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File: e2637fffc6c0ea1⋯.png (50.42 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

987532 No.21579714 [Last50 Posts]

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987532 No.21579716

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987532 No.21579718


#26433 >>21578876

>>21579172 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

>>21579455 Transcript: Trump Rally in Tucson

>>21579505 You're fired, Comrade

>>21579331, >>21579324, >>21579325 Q+ finished speech @ 6:31 pm EDT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21578891 I Am The Storm

>>21578949 James Comer requests FBI documents on Tim Walz’s China ties

>>21578950, >>21579205, >>21579291, >>21579347, >>21579384, >>21579550, >>21579519 Animal Kingdom for Trump

>>21578951, >>21579011 Judge throws out two charges Trump faces in Georgia election subversion case

>>21579041 After putting on a MAGA hat, Joe Biden says “No eating dogs and cats”

>>21579052 Watch as a CSX freight train crashes into a semi-truck carrying a military army tank

>>21579069 Florida Dept of Health says nobody should get the new mRNA Covid vaccines this winter

>>21579107 Ancestral Haitian describes the majority voodoo religion practiced in Haiti

>>21579345 Jimmy Dore covering the Springfield, Ohio Haitian situation

>>21579127, >>21579233 Apparently there is an ABC whistleblower who has details of how Kamala got the debate questions in advance

>>21579377 Former top Clinton adviser calls on ABC to launch internal probe into whether debate was rigged

>>21579446 O'Keefe: We encourage anyone within ABC News with information re: potential biases during Presidential debate come forward

>>21579515, >>21579675 Future proves past (ABC News)

>>21579303 A New York boy with a rare brain disorder and growth hormone deficiency gets a very special 8th birthday letter

>>21579358 Harris & Walz Campaign in Greensboro, NC @ 6:30 PM EDT

>>21579150 Large amount of busses spotted outside of Kamala Harris’ North Carolina rally

>>21579513 Malaysian police rescue 402 children from sex slavery

>>21579578 Strike Concerns at U.S. Ports Looms Large Over Shipping

>>21579586 Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), says forthcoming report on J13 "will absolutely shock the American people"

>>21579593 Australia's proposed misinformation laws protect the banks over the right of Australians to speak freely

>>21579596 Trump Pledges to Eliminate Taxes on Overtime

>>21579662 Mystery seismic waves that rippled around Earth for nine days caused by Greenland tsunami

>>21579681 El Salvador’s Police Chief Dies in Helicopter Crash

>>21578909, >>21578963, >>21579121, >>21579373 Memes

>>21579702 #26433

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987532 No.21579720

#26432 >>21578136


>>21578489, >>21578642, >>21578728, >>21578733 President Trump to Deliver Remarks in Tucson, Arizona

>>21578767, >>21578774, >>21578784, >>21578791, >>21578793 TRUMP QUOTABLES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21578154 Swamp Stuffs

>>21578157 Former Massachusetts State Senator Convicted of COVID and Tax Fraud

>>21578164, >>21578234, >>21578442, >>21578591, >>21578677 TRUMP LAUNCHING World Liberty Financial CRYPTO Sept 16th @WorldLibertyFi

>>21578166, >>21578179, >>21578185 Justice Dept. Indictments and Chargings

>>21578203, >>21578724 It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome

>>21578211 In 3 Years 8,000 Haitian Migrants Signed Up For Medicaid in Springfield

>>21578218, >>21578466 PlaneFaggin'

>>21578224, >>21578244, >>21578263, >>21578310, >>21578383, >>21578746 KJP eating the pets is a 'fake' conspiracy theory (meaning true) presser

>>21578239 I will be releasing an affidavit from an ABC whistleblower regarding the debate

>>21578242 JDL Extremists an Outlawed Terror Group Show Up at pro-Palestinian Events in Toronto

>>21578254 Biden-Harris administration has trafficked at least 320,000 children

>>21578276 The Hidden Profits Behind Pediatric Vaccinations

>>21578322 More than 30 schools allow teachers to carry guns give school districts or individual schools power to decide

>>21578325 Trump Campaign Statement in Response to Merrick Garland’s Disgraceful Remarks

>>21578326 Biden Overrides Conditions on Military Aid To Egypt, Granting the Full $1.3 Billion

>>21578382 75% of aid workers killed since Oct7th were killed in Gaza or West Bank

>>21578401 Samsung Electronics to lay off up to 30% of its global workforce

>>21578452 Russia 'Presents Proof Of West's Role' In Ukraine War

>>21578476 Is Taylor Swift acting as an information go between (mule) for governments and what is she transporting in her planes?

>>21578485 Trojan sued after chemicals linked to cancer and infertility are found in its condoms

>>21578486, >>21578495, >>21578532, >>21578546 Harris speaks at NC rally

>>21578512 Medicare & Medicaid COVID-19: Updated Vaccines for 2024–2025 Season

>>21578551 Donald Trump - THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE

>>21578558 The money can tell you who is winning. Follow the money.

>>21578637 video LMAO, who did this?

>>21578639, >>21578693 Biden and Harris entrance VS President Trump entrance into the Shanksville Firehall

>>21578766 Harris Biden aims to disarm the people, for money

>>21578775 assaulted students pretending to be one at 27yo gets 85-120 yr prison term

>>21578786 The Chilling Connections Between the CIA, Haiti and Drug Cartels

>>21579062 #26432

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987532 No.21579721

#26431 >>21577194

>>21577278 Kamala Harris's Role In January 6th And Its Cover-Up

>>21577287 The INSANE Evolution of Click Farms - attempt to manipulate public opinion

>>21577293 Propaganda is powerless; people see for themselves who wants peace and who just says the right words – Putin

>>21577295, >>21577831 Swamp Happenings

>>21577305 This was the most powerful framing by Trump in the entire debate - Independents agree!

>>21577336, >>21577342, >>21577566 New York City Police Commissioner Edward Caban has Resigns as corruption probe continues

>>21577345, >>21577376, >>21577499, >>21577626, >>21577680, >>21577728, >>21577951 NASA Space Stuffs

>>21577367 Attorney General Garland following orders and doing his job

>>21577433, >>21577975, >>21578010 ME Israel

>>21577452, >>21577637, >>21577732 Stop Eating The Pets STOP IT!!! kek or Make a Song About It

>>21577475 Voters see Trump as more moderate than Harris

>>21577510 Black Student Union exits pro-Palestine coalition over 'anti-Blackness'

>>21577538, >>21577545, >>21577829 City Shuts Down Hotel Occupied By Venezuelan Gang After 693 Police Calls

>>21577546 Britain's crime minister has bag stolen at police conference

>>21577551 Continuing to dump on Trump because of the “eating cats” issue will create blowback on Nov. 5

>>21577553, >>21577663, >>21577734, >>21577870 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

>>21577555, >>21577989 Babylon Bee Double Kek

>>21577624, >>21577726 Harvey Weinstein indicted on new charges after New York conviction overturned

>>21577629 Biden to host Quad summit September 21 in Delaware

>>21577641, >>21577687 Information Warfare Defining and Analyzing - CyCon 2019 "opinion leaders"

>>21577681, >>21577718 DHS designated the January 6, 2025, electoral vote tallying a “National Special Security Event”

>>21577683 Trump wanted to talk about the assassination attempt and the ABC moderators just muted him

>>21577695 SEAL Team Six training for possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan

>>21577702, >>21577705 ChatGPT asked to analyze the Debate moderators bias LISTEN TO RESPONSE

>>21577704 Tucker and Dan Bongino React to the Trump v. Harris Debate


>>21577712 Trumps gag order remains in place after new york court rejects appeal

>>21577737 NY Post - ‘They’re eating the dogs’ memes will have you howling

>>21577772, >>21577804, >>21577927, >>21577980 Putin Puts West On Notice: Long-Range Arms For Ukraine Will Mean 'NATO At War With Russia'

>>21577785, >>21577793 Haiti peace keeping and NGO missions gutting the country’s culture, health, and economy. prey pray

>>21577807, >>21577824 CIA version of things #NeverLearn

>>21577808, >>21577815 Deciphering the oldest known map of the world

>>21577811 TikTok response to debate closing statements -Harris: 4M views, 200k likes. -Trump: 18M views, 1.4M likes

>>21577826 Walz appoints CCP buddy to state board on Asian-American affairs

>>21577841, >>21577982 Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway and manipulating the moneez

>>21577880 @NSAGov Today is #DayoftheProgrammer.

>>21577885 Google Trial 2.0: Exec Boasted of Goal to ‘Crush’ Digital Ad Rivals

>>21577914, >>21577928, >>21577929 BOMBSHELL REPORT on the fixing of the rigged debate

>>21577961 Michigan Sec of State Refuses To Tell Congress Whether Dead People Are On Voter Rolls

>>21577971 Grassley CatComms - Met with Petland today to discuss the EATS Act

>>21577973 LIVE: Pentagon press briefing Associated Press

>>21578124 #26431

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987532 No.21579723

#26430 >>21576138

>>21576150 Live Think analytics of the debate. Very interesting data on real time opinion

>>21576225 'It was not a debate, but a campaign contribution': New push for ABC to be prosecuted

>>21576258 Producer Price Index News Release summary - AUGUST 2024

>>21576343 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/12/2024


>>21576420, >>21576539, >>21576541, >>21576550 Swamp events

>>21576423 Artist behind fake Kamala Harris Eagles posters doesn't know how they ended up at Philadelphia bus stops

>>21576458 News photographers slam Harris for reduced access

>>21576478, >>21576500 Afraid of needles? Jab-free and nasal vaxes could soon become reality

>>21576509 Scam emails include your name and photo of your house

>>21576514 Some Moderna covid vaccine batches are 9 times more deadly than others

>>21576563 Australia to fine social media giants for enabling "misinformation"


>>21576658 Starliner Suffers New Problems While Coming Back to Earth

>>21576677 Patrick Mahomes addresses former President Trump’s remarks

>>21576686 @elonmusk You Are Being Lied To - crime is not down it is way way up

>>21576703, >>21576824, >>21576868, >>21576922, >>21576927, >>21577093 NASA Space Stuffs

>>21576731 Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson praises Trump's defiance at assassination attempt

>>21576742 Springfield City Hall is evacuated by bomb threat amid immigration firestorm

>>21576763 Newt Gingrich: Big Loser of Tuesday’s Debate Was ABC News

>>21576776 kek it up - TEMPLATE LOADED

>>21576780 Donald Trump and JD Vance Stop by New York City Fire Station on 9/11 Anniversary

>>21576804, >>21576808 The Next Full Moon is a Partial Lunar Eclipse; a Supermoon; the Corn Moon; and the POTATO Harvest Moon

>>21576812 Chris Christie on the View: Harris Should Not Do Another Debate with Trump

>>21576826 Argentina Measures 4.2% Inflation, Down from 25.5% When Javier Milei Took Office

>>21576831 Malibu California EARTHQUAKE! 5.2 Downgraded to a 4.8 At 10km in Depth SHALLOW

>>21576844 This is the heartfelt video message sent by Vladimir Putin to the American people after 9/11

>>21576851 Paul Dans: "This Is The Next Generation Of Russia, Russia, Russia, Or The Biden Laptop"

>>21576894 On November 25, 1783, the last British soldiers evacuate the United States.

>>21576912 Senate holds hearing on bankruptcy of Steward Health Care as CEO refuses to appear

>>21576920, >>21577006 Labor Strikes Looming

>>21576926 Twitter Trend: Pentagon 9/11

>>21576931, >>21576959, >>21577001, >>21577177 @WarRoom We need the SAVE Act

>>21576961 California Line Fire: NASA Snaps 'Fire Clouds' as People Told Stay Indoors

>>21576975 Springfield Ohio man cut off by city council while speaking TRUTHS.

>>21576978 Deceased cat gets voter registration application in mail

>>21577010 Former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori has died. He was 86

>>21577013 @JamesOKeefe - Concern yourself with who is beside you as you face the enemy.

>>21577028 Biden-Harris Administration Announces $40 Million to Support a Domestic Solar Scam

>>21577060 Mike Benz - NATO wants Harris, Macron to win, so they can survive

>>21577062 CNN just HAMMERED ABC News for its biased presidential debate moderation

>>21577186 #26430

Previously Collected

>>21575291 #26428, >>21576112 #26429

>>21572466 #26425, >>21573383 #26426, >>21574173 #26427

>>21569817 #26422, >>21570613 #26423, >>21571559 #26424

>>21567151 #26419, >>21567967 #26420, >>21569109 #26421

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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987532 No.21579726

File: 8619483cb060728⋯.png (789.02 KB,1000x600,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6919addb651430⋯.gif (1.17 MB,380x285,4:3,rich_biatch.gif)



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8aca89 No.21579732

File: 044a4cbd6c2cb77⋯.jpeg (455.66 KB,1593x1877,1593:1877,IMG_3436.jpeg)

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1d0987 No.21579738

File: e753a0d54a35822⋯.mp4 (718.29 KB,600x360,5:3,In_the_arms_of_the_angels.mp4)

Anon shot milk out nose when the soundtrack to this one started.


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2d380b No.21579741

File: 18dc91947848651⋯.jpg (127.08 KB,1300x1300,1:1,18dc91947848651ddba01de8fc….jpg)


thank you baker

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563e01 No.21579743

File: d219cebfa9412eb⋯.webm (509.06 KB,427x240,427:240,shai_hulud2.webm)

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94fef9 No.21579749

File: dd6a2dadfab25a2⋯.webm (1.3 MB,1280x720,16:9,Trump_Frogs.webm)


Thank You Baker!!!

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81f729 No.21579755

File: 7b0fcfc132c5bdf⋯.png (379.69 KB,651x912,217:304,7b0fcfc132c5bdff19d364f7ec….png)







ThanQ baker :3

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71b539 No.21579757

File: 5e929b2eba68ac4⋯.png (140.56 KB,299x364,23:28,ClipboardImage.png)

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e96529 No.21579758

File: ab07561f3d63a54⋯.png (1.78 MB,1068x787,1068:787,ab07561f3d63a54e60fe2b9a33….png)

File: 4d958e3a29c5914⋯.jpg (29.53 KB,460x425,92:85,aByY7PN_460s.jpg)

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d9bfc5 No.21579762

File: 9cb07f3771a8b41⋯.png (144.75 KB,500x566,250:283,ClipboardImage.png)

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608592 No.21579764

File: a1aefaa2d3ae271⋯.jpeg (844.77 KB,1347x1543,1347:1543,IMG_3359.jpeg)

Holy Crap!!!


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11e070 No.21579767

File: 3c963bda7659776⋯.png (1.52 MB,1278x1585,1278:1585,8cf692ee65273b58477c9235be….png)

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9acf33 No.21579768

File: d0de3d7199620e7⋯.jpeg (46.75 KB,500x496,125:124,download_73.jpeg)

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1d0987 No.21579769

File: f25165c03557336⋯.jpg (52.51 KB,866x696,433:348,f25165c0355733648e280e0581….jpg)

In anon's view, Trump's promise to make landlords verify citizenship for government housing isYUGE.

Apartments around here would be almost vacant.

Did he pick today to pitch no tax on overtime to give MSM a convenient distraction?

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c90850 No.21579770


Are they do that

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563e01 No.21579772

File: 3b02c7df394cfb7⋯.png (146.26 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e96529 No.21579774

File: 86d0e8757d82094⋯.jpg (138.34 KB,889x1101,889:1101,2024_07_14T001557Z_3856682….jpg)


imagine who is really behind it if they are willing to sacrifice the SS and HLS

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e36acc No.21579775

File: c3db743ed1747d9⋯.jpg (52.18 KB,612x396,17:11,trumpwinning.jpg)

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68c433 No.21579776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


thanks baker

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8727f9 No.21579779

File: a7313fff659fbcc⋯.jpg (8.2 KB,236x177,4:3,3z9.jpg)

why don't trump end the war now?

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3a4c17 No.21579780

File: 4e9c831523eda8b⋯.jpg (263.13 KB,1024x1024,1:1,c4069ade_464a_4917_bd6a_74….jpg)




Anons winning overtime

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b956dd No.21579782

File: ac8a4c1222f702c⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB,854x464,427:232,closetotheedge.mp4)

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8727f9 No.21579784

File: 7f22d84aceb6c61⋯.jpeg (195.16 KB,878x1170,439:585,7f22d84aceb6c61397bc8c2c4….jpeg)

mr trump

do the rite thing!

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563e01 No.21579786

File: 559a4dacc811734⋯.webp (262.2 KB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingblossom.webp)

Yeah, I think I'll filter their impotence this bread.

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8727f9 No.21579787

File: 0c233c515ec1af3⋯.jpg (7.99 KB,276x183,92:61,cry2.jpg)

mr trump

putin gave you the ball

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3491a4 No.21579788


Blaming Iran in 3,.. 2,…

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02a33c No.21579791


I see what you did there.

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9acf33 No.21579792



He is not plucking these ideas out of thin air.

He just is mature enough at this that he can hold his cards tight and allow for maximum boom.

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3a4c17 No.21579794

File: 1a5a390ce39c071⋯.jpg (252.45 KB,1024x1024,1:1,67526d56_cf6d_4e60_9fe9_c5….jpg)


You damn right frendo

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0626d0 No.21579796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c90850 No.21579797


How is the wings doing

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2e9181 No.21579798



Just 2 more weeks


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1488c0 No.21579799


most likely. Give a reason to start a war.

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71b539 No.21579803

File: 3a13b4f92bb638d⋯.png (2.4 MB,1920x2640,8:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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81f729 No.21579804

File: d143ada302f5ba2⋯.png (494.43 KB,598x882,299:441,1724969088024819.png)

File: 02b6421cf9db491⋯.jpg (401.54 KB,702x696,117:116,1724968081042432.jpg)

File: cbb53951ca5b60a⋯.jpg (154.89 KB,480x810,16:27,cbb53951ca5b60a71731b9a10a….jpg)

File: b40920a26189455⋯.jpg (93.16 KB,657x455,657:455,b40920a26189455f1d8b309c18….jpg)

File: bb94bfd34cddc51⋯.jpg (19.01 KB,720x580,36:29,1722312579350186.jpg)

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3a4c17 No.21579805

File: 91e9e03824bd617⋯.jpg (268.97 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1bb56201_2942_4605_9592_a9….jpg)

Anons are in a position of absolute strength and power. That's why Anons win so much. Comfy AF

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b956dd No.21579806

File: 4256d7138c2d338⋯.jpg (31.73 KB,408x632,51:79,shut_it_down.jpg)


Epstein is a conspiracy theory

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f035d4 No.21579808

File: f1f2417d594b049⋯.png (1.65 MB,1974x1526,141:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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7315c9 No.21579809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Kamala: “the significance of the passage of OVERtime.”

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02a33c No.21579810


Already know that, fren. Very good people, very good country.

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c35d98 No.21579811

File: 9e2aa985b20a58f⋯.jpg (80.39 KB,852x964,213:241,TRUMP_2024_Take_America_Ba….jpg)

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3491a4 No.21579812


Never let a crisis go to waste.

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9acf33 No.21579813

File: e05f2e697c5c69e⋯.jpg (71.99 KB,500x497,500:497,qft5Jj63.jpg)

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87e14c No.21579814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Most groovy yall


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114a9f No.21579815

File: be1acf3bbc97c31⋯.png (1.39 MB,900x936,25:26,ClipboardImage.png)

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11e070 No.21579818

File: 5b8cef9dd7e6099⋯.jpg (10.94 KB,236x229,236:229,5b8cef9dd7e6099f3dded8813b….jpg)

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2e9181 No.21579819


If we reflect PDJT, he will release the client list this time I promise.

His last term, he just couldn't find the time

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4d1bed No.21579820

File: 022cdad0a784a1d⋯.jpg (83.07 KB,1199x822,1199:822,JFK_Jr_.jpg)

You Pepes are boaring.

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3a4c17 No.21579821



Both Russia and cats are frens and frens don't eat frens. God bless you all.

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c35d98 No.21579822

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>21578786 ob

>The Chilling Connections Between the CIA, Haiti and Drug Cartels

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18ac33 No.21579824


after rally bakes so sweet

vets are as meaningless as hostages in Gaza or the genocide of same

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a649fe No.21579825

File: e71e649a4b59101⋯.jpeg (284.17 KB,1386x1342,63:61,5c5bd60517f7d7303e8f6be85….jpeg)


thanks baker

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89f5be No.21579826

File: 3118fb7eb76f1dc⋯.jpg (47.62 KB,595x619,595:619,56n4252n654n34.JPG)


Thanks Baker!

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9acf33 No.21579827


Horse shit gibberish

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b956dd No.21579828

File: 3501abba035f81c⋯.mp4 (7.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,laughingtucker.mp4)

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71b539 No.21579829

File: 52940782a80ec72⋯.png (344.26 KB,680x438,340:219,ClipboardImage.png)

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7fff8e No.21579831

File: 818d99cfbdc2fdc⋯.jpg (112 KB,1024x1024,1:1,818d99cfbdc2fdc854fc8e4a9e….jpg)

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563e01 No.21579832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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490b55 No.21579833

File: afe53bb5de8d4d6⋯.png (570.52 KB,1298x909,1298:909,ClipboardImage.png)


Laura Loomer is cracking me up.

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1d0987 No.21579834

File: 036161b9e74a8c2⋯.jpg (398.99 KB,1000x1000,1:1,036161b9e74a8c2b053364a174….jpg)


>Both Russia and cats are frens and frens don't eat frens. God bless you all.

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3a4c17 No.21579835

File: 8e75cb376e00bef⋯.jpg (273.61 KB,1024x1024,1:1,38c26bed_947c_4fe1_b4f6_0d….jpg)



Winning meme


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1488c0 No.21579837


MTG Congressional Hall Monitor.

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563e01 No.21579838


Fuck off, VaticanClown. Everything you do is lame and limp.

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3a4c17 No.21579839

File: dd2db7452eb6a26⋯.jpg (291.38 KB,1024x1024,1:1,4abe00e4_626b_43a0_9d42_15….jpg)


Winning fren!

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f035d4 No.21579840


cat fight.

this is exactly what women are like in private.

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18ac33 No.21579841


matzah wallz

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799e85 No.21579842

File: 8a5ff85656ad9fe⋯.jpg (47.56 KB,577x433,577:433,93bjp2.jpg)

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980610 No.21579844

File: 10d4bf4326f8c88⋯.mp4 (15.85 MB,320x240,4:3,10d4bf4326f8c88f979c679454….mp4)

File: e854b74798ca6d2⋯.mp4 (68.98 KB,136x144,17:18,images_2_.mp4)

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114a9f No.21579845


None of the "People" are the enemy, it's a handful of elites/politicians. The running joke is we have Russians, Chinese, citizens serving in he US military in leadership roles. Either we're friends or we're screwed.

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d6b5a3 No.21579847

File: 5a9d7d0f4347d83⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB,848x448,53:28,_Sen_Richard_Blumenthal_D_….mp4)



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df989f No.21579849



here is a cat dog, or a hot cat

Not sure

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87e14c No.21579850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sweating bullets

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1d0987 No.21579851

File: 3a458e9dd049352⋯.jpg (47.76 KB,720x584,90:73,3a458e9dd04935288f3fb28618….jpg)

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81f729 No.21579852

File: 26e23b9eb9726e2⋯.jpg (70.85 KB,1170x1163,1170:1163,1723822143742955.jpg)

File: ed6ce4c233bb0ba⋯.jpg (10.61 KB,255x255,1:1,33a1bfdd3efd50ff979230efa9….jpg)

File: ff92f0b33501125⋯.jpg (105.23 KB,763x608,763:608,ff92f0b335011258447e331930….jpg)

File: 25372fa6e67a9b4⋯.jpg (66.23 KB,482x264,241:132,25372fa6e67a9b4fe63d86b7d5….jpg)

File: fcc5cc3ed737ec2⋯.jpg (18.25 KB,255x205,51:41,fcc5cc3ed737ec20c1c2036b16….jpg)









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7fff8e No.21579853

File: b413a3fc0d272c2⋯.jpg (24.86 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault.jpg)


>filter their impotence

no way to do that.

believe me. I tried

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df989f No.21579857

File: 0bc155897d44dcc⋯.png (40.42 KB,700x700,1:1,aQzeWPK_700bwp.png)

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6398d3 No.21579858

File: 871e0b5a60c4cbc⋯.png (563.1 KB,678x611,678:611,Screen_Shot_09_12_24_at_07….PNG)

File: 26ffed2c83c45a8⋯.mp4 (6.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,kamalacharlotte.mp4)

Kamala's first rally today…Charlotte, NC

Maeve Reston


Kamala Harris closes out her rally here in Charlotte with a plea to her supporters: “Understand that we are the underdogs. There are powerful forces trying to convince people their vote doesn’t matter…. But here’s the thing I love about everybody here: We love hard work.”

4:22 PM · Sep 12, 2024


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7315c9 No.21579859

File: 0be4be7de945947⋯.png (589.23 KB,789x460,789:460,KJP_Not_In_Binder.png)


>Laura Loomer is cracking me up.

That was mentioned in the Brady room today, too.

fukin kek

Karine Jean-Luc didn't like that.

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9acf33 No.21579860


Those 2 have been going at it all day

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5ed239 No.21579862


>Americans will be shocked

Anon is shocked those words came out of Blumenthal's mouth

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7a97e0 No.21579863

File: a83ddfbf9c41f86⋯.jpg (201.51 KB,1280x720,16:9,Aliens.jpg)

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83688a No.21579865


It is the legend

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929278 No.21579866


No, he's trying to Make America Proud Workers Again!

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563e01 No.21579867

File: 3d98c7898e0abe7⋯.webp (245.75 KB,1898x2209,1898:2209,kezy5byjc6od1.webp)


No, you can filter them faster than they can post. Either that or the BV's get to it before the autoupdate refreshes.

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13e36c No.21579868

File: 6577da3ccdde80c⋯.png (18.15 KB,601x121,601:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa75fe1fa037428⋯.png (103.65 KB,1251x671,1251:671,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7c400d2e4cd149⋯.png (106.21 KB,699x763,699:763,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d72823d84d6366⋯.png (105.6 KB,651x773,651:773,ClipboardImage.png)


i imagine if the people really figure out how they've been getting fucked in the ass without knowing it over the decades then there would be a revolt overnight

maybe this is just dripping it out to the public psyche in his own way

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d4af66 No.21579870


MTG isn't refuting the point being made though. Kamala is indian, not black.

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71b539 No.21579871

File: f7fb14dcebc9873⋯.png (277.08 KB,447x510,149:170,memes46.png)

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783a92 No.21579872

File: 60ee466fdfe37f8⋯.png (34.24 KB,960x614,480:307,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a97e0 No.21579873

File: f7abda5a8c2e768⋯.jpg (451.96 KB,1080x833,1080:833,Cwat.jpg)

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9acf33 No.21579874


George soros going all out

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18ac33 No.21579875


it's only family until voting time

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69d4d8 No.21579877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a649fe No.21579878

File: 0d56abc5401d352⋯.png (320.93 KB,344x347,344:347,PutinTiger.PNG)

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980610 No.21579879

File: 693fe0ddc74be8d⋯.jpg (76.9 KB,800x549,800:549,Marine_Corps_Mule.jpg)






don key dick dumbass

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71b539 No.21579880

File: f72c7790524f3b6⋯.jpg (67.86 KB,846x538,423:269,f72c7790524f3b6335ed4d4587….jpg)

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1d9da5 No.21579881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6398d3 No.21579882

File: cc94e4404efcd3a⋯.png (581.24 KB,678x613,678:613,Screen_Shot_09_12_24_at_07….PNG)

File: 68b01cdb6137bb2⋯.mp4 (3.6 MB,1280x720,16:9,kamala_greensboro.mp4)


Kamala's second rally today Greensboro, NC

Victor Shi


Speechless. This is Greensboro, North Carolina right now awaiting VP Kamala Harris’s SECOND rally in the state today. Totally packed stadium of fired up North Carolinians & it feels like a concert. Stunning.


𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭 ☮️ 🟧

6:29 PM · Sep 12, 2024


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5ed239 No.21579883

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929278 No.21579885

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83688a No.21579886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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94fef9 No.21579887

File: 73a71dc92e2c65f⋯.jpg (92.98 KB,593x801,593:801,64a85099204af79021d882b76c….jpg)

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71b539 No.21579888

File: d55577953874ab7⋯.png (203.69 KB,517x453,517:453,ClipboardImage.png)

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4bb5db No.21579889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RFK JR Gives Details on Why He Refused to be Donald Trump’s VP Running Mate

September 12, 2024 | Sundance |

According to Robert F Kennedy Jr, if he had accepted the position of Vice President to Donald Trump, the White House would have to place him under house arrest after approximately 3 days. Apparently,if RFK Jr is to be believed, he intends to defy any constraints or limits put on him by President Trumpshould he win the 2024 election.

I will politely note for the record that I anticipate RFK Jr being a considerable problem for President Trump’s administration. I hope I am wrong, but the vibe from this guy only goes in one direction. Watch and see for yourself:


There is another segment shared below that highlights the perspective of Robert F Kennedy Jr toward President Donald Trump.Watch as RFK Jr gleefully notes, for some reason that is seemingly important to him, how he successfully sued Donald Trump before.

Link to next video: he is a problem and it doesn't sound good:

Link: Anon will post next

In addition to discussing the details of President Trump offering him the VP role, what is the value to the Trump 2024 campaign from RFK Jr continuously talking about him filing lawsuits against Donald Trump? How is that helpful?

Can you see the problem that looms?


(I will absolutely listen to Sundance, I hope Trump Team is listening)

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7fff8e No.21579890

File: ca210e6aa31ad62⋯.jpg (84.91 KB,600x946,300:473,ClipboardImage.jpg)

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a649fe No.21579891

File: 895bd5985b9de3e⋯.png (281.7 KB,650x400,13:8,Screenshot_2024_03_22_at_1….png)


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b956dd No.21579892

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9acf33 No.21579893



No doubt

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0626d0 No.21579894

File: 9c79cdf45d677b5⋯.jpg (29.97 KB,472x612,118:153,william_h_gates_president_….jpg)

File: 52c1ce7f9bbfb96⋯.jpg (61.22 KB,640x360,16:9,who_new_dg_dr_tedros_adhan….jpg)

File: 6a3b8ac9a35c936⋯.jpg (11.73 KB,474x266,237:133,th_758032586.jpg)

File: 6fe0edee9e39a6a⋯.png (636.92 KB,710x708,355:354,6fe0edee9e39a6a819e99453f5….png)

Albert Bourla

Greek-American pharmaceutical executive

Albert Bourla is a Greek-American veterinarian and businessman known for serving as the chairman and chief executive officer of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer. Wikipedia



Will the immigrant culinary menu create viral shedding? AFAF

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df989f No.21579895

File: 29a2fc4c5d9540b⋯.png (51.09 KB,548x456,137:114,tgssgsgssg.png)

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95ff8d No.21579896


horse feathers

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69d4d8 No.21579899


How many busses?

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b8484e No.21579900

File: d36b3770973b343⋯.png (401.97 KB,1686x933,562:311,9_11_12.png)

More confirmation.

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94fef9 No.21579901

File: 731a791c3718a7a⋯.jpg (111.69 KB,500x666,250:333,8zclfn.jpg)


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71b539 No.21579902

File: 037a4644d8df9ed⋯.png (844.11 KB,846x960,141:160,ClipboardImage.png)

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6398d3 No.21579903


WE ARE NOT GOING BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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4bb5db No.21579904

File: b83a0a14c9a5858⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,498x270,83:45,ssstwitter_com_17261842750….mp4)


Second videofrom RFKjr. Some have insinuated that RFK is captured by the IAC

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563e01 No.21579905

File: 7e95a2cc4358938⋯.gif (1.02 MB,360x198,20:11,3964687493.gif)

Who would've thought a cold would give motivation to give up the green, left-handed "tobacco?" I sure as fuck didn't. It's been on my mind for a while now anyway. It's was becoming almost work to smoke a joint, hacking up a lung off every drag off the joint.

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68c433 No.21579906

File: a090a413db759bc⋯.png (202.89 KB,398x716,199:358,Screenshot_2024_09_12_at_1….png)



BREAKING: The Kamala Harris campaign just got caught BUSSING in thousands of people for her rally in North Carolina

They cheat at everything, and apparently, even crowd sizes

I've been to two Trump rallies in two different states. The people at his rallies are locals from the area and want to be there

What Kamala is doing is bizarre and WEIRD.

2:56 PM · Sep 12, 2024





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7fff8e No.21579907

File: 2ba02b12924bd74⋯.jpg (290.84 KB,1024x1024,1:1,2ba02b12924bd74dfcae10f411….jpg)



you sure dumb, no?

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799e85 No.21579908

Blumenthal would rather actually send himself to battle than do anything to help Trump. He's old money and very in with the clintons. If he is saying something love this he's turned states evidence on a plea deal.

And is he or is he not of the verboten religion? He might be the first of them I've seen turn.

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18ac33 No.21579909


but will they go cross country on busses

get em ploy ment figs up

stop with the dawgs and cats

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83688a No.21579910


For the record

Gwyneth Paltrow's candles are not edible

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9acf33 No.21579911



But Trump needs a fall guy for a lot of dirty work that requires a lot of fight.


Assassination (s)

Food industry


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4d1bed No.21579912

File: bf470b122c77865⋯.png (10.04 KB,255x142,255:142,jesus_pic.png)

You Pepes are really boaring.

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929278 No.21579913


Those yahoos are paid to sit in those seats. She put out ads for people to sit there.

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81f729 No.21579914

File: 0eb716ab2009f48⋯.jpg (11.53 KB,255x194,255:194,a48d09a0728b44a9428c4bc898….jpg)

File: 5479a2c8e177f34⋯.png (512.06 KB,748x743,748:743,5479a2c8e177f34bae778b975c….png)

File: a5c8c11b3b55810⋯.jpg (129.26 KB,515x544,515:544,a5c8c11b3b55810b152f367091….jpg)

File: 3100bfef9594241⋯.jpg (43.74 KB,656x455,656:455,3100bfef95942413a4059f9973….jpg)

File: 5e3a4c6ec1ccd52⋯.jpg (70.92 KB,500x639,500:639,1722363731465213.jpg)






Sometimes it's the simple win that have theost effect..

Ahhhh gloriously comfy aye?

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980610 No.21579915

File: d8af53291bb5b4a⋯.jpeg (7.15 KB,266x190,7:5,images_2024_09_12T194440_….jpeg)

File: 00b1ae5a2c3a092⋯.jpg (39.75 KB,600x461,600:461,BtACwvnCEAAsEGQ.jpg)

File: 0b60374f0414f58⋯.jpg (57.78 KB,800x582,400:291,italians_unloading_a_mule_….jpg)

File: b5bfed2ee7539d3⋯.jpg (65.33 KB,736x387,736:387,cd3be709e555690f0bb4e2c583….jpg)



in the box.

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71b539 No.21579916

File: 40f520943b7ecdc⋯.png (234.86 KB,797x802,797:802,844c239a75048f22.png)

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06c5c2 No.21579917

File: 4c9e1028fc7f274⋯.png (1.5 MB,1444x896,361:224,Can_t_Swalwell_it_.png)

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b956dd No.21579918


>We love hard work.

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fc282d No.21579919

File: dac13b978042e57⋯.png (77.77 KB,687x159,229:53,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf13364959f63ca⋯.png (47.29 KB,758x400,379:200,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 11cf927d43fb9b3⋯.png (48.04 KB,763x384,763:384,ClipboardImage.png)

Ohio Sending Troopers, Funding To Springfield Over Haitian Influx DeWine’s family operates a charity in Haiti, which has built a network of schools…

Ohio’s governor says he is sending law enforcement officials and millions of dollars in health care resources to Springfield, a city at the center of a national spotlight on Haitian illegal immigrants.

Gov. Mike DeWine, a Republican, said he doesn’t oppose the Temporary Protected Status program under which some 15,000 Haitians have arrived in the city of about 59,000 people since 2020. However, he said, the federal government must do more to help impacted communities.

In a news conference on Sept. 10, DeWine said that “dramatic surges” in illegal immigrants “impact every citizen of the community,” adding that the small Ohio cities of Lima and Findlay also have had influxes.

“The federal government simply has to be part of the solution,” the governor said. “They have to step up. It’s their policies that have created these surges.”

He said the influx affects “moms who have to wait hours in a waiting room with a sick child, everyone who drives on the streets, and it affects children who go to school in more-crowded classrooms.”


Here we go

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71b539 No.21579920

File: 6587414bf76ca81⋯.png (199.89 KB,491x272,491:272,6587414bf76ca81311b0f1db0b….png)

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6f4625 No.21579921








a century ago HL Mencken, a famous journalist, defined misogynist as a man who hates women as much as they hate each other

note to MTG…


next you'll be telling us what "hate speech" is

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9817d4 No.21579922

[There is D.O.G.E.

And illegals eating cats

Which will it be America?]

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bf0748 No.21579923

File: cfdbbefcdfe0bf0⋯.jpg (325.15 KB,1908x1146,318:191,1407771453921_wps_9_Cats_c….jpg)

File: 8d9780ea519e155⋯.jpg (76.55 KB,894x902,447:451,71ytr_4eMcL_AC_UF894_1000_….jpg)

File: 09404fcc6d33a84⋯.jpg (42.71 KB,624x300,52:25,chairman_meow_kim_jong_un_….jpg)

File: 0ffa95f0fe3dfd3⋯.jpg (44.81 KB,901x586,901:586,cat_north_korea.jpg)

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5ed239 No.21579924


(You) are watching a movie, muchacho.

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71b539 No.21579925

File: 240bdb6d8a20225⋯.png (344.77 KB,720x406,360:203,240bdb6d8a2022515befaedc5f….png)

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9690fa No.21579926

File: aca63d6ff114ed8⋯.png (736.27 KB,980x980,1:1,becky.png)

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3a4c17 No.21579927

File: 6b98aa5a5015abc⋯.jpg (316.67 KB,1024x1024,1:1,b3684e7e_98f9_44a2_adf0_b7….jpg)



Gloriously comfy

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c35d98 No.21579928



reconfirmed, sundance is faggot

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68c433 No.21579929


suspect goes to biden and knee pads being part of a criminal conspiracy to assassinate Trump

hillary has sent out her minions to go after knee pads today, one of them saying abc should be investigated for rigging the debate, and senator blumenthal being another of her minions

hillary smells blood in the water

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9acf33 No.21579930


1st time I knew I could quit was after a bad flu took a 4 day toll.

18 years since the last smoke.

Don't give up and IMHO ask God for help. Tell him daily it ain't gonna happen without his help. Worked for anon.

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71b539 No.21579931

File: 43e1fcb1555918d⋯.png (412 KB,509x591,509:591,trollm.png)

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799e85 No.21579932


Wasn't he also the one who said it was because Jesus overturned the money changers tables that he was nailed to a tree? I thought it was him but I can't find the exact quote anywhere. Maybe Google doesn't like me.

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3a4c17 No.21579933

File: dd2db7452eb6a26⋯.jpg (291.38 KB,1024x1024,1:1,4abe00e4_626b_43a0_9d42_15….jpg)


That precisely what Anon be like it do

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1955c4 No.21579934


Confirmation of what?

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6d25ca No.21579935

File: 2362e00ac257981⋯.png (475.81 KB,507x859,507:859,15_1.png)

File: 77f3b6ded4307d6⋯.png (608.55 KB,508x1016,1:2,15_2.png)

File: 8b7a55f89867e9b⋯.png (631.87 KB,504x1072,63:134,15_3.png)

File: beee4ac3ebf04f3⋯.png (595.49 KB,503x997,503:997,15_4.png)

All PB

>>21553840, >>21553855, >>21553867, >>21553884, >>21553896, >>21553909, >>21553923 President Trump v President Biden on Executive Orders - Who Did It Better?

>>21565968, >>21566009, 21566039 President Trump v President Biden on Executive Orders - Who Did it Better? (cont.)

>>21572095, >>21572108, >>21572124, >>21572136 President Trump v President Biden on Executive Orders - Who Did it Better? (cont.)

This is the last installment of the series about President Trump's Executive Orders which where revoked or otherwise changed by the Biden/Harris Administration.


Presidential Executive Orders. President Trump v President Biden. Who Did It Better? You Decide.

Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13929 of June 16, 2020 (Revoked by EO14074, May 25, 2022)

Safe Policing for Safe Communities


Federal Register - 2022 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14074of May 25, 2022

Advancing Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices To Enhance Public Trust and Public Safety



Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13931 of June 26, 2020 (Revoked by EO14025of April 26, 2021)

Continuing the President’s National Council for the American Worker and the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14025of April 26, 2021

Worker Organizing and Empowerment



Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13933 of June 26, 2020 (Revoked by EO14029, May 14, 2021)

Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combating Recent Criminal Violence


Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13934 of July 3, 2020 (Revoked by EO14029, May 14, 2021)

Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14029of May 14, 2021

Revocation of Certain Presidential Actionsand Technical Amendment


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c90850 No.21579936



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7315c9 No.21579937

File: 12d3cd23598a5ad⋯.png (1.97 MB,700x1464,175:366,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7b09a76ed4c0d5⋯.png (1.8 MB,753x1362,251:454,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d6ae8520462723⋯.png (2.2 MB,1536x1024,3:2,Cheeseburger_Butter_Burger.png)

File: 6ba90b3ca91b98b⋯.png (565.06 KB,608x733,608:733,ClipboardImage.png)


Great meeting with @TuckerCarlson and Megyn Kelly today.

Genuine people and American patriots.

Sep 12, 2024, 6:24 PM


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81f729 No.21579938

File: 8dce5e7169c5636⋯.gif (1.66 MB,333x281,333:281,1721701408631912.gif)

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d4af66 No.21579939

File: 4ce53f52918a285⋯.png (1.29 MB,1252x722,626:361,ClipboardImage.png)




I dunno, mang. Template doesn't really work for NightShift.

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bf0748 No.21579940

File: dfd43cfff87ecb8⋯.gif (89.95 KB,640x540,32:27,nuke_press_the_button.gif)

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980610 No.21579941

File: 9b420d8843159f9⋯.gif (809.67 KB,320x240,4:3,A4127p_1_.gif)

File: ffad7cb95f30889⋯.gif (1.5 MB,473x254,473:254,nimh.gif)

File: d136547052491ac⋯.jpg (73.35 KB,629x478,629:478,d136547052491aca5a820600c6….jpg)

File: 4191c5fe2cc341e⋯.jpeg (26.06 KB,739x415,739:415,images_2024_09_09T180228_….jpeg)

File: 9adc9044768c602⋯.jpg (370.84 KB,570x946,285:473,ALANIS_MORISSETTE.jpg)

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799e85 No.21579942


Except we saw Hillary loaded into the arrest van like cattle years ago. She ded bro.

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6f4625 No.21579943


THC suppresses the production and function of killer T-lymphocytes

def makes colds, flu, whatever much worse

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b956dd No.21579944

File: d0803835915ac22⋯.mp4 (7.74 MB,720x1188,20:33,muchacho.mp4)

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7abcee No.21579945

File: 72f81c32fc1a10e⋯.png (222.66 KB,478x522,239:261,DeadHandy.png)

I did a little cleanup on the "wrist"

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563e01 No.21579946

File: 025b8c1ba01833a⋯.png (106.58 KB,400x400,1:1,025b8c1ba01833a499129a13ee….png)


>Gives Details on Why

He explained his reasoning, rather than giving some bullshit deflection. I can respect that.

>he intends to defy any constraints or limits put on him by President Trump

I mean, that's indication that he's a free thinker but defiance of a president is not a good look either, except to perhaps the Democrats.

I'm going to wait and see.

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71b539 No.21579947

File: 170a4be31e52d5e⋯.png (433.73 KB,472x595,472:595,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc282d No.21579948

File: ada61066245c099⋯.png (68.07 KB,755x583,755:583,ClipboardImage.png)

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Criticizes Texas's Handling Of The Border

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas criticized Texas’s attempts to stop illegal immigration while praising Vice President Kamala Harris’s role in addressing the “root causes” of the border crisis.

Mayorkas spoke Sept. 6 at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin.

The annual festival hosts a slate of political speakers, newsmakers, and journalists who discuss current events.

“This is the first time that in my 20 to 22 years of government service that I have seen a state act in direct contravention of national interests,” Mayorkas said.

Some 10 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021. In March 2021, he put Harris in charge of dealing with illegal immigration. Harris, now the Democratic Party nominee for president, faces criticism for the border crisis as the 2024 election draws near.

Texas has spent $11 billion on Operation Lone Star, deploying thousands of Texas National Guard soldiers and Texas Department of Public Safety troopers, transporting illegal immigrants to self-declared sanctuary cities, installing strategic barriers, and building the state’s border wall, according to Andrew Mahaleris, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s press secretary.

Texas’s Operation Lone Star was introduced in March 2021 to address “dangerous gaps” in border security created by Biden and Harris, Mahaleris said in an email to The Epoch Times.

Those efforts have decreased illegal border crossings by 85 percent, he said.

“Until President Biden and Border Czar Harris step up and do their jobs to secure the border, Texas will continue utilizing every tool and strategy to respond,” Mahaleris said.

Mayorkas called Abbott’s efforts to bus illegal immigrants to other states and cities without notice to or coordination with receiving cities “incomprehensible” and not good governance.

“Is it purely to wreak havoc and disorder in the receiving communities to make a political point?” Mayorkas said.

He also criticized Senate Bill 4, which Abbott signed into law and was meant to go into effect on March 5, but it instead remains in limbo after the Biden administration sued. Mayorkas said immigration is the federal government’s responsibility.

SB 4 makes crossing into Texas unlawfully from a foreign nation a state felony and empowers state and local law enforcement to make arrests and carry out deportations. The law has some similarities to a 2010 Arizona law that ended up being mostly struck down in a 5–4 Supreme Court decision in 2012. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has said the Supreme Court got the Arizona decision wrong and that it needs to be relitigated.


The criminals human trafficking people into the US are running the Government! There can be zero doubt left!

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68c433 No.21579949


meant to say hillary's clone, my bad

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d4af66 No.21579950

File: e12ebe1ae09e80a⋯.png (54.07 KB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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7fff8e No.21579951

File: cd52d7630740a93⋯.png (1.07 MB,1040x680,26:17,ClipboardImage.png)


So you know that you're a chinese PoS faker, a thief, and a dumbfuck, right?

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b8484e No.21579952

File: 4796fb3ee0e1876⋯.png (502.01 KB,823x1015,823:1015,traitors.png)

Prison for Traitors.

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0c74f6 No.21579953

File: 6fa9424383e01fc⋯.png (1.5 MB,1072x719,1072:719,ClipboardImage.png)

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18ac33 No.21579954


a famous feminist said – keep men out of women's bathrooms and sport but the cucks hate that

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929278 No.21579955


Way better

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6d25ca No.21579957

File: 34a74fc32d933d6⋯.png (648.51 KB,502x1059,502:1059,16_1.png)

File: 130a58218e9d2ec⋯.png (641 KB,504x1088,63:136,16_2.png)

File: 653fa75c45c28a4⋯.png (691.8 KB,506x1156,253:578,16_3.png)

File: c27f2b81fe4f382⋯.png (539.67 KB,502x940,251:470,16_4.png)



Presidential Executive Orders. President Trump v President Biden. Who Did It Better? You Decide.

Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13935 of July 9, 2020 (Superseded by EO14045, September 13, 2021)

White House Hispanic Prosperity Initiative


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14045of September 13, 2021

White House Initiative onAdvancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics



Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13942 of August 6, 2020 (Revoked by EO14034, June 9, 2021)

Addressing the Threat Posed byTikTok, and Taking Additional Steps To Address the National Emergency With Respect to the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain


Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13943 of August 6, 2020 (Revoked by EO14034, June 9, 2021)

Addressing the Threat Posed byWeChat, and Taking Additional Steps To Address the National Emergency With Respect to the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14034of June 9, 2021

Protecting Americans’ Sensitive Data From Foreign Adversaries



Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13946 of August 24, 2020 (Revoked by EO14091, February 16, 2023)

Targeting Opportunity Zones and Other Distressed Communities for Federal Site Locations


Federal Register - 2023 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14091of February 16, 2023

Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government


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980610 No.21579958


hung phat

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6f4625 No.21579959


>I anticipate RFK Jr being a considerable problem for President Trump’s administration. I hope I am wrong, but the vibe from this guy only goes in one direction.

smart money is on you

rfkjr as VP is an invitation on steroids for DS assasssins

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3a4c17 No.21579961

File: 6bd0b13d7e149dc⋯.jpg (248.6 KB,1024x1024,1:1,6b50a035_9418_4fa8_ba21_c5….jpg)

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0626d0 No.21579962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kamala's voice coach reveals d'bait prep secrets

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929278 No.21579963


What's he sayin naow?

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06c5c2 No.21579964

File: 90a3d8028105dda⋯.png (3.32 MB,1952x1574,976:787,swalwell_memes_working.png)

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6398d3 No.21579965


buses to rallies are normal here is one with trump rally

"The police department said 25,000 people had been taken to the rally site by 40 buses running from 10 a.m. until the rally began at 8 p.m."


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3a4c17 No.21579966

File: 37cca4f9a8e3e64⋯.jpg (208.7 KB,1024x1024,1:1,fe141656_2616_4a4d_918a_11….jpg)



Some cats were born for stew

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71b539 No.21579967

File: 35dc766c7c4f980⋯.png (487.2 KB,710x691,710:691,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc282d No.21579968

File: 223bdbd311f36c0⋯.png (1.49 MB,1080x720,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Police Commissioner Resigns Amid Federal Probe

New York City Police Commissioner Edward Caban on Sept. 12 resigned from his position, days after his phone was seized in a federal investigation.

Caban said he made the decision to resign after the “news around recent developments” had “created a distraction for our department,” according to an email to the police department obtained by The Associated Press.

“I am unwilling to let my attention be on anything other than our important work, or the safety of the men and women of the NYPD,” he added.


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68c433 No.21579969


okay nbc

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18ac33 No.21579970

shows em beauts is wuz Jesus mades. >>21579956

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404a92 No.21579971

File: 6ae67ddd1a5b55a⋯.jpg (60.57 KB,480x600,4:5,666f3f0743064a97995d35ae16….jpg)


Swifty Quantum Gate

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bf0748 No.21579973

File: c6e8a3d1c66d5c6⋯.jpg (60.36 KB,686x386,343:193,hq720.jpg)

File: dc7b2dd43954d8f⋯.jpg (15.84 KB,360x202,180:101,_methode_times_prod_web_bi….jpg)

File: cee7d4f5c218706⋯.jpg (90.57 KB,1000x750,4:3,gettyimages_1241721664_6bf….jpg)

File: 59e195d8701be8b⋯.jpg (149.19 KB,1024x699,1024:699,Downing_street_pets.jpg)

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3a4c17 No.21579974

File: f5c09f37e9fc938⋯.jpg (304.95 KB,1024x1024,1:1,3515e9a7_f5bf_4811_9c5d_54….jpg)


Cats unite humanity

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6398d3 No.21579975


ok they got more sauce than you

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799e85 No.21579976


I'm very hopeful we are close to whatever the final few scenes of this movie are. With this many imported criminals, it's a virtual tinder box just waiting for the go order. I'm fairly certain we'll see them give the order. Shoon.

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6f4625 No.21579977

File: 1b76f439b5d1d3e⋯.jpg (137.1 KB,750x559,750:559,womequity_linemen_copy.jpg)


>a famous feminist said

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fc282d No.21579978

University of Michigan to use $500,000 for ‘anti-racism’ projects

One of the projects is titled ‘Racial Capitalism and Anti-Racism in Kenyan Conservation.’

‘The work these teams are pursuing is key in understanding how to dismantle the effects of systemic inequalities across multiple communities,’ a DEI official at the school said.

The University of Michigan’s Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) has granted almost $500,000 to research subjects tied to “anti-racism.”

The announcement was made by the OVPR and published by The University Record on Wednesday. The $500,000 was distributed to eight different research teams.

One of the “anti-racism research projects” is titled “Ubuntu-AI: Empowering Design Collaborations Across the Black Atlantic with Artificial Intelligence,” which will examine how “AI might reverse its potentially debilitating impact on Black artisans.”

Another group will study “Racial Capitalism and Anti-Racism in Kenyan Conservation,” a project that seeks to “identify how and why racialized conservation injustice occurs and how it can be prevented in the future.”

Another project is “Ways of Knowing and Storytelling as Diversity Training Mechanisms,” which “will examine the effectiveness of ‘ways of knowing’ and storytelling interventions on diversity training activities.”

The OVPR began its Research Catalyst and Innovation Program in 2021, which fosters research that looks into “complex societal racial inequalities to inform systemic action that achieves equity and justice.”

In the three years since, OVPR has granted almost $2 million in “anti-racism grants” to support research into “anti-racism.”

“The work these teams are pursuing is key in understanding how to dismantle the effects of systemic inequalities across multiple communities,” said Trachette Jackson, a top Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) official at the school.

Other schools have also been using research grants dedicated to promoting DEI and “anti-racism.”

This August, the National Science Foundation gave $4.5 million to Louisiana State University to found a “Center for Equity in Faculty Advancement” focused on working “to understand mechanisms that drive bias, along with policy and training interventions to mitigate it.”


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6d25ca No.21579979

File: 3fb1e8866638654⋯.png (731.63 KB,509x1188,509:1188,17_1.png)

File: cc3ed02ff04dd96⋯.png (757.05 KB,506x1217,506:1217,17_2.png)

File: 8eeb472c3f986f2⋯.png (621.93 KB,506x1023,46:93,17_3.png)

File: 440135fcd851eea⋯.png (700.02 KB,504x1142,252:571,17_4.png)



Presidential Executive Orders. President Trump v President Biden. Who Did It Better? You Decide.

Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13950 of September 22, 2020 (Revoked by EO13985, January 20, 2021)

Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping


Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13958 of November 2, 2020 (Revoked by EO13985, January 1, 2021)

Establishing the President’s Advisory 1776 Commission


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order13985of January 20, 2021

AdvancingRacial Equity and Support for Underserved CommunitiesThrough the Federal Government



Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13957 of October 21, 2020 (Revoked by EO14003of January 22, 2021)

Creating Schedule F in the Excepted Service (See EO 14029 of May 14, 2021)


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14003of January 22, 2021

Protecting the Federal Workforce


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order 14029 of May 14, 2021

Revocation of Certain Presidential Actions and Technical Amendment

See page 1 Sec. 3 which discuses Schedule F in the Excepted Service.


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71b539 No.21579980

File: ccfaae338abf8d8⋯.png (248.22 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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563e01 No.21579981

File: 74ed597e487fbdf⋯.jpg (213.94 KB,1080x1080,1:1,74ed597e487fbdf018bc2ad24e….jpg)


He knows. That's his thing. It seems that he enjoys presenting himself as dumb as possible. It's not a crime to be stupid. Even the fake stupid like he uses. 10 to 1 it's just a sockpuppet and the main persona is active chasing notables.

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13e36c No.21579982

File: bb3a091237ff3a9⋯.png (153.71 KB,484x792,11:18,ClipboardImage.png)


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7fff8e No.21579984

File: 6bf197b04caf364⋯.jpg (136.17 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)



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980610 No.21579985


track wine ingestion sales

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d4af66 No.21579987

File: 65827e9aa6cb431⋯.png (305.22 KB,680x356,170:89,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump pledges to eliminate taxes on overtime

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday pledged to eliminate taxes on overtime wages if he is elected back to the White House in November.

Trump has previously promised to eliminate taxes on tips, and social security benefits. All three proposals appear to be part of an effort to woo working-class and senior voters, groups that could be crucial in November's election.

"Today, I'm also announcing that as part of our additional tax cuts, we will end all taxes on overtime," Trump told his supporters in Tuscon, Arizona. "The people who work overtime are among the hardest working citizens in our country. And for too long, no one in Washington has been looking out for them.


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1d0987 No.21579988

File: 8917546339e52de⋯.jpeg (215.07 KB,1130x1130,1:1,8917546339e52def1e756f7ea….jpeg)

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23e48f No.21579989

File: 59e94ed99e9f7c4⋯.jpg (197.22 KB,1080x600,9:5,Mad_Dog_Inside_the_Secret_….jpg)


>eat dog

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d4af66 No.21579991

File: 0232adee5759c3a⋯.gif (3.4 MB,346x208,173:104,wut.gif)

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3a4c17 No.21579992

File: 96cfd6e095037e2⋯.jpg (296.14 KB,1024x1024,1:1,32ba9a42_3323_4432_9501_a0….jpg)

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6f4625 No.21579993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Swifty Quantum Gate

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ccab0f No.21579994

File: 4242e3d7cd774db⋯.gif (236.4 KB,500x281,500:281,00000aa.gif)

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13f478 No.21579995

File: 9fa65fb3234b218⋯.jpg (10.82 KB,249x255,83:85,KamalaHand.jpg)


Kamala supports this as well.

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ed7476 No.21579996

File: ab1b669a7cb48ac⋯.gif (2.4 MB,720x576,5:4,ab1b669a7cb48ac63e54ef03f6….gif)

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929278 No.21579997


Last time he posted, he was on the run within 24 hrs because of all the death threats on his life and we found out he was in the Venezualan military.

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bf0748 No.21579998

File: b065186acfe4e82⋯.jpg (51.17 KB,736x736,1:1,40535d2f3d21ed43441f4c95b2….jpg)

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b956dd No.21579999

File: 2db041818894d32⋯.mp4 (8.25 MB,1280x720,16:9,sammy.mp4)

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fa3352 No.21580000

File: b8d23213c380d65⋯.jpg (49.89 KB,400x488,50:61,4542acc6bee03bf46bea1e6d9d….jpg)

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3a4c17 No.21580001

File: 96622c1d1940ba2⋯.jpg (337.25 KB,1024x1024,1:1,f1c7d366_ee4b_44df_b814_d5….jpg)

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81f729 No.21580002

File: fd44d4387bec59d⋯.png (238.78 KB,720x473,720:473,Screenshot_20240912_195233….png)

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6d25ca No.21580003

File: 876cd0f1e98882f⋯.png (711.34 KB,504x1174,252:587,18_1.png)

File: fca477bfe7311dc⋯.png (652.28 KB,504x1048,63:131,18_2.png)

File: 6214ac52c445d43⋯.png (670.3 KB,506x883,506:883,18_3.png)



Presidential Executive Orders. President Trump v President Biden. Who Did It Better? You Decide.

Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13959 of November 12, 2020 (Amended by EO14032of June 3, 2021)

(Superseded in part by EO 14032, June 3, 2021)

Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments That Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14032of June 3, 2021

Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments That Finance Certain Companies of the People’s Republic of Chin



Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13964 of December 10, 2020 (Revoked by EO14029, May 14, 2021)

Rebranding United States Foreign Assistance To Advance American Influence


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14029of May 14, 2021

Revocation of Certain Presidential Actions and Technical Amendment



Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13967 of December 18, 2020 (Revoked by EO14018, February 24, 2021)

Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14018of February 24, 2021

Revocation of Certain Presidential Actions


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ccab0f No.21580004

File: 123acb8be1c71a9⋯.png (452.78 KB,461x668,461:668,3z.png)

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a8f3c1 No.21580006

File: ca1461ee94223d0⋯.jpg (10.37 KB,512x384,4:3,rachel_maddow_satan_sign_5….jpg)



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1488c0 No.21580007


that really is a perfect use of that hand like it finally found its new owner after getting blown the fuck off the last guy.

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ccab0f No.21580008

File: 472b427bca555f3⋯.jpg (129.27 KB,1280x720,16:9,0kek334.jpg)




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71b539 No.21580009

File: 1fb7233afaf6843⋯.png (529.02 KB,497x821,497:821,retarded.png)

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13f478 No.21580010

File: 9fa65fb3234b218⋯.jpg (10.82 KB,249x255,83:85,KamalaHand.jpg)


Ir's literally my only meme at the moment.

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b8484e No.21580011


19:11:35 on 9-11 (me)

19:11:48 on 9-12 (DS)

Word-for-word match.

1 day 13 seconds apart.

Same as #s in 2nd post.

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ccab0f No.21580012

File: ebec02cba8a1f88⋯.gif (855.7 KB,480x204,40:17,1a51.gif)


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563e01 No.21580013

File: 3b534bc47a1b629⋯.png (437.56 KB,500x500,1:1,winning_pepe2.png)

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b956dd No.21580014

bottom tier shills

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ccab0f No.21580015

File: 5f3faa5e8c5c34c⋯.gif (11.55 MB,480x480,1:1,01h.gif)

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6d25ca No.21580016

File: 4b3ba6ce9100708⋯.png (389.15 KB,503x875,503:875,19_1.png)

File: 066986a0660c93a⋯.png (464.49 KB,506x849,506:849,19_2.png)

File: 4974a144a5ddb55⋯.png (488.25 KB,507x889,507:889,19_3.png)



Presidential Executive Orders. President Trump v President Biden. Who Did It Better? You Decide.

Federal Register - 2020 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13970 of December 31, 2020 (Superseded by EO14061, December 22, 2021)

Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14061of December 22, 2021

Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay



Federal Register - 2021 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13974 of January 13, 2021 (Revoked by EO14032, June 3, 2021)

Amending Executive Order 13959 - Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments That Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14032of June 3, 2021

Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments That Finance Certain Companies of the People’s Republic of Chin



Federal Register - 2021 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13975 of January 14, 2021 (Revoked by EO14005, January 25, 2021)

Encouraging Buy American Policies for the United States Postal Service


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14005of January 25, 2021

Ensuring the Future Is Made in All of America by All of America’s Workers


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81f729 No.21580017

File: 25acdeb88ebb4b9⋯.gif (977.5 KB,425x239,425:239,_3_MOOWKlnlCtCnCLrbODEB_WH….gif)

File: cb0e1dd1797beae⋯.gif (320.14 KB,220x279,220:279,cb0e1dd1797beae2e40a41a645….gif)

File: 33fdcad17b7d9ed⋯.gif (592.77 KB,280x200,7:5,giphy_2623032275.gif)

File: 09bf868b769718c⋯.gif (998.79 KB,500x373,500:373,6eb271bdac563f487f514a8c3e….gif)

File: c8898e681099df9⋯.gif (3.02 MB,640x640,1:1,1724140804509301.gif)

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ccab0f No.21580018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d4af66 No.21580019

File: 89a5241a77fd216⋯.png (355.78 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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18ac33 No.21580020

welcome to America

you still want to eat dawg / cat?

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3a4c17 No.21580021

File: 4bc808ecc5d7dab⋯.jpg (249.39 KB,1024x1024,1:1,06a4ddd3_cb17_4d19_bf73_92….jpg)



What can Anon say, comes with the territory of winning


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d4af66 No.21580022

File: a86ff6638aa7f75⋯.png (472.05 KB,500x535,100:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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980610 No.21580023

File: 1a6b46053f6a660⋯.png (594.79 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240912_195935.png)

File: 0c62b57ab90c4ae⋯.png (88.88 KB,766x804,383:402,237_4_.png)

File: a19725088dc9034⋯.jpeg (400.46 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GXS_T3AWcAANo0O.jpeg)

File: 02e3e2bf136eb06⋯.png (1.08 MB,766x2818,383:1409,1437_2_.png)

File: bf2507e3596e7cd⋯.jpeg (753.43 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GXS9vmWXMAAw_Qh.jpeg)

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23e48f No.21580024

File: 77069080c4082e6⋯.webp (129.08 KB,570x713,570:713,il_570xN_3916678332_gya6.webp)

File: 718f27c420e54bc⋯.jpg (38.11 KB,640x480,4:3,sddefault.jpg)

File: ba0c317a9c4a571⋯.png (383.58 KB,501x832,501:832,image_10.png)

File: dde28d3962f1196⋯.jpg (125.63 KB,1024x683,1024:683,50926672487_b57b59627f_b.jpg)

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ccab0f No.21580025

File: 7442c3754439fe8⋯.gif (981.79 KB,500x241,500:241,01d.gif)

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c35d98 No.21580026


>if they gave the questions to Kamala, ABC's license should be terminated


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e96529 No.21580027


there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth come Jan.

ABC = election interference

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ccab0f No.21580028

File: 5b5c334d63c5b44⋯.gif (3.32 MB,480x270,16:9,01e.gif)

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b8484e No.21580029

File: 9c99644b13f3487⋯.png (668.96 KB,710x533,710:533,punisher_skull_God_Wins.png)

God Wins. Unite.

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563e01 No.21580030

File: 4b5f654f2c14b7e⋯.jpeg (3.48 MB,3024x4032,3:4,xlrna0s5oemd1.jpeg)


This is their best, Anon. Seriously. Looks like they've been on a slow mental and emotional decline for a while now. Imagine being a deep state lapdog assigned here, knowing that you can't stop what is coming no matter how much you spam and derail and smear and whine and cry.

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ccab0f No.21580031

File: b76b4cd7826026c⋯.gif (961.71 KB,500x281,500:281,01l.gif)

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1955c4 No.21580032


Looks fake and gay

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1d0987 No.21580033

File: c8a2a0c6a07b7ff⋯.png (172.08 KB,275x385,5:7,c8a2a0c6a07b7fff954b4eb545….png)


Putin endorses this meme.

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ccab0f No.21580034

File: 01b6f0611d8567d⋯.gif (7.16 MB,346x265,346:265,01f.gif)

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ccab0f No.21580035

File: 53d27371792584c⋯.jpg (116.35 KB,500x373,500:373,01i.jpg)

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fc282d No.21580037

File: 73a6493b1a9deff⋯.png (1.44 MB,676x946,338:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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b8484e No.21580038


What could we expect, Anons are taking over the board. And there's literally nothing they can do to stop that.

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987532 No.21580039


Remake it with meow instead of now.

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980610 No.21580040

File: eef8cfaddccd6ed⋯.jpg (13.97 KB,460x380,23:19,eef.jpg)

File: ac898bb80ad0955⋯.png (408.09 KB,680x493,40:29,ac898bb80ad0955389d38cb76f….png)

File: 67831446f4e84b9⋯.jpg (118.58 KB,500x875,4:7,4gz4l3.jpg)

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ccab0f No.21580041

File: 10481e7b4488e17⋯.gif (981.16 KB,500x269,500:269,01k.gif)

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06c5c2 No.21580042

File: 0dbf0fcac55fd08⋯.png (3.03 MB,2172x1512,181:126,This_Meme_of_Alex_Soros_is….png)


>Looks fake and gay

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ccab0f No.21580043

File: a2c87d0968147fc⋯.gif (627.75 KB,500x281,500:281,01p.gif)

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0626d0 No.21580044

File: bb780b2ee0fab13⋯.jpg (473.9 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240911_182702….jpg)

File: 24a55ab3438341b⋯.jpg (31.81 KB,474x266,237:133,24a55ab3438341bb80227783ec….jpg)

File: 5b7c3b1943f579c⋯.jpg (1006.4 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Kerberos_byMonaCaron_41973….jpg)

File: 33c12359f541f7a⋯.jpg (87.77 KB,800x620,40:31,b93c7b14398131690045a4c5cd….jpg)

File: d59443736c58245⋯.jpg (23.42 KB,1920x1080,16:9,76fe69c5_3615_4026_8685_1e….jpg)

Harris admits she owes the public

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7fff8e No.21580045

File: 1fd900505ec5d05⋯.png (2.73 MB,1500x1138,750:569,1fd900505ec5d05cae43b0e2bd….png)


>Dear Wife!,

>there's so many pussies around here to deal with, we hardly have time to put real food between our teeth

>I wish I'd brought that other tooth brush you mentioned. These french people really have weird hair size and amount.


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ccab0f No.21580046

File: 7ef6d026590731e⋯.gif (2.52 MB,480x270,16:9,01q.gif)

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6d25ca No.21580047

File: f0aeb7c757bf6d9⋯.png (513.37 KB,504x878,252:439,20_1.png)

File: 6be5269410f3d83⋯.png (511.32 KB,504x894,84:149,20_2.png)

File: 1476a44dc87e526⋯.png (546.43 KB,503x741,503:741,20_3.png)



Presidential Executive Orders. President Trump v President Biden. Who Did It Better? You Decide.

Federal Register - 2021 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13978 of January 18, 2021 (Revoked by EO14029, May 14, 2021)

Building the National Garden of American Heroes


Federal Register - 2021 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13980 of January 18, 2021 (Revoked by EO14029, May 14, 2021)

Protecting Americans From Overcriminalization Through Regulatory Reform


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14029of May 14, 2021

Revocation of Certain Presidential Actions and Technical Amendment



Federal Register - 2021 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13979 of January 18, 2021 (Revoked by EO14018, February 24, 2021)

Ensuring Democratic Accountability in Agency Rulemaking


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order14018of February 24, 2021

Revocation of Certain Presidential Actions


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ccab0f No.21580048

File: f2adffba8d22660⋯.gif (800.87 KB,650x540,65:54,01g.gif)

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490b55 No.21580049

File: 6dc75263de06f5d⋯.png (732.95 KB,843x804,281:268,ClipboardImage.png)


She went with Trump to the 9-11 thing. I wonder if she flew with him to Tucson, that is her hometown.

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ccab0f No.21580050

File: 4285520fda7821b⋯.jpeg (338.7 KB,828x698,414:349,01faggots3.jpeg)

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b956dd No.21580051

File: 808825042a8fadf⋯.png (2.38 MB,1860x930,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ccab0f No.21580052

File: 97139bbe3e8c6b1⋯.png (77.25 KB,170x255,2:3,01r.png)

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3a4c17 No.21580053

File: dae23cd536791af⋯.jpg (242.82 KB,1024x1024,1:1,b4c53201_a2cc_45d7_b37c_b5….jpg)

Stable genius is stable, winning and rent free. They are desperate now so they need to IP hop to reply to themselves and consensus crack.

I won

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6628b1 No.21580054


All they can do is repeat, repeat, repeat. NONE of it sticks, Anons just laugh and filter them.

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380133 No.21580055

File: 94735144d5e97e3⋯.jpg (1.73 MB,2552x3560,319:445,Patriot_Eagle_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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bfd27a No.21580056

File: 4b37f2bfc293979⋯.mp4 (145.27 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17261859370….mp4)

File: d4cc0ba180faedf⋯.png (189.28 KB,589x405,589:405,Screenshot_2024_09_12_2005….png)

File: d862836090fed01⋯.png (190.15 KB,605x481,605:481,Screenshot_2024_09_12_2005….png)

File: b85d9247ff90c6e⋯.mp4 (95.41 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17261857758….mp4)


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b8484e No.21580059


No.. it's just you.

Enjoy the Implosion, Anons.

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81f729 No.21580061

File: 7672524e76c3ec6⋯.png (288.58 KB,473x965,473:965,qaggdropimage75.png)

File: 8b82d63cfa7af1e⋯.png (41.17 KB,473x392,473:392,qaggdropimage635.png)

File: 88c24f5c7c49ae0⋯.png (22.86 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage2407.png)

File: c80df7f396d1e38⋯.png (185.5 KB,473x631,473:631,qaggdropimage3719.png)

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0c74f6 No.21580062

File: 1c1f1b319131610⋯.png (1.28 MB,1200x1500,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)


.@DoHSocial has integrated genetic testing as key component of premarital screening programme for Emiratis getting married. The test aims to detect and prevent genetic conditions to empower couples to make informed decisions to ensure a healthier future for their families.

10:00 AM · Sep 11, 2024·1,530 Views


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bfd27a No.21580065


Victor Shi, nice American name

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71b539 No.21580066

File: 72019d7225a6f08⋯.png (799.38 KB,743x861,743:861,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ceef9 No.21580067


Whats your beef?

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e96529 No.21580068


Sundance believes RFK jr is a CIA asset. He may be right.

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18ac33 No.21580069


freaky shit going down in the hood bruh

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799e85 No.21580070


Now remember, when q asked about what conditions had to be met to deploy mil inside the US? Foreign invasion would be a top tier reason. (They) cannot let Trump take office. Commala is an actor. Either she goes along and certifies her loss, or she commits treason and tries to perform a coup of the sitting president (bidan) and the president-elect Trump. If she certifies the loss, the last dregs of the deep state will pull out every fedboi and foreigner, dress them in red hats, and burn the country down. Will Bidan forcibly restore order or let it burn until Jan 20, when Trump is sworn in?

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d17077 No.21580072

Trump got the questions beforehand and still did horrible .

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ef61a9 No.21580073

File: 7907b285fe9353a⋯.png (1.09 MB,1176x1416,49:59,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 222f19ae59bdc4b⋯.png (574.55 KB,828x1579,828:1579,ClipboardImage.png)


follow the pen? this could be pretty significant

SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

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1488c0 No.21580074


Prostituter holy shit kek. he looks strung out and drunk

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c35d98 No.21580075


just what someone who eats cats would say

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0c74f6 No.21580076

File: ec949e4da264028⋯.png (1.54 MB,884x2092,221:523,ClipboardImage.png)

Abu Dhabi Imposes Mandatory ‘Gene Testing’ Before Marriage

The Department of Health in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), announced on Wednesday that couples will be required to undergo genetic testing before they can be married.

The testing requirement, which goes into effect on October 1, is intended to help couples make “informed decisions” about their partners.

“The premarital screening program plays a vital role in protecting the health of couples planning to marry by detecting infectious diseases and inherited blood disorders, while offering appropriate genetic counseling,” explained acting Abu Dhabi Public Health Center director Dr. Ahmed al-Khazraji.

The Emirati government produced an infographic explaining what the screening will entail: >>21580062

The Department of Health claimed data from its trials for genetic testing, which began in 2022, showed that 86 percent of couples were compatible, while 14 percent required “additional intervention.”

According to Dr. Fahed al-Marzooqi of Abu Dhabi healthcare technology company M42, the new testing requirement is necessary “due to the high prevalence of genetic disorders within the Emirati population, partly attributed to the region’s history of consanguineous marriages.”

“Understanding genetic risks allows healthcare providers to take proactive measures, improving patient outcomes and reducing the long-term burden of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes,” he said.

Dr. al-Marzooqi said the genetic testing process, and its attendant bureaucratic workflow, have been refined enough to reduce the turnaround time for mandatory testing to 14 days.

The UAE has a remarkably high rate of marriages between first cousins. A study in 2020 found that up to 39 percent of marriages were consanguineous, meaning any relationship closer than second cousins. This is a persistent problem in Middle Eastern societies – Pakistan, Kuwait, and Qatar have even higher rates of consanguinity than the UAE.

Studies have found the rates of marriage between blood relatives are very high in these cultures because such weddings are thought to help with “preserving family structure and assets, facilitating marriage arrangements, fostering harmonious relations with in-laws, and economic benefits related to dowries.” Arab cultures often believe marriages between close relatives are more stable, and the husband’s family is more likely to assist with supporting a closely-related wife and her children.

During the Abu Dhabi trial period, the tests were expanded to include 13 genes that are “particularly relevant to the UAE population.” One of the inherited diseases prevalent among Emiratis is thalassaemia, a blood disorder that is much more common among children born to couples that turned out to be more closely related than they thought.

Al-Marzooqi said one goal of the program is to build a “comprehensive genetic database specific to the Emirati population.”

Genetic testing services for couples will be offered at 22 primary care centers in the cities of Abu Dhabi, Al Dhafra, and Al Ain.

“The integration of genetic testing as part of the premarital screening programme is a proud milestone for Abu Dhabi. It positions the Emirate at the forefront of leading healthcare destinations globally, harnessing the power of genomics and latest technologies to promote informed decisions,” said Dr. Asma al-Mannaei, executive director of research and innovation for the Abu Dhabi Department of Health.


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3a4c17 No.21580078

File: 583c999e56cec3d⋯.jpg (282.82 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1f6a1531_84cd_457b_90a4_d4….jpg)


Why add you IP hopping and replying to yourself and speaking for all Anons saying they filter so you can consensus crack? Try again little buddy. Always obvious it's you. Rent free.

I won

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b956dd No.21580079

File: e8088efe20c05a6⋯.png (484.85 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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d17077 No.21580081

Trump pays people to attend his rally.

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94fef9 No.21580083

File: 1035941708c2a6c⋯.jpeg (63.09 KB,1080x810,4:3,1035941708c2a6cd5e0173152….jpeg)

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81f729 No.21580085

File: fc8953a6010f868⋯.png (24.54 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage4267.png)

File: 3bab0dcd72de6b8⋯.png (18.56 KB,473x147,473:147,qaggdropimage3921.png)

File: 98f06d8c27fd071⋯.png (36.88 KB,473x350,473:350,qaggdropimage4756.png)

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d17077 No.21580087

Trump busses people in for his rallies.

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9124c5 No.21580089

File: 57bcf86eed26cee⋯.jpg (159.75 KB,720x527,720:527,20240912_180554.jpg)

File: 5a7eca94feeea7f⋯.jpg (225 KB,720x1166,360:583,20240912_180256.jpg)

File: 57bcf86eed26cee⋯.jpg (159.75 KB,720x527,720:527,20240912_180554.jpg)


🚨#BREAKING: Military officials are investigating after a rear tail cone from a C-17 military aircraft fell from the sky and landed in a a school parking lot

📌#Hanahan | #Southcarolina

Currently Military officials are currently investigating an incident in Hanahan, South Carolina, after a rear tail cone from a C-17 Globemaster III aircraft fell from the sky and landed in the parking lot of Divine Redeemer School. Fortunately, no injuries were reported, and the area has been secured as a precaution. Officials stated they are aware that the tail cone detached from a military aircraft during flight and have launched a thorough investigation to determine the cause of the incident. At this time, it remains unclear how the part separated from the plane

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275ce1 No.21580090

File: d84c4064aecce19⋯.png (151.37 KB,220x300,11:15,ClipboardImage.png)

Did you hear about the rich Jew who wanted to perpetuate the globe idea?

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1955c4 No.21580092



You are not an "operator"

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0ceef9 No.21580093

File: 3f4c1e6d7a7ffc2⋯.jpeg (334.25 KB,1090x1445,218:289,IMG_3233.jpeg)

Fulton County Judge Drops Another 2 Counts Against President Trump in Fani Willis Lawfare Case

September 12, 2024 | Sundance |

The Fulton County judge overseeing the Fani Willis constructed lawfare case against President Trump has just told the prosecution they must drop another two charges as DA Willis is trying to use a state court to prosecute federal charges.

VIA CBS – […] Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee said the two counts fall under federal jurisdiction. Both counts deal with conspiracy and filing false documents. Five counts of the original indictment against Trump have now been dismissed. Three were dropped earlier this year by Judge McAfee, who ruled that the charges lacked detail. Trump now faces eight remaining counts in the case, out of the original 13. (read more)

The Georgia case is currently in the appeals court over the prior ruling that Fani Willis should be permitted to stay on the prosecution of Trump after her boyfriend, the lawyer prosecuting the case, was forcibly removed due to the inherent conflict of interest. The appellate court ruling on Willis’ status is not anticipated before the November election.


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980610 No.21580094

File: f0153b43f18cb96⋯.png (624.53 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240911_194059.png)

File: 0de4162db82d2f2⋯.png (65.71 KB,766x760,383:380,525_3_.png)

File: e83a73526bf9c05⋯.jpeg (399.26 KB,2048x1364,512:341,GXObVcuagAAxf0t.jpeg)



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929278 No.21580095

File: 755bb0986faa380⋯.jpg (10.19 KB,255x255,1:1,13e85cb80d22445e21f8d28611….jpg)


Run you snot nose little schitt! Run!

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06c5c2 No.21580096

File: b4b9ddec4c3ab15⋯.png (1.14 MB,1328x1250,664:625,kamala_huh.png)

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e11d39 No.21580099


"They have this on their bingo card!"

they watch the board

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b956dd No.21580100


>‘Gene Testing’ Before Marriage

sounds antisemitic

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bf0748 No.21580101

File: e7d29b4fec148ac⋯.jpg (280.79 KB,1200x725,48:29,1200px_Military_Working_Do….jpg)

File: cf0f85c375069b2⋯.jpg (828.6 KB,2139x2852,3:4,dfe694a9e055e1c3a1d2a3dd53….jpg)

File: 35abb4de5e5e054⋯.jpg (38.16 KB,621x414,3:2,dog_goggles.jpg)

File: 0b130c56db396df⋯.jpg (9.54 KB,233x216,233:216,downloade.jpg)

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71b539 No.21580102

File: 6521a93a21e5c02⋯.png (384.07 KB,544x1177,544:1177,ClipboardImage.png)

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1488c0 No.21580104

File: 9d9955be5c78ea2⋯.jpg (110.15 KB,366x366,1:1,ptooter.jpg)

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13f478 No.21580106

File: 5ace8dcd7e192af⋯.png (179.73 KB,494x572,19:22,ClipboardImage.png)

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e96529 No.21580108


so many busses

so many $100 bills

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87e14c No.21580109


Fries with that

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563e01 No.21580110

File: 730f53f15876f43⋯.webm (224 KB,573x240,191:80,hunt4.webm)


Trying to create a coincidence, huh? Better luck next time.

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3a4c17 No.21580113

File: 32d9da816bdfd71⋯.jpg (318.42 KB,1024x1024,1:1,b69c9df9_dee3_4dd5_b7ff_46….jpg)


Yeah there's an amazing amount of math in my timestamps. Really impressive stuff.

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6d25ca No.21580115

>>21579935, >>21579957, >>21579979, >>21580003, >>21580016, >>21580047 President Trump v President Biden on Executive Orders - Who Did it Better? (cont.)

Bun forBaker

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929278 No.21580116



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1d9da5 No.21580117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1488c0 No.21580119


just what a beta would say.

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dbcf6a No.21580120


He didn't pay us but somebody bailed out those commies that trashed the cop car.

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7315c9 No.21580122

File: ce4d68d2323bd05⋯.png (95.18 KB,617x477,617:477,ClipboardImage.png)


MASSIVE NEWS!The Department of Justice just released brand new Crime Data showing I was absolutely and completely right at the Debate.In fact, the Data is even worse than we could have ever imagined. Compared to 2020, Violent Crime is up nearly 40 percent, Rape is up 42 percent, Aggravated Assaults are up 55 percent, Violent Crime with a weapon is up 56 percent, Violent Attacks on strangers are up 61 percent, Car Theft is up 42 percent, and the most serious forms of Violent Crime are up 55 percent. Our Cities are UNDER SIEGE. And this does not include the Migrant Crime and Migrant Rape spree that has overtaken our Cities in recent months. Kamala Crime is destroying America, and gangs are taking over!

Sep 12, 2024, 7:01 PM


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fa3352 No.21580124

File: c899edb0fb70808⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,720x738,40:41,GBT.mp4)

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987532 No.21580126

notables @ 335


>>21579764, >>21579847 Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), says forthcoming report on J13 "will absolutely shock the American people"

>>21579906 The Kamala Harris campaign bussing in thousands of people for her rally in North Carolina

>>21579919 Ohio Governor Mike DeWine operates a charity in Haiti, which has built a network of schools

>>21579948 DHS Secretary Mayorkas upset over Texas' efforts to maintain a border

>>21579968 New York Police Commissioner Resigns Amid Federal Probe

>>21579982 DJT: People are saying that Comrade Kamala Harris had the questions from Fake News ABC - I would say it is very likely

>>21579987 Trump pledges to eliminate taxes on overtime

>>21580019 True dat

>>21579738, >>21579872, >>21579980, >>21580037, >>21580052 Memes


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0626d0 No.21580127

File: 8433d24f31fdb04⋯.jpg (24.5 KB,474x266,237:133,th_516029404.jpg)

File: 503ac2ee0552176⋯.png (1.32 MB,1200x1200,1:1,timeline_section_3_img_v2_….png)

File: 25f1bd4180985f4⋯.jpg (129 KB,1120x630,16:9,Groom_of_the_Stool_4248340….jpg)

File: a2ab508da9c48c5⋯.jpg (122.44 KB,1200x800,3:2,75_3561478671.jpg)

File: be83c32be1a9dac⋯.jpg (14.03 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_3902184171.jpg)


Taco trucks matter..

Seagul burrito $19.99

Cat Tacos. $14.99

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13f478 No.21580128

File: 9fa65fb3234b218⋯.jpg (10.82 KB,249x255,83:85,KamalaHand.jpg)


I can confirm.

I am a Trump busser.

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71b539 No.21580129

File: e72a8cdaf9491d6⋯.png (232.2 KB,533x499,533:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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e96529 No.21580131

File: f823e6ec97ffdbc⋯.jpg (82.72 KB,2000x1000,2:1,confused_nick_young_.jpg)


>There are powerful forces trying to convince people their vote doesn’t matter

powerful forces???

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06c5c2 No.21580132

File: 814796b3ed83f8e⋯.png (1.45 MB,1756x896,439:224,Pros_tit_tuter_.png)

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87e14c No.21580133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wammer jammer

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a8f3c1 No.21580134

File: 5fe58715888d4da⋯.png (15.38 KB,355x130,71:26,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c877fcb48f6ffe3⋯.png (84.05 KB,174x272,87:136,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f65c2ef4f69e0d6⋯.png (95.22 KB,388x258,194:129,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd29b0167ed7331⋯.png (22.53 KB,335x127,335:127,ClipboardImage.png)



>Thank you Dopey

Biden is Dopey and on Team Trump pic 2

>King to pawn

Biden was King but a coup happened pic 3

>eyes on

Your post pic 4

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23e48f No.21580136

File: 964d048bbf7d054⋯.jpg (9.22 KB,287x175,41:25,images_11_.jpg)

File: 1dc2e5f818eda70⋯.png (28.78 KB,600x315,40:21,41LEZgU4e7L_SR600_315_PIWh….png)

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2d2ce3 No.21580137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rasmussen Reports

Trump Regains the Momentum and

Opens Up A LEAD Over Kamala Harris

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258965 No.21580139

File: 3908cda8b54db3a⋯.png (2.22 MB,750x1334,375:667,B95771F0_A293_4020_A528_74….png)

File: 00e8f611d255c57⋯.png (53.91 KB,690x542,345:271,B9B08861_17D3_436B_A9D1_40….png)

File: 30ac3bce9da19dd⋯.png (65.99 KB,690x630,23:21,4E66C47B_D0F8_4738_9530_7F….png)


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13e36c No.21580140

File: c21aac42d55e4e4⋯.png (816.01 KB,1152x576,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)




someone lit a fire under his ass today

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799e85 No.21580141


Krassenstein jealousy intensifies.

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e96529 No.21580142


kamala has her rallies in mid-day so they can get the people back home without having to buy them dinner

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929278 No.21580143



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3a4c17 No.21580144

File: 28ff6014f490185⋯.jpg (303.19 KB,1024x1024,1:1,30a6d72d_f3a1_45f3_b76c_d1….jpg)


And just look at that magic math in my timestamp just from talking about it. Palindrome magic

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c90850 No.21580145


is that Gary mum

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87e14c No.21580147


Looks like a single hole model

No door with moon

Not much privacy …

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c35d98 No.21580149

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let's Talk about Haitian Voodoo! Haitian Voodoo Explained!!!


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81f729 No.21580150

File: 4a8f9e590499062⋯.png (212.06 KB,473x802,473:802,qaggdropimage672.png)

File: b6abdf62e21e26a⋯.png (354.03 KB,473x1104,473:1104,qaggdropimage1273.png)

File: 415a26b9832a0b0⋯.png (159.51 KB,473x1127,473:1127,qaggdropimage1936.png)

File: fe0cb4f3dc21d1a⋯.png (297.97 KB,473x821,473:821,qaggdropimage3747.png)

File: caa3fe8d6719234⋯.png (118.74 KB,473x767,473:767,qaggdropimage3999.png)



















Checked. The 20:11 mr pig timestamp had loads of info.

Correct :3

Anons are winning so big


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d9bfc5 No.21580151

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06c5c2 No.21580152

File: 720474afcc745e7⋯.png (2.51 MB,2874x1570,1437:785,Silence_of_the_Lambs_your_….png)

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fc282d No.21580153

File: 45111c365da4791⋯.png (30.04 KB,663x179,663:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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563e01 No.21580154


That's why they start lining up days beforehand, right? KEK. POTUS Trump doesn't need to bus people into his rallies or pay them or have free concerts to put asses in seats and then they leave after the concert is over.

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18ac33 No.21580155


sounds like a yes to me - terrible deal though, it's rank

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83688a No.21580157

File: 5e436ee10db6473⋯.mp4 (647.42 KB,666x360,37:20,18tN9xZvVEZ6p6wv.mp4)




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71b539 No.21580160

File: 3e03d745998ee29⋯.png (269 KB,519x426,173:142,ClipboardImage.png)

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a1447f No.21580161

File: f6a5fbb806c4b98⋯.png (160.1 KB,1280x881,1280:881,ClipboardImage.png)


Former CIA Operative Handed 10-Year Sentence in Honolulu for Espionage on Behalf of China #CIA #China #Classifiedinformation

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c90850 No.21580162


is there fight

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929278 No.21580164

File: e88b9303eb4b9a9⋯.png (517.8 KB,828x826,414:413,e88b9303eb4b9a93792308152f….png)


Is his audience Voo Doo Haitians?

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7315c9 No.21580166

File: d0ef3172db817c7⋯.png (114.34 KB,620x351,620:351,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Posted Cap:


BREAKING: ABC whistleblower allegedly will release an affidavit claiming the Harris campaign was given sample questions that were “essentially the same questions that were given during the debate,” as well as assurances that Trump would be “fact-checked” and she would not.


Sep 12, 2024, 7:01 PM


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c74969 No.21580168


Busses for days.

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8cf69e No.21580169

File: 27443600d3dd104⋯.png (139.81 KB,894x748,447:374,z3.png)

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8cf69e No.21580170

File: c381f470a9fa082⋯.gif (135.06 KB,200x150,4:3,000p.gif)

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8cf69e No.21580171

File: 9c412e298e31e8c⋯.gif (211.64 KB,220x197,220:197,000q.gif)

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980610 No.21580172

File: d4cd1c79c50fdd1⋯.jpg (69.71 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_11_.jpg)

File: 4d42266dc281c2b⋯.jpeg (203.47 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GWCLdXQaoAIUTFW.jpeg)

File: 13cdc2b88cd8ead⋯.jpeg (5.73 KB,265x190,53:38,images_85_.jpeg)

File: c1fba71feb5917f⋯.jpeg (206.28 KB,1639x2048,1639:2048,GV70h5eWYAAOp30.jpeg)

File: e372d8b50ce1f6a⋯.png (503.39 KB,690x903,230:301,e372d8b50ce1f6a5c67190aeeb….png)


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8cf69e No.21580173

File: aa98d43a0abd407⋯.gif (560.79 KB,250x250,1:1,000m.gif)

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563e01 No.21580174

File: e9bd3506542c50b⋯.jpg (36.95 KB,554x774,277:387,very_nice.jpg)


The integrity of a "conservative" news channel on display. That's just a local affiliate too. Imagine the offices of the national Faux News channel.

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13f478 No.21580175

File: 9fa65fb3234b218⋯.jpg (10.82 KB,249x255,83:85,KamalaHand.jpg)


They hate her.

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81f729 No.21580176

File: 4a8f9e590499062⋯.png (212.06 KB,473x802,473:802,qaggdropimage672_1.png)

File: 66c6547bf5faa2c⋯.png (627.04 KB,473x1150,473:1150,qaggdropimage1413.png)

File: c9888ec66e5842c⋯.png (22.5 KB,473x147,473:147,qaggdropimage3101.png)

File: 6723ff20ce51f60⋯.png (31.34 KB,473x252,473:252,qaggdropimage4530.png)



>Nailed it.

Film post anon.

The film important.

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8cf69e No.21580177

File: 4e49533f8449d94⋯.gif (285.33 KB,320x320,1:1,000o.gif)

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3a4c17 No.21580178

File: 123bc2eac9631f8⋯.jpg (374.13 KB,1024x1024,1:1,8db2b3b6_f546_4336_94e5_a8….jpg)


Anons are winning. That's why they are losing their minds while Anons are comfy AF.


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df1388 No.21580179

File: 858b49493bfe4d7⋯.png (11.96 KB,551x132,551:132,Q40.png)

File: e322b97913980e1⋯.png (7.35 KB,374x183,374:183,q42.png)

File: beafd68544aa9bc⋯.png (5.4 KB,443x102,443:102,Q55.png)

File: 29734783194bb28⋯.png (117.95 KB,508x581,508:581,Q56.png)

File: be67ee6a8cf4e20⋯.png (25.65 KB,477x212,9:4,Q61.png)







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8cf69e No.21580180

File: b6d628230fe9f63⋯.gif (565.3 KB,498x498,1:1,000z.gif)

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8cf69e No.21580181

File: 73f079343a4c926⋯.gif (567.09 KB,500x278,250:139,000wi.gif)

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87e14c No.21580182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


As you wish

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8cf69e No.21580183

File: bdf9d61df608ce2⋯.gif (2.63 MB,900x524,225:131,01b.gif)

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dbcf6a No.21580184

File: ebfdc5903ed0334⋯.png (28.99 KB,360x361,360:361,ClipboardImage.png)


Travis is 34 years old.

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9124c5 No.21580185

File: 66c79c3520e1bfb⋯.mp4 (2.52 MB,1080x1920,9:16,ALX_20240912_3_new.mp4)


He is always watching


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83688a No.21580186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


maybe something like this gem when it happened irl

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c90850 No.21580187

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a1447f No.21580188

File: a0f3ee4a5ad9c9c⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17261596485….mp4)



NEW - Putin on the potential use of Western long-range weapons against Russia: "This would mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European nations are at war with Russia."

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71b539 No.21580189

File: 4dd996da462db86⋯.png (350.22 KB,645x880,129:176,ClipboardImage.png)

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929278 No.21580190


Becky with the good hair.

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83688a No.21580191


Roz watching all us Wazowski's

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94fef9 No.21580192

File: e56ccb8e03199dc⋯.gif (2.43 MB,289x216,289:216,ezgif_com_crop.gif)



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799e85 No.21580193

File: dfbbd047c23a608⋯.png (14.89 KB,438x236,219:118,18f90809875e7fd3ab2e8c4690….png)

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a649fe No.21580194

File: 9e07d442a507a61⋯.jpg (110.67 KB,550x750,11:15,moviecats.jpg)



Call To Meme

Meowing Will Continue Until Government Improves


meow back to the show

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7fff8e No.21580195

File: 1d4bb05bd023542⋯.jpg (35.07 KB,641x530,641:530,1d4bb05bd023542875fb5896e0….jpg)


How's it you making 5 posts in total and 4 of them have the exact same pic

You some kind of a retard now, aren't ya?

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71b539 No.21580196

File: 7032c306d34b39b⋯.png (462.9 KB,710x722,355:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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c74969 No.21580197

File: 1935ab01e6c6a37⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,1125x1774,1125:1774,IMG_4034.jpeg)

Trump busses


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980610 No.21580198

File: 08ca2ef095f763e⋯.png (461.29 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240912_202152.png)

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3a4c17 No.21580199

File: 7a3471d98f7bed2⋯.jpg (227.23 KB,1024x1024,1:1,17b88010_fdae_4cbc_acd0_1f….jpg)

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c35d98 No.21580200


he looks a bit like lou dobbs in the end

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dbcf6a No.21580201

File: 1a2fd48e6ea8c06⋯.png (5.95 MB,2878x1439,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


It costs less when they all work for you. See?

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563e01 No.21580202

File: 8dc4f1eec06d48e⋯.jpg (138.97 KB,1000x1280,25:32,8dc4f1eec06d48e6761c9397cf….jpg)


6'5" and packs a crayon dick. He brags about his "degree" when the president of Harvard was charged with over 50 counts of plagiarism for her PhD, so any virtue signalling the high ground because of a degree is kind of worthless now. Notice he devolves to violence at the end. If we're going down that road I could break his knee in under 5 seconds. Faggot with a relationship contract with an end date that had to be renegotiated.

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c74969 No.21580203

File: 263cd79a0248a6a⋯.jpeg (125.76 KB,1125x361,1125:361,IMG_4035.jpeg)

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13e36c No.21580204

File: 5000875eb6a1afe⋯.png (30.44 KB,601x261,601:261,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c205a7ab096d8ac⋯.png (67.29 KB,792x487,792:487,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 445875a5c4f2363⋯.png (40.03 KB,759x424,759:424,ClipboardImage.png)


lmao dude acts like he's a astrophysicist or some shit when he got the equivalent of a liberal arts degree and finished his credits on a podcast

basically fast tracked through college for the sole reason of playing sportsball

and he plays chess, cool, so did i in 5th grade

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d9bfc5 No.21580205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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929278 No.21580206

File: e77fc05b2279657⋯.jpg (15.39 KB,255x255,1:1,e77fc05b227965781de78b0069….jpg)


Q drop said the fist pumps were for anons on this board. 07 Sir!

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3a4c17 No.21580207

File: 48bcc8345268c2e⋯.jpg (274.49 KB,1024x1024,1:1,fcbe25bd_8930_4a9b_ba41_25….jpg)

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980610 No.21580208


still fake pOTUS hanging on cunt

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81f729 No.21580209

File: 344719bdcc660d7⋯.jpg (48.56 KB,660x507,220:169,ufo_cats1_67150590.jpg)

File: 73e8228f8b75efe⋯.png (1.2 MB,1111x741,1111:741,73e8228f8b75efe72827ac3443….png)

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03f1c8 No.21580210

File: d3fc83ba5f4c259⋯.jpeg (100.01 KB,1080x626,540:313,1553718019.jpeg)

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f0f1bc No.21580211

File: d09f47df2acbb86⋯.png (2.59 KB,138x66,23:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19f241d5310d8ac⋯.png (683.87 KB,1044x587,1044:587,ClipboardImage.png)

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df989f No.21580212

File: ff102565e22a306⋯.webp (40.44 KB,720x884,180:221,66d1a55f57b6e.webp)


And so it begins

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d4af66 No.21580213

File: abd281cea46251c⋯.png (504.27 KB,628x360,157:90,ClipboardImage.png)

EXCLUSIVE: Woman Suing Rudy Giuliani For Sexual Harassment Was Previously Sued for RACKETEERING and Extorting “High Net Worth Men”

The woman currently suing Rudy Giuliani for sexual harassment has been sued in the past by another man for extortion and racketeering.

The Gateway Pundit unearthed a lawsuit dating back to 2016 where real estate mogul Steve Kogut accused Noelle Dunphy (the woman suing Giuliani) of leading a racketeering ring. He alleged the ring targets “High Net Worth Men” and extorts them for cash by using law fare and false sexual allegations as blackmail. In the lawsuit, Kogut said Dunphy accused him of rape and sexual harassment to extort him for cash.


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81f729 No.21580214

File: 102a8da95209727⋯.png (173.38 KB,750x500,3:2,102a8da952097275fc497d8115….png)

File: 8c8dbd7284bcd42⋯.jpg (251.99 KB,1024x1024,1:1,8c8dbd7284bcd427fc279727c8….jpg)

File: 36564092dc7fcbc⋯.jpg (249.3 KB,1024x1024,1:1,36564092dc7fcbce10c00df5e4….jpg)

File: b20ffbd25f95a68⋯.png (2.4 MB,1536x2048,3:4,b20ffbd25f95a6882b4cf91aeb….png)

File: 96622c1d1940ba2⋯.jpg (337.25 KB,1024x1024,1:1,96622c1d1940ba2b800c8cdb42….jpg)


Someone sounds foreign and angry :3

What's wrong?

Cat got your POTUS?

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3a4c17 No.21580215

File: 4b03bb63f51c762⋯.jpg (323.34 KB,1024x1024,1:1,8c824729_c457_4403_b11a_ee….jpg)

So much math in my timestamps

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c74969 No.21580216

Trump pays people in debit cards to attend his rallies.

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71b539 No.21580217

File: f45e1caa330423c⋯.png (254.91 KB,568x440,71:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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e96529 No.21580218


busses take people from designated off site parking to the rally. a mile or so. the last rally i attended in GA in 2020 had 30 or so busses making multiple trips from the parking lot to the rally

they don't bus people from another city dufus

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a4f902 No.21580219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Night Ranger - (you can still) Rock In America

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fc282d No.21580220


So are you trying to get us reported?

Looks that way

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c74969 No.21580221

Half of the Trump crowds is AI.

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490b55 No.21580222


I wonder if these three were shit posting on 8kun when this picture was taken?

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980610 No.21580223

File: 0b7909c6bf86c5e⋯.mp4 (591.05 KB,1280x720,16:9,0b7909c6bf86c5eae18c3a24d7….mp4)


post joe in a trump hat videos

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563e01 No.21580224

I mean… crayons are smaller than pencils, so I went with the former.

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71b539 No.21580225

File: f6bd3f9737d9ec2⋯.png (553.31 KB,710x695,142:139,ClipboardImage.png)

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0626d0 No.21580226

File: ff23e959e35f528⋯.jpg (171.11 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_1834832878.jpg)

File: 406c7cb93ef0e5a⋯.jpg (20.52 KB,474x355,474:355,th_3201287726.jpg)

File: 37339e8ebf97134⋯.jpg (620.4 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240911_084833….jpg)

File: f9ae5c3e5bb1bb2⋯.jpeg (424.6 KB,1080x1189,1080:1189,Planes_Trains_and_Auto_Di….jpeg)

File: a91cc86f1d4aace⋯.jpg (156.95 KB,2040x1148,510:287,michelle_obama_george_bush….jpg)




Granny trans transfer trans national trans genic transsexuals from Trans-sylvania…

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3a4c17 No.21580227

File: 724c9d2c6089e8c⋯.jpg (302.56 KB,1024x1024,1:1,e39925dd_4f09_466f_a9b1_e0….jpg)


Together Anons will win


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7fff8e No.21580228

File: 3f16e0f38a3d5ef⋯.png (806.21 KB,2000x1800,10:9,3f16e0f38a3d5ef0ea84daccdd….png)


>one for the post-millenials


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c74969 No.21580229

You are given your bus assignment/pick up time 2 days before the Trump rally.

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a649fe No.21580230

File: 348e02f25b47f52⋯.jpg (40.28 KB,1079x607,1079:607,popcatt.jpg)



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71b539 No.21580232

File: 556db33dd061ee7⋯.png (709.79 KB,710x648,355:324,ClipboardImage.png)

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87e14c No.21580233

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jet city woman

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81f729 No.21580234

File: 61fa602f4b40f88⋯.mp4 (3.41 MB,720x1280,9:16,61fa602f4b40f882922ab305fc….mp4)

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c74969 No.21580235

One bus gets free MAGA hats.

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563e01 No.21580236


Thank you for your projection. I have to filter you now.

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18ac33 No.21580237

Baby Killers are Losing their pets to Cat Killers and Dog Killers

yeah - never bingo stardust line up

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171a6e No.21580238

File: 7efd5054bd7f4cc⋯.jpg (83.4 KB,1105x650,17:10,kamala_horrible.jpg)

"Kamala" in Finnish translates to "Horrible"

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c74969 No.21580239

The next bus gets free MAGA shirts.

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71b539 No.21580240

File: df7cccd35a90586⋯.jpg (94.07 KB,512x599,512:599,df7cccd35a90586995097616c2….jpg)

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dbcf6a No.21580241


Whose concert is CCP crashing this time?

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19b529 No.21580242

It seems that you are experienced and have a prostitution license like his mother.


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c74969 No.21580243

The third bus gets cutoff pieces of his suit that he personally chopped up.

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df989f No.21580244

File: 9e16462874a3162⋯.png (77.07 KB,532x500,133:125,93boku.png)

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0626d0 No.21580245

File: 9554ea03a435a3d⋯.jpg (650.7 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240911_142618….jpg)

File: 9e2867e5fe4f649⋯.jpg (119.16 KB,750x548,375:274,liger_1342206032.jpg)

File: 6fe0edee9e39a6a⋯.png (636.92 KB,710x708,355:354,6fe0edee9e39a6a819e99453f5….png)

Kamala accuses Trump of having a cat size problem

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563e01 No.21580246


Maybe the shock of losing a pet will trigger something primal in them about abortions. Pets are like children to Millennials and Zoomers.

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799e85 No.21580247


I wanna hear elon yell " come here you little fart knocker". Wham!

I'm showing my age. I'll put on the tard hat now.

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7fff8e No.21580248

File: 8eb1f17dd094366⋯.jpg (34.49 KB,1180x590,2:1,8eb1f17dd09436613fe64101a8….jpg)


Shirt looks like she might have small tits

that true?

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3a4c17 No.21580249

File: fd38f7b4bb7a5d1⋯.jpg (271.49 KB,1024x1024,1:1,bcc156b0_769c_4285_9925_e2….jpg)



Anon answered the call

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13e36c No.21580250

File: 2816ff478ff0fe8⋯.png (10.56 KB,582x299,582:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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980610 No.21580251



you 'ol owl fowl fart


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81f729 No.21580252

File: 525d4a3ce75ed41⋯.webm (1.25 MB,540x360,3:2,1724353659180929.webm)

File: c13cbc6bc0a5886⋯.webm (240.84 KB,480x854,240:427,1724439953293945.webm)

File: 8a397fe70399648⋯.webm (1.61 MB,640x640,1:1,1723653355267092.webm)

File: 47718cc84f4eee8⋯.webm (217.12 KB,640x800,4:5,1723402051807555.webm)

File: d360f63e3e70d05⋯.webm (3.93 MB,450x800,9:16,1722027296437811_1.webm)

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d4af66 No.21580253


Que Mala Harris

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fc282d No.21580254

File: 6787d5e2da9ca22⋯.png (257.51 KB,431x620,431:620,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64845895e1e2cad⋯.png (105.27 KB,681x625,681:625,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 330cf5a422412a4⋯.png (1.33 MB,864x1242,16:23,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba9bb65669c3074⋯.png (302.55 KB,476x237,476:237,ClipboardImage.png)


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e96529 No.21580255

i don't ever go to liberal chat groups to troll.

got better shit to do.

interesting that they come here

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1488c0 No.21580256

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d9bfc5 No.21580257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


REO Speedwagon - Ridin' the Storm Out

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987532 No.21580258

notables @ 425


>>21579764, >>21579847 Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), says forthcoming report on J13 "will absolutely shock the American people"

>>21579906 The Kamala Harris campaign bussing in thousands of people for her rally in North Carolina

>>21579919 Ohio Governor Mike DeWine operates a charity in Haiti, which has built a network of schools

>>21579935, >>21579957, >>21579979, >>21580003, >>21580016, >>21580047 Executive Orders: President Trump v President Biden (cont'd)

>>21579948 DHS Secretary Mayorkas upset over Texas' efforts to maintain a border

>>21579968 New York Police Commissioner Resigns Amid Federal Probe

>>21579982 DJT: People are saying that Comrade Kamala Harris had the questions from Fake News ABC - I would say it is very likely

>>21579987 Trump pledges to eliminate taxes on overtime

>>21580019 True dat

>>21580076 Abu Dhabi Imposes Mandatory ‘Gene Testing’ Before Marriage

>>21580089 Military officials investigating a rear tail cone from a C-17 aircraft falling off and landing in a a school parking lot

>>21580093 Fulton County Judge Drops Another 2 Counts Against President Trump in Fani Willis Lawfare Case

>>21580122 DJT: The Department of Justice just released brand new Crime Data showing I was absolutely and completely right at the Debate

>>21580161 Former CIA Operative Handed 10-Year Sentence in Honolulu for Espionage on Behalf of China

>>21580185 Yo

>>21580213 Woman Suing Rudy Giuliani For Sexual Harassment Was Previously Sued for Racketeering and Extorting “High Net Worth Men”

>>21579738, >>21579872, >>21579980, >>21580037, >>21580052, >>21580066, >>21580129 Memes


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dbcf6a No.21580259


Manchurian Global DNCCP. You win, you die. You lose, I live and you have to sort out your own issues.

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18fce1 No.21580260

File: eff60d5c749282a⋯.png (32.26 KB,473x425,473:425,ClipboardImage.png)

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13e36c No.21580261



they attack those they fear the most

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18ac33 No.21580262


they could give a fuck about their fellow man, human kind, the least and poorest, the weak the elderly, the veterans, disregarded over democracy

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d553ee No.21580263


Nope people on buses no matter what I don’t trust he literally busses people in

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b956dd No.21580264


>This would mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European nations are at war with Russia.

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c379c2 No.21580265

File: b6c567fe66670f6⋯.jpg (14.12 KB,255x181,255:181,bar_pepe.jpg)

Good Evening Night Shift.

I Decided to work some overtime tonight.

Tax Free baby!

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fc282d No.21580266


IP hop pffft

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9690fa No.21580267

File: 88f14f647902a2c⋯.webm (1.25 MB,720x552,30:23,springfield.webm)

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71b539 No.21580268

File: 1ec8d761bf71942⋯.png (1.33 MB,644x899,644:899,santa.png)

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490b55 No.21580269

File: b103ca84a225ba8⋯.png (427.01 KB,526x658,263:329,ClipboardImage.png)


Dana Walden

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81f729 No.21580270

File: b0c8b86be47d2a6⋯.webm (471.63 KB,576x1024,9:16,1721624779046784.webm)



Psssssssssst…….I'm in my 30s not my 60s


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19b529 No.21580271


Grampa monkey's isn't big deal

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929278 No.21580272

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c74969 No.21580273


CGI the rest

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13e36c No.21580274


holy hell it's the new skeletor

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94fef9 No.21580275

File: 033306017ce2a8c⋯.png (117.53 KB,1000x953,1000:953,Irzq3foFm5E62sKS4YaeKVVvki….png)


Good thing your a bartender, because you tips won't be taxed either!

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71b539 No.21580276

File: 09462e633be6a8e⋯.png (308.56 KB,463x622,463:622,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ceef9 No.21580277

Called it. Pretty annoying

One of the big problems for campaign director Brian Fallon,is Kamala’s linguistic pattern, ie. how she talks. There has never been a successful politician in history who talks through their nose in a nasal dialect; it is just too annoying to the average ear.

The same principle applies in business; there are very few people in leadership positions with linguistic afflictions (nasal talkers specifically). The only person with nasal linguistics (speech and dialect patterns) who came close to success, was Ross Perot.


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19b529 No.21580278


Nobody is Very dank Indian


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fa3352 No.21580279

File: 48d8960332bf1be⋯.png (568.03 KB,684x547,684:547,SLCM.png)



As Ma admitted in the plea agreement, in March 2001, over a decade after he resigned from the CIA, Ma was contacted by SSSB intelligence officers, who asked Ma to arrange a meeting between CC #1 and the SSSB.

Baker Notable

Spring 2001. About two years after the Clinton administration flew cruise missiles into the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. And around a month before the Chinese downed the US Navy EP-3 on Hainan Island with 24 aircrew captured and detained. And six months before 9-11-2001 when a Chinese Submarine launched cruise missiles against the Pentagon and, accidentally against, that field in Pennsylvania.

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490b55 No.21580280


Well at least we know SHE isn't eating the cats and dogs. LOL

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24a51d No.21580281

Alright I’ve had enough fun playing with y’all. Let me go gather some news.

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d9bfc5 No.21580282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gary Richrath - Flying Turkey Trot

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fc282d No.21580283


Eating disorder

Easily manipulated

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980610 No.21580284



do you like tall heel and lingerie

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9805fe No.21580285

File: b72e45254682ced⋯.png (4.29 KB,152x123,152:123,ClipboardImage.png)

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114a9f No.21580286


Who signed off the Red X? Somebodies in trouble…

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a649fe No.21580287

File: 2857f46eafb5e68⋯.png (1.18 MB,800x759,800:759,30b551654b06e886a0a31db51b….png)

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e96529 No.21580288


he doesn't.

rally locations can't handle the individual cars. gotta park somewhere.

rather than make people walk, they provide busses

just like a football game or at daytona for the race.

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c379c2 No.21580289

File: d4668913253389c⋯.jpg (23.63 KB,474x388,237:194,d4668913253389c8ee741c6337….jpg)


Hell Yeah

Bartenders for TRUMP2024

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b956dd No.21580290

File: a316e1147c46338⋯.mp4 (7.93 MB,640x368,40:23,While_he_needed_a_little_Q….mp4)


>interesting that they come here

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71b539 No.21580291

File: eaf1a1d214924fc⋯.jpg (102.6 KB,710x710,1:1,fuckoff7.jpg)

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df989f No.21580292

File: 2d404a43c5ff930⋯.png (87.23 KB,640x426,320:213,dtdstjsgdjsgj.png)

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799e85 No.21580293


How the hell old is this picture? It looks so old I think I saw her in Leisure Suit Larry.

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980610 No.21580294


jamoree is 365 daze

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7fff8e No.21580296

File: 6a86edab2ecc4fe⋯.jpg (3.21 MB,4032x2268,16:9,6a86edab2ecc4fe0886a14a4af….jpg)



i'll 2nd that

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7315c9 No.21580297

File: 7f806fd69623e38⋯.png (115.76 KB,364x330,182:165,ClipboardImage.png)


>Good thing your a bartender, because you tips won't be taxed either!

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980610 No.21580298



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19b529 No.21580299

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81f729 No.21580300

File: 29d9528d8da3385⋯.mp4 (14.02 MB,1066x600,533:300,29d9528d8da33852ae6c50469a….mp4)



Are you looking for a woman anon?

You did not find one.

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c379c2 No.21580301

Trump is grabbing the Cat Lady voters by the pussy.

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f32066 No.21580302

File: 3e6ecc5af5725d0⋯.jpg (244.97 KB,984x757,984:757,Custom_Image_1209202420340….jpg)

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9805fe No.21580303

File: 757c6a0d3878b07⋯.png (1.07 MB,1320x1056,5:4,BOGAY1713d28ae52a064f.png)

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19b529 No.21580304


what you have is ugly as Gary mums

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1c4b6e No.21580305


I seriously have to agree with this, as many or more times than he said it. (If I only could say it out loud!)

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d4af66 No.21580306

File: 01cf96763d52206⋯.png (701.01 KB,666x500,333:250,01cf96763d522060b89484e6fc….png)

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1955c4 No.21580307


In Europe, American "football" is known as "armoured catch"

Travis should try Rugby

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fc282d No.21580308

File: 4dff5f70d05be0b⋯.png (658.13 KB,1293x560,1293:560,ClipboardImage.png)

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43876d No.21580309

File: df43662db910490⋯.png (197.29 KB,583x1824,583:1824,zuckerbuckstakenoverbybide….png)

BIDENBUCKS: The Biden-Harris regime used the 2022 election as a trial run to use federal tax dollars to replicate and expand Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan's so-called 'Zuckbucks' effort using HUD in 2020. This year they have expanded the effort to EVERY federal agency and they're refusing to allow ANY oversight from Congress.

Without any fanfare or mainstream media reporting HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge rolled out a Chan Zuckerberg Initiative-Style election effort in the 3,000+ Public Housing Agencies she managed. Secretary Fudge was given more than a billion dollars and orders to build a nationwide election infrastructure on top of the nation’s 3,000+ Public Housing Agencies. As a result, she was able to multiply the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s 2020 election successes by more than ten times - expanding it from five states to all fifty.

When Democrats learned that Mark Zuckerberg had decided to discontinue his effort to build election infrastructure they looked to the government to fill the void. The billionaire invested more than $400 million in the 2020 presidential election to help election officials in five swing states set up parallel election infrastructure consisting of thousands of ballot drop boxes, voter registration efforts targeted at Democrat communities, and the personnel to manage and maintain them. To fill that gap the Biden-Harris regime signed the Executive Order 14019 on Promoting Access to Voting on March 7, 2021. Six months later Biden allocated more than $5 billion for the effort including more than a billion dollars for the Department of Housing and Urban Development and outlined specific actions to be taken by the agency.

Secretary Fudge stepped down in March but her initiative was expanded to include ALL 15 cabinet secretaries - each of whom were directed to implement Executive Order 14019. Flush with more than $4 billion in taxpayer funds these political appointees have been able to use the infrastructure, personel, and power of their federal agencies to duplicate HUD's efforts to mobilize voters in Democrat communities - under the guise of mobilizing 'historically disenfranchised groups'.

The Chairman of the House Administration Committee @RepBryanSteil

correctly pointed out that this effort violates the Constitution's 'times, places, and manner of elections' clause. As a result Steil issued subpoenas to 15 cabinet secretaries on June 13, 2024, demanding they provide documents related to their strategic plans for implementing the executive order. These plans were originally supposed to be submitted to the White House under the guidance of then-Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice. Despite Steil's repeated requests, the agencies have only provided publicly available information effectively stonewalling the committee. The plan seems to be to run out the clock before the November election.

Democrats have repeatedly attempted to pass legislation that would nationalize federal elections. Their most recent effort was called “Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act” (H.R.5746) and would have turned over elections to unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats from the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ which is headed by Kristen Clarke who has written extensively on race claiming that Blacks have “greater mental, physical, and spiritual abilities” than other races. Republicans blocked the legislation but Biden’s EO has opened the backdoor allowing for the creation of a de facto National Election Infrastructure.

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799e85 No.21580310

Interviewer: what do you do?

Pepe: I'm a shitposter.

Interviewer: do you have any hobbies?

Pepe: No, I'm a workaholic.

Keep it up frens.

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dbcf6a No.21580311


DHS is C_A. C_A is traitors special agency. What did Blumenthal expect?

The Foreign Office will try again. King Charles insists.

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863788 No.21580312

File: 5ebdd60d3f35464⋯.mp4 (211.6 KB,640x360,16:9,prostitutor.mp4)

Tim Walz just said Kamala started her career as a "young prostitutor."


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71b539 No.21580313

File: 2a17496dff466fd⋯.png (115.39 KB,592x324,148:81,barry71.png)

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9384d6 No.21580314

File: 04a890ab105c454⋯.jpeg (126.18 KB,968x876,242:219,IMG_0369.jpeg)

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13e36c No.21580315


she probably just drinks the red stuff

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43876d No.21580316

File: 48ad6fa52716208⋯.png (628.67 KB,583x2198,583:2198,zuckerbuckstakenoverbybide….png)


HUD, flush with almost a billion dollars in startup capital on top of the $48 billion the agency already receives, features a majority-minority workforce almost completely made up of registered Democrats. These dedicated Democrats provide services to a majority-minority population who live in 958,000 public housing units and typically identify as Democrats but are traditionally unreliable voters. By using HUD’s massive footprint and infrastructure Democrats are guaranteed to bring these unreliable voters into the fold and provide a federal election beachhead into every state in the union. Observers have pointed out that having a federal employee actively running a de facto partisan election agency would violate the Hatch Act. In fact, the Office of Special Counsel investigated Fudge before she left office and determined she had, indeed, violated the Hatch Act issuing her a stern warning.

On its face, the president’s EO sounds innocent enough. But in practice, it provides Democrats with a blank check to create a permanent national election infrastructure. DNC operatives and NGOs aligned with the Democratic Party are ‘helping’ Public Housing Authorities read between the lines to understand the actual intent of the president’s EO - to create a massive election machine designed to increase the Democratic representation in federal elections. To that end, HUD has notified PHAs that they are to use Section 8 administration fees and public housing operating subsidies to fund the following mandates:

- HUD is requiring each of the nation’s 3,000+ Public Housing Agencies (PHA) to apply to each state to become official ‘Voter Registration Agencies’ including the hiring of staff to manage election-related efforts. Designation is designed to protect their electioneering efforts from scrutiny.

- Where PHAs cannot submit voter registrations electronically they are required to stock voter registration forms along with procedures for conducting regular voter registration drives. PHAs are instructed to collect completed applications and transmit them to election officials on a regular basis as permitted by law.

- PHAs are to create ‘safe community spaces’ with adequate technology to support candidate forums, phone banking, ballot distribution/collection, and in-person early and election day voting (power outlets, HVAC, internet, etc).

- HUD is collaborating with local election officials to locate one or more HUD approved/ provided/ funded/ serviced voter ballot drop boxes in each public housing unit operated by a PHA. The collaboration will ensure compliance with local laws and allow for legal challenges as necessary.

- HUD is collaborating with local election officials to ensure that at least one or more in-person voting site is located in facilities managed and controlled by each PHA to facilitate both early and election-day voting.

HUD has instructed PHAs to fund ‘Resident Advisory Boards’ to assist with electioneering efforts. For example, RABs may use federal funds to provide transportation to ANY voter enabling them to vote at a PHA voting location or any other voting location in the area.

- HUD is providing PHAs with funds to hire homeless outreach staff to ensure that every homeless person is registered to vote. U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness has provided guidance to PHAs that they can use the PHA’s address for the homeless person regardless of rules, regulations, or laws stating otherwise. It is expected that PHAs will handle 10X as many ballots for the homeless than they do for residents.

Publicly, HUD has stated:

“PHAs must not fund partisan political facilities or activities. Additionally, PHAs should not suggest that benefits are tied to voting activity, nor should they give the appearance that voting and voter registration are not voluntary activities. Additionally, PHAs should follow all applicable civil rights laws, including those that ensure voting processes are accessible for individuals with disabilities.”

Of course, this is what is going on at just ONE of the fifteen agencies ordered by the Biden-Harris regime to use their vast resources to implement similar efforts. We have no idea what the other agencies have done - we likely won't know until it is too late. But if what happened in 2022 with JUST the efforts of HUD - I can't imagine what the Democrats could do with all 15 federal agencies working in unison to elect Democrats.

To me it appears that only one Republican - Rep Bryan Steil is even working on this issue and he's being stonewalled by the entire administration. There are a number of independent journalists working on the story like @KimWexlerMAJD

but it is such a massive story/scandal it is overwhelming.


Part 2

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c379c2 No.21580317

File: 4cba1096b9a2147⋯.png (606.8 KB,434x680,217:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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980610 No.21580318


at the moment got no time for pussy, the main clam is math, the perfect Lady could waltz into muh life. she can't do the timestamp math. if she can, vey single

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19b529 No.21580319


not Gary day


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dbcf6a No.21580320


Only if they are good and fresh.

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0ceef9 No.21580321


Seriously what to hell is that? Does she have bean stalks for legs?

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2787a7 No.21580322

File: 5bd0f90290c3824⋯.jpeg (999.24 KB,1125x1813,1125:1813,IMG_4037.jpeg)

File: 4d6270638a358ee⋯.jpeg (223.37 KB,1125x448,1125:448,IMG_4036.jpeg)

Trumpy had a small crowd in Tucson today. I think it was more than 550 tho. I’m pretty fair.


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006389 No.21580323

File: eac097c62ae6261⋯.png (569.94 KB,665x721,95:103,5593b6a7806a415fb3430a846e….png)

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81f729 No.21580324

File: 8dcbb06a410cf71⋯.png (489.38 KB,720x649,720:649,1724446682191831.png)

File: e3ec757eccef545⋯.png (1.1 MB,881x1015,881:1015,1722365553376515.png)

File: 93eb099d451babd⋯.jpeg (67.87 KB,500x539,500:539,93eb099d451babd52518382fa….jpeg)

File: 987dc8d7d48683a⋯.jpg (58.65 KB,377x376,377:376,987dc8d7d48683a80f00eb4495….jpg)

File: d637937c91b38df⋯.jpg (116.27 KB,655x425,131:85,d637937c91b38df52bf2c798b4….jpg)

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929278 No.21580325

DEI Lead SS agent for POTUS failed tests!

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799e85 No.21580326


Fuck. I got a new phone. Where's the gary is this tall Hitler meme when you need it? Lol

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2787a7 No.21580327


Vid at link….

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863788 No.21580328

File: 1cf92499beccab0⋯.png (637.41 KB,960x691,960:691,1cf92499beccab0858989879ec….png)

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dbcf6a No.21580329


Trump should go there to bait Kamala

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71b539 No.21580330

File: 9d4f3bfe3bf821b⋯.png (292.02 KB,710x812,355:406,ClipboardImage.png)

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19b529 No.21580331


You look 15s

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df989f No.21580332

File: 5b62c68f8a101a1⋯.png (73.21 KB,500x627,500:627,zfhzfzfzf.png)

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d9bfc5 No.21580333

File: 5e974a90883675e⋯.jpg (982.76 KB,2500x2500,1:1,5e974a90883675ea295afb0b2b….jpg)

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1c4b6e No.21580334


Aren't they responsible for image? Who let her do that.Why does she look like she has two kneecaps?

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18ac33 No.21580335


prostitutor turned prostitraitors

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d4af66 No.21580336

File: e73eefb7e509dd0⋯.png (1.28 MB,1536x1025,1536:1025,ClipboardImage.png)

Company says Kamala Harris’ debate earrings strikingly similar to its Bluetooth device, offers to make ones for Trump

A tech company has added fuel to the Kamala Harris earrings conspiracy theory after quipping that her debate night jewelry is strikingly similar to the Bluetooth devices it makes — and has even offered to design “orange” ones for Donald Trump.

Claims that Harris, 59, was fitted with clip-on audio headphones disguised as pearl earrings for her showdown against the former president, 78, have been spreading like wildfire on social media in the wake of Tuesday’s presidential debate.

Now, Germany-based company Icebach Sound Solutions has weighed in on the viral saga after conspiracy-minded Trump supporters claimed the vice president was wearing a pair of its Bluetooth devices — the Nova H1 Audio Earring.


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fc282d No.21580337

File: 3488dab03aac5b9⋯.png (862.75 KB,975x467,975:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00fd37734441f7a⋯.png (629.71 KB,977x411,977:411,ClipboardImage.png)


A party member who studied at St Andrews University worked at various consulates in Shanghai including that of the UK;

Chinese academics who swore the oath to assist the party attended British universities where they were involved in potentially sensitive areas of research including aerospace engineering and chemistry;

There were more than 600 party members across 19 branches working at the British banks HSBC and Standard Chartered in 2016. Both have drawn criticism for their response to Beijing's crackdown in Hong Kong;

The pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and AstraZeneca – both involved in the development of coronavirus vaccines – employed a total 123 party loyalists;

Firms with defence industry interests including Airbus, Boeing and Rolls-Royce employed hundreds of party members.

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7fff8e No.21580338

File: 14076b95aa6cedf⋯.jpg (69.45 KB,512x419,512:419,14076b95aa6cedf2ad2b38e47d….jpg)

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aefd1b No.21580339


Funny thing.

The NFL seems to think its fan base are all Trans Swifties that love DEI and voting for Wimmin.

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2cffe3 No.21580340


digis check 'em

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71b539 No.21580341

File: ca083415c93e4eb⋯.png (714.41 KB,895x847,895:847,ClipboardImage.png)

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563e01 No.21580342


>disregarded over democracy

Over "their" democracy, Anon. Funny how there is no diversity of thought allowed in "their" democracy too.

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006389 No.21580343

File: 7225fae65393c0b⋯.jpg (198.06 KB,1280x1024,5:4,7225fae65393c0be1a9539ea23….jpg)

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19b529 No.21580344

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81f729 No.21580345

File: 963f5c0aa933eb0⋯.png (30.32 KB,473x252,473:252,qaggdropimage391.png)

File: bf6980193777a02⋯.png (60.72 KB,473x623,473:623,qaggdropimage996.png)

File: 601269322ef81d4⋯.png (41.23 KB,473x392,473:392,qaggdropimage997.png)

File: 7fbc914a0b0e678⋯.png (44.56 KB,473x315,473:315,qaggdropimage1972.png)

File: 437e79130549f73⋯.png (17.05 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage2203.png)

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94f38b No.21580346


Do these people have jobs? Oh, right…

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0ab0b9 No.21580347


Will we see those pink pussy hats at the next rally?

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a649fe No.21580348

File: 915e65fb622d215⋯.png (223.08 KB,474x370,237:185,ClipboardImage.png)

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563e01 No.21580349

Sometimes forget? I like that. Means down to Earth.

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ed7476 No.21580350

File: d1ed6b23d8a2967⋯.png (117.13 KB,335x401,335:401,91f1315c3ee30da722d69918cc….png)

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df989f No.21580351

File: 646720a5639caf7⋯.png (27.25 KB,400x400,1:1,aGyep40_700bwp.png)


next game will be fun to watch

He will hear it, whatever based fans come up with

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03f1c8 No.21580352

File: fc43b753ef038d0⋯.jpeg (179.52 KB,1440x818,720:409,1546028880.jpeg)

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1d9da5 No.21580353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5b5050 No.21580354


Football player at Cincinnati. I’m sure it was a quality education as all football players come out of college just brimming with knowledge.

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81f729 No.21580355

File: e24ff78ace3b996⋯.png (43.84 KB,473x371,473:371,qaggdropimage2268.png)

File: 214b278cf19e684⋯.png (28.06 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage2737.png)

File: ef918edcde01831⋯.png (93.75 KB,473x749,473:749,qaggdropimage4437.png)

File: 989507640423b1e⋯.png (221.13 KB,473x835,473:835,qaggdropimage4508.png)

File: 227e908e8d144ec⋯.png (109.77 KB,473x710,473:710,qaggdropimage4815.png)


Sorry pal. I'm a guy who does timestamps and well ……

I don't think princess numberz wizzerd is in this castle.

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980610 No.21580356

File: 8815b064911a745⋯.jpeg (10.93 KB,275x183,275:183,images_2024_09_12T204539_….jpeg)

File: 616ce0b53f13969⋯.gif (60.43 KB,512x224,16:7,unnamed.gif)

File: 4191c5fe2cc341e⋯.jpeg (26.06 KB,739x415,739:415,images_2024_09_09T180228_….jpeg)

File: 91a14521ef460bb⋯.jpg (33.41 KB,355x540,71:108,2ea3rd7.jpg)

File: d38b2ebecbaf039⋯.gif (8.09 MB,600x400,3:2,icegame.gif)

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f32066 No.21580357


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799e85 No.21580358


Walz was a choice because PA's election fraud will be completely epic under Shapiro. I'm talking 150% turnout in some precincts. I'd bet on it. In 2020 he said he wouldn't allow Trump to win here. I don't expect anything less now. They've already said it may take days to count the votes in the state this time. You must SHOW them.

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2787a7 No.21580359

File: 30492a0f0f1937f⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB,1125x1562,1125:1562,IMG_4038.jpeg)


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5b1521 No.21580360

File: 3a54d507b792e16⋯.jpeg (635.37 KB,828x1101,276:367,23BEC336_46F0_455F_A69D_D….jpeg)

C-17 tail cone lands in the parking lot of Divine Redeemer School.

US Military = Savior of Mankind


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0ceef9 No.21580361


Its does look comfy

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2787a7 No.21580362

File: 8df2f2e40d36809⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1125x1602,125:178,IMG_4039.jpeg)



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563e01 No.21580363

File: 9d3df23af5b5195⋯.jpg (10.08 KB,217x255,217:255,b0bc355f40081bc43ef9e84f6c….jpg)


>Travis should try Rugby

Better than football, IMO. Played football in high school and played rugby in the local beer league for a couple years in my 20s and had a blast.

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987532 No.21580364

notables @ 535


>>21579764, >>21579847 Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) says forthcoming report on J13 "will absolutely shock the American people"

>>21579906 The Kamala Harris campaign bussing in thousands of people for her rally in North Carolina

>>21579919 Ohio Governor Mike DeWine operates a charity in Haiti, which has built a network of schools

>>21579935, >>21579957, >>21579979, >>21580003, >>21580016, >>21580047 Executive Orders: President Trump v President Biden (cont'd)

>>21579948 DHS Secretary Mayorkas upset over Texas' efforts to maintain a border

>>21579968 New York Police Commissioner Resigns Amid Federal Probe

>>21579982 DJT: People are saying that Comrade Kamala Harris had the questions from Fake News ABC - I would say it is very likely

>>21579987 Trump pledges to eliminate taxes on overtime

>>21580076 Abu Dhabi Imposes Mandatory ‘Gene Testing’ Before Marriage

>>21580089 Military officials investigating a rear tail cone from a C-17 aircraft falling off and landing in a a school parking lot

>>21580122 DJT: The Department of Justice just released brand new Crime Data showing I was absolutely and completely right at the Debate

>>21580161 Former CIA Operative Handed 10-Year Sentence in Honolulu for Espionage on Behalf of China

>>21580185 Hi+

>>21580213 Woman Suing Rudy Giuliani For Sexual Harassment Was Previously Sued for Racketeering and Extorting “High Net Worth Men”

>>21580277 Kamala Harris will likely be the only U.S. presidential candidate in history to never hold a press conference

>>21580309, >>21580316 HUD

>>21580312 Tim Walz just said Kamala started her career as a "young prostitutor"

>>21579738, >>21579872, >>21579980, >>21580037, >>21580052, >>21580066, >>21580129, >>21580276 Memes


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1955c4 No.21580365

File: 7d2ab9c690fdecb⋯.jpg (49.15 KB,600x449,600:449,Sexy_Bartender.jpg)

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2787a7 No.21580366


This has to be her biggest crowd besides convention I think! Do it Greensboro!

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e6a781 No.21580367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

UK first classroom with no teachers using AI learning

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71b539 No.21580368

File: ce79cae3e027ce7⋯.png (557.03 KB,710x372,355:186,whitepower5.png)

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81f729 No.21580369

File: 724e3d9501479f2⋯.webm (2.55 MB,480x856,60:107,1721831956844046.webm)

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006389 No.21580370

File: 658a3061ccfb821⋯.png (110.62 KB,429x485,429:485,658a3061ccfb821ea6ee9629ee….png)

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d6b5a3 No.21580371

File: 208aa0a8fc949be⋯.mp4 (8.84 MB,576x1024,9:16,Biden_Harris_vs_Trump.mp4)

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0ceef9 No.21580372


Vengeance is mine says jealous Kamabla

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18ac33 No.21580373


how do you get it? do pilgrims bring 2 cats and 2 dogs white penance immigrant reparation offering

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1d0987 No.21580374

File: 93c4ca2bdedd8af⋯.png (150.53 KB,400x399,400:399,93c4ca2bdedd8af3dc2c2259e5….png)

Sit back and take a moment to ponder the fact that we seized control of cat memes two months before the election.

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71b539 No.21580375

File: 48cb27b0d85a758⋯.png (1.14 MB,739x1021,739:1021,cardboard.png)

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a649fe No.21580376

File: 1ef9c6b78a7e777⋯.png (666.18 KB,680x619,680:619,1ef9c6b78a7e777a05d73e7981….png)


all at once?

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563e01 No.21580377

Back in the day when being around others was possible due to liquor. Especially free beer.

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13f478 No.21580378

File: abb462b8fc196df⋯.mp4 (3.22 MB,854x480,427:240,susukitty.mp4)

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18ac33 No.21580379


baking 2 pots - anon

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81f729 No.21580380



Fineeeeeeee I'll go get a beer gosh.

>Twish my arm why dont you :p

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19b529 No.21580381


Absorb the attack so you don't get butthurt


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a649fe No.21580382

File: 98ad0596c6d900c⋯.jpg (43.03 KB,530x471,530:471,c484b9381a21bd4ad139aba1a2….jpg)


cat memes secured

loaded and ready for release

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03f1c8 No.21580383

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006389 No.21580384

File: 6f8062abf478825⋯.gif (5.63 MB,600x450,4:3,6f8062abf478825d01d2788583….gif)

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114a9f No.21580385


US Military = Poorly trained maintainers, I did an entire dissertation for the Air Force on the topic, they seemed pleased at the idea that our workforce was becoming more incompetent.

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d4af66 No.21580386

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ad0968 No.21580387

File: a72466321a59266⋯.webm (1.41 MB,1280x720,16:9,1726188187824121691_video….webm)

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9c7c0b No.21580388

File: 8faedaee25b0b2e⋯.mp4 (532.21 KB,1280x720,16:9,SaveTwitter_Net_KzB0M5eILQ….mp4)

prostituter kek

OOF! Tampon Tim refers to Kamala Harris as a "young prostituter."


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980610 No.21580389

File: 000f913d015ac33⋯.jpg (306.21 KB,1523x2048,1523:2048,ayoyapf5efn91.jpg)


the flag girl holding that sign the mirror opposite is stop.

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84baf2 No.21580390

File: cfebb2c15faeea4⋯.png (961.29 KB,750x563,750:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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006389 No.21580391

File: 01dbe0638e7e525⋯.gif (5.36 MB,600x901,600:901,01dbe0638e7e525897d1233858….gif)

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71b539 No.21580392

File: aa36ea270b4f357⋯.png (268.93 KB,668x705,668:705,ClipboardImage.png)

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94f38b No.21580393


Should have executed Yuk Ching Ma and friends years ago.

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9acf33 No.21580394

They get paid bonuses for saying climate change in an article

Just like tweets or Instagram

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19b529 No.21580395


it looks 36 and half

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03f1c8 No.21580396

File: ad896a55395c1a2⋯.jpg (124.81 KB,1800x1200,3:2,ratio3x2_1800.jpg)


>young prostituter.

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563e01 No.21580397

File: a06333100400202⋯.png (375.53 KB,589x541,589:541,ClipboardImage.png)


Those pesky cellphones. KEK!

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13f478 No.21580398

Tomorrow is a big Illuminati sacrifice day, fyi.

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9bac3a No.21580399

File: 56898a493b36d73⋯.png (9.68 MB,2508x1672,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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b956dd No.21580400


>offered to design “orange” ones for Donald Trump

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980610 No.21580401

File: 65b5a0a0a7c0933⋯.jpeg (8.15 KB,341x147,341:147,download_48_.jpeg)

File: 52fe457821f3c5f⋯.png (1.63 MB,766x4152,383:2076,1827_1_.png)

File: 75ba5b588f60336⋯.jpeg (245.59 KB,945x712,945:712,75ba5b588f603368c5c7148e0….jpeg)

File: 0be6542d62ba123⋯.jpeg (43.39 KB,736x552,4:3,0be6542d62ba1238cc21fe45a….jpeg)

File: 22854220d56cb09⋯.jpeg (407.08 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,GWLJ8zuWkAE6wY_.jpeg)

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563e01 No.21580402

>>21580397 (me; update)

Grabbed the wrong sauce on the tweet.

GPS—5,003 mobile devices at Kamala Harris’ rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Thursday afternoon at Bojangles Coliseum. It appears over 3,600 came from Georgia. Mainly Atlanta, Georgia and approximately 720 from Savannah, Georgia.

https:// x.com/TonySeruga/status/1834357902146241010

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7315c9 No.21580403


>OOF! Tampon Tim refers to Kamala Harris as a "young prostituter."


Kamala is not young.

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d9bfc5 No.21580404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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19b529 No.21580405


Who you talking too

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863788 No.21580406

File: f15a8ba77537591⋯.jpg (705.35 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1518624696834.jpg)


let's be honest

The cat meme where always ours ever since the very first Caturday

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f32066 No.21580407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1955c4 No.21580408

File: bee9b79cc2deff6⋯.png (587.75 KB,768x772,192:193,2ebde5df4bcb1b19c287d9be48….png)

File: 4f24b87f7e76927⋯.png (350.45 KB,500x500,1:1,4f24b87f7e76927244f72d6643….png)

File: 7b0486a92566c63⋯.png (622.54 KB,610x700,61:70,7b0486a92566c632554823e1ab….png)

File: 1ee81056239b0a2⋯.png (175.19 KB,500x692,125:173,1ee81056239b0a2b47102ab531….png)


And to think I was going to clean out that folder

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94f38b No.21580409


DEI fast tracks infiltration faster than AA did. Maybe I will live to see the traitors getting shot by their handlers.

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71b539 No.21580410

File: 86103065d4bef61⋯.png (563.58 KB,506x500,253:250,86103065d4bef610e0b6edbd45….png)

File: ced9c25bac907ea⋯.png (1.87 MB,1220x1060,61:53,ced9c25bac907ea7fea1e2c914….png)

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563e01 No.21580411

File: 90cf5ff984a7fe6⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB,1080x1920,9:16,rockwell.mp4)

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b956dd No.21580412



you guys are so gay and you don't even know it

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fd94b4 No.21580413

File: 07c3af82d121d37⋯.png (92.22 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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43876d No.21580414

File: e2d8b833be0bc6d⋯.png (51.74 KB,274x152,137:76,jokerkamalala.png)

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9c7c0b No.21580415

File: 1ea713664a079ed⋯.png (124.65 KB,732x880,183:220,Screen_Shot_2021_10_10_at_….png)



if you were smart you would know this is part of the controlled demolition. you really think Walz mispoke there or was he told to say it?

dumb fucks. better get ready.

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9384d6 No.21580416

File: e0c7d615b780b73⋯.jpeg (85.01 KB,500x540,25:27,IMG_0188.jpeg)

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e43a15 No.21580417

File: f92f737312d46f7⋯.jpeg (886.59 KB,1125x1760,225:352,IMG_4040.jpeg)


“A stain on society”

I like that and soooo true!

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13f478 No.21580418

File: da08efd2cd2c438⋯.png (92.16 KB,411x590,411:590,ClipboardImage.png)


>SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

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9bac3a No.21580419

File: 33810fc90981313⋯.png (185.92 KB,571x477,571:477,ClipboardImage.png)

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03f1c8 No.21580420

File: f26a9333dbd3b0a⋯.jpg (366.54 KB,1070x916,535:458,20200425_175913.jpg)

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11e070 No.21580421

File: 4503c13d52d92d1⋯.jpg (25.28 KB,400x400,1:1,Kitty_looking_side_ways.jpg)

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a649fe No.21580422

File: 2ffd471ac8dc03f⋯.jpg (64.29 KB,500x690,50:69,2ffd471ac8dc03f9b0a31b1110….jpg)

File: 6a3ae3b2d4c02f5⋯.jpg (77.57 KB,752x499,752:499,2wi9bi_245034572.jpg)

File: 683ddb9335a0b43⋯.jpg (64.05 KB,500x632,125:158,683ddb9335a0b43152db4191ca….jpg)

File: e41cae7de9f7f80⋯.jpg (56.44 KB,500x494,250:247,e41cae7de9f7f8054846c639c8….jpg)

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144339 No.21580423

File: 0ba34d47e17c1ef⋯.jpg (93.75 KB,483x619,483:619,WIN_BAKER.jpg)

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c2a04c No.21580424

File: c0f83bdd5c4f14c⋯.jpg (117.19 KB,615x730,123:146,Screenshot_2024_09_12_2104….jpg)

File: 469b66d4d70b692⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,320x568,40:71,tump_letter.mp4)

The real Donald Trump

Dear Liam,

Happy 8th birthday. Mrs. Trump and I hope you enjoy this special occasion surrounded by the love of your family and friends.

We are so encouraged by the strength and determination you have shown throughout your young life and send our best love and wishes to you as you continue to fight.

Remember you are never alone and we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers for continued care and good health.

May God bless you and your family. Stay strong.


President Donald J. Trump


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563e01 No.21580425

File: 59f0d9448b14773⋯.png (1.82 MB,1445x867,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)


KEK. For after.

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0ab0b9 No.21580426

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71b539 No.21580427

File: fa9463c489af90d⋯.png (333.15 KB,454x526,227:263,faggotmittens.png)

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94f38b No.21580428


She must have sucked a lot of dick if her didn't go into a court room upright until she was a prostitutor.

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6c787c No.21580429

File: 8d3fddd3fef34e0⋯.jpg (360.68 KB,1099x1470,157:210,GA7.jpg)


TY Baker

NightShift is Open

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863788 No.21580430

File: 5d130e5a4736307⋯.jpg (40.38 KB,640x625,128:125,1412235633237.jpg)


it's not gay unless the dicks are touching

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980610 No.21580431

File: fcd6329a776a671⋯.jpeg (8.66 KB,250x201,250:201,images_2024_09_12T210342_….jpeg)

File: 41563241ea45299⋯.jpg (58.04 KB,413x612,413:612,Dutch_locator.jpg)

File: ced5ff6d2fe0395⋯.jpg (95.32 KB,1000x835,200:167,acoustic_locator_3.jpg)

File: e1b1ed59434e75c⋯.jpg (127.12 KB,794x1072,397:536,il_794xN_4924052158_8hqb.jpg)


dunno, your coming in all broken and retarded.

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799e85 No.21580432

File: 941df56f5eeeb17⋯.jpg (100.99 KB,500x704,125:176,93brtz.jpg)

Socialism of the memes.

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71b539 No.21580433


Trump makes cripple cry

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19b529 No.21580434


All causes of cat revolt happens

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d6b5a3 No.21580435

File: c95f2d4c6d05616⋯.png (471.97 KB,512x768,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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980610 No.21580436

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563e01 No.21580437


At the end it's like he kind of does the Jeremiah Johnson nod.

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71b539 No.21580438

File: 7b99f4de6b569f1⋯.jpeg (68.88 KB,680x510,4:3,7b99f4de6b569f11490aaa1bd….jpeg)

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13f478 No.21580439

File: 4667fee7a256364⋯.png (221.98 KB,375x677,375:677,Screenshot_2024_09_08_0933….png)


Praying for Liam!

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d4af66 No.21580440

File: ec0d5a9b5bae3e7⋯.jpg (27.64 KB,474x474,1:1,ec0d5a9b5bae3e723727ba03ac….jpg)

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f32066 No.21580441


See what happens, when's the party?

Stroke of midnight tonight during the whole day?

Fuckin assholes

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e43a15 No.21580442

File: e0b8ae7ae375c62⋯.jpeg (733.48 KB,1125x1332,125:148,IMG_4041.jpeg)

Damn! Homegirl is on fire!!!!!


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0ab0b9 No.21580443


Like he is looking right at (you)

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94f38b No.21580444

File: 547a18ab7073ebb⋯.png (673.75 KB,904x500,226:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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18ac33 No.21580445



likened to long nails fracking the chalk board

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006389 No.21580446

File: 606079e1baf262b⋯.gif (810.07 KB,400x225,16:9,606079e1baf262b0af3743e7c1….gif)

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5b1521 No.21580447


I feel precipiced!

These dumbasses are definitely going to do it.

I know this is all a show but let’s hope nobody fucks up here.

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144339 No.21580448

File: dde8803f0230b4c⋯.jpg (143.05 KB,744x567,248:189,SCREEEECH.jpg)

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13f529 No.21580449


I was at a Trump rally and took a bus from the parking lot to the event location. That's probably what this quote is referring to.

Busses from the parking lot to the rally site are not the same as bussing people in from other towns/cities/states.

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ac8845 No.21580450

File: 4234352f2f4c3f9⋯.png (245.24 KB,930x620,3:2,IMG_2729.png)



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ba2941 No.21580451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some nice aurora borealis in Greenland nao:

Scroll back for the past hour on the video timeline to see it in action.




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19b529 No.21580452


nice flat face

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a2a463 No.21580453

File: 4b221fc70e4daa7⋯.png (124.63 KB,728x410,364:205,ClipboardImage.png)

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2212c2 No.21580454

File: 7aed5dc70e8c110⋯.png (11.39 MB,2500x3367,2500:3367,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ab0b9 No.21580455


Thank God you're alive Pig.

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006389 No.21580456

File: 571c9e5fa191c94⋯.jpg (92.15 KB,720x757,720:757,1711419259018035.jpg)

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9acf33 No.21580457

File: b50db66f333b49b⋯.jpeg (48.27 KB,497x884,497:884,download_74.jpeg)

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563e01 No.21580458

File: 77971c47316324d⋯.png (223.28 KB,597x328,597:328,ClipboardImage.png)


Who's cutting onions? That smile and then the emotion hit him. That's a strong video.

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81f729 No.21580459

File: a2d32ab26c2c011⋯.png (32.27 KB,473x287,473:287,qaggdropimage3174.png)

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0849cb No.21580460


do they spy on trump by his phone

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144339 No.21580461

File: 74826de811c596f⋯.jpg (73.56 KB,659x369,659:369,BOX.jpg)

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006389 No.21580462

File: de22dcb6abd9394⋯.png (2.18 MB,1920x1280,3:2,de22dcb6abd9394ef9dc8a6ab6….png)

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d6b5a3 No.21580463

File: 244a5a623224c40⋯.png (602.54 KB,512x768,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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2212c2 No.21580464

File: e1c6f2b7762318b⋯.png (568.5 KB,500x533,500:533,ClipboardImage.png)

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71b539 No.21580465

File: 5eb533bc4979327⋯.jpg (71.18 KB,750x500,3:2,5eb533bc497932726674a2efa0….jpg)

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8cf69e No.21580466

File: 0db64178b67f9d8⋯.gif (379.84 KB,240x136,30:17,3z13.gif)

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144339 No.21580467

File: 8d4200e82139d77⋯.jpg (97.19 KB,734x445,734:445,AURORA_2NIGHT.jpg)

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43876d No.21580468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


She bothers Lindsey Graham; She must be better than I thought?

Loomer song.


My Bloody Valentine




Tiptoe down

To the holy places

Where you going now

Don't turn around

Little girls

In their party dresses

Didn't like

Anything there

Pretty boys

With their sunshine faces

Carrying their

Heads down

Tiptoe down

To the lonely places

Where you going now

Don't turn around

Seems very satanic.

remember that pic of Loomer next to the bloody bath tub?

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ac8845 No.21580469

File: d560744527c5a59⋯.png (180.28 KB,390x604,195:302,IMG_2341.png)

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ad4d4e No.21580470

Q Team:

Please checkout western neighbor light at the top western part of their house, it seems to a be a radiation emitting light as it doesn't give off much light, is slightly reddish in nature and seems to hurt your eyes to look at it. This could be one part of a two part system for microwave triangulation. This house is rigged as even when the owner was on a bike ride I got hit with a damp gust of air as I cut my lawn which caused severe cornea problems within 5 minutes. No one has the money to have workers at their house for hours at a time 3 times a week unless being paid for by DS pockets.

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e6a781 No.21580471

File: d87c6dc8e1bc413⋯.jpg (234 KB,680x680,1:1,myp.jpg)

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799e85 No.21580472

File: 598230bfe8c7f40⋯.jpg (54.82 KB,500x500,1:1,93bsm0.jpg)

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a649fe No.21580473

File: 2499aaff692aa54⋯.png (448.74 KB,500x533,500:533,ClipboardImage.png)

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8cf69e No.21580474

File: f82547aa5f53144⋯.webp (1.19 MB,320x181,320:181,3z13a.webp)

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8cf69e No.21580475

File: 5b8eea8b1290a7c⋯.gif (1.37 MB,320x180,16:9,3z15.gif)

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4bb5db No.21580476

I didn't know kitty porn was allowed here.

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8cf69e No.21580477

File: d3b17f5785b5342⋯.jpg (25.36 KB,474x367,474:367,3z14b.jpg)

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8cf69e No.21580478

File: 17550d37889b65d⋯.jpg (32.57 KB,940x529,940:529,3z14.jpg)

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13f478 No.21580479

File: 980470605427ffd⋯.png (131.86 KB,889x485,889:485,ClipboardImage.png)

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8cf69e No.21580480

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,4CHOOSEPAIN.png)

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43876d No.21580481


rereadin the lyrics, it's not so bad

"Tiptoe down to the holy places

Where you are going now.

Don't turn around"

The "music" though to me sounds really nasty.

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18ac33 No.21580482

ain't goinG back - work to do

cat's and dog's in every migrants pot

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006389 No.21580483

File: a9b9048af11be5e⋯.jpg (70.62 KB,534x503,534:503,1660033974374355.jpg)

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980610 No.21580484

File: 8a6af076c7a2bdd⋯.jpeg (495.5 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GWq_5wka8AI_OpY.jpeg)

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5b5050 No.21580485


So election fraud/money laundering is now known as fire?

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8cf69e No.21580486

File: d0f5fff3c3764db⋯.gif (499.58 KB,480x228,40:19,4choosepainpussy.gif)

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1d9da5 No.21580487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8cf69e No.21580488

File: 88b050c1112a819⋯.gif (6.34 MB,620x471,620:471,200OIJ.gif)

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f32066 No.21580489



Been one of those weeks

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41ecbc No.21580490


Liar liar pants on fire.

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6774a1 No.21580491

File: a443655c442e441⋯.jpg (154.04 KB,1000x949,1000:949,Hand_of_God.jpg)

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8cf69e No.21580492

File: 0289cbb20af2b32⋯.jpg (36.61 KB,485x323,485:323,3z9a.jpg)

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81f729 No.21580493


4 chan = 4 channel

8 chan = 8 channel

Idk the rest is probably classified

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13f529 No.21580494


Inbreds be inbred,

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006389 No.21580495

File: f2a8549ad1c0b67⋯.jpeg (18.35 KB,255x247,255:247,f2a8549ad1c0b6754c0d9a086….jpeg)

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1955c4 No.21580496

File: c8e950650fcf274⋯.png (90.38 KB,255x181,255:181,c8e950650fcf27487bf6f96853….png)

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980610 No.21580497

File: dc93bf442f98297⋯.png (575.66 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240911_193847.png)

File: 3818f49b6a16225⋯.png (523.53 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240911_193853.png)

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94f38b No.21580498

File: a24bc0184647d65⋯.png (6.97 MB,2048x2048,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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7fff8e No.21580499

File: 3fb85ce1580af24⋯.png (245.5 KB,1063x1063,1:1,3fb85ce1580af24d83f6bde173….png)



but you had to do it, right, with no way around it, I suppose?

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d9bfc5 No.21580501


top kek

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c3c54b No.21580502

Dan, can we see your photos of Trumps crowd today?

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980610 No.21580503

File: 00b1ae5a2c3a092⋯.jpg (39.75 KB,600x461,600:461,BtACwvnCEAAsEGQ.jpg)

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006389 No.21580504

File: be636b3a9d19ac3⋯.gif (1.66 MB,333x281,333:281,be636b3a9d19ac3d1bff57ee9b….gif)

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2ddd3f No.21580505

File: e26e6a51b3222ec⋯.jpg (11.43 KB,255x199,255:199,2_PEPE_TRUMP3.jpg)

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edc265 No.21580506

"Smart Meters" good or Bad?


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144339 No.21580507

File: a53676638530dc8⋯.jpg (55.53 KB,348x423,116:141,MEGAMAGA_PLUS.jpg)

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1955c4 No.21580508

File: 13599ab1897c48b⋯.jpg (101.17 KB,598x800,299:400,13599ab1897c48bec3c4c5ea0e….jpg)

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2ddd3f No.21580509

File: d705e14fd941830⋯.png (199.25 KB,600x600,1:1,2_PEPE_TRUMP.png)

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6f4625 No.21580510


>"Smart Meters" good or Bad?


just what i want…

a microwave transmitter attached to my house

and it enables a faggot in an office 100 miles away to turn off my power

thank you sir may i have another?

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4411fd No.21580511

File: a6411b4a01c96a8⋯.jpg (94.12 KB,900x851,900:851,smoke.jpg)

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!

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13f478 No.21580512

File: 2ace1609ff2cf0a⋯.png (489.36 KB,838x571,838:571,ClipboardImage.png)

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94f38b No.21580513

File: cfd514228b14310⋯.png (1009.29 KB,620x787,620:787,ClipboardImage.png)

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59b6a0 No.21580514

notables @ 680


>>21579764, >>21579847 Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) says forthcoming report on J13 "will absolutely shock the American people"

>>21579906 The Kamala Harris campaign bussing in thousands of people for her rally in North Carolina

>>21579919 Ohio Governor Mike DeWine operates a charity in Haiti, which has built a network of schools

>>21579935, >>21579957, >>21579979, >>21580003, >>21580016, >>21580047 Executive Orders: President Trump v President Biden (cont'd)

>>21579948 DHS Secretary Mayorkas upset over Texas' efforts to maintain a border

>>21579968 New York Police Commissioner Resigns Amid Federal Probe

>>21579982 DJT: People are saying that Comrade Kamala Harris had the questions from Fake News ABC - I would say it is very likely

>>21579987 Trump pledges to eliminate taxes on overtime

>>21580076 Abu Dhabi Imposes Mandatory ‘Gene Testing’ Before Marriage

>>21580089 Military officials investigating a rear tail cone from a C-17 aircraft falling off and landing in a a school parking lot

>>21580122 DJT: The Department of Justice just released brand new Crime Data showing I was absolutely and completely right at the Debate

>>21580161 Former CIA Operative Handed 10-Year Sentence in Honolulu for Espionage on Behalf of China

>>21580185 Hi+

>>21580213 Woman Suing Rudy Giuliani For Sexual Harassment Was Previously Sued for Racketeering and Extorting “High Net Worth Men”

>>21580277 Kamala Harris will likely be the only U.S. presidential candidate in history to never hold a press conference

>>21580309, >>21580316 HUD

>>21580312 Tim Walz just said Kamala started her career as a "young prostitutor"

>>21580424 President Sends Beautiful and Touching Birthday Letter to Young Boy With Rare Brain Disorder, Bringing Him to Tears

>>21579738, >>21579872, >>21579980, >>21580037, >>21580052, >>21580066, >>21580129, >>21580276, >>21580464 Memes


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71b539 No.21580515

File: 1bc69a0192689a4⋯.png (542.78 KB,680x848,85:106,ClipboardImage.png)

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7fff8e No.21580516

File: 0a43c1719685558⋯.jpg (265.89 KB,1030x1874,515:937,0a43c1719685558d34850d023b….jpg)


>edc265 (1)

>Go, niggers, I'm a "journalist"! answer already!


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4bb5db No.21580517

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1955c4 No.21580518


"according to the campaign"

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f2765c No.21580519

File: 48922e280b12e33⋯.jpeg (209.57 KB,1024x684,256:171,IMG_4606.jpeg)

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c4821d No.21580520



white hats in control, looks like. amazing.

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0626d0 No.21580522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Invite her to a debate and Xi'll discover the format after Xi accepts

FLASHBACK] Pelosi: We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it

36K views · 10 years ago…more



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ca1b78 No.21580523

File: b0d79f9006f7c3d⋯.png (1.27 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

it's been a thing since 2008, and still in 2024?

how the fuck do these things survive 16 years any more?

used to be some music slut would last 2 years at best

unless they were friendly with msm like madonna the cunt

even madonna the cunt was not really a big deal after 16 years

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c4821d No.21580524


you won the filter

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2ddd3f No.21580525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1955c4 No.21580526


You again?

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2ddd3f No.21580527

File: afafe869a07d8b6⋯.gif (1.76 MB,600x600,1:1,djt7bdance.gif)

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d6b5a3 No.21580528

File: 155a9072484e158⋯.png (1.29 MB,1271x715,1271:715,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d0987 No.21580529

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Spacex launce in 20 minutes


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81f729 No.21580530

File: 4fe712da63c9f03⋯.jpg (9.83 KB,319x319,1:1,1723393212549073.jpg)

File: 8d8ecac5bba82c3⋯.jpg (75.93 KB,676x680,169:170,1723389203857056.jpg)

File: b3358fb60b4e7a7⋯.jpg (21.85 KB,1024x625,1024:625,1722655000188969.jpg)

File: 671562d6da977bc⋯.jpg (1.36 MB,2560x2560,1:1,671562d6da977bcc2075549ee8….jpg)

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980610 No.21580531

File: c692ebd4c3a01a7⋯.jpg (185.65 KB,1164x1411,1164:1411,xasia78bm3jb1.jpg)

File: 5fd5a730d3c10d2⋯.jpg (168.35 KB,1000x1000,1:1,61nugOnEbTL_UF1000_1000_QL….jpg)

File: 5df783a1ae0c841⋯.png (297.06 KB,473x712,473:712,5df783a1ae0c84173b8e08c290….png)

File: 3954f7493eb41d7⋯.png (1.24 MB,1214x960,607:480,3954f7493eb41d7adad143b891….png)

File: bb37a51c00979b1⋯.jpeg (400.65 KB,2048x1536,4:3,GXIaAuKWcAA2rIy.jpeg)


3 dog night bitches

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2ddd3f No.21580532

File: 9b00c3cd09faa34⋯.gif (1.21 MB,294x350,21:25,djt7adance.gif)

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2ddd3f No.21580533

File: 35972aa76829549⋯.gif (627.48 KB,220x361,220:361,djt7_dance.gif)

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ac8845 No.21580534

File: fd7b15ba75d4a87⋯.png (330.16 KB,422x460,211:230,IMG_3958.png)

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2ddd3f No.21580535

File: bf51439bbe991dc⋯.jpeg (12.16 KB,255x204,5:4,bf51439bbe991dc256fdf3aeb….jpeg)

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2ddd3f No.21580536

File: 3f172a2ab61f104⋯.jpg (35.73 KB,800x430,80:43,1iq23l.jpg)

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f32066 No.21580537



Been one of those weeks

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2ddd3f No.21580538

File: 96f1badec73e74a⋯.jpg (84.46 KB,1160x773,1160:773,96f1badec73e74a4aeb0576286….jpg)

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676d71 No.21580539

File: 2d29745f5fa0f8f⋯.png (229.48 KB,974x1596,487:798,586.png)

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a2a463 No.21580540


You rank 'minimum' on the smart meter

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d4af66 No.21580541

File: d646e64dd466d63⋯.png (291.67 KB,450x290,45:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ddd3f No.21580542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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59b6a0 No.21580543

notables @ 710


>>21579764, >>21579847 Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) says forthcoming report on J13 "will absolutely shock the American people"

>>21579906 The Kamala Harris campaign bussing in thousands of people for her rally in North Carolina

>>21579919 Ohio Governor Mike DeWine operates a charity in Haiti, which has built a network of schools

>>21579935, >>21579957, >>21579979, >>21580003, >>21580016, >>21580047 Executive Orders: President Trump v President Biden (cont'd)

>>21579948 DHS Secretary Mayorkas upset over Texas' efforts to maintain a border

>>21579968 New York Police Commissioner Resigns Amid Federal Probe

>>21579982 DJT: People are saying that Comrade Kamala Harris had the questions from Fake News ABC - I would say it is very likely

>>21579987 Trump pledges to eliminate taxes on overtime

>>21580076 Abu Dhabi Imposes Mandatory ‘Gene Testing’ Before Marriage

>>21580089 Military officials investigating a rear tail cone from a C-17 aircraft falling off and landing in a a school parking lot

>>21580122 DJT: The Department of Justice just released brand new Crime Data showing I was absolutely and completely right at the Debate

>>21580161 Former CIA Operative Handed 10-Year Sentence in Honolulu for Espionage on Behalf of China

>>21580185 Hi+

>>21580213 Woman Suing Rudy Giuliani For Sexual Harassment Was Previously Sued for Racketeering and Extorting “High Net Worth Men”

>>21580277 Kamala Harris will likely be the only U.S. presidential candidate in history to never hold a press conference

>>21580309, >>21580316 HUD

>>21580312 Tim Walz just said Kamala started her career as a "young prostitutor"

>>21580424 President Sends Beautiful and Touching Birthday Letter to Young Boy With Rare Brain Disorder, Bringing Him to Tears

>>21579738, >>21579872, >>21579980, >>21580037, >>21580066, >>21580129, >>21580276, >>21580387, >>21580464, >>21580496 Memes


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ca1b78 No.21580544

File: 73365b4bf3f4d25⋯.png (166.95 KB,1200x742,600:371,ClipboardImage.png)

croweyism on 9/11

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2ddd3f No.21580545

File: ba2cfda113072c3⋯.png (543.88 KB,634x547,634:547,ba2cfda113072c359778083331….png)

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2ddd3f No.21580546

File: 25d5414c93af98f⋯.jpeg (158.6 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1da1.jpeg)

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2ddd3f No.21580547

File: 63743c7d5d2b9c2⋯.png (326.31 KB,575x458,575:458,63743c7d5d2b9c2d7f2052147a….png)

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59b6a0 No.21580548

notables FINAL


>>21579764, >>21579847 Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) says forthcoming report on J13 "will absolutely shock the American people"

>>21579906 The Kamala Harris campaign bussing in thousands of people for her rally in North Carolina

>>21579919 Ohio Governor Mike DeWine operates a charity in Haiti, which has built a network of schools

>>21579935, >>21579957, >>21579979, >>21580003, >>21580016, >>21580047 Executive Orders: President Trump v President Biden (cont'd)

>>21579948 DHS Secretary Mayorkas upset over Texas' efforts to maintain a border

>>21579968 New York Police Commissioner Resigns Amid Federal Probe

>>21579982 DJT: People are saying that Comrade Kamala Harris had the questions from Fake News ABC - I would say it is very likely

>>21579987 Trump pledges to eliminate taxes on overtime

>>21580076 Abu Dhabi Imposes Mandatory ‘Gene Testing’ Before Marriage

>>21580089 Military officials investigating a rear tail cone from a C-17 aircraft falling off and landing in a a school parking lot

>>21580122 DJT: The Department of Justice just released brand new Crime Data showing I was absolutely and completely right at the Debate

>>21580161 Former CIA Operative Handed 10-Year Sentence in Honolulu for Espionage on Behalf of China

>>21580185 Hi+

>>21580213 Woman Suing Rudy Giuliani For Sexual Harassment Was Previously Sued for Racketeering and Extorting “High Net Worth Men”

>>21580277 Kamala Harris will likely be the only U.S. presidential candidate in history to never hold a press conference

>>21580309, >>21580316 HUD

>>21580312 Tim Walz just said Kamala started her career as a "young prostitutor"

>>21580424 President Sends Beautiful and Touching Birthday Letter to Young Boy With Rare Brain Disorder, Bringing Him to Tears

>>21579738, >>21579872, >>21579980, >>21580037, >>21580066, >>21580129, >>21580276, >>21580387, >>21580464, >>21580496 Memes


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2ddd3f No.21580549

File: 0ce545b582d9313⋯.jpg (995.79 KB,1290x1606,645:803,01f.jpg)

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71b539 No.21580550

File: f3123f9004312fe⋯.png (209.89 KB,339x479,339:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ddd3f No.21580552

File: a37af2bdd6d6c94⋯.png (1.9 MB,1822x960,911:480,00.png)

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f77f1f No.21580553


What if Kamala wins but becomes coherent and smart and does all the right things. Makes America Great Again. Would that be a sign that white hats have been and are in control?

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2ddd3f No.21580555

File: d1e44c330a406b5⋯.jpg (14.61 KB,254x255,254:255,00b8771af1be6daebf9099c2c7….jpg)

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d4af66 No.21580556

File: c8cfb51f05d3dee⋯.png (356.97 KB,500x500,1:1,c8cfb51f05d3dee1c1d0e93ab8….png)

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81f729 No.21580559

File: 155a9072484e158⋯.png (1.29 MB,1271x715,1271:715,155a9072484e1589df1a6c08c0….png)

File: 7d75192b5de841f⋯.png (81.27 KB,473x602,11:14,qaggdropimage183.png)

File: 88ee4117bf564b9⋯.png (242.19 KB,473x1128,473:1128,qaggdropimage1158.png)

File: e8cbe1e57cbab38⋯.png (480.29 KB,473x2270,473:2270,qaggdropimage1159.png)

File: 228fee7673cae72⋯.png (204.34 KB,473x771,473:771,qaggdropimage4837.png)


Timestamps are important.

Just who's timestamps and why?

Thats how discernment works.

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2ddd3f No.21580561

File: aa9df401530de90⋯.webp (56.06 KB,660x358,330:179,aa9df401530de9093653228d0….webp)

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2ddd3f No.21580563

File: 78fadcaaf4e5495⋯.png (598.42 KB,1200x1004,300:251,castleclean.png)

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ac8845 No.21580564

File: f7cb47d8d86a8ab⋯.png (618.07 KB,661x900,661:900,IMG_2470.png)

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fc282d No.21580566

IMF backs BRICS expansion

Enhanced international economic cooperation should be “welcomed and encouraged,” the fund’s spokeswoman has said

When asked if the IMF “sees any dangers in BRICS,” Kozack replied, “our view is that improved and expanding international cooperation and deepening trade and investment ties among groups of countries should be welcomed and encouraged,” especially if aimed at “reducing fragmentation and lowering trade and investment costs” among participating nations.


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2ddd3f No.21580567

File: a1034da182426de⋯.png (1.05 MB,1364x984,341:246,Untitled.png)

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59b6a0 No.21580568

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2ddd3f No.21580569

File: b0e85ff0b6df148⋯.png (11.96 KB,226x255,226:255,1e.png)

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11e070 No.21580571

File: 26cf6dd06bcf505⋯.jpg (334.36 KB,2048x2048,1:1,26cf6dd06bcf505b6edfb6dc82….jpg)

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2ddd3f No.21580572

File: 7c4aee9cd26605a⋯.gif (457.61 KB,200x186,100:93,DJT_AGREE.gif)

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ca1b78 No.21580574

File: 2104d9bca69d30a⋯.png (48.8 KB,161x180,161:180,ClipboardImage.png)


>gay bait

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aefd1b No.21580575

File: 9892172d2b6330c⋯.gif (2.76 MB,320x320,1:1,asl_american.gif)

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2ddd3f No.21580576

File: d53a3940cc37a66⋯.jpeg (84.33 KB,1563x879,521:293,d53a3940cc37a662875a8a988….jpeg)

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1955c4 No.21580577

File: 26a869752781c2b⋯.png (126.53 KB,373x414,373:414,a1152e07937fe9ceef528efa9e….png)

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2ddd3f No.21580578

File: 25ada648ba11c99⋯.gif (1.7 MB,200x200,1:1,djt11electric.gif)

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ca1b78 No.21580580


people that do weird shit to pets for clicks should be publicly circumcised for clicks

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2ddd3f No.21580581

File: 6cca20acca76ed9⋯.gif (403.71 KB,1200x1000,6:5,0000ridelightning.gif)

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a5aa1b No.21580582

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f32066 No.21580584

File: ca73f32536b17dc⋯.jpg (353.06 KB,1536x2040,64:85,1000001069.jpg)

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6f4625 No.21580585

File: 5341bdcb48dc533⋯.jpg (83.58 KB,985x554,985:554,pevil.jpg)


>Pelosi: We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it

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fc282d No.21580593

File: 63daaeeede2694a⋯.png (29.73 KB,548x233,548:233,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel strips foreign journalists of accreditation

The Qatari network “constitutes a threat to the IDF,” according to a government statement

On Thursday, the Israeli government’s press office (GPO) stated on X that it is “revoking the GPO cards of Al Jazeera journalists working in Israel (subject to a hearing), following the unanimous government decision in May to shut down the channel in Israel and prohibit its broadcasts.”

The statement also quoted press service director Nitzan Chen as saying that “Al Jazeera disseminates false content, which includes incitement against Israelis and Jews and constitutes a threat to IDF soldiers.”


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4bb5db No.21580594


I'll say it, that made me squirt water out of my eyes

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980610 No.21580597

File: 2b0eeec0cc72f70⋯.gif (977.69 KB,454x352,227:176,tumblr_myjvli8ucY1s25r86o1….gif)

File: c4ab4adb61f5fca⋯.gif (486.68 KB,430x320,43:32,NeOn_1_.gif)

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7315c9 No.21580607

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0626d0 No.21580613


Invite Kamala to debate and be a stand up guy..

Harris was supposed to be there, THEY lied, again.

was delayed for more than a half hour due to technical issues.

Harris was invited to address NABJ attendees but did not come because of scheduling conflicts, NABJ leaders said

https://www.npr.org › 2024 › 08 › 01 › nx-s1-5060269 › trump-nabj-appearance-controversy

Trump's appearance before Black journalists highlights an … - NPR

Aug 1, 2024Trump's appearance pushed NABJ to face tension between its status as a journalism

They set him up and then suggest with these headlines

Trumps appearance before Black journalists leads to memorable confrontation with ABC's Rachel Scott


July 31, 2024

4 min read


It all seems disconnected but it's the same mind, if you will.

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4bb5db No.21580616


Why does he look so evil all the time?

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bfd27a No.21580621



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9384d6 No.21580625

File: 4b401029b729383⋯.jpeg (31.75 KB,460x416,115:104,IMG_0444.jpeg)

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