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d8cf50 No.18206379 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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d8cf50 No.18206381

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18070678 ——–——– Canada #39

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

>>17595232 ——–——– Germany #104

>>18052454 ——–——– Japan #10

>>16694250 ——–——– Nederland #10

>>17784579 ——–——– QAJF #1

>>17352350 ——–——– Scotland #8

>>17705335 ——–——– South Africa #10

>>18158921 ——–——– UK #50

>>17631245 ——–——– Vatican #6


Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Jim Watkins on patriotic liberty >>18167961 new

Bakers: how to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444, baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761

Offering breads to other bakers >>18061508, >>18067193 ; No RRN in notes >>17980519

Pls notable planefag & boatfag reports' >>18179893 new


#22316 >>18205628

>>18205753 Planefag Eyez on the Skyz

>>18205817 Missouri GOP Sensator wants to implement ranked choice voting in county central committees

>>18205833 Poland considered partitioning Ukraine??

>>18205848 Santos should switch parties/The Bee got some competition

>>18205851 Yevgeny Prigozhin: The Americans fear my Wagner organization, because they know we can kick their asses

>>18205863 San Mateo FF??

>>18205872, >>18205885, >>18205834, >>18205784 Travis Stebelton diggz

>>18205888 Professional Chinese Communist Agitators embedded with Antifa

>>18205918 Experimentation with solar geoengineering will not be allowed in Mexico

>>18205940 US plans threatened WWIII

>>18205986 The rise in “deaths of despair” among middle-aged white Americans may be linked to the decline in religious practice

>>18206001 Downtown SF

>>18206011 half moon bay two locations of shooting victims

>>18206040 EU is de facto at war in Ukraine, so it wants its “back yard” – including Serbia – to be brought to heel

>>18206071 Pakistan suffers major power outage

>>18206086 Pakistan’s foreign minister thanked Schwab for WEF’s “longstanding relationship” with Islamabad in a tweet.

>>18206090 Hells Angels on trial in Spain

>>18206138 A new piece of street art appeared in Galway, Ireland, today…

>>18206140 @realDonaldTrump My representatives were having very good talks with Radical Left NARA (“the Constitution & Bill of Rights are dangerous documents”) as per the Presidential Records Act and the “Socks” Case, which is what we were supposed to be doing, when the FBI RAIDED a very secure Mar-a-Lago

>>18206278 Iowa: The students were shot around 1pm on Monday atStarts Right Here, an education mentorship program founded by local activist and rapper Will Keeps

>>18206295 Surveillance video shows Brandon Tsay, 26, wrestle the gun from the Monterey Park gunman, preventing a 2nd shooting in nearby Alhambra

>>18206302 #HalfMoonBay | #CA Entire Town is on lockdown due to multiple people killed in multiple shootings

>>18206342 #OTD in 1960, the Bathyscaphe Trieste descended seven miles over the course of nine hours into the Mariana Trench.

>>18206370 #22316


>>18205288, >>18205487 Planefag has Eyez on the Skyz

>>18204897, >>18204904, >>18205002 2 Students Killed, Teacher Wounded After School Shooting In Iowa

>>18204960, >>18205001, >>18205009 Top FBI 'Russiagate' Official Arrested For Colluding With Russian Oligarch: DOJ

>>18204961 KEKs: msm shows its complete stupidity and total gheyness

>>18204962, >>18204967, >>18204967 "It's a huge list": Iowa GOP bill would ban people on food stamps from buying fresh meat — and more

>>18204986 Newly disclosed records show the Pentagon in December awarded a total of $34 million in grants and contracts to EcoHealth Alliance Inc., the nonprofit that funneled millions in taxpayer funds...

>>18205022, >>18205273, >>18205298 U.S. District Attorney's and U.S. Sheriffs working together to criminally charge Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak and many others for racketeering...

>>18205063 Plane crashes on the Grand Parkway in northwest Houston, Texas.

>>18205122 Jeff Bezos to sell Washington Post to buy NFL team. WaPo has lost 500,000 subscribers in the last 2 years.

>>18205126 Huge wind turbines – taller than the Statue of Liberty – are toppling over in a ‘rash’ of incidents

>>18205155, >>18205390 Democrat Leader Has Transgender Son Arrested For Alleged Anti-Cop Vandalism, Assault With A Deadly Weapon

>>18205291 Ted Cruz Introduces Legislation To Impose Term Limits For Congress

>>18205335 NASA to Launch New Mars Sample Receiving Project Office at Johnson

>>18205400 US NatGas Prices Soar After Freeport "Completed Repairs" Of Damaged Terminal, Aims For Partial Restart

>>18205530 Senator Questions If Allies Would Aid Taiwan in Potential Chinese Invasion - USNI News

>>18205564 another definately not vaxx related died suddenly: YouTuber Slick Goku Has Died — YouTuber's Cause of Death Revealed. 250K followers

>>18205574 Spoiled children of privilege trying to burn Atlanta down

>>18205597 #22315


>>18204093, >>18204104 FDA chief has been confirmed despite concerns over his pharmaceutical industry ties

>>18204114 Johannesburg: Sex ring defendant on trial

>>18204115 Moderna Begins Administering New MRNA Shot That Is Injected Directly Into the Heart (not the Bee!)

>>18204118 Blinken: Designations in Connection with Human Rights Abuses in Iran

>>18204129 Cintolo: Why India did not allow Pfizer vax

>>18204133 Ghislaine says authorities 'allowed' paedophile Jeffrey Epstein to kill himself in prison

>>18204151 Aussie Jews trying to keep Kanye out of the country?

>>18204177, >>18204261, >>18204374 CNN leaving Downtown Atlanta's iconic CNN Center, now Riot Central kek

>>18204185 China tightens grip as dominant LNG buyer with long-term deals

>>18204205 Aretha Franklin song 'Natural Woman' blasted by tranny radicals

>>18204222 Approximately 60,000 people in the tech industry were laid off last year

>>18204228 Microsoft to invest multi-billion dollars in ChatGPT creator OpenAI days after cutting 10,000 human jobs

>>18204267, >>18204370 Former top FBI official Charles McGonigal arrested over ties to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska

>>18204302 [HEROIC] Utah Doctor Charged With Destroying COVID Vaccines, Giving Fake Shots To Kids At Their Parents’ Request

>>18204369, >>18204427 ThomasMassie: If someone fakes COVID vaccine credentials, is anyone harmed?

>>18204370 "Assault pistol" used in an attack on SF UPS facility (illegal according to WHOM?)

>>18204388 Arizona throws out one of the first lawsuits seeking to block Biden's student-loan forgiveness

>>18204417 Jonathan Turley tweets on handling of Biden docs scandal by FBI

>>18204424 QB Brock Purdy Guides 49ers to NFC Championship: 'My Identity Is in Jesus'

>>18204469 Irregularities around end of life care and COVID

>>18204482 BREAKING: Police Confirm Multiple Victims In School Shooting In Iowa

>>18204507 Pelosi blames Hochul for losing the House?

>>18204532, >>18204830 Does Trump really want to come back to Twitter?

>>18204545 Bob Bauer: The man behind Biden’s classified documents strategy

>>18204528 Diamond funeral and other news from AWK

>>18204589 WATCH LIVE: Arizona Senate Elections Committee To Hear BOMBSHELL Presentation On Election Mechanics By Shelby Busch – 2 PM MST

>>18204590 Former Special Agent In Charge Of The New York FBI Counterintelligence Division Charged With Violating U.S. Sanctions On Russia

>>18204597 Ming Wei Ma, known to instructors as “Mr Ma”, died when a 72-year-old gunman entered the Star Ballroom and opened fire

>>18204649 Nancy Mace Blames Lackluster GOP Midterm Performance on Pro-Life Policies

>>18204708, >>18204745 Damar Hamlin: Totally normal

>>18204720 THREAD: Who Did Jeffrey Epstein Work For? [Rothchilds?]

>>18204732 WH presser, KJP: "House Republicans are using their narrow majority to force the American people to pay higher gas prices.”

>>18204743 Male Model Jeremy Ruehlemann Dies at 27

>>18204861 #22314

Previously Collected

>>18203293 #22312, >>18204055 #22313

>>18200915 #22309, >>18201671 #22310, >>18202528 #22311

>>18198128 #22306, >>18199822 #22307, >>18199828 #22308

>>18196888 #22303, >>18196389 #22304, >>18197342 #22305

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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d8cf50 No.18206394

File: b57ece30f5cf8eb⋯.jpg (330.69 KB,2022x1275,674:425,cash.jpg)

File: beff6ce724f1b9e⋯.jpg (68.99 KB,500x500,1:1,NS5.jpg)



Baker can continue or defer, call the ball bakers

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782ca3 No.18206404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6c678f No.18206407

File: 0380e2ce39bdc2b⋯.gif (342.41 KB,1500x1949,1500:1949,night_shift6.gif)

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782ca3 No.18206408

File: 0b391b815bbbab8⋯.jpg (130.66 KB,1440x1254,240:209,0b391b815bbbab86f410f0780c….jpg)

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dc45c0 No.18206409


you have my thanks B

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4a00a1 No.18206410

File: 9c91e65b00d3561⋯.png (95 KB,466x435,466:435,9c91e65b00d3561b11399b079c….png)

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4800b5 No.18206411

File: 056c94c10c81051⋯.png (748.85 KB,600x900,2:3,0d47a5c0cda291b419ab4f64f4….png)

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4cbe55 No.18206412

File: 8ebd2843f9645ce⋯.webp (6.92 KB,865x760,173:152,large_8_.webp)



enjoying the Great 2023 Lurk

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0dcfa7 No.18206413

File: 414b1fb32a60ffb⋯.jpeg (275.18 KB,1241x1084,1241:1084,563E4C96_9971_46E5_AAFD_0….jpeg)

File: 761add9a81e222b⋯.jpeg (267.87 KB,1241x1132,1241:1132,AD962FC9_BA25_4673_9FE5_8….jpeg)

File: 09843512ecc3525⋯.jpeg (262.29 KB,1241x1003,73:59,98A60A12_79C7_4E8C_ADF3_E….jpeg)

File: 73a5e2a535a167c⋯.jpeg (367.37 KB,1241x1340,1241:1340,D0400D50_967F_425B_844D_E….jpeg)

Andrew Weissmann still hates Trump and doesn’t know the lawbut why is he pointing out when Bidan, DOJ and his team doing everything wrong or questionable?


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6c678f No.18206414

File: efde64755f33e5c⋯.png (238.94 KB,748x500,187:125,Night_shift_tyb.png)

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3e654a No.18206415

File: 82a247d19ae7d75⋯.jpeg (97.58 KB,804x386,402:193,48D2094D_660D_4B00_8A2D_2….jpeg)

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424447 No.18206416

File: bc9cabb97235fb8⋯.jpeg (167.94 KB,1164x1470,194:245,vaxx_street_boys.jpeg)

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0fc890 No.18206417

File: 1db593cc9ea2349⋯.gif (3.55 MB,360x360,1:1,hmmmm.gif)

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e3130f No.18206418

File: d8ae09b75ab0291⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,1024x1280,4:5,d8ae09b75ab0291e897f6fa913….jpg)

>>18206302 lb

>Half Moon Bay

Sky event?

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f6ea40 No.18206419

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128af1 No.18206420

u think this will only be in France?


France raising retirement age to 64 from 62

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7255a6 No.18206421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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eb55ef No.18206422

File: 341483fca1da131⋯.png (942.4 KB,1125x692,1125:692,ClipboardImage.png)

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7ac13e No.18206423

File: 5e624b4c27da8c7⋯.jpg (68.69 KB,857x488,857:488,terroristsquad.jpg)

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56d231 No.18206424



u'sEd this wood be backed by gold or sliver

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0fc890 No.18206425

points that connect to the wheel work of the universe…

(elevate the spirit): 9: masculine mastery

to raze thought…

which purifies the mind…

increasing clarity of spirit.

tool: sleep, meditation, contemplation toward mastery of spirit

seat: brain

detriment: other conditioned patterns of thought

(condition the body): 6

to raze motion…

which purifies the sense…

increasing potential of body.

tool: exercise toward mastery of motion

seat: spine

detriment: hyper-stimulation which habituates sedation due to increased recovery time.

(deepen the soul): 3: feminine mastery

to raze the feel…

which purifies the emotion…

increasing the depth of soul.

tool: diet toward mastery of feel

seat: celiac/mass/sacral ganglia

detriment: all food & ingredient that require more than a day to leave the body or which reduces any aspect of the body.

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6c678f No.18206426

File: 56fb7be69318a72⋯.png (434.48 KB,506x450,253:225,Pelosi_drink.png)

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000a55 No.18206427

File: 06bd10a7b5e8d82⋯.jpg (204.31 KB,564x763,564:763,06bd10a7b5e8d82dfd8b5921e5….jpg)

File: 58e0a00c1f7263a⋯.jpg (74.54 KB,500x487,500:487,c2e6f28e81c376736204e08513….jpg)

File: 67bcd1cb95adb7d⋯.gif (2.55 MB,450x252,25:14,chopper_ns4.gif)

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dc45c0 No.18206428

They planned to lock us down for 10 years

Thank God for Trump's warp Speed

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7255a6 No.18206429

File: 2e9837d319838ab⋯.mp4 (6.44 MB,826x480,413:240,Australia_sees_a_17_increa….mp4)

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d8cf50 No.18206430


OG hip hop



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45846b No.18206431


NO ONE seems to be making the connections to Hunter's laptop… How did Hunter KNOW who to contact in foreign countries and how much to hit them up for?

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f1d03e No.18206432



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dc45c0 No.18206433


There will be a Day where, While Reporting on Sudden Death the Reporter will Die Suddenly

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aa9531 No.18206434

File: 7003f3c129df128⋯.png (271.95 KB,1885x567,1885:567,ClipboardImage.png)


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6c678f No.18206435

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


COVID caused it…. No not the vaccine.

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4cbe55 No.18206436

File: 744717d803def30⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,576x720,4:5,large_6_.mp4)

Learn how to chop wood anons

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706122 No.18206437

>>18206206 pb

who cares what that pedo thinks

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0dcfa7 No.18206438

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It’s nuts to think NATO or EU would have Ukraine in NATO because they have never been ally. This is Insane weaponizing Ukraine as cannon fodder a war with Russia

1 hour ago

Rebekah Koffler: Ukraine-Russia Escalating Large Scale War


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f3d20e No.18206439

>>18206375 pb

>pedovore PSA


DESERT: a large permanently arid geographical area

DESSERT: the final course of a meal, typically sweet

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128af1 No.18206440


being locked down with less population density, no food, CBDCs, and the Declaration of North America is better?

both suck

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56d231 No.18206441



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4a00a1 No.18206442

File: 42b1cfc4ab1d8e0⋯.png (927.8 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Write them a letter. Make sure to use red text. And all caps. Especially all caps.

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d42e28 No.18206443

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3f92cc No.18206444

>>18206313 pb

You miss the point, if your prayers work then you will see results that correspond to your prayers. If they don't work then it would be best to take some type of action.

Ever see a wicked medical professional, lawyer, or cop say "Good Luck, we are praying for you"? Even evil can say I am praying for you and do nothing to help.

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7c1c31 No.18206445


That is a curated version of the perfect MILF. My God how I would have liked to meet her 40 years ago.

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0fc890 No.18206446

File: 81aa90d0fc15790⋯.jpg (50.81 KB,369x363,123:121,ncswic.jpg)

File: b5412ca95a7e541⋯.jpg (135.19 KB,803x824,803:824,simple_method.jpg)

awakening -> ascension -> enlightenment -> transcendent

enlightenment, a simple method

with a little contemplation the pieces are understood.

Practices found in various religions:



-sleep deprivation

-dancing (or other body motions)

-recitation (singing, prayer, chanting)

Intent of practices:

-expend excess energy of body

-expend excess energy of the brain

-minimize physical movement

-minimize thought

Method of combined practices:

1.Ideal time for attempt 3:4am or just after.

2. Fasting, 24hr prior attempt.

3. Awake, 24hr prior to attempt.

4. Physical fatigue (i.e. exercise) just prior to attempt.

5. attempt: controlled meditative breathing.

6. attempt: calm & relaxed mind.

7. attempt: trigger cold chills.

8. attempt: mentally contain chills at point of origin.

9. attempt: visualize movement upward on inhale.

10. attempt: visualize movement downward on exhale.

11. attempt: goal, move chill into brain.

12. attempt: movement resistance, overcome with repetition.

one way ticket, no take backs.

most ideal date/time (geometry):

february 14 or just after

@3:14am or just after

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6c678f No.18206447

File: 8a73acf15c44896⋯.jpg (93.27 KB,370x260,37:26,kekdoges.jpg)

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f1d03e No.18206448



Picrel is proof

Only faggots use that melting skull image

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112bdf No.18206449

File: aee4adeb74c8e28⋯.png (4.19 MB,2048x1323,2048:1323,EB49F6B2_663B_45AA_B3D9_92….png)

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2b3bc2 No.18206450


Why is everyone so absolutely absurdly pathetic and dumb. Like how does the media whore fucking sleep at night knowing how reatrded she is.

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a9bf34 No.18206451

File: 3015ad1ad0eadc3⋯.png (319.61 KB,500x667,500:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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5fd906 No.18206452


That's what was in the docs then…

Maybe Hunter was.passed sigint comint humint or whatever int it was.that pointed out.what was needed a la jg wentworth

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4ab854 No.18206453

File: 4be097085d510b8⋯.jpeg (130.6 KB,1080x1620,2:3,A254D76A_A1CE_4762_83EB_E….jpeg)


Declaration of North America is irrelevant gibber from useless fags.

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d718dc No.18206454

File: 7e6fa73e7ffbce5⋯.jpeg (225.31 KB,561x800,561:800,7e6fa73e7ffbce5e9090ef67d….jpeg)

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d8cf50 No.18206455


Actually, we all have

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e83749 No.18206456

File: 7fd37b53f55ebc6⋯.gif (2.49 MB,360x129,120:43,whentago.gif)

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d718dc No.18206457

File: dc75981a5b119ff⋯.png (965.81 KB,761x1140,761:1140,dc75981a5b119ffddbae3a6eb0….png)


chekt and kekt

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f3d20e No.18206458

File: c770462209cc9cb⋯.png (222.49 KB,1409x507,1409:507,Screen_Shot_2023_01_23_at_….png)


lucky for this millennial fuckwit she had a hatchet and NOT an axe.

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d8cf50 No.18206459


this great

nik'd it


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f1d03e No.18206460

File: 1bfc14b57c83468⋯.jpeg (247 KB,1711x1998,1711:1998,306321D4_FBA1_4B2B_9CF9_7….jpeg)



>hehe, you showed emotion and frustration because the country you fought for is being destroyed and innocent people are dying. Therefore, I’ll make fun of you.

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4800b5 No.18206461

File: 6b8023e4543292a⋯.gif (2.45 MB,640x360,16:9,6b8023e4543292ad67818fc940….gif)

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128af1 No.18206462


So was the European Union, until it wasn't.

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6c8fb9 No.18206463


that unaltered pic was posted not long ago

it's a vinyl record player

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9104c7 No.18206464

File: 31126791a72b225⋯.gif (19.57 KB,291x120,97:40,31126791a72b225ca5f3769525….gif)

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67d9cc No.18206465

File: f00791bb3a9df97⋯.png (188.34 KB,591x754,591:754,panic_in_dc.png)

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782ca3 No.18206466

File: 2be55bb0848cada⋯.gif (1.11 MB,400x224,25:14,ZdBCAq.gif)

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f3d20e No.18206467


that's not matt damon… that's tom cruise

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56d231 No.18206468

TankQ Baker

And Jim

And optics people

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4a00a1 No.18206469

File: 78fcd49f3f74fd5⋯.jpg (758.08 KB,2480x3508,620:877,40kyarrick.jpg)


No, Anons just know your game, can counter it, and enjoy making fun of you in the process. Seethe HARDER!

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eb55ef No.18206470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5389e1 No.18206471

I keep telling you anons, it's happening. And you just scoff. Just look at the last few days. It's happening (even with whoever is running Biden and the fairy Garland in charge of justice). It's been gaining steam in the last couple weeks. Law Enforcement is doing it's job. Thank God. What a wonderful time to be alive.

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4ab854 No.18206472

File: b2423db177e31aa⋯.gif (632.59 KB,496x280,62:35,2967C1E8_F9F9_4A1C_9295_43….gif)


The EU:

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4d9e90 No.18206473


Can count egg years?

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52fefb No.18206474

File: f0cc6b90bdbc41f⋯.jpg (16.32 KB,600x600,1:1,f0cc6b90bdbc41f4abf9c05239….jpg)

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2ef798 No.18206475


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2b3bc2 No.18206476

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4ab854 No.18206477

File: fd0cab612a918ce⋯.jpeg (48.65 KB,512x377,512:377,F7203220_B8FF_43DA_8D4E_E….jpeg)

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4cbe55 No.18206478

File: 3b70c9d278dddac⋯.jpg (33.59 KB,597x540,199:180,FnF94hUXkAAUFPi.jpg)

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f1d03e No.18206479


Critical thinking anons, I humbly request you look at >>18206432 and tell me what’s wrong with it. If your first thought is, “nothing really, I feel the same way…”, then ask yourself WHY people like >>18206442 are mocking me for exercising my first amendment right.

Anons better REALLY stop and think about what’s happening to this place.

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497d59 No.18206480

File: 9d67906d1a1e204⋯.png (784.63 KB,630x632,315:316,Baker_ball.png)

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6c678f No.18206481

File: b8801caae08ee75⋯.png (154.51 KB,495x480,33:32,pepe_roll_eyes.png)


Same BS….. New IP

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97c739 No.18206482


The 2 more weeks guys have never delivered to date.

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d42e28 No.18206483

what a drama queen

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52fefb No.18206484


>Anons better REALLY stop and think about what’s happening to this place.

feds fagging it up like usual

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45846b No.18206485


>Actually, we (anons) all have

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6bbac4 No.18206486

File: 1243b7223d3fb04⋯.png (1.34 MB,1918x1921,1918:1921,1674421597241.png)

File: e39c44767d16cbe⋯.jpg (260.08 KB,1801x1412,1801:1412,_20230123_202725.JPG)

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f3d20e No.18206487



bet her cooter has more miles on it than Voyager I.

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1d0440 No.18206488

File: ad79b82176b6b0b⋯.jpg (543.59 KB,1080x1637,1080:1637,Screenshot_20230123_173006….jpg)

As tax filing season begins, you should know that the IRS has warned refunds may be smaller this year.


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c71d3e No.18206489

File: e4c03272f01239a⋯.png (989.79 KB,1443x992,1443:992,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38e2b3aadb0cb73⋯.png (713.23 KB,848x510,424:255,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97f83f0ee568f1e⋯.png (65.48 KB,1370x465,274:93,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e98a120c7abda80⋯.png (239.27 KB,1907x657,1907:657,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 540ab8683818088⋯.png (4.03 MB,2493x775,2493:775,ClipboardImage.png)





Active Ponte Vedra, FL — President for Pga Tour Public Golf, Inc.


What People In Golf Make

By Alan P. Pittman

January 10, 2017

Jeanne Lightcap

Senior Vice President, Finance, PGA Tour



SVP Finance at PGA TOUR, Inc.

June 1987 - Present·

Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida

Former Accountant at The Methodist Hospital System

August 1985 - June 1987·

Jacksonville, Florida

Former Waitress at Red Lobster

December 1979 - August 1985·

Orange Park, Florida

Former Waitress/Hostess at Sambo

June 1977 - June 1980·

Orange Park, Florida


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4a00a1 No.18206490

File: 84fcccccb600f33⋯.gif (951.17 KB,497x269,497:269,i_see_you.gif)


> are mocking me for exercising my first amendment right.

No, I'm mocking you because you opened up in your first post with a raging whine. A REEEEEEEEEEEEE, if you will. The red text and all caps really was the cherry on top. Anons have never seen that before. Never. That tactic has never once been seen before so therefore you are totally genuine, right?

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dc45c0 No.18206491


I don't care who you are, That's Funny right there

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4cbe55 No.18206492

File: 9c7aa478f181cdf⋯.jpg (120.3 KB,634x1024,317:512,FnLnqORWAAAU0Uy.jpg)

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a48834 No.18206493


It hits those that were getting freebies the hardest.

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128af1 No.18206494

File: 3e12de7a945af7b⋯.jpg (57.21 KB,815x471,815:471,un10regions.jpg)



Daniel 7:24

Revelation 17:12

Revelation 13:1

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f0f844 No.18206495

File: b364bb23e9382b5⋯.gif (9.99 MB,540x570,18:19,gif.gif)

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f1d03e No.18206496


UNDERSTAND: you are criticizing me, NOT because of what I said, but because I used red text and all caps. Just stop and think about that for a second.

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6c678f No.18206497


>tax refund

I haven't gotten a refund in over 20 years. I have to pay additional every single year.

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424447 No.18206498

File: 817e677517d5cff⋯.jpg (81.02 KB,720x711,80:79,smart_choice.jpg)

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d8cf50 No.18206499



off the cuff response to anons being called out dumb


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dc45c0 No.18206500

It's almost like the Shills want Anons to leave QResearch for some reason

That only Validates that QResearch has a greater reach than initially Kekulated

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97c739 No.18206501


"HEALTH EXPERTS" - no such thing.

They don't even understand how stupid they look.

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5389e1 No.18206502


Switching IP's now. Just look at how triggered this anon's happening post was. I join in with that anon, it's happening. Who are these fake fucks who are on the qresearch board? I join with the anon: fuck'em.

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45846b No.18206503


>it's happening

I think it's been habbening for awhile - look at the riots, the so-called random shootings…Biden's documents finds are just a tease and a distraction.

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d718dc No.18206504

File: 728fbaf4cf8d633⋯.jpeg (197.21 KB,1440x1200,6:5,728fbaf4cf8d6332ae0441b78….jpeg)


>Just stop and think about that

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eb55ef No.18206505

File: 5d28a4cd8e5a79f⋯.png (739.95 KB,687x482,687:482,ClipboardImage.png)

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feb112 No.18206506

File: a4f87e657d521db⋯.gif (8.41 KB,245x166,245:166,toroidal_field.gif)

>>18203397 pb

>Earth’s inner core may have started spinning other way: study


They really have no idea how the Earth's magnetic field works, if they believe that.


20 anons can probably tell me how you get a toroidal field. A circular current. Where and why is that circular current. Nothing is "spinning giant against us" - that's fucking communist madness, that's all that is

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737ab9 No.18206507

File: b03b68807854b6f⋯.jpg (74.1 KB,700x700,1:1,FLJp2YMWYAQlXuI.jpg)

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986e16 No.18206508

File: 55986a011c088dd⋯.gif (1017.92 KB,314x314,1:1,baker_ball.gif)

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aa9531 No.18206509

File: fbbfcd42cf6215a⋯.png (410.96 KB,1878x747,626:249,ClipboardImage.png)


>What a wonderful time to be alive.


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4a00a1 No.18206510

File: 2b7c7f10fa518b6⋯.png (78.33 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe7.png)


> you are criticizing me, NOT because of what I said, but because I used red text and all caps.

No, there seems to be a reading comprehension on your end. I said I was mocking you because, and I shall copypaste my own words here:

>I'm mocking you because you opened up in your first post with a raging whine. A REEEEEEEEEEEEE, if you will.

So, as you can see, that is what I'm mocking you for. Now I'm mocking you because you're displaying the reading comprehension of a pre-teen.

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f1d03e No.18206511

File: 65dcb9dc919bff5⋯.png (869.72 KB,788x536,197:134,D34A6582_92EE_44BF_AC5D_0A….png)

This place is fucking comped…

Have fun jerking off into each others mouths.

I’m out.

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1880fb No.18206512

File: 743ced8ebde0d54⋯.jpg (474.46 KB,1436x684,359:171,n363374.jpg)

Be careful, Fauci is still out there, looking for more victims

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128af1 No.18206513

File: d8e000a3b602c20⋯.jpg (33.74 KB,590x396,295:198,cc09f13b1a.jpg)

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feb112 No.18206514

File: 9eeb56e395d3b39⋯.png (558.95 KB,684x720,19:20,tip_top_cafe_groundhog_day….png)



and good evening to you too.

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4ab854 No.18206515

File: a87b62e1fc9c9d2⋯.jpeg (39.77 KB,500x505,100:101,4AD6A5B0_86A9_4E0E_84EF_B….jpeg)


I could tell everyone here the exact date and time “it” will happen. But I won’t. I think it would ruin the surprise and cause sad.

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97c739 No.18206516


Don't forget they want to add an expiry date on the money too, so it just disappears magically.

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d42e28 No.18206517

dis nigga right here

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0dcfa7 No.18206518

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This whole FBI arrest today collapses everything related to Russia, Russia, Russia.The throws everything in the past 20 years about FBI history in question. This shows a RiCO conspiracy inside our law enforcement

1 hour ago

John Mills: Counterintelligence Agent Arrests Collapse RussiaGate


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dc45c0 No.18206519

File: 6a1a3694d922681⋯.png (86.69 KB,255x218,255:218,ClipboardImage.png)


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61b19c No.18206520

File: 4f74033f022d088⋯.jpg (310.01 KB,1080x1001,1080:1001,20201017_081145.jpg)


>Have fun jerking off into each others mouths.

Wait What

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feb112 No.18206521

File: 5be23ad45e8affa⋯.png (72 KB,351x283,351:283,fauci_hanging_from_a_noose.png)


>Fauci is still out there

in spirit

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1880fb No.18206522

File: 00eb7b7b0202b5f⋯.jpg (205.11 KB,703x564,703:564,4345355.jpg)

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7255a6 No.18206523

File: e5e24fff215044b⋯.mp4 (3.24 MB,464x848,29:53,funnel.mp4)

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d2c9f7 No.18206524

File: fb223d20d7b06f7⋯.png (18.8 KB,447x272,447:272,ClipboardImage.png)



Those with eyes to see and ears to hear know damn well its habbening.

The Q post talking Slow Drop > Flood was misunderstood. Everyone thinks a large flood of info will hit the public.

I suggest that it means that a "Slow Drip" of political information over a long time is "greater than" a "Flood" for complete and utter political destruction of the current political class.

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61b19c No.18206525

File: fbfa94efcc687d3⋯.png (1.17 MB,1080x939,360:313,20211024_151238.png)

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c71d3e No.18206526

File: 8516e38a2cef737⋯.png (849.33 KB,1437x1013,1437:1013,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56a6b6d6f116bbc⋯.png (368.51 KB,554x515,554:515,56a6b6d6f116bbc5fc34a1e697….png)

Callsign DUMA35. USN Boeing E-6B Mercury 162782.



A Russian national parliament.

A drink mixing wine and vodka, name taken from the above.


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f3d20e No.18206527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>They really have no idea how the Earth's magnetic field works, if they believe that.


what's astonishing is that anyone as totally illiterate as you has the nads to post msgs on subjects about which you KNOW NOTHING

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d03d28 No.18206528

File: de205db8c27f9f6⋯.mp4 (5.89 MB,480x480,1:1,1_POWER_AND_GLORY_compress….mp4)

File: 60736b0ee274b20⋯.mp4 (4.47 MB,270x480,9:16,2_JOIN_TOGETHER_compressed.mp4)

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1880fb No.18206529

File: 1bc07e7ad6d8bba⋯.jpg (325.9 KB,707x684,707:684,1673927864421653.jpg)


After torturing more puppies, Fauci can telephone Bill to discuss future genocide plans

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da4e70 No.18206530

File: 921e9e1d2d80530⋯.jpg (429.49 KB,1403x1403,1:1,921e9e1d2d805307e04d89170a….jpg)

File: b2c2a542caeba15⋯.jpeg (291.99 KB,730x727,730:727,b2c2a542caeba15fa4e31d837….jpeg)

File: f6c8279756fa0c1⋯.jpg (113.32 KB,1204x1528,301:382,1586996439096.jpg)

File: 7d662d3fea92cb6⋯.jpg (160.46 KB,827x1024,827:1024,1593642428096.jpg)

File: ec5eddc73fcff83⋯.jpg (230.21 KB,838x1024,419:512,1616174655899.jpg)

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737ab9 No.18206531

File: fe2dabc13c2bcb2⋯.png (212.01 KB,613x771,613:771,Screenshot_2023_01_23_at_2….png)

Huge murder of crows in Kiev. Do they know something we don't?


The collective name for a group of crows is a "flock" or a "murder".[2]

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feb112 No.18206532

File: 6eec74758f8e878⋯.jpg (45.57 KB,640x480,4:3,ur_gay_simspons.jpg)


so predictable.

you probably have no idea that you became the smith.

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ffad73 No.18206533

File: 71ae2d12734a6b7⋯.gif (9.19 MB,650x365,130:73,bidengif.gif)


my theory:

he's involved, They will keep the data they collect

'It's "an investigation" you can't see it til we are done " ~ 75 years or more.

Something about it makes him nervous.

Or he's just playing good cop / bad cop (more likely)


guys a demon, so he's just playing against his type casting.

He's the centerpiece of so much blackmail, changing laws to make malicious prosecution easier.

Probably he's in some of the documents.


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aa9531 No.18206534

File: 43c59112773c747⋯.png (180.45 KB,862x911,862:911,1674519774223385.png)

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c0b2f9 No.18206535

File: 53fda819040ee41⋯.jpg (88.81 KB,500x715,100:143,53fda819040ee41135db9231ff….jpg)

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4cbe55 No.18206536

File: 6140111e074789e⋯.png (526.75 KB,800x641,800:641,FnM2FKbaUAElFgZ.png)

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feb112 No.18206537

File: e3c43efc83623cb⋯.png (528.64 KB,500x743,500:743,blocking_vote_count_window….png)


looks like starlings how do they know it's crows

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424447 No.18206538

File: 5e7d7e92b13fa27⋯.png (106.64 KB,608x751,608:751,progeria.png)

File: 37b699fa1b13c99⋯.jpg (497.53 KB,750x1105,150:221,mark_em.jpg)

File: 86adec8cfe9ef1a⋯.png (159.46 KB,634x671,634:671,arr_vs_rrr_no_not_pirates_….png)

File: 396f14185811a2a⋯.png (227.04 KB,1948x554,974:277,666.png)

File: 1a09e5f04100800⋯.png (202.82 KB,529x538,529:538,soyvaxx.png)

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f3d20e No.18206539


KYS, shillboi. no one here is buying your flat-earth all-science-is-fake bullshit.

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97c739 No.18206540

File: d3ecca0c54893e9⋯.png (1.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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41801f No.18206541


There is nothing wrong with your sentiment. Remember, we have to stop doing this:

"The Whatever Department-Agency-Institution" said, did or didn't do this, that, or the other thing. Someone is doing this or signing off on whatever it is and must be held accountable. You can't hold accountable a general entity or idea. The remedy is to give the names and accounts of what they have done, then watch what happens.

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1880fb No.18206542

File: e685e442ae84a3e⋯.jpg (62.41 KB,417x226,417:226,b35.jpg)

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7255a6 No.18206543

File: 7986763141c308a⋯.png (615.2 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)


Defense minister Reznikov under fire as corruption probes rock Ukraine

The deputy infrastructure minister has been fired, and the defense ministry is facing the heat over a military catering contract.

Ukraine’s Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov — one of the most prominent faces of the war against Russia — is now under fire on the home front as investigations into government corruption rocked the country over the weekend.

Kyiv’s officials have been at pains over the course of the war to attempt to show that the nation is pulling together and cleaning up its act on corruption in a bid to chart a course toward the EU, so the revelations of two probes into top-level graft have come as a severe blow.

Both of the inquiries are related to war profiteering, and triggered an immediate pledge of action from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Sunday night. The case involving the defense ministry involved purchases of military rations at inflated prices — a topic that has snowballed into top news in Kyiv. Almost simultaneously, the deputy infrastructure minister was fired in a case linked to an overpriced public purchase of electrical generators. The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine said it was investigating both matters.

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4cbe55 No.18206544

File: 802b2bb0920c45a⋯.jpg (52.33 KB,563x525,563:525,FnM1DmIaYAASiue.jpg)

File: a9f001544b5077d⋯.jpg (63.71 KB,720x960,3:4,FnM1DnjagAEoFA3.jpg)

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dc45c0 No.18206545

File: 940925c5eaf2ec9⋯.png (2 MB,2048x1364,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)

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e83749 No.18206546

File: be0380d8fe18bf4⋯.gif (1.92 MB,435x250,87:50,crow444.gif)

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feb112 No.18206547

File: d9f1781f2252ebe⋯.gif (973.73 KB,500x208,125:52,matrix_fight.gif)


kek. thanks for the easy ID.

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56d231 No.18206548



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ffad73 No.18206549

File: 93e23958ec18448⋯.jpg (127.73 KB,640x424,80:53,greenfrog2.jpg)


maybe he needs to blackmail Biden?

wants to prosecute Biden, is what it seems.


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4ab854 No.18206550

File: 5d04df806325623⋯.jpeg (31.45 KB,400x400,1:1,27BBC4D8_8A55_4C16_BE30_0….jpeg)

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d718dc No.18206551

File: 742bf1281d608de⋯.jpeg (150.7 KB,728x620,182:155,742bf1281d608de536f176740….jpeg)

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4a00a1 No.18206552


There's too much soy in your words for you to successfully LARP as former military. Sorry, try again.

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cd5468 No.18206553

File: 1ee3f240b26a9f2⋯.png (3.45 MB,1656x1563,552:521,Skull_.png)

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45846b No.18206554

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is a really good interview: 1.20.23 Patriot Streetfighter & SG Anon REVEALED, The Emerging Battle-Where We Go From Here

They discuss the unity of the human messaging, how powerful WE are when we talk about, pray aobut and project the freedoms WE were meant to have: That which [they] worked for thousands of years to eradicate.


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1880fb No.18206555

File: 1a52069e0deec38⋯.gif (65.54 KB,985x392,985:392,1673576200451693.gif)

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dd2d2c No.18206556

File: b9409e02c7041e7⋯.png (908.76 KB,658x666,329:333,b9409e02c7041e740c162a79bc….png)

File: 20b0d8fdc89a3a4⋯.png (119.85 KB,382x596,191:298,20b0d8fdc89a3a4b21ffcfa102….png)

File: e882189895b7749⋯.jpg (51.28 KB,600x401,600:401,e882189895b774993111c1c6b0….jpg)

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7255a6 No.18206557

File: 1106c22af8ce11d⋯.png (316.77 KB,679x680,679:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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97c739 No.18206558


Also buys the WEF enough time to bring in digital currency to imprison the world.

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437db3 No.18206559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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48ae71 No.18206560

how is it that Ghislaine Maxwell can get her hair colored in prison?

Tucker just showed a clip of her recent interview and her hair was black and styled

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feb112 No.18206561

File: cc8a8d10f423dc9⋯.jpg (30.25 KB,480x259,480:259,trump_script_not_written.jpg)


yeah that's subliminal programming for sure

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1d0440 No.18206562


Well you just didn't lease enough stuff to yourself through your llc

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4d9e90 No.18206563



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d42e28 No.18206564

whats that frog you guys like named?

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eb55ef No.18206565

File: c61d78462a42dfc⋯.png (337.59 KB,705x397,705:397,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA astronaut and 2 cosmonauts may stay on space station for a full year after Soyuz leak

Jan 20 2023

Three astronauts are apparently going to be away from their home planet for twice as long as originally planned.

NASA's Frank Rubio and cosmonauts Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitry Petelin launched toward the International Space Station (ISS) aboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft on Sept. 21, 2022.

The trio was supposed to come home in March on that same Soyuz. But the vehicle, known as MS-22, lost all of its coolant after an apparent micrometeoroid strike last month, rendering it unfit to carry astronauts except in the event of an emergency. So Russia's federal space agency Roscosmos has decided to launch an uncrewed Soyuz to the orbiting lab on Feb. 20 to bring Rubio, Prokopyev and Petelin back to Earth.

However, that next Soyuz will stay docked at the ISS until its successor — a vehicle that will carry crew — is ready to go. That will likely be a while, so Rubio, Prokopyev and Petelin are getting a hefty mission extension.

"The plan is for Frank and Dimitri and Sergey to stay on board for several more months until they come home, probably [in] late September," Dina Contella, NASA's ISS operations integration manager, said during a press conference on Tuesday (Jan. 17).

"We're looking at the exact timing of that, but at this point, that would be when the vehicle would be planned to come home," she said.

If "late September" means sometime after Sept. 21, then the MS-22 crew will end up staying aloft for a full year — something no NASA astronaut has ever done, as Ars Technica's Eric Berger noted recently(opens in new tab).

A few have come close. For example, Mark Vande Hei lived aboard the station for 355 days between April 2021 and April 2022. Scott Kelly and cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko logged 340 days in space between March 2015 and March 2016, and Christina Koch was away from Earth for almost 329 days, from April 2019 to February 2020.

Of these missions, only that of Kelly and Kornienko was supposed to last so long. Their highly publicized "year in space" was designed to gather data about the effects of long-duration spaceflight on the human body, to aid planning for future crewed missions to Mars.

Vande Hei and Koch lived aboard the ISS longer than planned due to scheduling issues. Vande Hei's extension, for example, was necessitated by Russia's decision to launch filmmakers on the next Soyuz in line rather than a replacement astronaut crew.

But NASA biomedical personnel and mission planners are doubtless using the extra data generated during those unexpectedly long past flights — and they'll probably study Rubio, Prokopyev and Petelin with the same outlook and intensity.

Cosmonauts have lived off Earth for a full year continuously, by the way. Valery Polyakov holds the duration record for a single spaceflight, racking up 437 consecutive days(opens in new tab) aboard Russia's old Mir space station in 1994 and 1995.


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822d1d No.18206566

File: 48bbf42ea28a2cb⋯.png (12.88 KB,255x246,85:82,we_had_a_very_big_day_toda….png)

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7255a6 No.18206567


US to designate Russia’s Wagner Group as ‘transnational criminal organization’

US will apply designation in the coming days, says national security council spokesman, imposing new sanctions on the group

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c79d75 No.18206568

File: c3bb86cc1e7bc59⋯.jpg (463.79 KB,1199x1287,109:117,Newsome.jpg)

File: 63e4374ecdf537d⋯.jpg (655.34 KB,1357x1200,1357:1200,Gov_Newsome_ban.jpg)

Gavin Newsom after Monterey Park shooting: "Second Amendment is becoming a suicide pact"

California Gov. Gavin Newsom is renewing his calls for stricter gun control measures following the mass shooting at a dance hall in Monterey Park on Saturday that killed at least 11 people and injured nine others.

"Nothing about this is surprising. Everything about this is infuriating," he told "CBS Evening News" anchor and managing editor Norah O'Donnell on Monday. "The Second Amendment is becoming a suicide pact."

Newsom clarified that he has "no ideological opposition" against people who "responsibly" own guns and get background checks and training on how to use them.

But he told O'Donnell that current regulations are falling short.

Authorities say the suspected attacker, who later died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound as investigators closed in, used a modified pistol with a high-capacity magazine illegal in California, the state with the strictest gun laws in the U.S.

When asked how the gunman was able to get the weapon, Newsom responded "we will figure it out," adding, "That's going to happen. You got to enforce laws. Things fall through the cracks, but it doesn't mean you give up."

Newsom mentioned the role of mental health in mass shootings, but he singled out gun access as a factor exacerbating the problem.

"I'm really proud of the work we've done in this space, but we've had decades of neglect," he said. "But respectfully, I will submit that regardless of the challenges it relates to behavioral health, there's not a country in the world that doesn't experience behavioral health issues."


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c53e81 No.18206569

File: 2914e7ce8777fa0⋯.png (87.88 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)


Like a billion hotdogs…down the cosmic hallway…

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63015a No.18206570

File: bc760a0e0656656⋯.png (2.52 MB,1782x1256,891:628,Screen_Shot_2023_01_23_at_….png)

Donald Trump claims victory in club tournament despite missing first round.

Donald Trump claimed credit for a club championship despite reportedly not competing in the tournament in the same time parameters as everyone else.

Trump, the 45th president of the United States, claimed victory in the Senior Club championship at Trump International Golf Club in Palm Beach over the weekend.

“A great honor to have won the Senior Club championship at Trump International Golf Club, one of the best courses in the Country, in Palm Beach, Florida,” the former president wrote on his social media platform Truth Social. “Competed against many fine golfers, and was hitting the ball long and straight. The reason that I announce this on fabulous TRUTH is that, in a very real way, it serves as a physical exam, only MUCH tougher. You need strength and stamina to WIN, & I have strength & stamina – most others don’t. You also need strength & stamina to GOVERN!”

Nevertheless, the Daily Mail reports that Trump did not compete in the tournament at the same time as everyone else. While the tournament was slated for Saturday and Sunday, Trump was attending the North Carolina funeral for the vlogger Diamond.

However, according to the report, “competitors arriving for day two of the contest on Sunday morning were surprised (although not exactly shocked) to see his name at the top of the leaderboard with a five-point lead over the overnight leader.”

The outlet explained that Trump shot a stellar round on Thursday. Trump counted this round, which was a score of 40 using the Stableford method, which gives one point for a bogey, two for par and three for a birdie. This score was five points better than the top mark from Saturday’s round.

A Trump spokesperson did not immediately respond to Daily Mail’s request for comment.

Trump has long faced allegations of bending the rules on the golf course.

“To say ‘Donald Trump cheats’ is like saying ‘Michael Phelps swims,’” longtime sportswriter Rick Reilly wrote in the book “Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump”, which came out in 2019. “He cheats at the highest level. He cheats when people are watching and he cheats when they aren’t. He cheats whether you like it or not. He cheats because that’s how he plays golf … if you’re playing golf with him, he’s going to cheat.”


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c0b2f9 No.18206571

File: 764f0b78454262a⋯.png (196.92 KB,505x322,505:322,764f0b78454262acaaae5486cc….png)

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424447 No.18206572

File: c876adb7d22b1c3⋯.png (738.95 KB,2096x1356,524:339,prey.png)

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6c678f No.18206573

File: 99b8c679e3f7d27⋯.png (505.02 KB,650x486,325:243,only_had_1_job.png)

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dd2d2c No.18206574

File: 08a07adda1914d1⋯.png (399.43 KB,680x510,4:3,08a07adda1914d16e1922379a9….png)

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f3d20e No.18206575


>US to designate Russia’s Wagner Group as ‘transnational criminal organization’

does that mean that the US will no longer hire them to do OUR dirty wetwork?

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4ab854 No.18206576

File: 4cd069ee83660fa⋯.jpeg (164.4 KB,600x737,600:737,9C0D246A_9992_46FE_95DC_6….jpeg)



Fucko the frog. Why?

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7255a6 No.18206577

File: 64ec88601074437⋯.png (590.85 KB,680x504,85:63,ClipboardImage.png)


chief military commissar of Odessa

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3c6e3a No.18206578

File: 3a3d882c718dd98⋯.png (791.2 KB,1080x675,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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97c739 No.18206579


WEF represents a few satanic, evil, sick, woke and weak people. Definitely do not represent humanity.

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128af1 No.18206580


And a collection of Ravens is a Congress.

A collection of Owls is a Parliament.

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d2c9f7 No.18206581


One world government was fortold and is God's will

Revelation 17:17

For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

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737ab9 No.18206582

File: a73bb083a5ff853⋯.png (504.4 KB,598x601,598:601,Screenshot_2023_01_23_at_2….png)



Decommunisation of the Mendeleev table. Ukrainian schoolchildren will not learn about the existence of the element Moscovium.

Now they call it Ucrainium (Uc) 🤣


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1880fb No.18206583

File: a04bde9a62e4c81⋯.jpeg (78.55 KB,750x841,750:841,a04bde9a62e4c813461f8ebb6….jpeg)


> What a wonderful time to be alive.

I'm still waiting for the fake alien invasion

>2 more weeks?

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56d231 No.18206584









Can't call it kuru ghey

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d8cf50 No.18206585

File: e60903c99288149⋯.png (509.89 KB,598x1150,13:25,smughabby.png)

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4ab854 No.18206586


Do crows next!

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ffad73 No.18206587

File: cf45bf4200605ef⋯.png (687.47 KB,780x519,260:173,ovalofficeplanet.png)

kash is

kash says they looked at the laptop and figured out about the docs

laptop info is widely disseminated.

including in the Congressional Record.

It's only a matter of time, now Thugicans have the House with the Liberty Squad

so someone looked close at the laptop, in anticipation of what was coming, and realized they had to scoop up the doc

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56d231 No.18206588


Invasion… That happened already



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d718dc No.18206589

File: 0b7bbe03d842fd3⋯.jpeg (53.66 KB,571x437,571:437,6slwgo.jpeg)

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c0b2f9 No.18206590

File: 8e38a670fa979e4⋯.jpg (124.68 KB,735x732,245:244,thank_you_captain_obvious_….jpg)

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feb112 No.18206592

File: 7579a4ceb07bd02⋯.png (1.18 MB,1867x1195,1867:1195,pizza33.png)


>"Slow Drip" of political information over a long time is "greater than" a "Flood"

Yes because their attention span is that of a gnat.

Q are realists.

This is why you never give up even something like p1zzagate (avoid the bots)

It's still a drip to someone

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424447 No.18206593

File: 0cd4a544a80eec5⋯.png (351.55 KB,512x406,256:203,break_free.png)

File: ac5dd986e945fd5⋯.jpg (171.83 KB,819x1024,819:1024,work_hard.jpg)

File: 8d6df18bae859a6⋯.jpg (85.81 KB,1280x720,16:9,78bboh.jpg)

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128af1 No.18206594

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1880fb No.18206595


that flag being there is just a cohencidence, anon

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5c266a No.18206596

File: 951f9e470230006⋯.png (120.84 KB,768x764,192:191,ClipboardImage.png)

Not trying to cause fear pron, but I am convinced that within the next 9 months to a year we will be at war with Russia and possibly by extension, China.

(They) will do everything in their power to keep what they have, and not return it to PDJT or any other possible Republican.

I will not be surprised if a nuke is used aqnd blamed on Russia, would not want to be near any city for the next year, just in case…


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000a55 No.18206597

File: 1eeb73e24da2403⋯.png (279.78 KB,749x749,1:1,1eeb73e24da2403b4f4b1b0c17….png)

File: 6ec8b0b161badff⋯.jpeg (271.04 KB,1241x1117,1241:1117,6ec8b0b161badff1e2025a84f….jpeg)

File: 01f98f55a2518a4⋯.png (71.02 KB,597x532,597:532,001a.png)

File: 48a59b50017b04b⋯.jpeg (217.84 KB,1241x944,1241:944,48a59b50017b04beaed51799d….jpeg)

File: e3af3d89404ca87⋯.jpg (705.12 KB,1786x1719,1786:1719,1614702135849.jpg)

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63015a No.18206598


it just took you longer to figure it out, anon

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128af1 No.18206599

File: dc1848ee5db6577⋯.png (331.47 KB,460x345,4:3,jjh.PNG)

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822d1d No.18206600

File: de2478abe1714c1⋯.jpg (479.73 KB,1280x854,640:427,bill_hillary_clinton.jpg)

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1880fb No.18206601

File: 6365872d49bf414⋯.png (404.47 KB,599x601,599:601,d860dd8ad22a93e5f5e67bb51b….png)


your still flying?

oh then you must have been vaxxed


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feb112 No.18206602

File: 84138898e7dbddb⋯.gif (937.43 KB,588x533,588:533,Reee_Real_Frog.gif)


why do you want to know about fucko?

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dd2d2c No.18206603

File: f43832ad03505d0⋯.jpg (31.09 KB,348x261,4:3,Some_Crows_Eating_Dead_Pig….jpg)

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d2c9f7 No.18206604


Media training over 40 years has intentionally reduced the people's attention span.

Anons are retraining America! Be Proud!

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4ab854 No.18206605

File: 048438a79a84840⋯.jpeg (678.66 KB,2000x1000,2:1,E035CBCA_E37E_4D86_8C14_6….jpeg)

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4cbe55 No.18206606

File: 799a5aab60beadf⋯.mp4 (2.02 MB,576x1024,9:16,large_3_.mp4)


Still comfy

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000a55 No.18206607

File: 07e05c4f50fb366⋯.png (428.15 KB,464x503,464:503,07e05c4f50fb366a8e97e7ea51….png)

File: 93c2858260cecf1⋯.jpg (190.82 KB,948x1097,948:1097,1a67b.jpg)

File: 81ecd413a6257b9⋯.jpg (171.74 KB,1080x1068,90:89,1580030468103.jpg)

File: c6fafccf3ed2386⋯.png (1.36 MB,1185x1134,395:378,fbitwitter.png)

File: 5edf2899435c275⋯.png (204.61 KB,768x547,768:547,fc527face35d3c218b1c3fd6d3….png)

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c6c0d8 No.18206608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Full Ghislaine Maxwell interview for the first time in prison

In an explosive hour-long Jeremy Kyle Live special tonight, Ghislaine Maxwell was seen speaking for the first time on camera from prison.

In Jeremy Kyle Live: Ghislaine Behind Bars she spoke about prison life, Jeffrey Epstein's death and how she wished she had never met the paedophile financier.

Maxwell goes on to refute Virginia Giuffre's account of events and says she hopes victims of Epstein "heal".


1-hour Jan 23, 2023


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128af1 No.18206609

File: 404547da226d69b⋯.jpg (8.72 KB,255x133,255:133,29473bd0c5cbc2b8e13b20953c….jpg)

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1880fb No.18206610

File: 8260d2ea67425e7⋯.jpg (200.32 KB,870x1024,435:512,3553.jpg)


dubdubs checked

two clintons = two demons

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56d231 No.18206611


Already happened?

Haven't happened yet?

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d718dc No.18206612

File: f6c785abe637bf0⋯.jpg (72.05 KB,577x432,577:432,index.jpg)

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feb112 No.18206613

File: 2099fa1f1686f31⋯.png (18.46 KB,569x89,569:89,ClipboardImage.png)


oh crappp.

that makes a lot of sense…

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6c678f No.18206614

File: 53a1b5fc593b193⋯.jpg (40.57 KB,800x419,800:419,keks_in_clinton.jpg)

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2f8e01 No.18206615

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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63015a No.18206616


brave of you, anon

bet no one else in this bread has balls big enough to tag that post

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90f6e0 No.18206617

File: 4fadcde9117f075⋯.jpg (179.7 KB,965x792,965:792,Screenshot_2023_01_23_1420….jpg)



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128af1 No.18206618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Turkish President Throws A BOMBSHELL & Partners With Syria To Attack US Troops

The Poplar Report


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c53e81 No.18206619


Continuation of the status guo IS the wet dream of these countries. Why would they risk assets and destruction when we are doing the takeover & collapse for them?

They are working the art of war.

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56d231 No.18206620

Make congress eat crow?

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c6c0d8 No.18206621

File: c6fd567f4447adf⋯.png (72.29 KB,653x432,653:432,ClipboardImage.png)

Paul Sperry

NEW: The first person Biden thanked in back of his 2017 memoir "Promise Me, Dad" is Sang-ok Chung: "Thank you for all this, and more, to Kathy Chung." Chung packed, moved, stored WH records Biden used in book. As WH exec asst, recommended by Hunter, she fed Hunter sensitive data.


8:44 PM · Jan 23, 2023


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46daaa No.18206622

File: 54932b964be5ccd⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB,720x1056,15:22,FAFO_Macon_GA.mp4)

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feb112 No.18206623

File: 26179616fe9944f⋯.png (296.69 KB,755x708,755:708,Big_Brain_pepe.png)


>Ghislaine Maxwell interview for the first time in prison

Fuck her but good.

It means we can see the bitch suffering and gives us some sense that at least one of these cunts is getting justice

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1d0440 No.18206624

File: a233f0d4c87d95b⋯.jpeg (16.11 KB,480x269,480:269,a233f0d4c87d95b373d4731e8….jpeg)

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56d231 No.18206625



Or on?

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0fc890 No.18206626


taco bell

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822d1d No.18206627

File: cb29d27e6447a05⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,720x1280,9:16,Crows_Kiev.mp4)

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10ec19 No.18206628

Evenin’ Nightshift

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0dcfa7 No.18206629

File: 199d7dffd9effe3⋯.mp4 (210.83 KB,640x360,16:9,qCvF2sdJEXCemRa8_2.mp4)

Disgustingso I thought I’d share it with you

Raheem J. Kassam


Happy Friday! Here’sJoe Biden cupping his own granddaughter’s breast while kissing her

January 20, 2023



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1880fb No.18206630

File: 75ec2ed024fbbd2⋯.jpg (68.94 KB,547x456,547:456,3433536.jpg)

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4cbe55 No.18206631

File: f08d8e15961de97⋯.jpg (226.46 KB,1200x768,25:16,FnMYzSpaUAAszPd.jpg)

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d2c9f7 No.18206632


[They] can no longer cheat the elections so a war is the next option so that [they] can suspend elections. Rush spoke of this…

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0fc890 No.18206633


sounds normal for macon georgia. target shooting club ranging their infrared.

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d718dc No.18206634

File: cc9918c079a6e21⋯.jpg (82.32 KB,1024x878,512:439,cc9918c079a6e21147d2cfdb4f….jpg)

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e29547 No.18206635

File: cddef06efde2548⋯.png (1.21 MB,1094x700,547:350,bidenquitbitchin.png)

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424447 No.18206636

File: 134b66614cd1cb8⋯.pdf (854.51 KB,URGENT_BREAKING_UPDATED_SU….pdf)

File: d6aa3e702e80998⋯.jpeg (33.45 KB,618x523,618:523,ruined_lives.jpeg)


sauce: https://wmcresearch.substack.com/p/urgentbreaking-updated-summation

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af7655 No.18206637


26 CFR § 601.602 - Tax forms and instructions.

(a) Tax return forms and instructions. The Internal Revenue Service develops forms and instructions that explain the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code and regulations. The Service distributes the forms and instructions to help taxpayers comply with the law.The tax system is based on voluntary compliance, and the taxpayers complete and return the forms with payment of any tax owed.

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feb112 No.18206638

File: 88ae8afaf0eeb98⋯.png (731.35 KB,1440x1440,1:1,pepe_usa_flag_salute.png)


>Anons are retraining America!

I have hope in some things, but in changing the bellcurve, not really…

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5389e1 No.18206639


Yep. Oldanon was born for exactly this time. I keep telling you anons. Simply STAND. No matter what. That is their only fear.

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437db3 No.18206640

File: a8503f2e6fa6024⋯.png (62.51 KB,650x206,325:103,ClipboardImage.png)


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45846b No.18206641


She's nothing. Just another self proclaimed 'elitists' who thought she could do whatever she wanted without consequences. Someone, somewhere promised her something for forcing children to have sex with her and her pimp. Sucks to be her now!

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1880fb No.18206642

File: 44839b46def1bf7⋯.jpeg (223.38 KB,903x820,903:820,44839b46def1bf79b7b209bfb….jpeg)

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3c6e3a No.18206643

File: 5afe6aa1b157236⋯.png (676.12 KB,515x960,103:192,ClipboardImage.png)

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90f6e0 No.18206644

Former FBI Official ARRESTED?! LIVE w/ Reps. @MattGaetz @LaurenBoebert


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ffad73 No.18206645

File: 22a15fb09b6e27e⋯.gif (868.68 KB,239x176,239:176,ghostplane.gif)


suicide pact is gavin newsome's Getty connection.

and the military grade wildfires.

an the weather wars starving the place of water.

and the "sanctuary cities" harming the native Americans

and the cutting off gasoline.

and the selling the ports to Chyna.

and the murdering of the elderly in the nursing homes.

he has a lot of gall blaming guns for the murders.

everyone knows why they stage these things to get the public behind gun confiscation

He's not fooling anyone.

Just as they lied all about covid and the eurgenics program

they lie about the terror events.

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6c678f No.18206646

File: 9a11f0c8ae7f1ec⋯.png (401.17 KB,609x410,609:410,suicide_7.png)

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694095 No.18206647

File: e2e645221f608d3⋯.jpg (5.45 KB,277x182,277:182,Q.jpg)

File: 0c397cd190f1765⋯.jpg (21.17 KB,680x380,34:19,statue_lightning.jpg)

File: 334574c42c87367⋯.png (10.95 KB,214x169,214:169,scoping.png)

File: f7c9226aa66d741⋯.jpeg (6.07 KB,186x255,62:85,TargetAquired.jpeg)


I had a whole thunderstorm with nothing but sideways lightnings, some showing different hues of singular and mixed: greens, purples, blues, pinks, oranges, reds, and yellows. I talked to God about some of these things that are, were, and about to come.

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c6c0d8 No.18206648

File: b1fe0a04c3079b3⋯.png (275.95 KB,581x923,581:923,ClipboardImage.png)

The Federalist

Discovery Of More Biden Docs Proves Mar-A-Lago Raid Was Just Another Russia-Collusion Hoax

JANUARY 23, 2023


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f3d20e No.18206649

File: 65674c70113b96c⋯.png (885.66 KB,709x1346,709:1346,Screen_Shot_2023_01_23_at_….png)


KEK…. ucrainium

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497d59 No.18206650

File: 9343241f425b5b3⋯.jpg (58.63 KB,460x656,115:164,Meme_steal_trap_card.jpg)


ooooo dat's nice

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af7655 No.18206651


>It's happening

Define "It"

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4cbe55 No.18206652

File: d2f4bf83049f978⋯.mp4 (2.4 MB,720x1280,9:16,PQEimXXZsTsMjcDk.mp4)

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e29547 No.18206653

File: 602168ad04594a1⋯.png (331.86 KB,443x691,443:691,AVATARSB.png)

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45846b No.18206654


So is Matt Damon mad that this thing was cloned after him?

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b116a0 No.18206655


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5c266a No.18206656


Romania has joined the game in 2013, when they allowed US troops to use Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base for ops in Afghanistan on paper, but who actually knows what we use it for.

Which assets are they risking?

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4ab854 No.18206657

File: 6cf6daf1871e42b⋯.gif (2 MB,500x269,500:269,51ACD8A3_B55F_445D_A29C_74….gif)


What’d the big guy have to say?

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f9767a No.18206658


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6c678f No.18206659


He wanted his 10%.

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63015a No.18206660

File: 0f32de6a3cfa64a⋯.png (867.15 KB,1166x700,583:350,kasparov.png)



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d2c9f7 No.18206661


With God, nothing is impossible!

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5c266a No.18206662


exactly 👍

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6c678f No.18206663

File: 7ae09a5cd2265ff⋯.jpeg (88.59 KB,680x670,68:67,Nuremberg_Code.jpeg)

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d718dc No.18206664

File: e80d622688cbb3c⋯.jpg (40.42 KB,500x500,1:1,4yaxio.jpg)

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c02935 No.18206665










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e29547 No.18206666

File: 216793846520700⋯.png (52.25 KB,484x576,121:144,checkem1_Copy.png)

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4a00a1 No.18206667


Don't summon Fucko.

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424447 No.18206668

File: 55973ade11f500c⋯.webm (2.79 MB,320x240,4:3,shaken.webm)

File: 6c626f8b034b35e⋯.webm (2.49 MB,538x300,269:150,sickos.webm)

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f3d20e No.18206669


baby pigs are cool pets.

'til they get to about 150 lbs.

then they start looking at you like…

yeah, i bet i could take him down.

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daa14e No.18206670


i think that under the "buy american" program the us only uses blackwater

it's still around after a few name changes because of bad press about murdering civilians

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e83749 No.18206671

File: 8d5f49c9d8c1206⋯.png (14.7 KB,233x249,233:249,8d5f49c9d8c1206d5707cb789a….png)

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d8cf50 No.18206672


#22317 >>18206394

>>18206489, >>18206526 PF Eyez on the Skyz

>>18206420 France raising retirement age to 64 from 62

>>18206438 It’s nuts to think NATO or EU would have Ukraine in NATO because they have never been ally. This is Insane weaponizing Ukraine

>>18206518 FBI arrest today collapses everything related to Russia, Russia, Russia

>>18206543 Defense minister Reznikov under fire as corruption probes rock Ukraine

>>18206565 NASA astronaut and 2 cosmonauts may stay on space station for a full year after Soyuz leak

>>18206568 Newsom after Monterey Park shooting: "Second Amendment is becoming a suicide pact"

>>18206618 Turkish President Throws A BOMBSHELL & Partners With Syria To Attack US Troops

>>18206621 Sang-ok Chung: As WH exec asst, recommended by Hunter, she fed Hunter sensitive data.

>>18206648 Discovery Of More Biden Docs Proves Mar-A-Lago Raid Was Just Another Russia-Collusion Hoax

czech em

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c6c0d8 No.18206673

File: 63637eed04e0393⋯.png (472.23 KB,543x856,543:856,ClipboardImage.png)

38 people on terror watchlist have been nabbed at southern border since October 1, 2022.

How many got away?



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eb55ef No.18206674

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald Trump Jr.

Don Jr's Inauguration | TRIGGERED Ep. 1


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1880fb No.18206675

File: d5f15c555c53864⋯.jpg (102.76 KB,670x900,67:90,1671361067403256.jpg)


at least the vaxxies saved the polar bears

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61b19c No.18206676

File: 30249b733176809⋯.png (285.04 KB,640x346,320:173,20221126_182940.png)

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89a2ca No.18206677

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens & Orlando - 01/23/2023


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5d0d2b No.18206678


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e2ef71 No.18206679

File: b63caa0ec276ba8⋯.png (522.72 KB,810x475,162:95,ClipboardImage.png)

File: abb79e6b2a5052c⋯.png (41.09 KB,571x314,571:314,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 487c3fa015d99ed⋯.png (163.6 KB,562x614,281:307,ClipboardImage.png)

Fired Corrupt FBI Agent Peter Strzok Shows that He Is on the Wrong Side of the Law Again

Peter Strzok, the corrupt FBI Agent who was fired, is at it again. He still thinks he is relevant after his numerous corrupt actions while at the FBI.

Strzok started his career long ago under the Clinton gang. Strzok was part of a group of corrupt actors who took over and FBI and continued a long history of massive corruption at that entity.

Strzok eventually ended up at the FBI when President Trump was sworn in. He was a key member of the corrupt Mueller gang and the Trump-Russia collusion scandal. After years of lies from the media and criminal actions by the FBI we now know that the entire sham was created by the corrupt Hillary campaign and continued by the corrupt FBI Deep State, which Strzok was a member.

Strzok was asked to share before Congress in an event where it seemed like the devil himself was being asked questions. Eventually, one Congressman put Strzok on the spot.

Strzok was asked by Congressman Louie Gohmert about his concerns about China that Strzok claimed he didn’t remember.

After that and other remarks about not knowing about China and Hillary’s emails going to China. Gohmert called out Strzok for lying to his wife about an affair with fellow employee Lisa Page.

Both bad actors went from the FBI to the criminal Mueller gang where they were removed after some of their text messages were shared with the media.

Strzok claimed he was being honest. Gohmert was upset because he believed that Strzok was not being honest. How could an FBI agent be provided information that China was capturing Hillary’s emails and not remember this being shared with them personally?

Today the same fired Peter Strzok offered his opinion on the felonies that Biden committed by stealing top secret classified documents from the government while VP under Barack Obama.

Strzok says that Biden committed no crimes but President Trump did. This guy never stops.


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112bdf No.18206680

File: ac6c1d41c916c1f⋯.gif (4.91 MB,464x276,116:69,3406C528_1E91_43B2_B24C_1D….gif)

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4d9e90 No.18206681

File: 84edf8b66ad9844⋯.jpg (252.67 KB,821x636,821:636,Screenshot_20230123_205712….jpg)

File: d0a06836c8b7975⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,1440x1533,480:511,Screenshot_20230123_205613….jpg)


For a long time anon has felt something up in the gums above a rear molar. Though it to be a hair or popcorn kernel stuck up there. Finally today while wearing an aluminum foil hat and jumping up and down it jostled lose. A few more bounces and the pic rel comes out from gums. Feels like a parasite has been removed.

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1880fb No.18206682

File: 607a6f85ccae67b⋯.jpg (74.35 KB,567x309,189:103,18jwl2.jpg)


>they lie about the terror events.

all of them, every one

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5d0d2b No.18206683

and tahn he zeLENSky teh schiff out of teh tRUMP fo france

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9bbbb0 No.18206684

File: 8bcc44f010e4f2d⋯.jpeg (230.51 KB,1773x1773,1:1,1C60035B_709C_4B62_AB6A_C….jpeg)

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e2ef71 No.18206685

File: d88e60bf16fb468⋯.png (309.22 KB,549x479,549:479,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2d798e683e8eae⋯.png (291.51 KB,543x461,543:461,ClipboardImage.png)

Marjorie Taylor Greene Tells Tucker Carlson She Will Introduce Legislation to Declare Antifa a Domestic Terrorist Organization

The Gateway Pundit reported on Saturday evening that revenge riots erupted in Atlanta over the killing of a far-left gunman in Antifa’s ‘autonomous zone.’

Manuel Esteban Paez Teran also known as “Tortuguita,” 26, was shot and killed by police, and now his friends and comrades are wreaking havoc on local businesses in retaliation.

This was after “Tortuquita” shot a police officer and injured the officer.

A local Atlanta reporter called the riot a “largely peaceful protest” as the police cruiser was engulfed in flames in the background.

Black Lives Matter-Antifa mobs caused over one billion dollars in damages in cities across America since May 2020. In Minneapolis alone, Black Lives Matter mobs damaged or destroyed over 1,500 businesses or buildings in the 2020 riots.

Over 700 police officers were injured in the BLM riots — and that was back in June 2020!

Black Lives Matter was linked to conservatively 91% of the riots that resulted in the most expensive property damage in US insurance history.

On Monday Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) went on with Tucker Carlson to announce she will introduce legislation to declare Antifa a domestic terrorist organization.

She wants investigations on its organization and funding.



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5d0d2b No.18206686

fedeREAL FIB trannys in lleotards /RR/ doxxin teh joos out of yoOVAL

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424447 No.18206687

File: 74a6ac033074cb7⋯.mp4 (5.41 MB,480x360,4:3,Kermit_Its_not_easy_being_….mp4)

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4cbe55 No.18206688

File: f0f4d4b91f2b720⋯.mp4 (1.43 MB,964x720,241:180,bENWv8gEN7MEUTBS.mp4)


Quads 6's


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358593 No.18206689

File: bdd4a61a3f14895⋯.jpg (353.97 KB,1024x613,1024:613,grammar_kitty_thumbs_corre….jpg)


>Romania has joined the game in 2013

Present perfect (have auxilliary verb + past participle) can only be used with a specific past time adverbial if it also uses the word since.

For example, "Q has been posting since 2017."

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2f8e01 No.18206690



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5d0d2b No.18206691

coww3#boy pixie dusts feels fill

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1d0440 No.18206692

File: 43c966f6acbf61b⋯.jpg (575.5 KB,1080x1634,540:817,Screenshot_20230123_180747….jpg)

Teekah Lewis was two years old when she vanished from New Frontier Lanes bowling alley in Tacoma on Jan. 23, 1999.


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d75f39 No.18206693

File: 7be4ad491dba3e0⋯.jpg (197.95 KB,605x1086,605:1086,Screenshot_20230123_200242….jpg)

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d718dc No.18206694

File: 840ed7e11063e58⋯.jpg (60.29 KB,777x500,777:500,4nr4yl.jpg)

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111eda No.18206695

File: faea76c744ba65a⋯.jpg (5.58 KB,194x259,194:259,MyPillowTowels.jpg)

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f3d20e No.18206696

File: b243fbaf3ced8d6⋯.jpg (64.36 KB,622x391,622:391,d5f15c555c538641bc6c2ae093….jpg)


dey gots de polar bears at Busch Gardens down in Tampa, FL. dem bears seems to do just fine in tropical climates.

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5d0d2b No.18206697


nazis slipped in and out of tortilla wiff edipus complex schadenfreude laptop hunter's CP

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ada4f8 No.18206698


Part of an insect maybe? Chitin? Think of a piece of a shrimp "shell"- that would be chitin, I believe.

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4d9e90 No.18206699


Can move bell curve mountains.

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376c62 No.18206700


Make it rain!

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c71d3e No.18206701


>Simply STAND.

Sunshine and exercise are also highly recommended.

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61b19c No.18206702

File: 398d80da0c97f48⋯.jpg (43.72 KB,631x960,631:960,398d80da0c97f48434d1c72584….jpg)


it's laughably obvious

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1880fb No.18206703

File: 38a42cecbfd84fb⋯.jpg (96.96 KB,550x415,110:83,n4546.jpg)


probably a tracking implant

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c0b2f9 No.18206704

File: 764f0b78454262a⋯.png (196.92 KB,505x322,505:322,764f0b78454262acaaae5486cc….png)

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5d0d2b No.18206705

shots shots shots shots shots shots shots shots shotsGAHYbarr

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5c266a No.18206706

File: 13fe72b4be73c94⋯.gif (1.08 MB,500x495,100:99,778141465.gif)

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822d1d No.18206707

File: 3d7afce9494b688⋯.jpg (55.31 KB,747x960,249:320,pedo_hitler.jpg)

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c6c0d8 No.18206708

File: 754bff98365bd2d⋯.png (198.38 KB,597x617,597:617,ClipboardImage.png)

Rules Committee - 118th Congress

Thomas Massie

It’s official, I’ll be on the Rules Committee. The committee is comprised of 9 members of the majority and 4 members of the minority.

All bills go through the Rules Committee after being voted out of their committees of jurisdiction and before being considered by the full House.


7:44 PM · Jan 23, 2023


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5d0d2b No.18206709

File: a177fa176261e5b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,199.72 KB,800x969,800:969,IMG_4012.JPG)

mysterious interstate crime spreee scene

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d718dc No.18206710

File: b0ffeea28709d33⋯.jpg (67.85 KB,613x407,613:407,4lv4d1.jpg)

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7ac13e No.18206711

File: ec4f764ece148ba⋯.jpg (34.09 KB,862x492,431:246,wwsqqsq.JPG)


We will get very close to a conflict; it will seem unstoppable. Then, at the last minute, President Trump will negotiate a peace deal.

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7255a6 No.18206712



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1880fb No.18206713


that video animation:

please note the golden glowing Pedo swirls at 9/10 seconds

>in plain sight

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5d0d2b No.18206714

File: a7885c43e0f39e0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.77 KB,344x454,172:227,BBXS8676.jpg)

doorknob virtue signals end of wondeRRland

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f3d20e No.18206715


<Simply STAND.

>Sunshine and exercise are also highly recommended.

ya might wanna read a few books, too. OP wasn't referring to STANDING (as opposed to sitting).

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0f4d5d No.18206716


Hunter knew because Daddy was Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

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4a00a1 No.18206717

File: a2f6e004480c370⋯.png (163.17 KB,370x300,37:30,ClipboardImage.png)

Where'd they go? I want to hear more of their wonderful REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEs.

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a50741 No.18206718

File: 314e5209ff076b2⋯.png (456.84 KB,618x637,618:637,Screen_Shot_2023_01_21_at_….png)


haters gonna hate

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5d0d2b No.18206719



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d03d28 No.18206720

File: cc808b292a13375⋯.mp4 (9.31 MB,426x240,71:40,777_COMING_BACK_TO_LIFE_co….mp4)


They're Not Sending Their Best….

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737ab9 No.18206721

File: 46431dd39151454⋯.jpg (234.14 KB,1170x1598,585:799,FnLJVHkXwBsqlMc.jpg)

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d718dc No.18206722

File: c1f4b61c23a220b⋯.png (15.1 KB,255x255,1:1,33322e87be021876f644975468….png)

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c6c0d8 No.18206723

File: 93bda8e69bd44bf⋯.png (728.75 KB,907x913,907:913,ClipboardImage.png)

2023 House Calendar

Yellow = House in floor session Reps in D.C.


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5d0d2b No.18206724

File: eddf1cfa26903cc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,148.45 KB,1280x720,16:9,GBYI3278.jpg)

psychotic /pone/ drives gas mask nostalgia

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d03d28 No.18206725

File: c16aebb33d962f6⋯.png (867.59 KB,719x1135,719:1135,1674400253866.png)



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cc175c No.18206726


the left is arguing that the fbi moron having russian ties means the investigation results were dishonest

aka trump is russian asset

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b8060c No.18206727

Don Jr. is live


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1880fb No.18206728

File: 58d7224fabc7b59⋯.jpg (354.53 KB,1170x1416,195:236,1660092648950975.jpg)


his gf / his daughter

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5c266a No.18206729


Also speaking of assets…look at what this admin has done to our own because of Ukraine and all of the equipment we left behind in Afghanistan.

The first thing this admin did when the assumed power was to stop US from producing oil, that right there is a sign they intend to go to war.

Manufacture a crisis and the sheep will follow.

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c6c0d8 No.18206730

File: 0b5949b26a31312⋯.png (210.19 KB,1214x949,1214:949,ClipboardImage.png)


Leadership 118th Congress


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d03d28 No.18206731

File: 809feb0953f8435⋯.png (1.43 MB,1023x1140,341:380,1674298173110.png)

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5d0d2b No.18206732

fELON wants Bidet after deep and dump tesla explodes

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61b19c No.18206733

File: 35fd0c6b16c4f07⋯.jpg (242.96 KB,1080x540,2:1,20200704_074840.jpg)

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bb0493 No.18206734

File: 65259a7dbb272d9⋯.png (52.79 KB,1440x900,8:5,2023_01_23_USTV247_Closed.png)


Guys, for anyone who used to watch cable television channels on the Internet for free by using USTV247, I regret to inform you that the company is no longer streaming for us.

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497d59 No.18206735

File: 566e5047ecba069⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB,640x360,16:9,8_26_2022_Andrew_Weismann_….mp4)

File: 290b6e75d5625e0⋯.jpeg (431.8 KB,1284x1019,1284:1019,9_5_2022_Andrew_Weissman_….jpeg)

File: 2346de1ef854596⋯.png (108.22 KB,571x816,571:816,Andrew_Weissmann_He_Takes_….png)

File: 8c3b831ecd21dbd⋯.jpg (483.8 KB,1513x1153,1513:1153,Weissman_destroyed_Arthu_A….jpg)

File: 70cccebae13d284⋯.png (365.86 KB,728x385,104:55,ClipboardImage.png)


>but why is he pointing out when Bidan, DOJ and his team doing everything wrong or questionable?

He got nothing on The Plum Book register? He's been whining, and threatening Kash.

He's a complete and total POS

In 1991, Weissmann worked as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York and would remain in this role until 2002. While at EDNY, Weissmann tried more than 25 cases, some of which involved members of the Genovese, Colombo and Gambino crime families.[7] He led the prosecution team in the Vincent Gigante case, in which Gigante was convicted.[4]

From 2002 to 2005, Weissmann was the deputy director appointed by George W. Bush, prior to his assignment as the director of the task force investigating the Enron scandal.[7] His work resulted in the prosecution of more than 30 people for crimes including perjury, fraud, and obstruction, including three of Enron's top executives, Andrew Fastow, Kenneth Lay, and Jeffrey Skilling. In a follow-up case in U.S. District Court,Weissmann also was successful, controversially, at arguing that auditing firm Arthur Andersen LLP had covered up for Enron. In that case, which resulted in the destruction of Andersen, he convinced the district judge to instruct the jury that they could convict the firm regardless of whether its employees knew they were violating the law.[4] That ruling was later unanimously overturned by the Supreme Court in Arthur Andersen LLP v. United States, in which the court held that "the jury instructions failed to convey the requisite consciousness of wrongdoing." However, it was a Pyrrhic victory for the company. Some 7,000 jobs were lost.[8][9]

They destroyed a major firm with a war of attrition, the same avenue he chose to go after POTUS, one of them anyway…

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da4e70 No.18206736

File: 7da9afbba1d54cd⋯.gif (3.71 MB,945x945,1:1,1611842773.gif)

File: 78680b4f56e26e9⋯.gif (152.21 KB,225x540,5:12,1612053077.gif)

File: 4e71bee458e97b5⋯.png (353.51 KB,858x441,286:147,1498422174284.png)


>Macon, masonic home of Georgia

>33 dub dubs

not funny anon

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d718dc No.18206737

File: 7478891aa53c8d3⋯.jpg (71.47 KB,750x500,3:2,7478891aa53c8d3767f87f2162….jpg)

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424447 No.18206738

File: 9368e27832939ed⋯.jpg (476.35 KB,883x870,883:870,signs_are_everywhere.jpg)



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3811ea No.18206739


One day you'll appreciate a little experience Anon.

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d03d28 No.18206740

File: 2b2804d38b40321⋯.png (880 KB,908x1284,227:321,1674398367277.png)

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5c266a No.18206741



>President Trump will negotiate a peace deal.

Problem is PDJT isn't in power and the goal is to keep him from power at all costs

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034650 No.18206742


Shift is over.

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7255a6 No.18206743

File: b57582752876073⋯.png (111.96 KB,802x104,401:52,ClipboardImage.png)

Shawn Henry and Dmitri Alperovitch of CrowdStrike

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a55ab3 No.18206744

File: 3ca0ba80c5ba8f3⋯.jpg (160.89 KB,1169x871,1169:871,Mericak_Garland_Protects_l….jpg)

Again I find myself accusing this piece of shit of treason.

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822d1d No.18206745


That week, NPR had an interview with a woman in Manhattan who just happened to catch the roaring of the jet plane flying flow over her apartment. They played the sound a lot. Seems to be scrubbed.

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4cbe55 No.18206746

File: 41b0626f4033fc4⋯.mp4 (10.67 MB,720x1280,9:16,Qytu5txpFs8x9vyJ.mp4)


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0dcfa7 No.18206747

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons please listen, i need your input.

Kash thinks the DOJ and FBI have been investigating Hunter Bidan laptop for four years. He thinks the reason the stolen papers matter came up, that they were being investigated for treason etc?

This makes me wonder if they have been investigating Joe Bidan in addition and all his crimes, and they couldn’t prove he was Manchurian candidate at that time and they wanted to arrest both of them. Is this how they get him out of office.Is it possible they were investigating the election theft of 2020, and finally confirmed it?. Crazy thought I know.


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4d8cc2 No.18206748

File: 67b7aaac66e0ff1⋯.png (1.01 MB,719x932,719:932,ClipboardImage.png)

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da4e70 No.18206750

File: e5542aa86c87931⋯.png (9.48 KB,159x255,53:85,night_shift1.png)

File: 922578155797cdc⋯.gif (11.6 KB,255x255,1:1,nightshift.gif)

File: 9534cfa673cc308⋯.jpg (702.24 KB,1079x918,1079:918,nightshift.jpg)

File: b0e84ed646f0cf9⋯.png (104.47 KB,338x338,1:1,nightshift.png)

File: be231befa6b0c24⋯.jpg (273.66 KB,796x1085,796:1085,nightshift_7_.jpg)

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e2ef71 No.18206751

Former DHS Secretary says that 300,000 unaccompanied minors have crossed the border in Biden's term

"These are children that have been smuggled and trafficked across that border," Secretary Wolf said.

Former acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Chad Wolf says that the Biden administration is refusing to acknowledge the hundreds of thousands of minor children crossing the southern border unaccompanied.

"They need to talk about the 300,000 unaccompanied children that have come across that border in the first two years of this administration," Wolf said on Monday's edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "These are children that have been smuggled and trafficked across that border. They've come over with no parents, no guardians, and in many cases, no siblings."

According to Wolf, there is a major crisis at the border with thousands of people pouring in daily, and the migrant children are suffering major consequences as a result.

"They have probably endured the worst part of this journey," Wolf stated. "And this administration doesn't even acknowledge them and doesn't necessarily change any policies that will have any effect and I think we need to ask them why."

Newly designated House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has recently announced that investigating the crisis at the southern border is going to be a top priority for the new GOP-controlled house.

According to Wolf, Rep. Comer has called for border agents to testify in front of congress regarding struggles that they are facing with the border crisis.

"Congressman Comer has announced some oversight hearings regarding the border," Wolf said. "There's a list of Border Patrol officers that he's invited to come to testify. I think that will be interesting. They're going to be asked what works along that border and what doesn't. Does physical infrastructure work? Does the remain in Mexico program work?"



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ffad73 No.18206752

File: a6ef1b15262f6f7⋯.png (78.38 KB,690x446,345:223,image_2023_01_23_211750534.png)

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7ac13e No.18206753


He doesn't need to be in 'visible power' in order to make a deal.

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3811ea No.18206754


Maybe, in a different movie.

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56d231 No.18206755


Looks like i mao


Keep rowing

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c71d3e No.18206756

File: 2dfe5c3fcef8ce7⋯.png (530.44 KB,724x724,1:1,WW.png)


yep, just reading the thread. anon wanted to remind anons to get some vitamin D and exercise. Scary what anon wrote about leasing your own immune system back from big pharma. Fucking insane. Guess I'm not right in the head because I'm not surprised.

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6be0ea No.18206757

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1880fb No.18206758


It's past 9am in DC

the dayshift shills are just getting their morning joe before logging in

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000a55 No.18206759

File: 64623e7c6b60044⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,360x776,45:97,cop_throws_rioters_phone.mp4)

File: a315ccae1cc4bbf⋯.webm (2.93 MB,640x360,16:9,Antifa_BTFO_2.webm)

File: a0a818e232d5895⋯.webm (2.84 MB,988x548,247:137,Portland_antifa_KTFO.webm)

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a50741 No.18206760

File: f5b479fe269a823⋯.png (784.77 KB,1164x995,1164:995,Screenshot_2023_01_23_at_1….png)


got the suddenly?

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0328f7 No.18206761


Never gonna habben

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3811ea No.18206762

File: 2ec2ed8415b2f6a⋯.png (666.57 KB,1100x734,550:367,DED_.png)

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a55ab3 No.18206763


Kash thinks Ballot Harvesting like Democrats will make election Integrity to win like the Red Wave.

Kash keeps you hypnotised to ignore the fact there shouldn't be BAD PEOPLE or THINGS ON THE BALLOT.

Kash won't insist commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist leninist socialist globalist terrorist pedoist jihadism sharia-ism and identity fraud is off the ballot.

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d718dc No.18206764

File: 064365f833e617a⋯.jpg (118.68 KB,960x712,120:89,064365f833e617a1341b2b0613….jpg)

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f3d20e No.18206765


>One day you'll appreciate a little experience Anon.

anon is in his 70s. at my age, a little LESS experience would be appreciated.

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1880fb No.18206766



here's a challenge:

find the obvious Masonic symbol in the Space X logo

>think mirror

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5c266a No.18206767



just thought of something interesting, Kevin McCarthy is 3rd in line…

Biden is currently being thrown under the bus

Harris will assume power, but will also be thrown out

Leaving the speaker

Wonder if this was the plan all along…

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3811ea No.18206768

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dc45c0 No.18206769

Thanks Jim

Thank Ron

you have my bless Gentlemen

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437db3 No.18206770

File: 98ba14620780661⋯.jpg (53.13 KB,465x262,465:262,jimmycomet8.jpg)

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0328f7 No.18206771


Ty anon

Earlier spring

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4a00a1 No.18206772

File: af146f34c8e03f9⋯.png (252.33 KB,645x694,645:694,af146f34c8e03f9c520ce228a4….png)


Probably having a tailgate meeting, going over the failure of the day shift so they can try and formulate an angle of attack. My guess is they'll wait until next bread to start posting again.

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128af1 No.18206773

File: 455069e9f8e51cf⋯.png (246.88 KB,408x622,204:311,khjbk.PNG)

governors, etc against murdering in-utero persons called extremists

Vice President Kamala Harris



Jan 22

United States government official

The fight for reproductive rights is a fight for freedom and liberty.

To extremist so-called leaders everywhere, let me be clear: we are not giving up this fight. And we will win.


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0328f7 No.18206774


Obama has a plan and an enormous ego

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111eda No.18206775

File: cbf0cb8403b98bf⋯.jpg (39.14 KB,750x743,750:743,CrowEatingEyes.jpg)


Lots of fresh eyeballs to snack on.

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a55ab3 No.18206776

File: b97feee7ea9a4d3⋯.jpg (93.73 KB,829x470,829:470,dum_dum_bring_gum.jpg)

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e2ef71 No.18206777

File: 20f1336d7c24a3e⋯.png (2.83 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2595bfc7c21143⋯.png (152.12 KB,891x603,99:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29a367b3ae8649e⋯.png (114.39 KB,861x384,287:128,ClipboardImage.png)

George Soros called for NATO to use Eastern European soldiers to ‘reduce the risk of body bags for NATO countries’ in 1993 ‘New World Order’ article

Soros called for Eastern Europeans to essentially be used as cannon fodder armed with NATO weapons, a prescient prediction given how the war in Ukraine has developed

As the war in Ukraine rages on, there is little doubt that the human cost has been enormous for Ukraine, including what is likely more than 100,000 soldiers who have died in combat operations. However, there was one man who predicted much of what has come to pass in the battle in the east of Europe: George Soros.

The billionaire oligarch financier, often portrayed as a humanist, promoted a hard-nosed geopolitical strategy in his 1993 piece entitled “Toward a New World Order: The Future of NATO.” In the piece, he outlines how Eastern Europeans could be used as the “manpower” in coming conflicts in an effort to reduce the number of deaths in Western countries, which Soros argues the West would not politically tolerate, unlike the east of Europe.

“The United States would not be called upon to act as the policeman of the world. When it acts, it would act in conjunction with others. Incidentally, the combination of manpower from Eastern Europe with the technical capabilities of NATO would greatly enhance the military potential of the Partnership because it would reduce the risk of body bags for NATO countries, which is the main constraint on their willingness to act. This is a viable alternative to the looming world disorder,” wrote Soros in the article.

Soros acknowledges that the NATO countries have no appetite for “body bags,” but his statement implicitly indicates that Eastern Europeans can fill this role.

What Soros described appears to be unfolding exactly as he predicted regarding the war in Ukraine. Armed with high-end NATO weapons, Ukrainian soldiers are actively countering Russia, which Soros had already feared would become a nationalist nation opposed to the global order he was promoting in 1993. The powerful Western countries have the necessary weapons, and Ukraine has the manpower. Given that Soros already saw the potential of what this symbiotic match could produce on the battlefield decades in advance will likely bolster his reputation as a calculating — and perhaps ruthless — strategic thinker.

As Soros predicted, Ukrainian society appears to be tolerating the high death toll in its current conflict with Russia. During the Vietnam War, the U.S. lost 58,220 over the course of approximately 10 years, and yet, the war saw strong opposition from the American public. Despite a far higher death toll in a far shorter period of time, Ukrainian society has seen little in terms of protests.

The lack of protest in Ukraine may also be helped by the fact that Ukraine has suspended most of civil society, banned opposition parties and media, and even outlawed the Russian Orthodox Church. Another key factor in society’s perspective on the conflict is that the war is taking place on Ukrainian soil, which is a highly motivating factor for Ukrainian soldiers.

All those Ukrainian bodies, of course, have come with a major price tag for Russia, with the country’s cemeteries also filling up as quickly or even more so. Exact figures on casualties for either side remain unofficial and are likely inexact, but the war is costing both nations dearly in terms of life.

In the same article, Soros called for a “new world order.” The term is often derided in establishment media as a conspiracy theory, but Soros openly uses it. In addition, in the piece, the new world order he calls for is remarkably globalist and centralized. In other words, exactly the type of new world order critics of his, such as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, have been warning about for over a decade.

“Therefore, the only basis for action is collective security. And that is where the problem lies. The collapse of the Soviet empire has created a collective security problem of the utmost gravity. Without a new world order, there will be disorder; that much is clear. But who will act as the world’s policeman? That is the question that needs to be answered,” Soros wrote.


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d30ace No.18206778

File: 5e2311044a441d2⋯.jpeg (61.6 KB,680x448,85:56,13BF5838_338A_4211_BD58_F….jpeg)

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d718dc No.18206779

File: 79165229ced66e2⋯.png (8.74 KB,255x169,255:169,a3c7b7a810e29ff4f49247b541….png)

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1880fb No.18206780

File: 748a13ff6fcae3a⋯.png (59.89 KB,560x560,1:1,1671168682509064.png)



>got the suddenly?

oopsy! another vaxxie heart attaxie

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19dc66 No.18206781


Harris will nom a new VP. If they throw Harris out, the VP will be the new POTUS. It’s going to be Buttigieg. Cap this.

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424447 No.18206782

File: 5da853f63749982⋯.png (274.33 KB,452x508,113:127,smile_click.png)

File: d8a15234c93776e⋯.jpg (36.18 KB,666x694,333:347,common_sense_gun_control.jpg)

File: 68bf13e9be794c6⋯.png (440.92 KB,599x588,599:588,pew_pew.png)

File: 7b2c421a43efb28⋯.png (131.98 KB,422x261,422:261,no.png)

File: 9f0d1a93697329f⋯.png (337.49 KB,1309x872,1309:872,nuts.png)

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e83eda No.18206783


>The fight for reproductive rights

But they aren't reproducing life, right?

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7bf607 No.18206784

meme into existence:

8kun movies news etc.., streamin now are all belong to us

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d75f39 No.18206785

File: fb862430290df0d⋯.jpg (169.96 KB,573x602,573:602,Screenshot_20230123_201408….jpg)

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e2ef71 No.18206786

File: 93af76d096ad627⋯.png (368.25 KB,500x399,500:399,ClipboardImage.png)

Pentagon Planning GOP House Speaker McCarthy Visit To Taiwan This Spring

New House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is planning his own Taiwan trip later this year, following former speaker Nancy Pelosi's early August visit which had set off weeks of PLA military drills which encircled the self-ruled island, including repeat breaches of the Taiwan Strait median line.

Fox News reported that the Pentagon is aware and busy making preparations. "The US military is drafting plans to ensure safety on a trip to Taiwan later this year," Fox reported.

Punchbowl News was the first to report the trip earlier in the day Monday, and said the US military is in the "early stages" of laying the logistical groundwork.

"McCarthy expressed support for Pelosi’s trip at the time and said he’d also travel to Taiwan if elected speaker," Punchbowl wrote. "And just recently, McCarthy touted the House’s vote to establish a select committee on China, which received significant Democratic support."

An official involved in the preparations indicated it's expected to take place at some point in the spring. Pelosi's visit had been teased for months as a possibility but was only made public when she was already en route and about to touch down in Taipei on August 2nd, accompanied by a delegation of five Democratic Party members. They flew out the next day after meeting with top officials including President Tsai Ing-wen.

China is already signaling severe opposition to another such ultra-provocative visit by a sitting US house speaker, an office third in line from the presidency after the vice president.

For example, state-run Global Times addressed earlier stirrings last week when rumors of McCarthy's trip began to surface:

"If McCarthy does visit Taiwan in 2023," a GT article began, "China-U.S. relations will witness another shock comparable to or even worse than that in August 2022 when Pelosi visited Taiwan."

McCarthy, long an advocate of getting 'tougher' on China, hopes to lead the House-led GOP toward putting greater scrutiny on Beijing and making the US economic and military rival a top foreign policy priority.



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f3d20e No.18206787


>Guess I'm not right in the head because I'm not surprised.

that's right, anon. you are a defective consumer unit. you have violated "Robot's Rules of Order" and will be asked to leave the future, immediately.

stay where you are and remain calm. a team of friendly helpful young men in clean white suits have already been dispatched to escort you.

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7df0b6 No.18206788

File: a1f43e6e4767564⋯.png (175.09 KB,703x327,703:327,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 017d27983dba1ec⋯.png (288.02 KB,797x518,797:518,ClipboardImage.png)

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e83749 No.18206789

File: b6a57637d4388a9⋯.jpg (36.62 KB,642x350,321:175,prettyeyes44.jpg)

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1880fb No.18206790

File: 7586a65ea404c1d⋯.jpg (396.43 KB,2000x1000,2:1,ut56.jpg)

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a50741 No.18206791

File: 5ab1b10ffedb881⋯.png (1023.53 KB,1034x556,517:278,Screen_Shot_2023_01_23_at_….png)


"When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape."

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a55ab3 No.18206792

File: 03ef529e291c640⋯.png (303.3 KB,651x362,651:362,ClipboardImage.png)

I'd say it's notable.

23 January 2023

RT - (Rumble)

Ukraine hides ammo depots near nuclear stations – Russian intelligence


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128af1 No.18206793

File: 3d5f1d08dff2d0f⋯.jpg (24.48 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_2_.jpg)



Blood clots: Compound found in eggs linked to an enhanced risk of blood clotting

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a48834 No.18206794


Stacy Abrams

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d718dc No.18206795

File: 93dca7eba90d9cf⋯.png (217.72 KB,480x421,480:421,93dca7eba90d9cfe013efdb646….png)

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4cbe55 No.18206796

File: 48f977af032f340⋯.mp4 (2.41 MB,846x720,47:40,large_9_.mp4)


Some experience is even appreciated at older age

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3811ea No.18206797


Nope. Not even at a stretch.

Better luck next time.

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4a00a1 No.18206798

File: 7619d91d5b544f6⋯.gif (2.77 MB,360x272,45:34,fireitup2.gif)

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d2c9f7 No.18206799


Who cares, can't afford the damn things anyway.

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d5e81e No.18206800

File: 1958359043be6e9⋯.jpg (174.36 KB,1000x948,250:237,Treason_Inferno_Trump_Down….jpg)

File: a1eba713242b245⋯.jpg (80.77 KB,540x651,180:217,Where_Is_Hunter_Chinese_Em….jpg)

File: 861c072cbe7c73e⋯.png (1.41 MB,1154x1010,577:505,1673872572552.png)

File: d6b45a174d9f1cf⋯.mp4 (8.71 MB,480x270,16:9,3_TREASON_INFERNO_DANTE_MI….mp4)


But [[[THEY]]] Did….


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d8cf50 No.18206801


cholesterol in egg yolk clogs arteries

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f3d20e No.18206802

File: 72fd6089ce8fcd8⋯.png (1.78 MB,1242x1602,69:89,a596035160987dff3137c56d7b….png)


edited out the BS about the holohoax.

yer welcome.

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1880fb No.18206803

File: 83ee5490524e49d⋯.gif (466.96 KB,606x423,202:141,1673925454686968.gif)

vaxxies get no refunds

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19dc66 No.18206804


If anyone, It’s going to be Buttigieg. This has been the plan all along.

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6be0ea No.18206805

File: ec582d574543319⋯.jpg (50.11 KB,672x538,336:269,1664898635277969.jpg)

File: 162d6d4a6911bd7⋯.png (4.41 MB,780x7860,13:131,midnight_run.png)

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128af1 No.18206806

File: 61c8f70d5832783⋯.jpg (136.38 KB,339x509,339:509,istockphoto_1182984579_170….jpg)

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cf06e9 No.18206807

67 Year old Asian guy shoots and kills 7 injures 1.

WTF is goin on the with Asians?


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a073dc No.18206808

File: c85e700b4bea4f3⋯.png (251.61 KB,862x444,431:222,Screenshot_2023_01_23_at_9….png)


they even sell the shirts

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9f4ab7 No.18206809


Where was this soundbite machine when POTUS was in office? These "politicians" are the only things AS fake as these Mockingbird "shows" they go on. (They seemingly try to outfake each other but can't.)

Trump says he will designate Antifa as a terrorist organizationMay 31, 2020https://nypost.com/2020/05/31/trump-tweets-antifa-will-be-designated-a-terrorist-group/

Trump to designate KKK, Antifa as terrorist groups in black empowerment planSeptember 25, 2020

President Trump unveiled an economic empowerment plan for black Americans in Atlanta on Friday that will designate both Antifa and the Ku Klux Klan as terrorist organizations.

The “Platinum Plan” details Trump’s vision for a potential second term, including increasing access to capital to black businesses by almost $500 billion, which will create 3 million new jobs for the black community, and creating 50,000 new black-owned businesses, the document said.

The president will also label both the Ku Klux Klan and Antifa as terrorist organizations, something he has promised to do since 2019, presumably through executive action.


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a48834 No.18206810


Turf war or they are being hunted.

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3811ea No.18206811



What do you base that claim on?

The story coming from the statin manufacturers?

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7255a6 No.18206812

File: e5b0daec2e7d8ff⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB,906x504,151:84,howdarethey.mp4)


>To extremist so-called leaders everywhere, let me be clear: we are not giving up this fight. And we will win.

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e2ef71 No.18206813

File: 897a7afa8363ebd⋯.png (116.25 KB,692x842,346:421,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0e7801ed572bec⋯.png (112.06 KB,681x891,227:297,ClipboardImage.png)

Retired FBI Executive Charged With Concealing $225,000 In Cash Received From An Outside Source

Charles F. McGonigal Arrested in New York


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67d9cc No.18206814


nice. happy endings - kek

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d718dc No.18206815

File: 8111551d09e7c72⋯.jpeg (41.87 KB,570x587,570:587,8111551d09e7c726a62d7d9dd….jpeg)


>Turf war or they are being hunted.

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437db3 No.18206816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jayne Hrdlicka - YES to vaccines & NO Russian flags at the Australian Open

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fd9318 No.18206817

File: 625accc3ca7b812⋯.png (8.82 KB,329x270,329:270,ClipboardImage.png)

Any oldfags use +120 to read?

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19dc66 No.18206818


He had a beef with the ex. It happens. Unfortunately a lot of innocent people were caught in the middle of his rampage against his ex.

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982ba3 No.18206819


Nope. Fear porn.

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1880fb No.18206820

File: eb5bfbfa8d34993⋯.jpg (103.13 KB,695x500,139:100,7637fs.jpg)


I saw that shit today as well, they claim all sorts of utter bullshit reasons about eggs and video games and watching TV causing strokes and heart attacks

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6c678f No.18206821

File: e6f80978c9d6703⋯.png (464.51 KB,500x750,2:3,having_a_coincidence.png)

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0328f7 No.18206822


Too happy and too on point

Tells anon the cabal is ready to slip on their replacement

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f3d20e No.18206823


>Some experience is even appreciated at older age

sad commentary on our society that anyone that stoopit as that can live as long as she has.

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7bf607 No.18206824


msdnc bullysheviks gone shooting

mostly peace through violence

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a55ab3 No.18206825


get some pinhole glasses.. exercise your eyes.

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4ab854 No.18206826


Counting 8 deck continuous shuffle puts them over the top.

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ada4f8 No.18206827


Cholesterol, choline and phospholipids that among other things your BRAIN needs to function well.

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3811ea No.18206828


+133 on a 15 inch screen

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e9d06b No.18206829


i hear asians also suffer from mental illness, but, I can't sauce that.

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1880fb No.18206830

File: 7896aed37031443⋯.jpg (11.58 KB,255x196,255:196,7896aed37031443249265d4d11….jpg)

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4800b5 No.18206831

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d8cf50 No.18206832


makes as much sense as the claim being made about chemicals in eggs, was muh point, either your genetics clears cholesterol or it doesn't, if it doesn't don't eat it


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0dcfa7 No.18206833


Blah blah blah gary

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128af1 No.18206834

File: c3ca9c5afc8ae04⋯.jpg (1.29 MB,892x11006,446:5503,8d8cc96e_1102_4328_94b0_b1….jpg)


nothing scary about it. just another excuse to remove egg availability.

When the authority controls your currency and how you can use it… picrel

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cf06e9 No.18206835


That was the story on the first one.

This one is just south of San Francisco.

The victims are Chinese farmworkers.

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c6c0d8 No.18206836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Film Shows Disney Left Family Content for Wokeism

Walt's Disenchanted Kingdom

“Once upon a time, if it was a Disney movie, you knew it was going to be safe for children,” Media Research Center (MRC) Founder and President Brent Bozell says at the beginning of a new documentary, “Walt’s Disenchanted Kingdom,” set to premiere next week on Monday, January 23.

Subtitled “How Disney is losing its way,” the film explores Disney’s degeneration from an iconic, beloved family entertainment enterprise to an activist political operation opposing parental rights and bent on indoctrinating children into liberal, “woke” gender and sexual ideologies.

Coming Monday, January 23

2-min trailer


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3811ea No.18206837


On that we can agree.

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eb55ef No.18206838

File: eee9d21b1bceb11⋯.png (152.17 KB,335x254,335:254,ClipboardImage.png)

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5389e1 No.18206839


And you shills scoff at It's Happening. Piss Off.

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4a00a1 No.18206840

File: 0455a69f12c9259⋯.png (1.4 MB,1080x1325,216:265,BZUvuK399sGW.png)


Dude, you can just buy supplements for those and eat plants. Think of the climate FFS!

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a55ab3 No.18206841


you have a fixation anon

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9b7412 No.18206842

Hey when is Q going to start giving us some answers? This movie has endless foreplay but no climax.

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f3d20e No.18206843


>Blood clots: Compound found in eggs linked to an enhanced risk of blood clotting

OMG… and leafy green like lettuce contain vitamin K (clotting factor). better make a BLT w/egg a schedule I drug.

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1880fb No.18206844

File: 1df078a4dc70e86⋯.jpg (65.26 KB,800x533,800:533,v4.jpg)

OMG, this guy was using a gas stove and it gave him a heart attack

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3811ea No.18206845


It's a bit late to become a Nowfag.

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4e390a No.18206846


i am going through withdrawals. i did no

think i was watching as much

as i was.

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c71d3e No.18206847

File: 136c26016266688⋯.png (151.6 KB,616x725,616:725,136c2601626668871dff86f385….png)


Shameful nanny state news story.

Yes boys and girls. Eggs are too expensive and scarce for us anymore. But that's alright children because they were bad for you anyway. Their readers should jump down their throats about this story.

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6c8fb9 No.18206848


money is your god

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deb583 No.18206849


Probably because of all the cawing in the video.

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128af1 No.18206850

File: 73ba45f63f0646d⋯.png (115.7 KB,768x768,1:1,happy_pepe_feelsgoodman_5f….png)


>This shows a RiCO conspiracy inside our law enforcement

so much for them 'good cops'


so good they couldn't detect and shut down internal criminality? or so good they chose to ignore and thus enable it?

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6c678f No.18206851

File: 136436ea01f9caf⋯.png (153.12 KB,600x600,1:1,coffee.png)


What's next? Coffee?



Oh noes… muh coffee…

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aa5d1c No.18206852

Dig on the pedo connected sheriff of San Mateo county

Re: San Mateo FF

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3811ea No.18206853


Climate Change did it.

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9b7412 No.18206854


It's never too late to expect some results.

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a55ab3 No.18206855


I can only answer you questoin if you make a $4000 donation to 8Kun.

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5d0d2b No.18206856

i.m gunna rub poo all over

so proxy bots kunt FIB

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437db3 No.18206857

File: c5151bdd5e18980⋯.png (475.48 KB,1132x745,1132:745,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8cf50 No.18206858

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d5b043 No.18206859

File: acca1df67926208⋯.png (941.23 KB,962x1066,37:41,ClipboardImage.png)

(it's also why they attack the love inducing morning prayer 'swordy' memes on qresearch)

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497d59 No.18206860

File: 7b760f305077aea⋯.png (171.52 KB,640x320,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 492cc2b7a84294c⋯.png (731.29 KB,1466x1482,733:741,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82fa671f0129bbc⋯.jpg (182.55 KB,1657x487,1657:487,11_15_2014_Joan_Peugh_Jona….jpg)

File: f63c92c3b18e914⋯.jpg (288.66 KB,1765x1047,1765:1047,Joan_Peugh_Mayer.jpg)

File: 61bbddb27a6f0ee⋯.jpg (234.8 KB,1860x1020,31:17,Joan_Peugh_Mayer_Jonathan_….jpg)


> How did Hunter KNOW who to contact in foreign countries and how much to hit them up for?

Who is Kathy Chung?, for $100 Alex

or the grifting Joan Peugh aka Mrs. Jonathan Mayer

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3811ea No.18206861


and where are you looking for results then? CNN?

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e2b1db No.18206862

File: 84e0fb61c044a9a⋯.jpeg (30.1 KB,413x425,413:425,bloodshot_marv.jpeg)

I can haz poast now?

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ea8174 No.18206863

File: fb8d42962b7891c⋯.png (352.25 KB,800x600,4:3,1674473328852.png)

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b46034 No.18206864

File: aa6477aaa03ee4a⋯.jpg (31.43 KB,433x353,433:353,eggfacePOINTsad.jpg)

File: 3d5ebfffbd75d78⋯.jpg (31.64 KB,433x353,433:353,eggfacePOINThappy.jpg)


This is bull…

Be happy if you can afford eggs, savor them!

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4cbe55 No.18206865

File: d2d73a2eda5c3bf⋯.mp4 (3.48 MB,628x1024,157:256,large_5_.mp4)


Little self spot doesn't hurt anyone

Enjoy the movie

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034650 No.18206866


Prob hab da 410 an not da .357 rnd.

He forgot to say hold tight as you can.

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5d0d2b No.18206867

buy mah GAPE

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10ec19 No.18206868

…and son-of-a-bitch, eggs are bad for you.

Think I’ve heard this somewhere before.

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4a00a1 No.18206869


Got two dozen today for $10.

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3811ea No.18206870

File: bf8e49826934d4f⋯.gif (454.43 KB,726x301,726:301,GlowyGrift2.gif)


Grift = clownsign.

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590692 No.18206871

File: f3b0130da0c21a4⋯.jpeg (102.5 KB,598x434,299:217,226093A3_B402_4D44_BA4E_0….jpeg)



Heart linked to Heart attack and strokes

New 17 year study shows if you have a heart you are a high risk for heart attack and stroke.

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c0b2f9 No.18206872

File: 53fda819040ee41⋯.jpg (88.81 KB,500x715,100:143,53fda819040ee41135db9231ff….jpg)

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6c678f No.18206873

File: 5d8ad4c60729f02⋯.png (136.06 KB,296x302,148:151,alec_baldwin_cutout.png)

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e9d06b No.18206874


related anecdote, used to have these Vietnamese neighbors when i lived in my first house.. wasn't a terrible neighborhood but not great either.. white people stayed in their houses.. lots of hispanics and asians, apparently used to be a more black neighborhood 10 yr before i got there, but when i was there the few blacks stayed in their houses.

still, lotta the hispanics and asians always zoomin thru the hood in their shit rides.. My viet neighbors were actually cool for the most part.. annoying that they basically used their driveway as a commercial auto shop.. but there was no bullshit with them.. any request I had with them was met with offers to accommodate in add'l ways after complying with my request.. We shared a fence that blew over in a storm, sometimes you gotta negotiate repairs with the neighbor.. they just brought in a ton of asians within 24 hours after storm passed, redid the whole length saved me a grand probaby, or at least $600 plus my own labor.. all they asked was for my permission to work partly in my backyard, and it was nice of them to ask..

But they had a couple ol ladies in that house, ol Vietnamese ladies.. one day, some shitstain going to quick hooks a little girl under his car and drags her about 20 yards on the pavement before stopping.. I was with my kids playing out front when it happened.. and before I even knew what had happened, ol ladies next door are wheeze-laughing their asses off.. and they know what happened.. was sick.

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d8cf50 No.18206875

File: 79b42a1bbe79b7d⋯.jpg (59.97 KB,600x450,4:3,mcdonalds_shakes_copycat_r….jpg)


can haz poast

haz milkshakes too

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3811ea No.18206876


Hold onto them. Great investment!

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f3d20e No.18206877


even if you eat ZERO cholesterol, yer body MANUFACTURES its own cholesterol. it only builds up in arteries when you have gum disease (leading to sepsis in the blood) and don't get enough anti-oxidants in your diet (leading to free-radical damage of the arterial walls).

listen to MSM. believe the exact opposite.

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1880fb No.18206878


>authority controls your currency

Digital Currency/No Cash

It's coming sooner than people understand

Gubbermint will monitor every digital penny you spend

Big Brother indeed



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ada4f8 No.18206879

File: baa5517252474a4⋯.png (64.32 KB,721x433,721:433,Screen_Shot_2023_01_23_at_….png)


Uh oh. People should not be eating eggs, but apparently they want them so much they are willing to smuggle them from Mexico.


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982ba3 No.18206880



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f05133 No.18206881


>17 year study


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d5b043 No.18206882

File: 54e4ee57653c6ee⋯.png (293.06 KB,500x554,250:277,ClipboardImage.png)



Like, the legacy tech that sent satanic cult disinfo over 'channels'?

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c71d3e No.18206883

File: c3441fdfe6406d8⋯.jpg (100.44 KB,720x404,180:101,airkraft.jpg)

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358593 No.18206884

File: 0d6d48c34c3f62f⋯.jpg (100.62 KB,726x980,363:490,thumbs_up.jpg)


I should also add that the particular verb tense with the present perfect + since is actually called the present perfect continuous or present perfect progressive.


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e29547 No.18206885

Don't feed your chickens chicken feed from the store. Make your own feed! (((THEY))) put something in the chicken feed to make the chickens lay less eggs.

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deb583 No.18206886


Here is an article that says the exact opposite!


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e9d06b No.18206887


For all i know, they were lining cars with fentanyl or some shit.. hence the professional neighboring despite possibly lacking souls altogether.

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9b7412 No.18206888


You almost seem angry or emotionally invested in this somehow. Was a simple question, no need to project the CNNisms. I look at everything, all sources. Past five years haven't been as eventful as I expected they would be.

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35a9ce No.18206889


use to be at 150, had cat surgery with replacement lenses lots better.

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e2b1db No.18206890

File: 48814cc957b2d91⋯.png (1.02 MB,1200x1158,200:193,old_haggard_pepe_worst.png)

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ada4f8 No.18206891


>((THEY))) put something in the chicken feed to make the chickens lay less eggs.

Prepper channel says the same.

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590692 No.18206892

File: 23ab17fa91cd524⋯.png (215.14 KB,433x353,433:353,A350BF2D_719E_4576_B5AD_3E….png)


Only a matter of time…

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e29547 No.18206893




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ba0cc0 No.18206894

>>18206871 Heart linked to Heart attack and strokes

notable kek

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ea8174 No.18206895

File: 806c37e592512c3⋯.jpg (177.6 KB,1280x1280,1:1,20230123_015205.jpg)

Interesting comic found floating on Twatter

I think 2024 Trump will make 2016 Trump look tame by comparison

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2b4903 No.18206896

File: 244f168c4e83bc0⋯.jpg (666.16 KB,1920x1080,16:9,How_Dare_They_.jpg)

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424447 No.18206897

File: f40de0ca7d757c4⋯.jpeg (611 KB,2400x2400,1:1,UltraMaga.jpeg)

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f3d20e No.18206898


>and where are you looking for results then? CNN?

what about you? following RRN?

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56d231 No.18206899




It's ok

Ray Jay Kay

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d5b043 No.18206900

File: 6efff1809ebe479⋯.png (266.05 KB,547x680,547:680,6efff1809ebe4795ddd2fafd62….png)

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d8cf50 No.18206901


you are genetically programmed to work as a well oiled machine, in a perfect world cholesterol is not a prollem, in the real world some people don't get rid of it, just sayin

do you even listen to your body bro???

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1880fb No.18206902

File: 2a17a4b98912650⋯.png (270.67 KB,313x294,313:294,3443.png)


>if you have a heart

that leaves out the Rothschilds and Soros

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6c678f No.18206903


That's what's causing the heart attacks. Sticker shock when people go shopping for eggs…

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c71d3e No.18206904

File: c718648e6e788c9⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,852x480,71:40,CNN.mp4)



trips chekked

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deb583 No.18206905


And here is a study in pub med that says it does nothing at all.


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3811ea No.18206906

File: 419b74e7481bf1a⋯.png (10.69 KB,422x168,211:84,MediaMatters4.png)


Wow. Project much?

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d30ace No.18206907


I’m sorry u watch TV and miss it

Maybe this will fill the void u feel in your Heart


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d5b043 No.18206908


>Interesting comic

The left still can't meme

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f05133 No.18206909

File: e742304b6077a69⋯.png (57.1 KB,911x404,911:404,ClipboardImage.png)

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443e84 No.18206910

File: 703f027ec7a2a90⋯.mp4 (983.6 KB,480x270,16:9,703f027ec7a2a90edb26c8bcd9….mp4)

So this cat is 72?

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c0b2f9 No.18206911

File: 53fda819040ee41⋯.jpg (88.81 KB,500x715,100:143,53fda819040ee41135db9231ff….jpg)

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0dcfa7 No.18206912


Big difference, he made that claim

To designate antifa as terrorist after the election, if he did it by EO Bidan would have undone it asap. Remember antifia donations went to RNC & bidan campaign

Trump to designate KKK, Antifa as terrorist groups in black empowerment plan

Ebony Bowden

President Trump unveiled an economic empowerment plan for black Americans in Atlanta on Fridaythat he will designate both Antifa and the Ku Klux Klan as terrorist organizations.

The “Platinum Plan” details Trump’s vision for a potential second term, including increasing access to capital to black businesses by almost $500 billion, which will create 3 million new jobs for the black community, and creating 50,000 new black-owned businesses, the document said.

It comes as the Trump campaign tries to boost support among black voters, touting their criminal justice reforms and record low African American unemployment before the pandemic.

“In 39 days, we’re going to win four more years in the White House, and we will do it with a record number of votes from the black community,” Trump told a crowd of supporters in Georgia.

The president will also label both the Ku Klux Klan and Antifa as terrorist organizations, something he has promised to do since 2019,presumably through executive action.


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f88712 No.18206913


aren´t eggs in large amounts used to craft vaccines?

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e29547 No.18206914


Just watched that on Redacted tonight. First hand knowledge implemented by Natali Morris.

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4a00a1 No.18206915


Sit down, have a seat, grab some popcorn, the FauciFiles are coming.

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90f6e0 No.18206916


Before mRNA tech.

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dc45c0 No.18206917


Switch to goat feed

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e29547 No.18206918


Are THEY stickin the VAXX in there special VAXXEGGS???

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68cf4b No.18206919


No egg drop this year kids.

We do watermelon heads instead.

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f05133 No.18206920


I know the flu vaccine has egg, you can't take it with an egg allergy.

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b46034 No.18206921


The Yokes on me!

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90f6e0 No.18206922


Not till 7 Feb or later, right?

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e9d06b No.18206923


don't rope me into your shit clown.. or do, fuck if i care.

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cf06e9 No.18206924

File: f0d85ca38f1e734⋯.png (108.1 KB,360x360,1:1,Pepe_Streaker_Alpha.png)

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982ba3 No.18206925


I believe in the albumen. I used to give that excuse to get out of getting any shots. “I have a severe egg allergy”.

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d8cf50 No.18206926


#22317 >>18206394

>>18206489, >>18206526 PF Eyez on the Skyz

>>18206420 France raising retirement age to 64 from 62

>>18206438 It’s nuts to think NATO or EU would have Ukraine in NATO because they have never been ally. This is Insane weaponizing Ukraine

>>18206518 FBI arrest today collapses everything related to Russia, Russia, Russia

>>18206543 Defense minister Reznikov under fire as corruption probes rock Ukraine

>>18206565 NASA astronaut and 2 cosmonauts may stay on space station for a full year after Soyuz leak

>>18206568 Newsom after Monterey Park shooting: "Second Amendment is becoming a suicide pact"

>>18206618 Turkish President Throws A BOMBSHELL & Partners With Syria To Attack US Troops

>>18206621 Sang-ok Chung: As WH exec asst, recommended by Hunter, she fed Hunter sensitive data.

>>18206648 Discovery Of More Biden Docs Proves Mar-A-Lago Raid Was Just Another Russia-Collusion Hoax

>>18206673 38 people on terror watchlist have been nabbed at southern border since October 1, 2022, How many got away?

>>18206677 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens & Orlando - 01/23/2023

>>18206685 Marjorie Taylor Greene Tells Tucker Carlson She Will Introduce Legislation to Declare Antifa a Domestic Terrorist Organization

>>18206708 Massie: It’s official, I’ll be on the Rules Committee, All bills go through the Rules Committee

>>18206723, >>18206730 2023 House Calendar

>>18206747 Kash thinks the DOJ and FBI have been investigating Hunter Bidan laptop for four years

>>18206751 Former DHS Secretary says that 300,000 unaccompanied minors have crossed the border in Biden's term

>>18206773 @VP governors, etc against murdering in-utero persons called extremists

>>18206777 Refresher: Soros called for NATO to use Eastern European soldiers to ‘reduce the risk of body bags for NATO countries’ in 1993

>>18206786 Pentagon Planning GOP House Speaker McCarthy Visit To Taiwan This Spring

>>18206894 >>18206871 Heart linked to Heart attack and strokes For the keks!

lemme know

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9b7412 No.18206927

File: 161467c8bf39cbd⋯.jpg (11.54 KB,255x175,51:35,161467c8bf39cbd3562b3d2ae7….jpg)


So anyone who questions anything is a CNN watching media matters shill? Good to know you're so closed minded or one dimensionally linear in your thinking. I question everything including Trump and Q. Show me some epic wins over the deep state and I'll question a lot less. Until then, free speech may hurt your feels on here. Be prepared to encounter those with different viewpoints, last I heard this wasn't supposed to be an echo chamber.

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c0b2f9 No.18206928

File: 53fda819040ee41⋯.jpg (88.81 KB,500x715,100:143,53fda819040ee41135db9231ff….jpg)

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6c678f No.18206929


Yes, but [they] destroyed over 500 million chickens, so there are no eggs, as well as no chicken.

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4800b5 No.18206930

File: 02cab480568bc09⋯.jpg (40.22 KB,641x530,641:530,02cab480568bc094e9fdd14a94….jpg)


Yea I need the same surgery using 20 inch screen but I'm sitting away from the monitor sometimes I just lurk and speed cube or read the Bible while watching people post.

Or I'm shot posting one or the other.

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6be0ea No.18206931

File: 455687d94f87928⋯.png (937.87 KB,1258x1234,629:617,1674526402364526.png)

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4a00a1 No.18206932


Around that time, yeah. Enon said something about one the investigative journalists not being able to make it to Twitter HQ until then.

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a073dc No.18206933

File: 3a69ed24a7f0121⋯.png (213.08 KB,1286x1342,643:671,Screenshot_2023_01_22_at_1….png)


three more years and it will be glorious.

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c4a9ab No.18206934

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c0b2f9 No.18206935


Notable Pun.

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f3d20e No.18206936


>you are genetically programmed to work as a well oiled machine

biological entities, as a group, are evolved to work as well oiled machines.

that does NOT mean that a few lemons don't roll off the assembly line occasionally.

>do you even listen to your body bro???

do YOU ever listen to the pretentious BS coming out of YOUR body (specifically the mouth area), HOMIE?

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8d6e97 No.18206937


Dude that's vax heart attack poisoning. His blood is one big clot.

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d8cf50 No.18206938


fixed that last one

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bb0493 No.18206939





TRUE CONFESSION - I cancelled my subscription to Comcast cable right after our wonderful President, Donald J. Trump, took the oath of office in January 2017. Seriously, I haven't watched TV or even turned on either of the television sets in my house in six years.

I did not even have Internet at home until November of 2022, having gone more than five years without THAT. But I finally succumbed and bought a very cheap Internet plan when I realized that my cell phone's hotspot no longer could give me the service that I needed.

Anyway, why tell you guys that?

Just so you all know that the only reason I ever relied on USTV247 was to watch something on cable, like Judge Jeanine, from time to time. I didn't even know the site existed until a kind faggot on this board told me about it.

So I just thought it would be fitting to report the loss of the free service to all you good frens here, since you guys are the ones who gave it to me.

I used it to watch President Trump get interviewed by various people on Fox.

I am sure we shall survive, guise. We will find a way. I'm grateful the service was available and I'm sure that soon there will be far more avenues to keep up with our leader (like I'm already doing on Truth, etc.).

Anyway, that's just the explanation for why I posted the announcement here. Thank you all for listening. And thank you all for keeping me plugged in to the extent that I can be, particularly given how broke I am these days.

I know better times are coming soon. We'll keep up the fight.

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736ddb No.18206940

[Psa 27:5 KJV] 5 For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.

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b46034 No.18206941


So. Did they have the same therapist?

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68cf4b No.18206942



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c0b2f9 No.18206943

File: 53fda819040ee41⋯.jpg (88.81 KB,500x715,100:143,53fda819040ee41135db9231ff….jpg)

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cb7356 No.18206944

File: 0e212d33472d5e9⋯.jpg (4.43 MB,4032x1960,72:35,20230124_154413.jpg)

White Rabbit?

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982ba3 No.18206945


T y anon!

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4a00a1 No.18206946

File: 012e2281e19c78f⋯.jpg (312.75 KB,944x567,944:567,012e2281e19c78f76a61548830….jpg)

It makes them so mad that they can't abuse the platform to silence those that make them look like fools, like they can on so many other platforms. Poor bastards. I feel a small measure of pity for them.

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3811ea No.18206947


I am pretty sure you are FBI but I don't like to speculate about faggots until I'm certain.

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e9d06b No.18206948


you guys are all shills, this guy probably got morbid stress from viewing alt-right memes, but you're gaslighting everyone with bullshit theories.

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d30ace No.18206949

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


U could be Right….

Poland warns Germany. Baerbock supports Warsaw. Send one Abrams tank. Boris back in Kiev

Has all the signs as well as Deep State Desires

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10ec19 No.18206950

Lotsa FFs habbening out there. Flood incoming?

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e2b1db No.18206952

File: 13608ce2a27e330⋯.jpg (896.26 KB,924x720,77:60,booty_judge.jpg)


Brave and stunning.

Stunning and brave.

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6c678f No.18206953

File: 7c909c609dd9d2e⋯.png (234.92 KB,500x500,1:1,pepe_filter_did_you.png)

Quoting 8-12 posts at a time fishing for (You)s.

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f3d20e No.18206954



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10ec19 No.18206955


Abrams tank from GA?

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d5e81e No.18206956

File: efcd913784f4f87⋯.jpg (71.67 KB,532x500,133:125,No_Ragrets_Classified_Joe_….jpg)

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437db3 No.18206957

File: e086fefdd682f5e⋯.png (116.66 KB,875x601,875:601,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9d06b No.18206958



My favorite datefaggotry has been 2025 ever since.

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6be0ea No.18206959

File: 56d8ec70c755576⋯.jpg (937.47 KB,1170x1495,18:23,1674526876450750.jpg)

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4cbe55 No.18206960

File: 7b609c4d4618f40⋯.jpg (127.98 KB,881x834,881:834,FnNHsxsXkAAtsTW.jpg)

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d5e81e No.18206961

File: 7936a054f7243d7⋯.jpg (51.37 KB,612x408,3:2,Truth_Wins_Trump.jpg)

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c4a9ab No.18206962


Russia has zero desire to attack NATO. Your employer should feel like they have been robbed.

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3811ea No.18206963


Biden's last gift to the US Constitution before having a suddenly. Gun confiscations.

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a50741 No.18206964

File: cdbcc042a9e7961⋯.png (230.2 KB,720x943,720:943,Screenshot_2023_01_23_at_1….png)

File: 3763d5af81dcfcd⋯.png (229.78 KB,726x929,726:929,Screenshot_2023_01_23_at_1….png)


Eggshell Microparticle Reinforced Scaffolds for Regeneration of Critical Sized Cranial Defects

Xinchen Wu 1 2 , Olivia Gauntlett 2 , Tengfei Zhang 3 , Sanika Suvarnapathaki 1 2 , Colleen McCarthy 2 , Bin Wu 3 , Gulden Camci-Unal 2 4


PMID: 34905346 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c19884


Scaffold-based approaches for bone regeneration have been studied using a wide range of biomaterials as reinforcing agents to improve the mechanical strength and bioactivity of the 3D constructs. Eggshells are sustainable and inexpensive materials with unique biological and chemical properties to support bone differentiation. The incorporation of eggshell particles within hydrogels yields highly osteoinductive and osteoconductive scaffolds. This study reveals the effects of microparticles of whole eggshells, eggshells without a membrane, and a pristine eggshell membrane on osteogenic differentiation in protein-derived hydrogels. The in vitro studies showed that gels reinforced with eggshells with and without a membrane demonstrated comparable cellular proliferation, osteogenic gene expression, and osteogenic differentiation. Subsequently, in vivo studies were performed to implant eggshell microparticle-reinforced composite hydrogel scaffolds into critical-sized cranial defects in Sprague Dawley (SD) rats for up to 12 weeks to study bone regeneration. The in vivo results showed that the eggshell microparticle-based scaffolds supported an average bone volume of 60 mm3 and a bone density of 2000 HU 12 weeks post implantation. Furthermore, histological analyses of the explanted scaffolds showed that the eggshell microparticle-reinforced scaffolds permitted tissue infiltration and induced bone tissue formation over 12 weeks. The histology staining also indicated that these scaffolds induced significantly higher bone regeneration at 6 and 12 weeks as compared to the blank (no scaffold) and pristine gel scaffolds. The eggshell microparticle-reinforced scaffolds also supported significantly higher bone formation, remodeling, and vascularization over 6 and 12 weeks as confirmed by immunohistochemistry analysis. Collectively, our results indicated that eggshell microparticle-reinforced scaffolds facilitated significant bone regeneration in critical-sized cranial defects.

Keywords: bone regeneration; cranial defect; critical-sized; eggshell membrane; eggshell particles


A novel egg-shell membrane based hybrid nanofibrous scaffold for cutaneous tissue engineering

Leila Mohammadzadeh 1 , Reza Rahbarghazi 2 , Roya Salehi 3 , Mehrdad Mahkam 1


PMID: 31673286 PMCID: PMC6815433 DOI: 10.1186/s13036-019-0208-x

Free PMC article


Background: The main issue in cutaneous regeneration is to develop engineered scaffolds based on natural extracellular matrix to promote dynamics of skin progenitor cells and accelerate differentiation into mature keratinocytes.


Conclusion: Modulation of scaffolds with natural biopolymers could enable us to synthesize structures appropriate for cutaneous regeneration.

Keywords: Aloe vera; Basal cells; Differentiation; Eggshell membranes; Nanofibrous scaffolds.


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2f8e01 No.18206965



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799738 No.18206966


Today's California 2-location shootings in Half Moon Bay, San Mateo County, Northern California (as opposed to yesterday's 2-location shootings outside of Los Angeles, in Monterey Park, in Southern California)also involved an elderly Asian male shooting Asian victims:


"The first shooting [today] happened at the Mountain Mushroom Farm on Highway 92 (San Mateo Road) in Half Moon Bay, a small city on the Pacific coast of California, about 20 miles south of San Francisco.

"The San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that four people were killed at the Mountain Mushroom Farm, which is also known as a marijuana growing farm.

"The second shooting happened at Concord Farms on Cabrillo Highway South, about 5 miles by car from the first scene. Three people died at that location and one person was taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries.

All of the victims are believed to be Chinese farmworkers, City Councilmember Debbie Ruddock said. The suspected shooter, 67-year-old Zhao Chunli, worked at one of the farms and turned himself in to police just after 4:30 p.m."


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7255a6 No.18206967



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9b7412 No.18206968

File: 654e44a8b26b81c⋯.png (444.87 KB,539x463,539:463,654e44a8b26b81c2baa1699127….png)


Are you really that unprepared for my logical concerted response that you need to project that I'm FBI simply for questioning something? I thought anons were supposed to think outside the box and not blindly adhere to herd group think mentalities. The fact you have to scream and project everyone with differing views is FBI proves you are not cognitively equipped to converse with an intelligible response. Good night, sir or ma'am, and God bless.

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822d1d No.18206969

File: 1d016aa0384571d⋯.jpg (148.37 KB,1002x1014,167:169,proverbs_27_17.jpg)

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4e390a No.18206970


doesn’t work…

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a55ab3 No.18206971

File: 7b17e137527b032⋯.jpg (35.1 KB,619x616,619:616,Screenshot_2023_01_23_11_0….jpg)

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1880fb No.18206972


it's sarcasm, bruh

get a brain you moran

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77c7ce No.18206973

File: eaf6038de40d1cd⋯.png (292.01 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>Kash thinks the DOJ and FBI have been investigating Hunter Bidan laptop for four years

This is more than thinks

DOJ has spoken openly about the investigation going on since 2018/2019. In 2018 it was just a tax investigation (supposedly) and in 2019 it developed into a criminal investigation (supposedly)

>A U.S. Justice Department official has confirmed to Sinclair Broadcast Group that a 2019 FBI investigation into Hunter Biden, son of Democratic nominee Joe Biden, is still active.


>The investigation, which began as a tax inquiry under the Obama administration, widened in 2018 to include possible criminal violations of tax laws, as well as foreign lobbying and money laundering rules, according to the people familiar with the inquiry.


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d5e81e No.18206974

File: dfa650e4c75b155⋯.png (1.58 MB,1479x831,493:277,Shit_Show_Cornrows_Joe_Bid….png)

File: e8bd5150ab26b0c⋯.jpg (81.64 KB,640x344,80:43,Milton_Pepe_Panic.jpg)

File: 2e9b8cc41772380⋯.gif (597.55 KB,384x163,384:163,Donkey_Shits_Democrat_PANI….gif)

File: 4f64214d3e4dc2e⋯.png (111.49 KB,540x419,540:419,PANIC_Inverse_Squares_Pepe….png)

File: 8a9874150f38c0f⋯.png (165.83 KB,405x500,81:100,Joe_Bideo_Wojack_Ice_Cream….png)



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0dcfa7 No.18206975


Yeah that’s makes me wonder why he’s getting on the other side of this. Maybe Weissmann has done the same thing stole top secret records, he’s acting shocked hoping he’s not caught up in it

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3811ea No.18206976


I bet you have a tiny fucking cock.

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f88712 No.18206977

File: 83f1f4fdd819fb2⋯.jpg (129.94 KB,857x1200,857:1200,Sails_bright_white.jpg)

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d8cf50 No.18206978


eggshells are good source of minerals for plants too

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009fb9 No.18206979

File: ca01893200add35⋯.jpg (39.66 KB,640x640,1:1,f4c261d04dc49cd9202a02c31c….jpg)

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f1c5a6 No.18206981

chicken,s we hardly knew ye

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1880fb No.18206982

File: dc2a97ec2a1cd3d⋯.png (343.76 KB,875x875,1:1,dc2a97ec2a1cd3d5d62f1bf377….png)


>alt-right memes

try harder, division shill

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437db3 No.18206983

File: 5d92b717b0d3a57⋯.png (955.94 KB,875x1069,875:1069,ClipboardImage.png)

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f88712 No.18206984


growers of the pots know

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68cf4b No.18206985


Looking for rats.

Someone kicked the nest with too much heat.

They spoke about fight club.

Retaliation tit fo tat.

Or mkU therapist.

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6c678f No.18206986

File: 99648c16b147a92⋯.jpg (77.74 KB,354x461,354:461,ewww.jpg)


Why are you thinking about other anon's cock sizes?

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c4a9ab No.18206987


>Law Enforcement is doing it's job.

Kek…DHS goons harassed an American yesterday returning from Davos because DHS goons side with the WEF psychos.

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4800b5 No.18206988

File: f29ab907c51c814⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,600x480,5:4,GrTBuGCO4SwD.mp4)

Based Mr.Rogers settles the the gender debate.

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4cbe55 No.18206989

File: 050c2137f9a5833⋯.jpg (608.73 KB,2048x2048,1:1,FnNG_HqaYAAmAjS.jpg)

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e255f0 No.18206990

Addicts don't change their behavior until they hit rock bottom, the precipice of their demise.

Hang in there for your old friend, The USA.

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d5b043 No.18206991


>this guy probably got morbid stress from viewing alt-right memes

There are no other kind, because the alt-left can't meme

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a073dc No.18206992


the ethiopian calendar is the original its really 2015.

the roman calendar is bullshit and Q knows this.

# 3 moar years of bullshit my friends. it hasn't even started yet

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70dee1 No.18206993


Mind Blowing: The JEWISH OWNED AND CONTROLLED (((CDC))) Forced to Reveal How Deadly the JEWISH CREATED COVID Jab Is

Jews and their BOOMER MINIONS PISS THEIR PANTS, and cry to their nearest rabbi.

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1880fb No.18206994


now post the meme with the asian bitch on the radio

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f3d20e No.18206995


>Then, at the last minute, President Trump will negotiate a peace deal.

putin would be happy to make a deal for peace. but 'zackly HOW will DJT negotiate a deal on behalf of zelenskyy?

you been snortin' that latest variant of hopium?

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d5e81e No.18206996

File: 1df8ccfbd77ab8d⋯.gif (10.56 MB,720x402,120:67,Pants_Shitting_Is_Habbenin….gif)

File: 7bc47d0360e4e02⋯.gif (2.77 MB,480x336,10:7,Treason_Inferno_Joe_Biden.gif)

Buckle Up 4 Terrible Tuesday!


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6be0ea No.18206997

File: 271ee616d2625e2⋯.png (446.58 KB,600x509,600:509,ab211cc31713daabb682a3b128….png)

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3811ea No.18206998

File: c88909b4cdbe49b⋯.jpg (6.65 KB,242x208,121:104,shillcock3s.jpg)

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0dcfa7 No.18206999


I have that sense too. The bidan stolen docs are too big to go away

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c0b2f9 No.18207000

File: 53fda819040ee41⋯.jpg (88.81 KB,500x715,100:143,53fda819040ee41135db9231ff….jpg)

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3811ea No.18207001


*Fuck Off Gary

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d8cf50 No.18207002


evening Gary


theY are going to do themselves in

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f1c5a6 No.18207003



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d5b043 No.18207004

File: d3d2207bc1e846c⋯.png (16.14 KB,255x249,85:83,a4aba47392c55d2c72d2c7d687….png)

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4a00a1 No.18207005

File: 0829c7f2f8bef8c⋯.png (402.95 KB,512x512,1:1,0829c7f2f8bef8c0bc13443622….png)


At ease. I just answered a question. My gut tells me when to treat them with hostility.

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f3d20e No.18207006


FUCK OFF, GARY. your stale shit stinks up the whole interwebz. GEFILTE'D

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68cf4b No.18207007


I call bullshit.

I knew a guy huffed gas all his life and he's still alive. Not functional, but alive.

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f88712 No.18207008


dubs of infinite truff

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982ba3 No.18207009


Mr R speaks truth.

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9b7412 No.18207010


Typical projection. Those with small penises have it on their subconscious constantly and project it onto others to redirect their own penis envy. Its also a sure sign that a liberal lost an argument when all they have left is to bring your phallus into the mix.

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d5e81e No.18207011

File: 83673f8189ab60e⋯.jpg (81.77 KB,457x637,457:637,You_Enhanced_Donkey_Fuckin….jpg)


Chekt & Kekt

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1880fb No.18207012

File: 4eb8334746e1f4d⋯.png (1.3 MB,569x797,569:797,v3523526636.png)


trips confirm glowy psyop in the bread

Good morning Agent

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3811ea No.18207013

File: 67f9aae594441fc⋯.png (10.6 KB,422x168,211:84,MedMatt2.png)

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4d8cc2 No.18207014

File: 88975e2c4ab7218⋯.png (61.82 KB,591x462,197:154,ClipboardImage.png)



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a073dc No.18207015


thats a pipe dream.

where would they start?

who would do it?

no way in hell we would disarm ourselves.

unless they have some alien tech to make them disappear its just fear porn.

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d8cf50 No.18207016


It's an egg slide


what a waste of glow juice

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4cbe55 No.18207017

File: 31d7b01cf6033b8⋯.mp4 (931.85 KB,858x474,143:79,wRO550PVN9MFXo4d.mp4)


PRESS SEC: “House Republicans are using their narrow majority to force the American people to pay higher gas prices


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9b7412 No.18207018


The fact you even have this meme saved on your phone or PC says a lot more about you. I actually feel sorry for you.

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4800b5 No.18207019

File: b5462988993b133⋯.png (359.65 KB,710x649,710:649,b5462988993b13304c496d1e99….png)

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aa9531 No.18207020

File: 71bf05a20014aed⋯.png (14.17 KB,833x97,833:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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70dee1 No.18207021


Hi, BT. I hope all is well with you!


Evenin' anon!

Blessings to you and your family.

They are doing themselves in. One of my CFR buddies who attended Davos have me a QRD about the panic in the back room.

I wish I could have attended, but had to appear in court…

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982ba3 No.18207022


Agree. Where I live, people are armed to the teeth (and they don’t broadcast it)

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f3d20e No.18207023


>bring your phallus into the mix.

SHAKEN…. not stirred.

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d5e81e No.18207024

File: 3e340bb867541c2⋯.png (860.9 KB,550x946,25:43,Shitlords_Shill_Panic.png)

File: 9bb240fb8d98898⋯.png (Spoiler Image,117.83 KB,666x375,222:125,Obama_Nigger_Bows_to_His_S….png)

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9b7412 No.18207026


>everyone I disagree with is a media matters shill because I'm cognitively unprepared to engage in discourse

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0dcfa7 No.18207027


You are right, Kash is sure its been happening being a special prosecutor but I’m sure he has FBI buddies he’s worked with for years that talk to him

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f88712 No.18207028


Monty Python

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c0b2f9 No.18207029

File: 53fda819040ee41⋯.jpg (88.81 KB,500x715,100:143,53fda819040ee41135db9231ff….jpg)

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2f8e01 No.18207030

File: 2930f219f17102b⋯.mp4 (13.64 MB,980x720,49:36,Mister_Rogers_Remixed_Gard….mp4)

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6c678f No.18207031

File: 6b63ad9c29a1da2⋯.jpg (7.01 KB,255x147,85:49,facepalm.jpg)


>Republicans…..force the American people to pay higher gas prices

No it has nothing to do with the administration. First it was Trump's fault. Then it was the Putin price hikes. Now its the republicans…

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1d0440 No.18207032


Large caliber handguns I always single load when someone new is shooting.

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1880fb No.18207033

File: 6fd124461ce184d⋯.jpg (1.49 MB,1636x2084,409:521,1673715256384598.jpg)



he was based and red pilled

all the tranny homo shit that gets pushed these days is to destroy the traditional family unit, and thus break up society

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70dee1 No.18207034


Cry to your rabbi.

The jew jig is up, BTW.

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d8cf50 No.18207035


member you talked about schedgy conflicts

glad theY panic'd

bout damn time

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5389e1 No.18207036


I keep telling you anons. It's happening.

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68cf4b No.18207037


How is Kim Clament prediction going to come true if Europe and NATO are so cucked?

Means leadership will change first.

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9b7412 No.18207038


Posting these clown memes every day definitely does not make you look like a clown, anon.

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6be0ea No.18207039

File: 8e9dbdd20aca01e⋯.png (333.03 KB,640x360,16:9,96bce91fd18083b3295d19602b….png)

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c0b2f9 No.18207040

File: 53fda819040ee41⋯.jpg (88.81 KB,500x715,100:143,53fda819040ee41135db9231ff….jpg)

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c4a9ab No.18207041


callsign : pivot man

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deb583 No.18207042

File: 873b8122c2b534c⋯.jpg (1.73 MB,2379x3000,793:1000,smoking_boy_with_chicken.jpg)


The last time we had a "this is the last normal…" style post was the day before covid lockdowns in the US. Put me in a screenshot just in case.

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e2b1db No.18207043


>people are armed to the teeth

…and look placidly on as elections are stolen and American children are groomed and butchered.

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a50741 No.18207044

File: 83e4c8a7f32107c⋯.png (40.32 KB,733x294,733:294,Screenshot_2023_01_23_at_1….png)



19-Jun-2018 8:53:55 AM PDTQ !CbboFOtcZs8ch/qresearch


LP “Viva Le Resistance.”

Viv[a] vs Viv[e]

[J C]

Why classified by intel comm @ highest level?

Define title.

Define role w/ Mueller.

Exchange shelters VERY senior member.


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000a55 No.18207045

File: ddbcb3b0c982040⋯.gif (2.41 MB,498x260,249:130,012472888142.gif)

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c0b2f9 No.18207046


Thanks for the encouragement.

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982ba3 No.18207047

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1880fb No.18207048


>It's an egg slide


at least it's tasty and nutritious

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5389e1 No.18207049

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a073dc No.18207050


kek the blue hats wouldn't last a week on our soil..

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daa14e No.18207051



total number of fertile eggs used per year to make vaccines is estimated at 600 million

cnn march 29. 2020

the us keeps millions of chickens in secret farms to make flu vaccines

they guess 175 million based on the number of flu shots given per year

fun facts

only fertile eggs can be used to make vaccines

one egg per shot made

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e9d06b No.18207052

File: 23c8e14acbc6aac⋯.gif (175.25 KB,220x220,1:1,2015.gif)

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f3d20e No.18207053

File: c0590c0e152bb96⋯.png (3.48 MB,3909x1146,1303:382,Screen_Shot_2023_01_23_at_….png)

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d8cf50 No.18207054


likes mine OE

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4a00a1 No.18207055

That voice…

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000a55 No.18207056

File: 139ba736ae58952⋯.mp4 (400.95 KB,360x376,45:47,139ba736ae589525e1f987fcae….mp4)

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c4a9ab No.18207057



flying rats

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68cf4b No.18207058


That Gab?), right?

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128af1 No.18207059

File: 29e1b4c7854d6b9⋯.png (58.74 KB,416x513,416:513,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 310fb9235eaa373⋯.jpeg (694.9 KB,892x5869,892:5869,Web_capture_23_1_2023_213….jpeg)

File: ec3c94738ca3091⋯.png (43.85 KB,402x357,134:119,hfdh.PNG)


Walter M Chesnut


URGENT/BREAKING: UPDATED SUMMATION: The Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 is “Delivered” to All Organs via the Endothelium and Induces Systemic Nonsense mRNA Translations Resulting in Hyperaccelerated Aging

The Spike Protein, in Essence, Acts as a Progeria Drug


URGENT/BREAKING: UPDATED SUMMATION:The Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 is “Delivered” to All Organs via the Endothelium and Induces Systemic Nonsense mRNA Translations Resulting in Hyperaccelerated Aging

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45846b No.18207060


>Kash thinks the DOJ and FBI have been investigating Hunter Bidan laptop for four years

If true, and I believe it is, then why the hell are they still allowing shit like this to go on!


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f3d20e No.18207061



flaming asshole

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56d231 No.18207062



C o g


The eggs are gone

Because warp speed?

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84cdcd No.18207063



crows are defender birds.

in Winter they gather in gigantic flocks, like a conclave.

It's really quite remarkable.

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a50741 No.18207064


James 8. Corney, goddamnit!

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d8cf50 No.18207065

Last Call Faggots, Poast Em While You Can

#22317 >>18206394

>>18206489, >>18206526 PF Eyez on the Skyz

>>18206420 France raising retirement age to 64 from 62

>>18206438 It’s nuts to think NATO or EU would have Ukraine in NATO because they have never been ally. This is Insane weaponizing Ukraine

>>18206518 FBI arrest today collapses everything related to Russia, Russia, Russia

>>18206543 Defense minister Reznikov under fire as corruption probes rock Ukraine

>>18206565 NASA astronaut and 2 cosmonauts may stay on space station for a full year after Soyuz leak

>>18206568 Newsom after Monterey Park shooting: "Second Amendment is becoming a suicide pact"

>>18206618 Turkish President Throws A BOMBSHELL & Partners With Syria To Attack US Troops

>>18206621 Sang-ok Chung: As WH exec asst, recommended by Hunter, she fed Hunter sensitive data.

>>18206648 Discovery Of More Biden Docs Proves Mar-A-Lago Raid Was Just Another Russia-Collusion Hoax

>>18206673 38 people on terror watchlist have been nabbed at southern border since October 1, 2022, How many got away?

>>18206677 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens & Orlando - 01/23/2023

>>18206685 Marjorie Taylor Greene Tells Tucker Carlson She Will Introduce Legislation to Declare Antifa a Domestic Terrorist Organization

>>18206708 Massie: It’s official, I’ll be on the Rules Committee, All bills go through the Rules Committee

>>18206723, >>18206730 2023 House Calendar

>>18206747 Kash thinks the DOJ and FBI have been investigating Hunter Bidan laptop for four years

>>18206751 Former DHS Secretary says that 300,000 unaccompanied minors have crossed the border in Biden's term

>>18206773 @VP governors, etc against murdering in-utero persons called extremists

>>18206777 Refresher: Soros called for NATO to use Eastern European soldiers to ‘reduce the risk of body bags for NATO countries’ in 1993

>>18206786 Pentagon Planning GOP House Speaker McCarthy Visit To Taiwan This Spring

>>18206871 Heart linked to Heart attack and strokes For the keks!

>>18206949 Poland warns Germany. Baerbock supports Warsaw. Send one Abrams tank. Boris back in Kiev

>>18206964 Eggshell Microparticle Reinforced Scaffolds for Regeneration of Critical Sized Cranial Defects

>>18206966 comparison of 2 shooting of today and yesterday in California

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e9d06b No.18207066


Right back at ya, Moran..

Oh and Moran? it's brian.

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e55513 No.18207067

File: 8945e54f525f78d⋯.png (213.55 KB,772x598,386:299,jma.PNG)

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3811ea No.18207068


Check your manual - indexed under "Blending In"

You are either a bad shill or a supercilious cunt. Neither are considered worth engaging.

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a073dc No.18207069


probably because they know when the time come to use them there is no turning back. the world will change overnight.

its not time yet.

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c0b2f9 No.18207070

File: 53fda819040ee41⋯.jpg (88.81 KB,500x715,100:143,53fda819040ee41135db9231ff….jpg)

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982ba3 No.18207071


No that’s pigeons. Crows are smart and warn me when coyotes or wolves are near.

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437db3 No.18207072

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f3d20e No.18207073


adam and eve on a raft…. wreck 'em.

(scrambled eggs on toast, a la moe)

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4800b5 No.18207074

File: aac432553663469⋯.jpg (19.51 KB,640x480,4:3,Bingo.jpg)


I figure if he were alive today he would be looking elsewhere to air his show.

PBS has gone woke actually it has been for some time.

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9b7412 No.18207075

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB,236x207,236:207,f2c8a70267acd3e7a03e853906….png)

Ok anons what did we learn on here tonight? If you question Trump or Q you are automatically a small dicked FBI media matters hybrid clown shill trying to blend in. Good to know everyone here is still open minded and doesn't blindly follow the herd. When Q goes on the offensive and all the major DS players are in GITMO as promised I will stop questioning. If that hurts your feels then maybe you're the one who shouldn't be here. Praying for the day that evil actually has to pay for their crimes.

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f88712 No.18207076


And that completes one full circle

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77c7ce No.18207077

File: 0dcf5ba929eb1b9⋯.png (127.78 KB,390x373,390:373,5f9a2d9a09d6efa04c8a5bb15b….png)


If you think the FBI or DOJ is going to bring criminal charges against Hunter for selling his dad's influence, I have a primo bridge in Brooklyn that I could sell you.

Word on the street is Hunter is going to get a slap on the wrist for lying on his gun form and a little fine for back taxes. Wray and Garland don't do the justice thing.

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ffad73 No.18207078

File: 24d3a9fbe25875a⋯.png (436.31 KB,1058x414,23:9,fbicrisisactor.png)

File: 0f2124d17f011ef⋯.png (174.39 KB,210x636,35:106,fbicrisisactor2.png)

File: e09e293e193cb80⋯.png (301.96 KB,762x540,127:90,fbicrisisactor3.png)


no clown is funny and good and often based

clown haters have nothing better to do.

running out the clock on their shift?


FBI are no creative enough to be the green haired funny satirical clown.

they also really stand out; and have gotten fat.

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3811ea No.18207079


You really are trying too hard.

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424447 No.18207080

File: 7a90a2e1efad6bf⋯.jpeg (127.69 KB,1200x1143,400:381,periods.jpeg)


Yep, I posted this above too. I guess they don't want this in notables.

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d8cf50 No.18207081


but but but

how do you like your eggs?

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822d1d No.18207082

File: d5b01b26c69e18f⋯.png (493.39 KB,1200x1200,1:1,turbo_mode_colon.png)

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d5b043 No.18207083

File: e2a1ce52d92cc21⋯.png (1.96 MB,755x1145,151:229,Clown.PNG)


"Open minded" doesn't mean being so open minded your brain falls out of your skull, fedboi.

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9b7412 No.18207084


>says not worth engaging

>engages anyway because ego can't resist

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83bcbc No.18207085


this place is always full of feds, as*holes, snark, and hidden meaning.

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4a00a1 No.18207086

File: e01229ee75274fe⋯.jpeg (314.93 KB,720x445,144:89,e01229ee75274fee8aee85252….jpeg)


If you don't stop what I consider friendly fire, you will become a target. This is the last warning I will give you. Behave like a clown, and I'll treat you like one.

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68cf4b No.18207087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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009fb9 No.18207088

File: 3a65fc30df72f5f⋯.png (3.35 KB,225x225,1:1,images.png)


OldFag acknowledged.

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0dcfa7 No.18207089

File: 051257decd1b147⋯.jpeg (92.55 KB,768x432,16:9,F0A7A7BC_657B_4596_AFE0_1….jpeg)

Kash’s new book is “Government Gangsters!

23 Jan, 2023 18:37

Wagner founder outlines his view on US hostility

The Russian firm is a "vice squad" pitted against American gangsters, Yevgeny Prigozhin told RT

The Wagner Group scares the US because it is willing to stand up to American bullying around the world, the private military company’s founder Yevgeny Prigozhin claimed on Monday, answering a question from RT.

Washington said last week that it would designate the Russian PMC as an international criminal organization, accusing it of “widespread atrocities and human rights abuses.”

“Unlike America’s paramilitary forces,”Prigozhin said in a written response to RT, “the Wagner PMC eliminates only enemies of peace and commits no crimes. Of course, if you employ double standards, you can dig up dirt on anyone."

The US is the only country to use nuclear weapons in history, and “organized wars and revolutions” in “Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Mozambique, Central Africa and so on,” Prigozhin noted, adding that in some of those countries Wagner came in and “put an end to these wars with an iron fist”

Calling the US “powerful crime syndicate, which lives on the money of the whole world,”Prigozhin said Wagner was “more like the vice police” by comparison.

Washington trained “outlaws and terrorists all over the world so that there would be trouble everywhere –” while the “dreamy blue island called the USA” lives in peace, he added. Used to people not fighting back or getting intimidated by name-calling, the Americans don’t know what to do with Wagner, which “looks into the eyes of the personification of global evil without fear.”

Prigozhin said the US objective is to break up Russia just as it did to the USSR, then take on China, in order to maintain its global hegemony.

The Wagner Group was originally established in 2014. Over the past year, its fighters have taken part in battles against the Ukrainian military in the Donbass. Earlier this month, the Russian Defense Ministry acknowledgedWagner’s role in capturing the key town of Soledar.

US authorities have accused the PMC of unspecified “human rights violations” in Syria and the Central African Republic, where Wagner helped the government against jihadist insurgents. Last month, the State Department declared Wagner an “entity of particular concern” for religious freedom in Africa, in the same category as Al-Qaeda and Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS).


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b11415 No.18207090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For any interested, ya can jump to about half way, where D lays out some very very simple facts… and the LEOs are listening carefully, attentive and polite.

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e29547 No.18207091

File: d336be0293a00da⋯.png (Spoiler Image,149.46 KB,656x354,328:177,guineawormnipplke.png)

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424447 No.18207092

File: 2ca88b2aee6b619⋯.jpeg (94.54 KB,550x550,1:1,dayum4.jpeg)

File: a0b835167add733⋯.jpeg (66.07 KB,440x550,4:5,dayum3.jpeg)

File: dba5adcfd7d9b61⋯.jpeg (241.05 KB,1284x939,428:313,dayum1.jpeg)

File: 6aa5cdfd5f2e899⋯.mp4 (52.5 KB,220x132,5:3,dayum2.mp4)

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1880fb No.18207093


>Put me in a screenshot

done and saved

>just in case

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3811ea No.18207094

File: 2144fc4c7b3500c⋯.jpg (28.02 KB,620x413,620:413,shillcock5.jpg)

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822d1d No.18207095

File: ad06bf3f8ce9cb9⋯.png (480.88 KB,665x680,133:136,dippin_crow.png)

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ffad73 No.18207096


clown is proved by lame shill


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dacaf7 No.18207097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don’t go away

If you love her, don’t go away

Daddy, if you love her, tell her

That she is the woman of your life, life, life

Daddy, don’t go away

We don’t want to live without you

Don’t go away at the end of the night

Night, you frighten me

Night, you do not finish

Like a thief

He has left without me

All three of us won’t go to the cinema anymore

Night, you frighten me

Night, you do not finish

Like a thief

He has left without me

Daddy, if you thought a little of me

Where are you going

when you go away from here

I can’t live without you

With the woman of your life, life, life

Daddy don’t screw up

When we love, we don’t leave

We don’t leave at the end of the night

Night, you frighten me

Night, you do not finish

Like a thief

He has left without me

You’ll never bring me in the USA

Night, you frighten me

Night, you do not finish

Like a thief

He has left without me

Daddy, I ensure you, stop leading me on

Night, you frighten me

Night, you do not finish

Like a thief

He has left without me

Daddy, I am sure you’ll come back one day

Night, night you frighten me

Night, you do not finish

Like a thief

Daddy, I ensure you stop leading me on

Night, you frighten me

Night, you do not finish

Like a thief

He has left without me

Daddy, I am sure you’ll come back one day

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000a55 No.18207098

File: b0e0f30fffba9ad⋯.png (839.29 KB,824x766,412:383,cfaee90aa7e6b8fda7fcf9621f….png)

File: a8944a450e8b19b⋯.png (280.1 KB,281x613,281:613,cc08b897601.png)

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b11415 No.18207099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Darn it, my bad… wrong link.

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d8cf50 No.18207100


please repost nb for moar eyez on


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70dee1 No.18207101


I think it is dawning on them that the people don't want what they are selling.

This was the most exposure they have ever had.

When Russel Brand devotes 2 of his shows to this subject, they know that they have a problem.

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822d1d No.18207102

File: d8fff0cbe7a900a⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,640x360,16:9,Crow_Helps_Hedgehog_to_Cro….mp4)

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f3d20e No.18207103


>Praying for the day that evil actually has to pay for their crimes.

good luck with that….

it's worked SOOO well for the past 7 millennia.

(DISCLAIMER: past performance is not an indicator of future outcomes)

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9b7412 No.18207104


If you have an entire collection of these it actually says a lot more about you than it does me.

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e9d06b No.18207105

File: e0388cf0b11a45d⋯.png (441.06 KB,510x515,102:103,ClipboardImage.png)


Bruh, if it hurts your feels that there is a Q research version of patriot front, called MAGA Patriots, that are HOLDING THE LINE!! and shitting on your questions, don't ask the questions.. but i say, go ahead an ask the questions.. just don't get ur feels hurt is all, God bless, keep going soldier.

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128af1 No.18207106

File: 6c2387397f3e321⋯.jpeg (21.71 KB,255x253,255:253,1c585cf39075629aaa380475d….jpeg)



>spike-induced rapid onset aging


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ffad73 No.18207107


go back FBI

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3811ea No.18207108

File: b6590a6281e8938⋯.jpg (52.66 KB,612x612,1:1,ShillWeiner2.jpg)

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5d19a7 No.18207109


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ffad73 No.18207110


no one cares.

go back to langley

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3811ea No.18207111

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4a00a1 No.18207112

File: 34a63766a259254⋯.jpg (173.28 KB,1080x1350,4:5,white_scar_primaris2.jpg)


I'm not FIB. Nice try.

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982ba3 No.18207113


“ Here at Fred Rogers Productions, children come first, now and always.

We connect with them through shows that are fun, relatable, and put theirsocial and emotionallearning front and center. That’s how we’ve earned the trust of parents, caregivers, and teachers.”

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5d19a7 No.18207114


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e2b1db No.18207115


>its not time yet.

Americans have shown the world that they don't deserve deliverance. Why should God show mercy to America?

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6c678f No.18207116

File: 88013b316db147d⋯.png (359.1 KB,565x442,565:442,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3d20e No.18207117


nah…. they're just dumb animals. that's mindless autonomic reflex to external stimuli. not smart or compassionate like huminks.

ps - thx for posting. saving that….

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61b19c No.18207118

File: 59b593457910504⋯.jpeg (142.17 KB,1080x1081,1080:1081,1601207620.jpeg)

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4800b5 No.18207119

File: a69d74b6460d620⋯.gif (278.36 KB,1000x700,10:7,a69d74b6460d620a5d32743578….gif)

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c4a9ab No.18207120


toenail w/ fungus ?

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4cbe55 No.18207121

File: e360aeeaa452615⋯.jpg (9.54 KB,264x175,264:175,FY1hfRZWAAMzWN5.jpg)

Love the anons who thrive in chaotic situations

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3811ea No.18207122

File: 038ed58a866528e⋯.png (378.17 KB,621x349,621:349,clownpost.png)

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ba0cc0 No.18207123

File: e436e6b8cd4de23⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1766x1200,883:600,e436e6b8cd4de23eb8b8058e84….jpg)

Anon likes the tiny dick shill.

Easy filter.

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56d231 No.18207124


The ship?

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ffad73 No.18207125


history doesn't even record 7k years back idiot

Go read some carbon dating "science" and get your fourth booster please

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6c678f No.18207126

File: b4043594d5f944b⋯.jpg (162.15 KB,670x500,67:50,glowing_intensifies.jpg)

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5d19a7 No.18207127


>3811ea (25) No.18207111

>>>18207109 (You)



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45846b No.18207128


Your notetaker skills SUCK!

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f3d20e No.18207129


the arrow in the meme is pointing at YOUR id, you incompetent fuckwit shillboi.

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e55513 No.18207130

File: 8945e54f525f78d⋯.png (213.55 KB,772x598,386:299,jma.PNG)

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822d1d No.18207131

File: e81beaf30dcd52f⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,888x480,37:20,crow_weather.mp4)

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128af1 No.18207132

File: fef072309b8b496⋯.jpg (100.53 KB,595x435,119:87,dangerousminds.jpg)


all need recognize that not everyone here

-'backs the badged gang'

-votes. at all.

-supports/trusts any one, especially not politricksters, incl. trump

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70dee1 No.18207133


Elon Musk: ‘Family Member Fighting for Life After (((COVID))) Jab Injury’


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ffad73 No.18207134


stoopid memes out you.

go back

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000a55 No.18207135

File: 7477acf3b0b7739⋯.mp4 (2.52 MB,640x368,40:23,Trump_they_use_media_to_sl….mp4)

File: 50fedc327d820a2⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,640x360,16:9,7_dollar_a_gallon_if_biden….mp4)

File: 9da47855a4d0783⋯.webm (794.25 KB,480x272,30:17,TrumpBadAss.webm)

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d5b043 No.18207136


>if you disagree with obvious division shilling to smear 'Qanom' and divide the board, then I will commit a logical fallacy and smear you as labelling EVERYONE you disagree with as a media matters shill because I'm cognitively unprepared to demonstrate why you should 'engage in discourse' with an obvious division shill.

>Am I blending in?

>Please 'engage' with me because my ego can't resist

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4a00a1 No.18207137

File: 7930ce764bdc132⋯.png (360.2 KB,636x571,636:571,7930ce764bdc132fc6aa6631d6….png)

Now they're LARPing as Anons, trying to generate a consensus against the regular Anons of this board. So typical. A predictable regular rotation of tactics. Anons have seen it all before. Nothing new from them. The same old, same old. And they'll fail miserably and be demoralized by the end of the night for their repeated failure.

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e2ef71 No.18207138


>If true, and I believe it is, then why the hell are they still allowing shit like this to go on!

indeed why TF

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5d0d2b No.18207139

Sometimes I feel I've got to run awayguillotine

I've got to get awayguillotine

From the pain you drive into the heart of meguillotine

The love we share seems to go nowhereguillotine

And I've lost my lifeguillotine

For I toss and turn, I can't sleep at nightguillotine

Once I ran to you (I ran)guillotine

Now I run from youguillotine

This tainted guillotinelove you've given

I give you guillotineall a boy could give you

Take my tears and that's not nearly allguillotine

Tainted guillotinelove

Taintedguillotine love

Now, I know I've got to run awayguillotine

I've got to get awayguillotine

You don't really want any more from meguillotine

To make things right you need someone to hold you tight

And you think love is to pray

But I'm sorry I don't pray that way

Once I ran to you (I ran)

Now I run from you

This tainted love you've givenTABErrNACLE

I give you all a boy could give you

Take my tears and that's not nearly all

Tainted guillotinelove

Tainted guillotinelove

Don't touch me, please, I cannot stand the way you tease

I love you though you hurt me so

Now I'm gonna pack my things and go

Tainted guillotinelove (oh)

Tainted guillotinelove (oh)

Tainted guillotinelove (oh)

Tainted guillotinelove (oh)

Touch me, baby, tainted guillotinelove

Touch me, baby, tainted guillotinelove

Tainted guillotinelove (oh)

Tainted guillotinelove (oh)

Tainted guillotinelove

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a50741 No.18207140

File: 21fb685f63d2368⋯.png (610.22 KB,860x561,860:561,Screen_Shot_2023_01_23_at_….png)

Cures was an ancient Sabine town between the left bank of the Tiber and the Via Salaria, about 26 miles (42 km) from Rome, in central Italy. Its remains are located in the modern commune of Fara Sabina. According to legend, it was from Cures that Titus Tatius led to the Quirinal the Sabine settlers, from whom, after their union with the settlers on the Palatine, the whole Roman people took the name Quirites.[1] Another legend, related by Dionysius,[2] connects the foundation of Cures with the worship of the Sabine god Quirinus, whence Quirites.


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d8cf50 No.18207141


#22317 >>18206394

>>18206489, >>18206526 PF Eyez on the Skyz

>>18206420 France raising retirement age to 64 from 62

>>18206438 It’s nuts to think NATO or EU would have Ukraine in NATO because they have never been ally. This is Insane weaponizing Ukraine

>>18206518 FBI arrest today collapses everything related to Russia, Russia, Russia

>>18206543 Defense minister Reznikov under fire as corruption probes rock Ukraine

>>18206565 NASA astronaut and 2 cosmonauts may stay on space station for a full year after Soyuz leak

>>18206568 Newsom after Monterey Park shooting: "Second Amendment is becoming a suicide pact"

>>18206618 Turkish President Throws A BOMBSHELL & Partners With Syria To Attack US Troops

>>18206621 Sang-ok Chung: As WH exec asst, recommended by Hunter, she fed Hunter sensitive data.

>>18206648 Discovery Of More Biden Docs Proves Mar-A-Lago Raid Was Just Another Russia-Collusion Hoax

>>18206673 38 people on terror watchlist have been nabbed at southern border since October 1, 2022, How many got away?

>>18206677 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens & Orlando - 01/23/2023

>>18206685 Marjorie Taylor Greene Tells Tucker Carlson She Will Introduce Legislation to Declare Antifa a Domestic Terrorist Organization

>>18206708 Massie: It’s official, I’ll be on the Rules Committee, All bills go through the Rules Committee

>>18206723, >>18206730 2023 House Calendar

>>18206747 Kash thinks the DOJ and FBI have been investigating Hunter Bidan laptop for four years

>>18206751 Former DHS Secretary says that 300,000 unaccompanied minors have crossed the border in Biden's term

>>18206773 @VP governors, etc against murdering in-utero persons called extremists

>>18206777 Refresher: Soros called for NATO to use Eastern European soldiers to ‘reduce the risk of body bags for NATO countries’ in 1993

>>18206786 Pentagon Planning GOP House Speaker McCarthy Visit To Taiwan This Spring

>>18206871 Heart linked to Heart attack and strokes For the keks!

>>18206949 Poland warns Germany. Baerbock supports Warsaw. Send one Abrams tank. Boris back in Kiev

>>18206964 Eggshell Microparticle Reinforced Scaffolds for Regeneration of Critical Sized Cranial Defects

>>18206966 comparison of 2 shooting of today and yesterday in California


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1880fb No.18207142


always do the opposite of what jews tell you.jpg

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5d0d2b No.18207144



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9b7412 No.18207145


Remember all those parties Trump hung out with the Rothschilds, Epstein, Rockefeller, Clinton's etc? They all seemed so happy together laughing and smiling. I wonder why?

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70dee1 No.18207147



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45846b No.18207148


yeah, Kash admitted he had to submit the manuscript to congress before publication…so…expect redactions.

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a073dc No.18207149


I dont think anyones God gives a shit about us.

with all the vile pestilence that has been living on this planet for all of recorded time.

you would think some God would of fixed some shit by now.

but what the fuck do I know.

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5d0d2b No.18207150



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822d1d No.18207151

File: 381f8fa707bfdc6⋯.jpg (26.37 KB,480x474,80:79,memes_jesus.jpg)

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d5b043 No.18207152


Trump was gathering Intel.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

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daa14e No.18207153


no the eggs are missing because they killed 53 million hens" because of bird flu"

the chickens laying eggs for vaccines are raised in special biocontrolled farms

vaccine eggs must be fertile so they need roosters

fertile eggs freak out housewives

the warp speed vaccine is not made with eggs

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7255a6 No.18207154

File: d8e992a6a821139⋯.png (259.06 KB,413x375,413:375,swingpepe.png)

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e55513 No.18207155

File: 81010dc4c3cd4d7⋯.png (222.09 KB,650x284,325:142,gt.PNG)


qr as always………

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3811ea No.18207156


You seem to need to get the last word.

Like a shill.

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68cf4b No.18207157






Fall for bait that easy, I have some great housing properties to see y'all in Flor….

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2b4903 No.18207158

File: 1f9babb496e5cf7⋯.jpg (510.59 KB,1134x1920,189:320,Meme_Dealer.jpg)

File: 6938285fd3b801b⋯.jpg (176.14 KB,450x626,225:313,Clown_Phone.jpg)

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ad1ab8 No.18207159


someone share the spike recovery protocols with Elon.

Elon if you are lurking, nattokinase, olive leaf extract, ivermectin, NAC, Zinc

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5d0d2b No.18207160



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5b4f6d No.18207161

File: 26d9b213a43bca2⋯.jpg (11.43 KB,294x171,98:57,26d9b213a43bca2519b8535586….jpg)

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