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90d260 No.18699499 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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90d260 No.18699501

International Q Research Threads

>>18670265 ——–——– Australia #29

>>18668978 ——–——– Canada #42

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>18551332 ——–——– Germany #105

>>18632710 ——–——– Japan #13

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6



bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker

Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children

Download QAGG https://anonfiles.com/3c43Scb4z0/offsite_qagg_zip

>>18147768 ban lifts

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>18147527 No p*rn videos

>>18489141 Jan 6th Song Featuring Trump Soars To #1 On iTunes

>>18681956 BLUR IMAGE CODE During Image attacks. Insert into Options.Theme.

>>18681959 How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos


>>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>17241444 Baker's Lite JS

>>18147761 Baking range: @75 up to 751

>>17980519 No RRN in notes

>>18311579 Post notables or step down by @300


#22941 >>18698751 Shout Out to GOLD noter this bread o7

>>18698769, >>18698883 from PB moar info-Is Nobuyoshi Araki The Japanese Marina Abramovic?

>>18698781 Mike Pence Gets Booed At NRA Convention in Indiana April 14

>>18698782, >>18698938, >>18699067 FBI Behind Plot to Blow Up Governor Ralph Northam -- Used Elderly Vietnam Veteran in Diabolical Plot to Bomb VA Gov

>>18698785, >>18698920 QClock April 14, 2023 - Be Ready, This Has Never Been Attempted (nommed 2X)

>>18698786 CEO of Anheuser-Busch apparently deleted his account after people found out he is a clown soc media

>>18698787, >>18699482 Pipe Bomb Hurled at PM Kishida Ahead of G7 Summit in Japan mp4

>>18698788, >>18698815 @RepMTG "Ukraine is not the 51st state." TS and a kek meme

>>18698804 The 21 Year Old Leaker --- Something Is Not Right gatewaypundit

>>18698908 America's Coming Energy Crisis americanthinker

>>18698918, >>18698959 Trump’s Ron DeSantis ‘Pudding Fingers’ Ad Is Disgustingly Good

>>18698945, >>18699047 Ex-FBI agents accuse top CIA, FBI officials of 9/11 coverup; CIA said to use Saudis, others for illegal domestic spy operations-floridabulldog

>>18698981 PF: BOXER40 C-40C returning to JBA from Hickam AFB departure- Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley (and crew) returns from Hanoi, Ho Chi Mink City and Jakarta moar on AF1 and Potato

>>18699001 Op-Ed: Germany’s Energy Self-Sabotage

>>18699020, >>18699034 Corruption runs deep & wide in AZ april 14 soc media/AZ SunTimes

>>18699022 3 American sailors missing off the coast of Mexico

>>18699023 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day-When Z is for Mars

>>18699030 Protesters stormed the stage and yelled 'Jews against DeSantis' while the Florida governor spoke at a GOP fundraising event April 14

>>18699091 First Victim Loses Life As Largest Fungal Infection In US History Breaks Out In Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

>>18699100 This billboard just went up outside of Palm Beach international airport. "Trump is not above the law" soc. media

>>18699101 4.2 percent of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine batches accounted for 71 percent of suspected adverse events (SAEs), according to Danish researchers in a recent study published

>>18699111 Russian oil trade post-ban is dominated by Greek tanker operators, and the size of the Greek-operated fleet post-EU ban is nearly 2.5 times bigger than the next fleet

>>18699122 "Looks like something went wrong. Please reload your country" Ben Garrison TS

>>18699144 Air Force Academy Cadets Don’t Know What Their Oath to the Constitution Means

>>18699153 Former CIA Officer Larry Johnson: This Is A Controlled Leak To Prepare The Public For "Crash Landing" Of U.S. Foreign Policy

>>18699158 The Business of Wokeness is Bad Business

>>18699184 CO: Dem governor poised to make his state a safe haven for child sex changes, abortion

>>18699188 Exploring the Secret Nazi Tunnels Under a German Vacation Town

>>18699192, >>18699100 2016 and now: Soros's Moveon.Org takes Responsibility for Violent Donald Trump protest – Promises more protests to come

>>18699194 Refresher: Dean Hamer at unknown conference explaining how vaccines will be used to deactivate gene VMAT2 (the God Gene)

>>18699205 Report says China's latest signal communist country could be preparing for world war

>>18699215 NATO member Finland breaks ground on Russia border fence

>>18699222 PF: Tanker for Potato arrives over ghey beach in the "at Rehoboth Beach position"

>>18699239 Democrats' Corporate Media Smear Machine Kicks Into High Gear Against RFK Jr.

>>18699252 look who is behind the TN trubble

>>18699259, >>18699269, >>18699279, >>18699284, >>18699296, >>18699304, >>18699469 Sassafras ban why?

>>18699387, >>18699418 IMF Unveils New Global Currency Known As The "Universal Monetary Unit" To "Transform" World Economy

>>18699393 Soros had a plan for Ukraine. Uploaded from John Solomon on scribd.

>>18699398 Argentina To Rework $44 Billion IMF Deal as Drought Hits Economy

>>18699422 April 15 they sank the Titanic

>>18699444 French state TV pulls report after (whiney) Ukrainian pressure

>>18699497 #22941

#22940 >>18697894

>>18697936 Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signs 3 bills protecting abortions and transgender treatments

>>18697976 A typical night of drinking Bud Light mp4

>>18697992 Donald J. Trump: I promise you this — with me at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, no one will lay a finger on your firearms! (0:42)

>>18697994 Donald J. Trump: They want to take away your guns… (0:52)

>>18697997 Donald J. Trump: If we can send $120 BILLION DOLLARS to Ukraine, then we can afford 1/10th of that amount to protect American children in American schools! (0:17)

>>18698006 Donald J. Trump: I will order the ATF to stop bullying gun store owners, and instead go after drug dealers, human traffickers and criminal cartels! (0:29)

>>18698012 Donald J. Trump: The Biden gun-control agenda is part and parcel of the left-wing crusade to weaponize government against law-abiding citizens while letting criminals roam free. (0:19)

>>18698020 Donald J. Trump: Today our Americans Gun Rights without due process of law, I stood up for Hunters, Fishers and Farmers… They are critical infrastructure. (0:52)

>>18698033 Donald J. Trump: Our country has been chock full of guns for centuries and there was no talk of massacres of school children until around the year 2000. This is not a gun problem, this is a mental heath problem, this is a social problem, this is a cultural problem, this is a spiritual problem. (0:27)

>>18698035 Donald J. Trump: I was proud to be the most pro-gun, pro-Second Amendment President you've ever had in the White House—and with your support in 2024, I will be your loyal friend and fearless champion once again as the 47th President of the United States. (0:25)

>>18698042 Donald J. Trump: Thank you @jimbanks!

>>18698231 Donald J. Trump full NRA speech with transcripts

>>18698002 PF reports: POTATO back over CONUS

>>18698003 Former CIA officer Larry Johnson says the leaked Pentagon documents are a 'controlled leak'

>>18698025 Schumann resonance Tomsk Russia

>>18698085 @BennyJohnson: Hey guys, I think I found the problem. The CEO of Budweiser is a CIA operative

>>18698196 April 15th in history: The RMS Titanic sank in the early morning hours of 15 April 1912, President Abraham Lincoln died April 15 1865, at 7:22 a.m.

>>18698211 Anon digs: Australian internet censorship company Digital Industry Group Inc. (DIGI), aims to bring global large and scale-up technology companies together on issues of shared public policy interest, members include Meta, Twitter, Google, Apple

>>18698259 Mom slams California school for transitioning her daughter to a boy 'behind her back' as district votes to KEEP parental secrecy policy - and bearded trans activist says teachers are protecting kids from 'hate and prejudice' at home

>>18698292 @Elon replies: "Any parent or doctor who sterilizes a child before they are a consenting adult should go to prison for life"

>>18698296 Jim Jordan at the NRA: Thank you for being in the fight against the elite, Thank you for standing by Donald Trump, in spite of everyone that is after him, including the bureaucracy, he fights for us

>>18698771 #22940


>>18697188 Pentagon leaks won’t hurt Ukraine – Wagner boss

>>18697215 Putin signs new conscription law

>>18697229 Clarence Thomas did not disclose real estate deal with GOP megadonor

>>18697269 Anheuser Busch Has Some History with WEF and ESG

>>18697281 TikTok ban gets final approval by Montana’s GOP legislature

>>18697282 Kiev taps nationalist militant to govern Pechersk Lavra monastery

>>18697307 Who owns the world? Tracing half the corporate giants’ shares to 30 owners

>>18697362 Donald J. Trump - Iowa 2024: Trump holds 30-point lead for Republican Nomination

>>18697368 Close to 100 members of the Brazilian Congress write a letter to the Biden Admin urging that he cease his attempts to prosecute and extradite Julian Assange.


>>18697380 Holocaust doc produced by Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, to air on PBS on Tuesday for Yom Hashoah

>>18697398, >>18697424, >>18697464, >>18697617, >>18697825 Japanese PM’s speech interrupted by ‘explosion’ – media

>>18697421 Dan Scavino - Prior to departing Indiana this evening, @realDonaldTrump goes over to thank some incredible Law Enforcement Officers — prior to boarding Trump Force One…

>>18697586 Brazil’s Lula in China says US should stop ‘encouraging’ war in Ukraine

>>18697602 Protesters Storm Stage To Protest Ron DeSantis During Speech At GOP Fundraiser

>>18697629 Washington State Passes Bill Allowing Government to Take Away Minor From Parents If They Refuse To Agree to Gender Transition Surgery

>>18697737 At least 6 female teachers arrested for sexual misconduct with students over two days across US

>>18697764 Jesse Watters - The Government Lied to us about Vietnam

>>18697767 Voter ID Please - Q drop 2764

>>18697887 #22929

Previously Collected

>>18696342 #22937, >>18697106 #22938

>>18693916 #22934, >>18694773 #22935, >>18696097 #22936

>>18691584 #22931, >>18692402 #22932, >>18693144 #22933

>>18689212 #22928, >>18689968 #22929, >>18691448 #22930

TripCodefeed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

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90d260 No.18699504

File: d7000bd3f69a3bd⋯.mp4 (9.07 MB,854x480,427:240,Xithepooh2.mp4)

File: ae7282c519696e4⋯.png (2.47 MB,1643x1262,1643:1262,xithepooh.png)

File: 044a545da8b2baf⋯.png (1.69 MB,1258x903,1258:903,xithepoo3.png)

File: 33916a68ca8c721⋯.png (1.06 MB,1024x576,16:9,yosix.png)

File: 4e99d0a947a7571⋯.jpeg (30.04 KB,680x377,680:377,woke8.jpeg)



Baker has IRL, handoff or will tap @20

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5f3bfb No.18699505

Ha. Ha shit bird

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159bf2 No.18699512

File: 91e6e36759bf455⋯.png (336.84 KB,361x459,361:459,8d5934317502d8019de35100a7….png)

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2422b7 No.18699514

File: 1b7b33ba5d84586⋯.png (471.75 KB,692x469,692:469,ClipboardImage.png)

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0eaafc No.18699517

File: b66de8c15538f80⋯.gif (4.55 MB,480x360,4:3,b66de8c15538f807ec197c08df….gif)

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9bbfaf No.18699518

File: b7f62822af964ff⋯.jpg (311.51 KB,1200x1500,4:5,usa_fight_for_homosex_in_b….jpg)


>American Badass! Fuk Yeah


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c2274b No.18699520

File: 457bada034ebbc4⋯.jpeg (112.47 KB,768x432,16:9,419A59B8_74B5_4DE6_9DD5_B….jpeg)

15 Apr, 2023 14:31

Former NATO troops see ‘disarray’ in Ukrainian military – CTV

“Generations of Ukrainians” might be lost if swift changes aren’t made, US and Canadian instructors havereportedlyclaimed

A chaotic military command structure is leading to huge losses among Ukrainian troops and is causing serious doubts over the outcome of the conflict with Russia, Canada’s CTV National News has claimed, citing a report by former NATO soldiers.

The so-called ‘White Papers’ were compiled by two former high-ranking members of the US Special Forces and one former major in the Canadian Armed Forces. Each of the group has been training local forces in Ukraine for the last nine months, the broadcaster reported on Friday. (Who leaked these?)

According to CTV, the papers describe Ukraine’s military command structure as being in disarray, while it further claims that the country’s military communication system is crumbling. If changes to tactics are not introduced rapidly, “generations of Ukrainians”could be lost, the document warns.

One of the authors, a former Canadian army major who chose to remain anonymous, told CTV that it was “well documented” that the Ukrainian army had suffered “huge losses with their junior officers.”

Earlier this month, leaked Pentagon papers claimed that Ukrainian forces have so far suffered between 124,000 and 131,000 dead and wounded during the conflict. The figure, which was based on US estimates, is several times higher than Kiev’s official death toll.

The source argued to CTV that the authors of the ‘White Papers’ were not looking to criticize Ukraine, but were “only striving for the better outcome” for the country.

The lack of coordination between Ukrainian units is leading to “greater losses of life and equipment as well as failed operations,” the paper is said to have stated.

Another issue of concern for the former NATO servicemen is that “military aid, such as tanks, are used as mobile artillery and not in combined operations with infantry” by Kiev’s forces. As a result, “[Ukrainian] infantry will watch as the enemy maneuvers and stages in front of their defensive positions just outside of effective artillery range.”

According to the report, Ukraine’s training approach “is based on the legacy Soviet model” which puts the commander at the center, “with no delegation of authority in training, planning, and especially operations.”

The widespread lack of application of NATO standards leads to painfully slow decision-making on the battlefield, the document reportedly claims.

Russia has long described the conflict with Ukraine as a “proxy war” waged against it by NATO. According to Moscow, the assistance provided to Kiev by the US and its allies, including the supply of weapons, training for Ukrainian troops, and intelligence sharing, has de facto made Western nations parties to the conflict.

(If Ukraine and allies were going to launch their Spring Offensive soon, I’d report… Zelenskyy begging for more arms weekly, release doctored documents from the DOD and pay NYTs, WAPO numerous outlets shouting how bad this is.have Ukraine crying “How Dare You!”And have NATO saying Ukrainian soldiers and the country is not at all prepared. Basically do a psyop for a month before, with headlines saying how desperate it is in Ukraine; to try and make the Russia’s relax some. It won’t work but it’s worth a try. Then I would send in NATO troops in since the papers said foreign fighters are already there, the cat is out of the bag anyway.)


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c04a7b No.18699521

File: 90087418327e317⋯.png (3.21 MB,2550x3300,17:22,Monsters_001.png)

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dd7e45 No.18699522

File: 0a75f640c9eaa7b⋯.png (200.28 KB,433x269,433:269,piglet.png)


Thanks baker

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fc1492 No.18699523

File: 617b33b848953ee⋯.jpeg (122.03 KB,788x536,197:134,2F1FBEC4_82AD_4139_AFAB_4….jpeg)


Thank you, Baker.

And I want to take a minute to thank everyone who contributes to Q Research in good faith. That being said, I can’t help but notice a trend in the notables. And that is, a significant portion of them are headlines from various media outlets and individuals on social media. In other words, there’s very little organic research making it to the notables, which I believe is a result of very little organic research happening here in the first place. This is simply an observation. I am not criticizing anyone in particular, all I am saying is that Q Research Notables have become an aggregate of other media headlines. Whereas in the past, Q Research would be the SOURCE of media headlines. That is all. Again, I am very appreciative of all your efforts and grateful that the Lord chose us to do his work.

Have a TERRIFIC day, anons.



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5f3bfb No.18699529


Money was bad

Inflation was bad

Work was all being sent to

Taiwan….or sumthin

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ac3b23 No.18699530


Do tell…

Compltetly missed from LB-

Prince Harry looks like a man desperate for an escape route – we should give him one




May is neutralized.

MI6/SIS undergoing house cleaning.

Queen/monarchs SEEKING SHELTER.


These people are stupid.



Holy crap!!! Q, you're killing me! Took a sleeping pill a couple hours ago and now I'm guzzling coffee to fight it.

God bless you for this amazing work that you are doing.


Nobody is sleeping tonight.

Let that sink in.


Jan 27, 2018 3:23:35 AM EST

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0a029f No.18699531

File: ba614334f5db20a⋯.webp (486.52 KB,1080x913,1080:913,314904.webp)

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9bbfaf No.18699534


there's not many here. Jim has done a great job trying to make a free speech board but we get many raids

never recovered after 8chan to 8kun switch. why was that? It didn't change anything. Never been explained

Also I remember when Ron's first choice was 8kun.ts, and then I guess realized that wasn't funny, so the cabal let him have a different TLD as long as it began with T

8chan had a lot of traffic why was that given up

If no captcha, we're going to need better filters

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38654a No.18699535

File: eedc50b0b1ae2ca⋯.jpg (70.13 KB,875x493,875:493,csdcsdeyo.jpg)

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9bbfaf No.18699536

File: 741602396c2de95⋯.png (856.39 KB,1024x832,16:13,arkansas_listens_intently_….png)


>Compltetly missed from LB-

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158958 No.18699538

File: cb73d6f7e9f1d21⋯.png (37.17 KB,413x360,413:360,ClipboardImage.png)

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ac3b23 No.18699543


kek, saw it after it posted.


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777e25 No.18699544

File: d14222b5c264855⋯.png (1.13 MB,1320x880,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Transgender Women who are Self-Absorbed about their appearance,

spend all of their waking hours, and their money, preening themselves to look like a woman.

They starve themselves to make themselves look skinny.

They grow their hair long to wear a woman's hair style,

then pluck, wax, and/or shave all of their unwanted facial and body hair.

They grown their nails long and paint them.

They take hormones and have surgeries to distort their body parts.

They wear woman's jewelry, clothing, high-heels, etc.

All to try to fool people, including themselves, that they are a woman, when they are really just posers.

Real women get up in the morning and are real women without all of the stereotypical props.

Real women don't need props.

Society has brainwashed real women into thinking that they need beauty props, just so the weird transgenders could try to mimic them.

A real woman doesn't need all of that paraphernalia. She has natural beauty.

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b6d8d6 No.18699547

File: a1ace603816ada9⋯.jpg (605.93 KB,1280x1192,160:149,df789302611b4c2a.jpg)

Expelling the Jews seems like common sense the more one learns.

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5f3bfb No.18699548


Tammy Faye Baker

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9bbfaf No.18699551

File: 612fdc982997b91⋯.png (215.91 KB,1024x683,1024:683,blank_key.png)


I wasn't pointing out spelling. I was pointing out your post, thought it was a good point..

Hard to judge notables from one day… >>18699523

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9bbfaf No.18699553


clearly. but the foreknowledge issue makes that hard

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4046fd No.18699554

File: fa2fdd294f2d922⋯.jpg (8.3 KB,168x226,84:113,Zelikow_150.jpg)

>>18698945 pb

regurgitation of the same hang-out they've done before,

many many times

muh saudi

muh "higjackers"

muh "email warning"

How many times from the first fucking year.

think of jfk murder

how many hang-out. how many Easter eggs, how many mis-directions, how many AGENTS sent out to discredit

fucking idiots it the same shit over and over and over and over


stop fucking lying


someone made a lot of money and it wasn't us.

How does "x - FBI " give more credit to a statement than

just plain logical thinking?

they are fucking liars. can anybody "get it" already?



Ex-FBI agents accuse top CIA, FBI officials of 9/11 coverup; CIA said to use Saudis, others for illegal domestic spy operations-floridabulldog"

This "news" is so old and stale, anon was young when it was first floated like a turd in the toilet bowl

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d2f6ba No.18699555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



found a copy of the full elon interview.

anon does not pay the state funded tax for propaganda. so watch in full for free.




Note: The sound is not great but subtitles are available, not that anon is too bothered about twitter but it is a good idea to get the full context, The bbc reporter is still retarded, clueless when it comes to running business's, finance or the influence of the twitter space and its effect on the world and free speech being used by clowns around the world to suppress and misinform the public on critical life threatening issues.

p.s bbc do not understand cos they are funded by the public through force and the state by taxes for propaganda. runtime 56 minutes


Elon Musk Full Video Interview with BBC


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9433c3 No.18699558

File: 5c4a7dfa9f2ff80⋯.jpeg (15.99 KB,255x161,255:161,0e10fce966f3b24fa31c2b438….jpeg)

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158958 No.18699559

File: eb641f4e0fba631⋯.png (255.73 KB,885x525,59:35,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc9d555206ce719⋯.png (380.04 KB,643x371,643:371,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18696493 pb

PF: SAM631 C-40B departed LAX (kneepads arrived in it as AF2 yesterday) and SAM780 G5 (arrived as SAM2A just prior) and heading back to JBA

So they gonna fly the C-40B back to JBA and then send another AC (or same one) back out here on Monday for the trip to Reno on Tuesday..wut a waste...

Colombian AF FAC3527 departed Santa Maria Airport-just NE of Vandenberg SFB and arrived on 0409 from San Antonio-Lackland AFB depart/ground stop and Bogota depart

>45 went to Nashville not PBI as stated in that link above

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ac3b23 No.18699560

The violent life of Woody Harrelson’s (and possibly Matthew McConaughey’s) hitman father

On September 1, 1980, police outside of Vanhorn, Texas were locked in a six-hour standoff with a fugitive and suspected assassin. He was Charles Voyde Harrelson – father of Hollywood A-lister Woody Harrelson.

Crazed and hallucinating from injecting cocaine, Charles Harrelson had convinced himself there was a bomb hidden in the muffler of his car. He pulled over to the side of the highway and began blasting at the car with his gun, blowing his tyre.

Harrelson – shirtless and wearing cutoff jeans and gold chains – held himself hostage. With his gun under his chin, he threatened to kill himself and claimed – among other things – that he killed John F. Kennedy. He was jailed in 1973 for murder and released after five years for good behaviour. In 1981, he was given two life sentences for the assassination of a district judge, John H Wood Jr, the first federal judge to be assassinated in the 20th Century.

Now the life and crimes of Charles Harrelson are back in the spotlight after it was revealed he may have fathered not one, but two, Hollywood A-listers.

Speaking on Kelly Ripa’s Let’s Talk Off Camera podcast, Matthew McConaughey said that Woody Harrelson, Charles’s Harrelson’s son and his True Detective co-star and close friend, could be his half-brother. The connection was made when McConaughey’s mother said she “knew” Harrelson’s father. The duo are even considering doing a paternity test to investigate further.

“You know, where I start and where he ends, and where he starts and I end, has always been like a murky line,” the McConaughey said. “And that’s part of our bromance, right? My kids call him Uncle Woody. His kids call me Uncle Matthew. And you see pictures of us and my family thinks a lot of pictures of him are me. His family thinks a lot of pictures of me are him.

“In Greece a few years ago, we’re sitting around talking about how close we are and our families. And my mom is there, and she says, ‘Woody, I knew your dad.’ Everyone was aware of the ellipses that my mom left after ‘knew.’ It was a loaded K-N-E-W.”

The pair have appeared together in the film EDtv as well as the critically lauded series True Detective. And, in a case of art apparently imitating life, they’ve just finished shooting a forthcoming Apple TV+ comedy series called Brother from Another Mother, in which they play fictionalised versions of themselves living together on a ranch in Texas.

McConaughey, though, said he was wary about doing a paternity test. “Look, it’s a little easier for Woody to say, ‘Come on, let’s do [DNA tests],’ because what’s the skin in it for him?” he said. “It’s a little harder for me because he’s asking me to take a chance to go, ‘Wait a minute, you’re trying to tell me my dad may not be my dad after 53 years of believing that?’ I got a little more skin in the game.”

His reluctance is easy to understand: if a test proves he is related to Charles Harrelson, then that’s quite the legacy to inherit. As detailed in the investigative podcast Son of a Hitman by the journalist Jason Cavanagh, Charles V Harrelson was a ruthless criminal: a murderer-for-hire; a woman-beater; a con-man; a drug mover and user; and debt collector.

One wild story even has him smuggling weapons into Cuba with Jack Ruby, the man who shot Lee Harvey Oswald. The sister of one murder victim described Harrelson as “cold as ice… there was nothing in his eyes.”

While researching the story, even Cavanagh thought to himself: “Is he the personification of evil?’”

But did Charles Harrelson really kill Judge Wood? There are questions hanging over his guilt: a witness testimony under hypnosis; a conveniently-found rifle stock; and modus operandi that doesn’t fit the man. In an archive interview, replayed in Son of a Hitman, Woody Harrelson said: “I think that it was not a fair trial… I‘m not saying my father’s a saint but I think he’s innocent of that.”

Woody had also said be believed his father was a secret CIA operative. “I shouldn’t get into this right now,” Woody said. “This is where we’re going to get into trouble… I know it’s true.”

Way moar


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f0cc61 No.18699561

I blocked elon musk today. What a fucking idiot.

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554832 No.18699562


I guess the FreeMasons who created boyscouts are so much better.

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9bbfaf No.18699563




Philip David Zelikow is an American diplomat, academic and author. He has worked as the executive director of the 9/11 Commission,

n the November–December 1998 issue of Foreign Affairs, he co-authored an article Catastrophic Terrorism, with Ashton B. Carter, and John M. Deutch, in which they speculated that if the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center had succeeded, "the resulting horror and chaos would have exceeded our ability to describe it. Such an act of catastrophic terrorism would be a watershed event in American history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented in peacetime and undermine America’s fundamental sense of security"

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ea6b08 No.18699564

File: fb64b56c3bcb70c⋯.gif (664.1 KB,375x336,125:112,the_anons.gif)


Very nice bread / bake baker. o7

The day humanity realizes they, together share a common enemy and that they are in grave danger, that is when humanity will take it's first step into the light.


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d2f6ba No.18699565

File: aa0dc7d903a3858⋯.png (890.83 KB,760x873,760:873,ClipboardImage.png)


>A real woman doesn't need all of that paraphernalia. She has natural beauty.

The only difference between a real woman and a trangender woman is a penis.

ha ha ha ha

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2422b7 No.18699566

File: 1e3605d7a475212⋯.png (639.12 KB,792x398,396:199,ClipboardImage.png)


He's just annoyed that he has to run Chuck's north American dope rackets hissef because the Bushs and Clintons are old, Hunter is a deadbeat and the multiculti spooks are all in it for their own clans.

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9bbfaf No.18699567


> boyscouts

boyscouts was great for a very long time

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554832 No.18699568

can we use 8kun with a VPN? Never tried. The jitz can see everything we post here I'm sure and connect it to our IP address (since that is who created 8kun/chan)

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113269 No.18699569

File: 846641166ff3576⋯.jpg (95 KB,720x739,720:739,846641166ff3576e1cfdd60bd3….jpg)

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ea6b08 No.18699570


Elon is a genius and is playing 5d chess

>rope a dope

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5a5e8b No.18699571

File: 3f607c2dd486f45⋯.png (516.05 KB,1103x537,1103:537,Screenshot_from_2023_04_15….png)

File: d0ec565d537934d⋯.png (500.36 KB,624x415,624:415,Screenshot_2023_04_15_at_0….png)




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554832 No.18699573


not really, bunch of occult symbolism (from the hidden hands), they are in charge which is why it was always a pedo playground for grooming the boys who's dads ran off with a younger woman. I've heard plenty of stories from the 50's about that. Leave it to Beaver was a good show, paved the way for Married with Children, then Modern Family (but the actual life of the kid who played the Beav was already there)

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c2274b No.18699574

File: b02bcbca71dd312⋯.jpeg (116.06 KB,768x432,16:9,C266FB7C_F136_41EE_83CD_B….jpeg)

14 Apr, 2023 02:39

Google ordered to disclose data passed to US spies

The top court in South Korea questioned the supremacy of US laws over citizens' privacy

South Korea's Supreme Court has ordered Google to disclose any personal data it has collected on South Korean citizens andshared with third parties, including US intelligence agencies. The decision is binding, even as the case against the tech giant continues in a lower court.

Thursday’s ruling came after several South Korean plaintiffs sued Google and its local branch, Google Korea, seeking to force the company to reveal whether it had gathered or shared their data. They alleged that personal information waspassed to the US National Security Agency (NSA) through its ‘PRISM’ program, which collects a massive amount of data from the internet, including private communications, as well as from service providers directly.

While South Korean law mandates that internet service providers must respond to customer inquiries related to their own personal data and whether it has been shared with third parties, an appeals court previously ruled that Google had the right to reject such requests so long as the decision was in line with US law.

However, the Supreme Court partially overturned that ruling, finding that Google must disclose the relevant information upon request regardless of American law, though it nonetheless returned the case to a lower court to continue litigation.

“Comprehensive consideration should be given to whether the need to respect foreign laws is significantly superior to the need to protect personal information,” the court said in a statement.

The top court also ruled that even if personal data was transferred to a foreign intelligence service for legitimate reasons, companies still must disclose that fact after the person in question is no longer under investigation.

In a statement, Google Korea said it would review Thursday’s decision “carefully,” and claimed that user privacy was a priority for the company.

The PRISM program was first revealed to the public in 2013, after NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked a massive trove of classified documents showing, among other things, the extent of domestic mass surveillance in the United States. According to the leaked material, PRISM was once “the number one source of raw intelligence used for NSA analytic reports” after it was launched in 2007 under President George W. Bush. The program has come under fire by privacy advocates for its sweeping scope, with Snowden deeming it “dangerous” and accusing the NSA of “nakedly, aggressively criminal acts.”


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cc32fd No.18699575

File: ec270e34eb11102⋯.png (1.29 MB,874x934,437:467,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bbfaf No.18699576


of course

it only blocks corporations like your ISP from selling your favorite sites though, or others blaming a "hack". it doesn't stop modern gov tech from knowing who you are

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28fa60 No.18699577


Till the showed their true colors and banned tobacco.

Or I suppose they got Right with God's plans for extermination and transition to a non-smoking silicon based "human" species who act like Jesus and worship Trump (brought to you by McDonald's and Diet Coke).

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7317a3 No.18699578

File: 42f691a4d9e1b0c⋯.jpg (149.73 KB,1200x675,16:9,elon_musk_with_bbc_reporte….jpg)


Nein nein triple nickels chqd.

Wonder who was responsible for framing and setting the camera angles?

It is almost as if they wanted to make it meme worthy.

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fc1492 No.18699579


>Hard to judge notables from one day…

I’m not. I should have mentioned that it’s a pattern I’ve seen over the past several months.

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f0cc61 No.18699580


He's pwnd. Fuck him!

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90d260 No.18699582



hopin to die of natural causes way before then

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9bbfaf No.18699583

File: b518359df6ba22f⋯.png (107.07 KB,352x210,176:105,rick_moranis.png)


>bunch of occult symbolism

meh. we have real problems today.

If your only problem is muh symbols you're just a instagram whacko sharing illuminati memes

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ea6b08 No.18699584


Enon is putting on a show. Part Engineer. Part Carny Barker.

Who owns Enon chit?

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9bbfaf No.18699585

File: 65a4b001710aed2⋯.jpg (2.07 MB,2448x3264,3:4,anti_pizzagate_pedogate_de….jpg)


>banned tobacco.

wow seriously? OK string them up with the cabal

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66a2dc No.18699586

>>18698906 PB

When I was in school they called it the GATE program.

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5f3bfb No.18699587


As an former scout

Cub Scout leader and

Boy Scout asst leader

A couple bad ones

Left in the barrel …is all it takes

Cigar shop ..Akron Ohio

Has poster of our pack and the cigar box guitars we built …..

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450f59 No.18699588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Yes (Anderson, Wakeman, Howe, Bruford) - Quartet

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cc32fd No.18699589

File: e8c61272674b7f6⋯.png (178.69 KB,1056x724,264:181,ClipboardImage.png)

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554832 No.18699590


my point being that everything (((they))) create (TV, Boyscouts, NRA, 501C3 Church, College for everyone-not just folks who are set in life and need a 2 year vacation before working for the family business for life) starts out as good. My friend went to Harvard for 2K per semester after average internal financial aid, that was 1970-74.

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f629b3 No.18699591

File: 36b92a2798313d2⋯.png (166.16 KB,1138x1438,569:719,Q_154a.png)

File: 1bfb04e043cb55a⋯.png (49.36 KB,686x400,343:200,Q_154aa_Q_306_lords_prayer….png)

File: e9497d47bfb526b⋯.png (34.41 KB,686x406,49:29,q_306a.png)

File: 805edaaf9593840⋯.png (55.52 KB,464x1028,116:257,Q_307_OUR_FATHER_GODFATHER….png)

File: 4865c07b792e987⋯.png (14.44 KB,793x630,793:630,Q_714_BEST_LASTv.png)

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f781d3 No.18699592


What an undesirable, unintelligent and unattractive cunt.

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28fa60 No.18699593


Right? Sitting next to a CAMP FIRE. I couldn't believe the audacity and stupidity of the WOKE agenda.

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f629b3 No.18699594

File: 921027cbf488d18⋯.png (6.83 MB,10000x5696,625:356,10.png)

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f629b3 No.18699595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



2 posts and already said too much

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9bbfaf No.18699596

File: 0d4434ed9e3c4e0⋯.jpeg (50.6 KB,736x558,368:279,prisoner_number_6_sarcast….jpeg)

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554832 No.18699597

File: 672d4bc65bab799⋯.jpg (13.98 KB,255x207,85:69,65fcb644352e2d93e99eeccd69….jpg)


Funny how you chimed in on that and ignored the rest. How is Tel Aviv by the way?

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c2274b No.18699598

File: 44a5dfdf43d64e9⋯.jpeg (75.92 KB,640x480,4:3,C0419D2F_8AC7_4C20_AB9F_C….jpeg)

Exclusive — Trump Smacks DeSantis for ‘Campaigning’ While Fort Lauderdale Flooded: ‘He Should Be There’

Matthew Boyle15 Apr 2023

INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana — Former President Donald Trump ripped Florida governor Ron DeSantis in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News here after his National Rifle Association (NRA) speech, saying DeSantis should be in Fort Lauderdale helping oversee the response to the flooding of one of his state’s biggest cities instead of touring the nation “campaigning.”

“He shouldn’t be campaigning right now,” Trump said of DeSantis. “He should be there.”

DeSantis has not formally announced a 2024 presidential campaign, but an outside group with which he is aligned and which he currently controls has begun running attack ads against Trump in the GOP presidential primary. DeSantis is widely expected to formally announce a campaign later this year, but for all intents and purposes given the fact he is hiring staff and running attack ads he is basically running against Trump unless and until he says otherwise.

Fort Lauderdale, one of Florida’s biggest cities, has experienced historic flooding the past several days. The immediate damage has been so bad that the Fort Lauderdale airport was forced to close for at least a day this week, and much of the damage remains severe.

Rather than going there to oversee the response, DeSantis continued with his events in other places across the country this week—while the Fort Lauderdale airport was closed. He appeared in Ohio, in Virginia, and in New Hampshire this week while the ravaged city has raced to respond to the crisis.

Donald Trump Jr., the former president’s eldest son, had already ripped DeSantis publicly for not coming back to Florida to deal with the issues in Fort Lauderdale. But Trump himself doing it is new, and represents a significant escalation in the brewing war between the former president and the governor of Florida.

But it’s not just Trump allies criticizing DeSantis’s lackluster Fort Lauderdale response.The mayor of Fort Lauderdale, a Democrat, also said DeSantis has not called him. And some state legislators from the area are also ripping DeSantis. State Sen. Shevrin Jones, another Democrat, called DeSantis not returning to Florida and calling off the events in other states “disgraceful.”

In response, DeSantis spokesman Bryan Griffin said that DeSantis has been engaged in the response even though he is not physically present in Florida.

“The governor left yesterday, and the unprecedented flooding intensified later in the night. He returns today,” Griffin said, per Politico. “Nonetheless, at the direction of Governor DeSantis, the state emergency response apparatus is in full swing responding to the flooding and the needs of the localities as they are communicated to us. This now includes issuing a state of emergency in Broward County,”

Trump also told Breitbart News during the exclusive interview backstage after his speech at the NRA’s annual meeting thathe is considering going down to Fort Lauderdale himself to tour the damage and visit first responders. He noted his home at his luxurious Mar-a-Lago seaside resort in Palm Beach, Florida, is very close to Fort Lauderdale—and that most of southeast Florida also got hit hard by the storms causing the flooding.

“I may, I’m right there,” Trump said when asked if he will tour the damage. “I just left from that area—the Palm Beach area. Fort Lauderdale is very close. Palm Beach has been hit hard too, but not as hard as Fort Lauderdale.They say it’s once in a hundred years what happened there.”


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66a2dc No.18699601


I deleted my block list the same day, just before he did.

Then I learned there are people out there, very fucked up people out there…

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554832 No.18699603

File: c326e760e483b9f⋯.jpg (78.1 KB,500x500,1:1,Fat_Bastard_Meme.jpg)


Does anyone still think Q is anything but someone over at military intelligence running "Operation Trust," just like the old Soviet Union.

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66a2dc No.18699604

File: 6c2bdf421d6f367⋯.jpg (14.28 KB,326x254,163:127,you_were_warned.jpg)


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d3a51a No.18699605

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f629b3 No.18699606

File: f5634156d2f2f61⋯.png (16.42 KB,840x790,84:79,Q_3565_POPE_BIBLICAL.png)


Why yes! Any Anon who is not a Shill…

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1bd452 No.18699607



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647cb5 No.18699609



> there’s very little organic research

night before last, did a six hour dig on Bellingcat, all original and all with links


have done and continue to dig on many topics

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9fec2c No.18699610

File: 1e541ed0a5cbec6⋯.jpg (31.94 KB,280x280,1:1,5eaf97_9a2030ccfdb3447699d….jpg)



You don't say!

Often road up from Canton special for the airport custard shop.

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ea6b08 No.18699611



Cicada recruiting op - co opted by W&W

Trust op - revised and updated by W&W

Mil/Civ Alliance - first time in history

[They] didn't think it would ever become impactful. [They] were wrong.

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7317a3 No.18699612


Don't give them a (you) >>>18699600

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5f3bfb No.18699613


How was that stated

Trust none

Question all

Disinformation is nessicary

Be discerning

They all lie …..and here we are

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a2d614 No.18699614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm 48. I already look mid 30's n youngins in their 20's ask me out, kmao. I'm celibate tho n don't date. BUT, I made this yesterday and my wrinkles are halfway gone already. This shit is AMAZING. About to make it w 4 oranges n 4 carrots vs 1 carrot n 1 orange n see what habbens. It smells really nice too.

Grey hair is next. It can be reversed via gut health and get rid of stress, supposedly. I experienced grey hair reversal about 10 years ago. I have no idea how it reversed but I noticed it was gone on one side, ( I had two streaks like superman's boss and one side went away.) Let's see if it's gut health. I know stress for sure causes it but stress is the cause OF ALL DISEASE, yes, because it breaks down the immune system, otherwise our bodies are designed to HEAL FROM ANYTHING. If it can get sick, it can get unsick but they lie to us because a patient healed is a client lost. We know how they do.

( . )( . ).jpg


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90d260 No.18699615

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9bbfaf No.18699616

File: d4791a3c966c5f3⋯.png (862.81 KB,788x804,197:201,they_live_.png)


Longer posts I do sometimes quickly judge the intro and tl;dr the rest. Did you say something meaningful later in your post?

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758cb2 No.18699617

File: 82f02e670cba620⋯.jpg (70.99 KB,634x926,317:463,ZomboMeme_14042023220119.jpg)

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777e25 No.18699618

File: 5921a84ec72a0ef⋯.png (989.38 KB,1000x750,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>Tammy Faye Baker

The idea of The Southern Belle

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f0cc61 No.18699619


He might be wealthy but at what cost?

tesla sucks, twitter sucks, pay pal sucks.

I don't need any holes bored in the earth, and

I have no desire to go to Mars. He brings nothing to my table.


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73967a No.18699620

File: ca48a9b2d1cbd85⋯.mp4 (6.66 MB,1280x720,16:9,Coincidence.mp4)



*have a coincidence.

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f629b3 No.18699621

File: 4be815827596745⋯.png (704.98 KB,824x1036,206:259,bbc1.png)

File: 1061147ae89a853⋯.png (104.18 KB,1152x956,288:239,bbc2.png)

File: 90c95422cea330e⋯.png (102.88 KB,1354x652,677:326,pot_barr_holyshit1.png)

File: 18740c01becfdd1⋯.png (570.62 KB,1118x964,559:482,POTbarr20.png)

File: e0bc18b755fd2a6⋯.png (79.33 KB,554x612,277:306,POTbarr23.png)


Now play some bagpipes!


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ea6b08 No.18699622


Agreed. Elon, like cicada, was co-opted. Hoes be mad.

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554832 No.18699623


Well, I'm not a shill, I had a reply from Q once even. I think the most likely candidate is Michael aQuino

a satanist who works in military intelligence,

or someone at inQtel

When I read about Operation Trust, I finally realized I'd been had. That and the fact that Q disappeared after Trump in 2020.

Those 66 million that (((they))) killed in the Soviet Union were waiting for white hats in the Soviet government to take over and save them. I guess it eventually happened with Putin, but Trust was definitely cooked up by the Bolsheviks to prevent organic anti-government action.

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5bc973 No.18699625

File: 60ed084543c6ee3⋯.png (462.03 KB,759x745,759:745,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea2d1a No.18699626

File: c76791aa755368c⋯.png (223.36 KB,575x505,115:101,balls_aid.png)

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5f3bfb No.18699627


That was the failed dolly partin experiment. Kek

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f629b3 No.18699628

File: 3ca4437cda9a8db⋯.png (447.53 KB,604x1080,151:270,TPOT0A.png)


Ok Shill

calm down




in reddit speak





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a5bf47 No.18699629


Q never dropped TRUST ELON.

So, avoiding that Kiss of Death list is one big thing he has going for him.

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f2be04 No.18699630

File: 470c0ba0519335d⋯.jpg (32.97 KB,474x474,1:1,th_4242473034.jpg)

File: 1c91148f6cc196c⋯.jpg (24.05 KB,474x248,237:124,th_3606523618.jpg)

File: 3fbc47cb4c58af0⋯.jpg (51.14 KB,474x590,237:295,th_3698241340.jpg)

File: 3b50c2d1aa9836d⋯.jpg (28.61 KB,474x266,237:133,th_3814604656.jpg)


since photos were binary...

maybe even before the 'talkies'!

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a2d614 No.18699631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We don't have to grow old. We are ackchyually supposed to live a young and vibrant life for hunnits of years but these luciferian pos have infected our minds and our faith.

For grey hair I'm starting here. Western medicine is great for stabilizing trauma (car wreck n u are bleeding to death, but western medicine sucks at overall health. Western medicine = oil light comes on and so you just clip the wire instead of adding moar oil to make light go off.)

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906b16 No.18699632

Is it time to disband the F_I?

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2611c7 No.18699633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a2d614 No.18699634


Did they fib?

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2611c7 No.18699635

File: 9ed64d81c60b072⋯.jpg (28.09 KB,400x400,1:1,wow.jpg)

File: 51d277a970996c1⋯.gif (2.29 MB,300x172,75:43,X.gif)

File: 794ea62892b469d⋯.jpg (72.35 KB,740x925,4:5,wanna_.jpg)

File: 20d3e384942647c⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,1080x1350,4:5,watch_the_stairs.jpg)

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ea6b08 No.18699636


Kek. Enon isn't stupid. This anon learned that from Enon's amazing ability to dodge the Cartel onslaught.

The Cartels got careless with Enon and now it's costing them big.

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906b16 No.18699637

File: 05f96e67f93e8f5⋯.png (282.88 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f5d4f No.18699638

So the head of Budweiser is CIA?

They control them all.

They all feed the eye.

If you have national / international influence, they steal your company, ask Steve Jobs.

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cc32fd No.18699639

File: 8089418d0a0f6a1⋯.png (79.09 KB,1054x318,527:159,ClipboardImage.png)

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2d93d9 No.18699640


Please explain how we are supposed to live that long.. that’s bs why wouldn’t the elites be living that long then? Why do they age just like the rest of us

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554832 No.18699641


why don't you do some research instead of mocking like a JIDF moron. I swear, I've heard the average askenazi IQ is 80, but it amazes me.

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2d02d1 No.18699642

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906b16 No.18699643

File: 9fceec39508fcd4⋯.jpg (32.58 KB,500x281,500:281,screamer.jpg)

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450f59 No.18699644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Water Gate ?

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7f5d4f No.18699645


CIA victim?

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529f9f No.18699646

>>18699031 (lb)

> they can be counter balanced effectively by supplementing with the proper bacteria strains

Anon if you're still here, could you expand on this in layman terms please.

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df9c96 No.18699647


…Stress, just like everyone else. 'Acting' virtuous is tough, as the lie can only be maintained for so long.

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ea6b08 No.18699648


The Budweiser op is a stock pump and dump. The Cartels are broke and need a cash injection.

Trump has them squealing from the feeling with the EO's blocking human trafficking $$$.

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777e25 No.18699649

File: b928d2fd26e8866⋯.png (1.79 MB,1280x853,1280:853,ClipboardImage.png)


So real women who don't preen themselves just look like ugly dikes?

Is Rosie a man or a woman?

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2d93d9 No.18699650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a2d614 No.18699651


Elon plays a big role in their end times ritual to bring in the nwo. They've been rehearsing for years and then in 2018 and 2019 they had two really big rehearsals where Jessie Czebotar ditched them n didn't show up and they have a lot of replacements for their antichrist but they didn't have a replacement for jessie's role. Lucifer needs all their rituals to be perfect and she fuct them up. They're still going to try to pull it off but their plan already got pretty fuct up. Elon is one of [them] for sure though. El Eon

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ea6b08 No.18699652


Do blocks = suppression of outreach? Elon might be onto something.

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a2d614 No.18699653


In other words, this end times shit we are experiencing is fabricated in order to bring in their nwo n it's a big ritual.

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554832 No.18699654

File: f41358419144627⋯.png (64.69 KB,625x626,625:626,bait_1.png)

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2611c7 No.18699655


no one gives a shit.

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554832 No.18699656

File: b2b06a9eee297ed⋯.jpg (6.51 KB,255x255,1:1,bait_low_quality.jpg)

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88d326 No.18699657


GATE wasn't just for the ones who heard stuff.

I was placed into the program because of my art/drawing skills. But I still had to go to the separate room with the rest of the GATE kids..

Why would an artist been put in the same environment as the kids with sensitive ears?

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66a2dc No.18699658


I think I know that guy…

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1595af No.18699659

File: d18513239b84211⋯.png (4.9 MB,1354x6795,1354:6795,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f5d4f No.18699660

If 99% in the FBI are good according to Q, are the 99% just retards and affirmative action hires that did not see the 1%?

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a2d614 No.18699661


Sure, mr. gatekeeper. How about you unblock all the patriot accounts that aren't "somebody in the club" and are just regular ole We The People? Want to address the climate change hoax next, faggit?

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450f59 No.18699662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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906b16 No.18699663

File: 63a5ac4dc6b27e2⋯.png (271.7 KB,550x550,1:1,pepe_dank_3.png)




Someone needs to teach over-sensitive leftists thesticks and stonespoem.

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5f3bfb No.18699664



Akron Fulton airport

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4046fd No.18699665

File: 7643f51ce3b9533⋯.jpg (226.71 KB,1223x486,1223:486,The_Big_Wedding_9_11_the_W….jpg)


proved by insta shill

What was the change in the Lord's Prayer declared by the Poop?


look how old that "news" is ?

'05 ? is that almost 20 years ago?

and the book that covers all that in detail lagged behind the public knowledge anyway.

Mr. S. Hicks did a good job on this book. about the best you can do, well sourced, for an approach to the 9/11 false-flag that is pretty weak, but basically credible in its own right?

Nothing is ever done , no consequenses for these type of lapst.

Or for the fact it was overt,

The attack was completely organized and carried out by our alleged government.

It 's not a few rogue people.

These hang-outs are also a part of their scheme? To take pressure off, to make people feel there' progress in the case, and they know something… was off and now they know a little more.

Another piece of work along those lines, of Intel failure (Though Sanders showed the FBI actually handled and coached the patsies, more than just "ignore warnings")

The "ignore warnings" excuse was used right away 'gainst W. Bush - and very plausibly because he appeared to be a dullard. When he appeared in front of the 9/11 Commission which he, himself, had appointed, he wasn't allowed to say a word. Cheney did all the talking.

The original claim "ignored the memo" was against "fortunate son" "W."

who we now find out is in a lineage of paper-clip Nazi - if you want to get right up to date with revelations; and move away from "we can now release info that is 20 years old, again"


The other work along the lines of "the Big Wedding" if you have time on your hands to study, or just want to collect it is

"Who Killed John O'Neill"


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554832 No.18699666


Nothing wrong with some preening, especially as a woman ages, she can't just show up in the same Tshirt and short shorts she did at 18-25.

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53d0d3 No.18699667

File: ebc7a5fe3737246⋯.png (3.4 MB,2048x1536,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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ac3b23 No.18699668

File: 55c2bb0712af619⋯.jpg (37.4 KB,420x670,42:67,Elon_C_A_ASSett.JPG)


He was born into the club.

He's Acting just like all the rest, to save himself.

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9fec2c No.18699669

File: bb7ee03cf9e70be⋯.jpg (11.53 KB,256x256,1:1,51z7ySs0_6L_CR120_0_480_48….jpg)


I'd be more impressed, it some SF could just help me make a damn phonecall.

"That's what the bullets are for!"

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2611c7 No.18699670

File: 2775fd942a0783e⋯.gif (3.09 MB,345x242,345:242,ok_now.gif)

I am pregnant.

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1595af No.18699671



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cc32fd No.18699672


i've tried it. those niggers think words can cause physical pain

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a5bf47 No.18699673


He's smart enough to be wait until you find out QElon.

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f629b3 No.18699674

File: 82e35ea74f3b9c0⋯.png (54.22 KB,932x444,233:111,djtpubex1.png)

Read the Drops or this Anon, at least, will beat you to death with them… in front of the whole world! recorded in real time! archived! saved offline for later keks to infinity!

If (you) do not Drop Speak (you) are [you] and [you] cannot even help [yourself]…

If (you) came from (((pol)))… kek!

If (you) think [THEY] are (((they)))… tippy top kek!

As if [THEY] were not ready and waiting for (you) when (you) walked through the motherfucking door!




Oh!!! Hey!!! Wait!!! Hold on!!! Hey!!!

No! How about fuck [you] and all [your] preconceived notions of reality?

How about fighting the info!?

How about fighting the facts?!

Using all available info and DISCERNMENT?

How about watching ALL THE WATER instead of your myopic cherry picking to support your previous World View?

BECAUSE ONCE YOU REALLY READ THE DROPS… dig deep! try harder! moarer! be best!

Welcome to the Revolution!

Enjoy the Show!

You are Welcomed!




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9577bc No.18699675

File: dff37314c5cb8d1⋯.jpg (156.29 KB,1161x1080,43:40,Profile_Pumbaa.jpg)

So is "Warthog" a military reference, a Lion King reference, or a reference to where it primarily lives. HINT: it's where Hussein is from kek! Whatever the case, I assume it has to do with the question of Jack's real name or true purpose.


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a2d614 No.18699676

File: bba87605e60166b⋯.jpg (11.56 KB,255x196,255:196,abrams_eat_that.jpg)


I think retardo poasts this one particular pic over n over so it stays in our mind. Too much variety is easier to dismiss, imo. Retardo's life is painful and I bet retardo prolly has EVERYTHING and can't be happy because lucifer doesn't love them. Lucifer will never love them, kek.

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554832 No.18699677

File: 73addd678836190⋯.png (653.3 KB,733x722,733:722,Conspiracy_Theorists.png)


Everyone should realize, the Psyop they ran on 8 chan, by giving us a space that was not censored to make us think change was possible, is now being done on Twitter. Get on twitter for 10 minutes and tell me this is not 8chan (prior to Kun) in 2019.

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7f5d4f No.18699679

File: f7ee8d658d472fe⋯.png (547.91 KB,973x777,139:111,sasdas.PNG)

File: 8a534f85da101ee⋯.png (277.1 KB,1338x820,669:410,sasaass.PNG)

File: 21904149668d348⋯.png (682.88 KB,1034x783,1034:783,some_heads_are_gonna_roll.PNG)

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f629b3 No.18699680

File: 8ff3d3f6490c1f3⋯.png (956.93 KB,890x1612,445:806,Q95PROOF.png)


For all to SEE!

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88d326 No.18699681


No way Googlr could give them what they want.

Facial recognition has been collected by AI systems and distributed to basically anyone who asked or paid.

Images of our face, and our kids face could be stored in a million different places that have no binding laws or regulations.

Because you know… they are looking for terrorists and crooks.

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777e25 No.18699682

File: 05b337f72f6b8f7⋯.png (948.27 KB,960x720,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


That's why when Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman did Mrs. Doubtfire and Tootsie, they dressed up as older women.

Older women start to look like men.

Sometimes older couples start to look like each other.

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56a7ec No.18699683

File: ec632e3f7760673⋯.png (655.8 KB,719x840,719:840,ClipboardImage.png)

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786ff3 No.18699684


Starting off….

lots of digs and things to sink a shovel into

Rolling on…

No, anons haven't hit the end of what needs digging, but what to dig on while the show is going on?

That Canestraro reveal? His name didn't even show up in the qresear.ch hots…

A hot war in Ukraine with Russia? Which specops peeps are there doing whatever it is they're doing?

China/Taiwan? coming up?

Banks? Epstein ties? Lawsuits?

USAF Airman dropping docs? Gotta wonder about that one and how the fishwraps solved it before the feds. and why not let USAF OSI have a whack at him instead of civvies?

RFK Jr. getting in on things…

ATF doing their thing with pistol braces and what not. Why do they want guns so bad? Australia? England?

but all one might see all day long is trans this LGBT that, racism this, but nothing on the internal security of our own nation or why the foreign aid goes where it goes for the benefit of those not here amongst those whol pay the taxes that make it all possible.

where's that rum raisin? anon needs a drink

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1595af No.18699685


Possible link between GATE program and Mandela Effect

Here's the previous Retconned thread about it. The claim is based on a very revealing discussion on 8chan which is linked below (NSFW warning–in case you aren't familiar with chan culture, expect to see random porn and racial slurs scattered throughout the threads).

Thread I: https://archive.is/qQkpC

Thread II: https://archive.is/wced0

Thread III: https://archive.is/d0pID

Thread IV: https://archive.is/nNVa3

Thread V: https://archive.is/WWpf9

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f629b3 No.18699686

File: e940a62fe71b828⋯.png (11.73 KB,750x576,125:96,Q_95_PURGE.png)

File: c160617f895a9ae⋯.png (11.75 KB,745x571,745:571,Q95N.png)

File: 90f7386b6dbe910⋯.png (340.94 KB,1220x856,305:214,Q_95pn1.png)

File: 6c713c6c1eef81d⋯.png (473.04 KB,996x966,166:161,04242020sr1.png)

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c2274b No.18699687

File: 6cd206070f96676⋯.jpeg (44.77 KB,640x480,4:3,7D13236F_F111_4469_B157_6….jpeg)

Report: FBI Surveillance of Rep. Darin LaHood was a Counterintelligence Operation

Sean Moran14 Apr 2023

The New York Times reported Thursday that the warrantless surveillance of Rep. Darin LaHood (R-IL) was a counterintelligence measure.

As Congress inches towards the December deadline to reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), a law that allows intelligence agencies to collect communications of targeted foreigners,LaHood made the startling revelation that he believed the FBI surveilled him through Section 702 without “limiters,” as revealed by a Justice Department (DOJ) and Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) routine audit.

Section 702 may also lead to incidental or even targeted collection of Americans’ communications. LaHood said during a March House Intelligence Committee hearing:

I think that the report’s characterization of this FBI analyst’s action as a mere misunderstanding of the querying procedures is indicative of the culture that the FBI has come to expect and tolerate. It is also indicative of the continued failure to appreciate how the misuse of this authority is seen on Capitol Hill. And I want to make clear, the FBI’s inappropriate querying of a duly-elected member of Congress is egregious and a violation that not only degrades the trust in FISA but is viewed as a threat to the separation of powers.

“I have had the opportunity to review the classified summary of this violation and it is my opinion that the member of Congress that was wrongfully queried multiple times solely by his name was in fact me. Now, this careless abuse of this critical tool by the FBI is unfortunate,” he continued.

After these revelations, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH) announced the panel’s working group to reform what is often referred to as the “crown jewel” of American intelligence agencies. LaHood is one of the six members of the bipartisan working group.

The Times reported that sources familiar with the matter said that the warrantless surveillance of LaHood wasmerely a “defensive measure” to inspect suspicions that a foreign governmenthad targeted him as part of an espionage or covert influence campaign. The Times‘ sources did not divulge which country may have allegedly tried to influence or spy on the Illinois Republican; however, the Times wrote that the FBI’s surveillance of LaHood did occur in 2019 when he was heavily involved in negotiating Chinese trade policies as then-President Donald Trump and Chinese officials discussed a potential trade deal.

Privacy advocates would like to impose a warrant requirement for Section 702 database queries where the subject is an investigative target. However, the Times noted that there has been less discussion about defensive searches when the subject is not believed to have been engaged in wrongdoing.

David Kris, a former senior DOJ official, said that judges could weigh under the “totality of circumstances” if a defensive query would be reasonable. Sean Vitka, a policy counsel for Demand Progress, a civil liberties group, said that a lower defensive standard for the FBI would still amount to a warrantless search in the context of the Fourth Amendment.

Vitka said, “Frequently there is ambiguity as to whether someone is a witness or a target, and there’s no ‘defensive’ or ‘offensive’ distinction in the Fourth Amendment — a search is a search.” David Segal, a cofounder of Demand Progress, said that the FBI, in response to Demand Progress’s finding aboutunlawful spying on LaHood, “absurdly argues it shd [should] be able to engage in warrantless surveillance of *potential* *victims* of *future* crimes.”(future crimes?)

He added that this is obviously not in accordance with the Fourth Amendment.


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ac3b23 No.18699688


It was backwards.

99% bad, 1% good

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ea6b08 No.18699689


The 'trust op' is being run on the cartels. didn't see that one coming, did you?

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5a5e8b No.18699690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>18699259, >>18699269, >>18699279, >>18699284, >>18699296, >>18699304, >>18699469 Sassafras ban why?


How to Identify Sassafras in the Winter

Eat The Planet

12.9K subscribers

11,043 views Jan 26, 2019

Sassafras(Sassafras Albidum) Tree identification in the Winter. Sassafras saplings can be dug up and used to make root beer or root beer flavored tea in the winter.

The Root In Root Beer: Behind This Soda's Toxic Ingredient

A traditional summertime activity across Amish communities (and those who just enjoy some good old-fashioned foamy fun) is the sweet delight of making homemade root beer. Yet, one of the main ingredients used was banned by the FDA for its cancerous connections. Here, we delve into sassafras, safrole, and some of the substitutes makers use to recreate that beloved, old-time root beer flavoring.

By Jessica Delfino

Photo of Jessica Delfino

Published on August 17, 2020

However, in 1976, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) put the kibosh on its commercial use, citing studies in the 1960s that showed a chemical in sassafras called safrole causes cancer in rats. The American administration aren't the only naysayers; the European Commission on Health also considers sassafras to be carcinogenic.

According to various interpretations of the study,the rats were given the equivalent of a person drinking 32 bottles of root beer a day. Nonetheless, the root was removed from the beer and has since been replaced with wintergreen and other proprietary flavors by major root beer manufacturers like A&W, Stewart's, and Barq's.

Meanwhile, just in case you were wondering, safrole can also be found in anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, and black pepper.

Folks who make their own root beer don't let a little sassafras ban on the major manufacturer's soda recipes hang up their smaller scale operations. In local kitchens, many opt to use an extract that tastes a lot like sassafras, or even a safrole-free sassafras.


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7317a3 No.18699691



>Do blocks = suppression of outreach? Elon might be onto something

Every time someone engages and gets blocked there is a lost opportunity to change their views.

Look what happened to the BBC guy when Elon honoured the 'threat' and returned fire.

A seed of enlightenment was sowed in that guy's mind.

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ea6b08 No.18699692



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a2d614 No.18699693

File: 229ac59e8751ffd⋯.mp4 (4.27 MB,720x720,1:1,warthog.mp4)

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554832 No.18699697

People can make lists like "gay pedos named Elon" and add you to it.

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2611c7 No.18699698

File: e3843b2739f46c1⋯.gif (1.92 MB,309x282,103:94,find_out.gif)

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349525 No.18699699


If you are still able to hold a twatter account, you must be either a retard or one of [Them]

All great anons are banned from twatter. Caught up in the Great Twatter Purge of Oct. 2020! Or the fake insurrection of Jan. 2021

If you are still not banned you must not be doing something correctly!


It’s unavoidable!


Some bakers really don’t have our best interests at heart!

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a5bf47 No.18699700


>looks over the well crafted post with a sense of accomplishment and pride

>unironically attaches the same meme used non-stop here for over a year before hitting reply

kek well played

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4d9119 No.18699701


and just like any other non-profit with large land holdings and donated cash, and a portfolio it was looted.

and then infiltrated and looted more into bankruptcy.

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2af39a No.18699702

File: ec3f641324a3ef3⋯.png (309.92 KB,567x655,567:655,ClipboardImage.png)

sparks from a train igniting brush fires throughout it's path. Imagine this problem taking place in California in a few months.


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906b16 No.18699703

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB,398x442,199:221,pepe_5.png)


Fascists can't refute facts or opposing views, so they'd rather just silence it altogether.

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5f3bfb No.18699704


Figuring the banking system we know is done

Money in almost every petro dollar nation worthless

Sanctions on whom ?

BRICS. Becoming a very viable trade conduit

Central banks …cant have that

Wars and rumors of wars

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450f59 No.18699705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9fec2c No.18699706

File: ac6ca9a77b41b62⋯.jpg (5.56 MB,1615x2580,323:516,allamericansoapboxderby_19….jpg)


So much of America needlessly thrown away in the name of Woke

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a14aae No.18699707


I block every advertiser on Twitter.

Fuck them all.

It must be a trend he does not like.

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f629b3 No.18699708


99% Could not even believe this shit is real.

They simply could not deny that something was definitely happening and nothing they had learned to this point could prepare them or explain it all away.

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. #5

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil. #6

The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc. #29

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil. #91

The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital. #111

The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. It must be controlled. #142

20% public. 80% private. The world would otherwise collapse. #189

80% dark ops necessary. 20% public for justice. #190

The world cannot handle the truth. This pill cannot be swallowed by most. #199

The world cannot swallow the truth. #213

We were inspired by anons here to make our efforts more public. Find the exchange 2 days ago. Feel proud! #299

We listened. Find the exchange. No coincidences. #405

Correct exchange. Anon(s) changed our mind re: Private / Public. We are listening. Highest priorty. Have faith. #409

Could you sleep if you knew the truth about EVERYTHING? #487

TRUTH belongs with the PEOPLE. #512

PUBLIC. We LISTENED [20/80 />/ 40/60]. #527

SHOW the WORLD the TRUTH. #532

Set the TRUTH FREE. #630


Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH? #666

You are missing the connections. Continue to build the MAP. MAP provides the KEY. KEY spreads the TRUTH. TRUTH shines LIGHT. #764

We can guide but you must organically uncover the TRUTH #777

What you see is 2%. #832

We are here to UNITE and provide TRUTH. #854

Truth will shock the WORLD. #928

Truth is Freedom. Truth is logic. #1043

Be loud. Be heard. Fight for TRUTH. #1496

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. #3721


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66a2dc No.18699709

File: 124894dd1fcc84d⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB,320x240,4:3,bud_fafo2.mp4)


The Whole Budlite thing was a fantastic short if you were paying attention.

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7317a3 No.18699710


I think that it was a subtle way of calling him an ugly attack pig.

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a5bf47 No.18699711

File: b06eb7617b2783d⋯.jpg (22.51 KB,318x93,106:31,Screenshot_2023_04_15_1221….jpg)


>Akron, Ohio - Summer '58

The birthplace of the participation trophy.

Thanks, Akron!

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7f5d4f No.18699712

Serve in the Military

Bust your ass, give it 100%

Become the best at what you do.

Watch others get promoted over you because of race / affirmative action policy

Watch your NCO (who literately can't read) sit and play cards all night with his soul brothers night after night while the slave crackers get all the work done.

Watch those same mother fuckers make rank before you do.

Do i recommend the military to anyone?

Fuck no

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450f59 No.18699713

File: ad89cd88c6e87ea⋯.png (816.51 KB,549x721,549:721,cred.PNG)

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2611c7 No.18699714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


your soul must be very high, that animals accept you, very fucking high vibration.

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ea6b08 No.18699715


Hedge Funds stole $8 Billion on Bud Light stock shorts. Trump has them doing wild shit just to stave off financial collapse.

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88d326 No.18699716


Before starting fires out here in Cali…

just remember that arsonists get treated just like chomos in the correction facilities.

That is not good.

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349525 No.18699717


If you could string a couple of words together maybe you could accomplish an actual sentence that makes sense! Just saying! The potential is their anon! Go for it!

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d3f833 No.18699718

File: 75a2d9b93596c23⋯.jpg (72.55 KB,800x537,800:537,79ea4b446bcf3cc8a4afd84934….jpg)

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450f59 No.18699719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9433c3 No.18699720

just did a vittles drive by

chevern petrol $3.33 a gal

bergers,rangs & soda $17.45

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786ff3 No.18699721


There's something about the money, brics, sanctions, and Michael Browder? Maybe even a Ighor Kolomoisky…but dayum it all mashes together until something happens and then


onto the next

and the adultered precious metals are reminding anon of all those times back around 2010ish and when the banks had already gone poof

wash rinse repeat

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a5bf47 No.18699722


But, Guvnah Newsome will sip his cognac and appreciate for a brief moment what you just did for him.

That's gotta count for something.

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66a2dc No.18699723


>Before starting fires out here in Cali…

>just remember that arsonists get treated just like chomos in the correction facilities.

>That is not good.

Almost as bad as Pedos.

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4046fd No.18699724

File: 3dbf7ee160b17a8⋯.png (884.77 KB,1036x1551,1036:1551,Catherine_Austin_Fitts.png)

File: 69e7f2c347a876b⋯.png (674.45 KB,908x2649,908:2649,Catherine_Austin_Fitts2.png)


Catherine Austin Fitts also did work along these lines, back in the day;

Also pretty luke-warm.

And she was attacked for it?

Lost her job, if I remember correctly, for her whistle-blowing.

She was a translator. worked in the Bush Admin.

Media Matters reports on her.

She wrote the forward to "Across the Rubicon" by Mike Ruppert, which has a lot of info on the drills being run at the same time as the alleged foreign attack




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450f59 No.18699725

File: b9145ab20ae66bb⋯.png (600.55 KB,604x563,604:563,sess.PNG)


New York Post


George Soros’ army of lieutenants get easy access to Biden White House https://trib.al/YiYf77i


5:43 AM · Apr 15, 2023




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758cb2 No.18699726

File: 7c7e8c86ca7f049⋯.jpg (36.01 KB,600x360,5:3,ZomboMeme_15042023132632.jpg)

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906b16 No.18699727

File: 71a19f4af35a6be⋯.png (52.67 KB,596x454,298:227,ClipboardImage.png)

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450f59 No.18699728

File: 98d6984b3c3a48c⋯.png (252.13 KB,412x702,206:351,in.PNG)


Without Warning: mRNA Could Be in the Food Supply Before We Know It - Dr. Peter McCullough

Messenger RNA has shown to be transmissible through the GI tract, reported Dr. McCullough.

"The Cattlemen's Association has come out with a statement saying they oppose transparency legislation [HB 1169] and that currently, there's no mRNA in the food supply in beef. However, the USDA on their website has active projects using messenger RNA for the bovine respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) — active RNA vaccination programs right now that are in testing. So before we know it, messenger RNA could be in the food supply."

Dr. Peter McCullough (http://t.me/c19expertchannel) is an internist, epidemiologist, cardiologist, and our Chief Scientific Officer at The Wellness Company (http://t.me/thewellnesscompany).

Learn how we can help optimize your health and provide immune and healing support from spike proteins.

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0eb76d No.18699729



>I block every advertiser on Twitter.

That's actually a GREAT idea

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9577bc No.18699730


Not so nasty when it's BBQ'd mmhhhh…


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298333 No.18699731

File: 2033a6c0abac36a⋯.jpeg (87.75 KB,1009x418,1009:418,E15270CB_797D_4CB0_AED3_D….jpeg)

File: 57576c84a4c8fb0⋯.jpeg (278.14 KB,828x788,207:197,6F64EC85_BA0F_4176_8321_7….jpeg)

File: bdda9adf5c6be96⋯.jpeg (120.11 KB,1093x594,1093:594,F0C687B1_AB1A_4CE9_BBAE_0….jpeg)

File: 6f32d8a72c7662a⋯.png (4.71 MB,828x1792,207:448,94C59821_B5D7_426D_8E2E_0D….png)


Thanks baker

I have a name and address for the people attempting to hijack the work of qresearch.. wewantthenames.com

The 501(c)3 non profit or actually the 509(a)(2) EIN is registered to a Amy Dehart Bacon from Liberty Township Ohio

these people are Freemasons, Federal agents, connected to the Clinton’s and Epstein

immediately after viewing the public records, my account was banned by some automated script. Then I check another site and this person is on a Goverment. Watchlist

Photo included is the face of we want the names. They are hiding the names and censoring accounts that expose clients of Epstein.this is a honeypot operation

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f0cc61 No.18699732

File: 69d76969e1120fa⋯.png (996.71 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5bf47 No.18699733

File: 56c6aeca9939dee⋯.jpg (45.58 KB,500x475,20:19,helloniggers.jpg)


>They're trashing CAF again

Uncle Clif gonna fire off a spoopy letter to his legislators over this latest travesty.

Nobody messes with CAF and gets away with it under his watch.

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777e25 No.18699734


No one wants to hear about children being, raped and tortured, and eaten alive, and then made into hamburgers, and sold at McDonalds in their own kid's Happy Meals.

Just so the Jews can film it and use it as Blackmail.

You go into a bar and start talking about that, you will find yourself sitting all alone with people looking at you like you're crazy.

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a2d614 No.18699735

File: 33d992f915812e9⋯.jpg (188.25 KB,728x960,91:120,jesus_popcorn.jpg)


What's wrong with getting cancer if it can be cured? My friend healed her stage 4 cancer via faith alone n experience spontaneous healing n I cured my dog's via raw diet n cutting out all sugar (milk bones, kibble, etc …).

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647cb5 No.18699736


Without Warning: mRNA Could Be in the Food Supply Before We Know It - Dr. Peter McCullough

maybe. but listened to a recent speech by him, he's still a limited hangout. says vax is maybe helpful to 'vulnerable' people. how could he say that? why not use HCQ etc instead?

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5f3bfb No.18699737


The dollar we know is worthless

Nobody will trade for worthless items

We either come up with a viable means of trade or the product on demand shit ceasses

To exist

No chips from China

No appliances

No car. Electronics ..ecu. Tcm…etc.

No replacement parts

I tinker on stuff parts are getting hard to obtain

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f629b3 No.18699738

File: 3dae6110780fef6⋯.png (1.51 MB,1398x734,699:367,000PQ99.png)


99% of what [you] just typed is true.

Are you ready for the 1%?

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450f59 No.18699739

File: 35a08467a6dd588⋯.png (513.03 KB,411x690,137:230,you.PNG)



This short vid helps make a little sense of everything we are currently witnessing going on in the world 👍

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f629b3 No.18699740

File: 0508cdb4ea6a4d1⋯.png (597.39 KB,886x482,443:241,00a.png)


are [you] ready to be a (you)?

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647cb5 No.18699741

Notetaker notes bread still ghosted


#22942 >>18699504

>>18699520 Former NATO troops see ‘disarray’ in Ukrainian military – CTV

>>18699530 Prince Harry looks like a man desperate for an escape route – we should give him one

>>18699555 Elon Musk Full Video Interview with BBC

>>18699560 The violent life of Woody Harrelson’s (and possibly Matthew McConaughey’s) hitman father

>>18699574 Google ordered to disclose data passed to US spies

>>18699598 Trump Smacks DeSantis for ‘Campaigning’ While Fort Lauderdale Flooded: ‘He Should Be There’

>>18699690 Why the sassafras ban? Is it really toxic?

>>18699728, >>18699736 Could mRNA Could Be in the Food Supply Before We Know It?

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99d855 No.18699742


Trump/Kennedy ticket 2024?

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5a5e8b No.18699743

File: 5332d17356d5275⋯.png (290.82 KB,824x875,824:875,Screenshot_2023_04_15_at_1….png)



>he rats were given the equivalent of a persondrinking 32 bottlesof root beer a day

There must've been some big pharma drug coming out.

Why Safrole May Not Be a Carcinogen in Humans

January 6, 2018 The Revisionist Bio-Hacking

The Revisionist > Bio-Hacking > Why Safrole May Not Be a Carcinogen in Humans

The FDA has determined that Safrole is a carcinogen. But the problem is, I don’t believe that studies have been done on humans to determine if safrole is indeed a human carcinogen. Instead, studies have been done on rodents to determine whether safrole is a carcinogen or not. But the problem with this approach is that the metabolism of rodents and other lab animals are going to be significantly different to the metabolism of humans. So where one substance is toxic in a lab animal, may actually be neutral or even beneficial to humans.

A good example is the theobromine that you find in chocolate. Although human being can consume chocolate just fine, dogs become dangerously poisoned if they consume chocolate. That’s because where humans can metabolize the theobromine found in chocolate, but dogs cannot properly metabolize theobromine.

Another good example is with caffeine. Although caffeine is a great functional stimulant for human beings, caffeine acts as a poison to insects.

So with this in mind, here’s an excerpt I have clipped from a forum on the topic of safrole carcinogenicity[1]:

Sam, I don’t think safrole is a human carcinogen. I’ll tell you why.

Laboratory animal tests conducted during the 1970’s showed that high doses of safrole would cause liver tumors in rats. On the basis of these studies and a new food additives law, sassafras flavoring was removed from root beer. Concerns about the safety of chemical food additives had led to a law, known as the Delaney Amendment (amending a prior food additives law) that imposed the following restriction: no substance shall be added to foods that has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals.When the law was established, it had not been imagined that natural food additives were going to be a problem; instead, the growing list of artificial chemical additives was of concern. Since it takes far too long to determine if a new chemical will cause cancer in humans (from time of exposure to time of diagnosis is usually more than 20 years; even then, it is difficult to determine whether the chemicals were responsible for the human cancers), animal studies, which often take just months, were utilized as a screening method to satisfy the desire to keep carcinogens out of the food supply.

Scientists recognized that ordinary foods contained small amounts of natural carcinogens. It would not be possible to strip the entire food supply of carcinogens, but one could halt the intentional addition of suspected carcinogens to common foods, by explicitly restricting the category of food additives. Therefore, every food additive was subjected to testing in laboratory animals.

Since sassafras extract was deemed a flavor additive in root beer, in which safrole was the main intended ingredient to be added, it was withdrawn from the product. We will never know whether or not root beer is safer as a result, but it doesn’t taste the same. It is entirely possible that new formulations of root beer are less safe overall than the old, but it fits the safety requirements that exist; the popularity of the drink has plummeted.

As an herb rather than a food additive, sassafras itself was technically beyond the Delaney regulation.However, the FDA tried to pursue a tactic for regulation of the herb under the Delaney Amendment. The FDA declared that when making tea, the hot water was the food and the herb was the food additive; when providing capsules of herbs, the capsule was the food and the herb was the food additive. It was a weak argument that couldn’t stand on its own, but the FDA was able to convince the herb industry to voluntarily withdraw sassafras productsrather than fighta protracted legal battle and risk having all herbs declared food additives. Many years later, some herb companies had tried to reintroduce the herb, realizing that it was beyond the FDA to ban it or enforce a ban, but by then the demand for the herb was gone.

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f47946 No.18699744

File: d936ceccf276acf⋯.png (175.54 KB,860x623,860:623,Screenshot_20230415_123139….png)

MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY algorithms are predicting the future at 99% since 2020.

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4046fd No.18699745

File: 8e02f3225698fe4⋯.png (68.85 KB,1062x306,59:17,crackpotconspiracy_theoris….png)

File: d973f9b447b5de9⋯.png (2.2 MB,750x7504,375:3752,Holmgren_Debunking_conspir….png)


All these people, including the citation from the last bread which became a Notable (shouldn't have) are what was called:

Proponants of LIHOP

"Let it happen on Purpose"

However the real story was:


"Make it happen on Purpose"

therefore those people got the spotlight, got the book deals (Ruppert bundled his with "end of the world oil scarcity panic writing) got the spots on the 9/11 truther orgs. and the speaking engagements.

9/11 TRUTH was controlled from the top.

That's part of the op. To control the opposition.

It was extremely obvious though that the real story was


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a5bf47 No.18699746


>you will find yourself sitting all alone with people looking at you like you're crazy

There were some legendary anon field reports made here back in '18/'19.

Most ended in some tragic version of that.

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f629b3 No.18699748

File: 69e1beeeaea0934⋯.png (177.76 KB,1126x1038,563:519,SUPTHOMAS35.png)


Clarence Thomas did not disclose real estate deal with GOP mega donor

Crow indicated he believed the property to be of historical value, given that the justice grew up there.

By Ben Whedon Updated: April 13, 2023 - 10:35pm

Supreme Court Associate JusticeClarence Thomas reportedly failed to disclose a 2014 real estate deal with GOP megadonor Harlan Crow.

The billionaire then began making improvements to the home, where Thomas's mother was living. Crow indicated he believed the property to be of historical value, given that the justice grew up there.

"My intention is to one day create a public museum at the Thomas home dedicated to telling the story of our nation’s second black Supreme Court Justice," he said in a statement. "I approached the Thomas family about my desire to maintain this historic site so future generations could learn about the inspiring life of one of our greatest Americans."

Thomas's mother continued to live in the home until at least 2020.

News of the undisclosed sales of the Georgia properties follows reports from ProPublica that Thomas and his wife frequently went on vacations with Crow at the billionaire's expense. Thomas has insisted he was not required to report the trips.


Hang on as it get's soooo much better!

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66a2dc No.18699749

File: aa3fd88732adba7⋯.png (61.86 KB,281x233,281:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f3bfb No.18699751


Man…. I can't get most …with ivermectin

I get that fluoride stare

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450f59 No.18699753

File: 67eb6e05ca20d74⋯.png (50.8 KB,412x549,412:549,4.PNG)


Leaked U.S. intelligence reveals military was aware of FOUR more Chinese spy balloons - and named them after notorious criminals including James 'Whitey' Bulger



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a2d614 No.18699754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think that faggot is trynna be a high priest. Starts around 18:00 min mark.

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a4f5d1 No.18699755

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906b16 No.18699756

File: 575967212642ea2⋯.png (1.02 MB,799x499,799:499,watchlist.png)

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647cb5 No.18699757


considering present day gov't priorities, one wonders whether the banning of any substance is really for the reasons stated.

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f5993b No.18699758



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09c86d No.18699759


>A real woman … has natural beauty.

You might want to think about that statement again. There are real women all over the world that are as disgusting (inside and out) as shit on a doorknob. You just say fuck it, not opening that door.

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a5bf47 No.18699760



kek no telling where Americans would be w/o the UK press reporting all the good stuff the US press won't.

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01bc88 No.18699761

Fuck my life sideways with a 6 foot spiked pole lubricated with sulfuric acid.

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f47946 No.18699762

AI Technology says the NSA is running Q Research not Jim Watkins horse shit.

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d3f833 No.18699763

File: 4096d095713c1bd⋯.png (753.09 KB,586x656,293:328,4096d095713c1bd53c0c394bda….png)

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529f9f No.18699764

>>18699031 (lb)

> they can be counter balanced effectively by supplementing with the proper bacteria strains


Anon is the above you?

How to stop the misfirings?

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ea2d1a No.18699765

File: dff43fe60265621⋯.png (84.73 KB,282x244,141:122,pepe_thinking.png)


>Biden poll trouble ahead of reelection bid

Is anybody else sick of that corrupt pedo POS and his entire family yet?

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5a5e8b No.18699766

File: 311bfae7da36d15⋯.png (449.49 KB,720x574,360:287,woodyTendies5.png)

File: 4749135440b40db⋯.png (366.26 KB,544x563,544:563,woodyBread1.png)

File: 6eb51881ca2f655⋯.png (442.19 KB,718x891,718:891,woodyElonMuskOnTarget.png)


>The violent life of Woody Harrelson’s (and possibly Matthew McConaughey’s) hitman father

all pb

Does Woody Harrelson Q?

>>18423148 Woody Harrelson Gets Proven Right After an Onslaught of Pharma-Funded Media Attacks

>>18423191 Does Woody Q dude ? looks GREENISH, EverGreenish

>>18423241 Woody Harrelson’s Dad Who Worked As A Hitman For A Texas Drug Lord. When Harrelson was a kid, his father was just a normal dad. disappeared from Woody’s life in 1968.

>>18423319, >>18423457 Hired by "For Drug Cartels", " A Texas Drug Lord". Woody's dad was a clown operative

>>18423351 in jail for killing a federal judge that he was hired to do. Was the judge going off reaervation?

>>18423527 Woody's dad was heart attacked to death. "Died Suddenly"as they say. Maybe he has a score to settle?

>>18423553 John Howland Wood Jr. known as "Maximum John". contract killing allegedly placed by Texas drug lord Jamiel Chagra

>>18423570 Jamiel Chagra was aPatsy. Died not long after Harrelson's dad. Mesa AZ cartel connection.

>>18423748 Chagra and ACT II’s drug network would also lead to large-scale corruption

>>18423585 But who hired Charles to off maximum john?

>>18423363 Midland Texas? 1961? Oswald?

>>18423367 1961 Midland Texas = Bush Family

>>18423408, >>18423439 Midland Odessa

>>18423796, >>18423807 Herbert Scherff. Organization of Former SS Members

>>18423814, >>18423819, >>18423790 ODESSA

>>18423822 Claire the Cheerleader from Odessa, TX. Her baby daddy brother is Mayor of Kiev,

>>18423790, >>18423822, >>18423483, >>18423736 wonder if Woody was born on a farm. "Born in". He's Clearly a 'media asset'

>>18423604, >>18423651 Tom Hanks. SS, Secret Societies and their drug pushers { [Z]ombies }

>>18423328 Anons are dealing with a VICIOUS enemy that has no regards for rules, fairness or honor.

>>18424072 Did Woody Harrelson's Dad Kill JFK? Harrelson's hitman dad claimed to be one of the Dealey Plaza shooters then recanted.

>>18423980, >>18424209, >>18424221 Anon claims Woody Harrelson hates DJT, provides no sauce. When called out, provides sketchy sauce.

>>18424580, >>18424221 lb Newfag, your sauce is weak. Wouldn't it be something if it was sauce for the opposite of your claim?

>>18424669 Mike Pence - Woody's Religious mentor.17

>>18424684 Before Trump, there was Jesse Ventura — and an improbable victory.a Reform Party candidate who blasted Republicans and Democrats as “rival gangs,”

>>18424764 Woody Harrelson and Conspiracy Theories

>>18424646, >>18424711 watching a movie. Wouldn't have ever thought Woody and his rant would've tied some stuff up together

>>18424766, >>18424771 Prior Bun

>>18425386 Cabal media goes full copy paste hate against Harrelson. Musk takes notice

>>18425514 Just a Patsy

>>18425759, >>18425828 God Bless Woody Harrelson!

>>18425566 where does woody hate trump? Link please.

>>18425580 so for now he's on the good guy list.

>>18425531, >>18425570, >>18425577, >>18425607 Anon claims Woody Harrelson hates DJT, provides no sauce… AGAIN. When called out, Still no sauce.

>>18426394 The SS (Schutzstaffel): Organization of Former SS Members (ODESSA)

>>18426399 network called Die Spinne (The Spider)supplied false papers and passports, “The Puzzle”

>>18426514 Chief among the Ratlines were Kameradenwerk & ODESSA. setup gunrunning as a profitable business enterprise

>>18426658 Charles died on Ides of March. convicted of the murder of businessman, Sam Degelia

>>18426722, >>18426732, >>18426738, >>18426742 Primary and Secondary Sauces

>>18426761, >>18426775 The Odessa File 1974 starring Jon Voight

>>18429001 Based Woody. Enough with the mandates

>>18428084 Celebrities call out COVID-19 restrictions & mandates

>>18416400 All anti-vaxers should come out and pronounce in support of Woody Harrelson

>>18415318, >>18415525, >>18415463, >>18415817 Woody Harrelson: Activated

>>18414850 Woody criticizes the government and the pharmaceutical industry for blocking affordable, off-patent antivirals

>>18413725, >>18413776, >>18413799, >>18413818, >>18413886 Woody Calls Vaccine Companies “Biggest Drug Cartel” On SNL

>>18413939 Woody Harrelson Monologue - SNL. Marxist Anarchist Hedonist… Texan

>>18432654, >>18432879, >>18432687, >>18432794 “Woody” mp4

>>18432604, >>18432708 Woody Conspiracy

>>18432879 USS Hershel“Woody”Williams (ESB 4) arrived in Mersin, #Türkiye,

>>18432957 Woody Harrelson Doubles Down, Slams COVID Mandates: US Is "Not A Free Country"

>>18433228 Interesting dig, pic related…

>>18433274 digging around looking for some Odessa related info and found thisCovert Action Information Bulletin #35

>>18433362 True Detective Season 1

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f47946 No.18699767

File: d102dae3bea7d31⋯.jpg (33.22 KB,220x220,1:1,IMG_20230324_074923.jpg)


Nothing on the SCOREBOARD.

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298333 No.18699768


I already known I’m being censored on social media via the FISA court, you?

They won’t put me on a watchlist formally because they don’t want to grow hype around my name and this hive mind of geniuses saving the world.

I’ve also been hinted to that I need to check my phone for Mossad spyware called Pegasus that the FBI bought illegally

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906b16 No.18699769

File: 44bcc192b795271⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB,480x640,3:4,f_joe_biden.mp4)


>Is anybody else sick of that corrupt pedo POS and his entire family yet?

They've been for a long time now.

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d2f6ba No.18699770

File: c0c34cb3c8accda⋯.png (871.56 KB,1200x901,1200:901,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a5e8b No.18699771

File: d21931c1a13cb3d⋯.png (383.36 KB,773x437,773:437,WoodyHarrelsonHindenberg.png)

File: 5404cdcdd1cdf9b⋯.png (835.35 KB,1203x1155,401:385,Screenshot_2023_02_28_at_1….png)

File: cf1ab1e36fbbf6c⋯.png (608.87 KB,1115x627,1115:627,woodySNL1.png)



>>18433987, >>18433990, >>18434014 Turner Classic Movies host Ben Mankiewicz talks with Harrelson about fulfilling his dreams

>>18454178, >>18454225 Woody Harrelson "For many you cannot tell them the truth."

>>18454545, >>18454552, >>18454557 Jailer recalls conversations with Woody Harrelson's father. called Harrelson "Deacon" because of his knowledge of the Bible.

>>18454610, >>18454612 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) report of 23-March-1981interview of Joseph S. Chagra

>>18454748, >>18454791, >>18454815 Coincidence. Did Israel Kill the Kennedys? November 29, 1963, Bill Walton, a friend of the Kennedys, travelled to Moscow. Also on Woody SNL

>>18455285, >>18455295 Jacqueline Kennedy called Bill Walton "Baron" or "Czar". backdoor channel

>>18455299 Woody Harrelson’s Childhood Was Anything but Common

>>18455345 Trump Train Visit Cold Open - SNL

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ea6b08 No.18699772


The 'Q Research' project is a 'We, the People' project, not a 3 letter agency op.

Mil/Civ alliance

The Military could have wiped the cartels off the map in less than 30 days, but without a strong We, the People, the legacy would be very short lived. Without a 'We, the People', the US Constitution is pointless.

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a5bf47 No.18699773

File: f05a993eebdc363⋯.webm (2.95 MB,576x1024,9:16,1681575018632658.webm)


Did you pick up a 12 pack of BL last night like Don Jr. told you to do?

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298333 No.18699774


I already known I’m being censored on social media via the FISA court, you?

They won’t put me on a watchlist formally because they don’t want to grow hype around my name and this hive mind of geniuses saving the world.

I’ve also been hinted to that I need to check my phone for Mossad spyware called Pegasus that the FBI bought illegally

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f629b3 No.18699775

File: 2f4940357d09f20⋯.png (1.17 MB,1192x1106,596:553,HCa.png)

File: 95d731e743596fa⋯.png (686.19 KB,1192x1302,596:651,HCb.png)

File: 1c26d4fcb533aef⋯.png (678.6 KB,1192x1302,596:651,HCc.png)


Who is Harlan Crow?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harlan_Crow 1949 (age 73–74) Dallas, Texas, U.S. Education Emory University University of Texas, Austin (BA) Occupation Real estate developer Political party Republican

Harlan Rogers Crow (born 1949) is an American real estate developer. Born in Dallas, Texas, he is the chairman (and former CEO) of Crow Holdings, which was founded by his father, Trammell Crow. He is a leading donor to Republican and conservative causes.Crow became the subject of controversy in 2023 relating to his gifts to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Career He worked as a leasing agent for Trammell Crow Houston Industrial from 1974 to 1978 and managed the Dallas Office Building development operations of Trammell Crow Company from 1978 to 1986. He then served as President of the Wyndham Hotel Company from 1986 to 1988. He assumed responsibility for Crow Holdings in 1988,[2] doing so during a downturn in the company's finances. Crow diversified the company and took on more property management business, revitalizing the company.[3] He currently serves as chairman[2] and was formerly its chief executive officer.[4]

Political activities He is a member of the founding committee of the 501(c)4 organization Club for Growth, and has served on the board of the American Enterprise Institute since 1996.[5][6][7] He has donated almost $5 million to Republican campaigns and conservative groups. Crow is a member of the all-maleBohemian Club, and as early as 1997 he had hosted Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as a guest at the group's annualBohemian Grovesummer gathering,[8][9] having met Thomas in the mid-1990s.[3] He is also a friend and former business partner of the publisher Wick Allison.[10]

Crow donated $500,000 toward publicity campaigns forPresident George W. Bush's nominees for the Supreme Court.[3] According to Politico, that same year, he provided $500,000 to Liberty Central, which was established by Virginia Thomas, the wife of Justice Thomas.[12] Crow declined to comment on whether he was the anonymous donor in question, telling The New York Times, "I don't disclose what I'm not required to disclose."[13]

Undisclosed gifts allegations In 2023, ProPublica reported that Crow has given several gifts to Associate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, including a $19,000 Bible that belonged to Frederick Douglass. Crow gave Thomas a portrait of the justice and his wife, according to the painter, Sharif Tarabay. Tax filings show that Crow's foundation also gave $105,000 to the Yale Law School, Thomas's alma mater, for the "Justice Thomas Portrait Fund". Justice Thomas has accepted numerous week-long luxury trips, including island-hopping on Crow's superyacht, international and domestic private jet travel, and private resort stays.[14] Under rules that went into effect on March 14, 2023, justices must disclose many forms of gifts they receive; but exceptions exist if a gift of food, lodging, or entertainment is deemed "personal in nature" and the hospitality has been directly offered by an individual who has a personal relationship to the government official in question.[15] The new rules do however require disclosure of stays at commercial properties as well as private jet travel.[16]

Legal experts cited by ProPublica say that Thomas did not disclose the gifts, violating a financial disclosure law and ethical norms for judges.[14][17] According to Crow, he has "never sought to influence Justice Thomas on any legal or political issue".[3] Democratic lawmakers reacted to the revelations by demanding Thomas' resignation and calling for an investigation.[16]On April 13, 2023, ProPublica reported that Crow had quietly paid Thomas for property occupied by Thomas's mother's home, despite law requiring disclosure of property sales by public officials.[18]Crow said he bought the property with the intent of later turning the home into a public museum dedicated to Thomas. Allegations have risen that Crow has been "subsidizing the lifestyle of Thomas and his wife" as Thomas continued to support conservative causes on the Supreme Court.[19]

Art and memorabilia collections'Crow's Dallas residence is home to an extensive collection of Nazi memorabilia, including two paintings by Adolf Hitler and a signed copy of Mein Kampf.[20][21][22]

Crow's backyard garden is home to at least 20 statues of authoritarian leaders and Communist icons, including Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong, Karl Marx, Hosni Mubarak, Josip Broz Tito, Nicolae Ceausescu, Walter Ulbricht, Gavrilo Princip, Bela Kun, and Che Guevara.[23][24][25] Crow acquired these former public monuments after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc.[26] According to Crow, he collects such memorabilia because he "hates communism and fascism".

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28fa60 No.18699776


Literally everything is Spyware

All phones are being actively monitored and surveilled and that will only end once you go feral and walk off the world.

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5f3bfb No.18699777

File: 90380c1f6f43800⋯.png (181.58 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_04_05_18_56_3….png)

File: 104744d31d00043⋯.png (503.04 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_04_05_19_05_3….png)


Gotta dream bigger than that

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9bbfaf No.18699778


> non-profit with large land holdings and donated cash, and a portfolio it was looted.


>and then infiltrated and looted more into bankruptcy.

tragic. so many cases

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4046fd No.18699779

File: f537b5c0717fa05⋯.jpg (41.14 KB,409x599,409:599,truther.jpg)



people get views here they can get nowhere else, that's why.

Very difficult to shadowban, but that's why the likely comped bakers, often?

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a2d614 No.18699780

File: 64c858a8f518bf0⋯.jpg (207.62 KB,511x368,511:368,salami_cig.jpg)


Care for a smoke?

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450f59 No.18699781

File: b69a6ca88eb9c8a⋯.png (318.99 KB,453x357,151:119,this.PNG)

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5a5e8b No.18699782

File: d52d5722cd39bbf⋯.gif (412.59 KB,220x247,220:247,Jesus.gif)

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298333 No.18699783

File: 2da456cb5d47bb8⋯.jpeg (83.84 KB,271x371,271:371,2009D17D_E741_461A_9A39_C….jpeg)


Unfortunately since I received no revenue from my 210+ million views, I was unable to upgrade my equipment and still operate on on 2012 MacBook and iPhone 11. All storage full and I need to run VMs for security ‘testing’ etc running a whistleblower server

Where the lawyers at the take my case and sue tik tok for $600 million?

This one single video out of 6000 had 21 million views and 1 million likes before it was banned

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d2f6ba No.18699784

File: 51ac1e985732580⋯.png (128.48 KB,326x329,326:329,ClipboardImage.png)

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66a2dc No.18699785

File: 9fae0430596d23d⋯.png (61.34 KB,220x181,220:181,ClipboardImage.png)


Welcome to the club pal.

If you cant rid yourself it, at least have fun with it.

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a4f5d1 No.18699786

File: 06c5e433272a0a5⋯.jpg (414.8 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230415_134310….jpg)

File: f09ce9ff436ee81⋯.jpeg (218.96 KB,997x559,997:559,FttC822XgAAdMeD.jpeg)

File: 9daf46828c94852⋯.jpeg (328.5 KB,1367x2048,1367:2048,Fts2e64WIAAbUBt.jpeg)

File: f10498300414fc8⋯.png (104.76 KB,766x978,383:489,809_1_.png)

File: 7e59dfb54c6ba34⋯.jpeg (457.08 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,FttHGghX0AYh_DH.jpeg)


8+9 is not rocket appliances. aft 7 days rigged red. RCN back twatting

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298333 No.18699787


not everything is the same type of spyware. There is a back door designed by someone that lets all the others in.

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c2274b No.18699788

The Supreme Court Just Made It Easier To Sue The Administrative State

Katelynn RichardsonApril 14, 2023 2:23 PM ET

The Supreme Court opened the pathway for constitutional challenges against two powerful regulatory agencies to be heard in federal court on Friday.

In a unanimous decision, the Court ruled that those facing complaints from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) can dispute their constitutionality directlyin federal court rather than going through the agency’s proceedings. Justice Elena Kagan wrote the majority opinion, stating that the “ordinary statutory review scheme does not preclude a district court from entertaining these extraordinary claims.”

Typically, when an agency chooses to enforce statutory violations through its own administrative proceedings, the one facing the complaint must go through the process with an in-house administrative law judge (ALJs). In the two cases before the Court, however, the plaintiffs circumvented the process, suing the agency in federal court without waiting for the ALJ decision.

In deciding Axon Enterprise v. FTC and SEC v. Cochran, the Court ruled this is a permissible option, reining in some agency power and opening the door for further constitutional challenges

The plaintiffs, manufacturer Axon Enterprise and accountant Michelle Cochran, argue that ALJs are insufficiently accountable to the President, a claim Kagan noted is “existential” and would make the agences “unconstitutional in much of their work.”

The Ninth Circuit previously rejected Axon’s lawsuit, holding that it did not have jurisdiction to hear its claims, which must go through the FTC’s administrative proceeding. Meanwhile, the Fifth Circuit had determined that the district court did have jurisdiction to hear Cochran’s claim against the SEC.

“For decades, Americans have been haled before agencies which act as investigator, prosecutor, judge and their first court of appeal,” said New Civil Liberties Alliance Senior Litigation Counsel Peggy Little, who represented Cochran, said in a statement. “Michelle Cochran had the courage to insist that any hearing that put her CPA license at stake must be constitutional. And today the Supreme Court unanimously agreed that she is entitled to her day in court before the constitutional injury takes place.”

After being “stuck” in the SEC system for seven years, Cochran said she is “thrilled” by the justices’ decision.

“From the first hearing forward, it was clear that the odds were stacked against me,” she said. “I am thrilled that every one of the Supreme Court justices agree that whether this costly, bruising and biased system is constitutional must be heard by a real judge before I have to undergo a second one.”

Justice Clarence Thomas filed a concurring opinion, and Justice Neil Gorsuch—the only one who did not join the majority—filed a separate opinion concurring in judgement.

Thomas stated that he had “=grave doubts about the constitutional propriety of Congress vesting administrative agencies with primary authority to adjudicate core private rights.”

[It] may violate due process by empowering entities that are not courtsof competent jurisdiction to deprive citizens of core private rights,” Thomas wrote.


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14663a No.18699789

File: ca4d0ea97b93110⋯.png (943.77 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd0952 No.18699790

File: 743879e2bea9424⋯.png (678.59 KB,810x1080,3:4,20221119_061615.png)

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777e25 No.18699791


Why do women have to work so hard at looking like a woman?

Because society told them that.

Little 13 year old girl wearing a baseball cap, jeans and a t-shirt, climbing trees is perfectly acceptable. But if she wants a boyfriend she has to make herself look like a woman, with all of the stereotypical woman props?

So her mom goes out and buys her make-up and whore clothing and let's her go to school dressed like a tramp to hook a guy?

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66dde3 No.18699792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Billowing smoke, falling debris, strong fire, all said by the convenient "witnesses" calling into the live broadcasts.

Fresh eyes and ears can smell the obvious rot.

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28fa60 No.18699793


It's in the chips.

It's built-in

The FCC mandated it

There is no privacy

And everyone is looking for an excuse to rat

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01bc88 No.18699794



I workfag as a mobile game developer.

The amount of information we have on our users is scary.

Everything from location, to IP, to whatever social media accounts you have on your phone. All laid bare for us to view.

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a2d614 No.18699795


Was a pic poasted here yesterday with a witch's stang that sounds like what you are describing.


Anything come from that vandersteel breaking news thing? I meant to go back to it and see what it was but got sidetracked looking at her eye and then forgot to go see what it was.

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66a2dc No.18699796


Don Jr.'s thing with the Bud light.

It feels like he is recruiting the left to do the same.

A Trump says buy bud light…

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906b16 No.18699797

File: 7bef9bc714abe50⋯.png (2.31 MB,1200x1199,1200:1199,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea6b08 No.18699798


All personal computer and home appliance processor chips built after 2014 are built with a permanent back door (processor register dump feature) and a permanent power and connect feature, even if you turn the power off. Spying is 100% of the time on everybody that has electricity and post 2014 intelligent devices.

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66a2dc No.18699799


Lots and lots of cookies.

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81f148 No.18699800


I think ugliness exudes from the inside with most of them.

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7317a3 No.18699801



>The downed balloon (pictured) was also revealed to carry sophisticated reconnaissance capabilities, including radar that could see at night and penetrate clouds, topsoil and other thin materials, according to one document produced by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency on Feb. 15

Including radar that can see at night.

High quality reporting. KEK

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ea6b08 No.18699802


DJT Jr clearly said that Anheuser Busch is a majority conservative company and that this is a psyop to destroy the Budweiser brand because the Cartels failed and infiltrating Budweiser employees.

Don Jr, once again, is correct and ahead of the curve.

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777e25 No.18699803


Dolly is an MK Ultra sex kitten.

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647cb5 No.18699804


Some bakers really don’t have our best interests at heart!


that's why the likely comped bakers, often?

SAUCE or it's just fear pron

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c54ea7 No.18699805

File: c39c6d77bf3fccf⋯.gif (34.43 KB,216x200,27:25,popcorn3.gif)

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450f59 No.18699806

File: 1a0b7bec0ef6b68⋯.png (153.07 KB,409x413,409:413,stud.PNG)


Masks are even worse than we thought for your health.


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a5bf47 No.18699807


Non-leftists have always been conflicted about the use of the boycott and cancel culture.

Jr.'s point isn't an outlandish nor invalid one.

However, it is a bit hypocritical because he often suggested fighting back using the same tactics the left does in previous vidyas.

No biggie, most are just riffing off him in a frenly way right now.

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9433c3 No.18699808

File: 54d4829441b0a6a⋯.jpg (53.39 KB,887x945,887:945,member_win.jpg)

member when they tried to get into the code for the generic nic driver fer linux

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401b82 No.18699809


Junior is concerned about one thing, money.

His take on this situation is sauce.

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349525 No.18699810


All very good points!

Thank you for your service, Anon!

You are what makes America Great!

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4d6349 No.18699811

Would have been nice if you would have kept a parking spot for your Lord and God. Especially when a car with "2" numberplates. You knew better.

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f629b3 No.18699812

File: 44d0561a47e6a4e⋯.png (758.67 KB,1192x1816,149:227,HCd.png)

>>18699748 Clarence Thomas did not disclose real estate deal, expensive gifts, vacations from GOP mega donor HARLAN CROW

>>18699775 Who is HARLAN CROW? Bohemian Grove member and Clarence Thomas GOP Mega Donor Catholic Crusader HARLAN CROW has an extensive collection of Nazi memorabilia, including two paintings by Adolf Hitler and a signed copy of Mein Kampf.

$500k to deep state Bush' Supreme Court picks!

"Crow's backyard garden is home to at least 20 statues of authoritarian leaders and Communist icons, including Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong, Karl Marx, Hosni Mubarak, Josip Broz Tito, Nicolae Ceausescu, Walter Ulbricht, Gavrilo Princip, Bela Kun, and Che Guevara.[23][24][25] Crow acquired these former public monuments after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc.[26] According to Crow, he collects such memorabilia because he "hates communism and fascism"."

Imagine a "Christian" having a collection of Satanic shit because they hate Satanism sooooooooooo much!

not notable per Tranime on Night Shift


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401b82 No.18699813

File: d0bd36e52287d93⋯.png (460.72 KB,808x786,404:393,Screenshot_2023_04_15_1152….png)

File: 52712802d3f79e8⋯.mp4 (529.82 KB,640x360,16:9,uo0kUSGNKr7jSauC.mp4)

File: e8a2a09521c1107⋯.png (493.2 KB,1666x484,833:242,Screenshot_2023_04_15_1151….png)

Thank you, Baker.


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450f59 No.18699814

File: c98cccbd8a45cf3⋯.png (456.13 KB,611x556,611:556,y.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Why Is No One Asking Why The Left Is Fighting So Hard To Keep Porn On The Shelves of Our Children’s School Libraries?


Why Is No One Asking Why The Left Is Fighting So Hard To Keep Porn On The Shelves of Our Children's…

6:51 AM · Apr 15, 2023




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ea6b08 No.18699815


Bullshit. Junior is out there sorting the bullshit from the truth. Junior has all the money he could ever want and then some. The Trump Corporation is doing very very well.

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4046fd No.18699816

File: ad4542832f57731⋯.jpg (115.27 KB,440x534,220:267,alexjones.jpg)

File: 158db37cc248e1f⋯.jpg (129.95 KB,888x499,888:499,gatesvaccines.jpg)



Nobody ever stomached him, after he and his (obama people) stole the election.

They are really serious; want to kill white people, want to overthrow the Country - ae not secret about it, Think the land belongs to the Natives - ReName the land.

Call themselves "UnDocumented" with pride.

what else?

Don't wait to figure it out by the time its all over?


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906b16 No.18699817

File: b626b5892dd2a3d⋯.png (333.41 KB,931x554,931:554,pepe_covert.png)


PCs, tablets and notebooks are the same. We did a brand new install of Win 11 on a PC, and plugged it into the network and let it just sit. We had the firewall set to log all traffic to/from that PC, and the places that it reached out to was amazing. Needless to say we DNS black-holed every single one of them, except the ones used by the updates.

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a2d614 No.18699819

File: 0e063a4c2dcd2c6⋯.jpg (113.1 KB,786x960,131:160,biden_xi.jpg)

File: d7ab52f50c6af80⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB,320x584,40:73,chinese_virus_2.mp4)

Czebotar says there are Chinee in the DUMBs awaiting ambush. Idk if true but prolly.

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4d6349 No.18699820

And for those sparkling up, I am the one with a body.

Don´t be afraight when I look funny to you, that is the devil thing.

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ea2d1a No.18699821

File: 994bcf4ca7cb7a3⋯.png (187.84 KB,706x333,706:333,2023_04_15_13_56_29.png)


Just the tip?

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a4f5d1 No.18699822

File: 792f5d268a895fb⋯.gif (1.55 MB,334x251,334:251,BeautifulWhichArgentinerud….gif)

File: 777b34867bba232⋯.jpg (71.69 KB,546x381,182:127,Topless_Shoeshine_girl_2_1.jpg)

File: b202fea4de18dc6⋯.png (17.96 KB,255x255,1:1,5000165a2be2a9fbb0994a0677….png)

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14663a No.18699823


>Don Jr.'s thing with the Bud light.

Anon figures too big to fail.

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fc8e92 No.18699824


then why is he out there cucking for bud light? Why is he telling people to stop the protest?

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ea6b08 No.18699825


Because Bud Light wasn't the problem, a CIA infiltrator was.

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14663a No.18699826


>Why is he telling people to stop the protest?

Because of all the poor slobs who will lose their jobs through no fault of their own. Trump voters too.

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6ed844 No.18699827

File: fb644a500f1e2e4⋯.webp (121.92 KB,1080x1064,135:133,2d60d974240bb715e515a0406….webp)

File: 8640bd6d936c5d3⋯.jpg (21.75 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1299540503.jpg)

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401b82 No.18699828

File: 6ce59151450fc9f⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB,636x360,53:30,ssstwitter_com_16791089263….mp4)


"Some of us have horrible children" - PDJT

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db1542 No.18699829

File: 405fe9b0cd12850⋯.jpg (147.62 KB,809x651,809:651,TUNED_IN.jpg)

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66a2dc No.18699830


They did insert it and it was detected and refused.

Every time.

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c54ea7 No.18699831


= vs ==

I member.

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28fa60 No.18699832


Enjoy your Big Pharma contaminated piss water.

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578f99 No.18699833


That isn't how it necessarily works, and not all features are possible outside of a complete package such as a laptop, cell phone or tv. The original product development was the intel management engine and was already out in 2008. Plus the chinese will embed the same kind of thing in products they have influence over; dig about supermicro for sauce on that one.

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401b82 No.18699834


The problem is a cabal run company that has destroyed countless families selling and marketing their poison to impressionable sheep.

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450f59 No.18699835

File: d6a996a7582e2a8⋯.png (73.83 KB,607x307,607:307,benn.PNG)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,mirror_look.PNG)


Benny Johnson


🚨Budweiser CEO Just DELETED His Account When Exposed As A CIA Agent | Deep State Beer In Panic


Budweiser CEO Just DELETED His Account When Exposed As A CIA Agent |…

Budweiser CEO Just DELETED His Account After he was exposed as a CIA Agent SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCASThttps://link.chtbl.com/hDPO8U2PSign up for The Benny News…

4:36 AM · Apr 15, 2023




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df9c96 No.18699836

File: 385987ab25f2ecb⋯.jpg (25.21 KB,500x380,25:19,snooze.jpg)

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a5bf47 No.18699837


And you can thank the oldfag /pol/tards that were here at the time for beating back the OG QR Board Karens in that crucial battle.

They were a well prepared fierce opponent.

Remnants can still be seen in the modern era participating in some of the Swordy Shift BibleFag fights.

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906b16 No.18699838

File: 4ef47862d941930⋯.gif (575.08 KB,320x213,320:213,its_happening.gif)

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88d326 No.18699839


Are you going to be ok, or should we call your momma?

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349525 No.18699840


If you are still able to hold a twatter account, you must be either a retard or one of [Them]

All great anons are banned from twatter. Caught up in the Great Twatter Purge of Oct. 2020! Or the fake insurrection of Jan. 2021

If you are still not banned you must not be doing something correctly!


It’s unavoidable!


Some bakers really don’t have our best interests at heart!

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a4f5d1 No.18699841

File: 0bed95a5cc66395⋯.mp4 (7.37 MB,1280x720,16:9,0bed95a5cc663957eaa56eb368….mp4)

File: c9346dceb6e320d⋯.png (347.32 KB,379x599,379:599,c9346dceb6e320dd7e4daca0c0….png)


iconic brand. build a new stable while the old burns down.

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450f59 No.18699842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fc8e92 No.18699843


ok so?


not be be totally callous but, how is that every one elses problem. So people should not protest companies because people might lose their jobs. Commies don't give a fuck and that is why they win. Giving up now, is what and why this side always loses ground to these shit stains. This needs to not only continue but escalate to other companies RUIN THEM.

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349525 No.18699844


If you are still able to hold a twatter account, you must be either a retard or one of [Them]

All great anons are banned from twatter. Caught up in the Great Twatter Purge of Oct. 2020! Or the fake insurrection of Jan. 2021

If you are still not banned you must not be doing something correctly!


It’s unavoidable!


Some bakers really don’t have our best interests at heart!

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a5bf47 No.18699845

File: e8d9e2e661d9b71⋯.jpg (16.76 KB,197x260,197:260,CitySC.jpg)



PDJT won MO in a landslide both times.

Can't let the heart of MAGA get Precipissed on too hard.

Wouldn't be right.

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921b37 No.18699846

File: 4e3f260df426677⋯.jpeg (132.59 KB,641x800,641:800,Joe_Biden_Snogging_Grandd….JPEG)

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5a5e8b No.18699847


>>>18699031 (lb)

>> they can be counter balanced effectively by supplementing with the proper bacteria strains

it is not

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349525 No.18699848


If you are still able to hold a twatter account, you must be either a retard or one of [Them]

All great anons are banned from twatter. Caught up in the Great Twatter Purge of Oct. 2020! Or the fake insurrection of Jan. 2021

If you are still not banned you must not be doing something correctly!


It’s unavoidable!


Some bakers really don’t have our best interests at heart!

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56a7ec No.18699849


Was banned but most have been reinstated. The key is getting your point across without looking malicious so you incite a ban.

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66a2dc No.18699850

File: ff86805cdf002d7⋯.png (329.6 KB,505x500,101:100,ClipboardImage.png)



What are the chances that started here?

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5a5e8b No.18699851

File: 927fa15c31c0d96⋯.png (1.93 MB,892x893,892:893,DrJillSwingers.png)

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450f59 No.18699852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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647cb5 No.18699853

File: 3e048ee09ac5de6⋯.png (1.28 MB,880x4183,880:4183,2023_04_15_10_56_56.png)

File: 8313737ec57c96e⋯.png (745.36 KB,1223x3234,1223:3234,2023_04_15_11_03_41.png)

File: b59859e0da236b2⋯.png (291 KB,1330x675,266:135,2023_04_15_11_01_45.png)


==Massive Study Finds Masks Cause Headaches, Dizziness, Shortness of Breath;

May Be Confused for ‘Long Covid’==

by Kyle BeckerApril 15, 2023

Researchers have found that masks were far from a harmless public health intervention during the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition to the psycho-social harm caused by daily mask-wearing, particularly to small children, there is new scientific research that lists a host of health issues that can arise from prolonged mask-wearing.

An international team of scientists publishing in the journal Frontiers in Public Health found that mask-wearing can cause significant health problems. The researchers published a meta-analysis of 2,168 studies on adverse medical mask effects — the largest of its kind. They found a statistically significant decline in oxygen intake, increase in carbon dioxide, increased heart rate, increase in shortness of breath, dizziness, and skin irritation. Mask-wearing was associated with a 62% increase in headaches.

“Of the 2,168 screened records, 54 studies were included for qualitative analysis and 37 for statistical meta-analysis,” the authors noted. “Among the 54 studies, 23 were intervention studies, and 31 were observational studies. The 23 intervention studies consisted of 14 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and nine non-randomized controlled trials (nRCTs). Of the 31 observational studies, 17 works raised measured values, and 14 were questionnaire studies.”



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a5bf47 No.18699854


Bonus reply you's for me.


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ea6b08 No.18699855




DJT Jr is doing the right thing. Tens of thousands of families are being put in harm's way by a dipshit CIA flunky and a bathtub tranny.

Don Jr. sees it because he dug on the company.

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d2f6ba No.18699856

File: a6dde45e0b1b648⋯.png (161.58 KB,680x472,85:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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88d326 No.18699857


Dang… Gargamels wifey is kinda ok for a old lady.

Be honest, if she wasn't Gargamels wifey, would you smash or pass?

I mean, after you pulled down her Depends though.

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a4f5d1 No.18699858

File: f9c92ab01fcd69d⋯.jpg (121.63 KB,780x1159,780:1159,book_cover_this_i_know_by_….jpg)

File: e90c974aa3b5aae⋯.jpg (147.18 KB,736x1181,736:1181,96a41d3b8a5fcf78af8c173da9….jpg)

File: fec5574097f7565⋯.png (249.98 KB,468x658,234:329,fec5574097f7565f591d61c349….png)

File: 963ac7497b1834b⋯.gif (1.05 MB,1176x1613,1176:1613,mine_rca_2.gif)

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921b37 No.18699859

File: 9889f088cdc65f3⋯.jpeg (153.37 KB,1024x683,1024:683,IMG_5026.jpeg)


That’s Elton John.

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c54ea7 No.18699860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pressure and Time

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a5bf47 No.18699861


Jr. needs to tell Kid Rock to settle tf down.

Someone needs to let him know he's fucking over MAGA workers and getting a little to cringe lately in his vidyas.

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d525c5 No.18699862

Derek Johnson:

Optics, Executive Orders, Covert Operations, COG, Gitmo, Flight Patterns, The Jab, DJT, Music industry


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401b82 No.18699863


I guess we should just accept the degeneracy and slave system and call it a day.

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450f59 No.18699864

File: 531ae1aafac2fdb⋯.png (1021.81 KB,536x706,268:353,felix.PNG)

File: adb6f8c419bfecf⋯.png (971.74 KB,826x502,413:251,coop.PNG)

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f629b3 No.18699865

File: d46210441cd1b5c⋯.png (123.59 KB,1058x850,529:425,Shille.png)



do you really want sauce on that?!


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fc8e92 No.18699866


NO. wrong. He may think he is doing the right thing but he is not. Why should any american back the fuck off considering this is exactly the behavior of how leftists have destroy so much and those same fucking people that you seem to care about are affected as well. Just to drink some swill and push booze on the public, no fuck you and fuck him. This is war, right well let the company fall. It sucks for the individuals who will be affected but this is a WIN, and the CEO being CIA sure that is a win also because now we can tell who is running these companies into the ground. But this will continue. This will start hitting other companies harder as well.

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010131 No.18699867

File: 61e6bad9f8f5258⋯.png (129.31 KB,1748x592,437:148,Screenshot_2023_04_15_at_1….png)

>>18699336 /LB

You can always add a tablespoon of it to a bottle of water to consume everyday as well. It's pretty yummy!

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dd7e45 No.18699868

File: 867adeb9ae9df35⋯.png (17.94 KB,438x270,73:45,1884.png)


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f629b3 No.18699869

File: 9c63aa03ea11883⋯.png (37.77 KB,840x1656,35:69,Q_1295_CAREFUL_WHO_YOU_FOL….png)


oh shit!


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529f9f No.18699870

File: e5dd487e722c984⋯.png (230.92 KB,455x342,455:342,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5bf47 No.18699871


It's kinda like the vaxx.

Jr./Big Daddy ain't gonna hate you if you say no moar BL for this guy.

But, they will be publicly implying you're a pos for not listening to them.

Play the game it's The Precipice timeline thing to do.

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578f99 No.18699872

File: 99955e73422709f⋯.png (383.02 KB,510x371,510:371,99955e73422709fb5017971a09….png)


Systemd is extremely likely to be a BND project, so five-eyes can get into most of them now.

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f629b3 No.18699873

File: 640f8aa3ea47156⋯.png (60.23 KB,582x444,97:74,Q_1295.png)


mek it staups!

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921b37 No.18699874

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fc8e92 No.18699875


oh no the workers wah wah. Fuck off this is a war and you are nothing but a faggot cuck if you are not seeing this as the victory as it is. If anons and patriots back down now the left and the companies and these glowing fucking ceos will know they still have power. This is a turning point do not let it slip, but if you want to get a vagina and drink that shit fine.

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f629b3 No.18699876

File: 41e764237653a36⋯.png (100.08 KB,576x842,288:421,Q_1343.png)


muh world views!

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906b16 No.18699877

File: 9b58682df2b781e⋯.png (338.66 KB,596x500,149:125,pepe_kekmfao.png)


>What are the chances that started here?


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5a5e8b No.18699878

File: 222a9589bf2191d⋯.jpg (25.43 KB,242x320,121:160,911_lucky_larry_3.jpg)



Not just C_A

C_Ain 2001 in Pakistan

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66a2dc No.18699879


They kept a few accounts to monitor.

I am one of those accounts.

Every so often they remove the shadow ban and my shit explodes. Then they clamp it down again.

Its a controlled narrative situation.

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a2d614 No.18699880


Same. My gawd, they're all fugly. Even the supposedly attractive ones, they just look like well dressed demons and the females wear make up, but they can't hide their fugly. They wear sunglasses to try to hide it.

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f4e67e No.18699881

File: 366cb4b53f7c3ae⋯.png (920.44 KB,998x664,499:332,ClipboardImage.png)




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20085b No.18699882

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9fec2c No.18699883

File: 0cfb327f9a4fc81⋯.png (140.42 KB,400x250,8:5,intro.png)


That's the same stupid argument made for Government employees, 'they're just doing their job and feeding their kids'.

It is a stupid and SICK rationalization made to sustain a stupid and sick Business.

Start something new and leave the stupid sick shit to die and blow away in the wind.

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d2f6ba No.18699884

File: efb633605b495ae⋯.png (295.61 KB,633x489,211:163,ClipboardImage.png)


you know nothing about odds.

it should be 1/100 odds on.

100/1 is odds against.

tut amateurs.

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ea6b08 No.18699885


Why should America destroy AMC because hedge funds want to carve them up?

Why should America destroy Radio Shack because they're an American company?

Why should America destroy Bed Bath and Beyond (American Company)?

Why should America destroy Budweiser because of the actions of a CIA plant and a sexually confused dumbshit?

As anons grow more intelligent, the attacks against the Cartels should become more accurate.

Anons aren't looking to hurt American Families who have nothing to do with this war, and that's exactly what will happen with the Anheuser Busch attacks.

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fc8e92 No.18699886

File: 554e3a8ac9a24a0⋯.png (124.81 KB,320x240,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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0eb76d No.18699887


Kash Patel with his Not for profit helps whistleblowers out financially. Send him a message

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5f3bfb No.18699888


Look deep enough and there are ways to disconnect the antennas

Samsung fridge …acess panel …can disconnect wire to antenna….stfu fridge..

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450f59 No.18699889

File: 02b561e92b0ac5c⋯.png (471.97 KB,832x532,208:133,bush.PNG)

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316cc2 No.18699890

File: 8876b073813d376⋯.png (56.02 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

JUST IN 🚨 Big blast heard across Israel 'likely caused by a meteor' - Israeli media


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df9c96 No.18699891

…Steal the fucking digits!

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14663a No.18699892


the economy is considered a facet of national security

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ea6b08 No.18699893


^^^^^^^^^^^^ infinity eights. Yes, the matrix can be subverted.

>Disconnecting the spy interfaces

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f629b3 No.18699894

File: 44428044e06f0a2⋯.jpg (14.11 KB,575x330,115:66,00slam.jpg)

The look on [your] face when [you] get slammed by the drops on Qresearch

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66a2dc No.18699895

File: 9fae0430596d23d⋯.png (61.34 KB,220x181,220:181,ClipboardImage.png)

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316cc2 No.18699896

File: 82550bb06f91e5f⋯.png (428.15 KB,1058x861,1058:861,ClipboardImage.png)

A passenger plane preparing to take off from Sudan for Saudi Arabia came under fire on Saturday as deadly fighting rocked Khartoum, the kingdom’s flag carrier said.

The Airbus A330 bound for Saudi Arabia “was exposed to gunfire damage… with guests and crew on board” ahead of its scheduled departure to Riyadh, Saudia said in a statement.

“It has been confirmed that all members of the aircraft’s cabin crew have safely arrived at the Saudi Embassy in Sudan,” the statement said.

“Meanwhile aircraft flying over Sudan have returned and all other flights to and from Sudan have been suspended in order to preserve the safety of the guests and crew.”

Clashes broke out on Saturday between Sudan’s army and paramilitaries, and the doctors’ union reported three civilian deaths, including at Khartoum’s airport in the city centre.

The Saudia statement did not mention any casualties in the incident involving its aircraft.

The paramilitaries said they were in control of the airport as well as the presidential place, claims denied by the army.

The eruption of violence came after weeks of deepening tensions between military leader Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and his number two, paramilitary commander Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, over the planned integration of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) into the regular army.

That was a key element of talks to finalise a deal that would return the country to civilian rule and end the crisis sparked by their 2021 coup, which triggered a deepening economic crisis in what was already one of the world’s poorest countries.

The Saudi embassy in Sudan “urges all Saudi citizens to remain at home”, the state-affiliated Al-Ekhbariya channel reported.

Both the Saudi foreign ministry and the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council, headquartered in Riyadh, issued statements of concern about Saturday’s violence.


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578f99 No.18699897


Cars after have them too now.

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c54ea7 No.18699898

File: b60838e01340e13⋯.png (850.38 KB,822x819,274:273,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5bf47 No.18699899


Bongs just want Americans to lose their global hegemony just like they did.

All their hot takes use that as the main conclusion even if it means taking the long way home to get there.

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fc8e92 No.18699900


and what company is not held by a CIA nigger a FBI faggot a JEW a JESUIT or some other fucking system of control, sure Trump perhaps, Lindell, but that is not the problem it is these woke companies that are pushing the narrative they will continue until they win. We do not let them win so that means that maybe there will be corporate causalities. Does it suck, yup, but backing down is a bitch movie not what you do at all in this war. Anons intelligence matters little when we are still in early stages of public awakening. This is not the time to let up the attack that is what this is. They need to know we are playing for keeps. Anons don't want families to hurt but everyone is involved in this war and I for one think any act accept pushing on and demanding this shit gets fixed is at of faggotry and cowardice. SO fuck bud fuck AM fuck all these woke ass companies and may better more creative companies rise from their fucking ashes.

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ed0836 No.18699901


That dude reminds me of Chris Katan from SNL, a part of me believes this thing is pulling the biggest troll of all time on the ridiculousness of the whole rainbow alphabet thing; the other part of me thinks that yeah, we are just that fucked.

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f629b3 No.18699902

File: ff65f7d62b4c35d⋯.png (189.64 KB,770x752,385:376,awwwwwah.png)


A passenger plane preparing to take off from Sudan for Saudi Arabia came under fire on Saturday as deadly fighting rocked Khartoum, the kingdom’s flag carrier said.

The Airbus A330 bound for Saudi Arabia “was exposed to gunfire damage… with guests and crew on board” ahead of its scheduled departure to Riyadh, Saudia said in a statement.

“It has been confirmed that all members of the aircraft’s cabin crew have safely arrived at the Saudi Embassy in Sudan,” the statement said.

“Meanwhile aircraft flying over Sudan have returned and all other flights to and from Sudan have been suspended in order to preserve the safety of the guests and crew.”

Clashes broke out on Saturday between Sudan’s army and paramilitaries, and the doctors’ union reported three civilian deaths, including at Khartoum’s airport in the city centre.

The Saudia statement did not mention any casualties in the incident involving its aircraft.

The paramilitaries said they were in control of the airport as well as the presidential place, claims denied by the army.

The eruption of violence came after weeks of deepening tensions between military leader Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and his number two, paramilitary commander Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, over the planned integration of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) into the regular army.

That was a key element of talks to finalise a deal that would return the country to civilian rule and end the crisis sparked by their 2021 coup, which triggered a deepening economic crisis in what was already one of the world’s poorest countries.

The Saudi embassy in Sudan “urges all Saudi citizens to remain at home”, the state-affiliated Al-Ekhbariya channel reported.

Both the Saudi foreign ministry and the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council, headquartered in Riyadh, issued statements of concern about Saturday’s violence.


now go find the title and make it look like thisTitle


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647cb5 No.18699903


>be careful who you are following

good advice

can also be easily taken too far

(same applies to "anons are nameless etc")

those who are inclined to suspicion might be better advised to "trust but verify"

verification requires specific sauce

like in a scientific articles or a court of law


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a5bf47 No.18699904


>Chris Katan from SNL

yeah, astute

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28fa60 No.18699905

Guess spouseanon,and therefore God would be happier if we all just smashed our phones. Or maybe we could just cut our dicks off and give our phones to the spouses and ask permission for each call and text, so they don't get suspicious huh?

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316cc2 No.18699906

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9577bc No.18699907


How is it normies can't comprehend such evil and depravity though? Never experienced it on a personal level really, but have been fascinated in a historical sense, because what history and news are available to us even still basically confirm humans always had/have a propensity for it. Boggles my mind, but I acknowledge it and doubt much would change that nature over time. Seems something to always keep in the back of the head. But people aren't as worldly as they assume, methinks. Just softer.

"Be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves."

"Only the paranoid survive."

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7f5d4f No.18699908


This is The circle of life in clown world

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ea6b08 No.18699910


What you're talking about is similar to the fire bombing of Dresden. Harming civilians by the thousands to get a couple of high profile military targets is not the way to fight a war.

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450f59 No.18699911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anons have saved the Clydesdales !!

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9433c3 No.18699912

File: d1650e31b875af0⋯.jpg (43.65 KB,623x400,623:400,helicopter.jpg)

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f629b3 No.18699913

File: 2ea99571807a244⋯.png (216.53 KB,952x1070,476:535,pcon1g.png)


Careful not to cut one's throat on Occam's Razor

Data is Data

Discernment is Required

Watch ALL of the Water

Or remain Ignorant… Willfully… Knowingly…


Then stop pretending that you are anything but FILLER, PULP and AGGREGATE

Does this NEWS apply to the drops in any way?

Can you demonstrate this?

Can you describe in words?

Can you Elaborate?

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a2d614 No.18699914

File: f0fbfe3c965f4e8⋯.png (113.29 KB,460x276,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c89235b60cb7a4⋯.png (824.42 KB,1200x798,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63554b82daf319b⋯.png (373.75 KB,610x531,610:531,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db3bfde75d1fb29⋯.png (526.31 KB,1035x582,345:194,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6d7f0491fadd87⋯.png (907.02 KB,1160x629,1160:629,ClipboardImage.png)


Kiss me? Bitch, don't even look at me; it hurts.

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f629b3 No.18699915

File: c366b398cc2b1d9⋯.png (295.68 KB,800x707,800:707,rpcb.png)


at the very least do not REDDIT SPEAK the fucking article you lazy news scraping piece of shit!

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a4f5d1 No.18699916

File: 0591f139dd890a2⋯.jpg (21.42 KB,255x204,5:4,IMG_20221201_124552.jpg)

File: ea840896aafca89⋯.jpg (20.84 KB,255x202,255:202,IMG_20221201_124544.jpg)

File: 464aab74ea34d2d⋯.jpg (24.85 KB,255x249,85:83,IMG_20221202_131053.jpg)


upside down digits 18-1.the timestamp counts.

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f13c58 No.18699917

File: 007722bc30ebbb9⋯.jpg (117.72 KB,640x480,4:3,209312163626021.jpg)

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a5bf47 No.18699918

File: d6f6fa473de0904⋯.jpg (85.06 KB,1033x381,1033:381,Screenshot_2023_04_15_1324….jpg)


Someone is pushing the same doxx leak docs again.

Courtesy 2 tab sauce for those that want to see what the latest takes are…

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c197e0 No.18699919

>>18698851 pb

>Time travel is real.

I knew that next month.

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28fa60 No.18699920

The phone is bugged

The apps are bugged

The camera is bugged

The mic is bugged

Every fucking vibration and pixel, filed for future FBI/C_A use/blackmail.

There's yer fuckin discernment

Be a "good boy" and just visit the church sites and email your mother.

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316cc2 No.18699921


I'll post how I have been posting for the last 6 years.

>Then stop pretending that you are anything but FILLER, PULP and AGGREGATE

23 posts.

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450f59 No.18699922

File: ae96e7e303bc993⋯.png (272.84 KB,348x444,29:37,bud.PNG)



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f629b3 No.18699923

File: 38a55088d418a11⋯.png (305.52 KB,720x405,16:9,1dad0012dbd7413ce95cfb7396….png)










are clueless

and think

that they

fit right in

and no anon




They are lazy ass news fillers here to help the aggregate not the truth, not to help Q or the Plan etc etc…

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14663a No.18699924

File: 20abdd6f31ffb09⋯.jpg (8.51 KB,250x243,250:243,20abdd6f31ffb09ddc61a3476c….jpg)


>latest takes

anon's take. see WWII operation mincemeat

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9fec2c No.18699926

File: 6454a933bb86a1c⋯.jpg (5.19 KB,250x252,125:126,54c7fd86194e0_cureradionoi….jpg)


There can NEVER be any legitimate "National Security" afforded to ANY civilization run into the ground by complete fuckheads at the top of Government and Business and Banking.

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0eb76d No.18699927


Sudan & SA in the news today too

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a2d614 No.18699928

Czebotar says since the joos did not accept Jesus Christ as their King, they're still waiting for their king and Israel will look to the antichrist as he.

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fc8e92 No.18699930


that is such a retarded extrapolation it makes zero sense. So what you propose is backing down, letting this company survive just so people can keep their jobs, while the other companies seeing the weakness of conservatives push their agendas even harder than they already do knowing that conservatives are willing to back off to save the job vs and supporting the evil companies at the same time continuing to buy their crap products. I thought the idea of capitalism was the best product should prevail. Not some feelings of people losing their jobs. How many people lost their jobs to globalism? These other companies will then know we are weak and have no spine and that has been the problem with conservatives and the right this entire time. They will not fight the battle as the other side does. That includes mass protesting and boycotts long enough for the company to change tact apologize profusely and maybe some people might drift back. Keep trying though curious if you can make a good point at all.

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f629b3 No.18699931

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,000000000000.png)


oh no!

24 posts!

Sucking total ass for over 6 years!

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f629b3 No.18699932

File: 6116b764944d50b⋯.jpg (7.34 KB,225x224,225:224,0000001.jpg)


um a good little news aggregate bitch

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0a029f No.18699933

File: 604954c0f537d9e⋯.jpg (426.28 KB,1536x2048,3:4,FtxnDXuWAAEqskU.jpg)

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28fa60 No.18699934


Oh shit, drop everything it's fucking SUDAN in the news.

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f629b3 No.18699935

File: e26e6a51b3222ec⋯.jpg (11.43 KB,255x199,255:199,2_PEPE_TRUMP3.jpg)


So Patriotic

So Bold

So Brave

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316cc2 No.18699936


Imagine caring so much about a news article.

Typical seen it all before you are not worth my energy. Enjoy yourself.

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f629b3 No.18699937

File: 1a0646f3015bca1⋯.png (665.5 KB,1260x1004,315:251,00000feelit.png)


muh energies!

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c54ea7 No.18699938

File: b3ab8b38a35b70e⋯.png (8.8 MB,4032x2268,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Lazy Saturday on the deck

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db1542 No.18699939

File: b98c8cdea00904d⋯.jpg (140.3 KB,529x653,529:653,MONA_COMFY.jpg)

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ea6b08 No.18699940


Backing down? Kek. Trump backchannel / citizen journos are mopping the floor with these sad clowns. Each target selection is rightfully reviewed now that Q R has become infinitely more intelligent and anons (led by Don Jr) are finding problems with targeting Budweiser. One target out of thousands..Anons aren't animals. Valid target acquisition is important.

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df9c96 No.18699942

File: 89bc67ec23649f8⋯.png (683.54 KB,784x598,392:299,qsearchscifinetwork1996.png)

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f629b3 No.18699943

File: 875dd0afc29ef5a⋯.png (615.13 KB,586x711,586:711,00000nsm1.png)


you and your personal shit matters


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f0cc61 No.18699944

File: c3fe6933bac1e3f⋯.png (225.27 KB,669x951,223:317,ClipboardImage.png)



⁩ Twitter is still censoring this film, Out of Shadows by Mike Smith. I cannot even post a link. This is Mike”s personal story exposing the dark side of Hollywood after a successful 30-year career as both stuntman/director. Please watch it & reinstate his account.


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c54ea7 No.18699945


Shut the cock hole under your nose, VaticanShill, you goddamn retard.

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f629b3 No.18699946

File: 5c3ca5cbda00b10⋯.png (642.14 KB,776x619,776:619,000NSQ4F.png)


Sudan! Sudan!

Anons mother use to drive a Sedan

This is Important!

What are you tryna say about Anons Mother!!

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647cb5 No.18699947

Notetaker notes bread is still ghosted


#22942 >>18699504

>>18699520 Former NATO troops see ‘disarray’ in Ukrainian military – CTV

>>18699530 Prince Harry looks like a man desperate for an escape route – we should give him one

>>18699555 Elon Musk Full Video Interview with BBC

>>18699560, >>18699771 The violent life of Woody Harrelson’s (and possibly Matthew McConaughey’s) hitman father

>>18699574 Google ordered to disclose data passed to US spies

>>18699598 Trump Smacks DeSantis for ‘Campaigning’ While Fort Lauderdale Flooded: ‘He Should Be There’

>>18699690 Why the sassafras ban? Is it really toxic?

>>18699743 Why Safrole May Not Be a Carcinogen in Humans

>>18699728, >>18699736 Could mRNA Could Be in the Food Supply Before We Know It?

>>18699753 Leaked U.S. intelligence reveals military was aware of FOUR more Chinese spy balloons

>>18699748 Clarence Thomas did not disclose real estate deal with GOP mega donor

>>18699574 Google ordered to disclose data passed to US spies

>>18699775 Who is Harlan Crow?

>>18699788 The Supreme Court Just Made It Easier To Sue The Administrative State

>>18699806, >>18699853 Masks are even worse than we thought for your health.

>>18699890 Big blast heard across Israel 'likely caused by a meteor'

>>18699896, >>18699902 Passenger jet Airbus A330 prepping to take off came under fire in Khartoum

check em anons

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ea6b08 No.18699948

Rolling for 9's.

Meme Anons to your stations.

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647cb5 No.18699949


notes @400

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a4f5d1 No.18699950

File: a3d93ba7b56d308⋯.jpg (265.23 KB,857x605,857:605,a3d93ba7b56d308b1e0ee1f8a9….jpg)

File: 743eb394425c589⋯.jpeg (22.8 KB,323x215,323:215,FoiaA_rXgAAcpKW.jpeg)

File: e40fb5b4280294b⋯.png (547.88 KB,540x600,9:10,e40fb5b4280294b046d4a316c5….png)

File: eb7b7fafc9702e4⋯.png (785.84 KB,1080x594,20:11,eb7b7fafc9702e470d5b7131ec….png)


just akchually watched this with a different perspective of context. the last little bit is kek.the bug part.

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14663a No.18699951

File: ba2dec7071cbbce⋯.jpg (187.54 KB,1024x1024,1:1,offduty.jpg)


full house chekked

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9e41ff No.18699952

File: 5db79981b6583da⋯.png (320.86 KB,722x632,361:316,Screen_Shot_2023_04_15_at_….png)


So, US State Department officials get roles at Tik-Tok, then Tik-Tok gets negative attention due to "National Security risk" and now ALL US media gets to be part of the DS or something, due to the RESTRICT Act?! Can someone explain this craziness any better?

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f0cc61 No.18699953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Out of Shadows by Mike Smith

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df9c96 No.18699954

File: 6371227609e45ef⋯.jpg (489.1 KB,1200x675,16:9,JAN15_28_HD5476_001.jpg)


…Shut it, Saturnite.

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450f59 No.18699955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f629b3 No.18699956

File: 9042e4e2b76995a⋯.png (175.82 KB,638x876,319:438,b1.png)


Who is Vatican Shill, Shill?

[You] are currently speaking with NIGHT SHIFT

Act accordingly, Pussy!


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66a2dc No.18699957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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921b37 No.18699958


What else was being produced and shipped by Budweiser.

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4d9119 No.18699959


you missed 'lurkers, observers, ordinary citizens, unaffiliated, blacklisted 20 years ago'

who are always here too.

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a0ab90 No.18699960


It’s all in your head.

"I'd go into that past life…and I'd not only watch…I'd go in and make a change and I'd look and see how that change would change other things. I'd observe…I realized that these were probability distributions of possible things that could happen…this was the type of research I was doing." Experimenting with a lot of different topics, "I'd get to the point that it's all about information."


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28fa60 No.18699961

I don't use FB because the FBI

I don't use Twitter because C_A

I don't use Credit Cards because banks leak info

I don't use Snapchat because that's icky

I don't use YouTube because DARPA reading my data

I don't use TokTok because CCP

Now, they are still in control of the world, and but I win by having plenty of time to scrub baseboards.

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c54ea7 No.18699962


Carry on acting like a fucking retard, retard. Night shift at 2 in the afternoon? You really are dense.

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ea2d1a No.18699963

File: c6af54a031d65d4⋯.png (301.91 KB,602x300,301:150,2023_04_15_14_09_36.png)

File: 5f42035ce429feb⋯.png (294.44 KB,604x297,604:297,2023_04_15_14_10_05.png)

File: 712b2c6ea9879ea⋯.png (379.32 KB,637x361,637:361,2023_04_15_14_11_35.png)


>Is Rosie a man or a woman?

It's always been a toss-up, 50/50.

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7f5d4f No.18699964


Well [they] are probably poisoning everything we eat and drink.

If I were doing that to sheep , I would defiantly target the piss beer

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f629b3 No.18699965

File: 313b5b6f6d025ba⋯.png (545.24 KB,523x513,523:513,3a0267fe2cc181c63ddf406b29….png)


Talk about a Myopic world view!

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4d9119 No.18699966

File: b81147f36496866⋯.jpg (44.19 KB,600x900,2:3,monster_baker.jpg)

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c54ea7 No.18699967

File: 4edb38f46a0d2dc⋯.jpg (10.86 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe2.jpg)


You're a retard. Everyone knows it. I'm just willing to call you out on it.

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a4f5d1 No.18699968


bug bud gub

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647cb5 No.18699969

File: 3eba00ae48cf9b4⋯.png (2.36 MB,1091x8727,1091:8727,2023_04_15_11_37_10.png)


TikTok: Chinese ‘Trojan Horse’ Is Run by State Department Officials


looks like the original article is from MINT PRESS (see bottom of CAP)

can only find it in arabic, tho.

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fc8e92 No.18699970


Yes backing down, you don't let up the pressure. That is what is happening now the hemorrhaging is good sometimes you gotta bleed a bit to push the infections out. This might even save other companies hypothetically because they will know by this example that they need to shit can this diversity crap and all these gay scores they get. This might just need to happen. Yeah citizen journos great, awesome guys. But this is not just about one target. If any of these companies which personally I think are mostly garbage are to survive they will need to rectify this from within before it becomes an issue. This is huge win for our side. Anons should be anon and not follow and listen to just because there is a name associated. That is foolish and the fact that I am seeing it here and its just a little too lock step. Anons are not animals but you know who is commies. They will never stop pushing their crap and poison on to people that includes booze.

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e2087b No.18699971

File: 3a605d17c30edc2⋯.png (1.93 MB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


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f629b3 No.18699972

File: 126e002840513ad⋯.png (242.25 KB,1880x640,47:16,0pankek7a.png)


Anon has been shilled!


Its all icky!

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a0ab90 No.18699973

File: a24f35609e7a6dc⋯.jpeg (347.8 KB,723x634,723:634,A92CC53B_9D3D_4D53_8D25_B….jpeg)

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a5bf47 No.18699974

File: d137563c12dc909⋯.jpg (156.25 KB,709x595,709:595,Pepe_Phew.jpg)


>the last little bit is kek.the bug part


He had the perfect setup to do the splits attention whore meme style, but handled it in a very ladylike manner.

Maybe this Dylan guy is a plant like AOC?

Gonna add it to my fanfic roster since it's close enough.

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b74938 No.18699975

File: 71c07af48e22803⋯.png (396.12 KB,504x453,168:151,ClipboardImage.png)


East Coast.

I can tell by the hand, finger, and knuckle positions.

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d3f833 No.18699976

File: f0065fbf7350eeb⋯.jpg (147.32 KB,1020x1024,255:256,b750530f63a820181f7c.jpg)

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050061 No.18699977

File: 8749155cb9a6e12⋯.jpg (33.6 KB,750x430,75:43,5fdsg.jpg)

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ea6b08 No.18699978

This is the question Don Trump Jr is asking:

Which is more important - punishing a saboteur of America or saving Americans that believe in America?

Budweiser is not our enemy.

Anons to your stations. PRECISION TARGETING needed by sharpshooter anons.

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a2d614 No.18699979

File: e456d8c11b87a04⋯.jpg (37.67 KB,403x324,403:324,gkpepe.jpg)


As *him? Idk but you know the thing.

Here's an antichrist vid. We can fuct up their whole NWO ritual.


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fc8e92 No.18699980


Fuck off, telling anons what to do.

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f590d6 No.18699981


Maybe ur a woman w/ a big clit.

or a man w/ lil dick.

Who cares?

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ece689 No.18699983

File: 82ee53bd1aea732⋯.png (31.1 KB,766x765,766:765,ClipboardImage.png)

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c42646 No.18699984

File: 7e4d165c9b3bfd2⋯.png (33.48 KB,805x230,7:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Wagner Chief Calls On Putin To Declare End Of War, "Gain Firm Foothold" On Held Territories

Head of Russia's most prominent mercenary firm Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has issued an unexpected call for the Kremlin to declare an end of the war in order to consolidate territory already gained.

A Friday statement by Prigozhin released by his press service suggested it's time to declare 'victory' and to focus on fully establishing Russian control over the occupied territories of Ukraine.

"For the authorities [of the Russian Federation – ed.] and for society as a whole, it is necessary to put some kind of bold full stop in the ‘special military operation’," the Wagner chief said [emphasis ours].

The rare statement continued: "The ideal option is to announce the end of the special military operation, to inform everyone that Russia has achieved the results that it planned, and in a sense, we have really achieved them. We have ground a huge number of soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and can report to ourselves that our task has been completed."

"Theoretically, Russia has already received this full stop by destroying a large part of the active male population of Ukraine, by intimidating another part of it that has fled to Europe."

Prigozhin went on: "Russia has cut off the Azov Sea and a large chunk of the Black Sea, seized a fat chunk of Ukraine's territory, and created a land corridor to Crimea," and stressed that Russia can "gain a firm foothold, cling to the territories that already exist".

But he noted that "If earlier Ukraine was part of former Russia, now it is an absolutely national-oriented state".

This comes as Wagner is spearheading the largely successful offensive to capture Bakhmut and surrounding areas of Donetsk region. At least 80% of the largely destroyed city is currently in Russian hands.


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ea6b08 No.18699985




Anons are becoming intelligent.

Anons are evolving.

This thread will SCARE THE FUCKING SHIT out of our enemies.

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f629b3 No.18699986

File: 13fb4b98fcfe5ec⋯.jpg (14.44 KB,254x255,254:255,c1b2db68f190fb2b915aa2ce97….jpg)


Wonder if its ever "fingered" even

Still a Patriot so stop laughing!


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a5bf47 No.18699987



When you and I agree about something then it's totally true.

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fc8e92 No.18699988


HA! some are you obviously are still in the remedial class.

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450f59 No.18699989

File: 95b2a58ea44ccef⋯.png (163 KB,669x663,223:221,ref.PNG)

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ea6b08 No.18699990

DJT Jr is taking a rash of shit from conservatives for saying and doing the right thing. Junior is making big waves for all the right reasons.

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f629b3 No.18699991

File: 8032a882115ae83⋯.png (565.34 KB,1252x930,626:465,dsbj3.png)


OMFG! are we frens?!

wanna play ninja nunchuka in the garage later?!

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2422b7 No.18699992

File: 9c03d5fb34a8b8c⋯.png (441.12 KB,553x548,553:548,ClipboardImage.png)


Another globohomo revenue stream bites the dust. Go to /dev/null illuminati rats

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ea6b08 No.18699993


This anon is a fucking dumbass compared to the regular show up and dig anons on Q R. This anon readily admits that.

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f629b3 No.18699994

File: 71caf03257bbb49⋯.png (58.04 KB,2162x866,1081:433,EBQTIM211.png)


Dis bible verses mens Tits or GET THE FUCK OUT!


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9fec2c No.18699995

File: 1a1f8b544fa2749⋯.jpg (33.83 KB,728x410,364:205,movie_snatch_wallpaper_pre….jpg)


"You're in the wrong line, dumbass"

Your Collateral Damage calculation is perfectly backwards. Budweiser is a clean target, and everyone 'good' who works there can find a better Job.

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c42646 No.18699996

File: b4e254f70a54a69⋯.png (506.6 KB,900x506,450:253,ClipboardImage.png)

Japan’s PM Evacuated Unharmed After ‘Smoke Bomb’ Thrown at Speech Site

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida was evacuated safely on Saturday after a man threw what appeared to be “a smoke bomb” at a site where Kishida was about to deliver a speech for an election campaign.

Kishida was visiting the local Saikazaki Fishing Port in Wakayama City to support his Party’s candidate in a local election when the incident happened.

Footage released by Japanese broadcaster NHK showed people fleeing in panic as a loud explosion occurred. Kishida was seen standing with his back to the crowd. His security detail suddenly points to the ground near him, and the prime minister whips around, looking alarmed.

“I heard an explosion about 10 seconds after the suspect was taken down. I don’t know what it was, but something that looked like it came from the explosion flew by me,” an unnamed resident told NHK.

The police arrested a man who allegedly threw what seemed to be “a smoke bomb” at the scene. The suspect was identified as Ryuji Kimura, a 24-year-old man from Hyogo prefecture, Kyodo News reported.

A police officer sustained minor injuries as a result of the incident. Kishida was immediately escorted out of the site after the explosion occurred, and his speech there was canceled, NHK reported.

The suspect was found with two cylindrical objects, one of which was used in the attack. Police are still investigating his motive as the suspect refused to speak without the presence of an attorney.

“Elections are a bedrock of democracy. It is extremely unforgivable that such violence took place [at such a time],” chief cabinet secretary Hirokazu Matsuno told reporters, according to Kyodo News.

Matsuno said that authorities were ordered to boost security for officials and that investigation into the incident was underway.

Kishida Resumes Campaigning

Despite the explosion, Kishida resumed campaigning for his ruling party and delivered a speech at the Wakayama railway station later that day. He said the incident must not derail the local elections.

“I am sorry for causing many people to be concerned. We are in the middle of an important election for our country. We must carry this on together,” Kishida said.

The incident drew analogies to the assassination of the late former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was shot and killed during a campaign speech in the western city of Nara on July 8, 2022. Police arrested the shooter on the spot.


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f0cc61 No.18699997

File: 6421c13d3b5b207⋯.png (14.62 KB,553x213,553:213,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3c49a3d1fb93b6⋯.png (104.82 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59a65275a10e671⋯.png (723.28 KB,742x960,371:480,ClipboardImage.png)


You are watching a movie.

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88d326 No.18699998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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ced7e5 No.18699999

File: 1a4b9cd95c60ea7⋯.jpg (85.07 KB,658x659,658:659,1755815420.jpg)

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294573 No.18700000

The first step is in knowing that you know nothing.

The Children of Light will pass their tests.

Pro Aris et Focis.

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9433c3 No.18700001

File: e8ab119dd87b70c⋯.png (268.32 KB,434x434,1:1,e8ab119dd87b70c61588dffe76….png)

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fc8e92 No.18700002


the push on this is hilarious i really am enjoying your absolute faggotry right now.

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f629b3 No.18700003

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,CHOOSEPAIN.png)


Silence! Bitches!


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dd7e45 No.18700004

File: 971a6158935688b⋯.png (124.48 KB,435x245,87:49,nein_.png)

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a5bf47 No.18700005


I dunno.

Anons also have the right/obligation to assist The Precipice in ways that expedite its end per the core tenets of the Q drop guidance.

What better way to do that than get everyone fired using cancel culture on steroids?

I posit that is the one true patriotic duty in this matter.

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4d9119 No.18700006


business model of providing cheep beer so people can drink themselves to death is friendly?

Don Senior doesn't even drink.

it's not about politics.

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ea6b08 No.18700007


Your problem is not your targeting, but your ability to apply human history to current events.

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ced7e5 No.18700008

File: ad78a1ae26f781f⋯.jpeg (80.04 KB,1280x720,16:9,42.jpeg)

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c54ea7 No.18700009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Quints have rolled over. Let it begin!

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ea6b08 No.18700010



This is why anons are succeeding where many in history failed.

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66a2dc No.18700011

File: 874616fe57aedbb⋯.jpg (12.11 KB,255x247,255:247,pepethumbsup.jpg)



Arizona Border…

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c77cb1 No.18700012

File: c65acdf7cbf5d40⋯.png (408.93 KB,953x942,953:942,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18699504 TYB!


Tru Tube 54 Update: ~2100 8Kun+ Videos Archived and Downloadable atm.

Please Share Far, Wide and Often

TY and God Bless, Anons.

*TOR Access Only


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15a1a1 No.18700013


Yes and no.

Do you build a back door into the bank vault?

Great effort is put into CPU and hardware design to minimize software and even hardware based intrusion into secure programs/protocols.

Classic strategies of reading from memory addresses to compose a dump of memory frames don't work because of hardware implementations of scrambling the memory map. Whereas an array used to occupy a physical map of memory, today it is scattered between random locations and stitched together into a virtual array by an algorithm, and that layer is hard coded.

A decryption algorithm is no longer something you can snag by reading locations in memory (even if you manage to expand your access outside execution layers).

In theory, you could design in a means to disable this and perform a proper dump - but this would compromise all TS systems.

The dell inspirion with an orange sticker on it is not some special model. It's just a dell with special handling instructions.

Part of why I'm not a fan of SIPR over NIPR…. glorified term for using a VPN to tunnel a classified network over a civilian network infrastructure or otherwise non-secure system. It may secure the data against practical interception, but expose the hardware to intrusion.

But you just have to get Hillary's signature, and it can be done.

The surveillance state is far more limited than it first appears. Most of the spying is application level - faceberg and google being baked into the operating system. Just getting a device that isn't infested with these things is an undertaking most people don't have the experience or desire to follow through with. Going farther to obscure yourself from network based surveillance is another hurdle that most people have no real need for, let alone the knowledge/experience to attempt. It can be done.

Of course, if you're worth having a grayfish-like suite deployed against you, you probably know how to clear your baffles and know it's an issue of compartmentalizing exposure rather than being completely undetectable.

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ea2d1a No.18700014

File: 699bd3706243de7⋯.png (326.96 KB,702x465,234:155,2023_04_15_14_48_40.png)

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0a029f No.18700015

File: 3a20c3aba922034⋯.webp (465.91 KB,1025x1700,41:68,314456.webp)


Quint nines, check'em

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a4f5d1 No.18700016

File: 9daf46828c94852⋯.jpeg (328.5 KB,1367x2048,1367:2048,Fts2e64WIAAbUBt.jpeg)

File: 20c175fff7a31e6⋯.jpg (133.04 KB,500x1423,500:1423,7ia4xc.jpg)

File: 7c21d93ec5a3ce5⋯.jpg (96.88 KB,757x500,757:500,7i6zuo.jpg)

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ea6b08 No.18700017


digits anon


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f590d6 No.18700018

File: 2f501bb15e68c87⋯.png (402.19 KB,599x730,599:730,Screenshot_2023_04_15_at_1….png)

Elon Musk


And people who steal memes!



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c42646 No.18700019

File: 02cde13403021c3⋯.png (178.09 KB,500x301,500:301,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92a972f2b4a9bc7⋯.png (91.53 KB,778x648,389:324,ClipboardImage.png)

IMF Unveils New Global Currency Known As The "Universal Monetary Unit" To "Transform" World Economy

A new global currency just launched, but 99 percent of the global population has no idea what just happened.

The “Universal Monetary Unit”, also known as “Unicoin”, is an “international central bank digital currency” that has been designed to work in conjunction with all existing national currencies. This should set off alarm bells for all of us, because the widespread adoption of a new “global currency” would be a giant step forward for the globalist agenda. The IMF did not create this new currency, but it was unveiled at a major IMF gathering earlier this week…

Today, at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings 2023, the Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) announced their official launch of an international central bank digital currency (CBDC) that strengthens the monetary sovereignty of participating central banks and complies with the recent crypto assets policy recommendations proposed by the IMF.

Universal Monetary Unit (UMU), symbolized as ANSI Character, Ü, is legally a money commodity, can transact in any legal tender settlement currency, and functions like a CBDC to enforce banking regulations and to protect the financial integrity of the international banking system.

As the press release quoted above indicates, this new “Universal Monetary Unit” was created by the Digital Currency Monetary Authority.

So who in the world is the Digital Currency Monetary Authority?

Honestly, I had no idea until I started doing research for this article.

The press release says that the organization consists of “sovereign states, central banks, commercial and retail banks, and other financial institutions”…

The DCMA is a world leader in the advocacy of digital currency and monetary policy innovations for governments and central banks. Membership within the DCMA consists of sovereign states, central banks, commercial and retail banks, and other financial institutions.

Basically, it sounds like a secretive cabal of international banks and national governments is conspiring to push this new currency down our throats.


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f629b3 No.18700020

File: 0b02f9019644603⋯.png (388.64 KB,498x500,249:250,sons3a.png)

File: 390805c12713dee⋯.png (870.86 KB,1556x736,389:184,sons3b.png)

File: e5dcaf5884d1f07⋯.png (495.34 KB,1594x1742,797:871,sons3dd.png)

File: 4906815684668c3⋯.png (717.37 KB,1866x946,933:473,sonswarscroll.png)



The War Scroll!


The War of Divisions!

The Q source!

The Pierced Messiah!

The Dark Messenger of Light!


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7317a3 No.18700021


Mein Gott

Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein.

Das ist gut. Snipen ze digits.

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ea6b08 No.18700022


Fucking anons. How great can they be? THIS ANON LOVES HIGH IQ ANONS no homo.

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14ab02 No.18700023

File: c5bc4aa114544bd⋯.png (103.24 KB,888x499,888:499,c5bc4aa114544bd1b94b67524c….png)



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ced7e5 No.18700024

File: 307dbbdfed557e0⋯.jpg (47.46 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_1_.jpg)

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0eb76d No.18700025

File: 14fda3bcde403a0⋯.png (290.22 KB,583x577,583:577,1681576820605185.png)

Not only be careful who you follow…Be careful who YOUR KIDS follow

I guess this My. Beast guy is one of the biggest kids youtube channels atm or something? His co-star(?) was paid a million dollars to transition & who is also a pusher of loli or whatever that underage cartoon shit is.

A Channel directed at kids. I bet he knew this was going to happen/all scripted because he was in the news recently for donating all this money to help blind people see.

I don't know who is fucking who these days. Or so many more people would rather sell out & destroy/prank society. Just wait. The amount of assholes that will come out to say that it was all a prank bro! Or they were a part of some big plan to lie & deceive to try to "wake" people up? I don't even fucking know anymore lol

Except that it is 100% for sure going EXACTLY as they have planned out

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c42646 No.18700026

Furious Viewers Complain En Masse About New UK TV Show With Adult Men Stripping Naked For Kids

The first episode of “Naked Education,” which aired last week on Channel 4, received a total of 930 complaints to Britain’s broadcasting watchdog…

A British television show aiming to promote body positivity showed adult men stripping naked in front of children. The program has been the subject of hundreds of complaints to the U.K.’s communications watchdog following the airing of its first episode last Tuesday.

“Naked Education,” which is broadcast on Channel 4, features adults who take their clothes off in front of underage teenagers who are then required to give feedback on the body parts they see in front of them.

“I’ve never seen, like, a full, naked man before,” one teenager told producers during the first episode.

“It’s just a lot to process. Naked men in real life. We’ve never really seen it,” added another young girl after four adult men stood in front of the group of children and dropped their bathrobes to bare all.

Its host, Anna Richardson, said ahead of the first episode last week, “If you’re curious about your body, and your life’s journey (whatever that may be), then tune in.” She described the program as “educational, emotional, joyous.”


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14663a No.18700027

File: 42d64acb4c2e53a⋯.png (1010.11 KB,1442x1015,206:145,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdb013e090f31e8⋯.png (708.44 KB,827x552,827:552,ClipboardImage.png)

General Dynamics F-16C Fighting Falcon 88-0521. no callsign.

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9fec2c No.18700028

File: ca9b3f1c6977341⋯.png (372.12 KB,435x445,87:89,ca9b3f1c697734150a5f4c2949….png)


Anyone who lost their Job at stupid Budweiser, is welcome to come and build a new brewery with me.

I like beer. I've heard other people like beer too. Beer make boobs grow

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4d9119 No.18700029


seems cruel

dogs have super sensitive hearing.

I hope it's just a mock up and little buddy isn't really flying around and having his hearing destroyed.

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3b1ea5 No.18700030


As long as you had Prep H for lube, you’d be good to go.

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4d6349 No.18700031

people who I interact with irl that have a position of power over me can never be used for rituals. you can not use the knowledge I gave you to fake the need of attacking me even when you try to make up for it with kind behaviour. being nice to God is not something I can reward you for. it is the most obvious thing ever.

notice again you all are saved by my word and my grace alone.

also notice again that I do not have internet in my new appartment.

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cb5c49 No.18700032

Proverbs 29:18

18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

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ea6b08 No.18700033

DJT Jr knows that the Bud Light op is a pump and dump to drop the stock through shorts then re-buy the stock for longs.

DJT Jr is FUCKING UP their stock op. Don Jr - I see you. Fucking brilliant.

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450f59 No.18700034

File: b1d8dbaf9e2dd45⋯.png (35.2 KB,839x299,839:299,snl.PNG)


Ex-'SNL' Star Speaks Out Against LGBT Parade at City Council Meeting, Cites Bible as Reasoning

By Warner Todd Huston April 15, 2023 at 11:23am

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a4f5d1 No.18700035


best conspiracy eber

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df9c96 No.18700036

File: f291bf6acfb664f⋯.png (1.36 MB,890x668,445:334,omnifog.png)


…The 1st step is knowing you know something, but not everything.

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14663a No.18700037

File: 68367cd520bc88a⋯.png (959.64 KB,1439x1014,1439:1014,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6e2d3da6485500⋯.png (1.05 MB,1465x788,1465:788,164388.PNG)

File: 074ee49707fe2cd⋯.jpg (822.92 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Airborne_Launch_Control_Sy….jpg)

File: c8c4385d6f93948⋯.jpg (32.84 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

Callsign KINK69. kek USN Boeing E-6B Mercury 164407.

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4d9119 No.18700038


"your word"

megalomaniac much?

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0eb76d No.18700039

File: 14fda3bcde403a0⋯.png (290.22 KB,583x577,583:577,1681576820605185.png)

Fungal Outbreak Affects Over 90 Workers At Michigan Paper Mill


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f69dc8 No.18700040

File: 1fd03b4384abd8b⋯.png (674.42 KB,736x826,368:413,ClipboardImage.png)

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158958 No.18700041



PF: SAM631 C-40B departed LAX-they gonna fly the C-40B back to JBA and then send another AC (or same one) back out here on Monday for the trip to Reno on Tuesday..wut a waste

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e2087b No.18700042

File: 86a88065b8cec84⋯.png (7.68 MB,2417x3300,2417:3300,ClipboardImage.png)

State funded media:Fontes, who formerly oversaw parts of the election system in Arizona’s most populous county, had said Republican Mark Finchem represented a danger to democracy if he had won. The secretary of state, working with the governor and attorney general, has broad authority to rewrite the state’s election rules and plays a role in the certification of results.



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d3f833 No.18700043

File: 3c3b8136546bffb⋯.jpg (10 KB,255x250,51:50,614c04f68df0b0614a05e01989….jpg)

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9e41ff No.18700044

File: da29437014c01f5⋯.png (22.97 KB,621x113,621:113,Screen_Shot_2023_04_15_at_….png)

Best troll of leftist child groomers ever.


Baptisms in the sink okay, but don't tell the parents!

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b7d832 No.18700045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b7d832 No.18700046

File: 612f8b9fea66f8f⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1284x1615,1284:1615,IMG_1302.jpeg)






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f4e67e No.18700047

File: e3ab714272cc815⋯.png (240.34 KB,970x446,485:223,16571c1ca981f399d641b0f527….png)


o7 Fren

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c42646 No.18700048

File: a2d9d45f1b90ec1⋯.png (37.44 KB,656x421,656:421,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Democrat accused of sexual harassment by top aide, complaint says assemblyman talked about genitals and his son's sexual encounters with underage girls

A former top aide has accused a New York Democrat assemblyman of sexual harassment and creating a toxic work environment. The Democrat talked about genitalia and his teen son's sexual encounters with underage girls, according to an eye-opening report.

Damning accusations of sexual harassment have been made against Assemblyman Patrick B. Burke of Buffalo, New York. Nicole Golias, Burke's former legislative director, claimed the Erie County Democrat of several accusations of sexual harassment.

Golias, who worked with Burke from September 2021 to May 2022, filed a complaint accusing the 38-year-old New York Democrat of making lewd comments about women's bodies and remarking about underage girls who were seen in sexual videos with the assemblyman's son.

The Buffalo News reported on Friday, "Two other people with firsthand knowledge of Burke’s behavior in his district office also said they witnessed conversations in which the assemblyman used language they considered inappropriate and commented on women’s looks."

Golias claims that Burke made "vulgar, crass, and sexually explicit comments."

Golias said, "Pat would do stuff that made us pretty uncomfortable with regularity."

The former top aide accused Burke of telling his staff that "he had viewed sexually explicit videos of his son and female partners on his son’s Snapchat account."

The upstate New York outlet reported, "Burke called his teenage son’s sexual partners 'hot,' Golias said. Golias said she told Burke that the people were minors. According to Golias’ complaint, Burke, using a profane term, told his staff that if the partner had large breasts and 'a size zero waist,' 'she's hot.'"

Matthew T.H. Dearing, the assemblyman's former director of community relations, claimed that he felt "very taken aback" by Burke’s "comments about the girl’s physique."

"He said the girls in the videos were ‘hot and it didn’t matter that they were under aged [sic]," the New York Post reported of the complaint.

Golias and Dearing accused Burke of commenting on the genitalia of a man Golias was dating.

Burke has refuted the accusations against him. He said that he "absolutely" did not comment on the bodies of men and women.

Golias claims that Burke brought psychedelic mushrooms into the office.

The complaint reads, "This behavior included comments about himself as a 'colonizer' because he had control and dominion over his wife because he is Caucasian and his wife is Puerto Rican."

Golias and Dearing alleged that Burke "would do anything he could to appear cool and attractive."

Burke has denied the accusations. He called the accusations "absurd" and "a lie."

Burke lashed out after the complaint, "Ms. Golias' behavior was egregious during her brief tenure in my office, and it is an outrage that she would accuse me of the very behavior she not only participated in, but fostered. She has twisted the truth and outright lied in the past, and she is doing it again for monetary gain."

Golias is seeking unspecified damages for lost wages and emotional distress in her sexual harassment complaint.

Golias was one of three staffers to be fired last year after controversy surrounding the Tops mass shooting in Buffalo.


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f781d3 No.18700049

Memba when the ford pintos were blowing up back when?

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568cc1 No.18700051

File: 9bf2a70137b9eac⋯.jpg (33.74 KB,480x736,15:23,for_the_bald_man_in_your_l….jpg)

For the bald man in your life, or woman.

or…how about hey, dickhead.

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c54ea7 No.18700052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Beer make boobs grow

That's not the only thing that it helps to grow.

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e2087b No.18700053

File: 021d72f3dbd8bb3⋯.png (298.75 KB,727x608,727:608,ClipboardImage.png)


The victory of Adrian Fontes, the Democratic candidate for secretary of state in Arizona, may come to be seen as one of the most significant results of the 2022 elections in terms of the future of American democracy.


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2422b7 No.18700054

File: 81b5573853af872⋯.png (445.46 KB,780x439,780:439,ClipboardImage.png)

When the traitors pull the switch on Taiwan they will activate the invasion troops.

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921b37 No.18700055

File: 983a75235955abe⋯.jpg (971.7 KB,1124x889,1124:889,Scare_Event.jpg)

File: f41e9a9f01bdede⋯.jpeg (101.09 KB,800x552,100:69,Release_The_Scare_Event.JPEG)

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f629b3 No.18700056

File: 95a95e557a74966⋯.png (219.27 KB,884x848,221:212,unicoin34.png)


IMF Unveils New Global Currency Known As The "Universal Monetary Unit" To "Transform" World Economy

A new global currency just launched, but 99 percent of the global population has no idea what just happened.

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Apr 15, 2023 - 10:30 AM

Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

The “Universal Monetary Unit” , also known as “Unicoin” , is an “international central bank digital currency” that has been designed to work in conjunction with all existing national currencies. This should set off alarm bells for all of us, because the widespread adoption of a new “global currency” would be a giant step forward for the globalist agenda. The IMF did not create this new currency, but it was unveiled at a major IMF gathering earlier this week…

Today, at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings 2023, the Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) announced their official launch of an international central bank digital currency (CBDC) that strengthens the monetary sovereignty of participating central banks and complies with the recent crypto assets policy recommendations proposed by the IMF.

Universal Monetary Unit (UMU), symbolized as ANSI Character, Ü, is legally a money commodity, can transact in any legal tender settlement currency, and functions like a CBDC to enforce banking regulations and to protect the financial integrity of the international banking system.

As the press release quoted above indicates, this new “Universal Monetary Unit” was created by the Digital Currency Monetary Authority.

So who in the world is the Digital Currency Monetary Authority?

Honestly, I had no idea until I started doing research for this article.

The press release says that the organization consists of “sovereign states, central banks, commercial and retail banks, and other financial institutions”…

The DCMA is a world leader in the advocacy of digital currency and monetary policy innovations for governments and central banks. Membership within the DCMA consists of sovereign states, central banks, commercial and retail banks, and other financial institutions.

Basically, it sounds like a secretive cabal of international banks and national governments is conspiring to push this new currency down our throats.



What's the Deal With the New 'Unicoin' International CBDC

This week, the Digital Currency Monetary Authority launched a new international CBDC called Unicoin (UMU). What is it, and what are its implications?

1 day ago

Reclaim The Net

IMF unveils Unicoin - a global CBDC

As opponents of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are getting more vocal in their criticism of this type of digital version of paper money that many…

4 days ago


Unicoin - a global, legal tender settlement CBDC - unveiled at IMF Spring Meetings 2023

The Digital Currency Monetary Authority has announced the launch of the Universal Monetary Unit (UMU), an international CBDC for trade settlement.

5 days ago

PR Newswire

The Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) Launches an International Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

PRNewswire/ – Today, at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings 2023, the Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) announced their official…

5 days ago

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5f3bfb No.18700057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Internet funks

Pick up them pieces

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4d9119 No.18700058


what is it backed with?


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7317a3 No.18700059

File: 501554a3d191a7f⋯.jpg (141.84 KB,950x659,950:659,Cat_copter.jpg)


Could be worse have you seen cat-copter.

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4d9119 No.18700060


not cool.

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a4f5d1 No.18700061

File: 47dab8ae9fe57ff⋯.gif (843.57 KB,450x250,9:5,herb_tarlek_gif_4.gif)

File: 36a2a730d49409c⋯.png (29.47 KB,710x412,355:206,838.png)

File: 365e7910e7b76f7⋯.jpg (14.11 KB,255x254,255:254,da0464bdcddbce6959bab8ced3….jpg)

File: 740f0a98620cbf2⋯.jpg (155.38 KB,906x906,1:1,740f0a98620cbf26582ff354c8….jpg)

File: 40fb87122aeca3d⋯.jpg (2.42 MB,3000x1800,5:3,40fb87122aeca3de55ccb8c2c4….jpg)

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2422b7 No.18700062

File: acc33e210ddbd5b⋯.png (246.03 KB,600x582,100:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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c54ea7 No.18700063

General JOKE Keane! My favorite TV General that's just a mouthpiece for the MIC.

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f71897 No.18700064

File: b0b663ff658e385⋯.png (357.19 KB,764x856,191:214,ClipboardImage.png)


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d31057 No.18700065


>If 99% in the FBI are good according to Q

The drops said lower HALF, 99%.

And thus 49%.


The bottom half was instructed (99% good).

The first will send a shock wave.

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ea6b08 No.18700066

After victory comes governance. For that reason you NEVER throw a grenade in a room of 30 friendlies to take out 2 bad guys.

Anons are evolving and learning about Digital Information Warfare. Budweiser will be punished by punishing the CIA asset, not the Joe Lunchbox employees.

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f590d6 No.18700067

File: fe02528054a3515⋯.png (29.12 KB,732x403,732:403,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a24788516539d15⋯.png (29.25 KB,598x310,299:155,Screenshot_2023_04_15_at_1….png)

File: 70b2edb02409719⋯.png (509.15 KB,605x643,605:643,Screenshot_2023_04_15_at_1….png)

Chrystia Freeland


Canada government official

Today, I chaired the Five Finance Ministers meeting. As friends and allies, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States are working to make our economies more secure and to build a brighter future for people in all of our countries.




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4d9119 No.18700068

when your meme is also evidence of your cruelty to animals, that's the type of meme that should never be seen.

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a5bf47 No.18700069



Anon, I think both Don Jr. and Doodle are right.

Gonna have to lighten up a bit on the trannies.

Tranny this / Tranny that it's getting out of hand.

Besides, Dylan is kinda cute when grading on the tranny curve and is way moar feminine than most broads these days.

Give him a chance, at least he'll bring the keks like AOC does.

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921b37 No.18700070


Release the secret bio lab map for Taiwan.

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153457 No.18700071

File: a48265a4c4243e1⋯.png (218.92 KB,359x285,359:285,ClipboardImage.png)

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568cc1 No.18700072


He MUST be directing that at me….oh, wait, I've never stolen one of his meme's….hmmm….oh, I know why….HIS MEME'S SUCK ASS!!!

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2422b7 No.18700073

File: 0ec02c17778b78a⋯.png (406.59 KB,689x362,689:362,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b04a4 No.18700074

We found the divide Q.

Truth Social is the divide.

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28b8a8 No.18700075


~ A Nation Honors our Vietnam Veterans

and their Families ~

May 11-13, 2023

The National Mall, Washington, D.C.

#WelcomeHome2023 | #VWCWelcomeHome23

Are You A Vietnam Veteran? We Need Your Help!

We are producing a video montage to be shown during Welcome Home!


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921b37 No.18700076


Also which Budweiser Distilleries have secret BioLabs?

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4d9119 No.18700077


my comment was for the IMF new digital corrupto currency, not about Don Jr.

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010131 No.18700078

File: e8a2813832275a7⋯.png (358.3 KB,1473x821,1473:821,Screenshot_2023_04_15_at_1….png)

File: 7a2b0d205b50727⋯.png (379.47 KB,1439x765,1439:765,Screenshot_2023_04_15_at_1….png)

File: 483ef548e78caed⋯.png (344.1 KB,1480x807,1480:807,Screenshot_2023_04_15_at_1….png)



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a4f5d1 No.18700079


digital latigid.

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f629b3 No.18700080

File: e56a1cf40a4abf9⋯.png (372.7 KB,826x782,413:391,DISEYE1.png)


What else?

The Reality… the concept of currency is religious

You must believe in it without any backing what so ever… because… everyone else does!


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f71897 No.18700081

File: b78c1aa820a5f0a⋯.png (3.9 MB,1850x1300,37:26,ClipboardImage.png)


>I know that I know nothing

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c77cb1 No.18700082


Boston Light Party

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ea6b08 No.18700083

Goes to the CIA for 6 years

Goes to Harvard and gets a business MBA in 2 years

Appears as the Bud Director?

Anons, the enemy is not Budweiser and (you) know it.

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a5bf47 No.18700084

File: acf072b5664d5b7⋯.jpg (23 KB,341x268,341:268,Continue.jpg)

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f71897 No.18700085


>BioLab Distilleries

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28b8a8 No.18700086

File: 68c94a1cda5dedf⋯.jpg (103.68 KB,500x1063,500:1063,187_digits.jpg)

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f71897 No.18700087

File: cd945b3d54a9341⋯.mp4 (415.83 KB,320x568,40:71,sinaloa.mp4)

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a5bf47 No.18700088


Well, you misspelled tranny but I knew what you meant.

We're good.

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4d6349 No.18700089


nope, according to your irl behaviour its not mm. that is my word.

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6c90a5 No.18700090


>Budweiser is not our enemy.

Yes they are.

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2036b6 No.18700091


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c42646 No.18700092

File: b0ad65155484405⋯.png (71.88 KB,671x609,671:609,ClipboardImage.png)

Kash Patel Questions Emerging Narrative on Pentagon Leaks: ‘This Is an Extensive Cover-Up’

Kash Patel, former chief of staff at the Pentagon and former deputy director of National Intelligence, in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Friday, questioned the evolving narrative over the Pentagon leaks — specifically that a 21-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guard reservist acted alone to leak top secret military data.

Patel, a former federal prosecutor, said he does not believe “for a single second, this guy — a 21-year-old Air National Guardsman — ran this operation alone.”

Patel said, first, the suspected leaker, Jack Teixeira, would not have had access to the information without someone within the Department of Defense (DOD) or the intelligence community giving it to him, providing it to him, or telling him it should be put out there. “It’s just not possible,” he said.

He said even though he worked in information technology (IT), he still would not have had access to the information.

“You can be the biggest IT person in DOD, and you are still compartmented off of the actual information. Almost never does an IT person need to know, as we say, the substance of the intelligence. Their job is to provide the secure informations systems around it to protect any disclosures,” he said.

“This is crazy sensitive stuff,” he said. “Ninety-nine percent of people who have a Top Secret/SCI clearance don’t have access to this information. And me, as the former deputy DNI and chief of staff of the DOD and publisher of the [Presidential Daily Brief], with the highest security classification, knows that, literally, there is not a lot of people in the U.S. that have access to this kind of intel. It’s done for a reason. So this doesn’t happen.”

Patel said while the Joint Chief of Staff’s daily brief produced by its Directorate of Intelligence (J2) goes out to thousands of people, there is underlying contributing information that is compartmented and goes to fewer people. “The underlying intel — that’s very sensitive because it exposes how we got it, who we got it from, when we got it, and whether we can get it again, how is that delivered,” he said.

The Air Force confirmed to Breitbart News that Teixeira is Airman First Class, which is the third lowest enlisted rank in the Air Force and is a “cyber transport systems journeyman,” which is essentially an IT technician. He entered the Air National Guard in September 26, 2019. He is based at the Otis Air National Guard Base in Massachusetts.

Second, Patel said the way the classified information was put out suggests Teixeira did not act alone.

“Whether he’s in IT or not, is irrelevant. The way it was produced, the way it was put out there — pages, printed photographs taken, published online — that is a methodical way of releasing classified information illegally,” he said.

“I think he’s definitely working with other people in DOD or the intel space to get this information out. This is an Assange-style operation. This kid — no offense to him — at 21 years old, cannot put out this five-months, unlawful disclosure of sensitive intelligence,” he said.


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66a2dc No.18700093


The truly intelligent are humble.

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28fa60 No.18700094

Does TruthSocial have automated Bible verse posting?

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2422b7 No.18700095

File: 1d2ef2134d3d386⋯.png (253.91 KB,400x300,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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f629b3 No.18700096

File: 46c946b7b2f27cd⋯.png (99.27 KB,850x400,17:8,1quotescon.png)

File: cdc77a3fcb18c58⋯.png (68.75 KB,855x409,855:409,2SoQutes1.png)

File: 71f8d1ff774fdea⋯.png (352.21 KB,622x485,622:485,3quotestwa.png)

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4d9119 No.18700097


I've studied numismatics since I was a boy.

currency needs something real to back it.

the Romans were big because they made the best currency, and they had standards.

it wasn't until varius scandals destroyed their currency that things started really falling apart.

we have people who rule through psychological methods. The currency is backed in hopium.

if they weren't so good at keeping people hypnotized, the system really should have collapsed in 1969-70 when Mr. Nixon told the French they couldn't have any more gold for the paper they were swapping.

but it did not.

53 years later and the chickens come hope to roost.

those banker -highborns killed off all their rivals and now

they don't just get to say 'oh we have the new universal corrupto currency that you will all use

unless it's backed with tyranny.

that's the only way that they can enforce it.

are we to just let them steal everything one more time?

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65a9dc No.18700098

File: e1439a5b2fa61c4⋯.jpg (49.01 KB,569x380,569:380,AB.jpg)



what a fucking joke

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ea6b08 No.18700099

File: 273b780dec8485e⋯.jpg (96.15 KB,644x514,322:257,trump_to_lord1.jpg)

You think Kid Rock and John Rich want to waste their ammo on that shit? Anons have to get smarter.

One Team

One Mission

One Heartbeat

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9433c3 No.18700100

divide is only 10 letters away from divine

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e2087b No.18700101

File: a9bb324eab1a3e2⋯.png (717.2 KB,781x830,781:830,ClipboardImage.png)


Arizona's Election "Fixer" - Adrian Fontes

County Recorder of Maricopa County: January 1, 2017 – January 1, 2021

As Maricopa County Recorder, Fontes piloted the use of vote centers, where any voter in the county could cast a ballot regardless of precinct. … Fontes also expanded early voting options in Maricopa County.



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f71897 No.18700102

File: a5d055b2b529290⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,1280x720,16:9,BaldwinEpstein.mp4)

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f629b3 No.18700103

File: 4e53f9a50ce8711⋯.jpg (60.41 KB,470x580,47:58,C7cidebXkAAeEMI.jpg)


Quick question

Have you read the drops?

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450f59 No.18700104

File: 64b063b7897b93c⋯.png (760.26 KB,598x712,299:356,day.PNG)

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4d9119 No.18700105


go away.

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d2c2c5 No.18700106


Tom Campbell was the Spookville anti-missile defense contractor who was sent out to meet and debrief Robert Monroe about his groundbreaking primer on astral projection, out of body experiences and remote viewing.

Spookville's anti-ballistic missile program was intrigued with the idea of "remotely viewing" Soviet labs and other top secret facilities. Campbell, a computer expert, along with an open-minded Spookville electronic engingeer, spent every weekend for months meeting with and eventually working with Monroe on Monroe's tawney Northrrn Virginia horse farm. Together they built the precursor to the Monroe Institute.

This was all done PRIOR to the Army's top secret Stargate remote viewing project.

Campbell became so intrigued and immersed in the concept of consciousness exploration outside the body (one who becomes adept at the practice is called an "Oneironaut") that he allegedly cut all ties with Spookville and devoted himself to the study of consciousness exploration.

Huh….kun is blocking all anon's url links…

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c42646 No.18700107

File: c73aed29bdeba58⋯.png (419.56 KB,720x515,144:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8b5e0f2ac4e5a2⋯.png (558.9 KB,757x485,757:485,ClipboardImage.png)

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f71897 No.18700108

File: 949115223b2bc93⋯.mp4 (3.85 MB,848x480,53:30,maskdebate.mp4)


>As friends and allies

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ea6b08 No.18700109


The tens of thousands of Budweiser employees are not the enemy. The CIA plant that was embedded to destroy Budweiser from above because the CIA couldn't break the Budweiser unions or lower management to destroy Budweiser from below?

The tens of thousands of Budweiser employees are mainly Trump Supporters BIG TIME by a lot.


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921b37 No.18700110

File: 36edd590f0ce0b9⋯.png (4.86 MB,2360x1640,59:41,IMG_5029.png)


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9fec2c No.18700111

File: 5cf40f4fb2f54f0⋯.jpg (76.44 KB,1200x800,3:2,03_dr_manhattan_mars_w710_….jpg)


"American Airlines" can fuck right off too along with Bud.

An entire industry of aviation that 'went along to get along' for twenty plus years of 9/11 WARS. Absolutely fuck'm!

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f629b3 No.18700112

File: 0de455b728ce566⋯.png (23.48 KB,3396x448,849:112,ANONh1.png)


This is QResearch

Do you at the very least love coincidences as much as Anon?


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647cb5 No.18700113

=+Notetaker notes becomes Baker notes==

SIGNING IN - seeking handoff top of NB


#22942 >>18699504 @550

>>18699520 Former NATO troops see ‘disarray’ in Ukrainian military – CTV

>>18699530 Prince Harry looks like a man desperate for an escape route – we should give him one

>>18699555 Elon Musk Full Video Interview with BBC

>>18699560, >>18699771 The violent life of Woody Harrelson’s (and possibly Matthew McConaughey’s) hitman father

>>18699574 Google ordered to disclose data passed to US spies

>>18699598 Trump Smacks DeSantis for ‘Campaigning’ While Fort Lauderdale Flooded: ‘He Should Be There’

>>18699690 Why the sassafras ban? Is it really toxic?

>>18699743 Why Safrole May Not Be a Carcinogen in Humans

>>18699728, >>18699736 Could mRNA Could Be in the Food Supply Before We Know It?

>>18699753 Leaked U.S. intelligence reveals military was aware of FOUR more Chinese spy balloons

>>18699748 Clarence Thomas did not disclose real estate deal with GOP mega donor

>>18699574 Google ordered to disclose data passed to US spies

>>18699775 Who is Harlan Crow?

>>18699788 The Supreme Court Just Made It Easier To Sue The Administrative State

>>18699806, >>18699853 Masks are even worse than we thought for your health.

>>18699890 Big blast heard across Israel 'likely caused by a meteor'

>>18699896, >>18699902 Passenger jet Airbus A330 prepping to take off came under fire in Khartoum

>>18699952, >>18699969 Is TikTok being run by State Dept? DIG ANONS

>>18699984 Wagner Chief Calls On Putin To Declare End Of War, "Gain Firm Foothold" On Held Territories

>>18700019, >>18700056 More on the UNICOIN – kek

>>18700026 Furious Viewers Complain En Masse About New UK TV Show With Adult Men Stripping Naked For Kids

>>18699559, >>18700027, >>18700037 PF: SAM631 C-40B departed LAX-they gonna fly the C-40B back to JBA and then send another AC (or same one) back out here on Monday for the trip to Reno on Tuesday..wut a waste & other PFs

>>18700034 Ex-'SNL' Star Speaks Out Against LGBT Parade at City Council Meeting

>>18700044 Carpe Donktum launches a deadly attack against gender propaganda in schools

>>18700048 New York Dem accused of sexual harassment by top aide

>>18700064 Taiwan live map

>>18700067 Chrystia Freeland on Five Eyes Finance Ministers mtg

>>18700092 Kash Patel Questions Emerging Narrative on Pentagon Leaks: ‘This Is an Extensive Cover-Up’

>>18700101, 18700042, >>18700053 Arizona's Election "Fixer" - Adrian Fontes

doing ok, friends?

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450f59 No.18700114

File: cd9d0dbabcc78ab⋯.jpg (49.3 KB,641x841,641:841,cult_members.JPG)

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f590d6 No.18700115

File: 1514ca3c993e24a⋯.jpeg (41.65 KB,1200x680,30:17,starro.jpeg)

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647cb5 No.18700116



baker on duty

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38654a No.18700117

File: 434bc1a2adb2f02⋯.jpg (35.16 KB,646x633,646:633,oiuhygtff.JPG)

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d2c2c5 No.18700118





[Remove url breaks]

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7317a3 No.18700119


Check bottom line got a bad link.

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ea6b08 No.18700120


Yep. Overreach is going to hurt us if anons don't dial it back.

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79a48d No.18700121

File: 929535bc4b95dd3⋯.png (576.14 KB,664x828,166:207,ClipboardImage.png)

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f71897 No.18700122

File: 1e6616dffc7c8b6⋯.png (144.66 KB,300x420,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)


>Fungal Outbreak

<Fun gal

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2422b7 No.18700123

File: b5bfd85aa42d62e⋯.png (481.1 KB,720x666,40:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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66a2dc No.18700124

File: 657438eb17c2380⋯.png (484.88 KB,605x800,121:160,ClipboardImage.png)

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f629b3 No.18700125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1de384 No.18700126

File: 94451ade7a8f8d4⋯.jpg (148.19 KB,720x1029,240:343,20230415_131244.jpg)

File: 642554b1e35c171⋯.mp4 (10.01 MB,320x564,80:141,_ozdKDRXG62a2IjC.mp4)


Coming to a city near you ,Minneapolis is first up

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6c90a5 No.18700127


Fuck off Mossad, BDS all CABAL companies.

>The tens of thousands of Budweiser employees are not the enemy.

Hope these traitors wise the fuck up and get a new job.

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ea2d1a No.18700128

File: c7a3f76276d4c7a⋯.png (517.75 KB,908x467,908:467,no_heart.png)

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a5bf47 No.18700129

File: f50ba6c949e402b⋯.png (493.36 KB,800x457,800:457,Night_Shift_011.png)


Ok, how about this one?:

Trannies For Q

Get one of the patriot channels like Preying Medic to interview Tranime about his/her/its love of Q.


The MAGA/QANONS want to kill all trannies fake news is ded on the spot.

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5a5e8b No.18700130

File: b9b8a7d52a5cbeb⋯.png (378.12 KB,632x1557,632:1557,Screenshot_2023_04_15_at_1….png)


>Best troll of leftist child groomers ever.

See new Tweets


Carpe Donktum🔹



Apr 13

As a 3rd grade teacher, I often talk about Jesus with my students, they are so excited to hear about my faith. They point to the cross on wall and ask me about the resurrection.

Some have gotten baptized in the sink, as long as they don’t tell their parents. It’s our secret.

Carpe Donktum🔹



Apr 13

I hope this doesn’t get me fired, please don’t share this to libs.

Carpe Donktum🔹



Apr 14

I want you guys to understand something, I am NOT grooming these young apostles, THEY COME TO ME and I follow their questions back to it's source

These kids feel something is not right inside them and I help them to understand that Jesus is what they are missing in their life

Carpe Donktum🔹


Guys, it is important that we keep these tweets away from people who would get me fired. PLEASE be very cautious who you share these with.

DO NOT post links like this to prominent liberals. It puts my whole class in danger.


4:18 PM · Apr 14, 2023




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28fa60 No.18700131

Drink the piss water

Kiss the Karen's ass

Prop up a literal serial-liar as the Minister of Truth?

Naaa, it's just the same shit as ever before.

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f0cc61 No.18700132

File: 75af4f5f99ccc26⋯.png (23.22 KB,408x368,51:46,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 347061082f3b45d⋯.png (366.39 KB,828x469,828:469,ClipboardImage.png)


Kid Rocks replica white house

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ea6b08 No.18700133

We're all cylinders firing in the same engine. It's all cycled and orchestrated by the timing system and onboard computer - Trump. Anons are getting REALLY GOOD at this.

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647cb5 No.18700134

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1de384 No.18700135

File: 72f185e6a170102⋯.jpg (140.29 KB,939x1201,939:1201,20230414_123753.jpg)

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e32365 No.18700136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2min video

ted bundy vs the Weapon

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4d9119 No.18700137


some of us are next generation where the wheel is it's own motor.

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66a2dc No.18700138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e2087b No.18700139

File: 2cb5dc875a36994⋯.png (37.59 KB,571x252,571:252,ClipboardImage.png)

We should be focusing on beautiful, clean air & not on wasteful & very expensive GLOBAL WARMING bullshit! China & others are hurting our air

5:07 AM · Dec 15, 2013 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/412162068989874176

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6c90a5 No.18700140


>The tens of thousands of Budweiser employees are mainly Trump Supporters BIG TIME by a lot.

Time to break some eggs, fuck Trump then.

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c42646 No.18700141

File: 0ba513b8afebf29⋯.png (364.98 KB,831x341,831:341,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78bee6a5b0de26d⋯.png (550.3 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)


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a5bf47 No.18700142


>China & others are hurting our air

Chemtrails confirmed.

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450f59 No.18700143

File: 1c23ba180817f43⋯.png (856.27 KB,521x661,521:661,it.PNG)

File: a9f9d232bd7924d⋯.png (790.22 KB,763x723,763:723,miss.PNG)

File: 468a0bac5efa78a⋯.png (540.13 KB,662x362,331:181,lake.PNG)

File: 75625667ef66f49⋯.png (741.75 KB,560x669,560:669,its.PNG)


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f71897 No.18700144

File: 36ecacda9f6517a⋯.png (763.8 KB,840x840,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Smoke Bomb

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e2087b No.18700145

File: 74e9b4832c678b8⋯.png (893.05 KB,1200x1553,1200:1553,ClipboardImage.png)









Reinstate Liz Harris



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ea2d1a No.18700146

File: aa4e884e725ec3d⋯.png (234.76 KB,547x547,1:1,2023_03_03_12_12_30.png)


Erasing American-European culture is at the top of their plan.

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682dd3 No.18700147

File: d4ca58c6717b8b0⋯.png (857.31 KB,784x584,98:73,ca_church_1_mil_fine.PNG)

A California church has been ordered to pay over $1 million in COVID fines after the church did not enforce a county’s social distancing and masking requirements.

Superior Court Judge Evette Pennypacker ordered Calvary Chapel San Jose to pay $1.2 million in fines after it did not follow COVID restrictions put in place by Santa Clara County, requirements the church said violated their religious freedom.

“It should appear clear to all — regardless of religious affiliation — that wearing a mask while worshiping one’s god and communing with other congregants is a simple, unobtrusive, giving way to protect others while still exercising your right to religious freedom,” Pennypacker wrote. “Unfortunately, Defendants repeatedly refused to model, much less, enforce this gesture. Instead, they repeatedly flouted their refusal to comply with the Public Health Orders and urged others to do so ‘who cares what the cost,’ including death.”

The church will appeal the ruling, according to church attorney Mariah Gondeiro. “We look forward to establishing more precedent on appeal that will have far greater implications for the future,” she said.

The ruling is the latest in the battle between the county and the church, which began after the church was given fines beginning in November 2020 and up to June 2021 when it did not follow the county’s restrictions and it challenged the rules in federal court. The church faces fines over masks, social distancing, and hosting large gatherings.

“I think about our government’s infringement on our liberties,”said Senior Pastor Mike McClure on January 10, 2021. “We were played. This whole thing, it’s a lie. I mean, not that it’s not a disease. But they’re using it to take control and to stop you and I from worshiping God.”

The county claimed that the orders were aimed at public health, and not targeting religious institutions. “It’s the County’s job to take care of its residents and protect the public health,” Santa Clara County Counsel James R. Williams said. “Calvary’s arguments have been rejected at almost every turn. We are gratified that the Court once again saw through Calvary’s unsupported claims and found them meritless.”


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4d6349 No.18700148


provide a bubble so I can schedule and better channel meeting me, interaction, education and creation of reality.

annoying me when you weakened my irl position heavily is not the thing to do. money now.

and do not be concerned about any time issues. I am beyond time, when I do something next week it was already done a year ago. money!

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fc8e92 No.18700149


sounds like you are the one panicking

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96451f No.18700150

Never Forget.

There were evil people in society who demanded that intelligent people who refused to take the dangerous covid injections should be denied all medical care. There were patients needing transfusions, organ transplants, and other critical medical procedures for REAL problems that were denied medical care by evil doctors and hospital administrators. Evil people in society demanded that those innocent people should be forced to suffer and die. Never ever forget who those evil people are.

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a4f5d1 No.18700151


maskerbate materbat

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9fec2c No.18700152

File: 86037a27abfe5b8⋯.jpg (304.62 KB,1837x1585,1837:1585,86037a27abfe5b87ad1e236152….jpg)


Let it collapse, go to auction, and the former Employees can buy it up for pennies.

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fc8e92 No.18700153



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4d9119 No.18700154


Forgive and forget.

fogetting is just a fact, happens all the time.

and forgiveness is necessary.

you can remind people, but you can't demand that they remember.

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aa85ef No.18700155

Has any Anon caught this yet?

Transgender teacher threatens to shoot students, school keeps it on.


They confiscated 3 guns and still, it is a teacher. They didn't even tell parents.

But read the article (pisses me off as well)

First they say it is a female to male trans.

Next paragraph we find out it is a male to female trans.


Reporters read your fucking work.

The school board and staff at that school need to be strung up.

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682dd3 No.18700156

File: 03b38f974b19c3b⋯.png (396.61 KB,907x601,907:601,ecuador_president_buy_guns.PNG)

President Guillermo Lasso has urged millions of Ecuadorians to arm themselves as soon as possible in order to defend themselves against the tyrannical elites who want to enslave them.

“We have a common enemy!” Lasso declared, as his administration authorized all civilians in the country to carry and use firearms to protect themselves against tyranny.

“We’ve modified the decree that allows the possession and carrying of guns,” he said. “In other words, in general terms … the possession and carrying of guns for civilian use in personal defense is authorized, in accordance with the requirements of law and regulations.”

Bigleaguepolitics.com reports: Per a report by Uruguayan outlet MercoPress, Lasso initially declared a state of emergency “in the provinces of Santa Elena (west), Los Ríos (center), and in Zone 8, which includes the cities of Guayaquil, Durán, and Samborondón in the coastal province of Guayas (southwest).” AWR Hawkins noted that the “impacted cities and provinces were placed under a 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. curfew.”

On top of the curfew and the measure to allow for civilians to be armed, Lasso announced that his government is launching a “crusade for security,” which involved locating and arresting “15 high-value targets” who are suspected to be connected to the heads of criminal gangs.


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ea6b08 No.18700157

DJT Jr cylinder is 'firing'. Watch Don Jr. The man is challenging the President in the art of the 'disruption'. DJT Jr believes deeply in the 99.9% everyday American dream. DJT Jr is our man at the table. Believe me or not. DJT Jr is anon's best ally in the Trump inner circle. He has constantly advised Q+ to keep the board. FYSA

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450f59 No.18700158

File: 2d44a5d928b7e10⋯.png (694.33 KB,763x407,763:407,aant.PNG)

File: 280e5b904280b50⋯.png (720.85 KB,515x509,515:509,budd.PNG)

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28fa60 No.18700159


And you can find them on TruthSocial

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113269 No.18700160

File: 89f7c8a91c5659f⋯.jpg (32.16 KB,470x359,470:359,89f7c8a91c5659fc4a984e1470….jpg)

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6c90a5 No.18700161


>Which is more important - punishing a saboteur of America or saving Americans that believe in America?

Let's just start with punishing the saboteur you fucking pussy shill faggot.

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14ca42 No.18700162


Anons memer when cell phones had removable batteries.

Ever wonder why none of them have removable batteries today?

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6c90a5 No.18700163


and running the hospitals

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f71897 No.18700164

File: 4366cd614cb4d8e⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,352x640,11:20,secureborder.mp4)

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b320c5 No.18700165

File: 38ec52bc9977082⋯.jpg (139.75 KB,600x382,300:191,4abedaf6ad1e9a992bf4c63a0a….jpg)


For every pocketknife thrown in the bin, for the bottle water and zippo lighter destroyed, every fat clit and feminine or masculine penis unjustly mashed by TSA, for wedgies given and the cripple strip searched and the property stolen from luggage and the little cards left behind when undocumented and generation freeloaders done paws through yo' fine linens and silk requisites.

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ea6b08 No.18700166

Dan S

Don Jr

Ric G

Those are who went to the mat for you 100% of the time

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aa85ef No.18700167



these are the same people who are responsible for deaths of others by forcing poison on them. Forget nothing. Punishment for the rest of their lives.

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7317a3 No.18700168



Those Budweiser factories are not just making Bud but a number of other brands too.

Many people might stop drinking Bud Light but will happily buy the other brands.

What it is doing is showing other companies that there is a cost/benefit equation that needs to be taken into account when dealing with these woke activists and their coercive agenda.

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5a5e8b No.18700169



Woke corps need to be punished.

Disagree with Jr here.

Fuck Anheuser Bush and their globalist politics

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6c90a5 No.18700170


Shill with 30+ posts says we should keep drinking piss

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647cb5 No.18700171


anons has guessed why batteries aren't removable

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450f59 No.18700172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4d6349 No.18700173



Our mission demands diverse perspectives that enable us to understand our world and address unique national security challenges. ASL interpreters are one of many resources #CIA incorporates to ensure all officers can seamlessly contribute to our mission.



that is me, also.


12 disciples.

tweet starts with


yes, indeed it´s time, but it will take a while bc I have to get used to not being annoyed by you first. this is gonna take longer when being annoyed this very day, when finding me is so easy, as the pic of a right hand (pencil mark) suggests on mtv.

provide money fast so it gets easier for all of you.

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a42a08 No.18700174

File: 30364c56a896e34⋯.jpg (52.49 KB,900x821,900:821,1681322517158329.jpg)


If one wishes to survive, yes.

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042723 No.18700175


>none of them

Some still do.

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9433c3 No.18700176

File: 0db0cdea2f65a38⋯.jpg (141.65 KB,2000x901,2000:901,rustling_jimmy.jpg)

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2422b7 No.18700177

File: 6f669d37f0e1d03⋯.png (306.51 KB,372x540,31:45,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6055c0dc0e5cd61⋯.png (220.32 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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b320c5 No.18700178

File: 3cfb441855b6834⋯.gif (1021.45 KB,500x276,125:69,3cfb441855b68349fb2b131ca5….gif)


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e2087b No.18700179

File: c7b908fd2819a79⋯.png (37.75 KB,567x262,567:262,ClipboardImage.png)


This very expensive GLOBAL WARMING bullshit has got to stop. Our planet is freezing, record low temps, and our GW scientists are stuck in ice

7:39 PM · Jan 1, 2014 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/418542137899491328

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f590d6 No.18700180

File: 164a4d47d8e69a0⋯.png (166.7 KB,598x553,598:553,Screenshot_2023_04_15_at_1….png)


Israel is a corporation, not a country.


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2422b7 No.18700181

File: 35b07b3df70ae8c⋯.png (310.58 KB,436x595,436:595,ClipboardImage.png)

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96451f No.18700182


Fauci, is that you?

Same shit Fauci said.

That everyone should just forget and move on.

Evil people just want you to ignore what they've done.

Evil people hate accountability.

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a4f5d1 No.18700183

File: eba195645ca6e45⋯.jpg (33.03 KB,632x352,79:44,shutterstock_712701277_e16….jpg)

File: 8dea95a9920c820⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB,5108x3413,5108:3413,56ZX2JVAHZGANOWC4IA6MTPKO….jpeg)

File: 299e3ee47c9fadd⋯.jpg (18.81 KB,400x300,4:3,6ovld9t5mxp21.jpg)

File: 8278fd159560f5e⋯.gif (1.11 MB,500x157,500:157,giphy3.gif)

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ea6b08 No.18700184


Don't break America. Perform surgery on America. The path to the light is not a trail of destruction, but a path that is lighted for those who want to walk to the light. Digital Information Warfare.

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28b8a8 No.18700185

File: 1022af849f787c2⋯.jpg (136.47 KB,980x734,490:367,death_cult_easy.jpg)

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fc8e92 No.18700186


kys please.

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1de384 No.18700187

File: 7ea5cd7cb142ade⋯.jpg (90.17 KB,720x1130,72:113,20230415_025121.jpg)

File: bfe95960f51a9da⋯.mp4 (378.21 KB,720x820,36:41,BuGQmxWdlc2GYNg_.mp4)


Is the Qagg clock back up and running?

According to this guy it is . But like last time I can't access it

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6c90a5 No.18700188


>Those are who went to the mat for you 100% of the time

Fuck your idols faggot

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e2087b No.18700189

File: 7da0d914d74d43a⋯.png (34.23 KB,567x257,567:257,ClipboardImage.png)

Give me clean, beautiful and healthy air - not the same old climate change (global warming) bullshit! I am tired of hearing this nonsense.

1:44 AM · Jan 29, 2014 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/428418323660165120

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ea6b08 No.18700190

Anons are not here to destroy. Anons are here to convert dark to light. Please please think about that and the change in evolution for it's success.

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4d9119 No.18700191

File: 93faa99f659fb70⋯.jpg (173.21 KB,693x720,77:80,when_famephag_went_back_in….jpg)


Rue Paul isn't out preaching to children to transition, is she?

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450f59 No.18700192

File: a73d98fa2852acf⋯.png (645.35 KB,521x625,521:625,missw.PNG)

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df9c96 No.18700193

File: 3ae4d10f3bb8a71⋯.png (1.24 MB,706x710,353:355,rlyreefer.png)


…But it's fun.

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647cb5 No.18700194


not common sense

just common shilling


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ea6b08 No.18700195


Ask Ric G if he's my idol. Respect is given where respect is due.

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a42a08 No.18700196

File: e7dd5bc62e0ad72⋯.jpg (92.17 KB,881x1024,881:1024,1674001552465867.jpg)


Budweiser isn't an American company, plus their products are harmful to your health.

Fuck them and their CIA agenda.

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c42646 No.18700197

File: 5beefa55f0e6fad⋯.png (62.13 KB,450x278,225:139,ClipboardImage.png)

Russian intelligence, Wagner PMC infiltrate gaming chats, Microsoft President claims

These communities include Discord channels on Minecraft, among others, Brad Smith claimed

NEW YORK, April 13. /TASS/. Microsoft President Brad Smith claims that Russian intelligence agencies and the Wagner PMC have been trying to infiltrate gaming chats, including on the Discord platform, in the recent months.

"Around games, you have a community of gamers. They come together, they talk to each other, including when they're playing a game. And for the last several months, our digital threat analysis team has been identifying efforts by the Russians to basically penetrate some of these gaming communities," Smith said at the World Economic Summit 2023 Thursday. "We've been advising governments about this. I mean, it's the Wagner group and the Russian intelligence, and they're in part using this as a place to get information into circulation."

These communities include Discord channels on Minecraft, among others, Smith claimed.

Previously, the US media reported that the Pentagon’s classified documents could have been leaked via Discord.



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.450 📁

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9577bc No.18700198


Why don't the so-called supporter-employees open their mouths then? Apparently Covid taught no one anything important about what these fucks do to the public when given implied consent to things the public mostly disagrees with? Everybody's gonna lose their their precious fucking jobs eventually if they don't grow a spine. And who suffers then? Those kids and grandkids they claim to care about so damn much.

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316cc2 No.18700199


Like the US then?

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6c90a5 No.18700200


you told me to drink piss, you can go fuck yourself faggot.

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c2274b No.18700201

File: d599a62caffb951⋯.jpeg (74.13 KB,1052x615,1052:615,BD57D8CA_B2F0_4510_96D9_0….jpeg)

Jerry Nadler: No Such Thing as High Crime in NYC

Julio Rosas

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), the ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, is ready to defend New York City's high crime rate by denying it is a big issue during Monday's hearing in the city about that very issue.

According to the New York Post, Nadler told them Chairman Jim Jordan's field hearing is a distraction from the crimes committed by former President Donald Trump.

“We will show the essentially fraudulent nature of what [committee chair] Jim Jordan and company are claiming about the crime rates in New York and compared to other cities, including Republican-led cities,” Nadler told the Post.

"And we will talk about how this whole hearing is part of Jim Jordan and the Republicans’ general attempts to obstruct justice and to attack the DA in Manhattan and to obstruct justice in the Trump case,” he added.

The Post noted violent crime overall surged in Manhattan South by 34% and Manhattan North by 14.5% in 2022 — Bragg’s first year in office — compared to 2021.

Nadler has a history of denying the existence of major crimes being committed in liberal strongholds. He famously claimed Antifa was a "myth" despite the far-left group having attacked the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon for a month and continued to terrorize the city during the summer.

Monday's hearing is set to feature witnesses who are not only victims of violent crime, but also victims of DA Alivn Bragg wrongfully charging them of a crime when they acted in self-defense, such as former Manhattan bodega clerk Jose Alba. Bragg has come under intense criticism for making sweet-heart deals with hardened criminals who go back out and commit serious crimes.


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450f59 No.18700202

File: b2e79322f13ca51⋯.png (160.25 KB,307x264,307:264,do_it_faggot.PNG)

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4d6349 No.18700203

File: ab134fe2711bf12⋯.png (297.51 KB,478x459,478:459,ClipboardImage.png)


>forever more, forever more

all agree. the the fucking bubble done so things get easier for all of you.

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ea6b08 No.18700204

Anons and Trump are the peaceful, non violent revolution dreamed about by Buddah and Ghandi.

What a coincidence in a biblical perspective.

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ac3b23 No.18700205

File: f165da31deb826c⋯.png (295.2 KB,935x570,187:114,Q_Hanoi.PNG)

Typo or clue?

U.S., Vietnam say they hope to deepen ties as Blinken visits Hanoi

HANOI, April 15 (Reuters) - Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham MinhChinhand U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Saturday expressed a desire to deepen their ties as Washington seeks to solidify alliances to counter an increasingly assertive China.

In his first visit to the southeast Asian country as the top U.S. diplomat, Blinken met with top officials including Vietnamese General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh. The main topic was the possibility to upgrade bilateral ties.


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6c90a5 No.18700206


>Apparently Covid taught no one anything important about what these fucks do to the public when given implied consent to things the public mostly disagrees with?

Sounds like threats…

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4d9119 No.18700207


she was good friends with Nirvana

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ed0836 No.18700208


The F to M tranny was talking about the one that shot up the Covenant school in TN…..

Reading comprehension is a thing….

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fc8e92 No.18700209


wrong fuck off.

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c42646 No.18700210

File: 7703fe3f140da44⋯.png (42.67 KB,384x326,192:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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a4f5d1 No.18700211

File: 78879f252c59090⋯.jpeg (315.67 KB,2000x1125,16:9,FtrhcRiXoAAELIP.jpeg)

File: 7e59dfb54c6ba34⋯.jpeg (457.08 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,FttHGghX0AYh_DH.jpeg)

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fc8e92 No.18700212


ghandi slept with children.

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682dd3 No.18700213


let them eat cheezit and drink bud light, while wearing nike sports bra

these people are stupid (paraphrasing Q)

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6c90a5 No.18700214


>Everybody's gonna lose their their precious fucking jobs eventually

Good, fuck them all.

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a2d614 No.18700215

File: 3af7b0ddea0b067⋯.png (582.01 KB,654x869,654:869,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea6b08 No.18700216

The revolution is not external.

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a5bf47 No.18700217


>most reasonable/realistic solution

Stella way > BL

So, stick it to the trannies (figuratively speaking!) by saying no to shit beer and yes to not as shitty beer instead.

That way MAGA doesn't lose their jobs and Dylan has to go back to YT whoring.

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ac3b23 No.18700218


Sorry, not typo. But rest relevant

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66a2dc No.18700219

File: c01aa1f343ba1b5⋯.gif (6.77 MB,640x604,160:151,hang_yourself.gif)

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13c4d1 No.18700220

File: 6153bdc05cc97d1⋯.jpg (59.9 KB,527x456,527:456,Vgb.jpg)

File: d52d5722cd39bbf⋯.gif (412.59 KB,220x247,220:247,d52d5722cd39bbf00ddb82c7e3….gif)

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647cb5 No.18700221

#22942 >>18699504 @550

>>18699520 Former NATO troops see ‘disarray’ in Ukrainian military – CTV

>>18699530 Prince Harry looks like a man desperate for an escape route – we should give him one

>>18699555 Elon Musk Full Video Interview with BBC

>>18699560, >>18699771 The violent life of Woody Harrelson’s (and possibly Matthew McConaughey’s) hitman father

>>18699574 Google ordered to disclose data passed to US spies

>>18699598 Trump Smacks DeSantis for ‘Campaigning’ While Fort Lauderdale Flooded: ‘He Should Be There’

>>18699690 Why the sassafras ban? Is it really toxic?

>>18699743 Why Safrole May Not Be a Carcinogen in Humans

>>18699728, >>18699736 Could mRNA Could Be in the Food Supply Before We Know It?

>>18699753 Leaked U.S. intelligence reveals military was aware of FOUR more Chinese spy balloons

>>18699748 Clarence Thomas did not disclose real estate deal with GOP mega donor

>>18699574 Google ordered to disclose data passed to US spies

>>18699775 Who is Harlan Crow?

>>18699788 The Supreme Court Just Made It Easier To Sue The Administrative State

>>18699806, >>18699853 Masks are even worse than we thought for your health.

>>18699890 Big blast heard across Israel 'likely caused by a meteor'

>>18699896, >>18699902 Passenger jet Airbus A330 prepping to take off came under fire in Khartoum

>>18699952, >>18699969 Is TikTok being run by State Dept? DIG ANONS

>>18699984 Wagner Chief Calls On Putin To Declare End Of War, "Gain Firm Foothold" On Held Territories

>>18700019, >>18700056 More on the UNICOIN – kek

>>18700026 Furious Viewers Complain En Masse About New UK TV Show With Adult Men Stripping Naked For Kids

>>18699559, >>18700027, >>18700037 PF: SAM631 C-40B departed LAX-they gonna fly the C-40B back to JBA and then send another AC (or same one) back out here on Monday for the trip to Reno on Tuesday..wut a waste & other PFs

>>18700034 Ex-'SNL' Star Speaks Out Against LGBT Parade at City Council Meeting

>>18700044, >>18700130 Carpe Donktum launches a deadly attack against gender propaganda in schools

>>18700048 New York Dem accused of sexual harassment by top aide

>>18700064 Taiwan live map

>>18700067 Chrystia Freeland on Five Eyes Finance Ministers mtg

>>18700092 Kash Patel Questions Emerging Narrative on Pentagon Leaks: ‘This Is an Extensive Cover-Up’

>>18700101, >>18700042, >>18700053 Arizona's Election "Fixer" - Adrian Fontes

>>18700139, >>18700179 @45 on the environment: We should be focusing on beautiful, clean air & not on wasteful & very expensive GLOBAL WARMING bullshit!

>>18700141 15th week of Israeli protests against judicial overhaul

>>18700145 REINSTATE Liz Harris

>>18700147 A California church has been ordered to pay over $1 million in COVID fines

>>18700156 Ecuador's President urges citizens to Buy Gus to ensure they cannot be enslaved by gov't

>>18700197 Russian intelligence, Wagner PMC infiltrate gaming chats, Microsoft President claims

>>18700201 Nadler: No Such Thing as High Crime in NYC


last call

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4d6349 No.18700222


and yes, as I said, I love diversity and want talents put to use, that obviously manifested throughout time.

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2422b7 No.18700223

File: 350bfdcfee15f05⋯.png (176.34 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea6b08 No.18700224


Ghandi was an imperfect architect of the dissolution of human enslavement through peaceful measures.

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b320c5 No.18700225

File: 9de67e060573033⋯.png (905.05 KB,1132x1107,1132:1107,228.png)


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f590d6 No.18700226

File: d3b9fcc573ce912⋯.jpg (231.04 KB,1600x1066,800:533,FtqUZ7cX0AYqBFc.jpg)

File: 880e5422052af01⋯.png (498.11 KB,640x590,64:59,880e5422052af0109e3391b65a….png)


This is how the old empire still rules the world

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9577bc No.18700227


That Americans reacted to Prohibition the way they did, told me everything I needed to know about people in general, in government in particular, even as a fairly naive kid in middle school. Big red pill.

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a42a08 No.18700228

File: 6dbe014cfb7fa30⋯.jpg (15 KB,255x192,85:64,b62a131bc6a92daa4efc2a33a4….jpg)


Its a man you faggotnigger.

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682dd3 No.18700229

File: 6a6419db3ce34ff⋯.png (590.55 KB,458x470,229:235,w_bush_paper_planes.PNG)


is GW dead, stuck in ice?

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2422b7 No.18700230

File: bcbb26bae09a5d1⋯.png (343.61 KB,565x442,565:442,ClipboardImage.png)

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b320c5 No.18700231

File: f9aa943661a0ccc⋯.png (1.06 MB,1080x1145,216:229,571b7f43fd99ad1be01b5882c5….png)

File: 21618e0a66b87a1⋯.jpg (163.7 KB,852x1024,213:256,21618e0a66b87a157f36d06733….jpg)

File: dabff11b11bfee7⋯.png (546.76 KB,620x679,620:679,1501770317640_Copy_Copy_Co….png)

File: bd9662cc7bd5425⋯.jpg (2.47 MB,2810x4692,1405:2346,bd9662cc7bd5425a1800594b54….jpg)

File: ad8a6ce02cb2e77⋯.png (457.43 KB,625x612,625:612,ddd4e892a048752182e4f140f9….png)

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fc8e92 No.18700232


so you think it is fine he slept with children

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28b8a8 No.18700233

File: 6e365f6203383b3⋯.png (122.81 KB,508x470,254:235,jfk_meme_fun.png)

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ea6b08 No.18700234


I think no sauce=no reply

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9433c3 No.18700235

File: f974d4ecf9a2e60⋯.jpg (439.43 KB,1200x1652,300:413,homunculus.jpg)

3: soul

6: body

9: government

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682dd3 No.18700236

File: 73490465b667147⋯.png (443.89 KB,472x324,118:81,potus_grenell.PNG)

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a5bf47 No.18700237

File: 1dd8b0b38864df9⋯.jpg (49.01 KB,485x617,485:617,Screenshot_2023_04_15_1437….jpg)


>The path to the light is not a trail of destruction

Now you tell me.

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4d9119 No.18700238





is a fact

ever heard of 'Alzheimer's disease'?

I don't say you absolve them

I just think carrying grudges for eternity is not Christian.

Justice, yes. Jingo (that would be 'Never Forget') no!

People forget. Deal with it.

that is why timely Justice is so crucial!

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450f59 No.18700239

File: 8895671580c4120⋯.png (490.35 KB,901x808,901:808,abt.PNG)

File: 7cc5dbfba8011b6⋯.png (1.04 MB,1187x770,1187:770,ant.PNG)



Have fun

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4d9119 No.18700240


when she is in character she is a she.

When he is not he is a he.

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6c90a5 No.18700241


>The path to the light is not a trail of destruction, but a path that is lighted for those who want to walk to the light.

Fuck this light is gay and dumb.

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350f32 No.18700242

File: 07f884aacea4626⋯.gif (9.72 MB,1200x674,600:337,IllAllowIt.gif)


>stay here in Mayo forever more - forever more.

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ea6b08 No.18700243


Trump is locked in. They staved off checkmate for many many moves. Mark Elias is on an island.

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28b8a8 No.18700244

File: 0e6cb32b0cb3743⋯.jpg (43.48 KB,612x445,612:445,George_H_W_Bush_And_Barbar….jpg)

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a4f5d1 No.18700245

File: 148c1c2739146df⋯.jpg (40.74 KB,600x315,40:21,85cd4107e12f42c97e0789cf60….jpg)

File: 4f01daad7f1b877⋯.png (23.7 KB,228x255,76:85,1bb5790cb3b26ed203cf203c7f….png)

File: 6269ad1dbd87d77⋯.gif (1.31 MB,480x244,120:61,6269ad1dbd87d77b024538f67d….gif)

File: f22855689dec3f1⋯.jpg (16.01 KB,219x255,73:85,289ad3bcf06bb187cbbb3e161a….jpg)

File: 1b895dff2e9477a⋯.jpg (140.52 KB,500x696,125:174,1b895dff2e9477a7f664c877ff….jpg)


common c'mon man.triocode oar tgtfo

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c42646 No.18700246

Twitter partners with Israeli high-risk trading platform eToro

While details of the deal are unknown, experts warn that too close a relationship between the companies could attract scrutiny from regulators

Twitter has partnered with the Israeli-founded online trading company eToro to allow its users to trade stocks, cryptocurrencies and other assets.

Since April 13, Twitter users who type a dollar sign and the ticker symbol of certain shares or index funds are directed to a page that encourages them to trade with eToro. The page provides Twitter users with financial information and market charts of the asset and features a large button that says, “View on Etoro.” Users who click on the button are taken to the eToro trading platform.

Experts consulted by The Times of Israel said that if the relationship is one of an advertiser and platform, where Twitter receives a flat fee for each click-through to eToro, this is not problematic.

However, if the relationship is more intertwined, this could attract the attention of regulators in Europe or the United States.

In recent years, Twitter has become a popular venue for financial tips and stock recommendations, where a single Tweet by the company’s now-owner Elon Musk can cause a company’s share price to soar or crash.

He has also expressed his intention to turn Twitter into a so-called “super app,” an all-in-one application that offers services ranging from video chatting to ride sharing to banking.

On April 13, EToro tweeted: “Very excited to be launching a new $Cashtags partnership with @Twitter which will enable Twitter users to see real-time prices for a much wider range of stocks, crypto & other assets as well as having the option to invest through eToro.”


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9fec2c No.18700247

File: aa19c5a9d64e0fd⋯.png (1.78 MB,1580x1154,790:577,aa19c5a9d64e0fd6eb7d363cd5….png)


Demondicksucker says National Security could be compromised if the Traitors running National Security are exposed for their methods are critical to National Security.


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316cc2 No.18700248

File: f62789ff5a039b4⋯.png (10.85 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e902f No.18700249

If you think Trans hate you

you haven't seen what they do to those that De-Transition

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789f02 No.18700250





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ea6b08 No.18700251

Inventing a new way of being and believing in the light is the new kickdog. Anons are moving the ball big time. We (anon and other anons) are their worst nightmare.

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450f59 No.18700252

File: 479002cfb40b89c⋯.png (697.74 KB,679x397,679:397,wood.PNG)

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4d9119 No.18700253


Drag and Trans are not the same.

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28b8a8 No.18700254

File: 1d016aa0384571d⋯.jpg (148.37 KB,1002x1014,167:169,proverbs_27_17.jpg)

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1de384 No.18700255

File: 50a09d9a4178d1c⋯.jpg (96.29 KB,720x990,8:11,20230415_133312.jpg)

File: 85a0299bbb81e9f⋯.jpg (150.66 KB,720x923,720:923,20230415_133818.jpg)

File: 0da028c7210f84d⋯.jpg (93.73 KB,720x840,6:7,20230415_133840.jpg)


Dave Grohl sacrificed his long time drummer for his Satanic movie , exactly one month after the release

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a5bf47 No.18700256


Gateway Drug!!!

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ea6b08 No.18700257


Yep. Just like Jefferson's slave births and the Washington Slave plantation.

All in historical perspective.

We have the playbook to free humanity.

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fc8e92 No.18700258

File: 3b244c6ba8f7994⋯.png (433.09 KB,432x681,144:227,cryingcuckdonjr.png)

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a2d614 No.18700259


Erm … wtf … is this a kid having fun or is this fucked up? Shows a child doing somersaults/back flip type on a mat like a gymnast. Not cee pee type thing. It's supposed to be impressive but Idk if I'm jaded by cannibals, kmfao. Nothing seems innocent anymoar.


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450f59 No.18700260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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66a2dc No.18700261

File: 9920136689319e8⋯.png (164.63 KB,400x400,1:1,gaties5.png)

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647cb5 No.18700262

#22942 >>18699504 @550

>>18699520 Former NATO troops see ‘disarray’ in Ukrainian military – CTV

>>18699530 Prince Harry looks like a man desperate for an escape route – we should give him one

>>18699555 Elon Musk Full Video Interview with BBC

>>18699560, >>18699771 The violent life of Woody Harrelson’s (and possibly Matthew McConaughey’s) hitman father

>>18699574 Google ordered to disclose data passed to US spies

>>18699598 Trump Smacks DeSantis for ‘Campaigning’ While Fort Lauderdale Flooded: ‘He Should Be There’

>>18699690 Why the sassafras ban? Is it really toxic?

>>18699743 Why Safrole May Not Be a Carcinogen in Humans

>>18699728, >>18699736 Could mRNA Could Be in the Food Supply Before We Know It?

>>18699753 Leaked U.S. intelligence reveals military was aware of FOUR more Chinese spy balloons

>>18699748 Clarence Thomas did not disclose real estate deal with GOP mega donor

>>18699574 Google ordered to disclose data passed to US spies

>>18699775 Who is Harlan Crow?

>>18699788 The Supreme Court Just Made It Easier To Sue The Administrative State

>>18699806, >>18699853 Masks are even worse than we thought for your health.

>>18699890 Big blast heard across Israel 'likely caused by a meteor'

>>18699896, >>18699902 Passenger jet Airbus A330 prepping to take off came under fire in Khartoum

>>18699952, >>18699969 Is TikTok being run by State Dept? DIG ANONS

>>18699984 Wagner Chief Calls On Putin To Declare End Of War, "Gain Firm Foothold" On Held Territories

>>18700019, >>18700056 More on the UNICOIN – kek

>>18700026 Furious Viewers Complain En Masse About New UK TV Show With Adult Men Stripping Naked For Kids

>>18699559, >>18700027, >>18700037 PF: SAM631 C-40B departed LAX-they gonna fly the C-40B back to JBA and then send another AC (or same one) back out here on Monday for the trip to Reno on Tuesday..wut a waste & other PFs

>>18700034 Ex-'SNL' Star Speaks Out Against LGBT Parade at City Council Meeting

>>18700044, >>18700130 Carpe Donktum launches a deadly attack against gender propaganda in schools

>>18700048 New York Dem accused of sexual harassment by top aide

>>18700064 Taiwan live map

>>18700067 Chrystia Freeland on Five Eyes Finance Ministers mtg

>>18700092 Kash Patel Questions Emerging Narrative on Pentagon Leaks: ‘This Is an Extensive Cover-Up’

>>18700101, >>18700042, >>18700053 Arizona's Election "Fixer" - Adrian Fontes

>>18700139, >>18700179 @45 on the environment: We should be focusing on beautiful, clean air & not on wasteful & very expensive GLOBAL WARMING bullshit!

>>18700141 15th week of Israeli protests against judicial overhaul

>>18700145 REINSTATE Liz Harris

>>18700147 A California church has been ordered to pay over $1 million in COVID fines

>>18700156 Ecuador's President urges citizens to Buy Gus to ensure they cannot be enslaved by gov't

>>18700197 Russian intelligence, Wagner PMC infiltrate gaming chats, Microsoft President claims

>>18700201 Nadler: No Such Thing as High Crime in NYC

>>18700246 Twitter partners with Israeli high-risk trading platform eToro



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ac3b23 No.18700264


>Drag and Trans are not the same.

Sounds like something a trans in drag would say

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7317a3 No.18700265



The thing to do is to wake up corporate America and stop them pandering to the harmful tranny/leftist agenda that operates as a gangster shakedown protection racket.

It is a bit like an alcoholic getting off the booze, first they need to realise that they are a alcoholic before they can seek help or help themselves.

With a bit of luck and help these corporations might realise the error of their ways.

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682dd3 No.18700266


i pray for our children, who have such impressionable minds, who are being brainwashed into thinking they are not the biological sex that God created them to be, then they are encouraged to destroy their reproductive organs, which has life-long affect

very depressing and very evil

kids don't stand a chance

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9577bc No.18700267


I'm basically there myself. You can be selfless enough to have a family, but still be a clueless, self-consumed, insulated asshole.


It's the threat of losing comfort basically. You generally can find a new job. But the "you can't travel without a vaxx" type shit ruins the warm and fuzzies. People probably hate their lives as they stand anyway…if you take away the warm and fuzzies, where would they be? Still dependent on SSRI's and even moar miserable, on shorter fuses too maybe.

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ea6b08 No.18700269


Exactly. Make this CIA plant the most famous fucking crook on the planet.

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349525 No.18700270

File: 601a8c03fe89888⋯.jpeg (461.39 KB,754x1061,754:1061,BDF03398_6668_44E0_BA34_0….jpeg)


Yeah! It is.

It’s all Mental Illness!

It’s all being pushed on society in order to normalize an abhorrent disorder!

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30f665 No.18700271

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,1276x720,319:180,Laugh.mp4)

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a4f5d1 No.18700272

File: 8c4dad3b2dcafd8⋯.jpeg (393.24 KB,1000x1000,1:1,best_breast_augmentation_….jpeg)

File: ccad0f5e19fe0fe⋯.jpg (44.57 KB,479x500,479:500,They_900710_379223.jpg)

File: 44d55ead57ae275⋯.jpg (56.1 KB,640x333,640:333,Hot_For_Teacher_fun_facts_….jpg)

File: 4037f2fc805e458⋯.png (1.01 MB,1062x663,354:221,4037f2fc805e4586b6c95fceef….png)

File: 55d13ba1a64b298⋯.jpg (60.91 KB,498x648,83:108,HmvmRSRwmKz2zwGpmrPVku_IOE….jpg)

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a2d614 No.18700273


How often does jr mention Jesus tho, sorry not sorry for asking. Shoot me, idgaf.

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fc8e92 No.18700275


then they may be salvageable, but till that time just because they employ americans does not give it the right to abuse americans. Same with all these companies. Plus if this was a needed company like I dunno john deer maybe i dunno I would feel different, but this is a booze company and it has helped ruin many lives. not exactly the companies that need saving.

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4046fd No.18700276

File: 85ac9f05c287771⋯.jpg (297.28 KB,776x1176,97:147,artemisia.jpg)

File: 4e75cedb2a34ae6⋯.jpg (119.15 KB,474x560,237:280,artemisia.jpg)

all pb



shikimic oilsaid by judy mikovits to be a cure for the long covid / spike protein.

It's in Pine needle tea - white pine, a few others? and in Star Anise

the pharma murederers always ban the things that cure.

another thing they banned that supposed to work (now legal again - wonder if they changed it? maybe still good? Famatodine.

NAC plus Bromelain works, intermittant fasting (eat within an 8 hours window only; no snacks, meals if possible) Sauna, even donating blood

Bunch of natural remedies - outlawed if too many found out?

also Artemisia wormwood GREAT TEA. grows like a weed, be sure to get the variety with the active ingredient






all pb

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a5bf47 No.18700277

File: 761fb8d903bd38f⋯.jpg (38.59 KB,464x552,58:69,DonJr_Trannies.jpg)

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4d9119 No.18700278


Julius Caesar is said to have dressed in drag as a spy.

Juliet was always played by smaller man.

Drag is an old thing.

and also so are making someone a Eunuch.

people can be drag-queens and be horrified that someone would coach a child to change their sex.

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a2d614 No.18700279


I ain't supporting no tranny sellout beer even it Donald J Trump himself told me to. Hey Jr, moar talk about Jesus please. Stir the pot for real, faggot.

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fc8e92 No.18700280

File: bc561215217a1c1⋯.png (434.31 KB,432x681,144:227,cryingcuckdonjr2.png)

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349525 No.18700281


The enemy is liberalism and wokeness… right now.

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113269 No.18700282

File: ddd3ffad7326b9d⋯.jpg (56.58 KB,667x374,667:374,ddd3ffad7326b9d7dd738c2430….jpg)

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28b8a8 No.18700283

File: 736b1a97ffded1e⋯.jpg (68.33 KB,469x800,469:800,pray_peace_prepare_war.jpg)

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66a2dc No.18700284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This info could help Anons when things go sideways.

Also, Ashes work well too.

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14ca42 No.18700285


The enemy is pushing liberalism and wokeness.

You are confusing cause with symptom.

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042723 No.18700286


The pope mentions Jesus and the pope is of Satan.

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e2087b No.18700287


that tweet is fake.

NOT here: https://www.thetrumparchive.com/

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4d6349 No.18700288


Who let the dogs out?

Who, who, who, who, who?

Who let the dogs out?

Who, who, who, who, who?

Who let the dogs out?

Who, who, who, who, who?

Who let the dogs out?

Well, the party was nice, the party was pumpin'

Yippie yi yo

And everybody havin' a ball

Yippie yi yo

I tell the fellas start the name callin'

Yippie yi yo

And the girls respond to the call

I heard a woman shout out

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fc8e92 No.18700289

File: 3a212822da0a7b5⋯.png (434.64 KB,432x681,144:227,cryingcuckdonjr3.png)

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349525 No.18700290


Shills are funny to read! You faggots that play along with shills are just as bad!

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28b8a8 No.18700291

File: 73d7f29bab3a55e⋯.jpg (87.68 KB,543x680,543:680,cymatic_cathedrals.jpg)

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221cb1 No.18700292


Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147441378

Oct 31 2017 23:09:55 (EST)

Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement if Mueller COULD NOT be offered director due to prev term limits rule?

Why is Pelosi begging for a new special counsel?

What is Pelosi’s net worth?

How was this obtained given salary as career official?

Why is Pelosi’s memory going?

Could it protect against prosecution?

How so?

What if John M’s surgery was fake?

Why would this occur?

What could this prevent potentially?

What is the Mayo Clinic?

Who sits on the BOD there?

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349525 No.18700293

File: 194cf68a848a891⋯.jpeg (28.24 KB,255x190,51:38,FFF6A278_82C0_424E_819E_0….jpeg)

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9577bc No.18700294


Famatodine is just Pepcid though. If anything, excess acid in the stomach is just a byproduct of bad gut bacteria overgrowth, which supposedly triggers all kinds of inflammatory responses? Something about mast cells and serotonin, I think.

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647cb5 No.18700295

File: 7928b2798cc640d⋯.png (221.31 KB,1056x411,352:137,2023_04_15_12_48_39.png)

File: bd8e5450cfc198b⋯.png (63.34 KB,229x226,229:226,baker_with_knife.png)

fresh tiktok bread






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2422b7 No.18700296

File: aaf33c8d7369fa1⋯.png (380.46 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)


libtard "train"

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119001 No.18700297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Washington Post RATS OUT Pentagon Docs Leaker To The FBI!

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dd7e45 No.18700298

File: c3a579d0137da03⋯.png (99.95 KB,401x227,401:227,mayoshattuck.png)

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28b8a8 No.18700301

File: 32508bd50358fcc⋯.jpg (44.77 KB,500x332,125:83,Aurora_Borealis_by_Frederi….jpg)

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ea6b08 No.18700303



Budweiser is the patsy and Dylan Mulvaney is the bullet they claimed did the deal.

Anons will either start to get it or not.

Anons have to be able to see the Trans National Criminals before they go after them.

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df9c96 No.18700305

File: 8c25df625e052d7⋯.png (208.44 KB,720x434,360:217,vlcsnap_2019_10_23_15h27m5….png)

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9c62a3 No.18700308


Breath of fresh air (you)


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4d9119 No.18700309


stop gaslighting

tranny is a person who is gender-confused and wants to change their sex, which is actually impossible.

Tyranny is what the IMF does.

and you know I meant one and not the other.

both discussions are on going in the bread, and what you are doing is gaslighting both topics.

back off.

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d89754 No.18700310


you are both idiots

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c2274b No.18700312


Its surprising he said this because they support republicans. They obviously don’t support conservative thoughts and ideals. These companies are trying to destroy culture, is he gonna say not to boycott Pfizer next?

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a2d614 No.18700313

File: d03fb835aa926eb⋯.png (291.07 KB,662x324,331:162,Trump_point4.png)


Very cool.

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