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/qresearch/ -  Q Research

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs

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File: 18c2f872a47087c⋯.webp (102.87 KB,859x735,859:735,img_5710_3.webp)

0d9dc0 No.21466828

Anything and everything related to Q, or from info that relates to the q drops.

Drop the memes!

our currently pinned meme thread is totally vague and focused on ai, who wants to use propaganda?? Didn't trump just say anyone who uses that in a election to get people to vote is the cause of election interference….

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0d9dc0 No.21466833

File: 3f5ab6a3a69e5b7⋯.jpg (68.53 KB,569x407,569:407,daily_breb_CLlujdnh8yP_1.jpg)

Dank memes wake people up.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

694b9d No.21468308

File: 0d39bf82b533f21⋯.png (940.58 KB,1024x1008,64:63,0d39bf82b533f214dadfd04f47….png)

File: 9d740c8cc54dc98⋯.jpg (224.02 KB,1280x1682,640:841,All_For_A_LARP.jpg)

File: 91e63d7ede3d03f⋯.png (1.85 MB,1644x1761,548:587,USNavy_Make_Noise_5_03_202….png)

File: 3980fe6ac9d2d94⋯.webm (9.4 MB,720x576,5:4,Thunder.webm)


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