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File: c6f171fb6064da0⋯.jpg (701 KB,1384x778,692:389,c6f171fb6064da0766d7779e57….jpg)

df5301 No.21540430 [View All]

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701 posts and 472 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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9080fe No.21541341

File: 9c0eb4095670fe4⋯.png (317.46 KB,544x680,4:5,9c0eb4095670fe49c6e2312951….png)

File: b6c1f68c004040f⋯.jpg (401.75 KB,960x1620,16:27,b6c1f68c004040f363a90585df….jpg)


Most wearing wife-beaters

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22460c No.21541342


im a simpleton, not a democrat thankfully

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b7a5b6 No.21541343

File: ac5d02f7b19d0ec⋯.jpeg (191.97 KB,1024x732,256:183,IMG_2405.jpeg)


>those who scream the loudest

remember the 6 gorillion,goy!

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aa4639 No.21541344

Even if only one other, makes anyone else, second. You want a second rate man?

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d3a17b No.21541345

File: 1e25e199543d0c9⋯.png (185.08 KB,490x469,70:67,1e25e199543d0c91f12273e90a….png)


Morn'n frenly


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22460c No.21541346


i like my coffee strong

not weak like obama

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b7a5b6 No.21541347


so,you are a retard?

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defdd6 No.21541348

File: a9c85c8b498f28c⋯.webp (46.95 KB,790x528,395:264,malik_obama.webp)

Five Siblings Who Made Things Awkward for U.S. Presidents


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aa4639 No.21541349

Last one picked for kickball! That's YOUR CHOICE?

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3adbd4 No.21541350


Show me when they haven't been?

Oh, I know President Kennedy and AG Kennedy.

They weren't bulletproof were they…

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f3bd70 No.21541351

final bun for #26389

hold the important ones till the top

czech em

#26389 >>21540434

>>21540485, >>21540491, >>21540518, >>21540530, >>21540538, >>21540546 Executive Orders Signed During the Biden/Harris Administration bun

>>21540501 Known Wolf – FBI States They Were Aware of Threats from 14-Year-Old Georgia School Shooter, Colt Gray

>>21540525, >>21540542, >>21540556, >>21540562 , >>21540565, >>21540582, DJT speech at the Economic Club of New York - sources, statements, digs, context, Dan Scavino summary and dough bun

>>21540570 Navy Secretary Violated Law By Praising Biden And Criticizing Trump, Special Counsel Says

>>21540606 Colin Gray not the first parent arrested after child accused of fatal shooting

>>21540731 New York state mandates panic buttons for large retailers under new law

>>21540740 School shooting suspect’s mother has criminal record going back 17 years

>>21540948 A fire in a school inKenyahas killed 17 students and seriously burned 13 others, police say

>>21541002 Pavel Durov's original statement on TG

>>21541061 Planefag: Russia advertising something with an IL-76 flight

Ghost grab

>>21541246 Another installed judge aiding and abetting murder

>>21541267 Laundering update: Harris-Walz raise $361mm in audgust? $404mm in war chest for campaign.

>>21541292 Censorship push is going next level

>>21541301 how [they] play the game: Harris Campaign Spokesman Tells CNN ‘We Don’t Have Time’ to Talk About What Happened Over the Last Few Years (VIDEO)

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685f22 No.21541352


And notice with this story every time it is posted….some anons are quick to say none of this matters -maga doesnt care -and try to downplay it

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8126f6 No.21541353



And sucking nigger ass will just get you a raging case of Monkey Pox Mouth.

Proximity kills. They will take out you suck-ass whiteys first.

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aa4639 No.21541354

First one out at dodgeball. That's what you're left with? Now heS special?

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685f22 No.21541355


You are a waste on earth. Go to hell.

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5cc3e7 No.21541356

has to be committed. they used to run news segments on how deblasio ate pizza with a fork. don't see that here. coconut sprinkles?!

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a2b580 No.21541357


what a load of shit

must these fucks ruin everything

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264317 No.21541358

File: 40c108cb9a2fd22⋯.png (76.98 KB,250x237,250:237,hmmm.png)


>NEW: Venezuelan gang members are threatening to k*ll a property manager in Aurora, CO & are accused of child prost*tution according to a new bombshell legal letter.

This is what happens to the people of a country that has had too many years of CIA intervention.

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b7a5b6 No.21541359


you must be a nigger and a frint hole


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afe997 No.21541360


Failfag mimic. Why is it the moar time goes on Angry Inch smells moar and moar like Tranimae?

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5cc3e7 No.21541361

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aa4639 No.21541362

File: 7a8319d0cb2c8a7⋯.jpg (20.13 KB,474x366,79:61,th_2109277912.jpg)

This is the part …

You ready?

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685f22 No.21541363


Another racist confirmed.

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d7baf5 No.21541365


Every time an illegal kills someone, Im going to make that person one of your nuclear family members in my mind…

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9fd212 No.21541368



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22460c No.21541369

File: f5736e2b1680f42⋯.jpg (23.47 KB,334x445,334:445,41eUfDJZHwL_SY445_SX342_.jpg)

File: f688ac6215eae6a⋯.png (833.03 KB,416x900,104:225,ClipboardImage.png)

february 1997 original cover of GEORGE

what was hillary being indicted for back then?

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685f22 No.21541370


A lot of disgusting anons this morning. Some of y'all need real mental help.

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afe997 No.21541371

File: 583cd9ae744ab77⋯.webm (344.1 KB,427x240,427:240,ready4.webm)

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aa4639 No.21541372

File: bb69ac8aa41c802⋯.jpg (32.03 KB,567x426,189:142,DX_V2JjU8AAbLin_3858395304.jpg)

File: 620a8d88d074d44⋯.jpg (80.7 KB,640x1136,40:71,c8f319d91eb892737ed9924c93….jpg)

File: d45aeb2fbbd9713⋯.jpg (485.74 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240905_210405….jpg)

Knowledge, what? Cliche, much?

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afe997 No.21541374


>what was hillary being indicted for back then?

Whitewater, wasn't it?

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feddd2 No.21541375

File: ab2afa0f8bf673d⋯.png (1.17 MB,1919x916,1919:916,ClipboardImage.png)

JANET airlines is up and active again today.

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d7baf5 No.21541376


Preach it sister!!!

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89dc5e No.21541377

File: bd2e8fe8ff8f6fb⋯.png (357.67 KB,468x638,234:319,zzzalli.PNG)


nice Moe rug

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2c7a45 No.21541378

File: c50e618e146b412⋯.jpg (93.48 KB,853x1280,853:1280,Happy_Friday_GM.jpg)


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22460c No.21541379


oh yeah, i forgot about that, vince foster rest in peace

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d3a17b No.21541380

File: 3fa955407ee4b39⋯.png (193.82 KB,319x449,319:449,3fa955407ee4b39e55779d3c0b….png)


Muh psychiatrist is in

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c37db5 No.21541381

File: 92dea17aec2d012⋯.jpg (341.65 KB,1088x1259,1088:1259,92dea17aec2d01228aeecc558f….jpg)

File: 0c8a31165ddebbe⋯.mp4 (6.79 MB,640x356,160:89,breakingNewsBeginningOfThe….mp4)


>good morning Ralph.

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a0c5d8 No.21541382


50/50 mix is just what the doctor ordered.

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b7a5b6 No.21541384


I would happily genocide all browns and niggers in an instant,without doubt, without regret

The World would be a better place without brownoids and niggers, and without you

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9fd212 No.21541385

England bohemia groove


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b7a5b6 No.21541386


hapa mutt mix

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c37db5 No.21541389


>50/50 mix is just what the doctor ordered.

yessir. Made it to Friday

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d3a17b No.21541390

File: 8cd3b7df1e42d49⋯.gif (2.23 MB,256x192,4:3,smokingcolumbo2.gif)



You know what, little frendo? Habby Friday to you too. God bless you bigly.

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685f22 No.21541391


You are embarrassing the anons. Go run to your kkk meeting before you are late.

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9fd212 No.21541392


Real England royals is


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b7a5b6 No.21541393


oh muh feelz!

you fucking loser limp dick cuck

>probly a femoid liberal lefty cunt

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afe997 No.21541395


>Muh psychiatrist is in

No, but your fraud is. Your persona was rejected, so you're trying to craft a new one based upon a person that made you look continually foolish. Attacked me for a year and a half, whining that I was breaking some rule from another platform, only for you to do what you said I wasn't allowed to and you're basing it off me. You're a sick little Satanist, you know that, and you're not going to like what's coming for you. Pixels don't mean shit to me, but trademarks and licenses and copyright and fame and personality seem to mean the world to you..

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b7a5b6 No.21541396


stfu nigger

get back to the plantation before I lynch your sorry ass

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f3bd70 No.21541397

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

TGIF Bread Just Ahead





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888b49 No.21541399

File: a47d58a5f2e7084⋯.png (299.68 KB,500x375,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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