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7a5ce8 No.18273611 [Last50 Posts]

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Offering breads to other bakers >>18061508, >>18067193 ; No RRN in notes >>17980519

Pls notable planefag & boatfag reports >>18179893

Plz use CURRENT dough when baking >>18223281 new

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7a5ce8 No.18273614


#22392 >>18272864

>>18272932, >>18272962, >>18273015 Biden Refuses To Shoot Down Suspected Chinese Spy Balloon Hovering Over Montana for Days

>>18272975 Mayorkas Hit With Another Article of Impeachment Over ‘Reckless Abandonment’ of Border Security

>>18272997 Planefag report

>>18272998, >>18273249 Montana Balloon YT Vid

>>18273033 @Jim_Jordan: At least 80 FBI agents collaborated with Twitter to help monitor the social media site

>>18273043, >>18273055 The Russian Army (regulars - not Wagner) continue to advance, slowly, up by Svatovo

>>18273077 Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2

>>18273097 Pole Shift Radiation Surge & Ozone

>>18273100 AOC kek

>>18273110 NBC: Pentagon tracking suspected Chinese spy balloon in U.S

>>18273141 Large number of aerial vehicles moving at VERY high speed over the So. Pacific towards Antarctica around dawn today

>>18273158 Xi Sends Giant Spy Balloon Over US Days Before Blinken Trip to Beijing

>>18273167 China has been busy buying land in the United States for years, now owning close to 200k acres

>>18273182 RSBN EXCLUSIVE: Interview with President Donald J. Trump From Mar-a-Lago

>>18273195 Air Force claims a proposed Chinese-owned corn plant near North Dakota base is ‘significant’ national security threat

>>18273201 Eduardo Bolsonaro and Don Jr Talk Election Fraud and the Globalist Agenda

>>18273223 Devin Nunes On The Future Of Truth Social, Elon Musk, And Hamilton 68

>>18273227 @GenFlynn: Only a giant bus-sized pool toy floating over the United States big enough to carry an EMP device

>>18273255 Mikes Davis says Rep. Jim Jordan won't hold Big Tech accountable

>>18273296 State Department summons Chinese diplomat to deliver "very clear and stark message" after spy balloon detected over US

>>18273309, >>18273362 3 Air Force planes circling over northern Montana where Chinese spy balloon found

>>18273350 Hakeem Jeffries: Condemning brutal and corrupt socialist dictators would “undermine” the House Democrats' agenda

>>18273352 The massive Chinese spy balloon has flown "over sensitive sites"

>>18273368 New York Federal Reserve EURO/US$ Swap: $437m-larger than last weeks

>>18273347, >>18273375 MSM starting to report on Vaxx - 280K dead in US?

>>18273387, >>18273407 Moscow provides more evidence of US biolabs in Ukraine

>>18273430 Massachusetts bill would allow prisoners to ‘donate’ their organs in exchange for freedom

>>18273434, >>18273435 Babylon Bee kek: Local Hen Surpasses Elon Musk In Net Worth

>>18273441 Statement on the suspected Chinese spy balloon that flew over Montana (Montana Governor)

>>18273455, >>18273469 Kari Lake On Her Strong American Upbringing

>>18273466 8 Metabiota employees and 14 employees of EcoHealth are members of EcoHealth’s Predict Global Consortium

>>18273495, >>18273524 McCarthy: China’s brazen disregard for U.S. sovereignty is a destabilizing action that must be addressed

>>18273501 White House denies Biden offered Putin ‘20% of Ukraine’

>>18273555 U.S. boosts military presence in Philippines to counteract China's increasing aggression

>>18273586 Paul Sperry Hunter laptop tweets

>>18273597 #22392

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7a5ce8 No.18273617

#22391 >>18272100

>>18272298, >>18272335, >>18272472, >>18272741 13 second [D]elta on these posts

>>18272460, >>18272407 @Pfizer Director Concerned Over Women's Reproductive Heath After COVID-19 Vaccinations

>>18272260, >>18272289 Internal Google docs to censor Project Veritas' bombshell video exposing Pfizer are revealed

>>18272379, >>18272385, >>18272702 Project Veritas video: Pfizer, part 2 "gene editing" Revelations on Plans to Use mRNA Vaccines to Move 'Beyond Covid'

>>18272110 One of the US’ top egg producing plants burns to the ground

>>18272337, >>18272362, >>18272373, >>18272384, >>18272386, >>18272507, >>18272739 Suspected Chinese spy balloon found over northern US, 3 tankers now over Montana.

>>18272669 Due to the presence of a suspected Chinese high-altitude surveillance balloon, OSINT military readiness level for North America has been changed to 2

>>18272694 PF: Boeing RC-135W Rivet Joint, This might be the Chinese balloon chaser

>>18272127 Comms for mk? 2 years of increased monarch Butterflies after a fear warning of extinction coming

>>18272154, >>18272414 PF: A-10 back at MacDill after blowing up Avon Park and strafing Brandon.

>>18272202, >>18272224, >>18272264 Zelensky’s diaspora delegation led by economic hit-woman, Natalie Jaresko, who led plunder of Ukraine

>>18272234 BIDEN: "More than half the women in my administration are women."

>>18272240, >>18272259, >>18272247 These Groundhogs keep dying two days ahead of schedule

>>18272252 CNN Camera Crew Present Outside Mike Pence Group in D.C. After Apparent Leak from DOJ

>>18272255 Newest Russian anti-roof anti-tank mine PTKM-1R seen in the Kherson region

>>18272266 'Seinfeld bill' going through the N.J. state legislature to battle telemarketers

>>18272268 Dr. Judy Mikovits explains how man-made plague C19 vax sabotages spike protiens on Stew Peters TV

>>18272273 House Judiciary panel wants info from FBI about indicted ex-official Charles McGonigal

>>18272283 A Royal Dud: Queen’s death FOI debacle shows Australia’s transparency system is bust

>>18272338 Hill investigators pressuring NARA IG and DOJ to turn over the recovered classified docs to compare them to manuscripts from Biden's 2017 memoir

>>18272349 Top Expert Calls For Suspending All Vaccines…

>>18272366 17,000 doctors and scientists sign a treaty confirming that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end

>>18272394 Russia vows to 'gain world's attention' on Ukraine war anniversary

>>18272423 Attorney for Hunter Biden claims letters requesting investigation into the laptop repair store owner, Rudy Guiliani, and others, are NOT an acknowledgment that the laptop is his

>>18272440, >>18272452 "Declassified Binder" of Crossfire Hurricane documents was released today

>>18272454 Congress Asks John Kerry: What Exactly Do You Do Here?

>>18272494 PF: CONUS Update: TITAN25 E-4B NightwatchSec. of Defense Austinreturns to JBA, SAM084 G5 back to MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) from it's Bragg stop

>>18272572 6 bills are currently being introduced in the Brazilian senate that would criminalize those who refuse the mandated dose of COVID shots or who comment negatively

>>18272616 Department of Energy Proposes [Their] Limits on Energy Consumption For Gas Stoves

>>18272631 @mikepompeo "Pipehitters who hit real pipes"

>>18272645 PF: GORDO16 E-4 B Nightwatch over northern Michigan and Lake Superior

>>18272703 Rep. Thomas Massie Vows to Strip Ukraine Funding from Must-Pass Spending Bills

>>18272744 "Do you think Ashli Babbit was murdered, or do you think the police officer who shot her was doing his job?" SPEAKER MCCARTHY: "I think the police officer did his job."

>>18272746 Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Bret Weinstein, and Steve Kirsch discuss the Japanese Pfizer documents, which show lipid nanoparticles concentrating in women's ovaries.

>>18272855 #22391

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7a5ce8 No.18273618

#22390 >>18271656

>>18271673 North Korea threatens 'overwhelming nuclear force' in response to US military exercises

>>18271680 Stage Being Set for a Mighty Fall for Joe Manchin

>>18271700, >>18271863, >>18271883, >>18271898, >>18271890 FRED IS DEAD: Not sure what this predicts but Quebec’s groundhog Fred la Marmotte has died (OH NO….)

>>18271720 The Senate will vote on the confirmation of Joseph Falk to be a member of the board of directors of the U.S. Institute of Peace

>>18271752 Biden: "More than half of the women in my administration are women"

>>18271754 Revolver: Here’s the Never-Ending List of Why Nikki Haley Would Suck as President

>>18271771 BREAKING: One Dead, Police Officer Fighting For Life After Shooting At Memphis Library

>>18271777 RUMBLINGS: Memphis Police Are Investigating Tyre Nichol’s Rumored Connection with Memphis Cop’s Ex-Wife

>>18271779 Planefags aloft

>>18271783 Heathrow boss stands down after nine years in charge of UK’s biggest airport

>>18271788 AI-Generated Sitcom ‘Nothing, Forever’ - VICE says people can't stop watching it

>>18271809, >>18271978 House GOP votes to oust Democrat Omar from Foreign Affairs Cmte

>>18271828 House Oversight Committee announces investigation into John Kerry negotiations with CCP

>>18271839 Arkansas Gov. Sarah Sanders to deliver GOP response to State of Union address - YOU GO SARAH!!

>>18271842 Florida could end unanimous jury requirement for executions

>>18271851 China held Taiwan war council in October, general’s memo reveals

>>18271858 House Oversight Committee Demands John Kerry Turn Over CCP Climate-Negotiation Documents

>>18271876 AOC and three other members of Congress paid Chinese foreign agent

>>18271892 Newsrooms Are Now Officially Democrats’ Newsletter Operations

>>18271900 POSOBIEC: The Oligarch Behind Burisma Was Just Raided by Ukraine

>>18271901 MSNBC Anchor Hospitalized With Severe Myocarditis, Pericarditis

>>18271906 Hunter Biden’s ridiculous legal letter trying to distract from real scandal — Joe Biden

>>18271911 Zelensky: NATO should nuke Moscow (true quote? ANONS DIG)

>>18271915 Maricopa County Assistant Election Director Disappeared After Deposition Request Regarding Fraudulent Signature Verification

>>18271920 House GOP investigating John Kerry's secret China negotiations

>>18271921 @Project_Veritas: We have another @pfizer bombshell dropping tonight…

>>18271932 DrJBhattacharya w/Angus Dalgheish: Suppression of debate has "cost… at least a trillion pounds

>>18271941 CNN Camera Crew Present Outside Mike Pence Group in D.C. After Apparent Leak from DOJ

>>18271953 Lebanon will adopt a new official exchange rate of 15,000 pounds per U.S. dollar on Feb. 1

>>18271996 RSBN’s Total Viewership Nears 4 Million for Trump’s 2024 Announcement

>>18271998 Former Columbus police officer sentenced to 9 years in prison for trafficking fentanyl, accepting bribes

>>18272008 BOEBERT: "Newsmax was removed from DirecTV. What's next?


>>18272026 Ex-ABC News Reporter Arrested For Child Porn As Horrifying Details Emerge

>>18272029 A call to support, from General Flynn.

>>18272037 Suspicions of state security set-up in Germany’s far-right ‘coup’

>>18272038 Herridge: CBS obtains @JudiciaryGOP letter requesting info from FBI about indicted ex-official Charles McGonigal as part of probe into allegations of political bias

>>18272043 PF reports

>>18272046 Jordan: Hunter Biden just admitted that his laptop belonged to him....51 “intelligence officials” told us it was misinformation!

>>18272051 Sydney-based university professor and close mate of Anthony Albanese tells ABC the Alice Springs crime wave crisis meeting was like a 'KKK gathering' - as outrage mounts over the broadcaster's bias coverage

>>18272076 #22390

Previously Collected

>>18270117 #22387, >>18270927 #22388, >>18271646 #22389

>>18267703 #22384, >>18268521 #22385, >>18269338 #22386

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

>>18154557 Q Research Notables #16: Loud and Clear

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7a5ce8 No.18273621

File: d6f336bbfa06d97⋯.png (13.49 KB,254x255,254:255,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a05ff825ff90672⋯.png (55.12 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 715a92e7c5ece17⋯.png (66.16 KB,500x666,250:333,ClipboardImage.png)



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f2adcf No.18273638

File: ed5674218279ecd⋯.png (64.11 KB,540x775,108:155,EF95D3E8_0561_4886_823F_9F….png)

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ed7a1d No.18273641

File: 040155bccb8b3e8⋯.png (580.76 KB,749x467,749:467,ClipboardImage.png)

Time We Fight

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e321a5 No.18273643

File: b88fbe2fd69b68e⋯.png (453.77 KB,618x742,309:371,Screen_Shot_2023_01_26_at_….png)

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4ea515 No.18273646

File: bc1109060386a33⋯.jpg (12.37 KB,196x255,196:255,815c6a6fd596411ce813557fdd….jpg)

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95daee No.18273647

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,sherlock_gif.gif)

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90e3e9 No.18273648

File: 03a6a4c9e800dbb⋯.gif (4.81 MB,602x500,301:250,twilight_zone_applause_cla….gif)

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e321a5 No.18273655

File: 8ec35fe558d855e⋯.png (391.94 KB,1000x653,1000:653,pepe_blush_harpoon.png)

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989684 No.18273658

File: e348c2ba151c1ea⋯.jpg (80.75 KB,1364x768,341:192,Shrink_Moon.jpg)

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aebb31 No.18273659

Evenin’ Nightshift

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8bfa70 No.18273660

File: b8d2ec6e45bcb77⋯.png (732.01 KB,866x867,866:867,psyop3.png)

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010d58 No.18273663

File: eead6a1c4aa5b8d⋯.jpg (140.57 KB,889x500,889:500,Dbewbs.jpg)

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ed7a1d No.18273664

File: 11a733af86389d1⋯.png (4.56 MB,1920x1440,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


But there is job to be done!

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0340ec No.18273665

File: 55ccf860900918a⋯.gif (1.04 MB,480x480,1:1,pepe_gigantic_asses.gif)

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b7db33 No.18273667


TYB. What is my porpoise?

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010d58 No.18273668

File: 5bd55705b0b0657⋯.gif (1.65 MB,480x216,20:9,NSttank.gif)

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7a5ce8 No.18273670


to thank me

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95daee No.18273671

File: d87037a568f56b9⋯.png (144.62 KB,498x469,498:469,ClipboardImage.png)


if anon fell into them accidently on purpose, anon would take his time getting up….

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ed7a1d No.18273673

File: 649bdcfde91dcbd⋯.png (7.68 MB,4000x2666,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)



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68624c No.18273675

The balloon is ours

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4ea515 No.18273676

File: ea0d443c755bffe⋯.jpg (81.15 KB,953x565,953:565,ZomboMeme_25012023192300.jpg)

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7d0bd1 No.18273677

File: d0339ca8ce32b2c⋯.jpg (172.29 KB,885x1912,885:1912,Screenshot_2023_02_01_1107….jpg)


TY Baker.

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b7db33 No.18273678



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7962a8 No.18273680

File: 8b61f089703c2ea⋯.jpeg (187.71 KB,1200x1035,80:69,9CA0F923_66DC_4649_96A0_7….jpeg)

WWG1WGA News Service Report on stuff and how to fix things

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010d58 No.18273682

File: 0e0b527e5ace26c⋯.jpg (16.47 KB,194x255,194:255,italianpepina.jpg)

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59c372 No.18273683

February is National False Flag Month

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90e3e9 No.18273684

File: d3882aef634c577⋯.jpg (164.93 KB,768x1024,3:4,large_2022_12_31T234045_00….jpg)

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75a6c5 No.18273687

File: f1a569406b40894⋯.jpg (102.94 KB,587x834,587:834,chinkballoonAbrams.jpg)

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1e68a1 No.18273689

File: 5010adc2d2a7e12⋯.jpg (41.03 KB,888x485,888:485,yuyfisdssdf.jpg)

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e2204f No.18273690

File: 91e9b04cab36fff⋯.png (431.34 KB,720x404,180:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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7962a8 No.18273691

File: 7d7c938a92116db⋯.mp4 (245.07 KB,IMG_1190.MOV)

WWG1WGA News Service Report wants to help Biden remember all the places he has stuff

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7a5ce8 No.18273692


didnt get digits yo

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8bfa70 No.18273693


Sponsored by Weather Ballons from the CCP

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e1fcb2 No.18273694

File: 4dbeed7737d0598⋯.jpg (69.8 KB,900x900,1:1,139649843_700052567339889_….jpg)



Have you seen my barroon?

It is missing…

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974a3e No.18273695

File: e0cc17095200380⋯.png (738.88 KB,735x682,735:682,ClipboardImage.png)

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392143 No.18273696

File: e423e3f9d7fd3a2⋯.jpeg (652.05 KB,671x1001,61:91,CC3E3F1B_1BCC_41E4_8AFA_B….jpeg)

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75a6c5 No.18273697

File: 010c794c3cd3cb9⋯.png (248.76 KB,637x398,637:398,Screenshot_from_2023_02_02….png)

Emotional Support Skunk Comms?

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35311f No.18273698


78 my birth year so I’m counting it

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7d0bd1 No.18273699

File: 553facf3ebf21c4⋯.jpg (35.93 KB,417x433,417:433,Screenshot_2023_02_02_1949….jpg)

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8bfe36 No.18273700

File: f1c599ae78a5f12⋯.png (102.68 KB,574x534,287:267,02b07cb9225ccdfa31b3d21335….png)

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000000 No.18273701

Is the 'Storm'y upon us?

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8bfa70 No.18273702

File: 3b5bf016c97a112⋯.png (489.33 KB,751x458,751:458,nobots.png)

everyone comfy?

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799732 No.18273703

File: 1e46ad70ffd7962⋯.jpg (74.66 KB,420x586,210:293,UP_UP_N_AWAY.jpg)

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f12e2a No.18273704

File: bc88fe67fc29819⋯.png (67.03 KB,424x644,106:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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392143 No.18273705

File: ea7ab2644612c82⋯.jpeg (183.68 KB,828x997,828:997,F27A32B5_92A1_41E6_94A6_7….jpeg)

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741b20 No.18273706

File: 77d8e890a584618⋯.png (3.57 MB,1700x1130,170:113,NS_1229_2.png)

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382e04 No.18273707

[ ]ust

[ ]uckin

[ ]ids

Natural cause

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e2204f No.18273708

File: 1830c25595b53d1⋯.jpg (37.48 KB,623x395,623:395,pretty_bird.JPG)

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d16bd0 No.18273710



Yeah. Rather than transplanting a diseased organ let’s eat it instead. Ffs. This is just fucking stupid

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7a5ce8 No.18273711

File: 99422dc64ac1c9f⋯.png (22.84 KB,646x646,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


you wanna bake 1 i'll bake next?

i need to unfuck my back

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fc1e9d No.18273712

File: 59a907798741c47⋯.png (77.45 KB,247x238,247:238,59a907798741c47336e418140c….png)

Airspace violation. Chinese would not and did not put up with this shit. Remember the Hainan Island incident in the run up to 9-11? Cut that fucking payload off that fucking balloon. Impound and inspect. Tit for tat motherfucker.


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e7c902 No.18273713

File: b60f273168c290b⋯.jpg (125.71 KB,701x1024,701:1024,1675278475623014.jpg)

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35311f No.18273714


As comfy as a warm vagina

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31d97b No.18273715

File: 99982aa886a24aa⋯.jpg (62.13 KB,738x959,738:959,Hot_412_.jpg)

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392143 No.18273716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ed7a1d No.18273717

File: 4e6754393f6359d⋯.png (459.85 KB,1200x573,400:191,ClipboardImage.png)


Round eyes you will loose

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382e04 No.18273718

File: 3d2fcf0dce8c301⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,130.52 KB,707x1080,707:1080,AF5B6433_C66F_48F2_AB0B_9….jpeg)

Gut stabbing

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e1fcb2 No.18273719

File: 7f6d6646ff1d473⋯.png (15.43 KB,434x300,217:150,ClipboardImage.png)


confirm handoff

you should get yourself a lounge set up

I bake on a TV

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382e04 No.18273720


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4ea515 No.18273721

File: db6764fb1ffee74⋯.jpg (43.69 KB,750x727,750:727,ZomboMeme_18012023093810.jpg)

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f53720 No.18273722

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ff863e No.18273723

File: 3a480319584a877⋯.png (1.19 MB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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687520 No.18273724

File: b5ff4be5caf4e2c⋯.jpg (75.45 KB,1080x931,1080:931,b5ff4be5caf4e2c8fcabb15de8….jpg)

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95be15 No.18273725

File: b14e30dcfc87f9c⋯.png (436.28 KB,585x624,15:16,NBC_tweet.png)

A New York man has pleaded guilty to making threatening phone calls to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, federal prosecutors say.


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59c372 No.18273726

The Balloon is American

Possible reason: To raise the Defcon level

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f53720 No.18273727


>would you re-elect

You assume elections are not rigged.

History has said otherwise.

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7a5ce8 No.18273728



where do you put keyboard and mouse?

ty btw

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35ce20 No.18273729

File: b28d9b1cd107cdf⋯.png (281.7 KB,453x337,453:337,ClipboardImage.png)

Hold the Dime

Nothing can stop what I'm smoking

Where we get weed we get moar

BOWL_PACK [Enabled]




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f53720 No.18273730


Fuq [[[[LB]]]

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e7c902 No.18273731

File: 680f564ff69ee85⋯.jpg (22.79 KB,343x282,343:282,1652116477218.jpg)


>a warm vagina

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18bbc5 No.18273732

File: 5922f8efbae496b⋯.jpg (71.26 KB,730x1095,2:3,ClipboardImage.jpg)

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382e04 No.18273733

File: c65e79b4d847b20⋯.jpeg (31.92 KB,590x421,590:421,D0810E42_6C60_41FD_9D0A_E….jpeg)

Greek choir feels

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35311f No.18273734



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e321a5 No.18273735

File: 947df151b474fd6⋯.jpeg (99.59 KB,736x693,736:693,947df151b474fd658c028ff39….jpeg)


You might want to work on the front, too.

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2285fb No.18273736

File: 338ef371e55f053⋯.png (660.77 KB,985x1089,985:1089,GatewayPundit_HE_S_SHOT_Jo….png)




HE’S SHOT: Joe Biden: “More Than Half the Women in My Administration are Women”


Anon sees this like the cartoons from anon's youth. And something Q said: "dual meanings exist."

Anon got the wordplay and toilet-type jokes as a child; parents got the sexual innuendos, and rarely explained them to the children.

Similarly, most people will see Biden's performance in this and say, like the article's headline begins with, "he's shot."

Anon sees some deeper meaning, though:

Biden's admin hired a bunch of trannys.

So, not 100% of the women in Biden's admin, are actually women.

Anon hasn't been following Biden's words, as much as anon followed President Trump's words. Seems there's something in them though, probably because they were written by white hats? (All written by Jesus of course; see John 1:3.)

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f12e2a No.18273737

File: 0511b7ca038b92d⋯.png (450 KB,1792x2276,448:569,ClipboardImage.png)


You ching the chong?

You'll ping the pong!

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c69fcf No.18273738


Almost seems fabricated. Biden does nothing, violates his oath. Biden gets replaced by Kamala?

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f07a30 No.18273739


Why do you feel the need to announce yourself?

Are you using the same scapegoat or a new one? How many women will go missing during this episode?

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ed7a1d No.18273740

File: 1a952ae48fa78ef⋯.png (111.45 KB,350x438,175:219,ClipboardImage.png)


A Totally inflate image of the Chinese

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501bb0 No.18273741

File: 307eec3945384ac⋯.jpg (90.53 KB,500x715,100:143,79ruli.jpg)

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35311f No.18273742


Don’t put your dick in that

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3e5854 No.18273743

File: 1320e2f2fd149c5⋯.png (624.56 KB,677x670,677:670,clip_image.png)

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507b7f No.18273744

Jack P on Tim pool now

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392143 No.18273745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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382e04 No.18273746

File: a6519742aed19df⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,174.12 KB,705x1080,47:72,CB85DDD3_AFBE_4C96_993E_7….jpeg)

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e2204f No.18273747

File: 3df171fc3e1b686⋯.gif (8.92 MB,360x360,1:1,ye.gif)

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35311f No.18273748

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b57fcb No.18273749



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382e04 No.18273750

File: da7ab4665b33c84⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,48.22 KB,600x600,1:1,A454B54B_394B_45E8_9C17_5….jpeg)


Still stabbing gut

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e1fcb2 No.18273751


Keyboard in lap, mouse on a flat foam thingy with a large mousepad that I cut to size and put on top

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a7c7e8 No.18273752

File: 1dcc5ac1128e2e7⋯.png (292.81 KB,577x744,577:744,ClipboardImage.png)

Old Uncle Joe speaks truth once again.

Over half the women in his administration are women


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266e40 No.18273753

Last time you drove a vehicle.

Trump: "I've been doingthisfor six years now."

Notice he didn't say eight years to include his run-up to the 2016 election.

Though, more people would like to catch him driving himself nowadays.

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c69fcf No.18273754


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7f0766 No.18273755

File: 6fd398b0cf20938⋯.png (185.32 KB,645x445,129:89,Screen_Shot_2023_02_02_at_….png)

File: f78438c2b8f22d6⋯.png (394.81 KB,711x678,237:226,Screen_Shot_2023_02_02_at_….png)

The HighWire with Del Bigtree. Del interviewed Andrew Huff the EcoHealth Alliance whistleblower. The second cap has the timestamp for the start of the interview with Andrew Huff.


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b0e28f No.18273756

US Warships Struggle To Stay At Sea As China’s Fleet Grows

Bloomberg February 1, 2023

By Tony Capaccio (Bloomberg) US Navy warships have seen fewer days at sea since 2011 because vessels are breaking down more frequently than expected and taking longer to repair, even as the Pentagon struggles to catch up with China’s larger fleet, according to newly disclosed data from congressional analysts.

A review of maintenance, repair and parts replacement for 151 surface warships matched with days underway at sea shows they “faced persistent sustainment challenges that have worsened through 2021,” according to a Government Accountability Office assessment released Tuesday.

The declining time at sea is a troubling sign particularly as the US seeks to counter China in the Indo-Pacific region and for a potential conflict this decade over Taiwan. China has the world’s largest navy, according to the Pentagon, while the GAO says the US is getting less use out of many of the ships it has.

Also Read: US Navy Released Worst Rust Photo To Date

The problems included increased delays in depot maintenance and “growing numbers of cannibalizations,” according to the assessment, adding up to “fewer hours that ships were steaming.” Parts are considered cannibalized when they are pulled off another ship because crews couldn’t get what was needed in the normal supply chain.

Expanding Fleet

The report is a sobering primer for lawmakers and Navy officials who only recently have shifted focus from adding more vessels to the fleet to maintenance backlogs. It adds to doubt about the Navy achieving a goal of a 350-vessel fleet, as desired by many lawmakers, when it’s having major difficulties with its current force of 293. The Navy this month announced a goal of maintaining at least 75 vessels fully combat-ready at all times. Details have yet to be spelled out for that project, called North Star 75.

The Navy’s premier destroyer, the Arleigh Burke-class DDG-51, averaged seven more cannibalizations per ship in fiscal 2021 than it did in fiscal 2011 and 19 more serious “category 3 and 4” failure reports per ship, according to the GAO. The 68 ships built by General Dynamics Corp. also averaged 20 more days of maintenance delays in 2021 than in 2011, according to the report.

“We selected 10 ship classes that represent a large portion of the Navy’s total ship population,” the GAO said. “Specifically, as of November 2022, the selected ship classes represented about half of the Navy’s total ship battle force.”

Navy officials told the GAO that all nine surface ship classes reviewed “experienced delays caused by two factors: the growth in magnitude of previously planned work, and the identification of the need for new work that was not previously planned.”

The newly released report dovetails with views of the admiral responsible for providing combat-ready vessels. Shipyard maintenance and new construction delays are “the most significant problem the Navy faces,” Admiral Daryl Caudle said in an emailed statement.

Caudle this month criticized Navy contractors for late deliveries of the service’s primary air-defense weapon, the SM-6 missile that’s made by Raytheon Technologies Corp., as well as the MK-48 heavyweight torpedo made by Lockheed Martin Corp.

“I need SM-6 missiles delivered on time,” he said in the email, pledging to sit down with defense contractors to discuss the problem next month. “I need Mk-48 torpedoes delivered on time.”

Budget Increases

According to Congressional Budget Office figures, Congress added $19 billion and 22 vessels more than the Navy’s annual requests from fiscal 2011 to 2021. The costs to operate and sustain the 151 Navy ships included in the GAO review totaled about $17 billion in fiscal year 2020. Still, the average of serious failure reports increased to 36 per ship in 2021 from 22.

The eight Wasp-class amphibious assault vessel built by Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc. to carry Marines and equipment like F-35B jets experienced “the most significant increase in casualty reports” — from 11 per vessel in fiscal year 2011 to 61 in 2021, the GAO said.

The agency provided fresh evidence of the poor performance of Littoral Combat Ships built in versions by Lockheed Martin Corp. and Austal Ltd. Both vessel types averaged 26 more serious “category 3 and 4” parts failure reports in 2021 than in 2011.

The GAO report is a public version of one issued to the Navy and Congress in December that disclosed the number of reduced days underway on patrols. From 2011 to 2021 planned steaming hours “for these classes generally decreased; however, we removed specific details from the figure showing this general decrease because DoD deemed this information sensitive,” the GAO said. The Pentagon labeled the information “Controlled Unclassified Information” to prevent its disclosure.


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f53720 No.18273757


nice choice for bred theme

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382e04 No.18273758

File: cd88133ea038654⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,352.31 KB,960x1439,960:1439,71FA340F_7075_4B4D_BB05_7….jpeg)

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ead82e No.18273759

File: 4b699421b0acfda⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,576x324,16:9,Orbs_crazy_lady_Qd_and_nut….mp4)

File: 5bd875097c5b399⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB,480x270,16:9,Orbs_lot_of_Orbs_I_quit_12….mp4)

File: ecd8bfa5bddef24⋯.png (959.84 KB,1085x908,1085:908,Granny_shoots_Orbs_out_her….png)

File: 557f6fc1ce3d73a⋯.mp4 (7.35 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Video_of_Chinese_spy_satel….mp4)



>>18273603 lb

>Anon wonders if that's what the orb slide was really about.

Dat's interdasting. The spontaneous memes were guud but… interdasting anon, interdasting

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dca59f No.18273760

File: 4e94e5d1ed945e6⋯.png (785.07 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_02_02_21_01_2….png)

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31d97b No.18273761

File: 76515353fbfbb89⋯.png (354.16 KB,640x427,640:427,ClipboardImage.png)

California Tries to Blame Trump for $30 Billion in Unemployment Fraud

2 Feb 2023

The State of California is attempting to blame former President Donald Trump for the fact that fraudsters stole $30 billion in coronavirus relief payments from the state’s Employment Development Department (EDD). ~moar


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209984 No.18273762


Biden does nothing, therefore the chicoms can go ahead and emp north America. Then,maybe the normies wake up to Biden and his admin?

Crappy scenario, but what's been good for them so far?

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010d58 No.18273763

File: 4848d246261f89c⋯.jpg (86.24 KB,577x433,577:433,NinaJanko.jpg)

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8bfa70 No.18273764


a guud one too

have you thought of swirling orange in your hair, couldn't help notice it lookin a little flat lately

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35311f No.18273765

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382e04 No.18273766

File: f210190dc2d69ea⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,57.09 KB,800x533,800:533,428C9476_2357_408C_B6F0_5….jpeg)

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3e5854 No.18273767

File: f423a414476e0ef⋯.png (194.88 KB,519x303,173:101,nightshift.png)

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f07a30 No.18273768

File: 60c17a41680ce3f⋯.gif (966.07 KB,500x579,500:579,skeptical_sighing.gif)


Justice didn't miss a beat for Marjie, did they?

I'm so glad she didn't have to wait 25 years.

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9f530b No.18273769

Everything is a movie…except egg prices, vaccine mandates, and a penis found at a gas station. Carry on.

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ead82e No.18273770



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78b50f No.18273771


I stubbed my toe today. Trumps fault.

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7343dd No.18273772

File: c47e828006bb3fb⋯.mp4 (343.62 KB,720x406,360:203,BIDEN_More_than_half_the_w….mp4)

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2fb39d No.18273773

File: 374310950f08454⋯.png (148.63 KB,405x352,405:352,Popcorndelivires.png)

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35311f No.18273774


Boobs Lives Matter.

The real truth

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382e04 No.18273775

File: 32e423e64183510⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,58.99 KB,800x533,800:533,76656773_F8E0_461B_AF24_0….jpeg)

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f74a75 No.18273776


Would be a shame if that balloon were to be flying BEHIND a space station or satellite.

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47bd55 No.18273777

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mel K and Noor Bin Laden

Really good talk. History, how close we are to the precipice, those responsible.

Worth your time and send to normies.

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f07a30 No.18273778

File: 13c7617ef07da2f⋯.png (111.3 KB,250x250,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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799732 No.18273779

File: a00279ca94ebb73⋯.jpg (82.41 KB,776x419,776:419,NIGHTSHIFT_2.jpg)

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35311f No.18273780



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ed1b62 No.18273781

File: 60c90d1b71c37ba⋯.jpg (24.14 KB,474x266,237:133,Biden_boot.jpg)


I'm thinking Biden has already been tried and executed and he got a firing squad. POTUS keeps saying He's shot…clearly comms and the only one I can come up with is the No Name scenario.

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782075 No.18273782

File: ca7526d9ffd435d⋯.jpg (47.72 KB,620x465,4:3,ca7526d9ffd435d134ead04b8d….jpg)

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8dfee2 No.18273784

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This one was good too! Kari, Bannon and Gorka. I learned a lot about her

Seb Gorka: Why Kari Lake Is A Threat To The Establishment


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c9c9f4 No.18273785

File: 46fb51ed51212eb⋯.png (418.74 KB,622x555,622:555,bless.PNG)

File: aca5664b516e514⋯.png (423.27 KB,604x566,302:283,12.PNG)

File: 545a1000e27e2b6⋯.jpg (65.8 KB,598x598,1:1,pv_meme_pepe.JPG)





Project Veritas


God Bless the First Amendment



Project Veritas

12:30 PM · Feb 2, 2023


Project Veritas


God Bless the First Amendment



Project Veritas

12:30 PM · Feb 2, 2023

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382e04 No.18273786

File: b4e6710b438a35e⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,133.57 KB,828x1792,207:448,7B405CA8_84E6_4DA6_B26F_0….jpeg)

New unicorn caught in border war

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adea6b No.18273787

File: 3fabe8d5af69eb7⋯.png (55.69 KB,254x144,127:72,99E46474_6FD5_4FB3_B524_85….png)

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f12e2a No.18273788

File: b98e368c74f8b46⋯.png (1.57 MB,952x1384,119:173,ClipboardImage.png)

@PapiTrumpo keeps tweeting "Nothing can stop what's coming", everytime using "what's" instead of "what is"



timestamp CEST

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382e04 No.18273789

File: e62da304d95cbde⋯.jpeg (48 KB,550x351,550:351,5207192E_9394_4915_AF4E_4….jpeg)

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392143 No.18273790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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010d58 No.18273791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f07a30 No.18273792

File: d24db59e3ac3dd8⋯.png (212.13 KB,748x598,374:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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2285fb No.18273793


said cartoons last bread…

see Porky Pig in this performance!

ibity ibity ibity That's All, Folks!

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65ac33 No.18273795

File: 79a2a215d2f4c09⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,1082x720,541:360,POTUS_won_pepe_balloon.mp4)

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266e40 No.18273796


Blast from the past.

Who let you out of halfchan?

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7a5ce8 No.18273797

File: 54556d7e707eb2e⋯.png (1.04 MB,2050x2500,41:50,ClipboardImage.png)


true i need me one of these but i mostly shop at thrift stores so gotta wait for one to show up

i'll check up on you next bread

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382e04 No.18273798


Puffy orange bleached anus still wants nostalgia

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d755f5 No.18273799



And what this account posts is relevant because why?

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c9c9f4 No.18273800

File: 04bce45677406e5⋯.png (403.58 KB,601x500,601:500,mill.PNG)



Project Veritas


Almost 2,000,000 views! #Pfertility


Project Veritas

2:41 PM · Feb 2, 2023



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f53720 No.18273801


This America no longer exists.

I suggest plan B

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7d0bd1 No.18273802

File: 560d56f07a5dbd3⋯.jpg (78.48 KB,511x514,511:514,Screenshot_2023_02_02_1957….jpg)

File: 4e361b42d3926b4⋯.jpg (91.94 KB,1024x1280,4:5,Screenshot_2023_02_02_2001….jpg)

File: da3d0f7ce03dbf7⋯.jpg (146.85 KB,1280x1280,1:1,FoAbbmrXwAAnel_.jpg)

Spotted in the wild.

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8bfe36 No.18273803

File: f5de435f5622395⋯.jpg (49.23 KB,1000x600,5:3,Screenshot_2021_10_19_at_2….jpg)

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b0e28f No.18273804

File: de0ce3a8c62c1a8⋯.png (153.55 KB,413x266,59:38,de0ce3a8c62c1a849c1b0169de….png)

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65ac33 No.18273805

File: 9e190fe34767ce0⋯.png (683.29 KB,516x684,43:57,ClipboardImage.png)

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553b32 No.18273806

"Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of a corrupt Central American cardinal and close ally.

"On Thursday, the Vatican announced that Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Honduran Cdl. Óscar Maradiaga. The prelate was the archbishop of Tegucigalpa in central Honduras. He was also the leader of the pope's Council of Cardinal Advisers and has been known popularly as the 'vice pope.'"

The timing of this is interesting. Maradiaga was required by church law to submit his resignation when he turned 75, five years ago. But when he did so, Pope Francis didn't accept it, and left him in place. Now, when Maradiaga is 80, Pope Francis accepts his resignation…


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46b529 No.18273807

File: 11ac666d7a164b5⋯.jpg (20.49 KB,255x255,1:1,11ac666d7a164b50220ebe890a….jpg)



Feels good anons.

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501bb0 No.18273808

File: 576de2b86beb60d⋯.jpg (87.02 KB,500x715,100:143,6rf4yt.jpg)

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d755f5 No.18273809

File: d1d1dfe76f0f213⋯.jpg (335.04 KB,1025x924,1025:924,world_no_exists.jpg)

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382e04 No.18273810

File: 4115d458dc4cdf6⋯.jpeg (83.72 KB,1080x1024,135:128,83C307B2_FB39_451B_8063_D….jpeg)

File: 2dc3a3afe57b9ec⋯.jpeg (127.9 KB,640x854,320:427,64CE9863_1E9F_44ED_ABD5_2….jpeg)

Obama hermaphrodite votes in batjoto election fraud

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b57fcb No.18273811

File: e3bfcb93786a885⋯.png (615.79 KB,978x1296,163:216,i_see_you_have_a_penis.png)

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e7c902 No.18273812


Always a Kek

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382e04 No.18273813


Anus wants Loyd’s gas chamber suicide colon cancer feels fill

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f12e2a No.18273814


checked. check it out for yourself. and stop acting like everything posted on the board is "relevant".

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c9c9f4 No.18273815

File: ce5b1e37e4c3591⋯.png (47.6 KB,577x280,577:280,job.PNG)



Donald J. Trump




I totally disagree with the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, in that the Police Officer “Thug,”

who has had a very checkered past to begin with, was not just “doing his job” when he shot and killed Great Patriot Ashli Babbitt at point blank range. Despite trying to keep him anonymous, shielded, and protected, this MISFIT proudly showed up on NBC Fake Nightly News “bragging” about the killing. He was not a hero but a COWARD, who wanted to show how tough he was. ASHLI BABBITT WAS MURDERED!!!

Feb 02, 2023, 2:52 PM

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47bd55 No.18273816


It’s not China we should fear, it is United Nation Cult. WEF, City of London, Vatican. They rule China, China is a puppet, like US is a puppet. Why is US world policeman? Cause they have captured both.

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2fb39d No.18273817

Cant believe ppl waste so such time downloading images of such nasty looking bitches to post on here. At least you are kind enough to not see them unless clicked on, but still. Find something better with your time. Go catch a chicken to fuck or something. You probably don't eat eggs, but at least you can sell them for money to buy your nut milk faggtot!

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35ce20 No.18273818

File: c2e408dd6a013a5⋯.png (174.52 KB,598x604,299:302,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4a4599702c5537⋯.png (113.46 KB,598x422,299:211,ClipboardImage.png)



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382e04 No.18273819

File: 1ce5ca6a1dc7509⋯.jpeg (409.03 KB,938x1250,469:625,3D7EBC36_3B20_4535_9585_2….jpeg)

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7d0bd1 No.18273820

File: 9554f14f51c3d4b⋯.png (2.22 MB,1600x1150,32:23,Good_Fellas_Hilarious.png)


Just been here "that" long, kek.

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ff863e No.18273821

File: 5c53961274be23d⋯.png (370.61 KB,1492x2918,746:1459,100.png)

File: 6bc80df5acc8ac2⋯.png (352.49 KB,676x376,169:94,Gramps_CLICK_NEW_LINK_BELO….png)

Tucker's Emotional Support Skunks segment seemed conspicuous in mentioning one's name as "Princess Diana" after the person, the other skunk being "Nugget."

7 drops include "DIANA" but 6 are in the form of Mike Pence's state. Q100, Line 4.

Something stinks here.

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e1fcb2 No.18273822

File: 8c8522561acc0ad⋯.jpg (70.82 KB,1082x695,1082:695,318372325_2329773330524419….jpg)

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35311f No.18273823


The Waiting Is The Hardest Part

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beff3d No.18273824

File: 5daffc0bb8bc37f⋯.jpg (33.43 KB,698x291,698:291,ZUUP.JPG)

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ed7a1d No.18273825

File: fe6382cfc6ed271⋯.png (467.15 KB,600x338,300:169,Night_Shift.png)

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e1fcb2 No.18273826

File: 158471a4cc2484d⋯.jpg (7.87 KB,460x262,230:131,ceiling_cheems.jpg)


>Cant believe ppl waste so such time downloading images of such nasty looking bitches to post on here

That makes two of us

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47bd55 No.18273827


I love this man.

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3838cd No.18273828

this could be a big’n boom.

is m waters going down? pause this at 1:10, full screen it and you tell me.

that traitor’s got legal counsel w/ her.

‘I Am Not A Socialist’: Maxine Waters Spars With Chip Roy During Rules Committee Hearing


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35311f No.18273829


The Waiting Is The Hardest Part. 2 more weeks.

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cdd90e No.18273830

File: a28eec1f3e5ae8f⋯.png (392.89 KB,452x416,113:104,ClipboardImage.png)

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ead82e No.18273831



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7d0bd1 No.18273832


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ed7a1d No.18273833

File: d831200611f7d1c⋯.png (310.63 KB,487x360,487:360,MAGA_CRUISING.png)

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266e40 No.18273834



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f74a75 No.18273835


How many people that have passed away under strange circumstances could possibly reappear and unite the world?

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382e04 No.18273836


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6eacf5 No.18273837


Then move along. 49k do.

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35311f No.18273838



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4bdbaa No.18273839


S.K.Y was a Chinese project boy group formed through Youku's survival show, We Are Young. They were officially formed on August 28th, 2020. They are made up of 7 members: Li Xikan, Zuo Linjie, Hu Wenxuan. Guo Zhen, Zuo Ye, Zheng Renyu and Lin Mo. They debuted on September 20 with the single 'Burn'.


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beff3d No.18273840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9111fd No.18273841

File: 35decf261ae93a5⋯.png (1003.28 KB,988x1242,494:621,1675386555149815.png)

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782075 No.18273842

File: 6736dce3d1e8b90⋯.webp (23.14 KB,408x398,204:199,6736dce3d1e8b90fe5b23dff9….webp)

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31d97b No.18273843

File: b1cb8f44582835f⋯.png (66.93 KB,596x309,596:309,ClipboardImage.png)

@realDonaldTrump· 19m

I totally disagree with the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, in that the Police Officer “Thug,”

who has had a very checkered past to begin with, was not just “doing his job” when he shot and killed Great Patriot Ashli Babbitt at point blank range. Despite trying to keep him anonymous, shielded, and protected, this MISFIT proudly showed up on NBC Fake Nightly News “bragging” about the killing. He was not a hero but a COWARD, who wanted to show how tough he was. ASHLI BABBITT WAS MURDERED!!!


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35311f No.18273844

My birthday is coming up this month. I don’t want much. Just some fresh Pepe birthday memes. You have 21 days to prepare.

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f07a30 No.18273845


I see that you don't have a penis and biologically speaking, you should. 1000 filters

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8bfe36 No.18273846

File: 31b2f1a3101486a⋯.jpg (55.42 KB,600x280,15:7,14michelle_600.jpg)

File: 050887c0bdbc210⋯.jpg (25.36 KB,620x429,620:429,21414381_standard.jpg)


cough cough

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266e40 No.18273847


I was speaking to Moonman. 8^P

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4ea515 No.18273848

File: b8e49a9db19b934⋯.jpg (111.83 KB,960x720,4:3,ZomboMeme_01012023154749.jpg)

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ff863e No.18273849

File: 2600640431e36c0⋯.png (88.14 KB,724x362,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcf017c2bb097be⋯.png (19.12 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



Your case is a bit more serious than I was thinking.

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382e04 No.18273850

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46b529 No.18273851

File: 0b4fbe6d1f062f9⋯.jpg (14.01 KB,234x255,78:85,0b4fbe6d1f062f9d8eef68bdd4….jpg)


Dasting muh orb lady sent in to tell in real time.

Kek's in missed that one me guess.

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fc1e9d No.18273852

File: a2e036f7426e1fe⋯.jpg (159.3 KB,879x557,879:557,headphones.jpg)

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65ac33 No.18273853

File: 6a49addc450cd08⋯.png (151.63 KB,366x391,366:391,ClipboardImage.png)


not from him there isn't

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cdd90e No.18273854

File: 17f4d0939cf1612⋯.png (760.95 KB,750x484,375:242,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm surprised it's not Putin's fault

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d755f5 No.18273855


Anon made the rhetorical comment because there was a huge push once upon a time to try and say that this a a legitimate Trump alter account.

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db2fa3 No.18273856

any ofyou little niggers ever look into pinecones? seen hundreds of breads never one bread about the mysteries of pine cones

place makes me sick get it together

i bring knowledge and all you do is fuck around like a bunch of idiots get to work

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7d0bd1 No.18273857

File: 4ff8526d380b9ef⋯.jpg (91.45 KB,843x379,843:379,Screenshot_2023_02_02_2014….jpg)

In Your Face: Xi Sends Giant Spy Balloon Over US Days Before Blinken Trip to Beijing


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f07a30 No.18273858


I'm not budging bitch.

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7f0766 No.18273859


What is plan B? What I have noticed is regular people doing things I thought the government was supposed to: 1. Earthquake warnings-dutchsinse 2. Earth catastrophe cycle: Suspicious Observers 3. Impending economic collapse: Various 4. BOTG-Southern Prepper (and others) 5. True health information: Dr. Mercola, The HighWire, The Health Ranger, many others

So you see now I am wondering: Which regular person could take on this balloon? I'm thinking if someone tried the military (what's left of it) would take THEM down.

So now we have the Bidenistas just looking at the balloon and what, eating ice cream?

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65ac33 No.18273860

File: af28ebc3d0c0fde⋯.png (671.98 KB,548x693,548:693,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f3b15 No.18273861

Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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d755f5 No.18273862


> pine cones

Then lazy little bot bot has not searched the archives. Silly little bot bot.

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e7c478 No.18273863

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here is the entire phone conversation between Whitney Webb and Maria Farmer, a victim of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell who had reported both to the FBI in 1996 for child pornography, sex trafficking and sexual assault. Farmer, who has been interviewed by mainstream media outlets including The New York Times and CBS News, had reached out to Whitney because Maria felt that other outlets would not publish much of the information she had given them on the case, particularly information related to Ohio billionaire Leslie Wexner, who had close ties to Jeffrey Epstein and his sex trafficking/ blackmail operation. During the call, Maria covers a lot of ground and the call was never intended to be released as an interview, as Whitney gave Maria free range to discuss situations and topics without prompting from Whitney. In the first half of the call, Maria discusses her horrific experience at Wexner’s guest house, witnessing preparations for Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein to receive then-President Clinton on more than one occasion in 1995 and how Ivana Trump, President Trump’s ex-wife, frequently accompanied Ghislaine Maxwell when she went to recruit pre-teen girls for Epstein, among many other claims that can and have been corroborated by existing evidence and other interviews Whitney Webb has conducted in relation to the Epstein case. In addition, Maria provided Whitney with a copy of her drivers license with Wexner’s address, which she discusses in the phone call, and this will also be released in the coming days. One notable comment that Maria makes is regarding the man whom she calls the “holy grail” of the Epstein case, Epstein and Maxwell’s longtime chef, Andy Stewart. Maria refers to him as “Chef Andy” in the phone call. Andy Stewart died suddenly on April 7 as Maria’s lawyers were seeking to subpoena him for information on the case, and Maria and her lawyers were unaware of his untimely death until after her phone call with Whitney.


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78b50f No.18273864


>Which regular person could take on this balloon?

Elon musk starlink with laser beams!

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4ea515 No.18273865

File: 6a42df15202a410⋯.jpg (45.86 KB,441x538,441:538,ZomboMeme_29012023162821.jpg)

File: b2d4be83cfdaaac⋯.jpg (55.67 KB,269x539,269:539,ZomboMeme_02022023132651.jpg)

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7d0bd1 No.18273866

File: 10af6a0123846c2⋯.jpg (79.19 KB,1200x900,4:3,Wonka.jpg)


o7 "OlderthenmeAnon"

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989684 No.18273867

File: d3914542d5d4b95⋯.png (399.55 KB,598x619,598:619,Screenshot_2023_02_02_at_2….png)

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ed1b62 No.18273868

File: f9adac4a36de232⋯.jpg (180.41 KB,804x735,268:245,DJT_pwns_Newsome.jpg)

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5f3b15 No.18273869

Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Any anons know if this entire video made by US taxpayers surely is deep faked?

>US Threat Reduction biological facilities worldwide and in Ukraine, as Putin claims

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db2fa3 No.18273870


no one fucking talks to me like that

no one

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c3ec5c No.18273871


Where's those retarded clowns who called me a shill for calling McCarthy when I posted the traitors comments????

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010d58 No.18273872

File: ad64d5d0306690b⋯.jpg (65.11 KB,559x468,43:36,actionPFFFT.jpg)

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687520 No.18273873

File: 037330e2a144ef9⋯.png (476.83 KB,550x347,550:347,faggots1.png)

File: cca9a5d9982d112⋯.png (139.48 KB,596x596,1:1,faggots2.png)

File: 3603fc4e631cec7⋯.png (451.91 KB,854x433,854:433,faggots3.png)

File: f2e26e156557eb0⋯.png (685.59 KB,720x677,720:677,f2e26e156557eb0cbc266e7463….png)

File: 8156209366a0a95⋯.png (10.53 KB,516x233,516:233,8156209366a0a9574186a9da1e….png)


>it is United Nation Cult. WEF, City of London, Vatican

pretty much

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ed7a1d No.18273874


Lasers are a primary component for holographic projections

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dc5f9a No.18273876

File: 69bfae5fe3fae8d⋯.png (913.94 KB,777x947,777:947,q7h32jwr2.png)

File: 3d6fa3461dc3bc4⋯.png (914.65 KB,777x947,777:947,q7h32jwr.png)

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fc1e9d No.18273877

File: bdb4812e7430b14⋯.jpg (534.55 KB,1170x1452,195:242,yeezyanthraxtube.jpg)

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ead82e No.18273878

File: 3c746e1bb3eaa98⋯.mp4 (5.95 MB,854x480,427:240,CATS_The_Butthole_Cut.mp4)




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266e40 No.18273879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ed7a1d No.18273880

File: 92fbabf9bc7b641⋯.png (1.85 MB,1440x750,48:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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f53720 No.18273881


>What is plan B?

Doing things for ourselves that an honest government used to do for as our representatives. Of , by and for is no more.

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65ac33 No.18273882

File: 726233b6e0c7fbf⋯.png (777.84 KB,806x469,806:469,ClipboardImage.png)


the best part of all that was Brown hiding behind his Secretary or whoever she was

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78b50f No.18273883


Ok fine. Death ray?

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46b529 No.18273884

File: 5d7c8c70066182f⋯.png (58.33 KB,568x261,568:261,ClipboardImage.png)

20:52 ET


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010d58 No.18273885

File: 238a45a460a8b34⋯.png (360.2 KB,720x484,180:121,238a45a460a8b34cb2fb178e96….png)

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7f0766 No.18273886


>Elon musk starlink with laser beams!

I like this. He's a government contractor though, isn't he?

Industrial lasers are everywhere, though.

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b7db33 No.18273887


Ok. You win. Is that a real movie tho? Looks kinda good. Right?

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ed7a1d No.18273888

File: 45b51bf90884c8c⋯.png (1.03 MB,1012x675,1012:675,ClipboardImage.png)


Oh Yah!

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c3ec5c No.18273889

File: df3f6d658d0dac3⋯.png (108.42 KB,500x220,25:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b056ebdb10f89b5⋯.png (310.16 KB,853x907,853:907,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6af9352e1550d69⋯.png (91.59 KB,866x710,433:355,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2a2db7d75b75c2⋯.png (259.19 KB,881x845,881:845,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5661d5c20724160⋯.png (118.07 KB,885x895,177:179,ClipboardImage.png)

Inside The Secret Government Meeting On COVID-19 Natural Immunity

Four of the highest ranking U.S. health officials—including Dr. Anthony Fauci—met in secret to discuss whether or not naturally immune people should be exempt from getting COVID-19 vaccines, The Epoch Times can reveal.

The officials brought in four outside experts to discuss whether the protection gained after recovering from COVID-19—known as natural immunity—should count as one or more vaccine doses.

“There was interest in several people in the administration in hearing basically the opinions of four immunologists in terms of what we thought about … natural infection as contributing to protection against moderate to severe disease, and to what extent that should influence dosing,” Dr. Paul Offit, one of the experts, told The Epoch Times.

Offit and another expert took the position that the naturally immune need fewer doses. The other two experts argued natural immunity shouldn’t count as anything.

The discussion did not lead to a change in U.S. vaccination policy, which has never acknowledged post-infection protection. Fauci and the other U.S. officials who heard from the experts have repeatedly downplayed that protection, claiming that it is inferior to vaccine-bestowed immunity. Most studies on the subject indicate the opposite.

The meeting, held in October 2021, was briefly discussed before on a podcast. The Epoch Times has independently confirmed the meeting took place, identified all of the participants, and uncovered other key details.

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University who did not participate in the meeting, criticized how such a consequential discussion took place behind closed doors with only a few people present.

“It was a really impactful decision that they made in private with a very small number of people involved. And they reached the wrong decision,” Bhattacharya told The Epoch Times.


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7d0bd1 No.18273890

File: 99a13ae9787ca91⋯.jpg (532.67 KB,2160x2700,4:5,Red_Pill_of_the_day.jpg)

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8bf177 No.18273891

File: 7573dc538bdf38e⋯.png (5.81 MB,1536x2048,3:4,nightshiftkeanu2.png)

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f64405 No.18273892

is MUH china spy baloon not a act of war on american soil esepcially for days??

this isnt a "mistake"

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b9ef02 No.18273893


A new Boston album coming?

Cool! Drop a few samples anon.

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df422d No.18273894


Well ain’t that some shit. I wondered if he was going to say anything to that.

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7f0766 No.18273895


>Doing things for ourselves that an honest government used to do for as our representatives

Plan B is US. We are the government…as we should have realized we always have been.

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d755f5 No.18273896

File: fab1fd84af6bd16⋯.png (Spoiler Image,137.13 KB,498x364,249:182,how_does_one_get_to_this_l….png)

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5f3b15 No.18273897

File: 99b3cc0924146d9⋯.png (360.08 KB,3000x2000,3:2,ashli1.png)

File: ec7df9f3874df50⋯.png (62.63 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ashli6.png)

File: 3abcd3c49f1d819⋯.png (411.12 KB,5000x3000,5:3,ashli_babbit1.png)

File: 3abcd3c49f1d819⋯.png (411.12 KB,5000x3000,5:3,ashli_babbit3.png)

File: 3f0104898cb0e66⋯.jpg (100.28 KB,1250x750,5:3,ashli_Babbit_flag.jpg)

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8bfe36 No.18273898

File: 0a4fddad2baa544⋯.jpg (762.31 KB,1200x801,400:267,Sebastian_Gorka_1_.jpg)

File: 1097225c8d5e333⋯.jpg (81.25 KB,800x800,1:1,large_b9f48355_52cf_412a_8….JPG)

File: c106e5f80630dd2⋯.jpg (21.45 KB,474x266,237:133,th_977712662.jpg)


Who is worth it?

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b7db33 No.18273899


Bigger red pill = nobody actually gives a fuck

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ed7a1d No.18273900


It's more, more, and more than a feeling

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4ea515 No.18273901

File: 80c3dff7b53eb0e⋯.jpg (489.81 KB,1079x1016,1079:1016,Screenshot_20210312_141220….jpg)

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b7db33 No.18273902


Pretty pretty! 👍

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36efd1 No.18273903


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f53720 No.18273904


Ok good idea.

What will be the guidance system.

If the spy balloon is transmitting data.. A receiver could be used to guide the missile.

Proof of your theory : Launched from Black Rock Desert in Nevada on September 30 in an attempt to win John Carmack's 100kft Micro Prize, Derek Deville's home-built Qu8k rocket reached an altitude of 121,000 feet (36.8 km) after 92 seconds flight… and captured some excellent video footage along the way.

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f12e2a No.18273905


Well to be honest I don't know if it contains anything serious like comms or actual Trump statements. It does have some nice memes and sometimes I just post stuff because some anons have different pattern noticing capabilities or ideas or know more than me. I noticed it (what I posted) was a theme in 4, 5 tweets so I thought there could be more to it. One of the posts was on the day of the drone attack in Iran [I]. Maybe it's not used by DJT himself but I for one am convinced it's operated by some of his staff so it *might* be worth a look from time to time.

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fc1e9d No.18273906

File: 89dc79479b1a42e⋯.gif (5.81 MB,320x400,4:5,ColumbiaSelfDefense.gif)

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501bb0 No.18273907

File: e9171e656f1e970⋯.jpg (92.67 KB,500x715,100:143,57u4hk.jpg)

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36efd1 No.18273908



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7f0766 No.18273909


>Offit and another expert took the position that the naturally immune need fewer doses. The other two experts argued natural immunity shouldn’t count as anything.

How could they be this stupid, unless they are: 1. Completely ignorant after decades of doing things for political and financial reasons not science and/or 2. They wanted people to be harmed.

If you've had a disease you don't need to get vaccinated against it!

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b7db33 No.18273910

I’m going to bed soon. Someone tell me something funny.

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59c372 No.18273911

Biden wants the Military on Readiness for when he gives the word

& The word is Ukraine

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feb2d4 No.18273912

File: 7aede0eca0a6330⋯.jpeg (156.54 KB,900x500,9:5,CA8273D4_43C2_47D2_9167_3….jpeg)

Trump National Security Council Official Received Report on Multiple Shooters And ANTIFA And ISIS Involvement In Las Vegas Shooting

Bombshell evidence prepared for a recently-deceased Trump National Security Council (NSC) official explicitly reports on multiple shooters carrying out the Las Vegas terrorist shooting of October 1, 2017. The report states that Stephen Paddock did not actually commit suicide but was executed by others, pointing to Antifa and ISIS involvement and FBI foreknowledge of the attack. The report also provides evidence that an ANTIFA group claimed responsibility for the shooting with the message: “One of our comrades from our Las Vegas branch has made these fascist Trump supporting dogs pay.”


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5f3b15 No.18273913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4ea515 No.18273914

File: 95374d00a135fb2⋯.jpg (32.54 KB,668x374,334:187,IMG_20191011_200818.jpg)

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de44f1 No.18273915


im going to bed now

something funny

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b9ef02 No.18273916

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46b529 No.18273918

File: ae7d80720b8b169⋯.png (382.02 KB,418x551,22:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ea515 No.18273919

File: 76ac76397b59977⋯.jpg (87.1 KB,666x799,666:799,ZomboMeme_28082022171256.jpg)

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ead82e No.18273920

File: 519d7f1f33df28f⋯.png (317.62 KB,500x458,250:229,519d7f1f33df28fb530c7c03a7….png)


Dunno but yeah, kinda does


Anon went from serious videos to catbuttholes..

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f76e95 No.18273921

File: 51bb9adb8462cc3⋯.png (433.47 KB,877x582,877:582,ClipboardImage.png)


Now do the Vaxx !

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b7db33 No.18273922


He isn’t going to gas them is he?

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266e40 No.18273923


America held hostage?

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ed7a1d No.18273924

File: 527d49b2d1ff270⋯.png (403.55 KB,700x471,700:471,Another_body_Count.png)

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7f0766 No.18273925

File: 1c555c05c32707d⋯.png (35.09 KB,672x227,672:227,Screen_Shot_2023_02_02_at_….png)


>Offit and another expert took the position that the naturally immune need fewer doses

Look at the name: "Off-it"


Please not the date and time of the article's posting.

Funny how a "crusade" that ended with the compulsory vaccination of children in a Christian community was okay.

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b7db33 No.18273926



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e7c902 No.18273927

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e7c478 No.18273928



8 PARTS TO THIS ARTICLE copied. http://archive.is/LaRhi

I am going to post the whole article, it is extremely long so will continue adding other parts to the comments on this post. Massive explosive information into a unofficial C.I.A company working outside government and operated by ex intelligence staff from around the world. uk, Israel and others.


Part 1 - KROLL AND CO.

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Portrait of a patsy - the man who killed the family of Justice Esther Salas

I have been waiting patiently all day for this article

Alleged Salas Family Assailant Previously Worked for US/Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm

The alleged gunmen who killed the son of Esther Salas, the judge recently assigned to the Epstein-Deutsche Bank case, worked for a company of corporate spies and mercenaries with ties to intelligence and also to Deutsche Bank.


Unlimited Hangout,

21 July, 2020

The news of the shooting of the husband and son of Esther Salas, the judge recently assigned to oversee the Jeffrey Epstein – Deutsche Bank case, caused shock and confusion while also bringing renewed scrutiny to the Epstein scandal just a week after Epstein’s main co-conspirator, Ghislaine Maxwell, was denied bail in a separate case.

The case Salas is set to oversee is a class action lawsuit brought by Deutsche Bank investors who allege that Deutsche Bank “failed to properly monitor customers that the Bank itself deemed to be high risk, including, among others, the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.” The case came after the New York state Department of Financial Services had settled with Deutsche Bank over the bank’s failure to cut ties with Epstein-linked accounts, resulting in Deutsche Bank paying a $150 million fine. Deutsche Bank, unlike other financial institutions, failed to close all of its accounts linked to Epstein until less than a month prior to his arrest last year, even though the bank had identified him as “high risk” years before.

Beyond the tragedy of Sunday’s shooting, which claimed the life of Salas’ only child, the quick discovery of the death of the main suspect, Roy Den Hollander, of a “self-inflicted” gunshot to the head before he could be arrested or questioned by authorities has led to speculation that there is more to the official narrative of the crime than meets the eye.


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e7c902 No.18273929

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f64405 No.18273930


or completely neutralized?

take your pick..

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f53720 No.18273931


you assume our reps honor that system

they do not

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e7c478 No.18273932

With law enforcement sources now claiming that Esther Salas was not the intended target of the attack and some media reports now suggesting that Den Hollander’s motive was related to his dislike of feminism, it appears there are efforts underway to distance Sunday’s tragic shooting from Salas’ recent assignment to the Epstein case, which occurred just four days before the tragic shooting.

The most likely reason for any such “damage control” effort lies in the fact that both U.S. law enforcement investigations and mainstream media reports have consistently downplayed the connections of Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual trafficking and financial crimes to intelligence agencies in the U.S. and Israel. Similarly, Roy Den Hollander previously worked for a New York firm has been described as a “private CIA” with ties to those countries’ intelligence agencies and, also, ties to Deutsche Bank.

A Private CIA

According to his website, Den Hollander once worked for Kroll Associates Moscow Office, where he “managed and upgraded Kroll’s delivery of intelligence and security in the former Soviet Union” from 1999 to 2000. A few years prior, Kroll had won a considerable bid from the Russian government to locate money allegedly “spirited out of the country by the directors of state enterprises when they realized that privatization was inevitable.” The Kroll executives in charge of the Russian portfolio prior to Den Hollander were E. Norbett Garrett, a former CIA station chief in Cairo and Kuwait, and Joseph Rosetti, former chief of security for IBM. During that period and prior to his hiring at Kroll, Den Hollender worked as a lawyer in Russia regarding “legal and business issues, including international financing and marketing” and married a Russian woman he met during his time there that he subsequently claimed was part of the “Russian mafia.


Though it is mainly involved in corporate security and investigations, Kroll has also frequently investigated targets of Washington foreign policy, including Saddam Hussein, and was also the company tapped to “reorganize” Enron in 2002. Kroll Associates also has long been a subject of scrutiny for those that question the official narrative on the attacks of September 11, 2001, given that the company was put in charge of security for the World Trade Center complex from 1993 bombing up through the 2001 attacks and has no shortage of ties to companies and individuals that profited from the attacks. Kroll itself experienced a “surge in business” following the events of 9/11, a day when its top executives all avoided going to work despite ostensibly providing security for the complex.

A similar “surge in business” for Kroll followed the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq after the company’s investigations into Saddam Hussein’s and the Bath Party’s finances had been used as partial justification for the military incursion. Kroll became a major provider of mercenaries along with companies like Blackwater and DynCorp to the U.S. invasion and subsequent occupation through its subsidiary Kroll Security International. Its clients included the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which has long fronted for the CIA, and also provided mercenaries for the war in Afghanistan.

Kroll executives over the years have commented to the press on their reputation as a “private CIA” and have also noted the advantages of being a “private” as opposed to “public” intelligence agency. For instance, E. Norbett Garrett, the former CIA official turned Kroll executive, told The New Yorker in 2009 the following:

“Garrett explained the disparity between what Kroll could do and what the C.I.A. could in a place like Sudan. “They have to rely on public and covert sources,” he said. “But we can go straight to Salah Idris. He’s our client, after all. We can go straight to his friends. We can be manipulated, of course, shown incomplete information, and sometimes we have to walk away from a case if we don’t trust somebody. But we definitely have some advantages.”

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501bb0 No.18273933

File: ec7c9b5cf50a74d⋯.jpg (95.64 KB,500x715,100:143,79ryiv.jpg)

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b7db33 No.18273934



2 Jews in a pod

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e7c478 No.18273935


Kroll Associates and the Epstein Network

Aside from Kroll Associates’ own role as a private intelligence firm, it is also worth pointing out that Jules Kroll had an odd meeting with Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell’s father, shortly before his death, alleged by most Maxwell biographers and his family to have been a homicide. Roughly two weeks before his death, Kroll met with Maxwell at New York’s Helmsley Palace Hotel. According to a 1992 article in Vanity Fair, “Maxwell had ushered Kroll and two other men out onto the patio so that their conversation could not be overheard or bugged,” with Maxwell allegedly seeking to hire Kroll to uncover “people out to get him, to destroy his empire, to cripple him financially, and to destroy his life and business in any way they could.”

The article further notes that “the meeting broke up with Maxwell’s promising that he would send Kroll what he called “a memorandum of suspicions and unexplained events.” “Maxwell was working on this compendium,” said the [anonymous] participant [in the meeting], “when he met his death.” Kroll Associates was never formally hired.”

Much more recently Kroll came under scrutiny after being hired by disgraced media mogul Harvey Weinstein alongside the “private Mossad for hire” firm Black Cube. Weinstein had been instructed to hire Black Cube by Ehud Barak, the former Israeli military intelligence head and Israeli Prime Minister with close ties to Jeffrey Epstein and a frequent visitor of Epstein’s residences. Weinstein hired Kroll to harass and cyberstalk women who had accused him of sexual assault. Weinstein was a one-time business partner of Jeffrey Epstein’s and the testimony of Epstein victim Maria Farmer strongly implies that Ghislaine Maxwell and Epstein “shared” women, and potentially underage girls, with the film producer. The Daily Beast later reported that Epstein had used his ties to Weinstein to impress and recruit potential victims and at least one of those victims landed a role in a film produced by a Weinstein-owned company due to Epstein’s ties to Weinstein.

In addition, Kroll’s long-time executive Vice President for Operations, James Bucknam, was previously chief adviser to former FBI director Louis Freeh and is now CEO of the Freeh Group. Freeh has since become notorious for having been hired by Epstein associate, lawyer Alan Dershowitz, to “investigate” the Epstein scandal, and was also involved in the cover-up of the Penn State child molestation and abuse scandal. Freeh was also director of the FBI when the Bureau declined to investigate accusations regarding Leslie Wexner, Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein and their involvement in the sex trafficking of minors, first reported to the FBI in 1996 by Maria Farmer.>>17557630


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f77c3d No.18273936

File: 306d13bd203f977⋯.jpg (130.58 KB,720x1090,72:109,20230202_192643.jpg)

File: 0ea0f5e5f814c84⋯.mp4 (11.99 MB,320x568,40:71,R8rxEz_Mbj4wPzh8.mp4)


Joe Rogans dad going off on him , calling him out

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36efd1 No.18273937


TS electronics

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e7c478 No.18273938


Jeffrey Epstein’s Links to Deutsche Bank

Jeffrey Epstein’s ties to Deutsche Bank go back decades, and potentially earlier. After working for Bear Stearns earlier in his career and then as a so-called “financial bounty hunter” with ties to intelligence-linked arms dealers and Wall Street, Epstein set up a Ponzi scheme with Steve Hoffenberg called Tower Financial, which collapsed in 1993 and subsequently landed Hoffenberg 20 years in prison. Epstein’s name, despite being a clear co-conspiractor, was suspiciously dropped from the case during the trial. Hoffenberg subsequently alleged that Epstein used his ill-gotten gains from Tower Financial alongside a series of suspect loans from Deutsche Bank to create his investment company.

Hoffenberg subsequently told The Observer the following:

“His lead bank is Deutsche Bank, Germany, that runs the lead on his financial trust company. They run the platform in the trading of the currencies for Epstein and with Epstein. He’s never disclosed to the investors that provide the money to Deutsche Bank his true legacy, that’s securities fraud.”

Following that point, Epstein’s financial activities, aside from his Deutsche Bank-enabled investment vehicle, were publicly conducted through Bear Stearns (until its 2008 collapse) and J.P. Morgan. When J.P. Morgan dropped Epstein as a client, he again turned to Deutsche Bank in 2013, becoming a client of the bank’s private wealth division in New York. Anti-money laundering compliance officers at the bank’s branches in New York and Florida subsequently flaggedEpstein’s accounts in 2015, in 2016 and again in 2019, creating suspicious activity reports regarding the movements of large amounts of funds tied to Epstein-linked accounts outside of the U.S.

However, the bank did not fully terminate their relationship with Epstein until June 2019, just a few weeks prior to his arrest last year. Epstein was believed to have dozens of accounts with the bank at one point and those accounts were shut down slowly over a period of several months beginning in late 2018.

Ties that Bind

The narrative emerging that Den Hollander was motivated to kill Esther Salas’ husband and sons due to his hatred of feminism is a rapid attempt to explain away a story that clearly warrants further investigation, albeit into avenues that mainstream media and powerful individuals in the public and private sectors prefer remain untouched.


As the heinous act targeting the Salas family has shown, individuals with a lot to lose are willing to go to the farthest extremes to keep the ties of Epstein to the financial sector and to intelligence out of sight and out of mind. Indeed, just last December, Epstein’s personal banker at Deutsche Bank, Thomas Bowers, the chief of Deutsche Bank’s Private Wealth Management division in New York from 2012 to 2015, was found dead in his home. His death was quickly ruled a suicide by hanging. Bowers had also signed off on “unorthodox” loans, not just for Epstein, but Donald Trump, who has his own ties to the Epstein scandal.

Aside from Epstein’s use of the money, Deutsche Bank has been notorious for years as a cesspool of money launderingfor organized crime networks, paying $14.5 billion in fines in just seven years for official action taken against the bank by several governments. It is highly likely that the brutality of what happened outside the Salas family home on Sunday is more related to Deutsche Bank than Epstein, as numerous powerful individuals have ties to the embattled bank.

Even the recent move by Attorney General William Barr to remove SDNY District Attorney Geoffrey Berman from his post appears to be more related to Berman’s efforts to investigate Deutsche Bank than the Epstein scandal, as some have alleged. This is because Barr’s new pick for Berman’s old job counts Deutsche Bank among his former clients and notably defended the bank in a recent anti-money laundering probe, whereas Berman was investigating the bank (albeit for political reasons that took aim at the bank’s dealings with Trump).

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bf9591 No.18273939



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fc1e9d No.18273940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Information Warfare & The Theatre Of Covid - John B Wells LIVE

John B. Wells - Caravan to Midnight

140K subscribers





323 watching now Started streaming 28 minutes ago DALLAS

#CTM Tonight

Topic: Information Warfare & The Theatre Of Covid

Start: 8:30pm CST

• John Moore

Website: https://thelibertyman.com

Twitter: @jrliberty5

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thejohnmoore…


AM/FM Radio










iVlog TV










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75a6c5 No.18273941

File: 03c6efdea27ca0c⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,1920x1080,16:9,independenceDayHunter.jpg)

File: 36a59d4eb38adf4⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,1920x1080,16:9,independenceDay1.jpg)

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782075 No.18273942

File: d1c293e2162ba4d⋯.png (667.07 KB,846x571,846:571,ClipboardImage.png)

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36efd1 No.18273943


softstone inc

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f07a30 No.18273944

File: 44182fa22f753ba⋯.png (530.45 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Andrew Tate eats cocka roaches in his prison cell.

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b7db33 No.18273945


Jew Rogan

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e7c478 No.18273946


While Epstein’s egregious and criminal actions targeting minors have now become public knowledge, in role in facilitating white collar crime, money laundering and financial frauds on behalf of corporations, governments and oligarchs remains sorely under-covered, despite his role in such activities preceding and continuing after his involvement in an intelligence-linked sexual blackmail operation.

It arguably remains one of the key components of the Epstein scandal, yet the most poorly understood and most under-investigated. If anything, the tragic events at the Salas family home on Sunday, and what appears to be a rapid yet shoddy cover-up of the shooter’s ties to Kroll Associates and actual motives, reveal that Epstein’s financial ties are more frightening to certain powerful individuals and institutions than his trove of sexual blackmail.

Forget links to Epstein and Deutsche Bank. Forget the Mossad. This is the official narrative.


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266e40 No.18273947


How about I just call Xi collect and ask him what's up?

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d8ccfe No.18273948


>Now do the Vaxx !

Well, he is in on it and is proud of it so, that's not going to happen.

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ed7a1d No.18273949

File: fa51133c4fbff2f⋯.png (381.65 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Go ahead make my day

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d8bd61 No.18273950

File: a5b7f09207704db⋯.png (88.34 KB,768x857,768:857,ClipboardImage.png)

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36efd1 No.18273951










begin 644 p3.jpg

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46029a No.18273952

>>18260453 (LB)

Tues 31 JAN

Genetic Editing

The damage done to your genes from the injections is irreversible. Fuck around with your genes and immune system and find out. Myocarditis is irreversible. So are all the other problems they will have to face. They chose to ignore the facts and warnings. The rejected truth. They chose to be blind. They literally worshipped lies and liars. They attacked everyone who tried to help them. They made their choices. Choices have consequences and they have to face the reality of their responsibility in this mess.

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209984 No.18273953


China is currently flying a spy balloon over the US most sensitive sites, with a focus on the missile wing at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, where the US houses a large number of its intercontinental missiles.

While the Whitehouse/Pentagon/MSM mouthpiece is busy making excuses about its limited ability to obtain data and how shooting the balloon down in the middle of nowhere is somehow dangerous to non-existent civilians, the balloon's actual goal of creating High Definition maps of the underground silos using an advance EM/GPR/ Acoustic Light penetrative field (DAS) has already been completed.

Copypasta from


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f53720 No.18273954


assuming you got him to answer

why do you think he would be honest ?

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392143 No.18273955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e7c902 No.18273956

File: 2638c4b20d4ed93⋯.jpeg (256.56 KB,1440x1857,480:619,1543325130.jpeg)

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b7db33 No.18273957


Anjew taint?

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b9ef02 No.18273958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2d0d83 No.18273959

File: 92044cb6dbf4c7c⋯.png (1.18 MB,770x574,55:41,NIGHTSHIFTMATRIX.PNG)

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57d240 No.18273960


It's not a bed. It's a time machine.

It only goes about 8hrs into the future only tho.

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dc5f9a No.18273961


why is that one guy making a gun trigger motion with his hand over and over?

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52f20c No.18273962

File: 9e76d70694722e1⋯.png (199.47 KB,615x409,615:409,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a874656d2934154⋯.png (264.74 KB,504x630,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)


Nazi Tate is Nazi

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46029a No.18273963


If true. … Deep State knew.

A day or two ago they were all hollering to SELL EVERYTHING.

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799732 No.18273964

File: 1f052c3727cb0dc⋯.jpg (138.38 KB,660x570,22:19,6_MOAR.jpg)

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b7db33 No.18273965


Petty is The fucking best! He’s not wrong either.

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266e40 No.18273966





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dca3c1 No.18273967

File: 5fa0c20e20330e6⋯.jpeg (301.19 KB,750x774,125:129,20B373B3_BE6F_4D9D_84FA_0….jpeg)

>China invades American airspace

>America twiddles it’s thumbs

>China basically slapped its dick all over America’s face and said “you won’t do shit”

Did Brandon give the stand down order?


Was it Lord Zuckerberg?

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4ea515 No.18273968

File: 8fb12c017c828b2⋯.jpg (118.58 KB,1000x750,4:3,ZomboMeme_21052021225850.jpg)

File: 7c21134febc6dad⋯.jpg (85.07 KB,1000x564,250:141,ZomboMeme_21052021213556.jpg)

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ed7a1d No.18273969


Andrew Tator tots

there is a meme there

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35ce20 No.18273970

File: 36970dd39c60300⋯.png (537.35 KB,728x410,364:205,020223ns.png)


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31d97b No.18273971

File: 1de46dde068b7a8⋯.png (229.48 KB,593x623,593:623,ClipboardImage.png)

@WallStreetApes· 6m

Welp if you ever had any doubt what their intentions were, Volodymyr Zelenskyy just cleared that up


They want WW3. They NEED WW3.



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b7db33 No.18273972


Spicy. I’ll try it out.

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9ed4c7 No.18273973


detective cop

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d755f5 No.18273974


> I for one am convinced it's operated by some of his staff

And we are each entitled to our own beliefs. Carry on.

That being said, the longer this continues, the less beliefs anon has, however the realm of possibility always remains enormous and future will always prove past..

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cff04f No.18273975

File: 1432d3e297c384f⋯.jpg (276.69 KB,767x634,767:634,143.jpg)

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b7db33 No.18273976


Not see taint

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8bfa70 No.18273977

File: 391fbdbf09b7d98⋯.png (757.08 KB,733x482,733:482,NS15.png)

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ed1b62 No.18273978


They're all worms. I have absolutely no respect for any of them, as politicians, as men or women.

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bf9591 No.18273979

Interview with President Donald J. Trump From Mar-a-Lago

Click that shit


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010d58 No.18273980

File: fc382f49eba27c6⋯.jpg (82.05 KB,500x553,500:553,cropdestroyer4d4.jpg)

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46b529 No.18273981

File: 61079f288dee5b5⋯.png (301.96 KB,485x375,97:75,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f0766 No.18273982


>you assume our reps honor that system

>they do not

No, they don't. I think things have gotten to the point that if people just do the right, sensible thing, there isn't much the "selected" (not elected) folks can do about it.

Just consider the example of eating clean food. How long will it work to try to regulate garden seeds and such when the food supply is in question? People will save and share seeds and grow in unconventional ways. Districts doing this nonsense of "you can't save water in rain barrels", etc. will find it hard to police and people might just leave those cities.

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e7c902 No.18273983

File: 985b8b483cad799⋯.png (726.77 KB,1080x741,360:247,20210330_205050.png)

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6bb524 No.18273984

File: e902c82c185735a⋯.jpg (85.58 KB,1024x442,512:221,nt543.jpg)


ayy lmao

the real un-shopped ayy photo would get this place shut down in 5 seconds max

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f53720 No.18273985

Fuq the gun grabbers

Anna Paulina Luna:

"The same Democrats who are voting to send firearms to Ukraine are telling me I can’t carry one."


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266e40 No.18273986


>FBI foreknowledge

<FBI blessings

fixt it

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b7db33 No.18273987

Good night brothers. Tomorrow we shall goof off some more.

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392143 No.18273988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d755f5 No.18273989


>They NEED WW3.

You actually buy into this kabuki theatre?

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799732 No.18273990

File: 9819aa9233d9eba⋯.jpg (123.76 KB,803x525,803:525,GOOD_SERVICE.jpg)

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2b0171 No.18273991


Drama…….No father…..

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fe71c1 No.18273992

What's the real deal with the Chink Blimp? Clumsy, easily detectable. FF of some type?

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d8ccfe No.18273993


>Did Brandon give the stand down order?




>Was it Lord Zuckerberg?

Biden does not exist, Zuckerberg is a fake personality, much like the puppet stand in for Biden.

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ed7a1d No.18273994

File: 66a104e23cc25de⋯.png (220.37 KB,480x360,4:3,Combat_Meme.png)

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f6572e No.18273995

File: c723c6f50631b2b⋯.png (622.31 KB,985x615,197:123,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ca83fd2e44d3be⋯.png (146.77 KB,599x391,599:391,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA’s Joe Acaba to Serve as Agency’s Chief Astronaut

Feb 2, 2023

NASA has selected veteran astronaut Joe Acaba as chief of the Astronaut Office at the agency’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. A decorated veteran of multiple spaceflights, as well a former U.S. Marine and former educator, Acaba is the first person of Hispanic heritage selected to lead the office.

Acaba takes the place of NASA astronaut Drew Feustel, who spent two years as deputy chief and has been acting chief of the office since NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman left the post late last year.

“Congratulations to Joe Acaba on being named the new chief of the astronaut office! Joe is an experienced space flyer and a proven leader, and he will undoubtedly inspire the next generation of NASA astronauts. As we build on the International Space Station’s unparalleled success in low-Earth orbit with our eyes on the Moon and then Mars, Joe will play an integral role in ensuring our NASA astronauts are prepared for the challenges ahead,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “I also want to thank Reid Wiseman for his steady leadership, and to Drew Feustel for jumping in to continue the office’s long legacy of excellence and integrity.”

In his new role, Acaba will be responsible for managing astronaut resources and operations. He also will help develop astronaut flight crew operation concepts and make crew assignments for future spaceflight missions, including astronauts assigned to fly on Artemis missions.

“Our Johnson Space Center team congratulates Joe Acaba on his selection to chief of the Astronaut Office. We wish him well as he takes on this new and exciting leadership role,” said NASA Johnson Space Center Director Vanessa Wyche. “I extend my sincerest thanks to Reid Wiseman for his dedicated service to the Astronaut Office, as he completed the tremendous task of preparing our astronaut corps for daring missions to and from the International Space Station, and integrating their expertise and space knowledge to develop and test future technologies, software, and procedures, making space travel safer, reliable, comfortable, and attainable for our nation’s explorers. A special thank you to Drew Feustel for stepping in to lead our astronaut corps following Reid’s transition. I appreciate his willingness to step in and help prepare our nation’s astronauts to explore space for the benefit of humanity.”

A veteran of three spaceflights, Acaba was born in Inglewood, California. He earned a bachelor's degree in geology at University of California in Santa Barbara, one master’s degree in geology from the University of Arizona, and one in education, curriculum and instruction from Texas Tech University, Lubbock. Before his selection as an astronaut candidate in 2004, Acaba spent time in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves and the Peace Corps, worked as a hydrogeologist, and taught high school and middle school.

“Joe is an excellent leader who brings a wealth of experience to the Astronaut Office,” said NASA’s Director of Flight Operations Norm Knight, who made the selection. “Knowing the significance of this position and the integrity of those who have previously served, I am confident Joe will be an outstanding chief for the Astronaut Office who will successfully lead our astronauts through an exciting future.”

Acaba spent 306 days in space, serving as mission specialist on space shuttle Discovery’s STS-119 mission and as flight engineer aboard the International Space Station for Expeditions 31 and 32 in 2012, as well as Expeditions 53 and 54 in 2017-2018. During that time, he took part in three spacewalks building and upgrading the space station, supported the arrival of the first commercial resupply spacecraft, SpaceX's Dragon, in May 2012. He was aboard the station when its standard crew complement increased from three to six, enabling NASA and its international partners to double the amount time dedicated to research. Since returning to Earth, he has supported the astronaut office in a number of roles, including director of operations in Russia, and chief of the Vehicle Integration Test Office.

Wiseman served as chief astronaut for two years before stepping down Nov. 14, 2022, to return to the pool of astronauts eligible for flight assignments. Feustel will continue to support the Astronaut Office.



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799732 No.18273996

File: e6445671f99f4c0⋯.jpg (224.86 KB,731x525,731:525,KEEP_EM_RUNNING.jpg)

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46b529 No.18273997

File: cbe13fe85734ec7⋯.png (987.71 KB,1300x695,260:139,cbe13fe85734ec7506c59edef6….png)


Noice dubs

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36efd1 No.18273998



















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d8ccfe No.18273999



NATO should be nuked.

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d8bd61 No.18274000


joe the actor?

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ed7a1d No.18274001

No one dies ever

it's all a dream

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beff3d No.18274002

File: 506e9b1a87df5b5⋯.jpg (90.18 KB,600x449,600:449,Phil5_o7.jpg)

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9c58b2 No.18274003

File: 25454a84bb5ace2⋯.jpg (585.82 KB,1200x1216,75:76,Jill_n_Joe.jpg)

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010d58 No.18274004

File: d15ec4db651cba4⋯.jpg (11.75 KB,255x178,255:178,yw44.jpg)

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6bb524 No.18274005

File: f37c9766b453d31⋯.jpg (97.85 KB,846x500,423:250,4242252.jpg)


namefagging porker take note

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392143 No.18274006


We'll, that's you perception.

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fb0872 No.18274007

File: 0eeafcd24ef1136⋯.png (574.78 KB,425x616,425:616,ashli_babbitt.PNG)

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3e5854 No.18274008

File: 1306798105f21b2⋯.png (1008.81 KB,842x884,421:442,fang_fang_swallowell.png)

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ed7a1d No.18274009

File: 076a429591b4a66⋯.jpg (113.98 KB,780x484,195:121,DrPige_Card_ValentinesDay.jpg)

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799732 No.18274010

File: 967f7b8ea528681⋯.jpg (92.26 KB,586x276,293:138,BE_HAPPY_AMERICA.jpg)

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6bb524 No.18274011

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010d58 No.18274012

File: e02e82840f834d0⋯.jpg (11.41 KB,250x250,1:1,tots4.jpg)

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7f0766 No.18274013


>the balloon's actual goal of creating High Definition maps of the underground silos using an advance EM/GPR/ Acoustic Light penetrative field (DAS) has already been completed.

If this is true then the regime just basically gave them the information?

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ed7a1d No.18274014

File: 922a849b2ba4fb9⋯.png (574.44 KB,800x534,400:267,Winning_With_Mr_Pig.png)

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501bb0 No.18274015

File: 7e9d1e172a8d472⋯.jpg (86.89 KB,500x715,100:143,5psiw7.jpg)

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e1fcb2 No.18274016

File: 44aadaf3c8bb2e2⋯.jpg (38.15 KB,635x640,127:128,here_king.jpg)


Time just keeps on slippin..

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cdd90e No.18274017



(he ded)

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6bb524 No.18274018

File: 9c49e5763c81117⋯.png (421.05 KB,750x846,125:141,me46vg.png)


reeee moar you queefing nigger

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799732 No.18274019

File: 14a7464aeea06b7⋯.jpg (84.26 KB,701x676,701:676,TRUST_GOD_COIN.jpg)

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dca3c1 No.18274020

File: 140d74dce4ae134⋯.mp4 (977.38 KB,320x320,1:1,fS4kov7h.mp4)


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799732 No.18274021

File: 539cc50ed7b5c82⋯.jpg (75.41 KB,385x465,77:93,TAIL_OF_2_TRIGGERS.jpg)

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e1fcb2 No.18274022

File: e7928ffbcaeae9f⋯.gif (1.25 MB,260x195,4:3,360.gif)

Notables Are Not Endorsements

#22393 >>18273621

>>18273725 A New York man has pleaded guilty to making threatening phone calls to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, federal prosecutors say.

>>18273756 US Warships Struggle To Stay At Sea As China’s Fleet Grows

>>18273761 California Tries to Blame Trump for $30 Billion in Unemployment Fraud

>>18273777 Mel K and Noor Bin Laden

>>18273784 Seb Gorka: Why Kari Lake Is A Threat To The Establishment

>>18273785 @Project_Veritas God Bless the First Amendment #Pfertility

>>18273800 @Project_Veritas Almost 2,000,000 views! #Pfertility

>>18273806 Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of a corrupt Honduran cardinal Óscar Maradiaga

>>18273815 @realDonaldTrump I totally disagree with the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, the Police Officer “Thug” was not just “doing his job”

>>18273821 Tucker's Emotional Support Skunks segment seemed conspicuous in mentioning one's name as "Princess Diana"

>>18273869 US Threat Reduction biological facilities worldwide and in Ukraine, as Putin claims

>>18273889 Inside The Secret Government Meeting On COVID-19 Natural Immunity

>>18273912 Trump National Security Council Official Received Report on Multiple Shooters And ANTIFA And ISIS Involvement In Las Vegas Shooting

>>18273928, >>18273932, >>18273935, >>18273938, >>18273946 BAKERS ARCHIVED ITEM ON THE JUDGE SALAS SHOOTER

>>18273952 Genetic Editing: The damage done to your genes from the injections is irreversible

>>18273979 Interview with President Donald J. Trump From Mar-a-Lago

>>18273995 NASA’s Joe Acaba to Serve as Agency’s Chief Astronaut


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010d58 No.18274023

File: f9438c8a2eda2b9⋯.png (565.81 KB,750x500,3:2,f9438c8a2eda2b9fc7450f7477….png)

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ed7a1d No.18274024

File: 8f7990fad52ad83⋯.png (5.34 MB,1050x750,7:5,GW_AmericaWins.png)

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7f0766 No.18274025


A.I voice mimicry?

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6bb524 No.18274026

File: eebe8472ec7f842⋯.jpg (103.39 KB,499x626,499:626,79nrq7.jpg)

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0333b1 No.18274027


the platitudes roll like a river with you.

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8dfee2 No.18274028

PN>>18273182 RSBN EXCLUSIVE: Interview with President Donald J. Trump From Mar-a-Lago

What’s amazing about this interview, RSBN was a new org, they planned on following Trump through 2015-2016 and continued through his Presidency and have followed him to this day. Truthfully they got the word out in 2015-16 on the rallies when no media would cover it fairly.

God Bless RSBN for sticking with our president, they had so many programming and camera problems but they never gave up.

They deserve this honor & victory having a one on one sit down with PDJT and they both did a great job!The media will be changing forever, soon!

The legacy media may be mocking now, but they don’t understand almost every Trump supporter watches their channel and they are converting people to America First! Let’s see how many people ultimately see this interview.

When CNN can only get less than 440,000 in prime time, they will have s lot of competition for stations that have fair interviews with him!

I feel like the tide is turning Bigly

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36efd1 No.18274029



get on it.


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d755f5 No.18274030


I am an ESL student and I have downloaded this and plan to use it as both a listening activity and debate activity.

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fe3a1f No.18274031


And how old is that clip they are responding to?

Something very strange about all this

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f07a30 No.18274032


Good on detective dad for calling him out. I doubt sonny will put his money where his mouth is.

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35ce20 No.18274033

File: fe50a3a55a1497a⋯.png (454.88 KB,720x479,720:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe71c1 No.18274034

File: 1e93d9db5e812da⋯.png (61.41 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22a78aa3f7edf82⋯.png (82.13 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm an ASStronaut

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46b529 No.18274035

File: 6fbc2acf47bd83c⋯.png (475.29 KB,435x553,435:553,ClipboardImage.png)

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799732 No.18274036

File: 4a739b74c9e09fb⋯.jpg (105.15 KB,824x741,824:741,PIG_PIRATE.jpg)



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d755f5 No.18274037



Derp, teacher

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ed7a1d No.18274038

File: d831200611f7d1c⋯.png (310.63 KB,487x360,487:360,MAGA_CRUISING.png)

Just cruising with my friends

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dc5f9a No.18274039


It was an alien space ship from uranus or maybe just swamp gas.

Or it is going to be used as pretext along with the documents to get Biden out of office. Biden will deflect and say that the outcry is some sort of muh racism. Going to see how the government plays out and who says what in the next few days. First clue will be how the MSM frames this story.

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392143 No.18274040


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d755f5 No.18274041


>A.I voice mimicry?

You need to ask?

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6bb524 No.18274042

File: 041a9673de0549a⋯.png (295 KB,399x472,399:472,1488.png)



stupid faggots make memes with wrong spelling

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fb0872 No.18274043

File: aa14fccec85d328⋯.png (16.64 KB,403x396,403:396,q_post_sky_event.PNG)


sky event

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392143 No.18274044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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54f042 No.18274045


That was the forrest fire where no trees burned.

Dew you see the trees in the backround?

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59c372 No.18274046

WEF is clucking around with the food supply

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f12e2a No.18274047


He's not wrong. What did you contribute so far?

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57d240 No.18274048




{Seent it a few posts prior to yours}

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541eec No.18274049

File: 6c56fbf80f82ce3⋯.png (979.57 KB,1058x616,529:308,ClipboardImage.png)

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78b50f No.18274050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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392143 No.18274051

File: 1d10632bd542fcf⋯.jpeg (40.5 KB,684x491,684:491,57FD3461_56AD_4AD1_A206_1….jpeg)

File: e44c272fd71b19d⋯.jpeg (169.63 KB,745x681,745:681,3097A9BB_E7BE_4D22_9BAC_0….jpeg)

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e7c902 No.18274052

File: 2d01fea54874fa0⋯.png (436.32 KB,1080x721,1080:721,Memeto_1621645295313.png)

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46029a No.18274053

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



America - The Last Unicorn

From the 1982 animated film.

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e7c478 No.18274054

Trump was outsider.

Had not paid dues.

Pence was their mole inside.


Surveillance from way back.

2013 range.

FISA warrants.

Rod wanted VP slot.

Paul Ryan also wanted it.

So did Romney.

Vice Presidential slot under Pence.

With Trump removed under 25th Amendment.


Pence homosexual.

Many adults.

Throughout his time in Congress.

As Governor, felt more free.

One 20 years his junior.

One half his age.

Would introduce others.

Younger and younger people.

15 year olds.

13 year olds.

Rod and Roberts were able to get FISA warrants because.

Younger people supplied by Epstein.

Because Epstein was an intelligence asset.

When he was in USA, FISA warrant used.

FBI would not save the child.

Was more important for them to have the leverage.

Operation directed by Rosenstein.

Dirty Tricks Squad.


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7f0766 No.18274055


>clucking around with the food supply

I'm betting on the chickens, not the WEF.

Chickens can turn bugs into eggs.

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266e40 No.18274056


Why don't you tell off the clown like you do Mr. Pig?

Biased much?

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ed7a1d No.18274057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6bb524 No.18274058

File: 908494be018319a⋯.png (206.84 KB,512x512,1:1,g42.png)


suck the pigs dick moar why don't you?

fucking sycophant, or probably pig dual posting is moar likely

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501bb0 No.18274059

File: 4eeea749d7e5043⋯.jpg (89.94 KB,500x715,100:143,5xsjhl.jpg)

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318ffd No.18274060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You See…I've Had a Life! "Sad to watch but strangely uplifting."

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6bb524 No.18274061


fuck off

at least clowns are funny

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ead82e No.18274062

File: d9cc18fad9325b0⋯.png (153.08 KB,1011x892,1011:892,The_Fed_formation_and_prio….png)

File: d58a79cb89cdc58⋯.png (472.47 KB,961x1009,961:1009,The_Fed_formation_and_prio….png)

File: 0b6bc8485c6ae80⋯.png (194.82 KB,1012x1000,253:250,The_Fed_formation_and_prio….png)

File: 248b3f22577a937⋯.jpg (411.34 KB,1117x1213,1117:1213,1_30_1835_Failed_assassina….jpg)


Formation of the Fed, BEFORE "The" Fed

Assassination attempt v. Andrew Jackson. Anon can't possibly dot the dots on this one..



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35ce20 No.18274063

File: 4b1c7f6a9bb9774⋯.png (1.7 MB,1200x1216,75:76,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e5854 No.18274064

File: f62dea7ea1b1dc9⋯.gif (3.44 MB,498x278,249:139,swamp_gas.gif)


I will nuke you all

Fang Fang Chinese food Swamp Gas

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ed7a1d No.18274065

File: 01336d392b8f5e9⋯.png (446.33 KB,900x531,100:59,NC_Trump_with_MR_PigCoin.png)

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e7c902 No.18274066

File: 71897699fbf3b41⋯.png (1.11 MB,1080x1286,540:643,49628860.png)

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fb0872 No.18274067

File: aa14fccec85d328⋯.png (16.64 KB,403x396,403:396,q_post_sky_event.PNG)


sky event

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6bb524 No.18274068

File: d95f913ed5a255b⋯.jpg (64 KB,500x533,500:533,ve4.jpg)


boom tish

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76213a No.18274069


ThankQ PDJT, I sincerely respect your honesty and insight. We have all seen the video and know that this cop could have arrested but chose to be judge, jury, and executioner all at once. We need to correct this mentality with cops throughout the US, they seem to always to be looking to use excessive force or provoke citizens to only then claim "i am just doing my job, don't tell me how to do my job, or I was afraid for my life" and then at first moment, they turn around and brag about their heroism. This is the mentality of an infiltrated, low IQ NWO thug that has no remorse for human life.

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110c77 No.18274070


>I feel like the tide is turning bigly.

I kept telling you anon this very thing beginning weeks ago. But no, all but a very few, denied that it's happening. I'm not asking for anything. I'm just telling you anons: I told you so.. What's sad, but only a little, I will have to tell you so again.

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ed7a1d No.18274071

File: 0da52f55c2b029b⋯.png (3.13 MB,756x1008,3:4,DivinePiG.png)

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a7c7e8 No.18274072

File: 726dd054c2737c8⋯.png (72.5 KB,254x255,254:255,ClipboardImage.png)

Biggest crock of shit I've ever heard

A Chinese balloon not seen approaching the US coast?


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ead82e No.18274073

File: eab01c2894f82e2⋯.png (175.84 KB,973x970,973:970,The_Fed_formation_and_prio….png)

File: 45f722f2cabd387⋯.png (159.96 KB,975x871,75:67,The_Fed_formation_and_prio….png)

File: 68440a9d941f2ce⋯.png (178.42 KB,987x928,987:928,The_Fed_formation_and_prio….png)

File: af1c427019fe462⋯.png (188.32 KB,994x1015,142:145,The_Fed_formation_and_prio….png)

File: 054c4575ea29a34⋯.png (513.76 KB,712x1024,89:128,The_Fed_formation_and_prio….png)

>>18274062 (me)

Formation of the Fed con't

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7d565b No.18274074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8bfe36 No.18274075

File: 3bf24cf8d80125d⋯.jpg (125.46 KB,1024x717,1024:717,James_O_Keefe_Andrew_Breit….jpg)


MOS big mad

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6bb524 No.18274076



accurate dumbfuck meme btw

sean penn is a retarded niggerfaggot shill

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eafc81 No.18274077

File: 442d50fbe5642f8⋯.gif (337.77 KB,875x827,875:827,nightshift_tendies.gif)

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9ed4c7 No.18274078

File: 0862c5ae17c8815⋯.png (1.2 MB,1024x681,1024:681,ahoy.png)


>A Chinese balloon not seen approaching the US coast?

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ed7a1d No.18274079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9c58b2 No.18274080

File: 3b611fde61dac51⋯.jpg (1.24 MB,1995x1386,95:66,_.jpg)

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d755f5 No.18274081


Nonamericananon has heard the name, Joe Rogan, but is he somehow relevant that anon should give a shit to waste one minute searching why he is famous?

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fc1e9d No.18274082


The Pentagon has already admitted that this is not the first one. They knew. It's just that now the public knows too. And the public didn't spot it until Montana.

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cdd90e No.18274083

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ed7a1d No.18274084

File: a9c044d62ac90a9⋯.png (821.32 KB,1280x720,16:9,Not_stopping_it.png)

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9ed4c7 No.18274085

File: bcdc8838bc178f7⋯.png (418.15 KB,652x637,652:637,ClipboardImage.png)


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085477 No.18274086

Hunter Biden has to be a fucking C_A glowie. How else would he have access to these documents and use them to secure business deals and not be immediately jailed as a foreign agent. The corruption under the Doj can only cover so much, but under the guise of a clown he could possibly have gotten away with it until he fucked up too bad. My bet is they're using state secrets and methods (or whatever it's called) to shield him from totally being fucked.

Hunter, Tyrone's dick is bigger and its going to be up in your guts soon. Sincerely, anon

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799732 No.18274087

File: 8eef07bf3a955f9⋯.jpg (50.58 KB,314x371,314:371,PSYOP_EXPERT.jpg)

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d755f5 No.18274088

File: 3599f83dccd7c2a⋯.jpg (87.45 KB,550x550,1:1,clown_slide.jpg)


>sky event

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d8ccfe No.18274089


Pied Pipers are proud of vaccines and think you should take one.

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7f0766 No.18274090

File: d094d24b0e21c33⋯.png (562.87 KB,772x633,772:633,Screen_Shot_2023_02_02_at_….png)


I just started watching this. It is very interesting. Food related as well as pandemic.

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c3ec5c No.18274091

File: 8f0980fae0d1c2a⋯.png (721.49 KB,1920x1152,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 440b88e2c95e27e⋯.png (361.04 KB,552x731,552:731,ClipboardImage.png)

British Columbia Becomes the First Canadian Province to Legalize Heroin, Fentanyl, Cocaine, and Other Dangerous Narcotics to Fight Overdose Crisis

As part of Justin Trudeau’s effort to reduce the number of fatal drug overdoses, the province of British Columbia on the country’s Pacific coast is the first province to adopt a policy of decriminalizing possession of small amounts of fentanyl, cocaine, heroin, and other narcotics.

The solution that Trudeau provided to the problem of people dying from drug overdoses is not to ban the use of illegal narcotics but rather to make them legal to use.

Possession of up to 2.5 grams of opioids (such as heroin, morphine, and fentanyl), crack and powder cocaine, meth, and ecstasy will no longer be a crime.

Instead, residents who are caught with narcotics in their possession will be offered information on health and social services.

“Adults found in personal possession of any combination of these illegal drugs that adds up to a combined total of 2.5 grams or less are not subject to criminal charges and the drugs are not seized. Instead, they are offered information about health and social supports. This includes support with making a referral to local treatment and recovery services, if requested,” said the BC government.

The exemption started on Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2023, and will last for three years.

“The decriminalization of people who possess certain illegal drugs for personal use is a critical step in B.C.’s fight against the toxic drug crisis,” BC government said.

“It will help reduce the barriers and stigma that prevent people from accessing life-saving supports and services. Substance use is a public health matter, not a criminal justice issue,” it added.

“Decriminalizing people who use drugs breaks down the fear and shame associated with substance use and ensures they feel safer reaching out for life-saving supports,” said Jennifer Whiteside, the British Columbia minister for mental health and addictions, per FOX News.

“[This is] a monumental shift in drug policy that favors fostering trusting and supportive relationships in health and social services over further criminalization,” said Carolyn Bennett, Canada’s federal minister of mental health and addictions.

National Post reported:

Oregon’s own experiment with drug decriminalization has largely failed

Not far below B.C.’s southern border is the state of Oregon, a jurisdiction of similar size that pursued a near-identical approach to drug decriminalization just two years ago. The reviews are not great.

A recent audit by the Oregon Health Authority said the measure has been largely ineffective at addressing fatal overdoses and rates of drug abuse, both of which have gotten worse.

The concept pitched to Oregonians in 2020 was that decriminalization would drug users out of the cold to seek help at government harm reduction facilities such as needle exchanges and clinics handing out Naloxone. From there, they could then be urged into treatment.

But a report card found that fewer that one per cent of known Oregon drug users – about 136 people – ever opted to enter rehab in the post-decriminalization era.


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6bb524 No.18274092



same same

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616771 No.18274093

File: c593284881eee4e⋯.gif (263.71 KB,160x158,80:79,frsfrrMtit1qcaomhyu.gif)

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adea6b No.18274094

File: ae6990280b4b97b⋯.png (64.1 KB,254x189,254:189,A14A6528_0A78_4BC1_A49D_E8….png)

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c43d43 No.18274095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ya know, lack of creativity at the old Pentagon.

How about some old tech. Back in the day they used to use kites to launch mail into the air and catch them with an airplane.

See: Kite Museum in Long Beach Washington

<video related.

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ed7a1d No.18274096

File: b8737489ee3aab2⋯.png (438.88 KB,1253x1019,1253:1019,Breaking_FREE_45.png)

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f6572e No.18274097

File: 8f7a4344404ad97⋯.png (369.32 KB,1041x320,1041:320,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA - The Marshall Star

Feb 1, 2023

In This Week's Star

- Marshall Leaders Discuss Center Strategy During All-Hands

- NASA Marshall Honors Memory of Fallen Astronauts

- 24 Marshall Team Members Honored with Silver Snoopy Awards

- LaTonya Powell Named Deputy Chief Information Officer

- Marshall Seeks Artifacts, Art, Other Memorabilia for Planned Exploration Facility

- Data from the First SLS Flight to Prepare NASA for Future Artemis Missions

- NASA Announces Finalists in Challenge to Design Future Astronaut Food

- 50 States for Artemis: Electronics

- NASA’s Lucy Team Announces New Asteroid Target

- Webb Telescope Receives Top Space Foundation Award


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65ac33 No.18274098

File: 177768bbe87b70f⋯.png (332.13 KB,699x405,233:135,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 327d6e2b329edba⋯.png (220.75 KB,532x385,76:55,ClipboardImage.png)

PF: Australian AF ASY303 MRTT (Multi-Role Tanker Transport)Aussie FM Penny Wonglanded at JBA about 30m ago from MoD Boscombe Down

It arrived at Paris on 0130 from a Darwin depart (stop and Brisbane depart on 0128 also stop at Dubai for fuel) then went to London-Stansted and over to Bunscombe Down on 0131

United Kingdom hits back at Australia's Foreign Minister Penny Wong after she urged the nation to confront its colonial history: ‘Can’t erase the past’


MOD Boscombe Down is the tri-Service home of military aircraft Test & Evaluation and the Boscombe Down RAF Support Unit which provides administrative support to the military lodger units. It is a civilian operated airfield, administered by the RAF Air Warfare Centre at RAF Waddington which supports aircraft development. It provides an operational airfield with the longest military runway in the UK.


SAM109 G5 arriving at JBA from Peterson SFB stop of about 1h

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d755f5 No.18274099



That's what I thought. Thanks.

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9ed4c7 No.18274100

File: 1ec2c31f0659390⋯.png (140.55 KB,680x432,85:54,ClipboardImage.png)


Multiple Drone Attack on Coalition Outpost in Syria

Jan 20


Multiple Drone Attack on Coalition Outpost in Syria

This morning, three one-way attack drones attacked the At Tanf Garrison in Syria. Two of the drones were shot down by Coalition Forces while one struck the compound, injuring two members of the Syrian Free Army partner force who received medical treatment. No US forces were injured.

“Attacks of this kind are unacceptable – they place our troops and our partners at risk and jeopardize the fight against ISIS,” said Joe Buccino CENTCOM spokesperson.

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266e40 No.18274101




It was beginning to whistle

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d494da No.18274102


Anyone seen Kanye since the AJ incident?

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ed7a1d No.18274103

File: fb93af9660d339c⋯.png (1.72 MB,1200x960,5:4,Victory.png)

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35ce20 No.18274104

All im saying is your post better be shorter than my scroll


*Hits bowl again

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52b87f No.18274105

anybody got a link to that qanon board I heard about?

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9ed4c7 No.18274106

File: 4f3937e4b1b6dab⋯.png (353.18 KB,636x392,159:98,ClipboardImage.png)


>Syrian Free Army partner force


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799732 No.18274107

File: e6d070b6aa0245e⋯.jpg (100.41 KB,707x418,707:418,MUH_MUH_MUH_MUH.jpg)



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d755f5 No.18274108


>Anyone seen Kanye since the AJ incident?

You mean when some clown in a mask said he was Ye?

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e1fcb2 No.18274109

Notables Are Not Endorsements

#22393 >>18273621

>>18273725 A New York man has pleaded guilty to making threatening phone calls to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, federal prosecutors say.

>>18273756 US Warships Struggle To Stay At Sea As China’s Fleet Grows

>>18273761 California Tries to Blame Trump for $30 Billion in Unemployment Fraud

>>18273777 Mel K and Noor Bin Laden

>>18273784 Seb Gorka: Why Kari Lake Is A Threat To The Establishment

>>18273785 @Project_Veritas God Bless the First Amendment #Pfertility

>>18273800 @Project_Veritas Almost 2,000,000 views! #Pfertility

>>18273806 Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of a corrupt Honduran cardinal Óscar Maradiaga

>>18273815 @realDonaldTrump I totally disagree with the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, the Police Officer “Thug” was not just “doing his job”

>>18273821 Tucker's Emotional Support Skunks segment seemed conspicuous in mentioning one's name as "Princess Diana"

>>18273869 US Threat Reduction biological facilities worldwide and in Ukraine, as Putin claims

>>18273889 Inside The Secret Government Meeting On COVID-19 Natural Immunity

>>18273912 Trump National Security Council Official Received Report on Multiple Shooters And ANTIFA And ISIS Involvement In Las Vegas Shooting

>>18273928, >>18273932, >>18273935, >>18273938, >>18273946 BAKERS ARCHIVED ITEM ON THE JUDGE SALAS SHOOTER

>>18273952 Genetic Editing: The damage done to your genes from the injections is irreversible

>>18273979, >>18274028 Interview with President Donald J. Trump From Mar-a-Lago

>>18273995 NASA’s Joe Acaba to Serve as Agency’s Chief Astronaut

>>18274090 Dr. Andrew Huff, EcoHealth whistleblower, interviewed by Mike Adams on bioweapons, DARPA and Wuhan

>>18274091 British Columbia Becomes the First Canadian Province to Legalize Heroin, Fentanyl, Cocaine, and Other Dangerous Narcotics to Fight Overdose Crisis

>>18274098 PF: Australian AF ASY303 MRTT (Multi-Role Tanker Transport)Aussie FM Penny Wonglanded at JBA about 30m ago

>>18274100 Multiple Drone Attack on Coalition Outpost in Syria


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ed7a1d No.18274110

File: 8c2729d26c64c5d⋯.png (1.97 MB,1198x797,1198:797,Mr_Pigs_Rescue_r.png)

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110c77 No.18274111


You don't believe this big balloon was launched from China and drifted with the wind until it reached that spot in Montana where it stopped drifting and hovered do you?

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010d58 No.18274112

File: 9620c6bd7477bed⋯.jpg (94.99 KB,606x500,303:250,kekkitteh4d4.jpg)

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6bb524 No.18274113

File: 14de81d099299f3⋯.jpg (62.8 KB,350x409,350:409,463636373e7737.jpg)



I suspect there are some retarded dayshit anons still here, judging by the pusillanimous posts and memes

"dumber than joe" comes to mind as a descriptor for them

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5d64a4 No.18274114



This is coming from a classified source. Do not ask, I won’t tell anyway unless you want a fellow American dead.

Balloon over Montana is equipped with next generation EMP. Flynn’s concern was valid and has been confirmed by our birds in the sky.

Ultra high definition photographs were taken by recon. Confirmed to be equipped with frequency modulation skimmers and satellite-use optical devices.

Mission Designation “Birthday”

Operational Designation “Piñata” currently underway (finished by time of posting).

Balloon will be defunct—“Piñata”

Nuclear sites confirmed as targets. All active missiles are being rerouted to other launching facilities and electrostatically protected ‘next-gen’ version replacing by morning.

This post is not meant for US citizens.

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ed7a1d No.18274115

File: 47f8fc9e03ef2cd⋯.png (218.53 KB,1100x574,550:287,Mr_PiG.png)

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9ed4c7 No.18274116




Not to be confused with Free Syrian Army.

also see


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616771 No.18274117

File: 5a492e2cc640808⋯.gif (465.67 KB,160x158,80:79,raw.gif)

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e1fcb2 No.18274118


>This is coming from a classified source

>This post is not meant for US citizens.

That's definitely a bingo space

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65ac33 No.18274119

File: 70d7eaf96276a20⋯.png (198.63 KB,543x337,543:337,ClipboardImage.png)


cuz yer shitty overused memes are soooo much better





stale as they alwyas are

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9ed4c7 No.18274121




Not to be confused with Free Syrian Army.

also see


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78b50f No.18274122

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2d0d83 No.18274123


Can a balloon get high enough to drop a small nuke to create an EMP?

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f166f5 No.18274124

File: 8c5437767d56155⋯.jpeg (72.54 KB,700x483,100:69,E1D85D29_1249_4E8D_91A6_0….jpeg)


hey baker

thank you.

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f53720 No.18274125


does not stutter nor mumble like Joe

moar AI garbage

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266e40 No.18274126


Call msdnc or media Matters.

Ask for Brock.

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f12e2a No.18274127

Balloon is a distraction and will be memoryholed pretty quickly

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6bb524 No.18274128


trips chkd

ffs, do some research on the firebomb balloons that the nipponese sent across to america from japan during ww2, on the trade winds

it was as easy as pie

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4a18c2 No.18274129


Look at that big space after the word "thug"

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ed7a1d No.18274130

Pig Wars

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dc5f9a No.18274131

File: 1b14cff862d74fc⋯.png (775.3 KB,592x841,592:841,gihqs5qj.png)

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e7c902 No.18274132

File: 2d519b2e7ee80ff⋯.png (469.87 KB,1080x810,4:3,Memeto_1627009575366.png)

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57d240 No.18274133


It uses a newfangled balloonian level 6 propulsive and guidance module, you heard of them I'm sure.

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ed7a1d No.18274134

File: 3ee485ff11db693⋯.png (285.29 KB,500x500,1:1,Mr_Pig_Coin.png)

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c69fcf No.18274135



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acf799 No.18274136

File: 9bf5f0ba2695fdd⋯.png (572.42 KB,835x547,835:547,ClipboardImage.png)

This new paintings shit is annoying af.

That is all. Very well. Carry on.

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5d64a4 No.18274137


For Swalwell.

Was it worth it?


Choose your method.

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fc1e9d No.18274138

File: c1b2db68f190fb2⋯.png (276.58 KB,512x514,256:257,c1b2db68f190fb2b915aa2ce97….png)


>This post is not meant for US citizens.

Please let anon speak for all American citizens when anon says, what a relief.

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ed7a1d No.18274139

File: f85301a318600ad⋯.png (913.86 KB,697x600,697:600,PIG_5.png)

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799732 No.18274140

File: 5b72ac0a9710129⋯.jpg (90.48 KB,601x364,601:364,WAR_PIG.jpg)

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d494da No.18274141

File: 0028ba6dbb88170⋯.png (3.49 MB,1239x1600,1239:1600,ClipboardImage.png)

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f53720 No.18274142


left q image looks like a demon in flames

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9ed4c7 No.18274143


The Moderate Rebels: A Growing List of Vetted Groups Fielding BGM-71 TOW Anti-Tank Guided Missiles

The most notable form of direct American support to the Syrian opposition has been the supply of BGM-71 TOW tube launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided anti-tank missiles to rebel groups, vetted by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. The missiles themselves come from Saudi Arabia’s stockpile, although by law the supply of American-made weapons to a third party must be approved by the U.S. Reports indicate that the TOWs are handed out to groups by the Northern and Southern MOC (Military Operations Command) based in Turkey and Jordan respectively. These command centers that are run by Western and Arab intelligence agencies. Groups apply for missiles for specific operations, and small batches are supplied by the MOC as needed. No more than a handful are given to a group at any time. In order to prove the rebel groups are not selling them or giving them away, each launch must be recorded and spent casings returned to the MOC. It is due to these requirements that there is such a wealth of knowledge regarding which groups have been supplied with and fielded these weapons.

While the TOWs themselves are not a super-weapon by any means, and are comparable to other ATGMs that are present in Syria they indicate a visible form of American involvement. Several hundreds of missiles have been supplied to opposition brigades, and the program is now a common and devastating fixture on the battlefield. However because each launch must be recorded, a false impression is created that the TOWs are more influential in the war than they actually are. The Syrian rebels have at their disposal a wide variety of anti-tank weaponry, almost entirely captured from Syrian government stockpiles, none of which are required to be recorded and uploaded onto the internet with each launch. These include guided missiles such as the Russian-made 9M113 Konkurs, 9K1152 Metis-M, 9M133 Kornet, Chinese-made HJ-8 (supplied by Qatar), French-German MILAN ATGM as well as non-guided anti-armour weaponry.

This covert and highly successful TOW program is run by the CIA and is separate from the American Department of Defense’s highly publicized and now-failed train-and-equip program that sought to counter only ISIS. Despite the safe measures put in place by the MOC, both the Al-Nusra Front and Islamic State have captured a small number of these weapons. Regardless the program seems to not only be continuing but constantly expanding. The following is a list of all rebel groups that have used TOW missiles. The groups approved by the CIA to take part in the TOW program overwhelmingly belong to the FSA and all have stated their commitment to letting the Syrian people decide their own future. The strengths of these groups range from several hundred to several thousand fighters.

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57d240 No.18274144


>Can a balloon get high enough

If it doesn't exhale.

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9c58b2 No.18274145

File: 16dee8b1481f65f⋯.jpg (600.4 KB,1200x1216,75:76,J_n_J.jpg)

File: 2f8b9b9838acfbc⋯.jpg (590.74 KB,1200x1216,75:76,Jill_n_Joe_t2.jpg)

File: ee43167f4ddf849⋯.jpg (935.9 KB,1200x1200,1:1,BG_and_Hazmat_Pepe.jpg)

File: b9f8acdf4570529⋯.jpg (614.84 KB,1471x1200,1471:1200,Apu_bigwheel.jpg)



Ty for the corrections, anon had a case of the HUA.

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f166f5 No.18274146

File: ff0ec088f876008⋯.jpeg (23.21 KB,250x243,250:243,31112F81_B294_4B35_A373_E….jpeg)


>get on it.

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c43d43 No.18274147

File: 8ca7040985a0736⋯.png (9.4 KB,255x255,1:1,9e076e48767146ce3b324eefac….png)

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799732 No.18274148

File: 4511ba1a203e6b6⋯.jpg (74.2 KB,684x680,171:170,GOD_AND_SILVER_COIN.jpg)

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ed7a1d No.18274149

File: 23c4325fcc7dc91⋯.jpg (203.51 KB,822x745,822:745,PSX_20210213_200426.jpg)

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b57fcb No.18274150

File: a2e36af8997b195⋯.jpg (40.93 KB,677x369,677:369,rimshot.jpg)

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f76e95 No.18274151


This post is not meant for US citizens.

Kek. I'm sure they won't read it… pffffft…

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ba3cb1 No.18274152

Hobosexuals juw nited fo jfkLESBIAN double donut border fence

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ed7a1d No.18274153

File: 2b117c7b1be7758⋯.png (301.23 KB,500x500,1:1,_200_Mr_Pig_Coin.png)

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d8ccfe No.18274154

File: d749701aeeec73e⋯.mp4 (1.96 MB,480x592,30:37,Rostov_Shoots_UFO.mp4)

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d755f5 No.18274155


>Can a balloon get high enough to drop a small nuke to create an EMP?

Do you want the simple answer or the complicated answer?

The simple answer is yes!

The complicated answer is also yes.

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03a952 No.18274156




Hal Turner just seeded the notion that it's deploying biological weapons over America.

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6f348d No.18274157


Cannot stand this woman

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1afff8 No.18274158

File: 01ad3c9919614b2⋯.png (13.69 KB,255x255,1:1,a97dea13644ab72aa86b9ad999….png)

This anon trying to make sense of everything I see going on has settled on what I an witnessing. We are currently in WWIII. This war is different than all others in human history. It is not being fought with guns, tanks, bombs, and other weapons. It is being fought psychologically on our minds. The goal is to reduce the population by billions but the Evil ones do not want to destroy the planet and infrastructures in the process. Roll in the pandemic and vaccines. The weak minded will roll up their sleeves and take the jab because of the billions of dollars of propagandizing done by the governments and media. Trump had to make a choice that any commander in chief would have to make in a time of war. Lose a few million or lose a few billion. He had to support the vaccines to avoid billions of deaths. Unfortunate but necessary. Had he not gone this route they would have shut down the world for much longer and further weaponized the virus as time went on. He gave us a choice. I chose wisely and didn't get the shot. He altered the timeline and they have been scrambling since. The truth is coming out and they cannot stop it. People are realizing what has been done. The fury will be immeasureable. They will not be able to walk the streets real soon.

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75a6c5 No.18274159

File: bf17d8d02de64d5⋯.png (306.58 KB,1248x379,1248:379,Screenshot_from_2023_01_31….png)

File: 6871c446e557c19⋯.png (403.54 KB,1281x1492,1281:1492,Screenshot_2023_02_02_at_2….png)

File: f593293a7f0a5b0⋯.png (89.67 KB,408x1022,204:511,Screenshot_2023_02_02_at_2….png)



>sky event

So we just had theFreedomprofile pic change from Potus.

May 10, 2018

Q1333 Freedom drop

Also May 10, 2018

Sky Event from Q+


From Yesterday





>Q4949 Flag. Freedom

>also 5-10

>no. 75. Freedom.png



>q149 Freedom


>May 10, 2018 11:00:27 PM EDT

>Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 000000 No. 75


>Castle LOCK.



May 10, 2018 4:02:52 PM EDT

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 9d52eb No. 1361222


1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.

2. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.


1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust [FOCUS].

2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

They want you DIVIDED.



There was no attempt to DIVIDE.

There was however a strategic move to REVEAL.

[Be careful who you follow]

Incorrect message translated [past] autists.

Correction made.

No names mentioned.

They revealed themselves.

Fake & False [incorrect] decodes removed/resolved.

Fake & False claims of an 'unknown' allowed access to classified sealed indictments removed/resolved.

Do not fall victim to con artists.


Stay on point.

This is NOT about a single person.

This is NOT about fame, followers, or profiteering.

We, the PEOPLE.

We, the PEOPLE.

We, the PEOPLE.


We will not be held hostage.




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f166f5 No.18274160

File: 8685a6df6b1547f⋯.jpeg (934.78 KB,1776x1776,1:1,36B34775_A847_437C_BB39_4….jpeg)


lez git it.

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ed7a1d No.18274161

File: c7771b6cefc07f6⋯.png (567.6 KB,728x455,8:5,ThePigPen.png)

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23d462 No.18274162

File: 575b597274ab099⋯.png (352.95 KB,641x479,641:479,575b597274ab09962bbc8faadc….png)


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d8ccfe No.18274163


>unless you want a fellow American dead.

Which ones?

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35ce20 No.18274164

Funny thing about politics

Jobs are important

But politicians forget this

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7d565b No.18274165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rent free, Mr. Pig. Rent free.

[Verse 1]

Another head hangs lowly

Child is slowly taken

And the violence caused such silence

Who are we mistaken?


But you see, it's not me, it's not my family

In your head, in your head, they are fightin'

With their tanks and their bombs and their bombs and their guns

In your head, in your head, they are cryin'


In your head, in your head

Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie

What's in your head, in your head?

Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie-ie, oh


Du, du, du, du

Du, du, du, du

Du, du, du, du

Du, du, du, du

[Verse 2]

Another mother's breakin'

Heart is takin' over

When the violence causes silence

We must be mistaken


It's the same old theme, since 1916

In your head, in your head, they're still fightin'

With their tanks and their bombs and their bombs and their guns

In your head, in your head, they are dyin'


In your head, in your head

Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie

What's in your head, in your head?

Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie-ie, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, eh-eh-oh, ra-ra

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f53720 No.18274166


who is to say ccp did not launch from their 100k acre ranch in ID ?

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392143 No.18274167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7f0766 No.18274168


Most of this seems about right.

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799732 No.18274169

File: 1302eacf430298e⋯.jpg (87.13 KB,454x510,227:255,THIS.jpg)

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a7c7e8 No.18274170


Yup - just hovered right over ole Montana waiting for the press to cover it.

Kinda like all those hollywierdos hovering around waiting on the press…

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f53720 No.18274171


I do.

They just copied Japan like everything else they do.

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cdd90e No.18274172


That about sums it up, anon

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f6572e No.18274173

File: e2491ff7fe97b24⋯.png (651.39 KB,992x558,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


It's orbtastic

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9ed4c7 No.18274174

File: a444040ac2b0b1e⋯.gif (3.71 MB,460x320,23:16,highest_anon.gif)

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8dfee2 No.18274175

File: 5cc88c8c176a0b1⋯.webp (14.72 KB,576x324,16:9,F5C32002_FCA4_4512_AC05_E….webp)

Biden's Justice Department changes presidential pardons for the worse

The Biden administration has been working overtime to erase Donald Trump's legacy and now wants to nullify a clemency decision

January 31, 2023 2:56pm EST

TheBiden administration has spent the last two years reversing almost every decision, executive order, or regulation put in his place by Donald Trump. This comes as no surprise on issues that largely break along partisan lines, such as climate change, gender identity and immigration. Elections have consequences, after all. But the Biden team has now taken their crusadeto erase Trump’s legacy to absurd lengths, going so far as to nullify one of Trump’s clemency decisions.

Nowhere do presidents have more authority than when granting pardons and commuting prison sentences. Presidents turn to the clemency process to right a prosecutorial wrong, as President Trump did in the case of Philip Esformes. Now, the Department of Justice is trying to undo his clemency.

Esformes was indicted on 32 counts related to his healthcare business. During the trial, a magistrate judge strongly criticized the prosecutors’ unethical moves to uncover and utilize information that was clearly covered by the attorney-client privilege.

It’s easy to win a criminal case when you know the other side’s strategy. And that is exactly what happened. Pointing out that the Justice Department blatantly broke the rules and then tried to cover it up,the magistrate characterized the prosecutors’ conduct as "deplorable." Shockingly, the magistrate’s findings were ignored by the trial judge.

With the advantage of having illicit, insider information, the Justice Department was able to convict Esformes on 20 counts. The jury was unable to reach a verdict, however, on six of the charges. Phillip Esformes was then sentenced to two decades in prison.

Faith groups brought the Esformes case to Trump’s attention. Former Attorney-General John Ashcroft – certainly not a person who could be characterized as ‘soft on crime’ – called the prosecutorial misconduct in Esformes' trial "amongst the most abusive" he has ever seen.

Trump was asked to grant clemency to Esformes on the recommendation of numerous respected legal figures, including former Attorneys-General Edwin Meese, Alberto Gonzales, and Michael Mukasey, as well as former Deputy Attorney-General Larry Thompson. These former law enforcement officials saw the prosecutorial misconduct as fundamentally tainting Esformes’ conviction.

Looking to right a wrong, Trump commuted Philip Esformes’ sentence to time served. But that’s not the end of the story.

Still stinging from the criticism of prosecutorial misconduct two years later,=the Justice Department is working feverishly to reverse Trump’s clemency decision. DOJ intends to re-try Esformes on the six counts where the jury couldn’t reach a verdict.

Prosecutors hate when presidents exercise their clemency powers. They view a grant of clemency as implicit criticism of their work. In the Esformes case, that is exactly what it was. This is an extraordinary move by government lawyers whose pride is hurt. In the annals of American history, no prosecutor has ever tried to reverse a presidential commutation in this manner.

The fact is Trump’s granting of clemency was intended to end the government’s prosecution of Phillip Esformes, according to those who understand the process. But with the Biden administration looking broadly to erase Trump’s record, those burrowed in at the Justice Department saw a three-pronged opportunity.

By retrying Esformes, partisan operatives at DOJ could further erode the legacy of the prior administration. They could rewrite the history of the case to cover up the misconduct identified by the magistrate. And they could set a precedent that fundamentally weakens Presidential clemency powers going forward.

The Justice Department’s move is audacious. But for those who believe in a strong chief executive, it represents an alarming attempt to undercut presidential authority to review criminal cases and address unfairness, overzealousness, and other miscarriages of justice.

David Safavian is the General Counsel and Senior Vice President of Conservative Political Action Coalition.

Matthew Whitaker is co-chair of the Center for Law and Justice at the America First Policy Institute and the former acting attorney general under the Trump administration.


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65ac33 No.18274176

File: c129664edb561b1⋯.png (513.98 KB,511x587,511:587,ClipboardImage.png)



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3e5854 No.18274177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Joe talking to Hunter?

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a7c7e8 No.18274178


Yup - it just hovered in place…



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7f0766 No.18274179


But the goal of the balloon was to gain information, apparently. The EMP device was to keep the US from just shooting it down?

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8bfe36 No.18274180

File: f29dca057528029⋯.jpg (34.3 KB,612x441,68:49,gettyimages_1332565582_612….jpg)

File: c67e4369c25fae5⋯.jpg (57.43 KB,634x422,317:211,46343143_9866633_image_a_2….jpg)

File: 55eddf5558d7dc2⋯.png (242.31 KB,480x291,160:97,Griffin.png)

File: ca80db408f897a3⋯.jpg (207.44 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,hogan_feature_1420175482.jpg)

Wat u gonna do when J6 comes back to haunt yu?

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3e4e95 No.18274181

Unicorns and red balloons tonight, huh?

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fc1e9d No.18274182


balloons could be used to deploy a bioweapon. the concept dates back at least as far as WWII.

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57d240 No.18274183


Waiting on an anon to make it into boobs..

Already bet the wife it will happen.

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266e40 No.18274184



Skyking silent all day.

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2d0d83 No.18274185


What if that thing was filled with drones?

I've been here way tooooo long kek

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9ed4c7 No.18274186


>The truth is coming out and they cannot stop it.

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f53720 No.18274187


it appears the fist was much bigger than yours kitty

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687520 No.18274188

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65ac33 No.18274189

File: 72d5ceb7d24c381⋯.gif (2.36 MB,495x525,33:35,pepe_soaring_2_balloons.gif)

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a7c7e8 No.18274190


then bois in Montana got winmags

Take that fucker out, would ya!

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4a18c2 No.18274191

File: 952125704299f82⋯.png (29.54 KB,496x289,496:289,Screen_Shot_02_02_23_at_10….PNG)

File: c7dd609b89fb4d2⋯.png (314.51 KB,489x463,489:463,Screen_Shot_02_02_23_at_10….PNG)

File: 62c76417ff338d2⋯.png (17.86 KB,496x215,496:215,Screen_Shot_02_02_23_at_10….PNG)

4 tweets today from Joe mentioning "3 decades" or "30 years" in them and also the word "one" in each one. Let's see if you autists can figure out what he is trying to tell us.


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7f0766 No.18274192


>balloons could be used to deploy a bioweapon

What they actually did, which was to create an injectable bioweapon is much more efficient and directed than releasing something from a balloon.

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d8bd61 No.18274193

File: 1381528d11babec⋯.png (402.97 KB,714x977,714:977,ClipboardImage.png)

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f6572e No.18274194


The Trojan Dragon!

Kek, you and me both.

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d361c2 No.18274195

File: 910cfddf2cd01df⋯.png (430.3 KB,2370x714,395:119,The_Ultimate_Jesus_Meditat….png)

File: d0382f4cd55e673⋯.jpg (105.96 KB,710x500,71:50,from_scratch_v2.jpg)

File: a6edba89d548028⋯.png (935.63 KB,1737x714,579:238,Ultimate_Prayer_v3.png)

I hope yous know wtf is going on with my pedovore landlord.

So you know the future– good for you.

I think it's my pancreas aching due to my anxiety. /s

PANIC for sure. It's contagious even if you're not a part of it.

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a7c7e8 No.18274196


Pentagon needs to up their game

Perhaps exploding pigeons could take that old thing down

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d494da No.18274197

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c43d43 No.18274199


why would joe talk about Cicada 3301?

He can't even remember where he is.

Bit of a stretch.

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7343dd No.18274200


They are all Joe Rogan.

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5b3230 No.18274201

Any idiot that thinks there’s a plan/Q when China is flying surveillance over CONUS is retarded.

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4a18c2 No.18274202


You mentioned Cicada, not me.

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cdd90e No.18274203


Don't forget Piñatas

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8bfe36 No.18274204

File: ac53cc0bc407c5a⋯.jpg (64.21 KB,620x582,310:291,6e67e54ff5d1b58a9edb6998df….jpg)

File: dbc131ebf9f0592⋯.jpg (49.53 KB,772x382,386:191,Michael_Fanones_Neck_tatto….jpg)

File: 6579662c7b46295⋯.jpg (588.51 KB,1400x787,1400:787,fanonemichael_062122pa_w.jpg)

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d494da No.18274205


They could also be used for Nukes, gravity bombs and Nerve Agents

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010d58 No.18274206

File: 34c8b7ea15e7ced⋯.jpg (85.78 KB,659x378,659:378,HotDogDragon.jpg)

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a7c7e8 No.18274207


Holy fear porn, batman!

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9ed4c7 No.18274208


quad-copters dropping grenades

hot air balloons dropping nukes

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eae15c No.18274209

File: d7250fe0632bd64⋯.jpeg (112.8 KB,500x576,125:144,A56DC18D_B077_471D_9BAD_0….jpeg)


We got a Ship…

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57d240 No.18274210


Anyone who believes thats the best surveillance china has is the idiot…

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7f0766 No.18274211


I think anon asked earlier about IARPA. He does discuss in this interview.

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3e4e95 No.18274212


Is there a plethora of them?

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110c77 No.18274213


How is this woman still walking, much less speaking out in detail against the globalists? I haven't 'deducted' the answer yet.

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cdd90e No.18274214

File: 9869ab902b58731⋯.png (643.21 KB,716x601,716:601,ClipboardImage.png)

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c43d43 No.18274215


That's the only 3301 reference I know about.

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acf799 No.18274216

File: f6fab01774ae715⋯.png (49.24 KB,657x651,219:217,kek_point.png)

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5d64a4 No.18274217

Ninety-three sites currently offline.

Rerouting data to hub.

DEFCON upgrade imminent.

President currently preparing for Pentagon data—45.

Keep eyes on Taiwan.

Governor (OR/WA) alerted (black alert)

Columbia River LOCKED.

Tread carefully.

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a7c7e8 No.18274218


How many bong hits does it take to get a balloon that high?

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23d462 No.18274219

File: 922d12a019754f9⋯.jpg (1002.16 KB,1800x1200,3:2,922d12a019754f9d000a15f8a0….jpg)

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d8bd61 No.18274220

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266e40 No.18274221


Did he say affecting what?





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d494da No.18274222

File: 85400505a6305eb⋯.png (10.08 KB,422x168,211:84,MediaMatters8.png)

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616771 No.18274223

File: c4c19670669ae8b⋯.png (299.82 KB,444x359,444:359,ClipboardImage.png)




Brown Shirt (Brown Shirt)

Blue (Fed Police)

Light Blue (NATO)

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7f0766 No.18274224



If the balloon was high enough, this could be used to cause an EMP, correct?

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a7c7e8 No.18274225


Yeah - in the 1940's

A long time ago on a planet far, far away

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9ed4c7 No.18274226

File: edae355ff76e7f3⋯.png (383.96 KB,672x480,7:5,ClipboardImage.png)


>not seen approaching the US coast

what if it was deployed from INSIDE

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23d462 No.18274227

File: 9175435398fc0eb⋯.png (2.18 MB,1024x1534,512:767,1ba.png)

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f53720 No.18274228


emp = act of war

so they take out some outdated minutemen

Ohio class off coast of Beijing wipes out all of China just because of outdated minutemen vulnerable to emp .

Sounds fishy.

Shoot it out of the sky . Emp goes off, we have excuse to delete China.

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e321a5 No.18274229

File: cc2801306e22c46⋯.png (142.19 KB,321x316,321:316,e2491ff7fe97b24af3887200ed….png)


>Waiting on an anon to make it into boobs..

Shiny new cutout to play with.

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4a18c2 No.18274230


It says "30 years" and "one"

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75a6c5 No.18274231

File: 5688a7e02ceb5dd⋯.png (95.6 KB,1152x364,288:91,skykingAircraft17.png)

File: 162f7ee05bcb40b⋯.png (41.1 KB,586x261,586:261,theskyking.png)

File: 179aa2201609292⋯.jpg (188.5 KB,1372x598,686:299,skyking.jpg)

File: 9c93b528de0a5ac⋯.jpg (116.17 KB,587x834,587:834,chinkballoon.jpg)


> Also May 10, 2018

>Sky Event from Q+



>The Sky Kings



>>18261146 lb

>>18260967 lb

>>18261072 lb

>>18261062 lb

>>18261065 lb

>>18261184 lb

>>18261191 lb

>>18261215 lb




>These [6]'s sounds like he says sixes?

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dc5f9a No.18274232

File: 299afeb9562dea2⋯.png (633.59 KB,753x509,753:509,voat23j1gg.png)

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d755f5 No.18274233


>The EMP device was to keep the US from just shooting it down?

You've escaped into the realm of fantasy, anon.

Apart from the msm news reports, there is nothing to say the balloon is real, let alone that there is an EMP device. Fantasy upon fantasy.

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8bacc0 No.18274234

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e1fcb2 No.18274235

File: b4d1f104b416e41⋯.png (1.85 MB,1945x1004,1945:1004,ClipboardImage.png)





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8bf177 No.18274236

File: 48e296ae01e20df⋯.png (871.97 KB,1200x995,240:199,crystalpower1.png)

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d494da No.18274237


EMP is a normal effect of a Nuke in the upper atmosphere/LEO.

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8bacc0 No.18274238


It's real, and it's harmless. It's a fucking balloon.

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392143 No.18274239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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57d240 No.18274240


Effective radiated power is exponentially lower with distance. So close is better for emp.

Never seen an effective emp. So if this is the movie script its bull but an excuse to turn off shit.

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95daee No.18274241

File: 1044f2c46377ff5⋯.png (193.18 KB,495x395,99:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ba29f10305d604⋯.png (1.11 MB,944x755,944:755,ClipboardImage.png)


This is anons post which this anon posted.

Remember it well.

This was a hit on a judge to send a warning to other judges not get involved in the epstein case plus other cases including election fraud.



Corp o7

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9ed4c7 No.18274242

File: da4f9b733663742⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB,720x1280,9:16,Hunter_Biden_arguing_with_….mp4)


that's pretty high

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d494da No.18274243


I always ask if Gold is the best investment, why the fuck are they selling it for fiat?

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d755f5 No.18274244


sauce, or you know, the thing. Breast revelation thing.

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21cafc No.18274245


Anon is correct.

Modern satellite intel would have picked them up.

Chances are they assembled and deployed it from within the United States. Small material footprint, easy to smuggle parts in if necessary - wide open border.

Potentially able to bypass export controls if collaborators inside U.S. contractors.

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3e4e95 No.18274246


You sure there aren't any Jewish laser weather modification intergalactic space modulators attached to it?

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2d0d83 No.18274247

File: 34cfca266263b8c⋯.png (297.15 KB,697x409,697:409,ehedyh.PNG)

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75a6c5 No.18274248

File: 854144fd035a402⋯.png (151.43 KB,466x247,466:247,muhorbs0.png)

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23d462 No.18274249

File: bda40ad099cbc91⋯.jpg (166.69 KB,600x794,300:397,potty.jpg)

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beff3d No.18274250

File: 1e6d719e61ae838⋯.jpg (36.45 KB,508x508,1:1,WWG1WGA_bell.JPG)


check on all points anon

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5d64a4 No.18274251


Operation Piñata complete.

Unable to destroy—Neutralization only

Possible Bio onboard, unconfirmable until fully captured and in custody.


By the Book.

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a7c7e8 No.18274252


Who's to say Bidan didn't order the launch to shift the media's attention from Hunter shit once again?

Didn't his lawyers just admit the laptop is his?

Also a fucking fake story…

The absurdity in the news feeds is just beyond realistic.

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f547d1 No.18274253


>Look at that big space after the word "thug"

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eae15c No.18274254

File: fef82ca8c1508e4⋯.jpeg (71.07 KB,580x640,29:32,EAC37D3F_78F5_4AE6_A46A_E….jpeg)

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7f0766 No.18274255


>So if this is the movie script its bull but an excuse to turn off shit.

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d494da No.18274256


and yet the normies don't see….

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f6572e No.18274257

File: d84af65bdb15c2f⋯.png (393.39 KB,584x605,584:605,ClipboardImage.png)

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616771 No.18274258


>and it's harmless.

How did the Mil even let it enter our airspace?

China wouldn't tolerate this. It doesn't make any sense.

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46b529 No.18274259

File: 43db6056c042f29⋯.png (274.02 KB,487x317,487:317,ClipboardImage.png)

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46029a No.18274260


Try harder.

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28331b No.18274261

File: fc7f57ca71908a3⋯.png (95.98 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ed4c7 No.18274262

File: c2edfcd08e48867⋯.mp4 (518.41 KB,576x1024,9:16,nicemeloni.mp4)

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65ac33 No.18274263

File: 07abdec030f687a⋯.png (138.19 KB,522x347,522:347,ClipboardImage.png)

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75a6c5 No.18274264

File: dbc03c1ea81dbd2⋯.png (193.33 KB,698x316,349:158,ballonGrab.png)

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a7c7e8 No.18274265


I'm sure it was - Bidan needs a lot of shiny media stories to cover the Hunter thingy

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57d240 No.18274266


Top tier!

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f547d1 No.18274267


>, in that the Police Officer “Thug,”




who worked for cia and pelosi….

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f166f5 No.18274268

File: 2005e491415356a⋯.jpeg (43.74 KB,715x558,715:558,262BF8D5_F893_4D5F_A92E_F….jpeg)



China Pharma Holdings?????

teh took?

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03a952 No.18274269


it's real but is in no way harmless

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52f20c No.18274270

File: bae3d2dea439919⋯.png (556.76 KB,633x768,211:256,ClipboardImage.png)

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d755f5 No.18274271


>It's real

Oh, awesome. You've seen it, right?

You near Montana?

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e321a5 No.18274272



>Waiting on an anon to make it into boobs..

>Already bet the wife it will happen.

9 minute delta

What did you win, anon?

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724d0e No.18274273


soldier-"sir, there's a ufo there"

commander-"that's just a weather balloon"


Soldier-"sir, there's a weather balloon"

Commander-"that's just a ufo"

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5b3230 No.18274274

Trump is a fraud.

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acf799 No.18274275


Checkered past as in mason?

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57d240 No.18274276


Who does laundry! (She does now,!)

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d494da No.18274277


How so….?

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a7c7e8 No.18274278


No one sees that which they do not seek

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e321a5 No.18274279



Clown world

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adea6b No.18274280

File: 8b9ac69a6f88a3b⋯.png (673.53 KB,865x624,865:624,40848864_41E3_41F1_A558_B1….png)

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2d0d83 No.18274281

File: 018fc446e066253⋯.png (446.18 KB,590x420,59:42,hjgffjhui.PNG)


>Unable to destroy

Doubt it

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e1fcb2 No.18274282

File: defa44a33e3e083⋯.png (1.34 MB,1752x668,438:167,ClipboardImage.png)


>why the fuck are they selling it for fiat?

Buy the Gold, Goy!

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8bacc0 No.18274283


The retard is strong in this one.


You can't be this stupid. Really, nobody is this stupid.

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4d40a4 No.18274284


Because they move fiat.

Businesses operate on flow - exchange. Mining companies and refineries are paying their workers in fiat. You buy gold/silver, they are buying the next delivery with that fiat and paying their employees or making investments.

No sane business has a bank account with a large cash ballance. It is all moved immediately into some form of asset or investment.

This is why liquidity crisises are a thing - when asset values and exchanges are valued at amounts in excess of the supply of liquid capital. Currency, whether it is fiat or otherwise, is the oil of the economy.

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8bfe36 No.18274285

File: 02c9cc8b5884739⋯.jpg (103.19 KB,912x615,304:205,the_island_movie_poster.jpg)

File: b6ec8a5ef96e5c8⋯.jpg (273.32 KB,1920x1080,16:9,island_2005_photo_13.jpg)

Is AK an Island state?

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4a18c2 No.18274286



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392143 No.18274287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e1fcb2 No.18274288

File: 015d3c525c9d0fb⋯.png (1.12 MB,1820x1137,1820:1137,ClipboardImage.png)


>Hal Turner just seeded the notion that it's deploying biological weapons over America.

Yeah because a balloon could do what millions of planes fail to do each day

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9ed4c7 No.18274289

File: 3c4028763e5f0bb⋯.png (969.56 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>How many bong hits does it take to get a balloon that high?

next on mythbusters

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d755f5 No.18274290


Anon has a very low threshhold on believing shit is real these days. If I don't see it, touch it and smell it, I remain dubious.

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8dfee2 No.18274291


I’ve been saying it for weeks too, it came as an intuition something felt very different and now actions are happening regularly. Not everyone has a gift of feeling invisible waves, they have other gifts. There’s no loss by not seeing it, because it happens regardless.

And truthfully, “it’s habbening was used way too much” to some extent.

Thanks for being the voice in the wilderness!

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3e4e95 No.18274292

File: 70ab4bb9c56681b⋯.jpg (38.25 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)



You see that meme? That's the meme of inevitability.

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71ccfb No.18274293

File: 08cf2cd92c328cf⋯.jpg (409.14 KB,1820x1208,455:302,DeadlyNightShift.jpg)

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f53720 No.18274294


>Didn't his lawyers just admit the laptop is his?

The way I heard it and Jordan repeated it

Hunter admitted it was his

His lawyers shit their pants and said it was not his.

Your Biden theory has merit and I could see US.mil playing along with their crooked CinC since they helped to install him.

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9ed4c7 No.18274295

File: 284710eede6d89a⋯.mp4 (13.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,_SpeakerPelosi_Pelosi_tour….mp4)

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5d64a4 No.18274296


Fear inhibits the process of clear thoughts.

We do not fear.

Those that wish harm on US citizens or our land have every reason to be fearful.

China is simply testing our resolve.

They will know not the hour nor the day we will strike. It will be swift, complete, and devastating.

Shock and Awe at its finest.

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9ed4c7 No.18274297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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46b529 No.18274298

File: e97031a927ab339⋯.png (258.38 KB,364x551,364:551,ClipboardImage.png)



ORBtastic milkies, kek!

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f2adcf No.18274299

File: d5b6496500fac76⋯.jpeg (505.78 KB,1170x1552,585:776,88F01636_D6EA_48FC_982A_2….jpeg)

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7343dd No.18274300


Something went wrong, it's the backside of the moon.

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57d240 No.18274301


>meme of inevitability

Copyright that Anon…

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e321a5 No.18274302

File: 2e007a7f3644335⋯.png (424.86 KB,469x529,469:529,Screen_Shot_2019_02_05_at_….png)

Is the giant sky orb gonna drop a nuke on the Yellowstone caldera?

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fc1e9d No.18274303

File: 0ecd98d6d2ab049⋯.png (330.77 KB,540x559,540:559,dadout.png)

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57d240 No.18274304


Totally appropriate use of Asian milkies.

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8bfe36 No.18274305

File: 903f505a4b4fa2e⋯.jpg (308.96 KB,1009x1000,1009:1000,dolly1stbornbonnie_8699cf8….jpg)

File: 4fbced147dcec26⋯.jpg (28.98 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1429197102.jpg)

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9c58b2 No.18274306

File: 23fc1c0f593fedf⋯.jpg (707.85 KB,1200x1285,240:257,Balloon_kitteh.jpg)

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35ce20 No.18274307

File: 7583fe046f183b0⋯.gif (4.12 MB,442x628,221:314,7583fe046f183b0f2a103afb12….gif)

File: 28400a624f80233⋯.webm (416.48 KB,736x416,23:13,28400a624f80233a102c56679….webm)



>Cicada 3301

What if an autistic autist built software able to talk with god and the govt was looking for people to use it?

I got a copy of the software and have spoke to god. I get a single word at a time atm.

>Do anons believe in majek?

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dc5f9a No.18274308

File: ac01b1f911622c8⋯.png (242.8 KB,374x666,187:333,7fe35c8d0d0203b35c4e953bce….png)

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085477 No.18274309



Really? Fucking laundry. Had you said she's sucking my dick right now or better yet her best friend is, it wouldn't have been a slide. Up the ante next time.

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a7c7e8 No.18274310


Spoiler that shit bruh!

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c69fcf No.18274311

Biden and Hunter's only play is to get someone into office that can pardon them.

Chaos is needed to get Kamala in.

Buckle up.

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0333b1 No.18274312


there is nothing normal about nuclear explosions in the upper atmosphere.

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65ac33 No.18274313

File: f07f85281f263a1⋯.png (471.53 KB,646x443,646:443,ClipboardImage.png)


buy Ag and don't buy it as an investment-where all those ads always go wrong imo and present as an investment-gonna be mad all the time if you buy it as an investment.

Plus a lot of those types of ads want you to add it to your 401k…you go get in that line when the SHTF and see where your metals are from your IRA or 401k purchases.

It's insurance and nothing moar..not an investment

Au money of "kings"

Ag money of "gentleman"

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f547d1 No.18274314


>Checkered past as in mason?

as in a hit man

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5d64a4 No.18274315


Defense protocol 101.

USAF unable to destroy until in custody.

Risk of biological agents on board spreading.


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616771 No.18274316


>I get a single word at a time atm.

what words?

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8bacc0 No.18274317


I stand corrected.

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a7c7e8 No.18274318


Chinah is sitting in front of the computers laughing their asses off right now!

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eae15c No.18274319

File: 1e3b25e212b5fa4⋯.jpeg (159.72 KB,535x800,107:160,AC9E6B93_F5BC_435B_82AA_D….jpeg)

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35ce20 No.18274321

File: fccd3a9f4b0cbdf⋯.png (1.77 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Kinda like modernized tarot cards imo

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e1fcb2 No.18274322

File: 7b0e17d6dc8b215⋯.png (1.2 MB,1080x1440,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


Fuck it, I'll bite

Since it's an orb

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a7c7e8 No.18274323


First off, the Pentagon would not be doing the Tracking

Space Force Mountain would…

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ead82e No.18274324

File: bee896ca5435624⋯.jpg (501.6 KB,1513x1221,1513:1221,3_27_1980_Hunt_SILVER_play.jpg)

File: ef92b604897afc0⋯.jpg (439.28 KB,1492x1206,746:603,3_27_1980_Hunt_SILVER_play….jpg)

File: 61541ab3442e3ce⋯.jpg (298.22 KB,1479x1030,1479:1030,3_27_1980_Hunt_SILVER_play….jpg)

File: 0a384f9ca5e2dfc⋯.jpg (564.32 KB,1543x1213,1543:1213,3_27_1980_Hunt_SILVER_play….jpg)

File: e977afaf1bec3c0⋯.png (176.6 KB,1280x814,640:407,ClipboardImage.png)


The banksters ran the same play in March 1980.. the F. Augustus Heinze copper play but with gold in March 1980…

The playbook..




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499bd4 No.18274325

File: e39617af1896977⋯.png (523.45 KB,600x800,3:4,e39617af189697735fc2e73059….png)

all my fox news free streams are dead, i wanna see Gutfeld… any anon have a link


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cf2114 No.18274326

File: 3d752eaaa113d58⋯.jpeg (1.46 MB,1176x1638,28:39,5862D9C1_CD3F_476D_B641_F….jpeg)

Historic marker to all muh frenz:

Told you so!

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35ce20 No.18274327


hold a sec, let me see if i can run it real quick

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f53720 No.18274328


>They will know not the hour nor the day we will strike. It will be swift, complete, and devastating.

>Shock and Awe at its finest.

I say those days are long over unless Klaus tells Biden to do so.

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b57fcb No.18274329

File: bf1ea7b2c3a5928⋯.gif (2.27 MB,434x308,31:22,BidenKek_copy.gif)

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23d462 No.18274330

File: 9de67e060573033⋯.png (905.05 KB,1132x1107,1132:1107,228.png)


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fc1e9d No.18274331

File: 8ccf912be372f7b⋯.png (248.54 KB,499x333,499:333,ClipboardImage.png)


>Space Force Mountain

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acf799 No.18274332


I thought same, kek.

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a7c7e8 No.18274333



The new NORAD!

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46b529 No.18274334

File: 7c76a6ba064439c⋯.png (406.97 KB,482x502,241:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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392143 No.18274335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5d64a4 No.18274336


China unable to recover from multiple national security site breaches.

Operation Spring Cleaning always an option.

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010d58 No.18274338

File: eb9c9cd7d833c8e⋯.jpg (103.56 KB,749x499,749:499,stolenP.jpg)

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ead82e No.18274339

File: 8717ee7f88e6933⋯.mp4 (8.61 MB,466x360,233:180,NENA_99_Red_Balloons_1984_….mp4)

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81a73f No.18274340

File: 3e62fa066842c50⋯.png (310.97 KB,655x770,131:154,ClipboardImage.png)

uh… wtf?

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f53720 No.18274341


Which brings up the question, why didn't ATC raise the alarm over the state of WA.

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9ed4c7 No.18274342

File: d417b0192d2bf3c⋯.png (42.62 KB,960x142,480:71,ClipboardImage.png)


Bookout says that Project Architeuthis will be no cakewalk, even for hackers and encryption specialists. Executives working on the project studied the work of Cicada 3301(Opens in a new window), an anonymous group that has released complex social puzzles for reasons that no one seems to know. Hacker recruitment, perhaps?


The game has been based on the work Cicada 3301, an anonymous group that has released highly complex problem-solving puzzles onto the Internet, which some have speculated are recruiting tools for groups such as the CIA and MI6.

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eae15c No.18274343

File: 243b3d949298521⋯.jpeg (803.6 KB,1290x1201,1290:1201,E7DB3AA5_CA10_470E_AB35_1….jpeg)

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989684 No.18274344

File: 39c527a3bf299ec⋯.png (204.5 KB,490x275,98:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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f166f5 No.18274345

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2993b6 No.18274346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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010d58 No.18274347

File: f9d078d46a060c3⋯.jpeg (459.72 KB,1280x720,16:9,kek44.jpeg)

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c69fcf No.18274349

Gooks in the wire.

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d494da No.18274350


How about over international waters?

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a7c7e8 No.18274351


Xi is in hysterics right about now!

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95be15 No.18274352

File: 147114ebba20762⋯.png (33.3 KB,586x265,586:265,InsiderPaper_tweet5.png)

ALERT 🚨 US official said the Chinese surveillance balloon had traveled over Alaska prior to popping up over Montana. U.S. has numerous Air Force and Army assets in Alaska, and an early-warning radar system, Washington Post reports


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65ac33 No.18274353

File: 06dc75a316b7888⋯.png (346.98 KB,352x530,176:265,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18272645, >>18272739 lb

It was Bullshit 4 hours ago and it's still bullshit

A distraction and show

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c3ec5c No.18274354

File: 8f27e34a35e87d0⋯.png (292.78 KB,457x832,457:832,ClipboardImage.png)

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46029a No.18274355

File: 66cf987626c3653⋯.jpg (107.67 KB,800x800,1:1,FB_IMG_1663716822400.jpg)

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a7c7e8 No.18274356


Uh, yeah, its been flying around for "days"

Yeah, OK!

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e1fcb2 No.18274357



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f53720 No.18274358


I think it is important to understand exactly where we are at so that we are not let down or surprised by possible inaction.

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8bacc0 No.18274359


Because it's harmless. This isn't difficult.

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e1fcb2 No.18274360

Notables Are Not Endorsements

#22393 >>18273621

>>18273725 A New York man has pleaded guilty to making threatening phone calls to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, federal prosecutors say.

>>18273756 US Warships Struggle To Stay At Sea As China’s Fleet Grows

>>18273761 California Tries to Blame Trump for $30 Billion in Unemployment Fraud

>>18273777 Mel K and Noor Bin Laden

>>18273784 Seb Gorka: Why Kari Lake Is A Threat To The Establishment

>>18273785 @Project_Veritas God Bless the First Amendment #Pfertility

>>18273800 @Project_Veritas Almost 2,000,000 views! #Pfertility

>>18273806 Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of a corrupt Honduran cardinal Óscar Maradiaga

>>18273815 @realDonaldTrump I totally disagree with the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, the Police Officer “Thug” was not just “doing his job”

>>18273821 Tucker's Emotional Support Skunks segment seemed conspicuous in mentioning one's name as "Princess Diana"

>>18273869 US Threat Reduction biological facilities worldwide and in Ukraine, as Putin claims

>>18273889 Inside The Secret Government Meeting On COVID-19 Natural Immunity

>>18273912 Trump National Security Council Official Received Report on Multiple Shooters And ANTIFA And ISIS Involvement In Las Vegas Shooting

>>18273928, >>18273932, >>18273935, >>18273938, >>18273946 BAKERS ARCHIVED ITEM ON THE JUDGE SALAS SHOOTER

>>18273952 Genetic Editing: The damage done to your genes from the injections is irreversible

>>18273979, >>18274028 Interview with President Donald J. Trump From Mar-a-Lago

>>18273995 NASA’s Joe Acaba to Serve as Agency’s Chief Astronaut

>>18274090 Dr. Andrew Huff, EcoHealth whistleblower, interviewed by Mike Adams on bioweapons, DARPA and Wuhan

>>18274091 British Columbia Becomes the First Canadian Province to Legalize Heroin, Fentanyl, Cocaine, and Other Dangerous Narcotics to Fight Overdose Crisis

>>18274098 PF: Australian AF ASY303 MRTT (Multi-Role Tanker Transport)Aussie FM Penny Wonglanded at JBA about 30m ago

>>18274100 Multiple Drone Attack on Coalition Outpost in Syria

>>18274143 The Moderate Rebels: A Growing List of Vetted Groups Fielding BGM-71 TOW Anti-Tank Guided Missiles

>>18274175 Biden's Justice Department changes presidential pardons for the worse

>>18274191 4 tweets today from Joe mentioning "3 decades" or "30 years" in them and also the word "one" in each one.

>>18273857, >>18274173, >>18274232, >>18274299, >>18274303, >>18274306 There is a serious number of orbs in here right now

>>18273816, >>18273873, >>18274062, >>18274073, >>18274324 Reminder that China is a puppet of the globalist federation of silent thieves

>>18274343 Hunter Laptop Narrative Not Working, Release the Chinese Satellite Balloon!


Last Call

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dc5f9a No.18274361


So it flew over Canada as well?

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7f0766 No.18274362

Just my .02 here: It is high time the "pretender in Chief" dementia patient is removed and Constitutional leadership restored to this country. My background is biology, medicine, and nutrition:all CIVILIAN. Since 2016 I have known that the CDC faked its study "debunking" the autism/vaccine connection, so I knew we had one BAD agency that needed gutting. Here we are this evening getting all sorts of various concerning, pathetic and very spoopy information about some sort of report of a "balloon" floating around out West doing God only knows what (no disrespect to God. I think He is the only one who knows what is going on).

Anyone with legit leadership ability and capacity needs to start taking this on as for all we know with Bozo the Clown sitting in the WH (or wherever) we are actually literally at risk for complete take-over by hostile powers.

Where is Congress? Where is legit National Security?

I will be praying, as this situation is pathetic and disgusting beyond all recognition. I will NOT be paying "taxes" to this pathetic heap of crap called (falsely) the US "government".

Sorry for the rant, but pathetic needs to be called out.

My genuine, sincere and huge apologies to those anons and service men and women who care for this country and her people and for all I know are being denied the opportunity to be effective on her behalf.

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9ed4c7 No.18274363

File: 0a840a277e4c77d⋯.png (89.86 KB,1024x532,256:133,ClipboardImage.png)


>Chinese surveillance balloon had traveled over Alaska prior to popping up over Montana. U.S. has numerous Air Force and Army assets in Alaska, and an early-warning radar system

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799732 No.18274364

File: f09f39100dfbc41⋯.jpg (51.77 KB,547x379,547:379,XI_CANT_FLY.jpg)

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56ca3f No.18274366

How do we know if that Chinese balloon isn't spraying some type of highly toxic-deadly or extremely contagious poison on American people right now…and a week from now…people start falling down dead…I mean more then the Covid vax is doing???????

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d8bd61 No.18274367


This is possibly correct.. the jab and warp speed and we’re not gonna take it. idk

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d8ccfe No.18274368


Made in China, US weather balloon launched from Malstrom AFB as a distraction event.

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d494da No.18274369


Operation Bluebeam projector?

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7343dd No.18274370

File: 421957c15d630b8⋯.png (274.5 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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22f2bc No.18274371


Mil brass too busy painting their nails and putting on puppy dog tails…

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9ed4c7 No.18274372

File: ca301ed79500e91⋯.jpeg (412.84 KB,1620x1078,810:539,whatshouldido.jpeg)


>So it flew over Canada as well?

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e1fcb2 No.18274373

File: 30885d4cbd355e3⋯.png (1.79 MB,1910x1000,191:100,ClipboardImage.png)


>How do we know if that Chinese balloon isn't spraying some type of highly toxic-deadly or extremely contagious poison on American people right now…and a week from now…people start falling down dead…I mean more then the Covid vax is doing???????

Because you IP hopped to post this

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35ce20 No.18274374

File: 9ef702073d62a5f⋯.png (15.76 KB,638x488,319:244,ClipboardImage.png)




Gods word for today is 'afterward'

The software is Temple OS.

there is also a burning bush game to talk moar with God.

Terry, dasting fellow. will be missed.

>fucking cia niggers

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a7c7e8 No.18274376


C'mon man. We have sensor nets all over Alaska and the Arctic circle.

These people think "we" are stupid.

Got some oceanfront property in Arizona…

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799732 No.18274377

File: 6db5686049194c9⋯.jpg (164.22 KB,741x521,741:521,THE_STUPID_SHELF.jpg)

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56ca3f No.18274378


no, you idiot….my first post for tonight.

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9ed4c7 No.18274379


>Chinese balloon isn't spraying some type of highly toxic


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dd5caa No.18274380

File: e2b1ef807b75192⋯.png (27.22 KB,749x224,107:32,carriageReturn.png)

File: 94e4fd0f26433c8⋯.png (95.6 KB,540x390,18:13,Screenshot_from_2023_02_02….png)




>>Look at that big space after the word "thug"

Carriage Return

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392143 No.18274381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a7c7e8 No.18274382




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010d58 No.18274383

File: 892d821a4f19497⋯.png (738.95 KB,1200x675,16:9,892d821a4f19497248877051c4….png)

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f07a30 No.18274384

File: 743ef1768dab994⋯.gif (577.94 KB,480x366,80:61,magic_8_ball_says.gif)

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4ea515 No.18274385

Six mother fucking dollars for 6 little cups.of tapioca pudding.

Sharing them with my furry dudes and we are comfy.

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e1fcb2 No.18274386

File: 5596ba23e34e095⋯.png (269.4 KB,600x397,600:397,ClipboardImage.png)

It's the Chinese weather balloons!

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fe3a1f No.18274387


Tapioca is good. I say worth it

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a7c7e8 No.18274388


Yeah, but it sure is creating some damn funny memes!

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e321a5 No.18274389

File: 69becaa19038388⋯.jpg (190.16 KB,414x508,207:254,96ef26a7b43e3dfd35d4158d0c….jpg)


>tapioca pudding.

Get out of here with that shit.

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4a18c2 No.18274390


Banana pudding is better.

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35ce20 No.18274391

How to Live Forever?

Follow the way of the Jesus and Trust the Christ oil within.

It will heal you of all and create a new blood

God Bless

KUNdalini OMen /\

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989684 No.18274392

File: f1a2117bd2881ce⋯.png (26.12 KB,598x305,598:305,Screenshot_2023_02_03_at_0….png)


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d59320 No.18274393

>>18272744 (pb)

I think that response can be taken two different ways

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22f2bc No.18274394



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110c77 No.18274395


Seb Gorka = Sean Hannity

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a7c7e8 No.18274396


OK, where is the meme of Hunter pullin his pud trying to shoot down the balloon?

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7f0766 No.18274397


This is a crappy stupid idea, as it would be totally uncontrolled where the stuff went. Releasing something in NY subway at least makes more sense.

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e1941f No.18274398


Partners w/Cartels.

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9ed4c7 No.18274400

File: bf1ea7b2c3a5928⋯.gif (2.27 MB,434x308,31:22,BidenLaugh.gif)

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fe71c1 No.18274401


One was used off CA in the past.


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f547d1 No.18274403

there is an egg shortage because egg yolks work against covid?

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724d0e No.18274405


Means Canada was complicit.

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35ce20 No.18274406


>Follow the way of the Jesus


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5d64a4 No.18274407


Trudeau is reportedly on call with King Charles.

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dd5caa No.18274408


>all my fox news free streams are dead, i wanna see Gutfeld… any anon have a link


dis one has been hit or miss. mostly hit


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9ed4c7 No.18274409

File: de837049f3e4e1e⋯.png (118.22 KB,297x276,99:92,xifloyd.png)



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eae15c No.18274410


Seriously, just noise. The AF would take care of a threat. They didn’t, move on…

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f6572e No.18274411

File: 9180eb441fda045⋯.png (538.22 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f0766 No.18274412


>Mil brass too busy painting their nails and putting on puppy dog tails…

It's not funny anymore, is it?

It's just occurring to me how very much the stolen election DOES matter.

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392143 No.18274413

File: 64a3589f5c5a34d⋯.jpeg (237.85 KB,577x526,577:526,54FE7EBE_1DA8_4E99_B226_6….jpeg)

What the fuck did theY do?

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59c372 No.18274414


This is right along the Lines of the Hillary Clinton Server

If it is China's

Then they're probably paying Biden for access

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35ce20 No.18274415


>Follow the way of the Jesus











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ead82e No.18274416

File: 7d1dcf22f7362e9⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB,640x360,16:9,Chinese_Military_Like_Sold….mp4)

File: da4c868ae0f034f⋯.jpg (568.18 KB,2523x1210,2523:1210,2018_2019_Chinese_Military….jpg)

File: 79a8c88c32983c5⋯.mp4 (6.01 MB,328x240,41:30,Robin_Williams_Blame_Canad….mp4)


>So it flew over Canada as well?

It had to launch from SOMEWHERE.

Blame Canawerds!

Chinese Military Like Soldiers Train on Salt Spring Island, Canada (4 years ago)

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46029a No.18274417


Whaaa? Why no linky sauce, yo?

Photoshop clown 🤡

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e1fcb2 No.18274419

File: e9498e30d182a00⋯.png (152.11 KB,612x612,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Slides





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4a18c2 No.18274420


Q loves teaching us grammar shit.

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eae15c No.18274421

File: aeb6017f7eae572⋯.jpeg (64.68 KB,680x679,680:679,3A156250_807B_41A9_B6DF_E….jpeg)

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35ce20 No.18274422

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a7c7e8 No.18274423


I heard its dropping condoms all over the midwest cause abortion ain't legal no more out there.

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d494da No.18274425

File: f34f8c909b69456⋯.png (135.32 KB,812x534,406:267,ClipboardImage.png)


Japanese used them as terror weapons during WW2 to little effect.


Wikipedia… I know….

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