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File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,c91e618b272bf5d2a1299413e0….png)

14cdd7 No.18799455 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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14cdd7 No.18799456

International Q Research Threads

>>18670265 ——–——– Australia #29

>>18668978 ——–——– Canada #42

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>18551332 ——–——– Germany #105

>>18632710 ——–——– Japan #13

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6



Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker

Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children

Download QAGG https://anonfiles.com/3c43Scb4z0/offsite_qagg_zip

>>18147768 ban lifts

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>18681959 How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos

>>18721784 Download & compress Twitter Videos

>>18754344 Resources to help understand the Q clock

>>18777053 Joe M's re-mastered Q videos NEW


>>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>17241444 Baker's Lite JS

>>18147761 Baking range: @75 up to 751

>>17980519 No RRN in notes

>>18311579 Post notables or step down by @300


#23071 >>18798648

>>18798730 Tucker Carlson considering hosting his own 2024 debate - reportedly took the idea to former President Donald J. Trump, who said he'd be interested

>>18798752 Senator John Kennedy: If electric cars are so swell, how come government has to pay people to drive them?

>>18798800 Epstein's pedophile island sold, plans are for a 5-star resort

>>18798805 PF reports: N757AF 757 45 returns from Scotland and Ireland after leaving on early Monday morning

>>18798831 DHS’s “sweeping new actions” in anticipation of the lifting of Title 42 are a blueprint for failure – if their goal is to actually secure the border

>>18798841 Restrictions on prescribing Ivermectin dropped in Australia

>>18798882 U.S. equal opportunity employment commission website: 233 complaints filed by CIA employees against the CIA

>>18798891 Montana Gov. Gianforte to ban sale of agricultural land, critical infrastructure to foreign adversaries

>>18798916 Former CIA employees and their follow up jobs at MSM outfits

>>18799075 Giant penis mowed into lawn at King Charles’ coronation bash site - kek

>>18799097 Texts between Bret Baier and Tucker Carlson show concern over Fox News' decision desk calling Arizona for Biden too early on Election Night

>>18799150 Stocktrackers: Rep. Dan Goldman (D) sold $WAL, another bank stock, absolutely perfectly

>>18799219 Donald J. Trump: When I take the oath of office on January 20, 2025, we will immediately begin the process of fully Securing the Border and removing the illegal aliens Joe Biden has unlawfully allowed to break into our Country…

>>18799222 Page 317 of "Letters to Trump"

>>18799230 Devin Nunes post pic of golden head of Donald J. Trump

>>18799247 Lt Gen Flynn: The Marxist left has so corrupted America and its election system that it appears no Republican candidate can win in 2024 - next two years will be far worse than previous two years

>>18799277 QClock May 4, 2023 -v11.4 Is Excellent

>>18799290 Eric and Don enjoy some golf, interesting photo

>>18799382 Kash and Nunes: Watermelon head built a total bs impeachment on fake whistleblower Ciaramella, of course he wouldn't know what a real one looks like - This is a good sign…

>>18799452 #23071

#23070 >>18797900

>>18797905 Benny Johnson: How many whistleblowers have to come out and exposed the Biden Crime Family before something, ANYTHING actually happens?

>>18797956 Just a reminder that right before Ukraine was invaded, Hillary was found to be guilty of spying on a sitting US President.

>>18797959, >>18797968, >>18798069, >>18798142 John Brennan [Knowingly] signed IC Letter with 51 others

>>18797960 absolute BEST example of Psychological Projection we've witnessed so far? The creep [Schiff] himself is a walking ‘Fiasco’ Full of ‘Unsubstantiated Allegations’.

>>18797974, >>18798118, >>18798217, >>18798451 Brennan, Clapper to Testify Before Weaponization Committee on Hunter Biden Laptop Letter

>>18797991 Marijuana may be cause of 30% of Schizophrenia cases in men, study shows

>>18797993 Potato - 10.5 million new business applications were filed in my first two years in office

>>18798002 Jeff Clark Gives Update On What Is Happening In East Palestine. Really interesting update

>>18798027 Enemy media has 2 talking points today. One is Justice Clarence Thomas is the worst of the worst; other is the 24 yr. old marine who choked out the madman on the New York subway

>>18798034 Market cap of publicly-traded regional banks down 78% in just 4 months.

>>18798049 DJT - Going into Enemy territory …

>>18798056, >>18798166 Law Fags: What would happen to high state court rulings if it's discovered that the judges who issued those rulings were engaged in criminal conduct at the time?

>>18798080 Ukraine admits shooting down own drone over Kiev

>>18798107 JP Morgan on the hook for Epstein’s trafficking -- judge

>>18798144 Pope defrocks priest accused of genocide

>>18798146 SD Investments Announces Acquisition of Great St. James and Little St. James Islands in the United States Virgin Islands

>>18798169 Julie Kelly: "This is a really tragic day, this was not an incident of domestic terrorism..". Andrew Weismann gleefully joyous J6 protesters are imprisoned and saying Trump should be prosecuted

>>18798239 Lara Trump & Michelle Waterson-Gomez

>>18798252, >>18798311 SCOTUS Sotomayer's biggest paycheck comes is $3M and Penguin Books.

>>18798274 RT - Washington responsible for attack on Kremlin -- Moscow

>>18798328 Just Stop Oil warned they could be shot if they disrupt the Coronation

>>18798341 Border Patrol Border Report: Keep up with the current situation on the Texas border. Invasion from within and out,

>>18798393 THE SWAMP - graphic

>>18798418 Stay with me deplorables. You'll love how this movie ends

>>18798424 Ex-NSA employees criticize Mike Rogers’ role with Israeli venture firm

>>18798453 Kamala Harris Named ‘AI Czar’ to Save Us from Artificial Intelligence

>>18798395 Synopsis of Deep State shenanigans.

>>18798508 DOJ is 'investigating Trump's link with Saudi-backed LIV Golf tour'

>>18798639 #23070

#23069 >>18797097

>>18797165 FOIA to the National Archives for records related to Obama Foundation (+ moar)

>>18797169 The EU seizing land from Dutch farmers

>>18797172 Invasion Force Amassing at Border

>>18797174 🇺🇸 US says it does not support attacks on heads of state

>>18797177 MTG Says She Has “Staggering” Evidence Of Hunter Biden’s Alleged Sex Trafficking Crimes

>>18797206 Tater Still Tweeting

>>18797207 Lawyers to Use ChatGPT AI Rival to Draft Legal Documents

>>18797227 Chris Cuomo Tries to Defend Sexually Explicit Books in Elementary Schools & Gets Absolutely Wrecked…

>>18797335 Three medical schools in North Carolina are now diagnosing toddlers who play with stereotypically opposite gender toys

>>18797344 @ArmyChaplains - On this National Day of Prayer, let us pray for our Nation, our Army, and for our Army Chaplain Corps, as we build Army spiritual readiness

>>18797362 CONUS Update

>>18797406 @realDonaldTrump - At Trump Doonbeg on the Ocean, Ireland, just before leaving for the U.S.!

>>18797420 Schiff: Comer’s Investigation into Biden a ‘Fiasco’ Full of ‘Unsubstantiated Allegations’

>>18797433 Mike Obama Announces Company to Sell ‘Healthier’ Food to Children

>>18797440 @USSOCOM - Let us all not forget a #SOF led operation utilized 3 of the #SpecialOperations core activities

>>18797345 Glenn Greenwald - 'News is never the news, it’s the narrative that has to be bent to hide the real news.'

>>18797484, >>18797510 Kim Gardner has resigned

>>18797507 Sometimes, memes writes themselves.

>>18797559 The Trudeau Foundation is a mere subplot in a much larger and more serious issue (CBC)

>>18797577 Zerohedge - Top Officials Who Pushed Aggressive COVID-19 Policies Try To Rewrite History

>>18797601 Bosses of Anheuser-Busch claim that the partnership with Mulvaney was 'not a formal campaign or advertisement'

>>18797638 National Anthem Sung at Restaurant Sends Wokesters into Paroxysms of Fear

>>18797707 @realDonaldTrump - Thank you to the Young Republicans!

>>18797723, >>18797800 POTUS Actual! Going into the heart of Enemy territory, but maybe the Enemy is changing?

>>18797737 POTUS is a meme thief (or memesmith?)

>>18797741 International art trafficking operation leads to 60 arrests and over 11,000 objects recovered

>>18797862 #23069

Previously Collected

>>18795503 #23066, >>18796291 #23067, >>18797072 #23068

>>18793271 #23063, >>18793953 #23064, >>18794715 #23065

>>18790891 #23060, >>18791646 #23061, >>18792386 #23062

>>18788501 #23057, >>18789312 #23058, >>18790095 #23059

>>18786227 #23054, >>18786970 #23055, >>18787721 #23056

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

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14cdd7 No.18799457

File: 898bd08754f2ced⋯.jpg (497.51 KB,864x864,1:1,898bd08754f2ced362fb14c650….jpg)



baker seeking handoff, ghost @100

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2e3d42 No.18799459

Evenin’ Nightshift

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2c733b No.18799462



Eight dead insecond Serbian shooting, police hunt killer

Eight people were killed and at least 10 were wounded in a shooting in the town of Mladenovac, south of Belgrade, local media reported, with police setting up roadblocks in their hunt for the gunman.

The shooting comes less than 48 hours after a 13-year old boy shot dead nine and injured seven at a school in Belgrade before turning himself in.

Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic described the latest shooting as a “terrorist act”, Serbian news portal Telegraf reported, without providing further detail.


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f5706f No.18799475

File: 48883d63bd80135⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,1170x1888,585:944,8401FC5B_94EE_4914_95AA_F….jpeg)

File: 840b64415ea05b0⋯.jpeg (898.18 KB,1170x1409,1170:1409,67AD3E59_A5F4_4D18_9BC4_B….jpeg)


Every American who cares deeply about the human suffering that is happening across this country and on both sides of the border needs to let their voice be heard. A storm is coming one week from today at the southern border. We’re about to go from bad to worse.

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e52040 No.18799478

File: 80f5bc6ec71fbb2⋯.png (326.76 KB,691x330,691:330,NIGHT_SHIFT_DESERT.png)


TY Baker for your service,


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2b7e91 No.18799479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Florida is Not What You Think…


Very interesting so far. Lot going on in Florida's history. Go to 10:20 for the interesting part on the Phoenicians.

They claim the Phoenicians were a secret society of merchants. There were ranks and one didn't get a ship or become captain until they reached the rank.

The highest rank of the Phoenician Order was Q.

Q was the Eye. His words, not mine. I'll keep watching.

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b986ab No.18799484

File: 2aece36b4089d09⋯.jpg (47.04 KB,889x486,889:486,uytrdfghjkjhgfdxsz.jpg)

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459e40 No.18799487

File: db3e3d26d9c6ea8⋯.png (87.63 KB,400x330,40:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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e94935 No.18799488

Will Jesus forgive my sins if I let him give me a good spanking?

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aa04f9 No.18799489

File: 2b1abcd008dab4f⋯.webp (46.24 KB,640x726,320:363,E6473F31_54F4_4313_9E90_5….webp)

Yall told me to go back. Now I’m here again and I brought a gift.

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088a62 No.18799490

File: d3596eeec5dfed2⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB,480x270,16:9,HotChickBed.mp4)

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3290d8 No.18799492

File: 44af6fd26695fa0⋯.png (322.58 KB,360x480,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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92dc8b No.18799497

File: 1f804a1a32c9029⋯.png (693.89 KB,708x1024,177:256,1f804a1a32c90294e1019e23e6….png)

File: 51e79a57d736657⋯.jpg (130.85 KB,1122x900,187:150,51e79a57d73665776c7cf64e1a….jpg)

File: 722b5a9a89c509b⋯.jpg (27.46 KB,540x375,36:25,722b5a9a89c509b0b80125f3ec….jpg)

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3290d8 No.18799499

File: d1665cbde306c43⋯.png (246.43 KB,400x437,400:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd98c9 No.18799500

File: 8d3a449e2da2180⋯.jpg (27.61 KB,333x376,333:376,1682605251611189.jpg)

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a7dc6a No.18799501


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15bf1e No.18799502

File: 86658a65194f49c⋯.jpg (164.91 KB,720x1151,720:1151,20230505_000153.jpg)


A sadistic pedophile who tortured his 7-year-old daughter to make child abuse material for his "transgender porn" business has now been classified as a "female" offender by the state of New Jersey.

Marina Volz is currently housed in a women's prison.

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39709c No.18799503

File: 466dae914db2450⋯.mp4 (234.69 KB,720x988,180:247,6EYNSNf3S1oDH_sK.mp4)

File: 6a9a4b3ffe2eda2⋯.png (125.83 KB,416x545,416:545,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)

Ian Miles Cheong admitted DeSantis is paying him $35,000 a year, tho he now alleges he was joking.


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de6485 No.18799504

File: 096a7187b08c0ba⋯.jpg (72.04 KB,807x500,807:500,7kjh3a.jpg)



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a7dc6a No.18799505

no pronto?

just slow bread?

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4ade82 No.18799506

File: b971187a8acac2b⋯.jpg (30.87 KB,474x245,474:245,th_2407724424.jpg)


Public = perform arts

Private = ritual

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39709c No.18799507

File: c36fddef8b0007c⋯.png (84.04 KB,416x423,416:423,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)

File: 54e5174163183b7⋯.png (360.18 KB,478x499,478:499,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)

File: aff251795caea27⋯.png (14 KB,478x112,239:56,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)


Moar. He might have said this to exaggerate his "joke" claim. not sure. Ian is now fully on Team DeSanctus


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a7dc6a No.18799508


dogeball referee?

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39709c No.18799509

File: 8af819bc6e5a8d5⋯.jpg (29.7 KB,507x679,507:679,Fu7f5t4WIAA_GuV.jpg)

File: 645ad63d3e7c6ac⋯.png (96.99 KB,420x637,60:91,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)

The Daily Wire was paid over 110k by Ron Desantis & his team.


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a8bff4 No.18799510

File: b7b81069bf0e1ce⋯.jpg (121.19 KB,1085x1085,1:1,20230504_152444.jpg)

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92dc8b No.18799511

File: 301b4813b22adf7⋯.png (137.19 KB,309x163,309:163,301b4813b22adf7432ed7cc3a5….png)

File: 325e0f80a3d8fff⋯.png (183.17 KB,494x395,494:395,325e0f80a3d8fff871fdef6722….png)

File: 920f66d9ef8c955⋯.png (601.72 KB,700x644,25:23,920f66d9ef8c955cc64a0031a7….png)

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a8bff4 No.18799512

File: 9bd9ad3cf48301a⋯.jpg (270.54 KB,1080x1981,1080:1981,20230504_084251.jpg)

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19f279 No.18799513

My twatter account is reinstated.

Was trying to lock in. Was possible (not possible before). Account was still banned. Was asking twatter, why? Asked a couple of days later again, why! Then, it was cleared.

The banning was a mistake, they told me.

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c638c0 No.18799514


The imminent collapse of the US? I guess you could say it’s coming, very soon. It’s been in decline ever since Biden was sworn into office, Trump has been telling you for the last 3 years.

Not only did the Biden Administration destroy Russians pipeline, they are now actively trying to assassinate Putin, almost as if they want to be nuked. But I guess Q would not allow a nuclear war to happen right, right?

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92dc8b No.18799515

File: 466257fd00a12c9⋯.jpeg (130.98 KB,900x891,100:99,466257fd00a12c99d16bb749c….jpeg)

File: 97e9d5fa49716d5⋯.jpg (382.41 KB,700x854,50:61,cukgx6axruqbc3clajam.jpg)

File: f1572cde82e54eb⋯.jpg (317.13 KB,718x942,359:471,dgqez7_98675ca4_3f98_4cf7_….jpg)

File: d85c7fcd2662a76⋯.png (140.38 KB,371x305,371:305,EOhW_IeXUAUZxG9_png_large.png)

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aa04f9 No.18799516


Same same

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a7dc6a No.18799517


i opened a can of sardonics for my cat and he ate them sarcasticly

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90017c No.18799518

File: bb1f727e0633a20⋯.gif (1.97 MB,360x360,1:1,1510365152604.gif)


good times…

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088a62 No.18799519

File: 522965f8e85c81d⋯.png (179.02 KB,438x200,219:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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088a62 No.18799520


My original account has disappeared and I cannot access it.

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dc453e No.18799521



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92dc8b No.18799522


did virgil find jenkum jebus yet ?

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e52d48 No.18799523

File: 7280ba72ce22cc8⋯.png (144.33 KB,474x474,1:1,b3653467b54634643.png)

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c196e6 No.18799524

File: f6a3c82f156cb17⋯.jpg (133.56 KB,1024x622,512:311,cop_take_a_knee.jpg)

Why do shills keep calling me a boot licker??? I am NOT a boot licker! I back the blue! The blue keeps us safe. They are just doing their job. Keeping us safe. Safe from guns and bump stocks, safe from illegal medicines, safe from covid 19 and god knows what other pandemic is coming. So STOP calling me a boot licker because I want another man to keep me safe. I am not a boot licker. I do not want to lick their boots. I want to deepthroat the whole boot!!!

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105c31 No.18799525

File: 13af99c0885c6e5⋯.png (2.4 MB,1818x903,606:301,pence_j6.png)

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bd98c9 No.18799526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ghost it, B

Naker in the building

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92dc8b No.18799527

File: c1033d3f32307c9⋯.jpg (320.59 KB,780x960,13:16,1579628153346.jpg)

File: a1d37f1df65a011⋯.png (108.11 KB,335x335,1:1,a1d37f1df65a0112ce566fc305….png)

File: a58b125550055f8⋯.mp4 (556.67 KB,650x366,325:183,a58b125550055f8c3d0cdfefcc….mp4)

File: a449dc0147af260⋯.png (97.35 KB,253x199,253:199,a449dc0147af2604b6e953eea3….png)

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dc453e No.18799528


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3290d8 No.18799529

File: b6f294131c2f258⋯.png (916.99 KB,1000x667,1000:667,ClipboardImage.png)


Not doge.

Not ref.

CEO at Barkoholics Anonymous

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19f279 No.18799530


That was my problem, too. And then, all of a sudden, it was possible again. Don´t know what changed. keep trying it!

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3e9d39 No.18799531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Now is the time to pray.

We're operational.

God bless the United States of America." Q post #104


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bd98c9 No.18799532

File: 78399825fc2443e⋯.jpg (18.43 KB,333x353,333:353,264502993_607442153905797_….jpg)


>CEO at Barkoholics Anonymous

Call mw "what's coming"

cuz I cannot be stopped

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bf1d47 No.18799533

File: a402743110390c8⋯.png (121.59 KB,542x595,542:595,n754b36534.png)

File: a30c0f7e9afa425⋯.png (482.48 KB,750x619,750:619,M874N6B543655346534.png)

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83f560 No.18799534

Collins Aerospace. Get your money out immediately.

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aa04f9 No.18799535

Did your ears finally stop ringing?

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92dc8b No.18799536

File: c19eba7ccf266e3⋯.png (425.22 KB,500x689,500:689,c19eba7ccf266e3fbe55c53cf0….png)

File: c326c6dbefe8e16⋯.png (46.5 KB,960x527,960:527,c326c6dbefe8e16ae6d636d3a1….png)

File: d2ac2928d1478a6⋯.png (668.12 KB,526x680,263:340,d2ac2928d1478a6d7b1cbde9eb….png)

File: a41f18ab6145ec5⋯.jpg (36.95 KB,384x298,192:149,EN36m31UEAEw_LI.jpg)

all connected

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191eb5 No.18799537

File: 68f70727a35f9ce⋯.png (2.39 MB,1863x2754,23:34,68f70727a35f9ce5a9aa594d13….png)

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bd98c9 No.18799538


No, it's getting LOUDER and moar frequent


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8495c8 No.18799539

File: 5527c8ee0723bb0⋯.png (139.53 KB,342x322,171:161,Screen_Shot_2023_05_05_at_….png)

You might be an anon if you automatically picture her in a cop car.

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c196e6 No.18799540

File: fda4d2fbd1e9902⋯.jpg (128.29 KB,736x558,368:279,evil_EYESs.jpg)

File: 3add92c904d7160⋯.jpg (17.5 KB,239x279,239:279,evil_eye.jpg)

File: 2d897660c0360f4⋯.jpg (115.86 KB,1600x900,16:9,gay_jar_heads.jpg)

Name three things that makes you proud to be an American. KEK.

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3290d8 No.18799541

File: f91aa8517eff0ad⋯.png (214.55 KB,640x361,640:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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ffff5c No.18799542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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088a62 No.18799543

File: f20f68c635abae0⋯.png (1.63 MB,1280x1024,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7dc6a No.18799544

File: a56cd9a32cee3cf⋯.png (855.3 KB,1140x1233,380:411,Screen_Shot_2023_05_05_at_….png)


OH…oh… the emperor has no pants

Former F-16 pilot says he would not want to fly missions of Ukraine right now, arguing "there is no fighting chance."

🇺🇦 F-16s cannot overcome Russian air defense systems, said US Air Force veteran, F-16 pilot John Venable, writes Business Insider.

The F-16 lacks a stealth feature and is inferior to advanced air defense systems such as Russia's S-400 air defense systems, Venable added.

▪️F-16s are not suitable for the Ukrainian Air Force, because Air defenses can easily "outsmart" their guidance systems.

The transfer of F-16 fighters to Kyiv will not affect the course of hostilities and will not increase the likelihood of a positive outcome of the counteroffensive, the Air Force veteran sums up.


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a7dc6a No.18799545


>You might be an anon if you automatically picture her in a cop car.

front seat or back?

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14cdd7 No.18799546


>baker seeking handoff, ghost @100

ghosting early


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105c31 No.18799547

File: b149b1f5d1be743⋯.png (301.45 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6ee506f4ce0de9⋯.png (355.35 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee27ad167b981e5⋯.png (264.97 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7fe0c365fe6571e⋯.png (292.86 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bad0654c450b1cf⋯.png (532.58 KB,640x853,640:853,ClipboardImage.png)

My Story Fiona Barnett – “Hang on for the Ride”

This all written and drawn by Fiona Barnett, who lives in Australia, fears for her life and wishes her story spread widely. She names some prominent people. First she gives her explanation as to why she has posted the information and this is followed by her story “Hang on for the Ride” in words and pictures.

4. I am exhausted. I have no other means of protecting my family other than sharing the information that places my family at risk as long as it remains a secret. It is out now – perhaps now my husband and children are safe.

5. I share this information so that other victims may recognise their own abuse experiences and know that they are not crazy, not alone – that YES this did happen to them.

6. Most importantly – I speak out to give a voice to the 100+ children I witnessed raped, tortured and murdered throughout my nightmare childhood. I saw children bred in captivity beneath Holsworthy to be used as human guinea pigs in horrendous unethical medical experiments – all in the name of national security. THESE CHILDREN DID INDEED EXIST!!


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69351c No.18799548


was ian the guy who was talking about how he's a pedo in 2014?

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c196e6 No.18799549

File: b3520a66112475a⋯.jpeg (114.48 KB,1200x600,2:1,gaga_presidents.jpeg)

Name three things that makes you proud to be an American.

1) The police. The police don't fool around. Mouth off to a cop and get your teeth kicked out.

2) Military. Mouth off or resist the Petro Dollar and we carpet bomb the shit out of ya. And kick your teeth out.

3) The flag. Disrespect muh flag and I stomp your head in. And kick all your teeth out.

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5de95b No.18799550

File: 124cad978bc7f01⋯.png (1.22 MB,720x858,120:143,nunbyutur67utry45y6w643.png)

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3290d8 No.18799551

File: 6d1ebc07670c0de⋯.png (406.6 KB,919x500,919:500,ClipboardImage.png)


Hekk I din know u was immortal doge.

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8495c8 No.18799552

File: 70531fb7273299e⋯.jpg (59.98 KB,496x750,248:375,70531fb7273299e39c2d610b12….jpg)


Why not both?

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175290 No.18799553

hubris unfettered

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105c31 No.18799554

File: 4b5dd198deccce2⋯.png (285.43 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32515888f1e85db⋯.png (541.16 KB,640x853,640:853,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a5fc6b3c51bf82⋯.png (292.96 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6345500dbc24d03⋯.png (516.03 KB,512x768,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1941f5b4fd6fb42⋯.png (381.95 KB,512x768,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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3290d8 No.18799555

File: 925266240dfdcfa⋯.png (334.1 KB,640x434,320:217,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 360c8f4433ed61c⋯.png (61.85 KB,482x452,241:226,ClipboardImage.png)

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75cd11 No.18799556

File: cccdda3e91d6b89⋯.png (1.07 MB,968x947,968:947,b435v43mbh63456345.png)

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a7dc6a No.18799557


>Name three things that makes you proud to be an American.

jimi hendrix

frank zappa

duane allman

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39709c No.18799558

File: 9cf2f4d679abc92⋯.png (240.13 KB,478x457,478:457,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)

File: 54e5174163183b7⋯.png (360.18 KB,478x499,478:499,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)

File: 5f607af05ee6e9b⋯.png (26.13 KB,478x312,239:156,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)

File: 30edc841f7ca0bc⋯.png (34.35 KB,478x336,239:168,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)

DeSantis is rumored to announce his run this May. Has anyone noticed the recent uptick in Meatball Shills? It's a different atmosphere.

Anons be advised: Team DeSanctus Shills are out in full force on Twitter right now

Likely ahead of his announcement. Anons ready?












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105c31 No.18799559

File: 3e7d22a7b531caa⋯.png (261.42 KB,640x426,320:213,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3cf49932fe97077⋯.png (299.11 KB,512x768,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13555c039cb8094⋯.png (283.6 KB,640x426,320:213,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc778b5a301c430⋯.png (464.8 KB,640x853,640:853,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7fcf91bb1ad1fe2⋯.png (219.7 KB,640x426,320:213,ClipboardImage.png)



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39709c No.18799560

File: 694c7138ff63715⋯.png (198.12 KB,488x425,488:425,Democrats_for_Desantis.png)

File: 82f768eac7cf84a⋯.png (175.14 KB,489x576,163:192,Gen_Z_for_desantis.png)

File: 6625bfa201bebfb⋯.png (230.01 KB,487x717,487:717,govrealdeal.png)

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df34a2 No.18799561

File: 97381f88867642d⋯.jpeg (492.2 KB,967x756,967:756,IMG_5765.jpeg)

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bd98c9 No.18799562

File: 721a9a9fa203973⋯.png (905.65 KB,1080x717,360:239,ClipboardImage.png)


Not immortal

Just incapable of keeping a regular sleep schedule

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47ea19 No.18799563

File: 5f35b51493f88a2⋯.png (549.93 KB,1055x596,1055:596,5f35b51493f88a2e7705c16a9b….png)

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a7dc6a No.18799564


<Did your ears finally stop ringing?

>No, it's getting LOUDER and moar frequent

one-half cup of fresh blueberries on an empty stomach, early in the day, every day. chew THOROUGHLY.

it works, i promise.

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175290 No.18799565

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39709c No.18799566

File: a26d9687b781123⋯.png (16.33 KB,478x144,239:72,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)

File: 6cd6df4944600e2⋯.png (130.65 KB,478x503,478:503,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)

File: 3103f6f24403e3e⋯.png (317.61 KB,535x721,535:721,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)

File: 984347ea65b6048⋯.png (39.11 KB,535x412,535:412,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)

File: 28fde3d05dc9f8b⋯.png (86.85 KB,478x486,239:243,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)



Jenna Ellis going hard lately.

The fight is on

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175290 No.18799567

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2b7e91 No.18799568


Kidman's Charm is Eastern Star. Women's arm of the Freemasons.

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105c31 No.18799569

File: cef4c91d86b952f⋯.png (368.51 KB,725x697,725:697,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa44ac61612ff4e⋯.png (221.59 KB,640x452,160:113,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf5fc1a6aef7587⋯.png (146.86 KB,640x452,160:113,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d725dcca75fcf0f⋯.png (213.13 KB,640x452,160:113,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db6ba68d4efc01e⋯.png (187.69 KB,640x452,160:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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39709c No.18799570


wouldnt surprise me

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92dc8b No.18799571

File: 80be30572563f6b⋯.jpg (36.52 KB,720x400,9:5,muchausonbyproxy.jpg)

File: 8266661dfb9f823⋯.gif (2.09 MB,384x270,64:45,namblagif.gif)

File: e29d6fed275d1c2⋯.gif (806.2 KB,384x270,64:45,source.gif)

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df34a2 No.18799572

File: 115c100637ba107⋯.jpeg (135.82 KB,800x481,800:481,CB7486A8_A319_4EF4_9682_1….jpeg)

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a8bff4 No.18799573

File: 5222d74c30bc3c0⋯.png (1.34 MB,1184x995,1184:995,1683268817600.png)

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8495c8 No.18799574

File: 239947a741676de⋯.jpeg (289.36 KB,1916x618,958:309,239947a741676de9dea8bef09….jpeg)


Trump's mom was a MacLeod.

It makes anon wonder if Highlander was predictive programming and Trump gets stronger every time he takes out a deep state goon.

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bd98c9 No.18799575

File: f8d8717de80d5cb⋯.png (500.76 KB,715x707,715:707,ClipboardImage.png)


Did I say it was bothering me???

Last time I took advice from anon I deleted system32

But no, that sounds like a good idea regardless

Are you a doctor?

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105c31 No.18799576

File: 733efc4802d2b99⋯.png (115.49 KB,640x881,640:881,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdf31ab6860eb89⋯.png (215.53 KB,640x881,640:881,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ded1895a47f37fd⋯.png (316.45 KB,640x426,320:213,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 328de033309df3d⋯.png (329.05 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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175290 No.18799577

you are fucked


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3eb32b No.18799578

File: 7a2a7251ac8b7a8⋯.jpg (162.07 KB,828x1232,207:308,7a2a7251ac8b7a8892b71a444b….jpg)

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e52040 No.18799579

File: b95636bb9550949⋯.mp4 (8.54 MB,260x134,130:67,2023_05_05_0_02_38.mp4)

File: 68019a6de90a02a⋯.png (1.98 MB,1019x4660,1019:4660,2023_05_04_23_56_03.png)

post twice, NEVER notabled

Bill Gates funds millions to NGO claiming kids born sexual, 10-year-olds should learn about 'commercial sex work'

April 17, 2023

The sex ed said kids under 10 should learn, 'As you grow up, you might start to be interested in people with diverse gender identities'

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donates millions annually to a nongovernmental organization which claims that children are born sexual and should learn about "commercial sex work" under 10 years of age.

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)- a separate entity from the U.S. nonprofit - wields significant influence on global sex education. The NGO comprises 120 independent organizations in over 146 countries and has received - including its European network - over$80M from Gates. Other significant donors included the World Health Organization.

A toolkit released in 2017 showed an insight into how the NGO teaches sex education to children around the globe.

"Sexual activity may be part of different types of relationships, including dating, marriage or commercial sex work, among others," IPPF said about children under 10 should be taught, which was first flagged by Nicole Solas of the Independent Women's Forum.

Children under 10 should also be told "As you grow up, you might start to be interested in people with diverse gender identities," the toolkit said.

The IPPF suggested in multiple instances that children are born sexual.

Children under 10 should be taught that "Sexuality is a part of you from the moment you are born. Your sexuality develops and changes throughout your life."

"[S]ex positivity acknowledges that human beings, including adolescents and young people, are autonomous sexual beings."

Sex educators, according to the NGO, should have an "Understanding of young people as sexual beings."


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92dc8b No.18799580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a8bff4 No.18799581





These people are sick

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df34a2 No.18799583

File: d2d9e19e210066e⋯.png (476.76 KB,664x438,332:219,IMG_5770.png)

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92dc8b No.18799584

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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92dc8b No.18799585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8495c8 No.18799586

File: 6392a7c99f9d63c⋯.png (574.98 KB,1204x882,86:63,6392a7c99f9d63c6885b7f8008….png)


>Last time I took advice from anon I deleted system32

Rookie mistake unless you drink bleach while it's getting deleted.

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de35eb No.18799587

no one cares


or they would do something about it

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92dc8b No.18799588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bd98c9 No.18799589


>100+ children I witnessed raped, tortured and murdered throughout my nightmare childhood. I saw children bred in captivity beneath Holsworthy to be used as human guinea pigs in horrendous unethical medical experiments

Okay so how did you excape?

Did the place have wooden doors?

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e52040 No.18799590


hello naker baker, kek.

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df34a2 No.18799591

File: 123827d136aaa30⋯.jpeg (884.6 KB,981x1155,327:385,IMG_5772.jpeg)

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3eb32b No.18799592

File: 9b97b028ca0557c⋯.png (153.61 KB,500x675,20:27,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 274597ed0e5a2a2⋯.png (150.17 KB,786x500,393:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7dc6a No.18799593


>Did I say it was bothering me???

so you posted it because you wanted everyone to know it's NOT bothering you. chekt.

>Last time I took advice from anon I deleted system32

so now you take no advice from anyone? in vegas, that's called "playing on tilt." they would LOVE you.

>But no, that sounds like a good idea regardless

can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, so you've exhausted my concern for you as a human being.

>Are you a doctor?

have you EVER met or heard of a dr who would tell you that you can cure a health issue with food, instead of an expensive Rx med?

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92dc8b No.18799594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cafe73 No.18799595


feels good if true.

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92dc8b No.18799596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bd98c9 No.18799597

File: 19b5bab9aff9e55⋯.png (2.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


I was being sardonic

Or maybe it was sarcasting, IDK

You're the one replying seriously to a dogeposter

But yes, I thing the blueberry breaky sounds delish


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a7dc6a No.18799598


>Okay so how did you excape?

>Did the place have wooden doors?

do you not know who fiona barnett IS? (allegedly) maybe read the book, before posting snarky comments?

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39709c No.18799599





Me thinks we need to pay attention to team Ron shills. It's a battlefield out there. Different feel, paid ops, planned attacks/talking points on Trump.

Important. eyes on anons

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92dc8b No.18799601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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df34a2 No.18799602

File: 67c2db49359b741⋯.gif (2.28 MB,320x178,160:89,Popcorn_07_Guy.GIF)

File: 19c4d012a278dc8⋯.jpeg (197.82 KB,716x1044,179:261,Hunter_Redacted_.JPEG)

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3290d8 No.18799603

File: 5260dad510e012f⋯.png (846.57 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Nothing can stop what's meowing.

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105c31 No.18799604

File: c7dbf0c35a86d9d⋯.png (274.05 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f283ccb633caa7⋯.png (454.29 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


"""SRA survivor asking for people to share her story bc she fears for her life.'''

And now for the pista resistance! At age 5 I was raped by future Prime Minister BOB HAWKE in a zucchini patch, at a BBQ, in a suburban Canberra backyard.

Another Bob Hawke victim, the daughter of Hawke’s architect Kevin Borland, was assaulted by Hawke after a party at her family home when she was 14. Hawke entered her room at night, awoke her in her bed, and digitally penetrated her. She immediately told her entire family who recall the incident today.

When I was 8, Dr Leonas Petrauskas took me to a crime scene at a secluded Kurnell Beach. There he met with prime minister Paul Keating who had raped and murdered a 5 year old boy and shallowly buried him in the sand. Keating was into necrophilia. Petrasukas was called in by Keating to do a clean up job. Petrauskas ordered me to dig up the body. As I did this, I heard the men talking about Petrauskas fabricating the child’s cause of death as a blue ringed octopus sting.

Operation Attest lied in their response to my complaint, saying they would not investigate mt claims because the alleged perpetrators were all dead. Last I checked, Keating and Hawke were still alive.Hang on for the ride! Part 13

I was also raped by actor BRUCE SPENCE, at Bathurst City Hall when I was 15. I met an apprentice carpet layer who laid carpet in Spence’s Sydney flat. He said Spence’s lounge room walls were covered in kiddie porn.

I was also raped by Shakespearean actor JOHN BELL, in the company of Dr Antony Kidman, on the eve of my 15th birthday, after a Nimrod Theatre post production party held at Kidman’s house that was attended by the Shakesperean play’s well-known cast. The following morning, Kidman tied me to a chair and beat me in front of his daughter NICOLE KIDMAN who stood there and smirked at me, with her arms crossed.


Interview with Fiona:


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bd98c9 No.18799605


>maybe read the book

Was it written in ballpoint pen?

Prior to 1944?

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a7dc6a No.18799606


>I thing the blueberry breaky

thure… you can put all the ithing you like on them. they will thtill thtop the ringing.

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e52040 No.18799607

File: 4ff8db54369fe17⋯.png (195.31 KB,429x300,143:100,2023_05_05_0_20_07.png)


>no one cares

>or they would do something about it

posting it here is trying to do something about it

there's more on Gates & the IPPF here:

Global Health Fraud thread:







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df34a2 No.18799608

File: e60994230c5fb4b⋯.jpeg (84.93 KB,800x534,400:267,C2466304_0DDF_45F6_A618_A….jpeg)

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3290d8 No.18799609

File: c9c211140cadd9e⋯.png (324.03 KB,570x718,285:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7dc6a No.18799610

File: 9ad1867db76ce91⋯.webp (25.52 KB,1300x866,650:433,121693758_fresh_blueberri….webp)

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105c31 No.18799611

File: 94a899bd1967a99⋯.png (234.31 KB,483x415,483:415,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18799604 me

SRA survivor asking for people to share her story bc she fears for her life.

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bd98c9 No.18799612

File: 6903a241d36c6f6⋯.jpg (92.87 KB,700x933,700:933,_274294735_208384470176610….jpg)


1 kek has been deposited in your account

fanks again

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df34a2 No.18799613

File: b2cfc0c3c854224⋯.jpeg (88.67 KB,960x636,80:53,IMG_5777.jpeg)

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3371d4 No.18799614

File: d0ef0f56f1fc538⋯.png (151.55 KB,494x648,247:324,b6h5w3v543c43.png)

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92dc8b No.18799615

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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92dc8b No.18799616

1.21 jigafrauds

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105c31 No.18799617


I spun one time in a counter clockwise circle, knocked on the door 3 times then clicked my heels and poof!

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3290d8 No.18799618

File: 5e0350665cdd720⋯.png (389.95 KB,828x450,46:25,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b15fca6e135e815⋯.png (251.95 KB,620x349,620:349,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7dc6a No.18799619


>1.21 jigafrauds

how much is that in giraffes? aksing for a fren…

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df34a2 No.18799620

File: ab1f2c8e63fbc05⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,544x544,1:1,DeepState_Arrests_Compilat….MP4)

File: 84b02a2a6f22547⋯.jpg (206.71 KB,1088x1088,1:1,DeepState_Gitmo_01.JPG)

File: 68d16102f38377b⋯.jpeg (313.63 KB,1357x1366,1357:1366,Deep_State_Terrorist_02_H….JPEG)

File: af346b83ba53424⋯.jpg (293.83 KB,1366x1025,1366:1025,Deep_State_Terrorist_01_Ba….jpg)

File: f77e0c21e50a86a⋯.mp4 (1.11 MB,540x360,3:2,Deep_State_Terrorists_Comp….mp4)

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10f6ce No.18799621

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088a62 No.18799622

File: 7038522ed514609⋯.png (308.93 KB,640x488,80:61,ClipboardImage.png)


Account is still suspended, but it did allow me to submit an appeal.

We will see.

I used the QDrops app from Tiger Network that AppleStore removed.

Twitter really hated the QDrops app.

Sometimes some of us noticed that QDrops app would receive a QDrop before it appeared on /qr/.

Weird experience all together.

If I don't get my account back, no biggie.

Would be nice to see some reconciliation though.

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105c31 No.18799623

File: 69f9b960aae945b⋯.png (1.09 MB,965x871,965:871,see_this_shit_tone.png)


Your tone … it's all wrong.

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df34a2 No.18799625

File: c4b513a02024a3a⋯.jpg (22.63 KB,255x261,85:87,BillnHillary_01.jpg)

File: 384deaf3b53edc9⋯.jpg (26.53 KB,254x258,127:129,BillnHillary_02.jpg)

File: 5e84eebed6cdb55⋯.jpg (340.59 KB,715x1080,143:216,HRC_Car_01_Comet_Ping_Pong.jpg)

File: d3978384678faff⋯.jpeg (153.23 KB,782x800,391:400,71F3DA76_FD81_4D89_AD8A_4….JPEG)

File: 8590903512a9c6a⋯.jpg (223.79 KB,1088x1409,1088:1409,HRC_Chelsea_01_Suicide_Squ….JPG)

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39709c No.18799626

File: f87e3930520fe44⋯.jpg (50.93 KB,714x750,119:125,0aUYaLS.jpg)

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105c31 No.18799627

File: 1b9b0ea11b93cfb⋯.jpg (71.83 KB,496x488,62:61,point_you_pepe.jpg)


Oldfag detected.

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e52040 No.18799628









do not agree

not notable

no real sauce, just a claim

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bd98c9 No.18799629




I mean seriously

She fears for her life so she's writing books and shit?

It don't make sense

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e52040 No.18799630



Showed to a friend, who says the drawings look like they were done by a grownup not a child.


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a8bff4 No.18799631

File: 99d8ca5c912c4e1⋯.jpg (134.03 KB,720x820,36:41,20230505_013855.jpg)

NEW 🚨 Magnitude 6.3 earthquake shakes central Japan


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8d4c26 No.18799632


A.I. generated by a psycho

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105c31 No.18799633


In that interview, she says she filed a formal complaint against nicole kidman's father n within 8 weeks he was ded.


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a8bff4 No.18799634

File: 6964f41658c6c1b⋯.jpg (150.78 KB,720x742,360:371,20230505_014344.jpg)



#earthquake M 6.2 - NEAR WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - 2023-05-05 05:42:04 UTC

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bd98c9 No.18799635


What kind of 5 year old child adds shading to a drawing of a plane?

>At age 5 I was raped by future Prime Minister BOB HAWKE in a zucchini patch, at a BBQ, in a suburban Canberra backyard.

This is literally copypasta tier nonsense

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105c31 No.18799636


Faggot, are you new? That's the best way to stay safe is to get as many people as possible to hear your story. Do you know nothing about whistle blowers?


Yes, I think she drew those when she was older because the children abuse victims don't get to take fucking photographs of their rape locations and abusers. please tell me you two idiots are fkn shills.

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105c31 No.18799637


Showed to a friend, who says the drawings look like they were done by a grownup not a child.

Well, with the two of you together, you two sound really fucking smart.

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bd98c9 No.18799638


At age 5 I was raped by future Prime Minister BOB HAWKE in a zucchini patch

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105c31 No.18799639

File: d290fa2e97a1a64⋯.png (246.7 KB,860x925,172:185,496_4964563_brainlet_wojak….png)

>>18799637 me

My bad forgot the >

>Showed to a friend, who says the drawings look like they were done by a grownup not a child.


I mean shit, did your friend see the "grownup" handwriting too? How old is your friend, 6?

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088a62 No.18799640



Whoh! My account has already been reinstated!

Now what?

I've been off for so long, I kind of lost interest.

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39709c No.18799641

File: 10c8a665c151e42⋯.png (593.6 KB,861x444,287:148,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)


Goin to bed, for your consideration. These DeSanctus shills are arming up. Organized and coordinated. They will fail but we must fight. o7

>>18799503 >>18799507 Ian Miles Cheong admitted DeSantis is paying him $35,000 a year

>>18799509 The Daily Wire was paid over 110k by Ron Desantis & his team

>>18799558 >>18799560 >>18799566 >>18799599 Anons be advised: Team DeSanctus Shills are out in full force on Twitter right now

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8e1a60 No.18799642

File: 35bd68bfd951050⋯.png (419.83 KB,800x400,2:1,tecwrqewrewq.png)

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3290d8 No.18799643


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c2b13f No.18799644

File: d615b2f95d70a15⋯.jpg (137.3 KB,1080x1442,540:721,d615b2f95d70a15f5cb0ddff25….jpg)

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5b7755 No.18799647



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5b7755 No.18799648

feliz cinco de mayo putos

breakfast tacos do exist

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90017c No.18799649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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83103a No.18799650

File: d621a1f89cdcb7f⋯.jpg (54.33 KB,474x637,474:637,d621a1f89cdcb7f2a302a419a1….jpg)

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bd98c9 No.18799651

File: ea45a610a64e699⋯.png (380.25 KB,543x965,543:965,ClipboardImage.png)

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19f279 No.18799652


>I've been off for so long, I kind of lost interest.

Yeah, here the same… But to put some Memes under Pelosi, Schiff or other maniacs is still nice. And if I am doing it again, I will wait how long I am reinstated…

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e2b270 No.18799653


probably a democrat off-chute who needs to create funding for another 100 billion.

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105c31 No.18799654

File: 6cbc97c7d9bba80⋯.jpg (13.29 KB,480x675,32:45,Zuck_da_fuQ.jpg)

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83103a No.18799655


>Anons be advised: Team DeSanctus Shills are out in full force on Twitter right now


>Christopher F. Rufo

>Welcome to My Substack

>Praise for My Work

>“An American hero.” -Steve Bannon

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bd63d5 No.18799656


I'm really fucking tired of this shit.

The elections are rigged anyways, so who the fuck even cares?

When are the elections going to start counting for anything?

We still have "selections" not "elections."

Until that changes, nothing changes.

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c6de37 No.18799657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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105c31 No.18799658


No real sauce? I sauced it and added an interview with her, even. You don't know who cathy fox is?

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83103a No.18799659

File: c08a7e5ceef1f31⋯.jpg (289.22 KB,605x838,605:838,Josef_Mengele_Auschwitz_Al….jpg)


>We still have "selections"

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bd98c9 No.18799662

Note Takernotables are not endorsements

#23072 >>18799457

>>18799607 Gates & the IPPF: Global Health Fraud thread

earthquake M 6.2 - NEAR WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - 2023-05-05 05:42:04 UTC

>>18799462 Eight dead in second Serbian shooting, police hunt killer

>>18799479 Lot going on in Florida's history, interesting part on the Phoenicians.

>>18799502 sadistic tranny pedo still being housed in female prison because muh pronouns

>>18799503, >>18799507 Ian Miles Cheong admitted DeSantis is paying him $35,000 a year

>>18799509 The Daily Wire was paid over 110k by Ron Desantis & his team

>>18799558, >>18799560, >>18799566, >>18799599, >>18799655 DeSanctus Shills out in full force on Twitter right now


kitchen open


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088a62 No.18799663

File: c81f0ad7a8bcfa0⋯.png (567.87 KB,583x596,583:596,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c982cd33a8b0ac8⋯.png (2.09 MB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 506b1e11470eae7⋯.png (76.71 KB,594x615,198:205,ClipboardImage.png)



Authorities on the Rosebud Reservation say a suspected “bootlegger” house in Mission was searched earlier this week.

Looks like a lucrative operation there…all those one's!

Fuck…they must've busted a group of 13 year olds!

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5b7755 No.18799664

File: 45c299358cb3981⋯.jpg (19.4 KB,474x315,158:105,th_2569853314.jpg)

man overboard

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d1188c No.18799665

File: 1e32080fd9ff226⋯.jpg (328.72 KB,1067x860,1067:860,Screenshot_20230505_203348….jpg)

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088a62 No.18799666

cp spammer needs to go find a different line of work.

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5b7755 No.18799667


that's well over $50 worth of booze

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105c31 No.18799668

File: 4ca3d23a3dc704c⋯.png (654.25 KB,768x768,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

I think there's only around 30 of us left, incl day shift, kmao.

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d1188c No.18799669

File: 0d1e1fa7265928d⋯.jpg (294.86 KB,1073x1487,1073:1487,Screenshot_20230505_203602….jpg)

1000 x Notable


Big pharma vax etc

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bd63d5 No.18799670


I thought we were already in The Storm.

Guess it's only going to get worse.

Going from sleet to hail.

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088a62 No.18799671

File: ec48b0daf217fdf⋯.png (104.6 KB,267x261,89:87,Screenshot_2021_04_29_2218….png)


>…consistent with a “bootlegging” operation were found.


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39709c No.18799673

File: 98270ba399229a2⋯.mp4 (3.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clip_3_Charters.mp4)


We have a lot of problems. One thing at a time. Right now one of them, imo, is at least being aware of the paid attacks on Trump/support of his snake opponent Ron DeSanctus. Expose and eliminate Ron. Trump will do most of the heavy lifting I reckon, but we his digital soldiers.

Most of this operation, it seems, is first waking as many ppl up as possible. We can assume the military will have 2024 unrigged like they did in 2016 (since there has been no major election changes/or COVID to help "steal it"). We still in the psyop, Patriots are in full control, but we still have to do our parts, making memes, waking up normies, researching Q, following Trumps every word…

Then we can start reviving the Old Republic, restoring the Constitution, ending the fed… andtake our motherfucken charters back


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2c733b No.18799674


it will get worse

before it gets bad

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f7a7d2 No.18799675

Da fuck they planning with these. Only used by aircraft, mostly helo's. Anon thinks they are stock pilling for coming war. All we need to do is fly the Apache's in from germany. Ammo awaits!


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e52040 No.18799676

File: 330cc84454ea539⋯.png (11.6 KB,385x180,77:36,2023_05_05_1_38_09.png)



Ten key unproven—or disproven—assumptions underlying the practice of youth transitions


April 18, 2023

The authors note that while a “growing number of European countries recognized deficiencies in the evidence supporting the highly medicalized “gender-affirming” approach to treating gender-dysphoric youth in North America, the narrative that “gender-affirmative care has been scientifically proven” has been remarkably resilient."

The authors observe that the practice of “gender affirmation” of minors using hormones and surgery is based on 10 key fallacious assumptions that are misrepresented as proven facts:

1 The emergence of a trans identity is the result of reaching a higher level of self-awareness.

2 Whether the trans-identity emerges in very young children, older children, teens, or mature adults, it is authentic and will be lifelong.

3 All gender identity variations are biologically determined and inherently healthy.

4 The frequently co-occurring psychiatric symptoms are a direct result of gender incongruence (the so-called “minority stress” model).

5 The only way to relieve, or prevent, psychiatric problems is to alter the body at the earliest signs of puberty.

6 Psychological evaluations and attempts to address psychiatric comorbidities should only be used to support transition.

7 Attempts to resolve gender dysphoria with psychotherapy range from ineffective to harmful.

8 Gender-dysphoric youth must have unquestioning social, hormonal, and surgical support for their current gender identities and desired physical appearance.

9 All individual embodiment goals, even those that do not occur in nature, must be fulfilled to the full extent technically possible.

10 Science has proven the benefits of early gender transition, and low rates of regret and detransition further validate the practice.

The authors refute these assumptions, focusing on the three most critical fallacies.

They recount the evidence that identity formation in adolescence is far from complete, and a trans identity for many will prove to be temporary. They note that the rationale for “gender-affirming” interventions has shifted from reducing extreme suffering, to merely fulfilling individual embodiment goals, which undermines the original premise of administering drastic, irreversible interventions off-label to young people whose identities are far from fully formed.

Finally, the authors note thatthe claim that gender-transition is a proven net-beneficial practice is demonstrably false. The claims by gender medicine clinicians that these interventions are “proven” collapse when scrutinized through the lens of systematic reviews, which are a fundamental requirement of evidence-based medicine. Unlike “narrative reviews” which the field has come to rely on, and which cherry-pick “favorite” studies and merely restate those studies' biased conclusions, systematic reviews require the analysis of all the available evidence, subjecting each study to a critical appraisal for risk of bias and other methodological problems, issuing an overarching conclusion which states the effects of a given treatment, and grades evidence for quality/certainty.

To date, every systematic review of evidence has concluded that the evidence of benefits is highly uncertain. The only disagreement is about the harms: some consider the harms also uncertain, while others note that the evidence of potential harms to bone and cardiovascular health, and the expected infertility and sterility, render the practice net-harmful for most youth today.

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c6de37 No.18799677


The biggest crime I see is that "vodka"…and is that an empty bottle?

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bd98c9 No.18799678



>earthquake M 6.2 - NEAR WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - 2023-05-05 05:42:04 UTC

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088a62 No.18799679


I noticed that it looks like there is moar than one that seems empty to me.

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bd98c9 No.18799680


okay, so

you posted it again

we reported it again

what exactly is the point again?

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bd63d5 No.18799682


Small potatoes.

Cops got noting better to do?

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6f74e2 No.18799683

File: d09a6c481520326⋯.png (612.3 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)



Anon is here to chew bubblegum and kick ass

Anon has run out of ass so chewing bubblegum and praying for ass it is !!!

no homo


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d71e62 No.18799684

File: f923cab513a0aeb⋯.png (111.17 KB,457x513,457:513,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd8d49900b2b7f6⋯.png (175.9 KB,815x393,815:393,ClipboardImage.png)


The Fed was merged into the Treasury …


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e52040 No.18799685


Can you add the original Gates article to which the followup refers?

>>18799579 , >>18799607 Gates & the IPPF: Global Health Fraud thread

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bd98c9 No.18799686

Note Takernotables are not endorsements

#23072 >>18799457

>>18799579 , >>18799607 Gates & the IPPF: Global Health Fraud thread

>>18799634 earthquake M 6.2 - NEAR WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - 2023-05-05 05:42:04 UTC

>>18799462 Eight dead in second Serbian shooting, police hunt killer

>>18799479 Lot going on in Florida's history, interesting part on the Phoenicians.

>>18799502 sadistic tranny pedo still being housed in female prison because muh pronouns

>>18799503, >>18799507 Ian Miles Cheong admitted DeSantis is paying him $35,000 a year

>>18799509 The Daily Wire was paid over 110k by Ron Desantis & his team

>>18799558, >>18799560, >>18799566, >>18799599, >>18799655 DeSanctus Shills out in full force on Twitter right now

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338ce0 No.18799687



02-Nov-2017 2:44:21 PM EDT



Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

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088a62 No.18799688

File: 212c8275078b33a⋯.png (393.69 KB,553x483,79:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd63d5 No.18799689



Is this why all of the banks are failing?

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2b7e91 No.18799690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


More on Florida.

This topic lead me to a tribe of giant white men with red hair, tanned skin and grey eyes.

They were often referred to as Rabbits.

Only the leader was tattooed, which is also a tradition of the Celts.

They were called the Duhare or Duharhe (Can of the Hare) hence the name Rabbits.

The red hair led researchers to the Irish word 'du'hEir, which translates to Place of the Irish.

Unlike the other tribes that relied heavily on the sea for everything, the Duhare were said to have large herds of deer they used for milk, cheese and meat.



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cda05b No.18799691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


not sure that is correct. has nothing to do with the b.i.s, that ngo has to be taken down or it will not work, mind you if the u.s treasury breaks free than it will be currency wars on a global scale!!!

interesting video below showing the state of the banks and the consoladation by the too big to fail banks!!



Note: Chico was all in on the cypto markets, anon would not get involved into anything digital as it can be cut of by the B.I.S as Agustin Carstens stated. To put it in a way for everyone to understand, the new digital currency will have a single entry point to use and a off switch to cut off anyone who is not compliant of their regulations !!!

The whole system is built by IBM and runs on Hyperledger systems using Ethereum at the top level controlled by the banksters !!


WARNING! Global “Bank Run” Soon!! Get Your Cash Out NOW!!



15,177 views 3 May 2023 #BankingCollapse #FirstRepublic #Bitcoin

WARNING!! Major Regional USA banks are collapsing left & right. More than half of the United States banks are on the verge of complete failures. Get your cash out of these banks & into Bitcoin ASAP!! Although is this nationwide banking collapse part of the plan? Nationalization of the banking system through blockchain technology?? Tune in to find out…


⏰ Time Stamps ⏰

00:00 The Fiat Bank dominoes keep falling

00:45 The past 3 banks to collapse have assets nearly equaling the last 20

01:24 JP Morgan buying out First Republic Bank

02:50 The nationalization of the US banking system by the elite few

04:52 Dozens of more US banks on the verge of insolvency

05:30 Nationalized banking system using blockchain tech to print money out of thin air

07:10 Digging into Ethereum Smart Contracts to prove non-backed currency is being created

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105c31 No.18799692

File: 22b5f730b58f45f⋯.png (65.28 KB,581x685,581:685,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a9ea02d00954fb⋯.mp4 (156.28 KB,244x280,61:70,right.mp4)

File: a3e6de5627add26⋯.jpg (14.53 KB,255x222,85:74,fisa_card.jpg)

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90017c No.18799693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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90017c No.18799694

File: a0008796182320d⋯.jpg (3.51 MB,2423x3000,2423:3000,Rex_Anthony_Bell_Jr_as_an_….jpg)


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90017c No.18799695

File: 3f41d3da6be0b3f⋯.jpg (4.25 MB,3000x2348,750:587,Group_of_servicemen_for_Ge….jpg)


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90017c No.18799696

File: 818fd8844777ac3⋯.jpg (1.77 MB,1619x2000,1619:2000,Photograph_of_Tom_Jones_La….jpg)


>her eyes…

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df34a2 No.18799697

File: b6cc0d17301ddae⋯.jpeg (195.24 KB,1088x862,544:431,IMG_5782.jpeg)

File: 5e656e8c1d0492d⋯.jpeg (261.79 KB,1088x1032,136:129,IMG_5780.jpeg)

File: 2d3098481169783⋯.jpeg (717.95 KB,1262x1028,631:514,IMG_5779.jpeg)

File: e1c1114c82221ac⋯.jpeg (320.21 KB,1088x1255,1088:1255,IMG_5778.jpeg)

King Charlie the Third

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bd63d5 No.18799698

File: bfd22b9e917a419⋯.png (46.17 KB,136x294,68:147,ClipboardImage.png)


Attention Whore

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90017c No.18799699

File: a48d2b63cd71c4c⋯.jpg (5.24 MB,2317x3000,2317:3000,Invitation_to_Peace_Rally_….jpg)


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df34a2 No.18799700

File: c1349c14f631570⋯.jpeg (160.45 KB,1088x1083,1088:1083,IMG_5781.jpeg)

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90017c No.18799701

File: 21c6914b9fd85c0⋯.jpg (5.97 MB,3358x2635,3358:2635,Schedule_for_the_Teaching_….jpg)


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df34a2 No.18799702

File: 2441f7fb67229db⋯.gif (1.06 MB,480x304,30:19,IMG_5783.gif)

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90017c No.18799703

File: a298be1d2462341⋯.jpg (5.42 MB,2315x3000,463:600,ent001497_064.jpg)


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90017c No.18799704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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90017c No.18799705

File: f6e241628c1f633⋯.jpg (5.71 MB,2315x3696,2315:3696,Menu_has_photographs_of_Ts….jpg)

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df34a2 No.18799706


Two Transgenders men and a transgender woman.

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90017c No.18799707

File: 209e265d318250d⋯.jpg (4.78 MB,2537x3209,2537:3209,Letter_from_Hebrew_Immigra….jpg)


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90017c No.18799708

File: ec1139c0b5c0858⋯.jpg (11.55 MB,6405x3042,2135:1014,Map_showing_various_facili….jpg)


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90017c No.18799709

File: bf191127eee00fd⋯.jpg (15.92 MB,8851x3124,8851:3124,Map_showing_location_of_le….jpg)


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105c31 No.18799711


Horrific. Bears too. He looks fuct up.

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90017c No.18799712

File: dafcc2443469be6⋯.jpg (2.81 MB,1704x2000,213:250,Brian_Greenspun_.jpg)


>slick willies roomie in college

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bd63d5 No.18799713


Number 1 question that people ask Homeschoolers is: What about Socialization?

As if socialization is the most important part of schooling.

Homeschoolers response is: Yes, we are concerned about the negative socialization in Government Schools, that's one of the reasons why we Homeschool.

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90017c No.18799714

File: 8b423b8edd325a4⋯.jpg (13.7 MB,5744x4378,2872:2189,Clara_Bow_seated_second_fr….jpg)


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90017c No.18799715

File: 74ce40142288f06⋯.jpg (14.93 MB,4747x5744,4747:5744,Clara_Bow_third_from_left_….jpg)


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90017c No.18799716

File: 04218c6578a92d4⋯.jpg (5.27 MB,2295x3600,51:80,Billy_Bow_Clara_Bow_s_cous….jpg)


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a8bff4 No.18799717

File: c95d61025e797e3⋯.mp4 (15.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,7wmKEp0XwQzYdCm5.mp4)

1994 Joe Biden has a message for Americans in 2023

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90017c No.18799718

File: 36f207bce0bb8b7⋯.jpg (7.33 MB,3384x5400,47:75,Advertisement_for_4th_of_J….jpg)

File: d293c5b9eebff54⋯.jpg (430.28 KB,1920x1173,640:391,1920px_Clara_Bow_Grave_cro….jpg)

File: c1dbb4267b93a2e⋯.webp (88.36 KB,358x480,179:240,1950c_3232e.webp)


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90017c No.18799719

File: 9ff464cd3befffb⋯.jpg (8.57 MB,3000x2800,15:14,_.jpg)


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90017c No.18799720

File: 0e5eac5e1301c44⋯.jpg (1.9 MB,2000x1389,2000:1389,Lynn_Weisner_Lovee_Arum_Ir….jpg)


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bd63d5 No.18799721


His voice sounds different now.

It's lower now.

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a8bff4 No.18799722

File: 82bf03893e2c529⋯.jpg (170.85 KB,720x1152,5:8,20230505_034417.jpg)

File: 40527ccc1813fe6⋯.mp4 (8.13 MB,960x720,4:3,Qew2h0y7k7fTV3ct.mp4)

Adrenochrome is as real as it gets. Here's irrefutable proof…… These illuminati monsters want to have their youth forever and will stop at nothing to try and obtain that…….


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90017c No.18799723

File: 080aee94bb63b2b⋯.jpg (10.09 MB,4216x5400,527:675,Daisy_Beldam_Rex_Bell_s_mo….jpg)


Daisey is sporting a star…

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a0c8ad No.18799724

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB,600x450,4:3,IMG_4220.gif)

Morning, frenz

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90017c No.18799725

File: 4526eab2aa72cbc⋯.jpg (56.48 KB,527x612,31:36,ClaraBellTehClown_44.jpg)

File: 4c04ec8d6d5b664⋯.jpg (286.72 KB,1280x978,640:489,Dancing_Mothers_lobby_card….jpg)

File: 72ee8c02b93e55b⋯.jpg (57.14 KB,330x438,55:73,Childrenofdivorce.JPG)

File: c8d3f4bf6e0f462⋯.jpg (95.25 KB,663x513,221:171,Buffalo_Bob_Howdy_Doody_Fl….jpg)


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90017c No.18799726

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bd63d5 No.18799727


>We can assume the military will have 2024 unrigged like they did in 2016

That is the only hope that I have.

I was trying to explain that to one of my neighbors the other day, but he is very far away from waking up.

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90017c No.18799728

File: 799a6800af23b14⋯.jpeg (270.7 KB,1200x603,400:201,eb408f3e2c68ef363021f1c26….jpeg)

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90017c No.18799730

File: e6e2b1388ffcc5a⋯.jpg (314.86 KB,1025x978,1025:978,capture_004_30032022_15054….jpg)

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90017c No.18799731

File: 7c29c37f80c9008⋯.jpg (287.74 KB,965x977,965:977,capture_313_03042022_13415….jpg)

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90017c No.18799732


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90017c No.18799733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bd98c9 No.18799734

File: e726c22763b9090⋯.png (713.81 KB,720x939,240:313,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8bff4 No.18799739

File: 1c40f22154000e9⋯.png (255.85 KB,440x386,220:193,very_sad_dog.PNG)

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90017c No.18799740

File: 2ad41179a98866a⋯.jpg (55.79 KB,600x780,10:13,Buffalo_Bob_Smith_and_Howd….jpg)

File: 73fbf4c5ae83302⋯.jpg (126.83 KB,733x431,733:431,Captain_Kangaroo_promotion….jpg)

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90017c No.18799741

File: 6d6e955f125f791⋯.jpg (10.1 MB,5665x4467,5665:4467,Hoot_Gibson_is_standing_be….jpg)


It's a club.

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90017c No.18799742

File: f55919143f15681⋯.jpg (133 KB,1068x691,1068:691,mt.jpg)

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b105b3 No.18799743


At this point only Christians and/or fools are still waiting.

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90017c No.18799745

File: b774e96c4112f38⋯.jpg (46.31 KB,640x494,320:247,POTUSMarines.jpg)

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90017c No.18799746

File: 1eb9f4d58da562b⋯.jpg (141.47 KB,800x800,1:1,Trump_justice_Hillary.jpg)

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90017c No.18799747

File: fdcc9ffa60e9858⋯.png (4.5 MB,856x1835,856:1835,capture_1174_19022023_2025….png)

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90017c No.18799748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a8bff4 No.18799749

File: 1d955c41bd10094⋯.jpg (780.62 KB,675x1080,5:8,Vigo_Trump_72.jpg)

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bf80e7 No.18799750

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz14.gif)


>Morning, frenz

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a8bff4 No.18799751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Still Night Shift

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90017c No.18799752

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a8bff4 No.18799753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




This cleans my brain out

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90017c No.18799754

File: 9af219f0210225f⋯.png (4.36 MB,841x1810,841:1810,capture_1175_19022023_2025….png)

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a8bff4 No.18799755





I meant this, I'm too high kek

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90017c No.18799756

File: e7729cf4e3a8bd5⋯.jpg (6.85 MB,2560x3178,1280:1589,upr000026_003.jpg)

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bf80e7 No.18799757

File: 4fed514aaed9893⋯.webm (2.75 MB,1238x720,619:360,evergreenDickbutt.webm)

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ceb4d6 No.18799758

File: 0dab48b891e11d9⋯.png (50.79 KB,646x383,646:383,jamie_dimon_larry_page_eps….PNG)

File: 8eb0a0a2b34651c⋯.png (547.57 KB,643x473,643:473,jamie_dimon_larry_page_eps….PNG)

File: 09f3fd8f87499a4⋯.png (597.74 KB,641x575,641:575,jamie_dimon_larry_page_eps….PNG)

The CEO of JPMorgan Chase and co-founder of Google are both being asked to testify about Jeffrey Epstein's financial interests, as prosecutors in the U.S. Virgin Islands continue to try and unravel the late pedophile's financial web.

Denise George has requested that Jamie Dimon, the JPMorgan CEO, testify about his bank's dealings with Epstein, and sources close to the enquiry confirmed to CNN on Thursday that Dimon will testify on May 26 and 27.

The U.S. Virgin Islands is seeking unspecified damages from the largest U.S. bank for Epstein's alleged abuse of young girls and women on Little St. James, a private island he owned.

George is also seeking testimony from Larry Page, who co-founded Google.

Epstein reportedly sought to recruit Page as a client of JPMorgan.

The subpoena, obtained by The Daily Beast, also requests correspondence between Page and Epstein, and Page and JPMorgan; documents showing fees Page paid to Epstein or JPMorgan; and records touching on 'Epstein's involvement in human trafficking and/or his procurement of girls or women for commercial sex.'

On Thursday, George sought permission to subpoena Page by 'alternative service' - usually mail, or via a public notice - because they had spent the last month unsuccessfully trying to track him down and subpoena him in person. George said they had hired private investigators, but still couldn't find him.

In 2021 the reclusive billionaire was said to be living off-the-grid in Fiji; some reports said he had since moved to New Zealand.

Last month, Page's Google co-founder Sergey Brin was subpoenaed by George, along with billionaires Mortimer Zuckerman and Thomas Pritzker.


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90017c No.18799759

File: cb775209d4036d7⋯.jpg (13.61 MB,4000x3567,4000:3567,ent001321_011.jpg)

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90017c No.18799760

File: 1edf9a48257a31c⋯.jpg (1.86 MB,1396x2000,349:500,WTW_44.jpg)

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90017c No.18799761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ceb4d6 No.18799763

File: 55b2ada67e7e99f⋯.png (357.77 KB,627x620,627:620,jamie_dimon_banking_collap….PNG)


Dimon’s statements that he is “saving” the banking industry are false because he is one of the main reasons these smaller banks are failing. His bank, JPMorgan Chase, is a key financier of hedge funds, some of which are undermining bank stock prices with short selling. Hedge funds made more than $7 billion in profits by betting against bank shares during the recent crisis that rocked the sector. Pam Martens wrote that one thing that would help dramatically to stem the banking crisis is for President Biden to immediately issue an Executive Order halting the short selling of federally-insured bank stocks.

Jamie Dimon’s Bank now holds over 10% of America’s deposits, and that percentage will only increase as more and more smaller banks collapse.

Journalist Brian Shilhavey made a case that Big Tech is supporting the stock market and is losing money with AI, ChatGPT and Google Bard, and will need to be bailed. Just like Jamie Dimon seems to be consolidating the banking industry by driving smaller banks out of business, Bill Gates and Microsoft may be driving smaller Tech companies out of business, to consolidate the Tech industry.


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90017c No.18799764

File: d1dde33211256f5⋯.jpg (333.08 KB,607x1000,607:1000,Ag_44.jpg)

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c986fb No.18799765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ThanQ Baker!

Nothing but winning!

Since it's Cinco de Mayo, Carlos Santana, who became legal under Reagan in 1986.

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ceb4d6 No.18799766

File: 8044560c2b78905⋯.png (338 KB,671x554,671:554,catholic_hospital_eucharis….PNG)

Should a Catholic hospital be forced to snuff out its Eucharistic candle in order to provide care to the elderly, poor, and infirm? That is precisely the position taken by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), on multiple occasions, with St. Francis Hospital and Health System in Oklahoma. In order to continue to get reimbursements for care provided under CMS programs, the Catholic hospital will have to violate Catholic canons by getting rid of its Eucharistic candle, or removing its tabernacle and stop conducting Mass on site:

The federal government recently told a Catholic hospital in Oklahoma to either blow out a small candle or stop serving elderly, disabled, and low-income patients. Saint Francis Health System, the twelfth largest hospital in the nation, keeps, with many prudent safeguards, a sacred candle always lit inside its hospital chapels, in accordance with its Catholic faith.

After a hospital inspection in February, the government said a single candle was too dangerous and now threatens to strip the hospital of the ability to accept Medicare, Medicaid, or CHIP if it does not extinguish the flame. Becket sent a letter to the Biden administration reminding it that Saint Francis has the right to religious freedom and warning federal bureaucrats to leave the candle alone. …

Earlier this year, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, a federal agency under the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), deemed one of these candles too great a threat to hospital safety. Even though the candle is encased in glass and covered on top and has been approved repeatedly by the government and the local fire marshal, Saint Francis was told to snuff it out. If it does not extinguish the flame, the government will revoke Saint Francis’ ability to see Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP patients, cutting off critical healthcare access for thousands of people in Oklahoma. Saint Francis asked the government four separate times for a waiver, explaining that its sanctuary candle is not a danger to anyone.


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238ff3 No.18799767

File: 8066cc6f0f92cf9⋯.jpg (55.86 KB,500x614,250:307,7kdj73.jpg)


Evil desires: the most crucial component of fiction.

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a8bff4 No.18799768

Important R Stone interview at X22.

Cuts straight through the Desantis bullshit.

Still out to lunch on Ukraine.


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646cc2 No.18799769

Happy Friday, Froggies!

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90017c No.18799770

File: 36255874530a5f6⋯.mp4 (13.57 MB,854x480,427:240,LONG_CAREER_AS_ACTIVIST_Bi….mp4)

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90017c No.18799771

File: 67833c4e4e7b3a7⋯.png (214.95 KB,540x640,27:32,Flannel_Friday_Bikini.png)



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90017c No.18799772

File: fe53eb52e0c35e9⋯.mp4 (13.3 MB,854x480,427:240,Basically_Were_Trafficking….mp4)

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90017c No.18799773

File: 21e4c19b8a1fc9a⋯.png (4.52 MB,862x1831,862:1831,capture_1176_19022023_2025….png)

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90017c No.18799774

File: c05a5458606cc97⋯.mp4 (14.36 MB,854x480,427:240,JUST_IN_John_Kennedy_Explo….mp4)

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90017c No.18799775

File: 0d4ee8d5dbbfbe5⋯.png (4.56 MB,864x1840,54:115,capture_1177_19022023_2025….png)

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90017c No.18799776

File: aa0000ab2123e11⋯.mp4 (14.77 MB,854x480,427:240,ALL_YOU_CAN_SAY_IS_THANK_Y….mp4)

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90017c No.18799777

File: a22113014d92a85⋯.png (4.28 MB,843x1769,843:1769,capture_1178_19022023_2025….png)

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90017c No.18799778

File: 58340b7c27f4f49⋯.mp4 (14.74 MB,854x480,427:240,WE_ARE_NOT_A_DEMOCRACY_Chi….mp4)

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ceb4d6 No.18799779


zucchini is phallic symbol

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ceb4d6 No.18799780

File: 65d9d9da43d16a7⋯.png (318.87 KB,290x373,290:373,hillary_blunt.PNG)

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90017c No.18799781

File: 6ad972d67c7b8b6⋯.jpg (145.76 KB,682x579,682:579,capture_105_06042019_18553….jpg)

File: 6ae82f4a6276a99⋯.jpg (137.2 KB,583x572,53:52,capture_080_05042019_11372….jpg)

File: ccdaa491da0396b⋯.jpg (89.4 KB,530x617,530:617,capture_078_06042019_09063….jpg)

File: 2e1af9c57d27796⋯.jpg (136.71 KB,677x633,677:633,capture_070_06042019_06482….jpg)

File: 29dea25941a8e80⋯.jpg (107.98 KB,563x463,563:463,capture_118_08042019_06091….jpg)

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90017c No.18799782

File: f8b111fa5a41453⋯.jpg (335.44 KB,1000x524,250:131,capture_450_27092018_08002….jpg)

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21570f No.18799783

File: fca28703e5237cc⋯.png (882.84 KB,960x620,48:31,ClipboardImage.png)

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90017c No.18799784

File: a222454941be8fc⋯.jpg (38.22 KB,1032x1074,172:179,You_forgot_the_Y_.jpg)

Where's the hero of hubrisville?

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21570f No.18799785

File: 3856fff1673c800⋯.png (429.6 KB,900x602,450:301,ClipboardImage.png)

Comfy as fk

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c6cba5 No.18799786


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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90017c No.18799787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4a5b4d No.18799788

File: dff794ea6f6babd⋯.png (266.9 KB,666x422,333:211,dff794ea6f6babd03ae537921a….png)


errybody gonna stand b4 God. deez evil beings ain't gonna like it

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c6cba5 No.18799789


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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bf80e7 No.18799790

File: a7659f19ac2a46b⋯.gif (1 MB,360x270,4:3,ralph2a.gif)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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90017c No.18799791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a0c8ad No.18799792


Gonna be a lite day, got home late after a show

Exhausted, but today’s news should be a banger!

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238ff3 No.18799793

File: 8772542454e081d⋯.jpg (72.75 KB,699x495,233:165,moon_landing.jpg)

File: c4deb380936b025⋯.jpg (55.91 KB,500x581,500:581,7jgjx1.jpg)

File: c26ed306d3f2348⋯.jpg (66.14 KB,500x634,250:317,7jyerr.jpg)

File: 653993ba8a93bf0⋯.jpg (73.31 KB,624x500,156:125,7jy030.jpg)

File: 2f1937606cc08e7⋯.jpg (86.81 KB,796x500,199:125,7j3ziq.jpg)


How, or when, do you make a meme ?

Let's say, you come across a most difficult person(s) (someone you deal with on a daily basis),

and for some reason (fear, etc) you are "frozen" while dealing with the most difficult person. You can't talk; you can't do nuffin.


You're using the last hopeful remaining survivors of your brain cells to generate a long, lasting change


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90017c No.18799794

File: ef9fa17a1829e65⋯.jpg (36.94 KB,578x371,578:371,Trump_thor_3.jpg)

File: fef2230e0d334fa⋯.png (259.88 KB,480x290,48:29,Trump_thor_4.png)

File: da88ffdeb98aa7c⋯.jpeg (481.13 KB,1000x1467,1000:1467,Trump_Thor.jpeg)

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4a5b4d No.18799795

File: 82ab22da501478c⋯.png (1.04 MB,1280x640,2:1,muhcollector.png)


ty collector

morn'n baker in the middle of irl and won't be back for about an hr. i'll should be back by @650

habby tgif fam

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87549a No.18799796

File: 95b68da11597a7e⋯.png (386.34 KB,783x602,783:602,ClipboardImage.png)

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238ff3 No.18799797

File: f71295241ff6c9b⋯.jpg (40.01 KB,800x500,8:5,P_code_yella_mofos_v2.jpg)


Love your neighbor as yourself.

Know who you were.


3D to 5D

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c6cba5 No.18799798


>Exhausted, but today’s news should be a banger!

Yes, the usual friday news hit and run.

It's back to yard work for me this weekend.

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c986fb No.18799799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Chicken Heads

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928287 No.18799800

File: 7c6005fea97f09a⋯.png (562.62 KB,1162x880,581:440,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Donald J. Trump



When I take the oath of office on January 20, 2025,we will immediately begin the process of fully Securing the Border and removing the illegal aliens Joe Biden has unlawfully allowed to break into our Country…

May 03, 2023, 5:57 PM



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928287 No.18799801

File: be475c601bf5ff4⋯.png (205.32 KB,1138x628,569:314,d1a0bf5624a05d5188c463cd3c….png)

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a7c450 No.18799802

File: 44888b482cc0576⋯.png (8.14 KB,170x255,2:3,52774330b9087a82d0e873fee7….png)

Mernin anons

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928287 No.18799803

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Donald J. Trump



When I take the oath of office on January 20, 2025,we will immediately begin the process of fully Securing the Border and removing the illegal aliens Joe Biden has unlawfully allowed to break into our Country…

May 03, 2023, 5:57 PM



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928287 No.18799804

File: f64cbf714360c6a⋯.jpg (278.2 KB,466x700,233:350,f64cbf714360c6a9ac2c8baa57….jpg)

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bb2fd5 No.18799805


For whatever reason, it's just more deep state BS.

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90017c No.18799806

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a7c450 No.18799807


You ever been a dragon? You language use is not unlike some I know who hunt the darkness!

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ee869d No.18799808

File: 8e47029624fbd83⋯.png (156.21 KB,284x341,284:341,stpfdkz.PNG)

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c986fb No.18799809

File: 46350fe60d35caf⋯.png (3.45 MB,2735x2777,2735:2777,May_5_Cinco.png)


Clockfags are ahead on Cinco

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492a57 No.18799810

I thought the media was not allowed, by law, to post any results or say anything that could sway the public while polls are still open? How do they even get away with that shit?

>>18799097 (PB notables)Texts between Bret Baier and Tucker Carlson show concern over Fox News' decision desk calling Arizona for Biden too early on Election Night

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928287 No.18799811

File: 251bf7408329da8⋯.png (691.8 KB,1203x944,1203:944,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e642048f674a3f⋯.png (285.36 KB,1184x756,296:189,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e642048f674a3f⋯.png (285.36 KB,1184x756,296:189,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e5e72e5c55fe8c⋯.png (41.62 KB,845x728,65:56,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Donald J. Trump




Protecting Students from the Radical Left and Marxist Maniacs! #AGENDA47

May 02, 2023, 9:10 PM


President Donald J. Trump announced his plan to reclaim our once great educational institutions from the radical Left and Marxist maniacs.

President Trump will protect American students, impose real standards on higher education, and hold colleges and universities accountable.

“For many years, tuition costs at colleges and universities have been exploding, and I mean absolutely exploding while academics have been obsessed with indoctrinating America's youth," President Trump said. "The time has come to reclaim our once great educational institutions from the radical Left, and we will do that.”

President Trump has pledged to fire the radical Left accreditors that have allowed our colleges to become dominated by Marxist Maniacs and lunatics.

He will impose real standards on American colleges and universities, to include defending the American tradition and Western civilization, protecting free speech, eliminating wasteful administrative positions that drive up costs, removing all DEI bureaucrats, offering options for accelerated and low-cost degrees, providing meaningful job placement and career services, and implementing college entrance and exit exams to prove that students are getting their money's worth.

Once back in the White House, President Trump will direct the Department of Justice to pursue federal civil rights cases against schools that continue to engage in racial discrimination and will advance a measure to have schools that continue these illegal and unjust policies fined up to the entire amount of their endowment.


For many years, tuition costs at colleges and universities have been exploding, and I mean absolutely exploding while academics have been obsessed with indoctrinating America's youth. The time has come to reclaim our once great educational institutions from the radical Left, and we will do that.

Our secret weapon will be the college accreditation system. It's called accreditation for a reason.

The accreditors are supposed to ensure that schools are not ripping off students and taxpayers, but they have failed totally. When I return to the White House, I will fire the radical Left accreditors that have allowed our colleges to become dominated by Marxist Maniacs and lunatics.

We will then accept applications for new accreditors who will impose real standards on colleges once again and once and for all.

These standards will include defending the American tradition and Western civilization, protecting free speech, eliminating wasteful administrative positions that drive up costs incredibly, removing all Marxist diversity, equity, and inclusion bureaucrats, offering options for accelerated and low-cost degrees, providing meaningful job placement and career services, and implementing college entrance and exit exams to prove that students are actually learning and getting their money's worth.

Furthermore, I will direct the Department of Justice to pursue federal civil rights cases against schools that continue to engage in racial discrimination. And schools that persist in explicit unlawful discrimination under the guise of equity will not only have their endowment taxed, but through budget reconciliation, I will advance a measure to have them fined up to the entire amount of their endowment.

A portion of the seized funds will then be used as restitution for victims of these illegal and unjust policies, policies that hurt our country so badly. Colleges have gotten hundreds of billions of dollars from hard-working taxpayers and now we are going to get this anti-American insanity out of our institutions once and for all.

We are going to have real education in America.

Thank you.


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128d7b No.18799812

File: 60bec84307e593a⋯.png (104.55 KB,766x870,383:435,107_6_.png)

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454535 No.18799813

File: 0c09c2438ee4ae9⋯.png (183.6 KB,1111x1034,101:94,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)


>>18799222 Page 317 of "Letters to Trump"


Mar 17, 2019 7:01:13 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: fe07c6 No. 5740605


What day is today?

How much more obvious can we make it?



Mar 17, 2018 8:44:59 PM EDT

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b02328 No. 702000

Mar 17, 2018 8:44:01 PM EDT

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b02328 No. 701978

Next week.






USMC activated.




Mar 17, 2019 7:09:22 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: fe07c6 No. 5740802

Mar 17, 2019 7:04:18 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 2298c5 No. 5740687



Look what POTUS retweeted and what's in the upper left corner. Hmmmm


Retweet 'many' for plausible deniability?

March(17)- message to?


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928287 No.18799815

File: 7b978de565622e0⋯.png (1.27 MB,773x827,773:827,ClipboardImage.png)

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c986fb No.18799816

File: 0dbeec420dcae89⋯.png (813.47 KB,730x4764,365:2382,Screenshot_2021_05_05_Cinc….png)


Cinco is actually an interesting thing. Rag tag bunch of poorly armed farmers and Natives beat the best army in the world.

At the end of their occupation, we sent 50,000 armed troops and artillery, fresh off US battlefields, across the border to help them rout the French.

France wanted the Confederacy to win and become part of a greater New French Empire in the Americas.

Gen Sheridan saw to their demise. New World peoples a little too scrappy.

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928287 No.18799817

File: 36185cd00989735⋯.png (504.55 KB,875x619,875:619,ClipboardImage.png)

Kari Lake



President @realDonaldTrump joins #CPACHungary via Video. The world loves this man & desperately needs his leadership back on the world stage! 🇺🇸

May 05, 2023, 3:49 AM


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928287 No.18799818

File: 36185cd00989735⋯.png (504.55 KB,875x619,875:619,ClipboardImage.png)

Make America Great Again Rally in Des Moines, IA!

Event Details

Sat, May 13, 2023

07:00 pm (US/Central)

Doors Open: 02:00 pm

Lauridsen Amphitheater at Water Works Park

2251 George Flagg Pkwy

Des Moines, IA 50321


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016a9b No.18799819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Prince Charles' Australian security scare: the 1994 incident that made world headlines


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c986fb No.18799820

File: 096923d878b0150⋯.jpg (176.77 KB,1024x1198,512:599,Flannel_bake.jpg)

File: 78eac885805f9b6⋯.jpg (589.28 KB,640x919,640:919,Flannel_Friday_baker.jpg)

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765789 No.18799821


Jesus, you said safe like 82 times

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454535 No.18799823

File: d6d6f408172d4e1⋯.png (26.8 KB,332x499,332:499,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)

File: ad9ed6e562d6cce⋯.png (78.91 KB,213x163,213:163,gk5.png)


>>18799222 Page 317 of "Letters to Trump"


>Page 317 of "Letters to Trump"

dot your[i]'s

cross your t's


Mar 17, 2019 11:01:01 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 208a6b No. 5745998

Mar 17, 2019 10:59:56 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 208a6b No. 5745956

Thanks for playing, @Jack.

Showing your hand was the intended target.

The 'SRIKE' will be FAST.

Shall We Play A Game?




On the move.


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928287 No.18799824

File: 49f310f59924176⋯.png (238.45 KB,859x521,859:521,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e33160974bc08e⋯.png (379.22 KB,1136x875,1136:875,ClipboardImage.png)

John Solomon



‘Pre-meditated and admitted lie:’ Intel pros slam Biden laptop letter after bombshell revelation

Ex-CIA boss told colleague Hunter Biden laptop letter a ‘talking point’ to help Biden at debate

Michael Morell’s candid admission that letter from 51 experts would be used to “to push back on Trump” exposes political nature of effort, experts say.

May 05, 2023, 7:16 AM


'Premeditated and admitted lie': Intel pros slam Biden laptop letter after bombshell revelation

Ex-CIA boss Morell wrote colleague that the Hunter Biden laptop letter was a "talking point" to help Joe Biden at debate.

In a rare and candid email exchange between two former CIA bosses, Michael Morell told John Brennan in October 2020 that he was organizing a letter of 51 intel experts claiming the emergence of the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian influence operation because he wanted to give Joe Biden's campaign a "talking point to push back on" Donald Trump during the last presidential debate of the 2020 election, according to documents obtained by Just the News.

Brennan, who served as CIA director under President Barack Obama, willingly agreed to sign the letter after being told of its political intentions. "Ok, Michael, add my name to the list," Brennan wrote Morell on Oct. 19. 2020. "Good initiative. Thanks for asking me to sign on."

You can read that email here:



The email exchange provides damning new proof supporting House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan's explosive revelation last week that the now-infamous intelligence letter — which was portrayed by news media, fact checkers and Big Tech as an independent and organic initiative by security experts — was in fact a political effort by U.S. spies instigated and assisted by Biden's campaign in an effort to influence the 2020 election.

Intelligence professionals reacted swiftly to the news Wednesday night, saying the revelation that two former CIA chiefs used their professional credentials to influence the 2020 election was troubling.

"This wasn't a 'talking point' to toss back at Trump, it was a premeditated and admitted lie to the American people designed specifically to deceive and hide the truth," retired FBI intelligence chief Kevin Brock told Just the News. "And for what? To help elect a politician? What a steep and sad cost to the soul for such a meager goal."

Morell testified to Jordan's committee that a conversation he had with current Secretary of State Antony Blinken, then a Biden campaign adviser, "triggered" his effort to organize the letter, that his intention was to help Biden win the election and that the Biden campaign provided assistance spreading the letter to news media.

Blinken has since tried to minimize his role in the letter, insisting it wasn't his idea. But he has not denied having the conversation with Morell or sending a subsequent email to the former CIA boss containing a USA Today article that provided the key passage in the letter claiming the laptop was possible Russian disinformation.

That claim proved untrue. The FBI had the laptop since December 2019, and U.S. intelligence had no evidence the laptop was a Russian disinformation operation, officials have admitted.

The new email to Brennan obtained by Just the News shows Morell had a more specific intention to help Joe Biden and his campaign to discredit the laptop during the final presidential debate.

"Trying to give the campaign, particularly during the debate on Thursday, a talking point to push back on Trump on this issue," Morell wrote Brennan.

The email also shows at least one signatory of the letter, Brennan, knew of the political intentions of the project before adding his name to it.

The email also reveals some of the other experts whom Morell was trying to get to sign the letter, including former CIA Director Leon Panetta, former Homeland Security Chief Jeh Johnson, current Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco and former National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers.

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928287 No.18799825


Some, like Panetta, signed the letter, while others, like Rogers, did not.

Former CIA Moscow station chief Daniel Hoffman recently revealed he was approached and asked to sign the letter but chose not to sign because he knew of no intelligence or evidence to back up its claims

Former Assistant Secretary of State Robert "Bobby" Charles, a former Naval Intelligence officer, told Just the News that the belated revelation that the 2020 letter was a political operation and not a intelligence warning would cause even greater distrust among Americans of their intelligence community, a trust already tarnished by the discredited Russia collusion probe an election earlier.

"The notion that you would just somehow overnight gather 51 intelligence officers to attest to something that was uncorroborated and turns out to be utterly untrue leads you to the question: Why and how did those intelligence officers — most of whom were all Democrats — why did they step up and do that?" said Charles, now the national spokesman for the conservative senior group AMAC.

"And what these emails seem to be showing us is that it was a coordinated effort to damage the Republican and to defend and to support the Democrat," he added. "And that is a scourge on those particular individuals' reputations. It's also a scourge on the campaign of Joe Biden."

Former FBI agent and whistleblower Kyle Seraphin said some intelligence leaders have become increasingly politically brazen because there has been no significant consequence for people who were found to have committed wrongdoing in earlier controversies like the discredited Russia collusion narrative.

"I think it's arrogance,” he said. "And I think it's the arrogance that we've seen from the people who are in the upper reaches of whether the FBI or any other part of the intelligence community. They don't see anyone falling on this stuff. You know, they're able to retire, they're able to walk away from it without any shame, they go get high paid corporate jobs when it ends."

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754c78 No.18799826

File: 25c8b581908729c⋯.png (488.86 KB,674x446,337:223,happy_flotus_flannel_frida….png)


>Happy Friday, Froggies!

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492a57 No.18799827


Most all old people's voices, just like their skin, age. It does lower the voice. Sopranos and tenors can't hit the high notes anymore.

Skin droops.

Age happens to you, if you are lucky.

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3d15e5 No.18799828

I'm not vaxed, but I've ended up with cardiac injury likely from one or more rounds of these viruses.

With treatment of tachycardia, anxiety that was there as background noise was appreciably reduced. Didn't realize it was as significant as it was.

There is a cardiac-neurological tract.


Anxiety can breed heart disease and heart disease can affect neurological status.

I don't think it's a stretch to think that this link was targeted with the stress and fear porn or COVID, and that COVID itself targeted the cardiovascular system and neurological systems.

Quick search, but couldn't locate exact wording. Q said something along the lines of too much revelation would put many in hospital. I suspect this is correlated.

By happenstance, verse of the day. The peace of God will guard your hearts and minds.

Philippians 4:6-7

"6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

Prayer and faith in God is important.

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c986fb No.18799829

File: 6a138ee145dcf75⋯.png (4.38 MB,1756x2048,439:512,Meatballs_DeSantis.png)

File: cacb69116e0684f⋯.png (225.44 KB,900x776,225:194,Meatball_DeSantis.png)

File: b2fa5d7851a5362⋯.jpg (40.1 KB,474x363,158:121,Meatball_Ron.jpg)

File: f0331635aa66f2d⋯.png (895.58 KB,1084x960,271:240,Mama_Mia_meatball.png)


Still think Meatball will be Trump's veep in the long run.

No worries. Just have some fun.

As always, ignore shills, you only feed them through recognition.

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928287 No.18799830

File: d96c19d3ed79e99⋯.png (1.84 MB,877x1170,877:1170,ClipboardImage.png)

Happy Sinko de Mayo!

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928287 No.18799831

File: f9f40dcea9def70⋯.png (89.51 KB,283x275,283:275,freemason.png)


33 times

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a7c450 No.18799832

File: d008f21e020d755⋯.jpg (66.17 KB,600x435,40:29,8cf797cd09bafc1d.jpg)

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90017c No.18799833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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534a99 No.18799834

File: 11a73b3346c3346⋯.mp4 (537.69 KB,480x854,240:427,339766516_805030397650704_….mp4)

FFS the state of american congress people

I pledge allegiance to??? wait how does that go again?

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af0def No.18799835

File: 06c109e1f4c8d92⋯.gif (3.29 MB,840x561,280:187,Pepe_vonClausewitz_Philosp….gif)

File: 8a28a6d86b6f42c⋯.png (164.91 KB,450x360,5:4,crikekitz.png)

File: bea860d662a819f⋯.mp4 (390.64 KB,1162x480,581:240,Crimson_Tide_true_nature_o….mp4)

File: b1b0be0453842ab⋯.mp4 (379.1 KB,1162x480,581:240,Crimson_Tide_true_nature_o….mp4)

File: 77e843acbfa98b7⋯.png (799.32 KB,1200x900,4:3,The_Pepe_von_Clauswitz_v1.png)



>>18799306 _pb

tried posting this old gif on TS said it is too big, can anyone resize it and post it

anon worked that meme



" … but the true nature of war is to serve itself. - I'm very impressed."

- Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman, Crimson Tide (1995)


Von Clausewitz. Crimson Tide (1995)


'War is a continuation of politics by other means.' Crimson Tide (1995)


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8edf66 No.18799836


Jenna, you don't even know who Johnny is. Twitter isn't real life. When did you forget? When did you stop believing there were Dem Larpers among the Maga ranks to sow discord and highjack?

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928287 No.18799837

File: c12a38a4dc8762e⋯.png (947.95 KB,1088x943,1088:943,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5aec494f1b7dc4⋯.png (113.25 KB,876x577,876:577,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5aec494f1b7dc4⋯.png (113.25 KB,876x577,876:577,ClipboardImage.png)

Time to clean out the Federal Government, too many life long criminals and career government bureaucrats. We need a huge purge of Federal departments and agencies to start now. 80% or more departments need to be closed.

Federal link here.. usa.gov/agency-index


#OneAtaTime #defundfed #stopspending #nomoremoney #debt

A-Z index of U.S. government departments and agencies | USAGov

Find contact information for U.S. federal government departments and agencies including websites, emails, phone numbers, addresses, and more.

May 05, 2023, 1:27 AM


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928287 No.18799838

File: 5efaf5c1f0981e8⋯.png (129.9 KB,1136x947,1136:947,ClipboardImage.png)

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90017c No.18799839

File: 37fc55f2c609eea⋯.jpg (11.04 KB,259x257,259:257,LightCross.jpg)

File: d8145bcc11d8782⋯.png (3.07 MB,1119x957,373:319,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

File: cc5790cdbcb2107⋯.png (2.52 MB,899x976,899:976,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

File: f3d3d1fc7c2b9e4⋯.jpeg (109.53 KB,570x703,30:37,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes….jpeg)

File: 4cff564c3eece3f⋯.jpg (50.45 KB,1024x1280,4:5,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_20….jpg)

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928287 No.18799840

File: e014daa6b31bb59⋯.png (601.35 KB,960x780,16:13,ClipboardImage.png)


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c986fb No.18799841

File: 5245fe03b20c9a9⋯.jpg (164.82 KB,1235x622,1235:622,Day_shift.jpg)

File: 7ed8aa02556968f⋯.png (105.5 KB,487x272,487:272,day_shift2.png)

File: 9e59b3eb3919deb⋯.jpg (67.86 KB,555x449,555:449,Radioman.jpg)


Nah, dayshift got crazy people.

Those old Tone memes were funny though.

The Hasidim ones used to crack anon up.

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aa91b6 No.18799843


this thing working

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c986fb No.18799844

File: 4b28a10829c0338⋯.jpg (27.67 KB,550x313,550:313,FISA3.jpg)

File: 70d9f24bb10dd5b⋯.jpg (92.72 KB,746x792,373:396,FISA_declass.jpg)

File: a8beef9147d9fe8⋯.jpg (9.45 KB,255x170,3:2,fisa.jpg)

File: 60cadbd68f682e9⋯.jpg (108.09 KB,1024x512,2:1,Fisa_gate_Loretta_Lynch.jpg)

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ee70d5 No.18799845

File: e2d2bdce4386f72⋯.png (316.84 KB,680x680,1:1,1674491836813895.png)

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d80da5 No.18799846


They see and hear you just fine

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c986fb No.18799847


Morning, Sam.


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90017c No.18799848

File: bfcf8564335a5ce⋯.jpg (165.21 KB,962x570,481:285,Trump_Melania_CBTS.jpg)

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bd98c9 No.18799849

Note Takernotables are not endorsements

#23072 >>18799457

>>18799579 , >>18799607 Gates & the IPPF: Global Health Fraud thread

>>18799634 earthquake M 6.2 - NEAR WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - 2023-05-05 05:42:04 UTC

>>18799462 Eight dead in second Serbian shooting, police hunt killer

>>18799479, >>18799690 Lot going on in Florida's history, interesting part on the Phoenicians.

>>18799502 sadistic tranny pedo still being housed in female prison because muh pronouns

>>18799503, >>18799507 Ian Miles Cheong admitted DeSantis is paying him $35,000 a year

>>18799509 The Daily Wire was paid over 110k by Ron Desantis & his team

>>18799558, >>18799560, >>18799566, >>18799599, >>18799655 DeSanctus Shills out in full force on Twitter right now

>>18799684, >>18799673, >>18799691 The Fed was merged into the Treasury, incase anyone forgot

>>18799800, >>18799803 @realDonaldTrump When I take the oath of office on January 20, 2025,we will immediately begin the process of fully Securing the Border and removing the illegal aliens Joe Biden has unlawfully allowed to break into our Country…

>>18799824 @jsolomonreports ‘Pre-meditated and admitted lie:’ Intel pros slam Biden laptop letter after bombshell revelation

>>18799837, >>18799838 Time to clean out the Federal Government


naker signing off


please call out notables for incoming baker

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90017c No.18799850


>naker signing off


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aa91b6 No.18799851



[insert negnoun] prolly have every digital file I ever lost in that bit bucket in the sky

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59fac0 No.18799852


stacks of $11 in ones? who does that

one flipped upside down, corners folded

always interesting to see what the media throws out there

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90017c No.18799853

File: 3e75d480ac00b6e⋯.png (1.21 MB,960x960,1:1,Drain_the_swamp.png)

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90017c No.18799854

File: 1d8c808cd7601bc⋯.png (398.65 KB,986x576,493:288,BDJTF.png)

‎January ‎7, ‎2018, ‏‎10:49:53

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90017c No.18799855


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446b4f No.18799856


>waking up normies

You can't wake up normies they like what they have and side with the enemy. The only job right now is working for the deep state to genocide white conservative Christians that oppose the Satanic New World Mafia.

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0e9647 No.18799857

File: 8262ab0efcb5091⋯.png (2.17 MB,1341x1971,149:219,FLYnn_Censored_3.png)

File: 95b11eba0575f82⋯.png (231.55 KB,2000x1100,20:11,LTG_Flynn_Quote_NEVER_Forg….png)

File: bb3cb61e543ffbb⋯.png (1.74 MB,1214x1333,1214:1333,p317_Letters_to_TRUMP_17do….png)

File: 21dd6aa6adc6d21⋯.png (225.88 KB,1540x2460,77:123,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)

File: 5269080aeac5866⋯.png (364.23 KB,1555x1081,1555:1081,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)



>>>18799222 Page 317 of "Letters to Trump"

those outta place dots …;

each land over TOP of A Letter:

F L F = Fight Like Flynn

connect the dots …


4 post(s) found containing "connect the dots"

mirrOR 317 'Page 317 of "Letters to Trump"

QDrops # 713, 317, +191+ {< pal_in_Drome }

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90017c No.18799858

File: 32cd63b58a556d4⋯.png (749.95 KB,988x768,247:192,After_Trump.png)

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90017c No.18799859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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adad9e No.18799860


Today is 55, Cinco De Mayo, we must broadcast this message today.

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da85ee No.18799861

The hell is this https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/18799681.html

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3c5df3 No.18799862



Sep 08, 2018 2:33:44 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No. 203

There was a time when our children stood at attention, put their hand on their heart, and in one UNITED voice, recited the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.

There was a time when STRENGTH and HONOR meant something.

There was a time when standing for our FLAG meant something.

There was a time when our history (heritage) was taught with PRIDE and RESPECT.

There was a time when respect was given to those who serve(d), bled, and died to protect and defend our GOD GIVEN FREEDOM.

There was a time when we were GRATEFUL.



There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, decided our future.

There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, had a voice.

There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, were UNITED and STRONG.

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

It is time, WE, THE PEOPLE, reclaim what is rightfully ours.






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ee70d5 No.18799863



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90017c No.18799864

File: 8ff92adcfdc8908⋯.png (502.65 KB,752x792,94:99,McCainOpposesTrump.png)

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a7c450 No.18799865

File: 9ae90082cf33063⋯.png (331.46 KB,717x806,717:806,Screenshot_20230505_065424….png)

File: b10aaaf7909b2c4⋯.png (216.1 KB,720x530,72:53,Screenshot_20230505_065327….png)

File: 1f076223439cb37⋯.png (234.99 KB,720x499,720:499,Screenshot_20230505_065345….png)

Transgender teachers leaving Florida after bill on pronouns passes

By: Joel Lopez

Posted at 12:13 AM, May 04, 2023 and last updated 2023-05-04 09:49:01-04

Two Palm Beach County teachers said they're ready to move out of the state after the passage and expansion of what critics call the "Don't Say Gay" bill.

"In Palm Beach County, I feel fine and generally safe, but it's still in Florida and the laws still apply here in Palm Beach County," Micah Desiante said.

Desiante said he's been an educator for 24 years, 14 years of which have been in Palm Beach County.

In the past year, Desiante transitioned to male.

Micah Desiante, transgender teacher in Palm Beach County, leaving Florida for safety

Matthew Kauerauf/WPTV

Palm Beach County teacher Micah Desiante, who recently transitioned to a male, said he's concerned for his safety if he stays in Florida.

"Even though I've always known, it just took me a long time to accept," Desiante said. "From the students that I've taught from August on, it was a non-issue. They never mess it up. They correct each other if they do."

Desiante said the cost of living in Florida isn't affordable with a teacher's salary, and with the passing of a

new House bill, he said this is his final year of teaching in Florida.

"I don’t really feel like I have a choice but to leave if I need to be safe," Desiante said. "I don't think I could stay for my mental health. I don't think that I could be effective the way that I am and my passion if I'm constantly watching what I say, second-guessing what I'm teaching, worried about a student misperceiving my lesson."

He said new bills threaten his identity and accepted a new job teaching out of state.

"I am of no use to my students or my family or myself if I am locked up for saying the wrong thing, assaulted for walking in the wrong bathroom or hospitalized for having breakdowns for not being able to be my authentic self," Desiante said.

The bill will prevent staff and students from having to refer to people by their preferred pronouns.

"You see society coming at our children in a culture war that has an agenda," state Sen. Erin Grall, R-Vero Beach, said recently.

The bill also bans teaching gender identity and sexual orientation from kindergarten through eighth grade.

Democratic lawmakers called the bill bigoted.

Republican backers, however, consider the policy protection of children.

"We need to make sure what's being taught in our classrooms are things that need to be taught in our classrooms, like math, like reading," Sen. Debbie Mayfield, R-Melbourne, said.

It's an issue that Sean Fowler is also facing.

Palm Beach County transgender teacher Sean Fowler says he's moving to Boston

Matthew Kauerauf/WPTV

Palm Beach County teacher Sean Fowler says he is moving to Boston at the end of the school year.

"I'm trans. I'm out. My students know. What's going to happen to me?" Fowler asked. "The first round of 'Don't Say Gay' came out and it was signed and I had stress seizures that put me in the hospital for two weeks."

Fowler said Florida is home, and after eight years of teaching, he plans to move to Boston at the end of the school year.

"I'm at a school that's very supportive of me and, you know, I want to stay, but the situation has got to a point where if I don't, I wonder what would happen if I stayed, what would happen to my safety if I stayed?" Fowler said.

Gov. Ron DeSantis is expected to sign the bill, which would likely go into effect July 1.


Anon opinesthey oddly share characteristics…why is that in trans folk?

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90017c No.18799866

File: 242f2c12a5b7e3d⋯.png (820.93 KB,1200x801,400:267,Patriots_memes_of_producti….png)

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3c5df3 No.18799867

File: ea1eacf70738848⋯.mp4 (3.63 MB,1280x720,16:9,Flynn_B_.mp4)

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da85ee No.18799868


Bruh I ain't clicking that.

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90017c No.18799869

File: 6bc5ed3982e8b7f⋯.jpg (93.12 KB,600x595,120:119,PatriotTrump.jpg)

File: 7be20de51c8cd6b⋯.jpg (68.83 KB,864x872,108:109,PatriotTrumpBeTrue.jpg)

File: c30ce872e30315f⋯.jpg (79.65 KB,864x864,1:1,PatriotTrumpIntegrity.jpg)

File: 0df8c0d2a3c3dfd⋯.jpg (80.69 KB,864x976,54:61,PatriotTrumpPower.jpg)

File: ebcdc8c53065293⋯.jpg (73.77 KB,864x976,54:61,PatriotTrumpPraise.jpg)

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128d7b No.18799870

File: 2dcd97c91c93890⋯.jpg (455.33 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230505_075838….jpg)

File: b355842e6511192⋯.jpeg (598.71 KB,2048x1463,2048:1463,FvXGadJXoAA8jT_.jpeg)

File: 2a91bb35385131d⋯.png (28.8 KB,766x408,383:204,723.png)

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3c5df3 No.18799871

File: 18d1af58c386cda⋯.mp4 (8.85 MB,320x240,4:3,British_Still_Own_US_240p_.mp4)

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90017c No.18799872

File: beeb8d21926d5b9⋯.jpg (83.56 KB,864x976,54:61,PatriotTrumpToday.jpg)

File: cfa0778a738d4fe⋯.jpg (86.32 KB,864x976,54:61,PatriotTrumpSelfDeterminat….jpg)

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3c5df3 No.18799873

File: 524db2a939e2119⋯.mp4 (273.78 KB,400x224,25:14,CBTS.mp4)

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90017c No.18799874

File: 7e2c31175fe9360⋯.png (431.87 KB,562x380,281:190,Pepe_Trump.png)

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590bc1 No.18799875

File: 034a093d34ed177⋯.png (1.43 MB,1500x998,750:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee70d5 No.18799876

File: 259d27de9006c49⋯.jpeg (122.48 KB,1080x1058,540:529,clickit.jpeg)

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87549a No.18799877

File: 1ff31cb5e5355a5⋯.png (1.13 MB,1120x628,280:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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c986fb No.18799878

File: 18e9dcc7f4e705d⋯.png (378.92 KB,1109x834,1109:834,Clockfags.png)


Also :55 after the hour on the Q Clock.


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90017c No.18799879

File: 6b7d79ab8ebfda8⋯.jpeg (171.24 KB,735x1093,735:1093,Trump_Debbie.jpeg)

good times…

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b72adb No.18799880

>>18799382 pb

according to SPINGLISH schifft is "by the book" inversion

"unsubstantiated claims" = they got us.

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590bc1 No.18799882

File: 94e6dd8891bd6fa⋯.mp4 (2.43 MB,492x270,82:45,HunterBlinkenswife.mp4)


Antony Blinken: ‘Spies who lie’ letter ‘wasn’t my idea, didn’t ask for it’ — still refuses to call Hunter laptop real

Former CIA acting director Michael Morell recently credited Blinken with inspiring the notorious October 2020 letter, which President Biden used in a debate to falsely smear The Post’s reporting.

“With regard to that letter, I didn’t — wasn’t my idea, didn’t ask for it, didn’t solicit it. And I think the testimony that the former deputy director of the CIA, Mike Morell, put forward confirms that,” Blinken told Fox News journalist Benjamin Hall in an interview.

“Do you accept that the laptop is not Russian disinformation?” Hall followed up.

Blinken deflected the question, saying he was “fully occupied” with other matters.

“From my perspective, I’m not not engaging in politics,” he said. “I’ve got a lot on my agenda, things that we’ve just talked about — trying to help the Ukrainians in the Russian aggression against them, engaging with allies and partners around the world in dealing with some of the challenges posed by China. We have a situation now in Sudan. This has fully occupied my time. So that’s where my focus is.”

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702dc4 No.18799883

Ay caramba

Cinco de mayo

Battle of Puebla victory for the Mexicans over Napolean III.

Will something similar habben today with fingers Chas and the coronation part deux

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90017c No.18799884

File: 0e20cefdd7ebfe3⋯.jpg (729.6 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Trump_patriots_v_swamp_cre….jpg)

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590bc1 No.18799885

File: 2d417e3d4231c78⋯.png (1.17 MB,1024x1020,256:255,ClipboardImage.png)

Who would arrest the pretender king?

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0e9647 No.18799886

File: 01cf46f53184a17⋯.png (179.39 KB,468x323,468:323,FRY_DAY_NOW_.png)

File: d016f7a53d2f447⋯.png (172.98 KB,600x600,1:1,swampepe.png)

File: 0724aa0faad628a⋯.gif (1.28 MB,597x598,597:598,Q_Judge_SWAMPInessMONSTERs….gif)

File: b0894243e763fc2⋯.gif (7.17 MB,669x859,669:859,weSEAyEE_theeAyeSof_KEK_i_….gif)

File: a588e27e14f99bf⋯.jpg (51.92 KB,720x576,5:4,BAIT_wut_GOODbaitTOwait.jpg)



>Happy Friday, Froggies!

FRY~Day NOW !!! ~fry some demons~ !!!

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3c5df3 No.18799887

File: c5cbaa54a722d67⋯.gif (395.78 KB,280x280,1:1,Jimmy.gif)

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16977f No.18799888

File: 0f2cbd214cb769f⋯.png (702.94 KB,750x500,3:2,E7CD91B9_3E60_4774_851D_D1….png)

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90017c No.18799889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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90017c No.18799890

File: dd13cef69d2208c⋯.jpg (100.05 KB,610x608,305:304,Trump_thumbs_up_students.jpg)

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87549a No.18799891

File: 7b394d0775271a4⋯.png (365.29 KB,776x603,776:603,ClipboardImage.png)

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590bc1 No.18799892

File: 31b679e5cbdd820⋯.png (313.54 KB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)


Ex-CIA chief wrote Hunter Biden laptop ‘disinfo’ letter for Biden to use as ‘talking point’ during debate

The ex-CIA chief who wrote the letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials attempting to discredit The Post’s report on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop told another former top intelligence official that he was drafting it as a “talking point” for Joe Biden to use during a debate with Donald Trump.

Former acting CIA director Michael Morell told fellow former CIA boss John Brennan in an Oct. 19, 2020, email – obtained by Just the News – that he was attempting to give Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign some ammunition to “push back on Trump” during the debate as he urged Brennan to sign on to the letter calling Hunter Biden’s laptop a possible Russian disinformation operation.

“Can I add your name to this list?” Morell asks Brennan in the email.

“Trying to give the campaign, particularly during the debate on [Oct. 22, 2020], a talking point to push back on Trump on this issue,” Morell explains, admitting the letter is to help Biden during his showdown with Trump.

To which, Brennan responded: “Ok, Michael, add my name to the list. Good initiative. Thanks for asking me to sign on.”

The smoking-gun email exchange shows that Brennan knew Morell’s political motivation before he signed on to the letter.

The Post learned on Thursday that Brennan will sit with members of the House subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government for a transcribed interview related to the letter on May 11.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who also signed on to the letter, will appear for an interview before the panel on May 17, a source familiar with the plans told The Post.

Morell’s email also sheds light on other members of the US intelligence community who were asked to add their name to the project but didn’t.

“Will be adding Leon, Sue Gordon, Jeh Johnson, George, Lisa Monaco, and Mike Rogers (DIRNSA) today. And working on adding Dan Coats, Mike Rogers (HPSCI), and Tom Bossert,” Morell writes.

Of those officials Morell mentions, it appears that only former CIA Director Leon Panetta added his name to the letter.

The CIA’s former former Moscow station chief, Daniel Hoffman, told Fox News last week that he was also given the chance to sign the letter but he ultimately refused because there was “no evidence” of Russian involvement in Hunter Biden’s laptop scandal.

“It was not up to us to speculate. So I didn’t sign the letter. I typically don’t put my name to other people’s words,” Hoffman said.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who also leads the government weaponization subcommittee, revealed last month that Morell testified before his panel that he drafted the letter and that Secretary of State Antony Blinken – then a Biden campaign adviser – was the “impetus” behind the attempt to discredit The Post.

Jordan and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-Ohio) informed Blinken last week that they would be investigating his role in the production of the letter.

On the same day Morell’s email exchange with Brennan took place, Politico published a report on the letter and during Biden’s Oct. 22, 2020, debate against Trump, he used it to deflect accusations about his involvement in overseas influence-peddling schemes by claiming The Post had reported on “a Russian plant.”

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c986fb No.18799893

File: 810900a9e475f22⋯.gif (1.61 MB,260x260,1:1,Flapper_chekkd.gif)

File: a99a77ea3c1c933⋯.png (436.71 KB,840x472,105:59,Trumps_fault_Baby_Jessica.png)


Full house digits, chk'd

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90017c No.18799894

File: 55e577989ac1ad7⋯.jpg (92.76 KB,960x540,16:9,Trump_why.jpg)

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3c5df3 No.18799895

File: f9934781514fe49⋯.mp4 (3.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,Pence_Charles.mp4)

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90017c No.18799896

File: b5a4ec558e96e27⋯.jpg (196.33 KB,1754x917,1754:917,Trump_youll_find_out.jpg)

all-in long time…comfy

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67631d No.18799897

You know who calls THIS winning??


No wonder you dumfucks have your heads so far up Trumps ass

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fd22b4 No.18799898

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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90017c No.18799899


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590bc1 No.18799900

File: bba6f9df2fa4970⋯.mp4 (8.21 MB,680x480,17:12,clapsong.mp4)

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3c5df3 No.18799901

File: 5c85640c4e5b7ee⋯.mp4 (12.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,Disclose_tv_BREAKING_Brita….mp4)

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128d7b No.18799902

File: 95991acb796e6f2⋯.jpg (373.97 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230505_080800….jpg)

File: 021f8c14fee40a6⋯.png (300.85 KB,766x2178,383:1089,724_2_.png)

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c986fb No.18799903

File: 7984be5714f865a⋯.jpg (98.1 KB,381x480,127:160,Your_Mom.jpg)

File: fe0dfb0b1ea04ce⋯.jpeg (41.41 KB,645x527,645:527,Mom_a_whore.jpeg)


The line was too long at yo' mama's

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f9c7cc No.18799904

File: 3d5bc45fcae18a7⋯.png (586 KB,800x841,800:841,ClipboardImage.png)



if only the clip had the next 2 seconds

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a7c450 No.18799905

File: c6ef92937e472b9⋯.png (430.48 KB,713x636,713:636,Screenshot_20230505_070917….png)

Arkansas teacher accused of relationship with student

Mike Suriani

14 hours ago

PHILLIPS COUNTY, Ark. – A female teacher in the Barton School District is under investigation after a complaint of an alleged inappropriate relationship with a student.

The Superintendent of the Barton School District issued the following statement:

“A concerned parent notified Barton School District Administration about an alleged inappropriate relationship between a Barton teacher and a student. The District placed the teacher on administrative leave and began an investigation. The District has a zero-tolerance policy for inappropriate relationships between educators and students. We will continue cooperating with law enforcement as they progress with their investigation”

Olive Branch, MS man charged with sexual abuse, unnatural intercourse

The Superintendent would not identify the teacher or give any specifics on when or where the alleged inappropriate activity occurred. He did say after his office was notified.

Barton Schools’ institutional Police Department began an internal investigation and the school District filed a complaint with the Arkansas Department of Education.

We’re told the teacher submitted her resignation and is no longer working for the District.

News of the alleged incident was shocking to on West Helena, Arkansas teacher.

“This right here, it’s just, it’s mind-blowing and it’s just, I could never imagine myself even looking at a child in that manner,” Gloria McKing, a teacher at KIPP Delta ELA said. “It’s very inappropriate.”

WREG reached out to the Arkansas Department of Education for a comment on the alleged incident and is waiting for a response.


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ee869d No.18799906

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Bizzaah" …(even for gay sportsball)

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da85ee No.18799907

What'd they do with all those kids they pulled up from underground and placed in the C19 makeshift hostpitals?

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99e537 No.18799908


>"And I think it's the arrogance that we've seen from the people who are in the upper reaches of whether the FBI or any other part of the intelligence community. They don't see anyone falling on this stuff. You know, they're able to retire, they're able to walk away from it without any shame, they go get high paid corporate jobs when it ends."

And therein lies the crux of every bit of corruption we see oozing and spewing out of Washington DC. Zero consequences. And not only zero consequences, 7 figure employment after they commit these crimes. Our entire Intel and LE agencies in the federal government are beyond corrupt. Non-elected criminals are running our government. But as long as [They] control the reigns of power and the law they have no fear in answering to and being held accountable for their actions.

Just for a moment, imagine the implications of everything [These] people are doing and getting away with. Not just this criminal act but all of the other conspiratorial and destructive acts being waged against the American people. Every, single day I find myself in absolute wonderment and disgust as to what [These] people are doing and how far, wide and deep the effort goes. I am also in awe of the unfathonable depth of stupidty [These] filth exhibit. All of [Their] comms are sitting right there in the NSA Data Center in Utah. Unless of course, this data has been erased. Would you be surprised if it doesn't exist? I wouldn't.

A very strong and irrefutable case can be made that everything being done by everyone involved falls under the legal definition of "conspiracy". All of it. From this laptop shit to the Covid 19 sham and the NIH, Fauci, Wolinsky, democrat party, Randi Winegarden and the teacher's union, democrat governors, city counsels to the Trump-Russia collusion, the overrunning of our borders, you pick the issue. A to Z. Every, single person involved in the takedown of this country is part and parcel to this conspiracy as the right hand does not need to know or be aware of what the left hand is doing if the actions of both are aimed at the same criminal intent. Throw into the mix ANTIFA, BLM, George Soros, Klaus Schwab and the WEF and the list goes on forever. We are talking about enough people to make up a mid-sized city. 100's of thousands of people are working and involved in the destruction of the United States and every bit of i falls under a federal conspiacy crime. And that is just in the criminal domain, never mind the USCMJ and Treason, Sedition and Subversive Activities. "Big" is too small a word to describe this war on America.

This is now the 3rd World country of Amerika. And this is just the "tip of the iceberg". Get's worse from here. My neck hurts from smfh.

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590bc1 No.18799909

File: c67719b5e36daa1⋯.mp4 (3.87 MB,720x960,3:4,shove_your_coronation_up_y….mp4)

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67631d No.18799910





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c986fb No.18799911

File: 996e8e7fc52442e⋯.gif (1.62 MB,636x389,636:389,SP_Nice.gif)


Anon seduced a couple of teachers in HS.

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99e537 No.18799912


Didn't happen.

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90017c No.18799913

File: 51d1577c04bdc61⋯.jpeg (73.98 KB,604x340,151:85,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes….jpeg)

File: 7b3392a24f68a19⋯.jpg (253.9 KB,482x662,241:331,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

File: 7123f02046483cb⋯.png (1.04 MB,722x503,722:503,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

File: 23747c6fb85c1a2⋯.png (602.91 KB,564x555,188:185,Jim_has_consistently_prove….png)

Arouse us with your skills, shills.

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e9f6d9 No.18799914

File: a57aded35a6e06f⋯.png (858.24 KB,1341x851,1341:851,ClipboardImage.png)


SARASOTA COUNTY, Fla. — The Sarasota police have arrested and charged a teacher at the Sarasota Military Academy High School campus for indecent, lewd, or lascivious touching of minors.

Michele Little who is a teacher at the academy is now facing felony charges.

Michele Little.jpg

Sarasota Police

Sarasota Police began their investigation after representatives from the school contacted detectives regarding rumors about a student and Little.

During the investigation, Sarasota Police found that the student said Little made sexual comments to him on several occasions.

According to the police, the student said he went to Little’s classroom during lunch where Little put a sign on the door saying "testing/tutoring" so the student would be the only one with Little and no one would enter.

The Sarasota Police say the student then asked Little what she was doing after school that day. She said she was cleaning her room up.

According to the report that is when the student said, (in a kidding fashion), he could help her if she needed it. Little then told him yes, that she would like help.

Sarasota Police say the student returned to the classroom after school, and Little had the door propped open with a pencil.

When the student entered the classroom, Little closed the blinds and the student logged on to a computer.

This was in case someone walked in, he could pretend he was on a computer working.

The student said he was on the computer, and he and Little “made out” for 10-15 minutes before the student left the classroom.

Little was arrested on Friday and taken to the Sarasota County Jail.


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99e537 No.18799915

File: b167b7b157348d8⋯.jpg (1.48 MB,2965x2409,2965:2409,Tell_Em_Johnny.jpg)


Just for you faggot.

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7934bd No.18799916

File: 9ec5307e4f042ba⋯.jpg (296.04 KB,540x494,270:247,9ec5307e4f042ba39a5a6097a4….jpg)


Monring Fren

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590bc1 No.18799917


>Charles' Australian security scare: the 1994 incident

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3c5df3 No.18799918

File: 069258a2a8fcab9⋯.png (608.8 KB,970x404,485:202,stormy.png)

File: 63d00e2e78fec81⋯.mp4 (8.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,The_Calm_Before_The_Storm_….mp4)

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8ede60 No.18799919


Does that hurt, if you shove the corona up your ass?

Sounds like Pain

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87549a No.18799920

File: dacdee84f64d8ac⋯.png (353.99 KB,742x603,742:603,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7c450 No.18799921

File: 2e6d14964c9874b⋯.jpg (15.09 KB,255x223,255:223,d4849c257d48a2b26101eded1e….jpg)


Wear red on Friday to "remember everyone deployed".

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90017c No.18799922

File: b3fe0dedfb88bc5⋯.jpg (592.94 KB,1064x950,28:25,_Shilltz_.jpg)


>Arouse us with your skills, shills.

Shot of courage?

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c986fb No.18799923

File: fe2e198887b825b⋯.jpg (320.86 KB,785x474,785:474,QAnon.jpg)



If you are going to call out the QAnon theories, you're going to have a lot of shills at your throat!

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590bc1 No.18799924


>Saint Francis was told to snuff it out.

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f9c7cc No.18799925


mole children guarding jar babies in DUMBs rescued by SEAL team 6 by submarine and taken to hospital ships floating prisons later taken to Q clearance Super Soldier program facility at South Pole to be raised as Dark MAGA ninjas & ballot harvesters

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90017c No.18799926

File: b7a0374e22b49a3⋯.jpg (76.21 KB,800x800,1:1,TrumpAfterChristmas.jpg)

File: e9426f539ec2da5⋯.png (583.39 KB,600x449,600:449,TrumpBoss2.png)

File: 59c65249e25ea38⋯.jpg (23.94 KB,233x350,233:350,Trump.jpg)

File: 8ab779c2af0152d⋯.jpg (150.76 KB,1242x1234,621:617,Trump_xmas.jpg)

File: 98d99b9d01744ed⋯.png (402.34 KB,600x452,150:113,Trump_Xmas_So_Great.png)

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a7c450 No.18799927

File: 4fcb32fa497ae78⋯.png (12 KB,174x255,58:85,0d5dea625a6ac352a4ba97c5f0….png)

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fd22b4 No.18799928

File: 292277a405c229d⋯.png (30.96 KB,677x327,677:327,ClipboardImage.png)

Good golly.

Emerald Robinson ✝️


It’s time for the pro-Israel lobby in America to explain why the former prime minister of Israel Ehud Barak was meeting an infamous blackmailer who ran a pedophile child sex ring on a regular basis.

6:42 AM · May 5, 2023


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90017c No.18799929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ee869d No.18799930

File: 6179488237d4aaa⋯.png (2.31 MB,1694x726,7:3,whs7.PNG)

File: a52c80f782507d7⋯.png (619.08 KB,536x453,536:453,zmcd.PNG)

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f9c7cc No.18799931


MOSSAD handler for honey trap

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590bc1 No.18799932


>Ian Miles Cheong admitted DeSantis is paying him $35,000 a year

that's gay

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454535 No.18799933

File: 230a2356279db7d⋯.png (28.23 KB,238x128,119:64,Ever.png)

File: 77d679f80786024⋯.png (24.27 KB,259x118,259:118,tHA.png)

File: 35c1c35bf3d1a4c⋯.png (36.11 KB,304x189,304:189,tH.png)



>each land over TOP of A Letter:

>F L F = Fight Like Flynn

kek. was just looking at that.

Two crossed Ts that appear to be one stroke. THA and TH


Ever underlined. Capital E

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590bc1 No.18799934

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>It’s time for the pro-Israel lobby in America to explain why the former prime minister of Israel Ehud Barak was meeting an infamous blackmailer who ran a pedophile child sex ring on a regular basis.

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99e537 No.18799935


Groomers GTFBO of them.

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408fe0 No.18799936

File: e55ffe57e268bd5⋯.jpg (107.17 KB,500x545,100:109,GrtaEpDKHS.jpg)

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3c5df3 No.18799937

File: 882bbf211f6a5bb⋯.png (138.23 KB,650x682,325:341,4109_2.png)


May 05, 2020 1:44:54 AM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 No. 9034827


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128d7b No.18799938

File: f00963c413eb8be⋯.jpg (48.05 KB,624x499,624:499,f00963c413eb8be5f2c8d26560….jpg)

File: b854f6d3646b9d3⋯.jpg (329.95 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230505_082113….jpg)

File: fd413130b0433b1⋯.png (43.57 KB,766x540,383:270,1037.png)

File: 3f9f855e046ce17⋯.png (516.19 KB,766x1030,383:515,2237.png)

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942cc4 No.18799939

File: e2e645221f608d3⋯.jpg (5.45 KB,277x182,277:182,Q.jpg)

File: 65ab4f7325aadeb⋯.jpg (5.08 KB,310x163,310:163,washington.jpg)


>March(17)- message to?

March 17th Is always St. Patrick's day.

The cause of 911: "The Irish have to know their place in finance"

Cinco de Mayo: 5/5

55 we read you loud and clear, eyes on Twitter.

Welcome "Home" PDJT! how was Ireland? Are we Scot Free?

We sent a storm once B4

C we are RED D.

Godspeed Patriots

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f9c7cc No.18799940




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43a184 No.18799941

File: fe16702498e3eed⋯.png (212.18 KB,762x924,127:154,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f62023ed71d7ec⋯.png (571.24 KB,600x544,75:68,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18799408 PB



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590bc1 No.18799942

File: 6129ce9dc7055d7⋯.png (198.32 KB,816x1056,17:22,ClipboardImage.png)


'Premeditated and admitted lie': Intel pros slam Biden laptop letter after bombshell revelation

Ex-CIA boss Morell wrote colleague that the Hunter Biden laptop letter was a "talking point" to help Joe Biden at debate.

In a rare and candid email exchange between two former CIA bosses, Michael Morell told John Brennan in October 2020 that he was organizing a letter of 51 intel experts claiming the emergence of the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian influence operation because he wanted to give Joe Biden's campaign a "talking point to push back on" Donald Trump during the last presidential debate of the 2020 election, according to documents obtained by Just the News.

Brennan, who served as CIA director under President Barack Obama, willingly agreed to sign the letter after being told of its political intentions. "Ok, Michael, add my name to the list," Brennan wrote Morell on Oct. 19. 2020. "Good initiative. Thanks for asking me to sign on."

The email exchange provides damning new proof supporting House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan's explosive revelation last week that the now-infamous intelligence letter — which was portrayed by news media, fact checkers and Big Tech as an independent and organic initiative by security experts — was in fact a political effort by U.S. spies instigated and assisted by Biden's campaign in an effort to influence the 2020 election.

Intelligence professionals reacted swiftly to the news Wednesday night, saying the revelation that two former CIA chiefs used their professional credentials to influence the 2020 election was troubling.

"This wasn't a 'talking point' to toss back at Trump, it was a premeditated and admitted lie to the American people designed specifically to deceive and hide the truth," retired FBI intelligence chief Kevin Brock told Just the News. "And for what? To help elect a politician? What a steep and sad cost to the soul for such a meager goal."

Morell testified to Jordan's committee that a conversation he had with current Secretary of State Antony Blinken, then a Biden campaign adviser, "triggered" his effort to organize the letter, that his intention was to help Biden win the election and that the Biden campaign provided assistance spreading the letter to news media.

Blinken has since tried to minimize his role in the letter, insisting it wasn't his idea. But he has not denied having the conversation with Morell or sending a subsequent email to the former CIA boss containing a USA Today article that provided the key passage in the letter claiming the laptop was possible Russian disinformation.

That claim proved untrue. The FBI had the laptop since December 2019, and U.S. intelligence had no evidence the laptop was a Russian disinformation operation, officials have admitted.

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590bc1 No.18799943


The new email to Brennan obtained by Just the News shows Morell had a more specific intention to help Joe Biden and his campaign to discredit the laptop during the final presidential debate.

"Trying to give the campaign, particularly during the debate on Thursday, a talking point to push back on Trump on this issue," Morell wrote Brennan.

The email also shows at least one signatory of the letter, Brennan, knew of the political intentions of the project before adding his name to it.

The email also reveals some of the other experts whom Morell was trying to get to sign the letter, including former CIA Director Leon Panetta, former Homeland Security Chief Jeh Johnson, current Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco and former National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers.

Some, like Panetta, signed the letter, while others, like Rogers, did not.

Former CIA Moscow station chief Daniel Hoffman recently revealed he was approached and asked to sign the letter but chose not to sign because he knew of no intelligence or evidence to back up its claims

Former Assistant Secretary of State Robert "Bobby" Charles, a former Naval Intelligence officer, told Just the News that the belated revelation that the 2020 letter was a political operation and not a intelligence warning would cause even greater distrust among Americans of their intelligence community, a trust already tarnished by the discredited Russia collusion probe an election earlier.

"The notion that you would just somehow overnight gather 51 intelligence officers to attest to something that was uncorroborated and turns out to be utterly untrue leads you to the question: Why and how did those intelligence officers — most of whom were all Democrats — why did they step up and do that?" said Charles, now the national spokesman for the conservative senior group AMAC.

"And what these emails seem to be showing us is that it was a coordinated effort to damage the Republican and to defend and to support the Democrat," he added. "And that is a scourge on those particular individuals' reputations. It's also a scourge on the campaign of Joe Biden."

Former FBI agent and whistleblower Kyle Seraphin said some intelligence leaders have become increasingly politically brazen because there has been no significant consequence for people who were found to have committed wrongdoing in earlier controversies like the discredited Russia collusion narrative.

"I think it's arrogance,” he said. "And I think it's the arrogance that we've seen from the people who are in the upper reaches of whether the FBI or any other part of the intelligence community. They don't see anyone falling on this stuff. You know, they're able to retire, they're able to walk away from it without any shame, they go get high paid corporate jobs when it ends."

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3d15e5 No.18799944


Only POTUS said Bitcoin was scam against the dollar. No thanks!


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87549a No.18799945

File: 2cfe12e741b2df0⋯.png (369.13 KB,798x603,266:201,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa4dea No.18799946

File: 15253d2b73db863⋯.png (346.09 KB,772x541,772:541,Screen_Shot_2023_05_05_at_….png)


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5dc54d No.18799947


>Doors Open: 02:00 pm

>Lauridsen Amphitheater at Water Works Park

Watch the Water

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90017c No.18799948

File: a5f184bbd991f5d⋯.jpg (275.92 KB,543x616,543:616,Swedish.jpg)

File: 85a5684f54e094f⋯.png (174.62 KB,1280x1574,640:787,SuperElitesSmile.png)

File: f3eecc806d9c29a⋯.jpg (162.29 KB,702x702,1:1,sunsetpost2.jpg)

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fd22b4 No.18799949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Big Country - The Storm (The Tube 17.2.1984)

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90017c No.18799950

File: 08f2df3936cb597⋯.jpg (70.53 KB,579x432,193:144,Sunrise_In_Space_Wallpaper….jpg)

Good morning anons!

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3c5df3 No.18799951

File: 44272c0fc1a9e4d⋯.mp4 (3.48 MB,960x720,4:3,Feinstein_Tribunals.mp4)

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74f23a No.18799952

When is LEFT = RIGHT?

When a "conservative" Aussie PM joins a LEFT wing think tank.

Why is RED "conservative" in USA and BLUE is "lefty, yet in Aussie RED is "lefty" and BLUE is "righty" ?

Just to confused the sheeple?

Former prime minister Scott Morrison is to take up a role with a leading Washington think tank as an adviser to the Centre for a New American Security.



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590bc1 No.18799953


FTX gets approval for LedgerX sale, asserts $3.9 billion Genesis claim

Bankrupt crypto exchange FTX received U.S. bankruptcy court permission on Thursday to sell its LedgerX business for $50 million, raising additional funds to repay creditors.

At a hearing in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge John Dorsey signed off on FTX's sale of LedgerX, its non-bankrupt crypto derivatives trading platform, to an affiliate of Miami International Holdings.

Miami International Holdings owns the Bermuda Stock Exchange and several U.S.-registered securities exchanges, including the Miami International Securities Exchange.

FTX is attempting to repay an estimated $11 billion to customers through a combination of asset sales and clawback actions. Since filing for bankruptcy in November, FTX has recovered more than $7.3 billion in cash and liquid crypto assets, the company reported in April.

As part of that broader effort, FTX on Wednesday said it would seek repayment of nearly $4 billion from Genesis Global Capital (GGC), the bankrupt lending arm of crypto firm Genesis.

FTX said in a court filing that Genesis owes it that money as a result of transactions that took place shortly before FTX's bankruptcy filing. Under U.S. bankruptcy law, debtors can try to claw back payments made in the 90 days before a bankruptcy filing so that those funds can be more equitably distributed among creditors.

Genesis was a primary "feeder fund" for FTX-affiliated hedge fund Alameda Research, loaning Alameda crypto assets that it used for further loans and investments, according to FTX.

At one point, Alameda held $8 billion in loans provided by Genesis, according to FTX. Genesis, unlike other creditors, was largely repaid before FTX went bankrupt, FTX said.

Companies in the crypto lending industry were highly intertwined during a turbulent 2022 that saw many tumble into bankruptcy. FTX, a once-prominent crypto exchange, filed for Chapter 11 amid allegations that founder Sam Bankman-Fried used FTX customers' money to prop up Alameda's balance sheet.

Bankman-Fried has been indicted on fraud charges for his role in the company's collapse, and he has pleaded not guilty. Former members of his inner circle have pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors.

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f9c7cc No.18799954


>Just to confused the sheeple?

because the toilets flush in reverse

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74f23a No.18799955


>Bitcoin was scam


ETH = "boy genius" lives & has a plan

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ceb4d6 No.18799956

File: 120b73622f387cb⋯.png (260.25 KB,564x379,564:379,saville.PNG)

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a7c450 No.18799957

File: ccd270817a71ff1⋯.jpg (36.85 KB,828x628,207:157,100054000229_56556.jpg)


Morning fren anon!

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90017c No.18799958

File: b0ba9f8317d0afb⋯.png (486.46 KB,700x560,5:4,b0ba9f8317d0afbf5bcbddfd89….png)

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ae8a8e No.18799959


Jenna Ellis is a turncoat.

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3d15e5 No.18799960


Yes. Banks that weren't practicing good banking habits should fail. They were leveraged to the hilt. Not sound.

We needed a cleaning.

Remember also, these TBTF banks are going to be on the hook for Epstein penalties.

A reckoning.

Communities should have community banks. Not these large entities that aren't invested in the community.

We are returning the money to the communities. This is how we fund prosperity and growth.

This is good Anons.

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cbd262 No.18799961

File: 0d7bfc26097f2d0⋯.png (657.1 KB,734x1000,367:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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99e537 No.18799962


I know, I give a fuck. Quick search through the drops and Q mentioned nothing about saving children in underground DUMBS, hospital ships and the like. Would be impossible to keep something like that from seeing the light of day. Someone, somewhere would expose it. Any anons can sauce? I'm all fucking ears. If not? STFU then.

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f9c7cc No.18799963


>those who know, cannot sheep

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c8708e No.18799964

File: c6e82cf3c9defaf⋯.jpg (199.07 KB,1284x1609,1284:1609,20230505_081916.jpg)

We are Not Like the rest

We are Everywhere

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a7c450 No.18799965

File: e7f9ad1e2755641⋯.png (7.55 KB,227x255,227:255,422bf71e0d4ba1b7ad204a8b1a….png)

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e9f6d9 No.18799966


My prediction is in about 2 weeks shit is gonna hit the fan. Your best bank account right now is your soil. Prepare your soil.

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ac757d No.18799967

File: 51ae1b957426815⋯.png (560.9 KB,663x497,663:497,scbbydoo.png)

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590bc1 No.18799968




Father Who Sexually Abused 7-Year-Old Daughter For “Trans Porn” Company Now Recorded As A “Female” Offender By NJDOC

A trans-identified male who used his own young daughter to create sadistic child sexual exploitation material has now been classified as a “female” by the New Jersey Department of Corrections.

In May of 2022, Matthew “Marina” Volz was sentenced to 25 years in prison for the horrific sexual torture of his 7-year-old daughter. Volz, along with three other individuals, ran a home-made “transgender pornography” production business specializing in BDSM, fetish, and taboo content.

Volz was separated from the child’s mother, but traveled to Oregon to take the child into his custody and transport her to New Jersey in 2018 where he began using her in child sexual exploitation videos. Volz’s horrific pornography scheme was launched just one year after he had served as the Clark College Queer Association president.

Volz was first arrested in 2019 after New Jersey Department of Child Protection became aware that he had been creating explicit content in a home where a child resided.

A search warrant was executed at the property after it was found the child had likely been exposed to sexual material, and electronic devices were subsequently seized. During forensic examination of the devices, several abusive photos and videos of the child were found.

Some of the media featured another trans-identified male, Adam “Ashley” Romero, sexually abusing the girl. Romero lived in the residence with Volz and with two other individuals, Sean Allen, who had also sexually abused the girl, and Dulcinea Gnecco, who acted as a domestic servant.

During the trial, prosecutors told the Judge the little girl had been subjected to “a vortex of darkness” after being removed from her mother’s care.

Judge Peter Tober declined to delve into the full details of the case, but noted to the court that she had been subjected to torture-like conditions, mentioning neck collars, a cage in the basement, and sex toys.

“If this was not heinous, cruel and depraved, I don’t know what is,” Judge Tober said, stating that the girl had been taken from her actual mother “solely for the sexual gratification” of others.

In media coverage of the horrific case, Volz and Romero were referred to as “women” and were addressed using “she/her” pronouns. Volz was also identified as the girl’s “mother” in the Daily Mail and My Central Jersey.

After their sentencing in May of 2022, Reduxx learned that Romero had immediately been sent to the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women, but that Volz had initially been placed in the South Woods State Prison for men. Just two months later, Volz was quietly transferred to Edna Mahan but was still recorded as a “male” inmate.

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b72adb No.18799969



much less people on DJT's side than this shows.

backstabbers unwelcome

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3981ae No.18799970

File: 38678b687ea8b22⋯.png (619.99 KB,960x540,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

"The Zionist entity is so humiliated today that it has placed barbed wire and radar all around itself so no one gets near. But thanks to the growing Resistance Culture among Palestine's youth, who enter the battlefield bravely, as well as consistent support from the Islamic Republic of Iran, the West Bank is now armed and more than 30 operations a day are being executed. The Zionists fail to mention these numbers in their media because they are defeated."

~ Iranian Brigadier General Ismail Qaani, Commander of the IRGC Quds Force

🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance


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74f23a No.18799971


>because the toilets flush in reverse

that also, along with USA men shave their asses (so the "floaters" don't attach themselves.)

Why are USA toilet bowls FULL of water?

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590bc1 No.18799972

File: e939212506dca73⋯.png (363.66 KB,696x392,87:49,ClipboardImage.png)


Reduxx has now learned that Volz’s status has been updated and he is now formally recognized as a “female” offender by the state of New Jersey.

According to a source within the prison who spoke exclusively to Reduxx, female inmates within the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women have confirmed that Volz still had his penis.

One incarcerated woman advised us that Volz and Romero had expressed an interest in getting married behind bars in an apparent effort to share a cell, and that neither had been undergoing sex offender treatment.

New Jersey’s only women’s prison is currently home to multiple violent male inmates with histories of targeting women and children. The state’s leniency in transferring the males in is likely the result of a 2021 lawsuit settlement between the American Civil Liberties Union and the New Jersey Department of Corrections which stipulated that transgender inmates must be housed on the basis of their self-declared “gender identity.”

Last year, Reduxx spoke to multiple female inmates at the facility who expressed anxiety and fear about the presence of the male inmates in their close quarters.

Miseka Diggs, an incarcerated woman at Edna Mahan, explained that the female inmates were “scared to death” of the men. Under the current policy, the men do not need to undergo any surgery, and Diggs asserts that most of the men are not on hormone replacement therapy. She stated that a majority of women incarcerated at Edna Mahan have past trauma, with many being victims of male violence, and the presence of men in the facility is causing them severe distress.

According to Diggs, women who complain of feeling unsafe are placed in protective custody.

“We can’t express our feelings in fear of being put in protective custody, [which] is like lock-up. If you use the wrong words you will be uprooted and removed from your living quarters. So many women walk around in fear,” Diggs said.

“We feel like we are part of some sick joke. This is a nightmare that we can’t wake up from,” she added. “The women here are traumatized over and over again and it seems as if no one cares about our needs. We feel like second-class citizens with no rights.”

Diggs described her anxiety at having to share a shower with one of the male transfers, whom she identified as Nikita Selket. Selket, formerly Neil LaBranche, is a 6′ 7″ man serving a thirty-year sentence for the murder of his roommate in 1995. As with Volz, the New Jersey Department of Corrections has recorded Selket as “female.”

Selket is one of 27 men who are known to have been transferred into the women’s facility in recent years.

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f9c7cc No.18799973


it was mikey rothschild board slide that he later wrote about as if anons were saying it

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ca093e No.18799974

>>18798800 LB

The winning just never seems to stop. Elite cannibal island pedo shop gets shut down? No problem, they say. We’ll just buy it and set up a resort so that we can continue reveling in the dark energies called in there!

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a8bff4 No.18799975

File: fef91f15f7742f0⋯.jpg (50.85 KB,625x484,625:484,dog_friday.jpg)

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33850d No.18799976


Thank Q

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25b75d No.18799977

File: 2b0c3228fe353d1⋯.png (446.83 KB,656x648,82:81,AnonllFixIt.png)

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90017c No.18799978

File: db3b9bf7c769aef⋯.mp4 (8.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,_Bellingcat_Who_Funds_Bell….mp4)

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3d15e5 No.18799979




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590bc1 No.18799980

File: b882087254e9d6a⋯.png (335.67 KB,634x678,317:339,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdf3e2835c09db0⋯.png (369.98 KB,634x682,317:341,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c884df64bb53a47⋯.png (130.45 KB,306x357,6:7,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47075bd00f4e7ef⋯.png (119.99 KB,306x357,6:7,ClipboardImage.png)


Transgender mom is jailed for 25 years for 'heinous, cruel and depraved' crime of forcing daughter, 7, she fathered to take part in child porn: Three accomplices are also sentenced as prosecutor brands foursome a 'quartet of darkness'

Marina Volz, previously named Matthew, was sentenced to 25 years on Friday

Volz, 32, ran a 'family owned-transgender pornography production studio' in NJ

She abused her daughter, 7, whom she took from her mother in December 2018

Three of her accomplices were also sentenced to long jail terms last week

Ashley Romero, 28 (previously Adam), and Sean Allen, 54, also abused the child

The judge described the quartet's crimes as 'heinous, cruel and depraved'

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f9c7cc No.18799981

File: 8dafa907fe09ca0⋯.png (56.52 KB,300x212,75:53,ClipboardImage.png)


>Why are USA toilet bowls FULL of water?

watch the water


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99e537 No.18799982


I would say to you that we are not talking about aerodynamics but philosophy vs. ideology. The right wing, left wing of the same bird, plane is gibberish. Means nothing and is not applicable.

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74f23a No.18799983


>They were leveraged to the hilt.

"Fractional Reserve Banking" = banks can lend 10x their deposits per "rulez".

One domino goes down by 10%+ => tits up and the rest of dominos fall (up until JPM or brandon bail them out)

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3981ae No.18799984

File: ab36da94cc058d5⋯.png (2.25 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

‘US destroyed Yemeni industries, turned nation into consumer market’: Ansarallah

Washington has recently been trying to insert itself into ongoing peace talks between Yemen and Saudi Arabia mediated by Oman


Very important statement from Yemeni President Mahdi al-Mashat: "The US-led coalition of aggression was keen to destroy Yemeni national industries to turn Yemen into a consumer market for its products. The coalition of aggression cut the salaries of state employees after they destroyed hundreds of factories, and thousands of workers were killed while performing their sacred duty."

This (https://thecradle.co/article-view/24301/us-destroyed-yemeni-industries-turned-nation-into-consumer-market-ansarallah) is paramount to keep in mind, not only because Yemen is now on the road back (https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2022/11/30/693632/Yemen-prioritizing-self-sufficient-status) to self-sufficient food security, but because regardless of the progress that was made in recent peace talks, President al-Mashat is keeping the magnifying glass on Saudi Arabia and its various Western ZOG backers.

The US-Saudi-Zionist assault on Yemen has not ended, with 6 Yemeni civilians wounded by Saudi artillery shelling in Saada (https://english.almasirah.net.ye/post/32727/Six-Citizens-Wounded-in-Saudi-Attacks-on-Sa-adah) just two hours ago, and Yemen's revolutionary leadership is not under any illusions or delusions that the Wahhabi monarchy is going to halt its atrocities until the very last possible moment.

Every hardship that Yemen continues to endure is the sole result of Washington, Riyadh and "Tel Aviv". And even in the event of the war finally coming to a close - which we obviously pray for daily - this can't and won't be forgotten. 🇾🇪 ✌️

🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance


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90017c No.18799985

File: 341d75a086638de⋯.mp4 (11.12 MB,1280x720,16:9,QAnon_Dangerous.mp4)

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df80a0 No.18799986

Who's on those 9's?

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54f34e No.18799987

File: 3038b37f5d985f6⋯.png (236.11 KB,610x610,1:1,pepe_Q.png)

Happy 5:5 day anons.

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590bc1 No.18799988

File: 3a4cbf5b75e1361⋯.png (266.73 KB,474x249,158:83,dude.png)

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128d7b No.18799989


cmon man crash the banks today corona nation

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c8f42f No.18799990

File: c2377672a5d2376⋯.jpg (52.35 KB,500x500,1:1,9999.jpg)

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088a62 No.18799991

File: 5b5338d507ac491⋯.png (150.12 KB,446x303,446:303,ClipboardImage.png)



>rip off the bong

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99e537 No.18799992


Because flushing a turd down the toilet is hard to do with anything else.

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b38844 No.18799993

File: d5ca9cef0fd8e91⋯.jpg (81.09 KB,500x608,125:152,Abraham.JPG)


Someone is obsessed..

Are you paid by Team Trump?

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90017c No.18799994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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590bc1 No.18799995

File: 94177e5ef42e10c⋯.png (476.51 KB,500x514,250:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9c7cc No.18799996

File: 3d59d8ac8e0b492⋯.png (892.33 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


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a7c450 No.18799997

File: 18390b6c509c99a⋯.png (859.2 KB,922x2048,461:1024,18390b6c509c99aefab94f897d….png)

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088a62 No.18799998

File: c7fbe82aa210204⋯.png (258.37 KB,597x704,597:704,mulletboi.png)


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953052 No.18799999


*gasp* RUDE

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74f23a No.18800000


>Because flushing a turd down the toilet is hard to do with anything else.

Really? Have you ever visited Aussie? NZ? UK?

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c8708e No.18800001

File: b417127c37b93db⋯.jpg (340.5 KB,720x1560,6:13,Screenshot_20230415_101817….jpg)




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ac757d No.18800002

File: f6647495d0fbfa3⋯.png (311.65 KB,760x368,95:46,badmeme.png)

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911174 No.18800003

File: a9537502b34ce36⋯.jpeg (34.56 KB,900x600,3:2,634E696F_8553_479C_A2B1_0….jpeg)

File: 5549b3027bf80bb⋯.png (37.25 KB,796x498,398:249,41D04C5B_EB04_4EBC_988E_23….png)

May 5th



Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

“Can you hear me now”

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590bc1 No.18800004

File: 08430bb2f233a53⋯.png (2.07 MB,1500x928,375:232,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7c450 No.18800005


Digits chkd

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3c5df3 No.18800006

File: 18a87909a6a789f⋯.mp4 (5.57 MB,640x360,16:9,who_are_the_17.mp4)

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99e537 No.18800007

File: 04f0997b8d5de8f⋯.jpg (128.41 KB,666x500,333:250,It_s_Friday_.jpg)

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590bc1 No.18800008

File: 236c019cd912988⋯.png (1.68 MB,794x1290,397:645,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa4dea No.18800009

File: f5fa75dc17e35c3⋯.png (208.7 KB,1156x716,289:179,Screen_Shot_2023_05_05_at_….png)

Amazing letter to Chase from state AGs:


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3c5df3 No.18800010

File: 376b9d81376073c⋯.jpg (2.14 MB,1600x2220,80:111,prince_charles.jpg)

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d92ba5 No.18800011

File: 3888874cd8304ab⋯.jpg (153.27 KB,900x541,900:541,ClockFag.jpg)

File: a89949ea2a61e87⋯.jpg (195.08 KB,1164x1552,3:4,qlockFAGS_OnDaWATER_WATCH_.jpg)

File: ef8360be898ae82⋯.png (3.17 MB,1380x2048,345:512,DrStrangeClock.png)

File: bb300896061cdf2⋯.png (39.34 KB,841x491,841:491,retribution_55_synonyms_9_….png)

File: c6f0c334aef93ce⋯.jpg (199.05 KB,564x532,141:133,55.jpg)


>Today is 55, Cinco De Mayo, we must broadcast this message today.


>Ay caramba

>Cinco de mayo

Battle of Puebla victory for the Mexicans over Napolean III.

Will something similar habben today with fingers Chas and the coronation part deux


>Also :55 after the hour on the Q Clock.


May 5, 2023

5 + 5 + 7 = 17

RETRIBUTION_45 { 11 letters 4+5(9)

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3981ae No.18800012

File: db43487b8a086b3⋯.png (1.38 MB,1280x853,1280:853,ClipboardImage.png)

❗️Presumably, the first photos of the wreckage of the Kinzhal hypersonic missile in Kyiv. Ukrainian publications claim that the "Dagger" was shot down in the sky over Kiev on the night of May 3-4. Indeed, the photograph of the warhead of the published wreckage is very much reminiscent of the warheads of the Kinzhal or Iskander missiles, both in its shape and in the thickness necessary to withstand the temperature and then penetrate the target. Also in the wreckage is a characteristic hole, indicating the possible use of a kinetic interceptor.

The principle of operation of the "Dagger" is to fly to its target at hypersonic speed, and then slow down and reach the target at a much lower speed for correction and maneuvering. Therefore, outdated Soviet air defense systems are not capable of shooting down such a missile, which has not happened before. In most cases, the defeat of such a target is possible only with the help of the Patriot PAC-3 air defense system with the PAC-3 MSE kinetic interceptor. The hole in the wreckage in the photo indicates the possible use of such a rocket.

However, there is no public information about the appearance of the most advanced "Patriots" and modern missiles for them in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Also, for accurate identification of the wreckage, more photographs are needed, so we cannot yet unequivocally assert that it is the "Dagger" that was shot down. @milinfolive


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df80a0 No.18800013


Well… I guess there's seven 8's coming up soon kek

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a7c450 No.18800014

File: 23495e0841cf4b4⋯.jpg (3.61 MB,4000x3000,4:3,IMG_20230314_125424.jpg)


Doggone, kek!

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3d15e5 No.18800015


Not really. I know of a multi branch community bank that could lose all deposits and not go tits up. They would have to fire 90% of staff, but they aren't over extended. They are very sound.

This is banking. Not the QE Forever transfer of wealth.

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128d7b No.18800016

File: bcbdfc63d463d69⋯.png (541.57 KB,766x1090,383:545,188_1_.png)

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7999ee No.18800017

File: c5c3aa881e55f44⋯.png (219.39 KB,381x260,381:260,Screenshot_from_2023_05_05….png)


circle dot, reminds me of the red ring in center, then another circle dot.

and those weird pincher things!

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a8bff4 No.18800018


Who gives a fuck about any of those ratfuck shitbags, including and especially Pence. Fuck them all and may they all rot in Hell.

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ca093e No.18800019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We talking literal 2 weeks here or “soon…2 weeks…” If former, what’s your reasoning beyond the Q post which does not datefag a specific time frame?

Not arguing against the possibility as I do see the coronation that coincides with the darkest penumbral lunar eclipse for almost two decades to be a harbinger of woefully tidings rather than a source of resounding joy about to unfold. Just curious to hear more on what ya got.

But ya, checked on the soil. Should be a primary focus for anyone capable at this point. Lots of excellent resources on you tube for folks working on living soil and procedures for developing same. Matt Powers is but one of those names…no affiliation for the plug. Just respect what I’ve heard from him so far…

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b38844 No.18800020

File: 45b12a054f2b8c1⋯.png (27.57 KB,638x228,319:114,ClipboardImage.png)

America has sent over $200 billion to Ukraine despite all of the problems we have here at home.

Would you support a total moratorium on all foreign aid?


Yes, absolutely. Stop giving Israel money.

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54f34e No.18800021

File: e2e32cf4ddf8a65⋯.gif (880.73 KB,320x240,4:3,nein_nein_nein.gif)

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534a99 No.18800022

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b7a942 No.18800023

File: 25b60d0c4e18a34⋯.png (170.47 KB,640x356,160:89,3d67b30707aaa82334bcdc46c2….png)

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534a99 No.18800024

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54f34e No.18800025

File: 8199485d318e771⋯.png (1.24 MB,1300x1300,1:1,snausage_fingers.png)

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590bc1 No.18800026

File: 2e8a900488cb721⋯.png (1.26 MB,1056x816,22:17,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51de5f3cab2d30f⋯.png (550.89 KB,1056x816,22:17,ClipboardImage.png)


>Patriot PAC-3 air defense system with the PAC-3 MSE kinetic interceptor


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84adbd No.18800027

Question for “Anons” about “Q”:

How come nothing Q said ever came true, and because of that, “clockfags” have to desperately (and embarrassingly) “grasp at straws” and try to draw “connections” and “deltas” where any logical, critical thinking person knows there aren’t any (which in and of itself ultimately discredits the entire movement)?

Let’s see if any of you have the horses to answer that honestly without resorting to same, tired, name calling you usually deploy whenever someone genuinely tests a previously agreed upon Q hypothesis. I doubt you can, but let’s see…

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590bc1 No.18800028

File: 578a52268808456⋯.png (630.71 KB,762x526,381:263,serveme.png)

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ac757d No.18800029


…How come you haven't done your research?

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b7a942 No.18800030

File: 3780f5d04a5917f⋯.png (154.03 KB,332x263,332:263,3780f5d04a5917f478ec0a7440….png)

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3981ae No.18800031

File: 7aa3dfed8256a10⋯.png (1.29 MB,634x1022,317:511,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f67384833bf0cc⋯.png (158.09 KB,1101x245,1101:245,savilecrimes.png)

File: 518ed10b3bcc780⋯.jpg (152.26 KB,1024x830,512:415,savilecharles.jpg)

File: ce770492194b5db⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB,640x848,40:53,bidancreep.MP4)

File: e043aa5c5027e25⋯.png (506.97 KB,640x442,320:221,ClipboardImage.png)

(((inbreeding)))) = no soul where Jesus is God = always as evil as possible

Keeping it in the family! King Charles III is Jill Biden's 13th cousin once removed - while Justin Trudeau is his 12th cousin.

… both are attending Charles lll coronation tomorrow.

Not even surprised by this. Remember folks, it's ONE BIG CLUB, be glad you're not in it.

More info and symbolism behind the coronation HERE (https://t.me/Revelations_and_Rabbit_Holes/4907).

ARTICLE (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12045935/King-Charles-III-Jill-Bidens-12th-cousin-four-times-removed.html?ito=native_share_article-top)

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b72adb No.18800032

File: 0457ef46332192a⋯.png (328.1 KB,500x353,500:353,antarcticpepe5.png)


just because "somebody would've said something" doesn't mean it's false.

People have used that excuse for 50 years about the JFK killing.

so use logic

Just because it's unproved?

does it follow that it's false?

How about keeping an open mind?

Does "I don't know" hurt your ego too much?

Or are you just afraid of the mockingbirds?

Mockingbird gonna attack no matter what, Even if they have to fabricate and twist our alleged opinions.

As speculated done around this issue by Mikey.

? maybe he did; Absoluted fail to remember that.

Is there sauce for "Mikey did it"?

If there is never saw it.

A lot of chatter that there are tunnels.

In fact it's pretty evident that they exist under Denver Airport, for instance. And in some "iron mountain" in the South?

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590bc1 No.18800033

File: 15c8f73e3a9daef⋯.png (28.91 KB,437x181,437:181,ClipboardImage.png)


The speaker of the Air Force of Ukraine, Yuriy Ignat, denied the statements of individual representatives of the Kyiv administration about the downing of the Russian hypersonic missile "Dagger" over the capital. Note that the Ukrainian army has no means capable of resisting this complex.

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90017c No.18800034

File: b86fba9472d7ffe⋯.jpg (414.1 KB,1513x1006,1513:1006,capture_1173_13042022_1809….jpg)

File: b4479981d37561c⋯.jpg (333.5 KB,1200x663,400:221,capture_1174_13042022_1810….jpg)

File: e88c491af10f780⋯.jpg (385.52 KB,1376x978,688:489,capture_1183_13042022_1818….jpg)

File: 5d44d162cc8f94a⋯.png (2.48 MB,1100x787,1100:787,capture_1184_13042022_1820….png)

File: 062da278ac24ff4⋯.jpg (358.4 KB,1306x976,653:488,capture_1182_13042022_1817….jpg)

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f9c7cc No.18800035

File: 91bd69938c076c8⋯.png (954.22 KB,1333x1172,1333:1172,ClipboardImage.png)


it was just a ploy to get anons to follow lucifer

everyone knows that

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54f34e No.18800036

File: b7bf2dad38b7505⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,pepe_filter.png)

20% of total posts…. bye

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90017c No.18800037

File: 1ccf3043444bcb3⋯.jpg (309.57 KB,1000x796,250:199,capture_285_03042022_12403….jpg)

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534a99 No.18800038


0. Lurk

1. Call Notables

2. Collect Notables

3. Share Notables

4. Bake

5. Shit Post

6. Start #HashTrend

7. Post Pepe Meme

8. Create Meme

9. Post Random

>get 5

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953052 No.18800039

I wish Star Trek had more tits 'n ass.

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454535 No.18800040

File: f207572e0faff9e⋯.png (37.44 KB,363x706,363:706,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)


>>March(17)- message to?



Mar 17, 2019 7:10:55 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: fe07c6 No. 5740846

Mar 17, 2019 7:09:50 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 20be36 No. 5740813

Mar 17, 2019 7:09:22 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: fe07c6 No. 5740802


Retweet 'many' for plausible deniability?

March (17) - message to?







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3c5df3 No.18800041

File: 4af2188a9c19ced⋯.mp4 (4.99 MB,480x360,4:3,Local_Girl_Connects_Obama_….mp4)

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b7a942 No.18800042



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54f34e No.18800043

File: b959e082697d40e⋯.png (236.5 KB,646x599,646:599,Pepe_gangsta.png)


>Create Meme

Show your work.

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f3ac92 No.18800044

File: edcf289c0a7bb5f⋯.png (386.19 KB,1000x1100,10:11,Fed_Roths_graphic.png)


How did we not know this? Did this happen?

The Federal Reserve & The Treasury just merged into a single organization

March 28, 2020 11:06 am by IWB


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bdc04c No.18800045

File: 132eb48b960bed6⋯.jpg (17.16 KB,293x177,293:177,46094_446397005425880_6647….jpg)

File: 0e7d173c64207ad⋯.jpg (14.09 KB,401x225,401:225,th_9_.jpg)

File: fc036da12f8c93c⋯.jpg (60.33 KB,630x630,1:1,fc036da12f8c93c2ce5f72625e….jpg)

File: 8d67801d37b9e3a⋯.jpg (154.63 KB,1000x969,1000:969,CNVhrmdWoAAM2lj.jpg)

File: e535dd78ad59237⋯.jpg (22.7 KB,465x461,465:461,upside_down_american_flag_….jpg)


What if you don't know your father?

What if everything you have ever been told is a lie?

What if the truth has always been hidden from you?

What if access to critical literature was never given?

What if you were experimented on throughout your childhood?

What if there were specific coordinated traumatic events perpetrated on you?

What if you have always been called crazy or delusional?

How then do you become the leader you speak of?

Finally why do we have to stand down and only watch the evil perpetrators continue to rape, pillage and murder?

Why do we have to follow rules of men written in a book or books that there has been no definitive proof that God has said this is how you need to be or act?

Why must we follow laws and regulations written and enforced by corrupt, evil, and power lusting men in whom the laws were designed to protect?

Why is it okay for ((([THEM]))) to bypass and take advantage, to include imprisonment and murder of their opposition? But not okay for individuals like Anon?

What is our recourse when every avenue we could take to rectify the wrongs perpetrated on the people are controlled and manipulated by the very men we need to remove or eliminate?

Why does only a small percentage of the evil power corrupt get punished for the crimes against humanity?

How long do good men stand by and do nothing?

Where is God in his devine wisdom that allows the human suffering to continue?

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73d565 No.18800046


Only Muzzies don’t wash their hands after taking a shit

Very dirty people

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b72adb No.18800047

File: fb89d76d051bf54⋯.jpg (346.95 KB,1200x893,1200:893,Cloud_Club_Chrysler_Rm3.jpg)


i was more than just a few comments on this board.

mostly "crazy" YT vids with "reports "

Doesn't prove nor disprove one way or the other.

Just because you never heard of it doesn't mean others aren't talking about it, nor that it's not real

Nor does it mean it's real

Keep an open mind.

Be fearless.

isn't McLeod pronounced "McCloud" ?

was there a TV show called "McCloud"?

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f9c7cc No.18800048


i wish Cheers was set in a gay bar

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cbd262 No.18800049


your carefully constructed bait post will attract a few dayshifters.

but you get an overall 4/10 due to poor timing

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b64e45 No.18800050

File: 02e84a8f3e63332⋯.jpg (152.38 KB,1427x797,1427:797,Boat_and_ski_pepe.jpg)


roll for friday

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534a99 No.18800051

File: 4fa70efaba33e05⋯.png (944.76 KB,876x796,219:199,ClipboardImage.png)



>8. Create Meme


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338ce0 No.18800052

File: 02da76f349b5de4⋯.png (7.06 KB,183x275,183:275,ClipboardImage.png)

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54f34e No.18800053

File: f831960329eb2dc⋯.jpg (22.83 KB,400x400,1:1,eww.jpg)


Don't joke about that. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they did a remake of it, doing just that.

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953052 No.18800054

my money don't jiggle jiggle, it folds

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25b75d No.18800055


I'm doing all of those at the same time…

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90017c No.18800056

File: db63aad19e95392⋯.jpg (151.21 KB,1920x1081,1920:1081,Switch_data_centers_superl….jpg)

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f9c7cc No.18800057


>Keep an open mind.

>Be fearless.

>condescending narcissist

ok bieber, fuck off now

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73d565 No.18800058

File: 003f26958e8c934⋯.png (3.19 MB,1226x1164,613:582,IMG_5368.png)


Don’t follow the “Eliteists”

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590bc1 No.18800059

File: 53eaa8973fbb588⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,320x240,4:3,BushKerry.mp4)

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f9c6a0 No.18800060


I would call b/s on this story.

Top left image you can clearly see that the turf has been cut and rolled back.

It looks like the dirt from the hole as been dumped in the bottom right corner.

Also l9oks like more dirt has been casually spread towards to right corner of the image.

The image top right showing the nose cone doesn't really show any conclusive detail, imo it could be the nose of many different penetrator bombs or shells.

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534a99 No.18800061

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11a72b No.18800062


Q is dangerous, it's why the VA won't let you know how many veterans talk about Q before they commit suicide. They have the data, they just won't let you see it despite that being your legal right when requested through a FOIA. Do any lawyers want to test that out, I've failed twice.

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99e537 No.18800063


Good letter but didn't go far enough. Chase won't give one fuck about this. They'll start giving one when they face litigation which I would assume that many of the aggrieved parties to Chase's actions took up. At least I hope they did. Chase's libility would be enormous.

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1bfe89 No.18800064


Nah, she was never with us.

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90017c No.18800065

File: 75b2a1d1b4f2b20⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x731,898:731,capture_189_02042022_18483….png)

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d80da5 No.18800066

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been blackmailed over disclosure of $6,000 monthly payments for his grandnephew’s education.

It’s out now, they can’t blackmail him anymore.

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cc3232 No.18800067

File: fa2aafd622d846d⋯.png (10.14 KB,255x253,255:253,GodWins2.png)


>Retweet 'many' for plausible deniability?

How mene coincidences B4 it is mathematically impossible?

Daniel reads the words "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN" and interprets them for the king: "MENE, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; TEKEL, you have been weighed … and found wanting;" and "UPHARSIN", your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.

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b72adb No.18800068

File: 3ca008f268b380a⋯.jpg (52.99 KB,510x684,85:114,pepeasmichael.jpg)


funny the McLeod


Royal Scot lineage..

Don't the MacLeod's come from the Island of SKYE

McClouds (how its pronounced) from Skye?


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338ce0 No.18800069


….where they only sold queer beer Buttwiper

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d80da5 No.18800070


Thinking for yourself is very dangerous

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90017c No.18800071

File: d0320127dbaa17f⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,1553x1416,1553:1416,d0320127dbaa17fce87dddbb7….jpeg)

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534a99 No.18800072


2. Collect Notables

thank you for volunteering

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0ff323 No.18800073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

May 5, 2023

9:00 AM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken delivers remarks at the American Foreign Service Association Memorial Plaque Ceremony

Department of State




Secretary Blinken Remarks at Foreign Service Plaque Ceremony

Secretary Blinken gives remarks at the American Foreign Service Association Memorial Plaque Ceremony at the State Department.


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f9c7cc No.18800074

File: 653e2a9a986bc67⋯.png (159.58 KB,346x256,173:128,ClipboardImage.png)

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90017c No.18800075

File: e3b46128fd71792⋯.jpg (131.55 KB,800x1066,400:533,ClaraBell_44.jpg)

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534a99 No.18800076


>3. Share Notables

thank you for sharing

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74f23a No.18800077


>Not really.


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b7a942 No.18800078


Working it. o7

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a8bff4 No.18800079

File: 611171f56ff9c43⋯.jpg (7 KB,193x261,193:261,images_jpeg_8.jpg)

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3c5df3 No.18800080

File: b4d196c0fe96d07⋯.png (411.95 KB,782x1066,391:533,Screen_Shot_2023_05_05_at_….png)

File: 1f87819e9f6b540⋯.png (36.64 KB,914x638,457:319,EUJHyGRWAAAbLaq_1_.png)




RIP Federal Reserve!!!

This is Huge!!!!

"This scheme essentially merges the Fed and Treasury into one organization. So, meet your new Fed chairman, Donald J. Trump."






4:28 PM · Mar 27, 2020


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84adbd No.18800081



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534a99 No.18800082


thank you for rolling

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f9c7cc No.18800083

File: 8d241c5e75b64ea⋯.png (1.36 MB,1334x1489,1334:1489,ClipboardImage.png)

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454535 No.18800084

File: 43ace3b05a4c59a⋯.png (54.97 KB,368x807,368:807,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)


>F L F = Fight Like Flynn

>connect the dots …

F = 6

3/17 minus 6 = 3/11

>Ever underlined. CapitalE


Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels to RUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG in RUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went to RUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code to SHADOW BROKERS?

Define 'Spook'.

Define 'Shadow'.

Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?



Mills became the focus of a media sensation after the global surveillance disclosures when she was identified as Snowden's girlfriend.[12] One media outlet called Mills "the girlfriend Edward Snowden left behind".[5] In 2013, BuzzFeed reviewed Mills's personal blog.[5] It noted that she had a boyfriendwhom she called "E"and her "man of mystery".[5] Mills blogged about Snowden leaving soon after he left.[13]

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990359 No.18800085

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -05/05/2023


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534a99 No.18800086


>5. Shit Post

thank you for shit posting. lel

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54f34e No.18800087

File: 865ddcd2b2e5e44⋯.jpg (67.95 KB,270x270,1:1,hrc4.jpg)


I didn't say "rolling" so there's that….

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a8bff4 No.18800088

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,smoking_trump_tippy_top.jpg)


If you don't know the reference behind this meme, then you haven't done your due diligence, and the air that you exhale should be taxed. Pound fucking sand.

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590bc1 No.18800089

File: 416e25e263bd3f0⋯.mp4 (4.59 MB,640x480,4:3,ScotFree.mp4)

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84adbd No.18800090

File: 8ea97974ec88f05⋯.jpeg (11.63 KB,300x158,150:79,73958D2C_C15A_4468_AE24_5….jpeg)


you’re embarrassing yourself

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e65e7f No.18800091

I would not put it past the NYC to kill Neely, just to pin it on the Marine.

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54f34e No.18800092

File: 99201a4228fafa5⋯.png (1.8 KB,128x128,1:1,_a39f786cd52c1.png)

Q: How do you keep a "low-quality" shill busy?

A: ???

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11a72b No.18800093

File: 12a39cbffbcaecf⋯.webp (47.27 KB,470x506,235:253,19651017Football.webp)


True but a sitting President has directed a PSYOP specifically at veterans and has strung together an endless string of two weeks while we sit here and wonder why all our friends died in Wardak. Just because they have Smith-Mundt doesn't mean all of this shit doesn't have an impact.

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d80da5 No.18800094


If Q is LARP, why so many shills and attacks against it?

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54f34e No.18800095

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB,236x207,236:207,pepe_keks.png)


That is the one question that they are unable to answer.

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d80da5 No.18800096


Bro, go to Ukraine get in the fight.

Die for them

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11a72b No.18800097


>If Q is LARP, why so many shills and attacks against it?

If it isn't a LARP how many decades do we have to wait for justice?

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11a72b No.18800098


>Bro, go to Ukraine get in the fight.

Why the fuck would I do that?

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43a184 No.18800099



She as a child, researched and found every one of our presidents is related, cept one, van buron.

She says she is the first person to discover the connection. What are the odds that this information has been known and buried from the unwitting voters??

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990359 No.18800100

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


wrong links, sorry

right ones….


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d92ba5 No.18800101



>Ever underlined. Capital E


a lot there going on,

he uses lower and UPPER case.

that MARKER type fonting

- the crossed TH is like counting III

i counted the # of PERIODS = 4

- 4 Quarters _Game Theory_ ?


Donald J Trump 13:11 Oct 11, 2012

Why does Barack Obama's ring have an arabic inscription? WHO is this guy?

4TH QUARTER, Patriots.

We fight together.


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bd1249 No.18800102




how pathetic is that?

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f9c7cc No.18800103

File: bd5fcd962a3d391⋯.png (837.51 KB,1333x732,1333:732,ClipboardImage.png)




I will hold until Durham says he's done

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d80da5 No.18800104


So you are doing something and not waiting 2 Moar weeks

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74f23a No.18800105


>Only Muzzies don’t wash their hands after taking a shit

>Very dirty people


The prob is yanks that have ass hair, sit on their fat floaters & stink like sh!t.

yanks also have bad breathe for 'reasons' (talking sh!t mostly) but yanks are arrogant / ignorant pricks - 96% of global pop agree

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3d15e5 No.18800106



No thanks.

I understand leverage. There needs to be accountability. We've not had or expected it.

Pipes are being flushed at the moment.

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953052 No.18800107


that IS something they'd make these days

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454535 No.18800108

File: b26db370110d911⋯.png (19.73 KB,367x296,367:296,Screenshot_from_2023_05_05….png)


>connect the dots …


>Ever underlined. Capital E


>>connect the dots …

>F = 6

>3/17 minus 6 = 3/11

>>Ever underlined. CapitalE


<>you’re embarrassing yourself

L = 12

3/17 minus 12 = 3/05


Mar 05, 2018 11:47:05 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5bf34e No. 562660


Welcome to China.

Border crossing -3.

Spartans in Darkness.


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754c78 No.18800109

File: 565ad23eee30e81⋯.png (102.76 KB,338x341,338:341,smiley_pepe.png)

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c6cba5 No.18800110


>How come nothing Q said ever came true,

You assume the messages were for you and the Anon's benefits. They weren't.

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84adbd No.18800111


well i think part of the problem is you incorrectly label genuine scrutiny as “shills” and “attacks”. as if your brain wired itself for only one response whenever faced with actual facts that contradict your confirmation bias: dehumanize them and dismiss their perspectives.


it took me literally 2 minutes to dismantle that question. care to apologize to the board for being wrong?

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1bfe89 No.18800112

File: 6962d990de1c617⋯.jpg (72.08 KB,520x436,130:109,CIA_2_.jpg)

File: a266e12d900954c⋯.jpg (102.53 KB,500x545,100:109,Cia.jpg)

File: 95fdaacda9cdec4⋯.jpg (71.9 KB,500x500,1:1,Pepe_Assange_CIA.jpg)

File: c88d0509a7025f9⋯.png (6.63 KB,463x254,463:254,past_2_years_next_6_years.png)


You volunteered to die at Wardak, you took the money.

CIA controls your govt, that is the Psyop you complain about. Yet, here you are with no understanding, protecting them.

Anons have a long way to go yet, so not worried.

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90017c No.18800113

File: f650de7456cf1a2⋯.jpg (28.64 KB,301x447,301:447,pepe_iao.JPG)

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11a72b No.18800114


I think I hate you for being a retarded faggot, I'm going to order more silver now, thanks for the gibs jew.

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128d7b No.18800115

File: e970b8972a60910⋯.jpeg (224.87 KB,2048x1536,4:3,licensed_image.jpeg)

File: 3706fa3d2311eac⋯.jpg (5.6 KB,256x144,16:9,gettyimages_1124843846_256….jpg)

File: 709af4f2b6d138c⋯.png (905.64 KB,828x681,276:227,709af4f2b6d138cc4ebde22435….png)

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3c5df3 No.18800116

File: 4c17fad9e4d6389⋯.mp4 (3.24 MB,320x180,16:9,Anonymous_Chasing_Edward_S….mp4)

File: 430800424e26b00⋯.png (930.38 KB,824x1188,206:297,Screen_Shot_2023_05_05_at_….png)

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74f23a No.18800117



>No thanks.




need moar?

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54f34e No.18800118

File: 2eb68e8b5a6ea3f⋯.gif (667.22 KB,480x287,480:287,wrong.gif)



In your mind, but you didn't dismantle shit. Re-read the drops then you'll understand.

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0ff323 No.18800119

File: 8cc237ff7db95ad⋯.png (51.95 KB,400x217,400:217,Lenin_copy.png)

File: 1f4eac98e719dd1⋯.png (172.25 KB,400x400,1:1,manson_eyes.png)

File: c89f39406b0b1fa⋯.png (300.85 KB,848x411,848:411,weird_eyes.png)

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f9c7cc No.18800120

File: 13eb5f727260b8f⋯.png (501.06 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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1bfe89 No.18800121

File: 23a334144118954⋯.jpg (648 KB,968x1314,484:657,King_Kun_Jim_Watkins_Rolli….jpg)


Jim, drink your own coffee!


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ca093e No.18800122


What will you did if Durham turns out to be a nothing burger? I say IF, as none of us know for sure which way it will go.

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84adbd No.18800123


>L = 12

>3/17 minus 12 = 3/05

This is what constitutes as “Q research” now.

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91053f No.18800124

File: 8f8c97dbecc4c2b⋯.jpeg (73.16 KB,1112x619,1112:619,7B91B009_F05D_48DD_9CB9_1….jpeg)

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b7a942 No.18800125

File: 329e157d516858b⋯.gif (3.04 MB,480x480,1:1,329e157d516858b911e67ede4a….gif)


>>18800073 9:00 AM EDTmSecretary Antony J. Blinken delivers remarks at the American Foreign Service

>>18800040 Anon dig, Retweet 'many' for plausible deniability?

>>18800020 Paul Gosar - America has sent over $200 billion to Ukraine

>>18800012 first photos of the wreckage of the Kinzhal hypersonic missile in Kyiv

>>18800009 Amazing letter to Chase from state AGs

>>18799953 FTX gets approval for LedgerX sale, asserts $3.9 billion Genesis claim

>>18799946 Electrified compressors threat to grid (Texas)

>>18799942 'Premeditated and admitted lie': Intel pros slam Biden laptop letter after bombshell revelation

>>18799914 teacher charged at the Sarasota Military Academy High School campus for indecent, lewd, or lascivious touching of minors.

What I have so far, can't stay long. o7

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11a72b No.18800126


>Yet, here you are with no understanding, protecting them.

I'm going to go buy more silver.

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f9c7cc No.18800127

File: 524a2d812338b4b⋯.png (413.64 KB,525x1208,525:1208,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8bff4 No.18800128

File: 547bca17632457d⋯.png (775.34 KB,850x1025,34:41,Grammar_Toots.png)


>I say IF, as none of us know

All fallen. Truly fallen.

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c8f42f No.18800129

File: e79fb07e985c29b⋯.png (913.14 KB,800x600,4:3,e79fb07e985c29b381eb50838c….png)

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54f34e No.18800130

File: 3749e05ecaeb864⋯.jpg (782.48 KB,596x591,596:591,Hunter_Russian_disinfo.jpg)


Not aging well.

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f9c6a0 No.18800131

Looks like someone went on a work trip, got paid with a crate of vodka and cash, and raided the hotel mini bars while they were away.

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f9c7cc No.18800132

File: 9c9d721a9a63a11⋯.png (364.82 KB,594x636,99:106,ClipboardImage.png)

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b38844 No.18800133

File: 3383aeb07ae9057⋯.png (57.05 KB,657x380,657:380,JesusNico.png)

File: 0e8656071cda3ca⋯.png (69.03 KB,547x456,547:456,JesusNicoII.png)

File: 1d2ff4164a7a3f5⋯.png (69.45 KB,601x415,601:415,JesusNicoIII.png)

File: 6f443480b2a7592⋯.png (74.51 KB,718x347,718:347,JesusNicoIIII.png)

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ceb4d6 No.18800134



dis bitch knows how to read people

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b72adb No.18800135

File: 5c67d41ccb27def⋯.png (280.36 KB,500x524,125:131,youtried.png)

File: ddf1eab3b6a417e⋯.jpg (209.44 KB,1200x703,1200:703,dougbusted.jpg)


proved agains by insta-shill



fantasy - ish land

can't stand unbiased questions.

? why?


figures- it's a jew-hater.

They have to be biased. That's why they are bigots with no logic.

and the hate-jews plant the apparently unsubstantiated craxy mole - people stuff.

and then accuse others of it?

Who knew Mike Roth was a Jew-hater.

Or is that just a pose when he's anon?


aslo a doubt-fag. what a surprise /s/


toilets flush in reverse in its face



mocking "Q"



blames mike Roth for what it does; Maybe its Mike

Hi Mike

hates "Q" just like Mike

Maybe it's him. Or Doug?



then switches tactics and tries to blend in?


guess it's paid. Shills will be here til the end. for the $$$ from Israel.. seems it idiot posted a pic of Israel money… hmmm

So MOS accuses others of MOS.

Hey just like the FBI

Maybe they are in communication?


more nonsense.

wonder what percentage of apparent shitposters are really Deep State?

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90017c No.18800136

File: 12c4b2b3c37472a⋯.gif (4.86 MB,360x201,120:67,YEAH.gif)

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ca093e No.18800137


I wonder what definition of patriot is being referenced in that drop? Patriotic to the crown, the US corporation, the former republic? Hard to say given where the world stands all these years later…

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1bfe89 No.18800138

File: 1320864bc019d89⋯.gif (1.7 MB,500x281,500:281,Whoa_Family_Guy.gif)


His wife was the Pope's niece, so yeah.



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fcdea4 No.18800139

File: 30fa15a57280430⋯.jpg (662.72 KB,1080x1296,5:6,Screenshot_20210129_094714….jpg)

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4a5b4d No.18800140

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB,783x485,783:485,wnb.png)

morn'n baker in the kitchen

notes collected and will drop inna few

habby tgif / 5:5 anons

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b72adb No.18800141

File: 298dd9b1bbae6c2⋯.png (3.01 MB,1800x1200,3:2,carterbideninversion.png)

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74f23a No.18800142


>I understand leverage. There needs to be accountability

"needs" is operative word.

The usa "fed" is NOT federal (except in Wash DC) and has zero "reserves".

They just make em up. All $32T(?) that usa have on the 'bankcard" that can NEVER be repaid (in 1000yrs?).

usa is bankrupt on ficticious "money" they make up out of thin air. Why can't usa people see this? NFI

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f9c7cc No.18800143


i'll do the same thing i did when the warren report came out

not give a fuck

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b4aa9b No.18800144

File: 1e4903b4cedd31a⋯.png (184.44 KB,928x1165,928:1165,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08390743c3d80ab⋯.png (145.79 KB,1011x725,1011:725,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37929028eb59340⋯.png (795.94 KB,1200x630,40:21,obamagateinfiltrat.png)

File: 8ca6aff55130c04⋯.png (541.48 KB,1077x897,359:299,Screenshot_2020_12_18_Jess….png)

File: e3df008bd4995f3⋯.png (92.71 KB,905x901,905:901,muhPHOBIA.png)


wonky board, HI-JAcked ERR MSGS = an OLD BANNED, a 404 Not Found

images got scofffed.

> Donald J Trump 13:11 Oct 11, 2012

> Why does Barack Obama's ring have an arabic inscription? WHO is this guy?

>4TH QUARTER, Patriots.

>We fight together.


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c8f42f No.18800145

File: 5eb1b875fec1d98⋯.jpg (804.72 KB,1920x1105,384:221,5eb1b875fec1d9823c3b3d6a5d….jpg)

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b38844 No.18800146

File: f8c53a99aab8550⋯.png (323.6 KB,521x504,521:504,CO_Jewish_Mafia.png)

File: a1b348a9d795d3d⋯.png (257.25 KB,441x553,63:79,CO_SOS_Griswold.png)

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15bf1e No.18800147

File: 888e4dd7eb52a87⋯.jpg (66.69 KB,468x521,468:521,20230504_035528.jpg)

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ca093e No.18800148


>Shills will be here til the end. for the $$$ from Israel

Shouldn’t that say “for the $$$ from the US tax payer via Israel”?

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84adbd No.18800149


>Re-read the drops then you'll understand.

Do you really believe this non-sequitur is convincing anybody right now?

I read the drops.

Like the one where Q said our elections were safe, only to watch 2018, 2020, and 2024 be stolen.

Or the one where Q said justice would be served.

Or any of the hundreds of other claims Q made that ended up being wrong.

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b72adb No.18800150



fake patriot?

or doesn't even bother to claim that?

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e9f6d9 No.18800151


Q has restored my hope to only be in Jesus.

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454535 No.18800152

File: fe2d9c0864b56db⋯.png (51.42 KB,369x635,369:635,Screenshot_2023_05_05_at_0….png)



>'Premeditated and admitted lie': Intel pros slam Biden laptop letter after bombshell revelation

>Ex-CIA boss Morellwrote colleague that the Hunter Biden laptop letter was a "talking point" to help Joe Biden at debate.

>In a rare and candid email exchange between two former CIA bosses, Michael Morell told John Brennanin October 2020 that he was organizing a letter of 51 intel experts claiming the emergence of the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian influence operation because he wanted to give Joe Biden's campaign a "talking point to push back on" Donald Trump during the last presidential debate of the 2020election,


Nov 11, 2019 8:02:56 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9b601a No. 7352982

Once C_A always C_A?

Former C_A elected to Congress?

Former C_A running for Congress?

Former C_A running for Senate?

Former C_A elected to Senate?

Former C_A elected to Presidency?

Define ‘black op’ [clandestine]

Once C_A always C_A?


@SNOWDEN base of ops [geo location]?

Whistleblower(s) vs. POTUS?

Former C_A?

Define ‘black op’ [clandestine]

What happens if rogue elements of US AB[C] intel agency target [to insert] US political system [President, VP, House, Senate, NSC, US Amb., etc.] in ‘black op’ designated to control friend vs. foe targeting [self-preservation]?




>F L F = Fight Like Flynn

>connect the dots …








Es andIs

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90017c No.18800153

File: fd060adca15f826⋯.jpg (853.71 KB,1071x1080,119:120,capture_795_02052023_12155….jpg)

File: 2b0642913b0c34d⋯.jpg (257.2 KB,1000x563,1000:563,capture_783_02052023_11004….jpg)

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b72adb No.18800154


more shill spotting

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3c5df3 No.18800155

File: 3e8d4ea64ec896f⋯.jpg (135.85 KB,976x1300,244:325,_129531970_youngcharleswit….jpg)

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c8f42f No.18800156

File: 6edc97d86dbd274⋯.gif (684.57 KB,640x414,320:207,smiles44.gif)

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b5d78a No.18800157


TP & HBs playin dont come around here no more in background

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0ff323 No.18800158

File: b6ad3d4f9638712⋯.jpg (46.38 KB,489x612,163:204,gettyimages_97284407_Hilla….jpg)

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4a5b4d No.18800159

notables bun @650

czech em

#23072 >>18799457


>>18799579 , >>18799607 Gates & the IPPF: Global Health Fraud thread

>>18799634 earthquake M 6.2 - NEAR WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - 2023-05-05 05:42:04 UTC

>>18799462 Eight dead in second Serbian shooting, police hunt killer

>>18799479, >>18799690 Lot going on in Florida's history, interesting part on the Phoenicians.

>>18799502 sadistic tranny pedo still being housed in female prison because muh pronouns

>>18799503, >>18799507 Ian Miles Cheong admitted DeSantis is paying him $35,000 a year

>>18799509 The Daily Wire was paid over 110k by Ron Desantis & his team

>>18799558, >>18799560, >>18799566, >>18799599, >>18799655 DeSanctus Shills out in full force on Twitter right now

>>18799684, >>18799673, >>18799691 The Fed was merged into the Treasury, incase anyone forgot

>>18799800, >>18799803 @realDonaldTrump When I take the oath of office on January 20, 2025,we will immediately begin the process of fully Securing the Border and removing the illegal aliens Joe Biden has unlawfully allowed to break into our Country…

>>18799824 @jsolomonreports ‘Pre-meditated and admitted lie:’ Intel pros slam Biden laptop letter after bombshell revelation

>>18799837, >>18799838 Time to clean out the Federal Government

Ghost Grab

>>18799882, >>18799892, >>18799942, >>18799943 Hunter Biden laptop musical chairs mini-bun

>>18799905, 18799914 Akansas and Florida teachers raping students

>>18799928 Emerald Robinson w/CAP: It’s time for the pro-Israel lobby in America to explain why the former prime minister of Israel Ehud Barak was meeting an infamous blackmailer

>>18799946 Electrified Compressors and the Great Texas Blackout (a threat to grid reliability everywhere)

>>18799968, >>18799972, >>18799980 Father Who Sexually Abused 7-Year-Old Daughter For “Trans Porn” Company Now Recorded As A “Female” Offender By NJDOC

>>>>18800100 Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -05/05/2023

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b38844 No.18800160

File: ff185f803577402⋯.jpg (89.19 KB,581x500,581:500,JesusWonderful.jpg)

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754c78 No.18800161

File: 05504b91138144e⋯.png (1.06 MB,634x880,317:440,prince_charles.png)

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b72adb No.18800162


wow charlie was ugly even as a child.

ANNE is ever worse.

mother Liz looks pissed, as usual.

Trump really liked her; funny.

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54f34e No.18800163


2024 will be stolen. It's in the drops. 2025 is where the turning point is, also according to the drops.

2024's election theft will be so egregious that even people not paying attention will be saying "they stole that shit nigga."

Sometimes you've got to SHOW them.

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1bfe89 No.18800164

File: d7d49f5dc8c205c⋯.png (729.23 KB,732x640,183:160,Day_shift.png)

File: ca717f66527fcec⋯.gif (4.68 MB,600x401,600:401,Vacation_Day_Shift.gif)


Morning, DayBaker!

Little bit wild today, dayshift already imbibing for Cinco.

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b38844 No.18800165


Not a notetaker, but a gatekeeper.

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128d7b No.18800166


neat id notable 100+ posts are a bun.

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d80da5 No.18800167

File: 8501f735018d2aa⋯.png (2.94 MB,1792x828,448:207,89BA3B14_CAF2_4C75_BE8E_F3….png)

File: 29a126878cf5c4e⋯.png (2.67 MB,1792x828,448:207,F708278C_B510_4E6E_AA62_AB….png)

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4a5b4d No.18800168


suck it shill

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0ff323 No.18800169

File: cee1d4176d27bf1⋯.jpg (61.47 KB,500x504,125:126,hillary_booze.jpg)

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ca093e No.18800170


Wow! How did I manage that one?! I fucking love grammar. Sometimes I think the AI changes shit like that just to fuck with me,

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f9c7cc No.18800171

File: 560fb4be515eb0a⋯.png (584.66 KB,720x514,360:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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b38844 No.18800172

File: 7f76476bc6144fe⋯.jpg (63.36 KB,540x462,90:77,JudeoChrist.jpg)

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4a5b4d No.18800173

File: 6a3f36671976143⋯.jpg (58.46 KB,735x689,735:689,6a3f366719761435afb904f6de….jpg)


kek, we'd have it no other way fam

habby tgif

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d80da5 No.18800174


That’s what I would do as well, good catch

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0ff323 No.18800175

File: 4467b1e025e8566⋯.jpg (40.39 KB,612x438,102:73,gettyimages_467631086_prin….jpg)

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590bc1 No.18800176

File: 4b3821acaa9a6bb⋯.png (331.11 KB,400x400,1:1,eyesee.png)

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29735e No.18800177


Our country will be destroyed if they keep him in power seat.

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b38844 No.18800178


Look at all the ZIO shitbags.

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0ff323 No.18800179

File: c867adf669a20eb⋯.jpg (56.94 KB,612x494,306:247,gettyimages_592602987_1954….jpg)

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11a72b No.18800180


>You volunteered to die at Wardak, you took the money.

No one volunteered to be psychologically tortured in the US by the people wearing the same uniform. So what's your fucking point you retarded fuck.

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590bc1 No.18800181

File: 1848f47216f6a4e⋯.png (1011.26 KB,723x960,241:320,ClipboardImage.png)

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54f34e No.18800182


I believe that they will steal it, but not be allowed to stay in power. Like I said, I believe that will be the turning point for the nation (in a good way).

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90017c No.18800183

File: 51d1577c04bdc61⋯.jpeg (73.98 KB,604x340,151:85,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes….jpeg)

File: 81a9bb2a3dc79d7⋯.mp4 (10.08 MB,640x360,16:9,8kun_manual.mp4)

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1bfe89 No.18800184

File: 46914d350cd86e8⋯.webm (3.32 MB,500x280,25:14,Klobachar_morning.webm)


Pre-dawn drinking. Not just for presidential candidates anymore.

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0ff323 No.18800185

File: a64d945090df9e6⋯.jpg (35.93 KB,612x480,51:40,gettyimages_1346027015_195….jpg)

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2ef6a4 No.18800186

File: 94b539fc26c099b⋯.jpg (744.67 KB,1868x1868,1:1,20230429_223635.jpg)

File: c1a90ccdb672579⋯.jpg (65.68 KB,716x391,716:391,20230505_071937.jpg)

That's a tiny little coat , almost child sized ..

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f26592 No.18800187

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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730b18 No.18800188

File: 9cc56853c6d6dbb⋯.jpg (141.74 KB,863x900,863:900,9cc56853c6d6dbbad6f7c7b4e8….jpg)

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19f279 No.18800189

File: 67831aa17f62e31⋯.png (178.71 KB,489x400,489:400,Ukraine.png)

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90017c No.18800190


good times…

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b38844 No.18800191

File: f2bc292483e0439⋯.png (286.91 KB,438x423,146:141,ClipboardImage.png)


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d80da5 No.18800192

When you volunteered to return to Earth you were given a preview of what to expect, and knew that the hard times would pass for most of you in your lifetime. The timing is not easy to determine but already preparations are being made to introduce some very acceptable changes. Life is going to change for the better and be your introduction to many new ways of living that will make it much easier and enjoyable. It will become what it was always meant to be – peaceful and delightful to experience. Peace will have ascended and make life a very joyful and wonderful experience.

By stages illness and disease will disappear and life expectancy will increase quite substantially. Individual abilities will grow to the point when you can self-heal without medicines or surgery and even grow new limbs if necessary. It is how it was always meant to be but the drop in vibrations limited your self-healing powers. Yet even now some of you are powerful healers and eventually all souls will be so empowered, you will become travellers of the Universe having proved yourselves ready to become Cosmic Beings.

You cannot so to say “jump the gun” but only when you have raised your vibrations sufficiently. You may ask how you can do it and the simple answer is to keep your vibrations as high as possible. Easier said than done you say but practice makes perfect with control being totally in your own hands. The Earth has proved to be a most suitable school for learning where you are continually being tested. However, you are not given tasks beyond your present ability, but at the same time they are purposely planned to test your staying power. As always your Guides will be doing their best to help you achieve success and keep you safe and sound.

Meantime you have talents and experience that can help others to progress on their paths, so each soul is given every opportunity to succeed. There is no such thing as failure as every soul can be given numerous chances to try and try again. The dark Ones will still try to mislead you but with your experience you should be able to overcome such attempts. At this point in time you are capable of warding off any attempt to distract you from your path.

Back to reality sees you being surrounded by a multitude of challenges but you should be able to handle them because of your greater experience. The war is won but you still have much work to do, but as time progresses it should undoubtedly become easier. You have many souls around you who need your help, but it is best to wait until they approach you about it as you do not know what karmic reasons may exist for them. They gain more from solving their own problems but from your point of view it is knowing when it is the right time to intervene. You should be sufficiently experienced to know when to do so.

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54f34e No.18800193

File: c4a86491366e968⋯.jpg (16.06 KB,564x557,564:557,coffee_loading.jpg)

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c509f1 No.18800194

File: fd78cf3867bb09e⋯.png (28.72 KB,152x225,152:225,fd78cf3867bb09eaf4e92cf073….png)


It's a purse. [They're] so stupid..and have no taste.

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1bfe89 No.18800195

File: 057ccc464085e4b⋯.jpg (238.13 KB,783x1175,783:1175,RedOctober_Cyrus.jpg)

File: 7015f98994cfce5⋯.png (30.68 KB,897x253,39:11,Q_drop_must_show_them.png)

File: 225fa5288b28fa4⋯.png (1.27 MB,1059x1333,1059:1333,Must_show_them.png)


Learn Russian

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911174 No.18800196

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> 2024 will be stolen. It's in the drops. 2025 is where the turning point is, also according to the drops.

Benjamin Fulford Update Today May 3, 2023 - Military Intervention Before 2024 https://rumble.com/v2ls2tq-benjamin-fulford-update-today-may-3-2023-military-intervention-before-2024.html

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c8f42f No.18800197

File: 3acef748c9d69fd⋯.png (14.15 KB,170x255,2:3,myisland44.png)

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590bc1 No.18800198

In September 1991, Julian Assange was discovered in the act of hacking into the Melbourne master terminal of Nortel.

In 2012, The Wall Street Journal reported that in 2004, Nortel discovered that crackers gained almost-complete access to Nortel's systems. Beginning in at least 2000 they accessed documents including emails, technical papers, research, development reports, and business plans. The breach was not properly addressed by the time the company filed for bankruptcy in 2009. Hackers working from Chinese IP addresses had allegedly used seven passwords of Nortel executives, including a former CEO, to penetrate networks owned by the company.

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077057 No.18800199

File: d346b5430f9f855⋯.png (915.01 KB,798x1281,38:61,ClipboardImage.png)


God bless you too Swordy and all here today.

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0ff323 No.18800200

File: 905cce2204bc019⋯.jpg (35.61 KB,612x409,612:409,gettyimages_873987602_Prin….jpg)

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c8f42f No.18800201

File: 8bc635e44c463d2⋯.jpg (98.35 KB,788x602,394:301,covfefeoverload44.jpg)

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2f96dd No.18800202

File: 0316fbeccf5faa6⋯.png (29.91 KB,494x419,494:419,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3aee468d706bd8a⋯.png (484.35 KB,1169x772,1169:772,1stRegiment_QArmy_WRWY_GYB….png)

File: 8cbf2a44a5c2a81⋯.png (51.78 KB,631x374,631:374,assHITT_isON_U_stillSHILL.png)

File: e0004e235859a13⋯.png (127.01 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Be_Vigilant_Q3010_Matrix.png)

File: f684daa0276c3c3⋯.jpg (79.34 KB,883x499,883:499,ladyINred_JEZEbellDANCE.jpg)



Don't mistake journalists invited to parties as 'insiders'.



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3c5df3 No.18800203

File: ee2739045b60432⋯.jpg (979.43 KB,1664x1321,1664:1321,putin3.jpg)

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0ff323 No.18800204

File: 47abfa1038b5f9a⋯.jpg (155.04 KB,1284x1290,214:215,king_charles_job.jpg)

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19f279 No.18800205

File: e4406dafc1d55aa⋯.png (7.39 KB,375x168,125:56,BeYou.png)


>How come nothing Q said ever came true

See pic and then start your own journey! Maybe you will find some things!

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90017c No.18800206

File: 1c872f6feddcfb2⋯.jpg (1.91 MB,4608x3456,4:3,_.jpg)

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590bc1 No.18800207

File: fc8ff0cd08d1bbc⋯.png (480.99 KB,596x444,149:111,ChInA.png)

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1bfe89 No.18800208

File: 949ba1068a324a5⋯.jpg (109.11 KB,396x632,99:158,Crying_not_emergency.jpg)


You made a choice to be part of a mind-fuck.

Who doesn't know that?

Sorry it didn't work out for you.

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f9c6a0 No.18800209


Ya need to relocate some of these >>>> for these two.

>>18799905, 18799914 Akansas and Florida teachers raping students

>>>>18800100 Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -05/05/2023

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11a72b No.18800210


>You made a choice to be part of a mind-fuck.

Just like the choice I made when they cut my dick huh retard?

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1bfe89 No.18800211

File: 2197461f4a9236e⋯.jpg (189.67 KB,768x768,1:1,08bf5b50734c399a90af488c91….jpg)


Mornin', Swordy!

Blessings upon you & yours, anons, Q Team, and operators in the field.

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11a72b No.18800212


>Who doesn't know that?

18 year olds immediately after 9/11.

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0ff323 No.18800213

File: 24d7ad42c64e7a7⋯.png (1.52 MB,1504x1089,1504:1089,41c2147bc87ab642.png)

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b38844 No.18800214

File: 639d8adc1e6a861⋯.png (65.51 KB,580x450,58:45,ZelenskyNASI.png)


Would Ukraine own and control the white house?

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c509f1 No.18800215


102 posts?! Back away from the computer.

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19f279 No.18800216

File: e84355f8e20f2a6⋯.jpg (140.34 KB,1200x600,2:1,YouAreHere.jpg)


>If it isn't a LARP how many decades do we have to wait for justice?


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d80da5 No.18800217



The Human civilization must preferably progress together as one unit but those souls who cannot make it will be given another opportunity to succeed. It is the spirit of things that carries Humanity forwards and inwardly all souls know they have to progress spiritually if they want to leave the lower vibrations. Once you realise what lays ahead you will do everything possible to reach your goal that is Ascension, and be assured you will be given every help to make it.

You have all had so many lives through the last cycle and each one has been planned with your spiritual needs in mind. After all what else do you need your experience for that is more important. Many of you are ready to ascend and you should feel it right now as that “knowing” is a feeling of completion. You have done the hard work and now set yourselves up for a much easier life although you will be very busy at such an important time. You will know intuitively whether you achieved your goals, and pleased to help others who are travelling a similar path.

We have already told you that families tend to keep together, but each soul has its own path to follow that may not necessarily be the same. Be joyful that you can help others through your own experience, and be sure that souls will be directed to you because of it. Helping others on their spiritual path is a worthy cause and is normal throughout the Cosmos. How exciting it must seem to think that your travels in the lower vibrations are soon to end, but you have all earned it through your determination to succeed.

Easier times lay ahead but in the meantime you will find many opportunities coming your way to help others in one way or another. Even a kind word can sometimes lift another person up and opportunities to do so usually crop up almost every day. So help others in whatever way you can without overburdening yourself.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

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39b385 No.18800218

2days behind..


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4a5b4d No.18800219

final bun for #23072

#23072 >>18799457


>>18799579 , >>18799607 Gates & the IPPF: Global Health Fraud thread

>>18799634 earthquake M 6.2 - NEAR WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - 2023-05-05 05:42:04 UTC

>>18799462 Eight dead in second Serbian shooting, police hunt killer

>>18799479, >>18799690 Lot going on in Florida's history, interesting part on the Phoenicians.

>>18799502 sadistic tranny pedo still being housed in female prison because muh pronouns

>>18799503, >>18799507 Ian Miles Cheong admitted DeSantis is paying him $35,000 a year

>>18799509 The Daily Wire was paid over 110k by Ron Desantis & his team

>>18799558, >>18799560, >>18799566, >>18799599, >>18799655 DeSanctus Shills out in full force on Twitter right now

>>18799684, >>18799673, >>18799691 The Fed was merged into the Treasury, incase anyone forgot

>>18799800, >>18799803 @realDonaldTrump When I take the oath of office on January 20, 2025,we will immediately begin the process of fully Securing the Border and removing the illegal aliens Joe Biden has unlawfully allowed to break into our Country…

>>18799824 @jsolomonreports ‘Pre-meditated and admitted lie:’ Intel pros slam Biden laptop letter after bombshell revelation

>>18799837, >>18799838 Time to clean out the Federal Government

Ghost Grab

>>18799882, >>18799892, >>18799942, >>18799943 Hunter Biden laptop musical chairs mini-bun

>>18799905, 18799914 Akansas and Florida teachers raping students

>>18799928 Emerald Robinson w/CAP: It’s time for the pro-Israel lobby in America to explain why the former prime minister of Israel Ehud Barak was meeting an infamous blackmailer

>>18799946 Electrified Compressors and the Great Texas Blackout (a threat to grid reliability everywhere)

>>18799968, >>18799972, >>18799980 Father Who Sexually Abused 7-Year-Old Daughter For “Trans Porn” Company Now Recorded As A “Female” Offender By NJDOC

>>18800100 Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -05/05/2023

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3981ae No.18800220

File: 1a361acbf19dfca⋯.mp4 (4.66 MB,768x1280,3:5,IMG_7364.MP4)

File: 8995ae8fe7521cf⋯.png (1.54 MB,1831x1283,1831:1283,wotshots.png)

File: 2d1ddce317d6ee4⋯.mp4 (7.91 MB,1280x642,640:321,Dark_Field_Microscopy_by_D….mp4)

File: e90c14ceda4308a⋯.png (1.3 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f36a33d9209bd1⋯.jpg (157.55 KB,585x480,39:32,EMW.jpg)

>>18792569 (pb)

Joe has a ad running on YouTube asking for money 🤣


Dark Field Microscopy by Dr David Nixon ~ Team Enigma Nov 3, 2022

Here's video of what's growing in those covid shots.

No refunds.


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84adbd No.18800221

File: a6b50f20ec2c474⋯.jpeg (45.97 KB,720x719,720:719,4C1C1D68_9E22_48DC_9753_6….jpeg)


oh sorry anon, i already won every argument.

q lied or just flat out got shit wrong all the time, and instead of thinking critically, anons just embarrassingly double down and lob ad homs at anyone pointing this out.

i literally dismantled every response.

i am smarter and more correct than every anon on this board, and i want to be clear, i’m not using hyperbole.

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d80da5 No.18800222


Go to Ukraine, get your Justice now.

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0ff323 No.18800223

File: 20878fbc88416f1⋯.jpg (57.45 KB,500x375,4:3,buckingham.jpg)

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590bc1 No.18800224

File: cd1bd6928104657⋯.png (239.58 KB,565x243,565:243,ClipboardImage.png)

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fcdea4 No.18800225

File: 7b618cd30b0eea6⋯.png (135.69 KB,472x446,236:223,Capture.PNG)

The #BISInnovationHub is introducing Project Leap, to test new cryptographic protocols to protect central bank IT systems against #Quantumcomputing threats. Leap is a joint initiative of the Eurosystem Centre with





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5dc870 No.18800226

File: bb1c6701dca06b4⋯.jpg (38.4 KB,600x600,1:1,TGIF.jpg)


mornin wakers

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19f279 No.18800227

File: 9bacd48cb81c6d7⋯.png (35.94 KB,772x281,772:281,Note6Years.png)


Military is the only way! Durham would be a total headfuck! Again… Will see!

Here a reminder what is coming. Don´t know if related, but there is that plan thing so it could be related because everything works to avoid [Z]

Pentagon Building New Secret Courtroom at Guantánamo Bay

The concept is to permit two military judges to hold proceedings simultaneously starting in mid-2023.


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590bc1 No.18800228

File: 0a53b6f293a2190⋯.png (498.16 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Ukraine colors

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0ff323 No.18800229

File: 596cb136402ba5d⋯.jpg (255.77 KB,1080x1068,90:89,some_islands_celebs.jpg)

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79b0aa No.18800230

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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0d2b33 No.18800231




Well, shit, there goes the chances of that happening.

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39b385 No.18800232

Trump returns from UK mission

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ac757d No.18800233


…Seent that, too.

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bd1249 No.18800234


They need to go get upchuck.

He should never be a king.

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754c78 No.18800236

File: 8924debf714707b⋯.png (165.58 KB,400x348,100:87,swordy_gifts.png)


Mornin' Swordy

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0ff323 No.18800238

File: e50ece6ba21136e⋯.jpg (32.29 KB,323x479,323:479,Prince_Charles.jpg)

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c6cba5 No.18800240


God Bless the swordAnon.

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90017c No.18800241

File: c8263f8714084e8⋯.png (5.94 MB,1920x1080,16:9,capture_1542_14042022_2228….png)

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995d86 No.18800242



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11a72b No.18800244


>Go to Ukraine, get your Justice now.

You retards really think you could've talked the dumb American Nazis to sign up to die for a jew if you just larped as Nazis just a little bit, huh. Fuck you fag, I hope Russia exposes the jewish biolabs today.

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0ff323 No.18800246

File: 9611e5b6f504bc0⋯.png (393.05 KB,720x900,4:5,5a1a19207d94fce71e605787d1….png)

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bd1249 No.18800247


>2024 will be stolen. It's in the drops. 2025 is where the turning point is, also according to the drops.

and if everyone waits around until 2025 for something to happen. All will be lost.

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f9c7cc No.18800248

File: 21ea591213c5939⋯.png (320.03 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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7eeb5d No.18800249


We are everywhere anywhere on the planet. We are not afraid and the attacks are evidence of our effectiveness.

Never were we a Russian bot farm and much of wat Q told us remains to be played out.

Do your own research and come to your conclusions. Share your findings if you have the nads and anons will evaluate your worthiness to mankind.

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0ff323 No.18800250

File: a6b6482f50f6cc9⋯.jpg (68.62 KB,627x518,627:518,shitposting_must_go_on.jpg)

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19f279 No.18800252

File: 825aadb05442a12⋯.png (46.14 KB,378x1222,189:611,Have_you_ever_witnessed.png)


Dismantle this post.

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90017c No.18800253

File: 1807fba101e6a4f⋯.jpg (179.93 KB,500x1305,100:261,_Anonymous_48_minutes_ago_….jpg)

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74f23a No.18800254


>q lied or just flat out got shit wrong all the time

Did you consider TIME?

eg how long meuller took, how long this dragged out or how long the other thing took etc etc. Add in Trump being surrounded by c_ia tools like pompass & barr. anon suspects trump underestimated the depth & breadth of the swamp - basically all of wash dc.

Makes it hard to stick to a specific (however well planned) time line.

TIME is an interesting concept, but when playing a GAME the other player gets a turn, so suggest patience.

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0ff323 No.18800256

File: d2395ea0c2f494a⋯.png (727.53 KB,640x991,640:991,shitposters.png)

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0e9647 No.18800257

File: 450fcd937a8914e⋯.jpg (189.7 KB,800x800,1:1,khazars_sYmBALLism_UKrainE.jpg)

>>18800225, >>18800214

UK~rain~e FLAG Colors >>18800228

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3981ae No.18800258

File: 5aaa0ee1cdc97d9⋯.png (554.92 KB,782x730,391:365,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9708c6d6dc7dc27⋯.png (173.88 KB,379x273,379:273,dershdef.png)


'help protect our poor shekels'

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ca093e No.18800259


Oh I’m aware of the Gitmo stuff. But we’ve been told lots over the years. Nothing to do but walk the good path in our personal lives and just wait to see what comes down the pike near as I can tell. Hard to put faith into much of anything but the Golden Rule as far as I’m concerned. But that’s easier said than done when traversing normie lands. Those fuckers are viciously selfish for the most part.

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f9c7cc No.18800260

File: a0fec6e3df25840⋯.png (2.99 MB,1152x2048,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ff323 No.18800261

File: 8a2dcb8c82ea789⋯.png (184.89 KB,445x409,445:409,trump_shitposting_license.png)

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4a5b4d No.18800262

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Cinco Bread Just Ahead





>>18800225 post next brd anon - ty

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08ee74 No.18800263

File: de12cfb2e33ccef⋯.png (97.36 KB,500x382,250:191,hrpuff.png)

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