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File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,00000000000000000000000000….gif)

3ce1a9 No.18493793 [Last50 Posts]

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3ce1a9 No.18493801

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18287979 ——–——– Canada #40

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

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>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Jan 6th Song Featuring Trump Soars To #1 On iTunes- >>18489141 NEW

Bakers: How to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

Formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444

Baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761, No RRN in notes >>17980519, >>18310901

Post notables or step down by @300 >>18311579

Please be advised that there will be a scheduled maintenance across our network on March 12, 2023 at 9:00PM Sunday Pacific time.'



>>18493045 More than 3,500 CEOs and founders representing some 220,000 workers signed a petition started by Y Combinator

>>18493048 Peter Thiel's Founders Fund had no cash left in Silicon Valley Bank by Thursday as it began to unravel

>>18493052 Governor Newsome Issues Statement on Silicon Valley Bank

>>18493058 Matt Taibbi Calls Out Double Standards in Government Treatment of Journalists

>>18493073 Messenger RNA Technology Could Be Used to Develop Infectious Disease Therapeutics

>>18493080 Ichor Awarded DARPA ADEPT: PROTECT Contract

>>18493082 US Army Fort Sill - Embrace the suck.

>>18493088 Oversight Chair James Comer: “IT’S AS BAD AS WE THOUGHT – We Have In Hand Documents That Show Biden Family Was Getting Money from Chinese Communist Party”

>>18493090 FDIC auction for failed SVB underway, final bids due Sunday

>>18493091 A Brief Introduction to Shanghai Pudong Development Bank

>>18493120 Democrats Are Terrified Of An Educated And Informed Public

>>18493130 Twitter Files Hearing Was A "Soviet Show Trial," Democrats Used It To Attack Free Speech And A Free Press

>>18493142 Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank rocks China’s tech start-ups, venture capital industry

>>18493173 Former House Speaker Hopes Silicon Valley Bank Will Be Bought By Rival Bank

>>18493178 Auction process is reportedly underway to find a buyer for Silicon Valley Bank

>>18493217 Silicon Valley Bank Tanked, Dragging Down 500 Israeli Startups

>>18493300 Silicon Valley Bank, FDIC, Federal Reserve Stress Tests and Hold to Maturity for TBTFs and others

>>18493323 Swalwell pushing to stop FOX News being broadcast to our troops

>>18493336 Federal authorities are seriously considering safeguarding all uninsured deposits at Silicon Valley Bank

>>18493380 The IDF said that for the first time, seven Israeli F-35 two Ram (the Boeing 707) aircraft will participate in the exercise flying over US airspace.

>>18493415 Pediatricians are paid a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2.

>>18493452 At least four Biden family members, including Joe Biden, implicated in racketeering operation

>>18493463 Whistleblower: FBI Agents Colluded To Illegally Intercept Proud Boy Defendant’s Communications With HIS OWN Attorney

>>18493474 Matt Taibbi continues to expose [D] party con [projection].

>>18493504 Short Senator Kennedy Fox News Sunday Interview

>>18493535 US-Ukraine relationship ‘cracking’

>>18493576 German minister lied to advance career

>>18493601 Kiev’s top diplomat slams German pacifists

>>18493646 Elon Musk’s plans for SpaceX ‘utopia’ revealed

>>18493701 The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection

>>18493732 World Bank is one of the 17 Specialized Agencies of the UN, as is the WHO, IMF, etc..

>>18493734 PF - SAM 463 up and about headed West out of JBA.

>>18493773 US ‘sitting still’ amid growing China-Russia influence

>>18493789 With the implosion of Silicon Valley Bank over 1,500 climate and energy-tech companies could face problems.

>>18493796 #22678

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3ce1a9 No.18493803

#22677 >>18492177

>>18492348, >>18492664 Give anons the J6 footage.

>>18492213 TURTL4 out of Reno West bound, approaching ELY Level 350 Squawking 1774

>>18492217 Yellen: working to address SVB collapse, but not looking at bailout

>>18492222, >>18492228, >>18492239 Pepe Live Matter: Beware the black pill in disguise. Guard your mind. Put on the spiritual armor of God.

>>18492245 1/3 of US deposits are in small banks and ~50% are uninsured.

>>18492248, >>18492198, >>18492180 Rothschild trending after Trump Truth typo

>>18492331 (Strongly worded) Thread by Bobby Piton: Trillions not billions were stolen by the CCP, Crown, Iran and Traitors

>>18492335 Factory explosion in Russia. Sabotage

>>18492396, >>18492419, >>18492446, >>18492484 Who is giving SES and DARPA its marching orders?

>>18492399 Another Financial Firm bites the dust with @StepStoneGroup having held their funds in Silicon Valley Bank

>>18492424 Couple of interesting tweets this morning from UK Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen RE: DoD >> Covid

>>18492427, >>18492454, >>18492474, >>18492459, >>18492502 FDIC Auction for SVB Said to Be Underway, Final Bids Due Sunday

>>18492474 Carnac says JPMorgan going to get the goods?

>>18492557 McCarthy DESTROYS CNN Reporter for Network's DISGRACEFUL Coverage of Jan. 6th

>>18492525, >>18492546, >>18492554, >>18492603 "JPM is a Fortress" is what Jim Kramer said, no issues with the Virgin Islands?

>>18492700, >>18492718 Modern vs Modrrn

>>18492774 PlaneFag CONUS Activity:SAM315 C-40B and this one is usually used by J.C.O.S. Milley over western Nevada at 38K ft from it's JBA depart earlier today and looks like it's heading to Travis AFB

>>18492819 Raland Brunson's May 8th update on DOCKET

>>18492873, >>18492970, >>18492975 The death of a climate bank: With the implosion of Silicon Valley Bank over 1,500 climate and energy-tech companies could face problems.

>>18492882, >>18492986 House Republicans showed the world this week that Tony Fauci and the US government funded the creation of COVID-19 at the Wuhan lab.

>>18492883 DNA = Do Not Ask (decode)

>>18492971 re: Python facial recognition

>>18492976 Silicon Valley Bank Ties to California First Partner Jennifer Newsom

>>18492995 #22677

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3ce1a9 No.18493804

#22676 >>18491413

>>18491424 UK will test frightening 'Armageddon alarm' within weeks which will see thousands of people's phones flash and set off alarms

>>18491426, >>18491512 DELTA Dan Scavino twitter

>>18491453 Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump THE UNITED STATES LOVES ITALY!

>>18491474, >>18491458, >>18491536, >>18491542 If you don't talk that Eye-talian lingo: Italy is a country we love. We are working with them. It's tough, but I think they will see very good results.

>>18491484 Time change got me (shout out to those without auto-updating clocks! We time-shifted today.)

>>18491487, >>18491515, >>18491583, >>18491592 A96-page detailed intelligence and response prepdocument created by DC metropolitan police related to January 6.

>>18491490 IS THAT A PLEDGE PIN? ON YOUR UNIFORM??!? Throughout June, the USMC takes #Pride in recognizing and honoring the contributions of our LGBTQ service members.

>>18491503 Russian Defense Ministry names Ukrainians involved in US military biological programs

>>18491509 How to Make a Monster? Isolate Your Child

>>18491513, >>18491524, >>18491526, >>18491530 Anon opines: won't be long now, The real wake up call, Ukraine Draft, People are going to lost their shit, Nobody is going to fight for a bunch of nazis

>>18491570 Thank you Swordy! God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

>>18491587 BIOTECH SPENDING SPREE; Yeah George Journalism is dead until Smith Mundt Modernization Act is nullified and illegal.

>>18491618, >>18491647 Some Joke: Insufferable Jane Fonda Really

>>18491626 President Trump: With what is happening to our economy, and with the proposals being made on the LARGEST AND DUMBEST TAX INCREASE IN THE HISTORY OF THE USA, TIMES FIVE

>>18491642 THE BANKS ARE ALREADY STARTING TO COLLAPSE!!! anon has looking forward to this part of the plan

>>18491646, >>18491652, >>18491643 wut iz dis? Jan 6th 2021

>>18491656 PAT407, PAT410, PAT409, PAT411, Flight of 4, Out of Ft Knox, KY, Descending through FL170, Squawking 6605, 6636, 4035, 7126

>>18491796 Was WOKE SVB funding the planned pandemic/solution? Ties to Ukraine? Health related start ups/NGO's to launder the $$$?

>>18491773 Tucker Carlson: The truth needs to come out 41:00 mins

>>18491859, >>18491886, >>18492065 “TRUMP’S BEEN RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING!”

>>18491868 @realDonaldTrump Nobody, in history, did more for the FARMERS of our Country than I did. Even got them 28 Billion Dollars from China based on how unfairly they were treated

>>18491904 US Treasury Secretary rules out a bailout for Silicon Valley Bank $SIVB.

>>18492027, >>18492048, >>18491967, >>18491983, >>18492003 lot more J6 videos here, call to dig

>>18492031 discovery that faulty metabolism is at the root of many brain diseases

>>18492099 21-Year-Old Mixed Martial Artist Drops During a Fight - Sudden Cardiac Event Expected to Leave Him Brain Damaged

>>18492170 #22676

Previously Collected

>>18491059 #22674, >>18491403 #22675

>>18488220 #22671, >>18489070 #22672, >>18489878 #22673

>>18485964 #22668, >>18486727 #22669, >>18487453 #22670

>>18483657 #22665, >>18484381 #22666, >>18485184 #22667

>>18481298 #22662, >>18482900 #22663, >>18482858 #22664

TripCodefeed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #17: Enjoy The P@in >>18405516

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3ce1a9 No.18493811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Together You Are Invincible


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376367 No.18493827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5f2534 No.18493829

File: a597a59f6574879⋯.jpg (1.86 MB,3000x4000,3:4,Original_Think_Big.jpg)

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842447 No.18493831





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0def90 No.18493840

File: a8f4aa4602b9c61⋯.png (312.74 KB,381x383,381:383,Your_Girl.png)

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68e752 No.18493860

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ef461 No.18493863

File: 34d4b04166c6290⋯.png (119.64 KB,570x445,114:89,34d4b04166c6290b793bc945c7….png)

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6ff1ed No.18493868

[ ]ust

[ ]uckin

[ ]ids

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6ff1ed No.18493869

File: 391d6d86689b867⋯.jpg (194.8 KB,919x1334,919:1334,IMzmqer.jpg)

File: 9fd52692fd48e46⋯.png (69.02 KB,238x225,238:225,9fd52692fd48e469bc9db53f93….png)

File: 4e8da24d3a0c418⋯.jpg (44.32 KB,488x752,61:94,frenchtrenchbetocheeseburg….jpg)

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5b836c No.18493870

unthinking hubris was the death of america

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5b836c No.18493872

File: 0727c80e18b1d08⋯.png (513.14 KB,898x752,449:376,20180725_195913.png)

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780d2a No.18493873

File: 9325837383b4d10⋯.png (1 MB,1712x666,856:333,raa.png)

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6ff1ed No.18493874

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55904a No.18493875


>You're in an echo chamber.

Yea, but I'm pretty sure it's the last one and there's nowhere else to go.

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780d2a No.18493876

File: f7f7d1180d2538d⋯.png (1.28 MB,1054x734,527:367,luther_95.png)

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d99cad No.18493877

File: 637eeff0959a0b6⋯.mp4 (362.98 KB,240x426,40:71,333949518_1222632195013100….mp4)



lmk if you need handoff

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d0dfe6 No.18493879

File: ef95bce78b9a2c2⋯.png (1.26 MB,490x900,49:90,capture_2207_12032023_1315….png)

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6ff1ed No.18493880

File: b86f55fd58f310d⋯.jpg (207.38 KB,400x400,1:1,32363830.jpg)

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3ce1a9 No.18493881

File: 489456669283f96⋯.gif (367.97 KB,220x220,1:1,1628907557924.gif)


Just getting started, have a nice sandwich and covfefe.


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fe85b0 No.18493882

File: 5aeacdfb81d8702⋯.png (60.51 KB,378x357,18:17,b68ef417f261db213277f87372….png)


Is this like Loretta Lynch? Or maybe Bill or Killery? Anon could easily see Killery posting here as a mean bitch annie mae.

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780d2a No.18493883

the thing about the White man is he seems willing to die for his beliefs

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35cfe7 No.18493885

dat filter doe

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780d2a No.18493886

File: 0a7e2cfbade0712⋯.png (504.79 KB,628x604,157:151,tyb1.png)


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dab82f No.18493888

So pedo Joe buys up the bullshit.

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062e8d No.18493889

File: eedc50b0b1ae2ca⋯.jpg (70.13 KB,875x493,875:493,csdcsdeyo.jpg)

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2577ca No.18493890

File: 1faa03a464b66bf⋯.png (588.3 KB,817x737,817:737,bc21337efa9d0ccac4bbae867c….png)

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1e667a No.18493891

File: f45da890867a441⋯.png (619.45 KB,1080x751,1080:751,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97bd95d0b1efe1e⋯.png (155.29 KB,466x353,466:353,ClipboardImage.png)


also this keyword is trending in france #myriampalombapedosataniste

and they're talking about adrenochrome

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a9166d No.18493892

File: b28e86554d70318⋯.png (45.36 KB,675x405,5:3,gege.PNG)

File: 70715a558a41867⋯.jpg (290.26 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Janet_Yellen_let_slip_deta….jpg)

"That system ways very unstable"

"This is better"

CBDC global rollout May-July worldwide

*Mexico 2024

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193d71 No.18493894

File: 76e9ba8a0feee5e⋯.jpg (120.27 KB,962x1024,481:512,kool.jpg)


>dat filter doe

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d0dfe6 No.18493895

File: 03d7ad83f8f29e6⋯.jpg (54.38 KB,296x146,148:73,_Anonymous_You_44_minutes_….jpg)

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780d2a No.18493896


A Prayer for J6ers

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21c937 No.18493897

File: 8a4d1e25fd02224⋯.jpg (22 KB,344x366,172:183,angry_cat.jpg)


It's already Sunday? How did I miss Saturday? And Friday and Thursday?

It's the end of the world, I tell you!

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eb2647 No.18493898

>>18493103 (LB)

there is risk in ESG and VC

I am shocked

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1e667a No.18493899

File: 7f1cb26fe013450⋯.png (175.88 KB,480x330,16:11,ClipboardImage.png)


>also this keyword is trending in france #myriampalombapedosataniste


>and they're talking about adrenochrome

and "enfants torture"

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780d2a No.18493900

can SVB sink Coinbase? that would be odd

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35cfe7 No.18493901

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a9166d No.18493902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This Blizzard Is About To Be Nuts…

Ryan Hall, Y'all XTRA

4 hrs ago

9 min

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6355a8 No.18493903

File: f5eb446c6ede654⋯.png (216.44 KB,380x380,1:1,Screenshot_20230312_230755….png)

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83d8a9 No.18493904

File: 8ab9da8a55a3c8a⋯.jpg (200.18 KB,1176x500,294:125,boothBandT.jpg)

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6ff1ed No.18493905

ungrateful lolispam.jpeg means hetero

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6ff1ed No.18493906

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c0fb00 No.18493907

File: 8586008c1732d3e⋯.png (420.43 KB,1219x509,1219:509,Screenshot_from_2023_03_12….png)



(from lb Notables, #22678)

> >>18493052 (pb) Governor Newsome Issues Statement on Silicon Valley Bank

The clown shows through!"tent pole"kek

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6ff1ed No.18493908

princes fondeling princes fondeling prince falanderin priests

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0b0b64 No.18493909


mindless sheep

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376367 No.18493910

File: b6c885df17e9130⋯.jpg (31.05 KB,1920x1080,16:9,KALI_BG.jpg)

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f83aed No.18493911

File: d1a97b3593b336b⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB,432x432,1:1,DUMBS_THESE_CREATURES_LIVI….mp4)

i have a lot to say about this vid

gimme a sec

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ae9db4 No.18493912

File: 3da32cd218374a4⋯.jpg (92.46 KB,1920x800,12:5,Biden_fetus.jpg)

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50ca3e No.18493913

File: eeac426e60f8496⋯.png (679.11 KB,1280x720,16:9,eeac426e60f8496a72fc0eb95a….png)


the same tribe of inbreds that killed Jesus evidently don't care if you starve to death.

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6ff1ed No.18493914


blame canOHduh

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5d493c No.18493916

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Momma told me not to come

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16443a No.18493917

File: 3281cc53ee472d0⋯.png (449.18 KB,856x1191,856:1191,Screen_Shot_2023_03_12_at_….png)

File: b7fd5f637557bfd⋯.png (215.06 KB,1485x1025,297:205,Screen_Shot_2023_03_12_at_….png)

File: e506c171ddce593⋯.png (963.68 KB,2079x1274,297:182,Screen_Shot_2023_03_12_at_….png)

File: 69f869905d7a4fe⋯.png (187.73 KB,968x759,88:69,Screen_Shot_2023_03_12_at_….png)




One of the entities at risk because of SVB fail

Making biology easier to engineer




>Protect your DNA - Q


List of vulnerable - Ginko = 5th on list

other picrel = from Ginko site

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ed6f83 No.18493918

File: fef858754031c0d⋯.png (2.08 MB,1280x1750,128:175,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18493771 (lb)


… on my oddly hot list …

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6ff1ed No.18493919

JFKtranny mangina smears trail to white house bidet open border

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ae5a9a No.18493920

File: dc3dd75a8abb4b6⋯.png (418.3 KB,608x342,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 447589d8fcd5825⋯.png (523.36 KB,606x342,101:57,ClipboardImage.png)


New code for recruits to stand?

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69648e No.18493921


Many VCs made banking at SIVB a condition of funding, hence the wipeout of so many startups.

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ae9db4 No.18493922

I think the history books of the future will label the SVB implosion as the trigger of the Greater Depression that will inevitably bring down the Deep State.

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6ff1ed No.18493923


means MOIST #moist

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83d8a9 No.18493924

File: 87511aef458988c⋯.png (8.54 KB,255x255,1:1,smilingsmoke44.png)


heard her father was a G.I.

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94eade No.18493925


that is the same as Samuel Bankman Fried!

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83d8a9 No.18493926

File: e2558621b85cd91⋯.gif (653.28 KB,309x255,103:85,silverbullet.gif)

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d493e3 No.18493927

File: f4d54228c8ca532⋯.jpeg (21.71 KB,360x270,4:3,Bake_your_noodle2.jpeg)

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3f5afe No.18493928

File: 9add8079225b9db⋯.jpeg (39.04 KB,600x356,150:89,6d5242c25abb2d08e45fcafd1….jpeg)

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b3358f No.18493929


GI=General Infantry… was he???

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6ff1ed No.18493930

any up+dates wiff paul ryan not returnin hunter's CP laptop ?

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b20df2 No.18493931

File: 49dd39b54a4be68⋯.png (207.86 KB,488x720,61:90,ClipboardImage.png)

Time for some Covfefe

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01f706 No.18493932

Why can’t we know the identity of “Q”? It’s a little annoying, like not knowing for sure who the subject is in the song “You’re so Vain” by Carly Simon. Yeah it’s probably Warren Beatty, but you just don’t know for sure.

With that said, Carly was telling us that actors are agents decades ago. Underworld spy.

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a9166d No.18493933

File: 423e4046e945ddd⋯.png (452.36 KB,820x556,205:139,Klaus_Schwab_Xi_Jinping_e1….png)

Notice how no other nation or globalist entity is making statements or press releases on

1. USD financial collapse contagion

2. US Govt involvement in the creation of Covid


cui bono?

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2759b1 No.18493934


After the crash there will be two classes of people. Landowners and non-landowners.

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2840f3 No.18493935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Apprentice Star Wars

Flashback Trump fires Chewbacca

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94eade No.18493936

File: 6420a5bdead9d27⋯.png (133.99 KB,1278x748,639:374,svb1.png)

some good video here


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50ca3e No.18493937

NEW - UK PM Rishi Sunak’s new private heated swimming pool uses so much energy that the local electricity network had to be upgraded to meet its power demand.

Construction work on Sunak’s private 12-metre swimming pool has finished just as many council-run baths, including in his local area, are being forced to reduce their opening hours owing to increased energy costs.




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a9166d No.18493938


Quincy Jones

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3f5afe No.18493939

File: 9538474b2ecfde7⋯.jpg (14.72 KB,197x255,197:255,508ff40c5e4a7eddb92d2e60bf….jpg)

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d493e3 No.18493940

File: 60cadbd68f682e9⋯.jpg (108.09 KB,1024x512,2:1,Fisa_gate_Loretta_Lynch.jpg)

File: a60e8f1525676dd⋯.jpeg (1.56 MB,1536x1906,768:953,Comfy.jpeg)


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318151 No.18493941



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6ff1ed No.18493942

File: b1029dac6d77bf3⋯.png (206.12 KB,512x384,4:3,b1029dac6d77bf36612cc24ce9….png)


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3532d4 No.18493943

File: 31ea20ddb9865ff⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB,1761x1668,587:556,CE247031_3BEC_4E8F_8603_1….jpeg)

Great place to get Breaking SVB News

Breaking Market News


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1c9d84 No.18493944


thought it was about James Taylor kek

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d493e3 No.18493945

File: e82ac1b4be91591⋯.jpg (637.19 KB,1356x2256,113:188,Big_Gay_Al.jpg)


Leave the baker alone, bish.

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6ff1ed No.18493946


>JFKtranny mangina smears trail

still hot fo JFK jr tabernacle touched

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5d493c No.18493947


Never looked at it like that. Kek

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d493e3 No.18493948

File: da32b89b1b0fa80⋯.jpg (38.76 KB,540x540,1:1,GFY.jpg)


Anon is comp'ed.

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61da3f No.18493949

PN>>18493701 The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection

This explains partially why the Brunson case was not accepted by the SC. Nullify the rules in which the SC challenge could be heard!

• If its proven that Pelosi, McConnel and Schumer created this crisis on purpose does that negate the crisis they created to deny those that opposed the validation of Bidan? Seems these people thought about this plan for four years or more. If evidence comes out it was a coup, can it be reversed?

• Does Tucker getting the videos have anything to do with proving it was a planned crisis to prevent Trump from being re-elected?

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ed6f83 No.18493950

File: 30c2606e891ed4c⋯.png (408.51 KB,600x461,600:461,ClipboardImage.png)


>thought it was about James Taylor

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50ca3e No.18493951

File: 7f4cbdfe14792af⋯.png (1.52 MB,1440x810,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ed550d1e3d684d⋯.png (1.6 MB,1200x950,24:19,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 114411929677c93⋯.png (524.54 KB,1150x1162,575:581,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6618552192ab14e⋯.png (491.88 KB,568x461,568:461,devilz.PNG)

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b20df2 No.18493952

File: 54f99f4899e1563⋯.png (1.48 MB,1280x1597,1280:1597,ClipboardImage.png)

1 lump or 2 with your covfefe?

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5d493c No.18493953


Try. Ted turner

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83d8a9 No.18493954

File: 328bd21537d1c9d⋯.gif (616.08 KB,480x380,24:19,office44.gif)

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ebf3f8 No.18493955


And former landowners.

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d493e3 No.18493956

File: 4765d15811e56d5⋯.png (449.24 KB,500x571,500:571,Feds.png)

File: 85ab9fa7d71277b⋯.jpeg (16.38 KB,254x255,254:255,Pepe_Feds.jpeg)

File: 98496c7d8b736f1⋯.jpg (136.39 KB,750x848,375:424,Chat_room_glow.jpg)

File: 8c0416bde64ebc6⋯.jpg (491.96 KB,1200x675,16:9,CIA_glow.jpg)

File: df060f9218a2b32⋯.png (740.79 KB,802x707,802:707,FBI_kun_night_shift.png)


Same piece of shit, bread after bread.

Assigned here Fed?

Seems like you are.

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3a5626 No.18493957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

HONKwhere you areHONKwhere you are goingHONKwhen you get there.HONKto bid defiance to the cultHONKfor HOLINESSHONKfor lost homes and farmsHONKfor ULTRA MEGA NIGGA EXTREME DARK MAGAHONKto restore the sacredHONKFor the hornlessHONKfor the childrenHONKfor the wounded, the junkies and elderlyHONKfor GenerosityHONKfor kindnessHONKfor unrigged electionsHONKFor slack-jawed shills at the end of timeHONKfor the curesHONKfor no mo' pedovoresHONKfor plain truthHONKbecause right now it means more than votingHONKfor the frightened, the lost, the lonely, confused and betrayedHONKTo Make America Great AgainHONKbecause anything can happenHONKBecause anyone canHONKSunday, the seventh day of creation.HONKfor squirmin' larvae in hexagonal cubicles.HONKfor a fake UKE war, dawg.HONKfor pedovore smackdownHONKfor ELE number #23HONKfor NPC AwakeningHONKfor 5 Peso gal gasolineHONKfor 12 discrete magnetic polesHONKfor the hornlessHONKFor the hard of horn-ingHONKfor fake celebrities'HONKto infuriate pedovoresHONKto restore meaningHONKfor RevelationsHONKDestruction to the Underground EmpireHONKto chasten the masonHONKfor moreHONKing

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70d8b8 No.18493958

File: 7356e9bd8d2d782⋯.jpg (361.16 KB,2000x1979,2000:1979,biden_newport.jpg)

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53388b No.18493959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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50ca3e No.18493960

File: ecd629c50141542⋯.png (456.78 KB,602x896,43:64,ClipboardImage.png)

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4237fb No.18493961

20 banks that are sitting on huge potential securities losses—as was SVB

Silicon Valley Bank has failed following a run on deposits, after its parent company’s share price crashed a record 60% on Thursday.

Trading of SVB Financial Group’s SIVB stock was halted early Friday, after the shares plunged again in premarket trading. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said SVB was one of a few banks she was “monitoring very carefully.” Reaction poured in from several analysts who discussed the bank’s liquidity risk.

California regulators closed Silicon Valley Bank and handed the wreckage over to the Federal Deposit Insurance Administration later on Friday.

Below is the same list of 10 banks we highlighted on Thursday that showed similar red flags to those shown by SVB Financial through the fourth quarter. This time, we will show how much they reported in unrealized losses on securities — an item that played an important role in SVB’s crisis.

Below that is a screen of U.S. banks with at least $10 billion in total assets, showing those that appeared to have the greatest exposure to unrealized securities losses, as a percentage of total capital, as of Dec. 31.

First, a quick look at SVB

Some media reports have referred to SVB of Santa Clara, Calif., as a small bank, but it had $212 billion in total assets as of Dec. 31, making it the 17th largest bank in the Russell 3000 Index RUA as of Dec. 31. That makes it the largest U.S. bank failure since Washington Mutual in 2008.

One unique aspect of SVB was its decades-long focus on the venture capital industry. The bank’s loan growth had been slowing as interest rates rose. Meanwhile, when announcing its $21 billion dollars in securities sales on Thursday, SVB said it had taken the action not only to lower its interest-rate risk, but because “client cash burn has remained elevated and increased further in February, resulting in lower deposits than forecasted.”

SVB estimated it would book a $1.8 billion loss on the securities sale and said it would raise $2.25 billion in capital through two offerings of new shares and a convertible bond offering. That offering wasn’t completed.

So this appears to be an example of what can go wrong with a bank focused on a particular industry. The combination of a balance sheet heavy with securities and relatively light on loans, in a rising-rate environment in which bond prices have declined and in which depositors specific to that industry are themselves suffering from a decline in cash, led to a liquidity problem.

Unrealized losses on securities

Banks leverage their capital by gathering deposits or borrowing money either to lend the money out or purchase securities. They earn the spread between their average yield on loans and investments and their average cost for funds.

The securities investments are held in two buckets:

Available for sale — these securities (mostly bonds) can be sold at any time, and under accounting rules are required to be marked to market each quarter. This means gains or losses are recorded for the AFS portfolio continually. The accumulated gains are added to, or losses subtracted from, total equity capital.

Held to maturity — these are bonds a bank intends to hold until they are repaid at face value. They are carried at cost and not marked to market each quarter.

In its regulatory Consolidated Financial Statements for Holding Companies—FR Y-9C, filed with the Federal Reserve, SVB Financial, reported a negative $1.911 billion in accumulated other comprehensive income as of Dec. 31. That is line 26.b on Schedule HC of the report, for those keeping score at home. You can look up regulatory reports for any U.S. bank holding company, savings and loan holding company or subsidiary institution at the Federal Financial Institution Examination Council’s National Information Center. Be sure to get the name of the company or institution right — or you may be looking at the wrong entity.


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6f3213 No.18493962

Thankh God.

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376367 No.18493963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What happens when all of their Bullshit is ignored but remembered.

They no longer exist.

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69648e No.18493964

The Hill


McCarthy says he will "slowly roll out" Jan. 6 tapes to other news agencies



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2840f3 No.18493965

File: 0ab7d1f22e38b55⋯.png (527.67 KB,640x427,640:427,0ab7d1f22e38b55825b279fcde….png)

Water watching

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83d8a9 No.18493966

File: fc7c743d1de863b⋯.jpg (15.74 KB,550x384,275:192,fff.jpg)

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a9166d No.18493967

File: f94e508e98202c7⋯.png (37.96 KB,441x526,441:526,jghf.PNG)

Kim Dotcom




Run on the bank! 🏃🏻‍♀️

Get your money out.

First thing on Monday.

US banks are in trouble.

FED emergency meeting.

Deposits may get locked.

Possible withdrawal limits.

When markets collapse your bank deposits that US banks use to invest may be in danger. Cash is king. Get out now!

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3ce1a9 No.18493968



>>18493917 Ginkgo Bioworks

>>18493936 The economic consequences of SVB are going to make FTX look like child’s play, says RSE Ventures’ Higgins

>>18493943 Great place to get Breaking SVB News

>>18493961 20 banks that are sitting on huge potential securities losses—as was SVB


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0def90 No.18493969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d99cad No.18493970

File: 908494be018319a⋯.png (206.84 KB,512x512,1:1,1635992926378.png)



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5e2e58 No.18493971

File: d49d22cea8b394c⋯.png (832.53 KB,960x680,24:17,Icy_eye.png)

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3a5626 No.18493972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ever been part of "the wave" at a sporting event? Stood up at a show or event and applauded because others were applauding without knowing much about who, or what the clapping was for?

It is trivial to exploit our human propensity for imitation, to go along with the crowd, and use this to propagate unconscious self-replicating social behaviors (fads, trends, crazes) in a culture for purposes of marketing or for social control.

It's common sense that such a phenomenon, ripe for exploitation, is being used by cultist pedovores interested in controlling human behavior – especially the for controlling the future evolution of social and economic systems.

Pop culture is not the organic phenomena it appears, but a curated artificial medium engineered to permit rapid introduction and transmission of contagious, conditioned behaviors like purchasing and to spread psychogenic illnesses, self-destructive sexual fetishes etc.

Cultures where commerce controls media content and where art is used to sell consumer goods also have the capacity to engineer psychological operations which induce delusions and powerful contagious mental illnesses or collective insanities.

Historical incidents and known forms of contagious psychogenic illnesses are described in "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" by Charles Mackay.


In recent years, we have seen mysterious maladies proliferate. Recently, American and European psychologists have been tracking the blue whale game, the Momo challenge, the gorilla glue challenge which use guided imagery, occult symbols sigils and glyphs to evoke a psychic dilemma which persuades victim to ice themselves or huff wasp spray. In addition to obvious mind traps like Momo and the Whale, there are similar cognitive exploits which are far more dangerous.

Rothko's basilisk is a logic trap to which a small segment of the population is especially vulnerable -


The evil clowns create both the pathology, “induced contagious, epidemic psychogenic illness” and the psyops which exploit it, constantly.





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b3358f No.18493973

File: 7fa662c4c2011f2⋯.gif (1.3 MB,268x268,1:1,tumblr_nymi8q7j9D1qgyp45o1….gif)


Micheal Scott logic…

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d6f819 No.18493974

File: eccc3769b8cb13f⋯.png (2.85 MB,1969x1319,1969:1319,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d493c No.18493975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a9166d No.18493976

File: 268fcedac11831c⋯.png (74.22 KB,307x638,307:638,nbfgv.PNG)

Bill Ackman


The gov’t has about 48 hours to fix a-soon-to-be-irreversible mistake. By allowing @SVB_Financial to fail without protecting all depositors, the world has woken up to what an uninsured deposit is — an unsecured illiquid claim on a failed bank. Absent





acquiring SVB before the open on Monday, a prospect I believe to be unlikely, or the gov’t guaranteeing all of SVB’s deposits, the giant sucking sound you will hear will be the withdrawal of substantially all uninsured deposits from all but the ‘systemically important banks’ (SIBs). These funds will be transferred to the SIBs, US Treasury (UST) money market funds and short-term UST. There is already pressure to transfer cash to short-term UST and UST money market accounts due to the substantially higher yields available on risk-free UST vs. bank deposits. These withdrawals will drain liquidity from community, regional and other banks and begin the destruction of these important institutions. The increased demand for short-term UST will drive short rates lower complicating the


’s efforts to raise rates to slow the economy. Already thousands of the fastest growing, most innovative venture-backed companies in the U.S. will begin to fail to make payroll next week. Had the gov’t stepped in on Friday to guarantee SVB’s deposits (in exchange for penny warrants which would have wiped out the substantial majority of its equity value) this could have been avoided and SVB’s 40-year franchise value could have been preserved and transferred to a new owner in exchange for an equity injection. We would have been open to participating. This approach would have minimized the risk of any gov’t losses, and created the potential for substantial profits from the rescue. Instead, I think it is now unlikely any buyer will emerge to acquire the failed bank. The gov’t’s approach has guaranteed that more risk will be concentrated in the SIBs at the expense of other banks, which itself creates more systemic risk. For those who make the case that depositors be damned as it would create moral hazard to save them, consider the feasibility of a world where each depositor must do their own credit assessment of the bank they choose to bank with. I am a pretty sophisticated financial analyst and I find most banks to be a black box despite the 1,000s of pages of


filings available on each bank. SVB’s senior management made a basic mistake. They invested short-term deposits in longer-term, fixed-rate assets. Thereafter short-term rates went up and a bank run ensued. Senior management screwed up and they should lose their jobs. The


and OCC also screwed up. It is their job to monitor our banking system for risk and SVB should have been high on their watch list with more than $200B of assets and $170B of deposits from business borrowers in effectively the same industry. The FDIC’s and OCC’s failure to do their jobs should not be allowed to cause the destruction of 1,000s of our nation’s highest potential and highest growth businesses (and the resulting losses of 10s of 1,000s of jobs for some of our most talented younger generation) while also permanently impairing our community and regional banks’ access to low-cost deposits. This administration is particularly opposed to concentrations of power. Ironically, its approach to SVB’s failure guarantees duopolistic banking risk concentration in a handful of SIBs. My back-of-the envelope review of SVB’s balance sheet suggests that even in a liquidation, depositors should eventually get back about 98% of their deposits, but eventually is too long when you have payroll to meet next week. So even without assigning any franchise value to SVB, the cost of a gov’t guarantee of SVB deposits would be minimal. On the other hand, the unintended consequences of the gov’t’s failure to guarantee SVB deposits are vast and profound and need to be considered and addressed before Monday. Otherwise, watch out below.


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6f74b3 No.18493977

File: c473d05f0199fc4⋯.jpg (83.01 KB,1088x1057,1088:1057,FrBpI3tWAAE3RlU.jpg)


All western culture is fake, gay and evil.-

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69648e No.18493978

Not Jerome Powell


The Fed trying to control the SVB situation before the market open pic.twitter.com/N4vIAFKVls


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16609a No.18493979

File: 47e6c30bd3055bd⋯.jpg (124.08 KB,577x623,577:623,baker4.jpg)

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aba716 No.18493980

File: 152c862bc68a1fd⋯.jpg (286.01 KB,1837x1327,1837:1327,Screen_Shot_2023_03_06_at_….jpg)

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4237fb No.18493981

Billionaire Investor Says Financial Meltdown Coming Monday Unless Biden Bails Out Silicon Valley Bank

Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman is forecasting an “economic meltdown” within hours of the banks opening up on Monday morning following the failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). Ackman is urging Joe Biden to step in and protect all of the bank’s depositors, warning that inaction could lead to a ripple effect across other smaller banks within the industry.

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), the 16th largest bank in the United States, collapsed this week. This marks the worst financial institution failure since the Great Recession in 2008. With $209 billion in total assets at the end of 2022, the bank failed after a 60 percent drop in shares due to declining customer deposits, forcing SVB to sell off $1.75 billion in shares.

Ackman’s warning came hours after Greg Becker, the CEO of SVB Financial Group, sent a video message to employees of the bank acknowledging the “incredibly difficult” 48 hours leading up to its collapse on Friday. Becker said he is working with banking regulators to find a partner for the bank, but there is “no guarantee” a deal will be struck.

Ackman predicts bank runs will happen unless the Biden administration bails the bank out:

From a source I trust: @SVB_Financial depositors will get ~50% on Mon/Tues and the balance based on realized value over the next 3-6 months. If this proves true, I expect there will be bank runs beginning Monday am at a large number of non-SIB banks. No company will take even a… https://t.co/2BoqtCDKJt

— Bill Ackman (@BillAckman) March 11, 2023

“From a source I trust, SVB depositors will get ~50% on Mon/Tues and the balance based on realized value over the next 3-6 months. If this proves true, I expect there will be bank runs beginning Monday am at a large number of non-SIB banks. No company will take even a tiny chance of losing a dollar of deposits as there is no reward for this risk. Absent a systemwide FDIC, deposit guarantee, more bank runs begin Monday am,” he tweeted.


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d493e3 No.18493982

File: 6ded200816523b5⋯.png (530.88 KB,595x585,119:117,Brian_morans.png)


Damn, nigga shut down your computer and read a fucking book.

Your history is utterly wrong.

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dc32a3 No.18493983


Mama told me not to meme

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50ca3e No.18493984

File: 47c4038fb7fb1d5⋯.png (1004.96 KB,946x1124,473:562,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75d53058ca27b75⋯.png (506.24 KB,512x768,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

> = $green$ text i.e. 'money on paper/computer screen'

JUST IN - FDIC auction of Silicon Valley Bank underway.



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1ade58 No.18493985

File: 0555b0e2d744652⋯.png (648.09 KB,601x882,601:882,ClipboardImage.png)

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d99cad No.18493986

File: 4542dc6b9671ac4⋯.png (454.57 KB,1080x568,135:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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69648e No.18493987


Ackman has ~10% of AUM at SIVB, so he's got some skin in the game, or "at risk", more properly.

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d493e3 No.18493988

File: d33db16cf026bbc⋯.jpg (178.48 KB,1280x720,16:9,Martin_Luther.jpg)

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4237fb No.18493989

Three Mexicans charged, 1 million fentanyl pills seized outside LA

At a minimum, the carload seized was enough to kill 600,000 people.

If every single pill contained a lethal dose, the amount hidden inside of the body and trunk of a Volkswagen Jetta was enough to kill one million people.

According to a recent U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency analysis, 60% of pills it tests contain a lethal dose. A lethal dose is 2 milligrams, the weight of a mosquito.

At a minimum, the carload seized was enough to kill 600,000 people.

Three Mexican nationals – all single men ages 25, 28, and 29, were in possession of the fentanyl pills. They were arrested and charged in federal court, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California announced.

All three are from Sinaloa, Mexico, according to the U.S. Attorney’s office, the region after which one of the most dangerous cartels is named.

The Sinaloa Cartel controls the drug trade throughout the southern border, covering California, Arizona, New Mexico, and into El Paso, Texas. Other cartels vie for control in Texas, including CJNG, Zeta, and Gulf cartels, law enforcement officials have explained to The Center Square.

The Mexican nationals were apprehended in El Monte, California, roughly 150 miles north of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. While some Democratic politicians have claimed the majority of fentanyl is being seized at ports of entry, law enforcement officers are seizing in single car loads enough fentanyl precursors and/or pills to kill entire populations of towns.

In one recent bust in Arizona, also 150 miles north of the border, enough fentanyl was seized to kill 800,000 people. Cartel and gang operatives traffic people and drugs from Mexico through the southern border to major U.S. cities, where they arrange distribution throughout the U.S., law enforcement officials have explained. Southern California is a major distribution hub, whose criminal network has reached Florida prisons, according to a recent operation.

The Sinaloa cartel’s reach extends to all major U.S. cities and throughout the world, law enforcement officials have also told The Center Square.

According to an affidavit filed with the complaint, the three Mexican nationals met with two buyers at a restaurant in El Segundo, California, about an hour from El Monte, on Tuesday. They initially engaged in a 10,000-fentanyl-pill sample sale followed by a planned 1-million-fentanyl-pill sale.

During the meeting, two of the defendants, Florencio Camacho Allan, 28, and Gerardo Gaixola-Patino, 29, met with the buyers while a third defendant, Alex Valdez Oroz, 25, remained in the car, a white Volkswagen Jetta, according to the affidavit.

After the meeting, Allan and Gaixola-Patino went to the parking lot where they allegedly sold 10,000 fentanyl pills to the buyers for $7,500, according to law enforcement. They then left the restaurant under surveillance of law enforcement.


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ed6f83 No.18493990

File: 9ea1d9665df3b9e⋯.png (460.57 KB,892x595,892:595,ClipboardImage.png)


>1 lump or 2 with your covfefe?

Goose Bumps

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83d8a9 No.18493991

File: f886811ea18b89f⋯.jpg (204.65 KB,750x615,50:41,saintseraphim.jpg)

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aba716 No.18493992

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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50ca3e No.18493993

File: 0010845f26e3d1c⋯.png (302.03 KB,658x323,658:323,ClipboardImage.png)

your 'taxxes' will be used to help the poor inbred money merchants globally

JUST IN - Feds consider "extraordinary intervention" to safeguard all uninsured deposits at Silicon Valley Bank — WaPo



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4237fb No.18493994

Sen. Tom Cotton Introduces Bill to Stop Teaching CRT in the Military

The Combating Racist Training in the Military Act would prohibit DOD from teaching racist CRT ideology in the military, including at the Service Academies.

As we have reported, critical race theory and associated racist ideologies have “Established a Beachhead at the Military Service Academies.”

Additionally, we reported that DOD recently held a “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summit” despite various challenges presently confronting the military, such as a spike in recent fentanyl overdose deaths. And, as we reported here, President Biden’s new “equity” Executive Order requires DOD to create an “Agency Equity Team.” Part of this team’s mission will be to “support continued equity training and equity leadership development for staff across all levels of the agency’s workforce.”

But now, in a press release, Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) announces that he has introduced a bill—with Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee), Steve Daines (R-Montana), and Mike Lee (R-Utah) co-sponsoring—called the “Combating Racist Training in the Military Act,” which would prohibit DOD from teaching racist CRT ideology “in any Department of Defense institution, including service academies.” Congressman Dan Bishop (R-North Carolina-08) has introduced companion legislation in the House.


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bbb588 No.18493995


Look man, histree’s histree!

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70d8b8 No.18493996

File: 4df8ee10655e133⋯.jpg (157.31 KB,1080x1440,3:4,ALA_drag.jpg)

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da2d30 No.18493997

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b4fc55 No.18493998


This is the craziest party ever seen

Don't turn on the lights I don't wanna see

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b20df2 No.18493999

File: fba52cfc698413e⋯.png (605.93 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb2647 No.18494000


newsflash : our sins killed Jesus

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83d8a9 No.18494001

File: f4d9bd7eb2101a0⋯.jpg (514.42 KB,4096x4096,1:1,blinkies44.jpg)

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a9166d No.18494002

File: ecb881d9627ad0c⋯.png (87.43 KB,297x338,297:338,hfgdh.PNG)

File: d1e5eadf71a53bb⋯.png (123.42 KB,323x294,323:294,hyr.PNG)

File: dbed17c9138cbfe⋯.mp4 (4.22 MB,320x568,40:71,8VtzmCarvzif1k8W.mp4)

File: ab37a4a1c94b24a⋯.mp4 (9.02 MB,640x360,16:9,t08kE0qabL_7e4wr.mp4)




🇫🇷 The people vs Mad Macron’s thugs.

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bbb588 No.18494003

File: 680b0e263d63758⋯.jpeg (21.08 KB,255x143,255:143,BF8384E6_77E5_4802_A2E2_D….jpeg)


Dubs chekt!

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61da3f No.18494004

PN >>18493045 More than 3,500 CEOs and founders representing some 220,000 workers signed a petition started by Y Combinator

300,000,000 Americans do not want these banks or start ups to be saved or bailed out.Fuck off Silicon Valley

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78d8e7 No.18494005

God is a Welshman.

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2f2ba8 No.18494006


Jewish lady makes SVB collapse about gender norms

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ae5a9a No.18494007

File: 03bc3f955620698⋯.png (246.58 KB,450x300,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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69648e No.18494008

File: bc8ee99024e1f21⋯.png (276.07 KB,510x680,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

Gunjan Banerji


Email to First Republic clients Sunday afternoon


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70d8b8 No.18494009

File: 62968446e488fd6⋯.png (772.93 KB,862x578,431:289,da_bears.png)

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1c9d84 No.18494010

File: 0bf9e9a98ad49ab⋯.png (609.06 KB,1300x738,650:369,0bf9e9a98ad49ab2a91ff62813….png)

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842447 No.18494011


Can someone who can, contact Jim. He need to have his Global Mod log on, or himself. There is some very bad CP on another board. It's been reported but needs attention asap.


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a21069 No.18494012

File: 9fd08b35e49301f⋯.png (949.96 KB,1198x677,1198:677,1590711902434.png)

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4237fb No.18494013

Democrat Proposed Bill in Illinois Creates Criminal Offense of ‘Parental Bullying’ for Routine Discipline of Children

Illinois State Representative La Shawn Ford (D-Chicago) is proposing a bill to criminalize parents who “knowingly, with intent to discipline or alter the behavior of a child, says or messages anything that would coerce the child.” The bill, which is currently pending, would criminalize the behavior as “parental bullying.”

Bill HB0029 states:

Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Creates the offense of parental bullying. Provides that a parent or legal guardian of a minor commits parental bullying when he or she knowingly and with the intent to discipline, embarrass, or alter the behavior of the minor, transmits any verbal or visual message that the parent or legal guardian reasonably believes would coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to the minor. Provides that parental bullying is a petty offense. Provides that if a person is convicted of parental bullying, the court shall order that person to pay for the costs of prosecution and that a portion of any fine imposed, as determined by the court, be placed in escrow for the purchase of a certificate of deposit for use by the victim when he or she attains 18 years of age.

Ford introduced the bill in December, but there are currently no other sponsors.

Think of all that would criminalize: Yelling at your child to stop throwing food at the table. Chewing out your kid for not doing homework. Giving your child a mean look for using foul language. The list is endless.

To top it off, the website of the bill’s sponsor, Rep. La Shawn Ford (D-Chicago), says he “is a firm believer in the power of responsible parenting and established the Council on Responsible Fatherhood, which aims to support fathers and help them to become more responsible and present.”

Labeling disciplined parenting as “bullying” may be precisely the last thing Chicago needs. Only 11% of Black kids in Chicago public schools read at grade level. Just 6% can do math at grade level. That’s a parental failure, not just school failure. And crime? Can any sane person deny that Chicago’s crime epidemic stems in part from parents who don’t discipline?

In 2021, Ford resigned from the board of trustees at Loretto Hospital over how it handled vaccine distribution to people not yet eligible for the vaccine.



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775680 No.18494014


>probably about Mick Jagger

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3b3263 No.18494015

File: 01e1876c5cf4ecb⋯.gif (3.53 MB,200x223,200:223,happydance.gif)


That's booty, not water.

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2f3bda No.18494016

File: 2020ee393ea47a0⋯.gif (899.45 KB,500x350,10:7,TheyCantCountTheyMultiply.gif)


Dang! Alex is going to have to call his capos Garcetti & Garscon to get his foot soldiers and poison back.

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376367 No.18494017

File: fb3a14d7714696d⋯.png (334.56 KB,599x417,599:417,ClipboardImage.png)

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7237a6 No.18494018

File: f9e4f39bb217267⋯.png (2.18 MB,1821x1390,1821:1390,Screen_Shot_2023_03_12_at_….png)



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b3358f No.18494019

File: d0ba30c9ff51c1e⋯.jpg (374.97 KB,2101x1480,2101:1480,FqaFO4PagAAvW3t.jpg)


Something so hot about a light bush… my kind of women…

but back to business… someone explain this…

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bbb588 No.18494021


>Mick Jagger

I’ve heard that one too, but Warren Beatty seems more of the type to be cohorting with underworld spies and sleeping with wives of close friends. Jagger probably banged mostly groupies.

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b4fc55 No.18494022


Like to see that fuckers 13f for this quarter

And how many of he did of SVB bonds

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eb2647 No.18494023


>hedge fund manager Bill Ackman

But I am too big to fail

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1c9d84 No.18494024

File: 5b5ba458c00e484⋯.png (297.89 KB,498x573,166:191,5b5ba458c00e48428ff855ace4….png)


aka Please don't pull all your funds

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b20df2 No.18494025

Keeping your friends close and your enemies even closer.

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3a5626 No.18494026

File: ba186e62e7712bf⋯.jpg (163.83 KB,600x794,300:397,sayin.jpg)

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de3152 No.18494027



There will be no saving SVB depositors. They are done.

The collapse is intentional. FED needs the fear from a real collapse.

It's purpose it to drive high net worth depositors out of uninsured banks and into "safe and effective" Treasuries. They need to sell more treasuries to kick the can down the road a little longer.

SVB collapse is a marketing campaign

Worst thing people can do now is feed the bank runs by withdrawing all your money. It is the reaction they desire to promote their sales pitch. It is the proof they need to sell their product. Watch for news stations airing footage of long lines at ATMS.

'member the great toilet paper panic of aught 20?

Well, this is the '23 ATM panic.

It's all a movie

Want proof, watch for the rabid panicked REEEE from all the cabal spox come Monday about the world ending. You will notice it is very similar to the Covid death toll fear porn.

Best thing to do is ignore it and laugh while their plan fails

Have some cash on hand of course, that's obvious, but not ALL of it.

And have at least one account at a credit union.

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a9550a No.18494028


RRN will switch to reporting actual events after making themselves seem ridiculous.

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69648e No.18494029


He had 10% of his AUM at SIVB, as an unsecured deposit.

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6ff1ed No.18494030


JFKtranny has both jelly donuts

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6ff1ed No.18494032


you do this for shekels

cause yoinner tard

is full of peanut butter grief

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4237fb No.18494033

File: 243d516163ec6b4⋯.png (99.5 KB,412x530,206:265,ClipboardImage.png)

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367ada No.18494034



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6ff1ed No.18494035

File: 02dfa8c8473e6c0⋯.png (871.41 KB,844x1193,844:1193,02dfa8c8473e6c0907f7ba1168….png)

File: 78e9b0ac5f09ee4⋯.png (78.02 KB,308x164,77:41,2beee9f31b735e6bef6c4be79d….png)

File: 4fee46ad42c4643⋯.png (572.64 KB,474x718,237:359,6f0804370170dc46b765e4acf3….png)

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376367 No.18494036

File: 35a2ad86bc5bfda⋯.png (289.15 KB,885x516,295:172,ClipboardImage.png)

Russia fires hypersonic missiles in wave attacks on Ukraine

Washintontimes so pay walled.


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6ff1ed No.18494037


peanut butter grief is spreading

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f83aed No.18494038

tell me capital one is next to tank

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318151 No.18494039


Just like 2008 when [they] said - give the money for the bailout and this will never happen again.


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6ff1ed No.18494040


maybe you should switch to jiff creamy

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b3358f No.18494041

File: 8d22c6add103cf6⋯.png (169.11 KB,680x453,680:453,ClipboardImage.png)

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) & Silvergate both

FAILED within one week… Is Credit Suisse,

Deutsche Bank & Wells Fargo next up???

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78d8e7 No.18494042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6ff1ed No.18494043


oh no

red rockets and gas prices

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5fef04 No.18494044

"[Justice] for ALL!"


National Center for State Courts

The Justice for All Initiative

With generous support from

Public Welfare Foundation

The Kresage Foundation

[Open Society Foundations]

The JPB Foundation

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bbb588 No.18494045

I remember some dude paid somewhere in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, in an auction of sorts, to find out who Carly Simon was singing about in her song “You’re so Vain”. I think a stipulation was that, whoever it was that won the auction (or whatever you want to call it), had to keep it quiet and not tell anyone else.

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16609a No.18494046


which board?

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6ff1ed No.18494047


babel ing bologna

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d0dfe6 No.18494048

File: 538c5a61c2377f6⋯.gif (1.87 MB,500x281,500:281,falling.gif)

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775680 No.18494049



My o my

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67932b No.18494050


credit suisse is my guess they have already been in the news and are having similar problems as the svb. That would start the break apart in europe.

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f83aed No.18494051


she sang about mick jagger

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dc32a3 No.18494052


Monday evening all Billionaires & Bankers will be arrested if meltdown occurs.

Problem fixed

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5e2e58 No.18494053

File: 11b2f01936d87c5⋯.jpg (3.83 KB,189x79,189:79,hill_eyes1.jpg)


Hi there, Ren.

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d493e3 No.18494054

File: ac3dd34f1981d5c⋯.jpg (188.57 KB,622x800,311:400,Who_is_Q2.jpg)

File: e91ce5d254fed60⋯.jpg (268.44 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Who_Is_Q.jpg)

File: 5a36a556ba6f11b⋯.jpg (245.11 KB,1079x966,1079:966,Who_is_Q_miss_you.jpg)

File: 6e8239fe108c157⋯.png (543.81 KB,500x573,500:573,Who_is_Q.png)

File: afd68be1b8178ab⋯.jpg (139.91 KB,1200x800,3:2,Q_is_Barron.jpg)


We don't doxx the boss, fren.

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c4cc35 No.18494055


warlords, and peons


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6ff1ed No.18494056

and then we dressed up in hugo boss uniforms and voted in the moustach guy and enjoyed croutons at the movie theatre

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69648e No.18494057


They are being unwound. Nobody bid on their Wealth Mgmt Team, so to the breakers they will go.

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2840f3 No.18494058

File: 63f6a3cdd849035⋯.jpg (103.4 KB,590x416,295:208,cannonball.jpg)

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bbb588 No.18494059


It was Warren Beatty. I’ll go to my grave believing it was Warren Beatty.

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6ff1ed No.18494060


but then the evil screendoors held back teh germ joos

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69648e No.18494061


George Hamilton.

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a9550a No.18494062


It was me. She was signing about me.

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f83aed No.18494063

perth accused of diluted gold

svb took a hit

suisse is panicking

gold ends fed

nothing to see here

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29e237 No.18494064

File: 99018ea03285981⋯.png (481.98 KB,736x981,736:981,ClipboardImage.png)


Ackman is an idiot.

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eb2647 No.18494065


Sean Hannity

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69648e No.18494066

FSMN - Unusual Whales


HSBC Holdings has emerged as a potential ‘white knight’ bidder for the UK arm of Silicon Valley Bank, Sky reported - BBG


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6ff1ed No.18494067


and a nice soup in leather pants with volkswagon

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2f3bda No.18494068

File: da3ba2e69c2b9cd⋯.png (471.86 KB,640x536,80:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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bbb588 No.18494069


Hi Warren! Welcome to 8kun!

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83d8a9 No.18494070

File: d896b285e2f90b2⋯.png (495.98 KB,1039x910,1039:910,PAT572.PNG)


West bound out of Phoenix-Mesa

Descending through FL200

Squawking 3111

warned ya, Jack


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c4cc35 No.18494071



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b20df2 No.18494072

File: d51d31033f2cf61⋯.png (143.95 KB,498x313,498:313,CM_Itwas_Trump.png)

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376367 No.18494073

File: 9839659d4de48b3⋯.png (103.25 KB,340x444,85:111,peter_schizo.png)

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69648e No.18494075


kek. A whole slate of self-lovers!

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6ff1ed No.18494076


prowl fosum GAHYnigg poleland attak

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bbb588 No.18494077


Tiny Tim.

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29a636 No.18494078





Fibbies taking over the board again.

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a9166d No.18494079


explain what more than the connections already illustrate?

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70d8b8 No.18494080



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3bbf1a No.18494081


Interconnections of those two lawyers

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1c9d84 No.18494082

File: 038b81c3b7e0747⋯.mp4 (959.92 KB,360x480,3:4,038b81c3b7e0747a7b7f6583e4….mp4)

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29e237 No.18494083


>‘white knight’ bidder

At $0.50 on the dollar

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6ff1ed No.18494084


then we grilled cheese on the ham radio

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83d8a9 No.18494085

File: a8f4f60fff3f97a⋯.jpg (82.94 KB,736x460,8:5,archived44.jpg)

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2840f3 No.18494086

File: f2ed020cc4488b1⋯.png (1007.31 KB,1024x1024,1:1,f2ed020cc4488b1bbe03c830fd….png)


Hot trips check't!

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68e752 No.18494087


Prolly NOT.

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69648e No.18494088


Up to the judge handling their receivership.

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4237fb No.18494089

File: a9e3b13b53d880a⋯.png (442.59 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b20df2 No.18494090

File: d831200611f7d1c⋯.png (310.63 KB,487x360,487:360,MAGA_CRUISING.png)

Now the banks are crashing!

Let's get this Party Started

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6ff1ed No.18494091


sumone gib dem chink pilots sum meff fo teh pearl necklace raid

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6ff1ed No.18494092

blame ramen

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bbb588 No.18494093

File: 04ac394252cb033⋯.jpeg (29.71 KB,255x221,15:13,7A939FD7_923F_4A00_BAE4_B….jpeg)

TFYMW banks across the country might collapse this week and you don’t have enough fiat currency to get overly concerned about it.

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69648e No.18494095


Actually they're a bit bid at the moment.

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b3358f No.18494096



wondering if 45 (or affiliates) caused SVB, or set

things in motion for SVB crash to happen…

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cbcdc6 No.18494097



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a9166d No.18494098


movies are lies, narratives, fiction.

turn it off.

anons have had enough of deceptions.

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6ff1ed No.18494099

File: be00f6242c46efe⋯.png (719.55 KB,960x650,96:65,6da998abe52dffce9cb7b9e80e….png)

batboy lives

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50ca3e No.18494100

File: edfd355515fb828⋯.mp4 (834.55 KB,640x624,40:39,IMG_3126.MP4)

File: 27ddcc41aa3c3b6⋯.png (409.66 KB,456x328,57:41,dqsh2.PNG)

File: b0490d3c56e82c9⋯.png (707.63 KB,660x580,33:29,dqsh5.PNG)

File: 0ff0daf3f72858c⋯.jpg (82.67 KB,933x445,933:445,bill_clinton_jeffrey_epste….jpg)

File: 9708c6d6dc7dc27⋯.png (173.88 KB,379x273,379:273,dershdef.png)

'the 'cia' does not frown on child predators, it's their business model'

I knew it! Brennan is light in the loafers - I wonder if he had pizza on his Lanyard like Obama and Biden! 🤣 Breaking911 (@Breaking911) Tweeted:


“Growing up gay in a small Southern town, I always struggled with the idea that I may not be able to discuss my personal life at work. Imagine my surprise when I noticed a rainbow on CIA Director Brennan’s lanyard.”

https://t.co/fZ9rgCUkLJ https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1390814046023208962?s=20


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69648e No.18494102


Oh no, this was entirely self-inflicted.

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b20df2 No.18494103

File: 212a8663460e9b6⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,800x1280,5:8,CAL_Bank_Run.MP4)

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83d8a9 No.18494104

File: 9320b6369f0a765⋯.jpg (324.42 KB,666x681,222:227,5faee41f2889ea7b50c5442044….jpg)

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70d8b8 No.18494105

File: 9b1dcf86f396bff⋯.jpg (63.08 KB,500x562,250:281,9b1dcf86f396bffdb0049b3ebb….jpg)

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a9550a No.18494106


Don't discuss your personal life at work then, faggot. Nobody cares.

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6ff1ed No.18494107

File: 4f6d353e21ceda9⋯.png (16.87 KB,180x280,9:14,84b1207328b2b71a5fb5d68628….png)

cia training

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a9166d No.18494108


the required 'problem' to be 'solved' by the CBDC rollout

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6d0e13 No.18494109


Heard her cousin was 2pac.

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83d8a9 No.18494110

File: 29bc29dad01f245⋯.jpg (27.91 KB,720x480,3:2,heymon44.jpg)

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bbb588 No.18494111

File: bf716c2a957eda7⋯.jpeg (19.81 KB,255x169,255:169,1FE2373B_C46C_4DC4_8FC3_8….jpeg)

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da2d30 No.18494112

Problem, reaction, solution.

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5fef04 No.18494113

File: 356d7fea74c9115⋯.webm (12.34 MB,640x480,4:3,Justice.webm)


>"[Justice] for ALL!"


>National Center for State Courts

>The Justice for All Initiative

>With generous support from

>Public Welfare Foundation

>The Kresage Foundation

>[Open Society Foundations]

>The JPB Foundation


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83d8a9 No.18494114

File: fe027018c094e43⋯.png (11.65 KB,255x255,1:1,9341024c03aa0ded5b70383d82….png)

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4237fb No.18494115

‘Obviously Made In Jest’: Jane Fonda Scrambles To Walk Back Suggestion That She’d ‘Murder’ Pro-Lifers

Actress and activist Jane Fonda scrambled to walk back comments she made on Friday’s broadcast of “The View” — when she suggested “murder” as the appropriate response to legislation restricting access to abortion on demand.

As her words quickly sparked backlash, Fonda claimed — in a statement released later that same day — that the comments she’d made on the ABC midday talk show had been “in jest.” She then pivoted to accuse her critics of focusing more on jokes than on “the actual problem at hand.”

“While women’s reproductive rights are a very serious issue and extremely important to me, my comment on The View was obviously made in jest. My body language and tone made it clear to those in the room — and to anyone watching — that I was using hyperbole to make a point,” Fonda said in a public statement.

“Women across the country are facing real threats when it comes to our bodies, and people lose faith in our mission to protect women when others choose to focus on tangential issues and passing jokes instead of the actual problem at hand,” she added.

Friday’s conversation began with Fonda’s claim that, after decades of women in America having access to abortion on demand, she didn’t care what laws were passed or what rulings were overturned: “We’re not going back, I don’t care what the laws are. We’re not going back.”

Co-host Sunny Hostin, who has often claimed to be pro-life herself, dismissed Fonda’s comment as proof that she was an activist at heart. “That’s the activist speaking, and she probably will get a Nobel Prize.”

“The View” host Joy Behar pressed Fonda on that point, asking what she thought could be done in addition to simply staging protests on the issue.

“Well, I’ve thought of murder,” Fonda replied.

But despite Fonda’s later claim that it was “clear to those in the room” that her suggestion had not been serious, Behar immediately stepped in to inform the audience that it was a joke — a move which prompted a glare from Fonda and laughter from everyone else at the table.

But her critics were not so sure that it was a joke.


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f563d3 No.18494116


Why does the Salton Sea look like a penis splurging on Palm Springs?

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6ff1ed No.18494117

File: 3d9f40618677abc⋯.jpg (63.68 KB,640x480,4:3,aPRM89Q_700b.jpg)

File: 4c25e42427a2123⋯.png (81.25 KB,257x196,257:196,buttjooswhine.png)

File: 9dcd824ab0f14c1⋯.png (516.22 KB,815x962,815:962,c0d6fd18b4eff779e007c8a93d….png)

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50ca3e No.18494118

File: 53e54124e7667a1⋯.png (75.01 KB,359x185,359:185,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d33781c85c4ffc⋯.png (49.71 KB,1055x253,1055:253,tran1.PNG)

File: 0d7db70d1695cde⋯.png (439.97 KB,470x615,94:123,ClipboardImage.png)


I remember hearing a radio report on suicide bombers from palestine wearing a 'key to heaven'.

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a9166d No.18494119


she was tupacs last girlfriend. not cousin.

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8acaf1 No.18494120

File: 6c61b6ca273f29e⋯.mp4 (12.38 MB,1280x720,16:9,6c61b6ca273f29e193a8650438….mp4)


ty anibakes

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83d8a9 No.18494121

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,1276x720,319:180,chuckles44.mp4)

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6ff1ed No.18494122

File: 3b83d9b8f712f6b⋯.jpg (96.34 KB,680x667,680:667,BLAMECANADA.jpg)

File: fa7cc0058efa8fe⋯.png (856.59 KB,606x1122,101:187,blumpkinwinnermcconougheyg….png)

File: b47bbd92362c197⋯.jpg (421.55 KB,1862x1048,931:524,britney_spears_splash_burg….jpg)

french DRESSing big mac

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b20df2 No.18494124

File: 3c06336f087215c⋯.jpg (104.82 KB,728x455,8:5,space_astronaut_meteors_ea….jpg)

File: 42bf8f2736bb172⋯.webp (14.91 KB,300x441,100:147,1571261129660.webp)

Another Day on the Kun!

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6ff1ed No.18494125

File: dfdbaebc5a89a6e⋯.png (497.95 KB,700x798,50:57,d27a9c781d34ddc25e1bfcfd2c….png)

File: 55c1d5d2a952198⋯.jpg (71.65 KB,1600x900,16:9,DARKOMOVIE.jpg)

File: 6d36cbeb1452055⋯.png (497.61 KB,500x721,500:721,DgP11kTW4AAXTpf.png)

just a pedo exile

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376367 No.18494126

File: e6c5e7e2bd243ed⋯.mp4 (731.23 KB,366x360,61:60,clown_mokey.mp4)

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3ce1a9 No.18494127

File: 5fed867393aee71⋯.jpg (30.2 KB,403x396,403:396,1635536550298.jpg)


Kek, I haven't seen that one before.

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e55984 No.18494128


The black hats seem to not know too. I would think they would dox Q if they did.

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412571 No.18494129



It's on a need to know basis and (You) don't need to know!

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4fa4a9 No.18494130



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318151 No.18494131

Kevin McCarthy should tie the immediate release of the J6ers to any increase in the debt limit or financial tarp packages go out. Speaker McCarthy needs to show who he's fighting for.

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a9166d No.18494132

File: 7cc4e348ca397bf⋯.png (533.7 KB,726x611,726:611,htgr.PNG)

File: 34f084a3bc346bc⋯.png (629.13 KB,587x608,587:608,gtrfe.PNG)



mistake. it was Rashida's sister Kadida that was Pac's girl.

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6f74b3 No.18494134

File: 31a7669c6f7eef0⋯.png (37.03 KB,598x453,598:453,Screenshot_2023_03_12_at_1….png)

Chuck Callesto Retweeted



Another Financial Firm bites the dust with @StepStoneGroup having held their funds in Silicon Valley Bank.

On top of that it's member @javirett

is currently being questioned in the near killing of Trump's CDC Director's son!

What's going on?!

It's time to reign in Big Tech.


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7237a6 No.18494135


>someone explain this…

they all crooks.

DJT is not for we the pepe's.

he's part of a rival gang of sharks that smell blood in the water.

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ecfd16 No.18494136

File: fb58c2ab9037dde⋯.jpg (82.53 KB,513x621,19:23,popcorn_3D.jpg)


I'm glad I wasted quite a bit of fiat on imports from Japan, kek.

At least these are worth something, unlike fiat.

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53388b No.18494137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6ff1ed No.18494138

File: 965544ba07f15dc⋯.jpg (499.46 KB,1098x1677,366:559,965544ba07f15dc479e9e0ad6b….jpg)

famous old porn discovered

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c4cc35 No.18494139


big, if true



rumours has sauce?

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d493e3 No.18494140

File: 2523504979e3fcb⋯.jpg (71.94 KB,590x945,118:189,Beer_young_and_old.jpg)

File: 5f657678939cfdf⋯.jpg (63.17 KB,607x800,607:800,Didnt_burn_the_beer.jpg)

File: 26f65d28715a429⋯.png (264.57 KB,587x960,587:960,Beer_belly_Tap_underneath.png)

File: 70e903e84ecf8fb⋯.png (314.63 KB,396x500,99:125,Beer_and_Brats_Pepe.png)


That was cool!

Only complaint: Corona Extra, a crappy beer Mexicans make for export to folks too dumb to know the difference.

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5d493c No.18494141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wasn't that a party

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4237fb No.18494142

Virginia Judge Rules Embryos Are Property, ‘Chattel’ Using Slavery Law

A Virginia judge ruled last month that frozen embryos can be considered property, a decision based in-part on a 19th century slavery law, according to a new report.

The ruling was part of a dispute between a divorced couple who both hope to gain control over two frozen embryos, which were created by Honeyhline Heidemann and Jason Heidemann during their marriage, the Associated Press reported this week.

“Upon independent research, this court was unable to find any Virginia law prohibiting the purchase or sale of human embryo, nor has either party cited a federal law prohibiting the activity,” Fairfax County Circuit Court Judge Richard Gardiner wrote in a ruling related to the battle over the embryos. “As there is no prohibition on the sale of human embryos, they may [be] valued and sold, and thus may be considered ‘goods or chattels’ within the meaning of Code § 8.01-93.”

Since the couple split, Honeyhline has hoped to move forward with using the embryos, but Jason has sought to block her saying that implanting the embryos “would force Mr. Heidemann to procreate against his wishes and therefore violate his constitutional right to procreational autonomy.”

According to a 2015 contract that the couple had drawn up, they “own any stored embryos jointly.”

While Gardiner has not made a decision on Jason’s procreational autonomy claim, he did rule that the embryos could be viewed as property. His ruling in part relied on a Virginia law from the 1800s that regulated “goods and chattel,” which included slaves at the time the law was written.

“I would like to think that the bench and the bar would be seeking more modern precedent,” said Solomon Ashby, president of the Old Dominion Bar Association.

A human embryo is typically frozen very soon after fertilization before the unborn child has been able to develop much.

In recent months, some conservatives have considered or voiced support for increasing protection for embryos and prohibiting the disposal of embryos as pro-life organizations have often raised concerns about what happens to embryos that do not end up being implanted.

Gardiner’s ruling to treat embryos as property could draw the attention of pro-lifers, who have often compared slavery and abortion over their callous treatment of human life.



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6f3213 No.18494143

File: f23dac78585a729⋯.gif (5.93 MB,800x405,160:81,yfrytgzmxnsgim84qe0v.gif)


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69648e No.18494144


Swiss regulators are notoriously tight lipped. That the Annual Report was delayed by them from even being published, tells me that there is a world of pain still to come.

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6ff1ed No.18494145

File: 2f2ba4045f22e27⋯.png (244.47 KB,400x400,1:1,96550e01a3003dea3c683b36fc….png)

File: 3e172d4be9bc8b3⋯.jpg (198.41 KB,954x740,477:370,cj7tvj2x3ax71.jpg)

File: 79fc1becb1d44b0⋯.jpg (7.08 KB,205x246,5:6,gretasorosanon.jpg)

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70d8b8 No.18494146

File: 1d4a1f4757e1290⋯.jpg (40.49 KB,376x490,188:245,Quincy_Jones.jpg)

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ecfd16 No.18494147

File: 2a43ee1c37ba462⋯.jpg (83.16 KB,648x772,162:193,CoronaChan.jpg)

File: a57ec70468bb1d4⋯.png (333.63 KB,492x318,82:53,a57ec70468bb1d49dc144c2121….png)

File: 6f0e624b946506c⋯.jpg (159.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,1585068974501.jpg)

File: 484eb5d7c0078d0⋯.png (328.36 KB,1000x1000,1:1,484eb5d7c0078d0ea16a9d7515….png)

File: 2e82ffbe4dc9897⋯.jpg (188.86 KB,1001x943,1001:943,448dfa4f3ed2f3f2.jpg)


ah 2020, good times.

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4237fb No.18494148

File: 7674ade215f54a6⋯.png (60.85 KB,564x179,564:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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8acaf1 No.18494149

File: 04a0756fc0db5bf⋯.gif (471.36 KB,498x498,1:1,04a0756fc0db5bfa493e9da9aa….gif)


telling anon what to do is indeed a sign you suffer from some form of mental problem. do you honestly believe people give a shit when you tell them what to do?

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d493e3 No.18494150

File: e90256c0dd8de16⋯.jpg (80.58 KB,700x903,100:129,Jada_Statue.jpg)

File: 49d4de74079aeb9⋯.jpg (82.66 KB,1080x800,27:20,Chris_Rock_Will_Smith.jpg)

File: 1f60764f1b9ad8f⋯.jpg (65.98 KB,960x690,32:23,Will_Smith.jpg)


After Will Smith's wife dated Pac in HS in Baltimore.

Small world.

Jada is a destroyer of men.

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6f3213 No.18494151


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6ff1ed No.18494152

File: 990eed2433ebe4e⋯.png (116.77 KB,220x124,55:31,990eed2433ebe4e2864ef63d54….png)

File: aed296961953e2a⋯.png (438.46 KB,720x592,45:37,1381ec7b05476107ce076f8578….png)

File: a0adfe78b95b88b⋯.png (372.33 KB,900x538,450:269,3255b4de717712f7d5de616e70….png)

File: 20c023bbb3f0eca⋯.png (280.94 KB,600x600,1:1,37549cae663303d30b0f4145f5….png)

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c4cc35 No.18494153


>what is loove?

>oh baby don hurtmee!

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68e752 No.18494154




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f563d3 No.18494155

File: 51101edf08b5692⋯.png (275.49 KB,651x706,651:706,ClipboardImage.png)

Yeah, sure, nobody's gonna mind, 'til the saggy-wrinkly titties start rollin out, at least.

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bbb588 No.18494156


But I gotsta know!

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4237fb No.18494157

File: 3d78211f38a51f2⋯.png (727.39 KB,862x485,862:485,ClipboardImage.png)

South African rapper Costa Titch dies on stage while performing at Ultra music festival

South African rapper Costa Titch, 28, died suddenly on stage while performing, police said on Sunday.

Key points:

Costa Titch collapsed while performing at Ultra Festival

Videos show him getting up and continuing to sing before dying

The death comes a month after the killing of fellow South African rapper AKA

The artist, whose real name is Costa Tsobanoglou, "collapsed while he was performing" on Saturday evening at the Ultra South Africa concert in the Johannesburg suburb of Nasrec, police told AFP.

They said a post-mortem would establish the cause of death.

Costa Titch scored a major hit with Big Flexa, which has more than 45 million YouTube views, showcasing the amapiano local subgenre of house music blending house, jazz and lounge music.

Videos on social media of his concert show him performing with his microphone in hand when he appears to fall.

He continues singing but collapses again, prompting other artists to come to his aid.


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b3358f No.18494158


notable af… the judgment will affect alot

more then just embryos…

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a9550a No.18494159

File: 99648c16b147a92⋯.jpg (77.74 KB,354x461,354:461,Screenshot_20220217_144808….jpg)

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f83aed No.18494160

True Anons,

Our lifes work is about to come into fruition.

You held the line when no one else did.

Well done Digital Soldier.

Respectfully submitted,


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e812b7 No.18494161


what caused it? Outrageous greed and a sense that the jig is up.

their little private IPO party was through and there was no where they could turn for more free money to lend out at a high rate and flip fro the proceeds of an IPO to dump into a mutual fund and launder off into the pension funds of the rubes who worked in their slave-mind-factories of 'greeniac' excess.

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29e237 No.18494162

File: 32e0440157b473e⋯.png (90.59 KB,900x653,900:653,ClipboardImage.png)

A more systemic view of the current financial picture:

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3ce1a9 No.18494163



>>18493917 Ginkgo Bioworks

>>18493936 The economic consequences of SVB are going to make FTX look like child’s play, says RSE Ventures’ Higgins

>>18493943 Great place to get Breaking SVB News

>>18493961 20 banks that are sitting on huge potential securities losses—as was SVB

>>18493981 Billionaire Investor Says Financial Meltdown Coming Monday Unless Biden Bails Out Silicon Valley Bank

>>18493989 Three Mexicans charged, 1 million fentanyl pills seized outside LA

>>18493994 Sen. Tom Cotton Introduces Bill to Stop Teaching CRT in the Military

>>18494002 Video from French Protests - The people vs Mad Macron’s thugs.

>>18494070 PF - PAT572, West bound out of Phoenix-Mesa, Descending through FL200, Squawking 3111

>>18494115 Jane Fonda Scrambles To Walk Back Suggestion That She’d ‘Murder’ Pro-Lifers

>>18494134 Another Financial Firm bites the dust with @StepStoneGroup having held their funds in Silicon Valley Bank.

>>18494142 A Virginia judge ruled last month that frozen embryos can be considered property


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1c9d84 No.18494165


second notable

feels bad man

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16609a No.18494166

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83d8a9 No.18494167

File: c1029a900c7fabd⋯.jpg (1.29 MB,2000x2000,1:1,okie44.jpg)

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d99cad No.18494168

File: bc7da1cc245c3ee⋯.png (435.27 KB,2276x1280,569:320,ClipboardImage.png)


Love that song

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6f3213 No.18494169


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4237fb No.18494170

File: a0115821db1ac98⋯.png (193.55 KB,400x481,400:481,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ff1ed No.18494171

File: 690c1f846a241be⋯.png (856.52 KB,680x823,680:823,f81bb9a5237f129c903de0d7e5….png)

File: 12de3ef8a525640⋯.png (163.16 KB,500x788,125:197,fadf93609d4b63e861b04bdaac….png)

File: db031d28507cf9d⋯.jpg (174.08 KB,1200x630,40:21,fingersinthebuttdogma.jpg)

File: 9fc24bb45774060⋯.jpg (649.51 KB,3465x1876,495:268,fivemonthsofjewishbuttseks.jpg)

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43ddd4 No.18494172

File: 4c155907441d25a⋯.png (209.41 KB,403x396,403:396,LorettaLies.png)

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83d8a9 No.18494173

File: 30a34b82f0908e6⋯.gif (1.91 MB,500x281,500:281,whome44.gif)

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d99cad No.18494175

File: bbab552bec17148⋯.png (980.36 KB,1080x828,30:23,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d493c No.18494176


Story I seen

Was Dating Ted Turner

He took off to go see solar eclipse

With another grill

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6ff1ed No.18494177


canohduh CP priests admits to nazi CP

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f83aed No.18494178


go back to MGTOW

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4237fb No.18494179

Former Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker To Senator Blackburn: Biden’s DOJ ‘A Two-Tiered System Of Justice’

Former Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker explained to Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) this week how President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice is a “two-tiered system of justice” in which conservatives often get the short end of the stick.

Whitaker made the remarks during an appearance on Blackburn’s podcast “Unmuted” while the two discussed Attorney General Merrick Garland’s recent congressional hearing.

“Why hasn’t the Attorney General moved forward with these prosecutions of people that have committed domestic terrorism, have committed these fire bombings, are breaking federal law protesting outside of Justice’s homes?” Blackburn asked.

“It boils down to one priorities and second just prosecutorial will,” Whitaker said. “If they want to, they can prosecute anyone and everyone for crimes. But in these cases, you know, crisis pregnancy centers and the justice’s houses, you know, clear violations of federal law, this Justice department is just ignoring it. They’re not doing the will of the people. And, you know, to your point at the beginning, I think this is a two-tiered system of justice.”

“And one of the things I saw Attorney General Garland really not seem to comprehend is that what is happening, which is the, the people on the right, conservatives, Republicans seem to be singled out, uh, for extra prosecutorial attention,” he added. “And while folks on the left, uh, you know, get away with clear violations of federal law and there doesn’t seem to be any desire to bring them in and hold them accountable to the rule of law.”


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c4cc35 No.18494181


swiss digits

thanks for tying this back to the reporting 'irregulaity'

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3ce1a9 No.18494182

File: 8dfb4da1e40880e⋯.png (359.07 KB,386x557,386:557,525a082d1e4826813dd1111b9c….png)


What's with the IP hop?

No one is banning you, you can just continue to post.

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69648e No.18494183


Jason Zweig





[That's funny coming from the WSJ!]

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5ad919 No.18494184


zerohedge has an article at the top of the page

svb latest developments live blog

updating every hour or so on the latest rumors and speculations

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83d8a9 No.18494185

File: c52f73e78f9c096⋯.jpeg (336.45 KB,656x491,656:491,pondering44.jpeg)

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68e752 No.18494186


>With another grill

It wasn't a "WEBER", was it??!

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bbb588 No.18494187


He got pregnant in his early 20’s and, as we’ve all learned this year, pregnancy in your early 20’s leads to heart problems and causes heart attacks.

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ed047d No.18494188

File: 03e0acbee5fd77b⋯.png (611.65 KB,496x519,496:519,ClipboardImage.png)

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ecfd16 No.18494189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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6ff1ed No.18494190

File: 731d1218add2841⋯.jpg (109.04 KB,767x600,767:600,HOMOSEXUALBUSHFAMILY.jpg)

File: a34925bd15dc336⋯.jpg (34.28 KB,474x257,474:257,kysinstructions.jpg)

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bbb588 No.18494191


Seconded AF!

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e812b7 No.18494192


a suggestion isn't an order to tell you you must.

read it like this 'please' . . .

but you already know this.

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27bab8 No.18494193

How can one discern whether they are more intelligent than the people around them or if they are just an asshole?

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412571 No.18494194


Whys yous allays gotsta axe.

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68e752 No.18494195



(had to look that one up. kek)

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d36a6b No.18494196

File: a73e226095c01c3⋯.png (425.08 KB,540x502,270:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ff1ed No.18494197

File: 032988e7d3b180a⋯.jpg (168.83 KB,799x815,799:815,USEDBUTTSHOCKMARKET.jpg)

File: 00e4995418dfb75⋯.png (435.23 KB,500x500,1:1,WTF_Fun_Fact_AOL_CDs.png)

File: 41ff389a267bcd8⋯.png (208.65 KB,220x165,4:3,yourchurchishomo.png)

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0b4333 No.18494198

File: a6e6767dcb75702⋯.jpg (127.52 KB,360x401,360:401,jasonking8.jpg)

Turkey stand their ground against the deep state siding with Iran, then the quake.

Saudi's stand with Iran and it's deadly silence. Well, you can't destroy your money masters,

can you?

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16609a No.18494199


who smells worse?


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6d0e13 No.18494200

Designed to attack your lungs > It came from a lab

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27bab8 No.18494201


Funny but not helpful!

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70d8b8 No.18494202

File: 09f1c4e7865bf2e⋯.mp4 (403.26 KB,390x720,13:24,sick_baby_wipes.mp4)

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320523 No.18494204

another gay pride rainbow bread?

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83d8a9 No.18494205

File: 899341009a763fc⋯.jpg (87.33 KB,500x735,100:147,chktPOintV4.jpg)

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6ff1ed No.18494206

File: 3b019ad8170cfdb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,113.21 KB,640x915,128:183,MEANDLADYFARTS.jpg)

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ed6f83 No.18494207

File: 2401a31a5fed859⋯.png (230.76 KB,468x340,117:85,ClipboardImage.png)


>That's booty

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ed6f83 No.18494208

File: d20cea6cc89115c⋯.png (911.76 KB,553x809,553:809,ClipboardImage.png)


>It was Warren Beatty

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6ff1ed No.18494209


sorosanon already packed your malebox

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7237a6 No.18494210

File: 4780f5c8a1b35b7⋯.jpg (116.8 KB,750x559,750:559,womequity.jpg)


>It is mentally ill.

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83d8a9 No.18494211

File: 40ea2adf5a5c46b⋯.jpg (86.43 KB,666x500,333:250,theo4.jpg)

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3ce1a9 No.18494212

File: 04033fb4ce5ffbf⋯.jpg (30.35 KB,384x384,1:1,131ca118bcd185276e051dd38c….jpg)


Sorry Anon, orders come from up top.

High command has me on duty to make the whole board look like a bunch of homos.

Nothing personal, kid.

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d99cad No.18494213

File: 4ba19afc59792e9⋯.jpg (199.36 KB,1024x428,256:107,4ba19afc59792e94ff75d73712….jpg)


You seem to be obsessed with faggots (literally)

Get help

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e812b7 No.18494214


worry about such is indeed a sign of that, yes,

intelligence is not an intelligent thing to judge yourself on.

if you give an intelligence test to a sleeping person they fail it.

people hungup on intelligence aren't that intelligent.

but we love you anyway, anon.

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70d8b8 No.18494215

File: 4adb9c8c77f5384⋯.png (282.2 KB,758x567,758:567,dad8bcb814a41a81bd1d5e4fe9….png)

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69648e No.18494216


Outstanding soundtrack to that.

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d36a6b No.18494217

File: bfa1a098248f4ba⋯.png (425.72 KB,540x469,540:469,ClipboardImage.png)


Damn, meant to post the revised version

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5ad919 No.18494218


jane fonda friday

pro-lifers ? murder them all !!

jane fonda saturday

i said in minecraft bitches

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6ff1ed No.18494219

File: 2228a3766161d0b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,233.79 KB,2044x1533,4:3,MEANLADYFARTSONCAR.jpg)

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70c756 No.18494220


>“As there is no prohibition on the sale of human embryos, they may [be] valued and sold, and thus may be considered ‘goods or chattels’ within the meaning of Code § 8.01-93.”

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376367 No.18494221

File: 9afe8652631a543⋯.png (399.89 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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be6782 No.18494222

Israel to weigh action after Silicon Valley Bank collapse

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that the government will assess the Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse and determine whether or not to assist Israeli companies

ByThe Associated Press

March 12, 2023, 10:17 AM


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70d8b8 No.18494223

File: c9ec6a1ad2388d6⋯.jpg (7.76 KB,280x180,14:9,Pepe_Sweating_Looking_At_T….Jpg)

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6ff1ed No.18494224


mutilated genitals don;t meme well either

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2577ca No.18494225

File: 7c93bdf807f3045⋯.jpg (35.64 KB,720x893,720:893,7c93bdf807f3045a5fda1ed040….jpg)

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61da3f No.18494226

File: bd35a4750566c3c⋯.jpeg (45.47 KB,768x432,16:9,D67766BA_989C_47B0_B4C2_E….jpeg)

12 Mar, 2023 15:58

Ukraine won’t get Western jets ‘anytime soon’ – FM

The training of pilots, however, “should start now,” Dmitry Kuleba says

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba admitted during an interview with the German tabloid Bild published late on Saturday, that Kiev will not get Western-made fighter jets “anytime soon.”

The potential delivery of fighter jets to Kiev to prop it up in its ongoing conflict with Moscow is hindered by assorted technical and logistical issues, Kuleba said. However, he urged that Ukrainian pilots, who are only familiar with Soviet-made aircraft, begin training on the Western planes as soon as possible.

“I don’t expect the delivery of fighter jets to happen anytime soon because it’s a very difficult task logistically and technically. Therefore, we advise that the training of Ukrainian pilots on Western jets should start now, so that when the decision to provide aircraft is made, we do not waste time or many months on training,” he said. (WTF, Ukraine is never getting jets!)

The diplomat also urged Berlin to ramp up deliveries of ammunition to Ukraine, namely artillery shells, claiming that while German industry had already expressed a readiness to provide them, the issue lies with the country's government.

“We sat down with Ukrainian representatives and the German armaments industry … and German industry, in my presence, asked the German government for one thing: signed contracts,” he stated.

Over the course of the conflict, Ukraine has increasingly demanded more and more sophisticated weapon systems from its Western backers. Kiev has intensified calls for NATO to supply it with fighter jets – namely the US-made F-16 – in recent months after securing a pledge for dozens of Leopard 2 and Leopard 1, M1 Abrams, and Challenger 2 main battle tanks from multiple EU countries, the US, and UK, respectively.

So far, however, the West has been reluctant to provide Ukraine with modern aircraft. Late in February, US President Joe Biden said he was“ruling it out for now.” His Ukrainian counterpart Vladimir Zelensky “doesn’t need F-16s now. There is no basis upon which there is a rationale, according to our military, now, to provide F-16s,” Biden told ABC at the time.

Still, American media reported that the Pentagon has already invited Ukrainian pilots to a military base in Arizona to determine how long it would take to train them to fly the F-16. Last week, unnamed officials told NBC that two Ukrainian airmen had already arrived on American soil and more were likely to follow.

Russia has repeatedly warned the West against “pumping” Ukraine with assorted weaponry, maintaining it would only prolong the hostilities rather than change the ultimate outcome.


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6ff1ed No.18494227

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69648e No.18494228

File: a21ca27084706ff⋯.png (306.59 KB,680x657,680:657,ClipboardImage.png)





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ed047d No.18494229

File: 33c9e80a895541e⋯.png (1.1 MB,730x723,730:723,pepe_embryos.png)


I made the heads a bit smaller.

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6ff1ed No.18494230

File: 5cb17d41468df5c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,53.26 KB,605x403,605:403,MEANLADYFARTSONANOTHERCAR.jpg)

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2840f3 No.18494231

File: 9f74ae6b6de7822⋯.png (144.23 KB,1225x349,1225:349,ClipboardImage.png)



I brought it over to /Virgina/ board too with extra sauce.




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3ce1a9 No.18494233

File: 17d20b11d82598a⋯.jpg (28.88 KB,377x291,377:291,17d20b11d82598a38504d9afb5….jpg)


His face looks too small for his head.

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6ff1ed No.18494234

File: d247687201595bb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,5.1 KB,284x177,284:177,MEANLADYFARTSATBUILDING.jpg)

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ecfd16 No.18494235

File: 50784c945e8437c⋯.jpg (19.83 KB,306x306,1:1,1525073819162.jpg)


>censor anything exposing their agenda

factually incorrect, despite spam not falling under free speech and a ban is a ban

Stop lying, Satan.











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69648e No.18494236

G.H. Burns, CFA @GHBurnsCFA


“Your money’s all in agency MBS marked way above market. But you gotta understand, I took your deposits when Mr. Potter wouldn’t because he’s gotta deal with those Basel III capital requirements for commercial deposits. That’s why you all came to me in the first place, remember?”

Andrew Kloster @ARKloster

"You're thinking of this place all wrong! as if I had your money back in the safe. Your money is in Suneel’s CIA startup; in Willow’s diverse corporate boardroom; your money is in the remote work environment of the ad tracking polycule…”


Too funny!

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e3c4a4 No.18494237

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5d493c No.18494238


If we get into motor swaps or rebuilds or transmission repairs

Ole lady has used Ajax on my greasy ass many times

Or go home smellin like dirt and sewer from fixing septic systems


You get the Idea

Define intelligence

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be0087 No.18494239


Buy lots of face value in senior bonds

Pennies or leas on dollar and.low and behold

He makes some.extrq digits

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6ff1ed No.18494240

File: 48ee77c5cc14218⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,136.47 KB,1012x1200,253:300,MEANLADYSUPERFARTS.jpg)

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ebbac1 No.18494241



Never understood the discrepancy here, anyways.

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d99cad No.18494242

File: a059416b56c2d19⋯.jpg (15.71 KB,557x557,1:1,317207633_3166636793552964….jpg)


>Why would admins delete this post?

Because you're a cringe nigger and we love seeing you cry

Next question, cringe nigger

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61da3f No.18494243


Yeah, he’s a squash head, winter squash

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68e752 No.18494244

BREAKING: North Korea Launches Missiles From Submarine, South Korea Says

By B911 - March 12, 2023

"Seoul’s military reported that North Korea launched at least two missiles from a submarine over the weekend.

The incident occurred amid an upcoming South Korea-U.S. joint military exercise scheduled for this week.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) disclosed that the missile was fired from the eastern coastal city of Sinpo on Sunday morning, but did not provide additional information at the time.

“While strengthening its monitoring and vigilance, our military is maintaining a full readiness posture in close cooperation with the United States,” the JCS said in a statement, according to Yonhap.

This is a breaking news update."


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ed6f83 No.18494245

File: c4632ecf857bafa⋯.png (702.05 KB,1024x427,1024:427,ClipboardImage.png)


>At $0.50 on the dollar

I'll give them ten cents on the dollar.

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27bab8 No.18494246


intelligent living for me, is expressing the conscious desire for harmony, love and laughter with every action you take, and every word you say.

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d613ec No.18494248

File: cc8d521d4632e68⋯.jpg (445.73 KB,2880x2880,1:1,20210725_102332.jpg)

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6ff1ed No.18494249

File: 1a1748ace1fe8d5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,67.36 KB,640x576,10:9,MEANLADYTWATREAL.jpg)

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ed6f83 No.18494250


>I have guns, ammo and plenty pf backup food & water.

Whatcha got to trade? Thirsty are ya?

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bbb588 No.18494251

There’s probably quick and easy money to be made with the impending banking collapse. I just wish I knew how.

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318151 No.18494252

File: 62bf1b3ac38da74⋯.png (429.57 KB,540x502,270:251,svb_ftx.png)

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d0dfe6 No.18494253


good times…

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69648e No.18494255


Nope, white horses emerging from the dust cloud::

Reuters U.S. News


Exclusive: PNC, RBC interest in SVB cools as regulators seek rescue bids



These are the right bidders for this.

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0b4333 No.18494256

File: 857af8ac3bb34ca⋯.jpg (65.38 KB,640x480,4:3,GrumpyOldWoman.jpg)


Does she think it's a joke when baby's are murdered?

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41e6ba No.18494257

File: 685439fa75ebb55⋯.png (9.31 KB,170x212,85:106,ClipboardImage.png)

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7237a6 No.18494258

File: ae45cb1df258e2a⋯.jpg (113.5 KB,750x559,750:559,womequity.jpg)

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70d8b8 No.18494259

File: 366334b62bde67f⋯.jpg (190.13 KB,633x477,211:159,9998e1e7a412827634bb1feec7….jpg)

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c4cc35 No.18494261


just remember, he *did* jump

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70d8b8 No.18494262

File: 65e4fd7a1f6e5c6⋯.jpg (526.3 KB,4500x3365,900:673,pottersvilleDem.jpg)

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61da3f No.18494263


Barr didn’t prosecute Antifa or Nazis either its not just Garland. Barr didn't go after Hunter. Barr was a coward and Garland is an idiot

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3ce1a9 No.18494264

File: a1f8c8016024787⋯.png (447.05 KB,1039x988,1039:988,cf2caf3219631d19363e6a66c4….png)


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d99cad No.18494265

File: 0bf2980b2135d9f⋯.jpg (130.1 KB,640x640,1:1,56a51629f1a677ca26ff5bce49….jpg)


>Why would the comped faggot admins delete this post?

Because you're a stupid nigger and we love seeing you cry

Next question, stupid nigger

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a8b13f No.18494266


Move your money to where everyone else will be going (bonds?) and when the mad rush drives up the price you cash out before the downturn.

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5f2534 No.18494267

File: 83f1f4fdd819fb2⋯.jpg (129.94 KB,857x1200,857:1200,Sails_bright_white.jpg)

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6ff1ed No.18494268

File: 74f270495442008⋯.png (280.04 KB,460x460,1:1,772fe8fa2a6345e0ce2e57c37f….png)

File: 7b36927569c9fb4⋯.png (537.23 KB,750x592,375:296,99386bb865757f71fc4a156cf7….png)

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6ef461 No.18494269

File: 605cdb789cc455d⋯.gif (2.21 MB,498x241,498:241,605cdb789cc455d588ba3c4b05….gif)


wtf is that?

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bbb588 No.18494270

File: a506e134834a8ce⋯.jpeg (62.28 KB,587x425,587:425,4957B34E_610C_4EDA_B9E9_0….jpeg)

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70d8b8 No.18494271

File: 1591ad9f6b109c4⋯.png (89.57 KB,500x500,1:1,Potter.png)



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5ad919 No.18494272


bill ackman wants the gov to bail out svb

"not really worried because venture exposure is less than 10% of my assets"

bill ackman net worth $3.4 billion

10% is $340 million

yea-he's worried

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70c756 No.18494273

File: aaea4d0ebfb02e5⋯.png (636.01 KB,1714x736,857:368,Screen_Shot_2023_03_12_at_….png)


In a Global Domino Effect, SVB Fallout Spreads Around World









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a8b13f No.18494274


Hanoi Jane is a Red Diaper baby.

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7237a6 No.18494275


>How can one discern whether they are more intelligent than the people around them or if they are just an asshole?


>who smells worse?

i think the verdict here is pretty obvious.

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5d493c No.18494276



I am a work in progress

And my higher power has its hands full

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27bab8 No.18494277


or, even better, never think about getting rich off of gullible people

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68f475 No.18494278


Depends if you hear the person referring to everyone as faggot or not… Then again in that case they may be both.

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376367 No.18494279

File: bb66b9c8d7f918b⋯.jpg (70.15 KB,428x640,107:160,what_is_that.jpg)


McJagger go full trans?

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0b4333 No.18494280


Dude looks like lady

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69648e No.18494281


It's worse than that. It's client money, and he's the fiduciary for it.

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2840f3 No.18494283

File: 0298e294f26fee8⋯.png (587.89 KB,637x590,637:590,ClipboardImage.png)

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27bab8 No.18494284



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27bab8 No.18494285


I actually almost never call people faggots

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6ff1ed No.18494286

File: 0f6ee0930dd8ba4⋯.png (112.18 KB,550x280,55:28,f03d20ca273b0fd3095ba4f508….png)

File: abb2e5b406b6443⋯.png (635.91 KB,640x702,320:351,f8865aa5324312315ca244674f….png)

File: c6ce35f6fb05814⋯.jpg (352.27 KB,1500x1839,500:613,H00M00ALIGNMENTCHART.jpg)

File: f62b7e235fa6acf⋯.jpg (2.38 MB,1057x1057,1:1,LOTR_rubber_duckies_Frodo.jpg)

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7237a6 No.18494287


>yea-he's worried

what can you do with $3.4 billion that you CANNOT do with $3.16 billion?

aksing for a fren….

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6ef461 No.18494288

File: bc25b10ffc54e6e⋯.gif (1.16 MB,220x220,1:1,bc25b10ffc54e6e15ff87506e4….gif)

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a8b13f No.18494289


What species of orc is that?

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69648e No.18494290


Tell your clients you lost it in SIVB….

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d99cad No.18494291


It's a rare deep water Jew

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f6e6ff No.18494292


That time stamp too

My o my

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83d8a9 No.18494293

File: abc238ed2852aab⋯.png (9.52 KB,210x255,14:17,Gandawg44.png)

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318151 No.18494294


Seeing how 95% of the startups in the last 3 years have been go woke, the startup failures are appropriate. No need to be concerned. Smarter, non-woke individuals will come behind them and they for sure won't be making the woke mistake.

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e812b7 No.18494295

The Green New Steal

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6ff1ed No.18494296

File: e29a7a018135c9d⋯.png (103.26 KB,260x194,130:97,BANANONCORONAHOMO_.png)

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4710f4 No.18494297

In Progress

BREAKING: Medical CEO Blows the Whistle on Remdesivir


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68f475 No.18494298

File: d1c4d5f22f30dcc⋯.jpg (71.04 KB,659x992,659:992,da6b2f95ab5900797027004742….jpg)


Give it time anon..

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376367 No.18494301

File: d16ddc63ca3bd6e⋯.png (485.06 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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f83aed No.18494302

so when the SHTF

how do we anons identify ourselves to each other during guerilla warefar

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eb2647 No.18494303



borderline faggotry

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e812b7 No.18494304

Washington Times has Yellen saying that there will not be a bailout of the SVB.

here is the link:


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6ff1ed No.18494305

File: 47e00d8eeee9266⋯.jpg (44.64 KB,720x567,80:63,248080063_5053702804644410….jpg)

File: 5313b5c068ad6ab⋯.jpg (80.7 KB,523x599,523:599,1632193180452.jpg)

File: a660f4dbd280b16⋯.jpg (23.24 KB,392x392,1:1,a660f4dbd280b1697e2d73cd30….jpg)

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27bab8 No.18494306


he looks like a male version of lori lightfoot, who is that?

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ed6f83 No.18494307

File: 8d06532befc06af⋯.png (390.22 KB,476x484,119:121,ClipboardImage.png)


>Outstanding soundtrack to that.

listening now … so far pretty cool. Sax will never die.

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3ce1a9 No.18494308



>>18493917 Ginkgo Bioworks

>>18493936 The economic consequences of SVB are going to make FTX look like child’s play, says RSE Ventures’ Higgins

>>18493943 Great place to get Breaking SVB News

>>18493961 20 banks that are sitting on huge potential securities losses—as was SVB

>>18493981 Billionaire Investor Says Financial Meltdown Coming Monday Unless Biden Bails Out Silicon Valley Bank

>>18493989 Three Mexicans charged, 1 million fentanyl pills seized outside LA

>>18493994 Sen. Tom Cotton Introduces Bill to Stop Teaching CRT in the Military

>>18494002 Video from French Protests - The people vs Mad Macron’s thugs.

>>18494070 PF - PAT572, West bound out of Phoenix-Mesa, Descending through FL200, Squawking 3111

>>18494115 Jane Fonda Scrambles To Walk Back Suggestion That She’d ‘Murder’ Pro-Lifers

>>18494134 Another Financial Firm bites the dust with @StepStoneGroup having held their funds in Silicon Valley Bank.

>>18494142 A Virginia judge ruled last month that frozen embryos can be considered property

>>18494179 Former Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker To Senator Blackburn: Biden’s DOJ ‘A Two-Tiered System Of Justice’

>>18494222 Israel to weigh action after Silicon Valley Bank collapse

>>18494226 Ukraine won’t get Western jets ‘anytime soon’ – FM

>>18494244 North Korea Launches Missiles From Submarine, South Korea Says

>>18494273 In a Global Domino Effect, SVB Fallout Spreads Around World


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a8b13f No.18494309


What is QAnon?

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376367 No.18494310


You know how to identify stupid people?

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caa5f6 No.18494311

File: 4140f5231e7032f⋯.png (1.36 MB,533x1941,533:1941,4140f5231e7032f42a0454cdb9….png)

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7237a6 No.18494312

File: 0a45eed564dfe7e⋯.jpg (113.25 KB,750x559,750:559,womequity.jpg)



duh! had to read it twice before i noticed typo.

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53388b No.18494313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d613ec No.18494314

File: 79ff1b7d5334506⋯.jpg (63 KB,500x758,250:379,jkko9u.jpg)

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eb2647 No.18494315


Lando Calrissian

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5ad919 No.18494316

gold and silver markets open in 20 minutes

japanese stock market open in 2 and a half hours

shanghai opens in about 4

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2577ca No.18494317

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6ff1ed No.18494318

File: 9adece8c9e74930⋯.jpg (49.92 KB,492x440,123:110,9adece8c9e74930264249f2df8….jpg)

File: 0c52d231cef6da5⋯.png (82.16 KB,275x183,275:183,9d9630ac28a79899c24bc06b41….png)

File: 59c290dbf66e157⋯.jpg (86.55 KB,600x800,3:4,59c290dbf66e1574d0e6afc848….jpg)

capt greene still missing after epic double rothschil murder pelicanfaggot moment

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27bab8 No.18494319


if you meet someone, ask "what happens at midnight" and when they are a true 4channer Qanon they will reply "the narwhal bacons at midnight"

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f83aed No.18494320


discernment is key

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27bab8 No.18494321


thank you, very cool

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61da3f No.18494322

File: 06093fc723d2386⋯.jpeg (121.44 KB,640x480,4:3,AD7DEDCE_7B0A_4709_BAA0_D….jpeg)

Rapper Costa Titch Dies at 28 After Collapsing Onstage During Performance

Alana Mastrangelo12 Mar 2023

South African rapper Costa Titch, whose real name was Constantinos Tsobanoglou, has died at the age of 28 after collapsing onstage while performing at a Johannesburg music festival on Saturday. No cause of death was announced.

“Death has tragically knocked at our door. Robbing us of our beloved son, brother, and grandson. Constantinos Tsobanoglou (28), who South Africa had come to love and idolize under his stage name ‘Costa Titch,'” the rapper’s family wrote on his Instagram page.

“It is with deep pain that we find ourselves having to acknowledge his passing at this time,” they added. “We are thankful for the emergency responders and all those present in his last hours on this earth.”

The family went on to ask the public for “time and space” as they “try to make sense of what has befallen us.”

“As a family we are faced with a difficult time as we try to make sense of what has befallen us and ask that we be afforded the time and space to gather ourselves,” they wrote.

“The Tsobanoglou family thanks you for the love and support you have given to our son and may you continue to uplift him even in spirit. Please keep us in your prayers and uplifted in the Lord,” the rapper’s family concluded.

Costa Titch was reportedly performing at the Nasrec Expo Centre in Johannesburg South, South Africa, when he collapsed onstage. After that, someone was seeing rushing to help the rapper, who briefly regained his footing before falling again.


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27bab8 No.18494323


They contradict themselves

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70c756 No.18494324

File: 1470c522b76ff1a⋯.png (517.26 KB,1722x1636,861:818,Screen_Shot_2023_03_12_at_….png)

SVB Latest Developments Live Blog: Fed Weighs "Easing Access" To Discount Window To Avoid Bank Panic


latest update

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f83aed No.18494325


what is Qanon?

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eb2647 No.18494326


join the group fighting the crooked politicians

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41e6ba No.18494327

File: 159afa2695928b9⋯.png (5.17 KB,199x254,199:254,ClipboardImage.png)


guy from the terminator

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2d92e8 No.18494328


Warren Beatty

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57dc8a No.18494329


Anon saw article that made mention of Privatbank and SVB in regards to Trump and muh Russia witches hunt. Didn't know whether SVB was Silicon Valley or some other Russia bank outfit.

If Biden freak out to Poro was due to PrivatBank, how would SVB roll in now?

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f83aed No.18494330






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6ff1ed No.18494331

File: 80646df0973f1dc⋯.jpg (38.5 KB,411x381,137:127,alexjonesinfowars.jpg)

File: fb1fc16f39b853f⋯.png (41.9 KB,194x259,194:259,be078ebca9a852717340974806….png)

File: 18d6831691300bf⋯.png (404.17 KB,860x881,860:881,bf35d87ccff41569bc308b1e00….png)

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094551 No.18494332

File: 5dff28766199adc⋯.png (601.08 KB,1080x782,540:391,Screenshot_20230219_170831….png)

We need more riddles

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7237a6 No.18494333

File: 8a7304c01fca4bc⋯.webp (39.84 KB,720x576,5:4,il_fullxfull_3205585476_h….webp)


>change my mind

here ya go….. a big step up.

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a9550a No.18494334

File: 7c21134febc6dad⋯.jpg (85.07 KB,1000x564,250:141,ZomboMeme_21052021213556.jpg)

File: 708f535cbba3ee7⋯.jpg (111.28 KB,1000x666,500:333,ZomboMeme_21052021225216.jpg)

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68e752 No.18494335


Secret handshake.

(Just make sure it's NOT a "Freemasons Handshake!)

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61da3f No.18494336

File: 5459f550db7357a⋯.png (201.12 KB,640x480,4:3,74D23481_5A76_4506_93C6_D2….png)

Father Opens Fire on Naked Man Who Allegedly Got in Daughter’s Bed

AWR Hawkins12 Mar 2023

A Florida father opened fire on a roommate who had allegedly gotten into his daughter’s bed naked on Wednesday.

The New York Post reported that 44-year-old Dayne Victor Miller opened fire on two roommates, one of whom had allegedly been naked in Miller’s daughter’s bed.

The individual who got into the bed admitted to drinking too much and indicated he did not realize he was in the daughter’s room.

The city of Cape Coral released a statement on the incident, noting that Miller shot at the two roommates through their own bedroom door.

Police learned that both roommates “rented a bedroom from Mr. Miller.” The individual who got into the daughter’s bed had got up to use the restroom and accidentally returned to the wrong bedroom. His spouse retrieved him and Miller allegedly opened fire on the couple once they were back in their own bedroom.

He fired the shots through their bedroom door.

Miller was charged with assault with a deadly weapon.


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eb2647 No.18494337





all three groups will join the side and fight for the crooked politicians

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8c4fb2 No.18494338

so the FDIC is bailing out SVB, but they just aren't calling it a bailout!

no wonder why Yellen could go on tv and say 'no bailout', because they aren't calling it a bailout.

With their language linguistics they can explain everything and anything

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27bab8 No.18494339


It's the head of a mongolian basket weaving forum

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6ff1ed No.18494340

File: 1c3b1bcb9a0a962⋯.jpg (493.42 KB,600x5298,100:883,BTTF5313.jpg)

File: 140537b613cff82⋯.jpg (187.47 KB,1424x1080,178:135,BVGA5027.jpg)

File: fba25dbced311eb⋯.jpg (267.09 KB,1200x1600,3:4,BZJC2846.jpg)

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57dc8a No.18494341


Jesse not of the Jackson 5

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f83aed No.18494342


is a slap slap up up down spin hit heels, fist bump with a butterfly shoot down…too much

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83d8a9 No.18494343

File: e8aa1b7ac3f5013⋯.gif (876.96 KB,480x270,16:9,lando44.gif)

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50ca3e No.18494344

File: 5322b6a41738c52⋯.mp4 (7.62 MB,848x480,53:30,IMG_5260.MP4)

File: 4e9ae97dcce3189⋯.png (5.14 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61a1245f87f7996⋯.png (258.91 KB,615x379,615:379,dogshit.png)

File: 0ff0daf3f72858c⋯.jpg (82.67 KB,933x445,933:445,bill_clinton_jeffrey_epste….jpg)

File: 40b38c8aa61443a⋯.png (169.37 KB,897x605,897:605,creepy_joe_biden_png_35258….png)

'no, children trafficked to the united states will not be sold to rape islands visited by child rapists such as our former and current presidents.'

When the lie’s become to painful to spit out 🤣


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6ff1ed No.18494345

File: abee34def223ac1⋯.png (746.76 KB,680x463,680:463,ABTP8193.png)

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68e752 No.18494346


Sauce needs… SOMETHING…

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61da3f No.18494347

File: 3ed171a8fa444f4⋯.jpeg (63.16 KB,640x480,4:3,59759CD0_ADE0_4ECE_A0E3_C….jpeg)

Exclusive – Vivek Ramaswamy: I’m Against Taxpayer Funded Bailout for ESG ‘Evangelist’ Silicon Valley Bank

Nick Gilbertson11 Mar 2023

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy appeared on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday and declared he is firmly against a bailout for Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), which he called “one of the biggest evangelists of DEI and ESG.”

Ramaswamy, who told Breitbart News Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Boyle that the 2008 financial crisis informed much of his economic policy, rejected the idea of a taxpayer-funded bailout after customers withdrew $42 billion in a massive run this week.

“I want to be early because you’re gonna hear the calls for bailouts coming real soon here. I’m against a government bailout,” said the 37-year-old entrepreneur who has founded multiple biotech start-up companies worth multi-billion dollars. “And you know what, we don’t learn the lessons we should have learned, then you keep making the same mistakes all over again.”

“The Federal Reserve, for 15 years, has been raining money from on high like manna from heaven,” Ramaswamy told Boyle while speaking via phone before a live audience in southwest Ohio. “We’ve been skiing on artificial snow. Now the snow machine turns off, and within less than a year, you’re seeing the banks fail because they don’t know how to ski on anything other than artificial snow. I’m talking about money being pumped into the system.”

“Capitalism, [Joseph] Schumpeter said it well, it’s based on creative destruction,” he continued. “So you know what, someone’s got to have the things to pay for the sins. That’s great. That’s part of how capitalism works. We can’t interfere… with this short-termism of bailing out this bank. It’s a mistake. And by the way, Republicans made this mistake in 2008. It’s crony capitalism. Hank Paulson, under George Bush – I think it was a mistake – bailed out Goldman Sachs and others like them… It’s crony capitalism because Hank Paulson was most recently the CEO of Goldman Sachs before bailing them out. But I think that we should resist the siren song with the Silicon Valley Bank catastrophe.”


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ecfd16 No.18494348

File: 6aaed6fde1445bb⋯.png (197.24 KB,726x906,121:151,D5.png)


a silly conspiracy theory made up by the fake news

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d613ec No.18494349

File: 9921bfa8dda7d26⋯.jpg (48.29 KB,500x546,250:273,5p4lu5.jpg)

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bbb588 No.18494350


I have a tee shirt that says exactly this: “anon.”

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27bab8 No.18494351


Just ask "who is Loretta?"

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b9d8d9 No.18494352

File: 1af4af10957bab5⋯.png (460.68 KB,825x440,15:8,5EF9DF39_1587_48AA_8B4D_E3….png)

File: 076b315ce778acc⋯.png (440.25 KB,601x400,601:400,F660DF73_48C6_4D30_AABE_41….png)

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094551 No.18494353

File: 80df02c40009b01⋯.png (1.1 MB,921x844,921:844,Screenshot_20230309_175636….png)

03, 13, 23, …

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ed6f83 No.18494354

File: 8d9b861469511e5⋯.png (146.63 KB,474x360,79:60,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ff1ed No.18494355

File: f65fd499fde467d⋯.jpg (66.91 KB,400x270,40:27,BGPT4985.jpg)

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88ba2f No.18494356




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2f3bda No.18494357

File: 20efa7f2fcad9da⋯.png (95.13 KB,300x221,300:221,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ee5ffa56a7daff⋯.png (276.19 KB,525x350,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Global bankster heist in progress…

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eb2647 No.18494358


>ESG ‘Evangelist’


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27bab8 No.18494359


Just ask "who is Loretta?"

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5ad919 No.18494360


when people see you lost 340 million of your own money

they do not want to let you play with theirs

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bbb588 No.18494361


If someone said those words to me I’d pop them right in the mouth.

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27bab8 No.18494362


that about sums it up

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50ca3e No.18494363

File: 6bd270553645db5⋯.png (364.52 KB,1280x546,640:273,ClipboardImage.png)


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27bab8 No.18494364


sounds gay but whatever bro

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70c756 No.18494365


Now shop Bidan, et al onto the monopoly money

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d99cad No.18494366

File: 52aa51cfd8e2c05⋯.png (310.23 KB,503x496,503:496,ClipboardImage.png)

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8c4fb2 No.18494367

File: c5d1b8a277f51a1⋯.png (39.21 KB,1170x352,585:176,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0598bf92f639c52⋯.png (73.68 KB,1221x456,407:152,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97c8c82eed44974⋯.png (189.99 KB,1102x662,551:331,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b9c301699f7fd3⋯.png (70.51 KB,1005x418,1005:418,ClipboardImage.png)


>so the FDIC is bailing out SVB, but they just aren't calling it a bailout!




Fed and FDIC discussing backstop to make SVB depositors whole and stem contagion fears: Source

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d613ec No.18494368

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d0dfe6 No.18494369
