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File: 96eb54ce9fa7d99⋯.png (1.24 MB,1800x1012,450:253,96eb54ce9fa7d99f258a3c971d….png)

edcc9f No.18694758 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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edcc9f No.18694781

International Q Research Threads

>>18670265 ——–——– Australia #29

>>18668978 ——–——– Canada #42

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>18551332 ——–——– Germany #105

>>18632710 ——–——– Japan #13

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6



bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker

Posting guidelines - report cp and violent threats, no naked children

Download QAGG https://anonfiles.com/3c43Scb4z0/offsite_qagg_zip

>>18147768 ban lifts

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>18147527 No p*rn videos

>>18489141 Jan 6th Song Featuring Trump Soars To #1 On iTunes

>>18681956 BLUR IMAGE CODE During Image attacks. Insert into Options.Theme.

>>18681959 How To Download Locked TS Rumble Videos


>>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>17241444 Baker's Lite JS

>>18147761 Baking range: @75 up to 751

>>17980519 No RRN in notes

>>18311579 Post notables or step down by @300


#22935 >>18693951

>>18693973 Ukraine: All sides of the conflict should remain “objective and calm,” FM Qin Gang told his German counterpart

>>18693979, >>18694428 Trump and Pence to address NRA convention in Indianapolis

>>18693981 Discord Leaks: China to Provide Russia With Lethal Aid in Ukraine War

>>18693983 Jack Teixeira was charged with unauthorized removal, retention, and transmission of classified national defense information

>>18694027 Poland would not survive a Russia-NATO war

>>18694051 Retail Sales Decreased 1.0% in March

>>18694109 PF: Mexi AF FAM3910 G5 departed JBA SW after arriving on 0412 from Mex. City depart

>>18694140, >>18694331 Tucker/Glenn Greenwald Nails This Discussion of Media and the U.S. Intel Leaks

>>18694158, >>18694160, >>18694161 list of US-based food manufacturing plants that were destroyed, damaged or impacted by “accidental fires,” disease, or general causes from 2021 to 2022 under the Biden administration

>>18694176 Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks at the National Action Network (NAN) National Convention

>>18694182 Gouveia details Trump's $500M case against Cohen and current status

>>18694231 PlaneFag CONUS Activity

>>18694236 Tucker calls out shape-shifting Democrats for pandering to get votes

>>18694238 Joe Kent: Leak Reveals CIA Knew Ukraine War Was Never Sustainable, War Powers Act Needed

>>18694248 X22 Devin Nunes - US Has Been Infiltrated, Obama Orchestrating It All, Truth Will Set Us Free

>>18694259 Actor Frank Vallelonga Jr. Died From Accidental Overdose

>>18694268, >>18694348 The Intelligence Community’s Day Of Reckoning For Decades Of Deception Is Coming, Logan Explains

>>18694283 ECW rt: FBI warrantless searches of comms

>>18694303 ECW: clearance level does not equal access to classifies info

>>18694349 “One Idea to Rule Them All, Reverse Engineering American Propaganda,” Michelle Stiles

>>18694353 @/NASA_SLS Four astronauts will venture around the Moon on #Artemis II

>>18694358 PF AE67C9 US Navy P-8 Poseidon over southern Baltic Sea…

>>18694361 The primary function of the highway system is to move military.

>>18694369 Washington State Fusion Center accidentally releases records on remote mind control

>>18694382, >>18694640 Conservative Student at Virginia College Shares Pro-Life Message On Campus, Doxed and Threatened

>>18694384 Capital Sexual Battery; Provides for death sentences for certain child sexual offenders

>>18694420 Bellingcat diggz

>>18694437 ESSAY: State Legislatures Have the Power to Resist Federal Tyranny

>>18694448 @DJT Will soon be leaving for Indianapolis to speak this evening before the Great Patriots of the NRA.

>>18694501 gender affirming care for minors passed in WA

>>18694503 “President Trump is Spot On…Take Back Our Justice System from Soros Funded Marxists”

>>18694527 Abortion pill provider asks Supreme Court to block lower court ruling blocking access to drug

>>18694541 Brazil Responds to Wave of School Attacks by Censoring Social Media

>>18694559, >>18694603, >>18694633 Maricopa County Reords office

>>18694577 Former Green Beret, Oath Keeper sentenced in federal weapons case

>>18694588 “Parler” Temporarily Down …Here Are The Details

>>18694598 Bannons War Room Air National Guard Leaker Proved Establishment’s Ukraine Narrative “All Lies”

>>18694628 Nuland issues threat over Russian assets

>>18694639 Mercury grows a tail

>>18694655 Disgraced nuclear scientist Sam Brinton pleaded no contest to stealing luggage from an airport

>>18694690 7.0 magnitude earthquake hits Indonesia’s Java and Bali islands

>>18694697 President Donald J Trump Speaks at the NRA

>>18694709 California judge orders church that defied COVID rules to pay $1.2M

>>18694773 #22935

#22934 >>18693164

>>18693698, >>18693847 Planefag is our eyez on the skyz

>>18693195, >>18693197, >>18693201 JOE BIDEN is conducting an illegal war in Ukraine against Russia with out congressional approval and used Jack Teixeira because the dog ate his homework

>>18693217 Secretary of Defense to Visit Sweden Followed by Ukraine Defense Contact Group Meeting at Ramstein Air Base, Germany

>>18693230, >>18693293, >>18693305 School Kids are tired of the LGB push agenda

>>18693249 F'n Fryday KEKs: (You) are Gay ahhahaha

>>18693250 Department of Defense Guidance on Safeguarding Responsibilities Regarding Classified Information April 13, 2023

>>18693270 [PREMIERING 4/14 at 10:30 AM ET] Altered Humans—How Biotech Is Changing Who We Are | Documentary

>>18693287 Air Force releases Global Futures Report: Joint Functions in 2040

>>18693315 The Dirty Truth TS w/CAP: Disasters are wrecking havoc on our food supply.

>>18693322 Kari Lake w/CAP: We are lucky to be here at this moment. We were truly made for the challenges we see before us. And I don't think we win. I KNOW IT.

>>18693341 VigilantFox w/CAP: Macron: "President of Violence and Hypocrisy"

>>18693362 "Those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 with mRNA shots will lose 25 years of their life expectancy, a bombshell new study has revealed."

>>18693388 msnbc hit peice: QAnon conspiracy theorist expelled from Arizona House over dangerous lies

>>18693395 moar 'qanon': ‘Massive red pill’: QAnon influencers think Dalia Lama video will convince the world elite pedophiles are real They're grasping at tongues.

>>18693454 Warren Buffett says the threat of war was a ‘consideration’ in his decision to dump the bulk of his $4 billion stake in chipmaker giant TSMC

>>18693474 Matt Taibbi: The Crackdown Cometh, when civilians or whistleblowers…

>>18693495, >>18693554 Trump denied in bid to delay trial over Democrat donor issue. Judge Lewis Kaplan

>>18693496 Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 04/14/2023

>>18693567 European Space Agency, ESA - Juice launch to Jupiter

>>18693609 erza cohen w/CAP: Recent reports of unauthorized disclosures of classified information are part of a concerning trend from the Joint Staff.

>>18693630 DJT Jr. w/CAP: This was a fun one!🤣 @catturd2 Pro-Trump Twitter Icon Catturd Comes Out of the Litter Box for an Exclusive Interview | Ep. 24

>>18693668 Giant Galaxy Seen in 3D by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and Keck Observatory

>>18693678 THE BRIEF The Brief: The Madness In Bragg’s “Alice In Wonderland” Case Against Trump

>>18693759, >>18693796 Russia could criminalize ‘deepfakes’: Lawmakers propose harsher punishments if crimes are committed using AI-generated media

>>18693760 Someone needs a drink! Bud Light marketing VP behind Six Billion Dollar Dylan Mulvaney 'mistake' breaks cover from $8M Central Park home after bosses threw her under bus

>>18693830 New CDC Report: Suicide Is Now The Second Leading Cause Of Death Of Americans Under-35, Jumps 4% In A Year – Are COVID and Mental Health Medications to Blame?

>>18693874 DJT Jr. w/CAP: Biden is going to use this leak to start spying on you. This is your DM’s, next will be your text messages, pretty soon there will be no end to what they’ll be looking...

>>18693895 The French are now blocking railways in protest of the government.

>>18693916 #22934

#22933 >>18692413

>>18692448, >>18692518, >>18692601 For the keks: Donald J. Trump tells young boy "I am Batman" - 17 August 2015

>>18692576 Reid Hoffman who is secretly funding E. Jean Carroll’s rape case against President Trump is part of the “PayPal Mafia”.

>>18692515, >>18692577, >>18692591, >>18692617 So what is coded into our DNA? Anon opines: WWW M WIKI HTPA, hypothalamic-pituitary--adrenal axis

>>18692657, >>18692679 2019 studies from Tel Aviv University: Memories are passed through DNA from your grandparents

>>18692730 NYpost attempts to explain how a low ranking 21 year old could get sensitive Ukraine documents

>>18692787 A settlement that will allow thousands of student loan debts to be canceled will go into effect after the Supreme Court on Thursday declined to block it

>>18692813 Anon digs more on Bellingcat

Ghost Grab

>>18692853 Senator Alex Antic joins us to discuss big tech censoring Australian politicians, the WHO Treaty/IHR Amendments

>>18692912, >>18692915 Elon Musk w/CAP: I made an offer

>>18692951 From CIA to beer: Brendan Whitworth's path to CEO of Anheuser-Busch

>>18692987 Americans to Spend Billions on Biden’s Obamacare for DACA Illegal Aliens

>>18693004 The Leak Was the Op -- White House and Congress Demand New Powers, Think Restrict Act, in Aftermath of Classified Intel Leaks

>>18693011 Building Our Own Platform: Rumble Scores Exclusive Streaming Rights for RNC Primary Debate

>>18693111 Parler has been acquired … and permanently shutdown

>>18693118 Google ordered to disclose data passed to US spies

>>18693125 JUST IN - BlackRock's assets swell to over $9 trillion — Bloomberg

>>18693129 Robert F Kennedy Jr on How JFK Stopped the Operation Northwoods False Flag Attack Which Ultimately Led to His Death

>>18693138 Elon Musk w/CAP: Any parent or doctor who sterilizes a child before they are a consenting adult should go to prison for life

>>18693144 #22933

Previously Collected

>>18691584 #22931, >>18692402 #22932

>>18689212 #22928, >>18689968 #22929, >>18691448 #22930

>>18686806 #22925, >>18687603 #22926, >>18688409 #22927

>>18684486 #22922, >>18685267 #22923, >>18686028 #22924

TripCodefeed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

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edcc9f No.18694800

File: 5840887855d53b6⋯.jpg (17.7 KB,255x255,1:1,NRA.jpg)



Baker needs handoff, will tap @20

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e508ec No.18694803

File: f46192f3e0ad61f⋯.png (50.37 KB,220x340,11:17,gingerbread_baker.png)

File: 647770138a68363⋯.png (88.27 KB,274x182,137:91,bacon_choc_cupcakes_2.png)

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2a2448 No.18694807

File: 27cc30d6faff70e⋯.png (192.06 KB,1576x414,788:207,ClipboardImage.png)



>>18694791 last /lb


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963311 No.18694814

File: c253995ec88593f⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1427x1655,1427:1655,7FD17D94_8975_4329_8963_0….jpeg)

Teixeira is an E-3/Airman First Class and his job title is Cyber Defense Operations Journeyman.

He held Top Secret and SCI levels of security clearance.


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5268f1 No.18694817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



← leftist trigger warning!

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4af238 No.18694818

File: 225c664cb6a86e1⋯.jpg (62.77 KB,618x960,103:160,TGA1.jpg)

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0d6cc8 No.18694819

Putin is at WAR with the Illuminati

Ukraine will Fall & NATO will be Cloven in two

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bef8b1 No.18694825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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31c19b No.18694828

File: 96b7f930e1e0ce3⋯.jpeg (44.88 KB,720x649,720:649,IMG_4998.jpeg)

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a3df30 No.18694829

File: 58d756c0e378cb3⋯.png (218.71 KB,1024x948,256:237,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b31e514c5bbf149⋯.png (278.81 KB,500x660,25:33,ClipboardImage.png)





>>18694735 LB


it is called the c.i.a

working out of Geneva


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68a399 No.18694830

File: 7ec2c745c337140⋯.jpg (161.95 KB,768x1024,3:4,TheBatman.jpg)

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6a4355 No.18694831

File: be85cc4a013d385⋯.jpg (117.45 KB,671x537,671:537,be85cc4a013d385665173cdc56….jpg)

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bef8b1 No.18694832

File: cd945b3d54a9341⋯.mp4 (415.83 KB,320x568,40:71,sinaloa.mp4)

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c514ec No.18694835



quit it, faggots

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bef8b1 No.18694836

File: 95a858f2203e0e3⋯.mp4 (70.09 KB,480x270,16:9,licktheworld.mp4)

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436eae No.18694837

File: 85223b840209ede⋯.gif (1023.74 KB,255x255,1:1,No_Step_On_Snek.gif)

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a3df30 No.18694838

File: dbe01efde8408dc⋯.png (62.29 KB,600x605,120:121,ClipboardImage.png)


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c46152 No.18694839

FBI Behind Plot to Blow Up Governor Ralph Northam – Used Elderly Vietnam Veteran in Diabolical Plot to Bomb VA Gov

It appears Chris Wray’s FBI may be the largest terrorist organization in America today.

Back in the spring of 2020, the FBI was recruiting innocent Americans hoping to entrap them in their disgusting terrorist plots.

The FBI and Chris Wray even planned a bomb attack on the far left Virginia Governor Ralph Northam.

Radix Verum recently interviewed Adam Fox who is serving time in prison after Chris Wray’s FBI set up several men in Michigan in a plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer. The FBI hatched the plot, planned the plot, paid for the plot and led the plot. Today Adam Fox is serving time for being unlucky enough to be caught up in this wicked FBI terrorist plot.

From the tweet.

Adam Fox explains how all the militia training aka “FTX’s” or “field training exercises,” were conducted by the government.

“People think they are just coming to train and shoot guns but then we are being videotaped and the government is saying ‘oh look what they are doing’…” pic.twitter.com/4G94PnJstC

— Radix Verum (@NotRadix) April 12, 2023

Julie Kelley wrote about this FBI plot to bomb the Virginia Governor back in April 2022.

But the government not only attempted to manufacture “terrorists” in the Whitmer kidnapping hoax—the same FBI operation also tried to coax a man in Virginia to participate in the same sort of plot against Virginia Governor Ralph Northam. That scheme didn’t fully materialize, but the FBI’s attempt to pull off a similar stunt in Virginia reveals just how far agents were willing to go to bolster FBI Director Christopher Wray’s false warning that domestic extremists planned to “kill and assassinate” public officials.

In summer 2020, Dan Chappel, the main informant in the Whitmer fednapping who was compensated at least $60,000 by the FBI for his services, targeted a man named Frank Butler, a disabled veteran in his late 60s and an alleged militia member. Taking instructions from Jayson Chambers, one of his FBI handling agents, Chappel used the same playbook in Virginia.

“Dan suggests to Frank that he engage in acts of domestic terror,” defense attorneys wrote in a joint motion filed last year in the Whitmer case. “Like the defendants in this case, Dan suggested to Frank that he attack the governor of Virginia.”

Screenshots submitted into evidence show a jaw dropping exchange between Chappel and Chambers in August 2020. “Goin [sic] to call frank butler today,” Chappel texted Chambers, asking for direction on what he should say to his target.

“Mission is to kill the governor specifically,” Chambers replied.


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2a2448 No.18694840


Space Cadet Wingnut if there ever was one.

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e6b6f4 No.18694841

File: 9412501897f6238⋯.png (10.88 KB,255x193,255:193,420db739feec359938d7802e34….png)

File: c0efe4acec44b9e⋯.gif (449.99 KB,240x138,40:23,BitesizedHelpfulAnura_max_….gif)

File: dba64cfe6b4afed⋯.png (1.34 MB,1920x1080,16:9,dba64cfe6b4afed34dd7e19fd1….png)

File: 4a468d9369cd694⋯.jpeg (61.5 KB,823x1236,823:1236,Melania_Trump_hot_cleavag….jpeg)

File: ecd655186d9179c⋯.jpg (19.96 KB,255x255,1:1,ece87d81a8557ce971f49f4b3d….jpg)

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4ea986 No.18694842

File: 63945791265445f⋯.png (823.38 KB,1572x673,1572:673,10_region_supercity.png)


Thanks Baker

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a7ae10 No.18694843

File: 29e854ff8440c47⋯.png (360.59 KB,598x507,46:39,Screenshot_2023_04_14_at_1….png)

File: 3988e2f7f19c22c⋯.jpg (79.94 KB,888x586,444:293,FtoMKnqWcAEkach.jpg)

The Great Leader, in his infinite love of the anons, gives us some memes.


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bef8b1 No.18694844

File: 5c28ef64d74672a⋯.png (553.72 KB,566x765,566:765,pepe_gangsta_nigga_from_ou….png)


>Space Cadet Wingnut

NOT Sinaloa Cartel

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55701c No.18694845

File: 305c40eab3450af⋯.png (191.85 KB,471x580,471:580,Capture.PNG)

Got novel ideas for next-gen #antennas? Our 1st BRIDGES topic seeks innovative companies who’ve never worked with DOD to share novel concepts for smaller, lighter, less power-hungry antennas to use in air, space, land & sea. https://darpa.mil/news-events/2023-04-14


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c46152 No.18694846

File: c6f367e0518172f⋯.png (302.25 KB,515x430,103:86,ClipboardImage.png)

French Court Approves Macron's Unpopular Pension Reform As Fresh Protests Expected

France's top constitutional body ruled in favor of President Emmanuel Macron's unpopular plan to raise the retirement age is in line with the French Constitution, a decision that will only spark further social unrest.

Bloomberg reported the Constitutional Council in Paris, France's equivalent of the US Supreme Court, "approved the core elements of the law, including the key contested provision to raise the minimum retirement age by two years to 64."

The nine-member body rejected one of two opposition-backed demands for a process that would've allowed for a referendum on keeping the pension age cutoff at 62.

On Thursday, pension demonstrators stormed the LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton, the world's largest maker of luxury goods, headquarters in Paris. One union leader said:

"Apparently our government is struggling to finance our social security and pension system, so money needs to be found where it is, which is in billions in companies like LVMH," Fabien Villedieu from the Sud-Rail unions said on local television.


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4ea986 No.18694847


Bannon said the quiet part out loud. This airman from the National Guard is a patsy. The war plans were leaked from the Joint Chiefs staff. Telxeira is a red herring.

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92b6cf No.18694848

File: b0e636910f6e13e⋯.jpg (77.97 KB,500x590,50:59,first_arrest.jpg)

File: c232fb210a37145⋯.jpg (79.21 KB,666x500,333:250,final_version.jpg)

File: 7c31146598701e3⋯.jpg (50.29 KB,500x500,1:1,antifear_hypnosis.jpg)

File: 8113be73dec5751⋯.jpg (127.19 KB,750x500,3:2,7hotxh.jpg)

File: 8d83695eb59e907⋯.jpg (54.75 KB,596x444,149:111,arrest_now.jpg)

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c46152 No.18694849

Elon Musk calls for life in prison for any parent or doctor who carries out sex-change surgery on children

Elon Musk caused a stir on Twitter on Friday morning when he called for any parent or doctor who carries out sex-change surgery on children to be locked away in prison for life.

Last month, a measure by the Florida Board of Medicine that bans the use of puberty blockers, hormone therapies, or gender reassignment surgery went into effect.

There is also a bill advancing through the Florida state legislature that would ban so-called "gender-affirming care" for minors.

Senate Bill 254, which passed through the Florida Senate earlier this month, would criminalize parents or medical professionals who provided sex-reassignment prescriptions or procedures to children. The bill would also prohibit state funds from being used for such treatments.

In January, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis encouraged minors with body dysmorphia to undergo counseling instead of the irreversible action of "hacking off their body parts."

The Redheaded Libertarian, a popular political commentary account on Twitter, shared an MSNBC article titled: "What's the matter with Ron DeSantis’ Florida?"


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2a2448 No.18694850


Information coming from everywhere is part of the plan. They flood real news with bullshit making everything FUBAR.

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c46152 No.18694851

JPMorgan Chase Profits Jump 52 Percent Amid Banking Turmoil

JPMorgan Chase & Co. posted a 52 percent jump in its first-quarter profits, helped by higher interest rates, which allowed the bank to charge customers more for loans. The bank saw deposits grow noticeably, as business and customers flocked to the banking titan after the failure of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank last month.

With JPMorgan’s strong results, as well as solid results from Citigroup and Wells Fargo on Friday, there seem to be few signs of potential trouble in the banking system—at least among the nation’s biggest, most complex financial institutions.

“These were the most watched bank earnings announcements in over a decade, with market participants scouring the results looking for signs of cracks in the US banking sector. Those analysts looking for signs of the banking crisis were greatly relieved to not find any,” said Octavio Marenzi, CEO of the consulting firm Opimas LLC, in an email.

JPMorgan, the nation’s biggest bank by assets posted a profit of $12.62 billion, compared to a profit of $8.28 billion in the same period a year earlier. On a per-share basis, the bank earned $4.10 a share, up from $2.63 a share a year ago, beating analysts’ expectations.

Most of the profit growth came from higher interest rates. The bank’s net interest income was $20.8 billion in the quarter, up 49 percent from last year.

JPMorgan grew deposits by $37 billion during the quarter, up to $2.4 trillion. Deposits at big banks had been falling for several quarters as consumers spent down their pandemic savings and businesses tapped into their stored cash to pay bills. But with the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank in March, businesses have been withdrawing their funds from smaller banks and moving them into the larger banks, which are considered “too big to fail” and have an implicit government backstop.

In a call with reporters, JPMorgan Chief Financial Officer Jeremy Barnum said most of the new deposits flowed into new business and company bank accounts opened in the past month. The new deposits reversed the flow of deposits exiting the bank for several quarters.

“What crisis?,” analysts at UBS titled their report after JPMorgan, Wells, and PNC reported their results.

JPMorgan and CEO Jamie Dimon have been the industry’s go-to problem solvers for banking issues for years now. After the failure of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, JPMorgan helped put together a consortium of other big banks to keep First Republic Bank from being next to fail. The group of banks put $30 billion in uninsured deposits into First Republic, which appears to have at least bought the midsize bank some time to repair its balance sheet and maybe find a buyer.

“The U.S. economy continues to be on generally healthy footings—consumers are still spending and have strong balance sheets, and businesses are in good shape. However, the storm clouds that we have been monitoring for the past year remain on the horizon, and the banking industry turmoil adds to these risks,” Dimon said in a statement.


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e6b6f4 No.18694852

File: 14b58227d038c59⋯.jpg (75.56 KB,640x450,64:45,7gstch.jpg)


noice timestamp

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f67695 No.18694853

& special tard cheeseburger >>18627180

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f67695 No.18694854


>coors light is racist >>18624656

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967442 No.18694855



The problem is a lot of good hard working people work for that company.. our people.. the actions of one woke person brought in to run it shouldn't affect them. They've thrown her under the bus and will realize their mistake but when we boycott them we're boycotting the guy down the street that works for them and he can't feed his family now. I know it's tough but the little guys is always the one hurt in a battle.. not the rich guys.

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6696a8 No.18694856

File: c600815a3a75b5e⋯.jpg (226.22 KB,750x936,125:156,oswald_banjo.jpg)

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c46152 No.18694857

Warren Buffet Sells Billions in Taiwanese Chip Maker as Experts Fear China Is Preparing for an Offensive

The CCP believes that Taiwan is part of China. Experts fear that an invasion of the island nation is now imminent.

Warren Buffet purchased a large stake in a Tawainese chip-maker but then he turned around and sold his stake. A big reason for this swift turnaround was due to his concerns that China will invade the island nation.

Reuters reported this week:

Warren Buffett called geopolitical tensions “a consideration” in Berkshire Hathaway Inc’s (BRKa.N) decision to sell most of its stake in Taiwanese chipmaker TSMC (2330.TW) just a few months after buying it, Nikkei reported on Tuesday.

Berkshire had bought more than $4.1 billion of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co’s shares between July and September 2022, but in February said it had sold 86% of its stake by year-end.

The size of the investment suggested that Buffett, rather than one of his Berkshire portfolio managers, had bought the shares for Berkshire, and the sale was unexpected given the billionaire’s preference to invest for the long-term.

In an interview with Nikkei, Buffett described TSMC as a well-managed company, but said Berkshire had better places to deploy capital.

China would prefer a softer takeover of Taiwan like it had with Hong Kong. The CCP entered into an agreement with the UK to take over Hong Kong in 1997 but rather than wait the 50 years that was agreed with the UK, the CCP cut the timeframe in half.

By taking over the selection process of Hong Kong’s Chief Executive (President) and its top legislature, China began its conquest of Hong Kong. Then the CCP used COVID policies to destroy individual rights and protests against China.

Now China’s eyes are on Taiwan. China would prefer a puppet government aligned with the CCP take over the island nation but is preparing for an invasion as well.

This past week TGP reported on China’s most recent military exercise circling Taiwan.


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04d1e6 No.18694858

File: 078b5cc5c2a5d41⋯.png (296.36 KB,411x618,137:206,zee.PNG)


Have hospitalists gone completely crazy?

"UF Health Erasing Differences Between Male and Female in Lab Test Results for “Inclusivity” -

“Patients will die as a result,” a UF Health whistleblower told The Florida Standard."


📌Follow and Share👇🏻

🔬🧬 @RWMaloneMD

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204551 No.18694859

File: fcd74d80bc34677⋯.png (545.07 KB,705x602,705:602,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5067d7cbbbec7a4⋯.png (742.08 KB,936x792,13:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12b62002156c544⋯.png (206.22 KB,227x342,227:342,ClipboardImage.png)

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a3f4b5 No.18694860

File: ec3da9fb57980b7⋯.gif (371.02 KB,370x370,1:1,a5ea4712d1990c97.gif)

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c514ec No.18694862



why the fuck are you linking 2 week old posts? you did that last bread. god I hate fucks like you

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4d3cc2 No.18694863

File: 0103c283c46dc91⋯.jpg (387.08 KB,1079x941,1079:941,Screenshot_20230306_213956….jpg)

File: afdc99435baa061⋯.jpg (112.28 KB,844x446,422:223,Screenshot_20230221_154058….jpg)

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a57dfa No.18694864



If restitution cannot be made. Death.

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d5b7e0 No.18694865

File: e59a6cbd8ed96cb⋯.png (338.03 KB,719x1194,719:1194,ClipboardImage.png)



Biden Obstructed with thousands of boxes loaded up with Classified documents, many stored in Chinatown, and you hear NOTHING about it. Why?


Will soon be leaving for Indianapolis to speak this evening before the Great Patriots of the NRA. I look forward to it, and ALWAYS look forward to being in the Great State of Indiana!!!


An interesting day spent with the Attorney General and her representatives. I strongly made my “points,” they are IRREFUTABLE, and it is a case that should not go forward. My company and overall value is actually far stronger and higher than shown in the so-called Financial Statement. The honorable thing to do would be “DROP IT,” and spend all of this time, money, and energy on fighting Violent Crime in New York. It would make a big difference, and show real strength and courage by the A.G.!


So many legal scholars & pundits have viewed my lawsuit against lying, convicted felon, Michael Cohen, a disbarred lawyer, as being meritorious - a very good one. Some have stated, “It’s about time!” Slovenly, Lethargic Coward, Bill Barr, who didn’t have the “guts” to fight election fraud, & more, because he was afraid he was going to be impeached by the Radical Left Lunatics - The Democrats - disagrees. Barr is a Globalist RINO spokesman for Fox & the WSJ. He is a Stone Cold LOSER!


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c46152 No.18694866

Biden Regime to Change Definition of ‘Lawful Presence’ to Give Illegals Welfare

Joe Biden announced his plans to change the definition of "lawful presence," in order to extend taxpayer-funded welfare to illegal DACA recipients.

The Biden Regime has announced its plans to change the legal definition of “lawful presence” for the purpose of extending taxpayer-funded welfare programs like Medicaid and Obamacare to illegal aliens.

Under new plans unveiled by Joe Biden, illegal aliens enrolled in DACA, the massive amnesty program that was illegally enacted by executive order, circumventing Congress, during the Obama Administration, will become eligible to enroll in taxpayer-funded Medicaid and Obamacare programs. Biden says that his administration will implement the new definition of “lawful presence” by the end of this month.

In a pre-recorded video statement announcing his plans, Biden lectured actual American citizens while also referring to illegal aliens as “Americans” themselves, saying that “health care should be a right, not a privilege, and my administration’s worked hard to expand health care. And today, more Americans have health insurance than ever.”

“Today’s announcement is about giving DACA recipients the same opportunity,” Biden said at another point in the video, and added that he’s consulting with illegal aliens in his quest to redistribute American money into their pockets, saying that he’s working “alongside dreamers” to give them “the opportunities and support they deserve.”

Biden even used COVID to justify giving illegal aliens the hard-earned money of American citizens, claiming that “many” illegals “were essential workers on the front lines of the pandemic.”


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e6b6f4 No.18694867

File: 69a6bc7b08fd863⋯.png (56.79 KB,255x175,51:35,69a6bc7b08fd8632f56bc69db7….png)

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63e1cb No.18694869

File: 799f141e61c654e⋯.jpg (92.75 KB,750x487,750:487,fdasdfghjhgtfre3.jpg)

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04d1e6 No.18694870

File: 5b45f0cbc376af9⋯.png (238.57 KB,408x523,408:523,ill.PNG)


Brucha Weisburger continues her work, warning people about the severe dangers to children from covid19 injections, and it’s occurred to look at vaccines beyond c19.

Please do share.

Best wishes



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362a53 No.18694871

Any anon out there have that “soon” meme from way back with the dude passed out in the chair? It’s an oldie but goodie. Need it for an off board convo, if any of you fine felllas could serve it up.

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04d1e6 No.18694872

File: 8373d4cc3cbdbc9⋯.png (361.97 KB,411x526,411:526,ur.PNG)


Once a tool, always a tool.

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bef8b1 No.18694873

File: 552af357420e963⋯.mp4 (10 MB,640x360,16:9,PaulPelosi.mp4)

>if there ever was one

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540bfd No.18694874


Considering Jr is a highest ranking Paytriot he's probably making a few bucks off this stance.

Child support for 5 kids is no joke.

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a3f4b5 No.18694875

File: 935cb56fbd90306⋯.png (368.17 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


China and Russia, with Iran in the mix and all our military equipment left in the hands of afghan.

NATO Down in 1 move or less?

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a57dfa No.18694876


Federal agents on a mission.

What was the mission?

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d5b7e0 No.18694877

File: 1dd9d94eec00f05⋯.mp4 (6.79 MB,854x480,427:240,Keri_Lake_I_know_we_will_w….mp4)

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a3df30 No.18694878

File: b7e1e46ad0d77f6⋯.png (96.17 KB,408x265,408:265,ClipboardImage.png)



And here we go!!!

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e6b6f4 No.18694879

File: bcac10c89155312⋯.jpg (201 KB,1919x1080,1919:1080,covid19_ltc_report_militar….jpg)

File: 4cf26fa4f077acd⋯.jpg (406.82 KB,1052x1430,526:715,cfltcs_1.jpg)

File: d07cec67c7aea0c⋯.gif (200.9 KB,480x640,3:4,d07cec67c7aea0c4e972050196….gif)

File: eb643d7b412a449⋯.gif (2.84 MB,480x270,16:9,giphy_13_.gif)

File: d7f4a20e6e6c6a4⋯.png (1.03 MB,644x960,161:240,d7f4a20e6e6c6a4d4aada03345….png)

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fd5468 No.18694880

File: df40b59a332502b⋯.jpg (23.38 KB,400x400,1:1,1555902393776.jpg)


He's just like her. It's almost as if Nancy Pelosi fucked herself and had Paul Pelosi all by herself.

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5268f1 No.18694881


WW3 looking imminent at this point.

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a7ae10 No.18694882

File: a8278a8589687b7⋯.png (362.41 KB,598x557,598:557,Screenshot_2023_04_14_at_1….png)

Today´s Quds Day

Quds Day, officially known as International Quds Day, is an annual pro-Palestinian event held on the last Friday of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan to express support for Palestinians and oppose Israel and Zionism. It takes its name from the Arabic-language name for Jerusalem: al-Quds.Wikipedia



Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi took part in the procession in honor of the International Quds Day.


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c46152 No.18694883

File: a795a96d992002e⋯.png (81.18 KB,725x248,725:248,ClipboardImage.png)

Pfizer funded a CDC “behavior change” project that targeted vaccine critics with psyops

A new report has shed fresh light on the connection between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and numerous private-sector drug, vaccine, and health care companies that have been working together to silence vaccine critics from speaking their minds.

The Public Good Projects (PGP), as it is benevolently dubbed, describes itself as a public health non-profit group centered around “large-scale monitoring programs, social and behavior change interventions.” The truth, though, is that it is a fascist public-private operation aimed at keeping a lid on the deadly truth about vaccines.

PGP is little more than a mass censorship operation that, especially at the height of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “pandemic,” kept itself busy de-platforming doctors and other medical specialists who tried to sound the alarm about the dangers of Fauci Flu shots.

In addition to the CDC and the FDA, other PGP partners include Kaiser Permanente, Rockefeller, and Humana, according to the Tennessee Department of Health, which identified these partners from the biography of PGP CEO Dr. Joe Smyser.

PGP funding came not from lobbyists but directly from vaccine manufacturers like Pfizer and Moderna

Deviating from the norm of receiving funding from industry lobbyists working on behalf of corporations, PGP’s operating cash came directly from major industry players such as Pfizer and Moderna, both of which have a vested interest in stamping out so-called “vaccine hesitancy.”

When people think for themselves, Pfizer and Moderna do not make money. So, they funneled gobs of cash into the PGP in an effort to keep people in the dark and the profits flowing.

The New York City Health Department’s Misinformation Response Unit (MRU) also contributed to the PGP, which also operates an initiative called Shots Heard that is similar to the United Nations Verified Initiative, the Vaccine Confidence Project, and Team Halo.

All of these entities have the same goal of bullying and silencing voices like those of Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, a Stanford-educated doctor who found herself in the crosshairs when she questioned covid “vaccines” and promoted ivermectin on social media platforms like Twitter and TikTok.

Social media “influencers” like Zachary Rubin and Christina Kim, both members of Team Halo, called Bowden “problematic” while calling for her to be stripped of her medical license. They were also instrumental in getting Bowden suspended from her position at Houston Methodist Hospital.

“Over the following months, Bowden’s life was thrown into chaos as multiple social media influencers targeted her,” reads an article from the Houston Chronicle. “However, the most dogged was a pharmacist named Savannah, who posts under the handle @rxOrcist.”

This “Savannah” character is a member of Shots Heard, and she is even more vile than the others, having falsely accused Bowden of “xenophobia and racism” because she happened to mention that most of the anti-ivermectin pharmacists she spoke with were of Asian descent.



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5268f1 No.18694884

File: cf5d6087e75bc2e⋯.jpg (53.45 KB,441x441,1:1,vomit2.jpg)


>Nancy Pelosi


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a57dfa No.18694885

File: 8e34cf4a5209480⋯.jpeg (39.94 KB,736x550,368:275,Crimea_River.jpeg)

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dc215f No.18694886


But God…

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ed98b2 No.18694887


He’s a Chinese stand in…..

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4d3cc2 No.18694888


back and to the left

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04d1e6 No.18694889

File: 391e6a3666db975⋯.png (80.57 KB,624x566,312:283,preee.PNG)


DOJ-Media-Intel Election Interference

Predates Trump

American Thinker, by Jack Cashill

Posted By: Hazymac, 4/14/2023 8:44:53 AM

Historians will have a hard time grappling with the enormity of the efforts by the media, the Department of Justice, and their allies in the intelligence community (IC) to stop Donald Trump. For a more manageable case study they would do well to look at the 2006 re-election campaign of then 10-term Pennsylvania Congressman Curt Weldon. Seventeen years later, Weldon has a lot to say—with more to come—about how this unholy cabal subverted the democracy its apparatchiks profess to champion. Weldon recently sent me a video tribute made on his behalf in spring 2007 by then former president George H.W. Bush.

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a3f4b5 No.18694890

File: b60e0e491a44662⋯.png (1.01 MB,1200x628,300:157,ClipboardImage.png)



Unrelated News

Intel breaks ground on $20 bln Arizona plants as U.S. chip factory race heats up


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5268f1 No.18694891

File: 6c1be457848d679⋯.jpg (61.93 KB,310x409,310:409,vote_fraud_keks.jpg)

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04d1e6 No.18694892

File: fd651bdbc3f3adf⋯.png (102.96 KB,233x266,233:266,pepe_wink.PNG)

Who is not state run media ?

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36ab8d No.18694893


KEK, Subject Username on Social Media Platform One. I wonder what this would be? I think i read he was using a Minecraft Discord. Anyone surprised he didn't use a Chan or here? Will they try and Honeypot any sites who shared pictures from the discord?

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d948bb No.18694894

File: cdcb6e18431876e⋯.png (5.57 KB,407x91,407:91,Q44.png)

>>18694788 LB

>>18694788 LB

>POS Brandon is leaving Ireland at 7 pm their time it is a 7 hour flight In Most cases, and the titanic sunk at 2:20 am April 15, he will be over the Atlantic at around the same time, when I go to Qdrop 22 it was posted on Nov 1, the same 111 as how many years ago the titanic sunk, can not make this shit up!!!

Maybe fake-POTUS will send a message before he departs Ireland!?!?!

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ff0135 No.18694896


Do anons still have no understanding of human cloning?

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204551 No.18694897

File: 90a546e4614c220⋯.png (3.06 KB,92x36,23:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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4fe074 No.18694898



he's shacked up with Gav Newsoms sloppy seconds who is older than his step mother Melania

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a49a73 No.18694899

File: db48973e4bfb744⋯.png (325.76 KB,607x601,607:601,000drink1_twit.png)

File: b59292837c8175b⋯.png (164.77 KB,695x769,695:769,000drink1.png)

>>18693760 PB

>Someone needs a drink! Bud Light marketing

>VP behind Six Billion Dollar Dylan Mulvaney

>'mistake' breaks cover from $8M Central

>Park home after bosses threw her under bus

This article, which was inNOTABLESjust hours ago, has been removed from the internet.

Someone mad...

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2ec663 No.18694900


The "Ukraine War" is fake and ghey

So is any "Classified" intentionally "leaked" to provide a misdirection story away from what was actually released and by whom.

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c46152 No.18694901

Florida House Passes Bill Enacting Death Penalty For Child Rape

Florida lawmakers approved two bills this week that would allow for the execution of child rapists.

The Florida House passed HB1297, a bill that allows for the death penalty for rapists of children under the age of 12 without jury unanimity, by a 95-14 vote on late Thursday.

The Senate is slated to vote on its version of the bill, SB 1342, on Tuesday.

The legislation would change the precedent that requires unanimous verdicts for executions and would make Florida the fourth state to not require jury unanimity.

The proposed measures follow longstanding US Supreme Court and Florida Supreme Court rulings that outlaw the execution of defendants in rape cases, including a 2008 US Supreme Court decision in a Louisana case.

Rep. Baker said she hopes the bill will provoke the US Supreme Court to reconsider its stance on the issue and permit the execution of defendants found guilty of child rape.

“The rape of a child is a deliberate, methodical act,” she said. “It doesn’t happen accidentally.”

Sen. Lauren Book, a survivor of child sexual assault, detailed her struggle with the trauma she endured decades ago during a passionate speech during Thursday’s committee hearing.

“There is no statute of limitations that a victim suffers. This is a life sentence that is handed down to young children,” Book said. “We’re talking about the youngest of the young in this bill. I was one of those kids.”


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55c6fe No.18694902


I can it to you in.. 2 weeks.

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5268f1 No.18694903

File: 2de032f74fe118c⋯.gif (789.25 KB,402x208,201:104,toight.gif)

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e6b6f4 No.18694904

File: c81ed30e309ed2f⋯.jpg (91.57 KB,500x749,500:749,7i6jjc.jpg)

File: 390a5f86aaff844⋯.jpg (280.69 KB,800x523,800:523,390a5f86aaff844f3457630613….jpg)


test 152

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c46152 No.18694905

Germany Approves Poland’s Request to Send MiG-29 Fighter Jets to Ukraine

Some of Poland's MiG-29s came from Germany, requiring Berlin's approval for the export

The German government has approved Poland’s request to export five Soviet-made MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine that originally came from Berlin’s stockpile.

Poland and Slovakia have already delivered some MiG-29s to Ukraine, making them the first NATO countries to provide Kyiv with fighter jets, an escalation of military support that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz previously warned against.

“There will be no fighter jet deliveries to Ukraine,” Scholz said in January. He also warned against “entering into a constant competition to outbid each other when it comes to weapons systems” that are being sent to Ukraine.

While the MiG-29s are not the Western-made aircraft Kyiv has been demanding, the provision still marks a significant escalation of NATO military support.

In March 2022, when Poland first offered its MiG-29s to Ukraine, the Pentagon ruled it out over escalation concerns. NATO diplomats said at the time that Moscow could perceive the move as the alliance directly entering the war.

Polish pressure also led to Scholz approving the export of German-made Leopard tanks to Ukraine and Berlin sending its own. In September 2022, when expressing his opposition to sending tanks and planes to Kyiv, Scholz said he was supporting Ukraine “in a way that is not escalating to where it is becoming a war between Russia and NATO because this would be a catastrophe.”


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36ab8d No.18694906

File: 54a142772d39e60⋯.png (435.83 KB,794x628,397:314,Screenshot_2023_04_14_at_1….png)


He has a personal stake in it

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bef8b1 No.18694907

File: e5dc1f2ab506f9c⋯.mp4 (4.76 MB,1280x720,16:9,heshammered.mp4)

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5268f1 No.18694908

File: ff82ced65076e9b⋯.png (2.89 MB,2500x1367,2500:1367,ClipboardImage.png)

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c46152 No.18694909

USDOJ Announces Multiple Indictments Against Sinaloa Cartel, Los Chapitos

The U.S. Department of Justice announced a series of indictments targeting key leaders of the Chapitos faction of the Sinaloa Cartel. The indictments include three of the cartel’s Chinese fentanyl suppliers.

During a news conference, top leaders within the U.S. justice apparatus announced multiple indictments focusing on the Chapitos and key leaders within their network who they claim are the main drivers behind the ongoing fentanyl crisis.

“We are going after the entire network,” said U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland. The attorney general added that the indictments name distributors, drug suppliers, enforcers, and the individuals who provide the cartel their weapons.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the Sinaloa Cartel is one of the most powerful cartels in the world and is the main supplier of fentanyl in Mexico. Enforcement priorities for fentanyl surged due to the high number of overdoses tied to it. The drug is 50 times more potent than heroin. The DOJ claimed that fentanyl caused an opioid-related drug-overdose crisis where that drug is now the leading cause of death for Americans ages 18 to 49.


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64c4ba No.18694910

booing mike pence

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bef8b1 No.18694911

File: 3a4cbf5b75e1361⋯.png (266.73 KB,474x249,158:83,dude.png)

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a57dfa No.18694912


Someone needs to ask her who did the ad campaign research. Was it in-house or handled by an outside agency? These things are never done haphazardly. Every detail is carefully watched. What happened this time?

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c46152 No.18694913

“Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Jake Sullivan, The FBI And DOJ Should Be Indicted For Epic Corruption At The Highest Levels Of Federal Power” – Attorney Tyler Nixon

What an absolute mess. The DOJ and FBI has again ignored evidence of crimes against the members of the corrupt cabal who stole the 2020 Election and are destroying the country.

The stenographer of Joe Biden – Former Obama stenographer Mike McCormick claims then-Vice President Biden used American taxpayer money to enrich his family and says Jake Sullivan a ‘conspirator.’

He also claims that he went to the FBI but they ignored him. This is what you call a corrupt FBI.

Below is a tweet from attorney Tyler Nixon.

What more evidence is needed to indict Joe & Hunter Biden & Jake Sullivan, at minimum, for epic corruption at the highest levels of federal power?

This is not only evidence of corruption but also conspiracy to obstruct justice, implicating the FBI & DOJ.https://t.co/4dhm5WO7L9

— Tyler Nixon (@realTylerNixon) April 13, 2023

The same stenographer shared in September of 2020 that Biden was not well physically.



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444ace No.18694914

Maybe this is how the censorship here will play out, since these people are paid to be here to do their censorship, perhaps by government:

each deleted post that was deleted without cause is a civil rights abuse of anon.

the ones who do it can expect some day to have to pay damages for each post that they delete nonsensically.

and perhaps stints in a cell to think about it.

so go on with it, and do as you will but what you doing is immoral and unethical and against the spirit of what this board is supposed to be about.

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4d3cc2 No.18694915

File: 09dce16c2b989f4⋯.jpg (104.46 KB,998x411,998:411,Screenshot_20221020_194839….jpg)

File: 568ebcec055542c⋯.jpg (109.94 KB,1080x622,540:311,Screenshot_20210713_011032….jpg)

File: 0445fe72f0e7cca⋯.jpg (138.86 KB,1072x606,536:303,Screenshot_20210712_234607….jpg)

File: 7d266716c2c0784⋯.png (136.7 KB,500x696,125:174,theylied_about_russia_beca….png)

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36ab8d No.18694916


>The "Ukraine War" is fake and ghey

I imagine so, this is such bullshit. I don't remember ANY Celebrities going to England or any Coalition country to support us for the War in Iraq or Afghanistan

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68a399 No.18694917

File: e0925a5a9272d67⋯.jpg (96.78 KB,384x512,3:4,BidenJoker2.jpg)


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610167 No.18694918


>each deleted post that was deleted without cause is a civil rights abuse of anon.

which ones?

your spam

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ff0135 No.18694919


Hell of a beak on that thing. Anyone know what subspecies of jew this is?

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444ace No.18694920


posts deleted without the cause as expressed in the terms of using the board.

I do not spam.

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04d1e6 No.18694921

File: e39d15e6b16af86⋯.png (2.34 MB,1268x951,4:3,corp.PNG)


Ben Garrison Cartoons




So many of you let us know you're finished with WOKE Corporations!

Great to hear and we are so overwhelmed with the demand that we are adding to the GRRR TEAM! Would you like to work with us remotely and help people switch from WOKE to Awake corporations? This is second call for more team members you can sign up to attend our zoom meeting on Saturday 15th at 1p CT ready to fight back against the WOKE cult.🇺🇲

See you Saturday🤠

sign up now!

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362a53 No.18694922

File: db616ff929f1d84⋯.jpeg (2.67 MB,4032x3024,4:3,9AC5DEC5_F84C_4BB5_97A2_2….jpeg)

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220529 No.18694923



Nice I.D. there Ace!

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f81896 No.18694924

You guys DO know you’re a bunch of fucking faggots, right?

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60048d No.18694925


follow the science down the whirlpool in the toilet drain

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5268f1 No.18694926

File: 855cb5987adf802⋯.jpg (6.97 KB,200x182,100:91,B8_4.jpg)


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36ab8d No.18694927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


As if I couldn't hate this faggot even more, Scott Adams defends The Dhali Lama by saying it is a common Tibetan phrase to say "suck my tounge" when children ask for too many things. Listen @ ~ 47:00 maybe 45:00 depending on how much of the story you want

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2ca6d5 No.18694928


Sure, but are you homo or nohomo ?

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e8d556 No.18694929

File: 732147a45eab641⋯.jpg (167.72 KB,1003x831,1003:831,ZomboMeme_09112020092248.jpg)

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d4d154 No.18694930


pretty sure it is already happening it just does not have the label yet. JOE BIDEN IS A WAR CRIMINAL

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c0688a No.18694931


Unvaxxed Canadians coming to spend money in US, shopping, vacationing, and then returning home NOT allowed to cross the border, unemployed destitute, unvaxxed, illegals welcomed to take welfare, medical care, schooling, housing. America, go WOKE go BROKE applies to your country as well as businesses.

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56411a No.18694932


I prefer glorious fucking faggot

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fa57da No.18694933

Jesus Christ. When's something going to fuckin' happen? Been waiting for over 5 years.

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ff0135 No.18694934


Why are most of you antihomo? Faggots make the best fertilizer. You should see my garden.

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d4d154 No.18694935


does he get off on always being wrong.

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60048d No.18694936


>ask for too many things

the kid wasn't asking for anything at all. so, fuck this scott adam's apple douche pedo defender!

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e6b6f4 No.18694937

File: aec9eb3af1a26f2⋯.jpeg (74.08 KB,459x638,459:638,aec9eb3af1a26f2f5788259ee….jpeg)

File: 356629565f0f325⋯.png (864.91 KB,640x960,2:3,356629565f0f325615babdf01f….png)

File: d0754a006b636db⋯.mp4 (449.65 KB,640x640,1:1,d0754a006b636db0e9bb6613c9….mp4)

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a7ae10 No.18694938


Mr Faggot for you bitch.

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a3f4b5 No.18694939

File: 3042963f9a1c596⋯.png (47.97 KB,523x405,523:405,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a647d932021f03⋯.png (52.51 KB,482x836,241:418,ClipboardImage.png)


🚨Epic news today! Woke alerts just launched to let Americans know when companies go woke and go against our values. Sign up, today👇



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269e16 No.18694940


Every parent has a personal stake in it; whether they think they do or not.

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36ab8d No.18694941

File: 1ad11b95c8d9080⋯.jpg (116.58 KB,757x500,757:500,allthefucksigive.jpg)

File: 6f48928d184e5a3⋯.jpg (118.02 KB,757x500,757:500,myfrienddonald.jpg)

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a3f4b5 No.18694942



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3f3605 No.18694943

File: 266f5b828b05bb2⋯.png (2.56 MB,2691x1442,2691:1442,ClipboardImage.png)

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d188cd No.18694944

File: 72f185e6a170102⋯.jpg (140.29 KB,939x1201,939:1201,20230414_123753.jpg)

Minneapolis mosques to broadcast Muslim call to prayer 5 times a day

A change in a city ordinance in Minneapolis, Minnesota, will mean that area mosques will soon be able to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer five times a day, all year round.


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587abe No.18694945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

San Francisco Official Wants More Police After Previously Pushing to Defund Police

Hillary Ronen, a Democrat member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, was outraged over increased crime in her district and is asking for a bigger police presence in the communities she represents. Her requests come after she previously said she strongly believes in defunding the police. In a tweet from 2020, Ronen wrote, “…I believe strongly in defunding the police and reducing the number of officers on our force. For decades we’ve had an imbalance in our city’s budget, with hundreds of millions of dollars going to SFPD to have them do work they are not qualified to do.” After Ronen was exposed for contradicting herself, she deleted her entire Twitter profile.


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36ab8d No.18694946

File: 008e7c84f34f44a⋯.jpg (118.03 KB,757x500,757:500,myfrienddonald2.jpg)

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a57dfa No.18694948


Any and all complaints about the current State of the Union may be forwarded to your elected representatives.

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587abe No.18694949

File: 0dd077d4b58c7d2⋯.png (184.84 KB,407x260,407:260,ClipboardImage.png)


Democrat Justin Jones, Who Shut Down TN Assembly with Bullhorn, Was Arrested 14 Times

Tennessee House Representative Justin Jones was expelled from office for disrupting the legislative session by using a bullhorn as he joined protesters supporting gun control. He was reinstated days later. Mr. Jones was reported to have been arrested 14 times, which include allegations of assault. In 2020, Jones was filmed stopping cars during a BLM protest and hitting a driver with a traffic cone. He also faced charges in 2019 and was accused throwing coffee on two Republican lawmakers.


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d8bc0b No.18694950

File: 3dc762f90dcb68e⋯.jpg (121.14 KB,800x600,4:3,314310.jpg)

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d4d154 No.18694951


fucking traitor.

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bef8b1 No.18694952


>Arrested 14 Times


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a57dfa No.18694953


This is what arbitrary rule looks like. Whatever fits the moment.

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587abe No.18694955

File: be3ebd784e26227⋯.png (107.39 KB,446x317,446:317,ClipboardImage.png)


US Govt. Compensates 3 People a Total of $4,634 for COVID Vaccine Injuries that Include Heart Damage

It has been reported that 270,045,602 Americans have received 674,375,206 doses of COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ over the past 2+ years. Over 11,000 people have been injured by the COVID shots and have filed petitions with the US Government’s CounterMeasures Injury Compensation Program. The US Government announced the first settlements for the vaccine injuries: 3 people, 2 of whom now have damaged hearts (myocarditis), were awarded a total of $4,634.89, an average of about $1,500.00 per person.

The US government under the CounterMeasures Injury Compensation Program has paid out a mere $4,634.89 for Americans injured by the COVID-19 shots. Meanwhile, the Biden administration has spent $4 billion to compensate COVID-19 vaccine injuries through Bill Gates and the WHO in poorer countries to entice them to take COVID injections.


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e6b6f4 No.18694956

File: 80dbaed9e6d7ab4⋯.jpg (103.11 KB,757x500,757:500,7i6m3x.jpg)

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56411a No.18694957

File: 9f2118fe9593e9c⋯.png (175.73 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Aint a pretty word is it…

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60048d No.18694958

File: 1ffd91dbdcf190a⋯.png (668.82 KB,857x565,857:565,ClipboardImage.png)

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bef8b1 No.18694959

File: 772feda6407964b⋯.png (308.44 KB,789x648,263:216,trudeau_necktie.png)


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204551 No.18694960

File: 8917e72e610245f⋯.png (333.05 KB,455x342,455:342,ClipboardImage.png)


> our values

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d4d154 No.18694961


you do realize anons do not care. Enjoy the you, then do a flip.

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3a21a2 No.18694962

File: a33a57932d12b74⋯.png (411.84 KB,1167x631,1167:631,Screen_Shot_2023_04_14_at_….png)

Notable about the HTPA axis, got anon thinking. Some anon mentioned possible connection to adrenochrome, which seems like something reasonable to investigate. However, there is another take that is related to mind control. Mind control seems to often be fear based and/or trauma based. Anon would go so far as to suggest that our "medical care" system has been so far weaponized as to be like MKUltra type programming. Maybe even SRA "lite". One author that anon has read is Forrest Maready. If recollection serves his degree was in divinity, however, this seems to have taken his thinking in some useful directions or at least kept him open minded regarding science. His book called "Crooked" ties together really well both the damage and the trauma occurring when a toddler goes in for 'well baby" vaccine visits. Summing up: When a baby is vaccinated at an age where they are old enough to anticipate the pain vaccination is a particularly distressing process. The three components of restraint, pain and the injection of poisons create a setting for predictable damage. Most would not conclude the results are intentional, but anon thinks that this combo is the desired vehicle to create weak and malleable victims. How does this relate to HTPA axis? Altered brain function, memory damage, anxiety and the like. Very fertile ground for the "grooming" of said young people.


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610167 No.18694963

Mike pence is greasing the wheel and prepping for red flag laws.

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36ab8d No.18694964


He LOVES his Echo Chamber, as he uses his "Don't you all agree with me that yadda yadda yadda" or if you disagree and challenge him he flips out and blocks you. I dont have the clip handy of him calling a woman a cunt on stream. Seriously though how can he say this is common because he heard from a Tibetan that this is normal, of course they would say that.

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587abe No.18694965

File: b1c67657dcb36ac⋯.png (256.03 KB,408x273,136:91,ClipboardImage.png)


FBI Used Undercover Agent to Inform on Catholic Clergy and Parishioners who Oppose Abortion

Republican House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan tweeted that the FBI proposed that its agents engage in outreach to Catholic parishes to develop sources among the clergy to inform on Americans practicing their faith. Jordan said that Catholics who are pro-life and oppose abortion were targeted. The FBI program is related to a document from the Richmond Field Office titled, “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities.” The FBI document suggested designating some “Catholic Americans” as “domestic terrorists,” based on their beliefs. The leaked document, which has since been rescinded, cited the Southern Poverty Law Center, a far-left activist group that categorizes conservative organizations with different views on abortion and marriage as “hate” groups.

Last month, Attorney General Merrick Garland testified that the Department of Justice (DOJ) has no anti-Catholic bias. On March 8, FBI Director Chris Wray said, “We do not and will not target people for religious beliefs and we do not and will not monitor people’s religious practices. That’s unacceptable.”


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a57dfa No.18694966


Do what?


Voluntary. Nothing is owed.

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a7ae10 No.18694967

File: 91d4c2e233e6c2c⋯.jpg (111.57 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Trump_and_Kim.jpg)


"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."

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bef8b1 No.18694968



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5268f1 No.18694969

File: 4936ef8e901db67⋯.png (363.44 KB,888x499,888:499,Biden_guns1.png)


>red flag laws

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d997d0 No.18694970

They have already corrupted

All other sporting events

The trans clowns are perfect

Can start betting on your favorite

Have them come on conservative shows

Have a rational debate …even. ….

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610167 No.18694971

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d5b7e0 No.18694972

File: 5e58bc14e542d2d⋯.png (556.83 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,ClipboardImage.png)


I just learned this week that to appease the UN, President Truman’ fired MacArthur who wanted to "liberate" North Korea from communist control by bombing areas in China that were aiding the North Korean troops.

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526d2b No.18694973

Must listen —Liz Harris in her own words. Hour 2 https://rumble.com/v2i18y4-live-1205-et-conversation-with-stephen-hilton-and-liz-harris.html

Even Bannon is ignoring.

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808453 No.18694974

File: f7b1e56fbe166b2⋯.jpg (114.26 KB,667x500,667:500,white_rabbit.jpg)

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118b70 No.18694975

File: c85775286122ded⋯.jpg (136.25 KB,570x712,285:356,o_LYNDA_CARTER_WONDER_WOMA….jpg)

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3a21a2 No.18694976


Epoch Times?

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1a0091 No.18694977

File: 52ce82a94fc6d6e⋯.mp4 (449.16 KB,640x360,16:9,vt6LJigmXVVyTozh.mp4)

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808904 No.18694978

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5ef6a3 No.18694979

File: 73b31a78405ba65⋯.mp4 (10.62 MB,720x720,1:1,23a5a378eeb7586b_1_.mp4)

If Hitler spoke English (AI deep fake, what he is saying is from a real speech that was translated).

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5268f1 No.18694980

File: d137563c12dc909⋯.jpg (156.25 KB,709x595,709:595,pepe_sweating.jpg)

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d4d154 No.18694981


he makes me vomit in my mouth.

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36ab8d No.18694982


My neice moved to San Francisco and cut her tits off and lives as a Guy, but she did that when she was ~ 28. Came out as a Lesbian just after she graduated high school though. My sisters only child, I know my sister went through a year of depression, she said this wasn't related but I think she was grieving something.

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453ef4 No.18694983

File: e89a880990919c2⋯.png (587.92 KB,640x640,1:1,potus_nk_sb.png)

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ebca68 No.18694984


WTF? Wut about anons living there that work the nightshift?

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36ab8d No.18694985


Gore Fag is back

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6696a8 No.18694987


> 95-14 vote


Nays - 14




District: 46 - Democrat


Bracy Davis-40


District: 40 - Democrat




District: 99 - Democrat




Minority Leader (2022 - 2024)

District: 67 - Democrat




District: 97 - Democrat




District: 42 - Democrat





District: 8 - Democrat




District: 109 - Democrat




District: 102 - Democrat




District: 21 - Democrat

López, J.-43


District: 43 - Democrat




District: 13 - Democrat


Robinson, F.-104


District: 104 - Democrat




District: 64 - Democrat


Pedophile Protectors

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808453 No.18694988

File: b6ba856cd03350e⋯.png (413.7 KB,496x495,496:495,b6ba856cd03350e7928e619cd6….png)

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d188cd No.18694990

File: 037979079d7f13b⋯.mp4 (7.15 MB,576x1024,9:16,KY5NKq2U5F3x6PiR.mp4)

Child farms in Ukraine

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e6b6f4 No.18694991



that magic sword 17 steps exactly back to front

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ebca68 No.18694992


She was grieving the loss of the family tits.

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a7ae10 No.18694993

File: de84bfd6ae5d092⋯.png (195.56 KB,598x574,299:287,Screenshot_2023_04_14_at_1….png)

Square profile picture



European spacecraft carrying Israeli tech launches towards Jupiter and its moons


Nothing to see here.

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5268f1 No.18694994

File: 3d722baf9daa9bf⋯.png (589.51 KB,680x640,17:16,pepe_sly_laugh.png)


[They] are panicking…

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963311 No.18694995


So you’re like the guy who hangs out in the fag bar but tells himself he’s not queer?

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118b70 No.18694996

File: a498aa71955e70e⋯.png (1.05 MB,1766x1164,883:582,Screen_Shot_2023_04_14_at_….png)

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04d1e6 No.18694997

File: d0d17a8dd69420a⋯.png (219.91 KB,414x343,414:343,uk.PNG)


Intelligence Community’s Ukraine Support Is Continued Effort From WW2 Of Saving Nazis

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3b6b0d No.18694998

File: c3cc23f6a4659da⋯.png (135.8 KB,507x400,507:400,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ef6a3 No.18694999

Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good point. Controlled by the state of Israel.


"Alan Dershowitz: Jews Shouldn't Deny Controlling The Media"


"Jews DO control the media"




"Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed"


"Glenn Beck: Fox Told Me No Talk About God, Israel, or Soros"



2 chapter's on Jewish influence in Mass Media from the book "When Victims Rule: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins":



"Reporter Admits Most Media Work for CIA, MI6, Mossad"



"Jewish Groups Openly Admit They Want Bitchute Shut Down For Posting Content They Don’t Like"



"Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content"



"Israel’s Online Shadow Operations"




"Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S."


"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"


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713ba1 No.18695000

'Stephen Hilton' talks about being red-pilled, 'Hon. Liz Harris' talks about corruption. Two hours of excellent interview content.


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e6b6f4 No.18695001


angel kiss.dont ask muh how i know

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963311 No.18695003



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04d1e6 No.18695004

File: 266936d4ac01b23⋯.png (230.4 KB,412x337,412:337,turn.PNG)


Every American Institution Has Turned On The American People

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8dff43 No.18695005


As a gay, black, journalist I resent that you would include these faggots into my identity.

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808453 No.18695006

File: 03d4c5356038a6d⋯.jpeg (487.8 KB,1200x1063,1200:1063,03d4c5356038a6dc1b3113c4b….jpeg)

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60048d No.18695008


Don Lemon go back where you came from!

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a57dfa No.18695009


Truman had a wealthy Canaanite handler named Abraham Feinberg.

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0d6cc8 No.18695010

File: 22c7c036234192f⋯.png (1.05 MB,1126x805,1126:805,ClipboardImage.png)

Russia is Done wearing Ukraine Down

Thr Truth is out

Time for the Coup de Grace

The Piece de Resistance

The Knock Out Punch

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a7ae10 No.18695011

File: bc571664fc43bbf⋯.png (167.41 KB,327x262,327:262,ClipboardImage.png)


>Clown kiss

>dont ask muh how i know

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d4365f No.18695012

File: 5ed84c395bcbb27⋯.png (2.16 MB,1024x1534,512:767,1vv1.png)

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daf5e7 No.18695013

File: ff14c10295b289f⋯.png (206.79 KB,474x355,474:355,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd35fa No.18695014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Suspicious Cats Correct – Johnson and MacGregor Give Details

(Two videos the first with Johnson the second wit Macgregor)

April 14, 2023 | Sundance | 187 Comments

In an era of universal deceit, it should not be a surprise for the suspicious cats to be more accurate.

Semi-related context for scope of fraud: We know with demonstrable certainty that Hillary Clinton, the DNC, Fusion GPS, Chris Steele, DOJ, FBI and SSCI collaborated to create the fictitious premise called broadly “Trump-Russia collusion and interference in the 2016 election.” The entire thing was bogus soup-to-nuts, all of it… make believe; none of it real. So, how the hell did Mueller, Rosenstein and Weissmann indict Russians?

Now… Fast forward to the current classified intelligence leaks with the scale, scope and background of everything above in mind. WATCH:

In the next segment Douglas Macgregor gives his view, and makes some really good emphatic points about the facts within the intelligence leaks proving the United States government, OUR GOVERNMENT, is completely lying about Ukraine and other matters.

What we think of as Washington DC is a Potemkin village.

All of it is a fabrication.

The real seat of power controlling government is the part we do not see. The Fourth Branch of Government!

First video:



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e6b6f4 No.18695015

File: 0f72ddbaa1cdbc9⋯.jpg (95.34 KB,757x500,757:500,7i6o1x.jpg)

File: cf0f8f878b2c9ef⋯.png (881.68 KB,908x1284,227:321,cf0f8f878b2c9ef3e33e898f9c….png)

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36ab8d No.18695016


Funny thing is my sister did get a boob job but that was before the choppening. Coincedently

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0f21ca No.18695017

File: 18725d3969fc8e5⋯.png (438.21 KB,474x665,474:665,ClipboardImage.png)

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c514ec No.18695018

looks like gorefag has stooped to a new low. pathetic

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4d3cc2 No.18695019


czar bomba?

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0d6cc8 No.18695020

File: 57bda53c5eb4771⋯.png (3.22 MB,1800x1800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Good-B[y]e Z

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5268f1 No.18695021

File: a4dc3afe1dc16c7⋯.png (475.75 KB,834x744,139:124,Pepe_skateboarding.png)

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cd35fa No.18695022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>18695014.Part 2

In the next segment Douglas Macgregor gives his view, and makes some really good emphatic points about the facts within the intelligence leaks proving the United States government, OUR GOVERNMENT, is completely lying about Ukraine and other matters.


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5ef6a3 No.18695023

File: 6b996e06c6bf4d3⋯.jpeg (163.79 KB,770x835,154:167,gop2.jpeg)

File: 330db022c837626⋯.png (97.37 KB,1500x614,750:307,gop_3_.png)

File: 05d17651f9c2169⋯.png (755.02 KB,1188x794,594:397,gop.png)

File: f8b4121a6e89015⋯.jpg (93.47 KB,960x630,32:21,GOP_3_.jpg)

File: 0a3125ad4acdf95⋯.png (714.51 KB,1162x1410,581:705,GOP_useless.png)


That's loser thinking. Japan had plenty of good people too, and it still got nuked. That's just more typical cowardly conservative cuck mentality. By that logic in 5 years when some big company starts featuring child fucking I their ads, conservatives will just say "well, I don't want people to lose jobs'. Conservatives are truly the eternal losers that refuse that will concede to EVERYTHING and just use any excuse they can. Pathetic. Conservatives are nothing but leftists with a 5 year delay.

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15b405 No.18695024

File: 47acf991b9cdd18⋯.png (87.57 KB,352x198,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ebfcf No.18695025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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60048d No.18695026


in one reality this is not a shill but comms. take the first letter of each image type then put it together for the message.

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e23e9b No.18695027


A few decades ago I watched a documentary about substances that we ingest, mostly since the industrial age has automated "processing" of so many things.

An example would be the chemicals that make up the liner of tin cans (ie: soup cans). These chemicals caused premature onset of puberty and many, many other side effects.

Vax, food, water, paint on kids toys, cleaning supplies, etc, etc all are absorbed by our bodies. The question is: what, exactly, are the side effects? (facial changes are one - good catch!)

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d4d154 No.18695028

troons are going to get mad over all these photos

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c514ec No.18695029


think I'm just gonna have to pass on that

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d7af3e No.18695030

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963311 No.18695031

File: 44050668f2d0c95⋯.jpeg (135.04 KB,900x900,1:1,43D26617_4CF9_4C99_97F5_B….jpeg)

UPDATE: Florida Dept of Education REMOVES trans teacher who threatened to shoot students

The Florida Department of Education released a statement in response to a situation in a Hernando County school involving inappropriate comments made by a trans teacher to students.

The statement, which was released on Friday, states "Earlier this week, the Department was informed of a situation regarding student safety at a school in Hernando County."

It continues: "Upon the Department bringing the concern to the Superintendent Wednesday evening, only then did the district remove the teacher from school, effective yesterday, Thursday, April 13. Therefore, the teacher is no longer at the school."


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8ebfcf No.18695032

File: 7fe5e73f1e693db⋯.png (1.24 MB,1242x1240,621:620,ClipboardImage.png)

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d4365f No.18695033

File: 0a649d7e01fa08b⋯.gif (3.55 MB,600x338,300:169,0a649d7e01fa08be5a2971370b….gif)

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8ceb66 No.18695034


We've been saying it for years. Welcome to the club.

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ccd72d No.18695035

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419379 No.18695036

File: dff43fe60265621⋯.png (84.73 KB,282x244,141:122,pepe_thinking.png)


>US Govt. Compensates 3 People a Total of $4,634 for COVID Vaccine Injuries

Is this the 1st time in America's history when the US government has tried to kill off the majority of its population?

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36ab8d No.18695037

File: 31772ac77bcc989⋯.jpg (67.96 KB,513x487,513:487,shilltactics.jpg)

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5268f1 No.18695038


COVID was only a trial run anon.

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5ef6a3 No.18695039

File: 5166a6e0a76d84a⋯.jpg (82.64 KB,640x480,4:3,1672422150416213.jpg)

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ecf8ca No.18695041

File: a935cd1603261bb⋯.jpg (29.39 KB,474x661,474:661,th_4041020183.jpg)

File: 83592cc888dc9ff⋯.jpg (14.61 KB,474x314,237:157,th_1458068826.jpg)

File: 474d545b0cb9e51⋯.jpg (37.66 KB,474x438,79:73,th_3807219846.jpg)

File: 332fa10ebaf493d⋯.jpg (16.81 KB,474x267,158:89,th_2620746962.jpg)

Jebbie be like, " muh mamma a teacher educamation."

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204551 No.18695042

File: 621232291862afd⋯.png (226.2 KB,502x342,251:171,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7ae10 No.18695043

File: 84d31ce2586dae0⋯.png (270.06 KB,598x588,299:294,Screenshot_2023_04_14_at_1….png)


The Times of Israel


Hacker group brings down Israeli postal, banking and telecoms websites


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a3f4b5 No.18695044

File: 30999a5170b633a⋯.png (29.54 KB,531x179,531:179,ClipboardImage.png)

normies waking up moar

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a49a73 No.18695045

File: 01d5c13db1846b7⋯.png (585.18 KB,743x543,743:543,00000004.png)

File: d73bba5c2b97239⋯.png (74.9 KB,1182x452,591:226,00000005.png)


Well, remember back after the wall came down in the 80's they found all those babies and kids in Romania being treated like animals in 'orphanages'?

The only people who cannot imagine this could happen (again) are those who didn't already see it happen.


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36ab8d No.18695046


>then put it together for the message.

the message is


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5ef6a3 No.18695047



2 weeks (and by weeks I mean million years)

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e6b6f4 No.18695048

File: 6a3ff4a77026b55⋯.jpg (13.92 KB,400x400,1:1,woWnzccm_400x400.jpg)

File: 2688ed4e440ada0⋯.jpg (172.3 KB,600x826,300:413,2688ed4e440ada0e2490a6ea19….jpg)

File: d5b1d4a159aed81⋯.gif (1.79 MB,250x231,250:231,giphy_1_.gif)


7 days knot 1 twat running red

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808453 No.18695049

File: 922164ce3b30972⋯.jpg (93.07 KB,424x391,424:391,9ff7d06908a7df7e280f718d5a….jpg)

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0a637c No.18695050



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713ba1 No.18695051

File: 1e84dfb142f573a⋯.jpg (2.78 MB,2560x1440,16:9,s5e68a.jpg)

Stephen Hilton talks about being red-pilled, Hon. Liz Harris talks about corruption. Two hours of excellent interview content.


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f67695 No.18695053


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419379 No.18695054

File: 2bdf2a5f49dd740⋯.png (85.25 KB,302x293,302:293,2023_02_05_22_27_23.png)


>Is this the 1st time in America's history when the US government has tried to kill off the majority of its population?

>COVID was only a trial run anon.

Bet it's the Khazarian Mafia.

They're behind a lot of it.

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0e1b33 No.18695055



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5268f1 No.18695056

File: 1f60e8df94fff49⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB,720x810,8:9,pitted_no_fucks_given.mp4)

When shills be shillin', anons will get them out of the way with absolutely ZERO FUCKS GIVEN, and keep moving forward.

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963311 No.18695057


You should post the same shit every bread, that will make your point more valid

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220529 No.18695058


Your mothers a dude? What!

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d4d154 No.18695059


couple of questions.

How is this guys videos first off.

second are there any other ways to verify these claims. It sounds true based on anon information and just how deep this goes, but has any anon seen these so called russian reports of these farms?

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cf0d18 No.18695060

File: ad78a1ae26f781f⋯.jpeg (80.04 KB,1280x720,16:9,42.jpeg)

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5ef6a3 No.18695061


OY vey

Mossad vaxx genocide FDA:




Watch the 2 minute video in this post, Jews bragging about Jews developing the death shots:


"Between the unprecedented amount of suicides during lockdown, deliberately admitting sick patients to nursing homes, effectively killing off thousands of our elderly, and the ever-increasing number of deaths from the vaccines they forced on us— let's call this for what it is.

This was a GENOCIDE.

A genocide orchestrated by the same group of people who murdered upwards of 100 million people over the last century.

There will be no amnesty."


Another 2 min video





"CBS News admits heart attack deaths in younger folks (age 25-44) are 30% higher than average over the past two years.

The cause? Anti-maskers and the unvaxxed.

The media are liars and murderers."


Eric Clapton got destroyed by the death shot:



Pfizer motion to dismiss fraud case implicates government





"‪Nothing like proof world leaders planned on releasing a new covid variant to scare and kill people, while continuing to lie about the toxic vaccine working.‬

‪We’re going to have to find a way to arrest these people ourselves, because they’re certainly not going to arrest eachother.‬"



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d5b7e0 No.18695062

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Liz Harris starts at 1:06:00

(I did jump in a Twitter room hosting her last night, saw Shady in there, too. Liz said the most important thing we can do is continue getting the truth out to new people - that our elections are corrupt.)

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e6b6f4 No.18695063


the level of the line holds

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5268f1 No.18695064

>>18695056 (me)

I love how the guy just keeps eating his donut without missing a beat.

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444ace No.18695065

now that we see the real reason that post deletion is allowed, with the current storm, the ones who spuriously delete those who just want to use their voice here, and do not post banned stuff, those who do that seem even more ridiculous.

and some say that the censors are also the ones who post the stuff that is horrific.

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36ab8d No.18695067


The people with Bags under their eyes like that have seen some shit IMO

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963311 No.18695068


That’s my question too. The info itself fits what we know of the pedo cult practices, but haven’t found a way to verify the speaker or the specific claims

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a7ae10 No.18695069

File: 05f3833d12568d5⋯.jpg (259.79 KB,1170x1586,45:61,FtsFj8fWYBEFYxU.jpg)

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ecf8ca No.18695070

File: 137f9a761964d44⋯.jpg (16.63 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2097799432.jpg)

File: 49c63e21fe219c3⋯.jpg (26.77 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2765130296.jpg)

File: 8e50857251a0be2⋯.jpg (28.44 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2057833342.jpg)

File: 300cfbc9fd94f07⋯.jpg (37.78 KB,474x316,3:2,th_1954093662.jpg)

File: 5cc3b4466bea52a⋯.jpg (36.55 KB,474x323,474:323,th_3334795092.jpg)

Law Man

Used to call it keeping the peace…

Blessed are the peacemakers.

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860bc8 No.18695071

File: 0cab5176b83284c⋯.jpg (122.07 KB,688x960,43:60,ZomboMeme_14042023082046.jpg)

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36ab8d No.18695073



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436eae No.18695074

File: 49fa3e4c0cb6a96⋯.png (218.36 KB,355x458,355:458,donut2.png)

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963311 No.18695075

File: 9c09945ef4ea467⋯.jpeg (15.85 KB,255x207,85:69,DF318725_D7BA_44BC_898C_C….jpeg)


Oh it’s the ‘fuckwit’ fag, that makes sense.

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419379 No.18695076

File: 6a9fa3115f957d0⋯.png (687.97 KB,655x948,655:948,2023_04_14_15_09_53.png)

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cf0d18 No.18695078

File: 8d993c3e796db3e⋯.jpg (133.01 KB,700x980,5:7,1164790317.jpg)

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a49a73 No.18695079

File: 767e653a273d612⋯.jpg (106.15 KB,1430x1506,715:753,339165891_586059970251918_….jpg)


>Oh it’s the ‘fuckwit’ fag

kek - was just thinking the same thing.

He's hangry again. Watch out.

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f81896 No.18695080

File: d8d3a6250c38f67⋯.jpeg (215.37 KB,1125x1486,1125:1486,644B48FB_7149_4D0D_AEAB_C….jpeg)












I am still the greatest troll to ever bless this board with my presence.

Now look at my newest meme and congratulate me for mastering everything.

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ff44c7 No.18695081

File: a19e84c2835da0f⋯.png (329.6 KB,380x380,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e6b6f4 No.18695082

File: 99cbd162879c57b⋯.png (522.85 KB,441x570,147:190,99cbd162879c57b054b14e589f….png)

File: c8fe10816608467⋯.jpg (52.77 KB,351x527,351:527,c8fe10816608467bb04567d321….jpg)

File: da501517fb91043⋯.jpg (132.32 KB,565x746,565:746,da501517fb91043e99dda8f41a….jpg)

File: 230cea5ecb7b45a⋯.jpg (47.32 KB,666x400,333:200,230cea5ecb7b45ae7bb2b9bbf6….jpg)

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0e1b33 No.18695084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d4d154 No.18695085


spacing on the fonts could use some work.

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a49a73 No.18695086

File: 626df6c839b91a6⋯.png (273.43 KB,798x698,399:349,626df6c839b91a6db1f27f8592….png)


what kind of meme is that?????


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a57dfa No.18695087

[Options] upper right corner noob


Hide Images

Image hover

If you only hover on images with words in post you will avoid the gorefag images.

Have a Nice Day.

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5ef6a3 No.18695088


What peace? Israel is still controlling the whole US body politic.

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ad2b08 No.18695089

File: 2c770956cd0bdd8⋯.jpg (366.08 KB,720x816,15:17,Screenshot_20230414_141403….jpg)

File: 1e7c0d3b93c68b5⋯.jpg (383.66 KB,717x1141,717:1141,Screenshot_20230414_141421….jpg)

So, is this a sniper situation?

Five motorcyclist shot so far.


1230pm-Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office is on the scene of a motorcyclist who was shot in the backon I-45 north of Rayford Road on the feeder. The cyclist has been transported to the hospital in critical condition. A short time after that another shooting victim showed up at Memorial Hermann in The Woodlands. Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office investigators are also at that scene. It is not known if they are related.



I-45 Northbound at Highway 19 is closed just south of Huntsville. Two possibly three motorcyclists have been shot. We are awaiting details. This is in addition to the motorcyclist shot on I-45 at Rayford and another that has shown up at Memorial Hermann Woodlands. We are also trying to verify another on I-45 in Harris County.


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36ab8d No.18695090

File: 0934710a1af29a9⋯.jpg (108.96 KB,720x405,16:9,masterthespian.jpg)



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e23e9b No.18695091

File: 0a3786411f32191⋯.png (16.65 KB,444x255,148:85,ClipboardImage.png)


"Children are being kidnapped, tortured, raped, and sacrificed in the name of PURE EVIL."

The injustice is incalculable.

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9a1dc3 No.18695092

>>18694501 pb

>>18694556 pb

nuclear scientist ?

no believy : Unless nukes are a hoax.

maybe that's it.

>>18694560 pb

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27672a No.18695093

File: 559c34fdf03a61f⋯.jpg (162.85 KB,1080x1439,1080:1439,Screenshot_20230414_121323.jpg)

File: 07b24b8f6aeb8bb⋯.jpg (54.76 KB,1080x667,1080:667,Screenshot_20230414_121336.jpg)



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f67695 No.18695094


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5268f1 No.18695095

File: d6344e9ff6bc81b⋯.jpg (114.45 KB,960x960,1:1,left_can_t_meme.jpg)

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e6b6f4 No.18695096

File: 43aad65fc71cc99⋯.png (493.05 KB,702x1011,234:337,43aad65fc71cc997883cf60379….png)


kek in ineffective

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963311 No.18695097


A glowie boomer word salading terms from his user manual

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5ef6a3 No.18695098


Yeah, typical Jewish tradition.

"Ritual murder was one of the chief factors, if not the decisive one, in the decision of Fernando and Isabel for the expulsion of the Jews from Spain."

William Thomas Walsh,

Isabella of Spain, page 441.




"Quoted from the memoirs of Thomas Pellow, a White slave in Morocco. Jews using White Christians for human sacrifice, that's judeo-Christianity for you."


An Israeli Jew called Ariel Toaff wrote about the verifiable fact that Jews engaged in religiously motivated child sacrifice of Christian children during the Middle Ages in Europe.

He wrote a book about it and was attacked relentlessly because of it, so he decided to make it available for free here:







"Eddie Murphy Telling Jerry Seinfeld | Weird Encounter with Sammy Davis Jr. Worshipping Satan |"


In case the satanic Jews take down that link, here is a backup:





"Anton LaVey was raised in a secular Jewish household and observed early on how Christians used the term "satanic" to describe anyone and anything they didn't like, and saw the potential of embracing it rather than disputing it."








Backup links:



"LaVey Was a Jew

The Church of Satan was founded in 1966 by a Jew, Anton Szandor LaVey. LaVey’s antics as a high priest of Satan earned him and his church the slavish devotion of singer Sammy Davis, Jr., buxom actress Jayne Mansfield, Beatle John Lennon, and rock star Marilyn Manson. Davis, a black man, even converted to Judaism."


“To this general belief are added the suspicions, often justified, against the Jews addicted to magical practices. Actually, in the Middle Ages, the Jew was considered by the people as the magician par excellence; one finds many formulae of exorcism in the Talmud, and the Talmudic and Cabalistic demonology is very complicated. Now one knows the position that blood always occupies in the operations of sorcery. In Chaldean magic it had a very great importance…Now, it is very probable, even certain that Jewish magicians sacrificed children; hence the origin of the legend of ritual sacrifice.” - Bernard Lazare, 1894 book "Antisemitism: Its History and Causes"





Jewish ritual murder police case in Ukraine 1911 (you need to scroll down to the highlighted (in yellow) comment):



Possibly of interest:

"Jewish woman in Chicago, Vicki Polin, claimed on the Oprah television show in 1989 that murder rituals still occur in her family!"




Anon recounts a story (click picture of the post to zoom and read):






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36ab8d No.18695099

File: eb442d38f1878de⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,400x400,1:1,0DbXShTZkeJjRCym.mp4)



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5268f1 No.18695100


Road rage gone wrong.

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a3df30 No.18695101

File: 0eeabd6acf8d7c7⋯.png (346.19 KB,600x499,600:499,ClipboardImage.png)


anon remembers something like this years ago, shootings from inside a white van.

antifa.com >whitehouse.gov

Someone mentioned false flags and terror related incidents this weekend.

clowns and mkultra assets deployed

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36ab8d No.18695102


17 okay, Red Shoes um no

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963311 No.18695104


Wondering if they’re (these people are) STUPID enough to attempt FFing the NRA convention

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a49a73 No.18695105

File: 630530569c19e52⋯.png (168.08 KB,314x571,314:571,000.png)





I can't.

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d4d154 No.18695106


would it even shock you at this point?

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436eae No.18695107

File: 868d42a27a3fc31⋯.jpg (74.99 KB,439x465,439:465,868d42a27a3fc31d694afb72d1….jpg)



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49f4bc No.18695108


Ukraine is the Keyhole.

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bbfb4b No.18695109

File: f99f8d1b7f4bb47⋯.jpg (166.47 KB,750x500,3:2,Needs_Sauce.jpg)

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a3df30 No.18695110


anything is possible.

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ad2b08 No.18695111



Hearing from "sources" that it's gang-related turf war.

Will update when it is verified.

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5b7c01 No.18695113

The light we bring to the earth is equivalent to an atomic bomb.

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7ce273 No.18695114

File: cdb362a3d898c45⋯.png (17.72 KB,255x219,85:73,1823562884c22babd119d12668….png)

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e6b6f4 No.18695115

File: 96c4d6af4a7f142⋯.gif (1.13 MB,498x261,166:87,james_bond_driving_pierce_….gif)

File: 8278fd159560f5e⋯.gif (1.11 MB,500x157,500:157,giphy3.gif)

File: 06e5eeba43ade7b⋯.jpeg (106.91 KB,1024x536,128:67,TELEMMGLPICT000243919430_….jpeg)

File: 2cb9d7162eefaa6⋯.jpg (94.69 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_22_.jpg)

File: d89510a2c0d54a9⋯.jpg (95.63 KB,750x920,75:92,thnyptzok1y51.jpg)


black & tan mishaps

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36ab8d No.18695116

File: a06d1475e62ffc7⋯.png (239.54 KB,780x655,156:131,Screenshot_2023_04_14_at_1….png)

A news anchor at an NBC affiliate in Illinois died after she fell ill and was hospitalized while vacationing with her husband and their two young sons in Florida.

Lesley Swick Van Ness, who worked as an anchor for WGEM-TV as well as an executive for its corporate parent, Gray Television, was pronounced dead on Monday in Naples, Fla.

“In the eyes of a small community she was a celebrity,” Tom and Neat Brower wrote in response to an online obituary.

“It is with a very heavy heart that we share some devastating news with you,” Jennifer Dale, the vice president of recruiting at Gray Television, said in a statement that was posted on Muddy River News.

“Lesley Van Ness, who we have been so fortunate to have as part of the Gray family, passed away this (Monday) morning.”

Dale continued: “Lesley had been on vacation with her beautiful family in Florida when she fell ill and was hospitalized last Thursday.”

“Lesley and her husband Tom have two precious young boys,” the statement read.

“Please keep all of them in your prayers. We will keep everyone posted on arrangements.”

Van Ness’ colleagues remembered her as a force to be reckoned with.


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a7ae10 No.18695117

File: bfeb4297f512d91⋯.jpg (156 KB,1170x1235,18:19,FtrSC_rWYAAVS7b.jpg)

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ecf8ca No.18695119

File: fe37762cf92730b⋯.jpg (12.16 KB,474x237,2:1,th_3622262678.jpg)

File: 77120fe888a3f89⋯.jpg (25.89 KB,474x355,474:355,th_1639550228.jpg)


They will do and say anything to regain…

Proppa fuck'd

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5ef6a3 No.18695120

File: 19e5734adfb51e4⋯.png (322.23 KB,521x479,521:479,b357f4c31493df6a.png)

File: c0ab01579fb5179⋯.png (225.95 KB,950x650,19:13,6e41239a536bba90.png)

File: 8c8f99bdd817fe2⋯.jpg (337.22 KB,1440x958,720:479,b6e002d19cc7193a.jpg)

File: 1a2b1dc0e0a32ab⋯.png (179.29 KB,900x600,3:2,1b5859f04f2fb6f8.png)

File: b20954837bf3ae1⋯.jpeg (54.38 KB,335x396,335:396,1dec7f959f566829.jpeg)

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edde2f No.18695121



Translation -

Gravitatis evadere = evade gravity

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e89291 No.18695122

File: 1920e9c247db54e⋯.png (2.38 MB,1730x1361,1730:1361,ClipboardImage.png)

Washington House Passes Bill Allowing No Parental Notification Of Runaways If Child Seeking Abortion, Sex Change

Every single legislator who voted yes to this should be charged with crimes against children and imprisoned for life.


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60d91b No.18695123


>Bikers only

>No manifesto

>Mockingbirds caught off guard no narrative to immediately run with

>No pending anti-gun bill ready to go

Yeah, prolly.

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a3f4b5 No.18695124

File: 7ff3b5e5456db0c⋯.jpg (209.25 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Ftr1oWmWcAMnBSW.jpg)

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7ce273 No.18695125

File: 9cf8b2072972edb⋯.gif (1.28 MB,499x212,499:212,offense44.gif)

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a49a73 No.18695126

File: d45bad49e8b200d⋯.jpeg (23.37 KB,255x245,51:49,d45bad49e8b200d97c85df2db….jpeg)


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36ab8d No.18695127


Your whole life is a One Trick Sad Trope

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9a1dc3 No.18695128


like the NAZI

shock will be great.

unless it's Propaganda


For instance I learned about the "work camps" in Germany and Poland; was filmed by professional film crew.

After people saw the film the didn't ask any questions, the film was so shocking.

the names of who filmed it ? are known. Went on to be publishing person. Found it in a bio.

The shock of the "planes into Towers" and dramatic collapse of the Large Towers made it so no one looked close nor asked questions. And if you did you would get hate-bombed

Q team said when the flood of info comes (still waiting) there would be no questions no doubt of validity.

Seems to fit the profile of what NAZI (i.e. NATO) would do

This seems like a regular TV show.

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c46152 No.18695130

Hacker group brings down Israeli postal, banking and telecoms websites

Collective calling itself ‘Anonymous Sudan,’ but thought linked to Russia, takes responsibility for assault; authorities say interruptions swiftly dealt with and no data breached

A hacker group attacked the websites of Israel’s national mail service and major banks Friday, briefly bringing them down in an assault seemingly timed to coincide with a day of Iranian-promoted anti-Israel events.

The attack was quickly squelched, authorities said, with apparently no significant harm or data leaks, though the websites of two telecoms and more banks later went down, indicating that the cyber assault was not over.

The attack was claimed by a group of hackers that goes by “Anonymous Sudan,” according to Hebrew media reports, citing a telegram message posted by the shadowy collective.

The National Cyber Directorate said the site for Israel’s national mail service was back up and running after a few minutes. Bank Mizrachi’s page was down for half an hour, it said.

The attacks only caused “occasional interruptions,” it said.

The directorate noted that the hackers did not gain access to internal documents or files, but merely the customer-facing interface.

“The attempts are limited to marketing websites and are unrelated to the bank’s internal systems,” it said.

A short time later the websites for the Hot cable service provider and 012 mobile carrier went down, with the group claiming responsibility for those as well.


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3fa1a9 No.18695132

File: d253237ab591c15⋯.png (139.78 KB,1086x874,543:437,npc_meme_indian.png)

>>18624670 pb

>You ever work for the DoD?


>All Indians from India. That was when I knew we were fucked.

I like indians, but they are NPCs. Very little creativity and original thought.

If you show them how to do something they can copy it great though.

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d997d0 No.18695133

File: 0ef59abffc45783⋯.png (281.24 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_04_14_15_24_3….png)

When the bottom drops out

We are going to learn to pull together

Or die alone


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a49a73 No.18695134


Except we were told this was happening.

Doubt this report if you want, but it doesn't change the facts.

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f67695 No.18695135

>>18627073 >>>>greatest goatanus.jpeg seance ever

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5ef6a3 No.18695136


The Golem Heights need to be returned to their rightful owners, Syria. One of the most disgusting things Trump did was to try to pretend like that isn't stolen land. I hope Russia gives Iran some nukes so Iran can teach the Israeli kikes a lesson long overdue.

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453ef4 No.18695137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Paris: Demonstrations against the pension reform


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51183d No.18695138

File: a5812f1502041a6⋯.jpg (49.25 KB,1079x910,83:70,When_kicking_your_ass_need….jpg)

When kicking your ass needs to be more painful!

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808453 No.18695139

File: 14166eb6d3833fb⋯.png (197.83 KB,473x352,43:32,14166eb6d3833fbc93001eac34….png)


same here, -20. gotta handful of batons.

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776dd0 No.18695141

File: 8a78e34dfd17dae⋯.jpeg (107.59 KB,828x838,414:419,AF03C266_2C38_4FC0_B096_E….jpeg)

Welter weight badass.

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a49a73 No.18695142

File: aae42516d1c834c⋯.jpg (111.9 KB,960x716,240:179,240431135_396033465210711_….jpg)


You are a bot

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3fa1a9 No.18695143

File: 9aa45f35d4cdbd7⋯.jpeg (663.6 KB,1290x1120,129:112,uk_excess_deaths_admitted….jpeg)

File: 49f3ad315650940⋯.jpeg (385.08 KB,950x1200,19:24,even_the_faggot_UK_lugenp….jpeg)

File: cd27dc322a469e7⋯.jpg (48.3 KB,519x680,519:680,NPC_switch_out_chip_ukrain….jpg)

File: 3b7133d0a9abf74⋯.jpg (133.69 KB,1094x614,547:307,uk_school_in_2017_britain_….jpg)

File: 145712a806487f3⋯.png (792.09 KB,854x573,854:573,uk_school_isis.png)


>We are going to learn to pull together

pulling together comes from national and religious likeness and nothing else.

anything else is a wellmeaning pipedream that will fail

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5b7c01 No.18695144


How is it possible you are on every board, everyday.?

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36ab8d No.18695145


You think you have Chutzpah? You don't have Chutzpah, you're a Putz

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ad2b08 No.18695146


>6 shot now

No sauce yet. Will update with official sauce

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edde2f No.18695147


Did you get those from Dick's?

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808453 No.18695148

File: f974d4ecf9a2e60⋯.jpg (439.43 KB,1200x1652,300:413,golem.jpg)

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3fa1a9 No.18695149


>pension reform

stealing life reform

breaking the deal reform

cutting your lifespan and then ensuring you die before retirement reform

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a3f4b5 No.18695150

File: f8c149fa834971c⋯.png (1.29 MB,1200x650,24:13,ClipboardImage.png)

27 of Top 30 Crime-Ridden Cities Run by Democrats

A new report shows that Democrat policies in cities and counties are responsible for rising crime rates in “their otherwise red states.”

The Heritage Foundation today released a 19-page report titled “The Blue City Murder Problem” that includes analysis on crime data and explores who is responsible for rising crime throughout the U.S. (The Daily Signal is Heritage’s multimedia news organization.)


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5ef6a3 No.18695151


What Nazis? Ukraine is a Jewish power ruled by a Jewish president with a Jew packed cabinet that pushes for everything the Nazis fought against (diversity, faggotry and more Jewish power). Nazis would put trannies, faggots and pedos in camps along with the kikes, they burned down the 1st transgender clinic to ever exist (which was created by a kike btw). And there is also the fact that Jews have repeatedly engaged in ritual child sacrifice in Europe AND also a fact that the Talmud promotes pedophilia.

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36ab8d No.18695152


There is Fucker a foot

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7ce273 No.18695153

File: 4ec008b35b5bd34⋯.jpg (11.44 KB,255x240,17:16,0f9c878be99d58c0183b0e8f03….jpg)

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c46152 No.18695154

File: d6216a93a81b0c5⋯.png (45.27 KB,570x360,19:12,ClipboardImage.png)

Pentagon leaker filmed himself in antisemitic rant at gun range

Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene defended Teixeira, saying that the Biden administration is the real enemy.

Jack Teixeira, the National Guard airman arrested on charges of leaking a large trove of US intelligence documents, reportedly recorded himself making antisemitic and racist slurs before opening fire on a target.

The Washington Post first reported the video of the antisemitic rant, which was shared with members of the chat group where Teixeira allegedly shared sensitive intelligence. Teixeira, 21, was the suspected administrator of the group, and the FBI arrested him yesterday at his Massachusetts home.

The Post's account describes a video Teixeira shared in which he is at a shooting range. He “yells a series of racial and antisemitic slurs into the camera, then fires several rounds at a target,” the account said. It did not further detail what slurs he used.

“Ask yourself who is the real enemy? A young low level national guardsmen? Or the administration that is waging war in Ukraine, a non-NATO nation, against nuclear Russia without war powers?” Greene continued.

Greene appeared to be an outlier in her embrace of Teixeira, even in her own party.

“No, it makes him an enemy to America. Leaking classified documents, especially this sensitive in nature, is a crime and he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” Mike Lawler, a New York Republican, replied to Greene on Twitter. “His conduct is indefensible and should be universally condemned.”

FBI arrests Pentagon leaker

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was briefed for the first time on April 6 about the leak of classified US military documents that appeared online, the Pentagon said on Monday.

The leak of classified information was a "deliberate, criminal act," the Pentagon said on Thursday.

The FBI said on Thursday it has "made an arrest and is continuing to conduct authorized law enforcement activity at a residence in North Dighton, Massachusetts."

"FBI agents took Teixeira into custody earlier this afternoon without incident," US Attorney General Merrick Garland said at a brief statement at the Justice Department.

One of the leaked Pentagon documents described situations in which the US believes Israel would supply Ukraine with lethal weapons, according to a report by The New York Times.


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453ef4 No.18695155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anti-goverment protests in Paris, France against the new pension reforms which were forced through by the president bypassing the parliament.


Multi-stream view

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f67695 No.18695156

>>rushin peepee hurts UKdiarhearain juw gas prices


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5ef6a3 No.18695157


Hopefully they will take down the Iron Dome next time and Russia sends some nukes towards Tel Aviv.

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7ce273 No.18695158

File: 4dc2b7fd54ed559⋯.png (830.77 KB,1200x675,16:9,430967fd779fcbc844ae21b871….png)

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3fa1a9 No.18695159

File: 10117d64fa6e3ad⋯.png (606.49 KB,1236x945,412:315,louise_mensch_CAN_SEE_RUSS….png)

File: b73b6b6623c66ba⋯.jpg (97.6 KB,1030x697,1030:697,louise_mensch_drugs.jpg)

File: 230e72d328c06ed⋯.jpg (97.36 KB,1034x905,1034:905,louise_mensch_drugs_2.jpg)


>Anonymous Sudan,’ but thought linked to Russia

kek. I bet the evidence is a hunch from louise mench

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453ef4 No.18695160

File: 7a896fa1da71e30⋯.png (638.41 KB,853x473,853:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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60155b No.18695162

I just plain don't wanna see blacks in my movies. There, I said it.

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8607c2 No.18695163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Australian TV ACCIDENTALLY Shows The U.S. War Menace

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4ea986 No.18695164

File: 196dfe1cd73262c⋯.jpg (291.19 KB,1600x1200,4:3,denver_airport_mural2_1600….jpg)

File: e7eecbd54bf0e8f⋯.jpg (131.63 KB,1200x925,48:37,Denver_Airport_Paintings.jpg)

Lot's of habbenings in a 20 mile radius. Denver Airport Art?

April 11, 2023

Teacher’s suspected meningitis death closes Aurora school


April 12 2023

Cherry Creek School District: 2nd Eaglecrest High School teacher died over weekend


April 12, 2023

Most classes at Eaglecrest High School in Aurora to resume amid investigation into educator’s death from bacterial meningitis


April 14, 2023

3 teachers die amid possible meningitis outbreak in Colorado school district


10 miles away

23 March 2023

Teen shot dead outside Town Center Aurora Mall Saturday night, suspect sought


July 20, 2012

Mass shooting occurred inside a Century 16 movie theater at Town Center Aurora Mall in Aurora, Colorado


23 Miles away

April 20, 1999

Columbine High School shooting



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776dd0 No.18695165


My sister lives in Franxe. She sent that to me. Says people over there are waking up to the fact that the govt is against them n says starting to become obvious something is wrong in America. She says people feel lost n don’t know what to believe. She comes to me for clarity n then with info she can see n logic it becomes clear to her again and then she tells them over there but Anons are the solid rock they come to. Oh shit n my father, vaxxed n boosted got cancer back n just found out he’s going behind my back trying to find natural cures. I already sent him everything tho.

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60155b No.18695166


He's a fall guy.

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c46152 No.18695167

Greek Orthodox Church accuses Israeli police of violating 'Holy Fire' worshippers' rights

Police were reportedly imposing capacity limits at the Jerusalem ceremony

The Greek Orthodox Church on Wednesday accused Israeli police of infringing on the freedom of worshippers with "heavy-handed" restrictions on how many pilgrims can attend the "Holy Fire" ceremony amid soaring tensions.

Israeli police said the limits are needed for safety during Saturday's celebration at the ancient Church of the Holy Sepulcher, a holy site where Christians believe Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected.

Saturday’s "Holy Fire" celebration comes during a recent spate of violence in the Old City, touched off by an Israeli police raid on Jerusalem’s most sensitive holy site, the compound that’s home to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The tensions spiraled into a regional confrontation between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria, and were punctuated Friday when two British-Israeli sisters and their mother were killed after their car came under fire near a Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank. The mother succumbed to her wounds on Monday.

Israel, which imposed similar restrictions on the "Holy Fire" event last year, says it wants to prevent another disaster after a crowd stampede in 2021 at a packed Jewish holy site left 45 people dead. Christian leaders say there’s no need to alter a ceremony that has been held for centuries.

Eastern Orthodox Christians believe that on the Saturday before Easter, a miraculous flame appears inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. The Greek patriarch enters the Holy Edicule, a chamber built on the traditional site of Jesus' tomb, and emerges with two lit candles. He passes the flame among thousands of people holding candles, gradually illuminating the walls of the darkened basilica. The flame will be transferred to Orthodox communities in other countries on special flights. The source of the Holy Fire has been a closely guarded secret for centuries, with an abundance of skeptics.


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3fa1a9 No.18695168

File: 6e67228ef7b692c⋯.png (916.82 KB,1581x1054,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a33cd7dfab327b⋯.png (4.11 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)


>Ukraine is the Keyhole.

youk rain

ike rain

we alk rain

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0d6cc8 No.18695169

File: 3833dc1cf71bb61⋯.png (394.49 KB,841x572,841:572,ClipboardImage.png)

Russia is Gonna Finish Ukraine in a Single Blitz Krieg

Putin is Going to Mop the Floor with Z's Face

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d4d154 No.18695170


oh no he said mean words. Joe Biden is having a proxy war in Ukraine illegally. But quick cast shade on him because he leaked what the criminal traitors are up to. Oh no, round up the wagons means words are a comin. Fucking traitors.

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60155b No.18695171

the jews are orchestrating yet another war between whites and profiting from it. Nothing has changed since WW2.

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5b7c01 No.18695172

File: eca96c7ba65ff18⋯.jpeg (551.32 KB,828x1792,207:448,20AF8874_7842_4296_8251_5….jpeg)

More and more

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c46152 No.18695173

File: c6686aea54c51a0⋯.png (655.85 KB,640x906,320:453,ClipboardImage.png)

Your primary care provider was bribed to convince you to take the COVID “vaccine”.

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ad2b08 No.18695174


Locals saying Banditos and another motorcycle gang fighting it out down 45.

Still waiting on sauce.

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d5b7e0 No.18695175

File: 3718c1fba2c0789⋯.png (145.15 KB,908x838,454:419,ClipboardImage.png)


>Abraham Feinberg

Oral History Interview with Abraham Feinberg

Business executive and philanthropist. Active in the cause of immigration to Palestine and in the creation of the State of Israel, 1945-48. Friend of President Harry S. Truman.

New York, New York

August 23, 1973

by Richard D. McKinzie

Transcript of a tape-recorded interview conducted for the Harry S. Truman Library.


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3fa1a9 No.18695176

File: 8bca6fbf50654b6⋯.png (1.48 MB,1242x1602,69:89,2a_guns_murder_left_every_….png)

File: a7877095236c5fe⋯.png (892.88 KB,1306x834,653:417,_2a_guns_side_by_side.png)

File: 3a7cbdbfda767d8⋯.png (114.42 KB,701x516,701:516,china_doesnt_like_texas_2a….png)

File: c642b01b4d6ea77⋯.jpg (59.13 KB,672x641,672:641,bong_safety_uk_guns_2a.jpg)


>Pentagon leaker filmed himself in antisemitic rant at gun range

kek of course they had to get guns & jews in there somehow

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a6a562 No.18695177

File: 6ab9635b0243e1c⋯.mp4 (9.98 MB,320x240,4:3,brian_names_elton.mp4)

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0d6cc8 No.18695179

Putin Will stop Just outside of Kiev

Ask Z one last time if this is what he wants

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8dff43 No.18695180


He just called. My 3 year old answered and hung up on him. Trump called from No ID number.

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2a9578 No.18695181

File: 4967a21b7a19310⋯.png (515.62 KB,1284x735,428:245,update.png)

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e6b6f4 No.18695182

File: e9dd175584d82ca⋯.jpg (77.09 KB,500x772,125:193,7i6ti1.jpg)

File: 1ad11b95c8d9080⋯.jpg (116.58 KB,757x500,757:500,1ad11b95c8d90801b36f4a3579….jpg)

File: 4a4c13de3aa7ee4⋯.jpg (113.24 KB,1500x914,750:457,712Htx4N_uL_SL1500_.jpg)

File: 3c7bd59035fe96a⋯.jpg (94.15 KB,683x1024,683:1024,DdOJFDNVMAA8umC.jpg)




stop the drag show. do a times pussy

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204551 No.18695183

File: 24f033f418917a1⋯.png (526.28 KB,741x653,741:653,ClipboardImage.png)

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a3df30 No.18695184

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: The times news papers and msm were on the scene during the arrest and most of the people in the chat room sound like feds. Another clown and fake news op !!!


Jack Teixeira Arrested for Alleged Leaks in Bizarre FBI Raid



🧠 MINDMAP TOOL: https://www.spotlightlawyer.com/mindmap

Alleged Pentagon Leaker Jack Teixeira was arrested at his home on suspicion of disclosing classified national security documents.

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d997d0 No.18695185


Go back… way back ..crusades….catholacizum. Join or. 404

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e6b6f4 No.18695186


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776dd0 No.18695187

File: 130ecc4b6a16807⋯.jpeg (575.76 KB,750x1253,750:1253,438E05D3_A519_4A97_BBCB_A….jpeg)

File: a8901c2e05f9f19⋯.jpeg (16.05 KB,255x163,255:163,9EC0B054_FBCA_41F4_9B5C_8….jpeg)


AND she says in France people are starting to think diff about Trump n they’re starting to like him. Things are turning, she says. She was one of the few. All my frens n gamma got injected n boosted except for her bc she believed n trusted me, n that’s only due to the work we do here, u God made glorious faggots.

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60155b No.18695188


I would LOVE to punch an owl out of the air.

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a57dfa No.18695190


[They] want the guns.

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a7ae10 No.18695191

File: 6113da78bd6b365⋯.png (163.88 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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92eee4 No.18695192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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92eee4 No.18695193

File: a034d76e149a984⋯.png (104.56 KB,1062x818,531:409,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ef6a3 No.18695194

File: d58048073561f21⋯.png (3.1 MB,1242x2688,207:448,1e34a0017240fd03.png)

File: 7cac1910de11e7f⋯.png (895.56 KB,1242x2688,207:448,ea26fdd2ea1e66c8.png)

Diversity + Proximity = War

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5b7c01 No.18695195


Who controls the gangs and cartels?

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3fa1a9 No.18695196

File: da25b3ad5f3d92e⋯.png (15.3 KB,441x331,441:331,ClipboardImage.png)


>ike rain

something is seriously wrong with austin

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93f9c2 No.18695197

File: 56bd12906771ca0⋯.png (465.53 KB,720x1105,144:221,Screenshot_20230414_143250….png)

File: ad90126e89cc8c5⋯.png (411.54 KB,720x1253,720:1253,Screenshot_20230414_143400….png)

The Bryant Police Department recently conducted an investigation into the allegations regarding a Bryant High School teacher involved in sexual misconduct with a student. With the information obtained, detectives were able to secure a warrant for 32-year-old Heather Hare on Felony charges of Sexual Assault in the 1st Degree.

This morning Heather Hare surrendered herself to the Saline County Detention Center where she will be arraigned and a bond set. If anyone has any further information regarding this case, please contact the Bryant Police Department Criminal Investigation Division at 501-943-0943.


Bryant Public Schools issued a statement on Wednesday noting that they have been made aware of an allegation of inappropriate conduct by a Bryant High School teacher.

According to the statement on the school website, “The teacher is no longer employed by the Bryant School District.”

It continues, “BPS takes all reports of employee misconduct very seriously. On Thursday, March 30, district administration learned of the allegations involving the teacher. The allegations were immediately investigated and appropriate agencies, including law enforcement, were notified. As those agencies continue their investigations, many facts remain unknown.”

And finally the statement says, “While we will continue to cooperate with all appropriate agencies, we are unable to provide further comment at this time. Our expectation is for all students to be safe and supported. Parents and students should always notify administration immediately with any information concerning the health and safety of students.”

The statement did not go into any detail about what sort of inappropriate behavior was reported. However, there Arkansas Justice Project picked up Mark Cannon’s Facebook post stating that the teacher was possibly in a relationship with a male student. Read the post below, but keep in mind that it is hearsay at this point.


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a3df30 No.18695198

File: db8294b29b0b43f⋯.png (110.23 KB,1750x772,875:386,ClipboardImage.png)




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51183d No.18695199


gives more excitement to pussy footing around.(old saying, for old people)

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60155b No.18695200

Do you ever pause and realize how worthless this board is now?

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419379 No.18695201

File: bb0898ea909beca⋯.png (539.02 KB,545x454,545:454,mcthistle_returns.png)

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7d96bf No.18695202

File: 81bdc805184dd78⋯.png (99.86 KB,254x232,127:116,b76921d3b03b730f9d891cf817….png)

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60155b No.18695203


So you're saying Q team made an owl attack a bunch of people to send a message to 8kun? Really?

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3fa1a9 No.18695204

File: dff1160c299c143⋯.jpg (44.23 KB,680x383,680:383,tiresome.jpg)





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9a1dc3 No.18695205

File: e8255441dfac4ef⋯.jpg (1.4 MB,2000x3190,200:319,adolfarrengescremationbe.jpg)

File: 2e3c300c1d61f29⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,2000x2505,400:501,hitlerdidntkillhimselph_.jpg)

File: f72828a0120a05c⋯.png (516.8 KB,1024x575,1024:575,obamahitler.png)



Devin on x22. amazing

It's OBAMA crew.

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60d91b No.18695206


No need to pause.

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776dd0 No.18695208

File: 0bf28b6960eab1b⋯.jpeg (40.96 KB,600x400,3:2,66387C97_136C_459C_9AFA_6….jpeg)


Last one, I promise. For now.

She said she even got confused all of a sudden about the Trump arrest n didn’t know what to believe but then I told her BEST PRECEDENT EVER!!! n it cliqued n she was ok again n seeing what’s going on n she said she understands now it’s psychological warfare.

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51183d No.18695209


but it is still informative and fun…always has!!!

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3fa1a9 No.18695210


>something is seriously wrong with austin

Most cities you can find IP addresses

austin's IP addresses are unavailable

something is fucky with that city

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808453 No.18695211


thx, an hats off to you.

understand, same as well.

tests indicate stopping is not possible.

at least it is the best ride on the planet!

best wishes.

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f67695 No.18695212



>UKdiarhearain juw gas prices


>UKdiarhearain juw gas prices


>UKdiarhearain juw gas prices

ist das pooing auf dienem gasmoney feels

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edde2f No.18695213


Probably got a nest with young nearby.

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5ef6a3 No.18695214


Not just the left, the Jews as a group (who btw make up most of the megs donors for both sides of the uniparty) are also very proactive in the struggle against the 2nd Ammendment:

https://archive.is/oEmbt – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.





"Jewish politicians lead chorus calling for tighter gun laws"

16 December 2012



"Anti-Semitic fliers blame US Jewish lawmakers for gun control"

22 March 2018

Musician Ted Nugent Calls Out The Jews Behind Gun Control



Philip N Cohen says:

"Armed goyim are always bad news for us, duh"





"The NRA will fall. It's inevitable"

"Just look at the demographics."

The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:


Anti-White gun grab:



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e6b6f4 No.18695215

File: 4a4c13de3aa7ee4⋯.jpg (113.24 KB,1500x914,750:457,712Htx4N_uL_SL1500_.jpg)

File: accee1c68381bd5⋯.gif (38.56 KB,220x169,220:169,vulture_hiccup.gif)

File: ff440b0cf83e0f3⋯.png (1.34 MB,938x1024,469:512,ff440b0cf83e0f3568c79af127….png)

File: dc216535b8dabb0⋯.jpg (93.59 KB,712x705,712:705,dc216535b8dabb0107bdcc67c0….jpg)

File: 0c79c14b939c3aa⋯.png (222.36 KB,757x768,757:768,0c79c14b939c3aa6f584a21c14….png)


jews in the manual arr doomed. ramen clam. only 1 billion not ccp chinks want freedom with the rest of everybody else.

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d4d154 No.18695216

File: f519a12c9925f3c⋯.png (817.74 KB,989x693,989:693,ClipboardImage.png)



Killarney Ireland visit, Owl attack

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5ef6a3 No.18695217


Neil Steinberg's article called "Why restrict child porn but not guns?"



Neil Steinberg is unsurprisingly, a Jew:



Jew immediately tries to demonize Whites as soon as a tragedy occurs:



Active shooter gets stopped after being shot at by man carrying gun on a "gun free zone", Jew starts calling the hero a criminal:


Respect for the 2A needs to come back:





"So when there's a mass shooting in America, the solution is more gun control. When there's a mass shooting in Israel, the solution is more guns in the hands of civilians. Interesting."



"“The police cannot be everywhere,” said Itzik Chiprout, chairman of the Israeli Legal Weapon Association. “Even a swift police reaction is sometimes not enough. Civilians that are armed save lives.”

So - yes - Israelis get a wall and guns. YOU don't.

Israel to Loosen Legal Gun Licensing






2nd Ammendment under siege:




Milo Yiannopoulos (a zionist Jew who is a FBI informant and is known for promoting homosexual acts between minors and adults and bragging about blackmailing everyone he knows, sources here: https://archive.vn/wMwJ8 ) says the 2nd Ammendment needs to go:



"The Second Amendment needs to go. It is totally unsuited to a godless country full of wackos and troons. Reckless and insane."



American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten (a Jew) calls for the mass confiscation of guns in America:


Backup link:


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d5b7e0 No.18695218

File: f0afddbaf529d2e⋯.png (57.3 KB,789x382,789:382,ClipboardImage.png)

Interesting Question?

Candace Owens @RealCandaceO

Can you name one objective thing that has gotten better in American society since women were given the right to vote?

(Please contain your emotions and answer the question. I’m working on an episode and want to read aloud some of the answers).

1:36 PM · Apr 14, 2023


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a7ae10 No.18695219

File: 288e826596db991⋯.png (243.11 KB,500x248,125:62,ClipboardImage.png)


>how worthless this board is now?

It has always been worthless.

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9a1dc3 No.18695220


announcement of Adolf's death was May 1 st .Whadda coincidence.

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af0f93 No.18695221

File: 21417ad6a488ac5⋯.png (360.57 KB,612x600,51:50,current_thing.png)





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a3df30 No.18695222

File: 9cc95df9d8c3da8⋯.png (109.21 KB,320x338,160:169,ClipboardImage.png)



#qdrop 522 jeremiah 29.11

11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.




full chapter

Jeremiah 29

King James Version

29 Now these are the words of the letter that Jeremiah the prophet sent from Jerusalem unto the residue of the elders which were carried away captives, and to the priests, and to the prophets, and to all the people whom Nebuchadnezzar had carried away captive from Jerusalem to Babylon;

2 (After that Jeconiah the king, and the queen, and the eunuchs, the princes of Judah and Jerusalem, and the carpenters, and the smiths, were departed from Jerusalem;)

3 By the hand of Elasah the son of Shaphan, and Gemariah the son of Hilkiah, (whom Zedekiah king of Judah sent unto Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon) saying,

4 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, unto all that are carried away captives, whom I have caused to be carried away from Jerusalem unto Babylon;

5 Build ye houses, and dwell in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them;

6 Take ye wives, and beget sons and daughters; and take wives for your sons, and give your daughters to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters; that ye may be increased there, and not diminished.

7 And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the Lord for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace.

8 For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Let not your prophets and your diviners, that be in the midst of you, deceive you, neither hearken to your dreams which ye cause to be dreamed.

9 For they prophesy falsely unto you in my name: I have not sent them, saith the Lord.

10 For thus saith the Lord, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place.

11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

12 Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.

13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

14 And I will be found of you, saith the Lord: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the Lord; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive.

15 Because ye have said, The Lord hath raised us up prophets in Babylon;

16 Know that thus saith the Lord of the king that sitteth upon the throne of David, and of all the people that dwelleth in this city, and of your brethren that are not gone forth with you into captivity;

17 Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Behold, I will send upon them the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, and will make them like vile figs, that cannot be eaten, they are so evil.

18 And I will persecute them with the sword, with the famine, and with the pestilence, and will deliver them to be removed to all the kingdoms of the earth, to be a curse, and an astonishment, and an hissing, and a reproach, among all the nations whither I have driven them:

19 Because they have not hearkened to my words, saith the Lord, which I sent unto them by my servants the prophets, rising up early and sending them; but ye would not hear, saith the Lord.


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204551 No.18695223

File: 701e9889e91c73a⋯.png (75.75 KB,300x289,300:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7aa23e83992c90⋯.png (130.45 KB,291x296,291:296,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b0d776c38b65f1⋯.png (484.53 KB,758x700,379:350,ClipboardImage.png)

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60155b No.18695224


Women and non-whites voting has ruined this country. The jew would've never been able to subvert our country if only straight white men voted.

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0d6cc8 No.18695226

File: 6b05dc73b4f6294⋯.png (673.88 KB,797x768,797:768,ClipboardImage.png)

Russia Will Win

Ukraine will Fall

Conspiracies will become Facts

Lies Exposed

Can They Flee to their China Overloads?

China is working with Russia!?

What a Pickle

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9d07cf No.18695227

KH has always been the designated Manchurian Candidate.

Recruited, programmed, trained and infiltrated by CCP intelligence through DF and WB, Jr.

What is KH family history / background? Are you sure?

Think Presidential chain of succession…. 25th Amendment

Who controlled DF for 25 years? How?

Who controlled WB, Jr.? How?



Dark to light

Unmasking…. double meanings exist

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a3df30 No.18695228

File: d634cce4537dd14⋯.png (539.75 KB,1426x1148,713:574,ClipboardImage.png)


20 Hear ye therefore the word of the Lord, all ye of the captivity, whom I have sent from Jerusalem to Babylon:

21 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, of Ahab the son of Kolaiah, and of Zedekiah the son of Maaseiah, which prophesy a lie unto you in my name; Behold, I will deliver them into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon; and he shall slay them before your eyes;

22 And of them shall be taken up a curse by all the captivity of Judah which are in Babylon, saying, The Lord make thee like Zedekiah and like Ahab, whom the king of Babylon roasted in the fire;

23 Because they have committed villany in Israel, and have committed adultery with their neighbours' wives, and have spoken lying words in my name, which I have not commanded them; even I know, and am a witness, saith the Lord.

24 Thus shalt thou also speak to Shemaiah the Nehelamite, saying,

25 Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saying, Because thou hast sent letters in thy name unto all the people that are at Jerusalem, and to Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah the priest, and to all the priests, saying,

26 The Lord hath made thee priest in the stead of Jehoiada the priest, that ye should be officers in the house of the Lord, for every man that is mad, and maketh himself a prophet, that thou shouldest put him in prison, and in the stocks.

27 Now therefore why hast thou not reproved Jeremiah of Anathoth, which maketh himself a prophet to you?

28 For therefore he sent unto us in Babylon, saying, This captivity is long: build ye houses, and dwell in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them.

29 And Zephaniah the priest read this letter in the ears of Jeremiah the prophet.

30 Then came the word of the Lord unto Jeremiah, saying,

31 Send to all them of the captivity, saying, Thus saith the Lord concerning Shemaiah the Nehelamite; Because that Shemaiah hath prophesied unto you, and I sent him not, and he caused you to trust in a lie:

32 Therefore thus saith the Lord; Behold, I will punish Shemaiah the Nehelamite, and his seed: he shall not have a man to dwell among this people; neither shall he behold the good that I will do for my people, saith the Lord; because he hath taught rebellion against the Lord.


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204551 No.18695229


Kill Arney

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5ef6a3 No.18695230


Antifa is Jewish, not Nazi.

Jewish Wayne State Professor Steven Shaviro says that antifa, jews and radical leftists occupy the moral low ground in the eyes of Americans when they protest and shut down racist and "transphobic" speakers on campus, and that instead they should simply murder them and hope that the jewish controlled legal system will treat them lightly:






The Original ‘Antifa’ Was A Jewish Anti-Nazi Militia



Antifa is a terrorist group in the blood-soaked Bolshevik tradition



Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish



Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews



Your top 9 Yiddish antifa anthems: a revolutionary playlist



The Yiddish roots of antifa – the anti-fascist movement whose precursors date back at least as far as opposition to the Russian czar – have been well documented. They are also enshrined in a canon of Yiddish antifa songs – songs of resistance, anarchism, revolution, and workers’ rights – that listeners might find eerily resonant and applicable to our present moment.


4 part info graph about the relationship between Antifa, George Soros, ISIS and Israel:





Biden's Jewish DA Merrick Garland refused to persecute Antifa as a domestic terrorism group even after they attempted to burn down federal courthouses:


Convicted domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, founder of Weather Underground ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Ayers ) is also an initiator of one of antifa's branches "Refuse Fascism".

Related pic here:



"1895: A Jew Who Would Thanklessly Head Germany's Communist Party Is Born"



NOTE: notice the Antifa flag on the German communist party HQ's picture


Antifa and police cooperate to enact life ruination on dissidents:






"Important lesson here: There is no daylight between Antifa, Journalists & Federal Law Enforcement. Each one plays their part, doing the work that's illegal for the others to do in order to enable one another.

They have people listening to every second of every podcast that you wish you had time to listen to in order to dox & destroy people they disagree with. Then they hand it off to the journalists who can publish the Antifa accusations without risk of libel liability. This lends the veneer of credibility needed for the state to get involved and harass or imprison their targets.

Now years worth of homeschool materials from Dissident Homeschool have been destroyed."




Compilation of resources that prove that Communism is a Jewish project:


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453ef4 No.18695231

File: e55089eae003672⋯.png (91.72 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

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ecf8ca No.18695232

File: 44fde95282be4de⋯.jpg (53.85 KB,474x546,79:91,th_1_.jpg)

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92eee4 No.18695233


Kill NRA ey

NRA, NARA in news lately

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3921a3 No.18695234

File: b60143b8c0481a4⋯.jpg (1.63 MB,3024x2788,756:697,20230413_191620.jpg)



Nice guns!

Just went out to do some shopping (anon avoids going out in public as often as possible). Much rather be out in the grass with birds & such, anon is in Chicagoland Metro area & even though northern subs, it's a dreadful feeling. I don't think my mind will ever enjoy the delightful time of bliss I grew up in.

One thing anon can say positive about that state of mind currently, even though it's not much anon has more monetary value than he ever has.

I'm afraid the madness won't end frenz, even though PDJT speaks wonderful words, the Lords word is supreme. I have faith, just don't know exactly where we are on His timeline.

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5ef6a3 No.18695235




https://archive.vn/szuFL - "Biden reassures Florida Jews on Israel"

https://archive.vn/GhSwJ - "Sen. Joe Biden reiterates support for Israel at two South Florida rallies"


Obama signed a $38 billion package of military aid for Israel over 10 years.


https://archive.vn/CA7gU - "U.S. Finalizes Deal to Give Israel $38 Billion in Military Aid"


Obama said "The example of Israel and its values was inspiring,” at a synagogue in 2015.


https://archive.vn/L7HVL - "An insider’s view: Eight years watching the first Jewish US president "


Obama was very very close to the extremely zionist Rahm Emanuel.


https://archive.vn/Yqy7p - "Rahm Emanuel, Obama's Chieff of Staff"


https://archive.vn/bsK8P - “Obama Hailed as a 'Mensch' After Moving Speech at NYC Synagogue: 'Be Kind. Be Useful. Be Fearless'”


https://archive.vn/L7HVL - "An insider’s view: Eight years watching the first Jewish US president"


As US President Barack Obama stood before the packed synagogue sanctuary, a white kippa comfortably atop his head, he spoke of the impact that images of kibbutzim, Israel’s founders and the 1967 war had on him as he was coming of age.

“To a young man like me, grappling with his own identity, recognizing the scars of race here in this nation, inspired by the Civil Rights struggle, the idea that you could be grounded in your history, as Israel was, but not be trapped by it, to be able to repair the world – that idea was liberating. The example of Israel and its values was inspiring,” Obama said that day, speaking in 2015 at my own synagogue, Adas Israel Congregation in Washington DC, in celebration of Jewish American Heritage Month.



https://archive.vn/TlQsV - "William Kristol & Neocons Are Not Conservatives"


https://archive.vn/dVaoi - "Barack Obama: America’s First Jewish President!"




"Some Chicago Jews Say Obama Is Actually the 'First Jewish President'"


Chuck Schumer talks about how Barrack Obama was introduced to the world of politics by the most powerful Jewish families in Chicago:


Backup of video:



"Obama Makes New York Magazine Cover as ‘First Jewish President’"




Israel Secret Intelligence Service + Islamic League = ISIL



Document with links about the relationship between Israel and ISIS:






"To all our Jewish friends, family, and neighbors celebrating the start of #RoshHashanah tonight, Shanah Tovah!"




Obama was groomed for power by a family of billionaire jewish supremacists.

The Pritzker family is a family of billionaire jewish supremacists based in Chicago, who groomed and funded Obama's rise to power.

"Leading Role in Obama ’08, but Backstage in ’12"




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e6b6f4 No.18695236

File: cde86a50d8e5aa0⋯.jpg (114.21 KB,1000x1303,1000:1303,61rlHNpX_fL_1_.jpg)

File: add41b0b58a6567⋯.jpeg (275.09 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,Fkq_UfwXgAAMT2k.jpeg)

File: 0a4afd8ca788700⋯.jpeg (284.01 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,Fkq_V40WYAI2gwx.jpeg)

File: da1adc1bdddd3e7⋯.jpg (149.73 KB,1120x609,160:87,da1adc1bdddd3e72f386d9ad8e….jpg)

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a6a562 No.18695237

File: 3d5b2d3210bbe7a⋯.jpg (1.32 MB,2670x2000,267:200,Nobuyoshi_Araki_by_Said_Ka….jpg)

File: 22a312a091be5b1⋯.jpg (941.15 KB,3000x2392,375:299,ak15115_ara_flowercemetery.jpg)

File: 981bbe4f3bc3834⋯.jpg (983.76 KB,3000x2392,375:299,ak15108_ara_flowercemetery.jpg)

File: 8360554b9b99ae5⋯.png (988.7 KB,1723x707,1723:707,heart_of_darkness.png)

Nobuyoshi Araki, The Japanese Marina Abramovic

Note the T-shirt

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51183d No.18695238

File: 8ca3957c0cde52c⋯.jpg (83.82 KB,988x1280,247:320,Jack_prosecuted_not_under_….jpg)

I'm going to ask a question here.

Why is this being prosecuted in US District Court instead of a military court under UCMJ?


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3fa1a9 No.18695239

File: 2d63bf871b37643⋯.png (28.28 KB,603x224,603:224,ClipboardImage.png)


>youk rain


>ike rain


>we alk rain

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5ef6a3 No.18695240


Abolish the 19th Ammendment. It fucks over both men and women alike.



"Feminism: A Jewish War on Women

Through Feminism, the Jew attacks the core, primal identity of the female, weakening society by disallowing women to be who and what they are: caregivers.

Feminism is a direct attack on femininity and the female identity. The very core nature of the female has been obscured and vilified by the Jews who conceived and led this movement, and this has been one of the largest factors contributing to the fallout of Western civilization. In order to restore natural law to society, the female will have to be strengthened, and the only way to do this is to reestablish the feminine identity by dissolving the Jewish doctrine of feminism.

The premise of feminism is that females had been oppressed by males throughout history. This should've struck all people as patently absurd, but through clever, emotion-based propaganda, the Jews were able to garnish wide support for this insane assertion. This Marxist doctrine cannot be viewed as anything other than a war on the Natural Order."



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f67695 No.18695241

File: 04a02762eb6bd5a⋯.png (5.11 KB,299x168,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)

duke harry gasket fail drug war up+date expLODES

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0d6cc8 No.18695242

File: 1aefb83c5d267c9⋯.png (1.6 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

There is no where to Run DS

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204551 No.18695243

File: a35e8d266943679⋯.png (1.13 MB,664x792,83:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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f67695 No.18695244

File: b601d8da3ea946a⋯.png (7.48 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>duke harry gasket fail drug war up+date expLODES

no longer a boy

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f67695 No.18695245

rientraude crosswhite just wanted to be a gay fag

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86c95f No.18695246


I asked this yesterday. No answer.

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215e79 No.18695247

File: 94c5c27754396e5⋯.jpeg (886.72 KB,1284x2139,428:713,2A408BFF_98F8_4CE6_9D9D_E….jpeg)

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d997d0 No.18695248

File: d5627e838ff65a1⋯.png (883.83 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_04_14_15_48_4….png)

Would they teach me how to fly out of the swamp

In this

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0d6cc8 No.18695249

File: bf17527e1c0282d⋯.png (1002.9 KB,1016x749,1016:749,ClipboardImage.png)

No where to Hide

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204551 No.18695250

File: d70335c69e83032⋯.png (188.92 KB,567x342,63:38,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump speaking at NRA today?

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5ef6a3 No.18695251


Non-Whites (White means European) were never intended to be part of the US, much less vote. Western countries were 90% White just 50 years ago, now most are at 60%. We are just 10% of the world population and only our countries are being injected with other races I have order to destroy us racially (genocide).


White countries for White people only like the Founding Fathers prescribed (and btw, Jews aren't White, White means European and Jews are from the Middle East).

Reminder that the Founding Fathers were Ethno-Nationalists and that the US was built by White people for White people, nothing anyone says or does will ever change that verifiable fact.



"This was the first law to define eligibility for citizenship by naturalization and establish standards and procedures by which immigrants became US citizens. In this early version, Congress limited this important right to “free white persons.”"

1 minute video about this subject (the American man is Jared Taylor, who runs the American Renaissance organization):



"Blacks built America" is a critical race theory anti-White narrative that is verifiably false:


The 14th Ammendment was subverted in the 80's:






Whites (aka Europeans) are a global minority with less than 10% of the world population being Whites, and only our countries are being flooded with other races as a way to ethnically replace us (which is genocide). White countries for White people only, all races have their own countries, and if we don't act in a decisive way we will not have any country to live in peace on. Christ saves our souls regardless of our race, and Ethno-Nationalism saves our countries regardless of our Nation (btw Nation means blood and soil, and the tower of Babel is Biblical justification for Ethno-Nationalism, as well as the fact that God created various Nations, distinct and apart from each other).


Some people ask:

"Honest question. What do you think about non whites that are completely onboard with you?"

EVERYONE can and should be included in the anti-Zionist anti-Talmudic uprising.

However, Everyone cannot be included in the resulting Nation States that will form afterward.

At that point it is each according to their own.

Ethno-Nationalism for everyone means all peoples get to have their own nations and then we can all build relations based on trade and mutual respect.

The multi-racial, multi-cultural society is a jewish/marxist subversion tactic.

We should collaborate in our war against our Jewish common enemy that wants to enslave us all alike, and when the war is won, we all go our separate ways so we do not end up right back where we started.

"Every time Whites gain awareness of our demise non Whites want to talk of not being divided." - anonymous

"We’re all one race the human race until a black person does something good or a White person does something bad." - @Wehrmacht on GAB

"There's only one race, the human race until its time to fill out a job application or college admissions." - @The_Nose on GAB

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ecf8ca No.18695252

File: 782b87b88a99861⋯.jpg (23.93 KB,474x262,237:131,th_162067898.jpg)

Leticia James wanna Erica baidu….

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6696a8 No.18695253

File: 1c964f62af4ebce⋯.png (2.24 MB,2500x1984,625:496,the_story.png)

File: 4f65665ab2e1fb4⋯.jpg (51.72 KB,414x324,23:18,story_of_the_beginning_of_….jpg)



Oak Ridge

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92eee4 No.18695254

>>18692912 pb, >>18692915 pb Elon Musk w/CAP: I made an offer


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f67695 No.18695255

File: 761fd9f7f4da545⋯.png (5.36 KB,248x203,248:203,ClipboardImage.png)



both rockets in and out burger saz duke harry gasket fail

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5ef6a3 No.18695256


*in order to destroy us racially

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d5b7e0 No.18695257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reminder: There is an order of battle that is little remembered. The Bavarian Cavalry Division of the German Empire was ordered to occupy Ukraine and Crimea in April 1918. - At the end of the war it was disbanded in 1919, as a part of the Allied Peace Conference in Versailles.

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ad2b08 No.18695258

File: a07a89bc0884532⋯.jpg (180.31 KB,720x546,120:91,Screenshot_20230414_145047….jpg)


Looks like Bandidos.

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dac8a9 No.18695259


How would anyone know? Who is left alive that remembers? Even then, their memory would be filtered by time. Anything else is filtered through the eyes of writers and publishers.

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f67695 No.18695260

File: 7c9c367d49b7ef7⋯.png (2.81 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)


>both rockets in and out burger saz duke harry gasket fail

millions of children watched duke harry gasket fail when both rockets when in and out burger

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e6b6f4 No.18695261

File: 28fb0a7ac6ce93f⋯.jpg (84.7 KB,832x500,208:125,7i6wyl.jpg)

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92eee4 No.18695262

File: 75d562099fdee0f⋯.png (40.33 KB,540x440,27:22,ClipboardImage.png)


Anons were on about this qpost yesterday.

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a7ae10 No.18695263

File: 096beceabcf77b5⋯.png (484.88 KB,598x527,598:527,Screenshot_2023_04_14_at_1….png)

Daily Mail Online


Emotional Biden has moment of reflection with son Hunter and sister Valerie at hospice


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6696a8 No.18695264

File: d84293acc1a12bf⋯.png (113.19 KB,1070x1029,1070:1029,d84293acc1a12bfe912f508f84….png)

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0d6cc8 No.18695265

File: 61e73360e501187⋯.png (2.97 MB,1920x1200,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

There is no Escaping the Wrath of the Lamb

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a82a24 No.18695266


Every other nation is ethnonationalist

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5ef6a3 No.18695267

File: 16527aab96508c7⋯.jpeg (265.31 KB,1253x1308,1253:1308,EpsteinIsraelForeignPolic….jpeg)

File: 03224f3b5ec3930⋯.mp4 (9.87 MB,750x422,375:211,rabbi_1_.mp4)


God orders us to be angry at injustice. So yes, I am extremely angry at Israel and all its supporters (who are traitors).

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

A Time for Everything

1 There is a time for everything,

and a season for every activity under the heavens:

2 a time to be born and a time to die,

a time to plant and a time to uproot,

3 a time to kill and a time to heal,

a time to tear down and a time to build,

4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,

a time to mourn and a time to dance,

5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,

a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,

6 a time to search and a time to give up,

a time to keep and a time to throw away,

7 a time to tear and a time to mend,

a time to be silent and a time to speak,

8 a time to love and a time to hate,

a time for war and a time for peace.

Matthew 10:34

Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

Psalm 144:1

Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle.

"He who is not angry, whereas he has cause to be, sins. For unreasonable patience is the hotbed of many vices, it fosters negligence, and incites not only the wicked but even the good to do wrong." - St John Chrysostom

Psalm 139:22

I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.

"We need to remember that tolerance is not a Christian virtue and it is never an end in itself. In fact, tolerating grave evil within a society is itself a form of evil." - Archbishop Chaput

"A peaceful approach only works with peaceful people. David eventually picked up a stone and put it right between Goliath's eyes." - Anonymous

"Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are." - St. Augustine of Hippo

"Prayers are great, and at a certain point people will be praying for good men who are more competent at violence than the bad violent ones that are destroying our countries and peoples." - Anonymous



"The Bible says…

If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Romans 12:8 NKJV

This statement seems to presume that there may be a scenario wherein living in peace is not possible."


"But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." -1st Timothy 5:8. (That ain't just about putting groceries on the table.)

"If a man isn’t capable of violence, he’s not capable of protecting others from violence.

It is no coincidence that the most recognized men in Scripture were warriors." - anonymous

“Though defensive violence will always be 'a sad necessity' in the eyes of men of principle, it would be still more unfortunate if wrongdoers should dominate just men.”

– St. Augustine


Jeremiah 48:10

"Cursed is he who does the work of the LORD with slackness, and cursed is he who keeps back his sword from bloodshed."


“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” ― Plato

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure." - Thomas Jefferson

"Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant then it tries to silence good." - Charles Chaput

"This country was founded by dangerous men and the moment we cease to be dangerous men we will cease to be a country." - Bill Cooper

"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty." - Thomas Jefferson

"When a free man dies, he loses the pleasure of life. A slave loses his pain. Death is the only freedom a slave knows. That's why he's not afraid of it. That's why we'll win." - Spartacus

"I didn't hate anyone until you told me to hate myself."


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f67695 No.18695268

File: d1a56b5530c8f74⋯.png (6.9 KB,242x209,22:19,ClipboardImage.png)


>>both rockets in and out burger saz duke harry gasket fail

>millions of children watched duke harry gasket fail when both rockets when in and out burger

nazi jfk laments bout drankin too much juw tonic

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668790 No.18695269

File: b5c961fc13e62e3⋯.png (144.47 KB,331x320,331:320,smokingpepe8.png)


I understand where Jr. is coming from, thinking of the workers and distributors and store owners, but these Marxists will not stop. AB is not even an American owned company. The headline comes off as him supporting AB rather than the innocent people inside of that company though. It's a fine line everyone is dancing right now.

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f67695 No.18695271


drug war comic book rents nuw juws

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31c19b No.18695272

File: b67adff6afb5e58⋯.jpeg (131.68 KB,598x900,299:450,Crab_01_Pelosi.JPEG)

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a49a73 No.18695273


I think the point of the question is "DID society get better?"

Things are decidedly not better for thousands of reasons. So conclusion (conjecture) is women's right to vote didn't really matter.

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edde2f No.18695274



If dealt with under UCMJ through Courts Martial there would be no publicity.

How come MSM were ahead of the curve and filming the arrest etc.

It is kabuki theater.

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f67695 No.18695275

File: a356e349e92666f⋯.png (9.19 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

suspected tranny link blamed

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9a1dc3 No.18695276

File: 948376a262d54eb⋯.png (484.77 KB,1200x1218,200:203,mayqueen.png)

File: ab3d61b75133a0d⋯.png (64.35 KB,580x398,290:199,totaleclypsecruicifixion.png)

File: 84f563fc559089f⋯.jpg (24.87 KB,500x350,10:7,solareclypse.jpg)

File: 5bbeeedf167a340⋯.png (442.35 KB,779x579,779:579,solareventnearwhenchristar….png)

File: 162a6aa5569151e⋯.jpg (303.52 KB,1237x816,1237:816,adolfmerkelspacylookalike.jpg)



if you don't like it, leave

ur dead weight


They announced adolf's alleged death on the same day of the year of the eclipse which signaled the Death of King Jesus. I'm sure these occult insiders knew it.

Notice the resemblance to both Merkel and to Spacey?

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92eee4 No.18695277

File: 451256c80c6187f⋯.png (29.09 KB,544x336,34:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15caa4397c1baad⋯.png (79.04 KB,541x830,541:830,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b6904ae1df96a7⋯.png (203.08 KB,541x937,541:937,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ccff2f69523e5be⋯.png (37.1 KB,539x387,539:387,ClipboardImage.png)


SA = Saudi Arabia

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f67695 No.18695278

File: 80a94700829212f⋯.png (7.3 KB,237x212,237:212,ClipboardImage.png)

duke harry gasket fail not to scale after both rockets in and out burger

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7ce273 No.18695279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'Tater Delivers Remarks to the People of County Mayo

taters and mayo in about 20


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31c19b No.18695280

File: d6610c9019fe421⋯.gif (1.48 MB,500x364,125:91,TexAvery_It_s_a_Man.GIF)

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edde2f No.18695281


This needs a crying AOC with the Bydans

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e6b6f4 No.18695282

File: 79a47146a771660⋯.jpg (16.79 KB,204x350,102:175,MV5BMjNiMWVhNjAtMzgyYS00Nz….jpg)

File: 0306be6fdf5bf51⋯.gif (1.34 MB,498x278,249:139,0306be6fdf5bf51711c2ef2f1c….gif)

File: d204ec3d7a86ee5⋯.png (3.14 MB,1438x1424,719:712,d204ec3d7a86ee5c94f1afd670….png)

File: 066280ef4d30819⋯.jpg (122.54 KB,868x487,868:487,066280ef4d30819aea8ac968f3….jpg)

File: 9d8c62f44be816a⋯.png (374.49 KB,456x417,152:139,9d8c62f44be816aef2a6889d37….png)


pull the levers & push the pedals

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3921a3 No.18695283

File: 3e8164106b7d6d3⋯.jpg (217.73 KB,1080x1530,12:17,Screenshot_20230414_145739….jpg)


Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅

🚨Epic news today! Woke alerts just launched to let Americans know when companies go woke and go against our values. Sign up, today👇



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9a1dc3 No.18695284


the lettering on his name doesn't look right.

It 's the wrong font.

Would they really use a pre-fab form for this? Seems fake.

Could it be a forgery?

Maybe he's another actor?

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a3df30 No.18695285

File: 1b603fa8347366e⋯.png (38.46 KB,425x200,17:8,ClipboardImage.png)


democracy is a joke when people who only think of themselves and are easily manipulated by emotional triggers and frightened into voting.

Women were a easy tool which edward bernays identified as targets.

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f67695 No.18695286

File: e4e3bfbecdbea81⋯.png (5.65 KB,267x189,89:63,ClipboardImage.png)


>duke harry gasket fail not to scale after both rockets in and out burger

jfk nazi knew duke harry gasket fail couldn;t handle both tranny

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453ef4 No.18695288

File: aff156ec7c21e39⋯.png (1011.59 KB,778x769,778:769,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d6cc8 No.18695289

File: f2b676ec4fb23ef⋯.png (95.26 KB,255x241,255:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a1dc3 No.18695290


looks fake

who's dead?

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f67695 No.18695291

File: c670abd8ba6644c⋯.png (6.84 KB,276x182,138:91,ClipboardImage.png)

jfk nazi gets zelda juw typecasted

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a49a73 No.18695292


Not disagreeing but these days the men aren't much better.

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57a09e No.18695294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did Tiktok Create a Cult?


2.64M subscribers

6,713 views Apr 14, 2023

In February 2021, the world of TikTok was abuzz with curiosity as users discovered a fascinating invitation on their 'For You' page. It was a video showcasing a young British man, his bright red hair impossible to ignore, as he revealed glimpses of an idyllic off-grid commune. Known as Tree, the man warmly extended an invitation to join them: "You're welcome to join us. The address is in the description…"

As the days passed, more videos emerged featuring Tree and other members, further piquing the interest of the online community. In one video, Tree made a statement that raised eyebrows: "You're welcome to come at any time, leave at any time…"

The seemingly innocuous remark struck some as disconcerting, leading them to question why Tree felt the need to clarify that people were free to leave as they pleased.

The videos quickly went viral, amassing millions of views and tens of thousands of likes. And so, intrigued TikTok users began to accept the invitation, making their way to The Garden and documenting their experiences for the world to see.

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5ef6a3 No.18695295

File: 08ee88842443c30⋯.jpg (1.21 MB,1050x4060,15:58,1557283803367.jpg)

File: 38d3fbf803d8f47⋯.mp4 (7.61 MB,1280x976,80:61,zionism.mp4)


The EU is a Jewish project (Count Richard Kalergi, the ideological father of the EU was a close friend of the zionist families of the Rothschild (which founded Israel) and the Warburgs (which founded the Federal Reserve in 1913). He said in his book "Practical Idealism" that Europeans would become a mass of race mixed mongrels in be ruled by pure blooded Jews. This is the opposite of what Nazis wanted. The Nazis wanted their nation to remain unmixed and wanted to be left alone, while Jews always had the objective of ruling thewhole world from Jerusalem according to the prophecies of Judaism.

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6696a8 No.18695296

File: 7e56a0f5566d2f5⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,attorney_for_the_Oregon_Le….mp4)

RNC Research


There are audible gasps in the room as a nonpartisan attorney for the Oregon Legislature confirms "a minor of any age" could obtain an abortion under legislation proposed by Oregon Democrats.

From Oregon House Republicans

3:35 PM · Apr 14, 2023


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d5b7e0 No.18695297

Truth Thread by Rasmussen Reports


'In late 1969, with the assistance of his former RAND Corporation colleague Anthony Russo, Daniel Ellsberg secretly made several sets of photocopies of the classified documents to which he had access; these later became known as the Pentagon Papers.


They revealed that, early on, the government had knowledge that the war as then resourced could most likely not be won. Further, as an editor of The New York Times was to write much later, these documents "demonstrated, among other things, that the Johnson Administration ..


had systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress, about a subject of transcendent national interest and significance." On Sunday, June 13, 1971, The New York Times published the first of nine excerpts from, and commentaries on, the 7,000-page collection.


The release of these papers was politically embarrassing not only to those involved in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, but also to the incumbent Nixon administration. On June 28, 1971, two days before a Supreme Court ruling saying that a federal judge had ruled


incorrectly about the right of The New York Times to publish the Pentagon Papers, Ellsberg publicly surrendered to the US Attorney's Office for the District of Massachusetts in Boston. Because of the gross governmental misconduct and illegal evidence gathering and the defence


by Leonard Boudin and Harvard Law School professor Charles Nesson, Judge Byrne dismissed all charges against Ellsberg and Russo on May 11, 1973. "The totality of the circumstances of this case which I have only briefly sketched offend a sense of justice. The bizarre events


have incurably infected the prosecution of this case" Judge Byrne ruled. Public opinion initially condemned Ellsberg but as the shocking government malfeasance he uncovered became widely known & the carnage of Vietnam became apparent opinion shifted.


Apr 14, 2023, 3:40 PM


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d188cd No.18695298

File: e3483dfdfdeee5d⋯.jpg (97.81 KB,720x816,15:17,20230414_140109.jpg)

File: 642e02871ceb170⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB,478x270,239:135,3030cA2uI5s9fBEG.mp4)

These people get really nervous when you yell the truth out unexpectedly


What happens when you ask actual questions in America?

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ecf8ca No.18695300

File: c6e8c88e6ef2d72⋯.jpg (18.25 KB,474x315,158:105,th.jpg)


Self hating jews?

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6696a8 No.18695301

File: 3de785c3ea1d37a⋯.png (222.67 KB,500x520,25:26,tranny_leaks.png)

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f67695 No.18695302

File: c6a87e52cf0b430⋯.png (9.52 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>jfk nazi gets zelda juw typecasted

jfk nazi juw zelda still in the closet bought followin its frudo anusing through forrest of faggot sfor four novels and screenplay

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a7ae10 No.18695303

File: c9c7da544e0def7⋯.png (273.34 KB,598x441,598:441,ClipboardImage.png)

File: de84bfd6ae5d092⋯.png (195.56 KB,598x574,299:287,Screenshot_2023_04_14_at_1….png)




What if they are escaping from the earth? Is Satan leaving the chat?

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9a1dc3 No.18695304

File: f00535e1adf1b2c⋯.jpg (307.32 KB,1148x858,574:429,avoiddivide.jpg)

File: 489524511fda6b3⋯.png (9.99 KB,422x168,211:84,mediamattersdidit.png)


no, it's Biden's and TV's fault.

woman are no more to blame than ben

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7a5943 No.18695305

File: 338c8f35583a9ee⋯.png (685.09 KB,800x794,400:397,Bernie_lifted_from_poverty.png)

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f67695 No.18695306

File: de95a88b9de9a6f⋯.png (5.31 KB,299x168,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)


>zelda still in the closet bought followin its frudo anus


>through forrest of faggot


>fourfrickin novels and screenplay

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f8d98b No.18695307


They need the bill so that pedophiles can have their child slaves free to abort an unwanted pregnancy.

Democrats and Leftwing Tranny culture are degenrate and evil.

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f67695 No.18695308

File: 02bbcee9d2f02b6⋯.png (6.07 KB,254x198,127:99,ClipboardImage.png)


> followin its frudo anus

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5ef6a3 No.18695309


Good point. Nobody is going or Africa and telling them to stop being so Black and embrace diversity. Diversity = genocide

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93f9c2 No.18695310

File: a2321d2369b44b2⋯.jpg (3.02 MB,2784x2990,1392:1495,IMG_20230414_150207_2.jpg)

Had to show y'all my momanon's yard decorations, kek!

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a3f4b5 No.18695311

File: 151bfd4852500ab⋯.png (2.04 KB,57x19,3:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Read that as killary, first glance

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ecf8ca No.18695312

File: 75d44361c371fc6⋯.jpg (21.5 KB,474x281,474:281,th_1213614610.jpg)


zee cassolics r r r under uttak!

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9a1dc3 No.18695313


Why take words of wisdom from Bernaise.

he was a social engineer.

Thought people / humans , that he could manipulate, were animals

Pedo family too



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6696a8 No.18695314

File: 9f97142d99e1e88⋯.png (411.88 KB,592x876,148:219,simon_ateba.png)

Simon Ateba


Everything We Have Been Told About the War in Ukraine is a Lie

"Following the leak of classified documents exposing the Biden Administration's corrupt lies, the administration and the media are determined to convict the whistleblower," writes @Huey_Laugesen


2:41 PM · Apr 14, 2023


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9a1dc3 No.18695315


Not every.

Think of Ukraine

and others

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6dbd9c No.18695316


yep, this anon's life is a joke

but this anon will also go to their grave with eyes open and mind full of truth

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f67695 No.18695317

File: 187e04d62bbde21⋯.png (6.89 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>frudo anus

fruitOH anus

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f8d98b No.18695318



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a3f4b5 No.18695319


I understand that. but seriously, 5am?

>those who know

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f67695 No.18695320

File: 5b706d944127bd9⋯.png (5.37 KB,225x224,225:224,ClipboardImage.png)


>>frudo anus

>fruitOH anus

fruDOUGH anus

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6dbd9c No.18695321


just around the corner

aka two moar weeks

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92eee4 No.18695322

File: 5dc7e3d3daf885c⋯.png (7.06 KB,155x534,155:534,ClipboardImage.png)


There are 27 qposts with the keyword 'Godfather'.

-1 qpost written as Godfather 3

-24 qposts written as Godfather iii

-2 qposts written as Godfather LLL (75 and 84)

Qposts 75 and 84 are about SA / HRC. Good timing with WWLLL posts lately connecting with Haiti / human trafficking.

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d188cd No.18695323

File: 6ba7d6c1d68c12f⋯.jpg (105.62 KB,720x740,36:37,20230414_140537.jpg)


#BREAKING: Washington state passes Senate Bill 5599, gender affirming care for minors.

This bill grants minors the right to transition genders, stripping parents of their ability to consent.

It will now be a crime if a parent doesn’t allow their 6-year-old to change genders.

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5ef6a3 No.18695324

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Democracy is always a shadow oligarchy because 80% of all people in all societies wil always be lemmings (it's just human nature). Related:



Compilation of links to other good videos and one book:


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55701c No.18695325


That has crossed anons minds.

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f67695 No.18695326

File: 7ad8f1ab7521403⋯.png (8.9 KB,318x159,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>frudo anus

>>fruitOH anus

>fruDOUGH anus

frudo anusing not singing through forrest of faggots, followed by fake nazi zelda juw, to sorosanon theme park LARP

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9a1dc3 No.18695327



Our Country is built on Ethnic / religious diversity.

That's why the original colonists who ended up creating the Country came here.

They were oppressed for their beliefs.

So the foundation here is freedom on thought, not a particular ethnicity.

Did you never study anything, except crap?

In case you never noticed.

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86c95f No.18695328

File: b0f0abbf7797cc2⋯.jpg (71.66 KB,1200x641,1200:641,Scientists_Discover_Leak_i….jpg)

Scientists Discover Leak in the Bottom of the Ocean

Loss of fluid from the offshore megathrust interface through these strike-slip faults is important because it lowers the fluid pressure between the sediment particles and hence increases the friction between the oceanic and continental plates.

“The megathrust fault zone is like an air hockey table,” Solomon said. “If the fluid pressure is high, it’s like the air is turned on, meaning there’s less friction and the two plates can slip. If the fluid pressure is lower, the two plates will lock – that’s when stress can build up.”

Fluid released from the fault zone is like leaking lubricant, Solomon said. That’s bad news for earthquake hazards: Less lubricant means stress can build to create a damaging quake.

This is the first known site of its kind, Solomon said. Similar fluid seep sites may exist nearby, he added, though they are hard to detect from the ocean’s surface. A significant fluid leak off central Oregon could explain why the northern portion of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, off the coast of Washington, is believed to be more strongly locked, or coupled, than the southern section off the coast of Oregon.

More of the story below.


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0d6cc8 No.18695329

File: 8414ea23989f92e⋯.png (1.57 MB,951x912,317:304,ClipboardImage.png)


Like I said

There is No where to Go

All Routes are being Monitored

This is the -End- of the Road

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f67695 No.18695330

File: 8d1fa1cd746a6a9⋯.png (8.13 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


complimentary white powder power whine token homo

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55481f No.18695331

File: c8d73bd64332fda⋯.png (94.28 KB,400x225,16:9,uz8CjqheDggNPkU77dzU3v9LcK….png)


The bottom of Hell where 99% of the room is allergic to truthful words.

Live dismemberment is too good for those who make this happen to humanity.

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04d1e6 No.18695332

File: 99fb69fed29c6d0⋯.png (43.03 KB,1379x285,1379:285,tip.PNG)


Chicagoans Blame Walmart for Closing Down

Despite Losing Millions Due to Theft

Townhall, by Julio Rosas

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 4/14/2023 3:23:52 PM

Local leaders in Chicago's Chatham neighborhood, located in the south side, held a press conference to demand the area's Walmart to not close down, going as far as to blame the company leaving the area is the reason they not are economically thriving. "We have healthcare deserts. We have food deserts. And we wonder why! Our communities look like they look! That we have violence every single day! It is not just on us, it is on the corporate citizens that come into our community and ravage our community. And Walmart, you should absolutely be ashamed of yourselves. You are the reasons that our communities lack the investment that they have,"

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9a1dc3 No.18695333


also false and fatalistic.

anons thinks we're getting flooding with idiots, to try to prove we are idiots?

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5ef6a3 No.18695334

File: 35dc615b682d924⋯.png (67.86 KB,1220x619,1220:619,pilpul.png)

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57a09e No.18695335

File: a321ed66083367f⋯.png (2.35 MB,938x1250,469:625,ClipboardImage.png)

barn fire

got it

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d188cd No.18695336

File: 2c6a9ea554764c5⋯.jpg (87.78 KB,720x559,720:559,20230414_141051.jpg)

File: 9c8742121a05bfc⋯.jpg (217.17 KB,1284x1276,321:319,20230414_141029.jpg)


IT GETS WORSE: If a child seeking a gender transition runs away from home—and the state knows their whereabouts—the state is not legally bound to disclose to the parents where their child is.

The state know owns your kids.

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04d1e6 No.18695337

File: f3fcbf1fbbe6e38⋯.png (49.43 KB,1468x453,1468:453,nih.PNG)


NIH guide warns against describing pronouns

as ‘chosen,’ pushes slew of 40 different options

Fox News, by Emma Colton

Posted By: NorthernDog, 4/14/2023 2:28:37 PM

An office within the National Institutes of Health published a guideline that outlines how professionals should use gendered pronouns to "affirm gender identity" for themselves and colleagues, warning that intentionally using the wrong pronouns is "equivalent to harassment." Fox News Digital reviewed the NIH Sexual & Gender Minority Research Office’s "Gender Pronouns & Their Use in Workplace Communications" guide, which provides more than 40 different pronoun examples, while also providing examples on how to avoid making pronoun "mistakes" in the workplace. For professionals to "facilitate inclusive, affirming and welcoming" workplaces, the gender pronouns guide hashes out a series of different

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0d6cc8 No.18695339

File: 2d104f85ab1029c⋯.png (959.15 KB,1289x685,1289:685,ClipboardImage.png)


Damn, that's Notable

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f67695 No.18695340

File: 198ccea3470a9be⋯.png (6.58 KB,299x168,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)








a story bout fake nazi zelda juw halpin its greedy Frudo anusing get to sorosanon theme park LARP

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ad2b08 No.18695341


Well, Candace just proved that she is controlled opposition.

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622c6d No.18695342

File: e953c1be8f661d9⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,2.91 MB,540x303,180:101,Ocean_Leaking.gif)

>Ocean leaking

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f5e8b4 No.18695343

2 dead

1 critical

50 miles further down

3 shot no report on condition

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622c6d No.18695345

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6696a8 No.18695346

File: d4e67f4eca6ea6c⋯.png (77.37 KB,2550x3300,17:22,041423zr2_c9dh.png)

The Supreme Court on Friday temporarily restored full access to a key abortion medication, putting on hold a lower court’s decision suspending government approval of the pill used in more than half of all abortions in the United States.

Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. granted the government’s request for a stay until Wednesday, and asked for additional briefing by next Tuesday.


04/14/23 Miscellaneous Order

Supreme Court of the United States

No. 22A902







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f8d98b No.18695347


BudLite is like the NFL, a supposed icon built on lies. America needs to not only boycott bud but the entire AB-INBEV pile of shit. Tell everyone, you want american beer, go to your local micro-brewery where you can meet and greet the owners and brewers. Better yet, make your own. People of AB-INBEV, leave the company and build new micro breweries in your home town.

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5ef6a3 No.18695348


Tranny culture is 100% Jewish in origin. And abortion is a Jewish value.

"Physician says Jewish values drive her to provide circumcisions — and abortions"




Jews demand access to abortions as part of their religion:





In 2014:

"Israel’s abortion law now among world’s most liberal"

"Despite its conservative leanings, government approves free pregnancy termination for nearly all women, and it barely causes a ripple"




In 2022:



Israel eases access to abortion, days after US Supreme Court overturns Roe vs Wade

New rules allow drug-induced early-term abortions at clinics, end requirement for in-person approval by intrusive committees; health minister hails reforms as opposite to US ruling.


"Being Anti-Abortion is being Anti-Semitic"



"According to Jewish law if a fetus is a danger to the life of a woman (emotionally, psychologically and or physically), she is required to have an abortion. According to Jewish law, a fetus is not considered a living being until it comes out of a woman’s uterus. By not allowing Jewish women to have abortions, you are violating her civil rights to practice her faith."

The whole tranny agenda is entirely JEWISH in origin, and Israel is making BILLIONS selling us the hormones used to mutilate the children being brainwashed.

Proofs here:



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04d1e6 No.18695349

File: 9327d77ce0a50e6⋯.png (127.12 KB,622x510,311:255,batt.PNG)



Paul Serran




⭐️ This new article on my War blog is very important for me: Nicki Clyne's Awakening: BattleStar Galactica Actress Finally Denounces Cult Leader Keith Raniere and Breaks Away From Him ⭐️


if you like it, please share with your friends! 🔥

Nicki Clyne's Awakening: BattleStar Galactica Actress Finally Denounces Cult Leader Keith Raniere and Breaks Away From Him

US Att. Richard P Donoghue: "Keith Raniere was a master manipulator, a con-man and a crime boss of a cult-like organization"


Apr 12, 2023, 12:04 PM

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f67695 No.18695350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Frudo anusing catches COVID frum white powders side pony donkey show on way to sorosanon theme LARP park

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d188cd No.18695351

File: b4ed77d9d4f7b97⋯.jpg (46.28 KB,600x687,200:229,lightmyshire.jpg)

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e6b6f4 No.18695352

File: 7c21d93ec5a3ce5⋯.jpg (96.88 KB,757x500,757:500,7i6zuo.jpg)

File: c4bef28e002065f⋯.jpg (22.3 KB,255x255,1:1,7998dd9e21ea711c8a0c4c97bf….jpg)

File: 9cd16d874d4279a⋯.jpg (69.87 KB,509x764,509:764,9cd16d874d4279ad1a09ff5339….jpg)

File: 4c1adc11fa05876⋯.png (9.99 KB,255x255,1:1,6bf5010a0a9ccea5302a34685b….png)

File: c369141f27e9464⋯.jpeg (10.44 KB,255x168,85:56,6956f01d7860ee394f40e07de….jpeg)

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8607c2 No.18695353



The world needs more of this!

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5ef6a3 No.18695354


I assumed he meant outside the West.

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23f73e No.18695355

File: 60abeac09865258⋯.png (384.5 KB,934x424,467:212,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc9d555206ce719⋯.png (380.04 KB,643x371,643:371,ClipboardImage.png)

N757AF 757 landed at Indianapolis Int'l from Laguardia Airport depart

AF2 USAF C-40B also departed Lagaurdia and heading to Los Angeles to vanish and then goes to Reno on Tuesday for muh abortion

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f8d98b No.18695356


Did potato see his own name and corpse ?

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f67695 No.18695357

File: e2149e05cbc55a3⋯.png (7.38 KB,347x145,347:145,ClipboardImage.png)


unmarried LARPERS get down and dirty on peter pan creamy to spread zelda typecasted fake nazi juw

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0d6cc8 No.18695358


Happened In Canada

8 Months ago

Same Thing


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453ef4 No.18695359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live: Potato speaks from his ancestral home of Ballina to conclude Ireland trip


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a7ae10 No.18695360

File: 4e882f4a78ae2ec⋯.png (682.44 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd5468 No.18695361

File: f0ea3501bd0664c⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,576x1024,9:16,f0ea3501bd0664c734e765d75b….mp4)

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f67695 No.18695362

File: b803fd340c2bda0⋯.png (11.95 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

french canadian prolapsed border goes on epic quest

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04d1e6 No.18695363

File: 80d3a714e71f7f9⋯.png (270.57 KB,604x882,302:441,price.PNG)


LTG (R) Mike Flynn


Some are calling this, “the price for a doctor’s soul.” Pray we have more in the medical profession that stand up against the tyranny of the health of humanity.


Quote Tweet

Tom Renz




A lot of people ask how they convinced doctors to push the deadly jabs … They bought them off. Here’s an example of the proof: https://archive.is/sRn81 @VigilantFox @GenFlynn @P_McCulloughMD @TheChiefNerd @MelKShow @HISGLORYME @SteveDeaceShow @naomirwolf @MdBreathe @AGHuff… Show more

Show this thread


7:57 AM · Apr 14, 2023




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f5e8b4 No.18695364


"beloved son of ÷/$÷& biden"

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6b213b No.18695365



Please Stay There.

Please Stay There.

Please Stay There.

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267cf4 No.18695367

File: 1e7f6bfd1d3bf20⋯.png (741.36 KB,1549x857,1549:857,ClipboardImage.png)

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04d1e6 No.18695368

File: 8c19c133e459803⋯.png (176.37 KB,617x628,617:628,ja.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸



Quote Tweet

Robby Starbuck




This week in Bahrain the Navy told sailors that they talk to their children at age 12 about gender identity, sex, STD’s, pregnancy, etc. without notifying parents. When asked if "the Navy’s policy circumvents a parents right to know?" the @USNavy official answered "Yes". Insane.

Show this thread

7:34 AM · Apr 14, 2023




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f67695 No.18695369

File: 424d69289a8a48e⋯.png (7.84 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


donkey show juwlects nuw juw faggot to park it in the downtown

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453ef4 No.18695370

File: fdefa20012a70d4⋯.png (99.97 KB,834x466,417:233,ClipboardImage.png)


POTATUS about to land.


Top kek.

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d45d44 No.18695371


he needs to start talking about how he was mislead by people he trusted who suggested Sessions, Barr, Wray etc. and how he is fixing that on order to create an administration of Patriots not traitors.

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205ae6 No.18695372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

China Shocked : Wake Island Has Become a New US Naval Base to Bring US Fleet to Near South China Sea


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6696a8 No.18695373

File: f11caaa017c9776⋯.png (440.39 KB,1012x909,1012:909,farmer_millstones.png)

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92eee4 No.18695374

File: db42e72c1bc3797⋯.png (185.81 KB,541x937,541:937,ClipboardImage.png)


Qpost 75 is the first post with Godfather, written with lowercase L instead of capital i. First sentence has POTUS in it, of which Trump, uses lowercase L to write WWlll instead of uppercase i WWIII.

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f5e8b4 No.18695375


12th of september

"of the vice president of the united states, beloved son of


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453ef4 No.18695376

File: c51f5254cbebd60⋯.png (405.01 KB,819x467,819:467,ClipboardImage.png)


They just played Cotten Eye Joe, kek!

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bd9464 No.18695377


Everything has meaning.

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27b92f No.18695379


Was in notables last night minus the Matrixxx faggot.

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8607c2 No.18695380

File: 69f8bf9bb19fc31⋯.jpeg (296.89 KB,1088x956,272:239,Lynch.jpeg)

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5ef6a3 No.18695381


The US was build by White Christians for White Christians. That's a verifiable fact that will never change regardless of what anyone does, says, thinks or feels.

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436eae No.18695382

File: c1aa64c46f61fba⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,cej.mp4)

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453ef4 No.18695383

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04d1e6 No.18695384

File: 24cbfca06cf8862⋯.png (435.55 KB,601x535,601:535,oops.PNG)


Robby Starbuck


Wow. More troops are sending me examples of wokeness on base. The US Army has a book club at our Stuttgart, Germany base and one of the free books they’re giving out is "Sissy: A Coming of Gender Story". The @DeptofDefense

is nuts. Wokeness will destroy us if we don’t stop this.



8:53 AM · Apr 14, 2023




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6696a8 No.18695385

Multiple large brush fires burning in Rockland County NY; nearby homes evacuated

Friday, April 14, 2023 3:48PM

ROCKLAND COUNTY, New York (WABC) – Multiple brush fires are burning in Rockland County threatening nearby homes.

Firefighters are battling several brush fires reported along the CSX train line in the Town of Stony Point.

Preliminary reports indicate that sparks kicked up from an S/B train traveling through Stony Point, Haverstraw and Congers may have started the fire, according to Rockland officials.


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f5e8b4 No.18695386



in memory of his beloved son beau biden

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edde2f No.18695387





>"beloved son of ÷/$÷& biden"

Beloved son Beau Biden

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3fa1a9 No.18695388

File: 5e580ac12f1766c⋯.jpg (206.69 KB,637x622,637:622,history_of_gender.jpg)

go back to using the word sex, not gender.

they weirded out the word sex on purpose

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453ef4 No.18695389

File: 39edadee7e1511a⋯.png (480.15 KB,836x435,836:435,ClipboardImage.png)

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622c6d No.18695390

File: 77f331d2bbf4b79⋯.png (231.62 KB,491x640,491:640,ClipboardImage.png)


>Did I do that?

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57a09e No.18695391

File: 909831f806c2cdd⋯.png (1.17 MB,843x564,281:188,ClipboardImage.png)


Kenny Wallace dubs chekked

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453ef4 No.18695392


Krassensteins supporting, kek.

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3fa1a9 No.18695393

File: 2d88a8b7c8105de⋯.png (503.92 KB,480x608,15:19,ClipboardImage.png)

will you fight?

or will you perish?

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23f73e No.18695394

please refresh for accurate post count should be about 550

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ad2b08 No.18695395

File: ee0314b99c5d6d4⋯.jpg (347.8 KB,717x1247,717:1247,Screenshot_20230414_152232….jpg)


Anon wishes they would take their fight to a back pasture or something instead of the dang freeway, so innocent, uninvolved people are not put in danger.

I understand several gangs are trying to take down the Bandidos. Big turf war.

Don't know if this is related but I bet so.


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5ef6a3 No.18695396


Not fatalistic at all, just objective and verifiable. Tell me, how many people took the Warp Speed Genocide Serum because the people they see as authority figures told the so? How many people did you saw using masks? Etc, etc. If everyone was a free thinker our societies would be incredibly unstable (not necessarily a bad thing per se). Instead of denying reality, recognizing it and adapting to it is key for moving forward.

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3fa1a9 No.18695397

File: 7939a57a1cfc993⋯.png (489.42 KB,500x688,125:172,ClipboardImage.png)

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453ef4 No.18695398

File: 106756e9327f561⋯.png (1 MB,770x762,385:381,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a1dc3 No.18695399

File: 419b74e7481bf1a⋯.png (10.69 KB,422x168,211:84,mediamattersdiditdemoraliz….png)

File: f49e5a4d6e692db⋯.png (17.82 KB,149x188,149:188,kaplanspin.png)

File: 9e98fa6d2489b2e⋯.jpg (505.47 KB,470x652,235:326,kaplansoutherndistrict.jpg)


That looks like the button on one of the Deep State creeps I just screen shot.

Kaplan, the judge


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d3e6da No.18695400

File: 340f3a621ce5d5e⋯.jpg (94.59 KB,1024x612,256:153,1_VLRQmKC6ipGiZS3il_wQWw_1….jpg)

God bless and protect Our chilldren, and fam's from evil.

Yeshua bless all on the board.

God bless anoint our planet, and solar system with the Holy Spirit.

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7f5214 No.18695401

File: d8c9f871d797576⋯.jpg (32.31 KB,387x492,129:164,FtoxA4ZWwAQgW_F.jpg)

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622c6d No.18695402

File: b898a665d70fb9b⋯.png (133.82 KB,926x622,463:311,ClipboardImage.png)


>should be about 550


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453ef4 No.18695403

File: 874616fe57aedbb⋯.jpg (12.11 KB,255x247,255:247,pepethumbsup.jpg)

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3fa1a9 No.18695404

File: 198cab399902043⋯.png (663.3 KB,1335x993,445:331,ClipboardImage.png)


>something is seriously wrong with austin

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5ef6a3 No.18695405

File: 4ef7fc54c7e759e⋯.png (848.56 KB,903x792,301:264,Fascism2.png)

File: 66204102e1b6e8e⋯.jpg (160.36 KB,685x498,685:498,Fascism3.jpg)

File: 2d837846abe9a0b⋯.jpeg (382.71 KB,945x1024,945:1024,Fascism.jpeg)

File: de678f1d2dd84de⋯.jpg (91.59 KB,960x868,240:217,Fascism4_.jpg)

File: ec1ccdc61b90c74⋯.png (180.67 KB,571x307,571:307,fascism_j.png)


I like that lady. She misused the term fascist but she was well intentioned.

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3a21a2 No.18695406

File: 1b697c06db7adfb⋯.png (552.15 KB,837x685,837:685,Screen_Shot_2023_04_14_at_….png)


Rat czar.

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668790 No.18695407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d188cd No.18695408

File: 84c59c907152a3e⋯.jpg (146.25 KB,720x1075,144:215,20230414_142526.jpg)

File: df2588f59604a49⋯.jpg (92.37 KB,1024x682,512:341,20230414_142540.jpg)

Budweiser factories nationwide hit with bomb threats amid Dylan Mulvaney Bud Light fiasco

Budweiser factories nationwide were reportedly the targets of bomb threats this week as emotions run high over parent company Anheuser-Busch’s marketing deal with its new Bud Light pitchwoman Dylan Mulvaney.

The Los Angeles Police Department confirmed that officers responded to a call from the Anheuser-Busch facility in the Van Nuys section of the city on Thursday.

A spokesperson for the St. Louis-based beermaker told Patch that several other facilities across the country received bomb threats.

It is unclear how many facilities were targeted.

The Post has sought comment from Anheuser-Busch.

LAPD Lt. Leticia Ruiz told Patch that authorities received an emailed bomb threat around 9 a.m. local time Thursday.

A bomb squad unit was dispatched to the facility.

“There was a search that was conducted in the premise of the building but there was nothing identified as a threat,” Ruiz said.

“We did assist in clearing the perimeter of the building.”

Meanwhile, the company’s top executive, Brendan Whitworth, released a statement Friday that made no mention of Mulvaney.

Whitworth offered a mealymouthed apology as the company continues to resist calls to end its Bud Light sponsorship deal with the controversial transgender influencer.


What False flaggotry is this?

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9a1dc3 No.18695409


in the pic here it's a different pin

the screen shot was from a an earlier picture of today

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453ef4 No.18695410

File: 934d8ce34e45fd6⋯.jpeg (26.81 KB,474x322,237:161,fauci_rats_of_nih.jpeg)

File: 60e112d529cee15⋯.png (170.86 KB,500x382,250:191,fauci_rat.png)

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67bccd No.18695411

Obama brought in hundreds of thousands from the Middle East to America. Obama wanted change. Large metropolitan areas were flooded with Middle Eastern immigrants. Minneapolis was one of those cities.

Today Minneapolis became the first major US city to allow the Muslim call to prayer to broadcast across the city five times a day.

Minneapolis will allow broadcasts of the Muslim call to prayer at all hours, becoming the first major U.S. city to allow the announcement or “adhan” to be heard over speakers five times a day, year-round.

Sauce: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/04/obamas-dream-minneapolis-becomes-americas-first-major-city-to-allow-muslim-prayer-call-5-times-a-day

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36ab8d No.18695412


The guy on the right is that :Jay-:Gould: Postmaster?

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f5e8b4 No.18695413


the Restrict Act would have prevented these

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92eee4 No.18695414

Saudi Arabia, Trafficking, Haiti, Follow the Pen / Penn expect April ~19ish

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1a0091 No.18695415

File: be520598e7e3e9c⋯.png (312.07 KB,298x462,149:231,Capture.PNG)


That's the wrong Wallace.

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fd5468 No.18695416

File: 7be2b735904f97c⋯.png (1.41 MB,768x762,128:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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55701c No.18695417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vid length 3:16

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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3a21a2 No.18695418


> how many people took the Warp Speed Genocide Serum because the people they see as authority figures told the so?

Important to let government employees know that their life expectancy has dropped. If they think they will collect their fat pensions they are probably mistaken. Knowing how bad the shots really are will: 1. Give people the chance to look for remedies. 2. Get those who complied with the narrative for a paycheck to realize they've been had.

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f3de61 No.18695419

File: d7a39022c6d83ac⋯.webp (63.03 KB,1000x667,1000:667,1000_17_.webp)

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court said Friday it was temporarily keeping in place federal rules for use of an abortion drug, while it takes time to more fully consider the issues raised in a court challenge.

In an order signed by Justice Samuel Alito, the court asked both sides to weigh in by Tuesday over whether lower court rulings restricting the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the drug, mifepristone, should be allowed to take effect while the case works its way through federal courts. The order suggests the court will decide that issue by late Wednesday.

The justices are being asked at this point only to determine what parts of an April 7 ruling by U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk in Texas, as modified by an appellate ruling Wednesday, can be in force while the case continues.

The Biden administration and New York-based Danco Laboratories, the maker of the pill, asked the justices to intervene.

The type of order issued by the court Friday, an administrative stay, ordinarily is not an indication of what the justices will do going forward.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. AP’s earlier story follows below.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration and a drug manufacturer asked the Supreme Court on Friday to preserve access to an abortion drug free from restrictions imposed by lower court rulings, while a legal fight continues.

The Justice Department and Danco Laboratories both warned of “regulatory chaos” and harm to women if the high court doesn’t block an appeals court ruling in a case from Texas that had the effect of tightening Food and Drug Administration rules under which the drug, mifepristone, can be prescribed and dispensed.


– Abortion providers scramble as courts restrict pills

– Abortion pill order latest contentious ruling by Texas judge

– DeSantis signs Florida GOP's 6-week abortion ban into law


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3a21a2 No.18695420


I guess the government is also still okay with the "abortion shots" (COVID injections).

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f3de61 No.18695421

File: 1acfc04ea5c1fc1⋯.png (1.03 MB,696x875,696:875,1acfc04ea5c1fc1d9b05311c0f….png)

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a3f4b5 No.18695422


> Wake Island

Woke Island you say?

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215e79 No.18695423

File: 61ffaf79416d5cb⋯.png (182.7 KB,500x500,1:1,066F7ECD_A471_4EFE_BB00_03….png)


Donut Delivery

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0d6cc8 No.18695424

File: 8c0cef61df24b20⋯.png (189.87 KB,494x355,494:355,ClipboardImage.png)


Kekulations Complete….

Ukraine's Military Situation: Fucked

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f5e8b4 No.18695425


and pay the non vaxxers double for seeing through their bullshit

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436eae No.18695426

File: 69ecc71e3a8979f⋯.png (689.33 KB,636x636,1:1,69ecc71e3a8979fd40cf2e7926….png)

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dbc0e4 No.18695427

File: 41bd1957b40834a⋯.png (397.55 KB,828x475,828:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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36ab8d No.18695428


>John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Brainwashing WE ARE ALL CHILDREN OF GOD, it was not his ONLY Son. That was put in there to rob Humanity of their Divinity. Jesus said the miracles he did we shall do greater because we have that ability that he did, we just need to awaken to it.

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6696a8 No.18695429

File: 4fe581e4479ab5a⋯.png (386.42 KB,748x449,748:449,zelenskyy_nazi.png)

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453ef4 No.18695430

File: 6899eb675e9661a⋯.png (528.61 KB,841x467,841:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73b50b534a143a0⋯.png (557.5 KB,840x467,840:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19151e47549724d⋯.png (484.45 KB,841x467,841:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4054c4b8383f57⋯.png (383.27 KB,623x461,623:461,ClipboardImage.png)




Postmaster-General of our world : Russell-Jay: Gould KEK

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dbc0e4 No.18695431


I have an existential problem with this development.

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a3f4b5 No.18695432

File: 017c5eaba5bf6b0⋯.jpg (196.03 KB,800x1284,200:321,017c5eaba5bf6b09d41dc38fdf….jpg)


God bless and protect us all.

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d188cd No.18695433

File: 4560e586e81d8a2⋯.jpg (349.38 KB,2048x2048,1:1,20230413_162051.jpg)

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3a21a2 No.18695434


He's sure collecting more remuneration than she is. She's "only" getting $155,000 a year.

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3fa1a9 No.18695435

File: 95a4e5110e08238⋯.mp4 (2.65 MB,512x384,4:3,Frasier_S02E24_Dark_Victor….mp4)


>Minneapolis became the first major US city to allow the Muslim call to prayer to broadcast across the city five times a day


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7ce273 No.18695436

File: 8bf0918f4cad307⋯.jpg (70.11 KB,500x581,500:581,gangstarat.jpg)

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9a1dc3 No.18695437

File: 75f71c29a4d7389⋯.png (121.09 KB,1081x564,23:12,steinerautomaton.png)

File: 64dfc51a3bfa9c3⋯.png (108.42 KB,1081x564,23:12,steineroninjections.png)

File: 6830f36d9d10bdb⋯.png (131.34 KB,1126x643,1126:643,steinervaccine1.png)


staged. trying to make religious people look insane.

Predicted by occultist Rudolf Steiner over 100 years ago

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d188cd No.18695438

File: c4be977ff73b4c1⋯.jpg (106.66 KB,2048x1536,4:3,20230406_221215.jpg)

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b6e2b5 No.18695439

File: d2bfeb6438fc740⋯.png (434.62 KB,766x1008,383:504,3961.png)

Delta for today. Violins during Biden's speech in Ireland. Connection?

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453ef4 No.18695441

File: 79fdf93a4053d57⋯.png (657.15 KB,668x543,668:543,ClipboardImage.png)

Even better than the, you know, the real thing. C'mon man…

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6696a8 No.18695442

File: 02817df8c112c31⋯.png (625.43 KB,492x851,492:851,biden_zelenskyy_vogue.png)

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36ab8d No.18695443

File: 1913626f4a50fb0⋯.jpg (415.66 KB,2048x2048,1:1,normaltoscottadams.jpg)

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92eee4 No.18695444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7ce273 No.18695445

File: 5657e06759947ac⋯.png (105.12 KB,245x275,49:55,tatermen.png)

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a6a562 No.18695446

File: c32fb508a78a58e⋯.png (770.5 KB,496x612,124:153,smokamesia.png)

Shills fuck off and choke on cock

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7ce273 No.18695447

File: 5a86c4a62c3d76c⋯.gif (837.37 KB,320x180,16:9,rumpshaker.gif)

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af9f49 No.18695448

File: 52bc4d8ee3d80df⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB,832x1478,416:739,Pepe_Trump_Lightning_One_w….mp4)

April Fools'

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a82a24 No.18695449

File: 987b80e6b0742e9⋯.png (330.57 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)


Fascism was adapted from communism by Italian communists to make it suitable to Italy. Mussolini adopted it. Hitler liked what they were doing and derived National Socialism from fascism as the way to scam Germany. Left statism = right statism. Know your left from your right. They are both left.

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9a1dc3 No.18695451


You were told, but I'm getting it second hand.

Very likely true, anon does not deny it.

What is the name of the town?

spell it, I couldn't figure it out through hearing it.

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ec743d No.18695452

File: 79ffbc5bcd92302⋯.png (1.18 MB,1274x942,637:471,E4B.png)

E-4B Nightwatch up over the UK


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f5e8b4 No.18695453


dearborn will top that by legalizing summarily beheadings of infidels

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5ef6a3 No.18695454


My point is: most people will not ever be able to critically think as a regular occurrence, that's just a feature of human nature, that most people don't have that behavioral tendency. The same unthinking masses that fall for the current thing may or may not in the future change stances, BUT IF THEY DO, THEY WILL ONLY DO IT when someone that they see as an authority figure tells the its OK to do SO. Do you get what I mean? This is not them being defective, it's part of human nature, some 80%+ of all people I any mass of people/society will be unable to think critically regardless of they are intelligent or dumb, industrious or lazy, creative or uncreative.

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453ef4 No.18695455

File: f12c3fe9c2e186f⋯.png (548.59 KB,800x451,800:451,fbi_fbi.png)

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63e1cb No.18695456

The crowd in Ireland looks to be the biggest Biden has ever spoken to.

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668790 No.18695457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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36ab8d No.18695458


>Predicted by occultist Rudolf Steiner over 100 years ago

He was right, The Ahrimanic Impulse and The Eighth Sphere is AI holy shit I just Realized Ahrimanic Impulse fits the AI initials, Steiner predicted the War of All against All, everyone will have to choose, do you choose God or AI, God or Science you see it in the people who chose the vaccine instead of leaving it in Gods hands.

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453ef4 No.18695460


Anon was just contemplating that, kek.

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6b213b No.18695461


Would not surprise me one bit is this pic actually happened.

I’m SIC’end to see what coming down the pike.

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a57dfa No.18695462



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f5e8b4 No.18695463

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267cf4 No.18695464

File: 9a2c4949aa4ecb3⋯.png (604.18 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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91258e No.18695465

File: 3eb004fa52e7604⋯.png (740.08 KB,1290x820,129:82,ClipboardImage.png)


Servants of Power: WaPo & NYT Hunt Down Ukraine-Docs Leaker—Doing the FBI’s Work for Them | SYSTEM UPDATE #70

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5ef6a3 No.18695466


That's complete nonsense. Communism comes from the Jews and promotes open borders, internationals/globalism, race mixing and the abolishing of the family unit, Fascism and National Socialism promote the exact opposite. You are either very ignorant or being purposefully subversive.

Proof that Communism is just another Jewish creation aimed at the destruction of the West here:



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dc215f No.18695467


Null and Void: Unconstitutional Laws

“The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and the name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void and ineffective for any purpose since unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it; an unconstitutional law, in legal contemplation, is as inoperative as if it had never been passed … An unconstitutional law is void.” (16 Am. Jur. 2d, Sec. 178)


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36ab8d No.18695468


> 1. Give people the chance to look for remedies.

They just need to turn to God, with God all things are possible. They are lucky because God is Ever Loving and All forgiving.

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7ce273 No.18695469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tater link HOT

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d3e6da No.18695470

File: 01842947f885beb⋯.jpeg (124.35 KB,1000x942,500:471,olanzapine_15_mg_tablet.jpeg)

File: 9d0b761237e16e7⋯.jpg (62.36 KB,1398x222,233:37,Spike_protein_detox.jpg)


>>I guess the government is also still okay with the "abortion shots" (COVID injections).

[They'll] even give shots to patients in hospitable beds knocked out on olanzipine.

But theres hope for the vaxed with detoxification, and theaputic holistic wellness!

More on this at 11:00.

EXCLUSIVE | Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘Don’t Take Any More’ Genetic Vaccines, Dangerous Foreign Spike Proteins ‘Lead To Chronic Disease’

Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist and leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster throughout the pandemic, urged the public to abstain from additional Covid vaccination.

Those who have already received a dose or two of the experimental mRNA shots will dramatically increase the risk of suffering from its debilitating or lethal side effects if they receive a third dose, McCullough told the Gateway Pundit during the Defeat The Mandates rally on Sunday in Washington, DC.

“Vaccines are largely unnecessary and if there was a safe and effective vaccine–if … the only application, in my view, would be our high-risk seniors, those in nursing homes, congregate living centers. Potentially, direct health care workers for our seniors. That’s it,” he said. “In the United States, that’s fewer than 3 million people would ever get a vaccine. I think we’ve seen the end of a broad employment of vaccines. It’s obviously backfired. Vaccination should only be narrow and targeted for highest risk group.

As of yet, there is no established method or understanding of how to dispel the mRNA technology from the body, or detox from vaccine injury, the Texas-based physician contends:

“For the genetic vaccines, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca, there is no known detoxification methods. Sadly, the genetic material lasts in the body far longer than what we thought and the spike protein that’s produced is probably in the body for greater than a year and it’s in vital areas, including the brain, the lung, the heart, the bone marrow, the reproductive organs. And it takes a very long time for the body to clear out this dangerous, foreign, protein. The only thing I can advise individuals is, don’t take anymore of it. There is going to be a progressive accumulation of spike protein in the human body that cannot get out. It will almost certainly lead to chronic disease.

“Worldwide, the vaccine programs have backfired, meaning those countries that have the highest use of vaccines have the highest mortality rates.”

Not only are Covid vaccines hazardous and deadly, but hospitals across the United States are dangerously adhering to new Covid protocols that are a death sentence for Covid-infected in-patients, McCullough warns:

Two Best-Loved MyPillow Products Get Major Updates

Right now when patients are receiving outpatient care, they come into the hospital — there is the cessation of care.

The hospitals have clearly locked themselves into protocols and these protocols have now been evaluated. A recent analysis by Christine Burns in Jama, [India] has shown that the protocols are not trustworthy. That they don’t commit to giving the risks, benefits or treatment. They don’t give expert reviews or updating. And these protocols are effectively not offering patients the quality of care that they should receive. Because they don’t receive high intensity, high quality of care, lives are lost.


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d188cd No.18695471

File: b5a5e88befcf69d⋯.mp4 (2.79 MB,320x568,40:71,file_store_24.mp4)


>You Know the Thing


"Bang a straight razor on the curb , throw it in a rain barrel , get it rusty"

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f5e8b4 No.18695472

what time harris get sworn in

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a82a24 No.18695473

File: 0660c9f123feba2⋯.png (621.3 KB,760x760,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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48b628 No.18695474

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


President Donald J Trump Speaks at the NRA Annual Meeting, LIVE from Indianapolis. 4/14/23

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204551 No.18695475

File: b7d12f6ecd3cad8⋯.png (315.64 KB,608x342,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


> our values

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31f111 No.18695476

File: c89b0a381df5956⋯.jpeg (396.03 KB,1170x963,130:107,646163E1_5068_4A55_BB3A_3….jpeg)

File: 0185dda1630e4c9⋯.png (7.46 KB,350x70,5:1,BE1F238B_4DCF_4384_B919_B9….png)

File: 7d12ab6929410a2⋯.jpeg (932.23 KB,1170x1926,65:107,CBADF41A_60FB_42FC_8027_9….jpeg)


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700c84 No.18695477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Looks like showtime.

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cdc83f No.18695478


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453ef4 No.18695479

File: dbb0e7eb88ca49b⋯.png (623.66 KB,847x479,847:479,ClipboardImage.png)


The idiot comes home!!

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e89291 No.18695480

File: 6bb78287949576a⋯.png (45.27 KB,1244x286,622:143,ClipboardImage.png)


Eye for an eye.

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0d6cc8 No.18695481

File: f76340644d9f405⋯.png (491.18 KB,480x720,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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36ab8d No.18695482


>The idiot comes home!!

The Potato Returneth

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d3e6da No.18695483

File: 026b1e85c8f0967⋯.webp (32.53 KB,928x560,58:35,Obama_Toast.webp)

OBAMA’S DREAM: Minneapolis Becomes America’s First Major City to Allow Muslim Prayer Call 5 Times a Day

Obama said he wanted change and this is was what he wanted.

Under Obama major US cities began filling up with Muslims from the Middle East. This program of bringing in individuals from around the world has expanded under the Biden-Obama regime. The fruits of their work are now in the open.

Obama hated America and although he claimed to be a Christian he went overseas and gave hints that this was not the case.

A few days before President Trump’s inauguration and while he was behind the scenes spying on Trump, conjuring up lies of Trump being a Russian spy, and doing all he could to cover up his corruption by going on the offense, Obama was widely recognized as being America’s first Muslim President.

Two Best-Loved MyPillow Products Get Major Updates

Even Muslims were saying this:

For eight years, a black man with a Kenyan father whose middle name was Hussein and who spent part of his childhood in Indonesia ran the US as president and commander-in-chief. And, all this while, nearly one-third of the country thought he was a Muslim. Instead of being a cause for concern, this gives me a small sense of joy.

Barack Obama’s skin color, his Arabic middle name, his alleged Muslim-ness did not deter American voters from making him the second-most powerful, influential person in the nation. (First place is forever occupied by Oprah.) Instead, millions of Americans voluntarily voted for a man who was widely believed to be Muslim.


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0d6cc8 No.18695484


Do unto others as you would have done unto you

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5ef6a3 No.18695485


The Faggot Bureau of Israel.

FBI being trained by the ADL:



FBI agents have to visit holocaust museum as part of their training (video):


Truth about the ADL:


FBI partnership with the ADL since the 50's:


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cdc83f No.18695486

File: 88425d23981520e⋯.png (1.85 MB,1920x1080,16:9,trump_hair_kek.png)

Hair looks extra wooshy today :)

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31f111 No.18695487



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700c84 No.18695488


>The idiot comes home!!

No one cares about these frozen vegetables.

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63e1cb No.18695489

President Trump: [The Second Amendment] is under siege, but we're going to save it for a long time to come…forever.

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453ef4 No.18695490

File: 67064d9fee6fff8⋯.jpg (33 KB,531x493,531:493,potus_point_light.jpg)

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5ef6a3 No.18695491

File: 624f0ad65cc5904⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB,640x480,4:3,Schumer_Obama.mp4)


Jewish literature confirms:

For centuries the Jewish people have consistently betrayed their Christian neighbors at every opportunity to Muslim invaders and even other conquerors preceding the founding of Islam.






"Oh man, I almost forgot about this one too: Jews betraying their Christian neighbors in Byzantium to the invading Persian Empire and, using their newfound privileges as willing collaborators, massacred tens of thousands of Christians in a display of utterly bloodthirsty ferocity! Remember, this was an entire century and a half BEFORE the Khazars entered the Jewish fold:




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0e7e40 No.18695492

The Matrix was created through Solomon, the first beast system.

Instead of taxing his people in grain and wheat he demanded gold, creating capitalism.

The beast system is wounded and the new beast pays homage to the old.


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d3e6da No.18695493

File: 5f334a4b2d1f489⋯.jpg (8.74 KB,255x151,255:151,3bb08e5f7cfa18b856b700e86e….jpg)

File: d8bc7cabee569bd⋯.jpg (12.02 KB,230x255,46:51,08ad9870870749cc2f9ba1c603….jpg)

File: 6b2551ecadf4018⋯.jpg (34.85 KB,276x398,138:199,Screenshot_20210727_212546….jpg)

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700c84 No.18695494

File: 542fc600db9129b⋯.mp4 (122.43 KB,366x270,61:45,Comey.mp4)

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5ef6a3 No.18695495


Does anyone have that clip of Obongo saying "my Michael" during a speech and quickly correcting himself right after? Asking for a fren (and by that I mean my imaginary fren lol)

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b589b8 No.18695496

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6b213b No.18695497

Just what you gotta do to git in da club?

Rape American Citizens at Will, no questions asked.

No rules, just lie, steal and float to the top.

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48efde No.18695498

File: c829f13c45e875f⋯.png (52.46 KB,485x484,485:484,ClipboardImage.png)

Steve Baker - TPC


It is with great anger, I can now confirm


has emphatically stated


Committee will not touch anything related to #Jan6. He has conceded defeat to the left's J6 narrative victory and deems this the "path of least resistance" to GOP '24 electoral chances.

9:27 PM · Apr 13, 2023




Steve Baker - TPC


It is with great anger, I can now confirm


has emphatically stated


Committee will not touch anything related to #Jan6. He has conceded defeat to the left's J6 narrative victory and deems this the "path of least resistance" to GOP '24 electoral chances.

9:27 PM · Apr 13, 2023





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63e1cb No.18695499

President Trump: For seven years, all of us here today have been engaged in an epic struggle against the corrupt forces and communist manaics, that are absolutely trying to destroy our country.

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700c84 No.18695500


Faggot was born in Kenya. The slate will be wiped clean along with him.

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453ef4 No.18695501

File: 7ec1b2bf1b7c501⋯.png (518.42 KB,844x476,211:119,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b1bea16bc0710a⋯.png (372.96 KB,841x472,841:472,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8e8fafdcb98dff⋯.png (563.19 KB,839x467,839:467,ClipboardImage.png)

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a82a24 No.18695502

File: 77716411e5519ad⋯.png (75.82 KB,613x430,613:430,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b45879298eefca9⋯.png (643.88 KB,500x815,100:163,ClipboardImage.png)


Look it up. While you're there read up on the 20th century Spanish wars.

Communism is left gangster. Fascism is right gangster. despotism also come with imperial, democracy, theocracy and monarchy trim.

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0d6cc8 No.18695503


Fraud Vitiates Everything

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700c84 No.18695504

"Me at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue".

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204551 No.18695505

File: 15faf6aa9a7c811⋯.png (442.16 KB,608x342,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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547e25 No.18695506

File: 12916d6c9ebbec8⋯.png (191.86 KB,751x449,751:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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e6b6f4 No.18695507

File: dd7a1446aa4106d⋯.mp4 (69.78 KB,144x144,1:1,images_7_.mp4)

File: 78879f252c59090⋯.jpeg (315.67 KB,2000x1125,16:9,FtrhcRiXoAAELIP.jpeg)

File: f5628f107bd816c⋯.jpg (54.19 KB,636x382,318:191,69675139_0_image_a_12_1681….jpg)

File: 915ca1ee15ccb31⋯.jpeg (79.27 KB,1280x1280,1:1,1573412726816.jpeg)

File: e9ce0fdc264f446⋯.png (76.53 KB,800x416,25:13,metallic_gold.png)


do (you) eben sikh

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9a1dc3 No.18695508

File: 327b704aa6b599b⋯.png (478.3 KB,706x384,353:192,allegedflightpattern.png)

File: 6716253c958985e⋯.png (244.07 KB,1289x604,1289:604,crossingtherubicon.png)

File: 5fde6d8e097c234⋯.jpg (134.14 KB,640x390,64:39,BTS_On_Time_Statistics640.jpg)


rats is star backwards.

As far as this flight pattern from "Pilots for 9/11 truth?"

anon has always considered that group a comped group


The leaders must be "pied pipers" anon is far from blaming the likely innocent members; As with the followers of "AJ" not their fault they are misled, IMO

Two of the flights never took off

we had it confirmed on tape on telephone with the Bureau of Transportation statistics.

Phone call confirmed

Cancelled a week beforehand

There was a drill. And some of the radar blibs were inserted.

We even have one pilost asking , on tape, on the record "Is this drill or is this live"

A drill at the same time.

Also many pilots were sent up to the north of Canada for? another exercise? not sure. But they were sent away.

some of this is detailed in "Crossing the Rubicon"

The official 9/11 attack legend is weak

Is it any surprise no one seems to catch-on much, considering all cause death is up, after the un-tested un-verified injection was pressed upon people, and very few actually catch on?

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668790 No.18695509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ecf8ca No.18695510

File: a1312252672f600⋯.jpg (168.18 KB,1920x1080,16:9,FthPYhlXoAAH83O.jpg)

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453ef4 No.18695511

File: b55502811510aa3⋯.png (594.82 KB,840x470,84:47,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b3ebd6a34d61c0⋯.png (600.23 KB,837x462,279:154,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4791fa335a515b2⋯.png (637.17 KB,839x469,839:469,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0825d614fbcffb5⋯.png (600.09 KB,840x468,70:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec743d No.18695512

File: 95ba3e749ba243b⋯.png (1.26 MB,1280x1019,1280:1019,p8.png)

2 USAF P-8 Poseidon submarine Hunters off the coast of Kaliningrad Russian State between Poland And Lithuania


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700c84 No.18695513

PDJT just cloaked the SC is corrupt.

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267cf4 No.18695514

File: d7b20b79871f353⋯.png (1.13 MB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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63e1cb No.18695515

President Trump: 2024 is the year that we will defeat these nation-wrecking globalists, marxists, RINOs, and tyrants, once and for all.

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700c84 No.18695516


Vegetable Garden.

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6fb772 No.18695517

File: 0bb96da8078b9d2⋯.png (15.79 KB,541x274,541:274,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce009c9c98633f3⋯.png (58.49 KB,542x385,542:385,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b5a765b2a57eb4⋯.png (116.11 KB,543x774,181:258,ClipboardImage.png)

1600 pennsylvania ave

16 = 19

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63e1cb No.18695518

President Trump: If you put me back in the White House, their reign is over, and American will be a free nation once again.

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b5cd07 No.18695520


He looks like he escaped from a Dr. Suess book.

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042f76 No.18695521

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700c84 No.18695522


Got to believe EM was hiding the kitchen knives when he went to bed with that thing.

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a82a24 No.18695523

File: 62a915f3ebe92b9⋯.png (83.51 KB,312x312,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



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60d91b No.18695524

File: 79c4ebf64c70680⋯.png (293.1 KB,486x333,54:37,DominionVotingMachine.png)


It's like Deja Vu all over again!

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6fb772 No.18695525

File: 53325ed5e7623ca⋯.png (69.65 KB,545x579,545:579,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9282629c6161aa8⋯.png (42.74 KB,543x359,543:359,ClipboardImage.png)


some mirrors

61 | 91

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a3df30 No.18695527

File: 0b1044bfcfa88a8⋯.png (644.1 KB,1639x985,1639:985,ClipboardImage.png)







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547e25 No.18695528

File: e7345cf5e90580f⋯.png (1.06 MB,1181x593,1181:593,ClipboardImage.png)


Fuck yeah


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9a1dc3 No.18695529

File: 989a593563fcfd9⋯.jpg (13.74 KB,260x190,26:19,s_PHILIP_ZELIKOW_large.jpg)


The man who created the legend. His expertise was public mythology - studied it at Harvard.



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63e1cb No.18695530

President Trump: On day one of my new term, I will stop Joe Biden's war on lawful gun owners. It's a war.

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a82a24 No.18695531

File: 8136bd56e3a8f7a⋯.png (23.6 KB,709x245,709:245,ClipboardImage.png)

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cdc83f No.18695532

File: 98d509908416b08⋯.png (1.71 MB,1080x872,135:109,Trump_rally_5.png)

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453ef4 No.18695533

File: e94854e074eeaed⋯.png (646.88 KB,851x478,851:478,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab662e No.18695534


212 watching

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668790 No.18695535

File: 906e9d65cf7f3fb⋯.png (1.41 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ecf8ca No.18695536

File: 65b88015628ed48⋯.jpg (14.63 KB,474x227,474:227,th_2886107886.jpg)

self defence outside the home?

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700c84 No.18695537

Fucking Abdul.

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60d91b No.18695538


Nope, Trump Speech.

If it were a Trump Rally then Proto would be turned on.

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267cf4 No.18695539

File: b3d4156973046e8⋯.png (845.19 KB,1163x655,1163:655,ClipboardImage.png)

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d188cd No.18695540



Fuckery on YouTube stream

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453ef4 No.18695541

File: 62dadf3242f6300⋯.png (17.36 KB,229x186,229:186,ClipboardImage.png)

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df17bf No.18695542


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36ab8d No.18695543


Why doesn't the Seal Say anything???

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63e1cb No.18695544


Almost 12,000 watching President Trump on RSBN/Youtube.

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bef8b1 No.18695545


>Red Shoes

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ecbcc1 No.18695546

File: 77e1465cf015f91⋯.jpeg (12.6 KB,170x255,2:3,5a5944da49e909635d2d1dfe3….jpeg)

File: 351fcbee89a381d⋯.jpg (30.98 KB,346x364,173:182,Screenshot_20210811_105153….jpg)

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453ef4 No.18695547



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60d91b No.18695548



That's why.

I'd love to say they're great, but they never get through a whole speech free of borkery.

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69a2f7 No.18695549

File: 0c12cbc6955bcd2⋯.jpg (155.8 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Death_Stranding_Bridges_Lo….jpg)

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df17bf No.18695550


Are Irish people that stupid that that many would attend to hear potato head???

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700c84 No.18695551


Trains have been derailing and factories being blown up since the retard JB showed his masked face.

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48efde No.18695552

File: 9e9ef4aa09408a3⋯.png (124.65 KB,842x360,421:180,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d6cc8 No.18695553

File: 6527395326bd4c6⋯.png (1.01 MB,1078x718,539:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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63e1cb No.18695554

President Trump: We're led by stupid people. And let me tell you, we've never been in such danger in our life.

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453ef4 No.18695555

File: 158ba50cb5735ef⋯.mp4 (2.6 MB,848x464,53:29,trumpisstillyourpresident_….mp4)

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042f76 No.18695556


Stage is not set yet

Leo Hohmann: Biden Regime Leading All Nations into Global Beast System that Would Require Compliance with Digital Health Tyranny Enforced by U.N. World Health Organization


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d1965d No.18695557

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Livestream begins: Apr 14, 7:00 pm EDT

News Hour with Andy Dybala - South Dairy Fork, Military Secrets, DARPA & the BioIndustry Initiative


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700c84 No.18695558

File: 7351e5f0d073d0d⋯.mp4 (3.48 MB,854x472,427:236,Left_billions_in_Afghanist….mp4)


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df17bf No.18695559

File: fec4172c0b2645d⋯.png (70.74 KB,1311x355,1311:355,ClipboardImage.png)


Over 30,000 watching on DJT's channel!!!

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668790 No.18695560


The Irish love potatoes.

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cdc83f No.18695561

File: 493566385a6cd52⋯.png (1.4 MB,1278x846,71:47,joe_biden_rapes_kids.png)

443 Biden viewers, kek.

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9a1dc3 No.18695562

File: 8ebb3087745cd06⋯.gif (661.11 KB,352x240,22:15,cnnkz3.gif)



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a3df30 No.18695563

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note: Rumble link from Trumps account


LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks at NRA Annual Meeting



President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks at the NRA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, IN on Friday, April 14, 2023, at 4:30PM EDT.

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63e1cb No.18695564

President Trump: I will take Biden's executive order, directing the federal government to target the firearms industry, and I will rip it up and throw it out on day one.

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60d91b No.18695565

File: 11f5caed77fb35b⋯.png (117.08 KB,487x272,487:272,DayShift_MaxTard.png)


>5:5 5:5

No, KEK, stop it.

That's not funny.

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700c84 No.18695566

WW III precipice is coming. CIC Trump will swoop in like an eagle (not bald, with hair) and save the day.

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d2c57f No.18695567

File: 1eff70f66112a28⋯.png (961.13 KB,946x966,473:483,ClipboardImage.png)

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a82a24 No.18695568


FUKR is occupied territory, carved out by the same faggots who divided MENA, E/W Germany, N/S Formosa and most of S. America and Africa when they openly occupied those spaces. Try again.

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60d91b No.18695569


>DJT's channel

That's the one to always watch imo.

No borkery unlike certain other popular ones.

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204551 No.18695570

File: 6b360b7cbe92c34⋯.png (105.77 KB,229x342,229:342,ClipboardImage.png)



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63e1cb No.18695571

President Trump: We will pass legislation protecting the absolute right to self-defense with federal penalties for prosecutorial abuse, like we saw just recently in Texas.

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700c84 No.18695572

File: 619fc9f52587b27⋯.mp4 (11.13 MB,384x832,6:13,OIL_is_the_life_blood.mp4)

CIC is correct about oil.

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e6b6f4 No.18695573

File: 746c8109f12bfe7⋯.jpeg (241.32 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,FtRc1DnWwAElSqC.jpeg)

File: e9dd175584d82ca⋯.jpg (77.09 KB,500x772,125:193,7i6ti1.jpg)


twin towers

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668790 No.18695574

File: 06bc58e356b2514⋯.gif (2 MB,250x250,1:1,06bc58e356b25147b257906f07….gif)

Man, the wrinkles on Martha's forehead make her look 10 years older today. Poor girl. She must be under stress from working at a company that misleads the public.

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267cf4 No.18695575

File: 48b577f7dd76948⋯.png (839.19 KB,1165x656,1165:656,ClipboardImage.png)

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453ef4 No.18695576

File: 81f9efd6fafb5e1⋯.png (625.02 KB,863x474,863:474,ClipboardImage.png)

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36ab8d No.18695577

File: fbdc8a8127c2849⋯.png (716.41 KB,774x516,3:2,Screenshot_2023_04_14_at_1….png)



Maybe they don't use that overseas

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df17bf No.18695578


Ah, that's what it must be! Kek!!

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700c84 No.18695579

Rewind. CIC just said with emphasis we're fucking up the Deep State. That's a beautiful thing.

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9a1dc3 No.18695580

File: 0f2532078bb9717⋯.jpg (304.85 KB,1024x1013,1024:1013,kunhead.jpg)



gonna get rid of the FBI

how great.

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453ef4 No.18695581

File: b06b220f210f93b⋯.png (1.1 MB,1236x694,618:347,ClipboardImage.png)

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556edc No.18695582

File: 2ec2ed8415b2f6a⋯.png (666.57 KB,1100x734,550:367,DED_.png)

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042f76 No.18695583


> himself in antisemitic rant

I blame the man joos shills shitbags for polluting this young man's mind.

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7933b4 No.18695584

File: bfcb6f3dc3f4c53⋯.jpeg (15.54 KB,255x162,85:54,45abf57dbd5e63ee97ee3ffe7….jpeg)

File: 91b6b5e4d2f0626⋯.jpg (68.06 KB,516x629,516:629,Screenshot_20221128_145037….jpg)

File: 0b4a4dc7be65ca3⋯.jpg (117.94 KB,1200x739,1200:739,Screenshot_20221124_225230….jpg)

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df17bf No.18695585

File: 00c439dfd3544c6⋯.jpg (327.93 KB,1470x1414,105:101,00c439dfd3544c68246159550d….jpg)

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042f76 No.18695586




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700c84 No.18695587


Once CIC takes over Canada there will be Hoser joy.

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9a1dc3 No.18695588


no need to cry

you agreed.

FBI isn't living up to its hype.

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444633 No.18695589

File: 93a8156e8200e8f⋯.png (605.91 KB,798x1142,399:571,Number_watching_Trump_at_N….png)

Only 12,292 people watching live on youtube? Messing with the numbers? These people are SICK!


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700c84 No.18695590


I switched to rsbn.

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042f76 No.18695591


draw Dilbert moar

keep klan thought to yourself

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8af05d No.18695592


Nice double dubs

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5ef6a3 No.18695594


Nothing you posted made the verifiable facts I posted any less factual. As for that "oy vey, Fascism is as bad as communism" that's utter non-sense. So what do we have now, is it centrist gangster? The point is, democracy is always shadow oligarchy because most people are always lemmings, so it's stupid to pretend like democracy is anything else but the oligarchy of those that control the mass media. The Founding Fathers were very aware of the fact that racial homogeneity was key to having a stable nation, unfortunately they were not smart enough to codify the 1790 Nationality Act into the Constitution and an Ammendment that kept the Jews out permanently. The authoritarian component of Fascism and National Socialism is born from the fact that the Jewish communist menace had already fucked Italy and Germany to the point where only a fist of steel could right the ship (and we are watching the same type of conditions being fully developed right now l over the West), Hitler describes I Mein Kampf that when he was still a blue colar worker and he started getting into politics he went to the Parliament/Senate to watch the politicians argue and discuss things and he was shocked to see that there were politicians there that didn't even spoke German and not even spoke any laguange that others would understand and could speak, and literal fist fights would break out. That's the moment he realized that democracy was stupid and that without authority German was utterly fucked.

Authoritarianism is not necessarily bad, it's just a tool. The Founding Fathers preached liberty to an audience of White Christians, the only people who can build such types of civilization, and things are now at the point where the racial, religious and ideological divisions are so deep and irreconcilable that I am 100% certain that only authoritarianism will be able to fix things.

IMHO the key for authorianism to remain a tool of the people for the people to fix their nations is to have something like a 2nd Ammendment in place that guarantees that while the chosen leadership and body politic has the power to decisively correct what needs correction (close the borders and use deadly force on all invaders/trespassers, expell all illegals, put in place a 1790 type Nationality Act migration policy and codify it into a Neo-Bill of Rights, revoke the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, abolish the 19th Ammendment, etc), the moment they step out of line with the people then the people have the military capacity to replace said leadership/body politic.

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cdc83f No.18695595


There's also probably way more watching on Rumble than what Rumble shows, they censor their viewer counts too.

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55c6fe No.18695596

These people are sick!

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60d91b No.18695598


No, Anon, that's prolly legit.

RSBN on YT is the most borked of all PDJT streamers.

Whatever the reason for it everyone knows watching him there is tarded.

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042f76 No.18695603



never let an intentional crisis go to waste

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