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File: d7f96ae859fbb83⋯.png (957.64 KB,1378x769,1378:769,d7f96ae859fbb83702782a5e34….png)

61b7ff No.18780441 [Last50 Posts]

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61b7ff No.18780443

International Q Research Threads

>>18670265 ——–——– Australia #29

>>18668978 ——–——– Canada #42

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>18551332 ——–——– Germany #105

>>18632710 ——–——– Japan #13

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6



Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker

Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children

Download QAGG https://anonfiles.com/3c43Scb4z0/offsite_qagg_zip

>>18147768 ban lifts

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>18681959 How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos

>>18721784 Download & compress Twitter Videos

>>18754344 Resources to help understand the Q clock

>>18777053 Joe M's re-mastered Q videos NEW


>>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>17241444 Baker's Lite JS

>>18147761 Baking range: @75 up to 751

>>17980519 No RRN in notes

>>18311579 Post notables or step down by @300


#23046 >>18779661

>>18779711 Utah Biotech Company Implants Brain Chips In 50 People To Cure Depression, Blindeness, Paralysis

>>18779731, >>18779887 Nuclear training starts today in Houston, at the same time a massive manhunt is underway

>>18779792 Rejection of the dollar will lead to economic growth, - Bashar al-Assad

>>18779810, >>18779811 DeSantis underwhelms Britain’s business chiefs

>>18779813 Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei decried the presence of the US military in Iraq

>>18779824, >>18779835 DONALDS: There Is No Doubt Trump Is The Right Choice For America

>>18779857 Trudeau told NATO Canada can't meet defence spending target

>>18779944 Donald Trump Lands in Scotland

>>18779950, >>18779951 A look at the time Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for a favor

>>18779960 Blue States losing pop/tax rev to Red states

>>18779971 Indian government official accuses Kiev of ‘assault on Hindu sentiment’

>>18779974, >>18780072 Robert F. Kennedy Jr clarified his views on climate change and pollution issues

>>18780009, >>18780012 Ukraine: Why the consequences of the conflict in Ukraine will be felt for decades

>>18780020, >>18780087 First Republic Bank Taken Over by FDIC and Sold to JPMorgan

>>18780046 Secret $1.6 billion submarine plans found in pub toilet

>>18780070 House Ways and Means Committee granted IRS authority to inspect Hunter Biden’s tax returns

>>18780079 Iranian president plans Syria visit to ‘celebrate victory’

>>18780084 Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>18780103 Contact from another world: Thousands of space radio signals reach Earth

>>18780124 Putin: “95% of the world’s terrorist attacks are orchestrated by the CIA”

>>18780183, >>18780372 PlaneFag CONUS Activity

>>18780208 Victor Davis Hanson Gives Big Picture Perspective on Fox News and Tucker Carlson Firing

>>18780217 Paraguayan Patriots Defeat WEF/CIA Election Coup

>>18780219 Speaker McCarthy News Conference After Knesset Address

>>18780237 JPMorgan buys First Republic: Bank shares rise as deal reached

>>18780242 @GHWBCVN77 Better than a biscuit! 🐶

>>18780256 Just archived a listing of17Marvel directors, so the name is probably on this list of17

>>18780331 Jock Zonfrillo, MasterChef Australia host, found dead at age 46

>>18780388 65 years ago today, James Van Allen, existence of radiation belts around the Earth

>>18780438 #23046

#23045 >>18778895

>>18778958, >>18779267 Pope says Vatican involved in secret Ukraine peace mission/so relieved/s

>>18778994, >>18779018 PF: NORSE61 E-3B Sentry AWACS trackin' just NE of Rzsesow Airport just before sun up and just got a fill-up from 63-8888 KC-135 tanker

>>18779076 "Fed Wishes (they can claim this however this is key to wiping out the smaller banks) It Had Shut Down Reverse Repo Which Is Making The Bank Run Worse… But It Didn't, And Now It's Too Late"

>>18779110 Trump on forcing NATO countries to pay their fair share

>>18779141 2023-006-Worldwide-U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Industry Cybersecurity Resource Center Website

>>18779168 the Lincoln Nautilus will be made in China and imported to sell to Americans

>>18779401 Grassley tweet & 'WATCH the water' coincidence

>>18779496 Friends of Weiner Urge Him to Run for NYC mayor

>>18779574 JP Morgan is set to take over the troubled US bank First Republic

>>18779599 Jock Zonfrillo, Master Chef Australia host dies suddenly

>>18779612 Englishmen chanting: You can shove your coronation up yer arse

>>18779635 Bringing the War on Terror Home to Target Americans for ‘Disinformation’

>>18779651 #23045

#23044 >>18778106

>>18778153 Reports of Missile Launches from Russian Ships in the Black Sea

>>18778154 Epstein papers expose his prominent contacts

>>18778163 SpaceX: T-Minus eight minutes to Falcon Heavy liftoff

>>18778191 Hungary issues NATO rebuke to Zelensky

>>18778226 Zelensky’s adviser (whines and) lashes out at Merkel

>>18778256 Haitian residents lynch and set fire to suspected gang members

>>18778265 JUST IN: 12-year old stands up for women’s rights — “Men like Dylan Mulvaney or Lia Thomas will never be girls or women.”

>>18778267 Moment 'gang members' beg for mercy before vigilante lynch mob stones them and burns them alive among petrol-soaked tyres in the streets in Haiti

>>18778272 Ukraine can't join NATO now – member state’s president

>>18778339 Ukraine links attack on Crimea to ‘counter-offensive’

>>18778437 First Chinese world chess champion crowned

>>18778634 Ukraine live cams

>>18778674, >>18778518 The leader of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS),Abu Hussein al-Qurashi, has allegedly been killed

>>18778735 Aliens: Some interesting remarks by POTUS and some speculation on what he meant in the comments.

>>18778739 Lauren Cranston, the daughter of a former deputy commissioner of the Australian Taxation Office, has been sentenced to a maximum of eight years in prison/tax fraud

>>18778751 Oregon governor orders audit of her secretary of state for having consulting job with marijuana firm

>>18778753 Brits urged to swear oath to their king for first time

>>18778866 In 1920, this historian managed to predict World War II step by step!

>>18778876 #23044

Previously Collected

>>18777341 #23042-B, >>18778094 #23043

>>18775755 #23040, >>18776547 #23041, >>18777334 #23042-A

>>18773374 #23037, >>18774132 #23038, >>18774864 #23039

>>18771079 #23034, >>18771853 #23035, >>18773211 #23036

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

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61b7ff No.18780455

File: 358729d4300a343⋯.jpeg (130.44 KB,720x515,144:103,Breakingkek.jpeg)

File: 427e082e80ce62a⋯.jpg (1.4 MB,1838x2775,1838:2775,Agenda47b.jpg)

File: bec74039c56dde4⋯.jpg (33.71 KB,624x491,624:491,America_First.jpg)

File: 3508c79a13f2e9a⋯.jpg (69.75 KB,799x499,799:499,agenda47.jpg)

File: 8038daf155d0506⋯.png (411.71 KB,482x521,482:521,vanhalenbelts.png)



Baker can continue or defer, ballers call it

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25f49e No.18780463


>mnuchin in the closet tho

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b757be No.18780470

File: 3ca17634c7e60f7⋯.jpg (31.89 KB,531x309,177:103,IMG_6107.JPG)

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333ece No.18780472

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"Wypipo have no culture"


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530f03 No.18780473

File: 32deb5fb18812d0⋯.png (364.13 KB,1920x1920,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00712f1108d5930⋯.png (362.18 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Let me know when you see the Satan/Saturn Reference

btw is that six 6's?

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25f49e No.18780474

sum people just need to explore ping pong paddle sex

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530f03 No.18780475


Can bake or Shitpost

Call the ball, kek

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6723dc No.18780478

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f7b359 No.18780479

File: c06ffcc3f9d9305⋯.gif (1.03 MB,500x500,1:1,c06ffcc3f9d9305ec01e2a7ab8….gif)

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61b7ff No.18780484

File: d9de47a90fea60f⋯.png (820.59 KB,1080x903,360:301,ClipboardImage.png)


Back door man

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f7b359 No.18780486

File: 4c3a9b4bce4d59c⋯.jpg (147.77 KB,1536x864,16:9,4c3a9b4bce4d59c71920c5f47f….jpg)

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333ece No.18780487

File: 4fad3d751553026⋯.png (440.55 KB,563x471,563:471,hunter_nord_kek.png)

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c5627b No.18780488



What if that spot on Saturn was created by mankind. On a planet where the atmosphere is mostly helium, injecting some oxygen into a pentagon shape might make a dark spot?

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61b7ff No.18780489

File: 4f6367b815b7896⋯.jpg (90.94 KB,1000x1000,1:1,4f6367b815b789673c8e07111b….jpg)



passing of the comfy

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aca040 No.18780492

File: e5481ac7c3844ee⋯.png (800.94 KB,1100x930,110:93,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7b359 No.18780493

File: 098e9432725e747⋯.jpg (200.34 KB,1109x1265,1109:1265,098e9432725e7476abdb44cd78….jpg)

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5b2ee3 No.18780494

File: 3b2a9df9197cc64⋯.jpg (5.02 MB,2560x2560,1:1,hd444.jpg)

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c5627b No.18780495


And what if the Mormons know about this place and call it Planet Kolob and the promised land of God?

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7a1b63 No.18780496

File: 62a5f4ad2bbd39b⋯.png (1018.74 KB,942x709,942:709,ClipboardImage.png)

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36a0b4 No.18780497

File: ac3aff91d734960⋯.jpg (48.05 KB,600x424,75:53,fdgfhgjhgdgfcfcgk.jpg)

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1abb54 No.18780498

File: cab1cb7d0eadeb3⋯.jpg (44.91 KB,800x500,8:5,P_valuable.jpg)

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a108db No.18780499

File: a60b5d285295bdf⋯.png (963.81 KB,743x488,743:488,MeseFlowers.png)



Happy May 1st, Anons


A day when even demented boomers are finally waking up to the fact that 9/11 was an inside job.

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f7b359 No.18780501

File: ec39bc48cdc529b⋯.gif (688.46 KB,176x144,11:9,1671975166459869.gif)

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a87d20 No.18780502

File: 9c9df44b2ab6819⋯.mp4 (8.53 MB,1072x768,67:48,VID_20230501_110922_607.mp4)


Tanx baker

Even the animals know when something is off


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b757be No.18780503

File: d97beb502f299a1⋯.png (360.67 KB,531x583,531:583,Capture.PNG)

Today marks the 12th anniversary of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.


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82cc1b No.18780504

File: 73ccbd2ba52bb42⋯.png (520.54 KB,634x634,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Hunter Biden smirks at the camera as he walks into court Monday morning knowing anons aren't covering his moves.

Kek what's up guys?

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5b2ee3 No.18780505

File: 4f226cd559297fa⋯.jpg (46.37 KB,500x592,125:148,gangtaBabu44.jpg)

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34764e No.18780506

File: 9a5f6735390f7f0⋯.png (206.32 KB,530x312,265:156,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b247b No.18780507

File: 96e77c1eb9f13b0⋯.png (110.36 KB,201x255,67:85,4f4a3759ee946c2e721e1898b7….png)

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c5627b No.18780508


Demented boomers woke up that day, getting ready for work, and sat and watched the TV and said fuck work.

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aca040 No.18780509

File: d706eaba6e809b5⋯.png (665.06 KB,768x511,768:511,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7b359 No.18780510

File: 1a5ad694eee8ff3⋯.png (283.33 KB,799x500,799:500,e57f10e35630a54718dd7e8332….png)

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333ece No.18780511

File: 5d08bf3c60cce71⋯.jpeg (108.88 KB,1017x1017,1:1,el_guapo_kek.jpeg)

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b757be No.18780513

File: dd666773cb28bfa⋯.png (124.55 KB,535x480,107:96,Capture.PNG)

Since their creation, nuclear weapons were so impactful that coded and enciphered communications were, and continue to be, essential for their security. Come and visit our nuclear codes exhibit starting tomorrow, May 2 and continuing until August 31.


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c5627b No.18780514

File: 5db8e860a2b3965⋯.jpg (23.62 KB,367x354,367:354,SilversteinPullIt.JPG)

File: 60516fc67b8da14⋯.jpg (16.88 KB,232x292,58:73,SilverSteinPullItI.JPG)

File: 061a5a344dc87ed⋯.jpg (30.9 KB,463x265,463:265,SilversteinPullitIII.JPG)

File: 99a8e7d363d9714⋯.jpg (39.79 KB,472x314,236:157,SilversteinPUllItIIII.JPG)

File: 6a2d96238074142⋯.jpg (22.59 KB,382x344,191:172,SilversteinPullItIIIII.JPG)

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9f3f5a No.18780515

File: 662a35a9c222458⋯.jpeg (191.84 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,FvDI56PXgAAxt1x.jpeg)

File: c570a403b41340b⋯.png (249.83 KB,766x1914,383:957,811.png)

File: 1cdc357a2f98f8f⋯.png (317.92 KB,766x2800,383:1400,1103_2_.png)

File: cfccaa205d429fa⋯.jpg (346.59 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230501_110954….jpg)

File: f392f064b52aa84⋯.png (1.84 MB,800x1420,40:71,f392f064b52aa84bb7acaa0944….png)

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89d25a No.18780516

File: 14733c85f3bd3f0⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,Joe_Biden_hypocrite_talkin….mp4)

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9f3f5a No.18780519

File: 3d53b9c905f0da3⋯.png (415.38 KB,766x3102,383:1551,1102_5_.png)


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c5627b No.18780520

File: 545929b9f86951e⋯.png (213.01 KB,392x317,392:317,ClipboardImage.png)


Why do they all marry dudes?

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61c9ac No.18780521

Nurse charged with sexual exploitation of a minor conducted school sports physicals in Ames

A nurse practitioner and one of the owners of an indoor golf business in Ames has been arrested and charged with sexual exploitation of a minor.

Ames police arrested Carl D. Markley, 44, on Friday following an "extensive investigation" into allegations that Markley sexually abused a child, according to a news release. Markley is a registered nurse practitioner in Ames and also is one of the owners of indoor recreation businesses Inside Golf and Perfect Games.

A criminal complaint says investigators uncovered several electronic devices, including a hidden camera clock and pen, while searching Markley's home and business. The devices allegedly had pornographic content, including images of "individuals taken by covert means in Markley's clinic."

The complaint alleges Markley took photos during a physical examination he conducted on a minor. Markley allegedly told the minor the examination was needed to be offered a job at his business, according to the complaint.

According to an email sent to parents from Julious Lawson, superintendent of the Ames Community School District, Markley played a role in the yearly middle school and high school athletic physicals. The district is encouraging parents to speak to their children who may have had a physical exam from Markley as early as 2014.

"As a school district, the safety and well-being of our students is our top priority, and we would never knowingly put them in harm's way," Lawson said in a statement. "We are taking this matter extremely seriously and will cooperate fully with the Ames Police Department."

The warrant for his arrest shows police detained Markley at the North Grand Mall in Ames, where Inside Golf is located. Markley is being held in the Story County jail without bond.

Sexual exploitation of a minor is a Class C felony.


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25f49e No.18780522


pelicanfaggot and beyond

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157d97 No.18780523



They probably marry their best friends and then rape babies together.

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c46376 No.18780524


Lgbt agenda will protec

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394997 No.18780525

File: dada1a6b19f4671⋯.jpeg (44.16 KB,708x814,354:407,dada1a6b19f467181964364b4….jpeg)

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25f49e No.18780526


latant homo guilt jus posted poo

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f7b359 No.18780527

File: 9eb2f0ad64257b4⋯.jpg (52.46 KB,387x636,129:212,9eb2f0ad64257b423cfa3feda4….jpg)

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61c9ac No.18780528


>Why do they all marry dudes?

Because [THEY] are for everything that goes against God's creation.

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25f49e No.18780529

File: 6f79f153e85bf62⋯.png (758.33 KB,619x618,619:618,6f79f153e85bf62464d8c207cd….png)

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34764e No.18780531

File: 4d3c0e617168b56⋯.gif (1.23 MB,269x202,269:202,Shrub_muh_nukular_dance.gif)

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25f49e No.18780532


greece bottoms

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c46376 No.18780533




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5b2ee3 No.18780534

File: 27811f3b713edc5⋯.gif (5.23 MB,498x281,498:281,snorts44.gif)

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c5627b No.18780535

File: 4cf397af92ec990⋯.png (180.1 KB,569x401,569:401,ClipboardImage.png)

Nice pin, supporting his Jewish buddy Zelensky in the Ukraine…

Jamie Dimon says ‘this part of the crisis is over’ after JPMorgan Chase buys First Republic


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edd358 No.18780536

File: 496eeed6d031d7b⋯.png (186.44 KB,531x309,177:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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25f49e No.18780537

File: 1d2e7ddd10915c6⋯.jpg (76 KB,1280x720,16:9,gahyfish.jpg)

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a64be6 No.18780538

and in other news . . .

Aerosmith announces their 12th

fairwell tour . . .

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b9cded No.18780539

File: 226b5b2f2a86608⋯.png (475.34 KB,1198x490,599:245,joshHammerDavidReboiWarroo….png)

File: ccbb9bff42335b8⋯.png (401.63 KB,1145x448,1145:448,warroomJulietteMurrayHamme….png)

File: efbddc1694af9ae⋯.png (394.71 KB,1098x456,183:76,kashMikeMorellScreenshot_f….png)

File: cf39160a3aff8a1⋯.png (279.63 KB,1004x1166,502:583,Screenshot_2023_05_01_at_1….png)

File: fd73a5ab31d00da⋯.png (63.43 KB,1026x338,513:169,Screenshot_from_2023_05_01….png)

Warroom Comms for 5:1

normally "all signal not noise", ratio not5:5today.

Technical difficulties with Steve's audio cutting in and out. Guest audio fine.

1st two guests -hammer

Josh Hammer

Juliette Murray of Delaware - Mentions Bannon calling her a Hammer. On to talk about mail in ballots on Delaware elections.

Mentions his Letters to Trump book and discussion.

Kash Patel on now to talk treasonous rat Mike Morrell rigging 3 elections .

C_A director Avril Levine? err Haynes

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184cea No.18780540

File: 30f906afcef9b83⋯.png (555.79 KB,800x533,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)

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b757be No.18780541

File: b5be0621eb3f7c5⋯.png (331.2 KB,529x423,529:423,Capture.PNG)

The REAL reason Susan Rice fled Biden Administration may SHOCK you— is Michelle Obama RUNNING?!


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25f49e No.18780542

File: 17e8427f8140b90⋯.png (116.49 KB,500x531,500:531,ernie_looks_in_awe_as_bert….png)

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ac4d90 No.18780543

Whew, it's such a gorgeous day!

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05d496 No.18780544

Take care strays…

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c5627b No.18780545

File: 38d51199df744db⋯.jpg (76.61 KB,888x499,888:499,KushnerLoanDimon.jpg)

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f7b359 No.18780546

File: 365052829f26235⋯.png (1.53 MB,1017x1010,1017:1010,365052829f262358a1451b6611….png)

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d29aa6 No.18780547


That's what their lineage holds dear?

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25f49e No.18780548

BANNON in gloryhole again


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25f49e No.18780549


BANNON gunna larp dat drumpf fo sho this time

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043b04 No.18780550

So cold in south bend, in. Brrrrrr.

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d29aa6 No.18780551


Cufflinks is 0bama's favorite banker

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2e03fc No.18780552


Good morning and Thank you Baker!

Bring on the BOOMS!

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33359a No.18780553

File: 3e023adb8bc2b64⋯.png (717.11 KB,800x534,400:267,ClipboardImage.png)




BREAKING: Apollo and BlackRock were lined up to back PNC’s ultimately unsuccessful pursuit of troubled First Republic Bank



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f06fbe No.18780554

File: c2fb84d2114b8ef⋯.jpg (133.08 KB,1200x677,1200:677,george_w_bush_declares_mis….jpg)

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c5627b No.18780555

File: 4077ed5140cce83⋯.png (117.42 KB,387x252,43:28,ClipboardImage.png)


In trying to seize Russian assets, the US is taking a page from Chabad

The Brooklyn-based Hasidic movement has tried to regain a grand rabbi’s treasured library from Russia for decades. After the Ukraine invasion, it may have the leverage it seeks


21 May 2022, 9:28 pm


“If we’re allowed to seize the assets of Tenex, Chabad will be the only religious organization in the world that has its own nuclear power supply,” Lieberman said, half-jokingly.

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25f49e No.18780556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FRUDYOalmost haz teh ring

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b757be No.18780557

File: f60a22df3b6c19b⋯.png (28.8 KB,654x283,654:283,Capture.PNG)

REPORT: Rupert Murdoch Held Secret Meeting With Zelenskyy Before Tucker Firing


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a64be6 No.18780558


'crisis'. like he ever worries about how he's going to pay his bills.

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34764e No.18780559

File: a7a211115a260b3⋯.png (882.67 KB,833x581,119:83,ClipboardImage.png)


Jamie has other problems to attend to like illegally using house accounts on the COMEX-the DoJ settelement/agreement in 2020 for $920m expressly forbids this and they just have others do it for them but they have used own accounts as recently as Feb.


That sometime this month and basically a show "seven hours over two days"

Will probably get 'lost'

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f7b359 No.18780560

File: 2ed7fb612a68da8⋯.jpg (45.97 KB,750x444,125:74,xvx4v5i0caly.jpg)

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61c9ac No.18780561



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ea72d5 No.18780562


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5b26bc No.18780563

File: fb994ed2d92220f⋯.png (390.63 KB,720x405,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

High schoolers allegedly gang up on assistant principal, 'pummel' her so hard she's rushed to hospital

Students at a public high school in Texas allegedly formed a mob and attacked an assistant principal, landing her in the hospital with head injuries.

"Three or four other kids jumped in on her. Just pummeled her to the ground, and they started kicking her and pulling her hair," a teacher at Westfield High School in Spring, Texas, recounted to Click 2 Houston under the condition of anonymity. "She loves those kids. She is the nicest person, and she’s the best administrator that we have at Westfield High School."

The assistant principal, who has not been identified, was reportedly attacked by a group of students on Thursday at the school's 9th Grade Center. Westfield High is located about 20 miles north of Houston.

The family of the assistant principal said the woman was rushed to a hospital following the attack and was left unable to speak. The father of the victim said the family is unsure how long she will remain in the hospital and noted she is suffering from serious head pain.

More at: https://www.foxnews.com/us/high-schoolers-allegedly-gang-assistant-principal-pummel-her-hard-rushed-hospital

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25f49e No.18780564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>FRUDYOalmost haz teh ring

taht not walkin to mooredoor

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394997 No.18780565

File: fccea4cca449f39⋯.gif (352.95 KB,333x256,333:256,fccea4cca449f3928b0973801b….gif)


Holy shit, no table.

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b757be No.18780566

File: 534e2bbe4f40502⋯.png (203.45 KB,440x716,110:179,Capture.PNG)

📷: "The Spiral Dive"

Photographed by Major William R. Hereford from a seaplane during a spiral dive, circa 1918. It's unusual showing the underside of both wings, although the camera was below the lower wing, pointed towards Earth. Major Hereford was with the American Red Cross.


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61c9ac No.18780567

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f7b359 No.18780568

File: 919faa18964239f⋯.png (335.45 KB,468x355,468:355,919faa18964239f4fc607cd00e….png)

File: e739ae2422fa63e⋯.jpg (153.26 KB,864x929,864:929,1671024624525972.jpg)

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1536d7 No.18780569

File: 4e9992aef045ea7⋯.jpg (10.86 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe2_.jpg)

File: 5eba4b241bf21d4⋯.png (702.1 KB,660x1195,132:239,ClipboardImage.png)

The head of the CIA met with Jeffrey Epstein AFTER he was a convicted child sex offender. It's almost as if Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and your own government was running a honeypot blackmail operation at the behest of the deep state.


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25f49e No.18780570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a64be6 No.18780571



the deep state is controlled through the honey pot and the united states is a vassal of foriegners of unspoken ethnicity or nation.

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f7b359 No.18780572

File: e9a178a40997808⋯.jpg (368.83 KB,1000x1500,2:3,f90f5c9909241934ba376c5a28….jpg)

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18fdd8 No.18780573


I wonder why (they're) talking about this:

Vladimir Putin's Assassination 'Will Bring Bloodbath Break-Up Of Russia Into Nuclear Mini-States': Ex-CIA Analyst


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333ece No.18780574

File: 8798594ecd2eeec⋯.jpg (22.69 KB,600x439,600:439,pepe_mad_yell.jpg)


Fuck Aerosmith and their shitty pedo music! I change the radio station whenever their shit comes on.

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1536d7 No.18780575


>deep state is controlled through the honey pot.

The term 'deep state' refers to the controllers of such honey pots.

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a108db No.18780576

File: c9e8517f45bc286⋯.png (1.8 MB,1899x961,1899:961,whiterabbitmasons.png)


White Rabbit Club


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779ffd No.18780577

File: e70b62b4e86613f⋯.png (83.04 KB,603x554,603:554,Screen_Shot_2023_05_01_at_….png)


One or more laws seem to have been broken.

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a64be6 No.18780578

does anyone suspect that President Trump will somehow make it to King Chuckie, the 3rd 'now I'm the kang' day?

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394997 No.18780579

File: 6ba29f10305d604⋯.png (1.11 MB,944x755,944:755,6ba29f10305d604937fefe55b8….png)


This is why we can't have nice things.

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b757be No.18780580

File: 3ea728fd9c377a5⋯.png (566.67 KB,531x666,59:74,Capture.PNG)

Happy April Fools Day! We hope it’s full of laughter, and not too many pranks! #AprilFoolsDay #FoolMeOnce #FoolMeTwiceNever


Someone is confused as to what day it is.

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333ece No.18780581

File: 33f08e3e8ff4b46⋯.jpg (83.73 KB,711x459,79:51,dindu_ape.jpg)


When they gang-up and kick the victim on the ground, you know who it was, every time.

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842c26 No.18780582

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

End Times Ritual To Bring In The NWO


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fcae95 No.18780583

File: 92957fb90d2828d⋯.webp (29.37 KB,690x903,230:301,322170.webp)

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f81719 No.18780584

Mike Obama running??? how easy can that be, look who has been doing it for the last 2 years. a 5 year could run it better then Biden.

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b9cded No.18780585

File: cf216c95f3a3a1b⋯.png (437.13 KB,1092x467,1092:467,ColonelDerekHarveyScreensh….png)

File: 57cf2f793b6bfce⋯.png (492.08 KB,1099x549,1099:549,Screenshot_2023_05_01_at_1….png)

File: 89f90009d71d1e2⋯.png (513.28 KB,848x1310,424:655,Screenshot_2023_05_01_at_1….png)


>Warroom Comms for 5:1

Colonel Derek Harvey outs Rep Mike Turner for basically delegating Intel Committee to democrats.

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fd5561 No.18780586


oddly looks like agent smith, jack smith, weird, bad cop in matrix was Smith, white rabbit, alice in wonderland

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f06fbe No.18780587

File: 0f5c10a69af79ad⋯.jpg (234.62 KB,800x766,400:383,ww3.jpg)

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33359a No.18780588


I'm starting to suspect we're getting a glimpse of JPM's unwinding by regulators, not FRC's.

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a64be6 No.18780589


to you it does.

to me it's the vassals in America who bow and kiss the rings of their overlords and go over seas to the homelands of the overlords and do their vassal duties.

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b9cded No.18780590

File: 4f201d4f2e1d352⋯.png (432.18 KB,800x705,160:141,pepe_wtf.png)


>Happy April Fools Day

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9f3f5a No.18780591

File: a43ecd6265cca0d⋯.png (78.12 KB,766x816,383:408,1124_1_.png)

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f06fbe No.18780592

File: 513b645e5f0503c⋯.jpg (34.77 KB,408x612,2:3,gettyimages_2247851_steven….jpg)

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1536d7 No.18780593


To you that's what it is.

To me what you're saying is a symptom, not a root cause.

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25f49e No.18780594


jfk mangina gang

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683aa6 No.18780595


I bet it doesn't even come out of the banks earnings, but rather they used everybody's holdings to justify the purchase.

More banker fraud. Hey but its legal.

They even hold deposits so they can generate interest on simply holding a deposit for 24 hours.

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530f03 No.18780596

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61c9ac No.18780597



In July 1984, Maxwell acquired Mirror Group Newspapers, the publisher of six British newspapers, including the Daily Mirror, from Reed International plc.[30] for £113 million.[31]This led to a media war between Maxwell and Murdoch, the proprietor of the News of the World and The Sun.[ci


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5b26bc No.18780598

File: 634d95838350db7⋯.png (1.78 MB,1500x1000,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

KISS singer Paul Stanley just spoke out against the trans cult's mutilation of kids. The mob is now trying to cancel him.

Paul Stanley, or Starchild, as fans of the supergroup KISS know him, decided to post his two cents in regard to the trans kids debate, and the rock singer came out of it looking like one of the few sane people left in this world.

Here's the statement he posted on Twitter:

There was once a time, in the '70s and '80s, when conservative parents had to work overtime to protect their kids from the influence of Rock and Roll megastars like the folks in KISS.

But in today's upside-down world, those SAME parents would now consider themselves allies of Paul Stanley.

This is the dude telling you that the trans movement has gone completely off the rails: If glam-rock, platform-shoe-wearing, gallons-of-hairspray Paul Stanley is telling you our society has delved too deeply into gender confusion, then you know it's gone pretty dang far.

More at: https://notthebee.com/article/paul-stanley-one-of-the-leaders-of-the-supergroup-kiss-weighed-in-on-the-transgender-debate-with-a-shockingly-sane-take

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a64be6 No.18780599


ah, it's like Consent Decree abuse at a regulatory level.

maybe it can't pass constitutional muster?

buy who would sue to prevent it?

I guess that pepole will just need to regulate it themselves by assuring that JP Morgan only has less than 10% of US deposits.

they can make a run for their money . . .

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34764e No.18780600

File: 8e6583776a254ac⋯.png (312.83 KB,790x472,395:236,ClipboardImage.png)


they were saving that (UBL) for this

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bacf5b No.18780601

Correct you are ….no bail outs ….

This time its bail ins

They passed laws in 2018

To take take retirement funds

And other wealth instruments

To fund their unicorn companies

So they don't feel any loss

If you don't hold it

You don't own it

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7a1b63 No.18780602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kat Timpf | Club Random with Bill Maher

Apr 30 2023


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36600f No.18780603

File: 1f87819e9f6b540⋯.png (36.64 KB,914x638,457:319,EUJHyGRWAAAbLaq.png)

File: 4b0a86c71a52d51⋯.png (50.57 KB,1010x454,505:227,3904.png)

>>18780449 /pb

>>18780299 /pb

>>18780338 /pb

>>18780330 /pb

>>18780355 /pb

>>18780391 /pb

FOUND IT!!! Q#3904

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ac4d90 No.18780604

Anybody replaced Tucker yet?

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82cc1b No.18780605

File: 1f552c5814ea83a⋯.png (382.97 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Someone should tell her

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394997 No.18780606

File: 0d65b42b2e21cdd⋯.jpg (30.19 KB,255x255,1:1,0d65b42b2e21cdd0a1eb983354….jpg)

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33359a No.18780607

File: 940f12f84fd4898⋯.png (710.16 KB,1280x549,1280:549,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Caller


Stephanie Ruhle collapsed at the White House Correspondents’ dinner



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1f9d9d No.18780608


>Today marks the 12th anniversary of the raid that Obama claimed killed Osama bin Laden

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a108db No.18780609

File: 29860b905bdc70f⋯.png (829.82 KB,1257x919,1257:919,3.png)

File: f528958ec5980e9⋯.png (911.07 KB,1279x955,1279:955,2.png)

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c5627b No.18780610


Question is, how many politicians and ceos does MOSSAD control through blackmail operations.

We can see how they do it, by the example Jared Kushners father did, by trying to blackmail his own brother in law, but setting him up with a prostitute.

Trump pardoned ole Charlie, because….

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394997 No.18780611

File: a0606e63bd481dd⋯.png (314.71 KB,612x396,17:11,323b77bd3bf8b851a2b89d972b….png)



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f06fbe No.18780612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:00 PM EDT

President Biden and Vice President Harris Deliver Remarks During National Small Business Week

The White House




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a64be6 No.18780613


the root cause is global dictatorship that is headquartered somewhere in Euroasia.

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1536d7 No.18780614


Who EXACTLY is this 'mob' that is often referred to as doing this 'cancelling'?

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5b2ee3 No.18780615

File: bb40eb9e19e5b49⋯.jpg (202.24 KB,1280x1280,1:1,4roger4.jpg)

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c5627b No.18780616

File: e02b94bd8d89ca2⋯.png (75.38 KB,500x516,125:129,Simmons.png)


One of his own bandmates.

But why would Simmons even care..?

Because, agenda….

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8fbd9b No.18780617

File: d265be086f144ca⋯.jpg (106.19 KB,720x1060,36:53,20230501_093842.jpg)

File: a2598d6bac1df28⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,464x848,29:53,I2bbn3aSLrKvY_BH.mp4)

The Highlander


45 arrives in Scotland- it’s good to be home

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61b7ff No.18780618


ridin 6


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eee4ee No.18780619

File: c30d123693a94e4⋯.png (2.1 MB,817x4425,817:4425,ClipboardImage.png)

‘Godfather of AI’ quits Google — and says he regrets life’s work due to risks to humanity

A prominent artificial intelligence researcher known as the “Godfather of AI” has quit his job at Google – and says he now partly regrets his work advancing the burgeoning technology because of the risks it poses to society.

Dr. Geoffrey Hinton is a renowned computer scientist who is widely credited with laying the AI groundwork that eventually led to the creation of popular chatbots such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and other advanced systems.

The 75-year-old told the New York Times that he left Google so that he can speak openly about the risks of unrestrained AI development – including the spread of misinformation, upheaval in the jobs market and other, more nefarious possibilities.

“I console myself with the normal excuse: If I hadn’t done it, somebody else would have,” Hinton said in an interview published on Monday.

“Look at how it was five years ago and how it is now,” Hinton added later in the interview. “Take the difference and propagate it forwards. That’s scary.”…………..


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25f49e No.18780620


how do you get joshua out of gahybarr tho

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87d334 No.18780621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


JPMorgan Gets A Dirty Deal- again

do you remember WAMU?

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a64be6 No.18780622


it's an imaginary mob: they control the media and just decree whatever they want and then pretend that everyone agrees with them.

and then report it as news 24/7 on channels that no one watches, on websites that no one reads, and in news papers that are printed but no one reads them. (they use them to line the bird cage).

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61c9ac No.18780623


Good Job.


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33359a No.18780625

Wut's he afeared of, I wonder?



Senate Judiciary Chair Dick Durbin vows to press ahead with legislation to impose an ethics code for the Supreme Court



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1536d7 No.18780626


Perhaps, but Anon also knows that there are social media posts sourced from said 'somewhere in Eurasia' that are intended to divide this board and the narrative in general by race, religion, class, sex and political affiliation, using subtle 'blending in' tactics.

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779ffd No.18780627

File: 7089c114b27c734⋯.png (309.3 KB,606x616,303:308,Screen_Shot_2023_05_01_at_….png)

File: 673b44ebf907a7e⋯.png (59.86 KB,608x435,608:435,Screen_Shot_2023_05_01_at_….png)


Tweet lead to a thread about fraud. Election polling is worthless if fraud is committed.

Anon is especially concerned at the level of societal manipulation possible. If your driver's license is scanned when you go to vote, as is done in at least one Missouri county then directly or indirectly your social security number is linked to voting. Would not be hard to imagine medical records, banking information and vaccine history also getting linked, possibly by Chinese CCP, UN agencies and/or US bad actors. "Special batches" of vaccine for dissenters?

Thread from 10/22


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e4433a No.18780628

File: cad4fe47b2922ff⋯.jpeg (53.13 KB,630x899,630:899,0BEB735A_1294_4A56_8CC8_2….jpeg)

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c5627b No.18780629

File: 75014a006ae2068⋯.png (299.09 KB,654x547,654:547,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7b359 No.18780630

File: 1e69b13d467f8ee⋯.png (108.88 KB,707x471,707:471,1e69b13d467f8ee27f2a49f9cb….png)

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b9cded No.18780631

File: ad84fc02ec1e2c0⋯.png (119.77 KB,563x358,563:358,thememo.png)

File: 2a63658051b0d8b⋯.png (871.6 KB,1366x768,683:384,harveyThememoScreenshot_fr….png)



"not just Mike Morrell"


Beacon Global Strategies



Jeremy Bash Cos to Panetta

Sequioa capital just hired Beacon Global Strat

Funneling money to democats and fund lawfare.

Knows thatLisa Monacohave solid info about multiple crimes by Sequioa people. Trying to cover it up.

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409515 No.18780632

File: 8b8d5ab772652b1⋯.png (719.48 KB,1124x710,562:355,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1182ca820db467b⋯.png (1.16 MB,1101x694,1101:694,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2503fe835217607⋯.png (292.72 KB,1115x690,223:138,ClipboardImage.png)


Emerson College adds period products to men's restrooms, meeting group's demand for 'menstrual equality'

Initiative is set to take effect in July

Taylor PenleyBy Taylor Penley | Fox News

Parents outraged over Oregon law requiring tampons in boys' bathrooms

Emerson College will provide menstrual products in all its bathrooms – including men's and gender-neutral restrooms – in response to lobbying from a campus group that, in its own words, fights "for inclusivity, menstrual equality, and the de-stigmatization of menstruation and periods."

A Change.org petition started by the group Emerson Flows in April 2022 called for the change to take place before presenting the approximately 400 signatures the push had amassed to Vice President of Student Life Jim Hoppe.

"We are Emerson Flows, an advocacy and education based organization dedicated to fighting for inclusivity, menstrual equality, and the de-stigmatization of menstruation and periods," the petition reads.

Emerson College approved an initiative to add menstrual products to all bathrooms, regardless of gender affiliation. (iStock)

It continued, "Menstruators cannot control when and where their periods occur; it can happen anytime, anywhere, and it will not help them any if the nearest bathroom to their classroom is a bathroom that does not dispense period products. But while they cannot control this, the Emerson administration has control to house period products in all Emerson bathrooms to avoid a situation like this from ever happening…"

The petition, near its end, read: "We need YOUR help! We are asking you to sign Emerson Flows’ petition which implores the Emerson administration to supply period products in all bathrooms on our bathroom campus."

Hoppe approved an initiative to allocate $7,000 per year for menstrual products to go in all bathrooms across the institution – regardless of gender, according to a report from The Berkeley Beacon.

Tammy Compton restocks tampons at Compton's Market, in Sacramento, Calif. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli, File)

As of Sunday, the petition, which also outlined plans to combat "period poverty" or, in other words, "inadequate access to period products" remains at just above 400 signatures.

The fight to bring the products to all bathrooms started years ago, however, when members of the group first demanded access to menstrual products be expanded to all restrooms.

The institution started a pilot project to expand access to the products shortly after, but failed to expand it for some time, according to The Beacon's report.

Emerson Flows, a group at Emerson College, pushed for menstrual products to be added to all restrooms. (iStock)

Emily Lang, president of Emerson Flows, said the initial push led to the products being offered in only 30% of women's restrooms across campus, but her group felt access should be extended to all restrooms regardless of gender affiliation.

"While I understand that the majority of the menstruators at this school are cis[gender] women, we should still treat men who also menstruate with the same level of respect," she said, per The Beacon's report. "You get period products just like everyone else, and you get the same amount, because you’re just as valid."

The initiative to bring the products to all restrooms is set to take effect in July.




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54b265 No.18780633


old but good reminder

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33359a No.18780634


Sequoia is CCP.

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74afed No.18780635


So many questions.

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b757be No.18780636

File: 1e91aefd7caf0dc⋯.png (449.06 KB,476x723,476:723,Capture.PNG)

7 days away!

Exercise Formidable Shield (#FOSH23) 🛡️ kicks off May 8 from the North & Norwegian Seas 🌊 and ranges in 🇳🇴&🇬🇧.

For more information, stay tuned to our social media pages and our feature page at https://dvidshub.net/feature/formidableshield2023!

#FormidableShield23 #WeAreNATO


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d3270f No.18780637

File: b54471102e60b99⋯.png (251.57 KB,364x330,182:165,2023_05_01_11_44_51.png)


>The REAL reason Susan Rice fled Biden Administration may SHOCK you— is Michelle Obama RUNNING?!

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33fd42 No.18780638

File: c19fc470a613323⋯.jpg (47.52 KB,675x479,675:479,square_compass.jpg)

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c5627b No.18780639

File: 5bfcb2f3ebdbee1⋯.png (223.4 KB,438x294,73:49,ClipboardImage.png)


Chabad is nothing more than a manifestation of the Jewish racism that fuels the NWO agenda. Israel's founder and former prime minister David Ben Gurion's envisioned the Jews as being at the center of the One World Government (Illuminati Satanic NWO) dream.


The Warped Electoral Logic Behind Trump’s Antisemitism


Proof, that if you are a goyim, you just can't please the kikes, now matter how hard you lick their boots.

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33359a No.18780640

Clare Lopez


We must not allow to happen to US Supreme Court what happened to Israel’s in 1990s that Bibi now trying so hard to fix

The Left’s Plan for Hostile Takeover of Supreme Court



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1536d7 No.18780641


R u gloating or…?

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7a1b63 No.18780642

File: 0f0d02ea6bcda63⋯.png (1.04 MB,960x639,320:213,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

May 1 2023

Carina Nebula North

The Great Carina Nebula is home to strange stars and iconic nebulas. Named for its home constellation, the huge star-forming region is larger and brighter than the Great Orion Nebula but less well known because it is so far south and because so much of humanity lives so far north. The featured image shows in great detail the northernmost part of the Carina Nebula. On the bottom left is the Gabriela Mistral Nebula consisting of an emission nebula of glowing gas (IC 2599) surrounding the small open cluster of stars (NGC 3324). Above the image center is the larger star cluster NGC 3293, while to its right is the emission nebula Loden 153. The most famous occupant of the Carina Nebula, however, is not shown. Off the image to the lower right is the bright, erratic, and doomed star known as Eta Carinae a star once one of the brightest stars in the sky and now predicted to explode in a supernova sometime in the next few million years.


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ea72d5 No.18780643



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b9cded No.18780644


>Sequoia is CCP.


harvey also said he knows that Monaco knows about crimes. and the doj is covering it up


>Sequioa capital just hired Beacon Global Strat

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f81719 No.18780645

Nothing will happen with Hunter Biden today for two reason, MSM is not covering it and He belongs in a CULT and we aren't a part of it.

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a108db No.18780646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This guy is obvs a controlled op gatekeeper, but hes currently redpilling 7.5k livestreaming boomers and normies

Last night it was 9/11, now more epstein shit. It old news to us, but a lot of his audience are being slowly redpilled

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33359a No.18780647


So is SoftBank, btw.

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a64be6 No.18780648


you sound like you are grasping.

do you think that a group or groups that act like tyrants ought to be allowed to continue with it, and looting and plundering the whole world, just for the sake of 'unity'?

get a grip.

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2458f7 No.18780649

File: 61ed915dcc72f4e⋯.png (373.04 KB,439x407,439:407,61ed915dcc72f4ed75bb8c8f46….png)


TYB 55 ^^

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c5627b No.18780650

File: 5a5c1a8cd525a15⋯.png (76.71 KB,657x380,657:380,JesusSays14.png)


They will have eyes, but will not see.

This is why there must be division. No matter how much evidence, you will never admit the truth. Just like Nicodemus.

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b9cded No.18780651

File: 8cf2a24f3dadccb⋯.jpeg (94.52 KB,400x400,1:1,454286ac07a6f6e6.jpeg)

File: 4bd27c0fc8c7e83⋯.png (207.14 KB,344x441,344:441,Screenshot_from_2023_05_01….png)



>45 arrives in Scotland- it’s good to be home

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1536d7 No.18780652


You're claiming Politico is a source of truth about anything about any people?

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530f03 No.18780653

Hearing Check
























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5b2ee3 No.18780654

File: 18b7eb6a553d3c6⋯.png (990.87 KB,900x1350,2:3,18b7eb6a553d3c6d87402d7e94….png)

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eed6d1 No.18780655


I kinda like Benny. Agreed that he's pretty 'polished' and he puts vids out like every hour. But he repeats anon's talking points.

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b757be No.18780656

File: 5ee00d014805f2e⋯.png (592.88 KB,532x590,266:295,Capture.PNG)

Military working dog teams compete for Top Dog honors at Fort Drum.

📰 https://army.mil/article/266230/military_working_dog_teams_compete_for_top_dog_honors_at_fort_drum


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33359a No.18780657

"Democrats in Congress, together with their allies among left-wing groups and in the media, are attempting a hostile takeover of the Supreme Court. Their current tactics demonstrate what “by any means necessary” really means.

In the system of government America’s Founders gave us, limits on government are necessary to achieve its purpose of protecting liberty. Those limits include the separation of powers, federalism, a written Constitution, and a judiciary that will follow—rather than control—that Constitution.

Limits like those help keep too much power from ending up in too few hands."


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b60fbc No.18780658

Does the great awakening have anything to do with human kind awakening to their true purpose?

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e4433a No.18780659

File: ec30ce1a549c735⋯.jpeg (89.36 KB,630x721,90:103,C124199C_29C3_4FAD_B874_C….jpeg)

File: 717779a477121d5⋯.webp (80.96 KB,960x640,3:2,6482EEA0_195C_4796_A392_1….webp)

File: 834155de72ecdbe⋯.webp (63.01 KB,960x1440,2:3,09470ECC_170A_4A23_ACA1_6….webp)

File: f6e42bae8fe206b⋯.webp (180.27 KB,960x1440,2:3,0BC65AF9_647A_4E44_9B0A_D….webp)

Be best

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9f3f5a No.18780660


hand signal

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34764e No.18780661

File: e6a7dfd131b45fb⋯.png (58.92 KB,961x494,961:494,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1280e0ded511f3e⋯.gif (923.54 KB,500x281,500:281,diversify_your_bonds_nigga….gif)

File: 13e0e2e6892a9e3⋯.png (59.88 KB,1132x662,566:331,ClipboardImage.png)

Bonds get hit in corporate rush to mull debt sales

A renewed bout of selling hit the entire Treasury curve, with a slew of companies considering selling bonds before Wednesday’s Federal Reserve rate decision. As Wall Street gears up for the Fed’s 10th consecutive hike since March of last year, around 10 issuers are considering moving forward with debt sales in the U.S. investment-grade primary market Monday. Borrowers are anticipated to pile in during the coming weeks as more companies exit earnings blackouts, with Meta Platforms Inc. said to kick off proceedings with a five-part deal.

Meta plans $7 billion bond issue


These offerings tend to represent a double-whammy for Treasuries, which tend to cheapen amid competition from new debt and as underwriters sell government bonds to rate-lock the issue for corporate buyers. As a result, the two-year yield climbed as much as 10 basis points to around 4.1 per cent Monday. The rate on the 10-year note rose at a slower pace, approaching 3.5 per cent.

Equities posted small moves after notching two straight months of gains, with traders continuing to sift through a batch of corporate results and taking comfort in the fact that JPMorgan Chase & Co. decided to acquire First Republic Bank in a government-led deal for the failed lender. “The second-largest ever U.S. bank failure is a stark reminder that, although some of the most visible banking sector stress points came in March, the full impacts remain to be seen,” said Will Compernolle, macro strategist at FHN Financial. “Markets are showing a 92 per cent expectation for a 25bp hike on Wednesday, but the bank failure will certainly enter into the meeting’s discussions as the Fed continues balancing the risks between potentially exacerbating banking sector weaknesses through higher interest rates and letting inflation rise higher through a premature rate pause.”

Compernolle expects Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s press conference to stress the Fed’s “meeting-by-meeting” approach to monetary policy even more than usual this week as March bank tension impacts on credit tightening slowly emerge. Stock market investors holding on to hopes that the Fed will cut rates in the second half could be disappointed later this week, according to Morgan Stanley’s Michael Wilson.

“If the message delivered at this meeting is more hawkish, it could provide a near-term negative surprise for equities,” Wilson wrote in a note

Key events this week:

*U.S. factory orders, revised durable goods, light vehicle sales, Tuesday

*U.S. ADP payroll data, Wednesday

*Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell holds news conference following the central bank’s interest-rate decision, Wednesday

https://www.cmegroup.com/markets/interest-rates/cme-fedwatch-tool.html Cap#3

*U.S. initial jobless claims, international trade in goods and services, Thursday

*European Central Bank rate decision, followed by ECB President Christine Lagarde’s news conference, Thursday

*U.S. unemployment, non-farm payrolls, Friday

(Which should keep dropping so the FOMC is done with rate hikes after Weds)

*St. Louis Fed President James Bullard at Economic Club of Minneapolis, Friday

Some of the main moves in markets:


*The S&P 500 was little changed as of 9:31 a.m. New York time

*The Nasdaq 100 fell 0.2 per cent

*The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.2 per cent

*The Stoxx Europe 600 was little changed

*The MSCI World index was little changed


*The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index was little changed

*The euro was little changed at US$1.1025

*The British pound fell 0.1 per cent to US$1.2550

*The Japanese yen fell 0.4 per cent to 136.81 per dollar


*The yield on 10-year Treasuries advanced five basis points to 3.48 per cent

*Germany’s 10-year yield declined 15 basis points to 2.31 per cent

*Britain’s 10-year yield declined eight basis points to 3.72 per cent


*West Texas Intermediate crude fell 1.9 per cent to US$75.33 a barrel

*Gold futures rose 0.6 per cent to US$2,011.60 an ounce



Economic Schedule for week of April 30th, 2023


Apple (who is the biggest sandbagger on the earnings front) announces on Thursday after the close however they just stopped giving forward guidance

>Apple hasn't offered formal revenue guidance for follow-up quarters in previous releases. Given the continuation with the Q1 results it seems unlikely that much guidance will be provided this time around


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2458f7 No.18780662

File: d8ddb125b8d3658⋯.png (865.85 KB,907x634,907:634,d8ddb125b8d365893e2739c264….png)


>Hunter Biden smirks at the camera as he walks into court Monday morning knowing anons aren't covering his moves.

Anons are having a hard time because it's a media blackout over it, saw a few new post on Truth with a vid of him walking in but can't find much live coverage.

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f06fbe No.18780663

File: a42102ba7961970⋯.png (1.24 MB,1121x758,1121:758,flotus_digs_pepe.png)

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ea72d5 No.18780664

File: e0d67571dfdfa8d⋯.jpeg (36.84 KB,500x334,250:167,kilt.jpeg)

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530f03 No.18780665

Twitter Check

















































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e4433a No.18780666

File: 4e9e1d09cf34e0a⋯.jpeg (109.48 KB,678x1200,113:200,44A431D0_EB42_45FE_84DC_C….jpeg)

File: 571e0d81f29a4a3⋯.jpeg (95.59 KB,764x968,191:242,30B43D78_536E_48D6_B2B2_6….jpeg)

File: ab95ea470dc3743⋯.jpeg (56.66 KB,328x430,164:215,264F2C69_F440_465C_B453_F….jpeg)

File: 296b215e15de5ed⋯.jpeg (108.99 KB,589x767,589:767,FD820770_A63A_4A8B_B27C_9….jpeg)

File: 158950f4d1ced5c⋯.jpeg (48.83 KB,453x313,453:313,86F14CF2_2F04_412F_AE41_A….jpeg)

Be better

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5b2ee3 No.18780667

File: a239184660cbd86⋯.jpg (69.08 KB,720x900,4:5,IP44.jpg)

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61c9ac No.18780668


Stop supporting the Jew Degeneracy Agenda

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34764e No.18780669

File: 23996bb0e36d728⋯.png (237 KB,720x447,240:149,ClipboardImage.png)


N757AF 757 on ground at Aberdeen Int'l from Palm Beach Int'l-landed about 5.5h ago

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530f03 No.18780670

Media Check



































































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f06fbe No.18780671

File: e3b51c4f7b3c17b⋯.png (483.65 KB,526x586,263:293,doggo_infantry.png)

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6a062b No.18780672

Does anyone know if it's possible to post a video made from PowerPoint into this bread? Like, if it's just on a hard drive can it be posted into this bread or does it have to be hosted externally somewhere?

Thank you.

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33359a No.18780673


"(Which should keep dropping so the FOMC is done with rate hikes after Weds)"

Even though it was a prank call, JPow DID say there were two more hikes coming, one Weds, and one 6 weeks later.

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e4433a No.18780674

File: 505b6eaaa094002⋯.jpeg (113.88 KB,1024x683,1024:683,9BC4AACF_B260_47F5_B54F_1….jpeg)

File: e92272d4e03c335⋯.webp (117.4 KB,960x1440,2:3,CF03002C_2ACA_470D_8500_0….webp)

File: b1417ef2f212859⋯.jpeg (646.19 KB,776x986,388:493,4C193A2E_587E_4BCF_A122_8….jpeg)

File: f8efca891ccd590⋯.jpeg (86.16 KB,405x767,405:767,0413D1F1_7FD2_486A_BDB6_7….jpeg)

File: 786381cd1579779⋯.jpeg (49.42 KB,328x428,82:107,88A62034_E7AB_41AC_94F8_0….jpeg)


Be bestest

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eed6d1 No.18780675

So am I getting this right… JP Morgan was deeply involved with Epstein, everyone finds out about it, and the next business day they are rewarded with bank acquisition financed by the US taxpayer.

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1abb54 No.18780676

File: 2dc013171915769⋯.jpg (40.19 KB,800x500,8:5,P_really_valuable.jpg)

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a108db No.18780677


Yeah, i'm not sure if he's a mossad gatekeeper, or just gentle redpilling for normies, either way he's waking a lot of them up to the basics of the deepstate.

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eed6d1 No.18780678


Benny just played the Hunter vid of him trying to make the Russian whore admit that he didn't hurt her while she was waiting for her payment after sex.

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530f03 No.18780679

Trend Check

May Day 291K

#MondayMotivation 31K



New Month 245K

JP Morgan 17K

#MetGala 48K


First Republic 70K


Happy Beltane


Scotland 65K

Jamie Dimon

Good Monday 38K


New Blessings 24K

Pacific Islanders

Latavius Murray

Greg Abbott 42K

Peace Out 11K


Met Monday




Native Hawaiian

Redfall 10K

New Week 87K

New Goals 13K

Paul Stanley 13K

Judge Kaplan

Rabbit Rabbit 61K


New Money 34K

Quran 36K

Gigi 24K

Asian American

Dee Snider

Another Monday


Birthday Month 29K

Derrick Brown


Beto 11K


New Opportunities 20K

Trabajadores 280K


St. Joseph

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f7b359 No.18780680

File: 43dd79061dc991e⋯.png (2.07 KB,258x196,129:98,Red_Castle.png)

File: 3b755c7bb718825⋯.jpg (6.42 KB,225x225,1:1,aber.jpg)

File: 488bcb61603765e⋯.jpg (25.16 KB,400x400,1:1,DJT.jpg)

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530f03 No.18780681



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b9cded No.18780682

File: 7bda1a03ddb7e1c⋯.png (246.67 KB,1032x904,129:113,Screenshot_2023_05_01_at_1….png)

File: 9c82c91d6f5fd91⋯.png (242.63 KB,306x867,6:17,Screenshot_2023_05_01_at_1….png)

File: 9af99bdf261b73b⋯.png (967.41 KB,1301x806,1301:806,Screenshot_2023_05_01_at_1….png)

File: 409e05e23c34778⋯.png (459.89 KB,911x786,911:786,Screenshot_2023_05_01_at_1….png)


>Beacon Global Strategies

Beacon Global Strategies LLC(BGS) is a Washington, DC-based strategic advisory firm founded by Jeremy Bash, Philippe Reines, and Andrew Shapiro in 2013.[1][2] Philippe Reines left the firm as of September 2017.[3] According to the firm's website, Beacon Global Strategies specializes in matters of international policy, foreign affairs, national defense, cyber, intelligence, and homeland security.[4]

About BGS

A September 2013 article in Defense News, describes Beacon Global Strategies as unique for a Washington consulting firm because of its partners' intent to eventually return to government. The article noted that "Part of the confidence in future public service may stem from a combination of significant titles and relative youth, paired with the fact that most of the founders of the firm have ties to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who may be a presidential favorite heading into the 2016 election if she decides to run."[1]

A September 2013 profile of Beacon Global Strategies in The Washington Post highlighted the firm's bipartisan make up: "'We want to build bipartisan support for solutions to complex national security problems,' Bash said, noting that cooperation between Democrats and Republicans on these issues 'has been lacking in recent years.'"[5]

BGS leadership

Beacon's Managing Directors served in a variety of government positions prior to founding or joining the firm.

Michael Allen served as Majority Staff Director of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), under Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) from 2011–2013.[6] He previously served in the George W. Bush White House.[7] Allen is the author of "Blinking Red: Crisis and Compromise in American Intelligence after 9/11" (Potomac Books Inc. September 2013).[8]

Jeremy Bash was the only Obama Administration official to have served as Chief of Staff in two national security departments or agencies: first as Chief of Staff to the Director of the CIA (2009–2011) and most recently as Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense (2011–2013).[9][10]

Andrew Shapiro is the former and longest serving Senate confirmed United States Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs (2009–2013).[11] During the presidential transition of Barack Obama, Shapiro was a member of the Obama-Biden Department of Defense Agency Review Team, and during the 2008 presidential election, a member of Hillary Clinton's campaign, advising on foreign affairs.

Jeremy B. Bash(born August 13, 1971)[1] is an American lawyer. He was the chief of staff at the Central Intelligence Agency (2009–2011) and the U.S. Department of Defense (2011–2013) under President Barack Obama.[2][3] As a senior advisor to Leon Panetta in both roles, Bash worked on a number of key initiatives, including the creation of a new defense strategy, formation of two defense budgets, counterterrorism operations, a new cyber strategy, and a range of sensitive intelligence operations.

Bash is currently a managing director at Beacon Global Strategies LLC,[1] which he founded with partners Philippe Reines and Andrew Shapiro in 2013.[4][5] Additionally, Bash serves as national security analyst for NBC News and its cable division, MSNBC.

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f7b359 No.18780683

File: 6cfd48208a96923⋯.png (621.3 KB,686x823,686:823,6cfd48208a96923f90df967ff7….png)

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a362f2 No.18780684


[they] bundled all the bad debt from all regional banks into FRC, paid off the bad debt with the fed government treasury funds, then sold it bad debt free to the JP Morgan / CIA wetworks bank.

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ea72d5 No.18780685


nice tie

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a64be6 No.18780686


there are a list of sights that I don't have but it's available in the 'how to' parts of this website.

you format your stuff and post it to one of those sites and then you can embed it by clicking the 'Show post options & limits' field which reveals an input that says 'embed'

after you have loaded it to one of those sites you post the URL in the embed field that I just mentioned.

the list was given yesterday. I don't do this so I don't know how to do it.

if it's short enough you can make an mp4 or animated gif and just post it directly.

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b757be No.18780687

File: 7086294a1945ce7⋯.jpeg (235.28 KB,1528x754,764:377,ewLnweDDpSw4RjUltzyi_01_8….jpeg)

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b9cded No.18780688


>Beacon Global Strategies LLC(

A Global Perspective

Drawing on our decades of service in the international security arena, we develop strategies that enable companies to achieve their business objectives, both in the United States and around the world.

Beacon Global Strategies is a strategic advisory firm specializing in International Policy, Defense, Cyber, Intelligence, and Homeland Security.

Beacon’s leadership has decades of experience in the White House, CIA, Departments of Defense, State, and Justice, Congress, and the Private Sector.

Beacon represents global enterprises and industry disruptors across government services, technology, energy, and financial sectors.

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530f03 No.18780689

Twitter Trends

1·Holidays · Trending

May Day

Trending with New Month, New Blessings

2·Only on Twitter · Trending


34.1K Tweets

3·Only on Twitter · Trending


4,147 Tweets



Trending with Pacific Islanders, Native Hawaiian

5·Fashion · Trending


55K Tweets

6·Politics · Trending


8,218 Tweets

7·Business and finance · Trending

JP Morgan

Trending with First Republic, FDIC

8·Only on Twitter · Trending


4,035 Tweets

9·Only on Twitter · Trending

Happy Beltane

4,010 Tweets



70K Tweets

11·Music · Trending


Trending with Peace Out

12·Video games · Trending


11.7K Tweets


Teacher Appreciation Week

2,122 Tweets

14·Business and finance · Trending

Jamie Dimon

2,970 Tweets

15·Only on Twitter · Trending

Good Monday

41K Tweets

16·Football · Trending

Latavius Murray

1,461 Tweets


King Krule

18·Fashion · Trending

Met Monday

2,638 Tweets

19·Politics · Trending


Trending with Judge Kaplan

20·Entertainment · Trending

Ryan Murphy


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f7b359 No.18780690

File: f7f72ed39492c33⋯.jpg (67.42 KB,720x717,240:239,f7f72ed39492c335be76a62815….jpg)

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184cea No.18780691


Back in the 2008 housing crisis I saw a similar thing. Builders were piling all their shit debt onto a single lot they were never going to develop and letting the banks keep it.

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33359a No.18780692

Cardin not running for reelection

Cardin’s vacancy will create a wide-open race to succeed him in the blue state.


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71b723 No.18780693

File: a6f5955007d7d75⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,3000x5892,250:491,1EB81C56_0F36_4EB6_80A7_F….jpeg)

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34764e No.18780694

File: 92ed5cf973edf31⋯.png (307.93 KB,1004x561,1004:561,ClipboardImage.png)


they "say" a lot of things it's what they do is most important-they'll probably keep that language in it too.

They were never serious about it when they actually started raising

Look how long they ignored it itfp and played ketchup trotting out the folly and foil FED heads "no moar raises".."keep raising" "stand pat"

They could do one moar after that but the shit pile of interest rate and FOREX sensitive derivatives suggests otherwise

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b9cded No.18780695

File: 6ac63e6277992c0⋯.png (3.76 MB,1279x3296,1279:3296,Screenshot_2023_05_01_at_1….png)

File: cc1f0a363c2b8c8⋯.png (4.88 MB,1246x2940,89:210,Screenshot_2023_05_01_at_1….png)

File: 7abe833dd122f45⋯.png (5.26 MB,1217x3400,1217:3400,Screenshot_2023_05_01_at_1….png)



>A Global Perspective

Forgot pics of the traitors

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2458f7 No.18780696

File: 0deee2ce0650951⋯.png (853.91 KB,620x823,620:823,0deee2ce06509510eefc427a91….png)


Dark to Light

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f06fbe No.18780697

File: 956b45e050ee506⋯.jpg (188.49 KB,1216x528,76:33,notable_one.jpg)


>Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin will not seek reelection in 2024, his spokesperson Sue Walitsky confirmed on Monday morning


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33359a No.18780698


Derivs books being unwound, globally. No moar CDSs at German banks. Not one.

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530f03 No.18780699

Truth Check

























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2a42fb No.18780700

File: c19b9f96096bdb8⋯.png (782.57 KB,886x953,886:953,CIA_5.png)

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530f03 No.18780701

Military Check











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609ae1 No.18780702

File: 21d31460412913e⋯.png (395.66 KB,1170x1617,390:539,ClipboardImage.png)


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b9cded No.18780703

File: e4d23251a00957c⋯.png (23.22 KB,152x173,152:173,Screenshot_from_2023_05_01….png)

File: 3834e3e3236f0cf⋯.png (17.51 KB,131x145,131:145,Screenshot_from_2023_05_01….png)

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6a062b No.18780704


God bless you, fren. Sorry to ask obscure questions. Longtime researcher who mostly uses computer to type stuff and not videos or slideshows. Never even knew until yesterday that PowerPoint has a feature through which slide shows can be turned into videos. Very useful. I'll look into yesterday's archived threads. Thanks again.

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a362f2 No.18780705


Enron did the same thing.

How are they stealing your wealth?






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333ece No.18780706

File: 921454297aeb840⋯.png (10.42 KB,251x255,251:255,ponder_pepe.png)


Weird, it's like all people who menstruate used to have their very own facilities…

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33359a No.18780707


Besides, Fed tightening began in July, 2021, via the ReverseRepo, and took near all their encumbered collateral and gave it to Money Market Funds. So, for the TBTF (Primary Dealers) tightening ain't over by a long shot.

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530f03 No.18780708


>>18780701 Military Check

>>18780699 Truth Check

>>18780689 Twitter Trends

>>18780679 Trend Check

>>18780670 Media Check

>>18780665 Twitter Check

>>18780653 Hearing Check

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3d8f68 No.18780709


Benjamin Louis Cardin was born in Baltimore, Maryland.[4] The family name was originally "Kardonsky", before it was changed to "Cardin". Cardin's grandparents were Russian Jewish immigrants.

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34764e No.18780710

File: df55691205d8c1d⋯.png (329.13 KB,454x376,227:188,ClipboardImage.png)


they put (along with a few others) $30B as a rescue so they were never gonna let it fail properly as it should have

The FDIC gets a $10B+ 'payment" and then the morgue gets a backstop against future losses while not taking on the downgraded preferred shares or it's Corp Debt >>18780237 lb

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b757be No.18780711

File: d2f021cadea242f⋯.png (397.67 KB,534x555,178:185,Capture.PNG)

The 8th Military Working Dog Detachment, 91st Military Police Battalion, hosted the 2023 Top Dog Competition, April 26-27, with eight MWD teams and two civilian K-9 teams testing their unique skills in a series of events across Fort Drum.


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b757be No.18780712

File: 122f82b1f2679f7⋯.png (19.17 KB,535x179,535:179,Capture.PNG)

REMINDER: A large-scale, multi-agency nuclear incident training exercise begins today in southeast Houston and Harris County. The training exercise DOES NOT pose risks to area residents. Please do not be alarmed by training-related activity.



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ea72d5 No.18780713


where are the dogs?

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58deca No.18780714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Dems don't want to get rid of TikTok because they're fully utilizing it to push lies / propaganda to young people (vid related).


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184cea No.18780715


If you knew that you could take yuge business risks and make a shitton of money, and be guaranteed not to fail, what would you do?

Banks, unfortunately, need to feel the pain for things to go back to 'normal'. Otherwise, this is just a fed takeover of the banking system.

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2458f7 No.18780716

File: c72fe31df754cc6⋯.png (174.89 KB,587x495,587:495,c72fe31df754cc6f1730f0cc42….png)


Notablelink Q sent on post may have been a head fake or heads up to anons for what was to come.

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a108db No.18780717


About 1 hour until boom time then. All just another terrible coincidence like 9/11 and 7/7 in the uk

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a64be6 No.18780718

there is a question mark at the top of the page and that leads you to the 'frequently asked questions' page of 8kun.

this link is to the part of that page which gives the list of websites:


and I've given you a link to the part that gives the list of websites.


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b60fbc No.18780719

From time to time certain truths need to be brought forth in hopes of reminding many, and reigniting the spark of memory of your divine origins. Your journey to returning back home to the divine within is nearly complete. The world many have imagined, of peace, prosperity, and unity, is within reach.

Please open your hearts, and allow that which no longer serves you to be released, as you welcome the higher light of the Galactic Center to pour into your being. It is important to shift focus, to shift your frequency, if you are to uplift into the higher dimensional realities.

You must realize who you are in truth, and free yourself from the programs of the Third Dimensional matrix, put in place by malevolent entities.

Lighten your heart, for a heavy heart is to find the coming days very challenging. For love and fear will no longer coexist on the same plane of existence as they’ve done ’til now. It is up to each individual to choose which realm they wish to be a part of.

What you have been taught by the different institutions needs to be released, for it was never intended to benefit the human being.

Open your heart, and understand that the purpose of your existence is not to suffer. The purpose of your being is to be love, to be joy, and kindness, to embody these divine qualities, and become aware of your angelic essence, your unique spiritual signature, expanding in consciousness so that you may share this with all others, and one day share your uniqueness with the universe as you begin to explore the stars.

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c46376 No.18780720

Are trends different depending on time zone and language?

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609ae1 No.18780721

File: 28d09403d623f94⋯.png (528.98 KB,976x602,488:301,ClipboardImage.png)


Make America Great Again Rally in Des Moines, IA!

Event Details

Sat, May 13, 2023

07:00 pm (US/Central)

Doors Open: 02:00 pm

Lauridsen Amphitheater at Water Works Park

2251 George Flagg Pkwy

Des Moines, IA 50321


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5b2ee3 No.18780723

File: 6f154fde395096b⋯.gif (3.69 MB,332x450,166:225,dogeglance.gif)

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34764e No.18780724

File: 4dbafc11cfd8a6f⋯.png (62.08 KB,484x752,121:188,ClipboardImage.png)


>via the Reverse Repo

Aye after that passed $1T nightly (for good in Aug) pretty obvious what was going on there.

Muck lower rate at that point it's 4.8% now

They still 'lend' between $40-$50B every day in securities for said PD's


>List for those that don't know what a primary dealer is


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6412fa No.18780725


May 1 is the (((communist))) high-holy day. Are public human sacrifice part of the festivities?

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eed6d1 No.18780726


They needed some dog comms STAT and didn't have a doggo pic ready.

Spitballin', but highly likely.

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c46376 No.18780727


Taxpayer, Treasury, fed reserve?

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b60fbc No.18780728

Devotion to the divine within and commitment to the process of awakening must be the focus, as it was for the ancient masters, in order for you to maintain the higher states of consciousness. With this comes the activation of 144,000 Starseeds who are incarnated on Earth now. Being in the vibrations of the pure heart one maintains the high frequencies of the Fifth Dimension. This is to bring instant shifts on the planet.

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58deca No.18780729

File: 806e73744795adf⋯.jpeg (283.25 KB,747x860,747:860,bad_ass.jpeg)


Not holstered…

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93b283 No.18780730

File: 9b7cb0eb8713e36⋯.jpg (195.76 KB,749x500,749:500,Illegal_Aliens_Bud_Light_T….jpg)

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2a42fb No.18780731

File: f962f5c25878007⋯.png (173.79 KB,805x941,805:941,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6c68ee46f77f9e⋯.pdf (4.12 MB,CIA_Project_QRDYNAMIC.pdf)

If I'm reading this right…this is the CIA's first attempts to destabilize Ukraine?

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c5627b No.18780732


Politico is the mouth of the Jews and they are calling Trump antisemitic even after he kissed the kikes asses, that's what I'm claiming.

Try not to be a retard.

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394997 No.18780733

File: 0b4d837ab23741d⋯.png (212.14 KB,490x529,490:529,052409503952409857439498.png)

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34764e No.18780734


That muh fen is called Moral Hazard-knowing yer gonna get bailed out and then you can claim ignorance or smh in public

TheY took it over in 2008 and started in 2001 (with 911 really just din't say it) been effectively nationalized since then

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f81719 No.18780735

File: 41518abef81c432⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,386x270,193:135,Deep_State_CIA.mp4)


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f06fbe No.18780736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"Okay, Houston, we've had a problem here."

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6412fa No.18780737


It's a game of Spot The Neanderthal.

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95221a No.18780738

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: 'WAIT…BIDEN, CIA & EPSTEIN | This REVEALS Everything! - #119 - Stay Free With Russell Brand'


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2458f7 No.18780739

File: d800fed36ba5a89⋯.png (195.73 KB,568x450,284:225,ClipboardImage.png)

No leads - TX Manhunt underway

Mexican nationalist (illegal alien) guns down 5 neighbors execution style (think cartels) including a9 YO BOY

FBI - "No leads" - of course not, why would they care?


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779ffd No.18780740

File: 4a0ad47d1fde19b⋯.png (78.47 KB,681x378,227:126,Screen_Shot_2023_05_01_at_….png)


How did the CDC get the apparent "authority" to dictate injections? Does this apply to "travelers" entering without documents across the southern border? If this is racially, ethnically, or religiously discriminatory can lawsuits be initiated? Anyone else recall the racially biased statements of Dr. Carol Baker and her ties to the CDC?

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9f3f5a No.18780741

File: eca554d65662566⋯.png (227.03 KB,766x2150,383:1075,1204_8_.png)


canary palm tree. somewhere




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ea72d5 No.18780742



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93b283 No.18780743

File: 8b6835f9c792ff5⋯.png (284.67 KB,1440x810,16:9,1682957711561.png)

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c46376 No.18780744


Strong arm suggestion

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33359a No.18780745


That's in Paris.

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b757be No.18780746

File: e138b77da4384c1⋯.png (9.07 KB,256x131,256:131,Capture.PNG)

2023 is 33% complete.


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c5627b No.18780747

File: 6fb5872bc574841⋯.png (253.55 KB,602x470,301:235,ClipboardImage.png)



What could go wrong?

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eed6d1 No.18780748


It's an endless cycle.

The people find out.

Operatives get fired or do short stints in jail for optics.

The people forget.


How many times have we "caught them" now?

When will it ever matter?

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ea72d5 No.18780749


only 33 % ww are vaxxed?

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a362f2 No.18780750




>FBI doing nuke drills in Houston

Houston, we have a problem

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c46376 No.18780751


Change laws

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58deca No.18780752

File: edac8a3d2f43706⋯.png (619.14 KB,750x500,3:2,Biden_guns3.png)


They will make it all about the guns…

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b757be No.18780753

File: a75e3824bb362d2⋯.jpeg (600.96 KB,1435x2300,287:460,2dO6ZHeyGTxxgyx5yyht_01_9….jpeg)

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95221a No.18780754

File: 66cf5083180dfa0⋯.png (63.46 KB,255x241,255:241,pepehead_tears_laughter.png)


It'll be fine, when has anything bad happened when they've been doing a drill…

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6412fa No.18780755


I think we already know what could go wrong.

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33359a No.18780756


No clean break out, that I know of, exists of what goes to the TBTFs vs MMkt Fds, just the total number of participants and notional value.


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eed6d1 No.18780757


Yeah. The laws aren't the problem. There are plenty of broken laws to point to.

The problem is the People.

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93b283 No.18780758

File: 486e5b9d1bf0b55⋯.png (1.49 MB,1323x882,3:2,1682957907397.png)

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2a42fb No.18780759

File: 7047752f642c1b5⋯.png (2.15 MB,4613x2649,4613:2649,Cultural_Marxism_Flowchart….png)

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f7b359 No.18780760


"Enforce Laws"

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93b283 No.18780761

File: c845c7fbae449be⋯.png (1.63 MB,1324x881,1324:881,1682957926372.png)

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697e24 No.18780762

File: 6354e6e0165ea45⋯.png (1.11 MB,672x888,28:37,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad997df2fec2b02⋯.png (1.04 MB,654x888,109:148,ClipboardImage.png)

Mothernutter almost swastikas.

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f06fbe No.18780763

File: 71fbdabe5e8ceed⋯.jpg (288.85 KB,1300x629,1300:629,un7951473web.jpg)


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c46376 No.18780764


Like the NORAD drills on Sept 11

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33359a No.18780765



The detonation in Pavlograd without censorship.


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d3270f No.18780766

File: 92eb177870e37c4⋯.png (1.04 MB,906x607,906:607,clipboard_image.png)

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c5627b No.18780767


A college baseball player was hit by a stray bullet during a game in Texas on Saturday, authorities and school officials said. The 18-year-old student at the Texas A&M University-Texarkana, whose name was not released, underwent surgery for his injuries and was in stable condition, the university said.

The baseball player was standing in the bullpen area of the university's George Dobson Field in Spring Lake Park when the shooting happened, at around 5:30 p.m. The game between Texas A&M-Texarkana and University of Houston-Victoria, was called shortly after the incident, with the Red River Athletic Conference declaring a "no contest".


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9f3f5a No.18780768



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609ae1 No.18780769

File: ff10347ba4e3b19⋯.png (270.25 KB,1526x358,763:179,ClipboardImage.png)

Corey Lynn of Corey's Digs

Court Issues Order Blocking Illinois’ Ban on Commonly Owned Firearms and Magazines from Taking Effect in NRA-Backed Case.


12:17 PM · May 1, 2023


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6412fa No.18780770


Has some enterprising anon documented all the instances where glowfaggot drills and domestic terror events coincided.

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f06fbe No.18780771

12:45 PM EDT

Susan Rice Speaks at ADL's Nat'l Leadership Summit

Susan Rice, President Biden’s outgoing domestic policy adviser, speaks about the rise of antisemitism and hate in schools at the National Leadership Summit hosted by the Anti-Defamation League in Washington, DC.



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93b283 No.18780772

File: 1c7334f946e2610⋯.png (1.21 MB,1322x882,661:441,1682957957002.png)

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a3390a No.18780773



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184cea No.18780774


How can we fight it off? We're fuckin boned.


Is that over $2.3T? What am I looking at here? Not a financefag.

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93b283 No.18780775

File: b66c9495da72001⋯.png (1.33 MB,966x1207,966:1207,1682957978300.png)



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3d8f68 No.18780776

File: 3a31b8a930ed78c⋯.png (35.81 KB,488x488,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c46376 No.18780777


Review all laws. On the books doesn't mean forever.

Nicea changed the bible. We can change laws whheneverrrr >>18780760

Overly militarized police

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a3390a No.18780778

File: fa1c914c56b29e4⋯.png (30.64 KB,663x325,51:25,Screen_Shot_2023_05_01_at_….png)



and deleted

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eed6d1 No.18780779



This tweet was removed.

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a64be6 No.18780780


bring up stuff that happened 1600 years ago.


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c5627b No.18780781

File: 4edf3d49816fe3f⋯.png (212.01 KB,370x290,37:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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609ae1 No.18780782

File: 5b4b7f558d18931⋯.png (385.74 KB,828x1249,828:1249,ClipboardImage.png)

Katie Daviscourt


Governor Inslee announced that he will not be seeking reelection.

“I’m ready to pass the torch.”

12:13 PM · May 1, 2023


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1b247b No.18780783

File: 6ecd5432f1d4777⋯.jpg (151.32 KB,1280x720,16:9,1671043253358548.jpg)


no way ;)

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c46376 No.18780784


That would glow in the best way possible.

Call for dig?

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a64be6 No.18780785



that's two today.

why today?

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ea72d5 No.18780786

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f06fbe No.18780787

File: 1bd6ed9e5f7a558⋯.png (131.09 KB,400x376,50:47,666_on_911_Laura_Bush.png)

File: a47857afeb317b3⋯.jpg (566.27 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,19922080161_bee280723c_k_P….jpg)

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33359a No.18780788


That's the cash taken out of the system over the weekend(& month end, a bigger deal).

Change the start date to 1/28/21 and watch the ramp up. It was like watching frogs start to boil. Most kekworthy.

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7f2727 No.18780789

Any opinions on these so called “Truth Channels?”

Or any suggestions on good ones to watch? Sort of a condensed news now thing?

Not big into the Christian Biblical teaching stuff.

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9f3f5a No.18780790


KEK. her green bits are exposed

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90f3a9 No.18780791



When they f-up the test drill exercise they will really glow.

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33359a No.18780792


Ex-clown recruiter to boot.

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9c404b No.18780793

File: 96d1a77410267ba⋯.jpg (74.23 KB,800x510,80:51,FOX_AZOV_NEWS.JPG)

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eed6d1 No.18780794

File: 4397079fc82c509⋯.jpg (122.19 KB,550x550,1:1,00TRUTH.jpg)


QR Notables.


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c46376 No.18780795


Bye !!

Pass'd? On? Torch..

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333ece No.18780796

File: 524fcc3100d50a1⋯.png (476.32 KB,720x886,360:443,when_you_kneel_white.png)

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95221a No.18780797


>Like the NORAD drills on Sept 11

…and the drills 7 July 2005 in the UK (London)

Just coincidences…

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93b283 No.18780798

File: 924790950f96033⋯.png (1.15 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1682734818376.png)

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c5627b No.18780799

File: b119a54889c54f5⋯.png (304.37 KB,511x337,511:337,ClipboardImage.png)

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33359a No.18780800

Huge Development Means IRS Whistleblower Can Soon Explode Biden Family Scandals


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34764e No.18780801


correct just broken down by type and offered vs accepted always large on 10y, 5, 2 and sprinkle in some 30s and they haven't done any (at least reported) MBS since Sept of last year


you really can't fight the FED and most people think they can (it sucks but this is reality) just along for the ride

Take your $ out of the system (as much as you can) and watch the show..gonna get ugly soon

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0f88b8 No.18780804

So after trans male surgery do they get with women or men?

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9f7a71 No.18780805

File: 23cb5cded942508⋯.png (1.52 MB,1068x1187,1068:1187,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b1c52c11d3e76d⋯.png (563.11 KB,693x882,11:14,ClipboardImage.png)

Charlize Theron adopts 2 black boys and now she claims they are girls.

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c46376 No.18780806




Dr ills


Notable word drills, training, to cover for false flags?

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a87d20 No.18780807


They'll get with a lawyer

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33359a No.18780808


That's why I think FRC "bot" is really part of a larger JPM managed unwind than a buyout of FRC assets. Too cloudy and little transactional data for a full read.

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c5627b No.18780810

File: ddc415d4a774ab2⋯.png (315.77 KB,437x381,437:381,ClipboardImage.png)



Dick Cheney is a kike.

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95221a No.18780811

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,0_LAUGH.png)

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fcae95 No.18780812

File: d64921af03a580d⋯.mp4 (11.49 MB,598x1024,299:512,gyygygyg_1_1_.mp4)

If only you knew how bad things really are

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f06fbe No.18780813

File: 070cce7e65f8bc9⋯.png (189.98 KB,870x608,435:304,socialist_distancing.png)


seized for redistribution, comrade

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409515 No.18780814

File: 25e3129792c90ec⋯.png (1.58 MB,1560x1410,52:47,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eaeb6b8143c4469⋯.png (191.54 KB,1024x536,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9de2c52c1b296c⋯.png (964.18 KB,1380x880,69:44,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9833548aaa27730⋯.png (1.11 MB,1380x880,69:44,ClipboardImage.png)





Hunter Biden’s Ex Fires Off Subpoena Over Disgraced First Son’s Bank Records As Support War Heats Up

By:Ryan Naumann

May 1 2023, Published 11:27 a.m. ET

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Hunter Biden’s ex-fling Lunden Roberts has fired off a subpoena to Wells Fargo as she attempts to uncover information about his finances, RadarOnline.com has learned.

According to court documents obtained by RadarOnline.com, Roberts’ attorney Clinton Lancaster has demanded Wells Fargo turn over all documents, records or other materials in its possession, custody or control related to Hunter Biden.

The move comes days after Lunden of telling the court she had evidence that Hunter failed to disclose all of his income sources.

As RadarOnline.com previously reported, Lunden sued Hunter for paternity & support in 2019. She said he was the of her daughter Navy Roberts. Eventually, a DNA test proved that Hunter was indeed the dad.

The two reached a deal over child support in March 2020. However, last year, Hunter went back to court asking for his monthly payments to be decreased.

Lunden has objected to the request believing Hunter has the funds to pay for support. She pointed to his high-powered legal team representing him in the case. Further, she said she has a witness who has information on Hunter’s finances — which she said proves Hunter has not been entirely forthcoming about his financial situation in court.

Lunden said, she, “has evidence that [Hunter] has not fully disclosed his income sources, residences, assets, and property. This evidence is bolstered by the fact that the [Hunter] refuses to provide full discovery in this matter.”

Further, she asked the court to throw Hunter in jail for refusing to hand over information in the case.

In addition, she accused Hunter and his lawyers of improperly sealing court filings to keep information from the public. Lunden demanded the records be unsealed.

“Daylight is the great disinfectant. As the public has seen from the court-ordered disclosures of the Trump family’s tax and financial documents, there is no executive protection for someone like the defendant,” the filing argued. A judge ended up siding with Hunter on the matter.

Hunter arrived in court earlier today where he will face off with Lunden in front of a judge.

The duo will also argue over whether Navy's last name can be changed from Roberts to Biden.

Roberts has demanded their child be allowed to become a Biden and benefit from the famous last name.

She said the last name was associated with being “well educated, successful, financially acute, and politically powerful.” She said it was the least that could be done for Navy since her father Hunter had no role in her life.

Hunter has objected to Navy taking his last name. He argued, “The child should have the opportunity for input at a time when the disparagement of the Biden name is not at its height. The notoriety would no doubt rob this child of peaceful existence.”

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33359a No.18780815

Glow Bull.

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ea72d5 No.18780816


that's sick af

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d8ebd0 No.18780817


that chick is hot

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409515 No.18780818

File: 83b38632d8da66f⋯.png (37.19 KB,678x232,339:116,ClipboardImage.png)

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dcf503 No.18780819

File: f4e0433370d24bc⋯.jpeg (111.33 KB,1282x704,641:352,f4e0433370d24bc3ce36b6557….jpeg)


The Police Chief of Paris Reynie said, "the very magnitude of their crimes protected them."

Reynie was referring to "the affair of the poisons" a witchcraft and necromancy scandal at the French royal court.


The corpses of 1500 infants were disinterred, after which the police stopped counting.

no laws, or constitutions or police bureaucracies has ever protected us from our pedovore parasites only the power of a living God can do that, and ever does for His servants.

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5b26bc No.18780820

File: ce9ef06ae23aa73⋯.png (203 KB,720x405,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

AOC will not run for Senate in 2024, spokesperson says

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., will not primary Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., in 2024.

Lauren Hitt, Ocasio-Cortez’s spokesperson, told Politico Sunday that the representative is "not planning" on a Senate run.

"She is not planning to run for Senate in 2024," Hitt said. "She is not planning to primary Gillibrand."

Gillibrand, who took office in 2009, announced her re-election bid in January amid speculations she could face a primary challenge from more left-wing member of her party in the deep-blue state.

No prominent challenger has since been announced. Reps. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., and Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y., also told Politico they do not plan to enter the race.

Ocasio-Cortez was similarly asked in 2021 whether she would challenge Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., which she initially did not rule out but later declined to do.

More at: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/aoc-will-not-run-senate-2024-spokesperson-says

What would you bet that egomaniac is going to run for president?

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f06fbe No.18780821

File: 32dae099e3df573⋯.mp4 (730.76 KB,640x360,16:9,rnc_research_kamala_harris….mp4)

RNC Research


KAMALA HARRIS: "There are so many small businesses owners who hire employees but wanna hire more … who wanna stock the shelves and make sure you have enough in terms of the supply you need to do what you need to do"

12:31 PM · May 1, 2023


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9391ed No.18780822

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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9f3f5a No.18780823




houston valuable target questions mark.

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be4482 No.18780824

File: fd80ba579f1cfe2⋯.png (213.44 KB,574x553,82:79,LeapOfFaith.png)

There is no such thing as brainwashing. it's called Indoctrination. Children nowadays are being indoctrinated in schools into thinking they are slaves and that God doesn't exist. This is what we are fighting. NOT race wars. NOT culture wars. NOT class wars. We are fighting Child Indoctrination. Our children are being tought by someone who is using our school system to teach children to be brainless drone slaves. That is what is going on today.

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a3390a No.18780825


>“Daylight is the great disinfectant.

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6d2f3b No.18780826


I’m looking for a serious answer.

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0efe3f No.18780827

File: b355a4650a15688⋯.jpeg (922.58 KB,1427x1480,1427:1480,IMG_0055.jpeg)


Y is Flynn implying he’s going to be with Trump in Doral?


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9391ed No.18780828

Less than 10 can confirm me.



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87d334 No.18780829

File: 11fa729d4d3ca0d⋯.jpg (72.14 KB,736x736,1:1,11fa729d4d3ca0de9306e4529f….jpg)


"Many other experts, including many of his students and colleagues, say this threat is hypothetical. But Dr. Hinton believes that the race between Google and Microsoft and others will escalate into a global race that will not stop without some sort of global regulation.

But that may be impossible, he said. Unlike with nuclear weapons, he said,there is no way of knowing whether companies or countries are working on the technology in secret.The best hope is for the world’s leading scientists to collaborate on ways of controlling the technology.“I don’t think they should scale this up more until they have understood whether they can control it,”he said.

Dr. Hinton said that when people used to ask him how he could work on technology that was potentially dangerous, he would paraphrase Robert Oppenheimer, who led the U.S. effort to build the atomic bomb: “When you see something that is technically sweet, you go ahead and do it.”

He does not say that anymore."

‘The Godfather of A.I.’ Leaves Google and Warns of Danger Ahead


"Dr. Hinton, a 75-year-old British expatriate, is a lifelong academic whose career was driven by his personal convictions about the development and use of A.I. In 1972, as a graduate student at the University of Edinburgh, Dr. Hinton embraced an idea called a neural network. A neural network is a mathematical system that learns skills by analyzing data. At the time, few researchers believed in the idea. But it became his life’s work.

In the 1980s, Dr. Hinton was a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University, but left the university for Canada because he said he was reluctant to take Pentagon funding. At the time, most A.I. research in the United States was funded by the Defense Department. Dr. Hinton is deeply opposed to the use of artificial intelligence on the battlefield — what he calls “robot soldiers.”

In 2012, Dr. Hinton and two of his students in Toronto, Ilya Sutskever and Alex Krishevsky, built a neural network that could analyze thousands of photos and teach itself to identify common objects, such as flowers, dogs and cars.

Google spent $44 million to acquire a company started by Dr. Hinton and his two students. And their system led to the creation of increasingly powerful technologies, including new chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard. Mr. Sutskever went on to become chief scientist at OpenAI. In 2018, Dr. Hinton and two other longtime collaborators received the Turing Award, often called “the Nobel Prize of computing,” for their work on neural networks.

Around the same time, Google, OpenAI and other companies began buildingneural networksthat learned from huge amounts of digital text. Dr. Hinton thought it was a powerful way for machines to understand and generate language, but it was inferior to the way humans handled language.

Then, last year, as Google and OpenAI built systems using much larger amounts of data, his view changed. He still believed the systems were inferior to the human brain in some ways but he thought they wereeclipsing human intelligencein others. “Maybe what is going on in these systems,” he said, “is actually a lot better than what is going on in the brain.”

As companies improve their A.I. systems, he believes, they become increasingly dangerous. “Look at how it was five years ago and how it is now,” he said of A.I. technology. “Take the difference and propagate it forwards. That’s scary.”

Until last year, he said, Google acted as a “proper steward” for the technology, careful not to release something that might cause harm. But now thatMicrosofthas augmented its Bing search engine with a chatbot — challenging Google’s core business — Google is racing to deploy the same kind of technology.The tech giants are locked in a competition that might be impossible to stop, Dr. Hinton said."

can read complete piece using above link

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333ece No.18780830


Kek, I love that he just says, "Yes" to all the dumbshit answers.

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c5627b No.18780831

File: d9cb1f6e2f904fb⋯.png (145.85 KB,370x319,370:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea72d5 No.18780832


some American kid the other day asked me what year we have over here in Europe


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a108db No.18780833


God exists, but he isn't a diving faggot chained to a jewish torture device

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9391ed No.18780834

You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military.

Why is this relevant?

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6d2f3b No.18780835

What do they with the penis if a man wants to become a woman?

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a1e787 No.18780836

twitter chatter stating Trump lied about the resign to run bill with regard to election integrity.

one article source: https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/politics/2023/04/28/florida-election-bill-with-desantis-resign-to-run-fix-heads-to-his-desk/70163183007/

anyone have the bill?

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9391ed No.18780837

We serve at the pleasure of the President.

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3d8f68 No.18780838


Q, get your butts in here…! please?

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c46376 No.18780839


Flouride pre rinse then massaged/messaged at schools to form a new mindset, reinforced by TV/TB mind virus

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9391ed No.18780840

1) Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?

2) Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies?

3) What conditions must present itself?

4) Why is this so VERY important?

5) Who surrounds POTUS?

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d14cdd No.18780841

Elite Gender Inversion


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609ae1 No.18780842

File: 80306ee32c1b267⋯.png (92.57 KB,847x425,847:425,ClipboardImage.png)


Is the Reagan Library, which Trump has been "Truthing" about, part of the "Reagan Foundation and Institute" ?


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558f5b No.18780843

Mr. Biden: We reformed the Paycheck Protection Program, to get game-changing help to thousands of small businesses…that had been shut out during the prior administration.

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5eb4b8 No.18780844

File: cc6c8cda20c6191⋯.png (411.39 KB,1024x320,16:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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9391ed No.18780845






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34764e No.18780846


wouldn't argue against that makes the most sense plus Larry probably in there (via proxy) as well with hide muh T's

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f06fbe No.18780847

1:00 PM EDT

Tina Brown on King Charles III's Coronation and Monarchy

Washington Post Live




Journalists Discuss King Charles Coronation

Journalists Tina Brown and Joanna Coles discuss the upcoming coronation of King Charles and the role of the British monarch during a virtual discussion hosted by the Washington Post.


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2a42fb No.18780848

File: 0d560cf8293c9f2⋯.png (1.22 MB,1152x1280,9:10,ClipboardImage.png)

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33359a No.18780849


Uncle Larry getting iced out, with Apollo, is what started that midnight train of thot.

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2458f7 No.18780850


>(You) realize Q never once used right?


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648ea5 No.18780851

File: 739d5e346bb76eb⋯.jpeg (118.41 KB,828x749,828:749,IMG_2622.jpeg)

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9391ed No.18780852




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9681a9 No.18780853

File: fea7f335e429096⋯.png (15.93 KB,374x429,34:39,ClipboardImage.png)



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6d2f3b No.18780854

File: 4d31c2adaa7f59e⋯.jpeg (526.86 KB,1125x1896,375:632,IMG_3448.jpeg)

17 words.


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34764e No.18780855


calm yer tits bro

already gone

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95221a No.18780856

File: 9e2671a0b2c2cf3⋯.png (81.13 KB,262x192,131:96,ClipboardImage.png)


>You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

>Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military.

>Why is this relevant?

So between 6 and 9

3 non-mil


3-7 Mil

3 + 6 = 9

3 6 9

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a87d20 No.18780857


Don't believe their newly installed stuff has no viability. No sexual function remains.

They get with noone

And the lawyer comment was a serious one

No joke

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1536d7 No.18780858

File: 37c569732d31b62⋯.mp4 (2.7 MB,642x360,107:60,DX5yUQgPcsnzH9_R.mp4)

What a smart 12 year old.

Anon opines:This boy was told to remove his shirt that said 'There are only 2 genders' because it 'made some people feel unsafe'.


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03222f No.18780859

File: 9d5f39521795dfc⋯.png (201.1 KB,592x437,592:437,paraguayelection.PNG)

File: 9127dc464f9c9ce⋯.png (551.03 KB,686x501,686:501,paraguayElection1.PNG)

‘Paraguay Has Triumphed, Jesus Has Triumphed’: Paraguayan Patriots Defeat WEF/CIA Election Coup

by Frankie Stockes

May 1, 2023

in International News, Nationalism vs. Globalism, News, Politics

Last Updated on May 1, 2023

Paraguayan Patriots have defeated the WEF and CIA-backed election coup that saw Klaus Schwab, his World Economic Forum, the US Deep State, and hackers linked to Brazil’s left-wing government meddling in the nation’s politics, with the aim of installing a Manchurian candidate to ignite the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and “Great Reset” agendas in Latin America.

Paraguay‘s center-right to right-wing Colorado Party won the Presidency and both chambers of the national legislature, dealing a major blow to the “Great Reset” agenda of Klaus Schwab and his CIA allies, who were backing the globalist ticket of the left-wing Authentic Radical Liberal Party (PLRA).

The victories also deal a major blow to the establishment figures within the Colorado Party who, much like establishment Republicans in the United States, have been blatantly “captured” by the WEF and their Sorosian allies.

With more than 99% of the vote reported, Colorado Party Presidential candidate Santiago Pena has won the support of more than 1.2 million Paraguayans, giving him a 42% plurality of votes.

Efrain Alegre, the WEF’s man, won just 830,842 votes, equating to 27.49% of those cast.

Even left-wing Paraguayans rejected selling the nation out to globalism, supporting the populist, “dark horse”-style campaign of Paraguayo Cubas, instead of backing Alegre and the PLRA, which sought to pivot the nation towards Communist China. (Paraguay is one of the few nations on earth that recognizes Taiwanese sovereignty, something the PLRA and their WEF backers vowed to put a stop to, had they been successful in installing themselves in government leadership.)

“PARAGUAY HAS TRIUMPHED, JESUS HAS TRIUMPHED!!!!” wrote Paraguayan Patriot Jose Ocampos in a post he made to Twitter, summing up his nation’s Sunday election.

“The SOVEREIGN HAS SPOKEN, the discussion is over,” Ocampos said, with “the discussion” being globalist efforts to pull Paraguay into the World Economic Forum’s fold, something that Klaus Schwab has called critical for the realization of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” in Latin America and around the globe.


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b757be No.18780860

File: 7cc10d9f5a141d7⋯.png (467.44 KB,391x725,391:725,Capture.PNG)

It’s not everyday you get to work out with the President of the United States and the First Lady! Multiple D.C. National Guard members and their families did just that in the 2023 Joining Forces workout on April 30 in celebration of the #MonthOfTheMilitaryChild.


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a1e787 No.18780861

File: c22fe02ef2705fc⋯.pdf (550.65 KB,7050_PDF.pdf)


hey (You)(Self) I think this the bill you requested


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2a42fb No.18780862

File: 7d4e2c79063702f⋯.png (444.42 KB,636x1395,212:465,Guide_to_EAM.png)

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95221a No.18780863


>3-7 Mil


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3dbd78 No.18780864

File: 43fe9878bed836a⋯.png (603.02 KB,720x697,720:697,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dba0c1deacadbf4⋯.png (563.32 KB,694x873,694:873,ClipboardImage.png)


What are the odds?

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2458f7 No.18780865

File: 56d2c9fb5491bb3⋯.png (86.05 KB,1291x627,1291:627,ClipboardImage.png)


was not inred txtfaggot

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558f5b No.18780866

Mr. Biden: Unlike the last guy, in my first two years, we cut the deficit 1.7 billion dollars…trillion dollars. Not billion, trillion dollars, in less than two years.

[he didn't even cut it by $1.7 billion]

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b757be No.18780867

File: 1be0e6eba7942e1⋯.png (115.2 KB,531x679,531:679,Capture.PNG)


Donald Trump promised he'd reduce the national debt. It may shock you to learn that he lied.



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333ece No.18780868


"Their arguments were weak, in my opinion." This kid has a bright future ahead of him!

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5eb4b8 No.18780869


>Charlize Theron adopts 2 black girls.

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61c9ac No.18780870


Musta been party favors

Angelina Jolie same

Madona same

Sandra Bullcok same

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9f3f5a No.18780871

File: af7dd316b398965⋯.jpeg (59.43 KB,699x400,699:400,1520201500231_1_.jpeg)

File: adeef9660ef5c35⋯.jpg (38.26 KB,384x500,96:125,51CZrMS1eJL.jpg)

File: ecd655186d9179c⋯.jpg (19.96 KB,255x255,1:1,ece87d81a8557ce971f49f4b3d….jpg)



1 bag of popcorn left. gotta restock.

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d29aa6 No.18780872


Didn't Murdoch get pnwed by Soros over the phone scandal in Great Britain?

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0efe3f No.18780873

File: 3f9531fa30bf370⋯.jpeg (1005.02 KB,1427x1515,1427:1515,IMG_0056.jpeg)

3rd US bank Fails. FDIC agrees to cover $13 billion in losses. One More Biden Bailout

We cannot borrow, spend & bail our way back to a growing economy.

As the US economy heads for Recession-End Runaway Spending Now & make Trump-Pence Tax Cuts Permanent!



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379eea No.18780874

File: c1d0a82c892060c⋯.jpeg (65.7 KB,1125x180,25:4,IMG_3450.jpeg)

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609ae1 No.18780875

File: 07eccfbc90867cd⋯.png (883.22 KB,720x823,720:823,ClipboardImage.png)

11:00 AM · May 1, 2023


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558f5b No.18780876

Mr. Biden: The last guy increased the entire national debt by forty percent.

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0c8a8f No.18780877

File: d2332ce574e620e⋯.png (88.43 KB,398x379,398:379,MatrixSoClose.png)


anon is ready to work the way to the top

first step

help with note taking?

is the right place to discuss this META?

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1536d7 No.18780878

File: 59e00a07aabe288⋯.png (382.42 KB,828x1110,138:185,ClipboardImage.png)

Ari Drennen, LGBTQ activist and program director for Media Matters, accidentally admits that schools are giving kids porn


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33359a No.18780879

ReverseRepo pain showing up at Pete Peterson's shop, too. ("Gimme my money back!")



🚩🚩🚩 Blackstone limits REIT investor redemptions again in April

Blackstone Inc on Monday said it had again limited withdrawals from its $70 billion real estate income trust in April as investor redemption requests continued to pile up.

Blackstone said BREIT had received $4.5… https://twitter.com/PriapusIQ/status/1653034729615007749


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34764e No.18780880


Blythe still has a 'consulting' gig there too (Apollo)

offloaded a bunch of shit to them in late Jan early Feb.

Oh wut a tangled web we weave….

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e95654 No.18780881


So in 8 years Obama raises it 10 trillion. Trump says I’ll lower it because of this reason. In 2.5 years it hardly raises. Then, The WHO and every single stupid anti normal person declared a pandemic and it shoots up.

Now we have Biden and his “i ain’t ever gonna work again” society.

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558f5b No.18780882

Mr. Biden [yelling]: There's not a damn thing beyond our capacity if we do it together.

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9391ed No.18780883




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58deca No.18780884

File: d694edffb90c11e⋯.png (641.81 KB,500x599,500:599,trans_keks.png)

This is where we're headed…

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1536d7 No.18780885

File: e73f028a4842f2e⋯.mp4 (8.4 MB,720x1280,9:16,h9WMv1ZNEBVhzV9l.mp4)

Pointing out bone structure and chromosomes when discussing what a woman is - is a 'wHiTe SupReMaCiSt tALkiNg pOiNt'

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609ae1 No.18780886

File: 3b6122e0916c278⋯.png (100.29 KB,572x496,143:124,ClipboardImage.png)

Hollywood Resistance

Let's just be honest…

12:43 PM · May 1, 2023


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e95654 No.18780887


It’s not a Ban if you can still buy the book. Just so ya know.

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9391ed No.18780888



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1536d7 No.18780889

File: 82fa7c00879322b⋯.png (1.73 MB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Periodic reminder that when they accuse us of “banning books” they’re referring to graphic books containing pornographic content which are offered to kids in schools across the country.

Why does Chelsea Clinton want your kids to read porn like this in school?

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459f00 No.18780890

File: c7739df288c1c3c⋯.mp4 (15.6 MB,720x480,3:2,Our_Sacred_Honor_1_enc.mp4)

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5eb4b8 No.18780891

File: d6c5b2311361540⋯.png (509.47 KB,564x778,282:389,ClipboardImage.png)

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184cea No.18780892

File: 04ecba48c792775⋯.png (1.05 MB,2000x842,1000:421,ClipboardImage.png)


There's is no cash.

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dcf503 No.18780893

File: 5b1d60cec2359f6⋯.jpg (427.59 KB,1024x1534,512:767,asshills.jpg)


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c46376 No.18780894

Healthcare and Health care

Two different things?

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90f3a9 No.18780895

File: c1733cb2bb0f825⋯.png (293.86 KB,574x553,82:79,1682959773839.png)

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dcf503 No.18780896

File: 44a3f0f0157c954⋯.png (2.18 MB,1024x1534,512:767,brock.png)

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9f3f5a No.18780897

File: e7832c45a129a51⋯.png (455.41 KB,766x2878,383:1439,1244_1_.png)

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2a42fb No.18780898

File: 0c443e393f54f25⋯.jpg (724.49 KB,2304x1296,16:9,Japan_stealing_from_the_US….jpg)

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58deca No.18780899

File: 21b5c0c00067dec⋯.jpg (114.91 KB,564x416,141:104,tranny1.jpg)

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530f03 No.18780900

#23047 >>18780455

>>18780617 PDJT MP4 Scotland Landing. Highlander #45, NCSWIC.

>>18780702, >>18780721 PDJT Rally - Des Moines Idaho May 13th 7PM CDT

>>18780603 Trump takes over Fed/Treasury merger?

>>18780499 Happy May 1st, Anons

>>18780503 Today marks the 12th anniversary of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

>>18780521 Nurse charged with sexual exploitation of a minor conducted school sports physicals

>>18780535 Jamie Dimon says ‘this part of the crisis is over’ after JPMorgan Chase buys First Republic

>>18780541 Is Michelle Obama RUNNING?!

>>18780557 Rupert Murdoch Held Secret Meeting With Zelenskyy Before Tucker Firing?

>>18780569 It's almost as if Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and your own government was running a honeypot blackmail operation at the behest of the deep state.

>>18780580, >>18780778 @RonaldReagan - Happy April Fools Day! (!???!)

>>18780598 Call for Support - KISS singer Paul Stanley just spoke out against the trans cult's mutilation of kids.

>>18780612 12:00 PM EDT Resident Biden and Vice President Harris

>>18780642 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>18780661 Bonds get hit in corporate rush to mull debt sales

>>18780682, >>18780631, >>18780688 Beacon Global Strategies Dig

>>18780708 OPTICS CHECK

>>18780712 REMINDER: A large-scale, multi-agency nuclear incident training exercise begins today in southeast Houston and Harris County.

>>18780759 GRFX - Cultural_Marxism_Flowchart

>>18780782 Governor Inslee announced that he will not be seeking reelection.

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71b723 No.18780901

File: 2f032a09eea505d⋯.jpeg (193.19 KB,1170x754,45:29,291A3887_471A_4C04_846F_1….jpeg)


An Arkansas judge on Monday ordered President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, toanswer written questions about his investments, his art sales and other financial transactionsas part of a paternity-related case.

Hunter Biden also will sit for a deposition in mid-June, where he’ll have to answer questions under oath, the judge said at a hearing Monday.


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9681a9 No.18780902


>help with note taking?

just bake and take notes

it's easy

>>17436811 E-BAKE instructions | >>17436785 LEARN TO BAKE Quik-pics

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0c8a8f No.18780903

File: c64c8697f0edbbe⋯.png (26.55 KB,1145x183,1145:183,bakingcertificates.png)


BO BV Baker

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318888 No.18780904


don't talk about it, just do it.

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9c404b No.18780905

File: c42faa5333a8892⋯.jpeg (120.37 KB,750x574,375:287,FvCcJnPWwAM7j01.jpeg)

File: 5fb782aff8ab578⋯.jpeg (191.97 KB,1955x838,1955:838,FvBQcSVXoAMvrmx.jpeg)

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0c8a8f No.18780906


i see. why should I obey you?

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2458f7 No.18780907

File: 022a411400274e7⋯.jpg (8.53 KB,255x168,85:56,022a411400274e7159684d3dd5….jpg)



Kek look who needs to lurk moar is you dumb fuck.

So it wasANDnotINwhat the fuck is your point?

because you're fucking the tard here if you think that means it couldn't have been one of the team postin - Me thinks you need to take own advise >


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f06fbe No.18780908

File: 4ad1eb5484abfeb⋯.png (667.23 KB,540x690,18:23,read_books_trans_wolf.png)

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0c8a8f No.18780909


i'm going a little at a time

collects notes.

my first step

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34764e No.18780910

File: 12c754225ec1617⋯.png (441.49 KB,640x835,128:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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9391ed No.18780911



The "Q Team" is between SIX and NINE.

The DIMINUTIVE "ONLY THREE" means that the number of "MILITARY" is FOUR, FIVE, or SIX.

Being that both Military AND Civilian gov't employees were REQUIRED to GET VAXXED, I propose to (You) that they may be:





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dcf503 No.18780912

File: 53a02b70a64fd28⋯.png (217.6 KB,336x360,14:15,44f7cdf9f2d37fa1cf15b0ce30….png)

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dba2b8 No.18780913

File: 3cb673d66a46087⋯.jpeg (113.38 KB,1536x743,1536:743,755A1622_B338_4769_BE52_4….jpeg)

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5eb4b8 No.18780914

File: ef5006997012668⋯.mp4 (741.91 KB,480x854,240:427,anonsassemble.mp4)


>don't talk about it, just do it

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2708a5 No.18780915


Highlighted because anon searched for entire phrase

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9f3f5a No.18780916


white hats in control

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609ae1 No.18780917

File: 1e817a999381bd7⋯.png (1.63 MB,1818x762,303:127,ClipboardImage.png)


Flynn is using the name of the facility. There is not implying that DJT will be there.

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1d887f No.18780918


I guess having the NXIVM BRAND means something.

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58deca No.18780919


She ded…

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5eb4b8 No.18780920



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70b345 No.18780921




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789b83 No.18780922

File: 51021ca9c6b3324⋯.jpg (134 KB,528x825,16:25,Screenshot_20230501_125226….jpg)





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a3390a No.18780923


its a shill

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25f49e No.18780924

stap shuutin trannys

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2c1173 No.18780925

File: 5ef0d76422e3ee2⋯.jpeg (61.69 KB,500x500,1:1,peperues.jpeg)

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d3270f No.18780926

File: 6b3810d59df0aa1⋯.png (391.77 KB,504x402,84:67,bidan.png)

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eed6d1 No.18780927


Q is an AI.

I think everyone realizes this by now.

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5eb4b8 No.18780928

File: 0985d83f6bd282a⋯.gif (311.15 KB,300x182,150:91,mama.gif)

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25f49e No.18780929

mah faketwat.gov saz 'stap shuutin trannys'

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03222f No.18780930

File: caabdd5706a62bd⋯.png (119.97 KB,411x430,411:430,coco.PNG)

File: b11ca08cdf8a467⋯.png (252.49 KB,937x614,937:614,ryan.PNG)

File: a89fa409a936a61⋯.png (355.32 KB,883x661,883:661,murdochs.PNG)

File: c9d36e9a3f53868⋯.png (276.5 KB,980x511,140:73,ryanrice.PNG)





Board of Trustees


Frederick J. Ryan, Jr.

Catherine G. Busch

Ben C. Sutton, Jr.

Rick J. Caruso

Michael P. Castine

Elaine L. Chao

Robert Day

Steve Forbes

Bradford M. Freeman

Andrew J. Littlefair

Joe Lonsdale

Susan R. McCaw

K. Rupert Murdoch

Lachlan Murdoch

Peggy Noonan

Theodore B. Olson

Gerald L. Parsky

Jim Pattison

Condoleezza Rice

John F. W. Rogers

Paul D. Ryan

Robert Tuttle

Pete Wilson


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1536d7 No.18780931


Who is this hag who continues to post as if she has any relevancy in 2023?

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4ca6a6 No.18780932

Trump was bought in to get the PATRIOTS to take the poison clot shots.


Biden was bough in to get the RETARDS to take the poison clot shots.

Getting the 40,000 ft picture yet? This is how it has always worked.

Proof - record breaking tax theft, rich getting exponentially rich, freedoms destroyed, guns taken away etc… do you smell the ashes?

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58deca No.18780933

File: f0f5555ab9cb907⋯.png (160.35 KB,350x265,70:53,suicide_2.png)

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e63f0b No.18780934


your first day here?

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a362f2 No.18780935



Perfect intuition anons.

>FRC is a cutout for money laundering (think EOs that froze assets for white collar crooks)

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9391ed No.18780936



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25f49e No.18780937

tentsion trannys

too many fugly toilet seat fights

mahfaketwat.gov saz stap shuuuting trannys

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4ca6a6 No.18780938


Is he sexually attracted to trannies?

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a48845 No.18780940

File: 35c48a6a13079d8⋯.png (406.76 KB,527x697,31:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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25f49e No.18780941

all mah fugly tranny fight toilet seat pretty

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c46376 No.18780942


Faketwat.gov pointless validation of shitty DOT "gov" that does crimes

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2708a5 No.18780943




Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA

No approval or congressional oversight

State Secrets upheld under SC

Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?

Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.

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9391ed No.18780944



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0c8a8f No.18780945

>>18780123 pb

missed Notable

DJT named May Day Law Day

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5eb4b8 No.18780946

File: c5c582ea3e2adf4⋯.mp4 (4.79 MB,640x360,16:9,identity.mp4)

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9391ed No.18780947



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25f49e No.18780948

bidet shuutin at mahfaketwat.gov right now

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a362f2 No.18780949



Khazerian Mob Games?

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9391ed No.18780950



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0efe3f No.18780951

File: 004fabbc5b7bcde⋯.jpeg (216 KB,1088x1088,1:1,IMG_0057.jpeg)

File: 4d591f3fe134a64⋯.jpeg (172.25 KB,1088x569,1088:569,IMG_0058.jpeg)

File: ee75781e99c9a75⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB,1427x1679,1427:1679,IMG_0060.jpeg)

Check the ‘MIKES’

Why am I getting the feeling that Mike Pence is on a Trump-Pence Re-Election Tour?

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c46376 No.18780952


Shit post

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4ca6a6 No.18780953


Surely desire to fuck a man dressed as a women matters… because I can't imagine anything more repulsive.

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90f3a9 No.18780954



>hand signal

Don't think so. Looks like he removed glove to shake hands with someone. Holding glove in left hand.

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dcf503 No.18780955

File: 21618e0a66b87a1⋯.jpg (163.7 KB,852x1024,213:256,21618e0a66b87a157f36d06733….jpg)

File: dabff11b11bfee7⋯.png (546.76 KB,620x679,620:679,1501770317640_Copy_Copy_Co….png)

File: bd9662cc7bd5425⋯.jpg (2.47 MB,2810x4692,1405:2346,bd9662cc7bd5425a1800594b54….jpg)

File: ad8a6ce02cb2e77⋯.png (457.43 KB,625x612,625:612,ddd4e892a048752182e4f140f9….png)

File: 61827483906858c⋯.jpg (21.5 KB,255x169,255:169,piper.jpg)

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84a7ff No.18780956



Recent PDJT interview where he kept saying "It's April Fools… It's April Fools…"

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58deca No.18780957

File: 0d5615ad39b11b7⋯.mp4 (4.91 MB,1280x720,16:9,HRC_ded.mp4)


(You) must be new here…

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2c1173 No.18780958

File: f2da2ed05156663⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,2861x1908,2861:1908,0708190015_2.jpg)

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25f49e No.18780959

File: 6cadd4592db58e8⋯.png (26.95 KB,192x146,96:73,6cadd4592db58e88e19effe254….png)

bidet set teh juws free frum egypt

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c7c0d7 No.18780960

There is no step 5!

There will be no more bank bailouts because we already ran outta money to back-up accounts under 250K

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25f49e No.18780961

File: 6d8c3eff68a18d2⋯.png (11.73 KB,275x398,275:398,6d8c3eff68a18d2dbb99ca53e6….png)


>bidet set teh juws free frum egypt

free juw whine

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7a1b63 No.18780962

File: 97b5334307c9138⋯.png (306.58 KB,665x376,665:376,ClipboardImage.