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7d4495 No.18261147 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Key Resources below; ck Dough Resource thread for more: >>17225239

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>>17240320, >>17238117 Intro, Board Info, Offsite Bunkers, Optics

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>>17253611 Dedicated resource threads

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7d4495 No.18261148

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18070678 ——–——– Canada #39

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18052454 ——–——– Japan #10

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Bakers: how to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444, baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761

Offering breads to other bakers >>18061508, >>18067193 ; No RRN in notes >>17980519

Pls notable planefag & boatfag reports >>18179893

Plz use CURRENT dough when baking >>18223281 new





>>18259571 DOUGH

>>18259746 Trump/Qproof 01/30

>>18260212, >>18260245 @realDonaldTrump “President Trump’s Plan to Protect Children from Left-Wing Gender Insanity”

>>18260035, >>18260035 @realDonaldTrump The “Stormy” Fake Witch Hunt has been stop and go

>>18260205, >>18260210 Trump Caps - Vaccines

>>18260040 @realDonaldTrump The Democrat D.A.’s, Attorney Generals, and Prosecutors are very DANGEROUS

>>18259886 President Trump on the success of Operation Warp Speed: "We are very proud of it." Donald J Trump

>>18259604, >>18259818, >>18259825, >>18259830 Donald J. Trump: McGonigal texts unearthed, Russiagate set up exposed connections Clinton, Wiener, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Stroke

>>18259583, >>18259639 MSNBC took leave of absence due to coincidence in the heart, coincidentally.

>>18259604 FBI criminal government gangsters Peter Strzok and Charles McGonigal texts unearthed, Russiagate set up exposed

>>18259609 @Project_Veritas We rented an LED truck and parked it outside of @pfizer world headquarters in Manhattan today

>>18259623 The media is taking interest in Katie's boot MP4

>>18259624 BUN OPTICS

>>18259647 Cities Ranked by Crime Index

>>18259654 Japan and NATO agree to deepen partnership

>>18259682 Anon answers back - Does the GOP...

>>18259703 A primer on First Amendment rights

>>18259726 31 Jan 1606: #GuyFawkes is hanged, drawn and quartered for his role in the Gunpowder Plot

>>18259744 Starlink Antenna Leads to Destruction of Ukrainian Command Center

>>18259879 Bannons War Room UK protecting abortionistGodless Nation

>>18259888 'Tater coming up. Schumer on now.

>>18259889 Kari Lake Heat Map And Locations Of Machine Failures: 7,000 Ballots Rejected EVERY 30 Minutes

>>18259908 Hunter Biden’s Laptop Emails Reveal Another Crime – NEVER FILED a FARA Application yet Hunter Acted as Foreign Agent

>>18259920 CDC official Carol Baker wants to "get rid of" white vaccine resisters.

>>18259968 Patients Denied Transplants for Declining COVID Jabs Get Their Day in Court

>>18259773 PF: HEEL54 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146A went to Santo Domingo, DR from it's Martinique depart and has now left after about 55m

>>18259976 PF: SAM841 C-32A departed Tel Aviv Blinken NW after stops at Cairo and Ramallah previous

>>18259997 Hunter Biden allies talking about creating legal defense fund

>>18260009 DeSantis Responds To Trump Attacks

>>18259975 School Cop and his Teacher Wife Arrested for Grooming, Raping, and Filming Students

>>18260038 Biden’s FCC Nominee Works For A Think Tank Funded By The Telecom Giants She Was Nominated To Oversee

>>18260047 Poland Says It’s Ready to Send F-16s to Ukraine in Coordination With NATO

>>18260053 U.S. Surgeon General Warns 13-Years-Old Is Too Young To Join Social Media

>>18260059 Anon's two words: traitors everywhere!!!!!!!

>>18260061, >>18260064 @Kash Sen warner must answer why he was itching for meeting with steele n deripaska

>>18260090 16 Michigan State legislatures sign letter demanding answers from @Pfizer regarding viral #DirectedEvolution video

>>18260110 Santos steps down from committee assignments

>>18260114 Israel Bar Association chair resigns following accusation of sexual abuse

>>18259863, >>18260074 Norway’s wealth fund posts heavy losses ($164.4B)

>>18260133 DeSantis announces his most SAVAGE policy yet

>>18260141 Senate Judiciary to probe Durham investigation

>>18260147 PM Netanyahu: IDF cyber intel. experts training 20,000 students

>>18260157 Chinese Companies Are Buying American Military Academies

>>18260170 Trending Graham

>>18260208 1:45 PM House Rules Committee Hearing on H. Con. Res. 9 — Denouncing the horrors of socialism.

>>18260209 US oil giant posts monster profit

>>18260240 BUN Wayfair look alike digs

>>18260251 Schiff can’t be trusted with any classified information!” @TomFitton

>>18260276 “Sanctuary City” New York Mayor Panicking Over Influx Of Illegal Immigrants

>>18260297 Trending Unvaxxed #PureBlood

>>18260309 #22374

#22373 >>18258790

>>18259047, >>18259109, >>18259222, >>18259359, >>18259379, >>18259461 Planefag - Eyez on the Skyz

>>18258809 Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx dropping R. Kelly sex abuse charges after federal convictions

>>18258827, >>18258830 Legacy media slammed in Columbia Journalism Review for botched Trump-Russia narrative

>>18258832, >>18258854, >>18258975, >>18258832, >>18259074, >>18259082, >>18259350 More evidence of US biolabs in Ukraine. Russian military has recovered more than 20,000 documents and child organ harvesting ops

>>18258850 Sarah Huckubee Sanders has activated the NG in Arkansas. Winter storm assistance to state police.

>>18258856 Gen Flynn w/CAP: So many consequences since the intentional introduction of a biological agent into the blood stream of humanity...

>>18258982, >>18259053 US Military announces ship name and location carrying 60 APCs bound for Ukraine

>>18259007 US nuclear sub docks shut down over ‘seismic’ concerns. Four drydocks in Washington state have been idled amidworries raised by an earthquake study

>>18259008, >>18259493 Secretary Antony J. Blinken Holds a Press Availability, Jerusalem, Israel

>>18259015 Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 01/31/2023

>>18259035 DJT TS w/CAP: With respect to the “Stormy” nonsense, it is VERY OLD & happened a long time ago, long past the very publicly known & accepted deadline...

>>18259075 Eight million Americans earning more than $100,000-a-year are living paycheck-to-paycheck, disturbing study reveals, as inflation continues to decimate earnings

>>18259205 Richard Grenell w/CAP: . @Adrian_Fontes must be prosecuted and then removed from office, @krismayes!

>>18259211 Pfizer forecasts steep fall in 2023 sales of COVID products

>>18259221 Jordan Peterson announces World Economic Forum alternative. alternative to the "apocalyptic narrative"

>>18259230, >>18259238, >>18259285 the AZ cover up, projection, and mafia tactics against Kari Lake

>>18259242 Biden blocks mineral mining on 225,000 miles of land, harming EV production needs

>>18259249 11 US cities — all governed by Democratic mayors — listed among 50 most dangerous in world

>>18259255 San Francisco Home Prices Decline YoY As US Home Price Gains Slowed For The 5th Straight Month

>>18259259 DJT TS w/CAP: In Georgia I made a PERFECT phone call about Election Integrity, with many people on the line, and if it wasn’t PERFECT, why was I not admonished, screamed at...

>>18259262 DJT TS w/CAP: If the District Attorney of Manhattan would spend half as much time trying to solve the Murder and Violent Crime epidemic...

>>18259394 Austria, Hungary agree on not sending weapons to Ukraine

>>18259430 Former Brazilian leader Jair Bolsonaro has asked the U.S. for a six-month tourist visa to continue his stay in the US

>>18259456 TN mini-bun: anons opine on Tennessee being the next FF locale

>>18259521 Not going to end well for EU/NATO: EU state’s president urges NATO to cross more ‘Russian red lines’

>>18259540 #22373

#22372 >>18257974

>>18258010 White House reveals Covid emergency plan that would go beyond March 1 - RT

>>18258029 White supremacy blamed for beating of black man by black police - RT

>>18258039 ‘Laverne & Shirley’ star Cindy Williams dead at 75

>>18258062 Alec Baldwin to be formally charged Tuesday in Halyna Hutchins’ death

>>18258073, >>18258250 U.S. Atty Announces Settlement Of Civil Fraud Lawsuit Against Former Hunter College Prof And Hunter College For Fraudulently Using Federal Research Funds

>>18258081 Leader Of Drug Delivery Service Responsible For Three Fentanyl Poisoning Deaths Convicted

>>18258088 Kash: FWK, go time

>>18258095, >>18258107 Dearborn man convicted of providing material support to ISIS

>>18258104 Ex-Guatemalan police chief convicted of US visa fraud

>>18258110 General Flynn Radio Interview with Dan Bongino 15-minute interview discussion on the DS, twitter files

>>18258119 @45 files lawsuit again Woodward

>>18258134 Grenell to Bill Mitchell: pretty sure you got off the Trump Train Nov 2020.

>>18258144 Grenell: Crimea.

>>18258148, >>18258156, >>18258159 Zelensky Ordered Destruction of All State Docs Associated with METABIOTA on 02/24/22

>>18258151, >>18258153 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Episode 3 of Triggered

>>18258166 Donald Trump Jr. weighs in on the Pfizer #DirectedEvolution bombshell video

>>18258199, >>18258219 Lithuanian Liutauras Domeika DIGG

>>18258243, >>18258244 CBDC: How COVID Became The Path To Global Financial Surveillance

>>18258293 #DiedSuddenly: 2yr old after Covid & Flu shot injected together

>>18258306, >>18258070 Compilation Of Canada's PM Daily Rant: Justin Trudeau VS Pierre Poilievre Out In Public See People's Reception

>>18258340 this video illustrates the basis for the implementation of CBDCs as the ultimate control mechanism

>>18258402 Flashback 2009: Pfizer to pay 2.3 BILLION for fraudulent marketing

>>18258435 Flashback 2018: Chinese Scientist Reportedly Creates Genetically Engineered Babies Immune to HIV

>>18258484, >>18258487 The Biden Admin is funding next-generation censorship technologies with millions of dollars in cash infusions to start-up AI censorship projects

>>18258158, >>18258635, >>18258641, >>18258673 Pfizer sued for carcinogenic arsenic in chicken feed in 2011, probably behind the egg shortages today

>>18258659, >>18258695 Guess Who Owns The Chicken feed Suppliers. The Same Shareholders In Pfizer Astrazeneca

>>18258774 #22372

Previously Collected

>>18256449 #22369, >>18257232 #22370, >>18257958 #22371

>>18254158 #22366, >>18254925 #22367, >>18255692 #22368

>>18251860 #22363, >>18252612 #22364, >>18253388 #22365

>>18249583 #22360, >>18250756 #22361, >>18251101 #22362

>>18247252 #22357, >>18248001 #22358, >>18248829 #22359

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

>>18154557 Q Research Notables #16: Loud and Clear

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7d4495 No.18261149

Twice Baked Dough


baker collecting/locating last bread notes

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5bda7f No.18261150

File: ca13047d043af2e⋯.jpg (73.15 KB,760x380,2:1,776gii.jpg)

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7e54a3 No.18261151

File: d678861d7bf9625⋯.jpg (206.14 KB,1335x892,1335:892,TacoPlatter.JPG)

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b84255 No.18261152

File: daba1158c4930f7⋯.png (120.69 KB,924x922,462:461,truth_social_cyber_attack_….png)

File: f47e5e5bb65f879⋯.png (46.45 KB,794x794,1:1,567856ele5el85e6l85e.png)

Truth Social cyber attack.


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1756b7 No.18261153

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1756b7 No.18261154

>>18261125 [LB]

+ NZ


hmmm 4 of the 5 eyes

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1ea3a1 No.18261155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>18261088 (lb)

>JUST RELEASED: Donald Trump's Testimony To New York AG's Fraud Probe Investigators


The opening statement is absolutely based


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0f87c9 No.18261156

Who is and what is Media Unit One?

Why is a media unit setting rules for trial/court proceedings?

Trump had to follow Media One’s instructions.

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0172dd No.18261157

DeSantis is clearly blowing smoke up the asses of easily manipulated people. If a Bush is standing behind a politician while he speaks, RUN THE OTHER FUCKING WAY! This should be obvious to anyone who saw how the warmongering Bush family ravaged this world. DeSantis offers this illusion of freedom, acts like some beacon of conservatism, while his warmongering handlers are standing in the shadows licking their chops, just waiting to get that Military Industrial Complex money rolling in again.

DeSantis is the establishment answer to attempt to sidestep a 3rd Trump Presidency. It is plainly obvious.

On a totally, absolutely, 100% unrelated note; did anyone ever find out what truly happened to Adam Walsh? I've seen a politician from the south that bears a striking resemblance to the kid. Must just be a coincidence, like most things. Kek.

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3b18bd No.18261158

File: c32cc37d447acd8⋯.jpeg (100.02 KB,1000x666,500:333,3B76232C_C4A9_4E2B_94CA_9….jpeg)

Appears as if Truth Social is having issues.

Tried multiple devices and networks…

It’s happening

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fb6689 No.18261159

File: 18df41491049990⋯.png (31.06 KB,606x231,202:77,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a877c5c5caa43db⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB,720x1060,36:53,mortar.mp4)

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1ea3a1 No.18261160


>Who is and what is Media Unit One

In court proceedings, they have a Media team

Like a court recorder or a bailiff, there's a media unit as well

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b09392 No.18261161

Judge Rules Mysterious People Who Bailed Out FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried from Jail Should be Disclosed by Feb. 7th

Judge Lewis Kaplan ruled on Monday in favor of disclosing the names of the mysterious people who bailed FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried out of jail.

This comes after previously keeping the names redacted.

SBF’s parents also co-signed a $250 million bond for their indicted son.

The judge ruled the names should be released by February 7th.

Breitbart.com reported:

A U.S. judge said on Monday that the names of the two people who bailed disgraced FTX CEO and Democrat super donor Sam Bankman-Fried out of jail should be made public. The move comes after Bankman-Fried’s lawyers tried to keep the names of those who paid his bail anonymous.

While U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan has ruled in favor of disclosing the names, he has put his ruling on hold pending an expected appeal, according to a report by Reuters.

The judge said that the public’s “weak” right to know who bailed the disgraced cryptocurrency exchange founder out of jail outweighed Bankman-Fried’s arguments for confidentiality, as well as the claim that the safety of his guarantors would be in jeopardy.

Judge Kaplan also reportedly said that the names will be confidential until at least February 7, as “the question presented here is novel and an appeal is likely.”


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81617b No.18261162

Anon believes that when the justice habbenings go public, rather than hangings etc these evil pewks should be stoned by the very citizens who’s lives they have destroyed. Make it Biblical.

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5660f9 No.18261163

File: d1cb83952358685⋯.jpg (163.84 KB,1038x1024,519:512,large_23_.jpg)

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3dc267 No.18261164

File: a71b4230dcb5c73⋯.png (336.22 KB,775x713,25:23,ClipboardImage.png)


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b231b6 No.18261165

File: d7dc05bd30a6942⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB,720x720,1:1,SSeQ3NqygooMcCdW.mp4)

File: 60e0783841192ef⋯.png (212.71 KB,448x817,448:817,Screenshot_2023_01_31_1615….png)

Big Brother Watch


🚨 Defence Secretary announces probe into Army's social media SPYING revelations 🚨

On Sunday we disclosed a whistleblower testimony that confirmed the 77th Brigade collected tweets from UK citizens posting about Covid & passed them to gov't.

📺WATCH: https://youtu.be/tNIcapT2dfI

Defence Sec announces probe into Army's social media SPYING

On Big Brother Watch disclosed a whistleblower testimony that confirmed the 77th Brigade collected tweets from citizens posting about Covid & passed them to gov't.

11:40 AM · Jan 31, 2023


7 Anglos with their 7 bowls got busted.

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f28a54 No.18261166

File: ff24c77e6c8cd57⋯.jpg (155.42 KB,600x850,12:17,ff24c77e6c8cd5743dbbae4a9d….jpg)

“An estate may be gotten hastily at the beginning; but the end thereof shall not be blessed” (Prov. 20:21).

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d16a70 No.18261167

File: e18c75ac1b2bf91⋯.png (653.83 KB,832x720,52:45,bravehearttrump1.png)

File: 4c7cd2c0becddf0⋯.png (630.32 KB,740x493,740:493,dayshiftusa2.png)

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1e4b2a No.18261168

File: 77c605394c26bdf⋯.jpg (742.01 KB,1880x2047,1880:2047,1656527094554.jpg)

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c5fdd0 No.18261169

File: d8ed440fa3dfd2a⋯.jpg (79.24 KB,576x288,2:1,thank_you.jpg)

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5bda7f No.18261170

File: b391ccd139089bc⋯.png (45.93 KB,905x420,181:84,hunter.png)


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b231b6 No.18261171

File: 1a10c925c61997e⋯.jpg (235.39 KB,1125x845,225:169,Fn0TLkiXgAAVPU7.jpg)

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1e4b2a No.18261172

File: ca89d43854d4027⋯.png (471.66 KB,598x653,598:653,Screenshot_2023_01_31_at_1….png)

>>18261140 (lb)


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e7e191 No.18261173

File: 58a3e4f958d4217⋯.jpg (322.84 KB,1394x1491,1394:1491,Screenshot_20230131_160926….jpg)

File: d36d67f9a498227⋯.jpg (16.86 KB,474x266,237:133,th_143495252.jpg)

File: dd806b038f329c7⋯.jpg (54.83 KB,474x632,3:4,th_204135460.jpg)

Solid Snake gave us this info in the 90's


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1961ac No.18261174

File: 67c35014ab215c5⋯.png (103.23 KB,1032x416,129:52,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)

I found this link in association with a channel I follow for economic news. What's odd to me is the theft of monkeys. The headline discusses the situation in Dallas but a dozen or so small monkey's were also stolen apparent in Louisiana.


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2d385c No.18261175

File: 226d46eb734d531⋯.png (518.94 KB,675x552,225:184,TYB.png)

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472858 No.18261176

File: a8f4f60fff3f97a⋯.jpg (82.94 KB,736x460,8:5,archived44.jpg)

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319455 No.18261177



Minnesota Governor Tim Walz Signs Bill Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth

State Jan 31, 2023

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has signed a bill into law that will legalize abortions up to birth.

Walz signed into law the Protect Reproductive Options (PRO) Act to enshrine in state statute a “fundamental right” to abortion without limits or safeguards. The bill had passed the House and Senate by narrow margins after Democrat leaders quickly pushed it through the legislature in the opening weeks of the session.

Authored by Rep. Carlie Kotyza-Witthuhn, D-Eden Prairie, the bill would allow abortion on demand even late in pregnancy when unborn babies are viable and can feel excruciating pain. The bill also would also deny parents the right to know if their minor daughter is seeking an abortion.

“The PRO Act means a right to abort any baby for any reason at any time up to birth. It means that the elective killing of a human being in utero is perfectly legal even in the third trimester of pregnancy, when the child can feel excruciating pain and could live outside the womb. It means that parents have no right to know when their teenage daughter has been taken to undergo an abortion,” said MCCL Co-Executive Director Cathy Blaeser. “Gov. Walz’s absolutist abortion policy puts Minnesota in the company of just a small handful of countries around the world, including North Korea and China. It is extreme, inhumane, and harmful to women and children who deserve so much better.”

Polls show that most Minnesotans and most Americans disagree with the no-limits policy enshrined by the PRO Act. A 2022 KSTP/SurveyUSA poll found that only 30 percent of Minnesotans think abortion should always be legal.

During the House and Senate floor debates, bare majorities rejected dozens of amendments that would have made the bill less extreme. The defeated amendments included ones to protect unborn children in the third trimester (with exceptions), to protect against the barbaric procedure known as partial-birth abortion, to provide the option of anesthesia when unborn children can feel pain, and to protect women’s health by requiring that third-trimester abortions take place in a hospital and that abortion facilities be licensed by the state.

Proponents of the PRO Act sought to downplay the reality and frequency of elective late abortions, even though evidence shows that most abortions after 21 weeks occur for elective reasons. “This law doesn’t just allow late abortion for medical emergencies or hard cases,” said Blaeser. “It allows late abortion for any reason whatsoever, and it’s an open invitation to notorious late abortion practitioners to come to Minnesota to set up shop. Here in Minnesota, you don’t even need to be a doctor or have a licensed facility in order to perform abortions. The lack of guardrails to protect women and children is appalling.”


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0f87c9 No.18261178


What does media unit one have to do with court rules and laws?

Media should be in the shadows, watching and recording the events, not speaking and definitely not setting rules.

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9efcb4 No.18261179

File: c048836a0cf97f7⋯.jpg (31.18 KB,514x470,257:235,McGovernCommieCriminal.jpg)

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2d46cb No.18261180

File: a12bee69101dfcf⋯.jpg (84.53 KB,500x715,100:143,5r8dr5.jpg)

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4e4341 No.18261181

File: a77e7c379ab4604⋯.png (21.31 KB,675x367,675:367,ts_dd.png)



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472858 No.18261182

File: 5dae4503073ba03⋯.gif (224.84 KB,220x185,44:37,snakesombrero.gif)

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1961ac No.18261183



Don't want to aggravate grammar kitty. I should have written monkeys.

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789ac7 No.18261184

File: 52bbda2ddcf6af2⋯.jpg (38.66 KB,637x241,637:241,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….jpg)

>>18261146 lb

>>18260967 lb

>>18261072 lb

>>18261062 lb

>>18261065 lb




>These [6]'s sounds like he says sixes?

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7dc471 No.18261185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thanks bakes

There is only one way out

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ca2c21 No.18261186

File: 1754b7e1c09f564⋯.png (1.69 MB,1057x971,1057:971,ClipboardImage.png)



Eric Trump




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1e4b2a No.18261187

File: 50f01164ca8a0fb⋯.png (18.69 KB,279x403,9:13,ClipboardImage.png)


>more cats!

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f28a54 No.18261188

File: ee70eb9c4746510⋯.jpeg (69.43 KB,768x947,768:947,ee70eb9c4746510d6d675b448….jpeg)

The nature of evil is therefore the separation and isolation of those things that should be united. So long as man absorbs this separation into his being—this is the meaning here of the eating of the fruit, which belongs to the “fruits of the soul”—he creates inauthentic, false systems of reality.

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1ea3a1 No.18261189


It's the audio visual guys

The guys who set up the microphones and cameras

It's not media in the sense of CNN or TV channels or New papers

It's media like the guys who are responsible that the microphones work and the cameras work

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1756b7 No.18261190



should have been screaming from the rooftops 2020 was stolen

should have denounced the fbi raid on mar a lago

claims to be America first yet silent on these key issues just like the never Trumpers in DC

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f0803b No.18261191


So what was the message?

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3dc267 No.18261192


seems like a number of platforms have been attacked in the last week or so

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6c3a95 No.18261193

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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2d385c No.18261194

File: 893c3bd585aa1f6⋯.png (126.91 KB,1920x885,128:59,9_13_2022_NYT_Storytelling….png)

File: 8869677f962cba9⋯.png (231.48 KB,1920x885,128:59,9_13_2022_NYT_Storytelling….png)

File: 11471cf05ed7e6f⋯.png (194.61 KB,1810x856,905:428,9_13_2022_NYT_Storytelling….png)

File: 87714ad1c638640⋯.png (190.26 KB,1920x885,128:59,9_13_2022_NYT_Storytelling….png)

File: 4204780720bc726⋯.png (458.33 KB,842x504,421:252,Maggit.png)


>What does media unit one have to do with court rules and laws?

Timely leaking and planting of seeds

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f28a54 No.18261195

File: 86b006e75c3c042⋯.png (2.4 MB,1125x1116,125:124,86b006e75c3c042e9558e26e08….png)

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8c8a93 No.18261196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ca2c21 No.18261197

File: d040f3d53483003⋯.png (338.08 KB,780x782,390:391,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump



After many years—CNN is closing their Atlanta Headquarters….



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a897fa No.18261198

File: bc80137895ed5bd⋯.png (109.88 KB,1903x1183,1903:1183,ClipboardImage.png)

TS is back for me atm.

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b09392 No.18261199

File: ca08d41260781dd⋯.png (432.15 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


That's fucking hilarious


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e4ba18 No.18261200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


History lesson

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a5511d No.18261201

File: ce2366694c6bea7⋯.png (241.84 KB,422x378,211:189,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)

Anyone know what kind of fighters these are?

They don't look like T-38s

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ffc2c7 No.18261202

File: 117dc49ed1dea8d⋯.jpeg (95.56 KB,504x369,56:41,gregga.jpeg)

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472858 No.18261203

File: 7ce1fa9ec2396f8⋯.gif (194.63 KB,252x188,63:47,7ce1fa9ec2396f8f148dfb31dc….gif)


>should have been screaming from the rooftops 2020 was stolen

finally! (goes for all of them)


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d241d1 No.18261204

File: ba35a11ca741b0f⋯.jpeg (755.69 KB,1476x1205,1476:1205,AB0AE356_C5B3_4111_9D79_3….jpeg)

File: dc615f7567c82d2⋯.jpeg (615.1 KB,1283x956,1283:956,FA71607D_8BE6_4DA6_8DA1_6….jpeg)

File: 7f854f1d7002303⋯.jpeg (259.58 KB,1366x912,683:456,3894193C_6BCF_4F07_9678_E….jpeg)

Eliza Bleu (aka Eliza Cuts, Eliza Morthland, Eliza Siep, Eliza Knows) sex trafficking victim or just another grifter?

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0f87c9 No.18261205



Trump would never listen to that shit.

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0172dd No.18261206



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c3b5f3 No.18261207

Bye bye thony J Mahavoric OO, You fuck around, you find out, no exceptions.

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fbcc64 No.18261208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ca2c21 No.18261209

File: bebdc2605ed8de8⋯.png (217.54 KB,834x729,278:243,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30e5901b5813b53⋯.png (749.29 KB,1163x946,1163:946,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump



The Fake News media like CNN, MSDNC which is sometimes referred to as MSNBC, the Washington Compost which is sometimes referred to as the Washington Post, and the Failing New York Times are all doing really, really badly. The future of the Fake News looks bleak and that's a positive thing!

Jan 31, 2023, 3:48 PM



President Donald J. Trump: The Future of the Fake News Looks Bleak and That's A Positive Thing



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a897fa No.18261210

File: be3665ef3d7ea4e⋯.png (791.38 KB,960x540,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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1961ac No.18261211


Ties it all together doesn't it?

1. Vatican serpent allusions.

2. Vaccines as "serpent bites"

3. Medical symbology (snakes)

4. The snake in the Garden of Eden which tempted Eve. (medical industry tempting/lying to us that they can inject "health" when in reality they seek to enslave us)

5. Biblical allusions in other parts of the Bible to snakes especially Numbers 21:5-9 and John 3:14-16

Jesus is the antidote to serpent bites.

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3b18bd No.18261212

File: 9766a7db2ed5d62⋯.jpeg (41.23 KB,750x375,2:1,C116C762_D2A7_4C91_8409_D….jpeg)

Paid Millions U say? By who? George Soros any where near them?

At the Supreme Court, Ethics Questions Over a Spouse’s Business Ties

Now, a former colleague of Mrs. Roberts has raised concerns that her recruiting work poses potential ethics issues for the chief justice. Seeking an inquiry, the ex-colleague has provided records to the Justice Department and Congress indicatingshe has been paid millions of dollars in commissions for placing lawyers at firms— some of which have business before the Supreme Court, according to a letter obtained by The New York Times.


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1756b7 No.18261213


one with an inflight refueling capability ?

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1ea3a1 No.18261214


Based New Zealand time stamp

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789ac7 No.18261215

File: 235e998fa5c17b0⋯.png (59.74 KB,362x294,181:147,235e998fa5c17b0ef29f499deb….png)


>>18261184 (You)

>So what was the message?

Msg was from or for 24AX42


[6] questionable

gonna have to listen some moar + there was a few other msgs anon recorded since dat 1

anon needs food for fuel before cypher'n

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47cdb1 No.18261216

File: 212bd388794a553⋯.jpg (70.99 KB,364x465,364:465,chucknorris.jpg)



TY Baker



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ca2c21 No.18261217

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bongino Report



Sure looks like treason.


"Laptop From Hell" Author Reveals EXPLOSIVE Emails the Lib Media Is Ignoring


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472858 No.18261218

File: bdcf7891442ccce⋯.gif (1.61 MB,320x188,80:47,chuckDF44.gif)

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4e4341 No.18261219

File: 04b5d28e7b7a4c1⋯.png (879.93 KB,634x960,317:480,jazz.png)

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2d385c No.18261220

File: 41336b87948ee74⋯.png (424.99 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>It’s happening

Anon just logged on with no issue whatsoever, maybe it habbening earlier but not naow, at least not here.

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1e4b2a No.18261221

File: 49716832f4f89fc⋯.png (382.15 KB,598x632,299:316,Screenshot_2023_01_31_at_1….png)


>and that's a positive thing!

underrated post

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e4ba18 No.18261222

File: 80f444712c0a7da⋯.png (698.44 KB,1344x701,1344:701,ClipboardImage.png)


MSNDC is just making up stuff now

A Snowflake is a Mentally unstable person that melts down when triggered

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47cdb1 No.18261223

War Room Live - Get in here faggots


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ca2c21 No.18261224



ts had a hiccup?

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1ea3a1 No.18261226


You're right.

It's a conspiracy

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e7e191 No.18261227


t-38's look like lawn darts

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f0803b No.18261228

File: fefd8a96ec489c2⋯.png (305.86 KB,490x241,490:241,ClipboardImage.png)

Seems like he's trying to say something…

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a5511d No.18261229

File: 1efc6844c5d6bec⋯.png (129.94 KB,687x453,229:151,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)


There's a few more up playing with T-38s in Oklahoma.

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1961ac No.18261230


Trips. This looks shopped. Link?

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f28a54 No.18261231

File: 4819d02e18df3f0⋯.jpg (515.38 KB,2400x1400,12:7,4819d02e18df3f0c58fb88a3c8….jpg)

The Other Side[of the mirror] is the fire of divine severity, externalized and made independent, where it becomes an entire hierarchical system, a counterworld ruled by Satan.

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0f87c9 No.18261232


You only gots to watch it once.

If you have to watch it twice, you might be a

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c11a80 No.18261233

File: 1ada9e632ab0cf0⋯.png (241.46 KB,400x400,1:1,m86n45b6436546534.png)

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e4ba18 No.18261234

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789ac7 No.18261235

File: ee256f078c7f48f⋯.jpg (20.44 KB,598x112,299:56,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….jpg)



Who was/is 42?

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7846e3 No.18261236

File: 198c57be6e18366⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,1200x1307,1200:1307,Hunter_pic.jpg)

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ca2c21 No.18261237

File: 0b17c65d8e70081⋯.png (5.09 MB,1600x1920,5:6,0b17c65d8e70081da46e5d4fa2….png)


Back in under two hours to bake


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47cdb1 No.18261238


Last of the Mohicans

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71592d No.18261239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

evenin` anons

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0f87c9 No.18261240

Media Unit One is above the Judge.

Let that sink in.

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39df06 No.18261241

File: f7aa474deb7a9a0⋯.png (1021.1 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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7dc471 No.18261242

File: 0ad227ca67abf5b⋯.png (664.54 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_01_31_17_25_4….png)

Lookiit thar it's a multi pass uber

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a897fa No.18261243

File: a3de27a95342d4a⋯.png (799.99 KB,960x540,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb6689 No.18261244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ca2c21 No.18261245

File: 0eb9e67c7a59a21⋯.jpeg (161.03 KB,1354x889,1354:889,0eb9e67c7a59a21f2ad655826….jpeg)


the bee strikes again!

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71592d No.18261246

File: 642cbf7f74c5b06⋯.png (2.94 MB,1786x2569,1786:2569,ClipboardImage.png)

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e97258 No.18261247

File: 98f07d7601f6e63⋯.png (153.06 KB,506x899,506:899,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62a37cf17945ca4⋯.png (1.07 MB,924x851,924:851,ClipboardImage.png)



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47cdb1 No.18261248

File: db359e0bb94bed0⋯.jpg (320.51 KB,1280x846,640:423,trump_to_lord.jpg)

Trump Won

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b09392 No.18261249

File: 2af2aec35a949fc⋯.png (163.91 KB,465x203,465:203,ClipboardImage.png)

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73e425 No.18261250

File: d6224b3a1f5b5ea⋯.jpg (84.56 KB,500x635,100:127,PureKekBeer.jpg)


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f28a54 No.18261251

File: 53a02b70a64fd28⋯.png (217.6 KB,336x360,14:15,44f7cdf9f2d37fa1cf15b0ce30….png)

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47cdb1 No.18261252

File: 34541b1a19c2b65⋯.jpg (97.41 KB,960x572,240:143,GITMO_NightShift.jpg)

File: 438d194a0185697⋯.jpg (255.12 KB,1400x1400,1:1,nightshift_popcorn.jpg)



Thanks for all you do. Anon's star is rising. The Lord know who the go to souls are.

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402efb No.18261253

File: 6cc094f2882a3fd⋯.jpg (194.99 KB,800x1051,800:1051,George_S_Patton.jpg)

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472858 No.18261254

File: fe1693317b9acbe⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB,1280x720,16:9,fe1693317b9acbe7acf758cd40….mp4)

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0f87c9 No.18261255


Is Media Unit One the Judge or is The Judge Media Unit One?

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789ac7 No.18261256


>you might beFiltered

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39df06 No.18261257

File: 2e217b702751a09⋯.png (1.38 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c0799135842be5⋯.png (47.81 KB,641x372,641:372,ClipboardImage.png)

Esri Signs Space Act Agreement with NASA

January 31, 2023 08:00 AM Eastern Standard Time

REDLANDS, Calif.(BUSINESS WIRE)The science community at large is undertaking critical work, researching solutions to the world's most pressing challenges, many of which require a geographic approach. The ability of scientists and researchers to make informed decisions related to these challenges—from natural disasters to climate change mitigation—relies heavily on accessible, authoritative geospatial data. To support these efforts, Esri, the global leader in location intelligence, has signed a Space Act Agreement with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

The agreement focuses on extending access to the broader global community of NASA's geospatial content for continued research and exploration—including new datasets from nearly 100 spaceborne sensors, measuring atmospheric health, land-based phenomena, and characteristics of the oceans. Partner efforts under this agreement will add to the existing NASA data in ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World, the foremost collection of geographic information and services, including maps and apps. NASA data will be increasingly available to more than 10 million users of geographic information system (GIS) software in ArcGIS and Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC)-based formats.

"We are at a critical crossroads for climate action, and it is imperative that the global community has access to authoritative data to do this vital work," said Jack Dangermond, Esri founder and president. "We are honored that this partnership with NASA will make its data accessible to the geospatial community so we can all do our part in working toward the health of the planet."

Historically, geospatial data has played a key role in NASA's earth science research initiatives, which involve scientific efforts to monitor and study climate change. Additionally, GIS has been an essential tool for NASA in creating public resources such as NASA's Disasters Mapping Portal and the NASA Earthdata GIS, a centralized, cloud-native resource for distributing earth observation data, services, and resources.

"We want NASA data to be used by the broadest possible audience for good," said Gerald Guala, program scientist in NASA's Earth Science Division. "We appreciate Esri's vast community and are proud to take another step forward in making earth science data more accessible."


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1e4b2a No.18261258

File: fbf03fd9a716465⋯.jpg (337 KB,992x1389,992:1389,FnQ1HGfXgBsDw71.jpg)

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789ac7 No.18261259

File: 5930032d9df23d4⋯.jpg (95.44 KB,729x702,27:26,Screen_Shot_2022_12_21_at_….jpg)


>multi pass

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9d1090 No.18261260

You dirty rotten corrupt mongrel rat. You motherfuckers are going full stop at the end of a rope after YOUR convictions. Equals same answer.

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39df06 No.18261261

File: ccc4d3c5471ead3⋯.png (113.59 KB,1997x1422,1997:1422,ClipboardImage.png)


BlackSky Customer Skytec Demonstrates Seamless Integration of Dynamic Monitoring Data Through Esri ArcGIS Online

September 26, 2022

BlackSky Technology Inc. (NYSE: BKSY) has partnered with remote sensing, drone, and Geographic Information System (GIS) monitoring company Skytec to integrate on-demand imagery tasking into the Skytec’s Ranger™ monitoring platform through Esri ArcGIS Online.

“BlackSky’s dynamic imagery products enable new levels of insight for Skytec customers at unprecedented speed and efficiency,” said BlackSky Chief Commercial Officer Amy Minnick. “With on-demand tasking access to BlackSky’s constellation, customers can incorporate hourly, dawn-to-dusk image products directly into their current workflows and experience the value of real-time geospatial intelligence firsthand.”

“The ease of tasking, speed to image delivery, and seamless API integration through ArcGIS Online have translated into unparalleled efficiency for Skytec Ranger™ users,” said Skytec Chief Technology Officer Andrew Carroll. “Our subscribers can task and incorporate BlackSky’s electro-optical imagery data and combine those with Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) data within their existing GIS software ecosystem.”

Skytec clients span across the consumer-packaged goods, utilities, natural resource management, and financial services industries, and work initiatives to monitor environmental, social and governance investments and to support corporate sustainability programs with data.

BlackSky and Skytec are silver partners in the Esri Partner Network.


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e7e191 No.18261262

File: d36d67f9a498227⋯.jpg (16.86 KB,474x266,237:133,th_143495252.jpg)


Do NOT overlook The Orange, anon.

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1a3df1 No.18261263

File: 24ad7bdd3f4b008⋯.jpg (119.48 KB,1024x1008,64:63,trump49.jpg)

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2c64bd No.18261264

File: e7703eefbd9caa4⋯.jpg (133.27 KB,720x876,60:73,20230131_152656.jpg)


Biden calls global warming bigger threat to humanity than nuclear war

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0172dd No.18261265

Another red flag for "Ron DeSantis":

If the media are cheering for him, RUN THE OTHER FUCKING WAY!

We all know that the fake news outlets are the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.

Why would you support a potential candidiate that is being touted as the next great leader by the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE?

Think fucking logically. This one is too easy to figure out and I am no genius by any means.

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472858 No.18261266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f28a54 No.18261267

File: 99711d45a0549d1⋯.jpg (393.63 KB,736x552,4:3,99711d45a0549d1a72f8aff8f7….jpg)

The position and function of the scholar was of paramount importance in a religious society that saw the study of the divine word and its transmission by the living carriers of tradition as among its supreme values.

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0f87c9 No.18261268


Touch grass.

Break free of the concrete jungle.

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472858 No.18261269

File: c3fba08056b2043⋯.jpg (76.78 KB,1280x720,16:9,metalgearalert.jpg)

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e4ba18 No.18261270


How did the Glaciers of the Last ice age Melt?

Maybe what happened then is happening now?

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a5511d No.18261271

File: cb0b3e97c68337a⋯.png (171.31 KB,659x566,659:566,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….png)

Osprey up out of the Keys

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47cdb1 No.18261272

File: a2b482cbfee6fb6⋯.png (1.13 MB,1080x629,1080:629,pepe_delaware_crossing.png)

Hunter Biden push is the pail that is currently being used to beat them out of the bush.

Team anon is hitting the turbo and trimming the traction fins. Hunter Biden left hook followed by a mnra bioweapon disguised as a vaccine counter right haymaker. Anons are everything [they] thought they'd be and more.

C'mon anons, let's play some rope a dope with these chumps.

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e7e191 No.18261273


if the promotes





tv shows

run the fuck away

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2c64bd No.18261274

File: 965515981826927⋯.jpg (306.53 KB,1418x2112,709:1056,20230131_092724.jpg)

Why is he wearing a mask?

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d52385 No.18261275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sheriff David Clarke Leaves Don Lemon SPEECHLESS on his own show

Law enforcement deaths and BLM

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0f87c9 No.18261276


Does any Anon have information about Media Unit One?

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b09392 No.18261277

File: def065f6096da2c⋯.png (379.38 KB,721x664,721:664,ClipboardImage.png)

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71592d No.18261278

>quick they know we don't have nukes

>bring out the carbon footprint as an excuse to mass murder (vaxxx/bugs/electric scam/toxins/food/global war)


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3edf1d No.18261279

File: 9d55f1af4ca4fa9⋯.jpg (635.62 KB,1080x1926,60:107,Screenshot_20230131_143534….jpg)

File: 7d1e6406fc0aca4⋯.jpg (109.38 KB,1080x383,1080:383,Screenshot_20230131_143525….jpg)


Black sky huh


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2c64bd No.18261280

File: 7edb751d6c9d735⋯.jpg (523.54 KB,509x640,509:640,20230130_180753.jpg)

With rage meter

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7128c3 No.18261281

File: d35946f001dcba5⋯.webp (101.99 KB,894x628,447:314,51i9ogi7hiL_AC_UF894_1000….webp)

notice anons, your prop is a designated military installation..

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7846e3 No.18261282

File: ff2dccccd596785⋯.jpg (139.33 KB,733x479,733:479,Now_Top_Kek.jpg)

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e4ba18 No.18261283


Only evil doers fear this man

Law Abiding Citizen

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b23a8b No.18261284

TS went down for 17 min

began at 17:00

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39df06 No.18261285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kojima knows what's up

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7d4495 No.18261286

File: 8f38f053ccbf8e1⋯.png (225.53 KB,474x266,237:133,8f38f053ccbf8e1743176a9e92….png)

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1645f0 No.18261287

File: 51c1238ea32ded2⋯.png (34.09 KB,938x411,938:411,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 843e53a6e09f405⋯.png (13.13 KB,1169x84,167:12,ClipboardImage.png)

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971b82 No.18261288


She got cockoo eyes

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472858 No.18261289

File: 46aad40a680053f⋯.jpg (32.83 KB,640x640,1:1,46aad40a680053fee5922b860a….jpg)

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a897fa No.18261290

File: 9278bc96e5c0378⋯.png (802.77 KB,960x540,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 180c5939e233645⋯.png (460.38 KB,1079x619,1079:619,ClipboardImage.png)

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909f29 No.18261291

Hey Q Team can we please have one substantial win? Just one thing that we can all talk shit about to the fucking Krassensteins and the Brooklyn Dads and the JoHofromJerz cunt?


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aef54e No.18261292

File: 877ad42bc6fa58c⋯.png (704.22 KB,1328x1015,1328:1015,ClipboardImage.png)

White man

Double standard in journalism

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35fed7 No.18261293

Anyone else noticed this?

In 3 of the 5 new Trump videos that were released today, he is wearing a RED tie and in the remaining 2 of them he is wearing a BLUE tie

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7c9e9e No.18261294



THE END HAS ARRIVED"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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ef52ba No.18261295



FYI to all -

Doing some cleanup on catalog, results for sites with Q drops, all are UP unless otherwise indicated:





Qposts.online – blocked by malwarebytes

qposts.html – partial address for qresear.ch q posts extension?

qaggregator.news – 404




we-go-all.net/q.html – 404

qagg.news – 404

Look about right?

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3b18bd No.18261296

File: 1d39e01d91ced43⋯.jpeg (13.02 KB,473x200,473:200,C9A475F6_9F9A_44F4_AC8C_2….jpeg)

AI voice tool 'misused' as deepfakes flood web forum

The firm did not give details of the cases but the internet forum 4chan was flooded with deepfakes of celebrity voices

A British AI firm said it was rethinking its "safeguards" after its audio tool was used to clone celebrity voices and have them say racist and homophobic slurs.

Eleven Labs tweeted on Monday that it had been a "crazy weekend" and admitted to finding "an increasing number of voice cloning misuse cases" just days after it released a demo version of the tool.

The firm did not give details of the cases but the internet forum 4chan was flooded with deepfakes of celebrity voices using racist, sexist and homophobic slurs.


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7128c3 No.18261297

File: 337e033ec9f956a⋯.png (226.35 KB,580x480,29:24,337e033ec9f956a2d6cd4d25bc….png)


under us code 50 u.s.c. 797

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0f87c9 No.18261298

Dig on media unit one.


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e7e191 No.18261299


can pepe deploy a chaffe grenade

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e4ba18 No.18261300

File: 1fa7743d751145e⋯.png (78.29 KB,254x329,254:329,ClipboardImage.png)

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1e4b2a No.18261301

File: 4ae4da02315c6f9⋯.png (829.32 KB,611x1341,611:1341,Screenshot_2023_01_31_at_1….png)




Former sexologist Olesya Ilashchuk, appointed Ukraine's ambassador to Bulgaria, is fighting Putin with the help of voodoo magic.

She said that at night she made a voodoo doll with the image of "our common enemy."


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47cdb1 No.18261302


If Trump posts 'The Storm is Upon Us' on TS instead of Twitter, I'm not sure it would make a difference in the comms of Trump pulling that switch.

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71592d No.18261303

File: 7c72076047ac32f⋯.png (376.64 KB,598x702,23:27,flynn.png)

File: ef96433429d0737⋯.png (194.77 KB,373x347,373:347,flynn_potus45.png)

File: 3d06d75ec71ba14⋯.jpeg (366.56 KB,1638x2048,819:1024,georgia_2020_election_fra….jpeg)

File: 137e8f29130d509⋯.jpg (116.48 KB,927x629,927:629,Hokusai_Great_Wave_Off_Kan….jpg)

File: 19e9008a1171c14⋯.png (1.59 MB,960x820,48:41,impeachment_schiff_shit.png)



needed that

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9d1090 No.18261304


You may have a plethora

two moar weeks

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f28a54 No.18261305

File: f488845384a72ae⋯.jpg (145.46 KB,1023x748,93:68,f488845384a72aeb1e3e19c36a….jpg)

The highest level of holiness is a gift; all that man can do is to attempt it, through the pursuit of true knowledge and constant concentration of the intellect upon the holiness of one’s acts. But it is attained when the Holy One

blessed be He will guide him in the way that he wishes to follow, and bring upon him His holiness and sanctify him. He will then succeed in this thing, so that he may continue to commune with God, may He be blessed,

continuously.… until there rests upon him a spirit from on high, and the Creator, blessed be He, will cause His name to rest upon him, as he does to all His holy ones, so that he will literally be like an angel of God. The highest rung on the path of asiluth is devekut, communion between man and God.

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aef54e No.18261306

File: 59a55ec43198f9a⋯.png (16.32 KB,1047x247,1047:247,ClipboardImage.png)

had the certificate error just a few minutes ago

QR is not social media

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7c9e9e No.18261307






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a36fd2 No.18261308

File: 092c5e267301e43⋯.png (301.72 KB,683x389,683:389,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24f094a57a407d6⋯.png (185.19 KB,669x430,669:430,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18259222, >>18259461 pb

Potato in 82-8000 747 landed back at JBA from JFK Int'l about 20m ago and is D-O-N-E for the day(and WAY earlier than schedule sez)TERRA59 USAFSOC C-32B went back to McGuire after doin' roundies at NY Stewart Airport


HEEL45 USAFSOC 'Special Ops stopped at Miami Int'l for about 1h15m after Santo Domingo stop of 55m and Martinique depart earlier today

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8efad1 No.18261309


In an old interview with Dick Gregory he said there are 2 Trumps. Real one wears a red tie. Fake one wears a blue tie. Didn’t have any luck last time I looked for it

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a62ba5 No.18261310

File: 432506a0092e467⋯.jpeg (20.56 KB,474x284,237:142,8EC69C03_900F_4D8D_947C_0….jpeg)

PN>>18259744 Starlink Antenna Leads to Destruction of Ukrainian Command Center

Interesting Anons posts this link, I find an article in NYP from Jan. 14th, how wonderful Starlink is working for Ukraine, then I find the post above was on RT in Russia language only on Jan 29th, that says the opposite. Whats the connection did NYP give details to locate it? Both articles:

Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites coming up big for Ukraine in war against Russia

By Rich Calder.January 14, 2023

Elon Musk's Starlink satellite internet service has been credited as "saving the day" for Ukraine in the war against Russia. AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File

Ukraine doesn’t boast Russia’s firepower, but it has its own game-changer: Elon Musk.The billionaire Tesla CEO is widely credited for playing a huge role in Ukraine’s defense, providing his Starlink satellite internet serviceafter the Russian invasion last Februarydisrupted local internet services.

His SpaceX-owned service has installed thousands of terminals to keep the Ukrainian military online. “He’s really saving the day for Ukraine,” Todd Humphreys, an aerospace engineering professor at the University of Texas told The Sunday Times of London.

Starlink has also improved Ukraine’s drone attacks, the newspaper reported. One Ukrainian naval drone was found in Sevastopol, Crimean headquarters of Russia’s Black Sea fleet, late last year with a Starlink dish lashed to its stern.

“Musk has put in the hands of the Ukrainian military the power of the Internet, which can be used in all sorts of ways,” said General Sir Richard Barrons, the former head of the United Kingdom forces command.

“Having the Internet is profoundly important to the way the war is being fought,” he added. “Soldiers can flip down a screen showing a tactical map of the battlefield, helping to promote common situational awareness of where the enemy is. It makes a big difference.”

Despite his efforts, Musk’s relationship with Ukraine isn’t all rosy. He came under fire from President Volodymyr Zelensky last October for suggesting Ukraine should end the war by conceding Crimea to Russia, as well as doing an UN-supervised “redo” of elections that Russia staged to annex several regions of the country.

Starlink has reportedly helped Ukraine launch drone strikes on Russia. Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany even wrote on Twitter: “F–k off is my very diplomatic reply to you @elonmusk.”

Musk initially threatened to pull funding to keep the service running but never shut it down. The Sunday Times reported it’s unclear who’s picking up Ukraine’s tab but added the United States is believed to be carrying some of the cost.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine lost its headquarters and communication center in Ugledar due to the Starlink terminal

January 29, 2023, 21:46

As it became known to RT, on January 26, a high-precision projectile "Krasnopil" of 152 mm caliber of the Russian Armed Forces destroyed the field headquarters and communication center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in

It is specified that they were detected thanks to theidentified antenna of the Starlink satellite Internet terminal.

As a result of the impact, special equipment forreceiving and sending encrypted data was disabled.

Earlier, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine announced the formation of companies of strike drone operators.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense also announced plans to provide new units with Starlink satellite communications, drones and ammunition.



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7c9e9e No.18261311

File: 32680ea843d2b41⋯.jpg (51.22 KB,736x556,184:139,1675190234720558.jpg)





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1756b7 No.18261312


>on TS instead of Twitter,

can someone select settings where a post on one social media site would automatically post the same post on a separate social media site or does that go against the business model of those sites ?

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5678eb No.18261313


Tidy up the ship

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f28a54 No.18261314

File: 45ad8af79b2deae⋯.png (434.85 KB,1000x542,500:271,45ad8af79b2deaef36e15f4a15….png)

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e97258 No.18261315



Neither. It's a videographer stating who he is, who he works for and what they're there to do. He explained about their equipment and stated phones should be on mute (to enable him to do his job no doubt). He issued no instructions or rules to POTUS DJT.

There is no Judge as it a deposition with the NY AG and a cour clerk/recorder..

Let that sink in.

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47cdb1 No.18261316

You don't unring an anointment and billions of prayers. Trump demonstrated in South Carolina that he 'got it'. It's Trump or bust. Serious shit. Got to pull this together and quit dallying on who our 2024 team is.

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3b18bd No.18261317

File: a921fa73f9ab4e4⋯.jpeg (712.27 KB,807x1192,807:1192,D71C896F_0D86_4D86_B725_9….jpeg)

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472858 No.18261318

File: 9a07cd6cc25bed6⋯.jpg (51.08 KB,728x427,104:61,quietchk44.jpg)

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b09392 No.18261319

File: f754ddba0290279⋯.png (102.63 KB,680x798,340:399,ClipboardImage.png)

File: abb65f0b7b6e68f⋯.png (119.73 KB,690x833,690:833,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0441b5445576d54⋯.png (45.61 KB,682x432,341:216,ClipboardImage.png)

Additional Four Charged in Connection with Plot to Kill Haitian President


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7a6e74 No.18261320

Watching POTUS's deposition. What a fucking shitshow. Did POTUS's attorney's ever file a motion to have the NYAG Letitiia James recuse herself from this case? If not, I wonder why not given her open and well documented bias she openlly exhibited all during her campaign for the AG's office?

Man, the abject shit this man has been put through. He is a WARRIOR and I want his ass back in the White House. Sooner the better.

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f28a54 No.18261321

File: 7942e99003ce0a7⋯.jpg (76.26 KB,1012x934,506:467,7942e99003ce0a79bd4b46d894….jpg)

File: 78154f33fd370cd⋯.jpg (99.07 KB,695x631,695:631,78154f33fd370cdfe2c55e5ea1….jpg)

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1e4b2a No.18261322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nothing but the Best

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41875e No.18261323

File: 8fd50708c25372f⋯.png (561.52 KB,1000x758,500:379,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c7d39 No.18261324

File: 717e20e00f59d60⋯.png (374.84 KB,1115x866,1115:866,eyes_on_eyes.PNG)

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07f51f No.18261325


Registrations Closed

Truth Social will be accepting new web application users soon!

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2c8014 No.18261326

File: 90bfa23a4dc02f9⋯.jpg (1017.28 KB,1000x718,500:359,Fenner_Behmer_Hermann_Recl….jpg)


> E-Dough

Ty, E-Baker

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d241d1 No.18261327

File: 8fc8a6e58eccfc6⋯.jpeg (173.87 KB,1183x586,1183:586,2DDABB98_D29C_4F90_89A5_2….jpeg)

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73e425 No.18261328

File: 81a9bb2a3dc79d7⋯.mp4 (10.08 MB,640x360,16:9,8kun_manual.mp4)

File: 55e4af57ea59d2d⋯.png (420.76 KB,673x739,673:739,MEMETICApatch.png)



>good times

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c18ca0 No.18261329


post the vids

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ef52ba No.18261330


>>18261149 e-baker will collect LB notes

tyb - are you still signed in?

>>18261237 new baker offering to bake

e-baker is collecting lb notes, didn't sign out….

will collect notes for current bread

make a start

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f8fe38 No.18261331

File: 5e0018cbe529c59⋯.png (18.34 KB,591x197,3:1,1.png)

JUST IN - Biden admin is preparing a $2.2 billion weapons package for Ukraine that includes "longer-range" missiles.


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789ac7 No.18261332

File: b4f43f764ff3356⋯.jpg (111.43 KB,692x554,346:277,Screen_Shot_2023_01_31_at_….jpg)


>Touch grass.

gonna be a few months yet

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a36fd2 No.18261333

File: fcb82d14785e507⋯.png (152.45 KB,698x388,349:194,ClipboardImage.png)


11-3075 USAFSOC 'Speical Ops' C-146A Wolfhound heading towards Martinique-where HEEL45 departed from this morning-and stopped at Homestead ARB from Eglin depart, HEEL45 heading back to Eglin

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fb6689 No.18261334


Obviously that guy is a white supreme…

MSM is retard AF.

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6715da No.18261335


grass covered with ice here

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1a3df1 No.18261336

File: f4d177dc3fe2a41⋯.png (462.14 KB,905x849,905:849,ClipboardImage.png)


you're welcome


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2c8014 No.18261337

File: 75cfea8ee369f67⋯.jpg (196.38 KB,1000x816,125:102,Gampenrieder_Karl_Prinzess….jpg)


> Some good news

Ty, BO.

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909f29 No.18261338


hold on let me run that through snopes

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1e4b2a No.18261339

File: 0143504252c8cdf⋯.png (1.07 MB,930x637,930:637,ClipboardImage.png)

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39df06 No.18261340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f28a54 No.18261341

File: 5b692dcac48e6bb⋯.jpg (35.59 KB,487x525,487:525,5b692dcac48e6bbefee9682e48….jpg)

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e7e191 No.18261342


thin sheet of ice here also

it was enough to call in

fuck work n this economy

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a36fd2 No.18261343

File: 0fa3ddbdae42128⋯.png (413.93 KB,634x634,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


how many times nao?

>asking for a fren

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a62ba5 No.18261344

File: 1d08c534017f990⋯.jpeg (83.44 KB,768x432,16:9,7BD601EB_5947_458E_87B4_3….jpeg)

31 Jan, 2023 18:10

Ukraine condemns Croatian president’s comments on Crimea

Kiev says Zoran Milanovic’s claims that the peninsula will never return to Ukraine are an affront to the country’s territorial integrity

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic has elicited outrage in Kiev by suggesting that the Crimean peninsula would never again belong to Ukraine.Milanovic, who has already been featured on Kiev’s Mirotvorets ‘kill list’, previously called the ongoing conflict in Ukraine “Armageddon” and described the West’s aid to Kiev as not help, but “torture.”

Writing on his Facebook account on Tuesday, Oleg Nikolenko, the spokesperson for Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry, said Milanovic’s comments were “unacceptable” and an affront to the country’s territorial integrity. He also suggested that Milanovic would not have been able to become president of Croatia if he had used such rhetoric in the 1990’s when the country fought for its independence from Yugoslavia. (Boohoo Ukraine assholes, its unacceptable for your country to allow your people to get killed everyday, when you could have prevented this whole war)

Briefing reporters on Monday, Milanovic compared the issue of Crimea with the annexation of Kosovo. Although he claimed the two cases were similar in some sense, he pointed to the fact that “Serbia and Russia are not the same.” He claimed that the international community illegally “stole”Kosovo from Serbia, but that they should not assume that they could treat Russia, a nuclear superpower, the same way.

"Deranged emotions and hatred are leading Europe to great danger" he said, adding that Western aid to Ukraine is not helping solve the conflict. “I am against sending any lethal weapons there. It’s only prolonging the war. What’s the goal? Carving up Russia? Regime change? They’re talking about partitioning Russia. This is madness.”

He also called the West’s recent decision to send tanks and air defense systems to Ukraine “deeply immoral” and that it could ultimately trigger a third world war. “German tanks will just unite the Russians, and China. My goal is to distance ourselves [Croatia] from it, to not be circus dogs. Any kind of participation in this is deadly dangerous.”

Milanovic has long been a critic of the West’s approach to Russia and has claimed that it intentionally pushed Moscow to launch its military offensive in Ukraine.

The Croatian presidenthas been listed on Ukraine’s Mirotvorets website, often dubbed a ‘kill list’ since January 25, when he stated that Zagreb would recall its servicemen from NATO in the event of a war between Russia and Ukraine. The database still lists him as responsible for participating in humanitarian aggression against Ukraine, as well as aiding “Russian invaders” and distributing “Kremlin propaganda.”

(Zelensky will never be a “woman or a world leader”, its just a fact! The Tide is Turning on Ukraine, more and more will be coming out to condemn this war. Zelensky and team can only call so many people “Kremlin Stooges”. It really feels like the EU has had enough with the Ukraine and US leaders. This is gonna be good.)


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7d4495 No.18261345



Last Bread Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>18260365 Deep State DOJ Will Not Comply with Jim Jordan’s Request for Biden Classified Documents Due to “Ongoing Investigation”

>>18260369 Former Vermont Police Chief Cited For Sexual Assault Of Minor During Ride-Along

>>18260387 Indian spiritual guru, 81, worshipped by millions is jailed for life after forcing young girl to have sex with him

>>18260391 Project Veritas has now confirmed 6 scientific papers written by Dr. Jordon Walker

>>18260399 FBI Searched Biden’s Office at Penn Biden Center in November; Another White House-DOJ Cover-Up Exposed

>>18260414 Man who preyed on underage girls on Snapchat sentenced to 25 years in federal prison

>>18260423, >>18260486 RE: New Wayfair look alike site dig

>>18260428, >>18260556

>>18260483 PF: PAT78 US Army G5 heading to Santiago, Chile from Bogota depart

>>18260490 Ever remember seeing a butcher shop on Epstein Island. With reviews less than 2 days old?

>>18260503 $AIG's Interim CFO and EVP terminated after violating his confidentiality/non-disclosure obligation to the Company.

>>18260513 UK's own Chernobyl averted: "Navy's nuclear-powered super submarine 'Trident' fixed with super glue"

>>18260525 KASH: What else they hiding? This con job goes back over a year. It will come out, FBI knew about the docs

>>18260583 'Set phone up so I can spy on you showering.' Hunter Biden threatened to withhold cash-strapped assistant's pay if she didn't FaceTime him naked

>>18260651 The Sky Kings @SkyKingInfo RADIOCHECK

>>18260652 Riga Port Operations Solidify U.S. Army Access to Baltic Sea Region


>>18260692 The Deep fake flood is here

>>18260693 Insanely based Tucker segment on how the Deep State took down President Nixon.

>>18260707, >>18260709, >>18260717, >>18260741, >>18260829 PF: A-10 Warthog over Avon Park FL Live Fire Air Force Range.

>>18260757 3 Detroit Rappers are allegedly missing

>>18260763 Senate Judiciary to probe Durham investigation

>>18260784 PF: SAM151 western CO headed for JBA?

>>18260821 100 mile max range electric airplane, because you know your next airport must be within 100 miles…..

>>18260828, >>18260909 Alec Baldwin is formally charged with involuntary manslaughter for shooting Halyna Hutchins on set of Rust

>>18260846 Tennis Player Victoria Azarenka Calls Out Media Member For Pushing Political Agenda

>>18260873 Medical Professionals-Turned-Whistleblowers Expose Houston Methodist Hospital’s Early COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

>>18260874, >>18260955 VP Kamala Harris to attend funeral of Tyre Nichols Wednesday

>>18260880 The House considers two COVID-19 pandemic-related bills to end C19 public health emergency + vaccine requirement for staff at health care facilities

>>18260887 Biden administration considering whether to declare abortion restrictions public health emergency

>>18260938 Australia imposes sanctions on senior Iranian military and leaders of Myanmar's military junta

>>18260944 Vice President Harris Awards the Congressional Space Medal of Honor to Two Recipients

>>18260982 Presidents swap stuffed lion for tractor

>>18261005 Bill Gates Breaks Years of Silence: ‘I shouldn’t have had dinners with’ Jeffrey Epstein

>>18261024, >>18261053 Watchdog finds $5.4 billion in potential Covid loan fraud

>>18261074 @ksorbs Can I add Ukraine as dependents on my taxes this year?

>>18261088 Donald Trump's Testimony To New York AG's Fraud Probe Investigators


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b09392 No.18261346

File: 9dab7f756dfbe2c⋯.png (646.02 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Minnesota Democrats Move to Give Driver’s Licenses to 77K Illegal Aliens

Democrats in Minnesota are moving forward with a plan to give driver’s licenses to potentially 77,000 eligible illegal aliens.

On Monday, the Democrat-controlled Minnesota state house passed a bill that will eliminate the legal residency requirement for obtaining a driver’s license in the state. Instead, tens of thousands of illegal aliens, possibly 77,000, would be able to secure licenses to drive.

Now, the bill heads to the state senate, where Democrats hold 34 seats and Republicans hold 33 seats. Already, Democrat Gov. Tim Walz has said he will sign the bill if it reaches his desk.

Specifically, the bill would reverse a 20-year-old law across Minnesota that required those seeking driver’s licenses to be either legal residents or American citizens. Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) signed that law.

The open borders lobby, with the help of elected Democrats, has made securing driver’s licenses for illegal aliens a key fixture of their agenda to eliminate privileges meant solely for American citizens and legal immigrants.

In California, one of the first states to pass such a law, more than a million illegal aliens have been allowed to secure driver’s licenses since 2015. Put another way, nearly 40 percent of California’s illegal alien population now has a driver’s license.

Driver’s licenses for illegal aliens are vital for the open borders lobby, because often when illegal aliens are pulled over by local police, driving without a driver’s license is the first criminal charge that can put them in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody for arrest and deportation.

In Fiscal Year 2022, illegal aliens with more than 17,500 drunk driving convictions were arrested by ICE agents throughout the United States. Illegal aliens with more than 8,700 drunk driving charges against them were also arrested by ICE agents in the same time period.


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1ea3a1 No.18261347



wasn't this site run by registration anon or newsbaker?

any word on him?

hope all is well

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617431 No.18261348

File: ce2d25c9cb73e0c⋯.png (29.33 KB,817x287,817:287,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d11106f67675f8⋯.png (45 KB,792x408,33:17,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5798f0e546f7254⋯.png (10 KB,270x208,135:104,ClipboardImage.png)


I've never been in trouble with the law, and I do not fear cops, I do however recognize that our police are extremely corrupt and serve only as a standing army AGAINST We the People and to collect revenue from We the People.

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319455 No.18261349



Please make one pointing out her cell at Gitmo!!!

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fb6689 No.18261350

File: cacd7f0189dbabc⋯.mp4 (764.01 KB,320x568,40:71,wut_glass_ceiling.mp4)


This is more Real Raw than that rag.

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4d0baf No.18261351

Hire a maid? Could you get any more lazy, Watters? FFS. Rich twat.

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b497e3 No.18261352

File: 0a9f52aced224c9⋯.png (40.6 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)


It's a trap!

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b09392 No.18261353

File: d36681afee7bba0⋯.png (63.08 KB,673x611,673:611,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7747b8e558199cd⋯.png (345.37 KB,579x494,579:494,ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Biden to End Title 42 Border Barrier on May 11

President Joe Biden’s deputies are on track to remove the loopholed Title 42 border barrier on May 11.

In practical terms, the Title 42 barrier is “almost meaningless” because it is being used to delay a declining share of the migrants that Biden’s officials are welcoming, said Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies.

But the end of Title 42 on May 11 will create a PR crisis for Biden’s deputies — and GOP legislators — who are trying to hide the growing economic damage to voters from the unpopular bipartisan policy of mass migration, he said.

For example, the removal of the Title 42 barrier also removes the legal and political justification for Biden’s much-touted January deal with Mexico, he said.

Under that deal, Mexico’s President agreed to accept up to 30,000 migrants expelled by Title 42 each month. That Mexican cooperation helps Biden’s deputies to pressure many more job-seeking migrants into Biden’s hidden channels that were created to reduce the visible monthly reports about illegal migrant numbers.

Biden’s deputies “are relying on Title 42 expulsions for this ‘Mission Accomplished’ spiking-the-football [media] narrative about a [supposedly reduced inflow of] Cubans, Nicaragua, Haitians, and Venezuelans,” Krikorian said, adding:

Mexico is accepting the [30,000] back through Title 42 expulsions — [so] the [visible monthly] numbers … are going to be lower this month … But if Title 42 ends, then what are they going to do? … What’s the plan here? It seems to me that’s the question that the reporters aren’t asking: “If [the January deal] is some wonderful new enforcement initiative that is solving the border problem, are they [migrants] just all going to start coming again after May 11?”

Those hidden channels include the “parole pipeline” which is being used to import roughly 600,000 wage-cutting, rent-spiking job seekers in 2023. The huge inflow is in addition to roughly one million legal immigrants, and roughly one million temporary workers that compete for jobs against the roughly 3.5 million young Americans who start work each year.

Biden’s deputies prefer to hide the southern flow because “they don’t want to stop the flow,” said Krikorian.

When Title 42 goes, Democrats will need to create a new stick that pushes migrants into the hidden pathways, he said:

The administration won’t have the legal authority to [expel migrants] … unless they just essentially restart Remain in Mexico and call it something different. There’s no provision in the law other than Title 42 for the kind of expulsions that they’re doing. I don’t know what that is going to be.


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07f51f No.18261354

File: b3533258dc233e6⋯.png (972.3 KB,1412x1115,1412:1115,George_I4_digital_2023_01_….png)


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e4ba18 No.18261355


God Bless the Police

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1e4b2a No.18261356

File: a02021d87e9c816⋯.jpg (161.02 KB,768x1024,3:4,FnrrmKQX0AAeYh1.jpg)

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1a3df1 No.18261357

File: 7be1a7b0796d7bb⋯.jpg (75.5 KB,900x675,4:3,flak.jpg)

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b09392 No.18261358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

15 Minute Smart Cities And Whose Behind It - City of London, Kissinger & Associates


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e7e191 No.18261359


i get that

but i assure you, anon

there are police officers out there that are putting their lives between you and some seriously deranged individuals. unfortunately we only hear of the few percentage that msm puts on blast.

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319455 No.18261360


Minnesota Demonrat party is turning mn into one big shit hole as rapidly as they can.

All by election fraud and spineless GOP leadership does nothing to fight the fraud

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e4ba18 No.18261361


Canadian City Ottawa is trying it

Let's see how it turns out

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aef54e No.18261362

File: 5586ff7cd4cb802⋯.png (113.94 KB,373x371,373:371,CCR.png)

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7846e3 No.18261363

File: a0ffa795b3bedb9⋯.jpeg (185.06 KB,808x578,404:289,Milanovic.jpeg)



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f8fe38 No.18261364

File: a985dafeb7562b8⋯.mp4 (912.75 KB,640x360,16:9,Kamala_Rocket.mp4)

Kamala Harris explains the process of astronauts taking off in a rocket.


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319455 No.18261365


I agree…I will always be proud to back the blue, our military…and patriots

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4d0baf No.18261366

File: 040d00061813c86⋯.png (833.61 KB,1080x1068,90:89,040d00061813c86d977ea08c5e….png)

Way to go, Watters. Did you enjoy taking a shit on most of America? HIRE A FUCKING MAID? How is it that middle America can do it fine by themselves in their households, but lazy New York twats like you have to hire help. You've officially earned the retard label, Watters. Congratulations.

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f28a54 No.18261367

File: 28b531b34f0e002⋯.png (2.29 MB,1100x1095,220:219,28b531b34f0e002bcb963937b3….png)

"Radical followers of the Qanon are said to be deliberately sneezing covid 47 and Omicron 21b variant virus germ bugs in your face on public transportation in Democrat controlled crapopolisies"


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41875e No.18261368


CAPTCHA per post days were crazy

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a36fd2 No.18261369

File: e4bc2e32d79fdd0⋯.png (379.02 KB,715x560,143:112,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0c03f8d2b95817⋯.png (102.32 KB,952x539,136:77,ClipboardImage.png)

Stocks Close January with Strong Monthly Wins (NASDAQ 'best' January since 2001)

Stocks rallied into the end of month, with the Dow adding 368 points. All three major benchmarks jumpstarted 2023 with solid January wins, with the S&P 500 and Nasdaq seeing their best monthly starts to the year since 2019 and 2001, respectively.

Investors unpacked a slightly cooler-than-expected employment cost index today, with compensation increasing only 1% for the fourth quarter. This inflation reading came as the Federal Reserve kicked off its policy meeting, which could bring a 25 basis point interest rate hike at its conclusion tomorrow.



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1ea3a1 No.18261370


Is she talking to children?

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617431 No.18261371


That's what they want you to believe so you'll back them, and I don't get my information from MSM. Our police are corrupt and violate the Constitution of the United States of America daily.

The thin blue line is going to fall, not by violence, but by Truth and transparency.

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a62ba5 No.18261372

File: 82a54b427143599⋯.jpeg (49.17 KB,768x432,16:9,EF7BE2C2_399D_48B5_8CDE_3….jpeg)

31 Jan, 2023 17:24

Warsaw comments on F16s for Ukraine

Poland is not going to give Kiev the fighter jets, a deputy defense minister has said

Poland is not planning to supply Ukraine with US-made F16 fighter jets, Deputy Defense Minister Wojciech Skurkiewicz has said. His remarks came just a day after Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Warsaw could donate the aircraft provided that it is done as part of a concerted effort involving other NATO nations.

On Tuesday, Pawel Krutul, a Polish MP and the vice-chairman of the Parliamentary National Defense Committee, posted a tweet saying that “if the Ministry of National Defense hands over F16 fighters to Ukraine instead of Russian MiG-29, it will mean that we are disarming.”

Responding to that message, Skurkiewicz wrote: “There is no topic of handing over the Polish F-16s.

Meanwhile on Monday, Morawiecki clarified to journalists that “just as it happened a few months ago with MiG-29 aircraft, any other aircraft assistance will be coordinated, implemented and, possibly, transferred together with other NATO member states.”

According to the Polish media,Warsaw has 48 F16 warplanes.

While Ukraine has long been asking Western powers to provide it with fighter jets, talk of such transfers has intensified in recent days, after several countries agreed to supply tanks to Kiev – something they had until recently refused to do.

Taking to Telegram on Monday, Andrey Yermak, the chief of staff to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, noted that “work is underway to acquire F-16 fighters,” adding that Kiev had received “positive signals from Poland.”

On Saturday, Politico reported that several US military officials have been “quietly pushing”the Department of Defense to approve the delivery of F16s to Kiev. According to the article, citing anonymous Pentagon staffers, these efforts are now “gaining momentum”after Washington gave the green light to the shipment of Abrams tanks to Ukraine.

When asked by reporters on Monday whether the US has any such plans, President Joe Biden, however, replied in the negative.

Russia, meanwhile, has repeatedly warned the West against supplying Ukraine with weapons, claiming that this would only serve to prolong the conflict. Last week, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov argued that the continued arms deliveries are further proof that Western countries are directly involved in the hostilities between Moscow and Kiev.


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a36fd2 No.18261373

File: e6c4c6e8cb54d52⋯.png (412.36 KB,592x390,296:195,ClipboardImage.png)



same as it ever was

Don't forget to do the entire series of them

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f28a54 No.18261374

File: 4687210fba08148⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,69.35 KB,634x891,634:891,4687210fba081489b1fc7ca265….jpg)

Shills can't touch this.

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d241d1 No.18261375

File: 672dd376f2153cc⋯.jpg (9.4 KB,255x184,255:184,IMG_9417.JPG)


Pepe is a person of Color.

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2385b1 No.18261376


You have to understand that people like this probably just evolved from 2D and this is their first incarnation as a human being.

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e7e191 No.18261377


im not sure where you get your truth from

but i am certain of mine

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9a0479 No.18261378

File: 1d94f07d514dbfc⋯.jpg (58.25 KB,363x363,1:1,PIG_PATCH.jpg)

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1e4b2a No.18261380

File: 29f40c232286371⋯.jpg (118.33 KB,1280x720,16:9,9457916864c4d2047ee92bb70c….jpg)


>Radical followers of the Qanon

Leave my FBI agent alone!

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f28a54 No.18261381

File: 9b6ec4f82b59ecd⋯.jpg (31.32 KB,220x276,55:69,220px_Asabah2.jpg)

File: ff76e497fd2df00⋯.jpg (74.92 KB,800x482,400:241,1395438677543.jpg)

File: a66eb93495e6d29⋯.jpg (103.17 KB,485x728,485:728,AKG3696562.jpg)

File: f0e6b97fe37d356⋯.jpg (199.16 KB,1024x640,8:5,Canadian_Ismailis_Why_the_….jpg)

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319455 No.18261382

File: b4f28a89271ab00⋯.jpg (65.75 KB,528x408,22:17,000000.JPG)

File: 3d2f64e4ab25002⋯.jpeg (37.91 KB,528x408,22:17,0000000a.jpeg)

File: a99fd0c5314e583⋯.jpg (298.98 KB,816x528,17:11,mn_democrat_part_are_sick_….JPG)

File: f62d7e1d063b691⋯.jpg (300.48 KB,816x528,17:11,OF_COURSE_IT_WAS_ELECTION_….JPG)

File: 25cebbca6ee37cf⋯.jpg (414.18 KB,816x528,17:11,3rd_degree_murder.JPG)


>Minnesota Democrats Move to Give Driver’s Licenses to 77K Illegal Aliens


>Democrats in Minnesota are moving forward with a plan to give driver’s licenses to potentially 77,000 eligible illegal aliens.


>On Monday, the Democrat-controlled Minnesota state house passed a bill that will eliminate the legal residency requirement for obtaining a driver’s license in the state. Instead, tens of thousands of illegal aliens, possibly 77,000, would be able to secure licenses to drive.


>Now, the bill heads to the state senate, where Democrats hold 34 seats and Republicans hold 33 seats. Already, Democrat Gov. Tim Walz has said he will sign the bill if it reaches his desk.


>Specifically, the bill would reverse a 20-year-old law across Minnesota that required those seeking driver’s licenses to be either legal residents or American citizens. Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) signed that law.


>The open borders lobby, with the help of elected Democrats, has made securing driver’s licenses for illegal aliens a key fixture of their agenda to eliminate privileges meant solely for American citizens and legal immigrants.


>In California, one of the first states to pass such a law, more than a million illegal aliens have been allowed to secure driver’s licenses since 2015. Put another way, nearly 40 percent of California’s illegal alien population now has a driver’s license.


>Driver’s licenses for illegal aliens are vital for the open borders lobby, because often when illegal aliens are pulled over by local police, driving without a driver’s license is the first criminal charge that can put them in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody for arrest and deportation.


>In Fiscal Year 2022, illegal aliens with more than 17,500 drunk driving convictions were arrested by ICE agents throughout the United States. Illegal aliens with more than 8,700 drunk driving charges against them were also arrested by ICE agents in the same time period.



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b09392 No.18261383

International Case Studies of Smart Cities: Tel Aviv, Israel


This case study is one of ten international case studies developed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), in association with the Korean Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS), for the cities of Anyang, Medellin, Namyangju, Orlando, Pangyo, Rio de Janeiro, Santander, Singapore, Songdo, and Tel Aviv. At the IDB, the Competitiveness and Innovation Division (CTI), the Fiscal and Municipal Management Division (FMM), and the Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative (ESCI) coordinated the study. This project was part of technical cooperation ME-T1254, financed by the Knowledge Partnership Korean Fund for Technology and Innovation of the Republic of Korea. At KRIHS, the National Infrastructure Research Division coordinated the project and the Global Development Partnership Center (GDPC) provided the funding. In recent years, Tel Aviv has developed a unique bottom-up approach toward its Smart City project, focusing its efforts on direct resident-oriented services rather than expensive, large-scale infrastructure. This case study explains Tel Aviv's strategy, demonstrating how a high level of smart urban services was achieved using decentralized, low-cost methods. The report provides details on the approach, such as its reliance on the local startup ecosystem, its creation of services using open municipal databanks and public-private partnerships, and its emphasis on lightweight services that interact directly with residents. The case study analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of Tel Aviv's approach, discussing the technologies, processes, and strategies that can be used to implement a cost-effective smart city initiative.


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1a3df1 No.18261384

File: 05bdc61e8b7a4c8⋯.png (514.39 KB,875x744,875:744,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e54a3 No.18261385

File: f4afc442629d897⋯.png (77.47 KB,255x236,255:236,PepeCheersWink.png)

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4b1483 No.18261386

Over 7,000 gang members and associates are in Tulare County, sheriff says


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a62ba5 No.18261387


Well since there are no Qanon followers, there’s probably not anyone sneezing on others, except Chinese people

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20baa0 No.18261388

File: eb7c42356ab9821⋯.jpeg (141.83 KB,570x419,570:419,84CF2A72_88A4_4607_B591_4….jpeg)

What’s with the field?

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e7e191 No.18261389


why does this gal look like that young lady from FF's of yesteryear?

her brother was beheaded


sandy hook maybe

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f8fe38 No.18261390

File: 6631344bf135c20⋯.mp4 (887.23 KB,638x360,319:180,Pfizer_Martha_Ad.mp4)

Pfizer Releases New Thriller Themed Omicron Booster Spot feat. Martha Stewart Sharpening a Sword 😳

“You know that unwelcome guest that everyone wishes would just leave already?”


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e4ba18 No.18261391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Warp 4 and Accelerating

Sling Shot around the Sun in Progress

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fb6689 No.18261392


VPN's man… LMAO.

Why are people so gullible?


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789ac7 No.18261393


Was hoping to hear DJT say "For the VOID of my COMPREHENSION is with your BABBLE-GRAMMAR by my KNOWLEDGE."

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57716c No.18261394

'Anti-religious bigotry': Nebraska Dem's bill would ban kids from vacation Bible schools, church youth groups

Democratic state Sen. Megan Hunt says her bill to ban children from 'religious indoctrination camp' is 'a device to make a point'

A Democratic lawmaker in Nebraska is being accused of "anti-religious bigotry" by Republicans after she proposed to ban children from attending church youth groups or vacation Bible schools.

State Sen. Megan Hunt says her amendment, which would ban children under 19 years of age from attending a "religious indoctrination camp," is intended to kill the underlying bill, LB 371, a measure put forward by Republicans to ban minors from attending drag performances. The text of the amendment asserts there is a "well-documented history of indoctrination and sexual abuse perpetrated by religious leaders and clergy people upon children."

It is a tongue-in-cheek response to Republicans who have said children should not be exposed to explicit sexual content at drag shows.

"This is an amendment that I will use to make a point," Hunt told Fox News Digital. "This amendment obviously won’t pass, and I would withdraw it if it had the votes to pass. It’s a device to make a point, so there is no need to worry."


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e051ae No.18261395


He knows his audience. That's the demographic tuning into that conscending asshole – lazy idiots who just want to stay entertained.

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c97d39 No.18261396

File: 8d1e83051c21a3a⋯.gif (5.75 MB,296x480,37:60,night_train.gif)

File: 023c87a11aa6b4c⋯.gif (8.11 MB,600x338,300:169,night_train_2.gif)

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1e4b2a No.18261397

File: 841f2d1d85cbb20⋯.png (150.1 KB,598x463,598:463,Screenshot_2023_01_31_at_2….png)



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7846e3 No.18261398

File: 86282be9a4bc31a⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,1200x1307,1200:1307,Cell.jpg)


>Please make one pointing out her cell at Gitmo!!!

Not much room in the pic for it, best I got.


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1a3df1 No.18261399

File: 7fd573a3fc4f5da⋯.png (296.2 KB,606x345,202:115,kek24.png)

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a62ba5 No.18261400


Smart Cities are prison for the stupid. Created by NWO and WEF, Canada revolt like its a trucker protest

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f8fe38 No.18261401


Reminder: Martha Stewart was arrested for embezzlement

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e4ba18 No.18261402


I Don't Believe your Story

Why you always Lying, Yasmin?

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1961ac No.18261403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Does anyone remember the picture posted by Mike Pompeo? I think it was to advertise his book, but it also seemed like "comms" and lead me to consider something called the "Inner Temple" in London.

There is a substack that I am a subscriber to (cannot really link because you'd need to subscribe to see) that presented this video today. If you are pressed for time (total time is about 16 minutes) I think starting at about minute 6 is okay. This is amazing from RT 5 years ago about the actual function of banks not as intermediaries for financial transactions but as money creators. Also the mention of the City of London near the very end is amazing. The "Inner Temple" is in the City of London, possibly tying together something from Mike Pompeo's apparent "comms".

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2c8014 No.18261404

File: 71ad29e8d87850d⋯.jpg (146.87 KB,1000x725,40:29,Grimberghe_Edmond_Comte_de….jpg)


> Sympathy for enemy collaborators

I've got some cognitive dissonance for you, fren.

They're not on our side, never have been, and no longer can be. They're war criminals, and they're going to hang, all of them.

Sounds harsh? Too bad. They've made a career out of stealing from the American people while providing aid and comfort to our enemies. And now they crossed the line with mandates, so they hang.

It's what they deserve, all of them.

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a36fd2 No.18261405

File: 5bdd6a5b3e28662⋯.png (1.12 MB,1260x575,252:115,ClipboardImage.png)


theY all said no tanks either at the start of that process-theY caved in a week.

Give it some time-this a little different as these stand zero chance against the current crop of Russian ACs and it also depends on how much those new ones are used

Someone will cave and do it-once Zelensky gets on TV and cries about 'muh democracy' moar

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1e4b2a No.18261406


Both inside the cell?

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07f51f No.18261407

File: 4e5d1943ce6dd42⋯.png (586.33 KB,545x640,109:128,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9aef532e1b33c0⋯.png (1.52 MB,1534x1170,59:45,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4c348fefdcb442⋯.png (481.66 KB,1000x1926,500:963,ClipboardImage.png)

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2385b1 No.18261408

File: 0d35255fd3e572e⋯.png (93.01 KB,1302x832,651:416,killa.png)

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789ac7 No.18261409



:Correction: BABBEL*-GRAMMAR.

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1ea3a1 No.18261410


This guy didn't just wake up one day and say, "Hey, I'm going to do a Coup D'etat."

Friends and family of the accused mastermind, Christian Sanon, was approached by people who said they worked for the Justice Department and State Department and they were the ones who gave him the means and permission to carry out the Coup D'etat

>A friend of Sanon in Florida, who spoke to the AP on the condition of anonymity, said Sanon once mentioned being approached by people claiming to represent the US State and Justice Departments who wanted to install him as president.


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74c68c No.18261411

Just say back again back against

Back with handcuffs

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1756b7 No.18261412


I am content w/o a hired maid.

Why are you so jelly of Watters ability to hire one ?

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7846e3 No.18261413

File: b5c4629bdf62fdb⋯.jpg (42.51 KB,679x507,679:507,Green_power.jpg)

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a36fd2 No.18261414

File: 8ce52084dd6f753⋯.png (604.47 KB,745x550,149:110,ClipboardImage.png)

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617431 No.18261415

File: abf76678cc2fe8a⋯.png (287.02 KB,1723x1017,1723:1017,ClipboardImage.png)


You being certain doesn't make it Truth. The thin blue line is symbolism for the "firmament" separating the "waters above" from the "waters below", the waters are people. That thin blue line is definitely going to fall.

This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. United not divided with some above and some below the law.

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e4ba18 No.18261416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bp Earth Watch

20,000 Documents/Ukraine Troops/Test Subjects

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f8fe38 No.18261417



Also comes off as a veiled threat by big pharma.

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472858 No.18261418

File: b9f2c25bcb9cfa6⋯.jpg (83.91 KB,666x500,333:250,greengirl44.jpg)

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4d0baf No.18261419


Who the fuck said I was jealous? I was just pointing out how lazy the retard is based upon his comments about having kids and keeping a tidy house. He is a smug pencil neck so I should have expected something that retarded from him.

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1961ac No.18261420


>no need to worry

Then why the "heck" propose the nonsense?

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e4ba18 No.18261421


Sounds like Fraud

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

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5660f9 No.18261422

File: f17b5713cdef098⋯.jpg (75.58 KB,529x600,529:600,283263.jpg)

Impressive bread flow

Normie conversion rates are of the chart

Carry on.


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f28a54 No.18261423

File: 90bf66ea50c2b6f⋯.gif (383.86 KB,630x630,1:1,90bf66ea50c2b6f7c92050a7ed….gif)


Poor NPC is living a nightmare fueled by non stop MSM FUD. Not saying she isn't part mineral. Hard to tell in Subway light.

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1756b7 No.18261424


All of NATO's latest generation of MBT in one location. Xi probably has a hard on with the opportunity to learn how to defeat each and every one of them.

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7d4495 No.18261425

File: cfca0d14e89c1d2⋯.jpg (33.6 KB,960x504,40:21,shortbread.jpg)


Notes for this bread are looking juicy

Can we do a shortbread?

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7d4495 No.18261426

Notables Are Not Endorsements

#22376 >>18261149

>>18261152 Truth Social cyber attack?

>>18261161 Judge Rules Mysterious People Who Bailed Out FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried from Jail Should be Disclosed by Feb. 7th

>>18261164, >>18261254 MSNBC SPECIAL REPORT: Kekistan, a Rising Internet Threat

>>18261165 Defence Secretary announces probe into Army's social media SPYING revelations

>>18261186 @EricTrump CNN has their worst ratings week in 9 years (image)

>>18261197 @realDonaldTrump After many years—CNN is closing their Atlanta Headquarters….

>>18261209 @realDonaldTrump The Fake News media… are all doing really, really badly.

>>18261201, >>18261229 PF: Anyone know what kind of fighters these are?

>>18261212 At the Supreme Court, Ethics Questions Over Mrs. Roberts’ Business Ties

>>18261217 "Laptop From Hell" Author Reveals EXPLOSIVE Emails the Lib Media Is Ignoring

>>18261242 Lookiit thar it's a multi pass uber

>>18261257 Esri Signs Space Act Agreement with NASA

>>18261261 BlackSky Customer Skytec Demonstrates Seamless Integration of Dynamic Monitoring Data Through Esri ArcGIS Online

>>18261264 Biden calls global warming bigger threat to humanity than nuclear war

>>18261271 PF: Osprey up out of the Keys

>>18261301 Former sexologist Olesya Ilashchuk, appointed Ukraine's ambassador to Bulgaria, is fighting Putin with the help of voodoo magic

>>18261308 PF: Potato in 82-8000 747 landed back at JBA from JFK Int'l + HEEL45 USAFSOC 'Special Ops stopped at Miami Int'l

>>18261310 RE: Starlink Antenna Leads to Destruction of Ukrainian Command Center

>>18261319 Additional Four Charged in Connection with Plot to Kill Haitian President

>>18261331 Biden admin is preparing a $2.2 billion weapons package for Ukraine that includes "longer-range" missiles.

>>18261333 PF: 11-3075 USAFSOC 'Speical Ops' C-146A Wolfhound heading towards Martinique-where HEEL45 departed from this morning

>>18261344 Ukraine condemns Croatian president’s comments on Crimea

>>18261346 Minnesota Democrats Move to Give Driver’s Licenses to 77K Illegal Aliens

>>18261353 Joe Biden to End Title 42 Border Barrier on May 11

>>18261364 Kamala Harris explains the process of astronauts taking off in a rocket.

>>18261369 Stocks Close January with Strong Monthly Wins (NASDAQ 'best' January since 2001)

>>18261372 Warsaw comments on F16s for Ukraine: Poland is not going to give Kiev the fighter jets

>>18261390 Pfizer Releases New Thriller Themed Omicron Booster Spot feat. Martha Stewart Sharpening a Sword

>>18261394 'Anti-religious bigotry': Nebraska Dem's bill would ban kids from vacation Bible schools, church youth groups


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1a3df1 No.18261427

File: b1f4d61e1a8c6cf⋯.png (693.63 KB,890x821,890:821,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e4341 No.18261428

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rules That Run The Country - John Solomon Special Report

Heritage Action for America presents: “Rules that Run the Country,” hosted by Just the News No Noise Host John Solomon. In this special John and guests will discuss cutting spending, and the policies worth saving with legislative leaders and policy experts. It will also highlight and tackle upcoming policy issues.

Featuring: Rep. Steve Scalise, Rep. Andy Ogles, Heritage’s Victoria Coates, and Ryan L. Walker.


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e4ba18 No.18261429



Belay that Order

Let her Ride Straight and True

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a62ba5 No.18261430


They already sent early on the Russian migs….but you are right they are all liars. But if you bought F16s for a pretty penny would you send them to the retards in Ukraine that destroy and black market everything they get?

The F-16 costs anywhere between $12.7 to $80 million, depending on the variant and the country purchasing the fighter jet.

While that’s no small sum, the F-16 is actually more affordable when compared to other modern fighter jets.

This is because the F-16 was specifically designed as a cost-effective alternative to previous aircraft like the F-15.

Since its introduction, the F-16 has been extremely successful, and has been deployed to many war zones, including in Iraq


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1ea3a1 No.18261431

File: 60858a0c70c2756⋯.jpeg (6.3 KB,248x203,248:203,images_1_.jpeg)

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7846e3 No.18261432

File: 9bf1159f63cc9cf⋯.png (343.96 KB,479x521,479:521,Inside_cell.png)


>Both inside the cell?

Just looks weird.


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4d0baf No.18261433

Eating tomatoes like they're apples. Nutrients. MOAR NUTRIENTS!

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a36fd2 No.18261434

File: 1f5128a7008713d⋯.png (293.84 KB,499x409,499:409,ClipboardImage.png)


failure confirmed

you've earned this


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2050d1 No.18261435






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aef54e No.18261436

File: 59a907798741c47⋯.png (77.45 KB,247x238,247:238,59a907798741c47336e418140c….png)


This is a current example of how the MSM will call out race of criminal only if it is a white man. Shameful. If it is a policy not to identify race then it should always be the policy.

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ef52ba No.18261437



notes so far

tyb - you ready to collect the rest for this one?

#22376 >>18261149

>>18261229, >>18261242, >>18261271, >>18261308, >>18261333 PF reports

>>18261152 Truth Social cyber attack.

>>18261155 Trump opening statement re NY AG fraud probe deposition: absolutely based

>>18261161 Judge Rules Mysterious People Who Bailed Out FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried from Jail Should be Disclosed by Feb. 7th

>>18261164 Posobiec: MSNBC SPECIAL REPORT: Kekistan, a Rising Internet Thread (KEK)

>>18261156, >>18261247, >>18261160, Is Media Unit One the Judge or is The Judge Media Unit One?

>>18261161 Judge Rules Mysterious People Who Bailed Out FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried from Jail Should be Disclosed by Feb. 7th

>>18261165 UK: Defence Secretary announces probe into Army's social media SPYING revelations

>>18261177 Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has signed a bill into law that will legalize abortions up to birth.

>>18261197 PDJT: CNN is leaving their hdqters and downsizing

>>18261209 PDJT: MSM is doing "really, really badly"

>>18261212 At the Supreme Court, Ethics Questions Over a Spouse’s Business Ties

>>18261217 @BonginoReport "Laptop From Hell" Author Reveals EXPLOSIVE Emails the Lib Media Is Ignoring

>>18261257 Esri Signs Space Act Agreement with NASA

>>18261261 BlackSky Customer Skytec Demonstrates Seamless Integration of Dynamic Monitoring Data Through Esri ArcGIS Online

>>18261264 Biden calls global warming bigger threat to humanity than nuclear war

>>18261275 Sheriff David Clarke Leaves Don Lemon SPEECHLESS on his own show

>>18261296 AI voice tool 'misused' as deepfakes flood web forum

>>18261310 Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites coming up big for Ukraine in war against Russia

>>18261319 Additional Four Charged in Connection with Plot to Kill Haitian President

>>18261331 Biden admin is preparing a $2.2 billion weapons package for Ukraine that includes "longer-range" missiles

>>18261344 Ukraine condemns Croatian president’s comments on Crimea

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d241d1 No.18261438

File: d89c94485445975⋯.jpeg (61.65 KB,411x532,411:532,EB3AA107_ADD8_491D_AA0B_7….jpeg)

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f8fe38 No.18261439

File: 7ca997697101716⋯.jpg (65.76 KB,680x378,340:189,DemHouse_Covid_Vote.jpg)

BREAKING: Every Democrat in the House just voted against proceeding with debate on bills that would end the covid national health emergency and end the covid vax mandate for federal healthcare workers.


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1756b7 No.18261440


Too bad she is not smart enough to "kill Bill"

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e4ba18 No.18261441


Good Guy with a Gun Stops Mass Shooting

God Bless the Police

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789ac7 No.18261442

File: 8dfa6e0824b9114⋯.jpg (206.26 KB,911x954,911:954,Screen_Shot_2022_12_28_at_….jpg)


>Law Abiding Citizen


Sometimes you have to show them.

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b854ac No.18261443

>>18261364 I hope she isn't paying anyone to write that crap.

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1e4b2a No.18261444

File: 9f51336d912cd99⋯.png (298.46 KB,598x615,598:615,Screenshot_2023_01_31_at_2….png)




Hopefully we can see some video of her entering her cell. But this is pretty close to my dreams.


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7d4495 No.18261445


>you ready to collect the rest for this one?


Combining, would request short bread due to notes size


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2385b1 No.18261446

File: 0a00449927436e6⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,1536x2048,3:4,1675196004652916.jpg)

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20baa0 No.18261447


Interesting but unrelated I think

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b09392 No.18261448

File: 063d05a8612896f⋯.png (451.38 KB,612x413,612:413,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18261383SMART CITIES - who is really running it all?

Here are ten Israeli smart city startups who have the potential to benefit residents of cities around the world.

1. ACiiST helps create a communications infrastructure using a city's lampposts. Currently, installation of cameras in urban areas requires new structures as well as digging and trenching operations –all affecting traffic and quality of life. ACiiST minimizes cables and central boxes by leveraging existing infrastructure, making every lamppost an IoT asset. The company also offers diagnostic and monitoring systems from connected devices such cameras, screens, wireless internet and more.

Making Your City Smart With ACiiST Network


2. Mobility Insight develops solutions for managing transportation networks. The program uses inter-connectivity between vehicles and city infrastructure to analyze current and predicted levels of traffic, helping to regulate traffic and prevent traffic jams.

MOBI offers smart cities a turnkey bankable SaaS solution addressing the problem of traffic congestion


3. ZenCity offers a data management tool for facilitating municipal decision-making. This tool uses artificial intelligence to analyze the data received through millions of interactions between residents and the municipality, including through social media and telephone hotlines.

Zencity for Cities

Community-Based Insights for Better City Management

Plan, strategize, budget, and measure impact across every department in city hall with real-time access to resident input


4. Howazit provides a communication platform that encourages hassle-free communication and conversation between citizens and their municipality services.

Digital Customer Engagement Platform


5. Over.ai specializes in natural language processing which provides round-the-clock automated customer service that can handle complex tasks. The AI understands voice communications, allowing municipalities to connect with citizens vocally through an application or on the municipality’s website.

Scale intelligent customer experiences with conversational AI




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ef52ba No.18261449


newsbaker ran wearethene.ws

gone since early 2020

sorely missed

resignation anon?

runs qresear.ch

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d241d1 No.18261450

File: 5b46f9f18c11528⋯.jpeg (543.12 KB,2369x3141,2369:3141,70B785EE_6BDD_4EA4_9A26_9….jpeg)

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e4ba18 No.18261451


you have been Denounced

Don't Try your powers on me

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3cebe6 No.18261452


>supply Ukraine with US-made F16 fighter jets

in the first place, what would they do with them?

it's not as if any bozo can fly one. not even a pilot familiar with other jet fighters could hop in and know the controls.

and who will maintain them? people that have never seen one before handed a service manual bigger than 10 sets of encyclopædia?

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07f51f No.18261453

File: a1ab3826addbc40⋯.png (83.88 KB,828x782,18:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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1e4b2a No.18261455

File: b186913a4334e82⋯.png (45.26 KB,448x178,224:89,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9649ecaef903da9⋯.png (70.75 KB,196x169,196:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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ef52ba No.18261456


do you want to bake it soon?

i'm not signed in, just collected notes

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7846e3 No.18261457

File: 4b34a93c40d3db9⋯.jpg (346.75 KB,664x625,664:625,Alien_MAGA.jpg)


Trips check'd

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d241d1 No.18261458



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f0d4c3 No.18261459


great album

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472858 No.18261460

File: bb5953c69ecc117⋯.png (890.32 KB,1368x1023,456:341,bb5953c69ecc1178acd9d101e4….png)

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aef54e No.18261461


trips chekked

it is super dim, not even close to the brightness of Neowise. Good luck because you will need incredibly dark skies.

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789ac7 No.18261463

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,Freedom_Flag.png)

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,Title_4_Grammar_Flag.png)

File: 51bda5af1814cd2⋯.jpg (121.75 KB,909x640,909:640,Screen_Shot_2022_01_27_at_….jpg)



>Was hoping to hear DJT say "For the VOID of my COMPREHENSION is with your BABBEL-GRAMMAR by my KNOWLEDGE."

and then asks [them]: Where is you Correct-Syntax-Grammar?

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ef52ba No.18261464


can continue to collect, drop notes as soon as you're ready to bake? then lock your bake.

will collect for now…..

let me know.

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a62ba5 No.18261465

>>18261353 Joe Biden to End Title 42 Border Barrier on May 11

You know why this is?Bidan Admin sends our people to MX and gives them asylum before they come in. They made up an illegal rule that prevents border patrol from documenting them coming into America by giving them asylum before the enter.

Bidan Admin was desperate to make it look like the illegal migrant flow is slowing down. NYTs touted it the other day, see less illegals are coming to America. Its a card trick. Congress needs to stop this now .

Bensman reports it iin Bannons War room for the last three weeks

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1756b7 No.18261466


My bad. So you were simply trying to promote division between the lazy and the non lazy. I suspect he has decided his time is more important in other areas of his life than doing the house cleaning. He probably no longer washes his car either.

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1ea3a1 No.18261467

File: c33be977cdd55ca⋯.png (60.6 KB,960x1025,192:205,Media_unit_1.png)



Another example of a Videographer declaring himself as media unit 1 in an unrelated deposition given to the New York AG's office

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399f42 No.18261468

File: c1afd5aa12d6961⋯.jpg (17.67 KB,254x255,254:255,bidenmaximus.jpg)


Thank you Baker!

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789ac7 No.18261469


>Where is you

your* ffs

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7d4495 No.18261470

Notables Are Not Endorsements

#22376 >>18261149

>>18261152 Truth Social cyber attack?

>>18261155 Trump opening statement re NY AG fraud probe deposition: absolutely based

>>18261156, >>18261247, >>18261160, Is Media Unit One the Judge or is The Judge Media Unit One?

>>18261161 Judge Rules Mysterious People Who Bailed Out FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried from Jail Should be Disclosed by Feb. 7th

>>18261164, >>18261254 MSNBC SPECIAL REPORT: Kekistan, a Rising Internet Threat

>>18261165 Defence Secretary announces probe into Army's social media SPYING revelations

>>18261177 Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has signed a bill into law that will legalize abortions up to birth.

>>18261186 @EricTrump CNN has their worst ratings week in 9 years (image)

>>18261197 @realDonaldTrump After many years—CNN is closing their Atlanta Headquarters….

>>18261209 @realDonaldTrump The Fake News media… are all doing really, really badly.

>>18261201, >>18261229 PF: Anyone know what kind of fighters these are?

>>18261212 At the Supreme Court, Ethics Questions Over Mrs. Roberts’ Business Ties

>>18261217 "Laptop From Hell" Author Reveals EXPLOSIVE Emails the Lib Media Is Ignoring

>>18261242 Lookiit thar it's a multi pass uber

>>18261257 Esri Signs Space Act Agreement with NASA

>>18261261 BlackSky Customer Skytec Demonstrates Seamless Integration of Dynamic Monitoring Data Through Esri ArcGIS Online

>>18261264 Biden calls global warming bigger threat to humanity than nuclear war

>>18261271 PF: Osprey up out of the Keys

>>18261275 Sheriff David Clarke Leaves Don Lemon SPEECHLESS on his own show

>>18261296 AI voice tool 'misused' as deepfakes flood web forum

>>18261301 Former sexologist Olesya Ilashchuk, appointed Ukraine's ambassador to Bulgaria, is fighting Putin with the help of voodoo magic

>>18261308 PF: Potato in 82-8000 747 landed back at JBA from JFK Int'l + HEEL45 USAFSOC 'Special Ops stopped at Miami Int'l

>>18261310 RE: Starlink Antenna Leads to Destruction of Ukrainian Command Center

>>18261319 Additional Four Charged in Connection with Plot to Kill Haitian President

>>18261331 Biden admin is preparing a $2.2 billion weapons package for Ukraine that includes "longer-range" missiles.

>>18261333 PF: 11-3075 USAFSOC 'Speical Ops' C-146A Wolfhound heading towards Martinique-where HEEL45 departed from this morning

>>18261344 Ukraine condemns Croatian president’s comments on Crimea

>>18261346 Minnesota Democrats Move to Give Driver’s Licenses to 77K Illegal Aliens

>>18261353 Joe Biden to End Title 42 Border Barrier on May 11

>>18261364 Kamala Harris explains the process of astronauts taking off in a rocket.

>>18261369 Stocks Close January with Strong Monthly Wins (NASDAQ 'best' January since 2001)

>>18261372, >>18261405, >>18261430 Warsaw comments on F16s for Ukraine: Poland is not going to give Kiev the fighter jets

>>18261390 Pfizer Releases New Thriller Themed Omicron Booster Spot feat. Martha Stewart Sharpening a Sword

>>18261394 'Anti-religious bigotry': Nebraska Dem's bill would ban kids from vacation Bible schools, church youth groups

>>18261439 Every Democrat in the House just voted against proceeding with debate on bills that would end the covid national health emergency and end the covid vax mandate for federal healthcare workers

>>18261448 Here are ten Israeli smart city startups who have the potential to benefit residents of cities around the world.





confirm handoff?

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b854ac No.18261471


Insider trading ya idjit

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d241d1 No.18261472

File: 2d43644e74a4283⋯.png (372.94 KB,600x800,3:4,5A5705BD_C333_4DFE_A037_98….png)

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2c8014 No.18261473

File: 94868ffb1cd0e10⋯.jpg (487.5 KB,1249x1754,1249:1754,scan_085.jpg)

File: c0e7860b460b4bc⋯.jpg (513.49 KB,1229x1718,1229:1718,scan_102.jpg)

File: f2df7c944ed49f3⋯.jpg (214.99 KB,596x1000,149:250,Fruit_1897_44_4x66_2cm_lit….jpg)

File: 2101526aab7ca80⋯.jpg (173.31 KB,342x1000,171:500,La_Samarataine_1897_58_3x1….jpg)


> Why give armaments to Ukraine if they can't be effectively used?

Because it soaks up tax dollars and provides for moar fodder for their war machine.

Also, when they are inevitably destroyed, their loss will provide the excuse to send moar equipment and moar money. It's a feedback loop.

One of the new masters, Alphonse Mucha defines Art Nouveau. While able to reproduce the human form to photo-realistic perfection, he lacked the ability to "flatter" his subjects in his compositions. His career as a portrait artist stifled, he found fame in advertising without locating the corresponding compensation.

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399f42 No.18261474

File: 928df90c3929643⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,360x480,3:4,POTUSfootballplayer.mp4)

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f28a54 No.18261475

File: 51d0ef2793b4493⋯.jpg (91.15 KB,720x900,4:5,51d0ef2793b449364ae9c34744….jpg)


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2385b1 No.18261476

File: 8dfd41ac4cd1ce0⋯.webm (2.86 MB,608x1080,76:135,huntersextape.webm)

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12989e No.18261477

File: bb0982a580f9d4d⋯.png (1.71 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


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5660f9 No.18261478

File: 17c215226d1a6aa⋯.webp (78.4 KB,640x478,320:239,283463.webp)

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f8fe38 No.18261479

File: 6e1f185f3bc6466⋯.png (19.88 KB,590x176,295:88,KH_TN.png)


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1ea3a1 No.18261480


Thanks for the clarification

We had the best digital soldiers back in the day

>archive anon


>the anon that made those trippy magazine covers (forget the name)

>anon who made those amazing Qs


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472858 No.18261481

File: 899341009a763fc⋯.jpg (87.33 KB,500x735,100:147,chktPOintV4.jpg)

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3b18bd No.18261482

File: a58760fe3e2ae25⋯.gif (2.57 MB,480x480,1:1,3FB9E01A_8B83_4F96_A630_AB….gif)

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1645f0 No.18261483


>naked eye


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6700e4 No.18261484

Hey gise, quick question, does anyone know of anyone staying at MAL when the raid happened? I haven't heard or don't remember hearing anyone talk about witnessing the raid, and do not recall any cell phone videos of the raid from anyone… Cause pretty odd if Both Trump, and family, except Don jr. I think?!? (not sure) where all gone, and if hotel was also empty… anywho just curious.

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ef52ba No.18261485



looks like you got the same i did

bake away whenever…..

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b09392 No.18261486

File: b65df715fd7316e⋯.png (495.01 KB,825x462,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


6. GreenQ provides smart solutions for monitoring and optimizing a city’s waste collection process, thereby improving quality of life in urban areas. The company's technology monitors weight, capacity, time and location of garbage trucks, analyzes the data, and generates useful insights, allowing for optimization of waste collection processes.

Collecting Waste?

Data driven waste management:

Digitize bin pickup with GreenQ visual recognition.


7. Hombi creates a single place from which citizens can manage every interaction connected with urban living, including but not limited to Homeowner Association related payments and notifications.

The social application for managing the shared building


8. My City offers a regulation and monitoring system which conducts consumer satisfaction surveys to improve municipal services. The system also allows municipalities to send messages during crises, while also offering citizens a way to send messages, pictures and videos to municipality services.

9. Scanovate facilitates biometric identification through cell phones, enabling citizens to pay bills and even communicate by video with the municipality.

Next-Gen Compliance, Identity & Entity Management Platform

Accelerate Business Processes by Digitizing Compliance Controls and Identity Management

throughout the entire Business Value Chain


10. The Public Knowledge Workshop is a non-profit organization whose aim is to increase transparency in the Israeli government and make government and municipal information accessible through technology, like facilitating easy access to municipal building plans without having to know the jargon of construction and planning.

The Public Knowledge Workshop (“Hasadna”)

At the Public Knowledge Workshop we apply technology to enhance democracy and to empower citizens.



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789ac7 No.18261487

File: 4a1c8bcb0841a62⋯.jpg (31.42 KB,533x440,533:440,Screen_Shot_2021_03_07_at_….jpg)




ed= Past-Time

: POSITION of the anon is with the NOW-SPACE by my KNOWLEDGE.

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11d546 No.18261488

File: d41489733de38d5⋯.mp4 (11.38 MB,854x480,427:240,video_2023_01_31_22_58_08_….mp4)

File: ea9d41a65bc15c0⋯.png (113.55 KB,700x381,700:381,satanism.png)

“President Trump’s Plan to Protect Children from Left-Wing Gender Insanity” 45



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7d4495 No.18261489


I combined our notes

Baking now


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ef52ba No.18261490


Anon who made the amazing Qs - yeah, remember he had a little "wee one"?

Archive anon was on the board recently.

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7846e3 No.18261491

File: 85da47e1ba30ef3⋯.jpg (345.57 KB,720x900,4:5,MAGA.jpg)

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789ac7 No.18261492

File: 64d352ad87944e0⋯.jpg (98.78 KB,1280x675,256:135,1x1_9_Grammar_Flag.jpg)




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f28a54 No.18261493

File: 71d33798e7946c8⋯.png (608.94 KB,512x624,32:39,mad.png)

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35fed7 No.18261494


look here


3 red, 2 blue

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3b18bd No.18261495

File: adf9fae589cd439⋯.jpeg (20.17 KB,247x247,1:1,0641E352_F540_4BE9_943F_0….jpeg)

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399f42 No.18261496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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650c62 No.18261497

File: 23b02cdc7c49d95⋯.png (136.95 KB,1642x1250,821:625,jews27.png)

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7d4495 No.18261498

Notables Are Not Endorsements

#22376 >>18261149

>>18261152 Truth Social cyber attack?

>>18261155 Trump opening statement re NY AG fraud probe deposition: absolutely based

>>18261156, >>18261247, >>18261160, Is Media Unit One the Judge or is The Judge Media Unit One?

>>18261161 Judge Rules Mysterious People Who Bailed Out FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried from Jail Should be Disclosed by Feb. 7th

>>18261164, >>18261254 MSNBC SPECIAL REPORT: Kekistan, a Rising Internet Threat

>>18261165 Defence Secretary announces probe into Army's social media SPYING revelations

>>18261177 Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has signed a bill into law that will legalize abortions up to birth.

>>18261186 @EricTrump CNN has their worst ratings week in 9 years (image)

>>18261197 @realDonaldTrump After many years—CNN is closing their Atlanta Headquarters….

>>18261209 @realDonaldTrump The Fake News media… are all doing really, really badly.

>>18261201, >>18261229 PF: Anyone know what kind of fighters these are?

>>18261212 At the Supreme Court, Ethics Questions Over Mrs. Roberts’ Business Ties

>>18261217 "Laptop From Hell" Author Reveals EXPLOSIVE Emails the Lib Media Is Ignoring

>>18261242 Lookiit thar it's a multi pass uber

>>18261257 Esri Signs Space Act Agreement with NASA

>>18261261 BlackSky Customer Skytec Demonstrates Seamless Integration of Dynamic Monitoring Data Through Esri ArcGIS Online

>>18261264 Biden calls global warming bigger threat to humanity than nuclear war

>>18261271 PF: Osprey up out of the Keys

>>18261275 Sheriff David Clarke Leaves Don Lemon SPEECHLESS on his own show

>>18261296 AI voice tool 'misused' as deepfakes flood web forum

>>18261301 Former sexologist Olesya Ilashchuk, appointed Ukraine's ambassador to Bulgaria, is fighting Putin with the help of voodoo magic

>>18261308 PF: Potato in 82-8000 747 landed back at JBA from JFK Int'l + HEEL45 USAFSOC 'Special Ops stopped at Miami Int'l

>>18261310 RE: Starlink Antenna Leads to Destruction of Ukrainian Command Center

>>18261319 Additional Four Charged in Connection with Plot to Kill Haitian President

>>18261331 Biden admin is preparing a $2.2 billion weapons package for Ukraine that includes "longer-range" missiles.

>>18261333 PF: 11-3075 USAFSOC 'Speical Ops' C-146A Wolfhound heading towards Martinique-where HEEL45 departed from this morning

>>18261344 Ukraine condemns Croatian president’s comments on Crimea

>>18261346 Minnesota Democrats Move to Give Driver’s Licenses to 77K Illegal Aliens

>>18261353 Joe Biden to End Title 42 Border Barrier on May 11

>>18261364 Kamala Harris explains the process of astronauts taking off in a rocket.

>>18261369 Stocks Close January with Strong Monthly Wins (NASDAQ 'best' January since 2001)

>>18261372, >>18261405, >>18261430 Warsaw comments on F16s for Ukraine: Poland is not going to give Kiev the fighter jets

>>18261390 Pfizer Releases New Thriller Themed Omicron Booster Spot feat. Martha Stewart Sharpening a Sword

>>18261394 'Anti-religious bigotry': Nebraska Dem's bill would ban kids from vacation Bible schools, church youth groups

>>18261439 Every Democrat in the House just voted against proceeding with debate on bills that would end the covid national health emergency and end the covid vax mandate for federal healthcare workers

>>18261448, >>18261470 Here are ten Israeli smart city startups who have the potential to benefit residents of cities around the world.


baking early due to sizeable notes

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9d4af1 No.18261499

File: fe1495626e9f9c6⋯.png (467.32 KB,680x454,340:227,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden pic outside of WH today -

2 phones in hand.

Source from Twitter - @MirandaDevine


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a36fd2 No.18261500


well put and no I wouldn't..we already got 'Ghost of Kyiv'

Adding to that I'd say most people don't understand the nature of that OP as if it were truly a 'divide ,conquer and occupy' as the MSM continually states the Russians would have sent in a squadron of Blackjacks-scorched earth it and over in a week.

This is wut many (normies) just don't seem to want to understand.

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1756b7 No.18261501


why are they milking mega pepe ?

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1ea3a1 No.18261502

File: 10790b769440bed⋯.gif (1.82 MB,179x308,179:308,10790b769440bedd1b49e8d59d….gif)


Gonna Fap!

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fb15a4 No.18261503


New York has kangaroo courts… real criminals are given guns, allowed to kill victims and police… Absolute MARXIST MORONS.

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b09392 No.18261504


You last link is to your notes not the part two about Israeli smart cities

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5660f9 No.18261505

File: a01c0f9ca54c550⋯.mp4 (448.21 KB,408x720,17:30,large_8_.mp4)

wtf is this?

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ef52ba No.18261506


>baking now

KEK - it's like a race to bake before new notes arrive.


i did not confirm handoff, not set up to bake atm

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3b18bd No.18261507

File: 4a58f042e21ebf2⋯.jpeg (95.35 KB,1284x1232,321:308,28D15579_5900_41B5_9DBE_5….jpeg)

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ef52ba No.18261509


bv can fix nb,


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399f42 No.18261510


Protecting their food supply?

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5678eb No.18261511

File: 54a6f55fb34a9dc⋯.png (472.59 KB,470x687,470:687,Capture.PNG)

File: 830e17a53e728c9⋯.png (31.83 KB,470x282,5:3,Capture1.PNG)

On this day, 55 years ago, the Tet Offensive officially began with a highly coordinated attack from the Viet Cong against a number of targets across south Vietnam.

#USMC #History


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4e4341 No.18261512

File: 9cf0c563741bad2⋯.png (119.92 KB,998x1208,499:604,hr_392.png)


Roll Call 99 | Bill Number: H. R. 382


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35fed7 No.18261514




so pfizer is a government agency?

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d241d1 No.18261515

File: a232524647ec321⋯.jpeg (48.01 KB,372x600,31:50,88E93240_BB93_4834_A38B_9….jpeg)

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20baa0 No.18261516

Something big is coming, I can feel it.

Like Hunter Biden indictment big.

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7d4495 No.18261517


Fixed in dough

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ef52ba No.18261518


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8e1423 No.18261519


Tabasco on Fritos Scoops

Opt dip in cheese fondue

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1645f0 No.18261521


yea, garland will be right one that

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7d4495 No.18261522

New Bread






tanks guise

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1645f0 No.18261523

on*, fuck!

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fb15a4 No.18261524

File: 2a851c425269b18⋯.png (528.32 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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789ac7 No.18261525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Law Abiding Citizen


>Sometimes you have to show them.





Enjoy the show!


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399f42 No.18261526

File: 373b8f4763188cf⋯.jpg (18.39 KB,474x206,237:103,HB_John_832.jpg)

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1e4b2a No.18261527

File: a7beafb63039819⋯.png (268.94 KB,470x262,235:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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d241d1 No.18261528

File: 5095513b15ae100⋯.png (422.6 KB,604x443,604:443,2AA16D0B_1FD2_4071_9501_3A….PNG)

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7d4495 No.18261530


>wtf is this?

An old slide

Since you appear to be confused

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7d4495 No.18261531

File: 322bd269a21a2aa⋯.jpg (103.65 KB,1220x639,1220:639,_cool_banner_.jpg)

New Bread







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