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844867 No.18513202 [Last50 Posts]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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844867 No.18513210

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18287979 ——–——– Canada #40

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18363355 ——–——– Japan/Nihon #12

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Jan 6th Song Featuring Trump Soars To #1 On iTunes- >>18489141 NEW

Bakers: How to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

Formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444

Baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761, No RRN in notes >>17980519, >>18310901

Post notables or step down by @300 >>18311579


#22703 >>18512446

>>18512493, >>18512522, >>18512524, >>18512526, >>18512529, >>18512538, >>18512541, >>18512543, >>18512545, >>18512548 Business MUST TAKE CASH legal tender

>>18512498 Washington Foreign Press Center Briefing on "CHIPS Act."

>>18512523, >>18512553 Meeting with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad

>>18512556, >>18512587 Okeefe Media Group is live

>>18512575 It's National Kansas Day!

>>18512595 Next month, the Wisconsin Supreme Court election will determine the future of reproductive rights for millions.

>>18512600 PF SAM334 G5 heading for OKC after a hold NE of Little Rock and SHINR40 back to Majors Airport

>>18512601, >>18512621 Large Explosion with a active fire reported at a River Waste Water Treatment plant #Baltimore | #Maryland

>>18512604, >>18512607, >>18512599 SVB Wine Blog

>>18512611, >>18512613 2022 I Finally Understand Why We Hate Russia

>>18512633, >>18512715, >>18512780 Credit Suisse CDS Reach Crisis Levels as Banks Rush to Buy Protection

>>18512663 PF Kamala Harris visiting New Jersey for DNC finance event

>>18512670 We are here to empower citizens through journalism. Subscribe & join us today! O'Keefemediagroup

>>18512674 LIVE: Protest In Paris Over Pension Reforms

>>18512679 more than 100% inflation in Argentina per year based upon the current monthly inflation

>>18512680 @TeamTyndall The last "first flight" 🥹🫡

>>18512683 Aussie Buying US-designed nuclear submarines to be “sunk” near China is no way to defend the country, Paul Keating said

>>18512698 DOJ investigation Leads to Takedown of Darknet Cryptocurrency Mixer that Processed Over $3 Billion of Unlawful Transactions

>>18512708 Seymour Hersh shares concerns about what US could do next in Ukraine conflict

>>18512709, >>18513020 Miles Guo indicted for $1B fraud conspiracy!

>>18512712 #OTD in 1981, the 55th Wing lost 6 Airmen when RC-135S Cobra Ball aircraft 61-2664 crashed upon landing in severe weather at Shemya AFB, Alaska.

>>18512722 Canada dubbs trudeau little potato

>>18512733 SEC Proposes New Requirements to Address Cybersecurity Risks to the U.S. Securities Markets

>>18512746 PF SAM489 G5 inbound to JBA from Scott AFB with VM714 USMC C560 from Chatanooga Regional and finally RCH4136 C-17 heading west to go pick up Potato equipment in LV

>>18512768 SEC’s Gary Gensler unveils plan to prevent hacking, systems failure

>>18512769 Iran, Russia, and China begin joint naval drills in Gulf of Oman

>>18512795 15 Mar 1493: Christopher #Columbus reaches #Barcelona, Spain after his first #voyage to America

>>18512803, >>18512843 'American spy working at GCHQ' stabbed in suspected terror incident VIA

>>18512850, >>18512873, >>18512890, >>18512897, >>18512922, >>18512983, >>18513009, >>18513023, >>18513057 Credit Suisse shares close down more than 24 percent

>>18512904 “These bank records prove that the Bidens did receive money through a shell company from the Chinese Communist Party… and we’re just gonna keep following the money.”

>>18512926 #DEA lab testing reveals 6 out of 10 fentanyl-laced fake Rx pills analyzed in 2022 now contain a potentially lethal dose of fentanyl.

>>18513026, >>18513162 San Francisco: Health Care Workers Must Be Vaccinated and Wear Masks or Face Prison!

>>18513146 A University of Minnesota group will host the daughters of two leaders of an Islamic charity that provided funding to the terrorist organization Hamas

>>18513165 'Tater Discusses his Plan to Lower Prescription Drug Costs

>>18513168, >>18513156 Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark A. Milley brief the news media following a Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting

>>18513205 #22703

#22702 >>18511704

>>18512130, >>18512164, >>18512326 PF eyez up

>>18511741 Go Woke: Women's College No More? Wellesley Students Vote to Admit Trans Men

>>18511788, >>18511789, >>18511994 Fauci has been in charge of developing BIOWEAPONS for the Pentagon since 2002

>>18511792 DOW futures down 561. pm's on the rise

>>18511833 Kentucky middle school principal arrested first day on the job over a Dec. 25, 2022 domestic violence incident.

>>18511888 Dr. Simone Gold w/CAP: Without any explanation, the FAA recently expanded the longstanding EKG heart test limit by 50%. ...'This is a ticking time bomb.'

>>18511930 4am talking points: ABC News blames Twitter for Bank Run. 'Twitter-fueled bank run': How social media helped bring down Silicon Valley Bank

>>18511971 Residents claim ‘woke’ policies in Austin have caused homeless people to overtake city hotspots

>>18511990 University of North Carolina Asks Judge To Block Release Of Documents Related To Dangerous Coronavirus Research

>>18512011 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Jupiter and Venus Converge over Germany

>>18512017 NYC school safety staff plummets 25% even as violence, shootings skyrocket bringing thetotal cut to over 800 since last February

>>18512054 LIVE: White House Budget Director Testifies on 2024 Budget

>>18512064 Josh Hawley w/CAP: Today I’m introducing legislation to end the epidemic of child porn and exploitative material online. It’s simple: let parents sue the platforms for any child porn...

>>18512066 JUST IN: US calls on Russia to operate military aircraft safely and professionally

>>18512076, >>18512101 Poland announces timeline for transfer of fighter jets to Ukraine.

>>18512096 US Naval Inst w/CAP: #OTD in 1945, the Balao-class submarine USS Lancetfish (SS-296) flooded and sank at the Boston Navy Yard after a worker opened a torpedo tube...

>>18512108 Oversight Committee w/ CAP: After previous stonewalling from @USTreasury, today we will begin reviewing the suspicious activity reports generated by the Biden family and their associates’...

>>18512118 Special Prosecutor Steps down in Baldwin Case

>>18512168 Credit Suisse’s top shareholder, the Saudi National Bank, rules out providing more financial assistance to the struggling Swiss bank, citing regulatory issues

>>18512178 Mislav Kolakusic MEP w/CAP: Today we are witnessing the burning of billions of doses of covid vaccines around the world because no one wants them.

>>18512194 CERN w/CAP: It’s #BeamTime! The first collisions of 2023 in the #LHC are expected in just a few weeks.

>>18512258 DC Draino w/CAP: I know I keep saying I think Biden is pushing for WW3 to destabilize the 2024 election so it can be rigged, but I’m now putting a 2% chance on aliens being the preferred distraction

>>18512314 Ho Wan Kwok, A/K/A “Miles Guo,” Arrested For Orchestrating Over $1 Billion Dollar Fraud Conspiracy

>>18512317 James Okeefe w/CAP: The Ides of March have come. We launch today.

>>18512322 CIA is guiding me, says man arrested in Wisconsin university threats case

>>18512363 General Chance Saltzman w/CAP: Appreciated the opportunity to discuss how we’re accelerating our pivot towards a more resilient space architecture.

>>18512373 Credit Suisse shares slide 24% after bank's top shareholder rules out support

>>18512390 Russian Su-24 was reportedly shot down near Bakhmut

>>18512406 kash patel w/CAP: Its always great to read how Russia screwed US over again… this time a Russian MiG took a literal aviation fuel urination on an America MQ-9 Reaper drone and downed the asset.


>>18512423 #22702

#22701 >>18510874

>>18510930 Avril Lavigne based

>>18510937, >>18510978 Censorship addicts: Democrats seek to squelch speech on banks

>>18510999 Jen Psaki describes MSNBC as having a "high record of being factual"

>>18510971, >>18511041, >>18511045, >>18511047 14th Amendment Citizen

>>18511001 Ayy Lmao Reloaded

>>18511086, >>18511097, >>18511140 American MQ-9 Reaper drone falls in Black Sea

>>18511163, >>18511283 PDJT_47 mentioned la_Bron and womens' basketball

>>18511236 San Franciscans line up for support of a reparations plan to give every black resident $5M, wipe personal debt, & moar

>>18511291 Chuck Schumer gives donations linked to Silicon Valley Bank to charity

>>18511297, >>18511363 Power outages hit 266k as Winter Storm intensifies on East Coast

>>18511341, >>18511344 Think mirror

>>18511369, >>18511390, >>18511507, >>18511573, >>18511437 This Virgin Islands case has traction and has not been public at all

>>18511397 Credit Suisse ($578b in assets) can't provide moar financial support, trading halted for French banking group BNP

>>18511416, >>18511450 Delaware Senate Concurrent Resolution 12

>>18511457, >>18511479, >>18511498, >>18511515, >>18511532, >>18511542, >>18511547, >>18511558 Gavin Newsom / SVB

>>18511529 Everyone gets a BOOM

>>18511525 The Rosicrucian Cosmo-conception or Mystic Christianity

>>18511600, >>18511612, >>18511640 Biden tweet decode

>>18511686 Mil tweets / decodes

>>18511690 #22701

Previously Collected

>>18509314 #22698, >>18510098 #22699, >>18510866 #22700

>>18507021 #22695, >>18507790 #22696, >>18508546 #22697

>>18504620 #22692, >>18505402 #22693, >>18506156 #22694

>>18502279 #22689, >>18503080 #22690, >>18503851 #22691

TripCodefeed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

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844867 No.18513217

File: f69bd97d088e395⋯.png (720.21 KB,817x598,817:598,micro.png)

File: 4ed63f0e4e8ea90⋯.jpg (18.4 KB,480x480,1:1,micro3.jpg)

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Baker will tap, might noter a bit

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cd64e5 No.18513225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Baker love growing. Anons will not abandon the baker.

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65827a No.18513227



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6d24fc No.18513231

File: 95c4ee92903d639⋯.png (801.51 KB,1200x676,300:169,TheLast44.png)

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7b167e No.18513235

File: 04706b6b3b9deb2⋯.png (87.84 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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3098e9 No.18513236

File: f34c7c713aa74ff⋯.png (371.97 KB,742x640,371:320,pepe_small2.png)

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6d24fc No.18513237

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'Tater Discusses his Plan to Lower Prescription Drug Costs


carried over

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222589 No.18513239

FDA Authorizes Updated COVID-19 Vaccine for Children as Young as 6 Months Old

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted emergency authorization to the updated Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine as a booster for children as young as 6 months old, even though Pfizer has produced no clinical efficacy data for any age group.

FDA officials on March 14 said the emergency clearance was based on trial data that showed 60 children had “an immune response” after receiving the updated bivalent booster, and trial data that found 60 young children experienced side effects such as fatigue, diarrhea, and vomiting after bivalent vaccination.

None of the trial data has been released to the public.

The authorization means children aged 6 months to 5 years will be encouraged to get a booster dose just two months after the final dose of a three-dose Pfizer primary series.

The bivalent vaccines protected well against symptomatic infection for children aged 5 and older initially, but the protection waned to close to 50 percent after several months, according to federal data. There were no estimates for protection against severe illness.

Children are less likely to experience severe COVID-19 and many have already been infected, giving them protection that’s similar to or superior to vaccination.

The authorization provides parents “an opportunity to update their children’s protection by receiving a booster dose” of the updated vaccine, Dr. Peter Marks, an FDA official, said in a statement. “Currently available data show that vaccination remains the best defense against severe disease, hospitalization and death caused by COVID-19 across all age groups, and we encourage all eligible individuals to make sure that their vaccinations are up to date with a bivalent COVID-19 vaccine.”

Regulators were more cautious in their formal letter to Pfizer updating the emergency authorization. They said that, based on the scientific evidence available, “it is reasonable to believe” the bivalent “may be effective” and that it “is reasonable to conclude” the known and potential benefits outweigh the known and potential risks.

The authorization is for the prevention of COVID-19 disease.

The expanded authorization was also based on data for people who aren’t in the age group in question, including elderly people, and safety and effectiveness data for the monovalent vaccines, which were first rolled out in late 2020.

Some experts have said the vaccines shouldn’t be authorized without clinical efficacy data. Some have said the new vaccines aren’t necessary for most or all people, especially those who recovered from COVID-19. Others say the updated shots are a good option for people to have to boost antibodies, which are believed to protect against the disease.

Bivalent shots from Pfizer and Moderna were authorized and recommended in the fall of 2022 for adults. Access has since been expanded to all age groups. Regulators authorized Pfizer’s bivalent as the third dose of the three-dose primary series, and Moderna’s bivalent as a booster after a two-dose primary series, in late 2022.

Pfizer and BioNTech said earlier in the month that among 60 participants under 5, a fourth dose of the bivalent elicited a higher level of neutralizing antibodies compared to children in the age group who received three doses of the monovalent vaccine. The companies also said that the safety profile of the updated shot was “similar to that of the original vaccine.”


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65827a No.18513241


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844867 No.18513242

File: 6ab34f5e7f74788⋯.png (265.28 KB,347x347,1:1,6ab34f5e7f74788fce7a8d8c86….png)


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65827a No.18513245


infuckted trannyWHORE spam

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a93ac2 No.18513247

File: 28035b79d0c6bec⋯.jpeg (55.23 KB,647x400,647:400,278DA861_78BE_473A_A85E_2….jpeg)

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29bf93 No.18513248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ATTN Legacy Media shills

The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.

290 million Americans want the truth; including the truth about the gas lighting of America – MSM media complicity in C_A/pedo cult social subversion operations.

Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition to meet audience demand will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons of QR all see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by MSM/legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.

Whether the public is aware, or ever becomes aware, of the harm done by MSM/legacy media content shilling, anons know, POTUS knows and MI knows.

Media companies closely associated with satanic mind control like Disney testify to the destructive nature and subversive power of cult mind warfare tactics.

Media shills and entertainment companies prepared to repent, to admit their role in social and sexual subversion and atone for decades evil must make a 180 reversal; stop destroying, start repairing and rebuilding, and begin undoing the harm they have done to civilization, the US and throughout the world.

A Turkish proverb says “No matter how far down the wrong road you have gone, turn back.”

Repairing damage for legacy media content means initiating a cross platform, all format, surge of error corrected, future positive, neural malware-free news and entertainment content, without subliminal or subsonic embeds, hypnotic induction or “side band” symbolic language technologies targeting our unconscious below the threshold of awareness.

Restoring the integrity of our news and entertainment media means resuming our journey toward the light, as individuals and as a species, and start of the long process undoing the harm done our minds by decades of satanic IO.


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090f00 No.18513249

File: e12b2b4fb46157e⋯.jpg (47.08 KB,288x415,288:415,potatoBohica1.jpg)


>Baker will tap, might noter a bit


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462e18 No.18513250

File: 71ddc19bbab94a4⋯.png (340.13 KB,598x624,23:24,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING — Erdogan says Turkey will honour its pledge on Finland’s NATO bid after meeting the Finnish president on Friday


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df31c7 No.18513251

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222589 No.18513252

File: 39d67cdf04d7635⋯.png (75.03 KB,742x677,742:677,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 733ebb456b4f5d5⋯.png (58.48 KB,771x561,257:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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Cop Gets 14 Years for Responding to Child Rape Case by Raping the Child Himself

A cop with a history of misconduct was never fired and eventually assigned to a case involving a child victim who he sexually assaulted.

New Orleans, LA — As frequent readers of the Free Thought Project know, police officers are arrested weekly in this country for sex crimes involving children. This is a massive problem but becomes even worse when victims of child sex abuse seek out help and run right into the arms of someone even worse than they are trying to report. For one girl in New Orleans, Louisiana, this is exactly what happened to her.

In 2020, the New Orleans Police department arrested one of its own officers for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old child. Rodney Vicknair, 55, was arrested and charged with sexual battery, indecent behavior with a juvenile, and malfeasance for sexually assaulting the child while investigating a sexual assault that she reported. After fighting the case for two years and pleading not guilty, last, Vicknair changed his tune.

Vicknair finally admitted to grooming and raping the girl while taking her to the hospital to have a rape kit done for a previous sexual assault she had just endured. On Tuesday, he was sentenced in federal court to 14 years in prison.

“We are grateful to this young survivor for coming forward, even though she thought no one would believe her,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “Had she not been willing to do so, we would not have been able to hold the defendant accountable for his heinous crime. This case should send a strong message to law enforcement officers who sexually abuse victims, particularly children, that they are not above the law and will be held accountable.”

“The public must be able to trust that law enforcement will faithfully execute their sworn duties or face the consequences for failing to do so,” said U.S. Attorney Duane A. Evans for the Eastern District of Louisiana. “Our office, along with the Department of Justice, the FBI and state and local law enforcement agencies, will continue to investigate and prosecute any violations of constitutional rights.”

As we reported at the time, this officer had a history of discipline problems, and he should have never had his job when the child's sexual assault took place.


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65827a No.18513253

File: 33fb3f46da47604⋯.png (Spoiler Image,522.39 KB,800x1200,2:3,77_000_000millionFAPPSstol….png)

CANohDUH spy caught stealin fapps frum anons

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c53922 No.18513254

File: c16c4a621f1391f⋯.mp4 (957.9 KB,310x240,31:24,focus.mp4)

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3d5464 No.18513255

File: d6f4d752f8697d6⋯.gif (1.29 MB,320x240,4:3,hang_em.gif)

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222589 No.18513256

File: 4e0c7ad11fbec2f⋯.png (183.07 KB,1032x608,129:76,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8fcc2913de452c⋯.png (362.82 KB,1056x654,176:109,ClipboardImage.png)

Shocking Evidence Shows Dr. Fauci Contributed Directly and Significantly to China’s COVID R&D and Propaganda

Shocking evidence about China’s control of U.S. virus research, courtesy of Anthony Fauci

Guest post by Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D.

There is overwhelming evidence that Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), through its funding decisions, has contributed directly and significantly to the success of China’s research and development programs.

Here is one such example.

Lishan Su, a graduate of Shandong University in China, is now a Professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore.

According to his publication record, Lishan Su has been in the United States for over 30 years, but has maintained active research collaboration with scientists in China, including those with links to the People’s Liberation Army. During that time, Lishan Su received more than $5 million in research grants from Fauci’s NIAID.

Part of Lishan Su’s research collaboration with China produced the 2021 U.S. patent US11136399B2 assigned, not to the University of Maryland, but to the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.


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57669e No.18513257

File: 4f7abdea033e533⋯.jpg (52.79 KB,229x220,229:220,gk_smoke.jpg)

>>18513079 pb


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65827a No.18513258

File: 67e170dc8fe5ff3⋯.jpg (80.36 KB,1080x843,360:281,305910259_1022388128303290….jpg)

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29bf93 No.18513259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Five Minute Read

Some publications on our satanic internet use a caution like FIVE MINUTE READ as a service to busy readers on a tight time budget. It is a cult practice because the consciousness of time is ultimately destructive of the deeper understanding that can only arise from unbudgeted contemplation. Better to learn to distinguish what is real, important and true from what is simply an effort to persuade us to love, hate or purchase something or someone.

We have a whole-of-civilization problem in which intelligence agencies and covert organizations claiming to represent popular aspirations slaughter each other in undeclared wars and at staged “mass casualty incidents” in schools and malls, at concerts and social gatherings, all reported in exhaustive visual detail by five entertainment conglomerates aka “MSM” and on social media.

Everybody knows the internet is a poisonous sewer where narcotics, weapons and human beings are bought, sold and rented every day.

Every home, every individual around the world and all our devices are part of a spy-built network which was always intended to be what the internet has become: a universal surveillance and social control system.

In itself, the internet is knowledge of good and evil. Mankind could sort of deal with the physical temptations once; the whore town, the Casbah, the dealer-in-the park – we understood good and evil more clearly; but the internet erodes distinctions with fake news and blame. The internet does not require assured identity and without assured identity there is deception, and eventually, given the skill and persistence of deceiver(s) we are all fooled. As we have been.

We the People could easily fix the internet; we could make it a public utility – our problem is cognitive not technological. Anonymous networks will not support civilization because they connect the highly intelligent greed driven sociopathic minority to the rest of us. This is not an opinion, or a theory; it's an axiom, and the damage we have sustained as a result of Information Poisoning has left most of us unable to understand what is happening to us.

We can't form social or economic views based on network derived information. We cannot set social or economic policy based on one set of lies or another. It is trivial for an aggrieved or ill-disposed entity to manipulate facts and context and story in virtual no man's land.

Until the integrity of information distribution systems is assured, the system remains what it as designed to be. What Orwell, Huxley, McKuen, and George . S. Trow foresaw it would be, a monstrous political mind control system, a spiritual and social tyranny, a pseudo reality where the many may dispose of the few however they see fit, simply by controlling both sides of the question and its presentation to the public.


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e19bbc No.18513260

File: b776198356a841f⋯.png (378.8 KB,590x782,295:391,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f19844567c5ef5⋯.gif (3.93 MB,561x352,51:32,pepe_wasteland.gif)

File: 93ea98abd57929b⋯.gif (6.24 MB,400x400,1:1,pepe_head_blown.gif)



not giving up the digital warfare participation

no, you can't make anon

no no no no


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95a538 No.18513261

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd3b9e No.18513262

File: 5097e45db935d06⋯.png (323.27 KB,1912x1298,956:649,5097e45db935d0670ce7b0bb5f….png)

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65827a No.18513263


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57669e No.18513264

File: 72b77d13b5d84fd⋯.png (166.05 KB,391x312,391:312,pinky_pepe.png)

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7557d5 No.18513265

File: 530d0231cb7b454⋯.png (3.02 MB,2048x1152,16:9,530d0231cb7b454a6cc360dcc6….png)

File: 76d0a22c8c67603⋯.jpg (289.62 KB,1401x900,467:300,76d0a22c8c676036b4c1b27b7d….jpg)


Thank You Dick Tater Baker!


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360a1a No.18513266

File: 508edcc552cc5ee⋯.jpg (21.31 KB,313x520,313:520,14bf72abffc21a2ca655b19265….jpg)

File: 45ee4c7f3169e41⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB,592x848,37:53,45ee4c7f3169e41778608f7d01….mp4)

File: 6a103be2d539596⋯.png (756.14 KB,620x935,124:187,6a103be2d539596a956d38ad10….png)

File: f6e09efd2c4d480⋯.png (426.69 KB,485x513,485:513,f6e09efd2c4d48047325ad5664….png)

File: 5938bb0cd9e8f85⋯.jpg (67.53 KB,500x328,125:82,5938bb0cd9e8f8571236133424….jpg)

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cd64e5 No.18513267

File: 94575f9fedc0139⋯.jpeg (45.95 KB,470x470,1:1,q_shaman_laughing_with_wi….jpeg)


>Dick Tater

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15e717 No.18513268

File: 748b25732302da6⋯.png (829.36 KB,683x1024,683:1024,ClipboardImage.png)


TY, tiny-potatoe Baker

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222589 No.18513269

File: 05fa7bd47321d3f⋯.png (188.42 KB,551x682,551:682,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45b50be67b3da61⋯.png (300.29 KB,561x813,187:271,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed112028947925c⋯.png (298.68 KB,604x774,302:387,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21ccd6d91b94259⋯.png (106.77 KB,653x563,653:563,ClipboardImage.png)

“THEY LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING” – A 96-Page DC Police Report UNCOVERED – Shows Govt Knew MAGA Was Coming on Jan 6 and Entrapped Them ALL

According to attorney Joe McBride who uncovered the report, the government knew MAGA was coming to DC and so they entrapped them. It was all a setup.

The report is included in the first tweet below from Jan 6 attorney Joe McBride.

The DC Police were told not to fire projectiles into the crowd – but they did and two Trump supporters likely had heart attacks and died when flash bombs unexpectedly blew up in their faces.

McBride notes that the police knew Antifa was coming.


Expected Protests Overview:

A number of individuals and groups are calling for their supporters to travel to Washington, DC, on or before January 6, 2021, to show support for POT US and for overturning the election results. The protests/rallies are expected to be similar to the previous Million MAGA March rallies in November and December 2020, which drew tens of thousands of participants. It is also expected that members of the Proud Boys (who intend to wear plainclothes and not their traditional yellow and black clothing)l3, white supremacist groups,14 Antifa, and other extremist groups will rally on January 6, 2021. Multiple arrests were made as a result of clashes between pro-Trump and opposing groups during each of the November and December rallies. Charges included assault with a dangerous weapon, assault on police, simple assault, weapons violations, riotous acts, and destruction of property, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and crossing a police line. A number of law enforcement officers were injured in the skinnishes . Many of the confrontations occurred after the rallies ended.

Julie Kelly discussed this report on the War Room (see below).

She said the report had been “designated highly sensitive government information just like all the surveillance video”.

But again it’s more evidence that undercuts the idea that law enforcement was completely unprepared – They had no idea what was going to happen that day.

There were at least two anti-Trump rallies in Washington on the same day including an Antifa rally scheduled at about the same time that the joint session was scheduled to convene. TGP reported on this previously.

The government knew this was happening. It was a setup.


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5b6800 No.18513270

File: 98b1b091f07b691⋯.png (41.94 KB,473x528,43:48,squeeze.png)

File: 7c20490d552c477⋯.png (555.82 KB,671x469,671:469,7c20490d552c4775e58c2d24d0….png)


TYB now Noter

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65827a No.18513271



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e096c5 No.18513272

File: 1f2244b0a5b506f⋯.jpg (104.22 KB,500x666,250:333,7ekvxz.jpg)

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29bf93 No.18513273

File: dbf557d695ca3ec⋯.jpg (159.48 KB,800x600,4:3,efa555bba475bfd32ab1204f80….jpg)

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1a3abd No.18513274

File: e511356e1d6bcb1⋯.png (303.06 KB,476x506,238:253,Capture.PNG)

Stand by… CONTACT!💥⚡️

U.S. Marines with


fire the M3E1 multipurpose anti-armor anti-personnel weapon system.

The MAAWS, is a man portable, reusable, breech-loading, 84 mm recoilless weapon system capable of destroying armored targets.

📷 by LCpl. Juan Torres


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7557d5 No.18513275

File: 074313dc4ebfd55⋯.jpg (91.9 KB,690x500,69:50,Remember_When_The_CIA_Prod….jpg)

File: 33277e8f30f3c37⋯.jpg (112.82 KB,870x490,87:49,Poisoned_Chalice_Hillary_C….jpg)

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222589 No.18513276

File: 765f1cfed5c4b23⋯.png (547.81 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Signature Bank Hosted Seminar On Gender Pronouns Like ‘Ze’ And ‘Hir’ 6 Months Before Collapse

Six months prior to its collapse, Signature Bank kicked off its “Social Impact” training series during which employees underwent training to learn how to “properly” use “gender-neutral pronouns.”

At a “Know Your Pronouns” company seminar hosted by Signature Bank chairman Scott Shay, employees were lectured on how to pronounce “Ze” and “Hir.”


Credit Suisse Shares Tumble to New Record Low, Saudis Pull Funding, Trading Halts

Credit Suisse shares tumbled by as much as 30% to a new record low on Wednesday after Saudis pulled funding.

Trading in the Swiss banking giant’s stock was halted several times on Wednesday.

Saudi National Bank, which holds 9.88% of Credit Suisse said it is unable to purchase anymore shares because of regulations.

“We cannot because we would go above 10%. It’s a regulatory issue,” Saudi National Bank Chairman Ammar Al Khudairy told Reuters.

Credit Suisse CEO Ulrich Koerner told Reuters the Swiss bank’s liquidity base is “very, very strong.”

CNBC reported:

Shares of Credit Suisse on Wednesday plunged to a fresh all-time low for the second consecutive day after a top investor in the embattled Swiss bank said it would not be able to provide any more cash due to regulatory restrictions.

Trading in the bank’s plummeting stock was halted several times throughout the morning as it fell below 2 Swiss francs ($2.17) for the first time.

Swiss-listed Credit Suisse shares traded 17% lower at around 3 p.m. London time (11 a.m. ET), paring some of its earlier losses after dropping more than 30% at one point.

The share price rout renewed a broader sell-off among European lenders, which were already facing significant market turmoil as a result of the Silicon Valley Bank fallout. Some of the biggest decliners included France’s Societe Generale, Spain’s Banco de Sabadell and Germany’s Commerzbank.


FDIC Seeks Help To Restart Sale Of Silicon Valley Bank After First Attempt Falters

US banking regulators have been placed in a challenging situation following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, as they are now responsible for protecting depositors and preventing further bank runs. Regulators are now facing the daunting task of attempting to auction off the failed bank for a second time, but this time have sought the assistance of an investment bank to explore potential options.

Regulators at the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC) tapped advisors at the investment bank Piper Sandler Companies to relaunch a failed auction of SVB, according to Reuters, citing people familiar with the matter.

Officials from the FDIC seized SVB last Friday after $42 billion of deposit withdrawals one day prior caused the bank to fail. A weekend auction of the bank to top institutions proved to be unsuccessful.

On Monday, sources informed about the situation told WSJ that FDIC officials had told Senate Republicans that they now had more flexibility to sell the bank after it was declared a failure and threat to the US financial system.

Fast forward to Wednesday, these latest updates reveal that the FDIC is making arrangements for a potential second sale, with the possibility of considering selling the bank as a whole or exploring piecemeal deals.

Meanwhile, the parent of Silicon Valley Bank, SVB Financial Group, has been separately searching for a buyer for its investment bank and investment business.

It is worth noting that there were potential buyers for SVB over the weekend, but FDIC officials prevented the sale.


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57669e No.18513277

File: 4a7361409f31195⋯.png (704.11 KB,800x533,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)

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65827a No.18513278



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7557d5 No.18513279

File: 1896fbdbfdebd10⋯.png (1007.22 KB,913x1278,913:1278,1678878754599.png)

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7557d5 No.18513280

File: 84763be7573adac⋯.jpg (136.09 KB,700x700,1:1,Identity_as_Black_Muh_Repa….jpg)

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15e717 No.18513281


> Magic!

I was lookin' at her bewbs the whole time, and she dindo nuffin!

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c53922 No.18513282


84mm and recoilless? I want one.

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222589 No.18513283

Former Pakistani PM alleges assassination plot

Imran Khan claims the arrest ordered by his country’s authorities has “mala fide intent”

Former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan says the “real intent” of police is to “abduct and assassinate” him after security forces attempted to detain him on Wednesday despite resistance from hundreds of the politician’s supporters in the eastern city of Lahore.

Khan, 70, made the claim on social media amid clashes between police and his supporters outside his residence, which prompted authorities to deploy water cannons and tear gas. Police have since withdrawn from the scene following the standoff after the Lahore High Court ordered authorities to suspend the operation until 10am local time on Thursday.

“Clearly ‘arrest’ claim was mere drama because real intent is to abduct & assassinate,” he wrote on Twitter on Wednesday. “From tear gas & water cannons, they have now resorted to live firing.”

He added: “There is no doubt of their mala fide intent.”

Khan is wanted by authorities following the issuance of two non-bailable arrest warrants for alleged corruption related to the sale of state gifts received while in office, as well as for comments made about a female judge.

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leader was ousted from power in Islamabad last year and has since been embroiled in legal disputes as he calls for early elections in the country in a bid to return to political office.

However, Khan has maintained that the plot to arrest him is “not because I broke any law” but rather to ensure he “cannot contest elections.”

Khan, who survived an assassination attempt in November, was also notified by authorities of another arrest warrant in recent weeks after he missed scheduled court dates, with his legal advisers citing security concerns. The initial attempt to arrest him was unsuccessful, with police saying he was “reluctant to surrender.”

The dispute at the summit of the political ecosystem in Islamabad comes amid the country’s severe economic downturn, which is forecasted to result in financial default if aid cannot be secured from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). There have also been a number of attacks at police stations which have been blamed on the Pakistani Taliban.


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9e3525 No.18513284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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65827a No.18513285


twat fake confirm

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222589 No.18513286

File: b702d9fa30f3e5c⋯.png (226.01 KB,500x300,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Judge Rejects Request From Moderna, Moving Key COVID-19 Vaccine Case To Discovery

A key COVID-19 vaccine case is moving to the discovery phase after a U.S. judge rejected a bid by Moderna to dismiss some of the patent infringement claims against it.

Moderna and the U.S. government, which backed the company, failed to prove that claims involving the company’s COVID-19 vaccine contract with the government should be dismissed, U.S. District Judge Mitchell Goldberg ruled on March 10.

Goldberg in late 2022 rejected a similar effort but Moderna revived its bid after the government filed a statement asserting it, not the company, should face the claims relating to the contract.

The parties, though, have failed to prove that the government’s interpretation “trumps a court’s analysis of this issue,” Goldberg said.

Moderna and the government had argued that under 28 U.S.C. 1498, the claims should be dismissed and moved to the Court of Federal Claims. That would mean the government was inserted as the defendant, replacing Moderna, and leave the government responsible for paying any damages awarded.

The law in question states that any infringement claims relating to inventions being used “by or for the government” and with “the authorization and consent of the government” must be handled in the Court of Federal Claims.

The 2020 vaccine contract between Moderna and the U.S. Army stated that it was “for the United States government … and the U.S. population.”

While Moderna and the government said that evidence supported the contract being “by or for the government,” Arbutus Biopharma and Genevant Sciences said the dispute “can only be resolved on a fully developed record” and urged the court to allow discovery.

Goldberg, a George W. Bush appointee, agreed.

“I will consider the [Section] 1498(a) issue after both parties have engaged in discovery, which will provide Plaintiff an opportunity to review the entire unredacted version of the ’-0100 Contract and discover facts regarding that Contract,” he said.

New Developments Highlight Need for Discovery

New developments in the case highlight the need for discovery, the judge said.

The original contract, or the ’-0100 Contract, was for the government, both Moderna and U.S. officials say. But the parties have also acknowledged that a second contract, reached in 2022 and known as the ’-0017 contract, doesn’t fall under the law because it lacks certain language.

The position on the second contract wasn’t known when the judge ruled in 2022 on the motion to dismiss.

“Had I granted the relief Moderna sought in its original motion to dismiss, this fact would not have come to light and the relief ordered could have been incorrect,” the judge said.


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90155d No.18513287


Wo ist die Kugel

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57669e No.18513288


100 carat diamond chek't.


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3d5464 No.18513289

3:00 PM EDT

Is Misinformation the Problem? Re-examining the Infodemic with Renée DiResta - 2023 Annual NLM Lecture on Science, Technology, and Society

National Library of Medicine, Department of Health and Human Services




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65827a No.18513290

File: 75925d5a3e586e8⋯.png (8.27 KB,206x245,206:245,m00burgerjenkemtriggeredfi….png)


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e19bbc No.18513291

File: efb633605b495ae⋯.png (295.61 KB,633x489,211:163,ClipboardImage.png)


>Khan, 70, made the claim on social media amid clashes between police and his supporters outside his residence, which prompted authorities to deploy water cannons and tear gas. Police have since withdrawn from the scene following the standoff after the Lahore High Court ordered authorities to suspend the operation until 10am local time on Thursday.

Notable, what will maga do if they come for trump?

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3d5464 No.18513292

3:00 PM EDT

FY2024 Budget Requests for the Congressional Budget Office, the Government Accountability Office, and the Government Publishing Office

Senate Appropriations Committee



The Honorable Hugh N. Halpern


Government Publishing Office


The Honorable Gene L. Dodaro

Comptroller General

The United States Government Accountability Office


The Honorable Dr. Phillip Swagel


Congressional Budget Office




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e1d37a No.18513293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>18513215 (lb)


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65827a No.18513294

File: 0d72ca923f5817b⋯.jpg (37.2 KB,600x551,600:551,bert_nazi.jpg)

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3d5464 No.18513295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3:00 PM EDT

Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, Glenn "GT" Thompson (PA-15), Hosts a Farm Bill Listening Session in Waco, Texas

House Agriculture Committee



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29bf93 No.18513296

File: fccd07205253317⋯.jpg (179.38 KB,1151x1152,1151:1152,0e261375a47f85b9aaa1166e40….jpg)

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dca2a6 No.18513297

File: e2bb80172c1e78e⋯.jpg (214.01 KB,1075x1243,1075:1243,Screenshot_20230310_043648….jpg)


Documentary from 2018 exposes THE U.S. BIOLABS IN UKRAINE

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cd64e5 No.18513298

File: 5e2f5e99dddf7f9⋯.png (920.01 KB,792x1292,198:323,burn_ep_bailwoke.png)

Dank Memes - that's the bread and butter of Q R. Awakening the normies is an art, not a science.

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48b16a No.18513299

Jesus second coming.

God on Earth.

We are not the center of His universe.

What if He chose to come back on another planet?

With far advanced tech.

Jesus in a mothership in our solar system?

Or just Project Bluebeam?

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3d5464 No.18513300

3:00 PM EDT

To Receive Testimony on Military and Civilian Personnel Programs in the Department of Defense in Review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2024 and the Future Years Defense Program

Senate Armed Services Committee







Pentagon Officials Testify on Civilian & Military Personnel Programs

Pentagon Officials testify on civilian and military personnel programs as they pertain to the 2024 Defense Authorization Request before a Senate Armed Services subcommittee.


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65827a No.18513301



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dca2a6 No.18513302

File: 2ef5f1b98435ba6⋯.jpg (218.15 KB,1080x1221,360:407,Screenshot_20230315_145035….jpg)



Fucked up wrong damn cap

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ef2462 No.18513303

File: 43b54544d290a62⋯.jpg (56.92 KB,613x398,613:398,pozsklygedchrhbg.jpg)

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222589 No.18513304

File: 6be07e538e00645⋯.png (286.95 KB,1024x553,1024:553,ClipboardImage.png)

Ukraine invites Ron DeSantis to visit after his claim war not ‘vital’ to US

A Ukrainian official has invited Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to visit the war-torn country after the Republican said the year-old Russian invasion was a “territorial dispute” that was of no “vital” interest to the US.

Oleg Nikolenko, the main spokesman for Kyiv’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, tagged DeSantis in a tweet Tuesday while noting the would-be presidential candidate’s service in the US Navy.

“We are sure that as a former military officer deployed to a combat zone, Governor [DeSantis] knows the difference between a ‘dispute’ and war,” Nikolenko wrote of the governor’s dismissive categorization.

“We invite him to visit Ukraine to get a deeper understanding of Russia’s full-scale invasion and the threats it poses to US interests,” Nikolenko said.

The invite followed pushback on DeSantis from several high-profile Republicans after the Florida governor claimed the US was giving “virtual ‘blank check’ funding” to Ukraine while ignoring “our country’s most pressing challenges.”


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3d5464 No.18513305

3:30 PM EDT

Hearings to Examine the Future Path of VA's Electronic Health Record Modernization Program

Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee



Neil C. Evans, MD, Acting Program Executive Director, Electronic Health Record Modernization Integration Office, Department of Veterans Affairs

Accompanied by:

The Honorable Shereef M. Elnahal, MD, Under Secretary for Health


The Honorable Kurt DelBene, Assistant Secretary for Information and Technology and Chief Information Officer


Michael D. Parrish, Chief Acquisition Officer and Principal Executive Director, Office of Acquisition, Logistics, and Construction


Carol Harris, Director, Information Technology and Cybersecurity, Government Accountability Office


Mike Sicilia, Executive Vice President, Oracle Global Industries




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cd64e5 No.18513306


The harvest is after 1000 years of light. Humanity is being given the opportunity and the time to build the shining city on the hill.

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29bf93 No.18513307

File: 8a58f554ecefe94⋯.jpeg (427.19 KB,649x1000,649:1000,8a58f554ecefe94ad5a287787….jpeg)

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65827a No.18513308

File: 0316656d767beaf⋯.jpg (184.46 KB,1200x627,400:209,betpface.jpg)

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3d5464 No.18513309

File: 5db8c5856a7a823⋯.jpg (521.3 KB,1116x1124,279:281,5db8c5856a7a8239287c98935b….jpg)

have a good one

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7f34b5 No.18513310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hush Timothy hush

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360a1a No.18513311

File: 2c7eae590de39ea⋯.jpg (61.7 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_19_.jpg)

File: 08f24b9b1fdee8b⋯.jpg (17.2 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_13_.jpg)

File: 7579bd68b2179c9⋯.png (6.83 MB,1687x2195,1687:2195,7579bd68b2179c9d4aa37c1e1e….png)

File: ef9dda43c537337⋯.png (339.34 KB,474x316,3:2,ef9dda43c537337ef38994cf0b….png)

File: 02c7e94d6458a33⋯.jpg (87.28 KB,720x720,1:1,02c7e94d6458a334c72651c469….jpg)

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222589 No.18513312

Rep. Chip Roy Formally Endorses DeSantis For President Although He Has Not Announced

Republican Texas Rep. Chip Roy sent out an email Wednesday afternoon formally endorsing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for President in 2024, despite the fact he has not announced a bid for the presidency yet.

Former President Donald Trump remains the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, national polling shows, however DeSantis is polling right behind him despite not announcing a campaign run. In the email Wednesday, Roy said DeSantis “is a man of conviction” who “loves freedom and the rule of law even more.”

“The next President of the United States must be a vibrant and energetic leader with the faith, vision, and courage to chart a new course. America needs a leader who will truly defend her and empower the people against the destructive force of unrestrained government and corporate excess, profligate spending, and woke cultural indoctrination,” Roy states in his email.

“That leader is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Governor DeSantis is a man of conviction — a man who puts his faith in God first as a dedicated husband and father. He grew up a blue collar kid who worked hard, got a great education, and used it immediately to serve his country,” he continued.

“He loves America unapologetically but loves freedom and the rule of law even more, with the courage to fight for both. As Governor, he unequivocally has made Florida stronger and freer. Economic growth and prosperity in Florida surged upon his firm rejection of the devastating COVID mandates foisted upon us by foolishly empowered Washington bureaucrats. He stared down woke corporate America and higher education. And he stood with Texas in defense of our border – sending a message to elites in Martha’s Vineyard that they cannot ignore the human and economic toll of open borders,” Roy added.


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65827a No.18513313

File: 67be435270bcba7⋯.jpeg (113.28 KB,685x960,137:192,67be435270bcba7d9de364f51….jpeg)

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cd64e5 No.18513314

What about a 'Q Post' Art exhibit? Framed 2x4 foot portraits of all the Q Posts in an exhibit hall?

Time to break new ground.

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95a538 No.18513315








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3098e9 No.18513316

File: 2a56dc761815959⋯.png (267.61 KB,500x549,500:549,Pfizer_dun_pfukked_up.png)

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19037e No.18513317

File: 1c07d83b0db49e9⋯.jpg (165.41 KB,680x680,1:1,335222249.jpg)

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29bf93 No.18513318

File: 7288dee99a2a87a⋯.jpg (521.44 KB,1168x1970,584:985,8bda9932336d010c0616cd97a0….jpg)

File: 5bd2241635fb077⋯.jpg (750.47 KB,3054x2758,1527:1379,602fc763d3fa61332ff955bb48….jpg)

File: df973bcd2f93c9f⋯.jpg (77.7 KB,1024x548,256:137,df973bcd2f93c9f0bd78a3cad5….jpg)

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65827a No.18513319

File: d3f8f6507275163⋯.jpg (54.42 KB,650x601,650:601,31_14.jpg)

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222589 No.18513320

File: c1fdbdd2c17ad66⋯.png (323.37 KB,579x604,579:604,ClipboardImage.png)

‘Utter Lunacy’ — Transgender Child Sex Offender Found Guilty of Raping Friend with ‘Her Penis’

A convicted child sex offender who later claimed to identify as transgender woman has been convicted of raping a woman with “her penis” shortly after being released from prison.

Dominic Risden, 24, who now claims to be a transgender woman named ‘Lexi-Rose Crawford’, has been found guilty at the Bristol Crown Court of raping a female friend in April of 2019.

Following the conviction, the release of previous court records revealed that in 2017, Risden, then identifying as a man, was found guilty of having sex with a 15-year-old girl whom he met on the internet, the Daily Mail reported.

According to the paper, shortly before being released from prison in 2019, after serving just half of his four-year sentence, Risden began to claim to identify as a woman, using female pronouns and adopting the name ‘Lexi-Rose Crawford’.


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cf83ff No.18513321


no shit

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360a1a No.18513322

File: b7ae933c7b74aaa⋯.png (340.57 KB,618x410,309:205,b7ae933c7b74aaaa930b88dec6….png)

File: 6e6e22137fd9165⋯.jpg (108.5 KB,500x748,125:187,6e6e22137fd9165941ec4f5e70….jpg)

File: 1e60711f4fc4cc7⋯.jpg (52.2 KB,900x720,5:4,maxresdefault_18_.jpg)


this place is kek because FLOTUS keeps it agile.

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65827a No.18513323

File: b7ebd04de08feb3⋯.png (342.06 KB,642x388,321:194,b7ebd04de08feb39b683c719ad….png)

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dfc267 No.18513324


can you hook me up with the project looking glass vid though?


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cd64e5 No.18513325


Transgender attack is worse than a bullet. It leaves the victim injured for 40+ years with no hope of recovery. That's how you damage an enemy.

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65827a No.18513326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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222589 No.18513327

File: 00da9a5c7422bc9⋯.png (237.79 KB,696x464,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cb2df5d07ded25⋯.png (462.81 KB,569x648,569:648,ClipboardImage.png)

Elementary school teacher says confusing kids about gender is ‘the goal’

A teacher claims in a video that her "goal" is to confuse children about gender. Parents have identified the woman as a Mounds View Public Schools teacher.

An undated video has surfaced of a public school teacher saying that her goal is to confuse kids about gender. The teacher, whom parents have identified as a Mounds View Public Schools teacher, explains in the video that some of her students can’t tell if she’s a boy or a girl.

Alpha News reached out to the district multiple times to confirm the identity of the teacher but received no response.

In the video, the teacher is wearing a school lanyard reading “Valentine Hills Elementary.”

“The students asked the other teacher if I’m a boy or a girl,” she says in the video. The “other teacher” allegedly asked the students if this really mattered, to which one student responded, “No, I just can’t figure it out. It’s just so hard. I can’t figure it out.”

“And I was just like, yes, that’s the goal,” the teacher says in the video.

The woman in the video has been identified by parents and former students as Kourtney Ryan, a Valentine Hills Elementary school music teacher. One parent said she believes the 2021-22 school year was Ryan’s first year at the school.

“I am very upset that this teacher is saying that her goal is to confuse kids. Her personal life has no place in an elementary school,” the parent told Alpha News. “She is wearing a mask and her lanyard, which she wears while on the clock as a teacher paid by taxpayers.”

The parent shared that her only concern about the teacher when her children attended the class was a project they did about protest through music, related to the book “Change Sings” by Amanda Gorman. The parent recalled that the two choices for topics were a prison hunger strike and Colin Kaepernick. “This project felt more appropriate at the middle school or high school level,” she said.

A second parent of another former student of Ryan’s told Alpha News that he pulled his youngest daughter from Valentine Hills because of teachers and lesson materials like this. “These are discussions about life, sexuality, and human development that parents should have with their children,” he said.

He told Alpha News that the parent-child relationship is one of the most important and fundamental relationships for a child’s growth and development. “When an elementary teacher injects herself into that relationship between a parent and a child by making the child confused about gender and sexuality, they are violating the trust and relationship between a parent and child,” he said.

“When a school allows professional staff to behave this way there are negative consequences in learning,” the parent added. “The classroom is no longer an equal and safe place for everybody.”

Ryan did not respond to multiple requests for comment.


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1a3abd No.18513328

File: 87942d8ad239962⋯.png (291.67 KB,468x458,234:229,Capture.PNG)

#Marines hot load a Mark 82 General Purpose bomb onto an F/A-18C Hornet aircraft on San Clemente Island, Calif., March 7.

"Hot-loading" refers to the loading and arming of ordnance on an aircraft while it is still running, reducing the downtime of an aircraft between sorties.


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65827a No.18513329

File: 0280e29758ad0f0⋯.png (27.45 KB,210x225,14:15,belieb.png)

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090f00 No.18513330

File: 19c5901e46cbde5⋯.png (643.28 KB,371x917,53:131,norfolkSouthernCeoBurnit.png)

File: a6080d8fab13587⋯.png (982.1 KB,634x936,317:468,norfolkSouthernSuccess.png)


>Dank Memes - that's the bread and butter of Q R. Awakening the normies is an art, not a science.


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65827a No.18513331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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65827a No.18513332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9dbef4 No.18513333

Someone tell Matt Wallace that Bill Gates isnt arrested yet

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222589 No.18513335

Microsoft Scraps AI Ethics Team As It Rolls Out ChatGPT

Microsoft’s commitment to AI ethics has been called into question after the software giant laid off a team dedicated to guiding AI innovation in a manner that respects privacy, transparency, and security. The company’s decision to ditch its AI ethics team is especially questionable given its rapid expansion of ChatGPT-powered AI in its software products.

TechCrunch reports that Microsoft’s commitment to ethical and responsible AI practices has come under scrutiny after reports emerged that the company has disbanded its team dedicated to guiding ethical AI innovation. According to Platformer, the elimination of the ethics and society team is a result of a recent round of layoffs that affected 10,000 workers throughout the company.

Microsoft’s Office of Responsible AI (ORA), which sets rules for responsible AI development through governance and public policy work, still remains. However, the ethics and society team that was responsible for ensuring Microsoft’s responsible AI principles were reflected in the design of products has been laid off. The group had recently been focusing on identifying dangers brought on by Microsoft’s adoption of OpenAI technology across a range of its products.

The majority of the employees involved in AI ethics were assigned to other teams within the company during the reorganization last year. John Montgomery, corporate vice president of AI, informed the remaining candidates that they would be laid off on March 6. Team members told Platformer that they thought they were let go as Microsoft seemed less concerned with long term, socially responsible thinking and aimed to ship its AI products ahead of the competition.

The elimination of the ethics and society team comes as Microsoft begins to invest billions of dollars into its partnership with OpenAI.


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65827a No.18513336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cf83ff No.18513337

Compromised Butt Pirate Lindsey Graham wants WW3.

Fake JiuJitsu champ in his own mind Sean Hannity agrees.

These guys are absolute clowns.


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9dbef4 No.18513338

So Russia dumped fuel on the drone? Even though dumped fuel vaporizes and evaporates… this guy timed it perfectly and got right in front of a drone and dumped fuel… lmao and Biden got 81 million votes

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15e717 No.18513339

File: 0ee10172cfae7dd⋯.png (178.48 KB,484x328,121:82,ClipboardImage.png)


>Microsoft Scraps Ethics

And this is news?

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1f9379 No.18513340

File: 8531ca22d3f1285⋯.png (403 B,39x26,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7508309b82e1d74⋯.png (328 B,32x34,16:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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19037e No.18513341

File: e838584423d3ce1⋯.png (740.24 KB,800x533,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)

Farmers’ protest party set to shake up Dutch political landscape


March 15, 2023

By Bart H. Meijer

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) – A farmers’ protest party looks set to shake up the political landscape in the Netherlands on Wednesday, with polls indicating it will be the big winner in provincial elections that determine the make-up of the Senate.

The BBB or BoerBurgerBeweging (Farmer-Civilian Movement) party is expected to ride a wave of protests against the government’s environmental policies and is poised to win more Senate seats than Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s conservative VVD party, a poll by research company I&O showed last week.

The poll indicated BBB might win 13 of a total of 75 seats in the Senate, which has the power to block legislation agreed upon in the Lower House of parliament, with the VVD dropping from 12 to 10 seats.

This would further complicate the position of Rutte’s governing coalition, which has not had a Senate majority since the previous provincial elections in 2019 and must negotiate deals with left-wing opponents.

The two most cooperative parties, Labour and GreenLeft, look set to hold on to their seats, keeping their combined group slightly bigger than BBB and possibly enough to maintain support for Rutte’s policies.

Still, a meteoric rise would give the BBB significant influence, especially over policies aimed at limiting nitrogen pollution on farms, the single issue upon which it was founded in 2019.

The Dutch government aims to cut these emissions in half by 2030, as relatively large numbers of livestock and heavy use of fertilizers have led to levels of nitrogen oxides in the soil and water that violate European Union regulations.

The BBB says the problem has been exaggerated and that proposed solutions will lead to farm closures and food production shortages.

The party won a single Lower House seat in 2021, but its popularity has surged on the back of growing distrust of the government and anger over issues such as immigration.

Rutte’s government, in its fourth consecutive term since 2010, has dropped to a 20% approval rating, its lowest in a decade.

Most polling stations across the Netherlands will open at 0630 GMT on Wednesday and close at 2000 GMT [0ne hour] when a first exit poll will be published. Official results are expected to come in early on Thursday.

(Reporting by Bart Meijer; Editing by Susan Fenton)

Disclaimer: This report is auto-generated from the Reuters news service. ThePrint holds no responsibility for its content.

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360a1a No.18513342

File: 2e56388a9058fc3⋯.jpg (70.91 KB,992x558,16:9,bush_funeral_laugh_ap_ps_1….jpg)

File: 293f04ccf88ae62⋯.jpg (71.54 KB,976x549,16:9,_104632770_mediaitem104632….jpg)

File: 1b672dac79f73f8⋯.jpg (40.28 KB,660x440,3:2,8f4f2183_aacb_4067_a6e3_85….jpg)

File: fb5ed3510baf9ae⋯.jpeg (302.79 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Columba_Bush_former_Flori….jpeg)


in a bread knot so long ago.yesterdayish.if all those letters contained personal blackmail photographs. jeb bush is the tell.weakest link.

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65827a No.18513343

File: 4e8da24d3a0c418⋯.jpg (44.32 KB,488x752,61:94,frenchtrenchbetocheeseburg….jpg)

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844867 No.18513344


Notables So Far

>>18513237 'Tater Discusses his Plan to Lower Prescription Drug Costs

>>18513239 FDA Authorizes Updated COVID-19 Vaccine for Children as Young as 6 Months Old

>>18513250 Erdogan says Turkey will honour its pledge on Finland’s NATO bid after meeting the Finnish president on Friday

>>18513252 Cop Gets 14 Years for Responding to Child Rape Case by Raping the Child Himself

>>18513256 Evidence Shows Dr. Fauci Contributed Directly and Significantly to China’s COVID R&D and Propaganda

>>18513269 A 96-Page DC Police Report UNCOVERED – Shows Govt Knew MAGA Was Coming on Jan 6 and Entrapped Them ALL

>>18513274, >>18513282 @1stMEF Stand by… CONTACT!💥⚡️

>>18513276 Moar banking updates

>>18513283 Former Pakistani PM alleges assassination plot

>>18513286 Judge Rejects Request From Moderna, Moving Key COVID-19 Vaccine Case To Discovery

>>18513289 Is Misinformation the Problem? Re-examining the Infodemic with Renée DiResta - 2023 Annual NLM Lecture

>>18513292 FY2024 Budget Requests for the Congressional Budget Office, the Government Accountability Office, and the Government Publishing Office

>>18513295 Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, Glenn "GT" Thompson (PA-15), Hosts a Farm Bill Listening Session in Waco, Texas

>>18513300 To Receive Testimony on Military and Civilian Personnel Programs in the Department of Defense in Review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2024 and the Future Years Defense Program

>>18513304 Ukraine invites Ron DeSantis to visit after his claim war not ‘vital’ to US

>>18513305 Hearings to Examine the Future Path of VA's Electronic Health Record Modernization Program

>>18513320 ‘Utter Lunacy’ — Transgender Child Sex Offender Found Guilty of Raping Friend with ‘Her Penis’

>>18513327 Elementary school teacher says confusing kids about gender is ‘the goal’

>>18513328 @USMC #Marines hot load a Mark 82 General Purpose bomb onto an F/A-18C Hornet aircraft on San Clemente Island, Calif.

Noter Taps

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60f61c No.18513345


Interfering in Elections?

Israel uses high-technology to influence results


A week ago an interesting story surfaced briefly in the news about how the developing Republican presidential candidate bids by Nikki Haley and others had been attacked over the past eleven months by possibly as many as hundreds of thousands of false automated personas, referred to in the trade as “bots,” on Twitter and other internet based social media. Interestingly, the activity was discovered and shared with Associated Press by an Israeli internet security company called Cyabra, which also claimed that the “bots” generation seem to have originated in three separate networks of false Twitter accounts. The accounts appear to have been created in the United States and it is believed that Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications are increasingly being used to create completely lifelike fake personas, extremely difficult for security filters and censors to detect.

The article claimed that those thousands of electronically generated non-persons had been programmed to disparage Haley and Ron DeSantis and others, often using “fake news” or alleged leaks of embarrassing personal information, while also praising the virtues of Donald Trump. The apparent intention was to build popular support for Trump by exploiting the social media sites’ algorithms to reach a large audience at the expense of the other possible GOP candidates. There are also concerns among some Republicans that the effort to give life to the Trump campaign by materially impacting on online political discussion might possibly be orchestrated and paid for by major outside interests that could actually be either foreign or criminal. Of course, as the operation has been exposed by an Israeli company, the possibility exists that the story is itself at least in part a false flag to plausibly deny any involvement by the Jewish state if that were to be demonstrable.

The story is nevertheless of interest, to be sure, based on its own merits, but it surfaced at the same time as a much bigger tale of international subversion, also linked to Israel, that was in addition linked to elections and regime change. While the United States must certainly be considered the world leader in compelling all nations to conform to the political and moral values that it insists be adhered to, Israel has stealthily become the nation that covertly uses its prowess in cyberwar and technology, particularly via the internet, to penetrate and disrupt the activities of friend and foe alike. One recalls the unleashing of the computer virus Stuxnet against Iran prior to 2010 and the more recent placement of cellphone surveillance listening devices near the White House and other federal buildings in Washington….


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222589 No.18513346

File: eea5b665cc72153⋯.png (124.72 KB,678x621,226:207,ClipboardImage.png)

NBA owners have $10 billion in China, afraid to criticize Communist regime

Owners of NBA teams have collectively invested more than $10 billion in Communist-controlled China, giving them a personal interest in a country increasingly at odds with the U.S. as the league’s lucrative business expands there.

NBA China now contributes about $150 million to the value of each of the league’s 30 teams, ESPN reported last year. But that is only one part of that $10 billion figure, which also accounts for team owners’ various other financial ties to the world’s second-largest economy.

The NBA owner with by far the highest percentage of their net worth tied to China is Brooklyn Nets owner Joe Tsai, according to ESPN. He has 53.5 percent of his fortune there, largely because he co-founded the Chinese e-commerce titan Alibaba.

The next highest is Sacramento Kings co-owner Paul Jacobs, with an estimated 30 percent of his net worth linked to Chinese business, according to ESPN.

The NBA has come under increasing scrutiny for its China ties since former Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey tweeted support for Hong Kong protesters in 2019. NBA players and officials distanced themselves from the tweet, but China still banned NBA broadcasts for 18 months, exposing the league’s increasing dependence on Chinese goodwill.

READ MORE: Navy intel chief says average Americans are ‘naive,’ have ‘blindness’ on China threat

Robert Kuhn, who advises Chinese political leaders and multinational corporations doing business in China, highlighted the incentive not to criticize China as “a significant issue and problem that American companies have.”

“It’s a tension between those two poles … to see companies promoting social justice in the U.S. but staying silent on what would be perceived to be far worse issues in China,” he said. “This is going to be an issue for the rest of our working lives.”

An example of that came in 2021 after Nike, the longtime sponsor of legendary player and Charlotte Hornets owner Michael Jordan, faced allegations that its cotton came from forced labor in China’s Xinjiang region. The U.S. State Department has declared that China is committing an ongoing “genocide” against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang.

Nike said it was “concerned” but “does not source products” from the region, a response that drew a boycott from Chinese consumers, ESPN reported.


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65827a No.18513347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5b6800 No.18513348

File: 9441c287e40a0ca⋯.png (188.96 KB,611x409,611:409,image_removebg_preview_1_.png)


>Ukraine invites Ron DeSantis to visit after his claim war not ‘vital’ to US

Oh that's rich!


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30245f No.18513349

File: f84b905362439ff⋯.png (366.58 KB,598x581,598:581,Screenshot_2023_03_15_at_1….png)

The Times of Israel


AG ends probe into ex-Mossad chief over $20,000 gift from Australian billionaire


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9b884a No.18513350

File: 36696abd063fa8f⋯.jpeg (569.43 KB,1170x1024,585:512,B462DDE3_19BF_4B28_8214_4….jpeg)



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cf2e39 No.18513351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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48b16a No.18513352


With corresponding deltas, answers to Q questions, and coinydinks.

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6ce025 No.18513353

File: a6bd0988ec323a8⋯.png (95.66 KB,193x261,193:261,ClipboardImage.png)


>Ukraine invites Ron DeSantis to visit after his claim war not ‘vital’ to US

They're going to Vril his ass

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65827a No.18513354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.









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29bf93 No.18513355

File: f2ff61a50396320⋯.jpg (22.83 KB,330x330,1:1,34343.jpg)


Select entities go straight to the void.

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65827a No.18513356

you kunt eat all taht la$agna gaRRfield

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b5b441 No.18513357

File: b1101a7b8d4ee19⋯.gif (577.23 KB,480x640,3:4,wink_wink.gif)


>Dr Jill and Kamala's husband

Just frens…

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60f61c No.18513358



Israel’s prowess apparently includes the ability to influence more foreign elections than anyone else. Curiously enough, a leading Israeli group, referred to by its founder Tal Hanan as Team Jorge, has particular expertise in hacking and spreading disinformation using thousands of false identities and profiles, very much like the story of the Republican Party hijinks. The organization has been exposed in long articles appearing in a number of European publications which had been party to an undercover investigation of its activities, but oddly enough no US media picked it up and ran with it even though there were clear similarities to what had been taking place with the Republicans.

The investigation determined that Team Jorge has worked for a number of apparently mostly private clients, including political organizations, who pay generously for the special services it provides. Its activities, now exposed, add to a growing body of evidence that there exist shadowy private firms across the world that are exploiting invasive hacking tools and the power of online social media platforms to manipulate public opinion and even to sway voters in elections.

Hanan, a former Israeli special forces operative, claims his company, which he regards as a legitimate corporate contractor, has been operating under the radar for two decades out of an office near Tel Aviv. Team Jorge also has six overseas affiliates which have been providing services both to political groups and businesses. Hanan is not shy about his successes. He boasted that “We are now involved in one election in Africa… We have a team in Greece and a team in [the] Emirates… [We have completed] 33 presidential-level campaigns, 27 of which were successful… Most of the campaigns – two-thirds – were in Africa” but Hanan also claimed “work” in Latin America, the US and Europe. He said at one point that he was involved in two “major projects” in the US but denied interfering directly in US politics. No matter where it operates, Team Jorge’s business is profitable. Tal Hanan told one potential client that he would accept payments in a variety of currencies. Interference in an election would cost between 6 and 15 million Euros

Hanan was exposed by a team of three undercover reporters who posed as prospective clients in the latter half of 2022. The story appeared in the British Guardian on February 15th, and was also picked up by the Daily Mail. It also appeared in the French and German media. The lengthy articles revealed the content of secretly recorded meetings in which Tal Hanan described in detail how his services, which some might describe as “black ops”, were available to intelligence agencies, political campaigns and private companies that wanted to secretly manipulate public opinion. To demonstrate the power of his hacking tools, Hanan hacked into the Gmail inbox and Telegram account of several political operatives in Kenya a few days before a presidential election there. Telegram is marketed as a top-level security communications system.

Team Jorge’s most sought-after service is a sophisticated software package, Advanced Impact Media Solutions, or AIMS. Per Hanan, it can create and control thousands of fake social media profiles on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Telegram, Gmail, Instagram and YouTube. Some of the AIMS avatars even have backup credit accounts to establish their bona fides, using bank cards, bitcoin wallets and Airbnb account numbers.

Team Jorge also has had what might be described as a business relationship with the now notorious British consulting firm Cambridge Analytica. Cambridge Analytica is now out of business but it participated in a Nigerian election with Team Jorge. It is best known for having stolen the personal data belonging to 87 million Facebook users. It then allegedly used the data to provide analytical assistance to the 2016 presidential campaigns of both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump and some believe the service provided may have influenced the result of the subsequent US presidential election….


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25489e No.18513359

File: af77a9f9d3dd577⋯.png (843.74 KB,894x960,149:160,2e65e14bdfdf3f8580da74a46e….png)

when you filter a shill and the bakers posts disappear.

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30245f No.18513360

File: 145abe7d7145891⋯.png (159.91 KB,538x253,538:253,145abe7d7145891ba0d326b1da….png)

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6d24fc No.18513361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'Tater Link HOT


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cd64e5 No.18513362

>>18513352 A Q Post Art Exhibit is just what America needs.



You wanted to go big - this would be big. Travel with the Comic Cons?

Nerds LOVE conspiracies.

Q Post Art Exhibit co-located with Comic-Cons.

Art Museums would LOVE the attraction. They're going bankrupt with the Trump EO's

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a3f216 No.18513363

>ID: 65827a

10% for the big guy?

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090f00 No.18513364

File: a0308cff9c61fe9⋯.png (336.25 KB,877x619,877:619,desanctusMuhPodium1.png)

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090f00 No.18513365


<Promises made Promises kept

who's this nigger stealing Potus' line

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5b6800 No.18513366

File: 62620a4d9711d22⋯.mp4 (2.63 MB,640x360,16:9,Bush_funeral_Our_promise_t….mp4)


Our promise to counter.

Wonder how that went.

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cd64e5 No.18513367


Display the Q Post Art Exhibit where the Georgia Guidestones were destroyed. How big of a fuck you would that be?

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222589 No.18513369

File: b53bb27d23ae460⋯.png (456.24 KB,671x848,671:848,ClipboardImage.png)

Researchers oversold Israeli COVID shot, wasted millions on flop — comptroller

State ombudsman faults Defense Ministry institute for mishandling project and misleading officials on costs, timetable and ability to produce homegrown vaccine

Israel’s bid for a homegrown vaccine against COVID-19 was a “failed” boondoggle that cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of shekels, State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman said Tuesday, accusing the Defense Ministry research lab that ran the project of misleading officials on its progress and costs.

The Brilife vaccine was touted in the early stages of the pandemic as Israel’s answer to a global outcry for a way to combat the deadly virus. Even after Israel secured vaccine supplies from Pfizer, Moderna and other major pharma firms, the Defense Ministry’s Institute for Biological Research in Ness Ziona continued to develop the project until it was scrapped in July 2022 without having produced a shot approved for use.

“The project failed,” Englman wrote.

The report found NIS 230 million ($63.5 million) of public money was invested in the project.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who was not minister during the vaccine development period, nonetheless defended the project, saying it was a reasonable idea under the circumstances, while the Defense Ministry said that the development had nonetheless produced valuable results.


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60f61c No.18513370



Israel has long been the home of start-up cyberwarfare companies due to its government’s intense focus on developing the tools and skills to attack targets like Iran’s alleged nuclear program. It now might also face increased international pressure to rein in the former employees who were schooled in its military technology sector. Most of Hanan’s employees are, in fact, formerly with the government. The Team Jorge revelations come on top of accounts of how the powerful Israeli-made Pegasus spyware had been developed and sold by the cyber intelligence company NSO Group Technologies to various governments and other users. NSO reportedly spent lavishly in a bid to convince the US government to buy its advanced spyware. It even paid a consulting fee of $100,000 to Michael Flynn before he became President Donald Trump’s National Security Adviser. The company’s software was reportedly used internationally by governments to spy on political dissidents and, in particular, on journalists. Some others targeted by Pegasus included human rights activists and religious leaders, as well as politicians including French President Emmanuel Macron.

There has been a sharp reaction within the social media and internet communications communities since the revelations about Team Jorge. Meta, the owner of Facebook, immediately took steps to identify and take down possible AIMS-linked identities on its platform. It is presumed that other companies are doing the same. Team Jorge claims to have had great success in its disinformation efforts relating to elections, but until someone does an essentially forensic analysis of what was done and how, no one will ever know the truth. Presumably the company has already destroyed any and all particularly embarrassing documents. What is known, however, is that the toxic mix of Israel’s advanced cyberwar programs combined with the private enterprise of those cyberwarriors who leave government and apply their skills is something that has to be addressed. It has to be regulated or controlled in some fashion or the credibility of the social media and communications systems that current bind much of the world together will be suspect, which is precisely what some observers of what has just been revealed regarding the Republican Party nomination process should be thinking.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East.

Website is councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is inform@cnionline.org.


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15e717 No.18513371


> who's this nigger

An old fat man who needs his insulin so that he can keep enjoying his ice cream, that's who.

> Nurses in the house?

Yeah, we know what he means.

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4afc25 No.18513372

File: c66ec086bd8314e⋯.png (590.1 KB,797x696,797:696,Screen_Shot_03_15_23_at_03….PNG)


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19037e No.18513373

File: d714d01c6d53487⋯.png (215.9 KB,689x585,53:45,ClipboardImage.png)

Doug Emhoff says the "hate" that led to the Holocaust is "interconnected" to the "hate [in America] you see just going to a school meeting."

1:19 PM · Mar 15, 2023


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6d24fc No.18513374

File: 87511aef458988c⋯.png (8.54 KB,255x255,1:1,smilingsmoke44.png)



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090f00 No.18513375

File: ef19692438fdb20⋯.png (63.19 KB,214x398,107:199,fulltater2.png)

File: 2a86c380c27c3cc⋯.png (61.56 KB,237x443,237:443,fulltater3.png)



>who's this nigger stealing Potus' line

hory shit

this is off to a good start

Tater: Where are the nurses?!

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25489e No.18513376

File: 1e3e940c8df3939⋯.png (1 MB,1024x683,1024:683,7d4bf637_3afe_49ca_aa8f_71….png)


veiled threats assessment

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360a1a No.18513378

File: 6a65968fc212dd2⋯.jpg (86.76 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_20_.jpg)






this is an inderasding photograph.>>18513362

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1f9379 No.18513379


Fuck that. Write another book Jim. 1 Q post per page front and back. Include images of posts/tweets/news articles Q tagged with each drop. I'll but it.

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222589 No.18513380

9 million AT&T customer accounts breached – Is your data included?

Over 9 million AT&T customers have been notified of a data breach exposing their data shared with the company. Those that use its services have likely received an alert detailing the attack. We recommend checking your inbox to see if you’ve gotten the message.

Here’s what you need to know if you’ve been affected.

Is your personal information in jeopardy?

According to AT&T’s data breach notification, the problem began when a third-party marketing vendor was attacked by hackers earlier this year. Fortunately, much of the data procured through the breach appears only to include customers’ business with AT&T.

Data in the breach includes first names, wireless account numbers, phone numbers and email addresses.

While the personal data exposed may seem tame compared to other data disasters, it’s worth mentioning that information of this nature could lead to a stolen identity. The brand promises that if any customer information is found on the Dark Web, the affected party will be notified immediately.

AT&T is urging you to be responsive to security alerts coming from the defensive measures it has in place. The company also asks that anybody impacted be on the lookout for suspicious phishing messages and change their passwords immediately, just in case.


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dca2a6 No.18513381


Too big to load on here

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cd64e5 No.18513382


This anon would buy that.

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6d24fc No.18513383

File: fb595872e6cf1c9⋯.jpg (27.84 KB,474x239,474:239,medic444.jpg)

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222589 No.18513384

File: f8ab63a0ae4ca8f⋯.png (37.76 KB,829x345,829:345,ClipboardImage.png)

Judicial Watch Sues Federal Trade Commission for Communications about Twitter Owner Elon Musk

Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for communications of its chair, Lina Khan, regarding Twitter and Twitter’s owner Elon Musk (Judicial Watch Inc. v. Federal Trade Commission (1:23-cv-00692 (ABJ))

Judicial Watch sued after the Federal Trade Commission failed to respond to a November 14, 2022, FOIA request for:

Records and communications maintained by Lina Khan, Chairperson, U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) including memoranda, reports, briefings, hand-written notes, email communications, email chains, email attachments and other form of records or communications exchanged regarding or referring to Mr. Elon Musk, CEO, Twitter, or the company Twitter with the below named individuals:

(a) Commissioner Noah Joshua Phillips

(b) Commissioner Christine S. Wilson

(c) Commissioner Rebecca Slaughter

(d) Commissioner Alvaro Bedoya

Khan, nominated by President Biden in March 2021, has reportedly been aggressive in investigating Twitter after its purchase by Elon Musk in October 2022. According to the New York Post:

The Federal Trade Commission has asked Twitter to turn over internal communications related to owner Elon Musk, detailed information about layoffs and other business decisions as part of an investigation into the social media company, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday citing documents.

The FTC, chaired by Lina Khan, sent 12 letters to Twitter and its lawyers since Musk’s takeover in October. It also asked the company to “identify all journalists” who were granted access to company records and to provide information about the launch of the revamped Twitter Blue subscription service, the report said.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the Federal Trade Commission’s letters to Twitter “were obtained by the Republican-led House Judiciary Committee, which published excerpts of them Tuesday in a staff report about the FTC’s investigation.”

“The leftists now running the Biden administration don’t hesitate to use the power of the state to silence their critics,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “And we will use the power of the courts to expose them.”

Judicial Watch is heavily involved in countering government and big tech censorship.

In February it filed a FOIA lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for records of communication related to the work of the Election Integrity Partnership that could detail coordinated censorship activities.

In a separate lawsuit, Judicial Watch is suing the DHS for all records of communications between the Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency (CISA) and the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), which was reportedly active during the 2022 midterm elections. Among the news outlets flagged by EIP were websites for Just the News, New York Post, Fox News, Washington Examiner, The Washington Times, The Epoch Times and Breitbart.

Judicial Watch recently sued the DOJ for records of communications between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and social media sites regarding foreign influence in elections, as well as the Hunter Biden laptop story.

In September 2022, Judicial Watch sued the Secretary of State of the State of California for censoring a Judicial Watch election integrity video.


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25489e No.18513385


>9 million AT&T customer accounts breached

sumbody is in the wires… all of them, including electricity, signals being sent everywhere.

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6ce025 No.18513386

File: cb8091ff186f59e⋯.png (421.76 KB,825x583,75:53,ClipboardImage.png)

Rep. Chip Roy Formally Endorses DeSantis For President


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19037e No.18513387


hate speech reported to jootube

611 watching now Started streaming 45 minutes ago

Las Vegas, NV

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8e8b0b No.18513388


!:$):$*. tl;dw but what about that star in the east that strobes red and green? don't member that one till about 16 years ago, really bright one in that spot but def not a planet. noticed it strobing colors about 5 years ago.

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60f61c No.18513389


Team Jorge

…."Team Jorge claims to have had great success in its disinformation efforts relating to elections, but until someone does an essentially forensic analysis of what was done and how, no one will ever know the truth. Presumably the company has already destroyed any and all particularly embarrassing documents. What is known, however, is that the toxic mix of Israel’s advanced cyberwar programs combined with the private enterprise of those cyberwarriors who leave government and apply their skills is something that has to be addressed. It has to be regulated or controlled in some fashion or the credibility of the social media and communications systems that current bind much of the world together will be suspect, which is precisely what some observers of what has just been revealed regarding the Republican Party nomination process should be thinking."

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360a1a No.18513390

File: 587639d1c5ed394⋯.jpg (123.98 KB,1024x683,1024:683,trump_michelle_obama_georg….jpg)

File: 293f04ccf88ae62⋯.jpg (71.54 KB,976x549,16:9,_104632770_mediaitem104632….jpg)

File: 103f707536fa399⋯.jpg (98.83 KB,1024x799,1024:799,jordan_king_queen_raina_bu….jpg)

File: 6a65968fc212dd2⋯.jpg (86.76 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_20_.jpg)

File: b5bd680aa69d2f8⋯.jpg (416.81 KB,1011x1600,1011:1600,Black_Watch_Piper_Major_ts….jpg)


if the white hats wear masks too. the end is gonna be theatrical.

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cd64e5 No.18513391

Anons are limitless

Anons don't know what they can't do

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19037e No.18513392

File: 92c8fe7eb3e9fcc⋯.png (385.79 KB,737x900,737:900,ClipboardImage.png)



Ron DeSantis for President of the United States #NeverBackDown #DeSantis2024

1:37 PM · Mar 15, 2023


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090f00 No.18513393

File: d04aaf1dbd76053⋯.png (913.36 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2023_03_15….png)

File: 8dc00e718317f1a⋯.png (558.6 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2023_03_15….png)



Is he off script?

not seeing a teleprompter

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240251 No.18513394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hunter 2024???

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222589 No.18513395

Woman who thinks she's Madeleine McCann submits DNA for forensic tests

Julia Wendel took to social media last month claiming to be missing toddler Madeleine McCann.

Julia Wendel, who thinks she's missing toddler Madeleine McCann, submitted DNA samples for forensic testing, her Private investigator Dr. Fia Johansson told Radar Online last week.

Johansson said that Wendel submitted DNA for three forensic tests as well as a 23andMe-style genetic test. The results of the test will give investigators more information on Wendel's DNA and help determine whether she is McCann or not.

“We have a lot of evidence right now that shows Julia was definitely trafficked to Poland from another country by an international sex trafficking group,” Johansson told Radar Online. “We are still conducting an investigation but Julia is definitely not the biological daughter of her parents in Poland.”

Wendel, who lives in Poland, opened an Instagram account in February called @IamMadeleineMacCann, and she posted videos on the account claiming to be the girl who went missing in Portugal when on holiday with her family in 2007.

Why does Wendel think she's Madeleine McCann?

She said her reason for believing this was that she thought they looked similar and that she was suspicious of details regarding her childhood that her parents had told her.


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1f9379 No.18513396


>Anons don't know what they can't do

otherwise known as "limited" because of lack of knowledge.

Potentially limitless?

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c53922 No.18513397

File: e727342b7f50b0a⋯.png (7.23 MB,3000x2001,1000:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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29bf93 No.18513398

File: d8942fae436aa72⋯.jpg (523.21 KB,563x866,563:866,d8942fae436aa7244f5e00e83a….jpg)

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8e8b0b No.18513399


I don't like the name Chip. Knew a few.

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60f61c No.18513400


Of course, as the operation has been exposed by an Israeli company, the possibility exists that the story is itself at least in part a false flag to plausibly deny any involvement by the Jewish state if that were to be demonstrable.

Of course, as the operation has been exposed by an Israeli company, the possibility exists that the story is itself at least in part a false flag to plausibly deny any involvement by the Jewish state if that were to be demonstrable.

Of course, as the operation has been exposed by an Israeli company, the possibility exists that the story is itself at least in part a false flag to plausibly deny any involvement by the Jewish state if that were to be demonstrable.

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65827a No.18513401

File: da5c997c5f5ecc5⋯.png (6.24 MB,3697x2414,3697:2414,HOMOS.png)


danfaggot shall sang to U.S.

teh virtues of david bowie

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dc6d55 No.18513402


reported to jootube for misinformation

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ebcae8 No.18513403


You can count on the Q ANONs vote too Ron


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c53922 No.18513404

File: 4edb38f46a0d2dc⋯.jpg (10.86 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe2.jpg)


I've done some personal experiments on the reach of this board last year. I've been given a small glimpse of the full potential, but the big picture is fuzzy.

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19037e No.18513405

File: 8815b498978546a⋯.png (78.21 KB,138x449,138:449,8815169e87.png)

File: 14228a66881637b⋯.png (430.05 KB,755x378,755:378,0203c0e0f494196006db89afa4….png)

File: 2844a254fb605da⋯.png (671.53 KB,768x583,768:583,2844a25acfd25.png)

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57669e No.18513406

File: 3f519f5f7303297⋯.png (977.79 KB,900x1200,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

I thought their plan was to create ww3 and then once it was over they wanted to come "rescue us"/order out of chaos with digital currency-if vaccinated and bill gates' literal cancer cell infested synthetic meat and so if we have to show them then I guess we are gonna go thru it?

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cd64e5 No.18513409


100th monkey is level 1

meditation and meditative prayer is level 2

anons - remember - If you're not growing you're shrinking. Nothing ever stays the same.

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60f61c No.18513410


…"While the United States must certainly be considered the world leader in compelling all nations to conform to the political and moral values that it insists be adhered to, Israel has stealthily become the nation that covertly uses its prowess in cyberwar and technology, particularly via the internet, to penetrate and disrupt the activities of friend and foe alike."….

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1f9379 No.18513411

File: 5bb356d8097cd7b⋯.png (9.58 KB,374x273,374:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 843a6333080526f⋯.png (264.26 KB,1303x1079,1303:1079,ClipboardImage.png)




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8b23d5 No.18513412

Mr. Biden: After decades of trying to take on Big Pharma, we finally, finally won.

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97abcf No.18513413

File: 3f81324d00fd3da⋯.png (75.89 KB,752x349,752:349,Screen_Shot_2023_03_15_at_….png)


Uranium 1 and its relationship to national security and maybe even the Ukraine war.

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8e8b0b No.18513414

File: c49dc9a639f602a⋯.png (84.03 KB,218x231,218:231,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a775b915ef3ca7⋯.png (46.07 KB,196x257,196:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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562f52 No.18513415

2.1 dry rotted 29, kys

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6d24fc No.18513416

File: 264d4bd8c08243c⋯.gif (3.23 MB,448x263,448:263,boom44.gif)


think they brain chipped him

no teleprompter necessary

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222589 No.18513417

File: bdb855116b2a62f⋯.png (524.86 KB,673x870,673:870,ClipboardImage.png)

New Zealand: Response to Freedom of Information request shows mRNA boosters increase risk of death by 11%

Information obtained from Health New Zealand via the Freedom of Information Act shows that people who receive a third dose of Pfizer’s covid injection increase their risk of death by 11%.

The policy of encouraging booster injections should cease immediately.

Information concerning mortality in 2021, 2022, and 2023 correlated with vaccination status has been released by Te Whata Ora, Health New Zealand, following a Freedom of Information (“OIA”) request. The figures are signed off by Astrid Koornneef, Interim Director of Prevention, National Public Health Service.

A copy of the response to the OIA is attached below.




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cd64e5 No.18513418


It's not 'what gets out' on Q R.

It's 'who comes' to QR and then puts it out.

Anons have been given a seat at the table by we all know who.

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fb5099 No.18513419

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360a1a No.18513420

File: c4e96c7ea106f4d⋯.jpg (154.13 KB,1600x1057,1600:1057,afd19_ms_gp_50.jpg)

File: ff0d70e371c5101⋯.jpeg (7.89 KB,197x256,197:256,images_2023_03_15T151758_….jpeg)

File: 0d44ea69ffd35a2⋯.gif (2.85 MB,498x371,498:371,muppets_rowlf.gif)

File: 28fa6189ad1206b⋯.jpeg (94.21 KB,524x720,131:180,28fa6189ad1206b4946aef532….jpeg)

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5b6800 No.18513421

File: e5dd261935e2205⋯.gif (135.81 KB,498x331,498:331,e5dd261935e2205b2aea52dfd0….gif)

File: 1eeb6b98f05a3ae⋯.mp4 (966.19 KB,480x360,4:3,17_moves.mp4)

File: 7bc3e02ab456593⋯.gif (948.74 KB,366x228,61:38,7bc3e02ab4565939c66fa9b683….gif)




Nice thought could be much.

Do folks still venture to museums?

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19037e No.18513422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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fb5099 No.18513424



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cd64e5 No.18513425


They would if you stuck 5000 Q Posts in a building with presentations on the history and formation of Q Research and the Q Posts.

If you build it they will come. 100%

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222589 No.18513426

File: b9500baf1dd464a⋯.png (213.31 KB,551x480,551:480,ClipboardImage.png)

James O'Keefe launches O'Keefe Media Group after ouster from Project Veritas

O'Keefe launched the OMG website on Wednesday and urged viewers to sign up.

James O'Keefe appeared on the Charlie Kirk Show to promote his newest project since being ousted from Project Veritas, the O'Keefe Media Group, or OMG.

O'Keefe launched the website on Wednesday and urged viewers to sign up, as did Kirk.


O'Keefe said that he's received thousands of emails asking how they can join the cause and how they can help. O'Keefe said that viewers can subscribe to the website, and they can sponsor and pay for a camera that they can use to do their own undercover reporting.


New gatekeeping operation

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8e8b0b No.18513427

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The plan is to utterly destroy all religions and fill the void with satanism.

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360a1a No.18513428


mp3 for a troop

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222589 No.18513429

File: d242c799fd8410b⋯.png (137.69 KB,755x904,755:904,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94437844081ee72⋯.png (162.3 KB,763x861,109:123,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4e58a6083e0e22⋯.png (53.9 KB,748x463,748:463,ClipboardImage.png)

Justice Department Investigation Leads to Takedown of Darknet Cryptocurrency Mixer that Processed Over $3 Billion of Unlawful Transactions

Vietnamese Operator of ChipMixer Charged with Laundering Money for Ransomware Perpetrators, Darknet Markets, Fraudsters, and State-Sponsored


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cd64e5 No.18513430


An exhibit on the Titanic, Military Industrial Complex, Kennedy, WWII, Royal Families.

Big big art meets truth moment.

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7a2589 No.18513431

I’m sick of constantly flipping through media looking for a real win, arrest whatever. It ain’t habbening. Muh Durham and Huber and other Durham. Sad.

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5b6800 No.18513432

File: 733a73d888730c6⋯.gif (3.08 MB,1024x768,4:3,Return_of_Q.gif)


The return of Q would help substantiate such moves imo

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8b4529 No.18513433


I wonder what timezone that post was from? Also… We just gonna skip Thursday, or what?

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1f9379 No.18513434


>constantly flipping through media looking for a real win,

then do something else

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562f52 No.18513435

Col. Mc craw is clearly coked out. His saliva cheek filled speech, sniffling nose breathing. Iykyl

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8e8b0b No.18513436

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9e3525 No.18513437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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cd64e5 No.18513438


And then of course, the meme (with gif presentations) gallery. This anon is getting goose bumps.

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19037e No.18513439

File: fb5ac7c7bc6e80f⋯.png (293.6 KB,461x580,461:580,ClipboardImage.png)




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7a2589 No.18513440


Won’t. Everything is a steaming pile of Marxism. Completely compromised.

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15e717 No.18513441

File: 50a0bf328b79cb4⋯.png (5.02 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


> no teleprompter

He has an earpiece, and is just mouthing the words.

Would be fun to sit in the audience with a wide-band jammer. Or, better still, sniff the freq's out and start spoofing lines. Work him like a puppet.

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222589 No.18513442

Black Lives Matter Movement Received Nearly $83 Billion from Corporations

Who is behind the movement against racism and poverty in America.

We are dealing with a network of corporate funding of so-called “progressive” organizations.

The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and related causes received an astonishing $82.9 billion from corporations, a new funding database from the Claremont Institute has found.

The Claremont Institute’s Center for the American Way of Life explained the necessity of their report in an article published in Newsweek, where the Center asserted that the 2020 BLM movement was about more than just “rioting and destruction.”

The Center explained that “The BLM pressure campaigns, harassment, and moral blackmail also amounted to possibly the most lucrative shakedown of corporate America in its history.”

“As a point of reference, $82.9 billion is more than the GDP of 46 African countries. In 2022, the Ford Motor Company’s profits were $23 billion,” they also noted. The sum of $82.9 million includes “more than $123 million to the BLM parent organizations directly,” as well as much more to other organizations supporting BLM’s agenda.

The list reveals that several popular corporations from a wide range of different industries supplied the movement with large sums of cash. Walmart, for example, which is based in Arkansas, gave a whopping $100 million in support of BLM and related causes focusing on “racial equity.” Amazon gave even more, supplying the movement with an astonishing $169.5 million. Silicon Valley Bank gave the movement $73.45 million.

Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical company Abbvie gave the movement over $62 million in funding. Allstate gave $7.7 million to the cause and American Express gave $50 million. Apple gave $100 million while AT&T gave $21.5 million. The movement and its causes received another $90 million from Nike.

United Airlines, JetBlue, Southwest Airlines, and Delta Airlines all gave money to BLM and related causes as well.

Bank of America, meanwhile, provided $18.25 million to BLM and related causes while Wells Fargo diverted $210 million towards BLM and related causes. Deloitte gave $85 million to BLM and related causes.

Asset management giant BlackRock put a shocking $810 million towards BLM and related causes, while other powerful financial institutions also bankrolled the movement, with Capital One Financial giving $10 million, Morgan Stanley giving $30 million, US Bank giving $160 million, and Goldman Sachs giving $10.1 million.

Meanwhile, Prudential Financial supplied the movement and its related causes with a sum of $450 million but was outdone by Mastercard, which gave $500 million.

The database found that Boeing gave $15.6 million, while Northrop Grumman gave $2 million and Raytheon gave $25 million.

The Walt Disney Company gave $8.8 million to BLM and related causes while the Pokémon Company gave $200,000.

The Claremont Institute’s Center for the American Way of Life also explained how the funds have been used, remarking that

“The Global Network is investing tens of millions of dollars to support future operations, purchasing luxury real estate, engaging in nepotism, disbursing grants to dozens of BLM chapters and revolutionary organizations, and operating a PAC to “elect progressive community leaders, activists, and working-class candidates fighting for Black liberation.”

Meanwhile, “Local BLM chapters are spending millions on activism and initiatives to defund police departments” and “BLM At School is indoctrinating children around the country in critical race theory and queer theory, teaching them to hate themselves, their peers, and their country.”

“Left-wing nonprofits are effecting wholescale societal change too radical for normal legislative avenues, constituting a form of shadow governance,” they went on to note.

The agenda has also seeped into the financial industry’s loan operations, the Center explains, pointing out that “banks are issuing billions of dollars in subprime loans ‘to help end systemic racism,’” all while “corporations are funding leftist bail funds that release violent rioters and criminals onto our streets and collaborating to create racialized, anti-meritocratic hiring schemes.”

The shakedown “may be viewed as a form of reparations made to self-declared enemies of the American nation and way of life,” they added.


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cd64e5 No.18513443

Q Art - Coming soon to your town.

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1f9379 No.18513444

File: 0815bfa078167c1⋯.png (158.77 KB,1406x1020,703:510,ClipboardImage.png)


we have time

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15e717 No.18513445


> $83 Billion

Wish I was oppressed.

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84b5b6 No.18513446

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6d24fc No.18513447

File: 34f5c116fbb3b19⋯.jpg (592.34 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,scoutsout58d.jpg)

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57669e No.18513448

File: 3b383d53ea58479⋯.png (502.85 KB,800x572,200:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4977787eab0405⋯.png (56.7 KB,321x157,321:157,ClipboardImage.png)


Infinitely. God has no limits and God promises to answer every single prayer no matter what as long as we believe it in and can therefore perceive it as our reality. If you can think it and know u want it, God has already answered and then the rest is up to us to get out of our own limiting beliefs. With God, nothing is impossible and all things are possible to him who believes. The only ones limiting God are hoomans through their beliefs or lack of.

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0e7b0e No.18513450


You're way nicer than me.

Boomer-tier fanfic like a Q museum usually turns the shitposter urge up to 11, but I'm moar mature about things here than I used to be.

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5b6800 No.18513451

File: 0e050ee96f862eb⋯.gif (509.36 KB,502x282,251:141,0e050ee96f862eb1cb8708ba9c….gif)


>And then of course, the meme (with gif presentations) gallery

I like it anon I do but I'm nobody…

what you're talking bout is a massive investment. Not saying it can't be done but there would need to be financial backing not to mention an agreement with such museum or art gallery (nothing I personally know anything about).

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60f61c No.18513452

File: 8aca132b0ab3885⋯.png (1.18 MB,1240x744,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Revealed: the hacking and disinformation team meddling in elections

‘Team Jorge’ unit exposed by undercover investigation

Group sells hacking services and access to vast army of fake social media profiles

Evidence unit behind disinformation campaigns across world

Mastermind Tal Hanan claims covert involvement in 33 presidential elections

Tue 14 Feb 2023 23.00 EST

A team of Israeli contractors who claim to have manipulated more than 30 elections around the world using hacking, sabotage and automated disinformation on social media has been exposed in a new investigation.

The unit is run by Tal Hanan, a 50-year-old former Israeli special forces operative who now works privately using the pseudonym “Jorge”, and appears to have been working under the radar in elections in various countries for more than two decades.

He is being unmasked by an international consortium of journalists. Hanan and his unit, which uses the codename “Team Jorge”, have been exposed by undercover footage and documents leaked to the Guardian.

Hanan did not respond to detailed questions about Team Jorge’s activities and methods but said: “I deny any wrongdoing.”

The investigation reveals extraordinary details about how disinformation is being weaponised by Team Jorge, which runs a private service offering to covertly meddle in elections without a trace. The group also works for corporate clients.

Hanan told the undercover reporters that his services, which others describe as “black ops”, were available to intelligence agencies, political campaigns and private companies that wanted to secretly manipulate public opinion. He said they had been used across Africa, South and Central America, the US and Europe.

One of Team Jorge’s key services is a sophisticated software package, Advanced Impact Media Solutions, or Aims. It controls a vast army of thousands of fake social media profiles on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Telegram, Gmail, Instagram and YouTube. Some avatars even have Amazon accounts with credit cards, bitcoin wallets and Airbnb accounts.

The consortium of journalists that investigated Team Jorge includes reporters from 30 outlets including Le Monde, Der Spiegel and El País. The project, part of a wider investigation into the disinformation industry, has been coordinated by Forbidden Stories, a French nonprofit whose mission is to pursue the work of assassinated, threatened or jailed reporters.

The undercover footage was filmed by three reporters, who approached Team Jorge posing as prospective clients.

In more than six hours of secretly recorded meetings, Hanan and his team spoke of how they could gather intelligence on rivals, including by using hacking techniques to access Gmail and Telegram accounts. They boasted of planting material in legitimate news outlets, which are then amplified by the Aims bot-management software.

Much of their strategy appeared to revolve around disrupting or sabotaging rival campaigns: the team even claimed to have sent a sex toy delivered via Amazon to the home of a politician, with the aim of giving his wife the false impression he was having an affair.

The methods and techniques described by Team Jorge raise new challenges for big tech platforms, which have for years struggled to prevent nefarious actors spreading falsehoods or breaching the security on their platforms. Evidence of a global private market in disinformation aimed at elections will also ring alarm bells for democracies around the world…..(continued)


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29bf93 No.18513453

File: 7c83a1be56b10e8⋯.jpg (47.4 KB,452x679,452:679,7c83a1be56b10e868b5bb03361….jpg)

New Mexico has lost track of juveniles locked up for life

The New Mexico Corrections Department has lost track of nearly two dozen prisoners in its custody who are serving life sentences for crimes they committed as children, an error that could keep these “juvenile lifers” from getting a chance at freedom under a bill likely to be passed by the state Legislature.

As the legislation was being drafted, ProPublica asked the department for a list of all state prisoners who were sentenced to life as juveniles. Using court records, the news organization then identified at least 21 such individuals not on the state’s list. Many of them had been locked up for decades.

Denali Wilson, a staff attorney at the ACLU of New Mexico who helped discover the problem, said such carelessness on the part of the state government makes it plain that “when you throw away kids in adult prison, they are lost.”

till a relatively young attorney, Wilson experienced a bout of impostor syndrome, she said, noting that the people she advocates for “have been in prison longer than I’ve been alive.”

She had to scramble, given by this point she was considered a legislative expert on extreme youth sentencing — and one of the main questions she always got from lawmakers assessing the proposed legislation that she was working on was “How many people will this impact?” Still using the list provided by the Corrections Department, she had been repeating a specific number of prisoners she believed would become eligible for parole under the bill.

But now she was realizing that there might be more the department had never identified to her.

Sometimes prison systems misspell prisoners’ names on paperwork and in other contexts, so Wilson searched Corrections Department data using alternate spellings. “But they’re just not there,” she said.

The most disconcerting part, she said, is that she discovered the problem by chance.

“I feel certain that there are people we still don’t know about,” she said. “I don’t know, and I don’t know how to know.”



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222589 No.18513454

File: 61487098adb1ef8⋯.png (340.24 KB,639x456,213:152,ClipboardImage.png)

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57669e No.18513455

File: 3ec53bd50a8b0d0⋯.png (530.99 KB,1200x951,400:317,ClipboardImage.png)

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462e18 No.18513456

File: 34bb7c0b84a295c⋯.png (93.2 KB,409x264,409:264,ClipboardImage.png)

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60f61c No.18513457



The Team Jorge revelations could cause embarrassment for Israel, which has come under growing diplomatic pressure in recent years over its export of cyber-weaponry that undermines democracy and human rights.

Hanan appears to have run at least some of his disinformation operations through an Israeli company, Demoman International, which is registered on a website run by the Israeli Ministry of Defense to promote defence exports. The Israeli MoD did not respond to requests for comment.

The undercover footage

Given their expertise in subterfuge, it is perhaps surprising that Hanan and his colleagues allowed themselves to be exposed by undercover reporters. Journalists using conventional methods have struggled to shed light on the disinformation industry, which is at pains to avoid detection.

The secretly filmed meetings, which took place between July and December 2022, therefore provide a rare window into the mechanics of disinformation for hire.

Three journalists – from Radio France, Haaretz and TheMarker – approached Team Jorge pretending to be consultants working on behalf of a politically unstable African country that wanted help delaying an election.

The encounters with Hanan and his colleagues took place via video calls and an in-person meeting in Team Jorge’s base, an unmarked office in an industrial park in Modi’in, 20 miles outside Tel Aviv.

Hanan described his team as “graduates of government agencies”, with expertise in finance, social media and campaigns, as well as “psychological warfare”, operating from six offices around the world. Four of Hanan’s colleagues attended the meetings, including his brother, Zohar Hanan, who was described as the chief executive of the group.

In his initial pitch to the potential clients, Hanan claimed: “We are now involved in one election in Africa … We have a team in Greece and a team in [the] Emirates … You follow the leads. [We have completed] 33 presidential-level campaigns, 27 of which were successful.” Later, he said he was involved in two “major projects” in the US but claimed not to engage directly in US politics.

It was not possible to verify all of Team Jorge’s claims in the undercover meetings, and Hanan may have been embellishing them in order to secure a lucrative deal with prospective clients. For example, it appears Hanan may have inflated his fees when discussing the cost of his services.

Team Jorge told the reporters they would accept payments in a variety of currencies, including cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, or cash. He said he would charge between €6m and €15m for interference in elections….. (continued)

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19037e No.18513458


need links

need text

need post nomination

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cd64e5 No.18513459



Putting stuff in the Universe. That's the whole point. Unfortunately many anons are still constrained by the social and cultural ceilings but some that are pay grades above (and sane) listen. The universe listens. It's a good time to be anon.

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5b6800 No.18513460

File: 16ad4b67cbb56d4⋯.jpg (44.96 KB,1000x562,500:281,16ad4b67cbb56d44604deeb350….jpg)


>but I'm moar mature about things here than I used to be.

Kek same fren ;)

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8b23d5 No.18513461

Mr. Biden: There is nothing radical about what I'm proposing. If you look at the polling data, it's overwhelmingly popular. As a matter of fact, it's a hell of a lot more popular than I am.

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b8d72a No.18513462

File: c5651ca3bc88cc1⋯.jpg (87.51 KB,800x534,400:267,KFCAsshead.jpg)

File: d8ae6072d1cc506⋯.jpg (98.04 KB,800x534,400:267,KFCAsshead1.jpg)

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3098e9 No.18513463

File: f1b78bf28b9371d⋯.png (840.61 KB,608x500,152:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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222589 No.18513464

File: 00dff262a46746a⋯.png (355.71 KB,558x617,558:617,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74a98ee723d4f0d⋯.png (69.52 KB,1033x531,1033:531,ClipboardImage.png)

First Republic Bank Downgraded to Junk by S&P

First Republic Bank was downgraded to “junk” by the S&P on Wednesday.

“We believe the risk of deposit outflows is elevated at First Republic Bank despite the actions of federal banking regulators and the bank actively increasing its borrowing availability to mitigate risk associated with the bank failures over the last week,” S&P said in a statement.

“Still, if deposit outflows continue, we expect First Republic would need to rely on its more costly wholesale borrowings. This would encumber its balance sheet and hurt its modest profitability,” said S&P, according to Market Watch.

As of December 31, First Republic Bank had $176.4 billion in deposits – 68% of which are above the $250,000 FDIC insurance limit, according to Market Watch.

Customers were lined up at a First Republic Bank in Los Angeles on Saturday to withdraw their money after Silicon Valley Bank failed.


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4584a7 No.18513465

File: 2b1aa94cdf0611c⋯.jpg (96.87 KB,720x812,180:203,20230315_133028.jpg)

File: bb50f6f1e72ece7⋯.mp4 (825.99 KB,1280x720,16:9,_Aw_NUBRYG9VN_4k.mp4)



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60f61c No.18513466



However, emails leaked to the Guardian show Hanan quoting more modest fees. One suggests that in 2015 he asked for $160,000 from the now defunct British consultancy Cambridge Analytica for involvement in an eight-week campaign in a Latin American country.

In 2017 Hanan again pitched to work for Cambridge Analytica, this time in Kenya, but was rejected by the consultancy, which said “$400,000-$600,000 per month, and substantially more for crisis response” was more than its clients would pay.

There is no evidence that either of those campaigns went ahead. Other leaked documents, however, reveal that when Team Jorge worked covertly on the Nigerian presidential race in 2015 it did so alongside Cambridge Analytica.

Alexander Nix, who was the chief executive of Cambridge Analytica, declined to comment in detail but added: “Your purported understanding is disputed.”

Team Jorge also sent Nix’s political consultancy a video showcasing an early iteration of the social media disinformation software it now markets as Aims. Hanan said in an email that the tool, which enabled users to create up to 5,000 bots to deliver “mass messages” and “propaganda”, had been used in 17 elections.

“It’s our own developed Semi-Auto Avatar creation and network deployment system,” he said, adding that it could be used in any language and was being sold as a service, although the software could be bought “if the price is right”.

Team Jorge’s bot-management software appears to have grown significantly by 2022, according to what Hanan told the undercover reporters. He said it controlled a multinational army of more than 30,000 avatars, complete with digital backstories that stretch back years.

Demonstrating the Aims interface, Hanan scrolled through dozens of avatars, and showed how fake profiles could be created in an instant, using tabs to choose nationality and gender and then matching profile pictures to names.

“This is Spanish, Russian, you see Asians, Muslims. Let’s make a candidate together,” he told the undercover reporters, before settling on one image of a white woman. “Sophia Wilde, I like the name. British. Already she has email, date birth, everything.”

Hanan was coy when asked where the photos for his avatars came from. However, the Guardian and its partners have discovered several instances in which images have been harvested from the social media accounts of real people. The photo of “Sophia Wilde”, for instance, appears to have been stolen from a Russian social media account belonging to a woman who lives in Leeds….. (continued)

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360a1a No.18513467

File: 2c4d26823183f27⋯.jpeg (4.03 KB,237x127,237:127,images_2023_03_15T152745_….jpeg)

File: 62b226d9839a2df⋯.jpg (30.69 KB,408x612,2:3,istockphoto_454311989_612x….jpg)

File: 704e4d3c1b9840e⋯.jpg (158.39 KB,1000x1469,1000:1469,MV5BZWYzZjVlMmUtZjNiZS00NW….jpg)


mexican standoff. cracker in the middle.

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222589 No.18513468

File: df257971a50f652⋯.png (254.12 KB,618x436,309:218,ClipboardImage.png)

GEN. MILLEY ON DOWNED DRONE: "As far as an act of war goes, I'm not gonna go there. Incidents happen. Clearly, we do not seek armed conflict with Russia."


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57669e No.18513469


When you do it without leaving ANY room for doubt (that means get rid of "It must've not been God''s will for it to happen" in order to make an excuse for your weak faith, then watch God move mountains and ake the "impossible" eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeasy and effortless. It's amazing. And you don't have to lift a finger. God does it all down to the smallest little detail of what matters to you because God's love is infinite and divine. Don't limit God. You are worthy. You are made in His image and likeness. Don't block it because you believe you are not perfect or worthy. Just fukken doooooeeeetttttt and watch the half that has never been told be revealed.

(If u wanna.)

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cd64e5 No.18513470

We must rebuild what we destroy. Remember that. We are the news now. Handle with care.

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b45f02 No.18513471

File: 00bddcae0ae0630⋯.png (59.01 KB,1007x394,1007:394,ClipboardImage.png)

JUST IN: Swiss National Bank says it will provide Credit Suisse with liquidity if necessary, regulator in "very close contact with the bank" - CNBC

3:32 PM · Mar 15, 2023



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25489e No.18513472

File: 326d6380b2031ad⋯.png (307.82 KB,412x424,103:106,humanbot1.png)





at least some of you are "honest"

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84b5b6 No.18513473


He did the EXACT SAME THING a little while back too. Same headline & similar pic wtf dejavu

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240251 No.18513474

File: e13e6f844c5ca3d⋯.png (750.03 KB,1024x800,32:25,SCAPEGOAT1.png)

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933a65 No.18513475


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

What is coming?

Where We Go One We Go All

Where are we going?

Trust The Plan

What is the plan?

Whose plan is it?

If I pulled back the curtain on the entrance to a pitch black room would you enter it? Retain a healthy scepticism.

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60f61c No.18513476



The Guardian and its reporting partners tracked Aims-linked bot activity across the internet. It was behind fake social media campaigns, mostly involving commercial disputes, in about 20 countries including the UK, US, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Mexico, Senegal, India and the United Arab Emirates.

This week Meta, the owner of Facebook, took down Aims-linked bots on its platform after reporters shared a sample of the fake accounts with the company. On Tuesday, a Meta spokesperson connected the Aims bots to others that were linked in 2019 to another, now-defunct Israeli firm which it banned from the platform.

“This latest activity is an attempt by some of the same individuals to come back and we removed them for violating our policies,” the spokesperson said. “The group’s latest activity appears to have centred around running fake petitions on the internet or seeding fabricated stories in mainstream media outlets.”

In addition to Aims, Hanan told reporters about his “blogger machine” – an automated system for creating websites that the Aims-controlled social media profiles could then use to spread fake news stories across the internet. “After you’ve created credibility, what do you do? Then you can manipulate,” he said.

‘I will show you how safe Telegram is’

No less alarming were Hanan’s demonstrations of his team’s hacking capabilities, in which he showed the reporters how he could penetrate Telegram and Gmail accounts. In one case, he brought up on screen the Gmail account of a man described as the “assistant of an important guy” in the general election in Kenya, which was days away.

“Today if someone has a Gmail, it means they have much more than just email,” Hanan said as he clicked through the target’s emails, draft folders, contacts and drives. He then showed how he claimed to be able to access accounts on Telegram, an encrypted messaging app.

One of the Telegram accounts he claimed to penetrate belonged to a person in Indonesia, while the other two appeared to belong to Kenyans involved in the ongoing general election, and close to the then candidate William Ruto, who ended up winning the presidency.

“I know in some countries they believe Telegram is safe. I will show you how safe it is,” he said, before showing a screen in which he appeared to scroll through the Telegram contacts of one Kenyan strategist who was working for Ruto at the time.

Hanan then demonstrated how access to Telegram could be manipulated to sow mischief.

Typing the words “hello how are you dear”, Hanan appeared to send a message from the Kenyan strategist’s account to one of their contacts. “I’m not just watching,” Hanan boasted, before explaining how manipulating the messaging app to send messages could be used to create chaos in a rival’s election campaign.

“One of the biggest thing is to put sticks between the right people, you understand,” he said. “And I can write him what I think about his wife, or what I think about his last speech, or I can tell him that I promised him to be my next chief of staff, OK?”

Hanan then showed how – once the message had been read – he could “delete” it to cover his tracks. But when Hanan repeated that trick, hacking into the Telegram account of the second close adviser to Ruto, he made a mistake.

After sending an innocuous Telegram message consisting only of the number “11” to one of the hacking victim’s contacts, he failed to properly delete it…..(continued)

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cd64e5 No.18513477

Waiting for the Andy Warhol of the Q Movement to appear.

>Q Art Exhibit

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9f4154 No.18513478


I think it's skepticism.

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222589 No.18513479

File: 05838cc2470156a⋯.png (209.48 KB,609x457,609:457,ClipboardImage.png)

DEFENSE SEC. AUSTIN: "I just got off the phone with my Russian counterpart, Minister Shoigu. As I've said repeatedly, it's important that great powers be models of transparency & communication. The United States will continue to fly & operate wherever international law allows."


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7a2589 No.18513480


If people here thought logically there would be no here.

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b45f02 No.18513481

File: 55c0d38f857d399⋯.png (646.97 KB,994x1527,994:1527,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 310c6a8fd53ae8f⋯.png (508.4 KB,739x907,739:907,ClipboardImage.png)



JUST IN - Swiss National Bank will provide liquidity to Credit Suisse if necessary.

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57669e No.18513482


Fukkem. Level the shit. Trump is a builder. Bring down the whole diseased temple.

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3098e9 No.18513483

File: 526f71bafca084c⋯.png (747.06 KB,1200x675,16:9,pepe_gay_milley.png)

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84b5b6 No.18513484

File: 5ee729078b7e1ea⋯.jpg (144.29 KB,842x1200,421:600,FrSNYWmaQAAcOA7.jpg)

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6ad3af No.18513485

File: 9dff3de571a0ab3⋯.jpg (587.93 KB,1080x1831,1080:1831,20230314_211546.jpg)

I remember the red envelope

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ecd8dd No.18513486

File: e6924973f51dc43⋯.png (674.71 KB,662x443,662:443,Fedbois.PNG)


Actors gonna act

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090f00 No.18513487


We need to keep a list of the Desimps

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0e7b0e No.18513488


If you're gonna keep faking your tardedness for strategery purposes then you really should go all out like this.

Uncle Joe is way better at it than Nancy has been that's for sure.

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60f61c No.18513489

File: 189b89b90785cb7⋯.png (479.64 KB,1000x563,1000:563,ClipboardImage.png)



A reporter in the consortium was later able to track down the recipient of that message and was granted permission to check the person’s phone. The “11” message was still visible on their Telegram account, providing evidence that Team Jorge’s infiltration of the account was genuine.

Hanan suggested to the undercover reporters that some of his hacking methods exploited vulnerabilities in the global signalling telecoms system, SS7, which for decades has been regarded by experts as a weak spot in the telecoms network.

Google, which runs the Gmail service, declined to comment. Telegram said “the problem of SS7 vulnerabilities” was widely known and “not unique to Telegram”. They added: “Accounts on any massively popular social media network or messaging app can be vulnerable to hacking or impersonation unless users follow security recommendations and take proper precautions to keep their accounts secure.”

Hanan did not respond to detailed requests for comment, claiming that he needed “approval” from an unspecified authority before doing so. However, he added: “To be clear, I deny any wrongdoing.”

Zohar Hanan, his brother and business partner, added: “I have been working all my life according to the law!”


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207f17 No.18513490

It's 42 degrees and windy, yet the house to the east of me is the only one with a puddle at the end of their driveway, that hasn't evaporated. Usually happens only when my wife goes to Church and the wind is blowing into our direction. I know the white flag on their mailbox is actually a red flag to others.

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e19bbc No.18513491

File: 0829b43a665ee20⋯.png (230.6 KB,500x505,100:101,ClipboardImage.png)



Criminal enterprise's looking after their own.

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5b978b No.18513492


It's called the Club for Growth.

The Boss has been calling them out for a long time.

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3098e9 No.18513493

File: b5e8dc206bf7b39⋯.png (703.58 KB,794x1102,397:551,Grammar_kitty_mug.png)




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cd64e5 No.18513494

Whoever got a Q Exhibit together would be a rock star in the 2023/4 primaries. Just sayin'

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602f54 No.18513495

File: afde10ddcd4bdca⋯.jpg (138.32 KB,940x362,470:181,WINNING_COLLECTION.jpg)

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fb5099 No.18513496


#leDRIVETHRUholeFAKEtwat >>18513401

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0e7b0e No.18513497


>Hurry up and fucking end soon Precipice

>I don't want to see another Big Bank Bailout

Unfortunately, this is one of those pick one and only one times.

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55386a No.18513498

anon would rather see RRN in notables than emojis

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090f00 No.18513499


>It's called the Club for Growth.

>The Boss has been calling them out for a long time.

that's a good start.

But there's moar than just them

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7a2589 No.18513500


No growth, you penis.

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67c94f No.18513501


wtf does this have to do with anything

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1a3abd No.18513502


Too heavy?

Would that bring the Swiss National Bank to it's knees as well?

So much for hiding your money there.

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0abf38 No.18513503

File: 9bf4385dc284963⋯.png (505.16 KB,692x450,346:225,Fq1WgJXX0AAcVkm.png)

United States Federal Reserve Backstop and BAAL OUTS exceeding 10BILL

to Credit Sui[ss]e Bank for

Why is US taxpayers BAAL ING out foreign Banks again?

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57669e No.18513504


STFU with your little black pills you're trynna peddle. Go suck that old menstrual blood and crusty semen on a wafer at black mass, you vile pos. Get lost.

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fb5099 No.18513505



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23d1d1 No.18513506

File: a5782aac3e6de5e⋯.jpg (127.75 KB,910x249,910:249,Screenshot_2023_03_12_1752….jpg)

Trump allies accuse DeSantis of violating campaign finance laws

Associates of former President Donald Trump filed an ethics complaint this week against Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis accusing him of violating campaign finance laws.

MAGA Inc., a Trump-aligned super PAC, on Wednesday filed the complaint with the Florida Commission on Ethics, asserting that the prospective Trump rival was has received illegal gifts via third-party entities.

To date, only Trump, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, tech mogul Vivek Ramaswamy, and businessman Perry Johnson have announced their intent to seek the Republican nomination.


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360a1a No.18513507

File: f3d24289ae5ff22⋯.jpg (107.29 KB,300x250,6:5,ddaf8aca12c14830a16a6703df….jpg)

File: 86af40e0c36ab33⋯.jpeg (395.1 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,Fq831R2XoAA2IKK_3_.jpeg)



rig for orange

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4584a7 No.18513508

File: a64f27a6a812372⋯.jpg (246.13 KB,897x1199,897:1199,20230315_104656.jpg)


Hide yo kids

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e19bbc No.18513509

File: ff336262c9381f1⋯.png (274.39 KB,663x632,663:632,ClipboardImage.png)


tanks kitty.

was steamed up about another bankster money laundering operation getting saved forgot all about fucking gramma.

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933a65 No.18513510

File: d3ea49dbe7c7536⋯.jpg (220.75 KB,660x281,660:281,legal_tender_for_all_debts….jpg)

File: 0acd78928258a7b⋯.png (15.92 KB,676x167,676:167,Screenshot_2023_03_15_at_1….png)

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7a2589 No.18513511


Hit a nerve aye? Two weeks fucker!

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fb5099 No.18513512


le danfaggot le larp le buttjuws le mooredoor le david bowie sang

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9b884a No.18513513

File: fb4373540865313⋯.jpeg (353.69 KB,1170x845,18:13,B18D6994_BF63_4ACB_AD65_D….jpeg)



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4584a7 No.18513514

File: 6576f14f0795bbf⋯.jpg (70.31 KB,720x698,360:349,20230315_134112.jpg)


Witchy art

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0abf38 No.18513515


US Powell Federal Reserve is BAALING out Swi[ss] NAtional bank and Credit Suisse

with us taxpayer dollars as INFLATION RISES

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cd64e5 No.18513516

The moment I knew anons would be a big part of the movie going on in syndication now was about 8 months ago this anon worked with neighbor to give some side jobs to a homeless guy that was out of cash and trying to get to next town. Homeless (3 years) guy asked if this anon knew about Q and if it was real.

Fuck the sink. The implications ….

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9e3525 No.18513517



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fb5099 No.18513518


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0abf38 No.18513519



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1476d4 No.18513520

File: ac3fd905cbe0baf⋯.jpeg (108.02 KB,960x720,4:3,1594251443.jpeg)

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273215 No.18513521

File: 916d9775c2f9428⋯.gif (1.28 MB,400x250,8:5,ba6e9e67b632b55e.gif)

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15e717 No.18513522

File: 88b13c778cd0c9f⋯.png (3.6 MB,1588x1196,397:299,ClipboardImage.png)


To be fair, something that is "loose" is quite likely to be "fucking gone." I would instead proffer that to "lose" is to "not fucking win," rather than "can't fucking find."

Please pardon my phucking pedantry.

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0abf38 No.18513523



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fb5099 No.18513524


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4584a7 No.18513525

File: 108c1843232eefd⋯.jpg (647.68 KB,720x1560,6:13,Screenshot_20230315_104836….jpg)

File: 9ddb64d5fd59cc4⋯.png (196.78 KB,339x736,339:736,Screenshot_20230315_104836….png)

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933a65 No.18513526


Transformational change? Sounds Progressive.

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360a1a No.18513527



royal. chip. Kekked

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346c77 No.18513528

File: 36203f32b23bd86⋯.png (261.14 KB,700x700,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



17 !!!

(prolly NOT)

(I'm just FUCKIN' WITH (You))

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3773be No.18513529

File: 69b265c6b125052⋯.png (441.46 KB,524x788,131:197,25435D6E_D152_4252_9B51_C7….png)


Fucking KEK!!!!

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a166b0 No.18513530


Trump or Bust!

If DeSantis won the Primary, I wouldn't even bother voting in the Gen. Election because it would just be the same old Uniparty. Why bother?

Just another Geo. W. Bush and his corrupt father, and No Name, and Mittens.

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1cec5d No.18513531


Who puts their outdoor lights on now? Think toxic chemicals and radiation, FB listens 24x7. One day anons will appreciate those that warned them of things to come. Since 911.

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b45f02 No.18513532

File: 1a291f5917e381f⋯.png (882.36 KB,1717x924,1717:924,ClipboardImage.png)


Separate….but related.

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23d1d1 No.18513533

File: 9554f14f51c3d4b⋯.png (2.22 MB,1600x1150,32:23,Good_Fellas_Hilarious.png)


And DeSantis isn't even running

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fb5099 No.18513534

File: 1893bcb5fef301d⋯.jpg (175.98 KB,942x934,471:467,incest.jpg)

big scary duke invade

wiff bitch wife twitter

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b45f02 No.18513535

File: 1a291f5917e381f⋯.png (882.36 KB,1717x924,1717:924,ClipboardImage.png)

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462e18 No.18513536

File: 7b4066b3584cbcd⋯.png (308.25 KB,516x342,86:57,ClipboardImage.png)

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15e717 No.18513537

File: f93fb6a50d31d71⋯.png (9.9 MB,2777x4109,2777:4109,ClipboardImage.png)


Check 'em

Next state funeral is going to be lit!

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360a1a No.18513538


ccp chinks fucked around with jews got bent over fukked.. PAiN after panic

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7a2589 No.18513539


Just stop. It’s so fucking silly.

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fb5099 No.18513540

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346c77 No.18513541


>need post nomination


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cd64e5 No.18513542

Next Bread - Trump in Pictures travelling Presidential Library

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b45f02 No.18513543






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1a3abd No.18513544


Very good

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fb5099 No.18513546

File: 980a096b8ca0b59⋯.png (458.91 KB,640x480,4:3,980a096b8ca0b597162a260159….png)

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90155d No.18513547


back to default

back to the roots

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d73164 No.18513548

File: 86455cf03868bff⋯.mp4 (3.21 MB,800x600,4:3,BidenFedup.mp4)

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d73164 No.18513549

File: d796cd8cc8df834⋯.png (357.25 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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a23754 No.18513550

For the 3rd straight month and for the umpteenth time since the switch, my cell provider has informed me that I have exceeded their unlimited data by reaching over 50gig of data in less than a month. My argument with them is the term unlimited, they agree and yet still throttle my data to a 3 legged turtle running uphill through molasses in June. That is not unlimited.

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360a1a No.18513551

File: 6e9477621662504⋯.jpg (100.79 KB,750x1125,2:3,1634042752_20_titis_org_p_….jpg)


pillow talk.+ 80s grade cocaine.

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5b6800 No.18513552

File: 04988b1203a1808⋯.png (197.17 KB,483x260,483:260,04988b1203a1808036ac9266c3….png)




Oh my what will we do now Ron inbound.

Top Kek indeed!

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1f9379 No.18513553



I know it sucks being forced to be here for your shit wage but at least try not to glow so bright you retarded rookie. You will never move up the ladder being bad at your job.

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6ce025 No.18513554

File: e2585a426432544⋯.png (1.06 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


They better get Jimmah in the ground before he gets too squishy

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b08e50 No.18513555


reminds anon of Abe Vigoda

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fb5099 No.18513556

File: 998bc566edb063c⋯.png (75.12 KB,500x305,100:61,enrique_le_explica_a_beto_….png)

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0e7b0e No.18513557


Dood, PDJT is hawking coffee table picture books and letters from compd niggers that used to be nice to me books.

He doesn't want that.

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71fbea No.18513558

Early bird gathers no moss…rolling stone catches the worm, right?!

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933a65 No.18513559

File: 594e3cb43551ad3⋯.png (396.65 KB,607x342,607:342,deSantos_at_the_wall.png)

File: 463408e388e4d30⋯.png (755.39 KB,572x792,13:18,who_controls_trump.png)

File: 0022eb75e189873⋯.png (278.59 KB,650x433,650:433,542bb05a669f424693f3b1d2b5….png)

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433dea No.18513560

File: 1ce247fe3abb4f5⋯.jpg (23.18 KB,474x330,79:55,wheres_rocky.jpg)

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3773be No.18513561


Yes. Even the counterfeit supernotes China has been shipping here for fucking decades.

Why create a new bill to stop counterfeiting and not take out the old notes?

Answer: the FED wants to crash the economy and give China the crown.


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c53922 No.18513562

File: e6a158e409b1322⋯.png (2.5 MB,1564x1277,1564:1277,ClipboardImage.png)

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55386a No.18513563


should've been done as a "Jane Doe"

and sent to 5 different labs

set up to fail

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cd64e5 No.18513564

The 'Q' Travelling Museum

The 'Trump in Pictures' 45 Presidency travelling Exhibition

Where is Rob Schneider? Sorbo? Eastwood? All the influentials that have access to the starving artists? Why not rock the art world, who is dying from the woke indoctrination? Hey Tim Allen, let's go on offense.

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4159f9 No.18513565


'This month gets very interesting'

2 Years later…

2 Moar years?


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b7d94c No.18513566

I am expecting something big today

Get ready

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ecd8dd No.18513567


Nah, the only one to give Trump a run for his money would be RFK jr.

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346c77 No.18513568


Et tu, Brute?

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5b6800 No.18513569

File: f15208eb7f8bde5⋯.png (229.75 KB,1616x2168,202:271,ClipboardImage.png)

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a166b0 No.18513570

File: 9b035e8035fea0b⋯.png (197.44 KB,612x472,153:118,ClipboardImage.png)


The "teachers" nowadays are retarded.

It looks like steam coming out of her ears.

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55386a No.18513571


if you cant beat um

join um

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462e18 No.18513572

File: 37c1d98c4645165⋯.png (323.71 KB,513x342,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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b7d94c No.18513573

File: b8337e9d2072743⋯.jpg (392.11 KB,1080x1004,270:251,Screenshot_20230316_085423….jpg)

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360a1a No.18513574

File: f4dc6e8bb5842be⋯.png (12.63 KB,255x191,255:191,347388ce0d7e870cba9ac4c154….png)

File: a0797031493ac06⋯.jpg (43.65 KB,441x668,441:668,35c4f36b722b8a90092615db86….jpg)

File: 78de509b5cbe777⋯.jpg (86.17 KB,500x622,250:311,7bxxis.jpg)

File: 2015129716c2907⋯.jpg (87.61 KB,500x622,250:311,7bxwyz.jpg)

File: 44bc61329146f2c⋯.jpeg (377.75 KB,500x622,250:311,jesus_children.jpeg)

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15e717 No.18513575

File: 431207fe280d182⋯.jpg (155.36 KB,1000x670,100:67,The_Bankers_Table.jpg)



First rule of Bankers' club is, DON'T TALK ABOUT BANKERS' CLUB.

Public awareness is their greatest fear.

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433dea No.18513576

File: 82edd7d3bf22566⋯.jpg (34.27 KB,474x632,3:4,fooey_phooey.jpg)

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1a3abd No.18513577

File: 4d3b13f3a670b2e⋯.jpg (87.17 KB,1280x850,128:85,_4909016550267267541_121.jpg)

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ecd8dd No.18513578

File: 48fbe86b5223e16⋯.png (342.36 KB,680x375,136:75,dead_peanut.PNG)

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48b16a No.18513580


After listening for a while, I'm not far off.

Is God considered an alien if not born on this world?

I would say so.

Project Bluebean perpetuated by the bad aliens in alignment with the C_A.

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6ce025 No.18513581

File: 153e1f334798828⋯.png (407.81 KB,546x370,273:185,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ed1cb No.18513582

File: ef26ee58859e9bf⋯.png (507.28 KB,600x630,20:21,3da.png)

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ebcae8 No.18513583

Run Ron Run!!!

We have your back


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0abf38 No.18513584

JUST IN - First Republic Bank downgraded to "junk" by S&P on elevated risk of deposit outflows.

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a758bb No.18513585

File: 12a59f00ade2bc2⋯.gif (3.7 MB,256x462,128:231,spartaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.gif)

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346c77 No.18513586

File: 17c3c0de86a525e⋯.png (1.1 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b884a No.18513587

File: d5d261537b69abd⋯.jpeg (187 KB,1170x1429,1170:1429,0F124AB6_D941_4719_9822_F….jpeg)




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3ed1cb No.18513588


exotic TUMBLR drama ?

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258c27 No.18513589


Stay off pornhub

Problem solved!

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c53922 No.18513591

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,popcorn2.gif)

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360a1a No.18513592

File: df05f8137e29311⋯.jpg (97.67 KB,517x768,517:768,eed.jpg)

File: 130a5b5f5135642⋯.png (16.89 KB,255x184,255:184,507c54559a47cc985b5e8f7460….png)

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cd326a No.18513593

File: 75972603b61634b⋯.jpeg (235.38 KB,800x533,800:533,Trump_Tips_Bush_over_Clif….JPEG)

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8e8b0b No.18513594


Fucking grandma

Two words that should not go together

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ac151f No.18513595


Peanut was allergic to humans …


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3ed1cb No.18513596

File: 57918235a81f165⋯.jpg (239.96 KB,1364x1726,682:863,FgpbBpMXkAA7Op4.jpg)

File: 894a612f74d66e8⋯.png (178.27 KB,580x400,29:20,80HvW9r.png)

File: a4dd5ea8b79e74e⋯.jpg (46.12 KB,720x443,720:443,316112610_5213828345387611….jpg)

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a166b0 No.18513597

File: c399bedd50adab7⋯.png (200.81 KB,283x377,283:377,ClipboardImage.png)


Look at the size of the American Flag compared to the size of the Pride flag.

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090f00 No.18513598

File: 61fc01b4db7cc49⋯.png (235.9 KB,582x472,291:236,desanctimoniousgitmo.png)

File: 22682759ef8b6d9⋯.jpeg (34.66 KB,482x668,241:334,desanctimonious2.jpeg)

File: dede71edcc412fc⋯.png (313.66 KB,673x547,673:547,desanctimoniusBush.png)

File: 9e9d7610c3dad76⋯.mp4 (427.33 KB,496x502,248:251,RINO_Ron_DeSantis_Paul_Rya….mp4)



top kek


="be a leader, someone like Paul Ryan"==

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462e18 No.18513599

File: 351e8180c4c73f8⋯.png (460.5 KB,696x364,174:91,ClipboardImage.png)

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ecd8dd No.18513600

File: 2eac6a27cdafbe7⋯.png (606.25 KB,1046x297,1046:297,Derp_Fed_Aid.PNG)

Just wondering how long the Q team is going to let the Fucktards in Cali run amuck with the Chemtrail Weather Fuckery for Federal Lottery Dollars.

Cause, it's bullshit this is still a thing.

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3ed1cb No.18513601


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55386a No.18513602

File: b9bd620ca782433⋯.jpg (18.06 KB,474x264,79:44,th_1070746260.jpg)

File: 69483aeccbe7814⋯.jpg (24.95 KB,474x308,237:154,th_2571916291.jpg)

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cd326a No.18513603

File: d46e76265f7cc59⋯.gif (1.25 MB,300x230,30:23,Popcorn_10_Burt_Ernie.GIF)

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0abf38 No.18513604


FEDERAL Reserve is printing money to BAAL OUT This BANK


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5b6800 No.18513605

File: 9a9e3f171199f75⋯.png (834.62 KB,801x531,89:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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7557d5 No.18513606

File: 282813dec78a4d6⋯.mp4 (9.07 MB,1280x720,16:9,Who_Benefits_Follow_The_Mo….mp4)


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3ed1cb No.18513607

graverobbin pickpockets caught fishin fo dignity over infantcide rumors

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240251 No.18513608

File: bba1ebf99e70ee5⋯.png (414.43 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN349.png)

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15e717 No.18513609

File: 1b4f96435e4da76⋯.jpeg (7.54 MB,4463x3002,4463:3002,Andrea_Schiavone_c_1500_1….jpeg)


> DeSantis, the Soros endorse

Not going to habben.

They're going to primary GEOTUS out of the RINO party, which will split the (R) vote. But DJT will be able to bring in millions to his rallies, and [DePaedos] will only have the support of the [Fake News]. He won't have the numbers.

But it won't matter anyway, because PEDOTUS is going to sweep it with 80+ Gorillion votes.

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cd326a No.18513610

File: 31379e5a1a594e3⋯.png (1.78 MB,1080x1134,20:21,1992C5AB_4985_496E_AA65_A3….PNG)

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3ed1cb No.18513611



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b8d72a No.18513612

File: 29620bb7c4d8aad⋯.jpg (24.06 KB,300x360,5:6,PepeJesus.jpg)


Ask for the holy spirit and see what will happen in your life!

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360a1a No.18513613


the meme makers

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5b6800 No.18513614

File: cfe6a4df270e059⋯.png (1.12 MB,959x541,959:541,No_Red_Text_For_You.png)



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459456 No.18513615

File: 8d90de5895f6125⋯.jpeg (327.21 KB,1642x1591,1642:1591,3seconddanbest.jpeg)


He did ask for it.

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1a3abd No.18513616

File: d09a55f8e5ab128⋯.png (273.07 KB,470x558,235:279,Capture.PNG)

Job well done! 🎉 ⚓

#Sailors and


from #USSAmerica (LHA 6),


, the




conclude exercise Iron Fist 2023.

Iron Fist increases interoperability & strengthen relationships.

Read the story here:


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7557d5 No.18513617

File: 08575a3b44b51f7⋯.jpg (100.38 KB,800x529,800:529,Nigger_Muppets_Regal_Eagle.jpg)

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562f52 No.18513619

If q pops up and tells you to vote for desantis, all you fags will and be content swallowing all that face fuckin.

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3ed1cb No.18513620


groveling pandering extortionists confess to tehy simony and glutons

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19037e No.18513621

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67c94f No.18513622



we get it. you can stop now

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7557d5 No.18513623

File: 04bd227951c9397⋯.jpg (44.34 KB,515x300,103:60,Faggot_Drones_Gen_Milley.jpg)


Oh Ok Kool…

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cd326a No.18513624

File: 5bec6c7d34a9d35⋯.png (633.18 KB,695x500,139:100,CB197226_7669_4908_A273_10….PNG)

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7557d5 No.18513625

File: f6f89966afeabae⋯.jpg (54.44 KB,661x441,661:441,2_Dicks_Same_Time_Obama_La….jpg)

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19037e No.18513626

File: a6c07d8329e5e12⋯.jpeg (92.24 KB,510x680,3:4,Team_DeSantis_8.jpeg)

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5b978b No.18513627

File: f7d6d7204bee3c3⋯.png (77.41 KB,637x604,637:604,Screenshot_2023_03_15_1406….png)


We were told long ago to expect this.

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360a1a No.18513628

File: baa5aca401e43ec⋯.png (104.91 KB,710x762,355:381,24_3_.png)

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cf83ff No.18513629


suicide weekend

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cd326a No.18513630

File: 41b61c92340cd71⋯.jpeg (127.35 KB,800x786,400:393,The_Government_Vs_You.JPEG)

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7557d5 No.18513631

File: 26d768833c23ae5⋯.gif (3.94 MB,329x297,329:297,Jebra_Bush_PANIC.gif)

File: 5a48208b13d847a⋯.png (288.37 KB,342x720,19:40,Jebra_Bush_5_Hour_Low_Ener….png)

File: e70218ad2903a68⋯.gif (1.35 MB,269x202,269:202,Lets_Go_Jebbra_Kek_Dubbya.gif)

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cd326a No.18513632

File: 0f5c10a69af79ad⋯.jpeg (234.62 KB,800x766,400:383,Woke_World_.JPEG)

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cf83ff No.18513633


low energy think for yourself

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57669e No.18513634

File: bff4702940deac5⋯.jpg (44.09 KB,529x680,529:680,Jesus_flood.jpg)

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aa9ad1 No.18513635

File: 65e9c2b00279503⋯.gif (2.46 MB,480x640,3:4,20190625_045012.gif)


the redshields circling the wagons.

it will not be enough.

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3ed1cb No.18513636

File: 9a4d20714de1dda⋯.jpg (50.45 KB,750x1000,3:4,raf_750x1000_075_t_FFFFFF_….jpg)

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b0be3d No.18513637

File: 3437c1b941ce738⋯.png (53.9 KB,474x296,237:148,5632CDC4_5232_405F_9972_E9….png)

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aaaf83 No.18513638

File: ccdc4d492affcf0⋯.jpg (36.77 KB,828x604,207:151,ccdc4d492affcf05d1005eb1cd….jpg)

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5b6800 No.18513639

File: d0fe0b1d8851d98⋯.png (309.08 KB,612x396,17:11,Dan_the_Man.png)



keks in 3 sec Dan the Man

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55386a No.18513640


a steel toe timberland to her face would work

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ac151f No.18513641


"Burning Meme" in some desert or "Jungle of Memes" in some swamp - the only expenses will be finding a location and making some noise for it.

Bring your own memes.

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57669e No.18513642

File: 7d651b5d27b0792⋯.jpg (102.54 KB,495x720,11:16,Nana_control_2.jpg)


Do we all need to change so that you can feel better, control freak faggot?

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48b16a No.18513643


have you not yet learned to ignore bullshit

go reread the chans and kun

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6ad3af No.18513644


Shit is real simple. The earth was created for satan and 1/3 of the angles he deceived, not mankind. Resist satan through jesus or keep wondering when arrests and blah blah blah

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7557d5 No.18513645

File: b4b9c32a5918e79⋯.png (231.59 KB,537x464,537:464,5th_Element_Multipass_Shit….png)

File: f86f75527db08fa⋯.png (19.23 KB,221x218,221:218,1678848933230.png)

File: b52724a847df28d⋯.png (13.09 KB,612x408,3:2,1678849076533.png)

File: f449e01417e8cdb⋯.png (216.44 KB,612x408,3:2,Two_Chicks_Dame_Time_Lawre….png)

File: 85c37d1c30497f3⋯.png (39.62 KB,666x375,222:125,2_Dicks_Same_Time.png)

Here You Go Newfags….

The Official 8Kun Shitposting Starter's Qit

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57669e No.18513647


And yet here you are looking for us and none of us are out there looking for you, control frealk.

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cd326a No.18513648

File: 0cc9b1506644c11⋯.png (687.95 KB,679x679,1:1,D8FCA78A_37AC_4D2F_BA27_60….PNG)

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bbcee2 No.18513649

File: fa0c3613048da03⋯.png (206.58 KB,454x412,227:206,tweet_tam.png)

File: 728c7328bb17678⋯.jpg (74.92 KB,1020x573,340:191,Teresa_Tam.jpg)

That's a man, baby…

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7557d5 No.18513650

File: e71a46436dee635⋯.png (1.09 MB,1247x935,1247:935,1678463691315.png)

File: 6f1a87e80bfe2c0⋯.png (362.79 KB,918x1271,918:1271,Alec_Baldwin_Rust_Muh_Feel….png)

File: f3119b78af79131⋯.png (962.19 KB,911x1280,911:1280,1678617745276.png)

File: bc8d2f7847e4d61⋯.png (1.31 MB,915x1274,915:1274,1678702897225.png)

File: ea33558f5eb4f3d⋯.png (833.01 KB,1195x976,1195:976,1678702945600.png)

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c53922 No.18513651

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,kek.jpg)

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562f52 No.18513652


Thanks Ms. Low energy, glad you repeated an old trump buzzword. You did good. Enjoy your liquid diet tonight

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346c77 No.18513653

File: 3ce41a061099841⋯.png (10.27 KB,478x544,239:272,ClipboardImage.png)

Want to make sure (You)r money is protected?

Join Black Lives Matter today!




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a605a1 No.18513654

File: 58672b03a76ba90⋯.jpg (334.8 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20230312_145528….jpg)

File: 2aa3ea04606388c⋯.jpg (400.96 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20230312_145604….jpg)

File: 975b5bd3a0c0dbd⋯.jpg (420.02 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20230312_145632….jpg)

Comfy Trump Hulk

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a8784c No.18513655



baker in service

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57b092 No.18513656


>The earth was created for satan and 1/3 of the angles he deceived, not mankind.

Kek, um no.

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88ed6f No.18513657

File: f62c16a8b8636ce⋯.png (196.69 KB,462x479,462:479,fgd.PNG)


vote harder.

100+ years of FED.

100+ years of UN.

Yet voting has existed the entire time.

weird. /s

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bd1270 No.18513658

File: 8af0d1513158340⋯.mp4 (5.9 MB,580x322,290:161,DelaCruz_Clip_1.mp4)


De La Cruz [Homeland Security Committee Hearing]: Right here where I represent has the one of the highest drone detections along the southwest border. The cartel drone detections, just right here in the Rio Grande Valley sector, in fiscal year 2022, was thirty-five thousand drone detections…that are watching our agents, watching our American communities, and leading illegal immigrants through our southwest border…out of thirty-five thousand drone detections, only ten thousand were intercepted.

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462e18 No.18513659

File: d95dfa90bddf01a⋯.png (132.01 KB,300x180,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

The new qrew of 8kun.

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7557d5 No.18513661

File: 469abee9cb8ca42⋯.png (442.43 KB,913x1277,913:1277,Uh_Naw_Mel_Gibson.png)

File: b6c2764c4bc999f⋯.gif (7.41 MB,480x270,16:9,Nigger_Poo_Fling_Floyd.gif)

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6ad3af No.18513662

File: 56d7f32ea500980⋯.gif (1.49 MB,333x498,111:166,power_legendary_reverse_ca….gif)

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55386a No.18513663

did 8kun Dayshift go woke

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cd326a No.18513664

File: 6af20647e64d699⋯.jpg (38.87 KB,479x356,479:356,Sniffing_Joe_Biden_in_Chin….jpg)

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ecd8dd No.18513665

File: a8bd31f6d2d8c98⋯.png (14.43 KB,489x103,489:103,CA_NONBINARY_SHIT.PNG)

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3ed1cb No.18513666

File: 391d6d86689b867⋯.jpg (194.8 KB,919x1334,919:1334,IMzmqer.jpg)


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562f52 No.18513667



Just hold on for 2more weeks.

No need to cry if I'm wrong, but good to know you can't even ignore. Gib me more (you)s tards

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6ad3af No.18513668


Are you date fagging?

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aaaf83 No.18513669

File: 0f78af7fb6134f1⋯.png (427.64 KB,739x721,739:721,a31e31e6c9a4fdaa4b8eb5fc13….png)

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7557d5 No.18513670

File: 5f4f3684ac0c781⋯.png (1017.08 KB,1024x598,512:299,Pepe_Patriots_Delaware_Cro….png)

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5b6800 No.18513671

File: f6a5ce501a71e88⋯.png (607.05 KB,917x513,917:513,ClipboardImage.png)


I see it.

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a166b0 No.18513672


Time for Patriots to take their kids out of the Socialist Public School Indoctrination System.

Any Patriotic parent would be a better teacher for their kids than the Socialist buttwipes that are passing for teachers in the Public School System.

Any parent who has sat down with their own kids to help them with their homework, is capable of teaching their own kids.

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562f52 No.18513673


Everybody check out how this ladies brain tries to work.

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d73164 No.18513674

I can't stop calling certain people nigger (not all niggers are black!), even though I'm married to a black woman…so, I've decided just to start using more horrible language for other races to call other people I don't like those names, regardless of race. Maybe not the best strategy, but the best I can do.

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e19bbc No.18513675

File: e12693a3a54ad9d⋯.png (81.59 KB,300x252,25:21,ClipboardImage.png)


for the complaint dept ring 118 India

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6ad3af No.18513676


How dare you assume my gender faggot

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57669e No.18513677


>give me more (you0s

Wow. That's lame as fuck. On top of it all you need validation, kmfao. Holy shit, you're a fucking mess. Which alter are you using or is this your host personality?

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76357c No.18513678

File: fd80ba579f1cfe2⋯.png (213.44 KB,574x553,82:79,LeapOfFaith.png)

Hi, guys. Anon recovering from PTSD here. I wanted to throw out a random PTSD relavent question, shot in the dark if you will. Lived with PTSD for 33 years, incident happened in 1st grade as I began learning about the world. PTSD locked me in a state of traumatized-hyper-learning (Traumatized while in that state of mind) my whole life. Now that on the recovery side, I still have that hyper-learning quirk and it's becoming a problem. I never learned how to process this information any further because my brain has been trying to survive my traumatic event needlessly for 33 years. I only know how to think in a learned manner. I can't process what I've learned and communicate anything to anyone sufficient to work in a team based environment. Assuming this is because I couldn't pay attention for the remainder of my school years, what cirriculum would I have had to miss from just about any grade that would otherwise help me be able to use English to communicate my thoughts properly to others?

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a23754 No.18513679


I have found that in this world there as many white niggers as there are black niggers. The sand niggers are beginning to grow in numbers as well. And the slow IQ south American Niggers are overwhelming.

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bd1270 No.18513680

File: 7aa8d908d4e048d⋯.mp4 (4.7 MB,580x322,290:161,Mr_Gemenez_Clip_1.mp4)

Do you think the president of the United States is dumb?

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d73164 No.18513681


>If q pops up and tells you to vote for desantis, all you fags will and be content swallowing all that face fuckin.

Honestly, I don't care if the dems win again. They are in power now and the globalists are getting ass fucked. It was never going to be an easy process, but if the dems have to win the superficial PR roles while we keep winning behind the scenes, then so be it.

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360a1a No.18513682

File: c9e967d465131db⋯.png (1.99 MB,710x7668,5:54,1450_1_.png)

File: a44e761c3b66f45⋯.png (492.28 KB,710x2216,355:1108,3328.png)

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346c77 No.18513683



(Make a gif !)

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562f52 No.18513684



Tell me you're a newfag without saying so.

Either y'all are inbreed, or a product of common core

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c53922 No.18513685

File: cda610ebc8f2859⋯.png (610.28 KB,500x1088,125:272,ClipboardImage.png)

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15e717 No.18513686

File: 0564f705a6be2d5⋯.jpg (848.86 KB,1728x3200,27:50,allan_douglas_davidson_roi….jpg)


> Nickles

TY, Pickup-Baker.

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57669e No.18513687

File: 819dc61ef2f3689⋯.png (440.21 KB,636x656,159:164,Jesus_Joyfully_Eternal.png)


>what cirriculum would I have had to miss from just about any grade that would otherwise help me be able to use English to communicate my thoughts properly to others?

You're doing just fine.

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412d5a No.18513688

File: 76393526ae33d21⋯.png (2.24 MB,2001x1125,667:375,F47E2286_4F47_4ECF_86A0_C5….png)

Did (you) pay attention to the underside of the drone?

Matches the sky above.

Invisible to the eye.

Quiet too.

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57669e No.18513689


That shit you seek doesn't come from school, it comes from God.

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f4ef0a No.18513690

File: 0e9fde1392f940f⋯.jpg (12.15 KB,255x199,255:199,0e9fde1392f940ff83a5625073….jpg)

take that gold fringe off retard

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5c2560 No.18513691

File: 83c30c1efe070c6⋯.png (605.04 KB,1208x622,604:311,ClipboardImage.png)

Potato wheels up from Harry Reid International Las Vegas.

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d73164 No.18513692


>I can't process what I've learned and communicate anything to anyone sufficient to work in a team based environment.

you're lucky because the jobs of the future won't require the gift of the gab aka bullshitting.

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562f52 No.18513693


Behind the scenes lmao, trust me bro

Basically your life is directed by the next. Npc

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57669e No.18513694

File: fd9f025634d0308⋯.png (168.05 KB,480x338,240:169,Trump_yet_here.png)

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412d5a No.18513695

Da Gub sends transportation to (your) front door during the most impressionable years.

Da Gub steals your money during (your) productive years.

After that, (your) on (your) own.

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d73164 No.18513696

File: 762b12ca16655e9⋯.png (124.95 KB,518x350,37:25,ClipboardImage.png)


>slow IQ south American Niggers are overwhelming

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360a1a No.18513697

File: c70d5613ee42817⋯.pdf (14.42 MB,Snoopy_ToTheMoon_UK_r3_1_.pdf)

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cd326a No.18513698

File: 0288cecf267f822⋯.jpeg (110.77 KB,683x800,683:800,7E6C5F53_80F5_4C01_9769_B….JPEG)

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6d24fc No.18513699

File: 7a8319e6231a511⋯.jpg (14.2 KB,230x230,1:1,585033d2a6174b4cd3d4bf9760….jpg)

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57669e No.18513700


Misery loves company, doesn't it, control freak low IQ faggot. We aren't going where u want to take us, you depraved pos.

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562f52 No.18513701


Thanks captain obvious. You did a really good job with that post. I'm proud of your observations

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6ad3af No.18513702

File: 6408636e25b3658⋯.jpg (246.11 KB,1024x576,16:9,Cousin_Eddie_1.jpg)


I bet you're just happy someone is replying back to you.

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bd1270 No.18513703

File: 77a8afba1f37cdb⋯.mp4 (6.68 MB,580x322,290:161,Mr_Cabrera_Clip_1.mp4)


Chris Caberera [Vice President, National Border Patrol Council]: Just the other day…it was about 35-40 degrees, and we had a little boy that was brought up by another group that found him crying on the river. He was four years old. He had one shoe on, he was soaking wet, and his parents were already here in the United States. We see that all the time. We see little girls, five, six, seven years old, that their parents are already here, and they sent them in care of a smuggler…I saw a lady, I think in her late 50s, and she was just pummeled to a bloody pulp…the reason she was pummeled is these river guides tried to get to her twelve year old granddaughter, and she fought them off, but she paid the price for it…if you did mandatory detention, mandatory removal, we wouldn't see this, because we wouldn't be incentivizing people coming over.

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6ad3af No.18513704

File: 6e91e67b4746abc⋯.jpg (68.89 KB,499x499,1:1,tumblr_nxvp7nSSsf1ueiaxzo1….jpg)

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562f52 No.18513705


You know the rules then hotshot.

Togtfo. Yap yap yap

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5b6800 No.18513706

File: 096ee49f53d51dc⋯.jpeg (1.56 MB,2740x3635,548:727,096ee49f53d51dc40adf6433e….jpeg)


This ^^^^^^^


I have sever PTSD too anon, not from that young for mine is service connected but do know the struggle. Be well fren ;)

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d73164 No.18513707


>Behind the scenes lmao, trust me bro

So, you think the dems, globalists, and neocons are winning now?

The FDIC just took managerial control of a cryptocurrency payment rail. Eurodollars getting fucking drained. Your globalist heartland theory vision of things is imploding

As has been said, learn russian, cause the US is bailing on backstabbing western Europe.

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412d5a No.18513708

File: 91e0403a808132e⋯.png (629.83 KB,2001x1125,667:375,5D302C9D_6AEE_4736_A006_9F….png)

File: 493aa6d407b1e6b⋯.png (942.57 KB,2001x1125,667:375,7222D3D0_3BDD_4AA7_AA1F_A4….png)

The gatherers are getting ready to hand over to the drone.

No human pilot.

No guilt.

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6d24fc No.18513709

File: 9f3f80e720c0fe0⋯.gif (865.33 KB,315x152,315:152,IFF44_22.gif)

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76357c No.18513710

File: 931961eec3951a5⋯.png (214.67 KB,861x744,287:248,2wolfsfren.png)

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84b5b6 No.18513711



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cf83ff No.18513712

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562f52 No.18513713


Just goes to show what I have to say is more important than any "research" you f'n tards could even conceive of presenting. This place functions on defensiveness. Nothing beneficial except good laugh

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6d24fc No.18513714

File: 150047ee4a72f49⋯.png (10.66 KB,191x255,191:255,seraphim44.png)

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6ad3af No.18513715

File: 31126791a72b225⋯.gif (19.57 KB,291x120,97:40,31126791a72b225ca5f3769525….gif)

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527123 No.18513716

File: 130a7c5435cef4a⋯.jpg (347.05 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_2023_03_15_16_2….jpg)

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c85a02 No.18513717



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360a1a No.18513718

File: 6d9dfd50558721e⋯.jpg (59.61 KB,286x400,143:200,6a00d83451c04269e202a30d40….jpg)

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5b6800 No.18513719

File: d88e49f51941590⋯.png (490.38 KB,599x598,599:598,ClipboardImage.png)


Had to go and drop the stash blank.

Ty anon, kek!

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562f52 No.18513720


Worst assumption ever, and q taught you that

Enjoy living in your left right paradigm

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412d5a No.18513721

File: 872700fa197c0a3⋯.jpeg (27.01 KB,474x266,237:133,62BD2304_BC1B_4FC8_B741_7….jpeg)


Same as it ever was.

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a8784c No.18513723

#22704 >>18513217

>>18513237, >>18513361, >>18513393, >>18513441, >>18513393, >>18513441 , >>18513412 'Tater Discusses his Plan to Lower Prescription Drug Costs

>>18513239 FDA Authorizes Updated COVID-19 Vaccine for Children as Young as 6 Months Old

>>18513250 Erdogan says Turkey will honour its pledge on Finland’s NATO bid after meeting the Finnish president on Friday

>>18513252 Cop Gets 14 Years for Responding to Child Rape Case by Raping the Child Himself

>>18513256 Evidence Shows Dr. Fauci Contributed Directly and Significantly to China’s COVID R&D and Propaganda

>>18513269 A 96-Page DC Police Report UNCOVERED – Shows Govt Knew MAGA Was Coming on Jan 6 and Entrapped Them ALL

>>18513274, >>18513282 @1stMEF Stand by… CONTACT!💥⚡️

>>18513276 Moar banking updates

>>18513283 Former Pakistani PM alleges assassination plot

>>18513286 Judge Rejects Request From Moderna, Moving Key COVID-19 Vaccine Case To Discovery

>>18513289 Is Misinformation the Problem? Re-examining the Infodemic with Renée DiResta - 2023 Annual NLM Lecture

>>18513292 FY2024 Budget Requests for the Congressional Budget Office, the Government Accountability Office, and the Government Publishing Office

>>18513295 Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, Glenn "GT" Thompson (PA-15), Hosts a Farm Bill Listening Session in Waco, Texas

>>18513300 To Receive Testimony on Military and Civilian Personnel Programs in the Department of Defense in Review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2024 and the Future Years Defense Program

>>18513304 Ukraine invites Ron DeSantis to visit after his claim war not ‘vital’ to US

>>18513305 Hearings to Examine the Future Path of VA's Electronic Health Record Modernization Program

>>18513320 ‘Utter Lunacy’ — Transgender Child Sex Offender Found Guilty of Raping Friend with ‘Her Penis’

>>18513327 Elementary school teacher says confusing kids about gender is ‘the goal’

>>18513328 @USMC #Marines hot load a Mark 82 General Purpose bomb onto an F/A-18C Hornet aircraft on San Clemente Island, Calif.

noter taps, baker change

>>18513341 Farmers’ protest party set to shake up Dutch political landscape

>>18513345, >>18513358, >>18513370, >>18513389 Israel uses high-technology to influence election results

>>18513346 NBA owners have $10 billion in China, afraid to criticize Communist regime

>>18513349 Israeli AG ends probe into ex-Mossad chief over $20,000 gift from Australian billionaire

>>18513369 Researchers oversold Israeli COVID shot; "the project failed"

>>18513373 More linking "hate" with school board mtgs

>>18513380 9 million AT&T customer accounts breached

>>18513384 Judicial Watch Sues Federal Trade Commission for Communications about Twitter Owner Elon Musk

>>18513386, >>18513392 Rep. Chip Roy Formally Endorses DeSantis For President

>>18513417 NZ: Response to Freedom of Information request shows mRNA boosters increase risk of death by 11%

>>18513426 James O'Keefe launches O'Keefe Media Group after ouster from Project Veritas

>>18513429 Justice Department Investigation Leads to Takedown of Darknet Cryptocurrency Mixer that Processed Over $3 Billion of Unlawful Transactions

>>18513442 Black Lives Matter Movement Received Nearly $83 Billion from Corporations

halfway thru

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af1b24 No.18513724

File: f558acd609f8575⋯.png (156.64 KB,503x476,503:476,v63456345b625v43634.png)



There's nowhere else you can go but up, cause I'm already in the trenches.

Glad you guys are here.

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6ce025 No.18513725

File: 2140e331b36f107⋯.png (1.1 MB,2001x1125,667:375,kitteh.png)

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1a3abd No.18513726

File: 37bb7e05e2dc7fc⋯.png (18.87 KB,526x508,263:254,NRNUffZvpz7Zo8MQLoMa_15_5f….png)

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801122 No.18513727

File: 4be82e58dc5a76a⋯.png (215.14 KB,458x306,229:153,Screenshot_2023_01_31_at_0….png)

>ban assault rifles

Our corporate government can pass as many gun laws and it wants.. FOR CITIZENS. Bc the Constitution does not apply to CITIZENS. Thats what a lot of ppl are missing trying to fight "unconstitutional gun laws." That fight is really a guise to hide us from the Truth. What they are doing is legal. 'We' just don't know any better.

Citizens follow corporate bi-laws, statutes, and relinquished their rights for privileges. When you become a State National, you get limited diplomatic immunity, and the Constitution applies to you again. You get your rights back (but you still have to know them and how to timely assert them).

Rights > Privileges.

And these sneaky fraudsters, left us all an out. A remedy exists.

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1a3abd No.18513728

File: 597f251b9853e63⋯.jpeg (40.97 KB,700x500,7:5,pQ52QagsCShg2yIuDSGI_15_0….jpeg)

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a8784c No.18513729


baking early, notes are heavy

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c85a02 No.18513730

File: 660bd20a6fa8378⋯.jpg (93.52 KB,885x579,295:193,1678908802674939.jpg)

File: df479cba5b17e62⋯.jpg (106.76 KB,1000x644,250:161,Soon_0015.jpg)

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360a1a No.18513731



barbarus. stolen.stone steel stael stale,starve

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641c36 No.18513732


>dat pic

Holy fucking kek did this just happen overnight?

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6ad3af No.18513733

File: 1ed7a0187df515f⋯.jpg (146.54 KB,1024x721,1024:721,img_1565.jpg)

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1a3abd No.18513734

File: 781eb18620ea12a⋯.png (90.4 KB,473x545,473:545,Capture.PNG)

IAEA inspectors have found that roughly 2.5 tons of natural uranium have gone missing from a Libyan site that is not under government control - Reuters.

"The loss of knowledge about the uranium may present radiological and nuclear security concerns"



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15e717 No.18513735

File: 671dc36ddd4168a⋯.png (221.07 KB,936x936,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


> Newfren

> Doesn't know to thank the baker

> Wearing a rocker under "his" chevrons


You need a new hat, fren.

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ac151f No.18513736


Why Adolf the Hitler had that weird moustache is because he had problems wearing his mask during a mustard gas attack in WW1 and got hospitalized .Then he cut off the sides of his moustache so it would not happen again.

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5fbb75 No.18513737


>When you become a State National, you get limited diplomatic immunity, and the Constitution applies to you again. You get your rights back (but you still have to know them and how to timely assert them).


>Rights > Privileges.


>And these sneaky fraudsters, left us all an out. A remedy exists.

How do you regiSTAR for that???

whats the forms

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a8784c No.18513738



will bake @550, then go back for remaining notables

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57669e No.18513739


You sound hurt.

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9b4ddb No.18513740

File: ff5a3eb2d23497c⋯.jpeg (155.35 KB,947x500,947:500,750C9A73_85A3_4E29_AB61_B….jpeg)

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6d24fc No.18513741

File: 1ee02ee1482ef1f⋯.jpg (97.59 KB,540x720,3:4,e14cf20e061a9811a417cff30d….jpg)

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1a3abd No.18513742

File: 8f782de27e52a48⋯.png (15.04 KB,473x140,473:140,Capture.PNG)

Pat Schroeder was a fierce force for good, using her 24 years in public service to advocate for women and families. "You can't wring your hands and roll up your sleeves at the same time," she'd say. We'll miss her!


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ac151f No.18513743


yep, my first impression of that tiny image too

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2b672b No.18513744


Just another mere coincidence. As I finally got close to my destination a cop car comes blaring down the road even crossing to oncoming traffic when I see he goes through a street to my neighborhood instead of keeping to the main road. It's a shortcut to nowhere, and only one car that I heard in the time I ran back to check on my wife. I've played hospice, and I have never seen them do that for even medical emergencies.

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cd326a No.18513745

File: 81ed9577c0d61c6⋯.png (2.22 MB,2001x1125,667:375,543A3186_3837_4F75_BB1F_EE….png)

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c845fc No.18513746

Promoted vaccine effectiveness:




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c4e158 No.18513747

I truly regret being here on earth

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53f612 No.18513748

File: 636969f401f06e1⋯.png (788.44 KB,1920x1014,320:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf8b08891df6d7d⋯.jpg (120.57 KB,650x310,65:31,Dude.jpg)

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57669e No.18513749


So … you DO need us to change, then? Is that why you are here, control freak faggot?

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6d24fc No.18513750

File: 0569de779a979ee⋯.png (21.72 KB,255x196,255:196,resinance44.png)


Cat Turd

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cd326a No.18513751

File: c76d384c73d4718⋯.jpg (659.75 KB,912x788,228:197,IMG_1723.jpg)

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57669e No.18513752


That means God is knocking but you haven't let Him in.

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801122 No.18513753


There is a process for correcting your political status. Some of that is in the book "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree."

Basically you have to write an affidavit declaring who you are and send it to the Secretary of State.

Then you record that document with any County clerks office as a public record.

Then you get a new passport that shows your new status (State National).

I followed a formula, paid $80 for a "bundle" of documents and instructions.

That's just the start… It's a very long journey learning all this and you can get realllll fucked if you don't know what you are doing.

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360a1a No.18513754

File: 62b226d9839a2df⋯.jpg (30.69 KB,408x612,2:3,istockphoto_454311989_612x….jpg)

File: 83262bec6ca4fce⋯.jpg (84.6 KB,750x1000,3:4,fposter_small_wall_texture….jpg)

File: b3cd3d1e4cbf5fe⋯.jpg (116.23 KB,750x1080,25:36,1634104178_20_titis_org_p_….jpg)

File: f6e09efd2c4d480⋯.png (426.69 KB,485x513,485:513,f6e09efd2c4d48047325ad5664….png)

File: 232391d06810071⋯.gif (1.4 MB,498x300,83:50,morgan_freeman_hope.gif)

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c4e158 No.18513755


I don‘t know what that is supposed to mean.

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412d5a No.18513756

I officially challenge Shills, comped bakers and note takers to a fist fight.

I’m thinking easy win because I can drop kick 3 in one spin.

I’m thinking Shills are skinny soy boys or a computer.

Am I in for more than I bargained for?

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ac151f No.18513757


dubs chk´d

(like in CATegorie)

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cf83ff No.18513758


sure. we all believe this.

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c53922 No.18513759

File: acf072b5664d5b7⋯.jpg (23 KB,341x268,341:268,continue2.jpg)

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321aba No.18513760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bakhmut pocket is collapsing. Military Summary and Analysis 2023.03.15.

It appears tha Russia is winning Bakhmut. Seems to me like the only spin the MSM can give is “yeah they took Bakhmut, but look at the high cost the Russians have paid for it”

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5b6800 No.18513761

File: 1750b5330e99c9a⋯.jpg (301.4 KB,720x700,36:35,1750b5330e99c9a22795440cbd….jpg)


Good to be in the sludge with you fren.

Won't stop cause we can't stop.

Not till the end.


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57669e No.18513762

File: 5508d4390e55aa1⋯.png (139.64 KB,400x383,400:383,ClipboardImage.png)


It looks like it did habben overnight, kmao.

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88ed6f No.18513763


anons dont 'believe' shit. we know, learn, or ignore. evidence, connections, verification, and probability. not feels, beliefs, and hopes. kek!

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346c77 No.18513764

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Someone HELP!

I know I can't fix STUPID.

But I'll take what I can get.

THIS (picrel) came across my plate today.

There was another I saw a few weeks ago from the same person (NOT the same Twitter account), along the lines of an infusion/ cancer "cure-all" (maybe red blood cells, or vitamin C).

There is NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE to back these claims up.

NOR do I know of any "anecdotal" evidence to back it up either.

(I can NOT find the other sauce right now)

DESPERATE people are NOT GONNA MAKE IT, because of stuff like THIS.

But what do I know?


Perhaps I need to learn to just let go…

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562f52 No.18513765

High IQ here



Still nothing notable from you tards.

I speak my my mind. You speak what you are told to say per Q. Fucking grifters

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c4e158 No.18513766

If I can not trust my heart, I can trust nobody. My heart is wrong. I don‘t see a reason to be on earth.

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57669e No.18513767


Why do u regret being on Earth? Then I'll elaborate on what I meant.

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cf83ff No.18513768


Trump also promotes indirectly and certainly panders to LBTGQ. Vigano called him out, but he's a weasel no different than any other politician with no real moral compass. Very unbased. SAD!

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19037e No.18513769

File: 43d43cc626664a9⋯.webp (1.53 MB,2400x1589,2400:1589,WR951129_02.webp)


She was a pathetic stoopid kunt!

While in Congress, she became the first woman to serve on the House Armed Services Committee. ..


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cd326a No.18513770

File: c09052d77d10b1a⋯.png (1.25 MB,750x1080,25:36,7D3E8FB3_F515_4D3A_BC18_1F….png)

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cf83ff No.18513771


sarcasm lost on (you)

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bc4c62 No.18513772

File: c4c799eec153a3b⋯.png (266.32 KB,704x539,64:49,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7cd318c26e2d32⋯.png (22.82 KB,1180x300,59:15,ClipboardImage.png)





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c4e158 No.18513773


Because I can not trust my heart

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55386a No.18513774


stop it anon


yourebeing a faggot again

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c4e158 No.18513775


Make me stop

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ae9be8 No.18513776

File: 55a92b768b09cbf⋯.png (4.48 KB,341x109,341:109,ClipboardImage.png)


>Someone HELP!

Twatter embed is worthless - bring a screen cap of the tweet and the content, and the link. Like so…


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801122 No.18513777


You become a state national after you declare so at the county clerk. But then you need the passport.

I am not endorsing or suggesting anyone does the same, but I got the info from David Lester Straight and followed his process. Use your own discernment. Watch his vids, hes got good info on his site but you be the judge. Its a very big decision and process.


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3ed1cb No.18513778

atomic WEDGIE

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5fbb75 No.18513779


appreciate the response.

I would rather die on my feet with my own liberty under them.

Thats nothing more than satanic paper witchcraft.

registering is for satanists and cattle.

My constitution says I have all the rights I need.

Rights are from God, I dont need to fill out anything.

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c53922 No.18513780

File: 040bb0de085b9a3⋯.png (644.42 KB,600x650,12:13,040bb0de085b9a39404585660e….png)

Banker PAIN is best PAIN.

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67c94f No.18513781


it works, it just takes longer to load

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3ed1cb No.18513782



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7557d5 No.18513783

File: 873807eeb86f8cb⋯.png (198.97 KB,500x499,500:499,SKYKING_GREEN_MAN_PEPE_TRU….png)

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57669e No.18513784

File: 76ded9cf3afda11⋯.jpeg (38.12 KB,557x551,557:551,keks_in_pot.jpeg)


You seem controlling and rabid, as if you need us to change so you can feel better but won't admit it. Your life sounds painful.

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412d5a No.18513785

The line is EZ to see.

Everyone knows what it is and where it is.

Do not cross is the rule.

After which the line is crossed, (you) know what happens.

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346c77 No.18513786



Re-thinking the second vid… it MAY have been "Oxygen Infusion".

(Looking now)

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7557d5 No.18513787

File: f46c5bc84ddc99e⋯.jpg (115.28 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Butter_Tooth_Brit_Prince_H….jpg)

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71fbea No.18513788


As do I, anon. I’m told I need to shut the fuck up and be grateful, but I’m not quite sure what I need to be grateful for when I take a look around at the overall playing field. Currently weighing my options on what the true risk factor might be on landing somewhere worse should I finally pull the trigger and jump ship. Fuck this gay earth.

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3ed1cb No.18513790



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57669e No.18513791


Yes, that's where you block God out. So what i am trying to get at is that part about not trusting your heart. Does not trusting your heart feel good or painful?

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5b6800 No.18513792

File: 5f726138b3e9498⋯.png (1.19 MB,1024x770,512:385,ClipboardImage.png)


When I was in service we had to shave for this exact reason. One can not properly "clear" their mask if the seal is not made to the skin.


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55386a No.18513793


do a flipe

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7557d5 No.18513794

File: 1b358049ef763ae⋯.png (56.12 KB,393x320,393:320,Green_Putin_Pepe.png)

File: 95ea8397c9dc6d9⋯.png (32.16 KB,501x338,501:338,Pink_Faggot_Drone.png)

File: 97f956a0e119ba0⋯.png (139.56 KB,434x439,434:439,Putin_Pepe.png)

File: 3f13bac88b12bf0⋯.png (411.94 KB,912x1279,912:1279,Green_Pepe_Nuts.png)

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c53922 No.18513795

File: 554f0655899f071⋯.png (139.92 KB,226x300,113:150,ClipboardImage.png)

I think today I'll go with the aftershave that smells like chocolate chip cookies straight out of the oven.

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c4e158 No.18513796


My heart has nothing to be grateful about

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3ed1cb No.18513797


sneaky rushin peepee

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19037e No.18513798


>She was a pathetic stoopid kunt!

Schroeder styled herself as a "fiscally conservative liberal".

In 1981, she voted against Reagan's tax cuts, as she thought the country could not afford it, and also against the 1986 tax-reform bill, favoring more progressive rates.

In 1986 she had a 95% rating from Americans For Democratic Action and was also ranked by the National Taxpayers Union as more fiscally conservative than Jack Kemp.

In 1989, Schroeder voted against George H. W. Bush's administration more than any House member (79 percent), and often did not vote with fellow Democrats on "party unity" votes.[4][5][14]

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3a1df9 No.18513799


Of note, this was also the reason for the hitler style mustache.

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cd326a No.18513800


I got bored early this morning and created this masterpiece.

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53f612 No.18513801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Effect Of Nuclear Weapons Part I: Introduction Declassified Motion Picture

should be required viewing

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562f52 No.18513802


24 posts sounds painful.

Project your repetitive horseshit when I'm not on.

Funny how it's just 2 fags feeling butthurt atm.

Your glow makes me smile, big smile

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3ed1cb No.18513803


double handed

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c4e158 No.18513804


I trusted my heart 100% and reality has proven me wrong

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360a1a No.18513805

File: 4187243bbe05182⋯.png (349.42 KB,659x432,659:432,4187243bbe05182468176fd0ea….png)

File: 3e1546e08e4a4a7⋯.jpg (19.21 KB,255x251,255:251,da923ceaf46c20e177d32991b4….jpg)

File: aa1a67b21d67b24⋯.jpg (12.08 KB,255x255,1:1,69a246732bc1a099087813d384….jpg)

File: 771cc7b46b2771a⋯.png (731.06 KB,1080x687,360:229,771cc7b46b2771a4fe08799a22….png)

File: 5ce8e128f499a21⋯.png (1.12 MB,799x1200,799:1200,5ce8e128f499a21f128fdfaf03….png)

as if gonna disturb muh peave for a cat talking. @ the spring door.

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30245f No.18513806

File: 9a1f84b0ee51fcb⋯.png (160.32 KB,608x671,608:671,Screenshot_2023_03_15_at_1….png)

Eat the bugz!


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84b5b6 No.18513807


Do you want fat chicks?

Because that's how you get fat chicks

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3a1df9 No.18513808


Hey, isnt the hat supposed to be backwards and inside under the mask or is that just usaf?

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3ed1cb No.18513809


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346c77 No.18513810



Not sure how to "screen cap"?

How about a link?

PS it opens for me in the OP.


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a8784c No.18513811

#22704-A >>18513217

>>18513237, >>18513361, >>18513393, >>18513441, >>18513393, >>18513441 , >>18513412 'Tater Discusses his Plan to Lower Prescription Drug Costs

>>18513239 FDA Authorizes Updated COVID-19 Vaccine for Children as Young as 6 Months Old

>>18513250 Erdogan says Turkey will honour its pledge on Finland’s NATO bid after meeting the Finnish president on Friday

>>18513252 Cop Gets 14 Years for Responding to Child Rape Case by Raping the Child Himself

>>18513256 Evidence Shows Dr. Fauci Contributed Directly and Significantly to China’s COVID R&D and Propaganda

>>18513269 A 96-Page DC Police Report UNCOVERED – Shows Govt Knew MAGA Was Coming on Jan 6 and Entrapped Them ALL

>>18513274, >>18513282 @1stMEF Stand by… CONTACT!💥⚡️

>>18513276 Moar banking updates

>>18513283 Former Pakistani PM alleges assassination plot

>>18513286 Judge Rejects Request From Moderna, Moving Key COVID-19 Vaccine Case To Discovery

>>18513289 Is Misinformation the Problem? Re-examining the Infodemic with Renée DiResta - 2023 Annual NLM Lecture

>>18513292 FY2024 Budget Requests for the Congressional Budget Office, the Government Accountability Office, and the Government Publishing Office

>>18513295 Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, Glenn "GT" Thompson (PA-15), Hosts a Farm Bill Listening Session in Waco, Texas

>>18513300 To Receive Testimony on Military and Civilian Personnel Programs in the Department of Defense in Review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2024 and the Future Years Defense Program

>>18513304 Ukraine invites Ron DeSantis to visit after his claim war not ‘vital’ to US

>>18513305 Hearings to Examine the Future Path of VA's Electronic Health Record Modernization Program

>>18513320 ‘Utter Lunacy’ — Transgender Child Sex Offender Found Guilty of Raping Friend with ‘Her Penis’

>>18513327 Elementary school teacher says confusing kids about gender is ‘the goal’

>>18513328 @USMC #Marines hot load a Mark 82 General Purpose bomb onto an F/A-18C Hornet aircraft on San Clemente Island, Calif.



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97abcf No.18513812

File: 7195ed0b4d2f411⋯.png (112.71 KB,603x594,67:66,Screen_Shot_2023_03_15_at_….png)


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c845fc No.18513813

File: fc2d5225641957e⋯.png (85.23 KB,488x456,61:57,line.png)


God is your only ally


>do not cross

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71fbea No.18513814


What’s a flipe?

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3ed1cb No.18513815



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c4e158 No.18513816

There is literally nothing do to for me

Any more on this planet

Wish my parent had already passed peacefully

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d73164 No.18513817

File: 3b9292e89be4b34⋯.png (763.22 KB,1051x790,1051:790,Screenshot_2023_03_15_16_3….png)


>Enjoy living in your left right paradigm

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3ed1cb No.18513818



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a8784c No.18513819



noter taps, baker change

>>18513341 Farmers’ protest party set to shake up Dutch political landscape

>>18513345, >>18513358, >>18513370, >>18513389, >>18513466, >>18513476, >>18513489 Israel uses high-technology to influence election results

>>18513346 NBA owners have $10 billion in China, afraid to criticize Communist regime

>>18513349 Israeli AG ends probe into ex-Mossad chief over $20,000 gift from Australian billionaire

>>18513369 Researchers oversold Israeli COVID shot; "the project failed"

>>18513373 More linking "hate" with school board mtgs

>>18513380 9 million AT&T customer accounts breached

>>18513384 Judicial Watch Sues Federal Trade Commission for Communications about Twitter Owner Elon Musk

>>18513386, >>18513392, >>18513513, >>18513587 Rep. Chip Roy Formally Endorses DeSantis For President

>>18513417 NZ: Response to Freedom of Information request shows mRNA boosters increase risk of death by 11%

>>18513426 James O'Keefe launches O'Keefe Media Group after ouster from Project Veritas

>>18513429 Justice Department Investigation Leads to Takedown of Darknet Cryptocurrency Mixer that Processed Over $3 Billion of Unlawful Transactions

>>18513442 Black Lives Matter Movement Received Nearly $83 Billion from Corporations

>>18513479 Defense Secy Austin speaks with Russian counterpart

>>18513481, >>18513515 Swiss National Bank will provide liquidity to Credit Suisse if necessary

>>18513506 Trump allies accuse DeSantis of violating campaign finance laws

>>18513616 USMC - Job well done!




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c4e158 No.18513820


Doesn‘t seem like much of an ally if he would allow me to believe something with my heart 100% only to let me dowm

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88ed6f No.18513821


not at all. just making sure all understand that belief and trust and following feels is how the world ended up under the spell where it currently resides.

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97abcf No.18513822

File: ec87ac6c2516073⋯.png (234.71 KB,606x619,606:619,Screen_Shot_2023_03_15_at_….png)



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d73164 No.18513823

>>18513386, >>18513392 Rep. Chip Roy Formally Endorses DeSantis For President

They want to tease a DeSantis run because the new law is that he would have to immediately step down as Governor. Checkmate.

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67c94f No.18513824


fucker never leaves his house. he ain't getting any chicks

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bd1270 No.18513825

File: 659226ea1428704⋯.mp4 (6.9 MB,432x236,108:59,Mr_Green_Clip_1.mp4)

Mr Green asks Chief Ortiz, Does DHS have operational control over our entire border?

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c845fc No.18513826


everything is from god, the good and the bad

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3ed1cb No.18513827

scaRRed HOMO$ buy moar gas

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7cef18 No.18513828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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462e18 No.18513829

File: 72fba06442d7c30⋯.png (54.29 KB,598x565,598:565,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Fox News' Geraldo Rivera on Hunter Biden:

"Hunter Biden has been investigated for almost five years… nothing remotely criminal has been uncovered. Put up or shut up."

Now let's get back to focusing on how Jared Kushner & Ivanka Trump got a $1.2 billion lease from a Qatari owned investment firm while they were in office and then got over $2 billion from the Saudis after leaving office.


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360a1a No.18513830

File: 2a3f92a88ccabf5⋯.jpg (643.67 KB,1238x1857,2:3,1_3990945562.jpg)

File: d805e8567711794⋯.jpeg (10.26 KB,250x201,250:201,download_2023_03_15T16560….jpeg)

File: a188dd4ae013c2f⋯.png (6.12 KB,184x255,184:255,6f1a87e80bfe2c025f62935558….png)


bada bing

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c4e158 No.18513831



So deep

Much think

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5fbb75 No.18513832

File: 543c7f01c36317c⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,480x852,40:71,Rr0_RveKWt_70KiA.mp4)

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b8d72a No.18513833


Gold fringed flag

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3ed1cb No.18513834


HOMO$ in fright spend moar $hekel$

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55386a No.18513835


funny little island people etiquette

ever see um jump off a cliff

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30245f No.18513836

File: 47b6e3312eb2983⋯.png (52.68 KB,640x292,160:73,ClipboardImage.png)


Chip Roy

Chi Rho

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aaaf83 No.18513837


Thats not going to age well.

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84b5b6 No.18513838


Done with flair?

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30245f No.18513839

File: 8674b6ece8d88e2⋯.png (8.95 KB,170x253,170:253,ClipboardImage.png)


Chip Roy

Chi Rho

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9e3525 No.18513840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ae9be8 No.18513841

File: 7e081eb35267fff⋯.png (238.23 KB,597x916,597:916,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8e5b863a6d0d59⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,720x1280,9:16,cancercure.mp4)


🛑 mocking the PEOPLE


💥 This man was arrested hundreds of times for curing cancer with herbs in the right diet… look him up

Snipping tool if on Wondoze, to cap twitter vids use:


save the vid and upload. (max filesize for vids approx 16mb)

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19037e No.18513842


>They want to tease a DeSantis run because the new law is that he would have to immediately step down as Governor. Checkmate.

It is an old FL law. Desanity will have it repealed by the time the FL leg session ends. Mayday he will announce.

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55386a No.18513844



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2017d5 No.18513845

MARKER ![[9]]!

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c53922 No.18513846


That's not true. I leave the house daily.

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9f4154 No.18513847

File: 805eb458ae5acca⋯.webp (134.98 KB,286x200,143:100,200.webp)

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412d5a No.18513848

WHO would laugh seeing many people die due to vaccines or a manufactured bio agent being released?

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4dc1ae No.18513849

File: 6d6a71c076786a4⋯.jpg (397.76 KB,501x498,167:166,bQ1J2Yt.jpg)



>So deep

>Much think

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a166b0 No.18513850

File: 719c14d298fbb05⋯.png (285.46 KB,640x403,640:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b6800 No.18513851

File: f4872d65afa3f2d⋯.png (425.91 KB,525x700,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


Idk, from my recolection donning MOP gear I always wore a kevlar for cover.

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c53922 No.18513852


Fit chicks like the smell of cookies too.

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0e8781 No.18513853

File: 2417c199beeb6fe⋯.jpg (24.14 KB,640x360,16:9,ZomboMeme_15032023165806.jpg)

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cd326a No.18513854

File: 5bec6c7d34a9d35⋯.png (633.18 KB,695x500,139:100,CB197226_7669_4908_A273_10….PNG)

File: ac8fbb3f2e6ef05⋯.png (685.78 KB,695x500,139:100,86A7CFA3_3FBC_4653_968A_BA….PNG)

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3ed1cb No.18513855

File: 77dab3baf7e9f38⋯.jpeg (370.81 KB,1140x1280,57:64,77dab3baf7e9f38fba6e9469e….jpeg)

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30245f No.18513856

File: 98bd6f792f5f6f9⋯.png (405.76 KB,598x564,299:282,Screenshot_2023_03_15_at_1….png)

File: 98b25c9fcec7f6f⋯.png (89.22 KB,230x331,230:331,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post


Celebrity matchmaker Rori Sassoon turned blind eye to biz partner’s sex harassment of employee: suit



Sassoon family

The Sassoon family, known as "Rothschilds of the East" due to the immense wealth they accumulated in finance and trade, are a Baghdadi Jewish family. Originally based in Baghdad, Iraq, they later moved to Bombay, India, and then emigrated to China, England, and other nations



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d73164 No.18513857

File: 7fd5e7a36b8b83d⋯.png (273.63 KB,474x376,237:188,ClipboardImage.png)


>It is an old FL law. Desanity will have it repealed by the time the FL leg session ends. Mayday he will announce.

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19037e No.18513858

File: 58a4a808560cf77⋯.png (146.06 KB,336x336,1:1,07fc70dc01f823f70388392134….png)

File: 281e8f5e1cf287f⋯.gif (2.03 KB,345x73,345:73,281e8f5e1cf287f6e3045b2191….gif)

File: 75a2e490d14dd3a⋯.jpg (14.73 KB,441x372,147:124,14370008_1470928192923792_….jpg)

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8e6dad No.18513859


Our limitations

Are exactly that What We limit ourselves to

Can't is not in my vocabulary

Won't however is

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d31124 No.18513860

File: e126bf769f80c9e⋯.mp4 (5 MB,320x568,40:71,mental_illness.mp4)


Example of Oppositional Disorder, Gender Dysphoria and attention seeking.

i.e. Batshit Crazy.

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c4e158 No.18513861

You‘re not even real


Had I a gun, I‘d totally do the thing

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af1b24 No.18513862

File: 1d4dc2f1ce12c60⋯.png (1.25 MB,1032x1066,516:533,mn645v3643.png)


>>Done with flair?


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3ed1cb No.18513863

File: 772f5499dccdc1f⋯.png (107.58 KB,431x348,431:348,772f5499dccdc1f488f1b9303c….png)

tsipraism fayk&GAHYjuw hams need miracle maonaise whipped on buns

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71fbea No.18513864


Gotcha. Got a GoPro. There’s a dam nearby. I’ll live stream my flipe, if I decide the risk of where I might end up is worth the change of scenery. Might piss off the producers of muh Truman Show if I cut into their ratings. But that’d just be a bonus.

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222589 No.18513865

File: 765415aafd4b3b7⋯.png (296.59 KB,590x400,59:40,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Gang Executed Hostile Takeover of FDIC – Now FDIC Bails Out SVB and Signature Bank But Won’t Say If They’ll Bailout All Banks

One year ago the FDIC suffered a hostile takeover from the Biden gang. A year later the FDIC is bailing out banks with a significant number of Chinese venture capital accounts.

In February of 2022 President Trump’s FDIC Director resigned after what she claimed was a hostile takeover by the Biden regime. She was appalled with the actions taken by those close to Biden.

A year later two banks fail that were run by woke liberals who donated to the Democrats. Silicon Valley Bank had a large number of deposits that were related to Chinese venture capitalists. Barney Frank was on the board of the other bank bailed out by Biden, Signature Bank.

Senator JD Vance says that community banks will take the fall for the bailouts of SVB and Signature Bank failures.

Vance was on with the War Room and he shared that over 90% of SVB deposits were uninsured deposits.

What we basically did is we’re going to charge community banks higher fees to put more money into Silicon Valley Bank to bail out depositors. I think that’s a catastrophic decision.

And I actually talked to the Treasury Department and the FDIC yesterday Steve, and the question that I asked them, and I did not get a good answer was, ‘Are we now a country where there is not such a thing as an uninsured bank deposit?’ … They did not give me a good answer.


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c845fc No.18513866

File: e2468e456edcb84⋯.jpeg (187.41 KB,520x520,1:1,pepeinwhiterobepraying.jpeg)


>Rights are from God, I dont need to fill out anything.

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801122 No.18513867

File: 8d4a01b08d95bae⋯.png (42.61 KB,775x372,25:12,Screenshot_2023_02_09_at_2….png)


digits confirm?

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c85a02 No.18513868

File: bc2db7d26cd9a62⋯.png (878.07 KB,870x986,15:17,1678909884837909.png)

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57669e No.18513869

File: 3623799ac93ed13⋯.png (645.83 KB,944x783,944:783,love_fear.PNG)


No way. That defies law. What you did is think u trusted your heart but kept your eyes on noticing it had not come to pass. You know u trust your heart when the thoughts feel good because you KNOW u get what u want and God answered it already 100%. WE are the only ones who can block what we want and that is 100% the God honest truth. So there is something u wanted but thought u believed would come to pass but kept notivcing it had not happened yet and u felt bad in the process while telling yourself it will happen. When the "awareness" (creative power) is on the lack of it, then we get more lack. You must feel like you know it IS going to happen because you understand that is what having faith means and the feeling good without it happening has to be enough. Feeling good because of the thoughts you choose to think HAS to be enough that wanting the outside to change. When u feel good based on realizing you get to pick the moar hopeful and optimistic thoughts on your own, then you will realize you no longer need what u want to happen so that u can feel better, AND THEN IT HAPPENS because u no longer were noticing the unanswered prayer.

Faith is solid but u have to know why u feel bad and what thoughts feel better then u HAVE to trust those but it cannot be to get the thing to happen… it cannot be unless u no longer "miss" it or notice it's not here. But what u reeeeeelly prolly want is to feel better and u can do that by picking the better feeling moar hopeful thoughts than the ones that hurt. Pain always means doubt. Anon knows bc anon struggled w suicide since Anon was 10. When u truly line up, then you will become whole. It takes work. It sounds easy but you have subconscious limiting beliefs running on autopilot rn. U have to grab the reins, then life will feel good and everything you look at changes. Sorry for wall of text. I charge $200/hour for this shit and have perfect results. The person has to make choosing the thoughts that feel better #1 priority because they don't want to hurt but then all of a sudden you will start to see little things you wanted start to happen. The big ones seem to take lo=nger bc we have spent moar time thinking in contradiction/doubt. You get to control all of it. Do u want the blessings to come into your life or do u want to keep God knocking? Easier said than done, sorry for wall of text but u HAVE to trust the better feeling thoughts/DIRECT OPPOSITE of the painful ones. What u are feeling is the luciferian programming. What I gave u is the key to deprogram. No easy switch but feels better every step of the way until u climb out.

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97abcf No.18513870


This happens all the time to anyone who can really help a person to get well.

Gaston Naesens is another who was tried for using an apparently successful treatment.


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346c77 No.18513871


I coudn't find it.

IIRC, it was an older newsroom style interview (perhaps from the 80s ?).

Vid was posted on a no- name/bluecheck twitter act.

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3ed1cb No.18513872

File: b51d11d5f12b732⋯.png (341.1 KB,600x407,600:407,b51d11d5f12b732498bf5877d5….png)


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3a4b3c No.18513873

File: a60c1b975c655c3⋯.png (55.19 KB,847x470,847:470,cloud_seeding_market_16557….png)

Cloud Seeding Market by Type (Aerial Cloud Seeding, Ground Based Cloud Seeding), by Application (Increasing Precipitation, Mitigating Hail Damage, Dispersing Fog), by Flare (End Burning Flares, Ejection Flares, Automatic and Remote Based Generator, Manual Generator, Flare Trees), by Seeding Technique (Hygroscopic, Glaciogenic ): Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2021-2031

The global cloud seeding market was valued at $120.35 million in 2021, and is projected to reach $192.77 million by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 5.1% from 2022 to 2031.

Cloud seeding can be identified as weather modification technique that improves a cloud’s ability to produce rain or snow. This technique is also used to control weather events such as suppressing storms or causing rain in draught effected areas. The concept of cloud seeding was introduced in 1946 by General Electric. Inorganic compounds such as silver iodide, sodium chloride or dry ice are introduced to the clouds via various aerial and ground-based techniques. These chemicals act as a condensation accelerator. The unattached super cooled water vapor molecules in the cloud condenses around chemicals that are introduced. The grouping of water molecules around chemicals continues until water droplets are formulated, and falls back to ground in the form of rain. The technology currently is in the developing phase and countries across the globe are contributing to its research and development activities. As of 2022, around 56 countries across the globe, including major nations such as the U.S., China, India, and UK have active cloud seeding programs.


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d31124 No.18513874


Life must suck knowing you are just as ugly as a woman as you are a man.

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462e18 No.18513875

File: a4f371929b4e80e⋯.png (358.33 KB,558x342,31:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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c85a02 No.18513876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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222589 No.18513877

File: 5c3412773e717da⋯.png (256.79 KB,500x280,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

Russia Says Bombs Found At A Druzhba Pipeline Station In Latest Sabotage Attempt

Officials with the Russian oil company Transneft say they've uncovered a failed bomb plot to sabotage the Druzhba oil pipeline and maim civilians in the western Bryansk region of Russia.

Transneft spokesman Igor Demin told TASS on Wednesday that two explosive devices were found at a pumping station. The devices, while they didn't detonate, had some degree of damage due to the likelihood they were dropped from drones, he explained.

"The character of the explosive parts — metal balls — indicates that the organizers of this sabotage did not intend to damage equipment, but rather to kill people, namely civilian workers at a pumping station on the Druzhba [pipeline]. Investigations are underway," Demin said.

The station in question, identified in Bloomberg as the Novozybkov station, "hasn’t been used for oil pumping so far this year; its reservoirs are empty," according to reports. Demin noted that no part of the station was damaged.

The Russian Defense Ministry didn't immediately comment on Transneft's statements, but the Kremlin has of late ratcheted its accusations that Ukrainian saboteurs are engaging in cross-border attacks. President Putin has recently ordered his federal security services (FSB) to tighten border security after a string of brazen cross-border incidents.

This year has also seen an unprecedented number of drone incursions over Russian territory, and Moscow has gone so far as to allege Western state backing of such operations.


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c85a02 No.18513878

File: d7f2f1bedab694b⋯.jpg (42.03 KB,960x508,240:127,1671041868152713.jpg)

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a8784c No.18513879


noter taps, baker change

>>18513341 Farmers’ protest party set to shake up Dutch political landscape

>>18513345, >>18513358, >>18513370, >>18513389, >>18513466, >>18513476, >>18513489 Israel uses high-technology to influence election results

>>18513346 NBA owners have $10 billion in China, afraid to criticize Communist regime

>>18513349 Israeli AG ends probe into ex-Mossad chief over $20,000 gift from Australian billionaire

>>18513369 Researchers oversold Israeli COVID shot; "the project failed"

>>18513373 More linking "hate" with school board mtgs

>>18513380 9 million AT&T customer accounts breached

>>18513384 Judicial Watch Sues Federal Trade Commission for Communications about Twitter Owner Elon Musk

>>18513386, >>18513392, >>18513513, >>18513587 Rep. Chip Roy Formally Endorses DeSantis For President

>>18513417 NZ: Response to Freedom of Information request shows mRNA boosters increase risk of death by 11%

>>18513426 James O'Keefe launches O'Keefe Media Group after ouster from Project Veritas

>>18513429 Justice Department Investigation Leads to Takedown of Darknet Cryptocurrency Mixer that Processed Over $3 Billion of Unlawful Transactions

>>18513442 Black Lives Matter Movement Received Nearly $83 Billion from Corporations

>>18513479 Defense Secy Austin speaks with Russian counterpart

>>18513481, >>18513515 Swiss National Bank will provide liquidity to Credit Suisse if necessary

>>18513506 Trump allies accuse DeSantis of violating campaign finance laws

>>18513616 USMC - Job well done!

>>18513691, >>18513748 PF

>>18513734 IAEA inspectors have found that roughly 2.5 tons of natural uranium have gone missing from a Libyan site

>>18513742, >>18513769 HRC twat on Pat Schroeder

>>18513760 Bakhmut pocket is collapsing. Military Summary and Analysis 2023.03.15.

>>18513812 Did Pfister try to influence 2020 election with timing of vax announcement?

>>18513829 Geraldo: Hunter Biden has been investigated for almost five years… nothing remotely criminal has been uncovered

>>18513865 Biden Gang Executed Hostile Takeover of FDIC – Now FDIC Bails Out SVB and Signature Bank But Won’t Say If They’ll Bailout All Banks


can't get this to drop - time to BAKE


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801122 No.18513880


That sure sounds nice but thats not how it works. The Constitution does not apply to Citizens. Fact.

You think you have constitutional rights but you don't if you are a citizen. And you signed up to be a citizen thru birth certificates, social security, drivers licesnses…

You already filled out the paper work and silently became a slave with no rights. We all did.

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3ed1cb No.18513881

File: cb42c051fca2fdd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,388.59 KB,570x570,1:1,cb42c051fca2fdd5b634f7514a….jpg)


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412d5a No.18513883



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5ef270 No.18513884

I’m late to the party. I took a mortgage for a house with some land. I have a truck and a little commute car. I just found a Dave Ramsey video. Now I want out of debt. Wish me luck.

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c4e158 No.18513885


I know exactly what you mean, I was 100% sure that it was about to happen, did not feel lack, then it happened and it was the exact opposite result of what my heart wanted

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360a1a No.18513886

File: 6aff2edaf61a9b9⋯.jpeg (62.94 KB,1280x964,320:241,gdGpao0_2Iz3FCEO.jpeg)

File: 2a3f92a88ccabf5⋯.jpg (643.67 KB,1238x1857,2:3,1_3990945562.jpg)

File: f558acd609f8575⋯.png (156.64 KB,503x476,503:476,f558acd609f85753889923336a….png)

File: 952dd87f161148a⋯.png (231.71 KB,537x464,537:464,952dd87f161148af5ee81cfa5c….png)

File: 9fc880d871f3d5b⋯.png (461.14 KB,918x1270,459:635,9fc880d871f3d5bfe4caf34e29….png)

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3ed1cb No.18513887


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412d5a No.18513888


We can hear you breathe.

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d73164 No.18513890

File: be17e0fce9687cf⋯.png (305.62 KB,500x538,250:269,ClipboardImage.png)


>US Powell Federal Reserve is BAALING out Swi[ss] NAtional bank and Credit Suisse

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3a4b3c No.18513891

File: ff051cac4331b38⋯.jpg (586.27 KB,2200x1467,2200:1467,feat_cloudseeding45_01.jpg)

Weather on Demand: Making It Rain Is Now a Global Business

Welcome to the strange world of cloud seeding.

By Amanda Little | October 28, 2015

From Bloomberg Businessweek

“Most pilots are trained to avoid these storm systems,” shouts Byron Pederson. “We’re trained to enter them.” He’s flying a King Air B200 prop jet above Maharashtra, India, toward a dense, bruise-colored monsoon cloud more than 20,000 feet from top to bottom. He dips a wing, Top Gun-style, as he circles the cumulonimbus. “Bank alert!” warns a computerized female voice from the control panel. Pederson calls her Bitchin’ Betty for all the scolding she does as he defies the generally accepted rules of aviation.

Four of us are crammed inside the tiny plane, and the air smells like stress and sweat. Pederson’s in the cockpit with Shahzad Mistry, the rookie co-pilot he’s training; I’m seated a few feet behind them, trying not to vomit on the fridge-size computer to my right that’s humming and blinking as it records meteorological data. To my left is Prakash Koliwad, chief executive officer of Kyathi Climate Modification Consultants, the cloud-seeding company based in Bangalore that commissioned this flight.

The view outside my window goes smoky gray as Pederson maneuvers the King Air inside a dark layer of heavy moisture along the cloud’s underbelly. The plane lurches and shakes. “We’re in,” says Pederson. The Vertical Speed Indicator on the dashboard climbs. We’ve entered the “updraft,” a shaft of wind at the center of all storm clouds that’s sucking the plane upward at a rate of 800 feet per minute. I can barely lift my hands—the G-force is pinning them to my lap.


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933a65 No.18513892


See this? If you'd told him to wait two more weeks he would have punched you and kicked you in a ditch.

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801122 No.18513893

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c85a02 No.18513894



Regis - of the King

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c53922 No.18513895

File: 04d0f1dbff3c5d2⋯.png (362.26 KB,600x440,15:11,04d0f1dbff3c5d2025b1258825….png)

I like how The View on Faux never thinks about POTUS Trump being impeached for a phone call to Ukraine. The Biden corruption in Ukraine. Ukraine are not the good guys, nor are the out in the open Deep State actors that support them, but do the Faux monkeys really believe that or are they just paid to say that.

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3ed1cb No.18513896

le poets le silent le bout le cheese

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55b36c No.18513897


Paid actors

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53f612 No.18513898

File: 6eb6bb7f97974cf⋯.jpg (143.18 KB,1024x1024,1:1,horrendorevolver.jpg)


>Geraldo: Hunter Biden has been investigated for almost five years… nothing remotely criminal has been uncovered

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30245f No.18513899

File: 55c92ba31f4df31⋯.png (790.3 KB,1327x636,1327:636,Screenshot_2023_03_15_at_1….png)




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2017d5 No.18513900

MARKER ![[9]]!









AUTH: 44-144-1774

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dd0614 No.18513901


Sorry to hear this. I like Chip Roy and DeSantis for that matter but Trump 2024 all the fucking way. Unfinished business.

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3ed1cb No.18513902


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412d5a No.18513903


Filter ID plus and screen goes white says he is the baker.

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222589 No.18513905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Silicon Valley Bank - Trump & The Cartel Drug Money Bank

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2017d5 No.18513906

MARKER ![[9]]!









AUTH: 44-144-1774

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a8784c No.18513907






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d31124 No.18513908

File: 00ebe2a26a9fef5⋯.png (356.38 KB,702x395,702:395,ClipboardImage.png)


Welcome to the Central banking system.

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346c77 No.18513909





(no simple "copy/paste" ?

C'mon man (Jim) !

This IS, after all, an"IMAGE BOARD"!



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4dc1ae No.18513914

File: 012d4025684c2cf⋯.jpg (54.1 KB,600x360,5:3,boom.jpg)

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