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File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,04d99161d854161c86edffc2cc….jpg)

a40fd5 No.18771083 [Last50 Posts]

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a40fd5 No.18771089

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#23034 >>18770296

>>18770369 PHOTO: George Soros son with Justin Trudeau in New York

>>18770496 Russian-installed "Sevastopol governor" Razvozzhayev claims that a drone attack set fire to a fuel storage tank

>>18770521 Ex-CIA Moscow station chief reveals why he refused to sign Hunter Biden laptop ‘disinfo’ letter

>>18770533 Rise of the ULEZ 'Blade Runners': The underground activists who've vowed to stop at nothing until they've 'taken down EVERY one of Sadiq Khan's low-emission cameras'

>>18770575 Big Mike shaking his meat around on stage

>>18770601 The Hunter Biden Laptop Report - By Marco Polo

>>18770630 Biden Will Be Running on His Record This Time

>>18770637 This is how you deal with protestors blocking traffic! This Canadian hydro truck driver shows us the way! -> Watch and learn!

>>18770646 600,000 Patriots March in Jerusalem to Save the Holy Land from Biden Regime Insurrection!

>>18770647 Chairman Jim Jordan Subpoenas CDC and Other Agencies After Allegations of Government Censorship

>>18770652 Rappers' violent lyrics can't be used against them in court under Democrats' new bill

>>18770732 Some of those Anons over at the /qresearch/ board are smart. They notice things.

>>18770762 U.S. FINALLY starts evacuating citizens from Sudan

>>18770879 12 hours later, all fires at the #Sevastopol Oil Terminal have been extinguished

>>18771079 #23034

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a40fd5 No.18771097

#23033 >>18769620

>>18769644 Joe Rogan says Democrats have no hope in 2024 election 'other than President Biden, 80, dying - like very soon'

>>18769717, >>18769800, >>18769809, >>18769814, >>18769827, >>18769848 George released the goods just now

>>18769907, >>18769911, >>18769912, >>18769914, >>18769919, >>18769967, >>18769924, >>18769967 Kevin Morris, Hunter Biden’s lawyer, controls an entity with a ten percent stake in BHR Partners, a Chinese state-backed investment fund founded just days after Hunter and President Joe Biden visited China in 2013, There are eleven Finger Lakes George released the goods just now

>>18769752 Times Square Pepe!!!….Reeee!!!

>>18769758 Florida Legislature Clears Path for Ron DeSantis to Run for President Without Resigning

>>18769816 Josh Hawley Calls on FBI to Launch ‘Full-Scale’ Probe into 85K Migrant Children Missing on Joe Biden’s Watch

>>18769823 BREAKING: Ukrainian drone attack against oil refinery near Sevastopol in Russian-controlled Crimea

>>18769830 Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Can’t get over what a great time we all had in New Hampshire last night. Tremendous crowd and enthusiasm. Also, so many Endorsements (51) from great New Hampshire Leaders. Thank you!

>>18769841 JPMorgan, PNC Bid to Buy First Republic Bank After FDIC Takeover – Seizure and Sale Could Come as Soon as This Weekend

>>18769849 Türkiye’s quake orphans

>>18769860 RSBN's phone interview with Trump

>>18769869 "But new documents obtained by Breitbart News, first revealed by nonprofit @MarcoPolo501c3, show the control of Skaneateles LLC is being held by Kevin Morris, Hunter’s top attorney, who also paid Hunter’s IRS debts."

>>18769941 Full Interview - Exclusive Sit Down With President Donald J. Trump

>>18769960 The North Carolina Supreme Court just reinstated Voter ID laws and bans felons from voting in elections.

>>18769998 AMA w/ Jim on Night Owl News

>>18770140 POTUS reTruth of the Navy Piss Analyst, but it's a gooood one kek.

>>18770150 King Charles is officially the RCMP commissioner-in-chief. How does it work?

>>18770202 The #NSACyberExercise concluded on Friday night after three days of hard work from all the cadets and midshipmen who participated

>>18770283 #23033

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a40fd5 No.18771099

#23032 >>18768782

>>18768791 47 USC 315 makes it illegal for TV networks to censor Presidential candidates but Thursday, ABC showed its contempt for the law

>>18768825 Rural Texas School Promotes Chatroom Which Aims To Indoctrinate Children With Left-Wing Gender Ideology

>>18768884 >China Charlie Baker

>>18768963 Market Fag opinion on First Republic Bank/FDIC: predicts official announcement coming on Sunday after the big 6 banks spend weekend looting it

>>18768871, >>18768887 It’s over - Cramerdamous hath spoken

>>18768970 Simon Ateba - As you know by now, the White House Correspondents' Association (@whca) did not allow me to buy a ticket for their dinner

>>18768991 President Trump: "I think we're going to win in '24, and I think it'll be the biggest thing ever to happen for our country because we're going to turn it around, and we're going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

>>18769004, >>18769046, >>18769137, >>18769163 Trump and Rosie - Notable clip 'The straits of Malaka'

>>18769080, >>18769169 Australia Record migration revealed: 400,000 to arrive this year

>>18769086, >>18769166, >>18769202 Manor house linked to the Salvador Dali Surrealist Party in '72 - call for a dig

>>18769120 South Dakota's richest man who's worth $3.4B had images of naked underage girls on an email account linked to him but was NEVER charged

>>18769171 ABC edits interview with Biden challenger RFK Jr. to remove 'false claims' about COVID vaccines

>>18769201 Former Chief of Staff to Mayor of Lawrence Indicted for Child Pornography Offenses

>>18769211 Colorado Democrat Governor Signs Four Gun Control Bills – Strengthen Red Flag Laws, Imposes 3-Day Waiting Period, & Raises Age Requirement

>>18769227 Army grounds aviators for training after fatal crashes

>>18769240 "Since they weren't allowed to charge interest, they charged rent instead."

>>18769241 Elon On @billmaher show tonight

>>18769325 Joe Biden’s legal team has allegedly threatened witnesses who were set to testify in an ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings

>>18769382, >>18769452 Hunter Biden Due in Court Monday

>>18769403 PF Report: SAM786 G5 + SAM352 C-32A

>>18769411 Biden DOJ: Kids have A Constitutional Right To Puberty Blockers

>>18769468 James O’Keefe Launches New Company OMG - O’Keefe Media Group

>>18769473 Three Soldiers Dead, Lone Survivor Rushed to Hospital After Pair of Apache Helicopters Crash

>>18769479 Elon Musk Is Quietly Launching An Artificial Intelligence Company:

>>18769454 AMA after Revolution Radio - Jim W

>>18769504 Hobbs’ Appointee Judicial Commission Resigns, Accused Of Questionable Conduct

>>18769509 Four B2 bombers spotted flying over Fort Lauderdale, Florida, followed by 4 more jets.

>>18769538 #23032

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a40fd5 No.18771103

#23031 >>18768004

>>18768085, >>18768145, >>18768135, >>18768166, >>18768184, >>18768229 President Trump and Steve Bannon Live on WarRoom

>>18768112 Trump ~ I am going to Scotland next week

>>18768467, >>18768603, >>18768712 Congressman Eric Swalwell Kissing Fang Fang AKA Yum Yum KISSING

>>18768073, >>18768078, >>18768218, >>18768248 Sudan Biolab, Environmental Justice Takeover & More

>>18768081, >>18768084, >>18768093, >>18768272, >>18768292 Biden Is The Largest Human Trafficker And Drug Smuggler In American History, Says Rep. Harriet Hageman

>>18768091 First Republic Bank to be taken over by FDIC: Report

>>18768123, >>18768137, >>18768151, >>18768169,>>18768162, >>18768195, >>18768212 Biden "Let's fly."

>>18768144 Dog comms: First day of service Last day of service

>>18768106, >>18768362, >>18768377 Has Tucker Carlson been right in our faces downgrading and downplaying Trump the whole time?

>>18768149, >>18768650, >>18768661 OAN: Hunter Biden, CCP's Bohai Harvest, and Hunter's "Sugar Brother" Kevin Morris

>>18768157 Josh Hawley Calls on FBI to Launch ‘Full-Scale’ Probe into 85K Migrant Children Missing on Joe Biden’s Watch

>>18768168 Fox News Scheming to Silence Tucker Carlson and Sideline Him Through 2024 Election

>>18768182 Trump Really Fucked up their 16 year plan It's hard to believe they're still going for it

>>18768225 ‘Made Us Targets of Assassination’ -- Justice Alito Says He Knows Who Leaked Dobbs Draft

>>18768204 US flies four B-2A strategic bombers over Fort Lauderdale in Florida

>>18768294 California Regulators Vote to Ban New Diesel Truck Sales By 2036 and Mandate They All BeZero EmissionBy 2042

>>18768337, >>18768326 Biden Signs Executive Order to Revitalize Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All

>>18768338 Creepy clown was hired to perform at a exclusive "illuminati" party and explains what he saw.

>>18768366 JFK and Bragg comms

>>18768443, >>18767923 pb C102 US Coast Guard also departed Ottawa Int'l and both BOXER47 C-40C and C102 are at Reagan National for the G5 (C-37) and JBA for C-40C

>>18768461, >>18768468, >>18768480 Some moar fucked-up news for you… Our local hospital implemented new visitor policy, scan your driver's license, take a photo with this big fancy camera that sure as fuck looks like it's taking moar than just pictures

>>18768476 Supreme Court Justices release unanimous 9-0 letter slamming Democrat Senators over fake Clarence Thomas “ethics” scandal…

>>18768513 DNC Pay TikTok Influencers $210k to support Joe Biden?

>>18768570 Landmark Legal Action Against the SEC for Illegally Ignoring Shareholders and Protecting Kroger’s Discrimination on the Basis of “Ideology”: America First Legal

>>18768575 Federal judge blocks Illinois assault weapons ban

>>18768630, >>18768671 Armenia: map of Syria dating back to 1513 before the Ottoman occupation

>>18768667 Ukraine Intelligence Admit to Using FBI to Remove Facebook Content They View as “Against Our Country”

>>18768690 Bingo! Blackstone Group. Stephen A. Schwarzman. N113CS owned by 113CS LLC

>>18768587, >>18768609, >>18768683, >>18768691, >>18768700 An Insider's Guide to "Anti-Disinformation": One company alone reportedly won $979 million from the Pentagon - into "anti-disinformation" firms and NGO

>>18768703 ODNI report confirms sharp drop in FBI queries of U.S. persons through FISA last year

>>18768704, >>18768732 AERIAL FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT STAGED NEAR NM/MX BORDER U.S. Army has grounded aviators for training after two helicopter crashes killed 12 people. Flights defined as "critical missions"

>>18768746 #23031

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a40fd5 No.18771105

#23030-A >>18767231

>>18767239 Investigator Peter Gallo Details the UN's Dark Secret on sexual abuse reports

>>18767241 @usarmycentral #FIRESFRIDAY STAND BY — FIRE!

>>18767258 Resign to run amendment passed in FL Leg. Heading to Gov for signature.

>>18767262 Anti-abortion bills fail to pass in Nebraska, South Carolina

>>18767272, >>18767309 Tucker Carlson Video Nets 60 Million Impressions in Under 24 Hours [now ~ 75mil]

>>18767280 Disarray Consumes Fox News as Murdochs Attempt to Reassert Control with Carlson, Bongino Ousters (summary plus caps)

>>18767304, >>18767307, >>18767326, >>18767334 Disarray Consumes Fox News as Murdochs Attempt to Reassert Control with Carlson, Bongino Ousters (full text)

>>18767281, >>18767294, >>18767309, >>18767423 Check this dig on Tucker and the Heritage foundation out!/Pence – DIG MORE

>>18767286 Ex-Tucker Carlson Producer Suing Tucker Carlson Has Never Even Met Him

>>18767288, >>18767294 Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for a favor - WAP)

>>18767291 New York City Mayor Wants FEMA to Ban Busing to His City as Illegal Migrants Cost $5M Per Day

>>18767297 Mr PotatoHead Presents the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy to the Air Force Falcons

>>18767300, >>18767428 ABC News heavily edited an interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr, in which he made claims about the safety of vaccines

>>18767301 Is Apeel Produce Coating that Is Currently Applied to Fruits and Vegetables Harmful?

>>18767308, >>18767313 Techno City Builders Pretend They're Just Normal People

>>18767342 House approved a resolution obliging the authorities to disclose data on the number of US troops in Ukraine.

>>18767353 NC Supreme Court overturns partisan gerrymandering rulings

>>18767360 Big wind in the Trump sails today in NC

>>18767367 Baris On DeSantis' Career-Ending Polling Numbers For Republican Primary - vid

>>18767374 Jim Jordan issuing three new subpoenas as part of Big Tech investigation:

>>18767376 Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Enhanced Anti-Antisemitism and Anti-BDS Legislation in Israel

>>18767377 Sailors heave a line during a sea-and-anchor evolution aboard #USSJohnFinn.

>>18767380 Kayleigh: Nashville shooter left behind 20 journals, 7 cell phones and much else

>>18767388 The Details About the CIA's Deal With Amazon - TheAtlantic

>>18767412 German intelligence labels AfD’s youth wing ‘extremist’

>>18767415 Vaccine Lies and Bribes: Dr. McCullough Uncovers the Smoking Gun

>>18767424 Bud Light takes 'staggering' nosedive in new sales numbers, astounding industry insiders

>>18767433 US Officials Reject Compensation For People Diagnosed With COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries

>>18767435, >>18767452 Conservative Beer Launched in Response to Bud Light Expected to Hit Huge Sales Number: BOYCOTT BUD, buy conservative!

>>18767442 ASPCA gives only 2% of its budget to pet shelters, while promoting 'radical and elitist' anti-farmer policies, bombshell report finds

>>18767443 Vice Undergoes Layoffs

>>18767451 Groups Pushing Vaccine Passports, Mandates were Quietly Funded by Pfizer

>>18767453, >>18767469 More than 10,000 Federal employees have access to NSA database for surveillance queries - Sundance

>>18767459 Fauci Redefines ‘Lab Leak’ and Compares Anti-Lockdown MAGA Voters to ‘Theatric’ Gays With HIV

>>18767983 #23030-A

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a40fd5 No.18771108

#23030-B >>18767231

>>18767484 Our friend Garrett Ziegler of @MarcoPolo501c3 brought a birthday gift!

>>18767488 PLAN B, IT IS! Tune in, to @OANN tonight at 7pmET, with @ChanelRion

>>18767517 500 Australians Join World’s First COVID Vaccine Injury Class Action Lawsuit

>>18767538 Soros Family Gives Early Financial Support to Montana 'Moderate' Jon Tester

>>18767551, >>18767737 The UK is taking care of its citizens in Sudan.

>>18767552 Former Disney Executive Dies From Overdose on Several Different Drugs

>>18767554 Wait, WHAT? -- DOJ Inspector General Reveals More than 10,000 Federal Employees Have Access to NSA Database for Surveillance Inquiries

>>18767565 Trapped Americans In Sudan "Shocked & Disgusted" - Left By Biden To Fend For Themselves

>>18767577 Zuby Vs Paula on gender and women's rights. No contest.

>>18767586 Trial updates: Apparently everybody in New York raped E. Jean Carroll… “scheme” email blows up her story… she called black husband an “ape


>>18767631 This is what happens when you lock up the criminals instead of empowering them. Bravo, El Salvador!

>>18767662 Texas sanity. Ban on Chinese Citizens Purchasing Farmland Passes Texas Senate

>>18767672 The Absolute Truth with @EmeraldRobinson @AbsoluteWithE Congratulations! You all just survived Lesbian Visibility Week!!

>>18767678 Michelle Obama @MichelleObama All of us have a light inside of us---and it’s our job to kindle and nurture it.

>>18767679 The White House @WhiteHouse In 230 years, America has never defaulted on our debt. We pay our bills.

>>18767715 Prime Minister Anthony Albanese defends plans to attend Kyle Sandilands's wedding alongside 'underworld' figure

>>18767494 House Votes Down Resolution to Withdraw from Somalia

>>18767725 Gavin Newsom @GavinNewsom Fox News poll reveals how the @GOP are completely out of touch with America

>>18767743 T-1 hour until Falcon 9’s launch of the @SES_Satellite

>>18767762 When you report, it's "harassment". When they harass, it's "reporting".

>>18767832 Biden threatened by RFK, Jr.'s polling numbers?

>>18767844 It's official, the 16th largest bank in the USA has failed and been taken over by the FDIC.

>>18767909 Anti-abortion bills fail to pass in Nebraska, South Carolina

>>18767923 PF BOXER47 C-40C departed Ottawa Int'l after overnight and arriving from a Portland, ME stop and Garland and/or Mayorkas one of them on this the other on C102

>>18767984 #23030-B

Previously Collected

>>18767219 #23029

>>18764857 #23026, >>18765723 #23027, >>18766437 #23028

>>18763107 #23024-B, >>18763105 #23024-A, >>18764093 #23025

>>18760932 #23021, >>18761715 #23022, >>18762492 #23023

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

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a40fd5 No.18771114

File: 8d8d0a7123290f0⋯.jpg (15.21 KB,580x438,290:219,Wow_signal_locator_580x438.jpg)



Bread is ghosted.

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99b829 No.18771118

File: c5796e75c9ece0b⋯.png (58.65 KB,300x100,3:1,bakers.png)




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26a231 No.18771121

File: a28315bc2854a38⋯.jpg (118.73 KB,696x697,696:697,GeffenYacht.jpg)

File: 3dae3304ab01f1d⋯.jpg (93.49 KB,500x500,1:1,GeffenYachtII.jpg)

File: 88760524cd47cef⋯.png (91.1 KB,680x500,34:25,GeffenYachtIII.png)

File: e2d683996ae78e1⋯.jpg (91.32 KB,610x409,610:409,GeffenYachtIIIII.jpg)

Must be a coincidence.

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b0c0e6 No.18771122


thank ye for your service, sir.

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cca842 No.18771123

File: 66dfae5607a1cf9⋯.jpg (224.97 KB,720x1126,360:563,Screenshot_20230429_082506….jpg)

TEXAS - Five people gunned down in Cleveland area home

A Ring doorbell reportedly captured a gunman as he forced his way into his neighbor’s home on Walter St. in the Trails End Subdivision west of Cleveland around 1 a.m. Saturday, just moments before fatally shooting five people, including an 8-year-old boy.

When asked about the motive for the shooting, San Jacinto County Sheriff Greg Capers said the gunman was asked to stop firing his AR 223 on his small property as the neighboring family had a sleeping newborn child in their home. Not long after that, he walked up to his neighbor’s front door and began firing upon them. One person died just inside the front door of the home’s living room. A second person was also gunned down in the living room.

According to a statement from the San Jacinto County Sheriff’s Office, the gunman, who is believed to have been inebriated, walked from room to room, looking for victims. Ten people were inside the home at the time, including three small children. Two of the three surviving children were spared after their mothers shielded them with their own bodies.

Four of the five victims died in the home in what SJCSO Chief Tim Kean described as an execution style killing. The youngest victim was taken by ambulance to a hospital in Cleveland where he later died.

The suspect in the shooting is Francisco Oropeza, 39, originally of Mexico. No photo of Oropeza is available at this time. The victims were from Honduras.

A manhunt is underway for the alleged shooter. Authorities believe if is likely that he has left the area. Some firearms were recovered from inside the victims’ house, but is uncertain if they were used in the commission of the crime or if the alleged shooter still has the AR 223 in his possession.




It will literally take the US Military to clean this place out.

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1b50bd No.18771124

Lee Fang


I interviewed a top Ukrainian intelligence official. He told me how he utilizes a partnership with the FBI to push US social media companies like Facebook to takedown Russian disinfo, which he defined as "everything that is against our country."



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99b829 No.18771125

File: b95660a69856fe3⋯.png (111.9 KB,362x535,362:535,q1528_Barcelona.png)

File: 8c657f16e4143fb⋯.png (4.24 MB,2893x2151,2893:2151,barcelonaMcafeeScytlStrzok….png)

File: 1fd56bd114b7c89⋯.png (571.38 KB,1366x768,683:384,husseinsBossBarcelonaHotel.png)

File: a6edcd4904fa05f⋯.png (999.09 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2023_04_29….png)

>>18770575 lb

>Big Mike shaking his meat



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49491f No.18771126

File: 1a0f3e075729f3c⋯.png (266.45 KB,380x380,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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52ddb6 No.18771127

File: 15984395f4ec1c6⋯.png (269.73 KB,588x405,196:135,pica.PNG)

File: bd5bac1e77923c8⋯.png (561.8 KB,539x403,539:403,heart.PNG)

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b3f23a No.18771128

>>18771113 (pb)

that's not a prayer, but a curse.

like I said, when you call out the gollums to attack, they look for you, their daddy, and bring it to you.

don't linger on the highway, anon.

if you need to change a tire, I suggest you just drive to the exit.

you said how it will happen. that's for you.

you put it out, you have it looking for you now.

everytime you're walking around on the highway and that big truck comes your way . . . will that be your time?

you called it. it looks for you. the curse has you as it's daddy.

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b14d6b No.18771129

File: 227979af3369e22⋯.jpg (8.16 KB,255x255,1:1,05418d064bd0214a6a221c22b5….jpg)


TY ghostbaker, o7!

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97b50b No.18771130

File: 8377e9bc31fa407⋯.png (911.96 KB,575x945,115:189,477c44abcf450b56079cab6b71….png)

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e66e5c No.18771131

File: 15deddfe468328b⋯.png (76.03 KB,500x500,1:1,15deddfe468328b7053192ec85….png)


>Bread is ghosted.

Thank you for the fresh bread.

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916e37 No.18771132

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not sure how this was Skipped???

>>18770590 (PB)


Share the S out of this


Note: Anon remembers this when Anna Khait was chosen to reveal this info from Allen Howard Parrot (The Falconer) in Iran who worked for the C.I.A. massive sprawling connections with lots and lots of evidence. anon spent months on it, seems like this will come out as Iran gets closer to getting nuclear weapons, Trump stated they are just days away from them having them and are teaming up with Russia and china. anon recommends, archiving and sharing this offline!!


🔥 4.28.23 | Suzie Q - Seal Team Six - Scotty Films



4.28.23 | Suzie Q - Seal Team Six - Scotty Films

- Watch 'til the end -

"All lies on both sides"

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1b50bd No.18771133


Mobius Strippers in the morning?

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d1f53e No.18771134


They truly have emptied the prisons and mental wards and let these people cross just like Trump has repeatedly said. He plans to pick them all up in large swaths and make them go back. The finished walls will keep them out.

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26a231 No.18771135

God, I hate these fucking Jews

Colorado governor signs gun control bills after LGBTQ nightclub massacreColorado governor signs gun control bills after LGBTQ nightclub massacre

Two of the new laws will raise the age to buy any firearm from 18 to 21 and install a three-day waiting period between the purchase and receipt of a gun. A third will strengthen the state’s red flag law, which allows a judge to temporarily remove someone’s gun if the person poses a threat to themselves or others. A fourth rolls back some legal protections for the firearm industry, exposing them to lawsuits from the victims of gun violence.


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1b50bd No.18771136

Justin Coleman 🎈📌


"The U.S. Treasury Department announced sanctions Thursday against members or associates of the Jalisco New Generation drug cartel who apparently went into a side business of timeshare fraud that allegedly targeted elderly Americans."


"The Laundromat".


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52ddb6 No.18771137

File: 6d3f5c75f4d08ff⋯.png (232.41 KB,893x463,893:463,south.PNG)

File: 6925639180557d0⋯.png (372.85 KB,691x451,691:451,scorp.PNG)

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b9a20e No.18771138

What percentage of fertilized eggs do not implant?

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26a231 No.18771139

File: 728475297ee750f⋯.png (241.52 KB,439x552,439:552,CO_GOV_Polis.png)


What a fucking hypocrite, everywhere this faggot Jew goes, he's surrounded by gun toting thugs.

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d9c48a No.18771140

>>18771114 Thank You for that looong bake, baker.

HERE'S THE FINAL BUN POAST FROM PB - missing in da dough: >>18771079 (PB)

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52ddb6 No.18771141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4f5f7d No.18771142


THIS should have been the headline:

Francisco Oropeza, 39, originally of Mexico, kills family from Honduras.

But, the media has to make AR anything the star of the show!

Also, willing to bet not a single individual was a legal immigrant.

Operations ongoing to take guns(and other rights) and keep the criminal flow borders open.

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daeac5 No.18771143

File: 6e5e1f892e513b2⋯.jpg (39.87 KB,300x400,3:4,Tammy_Bruce.jpg)

>>18771082 lb

Tammy use to be one a radical democrat feminist. She was the LA President of NOW. She woke up and said no more to the radical left. I really admire her. She is intelligent, articulate and unafraid. I also thing she's very attractive. You're a Patriot Tammy!!!

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97b50b No.18771144



edited in

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eb3c8d No.18771145


>Trump stated they are just days away from them having them and are teaming up with Russia and china.

How fucking delusional.

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1f5d02 No.18771146

>>18771053 pb

You can try to mock God by minimizing this Biblical event (4/23), that is easy to do; but to predict a solar storm and change the weather on that exact date is impossible for you to do. Many say it is going to be Biblical few if any will ever admit that, based on the proofs, it already has been.

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dd8853 No.18771147

File: dcc4e2646367a0a⋯.png (2.26 MB,1536x2048,3:4,lost_white_cat.png)


>I would prefer to think

What you prefer is no way to be deciding how to think

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26a231 No.18771148

File: a9caa56403060cd⋯.png (294.25 KB,466x323,466:323,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump pushing Fox.


Was he really surprised Carlson got fired?

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8d300e No.18771149

File: 83e9dcc93d66de0⋯.png (237.38 KB,511x332,511:332,ClipboardImage.png)

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daeac5 No.18771150


Won't stand. SCOTUS bound.

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1b50bd No.18771151


Tucker has a "history".

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1f5d02 No.18771152


ThankQ for the proof 2:2

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0a230e No.18771153

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,1276x720,319:180,chuckles44.mp4)

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1b50bd No.18771154


That's not "dough", that's blonde Ham.

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7027a1 No.18771155

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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26a231 No.18771156

File: 978834a0a92a19a⋯.jpg (85.73 KB,500x695,100:139,ThorBeatsthecrapouttashill….jpg)


Tucker saw the light. He's a scandinavian.

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dd8853 No.18771158

File: 6895350007dfee9⋯.png (1.05 MB,1862x1016,931:508,pallet_of_cash_not_obama_f….png)

File: dbf68ef74b74124⋯.png (294.01 KB,866x534,433:267,pallet_of_cash_not_obama_f….png)



this was nothing but a TV operation

you got psyoped

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1f5d02 No.18771159


Mortning Swordy nice digits.

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8d300e No.18771160

File: 97d69408c6e0fb9⋯.png (2.92 MB,1600x1224,200:153,Noble_is_a_veteran_of_the_….png)

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daeac5 No.18771161


>Trump pushing Fox.

What does this have to do with my post?

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d1f53e No.18771163


She is also a lesbian. So she might not be all that in to you, anon. Kek

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d8bd95 No.18771164

File: e658dadd3ebda9d⋯.png (32.21 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

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916e37 No.18771165

File: b8b91e28444ac15⋯.jpeg (55.11 KB,403x800,403:800,6764E332_54DF_486C_A14A_4….jpeg)


Get Some

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dd8853 No.18771166

File: 59e8f62faba62f7⋯.png (61.59 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

"I'm ghosting have a good morning"

10 minutes later - cp poasts


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8e1a2b No.18771167

File: 37ed051095c4958⋯.png (2.15 MB,1471x1109,1471:1109,crooked_joe_biden.png)


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52ddb6 No.18771168

File: 17c5ac4ce6468f5⋯.png (437.4 KB,897x841,897:841,sub.PNG)


The Great Silencing: the Weaponization

of Loneliness

Substack, by Elizabeth Nickson

Posted By: Judy W., 4/29/2023 9:42:43 AM

They’ve been working towards this for decades, the psychopaths that run us. In The Weaponization of Loneliness, How Tyrants Stoke Our Fear of Isolation to Silence, Divide, and Conquer Us, a powerhouse of a book, Stella Morabito points out that between ten and fifteen percent of us are near-psychopaths and they almost always end up in leadership. Shorn of empathy for anyone but themselves, they see the world as something to master, other people as NPCs, non- playing characters who will obey or die. They are pitiless and they know best. I have read no better description of the people destroying our world.

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8d300e No.18771169

File: 5b0250ed35d324f⋯.mp4 (3.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,GrandNational2023.mp4)

quit horsing around

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4c43e3 No.18771170

File: f9771ebcfaa3a05⋯.jpg (423.72 KB,1484x1840,371:460,nina_jankowicz_2.jpg)


"would need to be scrutinized by an investigatory agency such as the FBI before being considered credible. "

he was Russian station chief, that's why he didn't sign.

that is all.

funny they all signed when the letter itself said no evidence?


Could Nina J. be a guy?


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26a231 No.18771171

File: a63ad20abc6a0e0⋯.png (56.74 KB,657x380,657:380,JesusSays4.png)

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b3f23a No.18771172

Last night it was pointed out that there is a Bulger connection to Hunter, and that information never made it into notables.


>>18769827 (pb)

and review that bread for information.

and yes, the guy is Whitey Bulger's nephew.

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1b50bd No.18771173


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4c43e3 No.18771174

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3e30da No.18771175


I have no problem with a 3 day wait period. I don't care if it is a week. The other items have to go.

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d0ded7 No.18771176

File: 505fe72c95c0912⋯.jpg (124.95 KB,500x728,125:182,wVu53.jpg)

May all prayer warriors going to battle against the evil attempting to manifest in Boston be successful and blessed for their prayers

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579a36 No.18771177

How’s come on tv, duh families is talkin’ and doin’ stuffs instead of just sitting’, not talking an starin’ at their phones?

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6c57de No.18771178


They'll be back around later

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8e1682 No.18771179


>one Nation under God


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50aca0 No.18771180

File: b65aa1b5c40e663⋯.png (417.52 KB,978x550,489:275,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b50bd No.18771181

Emerald Robinson ✝️


14h • 10 tweets • 2 min read Twitter logo Read on Twitter

Did you know that in 1946 there was a war fought by veteran soldiers returning from WWII against a corrupt group of Democrats who controlled a dirty police force in Tennessee?

It's called the Battle of Athens.

A dirty Democrat political machine took over Tennessee politics in the 1930s. Ballots were counted in secret. Poll watchers were ejected from precinct houses.


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52ddb6 No.18771182

File: 7ac07191a85ddc4⋯.png (56.92 KB,625x445,125:89,aa_mass.PNG)


5/11: As many as a million migrants mass

at the U.S. border for illegal entry -lawmaker

American Thinker, by Monica Showalter

Original Article

Posted By: Hazymac, 4/29/2023 8:48:29 AM

This week Joe Biden touted a laundry list of immigration carrots and sticks intended to disincentivize illegal immigration at the southern border now that he's lifting the sparsely enforced Title 42 restrictions on May 11. They were mostly carrots. The New York Times called them a "new back door on immigration," and explained that its permissiveness went well beyond the lawful congressional parameters for the admission of immigrants. The response? More migrants at the border than ever. They're massing now in record numbers. Call it 5/11. (Snip) That sounds extreme, but it's based on local Border Patrol reports and there are confirming reports of very large numbers of migrants massing

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b3f23a No.18771183


I'll I can get out of your post is


I bet you say that a lot.

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3e30da No.18771184


Thanks for confirming the bulger name. Whitey was the first thing I thought of when I saw it.

Families are raised to take on the business after all.

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0a230e No.18771185

File: 3acef748c9d69fd⋯.png (14.15 KB,170x255,2:3,myisland44.png)

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472937 No.18771186


Thats because you are illiterate…

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26a231 No.18771187

File: bb6463f06466dbf⋯.png (134.81 KB,234x288,13:16,ClipboardImage.png)


They'll whittle it down until there's nothing left to whittle.

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3e30da No.18771188









R U an "ADULT"?

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da5359 No.18771189

File: 633525faa02e67e⋯.jpeg (207.29 KB,800x672,25:21,IMG_0357.jpeg)

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86a346 No.18771190

File: 6446a13f5bc3fc0⋯.jpg (305.03 KB,720x1126,360:563,Screenshot_20230429_085347….jpg)



Suspect (pic related)

Probably already headed back across the border

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b3f23a No.18771191


why are you chiming in on this.

you teh 'duh shill' ip hopping?

no matter what if you comment there is a tag team going on.

the duffus crew of haters and scoffers and bullies loves to pretend to gang up on people.

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4f286d No.18771192

File: 90de012581fc325⋯.png (128.08 KB,306x423,34:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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26a231 No.18771193

File: 81c14b417a6aa29⋯.jpg (76.26 KB,520x480,13:12,JCV.jpg)

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ae14c4 No.18771194

File: f625e33d1360251⋯.png (382.04 KB,530x398,265:199,f625e33d13602515358921f033….png)

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86a346 No.18771195


>Also, willing to bet not a single individual was a legal immigrant.

You are probably correct.

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daeac5 No.18771196


The entire bill is unConstitutional. The background checks are instantaneous. 3 day wait is an impediment. Purposely so.The 2nd Amendment is not inferior to the other Bill of Rights. SOCUTS will can it.

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dbcacd No.18771197

File: 72ab521763a06ba⋯.png (639.81 KB,1080x932,270:233,ClipboardImage.png)


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eade4f No.18771198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey, you Tiny Powers That Cower

You magnificient pieces of shit.

You've killed the planet. And us with it.

The least you could do is Give PEACE a chance. Not that we're gonna live through your machinations any more than you are.

This is your one chance in your long-lived line of evil to show just a modicum of mercy to those you mean to rule.

Who knows, you might need that miniscule bit of good Karma somewhere down your road…

God is watching.

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0f73e3 No.18771199


>dub dubs checked

just a cohencidence goy!

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4c43e3 No.18771200

File: 430eb92b656ab7a⋯.png (358.27 KB,388x487,388:487,stmichael.png)

File: ffb68bea4a952b4⋯.png (46.72 KB,1181x154,1181:154,shillsaredoomed.png)

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8d300e No.18771202

File: 89bfecca51c8059⋯.mp4 (2.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,climate_change_will_be_the….mp4)

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4fe406 No.18771203


Can't wait for this tea pot to flow

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0f73e3 No.18771204

File: e4a4cb6fb89ac8d⋯.jpeg (80.87 KB,500x568,125:142,IMG_0305.jpeg)

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ae14c4 No.18771205

File: d0ec4fb418b2d44⋯.jpg (178.07 KB,970x1212,485:606,00c47cb7570b838feead77bfc7….jpg)

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26a231 No.18771206

File: 82d9c28c2cb8fd9⋯.png (63.37 KB,463x399,463:399,BannedAgain.png)

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8e1a2b No.18771207

File: 87b6868cd783c84⋯.png (537.22 KB,954x535,954:535,swordanon.png)


Mornin' Swordanon

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dc3958 No.18771208


I pray more better Lindell pillows for bony asses.

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8d300e No.18771209

File: ce373030d61fdce⋯.mp4 (7.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,Build_back_better_the_slog….mp4)

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26a231 No.18771210

File: 3470350584f2323⋯.png (2.03 KB,116x69,116:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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5450a5 No.18771211

File: 653993ba8a93bf0⋯.jpg (73.31 KB,624x500,156:125,7jy030.jpg)

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8d300e No.18771212

File: bedf7ef3e6ff2ea⋯.mp4 (3.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,last_thing_MLK_told_Harry_….mp4)

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26a231 No.18771213

File: fc53d5b9bd1b69d⋯.png (67.6 KB,571x437,571:437,BS.png)

File: 83f0def8520254c⋯.png (62.61 KB,523x477,523:477,BSII.png)

File: 9d20b9474f0ba3b⋯.png (62.13 KB,600x416,75:52,BSIII.png)

File: cac46ab9963dcb9⋯.png (55.27 KB,525x476,75:68,BSIIII.png)

File: 11f93168448f6d2⋯.png (62.27 KB,649x385,59:35,BSIIIII.png)

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86cc75 No.18771214

File: 27e7853dcf8e2e6⋯.jpeg (369.68 KB,1424x976,89:61,IMG_0335.jpeg)


triple dubs checked

HH dubs checked and Heil'd

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2cf684 No.18771215

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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4c91ef No.18771217

File: 9d72f1869d2b2de⋯.png (337.27 KB,1153x919,1153:919,ClipboardImage.png)



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26a231 No.18771218

File: 2504f5ef1aa8286⋯.png (104.67 KB,261x383,261:383,ClipboardImage.png)


Jewish actress playing a German Whore..

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dc3958 No.18771219


Did you know you are unworthy of that cross?

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8d300e No.18771220

File: 901d9b42491c8cd⋯.png (45.27 KB,598x244,299:122,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebabfd9647f002f⋯.png (44.35 KB,598x218,299:109,ClipboardImage.png)


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26a231 No.18771221


I'm voting for Ron Paul.

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b3f23a No.18771222


well, Adam, they won't be voting for you . . .

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8d300e No.18771223

File: f19e2c0435a3344⋯.png (42.8 KB,598x224,299:112,ClipboardImage.png)

anti american far right MAGA

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cff58b No.18771224

File: 6ddedeca1d36cb1⋯.webp (166.48 KB,683x1024,683:1024,IMG_0358.webp)


Mel Brooksteingoldberger

Blazing Shekels

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8d300e No.18771225

File: 27e0d523b468465⋯.png (245.3 KB,704x354,352:177,ClipboardImage.png)

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26a231 No.18771226

File: d504fa4f5186e78⋯.jpg (88.25 KB,501x499,501:499,AmericaFirst.jpg)

File: da18e2669bd9a20⋯.jpg (77.88 KB,566x441,566:441,AmericaFirstII.jpg)

File: 756658ededfc84f⋯.jpg (88.12 KB,500x763,500:763,AmericaFirstIII.jpg)

File: 72180864378e4b1⋯.jpg (66.78 KB,451x664,451:664,AmericaFirstIV.jpg)

File: 2fd69357011c9c8⋯.jpg (79.27 KB,576x433,576:433,AmericaFirstV.jpg)

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b3f23a No.18771227


he'd change the motto to

Make spoiled trust fund rich kid sellouts great again


that won't work as a slogan.

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eb3c8d No.18771228


Things are so great I'm voting for Pedo Peter over Useless cuck with no plan in 2024.

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cff58b No.18771229


I'm voting for Bernie

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4c43e3 No.18771230

File: a9707f517aa86a2⋯.jpg (571.72 KB,1190x1048,595:524,habsburgcharlie5psaki.JPG)


funny "not the jews" are getting banned.


yet hate-jewers lie and say it's them getting banned;

yet never have any screen -shots.


Habsburg-looking Psaki


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4fe406 No.18771232



Renegade by Adam Kinzinger

Drops 10/17

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eb3c8d No.18771233


Would be funnier than useless cuck that can't arrest shit or Pedo Peter.

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8d300e No.18771234

File: df0013a996ca9c9⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB,848x464,53:29,Lindsey_Graham_John_McCain….mp4)

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b3f23a No.18771235

I'm not going to link who this is for.

any discussion of that topic by anyone not on the duffus team gets you banned.

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26a231 No.18771236

File: 96cd407ca95642f⋯.png (85.28 KB,577x558,577:558,BannedYe.png)

File: 3b4f5e80d8f6320⋯.png (1.04 KB,189x80,189:80,BannedYeII.png)


Oh shut up.

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26a231 No.18771237

File: 12034df662a7cdd⋯.png (64.61 KB,590x423,590:423,TrumpBarr.png)

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52ddb6 No.18771239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump's New Ad Just Broke The Internet

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4fe406 No.18771240


and hunted down "jews" in the film

Soros like

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9dc301 No.18771241


I concur

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8d300e No.18771243

File: 241692beb0b0605⋯.png (864.91 KB,1228x720,307:180,ClipboardImage.png)

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26a231 No.18771244

File: 5954ec451925524⋯.png (138.58 KB,410x340,41:34,ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe they hunted in the black forest together?

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9dc301 No.18771245


Bill Barr

never forget Ruby Ridge and his part in the murder of unarmed american citizens

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26a231 No.18771248


Look at how he reacted at the stolen election.

And then one must question Trump appointing Bryan Ware to election security and Q pointing that out.

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50aca0 No.18771249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Elon Musk (Full Interview) | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)


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45fcc3 No.18771251


>I just attacked the baker

If you do, I know you are a shill.

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4c43e3 No.18771252

File: a575da6de0e6e0e⋯.mp4 (5.8 MB,640x360,16:9,liberallarry.mp4)


ur funny.

vote for the pedo retard.

who kills people, spies for China, incests his family.

But the hypnotized don't care,



you know the hypnotized guy gets on stage, eats an onion, claims it's a delishish apple?

MKUltra NAZI tech has gone far.

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7285a7 No.18771253


hunted children….yes

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6f6958 No.18771254

File: 0baeb2f6ea17b0d⋯.png (733.49 KB,964x1032,241:258,b3af69cc6c14c2e6.png)


"A group of Black males in Connecticut attacked a White man in his driveway, attempting to steal his car.

A few days later, 'Black Crimes Matter' flyers were distributed in the neighborhood where the Black-on-White attack took place.

There's no outrage that a White man was attacked by a non-White gang at his own home, of course.

There's only outrage that White people pointed out the fact that a White man was attacked by a non-White gang at his own home.

White victims of violence? Zero outrage.

White people saying something about it? Total Outrage™."

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7ce42a No.18771255

File: 49eea53f5baec16⋯.jpg (196.04 KB,771x612,257:204,PIG_AGENDA.jpg)

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b3f23a No.18771256


how so?

did you see the stuff last bread baker was posting?

you understand that bakers aren't holy men, right?

some say that some of them aren't even MAGA, and are shilling against Q.

is that too hard to understand.

if you don't now that then you're the shill, person who comments in a one-post spuriously and out of the blue.

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4fe406 No.18771257



during WW2, maybe not so much

Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, the 4th Baron Rothschild was born in 1936, the eldest son of Victor Rothschild, a biologist and botanist, who worked for Mi5 during WWII in the explosives and sabotage section; grandson of Charles Rothschild who was an entomologist who established the Natural History museum and Park at Tring in the the English countryside; and the great-grandson of Nathan Rothschild, the British banker who was the first Jewish member of the House of Lords ( Disraeli, although born Jewish converted to the Anglican religion). Nathan Rothschild was himself the great-grandson of the Rothschild family’s progenitor, Meyer Amschel Rothschild of Frankfurt.

Jacob Rothschild spent the war years as a child at Tring before going on to study at Eton and Oxford. Asked if he experienced any anti-Semitism there, he answered “Yes, a little bit not

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8d300e No.18771258

File: b2daee33b9c2fd9⋯.png (55.47 KB,234x212,117:106,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e876bec0e292cd9⋯.png (43.44 KB,296x140,74:35,ClipboardImage.png)

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7285a7 No.18771259


show me a nigger, any nigger

and I'll show you a felon

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307f31 No.18771260

File: 295abe9ef3383cb⋯.mp4 (11.75 MB,568x428,142:107,USA_Government_D_C_.mp4)

Time to wake up…

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6f6958 No.18771261



Soros is verifiably just another zionist Jew pretending to be opposed to Israel. He got made by the Rothschild family who also founded Israel. All Jewish power and influence needs to be eradicated from our countries permanently asap.

Soros and Israel:

DE BORCHGRAVE: Geneva gnome's global dread




"their Geneva counterparts in French-speaking Switzerland were more sophisticated, relaxed in the company of global wheeler-dealers, and weren't afraid to speak their minds, albeit off the record. Such Was George C. Karlweis, the brain behind Banque Privee, owned by the late Baron Edmond de Rothschild. His biggest claim to fame: George Soros and the launch of his Quantum Fund in 1969."

Lord Rothschild: My Family Created Israel



Balfour Declaration



Israel envoy urges Hungary to halt anti-Soros campaign



Soros stopped his investment in FEMEN after finding out they were launching FEMEN Israel



Antifa 4 part info graph about the relationship between Antifa, George Soros, ISIS and Israel:







"In fact, the founder and president of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, was having breakfast with Rabbi Arthur Schneier at his Park East Synagogue in New York when the two jets struck the World Trade Center, Schneier said. Schneier, who heads the Appeal of Conscience Foundation, a coalition of business and religious leaders in New York…"


"George Soros Bet Big on Liberal Democracy. Now He Fears He Is Losing"




"When the caffeine finally kicked in, Alex [George Soros son] told me that for many years, his father had not been eager to advertise his Judaism because “this was something he was almost killed for.” But he had always “identified firstly as a Jew,” and his philanthropy was ultimately an expression of his Jewish identity, in that he felt a solidarity with other minority groups and also because he recognized that a Jew could only truly be safe in a world in which all minorities were protected. Explaining his father’s motives, he said, “The reason you fight for an open society is because that’s the only society that you can live in, as a Jew — unless you become a nationalist and only fight for your own rights in your own state.” "


https://bitchute.com/video/0IzBpK6zd7T4 – "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda"

https://www.bitchute.com/video/73FsRbYNovPi - “Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”

Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:


How and why zionists are always traitors:



Soros promoting WW3 at WEF:



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7027a1 No.18771262

File: 36814416bcda60a⋯.png (58.12 KB,1024x512,2:1,0b418c3b929c562f76321a9f92….png)

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52ddb6 No.18771263

File: 3b1a31cc7be32c8⋯.png (210.83 KB,413x419,413:419,cot.PNG)

File: 2df2925d745a3a9⋯.png (1.59 MB,799x800,799:800,son.PNG)

File: 463857afedaaea0⋯.png (856.75 KB,510x692,255:346,line.PNG)

File: 6b93bbb511ace20⋯.png (703.1 KB,1320x696,55:29,share.PNG)


​ (https://img.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2022/08/04/765fecdd411db2c555527df0db58f19f@1200x1200-1200x799.jpeg)​‘Boycott Maybelline’ Trends on Social Media Over Transgender Influencer Partnership

READ: https://breakingheadlines.news/Yg7kse


" Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline."

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4c43e3 No.18771264

File: 614a6dc37ce07d4⋯.jpg (275.62 KB,1200x548,300:137,warrencommission.jpg)


wait a second

Ford is a high-placed FreeMason

and helped kill Kennedy

that's the kind of person who hates Jews?

I wonder why?

Makes sense though.

Blame it on the Jews.

And of course they do.

"Israel killed JFK"

Was Ford working for Israel?

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8d300e No.18771265


>Total Outrage™

generalized reality

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dc3958 No.18771266


"Give mental health voter ID cards for SSI women a chance. A vote for bipartisan sanity is a vote for success."

Or something like that.

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273384 No.18771267

It's time to wrap this up Q. I'm comfy but the ones I love the most are really struggling. I'm thinking Jesus is gonna finish this up before Q is. Is there any other hope right now for our loved ones?

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45fcc3 No.18771268


If the baker posted cp, he would have gotten banned himself.

That didn't happen, so I see you are full of shit.

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0dd49e No.18771269


> I'm thinking Jesus is gonna finish this up before Q is

Anon is beginning to wonder…….

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eb3c8d No.18771270


>vote for the pedo retard.

They rigged the last election.

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b69688 No.18771271

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7027a1 No.18771272

File: ec53626dcb71ace⋯.png (324.52 KB,512x324,128:81,e8339135baf62d0358a657949a….png)


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52ddb6 No.18771273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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99b829 No.18771274

File: 5f2601056dad3ae⋯.jpeg (550.74 KB,2388x768,199:64,barcelonascytl1.jpeg)

File: 0d66742f0e7a56d⋯.png (1022.89 KB,1461x1203,487:401,potusSCYTLgohmertArmy.png)

File: 32a64447a9f3d57⋯.mp4 (12.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,Rep_Louie_Gohmert_on_repor….mp4)

File: 428885b2f8ee8fd⋯.png (311.46 KB,449x480,449:480,SidneyScytl.png)

File: 5b4dd2b88f74155⋯.png (768.14 KB,1138x650,569:325,scytl_.png)





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6f6958 No.18771275

File: 89cd1970a683267⋯.png (293.29 KB,538x568,269:284,Epstein_Israel_mossad.png)

File: 4ab2b96de7f00e1⋯.png (358.68 KB,565x612,565:612,Israel_Ukraine.png)

File: 16527aab96508c7⋯.jpeg (265.31 KB,1253x1308,1253:1308,EpsteinIsraelForeignPolic….jpeg)


Jews always cry about being hated, but never tell people that they get to be hated for their actions and behavior. Like psychopaths do, they always play the victim in order to keep being able to prey on those that keep their guard down around them.

Epstein and zionist shills:

Jacob Wohl (a zionist Jew) was paid 25k to smear victims of Mossad child sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell:



Zionist Jew Jacob Wohl promotes zionist Jew Mike Cernovich:



Mike Cernovich (a zionist Jew) on PragerU lying about Epstein (Ghislaine Maxwell's boyfriend and child sex trafficker) not being Mossad (Mossad is an Israeli intelligence agency):




PragerU and Israel:



"Did you know our CEO, @StreitMarissa, used to work for Israeli intelligence?"


"Who is the CEO of PragerU, and why did she received a ‘Thank You’ call from the Israeli Government?"




Mike Cernovich and the Alan Derschowitz case:



"An alleged Jeffrey Epstein victim has said that right-wing personality Michael Cernovich's request to compel her to pay costs in a Second Circuit appeal is an attempt by Cernovich and Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz to intimidate her, prompting Cernovich to apologize and distance himself from the professor.

Cernovich had asked the Second Circuit to award him costs in an appeal over unsealing court documents in Virginia Giuffre's defamation lawsuit against British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, whom Giuffre claims helped traffic underage girls for Epstein, Dershowitz and other powerful men's pleasure.

But in a brief filed on Monday, Giuffre said she is clearly not the appropriate appellee who should have to cover Cernovich's costs.

"The court should see this motion for what it really is — an attempt by Cernovich (who is aligned in interest with Mr. Dershowitz) to intimidate a sex trafficking victim who has reported sexual abuse, by trying to force her to pay costs," Giuffre said in her brief."

More on Mike Cernovich and Alan Derschowitz case:



"It is then with no small amount of irony that we note that Cernovich’s motion was aimed against Giuffre, not on her behalf.

According to the response in opposition to Cernovich’s motion to unseal, documents filed by Giuffre’s attorneys state that Cernovich is attempting to unseal documents that were sealed under an order intended to protect Giuffre. The opposition documents further state that Cernovich’s motion to unseal mirrored earlier motions to unseal filed by celebrity attorney and close personal friend Alan Dershowitz– who is also named as being involved with Epstein’s sex ring– and that Cernovich is acting as Dershowitz’s proxy. They also noted how Cernovich has been a pro-rape advocate, often using rhetoric favoring the targeting of rape victims, as well as Cernovich’s relationship with Dershowitz, most notably Dershowitz’s appearance in Cernovich’s movie “Silenced”.

People unrelated to court cases can and do act as Amicus Curiae (literally, “friend of the court”) wherein they act as unrelated third parties that submit information that may be of relevance to the case. An Intervenor is distinct from an Amicus Curiae in that an Intervenor is bound as one of the parties in the case. As an Intervenor, Cernovich is binding himself to the defendant– Ghislane Maxwell.

Instead of acting as someone fighting child prostitution, Cernovich is defending an accused lieutenant of an international child sex ring."





"Listen as Alan Dershowitz, Epstein's lawyer, gets hot and bothered when asked if Jeffrey Epstein worked for the Mossad"




"Jeffrey Epstein's lawyer Alan Dershowitz 'asked client Donald Trump to PARDON Ghislaine Maxwell before she stood trial for sex trafficking underage girls'"

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8d300e No.18771276

File: aed5fd22fbfed40⋯.png (104.34 KB,678x775,678:775,ClipboardImage.png)

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26a231 No.18771279


Oh, hi Jim.

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ae14c4 No.18771280

File: 8d2bf9c5977e17d⋯.png (167.23 KB,613x951,613:951,USCARP1.png)

File: 8b5ef82a4ae0cd7⋯.png (164.01 KB,619x951,619:951,USCARP2.png)

File: 4c9367b7799e9f1⋯.png (164.82 KB,609x949,609:949,USCARP3.png)

File: 746d3c77d464daf⋯.png (175.28 KB,603x949,603:949,USCARP4.png)

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8ed100 No.18771281

File: a40bb5b9ed435a7⋯.jpg (25.27 KB,485x270,97:54,DayShift_Sat.jpg)

Oh my

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8d300e No.18771282

File: 5c8cb01fdb7a2ae⋯.png (77.24 KB,1080x289,1080:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ecc10d267c4bfb⋯.png (39.78 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


We are Scytl. We are experts in providing highly secure solutions for online voting and electoral modernization.

Software Company



Joined February 2012

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b3f23a No.18771283


whenever crybaby baker would post there was always that, and gore.

and it always showed up in the same sequence, starting with the posting of redheads with giant fish on a boat.

and they persona of that crybaby baker hasn'

t been around here lately , has it?

why is that?

do tell me if you know.

in any case of course if they are bakers they don't post it with the same device.

the patterns were noted for two months.

the real anon were watching and observing the whole time.

you come in, a new crew, you know nothing about the goings on here and do your shill dominant stuff, discussing your sexuality, and all that.

anyone who lurks , and those of us who are chatty, know the score.

you do it all with plausible deniability.

so what did happen to the crybaby overnight baker? why isn't that persona trotted out as 'annoyance-troll baker crybaby' for the last few days?

You can try to gaslight the anon, but the anon are on to it, and we point it out.

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26a231 No.18771284

File: 5a5c1a8cd525a15⋯.png (76.71 KB,657x380,657:380,JesusSays14.png)


Harvest time.

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7027a1 No.18771285

File: 44a3f0f0157c954⋯.png (2.18 MB,1024x1534,512:767,brock.png)

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ae14c4 No.18771286

File: ec7385752fa90b1⋯.png (165.14 KB,601x951,601:951,USCARP5.png)

File: 4a7e1b065b9c187⋯.png (157.39 KB,617x945,617:945,USCARP6.png)

File: 3160c18e99654eb⋯.png (158.94 KB,615x949,615:949,USCARP7.png)

File: 534490e6904d0de⋯.png (180.95 KB,607x951,607:951,USCARP8.png)

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373adc No.18771287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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45fcc3 No.18771288


So someone else is posting shit, and you faggot call the baker a "pedo" because of that.

Am I getting this right?

If so, you should get permanently banned.

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ae14c4 No.18771289

File: 6d86942f5253019⋯.png (162.6 KB,605x949,605:949,USCARP9.png)

File: b8467681e2319d1⋯.png (161.81 KB,607x945,607:945,USCARP10.png)

File: f2fc7679db35221⋯.png (146.47 KB,619x951,619:951,USCARP11.png)

File: 2a9d9afb1819725⋯.png (79.42 KB,804x916,201:229,only_way.png)

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dd8853 No.18771290

File: 98b9f834ccff608⋯.gif (4.03 MB,560x392,10:7,hepatitis_c_star_virus_har….gif)


trip dubs

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7ce42a No.18771292

File: e9bb485a98b8469⋯.jpg (128.28 KB,516x565,516:565,STEVIES_SATURDAY.jpg)

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77fe9e No.18771293

File: 747b18b81d2c25d⋯.png (34.09 KB,549x282,183:94,ClipboardImage.png)

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26a231 No.18771294

File: b5ce009c7e9eb95⋯.jpg (83.43 KB,589x423,589:423,DPS.jpg)

File: afec10fd4e3ff5b⋯.jpg (63.46 KB,519x480,173:160,DPSII.jpg)

File: c3f39e5147eb875⋯.jpg (95.2 KB,526x474,263:237,DPSIII.jpg)

File: a01ab4d739b315a⋯.jpg (79.58 KB,586x426,293:213,DPSIIII.jpg)

File: cd18d3e14262fae⋯.jpg (100.61 KB,500x679,500:679,DPSIIIII.jpg)


The Jews used John Connelly (CIA) to kill JFK, then Johnson made Connelly Treasurer and the Silver Certificated were quickly done away with.

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a278f0 No.18771295



I challenged a BV the other day and the butthurt BV labelled me a pedo, go figure

shit flows both ways in this sewer

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77fe9e No.18771296

File: af9dafd616188f6⋯.png (214.39 KB,680x400,17:10,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae14c4 No.18771297

File: a512b837bf39c7e⋯.pdf (1021.12 KB,CORPORATION_UNITED_STATES.pdf)

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f9655b No.18771298

File: d98a31c326ef6a0⋯.png (116.61 KB,783x634,783:634,ffn.png)

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29eaed No.18771299


Is it a victim of jewmedia propaganda, or an willing accomplice of the jewmedia propaganda?

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5780a5 No.18771300

File: e75c21051d76871⋯.png (407.14 KB,907x483,907:483,ClipboardImage.png)


there they are!

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26a231 No.18771301


John Bowden Connally Jr. (February 27, 1917 – June 15, 1993) was an American politician. He served as the 39th governor of Texas and as the 61st United States secretary of the Treasury. He began his career as a Democrat and later became a Republican in 1973.


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b3f23a No.18771302


I don't use that word, anon.

so I didn't call him that, did I.

see, you're doing what it did: you say something, then you claim it's the other person who said it.

that is a rule that is used by shills.

whatever they imagine you'd say, which they make up in their head, they act like you really said it.

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99b829 No.18771303

File: 2749c1d96794099⋯.png (22.92 KB,253x185,253:185,Screenshot_from_2023_04_29….png)

File: 0133102978211c3⋯.png (44.08 KB,305x279,305:279,Screenshot_from_2023_04_29….png)

File: 47a45e653274e84⋯.png (77.47 KB,236x369,236:369,QPlus.png)

File: 5bee67a2bc85b87⋯.png (654.35 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2023_04_29….png)


>Trump's New Ad Just Broke The Internet



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dd8853 No.18771304

File: 25525e53f4bf556⋯.png (271.54 KB,746x456,373:228,fox_news_orange_trump.png)

File: d10ae2bd3574085⋯.jpg (101.52 KB,1038x780,173:130,trump_pauses_for_sip_of_wa….jpg)


TV fakery anyway

Saw him in person not a hint of "orange"

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82b066 No.18771305

File: 4a7a0b39ad813f8⋯.png (2.22 MB,2048x2048,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Gays Against Groomers

Which billboard is your favorite for us to put up during pride month?

Poll in the next tweet 👇


7:54 PM · Apr 28, 2023

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a29650 No.18771306


for lame memes, see:


>pure cringe

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dc3958 No.18771307

Is not voting also considered a mental illness?

Is there a DSM label for that?

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6f6958 No.18771309

File: bffad40e86d24c6⋯.jpg (928.02 KB,1972x2518,986:1259,1adc079fcaca9065.jpg)


"Ok I'm reaching a boiling point here. 95% of our representatives are clearly, unambiguously, and with intent, following the orders of external, foreign persons or organizations, with the clear and state intent in many cases, of dismantling the USA and replacing its population.

This, is Treason, by definition.

Election to office is NOT A LICENSE to do as one pleases.

We all know our federal government is now an illegal foreign-controlled puppet regime.

We have all seen our federal government steal American resources and armaments, and give them to foreign countries like Israel and Ukraine.

NONE of us believes the old, worn out, ragged line about fighting for America's freedom anymore. It has been a lie for over 100 years now.

So, let's do something about it.

Let's start with Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution for the United States of America.

And, don't give me that shit. No, our federal government no longer follows the Constitution, at all. I get that. But that, is precisely the point.

They have forfeit their power and office by doing so.

We are under no obligation whatsoever to obey them."

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26a231 No.18771310

File: 2b70cfb3981b285⋯.png (248.06 KB,409x328,409:328,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4ec30c4f9e03e4⋯.png (170.71 KB,271x363,271:363,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1ceff65e249767⋯.png (152.61 KB,474x326,237:163,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc056a4559cad2e⋯.png (220.46 KB,408x322,204:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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7ce42a No.18771311

File: b3d3e72c07d9d21⋯.jpg (113.52 KB,864x482,432:241,BAKHMUT.jpg)

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4c43e3 No.18771312


sure "they" did

you crackpot.

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dd8853 No.18771313

File: 01b3602592a240f⋯.png (84.32 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3f23a No.18771314

there is a basic rule that I follow concerning people here: if they are depraved, and go on with glee about the distress that they imagine others have through their efforts at humiliation, then I say 'that isn't a maga person.'

last breads baker didn't pass the test, it was depraved and said some very vile stuff.

the cry baby baker proved over and over that it was either a well scripted AI, consistent in it's methods, or it was a depraved person worthy of being under observation, either in prison or in a mental hospital.

and it cinched it over and over because I kept drawing it out. It had the same pattern , over and over, and I kept notes.

one night it was couching a shill on the best way to post porn to screw with people's sexuality.

and if you think that's a useful behavior for a baker, then what could I say to convince you otherwise.

if you defend that kind of behavior you are condoning it.

so that's why I was saying it over and over to hammer home the point: there are depraved people baking. they are not our friends.

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8ed100 No.18771315

File: 0f40dd02a67da78⋯.jpg (105.06 KB,1345x303,1345:303,Screenshot_2023_04_29_0938….jpg)

File: cd1c8548ef0c18e⋯.jpg (12.59 KB,455x110,91:22,Screenshot_2023_04_29_0939….jpg)


There's moar anons in this thread than there are in here right now:


The trend over this past month is accelerating.

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7027a1 No.18771316

File: 86dbc4761bc788b⋯.jpg (46.62 KB,500x500,1:1,86dbc4761bc788b6993502ba47….jpg)

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6f6958 No.18771317

File: aef3ef6fa6b0432⋯.png (355.03 KB,994x461,994:461,2408eaf5770b2890.png)



Anyone who promotes homosexuality in any way shape or form needs to be hanged (legally of course) for promoting crimes against children. The first step in pedophilia normalization is ALWAYS homosexuality normalization.

Just look at the literature that the creators of Queer Theory put out, and you'll understand that this whole thing is going to culminate in something really really bad (basically, the literature on Queer Theory, which is the ideological basis for the modern LGBT movements, openly has the stated goal of normalizing pedophilia as a means to enact social change in Western societies).


Search for this term: "Derrick Jensen on queer theory".

Gays react to the new Florida law that allows the death penalty for child rapists by saying it is an excuse to kill LGBT people:


Backup link:


"Good. Florida LGBTQ group cancels Pride parade when told it must be adults only"



Also, "right-wing" cuckservatives pandering to the LGBT shit and promoting it isn't helping anything. The slippery slop is real, pedo activism starts with homo activism.


"Once you tolerate homosexuality, you will tolerate transgenderism. Once you tolerate transgenderism, you will tolerate pedophilia. The slippery slope is real once you tolerate degeneracy."


"Most people don't realize homosexuality was still illegal in a lot of states until the 2000's. It was illegal in all states until the 1960's and for the majority of American history it carried the death penalty. It only took one generation of "tolerance" to get to child sex changes. My ancestors were right."


"Gays are trying to make us accept LGB without the T. They’re saying “it’s different.” Sorry but you guys GAVE us the T. There wouldn’t be no T for trans movement if we hadn’t conceded to gay people. But now they want to pull the ladder up behind them to hop aboard the anti-trans trend bc they think it will get them more views. Nice try! Oppose all letters in the gay alphabet."

If you want to learn how the LGBT crap was psyoped into mainstream acceptance by the MSM and academia in the 90’s, read the posts of this anon on this thread:


He posted some pics of a book written in 1989 called “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90’s”. You’re going to recognize the tactics the book told gays and their advocates to use, because they used that shit everywhere, and it worked.

Here is the Wikipedia intro about the book:


After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s is a 1989 book about LGBT rights in the United States by the neuropsychologist Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen. The book has been described as advocating the use of propaganda to advance the cause of gay rights, and has been criticized by social conservatives as an expression of the “homosexual agenda”.

Neuropsychology based propaganda to force Normies into accepting the LGBT crap was how it happened.

Small video related:


Another small video related:


Child sex trafficking ring case connected to LGBT activists who raped their own adopted children:


"Full investigation of a pedophile ring employed as LGBTQ rights activists by Town Hall:




Schools forcing children to watch pornography:




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45fcc3 No.18771318


You literally wrote that "the baker would have posted cp garbage".

>did you see the stuff last bread baker was posting?

while in REALITY someone else posted it, you fucking moron.

The fucking BOT does not give a shit which bread it posts in. It posts into the first sticky bread it finds, which is typically either the memes thread, or the practice thread.

And the very first non-sticky thread, which is typically the fucking general.

You should know that if you actually looked into it, but you didn't and you don't, and instead make shit up to attack a baker.

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6f6958 No.18771319



"The horrific story in Georgia of the homosexual couple adopting two young boys, raping them, and prostituting them to other homosexuals for money, is getting zero media attention. Not a mention from any mainstream platform including Fox.


Because they don’t want to confirm what everyone knows and has been saying about the LGBTQ movement. It is a tool for disgusting pedophiles to groom and sexually abuse children"




"Remember "they're born that way" and "DNA scientists are looking for the gay gene" were part of the big push for gay marriage and protection under civil rights law. As soon as those were accomplished, suddenly "sexuality is fluid" and in fact "gender is just a social construct."

Not to mention that "born that way" doesn't hold up to a 3000% increase in college students saying they're queer. It's a cycle of propaganda media & sexual abuse. And the people making the propaganda want fresh batches of young people to sexually abuse."




"Where does this pedo/Tranny madness come from?

"The Transgender Industrial Complex" - A New Book Exposes History and Money Behind The Transgender Lobby…

"The history of transgenderism as we know it is believed to have originated in Jewish circles in early 20th century Germany, but Howard's research shows that references to breaking down gender in Jewish circles go back to the 14th century, hundreds of years before Martha Baer, a B'nai B'rith member in Germany, became the world's first "sex-change" operation recipient.

There is an interesting anecdote where a Jew involved in gender ideology converted to Catholicism and exposed the movement as an attempt to provoke moral chaos in European host societies."

Quote from this book review for "The Transgender Industrial Complex"



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dd8853 No.18771320

File: 0f0985eb3d22908⋯.mp4 (924.08 KB,1280x720,16:9,alex_jones_no_care_if_US_i….mp4)


>with the clear and state intent in many cases, of dismantling the USA and replacing its population.

all mossad agents have this singular agenda

whether in congress or media

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4fe406 No.18771321


And the Cabells and Dulles…etc.

At the time of the assassination, Dallas Mayor Earle Cabell, brother of one-time Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Charles P. Cabell, had been a CIA asset since 1956.

It is worth noting that Kennedy dismissed CIA Director Allen Dulles in November 1961, and that Earle Cabell’s brother Charles left the CIA on January 31, 1962, after Kennedy forced him to resign. Thus, both Dulles and Charles Cabell were no longer working for the CIA on November 22, 1963, when Kennedy was killed.

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7027a1 No.18771322

File: 1fd909c74dc6c1d⋯.jpg (156.86 KB,560x768,35:48,30b4db848041b0340e4e1c48ee….jpg)



Attn grabbing Q ad from POTUS

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6f6958 No.18771323

File: 16f84f40e96ce1e⋯.jpg (63.63 KB,500x500,1:1,7jvu2q.jpg)

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29eaed No.18771324


All dual-citizens should be deported to their other loyalty.

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dd8853 No.18771325


>Which billboard is your favorite for us to put up during pride month?

4 is best to reach normoids

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4c43e3 No.18771326


happens. why would they do it except to screw with us.

that's their motive.

anon bakers are burned out.

that's why they're calling for relief bakers.

Who do you think answers the call?

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26a231 No.18771327




Connally served in the United States Navy during World War II, first as an aide to James V. Forrestal. Subsequently he was on General Dwight D. Eisenhower's staff for planning the North African campaign. After transferring to the South Pacific Theater, he served as fighter-plane director aboard the aircraft carrier USS Essex and was awarded the Bronze Star for bravery. After being transferred to the USS Bennington, he was awarded the Legion of Merit. He was discharged in 1946 at the rank of lieutenant commander.[3]

Connally practiced law in the Alvin Wirtz law firm, until Lyndon Baines Johnson, then a newly elected senator, persuaded him to return to Washington, to serve as a key aide. He had close ties with Johnson before his navy days and maintained them until the former president's death in 1973.

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7823dc No.18771328

File: 455ed27b42beab9⋯.png (536.78 KB,653x500,653:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae14c4 No.18771329

File: 4f377a866d9daed⋯.png (599.53 KB,787x949,787:949,4f377a866d9daed032dafe3852….png)

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97b50b No.18771330

File: 19d1ca51b5e2da1⋯.png (29.33 KB,200x203,200:203,thumb_tactical_keyboard_fo….png)


claiming the dough

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29eaed No.18771331


>work without force

Is this theoretical physics?

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7027a1 No.18771332

File: 241147da70aec37⋯.png (2.04 MB,2486x1224,1243:612,84a4b19e81ef6785d3dc9f8ef6….png)

File: 20d2585b58126cb⋯.jpg (25.8 KB,532x395,532:395,98b6959843b8afbc632f2208ff….jpg)

we let them sell us water

we will soon pay for air.

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7ce42a No.18771333

File: 747184fefa1964e⋯.jpg (204.8 KB,1202x718,601:359,SHINE_SIGNATURE_WEAPON.jpg)

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5e32c2 No.18771334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Then I guess Russia does not have a Kill Box?

RUSSIAN KILL BOX WORKING AS INTENDED - Ukrainian forces handicapping themselves with their strategy


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b3f23a No.18771335


if you condone the ip hopping, and the consistent patterning of that, and it always is the same, then you are as bad as they are.

the patterns were consistent with cry baby baker, anon.

the last bread baker, I didn't say anything about it and CP, I didn't see that.

so go on defending the depraved, and you out yourself as being also depraved.

the thing is, anon, when you're possessed with depravity you just think it's funny.

of course you don't know it.

but when you review and meditate on what you did, you maybe can then see it.

the last baker said depraved things, anon.

I didn't say it posted CP.

I say that overnight cry baby had a consistent pattern. and that also it would probably use multiple devices.

when you dont bother to hear what I say and continue hassling me with nonsensical diversions of the topic, I know you're on their team.

if you aren't possessed, they are.

and you ought not be playing around with demon-festered people, anon.

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3b6e64 No.18771336

File: 6ff89ca0058b8db⋯.png (67.9 KB,638x503,638:503,ClipboardImage.png)



'Mutilating' is an extremely descriptive word.

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dd8853 No.18771337

File: 7780c3c93dd6b01⋯.mp4 (15.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,simpsons_guns_2a_William_B….mp4)



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6f6958 No.18771338


Jews seem to hate the 2nd Ammendment very much.

Milo Yiannopoulos (a zionist Jew who is a FBI informant and is known for promoting homosexual acts between minors and adults and bragging about blackmailing everyone he knows, sources here: https://archive.vn/wMwJ8 ) says the 2nd Ammendment needs to go:



"The Second Amendment needs to go. It is totally unsuited to a godless country full of wackos and troons. Reckless and insane."



American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten (a Jew) calls for the mass confiscation of guns in America:


Backup link:



https://archive.is/oEmbt – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.





"Jewish politicians lead chorus calling for tighter gun laws"

16 December 2012



"Anti-Semitic fliers blame US Jewish lawmakers for gun control"

22 March 2018

Musician Ted Nugent Calls Out The Jews Behind Gun Control



Philip N Cohen says:

"Armed goyim are always bad news for us, duh"





"The NRA will fall. It's inevitable"

"Just look at the demographics."

The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:


Anti-White gun grab:



Neil Steinberg's article called "Why restrict child porn but not guns?"



Neil Steinberg is unsurprisingly, a Jew:



Jew immediately tries to demonize Whites as soon as a tragedy occurs:



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af61c0 No.18771339


You've never opened a bag of Lays chips have you?

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5780a5 No.18771340





Noables, Not endorsements

>>18771123, >>18771142, >>18771190 Five people gunned down in Cleveland area home-Texas bluebonnetnews

>>18771136 The U.S. Treasury Department announced sanctions Thursday against members or associates of the Jalisco New Generation drug cartel 0427 apnews

>>18771168 Op Ed: "The Great Silencing: the Weaponization of Loneliness"

>>18771168 5/11: As many as a million migrants mass at the U.S. border for illegal entry-lawmaker americanthinker

>>18771239, >>18771258, >>18771303 icymi: Trump's New Ad Just Broke The Internet-Americans for Limited Gov't y/t

>>18771263 ​‘Boycott Maybelline’ Trends on Social Media Over Transgender Influencer Partnership TS

>>18771282, >>18771274, >>18771125 We are Scytl. We are experts in providing highly secure solutions for online voting and electoral modernization

>>18771305 in how about none of 'em news "Which billboard is your favorite for us to put up during pride month? "

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6f6958 No.18771341


Active shooter gets stopped after being shot at by man carrying gun on a "gun free zone", Jew starts calling the hero a criminal:


Respect for the 2A needs to come back:





"So when there's a mass shooting in America, the solution is more gun control. When there's a mass shooting in Israel, the solution is more guns in the hands of civilians. Interesting."



"“The police cannot be everywhere,” said Itzik Chiprout, chairman of the Israeli Legal Weapon Association. “Even a swift police reaction is sometimes not enough. Civilians that are armed save lives.”

So - yes - Israelis get a wall and guns. YOU don't.

Israel to Loosen Legal Gun Licensing






2nd Ammendment under siege:



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99b829 No.18771342

File: c2792cadcac70bb⋯.png (152.93 KB,369x1553,369:1553,Screenshot_2023_04_29_at_1….png)

File: 370558546c2964a⋯.png (50.8 KB,370x638,185:319,Screenshot_2023_04_29_at_1….png)

File: 946fb90ab7ecf34⋯.png (98.66 KB,373x971,373:971,Screenshot_2023_04_29_at_1….png)



>Apr 27 Q

>Apr 28 Q

<STRZOK’S BOSS - Cooperating witness [power removed].

>also Apr 27 Apr 28

Hussein - Strzok's boss

Bruce Springstein - the boss

Jun 17

Q Barcelona tag

Q drop Peter Strzok

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26a231 No.18771343

File: 8326e87ffde8b04⋯.png (120.97 KB,507x253,507:253,ClipboardImage.png)

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99dbf6 No.18771344

File: f7d718341a242a6⋯.jpg (54.35 KB,414x665,414:665,Dick_Pick_Joe_Selling_Clas….jpg)

File: 057e21057454c0e⋯.png (1.07 MB,986x1182,493:591,1682126265585.png)

File: 4121ed3de02f2df⋯.jpg (67.92 KB,530x530,1:1,I_Hear_Panic_Trump_1.jpg)

The Bidens and All Other World Leaders are Owned by China?

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29eaed No.18771345


>no longer working for the CIA

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4c43e3 No.18771346


baked once or twice maybe thrice but attached , blocked, stole n from, had my bread frozen / someone started a new bread to compete.

Once / three times burned

many times shy

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50aca0 No.18771347

File: 4d529ade888985d⋯.png (45.77 KB,310x329,310:329,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78e3302cbcf9503⋯.png (54.91 KB,227x246,227:246,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22123368b8c7c25⋯.png (185.73 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


The Vitruvian Optimus Musk

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7027a1 No.18771348

File: ffc932cacb29032⋯.jpg (142.36 KB,600x892,150:223,bb07e6df451982a3e169bcb12f….jpg)

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dd8853 No.18771349

File: c6c0df952552124⋯.mp4 (104.03 KB,256x180,64:45,that_guy_who_said_he_sex_w….mp4)


>Active shooter gets stopped after being shot at by man carrying gun on a "gun free zone", Jew starts calling the hero a criminal:

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273384 No.18771350


1:42 time stamp. If this man isn't acting then his fortitude is beyond comprehension.

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4886a0 No.18771351

File: 8118e60e2e19c51⋯.jpg (176.93 KB,971x1214,971:1214,20230409_164931.jpg)


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4f286d No.18771352

Voter Oppositional Disorder - A person (usually a woman on SSI) who suffers from independent thought and is opposed to party politics.


If you, or someone you love, suffers from VOD, don't call a doctor. Live and let live. Chances are, she wants nothing to do with yall anyhoo.

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6f6958 No.18771353

File: 8deb2a8911ba7db⋯.mp4 (4.08 MB,854x442,427:221,rabbi_goyim_Christianity.mp4)



Only 2 things really matter before anything else can get fixed:

1) all zionists (Jew and non-Jew alike) need to be deported or hanged for treason (Israel sells US secret military tech to China and that makes supporting Israel treason) even if it takes a civil war;

2) all Talmudists and their advocates and collaborators need to be deported or hanged for promoting crimes against children (the Jewish sacred Talmud tells Jews that they can fuck kids AND the Jewish sacred ritual of the circumcision is forced genital mutilation of 8 day old male babies).

Proof that Israel sells US secret military tech to China here:



Proof that the Jewish sacred Talmud promotes pedophilia here:



Proof that Israel is a pedophile haven here:



Proof that Jewish power controls the US:



Proof that Jewish power is behind the ongoing ethnic replacement of White people (aka Europeans) in their own countries (which is genocide, aka ethnic cleansing):



Proof that Israel is anti-Christian:



Proof that Jews are NOT White (White means European, and Jews come from the Middle East):






"Yes jews are 2% of the country and 50% of the billionaires.

Yes jews have powerful organizations like the ADL and SPLC dedicated to destroying our rights.

Yes jews are blackmailing our politicians through child sex operations like Epstein island.

Yes all of our presidents take money and have to speak at AIPAC.

Yes all of our presidents have to touch the wall in Israel.

Yes jews are responsible for cultural marxism.

Yes jews are responsible for marxism.

Yes jews are responsible for feminism.

Yes jews are responsible for transgenderism.

But no we should never talk about jews or assign them any blame for our societal downfall. Powerful jews might get angry if we did that…"


"Politicians will proudly represent every type of person & perversion you can think of, but they will not represent the people who actually founded this country… No politician in my lifetime has ever stood in front of a camera and said: "I will represent and advance the interests of White People."

I am White, and I am Pissed Off! If you continue to deny us the same protections enjoyed by every other group of people & continue to step on us, One day you may find out!"




"Most people dont understand that this will happen

They think they are powerless

Keep reminding everyone that we have the numbers

Once we get momentum, we are unstoppable"

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b3f23a No.18771354


I've been watching the patterns and I can verify what you say: anyone real is hazed and their time is wasted, the bread is locked, and they delete it even sometimes.

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5780a5 No.18771355

File: 70d7eaf96276a20⋯.png (198.63 KB,543x337,543:337,ClipboardImage.png)


yers are the worst breh

muh vpn too

Pig has style while you lack basic comprehension and are basically a dung beetle pushing shit around

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26a231 No.18771356




And what does the 2nd ammendment protect?

The 1st ammendment. They fucking hate free speech, cause people can talk about the Jews.

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26a231 No.18771357

File: 86dca2eb6ada1bc⋯.jpg (27.64 KB,452x283,452:283,Capture.JPG)

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45fcc3 No.18771358


>I didn't see that

You literally wrote that "the baker" would post something, while IN FUCKING REALITY, the baker didn't post that, but a fucking bot did.

I haven't seen the pedo bear spam for quite some time, so I have to assume the current bot is the one posting the pedo bear spam, and that has been going on for YEARS, "anon".

>IP hopping

look up what that actually means. I don't see the baker changing his IP at all.

>I didn't see that

Not my problem that you are blind and ignorant.

2 hours /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#209291) with reason: CP lolita vid link

>9 hours /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#209286) with reason: CP lolita vid link

18 hours /qresearch/ Created a new permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#209285) with reason: CP link

19 hours /qresearch/ Created a new permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#209284) with reason: cp

22 hours /qresearch/ Created a new permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#209283) with reason: CP link

22 hours /qresearch/ Created a new permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#209282) with reason: CP link

22 hours /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#209280) with reason: CP lolita vid link

22 hours /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#209279) with reason: CP lolita vid link

23 hours /qresearch/ Created a new permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#209278) with reason: cp link shill

1 day /qresearch/ Created a permanent ban on /qresearch/ (#209277) with reason: CP lolita vid link


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fd389a No.18771359


Boomer detected!

time for you to check out in real life

>cringe pseudo ebonics fail

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7a5642 No.18771360

File: f8856a1fedbf644⋯.png (698.64 KB,977x977,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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97b50b No.18771362


gotz em bro


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6f6958 No.18771363


*in on some of the action

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26a231 No.18771364

File: f64217aeacba7c4⋯.jpg (60.25 KB,579x431,579:431,MrSwineSaysShrekShekels.jpg)

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4c43e3 No.18771365

File: e02f7dd190b9db2⋯.png (497.82 KB,1137x650,1137:650,muhjew.png)


try "corrupt judge"

you fuckn traitor muh-jew

shut up fraud.

we see you.

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29eaed No.18771366


That's why they call anything they don't like "hate speech." It's an attempt to quell free speech that implicates them in their criminal comspiracy to rule the world.

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fd389a No.18771367



faggot BV detected….can't handle the heat/any heat, for that matter

crybaby soiboy libcuck queefer

probly voted democrat in every election

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7027a1 No.18771368

File: 2c21039baf165ae⋯.jpg (404.25 KB,1287x729,143:81,2a375dda8f22604dc3d569988b….jpg)

File: 7c032b441ede13f⋯.jpg (351.51 KB,1200x1780,60:89,2b3dfcc74d553fca2a0e9ee332….jpg)

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26a231 No.18771369


Plenty of sauce, why aren't these making notables?

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ae14c4 No.18771370

File: 5aa92d36c899118⋯.png (1.75 MB,1831x1585,1831:1585,2_weeks.png)

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fd389a No.18771371


BV niggers and BO earn the most shekels in this hangout

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b3f23a No.18771372


you and your gaslighting.

night after night with the cry baby baker it was the same

for two months.

statistics show things, anon.

patterns are recognizible.

gaslighting only works if people trust you.

the bakers get no trust because they are not earning it.

and you badgering me makes me not trust you either.

arguing with a gaslighter is a waste of time.

so why are you trying to waste my time?

and you must know this about the patterns of the cry baby baker.

why isn't it here anymore?

why is it suddenly gone?

it said "i'll always be here"

and yet it's not here anymore.

ah, and you with the insults

'blind and ignorant'

if you really thought that you would not be shilling your 'oh holy baker how dare you criticize them' bit.

you'd filter and move on and not waste your time copy pasting the board log.

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7027a1 No.18771373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DJT on Human Trafficking

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b5ec25 No.18771374


yep, another 2 weeks, trust the plan

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26a231 No.18771375

File: 834907519008a7b⋯.jpg (44.62 KB,579x431,579:431,Scanners.jpg)

File: f954ec3396ecae1⋯.jpg (31.44 KB,569x439,569:439,ScannersII.jpg)

File: 527a34f2ef43446⋯.jpg (44.13 KB,520x480,13:12,ScannersIII.jpg)

File: 086e2e83c255b83⋯.jpg (47 KB,579x431,579:431,ScannersIIII.jpg)

File: 18779719c004b21⋯.jpg (47.41 KB,364x234,14:9,ScannersIIIII.jpg)


It's so fucking obvious.

Must. Remove. The. Brainwash.

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52ddb6 No.18771376

File: 1d43f6307e3b911⋯.png (167.89 KB,791x354,791:354,cross.PNG)

File: f837d8b1da260d2⋯.png (365.97 KB,614x516,307:258,red.PNG)

File: 073543e99ba2c15⋯.png (394.42 KB,636x781,636:781,redc.PNG)

File: 2a422484e08ea0c⋯.png (736.1 KB,596x630,298:315,st.PNG)



Dan Scavino Jr. Archived



12:24 PM · Mar 28, 2020

Saint George's Day April 23rd


Texas AG launches probe into Red Cross following report showing aid group issued guides showing illegal aliens where to illegally cross into the USA

By ethanh // 2023-04-21

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eb3c8d No.18771377


>Is voting also considered a mental illness?

>Is there a DSM label for that?

Sadistic personality disorder was a personality disorder defined by a pervasive pattern of sadistic and cruel behavior. People with this disorder were thought to have desired to control others. It was believed they accomplish this through the use of physical or emotional violence. This diagnosis appeared in an appendix of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III-R).[1] The later versions of the DSM (DSM-IV, DSM-IV-TR, and DSM-5) do not include it. It was removed as psychiatrists believed it would be used to legally excuse sadistic behavior.

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6f6958 No.18771378

File: 03224f3b5ec3930⋯.mp4 (9.87 MB,750x422,375:211,rabbi_1_.mp4)



Yep. Nothing makes the Jew more furious than the truth.

All the laws that violate the 1st Ammendment need to be done with (including the ones Trump passed that make it illegal to criticize Israel in college campuses and those that  Ron DiSantis passed that make it illegal to criticize Israel and Jews in Florida).





Video, 2 minutes: "Pastor Hagee Applauds Trump for Executive Order Combating Antisemitism"




"Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., a jew, sent shockwaves on social media on Wednesday, during a Senate committee hearing, for claiming that if you "espouse hate," you may not have First Amendment protections.

And, of course, the jews want to define “hate speech” as anything they don’t like. Expect to hear more of this as jews work feverishly to outlaw free speech in order eradicate exposure and criticism of their anti-white and anti-U.S. behavior. Remember, they are Communist Totalitarians at heart.



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26a231 No.18771379


Admin (Mr. Pig) is getting his share too..

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b5ec25 No.18771380


fucking kek!

that is a desperate COPE post if ever I saw one

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ae14c4 No.18771381

File: 8ffc117078c958e⋯.png (551.71 KB,680x452,170:113,1669062958363670.png)

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68dd48 No.18771382

File: e8813d332ae1f7d⋯.png (684.98 KB,944x709,944:709,ClipboardImage.png)


baker notable called, please add the benghazi scotty video to notable

>>18771132 4.28.23 | Suzie Q - Seal Team Six - Scotty Films- rumble (reminder Iran next and seal team 6 digs)

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2a3027 No.18771383

File: d99aa82dcbec022⋯.png (1.96 MB,1137x3098,1137:3098,2023_04_27_Daily_Hampshire….png)

File: 93258b18977bb83⋯.png (1.89 MB,978x1193,978:1193,Pepe_Patriots_Band.png)

File: 8e2a59a22d85b94⋯.png (168.42 KB,1018x1008,509:504,Pepe_Patriot_Army.png)

Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court just made a ruling that is favorable to the survivors of the dozens of dead United States Military veterans who died as a result of intentional deadly commingling COVID-positive patients with COVID-negative patients at the Holyoke (Mass.) Soldiers' Home in 2020

News just broke this week that, in a 5-2 decision, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court just REVERSED a lower court judge's November 2021 dismissal of criminal indictments that were filed against the administrators of the Holyoke Soldiers Home who allegedly intentionally commingled COVID-positive patients with COVID-negative patients, killing dozens of our precious, helpless senior United States Military veterans.

The lower court judge who wrongly dismissed the criminal indictments against the apparently murderous Holyoke Soldiers Home administrators in November 2021 was a bad Massachusetts Superior Court Judge namedEdward McDonough.

The two Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Justices who voted to KEEP the indictments "dismissed" (i.e., to let the killer Holyoke Soldiers Home administrators off the hook) wereDavid LowyandElspeth Cypher. Bad, bad judges.

This new ruling is significant for veterans' advocates and veterans' loved ones, nationwide, because it sends a clear and convincing message that even in liberal, Marxist strongholds like Massachusetts,

Veterans' Lives Matter.

Of course, we've always knew that on this Board, but it's good to know that there is a tiny shred of hope for our veterans in places as filthy as Massachusetts is rumoured to be.

According to multiple sources, the State of Mass. is supposedly in some very hot water regarding certain other United States Military-related issues at this time and currently under criminal investigation.

In light of those other U.S. Military-related issues this week's reversal by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (other thanLowyandCypher) could possibly just be a weak attempt by the Mass. Supreme Court to try and save face in the eyes of veterans' groups across this country, especially in light of the other problems still under investigation.

Regardless of whether the concern for the dead veterans is real or just an attempt to soften the impact of other U.S. Military-related problems in Mass, the veterans' advocates, in various states, with whom this news team spoke were very pleased with this week's Supreme Court decision there, nevertheless.





LINK - https://archive.ph/Aq7HH

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7ce42a No.18771384

File: ad40521566659f0⋯.jpg (143.48 KB,776x485,8:5,UNDEFINED.jpg)

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b5ec25 No.18771385


Jim Watkins aka Mr Pig

Jim W should stick to running his porn servers for the japanese porn market, as he can't fucking meme for shit

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ae14c4 No.18771386

File: b70f0caddf05795⋯.jpg (138.79 KB,1242x860,621:430,b70f0caddf05795591694131de….jpg)

File: 14bc55e6684f782⋯.jpg (56.61 KB,500x504,125:126,a986dd4fe7d0bd69859b837a2c….jpg)

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90e2db No.18771387

This constant jew talk gets old.

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1c323d No.18771388




take my advice

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45fcc3 No.18771389



it seems you are using tons of words without knowing what they actually mean.


>did you see the stuff last bread baker was posting?

Which is factually MADE UP NONSENSE.

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dd8853 No.18771390

File: bcbc123f1fcbd8d⋯.png (1.13 MB,1454x964,727:482,crows_the_wiz_michael_jack….png)


"richard pryor"

as in "prior criminal record"

he went on carson and did a whole long bit about being black and being an ex con. funny stuff

plated obama in The Wiz - black wizard of oz with michael jackson

sounds like obama too - MSM commented on this

I should have a screencap of that but I don't

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52ddb6 No.18771391

File: 855b17bb9046364⋯.png (196.86 KB,412x422,206:211,gb.PNG)


​ (https://img.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2019/04/05/ground_beef_recall_81690016.jpg)​Illinois Based Meat Producer Recalls Over 2,000 Pounds Of Contaminated Ground Beef

READ: https://breakingheadlines.news/iPiYrP


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82b066 No.18771392

File: c8e05c7567950a2⋯.png (507.73 KB,769x968,769:968,ClipboardImage.png)

Simon Ateba


Everything that comes out of @jrpsaki lips on this video about @whca is a blatant lie.

Insinuating that @realDonaldTrump limited press 'access' and that she was the person who gave back that access and 'respect' to the media is a lie. In more than 2 years, President @JoeBiden has not come to the White House briefing room even once. He has granted fewer interviews than all recent presidents, he receives questions in advance and has a list of journalists to call on. Many journalists like myself are not allowed to attend Biden's briefings. He's also done fewer sit-down interviews. At most press conferences, he reads a statement and leaves the room as reporters shout questions. Jen Psaki's job has been to protect the powerful from @BarackObama to Joe Biden and all others. Sadly, the society rewards those who protect the powerful, and not those who seek to protect the American people and American allies, including those in Africa. May God help us.

video link:


(had mp4 upload error)

10:10 AM · Apr 29, 2023


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b9a20e No.18771393


What are they smuggling?

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82b066 No.18771394

File: ab0e3c830d1f938⋯.png (2.05 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Media Research Center


The Left Wasn’t Trying to Silence Tucker - They’re Trying to Silence YOU

Listen here with @RealBrittHughes 👇


9:14 AM · Apr 29, 2023


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dd8853 No.18771395


>rabbi mizrachi - 6 billion people 'don't deserve to live' - jewish rabbi genocide genocidal including all christians

wow that's new one to me.

"greater israel" means the whole planet

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99dbf6 No.18771397

File: 195081e8c1c4386⋯.png (365.67 KB,917x1272,917:1272,1682780467578.png)

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7065fd No.18771398

Foreskins should be forever.

No more genital mutilation of children.

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82b066 No.18771399

File: 50443997e178f2d⋯.png (4.83 KB,708x129,236:43,ClipboardImage.png)


This is what I get trying to upload the video

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ae14c4 No.18771400

File: c764218fcba832b⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB,640x360,16:9,c764218fcba832bdb25414c7c5….mp4)


>Yep. Nothing makes the Jew more furious than the truth.

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52ddb6 No.18771401

File: e84b65c4296ddc4⋯.png (326.38 KB,608x566,304:283,30.PNG)



U.S. Navy


#BREAKING: U.S. Navy's #USNSComfort Arrives in New York City.

FULL STORY: https://navy.mil/submit/display.asp?story_id=112508&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_content=100001207417324&utm_campaign=Man


4:38 AM · Mar 30, 2020

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26a231 No.18771402

File: 51100967fcc61b4⋯.png (142.99 KB,1119x500,1119:500,Biden_Jews.png)


Well, I sure as fuck ain't going to dinner with these "Americans". Now stick to raising your pigs and japanese anime, let the adults spread the truth.

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4c43e3 No.18771403

File: 8288bf01b54ec23⋯.jpg (567.56 KB,1190x1048,595:524,charlie5psaki.JPG)


shut up FBI

we're sick of you.

Go back to the Soros / Rockefellers maybe they'll give you an island to live on.



maybe so. that's my experience.

not a masochist here.

Did they close pol/

infux of Jew-hate FBI

thought they'd send some resources here since we're winning so bad

finally figured it out

fuck around and find out.

I think red-head piz bitch is related to Charlie and the Habsbergs? VI Kings?

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fd2620 No.18771404

File: 732575f558e4c61⋯.png (429.66 KB,700x420,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Illinois Based Meat Producer Recalls Over 2,000 Pounds Of Contaminated Ground Beef

April 28, 2023

An Illinois-based meat producer has recalled more than 2,000 pounds of ground beef patties after consumers said it was allegedly tainted with an unknown substance.

Customers complained they found “rubber-like” material in the grass-fed beef products during preparation.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture said that Weinstein Whole Meats of Forest Park, Illinois, announced the recall on April 20, of 2,122 pounds of contaminated ground beef hamburger patties.

Inspectors identified the substance as “extraneous materials, specifically pieces of white neoprene.”

Neoprene is a synthetic rubber that is used for a wide variety of products, including car parts, electronics, and in personal protective equipment like face masks.

It also happens not to be biodegradable. Although it is considered safe, it is still a polymerized form of chloroprene, which the Environmental Protection Agency has called a likely carcinogen.

Chloroprene is currently on California’s Proposition 65 list of chemicals known to increase the risk of cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm over time.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that exposure to chloroprene may also lead to dermatitis, conjunctivitis, corneal necrosis, anemia, temporary loss of hair, nervousness, and irritability.

Authorities do not believe ingesting very small amounts of chloroprene or neoprene will cause health problems.


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99dbf6 No.18771405

File: 4fad991e9e9a84a⋯.png (358.79 KB,1440x810,16:9,Budweiser_We_Cut_Our_Dicks….png)

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f9655b No.18771406

File: aff523dda2cd98f⋯.mp4 (4.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,jp_whca.mp4)

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8d300e No.18771407



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99dbf6 No.18771408

File: 05ab3c6607328c3⋯.jpg (125.76 KB,634x914,317:457,Tranny_Beer_Budweiser_.jpg)

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8d300e No.18771409

File: be7e26ff65dcea4⋯.png (166.45 KB,943x470,943:470,ClipboardImage.png)

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26a231 No.18771410

File: 2181fa3b6097297⋯.png (65.01 KB,192x220,48:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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7ce42a No.18771411

File: 1389da0f954f7ee⋯.jpg (123.9 KB,497x562,497:562,DRUNK_AND_STUPID.jpg)

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ae14c4 No.18771412

File: 16681946e88c307⋯.jpg (2.55 MB,2974x2234,1487:1117,16681946e88c307d614073f874….jpg)

File: 7b1c1974cf1460a⋯.jpg (130.48 KB,800x570,80:57,7b1c1974cf1460a3f846d2d797….jpg)

File: 5a9a5807618465b⋯.jpg (83.45 KB,600x600,1:1,IMG_9633.jpg)

File: 8c7fa25506ca4b3⋯.jpg (121.13 KB,1144x600,143:75,Q_mason.jpg)


>What are they smuggling?

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45fcc3 No.18771413

File: 345b15263a78f2d⋯.mp4 (4.44 MB,1280x720,16:9,SHOCKING.mp4)



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26a231 No.18771414

File: 707cd0f5264e489⋯.png (75.84 KB,673x500,673:500,MagicalBOOM.PNG)

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84599a No.18771415




you are a coward, the lowest level of scum

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52ddb6 No.18771416

File: 82a8b75655d0307⋯.png (215.54 KB,409x423,409:423,salt_p.PNG)


Key Gunpowder Factory Mysteriously Exploded, US Production of the Chemical Now Totally Offline


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7ce42a No.18771417

File: 80c833a151cb4f1⋯.jpg (130.69 KB,732x474,122:79,SUM_OF_ALL_SHILL_FEARS.jpg)



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45fcc3 No.18771418


How did you download the video?


didn't work for me on this video,so I had to use CocoCut to download it directly.

8kun doesn't like for example mp4s with embedded subtitles, also doesn't like mp4s with audio first and video afterwards, if I remember correctly.

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90e2db No.18771419


“Importing” goods.

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ae14c4 No.18771420

File: ea1332e5da84796⋯.png (1.72 MB,2048x1072,128:67,ea1332e5da84796e3f415327b7….png)

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4c43e3 No.18771421

File: de817b1b2da97f6⋯.png (853.44 KB,984x1000,123:125,muhjoooos.png)


but Biden is supposedly a Catholic who shits his pants.

And these flunkies are criminals who are supposedly Jews?

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26a231 No.18771422

File: da3e1b893a8d35e⋯.jpg (1.57 MB,1466x2048,733:1024,RothsHunters.jpg)



The Hunters of the Black Forest were Jews.

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2503bb No.18771423

File: 85fdd81874607f3⋯.jpg (73.23 KB,527x500,527:500,7jy60b.jpg)

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ae14c4 No.18771424

File: d51b13ff829014c⋯.png (679.05 KB,757x605,757:605,584a6fb2dc5825deb48f295f09….png)

File: 11dd6da6faca1dc⋯.png (651.46 KB,1280x880,16:11,307fee7390ec4ddd37effd63e6….png)

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52ddb6 No.18771425

File: 029bddcac76017c⋯.png (199.44 KB,239x529,239:529,luch.PNG)



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8d300e No.18771426

File: 449f48def5e230b⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB,854x480,427:240,DemocracyIsCalling.mp4)


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307f31 No.18771427


Try this, it works on Twitter also.


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d0c409 No.18771428


kek, that lame meme

you are a homo destroyer of assholes more likely

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26a231 No.18771429

File: aebfd31d206e044⋯.png (72.17 KB,657x380,657:380,JesusSays12.png)

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97b50b No.18771430


you got sauce for the two map posts?

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90e2db No.18771431



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7ce42a No.18771432

File: 39e27e4eeb73d18⋯.jpg (121.18 KB,478x565,478:565,BUDLITE_BOI.jpg)

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52ddb6 No.18771433

File: d6f71cc964d07f2⋯.png (1.8 MB,1260x853,1260:853,gov.PNG)

File: d6b69bf5aca1990⋯.png (629.59 KB,504x666,28:37,war.PNG)


X22 Report


Streamed on: Apr 29, 9:33 am EDT

Derek Johnson - Continuity Of Government Is In Place, Military In Control, Scare Event Necessary

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4fe406 No.18771434


does anyone ever quit working for the cia?

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9fa08c No.18771435


Were anons ever told directly or indirectly just how long the adrenochrome child torturing evil has been going on in the U.S.? It be interesting to know when and WHO first introduced it.

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bfc5af No.18771436

File: 8b0e2523f99cc63⋯.jpg (50.91 KB,500x770,50:77,xbhu7.jpg)

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5780a5 No.18771437

File: 0f833f68003371f⋯.png (447.66 KB,679x391,679:391,ClipboardImage.png)


>can't handle the heat

yet you went back to same post 2x


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8df4dd No.18771438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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da7d7e No.18771439

File: 863ba72bbb556c8⋯.jpg (68.15 KB,527x500,527:500,7jy6m9.jpg)

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68dd48 No.18771440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: Watching now, Bridgen starts off with a very disturbing fact, that he was double vaxxed with AstraZeneca and promoted it, he has seen a massive suicide rate in his constituency and no one is talking about it. plus now the NHS has stopped the app on covid 19 by the nhs and the AstraZeneca vaccine has now stopped everywhere.


Mr Andrew Bridgen MP

23,450 views 29 Apr 2023


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e89e3f No.18771441

File: 96a5582011fe1ab⋯.jpeg (74.66 KB,828x1148,207:287,IMG_0361.jpeg)


low energy post from the pig-tard

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8df4dd No.18771442



in a body bag.

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8d300e No.18771443

File: 292840718a83509⋯.jpg (57.86 KB,406x800,203:400,MilesGuo.jpg)


A Pro-Trump Social Network Wants to Corner the Anti-Vax ‘Jizz Market’

Gettr, a struggling right-wing social media company, is looking to create a marketplace for men who won't take the Covid vaccines to sell their sperm

A version of the idea was recently floated by one of Gettr’s most prominent backers: Guo Wengui, a billionaire fugitive from the Chinese Communist Party. A major Trumpworld ally, Guo was an early bankroller for the platform, apparently through his “family foundation,” as The Daily Beast first reported in 2021. The app itself shared code with Guo’s earlier social media platform, Getome. Though Gettr and Guo have, at times, tried to publicly downplay Guo’s involvement, Guo has repeatedly livestreamed himself talking about his strong influence over the company. Similarly, multiple people intimately familiar with the situation have explicitly described to Rolling Stone Guo’s prominent role, whether formalized or not.

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4c43e3 No.18771444

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.



apparently some aristo german Jews were NAZI.

german jews known to be top intellect..

That's how they sold themselves for paperclip?

Though not all paperclip were jewish? Many would hide their Jewishness, being NAZI ?

like Schwab.

Klaus Schwab and the Fourth Reich – Forbidden Knowledge TV


Like the Black Americans the Jew know from their own ancestral experience that the Roman Empire (still intact) wants to kill them. Inquisition / Pedestos / Pogroms. so they are more open to criticism of government because of being targeted; just as the Black Americans and even now the independent Christians.

All should band.

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e89e3f No.18771446



>CIA contractor

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7ce42a No.18771447

File: 92b8399aa1da497⋯.jpg (91.38 KB,585x595,117:119,HEAD_SHOT.jpg)

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68dd48 No.18771448

File: e7b9c631920cbaf⋯.png (429.52 KB,1242x2293,1242:2293,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f37377c0ea34ebd⋯.png (135.18 KB,697x920,697:920,ClipboardImage.png)





NHS COVID-19 app

The NHS COVID-19 app closed down on 27 April 2023. It was a fast way to see if you were at risk from COVID-19 and an easy way to alert others if you tested positive.

This collection was withdrawn on 27 April 2023

The NHS COVID-19 app has closed down, so this content is out of date.

People using the NHS COVID-19 app in England and Wales have helped to break chains of transmission and reduce infections.

Leading scientists at the University of Oxford and University of Warwick have estimated that the app prevented around 1 million cases, 44,000 hospitalisations and 9,600 people dying during its first year alone (‘Nature Communications’ paper, February 2023)

Over the past year, the success of the vaccination programme increased access to treatments and high immunity in the population have enabled the government to target its COVID-19 services. This includes providing continued access to government-funded testing, vaccinations and treatments for people at highest risk from the virus.

The number of people actively using the NHS COVID-19 app has steadily reduced since July 2021. Since access to government-funded testing ended for most people, fewer positive test results have been entered in the app and, as a result, fewer notifications sent to close contacts.

The UK Health Security Agency is committed to providing the most effective public health services and has decided to close the NHS COVID-19 app down. It will use the knowledge, technology and lessons learnt from the app to help respond to future pandemic threats.

It is important that you continue to follow the latest guidance to protect yourself and others:

England COVID-19 guidance on nhs.uk

Wales COVID-19 guidance on GOV.WALES

This includes reporting NHS lateral flow test results on GOV.UK. If you’re eligible for COVID-19 treatment, you must report your result so the NHS can contact you about treatment.

Find out about your app data and privacy

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52ddb6 No.18771450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Victory or Death: William Barret Travis’ Letter from the Alamo

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7a5642 No.18771451

File: 67e82aeb01473cd⋯.png (480.82 KB,977x822,977:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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4fe406 No.18771452


Don't believe that it was ever pointed out directly…

but what little records are out there take it back before Christ 1000 years or so…

Maybe the Vatican could shed some light if they are holding on to some ancient texts

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4366da No.18771453


double tap

just to make sure

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4fe406 No.18771454


tag the toe

and close the drawer

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29a71c No.18771455


Ports in news now.

From Chaotic to Quiet? Sumting is up.

West Coast Ports Went from Congested Chaos to Alarming Quiet. It’s a National Problem

The rapid decline of key West Coast ports should be worrying for anyone hoping for a robust economy, writes Christopher Tang.


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26a231 No.18771456

File: 8a043cfb33eecfc⋯.png (73.47 KB,500x522,250:261,SchwabShabbat.png)


Why would Schwab host a Shabbat dinner for the Jews every year at the WEF if he wasn't a Jew?

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1b50bd No.18771457

Glow Bull.

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68a8d8 No.18771458

File: 2dbf33ade94df82⋯.png (513.09 KB,470x684,235:342,Capture.PNG)

"I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone." (Remarks honoring Nobel Prize winners, 429/62)



Deja vu

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4366da No.18771459

BV is posting CP links again

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8d300e No.18771460

File: 15df298c544c796⋯.mp4 (940.7 KB,1080x618,180:103,Millstones.mp4)

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d8bd95 No.18771461

File: f392f064b52aa84⋯.png (1.84 MB,800x1420,40:71,f392f064b52aa84bb7acaa0944….png)

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4fe406 No.18771462


a contractor though

wouldn't they be sort of like

Bud Light


Having not thoroughly gone through every thing a "clown" would go through if on the govt dole

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8bc56c No.18771463


QResearch: Rigged, Nigged and Pigged

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1b50bd No.18771464


Restricting hours, restricting types of trucks, requiring Frankenfuel for ships docking, and massive onshoring of manufacturing killed demand, except for Nike using slave labor.

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4366da No.18771465


make fresh memes, pig-tard, that is a stale one

consult your shill team for help

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bfc5af No.18771466

Just tucker


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26a231 No.18771467


Mr. Pig IP hops a lot.

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4fe406 No.18771468


they all do the Michigan Rag

sort of like Academy graduates

Ring Knockers

can spot them easily

in certain circles

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eb3c8d No.18771469


Don't be so fucking retarded, retard.

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5780a5 No.18771470

File: ed2a8b9e0a1afd1⋯.png (307.03 KB,725x590,145:118,ClipboardImage.png)


kek bored much?

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1ea5ac No.18771471


Israel being saved for last is biblical. First,Jesus comes for the Christians and then for the awakened Jewish people. Sorry to burst your bubble.

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ae14c4 No.18771472

File: 0eb9e67c7a59a21⋯.jpeg (161.03 KB,1354x889,1354:889,0eb9e67c7a59a21f2ad655826….jpeg)






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4c43e3 No.18771473

File: 3aa38558db59013⋯.png (499.4 KB,776x496,97:62,orangehatscamerastagedalle….png)


noice. solve two problems at once.

falling birthrates and finance for those who resist government mandates.

Instead of all the money going to the sell-outs

Look at all the crusties making money on Jan 6th

Turn away from the camera, boys.

Waiting to march in to the Capital area to stage their false -flag fake "insurrection" for CASH$$$

And to make sure the injustice against DJTrump and his followers would be hidden, well and good?

They knew to turn from the camera

"orange hats" to ID each other.

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7ce42a No.18771474

File: 70d6fb96da15e08⋯.jpg (55.32 KB,445x392,445:392,SMILEY_PIG.jpg)



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4fe406 No.18771475


his internship

or did he go full monty?

any one who is any one in media is c_a?

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891a44 No.18771476


true dat!

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26a231 No.18771477


Read it. Don't talk to me about Christianity until you understand John Chapter 3 and why Q referenced 3:16

3 Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2 He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”

3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.[a]”

4 “How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!”

5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b] gives birth to spirit. 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You[c] must be born again.’ 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”[d]

9 “How can this be?” Nicodemus asked.

10 “You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things? 11 Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony. 12 I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? 13 No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.[e] 14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,[f] 15 that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.”[g]

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.


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6f6958 No.18771478

File: 38d3fbf803d8f47⋯.mp4 (7.61 MB,1280x976,80:61,zionism.mp4)

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4fe406 No.18771479


Ya think?

or would it be possible that certain "contractors" because of the their MOS/etc. got into work with clowns but never did all the stuff clowns do because they contract and are outside of the "guidelines" of gov't conduct?

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7ce42a No.18771480

File: 2b8ed6215e299c3⋯.jpg (77.36 KB,392x540,98:135,SLACKING_STEVIE.jpg)

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891a44 No.18771481


ammo getting depleted, pig-tard?

sure looks like it to me

your post…all caps, you must be getting mighty frustrated, just like the incel you are

maybe your momma or poppa can give you some hand relief?

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26a231 No.18771482

File: 6d471524a8d1a20⋯.jpg (41.48 KB,500x538,250:269,CroatiaIIIII.jpg)

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bfc5af No.18771483

Hannity wearing his cia pin.png

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29a71c No.18771484

File: 93206ab250c616e⋯.png (36.74 KB,448x473,448:473,Q_22.PNG)

Hankie comms?

Thinking about when he had "Covid" and the pics appeared to be him, on a boat. Doorway was wrong for land…


Tom Hanks Talks The ‘Incredibly Important Movie’ From His Career That He Says No One Ever References

There are plenty of people who can probably name the best Tom Hanks movies. Whenever his name comes up, viewers probably think of hit films like "Splash," "Big," "Sleepless in Seattle," "Forrest Gump," "Philadelphia," "Cast Away," etc. (Hanks himself has specific thoughts on his best flicks and the"casual slaughter"that comes with making them.) But there’s one movie that the66-year-old actor thinks doesn't get referenced too often. With that, the two-time Oscar winner took some time to highlight the "incredibly important movie" during a chat. Throughout his career, the "A Man Called Otto" star has proven he can master any genre, whether it be comedy or drama. While a number of his movies get referenced by fans, Tom Hanks feels the one people don't discuss is the acclaimed 2002 crime drama"Road to Perdition."The underrated gem came up during the star's interview with CinemaBlend's own "ReelBlend" podcast when the hosts called the film one of their favorites from Hanks. Once it was brought up, the witty actor took the time to reflect on the movie, making specific note of his esteemed collaborators.


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9fa08c No.18771485


I was asking about the evil practice here, anon. Pedowood, D.C., etc. But thanks.

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bfc5af No.18771486

Rino media

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8bc56c No.18771487


we're at the end


Q larped you into standing down for Warp Speed abomination

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7ce42a No.18771488

File: 834d0bfb9409847⋯.jpg (108.38 KB,617x568,617:568,LEFT_CANT_TAUNT.jpg)



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6f6958 No.18771489

File: 783274d84a46459⋯.png (480.19 KB,1296x1138,648:569,f8bec98ceec1e7c4.png)


Who does me posting verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion makes me FBI? And speaking of FBI:



"25 years with the FBI - now "joins" the ADL?

That's a distinction without a difference.

It's not even a "pipeline" or a "revolving door" - it's just one big shit-filled toilet."


FBI being trained by the ADL:



FBI agents have to visit holocaust museum as part of their training (video):


Truth about the ADL:


FBI partnership with the ADL since the 50's:


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8d300e No.18771490

If you indulge their love of drinking by supplying them with as much as they desire, they will be overcome by their own vices as easily as by the arms of an enemy.

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26a231 No.18771491


>Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already

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da5359 No.18771492

File: a12750b089daf17⋯.jpeg (56.33 KB,640x640,1:1,IMG_0234.jpeg)


>kek bored much?

bigly bored!

just throwing stinky bait into the waters….

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ae14c4 No.18771493

File: 9af524a92776391⋯.png (202 KB,468x354,78:59,ss_sp.png)

File: be590459d2e1db1⋯.jpg (71.11 KB,474x591,158:197,be590459d2e1db13932d689545….jpg)



Edomites, Kenites, AshkeNAZlm, Pharisees, "Serpent Seed" ("Reptiles")

or Zionists.

The story goes that in 1095 at Claremont, France, Pope Urban 2nd (whose

power and popularity were waning) declared war on the Muslim Caliphate,

initiating the Crusade to recapture Jerusalem. Out of this blood-bath arose

the Knights of the Temple of Solomon, or Knights Templars. In

Jerusalem., the Templars adopted Kabbalistic and Hermetic teachings,

deviating so far from Christian practise that, in 1307., some were arrested

in France by King Philippe for "Satanic Activity", denial of Christ, idol

worship, Black Magic and homosexuality. In 1314, Pope Clement 5th

declared all Templars to be heretics) arrested their leader, Jacques de

Molay, and those Templars that escaped found a welcome in Scotland,

where they helped Robert the Bruce to defeat the English in that same

year. Secretly, the Templars gained control of the British monarchy, and

you can be sure that they intended to gain control of the Vatican. However,

they had to change their name, and became the Freemasons in 1717 – but

still driven by a lust for power gained by terror and blood sacrifice. (THE

LIGHT: "Illuminati The Freemasonry and Zionism - The Master Plan To

Rule The World.")

Also, as the skull is a Masonic

symbol, the "SS-skull" is a suggestion

that "Isis" is the symbol of total Templar

Masonry with Pharaonic and Pharasaic


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9fa08c No.18771494


Of course. The work of fiction where the sick and evil fukk takes the moral high ground….as low as it is in the movie.

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6f6958 No.18771496


Jews always try to smear those that criticize them as Nazis when they are addressing an audience that doesn't know about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion, but when Jews are addressing an audience that knows about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion then they try to smear Nazis and Hitler as Jews so people don't look into the real facts about Hitler and National Socialism, because they don't want people to learn that Hitler and the Nazis had the right idea on how to get rid of the Jewish central banking enslavement system and how to run a non-Jewed economy and society properly.

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29eaed No.18771497

File: f66fc2572d7d326⋯.png (265.26 KB,620x414,310:207,earpiece_emperor.png)

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82b066 No.18771498


It is good to have an honest voice of the people in the WH press pool.

I wonder how long his press credentials will last?


Thanks - I tried 3 times with two different sized mp4 downloads.

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29a71c No.18771499


Last summer, there was a plan to move the congestion from Long Beach, to the High Desert. Know what else is in High Desert? On that road? China Lake. Mars CA. Underground Bases. Big ass Earthquake a few years back.


Plan for inland port in the middle of California’s Mojave Desert gains traction


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4fe406 No.18771500


would only imagine that whatever it is that sets the elite into the positions that they hold has likely carried forward for ages and migrated along with those who are deemed to "lead"

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5450a5 No.18771501

File: d73bbf9046fdb6f⋯.jpg (104.51 KB,500x666,250:333,it_had_to_be_this_way_v2.jpg)

File: 3fe49fbb4db87e5⋯.jpg (102.44 KB,500x666,250:333,Asian_hate_76.jpg)

File: 71aa7c6a7ea5098⋯.jpg (101.16 KB,588x424,147:106,what_now_mofo.jpg)

File: d5e611a9dff07a4⋯.jpg (88.74 KB,630x453,210:151,The_Two_Witnesses.jpg)

File: 640d012e8f8d2c2⋯.jpg (84.56 KB,807x453,269:151,JV.jpg)


Be on standby.

Mr. Pig needs ((( [[[ you ]]] )))

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4c43e3 No.18771502

File: c9dec0377af2046⋯.jpeg (114.1 KB,1024x1005,1024:1005,floydobamadproof.jpeg)

didn't I say he was hiding that he was Jewish?

Why would a NAZI hide that?

Dude's a full-fledged Nazi

Why did he host the dinner?

maybe to curry favor with Jews he needs for the NAZI program he and his company are enacting?

He denys his Jewish, you know that?

And hides his mother, who is Jewish.

Remember the Floyd Obama proof?

that the Floyd incident was staged (everybody here knew that anyway, so much evidence)

Barry posted his image before it happened.

Debunker shill had a hard time trying to squeeze / weasel their way out of that.

Used and obscure techy excuse for that - which was drivel

But the fake debunk got the hypnotized off-the-hook to have to admit anything.

Not that they would anyway.

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6f6958 No.18771503


The true and eternal Israel from the Bible is the faith in Christ, not the Rothschild founded pedophile haven known as Israel that they built in occupied Palestine with US and German tax payer money. And when Jesus returns He will literally be nuking the whole world and the Heavens and then the Final Judgment happens.

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bfc5af No.18771504

Indoctrination TV 📺


Our ability to communicate spirit to spirit

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9fa08c No.18771505


Just trying to figure out if Bogie was bogarting the chrome…or the Rat Pack…how far my disillusionment with Pedowood extends.

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4f286d No.18771506


Yep. A rino cult. Thankfully, in smaller numbers now. Overconfidence is a thing.

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0f73e3 No.18771507

File: fc5b0a8b70dd960⋯.jpeg (40.46 KB,570x587,570:587,IMG_0363.jpeg)



omg, resorting to imgflip meme templates now?

pig-tard, you are an epic fail, utterly

you are the ukraine hohol of QR, you're like a ukie peasant soldier crouching in a shit filled ditch whilst I drop mortar shells on your pig-head!

fucking loser, bigly

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52ddb6 No.18771508

File: 27b6f2eb24cfa5b⋯.jpg (36.42 KB,638x473,58:43,music_pepe_meme.JPG)

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b3f23a No.18771509


>>18770869 (pb)

> 6387f6

you're ridiculous.

if you think it's OK to call someone what that baker called whoever it was that, an . . .

'oozing . .C . . wound'

then you are as sick minded as that one is.

enough of this. like I said: if you defend these depraved people and harass those who don't put up with it, then you are depraved too.

get help.

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97b50b No.18771510


does the US still own them?

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82b066 No.18771513


>How did you download the video?

I do usually use


But since it did work, I used ClipGrab.

good to know about this site, too.



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0f73e3 No.18771514


pig-tard needs backup, stat!

all hands on deck

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307f31 No.18771515

File: 316a271a7816497⋯.mp4 (14.62 MB,640x360,16:9,Trump_Silent_Running_15mb.mp4)


same as this one!!!

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5780a5 No.18771516

File: f59b5da324d4bff⋯.png (337.6 KB,622x520,311:260,ClipboardImage.png)


yeah it's stinyk 'aight

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26a231 No.18771517

File: a63ad20abc6a0e0⋯.png (56.74 KB,657x380,657:380,JesusSays4.png)


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45fcc3 No.18771518


>nooooo, you must not word bad words against shills

fuck off, cunt

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29a71c No.18771519


Jews are Nazis. Nazis are Jews.

Don['t notice though or you get cancelled.

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7ce42a No.18771520

File: 06ccf3d5b707950⋯.jpg (141.38 KB,514x813,514:813,PROPER_ID.jpg)




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97b50b No.18771521

File: 6ab34f5e7f74788⋯.png (265.28 KB,347x347,1:1,6ab34f5e7f74788fce7a8d8c86….png)


got em


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8ed100 No.18771522

The Q thread on the /pol/ battlefield is winding down (almost at 300).

o7 to the anons from here (or well versed in Q if not) that replied in it.

Good job.

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796d30 No.18771523


That one is nice…but, this one is so much better! >>18771515

Trump – Silent Running

The Road less traveled!

What "IMPRINT" will "YOU" leave in the sands of HISTORY?

What will future Americans say we did in our brief time right here on Earth?

Trust me, I'm with the HIGH COMMAND!

Better you should PRAY to GOD, the FATHER and the SPIRIT, will guild you and PROTECT you from up HERE!

POWERFUL WORDS WITH DEEP, DEEP MEANINGS…LOVE THE MUSIC and Justin Bellucci is a genius at these compilation videos.

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9fa08c No.18771524


Also, did/does the mob have any connection. Or are we to believe the sanitized version where Don Corleone fought against the drug and adrenochrome trade. That's the reason for my mobbed-up Rat Pack fukks question.

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f98e10 No.18771525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ae14c4 No.18771526

File: 2666362e4a6fa5e⋯.jpg (95.09 KB,1080x1253,1080:1253,2666362e4a6fa5e3e24aada6ed….jpg)

File: 5854e8d458d80bf⋯.png (137.51 KB,729x687,243:229,5854e8d458d80bfe16ea696df3….png)

File: d48c079a3e6c347⋯.png (5.32 MB,2672x2572,668:643,d48c079a3e6c347848fcbccf48….png)

File: 6325f031b3e7644⋯.jpg (171.97 KB,692x856,173:214,6325f031b3e76449db4a795778….jpg)

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86cc75 No.18771527


Pig Army?

probably full of diversity homo butt-reamimg third world niggers and spics

You got your Pig Army ID by letting the drill instructor shove his meat-rifle up your already dilated and greased asshole

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26a231 No.18771528


Why did H-wood glorify Titanic as a tragic love story?

Who lived in the movie (what man)?

Why is this relevant?

Opposite is true.

What is brainwashing?

What is a PSYOP?

What happened to the Hindenburg?

What really happened to the Hindenburg?

Who died during the ‘accident’?

Why is this relevant?

What are sheep?

Who controls the narrative?

Post 142

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99b829 No.18771529

File: c4d3fd3642f8421⋯.png (238.77 KB,494x694,247:347,vaughn99.png)

File: d4bed2ca98c015c⋯.png (752.32 KB,789x602,789:602,Screenshot_from_2021_05_01….png)



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a95287 No.18771530

File: c496141d67e0d9b⋯.png (143.81 KB,367x396,367:396,Handsign.png)

File: 0c6689f1a9bcffb⋯.jpg (19.42 KB,400x478,200:239,Geb_rdensprache.jpg)

>>18770676 lb

Is this the same Hand gesture he used in the Scavino pic? I just saw it and just saw it.

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4c43e3 No.18771531

File: 6f7dc6164ce41d4⋯.png (166.67 KB,326x311,326:311,trumpinstalibertybell.png)



jews are a religion and ethnicity

nazi is a political party


that's why the nazi put gitmo on Cuba.


MOS, FBI and Cla are all crooks get themselves in leadership position, as crooks do

Just as MOS crimes has nothing to do with ordinary Jews.

D;A crimes have nothing to do with ordinary Americans.

Why do you think foreign Propaganda hates America and burns American Flag.

It's the C;A they hate.

The NAZI who ursurped the power levers of our Country - since they got together and murdered JFK, if not before.

Now they are out of the closet and literally trying to kill us all; Jew , Chrisian, Black White doesn't matter to them.

So it's now or never for us.

The suuppid division faggin is paid for by the NAZI, who are known mostly for Jew hate.

Now we see they also hate Russians.

They son't discriminate in their hate.

Training people to hate White Americans…

a very old trick.

Roman Church used it to bigger itself when it first started out.

Turned servants against the bosse as was done via the Marxism push (still ongoing).

We need to unite as Americans, under the Bill of Rights and our Constitution - the rule of law, we were/ are very luckily the beneficiaries of.

thats what they really hate us for

with that "weaponry" in our power, the tyranny they desire will fail.

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5bfc61 No.18771532


>Iran gets closer to getting nuclear weapons, Trump stated they are just days away from them having them

where and when was this stated?

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86cc75 No.18771533


oh well, the mouldy bread deserves my mouldy posts

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8df4dd No.18771534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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796d30 No.18771535

File: f690f5b3772da4f⋯.mp4 (15.78 MB,640x360,16:9,Trump_Silent_Running_best.mp4)


oops…that was the bad one….this one goes all the way to the end…sorry…

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9fa08c No.18771536


Also hard to believe that it all began with Mossad-Epstein. But the pedo scandals go way back to Boys' Town and Franklin. Were they torturing kids for chrome in the U.S. in the 1930s-40s-50s?? Earlier??

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7ce42a No.18771537

File: e4a4e089ccef4d6⋯.jpg (106.44 KB,478x531,478:531,BUDLITE_BOI_STRIKES_AGAIN.jpg)

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5780a5 No.18771538

File: 2b9ad339d31a2ea⋯.png (360.28 KB,840x469,120:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce4e76f366bd833⋯.png (173.7 KB,534x393,178:131,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d991fed6f8aa65⋯.png (258.4 KB,436x451,436:451,ClipboardImage.png)

PlaneFag Yerp/Med activity

SPAR88 NATO G5 departed Rzsesow Airport, Poland after arriving yesterday >>18766974 pb

French AF CTM1072 A330 also departed Rzsesow Airport after about 3h on ground

Japanese AF JASDF JF701 777 used by PM Kishida for travel but not them-they are JF001 so probably FM heading west over southern Turkey and went over Chyna-they been doing that lately when they totally avoided it before

Italian AF IAM9001 Falon 900PM Meloniafter a visit to Parma and L'Aguila was in London yesterday visiting Sunak but not on this AC

NATO11 E-3A Sentry AWACS trackin' over eastern Romania with a Polish AF SN61YG L-410 Turbolet out from Constanta AB

German AF GAF703 and 218 A400ms NW from Muwaffaq Salti Air Base, Jordan-still bizzy here

Turkish AF TUAF726 A400m departed Okba Ifn Naba Air base in Libya while TUAF735 C-130 Hercules heading south crossing Egyptian northern coast and departed Kayseri earlier

>>18766764 pb Turkish Evacuation Plane Comes Under Attack In Sudan

RAF RFR07055 Eurofighter went to Estonia-Amari AB just SW of Tallinn in Estonia from RAF Lossiemouth-P-8s are stationed there-the ones seen in the Baltic sea from RAF and USAF

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730fcc No.18771539


been a thing for thousands of years. when did it become industrialized?

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796d30 No.18771540


Too big to put on Twitter, if it could be put on Twitter, I would be pasting it 24/7/52…

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6d2af3 No.18771541

File: 58848998e1e6866⋯.jpg (244.63 KB,878x1170,439:585,90fb4a82b6dbabac.jpg)

(pb) >>18768085, >>18768145, >>18768135, >>18768166, >>18768184, >>18768229 President Trump and Steve Bannon Live on WarRoom

PDJT sits down for a conversation with Paul Revere. 😎

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82b066 No.18771542

File: 92caf0c1e7ec5e6⋯.mp4 (13.28 MB,1280x720,16:9,Simon_Ateba_WH_Qs_21MAR23.mp4)

File: 0926e53ebe18311⋯.png (267.87 KB,740x543,740:543,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 138403599277156⋯.png (337.65 KB,769x743,769:743,ClipboardImage.png)


>Simon Ateba


>It is good to have an honest voice of the people in the WH press pool.

Simon Ateba


@bennyjohnson was not surprised about @JoeBiden cheat sheet. I had told him earlier.

WATCH (Clip is from March 2023)

11:19 AM · Apr 29, 2023


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058e07 No.18771543

I am aware that anything Fox touches is crap

Watchin. fox weather channel

Showing airplanes

At Merritt island airport

Bunch of damaged planes

Noticed that 2 were missing engines

Wind blew the motor out


Hell I thought that's how they flew

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5450a5 No.18771544

File: 3575873cb9cea69⋯.jpg (163.06 KB,606x455,606:455,Squirrel_God.jpg)

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e591a7 No.18771545

Justin Trudeau just took control of the internet (feat. Candice Malcolm)

April 28, 2023

The Liberal government’s controversial internet regulation bill, C-11, has become law with “independent” senators ultimately voting in favour of it yesterday. When it comes into effect, the CRTC will have control over what content social media companies and online streaming platforms show to users, though the regulations are still yet to be worked out. True North’s Andrew Lawton says the importance of this can’t be understated as C-11 signals the death of the open internet.


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9fa08c No.18771546


Jeez, reading is fundamental anons. When HERE?! The U.S.!? And WHO started it HERE?!

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ae14c4 No.18771547

File: 0938c192ce47e72⋯.png (245.2 KB,500x500,1:1,36b5ca910ef04e4e955f8dc2e7….png)

File: f8b6438a5fd0a7d⋯.png (683.55 KB,835x888,835:888,538eab773a1c21b4b22f3afff4….png)

File: 425ed2f1d409981⋯.png (832.07 KB,577x832,577:832,sod_at_sea.png)

File: 2687e0f90f9758d⋯.jpg (163.5 KB,667x725,23:25,1659812723660777.jpg)


>pedo scandals go way back


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8d300e No.18771548


>C-11 signals the death of the open internet.

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77ae77 No.18771549


Bannon interrupted Trump every 5-15 seconds literally. Was annoying to watch - Trump could barely finish a sentence without an interruption. In fairness I think Bannon was just excited to be interviewing him but he's gotta tone that shit down.

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6d2af3 No.18771550

File: 2f5932144e14814⋯.webp (1019.44 KB,960x1025,192:205,fentanyl_seized_in_sf3.webp)

Look who arrived in San Francisco. Very unlike a DEM stronghold wanting to reduce drug use and crime.

National Guard steps into San Francisco fentanyl crisis: How will this work?

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — The California National Guard is stepping into San Francisco’s fentanyl crisis to stop the flow of fentanyl from reaching open-air drug markets and target “prominent poison peddlers,” the governor said Friday.

Mayor London Breed, National Guard Major General Matthew Beevers, District Attorney Brooke Jenkins, and San Francisco Police Chief Bill Scott held a news conference Friday afternoon to release more details about the joint operation.


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68a8d8 No.18771551

Hunter Biden is a huge problem for [them]. Will the finally make the decision to get rid of him once and for all?

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3b1d6b No.18771552

File: ca59a14778dc11f⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.51 MB,1540x460,77:23,ClipboardImage.png)

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50aca0 No.18771553

File: 8798078b7c27fe3⋯.png (259.67 KB,593x611,593:611,ClipboardImage.png)

Mark Levin



Part 2 with President Trump at 8 PM eastern on Life, Liberty & Levin Sunday! Set your DVR if you can’t watch Live!

Apr 27, 2023, 7:22 PM

Donald Trump joins Mark Levin on Life, Liberty and Levin Sunday, April 30 at 8pm Eastern on Fox News



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eb3c8d No.18771554


Who's in the painting?

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4c43e3 No.18771555

File: f426470bff56135⋯.jpg (363.11 KB,1160x1026,580:513,babyseller1763vien.jpg)


pedo cult goes back to ancient world / middle ages.


Tradition continured, even used the Western Church.

Roman Religion.

You can see it in the art work

they don't hide, not then or now

Not really, if you use your eyes.

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730fcc No.18771556



the cult brought it here as soon as they found or colonized the place. some of the indigenous cultures may have been doing it already.

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bfc5af No.18771557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

calling all catholics and (non)

Livestream Rosary about to start

High noon

With priest blessing at the end

Get your signal graces !

Those who propagate something something

Those who defend something something

Those advocate something something

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d8bd95 No.18771558

File: a21f4093966892f⋯.jpg (37.44 KB,625x497,625:497,2vf44s.jpg)

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82b066 No.18771559

File: 1eead2afb233ee2⋯.png (212.34 KB,481x935,481:935,ClipboardImage.png)

(As much at the AP despises it, the GOP Base remains solid for Trump and election Truth.)

Georgia’s Kemp veers from Trump, but state GOP not moving on

BUFORD, Ga. (AP) — A slate of Georgia Republicans led by Gov. Brian Kemp handily won reelection last year over far-right primary opponents endorsed by Donald Trump and backed by the state party chairperson, showing the limits of the former president and his 2020 election lies in the critical swing state.

Despite those stinging primary losses, the state GOP is showing little interest in moving on from Trump.

Last weekend, Republicans in Georgia’s 1st Congressional District, which includes Savannah, elected as their chair Kandiss Taylor, a Kemp gubernatorial challenger who ran on a “Jesus Guns Babies” platform and denies the legitimacy of her primary defeat. In metro Atlanta’s 6th Congressional District, Republican activists considered a resolution rejecting the results of the 2020 election and declaring Democrat Joe Biden the “acting” president. …


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68dd48 No.18771560

File: 581acd4bec8aa33⋯.png (100.8 KB,429x373,429:373,ClipboardImage.png)


anon watched.

bannons ego is massive

anon does not trust him at all and neither does trump,

called him sloppy steve many times.

Anon thinks and is almost 99% sure that Trump is captain toby character from the lone gunmen episode.

spying for the zionists, elites globalist and the chinese.

surprised he gave bannon a interview.

but books sales and media coverage will be massive.

especially the before and after relationships with trump from those who attack him now.

multifaceted chess game.

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ae14c4 No.18771561

File: 11caeccb1133a9c⋯.png (7.49 KB,225x225,1:1,deic.png)


Petrus Albertus Van Der Parra, Governor-General of the Dutch East India Company

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6d2af3 No.18771562

What's happening in Israel.

Israel in "17th" week of protests. Combined with widespread power outage after suspected cyber attack.

I'd bet the Cyber attack is self inflicted to keep the protesters at home and "in the dark".

Starting 17th week of protests, leaders slam pro-overhaul rally’s ‘severe incitement’

Statement blasts legislation’s supporters who trampled on images of top legal figures; ex-Supreme Court Justice Yoram Danziger, Nobel winner Aaron Ciechanover to speak in Tel Aviv


Widespread Power Outage In Israel After Suspected Cyber Attack


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68dd48 No.18771563




>Anon thinks and is almost 99% sure that Trump is captain toby character

holy fuck what a mistake,

anon mean bannon is the captain toby character.


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a95287 No.18771564


Yes, he did. But it was, in my view, as if two friends were talking to each other. Not like an interview as we all know it! My take. But yes, I thought the same with interrupting!

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e577ca No.18771565

File: 5e7ae30919335f6⋯.png (810.85 KB,977x977,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d300e No.18771566

File: 744d73f9c404b3c⋯.png (611.98 KB,700x700,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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ae14c4 No.18771567

File: ba5ab1fdfef59c7⋯.png (548.94 KB,977x867,977:867,953534bb437f9a12998cb9cf23….png)

File: 63b1c1669d4802b⋯.mp4 (82.75 KB,640x360,16:9,63b1c1669d4802b11d2908ddd2….mp4)

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fe36b9 No.18771568

File: fb16d3026dd54c8⋯.png (305.69 KB,636x576,53:48,xkvbiuger.png)

Japanese Tinfoil Hat png

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4c43e3 No.18771569

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kappy named Bannon as someone taking money from Epstein; maybe it was just a loan.

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