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File: d3a52f00f7d0f5b⋯.jpg (199.29 KB,1920x1080,16:9,u7qow.jpg)

511b30 No.21636948 [View All]

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611 posts and 424 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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c3a242 No.21637675


>When anons have their contributions known and they see your racist posts, do you think the black Guardians in Space Force will appreciate the things they've had to read from you?

Curious, but what are the black Guardians in Space Force doing about the blacks referring to whites as "mayonnaise people" or "mayonnaise demons?" What about "Crackers?" Shall I go on? How about you get on Twitter and start there. Better yet, how about you call out Jews for their My Fellow White People™ narrative to spread anti-white rhetoric? Go after Facebook for skewing their algo to allow hate speech against men and caucasians? Fake ass idealist.

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1bcf6d No.21637676


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724d31 No.21637677


Imagine doing that with a modern plastic car.

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e39fa6 No.21637678


an uninformed guess at that.

do not tell.them.though.

their unrealized bias prevents

any valid grasp of reality.

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a9056e No.21637681


nobody cares.

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0223a2 No.21637682


That was a Delta 88 Oldsmobile with a Rocket V8. Fucking bulletproof muscle!

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c57e23 No.21637683


I have been here from day 1, everyday, but I had an attack that took out for 7 months straight, I know these things by experience and had to reason about them because no one helps, nor cares, and if I go to a hospital they will surely kill me and they tried last time I was at one. This whole world is pure evil and no one has a sense of urgency for life until it is their own.

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c3a242 No.21637685


>VD always has meltdowns, so that is nothing new.

No, this one was unusual…. even for him.

>Looks like a new age hippie has found his way to Q stuff.

Kek. I can't confirm, but I think he's some Alien Jesus-type. I wasn't really paying attention to him, as I hadn't been engaged.

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b6e9d8 No.21637686

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)


What a powerful ad! This man will win!

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34e0ac No.21637687

File: 4c070929fe8d7a9⋯.gif (2 MB,500x578,250:289,4c070929fe8d7a976e580e59ac….gif)


Guy, the illuminati are child fuckers on drugs.

They aren't that smart.

You give them too much credit.

They are high as fuck and absolutely retarded.

You need to understand this and why their plan has taken so fucking long.

They are hedonistic party animals on drugs and are actually shit brained.

You give WAY too much credit.

Psy ops are weak and only effect the general publics via media being a TRUSTED SOURCE.

If media is no longer a TRUSTED SOURCE then the programming fails.

Because so long as people are no longer TRUSTING, it cannot be comprehended as reality.

So stop fucking tripping balls and thinking the enemy is so advanced, they aren't really that advanced at all.

Maybe you are advanced in your ability to see how to influence others, but these idiots are not that advanced.

The media just uses TRUST and REPITETION to key in factors of judgement.

Only doofus brain retards fucking trust that shit nowadays.

You are in the realm of humor and chaos, nothing holds and nothing is but the direction of funny and relation.

So it is what it is, man.

I'm not here to convince you and what I mean by invisible enemies is random autistic fuckers on an anonymous message board..

So stay classy and fucking ground yourself, idiot.

You're in the clouds but feet, not so much on the ground.



Then try and make me refuse to drink my alcohol faggot.

You have no idea what madness you are even talking to.


Damn, maybe time caught up with VD..

You can't hold that fucking mind for too many years without it derailing and following a destructive trip.

Who knows man, I wasn't there so cannot say.

But he has become more spammy from what I have seen.

Imagine living in the moment so deeply but your trajectory was changed or shifted by some outside force.

That is how I see VD, a pure schizo.

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a9056e No.21637688



Shilling has gotten worse during the last year. No surprise, considering the stakes.

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b6e9d8 No.21637689


Not here with slashes you haven't.

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e40775 No.21637690

File: 735804caa861a25⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB,640x482,320:241,djt_tick_tock_3rd_sept_202….mp4)


diddy was a chinless wonder.

but he was not gay.

it is a psychopathic sociopathic trait he had.

he exhibits all traits of a evil mindset let loose and unchecked or restrainted.

He has definitely killed people but he was also a fed informant and kept a lot of people in the music and fashion industry in line for the elites.

he is tormented and anon would not be surprised if he does not off himself if the feds don't do it for him like epstein.

he has no respect for human or anything living.

they will bury all his tech, files and evidence.

same as epstein.

he has been pulled down and is now finding out that he was just a useless nigger to the banksters and jewish controllers.

criminals will kill each other to save themselves.

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e39fa6 No.21637691

no it isn't.


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1d2006 No.21637692

File: d4de7b0368b2f66⋯.png (91.86 KB,660x218,330:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6e9d8 No.21637693

File: b19cce486f9da27⋯.jpg (6.34 KB,250x250,1:1,b19cce486f9da27e5f49894d90….jpg)


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34e0ac No.21637694

File: 9b76d6df5b84268⋯.jpeg (97.6 KB,600x600,1:1,9b76d6df5b84268c2ed4f6902….jpeg)


Huh, what isn't?

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4086b8 No.21637696

What is this strong attachment to ridicule, mockery, and profanity?

Haven't people looked into the mirror and considered time?

Where is their savings?

It will come in handy one day.

The time when you least expect it.

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e39fa6 No.21637697

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e40775 No.21637698


>urgency for life until it is their own.

on a anonymous board you can expect nothing else.

there are good people out there.

have faith, not long now.

if it does not happen, it does not matter.

we are all going to die, it is how you live your life that counts

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851b61 No.21637699

There a BV in da house?

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e39fa6 No.21637700

>thinks it survives>21637696

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0223a2 No.21637701

File: c33960f5f033d49⋯.png (91.07 KB,900x776,225:194,ClipboardImage.png)


Fuckin' A anon. Powerful, powerful stuff. Thx much for sharing.

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b6e9d8 No.21637702


Oh he's gay alright

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0a8f47 No.21637703

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e40775 No.21637705


it is also a humiliation ritual.

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851b61 No.21637706



hasn't been a notable in over 100 posts. Thinking of baking to end this bread. Could you lock after I post fresh bread?

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ad2c9a No.21637707


>we are all going to die, it is how you live your life that counts

Want to know a secret?

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28590b No.21637708

File: 06603c8a965b11b⋯.jpeg (50.2 KB,474x631,474:631,IMG_3908.jpeg)

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34e0ac No.21637709

File: 3092a2da75fcfbc⋯.png (658.45 KB,1366x768,683:384,4d68adf98b36b17da78dfcbe6e….png)


Brother, the fucking KIA Ultima is not that advanced.

Human psychology is far to advanced to control and apprehend via media bias and other bullshit.

Why are school shooters always autistic retarded people?

Why are patsy's always so stupid and shitty of mind?

Because it doesn't work on most people, you fucking idiot.

Holy shit, man, you really are a number.

But it fucking doesn't work on most.

Simple as.

And buddy, I'm wearing full clothes. You tried and miffed hard, you didn't even hit the nail at all.

I'm in FULL CLOTHES and drinking, am I really in JAPAN?

You should fucking figure your shit out, because you sound retarded.

For all you know, I'm Canadian and living on NEETBUCKS.

Guess what, you never stopped me from drinking my booze.

Cheers you little schizo liar faggot!



Most shit is random, people don't have a clue.

Sorry schizo but the world is more random than it is formulaic..

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e40775 No.21637710


naw you are ok


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1d2006 No.21637711

File: f292a26e1ffa5a4⋯.png (77.53 KB,693x564,231:188,ClipboardImage.png)

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47702f No.21637712

File: 92b50c6c6622e0a⋯.jpeg (51.84 KB,700x497,100:71,IMG_4003.jpeg)

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0a8f47 No.21637713


sure np

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a731ec No.21637714


God left a door open, and that is called Justice.

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851b61 No.21637715



on it

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b6e9d8 No.21637716

File: de2697588ba566f⋯.png (290.11 KB,683x381,683:381,de2697588ba566fcff183cd0d4….png)

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851b61 No.21637717


#26498 >>21636957

>>21636964, >>21636995 @TuckerCarlson - No one in Washington seems to know how much we’re spending on illegal aliens. JD Vance plans to find out.

>>21637045, >>21637412 BREAKING🚨 Israel has hit Lebanon with a massive bomb, bunker buster or even a tactical nuclear weapon judging by the initial flash. (6 seconds from flash to boom = ~1.28 miles away so not a nuke)

>>21637088 Israel Hezbollah Fighting

>>21637090 🔥🚨BREAKING: Janet Jackson is being slammed as ‘irrelevant’ and a ‘leech’ after questioning Kamala Harris’ race and saying ‘She’s not black.’


>>21637104, >>21637474 BUSTED: Hidden teleprompter spotted at Oprah's "town hall" with Kamala Harris

>>21637111, >>21637122 🚨 Amazing close up photos show the incredible Iron Dome missiles intercepting enemy rockets!

>>21637116 Trump Declines Second Debate on CNN After Harris Agrees, Says It’s Too Late

>>21637140 Musk’s X Hit With Fines After Platform Reappears in Brazil Despite Ban

>>21637148 MAHA Town Hall with Charlie Kirk

>>21637152 Americans Urged to Leave Lebanon as Israel, Hezbollah Trade Fire

>>21637186 Iran steals Trump campaign data. Provides it to the Harris campaign. That story disappears. Why isn’t the media covering it like the Russia “collusion” scandal?

>>21637198 PACKED HOUSE for Tucker and JD Vance..

>>21637214 Secret Service Agents to Be Disciplined Over July 13 Trump Shooting, Director Says

>>21637220 California Bars Insurance Cancelation for Properties in Fire Zones for 1 Year


>>21637254 Will Lower Rates Be Enough to Save the Banks?

>>21637259 Police chase in NYC, Long Island ends with driver dead and 7 officers, civilian taken to hospitals

>>21637264, >>21637268, >>21637272, >>21637304 Russia has published a list of enemy countries.

>>21637281 A federal ban on fracking would eliminate over 600,000 jobs in Pennsylvania. Kamala Harris supported it.

>>21637289 DEEPFAKE LIE? CALL NEWSCUM! ARREST HER: Kamala Harris’s campaign senior spokesperson, Adrienne Elrod, confirms that Kamala Harris does NOT own a firearm.

>>21637323 Exclusive: Arab-American Democrat Mayor in Key Michigan County Had 'Very Productive' Meeting with Donald Trump

>>21637336 (LoL) Squatters have taken over a nearly 10,000 square foot, $6.5 million mansion in Hollywood Hills in CA. According to locals, the squatters are attacking locals and are spreading their “artwork” to other properties now that the mansion is completely covered.

>>21637345, >>21637350, >>21637401 Cards Against Humanity sues Elon Musk's SpaceX over alleged trespassing in Texas

>>21637359 Hung Cao is running a phenomenal campaign for Virginia's U.S. Senate. If Trump wins the state, Cao will win the senate race as well

>>21637364 Janet Jackson:Kamala is not black.

>>21637382, >>21637415, >>21637443, >>21637445 Boeing has fired the head of its space and defense unit. Since the start of 2022, the defense and space division as a whole has lost $6 billion, slightly more than Boeing’s airplane business.

>>21637399 Will Jay-Z fall along with P. Diddy?

>>21637407 Say hello 👋 to your New Diversity Fire Fighters #DEI (Oh good lord I hope these are interns or the clerical staff…)

>>21637422 US House Passes Bill To Label Products From Jewish Settlements In West Bank As 'Made In Israel'

>>21637438 IDF raids Al Jazeera office (VIDEO)

>>21637441 Welcome to cashless society 🤣🤣

>>21637452 ITALIAN PM: NO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ALLOWED! Italian PM Meloni: “From now on, if you enter Italy illegally, you will be immediately deported!”

>>21637463 Disregarding Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent warning that enabling long-range strikes would place NATO in a state of war with Russia as “bluster and saber-rattling,” Johnson argued that these steps are necessary to “send the crucial message to the Kremlin.”

>>21637467 BREAKING: RFK Jr. just announced that on day one of Trump's 2nd term, they will sign a national emergency declaration to begin the war against Big Pharma and food corporations to fight the chronic disease epidemic

>>21637486 Study Finds Spike Mutations Help COVID Infect the Brain

>>21637490 The Origin of COVID: Beyond Natural and Lab Theories

>>21637510, >>21637549 NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT'S COMING!!!🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

>>21637537 Christian Kat Williams tried to warn us about Diddy while on stage

>>21637590 @libsoftiktok - This is Shangela, a drag queen. Shangela has now been accused of s*xual assault by at least 6 people. Here he is with Kamala at the VP residence


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1d2006 No.21637718

File: a3e27176d720764⋯.png (418.72 KB,661x489,661:489,ClipboardImage.png)

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95bd30 No.21637719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Unleavened Tunes

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1d2006 No.21637720

File: 1b552c4b3dd25d8⋯.png (42.52 KB,684x299,684:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a0e04 No.21637721

File: f0b1cde970e2d10⋯.png (281.75 KB,1192x988,298:247,3224D923_8A45_40A1_B7C2_C2….png)

>>21637359 Outstanding….

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1d2006 No.21637725


Excerpt: Israel is secretly supporting Syrian rebels operating near its occupied Golan Heights territory, providing money, food, fuel and medical supplies, according to fighters who claim to receive the aid.

Israel has previously treated wounded Syrian rebels in its hospitals but interviews with rebels conducted by the Wall Street Journal suggest that Israel is directly supporting opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the six-year-long civil war.


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34e0ac No.21637726

File: 80371a45906aa5c⋯.jpg (90.33 KB,763x763,1:1,1629004643797.jpg)

Listen guys, it has been fun.

But the bread is coming to a close.

So let us say this simple prayer.

God, grant us with wisdom.

To understand right from wrong.

God, grant us this peace.

You understand we are under Your protection.

God, grant us this strength.

So we may speak when it is difficult.

And God, grant us this opportunity to thank you.

In Jesus name, Amen.

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a731ec No.21637727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>God left a door open

Get Smart.

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0223a2 No.21637729


That dude sounds solid as a rock. He'll be on my radar now after seeing that ad.

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851b61 No.21637730


'oops, forgot to change bread number toi #26499

it's corrected in the dough






























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a9056e No.21637731

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0a8f47 No.21637732

Bread Locked, Please Migrate

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a9056e No.21637745

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