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File: 4e0fa64be1a8baf⋯.png (64.71 KB,255x138,85:46,ClipboardImage.png)

e09f6f No.21515437 [View All]

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701 posts and 547 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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01b017 No.21516425

File: 1b18d8ee31c6bd3⋯.png (1.22 MB,645x813,215:271,val.PNG)

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8b22f3 No.21516426

Keeps mind off of the seering pn. Occupy my time figuring why you keep wanting people to ask you for things

Complex, much?

Shilling for unsolicited promises

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8b22f3 No.21516427

Pn? Promise kept. What next?

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208c3a No.21516428


September surprise

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8b22f3 No.21516430

File: 0327e1baa8b156f⋯.jpg (1.89 MB,2000x3185,400:637,2000_3584296377.jpg)

File: eb7616984bdf233⋯.jpg (48.64 KB,474x646,237:323,th_1458212810.jpg)

File: 31e2a606e2eda5a⋯.jpg (17.38 KB,474x333,158:111,th_2894526916.jpg)

File: f2ad3f003c977a9⋯.jpg (401.55 KB,1638x2048,819:1024,Jay_Raymond_AF_photo_1638x….jpg)


More fake bullshit? What next, transport to the secret lair?

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c0dede No.21516431

File: 72d0097f488653b⋯.png (392.38 KB,678x460,339:230,4c3.png)


Wowza..a GM finity gauntlet? Habsolutely nik'd and saved yo

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aac3e0 No.21516433

File: 7009f5814f93b6d⋯.png (351.91 KB,542x440,271:220,ClipboardImage.png)


you going to cry like a bitch ass nigger all morning long or what?

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9ac58a No.21516434


Sitting around waiting to be saved will be the end for you. Nobody's coming to help. Be brave, clenched fists.

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cf65cd No.21516435

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093c3a No.21516436

File: 385e46e2f4c2fb2⋯.png (90.75 KB,499x335,499:335,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b22f3 No.21516437

Waiting on unsolicited promises, is that wise or even practical? Promises from strangers? Really?

"I made you a promise"

Well, did you dress yourself, too?

See how irrelevant?

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8b22f3 No.21516438

What I really need is opiates. Goy any?

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cf65cd No.21516439




unclench your holes

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8b22f3 No.21516440


Your mom's not here

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b1fe26 No.21516441


>Need a dishwasher first, or a girlfriend

suggest go the ride-on dishwasher,

& teach how to make a sammich

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cba760 No.21516442

File: 5315b23de04a1b5⋯.jpg (191.41 KB,995x742,995:742,rt5.JPG)

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cba760 No.21516443



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8b22f3 No.21516444


Why so defensive? You waiting on your unsolicited promise?

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c0dede No.21516445

File: 5fe2c0092970af6⋯.jpg (26.19 KB,598x480,299:240,215a95772a3aa17024df7d0105….jpg)


>clenched fist

For some they might want to clench something else. Especially when they head to prison.

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cba760 No.21516446


filter this shill

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8b22f3 No.21516447

File: f2275eac0fb28f4⋯.jpg (223.25 KB,866x1390,433:695,national_harbor_maryland_R….jpg)

Politician- Promises chickens for your pots, can't even help himself.

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e7c45d No.21516448

File: c100360cac57f30⋯.jpg (132.28 KB,1006x1200,503:600,WWG_WGA_bell.jpg)

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aac3e0 No.21516449

File: 7216b78be1c4ace⋯.png (989.98 KB,736x736,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


so i take that as a yes, yes you are going to cry like a bitch ass nigger all morning long

good to know

will make more coffee

next you'll try telling me im not a real fucking wizard

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8b22f3 No.21516450


Disappearing act is enough convincing. Now, fuck off, …. wizard?

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9ac58a No.21516452


Manufactured riots on Trump's imprisonment with the national guard on standby at NY hotels. Designate all MAGA domestic terrorists and lock them down. No election. No America.

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c0dede No.21516453

File: e4272d115ee20f6⋯.jpg (44.11 KB,735x442,735:442,nogfindor_no_gf_girlfriend….jpg)


You're a hairy now, Wizard

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dbd83f No.21516454


I think so. But they want a civil war. What could better fit in as a war between illegals and Feds, disguised as bikers?

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aac3e0 No.21516455

File: 0c2e169b9ceae49⋯.png (578.11 KB,736x736,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


well i sure ain't balding like tim pool lmao

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8b22f3 No.21516456

File: e07353c03d80176⋯.jpg (90.7 KB,474x760,237:380,th_278622286.jpg)

File: 15977f75c5f196c⋯.jpg (18.04 KB,474x183,158:61,th_2614032120.jpg)

File: f66e76afd32bd46⋯.jpg (14 KB,474x268,237:134,th_4125113624.jpg)

File: ffa2069a0f90bbb⋯.jpg (15.61 KB,474x474,1:1,th_2257331476.jpg)

File: 127c11d358a3f81⋯.jpg (64.99 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_3582099565.jpg)

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ed4ae5 No.21516457


You got a lot crazy in that.

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8b22f3 No.21516459

Don't smoke the pots? You should

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cf65cd No.21516460

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

[They] are counting on you to forget.

Prodigy - Take me to the Hospital


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9ac58a No.21516461

Maybe nobody else would take the role but Dennis Quads Reagan is a piss poor impersonation. He's a good actor but this wasn't the role for him.

Shame Alan Rickman is dead.

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ab3b1c No.21516462

Do we got a baker?

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399e02 No.21516463

File: ba30a4909bd44de⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB,1125x1851,375:617,IMG_3678.jpeg)


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4bb5a6 No.21516464

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9ac58a No.21516465

File: 12b314f3859a0a2⋯.png (603.34 KB,1680x944,105:59,3517fb8e_0a55_46cc_a9b1_07….png)

Nothing new under the sun.

Mercury and water powered electronics where freely available to buy.

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01b017 No.21516466

File: 2d4ffa8c98d0c6c⋯.png (1.28 MB,775x858,775:858,b.PNG)

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093c3a No.21516467

File: 2c1af52a09e56c8⋯.png (114.77 KB,382x440,191:220,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 832fdd55f8bcae8⋯.png (645.57 KB,585x812,585:812,ClipboardImage.png)

Why does the Lockheed Martin Hopeless Diamond stealth craft look exactly like the craft hovering in Johnathan Reed's Alien encounter video?

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01b017 No.21516468

File: 3606db8014e81d9⋯.png (493.12 KB,595x852,595:852,west.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


More Bikers Joining The Hells Angels Headed To Aurora, Colorado To Deal With The Venezuela Migrants Gangs

“We started out with 9 this morning, ended up with 10 more (bikers), we’re headed west”

Their numbers are growing 🔥

11:47 PM · Aug 31, 2024




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7aafab No.21516469

We have no baker, might be awhile.

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e3982a No.21516470


20 Bikers vs the Latin Kings of Denver? Sounds retarded.

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093c3a No.21516471

File: 83d37cc6db58f49⋯.png (375.6 KB,364x562,182:281,ClipboardImage.png)



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7aafab No.21516472

Everybody go grab the news and be ready to report next bread!

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e3982a No.21516473


>Don’t be surprised if we don’t have an election in NOV.

We shouldn't have an election in November.

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01b017 No.21516474

File: 04cd35cd5915ba3⋯.png (401.69 KB,808x880,101:110,dg.PNG)

File: 10598e47f7ea2a6⋯.png (297.08 KB,598x597,598:597,ell.PNG)


Don’t Go to Hell for the Dems

August 30, 2024 by Joe Hoft

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6a2e56 No.21516475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2. You can't cheat an honest customer, but it never hurts to try


authority vs zero authority

civics 101 redundant

who wears it best


Amo_5:22 ThoughH3588 H518 ye offerH5927 me burnt offeringsH5930 and your meat offerings,H4503 I will notH3808 acceptH7521 them: neitherH3808 will I regardH5027 the peace offeringsH8002 of your fat beasts.H4806

Oba_1:7 AllH3605 the menH376 of thy confederacyH1285 have broughtH7971 thee even toH5704 the border:H1366 the menH376 that were at peaceH7965 with thee have deceivedH5377 thee, and prevailedH3201 against thee; they that eat thy breadH3899 have laidH7760 a woundH4204 underH8478 thee: there is noneH369 understandingH8394 in him.

Mic_3:5 ThusH3541 saithH559 the LORDH3068 concerningH5921 the prophetsH5030 that make(H853) my peopleH5971 err,H8582 that biteH5391 with their teeth,H8127 and cry,H7121 Peace;H7965 and he thatH834 puttethH5414 notH3808 intoH5921 their mouths,H6310 they even prepareH6942 warH4421 againstH5921 him.

Mic_5:5 And thisH2088 man shall beH1961 the peace,H7965 whenH3588 the AssyrianH804 shall comeH935 into our land:H776 and whenH3588 he shall treadH1869 in our palaces,H759 then shall we raiseH6965 againstH5921 him sevenH7651 shepherds,H7462 and eightH8083 principalH5257 men.H120

Nah_1:15 BeholdH2009 uponH5921 the mountainsH2022 the feetH7272 of him that bringeth good tidings,H1319 that publishethH8085 peace!H7965 O Judah,H3063 keepH2287 thy solemn feasts,H2282 performH7999 thy vows:H5088 forH3588 the wickedH1100 shall noH3808 moreH3254 H5750 pass throughH5674 thee; he is utterlyH3605 cut off.H3772


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cf65cd No.21516476

File: 98b62b906e52b63⋯.png (426.09 KB,777x571,777:571,Screenshot_2024_09_01_0602….png)



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01b017 No.21516477

File: 65ec150f8bbfd95⋯.png (438.05 KB,797x609,797:609,less.PNG)

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7aafab No.21516478


Oh gracious. Just silly bs.

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