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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,stormyBANNER.png)

5dff08 No.21092053 [View All]

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701 posts and 503 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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78cdb9 No.21093008

File: e6fd9ccb848f0ee⋯.png (769.19 KB,1281x852,427:284,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6eab607cab51b09⋯.png (45.2 KB,757x708,757:708,ClipboardImage.png)

Todays deltas

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31889b No.21093010

File: 7be751a994a82bd⋯.png (90.7 KB,1766x731,1766:731,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e7330175e0999f⋯.png (976.14 KB,1737x781,1737:781,ClipboardImage.png)



27th june delta's 20 posts ready when you are!!


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dee92c No.21093011


probably at the Ecuadorian embassy he did have access.

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2a6323 No.21093012

File: e27763b4db7820a⋯.png (880.78 KB,777x609,37:29,ClipboardImage.png)



#25855 >>21092061


>>21092105, >>21092388 @EmbassyCat

>>21092118 Tractor Supply gave $100,000 to an activist group that "worked around the clock" to stop deportations during the Trump presidency

>>21092121, >>21092131 Aaron Siri Asks Why Vaccine Manufacturers Receive Liability Protection If Their Products Truly Are 'Safe & Effective'

>>21092129 PF

>>21092130 @WarRoom Lindell: Racine Recall Of Robin Vos Scheduled For August 6th

>>21092140 The ILLEGAL accused of shooting two NYPD officer claims that the vicious Venezuelan gang 'Tren de Aragua' has been smuggling guns into NYC migrant shelters inside food delivery bags

>>21092145 Nadler: "If you look at the statistics, the crime rate among immigrants is far lower than the crime rate above native-born Americans. So the whole issue is wrong."

>>21092154 Former Navy captain tells Congress of decades-long U.S. intelligence failures on China

>>21092160, >>21092173 President Trump called in today to the Team Trump roundtable for Black American business leaders in Atlanta, Georgia

>>21092169, >>21092174 Bolivia's Presidential Palace has been stormed by soldiers in an apparent coup

>>21092177 North Korea to send troops in Ukraine in the form of a military engineering unit to support Russian forces on the ground

>>21092178 Adam Kinzinger endorses Potato

>>21092196, >>21092331 🚨 #BREAKING: The US House has just passed amendment to DEFUND the office of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

>>21092203 County officials in Rio Grande, Colorado have terminated their contract with Dominion and all funding for their voting machines have been rescinded

>>21092218 US Admits Allies In Syria Using Child Soldiers

>>21092232 @AOC She tagged the wrong account 😂💀

>>21092244 James Clapper, Mr. October Surprise: How Obama's Intel Czar Rigged 2016 and 2020 Debates Against Trump


>>21092261 It has begun - 6/26 - 6 YEAR DELTA

>>21092271 @gatewaypundit Who Added an Algorithm to New York State’s Voter Registration Roll, and Why?

>>21092288 Nearly 300 coffee brands have been recalled due to Botulism contamination.

>>21092292 "Disgusting Discovery": Cali Beach Closures Prompt Questions Of Whether Mexico Is Dumping Sewage In U.S. Waters

>>21092347 @WarRoom Epshteyn: Historic Week Of Ruling's From Trump's SCOTUS

>>21092365, >>21092489 Mayorkas just now in press conference called the NBC News story on 400 people smuggled into the US through ISIS-affiliated group "inaccurate"

>>21092370 US Special Ops Group Warns Of Domestic Terror Threat Due To Biden's "Unsecured Southern Border"

>>21092381 HERE IT IS: Biden Camp Officially Refuses to Drug Test Joe Biden

>>21092386 Albany police officials declined to notify the public last month about abductions and rǎpe of a 15-year-old girl by a Turkish illegal alien

>>21092396 Almost a Year After Disastrous Fire, Residents of Lahaina in Hawaii Are Still Fighting for Chance to Rebuild (VIDEO)

>>21092397 NASA

>>21092403 We have full authority to access these tapes, and if Garland doesn’t comply by Friday, we will hold him in inherent contempt

Baker Change

>>21092800 CIA is withholding names of 51 intel officials who signed the 10/19/20 letter to discredit Hunter laptop

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f437dd No.21093015


Guarantee you there are some really bad people here. We see you Hillary.

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236ab4 No.21093016


Ya, that's why I posted it. Same thinking.

I actually thought she was dead when I looked up her info. Some one like her, did die right after announcing they were going to drop some info the next week.

Death by coincidence again.

Not sure who I was thinking of though.

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f80533 No.21093018

anyone know if liberal Jews are more pro Israel or pro Palestine? there was soething called Jews for Ceasefire now that was on the TV for storming the capitol that was last year

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d6d0c3 No.21093020

File: a2dfcfcf70f4baf⋯.jpg (67.29 KB,1200x675,16:9,raffruse.jpg)

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78cdb9 No.21093021

File: 58ea4c9d6fafbcc⋯.png (324.78 KB,1793x847,163:77,ClipboardImage.png)

Moar deltas

Panic is good.

Panic is right.

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c6a9a1 No.21093022

File: eed2533b96a9d8e⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB,640x360,16:9,cMT8aTN_qVUEggOu.mp4)

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1e93d4 No.21093023

File: be14da93cadba7f⋯.png (210.51 KB,526x402,263:201,Miss_Pepe_Bag_Receptive_Mo….png)



for those that prefer a ladies face.

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0b7c91 No.21093025


I want a Board Reporter tag :(

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6416ed No.21093026


sob i lost

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f80533 No.21093027

there must be a lot of brawls among Jews who are pro Israel and others who are pro Palestine, where they are fighting and punching each other

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6416ed No.21093028


hit up the BO in email

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63c301 No.21093029

I'm tired.

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1318ab No.21093030


are shitpoaster tags available

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331e08 No.21093031

File: 3ddd94209b9823f⋯.gif (159.23 KB,480x225,32:15,spaceodyssey.gif)


I know there are bad people here. But going toe to toe with them in this place really isn't as difficult or intimidating as it may seem.

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6416ed No.21093032


you can be tired when your buried.

for now we got to work on saving the world

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117a73 No.21093033

File: 365c713a0fb69f4⋯.png (290.72 KB,510x502,255:251,schumer.png)

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7f2ee0 No.21093034

File: 72af86f29e1284e⋯.gif (2.42 MB,540x431,540:431,4AF88BAA_B504_477F_96D5_5F….gif)


Post your “evidence”

You’ve had ample time

>doesn’t habs any

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f80533 No.21093035


this feels like a parody, but is it? why is this so goofy

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f3552c No.21093037

File: 644b388c7bf10d2⋯.png (1.3 MB,960x721,960:721,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8388ea392d0b3ba⋯.png (386.95 KB,700x393,700:393,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4517d247e53b70⋯.png (260.91 KB,600x330,20:11,ClipboardImage.png)


That was back when the C_A-FBI gave the mob a free hand to crush dissenters and make taxpayer finance their permanent ghetto projects.

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2f2c3e No.21093038


>Users can now monetize their X accounts without submitting sensitive information to Israel.

<Shut it down the Goyim know.jpg>

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1e93d4 No.21093039


that'd be hot shit.

Comes with great responsibility tho

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d0b7c3 No.21093040

File: a6d00507513a7ee⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB,854x480,427:240,If_you_re_having_trouble_s….mp4)

“If you’re having trouble sleeping, ask your doctor about BIDENICA….”


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8f4065 No.21093042

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c73c06 No.21093043


They fight in tunnels underground.

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d4528f No.21093044

File: 09f74197a1c56a2⋯.jpg (128.09 KB,531x642,177:214,INTRODUCTIONS.jpg)

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4425fb No.21093045


hit BO up in META

his email address is there

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3f0478 No.21093046

File: 2b5c3ced0dff1c2⋯.jpeg (106.75 KB,1080x1193,1080:1193,1583105397.jpeg)

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8f4065 No.21093048


dude, he created the board..

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dfc834 No.21093049


and it's even less kosher than that meat and cheese soiree he whipped up the other day

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2a6323 No.21093050

File: 2b24732bc941ac8⋯.png (308.59 KB,736x975,736:975,ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Portal To New Beginnings





Fresh Portal To New Beginnings

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6416ed No.21093051




that is where the phrase Caveman comes from

mining our gold in the caves for ((("them")))

them - not humanoid

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8f4065 No.21093052


just like those twins and gaylord created crapbook

hotwheels created 8chan

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1e93d4 No.21093053

File: dfe43e37df9226d⋯.png (489.03 KB,1069x878,1069:878,Pete_Buttigieg_Alpha.png)

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1e93d4 No.21093054

Good luck anons, we're counting on you.

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d52ae2 No.21093055

File: d1afbdb6f0b90c5⋯.jpg (98.32 KB,304x470,152:235,media_GL6897RawAAAzLX.jpg)


anons are nameless

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2a6323 No.21093056

File: f3b1a39313f41af⋯.png (1.71 MB,920x920,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Portal To New Beginnings





Fresh Portal To New Beginnings

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d6d0c3 No.21093058

File: 93cedde523ec359⋯.png (131.88 KB,355x236,355:236,93cedde523ec359b5899c5ecbb….png)


Use your big beautiful facial expressions President Trump!!! We will know your thoughts exactly!

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6416ed No.21093059


>hotwheels created 8chan

hot wheels dint create shit, he took already existing code and made 8ch


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6416ed No.21093061

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6416ed No.21093063

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2119d8 No.21093064

File: 41f44d9761e4bb4⋯.png (88.53 KB,464x395,464:395,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a6323 No.21093065

File: 253b4b136b730e1⋯.png (478.7 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a6323 No.21093068

File: 01f64b39af774a8⋯.png (687.72 KB,673x448,673:448,ClipboardImage.png)

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d52ae2 No.21093069

File: 0cf34d004474369⋯.jpg (81.26 KB,1200x675,16:9,media_GOvudljXoAAJ_cv.jpg)


>You’ve had ample time

2 minutes?

you sound very guilty now.

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7f2ee0 No.21093071


You habs none

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2a6323 No.21093072


She's gonna get carpal tunnel syndrome typing like that

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