nation populations in an amazingly harmonized fashion. The UK, United States, and their close allies are leading the West to deploy this new warfare technique on their very own citizenry.

Your mind is the battlefield, and controlling and managing your access to information, thoughts, and emotions is the strategic objective .

Very long article by Malone. Much more at link

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b54304 No.21820454

Trump is for hate and division.

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9c105f No.21820455

baker = retardud

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c524f3 No.21820456


your mom is a human pin cushion for cocks.

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6195c3 No.21820457

File: cc86baa6709428f⋯.png (1021.69 KB,1035x545,207:109,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f365e287372b564⋯.png (57.55 KB,687x363,229:121,TrumpTeam.png)


"I made some poor choices my first term"

You should have listened to Q Trump…

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d78a95 No.21820458


>Always the same playbook, it seems.

When isn't it?

But then, all appear to have their own playbook

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2e491b No.21820459

Trump is unfit to be President.

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6f6add No.21820460

File: 9f155943e9b15ce⋯.png (91.66 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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188faa No.21820461

File: 3efba2bc54c64c1⋯.png (2.2 MB,1276x1600,319:400,ClipboardImage.png)



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c48d9f No.21820462

File: ba878100059361a⋯.mp4 (5.39 MB,1280x720,16:9,ba878100059361abc4bea1bf34….mp4)

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695f1c No.21820464


KYS - you're unfit to do anything but be a cheap shill

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958ad5 No.21820466

Trump is not intelligent.

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000000 No.21820467

Eradicate Hate Global Summit

@EradicateHate_ 20h

An important discussion on @Meta's redirect method to combat the spread of extremism and hate by redirecting users to credible sources of information. #eradicatehate

Oct 23, 2024 · 4:49 PM UTC



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8f8485 No.21820468


dumbass tor-nigger

enjoy your cyber trip via cia node servers


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9c105f No.21820469


Fuck off to Reddit board owner

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69abb6 No.21820471


top kek

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47fe5c No.21820472


> what a faggot "Baker" today.

I bet you say that to all the bakers.

*wink wink*

*hubba hubba*

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d3fafe No.21820473

Trump is old.

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fb3cd5 No.21820476


When many have the same opinion, it then becomes a consensus.

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e1ba8c No.21820477

Trump is boring af.

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2e3b1f No.21820481


Even if you won that bet, you'd still be a loser.

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d9ac7a No.21820482

File: dd10cd066b0e1c0⋯.png (153.65 KB,568x596,142:149,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee86cecb7bd0633⋯.png (588.36 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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7dbf0a No.21820483

File: 1de9ac185c66b1d⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB,460x460,1:1,1de9ac185c66b1d35bd1ee3e88….mp4)

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7ff22e No.21820484

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8f8485 No.21820486


>Don't ever click to reply to me again.

kek,where do you think you are,fagbook or plebbit?

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d9ac7a No.21820487

File: 5f6a30fd2c39751⋯.png (326.3 KB,568x524,142:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c105f No.21820488

baker = employee

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17442b No.21820489

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB,236x207,236:207,pepe_keks.png)


Kek, so true.

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2e3b1f No.21820491


If you find out, you'll weep.

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8f8485 No.21820492



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171641 No.21820493

#26719 >>21819690


Q Research General #26720: I ain't no Fotunate son Edition




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d35c97 No.21820494

Choose Joy, A New Way Forward Today! Get Out and Vote!

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d17858 No.21820495


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9c105f No.21820497

Board = Compromised

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69abb6 No.21820498

File: c07b2515fbff0ce⋯.png (64.93 KB,212x199,212:199,c07b2515fbff0cea479aadff00….png)

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7ff22e No.21820499

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c95ddf No.21820500

File: c7b825ec06d08f6⋯.mp4 (3.05 MB,632x360,79:45,ssstwitter_com_17296661740….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Maricopa County is warning it may take several days to count all the ballots andwe might not know who wins for a week after the election.

Arizona ballot is two pages this year, with 79 separate elections.

Oct. 23, 2024



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2e3b1f No.21820501

God Wins.

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9c105f No.21820502


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