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File: 322bd269a21a2aa⋯.jpg (103.65 KB,1220x639,1220:639,_le_banner_.jpg)

3cb49c No.18564221 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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3cb49c No.18564224

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18287979 ——–——– Canada #40

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18363355 ——–——– Japan/Nihon #12

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

Updated PROTO Instructions >>18024378, >>18561054 , No p*rn videos >>18147527

Jan 6th Song Featuring Trump Soars To #1 On iTunes- >>18489141

Bakers: How to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

Formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444

Baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761, No RRN in notes >>17980519

Post notables or step down by @300 >>18311579


#22769 >>18563434

>>18563487 2/8/18 Panic in DC. Leverage depleted - POTUS freed. EXTREME chatter.

>>18563490, >>18563535 , >>18563541, >>18563547 See who owns Huggies: Kimberly-Clark, who's main shareholders are… Vanguard and BlackRock

>>18563504 UN-AMERICAN: NY Democratic Politicians Aim to Make Trump a Political Prisoner!

>>18563530 @TomFitton·Crushed it in defense of the rule of lawand against the abuse of @realDonaldTrump on @CSPAN

>>18563560 RE: Metabiota chief executive officer and founder Nathan Wolfe

>>18563615, >>18563777, >>18563932 KARI LAKE WINS, though AZ Supreme Court declines most of appeal over gov’s race

>>18563657, >>18563671, >>18563782, >>18564039, >>18564061 Britain supplying depleted uranium rounds to Ukraine... FAFO

>>18563695 How Fauci's Wife Used NIH Position To Backstop Her Husband’s Pandemic Health Directives

>>18563736, >>18563763 Disney Preparing to Lay Off Thousands of Workers

>>18563744, >>18563747 Doctors at the Pentagon Claim 7 Year-Olds Can Make Decisions About Taking Puberty Blockers and Hormones

>>18563774, >>18563779, >>18563794 Desanctimonious bun


>>18564038 Confirmed tornado in LA county damages multiple buildings

>>18564118 Matt Gaetz Announces Alleged Joe Biden Sexual Assault Victim Will Testify Before Congress

>>18564170 #22769


>>18563284 POTUS freed 2018 Q PROOF

>>18562705 GOP House Chairman Says Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Facing Deadline for Congressional Testimony

>>18563043 Cohen attorney letter to FEC appears to undercut DA Bragg's Trump case

>>18563054 Michael Cohen claiming Donald Trump did NOT reimburse him flys in the face of the star witness's grand jury testimony

>>18563110 Bongino said if Trump is in jail, Secret Service are in jail with him. They have the authority to dictate the setting, the size and the circumstances

>>18563113 Clandestine: Now its looking like Trump might not even be indicted or arrested

>>18563130 Rep. Jordan: DA Bragg didn’t care to investigate until Trump announced presidential run

>>18563136, >>18563160 @Jim_Jordan just sent letters to former prosecutors Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz demanding documents and testimony relating to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority amid the reported impending indictment of President Trump TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242 Deprivation of rights under color of law.

>>18563279 @Kash Withholding exculpatory evidence- right out of the democratic playbooks of Russia Gate, Jan 6, Ukraine Impeachment fiascos, and every other corrupt criminal enterprise they conjured up to try n take out 45 has found its way to Alvin Braggs bogus grand jury. Like all the rest, they got caught, and the fake news mafia wont hold them to account, so we will.

>>18562773 Southwest Pilot Becomes Incapacitated Mid-Air, Airline Confirms

>>18562832 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame & Ox 'Game Night'-03/22/2023

>>18562862 Crew protecting Donald Trump WILL NOT be the Secret Service but will be THE MARINES?

>>18562877, >>18562883 DOJ Embedded an FBI Informant Inside the DEFENSE TEAM of Non-Violent Jan 6 Prisoner and Former US Marine Zachary Rehl

>>18563037 Police Encounter Abandoned Young Boy at the Border

>>18562843 Fake “Trump Supporters” at Manhattan Protest Are Identified As an Actor

>>18562870 Joe Biden’s Groping, Grooming and Dangerous Predatory Behavior

>>18563133 Pelosi attacker appears in federal court, trial date set

>>18563135 Sen. Rand Paul & Moderna CEO exchange on COVID vaccine and myocarditis.

>>18563149 PF Reports Callsign BALM31.

>>18563192 Michael Cohen lied under oath. That’s perjury. Back to jail you go….

>>18563206 Kinzinger’s favorite Ukraine hero just deleted his account after it came out he is a fraud

>>18563228 If anon would like a Jew research bread say aye

>>18563251 The estimated cost of rebuilding and restoring Ukraine has surpassed the $400 billion mark

>>18563263 Uganda to jail people who identify as LGBTQ in one of world's most anti-gay laws

>>18563265 Did D.C. Judge Confirm Ashley Biden Diary Was Real Indicating She Was A Victim Of Joe Biden Sexual Abuse?

>>18563291 UBS Likely to Shrink Credit Suisse’s $10 Billion Shipping Portfolio -Report

>>18563295 Union Worker Strike Closes Germany’s Hamburg Port to Large Ships

>>18563014 Meme Vid of the Day. Catchy little tune about the insane woke left

>>18563319 Never heard these terms associated with weather in California … before recent years.

>>18563343 PF: SAM551 up. DWS - poodle in the news yet?

>>18563421 #22768


>>18561881 SEC sends Coinbase Wells Notification, warning of possible federal securities law violations

>>18561907 Lawfag: Question – does the prosecutor have to present exculpatory evidence to a grand jury?

>>18561925 Australia: 'Dirty' tap water in Narrandera is causing diarrhoea and rashes, residents say

Baker Change

>>18561923, >>18561971 Bongino: I Am Extremely Concerned About Trump's Safety - SS has the right to protect President Trump

>>18561956 President Trump heads to the LONE STAR STATE on Saturday for his first 2024 campaign rally

>>18561909, >>18562497 Biden accidentally admits truth about Trump becoming 47 (0:14 seconds)

>>18561977, >>18562008 Kash Patel: Sues Politico over impeachment lies watch out Schiff, Swallwel, Fiona, Vindman, Ciaramella… im coming for the Truth

>>18561981 ANONS! We got them! msnbc is so triggered and afraid opine

>>18561984, >>18562204, >>18561990, >>18561993, >>18562000, >>18562005, >>18562013, >>18562015, >>18562020, >>18562028, >>18562061, >>18562078, >>18562086, >>18562099, >>18562103, >>18562222, >>18562255, >>18562273, >>18562289, >>18562416, >>18562433, >>18562444 I can't believe anons are so nonchalant about the possibility of President Trump going to jail.

>>18562034 USSF announces University Consortium Research Opportunity – “xGEO Operations and SDA”

>>18562046 Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed a bill barring transgender people from using school restrooms that do not align with the sex listed on their birth certificate

>>18562030 Mark Finchem [DS] Election Rigging Coverup Is Being Exposed

>>18562134 CDC wants us to believe 92% of adults took at least 1 COVID jab, truth is probably that its about 75%.

>>18562159 Exculpatory Evidence: Is Miles Guo Being Denied Due Process?

>>18562173 Rasmussen Poll: Mark Mitchell discusses Americans trust in the American Banking system (3:45 mins)

>>18562197, >>18561609 lb A Letter from Cohen’s Lawyer to the Federal Election Commission. This is totally exculpatory, Cohen admits that he did it himself

>>18562244 Mike Davis: "Trump is being legally attacked by Democrats on 3 coordinated fronts." (11:47)

>>18562244, >>18562342, >>18562403, >>18562423 read between the lines


>>18562283 STOLEN VALOR: Top Ukraine 'volunteer' soldier revealed to be fraud, heavily promoted by Adam Kinzinger, Malcolm Nance

>>18562370 Former Bardstown Chief Financial Officer Tracy L. Hudson Sentenced to 35 Months in Federal Prison for Embezzling City Funds

>>18562427 Hunter Biden used FBI mole named ‘One-Eye’ to tip him off to China probes

>>18562568 Putin and Xi aim to defeat the “Unipolar world”. Which is another term for “Globalism” or “Deep State”

>>18562572 US President Donald Trump not Former President Donald

>>18562629 #22767

Previously Collected

>>18561655 #22765, >>18561855 #22766

>>18558784 #22762, >>18561549 #22763, >>18560330 #22764

>>18556462 #22759, >>18557241 #22760, >>18557997 #22761

>>18554162 #22756, >>18554922 #22757, >>18555697 #22758

>>18552559 #22754, >>18553309 #22755-A, >>18553365 #22755-B

TripCodefeed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

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3cb49c No.18564227

File: 1c8dd895faedc37⋯.jpg (63.94 KB,744x744,1:1,1c8dd895faedc3743bec0075dc….jpg)




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83788d No.18564228

Evenin’ Nightshift

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53efa4 No.18564233

File: 1c8214212e0f81e⋯.png (984.88 KB,959x660,959:660,f3701181f5be68089692ce25cf….png)

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d224b2 No.18564234

File: fc510a0e25097db⋯.png (220.44 KB,582x931,582:931,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c1a202467dba80⋯.png (76.6 KB,669x259,669:259,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cf153d1b6429ce⋯.png (80.53 KB,534x259,534:259,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2bc5e945449bb4f⋯.png (108.1 KB,465x347,465:347,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7fbe54206935a4⋯.png (73.11 KB,465x272,465:272,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18564227 tyb

They want to ARREST me for exposing fraud in the 2022 Election.

Now, the AZ Supreme Court has ruled that the very fraud I highlighted has to be looked at. This is big, folks.

Hit me with your best shot.

I will never, ever back down.

Try me.

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e54c10 No.18564235

File: 7a564cd0bb0be09⋯.png (1.13 MB,911x840,911:840,Screen_Shot_2023_03_23_at_….png)

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53efa4 No.18564236

File: b1c2e72eab588bf⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,1920x1920,1:1,3e5041f22e429380d30da7beda….jpg)

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69395a No.18564237

File: 8aa9ef3bba2ce46⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB,720x1280,9:16,8aa9ef3bba2ce46d92f9a8122d….mp4)

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000000 No.18564238



nice banner too

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e54c10 No.18564239

File: aff0fda5ef648d9⋯.png (1.09 MB,912x815,912:815,Screen_Shot_2023_03_23_at_….png)

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d224b2 No.18564240




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683983 No.18564241

File: be1a0d01b74a3e1⋯.png (153.2 KB,255x242,255:242,ClipboardImage.png)

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cbbbfd No.18564242

File: 7fdd1f5ada8fa2d⋯.png (346.53 KB,514x513,514:513,Pepe_Joint_Special_Ops_Wee….png)



>>18564231 lb

fully baked is best baked.

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6f5d67 No.18564243

File: 24991f8d578712b⋯.png (888.8 KB,859x770,859:770,24991f8d578712bbc1607dfe55….png)

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80b0bb No.18564244

File: 04ba9a4edaf05ca⋯.gif (1.18 MB,498x268,249:134,9F473D71_E047_4924_A61F_84….gif)


good evening

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704c0e No.18564245

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61e637 No.18564246

File: 1ce8779d42f0335⋯.jpg (80.47 KB,500x756,125:189,7fim9b.jpg)

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5cfcad No.18564247


Dwn wit dap.

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16647c No.18564248

File: fb47bb8e024d7e0⋯.png (979.85 KB,590x795,118:159,nstl22.PNG)

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61024d No.18564249

>>18564230 (lb)

Locking on a fire control radar is an Act of War

Not sure what PacFlt Rules of Engagement are, but somebody should have been near the Harpoon controls

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b8516f No.18564250

File: 5f711be27d2d0ff⋯.jpg (31.77 KB,612x401,612:401,sdfghjccfc.jpg)

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b0a78c No.18564251

File: e94bab27b777a92⋯.png (366.82 KB,601x755,601:755,Kid_defends_teacher.PNG)

File: 5626616b246e4ae⋯.mp4 (2.98 MB,360x640,9:16,Kid_defends_teacher.mp4)

Kid defends his teacher after she get punched


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ba6428 No.18564252

File: 3754f9fe9f64571⋯.jpeg (50.79 KB,852x480,71:40,EE90CFB7_2A45_4844_A02D_9….jpeg)

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f330ba No.18564253


confirm handoff

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b0a78c No.18564254

File: dfe2b38d2700cef⋯.jpg (72.66 KB,1080x1029,360:343,Joe_Biden_s_president_like….jpg)

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82acce No.18564255

File: 9a666ef48e85401⋯.jpg (2.11 MB,3648x2736,4:3,20210904_140346.jpg)

You might not have needed to me to this point BUT SOMEDAY YOU WILL.


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3cb49c No.18564256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>fully baked is best baked.

Confirmation on the baker being baked

Listening to the same song on repeat


>confirm handoff

handoff confirmed

unless you're a shill

in which case, we shall dance together to this hardstyle Russian bass music

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683983 No.18564257

File: fc1adb1765b6778⋯.png (821.81 KB,600x563,600:563,ClipboardImage.png)


noice… tyvm

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9ccd4c No.18564258

File: ca0c7e4821bbc94⋯.jpeg (141.68 KB,470x684,235:342,A7012A92_F121_4FB7_B623_B….jpeg)

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b0aabb No.18564259


The parents of the 6 year old that shot his teacher at school are fans of this method.

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e54c10 No.18564260

File: bbb17df4d2f5a6e⋯.jpg (57.02 KB,1280x720,16:9,iambecome_bread.jpg)

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f330ba No.18564261




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80b0bb No.18564262


The Chinese PLA navy have been aiming high powered lasers at planes and ships in the region too, happens quite a lot

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f330ba No.18564263

File: fb9958dababb3ac⋯.gif (31.71 KB,128x128,1:1,8bvutg4yumoilxkjmghokls.gif)

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08130d No.18564264

File: d0afbbea3ddea17⋯.jpg (105.47 KB,878x620,439:310,Screenshot_20230322_233400….jpg)

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000000 No.18564265


anon does not condone

but dayum, dropped him in the first tap

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209fb7 No.18564266

How did we get 766 posts on the last bread

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16647c No.18564267


Laugh somewhere else

Still Watching you -o-o-

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209fb7 No.18564268

File: 9f686564fb0f4a8⋯.jpg (96.65 KB,500x700,5:7,2sjg2u.jpg)

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209fb7 No.18564269

File: 3cb7a762345cfb9⋯.jpg (25.86 KB,378x377,378:377,2sjg6d.jpg)

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000000 No.18564270


anon members

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209fb7 No.18564271

File: 0c0e3eeb3a64c80⋯.jpg (133.23 KB,888x499,888:499,2sjg56.jpg)

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6f5d67 No.18564272



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9f644f No.18564273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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cbbbfd No.18564274

File: 7eadc850aa51f66⋯.jpg (339.85 KB,983x886,983:886,Mel_Gibson_Before_Night_Sh….jpg)

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e54c10 No.18564275


some people haveWAYtoo much time on their hands.

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80b0bb No.18564276



but there were deletions of uncle joe pedo posts etc

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61024d No.18564277


And if they fuck around enough and end up with an old Mark 8 torpedo from a Philipine ship I would be most happy

Mark 8 is kinda like getting hit in the head with a rock, but still hurts like hell

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80b0bb No.18564278


Mel has seen some shit, I bet!

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29028d No.18564279

File: ee2592cf0faefe3⋯.png (475.45 KB,462x619,462:619,BAKER_BAKING_3.png)


fully baked, kek.



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91dc2d No.18564280

File: 575ad145ee3d8cb⋯.jpg (103.02 KB,800x1200,2:3,3updkf6me8oa1.jpg)

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e19c34 No.18564281

File: 3784b88cdd18957⋯.png (175.63 KB,728x355,728:355,05_3.png)

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c28fe8 No.18564282

File: c4f4b5be987f728⋯.mp4 (976.14 KB,640x360,16:9,Jeffries_undermining_democ….mp4)

File: 149f2334f1f5aec⋯.mp4 (394.91 KB,640x360,16:9,Jeffries_Federal_Election_….mp4)

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29028d No.18564283


teens, gore, Gary.

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209fb7 No.18564284


We still arent sure if those are real or fake eh?

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3cb49c No.18564285

File: 583b54b880a04fa⋯.png (176.17 KB,474x355,474:355,ClipboardImage.png)


Noice and nikt

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e54c10 No.18564287


>How did we get 766 posts on the last bread

you didn't click reload

the pause that refreshes

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4b6c58 No.18564288

File: 37710c2fc11b479⋯.png (378.35 KB,518x482,259:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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5cfcad No.18564289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


step A side

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58baf6 No.18564290

File: 8390e18eb621b30⋯.png (403.89 KB,500x529,500:529,notetakersass.png)

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c58e90 No.18564291

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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ef38cd No.18564292

File: 799cf2047126cfd⋯.png (2.38 MB,1074x1432,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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e54c10 No.18564293

File: be636b3a9d19ac3⋯.gif (1.66 MB,333x281,333:281,be636b3a9d19ac3d1bff57ee9b….gif)


>the paws that refreshes

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683983 No.18564294

File: 47f413c0b5652ec⋯.png (367.85 KB,622x356,311:178,ClipboardImage.png)

UPDATE: Shelter in place lifted after BioLab chlorine release

A shelter in place has been lifted after a BioLab chemical release Wednesday afternoon in Westlake.

Louisiana State Police confirmed a chemical cloud hovering over the West Calcasieu area was linked to a chlorine release from BioLab.

A shelter-in-place was ultimately issued in a one-mile radius from the Interstate 10 Westlake exit late Wednesday morning, and for nearly four hours all traffic was diverted to Interstate 210. Lake Charles Police said multiple agencies were involved in deterring traffic.

Megan Monsour Hartman, Gulf Coast field communications director for Phillips 66, said an evacuation order was issued for contractors and non-essential personnel at their plant following the chemical release.

“We have had several reports of eye and nose irritation accompanied with a chlorine smell,” Hartman said. “We are in contact with area industries and emergency responders.”


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209fb7 No.18564295

You know, the military could step in any time now and pull the Insurrection Act… just sayin

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c28fe8 No.18564296

File: c24407c0f1b7e3a⋯.mp4 (832.94 KB,640x360,16:9,Jeffries_undermining_democ….mp4)


This one is better, joined and edited.

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209fb7 No.18564297

I hope we arrest some of these people before they die of old age, or are suicided, or flee to another country and hide the rest of their lives

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80b0bb No.18564298


I reckon the uncle joe name spammer posting very young girls is the same poster who drops all those girls with fish images into the breads

same same groundhog day/wash rinse repeat

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cbbbfd No.18564299


Seems reasonable.

Hey Q! WTF.

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000000 No.18564300


a lot going on in this pic

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e54c10 No.18564301

File: 7af6ac651b243d5⋯.png (397.01 KB,1067x388,11:4,lincoln_trump.png)


Biden’s VA Axes Lincoln Quote in 50 Percent of Facilities, Replaces with PC Version

The old motto referenced both male and female veterans and featured a direct quote from President Abraham Lincoln:

To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise "to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan" by serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s veterans.

The new mission statement reads as follows:

To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise to care for those who have served in our nation’s military and for their families, caregivers, and survivors.


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9ccd4c No.18564302

File: ace2b210a18d54c⋯.png (584.76 KB,720x469,720:469,9FAAFC54_362E_4350_A63B_1C….png)

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c28fe8 No.18564303

File: 88eb5fbc20711a2⋯.mp4 (5.62 MB,638x360,319:180,88eb5fbc20711a2f8839f41ec2….mp4)

File: b5327b40717c879⋯.webm (2.82 MB,816x720,17:15,obama_girls_suck_icecream….webm)

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80b0bb No.18564304


The Chinese navy ships are probably made from recycled poor grade steel and the torpedo would go straight thru and out the other side

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56e2fc No.18564305

File: 1d79ab2d54e0bc5⋯.png (125.09 KB,1152x561,384:187,ClipboardImage.png)

[They] not only wasted an enormous supply of ammo, they've just prepared the world for criminal indictments of former Presidents.

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5aa58c No.18564306

File: ba6bc9b499b7d60⋯.png (390.43 KB,735x957,245:319,3_22_2023_WTF_322_sent_a_S….png)

File: d8216eaf04470e1⋯.png (97.51 KB,1113x1280,1113:1280,1_6_2022_FBI_with_MAGA_civ….png)

File: a5a099f62c68229⋯.png (1.52 MB,1080x1079,1080:1079,3_9_2023_Undercover_FBI_as….png)

File: 00519eb1410d4ce⋯.jpg (328.75 KB,1776x1184,3:2,FAG_BOIS_Pride_fags_FBI_pa….jpg)

File: ceaa78b263388e9⋯.png (698.12 KB,807x806,807:806,FBI_Informant.png)

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cbbbfd No.18564307


That new one is weak af

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cbbbfd No.18564308


>recycled poor grade steel

No, they sold that to the USA.

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08130d No.18564309

File: 2c8003c6523f35f⋯.jpg (171.28 KB,1078x736,539:368,Screenshot_20230322_235034….jpg)

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e54c10 No.18564310

File: 6ad033c69f182c9⋯.jpg (185.33 KB,650x430,65:43,1s3m58_copy.jpg)


>That new one is weak af

not nearly as weak as your post

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56e2fc No.18564311


Do these idiots' handlers not understand that the 'Y' head gives them away?

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91dc2d No.18564312

File: 671af78c9e3ce9c⋯.png (730.47 KB,704x467,704:467,671af78c9e3ce9c80364e3787d….png)

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cbbbfd No.18564313

File: 1e0ac6a0179eb1d⋯.png (294.71 KB,548x350,274:175,ClipboardImage.png)

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80b0bb No.18564314


I remember there was a scandal recently where a steel supplier was caught sending very poor grade steel to the US shipyards building submarines

Not good when you sub is at almost crush depth!

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50cc10 No.18564315

File: e67fd3cd465e367⋯.png (85.5 KB,1143x1096,1143:1096,984.PNG)

File: 721ea4e2977327b⋯.png (14.56 KB,170x255,2:3,980.png)

File: a73a283434522bf⋯.png (13.89 KB,628x208,157:52,982.PNG)

Time a ticking on by


Guess we now know where those 4:00 AM news talking point come from

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5aa58c No.18564316

File: 83fc8de39bb9d24⋯.webp (34.15 KB,1024x1009,1024:1009,MALIA_OBAMA_CREDIT_CARD_F….webp)

File: 6b2551ecadf4018⋯.jpg (34.85 KB,276x398,138:199,Asian_child_with_Obamas_no….jpg)

File: 03cbec83211961e⋯.jpg (99.18 KB,500x499,500:499,Hand_down_pants.jpg)

File: b01b34f541bf595⋯.jpg (77.08 KB,691x705,691:705,Maggie.jpg)

File: ebb86ca0adda7af⋯.jpg (113.64 KB,1080x1078,540:539,Asian_child_with_Obamas_no….jpg)

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cbbbfd No.18564317


I think Q referred to this topic at some point…

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8d4a11 No.18564318

File: 316a271a7816497⋯.mp4 (14.62 MB,640x360,16:9,trump_silent_runnung.mp4)

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80b0bb No.18564319


The Feds can't help being Fake & Gay, it all stems from J Edgars founding days as a tranny cross-dressing homo

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61024d No.18564320

File: ad7a8fb96b2faf5⋯.jpg (98.84 KB,800x600,4:3,Photo445339.jpg)


You aren't thinking fun. The sucker goes in the hull, doesn't go off. Now the crew wondering if it will go boom before they can have the shipyards get it out. "You guys have to sleep on the helo deck, there's a torpedo stuck in your berthing." Meanwhile the thing causing drag like an extra rudder.

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f87718 No.18564321

File: cce594fb810199d⋯.png (813.58 KB,1327x942,1327:942,Bolsheviks.png)

File: 1b63f3aea58bd66⋯.png (1.07 MB,1454x966,727:483,GenPattWJos.png)

File: 2ea72c52d9cd597⋯.png (832.83 KB,1235x952,1235:952,historywrit.png)

>>18563228 >If anon would like a Jew research bread say aye (PB)

Not so much “Jew” as much as just citing Historical facts; The effects of Communist Infiltration by a percentage of Jewish people - especially in education & “the arts”/Media.

Communist tactics: Anti semite = “raysiss, sexissst, homophobe, nazi!!” etc. because of History being suppressed. Anon tries to keep this history visible for new eyes, as Communists have erased and “re-written” everything, so re-reposting a couple of the most “influential” In-Your-Face items which have this Country FUBAR. (“Politicians” are controlled subhuman dirt anyway, so their “influence” is only as strong as the dirty MSM/Entertainment Industry MAKES it.)

Education Coming to America - the National Socialists came to power in Germany in 1933. It was a bad time and place to be a Jewish Marxist, as most of (FRANKFURT) school’s faculty was, so the school moved to New York City, the bastion of Western culture at the time… In 1934, the Frankfurt School was reborn at Columbia University. It was at Columbia University that the school honed the tool it would use to destroy Western culture: the printed word. Who would replace the working class as the new vanguards of the Marxist revolution? Marcuse believed that it would be a victim coalition of minorities—blacks, women, and homosexuals. archive.ph/54cCP

Hollywood/Entertainment Industries/Mass media Spreading the Red Stain: The Communist Infiltration of Hollywood -The Epoch Times …Ahead of World War II, many members of the Communist Party of Germany left for other parts of the world…and so they headed for the United States. After their arrival, many writers and filmmakers joined the ranks of American Communist Party groups. This gave rise to popular front movements supporting Soviet infiltration of art and culture venues and the penetration of political institutions in the mid-1930s … this grand-scale takeover scheme began in 1930s Hollywood with influential film industry leftists such as Yip Harburg, songwriter for “The Wizard of Oz”… Harburg was one of the leading pro-Soviet artists in Hollywood’s motion picture industry…. Allan H. Ryskind states that the House committee “uncovered over 200 Party members in Hollywood,” although Ryskind says his father, a screenwriter in Hollywood at the time, believes the actual number was closer to 300… Arthur Eckstein writes that the Hollywood establishment has never lost its love affair with the Communist Party in both a political and cultural sense… archive.is/c30tD theepochtimes.com/spreading-the-red-stain-the-communist-infiltration-of-hollywood_2299892.html

The film, “A Gentleman’s Agreement” (1947, with Gregory Peck), is about anti semitism. Here were the studio HEADS of that “Golden Era” of Hwood when Jew-hating was allegedly all the rage everywhere. Did these VERY powerful & influential guys & their families hate Jewish people? From their wikipedia pages:

Harry Cohn (Columbia) was born to a working-class Jewish family in New York City; Louis B. Mayer (MGM) was born in the Russian Empire; Jack Warner (Warner Bros) parents were Polish-Jewish immigrants from Congress Poland; David O. Selznick parents were Lithuanian Jews. Selznick added the "O" to distinguish himself; Carl Laemmle, Jr. (Universal) born in 1867 to a Jewish family in Laupheim; Barney Balaban (Paramount) (formerly Birnbaum) was the eldest of the seven sons of Bessarabian Jewish immigrants.

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e3e4ba No.18564322

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e54c10 No.18564323

File: 379881c4a4ba607⋯.png (62.55 KB,496x495,496:495,Screen_Shot_2021_12_31_at_….png)

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8a220e No.18564324

File: d2f957cbad06ea6⋯.jpeg (126.2 KB,892x499,892:499,Reee.jpeg)

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cf6128 No.18564325


daaang, dat meme dough; ty

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861985 No.18564326

I read patriotsDOTwin a lot. I lost a bookmark for a similar looking Q board, but I forgot what it was. Can somebody link me please?

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cf6128 No.18564327

File: 03ae25fd07ce01b⋯.png (16.25 KB,770x275,14:5,Kash_Night_Shift_12142022.png)


please get that to Kash, ty


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8ec031 No.18564328

File: c1ac1c226d384a9⋯.png (91.55 KB,627x795,209:265,Screenshot_2023_03_22_2301….png)

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cbbbfd No.18564329

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97ca1d No.18564330

File: adf3efcd5095b82⋯.png (491.09 KB,878x541,878:541,ClipboardImage.png)


8Kun under attack

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cf6128 No.18564331

File: b75c460aa569a0f⋯.jpg (55.65 KB,800x421,800:421,flag_800.jpg)



work together, Faith

thank you Anons

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e3e4ba No.18564332


>8Kun under attack


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e3e4ba No.18564333

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08130d No.18564334

File: 4abe219cf0db28e⋯.jpg (13.14 KB,463x96,463:96,Screenshot_20230323_000305….jpg)


Just imagine:

(((HELL on earth + HRC victory)))

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5dec5b No.18564335

File: fb7b93f7489d8a7⋯.png (5.8 KB,478x82,239:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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3cb49c No.18564336

File: 8963598e849f098⋯.jpg (27.92 KB,472x472,1:1,papers_please.jpg)


>Not so much “Jew” as much as just citing Historical facts; The effects of Communist Infiltration by a percentage of Jewish people

Very dasting post, ty fren.

Archiving this

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f330ba No.18564337

File: 08e481268235fcb⋯.jpeg (809.06 KB,1125x800,45:32,08e481268235fcbacb754d653….jpeg)

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cbbbfd No.18564338

File: aa7c808458f0c6f⋯.png (144.99 KB,634x352,317:176,ClipboardImage.png)


the video fucks out around 5min mark

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69395a No.18564339

File: be5b099874de3b9⋯.png (509.57 KB,846x775,846:775,be5b099874de3b9d1d89eca219….png)

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8ec031 No.18564340

File: b8b319afc4061a1⋯.png (3.12 MB,2115x1222,45:26,Screenshot_2023_03_22_2302….png)

File: bd9c244ee835d39⋯.png (8.34 KB,655x145,131:29,Screenshot_2023_03_22_2304….png)


Any word how many lawsuits Kash Money has filed with his donations?


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c28fe8 No.18564341

File: ac334c0789766b8⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,320x240,4:3,Obama_teach_sex_ed_for_kin….mp4)

File: 49a703424246cab⋯.mp4 (295.06 KB,480x270,16:9,Soetoro_shadow_presidency.mp4)

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d224b2 No.18564342

File: 28a122b2dfdcaf8⋯.jpg (29.26 KB,474x316,3:2,We_the_people.jpg)

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430fce No.18564343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"We are being POISONED!" documents reveal Fluoride scam.

They put Fluoride in the water to keep our teeth straight… fucken liars.

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5aa58c No.18564344

File: 054913ea80e9e13⋯.png (261.43 KB,998x1008,499:504,3466_THESE_PEOPLE_ARE_STUP….png)

File: 810798c5458b31d⋯.png (1.43 MB,998x2302,499:1151,3467_THESE_PEOPLE_ARE_STUP….png)

File: e10586caf1e652a⋯.png (1.56 MB,998x4094,499:2047,2090_THESE_PEOPLE_ARE_STUP….png)

File: e00748733b11828⋯.png (1.09 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.18564345


the only steel scandal anon remembers was Japan Kobe steel (5 decades of inferior product)


Japan not an enemy though

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cbbbfd No.18564346

File: a11df7570983ed8⋯.jpg (253.46 KB,600x600,1:1,Biden_AF1_Window_Russian_J….jpg)


working 4 me

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209fb7 No.18564347

I cant wait for it to be revealed that Michael Cohen was the one who had the affair with Stormy Daniels and he was the one paying her off for himself

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8ec031 No.18564348

File: ec121cae791fb31⋯.png (44.86 KB,625x400,25:16,Screenshot_2023_03_22_2307….png)

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fc6939 No.18564349

Just watched the full c-span video of Tom Fitton with Pedro (lb notable). Tom did a good job even with Pedro doing his hate trump media spin. Pedro did everything he could to disparage Tom. Just one time, I would like for a guest on c-span's Washington Journal to call them out for being the shills they are.

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f87718 No.18564350


YW, fren

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e54c10 No.18564351

File: ab12da5d3fda182⋯.jpg (886.67 KB,1785x2139,595:713,13_2.jpg)

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f6fcee No.18564352

File: ecfaeb4652bf1f0⋯.png (784.26 KB,750x960,25:32,milley_communism.png)

Because the only way is the military.

What a bunch of gullible faggots.

Pentagon doctors claim 7-year-olds can make decisions to be injected with hormones, puberty suppressants

The DoD doctors claimed 7-year-olds are capable of 'medical decision-making'

Health providers at U.S. military bases, some of whom are involved in treating military-connected minors, blasted the idea of waiting before injecting kids diagnosed with gender dysphoria with puberty blockers and hormones.

The DoD providers said in the March edition of the American Journal of Public Health that the only pathway for children of military members who present with gender dysphoria symptoms is to immediately move towards "gender-affirming health care, such as puberty suppression and affirming hormones."

The doctors said that on the basis of "human rights," "youths… have an inherent ability and right to consent to gender-affirming therapy."

They went so far as to claim 7-year-olds can make their own medical decisions.


Stay "comfy", assholes.

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000000 No.18564353


brilliant meme

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cbbbfd No.18564354

File: 80cf00f89accc12⋯.png (144.58 KB,283x370,283:370,ClipboardImage.png)

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3cb49c No.18564355

File: 74f30762e3eb01d⋯.jpg (99.04 KB,1080x805,216:161,74f30762e3eb01d461f8757811….jpg)


Sir, you seem to have something typed into the name field,

We don't do that here.

This is your second warning,,

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f330ba No.18564356



#22770 >>18564227

>>18564234, >>18564240 @KariLake TruthSocial: Hit me with your best shot. I will never, ever back down. Try me.

>>18564301 @SecVetAffairs Announces changes to Lincoln Quote in 50 Percent of Facilities, Replaces with PC Version

>>18564305 Q#3165 4 year delta: [They] thought it was coming last Friday. Ammunition spent. Q

>>18564341 Old Obama mp4s "teaching kindergartener's sex ed is the right thing to do" and "3rd term arrangement if I could deliver the lines"



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cf6128 No.18564357


good Question; i haven't heard but i hope its a lot

i think he mentioned in a podcast awhile ago that he was using it as it comes

if a lot comes he can do moar

he seem to have multiple plans and jus going by how much ppl will actually send

but that is an old memory

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c28fe8 No.18564358

File: 558bbb1b6889d4e⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB,484x360,121:90,Obama_says_democrats_run_t….mp4)

File: afc056d7e3eae94⋯.gif (2.23 MB,500x266,250:133,Obama_Handshake_Castro.gif)

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cf6128 No.18564359

File: 2ddfd43e3fd010d⋯.png (161.65 KB,802x1084,401:542,Kash_Rumble_02182023.png)

File: 61818ad9a3ceff4⋯.png (80.65 KB,797x1058,797:1058,Durham_watch_Kash_10292022….png)

File: f5d5d110f5432df⋯.png (288.8 KB,1167x1163,1167:1163,Durham_watch_Kash_10292022.png)

File: df56d86d68477c9⋯.png (407.96 KB,1120x800,7:5,Kash_the_Wizard_book_2.png)

File: ffec3ff61c24e22⋯.png (229.5 KB,870x1098,145:183,Kash_06012022.png)

thank you Kash

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e54c10 No.18564360

File: 23b638cc49ded69⋯.png (384.9 KB,437x435,437:435,pxb22.png)


this is what is working for ((((YOU))))

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5aa58c No.18564361

File: 4636219551ca8c1⋯.webm (4.57 MB,854x480,427:240,IF_IF_IF_IF_IF_IF_IF.webm)

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5cfcad No.18564362

File: cf06edddb983dbf⋯.jpeg (410.26 KB,1124x481,1124:481,cf06edddb983dbf776c1fe5b4….jpeg)


berry informant'ive

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c28fe8 No.18564363

File: a1dd80448a11720⋯.mp4 (547.59 KB,480x600,4:5,Malia_smoking_perfect_smok….mp4)


kek love that one

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80b0bb No.18564364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


russians score an own goal with a torpedo


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cbbbfd No.18564365

File: 774b0443aa9dcf5⋯.png (183.2 KB,1121x170,1121:170,ClipboardImage.png)



Went on quite the spree tuesday nightshift

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f330ba No.18564366

File: fb9958dababb3ac⋯.gif (31.71 KB,128x128,1:1,8bvutg4yumoilxkjmghokls.gif)


double use pepe bread

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08130d No.18564367

File: 47d1ef3f061517a⋯.png (8.1 KB,310x162,155:81,3d416f1eb4a4fd9987b04c3bb5….png)


flag out

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cbbbfd No.18564368

File: 5463f3648d39b67⋯.jpg (107.98 KB,1080x1086,180:181,Bolton_Mega_Moustache.jpg)

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efca38 No.18564369

Kashyap Patel

A name to remember


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715d34 No.18564370

File: f86da66d7b3d5d2⋯.png (1.21 MB,1440x796,360:199,_To_Sunshine_Patriots_and_….png)

At the 39:24 mark of this video, Joe Biden stumbles repeatedly over the words COUNTY/COUNTRY

Q post #2816 says "He loves this County." instead of "Country." "singly day?" instead of "single day?" Misspellings matter.



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c28fe8 No.18564371

File: 3015ff172955c5a⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB,480x360,4:3,communist_call_people_facs….mp4)

File: d18536eb1fc4f05⋯.jpg (49.18 KB,491x572,491:572,s06.jpg)

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9ccd4c No.18564372

File: e53cc0392faaedd⋯.png (757.59 KB,567x685,567:685,A6A80E0A_097F_4E10_BF86_E4….png)

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5aa58c No.18564373

File: 5f6dc80eb5f709e⋯.png (222.49 KB,394x450,197:225,Y_HEAD.png)

File: 1b7ed702fcd03fe⋯.png (621.54 KB,467x637,467:637,HUNTERS.png)

File: 67b60b5c43c75a7⋯.jpg (130.6 KB,745x572,745:572,HUNTERS.jpg)

File: 2de2a9bd6d224fd⋯.mp4 (483.12 KB,370x360,37:36,Rothschild.mp4)

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000000 No.18564374


yw … btw

the hunter nord stream is funny AF

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e54c10 No.18564375

File: 2023ab9664e2ae8⋯.jpg (16.08 KB,255x214,255:214,2023ab9664e2ae8ad689d524b8….jpg)

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69395a No.18564376

File: 92a0e08be25ed1a⋯.jpg (122.46 KB,802x798,401:399,6bed27efdee16efe.jpg)

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fc6939 No.18564377


Many thanks,

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cf1c9f No.18564378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5cfcad No.18564379


Is that a torpedo in your berth, or are you just glad to see me?

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3cb49c No.18564382

File: 9f6e4ff10fe9f24⋯.jpg (51.92 KB,960x766,480:383,IMG_7527.JPG)


I think I will make the bread tomorrow, or as soon as I can come up with a banner that's… kosher

I want to establish a timeline of key events and note-ables, resulting in inforgaphs and memes leading to further research, possibly even direct counters to all the worn out muhsad BS they spam everywhere

Figure out exactly where all of this went horribly wrong, and who really dun it

I want to know more about the Free Masons and the C_A

We're past the point of being cancelled for "Antisemitism"

It's not even a real word, for crying out loud


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209fb7 No.18564383

File: ea4bcea80840990⋯.jpg (48.48 KB,513x336,171:112,moub2.jpg)

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61024d No.18564384


Damn, managed a hit, but just got yelled at.

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447237 No.18564385

File: 56db59a27f59936⋯.png (267.95 KB,459x334,459:334,eb928c767b2da624e0f5776dbd….png)

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447237 No.18564386

File: 25eb20ba2a8dcc7⋯.png (1.22 MB,585x731,585:731,25eb20ba2a8dcc765c5b165774….png)

>>18563310 pb


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209fb7 No.18564387

File: 16ed405b85e4fda⋯.jpg (87.17 KB,500x500,1:1,27ii18.jpg)

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69395a No.18564388

File: 10599011d7b4901⋯.jpg (50.18 KB,647x503,647:503,10599011d7b4901454c23eccc9….jpg)

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447237 No.18564389

>>18563284 pb


Q telling us,

you have more than you know

going to be looking at document dates differently now!

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000000 No.18564390


anon does not believe in coincidence

>how did you find that in Q crumb and make connection?

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447237 No.18564391

File: 0d4c7dd31a21230⋯.jpg (195.41 KB,508x508,1:1,0d4c7dd31a21230d76d2ac9162….jpg)

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c83c0c No.18564392

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209fb7 No.18564393

It makes sense that Trump had to be the first arrest. Q first mentioned the first arrest in 2018. How did he know if the other suspects would even be alive still. He knew they could control the Trump arrest

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fc6939 No.18564394


We are witnessing the enemy within commit suicide in front of our eyes/.

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c28fe8 No.18564395

File: bcee6e86cc66e51⋯.png (719.94 KB,637x921,637:921,ClipboardImage.png)

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209fb7 No.18564396


Amazing isnt it. They have to stick to their plan at all costs, even if it means making it obvious and confusing to the public, they dont have a choice

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8d4a11 No.18564397


You posted this last night as well.


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e0eb81 No.18564398

File: 14ff4ed8804fb8f⋯.png (596.02 KB,500x711,500:711,14ff4ed8804fb8fb396def739a….png)


Which 6-year-old-that-shot-his-teacher-at-school?

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cbbbfd No.18564399

File: 690f9be68507263⋯.png (11.1 KB,983x26,983:26,ClipboardImage.png)

Disinfo is necessary?

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209fb7 No.18564400

File: 8d3b1a83decbd8d⋯.jpg (155.17 KB,700x880,35:44,8d3b1a83decbd8d3bf843c9d9c….jpg)

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447237 No.18564401

File: 7e464f701716746⋯.png (984.15 KB,686x684,343:342,7e464f70171674623d3be1a1c2….png)


5th Nov 2018

remembering that!

so great to get conformation

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8d4a11 No.18564402


Yea I just saw that. Bummer it's a good one I grabbed from here awhile back.

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5cfcad No.18564403

File: d91b4db1da109e1⋯.png (226.9 KB,738x673,738:673,d91b4db1da109e1c706b1a266d….png)

>>18564343 Biden blocked health study documents reveal fluoride at any level is dangerous.


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cf6128 No.18564404

File: cda35f7a5d4ff0c⋯.jpg (117.75 KB,567x685,567:685,Night_Shift_Flag_Working_T….jpg)


>Nov 2020


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f87718 No.18564405

File: ffeda3feff66c24⋯.mp4 (10.71 MB,232x360,29:45,GEdwGriffin547.mp4)

File: b9cd1b0092e5aa9⋯.png (1.4 MB,1429x952,1429:952,Manning23.png)

File: 717be1670c76594⋯.png (589.05 KB,1243x956,1243:956,ManningMemp.png)

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e0eb81 No.18564406

File: 7c5267224344bac⋯.png (417.18 KB,500x625,4:5,7c5267224344bac9c09ffc2ada….png)




Why has nobody objected to these pics yet? I'm not objecting either, just curious.

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715d34 No.18564407


>how did you find that in Q crumb and make connection?

"Ability to decipher complex info-strings is a valued asset." Q post #3221

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cbbbfd No.18564408


It was. Had not heard some of those speeches.

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cbbbfd No.18564409

File: d7239816ffac364⋯.jpg (123.3 KB,749x584,749:584,Covid_test_Fag.jpg)


Scroll on by.

I have a built in auto filter.

You're not objecting? kek.

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cf6128 No.18564410

File: 7cd9a9ceadcfb53⋯.png (450.88 KB,878x461,878:461,Algos_have_limits_Notables.png)

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80b0bb No.18564411

File: 39381fc947622ed⋯.jpeg (49.71 KB,400x442,200:221,2AC9A609_131B_4676_8E74_E….jpeg)


Roths are always involved in some horrible inbred mischief

LdR wanted all our children to die of thirst

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000000 No.18564412



anon wonders if the "singly" is out there now

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61024d No.18564413

Not sure if I posted this before, apologies if I duplicate, kinda long day for me

==Vulcan Says Mexico Limestone Terminal Seized by Authorities

GCaptain March 20, 2023

U.S. construction materials company Vulcan Materials has alleged that Mexican security forces have illegally taken control of its port terminal in southern Mexico, near Playa del Carmen.

Vulcan said workers from Mexican multinational cement firmCemex,one of the world’s largest producers of cement, ready-mix concrete, and aggregates, were also involved in the “unlawful takeover” of the terminal.

Vulcan has been embroiled in a legal dispute with the Mexican government for five years over concessions, even drawing criticism from Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

“We are shocked in Cemex and in the Mexican government entities that supported this reckless and reprehensible armed seizure of our private property,” Vulcan said in the statement reported by Reuters.

Alabama-based Vulcan has been unable to produce and transport construction materials since May 2022, when the Mexican government shut down operations due to environmental concerns over its underwater limestone mining operations.

Fox News showed video of security forces arriving at the terminal on March 14 which was shared U.S. Senator Katie Boyd Britt of Alabama to Facebook. Senator Boyd Britt, calling the incident a “militarized seizure,” said a Mexican federal district court on March 16 ordered the government forces to vacate the terminal within 24 hours, but the facility remained occupied as of March 19.

“This forcible seizure of private property is unlawful and unacceptable. It is shameful that this Mexican presidential administration would rather confiscate American assets than the fentanyl killing hundreds of Americans per day,” she said. “Mexico should be more focused on going after the cartels than law-abiding businesses and hardworking people.”

The Sac Tun quarry is a large limestone quarry located on southern Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, near Playa del Carmen with access to the Caribbean Sea.


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e0eb81 No.18564414

File: 53d0519048deb6a⋯.png (84.24 KB,421x400,421:400,53d0519048deb6a763b20711ef….png)

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c28fe8 No.18564415

File: 71ac6403ccbf76c⋯.png (394.88 KB,552x368,3:2,71ac6403ccbf76c54f40d78b94….png)


Malcolm X talked about this too.

saved ty


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cbbbfd No.18564416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cf6128 No.18564417



there was another company, something-mex

made me wonder if the 'mex' might be a sign of swamp

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58baf6 No.18564418


(((Soros)))-Funded DA, and filthy, low IQ nigger, Alvin Bragg CAUGHT HIDING Nearly 600 Pages of Exculpatory Evidence from NY Grand Jury in Trump Case (VIDEO)

If you thought that jews and Boomers were bad enough, add low IQ niggers who, through JEWISH AFFIRMATIVE ACTION to the mix, and you have the makings of the destruction of American on a JEWISH platter.

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61024d No.18564419

File: 4a9fb1813c1f671⋯.png (172.79 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2023_03_23_at_0….png)

File: be3e0a8ebb6d73a⋯.png (227.96 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2023_03_23_at_0….png)

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447237 No.18564420

File: 9ba6a9293a21369⋯.png (159.17 KB,408x280,51:35,you_just_made_that_shit_up.png)

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26f3dd No.18564421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f330ba No.18564422



Do these youtube people provide links to the documents they speak of?

video 4 hours ago, this link 5 days ago


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e54c10 No.18564423


>That new one is weak af

MAYBE…. it you used actual NOUNS instead of pronouns with indeterminate referents, readers would know if "that new one" refers to the new VA motto, or to the new meme posted along with the story.

just a thought…..

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cbae10 No.18564424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







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e54c10 No.18564425


choke on your own venom, assfuck.


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cbbbfd No.18564426


MAYBE if your IQ was above 80 it wouldn't be so hard to figure out.

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c28fe8 No.18564427

File: 04e68dd99afca5b⋯.mp4 (6.11 MB,828x466,414:233,MPHk_0krxxSpkr03.mp4)

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8ec031 No.18564428

File: 89ef68fab5d3a82⋯.png (1.1 MB,1053x667,1053:667,Screenshot_2023_03_22_2335….png)

File: bde7e4ca74a818e⋯.png (40.15 KB,634x331,634:331,Screenshot_2023_03_22_2335….png)

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209fb7 No.18564429


I know right… sometimes I get a "what the fuck is this shit?" from the baker. Tonight… nothing :D

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61024d No.18564430


Cemex was a huge dig, then later there was this posting about someplace not far from a Cemex site, but the post vanished and anons were WTF? Told Day Shift about it as they were coming in, but not sure it went anywhere after that

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f87718 No.18564431


TY, anon, for posting Mr. Griffin. Wonder if Malcolm X should have a day instead of MLK, as he apparently spoke more blunt truths and MLK was (allegedly) a Communist?

Love meme, already had it saved, kek.

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a2853a No.18564432

File: 371bfb91d893688⋯.jpeg (94.34 KB,440x559,440:559,371bfb91d893688e446db4dbb….jpeg)


Here, a response is kinda like a thumbs up. No responses is a thumbs down.

Add in free speech and one can hardly tell that the above is going on.

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cbae10 No.18564433


She gonna hafta suck a few miles of dick to pay Trump.

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2bcbc1 No.18564434

KMAO. They just turned the bots to insult mode. Muat resist urge to train it on olde english insults…

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715d34 No.18564435

File: 47441200b37cd19⋯.png (115.9 KB,1377x674,1377:674,184_Follow_the_Owl_Y.png)

File: 0a575b2062a4d98⋯.png (149.03 KB,1374x722,687:361,192_Why_are_China_Russia_c….png)



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80b0bb No.18564436

File: dcfb3c0a5c49d1b⋯.jpeg (69.43 KB,400x479,400:479,74C6F67C_7290_4586_B46D_6….jpeg)


Hitler cat approves

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df4b41 No.18564437

Looks like they were targeting a 3/22 (oooh numbers) date to give big bad news to Trump. Something must've caused them to pause. Wonder what that was.

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8d4a11 No.18564438

File: a5f9af1e48b4ce0⋯.png (20.18 KB,1076x447,1076:447,ClipboardImage.png)


>Do these youtube people provide links to the documents they speak of?

Flouride being harmful is not new.



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b0aabb No.18564439



Okay, when will they stop adding the flourosilic acid into municipal water supplies?

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715d34 No.18564440

File: 2decbed0aecb82c⋯.png (191.19 KB,576x795,192:265,189_Identify_symbolism_Owl….png)

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91dc2d No.18564441

File: 8dd49ad6eb9c06e⋯.gif (1.59 MB,372x209,372:209,suspense2.gif)

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e54c10 No.18564442

File: 3516db8affc3aca⋯.jpg (35.27 KB,300x450,2:3,1592956491_irwin_corey_2.jpg)


>MAYBE if your IQ was above 80 it wouldn't be so hard to figure out.

sloppy speaking (writing) is the SUREST sign of sloppy thinking.

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2bcbc1 No.18564443

Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.


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447237 No.18564444

File: 643a624a696be40⋯.png (858.81 KB,1200x1200,1:1,643a624a696be404a8d185c04d….png)

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e54c10 No.18564445

File: dcbbf72ecb95676⋯.jpg (52.25 KB,850x400,17:8,change_direction.jpg)

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e0eb81 No.18564446

File: 01e8c4da408709e⋯.png (254.73 KB,596x525,596:525,01e8c4da408709e20e37540647….png)


Yes, I was attempting to subtly call everyone here a faggot in 1 fell swoop. I guess there's 3 kinds of people in this world.

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447237 No.18564447

File: 9e760b474a9731a⋯.jpg (223.24 KB,791x717,791:717,9e760b474a9731aaa987cb7aaa….jpg)

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69395a No.18564448


Epstein property close to Cemex?

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80b0bb No.18564449


cute baby

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e57045 No.18564450

File: a336fe1e8f9864d⋯.jpg (471.86 KB,1072x1043,1072:1043,Screenshot_20230323_183652….jpg)

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b8516f No.18564451

File: ec4f764ece148ba⋯.jpg (34.09 KB,862x492,431:246,wwsqqsq.JPG)

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80b0bb No.18564452

File: 2ad10027dd54b1d⋯.jpeg (113.73 KB,846x669,282:223,AB777F11_7724_47FD_84E0_D….jpeg)

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3cb49c No.18564453

File: bb437e8cf2e2e1a⋯.jpg (258.22 KB,1080x1382,540:691,_274294735_208384470176610….jpg)


>Why has nobody objected to these pics yet? I'm not objecting either, just curious.

Can't see the nutte sack

So it's not gay

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61024d No.18564454

File: fb8851c0ad63170⋯.jpg (73.75 KB,500x500,1:1,11039574524_9426526a3c.jpg)


I double dog dare you to get that AI beast talking about codpieces and shite!

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e54c10 No.18564455


i fart in your general direction

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f330ba No.18564456


>Flouride being harmful is not new

it's the reported blocking by tranny assistant secretary of health Levine that seems to be the notable part, looking for the lawsuit documents to back up the video claims

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c28fe8 No.18564457

File: 5e9deff1c03ca09⋯.png (318.25 KB,1637x960,1637:960,5e9deff1c03ca098c4a45517f1….png)


About MLK being commie, I don't know? But I know FBI had targeted him to and have had their own political scandals entangled with him, and the kkk. In fact I think I saved something…COINTELPRO was a series of covert and illegal projects actively conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic American political organizations. Corrupt FBI used it as a cover to spy on MLK. Sound familiar. Trump too.

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8a220e No.18564458

File: a445f0c2f2e8931⋯.jpg (104.83 KB,892x499,892:499,7firhb.jpg)

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3cb49c No.18564459

File: 2e0d52a423b7e1e⋯.png (337.97 KB,385x480,77:96,2e0d52a423b7e1ea7c413b9853….png)

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8ec031 No.18564460

File: 49bf32a66d55fa2⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,492x270,82:45,_8hZ14X92GOxOA3r.mp4)

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471840 No.18564461

Is there a vid of Tom Fitton on CSPAN?

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61024d No.18564462


No, seems to be it was some kind of dump site, or leeching field. Something industrial

Any other Graveyard Shift anons here tonight remember that stuff?

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69395a No.18564463

File: 880deee3e2d18a2⋯.mp4 (771.85 KB,320x240,4:3,your_general_direction.mp4)

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000000 No.18564464







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683983 No.18564465

File: 8d30db751c4aebf⋯.png (130.28 KB,255x207,85:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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471840 No.18564466


They killed a few other blacks too. A couple of musicians.

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8d4a11 No.18564467


That anon who wanted to see what was out there was offering money and posted they were at the end of the range?

Then we dug on some composting site out in the california desert. And not far was a cemex plant

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000000 No.18564468


anon sees that now


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976c4f No.18564469

File: f3d6800e59b122a⋯.jpg (112.24 KB,800x450,16:9,checkem.jpg)

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5aa58c No.18564470

File: 24fdef678d0c483⋯.png (677.2 KB,895x1168,895:1168,3_22_2023_KASH_SUES_POLITI….png)

File: c53884d2912ebe4⋯.png (146.68 KB,911x868,911:868,3_22_2023_KASH_SUES_POLITI….png)

File: 3466f61e92f4011⋯.jpg (788 KB,1390x1200,139:120,Pepe_movie_popcorn_with_PO….jpg)

File: eaedfc0105397c1⋯.png (88.3 KB,227x255,227:255,3D.png)

File: 438a43b86f3dbc0⋯.jpg (38.33 KB,605x489,605:489,Dan_phone_GingerMound.jpg)

>>18561977 lb /pb

>>18562008 lb /pb

>Kash Patel: Sues Politico over impeachment lies watch out Schiff, Swallwel, Fiona, Vindman, Ciaramella… im coming for the Truth

(prev no table)

last line in the article:POPCORN TIME

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8d4a11 No.18564471


Been a lot of stuff about cemex.

Like the Trafficking trails in Arizona with the rape trees that was bulldozed as well was also not far from a Cemex

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61024d No.18564472


Yeah, that night, but I seem to recall the poster was some kind of agent, like State BLM or something. There was a badge mentioned

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a2853a No.18564473

File: 50ead78e574c816⋯.jpeg (37.91 KB,480x314,240:157,50ead78e574c816c174dc9011….jpeg)


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d224b2 No.18564474

File: f431fe2fe137f97⋯.jpg (10.94 KB,255x163,255:163,8da6a13c507cfc335196687655….jpg)

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471840 No.18564475


Kash needs some cowboy boots

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80b0bb No.18564476


How do you get a squirrel to come down from a tree?

Take off your pants and show him your nuts

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ba6428 No.18564477

File: 70203e895d5f6e0⋯.jpg (974.1 KB,1306x1000,653:500,trumptold.jpg)

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cbae10 No.18564478



oh… wait…

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447237 No.18564479


that is notable

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683983 No.18564480


>Michael Cohen was the one who had the affair with Stormy Daniels and he was the one paying her off for himself

I think that's exactly what this is all about…. he even admitted that he didn't even tell his wife about the payment

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26f3dd No.18564481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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80b0bb No.18564482


anon remembers

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5aa58c No.18564483

File: 6d0738e76616ea6⋯.jpeg (75.87 KB,491x694,491:694,LdR_LONG_armed_wo_man.jpeg)

File: 14f12f5368bc49c⋯.png (1.11 MB,1470x978,245:163,14f12f5368bc49c027f3207760….png)

File: 2ca0387b1247457⋯.png (176.92 KB,274x342,137:171,Lynn_Forrester_de_Rothschi….png)

File: 05a84ed4e173588⋯.jpg (203.13 KB,1280x945,256:189,9_3_2020_Rothschild_Patent….jpg)

File: 74b025ba56bb4cb⋯.png (385.48 KB,803x740,803:740,Lynn_Rothschild_Intro_Epst….png)

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8a220e No.18564484

File: 27bda1b3a2ba9fc⋯.jpg (113.08 KB,889x500,889:500,They_just_called_us_fags_a….jpg)

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e54c10 No.18564485


>Flouride being harmful is not new.

but how many know the real origin of water fluoridation?

when the manhattan project installation in oak ridge TN was using uranium hexafluoride to separate U-235 from U-238, inevitably some fluoride ion found its way into the tennessee river. the gov't was worried that spies would detect the fluoride in the river water and thereby deduce the method our scientists and engineers had devised to separate the isotopes. therefore, the whole story of deliberately fluoridating the water supplies of the towns along the river to prevent tooth decay was fabricated by the gov't to explain away the presence of the fluoride ion in the water.

it was NOT commie infiltrators that began the fluoridation of our water, it was our own gov't.

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8d4a11 No.18564486


Yea I cant remember exactly either.

Hard to find on Qresear.ch cuz pilotorb had to mention cemex in every spam post. So there are a million hits on that word.

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f330ba No.18564487



#22770 >>18564227

>>18564234, >>18564240 @KariLake TruthSocial: Hit me with your best shot. I will never, ever back down. Try me.

>>18564301 @SecVetAffairs Announces changes to Lincoln Quote in 50 Percent of Facilities, Replaces with PC Version

>>18564305 Q#3165 4 year delta: [They] thought it was coming last Friday. Ammunition spent. Q

>>18564341 Old Obama mp4s "teaching kindergartener's sex ed is the right thing to do" and "3rd term arrangement if I could deliver the lines"

>>18564428 Q#3898 3 year delta: The key that opens all doors. The 'Start'. Q

>>18564470 repost from (pb): Kash Patel sues Politico over impeachment lies, popcorn time


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683983 No.18564488


kek, I was there. Much talent, fren… respect… o7

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cf1c9f No.18564489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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471840 No.18564490


It was posted several days ago.

I think dogs found Vulcan stocks owned by Blackrock

And research from years ago found Cemex involved in human trafficking.

I think they even put blood in mixes.

So we got Blackrock vs human trafficking.

Both cabal comparies

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58baf6 No.18564491


Choke on mutilated foreskins, JEW FAG!


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3cb49c No.18564492

File: 7b3efb4c62c3a6d⋯.png (2.38 MB,1080x1904,135:238,ClipboardImage.png)

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5aa58c No.18564493

File: 1a86e9147e45345⋯.mp4 (3.52 MB,426x240,71:40,Blazing_Saddles_Wake_and_B….mp4)


>that fancy leather ain't gonna hold up in the saddle

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b0aabb No.18564494


The one referenced in this story:


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5cfcad No.18564495

File: c24d2e8c850c272⋯.png (252.43 KB,474x664,237:332,c24d2e8c850c272872601a20f5….png)


How are the fucking rat turds at DOJ?

The time does not run out on treason.

Trial, conviction, execution, ≈=full stop==▪︎

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447237 No.18564496

File: 2050a03bfedbdd7⋯.jpeg (14.53 KB,255x184,255:184,6ff098ab5a60fb29a4e7903d3….jpeg)


Dan I missed it!

Sorry Kash

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b0aabb No.18564497


Byproduct of aluminum siding manufacture. Anon has dug.

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97ca1d No.18564498

File: dd123da845f7593⋯.png (1.15 MB,1536x1403,1536:1403,ClipboardImage.png)

She's History

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cf6128 No.18564499

File: c478f867e7bdca7⋯.jpg (789.35 KB,1592x1290,796:645,Cemex_Jonathan_Rothschild_….jpg)

File: 6a1563bc56c270e⋯.jpg (280.29 KB,1081x646,1081:646,Tucson_Cemex.jpg)


cemex had ppl running around in AZ, found clothes, it was getting spoopy, then it got shut down, ppl investigating had signs of swamp, was even on tv but they made it sound like it was a nothing burger but they never reported the details Anons had poasted

think i saw a podcaster on site and i thought mayb they jus getting carried away so i waited but no moar info after cemex kicked every1 out

that is an old memory also kek

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683983 No.18564500

File: af200bd2a03c507⋯.png (258.98 KB,527x499,527:499,ClipboardImage.png)


Funny how the Battle of Smoking Pepe Sweaters stopped all of a sudden, kek

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58baf6 No.18564501

File: 8390e18eb621b30⋯.png (403.89 KB,500x529,500:529,notetakersass.png)

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91dc2d No.18564502

File: b5c961fc13e62e3⋯.png (144.47 KB,331x320,331:320,smokingpepe8.png)


Persistence was futile.

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97ca1d No.18564503

File: 1a538b85842d0ea⋯.jpg (88.65 KB,680x680,1:1,2kiu685.jpg)

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80b0bb No.18564504



bones of victims crushed and mixed with concrete

high temperature kilns and grinding machines

mix the powdered bone into the mix……

homes, buildings, roads made literally with human bones

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c28fe8 No.18564505

File: dc027d819c8bdd4⋯.mp4 (664.85 KB,640x360,16:9,Kamala_Electric_School_Bus….mp4)

File: 4eab209926b3568⋯.jpg (409.48 KB,1200x675,16:9,1597198043414.jpg)

File: ad1dbad690c5ede⋯.jpg (223.55 KB,999x714,333:238,kamala_birth_certificate.jpg)

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447237 No.18564506


please replace with

>>18564428 Q 3898 3 year delta: March 23rd 2020 The key that opens all doors. The 'Start'. Q

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69395a No.18564507

File: c3e37b255a84acc⋯.gif (195.7 KB,480x360,4:3,c3e37b255a84acc0e0df61edce….gif)

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e54c10 No.18564508


>Byproduct of aluminum siding manufacture.

sure, sure… THAT was the big secret they were desperate to keep hidden.

>Anon has dug

careful you don't sprain your elbow patting yourself on the back, skippy.

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5aa58c No.18564509

File: 599e8c1654fff2b⋯.png (198.83 KB,1164x751,1164:751,6_YEAR_OLD_SHOOTS_VA_TEACH….png)



>6 year old shot Virginia teacher

needs the rope, it's too late

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683983 No.18564510

File: 2804969cbcdaab9⋯.png (246.26 KB,398x442,199:221,ClipboardImage.png)


I put him on Instablock at the first one, figured faggot pron was incoming

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447237 No.18564511

File: b7850d4bd9793b2⋯.jpg (413.78 KB,1980x1080,11:6,9c7bf820b0284046fd14561505….jpg)

Massive thunder storm rolling in

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80b0bb No.18564512

File: 51f46bb7c3edb22⋯.jpeg (417.76 KB,1324x1312,331:328,F606113C_BA58_48ED_A316_D….jpeg)


accept the probe, human!

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471840 No.18564513


The Storm[Y] is upon us.

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3cb49c No.18564514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Massive thunder storm rolling in


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683983 No.18564515

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f330ba No.18564516

File: 3c5838ec142f483⋯.gif (47.47 KB,220x220,1:1,hn8uge6b5ti9vsop.gif)

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cf1c9f No.18564517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a2bdd8 No.18564518


It's that big twinkly MFer in the east that strobes red and green. You tards never go outside and look at the sky?

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b77501 No.18564519


Wrong. I see what you're getting at but it's just not true. She's a current affair.

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af73d0 No.18564520



Ancient cement was found to have blood in it. Perhaps they knew about the self healing part and that is why so many Ancient buildings are still standing. Just an added thought.

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29028d No.18564521


not up to bakers to comment on what anons post.

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000000 No.18564522

>>18564428 (spygate + key)

and this

>>18564470 (Russiagate investigator)

and this


>March 22nd

what are the odds?

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80b0bb No.18564523

File: e32e4a6c4ed5e75⋯.png (401.11 KB,442x639,442:639,8A714972_46A5_4DA2_AC10_A2….png)


anon, that's just swamp gas you know!

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6f5d67 No.18564524


do you need a snickers, or a nap?

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b0aabb No.18564525

File: cd6dca6e250bf4c⋯.png (228.92 KB,550x550,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Didn't say what anon dug with.

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a2bdd8 No.18564526

I'm serious. in Southern AZ, been watching that star, it's not a planet.


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80b0bb No.18564527


interesting article anon, thanks

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80998a No.18564528

File: 3f51e8ecf134d8a⋯.jpg (320.52 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230323_021141….jpg)

Memes predicted this

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5cfcad No.18564529

File: fcb40845f66258c⋯.png (1.29 MB,1045x1565,209:313,fcb40845f66258cd610581819f….png)


Dirt for latter.

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b0aabb No.18564530


Cumcows almost ready to be milked

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683983 No.18564531

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683983 No.18564532

File: 51c85d2bda1df75⋯.png (130.57 KB,325x212,325:212,ClipboardImage.png)


Who's asking?

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80b0bb No.18564533


a lot of ufo's disguise themselves as clouds, I've seen it myself

take some photos anon, maybe get a telephoto lens?

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6f5d67 No.18564534

File: 1491d030cd26cad⋯.mp4 (2.58 MB,720x720,1:1,1491d030cd26cad8f644b1cf66….mp4)

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fdd850 No.18564535

File: 978e0925ea6fcc0⋯.mp4 (7.61 MB,1080x1920,9:16,frens_cats_maiden.mp4)



so much drama

but always keep an eye on the banksters.

The magician and the eye candy.

Credit Suisse largest bank for the elites has been saved by U.B.S.

SVB, Signature bank saved. large banks saved, local banks thrown to the wall. and the ESG coming into play, Those who are following their guidelines will get credit for business, those who do not are shut out, even those who want to open coal, gas or oil plants will not get loans.

All anon can see is the banksters playing everyone off each other while the masses panic but the only thing that will be avaliable for everyone will be Social credit aka Universal Credit and CBDC!!


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61024d No.18564536

File: 88e3277f30c669e⋯.jpg (40.79 KB,509x560,509:560,88e3277f30c669e3b0df36e211….jpg)


It's a tie between which vid I like most. That one or the Orb Lady

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3cb49c No.18564537

File: ec009454c84333d⋯.png (213.55 KB,540x368,135:92,ClipboardImage.png)

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80b0bb No.18564538


Larry Fink has massive leverage

if companies or whatever don't follow his leftist woke agenda, they get sidelined and nuked

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b0aabb No.18564539


Anon will even purchase, for those most skeptical women, a microscope to prove that no shedding has tainted his pure blood

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8d4a11 No.18564540

File: 4ad6f4e558f42fa⋯.png (422.41 KB,1815x1130,363:226,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf6128 No.18564541

File: dd8478e4e542bf3⋯.png (17.09 KB,689x431,689:431,Night_Shift_Wendy_Poast_03….png)


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b0aabb No.18564542



Anon wonders if batch plants still do this and just call it 'flyash'

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97ca1d No.18564543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Peace In Ukraine Is “Unacceptable” Says Biden Spokesman


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5aa58c No.18564544

File: ea7d000ebe194af⋯.mp4 (4.6 MB,852x480,71:40,3_20_2023_Mexico_seizes_Vu….mp4)

File: 298145c05a64488⋯.png (164.09 KB,956x798,478:399,3_20_2023_Mexico_seizes_Vu….png)

File: 94fc4131be456b6⋯.png (94.65 KB,1501x622,1501:622,3_22_2023_Cemex_at_the_clo….png)

File: 870cf4a1018a007⋯.png (211.17 KB,1312x1096,164:137,3_22_2023_Cemex_at_the_clo….png)

File: 298145c05a64488⋯.png (164.09 KB,956x798,478:399,3_20_2023_Mexico_seizes_Vu….png)


>Vulcan seizure


Largest investors in Cemex: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/CX/holders/

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80b0bb No.18564545


I'm creating a new start-up

Cum Cows R Us

gonna make bigly $$$$

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5aa58c No.18564546

File: acab3f893eaf1e3⋯.png (119.03 KB,1525x724,1525:724,3_22_2023_Vulcan_Materials….png)

File: d3613115a8d2613⋯.png (178.01 KB,1078x1078,1:1,3_22_2023_Vulcan_Materials….png)


Vulcan investors

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b0aabb No.18564547


That was the post/posts that got deleted. Cemex was close, of memory serves right.

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61024d No.18564548

File: f49a27c79004b6d⋯.jpg (209.37 KB,1080x1617,360:539,f49a27c79004b6d385fb878181….jpg)

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b0aabb No.18564549


Gives a new meaning to NFT's. Natural, Functional, Testes

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5cfcad No.18564550



NOTABLEif baker collecting CEMEX bun

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430fce No.18564551

File: 9fc44a9d5f82c57⋯.png (967.1 KB,500x1145,100:229,ClipboardImage.png)

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3cb49c No.18564552

File: 5f7c4a7e4be544b⋯.png (465.38 KB,640x1138,320:569,ClipboardImage.png)




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471840 No.18564553


god didn’t like that ; hence the Walls of Jericho came tumbling down.

Masons used the blood of sacrificed victims to build structures.

They buried the elite sacrificed under the structure

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f330ba No.18564554


on it, ty anons


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26f3dd No.18564555


Dear Manthis, pay a visit to this kirby criminal, now, please.

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cf6128 No.18564556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>2:55 AM



Adam Calhoun

1.47M subscribers

72,067 views Jan 18, 2022

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3cb49c No.18564557

File: cd34a801a0c3820⋯.png (218.1 KB,473x589,473:589,ClipboardImage.png)

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61024d No.18564558


Yes, I remember cemex was only a few miles away

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5aa58c No.18564559

File: 4427c981961780e⋯.png (79.27 KB,1158x496,579:248,3_22_2023_Vulcan_Materials….png)

File: 6b835a7d03468ec⋯.png (72.68 KB,1078x514,539:257,3_22_2023_Cemex_at_the_clo….png)

File: b0890d93d6a5933⋯.png (555.84 KB,758x342,379:171,ClipboardImage.png)






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f6fcee No.18564560


Not a single response to military doctors wanting to chemically and physically castrate children. You are all a bunch of fucking brainwashed losers and should all neck yourselves.

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f330ba No.18564561



#22770 >>18564227

>>18564234, >>18564240 @KariLake TruthSocial: Hit me with your best shot. I will never, ever back down. Try me.

>>18564301 @SecVetAffairs Announces changes to Lincoln Quote in 50 Percent of Facilities, Replaces with PC Version

>>18564305 Q#3165 4 year delta: [They] thought it was coming last Friday. Ammunition spent. Q

>>18564341 Old Obama mp4s "teaching kindergartener's sex ed is the right thing to do" and "3rd term arrangement if I could deliver the lines"

>>18564487 Q 3898 3 year delta: March 23rd 2020 The key that opens all doors. The 'Start'. Q

>>18564470 repost from (pb): Kash Patel sues Politico over impeachment lies, popcorn time

>>18564522 What are the odds? March 22nd: Spygate + key, Russiagate investigator, national Donald day

>>18564413, >>18564419, >>18564544, >>18564546 Vulcan Says Mexico Limestone Terminal Seized by Authorities, CEMEX involved in takeover, Blackrock and Vanguard are largest Vulcan investors



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f87718 No.18564562

File: 32d95aca486a7c4⋯.png (863.68 KB,630x872,315:436,MLK.png)


It's apparently true. Had also seen a dig a while back on Rosa Parks being a tool.

Pic: MLK at Communist Training School https://archive.is/wip/ShMUW * https://onlineexhibits.library.yale.edu/s/mssa-kings-at-yale/item/12814#?c=&m=&s=&cv=&xywh=-1274%2C-1%2C7225%2C6095

Declassified FBI Paper Reveals Communist Associates of Martin Luther King

…Another complicating factor in the picture is the degree of communist influence on King. One of King’s principal advisors is Stanley David Levison. Ostensibly only a New York City attorney and businessman, Levison is, in fact, a shrewd, dedicated communist. Levison has spent the major part of his life advancing communist interests.

The paper then listed some of the ways Levison had supported and influenced King, as far back as 1956:• He actively involved himself in fundraising drives for King.• He served as King’s legal counsel.• He suggested speech material for King.• He guided King in deciding whether to accept or reject public appearances.• He edited most of the chapter’s of King’s book Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?

The FBI paper then named another communist whose name is very familiar to those who have read articles about King’s communist connections in The New American, its predecessor magazine, American Opinion, and the monthly bulletins of The John Birch Society, the parent organization of both publications. Further information about this communist was found in the book, It’s Very Simple: The True Story of Civil Rights, by the late author and speaker Alan Stang. As the paper notes:

Through Levison’s influence, other subversives were attracted to SCLC [The Southern Christian Leadership Conference, which King helped found]. Hunter Pitts O’Dell, former National Committee member of the CPUSA, was employed by SCLC. In 1962, when King mentioned to Levinson that he was thinking of adding an administrative assistant to his staff, Levinson recommended O’Dell, who was then head of SCLC’s New York office. King said he liked the idea. At that time, King was well aware of Levison’s and O’Dell’s communist affiliations. Under the sub-head “Communist Exposed,” the paper went on to reveal more about O’Dell: King was forced to get rid of Hunter Pitts O’Dell in October, 1962, when several newspaper articles exposed O’Dell’s connection with SCLC and his communist affiliations. King still tried to hide O’Dell in his organization until July, 1963, when he accepted O’Dell’s “resignation.” As King put it, O’Dell’s release was not because of connections between O’Dell and the CPUSA but because of the emotional public response. https://archive.is/tSyKK https://thenewamerican.com/declassified-fbi-paper-reveals-communist-associates-of-martin-luther-king/

Communists have had control of (literally) everything allowed to go "mainstream" for so many decades, there's no way to get the Truths out now. Our President is trying to wrestle it BACK.

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704c0e No.18564563


present day torpedos are proximity devices that blow up underneath the keel of a ship, creating a vacuum dead center. The end of the boat are supported , the center is not, the weight of the ship causes it to basically fold in half upon itself.

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8d4a11 No.18564564

File: aa7b6b859cbd91d⋯.png (1 MB,790x661,790:661,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8714de975745dd⋯.png (790.37 KB,1370x910,137:91,ClipboardImage.png)


Well cemex got brought up after we figured out the place in the posts was a Biosolids recycling company. Near Hinkley CA the town of Erin Brockavich fame.

Anyways not sure it matters much just wanted to see if I could find it again.

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f330ba No.18564565


link to 3898 delta post mistake noticed

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cf1c9f No.18564566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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61024d No.18564567


How many doctors were there altogether?

10, 20, 100?

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f6fcee No.18564568


Even one is too fucking many.

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f87718 No.18564569

File: 773d5d9d1175172⋯.png (1.04 MB,1535x950,307:190,FBIs.png)

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f87718 No.18564570


Watching now, TY

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f330ba No.18564571



#22770 >>18564227

>>18564234, >>18564240 @KariLake TruthSocial: Hit me with your best shot. I will never, ever back down. Try me.

>>18564301 @SecVetAffairs Announces changes to Lincoln Quote in 50 Percent of Facilities, Replaces with PC Version

>>18564305 Q#3165 4 year delta: [They] thought it was coming last Friday. Ammunition spent. Q

>>18564341 Old Obama mp4s "teaching kindergartener's sex ed is the right thing to do" and "3rd term arrangement if I could deliver the lines"

>>18564428 Q 3898 3 year delta: March 23rd 2020 The key that opens all doors. The 'Start'. Q

>>18564470 repost from (pb): Kash Patel sues Politico over impeachment lies, popcorn time

>>18564522 What are the odds? March 22nd: Spygate + key, Russiagate investigator, national Donald day

>>18564413, >>18564419, >>18564544, >>18564546 Vulcan Says Mexico Limestone Terminal Seized by Authorities, CEMEX involved in takeover, Blackrock and Vanguard are largest Vulcan investors


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5aa58c No.18564572

File: 62c60f98edf6616⋯.mp4 (6.91 MB,336x600,14:25,POTHEAD_Midbread_dance.mp4)


pothead does midbread dance

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80b0bb No.18564573


NFT's are the future!

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421693 No.18564574

Does anyone have an mp4 of the deep fake of Trump being arrested that they'll share?

Please and thank you.

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61024d No.18564575



That Synagro name rings a bell

"Composting" out in the desert, near Cemex

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4f4546 No.18564576

File: 281d50d484ab6ae⋯.png (1.11 MB,2202x1190,1101:595,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb0eb1c26295b8e⋯.png (322.83 KB,720x539,720:539,Chess_King_Queen.png)

… it's all a lie….


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f330ba No.18564577

File: baff6aae0274a69⋯.png (68.68 KB,505x393,505:393,tui2908qu5oiljht984fg390.png)

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704c0e No.18564578


NWO / WEF Justin agrees…..kinda

Justin Trudeau: Online Disinformation Fuels ‘Flat-Earthers’ and ‘Anti-Vaxxers’


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61024d No.18564579


>Even one is too fucking many.

That I have to agree with you on

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e54c10 No.18564580


in the thirties and forties, the american communist party attracted a lot of patriotic american working class people who had been royally fucked over bankers and big business and their whores in gov't.

you need to look at it in historical perspective, NOT with your 21st century biased and jaded eyes.

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f6fcee No.18564581


Fuck it, I'm self-nomming. You, baker, are a faggot. All anons not calling notable on this are faggots. You are all fucking faggots.



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f330ba No.18564582


check last bread notables you absolute retard of a faggot

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2ce963 No.18564583

File: cbbc326d780ecda⋯.png (1.37 MB,798x800,399:400,0266E7CA_07A0_4C27_9A42_F8….png)

File: 5e2b640f586a4d6⋯.jpeg (216.15 KB,800x795,160:159,FJB_Heli_10_PedoPete_.JPEG)

File: 0d51e014d17dca8⋯.jpeg (212.97 KB,800x800,1:1,FJB_Heli_04_Hunter_Crack_….JPEG)

File: 74dc7797fce0337⋯.jpeg (222.6 KB,800x800,1:1,FJB_Heli_09_Reflection.JPEG)

File: 9718033ac7a898b⋯.jpeg (189.88 KB,800x800,1:1,FJB_Heli_06_Greta_Train.JPEG)

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80b0bb No.18564584

File: daa853f9a5ab210⋯.jpeg (60.69 KB,556x500,139:125,BC54B940_EB00_4DF9_806E_F….jpeg)


Negative Pussy Emanations have no power here!

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b0aabb No.18564585

File: ff1189da2a2ecbd⋯.png (532.62 KB,720x573,240:191,ClipboardImage.png)

Could this be a haarp install in disguise?

from the article:

>Standing in the New Mexico desert, The Lightning Field is a plein air installation of 400 stainless steel poles planted upright in a one-mile by one-kilometer grid. Though each pole measures two inches in diameter, they range in height from 15 to 26 feet, so their tips create a perfectly level horizontal plane despite the undulating topography. Despite its title, the piece is only rarely struck by lightning.


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3cb49c No.18564586

File: b5474e44b1a3088⋯.png (692.11 KB,960x935,192:187,ClipboardImage.png)


Got distracted sorry

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8d4a11 No.18564587

File: 12c705892d2670e⋯.png (1.06 MB,1551x888,517:296,ClipboardImage.png)


Cemex is partnered with the UN


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e54c10 No.18564588

File: 2bf8f623857d293⋯.jpg (49.67 KB,466x360,233:180,360_F_245264137_3qCXXPpr5R….jpg)


>Pentagon doctors claim 7-year-olds can make decisions to be injected with hormones, puberty suppressants




>reeeee reeeeee reeeeeeee

Ya'appy now, Yappy?

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2ce963 No.18564589

File: 9dbba5a9cf87623⋯.jpeg (1.94 MB,1987x1549,1987:1549,B8356D30_2517_4596_B795_2….jpeg)

The Lizard People

Millionaire Tory minister Zac Goldsmith, 48, makes 'the difficult decision' to split from his Rothschild heiress wife Alice, 39, ten years after their 30-minute wedding - as friends say 'there's no one else involved'

Zac Goldsmith is divorcing his wife of a decade, banking heiress Alice Rothschild

The Conservative MP, 48, who has an estimated fortune of £300million, married Miss Rothschild, 39, in 2013, four years after his split from Sheherazade Bentley


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cf6128 No.18564590




>>18563744, >>18563747 Doctors at the Pentagon Claim 7 Year-Olds Can Make Decisions About Taking Puberty Blockers and Hormones

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3cb49c No.18564591

File: 4b422d49a372b27⋯.png (559.49 KB,1017x1018,1017:1018,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18564587 Cemex is partnered with the UN


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2ce963 No.18564592

File: c76d384c73d4718⋯.jpg (659.75 KB,912x788,228:197,IMG_1723.jpg)

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704c0e No.18564593


irrigation system ?

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715d34 No.18564594

File: cef2d25d99b831b⋯.png (2.92 MB,2848x1136,178:71,papaya_coincidence_.png)

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7764dd No.18564595

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Qpost review for todays Qposts


Hope y’all have a fantastic day

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61024d No.18564596

File: 1372a9355fe871f⋯.png (338.46 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2023_03_23_at_0….png)


Canada #41 >>18525560

FIRST READING: How the Trudeau Foundation became a scandal mill

From the moment Justin Trudeau became a politician, the foundation began experiencing a surge of unsolicited cash that hasn't really stopped

Tristin Hopper Mar 17, 2023

First Reading is a daily newsletter keeping you posted on the travails of Canadian politicos, all curated by the National Post’s own Tristin Hopper.

When the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation first opened its doors in 2002, proponents boasted that it would soon become Canada’s version of the Rhodes Scholarship.

The foundation’s namesake had died in 2000, and the Liberal government of the day decided to honour his legacy by earmarking $125 million for a memorial endowment. The foundation would award doctoral fellowships; up to $50,000 over four years for humanities scholars who looked “to promote (Pierre Trudeau’s) ideas,” in the words of Roy Heenan, Trudeau’s former law partner.

“What is a more fitting legacy to a man who symbolized youth, excellence and the innovative spirit?” said then Minister of Health Allan Rock in a House of Commons speech that was duly applauded by the opposition benches.

Even the Canadian Alliance was a fan, with interim leader John Reynolds specifically praising the fact that the endowment would primarily be controlled by members of Trudeau’s own family. “I would like to offer my best wishes to Sacha and his family. I am very pleased that they are involved in this project,” he said.

Just two decades later and the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation mostly makes the news these days due to its ties to scandal.

Despite the Liberal Party having no shortage of wealthy supporters, in its first years the Trudeau Foundation was attracting fewer donations than even some high school softball teams; as late as 2008 the group could boast only $2,000 in annual fundraising. But from the moment that Justin Trudeau became a serious contender for the prime minister’s office, the foundation bearing his father’s name was suddenly barraged by millions of dollars in unsolicited donations.

At the same time, the Trudeau Foundation built such a latticework of high-level contacts that seemingly half of Ottawa is either an official member, has been on the payroll, has acted as one of its official “mentors” or has benefited from its largesse.

When former Governor General David Johnston was selected Wednesday as Canada’s “special rapporteur” to probe the extent of Chinese electoral interference, it was quickly noted that Johnston is a registered member of the Trudeau Foundation.

Morris Rosenberg — who was hired by the Trudeau government to draft an initial probe into foreign interference in the 2021 election — is a former director of the Trudeau Foundation.

Memorial endowments are typically bankrolled via private donations. That was certainly the case with the Rhodes Scholarship after which the Trudeau Foundation was modelled.



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8d4a11 No.18564597

File: e83e8f537cdc456⋯.png (28.6 KB,1039x505,1039:505,ClipboardImage.png)


Here is pretty old stuff from 2019

Back when whole breads used to get deleted.

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e54c10 No.18564598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Negative Pussy Emanations have no power here!

they are more powerful than you can imagine

absolute fearlessness and tenacity

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5aa58c No.18564599

File: 3ab774781dbcaf6⋯.jpg (33.17 KB,600x441,200:147,Cat_chug_a_lug.jpg)

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f330ba No.18564600



>more ambitious decarbonisation goals

02 March 2023

Maher Al-Haffar, CEMEX's Chief Financial Officer and founding member of the UN Global Compact CFO Coalition for the SDGs

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8d4a11 No.18564601

File: aefbf48237a253d⋯.png (37.84 KB,852x903,284:301,ClipboardImage.png)

Source: Cemex S.A.B. de C.V., Monterrey, Mexico

Amid General Assembly of the United Nations meetings in New York City, Cemex officials signed an agreement to join the UN Foundation Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves. The public-private partnership seeks to protect the environment and improve local communities’ quality of life by creating a global market for clean and efficient household cooking solutions.

“By joining the Alliance, [we] will foster the adoption of cookstoves in Latin America and Asia, strengthening our ongoing corporate social responsibility efforts in these regions and contributing to the well-being of their communities,” said Cemex Chairman Lorenzo Zambrano. The company has worked in the field the past three years, he added, providing sustainable cookstove solutions in tandem with government agencies, social entrepreneurs, academia and nongovernment organizations. The Alliance partnership enables Cemex participation in steering committee and advisory group activities, plus high-level meetings with sister UN organizations and the Clinton Global Initiative.

Launched in 2010 by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Alliance eyes adoption of clean cookstoves and fuels in 100 million households globally by 2020. It advocates for alternatives to open air stoves, whose pollution levels jeopardize individual and community health. The group is “building bridges between the public and private sectors to make the basic but essential act of cooking safe and healthy worldwide,” notes Alliance Executive Director Radha Muthiah.


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3cb49c No.18564602

File: a6d1b599a934258⋯.png (282.93 KB,960x643,960:643,ClipboardImage.png)


>Back when whole breads used to get deleted.

I almost kind of miss those anomalies.

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704c0e No.18564603



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f92431 No.18564604

File: fc5740c785648b9⋯.png (193.75 KB,609x680,609:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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3cb49c No.18564605

File: 23c58ed0db2a4d2⋯.png (298.04 KB,495x960,33:64,ClipboardImage.png)

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b0aabb No.18564606


Don't think so, as the landscape 'undulates' and the tops are all lined up. Who knows, it could even be cemex related. Truth be stranger than fiction.

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e54c10 No.18564607

File: d9a0b95105ec945⋯.png (1.88 MB,1138x1080,569:540,milley_in_gitmo.png)

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97ca1d No.18564608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Its Hard to Understand What Ron Desantis is Even Doing At This Point

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f6fcee No.18564609

File: 1c40f22154000e9⋯.png (255.85 KB,440x386,220:193,very_sad_dog.PNG)


Yeah, I didn't check the notables.

Despite all my rage …

Tard jail for me.

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3cb49c No.18564610

File: 68ecdba29d3f264⋯.png (153.13 KB,474x267,158:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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61024d No.18564611

File: a975e7e7ff622d0⋯.png (843.57 KB,1920x968,240:121,Screenshot_2022_05_24_at_0….png)

File: e9f48c0c904d056⋯.png (115.35 KB,1920x968,240:121,Screenshot_2022_05_24_at_0….png)

File: 3cb061c29ba3b33⋯.png (122.89 KB,1920x968,240:121,Screenshot_2022_05_24_at_0….png)

still had these old screenshots

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f330ba No.18564612

File: 9f886f32f340b88⋯.jpg (51.96 KB,700x596,175:149,9f886f32f340b885ee4e43eed6….jpg)

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3cb49c No.18564613

File: c0ce80b38388b08⋯.png (347.34 KB,1054x750,527:375,ClipboardImage.png)


>Despite all my rage …

>Tard jail for me.



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2ce963 No.18564614

File: cd949a046da2ea3⋯.jpeg (67.38 KB,605x1024,605:1024,ECE837BD_CB44_4075_B947_4….jpeg)

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f330ba No.18564615

File: c79c88cc98f1a28⋯.gif (25.24 KB,255x316,255:316,c79c88cc98f1a28e41b79e7215….gif)

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26f3dd No.18564616

File: 7b93ebd57cec76f⋯.mp4 (61.6 KB,352x208,22:13,massage_pro.mp4)

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715d34 No.18564617

File: 976e54205f38883⋯.png (1.71 MB,1144x1538,572:769,milley_gitmo_.png)

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2ce963 No.18564618

File: d6e83be3e1d4c30⋯.gif (1.61 MB,296x166,148:83,DF06CB06_5B1E_4A97_A670_06….gif)

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430fce No.18564619


Pentagon officials suggest alien mothership in our solar system could send mini probes to Earth



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26f3dd No.18564620

File: b8eed640099ec05⋯.gif (1.11 MB,344x225,344:225,make_me_angry_dumb_fuck.gif)

File: c277d3093deb277⋯.gif (846 KB,245x245,1:1,23.gif)

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2ce963 No.18564621

File: 0ced8e97fbd9fd2⋯.jpeg (85.99 KB,600x448,75:56,71B4A51A_AE00_44F6_B5B7_0….jpeg)

File: 477f80627b99489⋯.jpeg (938.88 KB,1146x765,382:255,2D2956E9_2FA3_4C22_8188_E….jpeg)

File: fd79aa2756c4908⋯.jpeg (35 KB,382x344,191:172,FE87BD43_391B_46EB_8334_6….jpeg)

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08130d No.18564622

File: d59ee450074f1c6⋯.jpg (222.44 KB,1078x1044,539:522,Screenshot_20230323_020143….jpg)

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683983 No.18564623

File: e68a705123e1504⋯.png (1.26 MB,828x828,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f6fcee No.18564624




It still goes to show how fucked the military is, and how it cannot be the only way…

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97ca1d No.18564625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Liberals Are Secretly Nervous About the Trump Indictment Circus

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3cb49c No.18564626

File: 34d18e3c1be7fd4⋯.png (20.26 KB,326x272,163:136,ayy_lmao_spurdo.png)




Let's sacrifice all the alien migrants to the ayyy aliens to appease the Jewish demon gods, who are also aliens

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61024d No.18564627

File: 399b72d55bc6536⋯.png (734.67 KB,500x806,250:403,tardcage.png)

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f330ba No.18564628

File: d52b777e4dbaa33⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,320x180,16:9,bihjrwgvmho4.jpg)

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f6fcee No.18564629

File: 2a99660b1098b24⋯.png (507.43 KB,1200x678,200:113,floor_is_audio.png)


No fucking shit, you spindly dork who can't even invest in a fucking microphone.

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5aa58c No.18564630

File: a362466fc91c1b6⋯.png (1.03 MB,1064x709,1064:709,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3a3ecd855d614c⋯.png (879.32 KB,1064x590,532:295,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17302fefa3f903d⋯.png (994.41 KB,1064x652,266:163,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5aebf176039e38e⋯.png (287.72 KB,1155x1089,35:33,CHUCK_BARRIS_WAS_A_CIA_HIT….png)


Pat Sajak is the same as Chuck Barris!

‘Wheel of Fortune’ host Pat Sajak tackles contestant in bizarre moment

March 22, 2023

In a bizarre incident Tuesday, “Wheel of Fortune” host Sajak jokingly put a contestant named Fred Jackson in a chokehold after he played a perfect game.


Was Chuck Barris a CIA Assassin? “There’s a Possibility,” ‘Dangerous Mind’ Producer Says

March 24, 2017

Do I think Chuck was a CIA assassin? As Chuck would say, I can neither confirm nor deny that. I would like to believe there’s truth in what he said. [George Clooney and I] decided that we were going to take [what he claims in the book] and use that.

Is it plausible? Could that actually have happened? I really couldn’t tell you one way or another. I can say this, having gotten to know Chuck over the years, there’s a possibility. There could be truth in the book because Chuck was so politically active. That’s not to say I’d like to think Chuck killed all those innocent people. I think the book was not 100 percent true. I think there were strong grains of truth in the book.

But he never, never denied the authenticity of the book in all the years I knew him. Look at the CIA and all the different programs they’ve had — which, by the way, were far more outlandish than [Chuck’s contention] — all the CIA experimentation on psyches and remote viewing and telekinesis. That existed. So the idea that the CIA would actually go to people that were traveling around the world for television shows and have them do counterintelligence, that’s not that far-fetched.


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d68299 No.18564631




Bullet with Butterfly Wings(?)

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97ca1d No.18564632

Think about it logically.

The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).

Biggest advanced drop on Pol.

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5aa58c No.18564633

File: 08b78d996586a0e⋯.png (500.12 KB,560x533,560:533,Cause_of_death_no_boobies.png)

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683983 No.18564634

File: 042c2c5da160a9e⋯.png (161.82 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Blech… she didn't age well… must be all the inbreeding

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704c0e No.18564635


NM is flat

The area is flat


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704c0e No.18564636



batshat crazy with their mothership conspiracy

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f92431 No.18564637


Wonder if that kitty is declawed. Those little claws are like razor blades.

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3cb49c No.18564638

File: 515e3a1865281f9⋯.png (255.18 KB,500x413,500:413,8031b4b0a0500a753d7e44f752….png)


>The only way is the military. Fully controlled.

I was told that the ex-military maga patriots have the

the internet key and nothing can stop what's coming

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704c0e No.18564639



Not certain if they are still in operation, but Pemex (?) used to build warheads in Amarillo, Free Repulic of TX

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883102 No.18564640


damn this stare sends chills

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97ca1d No.18564641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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32f443 No.18564642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The only way is the military.


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704c0e No.18564643


>Think about it logically.

If our govt goes full rogue

>The only way is the military.

to enforce their rogue dictates upon the American people.

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3cb49c No.18564644

File: 05e5d7686ddb168⋯.jpg (43.86 KB,660x498,110:83,325189712_1384946408917128….jpg)


Really nigga? This shit again?

I'm out of here

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32f443 No.18564645


>Fully controlled.


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b0aabb No.18564646


Was quoting the storu without greentext, but anon sees what you mean.

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f6fcee No.18564647


Paws that walk in litter boxes should never touch anything in the human domestic world. Toxoplasmosis.

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32f443 No.18564648

File: f3a671f197d23db⋯.png (245.54 KB,647x424,647:424,51fff67823a8cc739a834da463….png)

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683983 No.18564649


kek… thought the same thing

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f6fcee No.18564650

File: df92c69928c308d⋯.jpg (102.94 KB,600x600,1:1,FAKE_AND_GAY.jpg)

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e54c10 No.18564651

File: 8618cc63ffbecd0⋯.jpg (302.08 KB,1880x1160,47:29,5204e6a7232ab12e8aab530460….jpg)

File: 9072ab047812072⋯.png (3.21 MB,2188x2281,2188:2281,Screen_Shot_2023_03_11_at_….png)

File: 46e90aa61b88505⋯.jpg (927.63 KB,1400x2018,700:1009,lastline.jpg)

File: 6834fb2b7e4cc23⋯.jpg (259.61 KB,1597x1500,1597:1500,2227efaebcda9f470854b4c444….jpg)


>show how fucked the military is, and how it cannot be the only way

DUH! q NEVER said WHOSE military.

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f330ba No.18564652



#22770 >>18564227

>>18564234, >>18564240 @KariLake TruthSocial: Hit me with your best shot. I will never, ever back down. Try me.

>>18564301 @SecVetAffairs Announces changes to Lincoln Quote in 50 Percent of Facilities, Replaces with PC Version

>>18564305 Q#3165 4 year delta: [They] thought it was coming last Friday. Ammunition spent. Q

>>18564341 Old Obama mp4s "teaching kindergartener's sex ed is the right thing to do" and "3rd term arrangement if I could deliver the lines"

>>18564428 Q 3898 3 year delta: March 23rd 2020 The key that opens all doors. The 'Start'. Q

>>18564470 repost from (pb): Kash Patel sues Politico over impeachment lies, popcorn time

>>18564522 What are the odds? March 22nd: Spygate + key, Russiagate investigator, national Donald day

>>18564413, >>18564419, >>18564544, >>18564546 Vulcan Says Mexico Limestone Terminal Seized by Authorities, CEMEX involved in takeover, Blackrock and Vanguard are largest Vulcan investors

>>18564587 CEMEX is partnered with the UN

>>18564597, >>18564601 2019 CEMEX bread cap, sauce on partnership with HRC backed UN Alliance (2013)



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438f50 No.18564653

Ppl BB cray for Z

"Adjusts message"

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61024d No.18564654

File: 9cf9c76b7a3732d⋯.png (307.82 KB,748x612,11:9,9cf9c76b7a3732dbb69adca2f1….png)


You should not listen to fed fools

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f6fcee No.18564655


>The only way is the military.

The military that has vaxxed itself into oblivion, is teaching wokism in its academies, whose doctors want to chemically and physically mutilate children. GET THE FUCK OUT WITH YOU "MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY" FUCKING BULLSHIT. The military has been used for over a hundred years to serve bankers' interests, and now it is fucking NEUTERED. Fuck off.

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f92431 No.18564656


When is the SCOTUS going to address the Anchor Baby Issue?

Babies born to parents who are not US citizens do not get to be US citizens just because they are born here.

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61024d No.18564657

File: 1a657795ef6e68a⋯.jpg (33.1 KB,295x372,295:372,1a657795ef6e68a22cd671ad93….jpg)

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704c0e No.18564658


> but anon sees what you mean.

I do not know how harp works, but the system in AK appears to radiate the area above it. If that is wrong and areas around the array are radiated , then the NM array could in theory do the same with an array of vertical antenna as shown in your picture. However, that array could not radiate the area directly above the array.

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61024d No.18564659


Immune System, it does a body good

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463a04 No.18564661


Some people get their cats dewormed.

Others give them horsepaste.

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f92431 No.18564662


Pretty good way to fool the enemy.

Appear weak when you are strong.

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32f443 No.18564663

File: 837783ae23d364b⋯.jpg (67.01 KB,738x355,738:355,837783ae23d364bd07d292110d….jpg)

File: 400154d6e5b804c⋯.jpg (97.55 KB,1045x443,1045:443,Screen_Shot_2023_03_04_at_….jpg)

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f6fcee No.18564664


>q NEVER said WHOSE military.

Are you seriously THAT fucking retarded?

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430fce No.18564666

File: 51e6ac5488c26d9⋯.png (276.81 KB,668x374,334:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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b0aabb No.18564668


Hmmm. Anon only knows that he knows nothing.

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430fce No.18564669


It is better to know nothing than to pretend to know everything.

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883102 No.18564672



wonder if facebook still censors this

can't check bcuz fuck facebook

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5aa58c No.18564673

File: a2f21a3c8a03864⋯.png (610.64 KB,1021x1038,1021:1038,3_19_2023_DC_Judge_Beryl_H….png)

File: ca83016e6975965⋯.png (217.26 KB,963x1096,963:1096,3_19_2023_DC_Judge_Beryl_H….png)

File: 01304db45ff1d92⋯.png (212.13 KB,416x600,52:75,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump impeachment lawyer not surprised by Mar-a-Lago ruling

March 22, 2023

A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that a lawyer for former President Donald Trump must turn over documents to a grand jury investigating the tranche of classified documents found at Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s Florida estate.

Former Trump impeachment lawyer Robert Ray says he’s not surprised by the prosecutors’ strategy or the ruling.

“The government is aggressive, as they often should be — they’re not always right, but they’re aggressive in pursuing evidence before a grand jury,” Ray said Wednesday on “CUOMO.”

The ruling is a significant win for the Justice Department, which has focused for months not only on the hoarding of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago but also on why Trump and his representatives resisted demands to return them to the government. It suggests the court has sided with prosecutors who have argued behind closed doors that Trump was using his legal representation to further a crime.

A court ruled that a lawyer for Donald Trump must turn over documents to a grand jury the Mar-a-Lago case

Former Trump impeachment lawyer Robert Ray is not surprised, saying prosecutors are often aggressive in pursuing evidence

Trump's team can still appeal the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court


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cf1c9f No.18564674

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704c0e No.18564675


>Anon only knows that he knows nothing.

Just trying to fill in any gaps that you may have with what I understand wrt antenna arrays

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f6fcee No.18564676


>Appear weak when you are strong.

It's gone well beyond mere appearances.

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b0aabb No.18564677


And grateful for the info. Anon's just in the nodding-off phase of sleep and replying to dream bread as well.

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32f443 No.18564678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Truth and facts will prevail.

The public will learn the truth.


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cf6128 No.18564679

File: 5d1b02dc599efb6⋯.png (179.66 KB,500x806,250:403,despite_his_rage.png)

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cf1c9f No.18564680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e54c10 No.18564682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Those little claws are like razor blades.

Where the cats ate through the paper

The cat things… with the sharp little edges

That can cut your fingers when you're not looking

The soft little things on the floor that you step on

They can all be DANGEROUS

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3cb49c No.18564683

File: 955c08018a344e2⋯.jpg (99.01 KB,1080x1083,360:361,FB_IMG_1679556397595.jpg)

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430fce No.18564684

File: c0b38e1af7d7bb8⋯.mp4 (4.51 MB,576x1024,9:16,fucked_military.mp4)


Truth and based comment fellow anon.

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f330ba No.18564685

File: 8c9e4f85e425a46⋯.png (115.43 KB,320x180,16:9,89b5suomsiuo879687i.png)

File: 79a4d617f45aa00⋯.jpg (7.6 KB,216x255,72:85,847d16d2dcd50e2c9ccdaf8a13….jpg)

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cf1c9f No.18564686



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08130d No.18564688




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97ca1d No.18564689

File: 6b2133bfb38e9d4⋯.png (540.63 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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704c0e No.18564690


I have seen in person though irrigation system just like that as well though. However, if that is indeed an hf vertical array, each vertical would most likely have at least 30 ground radials of the same length as the vertical antenna. As you can see that would be an enormous amount of ground verticals so the question exists, why not just duplicate the array in AK.

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f92431 No.18564691


Is that supposed to be music?

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97ca1d No.18564692

File: 6355ea4a0706ee6⋯.png (350.88 KB,501x659,501:659,ClipboardImage.png)


Update: As per sources on the ground Trump has taken command of the NYPD and has become the undisputed warlord of Manhattan.


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e54c10 No.18564693


>Could this be a haarp install in disguise?


if the transmitter is operating in the microwave region, the power would only radiate horizontally (parallel to the earth's surface).

ionospheric heaters need to direct the microwaves up, perpendicular to the surface.

don't know what's in the picture, just that it is not an ionospheric heater.

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97ca1d No.18564694

File: 43887df7179a002⋯.png (1.32 MB,1200x1337,1200:1337,ClipboardImage.png)

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b0aabb No.18564697


Was after zappa had said 'fuck off" to the entertainment industry, but still obliged to play. Instead of trying to get out and risk his family, he just went to silly tunes.

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e54c10 No.18564699


>Is that supposed to be music?

it's frank. no other way to categorize it. if you're not familiar, it's your loss.

what's YOUR taste? rap? hip-hop? insipid adult contemporary?

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eb269c No.18564700

File: 438c84764d64c34⋯.png (8.15 KB,396x50,198:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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97ca1d No.18564701

File: 0e3df7a21b90cf1⋯.png (399.27 KB,501x657,167:219,ClipboardImage.png)


Shaking things up has been intense, and I'm tired of granting interviews, plus there are thousands of messages that I still have to read. Thanks for your kindness and keep supporting my work here http://todaynewsafrica.thrivecart.com/donation. Remain blessed! Kindness, love, and truth shall prevail!

3:20 AM · Mar 23, 2023




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3cb49c No.18564702

File: 115dbe3255a56fb⋯.jpg (24.33 KB,500x500,1:1,FB_IMG_1679557161368.jpg)

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704c0e No.18564703


>ionospheric heaters

which makes AK an illogical location

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683983 No.18564704


kek… I smell another rope-a-dope incoming from Trump

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430fce No.18564705


Looks like a magnetic resonance experiment.

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f92431 No.18564706


Classic 70s Rock

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704c0e No.18564707


yes typically people are buried

but some will be snatched up into the sky

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32f443 No.18564708

File: 5514ffd66907103⋯.jpg (36.99 KB,750x554,375:277,5514ffd66907103ccc98913fa7….jpg)

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e54c10 No.18564709


>which makes AK an illogical location

says the expert in weather, climatology, and radio engineering.

THX ever so much for sharing.

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430fce No.18564710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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683983 No.18564711

File: 13d664507580cd5⋯.png (97.44 KB,230x266,115:133,ClipboardImage.png)


Lotta fingers he's got there, kek

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704c0e No.18564712


says common sense

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97ca1d No.18564713

File: 009e15e7199ad37⋯.png (301.93 KB,616x529,616:529,ClipboardImage.png)


SHAMEFUL: Two Black women on


Whoopi Goldberg and


Hostin attacked me and found it acceptable that


Karine Jean-Pierre, a Black woman herself, would call on reporters from around the world but not on the Black African reporter in the room for more than 7 months. Where did you forget your history?

What about the love and care for minorities?

What about respecting the First Amendment?

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715d34 No.18564714

File: 1c30dd7227c5dae⋯.jpg (58.48 KB,620x341,20:11,MAGA_NO_ESCAPE.jpg)

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e54c10 No.18564715


>Classic 70s Rock

if you're actually familiar with classic 70s rock, then you would be a zappa fan.

if you mean the 500 or so cuts of banal trash the "classic rock" radio stations, satellite radio, etc play over and over and over ad nauseum, then i feel sorry for you.

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f92431 No.18564716



Never was a fan of Zappa

Have heard that he was sort of like Jim Morrison and the CIA Laurel Canyon thing.

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430fce No.18564717

File: b2f375b28569753⋯.png (112.43 KB,271x392,271:392,ClipboardImage.png)




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704c0e No.18564718


ie over 90% of all hurricanes effecting the USA start off equatorial west Africa. 0% come from the North Pacific.

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e54c10 No.18564719