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File: 2258ba8a23c48a7⋯.png (41.74 KB,255x147,85:49,ClipboardImage.png)

4464dd No.20918333 [View All]

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956610 No.20919177

File: 9c4b0ff32e8af2f⋯.jpg (80.6 KB,736x1071,736:1071,df429002402471563dd62904e4….jpg)


>Witch of my 3 mams?

You tell me. Ask Anderson.

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66958d No.20919178

File: bd40b530dfacce1⋯.png (70.11 KB,453x121,453:121,ClipboardImage.png)


That's not Entirely… True …

1 SAMUEL 15:3

Now go and smite Amalek and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.’”

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d74a37 No.20919179


Skinhead propaganda

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3b04e4 No.20919180

File: 901820c1cdf846c⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB,742x720,371:360,901820c1cdf846c45c14bdc916….mp4)

The actor playing CornPop has a mask fail.

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5b01e4 No.20919181

File: f155a38179ba66e⋯.png (1.26 MB,500x881,500:881,_Fight9.png)

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f45bb6 No.20919182


>They are treasures


they are Libertarian larpers

the Ron Paul Institute is their multi-million dollar grift

Rand is OWNED; the proof is the fact that he is a US senator

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5b01e4 No.20919183

File: 22196abd627343b⋯.png (1.29 MB,496x904,62:113,_Fight10.png)

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5b01e4 No.20919184

File: 1da863f5c274d01⋯.png (1.67 MB,695x836,695:836,_Fight11.png)

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d35ff7 No.20919185


#25656 >>20918349

>>20918375, >>20918519 Radar anomalies which also seem to be manipulating weather events

>>20918387 Buttplug blames climate change for increase in deadly severe flight turbulence

>>20918444, >>20918593, >>20918503 Military bases being breached all over the place

>>20918476, >>20918953, >>20919059 PF: General

>>20918494 @DanScavino: OTD 8 years ago - 40k ft

>>20918497 Reform UK's Nigel Farage challenged over his claim that Muslims are against British values

>>20918521 Economic Schedule for Week of May 26, 2024

>>20918565 Pilot parachutes out of crashing plane with six other passengers on board

>>20918585 UCLA Medical School recently admitted to lowering admissions standards for minority applicants and now many are failing basic tests

>>20918608, >>20918647, >>20918658 Pompeo comms?

>>20918618, >>20918941, >>20918948, >>20918974, >>20919009, >>20919123, >>20919123 Ron Paul Speech @ 2024 Libertarian National Convention

>>20918628 Emergency crews rush to Dublin airport after turbulence on Qatar Airways flight leaves 12 people on board hurt

>>20918645 Sinaloa's Top Assassin Extradited To US For Flooding Nation With Fentanyl

>>20918657 Estonia Says Goal Should Be Breakup Of The Russian Federation

>>20918666 Papua New Guinea landslide death toll likely over 670

>>20918679 Georgia's new cloud-based voter registration system malfunctioned for five hours on Election Day

>>20918696 The trans activist who was arrested for going on a stabbing spree in Massachusetts and injured 4 young girls, is an Obama supporter

>>20918705 This is allegedly the father of the Massachusetts stabbing spree Trans suspect

>>20918737 Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan was heading to the city of Tashir on the border with Georgia when his helicopter was forced to make an emergency landing

>>20918739, >>20918972, >>20918990 PF: 45 heads to Charlotte Intl does a flyover at Charlotte Motor Speedway and lands in N757AF

>>20918866 U.S., Western allies meet at annual G7 summit, agree to more economic levers to stop Russia, China

>>20918868 Mexico is now deporting Americans back to the US: "Undocumented Americans moving to Mexico for a lower cost of living is causing inflation in Mexico"

>>20918881 2,000 soldiers and 1,000 police officers were deployed in a small El Salvadoran city after gang members were spotted

>>20918883 Knesset to hold preliminary vote designating UNRWA a terror organization

>>20918886 Offensive lineman Billy Price, Bengals 2018 first-round pick, retires due to risk caused by blood clot

>>20918936 Yair Netanyahu Shares Vid of IDF Soldier Threatening Defense Minister Yoav Gallant With Military Coup

>>20918956 Spain's defense minister says Israel's war with Palestine is a real genocide

>>20919019 Top Attorney Testifies: Hospitals Were Incentivized to Murder Covid Patients

>>20919097 DJT Truth re: Libertarian Nomination


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7ae263 No.20919186


Trump never makes mistakes.

who on earth doesn't make mistakes?

His mistake for saying he doesn't make mistakes is a mistake.

on the earthly level of course.

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32934c No.20919187

File: 6558401ee1944bb⋯.png (428.77 KB,374x753,374:753,ClipboardImage.png)


No, I meant this, screenshot keep moving. KEK

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5b01e4 No.20919188

File: 906d135c5ee1ab8⋯.png (1.63 MB,657x865,657:865,_Fight12.png)

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1e7fed No.20919189

File: 96a523c4c36866c⋯.png (2.99 MB,873x4500,97:500,webbflynnuranium1.png)

File: c1dae699a66a1a0⋯.png (3.43 MB,873x4500,97:500,webbflynnuranium2.png)

File: 15bef0149e59037⋯.png (2.17 MB,873x4500,97:500,webbflynnuranium3.png)

File: 8b91b8e0070677e⋯.png (2.32 MB,873x4200,291:1400,webbflynnuranium4.png)

File: a14474d4e138836⋯.png (4.33 MB,873x8760,291:2920,webbflynnuranium5.png)



notable baker.

Flynn worked for Obama in the Middle East

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5b01e4 No.20919191

File: 651808a0b44d880⋯.png (1.24 MB,481x898,481:898,_Fight13.png)

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41f167 No.20919192



And why our military fenced off n occupied that area of dc when the fake inauguration happened. And why we’ve taken as long as it takes to wake everyone up.

Anything not aligned with the Truth is called delusional.

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3b04e4 No.20919196

File: 444c55216487621⋯.png (179.44 KB,630x396,35:22,Screenshot_20240526_154933….png)

The Stairway to Heaven…

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5b01e4 No.20919197

File: 8f7598b25a199f4⋯.png (1.52 MB,568x934,284:467,_Fight14.png)

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383a7a No.20919199

File: 6a0d9d22c05f551⋯.jpg (333.05 KB,1280x972,320:243,7z5qrn.jpg)


> Just makes me think to play with peoples mind so bad, irritates me.

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5b01e4 No.20919201

File: b48793246d60b34⋯.png (1.05 MB,413x883,413:883,_Fight15.png)

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e06c92 No.20919202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q | It's Free


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6aef58 No.20919204

File: 0ac455f15a9b935⋯.jpeg (60.65 KB,784x715,784:715,375458910ea5707e14a8f6502….jpeg)

It's okay, shills. Don't fret. You get to lose all over again next bread.

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5b01e4 No.20919205

File: 3a62bc07e6033b7⋯.png (988.63 KB,411x819,137:273,_Fight16.png)

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d35ff7 No.20919206

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5b01e4 No.20919207

File: d6a60a91d2dce71⋯.png (1.95 MB,735x925,147:185,_Fight17.png)

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e61099 No.20919208

File: 0581bc78e5815d5⋯.jpg (15.63 KB,255x255,1:1,pepe_in_class.jpg)


didn't read

go badger someone else with your effort to make them feel badly about themselves.

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5b01e4 No.20919209

File: 544cce07b8ada7f⋯.png (1.39 MB,492x985,492:985,_Fight18.png)

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7e15b7 No.20919210


It's an earpiece

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f45bb6 No.20919211


>Anything not aligned with the Truth is called delusional.


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6be405 No.20919212

File: f3c5834accd3a10⋯.png (844.56 KB,666x960,111:160,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b01e4 No.20919213

File: 40936aaf76fda83⋯.png (1.33 MB,524x888,131:222,_Fight19.png)

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383a7a No.20919214

File: e763cd89ad7273d⋯.jpg (64.52 KB,500x500,1:1,4grj9v.jpg)


>The Stairway to Heaven…

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5b01e4 No.20919216

File: a126df2d426bed5⋯.png (1.38 MB,506x949,506:949,_Fight20.png)

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66958d No.20919217

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d74a37 No.20919218


OMG! Are the skinheads "Wizard Shaming" now?

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5b01e4 No.20919219

File: 60d2d083583c747⋯.png (2.55 MB,948x940,237:235,_Fight21.png)

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2a892f No.20919220

File: aa7512d51a806fe⋯.jpeg (570.29 KB,915x605,183:121,C62EEE5B_EF8D_472B_993D_0….jpeg)

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5b01e4 No.20919221

File: 656c57c72cafc45⋯.png (1.31 MB,486x940,243:470,_Fight22.png)

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388b81 No.20919222

File: 375b134145af70d⋯.mp4 (14.38 MB,550x308,25:14,This_group_right_here_c_.mp4)


You know, there are, some people who, talk about coups, there's been coups around and United States are the champions. We've committed more coups in the last 30 or 40 years than probably anybody in history.

And,, because if you look back, you know, even as recent as Ukraine that involved an American coup and NATO to stimulate all that mess.

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3b04e4 No.20919223

File: aac66b07e587ff4⋯.jpg (44.54 KB,500x426,250:213,8fzja9_1.jpg)

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5b01e4 No.20919224

File: e6ff1c549362177⋯.png (2.27 MB,777x1017,259:339,_ReleaseTheMemoBattlePlan.png)

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b32830 No.20919226


His handlers are speaking to him through an ear piece.

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5b01e4 No.20919227

File: 7f683078cf550ea⋯.png (1.63 MB,588x967,588:967,_ReleaseTheMemoBattlePlan1.png)

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5b01e4 No.20919229

File: 83557ccd65425bb⋯.png (2.08 MB,757x959,757:959,_ReleaseTheMemoBattlePlan2.png)

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41f167 No.20919231



But wait, there’s moarrrrr!

That’s why Trump met with Kim and why we blew up their nukes underground n killed around 160, iirc. That’s why Trump was late to meet the queen and why she told him to walk in front of her and that’s why the mayor of London had a meltdown and had the baby Trump balloon.

It’s time for you dumb mother fuckers to consider the possibility that you are destined to be defeated. You’ve been weakened like a “virus” in egg batter.

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5b01e4 No.20919232

File: c8e90bee433de97⋯.png (2.12 MB,773x957,773:957,_ReleaseTheMemoBattlePlan3.png)

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5b01e4 No.20919234

File: d7eec592ab6531c⋯.png (2.1 MB,775x944,775:944,_ReleaseTheMemoBattlePlan4.png)

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331677 No.20919236

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

so dropped this a few breads back

after watching it i tracked down the second follow up video and watched it too.

things i would do based on this guys comments in the video…

- he mentioned the large under water rock path to the island

me: take a flat edge shovel and a large metal spike, visit the island, probe the ground for a concealed entrance. use the shovel if you find it


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5b01e4 No.20919237

File: 7618216e17682e1⋯.png (2.3 MB,806x996,403:498,8ChanArmy.png)

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b32830 No.20919238

File: 2a68822ebc946b4⋯.png (451.15 KB,679x451,679:451,ClipboardImage.png)


chk't dem ducks

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88e453 No.20940058

File: 541206ac730ca8d⋯.png (1.35 MB,793x593,793:593,Screenshot_5476_.png)

>>20940033 <fb>


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