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File: 692e479d76fee19⋯.png (728.54 KB,1049x716,1049:716,692e479d76fee19422d745eead….png)

a25e9e No.21569863 [View All]

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701 posts and 406 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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6a56f5 No.21570600


Greg and Jessie or Judge Janine LOL that might be fun

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4a2902 No.21570601

Come Allah Heiress

the black eyes was a nice touch

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98f736 No.21570602

File: 54d105a7515d5cc⋯.pdf (74.02 KB,28th_Amendment.pdf)

Proposed 28th Amendment



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8f024c No.21570603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hey Q++

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34cd59 No.21570604


Trump is shook

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99dcd8 No.21570605

File: fa20bf5d8b32d5c⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB,640x360,16:9,CNN_1997_Osama_Bin_Laden_d….mp4)

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24cab5 No.21570606


It looks like Bryan's mother (Bambi Heck) is Principal of a private Christian school in the next town over. I bet Bryan's kids aren't going to school with little Haitian children.

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683879 No.21570607

File: f6698dcfc9c5ac6⋯.jpeg (109.99 KB,975x1720,195:344,IMG_3690.jpeg)


In all honesty, I was very oblique.

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f88823 No.21570608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4d9faf No.21570609

File: f423fc882f1212e⋯.jpeg (19.01 KB,255x255,1:1,vote_for_biden.jpeg)

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717fea No.21570610

File: 30235e3ae766c0f⋯.jpg (49.52 KB,1080x577,1080:577,1723994488263714.jpg)

File: 7b8b5e1f906c1f2⋯.png (40.89 KB,473x350,473:350,qaggdropimage654_1.png)

File: e03aa1a8f3e3906⋯.png (28.32 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage390_1.png)

File: 0613bab75a73154⋯.png (20.49 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage711_1.png)

File: e8265d23f1805f5⋯.png (482 KB,473x1912,473:1912,qaggdropimage819.png)

6:54 into the debate.

"I'll do it again"

I told you.


Now comes the pain.


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864a63 No.21570611


why not the two black dudes - or do black lives not matter no moar? any of em would kick ass

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34cd59 No.21570612


Wow. Starting with this already. Harris winning is part of muh plan now. Pathetic

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c4e985 No.21570613


#26423 >>21569873

>>21570328 10:00 AM EDT LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Commemorates the 9/11 Attacks - 9/11/24

>>21569903, >>21569904, >>21569915, >>21569948, >>21569909, >>21569911, >>21569921, >>21569922, >>21569925, >>21569929, >>21570031, >>21570249, >>21570002, >>21570033, >>21570044, >>21570059 Not a debate opines

>>21569937 54 Days to WINNING

>>21569939, >>21569924 RFK Jr blasts 'clearly biased' ABC debate moderators

>>21569943, >>21570008, >>21570079, >>21570306 NOVA H1 Audio Hearrings

>>21569944 Hannity: "She wants a second debate."President Trump: "She wants it because she lost."

>>21569952 Tren de Aragua has taken over a hotel in the Texas border city of El Paso

>>21569958 A pastor who received a life sentence of hard labor in North Korea said he witnessed the hearts of his captors soften after they heard his sermons

>>21570024 BRICS Confirms 159 Participants Will Adopt New Global Payment System, Abandon US Dollar

>>21570063, >>21570068, >>21570071, >>21570082, >>21570147 RINOS/ opines

>>21570078 @KamalaHarris I stopped by a debate watch party in Philly before the end of the night. Hard work is good work. And we are going to win.

>>21570119, >>21570137, >>21570139, >>21570320, >>21570324, >>21570475, >>21570479 Swamp Habbenins

>>21570120, >>21570414, >>21570420 This literally was at NATO's Information Warfare Center Pentagon's psych ops research firm pitched Tay Tay

>>21570201 Trump's daily routine, which includes 3 to 4 hours of sleep, 'executive time,' and no breakfast

>>21570229, >>21570214 911

>>21570267 Leaked US Army Documents: Thousands Of Violent Venezuelan Prison Gang Members Run Amok Across America

>>21570301 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21570425 Kamala Harris and Donald Trump shake hands at 9/11 Ceremony in New York.

>>21570448 PF Empty Callsign 9/11 Edition

>>21570492 Why is a government shutdown possible before the election?

>>21570593 Enough Is Enough: President Trump Agrees to FOX News Debate – But Not with Never-Trumpers Bret Baier or Martha MacCallum

>>21570602 Proposed 28th Amendment


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f88823 No.21570614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6ff63c No.21570615

File: cfd56548dbcabc9⋯.jpg (585.24 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_085215….jpg)

File: 37ebe743dc14424⋯.jpg (773.73 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_085652….jpg)

File: c1b9024b080ba0e⋯.jpg (550.08 KB,1920x1080,16:9,t_b4ee1eccef814e7f862b0ddf….jpg)

File: 758009ff275e5e5⋯.png (504.54 KB,817x662,817:662,Sean_Hannity_1.png)

File: 3783a33b73e1011⋯.jpg (283.66 KB,1145x1600,229:320,Brazilian_model_Gisele_Bun….jpg)

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091cf8 No.21570618

File: cc6e2ab8d93d3c8⋯.png (381.03 KB,1657x730,1657:730,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb069bf1b21eac0⋯.png (380.85 KB,623x788,623:788,ClipboardImage.png)


no wonder newsweek would hire this broad

a fugly ass jewess

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435791 No.21570619

File: a7ffc8fae0ef602⋯.jpg (27.04 KB,612x407,612:407,gettyimages_1062530062_NAT….jpg)

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c8055a No.21570620

File: 4d67222d00ce0f5⋯.png (80.25 KB,797x499,797:499,934vbr.png)

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25d59a No.21570621

File: 3459f6e9a1f9624⋯.webp (12.64 KB,400x320,5:4,IMG_0979.webp)


>fem anon

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f88823 No.21570622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

draggy pork races frum corny state of puns

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003ffd No.21570623


Is trump supposed to take us to the precipice and get the blame for doing so?

That's a dumb plan.

Nope , the sheep want camel.

Give them camel for 4 years.

Take their guns.

Take their freedom

Get to the precipice in 4 years.

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4a2902 No.21570624

File: a049cbec401d813⋯.jpeg (51.12 KB,484x361,484:361,755d4f8c1cb72b71a1735b034….jpeg)

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f88823 No.21570625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>draggy pork races frum corny state of puns

greekcowboy jealous

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24cab5 No.21570626

File: 97c4ab01c3dd030⋯.png (25.23 KB,434x236,217:118,ClipboardImage.png)



Imagine working at a children's school and having an email address the stud. This is gross.

Springfield City manager Bryan Heck thinks he is quiet the stallion.

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717fea No.21570627


We are all in this together. I stand shoulder to shoulder with the ones on the bottom before I stand shoulder to should with the ones at the top.

No single patriot is above the others.



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fca69f No.21570628


Thanks for the notable

Will repost in next thread for added visibility

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34cd59 No.21570630


Lulz. You might as well neck yourself now because that’s exactly what they will do for you when she wins

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c8055a No.21570631

File: 2b63967695c60f6⋯.png (91.36 KB,500x833,500:833,downloadihgiibh.png)

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c4e985 No.21570632

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efd4be No.21570633


Tia Rica

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717fea No.21570634




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69aff9 No.21570635


they look more like the three puppy heart of love, anon.

I see a three puppy heart.

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f88823 No.21570636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>draggy pork races frum corny state of puns

faggy draggy pork races gangbang an polka wiff kids

>greekcowboy jealous

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683879 No.21570637


I’m sure he references an essential element in construction and home building.

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864a63 No.21570638

>>21570021 lb

kamala has short man zelensky syndrome and mourning with whine and bodies in closet mentality

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4a2902 No.21570639

File: 0d774135aeb63c8⋯.jpeg (79.95 KB,600x366,100:61,0d774135aeb63c8b54aaef56f….jpeg)


Its hot dirty work, bot somebodies gotta due it.

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7bbf88 No.21570640

File: c7accbfac5fbfd8⋯.png (238.33 KB,415x900,83:180,ClipboardImage.png)

Commies at Wikipedia changed the definition of Marxist right after Trump called Harris a Marxist on stage.


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ccfdde No.21570644

File: 9b13c60a776177a⋯.jpeg (57.37 KB,554x450,277:225,9b13c60a776177a3f365eb48f….jpeg)


Did he fight against just the government like he said, so C_A/Mossad pulled off direct attacks againt American civilians in America to drum up civilian support for their endless wars?

I'm convinced.

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69aff9 No.21570646



why not an ammendment for the 'right to endless graft for government workers?'

so anyone wonders into town from anywhere else and we have to give them 'affordable housing?'

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4a0183 No.21570647

File: 827f587a7197d14⋯.jpg (63.18 KB,600x335,120:67,DailyQPrayer.jpg)

File: 17ee654f958cebb⋯.jpg (41.6 KB,335x436,335:436,GodBlessQ_.jpg)

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acc1fa No.21570648

File: 89f086cbc1c439d⋯.png (15.58 KB,444x169,444:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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0315ae No.21570649

File: 1e689a118e25430⋯.png (75.46 KB,226x216,113:108,keks.png)


>President Trump Agrees to FOX News Debate – But Not with Never-Trumpers Bret Baier or Martha MacCallum

Feel the burn!

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7bbf88 No.21570650

File: 599eeda616e5d5c⋯.png (544.01 KB,562x680,281:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a2902 No.21570652

File: cd3b1ae76a08f48⋯.png (551.35 KB,858x499,858:499,cd3b1ae76a08f481329861ba85….png)

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f88823 No.21570653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>draggy pork races frum corny state of puns

>faggy draggy pork races gangbang an polka wiff kids

>>greekcowboy jealous

champion faggy draggy pork race pilots

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1cdb8f No.21570655

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: 2da1a2716f43edc⋯.png (1.76 MB,754x813,754:813,capture_744_12122023_18285….png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)


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8f024c No.21570657


Trump isn't Q+

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8521bf No.21570659


>but they would just use their fake facts

Agreed, but it would further expose them.

Trump putting the onus back on them would have them squirming in their seats live on the boob-tube

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d964ef No.21570660

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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