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File: 85e1a416f1ddab7⋯.jpg (320.84 KB, 910x607, 910:607, 85e1a416f1ddab7c17d54f0e4c….jpg)

7109f8  No.17668953 [View All]

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.






702 posts and 694 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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00d7ad  No.17673883

File: 4b6ee05a6f3bf97⋯.jpg (23.71 KB, 1014x573, 338:191, opkl0k.jpg)



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b060d4  No.17673895

File: cb847f2473f3701⋯.jpg (34.99 KB, 1185x978, 395:326, m2jcr8ws6.jpg)


When leverage goes out, it takes Everything wid it.

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daf36f  No.17673899

File: 69061d8636817e9⋯.jpg (35.76 KB, 1152x1022, 576:511, ogza0my0yoyt.jpg)

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00d7ad  No.17673906

File: e63de028b595971⋯.jpg (32 KB, 1114x708, 557:354, uyrkzbol1siqd.jpg)



09/10/2018 17:46:53

8chan/qresearch: 2964129


09/10/2018 17:37:52

8chan/qresearch: 2964015

Help anons. I don't understand delta. According to this graphic, POTUS posted at 12:35 and Q at 14:35. Isn't that 2:00 time difference? So how is it 0:00 delta? Somebody 'splain to old fag pls. Thx


Graphics showing [2] time zones.

Update requested.



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6b8d9f  No.17673907

File: 71f324327fc1ccc⋯.jpg (45.5 KB, 695x687, 695:687, zugdxbslfhr.jpg)


It's ackshyually about how Trump showed on election night 2020 that he knew they cheated.

The problem is it already created a letdown for those that thought he'd act on it then.

They risk being letdown a second time thinking it can be used for a new datefag 2 moar weeks scenario now.

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20027b  No.17673909

File: 72a7fc360abe44e⋯.jpg (27.92 KB, 1143x572, 1143:572, n3wvijq6gf2nz.jpg)

They tookallof the weapons away in gun free zones.

We see how that doesn't work.

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663abf  No.17673915

File: 7e26896c49ddefc⋯.jpg (29.52 KB, 1190x714, 5:3, 2zi62p6s9nk.jpg)

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fbe98c  No.17673916

File: ffb5939ac42df2e⋯.jpg (25.71 KB, 1090x607, 1090:607, g956hgycbkgi.jpg)


You are as bad as freddy and every namefag put together. This is not your fb page. Lurk!

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fa46f0  No.17673920

File: 2da005dbd201cf5⋯.jpg (39.14 KB, 724x525, 724:525, 39lvqtwn.jpg)


if true, isn't NOW the time to put our foot on their throat and finish them off once and for all? why give them time to recover, regroup, rethink, replan, rearm, and return to the offensive?


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6b8d9f  No.17673927

File: d1349b2e5ab0089⋯.jpg (32.52 KB, 1161x697, 1161:697, ot1n7p9y3t.jpg)


Not for this anon it's not.

Could it be possible that some auto filter is in play?

Anon finds that hard to believe, but will clear all filters (heaven help anon) and report back

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20027b  No.17673929

File: 501a6fc052991ab⋯.jpg (26.95 KB, 996x697, 996:697, xbnr9bp.jpg)


witches bitching about witching….

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ef4256  No.17673935

File: 3949a30e1647b89⋯.jpg (25.71 KB, 1128x638, 564:319, a2bwzuls6g.jpg)


Move to Canada then quitter

Or stay here and fight

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fbe98c  No.17673938

File: 56854542005a6ab⋯.jpg (24.25 KB, 1143x555, 381:185, 4h9g99z.jpg)


Dont survive… THRIVE!!!

Look around you, WHAT IS CALLING YOU… or is waiting for YOUR CALL…

Remember your purpose can only be done with YOUR ACTIONS…

FREEWILL is one HELLUVA thing…

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4d0c57  No.17673943

File: 10ff36307da3272⋯.jpg (35.27 KB, 486x721, 486:721, sdgx6qtzfzc.jpg)


I’m just glad I finally found a place (8kun) where people agree with me.

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47f152  No.17673947

File: ffa195456b1b938⋯.jpg (22.31 KB, 1051x536, 1051:536, c6iiffv6k.jpg)


was it a thong?

don't remember

thanks God

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6b8d9f  No.17673950

File: 24daf0de81e0c56⋯.jpg (27.46 KB, 1128x649, 1128:649, r3tq1upxonqhz.jpg)


Imagine how nice life would be if we didnt have to support these retarded parasites

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3b073a  No.17673951

File: 4c9a95ac7198f53⋯.jpg (34.17 KB, 504x620, 126:155, fldqecnyw.jpg)


I ain't tempting fate, and I'm not dumb

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808245  No.17673956

File: c62d4b019c74ad8⋯.jpg (29.23 KB, 999x925, 27:25, c7mvcslk.jpg)


Imagine the smell…

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daf36f  No.17673958

File: caa59a6e21151f9⋯.jpg (23.14 KB, 989x546, 989:546, dzwqhvz6bjhi2.jpg)


right on, bruh

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21370b  No.17673970

File: 7996058a22ff1e1⋯.jpg (24.32 KB, 1030x605, 206:121, fqxajc.jpg)

Thanqs very much


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fa5f3d  No.17673976

Dick badger, your game is weak and you're slow af atm.

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fd3011  No.17673978

File: 06dba7279ed1e09⋯.jpg (30.94 KB, 1246x625, 1246:625, 457iw4mljd4a6.jpg)

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d1be1c  No.17673999

File: d2d52ba55dc10e7⋯.jpg (32.02 KB, 1104x1018, 552:509, eecr3ez63lj.jpg)


do not force one to harry you

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7206b8  No.17674003

File: b8b9aecda8280cb⋯.jpg (35.37 KB, 1172x1079, 1172:1079, pek3cx2ha231k4.jpg)


>borken record

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ef4256  No.17674008

File: 649c795f7dc0618⋯.jpg (37.33 KB, 1109x1109, 1:1, yoljo8.jpg)


will watch, thx anon

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663abf  No.17674009

File: 349c454251d81a5⋯.jpg (32.37 KB, 533x570, 533:570, ov2cxbh8bru60y.jpg)



Bad news for Jim Watkins; commercial spam laws only apply to emails.

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d65b16  No.17674011

File: ca0adf3053b29f1⋯.jpg (32.75 KB, 1179x677, 1179:677, idittrqvl7.jpg)


>QFS XRP RV Gesara Nesara

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47f152  No.17674013

File: de79ad4cd259f60⋯.jpg (30.58 KB, 1195x726, 1195:726, 16xsy87jse6day.jpg)


And these idiots better watch their backs.

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3b073a  No.17674020

File: cdb06ae1b226bb6⋯.jpg (32.96 KB, 1026x1022, 513:511, cg86hfs.jpg)


Bill Barr was the bondo, John Durham was the spray paint.

Accurate article from Emerald Robinson 👇


Durham Played You For A Fool!

John Durham and Bill Barr finally ran out of the clock on Spygate. Why are you surprised?

1:27 PM · Jun 25, 2022·Twitter Web App

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fa46f0  No.17674024

File: e65f359f5ca51ef⋯.jpg (31.65 KB, 1104x757, 1104:757, oqkld5.jpg)


>why did Doge


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fbe98c  No.17674025

File: a4b6e0f93e2a2fa⋯.jpg (30.92 KB, 1066x745, 1066:745, 6bvkreeu.jpg)


I am so out o touch with normi land but i understand a lot o women got caught up in this for whatever reason… mom sis girlfriend…. a respect the perspective given in the vid hard for me as a man to relate on some level the female perspective open many doors ANONS

ex att VID

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877c73  No.17674027

File: 28ce314da440a5c⋯.jpg (35.3 KB, 1131x1117, 1131:1117, u1cj9kfywx830.jpg)



And just like that, trespassing is a minor offense again at the capitol.


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ce9deb  No.17674031

File: d284feb36a6a0b2⋯.jpg (28.63 KB, 1044x656, 261:164, 3w6jomp.jpg)


i got this, I like tight buns

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20027b  No.17674039

File: 94b2d867c8bd7b0⋯.jpg (27.7 KB, 1172x586, 2:1, 5hc41uh3.jpg)


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7206b8  No.17674044

File: 407caf51183047a⋯.jpg (29.5 KB, 1153x679, 1153:679, 8gndluci8.jpg)


Shill fail

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877c73  No.17674048

File: ed97738abdbb51c⋯.jpg (32.37 KB, 1193x691, 1193:691, 6cr3w99s2s3.jpg)


>She went to Christopher Newport University

>CNU President Paul Trible

He was congressman and senator from VA…was on Iran Contra committee hearings…see CSPAN records, throwing softball questions to Lt. Dan.

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4d0c57  No.17674050

File: a4a1c8260ce99da⋯.jpg (36.29 KB, 1187x1068, 1187:1068, 0bqzexj.jpg)


thankfully, haven't encountered this. have former military buddies who've died of heart attacks. old friend's dad getting wicked cancer after vax, below 120 lbs and dropping. woman miscarrying.

evil. pray

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21370b  No.17674055

File: 0eb627e064787bc⋯.jpg (35.24 KB, 529x669, 529:669, p4b7pynive6k.jpg)


Thats why they compare all their i inside jobs like Jan 6 to pearl Harbor and 911

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808245  No.17674058

File: 564c16e106830c3⋯.jpg (30.76 KB, 1133x697, 1133:697, fh8hvfjl7i.jpg)

never promote bad behaviour.

only time to think.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!



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6b8d9f  No.17674059

File: 966a20525a3a1d8⋯.jpg (34.89 KB, 1156x982, 578:491, g03ebl73u6ulv.jpg)


If only.

Makes sense why shes keeping it a secret. Everyone would yell at her for not using her teleportation skillz to get the shot kids out

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41a4cb  No.17674064

File: c2b01e5a5daf475⋯.jpg (24.87 KB, 977x596, 977:596, fe3xchzzbotd4.jpg)


From a very shallow, minimal dataset, and we have failed outlook, your armchair QB take probably seems valid to you.

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fbe98c  No.17674071

File: b4a696caa0b937a⋯.jpg (23.53 KB, 1061x543, 1061:543, co348kd.jpg)



Ummmm…it's vice versa now fren

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663abf  No.17674076

File: 72a1f521b828f21⋯.jpg (36.96 KB, 589x621, 589:621, tbu5p0mwv.jpg)


That "10% for the Big Guy" first came into vogue when Tony Bobulinski's Interview with Tucker aired just a couple days before DJT's election (as far as I know).

The popular implication then, and the understanding since, has largely been that Sleepy Joe was "the Big Guy". That may not have been the case.

Another reality check for normie may well be that 'the big guy' was in fact Barry, the scandal-free Boss of Sleepy Joe.

Knowing how [they] operate, does anybody really think that 'too dumb to construct a sentence' really flew all over the world as Barry's VP and he was not due his cut?

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00d7ad  No.17674080

File: 4213f88f1f9d034⋯.jpg (30.48 KB, 1108x646, 554:323, 7ja6cgk.jpg)


Laugh at them.

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fd3011  No.17674085

File: a66f90dbff6d7bc⋯.jpg (29.4 KB, 1067x944, 1067:944, bvhx94nob8uji.jpg)


That arror point makes anon's nose recoil as if someone wiped shit on anon's upper lip.


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41a4cb  No.17674086

File: eb68dc581d63d20⋯.jpg (28.71 KB, 1255x562, 1255:562, qce3cvsuf.jpg)


Police in Greenville, South Carolina are tasing and arresting pro-choice protesters

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fbe98c  No.17674093

File: 007231f339ab74f⋯.jpg (30.25 KB, 1050x698, 525:349, nmrbby3exjk.jpg)

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b060d4  No.17674094

File: 1a887a4deef6a4b⋯.jpg (35.92 KB, 1062x1122, 177:187, eewlc9gw20m2i.jpg)

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663abf  No.17674100

File: c37d6a19eaa685c⋯.jpg (29.56 KB, 1201x623, 1201:623, 4k8am4pn.jpg)


Regret Isn’t Rare: The Dangerous Lie of Sex Change Surgery’s Success

Transgender advocates have worked to create a false narrative, hoodwinking the world into believing that no one ever has regrets from a surgical change of gender. They say the transgender ideology they promote is harmless, safe, even beneficial. But what happens when we dismiss the rhetoric, look at the research, and apply basic critical thinking? We see the reports of success fade and those of regret rise.

Shortly after undergoing sex change surgery, most people report feeling better. Over time, however, the initial euphoria wears off. The distress returns, but this time it is exacerbated by having a body that is irrevocably molded to look like the opposite gender.


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6b8d9f  No.17674102

File: 07576c1c4f1460e⋯.jpg (25.94 KB, 1062x654, 177:109, r16dp3xffd0m.jpg)


Yes & Yes.

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