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837ae4 No.20928926 [View All]

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9f729d No.20929713

File: 3d455c6be250b44⋯.jpg (33.17 KB,490x278,245:139,Jesus_begone_.jpg)

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ae9b7b No.20929714

File: e16bc81bba72ad3⋯.png (452.52 KB,568x439,568:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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9f729d No.20929715

File: 1b01692e875009e⋯.png (87.56 KB,194x260,97:130,Jesus_brohug_nohomo.png)

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215257 No.20929716


#25669 >>20928938

>>20929177, >>20929110 Live: Donald Trump’s New York Trial Closing Arguments - May 28

>>20928977 California Senate Passes Bill Banning Notifying Parents of Child Gender Transitions

>>20928989 6 Fast food companies increased their prices by 77.4% in 51 months, outpacing the 21.5% inflation rate over the same period

>>20928991, >>20929017, >>20929262 White House press briefing

>>20928998 More than 100 business leaders including Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales sign open letter backing Britain’s center-left opposition

>>20928999 Nearly 9,000 Palestinians detained in West Bank since 7 October

>>20929016 Israel said to have waged 9-year ‘war’ against ICC, tapping its communications

>>20929019 VA didn't show up to Cheyenne National Cemetery on Monday morning for an advertised Memorial Day service

>>20929025 Pete Buttigieg can't explain why only 8 EV charging stations have been built with $7.5 billion in taxpayer funding

>>20929047 UK: Vaxxed Deaths Recorded as Unvaxxed to Make Covid Shots Appear ‘Safe,’ Official Data Shows

>>20929071, >>20929036, >>20929044, >>20929113 UK: NHS and government led ‘chilling’ cover-up of infected blood scandal

>>20929074 Good Morning Britain wasn't expecting this poll response

>>20929106, >>20929123 Vivek Ramaswamy pushes for BuzzFeed board seats

>>20929164 Julie Kelly: Judge Cannon Warns Jack Smith - “I will bring sanctions if you [Smith] break the rules again”

>>20929169, >>20929281 PF: Polish Pres and Danish PM leave Prague after attending meeting that gives muh Ukraine $1.74B moar ($3.74B in 3 days so far)

>>20929173, >>20929425 Robert DeNiro gets deleted in NYC

>>20929180, >>20929258 MSM Silent As Court Holds PCR Covid Tests 97% Inaccurate - Unfit For Purpose

>>20929204 Former FTX Executive Ryan Salame Sentenced To 90 Months In Prison

>>20929209 Sinaloa Cartel Leader Nestor Isidro Perez Salas Extradited To The US On Drug Importation, Murder, Kidnapping, Firearms, And Money Laundering Charges

>>20929221 Chuck Grassley Officially Endorses Trump For President

>>20929243 Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rep. Cori Bush just deleted their Memorial Day tweets after revealing they have no clue what it is

>>20929255 Mike Davis On Democrats’ Reliance On Lawfare To Win 2024

>>20929283, >>20929315, >>20929325 Test

>>20929322, >>20929367, >>20929389, >>20929541 Karoline Leavitt raises hell outside Trump courthouse

>>20929336 Using Blood from mRNA COVID Vaccine Recipients: Japanese Researchers Call for Urgent Action to Address Mass Contamination of Blood Supply

>>20929337 PF: RAWHD75 C-2 Greyhound off a flattie

>>20929342 Defense Secretary Austin: ICC only applies to Russia

>>20929355 Former security service chief, Dick Schoof, tipped as Dutch prime minister - will represent “all the Dutch”

>>20929417 Alex Soros just met up with Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, and Bill Clinton; he's in charge of the $25B family empire

>>20929481, >>20929527 Albuquerque, NM: A military aircraft has crashed just off the airfield on the south side of the Sunport

>>20929510 Email Discussion Marked 'Confidential': Barack Obama Architect of Lawfare Cases Against Trump

>>20929609 PF: SAM040 G5 on final at New Castle Cty Airport from JBA depart

>>20929648 Elon Musk’s xAI Reaches $24 Billion In Value Following Major Round Of Fundraising

>>20929665 Globalist poster boy and former Rothschild banker, French President Emmanuel Macron, loves to play emperor ‘but his empire looks like it’s falling apart’

>>20929706, >>20929712 Chase Bank building explodes in downtown Youngstown, Ohio


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ae2f23 No.20929717


Mr Robert DiNero:

Trump said on that day, peacefully and patriotically and you have to go home now. His supporters did just that but your people did not because they had to set him up and later claim to be Trump supporters. Que Pasa? Las Personas no tiene DiNero para ir ala casa?

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48a378 No.20929718

File: 7a2d776f90c5cc1⋯.png (904.22 KB,1080x1063,1080:1063,Scrvfu.png)

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9f729d No.20929719

File: 3614123f2dfd65e⋯.jpeg (5.63 KB,225x225,1:1,Jesus_keyboard.jpeg)

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4587c0 No.20929720


claiming gas leak

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9f729d No.20929721

File: 6ff22e606cd61ea⋯.jpg (41.5 KB,400x400,1:1,Jesus_memes_parables.jpg)

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ba80d7 No.20929722


once every either 13 or 17 years

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9f729d No.20929724

File: 5a9a879a6a334c3⋯.jpg (103.18 KB,555x574,555:574,Jesus_out_banks.jpg)

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19896e No.20929726

File: 187291cf9c8fe2a⋯.png (827.62 KB,800x533,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)

'After you die, your Steam games will be stuck in legal limbo

"With Valve's Steam gaming platform approaching the US drinking age this year, more and more aging PC gamers may be considering what will happen to their vast digital game libraries after they die. Unfortunately, legally, your collection of hundreds of backlogged games will likely pass into the ether along with you someday.

The issue of digital game inheritability gained renewed attention this week as a ResetEra poster quoted a Steam support response asking about transferring Steam account ownership via a last will and testament. "Unfortunately, Steam accounts and games are non-transferable" the response reads. "Steam Support can't provide someone else with access to the account or merge its contents with another account. I regret to inform you that your Steam account cannot be transferred via a will."

This isn't the first time someone has asked this basic estate planning question, of course. Last year, a Steam forum user quoted a similar response from Steam support as saying, "Your account is yours and yours alone. Now you can share it with family members, but you cannot give it away."

Potential loopholes

As a practical matter, Steam would have little way of knowing if you wrote down your Steam username and password and left instructions for your estate to give that information to your descendants. When it comes to legal ownership of that account, though, the Steam Subscriber Agreement seems relatively clear.

"You may not reveal, share, or otherwise allow others to use your password or Account except as otherwise specifically authorized by Valve," the agreement reads, in part. "You may… not sell or charge others for the right to use your Account, or otherwise transfer your Account, nor may you sell, charge others for the right to use, or transfer any Subscriptions other than if and as expressly permitted by this Agreement… or as otherwise specifically permitted by Valve."

So much for your descendants posthumously clearing out that massive backlog…



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9f729d No.20929729

File: 1dc53567d2e85dd⋯.jpg (118.31 KB,1171x882,1171:882,Jesus_out_moneychangers.jpg)

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9f729d No.20929733

File: 14eebd5af094d95⋯.jpg (116.64 KB,600x481,600:481,Jesus_own_whip.jpg)

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eee166 No.20929734

File: 4de416826764e89⋯.jpeg (10.44 KB,178x255,178:255,17465CAE_85A4_4A80_AF38_0….jpeg)


it's a variation on the tarmac defense

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278287 No.20929735

>>20929489 Like I said. You’ll do absolutely nothing

>>20929511 >we will meme

>>20929686 Look where all your glorious memes have gotten you so far.

I am glad you admit that indeed we do something.

next statement


yes, thus why we meme.

I am glad you are starting to understand how it works around here. ty for your time and cooperation on these matters, one of our team will get back to you shortly

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9f729d No.20929736

File: 7db64e0039f79ff⋯.png (93.41 KB,301x168,43:24,Jesus_save_the_sheeple.png)

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4d8b27 No.20929737

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a9af5e No.20929738

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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5b76c8 No.20929739

File: b2cdae2a98e61d5⋯.png (248.19 KB,640x2440,16:61,1374.png)


would the secret service protect a body double in jail. so the DNA test. cause precedent setting. when it's time for bad guys to go to jail no masked clones body double bullshit. total ripoff if no DNA test

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9f729d No.20929741

File: 46ae2f5ade45065⋯.jpg (110.05 KB,726x613,726:613,Jesus_spoke_memes.jpg)

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3c445d No.20929742


Kek. Noice work.

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9f729d No.20929743

File: 6a4674c1e3c8301⋯.png (325.92 KB,491x355,491:355,Jesus_what_would_He_do.png)

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9f729d No.20929744

File: 9616baa5b495534⋯.jpg (100.76 KB,1052x795,1052:795,JesusGlorious.jpg)

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141cff No.20929745

File: af23ef84025ba26⋯.png (1.09 MB,1279x719,1279:719,ClipboardImage.png)

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215257 No.20929746

File: 1b933481d9018a8⋯.png (73.16 KB,500x621,500:621,ClipboardImage.png)

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3f0a0a No.20929747


Lulz. Triggered QTARD is Triggered.

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9f729d No.20929748

File: 37ca6201ea6f9ff⋯.jpg (61.32 KB,540x386,270:193,JesusMoneychangers.jpg)

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a9af5e No.20929749


Haha silly person, you don't OWN the games you just rent them.

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2c9074 No.20929750


GAS powered BANK - kek

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4f3f68 No.20929751

Canada #58 >>20929060

Taiwan to get better weapons than Ukraine – Washington

Taipei will have the newest American military technology, GOP Representative Michael McCaul has said

27 May, 2024

Taiwan will be supplied with more up-to-date US weapons than Ukraine and has access to advanced American technology, Michael McCaul, the chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee has claimed.

McCaul announced the imminent arrival of American weapons while on a controversial visit to the self-administered Chinese island on Monday. Beijing has repeatedly warned the US of 'consequences' from its courting and arming of the island. Taiwan has previously complained that Washington’s military assistance to Kiev had caused in arms deliveries to the island.

”We are moving forward on those weapons systems. I’d like to see it faster, but they are forthcoming,” McCaul said, during a press conference following his meeting with President Lai Ching-te, whose inauguration took place last week.

The US has issues with military manufacturing capacity, the Texas lawmaker acknowledged. Some of the arms that Taiwan is yet to receive were ordered in 2020, and the delay is “way too long”. McCaul added: “I put continuous pressure on the defense contractors and the administration … to get these defense articles out as quickly as possible.”

“Taiwan, unlike Ukraine, will be getting new weapon systems, not old ones – especially old Russian weapons. It would be a new stock that would be supplied to Taiwan. Some of our latest technologies,” the Republican congressman added.

In addition to sending US-produced weapons, Washington has worked to procure old Soviet stockpiles in third countries in order to donate these to Kiev.

McCaul noted that Taiwan’s hypothetical conflict with China would be a naval one, unlike Ukraine’s hostilities with Russia, which are primarily conducted on land. He denounced Beijing for sending an “armada of ships and planes surrounding this island,” intended to “intimidate” Taipei.

Beijing seeks peaceful reunification with the island, which served as the last refuge for nationalist forces during the Chinese civil war of the 1940s. However, it has warned that it would resort to force, if Taiwan tries to formally declare independence. Some political forces in the US are pushing Taipei towards separatism, Chinese officials have claimed.

Earlier in the day, McCaul described Washington’s arms deliveries as means to protect “democracies” from “aggression and tyranny, whether it’s Putin in Russia, the Ayatollah in Iran, or Chairman Xi next door to us in China,” referring to Vladimir Putin, presumably, Ali Khamenei, and Xi Jinping, the leaders of the three nations that the US considers its strategic rivals.

Moscow has described the Ukraine conflict as a US-led proxy war on Russia, in which Ukrainian soldiers are used as “cannon fodder.”


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9f729d No.20929752

File: 4d078237f90b79c⋯.jpg (12.24 KB,255x255,1:1,JesusPraying.jpg)

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4587c0 No.20929754


chase bank on 1st of 13 floors

apartment buildings above

explosion clearly from the bank

gas leak my ass

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9f729d No.20929755

File: c88bb6e36542f2c⋯.jpg (48.13 KB,473x485,473:485,JesusWhipsMoneychangers.jpg)

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832dea No.20929756


the plan called for trials of presidents

but it also calls for victory. if you can charge a former president and get away with it, you set the precedent.

i don't mind being wrong and i pray not guilty… was the ambulance in the reflection for the jury room?

any anons know

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33449e No.20929757

File: 6242fbd3c084e67⋯.jpeg (22.58 KB,255x250,51:50,6242fbd3c084e675c9a91a26f….jpeg)

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e4fe3e No.20929758

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9f729d No.20929759

File: 5a3ae507c753067⋯.jpg (1.7 MB,1280x860,64:43,JesusWithSoldiers.jpg)

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9f729d No.20929761

File: 78923cfa17a3ed7⋯.png (152.32 KB,679x422,679:422,JFK_expose_plot.png)

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19896e No.20929762

File: 899fb9576c7e34b⋯.png (2.6 MB,1872x1440,13:10,81e8ee40b0e9aca2c925babb73….png)

Matthew 13:10-16

New King James Version

10 And the disciples came and said to Him, “Why do You speak to them in parables?”

11 He answered and said to them, “Because it has been given to you to know the [a]mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.

12 For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.

13 Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.

14 And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says:

‘Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, And seeing you will see and not perceive;

15 For the hearts of this people have grown dull.

Their ears are hard of hearing,

And their eyes they have closed,

Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears,

Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn,

So that I [b]should heal them.’

16 But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear;

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9f729d No.20929763

File: 55331c5f76a7876⋯.jpg (226.29 KB,720x520,18:13,JFK_sacrifice.jpg)

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a5f57e No.20929764

File: dde5d384678e49c⋯.jpg (101.36 KB,700x438,350:219,a2_700x438.jpg)

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5ab306 No.20929765

File: 36f42bfdf4f3e54⋯.jpg (405.01 KB,1080x1120,27:28,Screenshot_20240528_225118….jpg)


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d57364 No.20929766

File: e65a07d38b5ac89⋯.jpeg (313.85 KB,828x687,276:229,0FECF5B4_B06E_4129_82B9_1….jpeg)


And what master records are kept in that office?

>asking for a fren

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278287 No.20929767


>Lulz. Triggered QTARD is Triggered.

99% high prob kek

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9f729d No.20929768

File: 2724fb2e8fd4147⋯.png (2.68 MB,1920x1200,8:5,JFKJrCrash.png)

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832dea No.20929769

File: 9eacc036d228ccd⋯.png (54.95 KB,463x208,463:208,ClipboardImage.png)


you get a you for that!

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9f729d No.20929770

File: 6dd7a95023c7e5b⋯.jpg (103.95 KB,733x554,733:554,JFKMoney.jpg)

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47daa0 No.20940003

File: 6d83623c0833059⋯.jpeg (55.7 KB,656x312,82:39,_Anonymous_Just_now_2c6e1….jpeg)

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47daa0 No.20940005


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