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File: c6f171fb6064da0⋯.jpg (701 KB,1384x778,692:389,000ddd.jpg)

e8586d No.21678054 [View All]

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674 posts and 538 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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528492 No.21678984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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140e13 No.21678985

File: 323f442699af7e4⋯.png (322.2 KB,680x652,170:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8d84b No.21678987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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595d51 No.21678988

File: 0305943613f2054⋯.png (942.09 KB,750x1334,375:667,5D961738_26B0_4533_A5C9_CE….png)

File: b2b6fa936638fde⋯.png (239.57 KB,690x4252,345:2126,62024369_F77C_48AA_963C_8B….png)

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de1f50 No.21678989

File: 424e982faeb416b⋯.png (90.84 KB,403x754,31:58,HunterSNEED.png)

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a8d84b No.21678990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f1b637 No.21678991

File: 55f08e435cda1bc⋯.png (4.81 KB,310x163,310:163,_2_.png)

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8e7cdd No.21678992

File: 1e551178493821f⋯.webp (12.55 KB,447x300,149:100,594042_2.webp)



Why do you Anons bother giving {them] the (you)s?

It's what [they] want.

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49991a No.21678993


It's not about whose board it is.

It's just a matter of fact that qresearch is not a free speech platform.

GAB has more freedom of speech than quresearch.

GAB does not censor people who use the word "Jew" or "Jewish."

But GAB is a honeypot.

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6d15cb No.21678994

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140e13 No.21678995

File: 1df21e1a043697e⋯.png (201.26 KB,450x438,75:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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0875e7 No.21678996

File: c88ff65fcd74cc1⋯.png (284.24 KB,584x520,73:65,c88ff65fcd74cc1571e5a5296b….png)

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595d51 No.21678997

File: ed11b8580706974⋯.png (1.19 MB,750x1334,375:667,6BEB8B4C_553B_4437_AAD5_36….png)


this shot box of a boat


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f1b637 No.21678998

File: a28d0520901419c⋯.png (3.32 MB,2048x1286,1024:643,TRIP_CODE.png)

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a59a75 No.21678999

File: c33045c0440f805⋯.jpeg (558.98 KB,1058x723,1058:723,c33045c0440f805a3e29b442c….jpeg)

File: 1d9f864bd0d8894⋯.png (102.7 KB,1097x1179,1097:1179,1d9f864bd0d88940d56055d568….png)

File: 23655c27f2394fa⋯.jpg (143.54 KB,612x590,306:295,haiti_map.jpg)



Send them these 3 pictures

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140e13 No.21679000

File: 2206796c908b4a5⋯.png (533.06 KB,508x491,508:491,ClipboardImage.png)


Not good enough 101 No Grade Pass/Fail

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595d51 No.21679001

File: 034ff3d285747e4⋯.png (855.36 KB,750x1334,375:667,39BED86C_EF5F_486E_8D5F_F3….png)

File: 2b566e720053c8e⋯.png (38.99 KB,690x542,345:271,1F1FE77A_4007_44EA_A7AE_C8….png)

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f1b637 No.21679002


Dirty jobs still need done by someone.

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6d15cb No.21679003

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ab2c2f No.21679004


>What are some things anons do that piss you off?

self-important fags that find fault in everything

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49991a No.21679005


Everyone who endorses Kamala, is compromised.

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fabab3 No.21679006


I think it is the claims and arguments that will be important here.

Because a person's behavior may affect someone else.

I think that the way feel about matters varies from person to person.

I think that the true best state of affairs can be found by searching for that boundary.

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ab2c2f No.21679007

File: 195308c4332bbb2⋯.png (69.77 KB,255x170,3:2,ryan_routh_robert_redford.png)

File: 989108ce92d848d⋯.png (849.13 KB,727x918,727:918,marina_abramovitch_robert_….png)

File: 117db0f75dac7c2⋯.png (357.9 KB,569x346,569:346,robert_redford_doppel_with….png)

File: b8577c5d671e14c⋯.mp4 (6.57 MB,640x360,16:9,CNN_Kevin_Kline_on_Gitmo_m….mp4)

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140e13 No.21679008

File: ae59f051fb13b07⋯.png (1.14 MB,888x500,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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49991a No.21679009


Nice trick.

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7bd824 No.21679010

File: b1183a0f34fda03⋯.png (602.64 KB,746x982,373:491,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d15cb No.21679011

File: 354dcc2d1be7a53⋯.png (323.21 KB,776x675,776:675,wwj2.PNG)

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f1b637 No.21679012

File: e1e014894db91d6⋯.png (73.19 KB,320x545,64:109,1145_POTE.png)


GEOTUS 11:45

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ab2c2f No.21679013

File: 0d4eb28918cd408⋯.jpeg (471.04 KB,828x879,276:293,peter_hitchens_looking_a_….jpeg)

File: 73a81c3956724a3⋯.png (287.44 KB,679x952,97:136,dan_aykroyd_police_deputy_….png)

>>21679007 >>21679000


also Aykroyd

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2c44a8 No.21679014


Contact the Clinton Foundation, they said you come first…


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3610cb No.21679015


And now they're needed back home because of the hurricane Helene catastrophic flooding.

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3796fa No.21679016


They're all connected

Once to another

by degrees some more than others

but they have all played the game

and now

a new set of rules have been established and the games afoot for it all

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a076f1 No.21679017


go fuck yourself liar.

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3092f5 No.21679018


Is it patriotic type posts that are getting censored or are they “spam” like the old Finklestein posts?

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c096b2 No.21679019

File: e77da345e2faad8⋯.png (217.17 KB,961x640,961:640,assgotsold.png)

ona STEEK!

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6d15cb No.21679020

File: 5f65c16ed267c5a⋯.png (841.7 KB,884x600,221:150,888ty.PNG)

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59c2cb No.21679021

File: 087d3d3285a8e81⋯.jpg (258.45 KB,1080x1350,4:5,ug90wvbejtugoieuyvoi.jpg)

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e8586d No.21679023


#26546 >>21678064

>>21678125, >>21678781, >>21678802 LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Erie, Pennsylvania - 9/29/24 2p EDT

>>21678068,>>21678538, >>21678580 36 Days to WINNING

>>21678083 AnonNews Overnight Feeds

>>21678137, >>21678322 Fran Lebowitz: ‘Biden Should Dissolve the Supreme Court’

>>21678138, >>21678187, >>21678198, >>21678677 @NCDOT As of this morning, over 400 roads remain closed in NC. All roads in Western NC should be considered closed.

>>21678157, >>21678164, >>21678182, >>21678195, >>21678202, >>21678212, >>21678223 Kash Mentioned PDD/Temu. PDD Holdings Also Owns PIN DUO DUO INC.

>>21678159 Today Matt Taibbi to speak in defense of the first amendment on the national mall

>>21678181, >>21678170 Busted! Again! Those hear rings

>>21678229 Hillary Says She Didn't Go Far Enough In Describing Trump Supporters As "Deplorables"

>>21678265 ⚡️⚡️Hunger Game vibes in Augusta, Georgia as fuel lines sweep across the south from Hurricane Helene.

>>21678316, >>21678324 Report: a helicopter crash in south-western #Iran has killed Muhammad Abd al-Salam, the chief coordinator of the Yemeni division of the IRGC (#Houthis/#Ansarallah), and several other #IRGC officials./ will need further confirm

>>21678330 School Choice Group Warns That Tim Walz Would Be a 'Disaster' for Parents

>>21678371 Boris Johnson Admits He Considered Invading an EU Nation For This Wacky COVID Reason.

>>21678389, >>21678458, >>21678520, >>21678647, >>21678666, >>21678688, >>21678716, >>21678758, >>21678813, >>21678842, >>21678848, >>21678908 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Seven Dusty Sisters/Space/Science/Darpa

>>21678412 ICYMI: Biden Admits Delegating Both Domestic AND Foreign Policy to Kamala.

>>21678418 Haiti is Now Demanding Reparations Despite Already Receiving Billions in Aid.

>>21678433 Two Nobel Prize winners want to cancel their own CRISPR patents in Europe

>>21678448, >>21678499, >>21678514, >>21678844 Table of elements and their FREQUENCIES!???/Walter Russell

>>21678496 Over 700 Tennessee National Guard Soldiers Deploy to Kuwait

>>21678511 Massive mega flood and dam breach aerial from Erwin, TN

>>21678536 Fight Fight Fight Every vote counts

>>21678542, >>21678548 Big Mike: While in New York, I decided to visit @McNallyJackson Books to sign a couple of copies of #TheLightWeCarry

>>21678575 The US Department of Justice has sued Visa this week, accusing one it antitrust violations.

>>21678599 @jaredkushner September 27th is the most important day in the Middle East since the Abraham Accords breakthrough

>>21678291, >>21678644 One would wonder why the fuck a general prosecuting a war in Afghanistan would be at a bar in Paris talking it up with a Rolling Stone reporter?

>>21678648 Dominion Court Hearing Tomorrow - Evidence discovered about encryption keys nationally and submitted to the Federal 9th Circuit

>>21678699 NATO Prepares For Mass Transport Of Wounded Soldiers In Scenario Of War With Russia

>>21678708, >>21678718, >>21678721, >>21678738 ICYMI: Key House chairman to ask Congress to repudiate Democrats’ J6 findings in face of new evidence

>>21678795 Today in Q Post History we have 10 Deltas

>>21678798 Citizens setting up Starlink to help first responders in North Carolina. The media won't thank Elon Musk for this, so we should.

>>21678807, >>21678808 Dirty dozen? 12 jurisdictions where election issues looming ahead of November

>>21678810 @JamesOKeefeIII I am in the desert speaking with border patrol agents in uniform, tears in their eyes, inspired by the actions of @ZachApotheker. Stay tuned this week…

>>21678832, >>21678845 LIVE: Rescue The Republic rally from Washington, DC

>>21678836 Hillary Clinton Says She’s The ‘Most Investigated Innocent Person You Have Ever Met’/Baker is King of England btw

>>21678874 Trumps Facebook Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

>>21678913, >>21678933 Q clock Bridge, St. Michael

>>21678930 Refresher: J6 Truth

>>21678974 UK: Police reveal 10 years of Wiltshire UFO sightings first time


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49991a No.21679024


Even the Devil can quote scripture.

Consider the agenda of the person who is quoting the scripture.

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f1b637 No.21679025


Patriots. Check it out… https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/21647663.html

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a076f1 No.21679026


yes it is about who's board it is.

you disrespect your host.

did you hear that numbskull?

Therefore you are cursed.

Never insult your host.

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f1b637 No.21679027

Those who scream the loudest…

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026c99 No.21679028


I don't care. Cry about it until you're blue in the face like a little brokeback bitch. No one is stopping you from starting your own board to post what you feel gets removed here. But you won't, because your bullshit requires forced visibility.

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c096b2 No.21679029

File: b4ed3d8843505d3⋯.png (43.87 KB,590x332,295:166,b4ed3d8843505d3767a405c480….png)


>ona STEEK!

wiff coleslaw an biscuit an taturs

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140e13 No.21679030


Those are UN Peace Keepers. They took off the uniforms so we wouldn't fight them. It is Treaon.

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70a05b No.21679032


Spinin Backpiss, kek

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a076f1 No.21679033


this is also false.

The shills themselves made that rumor so no one would oppose them and they would have free rein.

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9830f6 No.21679034

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB,415x496,415:496,_1.png)

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8e7cdd No.21679036


Anon reads it as exposure, not endorsement

(Joe Rambo exposing Edwards)


.>Everyone who endorses Kamala, is compromised


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9830f6 No.21679037

File: 46ae5b0bea13fdb⋯.png (483.82 KB,740x738,370:369,_11.png)

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