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File: c76044e06864aa1⋯.jpg (7.42 KB,250x140,25:14,_banner_.jpg)

55ebf2 No.18853722 [Last50 Posts]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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55ebf2 No.18853741

International Q Research Threads

>>18670265 ——–——– Australia #29

>>18668978 ——–——– Canada #42

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

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>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6



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>>18147768 ban lifts

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>>18681959 How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos

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>>18754344 Resources to help understand the Q clock

>>18777053 Joe M's re-mastered Q videos NEW


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>>18147761 Baking range: @75 up to 751

>>17980519 No RRN in notes

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#23142 >>18852978

>>18853037, >>18853490, >>18853495, >>18853483, >>18853598 Durham Releases Report; Biden Whistleblowers Missing; DHS and Domestic Terror

>>18853059 There exists a Classified Appendix with FISA and FISC information.

>>18852995, >>18853364 A group of strong-willed Patriots will have to be elected to work together to obliterate the Deep State

>>18853213, >>18853680 Fedboi gets recognized and called out at their staged Patriot Front march, tries to delete video


>>18853149 Tater's daily reminder: guns bad

>>18853256 @bennyjohnson Trump Vows to Release All JFK Assassination Files If Reelected

>>18853351, >>18853319 5yr delta between Congress requesting Special Counsel and Durham's report landing.

>>18853375 JP Morgan taking heat over closing conservative accounts.

>>18853405 FBI apologizes, promises it won't happen again. (inb4 false flag distractions tomorrow)

>>18853489 Woman Sues Rudy Giuliani For Sexual Harassment – Demands $10 Million in Damages, Here we go…

>>18853496 Fired Teachers Who Refused COVID Vaccine To Get Full Reinstatement And Back Pay

>>18853556 Why is a former attorney speaking on behalf of the DOJ?

>>18853579, >>18853592, >>18853617, >>18853633 IRS whistleblower, team removed from Hunter Biden case in possible retaliation - justthenews

>>18853632 RE: Mike Morell’s dirty letter to get Joe Biden elected

>>18853091 Virgin Islands issued subpoena to Google co-founder Larry Page in lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase over Jeffrey Epstein

>>18853664 #23142

#23141 >>18852215



>>18852807 "The American Public Was Scammed": Trump Responds After Bomshell Durham Report 'Exonerates'

>>18852284 Durham calls out former CIA Director Brennan for Trump-Russia statements to media

>>18852403 @Jim_Jordan officially invites John Durham to testify next week.

>>18852890 @DanSCavino Outrageous. fbi,cia,sec, all of the deep state. This is what it looks like.

>>18852579 Durham: So many exculpatory findings were DISMISSED by Crossfire Hurricane investigators.

>>18852754, >>18852540, >>18852574, >>18852568, >>18852603, >>18852404, >>18852346, >>18852311, >>18852285, >>18852796, >>18852782 DURHAM ULTRA MAGA BUN

>>18852700 Durham cover letter, look at the first page...

>>18852278, >>18852274, >>18852307 Please remind me, is Flynn a good guy now or not!?

>>18852323, >>18852343, >>18852259 The deeps state is using every branch of government at it's disposal to incite a civil war, when in reality...

>>18852227 Twitter censoring @Techno_fog

>>18852231 Senate Republicans Demand Biden Forfeit Info Over His Attempt To Federally Interfere In U.S. Elections

>>18852238 Top Signer of Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Makes D.C. Magazine’s ‘Most Influential People’ List

>>18852413 At Least 5 Whistleblowers Come Forward Against Biden Family

>>18852428 Hungary blocks €500 million payment to Ukraine

>>18852422, >>18852434 Former U.S. Army Employee Arrested In Bribery And Kickbacks Scheme Involving Defense Contracts, TREASON

>>18852442 Smith mundt modernization act that o bummer signed allowed all of this

>>18852521 Archbishop Vigano just gave an important speech calling for an anti-globalist alliance against Soros & Schwab & Gates

>>18852537 Pentagon Building New Secret Courtroom at Guantánamo Bay - nytimes

>>18852556 Potato doubles down yet again, bragging about fake progress

>>18852577 Mark Levin DEMANDS Special Counsel into Biden Family after elaborate CRIMINAL CCP bribery scheme EXPOSED by GOP Investigators in bombshell docs

>>18852615 Kari Lake: Rigged Elections - The Root of Our Border Crisis

>>18852630 U.S. Life Insurance Companies BAFFLED How Deaths Have Increased by 40% in 18-49 Year Olds

>>18852447, >>18852498, >>18852797, >>18852839, >>18852842 Elon Musk Has Been Subpoenaed in JPMorgan Epstein Lawsuit by US Virgin Islands

>>18852947 #23141

#23140 >>18851647

Durham bun:

>>18851951, >>18851963, >>18851973 Durham Report pdf

>>18851946, >>18851996, >>18851996 House Judiciary GOP on Durham

>>18851759, >>18851768, >>18851799, >>18851802, >>18851980, >>18852020, >>18852097 TechnoFog on Durham

>>18851839, >>18851898, >>18851913, >>18851926, >>18851983, >>18851986, >>18852049, >>18852058, >>18852051, >>18852182 Anons on Durham

>>18851702, >>18851712 Sean Davis on Durham needs sauce plz

>>18851937 Jordan wants DoJ to have Durham testify next week

: Durham finds DOJ, FBI 'failed to uphold' mission of 'strict fidelity to the law' in Trump-Russia probe


>>18851807 CNN: Special counsel says FBI didn't have reason to launch Trump-Russia probe



>>18851773, >>18852053, >>18852055, >>18851827, >>18851861, >>18851716, >>18851775 Fox, Just the News, Daily Mail on Durham

>>18851833, >>18851844, >18851856, >>18851916 Grenell, Gorka, Greg Price, Turley on Durham

>>18852003, >>18852040 PDJT on Durham: WOW! After extensive research, Special Counsel John Durham concludes the FBI never should have launched the Trump-Russia Probe!

>>18852103 Mueller, HRC, FBE are fully EXONERATED?

>>18852128 Sara A. Carter

>>18852142 RSBN

Other notables:

>>18851737, >>18851738 PDJT on MSM pub decreased profitability & DeSantis

>>18851749 Kash: DOJ and DOD hit with my federal lawsuit to force the release of my book, #GovernmentGangsters

>>18851761 Two Congressional Staffers Assaulted with Baseball Bat at Rep. Connolly’s Office

>>18851763, >>18851765 Biden, Obama, and the ‘Scandal-Free’ Years

>>18851777 “This Election Was RIGGED” -- Kari Lake Attorneys Say “Clear Misconduct and Intent” Caused 260 of 446 Tabulators to Fail on Election day

>>18851832 Russian Jet Intercepts French, German Aircraft Near Border; Belarus Puts Troops On High Alert

>>18851838 New Class of Medical Ships After Bethesda Medical Center

>>18851850 AUSTRALIA - Social credit introduced to acces the internet, via your digital ID.

>>18851889 Tech Media admits "moderation clashes are coming back to Twitter

>>18851869 Google Co-Founder Larry Page Vanishes as Authorities Try to Subpoena Him in Jeffrey Epstein Investigation

>>18851883 Fired ByteDance Exec Claims in Lawsuit That China Has Open Access to US User Data

>>18851909 DEVELOPING: Mass Shooting in Farmington, New Mexico

>>18851919 Democrats Caught Committing Massive Finance Crimes and Donations Harvesting in Indiana

>>18851993 Laughing Biden claims post-Title 42 is 'much better than you all expected

>>18852032 The BEE: Biden Finally Draws Larger Crowd Than Trump - in EL PASO (kek)

>>18852083 Seattle to pay out $2.3 MILLION to whistleblowers who revealed mayor engaged in CHAZ cover-up by deleting texts

>>18852087 PDJT: I won big in Iowa last time

>>18852171 Google Co-Founder Larry Page Vanishes as Authorities Try to Subpoena Him in Jeffrey Epstein Investigation

>>18852174 GOP lawmakers open probe into FEMA allegedly giving out money to 'incentivize' illegal migration

>>18852192 #23140

Previously Collected

>>18849986 #23137, >>18850855 #23138, >>18851633 #23139

>>18847599 #23134, >>18848358 #23135, >>18849201 #23136

>>18845781 #23131, >>18846019 #23132, >>18846802 #23133

>>18842911 #23128, >>18843672 #23129, >>18844436 #23130

>>18840576 #23125, >>18841329 #23126, >>18842157 #23127

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

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55ebf2 No.18853742

File: f2007666ce59af5⋯.png (293.55 KB,756x832,189:208,ClipboardImage.png)



>baker requesting handoff

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be0919 No.18853747

File: 4f8d4de933d4b26⋯.jpg (102.39 KB,593x577,593:577,Screenshot_2023_05_12_1602….jpg)

File: 0a95c162ac12e68⋯.png (135.22 KB,674x315,674:315,FwNmEyAXoAAv2R9.png)

File: 027d007eac08f1d⋯.png (94.12 KB,741x515,741:515,FwNmH6SXwAQJXZS.png)

Why no Durham review of the DNC hack attribution?

Because that was outside the bounds of his appointment order from AG Barr.

Durham explains in general terms how he stayed within the order.


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d469db No.18853750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d9a8f9 No.18853751

File: 4270d1312e51f9f⋯.png (172.98 KB,2334x823,2334:823,ClipboardImage.png)








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7f59d9 No.18853752

File: a10dcb3797b1c96⋯.jpeg (929.1 KB,1170x1198,585:599,IMG_8851.jpeg)



We are so back

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b4c934 No.18853753

File: d43b7b0dc372da9⋯.gif (930.63 KB,341x213,341:213,20190226_112313.gif)

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d7a555 No.18853755

File: 42c4abbe61fe1f9⋯.png (407.13 KB,912x647,912:647,306.PNG)


BREAKING: 306-Page Durham Report Released,

Blows up Any Idea of Collusion (Updated

With Full Report)

RedState, by Nick Arama

Posted By: earlybird, 5/15/2023 9:08:06 PM

UPDATE: 4:45 pm Eastern — The full report has now been made public and is included here: Durham Report by Susie Moore on Scribd (Image)Original Story The Durham Report is finally being released now. Sean Davis of “The Federalist” got a copy of it before it was officially released and hit some of the highlights in a Twitter thread. He noted that “Neither U.S. nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.”

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b3aa9b No.18853756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thank you!

Here’s a song I like. Have a good night :)

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05114d No.18853757

File: 29aea110907910b⋯.jpg (10.24 KB,255x227,255:227,d00937a1d8c284ccc9c9f64bb1….jpg)

File: e5288415f9d353a⋯.png (60.44 KB,384x384,1:1,icon_22053340612643367_141….png)



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be0919 No.18853758

File: 3afcf22fae88467⋯.jpg (36.66 KB,597x315,199:105,Screenshot_2023_05_12_1602….jpg)

File: bd8b0d0c6dec3cb⋯.jpg (44.35 KB,592x346,296:173,Screenshot_2023_05_15_2042….jpg)

The DNC hack is the holy grail.

It involved the same players who would go on to frame Trump, et al (Sussmann, the FBI, the DNC/Clinton Campaign).

Durham stayed within his orders, right or wrong

The limited scope is on Barr.

Not buying that Durham is scared of the FBI. (See Boston FBI for that.)

Durham was responsible for perhaps the most important disclosure in the FBI's history: that Director Hoover framed innocent men for murder 🤷‍♂️


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f6823e No.18853759

File: d8319d4d07c5c78⋯.jpeg (88.74 KB,768x500,192:125,F311D901_096C_4568_99A1_A….jpeg)


nice snipe b

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1658d2 No.18853760

File: 875eb4a049269e3⋯.mp4 (706.73 KB,1080x1920,9:16,120460075_1296384160950963….mp4)

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785da9 No.18853761

File: 0c72484589153c3⋯.png (142.74 KB,444x413,444:413,smokingleo2.png)

>>18853744 (lb)

That sounds like a demoralization attempt, AEI. Better luck next time. Oh, and kiss my ass.

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ce1090 No.18853762



fuck all of q

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5db1f2 No.18853763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


a dangerous type

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f170bb No.18853764

File: 55b9da32033c21a⋯.png (1.17 MB,825x1024,825:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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67690c No.18853765

File: 9637efdf441b075⋯.mp4 (3.67 MB,640x356,160:89,1623092870_Copy.mp4)

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f5b7f9 No.18853766

File: 933f70ec4b498ff⋯.jpg (91.83 KB,1041x986,1041:986,8x_agents_to_target_US_cit….jpg)


picture is faggot but at least you baked

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e53f06 No.18853767

File: 7be50815f483802⋯.jpeg (323.39 KB,828x776,207:194,36F818B6_20C5_4FC3_8CD7_F….jpeg)

File: ec504dd750d118a⋯.jpeg (68.83 KB,828x375,276:125,6F34CC59_162F_4E06_9774_A….jpeg)

File: 215ffb246db0c6a⋯.jpeg (251.39 KB,828x666,46:37,DB485C7E_1A7C_4A8D_82E6_2….jpeg)

File: 817722a90a96ee0⋯.jpeg (149.04 KB,828x536,207:134,E7FD906C_BA0F_483B_9EAB_A….jpeg)

File: d2a712de8395ab7⋯.jpeg (111.17 KB,828x569,828:569,B15C4362_54B7_4B7C_8875_8….jpeg)

Trump post= Panic in DC

Timestamp 6:59 EST mirror 956

Military 18:59 Zulu 22:59

mentions @S8N account on twitter as holding conversations between many elite people🤔🫢

@S8N still a verified account that follows Elon

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c00353 No.18853768

File: 53965a61dbbadd6⋯.png (246.46 KB,1279x828,1279:828,Susan_Rice_Durham_Report_2.png)

File: 02a0cc2cbf8f124⋯.jpg (12.67 KB,480x360,4:3,Susie_Q.jpg)

Susan Rice in communication with Clinton Campaign

pg. 91 of the Durham report

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c96622 No.18853769

File: a9b81cf4f74bc00⋯.gif (3.68 MB,380x380,1:1,heart_coin.gif)

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a1564c No.18853770



you have never once asked yourself why you are blind to reality

because you think your programming is reality

a shame you can not see.

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f50c20 No.18853771

File: ee4ecc44b647052⋯.jpg (64.69 KB,750x490,75:49,vdrqrjgrhfv.jpg)

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e53f06 No.18853772


name in brackets are already dead. Loretta Lynch, Rod Rosenstein

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d7a555 No.18853773

File: 250b37b10570c08⋯.png (948.44 KB,890x797,890:797,blam.PNG)


After Getting Everything Wrong During

COVID, Top Officials Now Try to Deflect Blame

Epoch Times, by Joshua Philipp

Posted By: earlybird, 5/15/2023 8:25:19 PM

The United States was shut down at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. It started under the Trump administration, with guidelines in March 2020. Officials declared that in order to “slow the spread,” the nation would have to self-quarantine for 15 days. Then we were told that 15 days was not enough to “flatten the curve,” that we need to quarantine longer.The economy began to fail. Trillions of dollars were given in COVID-19 bailouts, and the American people were given crumbs from those funds. Teachers refused to return to school, and children were forced to learn from home. Businesses declared as nonessential were closed,

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b3aa9b No.18853774


Simply amazing.

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f5b7f9 No.18853775


was there anynewinformation?

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785da9 No.18853776

File: 7ae2e5f4f4f698d⋯.gif (860.53 KB,280x281,280:281,7ae2e5f4f4f698d858eb9c9950….gif)


>you have never once asked yourself why you are blind to reality

Oh? You are familiar with my thinking and what's inside my head are you? Do continue.

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c96622 No.18853777

File: a7b371edc532c7f⋯.jpg (52.14 KB,600x350,12:7,pepe_777.jpg)

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a1564c No.18853778




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05114d No.18853779

File: ca99e6dc58eddfa⋯.jpg (30.63 KB,474x474,1:1,For_The_Keks.jpg)

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d9a8f9 No.18853780

File: 32a9a1add6e6b44⋯.png (99.94 KB,825x1120,165:224,ClipboardImage.png)

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b9ac21 No.18853781

concerning whistle blowers, perhaps the military is keeping them under protection until the tribunals?

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88f1ca No.18853782

File: f67397a9a290336⋯.jpg (94.51 KB,1125x749,1125:749,f67397a9a2903364f82d7542aa….jpg)

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a1564c No.18853783


one has many baselīnes.

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bd9f66 No.18853784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SO You Want To Know The FUTURE? “God What’s Going To Happen?” ⏳🤷🏽‍♀️


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55ebf2 No.18853785

File: 400a8cfe6906d44⋯.png (310.27 KB,500x501,500:501,ClipboardImage.png)


>picture is faggot but at least you baked

sneed's feed and seed

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895647 No.18853786

File: fb33404fbceb2c7⋯.png (634.42 KB,1151x603,1151:603,ClipboardImage.png)



Nice bunch of guys.

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785da9 No.18853787


You should calibrate them then.

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7f59d9 No.18853788

File: fa271f3819778b1⋯.jpeg (106.26 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,IMG_9035.jpeg)

File: af385a9cbac562c⋯.png (225.63 KB,720x1878,120:313,IMG_9040.png)

File: 79c0c5b88a11b58⋯.jpeg (95.2 KB,768x512,3:2,nightshift3.jpeg)


Something tells me we are close to seeing Adm Rogers /SCIF meeting coming back.

Remember Durham + Rogers.

Durham = START


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a1564c No.18853789





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07a81d No.18853790


should say NO ARRESTS at the top

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f1c91a No.18853791


>The limited scope is on Barr.

That's on PDJT.

Which means he knew Barr would fuck Durham.

So, what's the next trigger?


The mystery one(s) Q hinted could be out there still?

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b759dc No.18853792

File: 8255eb55693e15d⋯.jpg (38.65 KB,548x355,548:355,369.jpg)

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55ebf2 No.18853793

File: 859feb07d943b94⋯.png (1012.09 KB,2858x1781,2858:1781,Honk_where_you_are.PNG)



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67690c No.18853794

File: 12f4d81714e211b⋯.png (1.37 MB,1049x1059,1049:1059,ClipboardImage.png)

All the Shills saying nothing is happening

Has Convinced me that it's Happening

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f5b7f9 No.18853795

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55ebf2 No.18853796


1 damage control attempt by this ID

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88f1ca No.18853797

File: 9b60f60eac26d40⋯.png (545.87 KB,848x633,848:633,9b60f60eac26d40f015eeead1c….png)

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d7a555 No.18853798

File: 14164a97af461da⋯.png (286.82 KB,561x700,561:700,hack.PNG)


Kash Patel ReTruthed


The Federalist




61 Hacks Who Peddled Russian Collusion And Should Never Be Trusted Again

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00692f No.18853799

File: a1fe033439fd773⋯.mp4 (7.46 MB,514x270,257:135,k1N7pY_t2qhwIUvw.mp4)

PN>>18852577 Mark Levin DEMANDS Special Counselinto Biden Family after elaborate CRIMINAL CCP bribery scheme EXPOSED by GOP Investigators in bombshell docs

Benny Johnson—Video

Mark Levin DEMANDS Special Counsel into Biden Family after elaborate CRIMINAL CCP bribery scheme EXPOSED by GOP Investigators in bombshell docs🔥"Joe Biden, you don't get to hide— you NEED to answer for this. What are these companies for?"


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f5b7f9 No.18853800


whats happening?

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a95b41 No.18853801

File: a3d08180c21b71a⋯.jpeg (471.95 KB,828x826,414:413,_6469A76E_203F_4ABF_9C07_….jpeg)

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07a81d No.18853803


Seems this agent is upset

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895647 No.18853804

File: 380b6a7dce6d2b4⋯.png (1.15 MB,969x944,969:944,FBI_FAGS.png)

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2d3e9e No.18853805

>>18853787 ← not smart enough to have this conversation

define baseline in one's usage…

if you can.

<let all and sundry see you true, as Paragon Of Intellect.

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2a0999 No.18853806


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43c178 No.18853807

The expectation of any corrupt department acting honorably only sets one up for absolute disappointment.

Like our forefathers before us, this country either gets fixed by WE THE PEOPLE, or continues down the drain to absolute oppression and total enslavement.

NCSWIC may really be all about the sun burping and sending us back to the Stone Age. Then the cycle starts all over again. At least we get to see the fireworks in most of our lifetimes.

Trust in God, no single person is coming to save us.

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be0919 No.18853808

File: 9e48568e58f6e78⋯.jpg (59.4 KB,755x263,755:263,Screenshot_2023_05_15_2042….jpg)

IRS removes investigative team from Hunter Biden probe in move whistleblower claims is ‘clearly retaliatory’


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d9a8f9 No.18853809


You managed to eke out a two word sentence, so that's an improvement and a happening.

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2d3e9e No.18853810

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87873b No.18853811

File: 44474935eb001ad⋯.png (68.21 KB,454x190,227:95,869b44e1b82a4769a27a4c77a4….png)

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b3aa9b No.18853812

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55ebf2 No.18853813

File: 850977313f89646⋯.png (248.28 KB,510x600,17:20,ClipboardImage.png)


The joke is that the place is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed" which is clever in itself and quite funny to those with a mature sense of humour but what's really just hilarious about it is that if you look closely at the front of this store, Sneed's Feed & Seed, you can see a line that reads "Formerly Chuck's". Now, this might go over the average viewer's head as this, THIS, is peak comedy. I doubt anything will ever be as funny as the joke about Sneed's Feed & Seed. Are you ready for this one? So, like I said, the place is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed" and this sign says "Formerly Chuck's", which means that when Chuck owned the place, well, I don't have to tell you…

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850dc2 No.18853814

Durham Report Verdicts:

Donald J. Trump- Innocent

FBI- Guilty

DOJ- Guilty

IC- Guilty

Comey- Guilty

McCabe- Guilty

Strzok- Guilty

Lisa Page- Guilty

FISA Judges- Guilty

Rosenstein- Guilty

Chris Wray- Guilty

Gina Haspel- Guilty

Sally Yates- Guilty

Lisa Monaco- Guilty

John Carlin- Guilty

Michael Sussman- Guilty

Christopher Steele- Guilty

Stephan Halper- Guilty

Fusion GPS- Guilty

Mark Elias- Guilty

Clinton- Guilty

Bruce Ohr- Guilty

Nellie Ohr- Guilty

The American People- Robbed of Justice https://truthsocial.com/@Kash/110374694097871177


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8a83aa No.18853815

Remember that the House has the Purse. It is the House who controls how, where and for what U.S. Government funds are spent. That's on the table next Wednesday when Biden meets with the power 4. McCarthy is in full control.

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13ae4e No.18853817

lawfag here

i read the executive summary

its not a legal document really

its a major boom on the Derp state

totally destroys the fake narrative and sets the stage for trump to say i told you so over and over and get bak in office

durham could have brought lots of charges vs lots of top people

he punted on that with decent explanation from his POV and position

lawfag would brought all charges but i would never get that position

so on balance when the truth comes out on muhtv its a boom and a win

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785da9 No.18853818

File: 33ef5c681e7d852⋯.gif (63.45 KB,220x165,4:3,1554862248.gif)


>define baseline in one's usage…

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c7594c No.18853819

File: 1590dabf28d6598⋯.jpg (58.27 KB,511x655,511:655,ZomboMeme_26072021101804.jpg)

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b4c934 No.18853820

File: af088e4a8fcacdc⋯.jpeg (99.71 KB,1080x608,135:76,1589118706.jpeg)

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2a0999 No.18853821

That little bald cross dressing fucktard… right?

Put front and centre in Biden admin with his mincing, blood red lipstick, moustache and stolen clothes.

Thrown into the spotlight to be exposed for what it is.

Now… Twitter CEO.

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90fc66 No.18853822

File: 616fa03fbb0ae3f⋯.jpg (89.23 KB,754x262,377:131,20230515_195243.jpg)

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3414de No.18853823


Donald J. Trump - prosecuted

all others…not so much

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be0919 No.18853824


Simply put, if Trump makes it past the mail-in ballot challenge, to re-election (You know what I mean) then he can re-up Durham and broaden his scope to include everything known.

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67e8ca No.18853826


School leavers will be able to start working as doctors WITHOUT going to university under drastic NHS plans to fix staffing crisis

Given the degraded state of Edumacation thanks to the JEWS and their BOOMER Minions, you are probably better off, as scary as that sounds…

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0a5f78 No.18853827

File: 8ea4e87449738c2⋯.png (933.74 KB,894x960,149:160,ClipboardImage.png)

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90fc66 No.18853828

as one said,


not smart enough by half.

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4e75fb No.18853829


Shit, that new shill pathetic faggot sucker will be unfiltered again.

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5db1f2 No.18853830

File: f44658b1da587cd⋯.jpeg (32.07 KB,474x316,3:2,waassappeningCheech.jpeg)

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82d145 No.18853831



That parade is after election day though.

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785da9 No.18853832

File: 012e2281e19c78f⋯.jpg (312.75 KB,944x567,944:567,012e2281e19c78f76a61548830….jpg)


Smart enough to see through your bullshit, and that's all I need.

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d9a8f9 No.18853833

File: 8ef0b0aecfe10e4⋯.png (90.41 KB,855x812,855:812,ClipboardImage.png)



(red shields)

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07a81d No.18853834


Thanks LF

Bringing indictments then seeing the proceeding pardons and cover up would be better for showing the people the corrupt system in action on a large scale, then no-one would question the military intervention

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c4ee3c No.18853835


Nobody give a fuck what Mark Levin DEMANDS.

Fkn Paytriot.

Buy muh book.

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90fc66 No.18853836





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850dc2 No.18853837



whats 8 moar years

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00692f No.18853838

File: 7d58f532d5e9a51⋯.jpeg (309.67 KB,1157x1521,89:117,IMG_6446.jpeg)

Benny Johnson@bennyjohnson

Hard to properly describe how happy this photo makes me.

Settle in dear reader for I have a a good story with a happy ending to tell you.

ALX and I have worked together for years. I first noticedhis talent simply watching him tweet political news from the butcher shop where he was working at the time.

ALX was a Twitter savant. A natural. There was just no one better at breaking news. His audience and influence was growing rapidly on the platform when suddenly out of nowhere — BANNED.

I appealed to the commies who ran Twitter 1.0 and never got an explanation. Bullshit excuses and empty promises from the fraudulent “conservative” representatives at Twitter to “look into it.” Lies. We both knew what had happened. ALX was too effective. Making all the right enemies. Like so many others, he had to be silenced.

At the time I told ALX: “We’re gonna fight this and win. I don’t care how long. We will win. The ALX revenge arc is going to be LEGENDARY.”

3 years of appeals go by and nothing. Twitter is a dumpster fire that keeps raging… then along comes Elon.

Musk bought Twitter. We had some hope. The goblins who silenced ALX were themselves escorted out of the building. We began to make appeals once more internally and tweeting #FreeALX daily. We found Twitter 2.0 remarkable to work with. Responsive, smart and not politically motivated.

Finally, on the same night Donald Trump got his account back ALX returned.

Now ALX is rounding the corner on half a million followers. He’s a monster. Today ALX was welcomed into presumably the *same* office where some degenerate diversity hire made the cruel decision to ban him and try and ruin a young man’s life.

@alxwas welcomed to the office by

@elonmusk himself.

ALX never lost hope. Never gave up. Kept fighting. It is an honor to fight alongside him.

And with that, the ALX Revenge Arc is complete 🚀🇺🇸🙌🏻

Keep fighting.


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be0919 No.18853839

File: c08963db44b5c8c⋯.jpg (18.92 KB,597x182,597:182,Screenshot_2023_05_15_2042….jpg)


The Durham Report demonstrates that the greatest threat to our democracy is the Deep State.


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8a83aa No.18853840

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55ebf2 No.18853841


1 word salad by this ID

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eb5505 No.18853842

>>18853026 (lb) <-- (spoken like a true fag anon)

Wins 'Top 10 Memes to Be Curious About The Meaning Of'

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90fc66 No.18853843



your enemy controls…

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4e75fb No.18853844


Thank you muh good LF anon. You're both a scholar and a gentlemen… and there isn't many of us left.

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6ee263 No.18853845


kek, more people will be killed on the spot via malpractice but less people will develop alzheimers and cancer.

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90fc66 No.18853846


fuck you steve

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339282 No.18853847


I'll be smoking meth out of a lightbulb by then if I'm not dead from 6G

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d9a8f9 No.18853848


Yes, and it's the same assholes always psychologically projecting and calling their 'opponents', i.e. Justice, a 'threat to our democracy'

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32b7f7 No.18853849

File: 10e19c16ee3ef3c⋯.png (68.09 KB,564x737,564:737,ClipboardImage.png)


pass it

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f1c91a No.18853850


Sure, Mark, why not?

Let's call this Special Counsel Hamdur and give him 4 years to go off in hiding only to come back with Hunter did all that shit but no case here sorry.

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0a5f78 No.18853851

File: e405fe6811a98eb⋯.png (448.2 KB,670x528,335:264,ClipboardImage.png)

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67e8ca No.18853852


Talk about making lemonade!

You get the prize, anon.

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be0919 No.18853853

File: 493cab1a6dc0acd⋯.jpg (31.25 KB,597x247,597:247,Screenshot_2023_05_15_2042….jpg)


Yes they lied about Russia collusion.

Yes they lied about the Lap Top From Hell.

Yes they lied about 2020 being the “most secure election in history.”

Everything they’ve done is to take the power away from the American People to keep it for themselves.


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8f571d No.18853854

you only think it bullshit


because you are a npc

created only for destruction

as object lesson

to those that survive

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67690c No.18853855


"No One is Above the Law"

Except these people

These people are

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25f5cd No.18853856

File: cc399b197a2a616⋯.jpg (121.25 KB,500x500,1:1,cc399b197a2a616a9490a9b57f….jpg)

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8f571d No.18853857


and they got away with it while America pays the fucking bill

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13ae4e No.18853858



i enjoyed the report

methinks durham is also a S and a G

but he lives in a different world

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55ebf2 No.18853859

File: 76453fc977ae2e7⋯.jpg (60.65 KB,640x423,640:423,doge_vader_2.jpg)



handoff confirmed

may the keks be with you…


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0a5f78 No.18853860

File: 85f4495e25b68a9⋯.png (1 MB,907x956,907:956,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f571d No.18853861



your enemy controls…

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be0919 No.18853862

File: fb7dd9c34a17523⋯.jpg (91.21 KB,1004x561,1004:561,Screenshot_2023_05_15_2042….jpg)

Remember: The leaked DNC emails were never refuted

They just distracted everyone with a “Russia collusion” narrative

Now that the Durham report has officially debunked that scam, we should probably revisit why there were emails about children in heated pools for “entertainment”


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b759dc No.18853863

File: e890d9f80c5816b⋯.jpg (69.28 KB,640x480,4:3,durham_diddley.jpg)

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0a5f78 No.18853864

File: 936449180e6c743⋯.png (386.11 KB,710x649,710:649,ClipboardImage.png)

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df0ce3 No.18853865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


look mom i´m on 8kun!

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d9a8f9 No.18853866

File: f4c92bd73306652⋯.png (947.37 KB,1376x1180,344:295,TheEye.PNG)

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0a5f78 No.18853867

File: d29a724b06a5d93⋯.png (265.49 KB,679x690,679:690,ClipboardImage.png)

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785da9 No.18853868

File: 1f1f7514ffe1039⋯.gif (695.41 KB,232x174,4:3,alwaysuselube.gif)


Now I'm an NPC, huh? I'm not the one that IP hops and behaves like a bot. But you keep doing you. I help hold the line by the grace of my brothers. What do you do?

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2956d0 No.18853869


Levin and Hannity share the same handler.

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e71e9a No.18853870


it's deliberate.

"by the book" is how they are trained in Propaganda.

first rule: Accuse your opponent of what you are doing; LOUDLY.

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3414de No.18853871


media will make sure America never finds out about it

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a104f7 No.18853872


How did I do?

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9a117d No.18853873

File: 2eb1ba52e025992⋯.jpeg (44.07 KB,525x120,35:8,IMG_5426.jpeg)


Greed is the name of the game

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0a5f78 No.18853874

File: cf5aaf0664e343b⋯.png (472.67 KB,636x544,159:136,ClipboardImage.png)

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be0919 No.18853875

File: 7153f8e8d17e881⋯.jpg (45.85 KB,897x243,299:81,Screenshot_2023_05_15_2042….jpg)


Biden was briefed on Clinton involvement in Trump-Russia hoax


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8f571d No.18853876

File: 0198c220b4bffbd⋯.jpg (32.37 KB,474x316,3:2,20230515_200207.jpg)


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4b86b4 No.18853877

>>18853141 (LB)

DeSantis is in bed with the insurance companies.

Trump campaign needs to hit him hard with this.

Senior citizens are being forced to sell their homes due to outrageous increases, 30-60%, in FL homeowners insurance.

Auto insurance just went up another 26-33%.

They blame last years hurricane and uninsured, illegal drivers.

How much did the insurance companies contribute to DeSantis?

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6b1e0a No.18853878

File: dca9d30f152e351⋯.png (137.69 KB,651x342,217:114,ClipboardImage.png)



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0a5f78 No.18853879

File: 547783d4934653a⋯.png (767.16 KB,773x900,773:900,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f571d No.18853880



but it will do to start

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d9a8f9 No.18853881


Some of them, HRC and AOC as recent examples, are projecting so hard they are doubling down on the projection and accusing Trump of projecting when he cites the truth about the Democrats projecting their lies onto him.

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69301a No.18853882

File: 1ccb5dfc1cdf5bc⋯.png (85.18 KB,393x386,393:386,ready.png)


>no-one would question the military intervention

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55ebf2 No.18853883

File: d678f519d20419a⋯.png (344.89 KB,520x618,260:309,apu_gary_spongebob.png)



He's the only hope for some of these Jew Loving Boomers™

Did a great job covering the TERRORIST INVASION at our borders today while he was on the radio.

Cut him some slack!

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be0919 No.18853884

File: fa9c48217df41c4⋯.jpg (86.79 KB,529x434,529:434,Screenshot_2023_05_12_1602….jpg)

File: b7bb54d7f60550f⋯.jpg (132.57 KB,522x676,261:338,Screenshot_2023_05_15_2042….jpg)


Joe Biden was made aware of the Clinton campaign's plans to insinuate a relationship between the Russian government and the Trump campaign while serving as vice president, the Durham report revealed.

Special Counsel John Durham on Monday published a 300+ page report on the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion investigation, representing the end of a years-long investigation.

Included in the report are the details of a White House briefing on Aug. 3, 2016, during which then-CIA Director John Brennan met with President Barack Obama, then-Vice President Biden, FBI Director James Comey, and other senior administration officials to discuss Russian efforts to interfere in the election.

The report further highlights that Brennan specifically informed the group of then-candidate Hillary Clinton's approval of a plan to paint Trump as being in league with Moscow.

"According to Brennan's handwritten notes and his recollections from the meeting, he briefed on relevant intelligence known to date on Russian election interference, including the Clinton Plan intelligence," Durham wrote. "Specifically, Director Brennan's declassified handwritten notes reflect that he briefed the meeting's participants regarding the 'alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on 26 July of a proposal from one of her [campaign] advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services.'"

Durham noted that Comey's attendance at this meeting did not spark any FBI action. He further highlighted an Aug. 22, 2016, email that an FBI cyber analyst sent to bureau employees and senior intelligence officials informing them of the details of the Clinton plan. Durham was unable to identify any follow-up actions the bureau took as a result of that email.


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df0ce3 No.18853885

File: 37fa5cf2d55287d⋯.png (32.01 KB,598x409,598:409,Screenshot_2023_05_15_at_2….png)

P resident Biden


A default on America's debt would be catastrophic for working families:

8 million jobs gone.

A recession triggered.

Retirement accounts devastated.

Social Security checks delayed.

It's beyond me why MAGA House Republicans would ever think this is an appropriate threat to make.




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4e75fb No.18853886


Aaaaaaaand there he is. So easy to bait the FBI shills.

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0a5f78 No.18853887

File: 0a03ca26d1ebcbc⋯.png (1.92 MB,1200x866,600:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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895647 No.18853888

File: af3ccdc840fdb18⋯.png (264.7 KB,666x374,333:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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32b7f7 No.18853889

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21866c No.18853890

File: fe282b0d65501d7⋯.jpeg (31.51 KB,524x180,131:45,IMG_3738.jpeg)

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c96622 No.18853891

File: 4fa97b8f8cfc03c⋯.png (1.03 MB,1281x701,1281:701,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e75fb No.18853892


Don't you just love how the feds try to copy chan culture and lingo and expect anons to believe it?

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8f571d No.18853893

you have always been an npc

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c4ee3c No.18853894


Hannity still there.

Tucker gone.

What might that tell you?

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e71e9a No.18853895


no, they are projecting, so they say Trump is.

very simple.

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43dead No.18853896

Evenin’ Nightshift

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2956d0 No.18853897

File: 5abd93ec55af105⋯.png (76.55 KB,1335x897,445:299,Screenshot_2023_05_15_2005….png)



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c257a8 No.18853898

File: cfe7dd4cccb1fef⋯.mp4 (5.36 MB,640x360,16:9,Trump_WAKE_UP.mp4)

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4e75fb No.18853899


Ben, you're a great American patriot! Don't let anyone tell you differently!

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b759dc No.18853900

File: bc5988e30840045⋯.jpg (94.27 KB,720x466,360:233,durhamator.jpg)

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e2c151 No.18853901

File: 0134162d3db7267⋯.jpeg (1014.75 KB,1170x1575,26:35,49037258_C6EB_4E0A_B20E_5….jpeg)

what are we going to do about these “women” who claim conservative men sexually assaulted them?

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d9a8f9 No.18853902


Yes that's what Anon meant, in fewer words ergo better.

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0a5f78 No.18853903

File: df466b029b5f1ad⋯.png (374.45 KB,710x405,142:81,ClipboardImage.png)

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785da9 No.18853904

File: 0829c7f2f8bef8c⋯.png (402.95 KB,512x512,1:1,0829c7f2f8bef8c0bc13443622….png)



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c618b4 No.18853905


Hey if Trump is not guilty why did he go so hard on the Durham report before it came out with the presumption>>18853890

it would find him guilty

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df0ce3 No.18853906

File: bc6c6d7eab08655⋯.png (33.96 KB,598x469,598:469,Screenshot_2023_05_15_at_2….png)

File: bc6c6d7eab08655⋯.png (33.96 KB,598x469,598:469,Screenshot_2023_05_15_at_2….png)

Pete Strzok


Paul Manafort - guilty

Rick Gates - guilty

Mike Flynn - guilty

George Papadopouolos - guilty

Roger Stone - guilty

Michael Cohen - guilty

Konstantin Kilimnik - wanted, $250k reward

Michael Sussman - not guilty

Igor Danchenko - not guilty

Point me to the confirmation bias here?



>first rule: Accuse your opponent of what you are doing; LOUDLY.

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d9a8f9 No.18853907


Wrap up smear

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7f59d9 No.18853908

File: 21b767c291c3623⋯.jpeg (49.29 KB,598x472,299:236,IMG_8107.jpeg)

File: 36bc74278b31feb⋯.jpeg (464.3 KB,1170x987,390:329,IMG_7417.jpeg)

File: 39da0d0e478da06⋯.png (477.8 KB,1024x809,1024:809,IMG_6322.png)

File: e5462c59c6800de⋯.jpeg (197.61 KB,2196x1158,366:193,IMG_5825.jpeg)

File: e4fbad65ea11625⋯.jpeg (236.59 KB,832x680,104:85,IMG_5796.jpeg)

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b759dc No.18853909

File: 5e0e25c7b1c452a⋯.png (517.31 KB,1082x601,1082:601,2023_05_15_CNN_above_the_s….png)

File: baf360e2de64522⋯.png (639.38 KB,1060x587,1060:587,2023_05_15_Fox_above_the_s….png)

File: 982fc2d8554bf87⋯.png (256.29 KB,1082x601,1082:601,2023_05_15_MSNBC_above_the….png)

File: 26a0170eb144804⋯.png (467.83 KB,1082x601,1082:601,2023_05_15_NYT_above_the_s….png)

File: 972411933571f00⋯.png (284.53 KB,1082x601,1082:601,2023_05_15_WaPo_above_the_….png)

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26e9d5 No.18853910


Even worse a Mossad agent fronting at a Paytriot. Total establishment shill.

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d9a8f9 No.18853911


>with the presumption it would find him guilty.

Sauce that shit or GTFO

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55ebf2 No.18853912

File: 1175322c67862c3⋯.png (34.31 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)


>Don't you just love how the feds try to copy chan culture and lingo and expect anons to believe it?

Yes keep doing it, this is great stuff

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e71e9a No.18853913


another crappy fiction writer.

Or is that porn?


another one with the nutty look in her eyes.

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6f483e No.18853914

File: c720e941b668410⋯.jpg (467.44 KB,1080x1272,45:53,Screenshot_20230515_202929.jpg)

File: ad8bfed857925f4⋯.jpg (654.99 KB,1080x1623,360:541,Screenshot_20230515_203037.jpg)

File: 96e2e8bd0596a5f⋯.jpg (222.08 KB,832x1272,104:159,Screenshot_20230509_204840.jpg)

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785da9 No.18853915


Baselines require calibration. Interesting that you've resorted to responding without tagging me. Much like another shill that likes to whine about me. Very similar.

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c96622 No.18853917

File: 95ca206795a4382⋯.png (118.37 KB,362x355,362:355,ClipboardImage.png)

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2956d0 No.18853918


I'm enjoying watching 9/11 Rudy being exposed for the degenerate he is.

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d9a8f9 No.18853919


Strzok, guilty.

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e71e9a No.18853920


they really do glow.

that's why they call it "glowing"

and you glow


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9d41ae No.18853921

Well, ow we know why we had all the shit-tier jewbots the last week Or So.

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a79b60 No.18853922

File: 2fcd831c8260baf⋯.gif (8.47 KB,255x251,255:251,durham.gif)

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d9a8f9 No.18853923


This is exposure of the degenerate lying accusers and their backers.

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67690c No.18853924


House republican's passed a Default avoid bill

The Question is Why hasn't the Senate voted on it

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6af492 No.18853925



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tonight on bannon;s daddy issues bidet to hunters crack miniseries

>>>>s3e1 whale bagina harry farts gangbang hangover kiester shipments resume to jordan peterast and frudyo

>>>s3e2 hunter visits soros pepperoni hug spot

>>s3e3 hunter returns to soros pepperoni hug spot

>s3e4 hunter sells soul to soros pepperni hug spot to pay for clinton crack

s3e5 pete's hemroid frum kiester hauls

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6911b6 No.18853927

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c6df45 No.18853929

If Durham's report was so explosive, it never would have seen the light of day.

The DS would be attacking him relentlessly, like Ken Starr.

Another fart in the wind.

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be0919 No.18853930

File: e0f2a13d42e06d3⋯.mp4 (7.08 MB,480x270,16:9,j05SgoYqSwW0pIUm.mp4)


OMG EXCLUSIVE FOX INSIDER TELL ALL; Says Tucker Termination was Part of Dominion Settlement

Discusses "shady" work of "friend," former Biden operative Mike LaRosa now working for Dominion

“When it’s corporate media you’re beholden to advertisers…

we take money from Pfizer"


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c7594c No.18853931

File: 104a015d00a7cd7⋯.jpg (119.22 KB,880x660,4:3,ZomboMeme_10112020180133.jpg)

File: 26581dce40a5891⋯.jpg (54.92 KB,640x360,16:9,ZomboMeme_29012021125048.jpg)

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b6d216 No.18853932


Blow me bitch

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785da9 No.18853933

Multiple baselines. To me that says team.

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3414de No.18853934


oh good god.

that will be the headline…not the durham report.

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6af492 No.18853935


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tonight on bannon;s daddy issues bidet to hunters crack miniseries

>>>>>s3e1 whale bagina harry farts gangbang hangover kiester shipments resume to jordan peterast and frudyo

>>>>s3e2 hunter visits soros pepperoni hug spot

>>>s3e3 hunter returns to soros pepperoni hug spot

>>s3e4 hunter sells soul to soros pepperni hug spot to pay for clinton crack

>s3e5 pete's hemroid frum kiester hauls

s3e6 paul, bruce, pete, hunter all larp

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6ee263 No.18853936

File: 07827d73b276c56⋯.png (72.4 KB,330x330,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


> making lemonade

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c4ee3c No.18853937


Fuck Off Gary

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b759dc No.18853938

File: 3da47ca6f52aa06⋯.png (251.69 KB,749x551,749:551,pepe_popo_durham.png)

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c6df45 No.18853939


the good news is that nobody's surprised.

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df0ce3 No.18853940

File: e5a3e6ea70903a3⋯.png (278.25 KB,601x1051,601:1051,Screenshot_2023_05_15_at_2….png)

File: 4dd108588ca18e6⋯.jpg (106.39 KB,968x1090,484:545,B2F.jpg)

Victor vicktop55


Vladimir Putin signed a decree that allows foreign citizens who signed contracts for military service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation during the period of the SMO to obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner.


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6af492 No.18853941


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tonight on bannon;s daddy issues bidet to hunters crack miniseries

>>>>>>s3e1 whale bagina harry farts gangbang hangover kiester shipments resume to jordan peterast and frudyo

>>>>>s3e2 hunter visits soros pepperoni hug spot

>>>>s3e3 hunter returns to soros pepperoni hug spot

>>>s3e4 hunter sells soul to soros pepperni hug spot to pay for clinton crack

>>s3e5 pete's hemroid frum kiester hauls

>s3e6 paul, bruce, pete, hunter all larp

s3e7 strange places for peanut butter

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ca3495 No.18853942


yer an idiot

only require longterm observation of the unaware

google deeper


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a52b4a No.18853943


Faggot on repeat

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55ebf2 No.18853944

File: e4d55bfa5e14bf2⋯.png (824.27 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Hannity still there.

>Tucker gone.

>What might that tell you?

The role of the Hannitus Interruptus has only just begun, methinks.


>and you glow

I'm also living in your walls

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850dc2 No.18853945


anon can see it

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f1c91a No.18853946


At least she looks the part.

Unlike that absolute cringe shit they got away with in NY with PDJT.

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21edd5 No.18853947

The Hannity insanity!

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67e8ca No.18853948


World’s oldest dog just turned 31 in Portugal. ‘Bobi is one of a kind,’ owner says

3 Cheers for Bobi!

May he outlive the fucking boomers!

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f5b7f9 No.18853949

File: 53d09f15883815f⋯.png (362.54 KB,559x700,559:700,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca3495 No.18853950


fuck you steve

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6f483e No.18853951

File: 79a4dd82865cff4⋯.jpg (294.53 KB,860x1328,215:332,Screenshot_20230509_203247.jpg)

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6af492 No.18853952


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tonight on bannon;s daddy issues bidet to hunters crack miniseries

>>>>>>>s3e1 whale bagina harry farts gangbang hangover kiester shipments resume to jordan peterast and frudyo

>>>>>>s3e2 hunter visits soros pepperoni hug spot

>>>>>s3e3 hunter returns to soros pepperoni hug spot

>>>>s3e4 hunter sells soul to soros pepperni hug spot to pay for clinton crack

>>>s3e5 pete's hemroid frum kiester hauls

>>s3e6 paul, bruce, pete, hunter all larp

>s3e7 strange places for peanut butter

s3e8 frudyo lot lizards truckstop

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be0919 No.18853953

File: 8bd4be401a0a606⋯.jpg (65.75 KB,649x259,649:259,Screenshot_2023_05_15_2042….jpg)

IRS removes ENTIRE team probing Hunter Biden's tax returns 'in retaliation against whistleblower who alleged they were covering up president's son's financial 'crimes''


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df0ce3 No.18853954

File: b546df5af815021⋯.jpg (86.24 KB,707x1000,707:1000,FwMAH_MX0AEFn8o.jpg)

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69301a No.18853955

File: a9b85f0a0e145fd⋯.png (1.79 MB,1920x1280,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>Tucker Termination was Part of Dominion Settlement

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2956d0 No.18853956


Ken Starr is DS.

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67690c No.18853957

Looks like Durham is Bigger news than Originally thought

Thanks Shills!

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67e8ca No.18853958


Hi BT.

I hope that you are having a fine day and that you are happy and healthy.

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55ebf2 No.18853959

File: bd92e0a03cf55ee⋯.png (535.97 KB,1045x850,209:170,bd92e0a03cf55ee4756c41b489….png)


>3 Cheers for Bobi!

3 queers for Gary

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785da9 No.18853960


>yer an idiot

Quite the contrary. You are, without a doubt, fraudulent.

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b759dc No.18853961

File: b9a3a676637a57a⋯.png (1.65 MB,1242x1194,207:199,fbi_gloww.png)

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5db1f2 No.18853962


running on empty

range might say 50 miles to empty

but ymmv

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57204e No.18853963


Aww mooshie, someone pee in your cornflakes?


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f1c91a No.18853964


That sneaky mfer he must be one of their best niggers.

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4e75fb No.18853965


No offense, but you sort of sound like a paranoid, delusional 4th grade elementary student. Maybe this place is a bit too grown up for you? Maybe check out some of the fine anime rooms on 8kun?

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c6df45 No.18853966


True. He took one for his team and got a good gig at Faux News.

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c6df45 No.18853967

File: be07a4ac4af3314⋯.jpg (160.7 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Youre.jpg)

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6af492 No.18853968


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tonight on bannon;s daddy issues bidet to hunters crack miniseries

>>>>>>>>s3e1 whale bagina harry farts gangbang hangover kiester shipments resume to jordan peterast and frudyo

>>>>>>>s3e2 hunter visits soros pepperoni hug spot

>>>>>>s3e3 hunter returns to soros pepperoni hug spot

>>>>>s3e4 hunter sells soul to soros pepperni hug spot to pay for clinton crack

>>>>s3e5 pete's hemroid frum kiester hauls

>>>s3e6 paul, bruce, pete, hunter all larp

>>s3e7 strange places for peanut butter

>s3e8 frudyo lot lizards truckstop

s3e9 frudyo lot lizards truckstop sum moar

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c4ee3c No.18853969


Better than I deserve Gary.

I wish the same for you.

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6ee263 No.18853970


Kmao.. "made"

Is there a law against girls that hang out with you all the time and take 'holding' photos with you repeatedly blowing you while you're a lawyer?

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b6d216 No.18853971

File: 527ad892146fccd⋯.jpeg (185.92 KB,1421x359,1421:359,IMG_5274.jpeg)


Usury, plain and simple

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b2944a No.18853972

File: cafc992af23e8b3⋯.jpg (119 KB,1024x1024,1:1,upthecanyon.jpg)


>Point me to the confirmation bias here?

You're going to want to limber up first.

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67e8ca No.18853973




Thank you!

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785da9 No.18853974

File: 4edb38f46a0d2dc⋯.jpg (10.86 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe2.jpg)


>No offense

None taken. You must be new here if you can't figure out who the poster is within 2 or 3 posts.

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53176e No.18853975

File: 91c11f436db4fb1⋯.png (1.58 MB,1394x1136,697:568,the_warren_report_jfk_foll….png)

>>18853271 pb

>Why not just do it when he was elected before?

>They won't release it just all the other stuff he declassified

Trump released a ton of JFK files in 2018

It went totally unreported

It also coincidence with the new algorithms at youtube

so even established JFK researchers - people with 1m view videos

would make a video about it and only a few 1000 people would see it

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3414de No.18853976


this suuuuuure feels like winnin

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6af492 No.18853978


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tonight on bannon;s daddy issues bidet to hunters crack miniseries

>>>>>>>>>s3e1 whale bagina harry farts gangbang hangover kiester shipments resume to jordan peterast and frudyo

>>>>>>>>s3e2 hunter visits soros pepperoni hug spot

>>>>>>>s3e3 hunter returns to soros pepperoni hug spot

>>>>>>s3e4 hunter sells soul to soros pepperni hug spot to pay for clinton crack

>>>>>s3e5 pete's hemroid frum kiester hauls

>>>>s3e6 paul, bruce, pete, hunter all larp

>>>s3e7 strange places for peanut butter

>>s3e8 frudyo lot lizards truckstop

>s3e9 frudyo lot lizards truckstop sum moar

s3e10 hunter reaches out to hubbards elite pedobigot coke to halp frudyo lot lizard truckstop drama

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72292e No.18853979

File: c71be88bfdb36f6⋯.mp4 (5.99 MB,854x480,427:240,4JfNj_caa_1_.mp4)

Enjoy the show

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857579 No.18853980

File: f04008cfd6d13a5⋯.png (71.21 KB,355x383,355:383,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54aa9105f7e13c1⋯.jpg (175.38 KB,1904x1206,952:603,Huber2.jpg)

File: e29c889694b259c⋯.png (440.78 KB,1563x883,1563:883,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5fd1f364d99f1cb⋯.mp4 (11.59 MB,640x358,320:179,Something_Big_Is_About_To_….mp4)

Something big about to drop

>sometimes you need to protest in order to heal, & we will heal, & be stronger than ever before!

>Our Country will soon come together as one!

>>18853509 (pb)

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6af492 No.18853981


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tonight on bannon;s daddy issues bidet to hunters crack miniseries

>>>>>>>>>>s3e1 whale bagina harry farts gangbang hangover kiester shipments resume to jordan peterast and frudyo

>>>>>>>>>s3e2 hunter visits soros pepperoni hug spot

>>>>>>>>s3e3 hunter returns to soros pepperoni hug spot

>>>>>>>s3e4 hunter sells soul to soros pepperni hug spot to pay for clinton crack

>>>>>>s3e5 pete's hemroid frum kiester hauls

>>>>>s3e6 paul, bruce, pete, hunter all larp

>>>>s3e7 strange places for peanut butter

>>>s3e8 frudyo lot lizards truckstop

>>s3e9 frudyo lot lizards truckstop sum moar

>s3e10 hunter reaches out to hubbards elite pedobigot coke to halp frudyo lot lizard truckstop drama

s3e11 yuge CNN gapes beraks border wall #platinum buttplugger

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d23c26 No.18853982

File: 946d1b5f3a51578⋯.png (35.65 KB,1280x674,640:337,A3311F24_7FCB_4950_A567_EB….png)

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0a5f78 No.18853983

File: e1674aa3e8ecebc⋯.png (261.24 KB,472x338,236:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ee263 No.18853984


member when that guy destroyed you and prevented you from ever influencing the board again and he thought anons were on his side but anons were really just fucking around with photoshop and smoking pepe? kek. that was awesome.

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850dc2 No.18853985


bartiromo is aging like milk

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b4c934 No.18853986

File: ca7fce3f7b8d1d5⋯.jpg (56.92 KB,819x1024,819:1024,1657112316691m.jpg)


One amazing evening

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2acbfb No.18853987

File: 803557afe22fe1d⋯.png (81.56 KB,876x378,146:63,ClipboardImage.png)

I have completed my first review of the report, and suffice to say the details within it are not new. The majority of the reaction so far has been centered around how Special Counsel Durham is not prosecuting anyone for their corrupt conduct outlined within the report. However, for the sake of this first review, I will draw attention to a few aspects you will likely not see discussed anywhere else.

Please note this detail found at the bottom of page 3 and top two lines of page #4:

[…] “The Office exercised its judgment regarding what to investigate but did not investigate every public report of an alleged violation of law in connection with the intelligence and law enforcement activities directed at the 2016 presidential campaigns.”

As perhaps the only person who tracked down and subsequently interviewed the investigators on the Durham team, and as a person who subsequently came away with a full understanding of how the silo operation inside this investigation was going to play out, I can reasonably assure you that notation and reference by team Durham is entirely directed to us.That statement above tells us why none of the DC politicians who engaged in specific violations of law were criminally charged. This is part of the silo effect within government, which I will explain later. As a good friend said, “Yeah great, but we don’t have badges.” So, we went to the badges with the evidence, but the badges did not want to act upon the evidence, because it would have been, in their estimation, too damaging to the framework of our government.

First a positive note about the report. Unlike all other reports of similar internal investigation, I will give the Durham team credit for not using the ‘executive summary’ of the report to cloud, positively shape or disguise the corruption outlined within the body of the report. This is the first such report where the executive summary actually summarizes the scale of the corruption within the details.


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be0919 No.18853988

File: 12d6b553288dbd7⋯.jpg (159.4 KB,591x640,591:640,Screenshot_2023_05_12_1602….jpg)

File: bedaabd7eb66025⋯.jpg (139.2 KB,587x537,587:537,Screenshot_2023_05_15_2042….jpg)

Senator Josh Hawley and Jesse Watters discuss the Obama Admin, the FBI, and the Justice Department falsely accusing the President of being a Russian agent and framing him for treason while covering up illegal foreign bribes made to the Clinton Foundation:


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5db1f2 No.18853989



Biden delays the release of remaining J.F.K. assassination records, citing the pandemic.

The National Archives require additional time to work on redactions, a White House statement on Friday said.

The pandemic has created backlogs for multiple federal agencies, resulting in pileups of visa applications, unprocessed Social Security benefits and backlogs in F.D.A. inspections.

On Friday, the White House announced another administrative casualty: a delay in the release of a trove of records related to the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy.

The White House statement, signed by President Biden, did not make clear exactly how the coronavirus had delayed the release of the records, which must be released to comply with a 1992 congressional act, but said that the national archivist reported that the pandemic had a “significant impact on the agencies” that need to be consulted on redactions. A National Security Council spokesman said classified material could not be viewed remotely.

The archivist of the United States directs the National Archives and Records Administration, the repository of public governmental records. The position has been held since 2009 by David S. Ferriero, a former librarian at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Duke University and the New York Public Library. He is the 10th person in the role since the National Archives were established in 1934.

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0a5f78 No.18853990

File: e1674aa3e8ecebc⋯.png (261.24 KB,472x338,236:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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e71e9a No.18853991

File: acf1987ab9ae23b⋯.jpg (36.18 KB,640x361,640:361,jones.jpg)

File: 37c8f1e129df580⋯.jpg (39.19 KB,347x389,347:389,jones_1_.jpg)

File: 2dfd1c1ef61cf97⋯.jpg (277.72 KB,923x968,923:968,orangedrink.jpg)


stop watching "alex jones"

he and sidekick Luke Wadowsky (?) did that from the start.

Tried to pin it on Guiliani.

That's so they don't have to mention Mueller and a scad of other names.

Guiliani was slated to be murdered that day. A team of white hats went in and saved him.

"Alex " is such a piece of fuckinhg crap

"Alex" is a way bigger perp of 9/11 - cover-up artist, agent of our enemies, than Rudy will ever be.

So sick of "AJ"

His followers are dumb asses, he knows it and thinks it's funny.

awful person.

But he mis-leads them.

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785da9 No.18853993

File: 469aec27b2cfccd⋯.jpg (47.19 KB,786x299,786:299,Triforce_Capture.JPG)

I wonder if the fedfags can tri-force. You see, this place is unlike any other image board on the internet. This place is special and the Anons here have grown a culture that is unique and independent of other image board cultures.

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6af492 No.18853994


next season

shillary gets divorce frum rump coke on toilet in a text

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c96622 No.18853995

File: 9e79b3be49aa53c⋯.png (17.29 KB,542x149,542:149,ClipboardImage.png)


Soros reminds me of Magneto


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df0ce3 No.18853996

File: ce20d998d847133⋯.png (359.32 KB,601x790,601:790,Screenshot_2023_05_15_at_2….png)

Victor vicktop55


The commander of the US Air Force in the Syrian region ordered his pilots to "leave the battle" with Russian pilots in cases similar to the destruction of the "reaper" over the Black Sea.

"Fly out only in pairs, in case of "aggressive behavior of the Russians" turn away and leave the patrol zone"

(Lieutenant General Grinkevich, Commander of the US Ninth Air Force, Commander of the CENTCOM Air Component)

"aggressive", it is also "unprofessional" behavior of Russian pilots - this is when they drive the Americans back into the air sectors assigned to them.

In fairness, I note that General Grinkevich, by his own admission, the first in the set is the number of the Russian general in charge of the sky over Palmyra. And only then the number of the Pentagon.

"…that is good that the phones are still ringing, the phones are still being picked up…"

So the issues are being resolved.




Patriots WW in full control.

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683eb1 No.18853997

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cc9eab No.18853998

File: 402c21a73a3de46⋯.png (1.12 MB,980x982,490:491,virginisla.png)

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ee342d No.18853999

File: 8a062e481427459⋯.jpg (36.27 KB,672x369,224:123,qehko8.jpg)

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32b7f7 No.18854000

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f1c91a No.18854001


At least 50% of the oldfags left after Jan 2021.

That one was way moar blackpilled around here than this is turning out to be.

If it's a cricketboard by next weekend then another hit was taken today.

But, it doesn't muh feelz the same so hopefully not.

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d9a8f9 No.18854002

"The Durham report out Monday caps off a two-and-a-half-year investigation into the origins of the Russia hoax established by Attorney General William Barr."

And now we know why Q+ has been kayfabing with Barr these past few months.

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c4ee3c No.18854003


Get a Brian Moran

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6ee263 No.18854004


g'mornin meatface.. another day at the office?

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6af492 No.18854005

File: df4ac2d71b3360d⋯.png (229.63 KB,474x334,237:167,df4ac2d71b3360d9143ee7d03c….png)


>next season

>shillary gets divorce frum rump coke on toilet in a text

temse florida coke attaks crackansas larps

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5db1f2 No.18854006


Melissa Hodgeman has stroke over strozk

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be0919 No.18854007

File: df0887badda29ef⋯.mp4 (9.41 MB,480x270,16:9,ANyplf2sU2TcJDKq.mp4)

12 min Watters clip.


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55ebf2 No.18854008


Mornin' Swordy

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785da9 No.18854009

File: 9f202d793aeacd4⋯.jpg (35.61 KB,790x323,790:323,triforce3.jpg)


Can you tri-force, bruh?

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53176e No.18854010

File: 6c71f34ef0e8d22⋯.png (891.33 KB,854x970,427:485,trump_be_back.png)


"it takes a village… places like haiti where she's taken a number of them"

savage does not begin to convey

and this was BEFORE the 2016 election

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b4c934 No.18854011

File: ec2e31d6f870a62⋯.gif (3.92 MB,500x282,250:141,giphy_1_mm.gif)

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6af492 No.18854012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d23c26 No.18854013

In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

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0a5f78 No.18854014

File: b60b525c8a14318⋯.png (459.49 KB,526x523,526:523,ClipboardImage.png)

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6af492 No.18854015



same coke

same turkey

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df0ce3 No.18854016

File: d573990f717f608⋯.png (368.34 KB,598x489,598:489,ClipboardImage.png)



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69301a No.18854017

File: 1dfdd24de54e95e⋯.mp4 (14.28 MB,720x1280,9:16,flakattack.mp4)

over the target

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857579 No.18854018

File: 5672a8850f38736⋯.png (296.51 KB,521x434,521:434,ClipboardImage.png)



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f5b7f9 No.18854019

File: 3a184be93b1137e⋯.png (358.87 KB,559x700,559:700,ClipboardImage.png)


I missed a couple.

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f1c91a No.18854020


There are a few good reviews for Hannitus in the Q drops.

Some of those he namefagged should finally do something besides disappoint you would think.

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53176e No.18854021

File: 6771c3035df26bd⋯.mp4 (3.39 MB,720x406,360:203,Google_co_founder_Larry_Pa….mp4)


and this a couple of weeks after Elon asked whether Larry Page is an alien on mainstream TV

"jokingly", of course.

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17cc66 No.18854022

File: c7448b01ff5ad4a⋯.jpeg (307.41 KB,1536x2048,3:4,IMG_9626.jpeg)

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b4c934 No.18854023

File: d6c5a0b8b4b17bb⋯.png (375.88 KB,1080x804,90:67,278645750.png)

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6ee263 No.18854024


someone should make a transformers scene where the transformer is like "no, i'm not going to transform into a vehicle this time" and they start transforming and get a haircut and grow tits and then their dick falls off, but it malfunctions and the transformer just breaks character and is like "Fuck… I have an open wound!! Help me"

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c4ee3c No.18854025


That was before he got Ainsley as his handler.

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cc9eab No.18854026

File: 3146f6e08e4cc54⋯.png (1.13 MB,978x970,489:485,muhp.png)

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8fb88d No.18854027


Potential human trafficking method uncovered.

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6b1e0a No.18854028

File: 24385301d890458⋯.png (198.62 KB,456x329,456:329,ClipboardImage.png)

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72292e No.18854029

File: 4f1e58240713f60⋯.jpg (97.62 KB,1013x1013,1:1,a944eb238608a3e5.jpg)

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cc9eab No.18854030


not sure if he is an alien but he is a Jeiwsh guy

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05114d No.18854031

File: 061c0ab4bc6f177⋯.gif (3.35 MB,400x483,400:483,061c0ab4bc6f177ef5427c754a….gif)

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0a5f78 No.18854032

File: bbdfcbc1a5350f7⋯.png (412.14 KB,500x455,100:91,ClipboardImage.png)

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876f39 No.18854033

File: e582426a8d3d65f⋯.png (1.18 MB,1035x1127,45:49,1684070632972.png)

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72292e No.18854034

File: fa271f3819778b1⋯.jpeg (106.26 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,fa271f3819778b178e150469e….jpeg)

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3414de No.18854035


when durham fails to bring charges, let's drag out huber.

meanwhile…the ds chuckles…

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e71e9a No.18854036


shut up.

u didn't do your homework.

u must think we are idiots.

we're not.

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f5b7f9 No.18854037


based, page is a jew

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00692f No.18854038

Watching this to remind me of what EffBeeEye does

Black Mass

Black Mass is a 2015 American biographical crime drama film about American mobster Whitey Bulger.



In 1975, James "Whitey" Bulger, leader of the Winter Hill Gang, controls most organized crime within South Boston, along with his right-hand man Stephen Flemmi, newcomer Kevin Weeks, and callous hitman Johnny Martorano. Bulger lives with his longtime partner Lindsey Cyr and their young son Douglas.

Bulger's supremacy is challenged by the North End-based Angiulo Brothers, a rival gang that is part of the New England Mafia family. FBI agent John Connolly returns to the area, having grown up in South Boston as a friend of Whitey and his brother, Massachusetts Senate President William "Billy" Bulger.

After the Angiulo Brothers send a motorcycle-riding assassin who murders a Winter Hill soldier, Whitey becomes an informant for Connolly. Connolly believes he can infiltrate the Angiulo Brothers' organization with Whitey's help. Although Whitey hates the idea of being a rat, he understands the protection doing so would afford him, his gang, and his family. Douglas suffers from Reye syndrome, leading the devastated Lindsey to remove him from life support over Whitey's furious objections.

Although Connolly is supported by his co-worker John Morris, their boss, Charles McGuire, is suspicious. Whitey increasingly exploits his status as an informant, using Connolly's "protection" as a cover for his crimes. When Connolly demands information on the Angiulos' racketeering locations, Whitey gets pictures of the rival gang's hideouts, allowing the FBI to plant wiretaps. The FBI arrests the Angiulos, thus eliminating the remaining opposition to Whitey's power. Blinded by his past, Connolly grows closer to Whitey and the gang and even invites them to his house for a cookout. His wife, Marianne, sees negative changes in her husband as his agent-informant relationship with Whitey grows, including accepting expensive gifts and money from the gang.

An associate, Brian Halloran, fears for his own life and goes to the FBI to report Whitey's involvement, much to Connolly's displeasure. Connolly then tells Whitey of Halloran's accusation, thereby resulting in the murders of Halloran and an unnamed accomplice. Following his mother's death, Whitey's behavior becomes increasingly violent and unpredictable, deteriorating his informant relationship.

When "bulldog" prosecutor Fred Wyshak is appointed the new assistant U. S. Attorney in Boston, Connolly attempts to make friends and perhaps divert his attention from Whitey. Still, Wyshak bluntly refuses and demands the FBI arrest him. John McIntyre, an informant within the Winter Hill Gang, informs on an attempt by Whitey to smuggle weapons for the IRA. The shipment is seized, and Whitey kills McIntyre after Connolly tips him off….


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72292e No.18854039

File: 195ee0c98108fb9⋯.gif (1.88 MB,267x200,267:200,195ee0c98108fb95c2ea6d6821….gif)

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431196 No.18854040

File: 9968442ea95a555⋯.png (102.35 KB,885x464,885:464,VoteLoss.png)

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df0ce3 No.18854041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"I feel the need, the need for speed." — Maverick

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235248 No.18854042

File: 002b898f01af5c0⋯.png (45.92 KB,638x380,319:190,Screenshot_2023_05_15_at_2….png)




The same guy got him and the Black Pfizer exec, that gay guy ia a Patriot through and through. Just like the Enemy we need people in ALL spheres of society and underworld. Good on Him !!

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69301a No.18854043

File: 2f086a0ad055d73⋯.jpeg (371.58 KB,720x548,180:137,kenya.jpeg)

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876f39 No.18854044

File: 0affde08cf76837⋯.jpg (61.23 KB,724x375,724:375,CIA_NIGGER_COMMS.jpg)

File: 6f37972b755bb29⋯.jpg (30.41 KB,370x321,370:321,Islamic_Pedo_Ring_Obama_Ph….jpg)


*at the…


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3414de No.18854045


sounds like they were ordered to turn tail and run.

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785da9 No.18854046

File: 399b09cd08a9ae1⋯.png (416.84 KB,640x800,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5b7f9 No.18854047

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6f483e No.18854048

File: f2340a12ea8c16f⋯.jpg (314.35 KB,1078x1666,11:17,Screenshot_20230512_173142.jpg)

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55ebf2 No.18854049

File: 17a2ce64aeee735⋯.png (341.5 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f1c91a No.18854050



I always knew he was the real hopium all along.

Start making them memes.

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3414de No.18854051


it's pretty

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6af492 No.18854052


get rabbi joshua to blow taht whistle yo

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2956d0 No.18854053

File: decf749bd9ce255⋯.png (97.37 KB,255x190,51:38,ac6c0224f869bbb083191ec359….png)

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d469db No.18854054

File: 9d08be43137fd1e⋯.png (1.53 MB,1584x1584,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

316 page report

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7f41b1 No.18854055


True Dat. He sort of gives me a side ache.

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0a5f78 No.18854056

File: d251ab79c60224a⋯.png (1023.68 KB,1170x1098,65:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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32b7f7 No.18854057

School leavers will be able to start working as doctors WITHOUT going to university under drastic NHS plans to fix staffing crisis


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e53f06 No.18854058

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df0ce3 No.18854059

File: d268fd26b57c3c9⋯.jpg (968.59 KB,1400x1118,700:559,FsQDza_WAAE9Pwd.jpg)


How could you build trust between two military forces that are accustomed to fighting?

test, test, test…

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f6823e No.18854060

File: c819352d9447305⋯.jpeg (209.44 KB,962x722,481:361,13AFAD0C_5AF7_45F6_A75E_3….jpeg)

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ef5bc9 No.18854061

File: 8332cf4d2976798⋯.png (91.64 KB,795x772,795:772,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfa375479cfca25⋯.png (114.52 KB,661x379,661:379,ClipboardImage.png)


>>18835311 LBLBLB

WOOHOO I GOT ONE!!!!!!!!!!



so that should mean, any q post i read today would be vital in 2 days.

which means this post should reflect for 5/14 Sunday - big Week Ahead"

*Level Unlocked

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cc9eab No.18854062

File: 691c62b20c3ea65⋯.png (819.47 KB,980x694,490:347,page1.png)

File: f1ef94018145a96⋯.png (856.3 KB,990x998,495:499,page2.png)

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32b7f7 No.18854063

notes @ 300

catching up

#23143 >>18853742

>>18853747, >>18853758, >>18853788 DNC hack

>>18853751 DJT: TREASON!!!

>>18853767 Trump Truth decode | Panic in DC

>>18853768 pg. 91 of the Durham report: Susan Rice in communication with Clinton Campaign

>>18853798, >>18853814 61 Hacks Who Peddled Russian Collusion And Should Never Be Trusted Again

>>18853799 Mark Levin Demands Special Counsel into Biden Family after elaborate Criminal CCP bribery scheme Exposed by GOP Investigators in bombshell docs

>>18853808 IRS removes investigative team from Hunter Biden probe in move whistleblower claims is ‘clearly retaliatory’

>>18853817, >>18853834, >>18853840, >>18853853 Lawfag chimes

>>18853839 Stephen Miller: The Durham Report demonstrates that the greatest threat to our democracy is the Deep State

>>18854057 School leavers will be able to start working as doctors WITHOUT going to university under drastic NHS plans to fix staffing crisis


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b04873 No.18854064

File: 6dda5699e1222f7⋯.png (70.87 KB,289x174,289:174,ClipboardImage.png)

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55ebf2 No.18854065

File: 7b343a5ac2d58b3⋯.png (92.5 KB,255x193,255:193,ClipboardImage.png)


This entire interview is probably CGI

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6af492 No.18854066

File: 3ad259172d344fc⋯.png (369.05 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,frudycrackburger.png)

city of GOTham needs juw @batjoto

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be0919 No.18854067

File: a9776f68ca62110⋯.jpg (29.93 KB,602x202,301:101,Screenshot_2023_05_15_2042….jpg)

Vance wants names, lads.


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32b7f7 No.18854068


Got any sauce?

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45b6d4 No.18854069



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32b7f7 No.18854070


How hard is it to be a doctor anyways, just Google everything.

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b04873 No.18854071


What is wrong with that? Not illegal is it?

Unless he had a gun to her head.

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6f483e No.18854072

File: 94ee710daf14b98⋯.jpg (197.42 KB,1078x1464,539:732,Screenshot_20230227_043658….jpg)

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0a5f78 No.18854073

File: 6cd08f2928e246d⋯.png (426.32 KB,710x781,10:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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785da9 No.18854074

File: 497935354229f09⋯.png (471.31 KB,435x536,435:536,ClipboardImage.png)


<Cryptek activates resurrection protocol.

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59fadb No.18854075


h3llo randy

haow is ozlund tonite

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3414de No.18854076


DS is skeered now i bet.

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0a5f78 No.18854077

File: df9d64851e08181⋯.png (575.59 KB,710x702,355:351,ClipboardImage.png)

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6af492 No.18854078


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tonight on bannon;s daddy issues bidet to hunters crack miniseries

s4e1 frudyo gedouchin both heimats

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a917a5 No.18854079

File: d4f10bc80c19569⋯.png (5.94 MB,1920x1080,16:9,StupidTactic_44.png)



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0a5f78 No.18854080

File: f8364f6f0e1d60a⋯.png (331.16 KB,710x855,142:171,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3aa9b No.18854081


Trust me. They’re not all smart.

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6af492 No.18854082


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tonight on bannon;s daddy issues bidet to hunters crack miniseries

>s4e1 frudyo gedouchin both heimats

s4e2 frudyo heimat gedouchin gets spiritual

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59fadb No.18854083




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69301a No.18854084

File: ae83c9255e8756a⋯.png (438.32 KB,1024x1448,128:181,ClipboardImage.png)

insert caption

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850dc2 No.18854085


thats why they "practice" medicine

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59fadb No.18854086


specialization equals death

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45b6d4 No.18854087

File: d70ee28e6758924⋯.png (753.67 KB,564x846,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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b759dc No.18854088

File: 257b7779658cb6c⋯.png (590.51 KB,1200x1200,1:1,federal_bureau_incompetanc….png)

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cc9eab No.18854089


a lot of this we knew 6 years ago, but maybe there is some reason this is happening now

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df0ce3 No.18854090

File: e5deeba02d67c86⋯.png (234.47 KB,438x469,438:469,ClipboardImage.png)

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a3a125 No.18854091

File: 4586ae4a56fcf42⋯.jpg (20.05 KB,355x349,355:349,Kek_Kamala_2.jpg)



$10 mil blobie

We've cum a long way from … sucky fucky fi dolla.

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6af492 No.18854092

File: a2c42e2bacf7c98⋯.jpg (27.02 KB,355x355,1:1,IMG_0005.JPG)

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2956d0 No.18854093


>They’re not all smart.

I've never met one that was.

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be0919 No.18854094

File: 356e23e5a6c2ba8⋯.mp4 (4.36 MB,1280x706,640:353,HJ_PfWPqFUY6IfJ.mp4)


Kash Patel says the fake news is being forced to report that President Trump is innocent as a result of the Durham report & they are “injecting that into the media narrative for the first time to an audience that has never really heard that.”

Welcome to the great awakening.


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59fadb No.18854095


it's frogs all the way down

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f1c91a No.18854096

File: 6906eea27304420⋯.jpg (54.36 KB,1200x758,600:379,Huber.jpg)


I'll fix this shit, Mr. President.

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d9a8f9 No.18854097

File: 3c04be8b44dd935⋯.png (473.57 KB,1122x915,374:305,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94547dc31d8fd1a⋯.png (425.57 KB,1241x827,1241:827,ClipboardImage.png)

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b759dc No.18854098

File: e7e94761d7f490e⋯.png (729.81 KB,720x886,360:443,durham_looky.png)

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7f41b1 No.18854099


Y’all too lazy to row dat far.

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6af492 No.18854100


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tonight on bannon;s daddy issues bidet to hunters crack miniseries

>>s4e1 frudyo gedouchin both heimats

>s4e2 frudyo heimat gedouchin gets spiritual

s4e3 frudyo backchannel heimat gedouchin leaks into frontbutt heimat gedouchin

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df0ce3 No.18854101


'Now I am become Frog, the destroyer of narratives'

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7f41b1 No.18854102


Y’all too lazy too row dat far.

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6af492 No.18854103

File: 4af86dd834af64c⋯.jpg (31.36 KB,399x600,133:200,IMG_0038.JPG)

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f1c91a No.18854104

File: 6906eea27304420⋯.jpg (54.36 KB,1200x758,600:379,Huber.jpg)


Beat it, loser.

You fucked up.

My turn now.

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0a5f78 No.18854105

File: 07b98b634351fc4⋯.png (658.67 KB,710x649,710:649,ClipboardImage.png)

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59fadb No.18854106



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53176e No.18854107

File: 1cb3d0e0b2d793a⋯.png (118.81 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

"conspiracy to enslave every man woman and child"

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632d42 No.18854108

>>18854094 Welcome to the Great Awakening - Kash says the fake news must report DJT is innocent and FBI screwed up FOR THE FIRST TIME


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69301a No.18854109

File: 0cb428fdbad5fa0⋯.png (2.01 MB,1880x1214,940:607,ClipboardImage.png)


>How could you build trust between two military forces that are accustomed to fighting?

Christmas soccer!

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895647 No.18854110

File: 8e1392857a1d4c1⋯.mp4 (8.14 MB,854x480,427:240,mask_shit.mp4)

Mask task.

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32b7f7 No.18854111

File: ea310bd9572af38⋯.png (148.05 KB,474x207,158:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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45b6d4 No.18854112

File: baef75d24ddb524⋯.png (557.95 KB,564x847,564:847,ClipboardImage.png)

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a06c44 No.18854113


450 attorneys….

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3414de No.18854114


eyeroll. just last week they were told he was guilty of sex assault.

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6af492 No.18854115


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tonight on bannon;s daddy issues bidet to hunters crack miniseries

>>>s4e1 frudyo gedouchin both heimats

>>s4e2 frudyo heimat gedouchin gets spiritual

>s4e3 frudyo backchannel heimat gedouchin leaks into frontbutt heimat gedouchin

s4e4 both frudyo heimat infucted might .b. varus

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59fadb No.18854116





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b04873 No.18854117

File: 6dda5699e1222f7⋯.png (70.87 KB,289x174,289:174,ClipboardImage.png)


300+ pages of moaning, and not a single pic of boobies to be seen.

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67690c No.18854118


Durham is blowing up

with so many eyes and view points

It won't be long before the case is cracked wide open

Can spin a narrative when every avenue is being discussed

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d9a8f9 No.18854119


Jake Tapper still tried to keep the fake narrative going when he said 'The Durham reporttO a DeGrEedoes exonerate Trump.'

No, not 'to a degree', it's full, deterministic, complete and total exoneration.

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6af492 No.18854121


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tonight on bannon;s daddy issues bidet to hunters crack miniseries

>>>>s4e1 frudyo gedouchin both heimats

>>>s4e2 frudyo heimat gedouchin gets spiritual

>>s4e3 frudyo backchannel heimat gedouchin leaks into frontbutt heimat gedouchin

>s4e4 both frudyo heimat infucted might .b. varus

s4e5 serios infucted heimat varus inflamer frudyo

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df0ce3 No.18854122

File: 1d5e0613e8fceab⋯.png (253.16 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a80faa3bcccee96⋯.jpg (126.37 KB,1280x720,16:9,Gerasimov_miller_1280x720.jpg)

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b3aa9b No.18854123


The metempsychosis.

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6f483e No.18854124

File: 685e955b2eb2b62⋯.jpg (121.14 KB,1078x648,539:324,Screenshot_20230515_213811.jpg)

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5c3843 No.18854125

File: 1c0ad4853343ddd⋯.png (1.41 MB,937x1244,937:1244,1684204406280.png)

File: 4121ed3de02f2df⋯.jpg (67.92 KB,530x530,1:1,I_Hear_Panic_Trump_1.jpg)

File: 488bab01fd4bef9⋯.png (361.42 KB,1266x921,422:307,CM_Sandwiches_For_All_Pain….png)

File: 6e62e41a5e90e18⋯.png (250.27 KB,1411x827,1411:827,Panic_Radio_Pepe.png)

File: 9e8437415550712⋯.png (174.23 KB,452x456,113:114,FBI_Wray_Panic_Face_Kek.png)


Uncle Sam(You)EL can Panic Now…

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32b7f7 No.18854126

30 Countries Now Ready To Accept BRICS Currency


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2956d0 No.18854127


>Kash Patel says fake news


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f170bb No.18854128

File: fe7c8c73fcf44f2⋯.png (867.96 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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b759dc No.18854129

File: 3f8cee3ded7ebd2⋯.png (396.63 KB,500x499,500:499,its_happening_durham.png)

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5aa1c5 No.18854130

File: 63ee89022fca6c3⋯.png (333.59 KB,1172x336,293:84,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 759d0c9ba9cc6d3⋯.png (83.44 KB,783x859,783:859,ClipboardImage.png)

seems like comms for something, not sure what

‘South Park,’ Casa Bonita license plate auction to benefit Coloradans with disabilities

by: Brooke Williams

Posted: May 15, 2023 / 05:44 PM MDT

Updated: May 15, 2023 / 05:44 PM MDT

DENVER (KDVR) — You could drive around with a custom Casa Bonita or “South Park” license plate, and your money would go toward the Colorado Disability Funding Committee.

An auction for the one-of-a-kind plates was launched Monday. Participants can bid on the right to own and use one of the17 plate configurations.

Here are the17plates up for grabs:


















All the plates started at $100. Bidding will close on May 25 at 7 p.m.


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785da9 No.18854131

File: c39c6d77bf3fccf⋯.gif (34.43 KB,216x200,27:25,popcorn3.gif)

"If that bastard wins we're all going to hang from nooses!"

I'm willing to bet they're feeling the walls closing in. Slowly, ever so slowly…

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df0ce3 No.18854132

File: 3514563690c06bc⋯.png (504.25 KB,598x551,598:551,Screenshot_2023_05_15_at_2….png)


>If only you knew how good things really are..


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53176e No.18854133

File: 664f9fac7950e78⋯.mp4 (9.15 MB,1280x720,16:9,demon_lady_asking_trump_ab….mp4)

File: 36dcb7606c52e51⋯.mp4 (5.82 MB,352x640,11:20,Mecca_BillionsOfCockroache….mp4)


>name in brackets are already dead. Loretta Lynch, Rod Rosenstein

no faggot that's never how any of this has worked

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accd83 No.18854134


>=Welcome to Q Research General==

ever notice that shills do this? They deliberately fuck up the red text tag. This is the first time I've noticed a baker do it though.

Just yet another shill pattern to put on your radar, fellas.

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f1c91a No.18854135

File: 6906eea27304420⋯.jpg (54.36 KB,1200x758,600:379,Huber.jpg)


You slow anons better start shooping my head in those memes of yours.

Going back underground for a bit.

But, I got this.

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a917a5 No.18854136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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59fadb No.18854137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b04873 No.18854138


Trump and Biden are just being rotated in and out as they planned - in the end, we get medical tyranny and robbed blind.

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6af492 No.18854139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

sponsored by yoder cannedDUH burger

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5c3843 No.18854140

File: 45de70d2e38a00b⋯.png (1.47 MB,1319x884,1319:884,1684153686831.png)

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857579 No.18854141

File: 3c70b5f7cf977bc⋯.png (292.24 KB,522x398,261:199,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 990d3a7e42d99f4⋯.mp4 (13.12 MB,854x480,427:240,Clear_double_standard.mp4)

>There's a clear double standard https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/110375969007241920

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53176e No.18854142

File: 0354db7c2876a15⋯.png (18.8 KB,374x486,187:243,316_page_report_by_JOHN_Du….png)




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a917a5 No.18854143

such fun…

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890ca0 No.18854144

File: ae1e61d33c5ca05⋯.png (3 MB,1920x771,640:257,Xmen_vs_magneto_oct_1.png)

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ef5bc9 No.18854145

File: df1dc66213295c7⋯.png (7.46 MB,2996x2024,749:506,ClipboardImage.png)



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59fadb No.18854146


the young Prince performs above expectation


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632d42 No.18854147

File: 8c7615d32ef5b8c⋯.jpg (95.59 KB,710x815,142:163,5_5_pepe.jpg)


we know the only way is the military

so any BIG arrests will either be for show (we already won), or

there will be enough public pressure for the good guys in the MIL will have no choice but to intervene

2 moar years!

At least things are moving right along.

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69301a No.18854148

File: 97d69408c6e0fb9⋯.png (2.92 MB,1600x1224,200:153,Noble_is_a_veteran_of_the_….png)

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5c3843 No.18854149

File: a14bee79742a53f⋯.png (1.14 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1684149996894.png)

If this is the Deep State Winning…

I'll take losing any day…

Enjoying the Show…

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785da9 No.18854150


Nice tri-force, bruh.

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6af492 No.18854151


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tonight on bannon;s daddy issues bidet to hunters crack miniseries

>>>>>s4e1 frudyo gedouchin both heimats

>>>>s4e2 frudyo heimat gedouchin gets spiritual

>>>s4e3 frudyo backchannel heimat gedouchin leaks into frontbutt heimat gedouchin

>>s4e4 both frudyo heimat infucted might .b. varus

>s4e5 serios infucted heimat varus inflamer frudyo

s4e6 frudyo get heimat spiritual wiff bruce and pills cause varus infucted inflamer frontbutt

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32b7f7 No.18854152


>The majority of the reaction so far has been centered around how Special Counsel Durham is not prosecuting anyone for their corrupt conduct outlined within the report

Letting the suspense kill them?

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b9ac21 No.18854153

File: 9156491127bd7a8⋯.jpg (12.71 KB,185x255,37:51,fuckaroundfoundout.jpg)

File: 19935c9d505baa0⋯.png (774.68 KB,646x647,646:647,kingcharlesmagicmissile.png)

File: 0f1ce6f714fbce8⋯.png (669.31 KB,1077x1094,1077:1094,bidenshowerswithdaughter.png)

File: ef10593a5461bcb⋯.jpg (10.12 KB,255x175,51:35,pepeapuleafdragon.jpg)

File: 85c59118f7cbb34⋯.png (178.4 KB,768x767,768:767,NightSHiftCreepyPigBoyAi.png)

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f5b7f9 No.18854154


thats great but I knew it was bullshit from the beginning and everyone should've

the pulitzer prize is shit, everything's political

Swallwell scrwed fang fang

Schiff is Jewish

So what happened to the RICO charges? that's what we've been talking about when we say Durham.


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53176e No.18854155

File: 51067cb04e206a1⋯.gif (217.66 KB,232x198,116:99,jew_kvetching.gif)


didn't your momma ever tell you only boring faggots behave that way

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716f14 No.18854156


Filtered. Too close to bedtime.

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ef5bc9 No.18854157

File: 9255af37ccf1914⋯.png (85.17 KB,1180x377,1180:377,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a5f78 No.18854158

File: 37869c976d00a49⋯.png (240.6 KB,574x640,287:320,ClipboardImage.png)

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716f14 No.18854159

Crime of the Century = 17

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5c3843 No.18854160

File: 586678b4e84b09c⋯.png (954.02 KB,971x1202,971:1202,1684072302761.png)

File: 79b25c03e86afa6⋯.png (1.51 MB,979x1192,979:1192,1684071984102.png)

File: 4c6838f15592d46⋯.png (360.42 KB,559x446,559:446,ei_1684067652085_removebg_….png)

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c618b4 No.18854161


What a dawk I got a doctorate in flipping burgers are you smarter than a 5th grader

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785da9 No.18854162


>2 moar years!

QR Anons can do that standing on their heads. o7

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32b7f7 No.18854163


That must be what Hell feels like.

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45b6d4 No.18854164

File: 44a901e13e60d4d⋯.jpg (97.47 KB,617x500,617:500,bat_shit.jpg)


Probably true because…

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cc9eab No.18854165

File: b72b2692a934d7b⋯.png (378.16 KB,796x794,398:397,gaybort.png)

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d9a8f9 No.18854166


>Schiff is Jewish

Ok Schiff PR, kek

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f5b7f9 No.18854167

File: 1f3dd7441bc2963⋯.png (1.19 MB,1500x1500,1:1,1f3dd7441bc296348432e27302….png)

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a28c83 No.18854168

File: d7c268f8cc0c305⋯.png (905.81 KB,984x555,328:185,9km756n476b54574.PNG)

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890ca0 No.18854169

File: 8b7ffcdd50a6240⋯.png (1.65 MB,760x1100,38:55,Xmen_magneto_nov_2.png)

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67088c No.18854170

File: 71687736dfddc46⋯.png (21.19 KB,249x255,83:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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6af492 No.18854171


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tonight on bannon;s daddy issues bidet to hunters crack miniseries

>>>>>>s4e1 frudyo gedouchin both heimats

>>>>>s4e2 frudyo heimat gedouchin gets spiritual

>>>>s4e3 frudyo backchannel heimat gedouchin leaks into frontbutt heimat gedouchin

>>>s4e4 both frudyo heimat infucted might .b. varus

>>s4e5 serios infucted heimat varus inflamer frudyo

>s4e6 frudyo get heimat spiritual wiff bruce and pills cause varus infucted inflamer frontbutt

s4e7 bruce keisters frudyo juw kilos to never never land

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ef5bc9 No.18854172



2 Week 3 Year DELTA

[23] Confirmed


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8ca48c No.18854173

File: 0e3dfb13d2fb49b⋯.png (368.46 KB,385x662,385:662,elon_devil.png)

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8ca48c No.18854174

File: 45ef1f21d079e6e⋯.png (83.14 KB,785x384,785:384,ClipboardImage.png)

Paul Sperry: Durham report casts doubt on official FBI timeline that claims Crossfire team at HQ did not start receiving any of the Steele dossier reports until Sept 19, 2016. Durham cites Aug 2016 phone call in which agent said "that a group at FBI headquarters was working on them"

5:06 PM · May 15, 2023


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17cc66 No.18854175

File: 089b22ad7e6c2ed⋯.jpeg (516.6 KB,2048x1072,128:67,IMG_3805.jpeg)

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07a81d No.18854176

File: 6485e15a6d29363⋯.png (305.29 KB,473x1024,473:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5796dea578f47e1⋯.png (395.2 KB,540x649,540:649,ClipboardImage.png)

CCP TikTok Censors Durham’s Trump-Russia Report – And Bans Tim Cramer’s Account After Posting TGP-Tim Cramer Report on Democrat Donation Harvesting in Indiana

Earlier today The Gateway Pundit and Indiana media producer Tim Cramer released video proof of Democrats caught in a massive donations harvesting scheme involving tens of thousands of ActBlue donations by retired Hoosiers.

This Democrat donations harvesting has been taking place around the country and involves millions of dollars in donations.

Following our report this morning the CCP TikTok removed Tim Cramer’s account.

Later this afternoon news broke on Special Counsel John Durham’s final report exposing the coordinated lies by Democrats, the legacy media, and top US intelligence officials in their attempts to remove President Trump from office over Trump-Russia collusion. The entire narrative was a lie created by Hillary Clinton and her campaign and the FBI and DOJ knew this from the beginning.

The CCP TikTok censored content on John Durham’s findings implicating Democrats, the media and the Deep State.


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1cc923 No.18854177

File: 49d68e610adf95b⋯.png (842.61 KB,1600x900,16:9,n763b4c5634.png)

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6c8ea6 No.18854178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vitamin D doses

Good talk with stats about how much Vit D we should have


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0a5f78 No.18854179

File: 095730aee69ff3f⋯.png (800.4 KB,700x819,100:117,ClipboardImage.png)

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43dead No.18854180

Under attack bigly? This thing back on?

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72292e No.18854181


they attacking

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0a5f78 No.18854182

File: a7d9739504267a1⋯.png (431.04 KB,769x645,769:645,ClipboardImage.png)


OMG EXCLUSIVE FOX INSIDER TELL ALL; Says Tucker Termination was Part of Dominion Settlement

Discusses "shady" work of "friend," former Biden operative Mike LaRosa now working for Dominion

“When it’s corporate media you’re beholden to advertisers…

we take money from Pfizer"

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8ca48c No.18854183

File: 03aeca5bdb01c3a⋯.png (382.47 KB,904x744,113:93,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5815c1b19ce879⋯.png (674.23 KB,1061x968,1061:968,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 116886eab27173b⋯.png (75.72 KB,773x405,773:405,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅



May 15, 2023,11:11PM


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



Quote Tweet

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



=May 18, 2018==

Scary what’s been done. Even scarier? Hillary was ‘supposed’ to win….and all of this would have been swept under the carpet — down here in the SWAMP of Washington, D.C. But she LOST, and it’s NOT getting swept under the carpet, as planned!!! http://dailycaller.com/2018/05/18/clapper-fbi-spying-trump-campaign/

11:13 PM · May 15, 2023



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f1c91a No.18854184

File: 97ca1e2abc4b566⋯.png (106.14 KB,1080x605,216:121,1684204971850182.png)

File: a3e81172825312d⋯.jpg (125.95 KB,840x541,840:541,1684206547075330.jpg)

Elon starting shit /pol/ freaking out about it.



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8ca48c No.18854185

File: e61f93d995b1533⋯.png (94.95 KB,793x377,61:29,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


President @realDonaldTrump and his entire Administration spent the entire 4 years in the White House relentlessly under attack, regarding RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA! ALL 4 YEARS!! Many lives were destroyed over this, meanwhile it all came from the Democratic Party — who perpetuated nothing but lies to take down a man they despise and hate, Donald J. Trump. Mark my words, this will make him stronger — and support will continue to grow, to put him back at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!

7:26 PM · May 15, 2023


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ef5bc9 No.18854186

File: df1dc66213295c7⋯.png (7.46 MB,2996x2024,749:506,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9255af37ccf1914⋯.png (85.17 KB,1180x377,1180:377,ClipboardImage.png)


2 Week 3 Year DELTA

[23] Confirmed


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cfaabd No.18854187


I imagine those who live in countries overrun by muslims might like this

Are foreigners wanting to move to Russia?


>Durham Report Verdicts:

>Donald J. Trump- Innocent

>FBI- Guilty

>DOJ- Guilty

>IC- Guilty

>Comey- Guilty

>McCabe- Guilty

>Strzok- Guilty

>Lisa Page- Guilty

>FISA Judges- Guilty

>Rosenstein- Guilty

>Chris Wray- Guilty

>Gina Haspel- Guilty

>Sally Yates- Guilty

>Lisa Monaco- Guilty

>John Carlin- Guilty

>Michael Sussman- Guilty

>Christopher Steele- Guilty

>Stephan Halper- Guilty

>Fusion GPS- Guilty

>Mark Elias- Guilty

>Clinton- Guilty

>Bruce Ohr- Guilty

>Nellie Ohr- Guilty

>The American People- Robbed of Justice https://truthsocial.com/@Kash/110374694097871177



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3414de No.18854188



>Paul Sperry: Durham report casts doubt on official FBI timeline that claims Crossfire team at HQ did not start receiving any of the Steele dossier reports until Sept 19, 2016. Durham cites Aug 2016 phone call in which agent said "that a group at FBI headquarters was working on them"

and gosh, it only took 7 fukkin years to get the official report. what a joke of a country we have now.

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bac6f4 No.18854189

>>18853960 ← not too bright

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8ca48c No.18854190

File: 82d7a70278e1e4e⋯.png (372.63 KB,946x818,473:409,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42a22f46935b1a3⋯.png (549.96 KB,1059x969,353:323,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅



May 15, 2023, 11:16 PM


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6b1e0a No.18854191

File: fc4181753edad68⋯.png (1.02 MB,1074x792,179:132,ClipboardImage.png)

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3414de No.18854192


and you know that how???

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716f14 No.18854193

Who is Magneto?

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d9a8f9 No.18854194

Jesse Watters NAILS IT when describing the demonic demented conspirators, especially Strzok given his recent tweet.

"They don't care, they say yeah we cheated but you didn't catch us. You didn't put any of our people in jail, we put your people in jail. That must mean you're bad and we're good, and we're better at this than you."

Sick evil fucks.

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ef5bc9 No.18854195


>Who is Magneto?

im gonna have to filter you know

ffs, the state of anons

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f1c91a No.18854196

File: 98a99ac5242661a⋯.jpg (443.82 KB,1080x1278,60:71,1684206768301879.jpg)

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716f14 No.18854197

File: c4fd1358dd6bec4⋯.png (300.82 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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54647a No.18854198

File: d62d784331e9b00⋯.png (284.56 KB,664x606,332:303,ClipboardImage.png)


Introducing the X-65! The #xplane we're developing to fly without traditional, exterior-moving flight controls received its official designation. CRANE aims to build an experimental uncrewed aircraft that maneuvers by controlling the air flow around it.


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4c0ad4 No.18854199

File: 3f29201fbfd7497⋯.png (189.82 KB,257x399,257:399,ClipboardImage.png)


>Who is Magneto

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8ca48c No.18854200

File: db77b7db5d8d626⋯.png (62.6 KB,779x315,779:315,ClipboardImage.png)

Paul Sperry


BREAKING:Durham Report confirms my Nov 2021 reporting for RealClearInvestigations that it was Nellie Ohr who first dug up Sergei Millian as a potential source for the dossier. Months later, Millian falsely became the main source for the most explosive allegations in the dossier.

5:28 PM · May 15, 2023


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d9a8f9 No.18854201

Trump eviscerated and humiliated CNN in front of millions of normies, then CNN announces the Durham Report is devastating for the FBI and Trump is vindicated in the public sphere, and now Elon Musk reaffirms that Soros hates humanity and is trying to destory civilization on the exact day everyone is loudly proclaiming that we must dismantle the FBI.

And it's only Monday.

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8ca48c No.18854202

File: 45715841a381424⋯.png (37.29 KB,794x241,794:241,ClipboardImage.png)

Paul Sperry


BREAKING:Special Counsel John Durham never interviewed former FBI Director James Comey

10:41 PM · May 15, 2023


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3414de No.18854203


and yet no one goes to jail for it. weird

yet let's keep J6 political prisoners in prison without trials for a few more years.

this is winning bigly if I've ever seen it.

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bac6f4 No.18854204

File: 9ec99135bf9af1d⋯.jpg (11.93 KB,254x132,127:66,20230515_212118.jpg)

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8ca48c No.18854205

File: e0b52208632d46a⋯.png (50.97 KB,794x268,397:134,ClipboardImage.png)

Paul Sperry


BREAKING:Special Counsel Durham also never interviewed FusionGPS founder Glenn Simpson, who contracted with the Hillary Clinton campaign to produce the fake dossier on Trump and Russia

10:57 PM · May 15, 2023


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d50b82 No.18854206

In other words, "Please don't fire us!"


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5a15c6 No.18854207

File: bbba0d742a0cea0⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,3180x3180,1:1,Allconfirmed.jpg)




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bac6f4 No.18854208

File: b6a7727d2905d64⋯.gif (214.26 KB,210x280,3:4,20211020_012021.gif)



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72292e No.18854209


took close to 5 minutes for the page to update had to reload it 3 times

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716f14 No.18854210

File: e958221144dbe8c⋯.png (26.26 KB,548x289,548:289,Screen_Shot_05_15_23_at_11….PNG)

17 beats.

🚨 Katherine Brodsky




If we're living in a simulation, why couldn't we be living in a better one?

Elon Musk



It’s pretty good tbh

9:18 PM · May 15, 2023


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8ca48c No.18854211

File: 006fd4339f8f141⋯.png (59.63 KB,782x280,391:140,ClipboardImage.png)

Paul Sperry


BREAKING:Igor Danchenko, Steele's collector of dirt for his dossier, tricked the FBI's top counterintelligence investigators into believing he fled the US in 2010, when in fact the whole time he was living in the DC area. Fooled, the FBI closed its probe of him as a Russian spy

11:16 PM · May 15, 2023


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bac6f4 No.18854212


it's gandalf


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3414de No.18854213


oh lookie here…brian discovered google today.

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bac6f4 No.18854214

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f1c91a No.18854215

File: 7fe8cfbc89a9fea⋯.jpg (30.32 KB,487x307,487:307,HuberTime.jpg)


Corney's mine.

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2956d0 No.18854216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8ca48c No.18854217

File: f1da5efac4273ac⋯.png (293.97 KB,917x740,917:740,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d11349132aec6c7⋯.png (529.81 KB,852x1204,213:301,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b9a766615a02bb⋯.png (489.32 KB,894x1149,298:383,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e3dfb13d2fb49b⋯.png (368.46 KB,385x662,385:662,elon_devil.png)

Liz Crokin



Elon Musk responds to the reports of the subpoena issued to him in the Virgin Islands-JPMorgan Jeffrey Epstein case. He calls Epstein a cretin and a dumb crook who never advised him. 😂 He also stated that JPMorgan let Tesla down years ago, and he’s never forgiven them. 👀🍿

May 15, 2023, 11:05 PM



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bac6f4 No.18854218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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431196 No.18854219

File: 14b9560403ea26e⋯.png (572.14 KB,913x808,913:808,BarackJewish.PNG)


Fun Fact = Jewish Bullshit

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716f14 No.18854220

File: b81862ae8114d04⋯.png (984.83 KB,1114x819,1114:819,Screen_Shot_05_15_23_at_11….PNG)

J&J Covid-19 vaccine no longer available in the US

By Deidre McPhillips, CNN

Published 9:55 AM EDT, Mon May 15, 2023


The Covid-19 vaccine from Johnson & Johnson is no longer available in the United States, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

All remaining doses expired last week, and the CDC directed providers to dispose of any that they had left over.

About 19 million people in the US have received the J&J vaccine since it first became available. But more than 31.5 million doses have been delivered to states and other jurisdictions, leaving about 12.5 million doses unused, according to CDC data.

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8ca48c No.18854221

File: 74987d7f698ec36⋯.png (404.17 KB,828x933,276:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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e702df No.18854222

WTF was Durham doing for the last 5 years?! Nothing?!

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6c2aef No.18854223


nbc msnbc midas touch flooding youtube with stories about the durham "flop" report

"proving" there was nothing there

no charges because no one did anything

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4c6b6c No.18854224

notes @ 470

#23143 >>18853742

>>18853747, >>18853758, >>18853788, >>18853862, >>18853897 DNC hack

>>18853751 DJT: TREASON!!!

>>18853767 Trump Truth decode | Panic in DC

>>18853768 pg. 91 of the Durham report: Susan Rice in communication with Clinton Campaign

>>18853798, >>18853814 61 Hacks Who Peddled Russian Collusion And Should Never Be Trusted Again

>>18853799 Mark Levin demands Special Counsel into Biden Family after elaborate Criminal CCP bribery scheme Exposed by GOP Investigators in bombshell docs

>>18853808, >>18853953 IRS removes investigative team from Hunter Biden probe in move whistleblower claims is ‘clearly retaliatory’

>>18853817, >>18853834, >>18853840, >>18853853, >>18853839 Lawfag chimes

>>18853875, >>18853884 Biden was briefed on Clinton involvement in Trump-Russia hoax

>>18853906 Peter Stroker Stroking Projection

>>18853930 O'Keefe Media Group: FOX Insider Tell All: Says Tucker Termination was Part of Dominion Settlement

>>18853989 (2021) Biden delays the release of remaining J.F.K. assassination records, citing the pandemic

>>18853995 Elon: Soros reminds me of Magneto

>>18854007, >>18854018 Jesse Watters: Clinton & DNC Behind Russia Hoax

>>18854027 Potential human trafficking method uncovered

>>18854054, >>18854142 John Durham 316 page report

>>18854057 School leavers will be able to start working as doctors without going to university under drastic NHS plans to fix staffing crisis

>>18854061, >>18854145, >>18854157, >>18854172 Big fortnight ahead

>>18854094 Welcome to the Great Awakening - Kash Patel on Durham Report release

>>18854126 30 Countries Now Ready To Accept BRICS Currency

>>18854130 ‘South Park,’ Casa Bonita 17 license plates for auction to benefit Coloradans with disabilities

>>18854132 @WhiteHouse: On the move

>>18854141 Newsmax: There is a clear double standard

>>18854174 Durham report casts doubt on official FBI timeline that claims Crossfire team at HQ did not start receiving any of the Steele dossier reports until Sept 19, 2016


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f170bb No.18854225

File: 25d82f559a6e71d⋯.png (11.09 MB,3971x2572,3971:2572,ClipboardImage.png)


>Who is Magneto?

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fc1d5c No.18854226

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

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f1c91a No.18854227


Use your words.

Explain the connections.

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3414de No.18854228


>It’s pretty good tbh

sure it is…you're not struggling in this economy like most of us.

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a3a125 No.18854229

File: c60f1e6afe8cd71⋯.png (1.04 MB,800x1229,800:1229,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf749bdbd595edc⋯.jpg (115.6 KB,639x680,639:680,John_Huber_Q_Tie.jpg)



OCTOBER 4, 2019

A separate investigation by the U.S. Attorney in Utah, John Huber, which had been examining the FBI’s surveillance of Page, and other FBI conduct,has been “subsumed” into Durham’s, according to the Justice Department official.


September 24, 2020 1:27pm EDT

Durham assumed parts of John Huber's Clinton Foundation review


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8ca48c No.18854230

File: bf3d3ab1e288079⋯.png (436.3 KB,836x763,836:763,ClipboardImage.png)

O’Keefe Media Group Releases Undercover Video, FOX News Producer Reveals, “Tucker Getting Fired Was Part of It” – The Dominion Settlement!


O’Keefe Media Group released undercover video on Monday of a FOX Insider spilling the beans on Tucker Carlson’s firing.

FOX News at Night producer Sean Langille told undercover journalists that part of the Dominion settlement included Tucker Carlson being fired.

Sean Langille: $744 million to settle that.

Reporter: Oh, that was with the Dominion Company. What happened with that?

Sean Langille: Like, they gave him money. They say it wasn’t part of it, but we’re learning that Tucker getting fired part of that.

Reporter: Tucker getting fired was part of the Dominion lawsuit?

Sean Langille: Part of the settlement. Yeah, he’s ousted… And we got money from Pfizer… He (Tucker) brought up things that cost a lot of money. Cost the company a lot of money. This whole thing about January, it was an inside job. FBI agent on the inside encouraged it

This was the latest explosive video release by James O’Keefe and The O’Keefe Media Group.

James O’Keefe strikes again!

OMG EXCLUSIVE FOX INSIDER TELL ALL; Says Tucker Termination was Part of Dominion Settlement

Discusses "shady" work of "friend," former Biden operative Mike LaRosa now working for Dominion

“When it’s corporate media you’re beholden to advertisers…

we take money from Pfizer" pic.twitter.com/6Gpj2Qqj97

— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) May 16, 2023


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785da9 No.18854231

File: 5bd2a58a7dc9227⋯.png (319.71 KB,582x428,291:214,ClipboardImage.png)

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87873b No.18854232

File: cf8e87dd120f38f⋯.jpg (116.63 KB,1073x600,1073:600,Q_comfyaf.jpg)

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55ebf2 No.18854233

File: 6a5e2203bc3fa00⋯.jpg (105.86 KB,945x630,3:2,funny_clown_moment.jpg)


This is some great stuff

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72292e No.18854234

File: 0ea1311030b51c3⋯.gif (1.18 MB,350x192,175:96,0ea1311030b51c3367fa2483ec….gif)



yes words please

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e702df No.18854235

Whatever happened to Patrick Byrne?! It seems all these patriots that have all the evidence just fuckin disappear

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8ca48c No.18854236



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65e972 No.18854237

File: ea7ab2644612c82⋯.jpeg (183.68 KB,828x997,828:997,9AF32ED9_2112_4672_BC01_3….jpeg)

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3414de No.18854238


exactly…they will just lie about it and normies will continue believing their spin.

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716f14 No.18854239


Thank you, anon.

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07a81d No.18854240

File: df2a518c8a63686⋯.png (193.34 KB,604x496,151:124,ClipboardImage.png)

Gerber Baby Formula That Had Been Recalled Was Sent Out To Stores In 8 States


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0f14d9 No.18854241

File: 044bdf63de30011⋯.jpg (31 KB,599x626,599:626,Black_Girl_Wat.jpg)


So Barr stonewalling Durham is the new Mueller getting away with an inconclusive conclusion comparative with Flynn not not lying about lying and getting a pardon because some were forced out to promote MAGA or be exposed for promo code POSO?

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fc30bb No.18854242

All these years and only one pic of Durham to be had

…and now he's everywhere.

THAT is no leaks…

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25f5cd No.18854243


how about the 470 behind him?


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2956d0 No.18854244


People like Byrne, Flynn, Giuliani's job is to make everything absurd therefore discrediting everything they're involved with.

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