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File: 29a10f32029706b⋯.png (353.92 KB,693x391,693:391,qrg.png)

b516a4 No.18810333 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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b516a4 No.18810334

International Q Research Threads

>>18670265 ——–——– Australia #29

>>18668978 ——–——– Canada #42

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>18551332 ——–——– Germany #105

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>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6



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>>18147768 ban lifts

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>18681959 How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos

>>18721784 Download & compress Twitter Videos

>>18754344 Resources to help understand the Q clock

>>18777053 Joe M's re-mastered Q videos NEW


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>>18147761 Baking range: @75 up to 751

>>17980519 No RRN in notes

>>18311579 Post notables or step down by @300


#23085 tbc

#23084 >>18808756

>>18808814, >>18808857, >>18808882, >>18808995 Closeup of tattoo on Texas mall shooter's hand

>>18808899, >>18808912, >>18808925 MP4 about Russian FSB foiling a terrorism plot allegedly sponsored by UKR special forces

>>18808941, >>18809185 Study: high levels of toxic metals found in widely consumed drinks

>>18808956 Dashcam footage shows Texas shooter as he exits his car and starts shooting

>>18809069 Anon questions the timing of Texas shooting based off video footage

>>18809062, >>18809172 Jordan Neely attacking someone years ago @2:55 on video

>>18809200, >>18809203, >>18809230 California panel approves recommendations to provide reparation payments to black residents - didn't California just default on their debt? Where is this money coming from

>>18809225 Texas Stonebriar mall in Collin County (12 miles from Allen) being evacuated due to another possible active shooter situation

>>18809257 Stephen Miller: Today’s bureaucrats have vastly more power than yesterday’s aristocrats. King Charles cannot jail, spy on, censor, disenfranchise any who oppose him. Could one say same of Comey, Clapper, Brennan and others?

>>18809344 NY citizens audit presents to NYS legislature election committees

>>18809381 Senator Feinstein releases new statement on her absence from the Senate - health problems

>>18809479 @UNGeneva We want peace. Silence the guns. - interesting hashtag #IncestInPeace

>>18809525 #23084

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b516a4 No.18810335

#23083 >>18807986

>>18808020 Who Was Dodi Al Fayed's Mother? Samira Khashoggi was part of the influential Saudi family.

>>18808059 @BarackObama Newt Minow was a dear friend

>>18808073 We’re Not Going to Win 2024 but the Governors Can Change Everything

>>18808095, >>18808107 What Does Liege Man Mean - Next Post, Williams Oath Explained

>>18808121 Qpost review for todays delta posts Jimmy Savile at the British coronation

>>18808139 Protesters are now disrupting the subway in New York city protesting the death of Jordan Neely.

>>18808156, >>18808235, >>18808252 Q 100 Princess Diana

>>18808181, >>18808193 All 51 signatories should have their clearances revoked & each should be brought in front of the judiciary committee under subpoena

>>18808118, >>18808185 AN ILLUMINATI PRIMER By Veronic Swift

>>18808277, >>18808296 @HillaryClinton @vitalvoices over the years. Here's to even more connections and conversations.

>>18808287 What do anons what most?

>>18808360 Biden said to pick Air Force Gen. CQ Brown Jr. would replace Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Mark Milley, whose term ends in October

>>18808447 LIVE: Processing Location in Brownsville, Texas; Border Patrol providing aid and comfort to illegals

>>18808466, >>18808491, >>18808526, >>18808530, >>18808563, >>18808565 Dan Scavino: who are these people?

>>18808469, >>18807570 lb PlaneFag CONUS update-one of the SAMs left Flagstaff back to JBA, PATs back to Tucson and Phoenix and JOSIE33 E-6B Mercury west from Tinker

>>18808442, >>18808538, >>18808609 YUGE ban assault riffles coming Texas mall shooting, Pulled from twitter just now

>>18808408 Today's clock time as drop number has a parade and "666" date

>>18808559, >>18808642 Donald Trump: 4-6% Lost Forever Q529 Q3029 Q337

>>18808594 Roberta Kaplan. NOT MY CHOICE

>>18808600 BIDEN: Free Ophthalmologist Exam?

>>18808621 FAKE NEWS Israeli media say that Netanyahu has ordered the army to speed up preparations for a possible attack on Iran's nuclear infrastructure

>>18808691, >>18808708 Q100 Tiktok keeps taking down this video, cell phone video of Biden’s Inauguration and press from a balcony, Maybe 100 people? (3:52)

>>18808698 The Vaxxed are Getting their wake up call Please Stand-by (2:19) kek

>>18808732 #23083

#23082 >>18807568

>>18807248 Black Sea Grain Deal: No New Ships Authorized

>>18807257 Milton-Union School District custodian accused of sexually assaulting child on school property

>>18807280 VA doctor indicted for sexually assaulting multiple patients

>>18807283 Russian Oil Companies Ramp Up May Exports to Meet Asian Demand

>>18807349 US Planning More ‘Robots at Sea’ In Middle East To Combat Iran

>>18807467 Kentucky Derby races on amid 7th death, scratched favorite

>>18807500 Wealthy Maine lawyer and Democrat candidate for governor pleads guilty to child porn charges

>>18807510 Over 6.3 million illegal aliens entered the country since January 2021

>>18807570, >>18807579 PF Reports

>>18807608 Anti-monarchy protesters detained in London

>>18807653 FDA: More than 500K COVID Tests Should be Thrown Out Due to Bacteria Contamination that Can Cause Illness

>>18807658, >>18807699, >>18807822 📌#Allen | #Texas Active shooter reported at Allen Outlet Mall With multiple fatalities and injuries reported, the suspect is dead

>>18807761 @CMZ and @ElonMusk: Feature to gift Twitter blue checkmark coming soon

>>18807777 Smirnoff vodka ads feature drag queen who flashed genitals while disrupting Texas state Capitol to fight for child sex changes

>>18807811 Atty Tom Renz: “The COVID-19 murder for money scheme in the hospitals have been carried out by fake doctors and nurses”

>>18807787 Sam Smith cancels Tel Aviv concert under pressure from Palestinian activists

>>18807848 @ElonMusk talks about his childhood, middle income upbringing, and the lack of evidence to back claims of his father's emerald mine

>>18807903 Liverpool fans boo national anthem on coronation day

>>18807949 Mage wins the Kentucky Derby

>>18807979 #23082

Previously Collected

>>18806431 #23080, >>18807533 #23081

>>18804122 #23077, >>18804895 #23078, >>18805659 #23079

>>18801838 #23074-B, >>18802591 #23075, >>18803355 #23076

>>18800219 #27072, >>18801004 #23073, >>18801744 #23074-A

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

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b516a4 No.18810336

File: ed6b9120e6d5f88⋯.jpg (71.28 KB,625x699,625:699,pepeBread.jpg)


same dough as last bread


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c81fac No.18810337

Oklahoma bans first 13 companies from state business for ESG policies

The restrictions are based on a law passed by the Legislature in 2022 that requires the state to divest from firms that boycott the energy industry.

Oklahoma's battle with financial companies that boycott energy companies entered a new round this week as Treasurer Todd Russ listed 13 companies banned from doing business with the state.

But don't look for any action soon. Those 13 companies have 90 days to tell the state it has stopped boycotting energy companies. And if they haven't stopped their boycott, the law grants the state six months to divest itself of 50% of investments with the financial company and a full year to divest 100%.

The restrictions are based on a law passed by the Legislature in 2022 that requires the state treasurer to divest Oklahoma from any financial institutions that boycott the energy industry.

Russ sent a letter to 160 companies in February to verify their stance on fossil fuels. JPMorgan Chase, one of the 13 listed that does business with the state, called the designation "baseless" in an email response to The Center Square.

"As the nation’s largest bank, we are among the top financers across the energy sector, including traditional energy sources," the bank said in a statement. "Between 2021 and 2022 we provided over $2 billion in financing and other services to 40 Oklahoma companies in the oil and gas space. Our business practices are not in conflict with this anti-free market decision, and we look forward to continuing to serve customers and communities in Oklahoma."

Blackrock said in a statement emailed to The Center Square it has more than $200 billion in investments in traditional U.S. energy companies.

"We look forward to engaging with the Oklahoma Treasurer to discuss how BlackRock serves our clients’ interests in Oklahoma and elsewhere, including over $20 billion of investments in Oklahoma-based public companies made on behalf of our clients and managing public pensions for more than 73,000 Oklahoma beneficiaries," the company said.

Russ said in February the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System and Teachers Retirement had more than 60% of its portfolio totaling more than $10 billion managed by BlackRock.

Oklahoma's bill mirrors ones passed in several states that ban agencies from doing business with financial institutions that use environmental, social or governance criteria when making decisions. But some have raised concerns about how much it will cost the states.

A report from The Brookings Institution released last month said Texas' ESG policies could cost the state "$300-$500 million in additional interest on the $31.8 billion borrowed during the first eight months following the implementation of the law."

The cost in Oklahoma is not known yet, Jordan Harvey, Russ' chief of staff, told The Center Square. Even if the state does have to divest itself from some companies, others are expressing interest, she said.

"Economically, we are really strong," Harvey said. "The treasurer is really confident that even some of our own Oklahoma banks will step in."


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c81fac No.18810338

File: 13dd3649853a924⋯.jpg (61.96 KB,986x1040,493:520,abb1e76aa30f8bb2.jpg)

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60aa77 No.18810339

>>18809652 PB

>What is there to solve? Dude with the menorah tattoo is dead.

>All they have to figure out is why is there a "Jew" shooting up a mall.

So now all of these FFs are backfiring on them.

They want so badly to blame what they call White Supremacists, but the perps always turn out to be members of their SIGs.


Almost like a Plan or something.

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072b3b No.18810340

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d3bfe5 No.18810341

File: 0522eee4a04a424⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,1320x2000,33:50,Picsart_23_04_18_11_46_12_….jpg)

File: be15535cf5ff301⋯.png (406.58 KB,905x791,905:791,Picsart_23_04_18_21_38_17_….png)


Just entered while baker was posting


That was cool and good timing.

>Sniffs the mornt fresh bread 🍞

gm Anons

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ed736a No.18810342

File: 89fd9be0dc5a7e6⋯.png (1.25 MB,714x941,714:941,ClipboardImage.png)

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e283a9 No.18810343

File: 4b536ec84d4ac03⋯.jpeg (116.87 KB,760x822,380:411,95742240_816B_48A9_838F_A….jpeg)

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828769 No.18810344

Are the shills still here?


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6aeea8 No.18810345

File: 0cd4c389df623c1⋯.png (84.59 KB,468x429,12:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdc94384ad41c1f⋯.png (260.9 KB,590x457,590:457,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d9414381c9c903⋯.png (724.16 KB,1000x657,1000:657,ClipboardImage.png)


> menorah tattoo

>>18810214 (lb)

>>18810218 (lb)

>It is the City of Dallas symbol.

>Most likely a gang tattoo.

>or a prison tattoo.

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39121c No.18810346

File: 02290975dd4abce⋯.png (467.45 KB,512x477,512:477,psl4.PNG)

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ed736a No.18810347

File: 37758beab907e9e⋯.mp4 (9.81 MB,270x480,9:16,inaug.mp4)

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ef96ae No.18810348

California is a problem.

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ed736a No.18810349

File: e772abba626bdf5⋯.png (3.23 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

be sure to wear a mask

there's a virus out there

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dbb1bd No.18810350

File: d14217ba40e687a⋯.png (187.69 KB,427x733,427:733,word.PNG)


[ Album ]

Between 2011 and 2019, the New York Times and the Washington Post increased their usage of the words "racist," "racists," and "racism" by over 700% and nearly 1,000%, respectively.

In 2011, just 35% of white liberals thought racism in the United States was “a big problem,” according to national polling.

By 2015, this figure had ballooned to 61% and further still to 77% in 2017.

In 2006, 45% of white Democrats and 41% of white Republicans knew someone they considered racist.

By 2015, this increased to 64% for white Democrats but remained 41% for white Republicans.

Notably, the % decreased among black & hispanic Democrats during the same period.

Between 2013 and 2019, the New York Times and the Washington Post increased their usage of the terms "systemic racism," "structural racism," and "institutional racism" by roughly 1,000%.

Between 2013 and 2019, the New York Times and the Washington Post increased their usage of "white privilege" and "racial privilege" by 1,200% and nearly 1,500%, respectively.



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4c2b31 No.18810351

File: c15b9b0aec8cbb3⋯.jpeg (118.19 KB,708x800,177:200,882E46D9_1DFD_4092_91EF_5….jpeg)


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4c2b31 No.18810352

File: 81f16b72b45084d⋯.png (767.93 KB,800x535,160:107,6FD71A46_C3DD_4CD1_8AB7_B5….png)

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2d2834 No.18810353

File: 87fc012b2630909⋯.png (339.71 KB,632x500,158:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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dbb1bd No.18810354

File: 798df02911a776a⋯.png (1.04 MB,900x691,900:691,light.PNG)


Now EVERYBODY Hates Bud Light

PJ Media, by Robert Spencer

Posted By: Hazymac, 5/7/2023 6:51:53 AM

Our deeply divided nation is reunited at last! We cannot agree on whether dismembering children in the womb is a monstrous crime or a basic human right. We can’t agree on whether men can become champion female swimmers. We certainly will never agree on whether a jaw-droppingly corrupt kleptocrat deep in the throes of dementia should even have gotten near the Oval Office. We argue over whether the Founding Fathers were slaveowners to be despised or visionaries of freedom to be revered. But there is one thing we do agree on: we all loathe Bud Light. The patriots’ rejection of Bud Light after it brought on the transcendently obnoxious fake woman

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c4b908 No.18810355

File: ba9f9be7783272d⋯.jpg (155.3 KB,971x1214,971:1214,20230507_060419.jpg)

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5846dc No.18810356

File: df2b43340a36189⋯.png (4.72 KB,292x173,292:173,Flag.png)

MAGE wins





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ed736a No.18810357

File: ba908490bff940a⋯.png (58.27 KB,241x243,241:243,ClipboardImage.png)

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dbb1bd No.18810358

File: bdcc3fa65179ea4⋯.png (872.13 KB,938x901,938:901,st.PNG)

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c4b908 No.18810359

File: 27254db21db6ffb⋯.jpg (73.92 KB,500x627,500:627,7ktdsd.jpg)

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4c2b31 No.18810360

File: ac8fbb3f2e6ef05⋯.png (685.78 KB,695x500,139:100,GoodFellas_01_Kek.PNG)

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5846dc No.18810361

When will we see "My Fellow Americans, The storm is upon us." tweeted?

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ed736a No.18810362

File: e4b6b23ba527e83⋯.png (1.78 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e7d13 No.18810363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I saw a post last week from someone stating

Stay away from carbonated drinks.

I just want to leave this short vid about carbonation.


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c4b9d2 No.18810364

File: dfcd7c2d2ba5181⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,468x352,117:88,dfcd7c2d2ba51813e1b42bcb05….mp4)


This was debunked last night. This video talks all about it -

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ef96ae No.18810365

File: 27c2c5dfe0535cc⋯.png (606.63 KB,1149x764,1149:764,ClipboardImage.png)


bolton stache.

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2e7d13 No.18810366


When it is time to hear it.

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5846dc No.18810367


Send the Tweet!

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4112ed No.18810368


do you have nigger genetics is this why you are so fucking stupid.

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79a3e0 No.18810369

File: 5d7548b36ace1e0⋯.jpg (32.2 KB,512x512,1:1,12023050400089_35176403.jpg)



The above two statements are the same sentence.

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dbb1bd No.18810370

File: d0343f18c3df822⋯.png (382.52 KB,607x906,607:906,wapo.PNG)



See new Tweets


Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸




New Poll released by ABC/Washington Post has Trump trouncing DeSantis by almost 30 in the primary. That same poll has Trump beating Biden 49%-42% in the general.

Even ABC & WaPo realize that the people want Trump back! Hence why the Dems are trying to throw him in jail!

Julia 🇺🇸


TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸


1:02 AM · May 7, 2023




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2342cf No.18810371

File: 48b93b61aa79e60⋯.jpg (54.54 KB,500x625,4:5,Bless_the_baker.jpg)


ThanQ E-Baker!

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6aeea8 No.18810372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This new game has real life graphics…

UnrealEngine - perfect tool for FF's


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504cc5 No.18810373

File: ff925a2e16dc059⋯.jpg (80.24 KB,800x450,16:9,7kuobi.jpg)

File: 6210b9069ca7b48⋯.jpg (79.21 KB,800x450,16:9,7kuo9q.jpg)

File: e43a7a416d60ab9⋯.jpg (75.33 KB,800x450,16:9,7kuo27.jpg)

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af36ff No.18810374

File: b5054cb152f63f6⋯.jpeg (20.13 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_3566.jpeg)


> Now EVERYBODY Hates Bud Light

Wonder what that ex-CIA (?) CEO will do with that mess that he allowed to occur on his watch.

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0dc8b6 No.18810375

Morning anons…


ty e-baker!

happy to answer health questions for the next 30 minutes or so…ask'em if you got'em…


This is interesting…this anon is an Oklahoman and we have a new AG which is shaking things up. Banking as an institution has to FALL and will…however, we still need a way to exchange for goods and services and that would logically indicate a need for local banking.


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2e7d13 No.18810376


If you remember the plandemic was in full swing at the time. Now, they would have had people show up but they also knew it would be a miniscule crowd. They did have the excuse to lock it all down however, so they used it.

Then on the other hand, how would it look to open up the inauguration to one and all when the lockdown was habbening??

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5846dc No.18810377


That is an indefinite.

Example, when will they declassify JFK files?

Answer: When it is time to see them.

60 years later…

When will they declassify JFK files?

Answer: When it is time to see them.

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504cc5 No.18810378


free beer at the parade. of course it'll be bud light. anons luck.

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4c2b31 No.18810379

File: f7caf4bb07d03ff⋯.jpeg (17.07 KB,320x240,4:3,IMG_5859.jpeg)


Mr Chow - Pink Panther

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504cc5 No.18810380

File: 2b15a2ebc06013a⋯.png (440.19 KB,483x574,69:82,2b15a2ebc06013ac70f79366de….png)

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c4b908 No.18810381

File: a71114941704033⋯.jpg (973.01 KB,634x738,317:369,20230507_053541.jpg)

File: 88fd97ab13d4d98⋯.jpg (256.11 KB,1066x1210,533:605,20230507_053841.jpg)

Pondering the Orb

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bf9d88 No.18810382

File: 2fc2b97b28fd304⋯.png (967.7 KB,717x974,717:974,party_hard.png)


A lot of the Eurotrash multi-national congloms are taking it in the ass right now. Maybe it's less about destroying the brand and more about forcing the sale of A-B back into the hands of American ownership? Let's face it. Teenagers, and rednecks will always buy cheap Pisswassen. Rebrand the Pisswassen, sell it under new management and everyone will forget about it in a couple of weeks.

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2e7d13 No.18810383


I thought Flavor Flav picked the outfits.

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4c2b31 No.18810384

File: 92f698b4213577c⋯.gif (291.84 KB,290x212,145:106,IMG_5860.gif)

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bf9d88 No.18810385


Not blingy enough.

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7d6894 No.18810386


nothing is real

everything is real

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60aa77 No.18810387


They will just sell their product to another company, who will repackage it, and the consumers will never know.

They will probably repackage it as Patriot Beer or some such thing. And then laugh their asses off when they get record sales of it.

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b80064 No.18810388

File: be296153d350f1f⋯.png (693.21 KB,442x534,221:267,capture_173_07052023_04355….png)

File: 9db2528d752611d⋯.png (1.15 MB,614x656,307:328,capture_118_07052023_01152….png)

File: 31f6ee758c81cf2⋯.png (744.7 KB,652x389,652:389,capture_124_07052023_01200….png)


>setting for that

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4c2b31 No.18810389

File: afe6ba4c7072de9⋯.jpeg (297.5 KB,1920x1200,8:5,IMG_5861.jpeg)

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828769 No.18810390

Are the shills still here?


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b80064 No.18810391

File: eca0e261cbff160⋯.png (783.33 KB,662x403,662:403,capture_136_07052023_02573….png)


correct cap

>fringe wipes out red plus other cool stuff

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0dc8b6 No.18810392


Suppose to represent the world he rules…once he touched it I believe then he had to wear the glove.

All this SYMBOLISM means something to these fuckers…

The PURPLE represents the parasite (or cancer) and they all worship the parasite…

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7699fd No.18810393

File: 79633ad1c8811a1⋯.jpeg (562.26 KB,1125x1359,125:151,IMG_3585.jpeg)

File: db79d80819eab0c⋯.jpeg (303.25 KB,1125x868,1125:868,IMG_3586.jpeg)



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18edb0 No.18810394


Sometime after the next election is rigged, never, or when China invades.

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2c88a3 No.18810395

The world went batshit crazy over night.

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920eef No.18810396


The original Pimps - The British Monarchy.

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2d2834 No.18810397

File: b3982385f2b6133⋯.png (555.96 KB,500x567,500:567,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43942fb5c7f2434⋯.png (683.58 KB,500x582,250:291,ClipboardImage.png)


what is he really thinking

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60aa77 No.18810398


The pandemic didn't stop BLM from filling the streets.

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678de2 No.18810399

File: 59edd0c83cac8b5⋯.jpg (315.55 KB,800x482,400:241,ClipboardImage.jpg)


>Rebrand the Pisswassen


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c4b908 No.18810400

File: e6069523f1175ac⋯.png (631.78 KB,528x792,2:3,e6069523f1175acf3eea6dbf95….png)

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bf9d88 No.18810401


This is the coolest cocaine bowl I've ever seen?

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ed736a No.18810402

File: 15d1e9526c9b865⋯.png (772.12 KB,1000x741,1000:741,ClipboardImage.png)

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b516a4 No.18810404

File: caa3e3226060e5a⋯.png (418.22 KB,625x699,625:699,pepeJoeTatoeBread.png)



>same dough as last bread


#23085 collected and added to dough


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ed736a No.18810405

File: 2d417e3d4231c78⋯.png (1.17 MB,1024x1020,256:255,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41b56948893b037⋯.png (90.96 KB,255x170,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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b516a4 No.18810406

File: 35abfd59404bbba⋯.png (300.35 KB,700x357,100:51,muhZwarBakemobile.png)



>#23085 collected and added to dough


>>18809604 anon bun

>>18809615 Elon replied to a tweet about his childhood and past.

>>18810102, >>18810171, >>18810270 Musk Tweets & memes

>>18809676, >>18809686, >>18809695, >>18809702, >>18809728, >>18809740, >>18809742, >>18809750, >>18809879, >>18810185, >>18809755, >>18809740 Meatball Ron Bun

>>18809685 Catholic Charities connection to Podesta. old digs

>>18809725, >>18809918 Alberta announced a state of emergency on Saturday (May 6 2023) as wildfires flared across the Canadian province

>>18809778, >>18809795 Trump Trial Thread Day 7 (2 days ago)

>>18810070 interesting thread on half last night

>>18810160 Donald Trump Gives Deposition in Jean Carroll Rape, Defamation Case

>>18810169 Tucker Carlson - Oxford AL 5/4/23 Key note Address for the Rainbow Omega Foundation


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504cc5 No.18810407

File: fa3b2cb12a07cd1⋯.jpg (129.88 KB,500x582,250:291,7kupj3.jpg)

File: 39080900863060f⋯.jpg (128.93 KB,500x582,250:291,7kuph3.jpg)

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920eef No.18810408

File: 968b34b064ae4f9⋯.png (1.59 MB,1600x1236,400:309,ClipboardImage.png)



Tartarian photographs show this same orb complete with a cross on roofs. See here but the object is found in many old pictures some connected to royalty. The most interesting theory was it emitted an energy source. I found that but no more yet.


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79a3e0 No.18810409

File: 8066cc6f0f92cf9⋯.jpg (55.86 KB,500x614,250:307,7kdj73.jpg)

The Right to Live

We have suffered enough.

Enough is enough.

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920eef No.18810410


Best argument for getting them a room a hotel. No one wants to see that.

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5dec40 No.18810411

File: d5655f59fca73ba⋯.jpeg (79.97 KB,1170x1846,45:71,IMG_0801.jpeg)

Repost from late LB

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2c88a3 No.18810412

I just don't like black people.

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60aa77 No.18810413


Q is a psyop.

The Evil people took the bait.

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504cc5 No.18810414

File: daa7b2415bce8e4⋯.jpg (145.96 KB,960x744,40:31,1_wYML_FWjX4iXKA8NlPTJRA.jpg)

File: 9a278d2147cc0ac⋯.jpg (127.86 KB,1500x1000,3:2,prince_william_prince_harr….jpg)

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ed736a No.18810415

File: ebf08bef3167d94⋯.png (132.32 KB,598x883,598:883,ClipboardImage.png)

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920eef No.18810416


Sounds like true tranny beer. Bait and Switch the brand is evil.

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60aa77 No.18810417


Black people don't like White people.

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3df32b No.18810418

File: e2e645221f608d3⋯.jpg (5.45 KB,277x182,277:182,Q.jpg)

File: 65ab4f7325aadeb⋯.jpg (5.08 KB,310x163,310:163,washington.jpg)

File: 0c397cd190f1765⋯.jpg (21.17 KB,680x380,34:19,statue_lightning.jpg)


Then maybe I should tweet it, and send a storm.

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3001b3 No.18810419

File: e0982026b8c1bad⋯.jpg (29.29 KB,719x629,719:629,Screenshot_20230507_073659….jpg)

File: 95cc7e48243984e⋯.jpg (190.17 KB,701x835,701:835,Hitler_Point_You_Kek_Chekt.jpg)

File: 5cdb079522a4e22⋯.jpg (99.5 KB,676x769,676:769,Tranny_School_Trump.jpg)

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920eef No.18810420

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87d388 No.18810421


Why would Trump need to go incognito?

What would be the point?

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3001b3 No.18810422

File: 2ccd6a8758f9f43⋯.jpg (90.05 KB,704x908,176:227,SAVAGE_TRANNY_DICKS_VIENNA….jpg)

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bf9d88 No.18810423


Naw the solution is simple. Military-style tent cities policed by Marine MP's away from the citizenry. You get a cot, three meals, daily substance abuse treatment, vocational training etc. After completing all the steps and providing proof of employment, provide them with semi-permanent housing at subsidized rates for a finite period of time. If they relapse, they go to a mental institution. If they commit crime against property, they go to a prison farm for life. If they commit crime against persons, they get executed. The streets would clean up pretty quickly.

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60aa77 No.18810424

File: f8219a418e49eca⋯.png (361.35 KB,404x604,101:151,ClipboardImage.png)


Waiting for Netflix to make a documentary about it.

Only the Irish kids will be Black.

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2c88a3 No.18810425

Women would be happier if they knew their place.

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60aa77 No.18810426


In the kitchen making samiches?

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2d2834 No.18810427

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not sure it is him.

but did you see who he was sitting next to?

Andrew Lloyd Webber


Trump shares his experience at the opening night of ‘The Phantom of the Opera’

Former President Donald Trump shares what it was like to attend the opening night of “The Phantom of the Opera” on Broadway after playwright Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote him a letter inviting him to attend.


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3001b3 No.18810428

File: 799b30881ba071c⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB,1284x1563,428:521,Jew_You_Nigger_Cuck.jpeg)

File: 0096a5a4d7ab7d5⋯.jpg (141.72 KB,768x734,384:367,Nigger_Piss_Beer_Obama_.jpg)

File: d9d1d9cfc2f70ce⋯.jpg (72.85 KB,790x1010,79:101,Netflix_Original_Nigger_Hi….jpg)


That's… Um…

Top Kek!

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0dc8b6 No.18810429


>Tartarian photographs show this same orb complete with a cross on roofs

Extremely common in the old photos and +1 anon…

The spires were energy collectors and the orb was related to that…

If you guys have not figured it our yet, we have FALLEN from a very high civilization that knew about free energy, living close to Nature, how to eat (or not eat), and how to live close to GOD.

We fell from that civilization and now exist in a luciferian society controlled by 4-6% in their "matrix" of institutional control…which obviously is CHANGING before our eyes…

Flipping the biscuit…

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dbb1bd No.18810430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Seabiscuit (3/10) Movie CLIP - Red's First Ride (2003) HD

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b516a4 No.18810431

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz14.gif)

>>18810252 lb

>Morning, frenz

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09ecda No.18810432


>Flipping the biscuit…



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504cc5 No.18810433

File: 9d6481a89a716f2⋯.jpg (74.78 KB,888x500,222:125,7ktd8m.jpg)

File: 87c479a7c0d591d⋯.mp4 (5.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,87c479a7c0d591de1e5d5ba29b….mp4)

File: e23f88943f48202⋯.jpeg (494.12 KB,1200x1500,4:5,FvSrpPBWIAI4T4h.jpeg)

File: 6b8dec1a01004cf⋯.jpg (232.63 KB,1200x630,40:21,20200214_Biden_brother_pow….jpg)

File: d9bedecb076b262⋯.png (835.96 KB,641x575,641:575,d9bedecb076b262baec1328284….png)


analysis of masks, disguise, malarkey into the masses pea brians. conversation starter kit.

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18edb0 No.18810434


>Then maybe I should tweet it, and send a storm.

When you can continue psychologically torturing US citizens while you import swarms of illegals?

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c4b9d2 No.18810435


Apparently, many people have analyzed this and decoded several lesser known early Q posts and the verdict is


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60aa77 No.18810436


Next time you see a homeless person, offer to pay for them to stay at a hotel.

Or do you think that the government should foot the bill?

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0dc8b6 No.18810437

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3df32b No.18810438


I disagree, they posted about one of my forced events that was to transpire in the future. How could they have known?

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4c2b31 No.18810439

File: 1e7302346b0ae1e⋯.jpeg (184.83 KB,1200x900,4:3,37D32F10_97CB_45FF_9834_D….JPEG)

File: 3559acfb730c612⋯.jpg (472.94 KB,1978x1611,1978:1611,ABC045BD_8C4D_41A6_ACF4_81….jpg)

File: 1f66a90bfff0e4d⋯.jpg (130.07 KB,852x1169,852:1169,EC5C9A16_78C4_4F9D_B098_A6….jpg)

File: dcad2ad2ad9c55e⋯.png (802.82 KB,824x1200,103:150,BA225BFD_1738_48C9_AB43_9F….PNG)

File: be697d7899df7fc⋯.jpg (448.3 KB,1374x1229,1374:1229,1AB5DA2A_4406_4F56_8C21_91….jpg)

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39121c No.18810440


My female coworker cuts out appropriate 'help wanted' ads and hands them to all the panhandlers accordingly. They mostly crumple them up and throw them to the ground.

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ed736a No.18810441

CIA Director William Burns, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, filmmaker Woody Allen, former Treasury Secretary and Harvard President Lawrence Summers, and the famed linguist Noam Chomsky.

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2d2834 No.18810442

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,sherlock_gif.gif)



when it comes anons will be like


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0dc8b6 No.18810443



do you guys really think this works? Point counter point discussions withBOTS???

you glow like the glowies you are…

JDIF needs a new playbook…just sayin'

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1ef634 No.18810444

File: b38426978101905⋯.jpeg (42.01 KB,888x370,12:5,0994F11A_6DA8_4094_84B0_B….jpeg)


What would be the point?

Because it would be damn fucking funny. Point enough at a time like this.

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ed736a No.18810445


Ehud Barak met with Jeffrey Epstein dozens of times, flew on private plane

Former prime minister visited disgraced financier and child abuser about 30 times in 2013-2017, including 2014 private flight in Florida

Former prime minister Ehud Barak met with the late disgraced financier and child sexual abuser Jeffrey Epstein dozens of times beginning in 2013, according to a new report on Wednesday by the Wall Street Journal.

Barak was among the list of Jewish names — including pioneering linguist and left-wing activist Noam Chomsky, longtime Bard College president Leon Botstein, and filmmaker Woody Allen — listed in a newly uncovered private calendar for Epstein, the WSJ reported in the first part of its investigative series on the hugely influential Jewish donor who used his largesse to obscure what investigators uncovered years ago as an elaborate underage sex trafficking ring.

Epstein met with thousands of people over his career and the presence of their names does not itself indicate any evidence of misdeeds.

According to the WSJ’s Wednesday report on the calendar’s contents, Barak visited Epstein about 30 times between 2013 and 2017 at his estates in Florida and New York, including a time in 2014 when the former Israeli premier flew with Epstein on his private aircraft from Palm Beach to Tampa, after which Epstein went on to New York. Barak said his wife and an Israeli security guard were also on that flight. He said he flew with Epstein on his private plans on one other occasion, also with his wife and guards.

According to the report, Barak also met with Epstein monthly for nearly a year, beginning in December 2015.

The meetings came well after Epstein’s 2008-2009 conviction and sentencing for procuring a child for prostitution, but Barak has maintained that he had no knowledge of Epstein’s activities.

Their previously reported ties became an unexpected hot-button issue in the 2019 election campaign in Israel, after Epstein was arrested and later died in prison of an apparent suicide but under mysterious circumstances that have led some to question the suicide determination. At the time, the 66-year-old Epstein was awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges following a Miami Herald investigation that uncovered his network of sexual abuse and high-profile connections.

Barak, who entered a business deal with Epstein in 2015 to fund an Israeli startup, years after the American financier served 18 months for solicitation, has called long-rumored allegations of sex trafficking by Epstein “abhorrent” and said he had officially cut off all business ties with him.

For Wednesday’s WSJ report, Barak said Epstein appears to have been “a terrible version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” describing a person who “seemed an intelligent, well-connected man with many interests, from science to geopolitics.”

Barak said that over the years of meeting with Epstein at his various mansions, he “never participated in any party or any other ‘inappropriate’ event with him” and had “never met him with girls or minors, not even with adult women in the context of any inappropriate behavior.”

The former premier said he first met Epstein in 2003 at an event attended by “American dignitaries” through the late Israeli president and statesman Shimon Peres. The two arranged to meet at a later time in New York. “I came to his house quite a few times with my wife,” Barak claimed, adding that he had met many “interesting people” at Epstein’s homes.

One of those meetings between Epstein and Barak included Chomsky, to discuss “Israel’s policies with regard to Palestinian issues and the international arena,” Chomsky told the WSJ on Tuesday.

Epstein’s calendar also featured other meetings with Barak, such as one that also included an executive at the consulting firm of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

Both Chomsky and Botstein also defended their decision to continue meeting with Epstein after his first sex trafficking convictions, with Chomsky saying that Epstein’s prison time indicated a “clean slate” and Botstein invoking Bard’s history of supporting prison rehabilitation programs.

While Epstein did donate to Bard on occasion, Botstein described their relationship to the Wall Street Journal as “sadism on his part” because Epstein was frequently “dangling philanthropic support” he would not commit to.

According to the reports, Epstein also had more than a dozen meetings with Ariane de Rothschild, the chief executive of the Rothschild Group of Swiss Jewish bankers, who had married into the family and was the firm’s chair at the time. De Rothschild herself is not Jewish, but the family has been a prime target of antisemitic conspiracy theories for decades.

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00c14d No.18810446

File: 5ce95714326eb8d⋯.png (409.31 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Musk is making the cities on Mars to move the unhoused to rehousing units.

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bf9d88 No.18810447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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60aa77 No.18810448

File: 7bfa5918a2ee737⋯.png (759 KB,1146x613,1146:613,ClipboardImage.png)


Here it is:


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dbb1bd No.18810449

File: 00a91414a06af15⋯.png (642.39 KB,608x776,76:97,wish.PNG)



Kentucky Derby


A special horse wins for a special friend. ❤️

Cody's Wish wins The Churchill Downs (GI) on #KyDerby day.


0:00 / 0:27


NBC Sports

9:42 AM · May 6, 2023




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920eef No.18810450


We know Trump would retore that seat.

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ed736a No.18810451

File: 79973654ae5ae69⋯.png (926.61 KB,1180x663,1180:663,ClipboardImage.png)


>Epstein also had more than a dozen meetings with Ariane de Rothschild, the chief executive of the Rothschild Group of Swiss Jewish bankers, who had married into the family and was the firm’s chair at the time. De Rothschild herself is not Jewish, but the family has been a prime target of antisemitic conspiracy theories for decades.

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2c88a3 No.18810452


So blacks were of kangs of Egypt AND Ireland. Whoa. Imagine if we never interfered.

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dbb1bd No.18810453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



1972 HITS ARCHIVE: Hot Rod Lincoln - Commander Cody & His Lost Planet Airmen (stereo 45)

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1b576c No.18810454

File: 6f67b8c04512b2c⋯.png (789 KB,622x621,622:621,6f67b8c04512b2c3645b38ff3b….png)


collecting lb notes

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b516a4 No.18810455


>collecting lb notes

Thanks, anon

I collected but it was a pretty quick skim



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920eef No.18810456


This is a very good movie to relax and laugh at.

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c93a1e No.18810457

File: 9ac7c93fd208e62⋯.jpg (97.51 KB,612x612,1:1,butterkeks.jpg)


>Flipping the biscuit…

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4c2b31 No.18810458

File: abcd14e71b25404⋯.jpeg (32.91 KB,320x480,2:3,IMG_5862.jpeg)


I didn’t get where I am today by being Trump dressed up as Karl Jenkins.

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678de2 No.18810459

File: 244b4eab06b4919⋯.png (627.22 KB,530x680,53:68,ClipboardImage.png)


So were mermaids, originally

as the NYT found out.



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18edb0 No.18810460

File: 0865a1f6c796fb6⋯.jpg (77.28 KB,641x637,641:637,OES_Storm.jpg)

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ed736a No.18810461

File: e1b32fbc05fc878⋯.png (25.42 KB,400x139,400:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a2ef2b053e81ad⋯.png (994.93 KB,560x729,560:729,FingerLakes.png)

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2a6af8 No.18810462

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dbb1bd No.18810463

File: 955a73e84b90bc9⋯.png (242.39 KB,425x445,85:89,alt.PNG)


​ (https://theamericantribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/shutterstock_1721452099-930x620.disney.jpg)Disney Alternative Aims to Provide the Faith-Filled, Family-Friendly Entertainment that’s Missing in Our Culture

FULL STORY: https://theamericantribune.com/disney-alternative-aims-to-provide-the-faith-filled-family-friendly-entertainment-thats-missing-in-our-culture/?utm_source=TATTGR

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09ecda No.18810464

File: 33475cf07c75b3f⋯.png (380.9 KB,660x534,110:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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3891f5 No.18810465

File: 665a49f483c1660⋯.png (226.49 KB,696x437,696:437,KECK215.PNG)


NE Bound out of JB Charleston

Climbing through FL320

Squawking 6205



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3df32b No.18810466


Did you know, I won the Kentucky Derby? This is not a game. Go back to Pompeo's original "in the mouth of the wolf" post about the Kentucky Derby. Besos "known agenda". This was one of my proofs about the cabal taking over the internet when the internet first started in 1990's. They had genocide plans back then and to displace American workers.

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93f313 No.18810467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tell me who are you


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60aa77 No.18810468



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7908f5 No.18810469


That pic of flower in the gun barrel is from the 60's hippy era in US.

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09ecda No.18810470

File: 1d64f3c317bb441⋯.png (83.68 KB,702x232,351:116,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c88a3 No.18810471


Normies will think that was a typo.

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504cc5 No.18810472

File: a53bdd4baa330af⋯.png (76.19 KB,766x654,383:327,942_2_.png)


10- march=07.

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0dc8b6 No.18810473


flip that star around fren…

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4c2b31 No.18810474

File: f154d6df0743e70⋯.gif (3.01 MB,498x280,249:140,IMG_5864.gif)

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dbb1bd No.18810475

File: cf7856de87d0f66⋯.png (612.19 KB,835x652,835:652,trad.PNG)



President Joe Biden is pictured in Sept. 19 file photo in London for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.


President Joe Biden is pictured in Sept. 19 file photo in London for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. Like previous presidents, Biden did not attend the coronation of King Charles in London on Saturday, but his official delegation broke with American tradition. (Sean Smith - WPA Pool / Getty Images)

Joe Biden's King Charles Coronation Stunt Breaks Over 100-Year-Old American Tradition

By Peter Partoll May 7, 2023 at 5:05am

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b80064 No.18810476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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24a708 No.18810477


Now let’s see Mohammed Ali, Dorothy Dandridge, Whitney Houston etc. in white face.

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2a6af8 No.18810478

File: c0a140b9fc6eb41⋯.png (591.13 KB,877x772,877:772,Screenshot_20230425_200903….png)

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39121c No.18810479

File: 127707eac6f8f99⋯.png (370.02 KB,626x628,313:314,znib.PNG)

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2c88a3 No.18810480

File: 6428241973d29f7⋯.png (59.47 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>shiiieeeeeet white people are crazy

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378878 No.18810481

File: 377854d0f91232d⋯.png (522.62 KB,1046x606,523:303,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7406d6ffb5420f9⋯.png (524.25 KB,1073x769,1073:769,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc0bad058369bfc⋯.png (550.51 KB,1050x603,350:201,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 559ea21a8a1f38a⋯.png (8.96 KB,220x145,44:29,ClipboardImage.png)

Allen Premium Outlets has an INFINITY sign as their logo!

Also, guy who was interviewed here (identified as Cole Korchek - shooting witness):


is wearing a MARS Polar Lander Flight Team 1999 shirt?



along with the Logo on the shooters hand?

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60aa77 No.18810482


Incest In Peace?


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328bb9 No.18810483


Good for Biden. How can anyone on this board not support this decision.

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bf9d88 No.18810484


If you notice, dude's chest hair is covered in frost. The emoji face isn't even needed when experiencing that intensity level of shrinkage.

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920eef No.18810485


Stable genius. Stable>Horse "I won the derby".

Smart horseAnon

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18edb0 No.18810486


The worst part about a PSYOP President is even we don't which side is controlling the puppet. From my perspective there are 3 possibilities, Dark Luciferians, Light Luciferians, and Military White Hats. It's impossible to tell the difference between Light Luciferians and Military White Hats.

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7908f5 No.18810487

File: f9d4697ef0e41eb⋯.webp (79.63 KB,991x631,991:631,flower_in_gun_2.webp)

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2c88a3 No.18810488


Jesus Christ. I'm actually curious as to how small his dick got. When I step out the shower, mine shrivels up into a tic-tac. jk i don't shower.

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bf9d88 No.18810489

File: db7a7e719aa650d⋯.png (4.69 KB,500x400,5:4,e4e5f88d378a6eef0f6d514579….png)

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ed736a No.18810490


Pope says Vatican involved in secret Ukraine peace mission

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2c88a3 No.18810491


the hippie movement wasn't organic either. It was also funded and orchestrated. We've always lived in a clown world.

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3df32b No.18810492


I've been to Patmos, and to the memory of this, power is given. Nothing can stop what is coming because it is already here! Walk in faith and you will not be disappointed. For God and Country! Amen.

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fca167 No.18810493

File: ff013f98ba70f08⋯.png (28.38 KB,524x470,262:235,ClipboardImage.png)

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18edb0 No.18810494


>It's impossible to tell the difference between Light Luciferians and Military White Hats.

AND since we can't tell the difference, that means if it is the Military they're currently skull fucking the US Constitution with what could best be described as cruel and unusual punishment.

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5806dc No.18810495

File: 8ef7da26888e49f⋯.jpg (368.66 KB,1080x1260,6:7,Screenshot_20230507_090714….jpg)

File: 69f8cac3811ffe1⋯.jpg (343.91 KB,1080x1104,45:46,Screenshot_20230507_090827….jpg)



crashed and lost

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dbb1bd No.18810496

File: d26615b8ba67f23⋯.png (41.59 KB,657x331,657:331,mim.PNG)


Shattered mum breaks downs as she reveals how her 'healthy' daughter, 21, died after receiving Covid booster - and the 'insensitive' text she received from her GP one year later

Mother 'haunted' by daughter's vaccine death

Her daughter had taken the Moderna booster shot

By Eli Green For Nca Newswire

Published: 04:53 EDT, 2 May 2023 | Updated: 06:24 EDT, 2 May 2023

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b80064 No.18810497

File: daa316e5443744a⋯.png (75.01 KB,516x389,516:389,Q_1082.png)

File: 16a0c23b2c2efc5⋯.jpg (102.98 KB,768x680,96:85,frenz.jpg)

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bf9d88 No.18810498

File: ad803d81c37d58a⋯.png (391.57 KB,744x417,248:139,9cc2feef2512d67b3e84411f04….png)


Digits confirm anon's micropenis metamorphosis in cold and wet conditions. Anon is not a bot.

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504cc5 No.18810499

File: 560fb4be515eb0a⋯.png (584.66 KB,720x514,360:257,560fb4be515eb0ad0ae54179be….png)

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af36ff No.18810500

File: ba098329354dff3⋯.png (319.18 KB,547x291,547:291,2023_05_07_09_09_57.png)


>Pondering the Orb

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ed736a No.18810501

File: 0e31ac2a21935e2⋯.png (5.26 MB,1920x1559,1920:1559,ClipboardImage.png)


after the descent phase was expected to be complete, the lander failed to reestablish communication with Earth

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286d2b No.18810502

Is this the Senior Google Engineer that jumped from the window. Seems an odd coincidence..

'''Senior Engineer Predicts Google's Downfall

Luke Sernau warns, in an internal message, that the internet giant is falling behind in the AI ​​arms race.'''

Luke Sernau, an engineer of the group, shared some of these doubts in a message, which has been circulating internally since April, and which was published by semianalysis.com.


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7908f5 No.18810503


He was not invited because of his goofs at the Queen's funeral of being 45 minutes late etc and of course during another visit of dinner with the Queen Elizabeth and pooping his pants. Camilla was screaming about it for weeks.

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fca167 No.18810504

File: bc3b16f4ff22956⋯.png (29.94 KB,524x437,524:437,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1067d6a82ca89b2⋯.png (24.08 KB,1309x123,1309:123,ClipboardImage.png)



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ed736a No.18810505


>Google is falling behind in the AI ​​arms race

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3e3610 No.18810506

Let me emphasize a key point. The Republican Party is not positioning to win the 2024 election. The goal of the republican party is to remove the threat represented by Donald Trump. When you start there, all of the RNC weaknesses or flaws look very different, very purposeful.



Good read.

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920eef No.18810507


I was making a joke, but this guy is so down on his luck the the morning light revealed his most embarrassing moment. If he was aware he would be devastated.

Perhaps we could campaign Vladimir Zelensky for some monetary help for our homeless. He should have empathy for Zelensky has had many embarrassing moments himself. ie: no hands piano entertainment, high heels…..

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286d2b No.18810508


A senior software engineer dies after falling from the 14th floor of Google's NYC headquarters

The 31-year-old senior software engineer's name is being withheld pending family notification.


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ed736a No.18810509

This silent adversary is the open source community.

"I’m talking, of course, about open source. Plainly put, they are lapping us. Things we consider 'major open problems' are solved and in people’s hands today," he said.

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4c2b31 No.18810510

File: 733f9c0edca642b⋯.jpeg (134.22 KB,687x545,687:545,816A6C13_8344_47C8_8AA5_4….jpeg)

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b80064 No.18810511

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46c582 No.18810512

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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60aa77 No.18810513


White people can't be slaves.

That goes against the narrative.

Unless they were Jewish.

Jew Media says so.

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fdcc33 No.18810514

The covens, the masoncucks, the Deepstate shitbags, the clowns and the elite pedo vermin are moribund.

There is NO timeline in which these stupid motherfuckers survive.


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ed736a No.18810515

"People will not pay for a restricted model when free, unrestricted alternatives are comparable in quality. We should consider where our value add really is," Sernau recommended. "Giant models are slowing us down. In the long run, the best models are the ones which can be iterated upon quickly."

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e0fe2a No.18810516


globus cruciger

in the right hand

believe that all of the "historic" painting show the GC held in the left hand

Guess Chuck doesn't get what he thought he'd get

he might end up without his new shoes cuz of dags

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bf9d88 No.18810517


>The 31-year-old senior software engineer's name is being withheld pending family notification.

Which is another way of saying this particular cutout was chosen for his lack of next of kin. This is the last anyone will ever hear about dude.

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3891f5 No.18810518

File: c402e2e3cdc9d3b⋯.png (7.09 KB,176x255,176:255,lionsword4.png)

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b516a4 No.18810519

File: aa865a2ec5c441a⋯.jpeg (58.9 KB,360x640,9:16,hunterActionFig.jpeg)


>Biden did not attend the coronation of King Charles in London on Saturday, but his official delegation broke with American tradition


>>18810465 Planefag:KECK215

>>18810393 DJT Truth: National Review is "dead"


>>18809604 anon bun

>>18809615 Elon replied to a tweet about his childhood and past.

>>18810102, >>18810171, >>18810270 Musk Tweets & memes

>>18809676, >>18809686, >>18809695, >>18809702, >>18809728, >>18809740, >>18809742, >>18809750, >>18809879, >>18810185, >>18809755, >>18809740 Meatball Ron Bun

>>18809685 Catholic Charities connection to Podesta. old digs

>>18809725, >>18809918 Alberta announced a state of emergency on Saturday (May 6 2023) as wildfires flared across the Canadian province

>>18809778, >>18809795 Trump Trial Thread Day 7 (2 days ago)

>>18810070 interesting thread on half last night

>>18810160 Donald Trump Gives Deposition in Jean Carroll Rape, Defamation Case

>>18810169 Tucker Carlson - Oxford AL 5/4/23 Key note Address for the Rainbow Omega Foundation



>Biden did not attend the coronation of King Charles in London on Saturday, but his official delegation broke with American tradition

May 7, 2023 at 5:05am

The coronation of King Charles III in London, the first coronation in England in over 70 years, made history for many reasons. One of them was the American guests representing the United States at the ceremony.

Those guests were first lady Jill Biden and Finnegan Biden, daughter of the infamous Hunter Biden.

While at first, it may seem fitting for members of the first family to represent the nation at the coronation of the British king,it turns out that this appears to be a publicity stunt that breaks an American tradition dating back over a century.

For more than 100 years after the American Revolution, it wasn’t really an issue. The difficulties of trans-Atlantic travel in the 19th century ruled out any presidential presence at British coronations.

Beginning with the era of steamships, however, official American attendance at a coronation in London became a matter of choice. According to the New York Post, presidents have never attended the coronation of a British monarch, but for more than 100 years, the White House has sent a carefully chosen delegation of representatives who would work for American interests, Boston University historian Arianne Chernock told the Post.

This tradition started with the coronation of George V in 1911, according to Chernock. Then-President William Howard Taft named mining magnate and diplomat John Hays Hammond as the official U.S. representative, according to The Washington Post.

In 1937, then-President Franklin Roosevelt sent retired Gen. John Pershing and diplomat James Gerard to the coronation of George VI to court Britain as an ally in a possible war with German.

In 1953, then-President Dwight Eisenhower sent Gen. Omar Bradley, then-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and former Army general, Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense George Marshall to the coronation of Elizabeth II in order to solidify the good relationship built between the two nations during World War II and the countries’ “special relationship” in the early years of the Cold War.

Biden, however, does not seem very interested in using the coronation as an opportunity to advance our relationship with our British allies. Instead, he seems more interested in using the event as a publicity stunt for his family.

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b80064 No.18810520

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82fe5b No.18810521

File: 7185d904f3693d0⋯.jpg (14.59 KB,255x224,255:224,Trump_with_bat.jpg)


Follow the money. Always follow the money.

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ed736a No.18810522


Open source has some significant advantages that we cannot replicate.

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b516a4 No.18810523

File: e49a46ec8d93141⋯.jpg (12.37 KB,316x422,158:211,hunter_biden_crack_pipe_me….jpg)


This is nothing new for Joe Biden, given that he just came off of a visit to Ireland, which felt more like a taxpayer-funded junket for the Biden family to its ancestral homeland than a state visit.

So, needless to say, it seems as if courting the British is not near the top of Biden’s priority list right now. As Chernock told the New York Post, “Joe Biden clearly hasn’t made it a high priority, as past presidents have done.”

For Biden, the coronation of Charles III is less about foreign policy and more about improving the image of the first family.

This becomes all the more apparent when one realizes that Hunter Biden’s daughter accompanied the first lady on the trip. If Biden wanted to use the occasion as an exercise in diplomacy, why would he send the daughter of Hunter, a man notorious the world over for his degenerate lifestyle, to represent the administration?

Biden obviously wants to boost the image of Hunter Biden and his family in the midst of the scandals, criminal and otherwise, that are surrounding the Biden family because of him.

The thing is, the decision to send the first lady over becomes worse when one considers the state of the world right now.Russia has invaded Ukraine and China looks likely to invade Taiwan, making World War III all the more likely.

We are going to need all the allies we can get if we end up having to fight both Russia and China, and Great Britain will once again be an important ally in that fight.

Wouldn’t it be wiser for Biden to follow the example of his predecessors by sending serious emissaries, from the military and diplomatic worlds, to court the British as potential allies in World War III were to break out?

This decision was really just baffling. But then again, this is the Biden administration.

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09ecda No.18810524

File: e0334e28b233324⋯.png (135.41 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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18edb0 No.18810525


I'm fully aware of the likelihood this government has been devolved, but if I were a satanic fuck trying to destroy the US, I'd pumpfake devolution as I destroy.

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2e7d13 No.18810526

Listening to faux right now talking about my idiot state Ca. and the reparation issues.

1.2 million is the tops they can receive. they say


At this point I say send them back if being able to live in The United States, instead of Africa. SEND THEM BACK

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2c88a3 No.18810527

How does Israel fit into Q's plan? What's going to happen to Israel? Because it's an illegal state with an evil world agenda. Not to mention how Israel orchestrated 9/11.

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504cc5 No.18810528

File: 94835e9cde74ee7⋯.png (80.05 KB,766x654,383:327,4301.png)

File: c113f3c757945bc⋯.png (131.77 KB,766x1486,383:743,1034_1_.png)

File: 1524227acf766af⋯.png (86.02 KB,766x762,383:381,431_2_.png)

File: 0cc39786d3a4996⋯.png (762.77 KB,766x2072,383:1036,1431.png)

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af36ff No.18810529

File: e24ff0f591b8087⋯.png (528 KB,710x431,710:431,2023_05_07_09_16_52.png)


>Waiting for Netflix to make a documentary about it.

>Only the Irish kids will be Black.

That is why they didn't want the dindu-nuffins back in the day?

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286d2b No.18810530

File: d5ca9cef0fd8e91⋯.jpg (81.09 KB,500x608,125:152,Abraham.JPG)

This place is such a joke anymore.

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93f313 No.18810531


>along with the Logo on the shooters hand?

do you have a pic of this?

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82fe5b No.18810532

File: f9a89b0322b7fff⋯.png (10.56 KB,255x253,255:253,39c69aa80a8b0ee1576cf810fb….png)


Cmon man its so easy. When we reach the precipice. Two more weeks I'm thinking.

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2c88a3 No.18810533


Irish and Italians couldn't get jobs back then. If only they knew the nigger flood that was coming.

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876b5b No.18810534


>>It's impossible to tell the difference between Light Luciferians and Military White Hats.

Let me tell you for a fact, it was me that complained to President Trump about the lethal abuses at the VA. He took action immediately, fired 9.6k, and gave them free choice. God Bless PDJT evermore. Now if the Military still wants to play with the cabal occult teachings they should know it was the infiltrated government cabal that was hiring doctors from previous theaters of US operations that had a dog in the fight and they were murdering our vets. They should realize it was Christians whose heads were in Christ that saved them. Semper Fidelis

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4c2b31 No.18810535

File: d075752188f2172⋯.png (1.42 MB,1209x713,39:23,E29F2672_AFE6_460A_92B7_86….png)

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ed736a No.18810536

File: 219911f2e5e2f86⋯.mp4 (9.99 MB,1280x720,16:9,A_Rg_OlNzCa86iKL.mp4)

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7908f5 No.18810537


>If he was aware, he would be devastated.

How do you know that? Naah, if he cared about how he looked, he would never be living on the streets. People feeding the so called 'homeless' and giving them clothes, money for drugs or wanting to put them up in a room is just perpetuating their spiral downward. I used to give street people blankets, food & or money but no more, not after seeing women put their babies and toddlers out on the edge of the curb to help them grift..not after watching a duo called homeless man begging for money pack up his schitt and cross the street to crank his big truck and leave only to be back at his grifting spot the next day.

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e0fe2a No.18810538


Perhaps this Thursday when Title 42 expires?

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bf9d88 No.18810539

File: b62c3bfc36797f3⋯.jpg (115.5 KB,600x432,25:18,IMG_20190307_145040.jpg)


Would you like to speak to the manager?

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09ecda No.18810540

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4da61b No.18810541

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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aad1b7 No.18810542


no sauce bc I dont own the book, anon's fren does

but in letters to Trump

They put Diana's letter one page ahead of JFK Jr.'s letter, found that interdesting, since the implication is that they were both working with us.

Both letters appeared to be from 1997.

Also anon verified that the hand written we will win note from Trump was in fact on page 317, and does in fact have 17 dots


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af36ff No.18810543

File: 7f48f4ad9b55da1⋯.png (131.3 KB,532x384,133:96,swordy_2.png)


God bless

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2a6af8 No.18810544

File: 3a83ff556248108⋯.png (514.25 KB,1080x594,20:11,Screenshot_20230329_050720….png)

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60aa77 No.18810545



My B-I-L is a retired LEO and he says that the homeless people don't even want to stay at the homeless shelters, because the homeless shelters have too many rules.

The health dept. would clear them out from under a bridge and he would have to be there to assist.

He said within a week or two, the homeless people would all be back under the bridge again.

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4c2b31 No.18810546

File: 3ae3804c44fc5e8⋯.jpeg (90.53 KB,476x712,119:178,IMG_5874.jpeg)

File: f872ec80abbb75f⋯.png (813.15 KB,716x1592,179:398,IMG_5880.png)

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286d2b No.18810547

File: 70023bbb90d20ec⋯.jpg (41.02 KB,440x361,440:361,JewTruth.JPG)


The manager is coming to speak to you soon.

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18edb0 No.18810548


>Let me tell you for a fact, it was me that complained to President Trump about the lethal abuses at the VA.

I'm the one that posts weekly here about my FOIA request for the number of Veterans that were discussing this PSYOP before committing suicide being repeatedly denied without reason. Trump doing good things doesn't mean he isn't a Light Luciferian…

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1b576c No.18810549


#23085 >>18809535

>>18809571 RFK Jr. Hillsdale talk, near the end he talks about the CIA and his family

>>18809583 MIT researchers have designed a mobile vaccine printer that could be scaled up to produce hundreds of vaccine doses in a day,generates vaccine-filled microneedle patches

>>18809604 anon bun lb

>>18809636 Rep. DeLauro on GOP default threat: 'They have to govern. They are in the majority'

>>18809659 "Have a plan to kill everyone you meet"/Gen Mad Dog Mattis werdz

>>18809684 PF Elvis55 lands at Smyna AP in Nashville after being in Puerto Rico

>>18809725, >>18809918, >>1880997 Alberta announced a state of emergency on Saturday (May 6 2023) as wildfires flared across the Canadian province

>>18809742 Desantis

>>18809749 Scientists discover massive metal “structure” under surface of the moon and are now trying to figure out what it is

>>18809846 Queen Elizabeth’s funeral was September 19, 2022, 666

>>18810013 7 months ago Whistleblowers Roundtable with Kevin Shipp, Bill Binney & John Kiriakou

>>18810076 2019 Q validity


>>18810212 The Battle Within the Club is Escalating Now


>>18810253, >>18810288 @elonmusk Make Orwell Fiction Again

>>18810323 Oklahoma bans first 13 companies from state business for ESG policies


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Post last edited at

2a6af8 No.18810550

File: d6d0bdee93bb928⋯.png (858.86 KB,1078x751,1078:751,Screenshot_20230307_210137….png)

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876b5b No.18810551


I will build an election system for us that can record our votes hopefully by then; provided the chemical attacks cease.

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4c2b31 No.18810552

File: ba4c71113f1beac⋯.png (651.53 KB,476x712,119:178,D55828DF_3B94_4367_9F4E_84….png)

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bf9d88 No.18810553

File: 54e18db87e8bea1⋯.png (239.78 KB,1280x720,16:9,suffer.png)


Oooooooo. Scary.

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af36ff No.18810554

File: 1eec213ea235ac2⋯.mp4 (972.58 KB,1280x720,16:9,good_morning_nancy.mp4)


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876b5b No.18810555


Always at the right moment, sword of.

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1ef634 No.18810556

File: 83a28170b1cc906⋯.png (817.61 KB,788x696,197:174,3A9E8B5C_ACFB_481B_820A_C6….png)


Just as excessive Secrecy has disadvantages that can not be compensated for no matter how much They may wish and try.

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3891f5 No.18810557

File: cbbb1b337f3bf94⋯.jpg (121.22 KB,500x747,500:747,SP.jpg)

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504cc5 No.18810558

File: 49633f4db9595f8⋯.jpeg (286.9 KB,788x2048,197:512,5c6df66a5d375.jpeg)

File: c127254644f8680⋯.jpg (38.69 KB,496x750,248:375,e331b8e87579f7ae34fbe38760….jpg)

File: c0641efccf5e312⋯.jpg (9.28 KB,255x168,85:56,5f84e337b2ed91dc2ed0970bb6….jpg)

File: df9e78229ec16ce⋯.jpg (235.47 KB,1024x1150,512:575,df9e78229ec16ce15a3abd93c3….jpg)

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328bb9 No.18810559


All the more based Biden is if just half of what you say is true. If my vote counted I would give him a vote for mocking the throne.

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60aa77 No.18810560



They didn't want Poopy Joe at the Coronation.

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286d2b No.18810561

File: 35ebb4aa2059b4f⋯.jpg (40 KB,618x363,206:121,ChildMolestersKarma.jpg)

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2d2834 No.18810562

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: Not sure when this video was recorded, it does look like a old video as this is from his fox nation channel studio. Full interview runtime is 1 hours. archiving.


Tucker Carlson Today | Tulsi Gabbard

9 days ago



Tucker Carlson Today

Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard went from rising Democratic star to being called a Russian asset by a Hillary Clinton. But when Tulsi talks, we listen. She's one of the freest thinkers in America. With war raging in Ukraine, her message is more important than ever.

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e0fe2a No.18810563

File: 2fb45fe4ebb2597⋯.jpg (124.6 KB,1000x1425,40:57,H20232_L248168098.JPG)


Symbolism will be their downfall

Mum was the last in that Saxe-Coburg Gotha line to hold the globe in the left hand. Charles in the right hand. Their power broken

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072b3b No.18810564

File: 3f250f67ab179ae⋯.png (89.3 KB,444x568,111:142,ClipboardImage.png)


Per Q#916 Israel is being saved for last

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2e7d13 No.18810565



This last year, homeless moved into my city. They took up residence by the burger king and macdaddy's.

They were cleaned out a few months ago and they scattered. The mess removed was huge. They were back in there within a few Much easier to pay the companies to pump out the shit and dump the dumpsters. Cheaper too and better for the entire city.

They are with us and will be until they can be rounded up and either institutionalized or sobered up. Most all I have seen are mental(drug addled or real mental illness)

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2d2834 No.18810566




Tucker and Tulsi Gabbard.

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7285d5 No.18810567

File: efe6eccdafb649e⋯.jpg (58.84 KB,588x398,294:199,7Zr7ej.jpg)

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38a1ad No.18810568


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

More yard work to do today.

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fa0d05 No.18810569

The queers at the DOD are taking over “internet misinformation”

The web will now be an official part of USSA, the “United States of Communist Assholes”

Jewish censorship in high gear now…….good job Q team…..kek

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fca167 No.18810570


We're owed reparations.

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504cc5 No.18810571

File: 96f4017e2502c09⋯.png (29.38 KB,766x408,383:204,1417_2_.png)

File: a5ab5fca560b5e0⋯.png (665.89 KB,1329x887,1329:887,a5ab5fca560b5e04aaad42e812….png)



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bf9d88 No.18810572

File: 0e9c40b8c81a833⋯.jpeg (45.93 KB,600x613,600:613,0e9c40b8c81a833d272f77b2a….jpeg)


You give yourself a lot of credit Skippy. If anyone's giving off vibes it's you. You got that whole meth-addled scalp tattoo "ooh I'm scary fear me" front going on. Nature will correct your toothless, impotent existence soon enough.

Now skip off to the County health office and get some more free drug needles.

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5d7977 No.18810573

File: 72a5c0266ccc8f5⋯.png (26.01 KB,928x619,928:619,ClipboardImage.png)


I did NOT poopoo in my pants!!!

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4c2b31 No.18810574

File: 27fc696e057f2d3⋯.jpeg (184.27 KB,1193x809,1193:809,IMG_5886.jpeg)

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23ea23 No.18810575


>denied without reason

What were they being denied?

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a07713 No.18810576

File: 30beb9a12e0e2c2⋯.jpg (120.39 KB,882x720,49:40,32c7a8b5f275c74b421ea73540….jpg)

File: 7b9dd4824332d70⋯.jpg (42.64 KB,696x696,1:1,V_Diana.jpg)

File: 62caf592f4e7740⋯.jpg (162.98 KB,1226x587,1226:587,58fe69ce50815ebd398405051a….jpg)

File: 8a59ecb33ec0730⋯.jpg (128.18 KB,1280x720,16:9,Michael_and_Diana.jpg)

File: 7819d37cdf14eae⋯.jpg (123.53 KB,546x554,273:277,ef8e4291c08c15d23baea6555d….jpg)

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7908f5 No.18810577

File: 8797d80f1f4999a⋯.png (238.74 KB,468x486,26:27,8797d80f1f4999ac87099688de….png)

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bf9d88 No.18810578


Kek. He shit all the way through the fabric.

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678de2 No.18810579

File: ab3f6e6c76a61f7⋯.png (344.62 KB,700x740,35:37,ab3f6e6c76a61f72c8a21e9655….png)


Looks almost like they both remembering those "10% of the big guy"

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4c2b31 No.18810580

File: ad95f4ae5b8a23f⋯.jpg (81.01 KB,680x499,680:499,Joe_Biden_Snogging_Grandda….JPG)


Finnegan loves Pops

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4c2b31 No.18810582

File: add89883b9a693c⋯.jpeg (192.38 KB,1028x1044,257:261,EC3DBFEE_286E_4D01_8797_3….jpeg)

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87d388 No.18810583

File: ff664c25d1db589⋯.png (643.04 KB,674x552,337:276,HRChandcollage.png)


Would have been great to have seen this person stand up, for a visual on their height. Then we could tell who it might be.

I Did an HRC hand collage, specifically looking for the age spots.


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b80064 No.18810584

File: 86434b7c4c03d15⋯.png (9.76 MB,2300x1480,115:74,Photograph_of_Las_Vegas_Ro….png)

File: 091b2640012bc04⋯.png (5.94 MB,1920x1080,16:9,capture_185_07052023_06200….png)


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09ecda No.18810585

File: ed5055d463b77a0⋯.png (399.33 KB,546x682,273:341,ClipboardImage.png)





A symbol of authority and sovereignty, the awe-inspiring scepter holds the world’s largest faceted white diamond. That alone is a statement of power and wealth! The original 1661 scepter was redesigned after King Edward VII’s acquisition of the Cullinan diamond, a 1.33-pound diamond discovered in South Africa in 1905. As the largest diamond ever discovered, King Edward had it cut into several stones and placed largest—a massive 530 carat diamond—in the redesigned scepter.

The golden Sovereign’s Orb, also made in 1661, delineates the Queen’s religious power. As “god’s representative on Earth,” the Queen is given the gold orb as a symbol of Christian world. It is set with a jeweled cross on top and surrounded by a band of diamonds, gemstones and pearls.

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fa0d05 No.18810586

File: 003f26958e8c934⋯.png (3.19 MB,1226x1164,613:582,IMG_5368.png)

Never “follow” a man….never

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504cc5 No.18810587

File: 2e545135be95909⋯.png (748.62 KB,779x720,779:720,2e545135be9590976cf3f0b846….png)

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b516a4 No.18810588

File: a7659f19ac2a46b⋯.gif (1 MB,360x270,4:3,ralph2a.gif)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

>More yard work to do today.

Same. Good day for it.

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c769f0 No.18810589

File: 0a6d0070f3a7ef7⋯.png (423.65 KB,500x740,25:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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87d388 No.18810590


Brings a whole new meaning to the "Y-family"

Almost looks like a clot between pinky/ring finger, and between ring and middle finger.

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b80064 No.18810591

File: bac427f401d767c⋯.png (5.94 MB,1920x1080,16:9,capture_187_07052023_06204….png)

File: 3ddd0e313e885d6⋯.png (5.94 MB,1920x1080,16:9,capture_186_07052023_06201….png)

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3891f5 No.18810592

File: ca7526d9ffd435d⋯.jpg (47.72 KB,620x465,4:3,detonators.jpg)

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920eef No.18810593


I have been wondering about this for years. Thank you anon for shedding light.

>A symbol of authority and sovereignty, the awe-inspiring scepter holds the world’s largest faceted white diamond. That alone is a statement of power and wealth! The original 1661 scepter was redesigned after King Edward VII’s acquisition of the Cullinan diamond, a 1.33-pound diamond discovered in South Africa in 1905. As the largest diamond ever discovered, King Edward had it cut into several stones and placed largest—a massive 530 carat diamond—in the redesigned scepter.

>The golden Sovereign’s Orb, also made in 1661, delineates the Queen’s religious power. As “god’s representative on Earth,” the Queen is given the gold orb as a symbol of Christian world. It is set with a jeweled cross on top and surrounded by a band of diamonds, gemstones and pearls.

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82fe5b No.18810594

File: 1efe83bde3eb1c0⋯.png (347.16 KB,1255x525,251:105,Screenshot_2023_05_07_0833….png)


False Flags you say?


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4c2b31 No.18810595

File: e7d96ed6d144c1a⋯.jpeg (135.19 KB,1588x1772,397:443,IMG_5887.jpeg)

File: 9e9ccbc79060711⋯.jpeg (405.39 KB,1920x1080,16:9,IMG_5888.jpeg)


That’s the “Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch”

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b80064 No.18810596

File: 8a26e3e4c5ffc08⋯.png (5.94 MB,1920x1080,16:9,capture_189_07052023_06213….png)

File: 8f85b06133cc6cc⋯.png (5.94 MB,1920x1080,16:9,capture_188_07052023_06210….png)



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3b0dd3 No.18810597

File: 5ad8f3b68184c42⋯.png (89.42 KB,536x345,536:345,v2_31127b9275a0f4242c8c932….png)

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1ef634 No.18810598

File: 249e468ebdf8326⋯.png (2.56 MB,800x800,1:1,90A5CA26_1CCD_4568_B446_99….png)


I simply do not care very much where exactly The Truth is anymore… I’m having a GREAT time with this Movie!

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7908f5 No.18810599

File: e8e27afe69eaa0f⋯.png (88.02 KB,330x265,66:53,e8e27afe69eaa0f44da9083b37….png)


No doubt, that's a weird damn family!

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1b576c No.18810600


posted em, >>18810549

do what you want with em

you still baking?


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1f19fc No.18810601


Does It ever kiss Jill publicly?

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3891f5 No.18810602

File: 23e3f3ebd622d4e⋯.jpg (158.52 KB,720x1080,2:3,HH44.jpg)

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328bb9 No.18810603


Imagine being such a shallow individual that has the duty of protecting the scepter.

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1ef634 No.18810604

File: 48a28c8f5099565⋯.jpeg (37.99 KB,600x347,600:347,C3395CE4_23FF_4E2C_B9DA_2….jpeg)

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504cc5 No.18810605


welcome newfag. hillary is ded.

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b97869 No.18810606


Done in 30?


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38a1ad No.18810607


God Bless the swordAnon.

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4c2b31 No.18810608

File: 194779c515b0202⋯.mp4 (702.1 KB,1280x720,16:9,l0EArm40Yg9BSe4W.mp4)

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af36ff No.18810609

File: 73dc118d36e6378⋯.png (1.42 MB,1265x836,115:76,2023_05_07_09_27_55.png)


>Pondering the Orb

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3891f5 No.18810610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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09ecda No.18810611

File: 23092bde7834d44⋯.jpg (6.11 KB,225x225,1:1,pepe_light.jpg)

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ef030a No.18810612

File: 090d8c76d5645e0⋯.jpeg (80.83 KB,786x634,393:317,090d8c76d5645e015971f4187….jpeg)

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27e7ec No.18810613


That's pretty much where I'm at. Not sure if I'm being distracted by tap dancers as a meteor surprises us, or if we're watching the systematic destruction of evil. Popcorn is popcorn.

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7908f5 No.18810614


I think jilly stopped that quite some time ago.

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fa0d05 No.18810615


Why would you flash Freemason sign when it’s a “secret” society

Last time I saw a Freemason ring on someone I told them to leave while they could, never saw that cop again

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27e7ec No.18810616


I KNEW he was there somewhere!

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4c2b31 No.18810617

File: 2868bcf3998dfc5⋯.jpeg (44.64 KB,258x346,129:173,IMG_5889.jpeg)

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504cc5 No.18810618


gotta be a pic somewhere standing height.

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1ef634 No.18810619

File: 29d75204252c337⋯.jpeg (73.58 KB,583x800,583:800,E8497ED3_4159_41E1_B269_0….jpeg)

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3891f5 No.18810620

File: 11c52bb73e50f8d⋯.jpg (82.99 KB,619x499,619:499,yoinkbunny44.jpg)

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3891f5 No.18810621

File: aefc8d25b74a072⋯.jpeg (15.85 KB,456x320,57:40,copilot44.jpeg)

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286d2b No.18810622


Look at you, gnashing your teeth.

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4c2b31 No.18810623

File: 23fc4b9d3f30fb6⋯.png (772.04 KB,800x535,160:107,8B8F1E5C_4873_40F9_A246_8F….png)

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af36ff No.18810624

File: 3b0a00bf8d59635⋯.png (2.25 MB,1173x1566,391:522,popcorn.png)


>I simply do not care very much where exactly The Truth is anymore… I’m having a GREAT time with this Movie!

Not everyone likes this movie.


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7285d5 No.18810625


They put the orb in his left hand but when he was getting back in the coach it was in his right hand.

Meant to go back and see how that happened

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1ef634 No.18810626

File: f62e47b15000f80⋯.png (116.62 KB,262x341,262:341,35DBAE73_D2C1_4130_BCA7_8B….png)

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4c2b31 No.18810627

File: 5fe970cb8a5efe6⋯.jpeg (265.33 KB,1088x1088,1:1,IMG_5863.jpeg)

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2e7d13 No.18810628


Did your friend tell you what is on page


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1ef634 No.18810629

File: aa7465f0226b545⋯.jpeg (124.05 KB,1280x720,16:9,477C7321_A27E_4E3B_BD93_3….jpeg)

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286d2b No.18810630


That's exactly what the software engineer said, or is saying. Can't say if this is the guy that was suicided or not, but seems like he was countering big brother essentially, and you don't do that when you work for big brother.

"People will not pay for a restricted model when free, unrestricted alternatives are comparable in quality. We should consider where our value add really is," Sernau recommended. "Giant models are slowing us down. In the long run, the best models are the ones which can be iterated upon quickly."


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af36ff No.18810631

File: 3d7d893de005262⋯.png (282.17 KB,413x409,413:409,2023_05_07_09_44_08.png)


Sure, like POTUS would put on costume.

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718bfb No.18810632


I think I know this guy.

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18edb0 No.18810633


>What were they being denied?

Regarding the FOIA, the liaison said they had a big meeting regarding it and it was denied, we both agreed there were no legal grounds and they never called regarding my 2nd or 3rd request.

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83e739 No.18810634

File: 40e037073192162⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB,480x848,30:53,IMG_7784.MP4)

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b80064 No.18810635

File: bc5d1d9fad2d06f⋯.jpg (8.41 MB,5790x2611,5790:2611,Photograph_of_Las_Vegas_Ro….jpg)



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7908f5 No.18810636

File: 7d6180e2f3c73a3⋯.png (140.33 KB,500x500,1:1,7d6180e2f3c73a31ebafb8f397….png)

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83e739 No.18810637

File: 474673832420ebf⋯.png (647.42 KB,728x455,8:5,EnjoyA_ColdOne_Mr_Fridge.png)

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a07713 No.18810638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1ef634 No.18810640

File: 90ed3b5ce864a70⋯.gif (2.48 MB,497x280,71:40,5886EB91_B443_463A_87EB_D8….gif)

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1e46c7 No.18810641


The orb lady jealous.

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4c2b31 No.18810642

File: 057792d02d6c472⋯.jpeg (124.75 KB,1024x759,1024:759,IMG_5894.jpeg)

File: 4657f542a56aab1⋯.jpeg (118.99 KB,1024x759,1024:759,IMG_5893.jpeg)

File: 3e1941f90d5dfe9⋯.jpeg (38.97 KB,817x427,817:427,IMG_5892.jpeg)

File: 77a83fc90584a83⋯.jpeg (132.25 KB,1240x858,620:429,IMG_5891.jpeg)

File: 79046a6101b6392⋯.jpeg (135.27 KB,1024x759,1024:759,IMG_5890.jpeg)


Trump would never appear in a movie.

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e0fe2a No.18810643


the ceremony both officially and the televised one would be interesting to see

anon is sensing an inauguration 2021 type event where something went on that wasn't televised

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827fd5 No.18810644


It’s been 2 more weeks for the last 6 years now, kek

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3891f5 No.18810645

File: 280258471489617⋯.jpg (78.19 KB,500x599,500:599,orbs44.jpg)

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bb28ed No.18810646


why didnt JFK Jr share his barber with Trump?

How is it that billionaire DJT could not get a decent haircut for his entire life?

there is some deep dark secret hiding there

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2e7d13 No.18810647


Love this

thank you

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1ef634 No.18810648

File: ddc94e3e383aa41⋯.jpeg (94.09 KB,550x401,550:401,D47197EA_9816_46A5_B16D_F….jpeg)


Or you could learn to play the game, it’s a belly full of laughs!

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4c2b31 No.18810649

File: c548783d198326a⋯.jpg (167.38 KB,1208x798,604:399,Two_Weeks_03.jpg)

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b80064 No.18810650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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718bfb No.18810651


Dr Stan hardy, brother of Hardy (laurel and hardy actors)

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87c658 No.18810652


Don't follow you, what were the vets denied? Information? Information about what? Why would they commit suicide over the information?

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2e7d13 No.18810653


KEKING tremendous failure of a shill


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af36ff No.18810654

File: 4d3b5034c08ab66⋯.png (177.39 KB,679x280,97:40,2023_05_07_09_52_17.png)


>I just want to leave this short vid about carbonation.

The Elites are trying to eliminate CO2.

Is this why?

CO2 is medically better for you?

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d326ac No.18810655

File: aae3605939a462d⋯.png (228.06 KB,643x569,643:569,pepeNotes.png)


>do what you want with em

merged em

>you still baking?

Was keeping notes butwill handoff if you want it.

Computer just went tits up so ID may be different.

#23085 >>18809535

>>18809571 RFK Jr. Hillsdale talk, near the end he talks about the CIA and his family

>>18809583 MIT researchers have designed a mobile vaccine printer that could be scaled up to produce hundreds of vaccine doses in a day,generates vaccine-filled microneedle patches

>>18809604 anon bun lb

>>18809636 Rep. DeLauro on GOP default threat: 'They have to govern. They are in the majority'

>>18809659 "Have a plan to kill everyone you meet"/Gen Mad Dog Mattis werdz

>>18809684 PF Elvis55 lands at Smyna AP in Nashville after being in Puerto Rico

>>18809725, >>18809918, >>1880997 Alberta announced a state of emergency on Saturday (May 6 2023) as wildfires flared across the Canadian province

>>18809749 Scientists discover massive metal “structure” under surface of the moon and are now trying to figure out what it is

>>18809846 Queen Elizabeth’s funeral was September 19, 2022, 666

>>18810013 7 months ago Whistleblowers Roundtable with Kevin Shipp, Bill Binney & John Kiriakou

>>18810076 2019 Q validity


>>18810212 The Battle Within the Club is Escalating Now


>>18810253, >>18810288 @elonmusk Make Orwell Fiction Again

>>18810323 Oklahoma bans first 13 companies from state business for ESG policies

>>18809615 Elon replied to a tweet about his childhood and past.

>>18810102, >>18810171, >>18810270 Musk Tweets & memes

>>18809676, >>18809686, >>18809695, >>18809702, >>18809728, >>18809740, >>18809742, >>18809750, >>18809879, >>18810185, >>18809755, >>18809740 Meatball Ron Bun

>>18809685 Catholic Charities connection to Podesta. old digs

>>18809778, >>18809795 Trump Trial Thread Day 7 (2 days ago)

>>18810070 interesting thread on half last night

>>18810160 Donald Trump Gives Deposition in Jean Carroll Rape, Defamation Case

>>18810169 Tucker Carlson - Oxford AL 5/4/23 Key note Address for the Rainbow Omega Foundation

23086 @300ish


>>18810465 Planefag:KECK215

>>18810393 DJT Truth: National Review is "dead"

>>18810475, >>18810519, >>18810523 Biden did not attend the coronation of King Charles in London on Saturday, but his official delegation broke with American tradition

>>18810496 Died suddenly: 'healthy' daughter, 21, died after receiving Covid booster

>>18810506 The goal of the republican party is to remove the threat represented by Donald Trump

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7285d5 No.18810656

File: ef3dc1b12d7e1f5⋯.jpg (98.21 KB,720x528,15:11,Cji8.jpg)

Trump reeally playing up his disguise…

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b80064 No.18810657



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3095ff No.18810658

File: d3f2849a1e52a89⋯.png (819.93 KB,1214x1304,607:652,genocide_excess_mortality_….png)

File: fa38564f4e126e9⋯.png (573.72 KB,1224x1260,34:35,VAX_IN_NUMBERS.png)


One thing I will say, if there was NOTHING to this, MSM would have picked up on it "stupid qanon thinks Trump was at the cornation' but it's clearly Mr. Jimbo Macguire noted botanist…"


>a GREAT time with this Movie

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3891f5 No.18810659

File: 04195e39bdecf10⋯.gif (3.51 MB,360x200,9:5,NSmagic44.gif)

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ab9bcd No.18810660

The best part of waking up is justice in our cups.

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2c88a3 No.18810661

Nothing is real in this world. It's all lies.

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ab0eee No.18810662

File: 5ebb8ea19741497⋯.png (1.45 MB,1200x1812,100:151,ClipboardImage.png)

If we're going off the number of orbs, I found the king of the western hemisphere.

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5d7977 No.18810663

File: 72a5c0266ccc8f5⋯.png (26.01 KB,928x619,928:619,ClipboardImage.png)

You can't handle the poop!

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3095ff No.18810664

File: 027f39572a057be⋯.png (340.37 KB,586x413,586:413,KEKLELZ.png)



16 seconds apart

<why not 17

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827fd5 No.18810665


R.I.P to all anons who have passed since the start Q’s crumbs.

Never got to see justice served, Hillary Clinton arrested, the deep state destroyed, and so forth…

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b80064 No.18810666

File: 15266ae677baa25⋯.gif (914.14 KB,500x332,125:83,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….gif)

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87c658 No.18810667


Real lies


Real Eyes

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bf9d88 No.18810668

File: 4984f8af1a8d9f2⋯.jpg (86.08 KB,1200x800,3:2,heenan_0.jpg)


Wow. Sean Michaels has really let himself go.

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3095ff No.18810669

File: 0d349c01827ae1b⋯.jpg (62.67 KB,834x1024,417:512,hanging_picture_of_jew.jpg)


>the deep state destroyed

yeah that clearly should have got done in 2 years, right?

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1c4ce4 No.18810670

File: cb56a5dc3216821⋯.png (1.83 MB,960x1030,96:103,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

May 7, 2023

The Helix Nebula from CFHT

Will our Sun look like this one day? The Helix Nebula is one of brightest and closest examples of a planetary nebula, a gas cloud created at the end of the life of a Sun-like star. The outer gasses of the star expelled into space appear from our vantage point as if we are looking down a helix. The remnant central stellar core, destined to become a white dwarf star, glows in light so energetic it causes the previously expelled gas to fluoresce. The Helix Nebula, given a technical designation of NGC 7293, lies about 700 light-years away towards the constellation of the Water Bearer (Aquarius) and spans about 2.5 light-years. The featured picture was taken with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) located atop a dormant volcano in Hawaii, USA. A close-up of the inner edge of the Helix Nebula shows complex gas knots of unknown origin.


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adaeab No.18810671



My FOIA request was denied, I was trying to identify psychological harm caused by Q so I could write congress. Laws mean nothing.

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09ecda No.18810672


Plants & trees 'breathe in' CO2 and 'exhale' O2

Humans exhale CO2 and inhale O2

It's really that simple.

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3b6d16 No.18810673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ladders and snakes

Ladders give

Snakes take

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09ecda No.18810674

File: ee1d6ae786a0a95⋯.jpg (29.28 KB,600x600,1:1,nasa_adobe.jpg)

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1ef634 No.18810675


If They can’t kill the humans, then kill the plants humans need.

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87c658 No.18810676


I had a dream just like this video, where I fought a Yellow Tiger in a pool and was victorious.

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b80064 No.18810677



lucky 6's


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6b5379 No.18810678

File: e8c4d20d740a9bf⋯.jpg (821.65 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,BidenLetEmIn.JPG)

File: 916791656bc1598⋯.jpg (389.17 KB,1769x1080,1769:1080,BorderSerious.JPG)

File: 9ad892edfc63072⋯.jpg (718.75 KB,1440x1080,4:3,BorderTreason.JPG)

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2e7d13 No.18810679

>>18810411 I want peace.

Silence the un, who, wef, bis, eu, cfr.

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e0fe2a No.18810680

File: 7c510f662f37f47⋯.png (12.51 KB,255x203,255:203,ca306fa0e7c124e1025281f256….png)

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3095ff No.18810681

File: 796c0ac9656d35f⋯.jpg (22.29 KB,500x375,4:3,looks_like_parasite_worm_g….jpg)

File: 036266dcc2831dc⋯.png (451.3 KB,756x820,189:205,ClipboardImage.png)


it's better for the planet and increases crop yields

people who grow in tents add CO2. They literally just burn propane to add CO2.

ask the cannabis people

If CO2 increases we get more food



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3095ff No.18810682


that dream symbolizes overcoming fear

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3891f5 No.18810683

File: 907e09460d7c79c⋯.jpg (20.39 KB,255x223,255:223,e87c68aabe66b969e88173cf85….jpg)

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b80064 No.18810684

File: e3b46128fd71792⋯.jpg (131.55 KB,800x1066,400:533,ClaraBell_44.jpg)

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3891f5 No.18810685

File: 194c6e57e6f7e0e⋯.jpg (16.12 KB,255x255,1:1,2a65bfa881755c05074d7d3de1….jpg)

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ef030a No.18810686

File: a5adb85c987868e⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,480x270,16:9,tc_cs.mp4)


this is a good one on Chuckie


SNAPS on Chuck Schumer's Intelligence Community Comments: "That's a Dictatorship, A**hole!"


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504cc5 No.18810687

File: 0a29b4a20433366⋯.png (2.17 MB,1528x1085,1528:1085,0a29b4a20433366aa47b01d902….png)

File: 67fa2f4cd19ec4a⋯.gif (191.52 KB,239x300,239:300,67fa2f4cd19ec4a4732750c9ea….gif)

File: 06bd10a7b5e8d82⋯.jpg (204.31 KB,564x763,564:763,06bd10a7b5e8d82dfd8b5921e5….jpg)

File: 7e69a3753e05c59⋯.png (2.31 MB,1401x1893,467:631,7e69a3753e05c5909ad3716cc5….png)

File: 8a9a4e3384642f8⋯.png (729.07 KB,710x2186,355:1093,3900_5_.png)


the only reason to come back tomorrow is to meme shills 2 moar weeks.

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2e7d13 No.18810688



What I had thought as well.

Interesting stuf.

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9e4df5 No.18810689

File: 3b51e504b2b5eb6⋯.png (503.39 KB,611x708,611:708,Stars_No_stars_NASA_gets_b….PNG)

File: a565fb112bad8dd⋯.mp4 (3.91 MB,320x568,40:71,Stars_No_stars_NASA_gets_b….mp4)

Stars, or No stars, NASA gets busted with green screen.


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4c2b31 No.18810690

File: 9c8324fbc855f2c⋯.jpeg (52.19 KB,640x481,640:481,IMG_5899.jpeg)

File: a88fc39d14734a0⋯.jpeg (183.52 KB,600x899,600:899,IMG_5898.jpeg)

File: 15a4a6917e693c7⋯.jpeg (168.16 KB,1200x800,3:2,IMG_5897.jpeg)

File: 96b16862655481a⋯.jpeg (67.76 KB,768x431,768:431,IMG_5896.jpeg)

File: 6b6b2c92956e956⋯.jpeg (154.62 KB,1320x770,12:7,IMG_5895.jpeg)

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3095ff No.18810691

File: e43f933b8b09bbe⋯.png (1.75 MB,1906x904,953:452,ClipboardImage.png)



>Mr. Jimbo Macguire

"sir karl jenkins"

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9fd2ee No.18810692


The VA is a political organization

It exists to drive inane policies that increase its budget without regard to outcomes

I know a vet that called the Suicide Hotline a couple of years ago, who referred him to the VA. It took over 4 months for him to get an appointment, and he got a black mark in his record for "saying something" about the delay and was told the needed to attend resilience training to learn to accept his limitations, so he wouldn't feel so bad about being a disabled POS.

The VA is hopeless.

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7285d5 No.18810693


The death of the UN will be an easy win after they advocated and legalized child rape

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b80064 No.18810694

File: 445253efae59f70⋯.png (216.74 KB,486x354,81:59,_Anonymous_You_11_minutes_….png)


>gotta piss…

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83e739 No.18810695


Increase Co2 means more people which mean more Co2 which means more people….

Unacceptable! Unacceptable!

We can not have more people

Call Co2 an environmental global warming Gas

an reduce immediately! Less Food means less people!

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3891f5 No.18810696

File: 15d12cd36d6a5c4⋯.gif (915.62 KB,500x208,125:52,smokin.gif)

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b97869 No.18810697


> so I could write congress


Oh man, that is your first mistake. Actually thinking Congress would do anything FOR you.

You'd MAYBE get the standard "roach letter" reply, thanking you for reaching out, maybe touching on how they "value" your input, but that's about it.

They only engage the little people for SHOW. None of them are actually elected.

It's a Popularity contest at best, used as a distraction so general pop gets the "feels" that they have any kind of power.


They all lie. Make promises they never keep, dangle excuses about why they actually can't change shit, like carrots over the rabbit cage, just to keep people engaged, so they don't become enraged. But hey now, send your donation to xxxx on the socials, cause THEY are different!

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539ab1 No.18810698


Expectations in man is futile. There has never been a greater time in the history of this world to get your own proof that God exists, I know because I am His witness and He is mine. Walk in faith, you and they will not be disappointed.

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2d2834 No.18810699

File: ab4d13429758cb1⋯.mp4 (2.52 MB,1098x616,549:308,chucky_schumer.mp4)


chucky is a bad dude.

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e0fe2a No.18810700

File: abb3c5ef04f7eb7⋯.gif (877.11 KB,720x336,15:7,JudgeDredd_Dredd3d_window_….gif)


Defense Noted

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920eef No.18810701


Baby pic of the guy on the sidewalk?

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3095ff No.18810702

File: 5d975e04114be0b⋯.gif (90.31 KB,1000x1000,1:1,co2_composition_of_atmosph….gif)


>an reduce immediately! Less Food means less people!


CO2 leads to economic boom.

More jobs


Times of plenty

Which leads to more people

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1b576c No.18810703


noice diggies

you baker, np

just peekin in to make sure notes are caught up

I can baker if you wanna note

lemme know

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fa0d05 No.18810704

File: b041c4d7faf2491⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,1321x1461,1321:1461,IMG_5405.jpeg)

What the hell Canada, pour some water on the fires and put them out.

Something very fishy going on in Northern Cuba

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3095ff No.18810705


>CO2 leads to economic boom.


>More jobs




>Times of plenty


>Which leads to more people


And they claim that there is not enough food

No, they just don't want us using "their resources"

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d326ac No.18810706

File: e6015601f4354b3⋯.png (719.87 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2023_04_24….png)

File: ec17de134fd81e2⋯.png (698.19 KB,1366x768,683:384,JohnJohn.png)


> JFK Jr.'s letter,

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a3571c No.18810707

File: 88dbe69e9671bbe⋯.png (594 KB,1326x878,663:439,88dbe69e9671bbede0ef44a8cc….png)

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3891f5 No.18810708

File: 92e03d0980af7b8⋯.jpg (1.62 MB,2538x1920,423:320,PC.jpg)

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539ab1 No.18810709


You know it is ingrained in your being when you can put on the "Armor of God" in your sleep as well as your waking state. "Into your hands O'Lord, I commend my spirit". ThankQ

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72d9bf No.18810710


at current pace, seems a bit aggressive

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ab9bcd No.18810711

To whom can we report credible and substantiated allegations of child abduction and child trafficking by a dual citizen of the USA and Mexico? Is there anyone in the U.S. government willing to do anything to stop this or have we given up all children to the Mexican cartels? Credible allegations (with proof) are circulating online, sources say, and the people with the info are wondering how to get it out. I don't have the info but I know we can spread the word if it's posted here, so I thought I'd ask if there is any federal agency at this time that actually gives a shit? If so,to what federal agency should allegations of ongoing child trafficking by "people" in Mexico and the USA be reported?

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af36ff No.18810712

File: 0f9b0c5fb8c1442⋯.png (549.71 KB,708x437,708:437,potus.png)


>why didnt JFK Jr share his barber with Trump?

>How is it that billionaire DJT could not get a decent haircut for his entire life?

>there is some deep dark secret hiding there

Can't argue with science.


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9f1f3d No.18810713

File: 1ad5944550f3294⋯.jpg (35.22 KB,487x269,487:269,DayShift_Sun.jpg)

File: fc585ae989ce409⋯.jpg (53.98 KB,484x362,242:181,QR_HalpWanted.jpg)

Yet another Bakers Needed recruitment push only resulted in an increase of E-Bakes.


Use QR history as a guide instead and use the one simple trick that will attract anons to the Kitchen like moths to the flame:

Tell them they can't Bake.

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b97869 No.18810714




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1c4ce4 No.18810715

File: 542ae67b9daee6d⋯.png (425.69 KB,1212x754,606:377,ClipboardImage.png)


Perhaps this?


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fa0d05 No.18810716


A hundred years ago, EVERYONE knew too much nitrogen in the atmosphere was very dangerous

Now, nobody knows that, the first H-bomb test set the sky on fire as it consumed all the nitrogen

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504cc5 No.18810717

File: c6fa160341d32ab⋯.jpg (162.89 KB,1080x786,180:131,c6fa160341d32ab3fa4cdba562….jpg)

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6c3d11 No.18810718


So… like concentration camps?

I'm on board.

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920eef No.18810719


If Trump did want to be seen he would have options to better disguises.

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328bb9 No.18810720

File: 5b3c7b08986a100⋯.png (132.71 KB,1203x745,1203:745,ClipboardImage.png)

Is it normal that such a powerful horse and bloodline that makes it to the Ky Derby gets euthanized? Any normal horse owner would take the horse back home if injured. I wonder who owns these horses that are getting put down? Is this comms of some sort?


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504cc5 No.18810721


absolutely subversive

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a3571c No.18810722

File: 37457fce9668c87⋯.png (21.65 KB,739x220,739:220,eb530193047da10f632326fae5….png)

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030e61 No.18810724

All anons that have a TS account should ask PDJT to come here for a Q and A.

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b97869 No.18810725

Just another baby for them.’ Parents, feds fight for kids stuck in Florida nursing homes

Atthe PlantationNursing and Rehabilitation Center on Northwest Fifth Street, frail men and women with wheelchairs, walkers, and hearing aids live out their last years in an institutional setting. Nearby, but in a world of their own, medically fragile youngsters at the start of life’s journey spend day after day, year after year, confined to cribs.

These children may spend the rest of their lives right here, with little to do but stare at a television, watched over by shift workers.

They are the littlest residents of Florida nursing homes. And they occupy an institution within an institution, a place called TheKidz Korner.

Court records in a federal lawsuit set for trial on Monday describe the above conditions and assert that Florida’s reliance on such institutions for the care of fragile children is a violation of their civil rights and an affront to federal laws that require the housing and treatment of disabled people in home-like settings whenever possible.

The legal drama, a decade old, could result in a reckoning for Florida.

The state likes to boast of its stellar finances — the$117 billion budgetapproved this month set a record. At the same time, it tightly rations funds for the care of children and others who require help. Regardless of need, lawmakers decide what they want to spend on Floridians with severe disabilities and medical needs. When the money runs out, that’s it. And for those left out, it’s sorry, maybe next year. It’s why Floridians needing social services languish on waiting lists for years, even decades.

Providing at-home nursing assistance and medical equipment might not cost much more than a nursing home bed, while allowing parents to nurture their fragile children at home. With Medicaid managed care plans dispensing the state’s dollars, though, few families are approved for round-the-clock nursing care, children’s advocates say. Those who are approved must cope with notoriously unreliable in-home nursing, a byproduct of the state’s penurious reimbursement rates.

And so parents, many of whom cherish their children and want to show them love and affection, are forced to put them in nursing homes, sometimes hundreds of miles distant. Kidz Korner is one of three nursing homes in the state that currently house children.

“This warehousing of children,” said Kenneth Goodman, who founded and directs the medical ethics program at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, “is beneath us.”

“If we saw children being treated this way anywhere else, we would see it as a form of abuse or neglect,” Goodman said. “We choose to allow these children to languish. And that is morally unconscionable. It is willful and collective abuse.”

State health administrators long have insisted that the care children are given in nursing homes is superior to what parents can offer.

But the state’s own inspection records speak of children left for hours in diapers “soaked with urine,” of children contracting dangerous respiratory infections from contaminated medical equipment, of a child losing nearly 50% of her body weight, of soiled, moldy buildings and piles of dirty laundry.

Mary L. Ehlenbach, the medical director of the Pediatric Complex Care Program at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, wrote in a report that parents often are held to a higher standard than the institutions that are being paid hundreds of thousands per year. Some parents, for example, said nursing home administrators told them their children couldn’t go home until the family had a large private bedroom for the disabled child. At the nursing home, though, the children sometimes live three or four to a room.

“Parents don’t want their children exported to institutions 300 or 400 miles away to be warehoused,” said Dr. Jeffrey Goldhagen, the division chief of community and societal pediatrics at the University of Florida College of Medicine in Jacksonville.



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72d9bf No.18810726

File: d21296923b46f44⋯.png (1.08 MB,750x750,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


wild guess - sudden collapse and much wtf aftermath is most plausible


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2e7d13 No.18810727

Steven Miller on Maria next


can't post the link

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504cc5 No.18810728

File: 50c239108942fec⋯.mp4 (69.38 KB,256x144,16:9,images_22_.mp4)

File: 48468b770eed924⋯.png (1.36 MB,970x1280,97:128,48468b770eed924742ab8bede7….png)

File: f0c8a2491e1b5a5⋯.gif (3.69 MB,622x481,622:481,ATN4.gif)

File: 7cb026c4e3ba2b3⋯.jpg (108.36 KB,604x900,151:225,7cb026c4e3ba2b3ee9f8e8e478….jpg)

File: b2908dfb82ec71f⋯.jpeg (216.17 KB,1182x665,1182:665,b2908dfb82ec71f31dbf3ef71….jpeg)

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af36ff No.18810729

File: 2b2fdc07814a66c⋯.png (438.21 KB,1074x604,537:302,2023_05_07_10_18_35.png)


Watch the Water?

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e0fe2a No.18810730


trips of quad


Andy Kaufman like

watching a movie

and yes, it would be damn fuckin' funny

especially if he belts out a

"Surprise motherfucker!"

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5de962 No.18810731


Wing-nut alert!

Q didn’t cause harm to anything. The choice to read its words are up to the individual. Also, do you understand how hard it was for a normie to even find this place or any previous version like great awakening or calm before the storm?

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1c4ce4 No.18810732



Meant to add, putting the pages in order of when they "died", so although Jr is the "start", she went first. Also in '97.

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ff35bb No.18810733


>It's really that simple.


With OUT (C+O2) humans can NOT breathe (sans machine). It is (C+O2) build up in lungs that causes humans to suck wind. No (C+O2) can NOT. Ever Yawn? or Lactic Acidosis? - extreme end of scale forcing you to BREATHE.

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3b6d16 No.18810734


They got jizz from or for

That horse and all its blood line

For generations

And. They ain't gonna kill something

That makes Them money

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b97869 No.18810735

Epstein's Fren?

Yes, Nick Cannon has 11 kids with six women. He also makes $100 million a year

Yes, Nick Cannon has 11 kids with six women. He also makes $100 million a year

That’s how he ended up with a nursery in his office building — a neon-lit room with tumbling mats, a ball pit and toy instruments. Today, his 6-month-old daughter, Onyx, is the only one of his children using the space. It’s 6 p.m. on a Monday, and Cannon is running late. He has yet to return to his Burbank headquarters after dropping off his 6-year-old son, Golden, at Mandarin class. So Onyx is alone in the play space with her nanny, who notices me waiting and invites me to take off my shoes and join them. We watch the baby bounce in her jumper, cooing at her when she presses buttons or shakes a rattle.

At 6:45 p.m., Cannon arrives, cuddles Onyx and then leads me into his office. It’s the most sober area at Ncredible Productions, where the chalkboard walls are covered in scribbles and employees have access to a candy bar, game room and a pingpong table. In Cannon’s private domain, immense black-and-white photographs of him marching in Black Lives Matter protests hang above the desk. Steel letters spelling out “Zen” — the name of his 5-month-old son who died from brain cancer last year — rest against a windowsill.

So no matter what people think, Cannon, 42, knows the cost of parenthood. Emotionally and, well, financially.

A few months ago, Cannon rebutted a tabloid report that he pays $3 million per year in child support. In fact, he responded, the figure was actually much higher.

“That’s not a lot of money,” he says now, swiveling his chair.

It’s not?

“When you think about my lifestyle, I have to generate at least $100 million a year.”

You’re currently making $100 million a year?

“Yeah,” he says, laughing. “Everybody thinks Ryan Seacrest has tons of money. I do everything that he does times 10. Well, not times 10 — times three. Because he does a lot.”

Here are all of the things Nick Cannon does: He hosts two seasons a year of the Fox competition series “The Masked Singer,” for which he says he’s paid more than $20 million. He hosts "Wild 'N Out," the freestyle comedy show he created in 2005, which starts filming its 21st season for VH1 next month. There’s a Live Nation “Wild ‘N Out” arena tour too, plus themed sports bars in San Diego and Miami that he owns.

more bs


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3001b3 No.18810736

File: 5cdb079522a4e22⋯.jpg (99.5 KB,676x769,676:769,Tranny_School_Trump.jpg)

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87d388 No.18810737


If you rob a jewelry store and get caught… you don't get to keep the diamonds.


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a3571c No.18810738

File: 0d2273adbbcfc9b⋯.png (343.51 KB,919x854,919:854,786tb76tb.png)

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2e7d13 No.18810739


Could be.

I know I would love to try the CO2 spa soaks

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ff35bb No.18810740


>A hundred years ago, EVERYONE knew too much nitrogen

Since Atom is approx 80% Nitrogen, anon suspects 100yrs ago they knew sh!t.

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0a5da9 No.18810741

File: bc998a9d3fdbc0a⋯.jpg (199.77 KB,750x685,150:137,4b258fcfdd533db1.jpg)

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4cfc7b No.18810742

>>18809257 Stephen Miller: Today’s bureaucrats have vastly more power than yesterday’s aristocrats. King Charles cannot jail, spy on, censor, disenfranchise any who oppose him. Could one say same of Comey, Clapper, Brennan and others? LB

Clinton, Obama, Comey, Clapper, Brennan etc all presume themselves to be monarchs of their 'Democracy' that has been imposed on and captured countries around the world.

Their favourite colour, purple, is the colour of royalty. A mixture of blue to represent Admiralty, the FICTION, and red to represent blood, the flesh. 'We', not 'I' to include both the flesh and the PERSON.

It's all an illusion.

Every single one of us were born to a Mother, flesh and blood as was 'King' Charles.

Charles was born Sovereign. So are we all.

Charles is recognised as Sovereign because they use titles instead of their fathers surname on the paperwork. Everyone else is turned into a LEGAL FICTION slave to their 'Democracy' that takes our sovereignty away without our parents knowing.

I am a Man, not a PERSON.

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2e7d13 No.18810743



What was the injury?

A normal horse owner would consult with the vets and if the injury is too bad, they would put the horse down.

Don't be stupid.

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e0fe2a No.18810744


went back and tried to pick up some vid footage of it all

did notice the globe in left hand at one point

also noticed he only placed the tips of this fingers on the bible, not his whole hand

just an observation

and that screening from view

wonder if there was a special message on the inside panels just for him

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9e4df5 No.18810745

The Democrats are "NOT" Ok with killing a thug.

But perfectly Ok with killing a baby, or cutting them up before they reach 11 years old.

That's just disturbing in all forms of reality!

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1ef634 No.18810746

File: 60ce3a433a9bf1e⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB,3000x1939,3000:1939,70CA2299_42DA_4064_A635_5….jpeg)


(I just couldn’t find the vid clip)

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16d274 No.18810747


the king is protestant

biden is a catholic

biden just made time to visit ireland and northern ireland which want to separate from england, right before the new king was to be installed

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2e7d13 No.18810748


Trying to push people to say "enough of this"

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b97869 No.18810749


Simplify it.

The Party of Satanic Rituals & Child Sacrifices.

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1b6a69 No.18810750


>Q didn’t cause harm to anything

Messages are encoded and decoded.

That is two points of failure.

Not being explicit.

Not deciphering correctly.

Interpretation is meaning that creates values.

Taking into consideration that the enemy watches too, it is understandable to use disinformation but there has to be in any service "Deliverables". We can measure them by the Milestones achieved. Markers are nebulous and no one is sure if we have:

a: delivered on our promises if any

b: reached any milestones where we no longer have to worry about certain problems reoccurring going forward.

c: can act on certain information being true and available.

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9e4df5 No.18810751


You would have thought they would have come up with it on their own.

All by themselves!

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d326ac No.18810752

File: ee214b43bc384a4⋯.png (61.71 KB,351x303,117:101,peephmmm.png)


>just peekin in to make sure notes are caught up

>I can baker if you wanna note

>lemme know

I've got about 30 mins and can note take till then. At the rate this bread is going, probably should handoff.

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3b6d16 No.18810753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Head like a hole

Play it for the neighbors.

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46c582 No.18810754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c4b9d2 No.18810755

File: 3fc99717ad19b43⋯.png (100.21 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

It totally makes sense

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9e4df5 No.18810756


yep, it's ok if we kill you but if you kill one of ours, that's NOT ok with us type moronic thinking.

But that's where we are.

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68d5ab No.18810758


These are all comms anon and we need to dig. Names and other properties have values. We need to list them,.

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9e4df5 No.18810759

File: ed7557be2ba30ac⋯.mp4 (7.55 MB,1280x720,16:9,1994_Dennis_Miller_clip_la….mp4)

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c769f0 No.18810760


Dr. Berg is a national treasure.

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abb8e0 No.18810761


I see DNA and parasites.

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4be331 No.18810764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b80064 No.18810765

File: df997e507a945f7⋯.jpg (292.42 KB,784x726,392:363,POTUS_Directive_To_This_Bo….jpg)

File: 3e7aa839ea8e8f5⋯.jpg (368.53 KB,810x761,810:761,capture_199_07052023_07365….jpg)

‎January ‎7, ‎2018, ‏‎21:11:45

>using pale moon that night for some reason

Still supported, may try.

>same cap 'format', kek

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fca167 No.18810766

File: f5d4058d91fe260⋯.png (15.59 KB,1312x81,1312:81,ClipboardImage.png)




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b97869 No.18810767


>Dr. Berg is a national treasure

Not really. Unless you're a Scientologists, that's a very strange comment.

His son sure thinks differently.

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65a86e No.18810768


All that money, but that lifestyle seems so empty.

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504cc5 No.18810769


what country was the winning horse from, the ded horse owner. would a horse be insured

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18edb0 No.18810770


>We are so close

5 years later…

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af36ff No.18810771

File: b80e9e0b7789e98⋯.png (776.36 KB,709x400,709:400,2023_05_07_10_39_10.png)

File: f421cae10052d61⋯.png (528.04 KB,710x397,710:397,2023_05_07_10_40_36.png)


>it's better for the planet and increases crop yields

>people who grow in tents add CO2. They literally just burn propane to add CO2.

>ask the cannabis people

>If CO2 increases we get more food

Too much CO2?

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1b576c No.18810772

File: 7affde63e58c731⋯.png (518.14 KB,736x736,1:1,7affde63e58c731519349ea13d….png)


firm it

drop yo notes for me

appreciate you keeping up with things

also drop your updated dough

I'll set up a bake


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16d274 No.18810773


global report sent

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65a86e No.18810774


I don't care about his beliefs, just the health information he shares. Definitely against the mainstream and genuinely helpful.

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b80064 No.18810775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c4b9d2 No.18810776

File: cd4a80a5a9bb718⋯.png (55.79 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Hey BV - kiddie pron alert ban that fucker

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65a86e No.18810777


Thanks for that tip though, didn't know about the scientology. Quick Google search shows he seems pretty aggressive about it.

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cc3c76 No.18810778

Police scanner suggests 30 year old Ignacio Garcia is the Allen shooter.

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4f59ad No.18810779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3095ff No.18810780

File: 53d437831ddc050⋯.png (343.64 KB,594x593,594:593,people_hated_jesus_capital….png)


>It exists to drive inane policies that increase its budget without regard to outcomes

yes this is capitalism

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adae8a No.18810781


I have a very slow internet connection, someone should put up some statistics. Here is something for you all. A horse name Mage won. A horse represents knowledge, so the reality is that one of us, understood their occult knowledge better than they did and beat them with their own knowledge. That is not a guess, that is testimony.

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a4c691 No.18810782


Feature Request: Relocate the "Global Report" option. The drop down menu goes straight over the photos and I'm always concerned about accidentally clicking.

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773530 No.18810783

File: 15d75c2063ecdc6⋯.png (65.04 KB,320x179,320:179,ClipboardImage.png)


>Q didn’t cause harm to anything.

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a3571c No.18810784

File: c85e720fe099acb⋯.png (21.94 KB,397x281,397:281,ClipboardImage.png)


>One finger attached to a hand?

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1b576c No.18810785

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3095ff No.18810786

File: ff48606e3b9f51a⋯.png (95.82 KB,213x237,71:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f3ea94903377aa⋯.png (90.93 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 069d7204deb5cbb⋯.png (89.14 KB,278x181,278:181,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f748b86468815fe⋯.png (113.6 KB,190x266,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)


surprised no one has done this yet

it's the holy hand grenade of antioch


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b97869 No.18810787

File: 482ecf4a9f9ce5f⋯.png (286.33 KB,795x640,159:128,Mage_Witchery.PNG)


Ah, it seems the other way around.

The WITCH won.

Mage most commonly refers to: Mage (paranormal) or magician, a practitioner of magic derived from supernatural or occult sources.

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1b576c No.18810788


if you click by mistake x out of browser

make sure cache is clear

will keep you off theY'r list


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d326ac No.18810789

File: b75c57d9b44eff7⋯.png (90.78 KB,855x450,19:10,Screenshot_from_2023_05_07….png)

File: e672b72b94b2c26⋯.png (735.27 KB,1130x1450,113:145,Screenshot_2023_05_07_at_1….png)

>>18810720, >>18810758 Ky Derby horses get euthanized. These are all comms anon and we need to dig.

"beating a dead horse" comms to mind

or "sent to the glue factory"

Bonding With Horses

Why are horses good for making glue?

By Forrest Wickman

March 29, 20236:44 PM

Two horses that stumbled while filming racing sequences for the first and seventh episodes of HBO’s Luck were deemed inoperable and euthanized.Dead and dying horses are often said to be “sent to the glue factory.”Why are horses good for making glue?

They have a lot of collagen. Collagen is a key protein in connective tissues (cartilage, tendons, ligaments) as well as hides and bones. It’s also the key ingredient in most animal glues, as it can be made into a gelatin that’s sticky when wet but hardens when it dries. The word collagen actually derives from the Greek kolla, meaning glue, and the suffix -gen, meaning producer. As large, muscled animals, horses contain lots of this glue producer. Horse glue isn’t generally better or stickier than any other kind of animal glue—indeed, an elephant could be used to make even more glue than a horse—and animal glue is more often made from pigs and cattle.

Humans have used animals to make glue for thousands of years. The oldest glue discovered was a collagen-based adhesive that was 8,000 years old and used to hold utensils together. It wasn’t long before these animal glues were used to repair broken pots and, in one instance, glue ivory eyeballs into statues’ eye sockets. Other adhesives were made from egg whites, tree sap, tar, and beeswax, which the ancient Romans used to caulk the planking in ships. In the middle ages, the mysterious author Theophilus compiled instructions for producing various types of glue, including glue made of skins and stag-horns, glue made from fish bladders (now called isinglass), and “the glue of cheese” (now called casein glue). For fish glue, Theophilus recommended the bladder of the sturgeon, but alternatives included eel skin and “the bones of the head of the wolf fish.” The first commercial glue factory, started in Holland in the early 18th century, used animal hides. Glue made from blood, which worked because of blood’s coagulative properties, worked particularly well when bonding plywood, and was commonly used for this purpose until the mid-20th century.

Animal glue, popular for thousands of years, has fallen out of fashion in recent decades. Over the second half of the 20th century, synthetic glues have become more advanced, as they are cheap, uniform in quality, and have longer shelf lives. White all-use glues like Elmer’s are made of rubbery mixtures called polyvinyl acetate emulsions, and while the Elmer’s mascot is a smiling bull, the company says that it doesn’t use any animal parts. Some manufacturers still distribute animal glues. Bookbinders are fond of them because they’re slow to set, allowing binders plenty of time to work. But those manufacturers represent only a small portion of the hundreds of companies that make up the multibillion dollar industry.

These days, dead and unwanted horses aren’t sent to the glue factory as often they are sent across the border, slaughtered, and harvested for their valuable meat. (The United States’ longtime ban on slaughtering horses for human consumption was lifted this past fall, but the practice remains taboo.)* Other horses are rendered into meat for greyhounds and food for large cats at zoos. Hippophiles might cremate favorite horses—in some states it’s illegal to bury them—while others simply take the horse to the local dump.

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ef030a No.18810790

File: 735363feaebdbcc⋯.mp4 (3.42 MB,640x360,16:9,King_Charles_III_is_issued….mp4)

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cc3c76 No.18810791


Thought to be a member of prison based gang, “Tango Blast”

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fd653c No.18810792


>yes this is capitalism

Private ownership of production is the same as social ownership of production. Yeah, no.

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3095ff No.18810793

File: b040dd8f683e6c5⋯.png (563.56 KB,888x593,888:593,cut_blue_wire_establishmen….png)


exactly. all isms are from the same sauce.

it's all about replacing religion as the control software in the minds of men

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391abe No.18810794



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fd653c No.18810795


I've luckily not, but I swear, everytime I'm global reporting, I concentrate like I'm taking my final exams.

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d326ac No.18810796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3095ff No.18810797

File: 66f25c39485caf6⋯.png (71.22 KB,301x168,43:24,ClipboardImage.png)


>Private ownership

>social ownership

kek there is never "social ownership"

the owners are always the same

utterly false dichotomy

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e2123a No.18810798


Conclusion: They are not human. ?

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391abe No.18810799

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9dc430 No.18810800


There was a bunch of that yesterday.

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9dc430 No.18810801


No, you have the false equivalency of believing that what we have in the US is capitalism. It is not. True capitalism is distinctly different from socialism.

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391abe No.18810802


then you donot know hate

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b97869 No.18810803



Mage, Kentucky Derby winner, is son of Good Magic. Here's more to know about his pedigree

Mage, who won the 2023 Kentucky Derby on Saturday evening, is the son of Good Magic, a sire who won multiple graded stakes races, and Puca, his dam by Big Brown.

Mage was foaled April 18, 2020. He was bred by Grandview Equine. Mage was sold twice at auction: New Team bought him for $235,000 at the Keeneland Association September Yearling Sale in 2021, and then he was acquired by Ogma Investments for $290,000 at the Fasing-Tipton Midlantic Two-Year-Olds in Training Sale in May 2022.

2023 Kentucky Derby winner:Mage, who had 16-1 odds, pulls ahead to win the 2023 Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs

Mage won the Derby at 15-1 odds.

Good Magic, his sire, won three graded stakes races, including a pair of Grade 1 events: the Breeders' Cup Juvenile (at Del Mar Thoroughbred Club) in November 2017 and the Haskell Invitational Stakes (at Monmouth Park) in July 2018. He also won the Grade 2 Blue Grass Stakes at Keeneland in April 2018. Good Magic placed second in the 2018 Kentucky Derby (to eventual Triple Crown winner Justify) and fourth in that year’s Preakness Stakes. He owned a winning percentage of33(3 for 9)and a win-place-show rate of 78 (7 of 9). Good Magic only ended outside the top four once ― his final career race, the 2018 Travers Stakes at Saratoga Race Course, where he placed ninth.

Puca, Mage’s dam, did not win a graded stakes event during her racing career. But she did notch four victories for a winning percentage of 24 (4 for 17). Puca had a win-place-show rate of 41% (7 of 17). Her best finish in a graded stakes race was second at the 2015 Gazelle Stakes at Aqueduct Racetrack.

Saturday's win was the first in the Derby for all of Mage’s connections: owners OGMA Investments LLC, Ramiro Restrepo, Sterling Racing LLC and CMNWLTH (all making their Derby debut) and trainer Gustavo Delgado (his third attempt at the Run for the Roses, with his previous best showing a 13th place by Bodexpress in 2019).

It was a long-awaited Derby victory for Mage’s jockey, Javier Castellano. Saturday marked his 16th appearance in the Derby. Prior to Saturday, his best effort was third (Audible, 2018).

Mage boasts a deep bloodline.

His grandsire (on Good Magic’s side) is Curlin, a Hall of Fame thoroughbred that won the Preakness Stakes and Breeders' Cup Classic in 2007 and was a two-time American Horse of the Year winner (2007 and 2008).

Mage's grandsire (on Puca’s side) is Big Brown, which won the Kentucky Derby and Preakness in 2008. (He failed to finish the Belmont Stakes, as jockey Kent Desormeaux pulled on the reins in the homestretch.) It’s the only race, of the eight Big Brown competed in, that he didn’t finish first — a winning percentage of 88.

You may like:Jareth Loveberry, aboard Two Phil's, falls short in Kentucky Derby debut at Churchill Downs

Mage’s other notable descendants include Hall of Fame thoroughbred Northern Dancer (winner of the Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes in 1964) and Danzig (the leading sire in North America three years running, 1991-93).



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87d388 No.18810804


Horse number8

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3b6d16 No.18810806


A while ago

We heard about. Deforestation in

Amazon and African nations along

The Amazon

Land grab ..send people they haven't

Killed …..out to disrupt the nations

And add to the registrations the Bankers need to borrow on

Did the deforestation thing stop?

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02bff3 No.18810807


all religions are the same control mechanism

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cc3c76 No.18810808

File: 03d417041cf6b4a⋯.jpeg (792.97 KB,1284x1653,428:551,5520A96D_F23E_42C9_BC3F_E….jpeg)

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b80064 No.18810809

File: 418a1127e4dc17b⋯.jpg (12.72 MB,5850x3800,117:76,That_s_more_difficult_for_….jpg)

Archived this on:

‎April ‎5, ‎2022, ‏‎00:01:15

Comfy place yalls have here.

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133cb6 No.18810810



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0a5da9 No.18810811

File: 1bb9e7773fdd48a⋯.jpg (259.1 KB,1080x1684,270:421,Screenshot_20230507_095405….jpg)

Reading an article bout Ivanka choosing separate council than Don Jr & Eric's & how it's being spun as a family rift.

Lara Trump Reacts to Reports of Rift Within Trump Family


And read this tidbit at the bottom which I didn't know, seems Ivanka is focusing on her children & chooses not to be part of her dad's 3rd campaign. Nothing against her & can understand.

Ivanka Trump has separated herself from her father's third presidential campaign. Once a senior adviser in her father's administration, Ivanka Trump said she did "not plan to be involved in politics" during his third campaign. Her husband, Jared Kushner, attended Donald Trump's campaign announcement at Mar-a-Lago in November, but Ivanka Trump stayed home.

"While I will always love and support my father, going forward I will do so outside of the political arena,"


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3095ff No.18810812

File: 74dc2d22f4fc1f1⋯.jpg (93.33 KB,915x888,305:296,you_are_the_carbon.jpg)


>what we have in the US is capitalism. It is not.

YES! SO BASICALLY you're saying exactly what the commies say ""it just hasn't been done right yet"!!!

Exactly my friend. That's exactly where we are.

We have 2 imaginary systems that are a false dichotomy that have each "never existed properly"

Yes yes 1000 times yes

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1b576c No.18810813

'''#23085 >>18809535

>>18809571 RFK Jr. Hillsdale talk, near the end he talks about the CIA and his family

>>18809583 MIT researchers have designed a mobile vaccine printer that could be scaled up to produce hundreds of vaccine doses in a day,generates vaccine-filled microneedle patches

>>18809604 anon bun lb

>>18809636 Rep. DeLauro on GOP default threat: 'They have to govern. They are in the majority'

>>18809659 "Have a plan to kill everyone you meet"/Gen Mad Dog Mattis werdz

>>18809676, >>18809686, >>18809695, >>18809702, >>18809728, >>18809740, >>18809742, >>18809750, >>18809879, >>18810185, >>18809755, >>18809740 Meatball Ron Bun

>>18809684 PF Elvis55 lands at Smyna AP in Nashville after being in Puerto Rico

>>18809685 Catholic Charities connection to Podesta. old digs

>>18809725, >>18809918, >>1880997 Alberta announced a state of emergency on Saturday (May 6 2023) as wildfires flared across the Canadian province

>>18809742 Desantis

>>18809749 Scientists discover massive metal “structure” under surface of the moon and are now trying to figure out what it is

>>18809778, >>18809795 Trump Trial Thread Day 7 (2 days ago)

>>18809846 Queen Elizabeth’s funeral was September 19, 2022, 666

>>18810013 7 months ago Whistleblowers Roundtable with Kevin Shipp, Bill Binney & John Kiriakou

>>18810070 interesting thread on half last night

>>18810076 2019 Q validity

>>18810160 Donald Trump Gives Deposition in Jean Carroll Rape, Defamation Case

>>18810169 Tucker Carlson - Oxford AL 5/4/23 Key note Address for the Rainbow Omega Foundation


>>18810212 The Battle Within the Club is Escalating Now


>>18810253, >>18810288 @elonmusk Make Orwell Fiction Again

>>18810323 Oklahoma bans first 13 companies from state business for ESG policies

>>18809615 Elon replied to a tweet about his childhood and past.

>>18810102, >>18810171, >>18810270 Musk Tweets & memes


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d326ac No.18810814

File: 52316f3d8ce2e1f⋯.png (121 KB,1052x807,1052:807,52316f3d8ce2e1f57961957add….png)


>firm it

handoff confrimed


>drop yo notes for me

>appreciate you keeping up with things

>also drop your updated dough

>I'll set up a bake


dough with merged 085 notes


23806 notes @ ~475


>>18810465 Planefag:KECK215

>>18810393 DJT Truth: National Review is "dead"

>>18810475, >>18810519, >>18810523 Biden did not attend the coronation of King Charles in London on Saturday, but his official delegation broke with American tradition

>>18810496 Died suddenly: 'healthy' daughter, 21, died after receiving Covid booster

>>18810506 The goal of the republican party is to remove the threat represented by Donald Trump

>>18810562, >>18810566, >>18810686 Tucker and Tulsi Gabbard interview and Chuck Schumer is an Asshole

>>18810720, >>18810758 Ky Derby horses get euthanized. These are all comms anon and we need to dig.

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e0fe2a No.18810815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f384d4 No.18810816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oil Is Us

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2c88a3 No.18810817

We're already in a dystopian future. It hurts.

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9e4df5 No.18810818

File: 8514ba9dcc0968c⋯.jpg (63.66 KB,720x796,180:199,British_humor.jpg)

British humor…

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3c8964 No.18810819

File: 212c62f798369ef⋯.png (703.03 KB,500x655,100:131,1658455962738300.png)

File: af8b06cdf3515aa⋯.jpg (75.16 KB,680x588,170:147,af8b06cdf3515aa20f0ba539b5….jpg)

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ac6a7f No.18810820


>it just hasn't been done right yet

>"never existed properly"

It was done right. Capitalism used to exist here. It was perverted into a corporate kleptocracy/oligarchy.

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1b576c No.18810821

File: 25cd44638e6e7dd⋯.png (495.88 KB,4200x4200,1:1,25cd44638e6e7dd6fe50ad4fb3….png)



tyvm baker

enjoy down time


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2c5ce2 No.18810822


Mighty Fine


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f346d8 No.18810823


Yes, it would seem that way, but if you followed the board from early days this was part of the discourse I gave when I talked about our dilemma. Their magic worked basically because most didn't understand the mind control, psychologies, philosophies, sciences, and the hidden occult knowledge that they employed. That is their domain, yet none, including their famous heads like Crowley and others were capable of real miracles; that domain belongs to the Living God. What it took was one of us becoming a Magi to counter act them while invoking the Divine Light into our realm. This is why Mage won because not only did I understand their magic better than them I could invoke the Living God to intercede on our behalf. Define: The Role of a Tzadek.

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2c88a3 No.18810824

What if Lucifer is actually the good guy? He was trying to give us knowledge and reveal to us that we too can become Gods.

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16d274 No.18810825


click this for kekking good vid

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ac6a7f No.18810826


It got better.

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2c5ce2 No.18810827


that pain is weakness leaving your mind

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2e7d13 No.18810828

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ac6a7f No.18810829

File: 41a40cfd0149eb1⋯.png (347.72 KB,800x480,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)



Of course, the image didn't attach. Redo.

It got better.

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08094b No.18810830


fairy tale regardless

humans have been taught to blame a myth

instead of The One truly Responsible

humans forgot reality long ago

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e2123a No.18810831



Oh it's the champagne!

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b80064 No.18810832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jon Asks Rep. Rosa DeLauro About Our Broken Tax System

>189,245 views | Oct 14, 2022

In our new episode "Where Is Our Tax Money Going?", Jon asks Rep. Rosa DeLauro, the Chair of the House Appropriations Committee, why our tax system is so broken and how we make systemic changes that will make it more fair and accessible for taxpayers – and less profitable for middlemen and lobbyists.


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3095ff No.18810833


>Capitalism used to exist here

Partly agree.

Lincolnomics was good. No income tax, get all your money from tariffs

Certainly it's got worse. But it's still a false dichotomy it's not capitalism/communism.

When the military was used to break strikes and anyone who wanted better conditions was labelled as a commie? back then? That was in the early 1900s.

Trying to track back through American history and find the moment of greatness is hard task.

1776? You know they signed the bank bill before the bill of rights was ratified right?

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2c88a3 No.18810834


we live in a clown. The jews did this to us.

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b97869 No.18810835


>This is why Mage won because not only did I understand their magic better than them I could invoke the Living God to intercede on our behalf. Define: The Role of a Tzadek.

If you were the living god, then you would already know, I have been here from the early days, and not assume otherwise just to make the claim that it was you, yourself, that countered them, in their game.

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1b576c No.18810836


with ya bro

I clicked a pic cause I couldn't see it



washed hands even after doing all puter clean

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0a5da9 No.18810837

File: b33968faa10d008⋯.jpg (933.65 KB,1080x1730,108:173,Screenshot_20230507_100718….jpg)

File: 34640a286accce8⋯.jpg (630.61 KB,1080x1769,1080:1769,Screenshot_20230507_100745….jpg)

File: b840d5412acbcf8⋯.jpg (309.23 KB,1080x1759,1080:1759,Screenshot_20230507_100807….jpg)


I spy milkies ;)

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d326ac No.18810838

File: cee1697153fb56b⋯.png (52.33 KB,480x391,480:391,pepe_salute_r36.png)


>enjoy down time


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fd653c No.18810839


I can't argue with you there. And I would agree that what people call "capitalism" today is simply communism being managed by the corporate oligarchy. So, in many ways we agree. I just try to keep the meaning of capitalism pure as scumbags like to use it as a punching bag to push government controlled socialism (which wouldn't be much different than what we have today with government and corporations being almost identical). I argue with them in hopes that they might see that what they're pushing as new is just more of and a worse version of what they already have and, ironically, claim to loathe.

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6fb3fb No.18810840

File: 438a18219a9fcde⋯.jpg (68.59 KB,1080x556,270:139,20230507_091104.jpg)

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7d0bc4 No.18810841


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2c88a3 No.18810842

EVERYTHING is clown world. Your search results. Your tv. Your media. Even your history. This whole world is fake.

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6fb3fb No.18810843

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817d98 No.18810844

File: 80de5e2b605fc2a⋯.mp4 (5.64 MB,432x270,8:5,E39qE3HwCLTwLcUJ.mp4)

A very credible whistleblower has provided info to Congress.

I will press forward in my


investigation into the Biden family’s influence peddling to determine if


is compromised.

I intend to provide the American people more facts this week.


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b80064 No.18810845

File: 0c93e9365e7d27c⋯.png (915 KB,622x501,622:501,Why_are_we_here.png)


Why are we here?

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6fb3fb No.18810846


hence "discernment"

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e2123a No.18810847

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fd653c No.18810848


Ahh yes, I remember the seks perfectly. Making the seks is an enjoyable pass time.

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a09c92 No.18810849


>Mage won the Derby at 15-1 odds.


>Horse number8

It really goes deeper than this. I fought for 15 years, before Trump even showed up, against these demons as a G0 Worker. Christ is the lampstand that walks through the 7 Churches or the 8th Church. We won by restoring the real two witnesses, Elijah and Moses, and destroying the two false witnesses, Judeo-Christian values. Amen.

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754c97 No.18810850

File: ac44d96e99fd556⋯.jpeg (302.37 KB,569x746,569:746,68EDA745_1CBF_4BA6_8FDE_9….jpeg)

File: 801e79fc098edce⋯.jpeg (376.85 KB,828x669,276:223,2CCDB9A0_F200_420A_8FD3_E….jpeg)


yo shill baker, why the fuck ain’t this in the notables? I know real life who’s infiltrated Q Research and of course it was ignored?

>>18809887 PB <<just like I said, we have a compromised baker, I’m a known anon and I know who’s infiltrated Q research and it didn’t make notables, I wonder why

>>18810199 PB

I have a fucking whistleblower who’s proven Tom Fitton is covering up child trafficking

I have the files up on www.thestorm.info you jackass, and I sent the files to Wikileaks.

I’m about to start reporting these shill bakers

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916798 No.18810851

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916798 No.18810852

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3095ff No.18810853


>I just try to keep the meaning of capitalism pure as scumbags like to use it as a punching bag to push government controlled socialism

Yes exactly. That's the same reason that Christians moved into pure literalism over the last 30 years or so, because they feared the TV/establishment lies using any non-literalism to corrupt the meaning to anything they want.

Unfortunately that backs us into a mental corner where we can't discuss things, if we are always worried what the enemy will do.

We must always have an inward discussion and an outward face.

Fuck communism, but ultimately capitalism is just communism from the boardroom

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16d274 No.18810854


why is the whole system so broken?

pull up a list of senators or congressmen

checkout a few of them

out of 300 million people these are the ones in charge

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27e7ec No.18810855


Source: trust me bro.

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bcc160 No.18810856


Thank you. I imagine this was difficult and possibly painful.

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b80064 No.18810857

File: 59ac0e274e0065a⋯.jpg (760.05 KB,896x896,1:1,Vincit_Omnia_Veritas.jpg)

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8f5a86 No.18810858

File: 1f1d306490ce7ba⋯.jpg (21.44 KB,255x254,255:254,HB_armorofgod2.jpg)

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fd8635 No.18810859

File: 07bc867acf3287d⋯.png (318.93 KB,1242x2208,9:16,D254255A_7A7E_485C_87E3_96….png)

File: e7fb15045634fa3⋯.png (326.15 KB,1242x2208,9:16,5B4D91D3_C3AF_43C0_9CFE_60….png)


I thought surely an important URL such as the above would have already been archived.

I was shocked but still I attempted to save it and even though the process went as it normally does the bottom image was the response when clicking the generated saved page link.

Tried at archive.is and successfully archived there.

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3b6d16 No.18810860

File: 3c13e89eaa19bfe⋯.png (697.79 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_05_07_11_13_4….png)

Have another arrest for reporting truth


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3095ff No.18810861

File: 0c944cade6101b1⋯.png (546.3 KB,600x600,1:1,trump_holding_comey.png)


>James Comer

one letter away

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d7dec1 No.18810862


Back atcha, Swordie.

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1b576c No.18810863


#23086 >>18810336

>>18810337 Oklahoma bans first 13 companies from state business for ESG policies

>>18810350 Between 2011 and 2019, the New York Times and the Washington Post increased their usage of the words "racist," "racists," and "racism" by over 700%

>>18810352 Karl Jenkins or 45? For the keks

>>18810354 Now EVERYBODY Hates Bud Light

>>18810370 New Poll released by ABC/Washington Post has Trump trouncing DeSantis by almost 30

>>18810393 @realDonaldTrump RINOs killed National Review

>>18810427 Trump shares his experience at the opening night of ‘The Phantom of the Opera’

>>18810445 2013-2017 Ehud Barak met with Jeffrey Epstein dozens of times, flew on private plane

>>18810449 Cody's Wish wins The Churchill Downs (GI) on #KyDerby day.

>>18810465 Planefag:KECK215

>>18810475, >>18810519, >>18810523 Biden did not attend the coronation of King Charles in London on Saturday, but his official delegation broke with American tradition

>>18810506 The Republican Party is not positioning to win the 2024 election. The goal of the republican party is to remove the threat represented by Donald Trump

>>18810562, >>18810566, >>18810686 Tucker and Tulsi Gabbard interview and Chuck Schumer is an Asshole

>>18810720, >>18810758 Ky Derby horses get euthanized. These are all comms anon and we need to dig.

>>18810803, >>18810804 Mage, Kentucky Derby winner, is son of Good Magic. Here's more to know about his pedigree, #8

>>18810844 Comer on it

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2c88a3 No.18810864


People actually go to prison for pointing out the flaws of the holocaust lie.

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9e4df5 No.18810865


Didn't we already hear this???…Like, hmmm, last week, what happen to it then???

Hannity was all over this, it was like any moment now, Hunter will be arrested!!


Pitiful, keep moving it along until it disappears.

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27e7ec No.18810866



Don't worry, archive.is has got you covered: https://archive.is/https://www.tritorch.com/covidhypnosis/index.html

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2c88a3 No.18810867


>>>18810350 Between 2011 and 2019, the New York Times and the Washington Post increased their usage of the words "racist," "racists," and "racism" by over 700%

what group of people own the New York Times and Washington Post?

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1c4ce4 No.18810868

File: dc01219c8497710⋯.png (373.9 KB,592x711,592:711,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump



May 07, 2023, 7:16 AM


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70dbbf No.18810869



US bugged Diana's phone on night of death crash

Mark Townsend and Peter Allen in Paris

Sun 10 Dec 2006 00.11 GMT

The American secret service was bugging Princess Diana's telephone conversations without the approval of the British security services on the night she died, according to the most comprehensive report on her death, to be published this week.

Among extraordinary details due to emerge in the report by former Metropolitan police commissioner Lord Stevens is the revelation that the US security service was bugging her calls in the hours before she was killed in a car crash in Paris.

In a move that raises fresh questions over transatlantic agreements on intelligence-sharing, the surveillance arm of the US has admitted listening to her conversations as she stayed at the Ritz hotel, but failed to notify MI6. Stevens is understood to have been assured that the 39 classified documents detailing Diana's final conversations did not reveal anything sinister or contain material that might help explain her death.

Scotland Yard's inquiry, published this Thursday, also throws up further intelligence links with the Princess of Wales on the night she died. The driver of the Mercedes, Henri Paul, was in the pay of the French equivalent of M15. Stevens traced £100,000 he had amassed in 14 French bank accounts though no payments have been linked to Diana's death.

Stevens's conclusion is that Diana, her companion Dodi Fayed, and Paul himself died in an accident caused by Paul driving too fast through the Pont de l'Alma underpass in Paris while under the influence of drink. The car was being pursued by photographers at the time.

Tests have confirmed that Paul was more than three times over the French drink-drive limit and was travelling at 'excessive' speed. The inquiry will quash a number of conspiracy theories that have circulated since 31 August 1997, among them that Diana was pregnant. It also found no evidence that the princess was planning to get engaged to Dodi, son of Mohamed Fayed.

The Harrods tycoon believes that Paul's blood samples were swapped to portray him as a drunk in an elaborate cover-up by the establishment to stop Diana marrying Dodi, a Muslim.

Stevens is expected to concede that while there was a mix-up it was an accident and that the original French post-mortem which found that Paul was three-times over the French drink-drive limit was correct.

He is also expected to discount the role of the white Fiat Uno which struck Diana's car shortly before the crash, even though British police officers have failed to track down the vehicle which left paintwork on the black Mercedes.

The inquiry will support the findings of the original French accident inquiry in criticising the paparazzi as a possible reason for encouraging Paul to speed. The 'bright light' theory - the claim that the driver was deliberately blinded by a beam immediately before the crash - is also dismissed by Stevens.

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9f704d No.18810870


>Why the hell isn't teh phrase "lolita love collection" not auto blocked?

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b80064 No.18810871

File: 3de76b86a9a4f89⋯.jpg (5.06 MB,4000x1143,4000:1143,Fremont_Street_Souvenir_Gi….jpg)

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e0ff2c No.18810872

Severe mental illness toads

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72d9bf No.18810873


a baker should never trust anon scribing in lipstick red

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e0ff2c No.18810874

Criminally insane toads

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bcc160 No.18810875


Are you braindead? Involking a living God is not the same as claiming to be one. You wouldn't need to invoke a God if you already were one. Go back to Reddit

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5474c4 No.18810876

File: f42de76ac1d87e3⋯.gif (2.61 MB,540x400,27:20,20230507_091948.gif)

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3b6d16 No.18810877


Yea and big oil has been know to shoot

People. And take their inventions

Or discredit …into oblivion

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3095ff No.18810878

File: 6fe183498d11be3⋯.jpeg (33.09 KB,406x534,203:267,judge_that_fbi_raid_trump.jpeg)


great tweet

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fca167 No.18810879

File: 957c40b1e58e72d⋯.png (22.93 KB,524x305,524:305,ClipboardImage.png)

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e0ff2c No.18810880


California is its own country for criminally insane toads.

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3095ff No.18810881


>Yea and big oil has been know to shoot


pharma too

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3f4a6e No.18810882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Time is running out of time.

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957141 No.18810884


Has anyone on the left reeeeed yet because thug is racist?

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023128 No.18810885


Is THAT a Menorah tattoo?

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9e4df5 No.18810886


Not to butt in here, but he does have a point, if he pointed out what was posted(and it looks like he did)…

Why wasn't it in the NOTABLES???

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1b576c No.18810887

File: 4262e0409c95d1e⋯.png (78.89 KB,214x322,107:161,3d5eca9eb8fddc2a3026b09226….png)


address all complaints to

DrStrange DGAF@fuckyou.net

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328bb9 No.18810888


If the species that measures time gets baked all at once will that species give time more time by slowing down time?

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3b6d16 No.18810889


Canadian ivermectin peeps

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378208 No.18810890


> a known anon

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410115 No.18810891

File: e2e645221f608d3⋯.jpg (5.45 KB,277x182,277:182,Q.jpg)

File: 65ab4f7325aadeb⋯.jpg (5.08 KB,310x163,310:163,washington.jpg)

File: f463644134dbdad⋯.png (12.16 KB,255x130,51:26,bible.png)


>If you were the living god

I did not make that claim, I said, I could invoke and God's hand interceded. Not by my power but his. I have no doubts the many contributions of anons such as yourself and am not looking to offend you but to point out God's hand. Here are a few: The deformation of the 3 Gorges Dam which stopped China from selling Adrenochrome on Alibaba, The destruction of the Georgia Guidestones which had 5 Noahide laws on them; the 7th being the right to behead Christians, and the lightning in the form of an ancient Hebrew Q that saved Trump's presidency because if the WH was stormed by BLM/Antifa they would have been shot by SS with .50 caliber bullets - a no win situation, but God sent a real storm to scatter them. Praise to the Living God Almighty who can do all things. Define: Emmanuel.

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2c88a3 No.18810892


>big oil


>pharma too

who owned big oil and pharma?

picrel > >>18810878

>pharma too

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1c4ce4 No.18810893

File: 58ec5657b82b353⋯.png (755.42 KB,585x1084,585:1084,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump



It’s time to beat the Radical Left at their own game. Money does talk—Anheuser-Busch now understands that. Great new Book by Wayne Allyn Root. Buy your copy today! https://www. amazon. com/Great-Patriot-BUY-cott-Book-Conservative/dp/099173372X

May 07, 2023, 7:18 AM


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bcc160 No.18810894


Think it means infinite trips

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504cc5 No.18810895

File: fb16ea4feb54f02⋯.png (488.89 KB,766x3210,383:1605,1881.png)

File: 560fb4be515eb0a⋯.png (584.66 KB,720x514,360:257,560fb4be515eb0ad0ae54179be….png)

File: 69010b061b69663⋯.png (244.56 KB,766x1752,383:876,181_2_.png)


18 for 1

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8f08ca No.18810896


you are a fool

and a liar


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e0ff2c No.18810897


The world went bat shit criminally insane overnight. The only cure is SUPERMAX.

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2c88a3 No.18810898

Was the Texas shooter another mind control victim being deployed by CIA?

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04566e No.18810899

File: 12d8b543ab2c0b8⋯.png (492.67 KB,500x657,500:657,ClipboardImage.png)

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6f41e4 No.18810900

File: 0f07648782f4601⋯.jpg (645.14 KB,2011x1131,2011:1131,BezosHatesTrees.jpg)

File: f01f770f03de017⋯.jpg (368 KB,1923x1080,641:360,BezosNoDeal.JPG)

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e0ff2c No.18810901


This is a criminally insane toad disguised as a cat. There are many like him.

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1c4ce4 No.18810902

File: 6532bf14996c25e⋯.png (379.76 KB,592x510,296:255,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e65a5df70f03c35⋯.png (242.52 KB,468x249,156:83,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump



In the History of our Country, there have never been Crowds like a MAGA Crowd, and there have never been Rallies like a “Trump” Rally!

May 07, 2023, 7:18 AM


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39121c No.18810903

File: 86b39e65d392c0e⋯.png (237.95 KB,341x298,341:298,aaakinam.PNG)


"The Alchemical image of the "pissing mannikin" and the use of "the urine of the uncorrupted boy" as a solvent, relate to the psychological reality that the unconscious is more responsive to the naive and spontaneous attitudes associated with childhood"

Alchemy : An introduction to the Symbolism and the Psychology - Marie-Louise von Franz

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e0fe2a No.18810904


Jim Carrey representation, but the Kaufmann actuals are videos of a tv and bleach!

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20b02a No.18810905


This is not EST

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5bfb72 No.18810906

File: f0bb730af337626⋯.jpg (426.7 KB,1080x1322,540:661,BidenOrder.JPG)

File: 06ecaa8a57413ef⋯.jpg (519.31 KB,1618x1049,1618:1049,BidenPlan.jpg)

File: 2cbc05b90334039⋯.jpg (130.52 KB,1191x771,397:257,BoomWeek.JPG)

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bb28ed No.18810907

File: bc5bc8c4820ab50⋯.png (168.48 KB,1111x383,1111:383,ClipboardImage.png)

why hasnt the Allen TX Mall Shooter been identified yet? They already searched & seized at his home.

Is there a previous FBI connection?

Allen TX is the same place the 2019 Walmart Shooter lived

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e0ff2c No.18810908


You have to go back to Germany or Austria with your criminal insanity.

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3b6d16 No.18810909


All roads lead to Rome

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286d2b No.18810910


Seems like an obvious question, why can nobody here answer that question?

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e0ff2c No.18810911


Women would be a lot happier if dudes weren't criminally insane.

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817d98 No.18810912

File: d48c3920cc9b13a⋯.jpg (64.39 KB,1024x739,1024:739,Screenshot_2023_05_03_1414….jpg)

File: 337460e3de6b32c⋯.jpg (232.01 KB,1284x1206,214:201,Screenshot_2023_04_30_1737….jpg)

Enjoy your Sunday, lads.


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e0fe2a No.18810913

Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.


dubs on dos


let's try this one

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b11824 No.18810914


I actually read everything on sacred-text.com because I wanted to know how other people think so as to not offend them or their beliefs. After careful analysis I came to an understanding that there is only one truth and I went to get it by all means and that was the painful part. Define: Bearing your own cross.

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04566e No.18810915

File: 6e4baa00f497b4e⋯.jpg (12.76 KB,255x255,1:1,oustanding.jpg)


Great freaking Job Anon!

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e0ff2c No.18810916


This is a very short list of criminally insane toads.

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a6f987 No.18810917


He self-nommed and red texts constantly. It's hard to understand what the hell he's trying to say because he's all over the place. I can't blame baker on this one.

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754c97 No.18810918

File: 9c9429f34ac4022⋯.jpeg (249.95 KB,828x704,207:176,BA063566_68CF_411B_84D2_B….jpeg)

File: 4c49ea4a6b94eeb⋯.jpeg (577.03 KB,828x1403,36:61,85D123C6_4B04_4EA5_A8BE_E….jpeg)

File: 30771217456c6e3⋯.jpeg (228.79 KB,828x746,414:373,91EB9F49_FAC0_4616_9FB3_8….jpeg)


I have always typed in red, because the black font hurts my eyes, look at all the shills that jumped on my post to be negative… no interest as a researcher, no follow up questions as to how I figured this out

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bcc160 No.18810919


You know the rules TOGTO

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87d388 No.18810920



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: d5f1d4 No.337096📁

Feb 11 2018 11:50:49 (EST)

71 [187].

[1] targeted.



Would you believe [1] source was used for [2]?

Find the passenger list.

Why [187] if inside Russia?

No jurisdiction.

Think logically.



Something fixin to go down?

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8373a6 No.18810921


Twisting words, I see. There is more to this than just accepting a God or claiming to be one. This is why no one can testify.

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e0fe2a No.18810923


if anons aren't clickin'

they aren't grinnin'

keks in book of armaments


One!… Two!… Five!

Three, sir!

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bb28ed No.18810924

File: a85fd4816e300bf⋯.png (484.9 KB,555x730,111:146,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a90bb420ca46311⋯.png (301.77 KB,594x451,54:41,ClipboardImage.png)



who owned big oil and pharma?


judge looks like a spawn of them

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87d388 No.18810925

File: a2ef8c44de29c40⋯.png (10.28 KB,255x197,255:197,ADJUSTSGLASSES.png)



Two diff Trump posts at the same time?

Wasn't there a Qdrop aboutZERO DELTA?

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0a5da9 No.18810926

File: b4eeafa668fd03d⋯.mp4 (3.76 MB,800x1280,5:8,41d46093d747c088.mp4)

Roald is up Trump creek.

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754c97 No.18810927

File: fc4c19d80a263c4⋯.jpeg (222.24 KB,828x728,207:182,9C98A169_B31A_4CF3_9201_4….jpeg)


note taker anon is a shill clearly trying to w sure that my info doesn’t make it to notables

ID: 1b576c

Pretends to be anon, but doesn’t give a fuck about who’s infiltrated Q research

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ef030a No.18810928

File: 649ea16778cec29⋯.png (273.32 KB,795x771,265:257,649ea16778cec29fc18cf23819….png)


fyi - from last night

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9e4df5 No.18810929


People are going to have to ignore the red(messenger) and focus on the MESSAGE!!!

Well, that's what I always say!!!

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f384d4 No.18810930

File: 25d273e97500c2f⋯.png (92.5 KB,304x171,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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1c4ce4 No.18810931

File: b1d3ad1a44f3229⋯.png (308.79 KB,592x479,592:479,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c0834667410c9c⋯.png (844.44 KB,1241x827,1241:827,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump



May 07, 2023, 7:23 AM


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bcc160 No.18810932


Nobody asked for anyone to testify.

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1c4ce4 No.18810933


Ok, is there a way to change it to original time posted?

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47205d No.18810934

File: 76a32a501cf12fb⋯.jpg (103.61 KB,754x454,377:227,FaceClone.JPG)

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62890e No.18810935


As hard as you fight for the truth, [they] fight just as hard for [them].

They will bake, they will fight and lie to get a BV role. They will note take, whatever it takes to gatekeep.

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bcc160 No.18810936


Nobody asked for anyone to testify.

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504cc5 No.18810937

File: 743faed4a2ad2ee⋯.png (13.94 KB,255x248,255:248,a2532017429545af25c197da2e….png)

File: d50ecfde96870c2⋯.jpg (37.15 KB,634x718,317:359,40839890_9421565_Pictures_….jpg)

File: b60f273168c290b⋯.jpg (125.71 KB,701x1024,701:1024,b60f273168c290b21c22cc7a6a….jpg)

File: 3071e42aeb4299e⋯.mp4 (258.55 KB,460x216,115:54,3071e42aeb4299e2a6b8adabb2….mp4)

File: 5958f1c2039f9a6⋯.png (365.07 KB,420x589,420:589,5958f1c2039f9a641483492fe2….png)



battle hardened and cleaned up. God's foot soldiers .just gotta get em organized sobre & proud again.

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fd653c No.18810938


No one reads what you post because you have too much text and you're all over the place.

>I have always typed in red, because the black font hurts my eyes

Bullshit on that one. You don't "type in red text."

You write in black text with equals signs around it. You red text for attention.

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f384d4 No.18810939

File: 49d016c078dfbed⋯.png (495.79 KB,500x559,500:559,ClipboardImage.png)

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b94a0d No.18810940

File: 4158e2162095a5b⋯.png (457.16 KB,554x762,277:381,What_did_they_see.png)

What Did They See @ the Coronation?


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ab0eee No.18810941


Please, someone snag this video and archive it here.

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754c97 No.18810942

File: 80b424f6e65b542⋯.jpeg (447.37 KB,828x1457,828:1457,998DBC9B_767F_497B_A595_1….jpeg)

File: 0c5ebece53f5ca3⋯.jpeg (263.57 KB,750x694,375:347,FBCBDE3B_7F00_4CE7_846B_4….jpeg)

File: 21a061d77c3d6f9⋯.png (1.61 MB,828x1792,207:448,F82BE691_DB10_4B07_BB04_79….png)

File: d538c5863598a20⋯.jpeg (56.85 KB,480x360,4:3,7293469E_FCF2_45DD_90C9_4….jpeg)

File: f811cacf91cfcd3⋯.png (569.38 KB,828x1792,207:448,0BFA6B44_8373_4BC9_BC28_F9….png)


no it’s not because of any of that, it’s because we have shills bakers and note takers and nobody has been here to tell you all the difference

there’s no fucking rule about ‘self nominated posts. It wasn’t nominated, it was condition, if you do not put this in notables, you have proven yourself to be a shill baker

>>18810938again nobody cares about y’all red text faggot bots who talk shit about red text. You’re a shill

I’m proven to not be a shill

ask them for pictures of THEIR NOTABLES because they have no (you)s

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bb28ed No.18810943

File: db6103578798c69⋯.png (454.46 KB,1285x739,1285:739,ClipboardImage.png)



SIMON Properties use the logo so about 1000 malls have that on their signs

the R in QR stands for research


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9e4df5 No.18810944

File: d49a8cbe71ccbab⋯.png (692.8 KB,669x900,223:300,GOP_vs_Dems_Red.png)


I'm with you on the RED but not with CAPS RED….I already have my screen upto 150% and red makes it easier to proof read and it does also catch peoples attention…is it good or bad???….do I always use it….NO, most of the time it's when I'm in a hurry and want to get the message out quickly….I always use the (pic) to weed out the shills…but I think the baker needs to look past the RED(not everytime) and focus on the message.

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3f4a6e No.18810945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Everything you do will be useless.

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62890e No.18810946

File: 26924426e0b0679⋯.png (483.65 KB,1064x980,38:35,1683474021917590.png)

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7d6894 No.18810947

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Happy Birthday MrBeast!

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87f172 No.18810948


Don't worry.

Few breads from now, they will take your information and repost it as their own that will make it in noteables.

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bb28ed No.18810949


so by doing nothing we will win

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f384d4 No.18810950

File: a31237599c54520⋯.png (366.67 KB,474x583,474:583,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c88a3 No.18810951


i'm gonna predict that Mr Beast becomes a tranny too in the future.

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ef030a No.18810952

File: aaf34fe08ec379d⋯.mp4 (9.41 MB,264x480,11:20,What_did_they_see_at_the_c….mp4)

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754c97 No.18810953


==Yea and we have found the shill baker source : Mosaic Advertising and Timothy Cramer of Indianapolis

Jeremy Herrod - Tennessee ==

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f384d4 No.18810954

File: 2eaa584beb22020⋯.png (208.44 KB,474x346,237:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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72d9bf No.18810955


the fagred font hurts my eyes, have you tried standard issue anon black?

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3b6d16 No.18810956


What they created is a way

That nobody owns the shit

No one investment house

Owns controlling shares

And now that maintence is required

No longer an asset

Sadly the experience and knowledge

Of elders is no longer seen. As an asset

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1c4ce4 No.18810957

File: 4ffea184741c468⋯.png (182.51 KB,589x445,589:445,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump




May 07, 2023, 7:31 AM

“These Corrupt DAs, the DOJ, the FBI, You Name It. For Seven Years They Haven’t Been Investigating Crimes. They’ve Been Investigating a Person.” – Liz Harrington Spars with Chris Cuomo (VIDEO)

Liz Harrington was on with Chris Cuomo and they discussed, and sparred, on recent events and the last seven years of the Deep State attacking President Trump.

When Cuomo started off by trying to suggest that President Trump is for riots in the streets, which is totally not true, Liz Harrington shared:

Chris, you just said it. You said the people should decide. Let’s have a debate. Let’s have an election. The real problem here is they’re trying to take away that choice from the American people.

These corrupt DAs, the DOJ, the FBI, you name it. For seven years they haven’t been investigating crimes. They’ve been investigating a person. Why – to stop him and to stop his political movement.

And you talked about two sides in this country, you’re on to something here. But the two sides aren’t left and right. It’s the uniparty, the people in power, versus the people. That is the two sides here that we have right now.

An you talk about all the bad things happening here in our country. The uniparty is very content with the status quo because they get richer, they get more power, and they’re happy as long as those two things continue.

Who disrupts the status quo? It’s President Donald J. Trump… the best way in making America great again.



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6cf4ac No.18810958

>>18809185 pb

>Study: high levels of toxic metals found in widely consumed drinks

someone musta missed the part about "naturally occurring" and "3 parts per BILLION,"

or they too illiterate to recognizeFEAR PORN.

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0a5da9 No.18810959

File: b73ab31557824e2⋯.png (765.43 KB,968x1061,968:1061,ClipboardImage.png)

Top kek, no tacos?

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754c97 No.18810960

File: 759827332ad3aea⋯.jpeg (516.95 KB,828x1306,414:653,B95DED5B_E61B_4584_945E_8….jpeg)

File: 90c612038f27b96⋯.png (4.25 MB,828x1792,207:448,909477E2_2207_4D03_A674_E1….png)

File: b0ece024367ae9b⋯.png (4.09 MB,828x1792,207:448,66D65D6E_AFA1_4829_A64E_ED….png)

File: 2cb5923f881854f⋯.png (3.87 MB,828x1792,207:448,631BC975_B9F4_4107_B0C5_32….png)


they will NOT repost this info as their own, it’s about them

they have routinely stole my content on tik tok and replicated my videos without success immediately upon banning my accounts

I KNOW who we are dealing with, because they are gang stalking me, a whistleblower

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2c88a3 No.18810961

We're living in a dark, dark world right now.

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bb28ed No.18810962




shill lady screen caps people singing and tards take bait

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7aae79 No.18810963

File: 38bf4f4bae1c974⋯.jpg (121.67 KB,616x656,77:82,38bf4f4bae1c974dc78254236e….jpg)

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20b02a No.18810964


You just have to add that bit in yourself.

I don’t know how to get time stamps to show up on TS app at all, how do you have them

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27e7ec No.18810965


No, you're a delusional boomer. You make the good ones look bad. This is why boomers carry around the stereotypes of being whiney, entitled, control freaks. Here are the signs:

> no it’s not because of any of that

Boomer tranlsation: you're wrong.

> it’s because we have shills bakers and note takers

Boomer translation: everyone on here is a shill except me.

> nobody has been here to tell you all the difference

Boomer translation: I'm smart, you're not.

>if you do not put this in notables, you have proven yourself to be a shill baker

Boomer translation: If you don't validate my genius, you're dumb… and also a shill.

>I’m proven to not be a shill

Boomer translation: I'm important DAMNIT!

>ask them for pictures of THEIR NOTABLES because they have no (you)s

Boomer Translation: I've been validated many times before and I have proof of my validations! I'm Important DAMNIT!

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9e4df5 No.18810966


That's very true, I've seen it plenty of times, some Anons(like me) it doesn't bother as long as it gets out there, and then there are some Anons who are possessive and think that the info is theirs and only theirs to post…

That's just said…and not to mention there is a rule on SELF NOMINATION if they have been here since the beginning they would already know this…

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504cc5 No.18810967


kek neat.

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e0ff2c No.18810968

Criminally insane alcoholic toads.

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04566e No.18810969

File: 69e528075638177⋯.png (180.77 KB,633x758,633:758,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b4d92f0a8f2ff8⋯.webm (691.58 KB,406x720,203:360,Racist_Sky_King.webm)


Did you just report someone for telling you to kys nigger?

Holy shit the state of this place.

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754c97 No.18810970

File: 4d37c4a73ac61d5⋯.png (2.45 MB,828x1792,207:448,AF9CFAD0_CD90_48C1_B036_1C….png)

File: b10154d2dad4b02⋯.jpeg (441.44 KB,828x1141,828:1141,F59FF587_CC47_42D4_A416_4….jpeg)


this is shill baker OSS or Gerbil

Jeremy Herrod and here he is sharing the owner of Mosaic Advertising Timothy Cramer

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9f1f3d No.18810971


That one's too over the top.

My call is it's a shitpoasting routine.

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023128 No.18810972


Is that (You), George Papadopolous?


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754c97 No.18810973


you’re a shill, reported

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1c48a2 No.18810974



No context as to what was happening before, during and after this moment. Why wouldn't she post a video of this moment instead?

Fake and GAY

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9e4df5 No.18810975

File: cb4c2d955589959⋯.jpg (59.57 KB,828x541,828:541,yea_I_stole_your_meme.jpg)

I love this meme and I'm using it for now on!!!

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72d9bf No.18810976

anons that type in red are transanons

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27e7ec No.18810977


>you’re a shill, reported

Boomer translation: You didn't validate my genius, now I will unleash my feeble wrath! MUAHAHHAHAA.

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504cc5 No.18810978


shekel hoarding intensifies

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754c97 No.18810979


anons don’t follow rules because we’re not bitches like you paid actors. We’re natural leaders, not followers. I make my own rules, I post how the fuck I want. Take you’re controlling ass back to pedo land faggot

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c93a1e No.18810980

File: b6219fa87db623b⋯.mp4 (664.24 KB,640x480,4:3,Grim_Reaper_at_Westminster….mp4)


The Grim Reaper perhaps?

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bb28ed No.18810981

File: f39e9fb97ad6075⋯.png (393.36 KB,555x662,555:662,ClipboardImage.png)




singing hymn while presenting orb

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1c4ce4 No.18810982

File: c48ecc66a314189⋯.png (276.94 KB,589x553,589:553,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump




May 07, 2023, 7:31 AM

Candace Owens Podcast

Where in the World Is Ron DeSantis?

Ron DeSantis has gone on a worldwide tour this month. I cannot fathom how there are people defending this. If Gavin Newsom was doing this, we would all agree it was inappropriate.


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b2f169 No.18810983


They were singing

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754c97 No.18810984


anons that complain about red text are division shills and are not anons

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ef96ae No.18810985

File: 79493154f3ed082⋯.jpg (186.63 KB,600x600,1:1,BurgerKingAreYouNotEnterta….jpg)

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9f1f3d No.18810986

File: 54cfe7dc86a6ba5⋯.jpg (72.53 KB,486x564,81:94,ShitwoodKYS.jpg)

File: c48d95fa3dbcb95⋯.jpg (119.75 KB,722x962,361:481,1683291637279833.jpg)


>kys reported

Maybe it's because some are trying to get on the good side of Chitwood?

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611981 No.18810987

File: 586afcbd20996ac⋯.png (383.66 KB,680x438,340:219,ClipboardImage.png)

China’s Gold Splurge Reaches Sixth Month as Reserves Rise Again

ByBloomberg News

May 6, 2023 at 11:24 PM EDT

Gift this article

China added to its gold reserves for a sixth straight month, extending a flurry of purchases as central banks around the world expand their holdings of bullion amid escalating geopolitical and economic risks.

China raised its gold holdings by about 8.09 tons in April, according to data from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Sunday. Total stockpiles now sit at about 2,076 tons, after the nation increased reserves by about 120 tons in the five months through March.



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504cc5 No.18810988

File: 1ba2754ea2db8aa⋯.jpg (133.42 KB,1600x900,16:9,skynews_katy_perry_coronat….jpg)

File: a43f0a1d21ced86⋯.jpg (2.41 MB,3602x2403,3602:2403,Every_Funny_Face_Prince_Ha….jpg)

File: 71c7910a683173d⋯.jpg (160.34 KB,1200x796,300:199,FvcC23mWYAES_oM.jpg)

File: d496c5ed55157aa⋯.jpg (134.14 KB,1024x712,128:89,prince_louis_king_charles_….jpg)

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bfd68c No.18810989

File: 2382ef9933ae65f⋯.jpg (359.13 KB,1331x1857,1331:1857,_20230507_114756.JPG)

File: a03828fff5e90a9⋯.jpg (365.84 KB,1318x1862,659:931,_20230507_114735.JPG)

File: fb50d36efbdfed4⋯.jpg (356.7 KB,1323x1862,27:38,_20230507_114714.JPG)

File: 95596565c1ba9b8⋯.jpg (352.85 KB,1333x1868,1333:1868,_20230507_114652.JPG)

File: e7dddb74e4a4eaa⋯.mp4 (372.29 KB,720x1072,45:67,Collage_2023_05_07_11_38_1….mp4)

God save the king . . from himself

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754c97 No.18810990


there is no rule on self nomination, that’s what the shills say so they can have an excuse to non in Nate their shill friend posts while censoring IG real anon notables

fuck outta here with your rules that nobody made up

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3b6d16 No.18810991


I be a recovering alcoholic toad

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87f172 No.18810992


>as long as it gets out there

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957141 No.18810993


I don't want to be a god.

I just want to live in peace with my family and friends.

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bb28ed No.18810994

File: 373fc4426c9ce58⋯.png (155.3 KB,348x499,348:499,ClipboardImage.png)


> all agree it was inappropriate

x ray vision on candace bewbs

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27e7ec No.18810995

>anons don’t follow rules because we’re not bitches like you paid actors.

Boomer translation: I'm a bad ass rebel. I've been thinking about buying a Harley-Davidson.

>We’re natural leaders, not followers.

Boomer translation: I worked in middle management for a large corporation.

>I make my own rules, I post how the fuck I want.

Boomer translation: But I'll report anything that doesn't validate me.

>Take you’re controlling ass back to pedo land faggot

Boomer translation: I'm a control freak, ask any of my family, but I'm going to project that shit like I'm pinching a loaf through a Lincoln tunnel's worth of hemorrhoids.


>anons that complain about red text are division shills and are not anons

Boomer Translation: This is my world, and I determine the roles you play in it.

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6cf4ac No.18810996


when your arational triggered need to find symbolism where it doesn't exist overwhelms the common sense realization that for entirely practical reasons the roads naturally lead to the bridge, and just happen to form a triangle.

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bb28ed No.18810997

File: 0d086dca797afea⋯.png (366.29 KB,555x561,185:187,ClipboardImage.png)


he's pretty

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0a5da9 No.18810998

File: 29bf75cfa937d4a⋯.png (1.06 MB,966x1063,966:1063,ClipboardImage.png)

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bcc160 No.18810999


kek, who would know when memory is up in smoke?

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04566e No.18811000


I think they have the cleaners of events wear special outfits. That looks like a push broom.

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9f1f3d No.18811001

File: c1f5c0cf21b4c43⋯.jpg (200.63 KB,720x960,3:4,Gerbil.jpg)


>Everyone is OSS

Yawn. Boring. Played out.

>Everyone is Gerbil

That one hasn't been used in a long time.

Let's go with that one!

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754c97 No.18811002


I’m reporting the shill baker and note taker. I know who’s infiltrated Q Research and you’re ignoring it

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bb28ed No.18811003

File: c22720af6c6e8da⋯.png (1.79 MB,1333x889,1333:889,ClipboardImage.png)

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86ac49 No.18811004


Is she high?

Did Kamala share her stash with Doc Jill?

Is she making her sandwich talk?

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1c4ce4 No.18811005

File: 7bdc9e3de19b816⋯.png (502.22 KB,592x704,37:44,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump



Thank you Eric, so nice!

May 07, 2023, 8:14 AM



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7d6894 No.18811006

File: 5f208f0c3bfd499⋯.png (306.85 KB,573x558,191:186,ClipboardImage.png)

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72d9bf No.18811007

lipstick anon missed [they]s hormone dose

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378208 No.18811008


>>18810995 Boomer Translation: This is my world, and I determine the roles you play in it.

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504cc5 No.18811009

File: 3a124118574753a⋯.jpg (13.73 KB,255x203,255:203,IMG_20221014_185557.jpg)

File: 267c3ac72397164⋯.jpg (17.63 KB,255x225,17:15,IMG_20221201_124526.jpg)

File: 3607f6704b2a726⋯.jpg (72.06 KB,640x426,320:213,IMG_20221201_124859.jpg)

File: 4e1e52fdee496f3⋯.jpg (34.81 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_20221202_131106.jpg)

File: 2e56c3019d6a539⋯.gif (32.44 KB,116x191,116:191,IMG_20221202_131144.gif)

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bb28ed No.18811010

File: 6fb91063c2f0eec⋯.png (1.82 MB,1011x1333,1011:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

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65a86e No.18811011


If that shit gets noted, I'm pretty sure red text guy will lose his shit. Be careful anon. You wield dangerous power.

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16d274 No.18811012

clicked a twitter link in a news story

looks like




are trending

i have no account so i can't jump topics, that is one of musk's changes

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754c97 No.18811013

File: 2bec37f86161987⋯.png (391.28 KB,828x1792,207:448,686EA811_06C5_48AD_9F4B_FF….png)


info on who’s hijacking’s Q research gets out in the notables or you get removed as a baker and note taker, guaranteed

>>18809887 LB

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6f41e4 No.18811014

File: 6ae97fd9d8d8d40⋯.jpg (397.43 KB,1244x808,311:202,CommieToll.JPG)

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ef96ae No.18811016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6cf4ac No.18811017


>What if Lucifer is actually the good guy? He was trying to give us knowledge

the Prometheus story. found in some form in most all cultures. usually he's the good guy, and the "Gods" are the capricious tyrannts.



>instead of The One truly Responsible

that would be the person who pulled the trigger


>I don't want to be a god.

>I just want to live in peace with my family and friends.

and shouldn't that make you QUESTION the motives of a being who DOES want to be a "God?" aksing for a fren….

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ef96ae No.18811018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1c4ce4 No.18811019

File: f8e786ee515873d⋯.png (218.79 KB,590x717,590:717,ClipboardImage.png)


Oops, corrected image with timestamp

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8dce92 No.18811020

File: 516029456aa8dde⋯.png (730.42 KB,1003x812,1003:812,20210915_213106.png)

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504cc5 No.18811021

File: 51fe426476c1731⋯.jpeg (135.76 KB,1200x799,1200:799,0440b4bcdf8ad2ef191302c29….jpeg)


this shade of pink is familiar from some strange corner of the interweb.

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0a5da9 No.18811022

File: f3f577fae725fe9⋯.jpg (85.88 KB,1040x986,520:493,68aa59ed05bf1e5b.jpg)


She made the sammich, meme magic 🎩

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65a86e No.18811023


Do you raw dog online with your IP? I know social sites store data about IPs and will still customize based on IPs and regional data based on what people on those IPs and in those regions are interested in.

Also, you can post your link and I'll take a peek and see if I see the same stuff.

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e0ff2c No.18811024


Most healthcare 'professionals' are scum of the earth tyrants who know nothing and think they are gods.

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83e739 No.18811025


stolen! ha ha

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ef5330 No.18811026

File: d6c0ff349140937⋯.jpg (166.85 KB,751x611,751:611,Fresh_beer_social.jpg)

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1b576c No.18811027

Last Call

#23086 >>18810336

>>18810337 Oklahoma bans first 13 companies from state business for ESG policies

>>18810350 Between 2011 and 2019, the New York Times and the Washington Post increased their usage of the words "racist," "racists," and "racism" by over 700%

>>18810352 Karl Jenkins or 45? For the keks

>>18810354 Now EVERYBODY Hates Bud Light

>>18810370 New Poll released by ABC/Washington Post has Trump trouncing DeSantis by almost 30

>>18810393 @realDonaldTrump RINOs killed National Review

>>18810427 Trump shares his experience at the opening night of ‘The Phantom of the Opera’

>>18810445 2013-2017 Ehud Barak met with Jeffrey Epstein dozens of times, flew on private plane

>>18810449 Cody's Wish wins The Churchill Downs (GI) on #KyDerby day.

>>18810465 Planefag:KECK215

>>18810475, >>18810519, >>18810523 Biden did not attend the coronation of King Charles in London on Saturday, but his official delegation broke with American tradition

>>18810506 The Republican Party is not positioning to win the 2024 election. The goal of the republican party is to remove the threat represented by Donald Trump

>>18810562, >>18810566, >>18810686 Tucker and Tulsi Gabbard interview and Chuck Schumer is an Asshole

>>18810720, >>18810758 Ky Derby horses get euthanized. These are all comms anon and we need to dig.

>>18810803, >>18810804 Mage, Kentucky Derby winner, is son of Good Magic. Here's more to know about his pedigree, #8

>>18810844 Comer on it

>>18810868, >>18810893, >>18810925, >>18810957 @realDonaldTrump Crooked prosecutors of Garland, beat them at their own game/0 delta KEK

>>18810902, >>18810931, >>18810982 @realDonaldTrump In the History of our Country, there have never been Crowds like a MAGA Crowd, Where is DeSantis

>>18810987 China’s Gold Splurge Reaches Sixth Month as Reserves Rise Again

>>18811005 @realDonaldTrump Fresh Freedom

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ef5330 No.18811028

File: 9d18f4be8655707⋯.jpg (104.64 KB,1200x1200,1:1,IMG_20230507_110504_920.jpg)

Something has to be done…

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9f1f3d No.18811029

File: 8672840bc244b5a⋯.png (302.39 KB,497x500,497:500,toots_makeitadouble2.png)


Ok, I clicked that shit.

Where's the sauce that ties any of those names you mentioned to QResearch?

As of now there's no smoking gun, Fake Ferddy (ver. 33).

Gonna provide that soon?

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83e739 No.18811030

File: ffd68fa9f3863c7⋯.png (866.54 KB,1117x628,1117:628,My_Body_My_Choice.png)

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bb28ed No.18811031

File: 809de52465ac330⋯.png (322.98 KB,735x888,245:296,ClipboardImage.png)




we only use eastern timestamps

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27e7ec No.18811032


Source: trust me bro, I'm important.

I looked too. Sauceless.

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ef5330 No.18811033

File: 64f19ea7a88084a⋯.jpg (138.03 KB,1804x803,164:73,Screenshot_20230422_171419….jpg)

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accd38 No.18811034

File: 0fc35b277688576⋯.png (496.14 KB,598x552,13:12,Screenshot_2023_05_07_at_1….png)

War Monitor


⚡️It’s official, documents have been signed, Syria is now a member of the Arab league again.



They´re shooting ppl every time bad news comes for them.

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504cc5 No.18811035

File: a29e860d83507c7⋯.png (645.91 KB,766x4376,383:2188,1114_2_.png)

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5bfb72 No.18811036

File: aa0642f1a6ac94c⋯.jpeg (167.52 KB,963x714,321:238,9B2DE86B_E526_44CE_AD35_9….jpeg)

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68f32f No.18811037

File: 9072386ce4eb6b1⋯.png (583.02 KB,606x634,303:317,sammich_now.png)

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b97869 No.18811038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ghost - Cirice

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bcc160 No.18811039


Pretty sure that when red text guy loses his shit it will shut the whole board down.

Think I'm done here.

Love you all

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27e7ec No.18811040



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fca167 No.18811041


Sounds like a shoutout to the Kun, like the fresh bread links at the the end of the bread. Definitely seenFresh Freedommore than once.

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62890e No.18811042

File: 7a07cd837962f3f⋯.jpg (210.63 KB,950x942,475:471,1683452773665022.jpg)

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18edb0 No.18811043


That number is 100% now.

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bb28ed No.18811044



Fresh Freedom=F F

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62890e No.18811045

File: 6a63c97309140c9⋯.jpg (1.93 MB,1580x3431,1580:3431,1683452789687424.jpg)

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ef96ae No.18811046

File: 9d4829bf69e8bc8⋯.png (256.72 KB,600x395,120:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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e0ff2c No.18811047

Anyone with a psychology degree, thinks they are top notch intellectuals and everyone else is beneath them and has a mental deficiency.

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83e739 No.18811048

File: 40b676b126bdb0d⋯.png (1.65 MB,974x1461,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Is this how you like?

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9e4df5 No.18811049


Sure it is, is was from way, way back when we started this board, you can't self nominate…look back at the beginning and you will see….

Look at phrases like "Self nominate" and along those lines…you'll see…


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fca167 No.18811050


Hmm POTUS following up with some kinda post about clocks or the clock would drive the shills bonkers.

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754c97 No.18811051


and there’s gerbils bitch ass… see how easy it is for me to make them show themselves?

they get paid to be here, anons don’t

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62890e No.18811052

File: 491075e10500217⋯.jpg (642.22 KB,650x2888,325:1444,1683459793093197.jpg)

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62890e No.18811053

File: 491075e10500217⋯.jpg (642.22 KB,650x2888,325:1444,1683459793093197.jpg)

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68f32f No.18811054

File: 5dbd6db9d1282dc⋯.png (524.85 KB,797x435,797:435,Disposable_Camera.png)


good lookin sammich!

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2cac40 No.18811055


Q Post 814

Feb 23, 2018 11:03:47 AM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 2055aa No. 472426

Feb 23, 2018 10:52:00 AM EST

Anonymous ID: 47ea38 No. 472314



pretty sure we've found our Hezbollah connection….

https:// www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https:// www.justice.gov/usao/nj/Press/files/pdffiles/2015/El%2520Amir%252C%2520Medhat%2520Indictment.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj5refwrrzZAhVEKKwKHbZSAYQQFjAAegQIBhAB&usg=AOvVaw1w9M5yFis6nRw2X0WeLdwd


You have more than you know.

This is why we are here.

Great job, Patriot.

Watch the speech.

We are talking to you.

Proofs only meant for you.


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e0ff2c No.18811056


You sound hysterical and mentally ill.

Get a grip, tough guy.

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da523e No.18811057

BREAKING! Anybody catch Comer on Maria Bartiromo's show? Big reveal on Wednesday.

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83e739 No.18811058

File: 72ba39defda1e17⋯.png (645.92 KB,600x730,60:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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378208 No.18811060


quint ones are the light approaching

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1c4ce4 No.18811061


It needed to be done, and so it is.

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995726 No.18811062

File: dde6a8a772dd6f0⋯.png (682.81 KB,1307x737,1307:737,Screenshot_2023_05_07_0516….png)

Hidden occult religion philosophically explained(wokeism/marx). James Lindsay part 1


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1b576c No.18811063

#23086 >>18810336

>>18810337 Oklahoma bans first 13 companies from state business for ESG policies

>>18810350 Between 2011 and 2019, the New York Times and the Washington Post increased their usage of the words "racist," "racists," and "racism" by over 700%

>>18810352 Karl Jenkins or 45? For the keks

>>18810354 Now EVERYBODY Hates Bud Light

>>18810370 New Poll released by ABC/Washington Post has Trump trouncing DeSantis by almost 30

>>18810393 @realDonaldTrump RINOs killed National Review

>>18810427 Trump shares his experience at the opening night of ‘The Phantom of the Opera’

>>18810445 2013-2017 Ehud Barak met with Jeffrey Epstein dozens of times, flew on private plane

>>18810449 Cody's Wish wins The Churchill Downs (GI) on #KyDerby day.

>>18810465 Planefag:KECK215

>>18810475, >>18810519, >>18810523 Biden did not attend the coronation of King Charles in London on Saturday, but his official delegation broke with American tradition

>>18810506 The Republican Party is not positioning to win the 2024 election. The goal of the republican party is to remove the threat represented by Donald Trump

>>18810562, >>18810566, >>18810686 Tucker and Tulsi Gabbard interview and Chuck Schumer is an Asshole

>>18810720, >>18810758 Ky Derby horses get euthanized. These are all comms anon and we need to dig.

>>18810803, >>18810804 Mage, Kentucky Derby winner, is son of Good Magic. Here's more to know about his pedigree, #8

>>18810844 Comer on it

>>18810868, >>18810893, >>18810925, >>18810957 @realDonaldTrump Crooked prosecutors of Garland, beat them at their own game/0 delta KEK

>>18810902, >>18810931, >>18810982 @realDonaldTrump In the History of our Country, there have never been Crowds like a MAGA Crowd, Where is DeSantis

>>18810987 China’s Gold Splurge Reaches Sixth Month as Reserves Rise Again


>>18811005, >>18811044 @realDonaldTrump Fresh Freedom FF

>>18811034 ⚡️It’s official, documents have been signed, Syria is now a member of the Arab league again.


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754c97 No.18811064

File: c51fb9311cf216e⋯.jpeg (42.22 KB,609x515,609:515,FF3A4437_980B_4E0D_BD22_9….jpeg)


I don’t need to look at shill comments from the past to show shill behavior that is still here… like the group hanging up on an Anon posting shit about who’s hijacking Q Research. The military tracks posters by device ID. I don’t even have to be in notables for the military to receive the info

Fucking idiot shills Lmao

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65a86e No.18811065


Anon loves short notes. TYB.

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ef96ae No.18811066

File: 97b43680fddea11⋯.png (156.05 KB,600x480,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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995726 No.18811067

File: f9256380c6badf8⋯.jpg (256.06 KB,819x1150,819:1150,7097e09d55c96af2.jpg)

Good morning and Aloha

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754c97 No.18811068


you’re reported as a shill baker and note taker

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378208 No.18811070


how will he ever recover

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754c97 No.18811071


he won’t

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754c97 No.18811072


are you gonna answer the phone?

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bb28ed No.18811073

File: 6d74cff47c241a7⋯.png (3 MB,1333x1000,1333:1000,ClipboardImage.png)


i member the days before reddit & voat refugees

Q even said we should tolerate them.


good times

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b97869 No.18811074


>You sound hysterical and mentally ill.

>Get a grip, tough guy.

WTF are you talking about?

I just posted the definition of Mage.

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68f32f No.18811076

File: 268bb00091264f4⋯.png (396.28 KB,415x625,83:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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9f1f3d No.18811077

File: 4ab682493a7f656⋯.jpg (88.26 KB,481x636,481:636,Soi.jpg)


Can't wait for the BOOM to get here!

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1b576c No.18811078





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47205d No.18811079

File: 16fef325c2292e0⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,2048x1301,2048:1301,Border10aDay.jpg)


Silly Gringoes

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378208 No.18811080


try the other number

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8f08ca No.18811081


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1701e4 No.18811082

File: d1c394974d1a247⋯.png (902.34 KB,882x722,441:361,eun.png)

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478214 No.18811083


Is Lara suffering from mental illness too?

There is help. I know a good doctor in Cali.

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1b576c No.18811084


I'll get right on that report to


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72d9bf No.18811085


properly used Red is notable

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accd38 No.18811086

File: 0bf2ffe08b62a22⋯.png (34.84 KB,598x403,46:31,Screenshot_2023_05_07_at_1….png)

File: 8e2b84c0a2dd243⋯.png (397.65 KB,678x381,226:127,ClipboardImage.png)


Ebrahim Hashem 李思瑞


Today, the Arab League unanimously adopted a resolution to lift the freeze on Syria’s membership.

It requests all foreign forces, including US troops and mercenaries/militias/terrorists, to leave Syria.

Coordination between the Syrian military and those of other Arab states, especially those neighboring Syria, will be reactivated. ✌🏼🇸🇾


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fca167 No.18811087


Hmm POTUS following up with some kinda post about clocks or the clock would drive the shills bonkers.

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6cf4ac No.18811090


>you’re reported as a shill baker and note taker

uuuhhh… stoopit question… if everyone is comped and/or a shill, 'zackly to whom are you going to report it, and what good will it do?

that's TWO stoopit questions… if everyone is comped and/or a shill, 'zackly to whom are you going to report it, and what good will it do? and why should i care?

that's THREE stoopit questions… if everyone is comped and/or a shill, 'zackly to whom are you going to report it, and what good will it do? and why should i care?

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1b576c No.18811091


please repost nb

I'll pick it up


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504cc5 No.18811092


game on

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754c97 No.18811094


notable information is notable information, doesn’t matter what color it is but keep showing your undercover racism that still shows in your notes attack on red text

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754c97 No.18811095


the board runs through DoD servers, you figure it out

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9f1f3d No.18811097


Yeah, but it was the way you phrased it, anon.

I picked up on it, too.

Still nothing that anyone should have been that triggered about tho.

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1b576c No.18811099

File: 54d28c0c2279006⋯.png (749.74 KB,680x367,680:367,54d28c0c22790060596fc4b8b8….png)

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478214 No.18811100


Probably another fake journalist arrested for being a dumb ass. Or mentally ill.

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1b576c No.18811101

File: 509c8a17cc92d7b⋯.jpg (255.99 KB,1280x720,16:9,509c8a17cc92d7b44372b6ebd4….jpg)

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378208 No.18811102


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ef030a No.18811103

File: 26d9b213a43bca2⋯.jpg (11.43 KB,294x171,98:57,26d9b213a43bca2519b8535586….jpg)

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