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File: 39ffcc5138922d8⋯.jpg (4.3 KB,255x108,85:36,Oh_say_can_you_see_by_the_….jpg)

a0b544 No.21619476 [View All]

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701 posts and 462 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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977fe4 No.21620277

Seriously, why bother arresting, indicting, adjudicating and incarcerating the stupid and ridiculous DeepDiaper DumbFuck?

Just unmask, show the world the receipts and wait a few hours, maybe a day

Or a weekend.

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19713b No.21620278

File: d53645035eecdec⋯.png (2.11 MB,1896x1056,79:44,03.png)

the planet uth!

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5f5791 No.21620279

File: 7f969c282195067⋯.png (309.35 KB,476x477,476:477,ClipboardImage.png)

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722228 No.21620280

File: d53645035eecdec⋯.png (2.11 MB,1896x1056,79:44,03.png)

the planet uth!

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a0b544 No.21620281

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WarRoom Live



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5f5791 No.21620282

File: 747d083415df6c4⋯.png (1.41 MB,1906x1016,953:508,ClipboardImage.png)

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722228 No.21620283

File: 3042a858a5c33ba⋯.png (607.97 KB,750x592,375:296,00000ns1Z.png)


you shut your stupid face!

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8f19ec No.21620284

File: a3a6846dc97b92f⋯.png (2.43 KB,50x52,25:26,ClipboardImage.png)

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bcbdee No.21620285

File: 1f1a96f335d76d0⋯.png (4.74 KB,554x186,277:93,ClipboardImage.png)

orange man bad eats pills in labyrnth to david bowie yodduling

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00c365 No.21620286


resting smirkface

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e85b66 No.21620287

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7723fc No.21620288

notables FINAL

#26479 >>21619493

>>21620056, >>21620099, >>21619571, >>21619710, >>21619974, >>21619971 Trump on Gutfeld - 9/18/24

>>21619715 DJT: I'm the GOAT in debates

>>21619996 DJT on aliens

>>21620232 Trump tells a hilarious story about how Tim Walz called him terrified during the 2020 riots when protesters came to his house

>>21620247 9 times or 11 times

>>21619505 Just last week over 53,000 people registered to vote WITHOUT ID in Pennsylvania

>>21619510 State and Local Tax (SALT): Definition and How It's Deducted

>>21619525 Biden-Harris Admin’s Multi-Billion Dollar Electric School Bus Program Is A Huge Gift To China, House Report Finds

>>21619530, >>21619553, >>21620271, >>21620282 The poster Trump stood next to at his visit to a pub in NYC

>>21619533, >>21620091, >>21620135 Attempted chemical attacks being used on Trump at his rallies?

>>21619551 Attorney For Trump Co-Defendant in Lawfare RICO Case Files Motion For Contempt of Court Against Fani Willis

>>21619584, >>21619832 #NessunDorma

>>21619612 FBI Disrupts Chinese Botnet Infecting Thousands of US Devices

>>21619619, >>21619663, >>21619828, >>21620044 PF: Reports of low flying helicopters over Roswell, GA

>>21619665 H.R. 7909 Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act just PASSED the House Floor

>>21619761 Over 150 Democrats Vote Against Deporting Criminal Illegal Immigrants Convicted of Sexual Offenses

>>21619850 House Passes Bill to Maintain Israel, West Bank, Gaza Labeling Requirements

>>21619857 House Fails to Pass GOP Stopgap Funding Plan

>>21620069 206 Dems voted against the spending bill because it included a provision to require citizenship proof in order to vote

>>21619668, >>21619675, >>21619727 Michelle Obama Towers Over Everyone as She Peddles Her New Drink ‘Plezi Fizz’ at Costco


>>21619706 DJT: Comrade Kamala Harris getting illegal campaign help from Iran, according to the FBI

>>21619842 Trump announces that as president, he will immediately implement a temporary 10% cap on credit card interest rates

>>21619846 Ryan Wesley Routh smirks in mug shot just days after foiled Trump assassination attempt

>>21619876 Liam, the NY boy with a rare brain disorder and growth hormone deficiency, is gifted a present from DJT before Long Island rally

>>21619893 PF: Possibly another Russian flight to Iran

>>21619923, >>21619946 Kamala Harris, Oprah and the Links Inc.

>>21619936 Thousands of Israelis receive false text messages telling them to enter bomb shelters

>>21620103, >>21620126 This video of Tim Walz’s wife going full psycho has 5.3 Million views

>>21620104 U.S. Port Strike Would Spark Supply Chain Problems from the Outset, CMA CGM Warns

>>21620155 WSDOT: State highway system in ‘early stages of failure’

>>21620190 Update on I-75 Kentucky shooter

>>21620241 'Migrant influencer' Leonel Moreno, who bragged about handouts, encouraged squatting, is to be deported a judge has ruled

>>21619567, >>21619589, >>21619841, >>21620087 Memes


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722228 No.21620289

File: 5f3faa5e8c5c34c⋯.gif (11.55 MB,480x480,1:1,01h.gif)


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722228 No.21620291

File: 10481e7b4488e17⋯.gif (981.16 KB,500x269,500:269,01k.gif)




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bcbdee No.21620294

File: ab98f060b5f4663⋯.png (2.71 KB,336x232,42:29,ClipboardImage.png)

orange man bad last seen gittin high on barr froot

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254db4 No.21620296

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722228 No.21620298

File: 758204437ff0110⋯.jpg (913.35 KB,1982x1116,991:558,758204437ff0110c4a2ca0081a….jpg)


we will get in your fucking hair!

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254db4 No.21620299

File: 2a99308b07da65e⋯.jpg (601.35 KB,2178x1013,2178:1013,Screenshot_20240918_210700….jpg)

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7723fc No.21620301

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722228 No.21620302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



stop it!

make the winning staups!

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3d1604 No.21620303

File: 077ced720190d1d⋯.png (1.6 MB,1223x797,1223:797,Screen_Shot_2022_08_29_at_….png)

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a5f597 No.21620304

File: e8f290515ce1d24⋯.mp4 (878.83 KB,320x240,4:3,e8f290515ce1d24f99ac72a09d….mp4)

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a0b544 No.21620305

File: ee70eb9c4746510⋯.jpeg (69.43 KB,768x947,768:947,smash_tv_.jpeg)


What for?

Havent had a tv in 15 years.

Never will again.

Go look up the patent for tv, it is specifically designed to program you.

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fbf9a6 No.21620306

File: 66101ef97e179a5⋯.png (479.25 KB,500x501,500:501,ClipboardImage.png)

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722228 No.21620307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

pewm pewm!

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d08784 No.21620308

THIS is prime example of unhinged! WTAF

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459555 No.21620310

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8b7bfc No.21620312

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d40338 No.21620313

File: a8e48328f5b5b36⋯.png (861.13 KB,647x611,647:611,a8e48328f5b5b360699495b1c7….png)

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2c05e3 No.21620314

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977fe4 No.21620315

File: fa7ec5b8d5b2368⋯.jpg (23.99 KB,245x227,245:227,Custom_Image_1809202420253….jpg)

File: b795b20792c0862⋯.jpg (21.16 KB,245x227,245:227,Custom_Image_1809202420253….jpg)

File: d8becdef5132e28⋯.jpg (69.23 KB,246x227,246:227,2024_09_18_20_01_31_346.jpg)

Are DeepFuck DumbDiapers dumb enough to actually believe these fucknuts are gonna be in charge?

Of anything?


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bcbdee No.21620316

File: 16660e292f2ab37⋯.png (5.82 KB,269x187,269:187,ClipboardImage.png)

oh no

ornage man bad cross dressing and on pills an still running frum saam ghosts

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cb4714 No.21620317

File: fee9884807dae96⋯.jpg (105.1 KB,1015x642,1015:642,Screenshot_2024_09_18_2204….jpg)

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36311d No.21620318

File: dfcc0482f0911d9⋯.gif (1.15 MB,400x224,25:14,0u3CW2.gif)

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960454 No.21620321

File: 4dfee597f197a7f⋯.png (840.45 KB,1080x782,540:391,4dfee597f197a7ff37b27403f4….png)

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bcbdee No.21620322

File: a162be76099853b⋯.png (5.79 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

fapp together

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3d1604 No.21620323



fortyeight term

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a5f597 No.21620324

File: 8dacd04246258fa⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,464x360,58:45,8dacd04246258fae03d53245d1….mp4)

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68437f No.21620326

File: 5e468409276b46a⋯.png (1.22 MB,640x1137,640:1137,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0b544 No.21620327

File: 7c88f4cc442ae45⋯.png (791.78 KB,1211x705,1211:705,ClipboardImage.png)

60k request fro tickets

14k capacity

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bcbdee No.21620329

File: ab98f060b5f4663⋯.png (2.71 KB,336x232,42:29,ClipboardImage.png)

this david bowie labrynth hASS too much barr froot

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2d65fe No.21620332


Prince? Meghan nagging him?

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977fe4 No.21620334

File: 9b80902e6444d7a⋯.jpg (71.9 KB,246x227,246:227,1000001468.jpg)

Are DeepFuck DumbDiapers dumb enough to actually believe these fucknuts are gonna be in charge?

Of anything?


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7effa0 No.21620336


could he be a trans-male; what's with the boobies hangn' out?

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b6d7c9 No.21620338

File: dc9ddf06abc51b0⋯.jpeg (114.44 KB,810x1280,81:128,D7EA4C08_55C0_4207_84C0_4….jpeg)

File: 417e2f8ca675400⋯.png (1.02 MB,1080x1256,135:157,18DF7082_B522_4586_9552_5B….png)

File: 0bb7df755f4d762⋯.jpeg (12.93 KB,183x275,183:275,BC6028A7_8132_40AA_BF84_3….jpeg)

File: 047fe48eab988bf⋯.jpeg (52.77 KB,524x485,524:485,7F9782DD_E977_4CFE_AAFE_0….jpeg)

File: e153cfa5de0ff72⋯.png (640.1 KB,680x680,1:1,0D0E41F4_94F9_4E55_81C0_B4….png)

We’reWorldwideMotgerFuckers. Dig it.

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bcbdee No.21620345

File: b74c8b77ce53af5⋯.png (17.19 KB,596x273,596:273,b74c8b77ce53af555648404cf3….png)

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d40338 No.21620348

File: e91a8d7634039be⋯.png (1.22 MB,1245x933,415:311,e209d04cc5303ff92ee1dfec52….png)

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2d65fe No.21620351

File: 6f8617c14aebb39⋯.gif (588.74 KB,220x197,220:197,6f8617c14aebb39e677c68ee76….gif)

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bcbdee No.21620356

File: 8ccc7c038df4f26⋯.png (54.31 KB,1299x953,1299:953,ClipboardImage.png)

cross dressing orange man bad hASS saam froot droogs ghosts pickpocketing

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c6a482 No.21620358

File: 963f6076f7d6147⋯.mp4 (4.65 MB,480x838,240:419,ssstwitter_com_17266924219….mp4)

File: 1ee3bbd4de2401e⋯.png (361.7 KB,618x932,309:466,Screenshot_2024_09_19_0012….png)



BREAKING: Body found during search for I-75 gunman in Kentucky, identity unconfirmed, police say

⛔️ Graphic video⛔️

(Credit: Hatfield McCoy Museum Adventures / YT)


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