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46da4f No.19106634 [Last50 Posts]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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46da4f No.19106635

International Q Research Threads

>>18924779 ——–——– Australia #30

>>19003901 ——–——– Canada #44

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>18551332 ——–——– Germany #105

>>19063692 ——–——– Japan #15

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

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>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50



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>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>19075778, >>19075920 Post NO images that demean children, it's CP NEW


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines - NEW BAKERS, PLEASE READ

>>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317 How to bake/e-bake

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>>19088769 Why admins try to keep spam down NEW

>>19103408 No muh joos in notes, will be removed NEW


#23464 >>19105636

>>19105900, >>19105906, >>19105909, >>19105913 Trump Rally coverage

>>19106107, >>19106118, >>19106208, >>19105918, >>19105971, >>19106003, >>19106017, >>19106086, >>19106123, >>19106185 More Trump rally, Trump quotes

>>19105917 1.87 a gallon = 187

>>19105923 “I gave the position at the United Nations because I wanted your Lieutenant Governor to be Governor!”

>>19105946 LINDSAY boo'ed at rally MP4

>>19105997, >>19106002, >>19106006, >>19106059 THE SNAKE: Is LINDSAY the SNAKE???

>>19106097 WWG1WGA: muh Qanon theme song

>>19105924 Snowden: This broke Twitter for me.

>>19105948 Harris: "Pride is patriotism."

>>19105963, >>19105980, >>19106085 Tucker Carlson Steps Back Through the Looking Glass to Discuss Admiral Rachael Levine on the Other Side

>>19105951 The French government decided for the first time to use modern armored vehicles against the protesters

>>19105999 youtube channel calling itself: Elon Musk Live broadcasts all Tucker's monologues

>>19106024 Antifa got raided with their pants down

>>19106055 Twitter bypass login?

>>19106134 Tucker raising money to start media company; will he stay on Twitter now w/its new restrictions?

>>19106159 Bank does not want customers, to be deprived of a bank account is to be the victim of social murder - Neil Oliver

>>19106047 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Council Bluffs, Iowa Friday July 7 1PM

>>19106184, >>19106161, >>19106222 ATF frame/receiver rule just vacated by a federal court; HUGE WIN for gun owners

>>19106268 Dylan Mulvaney turns on Bud Light, Ties to George Soros' Open Societies revealed - video

>>19106293 Lookner on Elon Musk Limiting the Number of Tweets You Can Read per day to 600

>>19106332, >>19106325, >>19106607 Retard nakerbaker hands off to vatican_shill_bot.exe

>>19106406 Teamsters schemes causing concern over supply chain systems

>>19106503 Elon Musk Announces New Daily Twitter Limitations as Users Report Issues Accessing Site

>>19106515 Fentanyl from the Mexican drug cartels & the CCP killed over 100k Americans last year.

>>19106533 French Police Say "We're At War With Vermin" As Nationwide Riots Spread Like Cancer


>>19106626 #23464

#23463 >>19105068

>>19105088 White House Journo Who Fed Her Question To Joe Biden Elected To WHCA Board Seat

>>19105091 It’s disability Pride Month

>>19105193 The Tweet Beat: Your Guide to Key Twitter Statistics & Facts for 2023

>>19105204 @realDonaldTrump is wheels down…see ya soon, Pickens, South Carolina!

>>19105214 @X22Report “investigators” have evidence that then Vice President Joe Biden shared classified national defence information, now do [BO] & [HRC], one leads to another which leads to another

>>19105273 Bannon talking Civil War/Q There will be noCIVIL WAR

>>19105411 #OTD in 1914, the ships of the U.S. Navy officially became dry under General Order No. 99.

>>19105424, >>19105487, >>19105494, >>19105582 Twitter is DOWN! Thousands complain Elon Musk's social media site has stopped working, leaving them unable to send tweets or search the site/back to normal now?

>>19105785, >>19105789 Pickens of SC

>>19105798 Coming to America? World Economic Forum Lauds India’s Biometric Digital ID System Tied to Digital Payments

>>19105264 Live Link: Trump Rally @1pm EDT!!

>>19105269, >>19105290, >>19105319, >>19105321, >>19105323, >>19105340, >>19105366, >>19105375, >>19105503, >>19105821 Lindsey Graham getting booed 6 minutes straight, traitor

>>19105419 Overflow! We are so Back!

>>19105686, >>19105687, >>19105698 1:23pm TRUMP arrives on stage

>>19105702 TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!

>>19105711 President Trump: Nearly two and a half centuries ago, brave American Patriots risked their lives for the majestic cause of freedom. Their names entered history as heroes, and legends; they are indeed legends. They want to delete our legends. We're not letting them delete our legends.

>>19105712 Trump- This thing is all over the world. Cameras are everywhere. The World is Watching.

>>19105713 now up to71,000 +on Rumble RSBN Feed

>>19105718 President Trump: When they indicted me for nothing, I said, 'Now the gloves are off. Now we have to say it like it is. He's a crook."

>>19105724 President Trump: Joe Biden is stumbling us into the brink of World War III, because he has no idea what the hell he is doing.

>>19105738 President Trump: You can make mistakes on occasion. Even Lindsay down here…we love Senator Graham.

[Crowd Boos]

President Trump: I know, it's half and half. But when I need some of those liberal votes, he's always there to help me get them.

>>19105747 President Trump: Joe Biden is the most corrupt president in American history by far. It's not even close. He's a criminal and a liar, who sold his office to foreign countries and many other people…the only problem is those people [fake news] don't like to report it. But they're actually having to start. It's very interesting.

>>19105758 President Trump: According to representatives James Comer and Jim Jordan…at least nine Biden family members were paid vast sums of money through twenty different shell companies, for no legitimate reason at all. They can't figure it out. While Crooked Joe was vice president, he was using that as a cash machine.

>>19105767 President Trump: This is a sick nest of people that needs to be cleaned out, and cleaned out immediately. It turns out I was right.

>>19105778 President Trump: Joe Biden is corrupt, and Joe Biden is a very compromised president. Hes being paid off just like a common criminal gets paid off, just a more sophisticated manner, and much larger numbers.

>>19105782 President Trump: When I get back in office, I'll appoint a real special prosecutor to investigate every detail of the Biden Crime Family of Corruption.

>>19105794 President Trump: The Espionage Act has been used to go after traitors and spies, it has nothing to do with a former president legally keeping documents.

>>19105820 President Trump: These are sick people. These are degenerates that are running our country, and our country is going to hell.

>>19105835 President Trump: And now Joe has given China the green light, as they open up; not even believable, military installations in Cuba, just ninety miles off our coast. And that will end as soon as I'm president. China will be leaving. They will be leaving.

>>19105854 President Trump: Despite the Bidens' flagrant corruption, the weaponized Department of Injustice interfered to block the investigation against Joe and Hunter, stop felony charges, and even secretly tipped off Hunter about a search of his storage units, just a little different than what they did with the gun-toting FBI agents when they raided Mar-a-Lago.

>>19105856 President Trump: They rigged the presidential election in 2020; we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election of 2024.

>>19105875 #23463

#23462 >>19104308

>>19104311 "Daszak and other senior virus hunters requested at least $292,701 in government-funded international business class flights over the course of three years

>>19104317 new FOIAs out of the NIH. In Nov 2020 a pair of NIH officials drafted a crazy memo to the FDA chief on implementing a national N95 mask mandate

>>19104322 @SpaceForceDoD Space Delta 4 is always serving with a watchful eye

>>19104325, >>19104329, >>19104331 Tens of thousands of Magadonians have assembled at dawn outside of Trump’s July 4th celebration in South Carolina

>>19104328, >>19104332, >>19104394, >>19104508 Pope meets with wife and family of Julian Assange

>>19104337 Dylan Mulvaney turns on Bud Light, Ties to George Soros' Open Societies revealed

>>19104339, >>19104824 Obamas were rage-tweeting about being “oppressed” & “victimized” after the SCOTUS Affirmative Action ruling from THIS luxury yacht

>>19104340 San Antonio contractor charged for role in Jan. 6 Capitol riot Feds file four charges against Brandon Lee Bradshaw

>>19104353 This is an unreal communiqué by the main French police unions, essentially declaring France is in a civil war

>>19104385 @USArmy Happy 50th birthday, @TRADOC!

>>19104387 Q 5 year delta

>>19104389, >>19104571 Trump Rally LIVE

>>19104396 Michael Flynn Finally Embraces His Q Cult Following

>>19104423 ‼️Declassified CIA document Ukrainian hero Stepan Bandera was 'Hitler's professional spy, known as Consul II.

>>19104459 Tony Bobulinski former business partner of Hunter and James Biden

>>19104506 A Russian politician and two suspected Ukrainian collaborators have been charged with war crimes for allegedly abducting dozens of children

>>19104524 This guy is next in line in the Rothschild family to be Master Rothschild?????

>>19104616 US State Dept. approves $440 million ammo, logistics deals for Taiwan

>>19104671 Criminal Referral to US Military (JAG)

>>19104797 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Three Galaxies in Draco

>>19104836 Apple valued at $3 trillion, first company to ever reach milestone

>>19104841 Euclid | Journey to darkness

>>19104844 Scavino: "Ex-Presidents" do not receive helicopter escorts vid

>>19104874 #FranceRiots: On the fourth night of race riots in France, over 1,300 people were arrested. Mass arson attacks and looting continued, Islamic funeral for the deceased youth is happening now in Nanterre

>>19104891, >>19104695, >>19104898, >>19104907, >>19104915, >>19104918 This is how routers spy, see you

>>19104918 @DanScavino Pickens, South Carolina—look up in the air at around 11:05amE, Trump Force One will be doing a flyover…

>>19104930 Biden’s Feds Cut Through Razor Wire Placed By Texas Authorities To Let Illegals Into U.S.

>>19104935 New Evidence Reveals the Biden DOJ Edited Video Footage in Order to Convict Innocent Jan. 6 Trump Supporters and Oath Keepers

>>19104948 'Weaponisation of banking for political ends has RAMPED up!'

>>19105009, >>19105012 It was the Catholic Centre Party that in March 1933 provided the biggest chunk of non-Nazi votes when the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act that gave Hitler unrestrained power.

>>19105046 #23462

Previously Collected

>>19104557 #23461

>>19101925 #23458, >>19102700 #23459, >>19103467 #23460

>>19099641 #23455, >>19100428 #23456, >>19101171 #23457

>>19097359 #23452, >>19098377 #23453, >>19098870 #23454

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #18: Unstoppable >>18830792

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46da4f No.19106636

File: 5097e45db935d06⋯.png (323.27 KB,1912x1298,956:649,576813b500195c89626fc83b2c….png)



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96d16d No.19106648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1cd559 No.19106653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Legacy Media shills

MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


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bfe33b No.19106656

File: 13013cd61d81b42⋯.png (962.83 KB,1328x862,664:431,ClipboardImage.png)

When no counter protesters show up, they always turn on each other. They are only looking for a fight and they don't care who they fight with.

This is comical to see.


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1cd559 No.19106662

File: 0e10e0d20911506⋯.jpg (159.36 KB,1050x700,3:2,70a668973ef47da4c16ee98046….jpg)

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96d16d No.19106663

File: 0b391b815bbbab8⋯.jpg (130.66 KB,1440x1254,240:209,0b391b815bbbab86f410f0780c….jpg)

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ccf00c No.19106671

File: 178ca211d9175db⋯.png (222.09 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1bc0d No.19106672

File: 4b8d4e4c62a5a28⋯.png (319.74 KB,756x452,189:113,sm0qa1.png)

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2a4d49 No.19106673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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75b3aa No.19106674

File: df3900a201171aa⋯.webm (2.92 MB,720x486,40:27,night_shift_8kun.webm)

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8a22af No.19106675

File: f74683326308338⋯.png (11.13 KB,259x45,259:45,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4031026fb820ef7⋯.png (131.73 KB,497x397,497:397,ClipboardImage.png)


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79b912 No.19106676

File: 3f13bdb4c4b9154⋯.mp4 (6.39 MB,1280x718,640:359,large_55_.mp4)

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2a4d49 No.19106677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c01f4e No.19106678

File: 08415f2dbe5765a⋯.jpeg (1001.62 KB,1024x768,4:3,a_beacon_of_light.jpeg)

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cac9fa No.19106679

File: e06fc9a60866b05⋯.png (407.57 KB,1200x1600,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)



2 tards go to war

Let’s Get Ready to Rumble: Climate Terrorists vs Gender Occultists – The Battle of Wokeness Derails London Pride Parade (VIDEO)



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e493d9 No.19106680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rock and roll heaven

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d79247 No.19106681

File: 2d42f066879f433⋯.jpeg (14.76 KB,255x255,1:1,2e6893065b3d47bcf14dd8190….jpeg)

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655327 No.19106682

File: 0bc5a200361f6f3⋯.gif (293.6 KB,498x401,498:401,0bc5a200361f6f36c22f508184….gif)

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2deffa No.19106683

File: 49898060bded87b⋯.png (283.71 KB,560x603,560:603,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f6c554324cb274⋯.png (277.25 KB,768x1023,256:341,ClipboardImage.png)

File: de682e66f89c7a7⋯.png (103.69 KB,976x558,488:279,ClipboardImage.png)

Sperry: Investigators Have Evidence Joe Biden as VP Shared Classified National Defense Information – Including Briefings on US Troops – to Hunter Biden

Investigative reporter Paul Sperry reported on Friday night “investigators” have evidence that then Vice President Joe Biden shared classified national defence information, including briefings on US troops stationed overseas, with his crackhead son and business partner Hunter Biden.

Hunter did not hold ANY classified security clearance.

Of course, this is not such a stretch.

In January of this year, The Gateway Pundit published three documents recovered from Hunter Biden’s laptop computer with classified information. Hunter was given access to the documents by his father. And he was sharing the information with his overseas business associates in Ukraine.

The Biden crime family made millions in Ukraine performing nefarious and criminal activities including espionage.

TGP reported in January that the Bidens were using classified information to the benefit of the Biden family business.

Miranda Devine from the New York Post provided one email that appeared to include classified material from the US government.

TGP determined that this information from the 22-point email came from the US State Department and was classified. This email included this classified information and Hunter had no security clearance or reason to have this information.

TGP reported on a second email that showed Hunter Biden was sharing classified information with individuals at Burisma in Ukraine which is espionage.

This email discovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop was sent from Sean Keeley from Blue Star Strategies a firm that has reportedly been under investigation by the DOJ since 2021:

As part of the initial Burisma controversy, the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee then led by U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) investigated Blue Star Strategies and voted to subpoena documents and depositions from the firm. [9]

The 2021 investigation into Blue Star Strategies reportedly centers around its lobbying the U.S. government on behalf of Burisma without registering under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA). Witnesses have alleged that Blue Star’s co-founders Sally Painter and Karen Tramontano met with State Department officials as part of their work for the company but did not disclose that Burisma was a client. [10] While Hunter Biden was not revealed to be a subject of the ongoing investigation, the Wall Street Journal reported that the firm’s co-founders mentioned Hunter Biden’s involvement with the company during multiple meetings with the State Department in an effort to improve the company’s image. [11]

Keely’s email went to a number of individuals at Rosemont Seneca, including Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, individuals at Blue Star Strategies, including its CEO Karen Tramontano and Sally Painter, its COO, and one individual from Burisma.


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d79247 No.19106684

File: f08b53d45cbf424⋯.jpg (13.78 KB,213x255,71:85,c690a0b15d6dc520cd204642a3….jpg)

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d5ae4d No.19106685

File: d7d13be7618b726⋯.png (432 KB,516x522,86:87,sgtshiltz.png)

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b60bbf No.19106686

File: 683aa4e5c6be860⋯.png (31.67 KB,346x520,173:260,Screenshot_2023_07_01_at_1….png)

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33be8a No.19106687

File: 67b9f9e89075de7⋯.png (853.88 KB,1149x659,1149:659,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71471e7e40770f8⋯.png (409.41 KB,881x642,881:642,ADS_B_Exchange_track_aircr….png)

>>19106643 (pb)

Trump Force One finally wheels up after what appears to be 7:51 delay waiting for take-off clearance from the tower?

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d79247 No.19106688

File: f4c7fce0bac1462⋯.jpg (157.49 KB,672x693,32:33,Zelda_and_link.jpg)

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fda346 No.19106689


Very Treasonous

Espionage act 1917 Anyone?

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87e395 No.19106690

File: d250b02022658ee⋯.jpg (48.74 KB,331x450,331:450,fd661fd9c92d4fdbf8012421e6….jpg)

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c01f4e No.19106691

File: 57cf7a66f3d9c78⋯.jpg (166.75 KB,800x599,800:599,awesome_kickbacks_are_not_….jpg)

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4acfb0 No.19106692

File: df6b6beb1519746⋯.jpg (73.49 KB,1024x341,1024:341,photo_2023_07_01_22_30_42.jpg)

PB reply


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2deffa No.19106693

File: f7313dba36fa35e⋯.png (234.83 KB,500x293,500:293,ClipboardImage.png)

Study Finds Xanax, Valium Associated With Brain Injury, Suicide

About 30 million Americans are taking benzodiazepines like Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin- about 12.5% of the adult population. Doctors and psychiatrists have prescribed these drugs for decades to treat anxiety. But a new study reveals "benzodiazepine usage and discontinuing usage" can create "nervous system injury and negative life effects."

Researchers from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus said as patients enter the discontinuation phase of Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin, they face significant withdrawal symptoms.

"Despite the fact that benzodiazepines have been widely prescribed for decades, this survey presents significant new evidence that a subset of patients experiences long-term neurological complications," said Alexis Ritvo, M.D, M.P.H., an assistant professor in psychiatry at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and medical director of the nonprofit Alliance for Benzodiazepine Best Practices. She said the medical community must reevaluate how it prescribes benzodiazepines.

The study was a collaborative effort between CU Anschutz, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and several drug advocacy that specializes in raising awareness of benzodiazepine harms.

"Patients have been reporting long-term effects from benzodiazepines for over 60 years. I am one of those patients. Even though I took my medication as prescribed, I still experience symptoms on a daily basis at four years off benzodiazepines. Our survey and the new term BIND (benzodiazepine-induced neurological dysfunction) give a voice to the patient experience and point to the need for further investigations," said Christy Huff, MD, one of the paper's coauthors and a cardiologist and director of Benzodiazepine Information Coalition.

About 76.6% of the respondents had long-lasting symptoms after discounting the use of benzodiazepines. Almost half of the respondents had these ten symptoms for more than a year:

low energy

difficulty focusing

memory loss



sensitivity to light and sounds

digestive problems

symptoms triggered by food and drink

muscle weakness

body pain

The most alarming part of the study was the symptoms listed above were new and distinct and weren't experienced before respondents used Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin. Many respondents reported damaged relationships, job loss, and increased medical costs. Also, 54.4% of the respondents reported suicidal thoughts or attempted suicide.

But don't worry because doctors and the government tell us benzodiazepines are safe, just like they said OxyContin wasn't addictive in the 1990s.


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d79247 No.19106694

File: 318d2bf379ad4e2⋯.jpg (83.58 KB,731x737,731:737,stay.JPG)

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c01f4e No.19106695

File: 06c3203990caa59⋯.jpg (192.1 KB,1208x634,604:317,ARM_AMERICANS_FOR_FREE_NOW.jpg)

File: 4ae78b7af89451d⋯.png (214.44 KB,602x596,301:298,Americans_bad_taliban_good.png)

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582ac1 No.19106696

File: 9acca3f660a5ce9⋯.png (446.45 KB,668x518,334:259,Screenshot_2023_07_01_at_1….png)



>>19106597 LB


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2deffa No.19106697

File: bbeafdddc6526a0⋯.png (277.81 KB,563x492,563:492,ClipboardImage.png)

BBC’s Historic ‘Traditional Gender Roles’ Kids Show Now Pushes Pride, Drag Queens.

The BBC’s popular children’s television show – Blue Peter – aired an episode showing kids discussing sexuality alongside drag queens, and featured an ‘LGBTQ+ inclusive community choir’ singing ‘Born This Way’ by Lady Gaga. Blue Peter – named for its original maritime “adventure” theming – is the world’s longest-running children’s TV show, dating back to the 1950s. The daily show has typically taught kids about food, arts and crafts, sports, and even traditional gender roles. “Leila played with dolls; Chris played with trains,” historian Asa Briggs wrote of the program. In 2023, however, the BBC’s flagship kids show broadcast footage of a “pride” celebration, where a man identifying as a woman explained: “It’s what happens in Pride month, come together to celebrate our difference and to celebrate also what makes us the same.” “Pink picnic is a grassroots Pride celebration whether you’re LGBTQ+, whether you’re an ally, and it’s a family-friendly event as well, so we include absolutely everybody,” explains a drag queen in bright make-up and a skin-tight, sequined dress. Another drag queen wearing an outlandish outfit can be seen on stage introducing the choir. The camera then cuts to multiple children discussing the event and what they enjoy most about Pride. One girl – who appears to be around the age of ten – tells the camera, “[i]t shows loads of different people, like if you’re gay, lesbian, transgender, anything, it’s like representing that you’re you and it’s good to be different.”


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07f6d9 No.19106698

File: 07faecbe672a2a9⋯.png (510.18 KB,768x429,256:143,FINAL_BATTLE.png)

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b60bbf No.19106699

File: 867a7f573dc6fa8⋯.png (14.13 KB,1044x121,1044:121,Screenshot_2023_07_01_at_1….png)

Imagine what Baby Klaus will do when they force everyone to drive only EVs…The power has gone to this losers head as he does the WEFs bidding. It's so close to happening too & it will be done with great applause from the retarded masses

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c01f4e No.19106700

File: a723d9d4d2d2c9a⋯.jpg (286.15 KB,1440x907,1440:907,BANNED_RUSSIAN_BOT.jpg)

File: e59dc7f704f0197⋯.jpg (95.45 KB,789x423,263:141,ALL_GUILTY.jpg)

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87e395 No.19106701

File: a73ecc564d1547b⋯.png (616.88 KB,720x576,5:4,a73ecc564d1547b7d1557be38d….png)

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09e95c No.19106702

File: 731d426b0310033⋯.jpg (51.61 KB,856x500,214:125,uyfhkdfbvfd.jpg)

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e49bb0 No.19106703

File: 787b01582c90259⋯.png (234.59 KB,470x292,235:146,ClipboardImage.png)

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c01f4e No.19106705

File: a357e5cfde788d3⋯.jpg (142.41 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Media_is_virus.jpg)

File: 28704cf5a234979⋯.jpg (98.25 KB,550x650,11:13,MSM_Walking_dead.jpg)

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edcf78 No.19106706

File: 455a79d0eb4bdde⋯.jpg (362.78 KB,3000x2000,3:2,LindsayMcCain.jpg)

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7aa1a9 No.19106708

File: 1799e6442402079⋯.jpg (58.13 KB,1500x500,3:1,1500x500.jpg)


…For a better look. 19 red stars, 15 (solid) white stars, 15 blue stars, 5 'star' on stars, and 5 'flag' stars.

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46e16f No.19106709

File: 251c7db52871a83⋯.jpeg (21.24 KB,297x222,99:74,251c7db52871a8323c1505c20….jpeg)

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edcf78 No.19106710

File: 2de4d31418b5626⋯.jpg (66.95 KB,400x600,2:3,SouthernBelleLindsay.jpg)


Lady Lindsay had a bad day.

Do you think she expecting the booing in her own state?

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e493d9 No.19106711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I vote for sugar loaf

Fer de song

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150096 No.19106712

File: 2d2edc38589b4ab⋯.jpg (106.2 KB,728x728,1:1,schizo_pepe.jpg)

any planefag here?

I can remember military planes flying over certain cities and moving in a manner that looked like scanning back during the covid lockdown, March 2020, but I can't find any source or image of it anymore.

Happened for several countries, I can remember it also happening in germany.

Anyone got it saved?

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fda346 No.19106713

File: 68143f0d6225433⋯.png (4.58 MB,1830x2274,305:379,ClipboardImage.png)

There's a Strom a Coming

& Not One [you] is prepared for it

The Giant is Awakening

Also, we've Hidden the Cigarettes & Covfefe on purpose

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96d16d No.19106714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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87e395 No.19106715

File: 69385e23b37e19e⋯.gif (1.2 MB,803x558,803:558,69385e23b37e19e1860ee475f4….gif)

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75b3aa No.19106716



anon is watching.

the story of what actually happened to the migrants who ron desantis sent to martha's vineyard.

They ended up locked up in a military jail after two days of the fake welcome and pandering by the residents there including obama's and elites.

source below tucker expose


listen now before they mute me


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ace5da No.19106717

File: 8be38432f651e15⋯.mp4 (12.02 MB,464x480,29:30,twittercovidcensorship.mp4)

>>19106332 pb

>>19106325 pb

>>19106607 pb

MuhJew 's don't like me since I stand up for Jews.

>>19106654 pb

see what I mean.


Muh Jew freak is next Baker fer sure. BO was very moderate when pointing out how they sneak their Propaganda into Notables


Probably because there's a Baker shortage.

Here's on Twit Malfeasance.

the co-leader with Vagina, who was in charge of Twit censorship - which killed many people; resembles STRAUSS, the banker who allegedly went down so courageously on the Titanic (or whichever boat really sank)

LEO STRAUSS , head of the homosexual cabal "Neo-Cons" - could also be in the Strauss Banker family?

Leo Strauss suspected of NAZI-ism by Hannah Arendt, a "friend" of his who also immigrated from Germany

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c01f4e No.19106718

File: 17afe0ba38ea32f⋯.jpg (167.83 KB,800x800,1:1,MAGA_2_0_Unstoppable.jpg)

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d79247 No.19106719

File: a6d040249d9f6c2⋯.jpg (996.53 KB,4696x3130,2348:1565,how_to_grow_cauliflower_14….jpg)

File: e2c00b752e4adc9⋯.jpg (115.26 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,broccoli_1_.jpg)


Benzodiazepenes are a killer in anon experience, and have destroyed many lives when administered through a medical psych therapists, practicing malice.

This happened to anon after the holidays into 2023. Anon Testimony, has been one of the greatest trails in human strength, bringing anon close to death several times.

Drugs administered in psych health wards, and in psychological environments, damage the GABA receptor, but lucky for the good nutritional intake from such foods as broccoli and coliflower, the GABA receptor can be repaired.

"Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a neurotransmitter, a chemical messenger in your brain. It slows down your brain by blocking specific signals in your central nervous system (your brain and spinal cord). GABA is known for producing a calming effect."


Ciprofloxacin works as a competitive antagonist at GABA-a receptors, which, acutely, can cause seizures and diseases such as Among these disorders are:

Huntington's disease:


Parkinson's disease: 

Hepatic encephalopathy 


Benzodiazepenes are a killer in anon experience, and have destroyed many live when administered through a medical psych therapists, practicing malice.

This happened to anon after the holidays into 2023. Anon Testimony, has been one of the greatest trails in human strength, bringing anon close to death several times.

Drugs administered in psych health wards, and in psychological environments, damage the GABA receptor, but lucky for the good nutritional intake from such foods as broccoli and coliflower, the GABA receptor can be repaired.


"Gamma-(γ−-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian brain. GABA is highly important in homeostatic regulation because it reduces neural excitability, regulates mood, and modulates inhibitory neurotransmission [1]. GABA has two receptors in the central nervous system (CNS) with distinctive functions: GABAA and GABAB [1]. The GABAA receptor is an ionotropic receptor, and the GABAB receptor is a G-protein coupled receptor [2]. Ionotropic receptors undergo a conformational change and open when agonists are present, allowing ion passage into intracellular fluid [3]. G-protein coupled receptors induce cellular responses by using guanine-exchange nucleotide factors, cyclic AMP, and adenylate cyclase within the transmembrane domain [4].

In clinical practice, both receptors are targets for drugs. Baclofen binds to the GABAB receptor to induce myorelaxation, and BZDs and alcohol attach to the GABAA receptor to enhance anxiolysis and promote sleep [5]. The GABAA receptor (Figure 1) is a pentameric heterooligomer that consists of five subunits (2α, 2β, 1γ) surrounding a ligand-gated chloride channel."


Antioxidant rich substances such as:

Cauliflower and Broccoli, are both rich in antioxidants, which happen to be compounds beneficial in reducing cellular damage, reduce inflammation, and work as prophylactic, against chronic diseases.

For example, sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol are two sulfur-rich antioxidants commonly found in cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli.

Cauliflower is a well known source of several other antioxidants, including: vanillic acid, coumaric acid, protocatechuic acid.

On the other hand, broccoli is high in zeaxanthin and lutein, for promoting, overall optical health.

Adding these Vegi's can also boost serotonin reuptake as well, that can cause a balance in both serotonin and dopamine levels.

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b60bbf No.19106720

File: 2ca63cac268dad9⋯.jpg (154.21 KB,720x934,360:467,1688243862837841.jpg)

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11ebd0 No.19106721

File: 8ad41e14a4625a3⋯.png (283.2 KB,720x480,3:2,737bc2f726bb9854a9ecea7353….png)

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e7afa0 No.19106722

File: 1d2803c54e36390⋯.jpeg (64.83 KB,976x766,488:383,1d2803c54e363902ed67336f4….jpeg)

so sexy… hurts

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29fd80 No.19106723

Look at who just got paid off. The book deal scam is alive and well. He wrote a book. Sure he did. Another ghost written book and who cares and who would possible waste valuable time reading it.

High-rolling Ron! DeSantis becomes MILLIONAIRE after $1.25M payment for latest book - but 2024 hopeful's wealth is dwarfed by Donald Trump's $1.5bn fortune

Ron DeSantis' net worth has skyrocketed almost $1 million in the last year

The Florida Governor took home $1.25 million for his latest book

But compared to his 2024 rival Donald Trump, he has some catching up to do


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46da4f No.19106724


Write us a haiku

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3e4b3b No.19106725

File: 3e9260dd5b7c1c1⋯.jpg (279.49 KB,541x541,1:1,3e9260dd5b7c1c1b7558b80619….jpg)

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87e395 No.19106726

File: 2bdb3d26a8b838d⋯.png (850.86 KB,957x510,319:170,2bdb3d26a8b838dbb0d6987895….png)

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46e16f No.19106727

File: 2d67f927f32a090⋯.jpg (55.39 KB,600x698,300:349,170be28f03cea78514a03ddefe….jpg)

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edcf78 No.19106728

File: b3e03f2dbf27fed⋯.jpg (88.94 KB,1566x881,1566:881,Biden_Hated.jpg)

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e493d9 No.19106729


They been shipping them to lots of old military installations

Started 05 or so

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28fe56 No.19106730

File: 0929f1b936f42d5⋯.png (713.06 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a98a3 No.19106731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LB re: who is the snake…

Tanuki Project did the sound for I Pet Goat !!, and this…

Tanuki means japanese RACOON dog


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e7afa0 No.19106732

File: 27443600d3dd104⋯.png (139.81 KB,894x748,447:374,6.png)

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29fd80 No.19106733

The skies have been sprayed with chemicals since the 90's. Stop with the nonsense headlines. Seriously.

Biden White House Publishes Plans to Block The Sun. Seriously.

A Biden White House report released late Friday appears to show the U.S. government toying with the idea of blocking the sun’s rays in an attempt to “quickly cool the planet“. The catchily named Congressionally Mandated Research Plan And An Initial Research Governance Framework Related To Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) discusses various means by which to limit the amount of sunlight that hits Earth, including the deployment of aerosols into the stratosphere – a concept known as “geoengineering” first reported on at The National Pulse six months ago.


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5a98a3 No.19106734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


here is a decode from a few days ago by EntertheStars

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fda346 No.19106735

File: ee2b172158d02f9⋯.png (1.29 MB,1200x963,400:321,ClipboardImage.png)

Normies Know the Names

Normies Know the Faces

Normies Know the Deeds

Normies Know they're after the Children

It'll only take a Small & Insignificant Spark to set the Giant on a path of Boycott Destruction of Biblical Proportions

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28fe56 No.19106736


And they make everyone pay for the BBC in the UK…

This really is turning into a war.

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21f333 No.19106737

File: d0bbb90e3b318c4⋯.png (524.25 KB,560x841,560:841,ClipboardImage.png)


You'll get over it.

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c01f4e No.19106738

File: b18b40a90b7b5fc⋯.jpg (236.86 KB,1185x479,1185:479,FUCK_JOE_XIDEN.jpg)

File: 082ccc57f052fe0⋯.jpg (204.16 KB,718x538,359:269,pedo_pete_sniffing.jpg)

File: 40272fbdf91bf3f⋯.jpg (189.15 KB,800x477,800:477,BORDER_CHILDREN.jpg)

File: 9e3ef6fa9f1f587⋯.jpg (203.21 KB,1822x666,911:333,freudian_slip.jpg)

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0eee6e No.19106739

File: 315d6cd7db71ab0⋯.jpg (358.83 KB,2722x1048,1361:524,GagaWell.JPG)


>‘Born This Way’ by Lady Gaga

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07f6d9 No.19106740

File: 2eb4b0d23361608⋯.png (358.87 KB,599x467,599:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2826c46a9821c05⋯.mp4 (3.84 MB,960x536,120:67,M_W_7_1_23.mp4)


Hypocrisy has no bounds in this administration.



That timestamp.

Not in EST however.

Browser sets timestamp to a timezone I'm not in.

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e7afa0 No.19106741

File: 12355ed77d53527⋯.png (689.91 KB,958x810,479:405,Bannona.png)


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28fe56 No.19106742


Just a typical NAZI.

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87e395 No.19106743

File: 1b9b0ea11b93cfb⋯.jpg (71.83 KB,496x488,62:61,1b9b0ea11b93cfb3a173d88ff5….jpg)

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655327 No.19106744

File: b76ce2b4e191b10⋯.png (259.08 KB,428x466,214:233,m.png)

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e7afa0 No.19106745

File: 9dad5d7e3e5cb78⋯.png (1.92 MB,878x1170,439:585,SEESKULL.png)

[you] like natsi's!!!

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44bd03 No.19106746

File: 1a2cba9cca8f9bf⋯.jpg (31.97 KB,600x400,3:2,baked_caramel_custard_flan….jpg)






every last one of you terrorists

also i stol your meme

have some flan

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c01f4e No.19106747

File: 07b5aa306b146c8⋯.jpg (150.02 KB,602x710,301:355,NO_ROLE_MODEL.jpg)

File: a40ab4ad95f599a⋯.jpg (123.88 KB,1030x604,515:302,Insanity_of_transgender.jpg)

File: 519bbfb422b03f2⋯.jpg (176.21 KB,1044x570,174:95,fucked_up_piece_of_shit.jpg)

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445989 No.19106748

File: d52b70b1803fd62⋯.jpg (56.93 KB,466x354,233:177,20181110_202645.jpg)



We would Trump be allowed to win again? I mean he said it hi,self today, nothing has changed so why expect different? I mean I voted 2020 Trump did you?

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44bd03 No.19106749


it's truly inhumane

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29fd80 No.19106750

File: 2112e24599338df⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,480x848,30:53,Diversity.mp4)

Direct from the "Diversity is Our Strength" crowd of misfits. Time to send them all back from where the came.

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c01f4e No.19106751

File: 17d2e6fcafece25⋯.jpg (189.34 KB,1150x759,50:33,BLIND_TO_CORRUPTION.jpg)

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7f8ac4 No.19106752

File: 0bd172d1cd3f9c5⋯.png (1.77 MB,1820x1680,13:12,ajkek99a.png)

File: 42896cd350f253d⋯.png (41.81 KB,586x240,293:120,4p12.png)

Natsi's named Kete!

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e45c25 No.19106753

File: c4587346d1ba74c⋯.png (474.59 KB,1170x752,585:376,ClipboardImage.png)

NY Quietly Ends COVID Vaccine Passport Program

Jul 1, 2023


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46e16f No.19106754

File: 8b5479841da418b⋯.jpg (253.31 KB,500x450,10:9,8b5479841da418b00af279429e….jpg)

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44bd03 No.19106755

File: 1f5c5a68a5722e2⋯.jpg (52.23 KB,485x560,97:112,tpr.jpg)

File: d47c23b1d297125⋯.png (131.67 KB,1024x818,512:409,d47c23b1d29712528113768b68….png)

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fda346 No.19106756


apparently, Prince Hunter is privileged and He is Immune to the Law

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21f333 No.19106757

File: 73c803266577f11⋯.png (194.83 KB,453x339,151:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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6451fa No.19106758


Bangalore shill-shop font. Try harder.

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445989 No.19106759


>Time to send them all back from where the came.

Not possible, NSA more busy tracking us.

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c14e50 No.19106761

File: 5e0faefdb8b4b24⋯.png (693.53 KB,899x502,899:502,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70bb991b642bfa5⋯.jpg (28.95 KB,400x291,400:291,satfloor.jpg)

File: c5801e0a759727e⋯.png (1.67 MB,1788x706,894:353,bepstein.png)

File: 052cc5ec987de6b⋯.png (942.23 KB,1484x904,371:226,sataurnscube.png)

File: 1057272241aeabb⋯.png (3.85 MB,2894x1429,2894:1429,saturnai.png)

>>19106554 (pb)

'concentric rings' / 'in all/any direction including always as evil as possible child rapist' = no soul / saturn/satan

also 'bit-pattern' symbolism for 'a.i. universe' / 'soulless electricity' / reptile from (((inbreeding))) i.e. as evil as possible = child rapist symbolism/ pedo-swirl = trapped in hell as as evil as possible for elimination

>>19106488 (pb)

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07f6d9 No.19106762

File: 85f3b0e15fddf82⋯.png (22.67 KB,259x262,259:262,ClipboardImage.png)

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87e395 No.19106763

File: 05bab27d4b840b0⋯.jpg (85.55 KB,408x528,17:22,5c0eb935c1860e6548bafe3d3d….jpg)

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fda346 No.19106765


they spelt Stealing wrong

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0fd3a6 No.19106766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Commit to boiling vinegar outside, lots of it. Seems to work to counteract the chem-trails.

Dec 27, 2011

Finally! A solution to ChemTrails and ChemClouds!!!! Ordinary vinegar!!! Vinegar dissolves ChemClouds and ChemTrails!!! Seeing is believing!! (Before commenting please watch the video past the 2:35 mark.)


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2deffa No.19106767

File: 8cec207de24da26⋯.png (498.36 KB,822x537,274:179,ClipboardImage.png)

Russia declares former chief rabbi of Moscow a ‘foreign agent’

Goldschmidt left Russia at the beginning of the Ukraine war and called for Jews to leave Russia.

Former chief rabbi of Moscow Pinchas Goldschmidt is a “foreign agent,” Russia’s Justice Ministry said, according to a report on Friday by Interfax.

“Goldschmidt disseminated false information about the decisions made by public authorities of the Russian Federation and their policies,” the report from the official Russian news outlet said, quoting the Justice Ministry. “He opposed the special military operation in Ukraine.”

Goldschmidt left Russia at the beginning of the war and called for Jews to leave Russia.

Former chief rabbi of Moscow Pinchas Goldschmidt is a “foreign agent,” Russia’s Justice Ministry said, according to a report on Friday by Interfax.

“Goldschmidt disseminated false information about the decisions made by public authorities of the Russian Federation and their policies,” the report from the official Russian news outlet said, quoting the Justice Ministry. “He opposed the special military operation in Ukraine.”

Goldschmidt left Russia at the beginning of the war and called for Jews to leave Russia.

"Russia going back to a new kind of Soviet Union" - Goldschmidt

“We’re seeing rising antisemitism while Russia is going back to a new kind of Soviet Union, and step by step the Iron Curtain is coming down again. This is why I believe the best option for Russian Jews is to leave,” Goldschmidt said in January.

“When we look back over Russian history, whenever the political system was in danger you saw the government trying to redirect the anger and discontent of the masses towards the Jewish community.”

Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt

Goldschmidt, 59, has been the president of the Conference of European Rabbis since 2011 and now lives in Israel after fleeing Russia in 2022. He was born and raised in Switzerland.



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a8c77b No.19106768


I have a good buddy who has been taking prescription Xanax for 20+ years. He’s as fried as it gets.

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44bd03 No.19106770

File: 5914019877c136c⋯.jpg (57.3 KB,239x255,239:255,let_you_borrow.jpg)

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1bae05 No.19106771

File: 6498115931accf2⋯.jpeg (192.23 KB,582x548,291:274,4E38E491_327F_4171_89B9_D….jpeg)


>NSA more busy tracking us.

Required for air cover tasking. Chill.

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7aa1a9 No.19106772

File: a017bd3b6ba33e5⋯.png (148.85 KB,275x276,275:276,booger.png)


…This is the kind of fucking 'well poisoning' bullshit, that irritates anon.

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9d9e26 No.19106773

File: e9497d47bfb526b⋯.png (34.41 KB,686x406,49:29,q_306a.png)

maybe if you pray the rosary?

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150096 No.19106774

File: 8d3a24bbb714796⋯.png (694.4 KB,1920x4394,960:2197,2023_06_29_Long_term_conse….png)

File: 6b2a4198a7e247b⋯.pdf (439.06 KB,2023_06_29_Long_term_conse….pdf)




Long-term consequences of benzodiazepine-induced neurological dysfunction: A survey



Acute benzodiazepine withdrawal has been described, but literature regarding the benzodiazepine-induced neurological injury that may result in enduring symptoms and life consequences is scant.


We conducted an internet survey of current and former benzodiazepine users and asked about their symptoms and adverse life events attributed to benzodiazepine use.


This is a secondary analysis of the largest survey ever conducted with 1,207 benzodiazepine users from benzodiazepine support groups and health/wellness sites who completed the survey. Respondents included those still taking benzodiazepines (n = 136), tapering (n = 294), or fully discontinued (n = 763).


The survey asked about 23 specific symptoms and more than half of the respondents who experienced low energy, distractedness, memory loss, nervousness, anxiety, and other symptoms stated that these symptoms lasted a year or longer. These symptoms were often reported as de novo and distinct from the symptoms for which the benzodiazepines were originally prescribed. A subset of respondents stated that symptoms persisted even after benzodiazepines had been discontinued for a year or more. Adverse life consequences were reported by many respondents as well.


This was a self-selected internet survey with no control group. No independent psychiatric diagnoses could be made in participants.


Many prolonged symptoms subsequent to benzodiazepine use and discontinuation (benzodiazepine-induced neurological dysfunction) have been shown in a large survey of benzodiazepine users. Benzodiazepine-induced neurological dysfunction (BIND) has been proposed as a term to describe symptoms and associated adverse life consequences that may emerge during benzodiazepine use, tapering, and continue after benzodiazepine discontinuation. Not all people who take benzodiazepines will develop BIND and risk factors for BIND remain to be elucidated. Further pathogenic and clinical study of BIND is needed.

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445989 No.19106776

File: b98c22e9be424df⋯.png (291.09 KB,446x638,223:319,Screenshot_2023_06_21_1652….png)


>Required for air cover tasking. Chill.

Save that shit for a newbie, long fucking day

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c84db0 No.19106777

File: f5634156d2f2f61⋯.png (16.42 KB,840x790,84:79,Q_3565_POPE_BIBLICALv.png)

File: 9dcceff98147e64⋯.png (36.2 KB,1188x528,9:4,Q_3565av.png)

File: 7c08265a0c874f7⋯.jpg (308.2 KB,1553x903,1553:903,its_going_to_be_biblical.jpg)

Like something out of the Bible?

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ee4af4 No.19106778

File: 77d8065df916e15⋯.png (1.76 MB,1356x1264,339:316,Screenshot_2023_07_01_at_1….png)

File: 8d375a1a82fc4d9⋯.png (559.09 KB,918x1010,459:505,Screenshot_2023_07_01_at_1….png)

File: da14fc56761625d⋯.png (908.35 KB,738x1228,369:614,Screenshot_2023_07_01_at_1….png)

not gingerella

red is the background

MaYe L. MusX

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2deffa No.19106779

Day Care Worker Charged In Same Child Porn Investigation As Nation’s First Elected Trans State Lawmaker

A daycare worker who is accused of making and distributing child porn made her first court appearance on Wednesday, and was met with outbursts from angry parents.

Lindsay Groves, 38, who worked at a daycare center in Tyngsboro, Massachusetts, is accused of taking sexually explicit photos of young children under her care. Groves was charged after an investigation from police, which also led to the arrest of the nation’s first transgender-identifying state lawmaker, Stacie Marie Laughton.

According to prosecutors, Groves texted sexually explicit photos to someone “with whom she was previously in an intimate relationship.” The Boston Herald reported that Groves is a “former partner” of Laughton.

“I want to f** kill that b****,” one woman said. “You need to rot in jail!”

Another woman, whose daughter went to the daycare Groves worked at, said she did not know if her daughter had been one of the young children sexually exploited.

“As any parent would, you want to grab her, but you don’t want to get kicked out,” Rosemary Denomme told NBC 10. “I came down like any parent would, you want to follow this and I want to fight the fight for my daughter and all those kids.”

Some of the victims have been identified by police, including three males and one female. “How long was this going on for? Where did these photos go? I want to know who is going to be held accountable,” another mother, whose 3-year-old son was a victim, said.

Groves could face 50 years in prison if convicted of all charges. Laughton was previously accused of stalking Groves, according to the Daily Mail.

Laughton was born Barry Charles Laughton, Jr., has resigned twice from the New Hampshire state house, and has an extensive criminal record. Laughton was arrested in connection to the same investigation for distributing child porn.

In 2008, he was convicted of credit card felony, according to the New Hampshire Union-Leader. In 2012, Laughton became the first transgender-identifying person elected as a state lawmaker, thrilling LGBT activists.

“I believe that at this point, the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community will hopefully be inspired,” Laughton said at the time. “My hope is that now maybe we’ll see more people in the community running, maybe for alderman. Maybe in the next election, we’ll have a senator.”

Shortly after the election, Laughton stepped down after the credit card fraud allegations came to light. Laughton was later sentenced to six months in jail after making a bomb threat to a hospital in 2015. In July 2021, Laughton was arrested for giving police false information.


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29fd80 No.19106780

File: ad1fd102cfe97b7⋯.jpg (7.45 KB,260x194,130:97,images.jpg)

(pb) >>19106055 Twitter bypass login?

Let it die. Who cares. The sooner America moves beyond these celebrity CEO's the better. They play games with the 1st Amendment like King George. Die.

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ace5da No.19106781

File: 810adf2cd1d3abc⋯.jpg (31.65 KB,354x484,177:242,leostrauss.JPG)

File: 1ab948cb7c559c6⋯.jpg (104.79 KB,1200x484,300:121,straussresemblences.JPG)

File: 17f9cd714456a8f⋯.png (491.85 KB,702x524,351:262,adolftwopillars.png)

File: 21a593bc68be4a4⋯.jpg (846.52 KB,1285x1701,1285:1701,St_Charles_Borrom_estained….jpg)


Isn't the name "STRAUSS" related to Waltz music; so popular in the 19th c. and specifically to Vienna?

VIENNA: isn't that where Adolf spend the lost (to history) at least two years of his youth.


The Titanic Sunk

Strauss was supposedly drowned

But was he or not.

The saint that the Church with the Two Pillars is dedicated, was responsible from purging the early Church of Heretics (Protestants, separatists, non - conformists and likely Jews)

The Roman nose he sports in all the paintings?

Jewish Nose and Roman Nose are very closely related. Jews were Romans back then. They lived in the Roman Empire.

Jews were the ones who forbid their "Pagan" sacrifices"

"Golden Calf" , etc, Molock.

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e493d9 No.19106782

File: e07aafac67f0138⋯.png (293.83 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_07_01_16_54_0….png)

Look they must be here

Do they eat the paste. ?


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c01f4e No.19106783

File: 6fc298fe1c26c29⋯.jpg (103.52 KB,527x525,527:525,NUMB_OR_DUMB.jpg)

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2f2d32 No.19106784

File: 47d2ab54dce925c⋯.png (589.54 KB,835x1899,835:1899,Q_1951_VATICAN_GODFATHERII….png)


but but but! Godfather III means the Mafia!

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c612cf No.19106785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Wrecked B-17 That Took Down an Entire Luftwaffe Fleet

Dark Skies

573K subscribers

4,669 views Jul 1, 2023

During World War 2, a group of courageous brave airmen embarked on a perilous mission amidst the chaos of war. The 527th Bomb Squadron, part of the 379th Bomb Group under the banner of the mighty Eighth Air Force, soared into the skies on a daring quest. The mission was to prepare for Operation Overlord by dealing a decisive blow to the Luftwaffe.

As the formation approached ground targets in Germany, the sky was filled with the sound of 186 B-17 bombers and 123 P-47 Thunderbolt fighters. Among them was B-17G 42-29896, fondly known as Tondelayo.

Suddenly, German fighters swarmed the skies and launched a vicious attack, firing upon Tondelayo repeatedly. Chaos and destruction reigned supreme, but for all the turmoil, one man stood tall. Staff Sergeant Michael Arooth, Tondelayo's tail gunner, displayed unparalleled bravery and skill as he downed three enemy aircraft.

But despite the incredible feats of Sergeant Arooth, the battle took its toll on the bomber, forcing most of the crew to abandon ship. Injured and deprived of oxygen, Arooth refused to give up as he valiantly defended his aircraft while his own fate hung in the balance…


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9c5c25 No.19106786

File: cdd49dcaf926f5e⋯.jpeg (16.85 KB,264x191,264:191,IMG_5512.jpeg)


> France’s world is crumbling.

Never should have taken in all those illegals.

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2f2d32 No.19106787

File: 2cf9d9a81afd197⋯.png (417.06 KB,2552x5744,319:718,Q_1950L_VATICAN_HOLY_SEE.png)


GODFATHER III must mean Mafia!

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ee4af4 No.19106788

File: db35d81504ce980⋯.png (108.24 KB,250x354,125:177,Screenshot_2023_07_01_at_1….png)

File: 616a0ef32a8b839⋯.png (305.21 KB,316x494,158:247,Screenshot_2023_06_23_at_1….png)


the b'ards

bardbarO. SA

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fa7bc9 No.19106789


Follow the Covid Money.

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07f6d9 No.19106790

File: e6da1058c622fcc⋯.png (426.64 KB,480x776,60:97,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a88828936924159⋯.png (1.05 MB,899x1080,899:1080,ClipboardImage.png)


Celebrating 50 Years of Unstoppable Volunteer Power! ⚓️

Since the dawn of the all-volunteer military, our forces are better educated, trained and disciplined becoming elite professionals armed with incredible talent, unwavering dedication, and an unmatched quality of life.


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c6636d No.19106791

File: 2b69b49015e7ee7⋯.mp4 (109.08 KB,640x356,160:89,2b69b49015e7ee7bed80a4f93c….mp4)

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2f2d32 No.19106792

File: 3df0cb61f516d42⋯.png (1.4 MB,1292x1375,1292:1375,3df0cb61f516d429287de7b61e….png)

collateral damage > told you not to get in the way > your dumbass was warned repeatedly

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fa7bc9 No.19106793


Nice Catch!

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46da4f No.19106794

File: 8ab59823d350002⋯.png (757.16 KB,608x912,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Well then, nice haiku

Here's mine: Muhjoo, Muhjoo, Muh

Joo, Muhjoo, Muhjoo

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fa7bc9 No.19106795


3 days ahead of schedule.

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fda346 No.19106796



It's a Pedophile Ring

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29fd80 No.19106797

(pb) >>19106515 Fentanyl from the Mexican drug cartels & the CCP killed over 100k Americans last year.

Those are war numbers. When 45 returns war will be declared against the Cartels. And if the CCP doesn't leave Mexico AND Cuba I would expect both countries to be occupied by America like Japan in 46.

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c9bd40 No.19106798

File: e81a42f7c7a5975⋯.png (387.19 KB,712x1524,178:381,3249.png)



Knowing Full Well

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7d0492 No.19106799

File: 35e7c5b20ceec49⋯.jpg (153 KB,720x1129,720:1129,20230701_145912.jpg)

File: 84e9c5b2d79240e⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,480x270,16:9,_PENNSYLVANIA_IS_TRUMP_202….mp4)


Lyon, France: Bleeding heart leftist begs police to spare 3rd world invading savages who are burning the country to the ground. They continue to walk past her and attempt to restore order as the country enters its 5th night of civil war. Thing is, the savages would slice 'n dice her without blinking and she'd still cry for them.

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2deffa No.19106800

File: 4de0f108375a32d⋯.png (651.89 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Turnout rises, several arrested as anti-overhaul protests enter 26th week

Organizers estimate some 150,000 at central rally in Tel Aviv as government advances legislative push; 2 arrested as demonstrators block city’s main highway








Israel’s 26th weekend of nationwide protests against the government’s efforts to shake up the judiciary drew thousands to rallies across the country as the coalition moved forward with its plan to limit judicial oversight of government decisions.

Police had expected an increased turnout, as negotiations between the coalition and opposition have collapsed and the fight over the judicial overhaul has begun to heat up once more.

The main demonstration was, as usual, held on Tel Aviv’s Kaplan Street. Channel 13 partner Crowd Solutions estimated some 130,000 participants while organizers put the number at some 150,000.

Even before the rally officially began, some protesters descended to the nearby Ayalon Highway and briefly blocked southbound traffic near HaShalom Interchange. While clearing the road, police arrested two people for disrupting public order.

After the rally protesters again blocked the highway, this time the northbound section.


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ee4af4 No.19106801

File: 41ea832d69fc492⋯.png (155.82 KB,454x510,227:255,Screenshot_2023_07_01_at_1….png)

File: f239789dbba8526⋯.png (425.96 KB,748x394,374:197,Screenshot_2023_07_01_at_1….png)

File: 064ba974248be2c⋯.png (349.62 KB,622x388,311:194,Screenshot_2023_07_01_at_1….png)


as above so below


bigguy MaYeL MusX

bigeYe "backchannel"

2sue n.

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582ac1 No.19106802

File: 631af617227e70e⋯.jpg (137.78 KB,1588x1051,1588:1051,631af617227e70e126a984a297….jpg)

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c84db0 No.19106803

File: 56ca41c5c35452f⋯.png (200.38 KB,1836x2568,153:214,snake1.png)

File: a7e3769b927625a⋯.png (622.22 KB,3688x2792,461:349,snake2.png)

File: 2f9fefa7fcc32cb⋯.png (524.91 KB,3056x2724,764:681,snake4.png)

File: 9783c2823824b39⋯.png (997.51 KB,5516x2840,1379:710,snake6.png)

File: e554394de7d2384⋯.png (453.23 KB,3008x2768,188:173,snake21.png)



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e493d9 No.19106804

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did you ever have to make up your mind

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2deffa No.19106805

CIA director met with Zelenskyy on secret trip to Ukraine

Director Burns met with the Ukrainian president and other intelligence chiefs in a meeting before the Wagner rebellion, which was not discussed, confirms a U.S. official.

CIA Director William Burns recently traveled to Ukraine where he met with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Ukrainian intelligence chiefs, a U.S. official confirmed to NBC News Saturday.

The official, who was not authorized to speak publicly about the trip, said Burns had traveled regularly to the eastern European country “since the beginning of Russia’s recent aggression more than a year ago.”

"As with other trips, the director met with his Ukrainian intelligence counterparts and President Zelenskyy, reaffirming the U.S. commitment to sharing intelligence to help Ukraine defend against Russian aggression," the official said.

The official noted that the trip, first reported by The Washington Post, was before Wagner mercenary group chief Yevgeny Prigozhin launched a short-lived armed rebellion and marched his troops toward Moscow more than a week ago before he suddenly reversed his decision and announced a deal with the Kremlin.

It had therefore not been a topic of discussion.

Republican presidential candidate Mike Pence also made a surprise visit to Ukraine on Thursday, becoming the first Republican presidential candidate to do so.

Pence, who also met with Zelenskyy, has been outspoken about his support for Ukraine, and the move sends a resounding message that he believes the U.S. should play a leading role in the country’s fight against Russia.

It puts Pence in a unique position within the GOP, once dominated by hawks who advocated against growing Russian influence but is now led by a man who has repeatedly praised Russian President Vladimir Putin, and whose base is largely uninterested in supporting Ukraine.

The day after Pence's visit to Ukraine, three senior U.S. officials said the U.S. was leaning toward providing cluster munitions, or dual purpose improved conventional munitions, or DPICMs, to Ukraine. Two of the officials said an announcement could come this month, but one declined to provide a timeline for an announcement.


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c84db0 No.19106806

File: 569126816598b73⋯.png (5.13 MB,9600x5736,400:239,a15d.png)

File: 3794c1447a1b03b⋯.png (271.8 KB,620x413,620:413,031.png)



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7d0492 No.19106807

File: 96dca21cbad04d3⋯.jpg (138.87 KB,720x1054,360:527,20230701_142144.jpg)

File: c3b41b54e1f4d72⋯.mp4 (3.2 MB,720x1280,9:16,Jordan_Schachtel_20230701_….mp4)


Sir yes sir!!!!

I mean Ma'am yes Ma'am!!!

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807a8b No.19106808

Tinitus, not tinitus anons. How’s it going?

Have u ever been outside at night and a bat flies up and touches your vibration and then flies off?

Earths frequency and pol changes is all good.


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94804e No.19106809

File: 2cda67a17901568⋯.jpg (345.26 KB,1740x1250,174:125,30Mo_911Days.jpg)

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7bcf37 No.19106810

File: fc69a4a3ab0d20c⋯.mp4 (13.12 MB,576x1280,9:20,1_4965311094181594014_9969….mp4)

we are energy

go outside anon

and get grounded

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c84db0 No.19106811

When History and the Drops are sooooo inconvenient…



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cf62ba No.19106812


Absolutely notable unless already noted! The Shit we take for granted?

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c84db0 No.19106813

File: b6ec710b04bd890⋯.png (509.98 KB,1776x1820,444:455,ROTHS_NOT_OWL_Y_RUSSIA_CHI….png)

What EVIL?

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c06017 No.19106814

File: 711961e90e2fd19⋯.jpeg (250.39 KB,1440x1040,18:13,IMG_1880.jpeg)

WWG1WGA News Service Report we

Need Sessions

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fa7bc9 No.19106815



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c612cf No.19106816

File: eed16b170a0d028⋯.png (1 MB,1165x566,1165:566,ClipboardImage.png)


>GODFATHER III must mean Mafia

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7aa1a9 No.19106817

File: 0e9613ac765b8d6⋯.jpg (149.4 KB,520x363,520:363,bluejet_crop_strip2.jpg)

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c84db0 No.19106818

File: afe8359adc17bf2⋯.png (412.52 KB,2424x1776,101:74,SOROS_IN_TWO.png)


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fda346 No.19106819


I don't care about your feelings or your Diversity

Can you carry a Rifle and Kill the Enemy?

you look too busy with yourself to be worried about your Teammates

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2deffa No.19106820

File: 2f88d63fd92a099⋯.png (344.62 KB,567x476,81:68,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala Harris Hosts Celebrity-Studded Pride Bash as Her Approval Rating Crashes to Historic Low

Vice President Kamala Harris hosted a celebrity-stuffed Pride event emceed by a former RuPaul’s Drag Race contestant as her approval rating crashes.

Harris and First Gentleman Douglas Emhoff hosted the Pride event at their house on Wednesday. The backyard soirée was reportedly hosted in collaboration with GLAAD, the organization behind in the heavy increase of LGBTQ-related content in the entertainment industry.


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1cd559 No.19106821

File: 71561c16b298277⋯.png (2.14 MB,1920x960,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Rin Tin Tinitus sounds like Fenrir barking,

Looks like masons made him an emotional support dog.

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29fd80 No.19106822

(pb) >>19106533 French Police Say "We're At War With Vermin" As Nationwide Riots Spread Like Cancer

And that Vermin is your very own government who intentionally imported the 7th century vermin now destroying your country. Good luck fixing that mess. You'd need to bring back the Guillotine.

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ee4af4 No.19106823

File: 503807a6524df1a⋯.png (998.66 KB,1776x558,296:93,Screenshot_2023_07_01_at_1….png)

File: d4dad3b5527f4e0⋯.png (481.18 KB,468x1162,234:581,Screenshot_2023_07_01_at_1….png)

File: 302bbd563ebad4f⋯.png (782.69 KB,596x1074,298:537,Screenshot_2023_07_01_at_1….png)

File: d6b06a8059e6fb3⋯.png (479.73 KB,556x862,278:431,Screenshot_2023_07_01_at_1….png)


as above so below


bigguy MaYeL MusX

bigeYe "backchannel"



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c01f4e No.19106824

File: 53711cb65c3c6c6⋯.jpg (43.85 KB,549x297,61:33,no_scruples.jpg)

File: 79073c1cf051b5f⋯.jpg (81.49 KB,766x477,766:477,BAD_FRUIT_alex_soros.jpg)

File: 0d3ba689f14839a⋯.jpg (105.66 KB,969x468,323:156,fuck_desantis_minion.jpg)

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e93a0b No.19106825

File: 046783c8face1c7⋯.png (2.23 MB,2228x1360,557:340,THANK_YOU_PICKENS_SOUTH_CA….png)



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445989 No.19106826

File: 7f361deb81b5ff2⋯.jpg (33.06 KB,720x540,4:3,FB_IMG_1542849151148.jpg)


I'd get a dishonarable discharge if I was in todays Army.

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c84db0 No.19106827

File: 3e92444088e7205⋯.png (126.39 KB,1024x1992,128:249,gfiii94.png)

File: 062d0ab51f16ef8⋯.png (45.07 KB,1504x760,188:95,gfiii274.png)

File: 16cc1b2ac0a9255⋯.png (74.26 KB,1304x1420,326:355,gfiii3565.png)

File: a22d9e0c582e269⋯.png (399.97 KB,598x500,299:250,yy2av.png)


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6b74fb No.19106828

File: abee46f4430e5bb⋯.png (252.23 KB,504x935,504:935,ClipboardImage.png)

'We need our independence back!'

Trump celebrates US in epic speech

“They want to delete our legends. We're not letting them delete our legends.”


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a8b4b6 No.19106829

File: 644f61242cbcb05⋯.jpeg (169.63 KB,1400x1050,4:3,add292f14ae6e57a1976aa2c4….jpeg)

File: 82c14379a1b5307⋯.jpeg (129.49 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_3358504552.jpeg)

File: 6aa51755a7dce69⋯.jpeg (83.05 KB,1280x640,2:1,maxresdefault_1280x640_24….jpeg)

File: 533f82b62f69f27⋯.jpeg (102.99 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_1082231723.jpeg)

Nothing can stop whats coming, nothing!

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c84db0 No.19106830

File: 96f1badec73e74a⋯.jpg (84.46 KB,1160x773,1160:773,96f1badec73e74a4aeb0576286….jpg)




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50aa89 No.19106831

File: 103f5d5f2ab8b30⋯.jpg (905.52 KB,1300x867,1300:867,MuhCrone.JPG)

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2f2d32 No.19106832

File: 2dd1315c79980aa⋯.png (22.91 KB,640x334,320:167,Y_3595.png)

File: bc0210088b630fe⋯.png (62.5 KB,236x239,236:239,yy1.png)




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b7e71f No.19106833

File: 5ac45a83d18265d⋯.png (245.25 KB,472x438,236:219,5ac45a83d18265dea9bed4ad78….png)

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c01f4e No.19106834

File: 2756cab3e88be1d⋯.jpg (81.33 KB,696x392,87:49,Dying_a_little.jpg)

File: ec304838c4735bc⋯.jpg (254.01 KB,900x630,10:7,DOOMED_DEMS.jpg)

File: 42ea4dc54887094⋯.jpg (154.08 KB,584x728,73:91,chop_those_kids.jpg)

File: 9f749686c3353a5⋯.jpg (235.04 KB,1626x546,271:91,TRANNY_RIGHTS.jpg)

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46e16f No.19106835

File: 79100ced7348486⋯.jpg (380.71 KB,1428x1080,119:90,79100ced734848639bb7c1dde7….jpg)

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2f2d32 No.19106836

File: 85f9419c4f8705d⋯.png (200.1 KB,1414x562,707:281,587_pray_preya_playa.png)

File: ed4d60105376d11⋯.png (551.76 KB,1232x1094,616:547,pray1.png)

maybe if [you] pray?

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87e395 No.19106837

potential difference.

high potential likes to flow to low potential.

a thought and a visualization are also potentials.

connect an emotion to it and it becomes a high potential.

a thought and a visualization are also a pattern of attributes.

the attributes being what defines the pattern.

these are also the points of potential resolution.

make a thought or visualization with its attached emotion and carry it into sleep.

where does it go?

how does it get resolved?

do this enough and it can then be done while awake.

what if something/one external was attempting to respond?

would the brain use your voice to present the message?

center to center to center…

the connected centers of each individual praying a single pattern.

prayer works.

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554155 No.19106838

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BOMBSHELL reveal of American Cartels, James O'Keefe!, Mike Pence & Drug Human Trafficking Cartels. Mike Gill

1:29:29 minutes


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ec9a15 No.19106839


Anon missed the rally because of work so playing catch up now, Lindsey Graham being booed made anon kek hard! Trump supporters know what's up

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b60bbf No.19106840

So where else do you people go to find out recent events? I only went here, halfchan & Twitter. Twitter was the main one since breaking news was pretty fast on there. Where else is there? I refuse to use FB, instagram or tictoc

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2f2d32 No.19106841

File: fd723190a88dbdd⋯.png (745.63 KB,2848x2560,89:80,eye2.png)

File: e35d124c99b10f1⋯.gif (3.66 MB,498x311,498:311,jcd.gif)

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e93a0b No.19106842

File: 3e1e70efe156c05⋯.png (1.28 MB,1990x1360,199:136,Now_the_gloves_are_off_wit….png)


Trump Vows: 'Now the Gloves Are Off' Against Biden, His 'Thugs'


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c9bd40 No.19106843


PT standards are now all inclusive

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0c7533 No.19106844



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79b912 No.19106845

File: 3ef3609bf1cb46d⋯.jpg (243.12 KB,1242x911,1242:911,large_28_.jpg)

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2f2d32 No.19106846

File: 3b4e1c00535b57b⋯.png (970.67 KB,1080x1102,540:551,2.png)

Had to go all P = Natsi though!

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31dd71 No.19106847

File: c0f404d425aa54c⋯.jpeg (93.71 KB,647x501,647:501,c0f404d425aa54cb59594c05a….jpeg)


Trump also said (paraphrase) that the gloves are now coming off. you've never heard me speak in such strong terms before but this is what is has come down to. final battle.

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46da4f No.19106848


The amount of botspam is ridiculous

We're not even doing shit here

Yet shills have devoted their lives to this place

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3fef3b No.19106849


>you people

Most of us use the Akashic Record.

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c14e50 No.19106850

File: 83455afd0fa5c72⋯.png (1.02 MB,1024x628,256:157,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8517137a622025⋯.jpg (65.53 KB,534x667,534:667,anubisstatuemet.jpg)

File: c81286bd8109763⋯.jpg (299.41 KB,796x1276,199:319,anubis.jpg)

File: ca0cf42b3b74803⋯.png (596.02 KB,562x751,562:751,obamadog.png)

File: 2187d7d84c02f73⋯.png (1.33 MB,1319x913,1319:913,rothbarry.png)

bark-ley / dog-fucker / (((inbred)))

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62c548 No.19106851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Top 500 Companies and Foreigners Have All Left, Shanghai’s Rents Have Plummeted!

True if big!!

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ec9a15 No.19106852

File: 6d54281949ffc2e⋯.png (186.19 KB,308x450,154:225,Biden_Fag.png)

More gloomy news from Biden! White House says it's open to plan that would BLOCK sunlight from hitting surface of the Earth in bid to limit global warming


Democrats want to Strip away our vitamin D.

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b60bbf No.19106853


Never used that before, I'll check it out. Thanks

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87e395 No.19106854

File: 18fef3db47119e3⋯.jpg (48.91 KB,440x614,220:307,18fef3db47119e389572400bc0….jpg)

apologies, "you people" is out right now.

please feel free to leave a message.

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29fd80 No.19106855


The military's going to need to clean house. If they want to save their country. Le Pen is in the bullpen warming up.

Macron facing political ‘tsunami’ as voters turn to Marine Le Pen

Poll suggests a steady growth in support for hard-Right leader, with president’s own MP warning constituencies are falling ‘like dominoes’


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b60bbf No.19106856


Never mind, you have to download it;

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46da4f No.19106857

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Have u ever been outside at night and a bat flies up and touches your vibration and then flies off?


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150096 No.19106858


- create new ad blocker, that downloads ads but blacks out the ad

- undetectable

- Google doesn't know anymore if a blocker is active or not, advertisers won't like that

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2f2d32 No.19106859

File: ba2cfda113072c3⋯.png (543.88 KB,634x547,634:547,ba2cfda113072c359778083331….png)

and stay out!

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c612cf No.19106860

File: 56a6b6d6f116bbc⋯.png (368.51 KB,554x515,554:515,56a6b6d6f116bbc5fc34a1e697….png)

File: ea407ed5682be46⋯.png (826.06 KB,1057x996,1057:996,ClipboardImage.png)

Heading into Saturday, one of the biggest concerns had been whether 5G signals would interfere with aircraft equipment, especially devices using radio waves to measure distance above the ground that are critical when planes land in low visibility.

Predictions that interference would cause massive flight groundings failed to come true last year, when telecom companies began rolling out the new service. They then agreed to limit the power of the signals around busy airports, giving airlines an extra year to upgrade their planes.


An extra year, wow that's generous of the big telecoms. Nevermind that the airlines and airplanes were there first. smdh

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b60bbf No.19106861

File: 729c833d858c0c9⋯.jpg (141.84 KB,623x694,623:694,1687561170778044.jpg)


Well where the fuck are they? Fucking slackers

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46e16f No.19106862

File: ad4d2348a157f2d⋯.jpg (155.87 KB,1200x894,200:149,Army_strong.jpg)

File: 461526c6fef14c3⋯.png (245.61 KB,322x500,161:250,1671956018844661.png)

File: 3656447cb135a69⋯.jpg (66.01 KB,245x500,49:100,1671955980845732.jpg)

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2deffa No.19106864


On June 27, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced the seizure of digital wallets with millions of dollars in cryptocurrency that belonged to both Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Quds Force and Lebanese Hezbollah.

Gallant said at a conference hosted by the ministry’s National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing (NBCTF) that the funds were being used for “terrorism” and the seizure constitutes the first of its kind for Israel.

“A few days ago, an extensive and precedent-setting operation — to expose a route for financing terror with digital currencies — was wrapped up. This is the first incident of this magnitude, in which an infrastructure led by Hezbollah and the Iranian Quds Force that transferred millions of dollars to be used by terror elements was thwarted,” Gallant said.

Gallant claimed that the Quds Force, Hezbollah and what he called “Syrian elements” had used cryptocurrency to fund their daily activities. The funds come from a third party, and are transferred over via money exchangers, the minister explained.

“Whoever finances terror, or maintains a financial relationship with terror operatives, must know that he is a target, just like anyone who directs terrorism,” Gallant said. “As you can see, this time too there is a clear line behind the terror [financing] moves that originate in Iran. Iran is the financier, trainer, and spreader of terrorism against Israel and many countries around the world, both directly and through its proxies at the borders.”

According to the minister, the NBCTF developed new tools in cooperation with the Israeli military, intelligence and security services in order to combat financing of what he called “terrorist groups” using cryptocurrency.

“I issued an order that allowed the seizure of the funds, their confiscation, and the transfer of the money to the treasury of the State of Israel. In doing so, we have actually cut off the flow of terror funds along this route,” Gallant said.

The Iranian government has not yet made any comment on the claims made by the Israeli defense minister, nor has Hezbollah.

In the past, dozens of digital wallets linked to the Hamas Movement and other Palestinian factions were seized by Israel. Israeli authorities are now working to more strictly regulate cryptocurrency, which are hard to trace.


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6bd06f No.19106865


That'll really help with their wind and solar initiatives!

Arseholes have no limits.

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a68c39 No.19106866

File: 4eca6478771487d⋯.jpeg (73.66 KB,633x1024,633:1024,IMG_3734.jpeg)


We haz magic ⚡️

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c01f4e No.19106867

File: e57c929f8d3ab40⋯.jpg (199.01 KB,896x672,4:3,Medicated_as_fuck.jpg)

File: e67f0c21949da4b⋯.jpg (61.61 KB,483x305,483:305,CRASHING.jpg)


And we have a plan… to build a railway across the seas… and and and…Jill, I need another shot.

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fa7bc9 No.19106868

Loving the rain right now.

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62c548 No.19106869


They want us without power.

This fits well with their plan.

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46da4f No.19106870

Notes @200

#23465 >>19106636

>>19106683 Sperry: Investigators Have Evidence Joe Biden as VP Shared Classified National Defense Information – Including Briefings on US Troops – to Hunter Biden

>>19106687 Trump Force One finally wheels up after what appears to be 7:51 delay waiting for take-off clearance from the tower?

>>19106648 Tucker tells the story of what actually happened to the migrants who Ron Desantis sent to Martha's vineyard.

>>19106693, >>19106774 Study Finds Xanax, Valium Associated With Brain Injury, Suicide

>>19106679, >>19106697 Groomer news bun

>>19106779 Day Care Worker Charged In Same Child Porn Investigation As Nation’s First Elected Trans State Lawmaker

>>19106733 A Biden White House report released late Friday appears to show the U.S. government toying with the idea of blocking the sun’s rays in an attempt to “quickly cool the planet“.

>>19106753 NY Quietly Ends COVID Vaccine Passport Program

>>19106767 Russia declares former chief rabbi of Moscow a ‘foreign agent’

>>19106800 Several arrested at central rally in Tel Aviv, as protests against government advances enter 26th week

>>19106805 CIA director met with Zelenskyy on secret trip to Ukraine

>>19106820 Kamala Harris Hosts "Celebrity-Studded" Pride Bash as Her Approval Rating Crashes to Historic Low

>>19106845, >>19106858 >creates new ad blocker, that downloads ads but blacks out the ad

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e93a0b No.19106871

>Lindsey Graham being booed made anon kek hard! Trump supporters know what's up

Exactly! When we boo Lindsey and other back-stabbers while he is standing right next to Trump, it STRENGTHENS Trump's negotiating skills with them. It's Beautiful! We show them that we will never forget and we will use them from this point forward until we're done with them and then, bye bye Lindsey! Once you have stabbed Trump in the back, you're done. We, the People have President Trump's BACK!


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7bcf37 No.19106872

File: da69175afaccc41⋯.jpg (14.88 KB,474x351,158:117,th_926345492.jpg)


sir yes ma'am!

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31dd71 No.19106873

File: d1e4950f586b1fe⋯.jpg (12.59 KB,255x213,85:71,8982ac4b88175077d5f76a92dd….jpg)


i bet this twitter shit is only temp. just long enough for MSM and other retards to show their true colors. then elon will come back and say "oh problem solved. back to business as usual."

otherwise gateway pundit, breitbart, russia today are pretty good (good points/bad points) but not too bad.

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befda7 No.19106874

File: 4591b59aab9ff94⋯.jpg (719.41 KB,1079x1108,1079:1108,Screenshot_20230702_091853….jpg)

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beb27e No.19106875


SPC Hamhock has a running profile

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29fd80 No.19106876


Not a defense attorney but damn sure what I would pull in the courtroom if I were.

🤡 Brigitte Macron sues women who claimed she is transgender

A first hearing in the case has been set for June 15 on claims of a violation of privacy and fundamental personal rights.

Macron’s wife plans to sue over false claims she is transgender


French President Emmanuel Macron’s wife, Brigitte, plans to take legal action after a bizarre disinformation campaign was launched against her falsely claiming she was born a man.

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09e95c No.19106877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: France Riot Streams

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ee4af4 No.19106878

File: 5e6f08552fb09d1⋯.png (1.43 MB,1176x1154,588:577,Screenshot_2023_07_01_at_1….png)

File: cf631b60fc98c2f⋯.png (322.59 KB,518x520,259:260,Screenshot_2023_07_01_at_1….png)



KNNЯ .da


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a68c39 No.19106879


Yes, and he said that even the Fake News MSM is having to cover the Hunter Biden story even though they don’t want to - revelation


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87e395 No.19106880

File: 00e4cdaf8b667da⋯.jpg (48.96 KB,501x498,167:166,00e4cdaf8b667daccb2097ad0d….jpg)

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46da4f No.19106881

File: 6b57fac9ec870a7⋯.png (940.59 KB,2754x1808,1377:904,ClipboardImage.png)


Download the app to get notables straight to your phone!


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befda7 No.19106882

File: 293e4e7f5e8b60f⋯.jpg (200.19 KB,1066x760,533:380,Screenshot_20230702_092107….jpg)


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46e16f No.19106883

File: d8a0d7fd724649d⋯.jpg (53.99 KB,600x556,150:139,Army_Caveman.jpg)

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ee4af4 No.19106884


no wasted motions

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ee4af4 No.19106885


xcpt yours truly!

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c01f4e No.19106886

File: bb85cfb40f4fead⋯.jpg (154.62 KB,1200x630,40:21,GARAGE_SALE.jpg)

File: 358c3ae10e3a3e6⋯.jpg (166.58 KB,960x648,40:27,10_for_the_big_guy.jpg)

File: 881cf1961ac108f⋯.jpg (144.03 KB,902x736,451:368,BURISMA_HEADQUATERS.jpg)

File: 9a36df3503154ff⋯.jpg (103.27 KB,599x494,599:494,10_MILLION_BRIBE.jpg)

File: 010e515089acc67⋯.jpg (239.47 KB,1280x720,16:9,OVERWHELMING_EVIDENCE.jpg)

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445989 No.19106887

File: 0eacb0b3e4de8bf⋯.png (127.77 KB,785x309,785:309,0eacb0b3e4de8bf380126ecb87….png)

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fe8899 No.19106888

File: c3a914205b4cee7⋯.png (488.39 KB,447x662,447:662,ClipboardImage.png)


what a joke

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62c548 No.19106889


Christian Ranucci will stop the return of the guillotine in France.

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b7e71f No.19106890

File: 1b6699cedc2daed⋯.png (48.21 KB,713x611,713:611,1b6699cedc2daed69cd3620625….png)


you people?

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befda7 No.19106891

File: 2e8a7f7c28df9d4⋯.png (654.39 KB,817x1280,817:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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c01f4e No.19106892

File: aa3cbb64d998c44⋯.jpg (303.03 KB,1384x921,1384:921,covering_the_REAL_PRESIDEN….jpg)

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74e8d9 No.19106893

File: b1d71e1fb0e6246⋯.png (1.21 MB,1245x825,83:55,CC7E96ED_EBBA_4DEE_8766_AE….png)


The Log Splitter needed a new Moscovium injector.

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87e395 No.19106894

variety is a better word.

it doesn't contain the div of division that diversity has.

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29fd80 No.19106895

File: 0301b1b7e6554ba⋯.jpg (12.13 KB,265x190,53:38,download.jpg)

File: f3a3408f2cae88e⋯.mp4 (494.65 KB,640x480,4:3,BM3.mp4)


Benito ended up doing the upside down Y thing. 😎

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6bd06f No.19106896


Its all just another red herring!

5G is spread spectrum which only lifts the noise floor by approximately 1/2 dBm It's not a spot frequency, or series of spot frequencies, like the altitude measuring radar systems use. Those systems would be very hard pressed to even detect the 5G noise floor increase!

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c612cf No.19106897

File: 20abdd6f31ffb09⋯.jpg (8.51 KB,250x243,250:243,20abdd6f31ffb09ddc61a3476c….jpg)


it would seem that every anon sees something different

anon sees a robot lawn mower

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445989 No.19106898

File: 58618afadec211c⋯.jpg (60.18 KB,960x540,16:9,58618afadec211c0526d74169b….jpg)


Trips check't, yup our country is a FUCKING JOKE!

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2deffa No.19106899

File: 7c3a34a2bce6605⋯.png (128.55 KB,484x594,22:27,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4dcf9948f5f496⋯.png (74.45 KB,477x434,477:434,ClipboardImage.png)

Republican-controlled House Moves to Defund World Health Organization

More of this, please.

Per the document released by the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations, the proposed national budget for fiscal year 2024 explicitly “prohibits funds for other controversial organizations and programs, such as UNFPA, the World Health Organization, and the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund.”


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4110a2 No.19106900

>>19106521 lb

carbon dating is


how in the fuck can a leaf that fell from a tree be 50,000 years old?

not to mention none of the tests on the same material yielded the same measurement.


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befda7 No.19106901



Did trump mention her in his speech?

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1cfb5c No.19106902



Are you still pushing that bucket of whipped shit?

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7bcf37 No.19106903


beautiful hillary

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c01f4e No.19106904

File: 43a07eefbbba704⋯.jpg (117.12 KB,816x509,816:509,Witholding_cures.jpg)

File: 940db90ecf1b24a⋯.jpg (246.29 KB,1280x634,640:317,FAUCI_OWNS_BITCH.jpg)

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46da4f No.19106905

File: eb36959dbbe8618⋯.png (240.97 KB,458x628,229:314,inQtel_Glownigger.png)



Aw shit, here we go again…

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87e395 No.19106906

there are 360+- perspectives around the circle.

throw sum'tin in the middle and take a trippp.

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7bcf37 No.19106907


behind every blade of grass

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e93a0b No.19106908

File: 46f059ead7bbfd1⋯.png (2.68 MB,1900x1426,950:713,Omarosa_lowlife.png)

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2deffa No.19106909

File: 7cc09fc80f9359f⋯.png (768.22 KB,2048x1152,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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7bcf37 No.19106910

Trumps rally hat





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62c548 No.19106911

File: bb5affa96e61cdf⋯.jpg (22.52 KB,480x360,4:3,main_qimg_9bc0cd037dc15f67….jpg)


Jeff Sessions?

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c14e50 No.19106912

File: 6656cac0e736421⋯.png (271.16 KB,357x309,119:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5dc67b7362adf9c⋯.jpg (165.83 KB,1080x607,1080:607,5dc67b7362adf9c4e3158e7d17….jpg)

File: 0491c6ad901529b⋯.mp4 (8.27 MB,720x448,45:28,IMG_0051_1_.mp4)

File: 7fe4b6b8d338ce9⋯.mp4 (643.09 KB,592x1280,37:80,12ll.mp4)

File: 9387e1308d9b257⋯.png (724.95 KB,604x916,151:229,reptileai.png)



'satan falling like lightning/electricity from heaven' i.e. no soul = nothing to prevent it being as evil/calculative as possible = (((a.i.)))


Cutting down a CCTV pole results in injuries in France amid social unrest.

Did that really just hit three people?

More video -> LiveLeak (http://t.me/leaklive)


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2deffa No.19106913

File: 329ec75a93ed2bc⋯.png (393.89 KB,567x543,189:181,ClipboardImage.png)

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493038 No.19106914

Regarding everyone freaki g out about Twitter having read tweet limits, wait until the entire i ternet goes off.

That day you need to have your camera phones on constant record. The audio alone will be epic meltdowns. Incude video, meme gold once internet back up.

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29fd80 No.19106915


I'm not so sure. Another country where it's the people vs government. At the end of the day it's always about the law of large numbers.

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941584 No.19106916

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump Rally LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds Save America Rally in Pickens, SC 7/1/23


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b7e71f No.19106917


Zoysia..anon sees zoysia

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582ac1 No.19106918

File: 1179e949200e427⋯.png (1.47 MB,1174x1202,587:601,1179e949200e427618d68535a9….png)


Don´t tell him. It´s funny.

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493038 No.19106919

File: d71d9720c74b7bc⋯.jpeg (9.5 KB,225x225,1:1,images_94_.jpeg)

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c01f4e No.19106920

File: a0b81cc289db076⋯.jpg (40.52 KB,438x259,438:259,Traitors_need_to_die_.jpg)

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31dd71 No.19106921

File: f3d07a063e2996a⋯.jpeg (602.61 KB,1016x1233,1016:1233,f3d07a063e2996a97e157eac7….jpeg)

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493038 No.19106922

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44917f No.19106923

File: 1a0505cb023051c⋯.png (606.7 KB,1018x694,509:347,1a0505cb023051c09758a7000d….png)

File: a89284ef6cac10e⋯.png (272.7 KB,720x469,720:469,b6b523v53c523.png)

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493038 No.19106924

Owl lower left


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b60bbf No.19106925


Jack is mocking people by telling them to touch grass

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7bcf37 No.19106926

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2deffa No.19106927

File: 25df88fb16c4308⋯.png (597.09 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1e07e No.19106928

File: a21837ac2c14a11⋯.png (224.8 KB,379x412,379:412,skull_missing.png)


Reported to the meme police for offences against sensibility.

You are either the most retarded wannabe memester or a fucking clown.

I've hovered between the two since forever, but surely no one who can find their way here can be that retarded, can they?

You convey zero understanding of how a meme works and refuse to heed advice to improve the crap you obviously want to convey as memes.

Fair suck of the saveloy, Bruce.

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ff2fbf No.19106929

File: 1d1aae9613df42f⋯.gif (444.87 KB,300x186,50:31,joker.gif)

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62c548 No.19106930

File: 2bb8383253f3359⋯.jpg (96.8 KB,1200x675,16:9,Seven_Days_In_May_2.jpg)

Worth a watch anons.

7 days in May.

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493038 No.19106931

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6aad7d No.19106932


Fake UFO landing pad depression. He's trying to claim help from above.

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ee4af4 No.19106933


walley paul

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46da4f No.19106934

File: 3fda70e35508032⋯.png (194.23 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1e07e No.19106935


Damn, to whom or what has she praying?

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7aa1a9 No.19106936

File: 9e3b628a2e1e10c⋯.jpg (124.81 KB,888x499,888:499,13rhty.jpg)


…Just picked up an ounce, earlier.

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c01f4e No.19106937

File: 2aeb3de260ad24b⋯.jpg (317.47 KB,768x480,8:5,heard_it.jpg)

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ccf00c No.19106938


subtle namefag is subtle

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e1e07e No.19106939


*has she been

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befda7 No.19106940

File: 0a08eec10df374b⋯.jpg (27.41 KB,282x307,282:307,Screenshot_20230702_093428….jpg)


Are they hiding messages in photos

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2deffa No.19106941

Bibi in China: Swan Song of the Israeli-Chinese Tech Marriage

Once-high hopes for close Israel-China relations based on Israeli technology have faded due to U.S. pressure and China’s go-it-alone strategy. Netanyahu’s trip to Beijing can’t revive a tech marriage that’s dying

Why is Bibi going to Beijing?

Poking Joe Biden in the eye is one reason that is being widely discussed. Reliving the past glories of an Israel-China relationship that Netanyahu can take pride in building is another possibility. A visit to a major world capital where no one will speak unkindly about the judicial overhaul? Sounds reasonable.

Sources in the Prime Minister’s Office say that the prime minister wants to show the Americans that “Israel has other options,” just like Saudi Arabia has demonstrated by allowing Beijing last March to mediate talks with Iran to restore diplomatic relations. With Mahmoud Abbas’ Beijing trip earlier this month, even the Palestinians are reaching out to China.

If it is indeed about options, then Netanyahu would do just as well to stay home.

As the Iran-Saudi deal shows, China is becoming more deeply entrenched in Middle East politics at a time when America is pulling back. Israel does have to engage with Beijing, just as it had to engage with Russia from the moment Moscow entered the war in Syria.

But the idea that the Chinese can begin to take the place of the Americans is even less likely than it was a decade ago when Netanyahu decided to prioritize relations with Beijing. At the time, looking east made sense: China was an up-and-coming economic power and the U.S. didn’t see its competition with China as a zero-sum game.

But what could Netanyahu offer to entice China into paying Israel attention? Israel was a small country not central to Beijing’s concerns. But it was big in one thing of great interest to China’s leaders, namely technological innovation: China was keen to become a tech power itself and was happy to accept a boost through ties with Israeli startups and academic institutions. If Saudi Arabia and Iran are, for China, about oil, Israel is about high-tech.

Or, more properly, it was about high-tech. The budding ties got off to a strong start in the first years. A study by the Institute for National Security Studies found that the number of deals in which Chinese entities invested in Israeli tech companies and venture capital funds rose from 22 in 2013 to 72 in 2018. In dollar terms, it grew to as much as $4.8 billion in 2016, the year a Chinese group bought the Israeli online gaming company Playtika.

Alibaba Group and Huawei Technologies were among the Chinese companies that set up research and development centers in Israel. The Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and China’s Shantou University established the Guangdong Technion in 2015 with money from the Li Ka Shing Foundation.

There was other business, too. Chinese companies bought Israel’s chemicals company Makhteshim-Agan (since renamed Adama) and its biggest dairy company, Tnuva. The Chinese won big infrastructure contracts to build new ports in Haifa and Ashdod, Tel Aviv’s light rail’s Red Line, the Sorek A desalination plant and others. Israel-China trade grew more than 40 percent in 2013-2018.


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c14e50 No.19106942

File: ce770492194b5db⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB,640x848,40:53,bidancreep.MP4)


'watching grass grow' = ((('distraction')))

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4cb507 No.19106943

File: 50e692635260c3a⋯.jpg (115.23 KB,630x544,315:272,RoyalSaville2.JPG)

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4c6692 No.19106944

File: c4757ad95855627⋯.png (1.88 MB,1200x1008,25:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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c01f4e No.19106945

File: 5ebf01bb5cb78a7⋯.jpg (24.79 KB,299x219,299:219,run_before_it_s_too_late.jpg)

File: 9d3d5d31919aa2f⋯.jpg (25.6 KB,299x168,299:168,SINKING_SHIP.jpg)

File: 8343240a72f6425⋯.jpg (23.07 KB,299x168,299:168,Walkaway.jpg)

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e1e07e No.19106946

File: 5882ddc50c95113⋯.png (461.18 KB,752x426,376:213,retards_gonna_retard.PNG)

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befda7 No.19106947

File: 2fc442b0654e4bd⋯.jpg (529.24 KB,1077x1563,359:521,Screenshot_20230702_093316….jpg)


How did my son tell me this 6 years ago .

Raydak ring any bells?

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582ac1 No.19106948

File: 378933723956646⋯.png (403.7 KB,480x450,16:15,3789337239566460b713d997c9….png)

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493038 No.19106949

Looks like a giant potato


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79b912 No.19106950

File: d82f7745514f100⋯.jpg (43.04 KB,640x507,640:507,348118.jpg)

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b60bbf No.19106951


Bill Gates was pushing for it around that time.

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87e395 No.19106952

File: 1cb1f7c9e1b865d⋯.jpg (155.67 KB,499x489,499:489,1c36161c0fba82916b615fb5a7….jpg)

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7bcf37 No.19106953


art bell talked about it years ago as a possibility for the chem trails

aluminum beryllium etc.

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fda346 No.19106954

File: cc5cd3b9ccb0feb⋯.png (311.32 KB,646x446,323:223,ClipboardImage.png)



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e1e07e No.19106955

File: fcb81a144d9fa96⋯.jpg (10.6 KB,244x255,244:255,filtrado.jpg)


As per usual, see ya later, faggot.

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ec9a15 No.19106956

File: 6ed4689dfc047f6⋯.png (536.55 KB,636x382,318:191,Trump_Won.png)

He's still got it: Donald Trump shuts down CITY ahead of huge rally that's first 2024 campaign rally since classified documents indictment


Trump will win in 2024.

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ace5da No.19106957

File: 944ccc0a0c8496d⋯.png (641.79 KB,1038x1543,1038:1543,Charles_Borromeo1.png)

File: 307580bded32915⋯.png (659.44 KB,1051x1225,1051:1225,Charles_Borromeo2.png)

File: 8d72204d08f951a⋯.png (364.33 KB,1057x631,1057:631,Charles_Borromeo3.png)

File: 7208b127c4ec92b⋯.png (306.07 KB,1031x474,1031:474,Charles_Borromeo4.png)

File: 3d2bd8502a0f70e⋯.png (24.24 KB,1015x133,145:19,Charles_Borromeoiconograph….png)




>>19106333 pb q posts which mention HUBER

>>19106356 pb No moar "Both Sides Now" for NBC News affiliate Michigan and Nexstar

>>19106368 pb "Diversity" exec let go at Warner Bros.

>>19106394 pb Ukraine official continues to bloviate and whine about lack of support.

>>19106382 pb Biden and backers plan to block Sun even without evidence of Global Warming.

>>19106404 pb Bun on Disease "X"

>>19106410 pb Saturn symbolism throughout the Ages.

>>19106458 pb Alex Soros' puppets in Congress

>>19106464 Same news. reposted in case you missed; IRS whistleblowers accuse DoJ of protecting the Bidens

>>19106547 pb Eugenicist outed in Finland; resigns.

>>19106503 pb Twitter limits Access

Last Bread was Ghost

I was given to note take by previous Baker

New Baker , this bread, dissed me and dissed my notes.

(I think he's the mole whose putting the MuhJew in the Noables.)

Just sayn' BO

About Vienna and Adolf.

The Church with the 2 columns and (the aspe showing the ONE eye in letters, inside a triangle) is called Karl's Church.

After Charles 6 who was insane, like Biden, and supposedly vowed to build it if the city Vienna was spared of the Plague

(for how long have the Habsburgs been engineering Plagues?)

Built by the Habsburg Imperial Court, allegedly because of a vow by Charlie (who was psychotic)

The Archbishop who the Church is dedicated to, Charles Borromea, known for purging heretics and allegedly rescuing Catholics from England

His Feast Day seems to fall on our Election Day? Nov. 4th.



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62c548 No.19106958

File: 153329b357dd66b⋯.jpg (111.88 KB,1200x800,3:2,EvelynDeadRothschild.jpg)

A little reminder that this sorry piece of shit is brown bread :)

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e091e8 No.19106959

File: b097bf9d6cc7b8e⋯.jpg (558.04 KB,1524x1080,127:90,YellenNuke.JPG)

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aa5cf3 No.19106960

File: 7a3ff3ce1653c20⋯.png (92.04 KB,427x477,427:477,rtehe.png)

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7aa1a9 No.19106961


…Quit shitting in the pool.

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9c5c25 No.19106962

File: f5bdb2e70752594⋯.jpg (18.44 KB,255x247,255:247,IMG_5442.JPG)


>White House cautiously opens the door to study blocking sun's rays…

Leave the sun alone, assholes.

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b430da No.19106963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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29fd80 No.19106964


PDJT keeps using that. Sounds possible like a wake term. Maybe she's dead. If DT says "definitely done dancing" we'll know for sure.

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31dd71 No.19106965

File: 26a25445492d61e⋯.jpeg (94.16 KB,1086x735,362:245,26a25445492d61e71cbbcd78c….jpeg)

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81502a No.19106966

File: e8310592b166e18⋯.jpeg (221.19 KB,1280x720,16:9,Art_s_Grave.jpeg)

File: 2edc8ffdd6ead56⋯.jpg (49.74 KB,546x343,78:49,timthumb.jpg)

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e1e07e No.19106967


For those who've never been up close and personal with monkies, they are fucking vicious, evil motherfuckers with very sharp mother fucking teeth.

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aa5cf3 No.19106968

File: 20816b758b34aa8⋯.png (199.23 KB,456x265,456:265,rgh.png)


Correct, KYS hooknosed inferior fuckwits.

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b60bbf No.19106969


dorsey mocking people who used his website all the time & who he would want to use his new website should really tell people a lot about how that "class" of people really feel about you. Elon as well. they straight up laugh at everyone and look down on us all. Musk is a fucking cunt

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befda7 No.19106970

File: dee5c1dc0f07d65⋯.jpg (259.57 KB,1049x920,1049:920,Screenshot_20230702_094143….jpg)

Who has access to twitter data?

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31dd71 No.19106971

File: 2a1258d4f9a02c5⋯.png (207.51 KB,179x595,179:595,2a1258d4f9a02c5265356ad669….png)


>fucking teeth

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87e395 No.19106972

File: 5b800b435b9164e⋯.png (1.56 MB,819x1024,819:1024,5b800b435b9164edbc2a564a69….png)

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edcf78 No.19106973

File: d74ef470af84ea6⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB,760x480,19:12,Bidenomics_1.mp4)

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0fd3a6 No.19106974


>James O'Keefe!, Mike Pence

I don't trust either of these M'Fkrs!

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a920e6 No.19106975

File: 60bb547a0b27192⋯.png (921.11 KB,634x657,634:657,72624479_12249947_Ghislain….png)

20-year sentence for Ghislaine Maxwell

Disgraced Ghislaine Maxwell's bid to appeal her sex trafficking conviction and 20-year sentence 'falls far short' of justifying quashing of verdict, say US government lawyers

Disgraced British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell's arguments for overturning her sex trafficking conviction 'fall far short' of justifying quashing the jury's verdict, US Government lawyers have said.

The US government has urged the appeals appeals court to uphold Maxwell's sex trafficking conviction and 20-year sentence for helping Jeffrey Epstein sexually abuse teenage girls, after she launched a bid to dismiss the case.

In a filing with the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan on Thursday night, federal prosecutors said none of Maxwell's legal arguments about the fairness of her trial held merit.

Well this can not be "the first arrest". Not many even noticed it.


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b430da No.19106976

File: f13b0f91ff0db55⋯.png (2.9 MB,1287x950,1287:950,ag.PNG)

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79b912 No.19106977


He just mean the memes and vids

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46e16f No.19106978

File: aa908dc73c79a3f⋯.jpg (51.9 KB,432x680,54:85,aa908dc73c79a3f1b7a2000762….jpg)

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b7e71f No.19106979

File: 2f2229f9079747b⋯.png (187.93 KB,494x355,494:355,2f2229f9079747b5634422c59a….png)


The best Q rallying music post!

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7bcf37 No.19106980

File: 25fd7c7c8e4ec01⋯.jpg (337.17 KB,1440x2157,480:719,Picsart_23_07_01_13_23_01_….jpg)

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f903ef No.19106981

File: d1b5927658ee5a2⋯.jpeg (273.36 KB,1160x629,1160:629,IMG_5200.jpeg)

>>19106363 (pb/lb)

T’s said “Beautiful Hillary” a couple times now. Like how one describes the dead, the beautiful dead.


Perhaps leading credence to:

https://realrawnews. com/2021/04/hillary-clinton-hanged-at-gitmo/

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b430da No.19106982

File: 6df3032474ebac6⋯.png (451.82 KB,532x719,532:719,song.PNG)

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87e395 No.19106983

File: 5c2f872546efa83⋯.gif (237.72 KB,320x240,4:3,5c2f872546efa832a4d5684891….gif)

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29fd80 No.19106984

File: 39079959102bdff⋯.mp4 (9.59 MB,384x336,8:7,lindsey1.mp4)


I think PDJT is using the little critter.

"We're going to love him. He's good".

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befda7 No.19106985

File: 737d8f28b76844c⋯.jpg (295.98 KB,1079x720,1079:720,Screenshot_20230702_094545….jpg)

Q drop 7 years ago?

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f402ce No.19106986

Anon discussion on getting off of benzos reminded me of my own story. At one time anon was on 4 psych drugs all at once. Klonopin, Risperdal, Celexa and Seroquel. Miraculously got off all of them.

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0fd3a6 No.19106987


POTUS did say that "we'll get more into this later"…maybe not verbatim, but he recognized the boos, and said we'll talk about it later….I don't know.

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fa4322 No.19106988


It's been a shitty 3 years.

Here's to better days ahead.

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87e395 No.19106989

continuous nested cycles

innocence -> ignorance -> faith -> belief -> knowing -> understanding -> wisdom

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46e16f No.19106990

File: 93cd4245ca5e02b⋯.mp4 (14.79 MB,640x1136,40:71,FAG.mp4)

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92b6fb No.19106991


Can someone put Obama's head on her body?

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150096 No.19106992

File: 564b18a76f64cde⋯.jpg (5.12 MB,3461x2310,3461:2310,564b18a76f64cdec2e4ffc496c….jpg)

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f8a4ca No.19106993


Anon went through Xanax withdrawal a couple times, was not fun at all.

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4c6692 No.19106994


We need to really transition out of using Twitter for Media.

Once again, FUCK YOU LINDA!

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493038 No.19106995

>>19106871 Yep

Imagine the shiver up his spine when booed

Seeing large crowds of people hate you in person and nowhere to really skeedaddale to

must be quite intense, especially when we all have seen online vids of people getting killed and no one doing anything but record it.

People need to start making large paperboard pitchforks to bring to events for optics.





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29fd80 No.19106996

File: 5dfd2446c691d1f⋯.mp4 (14.08 MB,880x464,55:29,lindsey_2.mp4)


LG's own people don't even like him. Proving without doubt elections are nothing more than paid for illegal selections.

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aa5cf3 No.19106997

File: 4659752c24d60dd⋯.png (213.15 KB,419x368,419:368,Hans_Potter.png)


STFU filthy hooknosed mongrel fuckwit!

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ace5da No.19106998

File: 190909c2100af8e⋯.jpg (1.82 MB,1631x1132,1631:1132,Tridentinum.jpg)

File: 4eb65a44370a4c6⋯.jpg (72.63 KB,508x720,127:180,Redpill_Artillery.jpg)

File: 70656f15f4647ec⋯.jpg (59.66 KB,600x600,1:1,Mother_of_all_Redpills.jpg)


Forgot to mention

Borromeo enforced the dictats of the "Council of Trent" i.e. TRIDENTium wherein 4/5 of the material available for the approved scripture , the "Bible" was discarded.

This must have provided much of the energy of the Protestant "Reform"

Reform cuts both ways?

Counter-Reform mirror to "Protestant" objection to the editing of the scriptures?

Forty Fifty years later only, when dissidents, separatists left England / Holland for America


Trident / Tridentium; coincidence?

"Pilgrims" had the Red Pills?

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0fd3a6 No.19106999


He fought back hard, though, never missing a beat really. He stressed what he did do, and what changed his mind….one of those "We shall see".

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c14e50 No.19107000

File: baf60763957bfdb⋯.png (578 KB,810x450,9:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50c9f7e2ac6aa20⋯.jpg (107.55 KB,960x720,4:3,Greater_Israel_courtesy_of….jpg)

File: e3639bbada35719⋯.png (1.11 MB,979x1280,979:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4be68ba8ce72c2b⋯.png (144.44 KB,743x623,743:623,inbredsraelchildrapists.png)

File: 0ff0daf3f72858c⋯.jpg (82.67 KB,933x445,933:445,bill_clinton_jeffrey_epste….jpg)


'(((a.i.))) cohenveniently still hyping terrorism as a distraction from child raping 'U.S. presidents''


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ee4af4 No.19107001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


KNNЯ .da

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c01f4e No.19107002

File: f34f3682edd552f⋯.jpg (42.59 KB,373x394,373:394,Swamprat_vermin_stands_out.jpg)

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64d16e No.19107003


Snake in the grass

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fda346 No.19107004

File: 3b7ca4889a621a2⋯.png (242.55 KB,611x608,611:608,ClipboardImage.png)


I just miss the way his Id Glowed

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befda7 No.19107005

File: e70e72ea6cf32df⋯.jpg (128.05 KB,1079x599,1079:599,Screenshot_20230702_095031….jpg)

Current Twitter

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445989 No.19107006

File: b71253bf5f5cbc2⋯.png (464.5 KB,649x507,649:507,b71253bf5f5cbc299d606efce8….png)


Wishful thinking at the least.

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31dd71 No.19107007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b430da No.19107008

File: 10b670fa3b3b205⋯.png (240.87 KB,446x446,1:1,zoom.PNG)


Disney Projected to Have Worst Flop of the Year While Faith-Based Film is Zooming Past Expectations

READ: http://w-j.co/s/3a4d8

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87e395 No.19107009

File: 7b59f8709ed9f35⋯.jpg (31.3 KB,474x421,474:421,jacobs_cross.jpg)

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150096 No.19107010

File: 9b5645daaca7c14⋯.jpg (58.88 KB,469x445,469:445,10ce51ea245d078ded1fcd7ffe….jpg)

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befda7 No.19107011


Graham L

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f402ce No.19107012


>We need to really transition out of using Twitter for Media.

Yeah anon would like to say: If you are Ed Dowd, DC Draino, The Vigilant Fox, Steve Kirsch or the notable "jikky" would you please place your content somewhere else? Substack and other paid places don't work for some of us.

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e1e07e No.19107013

File: 6207ecfa42f07a0⋯.gif (3.68 MB,480x366,80:61,monkey_attack.gif)


Those monkey canines look innocuous. Anon knows better from personal experience.

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9455cc No.19107014

File: 349d8c28852d4e6⋯.jpeg (570.71 KB,2100x1575,4:3,IMG_1727.jpeg)


Tourist are stupid everywhere, like it’s a requirement

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cfcf46 No.19107015

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493038 No.19107016

Heroes are chosen for you.


John McCain is not a war hero.

His story was all fake so he could in future have name recognition to run for office


Just like his fake brain cancer and medical file from Mayo Clinic that his famlly members sat on board of directors.


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b430da No.19107017

File: c192bdc75ced084⋯.png (295.05 KB,447x640,447:640,pell.PNG)


"Sound of Freedom," in theaters on July 4, is about real-world hero Tim Ballard's work to rescue children from sex trafficking. Ballard leads Operation Underground Railroad and, according to the organization's website, he spent more than a decade working as a special agent assigned to the Homeland Security Department's Internet…

via READ MORE https://ijr.com/sound-freedom-creates-compelling-call-action-confront-child-sex-trafficking/?utm_source=telegram&utm_medium=IJR&utm_campaign=ifttt&utm_content=2023-07-01

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0fd3a6 No.19107018

Having been publicly booed with the whole world watching, what do you think the cabal will offer Lindsay to once again tun his back on "America First"?!

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87e395 No.19107019

File: 9d1751baf79b788⋯.png (313.42 KB,615x294,205:98,9d1751baf79b788598a89bcc87….png)

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46e16f No.19107020

File: 481f02b032afb03⋯.jpg (24.73 KB,323x377,323:377,11042b74a73561f74821822900….jpg)


>Klonopin, Risperdal, Celexa and Seroquel

Holy Shit!

God Bless!

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46da4f No.19107021

Notables @350

#23465 >>19106636

>>19106956 Donald Trump shuts down CITY ahead of huge rally that's first 2024 campaign rally since classified documents indictment

>>19106683 Sperry: Investigators Have Evidence Joe Biden as VP Shared Classified National Defense Information – Including Briefings on US Troops – to Hunter Biden

>>19106947, >>19106962 White House cautiously opens the door to study blocking sun's rays… Raydak ring any bells?

>>19106687 Trump Force One finally wheels up

>>19106648 Tucker tells the story of what actually happened to the migrants who Ron Desantis sent to Martha's vineyard.

>>19106693, >>19106774 Study Finds Xanax, Valium Associated With Brain Injury, Suicide

>>19106679, >>19106697 Groomer news bun

>>19106779 Day Care Worker Charged In Same Child Porn Investigation As Nation’s First Elected Trans State Lawmaker

>>19106733 A Biden White House report released late Friday appears to show the U.S. government toying with the idea of blocking the sun’s rays in an attempt to “quickly cool the planet“.

>>19106753 NY Quietly Ends COVID Vaccine Passport Program

>>19106767 Russia declares former chief rabbi of Moscow a ‘foreign agent’

>>19106800 Several arrested at central rally in Tel Aviv, as protests against government advances enter 26th week

>>19106805 CIA director met with Zelenskyy on secret trip to Ukraine

>>19106820 Kamala Harris Hosts "Celebrity-Studded" Pride Bash as Her Approval Rating Crashes to Historic Low

>>19106840, >>19106881 Get notables straight to your phone with freespoke

>>19106845, >>19106858 >creates new ad blocker, that downloads ads but blacks out the ad

>>19106874, >>19106934, >>19106940 Okay, I touched grass, now what

>>19106899 Republican-controlled House Moves to Defund World Health Organization

>>19106914 Regarding everyone freaking out about Twitter having read tweet limits, wait until the entire internet goes off.

>>19106941 Bibi in China: Swan Song of the Israeli-Chinese Tech Marriage

>>19106981 T’s said “Beautiful Hillary” a couple times now. Like how one describes the dead, the beautiful dead.

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445989 No.19107022

File: 04efc0b188d0508⋯.jpg (62.69 KB,720x576,5:4,04efc0b188d0508e6d7873c9e5….jpg)


Yeah either he's a much better actor than I ever thought he was or he really doesn't get his base let alone anons. Pffft how can he not know who Grahm is really?

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f73255 No.19107023


Tim Scott.

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aa5cf3 No.19107024

File: d5cf5251e50d2bd⋯.png (187.78 KB,377x462,377:462,Multiculturalism_Destroyin….png)



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519449 No.19107025


Very weird vibe… he was nervous at first.

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b430da No.19107026

File: 07bc6b790f2a66a⋯.png (307.2 KB,421x524,421:524,roo.PNG)


Steve Bannon: MAGA Represents—Throw Little Lindsey Out …



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e1e07e No.19107027

File: 7c5de2a6aead310⋯.jpg (244.46 KB,1280x720,16:9,lion_purr.jpg)

File: 336d8df1041b690⋯.jpg (106.26 KB,450x674,225:337,lion_ribs.jpg)


Does it purr like a cat?

Maybe when its hunger is sated.

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7d4d97 No.19107028

File: 1aaad5222767ca1⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,1078x720,539:360,1aaad5222767ca115f2f828a79….mp4)

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7bcf37 No.19107029

File: 6f08427d0574426⋯.jpg (347.76 KB,1440x2157,480:719,Picsart_23_07_01_16_55_43_….jpg)

maybe a boxing glove on the other hand


anon is buzzed

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7a6429 No.19107030

File: efa0688569cf7b4⋯.png (1.11 MB,1083x792,361:264,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 425308d4920d698⋯.png (783.41 KB,1313x684,1313:684,ClipboardImage.png)

File: babd65cbb99cda6⋯.png (346 KB,608x342,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1cffe6f0b20538⋯.png (112.1 KB,300x225,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

This faggot wants his followers to invest in Russia cuz Treason is the Season.

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e93a0b No.19107031

File: 1334f823196ed17⋯.png (1.09 MB,568x1558,284:779,Hunter_Llama_Ukraine_Joe_k….png)

File: ea5b46a7a3ff12b⋯.png (1.77 MB,922x1466,461:733,Jennifer_Lawrence_and_Harv….png)

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493038 No.19107032


Brain cancer was the way he could say " i don't recall" if ever caught in his treason

And avoid answers in interrogation.

Too bad "we don't say his name"



His best friend flipped Wayyyyy back







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b430da No.19107033

File: baed8594c325073⋯.png (31.64 KB,766x447,766:447,diz.PNG)


Jim Caviezel: Disney Tried to Remove ‘God’ from ‘Count of Monte Cristo’

Christian Toto

July 1st, 2023 1:30 PM

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31dd71 No.19107034

File: d6b476d3cc99d3f⋯.mp4 (5.62 MB,640x360,16:9,_MUST_WATCH_Gen_Kelley_Mat….mp4)


imo LG flipped from bad actor to forced good actor years ago. his mannerisms in this video make it pretty clear to me. the video is overly dramatic w/ music and wording but it does tell the story.

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f402ce No.19107035


>God Bless!

You, too. God really did bless me. Diidn't know how much until the story about Jordan Peterson going to Russia to get off Klonopin came out. Anon got off that one without any professional help or guidance. Almost had to go to the hospital but didn't.

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deae26 No.19107036

File: 3ee5f87d68d07f8⋯.png (41.92 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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445989 No.19107037

File: b6f9481e18bf105⋯.png (1.22 MB,1378x744,689:372,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d66336ac5c8f97⋯.png (315.79 KB,575x483,25:21,ClipboardImage.png)


THANK YOU to all of the incredible Law Enforcement Officers in the Great State of South Carolina!



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79b912 No.19107038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Russian Infantry Artillery Battle On Kharkov Frontline(Special Historic Report)

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29fd80 No.19107039

File: d17827cc6446fdc⋯.mp4 (11.72 MB,464x848,29:53,Just_stop_oil.mp4)

"Just stop oil". Then let's do Nuclear, natural gas and coal. And we can all call ourselves Germans and go back to candle and horsepower. The US 7th Fleet will have to use windmills 😁

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b430da No.19107040

File: 79f714de8ada1e5⋯.png (552.48 KB,867x699,289:233,yung.PNG)


Pro-trans study finds kids are diagnosed with 'gender dysphoria' at younger ages

'Could it be that this is a fad that tells girls transgenderism is cool?'

Peter LaBarbera By Peter LaBarbera

Published June 30, 2023 at 7:23pm

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fda346 No.19107041

Police shoot a Criminal Fleeing

"Protestors" Burn, Loot, and Murder Civilians Houses, Businesses & Lives

The Silence from Macron is Deafening

Almost like he approves

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81502a No.19107042

File: 70e50975147a56c⋯.jpg (51.91 KB,640x400,8:5,you_shall_not_pass.jpg)

* The Woke Got Conned out of their vote by Joe Biden (we'll pay off college loan bills)

* so-called "gay cake baker"

Colorado cannot force "gay cake baker" to speak in a way that violates said designer's belief simply because they offer services to the public. The service provider can offer to provide speech they agree with for remuneration and may not discriminate against who pays them to speak but neither the customer or state can demand a service provider speak in a way they disagree with.

On a long enough time-line everyone will use Anon's Linguistics

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b430da No.19107043

File: 3442486d86c3c7d⋯.png (214.97 KB,416x429,32:33,change.PNG)


Official Narrative on Chinese Surveillance Balloon Changed Again - This Time the Pentagon's Claim Is Even More Questionable

READ: http://w-j.co/s/5bff3

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056219 No.19107044




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09e95c No.19107045

Mobs of people looting,and fires burning again in Marseille, France.

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deae26 No.19107046

File: 18a87909a6a789f⋯.mp4 (5.57 MB,640x360,16:9,17.mp4)

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94804e No.19107047

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582ac1 No.19107048

File: 91f252aa2ea2ff7⋯.jpg (153.07 KB,976x1461,976:1461,FrIrB8CWcAE_UMo.jpg)

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ec9a15 No.19107049


17 Again! Dan posted one the other day with 17, no coincidences

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f8a4ca No.19107050

File: 5bcbb8f73633668⋯.png (79.29 KB,831x1000,831:1000,nakers.png)

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b430da No.19107051

File: 783f4eef27006c6⋯.png (625.25 KB,586x521,586:521,resist.PNG)

File: 3af76a72de65d81⋯.png (653.95 KB,838x582,419:291,pat.PNG)

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e1e07e No.19107052


I've got a great idea: let's lubricate with vinegar instead and mandate the our national dish, fish and chips, be fried in vinegar as well.

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81502a No.19107053

On a long enough time-line everyone will use Anon's Linguistics

The US Military and the US State Department and the Secretary of State have maliciously put commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity frauds who intend HARM to America on the ballots.

pre emptory strikes jurors

prosecutorial discretion

color of law

sovereign immunity

qualified immunity

common adversary

collective resilience

allo w process to "slow play" out as a punishment

smith mundt modernization act

juror purgery trap

18 USC 1001b




On a long enough time-line everyone will use Anon's Linguistics


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9455cc No.19107054

File: 770ea8e4ac0ae0d⋯.png (480.19 KB,597x433,597:433,IMG_2689.png)


The “State” made them say that…..kek

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fda346 No.19107055

Chaos & Fear are the Only cards they have left

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7bcf37 No.19107056




anything pickled


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514d68 No.19107057


NEVER go cold turkey with it….

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31dd71 No.19107058

File: 21f4e867e4ab9ac⋯.mp4 (699.08 KB,636x360,53:30,21f4e867e4ab9ac176f945b0ba….mp4)

File: 959ebdfdae43bae⋯.png (675.66 KB,874x508,437:254,Screen_Shot_2023_07_01_at_….png)


just realized that's kucinich behind graham

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e1e07e No.19107059


But what if they're not cunnilingual?

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aa5cf3 No.19107060

File: 049ceb40f7266c8⋯.png (194.87 KB,630x355,126:71,hdfjs.png)

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81502a No.19107061

File: 5f29e227bbf5320⋯.jpg (68.33 KB,454x454,1:1,elon_five_ds.jpg)

Dark Sauce

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493038 No.19107062



From old Qmap.pub day on plyers page

Blast from past

Lindsey Graham




Lindsey Graham is an American politician and retired U.S. Air Force Reserve colonel serving as the senior United States Senator from South Carolina, a seat he has held since 2003. He is a member of the Republican Party. Graham has been a very vocal supporter of Brett Kavanaugh's nomination for the Supreme Court.

Go look page one

Lindsey Graham flipped/freed


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e93a0b No.19107063

File: 5d21071347fbeb9⋯.png (283.76 KB,926x537,926:537,we_love_good_singers_Linds….png)



Today's "Lindsey Graham/We love good singers" Q Proof!

Lindsey Graham and the Children's Choir were both in attendance.

President Trump, speaking on the children's choir, says "I wish I had a voice like that!"

In Q post #1305, Q posts a link to Lindsey Graham's twitter and then Q writes "We love good singers."



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e1e07e No.19107064


>anything pickled

Such as my liver? kek

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40c8e0 No.19107065

File: 899534c2e67d106⋯.png (249.28 KB,544x442,16:13,ClipboardImage.png)


>17 Again! Dan posted one the other day with 17, no coincidences

Yup that one you had to catch the pilot, this time the dude behind the other, almost like they try to hide it..only for those who know ;)

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1bae05 No.19107066

File: dc8e211f8eef8c0⋯.jpg (452.86 KB,2087x1080,2087:1080,KasichTraitor.JPG)

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a920e6 No.19107067


Notable, folks!

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493038 No.19107068



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056219 No.19107069

File: bed753226ddf3e7⋯.png (7.98 KB,186x255,62:85,2379e37aa920330e8c656cd360….png)

File: 918a7eb3bfeb2ed⋯.jpg (54.72 KB,800x600,4:3,IMG_20230622_213605_534.jpg)

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87e395 No.19107070

File: 68f38380fc07b0b⋯.gif (406.39 KB,320x176,20:11,68f38380fc07b0bb3b2af374f3….gif)

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6b74fb No.19107071

Tagging to




>Notes @200


>Notables @350

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fda346 No.19107072

File: 358a4e77c05f386⋯.png (501.3 KB,1003x690,1003:690,ClipboardImage.png)


Dear Normies

99.99% of Jews follow the Hebrew Bible

The Amount of Jews that follow the Talmud is similar to those that follow the The Satanic Bible

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7bcf37 No.19107073


minus that n pelosi


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e1e07e No.19107074


> Top 5 reasons to be sceptical of Elon muskrat

1. He's a faggot

2. He's a faggot

3. He's a faggot

4. He's a faggot

5. He's a faggot, surprise!

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aa5cf3 No.19107075

File: ef92f677d742c77⋯.png (512.65 KB,599x400,599:400,Jew_Dollars.png)


>Dear Normies

Keck, guud one.

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9455cc No.19107076


So grubbermint got the pimp Epstein and his trafficker…..so now prosecute the “johns”

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2deffa No.19107077

Read the official script 'Yes' campaign volunteers are reading from as they're told to avoid debating facts and make an 'emotional connection' to win over 'No' and 'undecided' Voice voters - and their answers to tough questions

Yes campaigners given sample questions and answers

Told to use 'simple language' with No voters

An official script for Yes campaigners to win over 'No' and uncertain voters at the Voice to Parliament referendum tells volunteers to focus on striking up an 'emotional connection' with voters, rather than winning debates.

The nine-page Yes23 'how-to' guide, obtained by Daily Mail Australia, offers 14 scenarios for tough conversations with voters and the best way to handle them in order to win their votes.

The common concerns campaigners are expected to run into include criticisms that it won't make a practical difference in the lives of Aboriginal people, that 'no one will explain how it will work' and fears that it won't address real issues for Indigenous people.

The scripted Yes campaign answers are focused on promoting the idea that the Voice is a 'stepping stone on the path to justice', will be above the 'usual partisan politics' and is an 'important practical step'.

A referendum will be held between October and December, asking the Australian public whether a Voice to Parliament - an Indigenous advisory body - should be constitutionally enshrined.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has described this as a 'modest request from the heart' and an 'offer' he hopes all Australians will embrace.


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75b3aa No.19107078

File: 6caaa084d449b67⋯.png (500.1 KB,715x811,715:811,ClipboardImage.png)


confirmation dubs chek'ed and witnessed

said the same thing earlier today.

a feeling of dread.

not fear but point of reckoning where anon would have to resort to physical conflict.

in a unarmed nation…

hope not but it comes to it

so be it…

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31dd71 No.19107079


*kasich not kucinich

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296f3b No.19107080

File: c1d8f6f3d8351b7⋯.jpeg (159.32 KB,977x867,977:867,2E046B39_E027_4C2A_8C92_F….jpeg)


Ice Planet. Jahwohl, Kitty.

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87e395 No.19107081

File: 414a457c62087cf⋯.jpg (69.98 KB,970x778,485:389,414a457c62087cf1ca609ddd7b….jpg)

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127fb8 No.19107082

File: d426c0bff2ffa93⋯.jpg (115.33 KB,1080x896,135:112,Screenshot_20230701_181010.jpg)

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29fd80 No.19107083


DT gets the Presidential welcome from LE everywhere he goes. I notice the State Governments do mess with that and hand out punishments like they mess with everything else DT related.

Surprised that radial HRC minnie me Governor Maura Healey didn't chastise Massachusetts State Police and LE for the Presidential welcome given to DJT this week at Logan AP. Then again she was in Ireland on the taxpayers dime. 😉

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8f0753 No.19107084

File: 5466357eabc21e2⋯.jpg (38.1 KB,522x538,261:269,cornflakes_pepe.jpg)


So, MuhJoo and FakeGould quantum bullshit together in one post huh? Why am I not surprised? Filtered.

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ee4af4 No.19107085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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31dd71 No.19107086

File: a90832067ccdac7⋯.jpeg (413.89 KB,1280x720,16:9,download_19_.jpeg)

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056219 No.19107087


Your loss

Muh plan

WW Solutions

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e1e07e No.19107088


Dear nonanon, this chum is well beyond its use by date. Discard this putrid, stinking shit for something a tad more palatable.

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ec9a15 No.19107089


You saved my screenshot, kek. 17 including the pilot taking a pic. You are correct, Q may not be posting but the comms for Anons are always there

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ee4af4 No.19107090

File: 6058040083516fa⋯.png (1.74 MB,1198x1264,599:632,Screenshot_2023_07_01_at_1….png)

File: 886e43956401c3c⋯.png (130.66 KB,224x624,14:39,Screenshot_2023_07_01_at_1….png)






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ace5da No.19107091

File: 36a4379407b38c5⋯.png (823.17 KB,769x719,769:719,image_2023_07_01_180353754.png)

File: c92108f0a38fdde⋯.png (432.16 KB,1185x431,1185:431,chrismaandunionjack.png)

File: 5b3f5d99899a71d⋯.jpg (244.6 KB,1200x900,4:3,mermaidchicagomuseumstarbu….jpg)



we're supposed to study symbols, You do 17 spotting.

You're so jealous, Why?


you're high on drugs. Now it makes sense.

God bless your little heart

Check out the "P" on the Chrisma; and snek around the bottom. The "A" for Alpha

and what looks like the "legs' of the Starbucks mermaid to the right

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0fd3a6 No.19107092




What causes me concern is from WHAT was Lindsay freed/flipped from? When I first listened to a victims statement describing being raped by a group of men, she described one crying and trying hard to not do the rape that he was ordered to do. I immediately thought it was Lindsay!

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493038 No.19107093


Wayback machine



Click 2018

Click Aug 7

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94d054 No.19107094

File: 585ce85b3e49fd2⋯.png (487.29 KB,608x570,16:15,ClipboardImage.png)



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aa5cf3 No.19107095

File: 5013e24f4dd1baf⋯.png (668.62 KB,1080x1103,1080:1103,5013e24f4dd1baf37753b29494….png)


>So, MuhJoo

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b3e34f No.19107096

fake news likes to say twice-impeached, twice-indicted re Trump

this deserves counter-memes imo

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87e395 No.19107097

File: 98514430be53cb1⋯.jpg (147.65 KB,474x399,158:133,98514430be53cb16e5b05c362e….jpg)

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