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File: b19cd846bc1681a⋯.png (220.9 KB,659x357,659:357,Q_research_GOLD_TRAJAN.png)

b612c0 No.18272083 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Key Resources below; ck Dough Resource thread for more: >>17225239

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>>17240320, >>17238117 Intro, Board Info, Offsite Bunkers, Optics

>>17238430 Suggested Follow | >>17240363 Information Tools & Services


>>17253611 Dedicated resource threads

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b612c0 No.18272084

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18070678 ——–——– Canada #39

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18052454 ——–——– Japan #10

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Bakers: how to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444, baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761

Offering breads to other bakers >>18061508, >>18067193 ; No RRN in notes >>17980519

Pls notable planefag & boatfag reports >>18179893

Plz use CURRENT dough when baking >>18223281 new

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b612c0 No.18272087


#22390 >>18271656

>>18271673 North Korea threatens 'overwhelming nuclear force' in response to US military exercises

>>18271680 Stage Being Set for a Mighty Fall for Joe Manchin

>>18271700, >>18271863, >>18271883, >>18271898, >>18271890 FRED IS DEAD: Not sure what this predicts but Quebec’s groundhog Fred la Marmotte has died (OH NO….)

>>18271720 The Senate will vote on the confirmation of Joseph Falk to be a member of the board of directors of the U.S. Institute of Peace

>>18271752 Biden: "More than half of the women in my administration are women"

>>18271754 Revolver: Here’s the Never-Ending List of Why Nikki Haley Would Suck as President

>>18271771 BREAKING: One Dead, Police Officer Fighting For Life After Shooting At Memphis Library

>>18271777 RUMBLINGS: Memphis Police Are Investigating Tyre Nichol’s Rumored Connection with Memphis Cop’s Ex-Wife

>>18271779 Planefags aloft

>>18271783 Heathrow boss stands down after nine years in charge of UK’s biggest airport

>>18271788 AI-Generated Sitcom ‘Nothing, Forever’ - VICE says people can't stop watching it

>>18271809, >>18271978 House GOP votes to oust Democrat Omar from Foreign Affairs Cmte

>>18271828 House Oversight Committee announces investigation into John Kerry negotiations with CCP

>>18271839 Arkansas Gov. Sarah Sanders to deliver GOP response to State of Union address - YOU GO SARAH!!

>>18271842 Florida could end unanimous jury requirement for executions

>>18271851 China held Taiwan war council in October, general’s memo reveals

>>18271858 House Oversight Committee Demands John Kerry Turn Over CCP Climate-Negotiation Documents

>>18271876 AOC and three other members of Congress paid Chinese foreign agent

>>18271892 Newsrooms Are Now Officially Democrats’ Newsletter Operations

>>18271900 POSOBIEC: The Oligarch Behind Burisma Was Just Raided by Ukraine

>>18271901 MSNBC Anchor Hospitalized With Severe Myocarditis, Pericarditis

>>18271906 Hunter Biden’s ridiculous legal letter trying to distract from real scandal — Joe Biden

>>18271911 Zelensky: NATO should nuke Moscow (true quote? ANONS DIG)

>>18271915 Maricopa County Assistant Election Director Disappeared After Deposition Request Regarding Fraudulent Signature Verification

>>18271920 House GOP investigating John Kerry's secret China negotiations

>>18271921 @Project_Veritas: We have another @pfizer bombshell dropping tonight…

>>18271932 DrJBhattacharya w/Angus Dalgheish: Suppression of debate has "cost… at least a trillion pounds

>>18271941 CNN Camera Crew Present Outside Mike Pence Group in D.C. After Apparent Leak from DOJ

>>18271953 Lebanon will adopt a new official exchange rate of 15,000 pounds per U.S. dollar on Feb. 1

>>18271996 RSBN’s Total Viewership Nears 4 Million for Trump’s 2024 Announcement

>>18271998 Former Columbus police officer sentenced to 9 years in prison for trafficking fentanyl, accepting bribes

>>18272008 BOEBERT: "Newsmax was removed from DirecTV. What's next?


>>18272026 Ex-ABC News Reporter Arrested For Child Porn As Horrifying Details Emerge

>>18272029 A call to support, from General Flynn.

>>18272037 Suspicions of state security set-up in Germany’s far-right ‘coup’

>>18272038 Herridge: CBS obtains @JudiciaryGOP letter requesting info from FBI about indicted ex-official Charles McGonigal as part of probe into allegations of political bias

>>18272043 PF reports

>>18272046 Jordan: Hunter Biden just admitted that his laptop belonged to him….51 “intelligence officials” told us it was misinformation!

>>18272051 Sydney-based university professor and close mate of Anthony Albanese tells ABC the Alice Springs crime wave crisis meeting was like a 'KKK gathering' - as outrage mounts over the broadcaster's bias coverage

>>18272076 #22390

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b612c0 No.18272090


>>18270951 Dough

>>18270994 Feds proceeding with plans to build a politically correct FBI headquarters twice the size of the Pentagon (with our TAX $)

>>18271003 FBI to Search Mike Pence’s Indiana Home For Classified Documents

>>18271008 Colossal Biosciences wants to bring back the iconic Dodo bird - kek

>>18271010 , >>18271099 Mega Democrat Donor And “Real Housewives” Husband Indicted For Embezzlement

>>18271016 Steve Deese, the top economic aide to Joe Biden, is stepping down

>>18271024 Geopolitical battles, Ukraine, and US exceptionalism: Highlights from Lavrov’s big interview

>>18271037, >>18271119 PF reports

>>18271040 General Flynn: VP Biden Visited Ukraine 12-13 Times in His Last Year as VP – ALL OF THESE Trips Need to be Investigated!

>>18271051 Key NATO member state accuses allies of ‘psychological warfare’

>>18271058 McConnell Removes Senators Who Challenged His Leadership Bid From the Commerce Cmte

>>18271066 The Federal Government Is Tracking Unvaccinated People Who Go To The Doctor And To The Hospital Due to CDC-Designed Surveillance Program

>>18271076 PDJT: I’m “killing” everybody in the Polls, but FoxNews always is able to find an outlier that makes me look… bad

>>18271079 REPUB NJ Councilwoman Eunice Dwumfour fatally shot outside her home

>>18271089 ‘Dances With Wolves’ actor Nathan Chasing Horse told wives to shoot at cops, take ‘suicide pills’

>>18271120, >>18271138 Tucker - Lindsey Graham is the waking embodiment of neoliberalism

>>18271123 Pompeo says Chinese Communists have invaded ‘every major’ US university

>>18271136 The US Is Making Billions Being Warlords in Yemen

>>18271143 Video - Deep Dive inton Tony Blair, Young Globalists & DS

>>18271164 Beattie: Jordan Petersen, Lex Fridman, Bari Weiss and the IDW crowd are basically spokesmen telling you what the algorithms give you permission to say

>>18271171, >>18271181 Vote Question: On Agreeing to the Resolution - Denouncing the horrors of socialism

>>18271172 Conservatives to ‘Use the Levers of Government,’ Dismantle ‘Permanent D.C.’ in 2025

>>18271175 NEOCON NIKKI HALEY JUMPS IN THE RING - With Darren Beattie of Revolver News

>>18271194 Shocking report on effects of JABS on military - is it really this bad? ANONS DIG

>>18271199 Astronauts Begin Spacewalk to Continue Power System Upgrades

>>18271201 Croatian President Added To Ukrainian Kill-List

>>18271243 Have vaccines been the primary cause of illnesses for over a century? DIG

>>18271253 17th Special OPS Group: Preparing for Political Action

>>18271256 Zelensky and Russia fighting it out - NBC biased coverage

>>18271262 Rebel News security awarded MASSIVE Police payout over unlawful arrest

>>18271270 ‘Ndrangheta fugitive arrested in France

>>18271280 Former Employee Of Technology Company Pleads Guilty To Stealing Confidential Data And Extorting Company For Ransom

>>18271290 State Department Spokesman Ned Price briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of foreign policy issues.

>>18271303 Biden Laptop Repairman Blasts Hunter’s Attempt To Sic DOJ On Hunter’s Foes

>>18271307 Health Canada Pursues Enhancements to COVID Vaccine Passport, Raises Link to Digital ID

>>18271310 AOC funneled cash to Chinese foreign agent for campaign ads

>>18271327 Researchers Discover COVID Drug LAGEVRIO By Merck Is Causing Virus Mutations In Patients

>>18271330 @USMC have teamed up with @theuscglantarea & Brazilian Navy

>>18271337 Suspicions of state security set-up in Germany’s far-right ‘coup’

>>18271341, >>18271342 Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses

>>18271352 Discussion of DTAP vax on Highwire

>>18271359 Putin appears to bring 'nuclear football' to Stalingrad anniversary ceremony

>>18271378 Illegal Aliens Are Protesting To Stay In Luxury Manhattan HotelsAt Taxpayer Expense.

>>18271392 Loomer: Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy was asked whether or not Ashli Babbitt was murdered

>>18271384, >>18271403 Stanley Plotkin, Vaccines Deposition, Under Oath, 9 Hour Full Video

>>18271487 Re PILOTS: “After querying all pilots across the DOD, for all-cause morbidity and mortality, I found a stunning increase in the number of reportable events"

>>18271504 Biden Remarks on 30th Anniversary of Family and Medical Leave Act

>>18271598 LTG Mike Flynn: @mirandadevine thank you for your terrific reporting (on Hunter B)

>>18271604 Blinken to meet Xi Jinping in China next week

>>18271621 House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer is demanding Biden’s “climate envoy” John Kerry hand over documents related to his secret negotiations with the Chinese Communist Party

>>18271646 #22389

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b612c0 No.18272092


>>18270139 DOUGH

>>18270172 9:30 AM EST U.S. House of Representatives - House Session

>>18270204 Graham and Noname in Ukraine MP4

>>18270225 Russia "again" threatened by German tanks

>>18270226 @realDonaldTrump I’m “killing” everybody in the Polls,

>>18270242 DC metro shooting leaves 'heroic' worker dead, 3 people injured

>>18270257 Defense Department successfully test fires hypersonic missile

>>18270258, >>18270283 c-span.org. House taking up resolution to remove Illan Oman from her committee.

>>18270272 Hunter Biden Asks Joe Biden’s Asst. AG, Delaware AG and IRS to Go After Individuals Close to President Trump Who Shared Information from His Laptop

>>18270287 Anons list of farms destroyed.

>>18270302, >>18270487 Republican Councilwoman Gunned Down Outside Her Home, Shot Dead In Targeted Attack #Assassination

>>18270305, >>18270334 Biden #AIVoice in case you missed it. MP4

>>18270319 AOC and three other members of Congress paid Chinese foreign agent?

>>18270335, >>18270336 Beyond the spike: Are T cell COVID-19 vaccines the future?

>>18270341 Ukrainian AF ADB386F Antonov AN-124 arrived at Toulouse Airport,

>>18270371 Fair Tax Act has been regularly submitted since the Fair Tax Act of 1999

>>18270386 Declassified docs reveal why the US snubbed Russia

>>18270539 The Federal Government through a CDC-Designed Surveillance Program has began TRACKING UNVACCINATED AMERICANS Who Visit Their Doctor and Local Hospitals

>>18270318 TITAN25 E-4B Nightwatch departed Manila about 6h ago Sec. of Defense Austin done and heading back to JBA-prolly stop at Elmendorf

>>18270414 PlaneFag Europe Activity: Swiss AF SUI26 Falcon 900 departed Stockholm after about 2h45m stop and back to Bern/Belp Airport-"helping" with the NATO BS

>>18270220, >>18270255, >>18270884 Anon asking if (you) ever heard of 2BS

>>18270783, >>18270854 QClock February 01, 2023- In God We Trust

>>18270725 General Flynn | CBDCs | Is Medical and Financial Tyranny About to Merge? - Rumble

>>18270882 Edmond man says cheap drug for dogs cured his cancer

>>18270248 Ukraine Raids Oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky’s Home Who Has Ties to Zelensky and Hunter Biden.

>>18270631 Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants

>>18270927 #22388

Previously Collected

>>18263244 #22378, >>18263780 #22379, >>18264632 #22380

>>18261345 #22375, >>18261498 #22376, >>18262224 #22377

>>18258774 #22372, >>18259540 #22373, >>18260309 #22374

>>18270117 #22387

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

>>18154557 Q Research Notables #16: Loud and Clear

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b612c0 No.18272100

File: f8fda2bcdf604ba⋯.png (165.93 KB,940x408,235:102,2023_02_02_13_42_41.png)



baker seeking handoff

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2fee9f No.18272103

File: 1ab8ff6633acffb⋯.jpg (40.41 KB,828x464,207:116,04f7f7c94370474e.jpg)


TYB - Why are we baking @ 400 not 750?

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fe6969 No.18272107

File: 1bd4790a7c2d1fd⋯.png (635.71 KB,2355x1352,2355:1352,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d91c4 No.18272109

File: d971be531228a46⋯.jpg (101.77 KB,826x980,59:70,xyz52326.jpg)

File: b93a37ab600c092⋯.jpg (76.27 KB,800x630,80:63,xyz52351.jpg)

File: 2a169380e26d91d⋯.jpg (107.19 KB,1010x751,1010:751,xyz52389.jpg)

File: 3ab379d5d0980b9⋯.jpg (123.46 KB,650x612,325:306,xyz52314.jpg)

File: 8bef219a4107949⋯.jpg (173.25 KB,602x800,301:400,xyz52325.jpg)


> "Who cares if he got fingered?" Edition

Ty, Baker


> Why @ 400?

Bread refresh becomes shitty at high post-count. Baking early makes it easier on bakers to deal with the lag.

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df498e No.18272110

File: e6f40d55c1a9265⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB,886x486,443:243,_amuse_Largest_egg_produce….mp4)

>>18270631 (pb) Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants

>>18269990 (pb), >>18270019 (pb) Multiple studies show egg yolk antibodies block binding of C19 spike proteins

One of the US’ top egg producing plants burns to the ground.

100,000 chickens rumored dead, which tranlates to millions of eggs.

During the biggest egg shortage in history. What are the odds?





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fe6969 No.18272111

Doen't Matter what color of your Skin is


Want you all dead Equally

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b612c0 No.18272112


think i should get a meme for this

so don hafta explain it every darn bread

how bout looking in the GLOBALS?

baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761

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928f5e No.18272113

File: 0c0f96b0aebee31⋯.png (551.65 KB,655x732,655:732,Screenshot_20230131_234356….png)

A French bake

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2fee9f No.18272114

File: 684b76b838e810d⋯.jpg (47.02 KB,386x400,193:200,684b76b838e810d8d6078153ad….jpg)


>Baking early makes it easier on bakers to deal with the lag.

Hmmm welp learn something new everyday I guess.


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75ce5c No.18272115


Bring bacon

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8073e7 No.18272116

>>18272094 (lb)

65 percent white, 25 percent Hispanic, chances of gang-related shooting low (about 25 percent)

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c15bb2 No.18272117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Comedy by "AI' which means anything to an NPC.

"Best Clips Compilation"

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ec0550 No.18272118

File: d2d76675e40ca9e⋯.jpeg (57.56 KB,406x367,406:367,d2d76675e40ca9eb3dd1d99e1….jpeg)

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3b53aa No.18272119

File: b55229bd60e6984⋯.gif (1.2 MB,400x400,1:1,pepe_club.gif)

File: f3e5f5c67893faf⋯.png (650.83 KB,1230x819,410:273,ClipboardImage.png)



need moar board drama.


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490a19 No.18272120

File: 981a46693fb0f4d⋯.png (64.98 KB,388x431,388:431,981a46693fb0f4df5547812533….png)


ty old skool badass gyb


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eca08a No.18272121

File: 83a551468f81f06⋯.png (568.16 KB,588x590,294:295,ClipboardImage.png)

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2fee9f No.18272122

File: 801e653bdfda601⋯.png (287.5 KB,613x607,613:607,45_recognizes_digital_sold….png)


Ty for the info.

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bb52a5 No.18272123

File: c961503eb037e1e⋯.jpeg (201.1 KB,457x638,457:638,IMG_3902.jpeg)

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ec0550 No.18272124

File: 5d90dde1fb5e071⋯.png (263.72 KB,545x458,545:458,5d90dde1fb5e071b475275f0f6….png)

File: ac9a8e0a186712a⋯.jpeg (88.28 KB,640x796,160:199,ac9a8e0a186712a2e77e36ad4….jpeg)

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b612c0 No.18272125

File: 267331ac8ab1f3b⋯.png (95.91 KB,327x486,109:162,drama_melodrama_oh_no_tran….png)


>need moar board drama

WHAT say you??????

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fe6969 No.18272126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's False Flag Month

Please Stand-By

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9baedf No.18272127

I wonder if this is comms for mk.

The report is two years of increased monarch Butterflies after a fear warning of extinction coming. Turns out the 1000 fold increase is likely due to draught conditions.



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11988b No.18272128

File: 3e75acc171d6b0a⋯.png (87.06 KB,1166x427,1166:427,ClipboardImage.png)


Just add Pepe to this, kek

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526cbb No.18272129

File: bcfc5c8987b79b3⋯.jpg (38.57 KB,699x346,699:346,3lve556gq.jpg)

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bb52a5 No.18272130

File: 95af4b05bea6890⋯.jpg (21.99 KB,241x266,241:266,iseeyou.jpg)

thine eyes.


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8c8d70 No.18272131

File: bd885acbf44827b⋯.jpg (68.85 KB,640x615,128:123,1651772061446.jpg)

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7916b0 No.18272132

File: dc44c09dad62716⋯.jpg (85.64 KB,600x819,200:273,D06578FE_BAAE_4876_A709_B6….jpg)


>Boom Operator


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df498e No.18272133

File: 2b727c0c23e5db7⋯.mp4 (6.72 MB,1080x720,3:2,VideoCut_Star_Wars_as_an_8….mp4)

Star Wars as an 80’s Yakuza Film



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3b53aa No.18272134

File: 92b19f5db29d141⋯.png (58.31 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


bullet digits confirm - they want democide

only useful idiots allowed to remain as long as they are useful.

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e47950 No.18272135

File: 5a6630ccbf70c81⋯.jpg (46.51 KB,680x453,680:453,omarjihad_2.jpg)

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b612c0 No.18272136

File: b626c1802c6c377⋯.png (13.78 KB,255x214,255:214,night_research_bread.png)



what a compliment


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bb52a5 No.18272137


kicked the stool out early

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93e63c No.18272138

File: 3df65c4db45747e⋯.png (516.01 KB,598x449,598:449,noseartneon.png)


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9baedf No.18272139

File: d3856fbb680c991⋯.png (915.91 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8cd32736eb53f9⋯.png (238.98 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a797dd No.18272140

File: 162a09fc2bc9e5e⋯.mp4 (5.97 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Ferris_Bueller_s_Day_Off_Y….mp4)




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c1a54f No.18272141




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5d91c4 No.18272142

File: f2c8fde31510e87⋯.jpg (222.1 KB,1000x733,1000:733,xyz52409.jpg)

File: bf192b077558bb4⋯.jpg (157.37 KB,800x600,4:3,xyz54115.jpg)

File: 6116e928f919172⋯.jpg (217.67 KB,1000x720,25:18,xyz55112.jpg)

File: b86295b94563b0b⋯.jpg (119.23 KB,531x800,531:800,xyz55203.jpg)

File: b0460960de9f7d7⋯.jpg (40.62 KB,410x550,41:55,xyz55238.jpg)


> Reasons to bake early graphic

Ty, anon fren.

Somehow, I feel like I read this in the notables at some point, but I'm too lazy to scroll up and check if it's there now. Hadn't considered everything on the list, ty anon.

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fe6969 No.18272143


D+C+Zn is for Everyone

Those listed above may Help battle Spike Protein Poisoning

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c15bb2 No.18272144

File: be5b099874de3b9⋯.png (509.57 KB,846x775,846:775,be5b099874de3b9d1d89eca219….png)

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11988b No.18272145

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490a19 No.18272146

File: 113bdbe67bf58f9⋯.jpg (94.51 KB,473x504,473:504,113bdbe67bf58f9a47294a8515….jpg)



moar specifically it's the wall of notes. when they get too long they have to be split up because only so many lines can be in a post.

longer the bun the quicker the bake to avoid walls of notes up top.

-your humble morn'n baker

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330a82 No.18272147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anon and my tribe all have purchased IFAKs and other products from Refuge Medical, here is their CEO giving an update on his supply chain & implications…

UPDATE: Economic & W.A.R Indicators 1FEB23

Bear Independent

<2 min

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c15bb2 No.18272148

File: aecd4aeccf955a0⋯.png (391.23 KB,519x577,519:577,aecd4aeccf955a04a7b1d0f1c2….png)

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fe6969 No.18272150


God Save the Children

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c15bb2 No.18272151

File: db1dd029708c448⋯.png (382.33 KB,441x720,49:80,db1dd029708c448ec58cbc1996….png)

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c1a54f No.18272152


Yes agree but ZINC and QUERICTIN are synergistic with NAC assisting it's ingestion and efficacy with cells.

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11988b No.18272153

File: 8e8c2d178e159ba⋯.png (659.48 KB,840x1216,105:152,ClipboardImage.png)


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ec0550 No.18272154

File: 858e6601ebd856b⋯.png (361.85 KB,595x581,85:83,BRRRRRRRRTpanties.png)

File: 16d485815d3d330⋯.png (163.07 KB,606x530,303:265,Screen_Shot_2023_02_02_at_….png)

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8073e7 No.18272155


Didn't madonna raise a black boy into a black girl as well?

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9b7d24 No.18272156

File: bd545d624702fa8⋯.png (30.99 KB,582x404,291:202,ClipboardImage.png)


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fe6969 No.18272157

File: 358a4e77c05f386⋯.png (501.3 KB,1003x690,1003:690,ClipboardImage.png)


God Bless the Jews

God Save Israel

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5308c1 No.18272158

File: 193d18b0e64f865⋯.jpg (301.27 KB,1331x890,1331:890,Phil6_jab.jpg)

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fe6969 No.18272160


I'll Write that Down


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c15bb2 No.18272161

File: edf8b4f898463d1⋯.jpg (210.35 KB,953x527,953:527,edf8b4f898463d1b7f258fede7….jpg)

File: f9de634b8064460⋯.jpg (169.69 KB,946x895,946:895,f9de634b80644601bc0da046eb….jpg)

File: 42f1e0e983b10d6⋯.pdf (1.02 MB,UnconventionalWarfare.pdf)

Unconventional Warfare PDF

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736110 No.18272162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SuspiciousObservers LIVE* with Archaix


*Streamed live on Feb 1, 2023


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12cf1a No.18272163



You spelt tranny wrong, anon.

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d237b3 No.18272164

>We all have our cross to bear

Do you mean that literally? Am I seemingly cursed to be miserable no matter how hard I try for the same reason that the K-On girls perform Romeo and Juliet; and more specifically, the death scene?

Am I suffering for these ungrateful animals?

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f60b3e No.18272165


Fuck your digits. They want a master mutt slave race. How does what [they] want have to do what I want? Non-whites are fucking useless ugly people and should go back to their shitholes. We can do business from there.

The elites have baby farms where they breed all the supermodels they can dream of. Or they can just pay millions of fake paper money to women in Europe to impregnate. The only purpose for non-whites to exist in White nations is to molest, rape and replace the Whites that aren't in their baby farms that they can groom to be compliant. Anyone that doesn't see the grande picture is a fucking retard. If what is happening in White nations happened in any non-White country at this level you'd see how they would react.

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ec0550 No.18272167

File: 4ef0a58ddb6e36b⋯.png (16.98 KB,430x287,430:287,summer_glau_pointer.png)



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86e409 No.18272168

File: 89b5cc9eefe311b⋯.png (141.52 KB,500x830,50:83,ap_photo_alex_brandon_toge….png)

File: 91799c0bd95d537⋯.jpeg (220.67 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,FarHlCgWYAEuhMw.jpeg)

File: a348a121578272c⋯.jpg (643.78 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,epstein_ghislaine_maxwell.jpg)

File: a0e4685d76ad797⋯.jpeg (126.62 KB,1024x730,512:365,D2KU5C0X0AEiEJi.jpeg)

File: 103f41f83744719⋯.png (733.61 KB,989x1229,989:1229,weiner.png)

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df498e No.18272169

File: 15f0e01c68e66ac⋯.png (897.14 KB,926x960,463:480,ClipboardImage.png)



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d8f9b4 No.18272170

File: 593d0dc550d712c⋯.jpg (36.87 KB,600x338,300:169,hillarybooker2_2.jpg)


what better way is there to get black men to 'heel' than to turn them into little girls.

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f5cd6b No.18272171



can't share the planet with the stupid meat eaters

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fe6969 No.18272172



We are all God's Children

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1b7ed1 No.18272173

File: bffb799be5a021d⋯.png (473.69 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_02_02_16_55_1….png)

Petro dollar tied countries

Going bankrupt

Is not good


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c15bb2 No.18272174

File: 07819ec211d78ab⋯.png (457.48 KB,634x793,634:793,ClipboardImage.png)



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8073e7 No.18272175

File: 6926f6feb154e34⋯.jpg (54.12 KB,1024x640,8:5,1656121390598.jpg)


moar project veritas pfizer dropping tonight

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d187f0 No.18272176

File: 7a8461afd283d3b⋯.jpeg (70.79 KB,474x319,474:319,6B0A2DCA_0AAC_4B6C_A76E_0….jpeg)

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a797dd No.18272177

File: 0a29b4a20433366⋯.png (2.17 MB,1528x1085,1528:1085,pepe_god_bless_America.png)


Thanks Bakes. The entire spectrum of happenings is happening. Nobody bitches about nothing happening anymore. Nobody has any time to bitch anymore.

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490a19 No.18272178


i thought this was supiciousobservers space weather kek. wuz think'n i ain't an hr of space weather newz!

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f60b3e No.18272179


We will see who God will favor more in that case.

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5731cd No.18272180

File: e0746a69cca347b⋯.jpg (89.94 KB,800x800,1:1,e0746a69cca347b37c8fef3aed….jpg)

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b612c0 No.18272181

File: 223ec08e868ff06⋯.png (214.69 KB,1327x450,1327:450,2023_02_02_13_57_22.png)

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fe6969 No.18272182


Think I'll Have 2

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6d90e2 No.18272183

File: 7f952b1971d25e2⋯.jpeg (175.29 KB,439x447,439:447,pv.jpeg)

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f5cd6b No.18272184


Algorithm Intelligence is artificial

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8f40e3 No.18272185

File: e8f558bd2364c44⋯.jpg (171.52 KB,827x1024,827:1024,large_33_.jpg)


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163bdf No.18272186

File: 180f3a00433def9⋯.png (67.5 KB,675x359,675:359,Screen_Shot_2023_02_02_at_….png)


Why don't American families have the same awareness? Or maybe they do and their outcries are even more suppressed than this one out of Argentina. Is Pharma paying people off? FEMA tried that with one parent in the US if I remember correctly.

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3b53aa No.18272187

File: 05cf274b22423dc⋯.png (200.8 KB,520x303,520:303,ClipboardImage.png)


it is easier to have topic and links which are the same instead of long notes for everything.

old baker used to get all those notables into a short bundle.

1) russia v ukraine

2) Twat noise

3) covid

4) fake news msm

5) anon digs qdrop linked

6) djt twats

7) anything else that anons called notables.

8) specific notables that baker thinks need highlighting.

9) pedo and groomer bun

10) Banks, markets and finance news especially w.e.f and ngo (important topic)

All else is noise and distraction.

Remember anons already know trusted sources and irs non profit funded news sources like rt.com reuters and others.

Just a suggestion, take it or leave it!!

etc etc.


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b612c0 No.18272188


baker must GHOST


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020633 No.18272189

File: 2ed0c0c3c0e7f98⋯.png (1.47 MB,532x965,532:965,capture_367_02022023_13582….png)

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fe6969 No.18272190

File: 659abae7065e2b5⋯.png (379.1 KB,1743x588,83:28,ClipboardImage.png)

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12cf1a No.18272191


>Am I seemingly cursed to be miserable

The choice is yours, anon.

Onlly you have control over how you react to external stimuli.

Unless you are a leftist, liberal lunatic who wishes to blame their feelz on the outside world.

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de3e01 No.18272192

File: 66b99ddeb7cc14c⋯.jpeg (75.77 KB,274x400,137:200,bob.jpeg)

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11988b No.18272193

File: 6d7559cff37b7ed⋯.png (950.29 KB,856x539,856:539,ClipboardImage.png)

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035037 No.18272194

89 replies

Time for a new bread

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86e409 No.18272195


Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

John 8:44, Jesus speaking to the Jews

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bb52a5 No.18272196

File: e6d921cf43d9daa⋯.jpeg (22.35 KB,240x298,120:149,E9F12690_AAD1_4AEF_82CB_8….jpeg)


5:5 would click again

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5d91c4 No.18272197


> Wall of notes the primary issue

Walls of txt never really bothered me, just made it easier to go through old notables. I thought it was a combination of too-many-notes combined with too-much-refresh. My bad.


> Moar

They've always timed their exposes to crescendo with one another. Of course there is moar. Hope somebody from the CDC whistleblows, maybe gets some kind of domestic immunity deal for their family.

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ace47e No.18272198


Why post the DeSantis shill tweet when you could have just posted the Veritas tweet that has the pertinent information?

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fe6969 No.18272199


May the Source be With you

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72a9a2 No.18272200



fuck off

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11988b No.18272201

File: 7f6f885977f95d6⋯.png (49.24 KB,657x651,219:217,ClipboardImage.png)

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ccc686 No.18272202

File: a58ea1cc0e51bda⋯.png (575.32 KB,720x469,720:469,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1da42051430291c⋯.png (946.65 KB,720x720,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Zelensky’s diaspora delegation led by economic hit-woman who led plunder of Ukraine Max Blumenthal ·December 23, 2022 1 of 3

The Grayzone intercepted Volodymyr Zelensky’s Ukrainian diaspora delegation outside the US Capitol and encountered Natalie Jaresko, the corporate operativewho helped guide Wall Street’s pillaging from Kiev to Puerto Rico. Jaresko indignantly justified Zelensky’s banning of his political rivals as a necessary wartime measure.

Steel fencing and police barricades ringed the perimeter of the US Capitol Building hours ahead of the arrival of Volodymyr Zelensky. The Ukrainian president appeared in Washington DC in the early afternoon on December 21, 2022, emerging from a US military jet clad in an olive drab sweatshirt and cargo pants, and charged with a singular mission: convince Congress and the Biden administration to send his government more than the whopping $45 billion in military and humanitarian aid it had already allocated for 2023.

Just outside the police barricades, at the eastern side of the Capitol grounds, as a demonstration by a small but dedicated group of antiwar activists wound down, a group of around 20 Ukrainians in dark business attire gathered for a photo. They were on their way into the Capitol, where they were to function as Zelensky’s personal cheering section, representing the Ukrainian diaspora before a nationally televised audience.

I approached members of the delegation to challenge them on Zelensky’s lobbying push and the planned expansion of the NATO proxy war he is leading against Russia. My questions were met with a torrent of worn-out talking points about Ukraine’s crusade to defend democracy, accusations that Moscow was sponsoring my reporting, and a complaint that $45 billion in US aid was too little.

Caught up w/ the Ukrainian diaspora delegation on their way into the Capitol to cheer for Zelensky

They told me $45 billion wasn't enough, neo-Nazis do not exist in Ukraine and thebanning of the Russian wing of the Orthodox Church & oppo parties was justified bc "martial law" pic.twitter.com/pFE2wmWaH9— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) December 22, 2022

Several of the Ukrainian delegates I encountered on the way into the US Capitol happened to have played significant roles in the transformation of Ukraine from a neutral state into a hyper-militarized vassal of the US and the IMF.

The most voluble among them, acting as ade facto spokesperson for the group, was Natalie Jaresko. A Ukrainian-American financial industry operative, Jaresko presided over several IMF austerity packages and the rampant privatization of Ukraine’s economy as the country’s Minister of Finance in its post-coup government.

The economic hit-woman

In our exchange, Jaresko unabashedly defended Zelensky’s outlawing of 11 opposition political parties, his banning of opposition media, and his plans to blacklist the Russian wing of the Orthodox Church. “It’s martial law!” Jaresko exclaimed, justifying Kiev’s authoritarian crackdown as a necessary wartime measure.

Jaresko has seen the corruption and de-democratization of Ukraine from within. She helped open up the country’s economy to Western multinationals after being appointed to the Foreign Investors Advisory Council of Victor Yuschenko, a neoliberal president who gained power thanks to the “Orange Revolution” backed by US intelligence and Western-aligned oligarchs George Soros and Boris Berisovsky in 2005.

Under Yuschenko’s reign, Ukraine’s government officially heroized the World War Two-era Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera. During our exchange,Jaresko deflected when asked if she supported Bandera. However, her brother, John, has presided over the construction of a memorial in Bloomingdale, New Jersey to “Heroes of Ukraine” including World War Two-era Nazi collaborators, according to researcher Moss Robeson.

Nine years later, following the Euromaidan coup also engineered by Washington,Jaresko rose to Minister of Finance. She was granted Ukrainian citizenship on the day of her appointment.

Through her new post, Jaresko assumed control of Datagroup, the company that oversees Ukraine’s telecom sector. As former investment executive Tim Duff recounted, Jaresko “immediately proceeded to squeeze her competitor, the owner of Datagroup, out of business using the kind offoreign currency loan debt scam favored by Mafia hoods and economic hitmen employed by the CIA.”…


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df498e No.18272203

File: bdc47b6b568d989⋯.png (1.03 MB,720x1055,144:211,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40267cf77761e66⋯.png (516.09 KB,1125x936,125:104,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 947c9c4f2fc30e0⋯.jpeg (277.22 KB,583x659,583:659,chitin.jpeg)

New trends in a healthy lifestyle. 😏😐


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243590 No.18272204

File: cefe58cfa1ef066⋯.png (587.99 KB,1080x1100,54:55,ClipboardImage.png)


Just had a libby tell me that its already DEBOONKED

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035037 No.18272205


Feeling bad for her loss and all, but what a dumfuck for letting her 8 year old take it.

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c1a54f No.18272206



some sauce, they caused oxidative distress in tissue (similar to spike damage). The combo worked better

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f5cd6b No.18272207


>only useful idiots allowed to remain

not even them

AI will do their usefulness

Mein Klaus

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12cf1a No.18272208


Incoming 100 post breads because of muh bakerz feels.

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ccf00d No.18272209

File: a0eab60f8d89ffc⋯.jpeg (38.02 KB,456x456,1:1,chickencoop.jpeg)


turning the sheep into chickens

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12cf1a No.18272210

File: cb2dbdd5b553d08⋯.png (684.88 KB,678x733,678:733,macron_eat_bugs.png)

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40bbe7 No.18272211

File: d198ffbd3294f61⋯.jpg (104.68 KB,1600x669,1600:669,gty_trumps_31_er_161101_12….jpg)


Flynntards are the worst tards.

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fe6969 No.18272212



God Bless you

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d8f9b4 No.18272213


if they accept the facts…they're gonna suicide…they're not fit for war.

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8073e7 No.18272214

File: f33317f660a0e48⋯.jpg (24 KB,300x300,1:1,1669512433748561.jpg)


> DeSantis shill

Has Cat turd gone team DeSantis?

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12cf1a No.18272215



Except for anons it is not.

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72a9a2 No.18272216


Yep, breads need to be allowed to go to 751 posts.

Doing this new bread when there is only 400 posts in a bread is fucking retarded.

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3b53aa No.18272217

File: 6034f55cd4a3209⋯.png (254.22 KB,500x543,500:543,ClipboardImage.png)

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526cbb No.18272218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Press conference on Memphis shooting; one officer critically injured

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490a19 No.18272219


>My bad.

never. you know when anons have been around fer a while. guud to see ya


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fe6969 No.18272220

File: 851e263b73d6191⋯.png (359.31 KB,726x455,726:455,ClipboardImage.png)

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2fee9f No.18272221

File: 9cf737722b54f11⋯.png (264.12 KB,388x291,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec0550 No.18272222


>Has Cat turd gone team DeSantis?


Got big mad that Trump started talking shit about him.

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3b53aa No.18272223

File: e8fc7b40778212d⋯.png (255.01 KB,500x543,500:543,ClipboardImage.png)


opps before gramma kitty attacks

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ccc686 No.18272224

File: af78cd0cf25d057⋯.png (291.87 KB,500x357,500:357,ClipboardImage.png)


Zelensky’s diaspora delegation…

2 of 3

While in Kiev, steering the government alongside a cadre of Ukrainian-American operatives, Jaresko grumbled about her salary while angling for opportunities to supplement it. In a withering analysis of her financial self-dealing, the late investigative journalist Robert Parry found that Jaresko “collected $1.77 million in bonuses from a U.S.-taxpayer-financed investment fund where her annual compensation was supposed to be limited to $150,000”

As Jaresko lapped up praise from Beltway corporate media, the NATO-sponsored Atlantic Council that employed her as a visiting fellow acknowledged that under her watch, “the average monthly wage in Ukraine is only $194, an inflation rate of 55 percent is decimating citizens’ purchasing power, and a painful IMF-mandated austerity program involving sweeping cuts to social programs is being implemented.”

In 2017, Jaresko was rewarded with an appointment and $625,000 salary as director of Promesa, the unelected US board charged with restructuring Puerto Rico’s debt – and which average Puerto Ricans refer to derisively as “La Junta.” Jaresko resigned rom her position this April after leaving Puerto Rico’s economy firmly in the hands of Wall Street creditors.

Natalie Jaresko of the ⁦@FOMBPR⁩ is resigning. She was never welcomed in Puerto Rico.Her policies will leave people on the island suffering for decades while ensuring huge profits for wall street. Its time to #abolishlajunta https://t.co/6GuvLfmqwb — Julio E. (@jlopezvarona) February 3, 2022

The all-encompassing shock therapy that Jaresko prescribed from Puerto Rico to Ukraine was only possible thanks to society-wide disasters. In San Juan, it was Hurricane Maria that placed neoliberal capitalism on overdrive; in Kiev, it was a coup and a proxy war. Indeed, the conflict with Russia has provided Zelensky with justification to strip 70 percent of Ukraine’s workers of collective bargaining rights and arrest everyone from his political rivals to socialist organizers – a wave of repression that Jaresko explicitly justified in her exchange with me.

The Ukrainian president accompanied his Pinochet-style crackdown with an appeal this October at the NYSE Stock Exchange for multinational corporations to deepen their exploitation of his country’s economy and resources. As The Grayzone’s Alex Rubinstein reported, Zelensky’s foreign investment initiative plastered the word “deregulation” across the homepage of its website.

The diaspora lobbyist

As I challenged the Ukrainian delegation on the nearly $100 billion of military aid the US has forked over to Kiev, a bespectacled middle-aged man interjected,demanding to know why I supposedly supported an “unprovoked” assault on an “innocent people.”

I countered that I opposed the Ukrainian military’s 8-year-long attack on the ethnic Russian population of Donetsk and Lugansk, where thousands had been killed before the Russian military ever entered Ukraine in February 2022. I then asked the indignant character if he also opposed the shelling of civilians in the eastern republics. His reply came in the form of a firm “no!”

That person turns out to bea member of the US Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe named Orest Deychakiwsky. His commission is charged with monitoring Ukrainian compliance with OSCE commitments, including those Kiev made – and relentlessly violated –– to the Minsk Accords. As former German Chancellor Angela Merkel confessed this December, Ukraine’s Western backers used the Minsk Accords as a stalling tactic to prepare it for military conflict with Russia.

So the guy at :39 who says the Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk and Lugansk should not stop appears to be Orest Deychakiwsky, who was a member of the US Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe

https://t.co/MJYkLN1JXP pic.twitter.com/H6jrfPhjol— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) December 22, 2022


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8f40e3 No.18272225

File: cdcc20e88242c60⋯.webp (129.9 KB,1069x574,1069:574,large_10_.webp)

Oh shit

We gonna need a bigger boat

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12cf1a No.18272226


>Doing this new bread when there is only 400 posts in a bread is fucking retarded.

Anon was wondering why the fuck the bread was not updating.

There was no rime nor reason for the bread to be closed except muh baker faggotry. There was the usual shill bollocks, but the bread was not slow nor overloaded with notables, despite the bloatables posted.

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ddeccd No.18272227

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bb52a5 No.18272228

File: 6e64c068fad96d9⋯.jpeg (19.04 KB,240x253,240:253,4E1BDE11_813F_4756_B6A6_E….jpeg)

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5d91c4 No.18272229

File: 364ec57e04879a1⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,819x1000,819:1000,xyz55588.jpg)

File: 7f5d3918d1ae9bc⋯.jpg (149.23 KB,1000x1041,1000:1041,xyz55552.jpg)

File: a4700abfbb0cc0a⋯.jpg (136.33 KB,805x1000,161:200,xyz55560.jpg)

File: aab8c9cf26ec942⋯.jpg (181.18 KB,1000x792,125:99,xyz55568.jpg)

File: cefb4fba8a7e295⋯.jpg (185.25 KB,759x1000,759:1000,xyz55575.jpg)


> They gonna suicide

Yep, and anons need to help people come to terms without killing themselves. It's one of the "goals" of this place and the plan. To prepare for "suicide night", which is presumably some event that will cause people to confront their cognitive dissonance. If they're prepared for it properly, with memes, then maybe they won't kill themselves when the news comes crashing down.

I hope.

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f5cd6b No.18272231


myth : doctors are trustworthy and honorable

she learned the hard way fren

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c82bb3 No.18272232

File: 3d736661b0e795c⋯.jpg (247.41 KB,1485x945,11:7,trumppoint_.jpg)

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63bed7 No.18272233

File: 4949414aef900b5⋯.jpg (81.83 KB,900x700,9:7,Armored_Brink_s_Truck.jpg)

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daa84b No.18272234

File: e15d5a1a9136e64⋯.png (320.64 KB,563x431,563:431,ClipboardImage.png)

BIDEN: "More than half the women in my administration are women."


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ddeccd No.18272235


Projecting mongrel brat! Filtered!

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f5cd6b No.18272236

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12cf1a No.18272237

File: bdd4a61a3f14895⋯.jpg (353.97 KB,1024x613,1024:613,grammar_kitty_thumbs_corre….jpg)


>gramma kitty attacks

Grammr Kitty does not attack. Grammar Kitty politely educates.

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8073e7 No.18272238

File: 0f8c38822afcace⋯.png (642.76 KB,1022x731,1022:731,It_s_All_So_Tiresome.png)


Damn, digits say it must be so

It's rare when a fame fag doesn't go full anti maga

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3b53aa No.18272239

File: d1f80c0e9006958⋯.png (1.21 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Quad ducks chek'ed

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259afa No.18272240

File: 69f8a7284ddc0a1⋯.png (231.6 KB,348x267,116:89,WiartonWillie.PNG)


The original Wiarton Willie lived to the advanced age of 22, and was found dead only two days before Groundhog Day in 1999


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eeb38a No.18272241

File: a68fa9037bed214⋯.mp4 (9.88 MB,1024x576,16:9,plaque.mp4)

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9b7d24 No.18272243


Love the turd! Could give a rat's ass who he wants for guvnah since I don't live in FLA

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12cf1a No.18272244

File: fd4a5f1705776f8⋯.jpg (50.08 KB,461x600,461:600,thumbstrawb_.jpg)



Just added to my own filter database. Thanks.

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d187f0 No.18272245

File: b348d80d66daa76⋯.gif (570.51 KB,220x177,220:177,BEBF48E2_31DD_4A50_AF9D_E7….gif)


F.U. Schrödinger.

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72a9a2 No.18272246


> "It's the kikes"

Division shill detected

kill yourself

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035037 No.18272247

File: 450004e211140a8⋯.jpg (64.04 KB,360x640,9:16,ZomboMeme_26012023103100.jpg)

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5d91c4 No.18272248

File: 744713fb5c66c77⋯.jpg (65.66 KB,584x1000,73:125,xyz55631.jpg)

File: 0c1d6352d84edd9⋯.jpg (200.37 KB,770x1000,77:100,xyz55619.jpg)

File: e4dafcdf288c482⋯.jpg (201.92 KB,594x1000,297:500,xyz55622.jpg)

File: 520709809f76b83⋯.jpg (107.15 KB,546x1000,273:500,xyz55623.jpg)


> More than half are women, the other half are "women"

He's letting the cat out of the bag, likely because it's front-and-center on his mind to know and understand the distinction before he goes-a-sniffin'.

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c26090 No.18272249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sun is getting low.

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5308c1 No.18272250


What happens when people learn the TRUTH?

What happens when people WAKE UP?

They will not be able to walk down the street.




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daa84b No.18272251

File: 75448313214d8ce⋯.png (256.66 KB,553x496,553:496,ClipboardImage.png)

House Democrats Get Triggered By Matt Gaetz Proposing Members Of The Judiciary Committee Recite Pledge Of Allegiance Before Meetings

When liberals wonder why conservatives question their patriotism, what happened in the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday explains why.

Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) introduced a seemingly innocuous amendment requesting members of the Committee recite the Pledge of Allegiance before every meeting. But Democrats threw a tantrum instead.

Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) dismissed the proposal, saying it was “not the most important amendment in the world.” He also whined about the idea of having to pledge allegiance to our country more than once a day.

Two members then falsely smeared Gaetz and other Republicans on the committee as insurrectionists. This led to a nasty argument between the Florida Congressman and one of the instigators, deranged Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI).

Here is the full story from Newsweek:

Republican Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida on Wednesday introduced an amendment in the House Judiciary Committee that would include a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance before every meeting.

The move caused not only objections but also a heated moment between Republican and Democratic members of the committee.

As Gaetz noted, he first called for the Judiciary Committee to open with the pledge two years ago. Democratic Representative Jerry Nadler of New York, who was chairman of the committee at the time, told Gaetz in 2021 that the move was unnecessary since the committee members already pledge allegiance on the House floor every morning.

On Wednesday, Nadler used the same reasoning when he was the first to speak out against Gaetz’s amendment.

“I don’t know why we should pledge allegiance twice in the same day to show how patriotic we are,” Nadler said. “I don’t think this is the most important amendment in the world.”

In introducing the amendment to the committee, Gaetz said it would give “our members the ability to invite inspirational constituents to be able to share and lead in the Pledge of Allegiance.”

Democratic Representative Hank Johnson of Georgia then spoke and used the moment to criticize those members of the committee who had not done more in regard to the riots at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. He also condemned those who had supported the “big lie,” which is the baseless theory that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.

“I regret the fact that many members of this committee voted against certifying the election results based on the ‘big lie,’ and they have continued to promote the ‘big lie’ and undermine public confidence in our government,” Johnson said.

He added that he felt it was “ironic” for members who “supported the insurrection” to now want to force the committee to pledge allegiance to the flag.

Representative David Cicilline, a Rhode Island Democrat, also invoked the attack on the Capitol during the meeting. He said he would support Gaetz’s amendment if it contained a provision that would restrict “anyone who supported insurrection” from leading the pledge.

Gaetz later posted a video clip of the heated exchange on Twitter. In the caption for his post, he wrote: “Why does patriotism make Democrats so heated?”


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a797dd No.18272252

CNN Camera Crew Present Outside Mike Pence Group in D.C. After Apparent Leak from DOJ


A CNN camera crew was as of Thursday morning present on the street outside former Vice President Mike Pence’s advocacy group headquarters in downtown Washington, DC, Breitbart News has learned. The group is called Advancing American Freedom and has headquarters in downtown Washington, D.C. Photos of the CNN staffers—who had a camera on a tripod there—provided to Breitbart News suggest the camera crew was possibly awaiting action from the Department of Justice (DOJ) or FBI in the ongoing classified document scandals plaguing Pence, former President Donald Trump, and current President Joe Biden. CNN and the DOJ have not replied to requests for comment. Pence officials have previously made clear that staff-led searches have been conducted both at Pence’s home in Indiana and at this organization’s headquarters and that there are no other possible locations to search.

The presence of the CNN camera crew raises questions about whether or not the DOJ or FBI are leaking to establishment media any key facts or intelligence about the various investigations. At this stage, there is no reason to believe that any intelligence that CNN may have gotten is correct or incorrect either, and Pence’s office has not been raided or searched yet by federal agents—and it is unclear if it ever will be. Pence voluntarily provided classified documents he discovered at his Indiana home recently to federal authorities, which somewhat roped him into the simmering scandal currently ripping Biden apart. Federal authorities searched Biden’s two homes in Delaware in recent weeks, and have been zoning in on troves of documents at the Universities of Pennsylvania and Delaware as well from his time as Vice President during former President Barack Obama’s administration and from his time as a U.S. Senator. A source close to Pence said that the former vice president and his team will comply with the various authorities and have been in touch with the FBI about the possibility of scheduling additional searches. Trump, meanwhile, saw his home at Mar-a-Lago raided back in August as part of that probe, which now is being overseen by a Special Counsel—a Special Counsel has also been appointed in the Biden case too. Questions of leaks to media about flashy law enforcement action like executions of search warrants or even just voluntary searches have dominated each of these stories for weeks. It is unclear if the DOJ or FBI will take any action against leakers in their midst, or if the Department and Agency believe that such leaks are acceptable.

It is also unclear if the CNN news crew is still remaining outside Pence’s organization.

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163bdf No.18272253


>They will not be able to walk down the street.

I have been reminded of this sentence more than once recently.

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df498e No.18272255

File: 73c41df4d328d81⋯.mp4 (1.98 MB,576x1024,9:16,ssstwitter_com_16753325250….mp4)

File: e5e554e049a978a⋯.png (714.69 KB,1280x719,1280:719,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d21269031ed4064⋯.png (611.6 KB,1280x715,256:143,ClipboardImage.png)

The newest Russian anti-roof anti-tank mine PTKM-1R was seen in the Kherson region. PTKM-1R with the help of sensors detects approaching armored vehicles and at the time of its appearance in the affected area launches a submunition, which takes off into the air and is directed to the target, hitting it from above with a cumulative "shock core". In the absence of suitable targets, the mine is deactivated after 10 days. Earlier, these munitions were discovered (https://t.me/milinfolive/84201) by Ukrainian sappers in the Kiev region. @milinfolive


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c15bb2 No.18272256

File: d5b2182d558f576⋯.png (5.5 MB,2560x1440,16:9,d5b2182d558f5764dd6803c906….png)


There is no such thing as artificial intelligence. There is only intelligence. What we create, the work of Spirt, mind and hands, is as 'natural' (or supernatural) as we ourselves are.

Like a beaver's dam or a bird's nest, our technology is the natural product of the application of new to existing knowledge - life is a recursively self-improving system, which unfolds naturally as part of our growth processes. Self improving systems have common properties.

The Nature of Self-Improving Artificial Intelligence


Self-improving systems are a promising new approach to developing artificial intelligence. But will their behavior be predictable? Can we be sure that they will behave as we intended even after many generations of self-improvement? This paper presents a framework for answering questions like these. It shows that self-improvement causes systems to converge on an architecture that arises from von Neumann’s foundational work on microeconomics. Self-improvement causes systems to allocate their physical and computational resources according to a universal principle. It also causes systems to exhibit four natural drives:

1) efficiency,

2) self-preservation,

3)resource acquisition, and

4) creativity.

Unbridled, these drives lead to both desirable and undesirable behaviors. The efficiency drive leads to algorithm optimization, data compression, atomically precise physical structures, reversible computation, adiabatic physical action, and the virtualization of the physical. It also governs a system’s choice of memories, theorems, language, and logic. The self-preservation drive leads to defensive strategies such as “energy encryption” for hiding resources and promotes replication and game theoretic modeling. The resource acquisition drive leads to a variety of competitive behaviors and promotes rapid physical expansion and imperialism. The creativity drive leads to the development of new concepts, algorithms, theorems, devices, and processes. The best of these traits could usher in a new era of peace and prosperity; the worst are characteristic of human psychopaths and could bring widespread destruction.

How can we ensure that this technology acts in alignment with our values? We have leverage both in designing the initial systems and in creating the social context within which they operate. But we must have clarity about the future we wish to create. We need not just a logical understanding of the technology but a deep sense of the values we cherish most. With both logic and inspiration we can work toward building a technology that empowers the human spirit rather than diminishing it.


We extend our minds with mathematics, we use this language to see invisible structures - because mathematics has no doubts about the reality of higher dimensions.

6 dimensional phase space (as mathematicians call it) is where the Interplanetary Super was discovered many years ago by JPL scientist Martin Lo. We can find lots about the IPS with a web search. It has been tested (Gemini mission) and it will allow us to send cargo anywhere in the solar system (and possibly beyond) at almost no energy cost.

Why don't we know about this? Doesn't it seem strange that a profound discovery with enormous economic implications for the entire world is virtually unknown? We can thank the pedovore cultists for that. MSM doesn't just deliver an unending stream of violence, hate, anger, and idiotic talk show tier disputes - MSM also buries the good news. Important news. News that would unite rather than divide us.


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33a359 No.18272257

What would be wiser?

A soul that has had thousands of lives as both genders, all races, all religions.


A soul that has one single life experience?

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d237b3 No.18272258


"Thank you, God for the parents who hated me from the moment I was born and who schemed to wreck me, first mentally, then physically; to distract from their own unhappiness!

"Oh, thank you so much, normies!

"Thank you for lying, cheating, using and stepping on me for your own ends!

"Thank you for being ungrateful, ignorant swine!

"Thank you for literally conspiring against me for your own happiness!

"I'm so glad to see you all living your blessed lives getting everything you could ever want!

"I'll just smile through the loneliness, the chronic illness, the emptiness of my life, because I suppose only cucks are welcome in the "brave new world"."


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5731cd No.18272259

File: 848cdd3c45829ae⋯.png (12.27 KB,558x150,93:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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243590 No.18272260

File: 79e45dd3cc01d5c⋯.png (77.86 KB,1180x600,59:30,ClipboardImage.png)

Project Veritas


30 minutes… be ready…


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91150a No.18272261

File: 6d3d4d6696653b6⋯.jpg (355.48 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230202_150629….jpg)

File: deabf619ff4da9c⋯.png (37.4 KB,710x540,71:54,1004_1_.png)

File: a09e834688f928a⋯.jpg (328.66 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230202_150500….jpg)

File: deabf619ff4da9c⋯.png (37.4 KB,710x540,71:54,1004_1_.png)

File: 44d2d8d7d863f45⋯.gif (209.21 KB,250x263,250:263,44d2d8d7d863f451547a50af3d….gif)


every bread deserves

a tit.aa 43

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dc3c82 No.18272262

I'm so fuckin slightly tired but assertive about personal goals and fuckin maintaining positive outlook regarding the kekistani agenda.

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7e9e5b No.18272263

File: e7d949779edd6f5⋯.jpg (6.02 KB,240x240,1:1,pepe_apu_chefs_hat_mustach….jpg)



baker claiming dough

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ccc686 No.18272264

File: 3f33ac7031bfd28⋯.png (569.76 KB,1536x759,512:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: af78cd0cf25d057⋯.png (291.87 KB,500x357,500:357,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a58ea1cc0e51bda⋯.png (575.32 KB,720x469,720:469,ClipboardImage.png)


3 of 3

The son of a former member of Stepan Bandera’s OUN-B organization that collaborated with Nazi Germany towards the end of World War II,Deychakiwsky serves as the Vice President of the US-Ukraine Foundation. He previously worked at the Helsinki Commission under Sen. Ben Cardin, the pro-war Democrat who sponsored the Magnitsky Act imposing the first set of harsh post-Cold War sanctions on Russia and helping set the stage for the current conflict.

The Maidan infowarrior

A member of the Ukrainian delegation who remained in the background while her fellow delegates jawed at me strongly resembled a prominent functionary of the post-Maidan media complex spawned with hundreds of millions in Western donations.

She closely resembled Anastasia Stanko, the deputy editor of Hromadske, a broadcast network she helped to found on the eve of the Maidan coup. Stanko was honored by the corporate-funded Committee to Protect Journalists with its 2018 press freedom award.

While opposition and Russian-language outlets have been banned by Zelensky, pro-NATO infowar instruments like Hromadske have flourished thanks tomassive donations from the EU, USAID, the Thomson Foundation and transnational elites like Paypal founder Pierre Omidyar.

Though Hromadske has attempted to strike the liberal tone its benefactors prefer, it has occasionally provided a platform for genocide-level anti-Russian nationalism.

This March, days after Russia launched its military operation inside Ukraine, a guest onHromadske ranted that the ethnic Russian population of Donetsk was filled “superfluous” and “absolutely useless people” who “must be killed.”

Pierre Omidyar partnered w/the US Embassy in Kiev to found Hromadske & advance the Euromaidan color revolution As @RealAlexRubi and I reported, Hromadske has hosted a radio show that was part of the Omidyar-sponsored International Fact-Checking Network https://t.co/dh0DhilRxL https://t.co/RH6vz5smg4— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) March 20, 2022

Researcher Moss Robeson noted in his analysis of Zelensky’s Ukrainian diaspora delegation that it also includedAndrew Mac, an unpaid advisor to Zelensky described by Politico as “one of the biggest Washington power players for Ukraine.”

“We’re gonna send a lot more!”

With tens of billions more on the way to Ukraine, the country’s debt to international creditors continues to grow, setting the stage for another crushing wave of austerity after the war. The diaspora operatives I encountered on their way into the Capitol gallery appeared poised to guide the plunder from the comfort of suburban America.

In the meantime, lawmakers from both parties can hardly contain their exuberance for expanding the proxy war. As one of the energy industry’s favorite senators, Democrat Joe Manchin, exclaimed when I asked him on a sidewalk outside the Capitol about the billions in military aid on the way to Ukraine, “We’re gonna send a lot more. I’m all in!”


(Note the reason for the Coup in 2014 was because the President had been negotiating with the IMF to bail them out, and the terms were so drastic and catastrophic, they worked with Russia to help with their debt and turned down the IMF. No wonder their are IMF mafia behind Zelensky)

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daa84b No.18272266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'Seinfeld bill' is real. It's going through the N.J. state legislature to battle telemarketers — and some might even call it spectacular.

Those of us old enough to recall when "Seinfeld" ruled the TV universe in the waning years of the previous century no doubt remember a famous scene showing Jerry answering a phone call from a telemarketer who asks if he's interested in switching long-distance phone carriers.

"I can't talk right now," Jerry replies. "Why don't you give me your home phone number, and I'll call you later?"

The telemarketer responds, "Uh, well, sorry — we're not allowed to do that."

"Oh, I guess you don't want people calling you at home?" Jerry inquires.

"No," the interloper answers.

"Well, now you know how I feel," Jerry tells him before hanging up — and getting rousing applause from the sitcom's studio audience.

It was true in the 1990s, and it's true in 2023: No one enjoys getting calls from telemarketers.

But in the New Jersey state legislature, life appears to be imitating art as PhillyVoice said the famed "Seinfeld" clip served as part of the inspiration for a bill — introduced by Republican state Sen. Jon Bramnick — which "requires telemarketers to provide name, mailing address, and telephone number of person on whose behalf call is made."

The outlet added that the "Seinfeld bill" advanced out of the Senate Commerce Committee last week.

"New Jerseyans should know who they're talking to on the phone and what's being sold to them by telemarketers," Bramnick said in a release, according to PhillyVoice. "My legislation requires more transparency from telemarketers and punishes those who lie and misrepresent information on sales calls. If you're on the up and up, you should have no problem with this bill if you're a telemarketer."

More from the outlet:

Telemarketers would also be required to display a mailing address on any website that they own and operate, as well as any business they represent on phone calls. Callers would not be able to disguise their phone number to make it appear as though they're calling from within the service area, a tactic among spammers that has become common in recent years.

Violations of the law would result in a disorderly persons offense, which carries a maximum sentence of up to six months in jail or a $1,000 fine, in addition to other legal penalties.

It is already illegal under New Jersey law for telemarketers to make any unsolicited calls to residents on a "no-call" list, and they are already required to state their name and what they're selling within the first 30 seconds of the call. Still, Bramnick's bill takes particular aim at spam callers who make frequent, pre-recorded calls to residents every day, often targeting senior citizens.

PhillyVoice, citing NJ.com, said Democrat Assemblyman Paul Moriarty noted, "[T]here's an overwhelming amount of scams targeting seniors by phone. I'm not naive enough to think [that] by passing this bill that's going to stop. But we need better laws to go after these people."

The outlet said Bramnick's bill was first introduced in January 2022 but stalled for nearly a year before unanimously passing out of the Senate Commerce Committee last week. The full state Senate will vote on it in the coming weeks, PhillyVoice said, adding that the State Assembly's Consumer Affairs Committee will vote on an identical bill at a later date.


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eeb38a No.18272268

File: 594099c1552c4c6⋯.mp4 (13.8 MB,1024x576,16:9,Mikovits_cancer_cure.mp4)

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ddeccd No.18272269


By putting your mother on it?

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8073e7 No.18272270

File: 3a493f7799fd37e⋯.gif (6.81 MB,540x540,1:1,tumblr_dc7bd36281936b2e497….gif)


I can't wait that long…

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4bc348 No.18272271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f60b3e No.18272272

Board is full of nigger and jew lovers and use God as their defense. Heard of Tower of Babel?

Why defend the niggers, chinks, shitskins and everything in between? You all haven't realized by now they have been drugging, molesting, raping and grooming basically all the babies, children and teenagers in hospitals, daycares, churches and schools? The amount of damage that has been done is unfathomable.

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d4acde No.18272273

File: 71998cb15631dc1⋯.jpg (116.17 KB,810x246,135:41,Screenshot_2023_02_01_1107….jpg)

House Judiciary panel wants info from FBI about indicted ex-official Charles McGonigal


House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan is demanding a briefing from the FBI on Charles McGonigal, former Special Agent and influential figure in the Russia Hoax, to assess the national security risks he caused after taking illegal payments from Russian oligarchs.


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3b53aa No.18272274

File: 688b5094047fecd⋯.png (205.83 KB,536x301,536:301,ClipboardImage.png)


is that you hunter?

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163bdf No.18272275

Mike Adams' podcast just raised an interesting point about the proposed organ harvesting proposal in Massachusetts. Could people be kept in prison or intentionally imprisoned to coerce them into "donating" organs?

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ddeccd No.18272276


You're describing yourself.

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490a19 No.18272277


habby bakes

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df498e No.18272278

File: db553b34a220fe7⋯.png (474.82 KB,485x560,97:112,ClipboardImage.png)


Turns Out Schrödinger, the Father of Quantum Physics, Was a Pedophile

Schrödinger, widely cited as the father of quantum physics and perhaps best remembered for his 1935 thought experiment "Schrödinger’s Cat (https://www.newscientist.com/definition/schrodingers-cat/)," was widely revealed to be a pedophile by The Irish Times after the newspaper published a report detailing his record as a sexual predator and serial abuser.


The Irish Times identified young girls who Schrödinger became infatuated with, including a 14-year-old girl whom the physicist groomed after he became her math tutor.

Schrödinger, who died in 1961, later admitted to impregnating the girl when she was 17 and he was in his mid-forties. Horrifyingly, she then had a botched abortion that left her permanently sterile,

Perhaps most diabolically, the physicist kept a record of his abuse in his diaries, even justifying his actions by claiming he had a right to the girls due to his genius.

ARTICLE (https://futurism.com/schrodinger-pedophile)



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1de3cb No.18272279

File: 37f5071578c4cdf⋯.png (200.65 KB,410x446,205:223,sup.PNG)


NEW - Biden says the "COVID emergency" will end "when the Supreme Court ends it."

"We’ve extended to May the 15th to make sure we get everything done," Biden added.


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c26090 No.18272280

File: ea7ab2644612c82⋯.jpeg (183.68 KB,828x997,828:997,6C1CEC58_6051_44DA_8D06_C….jpeg)

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5308c1 No.18272282


timestamp 5:01pm so 15 mins from now

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daa84b No.18272283

File: 89b7e20432e2a96⋯.png (119.26 KB,1096x515,1096:515,ClipboardImage.png)

A Royal Dud: Queen’s death FOI debacle shows Australia’s transparency system is bust

Queen Elizabeth has died yet an FOI request into plans for her death, made 4 years ago, lives on. The institutions responsible for citizens getting timely access to information that would otherwise allow them to participate in policy debates and hold the government to account are broken. It’s like getting spoilt fruit instead of fresh

As a 16-year-old junior recruit in the Navy, I’d visit the mess hall three times a day to eat. There were always bowls of fruit around to supplement the meal or to take back to your cabin, but the fruit was always spoiled.

One day I plucked up the courage to ask the Leading Seaman cook if we ever got delivered fresh fruit. “All the time”, he said. “But we never put it out until the old fruit is eaten.” Go figure!

39 years later the same things happening to me, except this time it’s the Australian Information Commissioner serving up old fruit. But I’ll come back to that.

A Series of Greek Tragedies

On 7 November last year Green’s Senator David Shoebridge grilled the Freedom of Information Commissioner (a separate statutory office that works alongside the Information Commissioner) at Senate Estimates asking him for the statistics on outstanding FOI appeals sitting in his office. He answered:

For 2018 there are 60 ongoing reviews; for 2019 there are 249; for 2020 there are 346; for 2021 there are 498; and for 2022 there are 889.

As readers will know, I have a keen interest in the performance of the FOI Commissioner. After that exchange in the Senate, I FOI’ed the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) to get the details on the nature of the sixty 2018 requests – that is requests for review that remained unresolved after more than four years? What sort of information was being withheld for that length of time?

The OAIC has now responded to my FOI and the list reads like a series of Greek tragedies.

There’s the request to the Department of Veteran Affairs (presumably from a veteran) for documents related to correspondence sent to him or her. Four years later and no decision on access from the Information Commissioner.

There’s the request to the Tax Office for documents relating to actions taken by the ATO against the applicant in relation to their own tax affairs. Or the request to the Department of Industry for information related to the applicant’s business.

There are other requests to Home Affairs and law enforcement that are most likely associated with immigration and legal matters.

The list goes on and on.


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f60b3e No.18272284


You haven't been paying attention.

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12cf1a No.18272285

File: b857eac38dfd05b⋯.png (342.46 KB,632x704,79:88,william_Schr_dinsperger.png)



Was he a modern day Shakespeare?

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035037 No.18272286


He either sticks his dick in a box or he doesn't.

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ddeccd No.18272288


You're still describing yourself.

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1de3cb No.18272289

File: 3df32355e348d3d⋯.png (216.52 KB,434x461,434:461,goo.PNG)



Internal Google docs to censor Project Veritas' bombshell video exposing Pfizer are revealed.


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f5cd6b No.18272291


Adm (ret) Rogers ?

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f9c175 No.18272292

File: 7d5bd6b6425106a⋯.jpg (2.39 MB,3202x1855,3202:1855,Free47f.jpg)

Feb 2 is the 40th day since Christmas. The Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.

It's aboot Jesus eh.

Nit the rodent

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243590 No.18272293

File: f0d06d4123c985a⋯.png (165.86 KB,1196x1162,598:581,ClipboardImage.png)




Set your reminders and RETWEET






at 6:00 PM


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dc3c82 No.18272294


>Accuses anons of being jew lovers

>ridicules anons citing "God" as part of their argument

>cites jewish legend of Babel as part of her argument

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12cf1a No.18272295

File: aa6c3b0d1b108c2⋯.png (341.67 KB,632x704,79:88,william_Schr_dinsperger.png)

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f60b3e No.18272296


If by me being molested as kid fits what you mean by that then yes you are correct.

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5034bc No.18272297


Sup summer Pepe

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598ce3 No.18272298

File: b8b753ad5e02fd0⋯.png (1.71 MB,1024x1003,1024:1003,02_02_23.png)

It's time to return, old friend.

Our campaign is off to a GREAT START and we are leading BIG in all the polls!

If the election were held today, there is ZERO doubt that we would WIN in a massive landslide!

Together, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

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c6ea86 No.18272299

File: 897cef40e8240d7⋯.png (393.27 KB,663x500,663:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec0550 No.18272300

File: 7d448360f6b9e9b⋯.png (124.41 KB,844x296,211:74,7d448360f6b9e9bc1d7ae7ed88….png)

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ddeccd No.18272301



The quality of Intel agency shilling is terrible.

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de7074 No.18272302


>You all haven't realized

Fedboi identified.

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72a9a2 No.18272303

File: d2163b2b7be9520⋯.png (38.91 KB,592x287,592:287,PS_tweet.png)

DEVELOPING: House investigators arent buying WH "cover story" that classified docs suddenly "discovered" after deciding to clean out Biden's private DC office after 20 mos. Biden's personal lawyers "aren't choir boys" –some were the WH lawyers involved in FBI probe of Mar-a-Lago


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c26090 No.18272304

File: cd8cf6fed26c01d⋯.jpeg (126.51 KB,1200x900,4:3,97946670_BC44_4EE7_A0BF_C….jpeg)

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2fee9f No.18272305

File: 3abc19a01ac83ed⋯.png (1.8 MB,1024x1002,512:501,3abc19a01ac83ed6ac796ca7ce….png)

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035037 No.18272306

File: 33c5ce2d4211039⋯.jpg (49.77 KB,540x288,15:8,ZomboMeme_08042021174955.jpg)

Kari Lake shilling for the Catholic Church on Bannon.

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72a9a2 No.18272307


Fedboi detected

Kill yourself glowie

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12cf1a No.18272308

File: e4840ac81f4e834⋯.png (351.33 KB,630x843,210:281,william_Schr_dinsperger.png)

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dc8e54 No.18272309


In other words until they get all the money they can stuff in their pockets.

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05e2ee No.18272310

any og anons here?

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f9c175 No.18272311

Someone needs a snickers

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f5cd6b No.18272312


>If the election were held today, there is ZERO doubt that we would WIN in a massive landslide!

midterms are safe

disinfo is necessary….hey wait

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78c371 No.18272313


The age of consent debate: Where does Ireland stand?

Ireland has one of the highest ages of consent in the EU. And until recently, Vatican City had the lowest, reports Peter O’Dwyer.

VATICAN City is a curious place. The walled Roman enclave is, of course, home to his Holiness but peculiarly, it is also home of the world’s highest per capita crime rate.

There is a straightforward explanation for this, however, given that fewer than 850 people live in the city. Thousands of tourists visit every year and pickpocketing is rampant. Another oddity that existed until last year is a little harder to explain, though — the exceptionally low age of consent for sexual activity in the State. In July of last year, Pope Francis raised the age of consent to 18 — the joint highest in Europe. Prior to his intervention it stood at just 12.

Worldwide, only Angola, Mexico and the Philippines have minimum ages of consent as low, although variations occur for a variety of reasons in what is a complex issue especially when considered across national boundaries.

In the Vatican’s case, the anomaly is again a little more convoluted due to the convergence of Italian and Papal law. In signing the Lateran Treaty of 1929, Vatican City became an entirely sovereign State but also adopted the Italian criminal code.

Italian law, in theory if not always practise, is intended to play second fiddle to divine law, Papal decrees and canon law; the laws of Catholicism in other words. As all sex outside of marriage is illicit in the eyes of the Church and, according to canon law, a man must be 16 and a “woman” 14 before they can marry, it’s easy to see how difficulties arise.

Add to the mix that the age of consent at the time of the Lateran Treaty was 12 but in modern-day Italy is now 14 and the Pope’s intervention is a welcome clarification amidst a fog of numbers, ancient laws and decrees.

As Vatican City climbed the age of consent ladder from the lowest rung to highest, where do other EU states fall between the two extremes and is there any uniformity across the Union? The simple answer is no, and the EU has no plans to harmonise ages of consent, either.

“The age of consent would definitely not be an area where the EU would seek to harmonise as it is a core Member State right well beyond the remit of the EU,” a European Commission spokesperson said.


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382d3e No.18272314

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035037 No.18272315

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243590 No.18272316


> They gonna suicide


>Yep, and anons need to help people come to terms without killing themselves. It's one of the "goals" of this place and the plan

I wonder which part of the truth will do it. Don't know what you think of Julie Green ministries but she said she had a Word from God that this is the year to be free but we will see great death but along with it great life as God's glory will fall on his people and we will see works like no other time

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62b2df No.18272317


Whats wrong buddy?

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4bc348 No.18272318

File: 7ebf3f56d28966d⋯.jpg (70.54 KB,395x353,395:353,Eye_Pepe.jpg)




▲ ▲

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8073e7 No.18272320


kek, the other one was pretty emo, which in a way fits in with Hamlet's character

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f9c175 No.18272321


Linky-poo chuckles

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f60b3e No.18272322


So then you should be the one paying attention to Tower of Babel if you are the Jew lover.

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05e2ee No.18272323

just wondering

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12cf1a No.18272324


Can I get you a tissue?

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df498e No.18272325

File: cecebd7d71d5f1c⋯.png (228.3 KB,608x777,608:777,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 103f41f83744719⋯.png (733.61 KB,989x1229,989:1229,ClipboardImage.png)

will people question more of what they read as 'news/facts' if they know a computer likely wrote it?

people didn't previously automatically question if an inbred and always as evil as possible jew wrote it.

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d187f0 No.18272326

File: d0914343f123f86⋯.jpeg (68.94 KB,479x305,479:305,AAFFEB92_78ED_4465_8339_5….jpeg)

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fe6969 No.18272327

Russians are Nazi Experts

The Did it once before & They'll Do it again

God Bless Russia & The Russia People

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11988b No.18272328

File: 691fed84f3a2cc6⋯.png (158.83 KB,343x535,343:535,ClipboardImage.png)

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ccc686 No.18272329

File: 5b92d93854e2c75⋯.png (400.3 KB,662x417,662:417,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c69fc1ff05880c9⋯.png (567.42 KB,720x405,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6b535f034fcdfe⋯.png (156.28 KB,605x492,605:492,ClipboardImage.png)

The ADL issues statement declaring Ukraine’s Azov Battalion no longer ‘far-right’

Alexander Rubinstein·December 8, 2022

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has emailed The Grayzone a defense of the Azov Battalion and refused to condemn the Pentagon for honoring a veteran of the group who sports Nazi-inspired tattoos.

A November 9 email from the Anti-Defamation League to The Grayzone provided a twisted defense of Ukraine’s Azov Battalion. Despite its self-proclaimed “anti-hate” mission, the ADL insisted in the email it “does not” consider Azov as the “far right group it once was.”

The Azov Battalion is a neo-Nazi unit formally integrated into the US government-backed Ukrainian military. Founded by Andriy Biletsky, who has infamously vowed to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade…against Semite-led untermenschen,” Azov was once widely condemned by Western corporate media and the human rights industry for its association with Nazism. Then came the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

In the months that immediately followed, Azov led the Ukrainian military’s defense of Mariupol, the group’s longtime stronghold. As the militia assumed a frontline role in the war against Russia, Western media led a campaign to rebrand Azov as misunderstood freedom fighters while accusing its critics of echoing Kremlin talking points. The New York Times has even referred to the unit as the “celebrated Azov Battalion.”

Like the Washington Post and other mainstream outlets, the ADL ignored Azov’s atrocities this April in Mariupol, where locals accused the group of using civilians as human shields and executing those who attempted to flee. One video out of Mariupol showed Azov fighters proudly declaring the Nazi collaborator and mass murderer of Jews, Stepan Bandera, to be their “father.”

The Azov Battalion has long served as a magnet for the international white nationalist movement, attracting recruits from the terrorist Atomwaffen Division to a US Army Specialist arrested on charges of distributing bomb-making instructions.

Back in March 2022, just a month before the battle of Mariupol, the ADL itself issued a report acknowledging that white nationalists see Azov “as a pathway to the creation of a National Socialist state in Ukraine.”

Eight months later, however, the ADL has changed its tune, asserting to this outlet that Azov has rooted the fascists from its ranks. So did Azov change its Nazi ways, or did the ADL simply shift its messaging to conform to the imperatives of a Biden administration still intent on sending billions in military aid to Ukraine?

The ADL responds to Grayzone report with defense of Azov

The ADL’s defense of the Azov Battalion was triggered by an incident this September, when this journalist filed a “hate incident” report through the ADL’s website which detailed the contents of a Grayzone exposé on a Pentagon-sponsored sports competition. Held at Disney World, the weeklong competition hosted and honored Ihor Halushka, a Ukrainian Azov veteran branded with a Nazi Sonnenrad tattoo — a hate symbol, according to none other than the ADL.

The Grayzone provided a brief summary of these facts and events to the ADL, furnished supporting photographs, and included a link to the entire report. Asked what the ADL could do to help, this reporter requested they condemn the Pentagon for hosting a neo-Nazi. Upon filing the report, I was immediately given an automated case number and put on the organization’s mass mailing list….

The ADL’s stunning defense of Azov as a largely depoliticized fighting unit is undermined most strongly by the ADL’s own research material.

The ADL harshly condemned Azov before it legitimized it

In 2019, the organization published a report on “The Internalization of White Supremacy,” which name-dropped Azov 18 times and branded it “a far-right group and militia,” “the far-right organization and militia,” and “a Ukrainian extremist group and militia.”

This Ukrainian extremist group, called The Azov Battalion, has ties to neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Our latest report on international white supremacy details how they try to connect with like-minded extremists from the US: https://t.co/GtvssxwzbN https://t.co/gGHMM8L46k

— ADL (@ADL) September 23, 2019

The report also stated that Azov “has ties to neo-Nazis in Ukraine,” “has reached out to like-minded American extremists,” and “reportedly has connections to Atomwaffen (AWD), an American neo-Nazi group allegedly tied to five murders.”

Later that year, the ADL noted that an neo-Nazi US Army Specialist that pled guilty to unlawfully distributing bomb-making instructions had “expressed desire to find more ‘radicals’ and travel to Ukraine to fight with paramilitary group the Azov Battalion.”…


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f5cd6b No.18272330


Bannon and Poso are big catholic choir boys

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54d417 No.18272332

File: 840e3baf96b519e⋯.png (563.81 KB,876x704,219:176,Screen_Shot_2022_12_29_at_….png)

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4bc348 No.18272333

File: 966df280f827f6e⋯.png (408.32 KB,900x429,300:143,Balance_Pepe.png)


I'll play.

What are you wondering?

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7e9e5b No.18272334

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2fee9f No.18272335

File: 465b0221ca074f5⋯.png (93.2 KB,570x554,285:277,ClipboardImage.png)


== 0 [D]elta frens


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ddeccd No.18272336



Shill shilling anti-Catholic narrative on 8kun

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1855fb No.18272337

File: df0bbb3884ebea5⋯.png (996.87 KB,1024x512,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Suspected Chinese spy balloon found over northern U.S.

“The United States government … is tracking a high-altitude surveillance balloon that is over the continental United States right now," said a Pentagon spokesperson.

The high-altitude balloon was spotted over Billings, Montana, on Wednesday. It flew from the Aleutian Islands, through Canada, and into Montana. A senior defense official said the balloon is still over the U.S. but declined to say where it is now.



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72a9a2 No.18272338

File: 7b927822722078b⋯.png (34.42 KB,586x248,293:124,PS_tweet2.png)

DEVELOPING: Hill investigators pressuring NARA IG and DOJ to turn over the recovered classified docs to compare them to manuscripts from Biden's 2017 memoir, which was published by Flatiron Books, an imprint of Macmillan Publishers


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d187f0 No.18272339

File: 42d51ee6ef1fa94⋯.jpeg (98.27 KB,500x643,500:643,149910A5_3E6C_4788_B2EA_E….jpeg)


(lb) or (pb), Pal.

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05e2ee No.18272340


how many anons are still here from the first couple of months when Q started posting.

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f5cd6b No.18272341

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7916b0 No.18272342


This stuff keeps up much longer and anon really thinks that shit is going to start flying off the rails with the normies.

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243590 No.18272343



I think i shipped in around 2018

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f9c175 No.18272344



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f60b3e No.18272345

You retards haven't met the people in the lowest ruts of Hell. I'm trying to explain the molestation and rape crisis by niggers, shitskins, chinks and everything in between but you'll defend them as the fucking useless retard sheeps you are.

I've fucking seen and heard some shit and people tell me things I don't know why, always confessing to me.

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8f40e3 No.18272346

File: 0e68955150529ff⋯.jpg (107.72 KB,1125x811,1125:811,large_34_.jpg)


Trips of wondering, checked

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4bc348 No.18272347

File: e7227ab00197b9a⋯.jpg (3.29 MB,1645x1645,1:1,8_kun_seal.jpg)


Difficult to say.

I am only one.

I think lots of OG anons dip in and out, or mostly lurk.

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f5cd6b No.18272348


free thinkers are ….free

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1de3cb No.18272349

File: 2505aabb20a1fe5⋯.png (177.48 KB,437x426,437:426,top.PNG)


🚨BREAKING: Top Expert Calls For Suspending All Vaccines…


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df498e No.18272350

File: e83729c8585d7d1⋯.png (578.54 KB,492x413,492:413,devils2.PNG)


sex with child = rape = not able to follow path of Jesus to instead try to normalize the child rape that made them until death = always as evil as possible

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93c82a No.18272351

File: e9e77f44cfecfc5⋯.png (189.35 KB,509x339,509:339,peaking.png)

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86e409 No.18272352

File: 4e6e58d5a253423⋯.jpg (114.41 KB,600x700,6:7,1529979380130.jpg)

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12cf1a No.18272353

File: fcec3e08d699d8d⋯.jpg (132.59 KB,600x878,300:439,kek_deranged.jpg)


>pretty emo,

Damn, anon doesn't have a keks while slashing wrist meme ready.

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e47950 No.18272354

File: 289069f5af21f29⋯.jpg (145.47 KB,620x646,310:323,iu_15_3.jpg)

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54d417 No.18272355


oct 2017

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7916b0 No.18272356

File: 8900a4447b1a5a4⋯.png (141.85 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe.png)


> first couple of months

nah, more like 5 or 6 months

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ba3117 No.18272357


>mostly lurk.

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1b7ed1 No.18272358

File: 27d83cd1297727c⋯.png (196.92 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_02_02_17_24_4….png)

File: 120d0eb9057a9d6⋯.png (461.17 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_01_27_21_31_2….png)

File: 4228ec64dab1d4a⋯.png (138.64 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_01_19_15_38_1….png)

File: f697b915e275b2a⋯.png (170.82 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_01_16_19_56_0….png)

Here share these with normies


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3b53aa No.18272359

File: fa4dafc5a5af432⋯.png (663.56 KB,1730x786,865:393,ClipboardImage.png)


would think quite a few.

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12cf1a No.18272360


Feb 2018 anon here, but why the straw poll?

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38681b No.18272362

File: 7a3faeaec10ce36⋯.jpeg (70.15 KB,636x300,53:25,E2588918_6EBF_41DC_8637_8….jpeg)

Planefags, get in here!

Suspected Chinese spy balloon found over northern U.S.

The U.S. military has been monitoring a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon that has been hovering over the northern U.S. for the past few days, and military and defense leaders have discussed shooting it out of the sky, according to two U.S. officials and a senior defense official.

“The United States government has detected and is tracking a high-altitude surveillance balloon that is over the continental United States right now,” Pentagon spokesperson Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder told NBC News. “We continue to track and monitor it closely.”

“Once the balloon was detected, the U.S. government acted immediately to protect against the collection of sensitive information,” Ryder said.

The high-altitude balloon was spotted over Billings, Montana, on Wednesday. It flew over the Aleutian Islands, through Canada, and into Montana. A senior defense official said the balloon is still over the U.S. but declined to say where it is now.

On Wednesday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin convened a meeting of senior military and defense leaders, including Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, NORTHCOM/NORAD Commander Gen. Glen VanHerck, and other combatant commanders.


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9b7d24 No.18272363

File: 334344cf7669ed8⋯.png (287.52 KB,643x429,643:429,ClipboardImage.png)


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83fbbf No.18272364

File: 8bba540ddf4890b⋯.jpg (92.91 KB,720x480,3:2,Biolabs_Trump.jpg)

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83fbbf No.18272365

File: 47fa076d96b146d⋯.jpg (124.75 KB,670x435,134:87,Millstones_Millstone_Acces….jpg)

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1de3cb No.18272366

File: 9cdfd266ed16fb0⋯.png (238.41 KB,435x547,435:547,fello.PNG)


🚨17,000 doctors and scientists signed a treaty that declared:

"The data confirms that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end… They can damage your heart, your brain, your reproductive tissue, and your lungs."



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c497fb No.18272367

File: f9d73e976aad32f⋯.jpeg (13.26 KB,255x217,255:217,f9d73e976aad32fe8c014d802….jpeg)


Who wants to know?

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490a19 No.18272368

File: 2fe309713781e4c⋯.jpeg (19.34 KB,255x190,51:38,9deb07318486251401775fcc4….jpeg)

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4bc348 No.18272369

File: a3b95ee7687b24d⋯.jpg (180.22 KB,498x592,249:296,Eye_Ball.jpg)


>They can damage your heart, your brain, your reproductive tissue, and your lungs."


No refunds.

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ad1a95 No.18272370

File: 4ec1862f83cb94a⋯.jpg (137.51 KB,792x844,198:211,battleworn.jpg)

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f60b3e No.18272371


So you stfu when I tell you my story huh? Sounds like you are the shill.

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c26090 No.18272372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1de3cb No.18272373

File: 24ac99c06ffe56a⋯.png (441.07 KB,607x632,607:632,llon.PNG)




Pentagon says Chinese spy balloon spotted flying over US; has decided not to shoot it down due to risks - AP


BREAKING: Massive Chinese 'Surveillance Balloon' Hovering Over U.S. For Days: Report - Breaking911

The government has been keeping tabs on a Chinese surveillance balloon that has been suspended in the northern U.S. sky for several days, NBC News reported. There have been talks of shooting it down….

11:29 AM · Feb 2, 2023



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8073e7 No.18272374

File: f129e90add0a02b⋯.png (364.29 KB,763x882,109:126,Pompeo_Swagger.png)


Remember when Pompeo wanted to be call the Secretary of Swag?

Poor bastard doesn't realize the only reason anyone thought he was cool was because Q called him "Kansas."

Now he thinks he can primary Trump

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d4acde No.18272375

File: 83b9102fcf546cb⋯.jpg (116.17 KB,1255x376,1255:376,Screenshot_2023_02_01_1107….jpg)


Suspected Chinese spy balloon found over northern U.S.

“The United States government … is tracking a high-altitude surveillance balloon that is over the continental United States right now," said a Pentagon spokesperson.


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020633 No.18272376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3b5e7f No.18272377


second notable

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8f40e3 No.18272378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Putin 'mobilises 500k troops' to fight in Ukraine; 'Alarmed' Zelensky stares at explosive escalation

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ddeccd No.18272379

File: 7df815f0e8c5e3d⋯.mp4 (11.36 MB,640x360,16:9,iGn2AymcKzIB9nGh.mp4)

Project Veritas video: Pfizer, part 2


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c26090 No.18272380


Right on

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163185 No.18272381

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adacc3 No.18272382


lurking FBIanon and Meganon anout las vegas shooting and BQQM

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035037 No.18272383


Catholicism is for slaves who can't think for themselves and choose simply to do as they are told.

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8073e7 No.18272384


>has decided not to shoot it down due to risks


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243590 No.18272385

File: 1e4be552aa19d2e⋯.png (1.15 MB,1192x1668,298:417,ClipboardImage.png)


Project Veritas




Director Concerned Over Women's Reproductive Heath After COVID-19 Vaccinations

"There is something irregular about their menstrual cycles…concerning…The vaccine shouldn't be interfering with that…It has to be affecting something hormonal…"



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72a9a2 No.18272386

File: 237de19a2a1d9fa⋯.png (29.84 KB,596x223,596:223,HighAltitute_China.png)

The Pentagon is tracking a "suspected" Chinese high-altitude surveillance balloon over the United States. The U.S. military is currently weighing options per officials to NBC & CNN.


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d78bb1 No.18272387

File: 062a94160033f03⋯.png (241.03 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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05e2ee No.18272388

glad we still are hanging out together. i don't do social media.

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5731cd No.18272389

File: a9f0b136ce482b9⋯.png (424.66 KB,1391x1498,13:14,ClipboardImage.png)


0 [D]elta frens



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490a19 No.18272390


sum of us were baking

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1de3cb No.18272391

File: 1a3475f36076ab5⋯.png (395.18 KB,594x637,594:637,them.PNG)


Citizen Free Press


Emerald Robinson:

“At least 96 food processing plants have been damaged or destroyed under the Biden regime… They are not predicting food shortages, they're planning them!”


The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson

7:11 AM · Feb 2, 2023



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4bc348 No.18272392

File: 01e28c2b3ed29fa⋯.png (2.97 MB,1610x7910,23:113,FBI_Anon.png)

File: 3c3065847bd6ae3⋯.jpg (914.04 KB,742x5069,742:5069,Megaanon.jpg)




For newfags.

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c26090 No.18272393


Crimes against humanity.

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ccc686 No.18272394

Russia vows to 'gain world's attention' on Ukraine war anniversary

The foreign minister gave few details, but experts worldwide have warned of an impending renewal of the Russian war effort that may loosely coincide with the war's one-year anniversary.

Updated: February 2, 2023 - 5:20pm

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov this week indicated that Moscow was planning measures to draw the world's attention toward it instead of planned anti-Russian demonstrations slated for Feb. 24, the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion.

"Our diplomacy will do everything to ensure that the anti-Russian sabbaths planned for the end of February — as if timed to coincide with the anniversary of the special military operation, both in New York and at other sites that the West is now actively working on together with the Kyiv regime — so that this will not turn out to be the only events that will gain the world's attention," Lavrov said on state television, per the New York Post.

The foreign minister gave few details, but experts worldwide have warned of an impending renewal of the Russian war effort that may loosely coincide with the war's one-year anniversary.

It further comes as Muscovite forces appear to be making gains in the Donetsk region in Ukraine's east, capturing the city of Soledar and the nearby village of Blahodatne in recent weeks as Russian forces move to encircle Ukrainian defenders entrenched in the strategically positioned city of Bakhmut.

President Joe Biden committed to supplying Ukraine with 31 M1A1 Abrams tanks earlier this year, though the delivery of the vehicles and training process are likely to prevent them from taking the field for several months.

Lavrov further addressed the Western supply of war materials to Kyiv, including long-range weapons that he said necessitated that Russia push Ukrainian forces further from the border.

"We're now seeking to push back Ukrainian army artillery to a distance that will not pose a threat to our territories," the Kremlin's top diplomat said. "The greater the range of the weapons supplied to the Kyiv regime, the more we will have to push them back from territories which are part of our country."


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87d0ac No.18272395

File: 33c94efa54f1b2d⋯.png (776.31 KB,2018x1110,1009:555,ClipboardImage.png)


a few I imagine…

still not sure what the F is going on at the moment though.

currently trying not to lose my house and business…

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d187f0 No.18272396

File: 7b45b8d07ba7860⋯.jpeg (112.8 KB,1080x920,27:23,1DCBDB9B_0511_4930_AF27_9….jpeg)

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7e9e5b No.18272397

File: bd1652b5a9db673⋯.jpg (12.53 KB,255x200,51:40,bd1652b5a9db67353d91d5db6b….jpg)

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8c3431 No.18272398

File: 31bbd372d13b262⋯.png (3.64 MB,1800x1800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Not til early April '18 but every or nearly every day since.

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8c8d70 No.18272399

File: ab2469c8858aab6⋯.png (599.35 KB,599x872,599:872,ClipboardImage.png)


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05e2ee No.18272400


wondering if i was the only one..times are getting tough.

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48d638 No.18272401

File: 0a85f48520e4e8a⋯.gif (1.37 MB,620x309,620:309,SchrodArmor.gif)

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12cf1a No.18272402

File: 1bc9b00e185e5e9⋯.jpeg (84.09 KB,431x402,431:402,keks_while_slashing_wrist.jpeg)


Should say didn't.

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490a19 No.18272403

File: 6e05e304e7e4cc7⋯.png (579.97 KB,500x668,125:167,6e05e304e7e4cc77e4a834c162….png)


sup mr. nig

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c26090 No.18272404


Digits confirm

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7916b0 No.18272405

File: 4dc665af04e087d⋯.png (422.71 KB,1024x465,1024:465,4dc665af04e087d6b99752d768….png)


>times are getting tough

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e76e12 No.18272406


13 + Myself

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72a9a2 No.18272407

File: 7df815f0e8c5e3d⋯.mp4 (11.36 MB,640x360,16:9,ProjectVeritas_vid.mp4)

BREAKING: @Pfizer Director Concerned Over Women's Reproductive Heath After COVID-19 Vaccinations

"There is something irregular about their menstrual cycles…concerning…The vaccine shouldn't be interfering with that…It has to be affecting something hormonal…"



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c26090 No.18272408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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37155e No.18272409


Day one

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8f40e3 No.18272410

File: 52e1bcec895a493⋯.jpg (284.25 KB,600x600,1:1,52e1bcec895a493a8efef67b13….jpg)


Anon was on 4 chan the Donald bread before Q started poasting

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dc3c82 No.18272411


Hate to be that guy, but couldn't this easily be a 30 second delta from a 1 post wonderboy..

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6d670f No.18272412

File: abb335f95a66cf3⋯.png (468.02 KB,608x500,152:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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daebf4 No.18272413


Been here since DTTT got the phone call

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ec0550 No.18272414

File: 8286756095c1f96⋯.png (168.93 KB,651x544,651:544,Screen_Shot_2023_02_02_at_….png)

File: aed265b7a4b6446⋯.png (317.17 KB,773x528,773:528,Screen_Shot_2023_02_02_at_….png)


A-10 back at MacDill after blowing up Avon Park and strafing Brandon.

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db3ad0 No.18272415


Late November, 2017

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12cf1a No.18272416


>wondering if i was the only one

Many, including this anon, didn't realise initially that this was a marathon, not a sprint and I suspect became dispirited when the habbenings did not habben on their timeline.

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05e2ee No.18272417


>currently trying not to lose my house and business…

i am struggling, too, anon.

good luck, to you.

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7916b0 No.18272418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>strafing Brandon

Teaching Migrants English "Let's Go Brandon"

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df498e No.18272419


'you don't know if an a.i. wrote that'

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dc3c82 No.18272420


highly notable if Geotus now truths/retruths "time to return, old friend.

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3b53aa No.18272421

File: 815667caf653b02⋯.png (228.65 KB,456x324,38:27,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 975611bfc3c84e9⋯.png (609.76 KB,1197x861,57:41,ClipboardImage.png)


notable and moar exposure


there is a whole list of things it will be used for beyond covid.

effecting womens menstrual cycles.

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5d91c4 No.18272422

File: d718a9b4fd0dcb1⋯.jpg (111.53 KB,570x758,285:379,xyz55731.jpg)

File: 1cf84c640baf696⋯.jpg (132.47 KB,610x1000,61:100,xyz55732.jpg)

File: 4d166a05268171d⋯.jpg (166.22 KB,596x814,298:407,xyz55733.jpg)

File: d77a6445ea393c0⋯.jpg (162.96 KB,728x1000,91:125,xyz55734.jpg)

File: 8e4e476d686976c⋯.jpg (134.03 KB,641x1000,641:1000,xyz55735.jpg)



> @Pfizer

Holy shit.

This guy is effectively confirming a bunch conspiracy theory stuff, and in a way that normies can understand. Shit.

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eca08a No.18272423

File: 39e523a8e4e456f⋯.png (132.81 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17a41f88b67e9ef⋯.png (95 KB,617x600,617:600,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 485ce8543d2b9a3⋯.png (208.97 KB,611x474,611:474,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03201ca2f687202⋯.png (685.07 KB,1500x500,3:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8e2c91242781cb⋯.png (89.44 KB,978x448,489:224,ClipboardImage.png)


🚨NEW: attorney for Hunter Biden tells me letters requesting investigation into the laptop repair store owner, Rudy Guiliani, and others, are NOT an acknowledgment that the laptop is, in fact, Hunter's:


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5fd1d3 No.18272424


You get what you fucking deserve.

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48d638 No.18272425

File: 45b2aef93cd5dd3⋯.png (256.99 KB,500x375,4:3,boss_leader_slaves_FREEDOM….png)


Nov 2017

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05e2ee No.18272426


include me…argh

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ddeccd No.18272427




Cult slaves who can think for themselves

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490a19 No.18272428


clocked the two of them outside my front window.

low altitude on final to macdill

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d187f0 No.18272429

File: 57c4d8a7da8d7f2⋯.jpeg (81.03 KB,620x876,155:219,4BC22CE2_F375_4FE4_ACF2_3….jpeg)

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4bc348 No.18272430

File: 198c57be6e18366⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,1200x1307,1200:1307,Hunter_pic.jpg)

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e84d1a No.18272431

File: e8c6e18d8ad7376⋯.jpg (86.3 KB,884x633,884:633,e8c6e18d8ad7376a3964a99dce….jpg)

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0c1b8b No.18272432


They'll take this down too!Archive!

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446173 No.18272433


how can this guy be this stupid

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54d417 No.18272434

File: 0beb14100960af1⋯.png (807.04 KB,990x736,495:368,Screen_Shot_2023_02_02_at_….png)

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f9b859 No.18272435


…thinkin' with his little homo head.

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a912bf No.18272436

So, who's Fred and how or why is he dead?

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d187f0 No.18272437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d78bb1 No.18272438

File: 57483fcee8008e1⋯.png (295.23 KB,550x600,11:12,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b7d24 No.18272439







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93c82a No.18272440

File: 8d9d5a5a3ca6c69⋯.png (245.57 KB,488x693,488:693,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c65e7d6df2fb6c7⋯.png (811.98 KB,905x1280,181:256,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dddfe59824f4461⋯.png (432.65 KB,505x1209,505:1209,ClipboardImage.png)



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ddeccd No.18272441

File: f1b00c9d5b9e3f5⋯.png (263.38 KB,736x444,184:111,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96f9dcb5c50902f⋯.png (92.76 KB,915x608,915:608,ClipboardImage.png)




We the people are retaking control over our own genetic coding.

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f9c175 No.18272442


Someone tell Trump, that's how you lay it out.

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87d0ac No.18272443

File: 0ec91d6c15a56e3⋯.png (652.95 KB,630x620,63:62,ClipboardImage.png)


thanx, fren… my fingers are crossed. Seems like all I can do right now…

On the positive - no myocarditis.

Though, a mother-in-law, sister-in-law both in hospital after first jab and a cousin (28) who has had 2 strokes since.

… and I'm the crazy one…

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c26090 No.18272444

File: 64a3589f5c5a34d⋯.jpeg (237.85 KB,577x526,577:526,80AB1504_F9A9_484E_8751_F….jpeg)

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12cf1a No.18272445


I guess that's what happens when you read a book backwards.

You start off with all the exciting shit and then it gets much more hum drum as the plot unwinds..

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16d672 No.18272446

File: e28fbb2ce55ae10⋯.jpg (697.13 KB,1050x699,350:233,epic.jpg)



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6823b7 No.18272447


Shoot a few holes and it will comedown gently

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bbcaa6 No.18272448

File: 074e70304cfd6c5⋯.png (238.04 KB,609x302,609:302,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f40e3 No.18272449

File: da05f03bae40958⋯.webm (831.8 KB,1280x720,16:9,large_3_.webm)

Midbread comfy song

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dc3c82 No.18272450


Ty anon, i will pay it forward, as i'm only slightly tired.

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5731cd No.18272451

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d0051a No.18272452

>>18272440 (me)




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ddeccd No.18272453


Anon waiting for Q+ to post a Truth about these attacks on the food supply chain.

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ccc686 No.18272454

File: f83c5e4d1a7e54d⋯.pdf (184.83 KB,Letter_to_Kerry_re_SPEC_11….pdf)

House GOP investigating John Kerry's secret China negotiations

Comer's letter to Kerry is but one of many such document requests House Republicans have sent in recent weeks.

Updated: February 2, 2023 - 3:42pm

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee are investigating private discussions that White House climate czar John Kerry held with Chinese Communist Party officials.

In a Thursday letter, committee chairman Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., informed Kerry of the investigation and renewed requests for documents and materials connected to his activities as the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC), according to Fox News. Comer made similar requests while Republicans were the minority in the lower chamber, but Kerry ignored them.

While in his current post, Kerry has held a number of private discussions with Beijing officials about the administration's ambitious climate agenda. The details of those conversations and the origins of the administration's seemingly lenient stances on Beijing-related environmental issues are of interest to Comer.

"The Committee requests documents and information to understand your role and provide necessary transparency over the SPEC and its activities," the Kentucky lawmaker wrote. "As a member of the President’s cabinet, you should be representing the United States’ interests. Your statements, however, consistently show disregard for American national security and taxpayer dollars."

"To date, you have failed to respond to any of our requests… Yet, you continue to engage in activities that could undermine our economic health, skirt congressional authority, and threaten foreign policy under the guise of climate advocacy," he added.

Comer's letter to Kerry is but one of many such document requests House Republicans have sent in recent weeks. Under Comer's leadership, the Oversight Committee is mounting a bevy of investigations into the Biden administration, including an inquiry into the Biden family's private business dealings and the president's alleged mishandling of classified documents.

Kerry took up his post as SPEC in 2021. He previously served as former President Barack Obama's second secretary of state and unsuccessfully challenged former President George W. Bush for the nation's top job in 2004.


Dear Secretary Kerry:

The Committee on Oversight and Accountability is investigating your role in the Biden Administration and the nature of your negotiations with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In the 117th Congress, we requested information from you regarding your position as special presidential envoy for climate (SPEC)—a cabinet-level position that does not require Senate confirmation despite your apparent ability to bind the United States to international agreements1—and SPEC employees’ ties to outside organizations.2 To date, you have failed to respond to any of our requests. Yet, you continue to engage in activities that could undermine our economic health, skirt congressional authority, and threaten foreign policy under the guise of climate advocacy. The Committee requests documents and information to understand your role and provide necessary transparency over the SPEC and its activities.

In May 2022, you told the Associated Press that you were in negotiations with the CCP to form a group to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.3 Most recently, at the World Economic Forums (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, you claimed that the solution to changing global temperatures is, “money, money, money, money, money, money, money.”4 As a member of the President’s cabinet, you should be representing the United States’ interests. Your statements, however, consistently show disregard for American national security and taxpayer dollars.

You have also continued to downplay the CCP’s human rights violations and its antagonism against the U.S. while promoting climate negotiations that the CCP does not even appear interested in entering. In April 2021, you insisted that CCP’s intransigence “on human rights, geostrategic interests… do not have to get in the way of something that is as critical as dealing with climate.”5 You recently insisted that the CCP’s behavior should be decoupled from our attempts to enter into climate agreements, stating “I think the key is that this is not a bilateral issue and that we need to get back to the table because the world depends on it and it could be helpful to China’s efforts to protect its own population….”6

Your office continues to ignore requests for information. We are left with an insufficient understanding of your office’s activities, spending, and staffing. To enable long overdue oversight of your office, please provide the following documents and information no later than February 16, 2023, covering the time period January 20, 2021, to the present:

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8073e7 No.18272455

File: b340c58a5c7f858⋯.jpg (54.81 KB,453x640,453:640,8a35a60797802fd31b7f11f690….jpg)


Our military is full of idiots.

Seriously, we have the stupidest military on planet earth.

Cowering in the face of a balloon

Are you fucking kidding me?

just shoot the mother fucker.

The Chinese did not debate what to do when they saw our spy planes

The Iranians did not debate what to do when they saw our drones

They just shot and asked questions later

Yet here we are pissing in our boots because of a weather balloon.

God, somebody get rid of the faggots at the pentagon.

Ribbons and Medals for days. But a balloon gives them nightmares

Curtis Lemay is rolling in his grave

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d187f0 No.18272456

File: 4bedcce6fea613d⋯.jpeg (52.67 KB,556x422,278:211,BCEADD42_C61A_4210_878C_F….jpeg)


“But what of Tittypussy,… what of Tittypussy?”

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05e2ee No.18272457

File: b94a99a042321df⋯.jpg (88.53 KB,500x314,250:157,bukowski11.jpg)

thanks everyone…you too, newfags.

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d216a1 No.18272458


5 yr badge 12/22

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54d417 No.18272459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


abject lie

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dd27a6 No.18272460

File: 755b8c4769f389f⋯.jpg (170.59 KB,720x1196,180:299,20230202_153935.jpg)

File: 7df815f0e8c5e3d⋯.mp4 (11.36 MB,640x360,16:9,iGn2AymcKzIB9nGh.mp4)


BREAKING: @Pfizer Director Concerned Over Women's Reproductive Heath After COVID-19 Vaccinations

"There is something irregular about their menstrual cycles…concerning…The vaccine shouldn't be interfering with that…It has to be affecting something hormonal…"


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eeb38a No.18272461


Jan 2018

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4bc348 No.18272462

File: 092e6da0776d17a⋯.jpg (78.08 KB,452x335,452:335,Glass_raise.jpg)

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72a9a2 No.18272463


Fred was apparently Quebec's groundhog, and today is groundhog day.

Apparently he died, and instead of Fred coming out, they announced he was dead instead.

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7e9e5b No.18272464



Can you please post stuff like this with a headline

preferebly inred text

so baker doesn't miss it?



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5fd1d3 No.18272465


Bunch of goddamn cuck faggots.

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f60b3e No.18272466


You are the slave. I never needed church, Religion or scriptures to understand God.

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05e2ee No.18272467

File: 85b6fd2bcc5b826⋯.jpg (43.49 KB,1024x1024,1:1,charchadcheers.jpg)

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df498e No.18272468

File: d242f4e949fec53⋯.mp4 (8.51 MB,720x720,1:1,telegram_cloud_document_1_….mp4)

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8c8d70 No.18272469

File: 0f602d0ba655158⋯.png (2.91 MB,1487x1352,1487:1352,tittypussy_redhead_hiding_….png)

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df498e No.18272470

File: 1fba1fc7e7e1ae4⋯.png (56.57 KB,688x471,688:471,dtp.PNG)

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a912bf No.18272471


Sit down Mike. You ain't got a snowball's chance in hell of primarying President Trump. Either get on board and support him and US, or STFU.

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2fee9f No.18272472

File: 6c2f057c275086d⋯.png (312.33 KB,1835x619,1835:619,ClipboardImage.png)



>Hate to be that guy, but couldn't this easily be a 30 second delta from a 1 post wonderboy..

More like 13 seconds. Very fast.

Anon posted at 17:19:35 ET

Trump's Truth post at 17:19:22 ET

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c6ea86 No.18272473

File: 1f1e66c03dbb4bf⋯.png (157.14 KB,400x294,200:147,ClipboardImage.png)

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d187f0 No.18272474

File: 440bd9e0fd5ba21⋯.png (631.49 KB,600x700,6:7,EC559608_C361_4BD3_BA23_80….png)


Careful not to trip over ego.

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7e9e5b No.18272475

File: f358a47dbf444cc⋯.gif (2 MB,400x200,2:1,drift_360.gif)

Notables Are Not Endorsements



>>18272298, >>18272335 New 0 [D]elta?

>>18272460 @Pfizer Director Concerned Over Women's Reproductive Heath After COVID-19 Vaccinations

>>18272260, >>18272289 Internal Google docs to censor Project Veritas' bombshell video exposing Pfizer are revealed

>>18272379, >>18272385 Project Veritas video: Pfizer, part 2

>>18272110 One of the US’ top egg producing plants burns to the ground

>>18272127 Comms for mk? 2 years of increased monarch Butterflies after a fear warning of extinction coming

>>18272154, >>18272414 PF: A-10 back at MacDill after blowing up Avon Park and strafing Brandon.

>>18272202, >>18272224, >>18272264 Zelensky’s diaspora delegation led by economic hit-woman, Natalie Jaresko, who led plunder of Ukraine

>>18272234 BIDEN: "More than half the women in my administration are women."

>>18272240, >>18272259, >>18272247 These Groundhogs keep dying two days ahead of schedule

>>18272252 CNN Camera Crew Present Outside Mike Pence Group in D.C. After Apparent Leak from DOJ

>>18272255 Newest Russian anti-roof anti-tank mine PTKM-1R seen in the Kherson region

>>18272266 'Seinfeld bill' going through the N.J. state legislature to battle telemarketers

>>18272273 House Judiciary panel wants info from FBI about indicted ex-official Charles McGonigal

>>18272283 A Royal Dud: Queen’s death FOI debacle shows Australia’s transparency system is bust

>>18272337, >>18272362, >>18272373, >>18272384, >>18272386 Suspected Chinese spy balloon found over northern U.S. has decided not to shoot it down due to "risks"

>>18272338 Hill investigators pressuring NARA IG and DOJ to turn over the recovered classified docs to compare them to manuscripts from Biden's 2017 memoir

>>18272349 Top Expert Calls For Suspending All Vaccines…

>>18272366 17,000 doctors and scientists sign a treaty confirming that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end

>>18272423 Attorney for Hunter Biden claims letters requesting investigation into the laptop repair store owner, Rudy Guiliani, and others, are NOT an acknowledgment that the laptop is his

>>18272440, >>18272452 "Declassified Binder" of Crossfire Hurricane documents was released today


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5731cd No.18272476


>More like 13 seconds. Very fast.


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eeb38a No.18272477

File: 8f8127c673cd284⋯.jpeg (15.63 KB,191x255,191:255,kysmagazine_shotgun.jpeg)

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df498e No.18272478

File: eb195fa655af738⋯.png (657.87 KB,720x780,12:13,ClipboardImage.png)

💬 Fury as Nazi swastika appears in graffiti attacking Clean Air Zone tolls

📌 Express


✅ New Right News (http://t.me/NewRightNews)


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f60b3e No.18272479


You don't need an ego when you're Pure Fucking Skill.

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bac035 No.18272480

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ddeccd No.18272481


If untrue you wouldn't have felt a need to immediately knee jerk negate it and with attack on the military.

You're scared of something, as if you're trying to cast a spell to prevent what's coming.

Good. Panicking on this board is all the proof Anon needs to know the next phase in the awakening is on deck.

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2eeaca No.18272482

File: 9df1d08fed9f041⋯.jpg (9.81 KB,161x255,161:255,TPoriginal.jpg)

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035037 No.18272483

File: 777898ba0f1e5a9⋯.jpg (263.51 KB,1079x1272,1079:1272,Screenshot_20200923_183059….jpg)

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d187f0 No.18272484

File: fc337958f15030d⋯.jpeg (174.24 KB,570x756,95:126,D2AC93E6_91DB_4252_B55B_9….jpeg)

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726d69 No.18272485

File: 03656aca464b995⋯.png (147.24 KB,350x412,175:206,03656aca464b99575d1c9522a0….png)


Sorry, May 2018.

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2eeaca No.18272486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f60b3e No.18272487


Said the Paki lover.

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f5cd6b No.18272488


Nancy will tell the stars how to respond

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5d91c4 No.18272489

File: 614dddf1e1f49f9⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,2137x2668,2137:2668,Edward_Moran_1829_1901_Bur….jpg)


> Going to MAGA

Prove it. We'll help, if you let us.

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7e9e5b No.18272490

File: c22a88a27d573c2⋯.mp4 (220.05 KB,402x426,67:71,327637207_1535737663603604….mp4)


>You don't need an ego when you're Pure Fucking Skill.

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2eeaca No.18272491

File: 6269ad1dbd87d77⋯.gif (1.31 MB,480x244,120:61,chkt.gif)

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dc0a02 No.18272492

File: 8ff6eb4fc932915⋯.png (911.2 KB,3840x2160,16:9,Screen_Shot_2023_02_02_at_….png)


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2fee9f No.18272493

File: 67845c461303173⋯.png (494.63 KB,770x505,154:101,467c45a50ebbec9956c5b0ef27….png)


Here here, still, kek

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59f30d No.18272494

File: b0895549fb7bd6f⋯.png (363.73 KB,727x456,727:456,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1dca7b6ce75249c⋯.png (260.51 KB,525x309,175:103,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18270318, >>18270414 pb

TITAN25 E-4B NightwatchSec. of Defense Austinreturns to JBA after stops at Seoul, SOKO and Manila, P.I. and Polish AF PLF105 G5 went to Dulles Int'l from Riga, Latvia depart

>>18270628 pb

SAM084 G5 went back to MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) from it's Bragg stop earlier and is now heading back to JBA

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a912bf No.18272495


"Military is the only way"? Good fucking grief.

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e76e12 No.18272496

File: b8e10566566accc⋯.png (277.05 KB,543x449,543:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e9e5b No.18272497


>Fury as Nazi swastika appears in graffiti attacking Clean Air Zone tolls

It's funny because that's technically not a nazi swastika (inverted)

Also funny because epic

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bd7cc9 No.18272499


who's military

[learn to speak Russian]

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928f5e No.18272500

Breaking news: Chinese nuke balloon grifting above the United States of up your ass and around the corner

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467742 No.18272501

File: 2ec1241f01a3c2e⋯.png (351.55 KB,850x495,170:99,ClipboardImage.png)


5 years

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17b128 No.18272502

It's a slow news day on MSM

That means shits going down.

My guess is the Dems and the media

Have been cut off by McCarthy

They'll lick their wounds and regroup.

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ddeccd No.18272503


You are a slave who tries to write opposite to your slavery.

Remember, you're trapped here with Anons because you're a slave.

Anons on the other hand are not on www.cultslaves.com/blog where your ilk posts, kek.

>You don't need an ego when you're Pure Fucking Skill

That's your ego

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18302f No.18272504

File: 04a5bdbe28a7c3c⋯.png (353.19 KB,741x907,741:907,ClipboardImage.png)


>still not sure what the F is going on at the moment though.

what we all thought was going to be a 1 year op, is the American Revolution 2.0 (took 8 years).

It's frustrating anon - i feel the pain particularly in my retirement account which really wasn't all that much to begin with, but is laughable now.

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f5cd6b No.18272505


solution: first raid Biden's food stockpile

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ac9e95 No.18272506

File: 29ad04255917362⋯.png (857.93 KB,972x919,972:919,fauxreact2223.png)

File: aaa7b3f9359c39f⋯.png (1.38 MB,1782x961,1782:961,fauxmocks.png)

Our President is the Greatest Shitposter ever. When he Trash Posts, however (fauxNOnews sludge), perhaps it's indication we should jump on it, just like was done with CNN, and isolated Shep & Hannity?

He's been posting about faux a LOT, and still cannot say as much as WE can right now.

OUR side isn't watching deader-than-doorknob CNN. They're all watching FAUX.

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942ad1 No.18272507

File: 39abdd2bab35579⋯.png (2.01 MB,1436x824,359:206,tank_farm.png)



3 tankers over Montana.


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63d70b No.18272508


Mormon cult getting nervous

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48d638 No.18272509

File: 30c78dd1314b9b8⋯.jpg (498.99 KB,1024x683,1024:683,aim_7_sparrow_l2.jpg)



>The U.S. military is currently weighing options

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87d0ac No.18272510

File: addb0af0de31a39⋯.png (178.93 KB,470x266,235:133,ClipboardImage.png)


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8f40e3 No.18272511

File: 5216a9ff0505501⋯.mp4 (4.88 MB,460x258,230:129,284229.mp4)

Remake of the slap

Just make a freaking deal

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1cc12e No.18272512


On 4chan and ever since.

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f5cd6b No.18272513


q has to drop the intel first

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eeb38a No.18272514

Food just went up again where I am. Overnight half & half went from $3 to $6. That's not even like 50 cents. The shit straight up doubled. Beer went from $11 to $15, just like that. So my little $20 grocery bill for a few things I missed, was $50 yesterday and all I got was a few items. Holy shit.

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59f30d No.18272515

File: e54925f95be6943⋯.png (362.72 KB,499x487,499:487,ClipboardImage.png)


FT since LV

on/off since late 2015 on /pol

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bb0bde No.18272516

File: bef08221bcaaa60⋯.jpg (89.21 KB,650x455,10:7,bef08221bcaaa607446a53e948….jpg)

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2fee9f No.18272517

File: b46de57d267d23b⋯.jpeg (55.74 KB,750x449,750:449,DwLOamWUUAA94pi.jpeg)


Kek remember the reddit & Voat days oh my!

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7cfa57 No.18272518


It truly pains me to say that anon's been here since D1 after following FBIanon and …Megaanon (? …no, that's not it) other insider.

But It was Seth Rich's murder and the Wikileaks dumps which really set me digging..

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f9c175 No.18272519

File: a2520d057423efe⋯.jpg (55.56 KB,474x474,1:1,20210201_200121.jpg)



Whose fingerprints ?

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928f5e No.18272520

"we're in control" thanks for the insight

Starts to seem like a lie

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17b128 No.18272521

Trump knew about bidens declassified

Docs and dangled a carrot for the rabbits

In black. He is the Master of trickery.

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e84d1a No.18272522

File: 254ef3554abf8df⋯.jpeg (27.96 KB,474x470,237:235,254ef3554abf8dfbb17fff716….jpeg)

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87d0ac No.18272523

File: 63dd9c47961019a⋯.jpg (56.54 KB,834x1024,417:512,Meme_Stealing.jpg)

File: 70650aa4cbfafe8⋯.jpg (86.13 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Meme_Wars.jpg)

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f5cd6b No.18272524


put the bottle down

get back into the gym

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3c38ab No.18272525

File: d94b38e1cd4f0a0⋯.jpg (437.82 KB,800x452,200:113,Constitution2.jpg)

if people had remembered their oaths, remembered their responsibility to uphold life, liberty, and the Bill of Rights, none of this could have ever happened in America. It's infuriating.

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7e9e5b No.18272526

File: af24b7996ca5dcb⋯.png (245.39 KB,474x438,79:73,ClipboardImage.png)


Baker is about to start living off energy drinks seeing as it's the only thing that's not raised in price…

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e76e12 No.18272527


500,000 Troop Blitzkrieg

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eeb38a No.18272528


Yea, right. As if "y'all" meant to not let them steal it. We had the numbers from the start you fkn faggot.

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33a359 No.18272529


Reptilians are about to get wrecked.

Once Humans find out the truth, no fucking lizard will be safe anywhere.

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f60b3e No.18272530


You're the most incoherent bastard I've encountered in a long time.

How is Pure Skill ego? Is someone born an attractive person egotistical or are they just attractive?

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63d70b No.18272531

File: eab14efe24f51bc⋯.jpg (114.06 KB,756x353,756:353,love.jpg)

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4bc348 No.18272532

File: 3015dc21851a1be⋯.jpg (119.63 KB,585x406,585:406,Lavrov.jpg)

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dc3c82 No.18272533



I concede that is impressive speed, but ctrl-c, tab, tab, left click, ctrl-v is a quick function and anons here are jacked up on all sorts of performance enhancing tendies, pots, cobbee, nofap routines, biblefag energy etc..

I'll await geotus to truth/retruth "Time to return, old friend" and that'd be an excellent confirmation

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1cc12e No.18272534


Knew those would not last.

The alphabet corps are easy to predict.

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eeb38a No.18272535

File: bd08ad1102f6002⋯.jpeg (172.42 KB,1280x800,8:5,tyb.jpeg)


I'll write that down in case I need it for future, kek.


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f5cd6b No.18272536


More like mRNA clot shot

was a huge data dump for DARPA

and their plans to fuq with humanity's DNA

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467742 No.18272537

File: de5f802305a6402⋯.png (278.25 KB,598x583,598:583,Screenshot_2023_02_02_at_2….png)


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7cfa57 No.18272538

File: e6e7ef381f04f3c⋯.png (100.83 KB,190x265,38:53,ClipboardImage.png)


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402a4e No.18272539

File: 0152ff31b1aa7cb⋯.jpeg (234.2 KB,1241x973,1241:973,8A0E0136_9D59_48AD_AB66_B….jpeg)

File: 82742d9e6e2dc9b⋯.jpeg (125.93 KB,1241x605,1241:605,EFA7D10F_A73E_4E45_9995_E….jpeg)

File: 6931a4d1ba5f261⋯.jpeg (203.08 KB,1241x1065,1241:1065,65BEB669_8168_45B5_B518_0….jpeg)



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df498e No.18272540

File: 26a62bb5380a8e3⋯.png (698.63 KB,1020x1280,51:64,ClipboardImage.png)

ChatGPT went too far, soydevs on life support. @EnjoyTheD


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ddeccd No.18272541

After Veritas video Pfizer part 2, MENSTRUAL CYCLE harm/manipulation, Operation Warpspeed is looking even more genius.

The world would not have believed what we are all seeing right now if It was merely said.

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a9be4d No.18272542


if the balloon pops do we get ten days of darnkess

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8073e7 No.18272543

File: d4349f3ee9544ef⋯.jpg (27.07 KB,620x336,155:84,1qqgge.jpg)



Congress Asks John Kerry: What Exactly Do You Do Here?

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7e9e5b No.18272544

File: 8031b4b0a0500a7⋯.png (167.81 KB,474x355,474:355,8031b4b0a0500a753d7e44f752….png)



I'm the only egotestical person here

The rest of you are POSERS

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020633 No.18272545

File: 08bedadaa7545f1⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB,854x480,427:240,WAR_.mp4)

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e78fa5 No.18272546


"James O'Keefe is just jealous of Trump Daddy's Magic Juice and is trying to make him look bad."

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7df90e No.18272547

File: 000a045cabeeff0⋯.jpg (711.91 KB,2560x1600,8:5,tyb.jpg)

File: df85d4c66efcca6⋯.png (204.98 KB,485x463,485:463,tybaker.png)

File: e25ec875540ec8d⋯.jpg (20.14 KB,255x254,255:254,who_is_Q_anons.jpg)

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a912bf No.18272548


Anyone know the altitude of this fucking thing?

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5d91c4 No.18272549

File: 3f7c512740f18ae⋯.jpg (372.15 KB,1745x1881,1745:1881,Image_366.jpg)

File: 10ec6660084fd9c⋯.jpg (279.32 KB,1782x2028,297:338,Image_375.jpg)

File: 878cec48f6f8b40⋯.jpg (255.08 KB,1436x2255,1436:2255,Image_397.jpg)

File: add2c4b6cb8b067⋯.jpg (364.67 KB,1779x2001,593:667,Image_442.jpg)

File: ef3f41918c3c57c⋯.jpg (283.83 KB,1101x1549,1101:1549,Image_431.jpg)


> Too many energy drinks


> Dubs

> Anons are jacked and twitching

> Confirmation would be nice, but it ultimately irrelevant

It isn't all for a LARP, but some of the LARP is for it.

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2a4905 No.18272550


Club Satan is very sick.

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54d417 No.18272551

File: 90df716171ddca6⋯.png (1.08 MB,990x736,495:368,Screen_Shot_2023_02_02_at_….png)

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e76e12 No.18272552


It's National False Flag Month

Please Stand-By

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726d69 No.18272553

File: 3d399a41719e98a⋯.jpg (695.43 KB,1364x1079,1364:1079,3d399a41719e98ab31e7d208a0….jpg)


kek - yes. Anyone remember the CNN "bombs"??

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7916b0 No.18272554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

De-Icing Misery Index 2 Feb 2023

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402a4e No.18272555


I am, research is a lifetime mission to reveal the truth and save our country and the world. Anons WW are still here

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72a9a2 No.18272556

[Doubtshilling Intensifies]

I smell the desperation, you fucking shills.

Trying to make anons doubt Q / the plan

Your shill game is super weak

Try harder to kill yourselves

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b612c0 No.18272557

File: 0579cf2df5042d3⋯.png (297.69 KB,679x622,679:622,baker_crazy_1.png)


>Incoming 100 post breads because of muh bakerz feels

hasn't happened yet

u think bakers r crazy?

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2e92ca No.18272558

File: 22fcfd9b4d478a4⋯.jpeg (210.06 KB,1620x1080,3:2,CBB6D970_1988_4BDA_A1BB_1….jpeg)

File: 8e52509858602cb⋯.jpeg (328.81 KB,2048x420,512:105,8F3E31FA_69FB_476E_BF2E_C….jpeg)

File: 3cb08a378bfbc5f⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB,2048x1478,1024:739,40F7D9E6_22AD_4F23_B0D6_0….jpeg)

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2fee9f No.18272559

File: b395571c4c998be⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB,854x480,427:240,Jim_Watkins_on_dangerous_i….mp4)


I'm down with the kun, let's hope it lasts. (Input Jim here). kek

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d78bb1 No.18272560

File: 5d0c40c36db0ef4⋯.png (384.09 KB,646x500,323:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5cd6b No.18272561


I like your logic fren

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7e9e5b No.18272562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Midbread comfy song

The trick is to become comfy with being uncomfy

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18302f No.18272563

File: 0238df8b82c815c⋯.png (406.73 KB,505x874,505:874,ClipboardImage.png)


Been stuck here ish for a long time…T-giving weekend….2017

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87d0ac No.18272564

File: 9ab8320ab98c54e⋯.png (501.57 KB,526x498,263:249,ClipboardImage.png)

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df498e No.18272565

File: 9708c6d6dc7dc27⋯.png (173.88 KB,379x273,379:273,dershdef.png)


jews want to be compared to a.i. as alternative intelligence i.e. without Jesus

jews compared to computers rape children because inbreeding makes them as evil as possible trying to normalize the child rape and inbreeding that made them until death.

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d78bb1 No.18272566

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eeb38a No.18272567

File: 0199f08c3bd7355⋯.jpg (48.18 KB,600x847,600:847,guardian3.jpg)


I'm sure that will do it.

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59f30d No.18272568

File: c4ea7dec70499ec⋯.png (220.5 KB,397x397,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>hovering over the northern U.S for the past few days

and you are "monitoring" it?

Fuckin' Morans

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Post last edited at

d78bb1 No.18272569

File: 2335f986903686b⋯.png (643.24 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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7916b0 No.18272570

File: 90f54360f0b38d6⋯.png (355.71 KB,750x471,250:157,90f54360f0b38d6a5a9aa1ca31….png)


>comfy with being uncomfy

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928f5e No.18272571


Should probably be at a perfect altitude to fry a high percentage of our grid

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daa84b No.18272572

File: 29a2f45d3bd502b⋯.png (339.86 KB,779x819,779:819,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbd42fc22e36d69⋯.png (135.87 KB,779x847,779:847,ClipboardImage.png)

Brazilian Senator Proposes Legislation that Criminalizes Those Who Refuse to Take the “Mandatory” COVID-19 Shot

Six bills are currently being introduced in the Brazilian senate that would criminalize those who refuse the mandated dose of COVID shots or who comment negatively about the vaccine’s efficacy and safety, the Rio Times reported.



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020633 No.18272573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3b53aa No.18272574

File: 1decd4d1e067ff2⋯.png (59.77 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


dubs chek'ed

anon has stopped caring what others think of him.

need no validation

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163bdf No.18272575


Guise, he said "gene editing".

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e76e12 No.18272576


It's a Bold Plan

Let's see how that works out for them

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1cc12e No.18272577


Can't imagine where i would lurk if not for Jim.

At least somewhere not known to be comped by the clownfaggots.

I was tired of sending hard drives with microsd cards inside with encrypted data thru mail to friends. Cut my fingers often opening those drives!

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d78bb1 No.18272578

File: 1447e28322ea0ea⋯.png (647.17 KB,721x960,721:960,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9c175 No.18272579

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f5cd6b No.18272580



as per the Bible

Church is the body of Christ and Jesus is the head of the church. You may not need the body of Christ , but you should be trying to assist the church.

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87d0ac No.18272581

File: ada40ffef3ac952⋯.png (221.25 KB,671x1049,671:1049,ClipboardImage.png)

Sky Event coming ??

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bbcaa6 No.18272582

File: cfde917993f2bcb⋯.png (1.96 MB,2560x2560,1:1,q_flag.png)

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c15bb2 No.18272583

File: 011b1ee831b31f7⋯.png (1.26 MB,1061x592,1061:592,011b1ee831b31f7b3e9c548971….png)


Because this is a US Military Intelligence operation to educate a brainwashed civilian population living in media created pseudo reality. That is what "you are watching a movie means."

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9e24af No.18272584

File: 85b8e7f9f0721e5⋯.png (156.16 KB,460x355,92:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b7d24 No.18272585

File: 6ba937488b1a15a⋯.png (186.66 KB,577x671,577:671,ClipboardImage.png)



I think not…

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2fee9f No.18272586

File: fc02587bb6a3487⋯.png (569.12 KB,1080x810,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


trips check't

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8d1ccd No.18272587


Isn't Sky Event just 'UFOs on Parade'?

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942ad1 No.18272588

File: cd68084fd1a6f1c⋯.jpg (22.68 KB,536x434,268:217,1675378545855473.jpg)

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e76e12 No.18272589

Everything is Proceeding Precisely How Q & Q+ Predicted

Military Precision

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d78bb1 No.18272590

File: df972e1daad8cc2⋯.png (250.29 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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4bc348 No.18272591

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ddeccd No.18272592


>How is Pure Skill ego?

Another sign of your ego is the inability to self-reflect to even detect that to claim to have knowledge of having 'pure skill', is itself the very ego you claim to be negating as independent from it.

Your analogy

>Is someone born an attractive person egotistical or are they just attractive?

Is flawed because both beauty and skill require a person to expend cognitive and physical effort in self-developing as such.

You can't maintain attractiveness or skill by making choices that prevent them.

They are a product of what you do with what you were born with. And to claim to have 'pure skill' is a reference to your view of the quality of your choices.

You may be too stupid to understand this.

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f60b3e No.18272593


God's Temple is your Vessel.

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df498e No.18272594

File: a1d7e118432b602⋯.png (1.04 MB,809x1280,809:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58eaca51f777772⋯.png (605.01 KB,725x466,725:466,judgement.PNG)

File: c81286bd8109763⋯.jpg (299.41 KB,796x1276,199:319,anubis.jpg)


beware of (((dog)))

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412e33 No.18272595

File: 5209633ae9ac17e⋯.png (552.43 KB,1197x598,1197:598,ClipboardImage.png)

beer is good

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eeb38a No.18272596


And dicks are for chicks.

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c15bb2 No.18272597

File: 80c6f497cadf9de⋯.jpeg (169.9 KB,738x900,41:50,80c6f497cadf9def944ee99cb….jpeg)


Maybe that heathen Chinese balloon supposedly floating somewhere "over the northern US."

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467742 No.18272598



Do they want to tell us that the moon is a balloon?

This would be a poetic way to declassify the truth.

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020633 No.18272599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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163bdf No.18272600


Is this the Chinese balloon?

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87d0ac No.18272601

File: 5aeed30a6bea0ca⋯.png (1.43 MB,1686x1344,281:224,ClipboardImage.png)



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d78bb1 No.18272602

File: 466f243a34b62f3⋯.png (308.86 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b612c0 No.18272603


found Q in March 2018, once i came, never left

Read "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" in 1970 something……

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e78fa5 No.18272604


It isn't a "prediction" when you're an actor reading a script.

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7e9e5b No.18272605


>beer is good

Only in Germany, or Japan

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87d0ac No.18272606

Next bread call "Up Up & Away" ?



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dc3c82 No.18272607

File: 45f968398edf27a⋯.png (1.32 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


10-4 sir, and what a majestic larp.. im down with it, but "would be nice" is my motivation.. "not necessary" acknowledged/approved.


Q, if this is you, listen up.. I've been trying to warn you about Ayylmaos.. (pic related) This is a "martian rock" per NASA, but it looks a bit likea chubby cat. stop fucking with me and give us a proper confirmation.

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f9c175 No.18272608

File: f11ea075a5f80af⋯.jpg (21.22 KB,236x314,118:157,20210425_165418.jpg)

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e76e12 No.18272609

Game Pieces Moving across the Board

Puzzle Pieces Falling into Place

Mouthpieces Under Control

1,000 Pieces

Ride the waves

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928f5e No.18272610

I talked to the spy community, my dad is a part of it.

They all said yes, giant fucking balloons was their go to for covert operations.

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035037 No.18272611


Sapporo is good. What else?

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05e2ee No.18272612

File: 6923f01081d343e⋯.jpg (195.94 KB,1024x683,1024:683,frogs.jpg)


that'll do, anon, that'll do.

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f60b3e No.18272613


No wonder you love niggers and jews, you don't have a gram of ego so you let them rape you.

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e76e12 No.18272614


Joe's Shot

It's all AI Generated

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9b7d24 No.18272615

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daa84b No.18272616

Department of Energy Proposes Limits on Energy Consumption For Gas Stoves

“This approach by DOE could effectively ban gas appliances,” said Jill Notini, a vice president with the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers. “We are concerned this approach could eliminate fully featured gas products.”

The trade group said 95% of the market for gas products would likely not meet the new proposed rules.

Bloomberg reported:

Gas stoves are coming under fresh scrutiny as a second federal agency has now stepped into the political firestorm with a proposal for new regulations for the appliances.

The Energy Department proposal, published Wednesday, sets first-of-their-kind limits on energy consumption for the stoves, drawing fear from the industry that the regulation could effectively end the use of some products from the market. The proposal also sets energy usage standards for electric cook tops and new standards for both gas and electric ovens.

The move comes just weeks after an official with the US Consumer Product Safety Commission floated the idea of a ban, igniting criticism from the gas industry and from lawmakers ranging from House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers to Senator Joe Manchin. Within days, the head of the commission clarified that the agency had no plans for a ban, and the White House issued a statement that said the president didn’t support banning the cooking products either.

The Energy Department’s proposal would reduce energy usage by about 30% relative to the least-efficient products on the market today, according to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, an environmental group. The proposed standards are based on improved cooking efficiency through the use of design options, such as an optimized burner and improved grates, and some products are already on the market that meet the requirements, the group said.

Last September the California Air Resources Board voted to end the sale of natural gas heaters by 2030.

The goal is to replace all gas-powered furnaces and water heaters with electric appliances.

California can’t even keep the lights on as it is.

What could possibly go wrong?


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e91045 No.18272617

File: 964a622ca7480f3⋯.gif (1.95 MB,640x640,1:1,dumpsterfire.gif)

>>18270994 pb

congress needs to cut the funds for that

They are kidding , right?

see if someone can get their logo on this dumpster fire?

my video software package expires.

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84d73f No.18272618


I, too, started down the road of research after Wikki was dumped and was on 4chan when Q showed up. Haven’t left.

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ddeccd No.18272619


Oh so now you're claiming your ego is an absolute needed must.

fucking kek, you stupid division shills…is your genetic code faltering?

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6efb3f No.18272620

I have zero tolerance for China and their retardedness.

No one will shed a tear for them when squashed.

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33a359 No.18272621


Yeah we have been winning in big landslides for 50+ years but the elections are rigged remember.

Vote harder this time?

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5d91c4 No.18272622

File: 595df3281197dc3⋯.jpg (664.8 KB,2160x1444,540:361,art_458.jpg)

File: 340d0f7cb65caef⋯.jpg (588.85 KB,2233x1691,2233:1691,art_420.jpg)

File: 7a7cc6b6222117e⋯.jpg (705.61 KB,2229x1770,743:590,art_421.jpg)


Weather balloons pop at, what? 50,00 feet? I know it depends on how much gas you put in them, because they'll expand less as the pressure drops. Temperature also makes a big difference, swelling the balloon during the day.

A volume of helium gas the size of a cargo-trailer (car carrier) could carry about 40lbs, if I recall.

You'd need a gigantic balloon to lift a nuke, and it would "glow" on any radar screen. It would also be slow as shit if you tried to put engines on it, and blowing all-over-everywhere with the wind. Not much of a weapon, IMHO.


> What's the big deal? It's only going to kill you once!

My fuckin' sides!

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d043a8 No.18272623


mid 2018, but wide awake since about year after 911

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9927cd No.18272624

File: bf40b17a7d288e5⋯.png (1.25 MB,2001x1125,667:375,D2F2509E_99D6_4AB7_AE43_06….png)


Rhino flight yesterday.

Starlink helped locate the balloon and knock it out of the sky, this AM, 6:17 Eastern.

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4bc348 No.18272625

File: 1518409d30ff00c⋯.jpg (89.9 KB,800x600,4:3,China_cop.jpg)

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f5cd6b No.18272626


if q wants to help

they can first devote their entire effort to exposing election fraud

until then……worthless unless killing people with an mRNA shot was part of the plan

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eeb38a No.18272628

File: cf8b8f301f1b02d⋯.jpg (69.92 KB,537x371,537:371,pepe_broken_n_retarded.jpg)

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f9c175 No.18272629


Little House on the Prairie

Elon finally gets an address

Mars landscape edition

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cd64d6 No.18272630

File: 33ef4ab3b04b6e8⋯.png (13.63 KB,255x242,255:242,lol_pepe.png)

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6efb3f No.18272631

File: 810059559572f62⋯.png (449.52 KB,529x505,529:505,Capture.PNG)

Pipehitters who hit real pipes! Homebuilders create great jobs for their employees, and they provide generational wealth for their customers. Thanks so much for having me this morning,




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daebf4 No.18272632

File: 4ad6e5862e8ff84⋯.jpg (84.41 KB,680x880,17:22,Animal_Chin.jpg)

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e76e12 No.18272633

Control is Key

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33a359 No.18272636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You want the truth?


hypnosis session, the client experiences the life of a Reptilian soldier from Mars. On his journey through Space, he visits other planets and meets beings that change his life.

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6efb3f No.18272637


Oh damn!

That's funny.

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4bc348 No.18272638

File: 6ee992ce6e60f14⋯.jpg (130.72 KB,489x594,163:198,Top_kek.jpg)

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eeb38a No.18272639

File: 38c8b112e9f6e70⋯.jpg (119.26 KB,736x480,23:15,faggots_death.jpg)

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f60b3e No.18272640


Obviously an ego is important or you'd end up being raped by jews and niggers like yourself.

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103a1a No.18272641


dig his corpse up, dismember it, and stick it in a potter's field.

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9e24af No.18272642

File: a3f35e63623d0b6⋯.jpg (47.66 KB,667x668,667:668,ac_dumpster.JPG)

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eca08a No.18272643

File: 5376c32c28a1201⋯.png (294.19 KB,600x525,8:7,Waiting_Ape.png)

waiting on balloonfag …

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a912bf No.18272644


Depending on my mood I either fuck with these people or straight up tell them to fuck the hell off. Just had one a few minutes ago. Some asian souding faggot no doubt calling me from Indonesia somewhere with my service area code. Other times I'll answer like some old hard of hearing fuck or I do the retard thing.

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59f30d No.18272645

File: 16dadb7408d28be⋯.png (346.99 KB,735x435,49:29,ClipboardImage.png)


GORDO16 E-4 B Nightwatch over northern Michigan and Lake Superior-this is a 'regular' thing for the Nightwatch-to be in this area for training flights but since a supposed Chinee Balloon is heading that way….

Calling BS on that whole thing and fear pron

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7916b0 No.18272646


got a tail number or serial number on that?

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b612c0 No.18272648


Q didn't invent Fauci

he's been killing people for half a century

Bad guise been killing people long than that

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e78fa5 No.18272649

File: 9f6a2304ad7710e⋯.jpg (123.06 KB,1200x1056,25:22,Fn_t_WhWAAQr1o_.jpg)

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ddeccd No.18272650


You're an inconsistent stupid shill aintcha?

Your code is corrupt.

You have a bug.

Send a service ticket to your developer.

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d0a6bb No.18272651

File: c008f9ed9a92ad1⋯.png (188.46 KB,846x639,94:71,Screen_Shot_2023_02_03_at_….png)

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469f6a No.18272653

Oy vey

Hus du geiben en bv deine leiben

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467742 No.18272654

File: eda3be8c06ec765⋯.png (213.34 KB,500x320,25:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6ea86 No.18272655

File: 9489ef9df0771f7⋯.png (285.61 KB,620x620,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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91150a No.18272657


did the whitey have a foreskin pinned on his third eye. question. period.

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035037 No.18272658

File: 9d90f8a167e78c1⋯.jpg (75.06 KB,811x462,811:462,ZomboMeme_28022021153019.jpg)

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87d0ac No.18272659

File: ada40ffef3ac952⋯.png (221.25 KB,671x1049,671:1049,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3788f9b592d113⋯.png (137.38 KB,346x247,346:247,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b2004355a78b53⋯.png (448.17 KB,608x342,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


NASA have launched balloons bigger than football fields… I think this is doable.

(and 'only once' is a great meme to !!)

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7e9e5b No.18272660

Notables Are Not Endorsements

#22391 >>18272100

>>18272298, >>18272335, >>18272472 13 second [D]elta on these posts

>>18272460, >>18272407 @Pfizer Director Concerned Over Women's Reproductive Heath After COVID-19 Vaccinations

>>18272260, >>18272289 Internal Google docs to censor Project Veritas' bombshell video exposing Pfizer are revealed

>>18272379, >>18272385 Project Veritas video: Pfizer, part 2 "gene editing"

>>18272110 One of the US’ top egg producing plants burns to the ground

>>18272127 Comms for mk? 2 years of increased monarch Butterflies after a fear warning of extinction coming

>>18272154, >>18272414 PF: A-10 back at MacDill after blowing up Avon Park and strafing Brandon.

>>18272202, >>18272224, >>18272264 Zelensky’s diaspora delegation led by economic hit-woman, Natalie Jaresko, who led plunder of Ukraine

>>18272234 BIDEN: "More than half the women in my administration are women."

>>18272240, >>18272259, >>18272247 These Groundhogs keep dying two days ahead of schedule

>>18272252 CNN Camera Crew Present Outside Mike Pence Group in D.C. After Apparent Leak from DOJ

>>18272255 Newest Russian anti-roof anti-tank mine PTKM-1R seen in the Kherson region

>>18272266 'Seinfeld bill' going through the N.J. state legislature to battle telemarketers

>>18272273 House Judiciary panel wants info from FBI about indicted ex-official Charles McGonigal

>>18272283 A Royal Dud: Queen’s death FOI debacle shows Australia’s transparency system is bust

>>18272337, >>18272362, >>18272373, >>18272384, >>18272386, >>18272507 Suspected Chinese spy balloon found over northern US, 3 tankers now over Montana.

>>18272338 Hill investigators pressuring NARA IG and DOJ to turn over the recovered classified docs to compare them to manuscripts from Biden's 2017 memoir

>>18272349 Top Expert Calls For Suspending All Vaccines…

>>18272366 17,000 doctors and scientists sign a treaty confirming that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end

>>18272394 Russia vows to 'gain world's attention' on Ukraine war anniversary

>>18272423 Attorney for Hunter Biden claims letters requesting investigation into the laptop repair store owner, Rudy Guiliani, and others, are NOT an acknowledgment that the laptop is his

>>18272440, >>18272452 "Declassified Binder" of Crossfire Hurricane documents was released today

>>18272454 Congress Asks John Kerry: What Exactly Do You Do Here?

>>18272494 PF: CONUS Update: TITAN25 E-4B NightwatchSec. of Defense Austinreturns to JBA, SAM084 G5 back to MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) from it's Bragg stop

>>18272572 6 bills are currently being introduced in the Brazilian senate that would criminalize those who refuse the mandated dose of COVID shots or who comment negatively

>>18272616 Department of Energy Proposes [Their] Limits on Energy Consumption For Gas Stoves

>>18272631 @mikepompeo "Pipehitters who hit real pipes"

>>18272645 PF: GORDO16 E-4 B Nightwatch over northern Michigan and Lake Superior


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b612c0 No.18272661

File: d5e031dfdf372c2⋯.jpg (11.05 KB,269x242,269:242,pepe_thumbs_up.jpg)

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4bc348 No.18272663

File: bde6262e5594b56⋯.jpg (97.56 KB,478x304,239:152,Mr_Nig_cut.jpg)



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c6ea86 No.18272664


For a high functioning psychopath?

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df498e No.18272665

File: 45c584bdecc0d8d⋯.png (618.67 KB,880x1280,11:16,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b812c8f54ba0e1⋯.png (153.98 KB,525x253,525:253,emojew.png)

Homosexuality Is Part of Jewish Tradition - Jewish World


PubMed https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18928046/)

"Two men under one cloak"—the Sages permit it: homosexual marriage in Judaism - PubMed



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8f40e3 No.18272666

File: 8f0991907459469⋯.jpg (72.76 KB,750x882,125:147,large_36_.jpg)

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91150a No.18272667


kek in knot hitting pipes.

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7916b0 No.18272668

watch for e38cff final post this bread. pedo bear post likely comes next after ip hop.

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6efb3f No.18272669

File: 618e4a11bb14288⋯.png (331.57 KB,526x625,526:625,Capture.PNG)

Due to the presence of a suspected Chinese high-altitude surveillance balloon over U.S. airspace, the OSINT military readiness level for North America has been changed to 2.


Makes you wonder how many Chinese troops Trudeau stashed in Canada.

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e601d1 No.18272671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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eeb38a No.18272672

File: 9e58c5568e626dc⋯.png (321.73 KB,664x376,83:47,Jesus_kek_ultra.png)



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d187f0 No.18272673

File: ea8b8ed6f65b734⋯.jpeg (177.95 KB,1131x919,1131:919,195A5804_23E9_40AD_8656_E….jpeg)


Control of self?


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4465f6 No.18272674


Dec 2017 anon here

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2fee9f No.18272675

File: a6cc194ef6855c9⋯.png (147.95 KB,317x237,317:237,ClipboardImage.png)

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163bdf No.18272676


This is fantastic.

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c6ea86 No.18272677

File: d03b6890f383ee0⋯.png (213.75 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c26090 No.18272678

File: e44c272fd71b19d⋯.jpeg (169.63 KB,745x681,745:681,87E51DA1_97AB_451E_90B2_6….jpeg)

File: 1d10632bd542fcf⋯.jpeg (40.5 KB,684x491,684:491,FB01C6D2_F96F_4CFC_82E3_D….jpeg)

So big Pharma gave the world bad pussy?

Fucking stupid and sick motherfuckers deserve the incomprehensible hell that is to beset them.

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ddeccd No.18272679


Your post is the only instance of the string "e38cff" in this bread.

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9b7d24 No.18272680



Coming soon to a movie near you…

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3b5e7f No.18272682


why do you ask?

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59f30d No.18272683

File: 2e6dce2529c85e2⋯.png (342.51 KB,522x401,522:401,ClipboardImage.png)


That is a C-17 flight over Ohio from yesterday afternoon

>knock it out of the skythis AM, 6:17 Eastern


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8d01f4 No.18272684

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald Trump Jr.



Talking election fraud and the globalist agenda with Brazil’s Eduardo Bolsonaro in 10 minutes on my Triggered podcast. Tune in, like and pass it along here!!!


Eduardo Bolsonaro and Don Jr Talk Election Fraud and the Globalist Agenda | TRIGGERED Ep. 4



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e91045 No.18272685

File: ca8371d053da24e⋯.jpg (202.96 KB,1024x768,4:3,BidenChineseBribes2.jpg)



They are "deciding" what to do

Thanks chi-com Brandon.

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f60b3e No.18272686


Ok nigger, paki, chink and everything in between defender. According to you skill is egotistical or even writing a resume explaining your strengths must also jimminy your crickets and it's too much for you to handle as well. You only tallow rapists to talk good about themselves I guess.

Ironically you are the arrogant one considering I'm the selfless one trying to save you fucking retards with the suffering I have been through and also the other souls I've encountered that have been through much, much worse than I have. Yet here you are arguing with me instead of listening.

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163bdf No.18272687


>Makes you wonder how many Chinese troops Trudeau stashed in Canada.

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8c3431 No.18272688

File: 9f388552634c031⋯.png (1.09 MB,1745x1000,349:200,ClipboardImage.png)


Chinese balloon a little less dramatic-sounding than Space Station.

I was trying to make this work for 4 years ago pointing out lots of "four 1's" digits. "2323" is "four 1's".

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7916b0 No.18272690


you've got it filtered

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5731cd No.18272691

File: f00bb787a39ff08⋯.png (468.43 KB,457x467,457:467,eyes_on_potus_mirror.png)

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8e322d No.18272693

File: 8dd1e6ea8398cdb⋯.png (726.33 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f83c3cc61384bb9⋯.png (55.36 KB,425x529,425:529,ClipboardImage.png)



It was very interesting! Ben was on https://www.youtube.com/@Archaix138


I mean interdasting.

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7916b0 No.18272694

File: 8dd52af8394d22a⋯.png (980.04 KB,1443x1016,1443:1016,ClipboardImage.png)

Boeing RC-135W Rivet Joint

This might be the Chinese balloon chaser.

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ddeccd No.18272696


>Ok nigger, paki, chink and everything in between defender

Not participating in blanket hatred and condemnation of entire races of people, is not synonymous with blanket 'defender' regardless of the individual actions of each person in question, you cringe dialectic spewing division shill.

Fix your code, you have an inconsistency problem.

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5d91c4 No.18272697

File: a835758cd7b7aa5⋯.jpg (104.73 KB,928x739,928:739,sloan_back_room.jpg)


> Big-assed nasa balloons

Those carry less than 5lbs, per FAA regulations.

Did some head-scratching and realized my math is all fuckered-up. You'd need ten of those balloons to carry a 50lb weight.

Go look it up yourself if your don't believe me, but a balloon-deployed nuke is a terribly idea.

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ec0550 No.18272698

File: 70342ce761e38e6⋯.png (270.76 KB,600x626,300:313,Screen_Shot_2023_02_02_at_….png)

File: 1244af547c454f0⋯.png (657.8 KB,843x781,843:781,Screen_Shot_2023_02_02_at_….png)

File: c0ff582195f8d73⋯.png (205.07 KB,815x624,815:624,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)


Two Raven Aerostar balloons were launched Jan 31 in New Mexico.

One drifted west, and is gone now, the other is nearing Little Rock, AR.


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91150a No.18272699

File: d50ecfde96870c2⋯.jpg (37.15 KB,634x718,317:359,40839890_9421565_Pictures_….jpg)

File: d41506482ca5886⋯.gif (1.57 MB,500x380,25:19,ElegantEsteemedLacewing_si….gif)

File: e54872d12f0348b⋯.jpeg (14.25 KB,285x330,19:22,download_64_.jpeg)

File: 7584197ae04f65d⋯.jpg (476.52 KB,1223x793,1223:793,7584197ae04f65de4c634a56d9….jpg)


muh believes me

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50b1a2 No.18272700

File: e39c27bd32094e6⋯.jpg (17.66 KB,277x330,277:330,humpy.jpg)


Ackshually, he does always accept bribes,

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924108 No.18272702

File: f8239b7be4b96ac⋯.jpg (94.74 KB,1028x578,514:289,photo_2023_02_02_17_22_13.jpg)

Pfizer Exec Gives Shocking Revelations on Plans to Use mRNA Vaccines to Move 'Beyond Covid'

"Walker also expressed concern the company's mRNA Covid vaccines might harm women's reproductive health."


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daa84b No.18272703

File: ac19282dba4c7f5⋯.png (86.06 KB,660x729,220:243,ClipboardImage.png)

Rep. Thomas Massie Vows to Strip Ukraine Funding from Must-Pass Spending Bills

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview that he believes he and other conservatives would separate Ukraine funding from must-pass spending bills.

Massie spoke to Breitbart News as the United States is preparing to send tanks to Ukraine, a move that Biden said in March would result in “World War III.”

The Kentucky lawmaker, who represents the non-interventionist wing of the Republican Party, has long opposed aid and entangling the United States in what is now increasingly becoming a protracted conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Massie noted that Americans have increasingly soured on America’s seemingly endless support for Ukraine’s conflict with Russia, and how congressional leadership moved to attach aid to must-pass spending bills such as a continuing resolution (CR) or omnibus spending bill. He described this move as “abhorrent” and “despicable” for our Republic.

America has so far provided more than $113 billion in military and economic aid to Ukraine.

Massie said that if you opposed the CR or the omnibus because of the inclusion of the Ukraine aid, “You can be blamed for shutting down the government.”

However, he said things will change now that conservatives have more of a voice in the House Rules Committee. Massie said he believes that he, along with Reps. Chip Roy (R-TX) and Ralph Norman (R-SC), would likely move to separate controversial items such as Ukraine aid from must-pass bills.

“I don’t see that happening again with me and Chip Roy and Ralph Norman on Rules [Committee]. I don’t think you gotta hide these things. In these votes, I think, all we can ask for is separate vote on Ukraine,” he said.

Massie said that Biden will likely receive no more “blank checks” for Ukraine in this congressional term and that congressional support for Ukraine may erode with more isolated, recorded votes on aid for Ukraine.

“I don’t think he’s [Biden] going to get any more blank checks in this Congress. And if he, I mean, if he does, there will be a recorded vote. And if we ended up taking three or four recorded votes on Ukraine, I think each time you’ll see support for the U.S. involvement there diminish,” he said.

Americans have increasingly moved against more aid and sending weapons to Ukraine.

A Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies Study poll from January found that 49 percent of those surveyed said that Congress should provide more to Ukraine, while 47 percent said it should not. The poll’s three percent margin of error puts the two sides in a virtual tie.

A Pew Research Center survey found that 26 percent of Americans believe that America provides too much support for Ukraine. This is a six-point spike from September. This spike largely comes from the growing share of Republicans. Forty percent of Republicans believe that America provides too much aid, 24 percent say the aid amount is “about right,” and 17 percent say it is not enough.

Massie also suggested that separate recorded votes on Ukraine could “expose” that “there’s nobody on the antiwar left anymore.”


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f60b3e No.18272704


Get raped by a pack of niggers.

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a912bf No.18272705


Yea, looks like it could be real dangerous iif it's shot down and landed out in the fucking middle of no where. Just poke a hole in the damn thing and it will come down right nicely. One shot would do it.

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ddeccd No.18272706


>with the suffering I have been through

Narcissistic victim card playing gets you nowhere here. It doesn't work.

>Yet here you are arguing with me instead of listening.

You also have a problematic psychological projection bug.

Fix your code.

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7916b0 No.18272708


The Chinese one is much further north and won't be broadcasting an ADS-B signal.

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f5cd6b No.18272709


the new shining light on the hill

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8d01f4 No.18272710

File: 225086487b1447e⋯.png (398 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a66a2cb4b5257b⋯.jpg (110.1 KB,466x577,466:577,0a66a2cb4b5257b8a3ab91c306….jpg)

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8f40e3 No.18272711

File: 501d3d7dcb3b084⋯.jpg (277.36 KB,848x998,424:499,GGYVGKYY.jpg)

Just one moar day anons

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87d0ac No.18272712


Possible… I'm a flat-tard though, so I imagine a BIG fuckin BOOM in the sky could be one too… DJT just started talking about Nukes too.

Remember the post… Look over there: Russia, Russia, Russia, not over here: China China etc

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2fee9f No.18272713

File: f1ddc21ffceeba6⋯.png (348.88 KB,594x709,594:709,f1ddc21ffceeba6cb8ef1c0a8d….png)


If it was Dan or Trump or anyone on the team posting for a delta it would be posted with the additional text to the board 13 seconds prior to the Truth post not after. Other than that it's a fast anon.

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9b7d24 No.18272714


Keck is a telescope - newbie…

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eeb38a No.18272715


Just took some horsey paste and chased it w tonic water.

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ddeccd No.18272716


Are you imagining yourself as some sort of wizard where you just cast a spell and it's supposed to happen?

You have a bug in your code.

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9f58d2 No.18272718

what was that biolabs reveal was supposed to happen at 6pm EST?

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0faa45 No.18272719



No, I'm not here anymore.

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1cc12e No.18272720


Wouldn't need to shoot down a chink floater. Can jam or laser target it and let it float back home as garbage.

Why the hype is the question.

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020633 No.18272721



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05e2ee No.18272722


i've been here since a couple of weeks after first crumbs…just wondering…

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020633 No.18272723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5731cd No.18272724

File: 4105ce54cf3dcae⋯.jpg (91.26 KB,1024x678,512:339,rc_135_55.jpg)

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7c018c No.18272725


Here….infinity….or half chan??

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daa84b No.18272726

File: ae97965e484236d⋯.png (1.22 MB,1176x653,1176:653,ClipboardImage.png)

Wernher von Braun former Nazi scientist and father of the Apollo space program says that the last card the evil ones will play is the fake alien invasion.

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b612c0 No.18272727

File: 5ec516a1e2ed725⋯.jpg (204.19 KB,1249x708,1249:708,2022_04_19_22_44_05.jpg)

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75ce5c No.18272728


Q is just an election vehicle is it?

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4325f0 No.18272729

File: fbc7c80233beda8⋯.png (1.12 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>"Walker also expressed concern the company's mRNA Covid vaccines might harm women's reproductive health."

Have you ever seen an angry mother?

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8f9d89 No.18272730

File: 3b22aad2914b2d4⋯.jpg (88.18 KB,655x645,131:129,3b22aad2914b2d4ea59abbff2d….jpg)

Anon just reviewed all Q posts with server as the search word. Very interesting and refreshing as they go back to near the beginning in Dec 2017. Who has the server(s)? Not much talk from anyone anymore on this but I believe that when this topic comes up again everything will be made known. JA, SR, Killary, Hussein, No Name, Alphabet agencies, China, NK & Russia all will come into complete FOCUS. We have the servers and the servers have everything. When do you play the Trump card?

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e76e12 No.18272731

File: 4b6bca5c00d3210⋯.gif (2.51 MB,500x500,1:1,1603756993_Copy.gif)



>>18272710 Zero Delta Confirmed

Standing By

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8073e7 No.18272732

File: 55dcf2d9cb701a6⋯.png (704.13 KB,780x390,2:1,Chinese_balloon.png)

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f5cd6b No.18272733


hey they had some things right

they abstain from caffeine though

so I will need another source besides them

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0faa45 No.18272734

File: 04d2d215110d36b⋯.png (459.6 KB,735x362,735:362,jysaetfuihoi.png)

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df498e No.18272735

File: 3feef005e01973b⋯.mp4 (6.71 MB,31January2023RUartystrikeo….MOV)

War Reporter Alexander 'Sasha' Kots has provided some interesting drone footage showing what looks like a VSU scout unit being discovered and struck by Russian artillery. There are at least a few KIA in the video.


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c26090 No.18272736

File: 431a72c9e6f2e0f⋯.jpeg (213.58 KB,645x563,645:563,F27B84A7_0C87_47EE_8379_0….jpeg)

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928f5e No.18272737

File: d5192d8c5d26340⋯.png (383.38 KB,577x572,577:572,Screenshot_20230130_190237….png)


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59f30d No.18272739

File: 6c60e4bde84d29f⋯.gif (2.68 MB,249x250,249:250,really_nigga_shakes_head.gif)

'They wouldn't announce it (chinese balloon) if it is/was real as if it were it would be quietly disappeared and no one would ever hear about it-really niggas?? They are going to confirm to themin a public waythat yes yer little balloon made it

How gullible are you?

Pics or it don't happen

They said nothing about the Japanese balloons in the 40s for precisely the same reason-don't confirm it


>Calling BS on that whole thing and fear pron

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Post last edited at

75ce5c No.18272740

File: e31ffce9860ebea⋯.png (27.96 KB,132x160,33:40,Dan_look_right.png)

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8d01f4 No.18272741

File: d71dd88b24ba9d5⋯.png (166.72 KB,494x351,38:27,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1023cfd8170ee26⋯.png (1.17 MB,1283x905,1283:905,ClipboardImage.png)


does anon know how to invert the pic?

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ddeccd No.18272742

File: 97dbe2d713cbc2f⋯.gif (1.33 MB,720x348,60:29,97dbe2d713cbc2fdb61ae4de15….gif)

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2feca5 No.18272743

File: 2eb845720bd3219⋯.png (202.78 KB,466x249,466:249,omar.png)


>My hatred for America compels me to call for jihad

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daa84b No.18272744

File: 9110879c7fb934b⋯.png (237.85 KB,626x465,626:465,ClipboardImage.png)


REPORTER: "Do you think Ashli Babbit was murdered, or do you think the police officer who shot her was doing his job?"

SPEAKER MCCARTHY: "I think the police officer did his job."


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d187f0 No.18272745

File: 006b90b29f244f3⋯.jpeg (192.72 KB,1035x860,207:172,D0B4C318_5D3C_401B_A59A_9….jpeg)

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a4d2bd No.18272746

File: a06ca68a87000e3⋯.mp4 (3.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,Dr_Robert_Malone_DarkHorse….mp4)

WATCH- Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Bret Weinstein, and Steve Kirsch discuss the Japanese Pfizer documents, which show lipid nanoparticles concentrating in women's ovaries.


Why did big tech censor this interview in June 2021?

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020633 No.18272747

File: 03d7ad83f8f29e6⋯.jpg (54.38 KB,296x146,148:73,_Anonymous_You_44_minutes_….jpg)

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87d0ac No.18272748

File: 95ddd1a5a4f5780⋯.jpg (8.03 KB,255x176,255:176,Pepe_Hug.jpg)


thanx fren

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f60b3e No.18272749


I actually have never deployed my victimhood card in person. If I did I'd be the grand commander of US Democrats for sure. Just trying to explain shit as anon right now.

Anyways I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers -Mel Gibson

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91150a No.18272750

File: 294f48c5a248060⋯.jpeg (146.65 KB,768x1024,3:4,FnfLnyNXEAcNwOk.jpeg)

File: cf7f81b6ed5bea3⋯.jpeg (14.01 KB,236x255,236:255,4b3b23c1b4ac8e9259ef7fe7b….jpeg)

File: 1d302e2262683c5⋯.jpeg (89.72 KB,722x900,361:450,Fn0qeymXEAMR7oN.jpeg)

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e76e12 No.18272751

File: 39ba3e349d8a847⋯.png (2.02 MB,1392x788,348:197,ClipboardImage.png)

Zero Day Approaches

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9b7d24 No.18272752


In the War Games movie, the AI's goal was to get to DEFCON 1

1 to go…

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eeb38a No.18272753

That zero delta new Q thing ain't shit. As if Q thinks we don't know that no matter how many people voted, they were still going to allow for them to steal it (even if part of the plan). Q wouldn't talk to us like we're fucking stupid.

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28f75b No.18272754


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4bc348 No.18272755

File: 151c5432f8ef29a⋯.jpg (203.85 KB,728x717,728:717,Told_you.jpg)

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a912bf No.18272756


Zero Delta to what anons?

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5731cd No.18272757

File: b1905a1b62e3be2⋯.mp4 (3.32 MB,360x360,1:1,Vehicle_Remastered_.mp4)

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f5cd6b No.18272758


ccp flag should have been next to Ukraine flag

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9baedf No.18272759



Jan 2018

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7916b0 No.18272760

File: 0e104e9966ba42f⋯.mp4 (5.49 MB,852x480,71:40,2023_02_01_20_49_57_Trim.mp4)

During WWII the Empire of Japan planned to send high altitude balloons east over the US for biological attack. Operation PX.

Operation PX was proposed in December 1944 by the Japanese Naval General Staff, led by Vice-Admiral Jisaburō Ozawa. The name for the operation came from the Japanese use of the code name PX for Pestis bacillus-infected fleas. In planning the operation, the navy partnered with Lieutenant-General Shirō Ishii of Unit 731, who had extensive experience on weaponizing pathogenic bacteria and human vulnerability to biological and chemical warfare.


Makes anon wonder what the ChiComms are up to here with the mystery balloon over the northern US.

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8d01f4 No.18272762

File: 41fc458e71bcd3a⋯.png (255.83 KB,1153x1798,1153:1798,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5263768e3e1c839⋯.png (132.68 KB,854x731,854:731,ClipboardImage.png)




Musk Tweet connect, Feb 01. Nice little connect - pointing to 'PUBLIC & PRIVATE Twitter accounts' - a major talking point over the last couple of days.

'These people are stupid.

We have it all.'


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ddeccd No.18272763


Give it up shill, it's not working.

the question is a trap.

McCarthy answered wisely.

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87d0ac No.18272764



I guess if we're going down, may as well go down with a fight.

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8f40e3 No.18272765

File: 50637b4aac2ce21⋯.webp (69.7 KB,1280x709,1280:709,large_5_.webp)


Begun, zero delta finally has

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75ce5c No.18272766


That balloon may take down a skyscraper.

Does it have a Chinese flag on it?

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ec0550 No.18272767



Disappeared from ASDB right after anon posted this.

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4325f0 No.18272768



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8073e7 No.18272769

File: 3d1ebad8c19fb53⋯.png (287.81 KB,473x550,43:50,3d1ebad8c19fb538f139d6a2c9….png)



Okay, that has moar credibility than whoever has been spoofing the tripcode

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d187f0 No.18272770

File: f146357de68dda6⋯.gif (2.94 MB,480x380,24:19,622B679B_E618_4D1C_96D8_BF….gif)


How tho?

Trust in MSM and Government is already in the septic tank. They bring that out and it WILL NOT fly.

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daa84b No.18272771


You're a fucking retard

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df498e No.18272773

File: f037152cdf5bb65⋯.mp4 (8.57 MB,1280x768,5:3,video_2023_02_03_00_34_33.mp4)

🇷🇺This Russian fighter dodged a grenade, pretended to be dead, and when he went down below, he broke the Ukrainian drone with his bare hands.

All that is known about him is a tiger patch on his chest.


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ddeccd No.18272774


First fix the bug in your code, you're no use when you spew inconsistencies.

For then ANYTHING can be proved true with your operating system.

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ddeccd No.18272775

File: 0e7739c6fe14427⋯.png (12.76 KB,255x228,85:76,34c78d3c6f0c0d9aaa83d42a23….png)


Awwww, cupcake.

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75ce5c No.18272776


Balloon Lives Matter

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165183 No.18272777


You are pissing China off with your faggotry.

and you got butthurt about 3gd..

fucking incredible.

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7e9e5b No.18272778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

No Fear

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72a9a2 No.18272780

When Joe does nothing about the chink ccp spy balloon, it will further show normies he's comped by multiple entities… and not just Ukraine.

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d4726f No.18272781

File: f0a5a4096fd4823⋯.jpg (583.32 KB,1742x1350,871:675,UMM.jpg)

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c26090 No.18272782


Why no seconds on twat posts, c'mon man.

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07e8ef No.18272783

File: 063e231166a2245⋯.jpg (112.52 KB,1440x907,1440:907,MartinLuther.jpg)

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165183 No.18272785


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ddeccd No.18272786


>You're pissing off China.

Who in China? There's like over a billion people there.

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7e9e5b No.18272787

File: 56971b2de92c2de⋯.jpg (13.73 KB,255x233,255:233,56971b2de92c2de8b868010455….jpg)


Got anything new, chud?

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72a9a2 No.18272788


trip sevens wasted

kill yourself

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c26090 No.18272789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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163bdf No.18272790

It's going to be really bad for people working at Pfizer, Moderna, the agencies, etc. Does anyone else know about William Thompson the CDC whistleblower on the autism study research fraud? Simpsonwood? Many people and government entities knew or should have known that safety was a can being kicked down the road regarding vaccines. There may be some whistleblowers talking to PV, ICAN, etc. but anyone sitting on their hands right now might find themselves in a heap of trouble.

All the scientific coverups and shoddy "science" is making American research look pathetic, which, in my opinion, it has become. Why isn't Ralph Baric in a cell somewhere awaiting trial?

Decades of aluminum injections starting hours after birth have probably caused significant declines in the IQ and intellectual and emotional potential of American children. We are second rate due to our "best in the world" health care and public health systems, which were a total waste of time and treasure.

Other nations are surpassing the US and in a way we have ourselves to blame. However, I for one tried with everything in me to raise healthy children. Six lives were intentionally wrecked as I lost the battle with the DS.

However, it is not my strength or wisdom that will win this. It is God's and He always wins.

I just expect a chastened and humbled America after this.

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1de3cb No.18272791

File: 46fb51ed51212eb⋯.png (418.74 KB,622x555,622:555,bless.PNG)


Project Veritas


God Bless the First Amendment



Project Veritas

12:30 PM · Feb 2, 2023



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d187f0 No.18272792



Good movie.

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28f75b No.18272793


[Probably faster]

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91150a No.18272794

File: 185ebb73adebea2⋯.mp4 (12.96 MB,854x480,427:240,185ebb73adebea2d30c62a2974….mp4)

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e84d1a No.18272795

File: 72afdb543c2f132⋯.png (887.99 KB,1170x863,1170:863,ClipboardImage.png)

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c1b9e4 No.18272796

Black History month and the first story I see is black kids punching a 9 year old girl on a bus.

Fuck niggers. And fuck you if you think we are all one human race.

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df498e No.18272797

File: eae11f556edae76⋯.png (946.33 KB,973x699,973:699,2000yearsofChristianart3.png)

File: 491e7e3069e9750⋯.png (1.11 MB,1167x777,389:259,gonfalon.png)

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f5cd6b No.18272798



and unfortunately the Holy Spirit who resides there has not had the best of places to reside

sanctification is a work in progress

God is good

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7e9e5b No.18272799

Notables Are Not Endorsements

#22391 >>18272100

>>18272298, >>18272335, >>18272472 13 second [D]elta on these posts

>>18272460, >>18272407 @Pfizer Director Concerned Over Women's Reproductive Heath After COVID-19 Vaccinations

>>18272260, >>18272289 Internal Google docs to censor Project Veritas' bombshell video exposing Pfizer are revealed

>>18272379, >>18272385, >>18272702 Project Veritas video: Pfizer, part 2 "gene editing" Revelations on Plans to Use mRNA Vaccines to Move 'Beyond Covid'

>>18272110 One of the US’ top egg producing plants burns to the ground

>>18272337, >>18272362, >>18272373, >>18272384, >>18272386, >>18272507 Suspected Chinese spy balloon found over northern US, 3 tankers now over Montana.

>>18272669 Due to the presence of a suspected Chinese high-altitude surveillance balloon, OSINT military readiness level for North America has been changed to 2

>>18272694 PF: Boeing RC-135W Rivet Joint, This might be the Chinese balloon chaser

>>18272127 Comms for mk? 2 years of increased monarch Butterflies after a fear warning of extinction coming

>>18272154, >>18272414 PF: A-10 back at MacDill after blowing up Avon Park and strafing Brandon.

>>18272202, >>18272224, >>18272264 Zelensky’s diaspora delegation led by economic hit-woman, Natalie Jaresko, who led plunder of Ukraine

>>18272234 BIDEN: "More than half the women in my administration are women."

>>18272240, >>18272259, >>18272247 These Groundhogs keep dying two days ahead of schedule

>>18272252 CNN Camera Crew Present Outside Mike Pence Group in D.C. After Apparent Leak from DOJ

>>18272255 Newest Russian anti-roof anti-tank mine PTKM-1R seen in the Kherson region

>>18272266 'Seinfeld bill' going through the N.J. state legislature to battle telemarketers

>>18272268 Dr. Judy Mikovits explains how man-made plague C19 vax sabotages spike protiens on Stew Peters TV

>>18272273 House Judiciary panel wants info from FBI about indicted ex-official Charles McGonigal

>>18272283 A Royal Dud: Queen’s death FOI debacle shows Australia’s transparency system is bust

>>18272338 Hill investigators pressuring NARA IG and DOJ to turn over the recovered classified docs to compare them to manuscripts from Biden's 2017 memoir

>>18272349 Top Expert Calls For Suspending All Vaccines…

>>18272366 17,000 doctors and scientists sign a treaty confirming that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end

>>18272394 Russia vows to 'gain world's attention' on Ukraine war anniversary

>>18272423 Attorney for Hunter Biden claims letters requesting investigation into the laptop repair store owner, Rudy Guiliani, and others, are NOT an acknowledgment that the laptop is his

>>18272440, >>18272452 "Declassified Binder" of Crossfire Hurricane documents was released today

>>18272454 Congress Asks John Kerry: What Exactly Do You Do Here?

>>18272494 PF: CONUS Update: TITAN25 E-4B NightwatchSec. of Defense Austinreturns to JBA, SAM084 G5 back to MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) from it's Bragg stop

>>18272572 6 bills are currently being introduced in the Brazilian senate that would criminalize those who refuse the mandated dose of COVID shots or who comment negatively

>>18272616 Department of Energy Proposes [Their] Limits on Energy Consumption For Gas Stoves

>>18272631 @mikepompeo "Pipehitters who hit real pipes"

>>18272645 PF: GORDO16 E-4 B Nightwatch over northern Michigan and Lake Superior

>>18272703 Rep. Thomas Massie Vows to Strip Ukraine Funding from Must-Pass Spending Bills

>>18272744 "Do you think Ashli Babbit was murdered, or do you think the police officer who shot her was doing his job?" SPEAKER MCCARTHY: "I think the police officer did his job."

>>18272746 Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Bret Weinstein, and Steve Kirsch discuss the Japanese Pfizer documents, which show lipid nanoparticles concentrating in women's ovaries.


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1de3cb No.18272800

File: 545a1000e27e2b6⋯.jpg (65.8 KB,598x598,1:1,pv_meme_pepe.JPG)

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e76e12 No.18272801


Russia May be the Very Ones that save us all


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f6e8de No.18272802

File: 6c93372dd4ada1a⋯.png (938.65 KB,1485x945,11:7,n7543bv65654365436.png)

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d4726f No.18272803

File: 3d93d4270b5c28e⋯.png (121.76 KB,300x330,10:11,3d93d4270b5c28e201590bcc13….png)

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6229b6 No.18272804

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6bf260 No.18272805


bullshit. ain't no zero delta when you can have a script waiting to post when it sees a DJT truth.

have to make it the other way round for us to take it seriously. larper.

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8f40e3 No.18272806

File: f10b943457057f0⋯.jpg (30.7 KB,534x612,89:102,FnLQ2AoWAAwXgsO.jpg)


Wasted digits, muh spewing hate on the Holy trips

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163bdf No.18272807


That is a tiny bearded dragon isn't it?

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f29ce1 No.18272808

File: 8e02b284bf50d4a⋯.mp4 (13.66 MB,640x360,16:9,Statue_Of_Liberty_Higher_H….mp4)

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5d91c4 No.18272810

File: f3371dbd3bbcf8e⋯.jpg (515.41 KB,1922x1597,1922:1597,art_063.jpg)

File: 2f34a8abc7c1ef8⋯.jpg (413.92 KB,1846x1587,1846:1587,art_064.jpg)

File: 24cc9eeb6b25ead⋯.jpg (274.87 KB,1932x1378,966:689,art_056.jpg)

File: 7b88b1dbcadd28b⋯.jpg (257 KB,1347x1088,1347:1088,art_058.jpg)

File: 5f36e17441e8350⋯.jpg (474.08 KB,1925x1604,1925:1604,art_061.jpg)


> Fleas deployed by balloons

A few lbs, at most. Anything the Chicoms sent over the US would have to be lightweight. So a nuke is probably out. Any kind of biological agent would have dispersion issues. I'm having a hard time thinking of a weapon that can be effectively deployed via balloon.

But I can think of plenty that could be directed by a balloon.

Reflective mylar balloons were used under the Eisenhower administration (I think, could have been Kennedy) to relay radio signals across the planet. They were put into low-earth orbit, and HAMs could bounce signals off of them. It was the response to Sputnik.

There is a good chance that the Chicom balloon is a communications and surveillance platform, and there is probably moar that one.

I looked into using balloon as part of a LoRaWan mesh, but it would have been too-expensive for me to keep operational. But the Chicom military? It would be a cheap way to get a signals platform into the US.

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2fee9f No.18272811

File: f70663e5d96c987⋯.png (1.6 MB,1024x1003,1024:1003,ClipboardImage.png)


>does anon know how to invert the pic?

Something appears to be there.

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8d01f4 No.18272812

File: 2b5819fb5a9fc11⋯.png (51.31 KB,185x897,185:897,ClipboardImage.png)


ID: 595ce3

3368 Lined String Extraction


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19d09a No.18272813

File: b919ea0eaf982f5⋯.gif (13.39 MB,600x338,300:169,Neo_Alley.gif)

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96825e No.18272814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What a long strange trip its been

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f5cd6b No.18272815


Kirin ?

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7916b0 No.18272816

File: 53c4bd143ea2de6⋯.mp4 (6.37 MB,852x480,71:40,2023_01_17_21_25_09.mp4)


>'Seinfeld bill'

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163bdf No.18272817


>who's military

>[learn to speak Russian]

I did, a little.

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d187f0 No.18272818

File: 855bbff065b61ca⋯.jpeg (81.81 KB,796x1200,199:300,18DF0015_4325_434B_902C_8….jpeg)


Judge before a knowing?

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e76e12 No.18272819

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8816b9 No.18272820


Oof. Hard to hear.

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163bdf No.18272821

File: 4b6fe60a87bb77b⋯.png (50.74 KB,151x120,151:120,Screen_Shot_2023_02_02_at_….png)


Ghost in the machine?

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8073e7 No.18272822

File: 2ceedcda97f4e03⋯.png (722.03 KB,440x633,440:633,2ceedcda97f4e034bbe466cd96….png)


Thanks anon

That was beautiful

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4bc348 No.18272823

File: 25827cf1808611b⋯.png (2.53 MB,1024x1003,1024:1003,Invert.png)

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d187f0 No.18272824

File: 62f5904b26d2fe9⋯.jpeg (99.81 KB,559x561,559:561,017BA104_F17F_45F5_BF33_A….jpeg)

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0faa45 No.18272825

File: d659a24bf1c6709⋯.png (622.5 KB,681x696,227:232,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0a6bb No.18272826

File: aed6b283589d4a0⋯.png (1.6 MB,1024x1003,1024:1003,02_02_23_inverted.png)



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75ce5c No.18272827


for real

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928f5e No.18272828

Balloon in stratosphere, minimum of 4 miles altitude

3 military planes circling at 20000 ft in Montana

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27cb4b No.18272829


Ha. Gay as fuck.

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c26090 No.18272830

File: 402f197e8919e36⋯.jpeg (342.72 KB,818x776,409:388,F5E48DFD_BB40_476B_BA44_C….jpeg)

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dd27a6 No.18272831

File: e80e5044be77472⋯.jpg (58.86 KB,612x407,612:407,e80e5044be77472792bfb3748e….jpg)

File: 1d9dd4173e90a19⋯.jpeg (191.3 KB,1440x816,30:17,1d9dd4173e90a19b9bc20ad3f….jpeg)

File: 060ed7573fefb53⋯.jpg (119.44 KB,748x500,187:125,31dlqh.jpg)

File: 7a46542d76c078a⋯.png (1.18 MB,1265x800,253:160,PlaneFags_pepe.png)

File: 9b39d252ab0733a⋯.png (467.78 KB,500x333,500:333,9b39d252ab0733a1dddfc9d57e….png)


Summon the PlaneFags

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2fee9f No.18272832

File: 0b198b2cc0d9c03⋯.png (1.89 MB,1024x1003,1024:1003,ce50b7cee9bff187_modified.png)

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ddeccd No.18272833

File: 78fe312af7a5403⋯.png (1.6 MB,1024x1003,1024:1003,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4874769b926f799⋯.png (1.82 MB,1020x991,1020:991,ClipboardImage.png)

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b612c0 No.18272834



over the target kek

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82eb56 No.18272835

File: ea8d53e64325138⋯.png (514.15 KB,564x564,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Put on his War Paint, Have you?

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f5cd6b No.18272836


A peace that surpasses all understanding for me even though I was royally fuqed by dishonest people.

That too will pass when they get what they deserve if not sooner.

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c26090 No.18272838

Where there's smoke.

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8d01f4 No.18272839

File: 09ba785c8eb3e66⋯.png (622.48 KB,1226x871,1226:871,ClipboardImage.png)









My puter is asshole, can you please grab the resulting pic?

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1de3cb No.18272840

File: aca5664b516e514⋯.png (423.27 KB,604x566,302:283,12.PNG)


Project Veritas


God Bless the First Amendment



Project Veritas

12:30 PM · Feb 2, 2023



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f60b3e No.18272842


Niggers are the Mark of the Beast.

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8816b9 No.18272843


Milley was the one that ordered ot with Cheney's permission

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7916b0 No.18272844

File: 0a7c85635f3adb5⋯.jpg (57.09 KB,736x920,4:5,08451c98ba28df7ff6f2b3c2b4….jpg)

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0faa45 No.18272845

File: 4eb0b946acf66f7⋯.png (818.02 KB,1029x495,343:165,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21a08c47b6a365e⋯.png (18.02 KB,519x311,519:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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e76e12 No.18272846


God Works in mysterious ways

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035037 No.18272847


I've not had that yet.

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8d01f4 No.18272848

File: e1e3fe0e68581c0⋯.png (322.42 KB,1096x652,274:163,ClipboardImage.png)


I fucking hate this software on my machine

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928f5e No.18272851

File: 639f1f4fa05fe77⋯.png (1.26 MB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20230202_174325.png)

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6bf260 No.18272852

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f5cd6b No.18272853


agree to all but if 45 was reelected then I say a whole different outcome would have resulted wrt c19

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7916b0 No.18272854

File: 5fe99fdbee953a3⋯.jpg (22.5 KB,640x463,640:463,FB_IMG_1674527843663.jpg)

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7e9e5b No.18272855

Notables Are Not Endorsements

#22391 >>18272100

>>18272298, >>18272335, >>18272472, >>18272741 13 second [D]elta on these posts

>>18272460, >>18272407 @Pfizer Director Concerned Over Women's Reproductive Heath After COVID-19 Vaccinations

>>18272260, >>18272289 Internal Google docs to censor Project Veritas' bombshell video exposing Pfizer are revealed

>>18272379, >>18272385, >>18272702 Project Veritas video: Pfizer, part 2 "gene editing" Revelations on Plans to Use mRNA Vaccines to Move 'Beyond Covid'

>>18272110 One of the US’ top egg producing plants burns to the ground

>>18272337, >>18272362, >>18272373, >>18272384, >>18272386, >>18272507, >>18272739 Suspected Chinese spy balloon found over northern US, 3 tankers now over Montana.

>>18272669 Due to the presence of a suspected Chinese high-altitude surveillance balloon, OSINT military readiness level for North America has been changed to 2

>>18272694 PF: Boeing RC-135W Rivet Joint, This might be the Chinese balloon chaser

>>18272127 Comms for mk? 2 years of increased monarch Butterflies after a fear warning of extinction coming

>>18272154, >>18272414 PF: A-10 back at MacDill after blowing up Avon Park and strafing Brandon.

>>18272202, >>18272224, >>18272264 Zelensky’s diaspora delegation led by economic hit-woman, Natalie Jaresko, who led plunder of Ukraine

>>18272234 BIDEN: "More than half the women in my administration are women."

>>18272240, >>18272259, >>18272247 These Groundhogs keep dying two days ahead of schedule

>>18272252 CNN Camera Crew Present Outside Mike Pence Group in D.C. After Apparent Leak from DOJ

>>18272255 Newest Russian anti-roof anti-tank mine PTKM-1R seen in the Kherson region

>>18272266 'Seinfeld bill' going through the N.J. state legislature to battle telemarketers

>>18272268 Dr. Judy Mikovits explains how man-made plague C19 vax sabotages spike protiens on Stew Peters TV

>>18272273 House Judiciary panel wants info from FBI about indicted ex-official Charles McGonigal

>>18272283 A Royal Dud: Queen’s death FOI debacle shows Australia’s transparency system is bust

>>18272338 Hill investigators pressuring NARA IG and DOJ to turn over the recovered classified docs to compare them to manuscripts from Biden's 2017 memoir

>>18272349 Top Expert Calls For Suspending All Vaccines…

>>18272366 17,000 doctors and scientists sign a treaty confirming that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end

>>18272394 Russia vows to 'gain world's attention' on Ukraine war anniversary

>>18272423 Attorney for Hunter Biden claims letters requesting investigation into the laptop repair store owner, Rudy Guiliani, and others, are NOT an acknowledgment that the laptop is his

>>18272440, >>18272452 "Declassified Binder" of Crossfire Hurricane documents was released today

>>18272454 Congress Asks John Kerry: What Exactly Do You Do Here?

>>18272494 PF: CONUS Update: TITAN25 E-4B NightwatchSec. of Defense Austinreturns to JBA, SAM084 G5 back to MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) from it's Bragg stop

>>18272572 6 bills are currently being introduced in the Brazilian senate that would criminalize those who refuse the mandated dose of COVID shots or who comment negatively

>>18272616 Department of Energy Proposes [Their] Limits on Energy Consumption For Gas Stoves

>>18272631 @mikepompeo "Pipehitters who hit real pipes"

>>18272645 PF: GORDO16 E-4 B Nightwatch over northern Michigan and Lake Superior

>>18272703 Rep. Thomas Massie Vows to Strip Ukraine Funding from Must-Pass Spending Bills

>>18272744 "Do you think Ashli Babbit was murdered, or do you think the police officer who shot her was doing his job?" SPEAKER MCCARTHY: "I think the police officer did his job."

>>18272746 Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Bret Weinstein, and Steve Kirsch discuss the Japanese Pfizer documents, which show lipid nanoparticles concentrating in women's ovaries.


previously collected part in the dough

appeared to be fucked, had to fix

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4bc348 No.18272856

File: 48d9a11ab308841⋯.png (1.96 MB,1024x1003,1024:1003,Invert_modified.png)

File: 36d05258a157858⋯.png (1.96 MB,1024x1003,1024:1003,Invert_modified_1_.png)

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035037 No.18272858

File: 0d71a9d6ce3b1a7⋯.jpg (104.9 KB,876x560,219:140,ZomboMeme_14072021101325.jpg)

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bb1896 No.18272859

>>18271978 lb

>House Republicans Remove Omar…..

This resolution (coupled with the one denouncing socialism) was a move that only a Master chess player could have even thought of. It was made not looking 4 or 5 moves ahead, it was looking at much, much further ahead than that. It will become the most reviewed c-span video of all time (if c-span doesn't make it unavailable).

When Kevin McCarthy removed Pencil Neck and Swallowell from their committees anon agreed. Then anon wondered why the removal of Ilham Omar (not her real name) was to be decided by the full House I go: WTF?

Now I see why. No way McCarthy game planned this move. No fucking way! It was only a move which some entity know as Q could come up with.


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4325f0 No.18272860

File: 90a484d44c60d21⋯.png (232.42 KB,329x582,329:582,ClipboardImage.png)



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d01c56 No.18272861

File: 31bd1d06e6bf2ff⋯.png (1.02 MB,1024x683,1024:683,1657658491502.png)


can't wait, cozy and toasty for a new happening

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e76e12 No.18272862


you have my Gratitude B

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dfc902 No.18272863


Malmstrom AFB and silos up there

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6efb3f No.18272865


Yellowstone isn't too far away.

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8d01f4 No.18272866

File: 53365d86dd65ce3⋯.png (230.91 KB,1272x888,53:37,ClipboardImage.png)


hate my computer

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daa84b No.18272868

File: 56946583c916aa5⋯.png (608.31 KB,774x688,9:8,ClipboardImage.png)

Emails about lacrosse-playing kids link Hunter Biden, wife of ex-FBI agent Charles McGonigal

This has gotta stick in her craw.

The wife of an ex-FBI agent arrested this week for allegedly helping a Russian oligarch has something in common with Hunter Biden — their lacrosse-playing daughters, data stored on the first son’s infamous laptop reveals.

Pamela McGonigal and Biden both received at least 29 emails related to the Next Level Lacrosse program and other activities associated with the sport from Oct. 7, 2014, to May 7, 2015, according to a search of the first son’s messages.

Two of Biden’s daughters with his first wife Kathleen Buhle — Finnegan and Maisy Biden — were midfielders on the varsity lacrosse team at the exclusive Sidwell Friends private school in Washington, DC, according to online records.

Older sister Finnegan was even named an all-league lacrosse player for the 2017 spring season by the Independent School League, the school announced at the time.

It’s unclear where Pamela and Charles “Charlie” McGonigal’s daughter, Sarah, attended school or if she played scholastic sports.

Pamela McGonigal didn’t return an email from The Post seeking comment and blew her stack while carrying two small dogs outside the couple’s Greenwich Village apartment building Wednesday.

“There is no comment and there’s no connection,” she angrily told a reporter after yelling at a photographer to “put your camera away.”

“We’ve made it clear we have nothing to say,” she said.

The emails connecting McGonigal and Hunter Biden through their daughters’ lacrosse activities were first reported by the right-wing Marco Polo USA research group.

Charles McGonigal — who’s accused of taking illegal payments from a Russian oligarch and a former Albanian spy — is also linked to Biden through the FBI’s investigation of Chi Ping Patrick Ho, who was arrested by agents at JFK Airport on Nov. 18, 2017.

At the time, McGonigal was the special agent in charge of the Counterintelligence Division for the New York Field Office and court records show some evidence against Ho came “from electronic surveillance and physical search conducted pursuant to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.”

It’s unclear what role, if any, McGonigal played in obtaining that evidence.

Ho’s bust came just weeks after he and Biden struck a $1 million deal for Biden to provide “counsel to matters related to US law and advice pertaining to the hiring and legal analysis of any US Law Firm or Lawyer,” as first reported by The Post in October 2020.

Shortly after Ho was arrested, court records show, he placed a phone call to Biden’s uncle, James Biden, who in 2018 told the New York Times he believed Ho was trying to reach his nephew and passed along Hunter Biden’s contact information.

Ho was convicted of bribing top officials in Chad and Uganda on behalf of the CEFC China Energy Co. and was deported to Hong Kong in June 2020 after serving a three-year prison sentence.

McGonigal faces charges in both Manhattan federal court, where he was released on bond after pleading not guilty Monday, and in Washington, DC, federal court, where he appeared virtually from his defense team’s Midtown Manhattan office.

Lead defense lawyer Seth Ducharme, a former acting US attorney in Brooklyn, pleaded not guilty on his client’s behalf and said during the proceeding that he was eager to see the evidence in the case because there were “some unusual facts” in the indictment.

FBI Agent Recently Arrested for Receiving Bribes from Russian Oligarch Also Ran Unit that May Have Investigated Hunter Biden’s Activities with Chinese Spy Patrick Ho


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eeb38a No.18272870


It won't show shit bc the tards are clueless.

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b612c0 No.18272871

File: 9aaf200c5e73cde⋯.png (236.65 KB,460x690,2:3,pepe_top_hat.png)

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7e9e5b No.18272872

File: be32867e5a33719⋯.png (371.34 KB,579x407,579:407,be32867e5a337194572926313b….png)

Fresh Bread





Seeking Handoff

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f5cd6b No.18272873


they brought it upon themselves with their greed

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28f75b No.18272874


Hab pen ink

Written only.

Not seen only read.

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d4726f No.18272875




Director Concerned Over Women's Reproductive Health After COVID-19 Vax

"Something irregular about their menstrual cycles…concerning…vaccine shouldn't be interfering…It has to be affecting something hormonal…"


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9e24af No.18272877

File: a3f00dd8d543df3⋯.jpg (75.41 KB,1175x860,235:172,pepe_boom2.JPG)

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daa84b No.18272879

File: dc324e0fc64163b⋯.png (171.38 KB,678x823,678:823,ClipboardImage.png)

Mayorkas Hit With Another Article of Impeachment Over ‘Reckless Abandonment’ of Border Security

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is on the hot seat again after another Republican House member has filed additional articles of impeachment against him, alleging he has failed to ensure adequate border security on his watch amid record-high encounters with illegal immigrants and drug smuggling.

According to Fox News, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) has introduced a new article of impeachment against Mayorkas that accuses him of violating his oath of office and refusing to enforce duly-passed immigration laws. The report noted further that Biggs has often called for Mayorkas to be removed from his position, accusing him in 2021 of having “engaged in a pattern of conduct that is incompatible with his duties as an Officer of the United States.”

After a record 2.3 million encounters with migrants crossing illegally into the U.S. during the fiscal year 2022 — and in December alone, more than 251,000 — the impeachment push has been renewed after Republicans took over the House in January.

“Secretary Mayorkas has failed to faithfully uphold his oath and has instead presided over a reckless abandonment of border security and immigration enforcement, at the expense of the Constitution and the security of the United States,” the article states, according to Fox News. “Secretary Mayorkas has violated, and continues to violate, this oath by failing to maintain operational control of the border and releasing hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens into the interior of the United States.”

The impeachment article goes on to allege that Mayorkas failed to implement provisions of the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which mandates, among other things, that DHS take several actions to “achieve and maintain operational control” over U.S. borders. The law also called for constructing a fence along the U.S.-Mexico border, but after Democrats took control of the House that year, they refused to fund it.

Also, the article accuses the DHS chief of violating the Immigration and Nationality Act for releasing illegal migrants inside the country despite the law’s requirement that they be detained.

“The Secretary of Homeland Security does not have the option of simply releasing those aliens into the interior of the United States,” the article says, adding that he also ended the Migrant Protection Protocols, or MPP, which were implemented during former President Donald Trump’s administration requiring that migrants be kept in Mexico to await the adjudication of their asylum cases.

“The actions of Secretary Mayorkas have made the border less secure and encouraged aliens to enter the United States illegally, instead of taking actions to maintain operational control of the border. His actions have subverted the will of Congress and the core tenants of the Constitution.”

Earlier this month, Rep. Pat Fallon (R-Texas) initially filed articles of impeachment against Mayorkas.


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87d0ac No.18272880

File: 4b2004355a78b53⋯.png (448.17 KB,608x342,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


The satellite pictured was launched on a balloon… that would have to weigh more than 50lb, right ?

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f60b3e No.18272883


You don't know shit.

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28f75b No.18272885


B reeking.. fresh steaming pile of news"

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e38cff No.18272887

i tried lotions

machin diese heimat grosse wieder

und may schnitzel looks bigger

auf diese dress

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8d01f4 No.18272891

File: 8cf2a24f3dadccb⋯.jpeg (94.52 KB,400x400,1:1,454286ac07a6f6e6.jpeg)


29 Stars=911

6 red strpes

5 white stripes

could be 11

could be an increase… on 4 and 3 stripes

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4325f0 No.18272896

Pfizer is run by Dr. Albert Bourla, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; PhD in the Biotechnology of Reproduction, Veterinary School of Aristotle University. His specialty is reproduction?

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f9c175 No.18272899

File: 1383675cbb6408c⋯.jpg (96.22 KB,720x628,180:157,Hgtr4.jpg)


did the president mean end?

McConnell approved Trillions of Dollars of waste as a gift to the Democrats, and now he acts like he cares about spending cuts. He is just so bad for Republicans. No reason for the 1.7 Trillion Dollar package just passed. Take it ALL BACK, plus,inDebt Ceiling negotiations!

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b612c0 No.18272901

courtesy link to fresh





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243590 No.18272907

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8d01f4 No.18272910


notable Starting with






Made with OpenAI Labs

!tEXtCreation Time

2023:02:02 21:16:09

ending in


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82e533 No.18272914



Remove the ,plus and you get:

Take it ALL BACK, in Debt Ceiling negotiations

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d043a8 No.18272918


Don´t forget the rest of the world, Mr.President. We´re kinda counting on you guys to save us.

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2feca5 No.18272921

File: b0c11934cce4f60⋯.png (156.52 KB,379x358,379:358,think.png)


>how many anons are still here from the first couple of months when Q started posting.

It's all a blur, but yeah!

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8d01f4 No.18272922


Take it ALL BACK, plus, in Debt Ceiling negotiations!

Grammatically, you remove the words inside the commas.

Take it ALL BACK in Debt Ceiling negotiations!

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b612c0 No.18272926

File: 81b2dd35b4d26d7⋯.png (50.8 KB,257x193,257:193,night_shift_lightning_on_c….png)

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a912bf No.18272927

File: b167b7b157348d8⋯.jpg (1.48 MB,2965x2409,2965:2409,Tell_Em_Johnny.jpg)


And boi did the democrat shitasses reeeeeeeee reeeeeeeee and moar fucking reeeeeeee. That Talib kunt was ont eh verge of a mental breakdown. You know dems? We give one fucking rat's ass what you think or what you say. Every one of you are FUCKED. So, take all of your feined outrage and stick it right up your filth laden, corrupt, treasonous asses.

Tell all of them Johnny!!!!

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82e533 No.18272931


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82e533 No.18272936


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82e533 No.18272937


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