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File: f27cfc02a77d30d⋯.png (762.76 KB,1378x769,1378:769,_Q_Research_.png)

f9c0fb No.18261508 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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>>18124674 Nov. - Dec. 2022

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Key Resources below; ck Dough Resource thread for more: >>17225239

New to QR?

>>17240320, >>17238117 Intro, Board Info, Offsite Bunkers, Optics

>>17238430 Suggested Follow | >>17240363 Information Tools & Services


>>17253611 Dedicated resource threads

>>17242392 Q Encyclopedia by ArchiveAnon | >>17242386 Q Video Archive by ArchiveAnon

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f9c0fb No.18261513

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18070678 ——–——– Canada #39

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18052454 ——–——– Japan #10

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Bakers: how to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444, baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761

Offering breads to other bakers >>18061508, >>18067193 ; No RRN in notes >>17980519

Pls notable planefag & boatfag reports >>18179893

Plz use CURRENT dough when baking >>18223281 new


#22376 >>18261149

>>18261152 Truth Social cyber attack?

>>18261155 Trump opening statement re NY AG fraud probe deposition: absolutely based

>>18261156, >>18261247, >>18261160, Is Media Unit One the Judge or is The Judge Media Unit One?

>>18261161 Judge Rules Mysterious People Who Bailed Out FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried from Jail Should be Disclosed by Feb. 7th

>>18261164, >>18261254 MSNBC SPECIAL REPORT: Kekistan, a Rising Internet Threat

>>18261165 Defence Secretary announces probe into Army's social media SPYING revelations

>>18261177 Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has signed a bill into law that will legalize abortions up to birth.

>>18261186 @EricTrump CNN has their worst ratings week in 9 years (image)

>>18261197 @realDonaldTrump After many years—CNN is closing their Atlanta Headquarters….

>>18261209 @realDonaldTrump The Fake News media... are all doing really, really badly.

>>18261201, >>18261229 PF: Anyone know what kind of fighters these are?

>>18261212 At the Supreme Court, Ethics Questions Over Mrs. Roberts’ Business Ties

>>18261217 "Laptop From Hell" Author Reveals EXPLOSIVE Emails the Lib Media Is Ignoring

>>18261242 Lookiit thar it's a multi pass uber

>>18261257 Esri Signs Space Act Agreement with NASA

>>18261261 BlackSky Customer Skytec Demonstrates Seamless Integration of Dynamic Monitoring Data Through Esri ArcGIS Online

>>18261264 Biden calls global warming bigger threat to humanity than nuclear war

>>18261271 PF: Osprey up out of the Keys

>>18261275 Sheriff David Clarke Leaves Don Lemon SPEECHLESS on his own show

>>18261296 AI voice tool 'misused' as deepfakes flood web forum

>>18261301 Former sexologist Olesya Ilashchuk, appointed Ukraine's ambassador to Bulgaria, is fighting Putin with the help of voodoo magic

>>18261308 PF: Potato in 82-8000 747 landed back at JBA from JFK Int'l + HEEL45 USAFSOC 'Special Ops stopped at Miami Int'l

>>18261310 RE: Starlink Antenna Leads to Destruction of Ukrainian Command Center

>>18261319 Additional Four Charged in Connection with Plot to Kill Haitian President

>>18261331 Biden admin is preparing a $2.2 billion weapons package for Ukraine that includes "longer-range" missiles.

>>18261333 PF: 11-3075 USAFSOC 'Speical Ops' C-146A Wolfhound heading towards Martinique-where HEEL45 departed from this morning

>>18261344 Ukraine condemns Croatian president’s comments on Crimea

>>18261346 Minnesota Democrats Move to Give Driver’s Licenses to 77K Illegal Aliens

>>18261353 Joe Biden to End Title 42 Border Barrier on May 11

>>18261364 Kamala Harris explains the process of astronauts taking off in a rocket.

>>18261369 Stocks Close January with Strong Monthly Wins (NASDAQ 'best' January since 2001)

>>18261372, >>18261405, >>18261430 Warsaw comments on F16s for Ukraine: Poland is not going to give Kiev the fighter jets

>>18261390 Pfizer Releases New Thriller Themed Omicron Booster Spot feat. Martha Stewart Sharpening a Sword

>>18261394 'Anti-religious bigotry': Nebraska Dem's bill would ban kids from vacation Bible schools, church youth groups

>>18261439 Every Democrat in the House just voted against proceeding with debate on bills that would end the covid national health emergency and end the covid vax mandate for federal healthcare workers

>>18261448, >>18261486 Here are ten Israeli smart city startups who have the potential to benefit residents of cities around the world.

>>18261498 #22376


>>18260365 Deep State DOJ Will Not Comply with Jim Jordan’s Request for Biden Classified Documents Due to “Ongoing Investigation”

>>18260369 Former Vermont Police Chief Cited For Sexual Assault Of Minor During Ride-Along

>>18260387 Indian spiritual guru, 81, worshipped by millions is jailed for life after forcing young girl to have sex with him

>>18260391 Project Veritas has now confirmed 6 scientific papers written by Dr. Jordon Walker

>>18260399 FBI Searched Biden’s Office at Penn Biden Center in November; Another White House-DOJ Cover-Up Exposed

>>18260414 Man who preyed on underage girls on Snapchat sentenced to 25 years in federal prison

>>18260423, >>18260486 RE: New Wayfair look alike site dig

>>18260428, >>18260556

>>18260483 PF: PAT78 US Army G5 heading to Santiago, Chile from Bogota depart

>>18260490 Ever remember seeing a butcher shop on Epstein Island. With reviews less than 2 days old?

>>18260503 $AIG's Interim CFO and EVP terminated after violating his confidentiality/non-disclosure obligation to the Company.

>>18260513 UK's own Chernobyl averted: "Navy's nuclear-powered super submarine 'Trident' fixed with super glue"

>>18260525 KASH: What else they hiding? This con job goes back over a year. It will come out, FBI knew about the docs

>>18260583 'Set phone up so I can spy on you showering.' Hunter Biden threatened to withhold cash-strapped assistant's pay if she didn't FaceTime him naked

>>18260651 The Sky Kings @SkyKingInfo RADIOCHECK

>>18260652 Riga Port Operations Solidify U.S. Army Access to Baltic Sea Region


>>18260692 The Deep fake flood is here

>>18260693 Insanely based Tucker segment on how the Deep State took down President Nixon.

>>18260707, >>18260709, >>18260717, >>18260741, >>18260829 PF: A-10 Warthog over Avon Park FL Live Fire Air Force Range.

>>18260757 3 Detroit Rappers are allegedly missing

>>18260763 Senate Judiciary to probe Durham investigation

>>18260784 PF: SAM151 western CO headed for JBA?

>>18260821 100 mile max range electric airplane, because you know your next airport must be within 100 miles…..

>>18260828, >>18260909 Alec Baldwin is formally charged with involuntary manslaughter for shooting Halyna Hutchins on set of Rust

>>18260846 Tennis Player Victoria Azarenka Calls Out Media Member For Pushing Political Agenda

>>18260873 Medical Professionals-Turned-Whistleblowers Expose Houston Methodist Hospital’s Early COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

>>18260874, >>18260955 VP Kamala Harris to attend funeral of Tyre Nichols Wednesday

>>18260880 The House considers two COVID-19 pandemic-related bills to end C19 public health emergency + vaccine requirement for staff at health care facilities

>>18260887 Biden administration considering whether to declare abortion restrictions public health emergency

>>18260938 Australia imposes sanctions on senior Iranian military and leaders of Myanmar's military junta

>>18260944 Vice President Harris Awards the Congressional Space Medal of Honor to Two Recipients

>>18260982 Presidents swap stuffed lion for tractor

>>18261005 Bill Gates Breaks Years of Silence: ‘I shouldn’t have had dinners with’ Jeffrey Epstein

>>18261024, >>18261053 Watchdog finds $5.4 billion in potential Covid loan fraud

>>18261074 @ksorbs Can I add Ukraine as dependents on my taxes this year?

>>18261088 Donald Trump's Testimony To New York AG's Fraud Probe Investigators

>>18261345 #22375

#22374 >>18259571

>>18259746 Trump/Qproof 01/30

>>18260212, >>18260245 @realDonaldTrump “President Trump’s Plan to Protect Children from Left-Wing Gender Insanity”

>>18260035, >>18260035 @realDonaldTrump The “Stormy” Fake Witch Hunt has been stop and go

>>18260205, >>18260210 Trump Caps - Vaccines

>>18260040 @realDonaldTrump The Democrat D.A.’s, Attorney Generals, and Prosecutors are very DANGEROUS

>>18259886 President Trump on the success of Operation Warp Speed: "We are very proud of it." Donald J Trump

>>18259604, >>18259818, >>18259825, >>18259830 Donald J. Trump: McGonigal texts unearthed, Russiagate set up exposed connections Clinton, Wiener, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Stroke

>>18259583, >>18259639 MSNBC took leave of absence due to coincidence in the heart, coincidentally.

>>18259604 FBI criminal government gangsters Peter Strzok and Charles McGonigal texts unearthed, Russiagate set up exposed

>>18259609 @Project_Veritas We rented an LED truck and parked it outside of @pfizer world headquarters in Manhattan today

>>18259623 The media is taking interest in Katie's boot MP4

>>18259624 BUN OPTICS

>>18259647 Cities Ranked by Crime Index

>>18259654 Japan and NATO agree to deepen partnership

>>18259682 Anon answers back - Does the GOP...

>>18259703 A primer on First Amendment rights

>>18259726 31 Jan 1606: #GuyFawkes is hanged, drawn and quartered for his role in the Gunpowder Plot

>>18259744 Starlink Antenna Leads to Destruction of Ukrainian Command Center

>>18259879 Bannons War Room UK protecting abortionistGodless Nation

>>18259888 'Tater coming up. Schumer on now.

>>18259889 Kari Lake Heat Map And Locations Of Machine Failures: 7,000 Ballots Rejected EVERY 30 Minutes

>>18259908 Hunter Biden’s Laptop Emails Reveal Another Crime – NEVER FILED a FARA Application yet Hunter Acted as Foreign Agent

>>18259920 CDC official Carol Baker wants to "get rid of" white vaccine resisters.

>>18259968 Patients Denied Transplants for Declining COVID Jabs Get Their Day in Court

>>18259773 PF: HEEL54 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146A went to Santo Domingo, DR from it's Martinique depart and has now left after about 55m

>>18259976 PF: SAM841 C-32A departed Tel Aviv Blinken NW after stops at Cairo and Ramallah previous

>>18259997 Hunter Biden allies talking about creating legal defense fund

>>18260009 DeSantis Responds To Trump Attacks

>>18259975 School Cop and his Teacher Wife Arrested for Grooming, Raping, and Filming Students

>>18260038 Biden’s FCC Nominee Works For A Think Tank Funded By The Telecom Giants She Was Nominated To Oversee

>>18260047 Poland Says It’s Ready to Send F-16s to Ukraine in Coordination With NATO

>>18260053 U.S. Surgeon General Warns 13-Years-Old Is Too Young To Join Social Media

>>18260059 Anon's two words: traitors everywhere!!!!!!!

>>18260061, >>18260064 @Kash Sen warner must answer why he was itching for meeting with steele n deripaska

>>18260090 16 Michigan State legislatures sign letter demanding answers from @Pfizer regarding viral #DirectedEvolution video

>>18260110 Santos steps down from committee assignments

>>18260114 Israel Bar Association chair resigns following accusation of sexual abuse

>>18259863, >>18260074 Norway’s wealth fund posts heavy losses ($164.4B)

>>18260133 DeSantis announces his most SAVAGE policy yet

>>18260141 Senate Judiciary to probe Durham investigation

>>18260147 PM Netanyahu: IDF cyber intel. experts training 20,000 students

>>18260157 Chinese Companies Are Buying American Military Academies

>>18260170 Trending Graham

>>18260208 1:45 PM House Rules Committee Hearing on H. Con. Res. 9 — Denouncing the horrors of socialism.

>>18260209 US oil giant posts monster profit

>>18260240 BUN Wayfair look alike digs

>>18260251 Schiff can’t be trusted with any classified information!” @TomFitton

>>18260276 “Sanctuary City” New York Mayor Panicking Over Influx Of Illegal Immigrants

>>18260297 Trending Unvaxxed #PureBlood

>>18260309 #22374

Previously Collected

>>18258774 #22372, >>18259540 #22373

>>18256449 #22369, >>18257232 #22370, >>18257958 #22371

>>18254158 #22366, >>18254925 #22367, >>18255692 #22368

>>18251860 #22363, >>18252612 #22364, >>18253388 #22365

>>18249583 #22360, >>18250756 #22361, >>18251101 #22362

>>18247252 #22357, >>18248001 #22358, >>18248829 #22359

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

>>18154557 Q Research Notables #16: Loud and Clear

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f9c0fb No.18261520

File: 7751fd6131b7745⋯.png (26.17 KB,184x183,184:183,569c9c07f8b593101100e04076….png)



>Current Baker is taking smoke break

<self confirm if you'd like to bake

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4d2f5e No.18261529

File: 3e9869f14657d8c⋯.jpg (292 KB,1922x1827,1922:1827,art_021.jpg)

File: aac37aa332701d9⋯.jpg (208.19 KB,1000x707,1000:707,Fable.jpg)

File: c81ac08cada0f74⋯.jpg (206.26 KB,1000x704,125:88,Caillebotte_Gustave_Femme_….jpg)

File: 8893aca0faf98fc⋯.jpg (127.9 KB,1000x663,1000:663,courbet25.jpg)


> Fresh Bread, hot our of the bakery

Thank you, Baker

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c99f83 No.18261532

File: cd981f895e42358⋯.jpeg (60.76 KB,478x600,239:300,96E18D9B_6343_4E2F_9338_6….jpeg)

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44fc9b No.18261533

>>18261347 (lb)

Qagg says they were anons just like us. Not sure why there has not been an update to let us know what happened. It was such a great website.

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f7d045 No.18261534

File: 9f10f06c475ccb1⋯.png (586.92 KB,887x721,887:721,9f10f06c475ccb100b68eec3b0….png)

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c99f83 No.18261535

File: 48a954d5fe03118⋯.mp4 (365.41 KB,480x270,16:9,Q_Air_Display.MP4)

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0ae62e No.18261536

File: a7a5563279f6411⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,720x720,1:1,a7a5563279f641171b13deca30….mp4)

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c99f83 No.18261537

File: f6c56312e9024a7⋯.jpeg (179.82 KB,686x800,343:400,Red_Light_Green_Light_MIP.JPEG)

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0ae62e No.18261538

File: 759c11a93698ffa⋯.gif (1.75 MB,403x261,403:261,283569.gif)


Can she make a sammich?

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e579c6 No.18261539

File: d01730b2479cff6⋯.png (1.47 MB,773x665,773:665,capture_035_31012023_15302….png)

File: 23747c6fb85c1a2⋯.png (602.91 KB,564x555,188:185,Jim_has_consistently_prove….png)

File: e93f79f6169687d⋯.jpeg (219.14 KB,499x700,499:700,_Anonymous_Just_now_e8f41….jpeg)

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0a432a No.18261540

File: a3b95ee7687b24d⋯.jpg (180.22 KB,498x592,249:296,Eye_Ball.jpg)

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300c61 No.18261541

File: 3204378bb979e31⋯.jpeg (72.3 KB,632x598,316:299,272BD9C8_6840_479C_8A3E_E….jpeg)

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9e0aa7 No.18261542



noice work, baker! all caught up.

Baker offered lb, should be along soon.


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67d866 No.18261543

File: 7de6aa1ad70a0dd⋯.jpg (13.76 KB,213x255,71:85,2d92193643811f813f9dc9bad2….jpg)

How bad are things really? Just when I think it cannot be any worse I find that it can. There is no way to fix any of this short of Jesus Christ returning. I like to believe in the plan and Trump and all that but critical thinking will not allow me to conclude that any plan can fix all of this and that Trump becoming President again will solve the worlds problems. We are are fucked by design and we will be persecuted as a result. I am okay with that in knowing that Jesus said we will be persecuted for following in his name just as he was. This is the time of separating the wheat from the tares. There is only one choice at this time. I pray for all anons to make the right one. Godspeed Anons!

The tares bound and burned are the evil ones separated out and cast into fire (punishment) at the Judgment. The wheat gathered into the barn represents the righteous who are separated out and made to “shine forth” in the kingdom of the Father.

Matthew 5:10-12

“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.

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f7d045 No.18261544

File: e48bb5ac8dae048⋯.png (426.31 KB,530x525,106:105,reps.PNG)

File: d1691f68d2cc84a⋯.png (201.13 KB,795x508,795:508,sacklers.PNG)

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bc7d90 No.18261545

File: fae8f002f2a5aae⋯.jpg (44.88 KB,680x383,680:383,1NEiu0ar.jpg)

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c99f83 No.18261546

File: d46e76265f7cc59⋯.gif (1.25 MB,300x230,30:23,Popcorn_10_Burt_Ernie.GIF)

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a6d6fa No.18261547

File: d1ef097d8c8fb96⋯.jpg (79.12 KB,616x598,308:299,BOO_BOOM.jpg)

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be6eb5 No.18261548

File: f0d0c15e47ac217⋯.png (434.7 KB,875x583,875:583,ClipboardImage.png)

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c99f83 No.18261549

File: 5095513b15ae100⋯.png (422.6 KB,604x443,604:443,2AA16D0B_1FD2_4071_9501_3A….PNG)

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e0b479 No.18261550

Why was a new bread made and other bread locked with less than 400 posts in the other bread?

For fucks sake, I've seen the board function fine with full 751 post breads the last few days.

Fucking clown in the bakery, go fuck yourself.

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0e8d2d No.18261551

File: ea59cb49efd8a90⋯.png (601.65 KB,718x510,359:255,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ef541 No.18261552

File: cb36b23bc4849ad⋯.png (95.17 KB,798x203,114:29,ClipboardImage.png)

Ukraine Outraged, Summons Hungarian Ambassador, After Viktor Orban Speaks Inconvenient Truths

Ukraine has lost patience with Hungary, and on Tuesday lashed out in a message to the Hungarian ambassador, lodging formal protest over "disparaging" statements made by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The Ukrainian foreign ministry demanded that Budapest stop what it described as anti-Ukrainian rhetoric.

"The envoy was summoned by the foreign ministry after its spokesperson said last week that Orban had told reporters Ukraine was a no man's land and compared it to Afghanistan," according to Reuters. But there's crucial missing context to how Orban's words are being misleadingly presented, which will be made clear below.


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44fc9b No.18261553

File: 57b936eef852eec⋯.png (1.74 KB,113x68,113:68,Screen_Shot_01_31_23_at_06….PNG)

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0e8d2d No.18261554

File: 70c521e734afef3⋯.png (539.55 KB,787x794,787:794,ClipboardImage.png)


<self confirm if you'd like to bake

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300c61 No.18261555

File: 903c8f01e922a07⋯.jpeg (57.29 KB,414x374,207:187,D5BDCFAC_6FC2_4D2D_9E49_A….jpeg)

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e579c6 No.18261556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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184b26 No.18261557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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557baf No.18261558


Welcome to the island of. Dr moreu

Brought to you from. Darpa/ darpa / jason

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0cd188 No.18261559

File: 64d352ad87944e0⋯.jpg (98.78 KB,1280x675,256:135,1x1_9_Grammar_Flag.jpg)

File: 51bda5af1814cd2⋯.jpg (121.75 KB,909x640,909:640,Screen_Shot_2022_01_27_at_….jpg)

>>18261235 lb

>Who was/is 42?

>>18261435 lb


Last [Pre]sident of the [UNITED STATES] CORPORATION.

''"Depends on what the definition of the word is, is?"

>>18261442 lb , >>18261463 lb

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f7d045 No.18261560

File: fc5a3d2b12020eb⋯.pdf (517.11 KB,smil_article_power_density….pdf)

File: 2052a6682f49017⋯.jpg (241.87 KB,1200x1200,1:1,a4189925602_10.jpg)

Power and Density Primer

-Vaclav Smil

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9ef541 No.18261561

US accuses Russia of violating nuclear treaty – media

Washington has reportedly claimed that Moscow breached terms of the New START accord by refusing on-site weapons inspections

US President Joe Biden’s administration has reportedly accused Russia of violating the last remaining nuclear weapons treaty between the two countries by blocking on-site inspections.

The US State Department made the allegation – marking the first US claim that Moscow breached terms of the New START treaty – in a report sent to Congress on Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal reported. The report also claimed that Russian officials had rejected US requests to hold a meeting to address compliance concerns.

“Russia’s refusal to facilitate inspection activities prevents the United States from exercising important rights under the treaty and threatens the viability of US-Russian nuclear arms control,” the State Department said in a statement to Reuters.

The conflict may add to concerns that the world’s two largest nuclear superpowers may no longer be able to work together on nonproliferation goals amid deteriorating relations between Washington and Moscow. The Kremlin said earlier this month that US-Russian relations were probably at an all-time low and offered no hope of improving as Washington intervened against Moscow in the Ukraine crisis.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists warned last week that a nuclear arms race will ensue if New START is allowed to expire in 2026, as scheduled, without being replaced. New START, which then-Presidents Barack Obama and Peter Medvedev signed in 2010, replaced the soon-to-expire Treaty of Moscow and called for halving the number of strategic nuclear missile launchers emplaced around the world.

Russia has a “clear path” for resuming compliance with the treaty, and the US stands ready to collaborate with Moscow on fully implanting the deal, the State Department said. In November, the Kremlin canceled New START talks that had been scheduled to take place in Cairo. Russia’s Foreign Ministry said there was no possibility of resuming negotiations while the US was continuing to arm Ukraine.

“The US intends to supply even more weapons to the conflict region, in which the Russian Federation is directly involved,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at the time. “That is, they will supply all these weapons, they will encourage the Kiev regime to cause even more bloodshed, they will allocate money for extremist activities that are carried out under the auspices of these delusional people. And we will sit with them at the same table and discuss issues of mutual security with them, including those in their interest?"


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e0b479 No.18261562


You glow like a fucking fed

Kill yourself

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82d271 No.18261563

Wasn't the movie Greenland all about a planet killing comet?

And now we can see a green comet zooming by.

Almost like someone is hurling rocks at us… only a matter of time before they get one that hits.

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0cd188 No.18261564

File: 72de83211da3198⋯.png (622.17 KB,1027x636,1027:636,72de83211da31980ad1a52a294….png)


>You glow

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e0b479 No.18261565


For fucks sake, if Russia violated the nuclear treaty by now, it would be all over the fucking news.

Fucking clowns trying to rationalize shit so [they] can push the big red button.

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c99f83 No.18261566

File: 8ba3ffb037fe8e5⋯.jpg (224.19 KB,1121x1000,1121:1000,Two_Weeks_02.jpg)

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9a68b2 No.18261567

File: 25bf177bde356a2⋯.jpeg (67.49 KB,573x735,191:245,Fn0kVLlXoBIdnOL.jpeg)

File: 890b1ba7991b9ff⋯.png (455.04 KB,710x3300,71:330,1339.png)

File: 0454fd5bbbcc109⋯.jpg (460.64 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230131_183548….jpg)

File: 4314ce1419fe646⋯.jpg (333.59 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230131_122015….jpg)

File: a232524647ec321⋯.jpeg (48.01 KB,372x600,31:50,a232524647ec321185421102b….jpeg)


64771 tyb

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df2fda No.18261568


Russia Did nothing Wrong

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80b88a No.18261569

File: be423dff9df5d11⋯.mp4 (15.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,Ukraine_Poroshenko_awards_….mp4)

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557baf No.18261570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Maybe smoking gun ?

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77e516 No.18261571

File: 65f68f9cc6eeea5⋯.jpg (58.22 KB,666x491,666:491,hyfterytfgjg.jpg)

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300c61 No.18261572

File: e2d5d8cd9fc3241⋯.jpeg (36.93 KB,445x275,89:55,0FEB2175_6795_4C56_B9F1_5….jpeg)

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e562d2 No.18261573


You do know, one day, it won't be two more weeks…

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f4edbb No.18261574


Watch the moon block it.

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ebc81e No.18261575

File: 8026b7219785084⋯.jpeg (873.63 KB,1211x1208,1211:1208,4B294A6A_27BB_453A_ADC9_6….jpeg)

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ebc81e No.18261576

File: 8e235b4796b4038⋯.jpeg (522.73 KB,1291x1215,1291:1215,A550A70B_4508_4199_81DE_F….jpeg)

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184b26 No.18261577

File: 304563efa21c228⋯.png (323.73 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18260035 PB


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0cd188 No.18261578

File: 8dfa6e0824b9114⋯.jpg (206.26 KB,911x954,911:954,Screen_Shot_2022_12_28_at_….jpg)


DWM was council for Bill Clinton… btw

The Good part of the show is just getting started?… kek

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e562d2 No.18261579

File: 15be36d07afb93d⋯.png (349.83 KB,423x500,423:500,ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like the first attempt to make Trudeau

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df2fda No.18261580


Not all dogs go to heaven

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f9c0fb No.18261581


It's a psyop to fuck with you, specifically

How many times do we need to explain this?

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f5214e No.18261582

Was the 3 red ties and 2 blue ties comms?

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ebc81e No.18261583

File: 526c925f1025f3b⋯.jpeg (57.53 KB,600x732,50:61,39489071_5050_4665_BA8E_B….jpeg)

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9a68b2 No.18261584

File: d62d329c816fc61⋯.jpeg (378.74 KB,2048x1324,512:331,Fnv7D7QXoBIpt6F.jpeg)

File: 036495fdcd80ba7⋯.png (196.42 KB,710x642,355:321,4100.png)

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40965d No.18261585


Pig-eon in its larval state.

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a6d6fa No.18261586

File: 07ffe642f3532a0⋯.jpg (130.46 KB,922x486,461:243,EVOLUTION.jpg)

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4d2f5e No.18261587

File: cc04bbc3269d49c⋯.jpg (245.12 KB,693x1000,693:1000,Raphael_Portrait_of_a_Nude….jpg)

File: 928918e4a3ea8fc⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,851x1000,851:1000,Kricheldorf_Carl_A_Voluptu….jpg)

File: fabfd978bf9d3a5⋯.jpg (174.11 KB,1000x1393,1000:1393,Chase_William_Merritt_Back….jpg)

File: 08fd5719c697176⋯.jpg (165.71 KB,1043x1033,1043:1033,Bathsheba_at_Her_Bath_WGA.jpg)


> Topkek available in Strawberry!

This is a thing? I can only find them in Chocolate.

My girls love them.

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f84efa No.18261588

File: fdcbfd072ac421c⋯.jpg (80.83 KB,686x749,98:107,Button_McGovern.JPG)

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557baf No.18261589


Banker. Offspring

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56408d No.18261590

File: ba262fdd8915e2f⋯.mp4 (5.6 MB,320x480,2:3,pigeon.mp4)

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cf46bc No.18261591

File: 292f16d59f29beb⋯.png (412.1 KB,766x555,766:555,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)

>>18261271 LB

Osprey from Key West landed at Opa-Locka executive airport.

VIP transport?

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c0a349 No.18261592

File: 15b5817d7e6088d⋯.png (697.65 KB,828x828,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd1923 No.18261593

File: 2fb022a90982533⋯.jpg (367.19 KB,1128x1838,564:919,f7fd055876050161.jpg)




Ultra ]Reb[💊 Pusher✝️🇺🇲🐸




Not sure if @realDonaldTrump @Q etc is trying to tell us something or what but I'm noticing a distinct pattern here.

Is Q having issues with his trip code while trying to post to 8kun?


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0cd188 No.18261594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


: Concur.



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4135da No.18261595

File: ed25d7a03fbdb2f⋯.png (80.03 KB,977x359,977:359,rocketchair.png)

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d988ba No.18261596

File: 8ad7e898ac3fe8c⋯.png (580.93 KB,761x570,761:570,mtg_demands_j6_civil_right….PNG)

File: 7159af8f2025cdf⋯.png (405.09 KB,379x502,379:502,mtg_demands_j6_civil_right….PNG)

File: 0f3d2502f3ff88a⋯.png (749.71 KB,748x558,374:279,mtg_demands_j6_civil_right….PNG)

WASHINGTON — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said Tuesday she wanted to use her position on the House Oversight Committee to look into claims of “civil rights abuses” committed against Trump supporters arrested in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

Greene (R-Ga.) also said she wanted the committee to review the shooting of Ashli Babbitt, who was killed by a Capitol Police officer as she attempted to enter the Speaker’s Lobby through a broken window on that day.

“There’s a woman in this room whose daughter was murdered on January 6, Ashli Babbitt, and … there’s never been a trial,” Taylor Greene said, referring to Babbitt’s mother, Micki Witthoeft. “As a matter of fact, no one has cared about the person that shot and killed her. And no one in this Congress has really addressed that issue.”

Taylor Greene made the remarks after Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) proposed adding a civil rights and civil liberties subcommittee, which was voted down. Unlike Taylor Greene, Crockett had focused her proposal on racism.

“When over 100 people every year are losing their lives in routine traffic stops, when over a dozen large police departments are operating under consent decrees for violations of their citizens’ civil liberties and when the attention of a nation is focused on the issue of civil rights, it is our duty to rise to the occasion and conduct oversight and provide accountability on this crucial subject,” Crockett said.

Taylor Greene said she hoped Crockett would “share” in her call for an investigation into Babbitt’s killing. Further, the Republican said she wanted the committee to make an inquiry into the way the rioters arrested for invading the Capitol are treated in jail.

“I believe that there are many people that came into the Capitol on January 6, whose civil rights and liberties are being violated heavily,” Taylor Greene said. “And this committee will — I hope, Mr. Chairman — look into those civil rights abuses, because they’re happening in a jail right here in this city.”

White House spokesman Ian Sams criticized Taylor Greene in a Twitter post: “This is what new member of the House Oversight Committee @RepMTG wants to prioritize.”

“She was welcomed onto the Committee and described as an ‘all-star’ by Chairman @JamesComer,” he added.

Witthoeft had been arrested on Jan. 6 of this year, the second anniversary of her daughter’s death, for refusing to obey an order and blocking and obstructing roadways during a protest near the Capitol. The charges were dropped by the DC attorney general’s office last week.


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0e8d2d No.18261597


>Robert Cray

Saw him at a small show-took pictures when he opened for Clapton a few years prior-went up to him to have him sign those pics as he was off to the side of a very small stage.

He had just taken a huge hit and couldn't hold it-covered in pot smoke while he signed muh pics

Was funny

"have a good show!"

Winked back at me.

Good solid player

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0ae62e No.18261598

File: 1501604bc3ad8ee⋯.webp (320.52 KB,638x746,319:373,large_1_.webp)

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c0a349 No.18261599


Top left is cracking me up kek to the max

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29245b No.18261600

File: 9e1bc5a96ec269d⋯.png (700.31 KB,1023x575,1023:575,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbc693fa0799c46⋯.png (2.91 MB,954x1282,477:641,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02038678ae12a9f⋯.mp4 (4.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,video_2023_02_01_00_41_22.mp4)

File: d8af1a5f727b9a6⋯.png (1.09 MB,720x1280,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf7ff3de7799490⋯.png (1.98 MB,771x1280,771:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

Human Rights Watch: Ukrainian Forces May Have Used Banned Mines

January 31, 2023 0:25 AM

Anita Powell

Washington —

Human rights researchers say they’ve documented “numerous cases” in which Ukrainian forces fired banned anti-personnel mines at Russian military positions in the fierce battle for the eastern city of Izium last year.

A report, released Tuesday by Human Rights Watch and including multiple, detailed accounts by researchers, raises questions about Kyiv’s credibility and intentions as NATO allies pour billions of dollars’ worth of aid and weapons into Ukraine as the Russian invasion nears the one-year mark.

“They may get some very difficult questions from the people who've been supplying them with other types of weapons about their ability to use them in a way consistent with international humanitarian law,” Steve Goose, director of the arms division at Human Rights Watch, told VOA ahead of the report’s release. That office of the rights watchdog promotes humanitarian disarmament. The rights group is calling for an investigation in Ukraine.

Between April and September, residents told researchers, rockets launched from Ukrainian-held territory scattered thousands of Soviet-era PFM-1 “butterfly mines” over Russian military facilities in Izium, which Russian forces entered in April. The Ukrainian counteroffensive started in September, and their swift victory over the strategically important railway hub was seen by some military analysts as a turning point in the conflict.

Researchers in the city in Ukraine’s Donbas region spoke to health care workers and counted 11 civilian deaths caused by mines, and 50 wounded civilians. Half of those cases involved amputations of the foot or lower leg — a common injury caused by anti-personnel mines. At least five of the wounded were children.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry had previously accused Ukraine of using the Soviet-designed mines, which were banned in 1997 under the Mine Ban Treaty, also known as the Ottawa Treaty, signed in Canada’s capital. Ukraine has also accused Russia of using banned munitions. On numerous occasions, Human Rights Watch has accused Russia of using other types of anti-personnel mines in Ukraine and of committing a range of atrocities, including kidnapping and torture, during their occupation of Izium.


🇷🇺🇺🇦 While the soldiers of the allied forces break into the positions of the enemy in the areas of Pesok, Maryinka and Avdiivka, the infamous Ukrainian artillerymen throw mines behind their backs, which, in fact, carry a danger only for inexperienced civilians.

In Donetsk, Makiivka and a number of other settlements, they continue to neutralize anti-personnel mines "Petal". Over 600 charges were destroyed in two days.

The positions of the Ukrainian artillery unit fighting civilians will definitely be destroyed. It is not necessary to take such lads as prisoners.


(VID) 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Demining of "petals" is carried out in Donetsk. For this case, the T-72 is used.


❗️A woman stepped on a mine-petal on the street. Zharikov in Donetsk


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581309 No.18261601

File: d50e7a77cefae0f⋯.png (356.13 KB,672x447,224:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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e0b479 No.18261602


> "We"

Who is this we you speak of, fucktard?

Fucking kill yourself.

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a6d6fa No.18261603

File: 509599a7957ed63⋯.jpg (154.43 KB,844x611,844:611,SMOKING.jpg)

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fd1923 No.18261604


To note: A minute or 2 after I posted this truth social servers went down for TS. Weird. Approx 23 min down.

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c3f8e3 No.18261605

>>18261333 LB

chkt. ^^^

Picking up hilldawg's limp corpse


>>18261336 LB

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9e0aa7 No.18261606



>Why was a new bread made and other bread locked with less than 400 posts in the other bread?

knew someone would show up to bitch and moan.

YOU TRY TAKING NOTES FOR THESE BREADS ANON - do it at least 1-2 a day every day. See how it is.

Also, huge notes are hard for anons to read.

How about you sign in RIGHT NOW to take notes for baker?


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0cd188 No.18261607

File: 1e320a6dae88f3e⋯.jpg (420.55 KB,2139x1277,2139:1277,Screen_Shot_2023_01_26_at_….jpg)

It's Afraid

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23468f No.18261608



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40965d No.18261609

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685f98 No.18261610

File: 1e205ec79c66e37⋯.jpeg (55.89 KB,654x381,218:127,1e205ec79c66e3783b7790083….jpeg)



Confirm Handoff

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80b88a No.18261611

File: 707a9d7d29d984a⋯.jpg (63.97 KB,630x426,105:71,ron_paul_congress_astros_7….jpg)


3 and 2

"full count" in baseball

A full count is when the count on the batter goes to three balls and two strikes (usually denoted as a “3-2” count). Full counts represent the most balls and strikes possible before the batter is either retired, gets a hit, or reaches base via a walk.


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56408d No.18261612

File: 106f6ea03c4eab3⋯.png (751.49 KB,895x305,179:61,eyes_on.PNG)

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685f98 No.18261613

File: 00afeb5ec0a913a⋯.png (446.24 KB,841x848,841:848,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0d075318448410⋯.png (524.38 KB,767x565,767:565,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e36f6b7a277150a⋯.png (56.48 KB,450x812,225:406,ClipboardImage.png)




1/ About Trump's face-paint pic.

Reminded me of these drops from 4.6.18 where Q said pics would surface of Obama pointing an AK47 at someone.

"The important point is who Hussein is aiming the gun at.

Red, White, and Blue." -Q

This never made sense to me. How could someone literally be Red, White, and Blue? Unless…Obama was pointing an AK47…at a painting of 47?

Is Trump's new pro pic THAT painting? A way to instill fear in them/Obama (we have it all)?

2/ Obviously this is just conjecture, and maybe a reach.

But I do find it interesting that Truth Social’s servers went down today (the same day Trump changed his pic).

Read the other Q drop below about the Obama/gun pic.

Relevant to the above?


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97c9f5 No.18261614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watch the first 5 mins or so

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f9c0fb No.18261615

File: 64a34f31b1c59c6⋯.jpg (18.46 KB,265x341,265:341,64a34f31b1c59c63dbd18f1642….jpg)


>Who is this we you speak of

We as in "WWG1WGA"

Which doesn't include you, apparently

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82d271 No.18261616

The State Farm Arena just so happens to be on the 33rd latitude.

Anyone getting a Houston Astroworld vibe for this Superbowl?

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0e8d2d No.18261617

File: 1633b915a939a56⋯.gif (1.12 MB,498x278,249:139,lumberg_yeah_no.gif)


wrong again

>inb4 stale flak memes

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f9c0fb No.18261618

File: ab1f96fd6ec382a⋯.png (128.32 KB,783x711,87:79,apu_chef.png)


handoff confirmed


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44fc9b No.18261619

File: 15a27447b0fa8d1⋯.png (2.18 KB,121x82,121:82,Screen_Shot_01_31_23_at_06….PNG)

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6acb96 No.18261620

File: 570f17afc36b635⋯.png (70.41 KB,193x335,193:335,lowenergyJeb.png)


>Ukraine Outraged, Summons Hungarian Ambassador, After Viktor Orban Speaks Inconvenient Truths

Low energy post.

Based Orban

Orban on why Russia won't back down

Orban said that the West needs to understand that Putin cannot afford to lose, and will not lose, because he's up for re-election next year, and he cannot run as the president who lost a war. What's more, he said, Russia cannot allow NATO to establish a presence in Ukraine. The time has long passed when Russia might have been able to conquer Ukraine, or install a friendly regime. Had Russia won a quick victory, that might have been possible, but it's hopeless now. Therefore, said Orban, Russia's goal is to make Ukraine an ungovernable wreck, so the West cannot claim it as a prize. At this, they have already succeeded. "It's Afghanistan now," he said. "The land of nobody." (Meaning: No Man's Land.)

Isn’t it true, though? Orban’s point is that the Russians are wrecking the place, and have wrecked it. He’s saying a peace deal NOW is in the best interests of Ukraine, Russia, and Europe. He’s right! https://t.co/dLUF9CQV3Y

— Rod Dreher (@roddreher) January 28, 2023

The West doesn't understand that time is on Russia's side in Ukraine. Russia is a huge country, and can mobilize a vast army. Ukraine is already running out of troops. When that happens, then what?

Escalation is now inevitable

"We are in big, big trouble," he said, of the West. If Russia's coming spring offensive proves successful, then the NATO countries are going to be faced with the question of do we send in soldiers to fight for Ukraine? This is not something Orban thinks the American people are considering, but it is front to mind among a growing number of Europeans, whose countries stand to be devastated if war spreads.

Really? NATO troops fighting Russians in Ukraine?

Yes, said Orban. It sounds crazy today, "but if you look at the tendency of how we got to this point today, it can't be ruled out."

The West is "in a war with Russia. That's the reality," he said. "Every day we are moving further in."

To add clarity that was plain from the context of his discussion, Viktor Orban doesn't want the West to be in a war with Russia. He is pushing for peace, and has been from the beginning, saying nobody wins from this war. But he says that far too many Westerners are deluding themselves about what's really happening – and what could happen. The West might think it's not in war with Russia, but by sending more and more weapons, and getting closer to actual troop intervention, Western leaders are playing an extremely dangerous game with themselves, with Russia, and with Western publics.

Nuclear war?

A journalist asked the prime minister if he thought the war could go nuclear. "I can't exclude that they would use it," he said, of the atomic bomb. He clarified that he was talking about tactical battlefield nukes, not mushroom clouds over Warsaw and Berlin – "but I can't exclude that either." If Ukraine somehow, using Western weapons, gets to the point of crossing the border into Russian territory, then the future of the world will be so bright the West will have to wear shades.

Someone pointed out that the Russians have had a sorry battlefield performance to this point. Yes, said Orban, it's true. But if you look at Russian history, this is how it goes with the Russians at war. They start out poorly, but after a while, they figure things out, and then become hard to stop. He expects that will be the case this time. He also mentioned at the start of the session that Russia's being pushed into an alliance with Iran is extremely dangerous for Israel, and expressed hope that Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, whose adult son was sitting at the table, could become a peacemaker between Russia and Ukraine. Though Ukraine has had some amazing successes against Russia, Orban said in the long term, he can't see that we in the West are on the winning side, especially considering Russia's manufacturing capacity.

Hungary as lone dissenter

Orban talked about being the lone dissenter among the 27 European Union leaders on Ukraine war policy. He said it's very frustrating, because his colleagues in leadership won't debate the wisdom of this war. Why not?

"They don't know who they are," he said bluntly.

He explained that if you asked them to define themselves in relation to the war, they would say, I am the leader of a country standing on the right side of history. That conviction, and being pressed hard by Washington, as well as "fear of the liberal media," is what motivates their thinking – not a consideration of what's in the best interest of their own countries.

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ebc81e No.18261621

File: 57c64436372957d⋯.jpeg (168.73 KB,566x800,283:400,6205C115_5A9F_431B_847E_8….jpeg)


Keep it up. Over Target…

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6acb96 No.18261623

File: ca5a385d7c776f4⋯.jpg (39.54 KB,410x598,205:299,basedpepe.jpg)


>Based Orban

Orban said he sees his role as the elected leader of Hungary to help his people deal with the challenges they face today, and to prepare them for tomorrow's challenges. "But I would be the only one to understand [the job] that way," he said.

Orban said French president Emmanuel Macron is the only other European leader who thinks in a visionary way. He said that if he (Orban) proposed that Europe needs to return to its Christian roots to be able to cope with the problems ahead, Macron would disagree, and would propose a liberal ideological strategy. To all the other European leaders, the whole question would seem stupid…

Widening chasm with rest of EU

Orban made a pointed, and poignant, remark about the Germans in the current war:"The Germans are suffering because they know what's in their national interest, but they're not able to say it." He meant that the German leadership knows it has no business being involved in a war with Russia, but is, for whatever reasons, unable to say no to Washington.

Someone raised the possibility of a coup d'état in Russia that removed Putin. Orban reacted strongly, saying that there is nobody in line to succeed Putin who would be anything but more hawkish. That would solve nothing.

One of the most interesting parts of the evening's discussion came when one of the Europeans present asked the prime minister about the sharp division between Hungary and the European Union government. He flatly acknowledged that there is a huge gap between Budapest and Brussels, and the chasm is expanding. Why? Orban said it has to do with a fundamental difference between their rival ideas of what a human being is – and, he implied, what society is for.

This is why they are so far apart on gender ideology, he said. And take immigration, for example. He said most EU countries ask themselves the question, "How can we co-exist with a large Muslim migrant minority?"

Orban: "What is the challenge for Hungary? Not to have to ask the question of co-existence." He said that Hungary has zero Islamic immigration now, and he wants to keep it that way. Naturally EU liberals will consider that bigoted.

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df2fda No.18261624

God Bless the Police

Reform the Reforms &

Hire Tens of Thousands

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ebc81e No.18261625

File: bb1b20934db48eb⋯.jpeg (66.14 KB,461x640,461:640,4230FBEF_D44D_40DE_B672_C….jpeg)

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e0b479 No.18261626


I baked in the past for a few weeks.

Shills like you are big fucking mad I am calling out the fucking bullshit for what it fucking is.

There's been multiple 751 post breads this entire fucking week with zero issue.

Fucking FAGGOT, kill yourself.

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4d2f5e No.18261627

File: 9b6e691e29fbb59⋯.jpg (89.17 KB,609x800,609:800,4DPict_02.jpg)

File: 1ad1aa06525c365⋯.jpg (190.76 KB,920x900,46:45,Raphael_Cupid_and_the_Thre….jpg)

File: 78ceed1d2003f3f⋯.jpg (78.19 KB,899x650,899:650,Raphael_Portrait_of_a_Youn….jpg)



Glow harder.


> Moar war crimes

I am so glad this shit is not in CONUS.


> New baker steps-up

Ty, New Baker.

Have some moar bewbs.

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c3f8e3 No.18261628


Let me have my feels.

I know it satire

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d988ba No.18261629

File: 305955b672a3927⋯.png (329.82 KB,512x288,16:9,lindsey_graham.PNG)

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9e0aa7 No.18261630


>It's a psyop to fuck with you, specifically

psy-op is working great baker

there's one bread got baked @68 last week, just to put some anons knickers in a twist.

No other reason.


cc: >>18261550

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685f98 No.18261631

File: af802b1bfc7dbba⋯.jpeg (267.79 KB,1800x1043,1800:1043,af802b1bfc7dbba57761cc382….jpeg)



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994daf No.18261632

File: 7ce3e36d95eb303⋯.jpeg (59.97 KB,719x527,719:527,15546709_0930_4D5F_9EB8_5….jpeg)


seent for days

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df2fda No.18261633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And Put "Cops" Back on the Air!

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cd3e0f No.18261634

Top Insurance Analyst Finds a 7% Increase In Aggregate Mortality for Each C19 Dose Received

Josh Stirling: "The more doses … you have in a [US] region … the bigger increase in mortality …"

"If you're over the age of 50, and you took all 5 doses, that'd be a 35% increase."

Full Video: https://www.theepochtimes.com/josh-stirling-dissecting-excess-death-data-and-how-insurance-industrys-trillions-could-be-deployed-to-help-the-vaccine-injured_5006731.html

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

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bfd62e No.18261635

File: 1b1e4415706076a⋯.png (12.43 KB,255x231,85:77,7d9e910cee1cad95adfb11a904….png)

File: 113d0861298a704⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB,1280x720,16:9,113d0861298a7040afa1fa28c2….mp4)

File: ac9313ebb733b85⋯.png (553.31 KB,1200x799,1200:799,ClipboardImage.png)


<Was the 3 red ties and 2 blue ties comms?

Baseball comms? ?

This ref in the video is 2, 3 and the 'next' is 4.

So that was and "implied" connected to Durham.

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0ae62e No.18261636

File: a81dbcbcf1924be⋯.mp4 (10.31 MB,640x480,4:3,283573.mp4)

Early bread song

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f24259 No.18261637

File: 8825bca41cf8a44⋯.jpg (147.56 KB,620x845,124:169,MimsyG.jpg)

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9a68b2 No.18261638

File: 4314ce1419fe646⋯.jpg (333.59 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230131_122015….jpg)

File: 036495fdcd80ba7⋯.png (196.42 KB,710x642,355:321,4100_1_.png)

File: 96305d8f2f21c20⋯.png (25.65 KB,710x496,355:248,124.png)

File: 77979bd0d80adf0⋯.png (343.95 KB,710x1292,355:646,1002_1_.png)

File: 96305d8f2f21c20⋯.png (25.65 KB,710x496,355:248,124.png)




frigate oar f+rigging. somebody gotta be in criwsbesy. noticeably lack of basic 8kun. will do US Navy muhself.

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1e2924 No.18261639

File: b3873ca5216c207⋯.jpg (133.65 KB,828x923,828:923,_election_2020_main_in_bal….jpg)

stay on target

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353189 No.18261640

File: 0b45f69b12b59b9⋯.jpeg (155.64 KB,1200x1200,1:1,7EC639FF_78A3_4086_999E_9….jpeg)

Qummmm were we supposed to have told everyone that the vaccine was not safe and that it was a big lie?

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f56b50 No.18261641


>Approx 23 min down

Pain? For whom?

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5f83b5 No.18261642

File: a91a7558604540e⋯.png (793.73 KB,1034x1046,517:523,Capture_2023_01_31_18_46_4….png)

File: cef31ece7efa406⋯.jpeg (311.28 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Fn1huuBXEAAXoiU.jpeg)

House Republicans



It’s far past time for our country to return to normal.

6:06 PM · Jan 31, 2023

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c0a349 No.18261643

File: 235196062a35c58⋯.png (587.37 KB,1026x1026,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ebc81e No.18261644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Panic @ CNN

Good Segment…


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80b88a No.18261645

File: 63379ca0531ca93⋯.png (1.16 MB,645x1119,215:373,st_lucy_eyes_on.png)

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cf46bc No.18261646

File: 5f7ab520ccd035b⋯.png (162.98 KB,600x401,600:401,ginger_mound_nazi.png)

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44fc9b No.18261647

File: cc71878b377eb4e⋯.png (19.65 KB,496x222,248:111,Screen_Shot_01_31_23_at_06….PNG)

File: a7177ef7ff05385⋯.png (21.32 KB,496x240,31:15,Screen_Shot_01_31_23_at_06….PNG)

David Hogg ☮️


Fuck Ron DeSantis. The man is waging war on education, our children, and is trying to turn Florida into a crazy ass Christian nationalist dystopia. We need a mass movement of Floridians for educational freedom, safety and democracy.

12:30 PM · Jan 31, 2023


David Hogg ☮️


Am I mad? I’m livid. Passing permitless carry on the five year anniversary of parkland, coming after gay young people and terrorizing them, banning African American studies? Why can’t he focus on things that actually mater like rent or how expensive insurance is in FL?

6:41 PM · Jan 31, 2023


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cd3e0f No.18261648

File: 6c2e9319d5b035a⋯.png (225.92 KB,437x554,437:554,Screenshot_2023_01_31_.png)


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353189 No.18261649

File: 202402b5ad722b5⋯.jpeg (1.85 MB,4032x3024,4:3,6F6CB85D_B9E7_4B8A_8EAF_5….jpeg)

File: ecb282aeb945700⋯.mp4 (176.08 KB,IMG_1045.MOV)

I’m going to just put this out there

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597d6c No.18261650

House Rules Cmte to meet tonight on resolution to remove Dem MN Rep Omar from Foreign Affairs Cmte

Measure would have to be adopted by the Rules Committee, then the rule must be approved on the floor. It would then take a simple majority of the entire House to remove Omar from the Foreign Affairs panel


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9a68b2 No.18261651



correction. any American in the crows nest. with the fucking water. Marines. fucking military is the only way.

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685f98 No.18261652

File: 7630dba26ccc8e5⋯.png (627.58 KB,626x626,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


got any notes?

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4d2f5e No.18261653

File: 57a20aea0de8659⋯.jpg (488.02 KB,1272x892,318:223,Two_Arabs_Reading_in_a_Cou….jpg)

File: d0d350b9aeb565b⋯.jpg (178.85 KB,950x1074,475:537,Weyden_The_Magdalene_Readi….jpg)

File: d3bdbeb5e9ed8bc⋯.jpg (305.09 KB,1000x723,1000:723,Reggiannini_Vittorio_The_P….jpg)


> *quiet

Misspelling matter.

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c2fa8d No.18261654


Did truth go down for a few minutes right after that?

Didn’t Kamala stumble over the word cockpit?


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9e0aa7 No.18261655

File: 748191cf2ae045c⋯.jpg (6.51 KB,259x194,259:194,laughing_redhead.jpg)


>shills like you

baking in the past for a few weeks - nice.

Try baking for a few years.

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82d271 No.18261656

File: e93e53f8b222a69⋯.png (207.49 KB,526x554,263:277,Capture.PNG)

#OTD in 1918, the "Battle of May Island" took place near the Firth of Forth when 8 Royal Navy ships were involved in 5 collisions. Over the course of 75 minutes, two submarines were sunk and four other subs plus the cruiser HMS Fearless were damaged during a series of accidents.


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300c61 No.18261657

File: e9109f141d0daff⋯.jpeg (101.95 KB,750x1018,375:509,34442D1C_F121_4DEF_81E3_F….jpeg)

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f24259 No.18261658

File: 934806a17687803⋯.jpg (170.48 KB,958x520,479:260,1570833118289.jpg)

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581309 No.18261659


maybe the intended vax the deepstate had planned would have killed everyone who took it and it was switched out for something else yet they managed to get a few of the real ones distributed which is why there's some dropping dead and others aren't

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e0b479 No.18261660

Your fucking baker "psy-op" is a fail.

The only real psy-op is that of the silent operators working behind the scenes that done EVER post.

Take your self-important narcisstic bullshit and shove it up your own asses and then kill yourselves.

Real anons, you are not.


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ebc81e No.18261661

File: acf061ed282737e⋯.jpeg (83.39 KB,500x617,500:617,A77D9A78_C71B_4712_AEF3_0….jpeg)

File: 0227523193d160d⋯.png (2.24 MB,2000x1337,2000:1337,6918E610_A022_4464_89A7_F2….png)

File: c70d0bfaa0bc436⋯.png (887.26 KB,1201x739,1201:739,CC88E730_8456_4460_BB7F_D9….png)

Anon Patriot Prayer Time 7:00

Prayer Storm

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e0b479 No.18261662


don't EVER post*

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16d444 No.18261663


Get out of my head.

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df2fda No.18261664


Covid is Over ✅

Burn the Mask

Defend Freedom

Save the Children

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9a68b2 No.18261665

File: e9b23c19fd22aff⋯.png (91.05 KB,710x956,355:478,204_2_.png)

File: 1d302e2262683c5⋯.jpeg (89.72 KB,722x900,361:450,Fn0qeymXEAMR7oN.jpeg)

File: 7c95a913dfe8618⋯.png (32.22 KB,710x364,355:182,1404.png)

File: 4913ec1bf5be4c9⋯.jpg (375.56 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230131_185942….jpg)

File: 0454fd5bbbcc109⋯.jpg (460.64 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230131_183548….jpg)

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56408d No.18261666


fantastic video anon - appreciated

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1e2924 No.18261667

I think they faked Trump to be pro-vax, several times between Jan 2021 & Aug 2021.

Question remains, why Trump doesn't call them out on this.


mark dice seems very different. seems like a guy playing mark dice. the weird nasal affectation.

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e0b479 No.18261668


David Hogg is a useless piece of shit and a useful idiot for [them].

Can't wait until he's no longer relevant.

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3fc441 No.18261669

File: 328ae75541c819b⋯.jpg (120.96 KB,750x500,3:2,328ae75541c819b75852fe451c….jpg)


one short bread and yo panties in wad gurlfriend?

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685f98 No.18261670

File: a1a22474d4b4929⋯.png (757.15 KB,533x701,533:701,a1a22474d4b4929d87af861476….png)


so… thats a no

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685f98 No.18261671

File: a1a22474d4b4929⋯.png (757.15 KB,a1a22474d4b4929d87af861476….png)


so… thats a no

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184b26 No.18261672

File: b6de71b4cabe4d7⋯.png (545.19 KB,963x481,963:481,ClipboardImage.png)

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4135da No.18261673

File: f7dab3180015557⋯.png (254.44 KB,780x438,130:73,ClipboardImage.png)



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e0b479 No.18261674


> 1 post wonder

Fuck off shill faggot and kill yourself

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df2fda No.18261675


Nay, Belay that Order B

B Is doing just fine

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353189 No.18261676

I made booboo

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97c9f5 No.18261677


Move to CA you whiny little faggot

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b96a24 No.18261678


>we shall still refuse to worship your idol

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1e2924 No.18261679


> permitless carry on the five year anniversary of parkland

what better time.

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9ef541 No.18261680


Quick they are seeing thru our Desantis scam, deploy the shills to portray him as a savior

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9e0aa7 No.18261681

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afe5c1 No.18261682


We get hit many many times, often with nuclear bomb level explosion high in atmosphere.

You (and us) are worried about the huge ones that are out there, but we´ve spotted mostly all of them by now. Mostly.

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9a68b2 No.18261683


sensai that requires orbs.

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44fc9b No.18261684

File: f97c510645211b0⋯.png (296.79 KB,496x495,496:495,Screen_Shot_01_31_23_at_07….PNG)



BREAKING: Biden Admin. To Send Ukraine New $2.2B Aid Package That Includes Long-Range Missiles


5:31 PM · Jan 31, 2023


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a6d6fa No.18261685

File: 0c1824ff4aa1662⋯.jpg (129.91 KB,563x573,563:573,HANGER_ONNER.jpg)

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3fc441 No.18261686


noice to wake up to


let the libs reeeeeeeeeee

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cd3e0f No.18261687

File: 0b70cf31d6d2e36⋯.png (248.11 KB,437x661,437:661,Screenshot_2023_01_31_1_.png)


Access the Fertilizer Files below

Uploaded byTrue North

Description:The Fertilizer Files is a 3-part series on what internal government documents show about the Trudeau Liberals’ push to reduce fertilizer emissions.

Full description

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9e0aa7 No.18261688



>Fuck off shill faggot and kill yourself

but leave the food

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f9c0fb No.18261689


Keep crying maybe you'll get your own bingo space

Assuming (you) don't own several already

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82d271 No.18261690


Not worried about anything really. Just seems as though someone is aiming and taking pop shots at us.

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97c9f5 No.18261691


Evil trips but you’re welcome

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e0b479 No.18261692


Fuck off with the rest of them.

The baker "psy-op" sucks, and they give away their egotistical bullshit thinking, the only psy-op is the shit being done by real operators who never post in the fucking first place.


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44fc9b No.18261693

The 2 missing Dallas Monkeys have been found and seem to be ok per RawAlerts


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9a68b2 No.18261694

File: af4a633bf857233⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,1280x720,16:9,af4a633bf8572339a3cd978508….mp4)


KEK in dud booms.

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4135da No.18261695

File: 884c5085e43253e⋯.png (287.48 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ae62e No.18261697

File: 0ee79beabe50b49⋯.png (1.12 MB,890x1046,445:523,tigigiivg.png)


Ebil digits, checked

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df2fda No.18261698


Only the Message Matters

And the Message is where the Metal Meets the Water

Ride the Waves

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3fc441 No.18261699


he's out for now

prolly no notes

you should be fine, slo

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1fbf15 No.18261700

File: ea7ab2644612c82⋯.jpeg (183.68 KB,828x997,828:997,C84EB016_C644_47E6_9AAF_5….jpeg)

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cd3e0f No.18261701

File: 19b5d84d885eae8⋯.png (1.8 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2023_01_31_a2fa….png)

Looks like Putin and Russia got all the evidence they needed.

They found 20,000 documents relating to the US's involvent with Biolabs in Ukraine.

Forwarded from

MoD Russia

​​◻️We have previously informed about the works on enhancing the pathogenic characteristics of COVID-19 causative agent, carried out at Boston University with funds of the U.S. state budget, as well as the possible involvement of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in the emergence of the new coronavirus.

◻️The key role in the implementation of the abovementioned projects belongs to EcoHealth Alliance intermediary organisation. The available documents of the U.S. Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) confirm that since 2015, professionals of the abovementioned company have been studying the diversity in the population of bats, searching for new coronavirus strains, and mechanisms of its transmission from animals to humans. Over 2.5 thousand specimen have been researched.

◻️The project on zoonotic virus research in South-East Asia contain the following recommendations for the employees of EcoHealth Alliance: '… If any of the experiments proposed for Aim 1 result in a virus with a phenotype of enhanced pathogenicity and/or transmissibility, enhanced growth by more than 10 fold when compared to wild type strains …, the recipient must immediately stop the work and notify the NIAID Program Officer, Grants Management Specialist, and appropriate institutional biosafety committee …'

◻️The high degree of readiness of the U.S. mRNA vaccine manufacturers for a pandemic of the new coronavirus infection raises questions. One gets the impression that pharmaceutical companies had produced the vaccine preparations in advance, being unable to rapidly introduce them into the market due to specific characteristics of the virus that embodied in low efficiency of vaccination and numerous side effects.

◻️It is to be reminded that on 18 October 2019, two months before the first official reports about the emergence of the new coronavirus infection in China, the John Hopkins University, supported by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted Event 201 exercise in New York.

◻️This exercise simulated the epidemic of a previously unknown coronavirus that, according to the scenario, was transmitted from bats to humans via pigs, the intermediate host.

◻️Outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic precisely according to this scenario raises questions about its premeditated nature, involvement of the USA in this incident, as well as real objectives of the U.S. biological programmes aimed at enhancing the characteristics of dangerous pathogens.

Read full text 📄

Documents 🗂

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bfd62e No.18261702

File: 1db2c9d50f33922⋯.png (253.24 KB,1366x661,1366:661,ClipboardImage.png)




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dcc09e No.18261703

File: 6f154fde395096b⋯.gif (3.69 MB,332x450,166:225,6f154fde395096bf484c5d437a….gif)

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9e0aa7 No.18261704

File: f59e7e2bebeaf94⋯.png (27.58 KB,404x433,404:433,BINGO_one_card.png)



be afraid, be very afraid

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1fbf15 No.18261705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9a68b2 No.18261706

File: 9c068b9c1625873⋯.png (168.01 KB,710x1194,355:597,22_8_.png)


2.2 the game simplifies while getting moar complicated. two moar weeks is always plus 3 seconds.14+3

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dcc09e No.18261707

File: f3bea925cc92f15⋯.jpeg (16.96 KB,255x230,51:46,dreadpiratepepe44.jpeg)

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ce64b2 No.18261708


Every piece of legislation they pass in the house that does not have Democrat support will die in the Senate. Republicans know this, and this is why they voted yes on this. If they thought for a second that democrats would agree to this, they would not have written this legislation. They are just pandering to the rubes. It's time to stop pussy footing around.










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685f98 No.18261709



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29245b No.18261710

File: 39d9224f0d6189a⋯.mp4 (2.32 MB,1280x720,16:9,video_2023_02_01_01_04_42.mp4)

File: 082ed610a70eab3⋯.mp4 (619.33 KB,638x360,319:180,z_fn3ZyPgmU6Pz_.mp4)

Reporter: "What's behind your decision to end the COVID emergency?"

Joe Biden: "The COVID emergency will end when the Supreme Court ends it."



WATCH: Social media confused as Biden holds hands with Gov. Whitmer at auto show


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a3ae49 No.18261711

File: f36285666fb0fe9⋯.png (264.23 KB,329x461,329:461,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)

1st amendment hearings?


nothing about a stolen election and illigitimate government?

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dcc09e No.18261712

File: 0fa8790521b04d0⋯.jpg (30.08 KB,197x255,197:255,miyagipepe4.jpg)

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323671 No.18261713

File: 9e75de7e31e84d3⋯.png (135.49 KB,717x945,239:315,Pepe_smiling_ghost.png)

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9a68b2 No.18261714

File: d3d120ead8d103a⋯.png (420.86 KB,710x2070,71:207,531.png)

File: dee25289db6338e⋯.png (185.77 KB,710x1878,355:939,1731.png)

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44fc9b No.18261715


What's weird is it is trending without a #of tweets showing…everything else has a tweet # with it

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323671 No.18261716

Kangaroo bread

Same answer!

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685f98 No.18261717


you lost me

can you tell me what you are trying to say related to the other post

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9ef541 No.18261718

File: 36c4233a0b3c92f⋯.png (184.04 KB,716x522,358:261,ClipboardImage.png)

Health department reviewing fifth COVID-19 vaccine. But what if you have missed a dose?

Australians will consider further vaccination against COVID-19 with new booster recommendations to be made ahead of winter.

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) is expected to make a decision on the fifth dose within weeks.

Currently, only those who are severely immunocompromised and over 16, are eligible to get the fifth COVID-19 jab.

As federal authorities prepare to recommend a fifth jab, what happens if you have skipped a dose?

Here's what we know so far.

What if I haven't had my fourth dose yet?

"We really need to think about how recent someone's last vaccine was, rather than how many doses they have had," Monash University associate professor James Trauer says.

"Evidence for the fourth dose was that people were protected for a few months, but that the protection waned back to the level we would see for three doses relatively quickly.

"So these repeated boosters seem to be providing a window of extra protection for a few months.

"This protection is likely to be quite important for the elderly and those with medical conditions, and so we do need to be looking at repeated vaccination as we head into waves of transmission."

What are the recommended intervals between booster doses?

Three months is the recommended time between completing the primary COVID-19 vaccine course and the first booster.

The recommended interval between the first booster dose and a second booster dose (for those who are recommended to receive a second booster dose) is also three months.

ATAGI advises there is no upper time limit for the administration of a booster dose, but notes vaccine effectiveness wanes over time.

What vaccine am I eligible for?

For adults under 60, Pfizer, Moderna, or Novavax are preferred by ATAGI over AstraZeneca for the first two doses, while there is no preferred brand for people over 60.

For pregnant women, Pfizer and Moderna are recommended and Novavax is also an option, but AstraZeneca is not preferred.


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bfd62e No.18261719

File: fe1495626e9f9c6⋯.png (467.32 KB,680x454,340:227,ClipboardImage.png)


Biden with 2 phones in hand

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0ae62e No.18261720

File: 759ecb3e4203695⋯.jpg (234.82 KB,616x460,154:115,759ecb3e4203695f343ed82128….jpg)

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56408d No.18261721

File: 2151d09c55c89bf⋯.mp4 (12.26 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Video_upload_for_109785819….mp4)




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323671 No.18261722

File: e9aef532e1b33c0⋯.png (1.52 MB,1534x1170,59:45,ClipboardImage.png)

Same answer!

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3c425f No.18261723

Big Mike gonna replace Joe and Kamala …a guess per Monica Crowley

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c76008 No.18261724

Man arrested wandering near 'family suite' at Mar-a-Lago after being told he would be arrested if he returned.

A 25-year-old man was arrested at Mar-a-Lago earlier this month after he was found wandering the property without authorization, just hours after being denied entry when he sought to speak with former President Donald Trump, according to federal and Palm Beach County court records.

Joshua Warnock was arrested by Palm Beach police Jan. 8 on a trespassing charge.

According to a federal criminal complaint, Warnock had approached the main gate to Mar-a-Lago that afternoon, insisting that he needed to speak with Trump, who lives at the Palm Beach estate and was home at the time.

Police and a U.S. Secret Service agent informed Warnock that Mar-a-Lago was a restricted area and that he needed to leave. He was then escorted from the main gate to Woodbridge Road and South Ocean Boulevard and warned that he would be arrested if he returned.

Shortly after 6 p.m., a Secret Service agent at Mar-a-Lago noticed a man walking up the pool deck staircase adjacent to the family suite." The man was identified as Warnock and detained until police arrived.

According to the complaint, Warnock admitted that he "climbed up a big step" to get to the "front yard" and made his way toward the pool.

Secret Service agents later determined that Warnock was able to jump over a concrete ledge dividing Mar-a-Lago from a public area along Southern Boulevard.

Warnock now faces a federal charge of knowingly entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds.


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4b6b12 No.18261725

Covid emergency end linked ro Article 42 end.

Potato needs time to set up the infrastructure for MILLIONS.

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e0b479 No.18261726

Fucking retards give yourselves away EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.

Fuck you and your fucking egotistical ass bullshit. Real anons, you are not.

=Fuck you and your egotistical self-importance, stop fucking interrupting the flow of the fucking board just so you can get your rocks off when anons bother to tell you off for interrupting the flow of the board==


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8a25d8 No.18261727


>Move(back)to CA.

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c53a4f No.18261728

File: 9bacd48cb81c6d7⋯.png (35.94 KB,772x281,772:281,E17633D2_90FF_43A0_94DB_59….png)

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353189 No.18261729

File: b37dcde9b58d5fa⋯.jpeg (153.41 KB,1200x1200,1:1,FBDDB40D_7C16_4DEA_9C7F_4….jpeg)


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df2fda No.18261730


No Thanks

God Ordained Defense of Natural Immunity Dwells Within, Not From Pharmakeia

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1fbf15 No.18261731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d988ba No.18261732

File: c9ef100816cb0a6⋯.png (7.39 KB,389x142,389:142,q_post_learn_russian.PNG)

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b35305 No.18261733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

wtf, am I loosing my mind, or is this the Jeffrey Dahmer murder victim stance, which is also collected by Podesta?

The description is even ""Just relax and let it carry you away…""

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afe5c1 No.18261734



Still, one day we´ll get a big hit, no doubt about it. Maybe not in our lifetime but it´s gonna habben.

(won´t embed, 1min video of asteroid discoveries in solarsystem)


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b35305 No.18261735

File: a9e23f0c2deeb58⋯.jpg (173.21 KB,821x992,821:992,home_sweet_home1.jpg)

File: 984f80fbf8beddb⋯.jpg (52.51 KB,622x328,311:164,_decorations_.jpg)

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9a68b2 No.18261736

File: 44526b796b08d99⋯.jpg (13.28 KB,192x255,64:85,2a510cc145bfd7d3d8c1cc28c1….jpg)

File: 487fd217c4fa92a⋯.jpeg (3.9 MB,6000x4000,3:2,230125_N_FY142_0006.jpeg)

File: 9e55046fa9e398f⋯.jpeg (556.72 KB,2048x1554,1024:777,FnvF4mSXEAk_iP0.jpeg)

File: 2e93ff9d825d819⋯.jpeg (356.39 KB,2048x1536,4:3,2e93ff9d825d8192b3b84536d….jpeg)

File: 507269201317f9e⋯.jpeg (1.92 MB,1535x1891,1535:1891,507269201317f9ea6c42b9815….jpeg)


from coast to coast to coast. getting nipply outside.

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cd3e0f No.18261737

File: 64cce409e8549d4⋯.png (1.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2023_01_31_52a8….png)


Forwarded from

MoD Russia

​​◻️During the special military operation, Russian personnel acquired over 20,000 documents, reference and analytical materials, as well as surveyed witnesses and participants of the U.S. biological programmes. The abovementioned materials confirm that the Pentagon aimed at creating elements of a biological weapon, and testing it on the population of Ukraine and other countries along the perimeter of the Russian borders.

◻️The Russian Defence Ministry has already mentioned the names of the participants of the military and biological programmes, including those of the U.S. Democratic Party representatives, employees of the U.S. military department, and the Pentagon’s contracting organisations.

◻️The DTRA reports have led us to the new information about key persons involved in the so-called Ukrainian projects who have been staying in the shadow until now.

◻️Among of them are:

▪️Karen Saylors, CEO at Labyrinth Global Health and ex-director of Metabiota's programmes in Central Africa. Since 2016, Saylors has worked in Ukraine as leading advisor at the UP-10 project, dedicated to studying ways of spreading of African swine fever.

▪️Colleen B. Jonsson, an employee of the University of Tennessee, Director of the Institute for the Study of Host-Pathogen Systems. She observed the UP-8 project, dedicated to studying the capabilities of the Crimean-Congo fever's causative agent in Ukraine. Jonsson managed the selection of biological samples from Ukrainian personnel, provided the cooperation between the contract specifiers in the USA and the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

▪️Lewis Von Thaer, President and CEO of Battelle company, a major contractor of the Pentagon and U.S. Department of Energy. Since 2003, the company has been responsible for organising research projects in Ukraine related to zoonotic infections.

◻️Other persons involved in the Ukrainian projects are presented on the slide. The acquired materials will be submitted to the Investigative Committee for measures to bring those guilty to justice.

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9e0aa7 No.18261738

File: ddd17ccb38e7531⋯.png (19.09 KB,951x119,951:119,2023_01_31_16_15_42.png)


Q should have no problem. Go to /test/ and post with a trip, works fine.

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56408d No.18261739


>God Ordained Defense of Natural Immunity Dwells Within, Not From Pharmakeia


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4d2f5e No.18261740

File: 4b1cb3c81abc0bd⋯.jpg (288.59 KB,1000x665,200:133,The_Ball_on_Shipboard.jpg)

File: cc941795226fd59⋯.jpg (218.42 KB,1000x756,250:189,HALS_Dirck_Merry_Party_In_….jpg)

File: 3588236a84c2074⋯.jpg (208.05 KB,1000x679,1000:679,the_court_jester.jpg)

File: 52ba74780936eea⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,993x1000,993:1000,Kaulbach_Friedrich_August_….jpg)

File: 27993e94b09cfe1⋯.jpg (145.82 KB,1000x632,125:79,Kowalski_Leopold_Franz_La_….jpg)



> Biden carries two phones.

Dipshits are still using civilian electronic comms to go around official channels.

Better question: Why doesn't he have a "Reggie" to carry his phone for him?

One of these paintings made me cry, but in a good way. Hoping it does the same for an anon.

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0ae62e No.18261742

File: 19be216924b1ed3⋯.jpg (95.97 KB,762x1648,381:824,Fnm6DSFWIAA_YKF.jpg)


Here are some boobs for muh feels

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afe5c1 No.18261745


without timestamp, don´t know how that got in there


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44fc9b No.18261746

File: cb14a1b82cd4267⋯.png (225.57 KB,496x499,496:499,Screen_Shot_01_31_23_at_07….PNG)



Shocking Video Shows Cops Fatally Shoot Double Amputee Accused In Stabbing


6:45 PM · Jan 31, 2023


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927363 No.18261747


Why They keep fight each other


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1fbf15 No.18261748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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323671 No.18261749

File: 4e42dd095177246⋯.png (74.9 KB,960x648,40:27,ClipboardImage.png)

Who exposed the pedo network within H wood?

You can’t answer the above but will laugh once disclose details.

The network which controls this false narrative which in turns keeps the black pop under control is being dismantled.

False local and national black leaders will be exposed next as shills for the D party.

Follow the money.

Maxine W has a $4mm home and cash assets in excess of $6mm.

How is that possible? One example.

All of these questions help to paint the full picture.

(notice: #19 not signed /w Q)

Same answer!

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4135da No.18261750


milky mamma told him "get the fuck off me!"

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cd3e0f No.18261751

Who is allowing this shit?

Forwarded from


Chinese firms with ties to CCP have in recent years purchased American military academies that operate military officer training programs.

Rep. Michael Waltz (R Fla.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, says Chinese ownership of these schools could pose a national security threat.



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f24259 No.18261752

File: 73fc56fbeeb5db1⋯.jpg (68.36 KB,500x545,100:109,GretaFBI1.jpg)


Eliminate all Federal Bureaucracies. Don't want or need unelected bureaucrats making de facto laws, regulations or rules to laud over the public.

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ce64b2 No.18261753

File: 8cfe167d6731cc9⋯.jpg (6.23 KB,250x226,125:113,1647571922248.jpg)


fair enough

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cd3e0f No.18261754

𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚… 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍.

LanzaTech has raked in $12 million in taxpayer funds since inking deal with China-run energy giant Sinopec.

The Biden administration sent another $1.6 million to a Beijing-backed green energy company even after Republicans warned the administration that the investment "impacts the national security of the United States."


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551fc9 No.18261755

Ex veteran and nexgen American OH Senator Vance supports PDJT for 24. Sees right through uniparty DeSantis's bullshit.

His Policies Were Incredibly Good for This Country” – Senator J.D. Vance Endorses President Donald Trump in 2024 GOP Primary


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b7376d No.18261756


That's fucking terrible. I thought it was a B.Bee article at first.

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557baf No.18261757

File: d033c2ea36c5a34⋯.png (179.26 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_01_31_19_19_3….png)

This is not good


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b9b5f9 No.18261758

File: 17c441173361c03⋯.jpg (110.56 KB,750x500,3:2,First_48_Joe_Biden.jpg)

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cd3e0f No.18261759


Top Soros operative Tom Perriello repeatedly visited Joe Biden White House

Tom Perriello is executive director for Soros's Open Society-U.S. and on the board of Governing for Impact, a Soros-backed group under #SixteenThirtyFund, a lobby shop helmed by #ArabellaAdvisors, the largest Democratic-linked dark money group in the United States. Perriello is listed 13 times between May 2021 and September 2022 in White House visitor logs, providing a further window into how well-funded liberal special interests have sought to shape President Joe Biden's policy agenda.

GFI's executive director is Rachael Klarman, a Harvard Law School graduate who used to be a policy analyst for Democracy Forward, a liberal advocacy group chaired by Democratic lawyer Marc Elias. Since 2019, Open Society and Soros's Foundation to Promote Open Society, a group in the OSF network, have steered roughly $17.45 million to GFI, records show.


Washington Examiner

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ebc81e No.18261760



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44fc9b No.18261761


>Is Q having issues with his trip code while trying to post to 8kun?

Damn anon now that's interesting! What are the odds he would be posting every timestamp that corresponds something dealing with trip.

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685f98 No.18261762

>>18261634 Top Insurance Analyst Finds a 7% Increase In Aggregate Mortality for Each C19 Dose Received

sorry this is behind a pay wall

not notabling it

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b9b5f9 No.18261763

File: dc768e4962c4d85⋯.jpg (122.66 KB,988x563,988:563,TYB_Bread_Circuses_Putin.jpg)

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6acb96 No.18261764

File: 52f44a11a458163⋯.png (237.23 KB,405x459,15:17,daphuc2.png)

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4135da No.18261765

File: 9a6b08684d2dc95⋯.png (141.17 KB,326x237,326:237,ClipboardImage.png)

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b9b5f9 No.18261766

File: ea8c483847701e2⋯.jpg (96.7 KB,730x493,730:493,WWIII_Moron_Joe_Biden.jpg)

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29245b No.18261767

File: 0e1b551ee769de2⋯.png (719.99 KB,501x718,501:718,functionary.PNG)

File: bde5adf1db72d03⋯.png (880.2 KB,475x757,475:757,noble.PNG)

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685f98 No.18261768




>>18261552, >>18261620, >>18261623 Ukraine Outraged, Summons Hungarian Ambassador, After Viktor Orban Speaks Inconvenient Truths

>>18261561 FAKE NEWS US accuses Russia of violating nuclear treaty

>>18261591 Osprey from Key West landed at Opa-Locka executive airport. VIP transport?

>>18261593, >>18261604, >>18261709 Timestamps: Is Q having issues with his trip code while trying to post to 8kun? @realDonaldTrump @Q etc is trying to tell us something

>>18261600 Ukrainian Forces May Have Used Banned Mines

>>18261613 JuliansRum: "The important point is who Hussein is aiming the gun at. Red, White, and Blue." -Q theory

>>18261642, >>18261760 COVID IS OFFICIALLY OVER PASSED. ✔️

Chasing the edge. call em out thanks

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e1e69e No.18261769

File: bebd3655681b833⋯.png (357.53 KB,1200x626,600:313,nightshiftlaunch1.png)

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4d8e3b No.18261770



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4135da No.18261771


sounds like a conspiracy theory.

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b9b5f9 No.18261772

File: 8e6293d13e3f033⋯.jpg (87.8 KB,600x460,30:23,SEAD_Seeth_Worthless_Tanks….jpg)

I Yam Loving the Seethe….

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ebc81e No.18261773

File: b8f02706566be5d⋯.jpeg (56.71 KB,534x640,267:320,B22F1889_5683_444F_AAEC_7….jpeg)


She looks like a Girl I once knew

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1fbf15 No.18261774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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81480f No.18261775

File: 44cff4ced125642⋯.png (507.53 KB,1080x737,1080:737,Memeto_1606865758636.png)

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551fc9 No.18261776


>Is Q having issues with his trip code while trying to post to 8kun?

or is that fake news or is q fake news ?


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b9b5f9 No.18261777

File: cc808b292a13375⋯.mp4 (9.31 MB,426x240,71:40,777_COMING_BACK_TO_LIFE_co….mp4)

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b9d024 No.18261778


Bad guys need a war.

Pray for putin to be under God's command and God's command only.

In other news

We already got this


peace is still the prize.

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c06ed4 No.18261780


Do you think anyone is going to take you seriously with that epic Red Text fail?

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ce64b2 No.18261781


He told them all, over and over again

"If you don't support my re-election, you'll go bankrupt"

Now they are going bankrupt

They were warned

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97c9f5 No.18261782


Miss me some Ben. One of my favorite videos. Thanks for posting

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cd3e0f No.18261783

File: 47a183e3668d7a8⋯.png (92.26 KB,335x278,335:278,Screenshot_2023_01_31_Patr….png)

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9a68b2 No.18261784

File: 9492b03439e6251⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,480x852,40:71,9492b03439e6251308bc845bf0….mp4)

File: 89c8d0201631ed1⋯.mp4 (3.87 MB,640x360,16:9,89c8d0201631ed100f807ac750….mp4)

File: 3919bfca727d223⋯.mp4 (71.77 KB,256x144,16:9,images_31_.mp4)


this bread gots landmines.

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557baf No.18261785


I'll go git muh hat

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0ae62e No.18261786

File: f80e4dcc6c459e1⋯.jpg (53.23 KB,736x490,368:245,Fnok8KMXwAA4pxe.jpg)


Trips of truth

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4135da No.18261787

File: 495962803d1c5b1⋯.png (415.49 KB,311x628,311:628,HitlerGoldCalanderHat.png)

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e0b479 No.18261788


Do you think anyone's gonna take you seriously with only 1 post?

Go patronize someone else, fucking shill

And then fucking kill yourself.

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b9b5f9 No.18261789

File: a45257a2b5cb9b2⋯.mp4 (12.93 MB,212x120,53:30,Pleased_to_Meet_Jew_Sympat….mp4)

File: 8477efe346c9414⋯.png (525.7 KB,828x759,12:11,Trump_Won_JFK_Pay_Attentio….png)

File: ac1b8a1bdeee3bf⋯.png (61.41 KB,600x157,600:157,Pleased_to_Meat_Jew_You_.png)

File: 4f3893f6f30d313⋯.png (53.78 KB,600x157,600:157,Yeah_We_Guessed_Your_Name_….png)

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f24259 No.18261790

File: ae300b7e28e5be8⋯.jpg (320.9 KB,1075x356,1075:356,PetCir21.jpg)


Panem et Circenses.

chk, kek

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551fc9 No.18261791


>after I posted this truth

Q+ ?

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cd3e0f No.18261792

File: 2d313b165f8936e⋯.png (530.57 KB,437x512,437:512,Screenshot_2023_01_31_Patr….png)

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e5d71c No.18261793

File: c9f33641bbfb2a9⋯.png (301.77 KB,494x494,1:1,FnxMK2VXoAAkslp.png)

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40965d No.18261794


11 minute delta

15 minute delta between his posts

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353189 No.18261795

File: 9c7f76d5c2bc311⋯.jpeg (181.34 KB,1200x800,3:2,94C64D21_69A9_4274_957F_8….jpeg)

We hear Jim Mattis this POS is in Ukraine and it is possible that Russian troops might run into him and if so he has no monetary value or place to hide. Tell him that for us. Thanks

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b9b5f9 No.18261796

File: 32b80e23719622a⋯.png (76.08 KB,923x239,923:239,Red_WWG1WGA.png)

File: 2b2b213a63686eb⋯.png (101.92 KB,923x239,923:239,Told_Ya_So.png)

File: 45c341fd74f3f8d⋯.jpg (106.88 KB,750x500,3:2,Target_Practice_Joe.jpg)

File: 5bcc997a4766c87⋯.jpg (61.66 KB,1280x720,16:9,Uncle_Rico_Time_Travel_Tol….jpg)


I Hate Being Rite All The Time…

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ebc81e No.18261797

File: 3a702512bf6ec7c⋯.gif (1.29 MB,326x249,326:249,1F24AA36_3B11_41F7_BA33_03….gif)


Like this?

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df2fda No.18261798


God Bless the Police

We Need To Hire Hundreds of Thousands More

Secondary Education? Your Hired

Veteran? Your Hired

Fire Fighter? Your Hired

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e0b479 No.18261799



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323671 No.18261800

File: c4c348fefdcb442⋯.png (481.66 KB,1000x1926,500:963,ClipboardImage.png)

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685f98 No.18261801

File: 7ca2e9802c7faa2⋯.png (346.11 KB,359x348,359:348,7ca2e9802c7faa2c7bb6f3f1c0….png)

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b9d024 No.18261802

File: 287d230d7a52d9d⋯.jpg (49.78 KB,700x525,4:3,2.jpg)

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0cd188 No.18261803

File: d26f5155a13a3c0⋯.jpg (154.25 KB,1247x519,1247:519,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….jpg)

Comm Link Test




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6acb96 No.18261804

File: 1c872f6feddcfb2⋯.jpg (1.91 MB,4608x3456,4:3,potusPutinArt.jpg)


>Pray for putin to be under God's command and God's command only.

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b9b5f9 No.18261805

File: b8a6f1b8f5358d9⋯.jpg (86.59 KB,632x461,632:461,No_Air_Cover_Tank_Target_P….jpg)


You're Gonn Nead Moar Buddur!

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dcc09e No.18261806

File: 0569de779a979ee⋯.png (21.72 KB,255x196,255:196,resinance44.png)

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317113 No.18261807

File: a9c221069438601⋯.png (1.11 MB,1095x1823,1095:1823,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9256ea1889a6c95⋯.jpeg (93.64 KB,683x1024,683:1024,9256ea1889a6c95d82c93684a….jpeg)

File: 8edff1ba96ea2e4⋯.jpg (70.71 KB,399x699,133:233,_desantis_.jpg)

Trump is the globalist Israel zionist die-hard idiot that gave everything Netanyahu wanted for nothing. Idiot trump was also behind Salami death. Murderer trump. Enemy faggot bow down and apologize.

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130298 No.18261808

File: cb4d268934cd072⋯.mp4 (6.76 MB,852x480,71:40,2023_01_21_14_45_10.mp4)

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4135da No.18261809

File: bf0c48be8df68ab⋯.png (1.97 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



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9a68b2 No.18261810

File: 6b5cbd1407d407e⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,640x360,16:9,6b5cbd1407d407e7402652fb28….mp4)

File: 79320fc2052bbe6⋯.mp4 (5.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,79320fc2052bbe695974fecd08….mp4)

File: 52d433ce4f64134⋯.mp4 (8.8 MB,720x720,1:1,52d433ce4f64134a394d141602….mp4)


every single pfizer sponsored. those one trusts the most.

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97c9f5 No.18261811

File: f74fd0fc0ec7f48⋯.gif (976.59 KB,500x255,100:51,0B5960AE_2F6D_4893_9239_68….gif)


You should probably lay off the caffeine this late at night. Have a pot instead.

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80b88a No.18261812

File: 10e516a18c26547⋯.jpg (36.73 KB,378x378,1:1,anons_are_never_alone.jpg)

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685f98 No.18261813




>>18261781 Donald J Trump: Washington Compost KEK, People don't want FAKE NEWS (Cap 0:38)

>>18261552, >>18261620, >>18261623 Ukraine Outraged, Summons Hungarian Ambassador, After Viktor Orban Speaks Inconvenient Truths

>>18261561 FAKE NEWS US accuses Russia of violating nuclear treaty

>>18261591 Osprey from Key West landed at Opa-Locka executive airport. VIP transport?

>>18261593, >>18261604, >>18261709, >>18261665, >>18261721, >>18261781 Timestamps: Is Q having issues with his trip code while trying to post to 8kun? @realDonaldTrump @Q etc is trying to tell us something

>>18261600 Ukrainian Forces May Have Used Banned Mines

>>18261613 JuliansRum: "The important point is who Hussein is aiming the gun at. Red, White, and Blue." -Q theory

>>18261642, >>18261760 COVID IS OFFICIALLY OVER PASSED. ✔️

>>18261644 Panic @ CNN (8:15) Mark Dice

>>18261656 #OTD in 1918, the "Battle of May Island" took place near the Firth of Forth

>>18261684 Biden Admin. To Send Ukraine New $2.2B Aid Package That Includes Long-Range Missiles

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c0a349 No.18261814

File: 2f9094c6539116a⋯.png (898.79 KB,1258x1260,629:630,Screen_Shot_2022_07_04_at_….png)

File: f56007fa6e373d6⋯.png (879.56 KB,1240x1242,620:621,Screen_Shot_2022_07_04_at_….png)

File: 721a8f1991e3b38⋯.png (2.09 MB,1670x3718,835:1859,q_b_proof_p2.png)

File: 3a14f5807b40c5b⋯.png (4.62 MB,1924x7000,481:1750,sgt_b_proof_fail.png)





Do you guys remember about the LAST time we had discussions about TRIP CODES? Hivemind board. Deep dives into Babyfist, laughing man, Sargent B.

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b9b5f9 No.18261815

File: 19a43e4fbabb0ee⋯.jpg (70.38 KB,750x445,150:89,Thanks_for_the_Tanks_Putin.jpg)

File: 87c7d698b29428d⋯.jpg (131.5 KB,576x642,96:107,Storage_Units_Hunter_Biden….jpg)

File: 1958359043be6e9⋯.jpg (174.36 KB,1000x948,250:237,Treason_Inferno_Trump_Down….jpg)

What was in it for Hunter?

Where did ALL the Intel come from?


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d988ba No.18261816

File: b149abbde707e36⋯.png (155.49 KB,312x313,312:313,potus_peace_is_the_prize.PNG)

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317113 No.18261818

File: 9db668e16108217⋯.jpg (512.43 KB,828x1427,828:1427,1675133159119961.jpg)

File: 9b407a4a7c7baa6⋯.jpg (504.05 KB,828x1447,828:1447,1675133199830751.jpg)

File: 6f4c88753705043⋯.jpg (419.07 KB,828x1427,828:1427,1675133258056310.jpg)

Don't forget he protected Fauci 100%

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e0b479 No.18261819


> More patronizing bullshit

You can kill yourself too.

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0cd188 No.18261820


Puerto Rico Test


Puerto Rico out


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a6d6fa No.18261821

File: 8f1aaf62bace705⋯.jpg (124.01 KB,443x627,443:627,FEAR_NOT.jpg)

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317113 No.18261822




What an idiot. God I hope Desantis runs.

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81480f No.18261823

File: f974e3e7304400f⋯.jpg (49.35 KB,522x407,522:407,1619731858592.jpg)

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b9b5f9 No.18261824

File: 5a2d43e509b9eed⋯.jpg (59.38 KB,620x413,620:413,Russian_Target_Practice_Tr….jpg)

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b9d024 No.18261825


Maybe 5G in the neighborhood exceeding bandwidth triggers the suddenlies

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d988ba No.18261826


please don't tell people to kill themselves

words have power

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97c9f5 No.18261827

File: 8a9b96d26af46cb⋯.jpeg (24.69 KB,219x370,219:370,CB3FD139_2D66_4341_AE4A_9….jpeg)


And miss out on this riveting dialogue? Tsk.

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b9d024 No.18261828

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026ab9 No.18261829


couldnt agree more. hes doing himself no favors. and whoever his adising him, he needs to fire asap. hes losing voters, not gaining them.

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d988ba No.18261830

File: 9fe7de3d3fe6d8e⋯.png (454.71 KB,732x572,183:143,pepe_klaus_schwab.PNG)

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e0b479 No.18261831


Nah, DeSantis a globalist piece of shit.

He picked up Trump's mannerisms in an effort to make himself look better.

He's a fucking Trump wannabe.

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2fa461 No.18261832

File: 6e2d88ce9d3dba7⋯.png (947.54 KB,1297x644,1297:644,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e8d2d No.18261833

File: aa8edc4357eba1a⋯.png (382.22 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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323671 No.18261834


Because [THEY] want the UN/WHO/NATO forces to take over the police role. (Which the MSM would celevrate as "good" cops")

Won´t work.

Biggest standing army on planet erth are law-abiding firearm-equipped American citizens. Aprox 120 million with sufficient gear.

I love the USA and its bill of rights.

Same answer!

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97c9f5 No.18261835


Only if you let them.

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00ea30 No.18261836



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3c311c No.18261837

File: 4f10239a24228bb⋯.jpg (967.92 KB,2760x1878,460:313,hoggbitch.jpg)

File: f25ac71572f0cc3⋯.png (1.35 MB,2760x1878,460:313,hoggfag.png)

File: 3d7d9001e52a5d5⋯.jpg (56.65 KB,552x550,276:275,hoggfrank.jpg)

File: 70bc24e189a861f⋯.png (1.08 MB,1390x740,139:74,memeitupanon.png)

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e0b479 No.18261838


> Hall monitor

Kill yourself faggot

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cd3e0f No.18261839

File: 9a6f073cd158bcd⋯.png (252.95 KB,437x602,437:602,Screenshot_2023_01_31_No_B….png)

== “Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep

bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and

the females too, until the social construct known as

the white race' is destroyed-not 'deconstructed' but

destroyed." ==

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143eb7 No.18261840

for 2024, if the election is going to be rigged again, we need to run MAGA candidates that portray themselves as hard core democrats. The did it to us - let's do it to them.

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4d8e3b No.18261841


second notable

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9a68b2 No.18261842

File: fe1dc6045f82c9a⋯.gif (2.22 MB,320x320,1:1,fe1dc6045f82c9aa7a219957f5….gif)

File: 16548df99dc9540⋯.gif (5.57 KB,480x480,1:1,16548df99dc9540c7c55b16f14….gif)

File: deb42bb4038ff20⋯.gif (922.1 KB,720x328,90:41,deb42bb4038ff207b81ba14b91….gif)

File: 8873ef27ea3cdf3⋯.jpeg (209.15 KB,1536x2048,3:4,C2vVKFzWQAAqcFQ.jpeg)


if (you) can decode last image an poast address to headquarters. a used bicycle will be deposited at the end of your laneway. been hear moar than 2 we eks.

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6d0697 No.18261844

File: d3f332b076b9778⋯.png (698.96 KB,1042x1063,1042:1063,1_31_2023_Biden_The_Covid_….png)

File: edf5c3149b18419⋯.mp4 (266.31 KB,636x382,318:191,1_31_2023_Biden_The_Covid_….mp4)

File: 1b98ac34077fe64⋯.png (650.71 KB,991x654,991:654,1_31_2023_Biden_comms_dire….png)

File: b511b2761e516ea⋯.jpg (316.06 KB,1281x1051,1281:1051,11_7_2022_Whistleblower_Bi….jpg)



Creeper Joe creeps

Gimme shelter! Biden walks over to CBS reporter, grabs her hands to get under her umbrella and says 'the COVID emergency ends when the Supreme Court ends it' in bizarre moment

January 31, 2023


Transparent Peter Henderson aka Pedo Peter is transparent

'We've released multiple statements': White House continues to insist it's been transparent in Biden's documents debacle - as FBI's secret search of Penn Biden Center in November more is finally revealed

Not known if more classified documents were uncovered at Biden's former office

WH and DOJ failed to initially disclose search, despite claims of transparency

House GOP now want visitor logs of the Penn Biden Center, and details of its operations and funding

January 31, 2023


Pedo Peter is honest and transparent, where can anon lay down a bet on that…

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ebc81e No.18261845

File: dc9a0bb398041d2⋯.jpeg (76.56 KB,456x640,57:80,6DAEDCDD_8C4A_4739_A7A1_6….jpeg)

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0ae62e No.18261846

File: 1ff4294271391d4⋯.png (645.7 KB,542x473,542:473,ga_mona_lisa.png)

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6acb96 No.18261847

File: bf17d8d02de64d5⋯.png (306.58 KB,1248x379,1248:379,Screenshot_from_2023_01_31….png)

File: 5462dc79d21b4f0⋯.png (15.63 KB,443x244,443:244,q658_freedomDay.png)

File: ceae385b13202c1⋯.png (33.04 KB,444x384,37:32,q659_freedomDay.png)

File: cba2a5a109a02ec⋯.png (369.56 KB,910x753,910:753,tt_profilepicChangeFreedom.png)

File: 8e7d4dfcaed67b0⋯.png (260.01 KB,940x522,470:261,freedomdaySep1LibertyBell.png)


> and maybe a reach.

profile pic change is a Clear cutFreedom day Q proof

all pb







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c06ed4 No.18261848


Thanks Anon. But it didn't bother me. Seemed to bother the Red Text Failure though

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80b88a No.18261849

File: 9c7ae03bbe4c7ca⋯.png (515.87 KB,888x499,888:499,2a_1776.png)

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317113 No.18261850

File: 80510cb8db47618⋯.jpg (1.54 MB,2000x3000,2:3,1.jpg)

File: 46daf8dea60b55e⋯.png (4.93 MB,1330x2302,665:1151,46daf8dea60b55e8771caf81fc….png)

File: 937a2c5322bfce5⋯.jpg (139.22 KB,567x673,567:673,Trump_we_need_a_leader.jpg)

File: 785c11fbb401299⋯.jpg (193.07 KB,667x800,667:800,15767393634.jpg)

File: c767832620f0ced⋯.webm (1.97 MB,640x360,16:9,Trump_Kim_Jun_Un.webm)


HAHA! Get pissed. Globalist Trump is the enemy globalist who protects rinos. You voted for Obama. You are a fan boy. Fuck that traitor idiot. Moron.

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685f98 No.18261851




>>18261781 Donald J Trump: Washington Compost KEK, People don't want FAKE NEWS (Cap 0:38)

>>18261552, >>18261620, >>18261623 Ukraine Outraged, Summons Hungarian Ambassador, After Viktor Orban Speaks Inconvenient Truths

>>18261561 FAKE NEWS US accuses Russia of violating nuclear treaty

>>18261591 Osprey from Key West landed at Opa-Locka executive airport. VIP transport?

>>18261593, >>18261738, >>18261604, >>18261709, >>18261665, >>18261721, >>18261781 Timestamps: Is Q having issues with his trip code while trying to post to 8kun? @realDonaldTrump @Q etc is trying to tell us something

>>18261600 Ukrainian Forces May Have Used Banned Mines

>>18261613 JuliansRum: "The important point is who Hussein is aiming the gun at. Red, White, and Blue." -Q theory

>>18261642, >>18261760 COVID IS OFFICIALLY OVER PASSED. ✔️

>>18261644 Panic @ CNN (8:15) Mark Dice

>>18261656 #OTD in 1918, the "Battle of May Island" took place near the Firth of Forth

>>18261684 Biden Admin. To Send Ukraine New $2.2B Aid Package That Includes Long-Range Missiles

>>18261718, >>18261730, >>18261739 Australian Health department reviewing fifth COVID-19 vaccine. But what if you have missed a dose?

>>18261724 Joshua Warnock arrested wandering near 'family suite' at Mar-a-Lago after being told he would be arrested if he returned

>>18261728 Q gave us the time line..We Are Here 2023 two to go meme

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3c311c No.18261852

File: 71f1cff75ef8732⋯.png (520.4 KB,467x600,467:600,pepeblacksmirth.png)

File: 7e567eea0544f60⋯.jpg (51.37 KB,552x550,276:275,hogg.jpg)

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ebc81e No.18261853

File: 6c522fadf2997c0⋯.jpeg (89.53 KB,680x626,340:313,CE7C3884_317A_4545_80B0_8….jpeg)



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a6d6fa No.18261855

File: fcd41bff9ee758d⋯.jpg (118.56 KB,890x486,445:243,WIN_FORGED_IN_FIRE.jpg)

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e0b479 No.18261856



Try again.

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648e2a No.18261857

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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317113 No.18261858

File: 4f0e0b63a37c61e⋯.jpg (370.74 KB,893x1871,893:1871,He_turned.jpg)

File: 53b6da0288a524c⋯.jpg (162.28 KB,1018x827,1018:827,1553300750104.jpg)

File: 4b182f34e6cf412⋯.jpeg (138.96 KB,800x600,4:3,011029855310.jpeg)


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e0b479 No.18261859


Oh look its hivemind

Fucking kill yourselves

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00ea30 No.18261860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gave A timeline

Disinformation and such

Just an observation

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80b88a No.18261861

File: 85a91b7bdffdfdf⋯.png (328.29 KB,680x565,136:113,teacher_decide_groomer.png)

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a3ae49 No.18261862

File: b3c8e21739f5ed5⋯.png (183.58 KB,457x380,457:380,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)

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581309 No.18261863


5g was put up for military to have a strategic advantage to intercept wireless signals in the air to stay ahead of the chinks

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6d0697 No.18261864

File: 246e0381b03ede7⋯.mp4 (22.09 KB,498x326,249:163,Driving.mp4)

File: e09745e5262dc0d⋯.png (7.07 MB,3810x2752,1905:1376,ClipboardImage.png)



Off to tell Grammar Kitteh…

Mater: picrel

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c06ed4 No.18261865


You need to relax bro

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f24259 No.18261866

File: 2ac0ace83aeaaef⋯.jpg (85.95 KB,600x575,24:23,5b9bd6389e5978f37b9ff399e8….jpg)

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97c9f5 No.18261867


Splain why Trump bragged about getting DeSantis elected twice but yet calls him out as a globalist. This one isn’t making sense to me

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c0a349 No.18261868



Information is information. Someone brought up trips. and this is a recent thing in the board history. Knowing is half the battle

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551fc9 No.18261869



mad dog fights for the nwo……dirtbag

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5f378b No.18261870

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df2fda No.18261871

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cf46bc No.18261872

File: 4bd3c9b1fd601ba⋯.png (181.25 KB,739x613,739:613,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)



>>18261591 Osprey from Key West landed at Opa-Locka executive airport, then Miami Homestead. VIP transport?


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97c9f5 No.18261873


I have never understood why this hasn’t been a thing. Beat them at their own game.

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d988ba No.18261874

File: 600b70c4d503470⋯.png (1.16 MB,923x594,923:594,trump_desantis_1.PNG)

File: c83150477e8dc61⋯.png (1.42 MB,980x618,490:309,trump_desantis_2.PNG)

File: 2fd14a929e79a9c⋯.png (1.16 MB,979x641,979:641,trump_desantis_3.PNG)

File: 0fad14032a5c74e⋯.png (1.07 MB,1156x653,1156:653,trump_desantis_4.PNG)



leftists on the board posing as desantis supporters, in attempt to cause division

i live in florida and love desantis as governor

i voted for Trump twice and will vote for him again in 2024

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8a517c No.18261875


Forgot link


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e8f7e5 No.18261876

File: 27086189851f9d1⋯.png (186.67 KB,832x276,208:69,ClipboardImage.png)


>is trying to tell us something

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bfd62e No.18261877


DeSantis is being backed by the Bush crowd.

Never Trumpers.

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3c311c No.18261878

File: 1643c4a060e9306⋯.png (144.88 KB,918x539,918:539,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65f387a3bb91d9e⋯.png (92.08 KB,253x255,253:255,putinorly.png)

File: acf072b5664d5b7⋯.jpg (23 KB,341x268,341:268,continue.jpg)

>>18261855 5:5 chk'd


<pix rel

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f24259 No.18261879

File: 4bfbf2e9a8cc9f9⋯.jpg (203.6 KB,540x800,27:40,YouCt1.jpg)

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a6d6fa No.18261880

File: 8853b0316b6b614⋯.jpg (55.01 KB,395x440,79:88,DOUBLE_BINGO.jpg)

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3fc441 No.18261881


you betcha

bunch of us live here and like what he's doing

the division is nonsense and shills

fuck emm

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0a432a No.18261882

File: 52e1bcec895a493⋯.jpg (284.25 KB,600x600,1:1,Japanese_dragon_Pepe.jpg)

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685f98 No.18261883




>>18261781 Donald J Trump: Washington Compost KEK, People don't want FAKE NEWS (Cap 0:38)

>>18261552, >>18261620, >>18261623 Ukraine Outraged, Summons Hungarian Ambassador, After Viktor Orban Speaks Inconvenient Truths

>>18261561 FAKE NEWS US accuses Russia of violating nuclear treaty

>>18261591 Osprey from Key West landed at Opa-Locka executive airport. VIP transport?

>>18261593, >>18261738, >>18261604, >>18261709, >>18261665, >>18261721, >>18261781 Timestamps: Is Q having issues with his trip code while trying to post to 8kun? @realDonaldTrump @Q etc is trying to tell us something

>>18261600 Ukrainian Forces May Have Used Banned Mines

>>18261613 JuliansRum: "The important point is who Hussein is aiming the gun at. Red, White, and Blue." -Q theory

>>18261642, >>18261760 COVID IS OFFICIALLY OVER PASSED. ✔️

>>18261644 Panic @ CNN (8:15) Mark Dice

>>18261656 #OTD in 1918, the "Battle of May Island" took place near the Firth of Forth

>>18261684 Biden Admin. To Send Ukraine New $2.2B Aid Package That Includes Long-Range Missiles

>>18261718, >>18261730, >>18261739 Australian Health department reviewing fifth COVID-19 vaccine. But what if you have missed a dose?

>>18261724 Joshua Warnock arrested wandering near 'family suite' at Mar-a-Lago after being told he would be arrested if he returned

>>18261728 Q gave us the time line..We Are Here 2023 two to go meme

>>18261751 Chinese Companies Are Buying American Military Academies, Lawmaker Warns

>>18261754 U.S. Department of Energy Awards $118 Million to Accelerate Domestic Biofuel Production: BIDEN sold out to China

>>18261755“His Policies Were Incredibly Good for This Country” – Senator J.D. Vance Endorses President Donald Trump in 2024 GOP Primary

>>18261759 Top Soros operative Tom Perriello repeatedly visited Joe Biden White House

>>18261803 Comm Link Test

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9a68b2 No.18261884

File: 8960770eb269c1c⋯.jpg (20.68 KB,236x217,236:217,IMG_20221014_185551.jpg)

File: b222eb45868cc1c⋯.jpg (23.04 KB,255x245,51:49,IMG_20221014_185532.jpg)

File: 3607f6704b2a726⋯.jpg (72.06 KB,640x426,320:213,IMG_20221201_124859.jpg)

File: 466100af123fb96⋯.jpg (12.91 KB,160x154,80:77,IMG_20221201_124711.jpg)

File: 519bb87c87f47a8⋯.jpg (20.83 KB,320x165,64:33,IMG_20221201_124613.jpg)



there's a leonard cohen song 90's cb radio.pirates. pump up the volume. there is a pepe meme turned up do 11

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d988ba No.18261885

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1e2924 No.18261886

File: a098beffd431ebf⋯.jpg (119.49 KB,968x1024,121:128,survivor.jpg)


>DeSantis is being backed by the Bush crowd.


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31630d No.18261887

File: c38f7b4e4c6f7ce⋯.jpg (52.18 KB,474x356,237:178,th_796697685_3.jpg)

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927363 No.18261888

Those in Congress there some married gays adopt children

Q was right about pedophiles

They wanted to make it legal last tow years

Groomer vs gays are hoax

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97c9f5 No.18261889


Again, splain why Trump brags about getting him elected if he knew all along he was a Bush backed globalist?

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ebc81e No.18261890

File: e9811df327bfd10⋯.jpeg (56.47 KB,429x640,429:640,9AC8402F_ACA8_4DA5_812D_D….jpeg)

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0a432a No.18261891

File: bef7dbb82922d6d⋯.jpg (283.56 KB,856x539,856:539,AK.jpg)


Trips check'd

Though the spelling/grammar leaves a lot to be desired.

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44fc9b No.18261892


Q put the word "code" in a truth if you having trouble.

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0ae62e No.18261893

File: c05e08603d739ce⋯.png (138.15 KB,499x565,499:565,fishing_is_fun_pepe_q1_clo….png)

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fadc98 No.18261894

sup Jews

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cd3e0f No.18261895

File: dc78d5d6491c17a⋯.png (109.41 KB,579x373,579:373,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62b79fdd2907427⋯.png (219.77 KB,578x354,289:177,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 802f917b69f65c2⋯.png (191.24 KB,592x323,592:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e20ee50ff395df⋯.png (179.44 KB,578x350,289:175,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2a0203ab78d7ee⋯.png (197.44 KB,598x599,598:599,Screenshot_2023_01_31_DC_D….png)



Whoa - 2 months after receiving a $500k investment from Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca in 2014, Ukrainian biolab Metabiota receives $23.9M contract from DOD

MB only received ~$340k from DHS prior yr

Is this why Zelensky ordered all Metabiota files destroyed?

🔦: @TruthNinja316


Truth Ninja


Hunter Biden's team violating FARA, bringing Burisma to DC, arranging meetings with State Dept, Congress, and with Hunter. A "pull-aside" with Vadym and Poroshenko. "whether Chief of Staff is coming with the President", "Meet w/ General Prosecutor of Ukraine" @mirandadevine



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ebc81e No.18261896

File: 506c28b09237c6f⋯.jpeg (52.59 KB,599x526,599:526,BAABBD1F_C854_483E_8F0C_4….jpeg)

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e0b479 No.18261897


He's bragging because without Trump's backing, DeSantis would have lost to a druggie.

DeSantis won by slim margin, because of Trump.

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0e8d2d No.18261898

File: 7d05f446618bf26⋯.png (161.97 KB,813x444,271:148,AF1_on_ground_at_Ft_Lauder….PNG)

File: a72c76acf456108⋯.png (244.14 KB,654x440,327:220,AF1_USAF_C_32A_changed_at_….PNG)

File: 526a9f318683cda⋯.png (523.39 KB,855x533,855:533,ClipboardImage.png)


Not fact

Dates and timestamps in file name

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1e2924 No.18261899

File: 13f6a0ff4eb4f65⋯.png (1.4 MB,1287x1470,429:490,yuman_beings_trump.png)


don't be thatway

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e8f7e5 No.18261900

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a6d6fa No.18261901

File: 8ad2efcb8c46c8e⋯.jpg (117.18 KB,509x564,509:564,REAL_CLOSE.jpg)

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2b1945 No.18261902


Been tellin' yall we have full four years of the Pretender

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b96a24 No.18261903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>2 months after receiving a $500k investment from Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca in 2014, Ukrainian biolab Metabiota receives $23.9M contract from DOD

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97c9f5 No.18261904


This makes no fucking sense

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cd3e0f No.18261905

File: a2a0203ab78d7ee⋯.png (197.44 KB,598x599,598:599,Screenshot_2023_01_31_DC_D….png)

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44fc9b No.18261906


and put the word "trip" if you miss the anons…lol

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bfd62e No.18261907


What if he only became backed by the Bush crowd now that he's being groomed for a POTUS run?

What if he wasn't and then they made a hit on his wife to get him' under control - ?

I could happen - its not out of the realm of possibilities with these people.

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a3ae49 No.18261908

File: 884a7d641795458⋯.png (603.67 KB,737x571,737:571,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)

File: c0dcf9eb242435e⋯.png (709.15 KB,686x541,686:541,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)


desantis was about to lose to this

now rong's buddies think he can run for pres

do your homework before you show up here

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e562d2 No.18261909

File: 4b19041eafd2c34⋯.png (128.35 KB,333x187,333:187,ClipboardImage.png)



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2fa461 No.18261910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1e2924 No.18261911

File: 6ddb74efe974e0d⋯.png (224.03 KB,1534x882,767:441,george_post_DETAILS_how_mu….png)


8/10/18 - skyking day

took back the trip from AB[C]

AB[C] was pissed about losing the Trip

You can see their anger about it still on jan 6 2021

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31630d No.18261912

File: c9fca625b2bab5d⋯.jpg (51.01 KB,474x356,237:178,th_796697685_4.jpg)

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dce40a No.18261913

File: d9aa5006e7e4422⋯.jpeg (13.98 KB,212x255,212:255,t_cf8ec93873e56a8a5209e00….jpeg)

File: 5099dde032960ca⋯.png (325.2 KB,663x496,663:496,5099dde032960ca53b4970cce6….png)

File: b8c051a2431a86e⋯.jpg (165.74 KB,1280x746,640:373,b8c051a2431a86ebdabb8ae9d2….jpg)

File: ff5e3d59017277d⋯.png (487.09 KB,946x540,473:270,ff5e3d59017277dbf5e43a82be….png)

File: 3cd4e0d61df0a93⋯.jpg (296.09 KB,705x655,141:131,PenceHogg.jpg)


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2b1945 No.18261914

What if Trump backed him to expose him? It makes no sense to anon, either.

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685f98 No.18261915




>>18261781 Donald J Trump: Washington Compost KEK, People don't want FAKE NEWS (Cap 0:38)

>>18261552, >>18261620, >>18261623 Ukraine Outraged, Summons Hungarian Ambassador, After Viktor Orban Speaks Inconvenient Truths

>>18261561 FAKE NEWS US accuses Russia of violating nuclear treaty

>>18261591 PF: Osprey from Key West landed at Opa-Locka executive airport. VIP transport?

>>18261872 PF: Osprey updated

>>18261593, >>18261738, >>18261604, >>18261709, >>18261665, >>18261721, >>18261781, >>18261761 Timestamps: Is Q having issues with his trip code while trying to post to 8kun? @realDonaldTrump @Q etc is trying to tell us something

>>18261600 Ukrainian Forces May Have Used Banned Mines

>>18261613 JuliansRum: "The important point is who Hussein is aiming the gun at. Red, White, and Blue." -Q theory

>>18261642, >>18261760 COVID IS OFFICIALLY OVER PASSED. ✔️

>>18261644 Panic @ CNN (8:15) Mark Dice

>>18261656 #OTD in 1918, the "Battle of May Island" took place near the Firth of Forth

>>18261684 Biden Admin. To Send Ukraine New $2.2B Aid Package That Includes Long-Range Missiles

>>18261718, >>18261730, >>18261739 Australian Health department reviewing fifth COVID-19 vaccine. But what if you have missed a dose?

>>18261724 Joshua Warnock arrested wandering near 'family suite' at Mar-a-Lago after being told he would be arrested if he returned

>>18261728 Q gave us the time line..We Are Here 2023 two to go meme

>>18261751 Chinese Companies Are Buying American Military Academies, Lawmaker Warns

>>18261754 U.S. Department of Energy Awards $118 Million to Accelerate Domestic Biofuel Production: BIDEN sold out to China

>>18261755“His Policies Were Incredibly Good for This Country” – Senator J.D. Vance Endorses President Donald Trump in 2024 GOP Primary

>>18261759 Top Soros operative Tom Perriello repeatedly visited Joe Biden White House

>>18261803 Comm Link Test

>>18261847, >>18258838 pb, >>18258842 pb, >>18258860 pb, >>18258866 pb, >>18259118 pb, >>18259397 pb Freedom day Q proof

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fadc98 No.18261916

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b96a24 No.18261917

File: a634628558dc2ee⋯.mp4 (4.5 MB,640x360,16:9,burningdocuments.mp4)

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9a68b2 No.18261918


fought you like a ded cat in a chink meat market Mr.Pig. noaw muh gf lukes da kirty as mooch as the frog & red pills mixed in with the Q posts miltary timestamps and memes combined. cat ladies catching on.

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97c9f5 No.18261919


Gfy. I’ve been around here for a long time. I’m just not a dick sucking sycophant. I voted for Trump but the past few years there are things just not adding up.

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e0b479 No.18261920


Hivemind are division faggots

They need to kill themselves for attempting to divide the board.

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3fc441 No.18261921


florida stopped Al Gore steal

florida stopped Gillum steal

it's the laws here, they work if you follow them

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551fc9 No.18261922


gave Ron the opportunity to do the right thing for American

Ron did Ron instead

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677f68 No.18261923

File: 8ae79bc676470b4⋯.gif (310.23 KB,314x241,314:241,earth_without_water_gif.gif)

Want to hear something interesting?

The oldest documents ever found on Earth(the Sumerian tablets of UR,) claim our planet wasn't always called, Earth.

In the beginning it was called, "Tiamat." The tablets claim that a planet, on an elliptical orbit, called, "Nibiru" passes through our solar system every 3600 years.

The tablets also claim that Tiamat was barren until Nibiru struck Tiamat and passed life on to Tiamat.

Our planet is in a vacuum. All planets are, if space is what we're told. In a vacuum, objects will shrink to their smallest possible form, which is a sphere. If you take away part of that sphere in the vacuum, condensation will build as it tries to shrink back into a smaller sphere to correct itself. Those are facts, physics. Indisputable facts.

Know what else is interesting? Earth is the only planet in our solar system that has water on its surface. What would Earth look like if you took all the water away?

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b9b5f9 No.18261924

File: 07b3e39502f6600⋯.jpg (88.42 KB,600x500,6:5,FAUCI_Was_Left_Out_to_Dry_….jpg)

File: 88e50d30485c1b9⋯.png (11.66 KB,225x225,1:1,First_48_Clear.png)

File: 77083d346489c54⋯.png (2.16 MB,1323x882,3:2,1675114366920.png)



Yiur Forgot a Few Steps in the Grieving Process…

Mainly the First and Last Stages…

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2fa461 No.18261925


>Dates and timestamps in file name

1 is on the ground the other is a loose cap with fake date

try harder

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557baf No.18261926


Israeli soldiers

Before anybody at demoed apt bldg

Fuckin Bio lab from China central fl.

But wait there's more

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1e2924 No.18261927

File: 1b79a935877aee4⋯.mp4 (6.96 MB,1280x720,16:9,Anthony_Fauci_Donald_Trump….mp4)


>What if Trump backed him to expose him?

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a3ae49 No.18261928

File: c441c6c5a7b9e04⋯.png (280.13 KB,728x288,91:36,Screen_Shot_2023_01_07_at_….png)


thought you said you couldn't find the qanon website…?


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dce40a No.18261929

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df2fda No.18261930

Exposing Directed Evolution Really got them Rattled

Look at them Go, So Busy now

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b9b5f9 No.18261931

File: 462568d00d6690b⋯.jpg (17.6 KB,360x240,3:2,Trump_Wants_You_Point_Chek….jpg)

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0e8d2d No.18261932

File: e5fcf4330745f17⋯.png (337.17 KB,485x442,485:442,ClipboardImage.png)

Iran, Russia integrate banking systems

52 Iranian and 106 Russian banks integrated their interbank communication and transfer systems for trade and financial operations. A top Iranian official announced on 30 January that Iran and Russia had integrated their interbank communication and transfer systems to help enhance trade and financial operations in an effort to bypass strict economic sanctions on their financial infrastructure.

With the signing of the agreement, 52 Iranian and 106 Russian banks are connected through the Russian Financial Message Transfer System, which will facilitate economic relations between the two countries, said Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Iran Mohsen Karimi. “This system is immune to sanctions as it is based on the infrastructures of both countries,” Karimi said, according to Iran’s Mehr news agency. The global consortium SWIFT, the world leader in secure financial messaging services, excluded Iranian banks from its system following the reimposition of economic sanctions by the United States on Iran in 2018. As a result of that suspension of services, the Iranian banking system is disconnected from the international one, making banking transactions with other countries difficult. Russia was partially excluded from SWIFT last year due to its invasion of Ukraine.

While economic relations between the two countries have grown to 4 billion in recent years, Tehran has sold drones to Russia, which it has used in its invasion of Ukraine. Official trips between the two countries have also multiplied in recent months, with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi visiting Russia in January 2022 and Iranian Foreign Minister Hosein Amir Abdolahian making two trips to the Russian capital in less than a year. “In today’s world, a country’s status is largely related to its economic power … We need economic growth to maintain our regional and global position,” Iran’s top authority, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, said in a televised speech.


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f7d045 No.18261933

File: 895f9fe236444b8⋯.jpg (211.63 KB,503x624,503:624,895f9fe236444b8ab17aaad492….jpg)

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44fc9b No.18261934

File: 4c9d240b4875085⋯.png (21.41 KB,496x292,124:73,Screen_Shot_01_31_23_at_07….PNG)

File: 53ca18766d4050e⋯.png (211.73 KB,494x331,494:331,Screen_Shot_01_31_23_at_07….PNG)


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1e2924 No.18261935


>What would Earth look like if you took all the water away?

Find depth of ocean. Compare to diameter of earth. Water is nothing - a shimmering coating.

Earth is rounder and flatter than a cue ball, at scale. Moon is too.

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184b26 No.18261936

File: bc9138fc411aa69⋯.png (1.64 MB,1200x939,400:313,ClipboardImage.png)

Untangling a Knot of Galaxy Clusters

Jan 30, 2023

Astronomers have captured a spectacular, ongoing collision between at least three galaxy clusters. Data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, ESA’s (European Space Agency’s) XMM-Newton, and a trio of radio telescopes is helping astronomers sort out what is happening in this jumbled scene. Collisions and mergers like this are the main way that galaxy clusters can grow into the gigantic cosmic edifices seen today. These also act as the largest particle accelerators in the universe.

The giant galaxy cluster forming from this collision is Abell 2256, located 780 million light-years from Earth. This composite image of Abell 2256 combines X-rays from Chandra and XMM in blue with radio data collected by the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT), the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), and the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) all in red, plus optical and infrared data from Pan-STARRs in white and pale yellow.

Astronomers studying this object are trying to tease out what has led to this unusual-looking structure. Each telescope tells a different part of the story. Galaxy clusters are some of the biggest objects in the universe containing hundreds or even thousands of individual galaxies. In addition, they contain enormous reservoirs of superheated gas, with temperatures of several million degrees Fahrenheit. Only X-ray telescopes like Chandra and XMM can see this hot gas. A labeled version of the figure shows gas from two of the galaxy clusters, with the third blended too closely to separate from the others.

The radio emission in this system arises from an even more complex set of sources. The first are the galaxies themselves, in which the radio signal is generated by particles blasting away in jets from supermassive black holes at their centers. These jets are either shooting into space in straight and narrow lines (those labeled “C” and “I” in the annotated image, using the astronomer’s naming system) or slowed down as the jets interact with gas they are running into, creating complex shapes and filaments (“A”, “B,” and “F”). Source F contains three sources, all created by a black hole in a galaxy aligning with the left-most source of this trio.

Radio waves are also coming from huge filamentary structures (labeled "relic"), mostly located to the north of the radio-emitting galaxies, likely generated when the collision created shock waves and accelerated particles in the gas across over two million light-years. A paper analyzing this structure was published earlier this year by Kamlesh Rajpurohit from the University of Bologna in Italy in the March 2022 issue of The Astrophysical Journal, and is available online. This is Paper I in an ongoing series studying different aspects of this colliding galaxy cluster system.

Finally, there is a "halo" of radio emission located near the center of the collision. Because this halo overlaps with the X-ray emission and is dimmer than the filamentary structure and the galaxies, another radio image has been produced to emphasize the faint radio emission. Paper II led by Rajpurohit, recently published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics and available online, presents a model that the halo emission may be caused by the reacceleration of particles by rapid changes in the temperature and density of the gas as the collision and merging of the clusters proceed. This model, however, is unable to explain all the features of the radio data, highlighting the need for more theoretical study of this and similar objects.

Paper III by Rajpurohit and collaborators will study the galaxies producing radio waves in Abell 2256. This cluster contains an unusually large number of such galaxies, possibly because the collision and merger are triggering the growth of supermassive black holes and consequent eruptions. More details about the LOFAR image of Abell 2256 will be reported in an upcoming paper by Erik Osinga.


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31630d No.18261937


almost as if there was a designer

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97c9f5 No.18261938


And one more thing. DeSantis would have won fair and square over that guy if the election/voter fraud that has been KNOWN about for decades would have been cleaned up. Don’t forget the dangling chads

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fadc98 No.18261939

File: fea7cde2d8b6f64⋯.png (819.48 KB,978x694,489:347,dar1.png)

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b9b5f9 No.18261940

File: efd30a744942626⋯.jpg (104.79 KB,630x804,105:134,Pedo_Joe_Biden_Laptop_from….jpg)

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0a432a No.18261941

File: 1908228dcca0c43⋯.jpg (685.48 KB,1046x905,1046:905,Anon_2.jpg)



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0ae62e No.18261942

File: 73cda7861b46e81⋯.png (485.38 KB,720x340,36:17,_trump_movie.png)

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00ea30 No.18261943



Most likely algorithmic targeting

Algo was ensuring the correct targets.

CHecks phone, spins, then drops on the first batch. Algo adjusts to died in sleep suddenly to avoid

5g can now read the nano . Individual targeting or enmasse.

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a99fd3 No.18261944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Two for Tuesday on Qrock 107.

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677f68 No.18261945


Please gif, attached to previous post.

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97c9f5 No.18261946


I have no idea what you’re talking about

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0e8d2d No.18261947

File: 0c6661a526dfa22⋯.gif (425.94 KB,305x205,61:41,pepe_laughs_all_too_predic….gif)


>the other is a loose cap with fake date

Plug it in and look it up yourself and was posted when it happened

Good try though!!

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b96a24 No.18261948


>cue ball


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fadc98 No.18261949

File: 580a8d6f9a9b303⋯.png (964.12 KB,980x740,49:37,never.png)

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bfd62e No.18261950


Not really -

In the bucket of "IF TRUE"


Ron DeSantis's Military Secrets: Torture & War Crimes


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677f68 No.18261951



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e579c6 No.18261952

File: c6ab45b7b792006⋯.jpg (4.17 MB,2400x2400,1:1,_December_26_2017.jpg)

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184b26 No.18261953

File: 9c0b30e24bdfcc0⋯.png (2.12 MB,1041x1562,1041:1562,ClipboardImage.png)

Flora, Fauna at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center

Jan 31, 2023

In this photo from Oct. 14, 2008, a great blue heron stands watch among a pond of water lilies on NASA's Kennedy Space Center. It is one of 310 species of birds that inhabit the National Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge, which shares a boundary with Kennedy. The marshes and open water of the refuge also provide wintering areas for 23 species of migratory waterfowl, as well as a year-round home for great blue herons, great egrets, wood storks, cormorants, brown pelicans, and other species of marsh and shore birds. Kennedy is responsible for more protected species than any other federal property in the continental United States.


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ebc81e No.18261954

File: 63106135d911ffd⋯.jpeg (490.76 KB,1086x1019,1086:1019,5DB50A5A_57EF_4B27_AB9C_E….jpeg)

Heart Warming

Hope this guy is his Cell Mate…

Tennessee pedophile pleads guilty, faces 30 years

Man Pleads Guilty to Coercing and Threatening Children into Producing Images of Child Sexual Abuse

A Tennessee man pleaded guilty today to coercing and threatening multiple minors into creating videos of themselves engaging in sexual activity.

According to court documents, Caleb Jordan, 22, of Mount Juliet, met three minors online through a video gaming platform. Jordan told the minors, who were between 11 and 14 years old, that people were coming to “get them” and threatened to kill or sexually assault their parents unless the minors created videos of themselves engaging in sexual activity. Jordan instructed them to perform and record specific sex acts and used these minors to create nearly 400 sexually explicit videos, some of which depict the minor victims crying or in visible distress. Jordan then attempted to sell the videos over an encrypted internet chatting application. Electronic devices seized from Jordan’s home also contained more than 10,000 images and videos depicting the sexual abuse of children.


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31630d No.18261955

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b9b5f9 No.18261956

File: ce8532f02a3ad4c⋯.gif (12.32 MB,720x720,1:1,NCSWIC_PEDOS.gif)

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6d0697 No.18261957

File: e723c923f727315⋯.png (217.08 KB,450x338,225:169,PIG_EON.png)

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fadc98 No.18261958

Q failed

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130298 No.18261959

File: 56a6b6d6f116bbc⋯.png (368.51 KB,554x515,554:515,56a6b6d6f116bbc5fc34a1e697….png)


Callsign is not an unfamiliar one. V-22s are not known for VIP transport. One reason is there are better and safer alternatives. Highly doubtful that this is anything other than a normal flight with only crew members aboard.

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759403 No.18261960

File: ac5f85a0951771c⋯.jpeg (497.74 KB,1566x1112,783:556,7988B972_7D23_48D0_BAED_F….jpeg)

‘Dasting TS ad.

It’s right in their faces.

Anyone gonna ask the Question?

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1e2924 No.18261961


gif is false. look up numbers for yourself.

depth of pacifi ocean: 7 miles deepest, 2.5 miles average


diameter of earth: 7,918 mi

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a3ae49 No.18261962

File: 2e4fd41024046bf⋯.png (1.05 MB,974x645,974:645,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)


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551fc9 No.18261963


Ron was a Congressional rep for FL

Most likely he had already exposed himself with the frets he hung out with there.

I say an opportunity for a second chance to step away from the old things and now do what id right for America first. It appears Ron has dropped the ball.

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31630d No.18261964


what are the ospreys pros

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317113 No.18261965

File: 9bfdbb7535ae347⋯.jpg (80.21 KB,634x624,317:312,00A151204HJU.jpg)



Legacy fanboys. Trump is no different than Obama now. Only stupider. And one term only. Drumpf is now in the traitor folder. It's over unless he apologizes and says he was wrong. He won't do that.

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31630d No.18261966


what are the ospreys pros

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b9b5f9 No.18261967

File: b97cf3360394156⋯.gif (14.58 MB,720x519,240:173,Grim_Job_Comfy_AF.gif)


Funniest Fucking Thing Ive Seent All Yeer!

You're Going to Have to Try Harder!


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a6d6fa No.18261968

File: 9c811ed3cbe8ad4⋯.jpg (134.62 KB,548x560,137:140,DRY_RUN_TEST.jpg)

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a99fd3 No.18261969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Noises!! Noises!!

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300c61 No.18261970

File: 92165cc4cb14c10⋯.jpeg (63.88 KB,660x500,33:25,31C03021_C94C_40CF_8068_A….jpeg)

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677f68 No.18261971


Who then? God? Maybe God is Anunnaki? All as one. One as all? Why do you think so many books were removed, or omitted from the bible?

You can read the book of Enoch online, free. I think you should.

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1e2924 No.18261972

File: d0f275e1f3f0939⋯.jpg (30.74 KB,341x441,341:441,strzok_lambs.jpg)



you're a fucking liar. these things come from your pathetic and feeble mind.

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df2fda No.18261973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Someday you will Understand

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29450e No.18261974

File: e0729ac804f5281⋯.gif (987.75 KB,300x284,75:71,359AC954_E8EE_4EF3_BE89_1C….gif)

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d9f188 No.18261975


The water in the earth is so compressed that there is equivalent to thousands of oceans in the earth.


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31630d No.18261976


you shouldn't assume

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0e8d2d No.18261977

File: 6f81c1fe88e1580⋯.png (290.81 KB,929x445,929:445,AF1_USAF_C_32A_departed_JF….PNG)


and here's one moar on 091121 at JFK on take off roll and was changed just prior to take off

STFU amateur

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6d0697 No.18261978

File: 32119be32fe3d54⋯.mp4 (5.36 MB,640x360,16:9,1_30_2023_President_of_NAT….mp4)

File: 05c6b2ca7a03461⋯.jpg (344.33 KB,2386x747,2386:747,12_20_2022_Croat_Pres_veto….jpg)


>Ukraine Outraged, Summons Hungarian Ambassador

Does Croatia get bitched at too?

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b9b5f9 No.18261979

File: 719f968aca183ac⋯.gif (2.82 MB,480x276,40:23,Call_Now_Operators_Standin….gif)

File: 0e457195bd02516⋯.png (47.79 KB,586x152,293:76,Deep_State.png)

File: a474818c8053327⋯.png (46.78 KB,586x153,586:153,Call_Now.png)

File: e897fb1ff61c387⋯.png (44.33 KB,600x156,50:13,Operators_Are_Standing_By.png)

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e579c6 No.18261980

File: b9043d788778d7e⋯.jpg (89.39 KB,707x768,707:768,1510765603790.jpg)

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9a68b2 No.18261981

File: b74b62a82b6a2a8⋯.jpg (17.63 KB,300x401,300:401,635727481057771794_AP_APTO….jpg)

File: 09d35d6a69cd1f7⋯.jpeg (76.72 KB,1200x675,16:9,download_57_.jpeg)

File: d988023da946899⋯.png (585.32 KB,613x708,613:708,d988023da946899fe2ace8fc74….png)

File: 021d2339ed26226⋯.jpeg (121.54 KB,1080x1048,135:131,021d2339ed262260f2be6e5c4….jpeg)

File: 8f8c7de877d564d⋯.jpg (31.94 KB,736x491,736:491,president_biden_hosts_annu….jpg)


slay the dragons pussies. so if grey hats are white. black hats coud be gray. its thr thought that counts this guy watched dukes of hazzard regularly. shitpoast Ted wine 11-6

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551fc9 No.18261982


>V-22s are not known for VIP transport.

new Marine one though

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0a432a No.18261983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They dont make bands like this anymoar.

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31630d No.18261984


remember this next time you put a bill in your mouth

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c10317 No.18261985

File: 2e721179b78744a⋯.png (409.57 KB,1000x1022,500:511,3044B1BD_3BAE_4BEF_BB0A_6F….png)

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927363 No.18261986


People told him after Trump

It's about What people want

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a3ae49 No.18261987

File: 228a3220ff84090⋯.png (517.76 KB,697x528,697:528,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)

File: 4448d475ce6e585⋯.png (534.11 KB,442x659,442:659,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)

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e0b479 No.18261988


> Anunnaki slide

Kill yourself

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2fa461 No.18261989


you can fake all you want

doesnt prove a thing

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773aae No.18261990

File: 7eb9abaf7383eb9⋯.gif (311.21 KB,500x500,1:1,7eb9abaf7383eb9f90ffaedca9….gif)


Open your mind and listen.

Prepare to receive transmission.

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677f68 No.18261991


Gif is very accurate. 7 miles is reflected. Miles are microscopic on such a scale.

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b9b5f9 No.18261992

File: 3138c7f072bd0ee⋯.mp4 (272.52 KB,576x320,9:5,VID_20230124_174658_105.mp4)

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300c61 No.18261993


Fuckin’-A man!

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551fc9 No.18261994


Our movement……gfy

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9a68b2 No.18261995


bring back smoking stripclubs.

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161c4e No.18261996


American corn farmers are parasites to our society and waste the most fertile ground in the world growing that shit.

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677f68 No.18261997


Am not. Was asking.

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214e09 No.18261998


I don't think you are lying, but I would like a link so that I could double-check your sources. Thanks.

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86a88e No.18261999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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72254b No.18262000

File: 9f72e42635283ee⋯.png (173.12 KB,256x342,128:171,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd753095d33567e⋯.png (117.81 KB,211x342,211:342,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4ff0f46fe8d835⋯.png (366.55 KB,431x342,431:342,ClipboardImage.png)

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f24259 No.18262001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dr Michael Heiser - The Nibiru Hoax - Debunking Zecharia Sitchin & Wormwood

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3fc441 No.18262002

File: 676c8315577751a⋯.png (125.03 KB,250x247,250:247,676c8315577751a75b622679e1….png)


sure it does, proves you talkin out yo ass and the real planefag is not

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214e09 No.18262003


This would be better with a set of links to websites so that anons could verify. Trust but verify, as Ronald Reagan used to say.

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a94a1f No.18262004

File: 0dab7c19c2eee19⋯.mp4 (7.39 MB,640x640,1:1,974dbd6fa54ddafd.mp4)


It's scared.


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130298 No.18262005

File: 948dbaa0723c1ff⋯.png (942.19 KB,830x561,830:561,ClipboardImage.png)



dubs chekked

Pros? VTOL and higher speed than conventinal helo in flight. But they are more dangerous (statistically) than say an H-53. Safety is always a big consideration though when transporting VIPs.

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0ae62e No.18262006

File: 22ab3a0da7d6735⋯.jpg (37.28 KB,255x253,255:253,22ab3a0da7d67358f35b0e0978….jpg)

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cf46bc No.18262007

File: 9cfe7f5fccc7037⋯.png (385.29 KB,768x600,32:25,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)


This one popped down from Space Coast regional, was on the ground for a few minutes, and is back up headed NW.

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1e2924 No.18262008

File: c7ffb76e6816711⋯.jpg (157.4 KB,800x532,200:133,bushdids.jpg)


>mr pig

>real thoughts about relevant subjects

>not just reposted material

this seems new?

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0e8d2d No.18262009

File: db915c815a18c1b⋯.png (717.48 KB,863x537,863:537,ClipboardImage.png)



keep trying!

Look them up

>I'lll wait

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677f68 No.18262010


No, that's deviltry.

The possibility of our God being an alien, possibly annunaki, is real. I believe in Jesus as well, but by all portraits, he does resemble annunaki. All I'm asking is you consider the possibility. You have to change nothing, not your faith, nor your god, simply your understanding.

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ebc81e No.18262011

File: 4c754c56e059a80⋯.jpeg (132.94 KB,619x775,619:775,8D4D1CE4_D639_40EE_830E_D….jpeg)


Want to hear something interesting?

The man with the largest penis probably can’t wear shorts.

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214e09 No.18262012


>One of these paintings made me cry, but in a good way.

Those are some high-quality pics right there.

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d9f188 No.18262013


Been reading about the catastrophic future farm failure for 35 years. I think the USA was supposed to be bankrupt in 1997 also.

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551fc9 No.18262014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Testing The New US President $80 Million Helicopter: MV-22 Marine One

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bc7d90 No.18262015

File: f48cbb61a3a96ad⋯.png (478.65 KB,605x859,605:859,Screenshot_2023_01_31_at_2….png)

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80b88a No.18262016

File: 08bd225dea55493⋯.jpg (54.55 KB,830x553,830:553,Jeb.jpg)

File: 5022dbee1da9153⋯.png (309.68 KB,591x803,591:803,THEY_HAVE_AWOKEN_THE_JEB.png)

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677f68 No.18262017


I've seen his opinion and I've seen this video. He doesn't add up. Translation of the tablets and what and where we are now, are indeed plausible. I just know, I am not certain how to believe anymore. I do not agree with Heiser. Not at all. I could destroy him in a head to head debate, televised. I've offered.

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a3ae49 No.18262018

File: e79f86dc2c9f922⋯.png (628.9 KB,608x758,304:379,Screenshot_2023_01_31_at_1….png)

File: 2c024ec42f91da6⋯.png (1.21 MB,982x610,491:305,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)

File: 202d50297b14d68⋯.png (1.24 MB,983x617,983:617,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)

File: 2682275a6b3e244⋯.png (985.65 KB,983x611,983:611,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)

File: e1443c74b1d5d79⋯.png (814.92 KB,1026x637,1026:637,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)


>Israeli soldiers

Israel sends IDF team to Florida to assist with tower collapse rescue efforts

Home Front Command delegation of 10 reservists flies to Miami; Israel’s United Hatzalah sends psychological assistance team; Bennett speaks to governor and offers help

By Emanuel Fabian 26 June 2021, 10:50 pmUpdated: 27 June 2021, 8:57 am


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130298 No.18262019



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a6d6fa No.18262020

File: 76b3e5dc19b5638⋯.jpg (40.12 KB,310x400,31:40,NOPE_2U.jpg)



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685f98 No.18262021




>>18261781 Donald J Trump: Washington Compost KEK, People don't want FAKE NEWS (Cap 0:38)

>>18261552, >>18261620, >>18261623 Ukraine Outraged, Summons Hungarian Ambassador, After Viktor Orban Speaks Inconvenient Truths

>>18261561 FAKE NEWS US accuses Russia of violating nuclear treaty

>>18261591 PF: Osprey from Key West landed at Opa-Locka executive airport. VIP transport?

>>18261872 PF: Osprey updated

>>18261832 Joe Biden has never flown on AF1 Air Force 1 designatios of an of his US travel meme

>>18261593, >>18261738, >>18261604, >>18261709, >>18261665, >>18261721, >>18261781, >>18261761 Timestamps: Is Q having issues with his trip code while trying to post to 8kun? @realDonaldTrump @Q etc is trying to tell us something

>>18261600 Ukrainian Forces May Have Used Banned Mines

>>18261613 JuliansRum: "The important point is who Hussein is aiming the gun at. Red, White, and Blue." -Q theory

>>18261642, >>18261760, >>18261875 COVID IS OFFICIALLY OVER PASSED. ✔️

>>18261644 Panic @ CNN (8:15) Mark Dice

>>18261656 #OTD in 1918, the "Battle of May Island" took place near the Firth of Forth

>>18261684 Biden Admin. To Send Ukraine New $2.2B Aid Package That Includes Long-Range Missiles

>>18261718, >>18261730, >>18261739 Australian Health department reviewing fifth COVID-19 vaccine. But what if you have missed a dose?

>>18261724 Joshua Warnock arrested wandering near 'family suite' at Mar-a-Lago after being told he would be arrested if he returned

>>18261728 Q gave us the time line..We Are Here 2023 two to go meme

>>18261751 Chinese Companies Are Buying American Military Academies, Lawmaker Warns

>>18261754 U.S. Department of Energy Awards $118 Million to Accelerate Domestic Biofuel Production: BIDEN sold out to China

>>18261755 “His Policies Were Incredibly Good for This Country” – Senator J.D. Vance Endorses President Donald Trump in 2024 GOP Primary

>>18261759 Top Soros operative Tom Perriello repeatedly visited Joe Biden White House

>>18261803 Comm Link Test

>>18261847, >>18258838 pb, >>18258842 pb, >>18258860 pb, >>18258866 pb, >>18259118 pb, >>18259397 pb Freedom day Q proof

>>18261895, >>18261905, >>18261917 2 months after receiving a $500k investment from Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca in 2014, Ukrainian biolab Metabiota receives $23.9M contract from DOD

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fadc98 No.18262022

File: 6bc08f0854e5a73⋯.png (1.04 MB,978x752,489:376,klau.png)

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d9f188 No.18262023

Russians have all the dirt on the USA. It's a doozy. Only thing helping Russia win is the ego of very evil people and not wanting the peasants to hear about it. Blackmail is the ultimate weapon against evil. The peasants worship is what our lords want the most.

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a6d6fa No.18262024

File: 0d16cb1d4de66da⋯.jpg (99.53 KB,464x569,464:569,ONE_HAND_CLAP.jpg)

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9a68b2 No.18262025

File: bfc1168524fac47⋯.jpg (36.96 KB,425x700,17:28,694faf01a4095ea1e9e3d68901….jpg)

File: 66d7f73d982079c⋯.jpg (75.24 KB,600x466,300:233,66d7f73d982079cf349585b157….jpg)

File: 0de4c64cc0dd0e5⋯.jpg (119.11 KB,767x576,767:576,TBTBarn_767x576.jpg)

File: 537436b07d94941⋯.png (11.67 KB,255x135,17:9,bc5087abacca8c681e7207471f….png)

File: 3e2834593c3a443⋯.jpeg (8.33 KB,299x168,299:168,images_81_.jpeg)


knowingly. 17

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4135da No.18262026

Does Donald Trump have a split personality?

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0ae62e No.18262027

File: bdf2f63610554f0⋯.webp (26.29 KB,460x358,230:179,283579.webp)

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24cb90 No.18262028

File: 785551880f98d63⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB,640x320,2:1,to_rare_to_die.mp4)

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a99fd3 No.18262029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fuckin right on… buoy

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551fc9 No.18262030


Yes I can read. I was at PAX when they did the initial testing prior to entering service.

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df2fda No.18262031

File: 39ba3e349d8a847⋯.png (2.02 MB,1392x788,348:197,ClipboardImage.png)

War Paint Is Fun

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557baf No.18262032


I would. Not want to be a farmer in this day and age

Monsanto / Bayer pretty much killed the industry

I am all about get rid of GMO shit but

That's way more than here's seeds plant these .

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f7ed80 No.18262033

dear diary,

i drank my 1st ever beer tonight

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b96a24 No.18262034

File: fc6fae9c8b08b41⋯.png (1.43 MB,1500x964,375:241,ClipboardImage.png)


>MV-22 Marine One

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cffef7 No.18262035

File: 21b4a494695d6ba⋯.jpg (162.64 KB,634x617,634:617,Kolm_rden_Wolf.jpg)

they come here and act like we don't know what they are doing. they come to brag like a 10yr old and expose themselves. This is not Kansas motherfuckas. we own this board and you are our bitch. might be a good idea to hide. night shift suckas

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31630d No.18262036


you know the rules

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685f98 No.18262037


sauce it

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130298 No.18262038

File: 59a907798741c47⋯.png (77.45 KB,247x238,247:238,59a907798741c47336e418140c….png)

Has the police killing the "White" man who shot up a Target store been posted yet? If not then why? The absolute state of this place.

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fadc98 No.18262039



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0e8d2d No.18262040

File: 9249a64b42c710b⋯.png (485.81 KB,629x599,629:599,ClipboardImage.png)

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d9f188 No.18262041


Be careful. Toots started with his first beer. RIP in peace lil fighter.

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1a07f6 No.18262042

The Directorate of Operations, less formally called the Clandestine Service, is a component of the US Central Intelligence Agency. It was known as the Directorate of Plans from 1951 to 1973; as the Directorate of Operations from 1973 to 2005; and as the National Clandestine Service from 2005 to 2015.

What does the CIA clandestine service do?

Today's National Clandestine Service

Their work involves coordinating and overseeing the collection of intelligence and how that intelligence is disseminated. Managing the collection of intelligence means determining the significance of intelligence and what should be communicated to U.S. policymakers.

The National Clandestine Service (NCS) is the undercover arm of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the authority on all clandestine operations throughout the world that concerns the nation’s intelligence community.

Everyone already knows this.

Any dipshit pushing Clandestine bullshit is a fedboi. Obvious.




What does the clandestine service do?

A clandestine service also works in liaison with other spy services to run all types of operations; it taps telephones and installs listening devices; it breaks into or otherwise gains access to the contents of secured facilities, safes, and computers; it steals, compromises, and influences foreign cryptographic …

https://www.govinfo.gov › html


IX. Clandestine Service

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677f68 No.18262043


Exactly whom are you addressing?

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b96a24 No.18262044

Was Hunter Biden the front man for running US gov’t $$ to Metabiota for unsupervised gain of function development?

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df2fda No.18262045

File: 643522ae0482176⋯.png (224.43 KB,450x269,450:269,ClipboardImage.png)

It's Over

Pass the Word

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97c9f5 No.18262046


Now do soybeans

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a94a1f No.18262047

File: 8fca139b2ce5c26⋯.jpg (14.04 KB,255x255,1:1,df3fc1715e5285226bc6a87a4f….jpg)



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d9f188 No.18262048


Most of us are still researching Las Vegas. Haven't gotten to the Target store yet.

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16d444 No.18262049


Is he pointing out a target?

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9a68b2 No.18262050

File: 23c6b9d2749c16a⋯.jpeg (6.41 KB,255x197,255:197,download_61_.jpeg)

File: c3b0d3c9ccc3110⋯.jpg (70.94 KB,640x494,320:247,af014f_598b372c80a94cff958….jpg)

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80b88a No.18262051

Arkansas National Guard helps out drivers on icy roads

Jan 31, 2023

LOWELL, Ark. —

The Arkansas National Guard has been deployed to Northwest Arkansas and the River Valley.

"Whenever we're needed, you know, the Arkansas National Guard is always ready, always there," Capt. Andrew Pang said.

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders activated the guard on Monday. Since then, crews in Lowell, Fort Smith and Clarksville have helped fight the dangerous road conditions.


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0a432a No.18262052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Crosseyed and painless


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24cb90 No.18262053

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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677f68 No.18262054


(THIS ^)

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fadc98 No.18262055

almost everyone on TV is Jewish, why?

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418bcd No.18262056


What point, at this difference, does it make?

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31630d No.18262057

File: 084318293db1b31⋯.png (85.71 KB,564x1024,141:256,084318293db1b3126df8096b11….png)


No one cares about a white dude gettin' dropped by the Popo.

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a6d6fa No.18262058

File: de32807f3e29e09⋯.jpg (120.61 KB,560x553,80:79,LONG_TIME_AGO.jpg)

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fadc98 No.18262059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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130298 No.18262060


good answer, kek

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df2fda No.18262061


it was last bread or the one before

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16d444 No.18262062


It's like a Family business. Literally.

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773aae No.18262063

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b9b5f9 No.18262064

File: 3138c7f072bd0ee⋯.mp4 (272.52 KB,576x320,9:5,VID_20230124_174658_105.mp4)

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cffef7 No.18262065

File: 5b4310487ae6717⋯.jpeg (42.96 KB,707x338,707:338,d794a457b95a11617fa8c4c7b….jpeg)

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0e8d2d No.18262066

File: d8e6edca32ac7e8⋯.png (213.27 KB,429x488,429:488,ClipboardImage.png)


>sauce it

for a PF post?

>Dates and timestamps in file name

We've been over this many times.


I don't see any "sauce" for the ones you've included


Good try for you and yer little buddy though!!

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130298 No.18262067


ok, that's a relief

guess notables are running a bit behind then

carry on o7

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184b26 No.18262068

File: 22d5574748d11cd⋯.png (354.16 KB,842x754,421:377,ClipboardImage.png)

What Could Go Wrong? Scientists Launch Project To Bring The Dodo Bird Back From The Dead

Published January 31, 2023 at 3:15pm

Scientists believe they have found a way to bring back the animal most synonymous with the extinction, the dodo bird. Should their endeavor prove successful, this could open the door for the resurrection of several other animals that were thought to be long gone.

A “de-extinction company” known as Colossal Biosciences has decided to play God and right a “wrong” done by humans by using edited DNA to create a so-called proxy version of the dodo since an exact clone is not possible. Should the recreation prove successful, the next step would be to re-introduce the dodo to its original habitat in Mauritius.

The founders of the company believes reintroducing the dodo will benefit conservation and the wildlife ecosystem. They do not elaborate on why, however.

Colossal Biosciences is also working bringing other endangered species back from the dead, such as the Tasmanian tiger and wooly mammoth.


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86a88e No.18262069


ask lEon

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418bcd No.18262070

I’ve been here a few years now and the only major habbening has been a stolen Presidential election.

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cffef7 No.18262071

File: 7da4783cceee348⋯.jpg (162.48 KB,857x1200,857:1200,71PgqrlBvPL_AC_SL1200_.jpg)



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75e5f6 No.18262072


Baker and Bakers, thank you for doing all the work to keep this place functioning. One request please, when you post the link to the new bread, do not post the dough, post the link to notables.

Why you ask? Because when anons are reading notables and we hit the back button it doesnt take us to notables, but the dough over and over again.

Does that make sense? Any time we hit back, we end up on the dough again. Being an avid reader, I read a lot of notables. Kek

Thank you for your consideration!

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551fc9 No.18262073


> has been a stolen Presidential election.

which one ?

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cffef7 No.18262074

File: dc27bba803abea3⋯.jpg (187.76 KB,1152x936,16:13,71ZOOwAVRRS_SL1152_.jpg)

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9a68b2 No.18262075

File: 743faed4a2ad2ee⋯.png (13.94 KB,255x248,255:248,a2532017429545af25c197da2e….png)

File: 557ed34842725bc⋯.png (1002.89 KB,996x870,166:145,557ed34842725bc3734c21d49d….png)

File: 996c9266a2c0462⋯.png (10.27 KB,255x241,255:241,12eebd5f1bbb77b365e21bb24b….png)

File: 01fa9f7ee11edf6⋯.png (1.06 MB,740x987,740:987,01fa9f7ee11edf6b86df823f14….png)


noaw do red wine tomarraw. 1 glass at a time.

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b96a24 No.18262076


Hey Twitter,

It's me, the biolabs guy. Aka "Clandestine".

I was banned on 2/25/22, 11 months ago, for writing the viral thread about the US funded biolabs in Ukraine (attached).

In this thread, I am going to administer the biggest "I told you so" in history.

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f7ed80 No.18262077

File: 10ee8c2383c95c8⋯.png (1.13 MB,822x1298,411:649,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf46bc No.18262078

File: 9b12fa8d694f005⋯.png (176.17 KB,794x661,794:661,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)

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418bcd No.18262079


Only one since I’ve beenhere, 2020.

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685f98 No.18262080




>>18261781 Donald J Trump: Washington Compost KEK, People don't want FAKE NEWS (Cap 0:38)

>>18261552, >>18261620, >>18261623 Ukraine Outraged, Summons Hungarian Ambassador, After Viktor Orban Speaks Inconvenient Truths

>>18261561 FAKE NEWS US accuses Russia of violating nuclear treaty

>>18261593, >>18261738, >>18261604, >>18261709, >>18261665, >>18261721, >>18261781, >>18261761 Timestamps: Is Q having issues with his trip code while trying to post to 8kun? @realDonaldTrump @Q etc is trying to tell us something

>>18261600 Ukrainian Forces May Have Used Banned Mines

>>18261613 JuliansRum: "The important point is who Hussein is aiming the gun at. Red, White, and Blue." -Q theory

>>18261642, >>18261760, >>18261875 COVID IS OFFICIALLY OVER PASSED. ✔️

>>18261644 Panic @ CNN (8:15) Mark Dice

>>18261656 #OTD in 1918, the "Battle of May Island" took place near the Firth of Forth

>>18261684 Biden Admin. To Send Ukraine New $2.2B Aid Package That Includes Long-Range Missiles

>>18261718, >>18261730, >>18261739 Australian Health department reviewing fifth COVID-19 vaccine. But what if you have missed a dose?

>>18261724 Joshua Warnock arrested wandering near 'family suite' at Mar-a-Lago after being told he would be arrested if he returned

>>18261728 Q gave us the time line..We Are Here 2023 two to go meme

>>18261751 Chinese Companies Are Buying American Military Academies, Lawmaker Warns

>>18261754 U.S. Department of Energy Awards $118 Million to Accelerate Domestic Biofuel Production: BIDEN sold out to China

>>18261755 “His Policies Were Incredibly Good for This Country” – Senator J.D. Vance Endorses President Donald Trump in 2024 GOP Primary

>>18261759 Top Soros operative Tom Perriello repeatedly visited Joe Biden White House

>>18261803 Comm Link Test

>>18261960 ‘Dasting TS ad. It’s right in their faces. Anyone gonna ask the Question?

>>18261847, >>18258838 pb, >>18258842 pb, >>18258860 pb, >>18258866 pb, >>18259118 pb, >>18259397 pb Freedom day Q proof

>>18261895, >>18261905, >>18261917 2 months after receiving a $500k investment from Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca in 2014, Ukrainian biolab Metabiota receives $23.9M contract from DOD

>>18261932 Iran, Russia integrate banking systems

>>18261953 Flora, Fauna at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center a great blue heron

>>18261954 Caleb Jordan, 22 Pleads Guilty to Coercing and Threatening Children into Producing Images of Child Sexual Abuse

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97c9f5 No.18262081


So they want to get rid of cows because of farts but they are trying to bring back the wooley mammoth. I just can’t anymoar

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0d9627 No.18262082

File: dd1c56a2d9c9243⋯.png (3.14 MB,1934x1460,967:730,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)

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cd3e0f No.18262083

File: bf346af7183aed2⋯.png (72.35 KB,639x338,639:338,Screenshot_2022_04_13_U_S_….png)

File: 18699f948e94539⋯.jpg (310.58 KB,1221x1280,1221:1280,dfjasdklfjslslklejkd.jpg)

File: 8f2cba583398454⋯.png (530.71 KB,531x722,531:722,jhgjhgjgjk.png)

File: 5c6e85325934a48⋯.jpg (786.83 KB,1440x3040,9:19,kjhkhkjhk.jpg)

File: de49e55773cf5a2⋯.mp4 (6.26 MB,976x560,61:35,bio_weapons_labs_in_the_uk….mp4)


Thanks for posting…I actually have a copy of the original posting of this by BioClandestine & others (he was 100% correct, this entire time)…plus others from back in Feb 2022

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86a88e No.18262084


my first beer was in mesopotamia…..

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fadc98 No.18262085

File: 1314761815f7543⋯.png (12.54 KB,562x46,281:23,mat.png)

File: 9109585a2fbf761⋯.png (778.05 KB,1502x284,751:142,hal.png)

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a99fd3 No.18262086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fuckin Rock-n-Roll

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b96a24 No.18262087


Fact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts with Ukraine, Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries

June 9, 2022

The History and Accomplishments of U.S. Collaboration With the International Community to Reduce Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Threats in Ukraine, Russia, and Other Countries of the Former Soviet Union

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ebc81e No.18262088

File: 64667c70497c05c⋯.jpeg (632.43 KB,913x1214,913:1214,E8F38A52_E85C_4F82_8887_5….jpeg)

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f84efa No.18262089

File: 42ce8e0a4c09870⋯.jpg (177.41 KB,1200x1200,1:1,chad3.jpg)


>dangling chads

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d9f188 No.18262090


I right click and open a new tab on notables. Either way sucks but the alternative is much worse. This is a good place to be waiting for the happening and without the bakers I would be doing something else and not hear waiting. Just waiting for the big notable.

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685f98 No.18262091


cool it, bitch

removed PF

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bd25d9 No.18262092


worked at a company that helped build those..

I would never fly in one

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3c311c No.18262093

File: a399fb205ae617e⋯.gif (978.99 KB,320x240,4:3,BRETTBEER.gif)

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b96a24 No.18262094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vice Chairman Rubio Questions CIA Director Burns on Biolab Security

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c2fa8d No.18262095

Interesting 10 sec clip of DeSantis comparing himself to Paul Ryan

Apr 11 2018 - 9:50am

Speaker Paul Ryan is a truly good man, and while he will not be seeking re-election, he will leave a legacy of achievement that nobody can question. We are with you Paul!

DJT flip flopped on his views of PR quite a bit…

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44fc9b No.18262096

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cffef7 No.18262097

File: b8def66bfcd3138⋯.jpg (302.75 KB,1500x1054,750:527,81kQBya3UKL_AC_SL1500_.jpg)




notice im unbanned in hrs

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774979 No.18262098

File: 899bd2c201a2cea⋯.jpg (21.71 KB,275x298,275:298,2478899074378379954.jpg)

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b96a24 No.18262099



Senator Rubio Questions Undersecretary Nuland Over Biolabs in Ukraine

During her testimony in front of the Senate Foreign Relations committee about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland answers a question from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) about whether or not Ukraine has chemical or biological weapons. She replies, "Ukraine has biological research facilities, which, in fact, we are now quite concerned…Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of." She then refutes allegations from Russia that Ukrainians are plotting to use biological weapons, and says that if such an attack happens in Ukraine, "there is no doubt in my mind" it would be caused by Russian forces.


DNI Haines Rejects Russia Claim of Biowarfare Labs in Ukraine

Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines on Thursday dismissed claims by Russia that the U.S. is conducting biological weapons research in "biolabs" across Ukraine.

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cffef7 No.18262100


you missed the memo

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fadc98 No.18262101

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f9c0fb No.18262102

File: e149b7ef2b8ab1b⋯.jpg (18.9 KB,503x488,503:488,_274294735_208844701766105….jpg)


Really starting to think some of you "planefags" are just gay fags

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214e09 No.18262103


>The oldest documents ever found on Earth(the Sumerian tablets of UR,) claim our planet wasn't always called, Earth.

>In the beginning it was called, "Tiamat."

I can see how Velikovsky might interpret the texts that way, but that's not really what they say. There's a big difference between "a hero killed a monster and made the earth out of its body" versus "we are living on an artificial planet engineered by space aliens."

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24cb90 No.18262104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anthrax - I Am The Law

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551fc9 No.18262105


a few years implies Jan 31st 2021

no Presidential elections since then

Plenty before then though

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cd3e0f No.18262106

File: ed6424630c10ea4⋯.png (195.05 KB,617x701,617:701,fdssfdgfff.png)

File: d3fe33029f5129b⋯.png (277.6 KB,661x591,661:591,ddsfsdasss.png)

File: e7518274ef26551⋯.png (400.47 KB,913x479,913:479,hgjgjkkjgjkg.png)

File: 8f2cba583398454⋯.png (530.71 KB,531x722,531:722,jhgjhgjgjk.png)

File: 972f55e7b720a6a⋯.png (266.31 KB,509x389,509:389,jkhkhkjhhh.png)

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0e8d2d No.18262107

File: 620c205995f1d1e⋯.png (404.18 KB,535x399,535:399,ClipboardImage.png)


still mad


and kiss muh ass

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ae3693 No.18262108


Original, Primary Water from below the Earth's crust would just continue to seep up, under tremendous pressure and fill the oceans back up. This Elemental Water is continuously produced which gives lie to the hoax that all the Earth's water is from the millions of "ice asteroids" which have impacted the Earth's surface over the eons.

What a nonsensical theory which they conditioned us to believe! Similar to the "fossil fuels" theory about oil from dead dinosaurs, etc. There are oceans upon oceans of Primary Water and Oil just waiting to be tapped.

How do you think Israel has become an oasis since 1948 compared to the rest of the ME? Why did the Bush Family buy up 300,000 acres of Paraguay jungle? The Guarani Aquifer, one of the largest known Primary Water aquifers in the World.

How can you tell the difference between public water and primary water? Primary Water has zero traces of radioactive Thorium from the atomic/nuclear testing.

Which water do you think the VIP Global Elite is drinking, bathing and swiming in? How do they get this pure water delivered supplied to their homes?

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6d0697 No.18262109

File: b067c6d90fa22c0⋯.png (1.27 MB,1014x1012,507:506,1_30_2023_DeSantis_is_Glob….png)

File: 2f9082edee5293e⋯.png (1.04 MB,1924x1194,962:597,Robert_Joseph_Black_father….png)

File: 5ac2179b11ae241⋯.png (1.15 MB,1960x1213,1960:1213,Robert_Joseph_Black_father….png)

File: a87d52cf255233b⋯.png (56.66 KB,733x432,733:432,Tampa_Mafia_Trafficante.png)

File: 4dac0b3fca2e5d7⋯.png (115.2 KB,400x279,400:279,ClipboardImage.png)



Who took over the Trafficante mob in Florida aka The Tampa Mafia? Who is the Capo di tutti Capo these days? They were balls deep in the JFK assassination as was Carlos Marcello of New Orleans. They all crawled out of Chicago by way of NYC and are long time CIA assets.

They like to let a decoy appear to be the boss so the real boss has room to maneuver


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cbbb6c No.18262110


QTeam is FTeam

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3c311c No.18262111





anon thinks it's a bad idea to telegraph moves. kek

andDANG!Fauci looks lividdd…kekekek

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df2fda No.18262112


Bio Labs Matter

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685f98 No.18262113


New bread link gets posted to the dough.

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ba7f0e No.18262114

File: b8edfe81f874236⋯.png (132.22 KB,1304x667,1304:667,Isrl.png)


>Israel sends IDF team to Florida to assist with tower collapse rescue efforts

Recover evidence of human trafficking and blackmail of American politiCIAns.


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75e5f6 No.18262115


I think the baker took care of it, it now redirects to the top.

Thank you baker!

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418bcd No.18262116


Ackshually, 1/31/2021 would be a couple of years.

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fadc98 No.18262117

File: 8c4cb08acc3d9fe⋯.png (1020.96 KB,966x980,69:70,theydi.png)

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15ec30 No.18262118


Pretty fucking magical, right there.

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ae3693 No.18262119

File: ee1a9a338eb2e48⋯.png (460.18 KB,906x681,302:227,ClipboardImage.png)



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a99fd3 No.18262120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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685f98 No.18262121


hit the post No (for number) for any post you like, if you want to that

it resets it to that

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cffef7 No.18262122

File: 38bfc959ce308ca⋯.jpg (68.89 KB,1440x816,30:17,86336778_107304534179481_1….jpg)

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fadc98 No.18262123

File: a6f4916b6d24634⋯.png (786.84 KB,980x554,490:277,hash.png)

Hot Hot Hot

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551fc9 No.18262124


>anon thinks it's a bad idea to telegraph moves.

It is 2023 and dirtbags have many ways to learn what someone's next move is and thus put counter plans in place.

I concur

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a6d6fa No.18262125

File: 1e3ecd51b4fbbd8⋯.jpg (125.18 KB,563x562,563:562,FAV.jpg)

File: 363b4c6c521801d⋯.jpg (85.24 KB,478x674,239:337,AUDITS_2022.jpg)

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557baf No.18262126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gonna be ok anon

You have frens

Gonna be there too

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b96a24 No.18262127

File: ff02b4d453d70c5⋯.png (690.31 KB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)


Hunter Biden helped secure funds for US biolab contractor in Ukraine: e-mails

March 26, 2022

Russia’s assertion that President Biden’s son Hunter was “financing . . . biological laboratories in Ukraine” was based in truth, according to e-mails reviewed by The Post.

A trove of e-mails on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop — the existence of which was exclusively reported by The Post in October 2020 — found that he played a role in helping a California defense contractor analyze killer diseases and bioweapons in Ukraine.

Moscow has claimed that secret American biological-warfare labs in Ukraine were a justification for its unprovoked invasion of the neighboring country last month. It doubled down on the accusations Thursday, claiming the labs produced biochemical weapons at the Biden family’s behest.

“US President Joe Biden himself is involved in the creation of biolaboratories in Ukraine,” Russia’s State Duma speaker, Vyacheslav Volodin said, according to state media.

“An investment fund run by his sun [sic] Hunter Biden funded research and the implementation of the United States’ military biological program. It is obvious that Joe Biden, as his father and the head of state, was aware of that activity,” Volodin continued, demanding a US Congressional investigation and a White House explanation.

US intelligence officials had earlier dismissed Russia’s messaging as war propaganda, explaining that Ukraine’s network of biological labs dedicated to pathogen research were not secret, and had publicly received funding from Washington.

However, Russia’s new claim that the first son’s investment fund was involved in raising money for biolab projects in Ukraine was accurate, according to e-mails involving Hunter Biden’s dealings in Ukraine, first obtained by The Post and initially reported on by The Daily Mail Friday.

Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners invested $500,000 in the San Francisco pathogen research company Metabiota and raised millions more through firms that included Goldman Sachs, according to the e-mails found on the computer, which was abandoned at a Delaware repair shop in April 2019 as Joe Biden ran for president.

Hunter introduced Metabiota to officials at Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company where he was a board member, for a “science project” involving biolabs in Ukraine, the e-mails show.

A memo from a Metabiota official to the then-vice president’s son in 2014 said the company could “assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia.”

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fadc98 No.18262128


until there is a good answer for this…

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3fc441 No.18262129


this is the planefag that first noticed and brought to the board's attention Tater was not flying as AF1 from the beginning

careful where you step

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9a68b2 No.18262130

File: 1ffe94fd8dbb1e1⋯.png (14.23 KB,255x240,17:16,9971dc8b9a8ca7f9602cd35858….png)

File: de4186621733b9e⋯.png (3.55 MB,1204x1634,14:19,de4186621733b9ed67c8df6332….png)

File: 75288acf1d3fe59⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB,634x360,317:180,75288acf1d3fe594acabe2e70a….mp4)

File: 5c5b2a07897b2ef⋯.mp4 (8.51 MB,480x270,16:9,5c5b2a07897b2ef7f375332096….mp4)


+ the xhild organ haves stations.

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b96a24 No.18262131


Metabiota vice president Mary Guttieri also wrote to Hunter about geopolitical issues involving the company’s research in the former Soviet republic in April 2014, two months after Russia invaded and annexed the Crimea region.

“As promised, I’ve prepared the attached memo, which provides an overview of Metabiota, our engagement in Ukraine, and how we can potentially leverage our team, networks, and concepts to assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia and continued integration into Western society,” her memo read.

Days later, Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi wrote to Biden about a “as you called ‘Science Ukraine’ project.”

“As I understand the Metabiota was a subcontract to principal contactor of the DoD B&V [engineering firm Black & Veatch],” his e-mail read. “What kind of partnership Metabiota is looking for in Ukraine?”

The US awarded $23.9 million to Metabiota later in 2014, with $307,091 allocated for a “Ukrainian research projects,” government spending records showed.

The younger Biden bragged to investors that his company organized funding for Metabiota and helped it “get new customers” including “government agencies,” according to e-mails.

B&V had been commissioned in 2010 by the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency to build a lab in Odessa, to “enhance the government’s existing surveillance systems to detect, report and respond to bioterrorism attacks, epidemics and potential pandemics,” the company’s website said.

Hunter Biden’s ventures raised the eyebrows of a former CIA officer.

“His father was the vice president of the United States and in charge of relations with Ukraine. So why was Hunter not only on the board of a suspect Ukrainian gas firm, but also hooked them up with a company working on bioweapons research?,” Sam Faddis told the Mail.

‘It’s an obvious Russian propaganda attempt to take advantage of this. But it doesn’t change the fact that there does seem to be something that needs to be explored here.

“Why is Hunter Biden in the middle of all this? Why is the disgraced son of the vice president at the heart of this – the guy with no discernible skills and a cocaine habit?”

Hunter Biden, 52, remains under federal investigation for possible tax fraud. The probe broadened in 2018 to look into how his international business dealings as a lobbyist and investor dovetailed with his father’s political career. He has denied allegations of impropriety.

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a32971 No.18262132


"the most catastrophic problem ever faced' by corn farmers is

mexico wants to ban their gmo fake corn

and mexico is the largest buyer of us corn

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cd3e0f No.18262133

File: 7782f3f53d86c4e⋯.png (3.84 MB,2257x3800,2257:3800,jkhljklhhhhhjjj.png)

File: 303cb2f97c25ee2⋯.jpeg (58.88 KB,640x482,320:241,hjjjhuim.jpeg)

File: a6f4ac02f5cf1f4⋯.png (292.32 KB,1160x850,116:85,dfghfghgff.png)

File: 359372c21dc451d⋯.jpeg (56.75 KB,640x420,32:21,jjkktyu.jpeg)

File: ad8d77d895efe54⋯.png (374.38 KB,660x590,66:59,jkldfslsdldjfjf.png)

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551fc9 No.18262134


yes a few

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fadc98 No.18262135

File: 5b3b68379243eac⋯.png (246.69 KB,1210x1046,605:523,wolf.png)

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0e8d2d No.18262136

File: 5567b2fd1013ffd⋯.png (204.76 KB,741x480,247:160,ClipboardImage.png)

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c0a349 No.18262137


Decode the last image? I made it

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bd25d9 No.18262138


is that eddie murphy

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ebc81e No.18262139

File: da946f1cb1736a1⋯.jpeg (81.95 KB,680x483,680:483,44BFE7E5_EE8F_4C17_8ABD_C….jpeg)


What happened to Taiwan? BioLabs? If Cabal is to build a better virus, they can’t do it in Ukraine.

They would do it in Taiwan, Right?

Haven’t seen/heard any other news on this location.

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557baf No.18262140


Add them to list of countries that will not import what they call food here

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a6d6fa No.18262141

File: 6957658175a6093⋯.jpg (149.72 KB,974x646,487:323,8KUN_A_10.jpg)

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f9c0fb No.18262142

File: febf77b0d713034⋯.jpg (47.37 KB,1080x721,1080:721,deal_with_it.jpg)


>this is the planefag that first noticed

And this is the first baker who noticed you're an asshole

>careful where you step

Okay retard

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ebc81e No.18262143

File: 201cb6bc78d520c⋯.jpeg (38.42 KB,693x485,693:485,B015335F_8EC8_4492_970E_3….jpeg)

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f84efa No.18262144

File: 8438faa5fbb08fc⋯.jpg (189.06 KB,1000x2707,1000:2707,RR_33.jpg)

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df2fda No.18262145


I'd like to solve

Vaccines are Killing Purple

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3fc441 No.18262146

File: bd4ef16fe6c0a0d⋯.png (104.66 KB,300x341,300:341,3697c8c5e6ee0c2111e12da95b….png)


weren't around for that huh

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97c9f5 No.18262147


Holy fucking shit that takes me back. Dr Demento. Kek

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31630d No.18262148

File: deb99295c6f53bd⋯.jpg (62.15 KB,474x723,158:241,th_853420462.jpg)




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b9d024 No.18262149

File: ce80c972210f5fe⋯.jpg (77 KB,800x450,16:9,done_.jpg)

Trump likes to jiggle the bait

Let Trump be Trump.

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130298 No.18262150

File: b1d7f5ee8e50806⋯.jpg (25.19 KB,254x235,254:235,b1d7f5ee8e50806670cfafa70e….jpg)


>Water is nothing - a shimmering coating.

And yet the oceans are incredibly heavy. And the earth's crust is flexible. When you you move water, from say the polar ice caps, to the liquid oceans you increase that weight bearing down on the earth's crust. None of this factors into global warming alarmist thinking. If you poke your finger into a beach ball then the other areas of the beach ball swell upwards. Future coastlines my ass.

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a99fd3 No.18262151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fd1923 No.18262152

File: 37260ea68ae9b41⋯.jpg (162.9 KB,808x1271,808:1271,319fb74a73927121.jpg)

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418bcd No.18262153


It’s not “purple”

It’s “Vaccines are killing pimple”.

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b247f5 No.18262154

File: 5f6242c8f87d769⋯.png (229.32 KB,326x385,326:385,5f6242c8f87d769e694835ce8e….png)

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dcc09e No.18262155

File: 87511aef458988c⋯.png (8.54 KB,255x255,1:1,smilingsmoke44.png)



>Callsign is not an unfamiliar one.


Gray Hawk?

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3fc441 No.18262156


not fast enough


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f56b50 No.18262157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dr. Carol Baker. Listen carefully.

In my opinion she practically salivates over vaccinating pregnant women. Why? It is DANGEROUS to vaccinate a woman that is pregnant.

"great thing about the epidemic" - forced to do things quickly!!!

Same Dr. wanted to "get rid of whites" due to their vaccine refusal.

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f9c0fb No.18262158

File: 8787d96b120c337⋯.jpg (48.28 KB,960x960,1:1,67429048_1735955453214847_….jpg)


I actually think I was the baker when you had your revelation

Anyways, your mom is a homosexual

So don't speak to me or my dough ever again

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fadc98 No.18262159

File: 2d2216d191296d7⋯.png (715.38 KB,978x834,163:139,onebo.png)

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557baf No.18262160


Does your dog bite

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cbbb6c No.18262161

File: b0560add4e6c3f9⋯.gif (1.98 MB,220x164,55:41,hmm.gif)

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df2fda No.18262162

Covid Is Over

Funding Ends

Payoffs Drying Up

Suddenly Doctors will be telling the Truth

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685f98 No.18262163



Search for: "Metabiota" (533 Results)

#3023039 at2018-09-1418:46:36 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #3825: Standing By To Assist



The US Company Metabiota Inc. has been awarded $23.9 million in federal contractsunder the Pentagon's DTRA program in Georgia and Ukraine for scientific and technical consulting services. Metabiota had been contracted to perform work for DTRA befor and during the Ebola crisis in West Africa and was awarded $3.2 million (2012-2015) for work in Sierra Leone at the epicenter of the Ebola outbreak.

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bd4119 No.18262164


"Biggest mask i've ever seen"

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323671 No.18262165


Someone bought an A and an E, yet they are not showing in places expected. Please fill in the *, thank you.


Same answer!

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551fc9 No.18262167


It is not my dog

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581309 No.18262168



that's how you get syphilis

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c0a349 No.18262169

File: 226c648ac48498f⋯.png (996.19 KB,954x1636,477:818,Screen_Shot_2022_07_06_at_….png)


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3fc441 No.18262170

File: b73811c0b4f16e1⋯.jpg (9.56 KB,236x154,118:77,cremepuff_twinkie.jpg)


easy squid


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317113 No.18262171

This is bad. Don't read. This is what's happening. This is what happened. All of them. There is no one you can trust.


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2b1379 No.18262172

File: 86e23086167d0f9⋯.png (276.25 KB,1996x1250,998:625,Screenshot_2023_01_31_at_8….png)


2018 will be glorious !

hang in there frens.

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860df0 No.18262173

File: 4ecd1cb984a0acb⋯.jpg (82.02 KB,500x715,100:143,79i2lk.jpg)

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31630d No.18262174

File: 44c53aecd4aa6d0⋯.png (180.56 KB,326x385,326:385,5f6242c8f87d769e694835ce8e….png)

File: 55d021d4de8304d⋯.jpg (39.72 KB,474x293,474:293,th_3824392010_2.jpg)

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80b88a No.18262175

File: d4a575b2935544b⋯.jpg (495.13 KB,2048x1364,512:341,2022_kamala_philippines_fi….jpg)

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a6d6fa No.18262176

File: 3a9638795d9edf9⋯.gif (832.6 KB,464x334,232:167,ALICE_PIG.gif)

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97c9f5 No.18262177


And even moar invaders over our borders. Although I have my doubts any of them were being deported over title 42 anyway

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551fc9 No.18262178


>There is no one you can trust.

man is not worth our trust

Only God

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dcc09e No.18262179

File: bedd5e98055e6a5⋯.jpg (24.38 KB,643x482,643:482,ruined44.jpg)

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c0a349 No.18262180

File: ff00c4b0a943cc4⋯.png (173.82 KB,1278x760,639:380,Screen_Shot_2022_07_01_at_….png)

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80b88a No.18262181

File: 53f55e62aae3a2b⋯.jpg (96.01 KB,1131x1532,1131:1532,hillary_kitchen_panic.jpg)

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f7ed80 No.18262182

Devil's in the house of the rising sun.

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75e5f6 No.18262183

N>>18261552, >>18261620, >>18261623 Ukraine Outraged, Summons Hungarian Ambassador, After Viktor Orban Speaks Inconvenient Truths

Riddle me this! When is Ukraine not outraged?

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24cb90 No.18262184


You know they were pissed filming them burning documents.

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16d444 No.18262185

Remember the dad that drove his family over the cliff but lived.

I don't recall that it was Telsa until now. That changes the whole story.


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9a68b2 No.18262186

File: 2238a6d4f5ffbff⋯.jpg (203.49 KB,1300x1006,650:503,kevin_morgan_23_from_dunfe….jpg)

File: 7219aba126e4599⋯.jpg (12.42 KB,200x149,200:149,BicycleBersaglieri2.jpg)

File: 0af19657bd680c1⋯.jpg (879.03 KB,3132x3840,261:320,a_highland_cyclist_battali….jpg)

File: d8bf58be547c33a⋯.jpeg (7.37 KB,197x256,197:256,images_85_.jpeg)


sir it is muh hope it means what I thunk it memes.

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7da376 No.18262187

File: 0b2f04e0e1f21bf⋯.webp (226.2 KB,1588x1588,1:1,potus_maga_please.webp)


The 2024 GOPe Roadmap Appears Modified to Use Republican Governors Association

As I’m watching President Trump doing the familiar targeting of the GOPe roadmap, in this instance hitting the Club for Growth (CfG), my spidey senses are telling me their modified 2024 path will involve increased emphasis on the Republican Governors Association (RGA).

In the 2020 midterms, the RGA headed by Arizona Governor Doug Ducey was positioning: specifically positioning Ron DeSantis. If the modified establishment roadmap rolls out as it looks right now, I suspect the RGA will play a key role in it.

President Trump hit back against the always insufferable Club for Growth yesterday. The CfG, together with the Business Roundtable and U.S. Chamber of Commerce, are the political nexus for all things multinational, Wall Street and globalist. Republican candidates endorsed by either of these assembled corporate advocacy groups can always be counted on to sell-out the American worker. This is the insider club activity within the larger Republican network, all aligned with Mitch McConnell and the DeceptiCon crew.

Whenever you see President Trump hit the power dynamic, he generally hits the shadow network, the true motive for the attack, that aligns with it. In this case CfG has a long history of paid support for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.


In addition to Tim Scott and Nikki Haley, it is likely we will see Mike Pompeo, Chris Sununu, Mike Pence and Larry Hogan enter the 2024 contest for the GOP nomination. However, each of them will simply be forming a common line of attack against Godzilla Trump, permitting Ron DeSantis extra time before he needs to stop pretending and actually announce his intent.

If the roadmap holds up, DeSantis will be the last one to enter.


While the online social media Pushaw group will be trying to attack MAGA voices and create the illusion of overwhelming support for the principal, DeSantis, the mainstream RGA voices will talk high-brow about the need for change and a brand of strategic politics they will claim only Ron DeSantis can provide. This forms the multiple fronts against the MAGA coalition that we will face later this year.


President Trump is exceptional at using the literal truth as a weapon against all of the shadowy aligned elements. Fox News, Paul Ryan, Karl Rove, CfG, the Murdoch clan, as well as the larger multinational billionaires and globalists are following a very transparent program, if you know what to look for.


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80b88a No.18262188

File: e277e580ac7ce19⋯.png (602.7 KB,1600x900,16:9,tradingplacesbros.png)

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56d973 No.18262189

File: a76a7b21e2579d4⋯.png (1.55 MB,776x1084,194:271,ClipboardImage.png)


it would be a topographical plane… like a dinner plate with bumps on ir.

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685f98 No.18262190

File: 8c29cfeccfc3906⋯.png (168.3 KB,497x413,71:59,8c29cfeccfc3906daf5c3fef14….png)

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b77974 No.18262191


I'm hoping a player drops from the vax.

Doesn't make me a bad person

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16d444 No.18262192


Burning blackmail material.

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e1e69e No.18262193

File: c7fbd80130653ff⋯.png (857.72 KB,1024x683,1024:683,fucked1.png)

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97c9f5 No.18262194


Help me out here. iPad fuckery wont let me copy the link

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cd3e0f No.18262195


-Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer

-Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna

-Pascal Soriot, CEO of Astra Zeneca

-Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson and Johnson

-Dr. Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation

-Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum

-Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO

-Anthony Fauci

-Peter Daszak

-Francis Collins

-Bill Gates

-George Soros

-Barack Obama

-Hillary Clinton

-Bill Clinton

-Joe Biden

-John Podesta

-John Brennan

-James Comey

-Adam Schiff

-Peter Strzok

-Mark Zuckerberg

-Melinda Gates

-Nancy Pelosi

-Lindsey Graham

-Gen. Mark Milley

-Volodymyr Zelensky

And about 60 other treasonous bastards in politics, 6 Dem. Governors, Judges, Federal Agencies, FDA, CDC, WHO, WEF, Liberal Main Stream Media, Reuters, Politifact, big tech, Pedowood/Pedoland/Pedoworld, Banks & Corporations

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685f98 No.18262196




>>18261781 Donald J Trump: Washington Compost KEK, People don't want FAKE NEWS (Cap 0:38)

>>18261552, >>18261620, >>18261623, >>18262183 Ukraine Outraged, Summons Hungarian Ambassador, After Viktor Orban Speaks Inconvenient Truths, When is Ukraine not outraged?

>>18261561 FAKE NEWS US accuses Russia of violating nuclear treaty

>>18261591, >>18261872, >>18261959, >>18262007 PF: Osprey from Key West landed at Opa-Locka executive airport. VIP transport?

>>18261832 Joe Biden has never flown on AF1 Air Force 1 designatios of an of his US travel meme

>>18261593, >>18261738, >>18261604, >>18261709, >>18261665, >>18261721, >>18261781, >>18261761 Timestamps: Is Q having issues with his trip code while trying to post to 8kun? @realDonaldTrump @Q etc is trying to tell us something

>>18261600 Ukrainian Forces May Have Used Banned Mines

>>18261613 JuliansRum: "The important point is who Hussein is aiming the gun at. Red, White, and Blue." -Q theory

>>18261642, >>18261760, >>18261875 COVID IS OFFICIALLY OVER PASSED. ✔️

>>18261644 Panic @ CNN (8:15) Mark Dice

>>18261656 #OTD in 1918, the "Battle of May Island" took place near the Firth of Forth

>>18261684 Biden Admin. To Send Ukraine New $2.2B Aid Package That Includes Long-Range Missiles

>>18261718, >>18261730, >>18261739 Australian Health department reviewing fifth COVID-19 vaccine. But what if you have missed a dose?

>>18261724 Joshua Warnock arrested wandering near 'family suite' at Mar-a-Lago after being told he would be arrested if he returned

>>18261728 Q gave us the time line..We Are Here 2023 two to go meme

>>18261751 Chinese Companies Are Buying American Military Academies, Lawmaker Warns

>>18261754 U.S. Department of Energy Awards $118 Million to Accelerate Domestic Biofuel Production: BIDEN sold out to China

>>18261755 “His Policies Were Incredibly Good for This Country” – Senator J.D. Vance Endorses President Donald Trump in 2024 GOP Primary

>>18261759 Top Soros operative Tom Perriello repeatedly visited Joe Biden White House

>>18261803 Comm Link Test

>>18261960 ‘Dasting TS ad. It’s right in their faces. Anyone gonna ask the Question?

>>18261847, >>18258838 pb, >>18258842 pb, >>18258860 pb, >>18258866 pb, >>18259118 pb, >>18259397 pb Freedom day Q proof

>>18261895, >>18261905, >>18261917 2 months after receiving a $500k investment from Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca in 2014, Ukrainian biolab Metabiota receives $23.9M contract from DOD

>>18261932 Iran, Russia integrate banking systems

>>18261953 Flora, Fauna at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center a great blue heron

>>18261954 Caleb Jordan, 22 Pleads Guilty to Coercing and Threatening Children into Producing Images of Child Sexual Abuse

>>18262083, >>18262106 Original posting of this by BioClandestine & others (he was 100% correct, this entire time)…plus others from back in Feb 2022

>>18262087 Fact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts with Ukraine, Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries June 9, 2022

>>18262094, >>18262099 Vice Chairman Rubio Questions CIA Director Burns on Biolab Security

>>18262109 Balls deep in the JFK assassination as was Carlos Marcello of New Orleans long time CIA assets: DeSantis connection

>>18262127, >>18262131, >>18262163 Hunter Biden helped secure funds for US biolab contractor in Ukraine: e-mails

>>18262157 Dr. Carol Baker, In my opinion she practically salivates over vaccinating pregnant women

>>18262187 The 2024 GOPe Roadmap Appears Modified to Use Republican Governors Association

Hold em baking soon

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418bcd No.18262197


DeSantiscan winthe general election.

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557baf No.18262198

As many time as I have seen these people are stupid ..on here

Just been thinking

Just how stupid do you have to be that

Your parents see no other way but to sell your ass

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581309 No.18262199

File: bfbd8ae7746064f⋯.png (2.02 MB,1200x781,1200:781,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d0697 No.18262200

File: 2f453b60cdfe64b⋯.mp4 (8.67 MB,1280x720,16:9,October_2019_Fauci_says_th….mp4)

File: cacde4cc7e07de6⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB,848x624,53:39,Fauci_force_testing_on_peo….mp4)


October 2019 Fauci and vaccines, timely enough considering the Wuhan Military Games, also in October 2019. Fauci explains where the Government comes in - they pay for everything, including Fauci, not including all of his side hustles.

Second Fauci nugget- force testing on everyone.

The little fker needs to fry…

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9a68b2 No.18262202

File: 706550a50d9818b⋯.png (395.97 KB,710x834,355:417,1206_1_.png)

File: 01ff1c25588f2bd⋯.jpg (189.17 KB,733x525,733:525,01ff1c25588f2bd47157cba507….jpg)

File: 96305d8f2f21c20⋯.png (25.65 KB,710x496,355:248,124.png)

File: 036495fdcd80ba7⋯.png (196.42 KB,710x642,355:321,4100.png)

File: 468563056062372⋯.jpg (395.73 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20230128_092320….jpg)


moar orbs

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a3ae49 No.18262203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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81480f No.18262204

File: de14316e96886c4⋯.jpeg (73.44 KB,1080x615,72:41,1588303192.jpeg)

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31630d No.18262205

File: 5138ae61f8b80a3⋯.jpg (30.81 KB,474x315,158:105,th_1234902492_2.jpg)

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dcc09e No.18262206

File: b0fc9e8d42df543⋯.gif (477 KB,250x169,250:169,ferrari44.gif)

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bfd62e No.18262207


OMG, great movie.

What about Bob?

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82d271 No.18262208

File: c1195f232545900⋯.png (154.62 KB,553x468,553:468,image_2023_01_31_202736176.png)

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16d444 No.18262209


Sum of all Fears.

Which thinking about could be a perfect opportunity to wake people up.

If someone drops and dies it is literally the sum of all their fears right now.

The seed was planted with Damar and whether they believe it or not the doubt is beginning.

A second death on the field could really scare them into realizing they could be next.

The Sum of All Fears

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f9c0fb No.18262210

File: 090ccb11b22f95a⋯.png (1.16 MB,1378x853,1378:853,ClipboardImage.png)


>DeSantiscan winthe general election.

Okay retard

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0e8d2d No.18262211

File: 2e6dce2529c85e2⋯.png (342.51 KB,522x401,522:401,ClipboardImage.png)


>this is the planefag that first noticed and brought to the board's attention

no you weren't

Another fabrication that you excel at

Please continue to make shit up-you have a knack for it

it's all here


and it wasn't you just like the 90% of the actual planefagging done in here is not you

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81480f No.18262212

File: 2765ddaf8305ce6⋯.jpg (67.21 KB,678x571,678:571,IMG_20180918_151900.jpg)



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ebc81e No.18262213

File: c0855d2737aee87⋯.jpeg (858.84 KB,1604x1202,802:601,C2B4C84E_5D42_4776_A9EF_7….jpeg)

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75e5f6 No.18262214

File: 737713ba04b912a⋯.png (459.55 KB,768x432,16:9,4090CC6D_4F8A_419E_871C_8D….png)

1 Feb, 2023 01:18

US to arm Ukraine with ‘longer-range’ missiles – Reuters

Washington is reportedly preparing a new $2 billion aid package, including munitions that can strike deep in Russian territory

President Joe Biden’s administration has reportedly decided to send longer-range rockets to Ukraine, giving Kiev’s forces the capability to hit targets farther behind the frontlines, just as a top Ukrainian intelligence official threatened more strikes deeper inside Russia.

The gift ofGround Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB) rocket artillery munitions with a range of 150 kilometers (94 miles)will be part of an upcoming military aid package for Ukraine valued at more than $2 billion, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing two unidentified US officials familiar with the plans. The package will also include additional Javelin anti-tank weapons, mine-resistant vehicles, multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS), and support equipment for Patriot air defense systems.

The GLSDB rockets will give Ukrainian forces further reach,nearly doubling the range of the MLRS and HIMARS munitionsthat Washington and its NATO allies have previously been provided. Biden had been reluctant to send weaponry that could strike Russian soil, risking escalation into a wider conflict with Moscow, but he has authorized increasingly provocative aid in recent weeks.

Washington approved plans to send M1 Abrams tanks to Kiev last week, even after Biden initially claimed back in March that the US wouldn’t provide tanks or planes saying, “That’s called World War III.” While the US-made tanks are expected to be delivered to Ukraine by the end of this year or even in 2024, the first batch of previously approved 60 Bradley Fighting Vehicles is already en route, US Transportation Command confirmed on Monday.

The GLSDB is being developed by US defense contractor Boeing Co. under plans to quickly get new weapons into production for Kiev. It combines the GBU-39 small diameter bomb with the M26 rocket motor, both of which can be drawn from existing US weapons stocks. Washington will reportedly stop short of fulfilling Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s oft-repeated requests for the MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS), which has a range of some 300 kilometers, double the GLSDB’s reach.

While US officials have claimed that they don’t intend for weapons given to Ukraine to be used for strikes into Russian territory, Kiev’s forces appear to have no compunction about such attacks. US State Department spokesman Ned Price reiterated Washington’s stance earlier this month that Kiev is free to select its own targets, including in Crimea, which he claimed is still Ukrainian territory.

Ukrainian intelligence chief Kirill Budanov vowed on Tuesday that “until the territorial integrity of Ukraine is restored, there will be problems inside Russia.” He also said Kiev aims to retake Crimea by this summer.

The Kremlin has insisted that any threats to Russian territory, including Crimea and the territories that voted to join Russia in September, will result in the use of “more powerful weapons” by Moscow. Duma chairman Vyacheslav Volodin warned earlier this month of possible “global tragedy” for humanity if Western nations continue to provide weapons that Kiev could use to strike civilian cities and attempt to seize Russian territories.

(Comrades we may have a Dr. Strangelove in the WH. Prepare! It was nice knowing y’all.)


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d9f188 No.18262215


As a business owner of a fairly big company I create my own hate google reviews. Then I respond to them telling me why I as the customer is wrong. This is so that people looking for certain items and are not sure what to buy and it's a complicated item they go somewhere else or know the rules before purchase.

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a6d6fa No.18262216

File: 77645a47c513012⋯.jpg (257.32 KB,613x645,613:645,PLANT_THE_FUTURE.jpg)

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b247f5 No.18262217


Above all of them is the B.I.S.

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418bcd No.18262218


DeSantis has proven that he can overcome the left’s voter fraud machine. He’s the only one to prove that so far. Trump couldn’t. Kari Lake couldn’t. Many others as well.

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b77974 No.18262219


… fact: hogg is attacking desantis

… fact: hogg's team wants desantis to win

… conclusion: hogg's team knows that hogg is a fucking douchebag

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860df0 No.18262220

File: e9171e656f1e970⋯.jpg (92.67 KB,500x715,100:143,57u4hk.jpg)

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44fc9b No.18262221



We are going to show you a new world.

Those who are blind will soon see the light.

A beautiful brave new world lies ahead.

We take this journey together.

One step at a time.



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9a68b2 No.18262222

File: 5f34ded352609a8⋯.jpg (15.61 KB,255x185,51:37,IMG_20221201_124702.jpg)



dayshift trying to explains wtf habbened to nightshift

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86a88e No.18262223

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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685f98 No.18262224





>>18261781 Donald J Trump: Washington Compost KEK, People don't want FAKE NEWS (Cap 0:38)

>>18261552, >>18261620, >>18261623, >>18262183 Ukraine Outraged, Summons Hungarian Ambassador, After Viktor Orban Speaks Inconvenient Truths, When is Ukraine not outraged?

>>18261561 FAKE NEWS US accuses Russia of violating nuclear treaty

>>18261591, >>18261872, >>18261959, >>18262007 PF: Osprey from Key West landed at Opa-Locka executive airport. VIP transport?

>>18261832 Joe Biden has never flown on AF1 Air Force 1 designatios of an of his US travel meme

>>18261593, >>18261738, >>18261604, >>18261709, >>18261665, >>18261721, >>18261781, >>18261761 Timestamps: Is Q having issues with his trip code while trying to post to 8kun? @realDonaldTrump @Q etc is trying to tell us something

>>18261600 Ukrainian Forces May Have Used Banned Mines

>>18261613 JuliansRum: "The important point is who Hussein is aiming the gun at. Red, White, and Blue." -Q theory

>>18261642, >>18261760, >>18261875 COVID IS OFFICIALLY OVER PASSED. ✔️

>>18261644 Panic @ CNN (8:15) Mark Dice

>>18261656 #OTD in 1918, the "Battle of May Island" took place near the Firth of Forth

>>18261684, >>18262214 Biden Admin. To Send Ukraine New $2.2B Aid Package That Includes Long-Range Missiles

>>18261718, >>18261730, >>18261739 Australian Health department reviewing fifth COVID-19 vaccine. But what if you have missed a dose?

>>18261724 Joshua Warnock arrested wandering near 'family suite' at Mar-a-Lago after being told he would be arrested if he returned

>>18261728 Q gave us the time line..We Are Here 2023 two to go meme

>>18261751 Chinese Companies Are Buying American Military Academies, Lawmaker Warns

>>18261754 U.S. Department of Energy Awards $118 Million to Accelerate Domestic Biofuel Production: BIDEN sold out to China

>>18261755 “His Policies Were Incredibly Good for This Country” – Senator J.D. Vance Endorses President Donald Trump in 2024 GOP Primary

>>18261759 Top Soros operative Tom Perriello repeatedly visited Joe Biden White House

>>18261803 Comm Link Test

>>18261960 ‘Dasting TS ad. It’s right in their faces. Anyone gonna ask the Question?

>>18261847, >>18258838 pb, >>18258842 pb, >>18258860 pb, >>18258866 pb, >>18259118 pb, >>18259397 pb Freedom day Q proof

>>18261895, >>18261905, >>18261917 2 months after receiving a $500k investment from Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca in 2014, Ukrainian biolab Metabiota receives $23.9M contract from DOD

>>18261932 Iran, Russia integrate banking systems

>>18261953 Flora, Fauna at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center a great blue heron

>>18261954 Caleb Jordan, 22 Pleads Guilty to Coercing and Threatening Children into Producing Images of Child Sexual Abuse

>>18262083, >>18262106 Original posting of this by BioClandestine & others (he was 100% correct, this entire time)…plus others from back in Feb 2022

>>18262087 Fact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts with Ukraine, Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries June 9, 2022

>>18262094, >>18262099 Vice Chairman Rubio Questions CIA Director Burns on Biolab Security

>>18262109 Balls deep in the JFK assassination as was Carlos Marcello of New Orleans long time CIA assets: DeSantis connection

>>18262127, >>18262131, >>18262163 Hunter Biden helped secure funds for US biolab contractor in Ukraine: e-mails

>>18262157 Dr. Carol Baker, In my opinion she practically salivates over vaccinating pregnant women

>>18262187 The 2024 GOPe Roadmap Appears Modified to Use Republican Governors Association


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a94a1f No.18262225

File: b14fdb19487db6d⋯.png (171.86 KB,289x469,289:469,Picsart_22_06_13_06_38_29_….png)


It's already HaBbEnd.

You are watching a scripted movie.

2 realities

Normies are getting the black pill/red pill combination.

Anons are enjoying the "show"

As in they are getting (shown)

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cd3e0f No.18262226

File: c20828d9662732f⋯.jpg (75.89 KB,815x640,163:128,Happy_Anniversary_to_the_B….jpg)

ThankQ Baker

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f9c0fb No.18262227


Source: Fox news

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a108ae No.18262229


i wonder why

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31630d No.18262230

File: 0caa773e9cbc330⋯.jpg (44.25 KB,474x360,79:60,th_2309640503_2.jpg)

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130298 No.18262232

File: 20abdd6f31ffb09⋯.jpg (8.51 KB,250x243,250:243,20abdd6f31ffb09ddc61a3476c….jpg)



Anon is not following real closely but there has only been one video of him talking about the event released, right? Seemed like a very controlled studio scripted setting. And, of course, no mention of the jab. Big pharma has probably paid off and/or scared the shit out of him and his entire family. Very sad really. Anon would like to know his private thoughts about the vax but will not be holding breath on that one.

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dcc09e No.18262236

File: 2274df93914a8fc⋯.gif (8.91 MB,500x500,1:1,updatedV2.gif)

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551fc9 No.18262237


ESG fuckery trying to get a foot hold in the USA ?

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f9c0fb No.18262238

File: 02879d34c926ada⋯.jpg (50.06 KB,472x472,1:1,Lt_dubs_check_em_7854c41b0….jpg)

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4135da No.18262239

File: 2a9a5a94fb47369⋯.png (1.3 MB,900x675,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d0697 No.18262240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Want to hear something interesting?

THE SUN IS CHANGING | Solar System Shift Review

January 31, 2023

Ben Davidson, Suspicious Observers

Voyager finds

Pluto's atmosphere collapsed

Neptune -had a hurricane going the wrong way

Uranus -record storms

Saturn - Super storm is way early

Jupiter- big red spot disappeared, rings came and went and magnetic field changed

Mars - the mantle is alive, new info

Venus- faster fast winds by a lot

Mercury - tba

Extra dust in Sun's corona and the coronal chemistry is changing. Evidence of magnetic fields changing, lead up to solar micronova

Playlist and paper with data in the playlist

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130298 No.18262242

File: 8419984a2cee34b⋯.gif (5.28 MB,608x1080,76:135,V22_min.gif)


quads chekked

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685f98 No.18262243

File: 8b58e402a9b535b⋯.png (549.17 KB,933x445,933:445,ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #22378: Donald J Trump: People Don't Want FAKE NEWS Washington Compost Edition

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81480f No.18262244

File: 9b428e6a71f6bb9⋯.jpg (322.12 KB,621x665,621:665,20230130_072107.jpg)

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cd3e0f No.18262245


I truly wish that they all have been executed for treason, global genocide, crimes against humanity…the greatest psych ops of all time…but doubt it…been here since 2018. But I'm praying that it is true

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418bcd No.18262246


He keeps his head in the game. Just like now. Trump keeps attacking him (totally unprovoked btw), but DeSantis takes the high road and spouts thefacts. Trump just keeps spewing the same rhetoric he thinks everyone wants to hear, just like a politician.

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7da376 No.18262247


It's very clear that he has the Globalist and NWO support. I wouldn't be surprised if he wins the primary, not because he's who the American people want, but because of the blatant fraud and corruption when it comes to voting.

I keep thinking of the Q drop where he said something along the lines of, "The election on Tuesday no longer really matters." Which election was he referring to? In 2018, if I remember correctly, more than 20 elections switched from R wins to D wins. 2020 was the most blatantly fraudulent election in American history. Did he man in 2024? If so, why wouldn't the election in 2024 matter?

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860df0 No.18262248

File: 3610f8901c931fd⋯.jpg (93.01 KB,500x715,100:143,79i3rp.jpg)

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16d444 No.18262249


I'm curious. Did those events occur as the green comet came through our solar system?

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a99fd3 No.18262250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Speed up the plan man.

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f24259 No.18262252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Here's another video.

Harry Hubbard and Paul Schaffranke


Starts with Harry talking about "Where's the Lamp.

Have more too, the other side of the argument. One by Nehemia Gordon.

Hard to decipher the truth from just one source. There is massive amounts of fraud in the world today. Including Zecharia Sitchin.

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bfd62e No.18262253

File: e9b3f0d3bdab74d⋯.png (1.05 MB,1000x667,1000:667,ClipboardImage.png)




Photo by EJ Hersom

U.S. Armed Forces Sports


The U.S. Armed Forces Sports team marches during opening ceremonies for the 2019 CISM Military World Games in Wuhan, China Oct. 18, 2019. Teams from more than 100 countries will compete in dozens of sporting events through Oct. 28. (DoD photo by EJ Hersom)


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75e5f6 No.18262254

File: 1a45d5dfa35cf4d⋯.jpeg (73.6 KB,768x432,16:9,CBF3657E_5A0E_4FCB_ACC1_5….jpeg)

31 Jan, 2023 22:15

Iconic director blasts Western proposal on Kosovo

The EU is offering nothing but an ultimatum to Serbia, Emir Kusturica believes

The collective West is effectively blackmailing Belgrade on the Kosovo issue, and accepting its proposal would only prompt more demands, iconic Serbian filmmaker Emir Kusturica has said. The award-winning director made the remarks in an interview with Russia’s Izvestia newspaper, excerpts from which were published on Tuesday.

The pressure on Serbia comes amid the ongoing conflict between Moscow and the West, and, on a large scale, is part of a centuries-old struggle between major powers for control over access to warm seas, Kusturica stated. The timing for the EU-designed deal involving Serbia and its breakaway province, Kosovo, spearheaded by France and Germany, is directly linked to these ongoing hostilities, he believes.

“This blackmail agreement came at a time when the Ukrainian-Russian conflict is changing, when the Russians are advancing. They want to set the Balkans on fire and are bringing them to the point where the choice is either-or. This is an ultimatum, not an agreement,” Kusturica stressed, adding that accepting the deal would only lead to new ultimatums.

Still, the director expressed confidence that Belgrade would never agree to such a proposal.

The agreement, presented last year, envisions expediting Serbia’s EU membership process in exchange for de-facto recognition of Kosovo’s independence by Belgrade. This would become possible given that Serbia accepts the breakaway province’s membership in international organizations such as the UN, EU and NATO. So far, Belgrade has been resisting this scenario, but the West has continued to pressure the nation over the matter.

Last week, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said the deal “hardly contains anything we would be happy about,” lamenting the unwillingness of the West to seek any compromise. The refusal to accept the agreement would result in the EU halting all integration processes, re-imposing a visa regime, stopping all new investments, and withdrawing all the current ones, he said.

“We have the following choice: either, on the one hand, isolation, sanctions of one sort or another, but there are no worse sanctions than the withdrawal of investments, about which I was directly told three times,” Vucic stated.

Kosovo broke away from Serbia during a war in the late 1990s after the US-led NATO waged a bombing campaign against Belgrade in 1999. Washington and many of its allies recognized Kosovo as a sovereign state after its parliament voted to declare formal independence in 2008, but Belgrade itself and nations like Russia and China did not.

(Didn’t Grennel go to Kosovo and Serbia in 2021? Why is this Admin & EU sticking their nose in it? Russia has been working closely with both countries for peace.)


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685f98 No.18262255

File: b09b5e6547ea385⋯.png (453.42 KB,700x550,14:11,ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Bread






Q Research General #22378: Donald J Trump: People Don't Want FAKE NEWS Washington Compost Edition

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a108ae No.18262256


what do you mean "his private thoughts on the 'vax'"

isn't he ded?

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581309 No.18262257

File: 6bd4f938df91129⋯.png (1.23 MB,794x938,397:469,ClipboardImage.png)

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fadc98 No.18262258

File: caddb7ae93ee16d⋯.png (990.2 KB,982x654,491:327,yousa.png)

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0e8d2d No.18262261

File: 3746c4b78046162⋯.png (442.98 KB,456x557,456:557,ClipboardImage.png)


>>18261832 Joe Biden has never flown on AF1 Air Force 1 designatios of an of his US travel meme

Completely False and proven by three different dated and timestamped caps

But let's put some retards meme in cuz yer unable to comprehend anything

and then takes the other PF posts out cuz yer


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0e8d2d No.18262270

File: 8dedba9e9cfc98b⋯.png (210.99 KB,452x329,452:329,ClipboardImage.png)

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