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File: 20686d364a80d0f⋯.png (50.65 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

88fc34 No.21635982 [View All]

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701 posts and 541 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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3d61c7 No.21636912


@ least they're not 18hr breads.

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73a708 No.21636913

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0f03cc No.21636914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cac3a3 No.21636915


I agree with Trump on 99% of issues in that case.

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f4eff2 No.21636916

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,1276x720,319:180,2af17d7756dc4000090b18b0ae….mp4)

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1c7dd1 No.21636917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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881cfd No.21636918

File: a28158a502288a2⋯.jpeg (492.1 KB,1800x1800,1:1,a28158a502288a25fbd0526b8….jpeg)

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322908 No.21636919


7 is a bit young to be married.

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8d7584 No.21636920

Question. How come I get the urge to tell very beautiful females how beautiful they are? Very STRONG urge. I love my wife. But can't help myself. WTF is wrong with me? Signed anon.

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73a708 No.21636921



>he purchased a firearm for the first time this past summer, paying $600 for a Springfield 1911 handgun.


>Randy Miyan told the Journal that he founded Liberal Gun Owners, which has 5,000 members, for people who don't feel comfortable joining the conservative National Rifle Association or using message boards like AR15.com.


>One student, Alejandra Mendez, 32, who's married to a woman,

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9ea8d9 No.21636922

File: 47f9f63178559cf⋯.jpg (54.57 KB,464x505,464:505,STOLLEN_FIST_BUMP.jpg)

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f2dd74 No.21636923


>I agree with Trump on 99% of issues in that case.

You will see how beautiful, big, great and wonderful America will be after Trump is reelected./

A beginning of a new era./

Straight to the latest in tech for the private sector./

You'll never imagine how advanced our technology really is./



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cf2604 No.21636925

File: 2b52d0d8d601460⋯.png (529.42 KB,878x680,439:340,ClipboardImage.png)


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1c7dd1 No.21636926

File: bcdc9680a991e96⋯.jpg (20.22 KB,255x191,255:191,00nsf2a.jpg)

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187b8a No.21636927

File: c4e553ffd244954⋯.jpg (685.71 KB,1080x1930,108:193,Screenshot_20240921_183046….jpg)


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1c7dd1 No.21636929

File: 1b30e7982f3d580⋯.gif (829.49 KB,352x200,44:25,3a1.gif)

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322908 No.21636930


Men, like lions, are not by nature a monogamous animal.

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f4eff2 No.21636931

File: 3403b427a2c6142⋯.jpeg (83.54 KB,770x600,77:60,3403b427a2c6142935b8f6e67….jpeg)


You just need encouragement anon,you may need your wife with you before your able to walk up to these woman to tell them how beautiful they are.

Its worth a try.

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881cfd No.21636932

File: 7478891aa53c8d3⋯.jpg (71.47 KB,750x500,3:2,7478891aa53c8d3767f87f2162….jpg)

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3cffa5 No.21636933


Maybe deep down you don’t feel heard. Maybe you are stifled. That along with your perverted concept of what you think is good or beautiful and the desire to make sure people know what is in your head.

In reality no one cares because everyone has thoughts.

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ee4d5e No.21636935


im rather industrious

but im not moving the yard either

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1c7dd1 No.21636937

File: 0de455b728ce566⋯.png (23.48 KB,3396x448,849:112,ANONh1.png)

File: a7313fff659fbcc⋯.jpg (8.2 KB,236x177,4:3,3z9.jpg)

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fe904a No.21636938

File: 028e0a816f71e6f⋯.jpg (131.16 KB,736x1104,2:3,028e0a816f71e6ffbb40c2e770….jpg)

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f2dd74 No.21636939

File: 049d3da7faab65f⋯.png (427.81 KB,922x542,461:271,049d3da7faab65ff6f9cb2ce6f….png)

Do you know how the face print technology works yet?

Which warehouse produces this?

What do they do in order to keep the face overlap working?

How does the engineering around the AI for this work?

Where are they employed?


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1c7dd1 No.21636940

File: 5f789bd145070dc⋯.png (1.45 MB,836x1412,209:353,1xx.png)

File: 0289cbb20af2b32⋯.jpg (36.61 KB,485x323,485:323,3z9a.jpg)

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1c7dd1 No.21636941

File: 98313d3ba5d93ac⋯.png (2.41 MB,1908x920,477:230,1j.png)

File: be35048f2d5127c⋯.jpg (63.52 KB,425x548,425:548,3z6.jpg)

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3d61c7 No.21636942

File: 4bbddcdf90c9ad8⋯.png (494.64 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240921_192322.png)

File: edaeffc5057159e⋯.png (121.12 KB,766x1024,383:512,148_2_.png)

155 uid's

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d62fcf No.21636943





#26498 >>21635994


>>21636002, >>21636489 TRUMP FORCE ONE - Permission to buzz the tower…

>>21636056, >>21636067, >>21636074, >>21636080 ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA SEPT 21st 2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21636014, >>21636108, >>21636237 Middle East latest

>>21636026 Arizona Supreme Court: 98,000 People with Unconfirmed Citizenship Can Vote

>>21636034 Only 44 DAYS TO WINNING

>>21636042 The Mayor of ONLY Muslim-majority city in America, Amer Ghalib, is on the verge of endorsing Trump

>>21636043, >>21636102, >>21636124, >>21636163, >>21636184, >>21636252, >>21636417, >>21636904 Kamala and her MANY boomerangs

>>21636052, >>21636077, >>21636178 Kamala bluffed and was called. NO second debate

>>21636058 Trump Credits Success of His NFTs for Change of Heart on Bitcoin and Crypto

>>21636060 'Gutfeld!' Sets Record of Nearly 5 Million Viewers During Trump Interview

>>21636065, >>21636070, >>21636071, >>21636072, >>21636073, >>21636224 is Senomyx Flavoring From Human Bodies still used?


>>21636089 Ashli Babbitt’s Family Must Wait Nearly Two Years For Wrongful Death Lawsuit to Go to Trial

>>21636113, >>21636120, >>21636590 BORDER FROM HELL

>>21636138 Greta goes Jihad

>>21636167 CNN schooled on where the real anti-semitism is coming from

>>21636184, >>21636672 IRS agents endorse Kamala.. Isn't this a Hatch Act Violation?

>>21636208 Dinesh D'Souza Movie: VINDICATING Trump Trailer | In Theatres Friday. Sept 27th 2024

>>21636248 THE WORLD IS WATCHING and America looks insane

>>21636282 Dem “Vote from Abroad” & "Center for US Voters Abroad" running ads in other countries soliciting votes

>>21636283 Newsom Banning Political Deepfakes (memes) Elon Musk Stating Newsom Is ‘In Violation Of The Constitution’ (FREEDOM)

>>21636297 @cmz Runbeck is going to be a big player in the 2024 elections. Watch Runbeck closely.

>>21636322 Minnesota Republican state Rep. Peggy Bennett was incorrectly listed as a Democrat on the ballot due to a "ballot processing error"

>>21636343 Support QResearch (we need you) CASH + ENVELOPE + 2118 Wilshire Blvd #403 Santa Monica, CA. 90403 = $UPPORT

>>21636351, >>21636378 Ya might as well face it, You're Addicted to TRUMP

>>21636353 Defense Secretary’s last-minute decision to toss 9/11 plea deal likely to be rejected by judge

>>21636334, >>21636402 Biden, with fellow Quad leaders, gets distracted by "that little thing up in the air" (a helicopter): "It's not armed"

>>21636426 Trump fan sues Mets for $2M over MAGA hat ban at Citi Field

>>21636511, >>21636535 Kamala Harris Deploys Election War Chest To Massively Outspend Donald Trump 3 to 1

>>21636548 Urgent Alert - Israel is bringing their hamas here constructing tunnels between Mexico and San Diego

>>21636575 Billionaire David Geffen’s new ‘husband’ is a former go-go dancer with a murky past

>>21636633 Voter registration is spiking, particularly among young adults

>>21636655 RFK Jr. To Appeal Decision Letting Michigan Keep Him On Ballot

>>21636726 Biden’s totally gone. Remember: Kamala Harris COVERED THIS UP!

>>21636751 US Gun Sales Booming With Soaring Numbers Of Democratic Buyers

>>21636775 Tune in for The Intelligence Briefing: Dark Ops & Stolen Children with John B. Wells LIVE 9PM-12AM CT

>>21636783 Farage Rallies Thousands at ‘Reform UK’ Conference

>>21636629, >>21636809, >>21636821, >>21636851, >>21636879 President Trump interview tonight with Brian Kilmeade FAUX News

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f2dd74 No.21636944

File: 74c86f50be5f3d2⋯.png (223.33 KB,446x520,223:260,ClipboardImage.png)

Sometimes OpFor messages are posted here./

They don't need to be./


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9ea8d9 No.21636945

File: 329ee7b293f63c9⋯.jpg (106.67 KB,530x534,265:267,STUMP_4_AMERICA.jpg)

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881cfd No.21636946


>155 uid's

mighty faggot

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1c7dd1 No.21636947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4fef52 No.21636950



to the bbc there is only far right & their people (communist)

they are not saying far right

so they must be communist

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1c7dd1 No.21636951

File: b21b5fcb0c78611⋯.png (2.79 MB,1837x977,1837:977,1ba.png)

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cf2604 No.21636952

File: 6e8d5574d6e9ee6⋯.png (572.96 KB,607x1008,607:1008,ClipboardImage.png)

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25a2d0 No.21636953

File: cfe90c6f441eefc⋯.gif (3.6 MB,450x709,450:709,IMG_0963.gif)

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319f50 No.21636954

File: 345e2b7e8d6c7e9⋯.png (204.93 KB,323x442,19:26,ClipboardImage.png)

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10de08 No.21636955

File: b4e9bc7bea995be⋯.png (93.8 KB,709x1024,709:1024,ClipboardImage.png)



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1c7dd1 No.21636956

File: 5e83dd2d7ee6266⋯.gif (571.15 KB,220x220,1:1,1a29.gif)

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cd5a21 No.21636958

File: fb4c47aef179b8c⋯.jpeg (22.84 KB,640x335,128:67,GettyImages_1228425519_64….jpeg)

File: a4aa3fb1bf73869⋯.jpg (445.91 KB,1024x669,1024:669,GettyImages_455259537_1024….jpg)

File: e1ccc23f5f84a27⋯.jpg (57.7 KB,645x800,129:160,Jacob_Rothschild_4th_Baron….jpg)

Rothschild jacob boris boris the Animal..

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d62fcf No.21636959

File: b7e6fa411b43f39⋯.png (946.07 KB,981x687,327:229,b7e6fa411b43f3944c5471e7eb….png)

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52f3ba No.21636960


>You'll never imagine how advanced our technology really is

Important: The enemy uses our technology against use at every invent. Before we just dole out tech we need to reign in the DS and all their minions or else we will set ourselves up for even greater sabotages.

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25a2d0 No.21636965

File: e73e6ed7ce6170b⋯.webp (244.27 KB,1080x1920,9:16,IMG_6770.webp)

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1c7dd1 No.21636967

File: f82547aa5f53144⋯.webp (1.19 MB,320x181,320:181,3z13a.webp)

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f2dd74 No.21636969


>Important: The enemy uses our technology against use at every invent. Before we just dole out tech we need to reign in the DS and all their minions or else we will set ourselves up for even greater sabotages.

Some witches are too powerful to suffer./



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73a708 No.21636970


damn i thought it was a big pile of legos until i enlarged it

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d62fcf No.21636971

File: 0c77ac69c5cecf6⋯.png (40.08 KB,684x700,171:175,0c77ac69c5cecf6f7ba5620a46….png)

File: e00b9d8062b65e0⋯.png (433.51 KB,1028x720,257:180,e00b9d8062b65e0319c8dc5248….png)

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25a2d0 No.21636975

File: eebb1ce42f882b4⋯.jpeg (715.11 KB,1169x1606,1169:1606,IMG_4527.jpeg)

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d62fcf No.21636976

File: fc63a431f02d08c⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,974x1300,487:650,finaldough.jpg)

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52f3ba No.21636978


>Some witches are too powerful to suffer

Everyone suffers and dies, the only way out is to know and be known by God.

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