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File: 6762dfcd2fc84a0⋯.jpg (20.56 KB,255x174,85:58,000ggg.jpg)

6515e1 No.21570616 [View All]

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c5eb9e No.21571550

File: 384b1b0644c19a7⋯.jpeg (70.62 KB,692x1152,173:288,Munk_Soros_Hungarians.jpeg)

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bfdfef No.21571551


so she openly admitted to having committed treason and she can still walk around freely?


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8f1bc2 No.21571552

File: 9b962e92c22f22a⋯.png (1.19 MB,1392x788,348:197,ClipboardImage.png)

The Babylon Bee




Woman Who Made Career Singing About Her Bad Choices Endorses Kamala


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bba6e1 No.21571553

I can't wait to see the neo-con globohomo lose their final wars. Long live BRICS+

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c5eb9e No.21571554

File: ef172866fef72d2⋯.png (387.55 KB,968x899,968:899,MunkstanSuperRich.png)

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6515e1 No.21571555

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c5eb9e No.21571556

File: 701107d22380a38⋯.jpg (92.74 KB,656x459,656:459,MunkYellowBrickRd.jpg)

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c5eb9e No.21571557

File: 73a8cec7dd2cb0d⋯.jpg (662.72 KB,764x960,191:240,NBC_Andy_Lack_suppressed_W….jpg)

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bf3202 No.21571558

File: 099e6ae46a72a77⋯.mp4 (666.84 KB,336x270,56:45,afganconditioe6ae46a72a770….mp4)

why you show me a picture of my house Donald?

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6515e1 No.21571559


#26464 >>21570645

>>21570677, >>21570807, >>21571115, >>21571148, >>21571148 Swamp Swampenins

>>21570704 Towers down timeline

>>21570751 RAHEEM J. KASSAM: DEBATE ANALYSIS: Trump Showed Righteous Indignation, Kamala Peddled Smug, Scripted Platitudes.

>>21570760 Trump baits and the media line up to prove him wrong

>>21570775, >>21570849 @DanScavino President Trump and Senator JD Vance stop by FDNY Engine 4/Tower Ladder 15 on South Street in New York City. #NeverForget

>>21570780, >>21570815, >>21570819, >>21570844, >>21570868, >>21570897 Phillip Marshal, Fmr Airline Capt. book exposed 911 narriative as lie he and fam deded

>>21570820 Maggie Goodlander, a former Justice Department official and political newcomer, won the Democratic primary for New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District

>>21570831, >>21571189 Kelly Ayotte and Joyce Craig to face off in New Hampshire governor's race, Ayotte will win GOP primary to succeed Gov. Chris Sununu

>>21570851 Air Canada Prepares for Orderly Shutdown to Mitigate Customer Impact Resulting from Labour Disruption

>>21570843, >>21570858 Jimmy Dore says 9/11 still being used today to determine U.S. foreign policy


>>21570867, >>21571033, >>21571129, >>21571333, >>21571429 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day


>>21570904 @VDHanson The Candy Crowley Debate

>>21570924 Raheem Kassam: Donald Trump was righteous in debate with Harris - she was smug and scripted, expert says

>>21570930, >>21570955 Gray Lady sings the Blues

>>21570951 James Corbett Discusses 9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money

>>21570969 September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor: The Mystery of the Passenger Phone Calls

>>21570989 Thermite Demolition controlled

>>21571010, >>21571034 NEO/Matrix 911

>>21571053 Eastern Economic Forum - EEF

>>21571088, >>21571111 Former Project 2025 Leader Accuses Trump Campaign Advisers of ‘Malpractice

>>21571094 Watkins rt: I am sure that /yellowvests/ is going to drive a lot of traffic to your site soon. Hoping to quickly become the number one board

>>21571141 Mapped: How late in pregnancy states allow abortions

>>21571161 ICYMI: President Trump: I'd like to see her go down to Washington D.C. and sign an Executive Order to close up the border. They have the right to do it.

>>21571175 Keep those Cat memes coming. Watching Swalwell lose it yesterday was pure gold.

>>21571206 Spain’s ‘sea of plastic’ in Almeria ‘wins’ NASA prize of being the most visible man-made object from the International Space Station

>>21571235 100%! ABC Debate Moderator David Muir Hosts Most Pro-Harris, Left-Wing Newscast

>>21571246 EU Commits €100M to Improve Competitiveness of European Space Industry

>>21571263 FOIA FBI dancing Israelis

>>21571274 How to get kicked out of China’s Communist Party

>>21571306 FOX and Friends 9/11/24 [7AM] FULL END SHOW | FOX BREAKIN NEWS TRUMP September 11, 2024

>>21571312, >>21571314 Speaker Mike Johnson’s government funding plan already crumbling with at least 6 GOP no votes

>>21571328 Kris Kobach: Debunking The Lies Of Kamala And The Biden/Harris Administration

>>21571413 @DanScavino One Tower

>>21571466 More journalistic election interference propaganda:

>>21571471 Watch a Russian Soyuz rocket launch 3 astronauts to the ISS today

>>21571510, >>21571514 Biden Regime Greenlights Direct War Against Russia???


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013666 No.21571560

File: ba25ccd0ead0f60⋯.mp4 (14.78 MB,1280x720,16:9,911_BURNED_CARS_POINT_to_B….mp4)


cars align w/DEW

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12e061 No.21571561

dem witches so unhinged they cling to every word of the gospel

and the KUN. it's a WOMAN TRANSITION by default - the argument just lies as to why you want to hurt someone so much


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95fc3f No.21571562

File: b41d5ba849df630⋯.jpg (63.57 KB,592x485,592:485,Net_Neutrality.jpg)

File: 9abfe93fc0e1f58⋯.png (58.55 KB,663x514,663:514,Net_Neutrality.png)

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36ef75 No.21571563


the entire government is corrupt and participated in as well as enabled a coup of a duly elected president being trump

they overthrew the will of the people to enrich themselves and special interest groups

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2c49ac No.21571564


They can be fair when the main agenda was to get rid of Biden.

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95fc3f No.21571565

File: 3ab22c4ca4fa803⋯.png (389.29 KB,600x424,75:53,NHAnthraxMSM.png)

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fee338 No.21571566

File: 98efd3601a2503a⋯.png (51.85 KB,473x392,473:392,qaggdropimage1533.png)

File: 0e3611937d5312d⋯.png (255.87 KB,473x1311,473:1311,qaggdropimage1335_1.png)

File: 5f000ac24a85170⋯.png (32.91 KB,473x273,473:273,qaggdropimage460_6.png)



February 8th 2023

February 12th 2023

Sky event.


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bf3202 No.21571567

File: 9f2d257fc677064⋯.jpeg (199.34 KB,1024x605,1024:605,9f2d257fc6770649c9497478f….jpeg)

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428178 No.21571568

File: c2580de34798842⋯.jpg (149.56 KB,640x427,640:427,1_Pavillion_Building_Floor….jpg)

File: a1247b7fadb7102⋯.jpg (83.86 KB,600x481,600:481,hart_island.jpg)

File: 366caa80313c6d0⋯.jpg (151.39 KB,1024x683,1024:683,hart_island2.jpg)

File: cd0209c9073b751⋯.gif (5.01 MB,400x224,25:14,The_Dead_Of_Hart_Island_Or….gif)


dunno but this whole subject relates to HART ISLAND

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7080e5 No.21571569

File: df368c8851a9f77⋯.jpg (75.78 KB,968x873,968:873,photo_2024_09_10_18_33_10.jpg)

https://t.me/bioclandestine/3861Holy shit…

Kamala just said she’s the “only one onstage who has prosecuted transnational criminal originations trafficking weapons, drugs, and humans”.

Executive order 13773 was one of the first things Trump did when he came into office in 2017.

Meanwhile, Kamala and the Dems have done everything in their power to prevent Trump from building a wall, and they said human trafficking was a conspiracy theory.

Kamala is completely full of shit, and actually evil.

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95fc3f No.21571570

File: 657142ee5b7ecdf⋯.jpg (64.12 KB,620x413,620:413,NK_CIA_phony_proxy_state.jpg)

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3725d6 No.21571573

Either we all start to cooperate (instead of compeeting)

or we all perish

think twice

think mirror

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bba6e1 No.21571574


Too bad those demonic bastards are losing that war anyway lol.

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95fc3f No.21571575

File: 03e9ee856c37849⋯.jpg (89.19 KB,960x540,16:9,NK_SpaceX_Facebook_Rothsch….jpg)

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bf3202 No.21571576

File: e9db8bef1081fa9⋯.jpg (97.16 KB,800x449,800:449,e9db8bef1081fa9e097f1638b8….jpg)

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7a73c0 No.21571577


yeah and she lost her brain many years before that.

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8f1bc2 No.21571579

File: b75902cec8bc5d1⋯.png (105.67 KB,1124x300,281:75,ClipboardImage.png)

Yossi Gestetner





Trump has a LARGER LEAD on immigration post-debate than Harris has on abortion!

TRUMP LEADS on Commander in Chief question despite this issue being the MAIN attack by Harris.

Over to you





Show more


Yossi Gestetner




Replying to @YossiGestetner @DonaldJTrumpJr and 14 others


Post Debate, CNN Instant Poll:

55-35 Trump lead on economy.

56-33 Trump lead on IMMIGRATION!

49-43 Trump lead on being Commander in Chief (HAHA, Cheney)

49-40 Harris lead to protect democracy.

52-31 Harris lead on abortion.

This debate was a DISASTER for Harris!


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4fb5b4 No.21571580

File: d7487eefd818bd3⋯.png (383.51 KB,737x429,67:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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0db8d8 No.21571581

File: da80484fabe34a1⋯.jpeg (48.85 KB,673x515,673:515,Not_Allowed_to_Criticize.jpeg)

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0db8d8 No.21571582

File: b0d52351d29925c⋯.jpg (192.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Nothing_beyond_our_reach.jpg)

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0db8d8 No.21571583

File: b03cde7ba9004ab⋯.jpg (51.82 KB,670x456,335:228,NotJoking1.jpg)

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ebbbf4 No.21571585

File: 193111418e00d50⋯.png (19.84 KB,600x477,200:159,servlet.png)

File: 381248adde139c0⋯.png (20.05 KB,600x477,200:159,servlet.png)


There hasn't been a monthly green since month #1 and the weekly is in a red downtrend. I would wait. IMHO.

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0db8d8 No.21571586

File: 8683c2bb79bdb88⋯.jpeg (132.28 KB,644x959,92:137,NotJoking4.jpeg)

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0db8d8 No.21571587

File: f35129b9dd7e4f6⋯.jpg (73.88 KB,670x701,670:701,NotJoking7.jpg)

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6515e1 No.21571588

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3a1cb4 No.21571590

File: 34809680a487eaa⋯.jpg (6.08 MB,4491x3361,4491:3361,US_Flag_Backlit.jpg)

God bless the family's of the fallen 1r and citizens that lost their lives in 911.

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0db8d8 No.21571591

File: 7f7c3e063a470dd⋯.jpeg (91.84 KB,670x935,134:187,NotJoking8.jpeg)

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bba6e1 No.21571592


Cooperate? With what? Communist 'green new deal' tyranny, neo-con wars, gun grabs and open border destabilization? Nah, let the bastards perish.

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0db8d8 No.21571593

File: 6c807f547e1b879⋯.jpg (103.97 KB,500x546,250:273,NWO_Bouvet_Island.jpg)

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956757 No.21571595


ah but i see 11.22.33 on a 911 call for 11 22

and shown 1331


my baseline is not est ;)

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35c6df No.21571596


Trump's podium and mic seemed proportionally lower than Harris' causing him to hunch over when speaking. This effect was also enhanced with a slight downward camera angle.

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b6cd7f No.21571598

File: 2e21c14700b7f54⋯.png (3.01 MB,1098x1532,549:766,Trump_Coach_Q_Research_bas….png)

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12e061 No.21571599

strategist pushing the reason why Trump policies rule – and they wonder why he do

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5b4ef3 No.21571600

File: 5350492697c83f8⋯.jpg (18.33 KB,250x300,5:6,Obama_a_male_lover_2.jpg)

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fee338 No.21571601

Flattery and favors?


Fake news.


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5b4ef3 No.21571603

File: 7c97f4349fb1317⋯.jpg (19.96 KB,255x218,255:218,Obama_allah_ring.jpg)

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5b4ef3 No.21571605

File: 283bba86c747d61⋯.jpeg (58.41 KB,850x350,17:7,Obama_and_boyfriend.jpeg)

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5b4ef3 No.21571606

File: 930f859e8a0af48⋯.jpeg (110.71 KB,634x542,317:271,Obama_and_Jarrett.jpeg)

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8b76c5 No.21571608

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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5b4ef3 No.21571609

File: 20a53309dce55c8⋯.jpg (207.53 KB,1440x1440,1:1,Obama_arrest_traitor.jpg)

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