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File: 6762dfcd2fc84a0⋯.jpg (20.56 KB,255x174,85:58,000ggg.jpg)

2a514b No.21522393 [View All]

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05c1a3 No.21523329

File: d1ccbbfca9e1ffe⋯.png (67.55 KB,590x431,590:431,ClipboardImage.png)


I think this may have been proven false…

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0e8240 No.21523330

File: 0574880ae4d0965⋯.png (1.42 MB,964x704,241:176,Screen_Shot_2018_12_04_at_….png)

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623fb2 No.21523331


I think Mike Lee was just informing his constituents that Johnson told him the bill sent to the Senate would include it. The senate can either pass or not.

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02afde No.21523332

File: 691d53cae2cdadb⋯.png (214.56 KB,450x292,225:146,ClipboardImage.png)


Got any more of them 37 trillion dollar fiats?

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07c761 No.21523333

File: 972ffc38649375b⋯.jpg (44.2 KB,1080x1350,4:5,F2D_IHXoAEefUb.jpg)



Enjoy the show.

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e11826 No.21523334

File: 75eb48a0ed3dc74⋯.png (88.24 KB,1024x576,16:9,WWG1WGA_.png)


i love you too

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36e914 No.21523335


All the retarded big "MAGA" accts on Twitter have been cluttering up the timeline with their useless posts, obfuscating useful posts while doing thei engagement farming for so fucking long, their discernment is utter shit. Not a single one of these folks picked up on this being suss, not a one, and instead dam the torpedoes full speed ahead into full retard mode. Why are they gay? Are they controlled oppo or just super ignorant, I think both. all good history will sort it out

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0e8240 No.21523336

File: 63ebe61c6046c92⋯.png (416.51 KB,600x600,1:1,meme_shit_storm.png)

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b80c36 No.21523337

#26368 >>21522406

>>21522445, >>21522508, >>21522526, >>21522562, >>21522591, >>21522725, >>21522875, >>21522641, >>21523259 US seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

>>21522461 Zelensky urged to spare older men from draft from 60 to 50

>>21522490 West wants ‘total control’ over Ukraine – Putin

>>21522521 Moscow warns of ‘destabilizing innovations’ in US nuclear doctrine (still no Larov)

>>21522522, >>21522546 6 yr delta

>>21522523, >>21522528 CO: DIA "bomb cyclone" in 2019

>>21522530, >>21522545, >>21522484, >>21522498, >>21522629, Brazil: what a tangled web obama weaves..

>>21522549 They will start WWIII before PDJT takes office, if he ever can

>>21522560, >>21522560, >>21523313 A U.S. soldier, allegedly serving aboard the USS Wasp, was attacked in Turkey; was this staged?

>>21522579 PUTIN: ‘There Are No Countries Hostile To Russia, Only Hostile Elites’, Ignores Possible CCP Intentions

>>21522621 UPDATE - BOUNGIORNO: Palm Beach County Election Infrastructure Breach Proven

>>21522627, >>21522655, >>21522673, >>21522734 Musk Moraes headed to prison

>>21522632 interview w/RFKjr on vaxxes, starting with MEASLES and benefits of letting kids get measles instead of measles vax

>>21522639 China probably got them from Afghanistan

>>21522644 Israel Agrees to 3-Day Pause of War in Gaza for Polio Vaccination. Polio Vaccines Cause Polio.

>>21522646 2020 kneepads Vowed to Kick Start America’s Reparation Process

>>21522654 The SAVE Act will be attached to the spending bill.

>>21522659 FBI Repeatedly Botches Child Abuse Investigations

>>21522663 @elonmusk The reason the Democratic Party is so soft on criminals is that criminals vote overwhelmingly Democrat – they don’t want to offend their customers!

>>21522665 Not even Kamala Harris’ biggest fans can say what the flip-flopping VP stands for

>>21522666 Ukrainian attacks thwarted: developments in Kursk Region

>>21522667 Biden, Harris speak to parents of Israeli-American found dead in Gaza Meanwhile the Gold Star families are still waiting.

>>21522671, >>21522954 Dems labor day in vain

>>21522674 Tim Walz’s radical wife just let the mask slip, and wow, it’s scary… "who cares about law and order"

>>21522679, >>21522697, >>21522722, >>21522743, >>21522745 On Eve of Election, Bolsonaro’s Party Attacks Brazil’s Voting Systems

>>21522681 Moar NASA

>>21522686 California Dems Shoot Down ‘No Tax On Tips’ Amendment After Harris Adopts Policy

>>21522708, >>21522726 US Military Who Assaulted Senator Moore At Hartsfield, While Guarding Illegal Trafficking, Are From Unit Training Soldiers At Fort Moore

>>21522709, >>21522774 Six killed, 13 wounded in Kabul suicide bombing: police/new morality laws per taliban

>>21522761 KAMALA HISTORY WITH ARCHIVE LINK !!! 55 Things You Need to Know About Kamala Harris

>>21522847 #BrazilA special operation of several Brazilian public bodies, which lasted 30 days, allowed the rescue of 593 people in conditions similar to slavery, among them an old woman of 94 years, 16 minors, 13 Paraguayan immigrants, and four Argentines.

>>21522863 Get out and vote for @SheehyforMT TIM SHEEHY!! vote Jon Tester Out!

>>21522906, >>21522884 @realDonaldTrump Gold Star Fam Vid

>>21522925 @elonmusk Most of Earth should move to California!

>>21522999 UN treaty 'could allow Country A to spy on you for Country B'

>>21523013, >>21523236, >>21523292 CBS “Non-Partisan Election Expert” David Becker: @elonmusk and @realDonaldTrump are spreading "Election Disinformation"

>>21523014 🇬🇧🇮🇱 United Kingdom officially suspends 30 arms export licences to Israel.

baker change

>>21523121, >>21523139, >>21523176 PF

>>21523140 Report: "If there is an order, we can reach Moscow and show what Ukraine is" - Ukrainian commander

>>21523163, >>21523108, >>21523143, >>21523148 >>21523179 Several cars in Tim Walz's motorcade have crashed on the way to an event in Milwaukee — DailyMail

>>21523187 Philly Eagles stmt re political ads

>>21523227 The End of Fear VIDEO: doomsday cult doc that throws qanon into the end-of-the-world cults.

>>21523240 @libsoftiktok re Kamala rally: What did I just watch… what’s with this new accent?

>>21523276 Britain suspends Israel arms licences over Gaza war

>>21523277 Kash Patel - FBI Spying on Americans, Russiagate and Biden’s Classified Documents - VID

>>21523325 Human Rights Watch wants Putin arrested or denied entry by Mongolia


semifinal ck

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5d0a91 No.21523338

File: f84fa06af7c8006⋯.png (1.07 MB,1080x990,12:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e8240 No.21523339

File: 3945eec9ecf8e98⋯.png (762.8 KB,750x1334,375:667,08b665cc71b7289e97841904fb….png)

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7d4881 No.21523340


Demure and not Demure

A lady doesn't fan miss puss in


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0e8240 No.21523342

File: 8f0b0b6ab29eae0⋯.png (302.33 KB,5764x3456,1441:864,2nd_Revolution_Q_Flag_3x5.png)

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0e8240 No.21523343

File: a8f4a0cbfb6622c⋯.png (295.01 KB,500x378,250:189,Patriot_KEK.png)

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1db827 No.21523344


In retaliation, a bombardment could be launched at Florida from Cuba.

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0e8240 No.21523345

File: 83acc4c94cd58da⋯.png (646.23 KB,679x697,679:697,Screenshot_2018_12_03_00_5….png)

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0e8240 No.21523346

File: ada5aea69be4571⋯.png (631.06 KB,720x554,360:277,NightShiftFerris.PNG)

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0e8240 No.21523347

File: 6bac5ee86a4cef4⋯.png (707.68 KB,1000x1141,1000:1141,6bac5ee86a4cef4d9000e5a711….png)

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b80c36 No.21523348

#26368 >>21522406

>>21522445, >>21522508, >>21522526, >>21522562, >>21522591, >>21522725, >>21522875, >>21522641, >>21523259 US seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

>>21522461 Zelensky urged to spare older men from draft from 60 to 50

>>21522490 West wants ‘total control’ over Ukraine – Putin

>>21522521 Moscow warns of ‘destabilizing innovations’ in US nuclear doctrine (still no Larov)

>>21522522, >>21522546 6 yr delta

>>21522523, >>21522528 CO: DIA "bomb cyclone" in 2019

>>21522530, >>21522545, >>21522484, >>21522498, >>21522629, Brazil: what a tangled web obama weaves..

>>21522549 They will start WWIII before PDJT takes office, if he ever can

>>21522560, >>21522560, >>21523313 A U.S. soldier, allegedly serving aboard the USS Wasp, was attacked in Turkey; was this staged?

>>21522579 PUTIN: ‘There Are No Countries Hostile To Russia, Only Hostile Elites’, Ignores Possible CCP Intentions

>>21522621 UPDATE - BOUNGIORNO: Palm Beach County Election Infrastructure Breach Proven

>>21522627, >>21522655, >>21522673, >>21522734 Musk Moraes headed to prison

>>21522632 interview w/RFKjr on vaxxes, starting with MEASLES and benefits of letting kids get measles instead of measles vax

>>21522639 China probably got them from Afghanistan

>>21522644 Israel Agrees to 3-Day Pause of War in Gaza for Polio Vaccination. Polio Vaccines Cause Polio.

>>21522646 2020 kneepads Vowed to Kick Start America’s Reparation Process

>>21522654 The SAVE Act will be attached to the spending bill.

>>21522659 FBI Repeatedly Botches Child Abuse Investigations

>>21522663 @elonmusk The reason the Democratic Party is so soft on criminals is that criminals vote overwhelmingly Democrat – they don’t want to offend their customers!

>>21522665 Not even Kamala Harris’ biggest fans can say what the flip-flopping VP stands for

>>21522666 Ukrainian attacks thwarted: developments in Kursk Region

>>21522667 Biden, Harris speak to parents of Israeli-American found dead in Gaza Meanwhile the Gold Star families are still waiting.

>>21522671, >>21522954 Dems labor day in vain

>>21522674 Tim Walz’s radical wife just let the mask slip, and wow, it’s scary… "who cares about law and order"

>>21522679, >>21522697, >>21522722, >>21522743, >>21522745 On Eve of Election, Bolsonaro’s Party Attacks Brazil’s Voting Systems

>>21522681 Moar NASA

>>21522686 California Dems Shoot Down ‘No Tax On Tips’ Amendment After Harris Adopts Policy

>>21522708, >>21522726 US Military Who Assaulted Senator Moore At Hartsfield, While Guarding Illegal Trafficking, Are From Unit Training Soldiers At Fort Moore

>>21522709, >>21522774 Six killed, 13 wounded in Kabul suicide bombing: police/new morality laws per taliban

>>21522761 KAMALA HISTORY WITH ARCHIVE LINK !!! 55 Things You Need to Know About Kamala Harris

>>21522847 #BrazilA special operation of several Brazilian public bodies, which lasted 30 days, allowed the rescue of 593 people in conditions similar to slavery, among them an old woman of 94 years, 16 minors, 13 Paraguayan immigrants, and four Argentines.

>>21522863 Get out and vote for @SheehyforMT TIM SHEEHY!! vote Jon Tester Out!

>>21522906, >>21522884 @realDonaldTrump Gold Star Fam Vid

>>21522925 @elonmusk Most of Earth should move to California!

>>21522999 UN treaty 'could allow Country A to spy on you for Country B'

>>21523013, >>21523236, >>21523292 CBS “Non-Partisan Election Expert” David Becker: @elonmusk and @realDonaldTrump are spreading "Election Disinformation"

>>21523014 🇬🇧🇮🇱 United Kingdom officially suspends 30 arms export licences to Israel.

baker change

>>21523121, >>21523139, >>21523176 PF

>>21523140 Report: "If there is an order, we can reach Moscow and show what Ukraine is" - Ukrainian commander

>>21523163, >>21523108, >>21523143, >>21523148 >>21523179 Several cars in Tim Walz's motorcade have crashed on the way to an event in Milwaukee — DailyMail

>>21523187 Philly Eagles stmt re political ads

>>21523227 The End of Fear VIDEO: doomsday cult doc that throws qanon into the end-of-the-world cults.

>>21523240 @libsoftiktok re Kamala rally: What did I just watch… what’s with this new accent?

>>21523276 Britain suspends Israel arms licences over Gaza war

>>21523277 Kash Patel - FBI Spying on Americans, Russiagate and Biden’s Classified Documents - VID

>>21523325 Human Rights Watch wants Putin arrested or denied entry by Mongolia



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0e8240 No.21523349

File: ee59a205977723e⋯.png (1.52 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Minecraft_Q_Alpha.png)

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ec03e1 No.21523350


does that mean Unions would be taxed capital gains taxes just because they exist? slaves must pays the masta

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e48448 No.21523351


Surely someone has all their IPs and know the true MAGA accounts from "MAGA" accounts.

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0e8240 No.21523352

File: f5ca37cfa985d46⋯.png (65.83 KB,489x487,489:487,proud_cultfag.png)

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0e8240 No.21523353

File: 9e138e71e96b048⋯.png (1.36 MB,1436x986,718:493,Diner_1.png)

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0e8240 No.21523355

File: 61a9038634b8883⋯.png (4.5 MB,3075x4333,3075:4333,trumpcatalog2.png)

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9e4012 No.21523356

File: 6389771cc062d15⋯.png (141.26 KB,249x315,83:105,15c577992c034100.png)

File: 0838c2a5f89fcd1⋯.png (296.9 KB,456x342,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7af1aa8702b2d60⋯.png (353.88 KB,514x342,257:171,ClipboardImage.png)

Only thine enemy, shall feel the wrath of the storm.

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0e8240 No.21523357

File: 64456a20ab7f800⋯.png (751.13 KB,720x720,1:1,64456a20ab7f800b0e8f862d80….png)

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0e8240 No.21523358

File: 33c3ad09da26e8f⋯.png (1.74 MB,1000x795,200:159,Kek_Sons_of_Kek.PNG)

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1e5370 No.21523359

File: 5e2dd04ab09f0a2⋯.mp4 (14.9 MB,854x480,427:240,stemcells_1_.mp4)

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0e8240 No.21523360

File: 1d587840cd1cc79⋯.png (359.89 KB,1000x517,1000:517,2b1c5623934276aca22b1263ee….png)

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0e8240 No.21523361

File: 906a2870e38e8fd⋯.png (500.38 KB,496x750,248:375,SimpleFarmer.png)

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bd7c0b No.21523363


It's the "I'm not a crakka" accent

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0e8240 No.21523364

File: 398538b49809cbd⋯.png (1.88 MB,1275x1272,425:424,A46A95C5_F60E_4CD4_BD3B_83….png)

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5b00c7 No.21523365


The Americans have tools like AR 15

They will o the job.

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0e8240 No.21523366

File: 54a9de945b20d78⋯.png (112.27 KB,1533x1767,511:589,685B0077_987B_4F5F_9A70_8B….png)

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0e8240 No.21523367

File: bd9b5609fed2273⋯.png (16.94 KB,222x255,74:85,spotter.png)

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b80c36 No.21523368

File: f5bffd2ebcf5da5⋯.png (111.71 KB,254x241,254:241,fresh_bread_2.png)

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0e8240 No.21523369

File: 561fd5db7921f21⋯.png (387.88 KB,565x536,565:536,_11.png)

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0e8240 No.21523370

File: 9932b85c548a7c2⋯.png (259.64 KB,400x398,200:199,FrenzSuspect_.png)

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a07174 No.21523371

File: 3e2b045b2034019⋯.jpeg (48.99 KB,718x637,718:637,3e2b045b2034019d7b87916c5….jpeg)

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1db827 No.21523372

>>21523331 yeah but it hasn't

even passed the house yet.

sounds like counting chickens before eggs hatching

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02afde No.21523373


They will stage civil war before 11-5 to Zelensky 11-5

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0e8240 No.21523374

File: e40490bc8b59aa8⋯.png (639.69 KB,1280x1200,16:15,pepeSuperAnons.png)

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0e8240 No.21523375

File: e3a082344bef3bf⋯.png (719.72 KB,539x599,539:599,e3a082344bef3bf943b8e88d8e….png)

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fe250d No.21523376


Yeah. Get the Jews out of the US govt and other countries will learn to love us once again.

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e6600f No.21523377

5 more days til the democrats bring out their

real candidate

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ffa9b2 No.21523378


Actually, they sprayed protestors - how about that?

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0e8240 No.21523379

File: ccbdf3f340081d7⋯.png (857.74 KB,1090x867,1090:867,Screen_Shot_2018_09_08_at_….png)

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0e8240 No.21523380

File: 71f1cff75ef8732⋯.png (520.4 KB,467x600,467:600,pepememe2.png)

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36e914 No.21523381


Well I for one believe that we have it all kek

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