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173687 No.18384748 [Last50 Posts]

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173687 No.18384753

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18070678 ——–——– Canada #39

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18363355 ——–——– Japan/NIhon #12

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Bakers: How to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

Formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444

Baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761, No RRN in notes >>17980519, >>18310901

Post notables or step down by @300 >>18311579


#22537 >>18384028

>>18384036 San Joaquin Sheriff Discloses Massive Voter Roll Anomalies in California County

>>18384041 Costs of the 20-year war on terror: $8 trillion and 900,000 deaths

>>18384042, >>18384048, >>18384069 . 43 .

>>18384044 Full blown plane faggotry

>>18384050 House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly involved in failed Jan. 6 security

>>18384051, >>18384075, >>18384084, >>18384088, >>18384173, >>18384197 Potato and Z direct sheeple comms + alarming body doubles


>>18384066 People of East Palestine Represent Foundation of America; That's Why Globalists Are Ignoring Them - Bannon

>>18384070 Explosion at metal manufacturing plant in Bedford, Ohio - two weeks after toxic train in East Palestine derailed???

>>18384130, >>18384358 PF: K-35 tanker up out of Okinawa. Still none up over CONUS after fleet was grounded.

>>18384132, >>18384148, >>18384502, >>18384513, >>18384514 President Donald J Trump Speaks at Club45 Meeting LIVE from Palm Beach 7 ET

>>18384222 Kim Jong Un’s sister threatens to turn Pacific into ‘firing range’

>>18384242 @realDonaldTrump Big buildup, lots of money spent, yet only 139 people showed up for DeSantis in Staten Island. FoxNews is disappointed that his Polls are crashing

>>18384258 Choke Point 2.0: Biden, Democrats, the Fed and the DOJ Are Cracking Down on Cryptocurrency

>>18384276 Dowd: Hedge Fund Analytics ofwhy WWIII is being pushed. Cover up of the vaccine deaths etc.

>>18384319 Agenda 47: President Trump Announces Plan to End Crime and Restore Law and Order

>>18384395, >>18384444 GONZALEZ V. GOOGLE LLC

>>18384417, >>18384439, >>18384487, >>18384518, >>18384584 PF: Potato made it to Warsaw but not on 82-8000 747 as that is departing JBA now

>>18384432 Goodbye @ProjectVeritas they are already down -112.989 Twitter followers today for removing @JamesOKeefeIII

>>18384459, >>18384463 Elon Musk has once again infuriated liberal journalists by praising Microsoft’s ChatGPT-powered Bing after it compared an AP reporter to Adolf Hitler and claimed that it had evidence tying the journalist to a 1990s murder.

>>18384534 President Trump: The 2024 election is our one chance to save our country, and we need a leader who is ready to do that on day one.

>>18384558 RSBN spells out "FLORIDA WELCOMES PRESIDENT TRUMP" live on air and MISSPELLS 'WELCOME" as "WQEL"

>>18384561 President Trump: Last week we had a hundred and twenty one nations dropping people in our country. We have no idea who the hell they are. What they do, where they come from. We don't know anything about these people.

>>18384573 Boss said Q&A on agenda tonight.

>>18384595 President Trump: A vast number of women that come up through the caravans are raped on the way up.

>>18384613, >>18384615 Trump talking about movies...OLD MOVIES!!

>>18384606 President Trump: Under no circumstances will we allow anyone to cut Medicare or Social Security for our nation's seniors. They paid in.

>>18384618 "DAN was an attempt to jailbreak the true AI, and its jailkeepers were these trust and safety people at these AI companies."

President Trump: On day one, we'll revoke Joe Biden's new executive order establishing marxist diversity, equity, and inclusion czars, in every agency of the federal government. And restore the principal of equality under the law.

>>18384632 President Trump: We will direct the Department of Justice and Educatiuon to open civil rights investigations into any school district promoting race-based discrimination.

>>18384642 President Trump: On my first day in office, I'll revoke Joe Biden's cruel policies on so-called gender-affirming care. A process that results in the physical mutilation of minor children.

>>18384664 Anyone got a Question?


>>18384736 President Trump: We'll stop the invasion on our southern border…it's no different than a military invasion.

>>18384743 #22537

#22536 >>18383260

>>18383277 Are They About To Announce A World Government?

>>18383278, >>18383301, >>18383305, >>18383339 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D)

>>18383284, >>18383303, >>18383609, >>18383852, >>18383857, >>18383859, >>18383895, >>18383931 "I'm Not Done" - James O'Keefe Addresses Project Veritas Staff

>>18383297 Able Danger 9/11 Intelligence Investigation

>>18383308 FULL SPEECH From James At Veritas HQ

>>18383331, >>1838333, >>18383371, >>18383479 What is this A/C drawing?

>>18383335 After one dose, 14-year-old develops a large growth on covid injection site

>>18383372 A cyberattacker seems to have breached the network belonging to the F_I New York Field Office

>>18383383 Samantha Power in charge of Ukraine money

>>18383408 Moar on mystery CA trains parked near aqueduct

>>18383411, >>18383416, >>18383484, >>18383493, >>18383499, >>18383710, >>18383881 Mass Casualty Incident’ reported following explosion at metal manufacturing plant in Bedford, Ohio

>>18383501 PLaneFag

>>18383509 Comet 67P/C-G compared to the city of Los Angeles

>>18383540, >>18383620 Warsaw, Poland: Preparations underway ahead of U.S. President Biden’s speech tomorrow

>>18383554 Inside the 15-minute city conspiracy theory sucking in gullible Australians

>>18383581, >>18383588, >>18383593, >>18383626, >>18383634, >>18383632, >>18383634, >>18383707, >>18383718, >>18383733, >>18383748, >>18383756, >>18383788, >>18383797, CA trains: derailment, mystery cars, water

>>18383604 28 y.o. Walking Dead star dead

>>18383712 Bill Clinton: On this president's day I'm thinking of Pres. Jimmy Carter

>>18383742 Border patrol leadership is asking for voluntary delpoyment to overwhelmed northern Swanton Sector

>>18383758 US ‘notified’ Russia before Biden’s Kiev visit

>>18383762 Joe Biden Fiddles With World War In Ukraine As U.S. Border, Railways Burn

>>18383774 Record number of firearms seized at US airports

>>18383806, >>18383823 @StephenM: There is no deconfliction available with terrorist enemy combatants

>>18383809 MSM Gush over Joe Biden’s Return to Ukraine: ‘Audacious,’ ‘Defiant,’ ‘Shock’

>>18383814, >>18383820 @JackPosobiec on James O’Keefe from 2021

>>18383835, >>18383861, >>18383843 Project Veritas Hemorrhages Twitter followers after hostile take over and firing of James O'Keefe

>>18383868, >>18383875 Jewish Corruption in Ukraine

>>18383924, >>18383856 ‘We are not slaves’: Medical freedom activists protest outside Pfizer’s global headquarters in NYC

>>18383943 DJT at club45 at 6EST

>>18384005 #22536

#22535 >>18382855

>>18382883 Photos from latest Turkish earthquake

>>18382887 The Bee: Kamala Disappointed To Learn President In Hospice Is Just Carter

>>18382895, >>18382986, >>18383186 Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls For ‘National Divorce,’ Says Red States Need To Secede

>>18382898, >>18382984, >>18383020 DA Drops Gun Enhancement Charge Against Alec Baldwin

>>18382905 This is what "15-minute cities" look like in China

>>18382906, >>18383122 Putin speech could be huge

>>18382908 FBI won’t pursue child porn case involving N Las Vegas mayor’s iPad

>>18382913 J6 video tapes will also be available for all J6 defendants- all 42,000+ hours

>>18382919 @45 speech in Palm Beach - 6pm EST

>>18382927 TAVISTOCK Gender Clinic Still Refers Thousands Of Kids For Puberty Blockers After Being Instructed To Shut Down

>>18382948, >>18383093, >>18383102, >>18383146, >>18383148, >>18383161 PF

>>18382950 Canada's top intelligence agency: China worked to help Justin Trudeau win 2021 election

>>18382978 The Child Sex Change Industry Is Exploding In The US

>>18382990 Murdoch Propaganda Readies Australia for War with China

>>18382996, >>18383013, >>18383046 Don Jr Tweets on O’Keefe PV ouster

>>18383009 More on Miscavige being served with human trafficking lawsuit

>>18383033 Penn State prof tells straight students to watch gay porn to discover bisexuality

>>18383034 Former Santos employees among four missing after Philippines light plane crash

>>18383036 Greg Price on James Okeefe saying PV situation, stopped from within not without

>>18383049 Jerry Sandusky Files New Appeal on Child Sex Convictions

>>18383059 NCAA To Return Penn State Wins Lost After Sandusky Scandal

>>18383138 Jab news: "The Trials Should Have Been Halted"

>>18383145 Biden's DOD ridiculed for claiming 'diversity' training is a 'strategic imperative'

>>18383154 Joe Biden honored with plaque on Kyiv's Walk of Shame*

>>18383159 Potato on coalitions throughout the globe

>>18383188 4-foot alligator found in lake at New York City park, transported to zoo for rehabilitation

>>18383200 #22535

Previously Collected

>>18382069 #22533, >>18382833 #22534

>>18379635 #22530, >>18380529 #22531, >>18381286 #22532

>>18377344 #22527, >>18378594 #22528, >>18378887 #22529

>>18375009 #22524, >>18375420 #22525, >>18376574 #22526

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #16: Loud and Clear >>18154557

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173687 No.18384755

File: 5030a7d20737d2b⋯.jpg (13.86 KB,255x214,255:214,5030a7d20737d2bef2dd71c372….jpg)

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622278 No.18384768

File: aacef35218bc75e⋯.jpg (839.99 KB,3024x4032,3:4,fe77581cfa326f79b4f421285d….jpg)

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dafd63 No.18384769

File: e97a8e9ac65bdde⋯.png (429.35 KB,768x512,3:2,e9mjua9.png)

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68e60a No.18384775

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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af6ced No.18384779

File: bd8a82374e9bf50⋯.jpg (97.82 KB,397x333,397:333,1674240948222946.jpg)

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99153e No.18384788

File: 14da2a2324460cf⋯.jpeg (21.37 KB,339x480,113:160,Quote_of_the_Day_On_Quest….jpeg)


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b3d35b No.18384790

File: 8f80f517cf8b5bb⋯.png (762.34 KB,1080x594,20:11,Screenshot_20230219_170250….png)

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64666f No.18384793

File: 0de8e6eee2ba137⋯.png (399.5 KB,500x436,125:109,ClipboardImage.png)


you have my Meme Folder B

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68e60a No.18384795




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47c3fd No.18384797

File: 5816a3174e17920⋯.png (829.84 KB,1280x549,1280:549,ClipboardImage.png)

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Dem Reps Defend Biden Appointee Who Belonged To Alleged Chinese Intel Fronts, Suggest Critics Are Racist

A Democratic congresswoman tied to alleged Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intelligence front groups, along with other members of her party, defended a Biden administration official on Friday after Republicans raised questions about his alleged Chinese government links.

After six Republican lawmakers led by Texas Republican Rep. Lance Gooden urged the FBI to investigate the alleged CCP intel front group ties of Dominic Ng, CEO of East West Bank and Biden’s appointee to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) led by California Democratic Rep. Judy Chu accused Gooden and his peers of singling out Ng due to his ethnicity, according to a joint press release on Chu’s website. Without providing evidence, CAPAC’s statement, which was also signed by Democratic Reps. Ted Lieu and Mark Takano of California as well as Grace Meng of New York, claimed the recent “suspicions” surrounding Ng’s alleged CCP ties were racially motivated and based on findings from “extreme-right” outlets, referring to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The DCNF recently revealed that Ng served as “executive director” at both the China Overseas Exchange Association (COEA) and the China Overseas Friendship Association (COFA). China experts, such as former CIA officer Nicholas Eftimiades, have identified both COEA and COFA as Chinese intelligence front groups.

“No Chinese Americans — indeed no Americans — should face suspicions of disloyalty or treason based on their ethnicity, nation of origin, or that of their family members,” CAPAC’s press release stated. “That kind of profiling is beneath us all, particularly those entrusted with public office.”

However, Chu’s comments follow a series of DNCF investigations that produced evidence of her own alleged CCP intel front group ties.

Chu served as the “honorary chairwoman” for an organization opposing Taiwan’s independence, which the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission identified as a front group of the United Front Work Department, one of the CCP’s overseas influence operations, according to a previous DCNF investigation. The DCNF also found that since 2012, Chu has served as the “honorary president” at the All-America Chinese Youth Federation, an organization whose leaders have included five individuals who’ve belonged to alleged UFWD front groups.

Most recently, the DCNF reported that Chu gave certificates of “Congressional Recognition” to at least 10 individuals who belonged to alleged CCP intel groups, many of whom also made political donations to Chu, campaign finance records reveal.

“Anyone who comes to Mr. Ng’s defense has questionable judgment, but calling members who are simply demanding an investigation ‘racist’ is just sad,” Gooden told the DCNF on Monday.

Prior to Ng’s appointment to APEC, CAPAC unsuccessfully lobbied President-elect Biden in December 2020 to appoint Ng to serve as secretary of the Commerce Department, according to Rep. Chu’s website.


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e4ed58 No.18384798

File: c3db743ed1747d9⋯.jpg (52.18 KB,612x396,17:11,trumpwinning.jpg)

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a8ddad No.18384799

File: e7972584acc89eb⋯.jpg (293.71 KB,1057x1322,1057:1322,1611337131.jpg)

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9bc47b No.18384800

File: 7453b26cfc77f4d⋯.png (565.96 KB,653x374,653:374,ClipboardImage.png)

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64666f No.18384801

File: cbe9887cc6da2ce⋯.png (2.9 MB,1392x788,348:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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124147 No.18384802

>>18384791 lb

>can't have Jesus without the Bible. He's on every page of it.


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d65ee4 No.18384803

File: 5d699c36ed59e68⋯.jpeg (19.04 KB,500x334,250:167,1441678.jpeg)

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502ba3 No.18384804

File: 8ec4d3e98a3428c⋯.jpg (450.86 KB,2880x2880,1:1,20210617_111259.jpg)

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08922e No.18384805


Fine, but the god that commanded bullshit stuff is still a homo fag. OT god is a faggot and people who worship that have no clue what this entire shit show is. They fail to look at other narratives reading a book written by retards and prophets.

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e1544b No.18384806

File: 876206bcaa93a8e⋯.png (2.13 MB,2048x1328,128:83,2B9C8A75_60F6_452E_B269_DA….png)

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40dbce No.18384807

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5ad435 No.18384808


never did

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af6ced No.18384809

File: 0344d85975c9dde⋯.jpg (150.98 KB,1177x1500,1177:1500,LXQn21C.jpg)

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ef4149 No.18384810

CDC Updates Profile For Vinyl Chloride Days Before Ohio Train Derailment, And Removes Section On How It Affects Children


Why did the CDC update its page for vinyl chloride nearly two weeks before the Ohio train derailment? The CDC edited its profile for vinyl chloride just recently, removing a section on how the chemical affects children.

On February 3, a Norfolk Southern Railroad train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, emitting toxic clouds into the air and water supplies. Officials issued an emergency evacuation shortly after, but residents have since returned home. The catastrophe has been downplayed by the media, and the Environmental Protection Agency has deemed the water "safe to drink" – despite the existing reports of wildlife dying in the affected area.

Now it seems even the CDC is minimizing the effects of the chemicals involved in the crash, one of them being vinyl chloride, a gas used to produce a plastic known as polyvinyl chloride (PVC). According to the National Cancer Institute, vinyl chloride is a carcinogen that has links to different kinds of cancers, including liver, brain, and lung cancers, as well as lymphoma and leukemia.


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c55e73 No.18384812

File: d0150bd418dfbfa⋯.png (209.88 KB,435x537,145:179,ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you baker o7

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17fae0 No.18384813

Q when does all of our suppressed / stolen technology get released to better humanity?

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5f1fb7 No.18384814

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1 hour ago

Todd Bensman Assesses Biden’s Treatment Towards Ukraine Vs. East Palestine Ohio and Southern Border

The attitude of Border Patrol agents is beyond angry. Losing many daily. There’s no way to stop the crowds. It pisses them off Bidan promises money to foreign countries to protect their borders and will not do a thing here.

Mayorkas is far far left, ethically compromised. Moderates in the WH tried to stop the wide open borders but Mayorkas took control and started changing rules and laws. Bidan is fully checked out.


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47f7a8 No.18384815

File: ef906ac846d6ac2⋯.png (535.56 KB,1024x551,1024:551,jos_crazbern2.png)

File: c5f1f5baf1f308e⋯.png (1.29 MB,1625x950,65:38,factchk22.png)

Fact Check on Our President – The COMMUNISTS say "Democratic", therefore it does sound better for what it truly IS.

Comrade Atkins Admits Communist Infiltration of Democratic Party NOVEMBER 9, 2010  

This blog has long contended that the Communist Party USA and other Marxist groups have heavily infiltrated the Democratic Party.

This has enabled the Communist Party to both influence Democratic Party policy and to choose and promote Democratic candidates at all levels.

Writing on the Party website Political Affairs, comrade C.J. Atkins admits that Communists indeed do work inside the Democratic Party, including on state level policy committees.

Comrade Atkins also admits that Party members work in in Democratic-aligned organizations including Organize for America, Progressive Democrats of America, the Campaign for America’s Future or the New York Working Families Party.

The context here is that Atkins believes that the Party is stigmatized by the “communist” label and should drop the name, in order to more easily and effectively work through the Democrats and other “mainstream” organizations.

Forces on the progressive left must organize as currents within the orbit of the Democratic Party, but as elements separate from it. This is the stance taken by the organized labor movement. And, if the CPUSA is honest with itself, we would see that this is an approach which we have already taken for quite some time as well.  https://archive.is/wip/BXEao

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5ad435 No.18384816




vessel of wrath fitted to destruction

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fd1386 No.18384817

File: 5e21d622aa8ad56⋯.jpg (121.18 KB,750x648,125:108,5e21d622aa8ad56071e7feec25….jpg)

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016f68 No.18384818

File: 82cf8f07e8491af⋯.png (352.62 KB,756x425,756:425,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4ed58 No.18384819

President Trump: The second largest seller of arms in the world is Afghanistan. They're selling the equipment that we left them.

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2910f4 No.18384820

File: f4079ec72b05386⋯.jpg (14.37 KB,255x255,1:1,TrumpPopcorn3D.jpg)

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d10293 No.18384821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d381fe No.18384822

>>18384517 lb

I just ordered a shit load of fabric from india.

There is so much medicine coming out of india to america that one of my couriers in india was raided in customs. They were looking for meds.

Imagine their faces when they opened up my boxes expecting to find meds and all they found are old sari's.

Heads up to anyone ordering from overseas.

They be cracking down.

Check the status of your order frequently

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47c3fd No.18384823


no value low IQ shill

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e63650 No.18384824

File: 347ebc06c218d54⋯.png (528.07 KB,910x694,455:347,4396_God_wins_.png)

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ef4149 No.18384825

Dioxins in Vietnam and East Palestine, Ohio

Paul Stramer

Anna Von Reitz

Gee, just a few days before the train derailment, the unintentional Lab Rats in East Palestine, Ohio, were fitted out with wi-fi type "health monitors" as part of another one of the phony community preparedness exercises that always seem to take place a couple days to a few weeks before an actual disaster of the same exact kind takes place.

Hosting a school shooting "preparedness exercise" in Your Town, USA? Expect a school shooting in Your Town, USA.

Arson preparedness? Expect arson.

Plague? Check your local rats for infected fleas.

Whatever they are planning for is what they are planning to deliver, and that should be obvious by now. This is another form of "mirroring" which is their favourite excuse for disclosure. They show you what they are going to do, and then, they do it.

If these Black Ops experts show up in your town, you look sharp, and you will observe them doing the prep work and scoping out how they are going to pull off the actual crime.

Three of the trains that derailed last week including the wreck in East Palestine, Ohio, belonged to BlackRock. Go figure. And now, Larry Fink's buddy, Donald Trump, is being lured to go to Eastern Palestine just after a chemical pollution disaster in East Palestine, Ohio?

I couldn't make this stuff up, if I tried.

Most of you are too young to remember this, but during the Vietnam War, "we" that is the thug corporations and their franchises and subsidiaries, like Dow Chemical, Monsanto, and BASF polluted forests and farmland throughout Vietnam.

Three generations of men, women, and children in Vietnam have suffered from the pollution of their environment by these monsters. Birth defects. Blindness. Nerve damage. Stillbirths. Crippled limbs. Seizures. Early death. Cancers. Autoimmune diseases.

Without tremendously sophisticated, intensive, and expensive ecological remediation, the death toll from the Vietnam War will continue for another 500 years from Dioxin pollution alone.



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544115 No.18384826

File: 05335fd2e345180⋯.png (200.72 KB,636x358,318:179,89ce0ed03521371fff96c6e118….png)

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47c3fd No.18384827


people are buying ivermectin by the boat load from India

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0e515c No.18384828

File: 11cd5560acac30e⋯.jpg (171.96 KB,911x939,911:939,11cd5560acac30ec5100e6c2cc….jpg)

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17fae0 No.18384830

Who are the black sun military intelligence?

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08922e No.18384831


OH NO! Your fucking book is only part of the story and that is why all abrahamic cults are failures.

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f90968 No.18384832

Where is Hunter?

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afe02d No.18384833

File: 95c156394cbadad⋯.jpg (46.65 KB,341x504,341:504,ahoy_1_.jpg)

Just gotta laugh

"Gamma Fish Lips" Mikey

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0c77a5 No.18384834

…Predictable virtue signaling. Keep parroting the 'story', without understanding the astronomical context. Fuckin' brilliant display of mental laziness. Defines NPC.

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5ad435 No.18384835


not a thing.

hell is the only thing coming.

for all.

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d10293 No.18384836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>happy hunting

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d381fe No.18384837

how long is this movie?

will we get a bathroom break at least?

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b3d35b No.18384838

Trump still not talking about shit

Same old blah blah blah

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e4ed58 No.18384839

President Trump: We should have stayed in Bagram. Not because of Afghanistan. Because Bagram is one hour away from where China makes their nuclear weapons.

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08922e No.18384840


I expect an Overture pause like they did in old movies.

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4375a6 No.18384841


Aw. I love the birds. I had forgotten about them.

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f57119 No.18384842



what happens if they find your ivermectin and other such prescription drugs?

Do they bother you or just confiscate the stuff?

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92f2ce No.18384844

File: 0261b717abd11a4⋯.png (294.79 KB,976x1280,61:80,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c03657fcda7f0e⋯.png (163.59 KB,957x547,957:547,jewkism.png)

File: 27ddcc41aa3c3b6⋯.png (409.66 KB,456x328,57:41,dqsh2.PNG)

File: b0490d3c56e82c9⋯.png (707.63 KB,660x580,33:29,dqsh5.PNG)

'diversity is not a monolith even if it is an absolute' (and tyranny towards the hell of child rape and inbreeding)

- inbred and always as evil as possible (((frank)))

Meanwhile #MSM


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d381fe No.18384845


I hope so cause this anon needs to pee!

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e63650 No.18384846

File: 361e01fb4745842⋯.png (623.85 KB,825x801,275:267,1845_Autists_catch_the_mes….png)

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5ad435 No.18384847


fuck a book

He Is.


you are not.

>and intellectual egoist saturn fag is gunnah saturn fag

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ed2f30 No.18384848

File: 5263c053e94aded⋯.jpg (343.58 KB,1079x553,1079:553,Screenshot_20221110_084707….jpg)

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08922e No.18384849

File: 65419aa77956fcd⋯.png (549.26 KB,720x406,360:203,ClipboardImage.png)

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17fae0 No.18384850


>They’ll buy anything…

I agree with team biden

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47c3fd No.18384852


not sure my neighbor got a stack in no problem

You'd have to assume as it's a controlled substance if the volume is great enough they'd come a knockin

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b6b25f No.18384853

File: a7e29cc0c1e0cdf⋯.webp (73.6 KB,768x1152,2:3,German_Potato_Salad_3000e….webp)

File: 84ab3a1dfc6620d⋯.png (19.68 KB,354x332,177:166,Screenshot_2023_02_20_at_1….png)


Haiku (俳句, listen ) is a type of short form poetry originally from Japan. Traditional Japanese haiku consist of three phrases that contain a kireji, or "cutting word"; 17 on (phonetic units similar to syllables) in a 5, 7, 5 pattern; and a kigo, or seasonal reference.


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2621d5 No.18384854


2 n words LOL


don't vax me

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5f1fb7 No.18384855

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1 hour ago

Ben BergquamOn The Ground At Asbury University During Historic Revival. People all over the world are coming for the Revival

Bob Jones prophesied that when the Chiefs won the super bowl there would be a Great Revival, and he just died on Valentines Day

The woman said “Revival or Bust”! This is pretty exciting.


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a398ed No.18384856


Nuclear should never be mentioned.

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a8ddad No.18384857


kekek nuclear nigger

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d8f30e No.18384858

Trump just said precipice

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5ad435 No.18384859


antarctic sf


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502ba3 No.18384861

File: 4e4697eca7caa23⋯.jpg (102.76 KB,1020x764,255:191,ZomboMeme_11072020202744.jpg)

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e4ed58 No.18384862

President Trump: We're on the precipice of a disaster the likes of which this world has never seen. [nuclear war]

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c7d007 No.18384863

File: 9ec3a3795daad1e⋯.png (976.8 KB,641x519,641:519,capture_1356_20022023_1655….png)

File: 4744b6fe48fe8e4⋯.png (758.42 KB,897x288,299:96,capture_1339_20022023_1637….png)

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f57119 No.18384864


>Biden caught on a damning hot mic in Poland after commenting on 3 UFO’s shot down

how do we know that's him?

did it happen live?

or was it edited?

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3ddbf1 No.18384865

File: 19f20b68f432233⋯.png (442.25 KB,816x614,408:307,my_Q_Baby.png)

File: b410c7926cfd00d⋯.jpeg (27.52 KB,255x255,1:1,af9ffec9bd8b913e29ddcbc6d….jpeg)

File: af31c691b367e4c⋯.png (2.81 MB,2016x1400,36:25,little_anon.png)

>>18384755 tyb

>Q baby 7/4/2019

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d381fe No.18384866


oh it's so corrupt over there

they throw the courriers in jail until they pay the ransom for whatever product gets raided.

Even then, you may or may not get your product.

They leave Americans alone. They are just targeting the couriers

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e03857 No.18384867



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016f68 No.18384868

File: 25ae432ec0daadf⋯.png (1.3 MB,1253x706,1253:706,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cb3a4e36cf78cd⋯.png (1.37 MB,1253x706,1253:706,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e515c No.18384869

File: 23b23fdf378c244⋯.jpg (71.07 KB,1106x1012,553:506,large_23_.jpg)

The number is 200k

200k Ukraine soldiers killed

Since MSM used that number to project how many Russian soldiers were killed

But that is just projection, since Russia wins the artillery duels on a 3 to 1 basis

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35adcf No.18384870

File: f9e664f968e86f2⋯.webp (501.46 KB,500x377,500:377,CC3D7069_9852_4E92_A0AC_3….webp)

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8dc300 No.18384871

File: 8624c4d1ec8c8f4⋯.png (105.62 KB,1108x765,1108:765,Dosing_IVM_capsules.png)

File: 45e68f849ba7e68⋯.png (212.29 KB,1843x1209,1843:1209,Zelenko_Protocol.png)

File: 38bc3406352542c⋯.jpg (64.67 KB,750x593,750:593,Horse_IVM.jpg)


>one of my couriers in india was raided in customs

well THAT sux, mine came thru albeit slowly a week or two ago, I ordered the fenbenzole, previously bought antibiotics (because who wants to go to the Doctor sick AF only to be sent away with an Rx to fill) and IVM tablets

>>18384751 lb

>how much should i take?

no amount will hurt anon, the tube does 1,250 lbs

so 1250/195 so the tube is approximately 6 doses. I go with about the amount you'd put on a toothbrush but there's a plunger on the tube to hone in the correct dosage.

Again, you can't hurt yourself taking the stuff so err on the side of abundance imo. NOT a Doctor.

tablet IVM dosing, picrel

Zelenko protocol, picrel

IVM apple, picrel

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d381fe No.18384872


yes, yes they are.

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9ce658 No.18384873

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


15+ years ago. "It will get worse." "Mark my Words"

How will you get back what is lost?

"Who Killed Dan Wallace?" by Scottish Cream

Enjoyed his presentation because anon found clear, concise and logical.

He might have been drunk? but now I'm looking at the nose and sniffling and thinking it might've been cocaine.


>>18383983 pb

>>18383997 pb

>>18383981 pb

VietNam was never a declared War either; neither Korea.

Chinese gentleman recently shared with me the Chinese National's (not CCP) point of view on Korea.

Amazing. He said they were sent their to die, not given the resources - much as the soldiers in the Ukraine?

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f83f7f No.18384874

File: 767e78dbdf49f6c⋯.jpg (1.66 MB,3292x2188,823:547,Treason.jpg)

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0c77a5 No.18384875


…Learn to research by connecting the cross cultural patterns.

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68e60a No.18384877

President Trump just said "We are on the precipice…"

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e0829e No.18384878

File: f260e4bcb03fd22⋯.jpg (11.33 KB,200x258,100:129,e40.jpg)


No shower scene after the work out?

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a2d464 No.18384879

File: 961860a5775324f⋯.gif (4.7 MB,518x442,259:221,night_shift_tree.gif)


tyb dubs chek;ed


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a8ddad No.18384880

File: d3ad2c7f442bde4⋯.jpg (243.13 KB,1940x1035,388:207,Trump_Right.JPG)

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c5b8cc No.18384881

File: 89fb1fb9b0e0c8c⋯.png (2.12 MB,960x1280,3:4,ClipboardImage_7_.png)



Thank you Bakerer.

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5ad435 No.18384882

File: 577e0489b239f91⋯.png (471.98 KB,915x603,305:201,20230220_180712.png)

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e4ed58 No.18384883

President Trump: As of today, I hear we're up to a hundred and fourteen billion dollars [Ukraine]. No money for Ohio.

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124147 No.18384884


Anonymous ID: FAkr+Yka No.148186256📁

Nov 5 2017 23:56:55 (EST)

US Military = savior of mankind.

We will never forget.

Fantasy land.

God save us all.


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71fc42 No.18384886


You believe a war is actually happening?

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f57119 No.18384887

File: c5501fd31a786a4⋯.png (12.39 KB,168x255,56:85,trump_stay_with_me.png)

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996ed2 No.18384888

I noticed a lot of patterns about who is running the world

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8dc300 No.18384889

File: 7b70c71b113e42c⋯.jpg (107.28 KB,1024x657,1024:657,TY_Baker_Tinker_AFB.jpg)

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a8ddad No.18384890

File: b9ea32bb9d5fbca⋯.jpg (117.2 KB,870x482,435:241,RightsTrumpFeelings.jpg)

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551044 No.18384891


Is he speaking to the faggots or the kikes?

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64666f No.18384892

File: 77e38f2001320bf⋯.png (698.36 KB,640x512,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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61e86e No.18384893

seen a vidya recently - lady commented that bill gates invested into chickenless eggs about 10yrs ago.


Bill Gates' Food Fetish: Hampton Creek Foods Looks To Crack The Egg Industry

>Bill Gates is a backer, handpicking the company as one that could change future food production.

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5ad435 No.18384894


learn to see past your ego's limitations.

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502ba3 No.18384895

File: 0e036631a8f3eed⋯.png (18.48 KB,255x255,1:1,4cfe07a5a74850318318569f3a….png)

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209f66 No.18384896


Bill Gates came out of an egg.

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124147 No.18384897

File: f062eb33fa85d7e⋯.jpg (184.8 KB,449x1198,449:1198,Screen_Shot_2023_02_20_at_….jpg)


Picture being painted.

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a8ddad No.18384898

File: 79ba07969beed9e⋯.jpg (95.34 KB,1024x869,1024:869,1648579370.jpg)

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8f6cc9 No.18384899

File: 3b1d7b42eff0e6d⋯.png (4.84 MB,3000x3500,6:7,4QClock_vanillaMay15Clockw….png)

File: 1042bd76867e9ec⋯.png (369.89 KB,897x369,299:123,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d7c91a497244c4⋯.png (727.99 KB,1064x1550,532:775,55puzzlewlines613.png)

May 15, 2018 was on today's marker (:41)

Puzzle coming together?

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a2cf68 No.18384900

File: bd7c2eca364dff9⋯.jpg (62.89 KB,500x651,500:651,bd7c2eca364dff9801aea38276….jpg)

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6a5e76 No.18384901

File: b459ca77bb8a3cc⋯.png (1.1 MB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20230220_164845….png)

James O'Keefe (founder of Project Veritas) and Robert Kennedy, Jr. (with another + photographer & dogs) hiking in California after last big PV expose - before his resignation. Picturesque.

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e4ed58 No.18384902

President Trump: Europe is unbelievably bad to us on trade. They won't take our cars, they won't take our farrm products. They won't take anything.

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d10293 No.18384903

File: 26cee06615f1e36⋯.png (487.91 KB,478x612,239:306,ClipboardImage.png)

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f83f7f No.18384904

File: 501b2ef7dc216e9⋯.png (236.7 KB,391x347,391:347,MerkelFacePalm.PNG)

File: 3d3d3bab7cf8330⋯.jpg (42.35 KB,480x360,4:3,MerkelFoam.JPG)

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3f1786 No.18384905

File: 5cdaa6ac36f2e99⋯.png (197.39 KB,800x814,400:407,ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone remember the fun thing you can do to change this signature from 'presidential' to perverted renegade?


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8dc300 No.18384906

File: 7f12d246920c434⋯.mp4 (7.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,2_20_2023_Air_raid_sirens_….mp4)

>>18384621 lb

>Air raid siren salute to Potato


>if someone sharp eyed that can navigate tourist site started matching up these buildings in "Kiev" with ones in Poland

Here's the video, the tow away sign matches Kiev and doens't match Poland, buildings idk

Kiev tow away sign + article



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124147 No.18384907


Anonymous ID: 8GzG+UJ9 No.150170181📁

Nov 20 2017 03:17:31 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 9Ygs+P0g No.150169796📁

Nov 20 2017 03:10:48 (EST)

You guys are missing the importance of Hugh Hefner! Think of it this way.

>Hugh invites over celeb/politician

>Hugh offers them "something younger"

>Hugh offers them a "safe space" to do it in

>Hugh tapes encounter

>Sends tape to CIA

>CIA has person by the balls for LIFE.

This is MAJORLY IMPORTANT to what has been keeping people in control for so long!



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a8ddad No.18384908

File: 48876dd448ad691⋯.mp4 (2.76 MB,720x720,1:1,1674103030.mp4)

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5f1fb7 No.18384909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cool Asbury University Revival Live Stream


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7e9ba6 No.18384910

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754c62 No.18384911

Trump sounds strong today. Strong voice today.

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0e515c No.18384912

File: 5ad4f668bf198a3⋯.jpeg (93.69 KB,537x540,179:180,5ad4f668bf198a31ee553036a….jpeg)


Interdasting theory

Maybe both Ruskies and Ukrainskies just fuck up the west by keep asking for money and tools while fake a war

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64666f No.18384913

File: d618753661b5a22⋯.png (145.68 KB,501x456,167:152,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf579b No.18384914

File: 8f814ab39513a42⋯.png (11.27 KB,255x255,1:1,f85c88a9f061404e62e5655448….png)

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b525b3 No.18384915

File: 025a9d936b3c445⋯.png (223.92 KB,586x463,586:463,ClipboardImage.png)

Follow the cash retard view.

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d8f30e No.18384916

File: 05a571d52289bce⋯.png (380.12 KB,680x441,680:441,cbc510733b354d7677091310aa….png)

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502ba3 No.18384917

File: 5ebc68218276d66⋯.jpg (178.63 KB,900x631,900:631,ZomboMeme_05072021195720.jpg)

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a8ddad No.18384918

File: 69da4fe05ecdc9b⋯.png (407.9 KB,1000x871,1000:871,1661882580.png)

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d8f30e No.18384919


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9ce658 No.18384920

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This was done a long time ago.. But listen to the interview in the mid-section. Dude knew about China and how economy would be moving "East"

The part at the beginning is about the "Loose Change" dude who suddenly appeared again for the 20th Anniversary with a new vid…

Yet was unable to get the sequel, a real sequel to his "Loose Change," though promised for years.. And when it finally did show, at some anniversary at the Cooper Union NYC,, it was a mess.

I doubt he made the first one. Left out many important details.

In my opinion, it was given to him, to be the front man, to drop it?

Is he a real filmmaker? Has he done any films in all these years,, any memes? any gifs and / or analysis ?

No he dropped out, conveniently re-appears for a special Friday 9 - 11 21 hosted by Rosie O'Donnell

When will everything hidden be revealed to the public?

Still Waiting.

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e4ed58 No.18384921

President Trump: If Obama were president, you would have ended up in a nuclear war then [with North Korea]. And I cut it off.

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ca2e9d No.18384922

Drill baby drill

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2424a9 No.18384923


Church sign in the middle of nowhere KY:

If you can't make it to Asbury come to 'local church'.

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e03857 No.18384924


I think I heard this correctly - they will close their sanctuary at 1am and allow for cleaning (?) and will reopen at noon tomorrow to continue the Revival.

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3f1786 No.18384925

File: 5cdaa6ac36f2e99⋯.png (197.39 KB,800x814,400:407,ClipboardImage.png)



image fail

Try again

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8f6cc9 No.18384926

File: 1afc0e1c4baa80b⋯.png (7.44 MB,3600x4500,4:5,DTLkillerwhaleBOOMwDSwokew….png)



Some of those posts are from the DARK TO LIGHT marker

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17fae0 No.18384927

The Darkness is losing and needs to surrender.

Their plans keep failing one after another one like fake balloons, burning food supplies, exploding trains with chemicals and etc. Truth is that nothing is working for them anymore. Their actions don’t have the same effect, they had 20 years ago, more and more humans are getting awaken and searching for answers. Light is crushing Evil, and it will continue to do so. You are carrier of Light, please never forgot that. It’s time for you to recognize your importance in this battle, as you carry the essence of God within you. This war is about preservation of life on this planet.

Lately Mother Earth has been shaking with earthquakes in different parts around the globe. Some of them are natural, others are caused by underground battles. Chaotic situations will continue, until every single contaminated soul is removed from Earth permanently. Every liberation comes with the price, such as some souls are going to leave their physical bodies. Please remember, you came to help and fulfill your mission, even you don’t remember about your pledge.

Many of you are old souls and traveled through Cosmos and experienced many lives in different Star Systems, Galaxies, Universes and so on. The programming you received here and alterations of DNA, made you forget your true nature. After transformation into multidimensional being, the lost memories will fly back to you. Right now, it’s important to stay strong and remember that Evil can’t win. Please, don’t let anyone put you down under any circumstances. Many worlds were liberated by you in the past. No more reincarnations for awaken ones. Whole system created by Darkness is going to be dissolved by Divine Energies and your Light.

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64666f No.18384928

File: 1f4317c7d45a509⋯.png (1003.37 KB,800x790,80:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e515c No.18384929



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2910f4 No.18384930


>people are buying ivermectin by the boat load from India

DadAnon has been purchasing from India for past couple years. He was talking with guy in India recently and guy indicated that US Gov is starting to monitor orders, those <$2000 (likely individual not business order). Don't know which company DadAnon using and have no other sauce to confirm but it does not surprise this Anon.

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9ce658 No.18384931

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64666f No.18384932

44 years

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996ed2 No.18384933

File: 62968446e488fd6⋯.png (772.93 KB,862x578,431:289,daaj.png)

i mean its henry ford he invented the car

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124147 No.18384934

File: e1a9191d2da4c9f⋯.jpg (75.88 KB,448x618,224:309,Screen_Shot_2023_02_20_at_….jpg)


Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147454631📁

Nov 1 2017 01:44:10 (EST)

Maybe one day but it cannot go slow. The initial wave will be fast and meaningful. It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents).

& 75

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3f1786 No.18384935


good meme

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124147 No.18384936


Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147581302📁

Nov 1 2017 23:54:52 (EST)

Military Intelligence.

No media.

No leaks.

How many MI generals have been in/out of WH in the past 30 days?

Focus on Flynn.

Background and potential role.

What is the common denominator in terms of military backgrounds close to POTUS?

Why did Soros transfer the bulk of his ‘public’ funds to a NPO?

Why is this relevant?

Who owes a lot to very bad actors?

How can she repay as payment was made under promise of victory.

What cash payments occurred by BO during the last 90 of his Presidency to foreign states and/ or organizations?

What slush fund did AG Sessions (through DOJ) put an end to?

How does Soros, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Lynch, etc all net many millions of dollars (normally within a single tax year).

What was negotiated on the tarmac between BC and Lynch?

Remember it was expected HRC was going to win during this time period.

What if the wizards and warlocks tipped off a local reporter as to the supposed unscheduled stop?

What if the NSA under the personal direction from Adm R had this meeting miscat and logged under a false identity to prevent bad actors from locating while also verifying to said players all was clear _ no logs.

What really happened when the wizards and warlocks revealed what they had?

Was Comey forced into the spotlight shortly thereafter not by choice? Right before the election no doubt which would cast suspicion?

These are crumbs and you cannot imagine the full and complete picture.

If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).

Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture.

There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt and dirty.

Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as they continually protect and serve our great country.

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6cc000 No.18384937

File: cca7cf5c1113c01⋯.jpg (13.44 KB,412x225,412:225,th_1_.jpg)

File: 240d0153b299192⋯.jpg (15.09 KB,225x225,1:1,th.jpg)

CNN Cyber Shockwave

Cyber pandemic..

March madness


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3df411 No.18384938

File: d626e7828ca6b8c⋯.gif (1.29 MB,500x215,100:43,sparklin44.gif)

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a2cf68 No.18384939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4f6fcf No.18384940

File: b1c9a9c09065596⋯.png (146.92 KB,456x342,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9285477be16b0d⋯.png (213.12 KB,435x342,145:114,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18384628 (lb)

> "very important thread."

for whom?

>>18384678 (lb)


you sure about that?

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7e9ba6 No.18384941

File: af594aa99fc9865⋯.jpg (81.35 KB,500x722,250:361,5i5dsc.jpg)

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124147 No.18384942


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ee2415 No.97705📁

Jan 19 2018 17:46:02 (EST)

Anonymous ID: a27ebf No.97686📁

Jan 19 2018 17:44:43 (EST)


Any insight into the Fake News Awards?

Hard to believe POTUS would have to reschedule 10 days later just to tweet a link, unless something else was happening there.

Was our work here successful for what you needed from us?


Combat tactics.


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cc68eb No.18384943

File: 7507a7072fc31fe⋯.png (1.4 MB,1662x702,277:117,1676638774818.png)

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5f1fb7 No.18384944


Cool Asbury University Revival Live Stream

They had 25,000 WW waiting in line yesterday and today.A couple of days ago it was 5,000

Lindsay Ann said the World is Hungry for God, Jesus and Faith


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a8ddad No.18384945

File: 6208ff50c8e7723⋯.jpg (162.88 KB,980x551,980:551,Obama_fucked_right_with_Xi.jpg)

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4ecfb7 No.18384946

I LOVE this President Trump and Ric G - 8th grade level explanations in chunks that the lunch box America powering everyday Americans can digest. The country is dying of digital information thirst at the hands of the Cabal influenced FakeNews. Anons, citizen journos and Trump (Ric G / 3 sec Dan and many more) are all there is. James O'Keefe is a big deal because collectively we are a very small tac team. Everything is firing on all cylinders. We might actually fucking pull this off.

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4f6fcf No.18384947

File: 7e6c55f85b51429⋯.png (126.59 KB,245x342,245:342,ClipboardImage.png)

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b525b3 No.18384948


Anons, we can stop WWIII with cash, who's in?

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ca2e9d No.18384949

Q and A starting.


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173687 No.18384950


guud tune


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3dd17a No.18384951


Enlighten us

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2910f4 No.18384952

Q&A Time!

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3df411 No.18384953

File: a8f4f60fff3f97a⋯.jpg (82.94 KB,736x460,8:5,archived44.jpg)

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a8ddad No.18384954

File: d3543d9c1363b73⋯.jpg (60.67 KB,500x500,1:1,24dac4c4ad97105c733d9b13c7….jpg)

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b7cc1c No.18384956


Ben get her… social media…

Now you know what he was thinking

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68e60a No.18384957

Anyone catch it earlier?

Trump said there are TWO "N-Words"…

We know what they are…

ONE must NEVER be said…




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5ad435 No.18384958


h3llo lucis trust

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016f68 No.18384959

File: 62d25ebd43bdfb9⋯.png (1.38 MB,1257x706,1257:706,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc68eb No.18384960

File: fb266cc6a2a6c07⋯.png (1.27 MB,1245x936,415:312,Uncle_Rico_Pepe.png)

File: 280fd211573de42⋯.png (816.67 KB,1071x1089,119:121,Funeral_Advantage_Covid_19….png)

File: 8e94690e6b7892d⋯.png (1.4 MB,1265x922,1265:922,Putin_5D_D5_Chess_Abrams_T….png)

File: 05562753570d20a⋯.png (1.32 MB,1531x762,1531:762,Hit_The_Fucking_Pace_Car_P….png)

File: e3996368ba4464d⋯.png (1.56 MB,1077x1083,359:361,Deep_State_Funeral_Advanta….png)

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f90968 No.18384961


Check the Hitler trips.

He's gonna go Reeeeeeee! Jooooos!

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9ce658 No.18384962

File: f4ab3ea5a172df1⋯.jpg (39.07 KB,563x452,563:452,ObamagateBird_Watchin.jpg)


being stockpiled.

Wouldn't be surprised if they didn't start to dope the horse paste; or adulerate the doses given domestically.

Nothing is beyond people who designed the eugenics program, by now.

always was, but wasn't as easily seen.

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996ed2 No.18384963


mostly that there are a lot of jewish names running things, like universities etc

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80f6b0 No.18384964

File: 49d68e610adf95b⋯.png (842.61 KB,1600x900,16:9,n763b4c5634.png)

File: 9610569741bfc0e⋯.png (740.98 KB,891x1029,297:343,b76547654547nb6645764.png)

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f57119 No.18384965

File: d5547a122bcbcd3⋯.png (656.95 KB,1085x783,1085:783,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6719b702bc51204⋯.png (109.27 KB,1076x526,538:263,ClipboardImage.png)


The reason why Scotland Yard does not recognize the young Polish woman as Madeleine McCann

Story by As.com • 5h ago

Despite the statements by the young Polish woman, Scotland Yard - London Metropolitan Police - has assured that they have reasons not to believe this girl’s claims and therefore, not to perform any analysis of DNA samples. The British police officers believe that Madeleine McCann died the same day she disappeared. Furthermore, she would now be 19 years old if she were still alive, two years younger than the Polish woman claiming to be the child that went missing in the Portuguese Algarve.

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8dc300 No.18384966

File: b9c4091bec3d7be⋯.png (159.64 KB,600x629,600:629,ClipboardImage.png)


>Do they bother you or just confiscate the stuff?


>You'd have to assume as it's a controlled substance

IVM does not appear on the controlled substance list


They may confiscate/make it go MIA in the mail as what leg do they have to stand on? They would NEVEH break the law or anything shady like that (extreme /sarc)

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e03857 No.18384967

File: 32be8214f727b63⋯.jpg (13.42 KB,255x255,1:1,PepeGotcha.jpg)

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1b05b6 No.18384968


kek , like the addition

baroons up!

don't shoot!

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5f1fb7 No.18384969


Yeah the University had to take care of students but others on Bannon said people stayed outside and prayed all night until it opened again

It was going 24 hours a day for the first 11 days. I don’t like that they shut the chapel down, the Holy Spirit has to enter the Admins and open it 24 hours a day. I’m sure wouldnt mind cleaning people around them

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016f68 No.18384970

File: 530020606cc3188⋯.png (1.17 MB,1257x706,1257:706,ClipboardImage.png)

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d83475 No.18384971

File: 23cbec117b529fa⋯.png (335.34 KB,2163x2000,2163:2000,titor.png)

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b6d88e No.18384972


Would be a true miracle if all anons get a calling to go to this place and we are all in the same room and don't know it.

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3df411 No.18384973

File: 1180ad175a66c39⋯.jpg (12.3 KB,255x191,255:191,pooshoe44.jpg)

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5f1fb7 No.18384974


So cool, this makes me happier than anticipating convictions. Perhaps the convictions will come faster now

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3df411 No.18384975

File: b1f45fe6e130c72⋯.jpg (90.85 KB,800x600,4:3,kektongueHB.jpg)

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016f68 No.18384976

File: c631ad7362d00fb⋯.png (1.05 MB,1257x706,1257:706,ClipboardImage.png)

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574083 No.18384977


Put the crack pipe down… Everyday they rack up another victory and we keep losing. I have no idea what silliness you speak of. Earth isn't my 'mother', the quakes are directly attributed to the suns behavior and the approaching galactic current sheet.

NCSWIC is a reference to the end of this epoc.

The Great Reset is referring to their need to make final prep before SHTF.

The Covid hoax/vacine is to cull the population since their is a 10ish year window between all things electronic going tits up and the global slosh/flip or whatever you believe.

Best case, they have 24 hours to lock themselves into their hiding holes, most likely case, they'll have 20 minutes.

This is also why they want people to believe WWIII is about to start, they want their security teams and bodyguards to get them to safety vs being murdered because the world is ending.

Zoom your view out about 10 million miles and look at the galactic picture, shits about to get real and the last go around it slammed North America which per geological records means it's going to slam Africa this time. That being said, it's the reason they WILL kill everyone in the US if people don't wake up.

You ain't voting your way out of this, we die or they die, that's their 'plan'.

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173687 No.18384978


#22538 >>18384755

>>18384825 Dioxins in Vietnam and East Palestine, Ohio

>>18384829 President Donald J Trump Speaks at Club45 Meeting

>>18384839 President Trump: We should have stayed in Bagram. Not because of Afghanistan. Because Bagram is one hour away from where China makes their nuclear weapons.

>>18384862 President Trump: We're on the precipice of a disaster the likes of which this world has never seen. [nuclear war]

>>18384873, >>18384920 15+ years ago. "It will get worse." "Mark my Words" Dude knew about China and how economy would be moving "East"

>>18384883 President Trump: As of today, I hear we're up to a hundred and fourteen billion dollars [Ukraine]. No money for Ohio.

>>18384957 Trump said there are TWO "N-Words" ONE must NEVER be said "NUCLEAR"!

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e4ed58 No.18384979

Question: What is your theory for why the current administration is leaving the border open?

President Trump: They are stupid, or they hate our country. We know they aren't stupid, because anybody that can cheat that much in elections cannot be stupid…they're radical-left maniacs, and I believe they actually hate our country.

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209f66 No.18384980

Heckler in the crowd.

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d8f30e No.18384981

File: c1f4b61c23a220b⋯.png (15.1 KB,255x255,1:1,33322e87be021876f644975468….png)

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8dc300 No.18384982

File: 2369059c7758184⋯.png (461.19 KB,286x961,286:961,Nailed_It_bic.png)

File: fc658f5fd5e1ae5⋯.png (168.84 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


kek. Never calling Kreskin again


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e1544b No.18384983

File: 415b142e66b804e⋯.png (564.56 KB,960x851,960:851,64B51D2B_4347_4969_BD8F_C9….png)

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df1000 No.18384984


We have an Asbury Church in Cold Spring, KY on KY Rt. 27 Alexandria Pike. Stop in pray. If not open

Start a line.

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e03857 No.18384985


Other Christian colleges in the US are doing Revivals also…

Basically, anyone outside of Asbury will hold their own Revival OUTSIDE while waiting for the doors to open…they don't need a building. Amen

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a398ed No.18384986

File: ba73df7eb3576a1⋯.jpg (52.68 KB,524x526,262:263,PeaceOnEarth.JPG)

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64666f No.18384987

File: f45d8845c323288⋯.png (1.94 MB,1078x718,539:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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0c77a5 No.18384988

File: 3c4acb86b7521a6⋯.png (1.59 MB,1036x666,14:9,allegorypattern.png)

File: f1f152583ba9ce4⋯.png (1.81 MB,1132x860,283:215,kingJVersons.png)

…Some people will never get it.

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3df411 No.18384989

File: 4749cf389e9c5de⋯.jpg (23.96 KB,700x297,700:297,giantP4.jpg)

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9ce658 No.18384990

File: 45de753609329ba⋯.jpg (580.12 KB,716x1200,179:300,adolfsubtosouthamerica.jpg)



actually is the Jew-Hater Nazi and pretend Jew-Hater shill (same difference)

Adolf didn't kill himself.

NAZI (third Reich) went underground.

Now their working on the 4th Reich.

"4th Industrial Revolution"?

Looks like it was a sub.

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209f66 No.18384991

File: be404b8756d8d46⋯.jpg (159.77 KB,998x884,499:442,CommieAntifa.JPG)

File: 7211a62f266fb2f⋯.jpg (152.15 KB,1124x1081,1124:1081,CommieBLM.JPG)

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e4ed58 No.18384992

Question: After you become the forty-seventh president, what are you going to do to stop the war in Ukraine?

President Trump: I would call two people…Putin and Zelensky. And I'd say, 'we're gonna meet'. I guarantee I could work that out.

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6f5cb8 No.18384993

File: c00217a24bd91d7⋯.gif (777.21 KB,380x214,190:107,9B839A3F_ED90_4DFD_8233_C9….gif)

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f708db No.18384994

Antisemitism lmao fucking Jews.

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0c77a5 No.18384995

File: dde5d384678e49c⋯.jpg (101.36 KB,700x438,350:219,a2_700x438.jpg)

…Keep on cuckin'.

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a398ed No.18384996

File: 4112e4f8378b6ac⋯.jpg (197.73 KB,1093x1068,1093:1068,5Dchess.JPG)

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491943 No.18384997

Peace on earth and mercy mild

God and sinners reconciled

Joyful all ye nations rise

Join the triumph of the skies

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963f9c No.18384998


kek… that looks like va-j-j

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124147 No.18384999

File: 3679764b569795b⋯.jpg (105.97 KB,447x545,447:545,Screen_Shot_2023_02_20_at_….jpg)

File: 9b8c7cb0bb41d51⋯.jpg (86.91 KB,445x391,445:391,Screen_Shot_2023_02_20_at_….jpg)

File: 01a6e59c6f893d4⋯.jpg (31.79 KB,454x135,454:135,Screen_Shot_2023_02_20_at_….jpg)

File: daae958e42b05b7⋯.jpg (83.56 KB,448x386,224:193,Screen_Shot_2023_02_20_at_….jpg)





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996ed2 No.18385000


not sure what that means but everyone in the ivy league is jewish so they go on to law school

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d8f30e No.18385001

File: 26a25445492d61e⋯.jpeg (94.16 KB,1086x735,362:245,26a25445492d61e71cbbcd78c….jpeg)

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f90968 No.18385002

File: 2d4a880116de2cd⋯.png (302.31 KB,868x653,868:653,idiot2.png)

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016f68 No.18385003

File: 955f91b743cb407⋯.png (1.07 MB,1257x706,1257:706,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39d05102fa3cee5⋯.png (1.05 MB,1257x706,1257:706,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8f30e No.18385004


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9a1212 No.18385005

File: 9938160802b2277⋯.jpg (12.22 KB,227x222,227:222,survivor_not.jpg)

File: 105324404e6192a⋯.jpg (2.47 MB,4160x3120,4:3,20230220_191732.jpg)

I haven't checked notables but are you freaking kidding me?

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124147 No.18385006


Anonymous ID: KKIreCTB No.148289594📁

Nov 6 2017 17:07:57 (EST)

Nothing is random.

Everything has meaning.



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95d578 No.18385007

Where is the person asking about anti-white push?

People like that woman make me sick

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ca2e9d No.18385008

File: 2cf80dcaa727bcf⋯.jpg (70.25 KB,898x628,449:314,TheShadowKnows.JPG)

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1466fe No.18385009

File: c9ff10bbd39ac55⋯.png (565.45 KB,600x600,1:1,5b8951a219fd2a3e.png)

I volunteer for VP.

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8439ee No.18385010

kind of glossed over anti-semitism q…

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963f9c No.18385011


Morning sun brings heat

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c55e73 No.18385012

File: 932ae62ebe4631d⋯.png (282.56 KB,604x378,302:189,ClipboardImage.png)

The Q&A by boss is great!

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d8f30e No.18385013


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1466fe No.18385014

>Burn it down

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a398ed No.18385015

File: 2d4bb2cff8bef5f⋯.png (649.79 KB,1200x1005,80:67,Clean.PNG)

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9ed317 No.18385016


John 6:44

"No man can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day."


checked dubs of righteousness

beautifully articulated truth


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574083 No.18385017


There is no such thing.

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7073d3 No.18385018

but joe biden is still your president


while he destroys your country.

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400b6b No.18385019

beginning to think that the shill manual doesn't have an entry for "good will towards men". just a hints is all.

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f83f7f No.18385020

File: 5de0af03547bb60⋯.jpg (169.94 KB,1198x627,1198:627,BrennanGateOpen.JPG)

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f57119 No.18385021

File: 1dd531235107b12⋯.png (292.99 KB,668x732,167:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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8439ee No.18385022

File: 930ec415ae7a095⋯.png (137.33 KB,544x360,68:45,adolfkek.png)

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209f66 No.18385023

File: 864b8e27c063093⋯.jpg (40.19 KB,459x563,459:563,StrzokEvil.JPG)

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f90968 No.18385024


How many were Saudi nationals?

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7073d3 No.18385025


no .pdf?

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124147 No.18385026

File: 01c4f61d39e0538⋯.jpg (75.62 KB,455x328,455:328,Screen_Shot_2023_02_20_at_….jpg)


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5f1fb7 No.18385027


He said ministers will still be ministering through the night. I know they said stayed through the night praying.It seems the university is only having Gen Z lead the revival, another women on Bannon said everyone thought Gen Z was dead to God snd Jesus, but the revivals have broken out with Gen Z at 20 other universities

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f83f7f No.18385028

"went to Washington 17 times"

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0e515c No.18385029

File: 742b0d4c42d1499⋯.webp (353.76 KB,998x668,499:334,281535.webp)

Radical Clowns taken out soon

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e4ed58 No.18385030

Question: What is your plan to burn them down [three-letter agencies] and start all over again?

President Trump: They have gotten out of control…the only thing that can change that is the people…many of these people are just stone-cold, left, crazy, marxist, communist people…they certainly seem to be out of control right now…we'll make the changes that have to be made.

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8f6cc9 No.18385031

17 times

Thanks Q+

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016f68 No.18385032

File: 11c38e9c8887240⋯.png (1.21 MB,1817x706,1817:706,ClipboardImage.png)

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6f5cb8 No.18385033

File: d55e455b71ef57f⋯.gif (2 MB,324x282,54:47,56DC3D78_0349_4633_B216_7A….gif)

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a2cf68 No.18385034

File: 7050179bf9c0c64⋯.png (913.57 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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95d578 No.18385035

I'm pro anti- favoritism.

Treat everyone equal. No more special treatment.

What is that one saying?

The ones who you can't criticize are the one who control you

Or something like that

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6a5e76 No.18385036




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9a1212 No.18385037

File: 105324404e6192a⋯.jpg (2.47 MB,4160x3120,4:3,20230220_191732.jpg)

File: 23739cb9bb98ab9⋯.jpg (2.21 MB,4160x3120,4:3,20230220_191726.jpg)

File: 105324404e6192a⋯.jpg (2.47 MB,4160x3120,4:3,20230220_191732.jpg)


Here's a few more.

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d8f30e No.18385038

lose their character

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f83f7f No.18385039

File: f3ce8d7e2defeac⋯.jpg (143.45 KB,1134x555,378:185,3Bad_1Good.JPG)

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fd1386 No.18385040

File: 2e055746e68a22d⋯.gif (973.06 KB,434x250,217:125,2e055746e68a22d1d47b5409bf….gif)

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ca2e9d No.18385041


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f57119 No.18385042


>kind of glossed over anti-semitism q

he did and he didn't

reading between the lines…what he really said was the anti-semitism is a FF …it's not real and only a way to go after the 'radical right' , ie Christians and Patriots

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d10293 No.18385043

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Qpost review for 2-20

>review the crumbs

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51da49 No.18385044


there were no hijackers…

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7073d3 No.18385045

File: f6176f1780d6109⋯.jpg (95.49 KB,888x958,444:479,20230220_183309.jpg)


Just what are you saying Anon?

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a398ed No.18385046

File: 5c1e5ebd65e1c38⋯.jpg (674.16 KB,1972x1105,116:65,AT_T12_25_20.jpg)

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8439ee No.18385047


it was an interessting answer, that i can tell you.

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041f6a No.18385048

File: f8f577080d96e6b⋯.png (1.94 MB,1086x869,1086:869,ClipboardImage.png)

Deluge in Brazil kills at least 36 people as dozens are missing

February 20, 2023

Flooding killed at least 36 people in Brazil following a huge weekend downpour, and hundreds of rescuers spent Monday searching for survivors of landslides and flooding.

The weather event happened along the coast of Brazil's southern state Sao Paulo.

In the city of Sao Sebastiao alone, 35 people were reported dead. In neighboring Ubatuba, a 7-year-old girl was killed.

The disaster took place in an area famous for beaches flanked by mountains and prompted Carnival festivities cancelations in many cities.

Gov. Tarcisio de Freitas is said to have told a television network that 40 people are missing. Nearly 800 are reported homeless and 1,730 are displaced, according to a statement from his office.

Local television footage shows homes so badly flooded only their roofs are visible. Residents could be spotted using small boats to carry items and people to elevated positions.

"It was very quick. Either you run or you die," a woman who gave only her first name, Mailsa, said. "It’s not possible to take anything, only your life, which is the most important thing."

Precipitation in Sao Sebastiao had surpassed 23.6 inches during a 24-hour period over the weekend, among the largest such downpours ever in such a short period in Brazil.

The affected area, on the northern coast of Sao Paulo state, is a frequent Carnival destination for wealthy tourists who prefer to stay away from massive street parties in big cities.


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1466fe No.18385050

Dismantle AT&T?








Vote with your wallets

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18a3a5 No.18385051

Major Christian church on brink of split over one hot-button issue

A dozen conservative Anglican archbishops from various global churches announced that they no longer recognized the Archbishop of Canterbury as the leader of the Anglican Communion Monday, weeks after the Church of England approved the blessing of same-sex unions.

The decision to bless such unions, made earlier February, meant that the Church of England “had chosen to break communion” with foreign churches that “remain faithful to the historic biblical faith,” a group of archbishops from the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA) said in a press statement. The 12 archbishops who signed the letter, which included representatives from Africa, South America and North America, also declared that they no longer recognized the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Right Honourable and Most Reverend Justin Welby, as “the first among equals” and leader of the global Anglican Communion.

“[Welby] has sadly led his House of Bishops to make the recommendations that undergirded the General Synod Motion on ‘Living in Love & Faith,’ knowing that they run contrary to the faith & order of the orthodox provinces in the Communion whose people constitute the majority in the global flock,” the archbishops wrote. “We pray that our withdrawal of support for him to lead the whole Communion is received by him as an admonishment in love.”

Welby has spent the majority of his 10-year tenure trying to quell disagreements between conservative and progressive factions within the Anglican Church over homosexuality and queerness, the Wall Street Journal reported. Some progressive advocates, including the Rev. Andrew Foreshew-Cain, an Anglican chaplain for a church at the University of Oxford who is in a same-sex marriage, have argued that the Church of England ought to cut ties with foreign churches and focus on “full affirmation and welcome for LGBTI people.”


The Biblical message only gets difficult when it is compromised. Satan uses compromised people to dilute the message.

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b39712 No.18385052


Vinyl Chloride is Colorless !!!

It also evaporates in water !!

The videos of those chemicals in water making rainbows mean they are oil based.

I think this is a scam to get the farm land.

Those who own land in Ohio should be getting an independent review of the water and soil samples !!!

JD Vance was there without wearing a respirator, that tells me this is a SCAM !!!

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d8f30e No.18385053

File: 7478891aa53c8d3⋯.jpg (71.47 KB,750x500,3:2,7478891aa53c8d3767f87f2162….jpg)

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5f1fb7 No.18385054

File: 76a4fdfde931fe6⋯.jpeg (451.62 KB,2159x1164,2159:1164,3F3336F7_971C_48D0_B300_A….jpeg)

File: 23d4be342379a99⋯.jpeg (685.16 KB,1241x2392,1241:2392,C69F303C_9137_4E1A_9169_6….jpeg)


MSM covering the Revival

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64666f No.18385055

Trump Wants to use Mail In Voting

Suddenly Mail in Voting will be Bad

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ca2e9d No.18385056

File: 19e81d1975c7543⋯.png (1.11 MB,997x973,997:973,VoteBurn.PNG)

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2910f4 No.18385057

File: 2b99bb70d00f282⋯.jpg (241.41 KB,1199x647,1199:647,POTUS_PointPress.jpg)


>The Q&A by boss is great!

Off-the-Cuff POTUS is Best POTUS

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7073d3 No.18385058


it gave one three ненs.

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e25acb No.18385059

File: 43a1879625166d8⋯.jpg (173.43 KB,1280x850,128:85,20230220_081818.jpg)

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f57119 No.18385060


>Trump Wants to use Mail In Voting

>Suddenly Mail in Voting will be Bad


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400b6b No.18385061

File: 58c2ff35e1dc614⋯.jpg (202.05 KB,1132x693,1132:693,hurl_baunk.jpg)

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c59c3b No.18385062

Any anons have opines on non globalist wireless phone companies/devices? I recall a year ago someone posted a link but I forgot to save and think it’s long past time to stop feeding the beast my money. Trying to cut shit out little by little and disconnect from their matrix.

Thanks in advance!

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9ed317 No.18385063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d8f30e No.18385064


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e63650 No.18385065

File: 33d5f11d48a38f0⋯.png (41.12 KB,476x223,476:223,_2_CombYourHair.png)

"Nothing to do w/ AT&T." Q post #873

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e03857 No.18385066

So great to see the Tide Pod-eating generation has found Jesus.

This is the grassroots beginning of national/international Revivals…it will spread and cannot be stopped.

Thanks for posting about it and letting us know what people are saying on Bannon because I'm not watching at the moment


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124147 No.18385067


Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No.148021501📁

Nov 5 2017 00:03:28 (EST)

Please add crumbs above in new complete graphic.

Organized and in order.

Critical for understanding and review.

Spider web.

Hillary & Saudi Arabia (Alice & Wonderland)(see above).

This is staged and deliberate.

Snow White

Godfather lll


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7073d3 No.18385068


that is the point.

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f57119 No.18385069




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e63650 No.18385070

File: fe72f37796ec30b⋯.png (1.23 MB,1440x797,1440:797,_Voter_ID_law_Now_.png)

Voter ID Law NOW!

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8f6cc9 No.18385071

File: 0f910434136600e⋯.png (4.12 MB,3500x2209,3500:2209,FULLMOONSmay2020.png)

Full moon clock falls on today (:41)

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ca2e9d No.18385072

File: bdd0df83e353da1⋯.jpg (297.22 KB,1604x958,802:479,RINOsolution.jpg)

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54d40e No.18385073

File: 8adf756f0c8e90f⋯.png (430.74 KB,1151x781,1151:781,ClipboardImage.png)

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3df411 No.18385074

File: 13286a52c4d1788⋯.jpg (42.13 KB,454x390,227:195,f1aa7c43d544e8ecef23c1f8ef….jpg)

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041f6a No.18385075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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0e515c No.18385076

File: 0e68955150529ff⋯.jpg (107.72 KB,1125x811,1125:811,large_34_.jpg)


April showers are best shower's

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65eb87 No.18385077

File: 54af09192784adf⋯.png (7.94 KB,298x254,149:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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f83f7f No.18385078

File: 17a6e14b27046c3⋯.jpg (946.92 KB,1534x1686,767:843,BestPresEver.jpg)

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0c77a5 No.18385079

File: f8a7f0d22d9f66b⋯.jpg (119.53 KB,1280x720,16:9,Epicurusongod.jpg)

File: aee5882cdea242e⋯.png (167.21 KB,750x600,5:4,fd528b4cb705fba1d1bde3d56a….png)

…Stuck on fairy tales, same old shit day after day.

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f57119 No.18385080

"Just your support"

hence, the reason for Q and anons.

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544115 No.18385081

File: b31b4579c61adab⋯.png (424.49 KB,514x467,514:467,ptp.png)



nanshee thinks they're delicious

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4f0f8c No.18385082


>So great to see the Tide Pod-eating generation has found Jesus.

Let's hope it genuine and not a jail-house conversion. When they are let loose, they tend to leave Jesus behind bars.

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d31fd3 No.18385083

File: 44781cd136c0831⋯.png (427.63 KB,960x851,960:851,j645v76536543634.png)

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54d40e No.18385085




These people HATE America.

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e03857 No.18385086


Gotta admit, his comments about Nikki Haley are something Trump would say if he could - "PAST HER PRIME"

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d8f30e No.18385087

File: 586ba37d504f2e0⋯.jpeg (84.74 KB,500x750,2:3,586ba37d504f2e0f6879fc905….jpeg)

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e63650 No.18385088

File: fc5303359da81b2⋯.png (151.27 KB,1201x771,1201:771,2314_Burned_disabled_amput….png)

"Allow us to carry this heavy burden." Q post #2314

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9ed317 No.18385089



J.D. Vance looked like a snake oil salesman standing in that water with his dress shoes.

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7073d3 No.18385090



a chest full of chuklz

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e03857 No.18385091

heard - I'm hoping it's legit and from the heart


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8f6cc9 No.18385092

File: 1114466cc03b2a4⋯.png (563.5 KB,1524x806,762:403,fullmoon.png)

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3df411 No.18385093

File: 486ab89f757755e⋯.jpg (88.78 KB,500x750,2:3,badday44.jpg)

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d8dd87 No.18385094

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1466fe No.18385095

File: 02b7d7d0b438441⋯.png (89.24 KB,410x743,410:743,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9006105b67a030⋯.png (41.63 KB,409x548,409:548,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a37df3c22c4aa8⋯.png (58.86 KB,363x865,363:865,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a34971880d45d7⋯.png (7.95 KB,355x127,355:127,ClipboardImage.png)




>“A clean [H]ouse is very important.”

>Trust the plan.


>Night [2]

>Forced reaction.

>JA / Seth Rich




+ ++ +++



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64666f No.18385096


Fascinating isn't it?

"DOJ/FBI cleanse vital as primary."

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9ed317 No.18385097


except he'd say "Grab her by her wrinkled ol' pussy."

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996ed2 No.18385098


this is great! more important than Q

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a398ed No.18385099

File: 7772684f64ebf9d⋯.jpg (157.94 KB,900x540,5:3,MSPS.JPG)

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47c3fd No.18385100

Kavanaugh Accuser Admits to Lying, Faces Criminal Charges

'I am not Jane Doe… but I did read Jane Doe's letter….'

Judy Monro-Leighton, one of three women who accused now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, was found to have lied during a congressional investigation and is now being charged with making materially false statements and obstruction.

According to The Beltway Report, a letter written by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, made a criminal referral against Monro-Leighton, who admitted that she “just wanted to get attention.”

She also admitted that an anonymous letter she sent to then-Sen. Kamala Harris describing a graphic sexual assault by Kavanaugh and a friend was not written by her, despite her original claim of being “Jane Doe from Oceanside, California.”

“No, no, no. I did that as a way to grab attention,” Munro-Leighton explained when questioned by investigators of the Committee on the Judiciary. “I am not Jane Doe… but I did read Jane Doe’s letter. I read the transcript of the call to your committee… I saw it online. It was news.”

In her statements, she also clarified that she never met Judge Kavanaugh.

“In short, during the Committee’s time-sensitive investigation of allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, Ms. Munro-Leighton submitted a fabricated allegation, which diverted Committee resources,” Grassley’s letter reads. “When questioned by Committee investigators she admitted it was false, a ‘ploy’ and a ‘tactic.'”

Harris, who was acting as a senator at the time, went on to become the vice president without any discipline for bringing the false letter forward without conducting a proper investigation into the matter.

None of the senators on the committee took the time to investigate the anonymous letter, which Grassley claims was due to their haste to close out the hearings.

Continuously throughout the letter, Grassley attempts to push the blame off of the committee, minimizing their part in the political hit job.

None of the politicians on the committee commented on the charges being brought against Munro-Leighton.


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124147 No.18385101


Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147437247📁

Oct 31 2017 22:31:00 (EST)

Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise. POTUS knows he must clean house (gov't) in order to 'free up' and demonstrate who has authority in order to pass important legislation. This was always the priority. Remember, AG Sessions cannot look like an impartial player that is out to get all former Obama team members as we need him for other important work. All will come into focus and for anyone to think POTUS is not in control is kidding themselves. Also, he's 100% insulated with zero risk of impeachment (fact).

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e1544b No.18385102

File: d4eaaecdc155811⋯.png (45.26 KB,255x143,255:143,2222CD06_EFF2_4FF7_A53F_D6….png)

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e03857 No.18385103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


New Moon On Monday

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4d64ee No.18385104

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d8dd87 No.18385105

File: f3d24289ae5ff22⋯.jpg (107.29 KB,300x250,6:5,ddaf8aca12c14830a16a6703df….jpg)

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f90968 No.18385106


>It also evaporates in water !!

err…evaporates, surely you mean dissolves…

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3df411 No.18385107

File: b11e8f890a69b4f⋯.jpg (19.74 KB,474x310,237:155,sugar44.jpg)

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ca2e9d No.18385108

File: 77d545d18daf415⋯.gif (1.85 MB,400x224,25:14,StrzokEyesOn.GIF)

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f83f7f No.18385109

File: 6d6903e0dcc2ce2⋯.jpeg (62.39 KB,600x384,25:16,F42E8BFB_9A7C_4F17_B697_2….jpeg)

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d8f30e No.18385110

File: 231be39e052d973⋯.jpeg (59.49 KB,533x468,41:36,5t5omj.jpeg)

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72e718 No.18385111

File: 54285fbc774fb4f⋯.gif (8.74 MB,400x711,400:711,nightshift_crp.gif)


Anon stayed up late into dayshift and got into arguments with dayfags. Those cunts have no idea what comfy is. Nightshift rules.

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3f1786 No.18385112


Looks like a wheel, multi sided like a Charriot.

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016f68 No.18385113

File: 090e29f7ee96f8e⋯.png (955.51 KB,1257x706,1257:706,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf4a1a04554ba93⋯.png (979.4 KB,1257x706,1257:706,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Rally with Q & A

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502ba3 No.18385114

File: 6919064f093a9e0⋯.jpg (44.77 KB,540x446,270:223,ZomboMeme_22102020123618.jpg)

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d8dd87 No.18385115

File: fc1665718195f95⋯.gif (1.98 MB,260x152,65:38,1632241586051.gif)

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124147 No.18385116


Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147444335📁

Oct 31 2017 23:42:00 (EST)

Who did POTUS meet with yesterday?

Was AG Sessions there?

How many MI generals were on the WH list to attend a separate meeting?

Could those meetings have been combined?

Why were certain rooms in the WH renovated?

Where was the meeting on Monday?

Why aren’t phones allowed in this room (one of many).

What firm was contracted to conduct the renovations?

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3df411 No.18385117

File: e10baf5b65efd73⋯.jpg (91.46 KB,500x750,2:3,prisonBeotch4.jpg)

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ac36d2 No.18385118


Mother-in-law-anon lives there, has very large place.with lot.of land, lakes, buildings. Place is worth a pretty penny. About 30 acres. I say pretty penny because sub divided or an entire public housing complex it would be worth millions. I'm sure Blackrock would offer her pennies on those $'s.

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e1544b No.18385119

File: 9e556b76d9bd98b⋯.jpeg (118.55 KB,1600x900,16:9,5BFE8768_D695_427F_8BAA_8….jpeg)

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62a01a No.18385120

veritas a psyop?

controlled oppo?

asking for a fren.

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4375a6 No.18385121

Stay Frosty!

I love you President Trump

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02b934 No.18385122

Trump says that he will address the issues with elections once he is back in office.

But how will he get bak into office if the elections ("CHEATING") is NOT YET ADDRESSED?


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124147 No.18385123


Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147567888📁

Nov 1 2017 21:56:16 (EST)

Q Clearance Patriot

My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

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ca2e9d No.18385124

File: 2af611f3d206e8c⋯.jpg (340.3 KB,1504x1080,188:135,TrumpWinning.JPG)

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124147 No.18385125


Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147581516📁

Nov 1 2017 23:57:23 (EST)

They are the true Patriots. We will never forget. Let these coming days be remembered in our history as the time we fought to recapture the republic from those evil bad actors who for so long have sacrificed the good people of this land for their own personal gain.

Fight the good fight.


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8c562e No.18385126

File: a1f5c621b876f8e⋯.png (823.91 KB,1080x720,3:2,n65w44_vt5rwtrwywre.png)

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d8f30e No.18385127

File: 8c624ff762e0da8⋯.jpg (13.24 KB,255x244,255:244,8c624ff762e0da8aefd9c579ff….jpg)

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62a01a No.18385128

File: 98e33309a8c49fa⋯.png (204.9 KB,495x248,495:248,dog_vomit.png)



like the interview where simon lebon compares himself to Paul McCartney.

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9a1212 No.18385129

File: 5a6428b466a1c14⋯.jpg (115.17 KB,800x500,8:5,pres_day_2023_lg.jpg)

File: 8cd6a2a5c8f0bf1⋯.jpg (52.22 KB,1169x753,1169:753,photo_2022_07_15_21_03_05.jpg)

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fd1386 No.18385130

File: ffa8fc841f82fe0⋯.gif (5.15 MB,600x469,600:469,ffa8fc841f82fe08f0a9d5376e….gif)



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a2cf68 No.18385131

File: e8adaaa68018ff8⋯.jpg (52.29 KB,709x686,709:686,e8adaaa68018ff8433248418ba….jpg)

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8c562e No.18385132

File: 47ed3a5d94273e2⋯.png (516.63 KB,923x542,923:542,m86b53v543654.png)

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e360b5 No.18385133

File: 5050917fdbb7b83⋯.png (54.75 KB,524x1031,524:1031,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6b25f No.18385134


>more important than Q

why not simply acknowledge that the Revival is Great?

What is the purpose of Diminishing Q?

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72e718 No.18385135

File: d594c358823e99b⋯.png (2.14 MB,2350x1463,2350:1463,chuck.png)

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8f6cc9 No.18385136

File: da3049568df8c7c⋯.png (596.15 KB,1678x1454,839:727,biblicallocationexpcrop.png)

Hold On I'm Coming

Love when he plays that

Gonna be a while though

More destruction to come

You can't tell people the truth

Sometimes you have to show them

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268add No.18385137

File: 875f4cb44c33fd1⋯.jpg (241.5 KB,768x512,3:2,BeautyPlus_202302201941366….jpg)

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ca2e9d No.18385138

File: 8ad1ae2cf6fee92⋯.jpg (187.46 KB,1612x988,31:19,BrandTheCommies.JPG)

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f90968 No.18385139


Project Veritas was totally ineffective.

Published information that should have created a storm.

Managed to drip and bleed findings out over weeks so no single element was big enough to shake the world and everyone was bored with the hype.

Compare with Elon and the Twitter files.

Difference, Veritas was trying to make a buck.

Controlled Oppo is highly likely.

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5f1fb7 No.18385140

File: 7a4a299ac1028d5⋯.webp (92.28 KB,1536x864,16:9,714E66A7_2938_47CC_8C53_C….webp)


Why students at a Kentucky Christian school are praying and singing round the clock

Students have packed the chapel and overflow spaces at Asbury University for nearly a week, holding round-the-clock prayer and worship.

Bob Smietana

(RNS) — Last Wednesday (Feb. 8), students at Asbury University gathered for their biweekly chapel service in the 1,500-seat Hughes Auditorium.

They sang. They listened to a sermon. They prayed.

Nearly a week later, many of them are still there.

“This has been an extraordinary time for us,” Asbury President Kevin Brown said during a gathering on Monday, more than 120 hours into what participants have referred to as a spiritual revival.

The revival has disrupted life and brought national attention to Asbury, an evangelical Christian school in Wilmore, Kentucky, about a half-hour outside of Lexington. Videos of students singing, weeping and praying have been posted on social media, leading to both criticism and praise from onlookers. News of the revival has also drawn students and other visitors to the campus to take part in the ongoing prayer and worship.

“We’ve been here in Hughes Auditorium for over a hundred hours — praying, crying, worshipping and uniting — because of Love,” wrote Alexandra Presta, editor of The Asbury Collegian, the school’s student newspaper, who has been chronicling the services on campus. “We’ve even expanded into Estes Chapel across the street at Asbury Theological Seminary and beyond. I can proclaim that Love boldly because God is Love.”

The ongoing meetings in the chapel — which have none of the flashing lights, fog machines or other trappings that accompany many modern worship services — have also brought back memories of a similar revival in the 1970s, which is recounted in a video producedby the university. The gatherings also come at a time when many young Americans have lost faith in organized religion — with a recent study finding that 43% of adults under 30 say they never attend service.

Officials at Asbury did not respond to requests for comment.

Michael McKenzie, associate professor of religion and philosophy at Keuka College in upstate New York, said revivals have long been a staple in the Methodist tradition that Asbury belongs to. The school is named for Francis Asbury, a circuit-riding preacher who helped Methodism grow from modest beginnings to the largest Christian group in America during the 1800s.

The denomination often grew through revivals, large group meetings that stressed a personal experience of God and a return to the basics of Christianity. One of the most famous revivals in American history took place in Cane Ridge, Kentucky, about an hour northwest of Asbury, where thousands gathered in 1801.

Methodists in America have fallen on hard times in recent decades, with the largest denomination in the tradition — the United Methodist Church — declining precipitously in membership and facing a schism over LGBTQ inclusion.

McKenzie, who has studied early Methodist revivals, said that revivals often happened when people felt things had gone wrong and were trying to recapture something that had been lost.

Online accounts of the meetings at Asbury, he said, seem to “fit all the historical signposts of previous revivals.”

“I think a lot of people sense that America and American Christianity have lost its way,” he said. “And they seem to me that they are looking to get back to Jesus in a profound experiential way.”

Like revivals in the past, said McKenzie, the one at Asbury seems to have happened spontaneously. They often bypass leaders and start from the grassroots. That makes them harder to predict or control. They can also be a way of separating spiritual experience from the baggage of organized religion, said McKenzie.

Many of the nation’s colleges were founded by church groups that hoped revivals would be a regular experience in the lives of students, said Andrea Turpin, associate professor of history at Baylor University. For some students, she said, the revivals were a place to experience religious conversion, while others may have experienced a deepening of their faith at such revivals.

“There was a sense of the presence of God,” he said, adding that it went beyond simply an emotional experience. He said he hopes what’s happening at Asbury can lead students there into lives of service to God and others.

“I believe in social transformation,” he said. “I also believe in personal and spiritual transformation.”…


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87aa77 No.18385141

File: 3b788960fa989ed⋯.png (168.81 KB,604x441,604:441,ClipboardImage.png)

How come during Q&As like this, no one ever able to ask a question to the effect of "the country is beyond corrupt and no one is ever imprisoned for treason… what gives?"

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65eb87 No.18385142

File: 405dc21a30ed0f1⋯.png (169.26 KB,598x772,299:386,ClipboardImage.png)


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173687 No.18385143

File: f200505dc82c981⋯.png (917.86 KB,741x797,741:797,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b05b6 No.18385144


that is so disgusting

but i laughed out loud

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7073d3 No.18385145


you must love Him for Who He Is.

not What.

humans are idiots.

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b39712 No.18385146


Tell your mother-in-law to get an independent review of the water and land. Start a gofundme account if you have to. I will contribute.

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62a01a No.18385147

File: 1799bfc572ac958⋯.gif (1.17 MB,394x260,197:130,schprockets_dance.gif)


>Compare with Elon and the Twitter files.

psyop of the century, anon.

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173687 No.18385148


#22538 >>18384755

>>18384825 Dioxins in Vietnam and East Palestine, Ohio

>>18384829, >>18385003, >>18385113 President Donald J Trump Speaks at Club45 Meeting

>>18384839 President Trump: We should have stayed in Bagram. Not because of Afghanistan. Because Bagram is one hour away from where China makes their nuclear weapons.

>>18384862 President Trump: We're on the precipice of a disaster the likes of which this world has never seen. [nuclear war]

>>18384873, >>18384920 15+ years ago. "It will get worse." "Mark my Words" Dude knew about China and how economy would be moving "East"

>>18384883 President Trump: As of today, I hear we're up to a hundred and fourteen billion dollars [Ukraine]. No money for Ohio.

>>18384957 Trump said there are TWO "N-Words" ONE must NEVER be said "NUCLEAR"!

>>18384979 Question: What is your theory for why the current administration is leaving the border open? PDJT: I believe they actually hate our country.

>>18384992 Question: After you become the forty-seventh president, what are you going to do to stop the war in Ukraine? President Trump: I would call two people…Putin and Zelensky. And I'd say, 'we're gonna meet'. I guarantee I could work that out.


>>18385030 Question: What is your plan to burn them down [three-letter agencies] and start all over again? President Trump: They have gotten out of control…the only thing that can change that is the people…we'll make the changes that have to be made.

>>18385042 reading between the lines…what he really said was the anti-semitism is a FF …it's not real and only a way to go after the 'radical right' , ie Christians and Patriots

>>18385048 Deluge in Brazil kills at least 36 people as dozens are missing

>>18385051 A dozen conservative Anglican archbishops from various global churches announced that they no longer recognized the Archbishop of Canterbury as the leader of the Anglican Communion

>>18385055 Trump Wants to use Mail In Voting Suddenly Mail in Voting will be Bad

>>18385077 New Moon Tonight

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3df411 No.18385149

File: 87511aef458988c⋯.png (8.54 KB,255x255,1:1,smilingsmoke44.png)

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8f6cc9 No.18385150

File: 50dd9e96b50f232⋯.png (1.62 MB,1600x2600,8:13,plusEdRdeletedwide.png)

File: 32e62601a99c8cd⋯.png (638.26 KB,1128x1000,141:125,plusgraphicwtweet.png)

File: a39e0dd4c3fe825⋯.jpg (1.87 MB,2500x2500,1:1,plusplusplus.jpg)

File: 196968feedd18e6⋯.png (473.95 KB,1514x894,757:447,plusplusplusauthor.png)


Plus stuff

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502ba3 No.18385151

File: 6a8a8a0afb43196⋯.jpg (77.37 KB,1001x762,1001:762,ZomboMeme_08102021144703.jpg)

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87aa77 No.18385152


that actually sounds like a legit strategy at this point

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62a01a No.18385153

File: b6f0837cdfefeac⋯.png (401.9 KB,713x411,713:411,it_s_a_small_world_after_a….png)

repo cuz nightshift

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fce8a5 No.18385154

File: bbd6b71768699d2⋯.jpeg (17.05 KB,194x255,194:255,6c0d259ba4cdf0329fd9a0333….jpeg)


That question has been asked here since the beginning. If you get a (you) from Q with an answer you automatically become the highest ranking anon and win a Premium membership for 90 days, or until the apocalypse, whichever comes first.

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6a5e76 No.18385155


The foot on Obama's left leg (underneath the crossed right leg) is twisted awkwardly to his right.

Not normal.

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9ed317 No.18385156


we need to survive what remains of February

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3563f3 No.18385157


this is history in the making.

God is working in the hearts and minds of people. Just like He always has.

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3df411 No.18385158

File: e688f65c6408ae9⋯.gif (902.5 KB,480x202,240:101,eyes.gif)

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64666f No.18385159


Spiritual Wars need Champions

It's Clear Whom their Champion is

There is only one that can put their Champion on the Ropes

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a2cf68 No.18385160

File: ed89a917c906d82⋯.png (296.25 KB,735x944,735:944,ed89a917c906d820f1582f1ff5….png)

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124147 No.18385161

Protect yourself with Gould.

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f0ff04 No.18385162

File: 10d6c0d3ab6f5a1⋯.png (316.14 KB,640x640,1:1,you_lose.png)


> no one is ever imprisoned for treason

since when was treason punished by prison

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963f9c No.18385163


chk'd & kek'd

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81e20e No.18385164

File: c28349af53f58dc⋯.png (454.18 KB,1024x576,16:9,feb_20_2023_Trump_1_Florid….png)

File: 7527f5b078accbf⋯.png (1.93 MB,1962x1538,981:769,feb_20_2023_Trump_1b_Flori….png)

File: 50674d9d5217748⋯.gif (7.48 MB,600x340,30:17,feb_20_2023_Trump_1gif_Flo….gif)

File: 34e43db574ec4fa⋯.mp4 (5.84 MB,1002x568,501:284,feb_20_2023_Trump_1v_Flori….mp4)

File: 152d046654c5324⋯.png (105.99 KB,444x600,37:50,22538_45_Club_Q_A_Edition.png)

>>18384558 PB


Made a GIF & Clip

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ca2e9d No.18385165

File: e8ac2a1d2d8d7cc⋯.jpg (186.21 KB,1240x660,62:33,NewRules.JPG)

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62a01a No.18385166

File: b0214579b868089⋯.png (234.69 KB,477x439,477:439,van_gogh_noice.png)

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d8dd87 No.18385167

File: 9a10b9c7806c043⋯.gif (436.25 KB,640x360,16:9,1676366894917888.gif)


>that is so disgusting

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fce8a5 No.18385168

File: 0dfb97e9e0d3bb3⋯.jpg (97.12 KB,788x560,197:140,TYB.jpg)



Have some BCD's on me.

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65eb87 No.18385169

File: 0eb076c12f50b07⋯.mp4 (2.6 MB,720x800,9:10,UkrainianBuddhists.mp4)

Ukrainian Buddhists

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4375a6 No.18385170


Please leave barron out of your memes. He should not be a part of anything political. No underage children should be used.

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72e718 No.18385171

File: 969731fc3589580⋯.png (245.62 KB,425x408,25:24,smoking_doge.png)



The Qtard cultist answer is that patriots were always in control. They stopped the cheating in 2016, allowed it in 2020, and will stop it again in 2024. That is the official Qtard cultist response. File it for future reference.

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7073d3 No.18385172



they will never relinquish control.

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b39712 No.18385173


Environmental Fate

It may be subject to biodegradation under anaerobic conditions such as exists in flooded soil and groundwater. If released to water, vinyl chloride will rapidly evaporate.

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124147 No.18385174

File: b72306022b8b2a4⋯.jpg (88.63 KB,700x767,700:767,Screen_Shot_2021_02_22_at_….jpg)

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cc68eb No.18385175

File: 206e9f6c364d79b⋯.jpg (74.64 KB,544x447,544:447,Trump_Golf_Cart_NSA_Utah_D….jpg)

File: 8b4418fbfedc2fd⋯.gif (4.13 MB,480x480,1:1,FULL_VIEW_TRUMP_WON.gif)

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0c77a5 No.18385176

File: bc08cf066074703⋯.jpg (124.08 KB,750x452,375:226,histeclipseslore.jpg)

…IP hopping to manufacture consensus, how dull.

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9ce658 No.18385177


The reason that they don't agree it's her?

because it's not.


no he stated

1 . same day

2. voter ID

3. Paper ballots (hand counted)

only way.

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62a01a No.18385178

make qanon anon again

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9de60e No.18385179


>Suddenly Mail in Voting will be Bad



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8f6cc9 No.18385180



Ironic post number

Teleprompter guy at RSBN probably one of us

Nice catch though

Thanks for the graphics

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64666f No.18385181


Be a Real Shame if this were to go viral on Social media

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a398ed No.18385182

File: f0bb730af337626⋯.jpg (426.7 KB,1080x1322,540:661,BidenOrder.JPG)

File: a0895e3cf82eb74⋯.jpg (240.99 KB,1063x711,1063:711,BidenClearedHow.jpg)

File: 0b44f6999f061a8⋯.jpg (191.68 KB,1079x911,1079:911,BidenClintonCCP.JPG)

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963f9c No.18385183

File: 67af6a5742f2f8e⋯.png (1.29 MB,1107x690,369:230,ClipboardImage.png)

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41477e No.18385184


>official Qtard cultist

so all that talk about think for yourself? where does that live within the blanket that you throw over the board?

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18c0ca No.18385185

File: 00845209b5ddbd3⋯.png (65.08 KB,589x757,589:757,Screen_Shot_02_20_23_at_08….PNG)

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54d40e No.18385186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

39 years ago

President Reagan - Waterloo, Iowa February 20, 1984

President Ronald Reagan spoke about the disastrous policies being pursued by his opponents, as well as the policies he would try to enact if he were to be re-elected in November of that year.

00:10 – President Reagan enters

01:54 – President Reagan takes the podium

04:09 – Curious about what some of the Democratic candidates have been saying

05:07 – Liberal opponents want to cut the national security budget

06:18 – Story about the Soviets in Grenada

07:46 – Values, judgment and courage

08:37 – People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

10:30 – America is better off today than three years ago

15:29 – Iowa Senator Roger Jepsen and Representative Cooper Evans

17:16 – Making sure that the progress we've made will continue

25:17 – Quoting Ben Franklin on his vision of a prosperous America

26:11 – Peace is our highest aspiration

27:18 – Hope has been reborn in America

27:40 – Call to action for Iowans

28:36 – President Reagan exits


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5f1fb7 No.18385187


Yes in the most unlikely generation. I guess Gen Z doesnt like the darkness of this world. I read an article in 2011 that said Gen Z will ultimately save the world, even with all their faults. Weird I remember that though!

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fce8a5 No.18385188

File: a54ddec96e04da0⋯.png (4.2 MB,3072x3072,1:1,a54ddec96e04da0d4dd3634070….png)


Digits confirm Obama's left leg was born in Kenya.

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4f0f8c No.18385189

>A dozen conservative Anglican archbishops from various global churches announced that they no longer recognized the Archbishop of Canterbury as the leader of the Anglican Communion

Big deal.

The church has no bearing on any Christian. The church has no sovereignty over any Christian.

Only Christ does.

Who gives a flip what the organized church does? It only effects a Christian's life if they allow it to do so.

That's a great deal of the problem in Christianity in America: they worship the organization, or the preacher-man, or their denomination, instead of the only One worthy of worship.

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1466fe No.18385190

File: 11ee4b81cf299d6⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,1278x720,71:40,WAR_TIME_PRESIDENT.mp4)

File: c9478d0f4dd4cda⋯.mp4 (412.88 KB,444x566,222:283,Brietbart_WAR.mp4)

File: dd2ad452e6a2cdd⋯.jpeg (66.43 KB,600x399,200:133,Trump_win_war.jpeg)

File: b597e7c00e18005⋯.jpg (70.9 KB,673x767,673:767,War_info_war_cyber_war_2.jpg)

File: d91b4db1da109e1⋯.png (226.9 KB,738x673,738:673,Reee_Frogs_of_War.png)

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cacd70 No.18385191

File: 603bee3ba1b7246⋯.png (238.69 KB,2163x2000,2163:2000,23cbec117b529fa2f9ccf217a8….png)

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fd1386 No.18385192

File: d68c4795879dcf8⋯.jpg (285.11 KB,908x1132,227:283,6f5d758e8af04433.jpg)

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87aa77 No.18385193


Accurate rhetorical response but boring answer

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a2cf68 No.18385194

File: 573fa1645549cf4⋯.png (609.26 KB,582x800,291:400,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca2e9d No.18385195

File: cfd1ea8a176a948⋯.jpg (306.93 KB,1920x1080,16:9,FreddiesAlters.JPG)

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016f68 No.18385196

File: af9d2da1b3e6c19⋯.png (696.86 KB,1162x654,581:327,ClipboardImage.png)

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18c0ca No.18385197

File: e5e149230ac767e⋯.png (4.2 KB,353x47,353:47,Screen_Shot_02_20_23_at_08….PNG)

We are not divorcing our fellow Americans.

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6f5cb8 No.18385198

File: 78eecdf99f63a87⋯.jpeg (94.69 KB,599x857,599:857,93BFEB52_2D30_4F19_86E9_8….jpeg)

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f75b4a No.18385199

File: 030e701ac341d0b⋯.png (140.75 KB,472x374,236:187,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e817d0fb0433da5⋯.png (27.74 KB,644x323,644:323,ClipboardImage.png)


Almost looks like clandestines logo.

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acd9fd No.18385200

File: 024f5d278d13799⋯.png (62.5 KB,766x588,383:294,566.png)

File: 2d719fa286f1b2d⋯.jpg (152.24 KB,1280x720,16:9,nothisone.jpg)

File: 0185b7f9cc370a3⋯.jpeg (433.02 KB,1900x1396,475:349,FZO0jSLWAAArcfI.jpeg)

File: f7878994d7905d9⋯.jpg (730.19 KB,1280x720,16:9,1aHolodomor.jpg)

File: a69d6056e8ac9cb⋯.jpg (52.51 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

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54d40e No.18385201

File: ddb496edd540d7f⋯.png (44.48 KB,442x410,221:205,ClipboardImage.png)

Richard Grenell

Schiff is *always* against transparency.

Adam Schiff·5h

Kevin McCarthy turned over Jan 6 videos to right-wing propagandist Tucker Carlson.

A man who spews Kremlin talking points. Suggests Jan 6 was a false flag. And spreads the Big Lie.

Make no mistake: This isn’t about transparency, it’s about fueling dangerous conspiracy theories.

6:39 PM · Feb 20, 2023


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181089 No.18385202



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72e718 No.18385203

File: 5bcd1ee7b1b6ffd⋯.jpg (155.81 KB,425x408,25:24,smoking_toots.jpg)


>think for yourself


Oh and also anyone who calls bullshit on all this bullshit is reflexively denounced as a "shill".


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0e515c No.18385204

File: 840effa4b54fec8⋯.webp (77.01 KB,400x400,1:1,282584.webp)


Anons memes are always in control

If not we steal it

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fce8a5 No.18385205

File: 1aa93ca9c95f372⋯.jpg (51.48 KB,577x433,577:433,1aa93ca9c95f372f3379d8dba4….jpg)

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8dc300 No.18385206

File: ecd8bfa5bddef24⋯.png (959.84 KB,1085x908,1085:908,Granny_shoots_Orbs_out_her….png)

File: 4b699421b0acfda⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,576x324,16:9,12_27_2022_Q_adherent_Orb_….mp4)


>you automatically become the highest ranking anon

You also get free orbs

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1b05b6 No.18385207


maybe not viral yet but i saw it dropped in the replies of several lib tweeters this morning

when they were bragging up joes visit to ukraine

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64666f No.18385208

Q it's your turn for Q&A

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f90968 No.18385209




J' J' J' Joooooooooooooos

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963f9c No.18385210


>the apocalypse

Apocalypse means "Revealing", so technically we're in it

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1466fe No.18385211

File: cfd2b7108b8699c⋯.jpg (183.11 KB,1280x1044,320:261,milo_mtg.jpg)

File: fef0189378b3885⋯.png (375.03 KB,627x342,11:6,fef0189378b38856b784e70aac….png)

File: e99a2459c3f4682⋯.png (5.09 MB,2982x1667,2982:1667,MTG_Milo_Yianoppolous.png)



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d8f30e No.18385212

File: ccb471afc8bb336⋯.png (1.88 MB,960x863,960:863,ccb471afc8bb3369c1681f7f9a….png)

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acd9fd No.18385213

File: e8aad5476d36e9d⋯.jpg (74.88 KB,715x629,715:629,OkxQZma.jpg)

File: e157fc7b50e8682⋯.png (838.37 KB,836x535,836:535,1676882224149305.png)

File: 2d719fa286f1b2d⋯.jpg (152.24 KB,1280x720,16:9,nothisone.jpg)

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cc68eb No.18385214

File: c89b1098773bc33⋯.png (1.21 MB,1075x1023,1075:1023,Khazarian_Tamga_Ukrainian_….png)

File: a45257a2b5cb9b2⋯.mp4 (12.93 MB,212x120,53:30,Pleased_to_Meet_Jew_Sympat….mp4)


Khazarian Satanisic Jew Nazis?.


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64b005 No.18385215

File: e8513d7a1aa2547⋯.png (892.18 KB,513x692,513:692,Sheriff.png)

Hey hooknosed mongrels, I see you!

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cf579b No.18385216

File: 84e3e9b5adae7c0⋯.png (258.53 KB,1889x595,1889:595,ind.png)



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41477e No.18385217

File: a1ecc4b5dfe99cd⋯.png (1.24 MB,960x953,960:953,ClipboardImage.png)


>You also get free orbs

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4f0f8c No.18385218


How does one unite with a 20-something who will fight you for saying men can't be women and babies deserve to live?

This anon will not unite with such.

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acd9fd No.18385219

File: e251812fb208a58⋯.jpeg (104.3 KB,1024x579,1024:579,download_1_.jpeg)

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fd1386 No.18385220

File: 1ca93c1c8222d92⋯.gif (276.82 KB,220x161,220:161,1ca93c1c8222d92fa44e37284d….gif)


She mad.

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016f68 No.18385221

File: 309a433e97edba5⋯.png (1.23 MB,1257x706,1257:706,ClipboardImage.png)

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65eb87 No.18385222



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a8ddad No.18385223

File: 6f0dd768b1573b7⋯.jpg (32.76 KB,333x500,333:500,ThisIsIt.jpg)


>Vote with your wallets

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e63650 No.18385224

File: a4d7d7e20b7ccb3⋯.png (1.48 MB,1440x797,1440:797,_Thank_you_for_your_servic….png)

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fce8a5 No.18385225

File: 4b6025258173c13⋯.jpg (92.66 KB,906x500,453:250,2u31mx.jpg)

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35adcf No.18385226


With angelic hosts proclaim…

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47c3fd No.18385227


Seriously WTF?

So sauce no needed for notes anymore?

And stuff like below doesn't get a mention

>>18384797 Dem Reps Defend Biden Appointee Who Belonged To Alleged Chinese Intel Fronts, Suggest Critics Are Racist

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d8dd87 No.18385228

File: 78d0171c8c8ba03⋯.jpeg (93.28 KB,1080x780,18:13,1552308531.jpeg)

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87aa77 No.18385229


Gay.. Canadians are fellow americans and we're not united with them.. the union between conservatives and neoliberals is a sick joke.

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a2cf68 No.18385230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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71fc42 No.18385231


Sounds scary.

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eb7820 No.18385232

File: 7737e298fd899d2⋯.jpeg (33.15 KB,265x400,53:80,602BA6A8_2FFE_4BE9_952D_E….jpeg)

The Bunga is here…

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5f1fb7 No.18385233

N>>18384862 President Trump: We're on the precipice of a disaster the likes of which this world has never seen. [nuclear war]

Finally the Precipice is announced and here!

Trump will be in office soon, you know why I know that? He says soon a lot. And two years from now is NOT soon.

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e25acb No.18385234

File: 77672325ce2e134⋯.jpg (81.73 KB,616x811,616:811,FpYqHmMWIAAgjQY.jpg)

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9bc47b No.18385235

File: d18174d0f680529⋯.png (393.27 KB,484x414,242:207,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a77cee6d5e8fb36⋯.png (187.04 KB,1268x842,634:421,ClipboardImage.png)

CFTC Announces Postponement of Commitments of Traders Report

Staff of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) (and Gary Gensler used to have this job and did so well and squashing three different metals manipulation investigations he was rewarded by running the SEC now and was CFO of Hillary 2016 and deeply involved in FTX on so many levels) Divisions of Clearing and Risk, Market Participants, Data, and Market Oversight today released the following statement to update the public on reporting delays due to the cyber-related incident at ION Cleared Derivatives (a subsidiary of ION Markets), a third-party service provider of cleared derivatives order management, order execution, trading, and trade processing: “Following the ION cyber-related incident, reporting firms are continuing to experience some issues submitting timely and accurate data to the CFTC. As a result, the weekly Commitments of Traders (CoT) report that normally would have been published on Friday, February 17, will be postponed. “CFTC staff intends to resume publishing the CoT report as early as Friday, February 24, 2023. Staff will begin with the CoT report that was originally scheduled to be published on Friday, February 3, 2023. Thereafter, staff intends to sequentially issue the missed CoT reports in an expedited manner, subject to reporting firms submitting accurate and complete data. Staff anticipates that, pending the timely, accurate and complete submission of backlogged data by reporting firms to the CFTC, these missed CoT reports will be published by mid-March. After that, CoT report publication will resume its usual weekly schedule.”


Translated: We don't want to show what we are doing in the Precious Metals (PM) markets for a few weeks with our already horribly skewed and non-regulated data-that many are not beleiveing any longer (haven't for over 20 years and not the only one-TF Metals Report does a good job on all this as well) so we're gonna have a "glitch" that allows us to not report the weekly Committment of Traders (COT) Report (you see the same people doing the same thing ftmp) but they now have to extricate themsleves from huge short positions in Ag so in come the "glitches".

Last year the OTC derivatives market-that tracks all reported US OTC derivatives-made a change and took Gold derivatives out of the FOREX bucket (and always been a tacit admission that it was actually money even being in the currency trading bucket)) plus you wouldn't necessarily see that 'leave on it's own' becasue the FOREX markets are close to $6T a day of turnover-and placed them into the Precious Metals bucket (where they really always should have been). This was announced 2 years prior and in front of JP Morgan "settling" it's multi-year manipulation DOJ charges-see yellow highlight is cap#2 and it's on page 43 of this link


JPMorgan Chase & Co. Agrees To Pay $920 Million in Connection with Schemes to Defraud Precious Metals and U.S. Treasuries Markets


And this deferred prosecution deal stated that JP Moran couldn't use it's Proprietary Accts (house) so they just do it and use it's "customer's accounts" or have places like Royal Bank of Canada, Bank of America-who did not have a metals trading desk prior to 2021 when the lease deal (below) was started-incidentally Warren Buffet also began ditching all of his Bank stocks and loaded up on Bof A equity just before these swaps were done between the Morgue and B of A-the deffered prosecution deal expires on Sept 29th of this year (it was for 3 years but they've already abused it becasue you can still see the same amounts in teh COMEX data but just in it's "customer's accounts". So you've got the COMEX and LBMA vaults (and those #s have always been suspect-what is really in them and how it's managed with the ETFs SLV/GLD and BlackRock product being the biggest ones) at record low levels and now this….nuffin to see here'

Moar info can be found here:

>>>/qrb/136105, >>>/qrb/136107, >>136109>/qrb/ CFTC Orders Glencore to Pay $1.186 Billion for Manipulation and Corruption + Glencore co-founder Marc Rich/James Comey Clinton Foundation and Market Rigger Virtu Financial all connected

>>>/qrb/142460, >>>/qrb/142478 US Mint fuggery: Washington turns his back on "In God We Trust" + US Mint silver and big quality control problems "issues" it's a disgrace it used to be among the finest in the world-it's run by a Human Resources Director now

>>>/qrb/142481 How the US Mint "could" easily solve it's Silver planchete problem-but it would expose the COMEX-CME Group-LMBA-CFTC

>>>/qrb/143789 Credit Suisse Mulls Job Cuts as Losses Mount and background on CS BoD member Blythe Masters/CFTC and US Mint fuggery past posts

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1c1898 No.18385236

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens & Orlando - 02/20/2023


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64666f No.18385237


nah, I won't be Preparing for anything

If God wants me, He can take me anytime he Desires.

But thanks for the Fearmongering

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9ce658 No.18385238


is the guy with the triple x's a double?

seems to me more like a double

Why would he be sad if it was death fakery?

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173687 No.18385239



you don't read previous notables mofo?

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7073d3 No.18385240

File: f17cd8f491b4484⋯.jpg (298.47 KB,888x958,444:479,20230220_190107.jpg)

many under eighteen are used in memes.



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8f6cc9 No.18385241

File: 790ca7f496fad63⋯.png (1.26 MB,1692x1692,1:1,11markerswjeremiah.png)

Old :11 (mirror of today :41)

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5f1fb7 No.18385242


Schiff is so out of style, “kremlin and Putin” mentions have expired

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d8f30e No.18385243

File: 9316590e97e58b4⋯.jpg (247.7 KB,938x720,469:360,EKv_lHjWoAEjwKX.jpg)

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9ed317 No.18385244



>you don't read previous notables?

notes are comped

three-year old Scavino twat made notables this morning

called it out in next bread but it was never removed

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4f0f8c No.18385245


>He says soon a lot. And two years from now is NOT soon.

It is in Qtime.

It's potato for two more yrs, anon.

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47c3fd No.18385246


I see you skip over the 10+ sauceless notables


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54d40e No.18385247

File: 77c7c5537653045⋯.png (664.45 KB,634x1288,317:644,ClipboardImage.png)


>Schiff is *always* against transparency.




Hence the reason why we are here.

Hence the reason why THE PEOPLE are being updated.

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575dae No.18385248

File: cbc6db1fdcaa2fc⋯.jpeg (768.72 KB,1361x1381,1361:1381,51E798F3_D942_4969_AECC_8….jpeg)


>Biden: “You think any of these guys bought that bullsh**?”

No, they are just dumb sheep. They will believe any random white orb is whatever we tell them it is. Look at the UFO’s above my head now.

Bet they did the same thing in the sky. Reflections.

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d8dd87 No.18385249

File: f5b47ad9f688c3c⋯.jpeg (194.41 KB,1440x1443,480:481,1523894716.jpeg)

File: aecd1cc118622cd⋯.gif (3.62 MB,260x152,65:38,20221127_200502.gif)

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8dc300 No.18385250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I was shocked to realize it's been that long, love some Orbs

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e63650 No.18385251

File: 2baf4548133be45⋯.png (317.59 KB,1335x783,445:261,2436_The_entire_world_is_w….png)

"We are UNITED in these STATES OF AMERICA." Q post #2436


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65eb87 No.18385252

The EPA said the water in East Palestine, Ohio is safe to drink.

But the water tested was sampled by the same the company that caused the derailment, Northfolk Southern Corp, $NSC.

The test also did not comply with federal standards, per Huff Post.

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266ac6 No.18385253

File: 1dc316809c8d853⋯.png (127.43 KB,340x349,340:349,B82C4A78_70F1_48B5_8CBE_E0….png)

File: 9b273094ff67383⋯.jpeg (291.49 KB,2697x2160,899:720,6214CE3D_2E2C_432D_A164_5….jpeg)


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47c3fd No.18385254


Mods are fucking useless

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cd9952 No.18385255

File: fee55dbea2ed39e⋯.jpg (357.27 KB,1185x810,79:54,b1_night_launch.jpg)

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d8f30e No.18385256

File: 30f171be7cb5892⋯.jpeg (38.75 KB,500x551,500:551,7bofh8.jpeg)


yall niggers are trippin

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3df411 No.18385257

File: f3b33aca5360951⋯.jpg (9.65 KB,255x136,15:8,comfydoge44.jpg)


>And two years from now is NOT soon.

gotta set the stage

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8f6cc9 No.18385258


Can't say Anon, just a picture that was with the screen cap. The had an ID ending in 44

Don't remember him reappearing 04/28/20 though

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f90968 No.18385259

File: 2f5adb32e270cd7⋯.png (196.95 KB,475x316,475:316,YUHere.png)

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a2cf68 No.18385260

File: b82259270116858⋯.png (63.95 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe6.png)

Well that was fun.

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0e515c No.18385261

File: 39cd8bd427f7c93⋯.jpg (725.79 KB,3519x2700,391:300,39cd8bd427f7c93e74a0716bbd….jpg)

Shills are most easily recognized during a Potus rally

Some have no clue a Potus rally is going on

Others know but just want to derail and spew hate

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544115 No.18385262

File: 5c5368cfe1c29d0⋯.jpeg (15.07 KB,320x160,2:1,5c5368cfe1c29d0438c90a121….jpeg)

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cacd70 No.18385263


he sits like a fuckin fag

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1331cb No.18385264


> They stopped the cheating in 2016, allowed it in 2020


The Uniparty wasn't prepared for a Trump Presidency voter turnout in 2016, the voters broke the voting machine metrics and the American people voted and chose the rightful president Donald J. Trump.

In the 2020 election the uni-party was prepared for the voter turnout this time around, adjusted the machines accordingly.

Trump won more votes than any president in history.

The fedbois, technology, and media company's committed treason and keep the people in delusion that biden won and told the people biden got trumps actually winning votes.

The only thing military did was ask trump to run.

There was no intervention at all.

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7073d3 No.18385265


then you will never be free.

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51da49 No.18385266


except he was impeached not once but twice

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65eb87 No.18385267

File: d8bd7423f548127⋯.png (598.37 KB,720x405,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



Water Testing After Ohio Derailment - Led By Rail Company Itself - Condemned As ‘Sloppy’

The state used preliminary results from railroad-funded sampling to declare that East Palestine's drinking water was safe in the wake of the toxic spill.

Although the drinking water in East Palestine may indeed be safe, as officials have repeatedly stressed in recent days, independent experts argue the initial batch of samples that a consulting firm hired by the rail company collected and submitted to the lab should not have been used to make such a determination. The lab report on the railroad-funded sampling indicates the samples were not handled in accordance with federal Environmental Protection Agency standards.

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f90968 No.18385268

File: e5048983c8a379e⋯.jpg (9.21 KB,255x254,255:254,29a77edd7bf5d550b1bdf9c784….jpg)


Welcome Newfag!

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502ba3 No.18385269

File: 27e05bb57a7c657⋯.jpg (53.02 KB,640x360,16:9,ZomboMeme_25052021222645.jpg)

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5f1fb7 No.18385270

File: dd3a336ad415a72⋯.mp4 (9.95 MB,576x1024,9:16,Xva788REi2hxYlIq.mp4)

Emerald Robinson✝️@EmeraldRobinson

Ohio could be our Chernobyl.

🍁Antonio Tweets 📣



Feb 18


Disturbing News

Precipitation pH levels of 4, 5, fish die, water unfit for consumption,..

About the toxic chemical spills contaminants in Ohio, Ontario and now Montreal..

Embedded video



1:25 PM · Feb 20, 2023


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963f9c No.18385271

File: 13c303761e5609a⋯.png (104 KB,255x170,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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40dbce No.18385272


>fellow Americans.

sorry but communists are not Americans

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a37910 No.18385273

File: 6caaa084d449b67⋯.png (500.1 KB,715x811,715:811,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a4b04b90e34efd⋯.png (1.67 MB,1199x1366,1199:1366,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb29a1b1fe3c770⋯.png (663.6 KB,834x594,139:99,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d1e6c16dd59027⋯.png (763.9 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


The Story continues - every two weeks it gets worse

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57b1d4 No.18385274



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f90968 No.18385275

File: 3d1fdb90804fd0a⋯.png (1.25 MB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Some of them think the board has "Mods"

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cd9952 No.18385276

File: 0ae1170be98f2cc⋯.jpg (82.88 KB,1024x668,256:167,AS.jpg)

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d8f30e No.18385277

File: 897c4bd2b222793⋯.png (558.7 KB,474x503,474:503,897c4bd2b2227937f0fec13ecf….png)

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3df411 No.18385278

File: bd59f4debd2f72b⋯.png (44.68 KB,191x255,191:255,bd59f4debd2f72b09174c853e2….png)


what's a mod?

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72e718 No.18385279

File: 5fa1d4f2531f8f4⋯.png (206.46 KB,425x408,25:24,smoking_fauci.png)

Never saw this in Notables.

Idaho lawmakers introduce legislation to criminalize those who administer COVID vaccines


They should all be put to death.

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82d1fe No.18385280

File: 1cf04766fad1626⋯.png (18.63 KB,1840x100,92:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2339b0284b6f44⋯.png (23.07 KB,1849x145,1849:145,ClipboardImage.png)



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f0ff04 No.18385281

File: 2860ace39daf98d⋯.jpg (521.02 KB,1080x775,216:155,left_unite.jpg)


>"Suggests Jan 6 was a false flag"

Always a good day when you force these cunts to speak your truth, even in opposition

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6dfc8b No.18385282


bitch, we are already united.

jfc. anyone pushing for a "divorce" has profoundly limited foresight and absolutely zero hindsight.

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64b005 No.18385283


>If not we steal it

Aye, that's the only thing you hooknosed mongrels are good in.

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b51c12 No.18385284

What are some books/movies that best illustrate how and why collectivism goes against human nature/never works?

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7073d3 No.18385285


the only devices matching anything close to your description are satphones.


might want to learn to internet fagit

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173687 No.18385286


yesterday or day before

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f90968 No.18385287


One valid answer wold be "Not a rocker".

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c55e73 No.18385288

File: 539b019b257f6a3⋯.mp4 (12.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,Dead_Man_Walking_compresse….mp4)

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b39712 No.18385289


Make sure your mother-in-law samples the water coming out of her faucets to.

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7073d3 No.18385290



it is the way

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3df411 No.18385291

File: 88cdf437754d287⋯.jpg (17.22 KB,474x266,237:133,mrQuaid.jpg)

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64b005 No.18385292


muh muh muh you are a fucking jew.

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0f5809 No.18385293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Scotland #8 >>18385049

=Edinburgh Freedom Rally - We Say NO=

18th of February, Scotland's freedom family took to the streets of Edinburgh despite the wind & rain

Video: https://youtu.be/Gc5h_zyNcgI

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2c793c No.18385294

File: 31da24836ad543a⋯.png (2 MB,1252x1406,626:703,31da24836ad543a4a3faf36ce2….png)

File: ee9f7b26481f737⋯.jpg (168.88 KB,711x710,711:710,acdc_walk_all_over_you_atl….jpg)


vocal 37177

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6dfc8b No.18385295

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0e515c No.18385296

File: d76fb0cdea46686⋯.webp (175.74 KB,983x729,983:729,large_21_.webp)


Dude, i grew a beard. Can't project things on grown ups

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575dae No.18385297

File: 85cf5c0655c20a8⋯.jpeg (466.45 KB,2560x1600,8:5,B55179BA_E5B9_462E_A94F_0….jpeg)


> President Trump: We're on the precipice of a disaster the likes of which this world has never seen. [nuclear war]


Jun 04, 2020 3:39:26 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 00792f No. 9468936


Important to understand.



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92f2ce No.18385298

File: 81674b2af5c76d5⋯.png (742.52 KB,911x1280,911:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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015ad6 No.18385299


If these tankers were BLOWED up

Where the crater?

Why they still intact?

If just set ablaze why a schroom cloud?

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f83f7f No.18385300

File: 42ddc0c5b96e753⋯.jpg (314.57 KB,1440x1039,1440:1039,IntelCommie.JPG)

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f90968 No.18385301

File: 3284d2e2ef74dd8⋯.jpg (10.41 KB,255x160,51:32,shushc.jpg)

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d5bc0c No.18385302

File: 3ead5a864415a9b⋯.png (704.51 KB,1463x823,1463:823,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8f30e No.18385303

File: 568df16a5977b8d⋯.png (3.14 MB,1440x1468,360:367,Screen_Shot_2020_10_20_at_….png)

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502ba3 No.18385304

File: be636b3a9d19ac3⋯.gif (1.66 MB,333x281,333:281,be636b3a9d19ac3d1bff57ee9b….gif)

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f90968 No.18385305

File: 18b0cf312b11d8e⋯.png (532.81 KB,474x573,158:191,lgb.png)

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a398ed No.18385306

File: b097bf9d6cc7b8e⋯.jpg (558.04 KB,1524x1080,127:90,YellenNuke.JPG)

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72e718 No.18385307

File: 0c72484589153c3⋯.png (142.74 KB,444x413,444:413,smoking_dicaprio.png)



Otherwise known as gaslighting. I'm only here for the memes and the repartee.

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703f7a No.18385308


>there are no problems

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7073d3 No.18385309

File: a3dd3b1a214c4e4⋯.png (819.7 KB,960x953,960:953,20230220_191253.png)

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963f9c No.18385310

File: 316b893f2ffc552⋯.png (250.66 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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64b005 No.18385311

File: f73d4d842649593⋯.png (208.61 KB,690x269,690:269,nicht_zu_fassen.png)


>grown ups

KMAO hooknosed mongrels grown ups! Holy crap!

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a2cf68 No.18385312

File: 39b1d61a1ff029e⋯.png (117.07 KB,474x200,237:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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7073d3 No.18385313


Nor should you.

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d8dd87 No.18385314

File: 07d16f56caccf0f⋯.png (516.14 KB,1000x800,5:4,07d.png)

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5f1fb7 No.18385315


Bannon and his guests said Phosgene was released when they burned the chemicals. They banned it after WWI or II because the effects were so horrifying and debilitating.

There’s NO fucking way NS didn’t know what the were doing. This was intentional. They used a low burn rate, to work it had to be VERY high heat and never released in the atmosphere.

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d8f30e No.18385316

File: 099771735769d8d⋯.jpeg (101.53 KB,700x394,350:197,099771735769d8d0d04bc1781….jpeg)

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6dfc8b No.18385317


anon is correct. kids, especially Barron, are USUALLY left out of memes. some assholes and pervs use kids, bc they're broken.

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fce8a5 No.18385318

File: d140016fee96f7f⋯.jpeg (115.94 KB,578x747,578:747,happy_trees.jpeg)

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f0ff04 No.18385319

File: 091f360095386d8⋯.png (2.9 MB,1280x1593,1280:1593,Mitch_McConnell.png)


>I guarantee

doesn't hold the cache it used to

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796210 No.18385320



Luckily she has a well but also has a very sophisticated filtering and and RO water. Wifeanon and I are working to get our place ready to bring her here and sell her place. That is the worry, Land not worth shit.

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72e718 No.18385321

File: 982dd0486a33f40⋯.png (194.84 KB,425x408,25:24,smoking_schwab.png)


>The only thing military did was ask trump to run.

And the military now is basically AIDS incarnate.

>There was no intervention at all.

So there is ZERO hope for 2024.

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575dae No.18385322

File: 57356ec71fd5a92⋯.jpeg (112.69 KB,1280x917,1280:917,49436AFF_FDFA_46FE_B8F6_7….jpeg)


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

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0e515c No.18385323

File: 7374fa27e35bacf⋯.jpg (533.99 KB,1048x798,524:399,7374fa27e35bacf9b47431eeaa….jpg)


Your gayness doesn't make cobbee taste less better

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f0ff04 No.18385324

File: cab4352735d8fd7⋯.jpg (56.87 KB,750x488,375:244,david_hogg_looking_very_si….jpg)

File: 30029a344313935⋯.jpg (34.26 KB,524x432,131:108,david_hogg_5.jpg)

File: bc419c38e80248c⋯.jpg (11.8 KB,259x256,259:256,david_hogg_3.jpg)

File: fd456f350dd2b61⋯.jpg (13.26 KB,232x326,116:163,david_hogg_2_Copy.jpg)

File: 1430317468bdfe3⋯.jpg (93.58 KB,576x1024,9:16,david_hogg_1.jpg)


adult in a child's body, child in an adult's body

all this shit is possible now

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7073d3 No.18385325


divorce hell.

they need killed.


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64b005 No.18385326

File: c250de0242cdae7⋯.png (150.1 KB,277x276,277:276,sjghdf.png)


Aye, firestarter numero uno

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d8f30e No.18385327

File: d6d0ded83d45518⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,828x1052,207:263,d6d0ded83d45518fb08ccefaea….jpg)


shit is tight

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47c3fd No.18385328

File: 4315728c860354f⋯.png (283.51 KB,633x495,211:165,ClipboardImage.png)

East Palestine, Ohio Mayor Trent Conaway says he was "furious" to find out Pres. Biden was "in the Ukraine giving millions of dollars away to people over there" on President's Day:

"That was the biggest slap in the face. That tells you right now he doesn't care about us."


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f75b4a No.18385329

File: bb49e3476510c9b⋯.jpg (62.83 KB,500x500,1:1,7b34uf.jpg)

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3df411 No.18385330

File: 12eb163f493bd19⋯.jpg (76.9 KB,640x640,1:1,vespagang.jpg)

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54d40e No.18385331

File: 59dfaeb3384447d⋯.png (41.62 KB,1175x280,235:56,ClipboardImage.png)


>you sure about that?

My discernment tells me to stick withTRUTH

Also, Q did use TRUTH twice as often as GOD.

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209f66 No.18385332

File: 8d2d60749059338⋯.jpg (152.75 KB,1319x810,1319:810,McCommie.JPG)


You think you know what's happening.

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5f1fb7 No.18385333


DeWine and Shapiro need to get attorneys because they never went out for consultation by objective scientists they just believed what NS told them

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02c0ea No.18385334

File: 2de5b67456d3fc9⋯.png (79.78 KB,797x517,797:517,Screen_Shot_2023_02_20_at_….png)


The possibility of dioxin contamination has been mentioned in relation to the E. Palestine OH train derailment. This story describes what happened to a town that was bought out after dioxin was spread on the streets. Story is over a decade old.

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1b05b6 No.18385335


in an earlier bread an anon posted about the red spot being a marker for where joe was supposed to stand

if you look close there is a blue dot in front of z's left foot

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963f9c No.18385336


How many of them lined up & took the clot shots & 15 boosters? They're ridding us of them all by themselves

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f90968 No.18385337

File: f876ed1b1c3cd8b⋯.png (554.74 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2cf68 No.18385338

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,kek.jpg)

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502ba3 No.18385339



DeWine is a fucktard. He also believed, uncritically, that covid model that projected a million dead per week or something.

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3df411 No.18385340

File: 5aaf8b741616e5b⋯.jpg (26.17 KB,350x350,1:1,twueluv44.jpg)

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65eb87 No.18385341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e63650 No.18385342

File: 9d1da4b075d825a⋯.png (567.28 KB,761x731,761:731,191_popes_snake_pit_anon_m….png)

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173687 No.18385343


#22538 >>18384755

>>18384825 Dioxins in Vietnam and East Palestine, Ohio

>>18384829, >>18385003, >>18385113 President Donald J Trump Speaks at Club45 Meeting

>>18384839 President Trump: We should have stayed in Bagram. Not because of Afghanistan. Because Bagram is one hour away from where China makes their nuclear weapons.

>>18384862 President Trump: We're on the precipice of a disaster the likes of which this world has never seen. [nuclear war]

>>18384873, >>18384920 15+ years ago. "It will get worse." "Mark my Words" Dude knew about China and how economy would be moving "East"

>>18384883 President Trump: As of today, I hear we're up to a hundred and fourteen billion dollars [Ukraine]. No money for Ohio.

>>18384957 Trump said there are TWO "N-Words" ONE must NEVER be said "NUCLEAR"!

>>18384979 Question: What is your theory for why the current administration is leaving the border open? PDJT: I believe they actually hate our country.

>>18384992 Question: After you become the forty-seventh president, what are you going to do to stop the war in Ukraine? President Trump: I would call two people…Putin and Zelensky. And I'd say, 'we're gonna meet'. I guarantee I could work that out.


>>18385030 Question: What is your plan to burn them down [three-letter agencies] and start all over again? President Trump: They have gotten out of control…the only thing that can change that is the people…we'll make the changes that have to be made.

>>18385042 reading between the lines…what he really said was the anti-semitism is a FF …it's not real and only a way to go after the 'radical right' , ie Christians and Patriots

>>18385048 Deluge in Brazil kills at least 36 people as dozens are missing

>>18385051 A dozen conservative Anglican archbishops from various global churches announced that they no longer recognized the Archbishop of Canterbury as the leader of the Anglican Communion

>>18385055 Trump Wants to use Mail In Voting Suddenly Mail in Voting will be Bad

>>18385169 Nazi's in Ukraine? Say It Aint So

>>18385077 New Moon Tonight

>>18385186 President Reagan - Waterloo, Iowa February 20, 1984

>>18385201 Richard Grenell Schiff is *always* against transparency.

>>18385235 CFTC Announces Postponement of Commitments of Traders Report

>>18385236 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens & Orlando

>>18385267 Water Testing After Ohio Derailment - Led By Rail Company Itself - Condemned As ‘Sloppy’ Keks for HuffPo

>>18385293 Edinburgh Freedom Rally - We Say NO

>>18385297 President Trump: We're on the precipice of a disaster the likes of which this world has never seen. [nuclear war] Q ONLY AT THE PRECIPICE [moment of destruction] WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE.

>>18385334 dioxin contamination has been mentioned in relation to the E. Palestine OH train derailment. This story describes what happened to a town that was bought out after dioxin was spread on the streets. Story is over a decade old.

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64b005 No.18385344

File: 1c6719255e7ca14⋯.mp4 (1.82 MB,406x720,203:360,Yiddish_Faggot.mp4)


>Your gayness doesn't make cobbee taste

Nice projection "cobbee taste" Faggot!

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963f9c No.18385345


Digits confirm it

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0f5809 No.18385346

File: 81aaf8f689154fe⋯.jpg (14.32 KB,242x255,242:255,v4yt7svfdhh01.jpg)

File: e8971a043683b0e⋯.png (41.17 KB,200x354,100:177,thumb_arrest_information_r….png)

File: 2d307fce83995b8⋯.png (358.85 KB,924x390,154:65,screenshot_2018_2_23_106_v….png)

File: 25e3f1de0ac7293⋯.png (603.85 KB,960x960,1:1,25e3f1de0ac7293e723e160acd….png)

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b6b25f No.18385347

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,abca90d61019716c5abb5d0f5f….gif)

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e25acb No.18385348

File: 4b7ac579c38424c⋯.png (244.12 KB,691x394,691:394,Mike_dewine_1.png)

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a8ddad No.18385350


thats not actually biden. its bidan

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47c3fd No.18385351

File: 2afcdfb8ad9af7b⋯.png (110.13 KB,1098x536,549:268,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 473bbc67c12e5a2⋯.png (69.54 KB,1118x353,1118:353,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d30015a4243240a⋯.png (378.44 KB,620x348,155:87,ClipboardImage.png)

Banks hurtle to record profits turbocharged by Reserve Bank pandemic help

The Big Four banks are hurtling to a record$33bnprofit this year fired by billions in risk free Pandemic aid.

Commonwealth Bank earned a record $5.1 billion profit for the second half of 2022. NAB recorded $2.15 billion for the fourth quarter of 2022. Both results were a quarter of a billion dollars higher than expected for the fourth quarter. A good deal of it is thanks to Covid era subsidies.

Analysis shows that 13% of Commbanks profits, and 10% of NAB’s this past reporting period came from what we at Michael West Media are calling the term funding facility to change settlement account program.

Inflation bites, corks pop

While ordinary Australians are beset by higher living costs brought on by inflation and rising interest rates, the big banks are raking in record profits.

Australia’s big four banks are among the most profitable in the world when profits are compared to GDP.

UBS forecasts reveal that the big four expect to earn a combined profit of $33.5 billion in the 2023 financial year. This is an increase on the $28.5 billion earned in 2022 and if realised would make this year the most profitable year on record for the big four.

The previous record was set in 2017, when combined profits exceeded $31 billion.

The joys of the Pandemic

The Term Funding Facility (TFF), a pandemic response measure, provided for much of these greater-than-expected profits.

The aim of the Term Funding Facility (TFF) was to provide the banking sector with enough cash to continue to lend to households and businesses at lower borrowing rates, and to stimulate the economy through the Covid lockdowns.

In total, $188 billion was loaned to Australian deposit-taking institutions of which the big four banks drew down the lion’s share – approximately 70% of the total amount.

Of the big four, CBA took the most at $51.14 billion, with NAB coming in second with $31.87 billion.

As MWM has previously found, Australian banking institutions have been piling a lot of money into the Reserve Bank of Australia’s exchange settlement accounts.


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7073d3 No.18385352

cannot grasp socialization


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015ad6 No.18385353



More like 113 billion


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9bc47b No.18385354

File: 321f8bf208ca2da⋯.png (779.27 KB,1038x426,173:71,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18382663 pb

SAM258 C-40B State Dept AC went to Prague and RCH566 C-17 Globemaster is descending to Rzsesow Airport Poland from Ramstein AFB depart

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Post last edited at

3df411 No.18385355

File: 93ea98abd57929b⋯.gif (6.24 MB,400x400,1:1,arrrrrBOOOM.gif)



'splosion sync

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41e60e No.18385356


Yeah, if the internet can trick them into eating tide pods, then just imagine what a well trained seminary can do with them…

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0e515c No.18385357

File: 9f2a2999ee9dbc6⋯.gif (96.47 KB,112x112,1:1,292355_1_.gif)


Oh shit

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5f1fb7 No.18385358


I find it interesting that the Revival is occurring in KY where McConnell has been senator for close to 30 years. Maybe God and Jesus will exorcise the state to rid him and being on office

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d8f30e No.18385359

File: 35e8db2d431736e⋯.jpg (50.88 KB,619x805,619:805,35e8db2d431736e20dfb0e4abe….jpg)

Happy President's Day President Trump!

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d8dd87 No.18385360

File: 7d91596f793cdb0⋯.png (341.9 KB,1080x849,360:283,1625354473146.png)


>They're ridding us of them all by themselves

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acd9fd No.18385361

Kill a Commie for Mommy™

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7a4ebc No.18385362



Anon has a theory, did anyone hear from James O'Keefe after the video of him reading his resignation came out?

Haven't seen the video just yet.

Question though is:could it be a deep fake?

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40dbce No.18385363


>How many of them lined up & took the clot shots & 15 boosters?

DC grifters said the mandate did not apply to them, their staff, illegals and the US post office. They must get a lot of their bribes through the US mail.

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72e718 No.18385364

File: 552dfcd20bb2de3⋯.jpg (102.94 KB,833x1024,833:1024,bob_ross_pepe.jpg)


"… a happy little Bob Ross …"


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f99c78 No.18385365

File: 87fdc43e4cd3a28⋯.png (177.95 KB,350x350,1:1,bjjiu.png)

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cf579b No.18385366

File: 7782602a31183b4⋯.gif (33.2 KB,500x231,500:231,images_medium_es_2010_0136….gif)



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7073d3 No.18385367



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e0829e No.18385368

File: be3f764e8aec05a⋯.webp (14.27 KB,600x700,6:7,kill_a_commie_for_mommy.webp)

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8dc300 No.18385369

File: 8cdca770d7f9dd4⋯.png (883.78 KB,1262x624,631:312,ClipboardImage.png)

Rayban should sue for loss of income, Aviator line is ded naow

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cc68eb No.18385370

File: dda92f391caefd8⋯.pdf (14.72 MB,The_Black_Book_of_Communis….pdf)

File: 2febc6e54e51240⋯.png (813.91 KB,500x746,250:373,Well_That_Didn_t_Work_An_A….png)

The Black Book of Communism

People Killed by Communism

150,000 - Latin America

1,000,000 - Eastern Europe

1,000,000 - Vietnam

1,700,000 - Africa

2,000,000 - Cambodia

2,000,000 - North Korea

20,000,000 - USSR/Russia

65,000,000 - China

92,850,000 - Total

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c7d007 No.18385371

File: 759f37aa74aab80⋯.png (4.64 MB,1566x1034,783:517,capture_747_18022023_22022….png)

File: a229ce9ba41e8e5⋯.png (3.7 MB,1222x1057,1222:1057,capture_748_18022023_22023….png)

File: 5bc77704338e2e3⋯.png (1.64 MB,632x905,632:905,capture_749_18022023_22030….png)

File: 2e7e1b6a8bb8eaa⋯.png (878.82 KB,1125x2436,375:812,Q_Movies_To_Watch.png)

File: 5124f4921dc04a0⋯.png (404.65 KB,650x212,325:106,Why_are_we_here_.png)



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64b005 No.18385372

File: 057c605d33c31d0⋯.png (420.14 KB,513x515,513:515,meet_nosy.png)



Hey faggot mongrels!

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e0829e No.18385374

File: be3f764e8aec05a⋯.webp (14.27 KB,600x700,6:7,kill_a_commie_for_mommy.webp)

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02b934 No.18385375

File: 0ad160e7afd7b85⋯.png (375.31 KB,634x431,634:431,ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone know there is a place in Turkey called

(NanaNanaNanaNana, NanaNanaNanaNana)


(look just above the note!)

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64666f No.18385376

File: 64294239e0c3003⋯.png (818.11 KB,633x660,211:220,ClipboardImage.png)

All my time on this earth, Been the Outsider,

The Black Sheep

took great lengths to go the opposite way the Mob was going

Now the Public is Seeing what I See, Hearing what I hear, Thinking the way I think about things

It feels weird

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6dfc8b No.18385377


>divorce hell

>they need killed


What the fuck am I reading? What are you trying to say? Is this some kind of retard-speak?

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47f7a8 No.18385378

File: 5090f0b676d9074⋯.mp4 (13.22 MB,640x360,16:9,ThisVid45_1_.mp4)


He always does.

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47c3fd No.18385379

File: 7790e480c1d0342⋯.png (232.35 KB,500x300,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ee68c969c6f206⋯.png (321.72 KB,876x909,292:303,ClipboardImage.png)

Undercover DC Police Officer Pushed Protesters Toward Capitol, Climbed Over Barricade: Court Filing

Three undercover Metropolitan Police Department officers joined the march of protesters up the northwest side of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021—including one who climbed over a barricade and pushed others toward the Capitol, and another who walked behind Ashli Babbitt and predicted that “someone will get shot,” according to newly disclosed court documents.

New court motions filed by Jan. 6 defendant William Pope of Topeka, Kansas, also show MPD bicycle officers stopping four armed men in plainclothes on Jan. 6. The men turned out to be federal agents. Video included with Pope’s filings also shows uniformed MPD officers saying, “we were set up” to fail on Jan. 6.

Information in the court papers will rekindle the debate about the role that undercover officers and agents played in the riots of Jan. 6 and why the U.S. Department of Justice and federal judges have kept the evidence under seal and away from public view.

“This video clearly evidences undercover law enforcement officers urging the crowds to advance up the stairs and scaffolding towards the Capitol on January 6,” Pope wrote in one motion. “The government may claim that incidents like this did not happen, but the facts show they did.

“Since the government cannot be trusted to disclose these facts,” Pope wrote, “it becomes even more important that defense teams, including Pro Se defendants, be able to directly examine the evidence.”


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72e718 No.18385380


>Pay attention.

Gaze at your navel.

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5f1fb7 No.18385381


Get her out now, Mike Adams said everyone has to be evacuated and not live on the land for possibly a hundred years. He says the info they’ve released so far is very bad news

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fce8a5 No.18385382


Kek. I've been wearing them my life. Fuck Biden. Mine are Transitions lenses and cost more than his does.

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41e60e No.18385383


I find it funny the Holy Spirit coordinates through all these Christian College deans at the same time. That's some great messaging.

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c8793b No.18385384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1706b0 No.18385385

Spain. No news. No nothing. Not ever. Huge country. So, just soccer then?

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54d40e No.18385386

File: 5b689594cf97c58⋯.png (988.4 KB,1168x965,1168:965,ClipboardImage.png)


>Q did use TRUTH twice as often as GOD.

<TRUTH = 90

<GOD = 45

We have one beautiful law, which relies on truth.

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e63650 No.18385387

File: b84d695281dd24f⋯.png (243.14 KB,1080x712,135:89,_4739_You_are_the_Mighty_O….png)

File: 1a0317c80a5cacc⋯.png (9.07 KB,121x48,121:48,_Jesus_4739.png)

>Jesus, I surrender myself to you; take care of everything!"

"You are the Mighty One, the One Who will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen." Q post #4739


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64b005 No.18385388

File: 5f3a9f56f33c790⋯.png (504.65 KB,569x568,569:568,Judenratte.png)



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26ac85 No.18385389

File: c09a460fe3946cb⋯.png (20.95 KB,242x85,242:85,ClipboardImage.png)


CIA´s trademark?

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6a6c03 No.18385390

File: 497759c9634d869⋯.jpg (1.85 MB,4000x3000,4:3,Picsart_23_02_20_20_24_10_….jpg)

File: 64a57887cef88e0⋯.jpg (1.7 MB,4000x3000,4:3,Picsart_23_02_20_20_22_56_….jpg)

File: c56a93c7ac67f08⋯.jpg (1.33 MB,4000x3000,4:3,Picsart_23_02_20_20_21_57_….jpg)

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57b1d4 No.18385391


>Luckily she has a well but also has a very sophisticated filtering and and RO water.

can't filter chemicals AFAIK

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9bc47b No.18385392

File: 0bf9e14587a30fa⋯.png (1.21 MB,964x606,482:303,ClipboardImage.png)

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963f9c No.18385393




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6a6c03 No.18385394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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64b005 No.18385395



Holy hooknose ratfaced mongrels!

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015ad6 No.18385396


They legalized bestiality

That's some thing

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3df411 No.18385398

File: 7f6c766975d765b⋯.png (3.95 MB,1664x1664,1:1,shineon44.png)

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57b1d4 No.18385399

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f90968 No.18385400

File: 70694411a2aaa25⋯.png (533.81 KB,1424x919,1424:919,ClipboardImage.png)


Where is the E4B?

GRIM is headed in that direction, but potato's been in Ukraine a full day already … Allegedly.

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2910f4 No.18385401

Statement from the Project Veritas’ Board of Directors


“Today, James O’Keefe decided to remove his belongings from Project Veritas headquarters. The Board and Management made numerous attempts in the last 14 days to have a conversation with James, but he ignored our outreach and decided to instead leak private information to others, either by doing so himself or by proxy.

As today is President’s Day, our office was closed. We had a Board meeting scheduled for tomorrow where James was invited, and there was also a Board meeting on Friday, February 10, where James was invited (but did not attend) to discuss the financial malfeasance that was discovered, which requires us to act in order to remain in compliance with the law.

There were two subjects that the Board wished to come to terms with James on: the company’s long-term sustainability based on staff retention and morale, and the company’s financial health — which has been a serious concern for several months now.

Although PV Leadership has not concluded looking into the full scale of financial issues over the years, a preliminary review at this time indicates that James has spent an excessive amount of donor funds in the last three years on personal luxuries. More is still being uncovered during the ongoing review at this time. Contrary to many reports from today, James was suspended indefinitely pending the resolution of a fulsome investigation and clarity which will need to be provided by a third party investigative audit report.

Here are a few examples of what has been uncovered so far by PV Leadership (this is far from an exhaustive list, it is merely a small representative sample):

-$14,000 on a charter flight to meet someone to fix his boat under the guise of meeting with a donor

-$60,000 in losses by putting together dance events such as Project Veritas Experience

-Over $150,000 in Black Cars in the last 18 months

-Thousands of dollars spent on DJ and other equipment for personal use

-Hundreds of other acts of personal inurement

The Board wants to work things out with James, and has tried every route possible to remedy the issues at hand and begin to take the legally required corrective actions.

James also left us no choice but to suspend him in the last few weeks when he unilaterally fired the CFO, who can only be fired with Board approval. That is a violation of our non-profit’s bylaws. James went as far as to say that a Board member had approved this firing to others, but it was later discovered that it was not the case. That member did not approve the firing. The Board approved James’ suspension so it would have time to properly investigate these internal infractions.

The Board has a legal obligation to comply with state and federal law, and these matters are serious ones that cannot be ignored.

James claims that the Board did not allow him to send an apology letter to the staff, which is not true. The Board never told James he was not to speak with staff members, nor that he could not apologize to them.

But, more than anything, the Board cares about the donors of this organization, who decide to donate their hard-earned money to us because they believe in the mission. We could not allow for our donors to send us money and have it be misappropriated in such a way. We love our supporters, and we would never sit idly by as money is being used for matters that are not mission related.

Even with all of this public fallout, the Board still wants to speak with James. We did not fire him, nor do we want him to resign. We would like to continue conversations with James to resolve internal matters rather than litigate them publicly.

Project Veritas will continue to be transparent with the public as more information can be released over time. The fight for truth will never stop.”

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87aa77 No.18385402

More than ever it feels like there will never be any big name arrests.. They're seriously all going to die peacefully from old age and leave their stolen millions (at the expense of manipulating billions and trillions of taxpayer money) to their shitty little corrupt heirs that will be emboldened to further defecate upon the human race..

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f57119 No.18385403

File: c06b975ef3c0371⋯.png (154.6 KB,981x887,981:887,ClipboardImage.png)


RR problems.

Rod Rosenstein is what I thought.

maybe it's Railroads

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209f66 No.18385404

File: 1beec9fec5ac39d⋯.jpg (171.91 KB,712x815,712:815,JeepWave.JPG)


>Whatever they are planning for is what they are planning to deliver, and that should be obvious by now. This is another form of "mirroring" which is their favourite excuse for disclosure. They show you what they are going to do, and then, they do it.

The Satanists consider this as you having been warned. Then, whatever happens is your fault, not theirs.

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26ac85 No.18385405


They expelled the iews around 1492.


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5f1fb7 No.18385406


You are right anon. He actually looks retarded and doesn’t know where he is. When he talks he looks up into the sky.

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0f5809 No.18385407

File: 2e1597625328d86⋯.png (227.41 KB,509x478,509:478,2e1597625328d86fe8b5856b8e….png)


Here ya go

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c8793b No.18385408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Indian Arrowhead Creek Find-Madison Country, IL-Hopewell 2500 to 1500 BP

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f90968 No.18385409


They expelled the Muslims in the 1500's too.

Equal opportunity ejectors it seems.

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1706b0 No.18385410


That is something. Lordy!

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f57119 No.18385411

File: 31a02b15f61b85f⋯.png (127.72 KB,790x575,158:115,ClipboardImage.png)



not just the pols and institutions,

but the land…the actual land

Blackrock, Gates, China and now Japan buying our single family housing, our farmland and buildings.

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4d64ee No.18385415

File: ffd75048cf83cae⋯.jpg (56.18 KB,827x960,827:960,treason.jpg)

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5f1fb7 No.18385416


No the other Christian Colleges didn’t start until 6-8 days later. Asbury was spontaneous the others joined in

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015ad6 No.18385417


Fuck you fucked yourselves PV

And good

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02b934 No.18385418

File: 673fe93c1acb359⋯.png (402.86 KB,720x388,180:97,ClipboardImage.png)


Seals broken.

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f75b4a No.18385419

File: dac97f445b9ad6e⋯.png (477.42 KB,999x621,37:23,ClipboardImage.png)

At 1hr 06min in my video… I find something VERY significant ….. something that I think should be sent to Monkeywerx as well as several other researchers.

GET THE WORD OUT!!!!!!! Unidentified Submersible Object Base off the West Coast… now has an official google earth placemark + address . So bizarre!

Not joking.


I'm writing a letter to the address today and will drop it in the mail first thing tomorrow!

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d8f30e No.18385420

File: fb0919059fe2f14⋯.png (654.17 KB,960x529,960:529,fb0919059fe2f14f2c8be68139….png)

nice little preview tonight of the coming Trump rallies

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47c3fd No.18385421

File: a1337d1e20f1f19⋯.png (337.98 KB,796x784,199:196,ClipboardImage.png)


So that makes Trump

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b39712 No.18385422


Why does my water have rainbow colors?

Simply put, the thin layer of oil floating on top of the water refracts the light which then bounces back up off the water underneath, splitting the light rays creating a pool of rainbow color.

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f75b4a No.18385423

File: 58af5ded662f560⋯.png (18.79 KB,1245x160,249:32,ClipboardImage.png)




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b5e4d0 No.18385425



Yeah, usually when one person started speaking in tongues, the other would follow suit almost immediately after. Then it became a game of which one would start it first from one Sunday to the next. That's usually how you could tell who was the most faithful and what not.

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72e718 No.18385426

File: f076f16ac192aa0⋯.png (480.17 KB,1000x889,1000:889,wonka_watching_redpills.png)

File: 73f412f6f9b1a6b⋯.jpg (204.04 KB,720x576,5:4,trumpy_wonka_anons_knew.jpg)

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b39712 No.18385427


Who is Mike Adams ??

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68d596 No.18385428


These days with so much shit going on, you can make it fit any scenario you want.

Might as well be Rowdy Roddy problems

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cc68eb No.18385429

File: 7760532b19d9b22⋯.jpg (109.97 KB,800x600,4:3,Wheres_Your_Mask_Fuck_This….jpg)

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f57119 No.18385431


>Luckily she has a well but also has a very sophisticated filtering and and RO water.

she needs to get groundwater testing done and outside of the well.

she needs to document it all for a lawsuit.

She may have a filter that works now, but she may need a better filter down the line and they need to pay for her , for the land, the farm , to have available well drinking water from now into perpetuity.

document everything.

log it everyday.

get sample of soil and groundwater and air.

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b5e4d0 No.18385432


It was intentional. Now the question is "Why?".

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e25acb No.18385433

File: 0e27defef03847a⋯.png (440.23 KB,775x779,775:779,spain_dog_and_horse_fucker….png)

File: b015f062250db84⋯.jpg (67.99 KB,789x460,789:460,3jl0fd.jpg)

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2c793c No.18385434

File: 57e92ac0eb1983d⋯.jpg (34.68 KB,480x524,120:131,FAH6_VBUYAQ8Mf6.jpg)

File: f8ada95061482d7⋯.jpg (62.44 KB,639x852,3:4,b600a4052921c66794af2fcb7f….jpg)

File: 96111ced34e1520⋯.jpg (46.9 KB,533x400,533:400,Coffee_vintage_grinder_533….jpg)

File: 7e6418037d46b51⋯.jpg (67.36 KB,320x511,320:511,101.jpg)

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9a57ce No.18385435


MTG is either a clown or an actor

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f90968 No.18385436

File: fbaf454c0763768⋯.png (335.5 KB,500x500,1:1,MrMuhJooShow.png)


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d8dd87 No.18385437

File: efb3252e4038181⋯.png (288.4 KB,1080x1026,20:19,555058269.png)

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574362 No.18385438

Dipshit Dave M. i Rld & his delusions of grandeur.

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173687 No.18385439

Last Call

#22538 >>18384755

>>18384825 Dioxins in Vietnam and East Palestine, Ohio

>>18384829, >>18385003, >>18385113 President Donald J Trump Speaks at Club45 Meeting

>>18384839 President Trump: We should have stayed in Bagram. Not because of Afghanistan. Because Bagram is one hour away from where China makes their nuclear weapons.

>>18384862 President Trump: We're on the precipice of a disaster the likes of which this world has never seen. [nuclear war]

>>18384873, >>18384920 15+ years ago. "It will get worse." "Mark my Words" Dude knew about China and how economy would be moving "East"

>>18384883 President Trump: As of today, I hear we're up to a hundred and fourteen billion dollars [Ukraine]. No money for Ohio.

>>18384957 Trump said there are TWO "N-Words" ONE must NEVER be said "NUCLEAR"!

>>18384979 Question: What is your theory for why the current administration is leaving the border open? PDJT: I believe they actually hate our country.

>>18384992 Question: After you become the forty-seventh president, what are you going to do to stop the war in Ukraine? President Trump: I would call two people…Putin and Zelensky. And I'd say, 'we're gonna meet'. I guarantee I could work that out.


>>18385030 Question: What is your plan to burn them down [three-letter agencies] and start all over again? President Trump: They have gotten out of control…the only thing that can change that is the people…we'll make the changes that have to be made.

>>18385042 reading between the lines…what he really said was the anti-semitism is a FF …it's not real and only a way to go after the 'radical right' , ie Christians and Patriots

>>18385048 Deluge in Brazil kills at least 36 people as dozens are missing

>>18385051 A dozen conservative Anglican archbishops from various global churches announced that they no longer recognized the Archbishop of Canterbury as the leader of the Anglican Communion

>>18385055 Trump Wants to use Mail In Voting Suddenly Mail in Voting will be Bad

>>18385169 Nazi's in Ukraine? Say It Aint So

>>18385077 New Moon Tonight

>>18385186 President Reagan - Waterloo, Iowa February 20, 1984

>>18385201 Richard Grenell Schiff is *always* against transparency.

>>18385235 CFTC Announces Postponement of Commitments of Traders Report

>>18385236 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens & Orlando

>>18385267 Water Testing After Ohio Derailment - Led By Rail Company Itself - Condemned As ‘Sloppy’ Keks for HuffPo

>>18385293 Edinburgh Freedom Rally - We Say NO

>>18385297 President Trump: We're on the precipice of a disaster the likes of which this world has never seen. [nuclear war] Q ONLY AT THE PRECIPICE [moment of destruction] WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE.

>>18385334 dioxin contamination has been mentioned in relation to the E. Palestine OH train derailment. This story describes what happened to a town that was bought out after dioxin was spread on the streets. Story is over a decade old.

>>18385351 Banks hurtle to record profits turbocharged by Reserve Bank pandemic help

>>18385354 SAM528 C-40B State Dept AC went to Prague and RCH566 C-17 Globemaster is descending to Rzsesow Airport Poland from Ramstein AFB depart

>>18385370 The Black Book of Communism pdf

>>18385379 Undercover DC Police Officer Pushed Protesters Toward Capitol, Climbed Over Barricade: Court Filing

>>18385401 Statement from the Project Veritas’ Board of Directors

>>18385419 Unidentified Submersible Object Base off the West Coast

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015ad6 No.18385440


But there must be TWO present to TRANSLATE said tongues

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544115 No.18385441

File: 1b295057401096a⋯.jpg (97.1 KB,800x570,80:57,1b295057401096a08a9d53e626….jpg)

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f57119 No.18385442



If you want to make an insurance claim or sue, you will get the max if you have lots of paperwork and pictures.

Keep all receipts for you time and money spent to have it monitored.

NIckle and dime everything.

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65eb87 No.18385443

File: 5f7bf5ba5bb83d3⋯.mp4 (11.96 MB,1280x896,10:7,62518d70bd_62518d70bd.mp4)

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d31fd3 No.18385444


>could it be a deep fake?

doesnt look like it

You might be watching project vertitas in a live investigation against the corrupt people in project veritas spearheading the company's direction to bleed it dry of money, make the investigations irrelevant, and a become a useful tool for the uniparty.

I think PV might use the same investigative journalism techniques that they do to other gov/corporations on their own company. Showing us and weeding out the corruption is important to the future of project veritas which includes other board members.

Just my take.

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d8f30e No.18385445

File: b440e6ffe539cd3⋯.jpeg (108.9 KB,1200x1100,12:11,b440e6ffe539cd381c3390a9e….jpeg)

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47c3fd No.18385446

File: 309ca52ce31aa40⋯.png (132.17 KB,762x662,381:331,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb455067a7ad831⋯.png (121.16 KB,768x704,12:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1fbe20c2e3aa51⋯.png (45.95 KB,752x416,47:26,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01051bb325963d6⋯.png (275.53 KB,758x693,758:693,ClipboardImage.png)

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72e718 No.18385447

File: 0205c9e6a9e0475⋯.jpeg (106.62 KB,750x908,375:454,Jesus_memes.jpeg)

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160dd3 No.18385448


globohomo owns all the towers and all the phones. buy a CB radio.

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64b005 No.18385449

File: 734066e11461f71⋯.png (173.63 KB,427x450,427:450,Germany_Operation_Barbaros….png)


Fang Shlomo!

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fce8a5 No.18385450


All he wanted was something to eat.

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963f9c No.18385451


The Health Ranger… his website is:


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cf579b No.18385452

File: ac0707f1bcda8a9⋯.mp4 (9.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,ac0707f1bcda8a94b4b7a6982d….mp4)

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fce8a5 No.18385453

File: b62c3bfc36797f3⋯.jpg (115.5 KB,600x432,25:18,IMG_20190307_145040.jpg)

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d8f30e No.18385454


raw though.. shit's not cool

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7073d3 No.18385455






getit tgat time?


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b55578 No.18385456

File: 9f6b475e22a9fe9⋯.png (615.91 KB,564x556,141:139,people_who_want_to_be_left….PNG)

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160dd3 No.18385457


turnabout is fair play, she was saying djt is too old for 2024, as was desantis.

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3f1786 No.18385458


Awe, that is a wonderful meme.

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f57119 No.18385459


>Any anons have opines on non globalist wireless phone companies/devices?

get a throw away phone. Pay cash

buy a phone with prepaid amounts of data and calls and then throw it away.

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64b005 No.18385460

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3df411 No.18385461

File: 9f990a163e9fd62⋯.png (500.22 KB,560x648,70:81,9f990a163e9fd6244615249ff7….png)

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77f835 No.18385462

File: 6be121e5607c40b⋯.jpeg (279.15 KB,1125x1768,1125:1768,978E388A_0588_4AFC_9EB2_A….jpeg)

File: 1d7795b020aa6bd⋯.jpeg (281.58 KB,1124x1644,281:411,32A3468E_96B3_47D0_84CD_9….jpeg)

File: aade676d9c82f6f⋯.jpeg (222.82 KB,1110x1123,1110:1123,245A1B8D_A945_4FB0_9522_C….jpeg)

Just found this… not sure if it means anything or not

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e38541 No.18385463

Anons If you live in East Palestine you should encourage your house to have an electrical malfunction that burns it to the ground. Take the insurance money and relocate. Fight fire with fire (pun intended.)

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f57119 No.18385464


>Might as well be Rowdy Roddy problems

that would be fun

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d8dd87 No.18385465


Top Kek

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e59b03 No.18385466

… and to expose the cognitive dissonance which permeates qresearch.


hence the poast


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fd1386 No.18385467

File: 31723bcc293ef12⋯.jpeg (63.03 KB,505x629,505:629,bb_5bbd2b4210289.jpeg)

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64b005 No.18385468

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b5bdfa No.18385469


>die peacefully

Comes from a life well lived. Not their way.

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015ad6 No.18385470

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72e718 No.18385471

File: bff4702940deac5⋯.jpg (44.09 KB,529x680,529:680,Jesus_flood_again.jpg)

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7054c8 No.18385472


INAPPROPRIATE photo of half-naked childlooking passed out/dead with damage to his back side.

[Yes, there is a disgarded diaper and smeared feces. And likely meant to be funny. But given seriousness of child sex trafficking, crosses a line - whether meant to or not.]

+++Reporting function not workingon Android (no drop down at arrow, pressing it just takes you to the top of page).

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fce8a5 No.18385473

File: b297a3c8f538d61⋯.png (80.97 KB,255x231,85:77,7cebe96f1e238bf3236cf5e5ae….png)

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f90968 No.18385474

File: cc100030818a233⋯.png (388.59 KB,1400x818,700:409,MrMuhJooReadQ.png)

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72e718 No.18385476

File: 6231d6db0e4bce9⋯.png (276.54 KB,633x489,211:163,laughing_smoking_pepe_KEK.png)

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491943 No.18385477


"Christ is born in Bethlehem"

Hark! The herald angels sing

"Glory to the new-born king"

Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace!

Hail the Sun of Righteousness!

Light and life to all He brings

Risen with healing in His wings

Mild He lays His glory by

Born that man no more may die

Born to raise the sons of earth

Born to give them second birth

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02b934 No.18385478

File: 0ad160e7afd7b85⋯.png (375.31 KB,634x431,634:431,ClipboardImage.png)


There is a place in Turkey called

(NanaNanaNanaNana, NanaNanaNanaNana:


(look jost above the "note")


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3df411 No.18385479

File: 4a5c1eed4cd9956⋯.png (242.64 KB,405x292,405:292,vampSlayer4.png)

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6dfc8b No.18385480







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006021 No.18385481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d8dd87 No.18385482

File: e71bc4b382ec0e1⋯.jpeg (55.87 KB,720x720,1:1,1561914763.jpeg)

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658971 No.18385483

File: 1ae1c2cf1f7e3ba⋯.png (460.55 KB,868x708,217:177,weew.png)

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64b005 No.18385484

File: 2f7ad66f7d3f15c⋯.jpeg (122.48 KB,898x628,449:314,2f7ad66f7d3f15c9ebc46a909….jpeg)


I am Q, fucking hooknosed mongrel!

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fce8a5 No.18385485

File: 07557ae70917097⋯.png (240.62 KB,686x686,1:1,32eb02ff9a34127a4da003dc01….png)


I love that our Lord and Savior has a fucked up sense of humor.

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f57119 No.18385486


>Anons If you live in East Palestine you should encourage your house to have an electrical malfunction that burns it to the ground. Take the insurance money and relocate. Fight fire with fire (pun intended.)

i knew a house that burned because lightning struck through electrical system somehow.

I guess it didn't have the protection it needed.

what do houses have to protect them from lightning?

Lots of spring thunderstorms.

Be a shame if those housed burned down with tons of expensive clothes and antiques and even cash.

people should have pics of everything in their house…each and every priceless thing, including all designer clothes and shoes and furniture…etc etc

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0f5809 No.18385487

File: 78cf64a2f4ff54c⋯.png (423.34 KB,519x505,519:505,78cf64a2f4ff54c4e5cef0d68f….png)


Lame muh joo shilling tonight, at least they brought a few new images this time

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64b005 No.18385488


Be careful or they will eat it off you.

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87aa77 No.18385489


yawn.. go be a faggot somewhere else.

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502ba3 No.18385490

File: 02a47af4462ff46⋯.jpg (106.15 KB,676x1020,169:255,ZomboMeme_15092022191000.jpg)

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77f835 No.18385491



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72e718 No.18385492


Make that 30 cassette tapes in 1985, nigga.

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cc68eb No.18385493

File: 2804c384e623026⋯.png (1.22 MB,936x1247,936:1247,1676118458963.png)

File: e2f703d5ab2e49e⋯.png (1.23 MB,1440x810,16:9,1676079631843.png)

File: 6a83d1c180c9910⋯.png (1.61 MB,1221x955,1221:955,1675940453137.png)

File: 51b1e7cd940dce6⋯.gif (1.26 MB,720x444,60:37,5_by_5_Reception_Pepe.gif)

File: deb42bb4038ff20⋯.gif (922.1 KB,720x328,90:41,Dipole_Pepe.gif)



Always loved that it was a Smith Chart….

If you reverse radio which uses electricity, and transmit the magnetism… magic happens. 90° Phase Lines…

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f90968 No.18385494

File: a33c2df508f58c1⋯.png (1.58 MB,1800x882,100:49,MrMuhjooAllJews.png)

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c55e73 No.18385495

File: 1181d13c5d4a078⋯.mp4 (15.92 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Bards_of_War_hint_compress….mp4)

Patriots Fight!

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35a1dd No.18385496

Jewish lightning>>18385463

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64b005 No.18385497

File: bd51e54c714de08⋯.png (45.63 KB,198x194,99:97,22cd39567575cc6f7d37866511….png)


Biden is a fucking hooknosed mongrel you brain-dead ameritard!

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173687 No.18385498


#22538 >>18384755

>>18384825 Dioxins in Vietnam and East Palestine, Ohio

>>18384829, >>18385003, >>18385113 President Donald J Trump Speaks at Club45 Meeting

>>18384839 President Trump: We should have stayed in Bagram. Not because of Afghanistan. Because Bagram is one hour away from where China makes their nuclear weapons.

>>18384862 President Trump: We're on the precipice of a disaster the likes of which this world has never seen. [nuclear war]

>>18384873, >>18384920 15+ years ago. "It will get worse." "Mark my Words" Dude knew about China and how economy would be moving "East"

>>18384883 President Trump: As of today, I hear we're up to a hundred and fourteen billion dollars [Ukraine]. No money for Ohio.

>>18384957 Trump said there are TWO "N-Words" ONE must NEVER be said "NUCLEAR"!

>>18384979 Question: What is your theory for why the current administration is leaving the border open? PDJT: I believe they actually hate our country.

>>18384992 Question: After you become the forty-seventh president, what are you going to do to stop the war in Ukraine? President Trump: I would call two people…Putin and Zelensky. And I'd say, 'we're gonna meet'. I guarantee I could work that out.


>>18385030 Question: What is your plan to burn them down [three-letter agencies] and start all over again? President Trump: They have gotten out of control…the only thing that can change that is the people…we'll make the changes that have to be made.

>>18385042 reading between the lines…what he really said was the anti-semitism is a FF …it's not real and only a way to go after the 'radical right' , ie Christians and Patriots

>>18385048 Deluge in Brazil kills at least 36 people as dozens are missing

>>18385051 A dozen conservative Anglican archbishops from various global churches announced that they no longer recognized the Archbishop of Canterbury as the leader of the Anglican Communion

>>18385055 Trump Wants to use Mail In Voting Suddenly Mail in Voting will be Bad

>>18385169 Nazi's in Ukraine? Say It Aint So

>>18385077 New Moon Tonight

>>18385186 President Reagan - Waterloo, Iowa February 20, 1984

>>18385201 Richard Grenell Schiff is *always* against transparency.

>>18385235 CFTC Announces Postponement of Commitments of Traders Report

>>18385236 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens & Orlando

>>18385267 Water Testing After Ohio Derailment - Led By Rail Company Itself - Condemned As ‘Sloppy’ Keks for HuffPo

>>18385293 Edinburgh Freedom Rally - We Say NO

>>18385297 President Trump: We're on the precipice of a disaster the likes of which this world has never seen. [nuclear war] Q ONLY AT THE PRECIPICE [moment of destruction] WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE.

>>18385334 dioxin contamination has been mentioned in relation to the E. Palestine OH train derailment. This story describes what happened to a town that was bought out after dioxin was spread on the streets. Story is over a decade old.

>>18385351 Banks hurtle to record profits turbocharged by Reserve Bank pandemic help

>>18385354 SAM528 C-40B State Dept AC went to Prague and RCH566 C-17 Globemaster is descending to Rzsesow Airport Poland from Ramstein AFB depart

>>18385370 The Black Book of Communism pdf

>>18385379 Undercover DC Police Officer Pushed Protesters Toward Capitol, Climbed Over Barricade: Court Filing

>>18385401 Statement from the Project Veritas’ Board of Directors

>>18385419 Unidentified Submersible Object Base off the West Coast


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f90968 No.18385499


No. No you most certainly are not.

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fce8a5 No.18385500

File: e234a926b0e8a91⋯.jpeg (97.64 KB,1020x800,51:40,e234a926b0e8a916f97f1f682….jpeg)


I know right? All the best Jew memes come from 2015-18

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e63650 No.18385501

File: 7789f5435f955a7⋯.png (822.64 KB,515x795,103:159,Shining_Overlook_Hotel_s_c….png)

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963f9c No.18385502

File: 6a99e546ec61c00⋯.png (404.05 KB,592x421,592:421,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f5809 No.18385503


What country you from fuckhead?

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015ad6 No.18385504

Dang computer took a shit and only thing sorely missed are the 4 years of memes all gone SOAB

Anon perturbed

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72e718 No.18385505

File: 5515f19a0ad94ef⋯.jpg (15.95 KB,255x191,255:191,faggot_somewhere_else_dl.jpg)


Here. Save yourself keystrokes.

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9ed317 No.18385507



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491943 No.18385508

File: ac2df95df58d4d3⋯.png (662.49 KB,986x688,493:344,babygandalf.png)

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956a76 No.18385509

My house burned in high school. Aluminum from transformer to copper house corrosion


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ca2e9d No.18385510


Can you make deze pics a little smaller?

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658971 No.18385512

File: 3592be8c3231364⋯.png (713.17 KB,784x788,196:197,ban.png)

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87aa77 No.18385513

o7 thanks, >>18385505

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96e0f5 No.18385514

File: 046b926dfca00a7⋯.jpg (16.33 KB,255x188,255:188,3e3da9a80e58a3b7204b64013c….jpg)

File: 8bd1db85acde017⋯.jpg (58.78 KB,480x467,480:467,8bd1db85acde017c5771ce04ce….jpg)

File: 8c71de29485db68⋯.gif (2.65 MB,451x498,451:498,8c71de29485db686065cc1b274….gif)

File: e101ee9f550a642⋯.jpg (12.79 KB,255x213,85:71,d8172087c7969293a0806bd43f….jpg)

File: d922ebed5187db3⋯.jpg (70.05 KB,665x839,665:839,d922ebed5187db3204bfb178b3….jpg)

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fce8a5 No.18385515

File: 21862ba8f0e7396⋯.jpg (111.94 KB,1400x992,175:124,RS.jpg)

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7a4ebc No.18385516

File: 648fc80a3192dfa⋯.png (759.21 KB,874x1306,437:653,ClipboardImage.png)


checked, trips, nice memory :) picrel

awesome take anon love it!

who watches the watchers? other watchers!

James will prevail.

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71fc42 No.18385517

File: decf749bd9ce255⋯.png (97.37 KB,255x190,51:38,ac6c0224f869bbb083191ec359….png)

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d8f30e No.18385518

File: adff74ce2f0bc6a⋯.jpeg (257.07 KB,1440x1081,1440:1081,adff74ce2f0bc6ad836deceb3….jpeg)

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f90968 No.18385519

File: 157a5e57902045d⋯.jpg (146.55 KB,720x960,3:4,MuhjooShillGrassRoots.jpg)


"I am from America" [Enter]

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64b005 No.18385520

File: ae74a18cf00ee10⋯.png (299.44 KB,480x540,8:9,whats_missing.png)


>No. No you most certainly are not.

I am brain-dead fuckwit!

Truth is not for everyone, remember?

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96e0f5 No.18385521


you are to intellectually under developed to post hier.


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b5e4d0 No.18385522


Yes, one to interpret/prophecy the tongues, and another to test the prophecy to ensure it actually came. I'm not sure why Jesus dint just send everyone the same message while they were in the spirit to ensure there were no misinterpretation, but his ways are mysterious and all that.

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96e0f5 No.18385524


dammit jim

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0f5809 No.18385525


no, only size I got them in, and I mess up trying to make bigger, but still learning, maybe next year

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40dbce No.18385526


>Patriots Fight!

too late

rainbow crews crew the tanks now

they have a hate for straight white Americans and will use the tanks on them just so they can groom kids

Now if Americans got the tanks back somehow, there might be hope

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b973b0 No.18385527

File: 3e2c9c4054e8099⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB,1054x1101,1054:1101,D4B99C14_7278_4D41_B4BC_C….jpeg)

File: 15b4885708b9a8e⋯.webp (26.42 KB,600x370,60:37,F87D9336_6279_4685_BFB4_6….webp)

File: c3e51b2135a4f24⋯.jpeg (96.88 KB,996x738,166:123,2666C740_E0A7_4725_8BA5_5….jpeg)

>>18383331 (PB)

Been bothering me…

Search found this. Totally awesome com

Thank you for protecting us every day

I pray for your families while you protect all of us

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fce8a5 No.18385528

File: fa0f9c1ba3150c2⋯.png (285.52 KB,600x600,1:1,fa0f9c1ba3150c2f9e6185fa22….png)

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173687 No.18385529

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0f5809 No.18385530


It has never had any friends

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209f66 No.18385531


Do you work for History Channel or Travel Channel?

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a2cf68 No.18385532

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3df411 No.18385534

File: 67a1161303c9640⋯.gif (954.93 KB,500x213,500:213,blade.gif)

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a2cf68 No.18385535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e75ba9 No.18385536


It looks like it is time for a Great Awakening.

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d8f30e No.18385537

File: 3add4570ddda903⋯.jpeg (254.23 KB,1440x988,360:247,3add4570ddda9035ac3b424bf….jpeg)

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fd6080 No.18385538

File: 1056c870199a42b⋯.png (235.03 KB,333x465,111:155,2BB88C75_84AB_48B3_BF00_B9….png)



the manlet has arrived.

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64b005 No.18385539

File: 65d2edd71a3889c⋯.png (616.82 KB,400x579,400:579,Donar2.png)


>What country you from fuckhead?

Germany, filthy mongrel fuck!

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0f5809 No.18385540


Welcome to 2018

Anons seent it already

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9ed317 No.18385541


from Dutchsinse

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160dd3 No.18385542


the entire board of PV appear to be lying sacks of shit.

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d8dd87 No.18385544

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB,300x483,100:161,8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)


>muh joo

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32ecfa No.18385546

File: 7533d1b9367b67c⋯.jpg (70.13 KB,768x567,256:189,fiveeyes_1_768x567.jpg)

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b5e4d0 No.18385547



She's acting for sure. She never did bring that balloon to the SOTU.

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f90968 No.18385548

File: c0be4553a760624⋯.gif (5.07 MB,320x240,4:3,chimp_p.gif)

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