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File: 85e1a416f1ddab7⋯.jpg (320.84 KB, 910x607, 910:607, 85e1a416f1ddab7c17d54f0e4c….jpg)

7109f8  No.17668953 [Last 50 Posts]

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.






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49e96d  No.17669043

File: 8445170554d37f7⋯.jpg (27.63 KB, 1056x665, 1056:665, j1iju0hh.jpg)

Since they dont mind killing babies, they dont care about adults, society or anything else. Power is sll they want


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d24d15  No.17669044

File: 2853d5e2c7c44b5⋯.jpg (34.68 KB, 1098x1058, 549:529, t7hidxr.jpg)

To the doubtshills

Only two cases are possible

Case 1, Q is legit (I think this is the case)

then good.

Case 2, Q isn't legit (I don't think this is the case)

Then Legit Q will take care of the matter. People at that level don't fuck around and wouldn't let an operation of this magnitude get comped.

Either way, It's good. And you should be comfy.

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b53724  No.17669045

File: 69da40baa2b127f⋯.jpg (41.62 KB, 583x711, 583:711, tv8m7k5.jpg)

11 + 11 = 22

Saving humanity.

22 base pair DNA

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651401  No.17669058

File: d3676ca9d9c1ba6⋯.jpg (29.59 KB, 1216x589, 64:31, hgjdc0a.jpg)


P = Payseur

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c0bd9f  No.17669062

File: c9f62a0deacb98c⋯.jpg (28.61 KB, 1080x711, 120:79, wqez2s97ox5ge.jpg)


We will become very important again when TTV starts working with sheriffs to remove corrupt officials.

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49e96d  No.17669063

File: 0e0d73014eb6985⋯.jpg (33.83 KB, 1237x722, 1237:722, s5tok4n.jpg)

Financial News


The controversy surrounding ESG has been mounting https://www.fnlondon.com/articles/elon- … s-20220601

https://twitter.com/FinancialNews/statu … 7104287745

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5488e1  No.17669072

File: e61beb3e6794272⋯.jpg (27.95 KB, 1052x585, 1052:585, 9pwqnimon6x.jpg)


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7415b9  No.17669101

File: 05e46f0b065eb1b⋯.jpg (25.7 KB, 968x686, 484:343, 4ih9wv8k1votm.jpg)


it's the lady with the arms!

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33acb8  No.17669107

File: da3711245fe2bff⋯.jpg (28.15 KB, 1131x587, 1131:587, w77g3yb9pyb.jpg)


They cannot allow the midterms to be

It will end them

They do not seem worried or addressing the issues–making it worse


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b578e5  No.17669113

File: ab93b5067c66bbe⋯.jpg (22.43 KB, 1026x498, 171:83, p6axcx.jpg)

central casting, flag hug, distortion on mic… anon feels like all of this has habbened B4

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f41a27  No.17669119

File: bed8634a63b192d⋯.jpg (28.3 KB, 1136x668, 284:167, 31p1rspmzp.jpg)


I have (3) small grandchildren with vaccine induced auto immune diseases and borderline Autism. The youngest only ever got the vitamin K shot at birth and even that, because they "injected it" into her had instant problems to this day.

But hey, it don't stop there.

The irony of it all….

Now they are taking down your PETS.

Dogs, cats.

Now, the families new young dog [less than 1 yr.old] suddenly gets very sick with very high fever [107]…rushed to vet, and $2500.00 later, prognosis from vet…

Your doggo has auto immune disease from VACCINATIONS. It will run you about $100-$500 a month to keep him on the necessary meds and treatments for life, or "put him down"…

I hate these basturds.

There is no hell deep enough for them.

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7415b9  No.17669143

File: 2deecc52c748f56⋯.jpg (25.98 KB, 988x687, 988:687, oc6eiz.jpg)


never claimed to be a xstian - i don't do sandnigger religions that were created to control humanity and bind people down with chains to rob them of free thought

and the only time i even mentioned vax, as that is the terminology used to address the subject was after the fact of you responding to me just to be an infighting little bitch ass faggot

now go fuck yourself and take your shekel with you

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c0bd9f  No.17669144

File: 02db5b050d489c1⋯.jpg (37.07 KB, 588x638, 294:319, mhev02a7ts9yqd.jpg)


Like all of the Holohoax survivors?

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84fbe4  No.17669145

File: 76bd1c30d19fd24⋯.jpg (32.04 KB, 534x548, 267:274, 89qhkonuie8g.jpg)


>Why I never thought TS Q was Q - because he would communicate first here, to notify anons of any changes in venue.

Except for the fact that Q knew the board admins here are comped, which is why he help boot you kikes off the board only to have Jim"Cicada" Watkins give you the board, and then, to demonstrate how big of kikes you actually are you removed the JQ from the welcome page and made putting anything in the notables about Jews illegal content.

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996813  No.17669174

File: 6b191af3505ac7a⋯.jpg (29.14 KB, 1127x625, 1127:625, ysscbafwxcu.jpg)



"Christian" scifi.

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5488e1  No.17669185

File: 8fb3c0c1452bb92⋯.jpg (33.11 KB, 554x540, 277:270, vxyte9dwi.jpg)

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651401  No.17669210

File: a1e862572f78b47⋯.jpg (24.45 KB, 984x566, 492:283, t7beqqybxqc30s.jpg)


Mayo murder: Subway employee killed for putting too much on sandwich, police say

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877c73  No.17669214

File: ce0a2c4901a67a9⋯.jpg (32.19 KB, 1084x985, 1084:985, xy8hj5x29.jpg)


ty tapped out baker

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e3f479  No.17669235

File: d4eb4bfedb7e848⋯.jpg (35.31 KB, 1207x995, 1207:995, ed7n2p57.jpg)

He is mentioning Qanon a lot…

Tucker Carlson: This is a scam

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c0bd9f  No.17669247

File: b32d4166746fc69⋯.jpg (35.86 KB, 1100x1133, 100:103, 6nf84lq.jpg)


after the pellet makes contact bb gun

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651401  No.17669250

File: dc116ff7038072b⋯.jpg (34.04 KB, 1129x763, 1129:763, b67g56vdrms.jpg)


She is 19.

Last time anon checked; not a child

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b578e5  No.17669254

File: 2c95baf907f195a⋯.jpg (34.65 KB, 684x487, 684:487, ql3zdp5osck4.jpg)


>now your arguing something completely different.

You started with the "whoever is elected is the boss and speaks for all people", which is idiotic, especially after the 2020 election was obviously messed with, and of course the systems are obviously controlled. For example 2 party system in US. Israel isn't any different.

For example can a citizen of Israel vote that the conflict down there is stopped? You know peace and all. Are all Jews asked if that should happen, or not? Or is it just decided over their heads, just like every-fucking-where else.

I got my own voice. I don't need a stupid puppet controlled by banks to pretend to speak for me. I will do it myself. Fuck politicians and fuck banks.

>ID cards

So Jews that do not have ID cards from Israel aren't real Jews? You are a funny guy.

So all the Jewish US citizens without dual citizenship aren't Jews?

>Adolf Hitler blah blah

Was at least 25% Jewish, which btw. doesn't matter to me. He was a piece of shit, not because of his blood, family, religion or whatever, but because of his ACTIONS.

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e3f479  No.17669255

File: 24481d4e09fa0ec⋯.jpg (34.61 KB, 1158x765, 386:255, 59yv8oubo.jpg)

They edited Epps out of the video


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7415b9  No.17669259

File: 95588ed879a94dd⋯.jpg (35.42 KB, 1268x733, 1268:733, dsbzgk2.jpg)


Lots going on for night shift

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ae871c  No.17669260

File: c14f987b087d0f9⋯.jpg (25.33 KB, 1119x573, 373:191, a26o7g82.jpg)

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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84fbe4  No.17669266

File: 1e263cceb199894⋯.jpg (33.71 KB, 1221x949, 1221:949, kpe8wkowks.jpg)


What make a good Movie? Great actors 45 played them hard

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02b059  No.17669269

File: 7cfb0ead216143a⋯.jpg (39.18 KB, 565x697, 565:697, z20wzexptk82.jpg)


The smaller amount of board fookery indicates that Q algorithms are out and about and in the process of tidying the ship.

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651401  No.17669270

File: a5c277ac652b4a0⋯.jpg (45.32 KB, 727x667, 727:667, hbntfva.jpg)


i only wanna know when they edit 302's is it CTR-Z, or more like water colors using white out and lifting with erasers.

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33acb8  No.17669285

File: a8281f4aedbc30b⋯.jpg (28.93 KB, 551x486, 551:486, 5swzkq.jpg)


then you have an buried autohop vpn.

might want to find out.

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7fca10  No.17669312

File: 964e14b7205dc16⋯.png (905.88 KB, 1069x728, 1069:728, ClipboardImage.png)

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ae871c  No.17669329

File: f09988a2ef7cb66⋯.jpg (32 KB, 1285x610, 257:122, v8gfdzevrl.jpg)


>I realized last week I don’t want to work anymore

I realized that a few years ago.

I made a plan. I still work, but I only do what I love to do so it's not really work.

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7925ef  No.17669347

File: 84c4e7677fa8aa4⋯.jpg (33.24 KB, 1235x741, 5:3, lykb7adzgjb2n.jpg)


hows the woodchuck

Truth will always win

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877c73  No.17669356

File: b5e7d93a31ba6d6⋯.jpg (22.4 KB, 1021x518, 1021:518, daghy1dfy.jpg)


nice try, but Cruise sucks

try Goose or Val

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700930  No.17669358

File: 803be37f6527f26⋯.jpg (34.78 KB, 1099x1042, 1099:1042, 5vzf73eyav9p.jpg)


what could go wrong…..

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59a893  No.17669362

File: c31a5ee6738eaaa⋯.jpg (25.29 KB, 1178x542, 589:271, wj8ksr1ukcyz.jpg)


I wait until now, tune into ABC, they have it canned as "stories". Media Object Server.

Hoping we get some memes at the J6 farce today.

SCotUS could drop from their list of 30 cases left.

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e1667d  No.17669365

File: cf8f32bba98c6ea⋯.jpg (23.89 KB, 1203x526, 1203:526, p8gsc5e.jpg)


>Consider the vastness of space


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33acb8  No.17669370

File: 6956d4daa74d9bb⋯.jpg (28.52 KB, 1163x641, 1163:641, td85idksva4f8k.jpg)


He's ded Jim.

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84fbe4  No.17669373

File: e3b672a3744095b⋯.jpg (24.51 KB, 1104x547, 1104:547, rtpqsoxvmxy27u.jpg)


>The Pence Agenda for the 107th Congress:

Interesting, anon. Pence's Bill introductions from that time period are also quite interesting too, although Bill title's cannot be taken at face value. And many didn't pass into law.


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d24d15  No.17669377

File: af4603c2dec521d⋯.jpg (42.48 KB, 627x668, 627:668, 6pc8smbs1po1.jpg)


as if the Q clock EVER mattered, EVER.

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700930  No.17669379

File: e86106971889f0e⋯.jpg (39.79 KB, 629x619, 629:619, 2ordkjtu8.jpg)


They are releasing for fucking EXPORT.

Its a complete demolition of the country.

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c0bd9f  No.17669380

File: f9eac921016b12f⋯.jpg (48.8 KB, 725x726, 725:726, jw5erokts0blz.jpg)


>world is passing those exclusively here by

I don't subscribe to that negativity. I feel like I'm where I need to be to keep my finger on the pulse of the planet. I'm ready for action when the time comes. Why should I wear myself out trying to wake up people who don't want to wake up? The Plan will accomplish that without me or any of us.

Our role is to pick up the pieces once the Cabal has been shattered and people need help to understand what happened. That won't happen soon but could take months or years.

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5488e1  No.17669397

File: 90848ba5e91bd8d⋯.jpg (34.74 KB, 1216x750, 608:375, j90z91gp74mk.jpg)


ISIS was supposed to be given a nuclear weapon, which would justify World War 3, but Trump put a stop to it.

However, the Jew still hasn't come to justice.

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49e96d  No.17669406

File: 487b9ab0deea4fb⋯.jpg (34.54 KB, 1023x1129, 1023:1129, 1wg43q6.jpg)

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e1667d  No.17669408

File: abd8443e291671b⋯.jpg (29.74 KB, 1114x662, 557:331, flhjek9xhssocc.jpg)


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9ad0d1  No.17669423

File: e55646739638bc8⋯.jpg (33.52 KB, 564x539, 564:539, 6bwi5j4u.jpg)


Joseph J Flynn



Quote Tweet

The New York Sun


· Jun 11

The group “Shut Down DC” plans to “blockade the streets around the Supreme Court” on Monday, according to its website, as part of a protest that aims to “shut down” the Supreme Court as it prepares to hand down a ruling that could overturn Roe v. Wade. https://buff.ly/3QfT0xm

3:11 PM · Jun 12, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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49e96d  No.17669426

File: 17332bdd9c3b8f1⋯.jpg (24.43 KB, 1203x498, 401:166, usg99c2v03t3z7.jpg)


>Toots was a unique pussy

All Pussys are unique anon…

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ced6d4  No.17669427

File: 045bd2c54e8f9b8⋯.jpg (32.06 KB, 1230x693, 410:231, nqpbc578h2c1a.jpg)


Those digits. Wew


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c0bd9f  No.17669442

File: 66cf87e54f9505d⋯.jpg (40.83 KB, 685x615, 137:123, 1jwdzp.jpg)



ok, put all that in a dumpster, set it on fire, meme it, then we'll talk

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9ad0d1  No.17669443

File: 9e9636f5320cee7⋯.jpg (25.33 KB, 1036x599, 1036:599, yfu8ar7dt9c.jpg)

Outrage as Australia's energy crisis worsens with hospitals ordered to reduce electricity use and millions warned not to use appliances at night: 'We're rationing power like a 3rd world country'

Sydney hospitals ordered to reduce electricity use amid unfolding energy crisis

Health staff asked to reduce air-conditioning to 20C and avoid using printers

In the middle of winter, NSW households were told to conserve electricity

Advised not to use dishwashers and other appliances to avoid a blackout

National Electricity Market was suspended for first time ever on Wednesday

Instead the Australian Energy Market Operator is controlling the power supply

Australia's energy crisis has deepened, with the National Electricity Market suspended, hospitals ordered to reduce electricity use and millions of people urged not to use basic appliances, despite the freezing winter weather.

Anthony Albanese and energy minister Chris Bowen will hold an emergency meeting with industry and union leaders on Thursday to discuss the growing crisis, which has been likened to the situation in 'third world countries'.

The potential for mass blackouts has increased with about 1800MW of coal-fired power not operating in Queensland and 1200MW of capacity offline in the states of NSW, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.

The Tomago aluminium smelter in NSW, the country's biggest electricity user, was also forced to cut production to reduce the chance of a blackout.

NSW Treasurer Matt Kean on Wednesday evening begged residents not to run dishwashers until late at night, and Sydney hospital staff were ordered to conserve power in all non-clinical settings.

'This is the result of two-and-a-half decades of policy failures by all sides of politics,' Victorian state Liberal MP Tim Smith said on Wednesday night.

'Like a third world country, we are rationing power in the two first weeks of winter.'


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49e96d  No.17669446

File: f825e21b217e449⋯.jpg (24.54 KB, 1120x520, 28:13, cdbeo4.jpg)

Double Asteroid

Redirection Test


Countdown to DART’s Impact

on September 26, 2022, 7:14 p.m. EDT



: 19


: 31


: 44


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f689c1  No.17669455

File: f998dc2321c76e0⋯.jpg (27.22 KB, 1055x597, 1055:597, o8vkb5o.jpg)

(Theory) Overturning Roe v Wade is part of a Deep State plot to get women out to vote in record numbers come mid-terms and 2024 so that they can retain power and avoid exposure.

Not a setback for them at all… a step forward.

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8ea0b4  No.17669469

File: ad38820686018e3⋯.jpg (35.92 KB, 1127x1071, 161:153, s3r0bxl.jpg)

Ukrainian GOAT injures group of Russian soldiers with GRENADES


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e1667d  No.17669471

File: e0613759609aa27⋯.jpg (37.49 KB, 1150x1139, 1150:1139, bsagn575fcyg.jpg)



jews control the media

reality is not racism

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84fbe4  No.17669477

File: 5dc6a9e5f7c58f7⋯.jpg (23.58 KB, 1059x500, 1059:500, 37jysk.jpg)

New bread title

Crazy Frog Is Just A Normal Frog To Me Edition

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013c69  No.17669496

File: f72f3f10573e509⋯.jpg (32.69 KB, 1005x1016, 1005:1016, s18tpvav66ma00.jpg)


and why is that other dude wearing a restaurant table cloth on his head?

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700930  No.17669498

File: b2df2caa44717cc⋯.jpg (24.21 KB, 1115x503, 1115:503, wuco0v0shwhoit.jpg)


Baker requesting hand off and/or note taker

May return after nap

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84fbe4  No.17669500

File: 47c1b9d2d6ff546⋯.jpg (33.65 KB, 1178x944, 589:472, w67bzx0nn8.jpg)


>"Q" living in their heads continually.


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84fbe4  No.17669522

File: 44cf184a05ff843⋯.jpg (31.76 KB, 1084x921, 1084:921, y42r6av9obv.jpg)

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9ad0d1  No.17669523

File: ea6173ea551a27f⋯.jpg (27.37 KB, 971x721, 971:721, eceh3e7z2a.jpg)


It's looking like a blessing in disguise though. I'm done with a lot of clutter, and have learnt a lot about humanity, leadership, and power.

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41a4cb  No.17669728

File: bdd07d19d4816a4⋯.jpg (37.24 KB, 637x556, 637:556, qg0q89wlix5ps.jpg)


That will dox them. They need to be dressed as a giant white bunny wearing a top hat.

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6b11fb  No.17669764

File: c470622485c966d⋯.jpg (38.07 KB, 549x650, 549:650, 2u54etxm32nun4.jpg)


Okay fine, you get 1 kek

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263095  No.17669765

File: 575400a25831f1b⋯.jpg (26.26 KB, 1097x605, 1097:605, gyozh8y41h9.jpg)


maybe. either that or he was one of the ones forced into evil and he was freed.

if he is a bad guy working to reduce his sentence he is a very good actor because he seem comfortable and believable most of the time imo

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5f9b80  No.17669768

File: 79aefa31bea617b⋯.jpg (35.65 KB, 508x714, 254:357, rjrzujznd.jpg)


hahahaha! mosad texted him "bad news bro"

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8ea0b4  No.17669774

File: 0ac915dbb2c6ab6⋯.jpg (31.6 KB, 1081x891, 1081:891, ehplzaq0.jpg)


Of course not. That's exactly how conmen work.

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8a63f1  No.17669806

File: 7fb2cabff9216af⋯.jpg (30.77 KB, 486x564, 81:94, j2cnyy4glm3rw.jpg)

During Lockdown Pelosi and other criminal democrats destroyed and removed statues from government buildings.

DEMAND the FASCISTA get removed from the House of Representatives, because it's OFFENSIVE!

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877c73  No.17669838

File: e2a211bcc4bf264⋯.jpg (33.71 KB, 1214x934, 607:467, 6j4omf.jpg)


>Make a wish today and it will come true tomorrow.


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013c69  No.17669845

File: 0531b96d951bb25⋯.jpg (41.11 KB, 639x657, 71:73, 555ktgf30x1fzm.jpg)

"we walk on liquid gold"

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7925ef  No.17669849

File: f1a5773d7f68a53⋯.jpg (31.79 KB, 1209x634, 1209:634, m3n7bx2jcd24sa.jpg)



Safe & Effective

It's for the Greater Good

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51b870  No.17669850

File: 09456933885baa7⋯.jpg (39.48 KB, 553x689, 553:689, 3sj3io9.jpg)


Obama dropped 50K of them in the city in the dead of night. People were none too pleased about it.

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8ea0b4  No.17669853

File: 10f5783752f8b56⋯.jpg (24.95 KB, 1022x663, 1022:663, wvo07ia2.jpg)

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90f67a  No.17669857

File: 8a8b16c20a939d5⋯.jpg (32.1 KB, 1082x712, 541:356, 7zlr409h5t12fh.jpg)

Patri0tsareinContr0l / @Patri0tsareinContr0l 06/03/2022 18:54:56

ID:Not Available

Truth Social: 108416001431612531

% buffered





Image Name: 727d826f490a4efd.mp4

Filename: 727d826f490a4efd.mp4

@DevinNunes gives an update on Truth Social:

- They are still working with Google to produce an app for Android.

- They have +/- 10 important features that they still want to roll out and they’re on about “step 1.5 of what we’re trying to build”.

- The ultimate goal is to make a platform that can’t be cancelled that combines the best of all social media platforms.

Truth Social is off to a great start! 🇺🇸

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51b870  No.17669870

File: 076fb362cad25dc⋯.jpg (22.25 KB, 1013x537, 1013:537, m949ckfb7yxl6n.jpg)

FIJI launches LESBIAN toyota farts mind control

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8a63f1  No.17669881

File: 86255c13d5eb803⋯.jpg (26.57 KB, 974x722, 487:361, ocrnoebgndzqc.jpg)


Hope UR not eating "atlantic salmon"?

japs are letting some cooling water go, not enough storage tanks, (recyle it? what would I know)

Anyhow glowing salmon coming to east coast sooon

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51b870  No.17669891

File: 4452daf50d3efd5⋯.jpg (31.77 KB, 1062x736, 531:368, 5ek56n.jpg)

Two bills key to reaching state climate goals failed to pass in Albany

A transformative plan for the renewable energy sector and building electrification stalled this legislative session


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ba9dac  No.17669915

File: 8f137c16f28c168⋯.jpg (28.71 KB, 516x492, 43:41, sfwucjbuv6f.jpg)




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991463  No.17669923

File: 552419c0b1ffa1f⋯.jpg (30.64 KB, 1245x641, 1245:641, xnskx8smch.jpg)


Well, I wouldn't call that hazing, I would call that training.

Hazing is when guys torture each other to be in The Club. Initiation that involves torture.

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90f67a  No.17669942

File: 5df698644142de0⋯.jpg (31.41 KB, 1188x716, 297:179, htxeug9h.jpg)


What Is Coming?

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991463  No.17669943

File: dc95cfd309dc4a5⋯.jpg (23.4 KB, 1113x499, 1113:499, mlk70lmr.jpg)

Disgusting pig


Rhode Island State Senator Tiara Mack (D) made this video encouraging people to vote for her. She also sponsored a bill for teaching kids “queer inclusive, pleasure-based sex ed”

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013c69  No.17669947

File: ac502b8196e9495⋯.jpg (32.72 KB, 1137x726, 379:242, 474cfr1ns8dqo.jpg)


Rome fell twice.

Third time will be the charm!

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51b870  No.17669974

File: 0159e214668d36e⋯.jpg (28.61 KB, 1183x687, 1183:687, gfbfhrq0xn1.jpg)


How do you take down the tainted food supply?

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c0bd9f  No.17670032

File: 41feb16a4c81df2⋯.jpg (24.5 KB, 1172x526, 586:263, 3um8g1xxhrm.jpg)

Are we there yet?


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991463  No.17670049

File: 93a413d1dad7f7d⋯.jpg (26.41 KB, 1043x615, 1043:615, f93dn7iy.jpg)



Thank you, Baker.

Here's one for when someone posts before the dough. Good-night!

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51b870  No.17670055

File: ee8c346c907689c⋯.jpg (35.78 KB, 1216x1009, 1216:1009, afutummuga48.jpg)


What you thinkin' 'bout this anon? Curious. Thanks.


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ba9dac  No.17670058

File: 9c4689302d760fa⋯.jpg (35.3 KB, 1258x784, 629:392, 3ni2c2xrszlzup.jpg)


I know right?

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9ca0fa  No.17670062

File: 80a5b23633ac455⋯.jpg (31.33 KB, 1291x630, 1291:630, as6i3etgr.jpg)

You can tell a JIDF (or other Jewish) poster by how they respond to "you're a Jew."

Answer is always name-calling, insult, and immediate attack on intelligence to put the accuser on the defensive.

That's where they want you.

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ba9dac  No.17670074

File: ddbf53ed2163920⋯.jpg (29.61 KB, 1085x747, 1085:747, jiushal8gisfv.jpg)


I think they would have a case in court.

And win!

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663abf  No.17670077

File: b79995bca341ccc⋯.jpg (25.73 KB, 966x722, 483:361, 06ftw5m.jpg)


And homicidal sex traffickers of adult women.

Y'all keep forgetting this obvious fact. I guess you never investigate it either. smh

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8a63f1  No.17670080

File: 11d2bb0461bfcf3⋯.jpg (35.73 KB, 586x574, 293:287, xeu4v3n2izq8.jpg)

Was SCotUS not supposed to release a ruling today? Did I miss it?

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c0bd9f  No.17670088

File: a683f62b7565b46⋯.jpg (42.53 KB, 718x649, 718:649, ju28y92q3xth.jpg)


Happy Birthday Sir, let's make it one to remember through the Halls of Amenti.

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51b870  No.17670089

File: db29ad0630a46cb⋯.jpg (36.78 KB, 727x482, 727:482, j7q152whqg.jpg)


die in a fire kike shill

you are defending the pedo Epstine, and you will burn in hell with him.

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9ca0fa  No.17670120

File: c24130fb2417d83⋯.jpg (31.89 KB, 1111x706, 1111:706, xa59ldnkg7.jpg)


Biden has no soul.

See for yourself

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41a4cb  No.17670127

File: b2d02be4576b376⋯.jpg (32.69 KB, 981x1058, 981:1058, 6i67voeal051v7.jpg)


no, they ded.

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c0bd9f  No.17670129

File: 6c063c2efca82af⋯.jpg (28.39 KB, 1054x716, 527:358, hxmbhc6.jpg)


It must be Q. He knows the answer is 42 for fuck's sake.

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013c69  No.17670143

File: e19cfde28dd8092⋯.jpg (34.17 KB, 1201x1003, 1201:1003, b4ofaxmg7p8bq.jpg)


>Food packages purchased by the American public to feed Russian families totaled more than $10 million in additional aid.

‘Deliverance: America and the Famine in Soviet Russia, 1921-1923.’

Boris Bogen, coordinating the work of the American Relief Administration [ARA] and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee [JDC], wrote Strauss a series of long, thoughtful letters describing the situation in the Ukraine. Bogen ultimately wrote more than one hundred letters to Strauss, some running to eight typed pages.

Bogen and the JDC would take the lead in providing relief to children and Jews; the ARA would manage the rest.

Bogen: described them all in grim detail, knowing that Strauss would use the information judiciously in fundraising.


Dr. Boris Bogen, formerly Director of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee activities in Soviet Russia, has been elected Executive Director of the Federation of Jewish Charities of Los Angeles.

Jan. 1, 1924


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991463  No.17670147

File: 24ce5c4a71a9f00⋯.jpg (31.78 KB, 1043x948, 1043:948, iojq72o.jpg)


>My conclusion is that God is our only refuge

I'm convinced of this.

It's the only thing that makes sense

The rest is Babylon (confusion)

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c0bd9f  No.17670148

File: 6b0aa95c022aa13⋯.jpg (28.31 KB, 1194x615, 398:205, x9qjx0fg2o6e.jpg)


Q's planisfor information to be disclosed.

The fact it even exists such that you're responding to it, is because of the plan.

Morons keep self refuting.

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996813  No.17670154

File: 22d85db95c99e1d⋯.jpg (32.16 KB, 1278x630, 71:35, vreuu8c54.jpg)

Q DROP #2222

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/19/2018 20:25:34 ID: 98088e

8chan/qresearch: 3094236

Anonymous 09/19/2018 20:10:44 ID:5948d8

8chan/qresearch: 3093831


Are we alone ?

Roswell ?



Highest classification.

Consider the vastness of space.


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7206b8  No.17670171

File: 0f33335d8521fb0⋯.jpg (32.82 KB, 1047x790, 1047:790, 6tqsudrx.jpg)


Old pic, she grows and rolls her own these days

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3e1ae1  No.17670180

File: af0b27aa0b19790⋯.jpg (36.82 KB, 1177x1081, 1177:1081, leoy8xe64.jpg)

Ohio Is The First State To Follow Florida On Anti-Grooming Bill

Republican state lawmakers in Ohio have presented a bill copying Florida’s contentious bill that critics call “Don’t Say, Gay,” teeing up another intense confrontation over how sex and gender issues are handled in schools.

Presented on Monday, Ohio’s HB 616 would forbid classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, just like the Florida law condemned by LGBTQ advocates.

State Rep. Mike Loychik, a Bazetta Republican and one of the bill’s two sponsors, wrote in a tweet: “Curriculum about gender identity and sexuality has no place in K-3 classrooms, period.”

The bill’s other sponsor, GOP Rep. Jean Schmidt of Loveland, said in a statement: “The classroom is a place that seeks answers for our children without political activism.”

“Parents deserve and should be provided a say in what is taught to their children in schools. The intent of this bill is to provide them with the tools to be able to see what their child is being taught,” added Schmidt.After Florida’s new law brought activist fury and lawsuits, the Ohio bill will certainly cause controversy – and the proposal in the Buckeye State goes even further.

The Ohio bill would also demand that any curriculum or instructional materials on sexual orientation or gender identity in grades four through 12 must be “age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”


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b1a913  No.17670195

File: 587b0d47f4647b1⋯.jpg (31.74 KB, 1052x742, 526:371, 0dwdvfjuqd7.jpg)

Someone shut down this nazy website!

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877c73  No.17670201

File: ea74063a0c23d93⋯.jpg (27.62 KB, 1146x656, 573:328, 2fsmlptljxg8h.jpg)


Yet murdering a human life isn't a crime against humanity.

These fucking retards are funny as fuck.

Skin em all.

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991463  No.17670213

File: a79936d84906527⋯.jpg (24.37 KB, 1112x551, 1112:551, qrdfvtn0.jpg)


<>this ishighly-paidshilling right here

<>how much?

as he shillposts for the 24th time this bread

I do this for free. and have been since October 2017

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877c73  No.17670223

File: 5aa9ccc7d9758c3⋯.jpg (29.88 KB, 980x971, 980:971, 7i5ncpoc6.jpg)


Source it? If the salt changed, than Q's trip should have too. Someone link to the other board where the trips are common… my tagging system is lagging… ah.. https://8kun.top/pen/res/1052.html

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663abf  No.17670228

File: 402621db662c106⋯.jpg (35.04 KB, 535x616, 535:616, vxbhzf.jpg)


I can. You should check out the research on them at https://mgshow.link/payseur

Might learn ya. Prolly won’t.

You’re glowin btw

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90f67a  No.17670249

File: f4f6480ec299aba⋯.jpg (36.32 KB, 1281x784, 183:112, x6ayo3zl.jpg)


>hover and behold

Is that your band name?

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ba9dac  No.17670261

File: 2a0fbafefb87d69⋯.jpg (41.81 KB, 665x658, 95:94, rkhkvk.jpg)


> 1 post shill


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41a4cb  No.17670262

File: 90fb273a318cea4⋯.jpg (31.9 KB, 1249x626, 1249:626, pgx2nz.jpg)


You hit the jackpot, maybe a transformer got knocked out in an accident or something.

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996813  No.17670269

File: a005e22d55cfdcf⋯.jpg (36.54 KB, 1196x1102, 598:551, 21rxv3wij.jpg)


got notes for this bread

will bake it


if you grab from last I'll edit them in

tyvm anon

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51b870  No.17670274

File: ab72703f18a53b9⋯.jpg (35.48 KB, 647x502, 647:502, oqqvlmn.jpg)


Game being played.

Nice try though.

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c0bd9f  No.17670275

File: 3d6a00ee6c7990f⋯.jpg (34.33 KB, 1286x689, 1286:689, 1sszht.jpg)


Dave Grohl?


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013c69  No.17670289

File: fc1c7ae1f0b6441⋯.jpg (35.27 KB, 1180x1024, 295:256, 4g5on2o4q.jpg)


Whatever they say will be garbled and unreadable.

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9ca0fa  No.17670291

File: 34b02ffce851b5b⋯.jpg (35.49 KB, 507x641, 507:641, 8y9y6njlz02i.jpg)


Prolly looking for that Orca and her dead calf.

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3e1ae1  No.17670295

File: 2db256063970cdd⋯.jpg (35.22 KB, 601x557, 601:557, 87c7tds2uo3qr.jpg)




Why did you blow his feces Pecker….. lmao

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fa46f0  No.17670299

File: 43f6bb32730582d⋯.jpg (36.75 KB, 1278x789, 426:263, f1codxks94.jpg)

Didn't his son commit suicide? Another person in congress just had their daughter die.>>17670089

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991463  No.17670318

File: 2340cac72e529a9⋯.jpg (33.34 KB, 1135x796, 1135:796, hutfk3xm.jpg)


I could use a drinking problem right about now. Although I don't drink.

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7206b8  No.17670321

File: 5e92799bf647578⋯.jpg (30.98 KB, 1239x607, 1239:607, lqn5hwvmmau9.jpg)


why am I supposed to care about a bunch of subhuman savages?

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9ca0fa  No.17670332

File: d9116f8a6ebcb2f⋯.jpg (37.76 KB, 623x572, 623:572, nbae31r4gf2f.jpg)

Good News Translation

You boast that you have made a treaty with death and reached an agreement with the world of the dead. You are certain that disaster will spare you when it comes, because you depend on lies and deceit to keep you safe. >>17669522

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663abf  No.17670336

File: 528f4497735d953⋯.jpg (34.48 KB, 632x538, 316:269, yzt8d9.jpg)

For Dan

lets do this

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db5921  No.17670340

File: 5e96b75337a1117⋯.jpg (33.62 KB, 515x562, 515:562, 1z6k5szd166.jpg)



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51b870  No.17670351

File: af9daf71066b13a⋯.jpg (33.38 KB, 1148x918, 574:459, g3wr4l0689.jpg)


BP??? Many things that could be… elaborate on the meaning…

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663abf  No.17670357

File: 4b6b53b9cffe3ea⋯.jpg (34.21 KB, 502x628, 251:314, f4xyy3.jpg)






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daf36f  No.17670368

File: e76eedf5570cfc1⋯.jpg (33.51 KB, 1131x973, 1131:973, 4pq9py67ylwb2.jpg)

Time for sleep if I am messing up spelling and giving a proper (You).

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013c69  No.17670369

File: 483eba2c202615a⋯.jpg (33.12 KB, 1018x1028, 509:514, zu5cciut2yk.jpg)


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c0bd9f  No.17670374

File: 9833d6a138679fa⋯.jpg (39.81 KB, 622x634, 311:317, y9lj5k0mrd3i.jpg)


Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸, [12.06.22 12:55]

[Forwarded from Gateway Pundit]

US Department of Defense Finally Comes Clean - Admits in Public Document that There Are 46 US Military-Funded Biolabs in Ukraine


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db5921  No.17670377

File: c605fcd5648d0f1⋯.jpg (29.36 KB, 1166x588, 583:294, tl3hsi.jpg)


Is this Sam the Sheep dog?


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41a4cb  No.17670382

File: 6dc77ba9322ccdf⋯.jpg (37.43 KB, 1277x793, 1277:793, 180x2bs.jpg)



AB - s/s infiltrating j6? WH /OBama special Detail?

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fa46f0  No.17670383

File: 245e298ef69bef2⋯.jpg (33.54 KB, 1048x1082, 524:541, xgkvkbps6t.jpg)



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3e1ae1  No.17670384

File: bf2fdc49cfe8257⋯.jpg (24.46 KB, 1149x506, 1149:506, ib4xjs7my4l.jpg)



>July 3, 2022

<July 4, 2022

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daf36f  No.17670388

File: deab75f0e74c4df⋯.jpg (23.88 KB, 1015x588, 145:84, t5jboyezs524yb.jpg)


Oops sorry Baker

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db5921  No.17670396

File: 19b0588b27ac297⋯.jpg (33.17 KB, 1206x958, 603:479, 1ddvgxmj71z.jpg)


They, along with NY AG will attempt to put an "albatross" around his neck to hobble his 2020 endorsements and plans to run in 2024.

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3e1ae1  No.17670407

File: d88f8232b6b0680⋯.jpg (31.15 KB, 1123x898, 1123:898, f43vt0zg.jpg)

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af35c2  No.17670418

File: 96b5249b12daf48⋯.jpg (32.22 KB, 497x578, 497:578, 5dtyiyu4d.jpg)



<>Do your thing.

I will

don't need your permission

if you had shut up, I may have just moved on, but you didn't.

so the dig continues.


<random woman

>a Sex Therapist who's husband might be implicated in ritual child sexual abuse

<>I'll do mine.

yes, shilling as usual



>2 ASTGHIK MARKOSYAN Oakland, California 2020-04-26 1 1 Kgs


> just a dig.

oh look, DELAWARE

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7206b8  No.17670443

File: 959a62e4a113af6⋯.jpg (35.42 KB, 1178x776, 589:388, cu3py4tmxqhxe.jpg)


ty ebaker!

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20027b  No.17670444

File: df5e739b88b7053⋯.jpg (26.7 KB, 481x490, 481:490, 9ccx6g8r41.jpg)


tyvm collectah

edited into bread

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ce9deb  No.17670450

File: cb46d154e4ef6a5⋯.jpg (32.87 KB, 1170x902, 585:451, tlzt1e.jpg)



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daf36f  No.17670451

File: ffcf8bb880108ed⋯.jpg (27.82 KB, 1224x566, 612:283, x2ytg3.jpg)

Gregg Phillips / @greggphillips

06/23/2022 17:55:19

Truth Social: 108529013177735393

What's The Connection Between ERIC And George Soros' Investment In Catalist?

How Catalist identifies and targets 'eligible but unregistered' potential voters


#PatriotGames @truethevote


What's The Connection Between ERIC And George Soros' Investment In Catalist?

How Catalist identifies and targets 'eligible but unregistered' potential voters

AND Magazine Staff

5 hr ago

ERIC’s EBU Refresh List, CEIR, and Soros

What’s the connection between the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR), and George Soros? It all starts with ERIC’s coveted ‘Eligible but Unregistered’ (EBU) refresh list. ERIC, using information from the state’s voter registration rolls, Department of Motor Vehicles, and the USPS, generates a list with information on eligible but unregistered constituents for all member states.

What is so important about the ERIC’s EBU list? Enter Catalist, the for-profit company to which billionaire George Soros provided the first $1 million for startup costs.

Twitter avatar for @joshstuartJosh Stuart @joshstuart

NYT: Soros invest $2.5m in political data venture to be housed at Catalist:

Groups Mobilize to Aid Democrats in ’14 Data Arms Race (Published 2013)Without the Obama campaign’s vaunted technological muscle, Democrats are trying to get up to speed for the midterm elections and beyond.nyti.ms

November 15th 2013

In an article by J. Christian Adams, he states, “Catalist provides much more sophisticated and much more granular data about subsets of Americans. The degree of granularity was never possible before Catalist, and Republicans have nothing to match it, for now. The most important thing Catalist allows the left to do is drive deeper into the pool of extreme left-wing Americans who are otherwise unmotivated to actually vote. Catalist allows customers to identify potential voters on the far ideological fringe, but who are usually unmotivated to vote. Catalist allows the left to then identify issues, concerns, or other lifestyle facts which allows ERIC users to help motivate the usually unmotivated on that fringe to vote.

You have your own individual voter file in Catalist. Everyone does. Under that file might be a massive amount of information about you — more than probably exists in any other database in the world. Whom you work for, what car you might drive, donations you have made, assumptions based on your neighborhood, anything in a public government database about you, consumer preferences, partisan preferences, what licenses you have, what you might have said to pollsters on the phone, memberships, how you treated the young left-wing activist knocking on your door a few years ago, and on and on and on.

Beyond winning elections, Catalist also allows the Democrats to turn the policy narrative upside down and suffer no political consequence for implementing radical policies which appeal to their base. The Obama administration’s lurch to the far left without consequence can be understood by understanding Catalist. Obama thrives politically by satisfying his base. Simply, Catalist is a game changer not just for politics, but for policy. It is the left’s machinery for fundamentally transforming America — and all of it is perfectly legal.”

According to the Capital Research Center, “In the “real world” of politics, Catalist is a key, perhaps even central element, in a well-thought-out, well-integrated strategy to mobilize specific interest groups on behalf of partisan interests seeking power. Catalist is serious about its goals, clear-eyed about who it has to mobilize, and what instruments it can use to mobilize them.”

As Sasha Issenberg writes in 2012 in The Victory Lab: The Secret Science of Winning Campaigns, “Subscription-based access to this database, which consists of some 180 million registered voters and 85 million unregistered adults—essentially every adult in the United States—allows clients to combine demographic and political information with commercial data to help target political messages to large groups or individuals with unprecedented precision and effectiveness. But underneath the expanded use of screens were scores, a new political currency that represented an individualized way of predicting human behavior, where a campaign didn’t just profile who you were but knew exactly how it could turn you into the type of person it wanted you to be.”

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6b11fb  No.17670454

File: 0e43480e3a3f4e1⋯.jpg (32.2 KB, 1118x735, 1118:735, i548rsv8f1.jpg)

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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51b870  No.17670456

File: ace8c387ab5d35b⋯.jpg (35.34 KB, 642x518, 321:259, evd3llu3gr.jpg)

Your ancestors were superheroes.

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41a4cb  No.17670463

File: 76124506c6993f5⋯.jpg (29.61 KB, 1155x733, 1155:733, sqxw2d92rpo3.jpg)


>b/ jenkem cheezus i

faggot bribed juwdas faggot

fed panda express

nailed to a faggot

stabbed in the gut

so it would stop singing

stuck in closet

unpaid niggs walked off job

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8ea0b4  No.17670469

File: ac612afff9d7eee⋯.jpg (32.87 KB, 1068x806, 534:403, 04j33yg23y5.jpg)

Hey JR. if you are lurking here…

can you ask your dad to troll everyone on TRUTH please, or maybe you could do it?

Post how there's a new"POO POO GATE"

Tell everyone that your dad hired a female actor to poo poo on that guys bed that threatened to assassinate him.

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9ca0fa  No.17670478

File: 29b01720d9e6ed2⋯.jpg (34.89 KB, 1276x775, 1276:775, gfu4k8v.jpg)


God bless Texas.

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7206b8  No.17670485

File: 57e7943bcff2cd5⋯.jpg (34.29 KB, 1181x944, 1181:944, egdu5mv6c.jpg)


only a democrat would say that

you're not a democrat are you, goy?

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663abf  No.17670486

File: 089c3cc02ec7dbe⋯.jpg (38.11 KB, 571x637, 571:637, 0pc8x8.jpg)


didn't necessarily agree with that part myself although the overall message of the rest still has grounding

it was taken from a site that used it from the original site which said "partake in some traditional heterosexual values." and was just used for the aesthetic layout that made screencaps easier to take

i believe what they're meaning by that is they don't take it the extreme and largely quiet about their lifestyle rather than dancing naked in the street for 5 year olds like they do today and aren't engaged in rampant promiscuity of sleeping with multiple partners per week


wasn't even worth the hassle

imagination was still used back then

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8ea0b4  No.17670488

File: 35afb642168f463⋯.jpg (25.62 KB, 1141x598, 1141:598, ahfxrvp3ctn.jpg)

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51b870  No.17670499

File: edd96fd1e5e2596⋯.jpg (41.79 KB, 683x625, 683:625, g0kgvafyda1.jpg)

Potential duplicate, if anon missed it, sorry:

Crimo video, much of the same images, creepy music. "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" audio. "American History X" scene.

They went all out for this one. Not well, but E for effort..

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db5921  No.17670500

File: 04ad9f83cb23d80⋯.jpg (32.7 KB, 1031x1025, 1031:1025, 5vyzg79wvb.jpg)


Haven't played golf recently.

Heart is fine.

Care to be more forthcoming or simply bask in the glow of all of your masks?

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af35c2  No.17670502

File: b72025c9fb0c7dc⋯.jpg (26.46 KB, 1128x659, 1128:659, 6odykf4kdur.jpg)


Five reasons why ‘my body, my choice’ doesn’t work for vaccines

With several countries making COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory for health workers, teachers and other frontline staff, anti-vaccination protesters have co-opted the feminist slogan “my body, my choice” from reproductive rights and bodily autonomy movements. Here’s why that argument doesn’t work for vaccines.

1 of 2

1. It threatens the legitimacy of reproductive rights movements

These movements call for reproductive rights for people who may want to avoid pregnancy or who might want to terminate a pregnancy. These movements are linked to activism over bodily autonomy, calling for young people – especially girls – not to be forcibly married as children (who cannot provide consent), or coerced into sexual relationships. Not only are these rights enshrined in the International Declaration of Human Rights and have been hard-won in many countries, but in many parts of the world, these rights are still being fought for, sometimes at the cost of human lives.

There is an argument from a human rights perspective for the freedom from harm caused by others, an equivalent argument for why it is illegal to drink and drive.

2. Free-riding or relying on others to get vaccinated is unfair

Ensuring that as many people get vaccinated as possible – to try and reach herd immunity – is essential in reducing cases and deaths, stopping the spread of the virus, and providing protection to immunocompromised people who cannot get the vaccine and rely on others getting vaccinated to stop the spread of disease. In addition, there are millions of people in low- and middle-income countries who want to be vaccinated but don’t yet have access. People may not want to be vaccinated for fear of side effects or believe that because they are young and healthy they are not at risk, reassured that others around them are. But the concept of doing something for the collective good breaks down if people start to make decisions based only on their individual beliefs.

3. Not getting vaccinated wreaks collective havoc

‘My body, my choice’ is an activist rallying call referring to individual health choices, centring on the bodily autonomy of the person. These choices (with the exception of abortion that could affect the emotional well-being of the other potential parent) don’t affect anyone else. In the midst of a pandemic that has killed 4.5 million people so far, choosing not to be vaccinated against COVID-19 when you have safe and effective vaccines available clearly has major implications for the health of others, especially vulnerable people who may not be able to get the vaccine themselves. Thus, there is an argument from a human rights perspective for the freedom from harm caused by others, an equivalent argument for why it is illegal to drink and drive.

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996813  No.17670534

File: 25bb71219a37b58⋯.jpg (40.16 KB, 655x665, 131:133, 8o6jt1p5p7buz.jpg)


if one heeds socrates

duality is the mark of

true sentience…

but you reckon as you need.

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9ca0fa  No.17670539

File: 65303b145e2deea⋯.jpg (32.96 KB, 1197x953, 1197:953, ui6q3orj2m8u.jpg)


did she make a rebuttal?


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c0bd9f  No.17670543

File: 41bc16d41a05f85⋯.jpg (23.55 KB, 978x552, 163:92, xi4wvnjiujol9.jpg)


Wrong. They created the password and adjusted the SALT to match, not vice versa. Try harder.

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41a4cb  No.17670547

File: ee469d60b1c6f36⋯.jpg (35.85 KB, 1050x1118, 525:559, nhwngk5lx.jpg)


>I support abortion for "jews", but it should be banned for everyone else. There, the "jews" get their special rights.

>How's that?

Compulsory Jewish Abortion is an idea I can get behind!

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8ce08c  No.17670558

File: b6d3cc5aebddd10⋯.jpg (27.21 KB, 990x739, 990:739, wevcab4ihcwk12.jpg)




DS/DS and OIF I and II

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51b870  No.17670566

File: 0c2d7515168a7f7⋯.jpg (29.8 KB, 1158x735, 386:245, db9h57yp.jpg)


This is what I'm talking about, TRUMP pushed the vax, he owned it, and STILL DOES. How can you reconcile that?

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0cde54  No.17670573

File: d4f7b19002591fb⋯.jpg (33.06 KB, 1030x996, 515:498, prosoddjzotu2z.jpg)



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fa46f0  No.17670579

File: d110109e7e33f1a⋯.jpg (29.24 KB, 1220x576, 305:144, epld3h0agoz80.jpg)


lightening anon - appreciated

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877c73  No.17670581

File: 89908a3d01d9bdd⋯.jpg (23.21 KB, 1124x511, 1124:511, c6742elc8c.jpg)

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af35c2  No.17670588

File: 4549e72837df222⋯.jpg (21.19 KB, 1040x513, 1040:513, 8eu5xpb3k.jpg)


PeePee tapes = DNC oppo

Frazzledrip = RNC oppo

Divided by lies

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ce9deb  No.17670593

File: 18dd13a176b4c1a⋯.jpg (33.81 KB, 1192x717, 1192:717, rxq31e215.jpg)




All are scientific terminology.

Dont like it fuck off.

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db5921  No.17670599

File: 10de8f06a1fa64c⋯.jpg (25.71 KB, 1135x580, 227:116, 2at6i3zlac42.jpg)

Democrats using sleeper agents?


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fa46f0  No.17670602

File: 55e72c0eb44db59⋯.jpg (33.52 KB, 1079x984, 1079:984, 5enr9wp.jpg)


>Garland the Clown giving BJ's

He already has his own problems.

He's a conspired with multinationals in propaganda, terrorism, genocide, treason.

He belongs on trial for treason/death

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41a4cb  No.17670611

File: 5d6d098212d9d44⋯.jpg (35.95 KB, 1090x1093, 1090:1093, u4dvvprg25za.jpg)


nice try, bigot

we are all exactly the same, and only a heckin evil raycis nazi would say any different

you wouldnt want be called RACIST, would ya?

sit down and shut up, white bitch

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1da3a9  No.17670614

File: 211b04017c0af4f⋯.png (373.03 KB, 500x598, 250:299, youthinkjewsgame.png)

Jewish bots attack the board once the jews take over.


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db5921  No.17670619

File: e46a1987d78c2be⋯.jpg (23.59 KB, 1087x536, 1087:536, 2yxz6eeup.jpg)

I was daydreaming and I caught my fifth squirrel and decided to take him on over to the democrat gardens for his squirrel release party, I should have filmed more of them, but I am unsure where to store the minidv in my dream. I always paint them squirrels pink. So maybe if you see hangry pink squirrels in your garden in California and your a democrat, I might be a sleep-walker.


>I don't drink and have… issues around large groups of people. I won't be there.


Also don't travel at night.

plan your route

stay away from where alcohol and drugs or women are served

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fa46f0  No.17670646

File: 4c56acade454ceb⋯.jpg (32.97 KB, 1175x951, 1175:951, 7g1ihe662qvd.jpg)


Spelling Matters anon. God's symbolism is everywhere.

The government, not the people.

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996813  No.17670667

File: afb8082a7abddc7⋯.jpg (29.79 KB, 1195x672, 1195:672, 1ppqme5nza.jpg)


Last tweet from 19th


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013c69  No.17670668

File: 4a9ecf869f40eb2⋯.jpg (35.64 KB, 1188x807, 396:269, 2j7jvvelsc8.jpg)



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ce9deb  No.17670673

File: 97828d6958d56bf⋯.jpg (30.8 KB, 1276x595, 1276:595, ul1ztt9hiw.jpg)


There aren’t any white hats, we’re on our own

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ce9deb  No.17670715

File: af6589f3b16c52d⋯.jpg (36.19 KB, 1027x1124, 1027:1124, 47eph4iodeh5.jpg)

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af35c2  No.17670719

File: 8dab5fd8224d130⋯.jpg (34.25 KB, 1216x740, 304:185, qs2fmre.jpg)

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663abf  No.17670730

File: b96515d5153e29f⋯.jpg (30.69 KB, 542x494, 271:247, 7oq0xun2n4.jpg)


Another Pedo

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90f67a  No.17670739

File: 15b753386f41a1e⋯.jpg (30.81 KB, 1119x901, 1119:901, klwzl14jnu4.jpg)

U.S. Army



Facing fear, danger or adversity, whether it is physical or moral.

What does Personal Courage mean to you? Learn more about the #ArmyValues here:


📷: Kathryne Gest


3:07 PM · Jun 2, 2022 · Sprinklr


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8ea0b4  No.17670741

File: f06d0a1ed6d8b5f⋯.jpg (29.86 KB, 1014x901, 1014:901, nea1cda.jpg)


You swung, Bro, but you missed, back to the dugout!!

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1da3a9  No.17670744


Posting picts of mutilated little jewish dicks will save us, right?

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877c73  No.17670747

File: 37b6bdad0f21775⋯.jpg (26.06 KB, 1153x581, 1153:581, ur4h7oxm.jpg)

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c0bd9f  No.17670751

File: dddc883993f00c6⋯.jpg (21.49 KB, 980x498, 490:249, 6gr792yfzvr.jpg)


um, pentagon… that's… not how it works?


isn't this flat-out sedition/civil war/etc?

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a33eec  No.17670762

File: 74ae82ff138dcf8⋯.jpg (26.27 KB, 1026x651, 342:217, lf388y.jpg)




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daf36f  No.17670767

File: ab71582385833f4⋯.jpg (25.01 KB, 1107x564, 369:188, 4hv6l2kze398.jpg)




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0cde54  No.17670768

File: c495c9a83e4ba30⋯.jpg (46.11 KB, 684x684, 1:1, pb5qsyc.jpg)


They never left

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a33eec  No.17670783

File: 6c2cc5e9c6ce190⋯.jpg (29.59 KB, 1150x691, 1150:691, 2a8zfhfz.jpg)


U.S. Cyber Command


01001000 01100001 01110000 01110000 01111001 00100000 01001001 01101110 01100100 01100101 01110000 01100101 01101110 01100100 01100101 01101110 01100011 01100101 00100000 01000100 01100001 01111001 🇺🇸💥🎉💻


9:02 AM · Jul 4, 2022·Twitter Web App

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41a4cb  No.17670784

File: 8c6ad88c9a2032c⋯.jpg (35.88 KB, 1208x1070, 604:535, fua5be.jpg)


Might just do that. See if they've moved off of Tokamak….

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7206b8  No.17670786

File: a143a1464b02303⋯.jpg (29.5 KB, 1180x602, 590:301, uj4197rzh6x.jpg)

so why don't we go

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fa46f0  No.17670796

File: 245c0b16f817514⋯.jpg (23.62 KB, 1073x528, 1073:528, l1gotbnvba2it.jpg)

Haiti = Orlando= Spoopy. Notable?


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af35c2  No.17670810

File: b2fc635aec9165d⋯.jpg (26.34 KB, 1001x642, 1001:642, 2u1ggiq6b6.jpg)

The dam is about to break!

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013c69  No.17670816

File: 28de021e3a4f64f⋯.jpg (33.88 KB, 1095x777, 365:259, yayij2l4fa3z.jpg)


Who has the DEWs?

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daf36f  No.17670826

File: 94e436020274311⋯.jpg (31.7 KB, 1074x966, 179:161, lm9erz0o1mdmsz.jpg)


>#2. No one actually believes that is Q,

>the poster is pointing out how stupid the people that are saying Verification from PDJT is not needed are.

ding ding ding

we have a winner

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0cde54  No.17670830

File: ec15d634a1ac900⋯.jpg (27.96 KB, 1076x680, 269:170, zyiclzses2mu.jpg)



They rigged the election, proved they view democracy as an illusion, and now they're trying to criminalize politics to crush those who are exposing their crimes by PROJECTING their own attack on Democracy and slandering and smearing Q+ and team and railroading them into DOJ persecution.

These people are sick psychopaths who need fast trials and death penalties.

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013c69  No.17670836

File: 3a277f6c3c76b25⋯.jpg (35.97 KB, 1290x765, 86:51, 2fdiubl.jpg)

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991463  No.17670840

File: 7a203a53c9b7c0c⋯.jpg (31.23 KB, 1156x675, 1156:675, ozscdo.jpg)


Trump said "we are getting closer"

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af35c2  No.17670853

File: d42b1b0ada8c043⋯.jpg (31.24 KB, 1078x927, 1078:927, 1prsg2e4vi.jpg)



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8ea0b4  No.17670864

File: a88e0b45551c465⋯.jpg (31.85 KB, 1071x728, 153:104, 59xhacqpnc.jpg)


lots of things matter. how deep is water. how far from a shor or something to hold onto how fast is water flow clas 1, 2, 3?

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daf36f  No.17670865

File: 5697c4abd784f65⋯.jpg (35.18 KB, 625x513, 625:513, xqdtst3.jpg)


The only way to deal with the pedo glow niggers on the board is with the fist of God's wrath.

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41a4cb  No.17670866

File: a156a0c8d2aa64a⋯.jpg (29.5 KB, 1119x712, 1119:712, 6x7odfa1a6mod.jpg)


I'll join you in this anon!

Happy Birthday Mr President

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ce9deb  No.17670867

File: f258baac1ac67c9⋯.jpg (22.42 KB, 1043x517, 1043:517, c5yqkn99sgl3z.jpg)


a badge of honor anon

wear it with pride

>No fucking trip code




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20027b  No.17670873

File: 4e507d916d8f96c⋯.jpg (40.68 KB, 595x659, 595:659, enxj4l4g0.jpg)

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.



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1da3a9  No.17670874




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59c70a  No.17670885

File: 47cc4f1728bc64f⋯.jpg (32.5 KB, 1291x617, 1291:617, 0rkg6s1vz.jpg)

And now Anons are suddenly gonna pretend to be sane.


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f7bd62  No.17670895

File: e851539a7dde71a⋯.jpg (27.09 KB, 1076x605, 1076:605, oaff05b25a.jpg)


tippy top fukken kek'ism

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af35c2  No.17670902

File: 0cb3dd7bc7dfcbf⋯.jpg (36.46 KB, 1079x1135, 1079:1135, pps6ouc2z2q.jpg)


It's also a fact that 2 of the 24 carry weight that affects every American, including the unborn, and will influence other countries too. Probably wouldn't have killed 'em to get those done first, or announce when they'll come. Yeah, signed yours truly Impatient idiot.

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586caf  No.17670919

File: e1740e6b0df07b6⋯.jpg (34.48 KB, 589x546, 589:546, k0wg5tnt4k.jpg)


All this time and no post.

You are a fucking jew, and we all know it.

Tell your rabbi that the goyim know, and we want you fucking jews dead.

He probably knows….

You are a confirmed jew/fed/scumbag.

Sucks to be you, jewboy.

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20027b  No.17670920

File: 06a6a63f0d3308f⋯.jpg (30.27 KB, 576x488, 72:61, wi9id0ire.jpg)


Are we having fun yet?

A crackhead with a nuke..grrreat.

Meanwhile at wiki:

Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory

Biden's laptop, see Hunter Biden laptop controversy.

Viktor Shokin, one of the primary subjects of the conspiracy theory. The conspiracy theory alleges that then-Vice President Joe Biden withheld loan guarantees to pressure Ukraine into firing Shokin to prevent a corruption investigation into Burisma and to protect his son Hunter Biden.

The Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory is a series of unconfirmed claims centered on the false allegation that while Joe Biden was vice president of the United States, he engaged in corrupt activities relating to the employment of his son, Hunter Biden, by the Ukrainian gas company Burisma.[1] They were spread primarily in an attempt to damage Joe Biden's reputation during the 2020 presidential campaign.[2] United States intelligence community analysis released in March 2021 found that proxies of Russian intelligence promoted and laundered misleading or unsubstantiated narratives about the Bidens "to US media organizations, US officials, and prominent US individuals, including some close to former President Trump and his administration."[3][4][5] The New York Times reported in May 2021 that a federal criminal investigation was examining a possible role by current and former Ukrainian officials, including whether they used former Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, who is the subject of a separate federal investigation, to spread unsubstantiated claims

The conspiracy theory alleges that then-Vice President Biden withheld loan guarantees to pressure Ukraine into firing a prosecutor to prevent a corruption investigation into Burisma and to protect his son. The United States did withhold government aid to pressure Ukraine into removing the prosecutor,[7] in accord with the official and bipartisan policy of the federal government of the United States. The US government, along with the European Union, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, believed the prosecutor to be corrupt and ineffective and too lenient in investigating companies and oligarchs, including Burisma and its owner.[8][9] A January 2018 video shows Biden taking credit for withholding the loan guarantees to have the prosecutor fired, acting to implement bipartisan US policy rather than for the reasons the conspiracy theory alleges"


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996813  No.17670923

File: cb330b7bf0b7626⋯.jpg (35.59 KB, 1020x1121, 1020:1121, zzov9m0q.jpg)


>What is that? What the hell is that .jpg

cue-up Judy in Disguise

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d1be1c  No.17670925

File: 3715e31462ce3a4⋯.jpg (21.48 KB, 961x525, 961:525, zrma5xdsigs31.jpg)


you will never find out who pulled any triggers

this isnt the movies and these arent amateurs

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20027b  No.17670942

File: 696b3cf33d2368a⋯.jpg (31.79 KB, 589x485, 589:485, ocjx8n7.jpg)

Gotta admit though, I was quite horrified at the level of covert framing that goes on. Never ever crossed my mind that it was a thing. I thought that was a dirty game only the very rich and powerful played. Kinda liberating once you get over the initial trauma though. Makes you wonder why, and in a twisted way makes you feel very special. It not existing is still exponentially better, but hey, some of us are dealt these cards by busted ass dealers.

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d1be1c  No.17670948

File: caf17d3c2cc3ea7⋯.jpg (22.61 KB, 998x563, 998:563, sbkirc.jpg)



Anonymous 10/31/2017 23:58:00 ID: grTMpzrL

4chan/pol: 147440171

Why does Obama travel in advance of POTUS to foreign locations?

Why is this relevant?

Focus on the power of POTUS as it relates to the Marines.

How can MI be applied to prosecute bad actors and avoid corrupt agencies and judges?

Biggest drop on Pol.

Above is reason why the shills are sliding. In case you didn’t know, shills log and send new info back to ASF for instruction. They use a 5 prong pre packaged injection (one post auto generates four more at random designated times). Common drive of posts they all tap into. Since they misjudged the influence of the MSM they are aggressively looking to censor throughout major platforms in exchange for CIA slush funds and WW access for expansion of said networks. Everything they do has been forecasted and prepared for.

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f681aa  No.17670982

File: 31cbd43f0f9db34⋯.jpg (24.2 KB, 1017x620, 1017:620, x1dyc5jkg8gj.jpg)


Sacrifice wasn't or isn't needed for a creator who loves what he created. It's like painting a beautiful picture then admiring it. Then dumping a bottle of black that ruins everything within it that in which it gave it's beauty. Good Morning and blessings to you ❤️

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996813  No.17670990

File: 61a761151450d80⋯.jpg (46.81 KB, 694x695, 694:695, 97ruk5g6a.jpg)

Trust the science.

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1da3a9  No.17670997

Hey, JIMMY! How do you think that JEWBOTS gained access?


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20027b  No.17671006

File: 27b3a83e94b0651⋯.jpg (26.55 KB, 1125x580, 225:116, 5pswxo8wzuy.jpg)


Disinfo Necessary. Q

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f7bd62  No.17671024

File: 94533324977849d⋯.jpg (33.11 KB, 563x517, 563:517, iug0npl5feob.jpg)



Q Research General #22381: Woka Cocal Edition





TY and GB

Kitchen is Ghost


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f681aa  No.17671043

File: 0db26d4eece68ff⋯.jpg (31.97 KB, 1015x1005, 203:201, 6m1rbolj.jpg)

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663abf  No.17671045

File: 1228e20c3aa5aa1⋯.jpg (29.45 KB, 1152x702, 64:39, d50dil8.jpg)


>And what did the perp who broke the code do?

>Talked shit is what they did. If the trip was broken, we'd be seeing a bunch of shit posts.

Not if whomever is in control of the Q Trip now is attempting to convince you that they are, in fact, the real Q. Thus, the need for verification. Why are people so against this idea? There's enough people here speaking about why there needs to be extra verification steps after all this time, that it deserves to be taken seriously. Even if you want to play devil's advocate and allocate a handful of those as "shills"…

Still enough legitimate concern to warrant an investigation.

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fa46f0  No.17671065

File: 1a7fb82c7c996c9⋯.jpg (37.98 KB, 644x545, 644:545, 3hdgyi.jpg)

Trump-Endorsed Harriet Hageman Slams Liz Cheney as ‘Obsessed’ with January 6, Ignoring Wyoming

Wyoming Republican primary candidate Harriet Hageman on Thursday night’s debate stage slammed opponent Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) for being “obsessed” with the partisan January 6 Committee while failing to address relevant issues to Wyoming.

Referencing Cheney’s deep participation in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) committee, Hageman said on stage that “the press and certain people have obsessed over January 6.”

“The only time that the January 6 situation ever comes up is when people talk about how unfair this entire committee is,” Hageman said about her 30,000 miles of campaign travel through Wyoming. She continually “focuses an awful lot of time on the January 6 committee, but she’s not addressing the issues that are important to Wyoming.”

“I’m the only real proven success up here on this stage. I have been fighting the issues for Wyoming for over 25 years,” Hageman said.

During the January 6 Committee’s hearings, Cheney has fallen in the polls, trailing far behind Hageman. In one poll, Hageman leads Cheney by 28 points. In another, she leads by 30 points.

Hageman has consistently highlighted Cheney’s absence from Wyoming to lead House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s committee by labeling Cheney a “DC diva” who is “using her seat as Wyoming’s representative to pursue her own agenda” on the partisan January 6 committee.

“That’s not our agenda. We don’t agree with what Liz Cheney is doing,” Hageman said in April about Cheney’s participation.

According to the New York Times, Cheney is rarely seen in Wyoming and has even charged Wyoming residents $10 for admission to a campaign event, Politico reported about a gathering at Jackson’s Center for the Arts. At the event, Cheney reportedly only answered pre-selected questions from Wyoming voters.

Cheney has fought back against Hageman by asking Democrats for their votes, sending direct mailers to Wyoming Democrats. She has requested Democrats change parties to be eligible to vote in the open Republican primary.

Cheney’s direct mailing scheme is a flip-flop from what she told the Times in February. “That is not something that I have contemplated, that I have organized, or that I will organize,” Cheney said about soliciting Democrat votes.

Whatever Liz Cheney is doing with our only House seat, she certainly isn't using it to represent the views and values of the people of Wyoming. The lawful possession of firearms for hunting and self-defense is an integral part of our DNA in this state. Read my full statement: pic.twitter.com/2RRO1LxJqN

— Harriet Hageman – Text WYOMING to 90103 (@HagemanforWY) June 24, 2022

Cheney is in hot water for opposing Trump and his policies, voting to impeach the former president, and allying herself with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) January 6 Committee, which has sought to investigate the January 6 incident without focusing on the alleged FBI informants at the Capitol.

Cheney’s conduct has drawn condemnation from the Wyoming Republican Party and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. After the Wyoming GOP voted to no longer recognize her as a Republican in November, in February, McCarthy announced his endorsement of Hageman to defeat Cheney, a rare move for a minority leader.

“Liz Cheney has lost Wyoming. Liz Cheney doesn’t live in Wyoming. She doesn’t represent us,” Hageman told Breitbart News. “She doesn’t represent our values.”


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663abf  No.17671067

File: 54bd074228f2c5d⋯.jpg (29.19 KB, 515x487, 515:487, pbpjtb9l.jpg)

DW News


Museums in the UK are currently on high alert as climate protesters are gluing themselves to famous paintings, including a 500-year-old copy of Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper".


This is the end?

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ce9deb  No.17671073

File: 4a1a773cbf7311c⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 991x1050, 991:1050, psy0hvrh.jpg)



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0c824e  No.17671075

File: 12b7a333200188c⋯.jpg (33.04 KB, 1090x974, 545:487, 4ftc529zpon.jpg)


IDGAS what the normies think. I kept secrets for every level of our government to protect blood and treasure. Now the plan is to expose the truth to protect blood and treasure and preserve the republic and the American way of life. The first part made me everything I had, the second part cost me everything I had.

Wouldn't change a thing. Drive around with a giant Q on the back of my truck and have gotten nothing but positive comments, a few questions, and a handful of weirdos taking down my information to give to somebody that probably has a 3" thick stack of field surveillance reports that basically say, law abiding citizen, nothing observed. Any Title 1 or 3 files will all be the same.

In fact, trolling them by hating what they stand for, waking up the masses worldwide to the criminal elite, and calling for justice, while being squeaky clean is secret source of satisfaction.

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59c70a  No.17671076

File: e5419cbb73fcc2a⋯.jpg (23.32 KB, 977x566, 977:566, jqp6a1uhvzdn7.jpg)


>undermine public confidence in United States elections

Trump's saying "elections aren't secure", is in violation of his own EO. But, as a member of the Cabal, he can get away with it…anyone who "follows" him cannot. See: J6

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d1be1c  No.17671078

File: 8198933eb73dac5⋯.jpg (29.77 KB, 1290x565, 258:113, 5jaciza656iy.jpg)


All demons on the bottom rungs were the last to know that it's over for them, and that it was over long ago. Pity!

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8ea0b4  No.17671082

File: a93f85b80b72e5a⋯.jpg (25.4 KB, 1128x557, 1128:557, nytciy4.jpg)


Q knows who everyone here is, and at the proper time they will all be gone.

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7055b9  No.17671083

File: 6899159204c5cfa⋯.jpg (28.94 KB, 1061x744, 1061:744, xgz7xqsg02.jpg)



We are proud.


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41a4cb  No.17671094

File: 4f46decaa34ef2d⋯.jpg (24.28 KB, 992x588, 248:147, pcx18km.jpg)


>Honeymooning in Israel!!!


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c0bd9f  No.17671113

File: cf8341fa29f740a⋯.jpg (24.18 KB, 1124x562, 2:1, cnvqwhv1ipw0.jpg)

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991463  No.17671121

File: 9126e044990427f⋯.jpg (25.42 KB, 1078x574, 77:41, xxola6xxmkjv.jpg)


Low IQ meme

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fa46f0  No.17671128

File: d5362c12c93fd59⋯.jpg (36.22 KB, 1234x787, 1234:787, 273w87w5wv4mb.jpg)


Why does Biden always sound like he's pleading to be believed where it's everyone else's fault for thinking outside his narrow view?

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7206b8  No.17671132

File: f21a3d5d63d17c1⋯.jpg (33.37 KB, 1221x966, 407:322, kghzrnxftl7ms6.jpg)


She's Pretty

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41a4cb  No.17671136

File: 5988a4bc575665f⋯.jpg (26.34 KB, 1042x634, 521:317, cldtkjf6w7.jpg)


Moon is the reflection of the sun off and f the surface of the earth. Use a Protractor and the angles are very obvious on a flat stationary non rotating earth.

What you’re actually seeing is what the continent’s look like. How do you think the ancient cartographers knew?

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ce9deb  No.17671137

File: 3e71a12c38f843f⋯.jpg (34.17 KB, 485x622, 485:622, 20q4kvas1dhp.jpg)


What defamation??????????

You won my smile w/ your jokes in court, and never liked you.

So you won moar public. Even that I don't watch movies……. make some tv series.

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7206b8  No.17671153

File: cb0565d64fc250b⋯.jpg (35.8 KB, 646x518, 323:259, e04jf6aanpsnn7.jpg)

Who was the pilot that ejected in the Middle East and was killed, body not recovered?

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2faa79  No.17671154

File: dc4d604ab8ee10c⋯.jpg (35.33 KB, 1179x1016, 1179:1016, t5fyzvi2r.jpg)

If Trump was in office, our economy would be BOOMING…

If Trump was in office, we would have a wall and no problems with our border…

If Trump was in office, our babies would have their formula…

If Trump was in office, we would have so much gas. it would be coming out our asses…


ENTER [99154] EXEC.

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877c73  No.17671217

File: 6a09b1fe565b890⋯.jpg (33.27 KB, 986x1069, 986:1069, y8a64v7m.jpg)


>California becomes first state to cover health care for all immigrants


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f7bd62  No.17671222

File: b02d17e9b555603⋯.jpg (34.21 KB, 510x604, 255:302, gf7qsblhz03.jpg)


God bless you and your family


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59c70a  No.17671229

File: 7a1e602418d55d2⋯.jpg (39.07 KB, 589x679, 589:679, r2grii8c0.jpg)




her sandwihch cost $10 million

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991463  No.17671230

File: 8ca86e682cf2920⋯.jpg (31.77 KB, 1063x741, 1063:741, uofhsg4.jpg)


The only reason you're shitting the bed in trying to trick people into believing the fake Q drops are real, is to portray the 'TrIp cOde cOmProMisEd' narrative as sourced by Q.

You're a scumbag leftist pretending to be an Anon, projecting your own scumbaggery on others in a desperate begging attempt to stop WHAT YOU CANNOT STOP.

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c2ffc0  No.17671254

File: bd510ddda4083ad⋯.jpg (32.47 KB, 1206x905, 1206:905, byvstq9guqta.jpg)


>most photos of drag queens show that they like to take pictures with their mouths open


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d1be1c  No.17671258

File: bc828cad1c80228⋯.jpg (28.94 KB, 1125x708, 375:236, 2cpdm8wyk.jpg)


>We don't need no stinking GPS.

And neither did Wrong Way Corrigan.

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f681aa  No.17671259

File: 21618d622b14fe8⋯.jpg (33.29 KB, 1175x722, 1175:722, astwat.jpg)


our HOTDOGS fresh & clean… Meat packing company

Wonder what the technique is..

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20027b  No.17671268

File: c316b8f0401b3ba⋯.jpg (38.69 KB, 667x568, 667:568, kr5ccavfgp95ce.jpg)


He told his newletter fags that he doesn't know shit and to go ask the ex admin whoisn't even around to know anymore.

this place is a fucking joke,

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8ea0b4  No.17671302

File: 8301a6c014499cb⋯.jpg (33.84 KB, 1044x1090, 522:545, hluek0q.jpg)



The Library, [26.06.22 12:13]

[Forwarded from Lori's Place]

Courtesy Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 .@julie_kelly2

. Almost 18 months later—no suspect, no mention of pipe bomber by J6 committee, no promised report from FBI investigation.

All part of the plan. https://t.co/mK28n4FXIb https://twitter.com/julie_kelly2/status/1541063845367758848?s=20&t=4pPnk9mGUOTaV9ReC1HQxw

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a33eec  No.17671304

File: 1bee317490d5afe⋯.jpg (24.01 KB, 1032x578, 516:289, 6wkjsj7pjua.jpg)


bring it in here; you know you need one

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59c70a  No.17671317

File: b5c9c90838757c9⋯.jpg (34.82 KB, 1136x1071, 1136:1071, qw6smcvdxsw1h.jpg)

The Kennedy Plan

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663abf  No.17671320

File: 1ddb4215eba445b⋯.jpg (39.51 KB, 713x572, 713:572, 9ayhlm4axx.jpg)


Hunter-Coin Opportunity

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7206b8  No.17671328

File: fb40d22224c8b5c⋯.jpg (33.24 KB, 1150x955, 230:191, n0467vq51p.jpg)

shanghi lockdown ended?

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a3d49d  No.17671337

File: 3c1ea8266b0b941⋯.jpg (35.4 KB, 621x510, 207:170, 7zq6y7.jpg)

Another video of a truth denier

Matt Walsh@MattWalshBlog

This is why they don’t want you to see #WhatIsAWoman. It’s because of moments like this.Gender ideology is an insane, incoherent mess.


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877c73  No.17671347

File: 6fc525d0abcb9d7⋯.jpg (38.8 KB, 687x547, 687:547, jsnv1blj9v20g.jpg)


He is right next to Jesus/God so he would know!

Why you hate Catholics Anon?!!?!?

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a33eec  No.17671348

File: 7fa0126735e61a8⋯.jpg (28.79 KB, 1195x593, 1195:593, cctaqjyv.jpg)

'What is at stake?

Who has control?


Who was surprised?

Who will be surprised?

Use your logic.

Can emotions be used to influence decisions?

How do you control emotion?

Define 'Plant'.

How do you insert a plant?

Can emotions be used to insert a plant?

Who is Cassidy Hutchinson?

Trust the plan.



Does any of the above contradict Q?

Does any of the above seem our of line?

Does the writing and format look like a standard Q Post?

if they write like Q, Post Like Q its a Q


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013c69  No.17671354

File: ca06821f26919c3⋯.jpg (23.82 KB, 1034x538, 517:269, 3b8ungud28v.jpg)


Yeah cause fuck it. It's all a simulation man. If it bugs you, then do something about it.

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8ea0b4  No.17671362

File: 78eb3700d2b5e5e⋯.jpg (31.08 KB, 1037x916, 1037:916, kssb4vlq.jpg)


Spatial distortion due to proximity to a massive object.

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f681aa  No.17671363

File: e52aa77c086536f⋯.jpg (36.14 KB, 1147x1063, 1147:1063, 5yy51ho.jpg)



gives new meaning to "eyes on"

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7206b8  No.17671394

File: 6c54bc3db0a97bc⋯.jpg (26.72 KB, 1077x740, 1077:740, ejcioshgxtypd.jpg)


Love it

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691a02  No.17671402

File: 6a3756edf33f4d6⋯.jpg (35.66 KB, 1113x1077, 371:359, zo52c7cawxwj6.jpg)


For a second I thought you were God…..


not really.

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991463  No.17671414

File: 6a9f661c8155a3f⋯.jpg (28.35 KB, 511x481, 511:481, 9dam4itgh60ti.jpg)


Bells Palsy er….

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fa46f0  No.17671423

File: 68c24eef904318a⋯.jpg (26.8 KB, 1162x589, 1162:589, 995atn8heqk.jpg)

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8ea0b4  No.17671429

File: 503563fd04731ac⋯.jpg (31.87 KB, 1275x646, 75:38, da77czm.jpg)

Trump Plans to Live at Mar-a-Lago, Employ Some Current Aides

Trump aides who may work for him after the White House include Nick Luna, the director of Oval Office Operations and Trump’s “body man;” Molly Michael, a deputy assistant to Trump; andCassidy Hutchinson, an aide to Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, the people said. Luna’s wife, Cassidy Luna, a deputy assistant to the president, may work for Kushner.


January 14, 2021

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991463  No.17671435

File: f4318fa6fc87040⋯.jpg (39.08 KB, 666x570, 111:95, axpqji.jpg)


is there a construction site at the location y/N =?

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35edd6  No.17671443

File: f99454d3dc27ac2⋯.jpg (25.01 KB, 1111x547, 1111:547, 2oqrrw.jpg)


>What is at stake?

This one.

Trump puts ketchup on his steak.

Ketchup = catch up


(see DS "the tide has turned" RED wave)

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daf36f  No.17671461

File: 8dea62d02dc21d4⋯.jpg (24.52 KB, 996x575, 996:575, h3pgmvj19h.jpg)


Happy birthday, anon.

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20027b  No.17671466

File: fd926ff63a64db5⋯.jpg (23.4 KB, 1100x553, 1100:553, g6poe1j33.jpg)



On this day, 78 years ago the allied forces stormed Normandy.

We are thankful for the heroes who fought for our freedoms.



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ed5e0c  No.17671470

File: 377e86aa2bc1e7d⋯.jpg (33.56 KB, 506x618, 253:309, dvm83ae9ctdre.jpg)

interdasting observation

was at a town fest event bunch of people

Talked to a couple guys who were older and obviously gay (once we started talking), without prompting them they all start talking about how disgusted they are at the grooming and overt mandatory fag agenda "I may be gay but I am not into what they are pushing down our throats"

I expressed relief knowing that they could see the agenda and knew the nefarious nature of gov't as your top. kek

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a3d49d  No.17671478

File: b19d2691afb735d⋯.jpg (26.35 KB, 1009x644, 1009:644, jvs1sc44ysdt.jpg)


I see what you did there. Who needs a horse when you've got a dragon, right?

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daf36f  No.17671479

File: f0d471a80fb15c5⋯.jpg (33.59 KB, 1205x931, 1205:931, 5f9xvfsw.jpg)


My guess is that by now, so many pantifa are sitting in federal prison that they no longer trust their organizers, possibly even realizing they've been used

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2faa79  No.17671480

File: 95f51fabd7bcaaf⋯.jpg (36.57 KB, 1071x1129, 1071:1129, rt03peshqocdr.jpg)



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991463  No.17671484

File: 581655bfa714f6d⋯.jpg (33.16 KB, 481x623, 481:623, nlltm4k.jpg)


Anons should not overlook the symbology of “black rock” it’s really far out!

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ce9deb  No.17671492

File: d941142d8802bef⋯.jpg (28.35 KB, 1044x618, 174:103, 4be6ggp.jpg)


Are we alone ?

Roswell ?


Consider the vastness of space.


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8ea0b4  No.17671493

File: e8fd1206b00f638⋯.jpg (35.06 KB, 1190x780, 119:78, opuin9ajn.jpg)

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a33eec  No.17671495

File: 51a5ec709f9f399⋯.jpg (32.48 KB, 1066x935, 1066:935, 045be2o7z84qyf.jpg)


What do you mean was?

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daf36f  No.17671498

File: 63bb3d3e415d873⋯.jpg (35.51 KB, 1106x1070, 553:535, 5arwn0xd74iw.jpg)


Checked. Return to hivemind with this parting gift of five zeroes. Zeroes are so very important to you after all.

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877c73  No.17671504

File: dee5758451bac3f⋯.jpg (37.09 KB, 648x588, 54:49, 9kvmw56y96ylqe.jpg)


Maybe they are disarming everyone so they can’t resist the new dark age

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20027b  No.17671506

File: 271c4dac5976195⋯.jpg (29.7 KB, 1134x633, 378:211, 2enz7xauvk031.jpg)

Saw this earlier on here thought I'd post it again. Another piece of the trafficking puzzle. . . Have you noticed that some of these "Stars" aren't looking too well lately?

‘Paedo’ Peter Nygard ‘wanted girlfriends to have abortions to use foetuses for age-defying stem cell research’

Tariq Tahir

12:10, 18 Dec 2020

PETER Nygard wanted to get his girlfriends pregnant and have abortions so he could use the foetuses for age-defying stem cell research, it was claimed.

The revelation comes as the 79-year-old fashion mogul was charged with sex trafficking after he allegedly abused girls as young as 14.

Nygard had an obsession with staying young.

The tycoon allegedly ended up establishing his stem cell research company on the island of St. Kitts, near his home in the Bahamas.

Cronin alleges the purpose was use aborted foetuses from his pregnant girlfriends to provide him with fresh stem cells.

“I may be the only person in the world who has my own embryos growing in a petri dish,” he said.

An ex-girlfriends, Suelyn Medeiros, wrote in a 2014 memoir about a trip she took with Nygard to Ukraine, where he was having stem cell research done.

“He asked, ‘Suelyn, do you know what the best stem cells are?’” she wrote, to which she replied “embryos”.

“Correct! If you got pregnant and had an abortion, we could use those embryonic cells and have a life’s supply for all of us: you, your mother and me. A lot of people are doing it,” he replied.

According to the book excerpts published in the New York Post, Medeiros says she “was beyond stunned.”

“This was the sickest thing I’d ever heard Peter say,” she said.

“I couldn’t speak for a moment. Finally, catching my breath, I said, ‘Peter, I do not believe in abortion.’”

Nygard would host what he called "Pamper Parties" - often at his private island resort Nygard Cay in the Caribbean.

He would allegedly choose out girls for sex and then either force himself upon them, drug them or offer them cash.


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877c73  No.17671524

File: cd647cdbd09f9cb⋯.jpg (27.75 KB, 997x735, 997:735, s0ua9k1eo6f1.jpg)

No energy no guns no god in Texas - PDJT

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41a4cb  No.17671539

File: a6bfcb3619bfb35⋯.jpg (30.33 KB, 1218x608, 609:304, 6w9vtci06da13.jpg)


Rig for black, dick

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991463  No.17671540

File: 2dcf4e269720488⋯.jpg (33.14 KB, 498x631, 498:631, yyzeg0orl3q79q.jpg)


What those russians, that buyed from there, and money go to 'merica will do?????????? move to 'merica or find another solution???????????????

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ce9deb  No.17671544

File: 116041ceebb8317⋯.jpg (41.74 KB, 709x579, 709:579, nq4oswn6lrbs.jpg)


Kek! Nah. 'course not.

Still very disgusting that fat, ugly guy.

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fa46f0  No.17671548

File: 702300f63445540⋯.jpg (30.03 KB, 1118x716, 559:358, qqy7qpu0gbdc.jpg)


then we would be in agreement

but i still would not trust them

have a great weekend!

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daf36f  No.17671556

File: 423d6a1db385d45⋯.jpg (34.5 KB, 655x529, 655:529, ng5weeaotyx.jpg)


i love the shitposting. its all i do. its the disrespect. its not that fucking hard to wait a few fucking minutes or seconds ffs. but when one is here to just …..smh, waste time i guess, demoralize, and talk shit, then, protocols mean shit. shrugs. it is the same as it ever was.

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ce9deb  No.17671565

File: afb5d167eda08c7⋯.jpg (35.42 KB, 1229x749, 1229:749, lxnq2g0lm.jpg)

In the grim dankness of the now, I roll another giggle stick.

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f420cf  No.17671569

File: 3ad92d6241ad6a2⋯.jpg (32.95 KB, 1053x1062, 117:118, h2m0z9o480.jpg)


Never! The recently military trained and super physically fit MAGA Patriots will happily die face down in a pile of hot brass before they let the pinko fag commies take away our guns, our Ensure protein drinks and our sacred Wheel of Fortune.

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8ea0b4  No.17671575

File: d8e5446e9274109⋯.jpg (34.04 KB, 1203x754, 1203:754, db8tpsbhizxowe.jpg)


Has been used before


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41a4cb  No.17671583

File: 47cda87be6c9c75⋯.jpg (34.31 KB, 649x517, 59:47, 6468kwby.jpg)


he is illiterate, no joke, look it up

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877c73  No.17671589

File: e61c545e4cf1c8c⋯.jpg (35.87 KB, 626x514, 313:257, nrssuf004b.jpg)

Service Members Have Until June 30th To Participate In Medical Experimentation Or Senior Pentagon Leadership Will Initiate Court-Martial Proceedings

June 27, 2022

SECDEF Austin and Senior Pentagon Leadership have given an estimated 2.1 million service members until June 30 to participate in experimental drugs, or they will face punitive actions, including possible criminal proceedings.

To the shock of service members, Senior Pentagon Leadership is ignoring a 2005 FDA directive to the DoD that “refusal [to participate in investigational drugs] may not be grounds for any disciplinary action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.” In addition, SECDEF Austin and his subordinates are flat out ignoring a 2005 court ruling that “Congress has prohibited the administration of investigational [experimental] drugs to service members without their consent.” One service member said, “it’s as if there is no more accountability in the military.”

Military directives issued by all branches require service members to participate in one of the following experimental drugs by June 30: 1) Investigational drug ID 19736, 2) Investigational drug ID 22657, or 3) Investigational drug ID 19745. These drugs have not been approved by the FDA, have no legal intent, and come with inherent risks such as death and/or permanent disability. 1st Lt. Mark Bashaw, U.S. Army Preventive Medicine Officer, told CovidPenalty.com, “The Defense Medical Epidemiological Database (DMED) is showing a 1,164% increase in adverse events in 2021 compared to the last 24 years of data (1977-2021) when comparing these experimental drugs to FDA-approved drugs. These drugs are deadly and dangerous, and this experimental campaign must be halted immediately, cease and desist!”

SECDEF issued an order on August 24, 2021, to his commanders that they may not use experimental drugs in mandates. However, he is now blindly allowing his generals to penalize service members under the Uniform Code of Military Justice because they refuse to participate in medical experimentation.

Dr. Terry Adirim, the former Health Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, issued a memorandum to the military commands in 2021 that DoD health providers “will” use experimental drugs “as if” they are FDA-approved drugs. Her guidance to pretend experimental drugs are the same as licensed drugs violates an international treaty, federal law, and military regulations. However, Senior Pentagon Leadership, the Office of Inspector General, and JAG refused to correct Dr. Adirim’s memorandum. Instead, they used her directive as the basis to engage in gross abuse of human rights not seen since the Nuremberg Trials.

Military regulations stipulate that service members who refuse the administration of an experimental drug “may not incur a penalty or lose a benefit to which they are otherwise entitled.” Service members expressed immense frustration and anger over the apparent callousness of commanders who care more about Senior Pentagon Leadership’s political goals than their brothers-in-arms’ health, safety, and rights.

Brian Ward, the founder of CovidPenalty.com, said, “Service members require special protections given the immunity the military has when those under their care are injured during active service, and the abuse of powers by SECDEF Austin warrants a criminal investigation by the Armed Services Committee.”

To date, no FDA-approved drugs have been made available to service members to comply with SECDEF Austin’s mandate. The fact that the Armed Services Committee has remained silent as senior Pentagon leadership violates federal law and military regulations is stunning. May we all pray for our men and women in uniform whose rights are being lawlessly ignored.

Quotes by service members do not demonstrate their endorsement of the opinions of this article.


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59c70a  No.17671610

File: 8ac6766bf76d776⋯.jpg (33.09 KB, 1013x1026, 1013:1026, usei893zm9.jpg)

Call out yer notables, you glorious faggots, anon is not seeing a lot here.

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0cb094  No.17671622

File: b00297d267f77b3⋯.jpg (31.63 KB, 1071x894, 357:298, 0zkni8gw9k.jpg)

glowniggers in full gaslight mode

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ce9deb  No.17671627

File: 0a55e320fe9044b⋯.jpg (25.7 KB, 969x642, 323:214, 1nl5do.jpg)


Hmmmmmmmm get Kek’ed !!

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991463  No.17671657

File: a881c530c5d60a5⋯.jpg (29.95 KB, 1147x625, 1147:625, vm7t8ezag.jpg)


It was called almost immediately.

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ce9deb  No.17671669

File: a2b98fa576a64ec⋯.jpg (39.74 KB, 660x621, 220:207, em0slu5040xj.jpg)


like a soap opera, eh.

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41a4cb  No.17671672

File: 04bd0bddf91f407⋯.jpg (27.1 KB, 1062x587, 1062:587, 6kg6e6.jpg)





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daf36f  No.17671680

File: 3f4b58f07de46dd⋯.jpg (39.15 KB, 629x595, 37:35, 5r55skym9iu6iy.jpg)


yes, but q is still very much anonymous, thus he IS qanon, don't care if he disagrees, the name was given to him by us, the qanons, at this point who really gives a fuck? trust the plan my ass

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663abf  No.17671684

File: 6c64f9a3eed85c5⋯.jpg (30.76 KB, 1102x747, 1102:747, tzva7v.jpg)


those heckin evil nazis turned those poor jooz into soap!

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35f8c6  No.17671689

File: 8af90a5c2fad8ce⋯.jpg (30.32 KB, 1280x589, 1280:589, 9s9n0g.jpg)

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877c73  No.17671692

File: 6cc37734546a2c4⋯.jpg (40.87 KB, 567x727, 567:727, q19atxs3c5.jpg)


Second Orin hatch link should be >>17670866

Ani I’m tarded.

Try >>17669849

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daf36f  No.17671702

File: 9b32a9065210ad2⋯.jpg (41.99 KB, 694x582, 347:291, jrqsr4.jpg)


Biden is the epitome of arrogant, assholes who elevate themselves by demeaning others. He is a bully.

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8ea0b4  No.17671704

File: c993c3ace020fd5⋯.jpg (43.35 KB, 680x695, 136:139, pp72un.jpg)


>Did you shit yourself?

No, I'm still drinking my coffee.

Free in Mr. Pigs America!!!

At a diner that only takes cash.

Does that make you nervous? Angry? Upset?

Happy? Aroused?

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59c70a  No.17671716

File: 05382b36d10ed4d⋯.jpg (41.34 KB, 692x593, 692:593, oas7lfwe8kc8i.jpg)


And yet here you are faggot

Time to kill yourself.

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41a4cb  No.17671718

File: 6c23073ad3c9831⋯.jpg (27.34 KB, 1201x647, 1201:647, s5jxb8ujwvi2.jpg)



They can have them when they pry them from my cold lifeless fingers. It will take many of them to accomplish such a task.

Even more so if as neighbors we come to assist each other in that greatest time of need.

Good neighbors can be hard to find though but when face with the same injustices to take away our god given rights.

We will always have our gift of freewill to do wat we believe is right. Some things are worth dying for and to lose your life standing for those beliefs are an opportunity not everyone has as there way to transcendence.

We are all born into this world the same how ever we shall all leave it differently.

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991463  No.17671725

File: 49a64ab253076c0⋯.jpg (44.91 KB, 711x652, 711:652, dxqyz6etibfu4z.jpg)


Try me.

I've seen things most can't imagine.

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fa46f0  No.17671726

File: 8701e038fef5e3a⋯.jpg (26.4 KB, 1124x584, 281:146, dpxe51513n.jpg)


>Unless it is tripcoded, or referenced by a tripcoded post… it ain't shit.

I would submit that even if it's a legit trip code, it's still shit.

Q has been and always will be "shit"

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edb224  No.17671731

File: 199b30e8ba0070f⋯.jpg (30.27 KB, 1211x612, 1211:612, r5wmkyx54.jpg)




Hory Mory

Obagy is in that No Name pic with ISIS and @soccerMouazz who is in another pic with Kinzinger who for some reason has a bouquet of flowers

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8ea0b4  No.17671743

File: 1783d5db918b064⋯.jpg (26.66 KB, 989x685, 989:685, 96lel7a.jpg)


Thanks Baker.

Anons, we're winning in ways that nobody knows. Unity of purpose is starting to really cause massive degradation in the Great Reset (vaccines/food shortages/financial crisis). Keep up the pressure.

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20027b  No.17671745

File: c66dbfdb4655866⋯.jpg (22.72 KB, 1048x510, 524:255, dhsm3ot5jd7w.jpg)



kept you employed we did

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a3d49d  No.17671761

File: 01c72fd0e7798dc⋯.jpg (36.85 KB, 717x506, 717:506, v9nxps6.jpg)


The left was claiming that the Right shouldn't be allowed to celebrate Independence Day because "we [the right] took theirs [lefty independence] away".

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f420cf  No.17671774

File: fa2c33c9999bbdd⋯.jpg (33.03 KB, 1221x963, 407:321, 631ervbdke.jpg)


BREAKING: Joe Biden unwittingly financed Hunter Biden's participation in an escort ring tied to Russia.

Joe Biden wired $100,000 to Hunter from Dec. 2018 through Jan. 2019, the same timeframe he spent 30k on escorts tied to .ru email addresses.

Keep these facts in mind as you watch this video of Hunter Biden accosting an escort tied to a Russian bank acct:

Jan. 17, 2019: Hunter tells sister-in-law: I "don't have a dime."

Jan. 18, 6:31pm: Joe Biden wires $5,000 to Hunter

Jan. 18, 9:22pm: Hunter films this video 👇

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a3d49d  No.17671778

File: 6e5eea768fd1229⋯.jpg (34.64 KB, 1071x1076, 1071:1076, pqbkbcj7eruss.jpg)


Noice. Nik'd.

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d1be1c  No.17671784

File: eded1dd4c385852⋯.jpg (32.88 KB, 980x1065, 196:213, 489dbpix3w2vo.jpg)

PDJT says help is on the way, the reign of the corrupt Democrats ends this November.

Our elections are a laughingstock.

Look at France, same day voting all paper ballots.

Democrats fight really dirty, they used COVID to cheat.

That's why I am pleased to introduce a guy who said some bad sh-t about me, as did many others, and ultimately I put that aside, he is tough, smart, a former Marine, a fearless MAGA fighter, JD Vance.

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991463  No.17671790

File: e6c72d4fe879734⋯.jpg (31.99 KB, 995x1017, 995:1017, 5kvvdr.jpg)



So important!

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ce9deb  No.17671794

File: ffb88f038e23730⋯.jpg (29.88 KB, 1153x729, 1153:729, gjmsaty.jpg)

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a3d49d  No.17671799

File: 140c7a49bfeb77e⋯.jpg (34.87 KB, 1052x1112, 263:278, bn8pf5lfaa.jpg)


OAN, Biden is not getting the same welcome festivals that Trump did

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8ea0b4  No.17671803

File: b2193810985a983⋯.jpg (38.88 KB, 583x680, 583:680, rnklc66q.jpg)


Are you retarded?

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fa46f0  No.17671809

File: 1e701c582ed296a⋯.jpg (27.8 KB, 1204x572, 301:143, lxbkoxxqk9i0zz.jpg)


The few times I heard him speaking about COVID I sensed great compassion in his voice, and I got strength from how much of a lion he was in his heart, unwavering in his fight for the truth and trying his best to help and protect people. It's so hard to know for sure who people really are these days, if they really are who they appear to be. Nonetheless, whoever Doctor Zelenko might have been, I want share all my respect for the compassionate man he showed himself to be, and also express the sadness in my heart over the passing of a brave warrior.

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2a72d8  No.17671810

File: bae2be3056cbca6⋯.jpg (23.36 KB, 1030x546, 515:273, mxyf5n78ig5zkr.jpg)

He is on a roll today…let's make sure we haven't missed anything…..

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0cb094  No.17671811

File: cb974241975bbf2⋯.jpg (25.72 KB, 974x628, 487:314, mrviyljqca0pa.jpg)

10 Things You Didn't Know About Devin Nunes

A California farmer is now at the center of the most fraught congressional investigations in decades. (kek, farmer)

April 5, 2017

1. Devin Nunes was born in Tulare, California, near Fresno, on Oct. 1, 1973. He grew up raising cattle on a farm operated by his family, originally immigrants from Portugal, for three generations.

2. He attended Tulare Union High School and attended the College of the Sequoias before obtaining his bachelor’s in agricultural business from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, where he also earned a master’s in agriculture.

3. He won his first election, unseating an 18-year veteran of the College of the Sequoias board of trustees when he was a 23-year-old student.

4. Nunes got his start in government in 2001, when President George W. Bush appointed him to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development section as the California state director.

5. He ran for Congress in 2002, winning his seat at just 29 years old. In his second term, he was given an assignment to the powerful Ways and Means Committee.

6. Nunes and his wife, the former Elizabeth Tamariz, have three daughters: Evelyn, Julia and Margaret.

7. As a low-profile member of the rank and file, Nunes wasbest known for battling environmentalists over water rights. He also made headlines when he criticized members of his own party for engineering a government shutdown in 2013 in protest of President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

8. He was tapped by former House Speaker John Boehner to be chairman of the House Select Committee on Intelligence in 2015, tasked with oversight of the nation's spy agencies.

9. A longtime friend of Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who represents nearby Bakersfield, California, Nunes is more closely allied with House leadership than the Freedom Caucus. Although he wasn’t an early endorser of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, he was named an adviser to Trump’s transition after the election.

10. The intelligence committee chairmanship has put Nunes in the driver's seat for the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, a high-wire act that threatens to derail his career. Nunes has been criticized by lawmakers in both parties for his handling of the investigation, especially President Trump’s allegations that his predecessor spied on his campaign and leaked information for political reasons.


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35f8c6  No.17671816

File: b1c04a920043243⋯.jpg (39.34 KB, 681x609, 227:203, 4i2rlivtbqb.jpg)



a person who can get pregnant can deliver a baby.

aside from that fact, #fakeNews

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a48946  No.17671821

File: e31c834cd142ae5⋯.jpg (33.35 KB, 581x533, 581:533, 9iair9n5vnwtmj.jpg)


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20027b  No.17671828

File: 57b68ef10e0e0a3⋯.jpg (45.11 KB, 698x699, 698:699, ws9jpn95.jpg)


>at the top of this are non humans

but "they live"

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663abf  No.17671836

File: 57b07a79b3687d4⋯.jpg (26.41 KB, 961x689, 961:689, 561csrrx7e0.jpg)


also police in the very beginning were standing there in a group totally normal and easypeasy when a roof top shooter was said to go kill frenzy from up above

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20027b  No.17671849

File: 734d989660e342b⋯.jpg (38.26 KB, 1169x1106, 167:158, 14ipym4tn.jpg)


Prayers sent


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0cb094  No.17671853

File: 294aa0cef08997f⋯.jpg (23.96 KB, 1086x614, 543:307, a57yspon.jpg)


Voters will be more concerned with gas prices, empty shelves, and inflation. Like January 6th, only a small minority will give a fuck about abortion. The media will pretend like its a lot of people. But it's not

This issue is a dead horse

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877c73  No.17671866

File: 3a3e0f0c3511aa9⋯.jpg (38.73 KB, 603x606, 201:202, 39jm18s0.jpg)

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fbe98c  No.17671868

File: 7e73625d3754c11⋯.jpg (32.22 KB, 1076x776, 269:194, 81ot6e.jpg)


as requested last time

>Nightcore - Rockefeller Street

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20027b  No.17671869

File: 76aa487b6aecd7f⋯.jpg (27.09 KB, 1042x671, 1042:671, zs5n91.jpg)


Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? >>17670923

Who was "Jane Roe"? 50 years of conditioning >>17671828

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996e7d  No.17671872

File: 2b3ae2a8e47fa59⋯.jpg (31.61 KB, 1029x964, 1029:964, ekcdg3w8ipn.jpg)


>Happy Sunday

Good Morning from Nancy Crackhead

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fa46f0  No.17671875

File: ca8dc3edf70378d⋯.jpg (37.85 KB, 575x630, 115:126, rcekrl0.jpg)





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ee0e9a  No.17671878

File: d3aa7d263dc95ad⋯.jpg (34.31 KB, 1041x1067, 1041:1067, 3sfyrdrsgi915v.jpg)

Fact: President Trump is merely a lightning rod, Americans are the lightning

By Jerry Davich

Chicago Tribune

Jan 15, 2019 at 1:20 pm


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35f8c6  No.17671879

File: 70c430a9aa2319c⋯.jpg (31.36 KB, 1253x677, 1253:677, kkm7f1tn7.jpg)

The best is yet to come.

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7206b8  No.17671932

File: 4aec4e33dcadbdb⋯.jpg (28.67 KB, 1125x688, 1125:688, 8t81ey4t0dz.jpg)

jfkLESBIAN searches fart star fo missing GAHY larps wiff glowing bilbo on gut stabbin pony NASA built

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20027b  No.17671934

File: 4b67bcc972cc857⋯.jpg (21.91 KB, 960x515, 192:103, 69n9iofibwg4w.jpg)


I think there's evidence they've been open for a long time. Ketchup.

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d1be1c  No.17671940

File: 35a6933c3b4b666⋯.jpg (27.89 KB, 1046x606, 523:303, xw62kg8micw6.jpg)


>America died of self-inflicted injuries.

NO IT DIDN'T. We The People of America are about to take back our country from the internal enemy who has owned our country for at least this oldanon's lifetime. Doubt it? Take a look at their propaganda machine. Watch it on Thursday evening and then see what happens.

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edb224  No.17671943

File: 614319b742b7203⋯.jpg (29.95 KB, 1089x684, 121:76, dc1uh7jtio3oh.jpg)

Funny how the Jews went from nearly having 4 Jewish Supreme court justices when they tried to push in Garland, to down to just 1 Jewish judge, which is Kagan.

It's true, Trump and the MAGA movement are an existential threat to their goal of world domination..

If Judaism was so great, they'd be the leading religion, but they make up less than 2% of the global population. Yet here they are trying to sink our ship.

This is why I can't stand them.

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3b073a  No.17671944

File: e80992166bbbf30⋯.jpg (34.2 KB, 592x530, 296:265, jwv10hacc9.jpg)

For as Saint Germain said, without you there would be no Great Change-over. There would be no Great Awakening here. So know that you are the ones to bring this about. As you have heard many times, you are the ones you have been waiting for. Not us, the Ascended Ones, not the Galactics. We are here to assist. But we are not here to do for you. Only you can do for you.

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a3d49d  No.17671945

File: 037ab40210aa700⋯.jpg (31.59 KB, 1091x745, 1091:745, z0rsgia05e.jpg)



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8ea0b4  No.17671954

File: 2543c2303bc21d5⋯.jpg (24.78 KB, 1029x602, 147:86, ozwbfi.jpg)


i see what you mean.


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3b073a  No.17671960

File: 4b906f243f6ceea⋯.jpg (32.79 KB, 526x587, 526:587, darbz7q.jpg)


TeoAnon17, [18.06.22 06:28]

[ Video ]

BREAKING: Hawaii teacher arrested after raping a 13-year-old boy during lunch breaks. Prosecutors say the teacher recorded it and sent it to other teachers.

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35f8c6  No.17671962

File: b44f01c2568cbd2⋯.jpg (35.89 KB, 596x581, 596:581, v3hntidbdy.jpg)


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fa46f0  No.17671965

File: 4d640bf3e58e850⋯.jpg (33.4 KB, 1112x806, 556:403, voix1vw7yk6.jpg)


yeah. didn't check. Thanks for checking for me. Just commenting and moving on. Not like I was saving this one for the Thanksgiving dinner conversation.

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8ea0b4  No.17671973

File: dc4592f2c504401⋯.jpg (28.36 KB, 1095x611, 1095:611, 8gsih78w02y.jpg)

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34a5c6  No.17671984

File: 6da5932970741e7⋯.jpg (23.13 KB, 1043x521, 1043:521, tan87jxz90k.jpg)


Cool huh! It'll bring us closer together and make us appreciate stuff.

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1da3a9  No.17671992

File: 36d8c38fae46862⋯.png (387.58 KB, 1081x499, 1081:499, pullmyfinger.png)


Just sayin'.

Trust a jew and this is what you get.


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ce9deb  No.17672015

File: aa1c2d9939c3add⋯.jpg (25.32 KB, 998x630, 499:315, wtyz3x.jpg)


>Driving home to NY in a few. Came down to settle some of my inheritance, part of which is a cream puff of a car.

Sorry for your loss.

I bought a Florida car once. It was in great shape and I still have it.

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3b073a  No.17672022

File: 04d00667701010d⋯.jpg (28.51 KB, 1121x622, 1121:622, lykbtp5.jpg)

I'll wrap up for the night for the newfags who weren't here from Fall '17 to Fall '20. Don't ever stop questioning anything. Q uses the Socratic Method, so you keep questioning things. Don't be complacent. Question authority, question the narrative, question everything you've been told. Keep questioning EVERYTHING!

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41a4cb  No.17672028

File: ef7fcdea0872b28⋯.jpg (28.56 KB, 1124x635, 1124:635, py5tgps3kt4cn.jpg)

New law targeting 'LGBT propaganda' introduced in Russia

Proposed fines for promoting non-traditional sexual relations could exceed $160,000

Russian lawmakers are considering a new law targeting "LGBT propaganda." It would provide for fines of up to $160,000 for promoting non-traditional sexual relations. The draft legislation was submitted to Russia’s State Duma on Tuesday and is currently being reviewed by the state-building and legislation committee.

It proposes to amend an existing administrative law, which restricts information promoting, what are regarded as, non-traditional sexual relations among minors. The new law would pronounce parts of the old legislation obsolete and impose administrative responsibility for LGBT messaging in general.

An explanatory note attached to the document notes that “family, motherhood and childhood in their traditional understanding, which comes from our ancestors, are the values that ensure the continuous change of generations, act as a condition for the preservation and development of a multinational people, and therefore need special state protections.”

The bill would introduce fines for propaganda aimed at “forming non-traditional sexual attitudes, the attractiveness of non-traditional sexual relations, a distorted idea of the social equivalence of traditional and non-traditional sexual relations, and the imposition of information about non-traditional sexual relations, causing interest in such relations.”

As long as those actions do not constitute a criminal offense, it is proposed to introduce fines for members of the public of between 40,000 and 50,000 rubles ($660-$830), and penalties of between 100,000 and 500,000 ($1,660-$8,300) for officials. Legal entities could face fines of between one million and five million rubles ($16,600-$83,000) or a suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

The punishments would be more severe if the suspected violations were carried out with the use of mass media or the internet, in which case the fines would range from 100,000 and 500,000 rubles ($1,660- $8,300) for ordinary citizens, 500,000 to one million rubles ($8,300-$16,600) for officials, and up to 10 million ($166,000) for legal entities.

Foreign citizens are also mentioned in the bill, as they could also face fines of between 40,000 and 100,000 rubles ($660-$1,660) or from 100,000 to 500,000 ($1,660- $8,300) if they use the internet for the promotion of such relationships. Alternatively, foreign citizens or people without citizenship could face a 15-day administrative arrest followed by expulsion from the Russian Federation.

The bill’s authors note that, while one of the key principles of a democratic state is the reasonable protection of the rights of minorities, “at the same time, the threats arising from the imposition of foreign standards that break the generally accepted way of life in the field of family and marriage begs the question about a need to protect the culture of the majority, including by introducing additional legal regulation.”

It is also noted that the draft legislation does not prohibit or condemn non-traditional sexual values or public discussions on the topic in a “neutral context,” and does not intend to infringe on personal freedoms and people’s rights to determine their sexual orientation and express themselves in a legal manner.


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663abf  No.17672036

File: b4d0b9395de6d23⋯.jpg (28.44 KB, 1121x619, 1121:619, cbyw481s4tp.jpg)


breathe deeply

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8ea0b4  No.17672040

File: 4726d26ffd68ab6⋯.jpg (36.49 KB, 1087x1103, 1087:1103, me2sow8auqalca.jpg)


hi 'alex.

somebody thinks they now belong in qresearch since 'q has turned out to be true.

get the hell out No one will ever accept 'aJ fraud as the real deal… he's a proved fraud

I 've got his 'fuck trump' vid

and the vid where he claims to know q

and the vid where he claims 'q is a LARP

and where he claims trump won because of him

lying piece of shit

bill cooper knew it too

fuck off loser alex

ur the fuckn glowie and the universe knows it

q research know 'alex' is a fraud

you must be knew.

fuck off idiots.

go kiss his fuckn rotten ass.




alex you will never make it into the new world of free information

where's your truth social account


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991463  No.17672042

File: ef7e03fbac59d45⋯.jpg (25.53 KB, 1006x635, 1006:635, yu8c982o.jpg)


Quads confirm… He's an idiot. Besides that directly contradicts him Tweeting for everyone to go home peacefully. Just because [they] deleted that Tweet, doesn't mean there's no evidence of it.

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35f8c6  No.17672049

File: a6fdf16d4e8e096⋯.jpg (27.04 KB, 1183x618, 1183:618, j38c7h6.jpg)

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59c70a  No.17672053

File: ee180bf1d69716d⋯.jpg (33.25 KB, 1105x953, 1105:953, p8m5fg1tur.jpg)

VA Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears is the most consistently-impressive black woman in politics I have ever seen.

Recording is a 1.5x speed… I really like her but I ain't got that long, kek.

If you just want a quick kek, jump to 2:03… truth, and "23 P@in" to [them] Lizzies!

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877c73  No.17672055

File: debc10a60e06adc⋯.jpg (31.82 KB, 1208x743, 1208:743, gxezxgcznf86k.jpg)

Poor Joe Biden.

America’s service industry wants to poop in his taco.

Boogers and cum.

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ce9deb  No.17672058

File: 5d76ef01fc49a70⋯.jpg (28.74 KB, 1113x597, 371:199, t36yip70.jpg)

Global Food Crisis: Ukraine Is Demanding Weapons in Exchange for Resuming Wheat Exports

The so-called “deadlock” over resolving the global food crisis is just as artificially manufactured as its origins since Kiev has now officially declared that it won’t resume wheat exports by sea to the Global South unless it receives anti-ship missiles first.

Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey Vasily Bodnar officially demanded weapons in exchange for resuming wheat exports by sea in what amounts to the blatant blackmailing of the Global South in the midst of the artificially manufactured food crisis.

He said that “Effective security guarantees are required for maritime shipments to resume. These guarantees must be provided through the supply of appropriate weapons to Ukraine to protect its coasts from maritime threats and the involvement of the navies of third countries in protecting the relevant part of the Black Sea.” This comprehensively debunks the US-led Western Mainstream Media’s (MSM) fake news that Russia is the one that’s supposedly holding the Global South hostage by allegedly blockading Ukrainian ports.

The background context is that Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya already explained the artificially manufactured origins of the global food crisis late last month. In short, he blamed it on the economic consequences caused by the West’s response to COVID (particularly with respect to spiking inflation and influencing food demand); Ukraine’s mining of its own ports; and the anti-Russian sanctions.

President Putin later reiterated these causes in a TV interview that he gave a little over a week later on the same day that he met with Macky Sall, the Chairman of the African Union. His guest extended credence to the Kremlin’s explanation by declaring that “Anti-Russia sanctions have made this situation worse and now we do not have access to grain from Russia, primarily to wheat.”

All the while and in spite of the artificially manufactured origins of the food crisis that lie entirely beyond Russia’s control, Moscow has been doing its utmost to encourage Kiev to at the very least resume its wheat exports to the Global South. To that end, it proposed four potential corridors: the Azov Sea; the Black Sea; overland through Belarus en route to Baltic ports; and across Western Europe. Suffice to say, Kiev has flat-out refused to employ any of these means, though it’s also worth noting that Nebenzya mentioned in his speech late last month that Russia has “reasonable suspicions” to believe that Kiev is exporting wheat to those Western European countries that already have copious reserves of this commodity in exchange for arms exactly as happened with the Central Powers near the end of WWI.


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20027b  No.17672060

File: 5598e957ae76fe7⋯.jpg (33.86 KB, 1041x1080, 347:360, bfk7tnb.jpg)


Tell me that shoe doesn't fit…

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996e7d  No.17672065

File: de1b1645fa30089⋯.jpg (40.32 KB, 595x680, 7:8, tnx6kb0xpw31.jpg)


only fooling yourselfs.. all y'all triharder and stutter more.

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8ea0b4  No.17672082

File: 2bca2287843f36a⋯.jpg (29.69 KB, 1230x578, 615:289, 7jlfw0jzoq4.jpg)

Rudy W. Giuliani


J6 Peacefully welcomed in one door and peacefully leaving another


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34a5c6  No.17672101

File: 3b48344cfd14631⋯.jpg (35.87 KB, 1239x792, 413:264, fdanalyjte.jpg)


o7 swordy!

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3b073a  No.17672103

File: 588e02b6a6214a3⋯.jpg (26.37 KB, 1045x654, 1045:654, n2oyky.jpg)


The fist BUMP is from the baby, after roe v wade went down.

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ea2214  No.17672106

File: 779e40d4596f625⋯.jpg (35.99 KB, 1271x746, 1271:746, 3pjxagr.jpg)


Shut up I am talking to the other you

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35f8c6  No.17672112

File: 588dd2024c43b82⋯.jpg (27.18 KB, 979x694, 979:694, o1vodsz.jpg)


5 ghz vs. 2.4 ghz

turn off the 5 ghz

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59c70a  No.17672113

File: caa965f5ee04d67⋯.jpg (33.12 KB, 1075x961, 1075:961, w9gbt5qlb.jpg)


>abortion across state lines

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fbe98c  No.17672115

File: aa8f719b414fdb6⋯.jpg (25.49 KB, 1140x568, 285:142, 3xbz5gkq.jpg)



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ff6c4d  No.17672121

File: 22986c8ec49b03a⋯.jpg (31.59 KB, 1122x683, 1122:683, 9y6orotdi1.jpg)


what a stud. not even ivermectin. febendazole like a wolf.

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fa46f0  No.17672140

File: e3427c53cca2376⋯.jpg (43.66 KB, 643x702, 643:702, j7qawc1l.jpg)



the pic of oswald behind him?

just to make you associate him with the "deranged gunman" who they claim killed JFK.

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20027b  No.17672147

File: 4ba11ea992a4ac1⋯.jpg (36.47 KB, 1134x1069, 1134:1069, jxqnxrw1yc21.jpg)


You glow, brightly.

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34a5c6  No.17672148

File: 4128508e15ddb73⋯.jpg (34.55 KB, 1106x802, 553:401, s1sfe4xjk2.jpg)



which is it?

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996e7d  No.17672151

File: 59ae8c8fd49eab0⋯.jpg (26.87 KB, 1049x567, 1049:567, e0vhs5f0xzw4ak.jpg)


I do. It's a hobby of mine. A fucking EXPENSIVE hobby.

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edb224  No.17672154

File: 3453a3977615c5e⋯.jpg (31.05 KB, 1103x696, 1103:696, lkbng8fmfo1zq.jpg)

Did anyone notice how racist Juneteenth falling on the same day as Father's Day was?

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996e7d  No.17672171

File: f856d386418f7ec⋯.jpg (34.1 KB, 1178x1001, 1178:1001, m3qfg8hixex.jpg)

Only an eyeless demon wouldn't be able to see what they are doing.

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3f7a54  No.17672187

File: 394ea7ea70d5779⋯.jpg (33.62 KB, 1245x682, 1245:682, 4cdvnd.jpg)





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20027b  No.17672189

File: 0625a20dce8784b⋯.jpg (35.29 KB, 1126x802, 563:401, ws0is0qbye.jpg)




Was my hero pitcher growing up!

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663abf  No.17672194

File: 68acdce732f174b⋯.jpg (26.66 KB, 999x683, 999:683, coty8mr9k.jpg)


Is'nt the whole idea of Alice in Wonderland and the "Looking Glass" an analogy for comprehension of BOTH sides of the story? Like you are in court, and you are the judge (Referee), and you are making a "Judgement" between the two "Ships" in "Court" - the ships are complaining back and forth - volleying I think the term is? and the Judge must look threw his looking glass to comprehend both sides of the equation.. Ect.. ect…

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35f8c6  No.17672198

File: a4287ddf8f068d8⋯.jpg (32.59 KB, 1128x963, 376:321, gug0w4xxb.jpg)

Prime Minister Scott Morrison confirms judicial paedophile protection racket with 28% not going to jail

By Shane Dowling on September 24, 2019 • ( 7 Comments )

Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on the 3rd of September that 28% of paedophiles convicted of federal laws do not go to jail so the government is introducing mandatory sentencing laws. The minimum inference that can be drawn is that Australian judges and magistrates are running a paedophile protection racket.

If 28% of paedophiles convicted of federal laws aren’t going to jail what is the real number of paedophiles that are knowingly being let off in Australia when state laws are added? 40%? 50%?

The judges that let paedophiles off are deliberately and knowingly breaking the law as they know they should be sending the paedophiles to jail. So why aren’t the judges sending the paedophiles to jail? Without a doubt, some judges are paedophiles themselves and some would be taking bribes. Whatever the case it needs investigating by authorities in a major way and this website has been shining a light on the issue for a long time.

The government press release is in full below:

Mandatory jail sentences for child sex offenders

Media release

The Hon. Christian Porter MP


Minister for Industrial Relations

Leader of the House

The Hon. Peter Dutton MP

Minister for Home Affairs

Paedophiles would face mandatory jail sentences and the most serious offenders could be jailed for life under sweeping changes to Federal sentencing laws to be introduced to Parliament next week.

The Crimes Legislation Amendment (Sexual Crimes Against Children and Community Protection Measures) Bill 2019 will also make it harder for serious offenders to get bail, while repeat offenders will have to stay in prison for longer.

The Bill reflects the Morrison Government’s commitment to keeping Australians safe and creates new offences to capture evolving forms of child exploitation such as being the administrator of a website that functions for the purpose of distributing child abuse material.

Attorney-General Christian Porter said 28 percent of child sex offenders convicted of federal offences in 2018-19 did not spend one day in jail – a statistic totally out of step with community expectations.

“It simply beggars belief that nearly a third of all child sex offenders who were sentenced last year were not required to spend a single day behind bars, despite the devastating and life-long impacts that their crimes have on their young victims and their families,” the Attorney-General said.

“And when jail terms were handed out, the average length of time that offenders spent in custody was just 18 months.

==Read Further


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20027b  No.17672210

File: 5b525a52478d057⋯.jpg (28.43 KB, 1104x610, 552:305, ufaky0dzm84.jpg)


Member when Q listed the suicide hotline # here but it was Kilery's # Good Times!

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877c73  No.17672220

File: c37884fe93baef1⋯.jpg (29.81 KB, 1246x585, 1246:585, r9a3hur.jpg)

i'm supposed to go down the list here……



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fa46f0  No.17672226

File: fb22b3605b31fa4⋯.jpg (34.51 KB, 1198x1014, 599:507, 1uwcea.jpg)


are we getting paid this time?

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7206b8  No.17672232

File: b910dc7751ef28e⋯.jpg (35.99 KB, 1274x742, 91:53, btaiiwpap.jpg)




> BANNOnGAPE'sgate volcano spead mexican beer disease terrorisms

BANNOnGAPE'sgate still probinng to obama side pony eighty year old ufo don;t call back

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877c73  No.17672243

File: dcf4d0f9fdea81e⋯.jpg (34.25 KB, 1093x1109, 1093:1109, j12tcxmwd.jpg)

All (PB)


Just imagine the frustration of the white hats here….

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3f7a54  No.17672250

File: 77c4cee86fca7c9⋯.jpg (35.44 KB, 1084x1077, 1084:1077, 4ichobtw.jpg)

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daf36f  No.17672257

File: 7bcdd94bbff4a7c⋯.jpg (30.99 KB, 1113x658, 159:94, cio6ftogvbndp.jpg)

wait until we dig up ken's sex dungeon

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663abf  No.17672258

File: 99b94cef661b476⋯.jpg (29.66 KB, 531x490, 531:490, pq0qalwsx0qci.jpg)


Mercury would like to discuss cinders with you, Madame.

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d1be1c  No.17672267

File: 43cf304265664ea⋯.jpg (35.02 KB, 1231x775, 1231:775, 5jc0a43.jpg)

Pentagon announces it’ll continue ‘essential’ abortions for troops

President Joe Biden’s Department of Defense (DoD) announced on Tuesday that it will continue to perform “essential” abortions on troops, dependents and other beneficiaries. The announcement comes after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday, ruling that abortion is not a constitutional right.

According to a DoD memo obtained by ABC News reporter Matt Seyler, the department claimed that overturning of Roe v. Wade “does not prohibit” it from “continuing to perform” certain abortions “consistent with federal law.”

NEW: DOD releases memo to leaders on “ensuring access to essential women’s health care services” after the overturning of Roe. pic.twitter.com/ggkCNqx1PV

— Matt Seyler (@MattSeyler) June 28, 2022

“Federal law restricts the Department from performing abortions or paying to have them performed unless the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term, or unless the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest,” the memo stated. “There will be no interruption to this care.”

The memo stated that the DoD’s “longstanding position” generally bars states from imposing “criminal or civil liability on federal employees who perform their duties in a manner authorized by federal law.”

The DoD also claimed that the Supreme Court’s decision does not affect current policies that allows service members to travel for “abortion care.”

“As always, we will take every action within our authority to ensure the safety and health of each and every member of our team,” the memo concluded.

Immediately following the court’s decision last week, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin tweeted that he is “committed” to providing America’s troops with “reproductive health care” – a common euphemism for abortion.

“Nothing is more important to me or to this Department than the health and well-being of our Service members, the civilian workforce, and DOD families. I am committed to taking care of our people and ensuring the readiness and resilience of our Force,” he tweeted.

“The Department is examining this decision closely and evaluating our policies to ensure we continue to provide seamless access to reproductive health care as permitted by federal law.”

The Department is examining this decision closely and evaluating our policies to ensure we continue to provide seamless access to reproductive health care as permitted by federal law.

— Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III (@SecDef) June 24, 2022

Also on Friday, Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland released a statement attacking the Supreme Court’s decision and vowing to protect access to the FDA-approved abortion pill, which currently provides a loophole to abortions.

“The Justice Department strongly disagrees with the Court’s decision. This decision deals a devastating blow to reproductive freedom in the United States. It will have an immediate and irreversible impact on the lives of people across the country. And it will be greatly disproportionate in its effect – with the greatest burdens felt by people of color and those of limited financial means,” Garland’s statement read.


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41a4cb  No.17672274

File: 1d2c86c86ce4d81⋯.jpg (30.31 KB, 1196x739, 1196:739, i78q2k5q595.jpg)


>🚨 Macron loses parliament majority in stunning setback


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edb224  No.17672283

File: fb8c89db40f0ff2⋯.jpg (33.96 KB, 1066x1024, 533:512, t7y5c4jf.jpg)

Rep. Jim Jordan


They’re trying to extract money from a witness they subpoenaed.

Can you go any lower?



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3b073a  No.17672284

File: f75f48617a7b1cd⋯.jpg (25.04 KB, 1072x600, 134:75, 3kpziwap4.jpg)



This is what your logic 'allows', BTW.

If Jews are so bad, then wouldn't there be Jews posting anti-Jew memes to portray Jews as victims of muh hate speech?


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d1be1c  No.17672289

File: 15a1086f4947e8e⋯.jpg (29.5 KB, 1208x664, 151:83, 9u0lwf.jpg)


I think it is safe to say that all these so called vaccines which are not vaccines in the truest sense……will fuck you over if not kill you outright

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991463  No.17672290

File: b93087f7b0a069b⋯.jpg (33.42 KB, 1124x955, 1124:955, 81bw51c.jpg)

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7206b8  No.17672292

File: 3729fc9f9c32872⋯.jpg (28.02 KB, 1142x695, 1142:695, 08r748psqlfv4x.jpg)


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996e7d  No.17672298

File: 247323962102552⋯.jpg (45.33 KB, 718x642, 359:321, k3d8pxlvyrnt.jpg)


96% Accuracy Rate

After a month of training, Mills and Mendel wrote up their findings, which was published in the journal Forensic Science International: Synergy in June 2021. They reported that the dogs were accurately detecting COVID more than 96% of the time.

[almost as accurate as a PCR test]

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20027b  No.17672299

File: 824a456ca050b78⋯.jpg (37.83 KB, 1174x1135, 1174:1135, 0o6a63bo.jpg)

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663abf  No.17672304

File: 6ef76ecf1e51cbb⋯.jpg (25.91 KB, 1068x587, 1068:587, 0kiu15awe.jpg)


OOH ty for reminding me. All human traffickers need to be hung or shot in a public display and televised. All their assets stripped and used for the dick removing and deportation.

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edb224  No.17672305

File: ef1c3f9a00fa3ac⋯.jpg (31.99 KB, 1161x695, 1161:695, wo8ec92ee.jpg)


(((they))) failed not

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fa46f0  No.17672316

File: ccf9faeb1f1ce8e⋯.jpg (26.29 KB, 1165x548, 1165:548, 8wbx4ba.jpg)


been dark since 6-16-22

you could say


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20027b  No.17672319

File: 6912be4c45f68ce⋯.jpg (28.09 KB, 1083x598, 1083:598, wifdf8k.jpg)


Well I can' t say he has but it's one of the few things that makes sense in totality.

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35f8c6  No.17672325

File: 36a4d8abdad5888⋯.jpg (27.43 KB, 1100x670, 110:67, pvh5wsj2tw62ue.jpg)

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35f8c6  No.17672345

File: bc18210e7233db7⋯.jpg (25.94 KB, 1054x575, 1054:575, uxfarq40.jpg)


Noice I haven't seen that in a while… General Flynn hasn't disclosed anything.

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ce9deb  No.17672350

File: d31cd5ba470110f⋯.jpg (31.45 KB, 1108x736, 277:184, azy8wcar4x6.jpg)


Does Nancy condemn those that took a shit on her driveway?

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d65b16  No.17672351

File: 878d3d27b9364cf⋯.jpg (38.02 KB, 644x580, 161:145, xcx6watgzez.jpg)

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3b073a  No.17672367

File: 20e886bf3ee540c⋯.jpg (27.89 KB, 1095x720, 73:48, l32fuf.jpg)


>the whole WHO expanded powers

NO ONE voted this into power over them! REMEMBER that!

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877c73  No.17672371

File: 65d88f573eee0e6⋯.jpg (26.97 KB, 1010x681, 1010:681, br7mu35.jpg)


Who the fuck are you Non Lemon?

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d1be1c  No.17672376

File: d9eb5e1ed26815a⋯.jpg (35.05 KB, 488x695, 488:695, 5m54oo4.jpg)


Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/22/2022 07:49:03

Truth Social: 108520966915808020

Big Victory for Religious Liberty & School Choice in just out U.S. Supreme Court Decision. Vote was 6 to 3. Congratulations to all who fought so hard for this!

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7206b8  No.17672380

File: d481396d41012ec⋯.jpg (34.92 KB, 1075x810, 215:162, g9b9ua2e.jpg)


about time.

this place has turned ito a chat board.

joos swarming like flies

hurry thef'ck up (please)

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fa46f0  No.17672384

File: 4e7b8a564c9cbc0⋯.jpg (33.25 KB, 976x1096, 122:137, 79yr4uxrwqc.jpg)






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ff6c4d  No.17672385

File: e68987e6b70f2fd⋯.jpg (37.45 KB, 720x523, 720:523, cofwbu49.jpg)


Do you hear that Kinsinger? Do you hear that Liz? Donald J. Trump recognizes you for what you are: the true enemy of the people.

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edb224  No.17672390

File: d17468f55cc3999⋯.jpg (26.09 KB, 1033x614, 1033:614, 5s3bi0k9eo.jpg)

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1da3a9  No.17672395

File: 21697088091782d⋯.webm (715.95 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Goyimknow01.webm)

Read the excerpts from the TALMUD, JIMMY, you stupid fool.

This is what happens when you make your JEW MASTERS into BO/BV's, you STUPiD GOYIM IDIOT.

Way to go, asshole!

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3b9b2b  No.17672396

File: d80091c62d89bc4⋯.jpg (26.49 KB, 978x690, 163:115, 1f7zwppsd.jpg)

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35f8c6  No.17672408

File: 8ffd1ef0d9d3ff7⋯.jpg (43.89 KB, 730x648, 365:324, lilcj45dwies5u.jpg)


Not an accident, deflecting search results.

Trump rally in Mendon.

Now a train crash in Mendon.

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fa46f0  No.17672409

File: c17f970d5d9c6a8⋯.jpg (28.32 KB, 1168x635, 1168:635, alu26roinra7.jpg)


>now how do we know you're the BV?

I just edited my own post for confirmation that I am who I say I am.

You can also check notables thread. I tried several things yesterday on /qrb/ because of this issue. See /qrb/ syslog. At first I thought it was blocked or maybe something else went bust. I verified using browser, also didn't work. Finally I tried on /test/ and noticed that I'm getting a different trip, and now it makes sense why I'm blocked on here, because trips are on a whitelist.

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ce9deb  No.17672415

File: f79de2758c7b0e3⋯.jpg (32.49 KB, 1194x916, 597:458, qjrzmy.jpg)


Don't wanna be an American idiot!

Don't want a nation under the new media

And can you hear the sound of hysteria?

The subliminal mind fuck America!

Welcome to a new kind of tension

All across the alien nation

Where everything isn't meant to be okay

Television dreams of tomorrow

We're not the ones who're meant to follow

For that's enough to argue


Well, maybe I'm the faggot America

I'm not a part of a redneck agenda(alright!)

Now everybody do the propaganda

And sing along to the age of paranoia


Welcome to a new kind of tension

All across the alien nation

Where everything isn't meant to be okay

Television dreams of tomorrow

We're not the ones who're meant to follow

For that's enough to argue

(He knew)

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663abf  No.17672417

File: dbc21105bffa771⋯.jpg (33.11 KB, 996x1053, 332:351, p6wdqjxgzh4zf.jpg)



Inspired by Ukraine, Taiwanese People Prepare for a China Invasion

In Taiwan, the war in Ukraine remains a constant theme on television sets across the country. No sooner had it begun in February than it animated concerns about the specter of an invasion by neighboring China.

Visceral images broadcast daily from Ukraine have helped many Taiwanese visualize the brutal realities of modern warfare. It turned a once abstract fear into a realistic possibility, and Ukraine's ongoing resistance into an opportunity to address their own readiness.

In the past four months, some of island's residents have rushed to sign up for first aid lessons and weapons training courses, privately run civil defense groups tell Newsweek. It's reflective of the public's sense of urgency, and they want the government to take notice.

Taiwan is China's foremost territorial claim; at one time or another, successive leaders in Beijing have articulated a desire to eventually exert political control over the island, which is today a democracy of 23.5 million people. It was only last week that a Chinese general vowed to "fight to the very end" if Taipei were to move away from semi-recognition under its Republic of China government in pursuit of de jure independence.

Observers don't agree on whether a Chinese Communist Party helmed by Xi Jinping is likely to move militarily against Taiwan in the near future. What's not in doubt is Beijing's development of capabilities to do so in the coming decades.

Given Taiwan's much smaller armed forces relative to those of the Chinese military across the Taiwan Strait, defense planners in Taipei and their counterparts in Washington have debated the most suitable military doctrine for the island's defense. They reached a further consensus on asymmetric warfare in 2021, Taiwan's Defense Ministry said in May.

The concept aims to disrupt the rhythm of the enemy's advance and prevent a fait accompli, the ministry said. It involves the use of high-end, mobile and survivable weapons systems—to include American-made Javelin and Stinger missiles—that strategists see as having proved highly effective in Ukraine's resistance against Russian forces.

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3f7a54  No.17672425

File: 051c8e319f3583a⋯.jpg (25.63 KB, 1185x549, 395:183, 8235kyg6sf9h.jpg)


wheres elon

9 days since last tweet

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47f152  No.17672439

File: 8d6cb95ddc72120⋯.jpg (33.53 KB, 1157x1084, 1157:1084, bcn60pnfg1ec.jpg)

Any microfiche fags out there?

May need your services.

Could be goldmine of stuff not on the web.

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991463  No.17672441

File: 128b37c7aeccfeb⋯.jpg (31.33 KB, 1113x691, 1113:691, us5eutr.jpg)



On this day, 78 years ago the allied forces stormed Normandy.

We are thankful for the heroes who fought for our freedoms.



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7206b8  No.17672444

File: 4f3e75b69fddf1e⋯.jpg (26.24 KB, 1068x567, 356:189, npe9hii32leq.jpg)


You bold dude?

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3f7a54  No.17672448

File: 44dfaa5b8a22992⋯.jpg (27.8 KB, 1043x721, 149:103, 2dg118d7ple5m.jpg)


In war you celebrate every little victory!

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41a4cb  No.17672456

File: 0efbb958521cc14⋯.jpg (41.23 KB, 667x620, 667:620, ts4miu0yf.jpg)


To eat with bread.

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877c73  No.17672459

File: 771e6ee39ef3108⋯.jpg (25.45 KB, 1153x541, 1153:541, dmik2x.jpg)

Remember when the NRA was public enemy number one?

Remember when DJT was public enemy number one?

Remember when Jeff Sessions was public enemy number one?

Remember when Bill Barr was public enemy number one?

Remember when Brett Kavanaugh was public enemy number one?

Remember when Q was public enemy number one?

Remember when unvaccinated Americans were public enemies number one?

Remember when Joe Rogan was public enemy number one?

Remember when Vladimir Putin was public enemy number one?

Remember when Elon Musk was public enemy number one?

Remember when the NRA was public enemy number one?

Circle of life.

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8ea0b4  No.17672463

File: 4a9d3f21533c43c⋯.jpg (29.23 KB, 1180x692, 295:173, w87azun3gt.jpg)


How about you prove that you’re actually Q and not some tranny kike nigger lover, you can’t leave for two years and come back like nothing happened.

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20027b  No.17672467

File: 765b89c44797259⋯.jpg (30.73 KB, 1213x637, 1213:637, 1lo4b8.jpg)




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3b073a  No.17672474

File: e831ec4a9de5538⋯.jpg (33.72 KB, 510x588, 85:98, 63hpqrb9axl.jpg)

April 1st Ezra A. Cohen

Oppose any introduction of Central Bank Digital Currencies.


April 28th Ezra A. Cohen

A worldwide economy crash to bring forth a one world digitized currency.


Ezra A. Cohen

US Economy in full collapse. Did you empty your bank?


Just as Predicted before May 12th…Ezra A. Cohen


The goal is to hyperinflate the US dollar and other fiat world currencies.

They will eventually change the tune to saying:

The dollar is unfixable.

We tried to fix it and we cant.

The dollar is unsustainable.

Slowly they will start to introduce central bank digital currencies which will eventually one day become a one world currency.

Keep your I on the sky #bluebeam


Hell No to any central banks digital currencies! Digital Currency is Slavery, beholden to One Global Master.


Great Reset | Digital Currency

Federal Reserve Chair Powell: "Rapid changes are taking place in the global monetary system that may affect the international role of the dollar."

A US central bank digital currency (CBDC) is being examined to "help the US dollar's international standing."

Fed servers will be coming online in February 2023.

Here we go… it's an idea that's been touted for some time, now the moves are being made.

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fa46f0  No.17672478

File: 74214fdbb5a3f6c⋯.jpg (24.45 KB, 1003x598, 1003:598, 6cyas6niihg0q.jpg)


Please stop posting it then.

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ff6c4d  No.17672494

File: 49ceb4ca253812b⋯.jpg (33.13 KB, 1165x767, 1165:767, w5mxm2.jpg)


wearing those red shoes contemplatively

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ce9deb  No.17672500

File: 7f802ec8754fa94⋯.jpg (26.88 KB, 1164x611, 1164:611, dii530xj5hf3.jpg)


Kind of slim pickins at the Homo Depot I just got back from but that is to be expected this time of year. I stockpile seeds and store them on a container in a cool corner of the garage. I basically replenished my green pepper, corn, cabbage and got some beets for this year. The rest are for next year as I am almost complete in planting from last years seed stock.. Got 2 green pepper plants and a few tomatoes to go in later today. Pre grown plant shelves were full.

I fucking love gardening.

AND seeds really don't expire for a couple of years. I kind of call bullshit on the kids story or someone ripped them off.


I always plant outside after memorial day. Night freezes here in The Sierras are brutal until then. Have a green house going year round though.

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663abf  No.17672508

File: 33b10d105805a69⋯.jpg (35.86 KB, 540x635, 108:127, 31ynpwk.jpg)


a zero delta would solve everything for us anons

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7206b8  No.17672509

File: d2e8dfa1d05dbed⋯.jpg (33.64 KB, 1279x681, 1279:681, xage86nvu.jpg)

Plan [Zombie] coming

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daf36f  No.17672514

File: 6b6bf636a3d6493⋯.jpg (26.39 KB, 1053x660, 351:220, cu88vg4.jpg)

My girlfriend is very welcome to me!!!

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3b9b2b  No.17672519

File: c8749f743b24b31⋯.jpg (36.76 KB, 1175x1074, 1175:1074, fsnaus3n6ul.jpg)




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47f152  No.17672528

File: fd04498940139b0⋯.jpg (32.58 KB, 541x535, 541:535, 0keq5722gavn2p.jpg)



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663abf  No.17672530

File: 98a90e6467b45f1⋯.jpg (26.27 KB, 990x700, 99:70, uc82ra5he.jpg)



She was paid to switch from pro-abortion to pro-life?

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3f7a54  No.17672534

File: 0cb1fd3efc3a7ea⋯.jpg (26.21 KB, 1196x616, 299:154, ujwjh7evy.jpg)


fuck you nigger lover

worship the niggers like a good goy

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35f8c6  No.17672538

File: 93cd324560a9298⋯.jpg (28.92 KB, 1062x617, 1062:617, mpqitlo8pl.jpg)

Besides bitchute and rumble, what are some good video sites? Wanna find shit about ufos, aliens, flat earth, egyptain magic, crop circles, niggers being niggers, shit like that.

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877c73  No.17672546

File: a67f0c66e73462f⋯.jpg (37.75 KB, 517x709, 517:709, 6z9nvi4.jpg)


probably omit the non trip Tor posts since the ID can belong to anyone else

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991463  No.17672547

File: 6464eaf8ebbe412⋯.jpg (33.32 KB, 1118x792, 559:396, 2nxlv4l9ekt.jpg)

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47f152  No.17672552

File: 5779ae29d11ce27⋯.jpg (38.48 KB, 684x531, 76:59, y25e2eyalnb.jpg)


chatter says yes

clowns, and goons.

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41a4cb  No.17672566

File: dfde8c588f00975⋯.jpg (31.93 KB, 1140x697, 1140:697, xywgcuo0.jpg)


She is a monster

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663abf  No.17672575

File: 47ec06c6ca8eb56⋯.jpg (33.46 KB, 663x483, 221:161, yllb4z.jpg)


You are the center of the universe.

It waits for your input, so it can output

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daf36f  No.17672581

File: 95689a3e28e0af3⋯.jpg (33.7 KB, 1201x930, 1201:930, kcnjlcbogkf3.jpg)


Hope this is true before Biden gives away another $200B to his cronies.


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991463  No.17672591

File: 3b323dc7cad9ac9⋯.jpg (48.15 KB, 716x710, 358:355, 2y1nvfs82a5.jpg)

"BIG" 6/28/22

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877c73  No.17672592

File: 0c5b3b44b783644⋯.jpg (27.18 KB, 488x498, 244:249, yx7hc2.jpg)


yeah he used to say 187 countries a lot back during covid briefings

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7206b8  No.17672598

File: 92f2b48b047ce03⋯.jpg (23.23 KB, 1014x602, 507:301, etr1d4rill2i.jpg)


Do they get a gay merit badge?

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daf36f  No.17672606

File: 59c4e209545ffce⋯.jpg (32.89 KB, 1149x732, 383:244, fbk6r8da9p1744.jpg)


The people win when they figure this out.

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3b073a  No.17672622

File: 8ea00d5fa235e19⋯.jpg (32.62 KB, 1051x781, 1051:781, dk0894a7pt6hg.jpg)


Told you…

Those Jewish woman just like their tube steak all smothered up in a dress…

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fa5f3d  No.17672635

File: 0bffb8afa3be7dd⋯.png (772.88 KB, 1333x997, 1333:997, Fuck_you_oss.png)


Even the dick badger isn't as bad as you are.

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8ea0b4  No.17672638

File: e80a271b5bef053⋯.jpg (30.48 KB, 1135x736, 1135:736, 9bj4m85f6.jpg)


It's far worse than that. I'm being redirected to flat-earth porn.

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3b073a  No.17672644

File: 7850ca3caa4de6a⋯.jpg (41.89 KB, 668x601, 668:601, qmjawu0qjs16j.jpg)


"I won't step on my integrity for you"


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20027b  No.17672647

File: a66a394c5ebf2fe⋯.jpg (35.01 KB, 1098x1079, 1098:1079, prq7n25czs77.jpg)



a classic, wanna drive the chase car, kek

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ce9deb  No.17672652

File: d8fcde044dd7b96⋯.jpg (24.03 KB, 1039x543, 1039:543, i3nw2f.jpg)



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3f7a54  No.17672655

File: 8f297a033809cf9⋯.jpg (38.5 KB, 649x590, 11:10, ljzj831zu.jpg)


Kek. It's already around you if you go to chain stores, just in smaller amounts. Those 'air curtains' are supposed to be for keeping the cool air in and bugs out? Haha, they are dispensers of your own hormone.

No one has resisted it..you are not special. If you don"t want to turn once they set one off around you, you'd better be wearing the highest rated gas mask!

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0161d7  No.17672665

File: e371fab9898dd93⋯.jpg (36.1 KB, 624x564, 52:47, raihm2g1tqnte.jpg)


Total vindication!

MP4 that shit.

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d1be1c  No.17672672

File: 641a9f5148072c5⋯.jpg (33.62 KB, 1232x730, 616:365, a9iarhemngo9.jpg)


499 days I believe

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ce9deb  No.17672674

File: b3c6d4ad19481de⋯.jpg (23.35 KB, 1059x516, 353:172, wx2ikx.jpg)

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1da3a9  No.17672687


You jews are attacking the board becauseJIMMYis a BOOMER, JEW-LOVING MORAN.==

Trust a jew and this is what you get.


That may be true, but you fucking JEWS are far worse.

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21370b  No.17672702

File: 5499832cce2c6b2⋯.jpg (37.09 KB, 675x535, 135:107, xee8pass.jpg)

11:42 = 17

Happy Sunday!!! :)

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/12/2022 11:42:50

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108465263080748038



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d65b16  No.17672706

File: a3d9aa6221841f5⋯.jpg (33.03 KB, 992x1049, 992:1049, kbpk8g.jpg)

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0161d7  No.17672711

File: c0fb10fbdfd9475⋯.jpg (24.16 KB, 1079x531, 1079:531, j0yg75ft.jpg)



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877c73  No.17672721

File: 04c3ee0bafbdcf1⋯.jpg (23.33 KB, 1021x561, 1021:561, wtzqc6.jpg)

"What I've Done"

In this farewell

There's no blood

There's no alibi

'Cause I've drawn regret

From the truth

Of a thousand lies

So let mercy come

And wash away

What I've done

I'll face myself

To cross out what I've become

Erase myself

And let go of what I've done

Put to rest

What you thought of me

While I clean this slate

With the hands of uncertainty

So let mercy come

And wash away

What I've done

I'll face myself

To cross out what I've become

Erase myself

And let go of what I've done

For what I've done

I start again

And whatever pain may come

Today this ends

I'm forgiving what I've done!

I'll face myself

To cross out what I've become

Erase myself

And let go of what I've done

What I've done

Forgiving what I've done

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3b073a  No.17672749

File: 480989dbcffbcba⋯.jpg (25.7 KB, 1077x608, 1077:608, jz5huoy63hlw.jpg)


The Anonabus is Coming

New York to North Georgia

The Wheel of Stone is Turning

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35f8c6  No.17672751

File: 9e5871ab57622e7⋯.jpg (36.09 KB, 1254x808, 627:404, 38xgylnf5y3.jpg)

DEVIN or DAN – if the new Q posts are legit, plz ask President Trump to Truth something about CORN or POPCORN or even CORNEY.

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d65b16  No.17672752

File: 28a909782d8fdb3⋯.jpg (37.43 KB, 588x593, 588:593, 4er3de0ftq.jpg)

Hutchinson claimed quote from President Trump: "Take the fucking mags [magnetometers] away. They're not here to hurt me…let them in…let my people in…they can march to the Capitol when the rally is over."

[seems an unlikely thing to say, since anyone could potentially be in crowd]

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47f152  No.17672754

File: 5fc139ebec25d79⋯.jpg (40.41 KB, 604x708, 151:177, dwa36y8k8sbz8q.jpg)






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20027b  No.17672760

File: e398c9fb1c3b0ef⋯.jpg (36.88 KB, 510x683, 510:683, axwth858g.jpg)



>Patriot Front Clown Op

>Jail roster lists those arrested near Coeur d’Alene Pride event


Well, here's some usual suspects, some previously ID'd (with photos!)

There's overlap including:

Thomas Rousseau

Kieran Patrick Morris

Graham Jones Whitson

Cameron Rathan Pruitt

Sauce: https://texasantifa.noblogs.org/list-patriot-front-members/

Archive: https://archive.ph/aHc7u

These flaming fags were just going to meet their frens… smdh. These are far from "patriot" and this is NOT "toxic masculinity" if you catch muh drift.

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0161d7  No.17672762

File: 32966ec98936cae⋯.jpg (33.96 KB, 1193x948, 1193:948, 8nwq0z0d.jpg)


The hope was all put in a basket that people would wake the fuck up and demand change, Problem is Q, 2012 or sooner would have been better before the people in this country trusted others to fix it all for them, the blind leading the blind in circles because there are only followers no leaders s left and the blind will do nothing. God will win, because that is all that is left to hope for.

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ff6c4d  No.17672763

File: 45b09e43b801798⋯.jpg (22.19 KB, 962x543, 962:543, whcaomyab6zfw6.jpg)



not just a walk

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fa46f0  No.17672778

File: 9563b5ba7f121a0⋯.jpg (36.8 KB, 518x685, 518:685, 1rxccvbc8g.jpg)


What the Leaked EMA Emails & Docs Reveal: Major Concerns with Pfizer C-19 Vaccine Batch Integrity and The Race to Authorise

Trial Site News recently were able to review leaked internal emails from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and meeting report between the agency and Pfizer. The EMA oversees the evaluation and supervision of medicinal products for the European Union. Like other regulatory health bodies, its main responsibility is to protect and promote public health. Snapshots of internal EMA email correspondence; a November 26, 2020, PowerPoint presentation from a pivotal meeting between Pfizer and the agency, as well as a confidential 43-page Pfizer report were provided by an anonymous source because of their trust in Trial Site’s commitment to transparency, accessibility, and accountability in furtherance of a highly ethical, quality-focused and public health-centric biomedical research industry.

Regulatory agencies, like the EMA, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the U.S. and the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) are chartered to make decisions based to better the public. External influences such as political or media pressure are not meant to be a driving factor in their decision-making, however, when it came to pandemic conditions and the fast-tracked conditional marketing authorization of the Covid-19 vaccines (particularly for the mRNA-based vaccines produced by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna), it appears the latter won the day.

The time period of the email correspondence in question stretches from November 10 – 25, 2020, just weeks before the EMA granted CMA (conditional marketing authorization) for the Pfizer-BioNTech Covdid-19 vaccine on December 21, 2020. The FDA granted EUA (emergency use authorization) for this vaccine on December 11 with the MHRA making it first to the finish line on December 2. Here this author uses the term ‘finish line,’ as the emails do reveal an intense, almost competitive-like rush to authorize the Covid-19 vaccines, as quickly as possible. Understandably, the world was gripped by a pandemic at the time, where there was immense impetus to authorize a vaccine to protect people from the novel coronavirus.

The Rush into EUA

In an email from Marco Cavaleri, at the time the EMA’s Head of Biological Health Threats and Vaccines Strategy, communicated with urgency how the U.S. FDA “are going to rush into EUA.”


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fa5f3d  No.17672779


Is dick badger posting his dick or your dick?

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ff6c4d  No.17672781

File: b27ac2f1252f601⋯.jpg (23.18 KB, 982x566, 491:283, z37q1rukahh9x0.jpg)




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daf36f  No.17672797

File: 5d9301e6166b142⋯.jpg (24.83 KB, 1198x531, 1198:531, ge3qy3cm.jpg)


Beautiful, anon. Thank you so much. Anon has never seen it, but if I ever get the nerve to go to NYC, it's on the bucket list.

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fa46f0  No.17672800

File: 124a5f4fa624875⋯.jpg (29.49 KB, 1107x744, 369:248, wn0xg61lbao48.jpg)


Pretty much spot on.

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1da3a9  No.17672820

File: 7616b9d3566bbd1⋯.png (71.02 KB, 500x500, 1:1, jewishsupremacists.png)


He is posting your dick, jewboy.

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0161d7  No.17672826

File: 01c9332acfa1c03⋯.jpg (33.2 KB, 504x623, 72:89, imc3qr9umc.jpg)

Q DROP #997

Pope will have a Terrible May

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 3 Apr 2018 - 8:45:50 PM


3 Apr 2018 - 8:43:05 PM


P = pope?


[Pope] will be having a terrible May.

Those who backed him will be pushed into the LIGHT>

Dark to LIGHT.



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fbe98c  No.17672830

File: 35997bf0ceb651a⋯.jpg (38.77 KB, 673x554, 673:554, tuyo908.jpg)


The Harvest

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663abf  No.17672840

File: e29588cca2235fa⋯.jpg (31.19 KB, 1059x742, 1059:742, 6ksf02wtn.jpg)




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3f7a54  No.17672847

File: 530d1de32bae51e⋯.jpg (29.09 KB, 1164x703, 1164:703, fdv4o4.jpg)


That's it…I'm calling hurricane season now:

1 Category 1

3 Category 5

Season ends November 30. Let' see if the cabal pulls it off…I say they will, but won't necessarily make landfall….like when they tried with the Cat 5 off the Pt. St. Lucie Nuclear plant a few years back.

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daf36f  No.17672861

File: 07ad17740cb110a⋯.jpg (37.97 KB, 530x687, 530:687, q5z4um44hb.jpg)

I'll bet Carly loves the smell of the Staff Sgt's farts.

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877c73  No.17672864

File: ca34382c140a9de⋯.jpg (31.67 KB, 1132x910, 566:455, cwn8g4z.jpg)


Whatever you say Karen.

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8ea0b4  No.17672869

File: e76a387d8b1a744⋯.jpg (37.69 KB, 728x523, 728:523, 7lbphzj01op.jpg)


Sorry. Not Jake, it's Cooper Anderson Vanderbilt.

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3f7a54  No.17672871

File: ab18742e7b17e37⋯.jpg (36.99 KB, 1286x792, 643:396, 82actnbm.jpg)


>Trump allowed big pharma to escape any vaccines injuries or death liabilities

you are such a fucking liar I cannot help myself

EUA-Emergency Use Authorization given by the FDA

CDC Charter


take your inverted wienie back to the Biden WH

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21370b  No.17672876

File: a90ffbbf6645ea5⋯.jpg (27.03 KB, 1036x688, 259:172, u122kj.jpg)


considering she was arrested and Daddy was executed for murder, it might be hard to play the role.

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fa5f3d  No.17672883


There's a spot on your dick fool. You need more qr codes to cover that shit. ewww

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877c73  No.17672886

File: 65c46bef9f0e81c⋯.jpg (30.61 KB, 1151x734, 1151:734, jmsl6sv.jpg)


thanks pre-rally baker

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ff6c4d  No.17672887

File: 36447d1139e393c⋯.jpg (43.59 KB, 718x615, 718:615, k9mizlbwjn1n.jpg)

msm doesn't need to lift a finger to make anons look retarded – plenty of ammo in every loaf for that.

but (They) do need to make any credible theories about their conspiracies look retarded. One of the ways they do so it shill those theories here.

Anons dig.

Snake venom is an ancient weapon.

Muh Chinee is an ancient culture.

Snakebit deaths are statistically insignificant. Why make a big expensive effort to create an anti-venom for them? There is no good reason to.

Fuckery is afoot.

Dig bitches. Fuck off, shills.

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c77656  No.17672904

File: 311687fcdb0adf6⋯.jpg (33.83 KB, 1089x990, 11:10, 4do24xep4zt5.jpg)

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8ea0b4  No.17672914

File: ed8d0503249b24e⋯.jpg (34.16 KB, 1028x1056, 257:264, ku0q28hx3v.jpg)


I'm Still waiting….

I have some salt for you.


LMAO Seriously fag… You wanna bring that Cicada bullshit up again?

I thought I bitch slapped you yesterday… Take your Cicada and go trip balls in a bathtub

Oh look… Shills targeting meh… If that's not a litmus test of truth…


Come on fags… what else you got.


Oh so much paperwork…

So much kek…

They're already choking on their own dongs as it is…

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8a0c9b  No.17672917

File: 00a65af31a2b276⋯.jpg (33.11 KB, 1121x911, 1121:911, 16q404r.jpg)


P for Pussy.

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47f152  No.17672920

File: cb04f000ea90af4⋯.jpg (24.54 KB, 1119x507, 373:169, w67za2jrbm2yz.jpg)


wut a homo

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663abf  No.17672929

File: b8c3d352dbde2dd⋯.jpg (42.09 KB, 666x647, 666:647, yn50ei.jpg)


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d1be1c  No.17672938

File: b87fc91b4611ea6⋯.jpg (26.87 KB, 1024x694, 512:347, 1z3gnd69p8m.jpg)


Twas a lady from Nod

Caught him lookin at her bod

Bedded him down swiftly and sure

Birthed his sons, uncleansed, but pure.

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fa5f3d  No.17672939


How is that possible? moran

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fbe98c  No.17672954

File: bdff36e7b145550⋯.jpg (30.98 KB, 1226x632, 613:316, 2t6hbmuxhsqf1a.jpg)

Kagan married to Victoria Nuland

Ukraine related, right?

there was an article yesterday about a Ukraine Jew

who did not want to parcel out Ukraine to Russia

who looks very much like Kagan

I'll have to find the pic later.

Just ran across this saved research and decided to post it.

Epoch Times had enumerated the election problems.

have at it

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ff6c4d  No.17672957

File: 1fe52f7db79cf55⋯.jpg (40.27 KB, 671x608, 671:608, dne2vx3hzws4uf.jpg)


what did the entire covid 19 debacle show you?

what did the rollout of the covid "vaccines" show you?

mask mandates, lockdowns, social distancing…..?

it demonstrated to me that the vast majority of people are stupid gormless sheep who have no critical thinking capacity

do you still believe most of your fellow humans are smart?

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8ea0b4  No.17672959

File: c442ec4308c7a53⋯.jpg (33.82 KB, 1153x759, 1153:759, uk27kprvu6.jpg)


tRusT tHe ShiLLs, tRuSt tHe sHiLLs, squawk!

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8a0c9b  No.17672962

File: 3c0e305a4a4dea7⋯.jpg (33.02 KB, 1113x750, 371:250, 8q1m42g913k0y.jpg)


It's been exposed for a longlonglong time.

Not just way-left-leaning pedos. Pedos all over the place and thru the millenia.

Kids are a currency and a revenue stream and not always or even mostly for sex.

Anyway, I'm just saying I don't think that people acknowledging pedophilia is going to do it.

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0161d7  No.17672965

File: 71b132138aff18b⋯.jpg (36.15 KB, 1074x1136, 537:568, wykaili1ns.jpg)


Got's to put c-span not that list. Washington Journal is corrupt as can be. Anon would like to know how much money c-span gets from China.

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21370b  No.17672966

File: 58f091cafdf3568⋯.jpg (25.17 KB, 1053x601, 1053:601, dv0vqz83x3uu.jpg)


We love you, but -

Do NOT reply to shills

Do NOT demolish their intentionally flawed arguments

Do NOT debate their idiotic "concerns"

Do NOT engage shills.

Do NOT participate in chat room shill KAYFABE

In professional wrestling, kayfabe is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind.


Do NOT perpetuate shill SLIDES.

Do NOT reply to shills.

Do NOT pick up spit

If you are NOT sure, LEARN to ID shills

shills = hate

shills = labels

shills = repetition

shills = envy, greed, theology etc.

Do NOT correct intentional shill mistakes

Do NOT be triggered by shill taunts

do NOT eat bats off the street

Do NOT bark back at dogs

Spot a clown

Dealing with ye Clowns & ye Shills



shills have no agency, no will independent of their masters. Shills are passed gas of history. The slave of the slaves, their words are writ upon water.


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35f8c6  No.17672970

File: d475d4e75862283⋯.jpg (32.94 KB, 1175x738, 1175:738, 2omn7whp.jpg)

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7206b8  No.17672972

File: 5cac392fe7c358f⋯.jpg (38.67 KB, 618x592, 309:296, fc50rxc5ud9.jpg)

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877c73  No.17672974

File: e56390393554470⋯.jpg (36.38 KB, 608x594, 304:297, ihai906rsj1u.jpg)

That guy's ego has run unchecked since he was on the mortgage backed desk at Credit Suisse First Boston.

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8ea0b4  No.17672981

File: 4d4c0dd7e749b3e⋯.jpg (40.54 KB, 577x719, 577:719, f2681a74v8h.jpg)

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991463  No.17672989

File: 40dc2d91faf6799⋯.jpg (27.39 KB, 1231x570, 1231:570, 81vxdpzzt.jpg)


trip tres chekked

>17 words

they tryna jam the freq. that's all.

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daf36f  No.17672998

File: 3a0d12d18f389a3⋯.jpg (32.59 KB, 1097x946, 1097:946, cy2xwgiz7y.jpg)

Q's back right before midterms and GOP is set to take control……hmmmmmm.

What's up with the Border, Q? When is that getting sealed up? No way that's part of The Plan.

Still don't know what the counter was.

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ff6c4d  No.17672999

File: c6958c9ae4d932e⋯.jpg (32.7 KB, 522x564, 87:94, trltt1a.jpg)


every 6 months when i pay my property tax i write on the line on my check

that says "memo"


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8ea0b4  No.17673002

File: e6e8bb972945f35⋯.jpg (34.54 KB, 1113x1087, 1113:1087, p6uwy8blcq.jpg)



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d1be1c  No.17673004

File: 42ed870cc04116b⋯.jpg (32.61 KB, 1088x930, 544:465, e5vj4ea4x.jpg)




Nov 7

(T) 11

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ce9deb  No.17673015

File: 8ee012989605e3b⋯.jpg (30.74 KB, 1087x719, 1087:719, 8omklx9.jpg)


filtered for being a 50 post nigger.

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d65b16  No.17673031

File: 10b6059899d69e0⋯.jpg (25.55 KB, 1110x567, 370:189, 2l44npktm.jpg)



Don't be a faggot.

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8a0c9b  No.17673050

File: 57505c378ba3f28⋯.jpg (28.41 KB, 991x967, 991:967, 8b8bbbnd.jpg)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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35f8c6  No.17673052

File: 9cafe8037728d9b⋯.jpg (31.09 KB, 1137x891, 379:297, jhe7t6gzzmalsk.jpg)

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fd3011  No.17673069

File: 33d9574d01a3ef2⋯.jpg (33.7 KB, 578x502, 289:251, sdyy90z.jpg)


perhaps; how 'bout dis Raven, doctor? your diagnosis?

“Once there, officers located 26-year-old Jaylon Ferguson, unresponsive, being treated by medics. Ferguson never regained consciousness and was pronounced dead on the scene by medics. No signs of trauma was found or foul play suspected at this time.”


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663abf  No.17673070

File: 66079b7324b359e⋯.jpg (41.48 KB, 709x609, 709:609, icgacbpto8s3iy.jpg)


True, but he can't exist without his adoring fans, and losing them is his biggest fear.

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34a5c6  No.17673071

File: 92f4e85558f4faf⋯.jpg (28.65 KB, 1035x719, 1035:719, e66nhbfwf.jpg)



Atlanta Fed GDP tracker shows the U.S. economy is likely in a recession

Published Fri, Jul 1 20229:58 AM EDT

* The Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow gauge sees the second-quarter running at negative 1%.

* Coupled with the first-quarter’s decline of 1.6%, that would fit the technical definition of recession.

A Federal Reserve tracker of economic growth is pointing to an increased chance that the U.S. economy has entered a recession.

Most Wall Street economists have been pointing to an increased chance of negative growth ahead, but figure it won’t come until at least 2023.

However, the Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow measure, which tracks economic data in real time and adjusts continuously, sees second-quarter output contracting by 1%. Coupled with the first-quarter’s decline of 1.6%, that would fit the technical definition of recession.

“GDPNow has a strong track record, and the closer we get to July 28th’s release [of the initial Q2 GDP estimate] the more accurate it becomes,” wrote Nicholas Colas, co-founder of DataTrek Research.

The tracker took a fairly precipitous fall from its last estimate of 0.3% growth on June 27. Data this week showing further weakness in consumer spending and inflation-adjusted domestic investment prompted the cut that put the April-through-June period into negative territory.

One big change in the quarter has been rising interest rates. In an effort to curb surging inflation, the Fed has jacked up its benchmark borrowing rate by 1.5 percentage points since March, with more increases likely to come through the remainder of the year and perhaps into 2023.


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fa46f0  No.17673072

File: ac903a7923eb4b9⋯.jpg (32.2 KB, 1278x645, 426:215, 5acire1k.jpg)


The Jews are preparing for their final move…

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6b8d9f  No.17673075

File: 47d9ce7d1ef961b⋯.jpg (35.22 KB, 618x539, 618:539, v2i7q4s4.jpg)

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da60f7  No.17673081

File: daf7ee3929d20d8⋯.jpg (27.57 KB, 1146x567, 382:189, ahfeutrxh.jpg)

Washington supports blockade of Russian exclave by NATO member Lithuania

The US says that it “appreciates” anti-Russian sanctions imposed by EU nations and that its military is committed to the defense of Lithuania, after the country banned some Russian goods from passing through its territory to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad.

Ned Price, the spokesman for the US state department, dismissed Moscow’s displeasure with the Lithuanian blockade of its territory as “saber-rattling” and “bluster.” Speaking at a daily briefing, he said he didn’t want to “give it additional time.”

“We, of course, appreciate the unprecedented economic measures that many countries around the world… including in this case Lithuania, have joined us in taking against Russia for its unprovoked war in Ukraine,” he said.

Price said that the US would protect Lithuania from any military attack, as is due under its NATO obligations.

“Lithuania has been a stalwart partner in this. We stand by NATO. We stand by our NATO Allies, and we stand by Lithuania,” he said.

The row between Russia and its Baltic neighbor erupted last week after Lithuania started blocking the transit of goods between mainland Russia and Kaliningrad region. The partial restrictions came into force last Saturday, with Vilnius claiming it was a natural part of enforcing EU sanctions against Russian trade. Roughly half of the traffic is estimated to be affected. The banned items include coal, metals, and construction materials.

Moscow said the restrictions were crossing every line and warned that there would be serious consequences for what it described as a Lithuanian blockade of its exclave. The decision clearly violated international law, the Russian government noted. Some experts suggested that it could even amount to a casus belli – a cause to start a war over.

Kaliningrad region is sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania and has access to the Baltic Sea, which technically allows Russia to ferry goods to it. The relatively small exclave also hosts a significant number of Russian troops and weapon systems, making it a key component in the country’s national security.


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daf36f  No.17673084

File: ea5991c0b97be87⋯.jpg (27.07 KB, 1110x618, 185:103, 978939y82r.jpg)


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6a34fa  No.17673085

File: c30167cd7f5f90d⋯.jpg (43.56 KB, 635x708, 635:708, sndk1oouz5.jpg)


guess what does not use tracers

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8ea0b4  No.17673086

File: ef22038386d26d2⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 628x637, 628:637, 7lk4e2.jpg)

Republicans launch counter-programming to Jan. 6 Committee hearings with Stefanik, Scalise, Jordan media event

The 10:45 a.m. press conference Wednesday is set to be a show of unity by two high-profile members of GOP leadership and two of the Republicans House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., rejected from the committee. Jordan himself was subpoenaed by the committee, along with a handful of other members including Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.


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fd3011  No.17673087

File: d0260f9b4834953⋯.jpg (27.97 KB, 1177x629, 1177:629, ix45pdjnm9049k.jpg)


Already there, I go with four noms from last bread

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663abf  No.17673088

File: 53aebfc86d39896⋯.jpg (38.11 KB, 705x530, 141:106, jgdo1edwg0.jpg)

2017. Biden said that Trump was breaking down the norms that hold the liberal world order together.


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34a5c6  No.17673091

File: aaca1a0862bc886⋯.jpg (24.98 KB, 996x647, 996:647, 2mrmxzk.jpg)


thanks for watching, reporting and taking one for the team

can't stomach TV these days

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6b8d9f  No.17673093

File: 25babeecd7a550a⋯.jpg (23.89 KB, 1054x578, 31:17, isjs6qv1fjozkh.jpg)



Ain't that a great big shame.

Watcha gonna do now bezos?

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35f8c6  No.17673094

File: f644a1d06871612⋯.jpg (22.99 KB, 981x571, 981:571, 4l2eto5a76r.jpg)


Last week, we were at the #NATOSummit for two very busy days. Here’s what @AnitaAnandMP, @MelanieJoly, and I worked on in Madrid:


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3b073a  No.17673098

File: 4c0eeb40dd7f05c⋯.jpg (33.15 KB, 1197x960, 399:320, 2gc7vo5x.jpg)

June 2021 Update to #SealedCases

5,896 new 262,595 entered 10/30/17 thru 6/30/21

Avg: 5,968 per month

Back-up files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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d1be1c  No.17673114

File: c4889e658b3f225⋯.jpg (22.72 KB, 1058x499, 1058:499, fxmwlag2hu.jpg)


* Powdered jelly doughnut bakery accident

* cocaine packing for mexican cartel

* stargate episode

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fbe98c  No.17673121

File: df88e03724378e9⋯.jpg (29.31 KB, 1113x596, 1113:596, 6f9qrs.jpg)


Maybe this case will open up the discussion of how DUIs have been weaponized. And has turned into a big money making business for the courts.

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8ea0b4  No.17673128

File: 1a60d49d606b283⋯.jpg (32.79 KB, 1247x681, 1247:681, dvz4kb.jpg)


Now she's trying to say she's not racist, what a fucking clown


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d65b16  No.17673131

File: be61062d81f9ecd⋯.jpg (32.21 KB, 1060x761, 1060:761, 3kuvzw.jpg)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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21370b  No.17673135

File: 2d045e786bcda2c⋯.jpg (35.33 KB, 1082x1077, 1082:1077, 94tmqzk.jpg)

evil can not be destroyed

your enemy can not be killed

your planet is in process of ele


you are an fool

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6bea47  No.17673137

File: 2203f49f906aed4⋯.jpg (32.17 KB, 1081x1011, 1081:1011, e8io37rhmd.jpg)


Thanks for posting all of this, it's clear the new drops are fake and that Jim has much more explaining to do.

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7206b8  No.17673141

File: 0968fc093983afc⋯.jpg (33.92 KB, 1218x927, 406:309, ykbbvvl.jpg)

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663abf  No.17673154

File: 7a182a40693d598⋯.jpg (31.7 KB, 1062x764, 531:382, eihlhnrg229i.jpg)



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4a0b28  No.17673158

File: 98743cc0ab1d06b⋯.jpg (38.62 KB, 658x564, 7:6, i94ijo3d0.jpg)


play stupid games… win stupid prizes

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877c73  No.17673169

File: 781083866ac0bce⋯.jpg (31.83 KB, 1079x755, 1079:755, bbounwt.jpg)

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6b8d9f  No.17673172

File: fffa5d743589baa⋯.jpg (30.89 KB, 1071x725, 1071:725, u04pet2.jpg)


SCOTUS looking good today


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3b073a  No.17673180

File: 4762ee1a6cf4009⋯.jpg (25.46 KB, 1138x561, 1138:561, ue6mvaw2xqbw.jpg)

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fd3011  No.17673192

File: 88712d014c6c94e⋯.jpg (34.7 KB, 1052x1080, 263:270, u82ljhzg331.jpg)





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fa46f0  No.17673201

File: c1d42ba9433e98d⋯.jpg (29.32 KB, 1118x640, 559:320, 32q6fm6lyzljgo.jpg)


>Jim Watkins response to whether Trump is working with the military to expose the Deep State may shock you…

An hour and 26 minute video about a subject I've heard too much about already, just to hear what Jim has to say about your clickbait.

What does he say? Timestamp?

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daf36f  No.17673206

File: 0486417f3b8e7bb⋯.jpg (32.91 KB, 1069x800, 1069:800, 1rwtxv9hk0cp.jpg)


Were you here for the original dickfish night? That shit was GOLD!

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877c73  No.17673207

File: d864ff97306aa11⋯.jpg (33.8 KB, 1086x993, 362:331, 6blkkgdi.jpg)



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aba989  No.17673215

File: 9957a2baaf524a7⋯.jpg (37.27 KB, 538x668, 269:334, qqgmwqtyg.jpg)


Israel was a player, but used as a sheild by the true players who prefer to hide behind "the Jews"

Countries Involved.

that I know of

United States of America



Great Britain



…. and counting.. there may be more

Then there's the Countries who knew it was a set-up but never announced that:





…. and many more

Just off the top of my head.

Looks like the whole world was "in on it"

a few spoke out


the Pres of Egypt who later was jailed and likely killed

Can't think of others. Anons can add to the list.

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d65b16  No.17673217

File: a5dd1cde656e2b6⋯.jpg (36.28 KB, 1096x1124, 274:281, p3ntewfm4xcn.jpg)

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6bea47  No.17673218

File: d70279bb2867036⋯.jpg (28.16 KB, 1183x623, 169:89, 2rtjmpsmai3uk.jpg)

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ce9deb  No.17673224

File: 81d59b0311cdfc0⋯.jpg (27.72 KB, 1086x600, 181:100, jkpibj0r38splc.jpg)

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663abf  No.17673241

File: dd2b75bebd224fd⋯.jpg (28.12 KB, 1185x637, 1185:637, a9yhgb7.jpg)


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fbe98c  No.17673245

File: 7581d1b54bfe3d6⋯.jpg (25.72 KB, 1189x541, 1189:541, 0comjk08wo.jpg)


Ideas 'so good' they need a hot crazy weirdo chick to spread it. A real stellar political movement.

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fa46f0  No.17673246

File: 9150c05ea964216⋯.jpg (23.47 KB, 1021x538, 1021:538, oliejsvsuw.jpg)



Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

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20027b  No.17673255

File: 5912f49478b3592⋯.jpg (26.07 KB, 1168x616, 146:77, 3jmnimxbbxsvx.jpg)


I got a pic of hiser cuzzin

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8ea0b4  No.17673257

File: 896381231549b01⋯.jpg (24.94 KB, 1193x502, 1193:502, g1mhsgcbd.jpg)

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3b073a  No.17673261

File: ad359d28e13ee03⋯.jpg (31.48 KB, 1168x748, 292:187, mtca8a5k7xu7g.jpg)


#22705 https://controlc.com/a51d2bf1




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fa5f3d  No.17673263


Your girl don't like ya bro. She's laughing at your dick. kek

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663abf  No.17673289

File: bff71e34da45998⋯.jpg (28.65 KB, 1130x714, 565:357, plfna391z2cz03.jpg)


>Q is not "he"


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7206b8  No.17673290

File: 979becd601a427a⋯.jpg (36.38 KB, 594x570, 99:95, o5b9880.jpg)

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d1be1c  No.17673293

File: 9ffd534ec175e9e⋯.jpg (30.15 KB, 1164x654, 194:109, elxx8tztbop.jpg)


because Jesus is not related to önкle ado

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877c73  No.17673298

File: fca9bbdb92203da⋯.jpg (30 KB, 988x976, 247:244, ql3a3h0umz.jpg)

The 137th Combat Training Flight hosted its first female student in the joint terminal attack controller qualification course held March 21-April 22, 2022, in Oklahoma City.


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3b073a  No.17673305

File: 9a9abe1924572cc⋯.jpg (40.45 KB, 694x579, 694:579, ueaeaja1ny4.jpg)


That's an SES guy.


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663abf  No.17673310

File: d34f8b3e29b1624⋯.jpg (24.06 KB, 994x572, 497:286, eg7ml8fechnl7.jpg)


It also means no curb on car manufactures

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41a4cb  No.17673313

File: 7fd6e6112df0bee⋯.jpg (27.43 KB, 1003x736, 1003:736, zqlby6z.jpg)


yeah, what's wrong w/ that?

at least I'm not a narcissist that consider itself a genius or something………..

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fa46f0  No.17673317

File: 1c52452c8266e66⋯.jpg (37.4 KB, 1198x1085, 1198:1085, jltp2tay.jpg)


I see, thanks for the update

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21370b  No.17673320

File: 3d9f77838c7bbf4⋯.jpg (25.94 KB, 1064x653, 1064:653, uft3w9.jpg)


Boot it off a Linux USB, your files are recoverable,

And you can probably fix your windows system issue.

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4a0b28  No.17673324

File: 099289601bea83b⋯.jpg (35.58 KB, 1203x765, 401:255, tbzixdaq.jpg)


Perfect, thank you too, anon. Have some homework to look up and read on o7

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daf36f  No.17673331

File: bb2e7dbd1183bc7⋯.jpg (33.69 KB, 1073x799, 1073:799, dox36sahy.jpg)


Illinois - the Abortion Tourism State

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663abf  No.17673332

File: b2bc585d7f9b4a6⋯.jpg (38.38 KB, 682x558, 11:9, 4djgi957m0g.jpg)


Morning Swordy!

God bless you as well and keep you and all anons from harm, this day and forever!



Daily protection Spell Refresh

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47f152  No.17673342

File: 59265913c29e346⋯.jpg (28.37 KB, 1168x645, 1168:645, 22o743s.jpg)


Kind of a shame she's a traitorous bitch, 'cause them some nice big titties.

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fd3011  No.17673347

File: ec7f85eb3b28600⋯.jpg (36.16 KB, 1188x1012, 27:23, f658prk.jpg)


rural areas are defenseless, kek that is funny! Let them find out!

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fbe98c  No.17673348

File: bb51e0ad9bf19f6⋯.jpg (34.31 KB, 600x550, 12:11, zs5bqv8.jpg)

dANALingus and josh must of larped a ton of ass huh

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41a4cb  No.17673356

File: b61fe00ed413e1c⋯.jpg (27.02 KB, 1190x603, 1190:603, wtl0f0.jpg)


Jerome powell mumbling about what power he has over banks, none, they are all criminal organisations !!

WATCH LIVE: Federal Reserve Chair Powell testifies before Senate as interest rates, inflation rise

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20027b  No.17673367

File: 51cf4be445b7b59⋯.jpg (31.37 KB, 978x985, 978:985, 6x3cj859irtlu.jpg)


Fuck you!

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fd3011  No.17673368

File: 21a3f23352ef8e4⋯.jpg (30.04 KB, 1068x969, 356:323, r69d9kcc.jpg)

Chelom Leavitt the wife of Utah County Attorney David Leavitt is accused of child ritual sex abuse in Utah. It's interesting that she teaches in Kiev, Ukraine.

Dr. Chelom Eastwood Leavitt grew up in Yakima, Washington with seven sisters and one brother. She attended BYU as an undergraduate in Economics and then went to J. Reuben Clark Law School. One the first day of law school Chelom met David Leavitt and they married after their first year of law school. Chelom practiced family and estate law for years and then returned to get her Master’s degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development. In 2010 Chelom was invited to be a Fulbright Fellow in Ukraine and teach in Schevshenko University in Kyiv. She also ran a research study in Ukraine on how religious and secular traditions were associated with couple and parent-child relationship well-being.

I like how they call it a wild Qanon conspiracy. LOL

Follow the wives, indeed.



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d65b16  No.17673370

File: f7f5706a61f1772⋯.jpg (34.66 KB, 1026x1071, 114:119, icpv9qe04.jpg)


yes, i spelled it wrong.

should have put a /s/


yes, i think so too.



Circle Back" to Epstein Island.

Alleppo , Sienna have those stripes.

Sienna like Venice was the original home, so it's claimed of several early (counting in Fomenko New Chronology) Popes.

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7206b8  No.17673373

File: 06b124d08f9998b⋯.jpg (32.65 KB, 984x1010, 492:505, drotdg3ls.jpg)

The Pro-Abortion Left Comes Unglued As Roe v. Wade Is Overturned

On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the 1972 landmark ruling on Roe V Wade, abolishing federal access to abortion and returning the governance of the procedure to individual states.

As a result of the ruling, at least 22 states now make abortion illegal, with few exceptions.

The ruling has sparked a fierce reaction from the left and pro-abortion supporters across the nation. Politicians, Journalists, Celebrities, and Influencers who align with the ideals of killing unborn children began sharing their opinions on social media Friday.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi clarified her opinion: “Because of Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, the Republican Party, and their supermajority on the Supreme Court, American women today have less freedom than their mothers.”


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6b8d9f  No.17673374

File: a7975291a5ca723⋯.jpg (27.47 KB, 1050x601, 1050:601, aqultmb6fb05.jpg)


AZOV Brigade did it. The key to who did it is who was killed. They say Ukrainians were killed, but what were their loyalties? To Ukraine? Or to Russia? Ukraine has spent 8 years trying to drive the Russia loyalist from the eastern border region.

If the dead could talk, it would probably be in Russian.

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6bea47  No.17673375

File: 0899f04821221e8⋯.jpg (33.86 KB, 1208x907, 1208:907, nmr6kh6e.jpg)


your daughter will fuck niggers and youll have mixed race mongrel grandchildren

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ce9deb  No.17673377

File: 9fbff3a1183f798⋯.jpg (34.1 KB, 1055x1093, 1055:1093, rbri5j82ari28o.jpg)


We experience 4 dimensions although we can only move through the three physical dimensions for the most part. Each subsequent dimension is an infinitely perpendicular locus of the previous dimension. Take a 0 dimensional point, extend it infinitely perpendicular to itself and it becomes a line. Take a 1d line, infinitely extend it perpendicular to itself and you get a 2d plane.

So a 5d person would have immediate access to two neighboring 4th dimension universes because it is an infinitely extended locus of 4d universes in both directions. That's why at 5d you have access to two dimensions, not just one.

6d would have access to potentially infinite dimensions as it would have a locus of alternate dimensions.

Such a being might think itself a god! Until it realizes with horror that all timelines and universes converge into a single point. And nothing they can do is able to change it. Then maybe they'd start flipping out a little.

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4a0b28  No.17673385

File: 84f906bfbffcd7f⋯.jpg (32.41 KB, 1017x1030, 1017:1030, et0emxnt.jpg)



==you need to leave here and stop taking advantage of Jim's generosity

You don't deserve it

You belong at half chan or Facebook or some other spook corner, not here with Patriots who are working to save our Country

Just fuck right off and get out of here.

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fa46f0  No.17673402

File: 2b0540a035f5498⋯.jpg (26.48 KB, 1166x674, 583:337, u40ais.jpg)

Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life, but he who rejects reproof leads others astray.

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41a4cb  No.17673403

File: 808a51dcefde95b⋯.jpg (21.39 KB, 1010x507, 1010:507, vt3269bwxmsrt2.jpg)

Watch the movie next week

Lots of tapes, government tapes

Georgia (George)


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d1be1c  No.17673407

File: 94bb21e2328ecfb⋯.jpg (29.91 KB, 1076x660, 269:165, 6hswk71qogrtt.jpg)

Independence Day gonna be :50 on QClock. Powerful Q posts coming into alignment.


Many of these drops were from the epic Aug 25, 2018. There were 17 Q posts that day




— That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. —


Q1701 → Q1690


o7 fags

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fd3011  No.17673411

File: 609a2437cc94328⋯.jpg (29.15 KB, 1184x701, 1184:701, 3q39e7.jpg)


This is not a pub/priv key situation. Anyone with admin access can do it. Honestly, Jim strikes me as a good person, and his history is interesting. Clearly the team felt the same way. But this is sus AF, and I await his transparency. The Kappy comment was more than off imho. His clear connections to the fist are also problematic. People are targets, it's often via friends.

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ce9deb  No.17673419

File: e40146ef290aa3f⋯.jpg (35.09 KB, 1092x1107, 364:369, i83obvlmy.jpg)


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8ea0b4  No.17673421

File: 2c1576aa748c9db⋯.jpg (36.7 KB, 1202x1015, 1202:1015, 9t4qidvg1.jpg)


Publius, [29.06.22 18:00]

[ Video ]

32-Year-Old Comedian Nick Nemeroff Suddenly Dies in His Sleep – Posted Earlier About Suffering Side Effects of COVID Vaccine (VIDEO)


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663abf  No.17673422

File: 8f45826f4444921⋯.jpg (36.78 KB, 1146x1061, 1146:1061, ix6lqyyp.jpg)


Are you pulling together a dough, from all the ebakes?

I am exhausted but can do it…

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fa46f0  No.17673426

File: e43da25d99b32ec⋯.jpg (37.01 KB, 1217x1045, 1217:1045, ckq6qbyhgge6.jpg)


> Use of the word "we"

You just outed yourself a shill, FUCKTARD!

Anons only speak for their individual selves, not all anons.


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20027b  No.17673432

File: ee30a3fa578c28b⋯.jpg (38.6 KB, 575x680, 115:136, p24rkxecz06tru.jpg)


That truck full of dead illegals was a red rig.

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576e56  No.17673439

File: 7dc16ffc06812d1⋯.jpg (39.43 KB, 547x669, 547:669, vfm5wh56.jpg)

Maybe he can do what they can't do

The problem is

we people It is easy for them to play us

because we are good with no luck

Guess who will say


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ce9deb  No.17673441

File: ade4a08574948f1⋯.jpg (33.13 KB, 1156x744, 289:186, 5888kz1lzt.jpg)


that's what I'm saying anon

just not that specific reason, necessarily

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41a4cb  No.17673444

File: a2f75c153b52560⋯.jpg (28.27 KB, 1001x734, 1001:734, 9h0p78.jpg)

this is sickening

how this adult

is having this conversation

with a child

now you can imagine this in schools with littlekida and their minds

total seed planting and brainwashing

First published at 00:03 UTC on April 23rd, 2022.



An adult gay man who is co-parenting with a biological male transgender woman is trying to convince their child to change gender. How do such disgraceful, disgusting people have a child with them? I call this behaviour child abuse, and it makes me sick to my stomach.

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21370b  No.17673445

File: 88968d0d05f6bb1⋯.jpg (34.06 KB, 1016x1118, 508:559, vbx92csih00.jpg)

Baking with nigger bread numbers again how lovely.

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fbe98c  No.17673450

File: ea625fb2c3dfb8e⋯.jpg (33.51 KB, 1103x997, 1103:997, 0g5k4ay9v.jpg)


God bless you and good luck.

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d1be1c  No.17673452

File: 593ad50b80f4a23⋯.jpg (38.31 KB, 597x604, 597:604, hlhi0ly1ex.jpg)


>Rio's Carnival parade


Brazil holds first carnival since Covid

>441 views | Apr 22, 2022

Rio de Janeiro holds first carnival since Covid-19 hit Brazil. Performers from the Imperatriz Leopoldinense samba school dance sultry samba in sparkling sequins.

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d65b16  No.17673457

File: adb92642233797a⋯.jpg (32.55 KB, 501x585, 167:195, tpr6476rpat8t8.jpg)


BSV, this is the way.

The one true Bitcoin.

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fa46f0  No.17673468

File: 79a675721981c48⋯.jpg (30.92 KB, 1146x721, 1146:721, 95o411zbk4q.jpg)


he wasn't mad he was just a raging alcoholic… back when absinthe was cool across the pond… the real absinthe isn't all hippy-dippy fairy faggotry like portrayed in movies.. the active ingredient, thujone, just lets you get reallly fuckin drunk while still being alert… it mitigates the grogginess.. so you can be full of energy enough to get so drunk that you can't see straight or get your tongue where it should be, but you've got a ton of shit you want to do and say.

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877c73  No.17673469

File: 4e3fde70530e7d9⋯.jpg (42.81 KB, 698x630, 349:315, hba8ga0zv.jpg)


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47f152  No.17673472

File: 6080e29c70de1e8⋯.jpg (45.88 KB, 707x681, 707:681, ds11yejtt4.jpg)


Apple Commercial

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fd3011  No.17673475

File: 7e1e0bfeb2f4ca2⋯.jpg (23.59 KB, 1044x551, 36:19, 11yre4fj77e0r.jpg)

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4d0c57  No.17673477

File: 808f92ac713b750⋯.jpg (32 KB, 1010x1001, 1010:1001, uutv7k.jpg)


>Senate Unveils Language of Gun Control Deal: Expands Background Checks, Expands Prohibited Purchasers

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41a4cb  No.17673490

File: 603b7ff0b376a19⋯.jpg (45.78 KB, 700x670, 70:67, 8mvnf16h848uu.jpg)


>I'm realistic.

That is commendable, Anon.

Given the evidence of recent cases do you think the FBI would not try to negatively impact this community?

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47f152  No.17673494

File: d5f0b453f5d142b⋯.jpg (25.35 KB, 1164x587, 1164:587, rkgdgersategu.jpg)


Former NYC Police Commissioner SLAMS Soros DAs: ‘Very Insidious Plot’

Jeffrey Clark

June 9th, 2022 3:23 PM

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4d0c57  No.17673499

File: f2b80fa2c59f67d⋯.jpg (31.74 KB, 1087x896, 1087:896, 6x07f7t6egv.jpg)


By law, you were supposed to have a return ticket.

“A friend of mine is coming, and he will take care of it,” the man told Melendez-Perez.

“And how long have you known this person,” Melendez-Perez asked the man.

The man told him a week.

“‘You have known this person for a week, and he wants to buy you a $1,800 ticket?’ That did not make any sense. That was the first flag,” Melendez-Perez said.

Investigators now know that Melendez-Perez was questioning Mohammed al-Qahtani, a Saudi national who was later identified as the 20th hijacker in the 9/11 attacks.

At the time, however, all Melendez-Perez could do was trust his gut.

“The more question that I asked, the fewer possible answers that I could believe, at that time. He would not tell me the name of his friend,” Melendez-Perez said.

At the same time Melendez-Pérez was questioning al-Qahtani,the lead hijacker of the 9/11 attacks, Mohamed Atta, was at OIA waiting for someone to arrive.

Investigators said Atta even used an airport payphone to dial a number later associated with the terror attacks, concerned about his missing passenger.

While Atta waited, Melendez-Perez discovered that al-Qahtani did not have a return ticket, did not have a hotel reservation, had $2,800 in cash and could not provide an explanation for his visit.

“When I was asking him questions, he got upset. He got rude,” Melendez-Perez said.“When I came out of the interview room, I told my supervisor, ‘This guy is like, you know, he’s challenging me.’”

Despite his gut feeling, the red flags would not have been enough for Melendez-Perez to deny entry to a Saudi national, who, according to Melendez-Perez, faced little scrutiny when going through customs.

“I am not sure how it is now, but back then they were almost untouchable. They are allies, you know. They got the money.”

When Melendez-Perez put al-Qahtani under oath, the Saudi national refused to answer questions. Legally, that was enough.



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6b8d9f  No.17673503

File: 5896430905a6208⋯.jpg (27.09 KB, 1016x709, 1016:709, rpvoe9uq46r.jpg)


want you to pay attention. bakership was handed off so don't bother me with your crap, You the current baker. If you can't keep up your shit gets lost.

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19658d  No.17673504

File: bb9e9999c4b7fe2⋯.jpg (34.26 KB, 1219x785, 1219:785, vptv2wxo0vh.jpg)


Steve Inman YOUR UP!!!

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21370b  No.17673508

File: e3f31f4ff547899⋯.jpg (30.67 KB, 1237x660, 1237:660, wtqartki.jpg)


Almost 2 million views https://www.tiktok.com/@amotleybadass69

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6b8d9f  No.17673525

File: 01ea74940a3aa9d⋯.jpg (35.17 KB, 1208x981, 1208:981, gbtbaub87fncv.jpg)



>Spending every waking moment trying to figure who has what motivations will drive you mad. Just sit back and watch it unfold.

I'm not trying to construct one of those social graphs mapping who is loyal to the Constitution and who is not. I'm just talking percentages. E.g. It might be that 90% of enlisted warfighters are strongly pro-Constitution, or it might be that only 10% of enlisted warfighters are strongly pro-Constitution. It might be that only 5% of generals are strongly pro-Constitution but 55% of colonels are strongly pro-Constitution.


Transhumanism is a vain aspiration for many, but a reality for Dick Cheney.

See also:



The plutocrats might succeed in wiping out the nuclear family in the urban USA, but I doubt very much that they will be able to replace it with anything viable. So the question is whether the culture of the nuclear family would be re-learned from rural examples, or whether the plutocrats would destroy the USA entirely.

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8ea0b4  No.17673529

File: d37a00fd1829ca3⋯.jpg (35.25 KB, 1161x786, 387:262, e73yj2.jpg)



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21370b  No.17673530

File: b4c3dae2a6e74d3⋯.jpg (37.64 KB, 535x687, 535:687, 0b1oh7kc8jejx.jpg)



Techniques and



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808245  No.17673544

File: 5cfb3e8461eb9e5⋯.jpg (26.83 KB, 1090x627, 1090:627, mr8vb6x0mossil.jpg)


That should do it.. thanks anon.

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daf36f  No.17673546

File: d6fa433b1dab58c⋯.jpg (25.33 KB, 1147x552, 1147:552, nl0hnlb4.jpg)


"Markets Like Totalitarian Governments" - Larry Fink CEØ of the entire world, Under Quantum AI, Aladdin

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19658d  No.17673551

File: 56e43fd8082fa9b⋯.jpg (30.45 KB, 1220x611, 1220:611, 16eb33a.jpg)

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4a0b28  No.17673552

File: 4a05d2e2dc49182⋯.jpg (36.14 KB, 572x608, 143:152, hse98315.jpg)


>Didn't Q team say they are not afraid of us?

They're scared now. When the suits see their conscripts (military cannon fodder) getting obliterated what do they do? More money, more weapons. Ya. They'd better learn how to operate a tank. They all better. Seems to me someone's made a decision. It's called operation "nyet".

How do you like it now. Deplorables? I'm not dying of thirst. You might. But I'm not. The LDR tough guy monologue.

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fa46f0  No.17673557

File: d3687a538718cea⋯.jpg (30.75 KB, 1251x602, 1251:602, 5pnn0irdf.jpg)


Spouse anon loves this.

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20027b  No.17673558

File: 5ab8b7c0bec0938⋯.jpg (35.4 KB, 1210x770, 11:7, 403kx2eulayhp7.jpg)


this is not Ezekiel's wheel you are way off

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4d0c57  No.17673559

File: 02a069b5fb17b17⋯.jpg (34.88 KB, 1109x1014, 1109:1014, xi7ex5o.jpg)


Mornin', Swordy!

Blessings upon you and yours, anons, QTeam and operators in the field.

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47f152  No.17673564

File: 667324f6e40e0d2⋯.jpg (26.54 KB, 1068x628, 267:157, w1tg211y.jpg)


and OSS always used to claim he'd "tidy the ship" sorta like when Adolf claimed

"ethnic cleansing"

Didn't use the term as it was intended.


give an example

who else is that directed toward on this Board?


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6b8d9f  No.17673569

File: 1974630acaf8fec⋯.jpg (23.2 KB, 1072x500, 268:125, 6c8qyfyv.jpg)


That collage could have 5000 faces on it. Kek

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ce9deb  No.17673570

File: 6d39d4824d22eab⋯.jpg (37.69 KB, 1210x1100, 11:10, 9it9xq.jpg)




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fbe98c  No.17673575

File: e010a53f598a668⋯.jpg (42.45 KB, 652x675, 652:675, ouvsxz21.jpg)


You understand that no one can hurt me, but i can hurt you all?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

i don't care.

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4d0c57  No.17673578

File: 2f93e84b97bd1cf⋯.jpg (30.52 KB, 1158x699, 386:233, 00x23hbyef.jpg)


you be you - fag

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d65b16  No.17673586

File: 7641b9f3cfdd277⋯.jpg (27.06 KB, 1014x708, 169:118, s6o436.jpg)


i agree Jon Jon for Prez!!!

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877c73  No.17673598

File: 449681469de70d9⋯.jpg (37 KB, 588x616, 21:22, ze3mfr719.jpg)


Whether or not they are a government agency, they've been given a .gov, and they're acting like it. And if the EPA can't make regulations on their own, the the CDC sure the hell shouldn't be! And yet….

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4d0c57  No.17673600

File: 60cd41c7d66a9ed⋯.jpg (28.54 KB, 1149x638, 1149:638, pkixwf.jpg)


the fake nation known as "Israel"

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41a4cb  No.17673601

File: 13c6da2f5931e30⋯.jpg (32.09 KB, 1086x947, 1086:947, 5pvvpbik.jpg)



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663abf  No.17673604

File: f98c83ccf7f34c4⋯.jpg (35.23 KB, 1210x983, 1210:983, bhf3pzizijm.jpg)


>LAPD would never have any mobsters

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d65b16  No.17673608

File: 14cc9d4eebb7f46⋯.jpg (29.58 KB, 1072x648, 134:81, lqwowhw.jpg)


Would that be wise considering all the chemtrails?

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808245  No.17673609

File: 67adcfc767df9a9⋯.jpg (34.06 KB, 999x1121, 999:1121, s63m4erh2.jpg)

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b31ba3  No.17673623

File: 30b169232226028⋯.jpg (31.73 KB, 997x951, 997:951, zopxv2191.jpg)




Why do you all refuse to read what is in front of your faces!

SAVE YOURSELVES and fucking read, for the love of God and Jesus the Christ.

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b060d4  No.17673626

File: 3a73e7363fb3b89⋯.jpg (25.51 KB, 969x645, 323:215, rmqgxgbshhj9.jpg)


>notables are determined by what WE THINK IS IMPORTANT

Who is we?.

You have a 'fren' in your head?

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daf36f  No.17673629

File: fff8fe10029aa2b⋯.jpg (36.23 KB, 1242x796, 621:398, djby3fs1na1r.jpg)


thanks, anon


too small, but thanks anyway, anon

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46ca18  No.17673631

File: 90f168751be9c98⋯.jpg (37.39 KB, 508x701, 508:701, sswsdb90n5.jpg)

Don’t forget

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fbe98c  No.17673634

File: ce1c257dacb23d7⋯.jpg (36.46 KB, 583x621, 583:621, yu6jipn39.jpg)


Nice Cgi

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877c73  No.17673635

File: 1df5de33f38405f⋯.jpg (22.8 KB, 1129x503, 1129:503, 828hqt31bs9rnl.jpg)


I guess we will see very soon

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fa46f0  No.17673636

File: fe55dee315f3ae9⋯.jpg (25.81 KB, 1141x572, 1141:572, 62l4aj0m0h26hb.jpg)

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d65b16  No.17673638

File: d9c550c054a2c3b⋯.jpg (33.27 KB, 1078x995, 1078:995, xy42qp84.jpg)


Thx. I've read the Devolution material, nice if true, not going to get too invested. No way Putin is in control of America or Americans. Suspect anyone pushing that idea may be looking for a way to further discredit, and revive "muh russia" from its shallow grave, so handle with caution.

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b31ba3  No.17673639

File: 7deeca5cf309b2f⋯.jpg (37.33 KB, 1124x1100, 281:275, fbq5rxt.jpg)


Kekked out loud, guud one

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20027b  No.17673642

File: 5800ef709a08fe0⋯.jpg (31.19 KB, 1237x629, 1237:629, 1izy0p2ssfjjpk.jpg)



Pedovores control social services in CA.

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00d7ad  No.17673645

File: aa553def7c342cd⋯.jpg (30.01 KB, 1283x582, 1283:582, yu2at6l7a9b.jpg)


Rare pic of the hide the sausage champion.

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6b8d9f  No.17673649

File: c347d69526620ab⋯.jpg (25.09 KB, 1185x571, 1185:571, vnf62teyzq3och.jpg)


But did you know you can cook shrimp by just putting it into lemon juice for awhile? (Ceviche)

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4d0c57  No.17673656

File: c586579e3503c6f⋯.jpg (43.86 KB, 707x619, 707:619, e7bvn9eg3p.jpg)

The Algorithm can't keep up with itself.

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fa46f0  No.17673657

File: 8887c58f1809cae⋯.jpg (27.23 KB, 1050x563, 1050:563, 9vm57b5d7.jpg)


It's no fun being an illegal alien

wwoooo we got ourselves a brand new alien!

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d65b16  No.17673658

File: ae8c9be567e820a⋯.jpg (33.79 KB, 513x588, 171:196, qs1dxag.jpg)

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41a4cb  No.17673660

File: a671c3ddec66f5b⋯.jpg (34.66 KB, 1097x791, 1097:791, j5xujcgi.jpg)

An FDA panel is about to convene next week to approve CV19 shots for CHILDREN 6 MONTHS - 4 YEARS OLD.

Deadline for comments is June 7th, but they will take late submissions until June 13th.

Agenda: The meeting presentations will be heard, viewed, captioned, and recorded through an online teleconferencing platform. On June 14, 2022, under Topic 1, the committee will meet in open session to discuss amending the EUA of the Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine to include the administration of the primary series to children and adolescents 6 years through 17 years of age. On June 15, 2022, under Topic II, the committee will meet in open session to discuss amending the EUA of the Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine to include the administration of the primary series to infants and children 6 months through 5 years of age and to discuss amending the EUA of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine to include the administration of the primary series to infants and CHILDREN 6 MONTHS through 4 years of age.

World Council for Health Urgent Message:


FDA Notice; establishment of a public docket; request for comments:


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20027b  No.17673662

File: 4a390cfae28952b⋯.jpg (31.06 KB, 1183x747, 1183:747, ynx1eg4.jpg)


My great grandmother who lived in South Dakota, said you could read outside at night, like there was a bright fullmoon out.

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daf36f  No.17673665

File: f77e8439a6db1f3⋯.jpg (31.79 KB, 999x1054, 999:1054, ace798.jpg)


fuck you, you sorry little bitch

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47f152  No.17673667

File: d6a621486538882⋯.jpg (29.82 KB, 1037x891, 1037:891, q9lh1umw.jpg)

Interdasting General Flynn Shirt color yesterday.


Also yesterday Bannon was commenting on Dave Brat's attire, all white, and of note, Himself always wearing the color black. 3 black shirts

Now check Bannons' Gettr, and last night

strike colors

Invokes John Paul Jones

Yesterday evening, Bannon Gettr posts:

Steve Bannon




‘We have not yet begun to fight’

John Paul Jones

23 September 1779

Shouted to the Captain of HMS Serapis upon the request to Captain Jones to strike his colors and surrender the Bonhomme Richard


Judge rejects Steve Bannon's motion to throw out contempt of Congress charges

The left looks like a never-ending stream of Wile E Coyote chasing after the elusive Road Runner while they are trying to chase down Steve Bannon. What is most interesting is that while Bannon both deflects the attacks, he also helps get out the vote…


Posted on 8:01 PM · Jun 16th, 2022




>Q-Clock June 16, 2022: ALL HANDS ON DECK

Get the sense this is related

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fd3011  No.17673668

File: a6d4e3963b7ad60⋯.jpg (33.41 KB, 1177x725, 1177:725, 61lj2u8o3c1d.jpg)


Sounds good.

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fbe98c  No.17673673

File: 2dd90556bb1a2f0⋯.jpg (35.01 KB, 1112x1106, 556:553, 2euftffasvk.jpg)


There really is no helping you is there.

Maybe it's brain damage.

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877c73  No.17673676

File: 6980213844e07f3⋯.jpg (33.6 KB, 499x600, 499:600, 3nlpgir0uhcrum.jpg)


>Anons being called out.


He does a show with 412anon and Quitefrankly

He has to explain that first

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808245  No.17673677

File: 69f06a38128cc68⋯.jpg (38.44 KB, 1220x1093, 1220:1093, 7bud15pq2qzm.jpg)


that chair looks terrible, and can't she use the vacuum cleaner every now and again?

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4d0c57  No.17673679

File: fe1f64102d4537b⋯.jpg (36.69 KB, 502x662, 251:331, e6wkevre7v.jpg)

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20027b  No.17673683

File: a9e7f0489bc0f50⋯.jpg (29.94 KB, 1227x602, 1227:602, tzjwl5c2xl45.jpg)


turned her back on MAGA!

Crimes against Humanity.

Down she goes.

Nobody escapes this.


These people are SICK.

These people HATE America.

I tried to tell them.

I tried to warn them.

They were warned.

Lets keep Playing…

The World is WATCHING.

The World is CONNECTED.





WE are ALL Patriots.


Where We Go One, we go all.

Trump's silent running…

The Panic is real.



Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming





How far down the RABBIT HOLE do you want to go?

Where is EPSTEIN being held?











Roe vs Wade

We are "THE KIDS"



These evil wicked ones will be exposed and die without BABIES


[THEY] show signs of emotional outbursts without human baby ADRENALINZE blood, and young flesh & ADRENACHROME!!!!

DD = Dangerous Dragons







Who is W.H.O.

Protect your children, and your neighbors children & help others.



Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ are here, and in full control.

Wonderful Activities & Arrests going on behind the scences.

President Trump caught them ALL RED_RED_HANDED.

Vice President Kennedy Jr. has ALL the evidence WW for courts

Truths are about to come to LIGHT that will upset & shock you.




Already many clones operators in high school & gov. positions.


Military is the only way.

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663abf  No.17673684

File: 625db6f245cb073⋯.jpg (22.31 KB, 971x555, 971:555, pilwa95fjr7v90.jpg)

There is only one world under God.

The only leader you can Trust.

Nwo of God, a heaven for all…

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47f152  No.17673690

File: 92d073ff3ecc0a9⋯.jpg (30.27 KB, 992x919, 992:919, 4rw608zdbaasxx.jpg)


Ok Chaim McRectumShekels

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b060d4  No.17673692

File: 857d1e54f7abf64⋯.jpg (27 KB, 1027x661, 1027:661, b6b3fhkcbg.jpg)


Different Pill for Different Folks. Many who have been sheltered so far would be horrified and shocked to learn that beloved stars and favorite politicians are involved in nasty stuff. Some will be electrified by realizations of how deep the corruption of our political system has become. Some will be moved by understanding the attacks on science and the healing industries. I fear that many of us are getting jaded and numb to the horrors that we forget how bad it is.

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877c73  No.17673695

File: d6e558b4685c051⋯.jpg (32.15 KB, 1099x737, 1099:737, dcl4b997z4c.jpg)


The accuracy of this

*chef's kiss*

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fa46f0  No.17673699

File: 0d1a9d3ce938d23⋯.jpg (32.85 KB, 1015x1039, 1015:1039, hkcgafg4gc0.jpg)


I like patches

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00d7ad  No.17673706

File: 6f09d7a6e00ff29⋯.jpg (32.88 KB, 1200x905, 240:181, byietyce0op7k3.jpg)

DATELINE: Canuckistan

Federal ethics commissioner flooded with emails calling for investigation into WEF conspiracy

The messages accuse Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and other MPs of being under the shadowy influence of the World Economic Forum

Jun 01, 2022

The messages accuse Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and other MPs of being under the shadowy influence of the World Economic Forum

OTTAWA – The federal ethics commissioner’s office was flooded with over 1,000 emails, calls, letters and even faxes this winter from people asking it to investigate a conspiracy theory claiming some parliamentarians and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland are beholden to the World Economic Forum.

“In February and March 2022, the Office received over 1,000 requests from members of the public asking the Commissioner to investigate the participation of Members and ministers in the World Economic Forum,” says a short line in the Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner’s (CIEC) latest annual report published Monday.

The document notes that the requests “did not provide sufficient evidence to warrant an investigation.”

But the CIEC is just the latest government institution to see its email and phone lines flooded with people driven by “misinformation” or conspiracy theories demanding impossible action such as dissolving government or removing members of Parliament from their posts…

CIEC director of communications Melanie Rushworth said communications, mostly by email but sometimes by call, letter and even fax, began arriving at the office at the end of February and poured in until early March.

It quickly became evident to her staff that this wasa coordinated campaign,as all the messages seemed taken from the same template accusing Freeland and other MPs of being under the shadowy influence of the World Economic Forum (WEF)…

The conspiracy theory claims that WEF’s influence extends to the Canadian government and that it controls the Trudeau Liberal government — and even the prime minister directly.

Recent discourse from politicians like Maxime Bernier or Conservative leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre — who recently promised that if he is elected prime minister he would not permit his ministers to attend a WEF meeting — is feeding the theory, saiddisinformation expert Carmen Celestini, who teaches a course on conspiracy theories at the University of Waterloo.

“By fostering that discussion, saying, ‘Well, we won’t do that,’ you’re giving validation and credence to this idea of the great reset,” she said…

full article @:


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21370b  No.17673709

File: 4bde1deded58e1c⋯.jpg (27.24 KB, 999x699, 333:233, ewswlbkng0.jpg)




Roscosmos and NASA signed an l agreement of cooperation!

Hooray for humanity.



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ce9deb  No.17673718

File: a4d548221fabb76⋯.jpg (39.02 KB, 727x511, 727:511, f93qi4lodj.jpg)


usually i'd say yes but there are some sketchy dudes around these parts

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ef4256  No.17673719

File: 18e749876a59cc3⋯.jpg (33.33 KB, 1075x998, 1075:998, lak7vix.jpg)


This place is fun but really have to reatrded to not think a is anything but more distraction from vax murder and retardation.

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808245  No.17673720

File: 6406ff11db413c5⋯.jpg (30.32 KB, 544x499, 544:499, 6lll8o.jpg)


It's ebots retarded uncle.

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fa46f0  No.17673721

File: 8853b59c957ba63⋯.jpg (35.96 KB, 1273x805, 1273:805, au0ucckjwjq5.jpg)


David J Harris Jr, [12.06.22 10:30]

“So Delicious! House Of Coxx” Performs For NC Kids, Exclusive Report LGBTQ Festival As Seen By Undercover Moms [VIDEO]

READ: https://djhjmedia.com/kari/so-delicious-house-of-coxx-performs-for-nc-kids-exclusive-nc-apex-lgbtq-festival-as-seen-by-undercover-moms-video/

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4d0c57  No.17673722

File: c1c2f01424dae17⋯.jpg (22.79 KB, 1175x539, 1175:539, hdvrm6c3qh9h.jpg)

It takes a generous and humble person to give *you* a gift on their birthday

Happy Birthday Clarence Thomas


tim pool gave clarence thomas a (you)

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d1be1c  No.17673723

File: b2289fd207f3983⋯.jpg (23.65 KB, 1060x534, 530:267, 7p72dbo.jpg)


kek you triggered, division shill? Yeah, you triggered. Q said the deep state would send shills our way. You will NOT divide us.

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d65b16  No.17673725

File: b1d188d99ec2978⋯.jpg (33.34 KB, 1162x954, 581:477, 32yvkh154.jpg)


Whats a didlo

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daf36f  No.17673726

File: 41e5b1b4a13a29f⋯.jpg (27.16 KB, 1206x601, 1206:601, dirdjiun.jpg)





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Davit Harutyunyan

Minister of Justice


In office


Deputy minister of justice

In office


Personal details

Born March 5, 1963 (age 59)

Yerevan, Armenia

Nationality Armenian

Davit Harutyunyan (also transliterated as David) (Armenian: Դավիթ Էդոնիսի Հարությունյան; born March 5, 1963 in Yerevan)[1] is an Armenian politician who served as the deputy Minister of Justice from 1997 to 1998, and as Minister of Justice from 1998 to 2007.[1] He was first elected to the Armenian parliament in 1995.

In 2006, Forbes magazine listed him as the 10th-richest person in Armenia. [1]

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20027b  No.17673727

File: 55546e7a134b4ce⋯.jpg (44.06 KB, 634x705, 634:705, p3oiwqsvzkn5.jpg)



>Exactly 5 yrs & 5 months


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663abf  No.17673729

File: dc5446067da4c4e⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 505x702, 505:702, 5rhfrokc1h.jpg)

Stumbled on this earlier today. It's a repost on YT of an old History show about doomsday prophets other than Nostradamus.

This was made 10 years ago to take advantage of the 2012 fears.

Edgar Cayce, Joseph Smith, Fr. Malachi…

Play it in the background and realize that they are talking about NOW. Especially the last part about the end popes. The 112th Pope is the last one. They were on the 111th when this made.

Francis is the 112th and when he is ended, it's all coming down.

Francis is retiring.

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21370b  No.17673730

File: abde5642f19a326⋯.jpg (32.06 KB, 1042x776, 521:388, bm5n1eeusw1c.jpg)


Maybe he's using Tide to wash his clothes. *gasp* Watch the water?! Maybe his clothes are dirty from playing with dogs. Dog comms?!

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b060d4  No.17673735

File: 893fcec1c5118d0⋯.jpg (32.72 KB, 1126x920, 563:460, u4i9ycdwq.jpg)


No No No

Know Know Know

Nein Nein Nein

I said aligned with the Living God.

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7206b8  No.17673736

File: ae11eeb5e8daf83⋯.jpg (35.33 KB, 1141x791, 163:113, hgod5r9rj8.jpg)

Irish TV presenter Aideen Kennedy dies aged 43 after terminal illness


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fbe98c  No.17673739

File: 9746c02109176c6⋯.jpg (29.08 KB, 1097x678, 1097:678, c6hgltwgy.jpg)


Sumbitch!! Was it really FOUR YEARS AGO I was up arguing late one night with Q over their piddly 20% reveal?

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ce9deb  No.17673740

File: 126639021cac4c9⋯.jpg (33.29 KB, 1208x897, 1208:897, gwrdv69b.jpg)


Was sagt die Kuh?

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808245  No.17673741

File: 7459979c7391227⋯.jpg (34.99 KB, 659x524, 659:524, rfhj60bsrwkza.jpg)

Jew Lie Forth

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d1be1c  No.17673747

File: 63878c164d25a17⋯.jpg (28.6 KB, 1205x574, 1205:574, znagyaa6.jpg)

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00d7ad  No.17673749

File: bda28b2c61676ea⋯.jpg (39.72 KB, 694x564, 347:282, x32w4xehqr.jpg)


and he wore garters and lace and liked old cheese

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663abf  No.17673752

File: 0e7386f2b223011⋯.jpg (38.88 KB, 525x723, 175:241, ue5m7jyvjpw47r.jpg)

Welcome to Q Research General

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46ca18  No.17673760

File: 7e9d9d6069371b4⋯.jpg (30.93 KB, 1010x918, 505:459, 93exh1xrbpw.jpg)


I C…

Old building, royal fam on balcony.

SHE is in blue, not Blue/yellow but blue /white?

I see grandkids,

Where is sone, charlie?

Far away…

SHE stands above a keystone, 2 crowns on either side

but that just me.

Whatcha got?


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ce9deb  No.17673762

File: 7091de97816ab93⋯.jpg (23.08 KB, 1124x508, 281:127, 122zztw.jpg)


I'd like a Blow-and-Go from the Kelly Bundy clone in the center.

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daf36f  No.17673767

File: 54c4e3371108056⋯.jpg (24.11 KB, 1157x538, 1157:538, zdsweniom3n.jpg)


We, in Romania don't parade for stoopidity.

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00d7ad  No.17673770

File: 33a04f7d48b63d4⋯.jpg (35.46 KB, 1053x1076, 1053:1076, sqlqm6moy0.jpg)


((('move on')))

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fd3011  No.17673778

File: 4f38d322bcf435a⋯.jpg (44.42 KB, 702x666, 39:37, fnqs2furlhxqs.jpg)


Come on, Capt, yes, for God's Sake!

I could actually count how many times you've asked us already.

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46ca18  No.17673781

File: da39a59e07ea118⋯.jpg (30.3 KB, 1185x717, 395:239, c4ku11.jpg)


does this tie in with amazon's encrypted chat thing somehow?

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ce9deb  No.17673785

File: 660fa5619734f82⋯.jpg (24.38 KB, 1092x551, 1092:551, 0y5rqpa1.jpg)



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d65b16  No.17673790

File: 1c4043fc90f3c16⋯.jpg (31.54 KB, 1167x695, 1167:695, 1i6uubwlfovs.jpg)

What did Nancy know and when did she know it?

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00d7ad  No.17673791

File: e9b0b5d012df094⋯.jpg (30.2 KB, 554x497, 554:497, djysua.jpg)

I knew Q would come back.

I'm watching Star Trek: The Next Generation and the other night the episode that was on was Deja Q.

Then I realized that on 6/23/2022 the numbers added to 17.

Then that lead me to these posts.

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20027b  No.17673795

File: 49cff532b5db198⋯.jpg (31.57 KB, 510x528, 85:88, vjg4qieyx5pz.jpg)



Wrong - What's at stake is Trump not being able to run for president again.

That's the whole point behind the J6 nonsense.

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46ca18  No.17673804

File: 1433ee59f2c03c7⋯.jpg (32.2 KB, 1201x700, 1201:700, o398y2phvcckpu.jpg)


no thats fine

you can have all the ebakes you like

o shit

the bread we are posting in right now

a fucking ebake

many such cases

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fbe98c  No.17673807

File: 4675966c83ab7a5⋯.jpg (46.33 KB, 669x726, 223:242, 0xa3v18ibiv22.jpg)


тнеır plan

proceeding apace

eventually, men must stand

alone or together is the only

known unknown

it will likely be alone

as they control the comms

and courts

łкцнכ мıяפ

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47f152  No.17673819

File: adedbd29caa8782⋯.jpg (23.71 KB, 1000x516, 250:129, a4ljy4c0.jpg)

Those who use trauma, pain and misery to maintain power are to be exposed and face justice.

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663abf  No.17673824

File: ed72209fa97d53c⋯.jpg (23.49 KB, 1034x528, 47:24, catlstwmea1.jpg)


Is COVID the reason for the season?

Ask Piglisi.

She gave Biden the kiss of death.

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46ca18  No.17673827

File: 1d40fb5f4be9a67⋯.jpg (23.49 KB, 1021x523, 1021:523, qdtgahuh6.jpg)


Use their weapons against them.

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808245  No.17673829

File: 204d1da37e4dd13⋯.jpg (32.41 KB, 1144x730, 572:365, 3mfwa4.jpg)

Reminder 👀 :

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot


You are loved and blessed


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41a4cb  No.17673831

File: 04aed5b52299be0⋯.jpg (36 KB, 1273x795, 1273:795, qaxpqic1p0eq.jpg)



The 1936 All American Soap Box Derby

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4d0c57  No.17673832

File: 98749a445d1ed93⋯.jpg (30.86 KB, 1081x937, 1081:937, zn39983g4vte.jpg)

Hey Guy you want some sniffy?

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daf36f  No.17673833

File: 375516f34d19d99⋯.jpg (31.05 KB, 1032x944, 129:118, d28zggnpi8.jpg)

I bet every democrat knows what blaze is.

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ce9deb  No.17673834

File: b559b248fb51222⋯.jpg (40.42 KB, 578x683, 578:683, 9zja07.jpg)


Look for the Tor posts

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6b8d9f  No.17673837

File: 9a4b646a5e7eb15⋯.jpg (31.57 KB, 539x514, 539:514, vwix2ey4tw.jpg)


Someone needs to put some junk in that pancake assed trunk.

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00d7ad  No.17673839

File: 0c667e6fea801dc⋯.jpg (25.55 KB, 1090x602, 545:301, a0ls40icvzywd.jpg)


I´m with you baker

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3b073a  No.17673840

File: 10590be997cf3ff⋯.jpg (24.12 KB, 1104x530, 552:265, 7hxix9cmjxe.jpg)



But ain't nothing against a beautiful corn-fed Iowa girl.

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47f152  No.17673842

File: 6ae1a736204e2b1⋯.jpg (26.16 KB, 995x700, 199:140, 5ecmc0z.jpg)


Tail-gunner Joe watching our six.

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877c73  No.17673843

File: 9f08d2ffc20ea55⋯.jpg (32.97 KB, 1117x955, 1117:955, 47hqtek1qmhao.jpg)


That won't work there are too many women who want to get pregnant and wont be able to.

They will see the connection.

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7206b8  No.17673848

File: f69eae5ce76789a⋯.jpg (33.42 KB, 984x1086, 164:181, wxzvuxps61.jpg)

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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808245  No.17673850

File: 1cf8e26493fb0e2⋯.jpg (23.72 KB, 1148x505, 1148:505, x8j1kw95npc5.jpg)


>but appreciate the help anyways

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ce9deb  No.17673855

File: d94d3452828cbb7⋯.jpg (23.96 KB, 997x594, 997:594, k0uuqd.jpg)


Oh No. An anons friend on /pol/ says that they are going to take the guns.

Must be true.

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fa46f0  No.17673857

File: febd2a724342230⋯.jpg (37.16 KB, 635x583, 635:583, tl9v46fjj2wwh.jpg)

You can change. Whenever you want. Tat tvam asi.

Time, time, time

See what's become of me

Time, time, time

See what's become of me

While I looked around for my possibilities

I was so hard to please

Look around

Leaves are brown

And the sky is a hazy shade of winter

Hear the Salvation Army band

Down by the riverside

It's bound to be a better ride than what you've got planned

Carry a cup in your hand

Look around

Leaves are brown

And the sky is a hazy shade of winter

Hang onto your hopes, my friend

That's an easy thing to say, but if your hopes should pass away

Simply pretend

That you can build them again

Look around

Grass is high

Fields are ripe

It's the springtime of my life

Seasons change with the scenery

Weaving time in a tapestry

Won't you stop and remember me?

Look around

Leaves are brown

And the sky is a hazy shade of winter

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00d7ad  No.17673861

File: 71ec675b6c33bd5⋯.jpg (31.13 KB, 1034x931, 1034:931, xc2jvber.jpg)


I knew that would smoke one of you out.

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20027b  No.17673862

File: 0bcbc6728e6eeb1⋯.jpg (32.69 KB, 1259x639, 1259:639, yk5pn6oa5nla0r.jpg)


Which one?

And what Q post here told us to follow that account there?

Without Q's direction here to go there… isn't that just outside comms?

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3b073a  No.17673863

File: c785b52d746c091⋯.jpg (31.44 KB, 1161x652, 1161:652, nmqbvlp6cdmy.jpg)


Best POTUS ever!

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47f152  No.17673864

File: b62ae08203b33da⋯.jpg (31.13 KB, 1224x623, 1224:623, 7j1a1n4tdgn.jpg)

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663abf  No.17673869

File: 7d1de8fb82642a1⋯.jpg (36.05 KB, 575x622, 575:622, 2cg0e53zwxo.jpg)

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b060d4  No.17673873

File: 957785eb8e130a4⋯.jpg (34.33 KB, 704x487, 704:487, wijnag.jpg)


looks very Q-like-esque.


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41a4cb  No.17673875

File: 5c113ccb8239c4a⋯.jpg (31.97 KB, 1143x892, 1143:892, 5l14yjl0x.jpg)


Yeah, that's Bill Gates.

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6b8d9f  No.17673882

File: 25cadf9081f7262⋯.jpg (31.1 KB, 1030x895, 206:179, 40p451j5nqmvo.jpg)


might be the most coherent thing ever to emit from this character's large mouth.

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00d7ad  No.17673883

File: 4b6ee05a6f3bf97⋯.jpg (23.71 KB, 1014x573, 338:191, opkl0k.jpg)



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b060d4  No.17673895

File: cb847f2473f3701⋯.jpg (34.99 KB, 1185x978, 395:326, m2jcr8ws6.jpg)


When leverage goes out, it takes Everything wid it.

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daf36f  No.17673899

File: 69061d8636817e9⋯.jpg (35.76 KB, 1152x1022, 576:511, ogza0my0yoyt.jpg)

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00d7ad  No.17673906

File: e63de028b595971⋯.jpg (32 KB, 1114x708, 557:354, uyrkzbol1siqd.jpg)



09/10/2018 17:46:53

8chan/qresearch: 2964129


09/10/2018 17:37:52

8chan/qresearch: 2964015

Help anons. I don't understand delta. According to this graphic, POTUS posted at 12:35 and Q at 14:35. Isn't that 2:00 time difference? So how is it 0:00 delta? Somebody 'splain to old fag pls. Thx


Graphics showing [2] time zones.

Update requested.



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6b8d9f  No.17673907

File: 71f324327fc1ccc⋯.jpg (45.5 KB, 695x687, 695:687, zugdxbslfhr.jpg)


It's ackshyually about how Trump showed on election night 2020 that he knew they cheated.

The problem is it already created a letdown for those that thought he'd act on it then.

They risk being letdown a second time thinking it can be used for a new datefag 2 moar weeks scenario now.

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20027b  No.17673909

File: 72a7fc360abe44e⋯.jpg (27.92 KB, 1143x572, 1143:572, n3wvijq6gf2nz.jpg)

They tookallof the weapons away in gun free zones.

We see how that doesn't work.

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663abf  No.17673915

File: 7e26896c49ddefc⋯.jpg (29.52 KB, 1190x714, 5:3, 2zi62p6s9nk.jpg)

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fbe98c  No.17673916

File: ffb5939ac42df2e⋯.jpg (25.71 KB, 1090x607, 1090:607, g956hgycbkgi.jpg)


You are as bad as freddy and every namefag put together. This is not your fb page. Lurk!

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fa46f0  No.17673920

File: 2da005dbd201cf5⋯.jpg (39.14 KB, 724x525, 724:525, 39lvqtwn.jpg)


if true, isn't NOW the time to put our foot on their throat and finish them off once and for all? why give them time to recover, regroup, rethink, replan, rearm, and return to the offensive?


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6b8d9f  No.17673927

File: d1349b2e5ab0089⋯.jpg (32.52 KB, 1161x697, 1161:697, ot1n7p9y3t.jpg)


Not for this anon it's not.

Could it be possible that some auto filter is in play?

Anon finds that hard to believe, but will clear all filters (heaven help anon) and report back

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20027b  No.17673929

File: 501a6fc052991ab⋯.jpg (26.95 KB, 996x697, 996:697, xbnr9bp.jpg)


witches bitching about witching….

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ef4256  No.17673935

File: 3949a30e1647b89⋯.jpg (25.71 KB, 1128x638, 564:319, a2bwzuls6g.jpg)


Move to Canada then quitter

Or stay here and fight

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fbe98c  No.17673938

File: 56854542005a6ab⋯.jpg (24.25 KB, 1143x555, 381:185, 4h9g99z.jpg)


Dont survive… THRIVE!!!

Look around you, WHAT IS CALLING YOU… or is waiting for YOUR CALL…

Remember your purpose can only be done with YOUR ACTIONS…

FREEWILL is one HELLUVA thing…

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4d0c57  No.17673943

File: 10ff36307da3272⋯.jpg (35.27 KB, 486x721, 486:721, sdgx6qtzfzc.jpg)


I’m just glad I finally found a place (8kun) where people agree with me.

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47f152  No.17673947

File: ffa195456b1b938⋯.jpg (22.31 KB, 1051x536, 1051:536, c6iiffv6k.jpg)


was it a thong?

don't remember

thanks God

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6b8d9f  No.17673950

File: 24daf0de81e0c56⋯.jpg (27.46 KB, 1128x649, 1128:649, r3tq1upxonqhz.jpg)


Imagine how nice life would be if we didnt have to support these retarded parasites

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3b073a  No.17673951

File: 4c9a95ac7198f53⋯.jpg (34.17 KB, 504x620, 126:155, fldqecnyw.jpg)


I ain't tempting fate, and I'm not dumb

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808245  No.17673956

File: c62d4b019c74ad8⋯.jpg (29.23 KB, 999x925, 27:25, c7mvcslk.jpg)


Imagine the smell…

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daf36f  No.17673958

File: caa59a6e21151f9⋯.jpg (23.14 KB, 989x546, 989:546, dzwqhvz6bjhi2.jpg)


right on, bruh

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21370b  No.17673970

File: 7996058a22ff1e1⋯.jpg (24.32 KB, 1030x605, 206:121, fqxajc.jpg)

Thanqs very much


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fa5f3d  No.17673976

Dick badger, your game is weak and you're slow af atm.

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fd3011  No.17673978

File: 06dba7279ed1e09⋯.jpg (30.94 KB, 1246x625, 1246:625, 457iw4mljd4a6.jpg)

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d1be1c  No.17673999

File: d2d52ba55dc10e7⋯.jpg (32.02 KB, 1104x1018, 552:509, eecr3ez63lj.jpg)


do not force one to harry you

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7206b8  No.17674003

File: b8b9aecda8280cb⋯.jpg (35.37 KB, 1172x1079, 1172:1079, pek3cx2ha231k4.jpg)


>borken record

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ef4256  No.17674008

File: 649c795f7dc0618⋯.jpg (37.33 KB, 1109x1109, 1:1, yoljo8.jpg)


will watch, thx anon

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663abf  No.17674009

File: 349c454251d81a5⋯.jpg (32.37 KB, 533x570, 533:570, ov2cxbh8bru60y.jpg)



Bad news for Jim Watkins; commercial spam laws only apply to emails.

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d65b16  No.17674011

File: ca0adf3053b29f1⋯.jpg (32.75 KB, 1179x677, 1179:677, idittrqvl7.jpg)


>QFS XRP RV Gesara Nesara

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47f152  No.17674013

File: de79ad4cd259f60⋯.jpg (30.58 KB, 1195x726, 1195:726, 16xsy87jse6day.jpg)


And these idiots better watch their backs.

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3b073a  No.17674020

File: cdb06ae1b226bb6⋯.jpg (32.96 KB, 1026x1022, 513:511, cg86hfs.jpg)


Bill Barr was the bondo, John Durham was the spray paint.

Accurate article from Emerald Robinson 👇


Durham Played You For A Fool!

John Durham and Bill Barr finally ran out of the clock on Spygate. Why are you surprised?

1:27 PM · Jun 25, 2022·Twitter Web App

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fa46f0  No.17674024

File: e65f359f5ca51ef⋯.jpg (31.65 KB, 1104x757, 1104:757, oqkld5.jpg)


>why did Doge


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fbe98c  No.17674025

File: a4b6e0f93e2a2fa⋯.jpg (30.92 KB, 1066x745, 1066:745, 6bvkreeu.jpg)


I am so out o touch with normi land but i understand a lot o women got caught up in this for whatever reason… mom sis girlfriend…. a respect the perspective given in the vid hard for me as a man to relate on some level the female perspective open many doors ANONS

ex att VID

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877c73  No.17674027

File: 28ce314da440a5c⋯.jpg (35.3 KB, 1131x1117, 1131:1117, u1cj9kfywx830.jpg)



And just like that, trespassing is a minor offense again at the capitol.


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ce9deb  No.17674031

File: d284feb36a6a0b2⋯.jpg (28.63 KB, 1044x656, 261:164, 3w6jomp.jpg)


i got this, I like tight buns

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20027b  No.17674039

File: 94b2d867c8bd7b0⋯.jpg (27.7 KB, 1172x586, 2:1, 5hc41uh3.jpg)


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7206b8  No.17674044

File: 407caf51183047a⋯.jpg (29.5 KB, 1153x679, 1153:679, 8gndluci8.jpg)


Shill fail

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877c73  No.17674048

File: ed97738abdbb51c⋯.jpg (32.37 KB, 1193x691, 1193:691, 6cr3w99s2s3.jpg)


>She went to Christopher Newport University

>CNU President Paul Trible

He was congressman and senator from VA…was on Iran Contra committee hearings…see CSPAN records, throwing softball questions to Lt. Dan.

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4d0c57  No.17674050

File: a4a1c8260ce99da⋯.jpg (36.29 KB, 1187x1068, 1187:1068, 0bqzexj.jpg)


thankfully, haven't encountered this. have former military buddies who've died of heart attacks. old friend's dad getting wicked cancer after vax, below 120 lbs and dropping. woman miscarrying.

evil. pray

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21370b  No.17674055

File: 0eb627e064787bc⋯.jpg (35.24 KB, 529x669, 529:669, p4b7pynive6k.jpg)


Thats why they compare all their i inside jobs like Jan 6 to pearl Harbor and 911

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808245  No.17674058

File: 564c16e106830c3⋯.jpg (30.76 KB, 1133x697, 1133:697, fh8hvfjl7i.jpg)

never promote bad behaviour.

only time to think.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!



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6b8d9f  No.17674059

File: 966a20525a3a1d8⋯.jpg (34.89 KB, 1156x982, 578:491, g03ebl73u6ulv.jpg)


If only.

Makes sense why shes keeping it a secret. Everyone would yell at her for not using her teleportation skillz to get the shot kids out

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41a4cb  No.17674064

File: c2b01e5a5daf475⋯.jpg (24.87 KB, 977x596, 977:596, fe3xchzzbotd4.jpg)


From a very shallow, minimal dataset, and we have failed outlook, your armchair QB take probably seems valid to you.

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fbe98c  No.17674071

File: b4a696caa0b937a⋯.jpg (23.53 KB, 1061x543, 1061:543, co348kd.jpg)



Ummmm…it's vice versa now fren

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663abf  No.17674076

File: 72a1f521b828f21⋯.jpg (36.96 KB, 589x621, 589:621, tbu5p0mwv.jpg)


That "10% for the Big Guy" first came into vogue when Tony Bobulinski's Interview with Tucker aired just a couple days before DJT's election (as far as I know).

The popular implication then, and the understanding since, has largely been that Sleepy Joe was "the Big Guy". That may not have been the case.

Another reality check for normie may well be that 'the big guy' was in fact Barry, the scandal-free Boss of Sleepy Joe.

Knowing how [they] operate, does anybody really think that 'too dumb to construct a sentence' really flew all over the world as Barry's VP and he was not due his cut?

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00d7ad  No.17674080

File: 4213f88f1f9d034⋯.jpg (30.48 KB, 1108x646, 554:323, 7ja6cgk.jpg)


Laugh at them.

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fd3011  No.17674085

File: a66f90dbff6d7bc⋯.jpg (29.4 KB, 1067x944, 1067:944, bvhx94nob8uji.jpg)


That arror point makes anon's nose recoil as if someone wiped shit on anon's upper lip.


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41a4cb  No.17674086

File: eb68dc581d63d20⋯.jpg (28.71 KB, 1255x562, 1255:562, qce3cvsuf.jpg)


Police in Greenville, South Carolina are tasing and arresting pro-choice protesters

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fbe98c  No.17674093

File: 007231f339ab74f⋯.jpg (30.25 KB, 1050x698, 525:349, nmrbby3exjk.jpg)

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b060d4  No.17674094

File: 1a887a4deef6a4b⋯.jpg (35.92 KB, 1062x1122, 177:187, eewlc9gw20m2i.jpg)

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663abf  No.17674100

File: c37d6a19eaa685c⋯.jpg (29.56 KB, 1201x623, 1201:623, 4k8am4pn.jpg)


Regret Isn’t Rare: The Dangerous Lie of Sex Change Surgery’s Success

Transgender advocates have worked to create a false narrative, hoodwinking the world into believing that no one ever has regrets from a surgical change of gender. They say the transgender ideology they promote is harmless, safe, even beneficial. But what happens when we dismiss the rhetoric, look at the research, and apply basic critical thinking? We see the reports of success fade and those of regret rise.

Shortly after undergoing sex change surgery, most people report feeling better. Over time, however, the initial euphoria wears off. The distress returns, but this time it is exacerbated by having a body that is irrevocably molded to look like the opposite gender.


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6b8d9f  No.17674102

File: 07576c1c4f1460e⋯.jpg (25.94 KB, 1062x654, 177:109, r16dp3xffd0m.jpg)


Yes & Yes.

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