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File: 58419b54b4533cf⋯.png (289.42 KB,541x352,541:352,disinformation_age.png)

ef47c1 No.18395631 [View All]

Global Disinfo Network

Purpose: to shut down free speech everywhere.

Pretends to do the opposite

But its targets are always free speech

- advocates like like Donald Trump, Reiner Fuellmich & Jim Watkins

- organizations like Judicial Watch, Project Veritas, & Epoch Times

- platforms like 8kun, Truth Social & Telegram.

This Global Disinfo Network (GDN) has already infiltrated/taken over many formerly informative media, social media and other sites, and tries to annihilate those it cannot corrupt.

THIS THREAD is a collection point for info on this anti-free speech network both in the USA and the rest of the world.

250 posts and 283 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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93964c No.20506765

Great Reset Watch: EU Parliament Approves ‘Digital Identity Wallet’

The EU Parliament has approved the creation of a digital “wallet” system, raising concerns over increasing state control of people’s lives.

EU lawmakers in Strasbourg signed off a European Digital Identity (eID) by a margin of 335 votes in favour to 190 against, and 31 abstentions. The “digital wallet”, which now only needs the effective rubber stamp from the EU Council of Ministers to become law, will contain digital forms of national IDs, driving licenses, banking details, medical prescriptions and other private details of users.

The law provides for free “qualified electronic signatures” for EU wallet users, which are the most trusted, and have the same legal standing as a handwritten signature, as well as wallet-to-wallet interactions, to improve the fluidity of digital exchanges.

Proponents of the measure argued that since the Chinese coronavirus crisis, there has been an increasing move towards the digital, and therefore citizens need a secure means of storing their private information.

“This legislation aims to empower citizens by putting them in full control of the use and sharing of their data. Digital identity has evolved from being a mere convenience to becoming a catalyst for civic involvement, social empowerment, and a means to foster inclusivity in the digital age,” said Croatian socialist MEP Romana Jerković.

According to a press release from the parliament, the wallet will be adopted on a “voluntary basis” and there will be safeguards put in place to avoid “discrimination against people opting not to use the digital wallet.” The system will also reportedly be open-source in order to “encourage transparency, innovation and to enhance security.”


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48b13a No.20508349

>>20507257 MSNBC Legal Analyst Calls For 'Regulation' Of Disinformation As Trust In Corporate Media Collapses

Watch: MSNBC Legal Analyst Calls For 'Regulation' Of Disinformation As Trust In Corporate Media Collapses

Saturday, Mar 02, 2024 - 01:55 PM

MSNBC has long been known as one of the most biased news organizations in the US among a host of other highly biased outlets. The hypocrisy of such an company admonishing the spread of disinformation in American society is probably not lost on most people, but it is also a survival mechanism for an industry that is swiftly fading into oblivion.

In numerous polls, the "mainstream media" is facing an integrity crisis. Only 32% of Americans say they trust corporate platforms a "great deal" or a "fair amount." A majority of the public say they rarely trust the media or never trust the media and faith in establishment journalism is near record lows. MSNBC, once the go-to bullhorn for the political left during the Trump Administration, has been on the receiving end of this fury with consistently low ratings and steeply declining influence over public discourse.

That said, the company is still a useful litmus test for insights into the mind of the political left as well as a window into the thinking of establishment elites. In a segment on disinformation featuring Michigan legal analyst Barbara McQuade, MSNBC actually engages in a mind boggling series of disinformation tangents. It's not so much hypocrisy as it is a master-class in propaganda.

Keep in mind that this is the same crew of people who recently asserted that Trump's 20 point primary victory over Nikki Haley in her home state of South Carolina is somehow a "disaster" for the Trump campaign. However, if we set aside the obvious anti-Trump bias for a moment, the deeper motivations of the above discussion become clear.

Why have Americans strayed away from the corporate media? The bottom line is that the media is no longer a center for objective journalism (and maybe it never was), it is a disinformation machine. The MSNBC segment above engages in disinformation in a number of ways.

For example, they attempt to plant unconscious associations between genocidal dictators and Donald Trump in the minds of their audience. They cite the "kidnapping conspiracy" case involving Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer as an example of public radicalization, but fail to mention that this event was utterly exposed as coordinated and controlled by the FBI. McQuade suggests only right-wing media as a source of "disinformation" while ignoring the endless trespasses and lies perpetuated by the left-wing media.

The analyst goes on to insult the American public by claiming they need to "get out of their basements" and off the internet to find the facts. In other words, they need to watch corporate media again and stay away from any alternative sources. MSNBC laments the problem of the public being separated and limited to "news bubbles," but this is a misrepresentation of what is really happening.

The topic of centralized control of news being a tool for dictators is broached, and the irony is dripping. America lived within a "news bubble" for decades. For generations, corporate media platforms dominated the distribution of information and had the ability to mold and influence the public at will. The populace had no other options. The explosion of the alternative media on the internet is a direct reaction to this long time centralization and abuse of news access.

Whenever mainstream pundits ask questions like "How do we get Americans to listen to the facts?" what they mean to say is, "How can we once again centralize and control what Americans get to see and hear?"

McQuade touches on this issue briefly, suggesting that there are a number of options for "regulation" of social media and online sources to combat "disinformation." She does not elaborate for obvious reasons - We all know that regulation of news and public discourse looks a lot like the authoritarianism that she claims to fear.

We have seen this disturbing trend in parts of the west including in Europe where online companies are required by law to heavily censor certain topics. What constitutes "hate speech" or "dangerous speech" is arbitrarily determined by a gaggle of socialist bureaucrats. This is the kind of news environment MSNBC prefers in the US.

We also witnessed the ugly nature ofcensorshipduring the pandemic hysteria, with alternative news sources crushed by rigged algorithms. The corporate media was collapsing up until that point, but they enjoyed preferential treatment by Big Tech and by governments during covid, to the point that searches on any current event forced readers to sift through hundreds of establishment media results before finding a single alternative view.

The talking heads at MSNBC were right about one thing: The methods of authoritarians might change, but the messages and intent stay the same. In our modern era corporate platforms are the voice of Big Brother, and the only way they can maintain control of the narrative is by becoming the preeminent source of information. That is to say, they can only accomplish dominance through suppression or regulation of alternative voices. They know that no one will listen to them otherwise.

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3c155d No.20518345

We have languages that are from MARS

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6c8542 No.20533006

File: 34ff9a1d7c4e30c⋯.jpg (54.17 KB,800x449,800:449,ZomboMeme_07032020204049.jpg)

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7af659 No.20573483

File: 84c74d92707aeb1⋯.jpeg (23.7 KB,226x251,226:251,D2273C55_44E9_4E4E_97D8_F….jpeg)

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64358c No.20593140

RED received

We see you drop the stringer 6:00 is a go

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64358c No.20593155

For green +++


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9a7c7c No.20656885


Star Sighted.

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15fdc7 No.20711928


>We have languages that are from MARS

well that is true. good to know it's dawning on more people.

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06dbfa No.20787304

File: 710273fbcf2b2ea⋯.jpg (78.29 KB,1500x1000,3:2,what_are_the_symptoms_of_s….jpg)

Schizophrenia is contagious

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bac025 No.20792027



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de7c78 No.20859424

How do you spot disinfo?

Easy like this

They rile people up and then their little projects go nowhere with no further explanation.

Agents of whom? Lord knows who it is could be anyone

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724da9 No.20923603

File: f8d7fc923c4c144⋯.jpeg (29.71 KB,700x400,7:4,f8d7fc923c4c1446194919ef0….jpeg)



Florida man faces death penalty after allegedly sexually abusing child


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d375f5 No.20952094

WHO is the WHO Secretariat in 2024 is it still

benassiv@who.int ?

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d375f5 No.20952103


How can you have a TREATY when nobody knows what the TREATY is or who the WHO secretariat or what any of the fucking proposals is?


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d375f5 No.20952112


a'ole molfar

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0b6493 No.20989730

File: 2f40c154060b000⋯.png (367.16 KB,1079x1172,1079:1172,Screenshot_20240608_155012.png)



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d7d301 No.21021740

The Stanford Internet Observatory is being dismantled

House Republicans attacked the lab’s reports on misinformation and election integrity — and now Stanford is pulling the plug

Casey Newton, Zoë Schiffer Jun 13, 2024 —

Thousands of top tech executives, journalists, academics and civil society workers read our reporting on — and analysis of — the day's biggest events at the intersection of technology and democracy.

After five years of pioneering research into the abuse of social platforms, the Stanford Internet Observatory is winding down. Its founding director,Alex Stamos, left his position in November. Renee DiResta, its research director, left last week after her contract was not renewed. One other staff member's contract expired this month, while others have been told to look for jobs elsewhere, sources say. (DeResta does exactly what Nina Janckowicz does)

Some members of the eight-person team might find other jobs at Stanford, and it’s possible that the university will retain the Stanford Internet Observatory branding, according to sources familiar with the matter. But the lab will not conduct research into the 2024 election or other elections in the future.

The shutdown comes amid a sustained and increasingly successful campaign among Republicans to discredit research institutions and discourage academics from investigating political speech and influence campaigns.

SIO and its researchers have been sued three times by conservative groups alleging that its researchers colluded illegally with the federal government to censor speech, forcing Stanford to spend millions of dollars to defend its staff and students.

In parallel, Republican House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan and his Orwellian “Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government” have subpoenaed documents at Stanford and other universities, selectively leaked fragments of them to friendly conservative outlets, and misrepresented their contents in public statements. (KEK boo hoo)

And in an actual weaponization of government, Jordan’s committee has included students — both undergraduates and graduates — in its subpoena requests, publishing their names and putting them at risk of threats or worse.

The remnants of SIO will be reconstituted under Jeff Hancock, the lab’s faculty sponsor. Hancock, a professor of communication, runs a separate program known as the Stanford Social Media Lab. SIO’s work on child safety will continue there, sources said.

Two of SIO’s major initiatives — the peer-reviewed Journal of Online Trust and Safety and its Trust and Safety Research Conference — will also continue. (The journal is funded through a separate grant from theOmidyar Network.)

But in quietly dismantling SIO, the university seems to have calculated that the lab had become more trouble than it is worth.

In a statement emailed after publication, Stanford strongly disputed the fact that SIO is being dismantled. "The important work of SIO continues under new leadership, including its critical work on child safety and other online harms, its publication of the Journal of Online Trust and Safety, the Trust and Safety Research Conference, and the Trust and Safety Teaching Consortium," a spokesperson wrote. "Stanford remains deeply concerned about efforts, including lawsuits and congressional investigations, that chill freedom of inquiry and undermine legitimate and much needed academic research – both at Stanford and across academia.


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9e387f No.21023842


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71e849 No.21024040

Like sd…

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14d267 No.21024564

File: 42fc56d8b861470⋯.jpg (5.41 KB,201x251,201:251,2Q_44_.jpg)

File: b704bc00dd4f10b⋯.jpg (5.98 KB,194x259,194:259,9k_50_.jpg)

File: ff8b8a292e76deb⋯.jpg (6.78 KB,191x265,191:265,Z_43_.jpg)

File: ff75ee5f987755c⋯.png (6.99 KB,388x130,194:65,images_4_.png)

File: e2d5b1a94b70a02⋯.jpg (8.54 KB,276x182,138:91,images_213_.jpg)

Kan ye

Jin xi

Ketan ji

Company Store

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63b149 No.21024620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Breaking: Fire breaks out in Raycom Info Tech Park, which houses Google’s office, in the Zhongguancun technology hub in Beijing, China.

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d7d301 No.21025568

File: 04d84f728100b9a⋯.png (349.19 KB,929x727,929:727,2024_06_15_3_16_15.png)


Robert Epstein Study Suggests Big Tech Can Influence Flocks Of Undecided Voters ‘Without People’s Awareness’

June 14, 2024 at 11:18 am

A study has found that tech companies can influence the decisions of large numbers of undecided voters with search suggestions on search engines.

The study, conducted byDr. Robert Epsteinand several other affiliates of the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology (AIBRT), sought to determine whether the suggestions that pop into the search bar when using engines like Google can influence the voting behavior of undecideds. Its findings suggest that the “search suggestion effect” (SSE) is real and powerful, so much so that search engine operators controlling search suggestions could have “the power to shift a large number of votes without people’s awareness,” Epstein told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“We found that negative suggestions attract far more clicks than neutral or positive ones, consistent with extensive research on negativity bias, and that the differential suppression of negative search suggestions can turn a 50/50 split among undecided voters into more than a 90/10 split favoring the candidate for whom negative search suggestions were suppressed,” the study states.

“We conclude that differentially suppressing negative search suggestions can have adramatic impact on the opinions and voting preferences of undecided voters, potentially shifting a large number of votes without people knowing and without leaving a paper trail for authorities to trace.”

While Epstein’s research indicates that the SSE can be strong, Google — by far the most popular search engine in the U.S. — says that it does not manipulate its search engine for political purposes.

“We do not manipulate search results, modify our products or enforce our policies in any way to promote or disadvantage any political ideology, viewpoint or candidate,” a Google spokesperson said in a statement shared with the DCNF. “We have strict policies for autocomplete and do not allow predictions that can be interpreted as a position for or against any political figure or party.”


Using the 2016 election as an example and making some assumptions, the combination of biased search suggestions and biased search results could have theoretically shifted about 1.5 million to 2 million voters to back Hillary Clinton, according to the study’s authors. The study controlled for all other influences to the greatest extent possible, meaning that the effect’s magnitude likely came out on the higher end than would be the case in real-life conditions, but the authors stress that the frequency with which people use search engines for political content means that the effect accumulates on voters over time in realistic conditions.

“When SSE is used in the real world, the magnitude of its impact will vary. What we have measured is likely the upper limit of that impact,” Epstein told the DCNF. “That said,in our experiments, we expose people to our manipulations just once, but in the real world, people are exposed to the same manipulations dozens or hundreds of times – especially in the months leading up to an election.Our ongoing research on the Multiple Exposure Effect (MEE) shows that the impact of these repeated exposures is additive, which makes manipulations like SSE especially dangerous.”

The researchers structured the study by conducting a series of five randomized, controlled, counterbalanced, double-blind experiments. Each of those experiments led up to the final test, which set up a simulated election for subjects — who were undecided and generally unfamiliar with the candidates — to engage with after exposure to manipulated search suggestions.

The results of the final experiment indicate that “a single negative search suggestion can impact opinions dramatically because it links to search results that might be strongly biased against the candidate in question,” the study states.

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b48d34 No.21068014

File: 3b9d6c3891d721c⋯.pdf (160 KB,youtube_controversial_quer….pdf)


anyone have a current version?

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c4cc31 No.21088320

File: 9651724d75483f4⋯.png (55.52 KB,260x194,130:97,ClipboardImage.png)


Sauce that shit

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b58f48 No.21088689

File: d3d13ebc46ff958⋯.jpeg (75.2 KB,832x609,832:609,IMG_5545.jpeg)

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5104b6 No.21148638

Who is attempting to silence free speech?

Apparently, the same ones who are interfering with this board.

The current general thread has been missing all morning.

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cbf051 No.21294840

Need evidence on the Rothschilds connection to the Federal Reserve please

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48b175 No.21343466


Well we don't have freedom of speech on any of Donald Trump's medias, we don't have freedom of speech on any anonymous site, we don't have freedom of speech on twitter, reddit, youtube, google, facebook, instagram.

It must only be us…

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04e277 No.21343595



I love u. Here's the deal, it's simple.

Is the internet a paid service - yes. No free - Dom of speech.

Is telecommunications a paid service?


Is recording music a paid service - yup

Is writing on a shit of paper free? No.

No freedom whatsoever.


True freedom is inexistent, even if u are a SIMBIOSO.

Means u must use certain tools, yes.

But you also have to give, which


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d5bf98 No.21424656

File: f7502c1d4a23fcf⋯.jpg (90.01 KB,896x504,16:9,compromisedmedia.jpg)

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906406 No.21467881

File: c639e345df84902⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Sounds about right for the Minneapolis, St. Paul metro area. I thought "furries" were a sick joke, but NOPE. They're real.

A 'furry' candidate makes a run for Maple Grove City Council.

A furry named METRO Mutt runs for Maple Grove City Council, stirring controversy with his unconventional campaign and social media posts.

A “furry” is an individual who attempts to take on an animal-like persona for themselves. So-called “furries” will create an identity, often in the image of a dog or cat, and wear elaborate, exaggerated costumes in the likeness of those animals.Some have raised eyebrows at the subculture’s darker corners, which includes sex parties and animated animal-themed pornography.

Moar: https://alphanews.org/a-furry-candidate-makes-a-run-for-maple-grove-city-council/

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b88fcf No.21580521

File: dfded0933d0876f⋯.png (880.05 KB,3012x1804,753:451,q_dELTA_tRUMP_ASSASSINATIO….png)


here's a bigger picture

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d90980 No.21605964




Your post date?

Anonymous 08/25/24 (Sun) 13:45:20b84381

why are so many poast this bred dated wrong?







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d90980 No.21622863

What is that huge "BLACK" pin Ayanna Pressley is weraring at the

Consequences of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Policies hearing live right now?

Imagine if any white person speaking had a lapel pin that was "WHITE" anything.

Cannot make out what the three tiered message lapel pin says on my device, anyone see it on a large screen? What is the complete message. She want to relay some message with this big three lined lapel message pin about BLACK something or another.

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d90980 No.21622872


ayanna pressley is the bald black woman who just spoke in the black leather cape shirt thing

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d90980 No.21622905

File: ec76ecfe054d8e1⋯.webp (22.91 KB,900x505,180:101,presselyayanna_062223tc05….webp)

File: 18b88fc44d60cd4⋯.jpg (10.73 KB,194x259,194:259,download.jpg)



ayanna pressley

she likes the message pins

today is about BLACK somethhingor another

what does it say

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5b1eab No.21625625

File: 971ab658a215113⋯.gif (3.89 MB,480x480,1:1,IMG_5963.gif)


but black is the color of joy


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48b13a No.21681836

File: 745eac7a0dfebeb⋯.png (690.29 KB,810x2526,135:421,2024_09_29_19_40_47.png)

fake news laying the groundwork for next round of fake election interference


Iran 'News' Sites, Hackers Target Trump Ahead Of US Election


September 27, 2024

Former president Donald Trump is running against Vice President Kamala Harris in November's US election battle

Iran is ramping up efforts to interfere with the US election with fake "news" websites and hackers targeting Donald Trump, American officials and researchers say, as the Republican nominee reported threats on his life from the Islamic republic.

Iran, long known for orchestrating clandestine influence operations against its adversaries, has emerged as a top disinformation threat facing the November 5 presidential vote.

The United States unveiled charges on Friday against three Iranians over a "wide-ranging hacking campaign," with Attorney General Merrick Garland saying they were attempting to undermine Trump's election effort.

A slew of fake sites masquerading as news outlets are meanwhile fabricating reports critical of Trump, disinformation researchers said, with much of the content apparently created using cheap and widely available generative AI tools.

The fake outlets reflect "the depth and coordinated planning of Iranian influence operations" to sway US voters, Dina Sadek, a fellow at the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab), told AFP.

The DFRLabreleased a report this week that warned that "government-led Iranian operations have increased substantially in the lead-up to the 2024 elections."

One such site spotlighted by theMicrosoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC)was NioThinker, which hails itself as the "go-to destination for insightful, progressive news."

In recent months, the site's focus has "increasingly shifted to the US elections," with its content including "sarcastic, long-winded articles insulting Trump," MTAC said.

TheFoundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD)highlighted another Iranian-made site Afromajority which it said targets African American voters with content that is often critical of Trump and sympathetic to Democratic nominee Vice President Kamala Harris.

Among a network of 19 websites publishing Iranian propaganda, at least eight English-language portals are heavily focused on the US election, with many of them targeting key voting groups such as African Americans and Hispanic groups, the Washington-based FDD think tank said….

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981cd2 No.21948718

File: 38a38adf0a08e29⋯.jpg (278.47 KB,1062x838,531:419,2024_11_09_10_49_00.jpg)

Hello anon. Please advise alternatives to Wikipedia? Wikipedia has evolved into a Marxist far-left totalitarian structure for the destruction of White people, freedom of speech, and science. It's time to replace that shit. Of what I found - only Metapedia, but there are not enough articles. Are there still human encyclopedias?

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4a34e0 No.21957594


Having the same issue at present on Sunday morning.

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ae6f7a No.21999615


about your brandin memes and chants

just reminds me of how i branded my own abs

in the search for god.

thats based alot on the religious lies.

circle 8

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ae6f7a No.21999627


doesn't work.

i went through 40 years based on a tyranical system.

ain't no love in the heart of the city,

aint no love in the heart of town.

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8e4228 No.22055757

File: 5b02edb26e4174c⋯.jpeg (123.24 KB,1283x970,1283:970,IMG_9603.jpeg)

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5b1eab No.22063969


did she survive?


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36b8d5 No.22173598

http://www.nextgenchan.org is free speech.

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0d99a6 No.22202565



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db7f72 No.22206062

European Parliament Approves “European Democracy Shield” Committee to Tackle Online “Disinformation”

The European Democracy Shield will blur the line between combating disinformation and policing free speech.


The European Parliament has taken another step in its ongoing efforts to control the flow of information online, approving the creation of a new committee tasked with combating what it describes as foreign interference and disinformation.

Dubbed the European Democracy Shield, the initiative is framed as a safeguard for democratic processes but raises significant concerns about censorship and overreach. The committee’s establishment aligns with the European Commission’s policy agenda for 2024-2029 and is expected to begin operations next year.

At a plenary session in Strasbourg, the decision received strong support, with 441 members voting in favor, 178 opposing, and 34 abstaining.

While presented as a measure to protect democracy, critics have long questioned whether such sweeping powers risk stifling dissenting views under the guise of fighting disinformation.

The committee’s mandate extends to scrutinizing online platforms, AI-generated content, and so-called “hybrid” threats—broad categories that could potentially encompass legitimate political speech or alternative narratives.

Comprising 33 members, the Ad Hoc Committee on the European Democracy Shield will serve a 12-month term. Its composition, to be determined by political groups, will be announced in late January. The scope of its responsibilities includes reviewing existing laws for potential weaknesses that could be exploited and recommending reforms. However, skeptics may argue that this approach could lead to increased regulatory burdens on digital platforms, raising questions about freedom of expression and transparency in decision-making.


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db7f72 No.22206102

File: ae4bc1ec0def578⋯.png (641.29 KB,884x1440,221:360,2024_12_21_11_24_08.png)




BREAKING: @Weaponization just dropped a MASSIVE 17,000-page report on the Biden Admin's weaponized federal government.

Emails reveal an alarming level of collusion between DHS/CISA, Stanford University, the Atlantic Council, and Big Tech to create the "Election Integrity Partnership's" censorship machine.

• Graham Brookie of the Atlantic Council's DFR Labs wrote: "We just set up an election integrity partnership at the request of DHS/CISA."

• A redacted Facebook executive spilled the beans in an email about a call with DHS, saying: "DHS cannot openly endorse the portal."

• Alex Stamos of the Stanford Internet Observatory emailed NextDoor executives: "We already have partnerships with Facebook, Twitter, and Google, and we would love to chat with you and your team."

This is some next-level dystopian sh*t.

So how does the Trump admin make sure this BS doesn't happen again?

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5efaad No.22354951

File: becb5acefebde10⋯.mp4 (13.15 MB,464x270,232:135,ssstwitter_com_17367059462….mp4)


Dr. David Martin in front of…EU group?

ELECTRIFYING and informative.

He's got the goods on the WEF and UN.

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