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File: 365f05a31f3144a⋯.png (50.56 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

33a021 No.21581644 [View All]

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328 posts and 142 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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8402e6 No.21582098

File: 013ef69706b1535⋯.png (920.92 KB,732x488,3:2,013ef69706b15350c4cd6d945a….png)

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793f9e No.21582100

File: a4c87a4ebbdabc3⋯.jpeg (20.32 KB,241x331,241:331,strngs.jpeg)


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eddddc No.21582103

File: fc69e79cf3d25ae⋯.jpg (75.95 KB,914x998,457:499,fc69e79cf3d25aed40ed863cb9….jpg)

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5ca6a7 No.21582104

China admits responsibility for last year’s European pipeline destruction

Bojan Lepic August 13, 2024

Chinese authorities have stated that Newnew Shipping’s container ship Newnew Polar Bear was responsible, albeit by accident, for damaging the Balticconnector subsea gas pipeline between Estonia and Finland last year.

According to a report by the South China Morning Post, Chinese authorities have conducted an internal investigation and forwarded the results to the two European countries. In it, they claimed that the accident was caused by a strong storm.

A joint criminal investigation into the 1,638 teu Newnew Polar Bear is still being conducted by authorities of both Finland and Estonia.

The Chinese media outlet stated that the report was currently going through several ministries, but that type of report can’t be used as evidence in the investigation by the two countries. Finland and Estonia have requested information on the ship from China but Beijing has stayed silent on the matter apart from the report.

The Balticconnector gas pipeline was damaged in early October last year in the Finnish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Later that month, the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation stated that the damage was caused by an external mechanical force and that they had found a heavy object near the damaged pipeline.

It turned out that the mentioned heavy object was an anchor from the Hong Kong-registered vessel and the Finnish authorities found that the same type of paint was identified on the anchor as on the Balticconnector and that it was most probably from the Newnew Polar Bear.


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efa041 No.21582106

May I drop this here for AUS Patriots. Fight, Fight, Fight.



Mis/Disinformation Proposed Legislation.

Many people are asking.

What can we do??

Is there anything that we can do??

Yes, there is something you can do if you're prepared to take the time to do it.

This is a call to arms of the Australia Public to smash the email boards.

So, if you're prepared read on.

You're going to need to send a Mass BULK Email to all these people which you'll be able to copy & paste their names from below

Courtesy of some people here on 𝕏, they've developed a website that makes all this information so much easier to obtain…

Copy their names (Senators) and put them into an email, I've made it easy for you that it should simply slot into the email without any issues.

Here is a template email that you can use, feel free to tweak.

All you need to do is add your name at the end.

Dear Australia Senators,

I'm writing this email in-relation to the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024.

This bill is incredibly dangerous but also a massive overreach by the Australian Government to have in principle a 'Ministry of Truth' determining what information is Mis/Disinformation.

Who is the Government to tell me what is factually true or false??

The Government lied to us about the Safety and Efficacy of COVID Vaccines, they lied about listening to us at the referendum regarding the Voice and they're still lying to us when they tell us they're here to 'protect us'

The Government effectively is continuing to spread misinformation, but the government is the one that determines what is truthful and what is false?

How does this make any sense?

I can never vote for a Senator that would go to this extent to essentially be the 'Police of the Internet', this is absolutely dangerous.. Furthermore, How can the Government call the Media 'Professional Media' and have them exempt from this bill when it's them who've knowingly push lies out on behalf of Government in the past??

No-one should have the ability to determine what is 'mis/disinformation', that's up the individual to determine what they believe to be true.

Not the Government.

This is all apart of Free Speech and furthermore to this, every time the Government says they're 'trying to protect us', nobody voted for this, nobody asked for this so this is another outright lie.. Again, the Government is spreading Misinformation.

I ask you, Australia Senators to do the right thing here, stand up for Freedom of Speech & Expression and Vote down this bill.

This bill does NOTHING to restore publicly confidence between the Government and The People, if anything this further degrades that trust which is already.

If the Government actually wants to do something to restore trust amongst the people, they could stop attacking our Liberties, they could let us live our lives accordingly instead of interfering in them and they could also give Australian's Freedom of Speech protected by law.

Do the right thing.



Here is a list of every single Australia Senator currently Serving.

Copy and Paste all these names into your email.

See sauce for address list too long.


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5ca6a7 No.21582108



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c5c20a No.21582109

File: a41edc650e50590⋯.jpg (103.12 KB,1080x1184,135:148,IMG_20240913_100110_049.jpg)





'the vaxx as a conduit'



Parmesan cheese makers in Italy are fighting counterfeits by embedding edible microchips in their products

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5ca6a7 No.21582110


M'kay but I wonder why you didn't just post it to the dedicated Australia bread?

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5ca6a7 No.21582111


Roger that, from now on all cheese products get to visit speaker magnet collection

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efa041 No.21582114


You misspelled pees…

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db9397 No.21582115

is this how atheists see bible passages?


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efa041 No.21582116


This bread is the shit man.

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bba2be No.21582118

File: 1bd3a44c62318f4⋯.jpeg (122.03 KB,996x609,332:203,target.jpeg)

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5ca6a7 No.21582119


what the strange numbers supposed to be?

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efa041 No.21582120


Strongs words are those of the original authored language, those numbers are strongs references to language translations which assist in gaining context to the original meaning of the author.

By this method you can discern the actual meaning portrayed by the author vs the modern misinterpreted versions.

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db9397 No.21582121


all we see is HR(n1,n2,n3,n4)

I thought they were ASCII color codes

Is this a good way to sell your product?

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e00dae No.21582122

File: ec0c4df48b8bc4d⋯.jpg (74.56 KB,473x600,473:600,ec0c4df48b8bc4d8cedf8d7550….jpg)



>secret dossier spread by fake news couriers

>accusations of scandalous sexual rituals

>political persecutions of powerful people

>forced confessions and condemnations

That whole story feels a little too familiar kek.

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eda9b1 No.21582123


NOOOOOOOOOOOO not the cheese….

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db9397 No.21582127


you seem like you know already

so how about you tell us?

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905612 No.21582128

File: bf40364e7bd2010⋯.jpg (934.33 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240911_080157….jpg)

File: e55b86fa97dc43a⋯.jpg (946.84 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240911_080149….jpg)

File: b2534e137077799⋯.jpg (667.6 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_195706….jpg)

File: cacd8c05da18e56⋯.jpg (621.92 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_200420….jpg)

File: 038fb3127d194f8⋯.jpg (641.68 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_154403….jpg)

Permanent insane clown face can't even be stowed away during solemnity.

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906ed3 No.21582130

File: acb9e7396c4ffd6⋯.jpeg (78.05 KB,680x438,340:219,IMG_5634.jpeg)


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c5c20a No.21582136

File: 12312d067d14ff7⋯.jpg (42.97 KB,611x320,611:320,20240913_101841.jpg)

File: 40039e74c64509b⋯.jpg (57.92 KB,715x420,143:84,20240913_102013.jpg)

File: 6fdd45b8ad51685⋯.jpg (69.18 KB,545x512,545:512,jimmy_savile_1_z_988009773.jpg)


>Crypto tagging items isnt good enough.

>They have to implant technology directly into the body?

You are what they want to consume.


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5ca6a7 No.21582138


>I had almost 100 posts

Wow, that makes you as bad as Vatican't

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db9397 No.21582143


might want to take a breather

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e00dae No.21582145

File: 083426c5fa37630⋯.jpg (49.93 KB,620x393,620:393,8adbb8c54398def89a2c13ad5d….jpg)



Or Vaticunt?

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256469 No.21582147




Loss of nation



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b8db56 No.21582148

rasmussen report has

trump 49%

harris 47%

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b8db56 No.21582150

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5ca6a7 No.21582151


Now that there is a dilemma, isn't it?

Used to call him VD for Vatican Dude, but since he spread ocular herpes the VD label hung around until one night "vatican't" popped up

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b8db56 No.21582152


every youtube poll


has trump at 70+

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5ca6a7 No.21582153



Same bullshit the "operators" tried about two months ago

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d8c512 No.21582154

File: 548070c2b62a272⋯.png (295.72 KB,805x418,805:418,TrumpAssassinationSSWomanP….png)

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2f903c No.21582158

File: 22bd9382c9b47cd⋯.png (17.14 KB,1027x731,1027:731,2b3f5bc3ad65270f242c443e31….png)


>rasmussen report has

>trump 49%

>harris 47%

In 2016, libtards were offering 10:1 bets that Trump wouldn't win.

Was the best of times.

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db9397 No.21582159

File: 76d26c7fd4e3403⋯.png (1.3 MB,2048x1188,512:297,ClipboardImage.png)

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e00dae No.21582162

File: c986476551aa3d9⋯.jpg (190.7 KB,670x800,67:80,ShkWi2.jpg)


>Now that there is a dilemma, isn't it?

If you come to a fork in the road, you must take it kek.

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efa041 No.21582164


Certain biblical words are misinterpreted and misunderstood.

Take the word WORLD, as written in its original ancient Greek or Hebrew Chaldee,

it's a reference meaning era, or period of time.

Example: Jesus said. My kingdom is not of this WORLD.

He backs it up with, My Kingdom is not from HENCE.

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db9397 No.21582171


Im sure I fucked my brains up straining too hard to take a shit about 8 years ago

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d440f1 No.21582172

I hear there is another shoe about to drop. Maybe even a boom.

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b8d8fa No.21582174


>it's a reference meaning era, or period of time.


The Greek word is kosmos.

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e00dae No.21582175

File: 15ddd18e2aa03b7⋯.jpg (76.5 KB,800x542,400:271,l604VO.jpg)

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db9397 No.21582178

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db9397 No.21582179

File: d4a988385f27bef⋯.png (367.22 KB,600x484,150:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ca6a7 No.21582182

File: 4a56e5077ddbb6e⋯.png (572.14 KB,750x632,375:316,026c84d572c5d2b3d0be10d740….png)

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5ca6a7 No.21582184


>Seems like a new admin is gonna be incoming very soon

"operators" been saying that for months

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5ca6a7 No.21582185


What kind of MRE did you have prior to that?

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efa041 No.21582188

File: b86a2d5351729e5⋯.png (12.84 KB,680x137,680:137,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4cb1678a2da3927⋯.png (7.43 KB,533x127,533:127,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4bf42450966380⋯.png (45.14 KB,782x400,391:200,ClipboardImage.png)





period of time, age

Strong’s Definitions [?](Strong’s Definitions Legend)

αἰών aiṓn, ahee-ohn'; from the same as G104; properly, an age; by extension, perpetuity (also past); by implication, the world; specially (Jewish) a Messianic period (present or future):—age, course, eternal, (for) ever(-more), (n-)ever, (beginning of the , while the) world (began, without end).


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630d35 No.21582189



proceeding at the same rate as glaciers are receding

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db9397 No.21582192


went to amusement park with family

family wanted buffet

6 yo baby

wife preg


Buffet price $79.99

I'll be damned if I didn't get my money's worth

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5722a7 No.21582194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is this shitbag actually going to jail for murdering the elderly and his likely China bribes or nah, what you guys think

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5ca6a7 No.21582195


I can't blame ya

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