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Q's Board: /projectdcomms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ | TOR access: TOR link

File: 8a7678c7083a6cb⋯.gif (3.63 MB, 600x401, 600:401, QR.gif)

75973f  No.17282504 [Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

>>16950147 06.25.2022

>>16950142 06.24.2022

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

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QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF: SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* Q Raw Text Dumps: q-clock.com/q_raw.txt

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Board

>>15406428 Dough Resources thread (see below for specifics)

New to QR?

>>15406810 Overview | >>16085354 Intro thread | >>15406442 Board Info, Offsite Bunkers, Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow


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TOR URL: http://8kun.top.vanwaup4xd5ygeil3plukqli2uw7llff5ek4t52w4usgytj3uztpccad.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

TOR Banner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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c693ca  No.17282509

File: dae3334deb1a0b9⋯.jpg (50.54 KB, 1026x647, 1026:647, t8whg4hj.jpg)



These Reddit conversations are out of control.

This is the kind of shit that should be monitored and policed.


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ad21e1  No.17282511

File: b487ecc03076b72⋯.jpg (54.36 KB, 1105x658, 1105:658, nag1wfk5vb8db.jpg)


>There's lots of people saying things didn't happen the way they sayin it did.

Those aren't whistleblowers. We need people who actually know something to come out and fucking say it. Was the town bought off? Money changing hands? The people who know aren't talking.

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b8c35e  No.17282512

File: 01c4cbdb7b5850b⋯.jpg (48.66 KB, 992x642, 496:321, bxsvw2g.jpg)




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51ba55  No.17282513

File: 4b737c690881877⋯.jpg (44.13 KB, 1116x512, 279:128, cpef2dkr.jpg)

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8b68a8  No.17282514

File: f0628de6af2654e⋯.jpg (46.3 KB, 1124x536, 281:134, 6lu0nii86.jpg)

There gonna use this as a reason to go after POTUS. The Shooters Dadbis a big time trump supporter, kid has antifa tattoo on neck.

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c59256  No.17282515

File: cf8bc2af80a7e2c⋯.jpg (53.21 KB, 1095x650, 219:130, 4w78un.jpg)


It's federal court, video isn't allowed.

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bc4110  No.17282516

File: 8bd0ec210b02bf5⋯.jpg (51.69 KB, 1141x606, 1141:606, af6urp.jpg)


anon did not imply you were winning

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b47236  No.17282517

File: 516e4c040dd0f17⋯.jpg (46.11 KB, 1003x579, 1003:579, r2ryj9vi.jpg)



But you missed the real mark… imo

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a89ff6  No.17282518

File: 9e13f0005bce5e2⋯.jpg (46.9 KB, 1083x568, 1083:568, 6av537om.jpg)


Doesn't sound like she's licking any boots.

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5aad2b  No.17282519

File: 70f66b3cf46c68e⋯.jpg (46.25 KB, 1042x574, 521:287, og5ow8g2lrjw.jpg)

When are these dumbass shills going to realize we can't be fooled by fake Q? Real Q verifies.

We were chosen for a reason.

Real anons are clown-proof.

5+ years of trying, we're still holding the line.

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68aa92  No.17282520

File: 085b8d46c170147⋯.jpg (59.62 KB, 1102x734, 551:367, 6i7aqi1jnq.jpg)





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bbcc9f  No.17282521

File: 396629181f0f69a⋯.jpg (43.56 KB, 1001x565, 1001:565, fl7q5tv3wnhng.jpg)


Great, thanks. Bye

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50e4bf  No.17282522

File: b3b4a6243a21cdc⋯.jpg (57.77 KB, 1071x728, 153:104, 89clf0x2qsxn1.jpg)


Captain meh Captain

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1145d0  No.17282523

File: 4a4eb13d072995c⋯.jpg (56.33 KB, 1055x713, 1055:713, s2yex514zf97.jpg)






Missing anyone on my list of paytriots?

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63c363  No.17282524

File: afdacdaad2d1423⋯.jpg (57.88 KB, 1129x694, 1129:694, 5c0h4n3zo9b4.jpg)


It's all still "Emergency Use Only" right?

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1543a1  No.17282525

File: 9209575895ca512⋯.jpg (47.57 KB, 1135x545, 227:109, d8se8arm.jpg)


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eae9f6  No.17282526

File: d9b06312c02be66⋯.jpg (54.1 KB, 970x735, 194:147, h1i00ykkx9ogo.jpg)


schiff has big interest in Ukraine

hmm, questions?

oh, there is also a dig on a hotel in his district

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503a8a  No.17282527

File: e19eb7c214bc1cc⋯.jpg (46.67 KB, 1093x555, 1093:555, 776vgvyfnn3xb2.jpg)


Your little protection racket doesn't work when the people are on the the con.

The government is a scam

It was never "good".

Fuck your elections

And fuck you

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ba95d2  No.17282528

File: e161cc141d5315b⋯.jpg (44.28 KB, 1119x505, 1119:505, ueoclnjtpx.jpg)


>Kek, Jim has shown himself to be the stupidest person on Q research.

You have no mirror at home?

Server took too long?

But I didn't say anything bad about the admin!

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50ef14  No.17282529

File: ea62dab378f67db⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 1039x677, 1039:677, tudrbp8nj2i29.jpg)

Matt Hancock - Crimes Against Humanity

Midazolam used to kill patients

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12bb43  No.17282530

File: e1e971f46113340⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 1025x681, 1025:681, bceeac.jpg)


been awhile

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97cba0  No.17282531

File: 1572867255e2d4d⋯.jpg (62.74 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, 4beg24v175j9u6.jpg)


i shipped a few ballots of bricks to the wrong location that day

sorry for the typo

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495415  No.17282532

File: d12424799cb94d2⋯.jpg (49.84 KB, 1040x633, 1040:633, j52w6yggqhthr.jpg)

Fresh Bread





Q Research General #21192: Trump was elected by US in 2020! This must be resolved! Edition

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89a0c2  No.17282533

File: 0334b34fb86e623⋯.jpg (51.04 KB, 1106x615, 1106:615, i0k1e1jo1qtjf.jpg)



the absolute state of /qresearch/

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bb80a2  No.17282534

File: fd0208aaed6e08f⋯.jpg (51.3 KB, 1008x676, 252:169, hcc2oil08cwiwf.jpg)

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c693ca  No.17282535

File: c9d906e3c1168c3⋯.jpg (48 KB, 1008x626, 504:313, alwe1pi5eiqyj6.jpg)


Nope, gotta disagree with you.

Your video is actually entertaining.

Unlike this bread and these supposed anons

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ad21e1  No.17282536

File: 67ae134af6a36dc⋯.jpg (47.69 KB, 1029x607, 1029:607, uo5dyv70.jpg)


nice try fag

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b8c35e  No.17282537

File: c8edda4d6b62b12⋯.jpg (43.17 KB, 1072x520, 134:65, nxji8ks90g9.jpg)


Depends if ya a chick or not.

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108dcf  No.17282538

File: be740bc7fe156f5⋯.jpg (46.21 KB, 1194x502, 597:251, 7iisoogkxcwr6.jpg)

choke me

stroke me

bay bay poke me

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6e5af4  No.17282539

File: 6c663a82b114cb6⋯.jpg (56.86 KB, 1022x723, 1022:723, 6gc16vmfij3bip.jpg)


need help on this..

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c59256  No.17282540

File: 3967a8d8a45b7be⋯.jpg (57.46 KB, 1117x690, 1117:690, 8as1g0zvu.jpg)

Next bread title request: Sussman Walked Cause OSS Fault

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bc4110  No.17282541

File: 1f8cce185be4550⋯.jpg (50.96 KB, 1122x595, 66:35, fdrhjohz4vvi.jpg)


>why on earth would Q need to use TOR in the first place.

Why wouldn't he? Maybe he wanted to use TOR.

>YOu guys really think a military operation would need to use TOR?

Who made TOR?

>As if they don not have there own backchannels to communicate.

That doesn't mean what you think it does.

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b47236  No.17282542

File: 44e1c4de7335ecb⋯.jpg (41.02 KB, 1038x500, 519:250, al1hjk.jpg)

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68aa92  No.17282543

File: da0d2fdc5dd1355⋯.jpg (44.59 KB, 1038x550, 519:275, d2u5du4.jpg)


TY 1stTimeBaker!

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a89ff6  No.17282544

File: f0d102bba7b0472⋯.jpg (52.63 KB, 1151x609, 1151:609, t1re25.jpg)



HAHAHAH you retards. The absolute state.

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556d8f  No.17282545

File: db3e4fdddd09185⋯.jpg (54.21 KB, 983x722, 983:722, t8i0hotwv3.jpg)


Yes, first they cut their genitals off, or get a sterilization Jab. No more generation. Society declines, hide the technology from a few generations so they forget, start all over.

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3b127c  No.17282546

File: 0856a15e2c52b87⋯.jpg (47 KB, 968x627, 88:57, 0nrdki5hr6.jpg)


Ok, Satanist defender.

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39616d  No.17282547

File: 0acc76f0ecc7339⋯.jpg (52.69 KB, 965x719, 965:719, aop49kd8.jpg)

Re: PB


The Giving Pledge, Gates, Buffett, Bin Talal and Musk

We may need to revisit The Giving Pledge. This is a group of elites who have pledged to shape the world with their wealth. What is really going on with the acquisition of Twitter? Are they acquiring it to cover up private messages that may have been sent?

The Chronical of Philanthropy

"Elon Musk Gave $5.7 Billion to Charity in 2021, SEC Filing Reveals"


The Giving Pledge - About


The giving Pledge - Pledgers - Musk


The Giving Pledgde - Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz AlSaud


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56eb7c  No.17282548

File: 6cb9bc99b2f067f⋯.jpg (55.32 KB, 1064x695, 1064:695, 5043kbg.jpg)

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50e4bf  No.17282549

File: 1dcdc7e66d6488f⋯.jpg (49.03 KB, 1129x570, 1129:570, xrqih1.jpg)

can't post

neurotic necromance pdo juw ROthschild is doxxin

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5e34ef  No.17282550

File: 9122530971ecf86⋯.jpg (46.54 KB, 1088x551, 1088:551, tkt0f0oy.jpg)

Please call out notes, Anons. A little rusty.

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25404f  No.17282551

File: 42db271cb623f38⋯.jpg (50.65 KB, 1192x575, 1192:575, 2zofr2bl4938b.jpg)

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2eeeef  No.17282552

File: 9d17bbdafadae34⋯.jpg (58.65 KB, 1083x733, 1083:733, kd3xuz6f6ju.jpg)

Pakistan heading for regime change. Russian MOD warns of false flag. Update 2

Apr 9, 2022

Alex Christoforou

77.8K subscribers


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503a8a  No.17282553

File: 064c96c4a3b9d4d⋯.jpg (46.45 KB, 1163x515, 1163:515, 01dkhysja.jpg)


Just like a movie script.

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51e54b  No.17282555

File: 3536ea2558f3266⋯.jpg (58.5 KB, 1084x730, 542:365, 5yw9an4nhtp.jpg)


And remember Q said white hats infiltrated antifa long ago.

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c693ca  No.17282557

File: 73952dc6ae07444⋯.jpg (41.37 KB, 1012x508, 253:127, a9yfyk.jpg)

US military drops appeal of Hawaii order to drain fuel tanks

The waiting is almost over

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75973f  No.17282558


>>17224884 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms

>>17224801 HOW TO BAKE; bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>17224803 Newfag Q&A; >>16050716

>>17224816 Baker's Lite JS code; >>17224834 formatting for Q posting

CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernment- reminder

BOT attacks current info: META >>17221573 ; Baker thread >>17212015

Also: Know your bunkers endchan.gg/qrbunker


#21289 soon


>>17241250 Washington State Should Be Updating Midterm Election Vote Count Tonight

>>17242146 Fight With Kash & Ric Grenell file defamation suit against fired deep state employee

>>17242532, >>17242548, >>17244459, >>17244804, >>17248216, >>17249075, >>17250707, >>17250712, >>17250717, >>17252792, >>17253033, >>17253605 Donald J. Trump - Truth Social / FBI executes search warrant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago

>>17245153 Brandon returns, darkly: Democrats turn an insult into a pro-Biden meme

>>17245258 Georgia Ballot Mule on Camera Inserting HUGE Stack of 30+ Ballots into Georgia Dropbox!!

>>17245688 Child, 4, born a female announces transition with a blue gender reveal cannon at Vancouver Pride Parade

>>17247671 Democrats Hire 87,000 IRS Agents; Bannon Motion for New Trial; The Cheneys Panic

>>17250451 Half of Democrats' $740BN spending bill will fund 'transition' to green energy - with $60B for 'environmental justice'

>>17252057 Tracy Beanz - What the FBI has just done is make it open season to forcibly investigate past and current presidents. It may be their biggest foible yet.

>>17252538 Former Health Minister Litzman pled guilty to pressuring ministry employees to alter psychiatric evaluations

>>17253974 #21288


>>17230017, >>17232012, dough corp on duty

>>17226239, >>17226256, >>17226650, >>17226941, German media sheds light on Zelensky’s ‘secret deals’ - rt.com(non-profit klaus asset)

>>17226261 Burma’s Ambassador to China Dies Suddenly - ntd.com (aka myanmar)

>>17226268 Olivia Newton-John Dead at 73 - gwp

>>17226296 (DoD) announces the authorization ofa Presidential Drawdown of security assistance valued at up to $1 billion to meet Ukraine’s critical security and defense needs - defense.gov

>>17226340 Artemis 1 moon mission launch ticket sales crashed website: report - space.com

>>17226485 NASA opens up Artemis moon missions to all astronauts - space.com

>>17226401 Arkansas judge found dead at bottom of lake - cbsnews.com (screencaps)

>>17226411 Deepfake is getting out of hand.. At least 190 K-Pop idols are victimized by mass Deepfake porn production - blog.criminalip.io

>>17226536 cnn-redefines-groomer-as-anti-lgbtq-slur - thepostmillennial.com

>>17226286, >>17226298, >>17226307, >>17226316, >>17226356, >>17226386, >>17226404, >>17226433, >>17226481, >>17226537, forces twats

>>17226607 Another tank exploded at Cuba’s oil facility in Matanzas. At least one person has died and 125 are injured - msn.com

>>17226609 Walt Disney just got canceled by his own company. - toddstarnes.com

>>17226646 german-hospital-federation-demands-withdrawal-of-vaccination-mandate-after-massive-side-effects-revealed/ - dr r malone

>>17226678 #21286

>>17235565 Human traffickers luring Ukrainian refugees on the web targeted in EU-wide hackathon - europol.eu

>>17236152 #21287

Previously Collected

>>17225419 #21285, >>17226678 #21286

>>17224648 #21282, >>17224644 #21283, >>17224642 #21284

>>17112950 #21279, >>17101256 #21280, >>17101964 #21281

>>17105479 #21276, >>17101288 #21277, >>17104733 #21278

>>17067497 #21273, >>17068254 #21274, >>17069053 #21275

>>17065179 #21270, >>17065903 #21271, >>17066742 #21272

>>17059342 #21268-a, >>17059461 #21268-b, >>17064409 #21269

>>17025252 #21265, >>17039555 #21266, >>17058733 #21267

>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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e756cd  No.17282560

File: 806cf05f3cc5a81⋯.jpg (54.09 KB, 1163x626, 1163:626, crmffnze.jpg)

Born Hard – Marines Celebrate Pride Month…


The next mother fucker who says " The Military is the Only Way" will be =digitally slapped!==

No one's coming to the rescue, we are on are own.

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69bc58  No.17282561

File: 7430b90feff2493⋯.jpg (47.75 KB, 1161x538, 1161:538, wc0tdov8dv3.jpg)


My flag has hung like that since 1-20-2021

One neighbor told me other neighbors wanted to know why & because I speak to the neighbor they thought the neighbor would know. I said just wait, they'll get it.

I don't think they miss the meaning these days.

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f4e160  No.17282562

File: e474289eb84bd06⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 977x705, 977:705, yakn7n.jpg)




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eae9f6  No.17282563

File: 66ac7d65bcad9f7⋯.jpg (49.43 KB, 965x670, 193:134, snr7qwpjyy9.jpg)

filturd ID+ is so hot right now!

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1145d0  No.17282564

File: 162b0021313ca5b⋯.jpg (46.26 KB, 1006x593, 1006:593, f7u28lhe15.jpg)


Drunk for 24 hours seems a bit excessive.

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39616d  No.17282565

File: 671be9949416f64⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 995x557, 995:557, 7hyiy92o8.jpg)


5:5 the right approach

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ba95d2  No.17282566

File: ebf81fafd6ef671⋯.jpg (46.13 KB, 1043x566, 1043:566, xp9f5xfkcc.jpg)

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1543a1  No.17282567

File: b20b658fdd1f994⋯.jpg (45.32 KB, 1043x555, 1043:555, t299ont6gl.jpg)

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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5e34ef  No.17282568

File: e4445043cf2f65b⋯.jpg (51.44 KB, 976x693, 976:693, y734qpoze.jpg)

A Storm Is Coming.

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274a7b  No.17282570

File: fd54092b1f32846⋯.jpg (57.66 KB, 1165x675, 233:135, ir72l5t10mu.jpg)


That anon just hit a homer right off your helmet

You mad bro?

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89a0c2  No.17282571

File: 1eba996328cc16a⋯.jpg (43.64 KB, 1059x525, 353:175, n7e2knz.jpg)


do these jewesses provide the access to goyim or other jews?

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bb80a2  No.17282573

File: ec12b6f523299ca⋯.jpg (52.41 KB, 1172x598, 586:299, 0w295p6mgfp8.jpg)

Have R's ever used the FF procedure against D's?

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84fced  No.17282578

File: c663fe487e7a484⋯.jpg (58 KB, 1166x677, 1166:677, sxlfce5.jpg)

>“Because of Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and the Republican Party, their supermajority in the Supreme Court, American women today have less freedom than their mothers,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said at a press conference after the decision was announced.

Those women are alive today because THEIR mothers chose not to abort them.

Pelosi's logic is omitting the life of the baby.

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6e5af4  No.17282579

File: fca9ab898cfa826⋯.jpg (44.89 KB, 960x601, 960:601, 1yeoa2afh4.jpg)


captain nautica itinerary still online kek.

yes yes, random snorkeling at lil st jamseses

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108dcf  No.17282580

File: 27f21b2149bc21b⋯.jpg (57.44 KB, 1040x745, 208:149, 9qiqe2wuy5r.jpg)

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41f9d1  No.17282582

File: c246d2242d69ef6⋯.jpg (43.56 KB, 983x562, 983:562, y35zjm1m.jpg)


DICK Turban as Rush used to say

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8b68a8  No.17282583

File: bc4cf8f83782b6b⋯.jpg (46.46 KB, 999x618, 333:206, y9vay6h1zvoia7.jpg)


Proud Pedo Patton, seems about right.

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dda115  No.17282587

File: d8cca9a108b7ca4⋯.jpg (48.84 KB, 1000x662, 500:331, l6eigx7.jpg)


well good for you, if your jesus is much of a faggot as you no one would want to be in heaven either with you two homos

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aaaa9b  No.17282594

File: 4207b43fc564394⋯.jpg (55.52 KB, 1032x716, 258:179, 8mys5yekdebi.jpg)


jim watkins bot anti-JESUIT pro-JEW


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e547d5  No.17282596

File: 81c3a81f62e874e⋯.jpg (48.56 KB, 978x648, 163:108, foqqaqxuav.jpg)


If we became sick enough we would have been fodder.

Intelligence of truth made open source: savior of humanity

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556d8f  No.17282599

File: 678632eb71b6390⋯.jpg (60.14 KB, 1187x694, 1187:694, ldevoq4etq.jpg)

this place just livened up

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39616d  No.17282600

File: 9abc6dd1cdf6f4f⋯.jpg (51.18 KB, 982x682, 491:341, y3kbzn9k.jpg)


most of the ads displayed are scams.

Shut it down, Leroy.

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51e54b  No.17282603

File: 9733b665c734220⋯.jpg (55.69 KB, 1100x679, 1100:679, xu67lt7.jpg)


Then plus 562 from 6.23.22 lands at "J6" 1.6.24


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d9eb5a  No.17282604

File: a2906e1736920b9⋯.jpg (51.41 KB, 983x687, 983:687, qku6gyx7u9wn.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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97cba0  No.17282605

File: 1db47d085c73ed0⋯.jpg (53.65 KB, 1147x626, 1147:626, pyoo875hg4n3x.jpg)


>[They] are intentionally destroying poultry, cattle, food processing plants, corn, wheat, and disallowing fertilizer to be delivered by train to the midwest.

….aaaaand nobody is standing up against (((them))). Bye, America!

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22b00e  No.17282607

File: 2a08fbcf7828c45⋯.jpg (45.37 KB, 1036x563, 1036:563, qcmui0gxvhw0fi.jpg)


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63c363  No.17282609

File: 67caa1ac376f187⋯.jpg (52.29 KB, 982x703, 982:703, 79d37z.jpg)



He uploaded another one today

Did the US use Time Travel to win WWII?

According to the legendary Montauk Project whistleblower, Al Bielek, the US first discovered time travel technology in 1936 and was given assistance from the future to win World War II. Bielek’s startling information provides an answer to a common question concerning extraterrestrial intervention in human affairs, “how did Nazi Germany lose the war if they were receiving technological assistance from Draco Reptilians”, as claimed by secret space program insiders such as William Tompkins in his Selected by Extraterrestrials book series?


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c9f423  No.17282611

File: a288eee449ed59c⋯.jpg (51.8 KB, 1030x672, 515:336, nhku0p.jpg)

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5aad2b  No.17282613

File: e2791366483e890⋯.jpg (44.34 KB, 1135x502, 1135:502, 8jiq7g5u45.jpg)


What a trashy group

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329e6c  No.17282614

File: 6a328a34fed68ad⋯.jpg (58.01 KB, 1070x730, 107:73, 0gzodf1.jpg)

I wonder what they are up to



Washington D.C., 2 June - 5 June 2022

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a89ff6  No.17282615

File: acdce2785c9f2da⋯.jpg (42.83 KB, 981x547, 981:547, 7cckbp7d.jpg)


>AYP production

ATP dummy.

holy fucking shit.

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eae9f6  No.17282616

File: 23a6eaa7bea70bf⋯.jpg (46.8 KB, 1068x570, 178:95, krx8bcvkl0b.jpg)


and 5 starting with capital letters [5]

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f4e160  No.17282617

File: d9d3412d906279a⋯.jpg (54.55 KB, 1198x618, 599:309, 1097fesi3za410.jpg)



I bet you’re drinking a Belgian wheat ale or a summer shanty and still thinking you’re manly asf listening to Alanis Morsette

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dda115  No.17282618

File: cede5004f4f0398⋯.jpg (42.24 KB, 1051x505, 1051:505, 8bbekc4ab3f7f.jpg)



I wonder if there has been weird stuff at Heifer or does the soil there have tales to tell?

ranch hosts school groups for things like lambing

weird cows at Epstein Island

he chooses a placed named for cow to off himseslf

he left no note

but he left us a cow of a conspiracy

used an extension cord as a noose? weird choice

created makeshift gallows underneath the tree

which appeared to be there as a failsafe

in case the shotgun blast didn't kill him.

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68aa92  No.17282619

File: 7e52e4bc2d72b75⋯.jpg (47.95 KB, 1050x596, 525:298, o1d7ubzc4z.jpg)



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29a9f8  No.17282620

File: c6d23beb763b30f⋯.jpg (54.02 KB, 1169x621, 1169:621, sjkpdj.jpg)

Talk soon anons and faggots.

Got some shit to do.

Will check back later to see the updated narrative.

Until then have fun.

Enjoy the show!

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727fd8  No.17282623

File: d9e08937201fe00⋯.jpg (58.99 KB, 1147x698, 1147:698, aq8kbh5qq.jpg)



trips chek'ed

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d7df34  No.17282624

File: 3065ef5c8de52e8⋯.jpg (49.03 KB, 1121x571, 1121:571, eseyfombyn.jpg)


Footage Shows Man Begging For His Life Before Officer Shoots Him Dead in Hotel


Video shows an unarmed man begging for his life before police shot him dead. Officers had responded to reports of someone pointing a gun from a window at a La Quinta Inn Hotel near Phoenix last year. In the video, Daniel Shaver is seen crawling towards the officers with his hands up while begging, “Please don’t shoot me.” But he reaches towards his waist and an officer opens fire, killing him. Police say they thought he was reaching for a gun. The officer has been found not guilty


but it's all about muh blacks tho

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89a0c2  No.17282625

File: 83484d92f2fd1e6⋯.jpg (55.18 KB, 969x742, 969:742, uqn0m7.jpg)

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a808d8  No.17282627

File: c553babf2776dec⋯.jpg (62.9 KB, 1165x743, 1165:743, cgxskpkyl1q.jpg)

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afd6c5  No.17282628

File: c8f88c289cf4699⋯.jpg (41.95 KB, 981x538, 981:538, ol1kr7.jpg)


don't know gerbs

bunch of us on TS already putting stuffs out

no prollem posting your ideas but be careful, found a not so flattering warroom meme

and not in the dough

Flint having kittens already


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bc4110  No.17282629

File: 6f0b6dbcdd8803d⋯.jpg (60.17 KB, 1150x719, 1150:719, lf9qjp3wxtf90.jpg)

Our girl is having a baby!

PRESIDENT "Donald Trump's former press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, 34, announces she is PREGNANT with a second child live on Fox News: 'We've prayed a lot about it and God has blessed us with a baby'

The pregnant Fox News Outnumbered co-host shared her happy news during Thursday's show, revealing that her husband Sean Gilmartin is 'really excited'

McEnany is four-months pregnant with her second baby, who will be younger sibling to two-year-old daughter Blake, who was born in November 2019

The former White House press secretary - who was the last person to take on the role before the end of Trump's presidency - said she will reveal the gender soon

She joked that it has been hard for her to keep the gender under wraps, but that she and her MLB player spouse, 32, will share it on Outnumbered

The news comes amid the ongoing January 6 committee hearings which are investigating the 2021 insurrection at the Capitol

June 16, 2022

PRESIDENT "Donald Trump's former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has revealed that she is pregnant with her second child, sharing the happy news in a live Fox News broadcast on Thursday afternoon.

The 34-year-old, who has a two-year-old daughter, Blake, with her husband Sean Gilmartin, 32, opened up about her expanding family during Outnumbered - which she co-hosts - telling her fellow on-air correspondents that she couldn't be more thrilled to welcome a new addition to her brood.

'So my husband Sean Gilmartin and I are about four-months pregnant,' McEnany shared, adding: 'What a blessing, we've prayed a lot about this, and God just blessed us with a child, a second child to join baby Blake, my daughter.'

The TV host - who was the last person to serve in the role of White House press secretary before Trump's presidency came to an end in January 2021 - admitted that she has struggled to keep the news under wraps, joking that she almost blurted out she was pregnant to her co-hosts before sharing the news officially. "


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c693ca  No.17282630

File: aa3732ea8d933b7⋯.jpg (51.74 KB, 1184x589, 1184:589, 3qbpob4x.jpg)



This is you…every single post…

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aaaa9b  No.17282633

File: a10cd547c20540c⋯.jpg (49.54 KB, 1003x640, 1003:640, 87g9muo4am3y94.jpg)

some anons have been pointing out that EVs with L-ION batteries are remote-capable weapons, like city busses, scooters, ebikes, AND iphones and teslas, etc.

China be knowin' too. It ain't just about the cameras.


Tesla cars barred for 2 months in Beidaihe, site of China leadership meeting

SHANGHAI - Tesla cars will be prohibited from entering the Chinese coastal district of Beidaihe, the site of a secretive annual summer party leadership conclave, for at least two months, starting on July 1, a local traffic police official told Reuters on Monday (June 20).

The decision by the Beidaihe authorities comes just weeks after Tesla cars were also barred from driving onto some roads in the central city of Chengdu in early June, which coincided with a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping to the city.

More from AsiaOne

Read the condensed version of this story, and other top stories with NewsLite.

The official from the Beidaihe Traffic Police Brigade, who declined to give his name, did not provide a reason for the move but said it concerned "national affairs".

An announcement will be made soon, the official said.

Tesla did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Beidaihe, a beach resort east of Beijing, traditionally hosts a summer conclave of China's senior leaders where they discuss personnel moves and policy ideas behind closed doors.

China does not typically formally announce the dates for the meeting.

The Chengdu restrictions on Tesla cars, which were not officially announced, came to light earlier this month after videos were posted on social media of Tesla cars being diverted away from certain areas by the police.

Last year, the Chinese military banned Tesla cars from entering its complexes, citing security concerns over cameras installed on the vehicles, according to Reuters reports at the time citing sources who had seen the directive.

Tesla chief executive officer Elon Musk said at the time that Tesla's cars did not spy in China or anywhere else, and that the company would be shut down if it did so.

Months later, Tesla said that all data generated by cars it sells in China would be stored in the country.

Automakers have been increasingly equipping vehicles with cameras and sensors that capture images of a car's surroundings.

Control of how those images are used and where they are sent and stored is a fast-emerging challenge for the industry and regulators around the world.

Tesla cars have several external cameras to assist drivers with parking, changing lanes and other features.

China is one of Tesla's largest markets as well as production sites, where it makes Model 3 and Model Y vehicles for domestic sale and export from its factory in the country's economic hub of Shanghai.

Tesla's Shanghai plant made about half of the 936,000 vehicles the US automaker delivered globally last year.

However, the factory has this year been hobbled by Shanghai's Covid-19-induced lockdown, which forced the plant to shut for a record 22 days.

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8b68a8  No.17282634

File: 9561765051185c5⋯.jpg (48.24 KB, 1130x558, 565:279, yy1c6k.jpg)


Voted Best Meme created by an AI.

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a89ff6  No.17282635

File: 426aa1d4094f75b⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 1089x531, 121:59, fdihwqt0pzuxy.jpg)

Q drop 4955_It had to be done this way.

Q drop 4461 & 4951_It had to be this way.


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12bb43  No.17282637

File: 98aee9857a662eb⋯.jpg (46.11 KB, 1073x554, 1073:554, ubq0lzbd2j0udz.jpg)


Until each and every zionist in the West (Jew or Gentile) is either deported or hanged (legally, off course), any notion of "justice" is fraudulent, disingenuos, and a complete attempt to once again trick the people about them having any power or saying on how their countries are run.

There are no political parties, there is only the Israel first uniparty.


https://archive.vn/EryE9 - "Just for some perspective"

A quote:


The Democratic party gets 50% of its funding from Jews (1) and 70% of Jews voted Democrat in 2016 (2) (3). Jews voted 79% Democrat in 2018 (4).

Add to that the fact that Jews make up 25% of the donations to Republicans (1).

The biggest donor to Trump, Sheldon Adelson, has said that he regretted serving in the US and not having served in Israel (5), and that his biggest mission in life is to defend Israel. (6) He also said that assimilation is a bad thing for Jews in the West. (7)

You have 2% of the population making 37,5% of all political donations. And those 2% belong to the same group that controls the MSM (8) (9) and Hollywood (which shape public opinion and sways voting) (10) (11) (12) AND its the same group that tells Social Media companies what is to be allowed to be said and what must be censored (13) (14).

That same group has pressured the US Congress to pass laws that make it illegal to criticize Jews and Israel in any way shape or form no matter how legitimate the criticism might be (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21), and it's also one of the main forces behind the fight against the 2nd Amend of the US Constitution (22) (23).



Counter-zionist subversion compilation:


How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:



The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:



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1145d0  No.17282638

File: 7a64f3ca1a18308⋯.jpg (51.52 KB, 1005x674, 1005:674, 7pyzyyhm5ha.jpg)


>stop talking like a nigger

Lighten up bitch…it ain't a dick, don't take it so hard.

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dda115  No.17282639

File: 3066a05191c1065⋯.jpg (53.78 KB, 1015x700, 29:20, iuwtum1cjh.jpg)


you spent so much energy on the red text you never red the fucking bill, or you have and you're just trying to get a rise out of us. This bill doesn't enact red flag laws; it provides money for states that do.

Go fuck yourself.

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ad21e1  No.17282641

File: 7fb3f77496c1c92⋯.jpg (51.6 KB, 1020x670, 102:67, o71h54.jpg)


Ben Garrison

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ed0b87  No.17282642

File: dd6f40c0bf647bb⋯.jpg (54.18 KB, 992x744, 4:3, 6dzrvre.jpg)


>We don't need no stinking GPS.

And neither did Wrong Way Corrigan.

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97cba0  No.17282647

File: f5b9374aa4c9af2⋯.jpg (53.66 KB, 1202x607, 1202:607, xtbf2cik5.jpg)


heard it fr a friend who heard it fr a friend who…

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a808d8  No.17282650

File: bd5908f2632e338⋯.jpg (43.33 KB, 961x564, 961:564, izof4z1kjo1ty.jpg)


Thanx anon. Fucking reprobates. They should just go ahead and add the entire alphabet already and be done with it. Retards.

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26f83b  No.17282651

File: 7f6b05dec422969⋯.jpg (52.88 KB, 1010x689, 1010:689, vjuur9dagd.jpg)


>BDAand frens have been dropping way better intel

'Cos Paul Furbuger, former BO of /CBTS/ is an insider, amirite?

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afd6c5  No.17282653

File: eec3b26787a81ae⋯.jpg (49 KB, 1163x554, 1163:554, fm14i7.jpg)

(lb) note taker signing off?

Is a lung infection considered Covid?

Anon trust medics as far as anon can kick them uphill in a blizzard so will never hear the official diagnosis.

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f4e160  No.17282654

File: b8762d50691a007⋯.jpg (47.56 KB, 1205x516, 1205:516, g1ryrubog6.jpg)


This is impossible to refute or deny.

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bb80a2  No.17282655

File: f69c14ba3da23f4⋯.jpg (53.61 KB, 1100x649, 100:59, d1eoo1dzpph3.jpg)

ernesto licks farts for smack

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274a7b  No.17282657

File: f9ab9b1d748534c⋯.jpg (44.24 KB, 975x592, 975:592, covkjzm1eo.jpg)


The System needs to be torn down to it's Constitutional Foundation and rebuilt. As it stands now, like Elon said about Twitter, it is not just 5% bot termites, it 95% termites. There is no fixing it when the entire structure has been compromised.

The DS pushes Build Back Better in their quest for NWO. Use their weapons against them. Build Back Better will take on a new meaning.

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a89ff6  No.17282658

File: f13361fe6834f4b⋯.jpg (50.5 KB, 1152x577, 1152:577, n1c8hpmt3.jpg)

Why are we supporting campaigning in more rigged elections again…? Asking for a fren…

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29a9f8  No.17282661

File: 456903baba48e17⋯.jpg (50.82 KB, 1005x669, 335:223, rpmsqcdffr11x.jpg)

Real Anons know…..

It's not time to spoon feed normies anymore

The Boss is back and shills are on overtime to bake in the doubt

Q isn't concerned about proofs right now

Check the content and the context

Then watch the shills G L O W

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556d8f  No.17282662

File: 341473885ff52c4⋯.jpg (45.14 KB, 1074x537, 2:1, 14vv36s506f.jpg)


He looks no different. Tells you all you need to know.

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ed0b87  No.17282664

File: b9c8e0f8799f671⋯.jpg (42.32 KB, 1026x524, 513:262, 36mztnjndwg6jy.jpg)

Suicide weekend was last weekend. (Koolaid comet anniversary)

[Next Week] is today.

[Next Week] is today.

[Next Week] is today.

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aaaa9b  No.17282666

File: efc4f3011aeda3e⋯.jpg (57.63 KB, 1081x714, 1081:714, 5kj06o.jpg)


>I wonder how big of a net Twitter casts on predators?

not big enough I reckon

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495415  No.17282667

File: 37f952b45df5e60⋯.jpg (41.18 KB, 977x524, 977:524, zovx3lq4.jpg)


>Many people spoke to me about the Election results, both pro andcon,but I never wavered one bit - follow the facts and proof. The 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen…And look at our Country now - not pretty!!!

2 Year Delta

Welcome to the [D] party con.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 06/10/2020 20:37:51 ID: 693cd1

8kun/qresearch: 9566723

Q Clock [ Min: 16 | :25/:55 Mir: 34 | 180 Mir: 46 | :35/:05 Mir: 54 ]


Welcome to the [D] party con.


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ba95d2  No.17282670

File: d9d1fd681f3d3b7⋯.jpg (47.51 KB, 979x629, 979:629, zuetn91fe34ze.jpg)


>"ban genital mutilation"

I do not disagree with the sentiment, I disagree with the repetitive, useless shilling. If this SHILL were serious, shill should direct enrgy at those who could actually make a difference rather than just shitting up the board!

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c9f423  No.17282671

File: 9dca052ba6a3212⋯.jpg (60.48 KB, 1192x699, 1192:699, ycf2qwms.jpg)


Precisely how some sharp cookies discovered it…after that it was just tugging at the thread and first the hem comes undone, then the whole thing unravels.

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afd6c5  No.17282673

File: 241a275bbd77da3⋯.jpg (47.41 KB, 1085x573, 1085:573, spezi6h38s8.jpg)


>The FIST-BUMP was for this, perhaps?

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329e6c  No.17282678

File: c33e674923ffcaa⋯.jpg (52.68 KB, 1006x694, 503:347, kisky6ij.jpg)


Thanks, I asked him for sauce directly.

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108dcf  No.17282682

File: b488a9fbb12cf37⋯.jpg (53.98 KB, 1191x616, 1191:616, o1eie0.jpg)


Remember Morganna?

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3b127c  No.17282684

File: 075c2ca4539f63a⋯.jpg (55.72 KB, 1184x637, 1184:637, mq128yu6y4v.jpg)


Wrong reasons and I don't gi the way you are just part time and not blink.

Like securing bio-labs beforehand or not to believe the evidence of MAJOR crimes committed suicide is not your friend partnerships.

Smart enough for everyone who doubts about the election and work closely with them on this.

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2eeeef  No.17282685

File: a47017aabb873db⋯.jpg (51.75 KB, 1155x594, 35:18, 1lr2s38if.jpg)



that's some inflation!

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50e4bf  No.17282687

File: 01cc9535eb2224f⋯.jpg (58.13 KB, 1142x683, 1142:683, oorpwe3s.jpg)


Follow the money.

I guess follow the blood too.

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39616d  No.17282688

File: 81ae7b191bcef42⋯.jpg (46.9 KB, 1142x529, 1142:529, ephnmeht79aa9.jpg)

Why so scared of a good shouting match?

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274a7b  No.17282690

File: a90c9fe05017de6⋯.jpg (43.9 KB, 1035x540, 23:12, xt11gaoe0bt.jpg)


thanks for the bun


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e547d5  No.17282694

File: c347d9e2115c985⋯.jpg (56.43 KB, 1108x688, 277:172, k7dqa463yzodu.jpg)


That shit right there is why you should not fuck the chickens..

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d9eb5a  No.17282695

File: 0e35ef493906650⋯.jpg (52.59 KB, 1149x610, 1149:610, e2unnxkmg.jpg)


Sub-saharan africans did not build the pyramids.

First off, theres the sahara desert between them and egypt, so unless the figures out how to travel over that on foot, they had nothing to do with the pyramids.

the pyramids are actually waaaaay older than """official history""" says they are.

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329e6c  No.17282697

File: b713b7927da4eaa⋯.jpg (40.24 KB, 972x517, 972:517, y1nuum6.jpg)




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bbcc9f  No.17282698

File: 01a930e05c08c4b⋯.jpg (58.16 KB, 1165x688, 1165:688, ce336i09nq27y.jpg)


>narcissism is the cause of this, "no one else can exist that would take away from the attention I seek". It's a sickness made by denying God.


>narcissism is the cause of this, "no one else can exist that would take away from the attention I seek". It's a sickness made by denying God.


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a808d8  No.17282699

File: 4e7297d11c9e8fa⋯.jpg (45.3 KB, 968x600, 121:75, efncm1.jpg)

Bitcoin! Kek


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f95a4d  No.17282701

File: b86837f47088201⋯.jpg (48.63 KB, 1202x529, 1202:529, bcs426ishk.jpg)


have you met others?

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5ec4ba  No.17282702

File: a31983b5182485e⋯.jpg (97.6 KB, 523x381, 523:381, KNOCK_OUT.jpg)

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1543a1  No.17282703

File: 774bdd1f2d00122⋯.jpg (45.26 KB, 1127x519, 1127:519, g6hj2x1fc2em.jpg)



sometimes, when you dumb, you better be quiet.

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dda115  No.17282704

File: 0094f19b767fd09⋯.jpg (55.97 KB, 1016x729, 1016:729, 5hd8yau7rqzq.jpg)


be quiet, bot!

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274a7b  No.17282706

File: f17103b7a8b4c7c⋯.jpg (49.84 KB, 1064x623, 152:89, z0xxjkpd4y.jpg)


>Fuck dude.. when is it gonna stop?? 😨

Just as soon as it returns to its intrinsic value…..0.00

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eae9f6  No.17282709

File: c700fe640d9cd39⋯.jpg (53.7 KB, 1199x608, 1199:608, 9qy4h254pzi.jpg)


Wth Sindona no longer available by the mid 1970s Paul VI appointed a replacement. “Mr. Roberto Calvi replaced Mr. Sindona as a key financial advisor to the Vatican” (Raab 1982, Cornwell 1986). Roberto Calvi was another notorious Mafia banker with long standing ties to the Vatican Bank, as well as a Mason (Cornwell 1986, Owen 2005).

Roberto Calvi (13 April 1920 – 17 June 1982) was called "God's Banker"

Cornwell, R. 1984. God’s Banker: An Account of the Life and Death of Roberto Calvi. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd.

Owen, R. 2005. “Plea to Pope from ‘God’s banker’ revealed as murder trial begins.” London Times 10/06.

Raab, S. 1982. “Sindona in U.S. Prison, Stays enmeshed in Global Inquiries.” NYT Dec. 27: A1, D10.

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bc4110  No.17282711

File: a142c09113cf98d⋯.jpg (53.2 KB, 1073x661, 1073:661, rplycqhv04ed.jpg)


is anyone racist or all muh joo shilling

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3b127c  No.17282716

File: fd8da778f93e168⋯.jpg (41.9 KB, 1034x507, 1034:507, jnjuv519dcuvk.jpg)


I wouldn't call it fighting, more like unstoppable kvetching.

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ba95d2  No.17282721

File: ac52b72b05410de⋯.jpg (50.46 KB, 1176x569, 1176:569, jds7jeaaecc8.jpg)


>cross-breeding between two similar but genetically different species.

sub-human africans (Rh+ monkeys) with genetically superior (intelligent) Neanderthals (Rh-), which were a much older race.

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b8c35e  No.17282723

File: 956fd42c5b03224⋯.jpg (55.23 KB, 1005x727, 1005:727, 3umkjpg068r0.jpg)


The Holy Trinity

Triple Alliance

Judaism, Christianity, Islam

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ed0b87  No.17282724

File: 6916675725f14bf⋯.jpg (46.88 KB, 1068x569, 1068:569, tp6h1qcsgte.jpg)


Forgotten in the current narrative is the story of the Barbary slave trade, where up to1.25 million Europeans were enslavedby Barbary pirates – in North Africa.

In the 17th Century, Barbary pirates raided coastal cities in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and even England and Ireland. In one Irish town, Baltimore, practically every inhabitant was captured and used as slaves back in Africa or on sailing ships, never to set foot in Ireland again.


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5ec4ba  No.17282725

File: 943a2490517b5e1⋯.jpg (95.76 KB, 660x456, 55:38, BATTLE_ROYAL.jpg)

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3b127c  No.17282728

File: 8b509b5de8f3c0c⋯.jpg (57.96 KB, 1007x747, 1007:747, pxvixogqfg.jpg)


It's more like this…

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1543a1  No.17282731

File: 1fe73ce4b7f976e⋯.jpg (43.61 KB, 1098x501, 366:167, cd2m6qh8r.jpg)


The Jew will not get me to hate my Black brothers & sisters.

I only have hatred towards that which is evil.

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c9f423  No.17282733

File: e5eb905eb48c13f⋯.jpg (63.54 KB, 1186x736, 593:368, gzt4mp.jpg)

A new light from the Sun shines on Earth at this time. A new energy envelopes the Earth and all of her inhabitants. These are higher frequency light waves, which are bringing great change to life on Earth. One of these changes is the exposure of all the secrets. On a personal level, from family, to local, to federal government, and vast amounts of information kept secret for thousands of years by cults around the world.

The light is dissolving the veils and the lies used to enslave humanity for more than ten thousand years.

There is a group of entities, who work behind the scenes, they are rarely caught by cameras. The television media which they themselves own, do not give them any attention. These people, among many things, they are also trillionaires. They own the banking system. And the majority of the politicians, large corporations, media, and so on.

They can afford and do pay agents(their puppets) to go public with certain agendas, pushing societally destabilizing ideologies on the populace for the purpose of chaos, division, and ultimately control. While some of them are used to push larger agendas, such as climate change, vaccinations, wars between nations.

The aim of these entities who operate in the dark, has always been to destroy humanity. Particularly the nature and beauty of the family, and corrupting the peaceful nature of the human being.

For thousands of years the dark elites have manipulated and purposely mislead humanity into accepting their false ideologies in an attempt for total control and ownership of Earth.

The constructs of race, religion, and the monetary system are their invention. Religion, which has in fact stirred humanity further away from the true Divine Creator.

Humanity has been taught to fear God, instead of to love God, and fear nothing.

God does not want to be feared. For Creator has pure, unconditional love for all of his children.

The one who wants to be feared is Satan. Here we do not speak of Satan in a religious sense. We speak of Satan as an extremely dark, power hungry, malevolent extraterrestrial entity.

It is this entity who is worshipped by its malevolent extraterrestrial minions, and the dark elites of Earth who have chosen that path. It is these ones who gave you religion, precisely the image of a fearful, punishing, vengeful God. That is who you are worshipping in your Christian, Judaic, and Islamic faiths.

This entity we speak of here, has been forced to relinquish not only control of Earth, but this entire sector of the galaxy. They are no longer permitted to pursue further destruction anywhere else.

The very idea of ritual(blood) sacrifice has been invented by these parasitic entities.

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is nothing more than an energetical implant into the consciousness of the Human Collective as a 'reminder' that should one seek the true Divine Creator, should one seek to be of service to the Light, and deviate from the dark path and evil doing, and serving malevolent entities, you will face severe punishment. Humanity has been doing a wonderful job of keeping their focus on the supposed suffering of Jeshua, instead of his times of joy and teachings on enlightenment. Why? Simply because humans love the victim role, which once more is pushed by the dark ones. Please understand that the true Divine Creator does not sacrifice or punish anyone for anything. It is each Soul that chooses their own experiences in every lifetime, and pay their own 'debt.'

A simple law of the Universe is that every being must experience that which they've created. So if you bring light, love, kindness to people, that is what you will attract more of. The same applies when one brings lower frequency experiences to others. You will experience that, in this lifetime, or choose to go through that experience in another lifetime.

One more thing invented by the dark ones is that you only live once. Then after 'death' it is the end. It is either eternal hell or heaven. Another attempt to minimize the magnificence of the human life and existence. You only live once, so go ahead and do harmful things to your own being, because the parasites feed off of your lower energies. Party like a rock star, and drink yourself to death. For the dark needs your energies of misery in order to sustain itself.

In truth there is no death. You are the Soul. Your physical vessel is a vehicle which You the Soul use to operate on a planetary body. The Soul chooses when it will transition to the next life cycle, and incarnate in a different body, after spending many lifetimes on one planet, dimension, you will incarnate on other planets and dimensions.

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eae9f6  No.17282736

File: 74a69dd292d1e4b⋯.jpg (46.52 KB, 1197x498, 399:166, im2tb9cjqvtg.jpg)



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a808d8  No.17282737

File: ebe4c50aae50d15⋯.jpg (60.1 KB, 1090x743, 1090:743, 1ytwqz3hhg.jpg)


You know the Routine Anons.

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bc4110  No.17282740

File: 2d9f25e53ff12ed⋯.jpg (54.49 KB, 1109x661, 1109:661, pa4uh51ryr.jpg)


this has to be a reverse op at this point to point out how stupid these shootings are to normies and just show the shear stupidity of the police at this point

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6e5af4  No.17282741

File: 3ca5ba8f19d7b69⋯.jpg (47.7 KB, 1122x553, 1122:553, ccwy0p9mbp3ll.jpg)

At least 60 incidents of Chinese pilots buzzing Canadian aircraft


The Canadian Armed Forces has reported that Chinese fighter jets are coming into dangerously close range of Canadian aircraft over the Asia-Pacific region.

According to Global News, the Chinese planes are buzzing Canadian pilots taking part in a United Nations mission to monitor North Korea.

Reports have emerged of Chinese jets flying as close as 20 feet from Canadian military aircraft. According to some accounts, the Chinese planes have come so close that pilots have made eye contact. Canadian pilots also report having seen Chinese operators raise their middle fingers in defiance.

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29a9f8  No.17282742

File: 9529ce4a8923851⋯.jpg (57.47 KB, 1111x704, 101:64, vdyoq5.jpg)

Democrat Illinois Governor Pritzker Calls For Gun Control Following Mass Shooting at Highland Park Fourth of July Parade

Illinois Governor JB Pritzker (D) on Monday immediately called for gun control following a mass shooting at a July 4 parade in Highland Park.

Highland Park police gave an update on the rooftop sniper attack on the northern Illinois Chicago suburb’s Fourth of July parade Monday:

Six people are dead and twenty-four “seriously injured” were taken to the hospital.

The suspect is at large.

The suspect is described as a white male, 18-20 years old with long black hair, small build wearing a white or blue t-shirt

Police also said it appears the gunman was firing from a rooftop, could not confirm he had more than one weapon but should be considered armed.

Illinois Governor Pritzker condemned gun violence after he asked for prayers for the families devastated by the mass shooting.

“But grief will not bring the victims back, and prayers alone will not put a stop to the terror or rampant gun violence in our country,” Pritzker said.

“I will stand firm with Illinoisans and Americans: we must – and we will – end this plague of gun violence.”


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6e5e2a  No.17282745

File: fab25f8a2f6f016⋯.jpg (58.16 KB, 1079x725, 1079:725, vf557q65t4prcy.jpg)

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2eeeef  No.17282748

File: 996352c486f78a0⋯.jpg (59.47 KB, 1173x692, 1173:692, 51ceujypccos6f.jpg)


That's the same grift that the JW's use. Awful religion full of nice obedient sheep.

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84fced  No.17282749

File: 93bdbd0897a8e9b⋯.jpg (49.58 KB, 1103x593, 1103:593, 11cya80rb.jpg)


wtf is that

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63c363  No.17282750

File: 040e8b2e90fb77c⋯.jpg (63.38 KB, 1206x744, 201:124, 7705fo789s9bd.jpg)


The issue will become a future law to have ongoing reviews annual 2, 3, 4, 5yr frequency to keep your shit and buy new shit.

Assuming you're clean per se - the issue will be the delay for results and deliberate slowdown of the system to provide results in a timely fashion.

NICS check used to take 20 minutes now hearing horror stories of days or weeks. Dunno the actual but can easily envision backlog to the moon. Remember backlog during covid for DMV/MVC and unemployment.

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97cba0  No.17282758

File: 3d5e56db4cd7211⋯.jpg (40.46 KB, 1012x500, 253:125, a7odxd.jpg)


returned to the states…


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bc4110  No.17282759

File: e88f6a7f7a10441⋯.jpg (48.21 KB, 1049x602, 1049:602, lqzw5a68kp4d.jpg)

fuck me anons.

pic related is long but worth it.

these people are absolutely evil.

In WWII they hand picked right-wingers for draftees. FDR specifically sent our guys to die in a war for left wing globalist interests.

Since the great depression there has NEVER been a right wing supermajority in the senate.

These nation wrecking vermin rigged the entire system by indirectly murdering their opposition.

Same case in every other war. the left all got college deferments in vietnam, we had to fight it and weren't allowed to win. it dragged on, on purpose in order to kill more of us.

Even now in the desert almost all of the combat roles are White right wing southerners. We were in Iraq and Afganistan with our hands bound worrying about optics in order to get as many of us killed as possible.

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47b1f0  No.17282760

File: dec638ebf5b776e⋯.jpg (49.89 KB, 1091x602, 1091:602, lgwb59.jpg)


Just set this world on fire already. There's nothing left to save.

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5ec4ba  No.17282761

File: 95598b7829b46c8⋯.jpg (111 KB, 660x780, 11:13, PIGS_MOM.jpg)

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ba95d2  No.17282762

File: 24670cf80f21789⋯.jpg (43.54 KB, 1033x533, 1033:533, rfldx8.jpg)


You passed the test. I want to make sure I'm the best waifu you could ever ask for. I'll be with you tomorrow. Please show babu what the form you like best.

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e756cd  No.17282763

File: d6b2cb6bd3778e5⋯.jpg (49.01 KB, 1096x588, 274:147, cpi8px68qmok.jpg)


*if YOU add sauce kek

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51e54b  No.17282769

File: ba29368639ce686⋯.jpg (64.9 KB, 1163x747, 1163:747, z8jf4p71vx6.jpg)

This is not a game

Learn to play the game

Game over

Shall we play a game once more?

Talk about bullshit bread filler.

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2eeeef  No.17282771

File: ae3955ed5500dc4⋯.jpg (45.74 KB, 1137x518, 1137:518, afbsyjrptuzd78.jpg)

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a89ff6  No.17282773

File: 83f6d6c565bfde1⋯.jpg (51.55 KB, 1058x645, 1058:645, mrnyxd2vlo.jpg)


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eae9f6  No.17282774

File: b0ff7b1d0a5158d⋯.jpg (61.65 KB, 1177x717, 1177:717, 3g0u8t0.jpg)


Thats all he knows how to do, blame someone else for his complete failures.

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29a9f8  No.17282775

File: 59b35c1b4c6eb21⋯.jpg (44.21 KB, 1089x516, 363:172, apudnvosmsm7.jpg)


Sorry, the "tide" has changed. The ride is just as messed up as it was.

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12bb43  No.17282776

File: 6420c2b76a283ba⋯.jpg (53.08 KB, 991x710, 991:710, cbujrm.jpg)

The Rolling Stones have been forced to cancel their Amsterdam concert after their frontman, Mick Jagger, tested positive for Covid-19


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dda115  No.17282781

File: e19edf0106a037c⋯.jpg (46.49 KB, 1134x536, 567:268, vuekvpp.jpg)

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.


























>Question everything


>Brave New World

Q, / Q+, / Q++, / Q+++







There is Q

There are Anon's

But there is no QANON'S














Godfather III

Sum of All Fears












Pink Panther























RED RED 9/11



[D] Day



7th floor is no more





7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills





Yellow Submarine

DD Dangerous Dragons

DD Daniel Defense





Larry Fink


Get me a bun, senpai








fang fang




Deep Dream



Horus e[Y]e of Ra

[P]riory of Sion























<:stay at home



safe comms_SAT-re_Bz985300`00











For God and Country

When does a bird sing?

when it tweets

Fourth Wall?

(You) are watching a movie



CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis

>S(KY) O'NE. Oni. Skyr. Skyrim. Ice land! Stay frosty!

>There's no place like home! My main(e) ho(e)! Haha.

>Follow the yellow brick road!


John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.

General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥



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bbcc9f  No.17282784

File: 28c70d77b561dfe⋯.jpg (52.73 KB, 1075x656, 1075:656, juhhb3wu35lc2.jpg)


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63c363  No.17282785

File: 8f0fdb4f8cdcf96⋯.jpg (48.47 KB, 1179x538, 1179:538, t3j4g91wqq.jpg)


No tattoos

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6e5e2a  No.17282786

File: 9c0463de9fbb2b3⋯.jpg (46.29 KB, 1161x522, 129:58, r7lh30.jpg)


>gaslighting is high…thank god so am i


Ras Tafari

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aaaa9b  No.17282787

File: 8565b07644f00f7⋯.jpg (52.87 KB, 1138x617, 1138:617, yc2mj3sig.jpg)


To be fair, someone posted some Finklestein shit kid posts when Q came back, but we haven't gotten the full return.

I miss the They will Rape, Eat, blah blah blah bot posts every bread.

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89a0c2  No.17282788

File: 566bb8265a945f3⋯.jpg (51.51 KB, 1178x582, 589:291, yx1y6iezklncu8.jpg)

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b47236  No.17282791

File: 7ca49b6401504db⋯.jpg (56.42 KB, 1094x692, 547:346, 8w1zr6kat.jpg)

God we pray, bless ALL on the board and protect Our chilldren.

Anoint the planet and solar system with your holy spirit.

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a89ff6  No.17282792

File: 2ce22da66c1f7fa⋯.jpg (44.85 KB, 1118x516, 13:6, r54w3pl5lrs.jpg)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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ad21e1  No.17282793

File: d7457c03e40f5b9⋯.jpg (47.63 KB, 1122x550, 51:25, 4icgn93y0c6o.jpg)


In Heaven, criminals are not allowed.


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5ec4ba  No.17282795

File: 300963279c4b89f⋯.jpg (48.89 KB, 487x323, 487:323, ITTY_BITTY.jpg)

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e756cd  No.17282798

File: e10151c3d35e522⋯.jpg (58.85 KB, 1088x728, 136:91, ep0lwxi65fd8k.jpg)

Come on Q, give us something substantial.

Its been almost 5 years now!

You said nobody iis more important than anyone else in this.

Yet all we ever get is lame riddles that lead nowhere.

Must we trust the plan until Hunter Biden is serving his second term?

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8f69af  No.17282799

File: a8272d2b701e3fd⋯.jpg (50.49 KB, 1018x666, 509:333, 8snca4.jpg)


August 1, 2020

The meaning and origin of the Apple Command key, ⌘, or Apple key, is a modifier key which purpose is to allow the user to enter keyboard commands in system.

… Steve Jobs initiated the turnaround, but is not responsible for the ⌘ on your keyboard now. We owe the command symbol to Susan kare. She was one of the first within Apple to design icons. She designed the pixelated trash can, the floppy icon, the smiling Mac and more.

The origin of the Apple command key

All these Susan Kare icons have now been replaced by modern versions, except for the command character. The decision to put the ⌘ on the keyboard has been upheld. Yet this is not one of Susan’s many designs. The symbol already existed and can mainly be found in Scandinavian countries.

Susan Kare came across the ⌘ symbol in a database and decided to introduce it as the character of the command key. Her idea was approved and that’s why the ⌘ is still on your keyboard. Remarkable, because until then the symbol had a completely different meaning.

The meaning of the ⌘ symbol

This sign was mainly found along the road in Scandinavian countries. Finland started doing so in 1950 and then neighboring countries such as Sweden took over. When you came across this sign, you knew there was a landmark or campground nearby.

The most common theory is that the sign must represent a castle or fortress. Although some say it is a four-leaf clover or a cloverleaf (highway junction). So we cannot say with certainty the origin. What we do know is that Susan Kare did not discover the symbol while on vacation. This is sometimes claimed, but as we mentioned earlier, Susan just came across the ⌘ in a database of symbols.


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d9eb5a  No.17282802

File: 35254add3636360⋯.jpg (46.36 KB, 1119x539, 1119:539, jwzhw9hz.jpg)


I think they just authorised your abortion,

So you good to go?

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63c363  No.17282807

File: 482fe7dbcf61510⋯.jpg (48.42 KB, 1073x589, 1073:589, 4gswuxlc39k.jpg)


you gonna do this slide every night newfag?

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5aad2b  No.17282808

File: 22b899ecb4d3291⋯.jpg (53.91 KB, 976x730, 488:365, rk3mofyo.jpg)


5:5 chkt

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47b1f0  No.17282811

File: a25fcf0f920823f⋯.jpg (59.18 KB, 1134x712, 567:356, j1k149z2ex9sx.jpg)


>Summer Equinox


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a808d8  No.17282813

File: 9739776d1836208⋯.jpg (59.08 KB, 1152x698, 576:349, 3b43oot3.jpg)



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dda115  No.17282815

File: b89bb5fdcafbd3b⋯.jpg (45.62 KB, 1106x536, 553:268, a0mgf76lfp.jpg)

big Lie contestant with 81 million votes decries absolute constitutional rights

you may not divert into your rights - its about muhHappiness


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bb80a2  No.17282817

File: 0d9b84d9a9d05da⋯.jpg (43.13 KB, 984x555, 328:185, v4kxzfmga4.jpg)

Good-B[y]e to the Old Guard

The[y] Shouldn't Have Touched the Children.


Putin saved 10's of thousands of Children & destroyed Bio-Labs

















Everything we have been taught is pretty much BULLSHIT

President Donald J. Trump has caught [THEM] ALL RED_HANDED

Our Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. has ALL the evidence WW

John F. Kennedy, & John F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald J. Trump have dedicated their lives to seek out, document, and expose the EVIL

The World is WATCHING

The World is CONNECTED

Difficult Truths are about to come to LIGHT

Everything will be okay

The Storm has arrived.


President Trump & Vice President Kennedy are working with GOD OUR ETERNAL HEAVENLY FATHER AND JESUS CHRIST



Decertify the FRAUD




Marker [9]









The ravens will starve.






Their is more GOOD than bad people out there.



Trust the Plan.

Everything is on Federal TAPE


Government TAPE

It's on Government TAPE

It's all on Government TAPE











Watch the WATER







Thors Hammer








God Father III


Jason Bourne (CIA/DREAM)



Yellow Brick Road

Snow White

Alice in Wonderland

White Rabbit







President Trump and Vice President Kennedy have rescued 100's of Thousands of ChildrenUnderground, and being trafficed, while President Trump was in office , and are still rescuing more everyday while the Special Forces are also removing the evil wicked ones, NAZIS




ACT OF 1871












Sky Event

Sky Net

Sky Fortress Engaged




We Have it ALL.

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.


















General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!!!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.


John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'



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aaaa9b  No.17282818

File: 25de76f404592a7⋯.jpg (43.66 KB, 996x563, 996:563, 6tlsmn1.jpg)


never mind salty baited me …

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556d8f  No.17282819

File: 4ff3fc1643b1460⋯.jpg (58.98 KB, 1084x738, 542:369, 7x108z.jpg)


Garrett Q-gler with this gem of a Hunter photo…

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2eeeef  No.17282825

File: 3325a87cb3120e7⋯.jpg (49.25 KB, 1179x548, 1179:548, 7ofhvhnttqwz.jpg)


Fighting The Commies, [15.06.22 22:16]

Miami holds 'Guns 4 Ukraine' firearm buyback program

FULL STORY: https://fightingthecommies.com/EUC

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cec898  No.17282827

File: eaca874d34a006f⋯.png (107.63 KB, 959x608, 959:608, ClipboardImage.png)


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e756cd  No.17282831

File: 6f51e6245450e32⋯.jpg (50.52 KB, 1086x611, 1086:611, 2x8ncko.jpg)


Look at this, 7 days ago:

John McAfee's body still in Spain a year after his mysterious death

June 23, 2022 11:07 AM


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84fced  No.17282833

File: 58f100892407ed3⋯.jpg (54.06 KB, 1006x711, 1006:711, innap2km.jpg)


thats Washington Crossing the Delaware

not the Potomac

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d28369  No.17282834

File: 53770953f25cb23⋯.jpg (45.96 KB, 1180x503, 1180:503, w6vswf6.jpg)







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5ec4ba  No.17282837

File: aa0a5680e530ecd⋯.jpg (85.33 KB, 585x467, 585:467, TWILIGHT.jpg)

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89a0c2  No.17282838

File: 17b941e0cffdb02⋯.jpg (50.55 KB, 1038x641, 1038:641, fk3hcz3p6.jpg)


Remember 5/4



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41f9d1  No.17282839

File: a3f34f001bc1a38⋯.jpg (56.68 KB, 1028x733, 1028:733, 7j5uciw4by.jpg)

Morning, frenz

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51ba55  No.17282840

File: 247fa0e4be01055⋯.jpg (47.04 KB, 1142x534, 571:267, xwwhnkxu.jpg)


This went exactly where I thought it was going to go. He is exactly right and more information can be found here:


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5aad2b  No.17282841

File: 794348d6312a71d⋯.jpg (54.03 KB, 1031x696, 1031:696, 4p0t677n.jpg)


Dub dubs chek't

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22b00e  No.17282843

File: 76145f8dd1aa2a6⋯.jpg (55.77 KB, 1156x651, 1156:651, 36is4m95b1.jpg)


dast'g but fyi wsop is digital toilet paper

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a808d8  No.17282844

File: 5e97416ae7625dd⋯.jpg (50.64 KB, 1121x595, 1121:595, piv6ik4.jpg)


did George find the Secretariat of the WHO!?

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29a9f8  No.17282846

File: ace705c3603efa4⋯.jpg (45.91 KB, 1068x547, 1068:547, yuzp3n9ay3bj8.jpg)


Mucormycosis is very scary to read about. This is most likely why we bury dead things and dispose of rotten food.

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51e54b  No.17282847

File: 8ca1d30f656e325⋯.jpg (48.15 KB, 1131x558, 377:186, xee1k6op2i5mp.jpg)











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ed0b87  No.17282848

File: 7116a2b8aeae22f⋯.jpg (52.1 KB, 1123x617, 1123:617, r643eken1joht.jpg)


Maybe E is your friend didn't know he got played. I trust you man. You're my main homie. Kek.

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47b1f0  No.17282853

File: 2ad1e2b0885a9fa⋯.jpg (48.33 KB, 969x644, 969:644, qws948ezbqx.jpg)

You know what I'm having trouble with? Why should I believe in Christianity when it's a Jewish religion and the Jews are responsible for all evils in this world? Jews are behind the efforts to usher in the New World Order.

If I'm going to believe in something, then I think it should be pre-Christian beliefs like Egyptian mythology or Norse mythology.

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39616d  No.17282854

File: d2be730f68f5600⋯.jpg (44.72 KB, 995x584, 995:584, dx85pdbkwv7.jpg)


this kind of side by side tweets, news whatever can be safely assumed to be fakes unless there's links.

Discernment is important.


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8f69af  No.17282855

File: 002e43830191d96⋯.jpg (49.97 KB, 1096x605, 1096:605, be8y7u.jpg)


>CNN tags QAnon DROP as violence again.

I'm telling you…the new Q drops weren't the original Q. This new shit, this is some black hat bullshit to give the MSM jockeys something to pivot to, since the Jan 6th shitfest is falling apart. When all else fails… go back to the "QAnon" well.

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556d8f  No.17282858

File: 067785042746b54⋯.jpg (48.85 KB, 982x651, 982:651, wudp514pm387em.jpg)



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93a7f9  No.17282860

File: b6af595fb119761⋯.jpg (48.5 KB, 1083x591, 361:197, o7no7rvie.jpg)

@realDonaldTrump Sooo many people are leaving Radical Left Fake Account Twitter for TRUTH. How cool is that? They BADLY want me back on Twitter - ZERO INTEREST, it won’t happen. We only speak the TRUTH!!!


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3b127c  No.17282861

File: 3036dfcec052a0c⋯.jpg (63.56 KB, 1201x726, 1201:726, 06gq3572l6jylo.jpg)


turned her back on MAGA!

Crimes against Humanity.

Down she goes.

Nobody escapes this.


These people are SICK.

These people HATE America.

I tried to tell them.

I tried to warn them.

They were warned.

Lets keep Playing…

The World is WATCHING.

The World is CONNECTED.





WE are ALL Patriots.


Where We Go One, we go all.

Trump's silent running…

The Panic is real.



Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming





How far down the RABBIT HOLE do you want to go?

Where is EPSTEIN being held?











Roe vs Wade

We are "THE KIDS"



These evil wicked ones will be exposed and die without BABIES


[THEY] show signs of emotional outbursts without human baby ADRENALINZE blood, and young flesh & ADRENACHROME!!!!

DD = Dangerous Dragons







Who is W.H.O.

Protect your children, and your neighbors children & help others.



Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ are here, and in full control.

Wonderful Activities & Arrests going on behind the scences.

President Trump caught them ALL RED_RED_HANDED.

Vice President Kennedy Jr. has ALL the evidence WW for courts

Truths are about to come to LIGHT that will upset & shock you.




Already many clones operators in high school & gov. positions.


Military is the only way.

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ba95d2  No.17282862

File: 702fb494d9671a9⋯.jpg (54.5 KB, 1124x651, 1124:651, yz9upigupnjz2r.jpg)

The Q knew that post was going to spin for a few breads, so keep calm, analyse and thing BIG.

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47b1f0  No.17282864

File: 41336a04151d711⋯.jpg (58.37 KB, 1061x723, 1061:723, 0zbe6ip6x.jpg)


I think we're an echochamber, just like any other echo chamber; except we "believe" different stuff.

If you go against the echo chamber here, you're shouted down and filtered. If there was a way to ban dissenters, we would.

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727fd8  No.17282865

File: 283b969fd843488⋯.jpg (56.37 KB, 1115x682, 1115:682, 9a8t3eri.jpg)


It cost $75 to start it KEK

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5aad2b  No.17282866

File: cf90ad83cdbb0b2⋯.jpg (51.3 KB, 1151x600, 1151:600, mt4g5ly4y.jpg)


Fuck that.

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5ec4ba  No.17282868

File: b9e2d6e1db48e34⋯.jpg (151.83 KB, 861x445, 861:445, ITS_GOOD_ADVICE.jpg)

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bb80a2  No.17282869

File: 58c620e4c6b64a5⋯.jpg (62.7 KB, 1195x717, 5:3, jhcl5go545.jpg)



That's what happens when criminal traitors remain completely free. Deep state is running America.

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8b68a8  No.17282870

File: f2596723d55d247⋯.jpg (41.89 KB, 995x531, 995:531, opl82yibtlr4ob.jpg)

LIVE: President Trump Special Grand Jury Selection in Fulton County, Georgia

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a89ff6  No.17282871

File: a06a68235f61fab⋯.jpg (61.02 KB, 1180x705, 236:141, zctuccc44o.jpg)


of course….she called the guy "Bobby" : it was so 1980s murder mystery trope and tripe

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dda115  No.17282873

File: 832ec925e756bbd⋯.jpg (50.58 KB, 1018x663, 1018:663, xmmb89y2w26.jpg)

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a808d8  No.17282874

File: c03fadfb72efe75⋯.jpg (59.02 KB, 1133x707, 1133:707, v69k2tesbn.jpg)

All (PB)


Just imagine the frustration of the white hats here….

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3b127c  No.17282876

File: c7c39c2abe186cf⋯.jpg (58.91 KB, 1128x707, 1128:707, o0ovk5eazp6fm.jpg)


yes because they have a trading floor.

the would probably stop trading if there was a crash anyway

that's pretty much the definition of a crash.

you can't sell

when it opens , the price has taken a quantum drop?

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39616d  No.17282878

File: ca39eb66979f7b5⋯.jpg (58.12 KB, 1203x658, 1203:658, eslldukjm.jpg)

federal faggot pron

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108dcf  No.17282879

File: cbf9afc28066844⋯.jpg (53.89 KB, 1188x609, 396:203, qtdx8uy.jpg)


Pulling No Punches !!!!

The calm is over, the gust front is coming

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329e6c  No.17282886

File: e4cbe8b4ccb6368⋯.jpg (46.8 KB, 992x615, 992:615, wzk36cz1vxd.jpg)


Of course, see >>17282550

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5ec4ba  No.17282893

File: c2147cf390b9bb2⋯.jpg (83.37 KB, 483x653, 483:653, THE_SHIRT.jpg)

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eae9f6  No.17282895

File: 033c244c3d80d2f⋯.jpg (56.69 KB, 1124x674, 562:337, b0ud0e583fbvv.jpg)


Fuck off you shitstain clown

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93a7f9  No.17282896

File: ad47e01fdb6700f⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 1189x599, 1189:599, b0uixl1z.jpg)


The shoe fits, Bub.

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d28369  No.17282897

File: 75ef6bffde5b695⋯.jpg (42.47 KB, 1034x516, 517:258, dar01ninc177n.jpg)


"So I a mother doesn't want her baby she can just leave it out on the patio."

This = why we are the news now.

Go g go get out post, post them red pills.

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a808d8  No.17282906

File: 0d7cdc94dabed6b⋯.jpg (53.2 KB, 1084x660, 271:165, bpshet1l59.jpg)


Take you vax peon.

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afd6c5  No.17282909

File: 5e6cef6e47f3bee⋯.jpg (52.71 KB, 1148x624, 287:156, dz8i7g3cjp.jpg)


sweet little wave dub dubs

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e547d5  No.17282911

File: 0f99c15b6d75ea3⋯.jpg (41.4 KB, 1013x509, 1013:509, 4gk7u2.jpg)



almost always but that is beside the Point!


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ad21e1  No.17282912

File: c782ce8b27a4b07⋯.jpg (56.25 KB, 1013x723, 1013:723, rqq70evjdkxd.jpg)

nuke sun valley

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d9eb5a  No.17282913

File: 00c6627e6a44ccc⋯.jpg (40.77 KB, 981x519, 327:173, zcjnzgiinimr.jpg)

Voters to head to polls June 14 in special election where illegal immigration is front and center

Voters will head to the polls on Tuesday in a special election for Texas’ new 34th congressional district in the Rio Grande Valley, where illegal immigration is front and center.

Longtime Rio Grande Valley Democratic Rep. Filemon Vela Jr., resigned earlier this year, leaving the 34th district seat open.

Some of the most competitive races this November are at the southern border, Congressional Districts 15, 28 and 34, which Republicans are hoping to flip red.


Get the word out to Patriots in that district to VOTE TODAY! Low election turnout means our votes count even more.

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cfefd7  No.17282914

File: 7642f5b091e09ce⋯.jpg (52.01 KB, 1090x631, 1090:631, pl7qisc3i.jpg)

Many EU countries are in ‘direct war’ with Russia – Serbia

Europeans are sending weapons to Ukraine and are angry that Serbia “is not in their shoes,” President Aleksandar Vucic claims

Many EU states are in “a direct war” with Russia and are “angry” with Belgrade for refusing to go along with sanctions, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Saturday.

Speaking at a press conference two days after attending a meeting between the 27 EU leaders and six heads of government from the West Balkans, Vucic claimed the Balkans “were not important that day” for the EU, as the bloc is “completely at war with Russia” and its priority was to provide Ukraine and Moldova with EU candidate status.

“Viktor Orban [Hungarian prime minister] said that in the economic sense, Serbia and Montenegro are much more ready to be part of the EU than some other countries. But who cares?” Vucic remarked.

He explained that Serbia is now in a difficult position due to the pressure to join EU members in imposing sanctions on Russia. The president stressed he is aware of “how angry many of them are” over the issue.

“Many EU countries are in a direct war against Russia. They send howitzers, planes, S-300s to Ukraine, and how do you think they will treat us? They are not in our shoes as we are not in theirs, and that is why our position is extremely difficult. Will it be easier? Well, it won't,” Vucic said.

However, he pledged that Serbia will continue to pursue its European path as “there must be a rational and pragmatic approach in politics, which takes the interests into account.”

He noted that in Serbia, 300,000 people work directly and 500,000 indirectly for foreign companies, two thirds of which are from the EU.

“If you do not understand how important the EU is to us, I cannot change that,” he said, while claiming the West fails to appreciate how important it is for Serbia to refrain from anti-Russia sanctions, and to maintain good relations with both Russia and China.

Addressing the economic situation in Europe, Vucic gave a gloomy forecast, saying if the conflict in Donbass does not end with a truce, the world will face “a worse world war than the previous one.”

“A little man from the Balkans says that. I hope that they will start peace negotiations, otherwise we will all go,” he added.

On Thursday, the day when Ukraine and Moldova were granted EU candidate status, Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin said a military conflict with Russia appears to be the condition for fast-track accession to the European Union.

Pointing out that Ukraine falls short of the standards which are “so carefully applied to Balkan countries,” the minister claimed Kiev's “participation in the war was enough to start negotiations” on its EU membership. He added that if getting into war with someone is the only way to speed up Serbia’s accession to the EU, then “it is not worth it.”

Earlier this month the interior minister said his country was not interested in diminishing its “closeness and cooperation” with Moscow, and that by trying to force Belgrade to impose sanctions on Russia, the West simply seeks to “absolve” itself of its own crimes. His remarks came soon after German Chancellor Olaf Scholz urged Serbia to follow the EU's lead in sanctioning Russia, and recognize the breakaway province of Kosovo as an independent state if it hopes to join the bloc


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93a7f9  No.17282920

File: a521c7e3aec4ae0⋯.jpg (54.09 KB, 965x729, 965:729, ebsuwwspe.jpg)

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ba95d2  No.17282921

File: 92a78f5af20f098⋯.jpg (46.72 KB, 1041x584, 1041:584, 4ajhn3yye.jpg)


It's Sunday. Time to go to church mate.

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39616d  No.17282922

File: ef9740fea942aaf⋯.jpg (54.44 KB, 1016x707, 1016:707, ounudqoy1.jpg)


my exact words

'if it has been noted recently and I see a repeat of the same multiple times, it may be considered spam imo.'

your exact words

so if something ends up in the notables more than once its spam now?

see the difference

I am speaking of the thread

you are speaking of the notables

again try harder and read slower

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eae9f6  No.17282925

File: 06d2c2b91769416⋯.jpg (43.45 KB, 1012x543, 1012:543, fquw1e2g2e.jpg)


What is it with these parade killings?

There was that SUV driven thru the Christmas Parade in Wisconsin

And now this Parade in Illinois.

Does the DS not like parades?

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6e5e2a  No.17282926

File: 5f58bbee50eda99⋯.jpg (46.46 KB, 1011x589, 1011:589, 16ufcfrdb.jpg)


Nothing wrong with a bit of education here and there anon.

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bd5a78  No.17282928

File: d15a1746b90dda8⋯.jpg (47.79 KB, 996x625, 996:625, veo622opjp.jpg)

Money in the bank will soon be worthless. Rich, organic soil will be priceless. Prepare your soil.

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5ec4ba  No.17282930

File: 2f92dc7c7288105⋯.jpg (213.54 KB, 835x617, 835:617, WEAK_SPAM_PANIC.jpg)

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eae9f6  No.17282933

File: e276e4d992797e8⋯.jpg (55.27 KB, 1180x633, 1180:633, 3y4buj3dzouz2s.jpg)


Have at it.

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ed12cc  No.17282937

File: 24fc54f1b385adf⋯.jpg (108.61 KB, 680x776, 85:97, 20210927_105841.jpg)


This one's a real stinker.

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dda115  No.17282939

File: d813e89deec3f6b⋯.jpg (44 KB, 1086x514, 543:257, 8zxvgtnk7.jpg)


Kek, You're OK. Keep up the good work!

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cec898  No.17282940

File: 839167e42a4d4e0⋯.png (410.36 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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09074b  No.17282944

File: 88bb0b323eca37c⋯.jpg (54.14 KB, 980x725, 196:145, u77yibum5.jpg)


saved, dare ya to bake with it.

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75973f  No.17282947

File: e4f2f4f4860b1f4⋯.gif (2.49 MB, 256x256, 1:1, e4f2f4f4860b1f41ae7fb6aecd….gif)








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d28369  No.17282948

File: 1956ecb4d3d3092⋯.jpg (55.22 KB, 1089x680, 1089:680, ak9011dz.jpg)



I don't have any golf gifs

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5ec4ba  No.17282949

File: f08f531288f5913⋯.jpg (155.12 KB, 533x566, 533:566, PIG_BINGO_1.jpg)

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bd5a78  No.17282951

File: e3c735e55c92543⋯.jpg (52.24 KB, 1175x594, 1175:594, 833xfqmzq.jpg)

Louisiana patriots, I hope you can attend this event.



Confirmed speakers include:

Dinesh D'Souza

Congressman Clay Higgins

Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser

Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin

Attorney General Jeff Landry

Treasurer John Schroder

Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon

NFRW President Eileen Sobjack

FRC President Tony Perkins

Dr. David Clements

Dr. Douglas Frank

David Bossie

Corey Lewandowski


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db71d6  No.17282954

File: e4054e4958af589⋯.jpg (50.61 KB, 1147x585, 1147:585, 7jq5csnh.jpg)


i saw 2 breads 1 normal and 1 ebake and i had one in the oven, and there were prob moar. your gaslighting won't work. qr is fine.

/hivemind/ projection. go cry on meta

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5ec4ba  No.17282968

File: 699d55e9676a2ad⋯.jpg (107.96 KB, 736x399, 736:399, CACHE.jpg)

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eae9f6  No.17282970

File: 963e25c8213d96a⋯.jpg (56.72 KB, 1071x714, 3:2, hrn4t34b3qu.jpg)


kek, never thought I'd see my keyboard warrior meme out in the wild

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0b5489  No.17282976

File: 325dd4580048dd5⋯.jpg (41.95 KB, 1050x499, 1050:499, wo5kp20.jpg)


oh hello, tranime, long time no see

I am happy to gas you as well

step right up, tranny queer

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7e5e73  No.17282979

File: def32f198b343dc⋯.jpg (53.37 KB, 1208x599, 1208:599, 35foxclej46y.jpg)


>the 'volatility' will only increase in magnitude = a really bad investment to 'buy into' with time

bitcoin has gone down in volatility over time, dumbass. use percentages, not absolute values.

fucking amateur.

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0b5489  No.17282991

File: 005a7c4bdfcfe9f⋯.jpg (55.47 KB, 1069x691, 1069:691, 56udfnyunn0ip.jpg)


why does it take them so long for a new name?

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97375d  No.17282998

File: 916eeeed216d5b1⋯.jpg (55.86 KB, 1171x645, 1171:645, vy4yfteq8vi.jpg)




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5ec4ba  No.17283001

File: 54f43b910ceb810⋯.jpg (113.91 KB, 844x427, 844:427, ROCKET_POWER.jpg)

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26f83b  No.17283002

File: bc589b5c7b66241⋯.jpg (50.16 KB, 1120x594, 560:297, 2mjlbgz.jpg)



Dan Scavino is a piece of shit a total BUFFOON parasite.

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db71d6  No.17283003

File: 38aa1e766b4f345⋯.jpg (55.47 KB, 1013x744, 1013:744, 6h51ayv.jpg)

Happy Holidays for Christians.

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d9eb5a  No.17283005

File: e2463b22c32db2e⋯.jpg (42.97 KB, 991x553, 991:553, kkawc1ztfv.jpg)


i use json for getting new data

having no archive json on 8kun is really crap, no idea why the board software is so bad… if i knew this in the beginning i would have save all the json files… but there would be other issues with that as well… best would be to have up to date json files from 8kun

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5aad2b  No.17283006

File: b982d51d68bdf39⋯.jpg (42.5 KB, 1032x525, 344:175, cd6f81uslb.jpg)

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963cbc  No.17283007

File: 71e4e436cd2dc51⋯.jpg (48.22 KB, 1147x548, 1147:548, 03xg2th.jpg)


Israel for last.

Many people believe that Kosher slaughter is painless, quick and merciful. In reality, animals who undergo a Kosher slaughter suffer immensely and are subjected to extreme violence. All this while being fully conscious and aware, as required in a Kosher slaughter.


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cec898  No.17283016

File: e7e90a7a0a51521⋯.png (993.82 KB, 977x1290, 977:1290, ClipboardImage.png)

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bd5a78  No.17283020

File: 43db645b1cfb414⋯.jpg (54.84 KB, 1053x692, 1053:692, jv8py71q.jpg)


Die nine times, they should.

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d57df2  No.17283023

File: 342862b96d0be20⋯.jpg (43.69 KB, 1102x507, 1102:507, 1vmjp5.jpg)


If you actually expected one, you deserve to be disappointed.

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5ec4ba  No.17283030

File: 78757be654e6251⋯.jpg (48.15 KB, 509x506, 509:506, CARGO_BAY.jpg)

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26f83b  No.17283037

File: d0c3da551bfe0be⋯.jpg (51.4 KB, 1145x598, 1145:598, hm39qjg.jpg)

Habbening habben when you say Hi to Swordy and Sam and eat popcorn.



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da54ed  No.17283039

File: ef09a1df2446cdd⋯.jpg (53.55 KB, 980x717, 980:717, g26x8f6.jpg)


The Blondies

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1632f7  No.17283044

File: ec65b8ac3176d3a⋯.jpg (42.95 KB, 1076x512, 269:128, bck3m9kw.jpg)


Well, if this was for you…..

I wasn't here in the 1st place.

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07794a  No.17283051

File: 5c10f5d495f6b7a⋯.jpg (54.92 KB, 1055x699, 1055:699, kddl347.jpg)


All asses deployed

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6d10c9  No.17283053

File: 6835f9472fb29b6⋯.jpg (49.35 KB, 1072x622, 536:311, 6jt78dfq5901.jpg)

It's not just diamonds and Ebola at this point

There's uranium in the area too

Uranium Hunter Corporation

CEO Brad St. John

President Michale Watson


And then there's this:


Kono Children Education Foundation

Kono is the district in Sierra Leone that includes Koidu Town and the Koidu Kimberlite mine

Registered as a nonprofit in Maryland

Ran by Fuambai S Ahmadu

She works for the NIH

What was it about Koidu and the NIH again?





Oh look, here she is getting arrested in the Cayman Islands


And here she is saying female genital mutilation is "just a nick"


>Just a nick

This woman was endorsed by the NIH, UN, and UNICEF


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eae9f6  No.17283059

File: 7b8969c4b8fbea2⋯.jpg (56.54 KB, 1179x653, 1179:653, i63ee0adlo.jpg)



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cfefd7  No.17283062

File: af53d10afb0fe42⋯.jpg (47.12 KB, 1170x521, 1170:521, f0oodjt6.jpg)

Wave after wave.

DNA upgrades inbound.

Downloads incoming

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8d6f4b  No.17283065

File: 282bfdd5b4b8e9a⋯.jpg (48.46 KB, 1005x631, 1005:631, n0ki8voxvyi9uj.jpg)

Bill Barr Tells Congress He Was Not Interested in Investigating ANY Ballot Trafficking in the 2020 Election — And Laughed About Openly During Testimony

Day II of the January 6 Democrat Party Show Trial was held on Monday morning following their ratings bust on opening night.

The January 6 hearings that aired in primetime last Thursday took in less viewers than a normal night of television.

On Monday they went back to their daytime slot.

During their sham one-sided hearing the Jan. 6 Committee shared their interview with former AG Bill Barr who was seen laughing hysterically when he was asked about the evidence of voter fraud presented by “2000 Mules” during his pre-recorded testimony at the Jan 6 show trial.

Bill Barr: “Uh, the election was not stolen by fraud. And I haven’t seen anything since the election that changes my mind on that, including the ‘2000 Mules’ movie. (laughing) In a nutshell. the GBI[Georgia Bureau of Investigation] was unimpressed with it and I was similarly unimpressed with it because I was holding my fire on that see what the photographic evidence was. I thought, well hell, if they have a lot of photographs of the same person dumping a lot of ballots in different boxes, that’s hard to explain. So I wanted to see what the photographic evidence was. The cellphone data is singularly unimpressive. Basically, if you take 2 million cellphones and figure out where they are physically in a big city like Atlanta or wherever, by definition, you’re going to find many hundreds of them that have passed by and spent time in the vicinity these boxes. And the premise that if you go by five boxes or whatever it was, that that’s a mule, is indefensible.”

How much you want to bet that Bill Barr never saw “2000 Mules”?

Clearly, Bill Barr was not interested in looking at any instances of ballot trafficking.

And Bill Barr clearly does not understand the law or is not interested in following the law. Ballot trafficking is illegal in Georgia. The movie and dozens of clips released since the movie show dozens of ballot traffickers dumping hundreds of ballots into Georgia drop boxes.

If Barr was serious about upholding the law he would have investigated each case of ballot trafficking released in the film and after the film.

On October 29, in Detroit, a US Postal worker can be seen making 4 trips to the Liberty Center satellite voting center in Detroit. The final trip was made in a private vehicle. Although the people making the deliveries are not the same, the number on the front of the US Post Office vehicle is the same!


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5287ca  No.17283073

File: c388b6b03a4a68a⋯.jpg (44.83 KB, 1078x539, 2:1, a5yxwhn1s.jpg)

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614cd6  No.17283075

File: e81437f768643e4⋯.jpg (43.08 KB, 1050x520, 105:52, 3fe38gx615nrsx.jpg)


I've heard this story before. it's not the first time


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5ec4ba  No.17283077

File: d218983746f9208⋯.jpg (112.62 KB, 548x508, 137:127, SMILING.jpg)

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5b9a2d  No.17283081

File: 2076417f136c17c⋯.jpeg (76.24 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, pepe_heart.jpeg)

ty baker

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ba95d2  No.17283082

File: 204344744eb9a9f⋯.jpg (52.75 KB, 1073x651, 1073:651, obzho0xn.jpg)


and this is the best place to be…from a cyber point of view…barely even need a search engine anymore, and was banned from everything even before FB or Twat existed ; this is muh touch with the outside world as don't get off the farm much but as of just now…the hay for winter is officially in the barn (the sense of relief is indescribable)

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26f83b  No.17283085

File: 1a12c082e630419⋯.jpg (57.79 KB, 1202x663, 1202:663, sh1gmk4mtyg8d.jpg)


realising someone was born an idiot makes it easier to forgiver them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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e2edfe  No.17283090

File: 97584701654d3fa⋯.jpg (55.25 KB, 1108x668, 277:167, 3ny9gr25e0qea.jpg)

Norms hoping DeSantis will run. Maybe that's been the plan all along. Anon is expecting anything and everything.

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cec898  No.17283091

File: 5d5d5370ef929a4⋯.png (522.52 KB, 773x434, 773:434, ClipboardImage.png)

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0b5489  No.17283094

File: ee7f883c74d97d7⋯.jpg (56.32 KB, 1120x679, 160:97, ug4wuxb84erli.jpg)


"In May, alone, nearly 15,000 UACs were apprehended at the border — nearly all of which will be turned over to HHS and resettled across the U.S. In a single month, the Biden administration released about 8,000 UACs into the U.S. interior.

The overwhelming majority of UACs arriving at the border are teen boys.

The latest federal data shows that 72 percent of all UACs are over 14-years-old and 66 percent are boys."

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b25e8f  No.17283096

File: d3d014a654787c5⋯.jpg (59.9 KB, 1195x688, 1195:688, a5eoqa8.jpg)


3 nc 4


ty for clearing that up… anon.

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5287ca  No.17283097

File: a3fa903a01fe474⋯.jpg (45.17 KB, 999x597, 333:199, mrrgm644u.jpg)

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614cd6  No.17283099

File: 643840ac16d5955⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 966x566, 483:283, 2rqp7q6gb.jpg)


>The swamp is still draining. Takes time.

/qresearch helped survey the swamp and build the map. It's now a powerful engine at idle. It has power but not much work. We want to see the swamp dredged.

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cfefd7  No.17283100

File: b19cbb6f6c3ab0f⋯.jpg (46.13 KB, 963x624, 321:208, z6kv1tpm.jpg)


discuss whatever you want

but not on my time

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d57df2  No.17283101

File: a808586427703db⋯.jpg (54.59 KB, 1015x710, 203:142, 2zep64vrvhc.jpg)

Fresh Bread




Q Research General #22137: Australian Banks Demand To Know What ]you[ Will Spend Their Money On? Edition

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6d10c9  No.17283109

File: 0c160acb2c81898⋯.jpg (52.27 KB, 1157x606, 1157:606, nifky0p4pw0m6.jpg)


cause jfkLESBIAN whines bout babylon died in iraq on an ass apple 14 up+date wiff BONO

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5ec4ba  No.17283117

File: bb24ca65ecf39b3⋯.jpg (147.4 KB, 663x506, 663:506, FIRST_2_FIGHT.jpg)

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02c596  No.17283118

File: c7303aab2318cb2⋯.jpg (48.38 KB, 975x649, 975:649, 31zc8vf44hub.jpg)

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7e8b05  No.17283119

File: 6ff1191b45e7ff8⋯.jpg (61.58 KB, 1149x734, 1149:734, ul8rhp7yamnq1.jpg)


I heard this commercial less than an hour ago. I was sure it was that lil nas, but I could not find any information about the song. When you go to the youtube vid. It is just 15 second and no mention of who sings it.

Don't you think they would want people to know who's song it is?

I did plenty of searches and while I found info on the drink and that it is new, no mention of the song

One of the posters to the video mention the song title and yes, lil nas.

Satan's lil boy who loves to give the devil a blow job.

This is so disgusting. I can't believe it.

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26f83b  No.17283122

File: a751f33c414aed3⋯.jpg (59.78 KB, 1183x690, 1183:690, d7ehx46ysr.jpg)




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785430  No.17283124

File: c01ec002c2c7d0b⋯.jpg (44.48 KB, 1090x519, 1090:519, u6mrrn1.jpg)





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b25e8f  No.17283127

File: 668cf0bf2d56473⋯.jpg (44.46 KB, 1131x504, 377:168, 5t4vne4.jpg)

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108dcf  No.17283128

File: 93e1d0b1f7a81ba⋯.jpg (43.62 KB, 1096x510, 548:255, 79spgai65uy3ag.jpg)


Bette Midler

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5287ca  No.17283131

File: 8bd44825a5f0243⋯.jpg (46.96 KB, 1072x572, 268:143, lt7803k4h3tu.jpg)

New BLM head Cicley Gay has filed for personal bankruptcy three times


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614cd6  No.17283135

File: 865817e0e6cfe42⋯.jpg (44.95 KB, 1111x513, 1111:513, npt8kv8.jpg)


Instead of being a complete asshole, how about share your research and findings about said findings…asshole.

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c33ebd  No.17283136

File: c8cbcc4da2c6726⋯.jpg (57.5 KB, 1152x673, 1152:673, aqxedbmvq3.jpg)


Let me tell you something, dumb…………..

You had the info, about what they are planning, yet, you urged ppl to go and protest……….why????????????

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53b3e7  No.17283138

File: b00285bac8ac210⋯.jpg (51.78 KB, 1149x608, 1149:608, 73hp2ifo08.jpg)

Futures are up..

Do you think it will hold?

Nigger holiday on Monday so markets closed

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21096d  No.17283141

File: 1774255495ef42a⋯.jpg (46.43 KB, 967x618, 967:618, 2jgqffin27j.jpg)



everything old is new again

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463ce0  No.17283150

File: a975e3f98b28add⋯.jpg (47.67 KB, 1185x523, 1185:523, 4zyf05l.jpg)

That’s hilarious….

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5287ca  No.17283152

File: f9521e773a2362e⋯.jpg (47.86 KB, 1073x584, 1073:584, 4cqsg6to4.jpg)


Thank you!

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e0a637  No.17283154

File: 219a3466c9792b3⋯.jpg (56.64 KB, 1031x734, 1031:734, 5f7ykptzv2a.jpg)

Ioanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, It is 3AM and you are maximum, b/c I love you from all my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ba95d2  No.17283161

File: 83161ee786ee271⋯.jpg (46.31 KB, 1044x574, 522:287, p7orlqst9pfrgx.jpg)


And mangos

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db71d6  No.17283162

File: 048cbb74a0d5ed3⋯.jpg (60.58 KB, 1107x738, 3:2, mwxb9tfw5.jpg)


What was Obama doing in Syria?

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d9eb5a  No.17283171

File: 3132650d8caa9bd⋯.jpg (52.27 KB, 1102x634, 551:317, hzmlhqqez1e.jpg)


>hope your "coin" is made of gold

The shekels has to go somewhere

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785430  No.17283173

File: 2fd2bb921127b1a⋯.jpg (44.05 KB, 962x585, 74:45, 6dyely75u2n1.jpg)

Text andl links




>1975 April 29, 01:35 (Tuesday)









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5287ca  No.17283176

File: 721b4c5f185c577⋯.jpg (47.34 KB, 1158x536, 579:268, ww4u2kgqyuw.jpg)




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39fb75  No.17283178

File: 530605aaeba6306⋯.jpg (52.12 KB, 1191x588, 397:196, 5k9gu1wa02bc.jpg)


49 in dog years?

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e044f9  No.17283181

File: 65f65a4d2247b76⋯.jpg (51.77 KB, 1112x618, 556:309, nnh138x9oe.jpg)


tellll egram

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617491  No.17283183

File: bfead98a9c09578⋯.jpg (60.47 KB, 1123x727, 1123:727, 672637y5lbzkx.jpg)


called OUT last bread

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c0cccd  No.17283184

File: 3f07b5a5fbed963⋯.jpg (61.4 KB, 1190x712, 595:356, 5u6pwnxruk4.jpg)


So it could be Kikes behind it too?

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81701c  No.17283187

File: bdf0d70ddecf0a2⋯.jpg (57 KB, 969x747, 323:249, d1t7dq.jpg)


>Remember, free thought is divisive

Self contradiction / oxymoron

By definition, that which is spoken without censorship and without divisive logic corrupting it.

Free thought is by nature an expression of an already unified code.

Free thought is NOT untethered to practical logic. Imagining two individuals communicating 'opposite thoughts' are doing so under a unified logic of inter subjective communication.

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26418c  No.17283191

File: 1b6a3485e54a51b⋯.jpg (40.15 KB, 981x505, 981:505, gxt005znca.jpg)


another shill attack they must be scared j6 hearings i think this am. Expect strong but shilly fronts most of the morning this panic setting in slowly through out the day. Forecast comfy for anons.

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5ec4ba  No.17283193

File: a3d93ba7b56d308⋯.jpg (265.23 KB, 857x605, 857:605, ORDER_OF_BATTLE_3.jpg)

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108dcf  No.17283195

File: c923606c24ac746⋯.jpg (51.04 KB, 1033x652, 1033:652, bw476cdefj.jpg)


you dip shit. it's his mom's maiden name. who married his dad James. It's right there in the notice

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8a474a  No.17283196

File: 717c96128db6274⋯.jpg (47.46 KB, 1168x529, 1168:529, cjxhkvighu4.jpg)


I didn't say it's not real, I said it's parable. You have to have eyes to see. You mock based off what YOU think it says.

Jesus taught in parables and asked "If you don't understand this parable how will you understand any of the parables?" because scripture is largely parable.

" And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them."

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ad099d  No.17283197

File: 64b5b74857a87e2⋯.jpg (58.25 KB, 1177x669, 1177:669, hbyn1m4.jpg)

Who owns The New Yorker?

In case we lose our rights today, here is an abortion access map, state by state. (paywall removed)


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d99ab7  No.17283201

File: 4baed2ff0980f45⋯.jpg (52.24 KB, 1073x645, 1073:645, jq252c2e79v85v.jpg)


>Q has confirmed with zero deltas .00726245713133 % of the time.

And every single one was done to verify it was actually Q. Thanks for proving my point.

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cec898  No.17283204

File: 15a503813925581⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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5b9a2d  No.17283208

File: 78f49a1d881c3a0⋯.jpeg (34.5 KB, 638x552, 319:276, pepe_cat_.jpeg)


Hey fren

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68a815  No.17283210

File: 95951b77919d39b⋯.jpg (43.68 KB, 1027x541, 1027:541, fjvnq7iz.jpg)


So apropos

>Trump is in charge. Eat it haters. It's RALLY DAY

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041996  No.17283211

File: 9357fab1b59e0e6⋯.jpg (54.6 KB, 1053x696, 351:232, nukzv1tovfv.jpg)


You are a cover upper

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1a590b  No.17283213

File: a4c981f7318c0e3⋯.jpg (45.36 KB, 1059x545, 1059:545, f2szfkc7s.jpg)


For (You), anon.

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ebc931  No.17283216

File: 4f8297a69a75102⋯.jpg (59.22 KB, 1194x675, 398:225, 1w69f9rcuw2vlg.jpg)

Its time to shred the speech and debate clause that allows them to lie about everything

Rep. Scott Perry to Rep. Liz Cheney: Your pardon story 'is an absolute shameless, soulless lie'

"This is a kangaroo court. And it's more fitting to be aired with the filth of scripted reality TV than masquerading as a newsworthy item," Perry said

Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) blasted Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) for claiming he sought a presidential pardon because he thought he may have done something wrong on Jan. 6.

On the John Solomon Reports podcast Friday, when asked if he did anything wrong on Jan. 6, Perry said, "No, of course not. I was in the Capitol doing my legislative duties on January 6."

"[T]he notion that I ever sought a presidential pardon for myself, or other members of Congress, is an absolute shameless and soulless lie," he added. "It's just simply no surprise, considering this latest fabrications come from a sham committee using a breathtaking abuse of power to conjure up political theater to destroy their opponents and … distract the American people from the economic and national security nightmare. This is a nightmare created by their one-party rule and quite honestly, rogue Republicans — and you know, Republicans in name only — and their compatriots on the radical left.

"This is a kangaroo court. And it's more fitting to be aired with the filth of scripted reality TV than masquerading as a newsworthy item, which is why I'm using all my time as a member of Congress to try to address the fact that Americans can't literally afford gasoline, groceries, their food, and … to suffer under the policies of those who control the sham committee."

Perry asked where the primetime committee hearing was for the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle and the inflation, border, and drug crises.

"[T]hat's what I'm working on and that's exactly what the American people demand Congress work on, not producing political theater to the tune of $8 million to destroy their opponents."

During the Jan. 6 committee hearing aired on TV Thursday, Cheney said, "As you will see, Rep. Perry contacted the White House in the weeks after January 6th to seek a Presidential Pardon."

She added, "Multiple other Republican congressmen also sought presidential pardons for their roles in attempting to overturn the 2020 election."


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329e6c  No.17283219

File: 41310875ac9b001⋯.jpg (52.89 KB, 1090x646, 545:323, s08igjcs6.jpg)


Biden to deliver televised address calling

for gun control following shootings

Washington Examiner, by W. James Antle III

Posted By: Imright, 6/2/2022 6:45:10 PM

President Joe Biden will deliver a prime-time address Thursday night urging Congress to pass new gun laws and calling for action after a string of mass shootings, most recently at an Oklahoma medical center.A deadly Texas school shooting heightened calls by Democrats to tackle guns ahead of the midterm elections. Biden has been under pressure to do more through executive action to address the problem of gun violence, as well as to persuade lawmakers in the narrowly Democratic-controlled Congress to advance new bills. The White House protested on Wednesday that Biden cannot do it alone.

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cc507d  No.17283222

File: 98f14941a781c97⋯.jpg (42.17 KB, 995x539, 995:539, e0h9pu.jpg)


This is not a game

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274ee8  No.17283230

File: 8832c16111bfe5f⋯.jpg (50.21 KB, 1075x616, 1075:616, gucwwy8.jpg)

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76312a  No.17283236

File: 9dc1f0785ac86be⋯.jpg (50.46 KB, 1057x625, 1057:625, m4frbd3wf.jpg)



Bones found on a property tied to Obama


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e2edfe  No.17283237

File: 5d62e76b66494df⋯.jpg (52.21 KB, 1082x648, 541:324, 192tav.jpg)


tagline pls

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eae9f6  No.17283238

File: ccfc48c2fd667eb⋯.jpg (52.92 KB, 1081x650, 1081:650, ndqmd0.jpg)


Couldn't get enough of that unique aroma of cabbage boiled in urine.

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0b5489  No.17283243

File: d922ede09a4fb1b⋯.jpg (43.14 KB, 1084x507, 1084:507, v1hcb78748x6.jpg)

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81701c  No.17283245

File: 41b22629b827fb4⋯.jpg (45.98 KB, 1098x540, 61:30, i4en3l0z.jpg)


Generation of Vipers.

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68a815  No.17283247

File: f84fba234fa6291⋯.jpg (49.74 KB, 1188x550, 54:25, siq0pldhh0ya9.jpg)

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8d6f4b  No.17283250

File: 892dbe8e105ab98⋯.jpg (45.56 KB, 1008x589, 1008:589, tyt8s8de.jpg)

Living in New Zealand

rural based



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108dcf  No.17283252

File: b5ab61098cfd213⋯.jpg (48.38 KB, 1088x577, 1088:577, ruhtf6oo4.jpg)


Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

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cc507d  No.17283257

File: 9473389ba72f5a2⋯.jpg (58.93 KB, 1189x678, 1189:678, zv2n36t9a9ke.jpg)

RE >>17283213

No Ballard #Flippers

What is Stealing Your Personal Private Information? #GameGate


Who made the Games? #Columbia

Who's the Head Nerd?

Why the take over? No.Border Policy [Directional]

Fire at the Soth Border Wall?

Why? So you could find the IT leaks.

On #MercyIsland! #MarvelGames

Bungie would have helped…

The Dog eats M&Ms and Chits #Gamers

Wait till we find KP duty [KB] and #KpDuty

Wait till the test Strips are all signs?

What is the #BigPoint?

The Art Sale?

The Steal?

Hammer Man

2nd Ave

Skid-Road #timber


Cracked Radion

JAR K 933 see it all as tom curls iron!

STARWARS #Keeny #Dale

Who is the strong man know?

God is good.

Why did you all not choose to do good?

What are the 12 called to see? #TheGame

13 were in all - the 11 did follow.

All were individuals.

God has always had a plan,

Know Him.

Good is The Best Way to Go.

Good Advice

Offer to everyone you know who became godless and weak, Grace is a new day. Begins each day. All men are liars. Repent is to turn about. Disarm your enemy and all accusers by the Grace of God. Rev 22:11

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c6b910  No.17283258

File: 7bff1e23308fd37⋯.jpg (50.61 KB, 972x684, 27:19, jdit2j16g7fm5.jpg)


Liberal Logic is an oxymoron.

Libtards don't care if anything makes sense.

All that matters is how they "feel" at the moment.

All of the Left's Special Interest Groups contradict each other.

Look how the Feminists are ignoring Women's Sports being destroyed by trans genders.

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26f83b  No.17283259

File: 4310d487424c57b⋯.jpg (43.61 KB, 992x561, 992:561, e60bzw1q0ih.jpg)


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9874a7  No.17283260

File: 74560550c77a2eb⋯.jpg (49.36 KB, 998x647, 998:647, dkw38og1u4h.jpg)

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e0a637  No.17283261

File: bc00a043a44a55b⋯.jpg (51.44 KB, 1063x643, 1063:643, jfwdy3v35.jpg)


General Flynn recites oath to the constitution at Julyh party

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d805d9  No.17283262

File: ed6944340777fe9⋯.jpg (42.68 KB, 1009x529, 1009:529, g123rvkts4.jpg)


Larrychella and Curlychella were both without violence

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e044f9  No.17283263

File: 4f45b91d629f42c⋯.jpg (55.4 KB, 1119x671, 1119:671, j76ucbnb.jpg)



Yes. The other half certainly is violence.

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7786e2  No.17283266

File: 50dac1cee54009c⋯.jpg (54.93 KB, 1051x691, 1051:691, qh25o1b.jpg)



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76312a  No.17283269

File: a708702a0bfdeb2⋯.jpg (47.2 KB, 1169x525, 167:75, icx6chd4394j.jpg)


almost like they are glad kek

he didnt have a gun but at least people are in critical condition

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e2edfe  No.17283270

File: f1dc18f6d3b3301⋯.jpg (50.87 KB, 1155x587, 1155:587, wesiqbzf4r.jpg)


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d57df2  No.17283274

File: 75b534d5f573f14⋯.jpg (61.23 KB, 1104x746, 552:373, 59kaly.jpg)


>Use YOUR logic

Said Real Q never.

>Use logic

Said Real Q 16 times.

Come on, Jim Larp Crew, at least re_read drops moar than once in order to sharpen up your Q copypasta skills.

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c0fa81  No.17283279

File: d9d7a6b1f05ce8c⋯.jpg (47.15 KB, 1176x523, 1176:523, qzodkib8d6gd.jpg)


Do you have one of these on the back of your head?

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5ec4ba  No.17283291

File: cb8a0c5110cdec9⋯.jpg (79.74 KB, 920x441, 920:441, FLA_WIN2.jpg)

File: 4134f18fc5df758⋯.jpg (83.47 KB, 925x440, 185:88, FLA_WIN3.jpg)

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21096d  No.17283292

File: 5e4d771971331ce⋯.jpg (50.95 KB, 1133x598, 1133:598, 257yepai2t.jpg)


All these organizations visually indicating that they've been compromised.

Fuck the 4-pointed star thing.

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02c596  No.17283300

File: 175b7c145cb3ce2⋯.jpg (49.21 KB, 1184x545, 1184:545, x2eazugoond.jpg)


Just door this guy any teams on stand by just take him out. Simple.

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dda115  No.17283301

File: 704f1820977b09f⋯.jpg (45.88 KB, 992x602, 496:301, cyphzvry90b.jpg)


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963cbc  No.17283310

File: cda3c411122af36⋯.jpg (60.5 KB, 1162x707, 166:101, 7wjb5hqsy.jpg)


>why r u posting from Langley? kek


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e0a637  No.17283311

File: 751cb14f14fbed5⋯.jpg (61.39 KB, 1209x684, 403:228, eo1c0vtpw.jpg)


thanks for the utterly useless sound bite pompeo

no go and fucking clown around and kiss the great wall of glory hole!!!

faggot !!

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0b5489  No.17283315

File: c253a2fcda086f0⋯.jpg (51.74 KB, 1006x679, 1006:679, x6iz2wmmc9li.jpg)


more than a candidate. it is him.

he went radio silent because of concerns about being called in to testify at the J6 hearings. they were created in part to blackmail him into silence.

what changed that he is no longer worried about posting as Q? unsure. but he apparently believes the threat is over.

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26418c  No.17283319

File: 1e3b9a193b28fb5⋯.jpg (62.98 KB, 1207x715, 1207:715, ymotylomem.jpg)

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ad099d  No.17283322

File: 1d7d1bbef224d86⋯.jpg (52.07 KB, 1080x642, 180:107, 7lfepz5tclf95.jpg)


He's secretly pretexting he wants them to let Q Shaman go so they can keep the scheduled interview

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bb08b0  No.17283329

File: 22c34b05b45c4eb⋯.jpg (51.42 KB, 1206x565, 1206:565, 0tdljtm0a6p.jpg)


because a lot of oldfags are natsoc

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8a474a  No.17283330

File: 40a245d461be3c7⋯.jpg (53.41 KB, 1043x680, 1043:680, lbik9z83.jpg)

What is a Pegasus?

What is Benghazi?

What is Israel?

What is Haiti?

Who is Mini Mike? (2)

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a745f9  No.17283337

File: 0fc21f1053778c8⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 1140x617, 1140:617, cqeubvxs4t.jpg)


>But I do suspect that Christ was a somewhat popular name with the proto-fundamentalist pre-Americans.

a popular surname in Germany? I don't think so.

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406266  No.17283340

File: d7f2b9d4d66573d⋯.png (783.75 KB, 1397x786, 1397:786, Screenshot_2022_08_08_at_2….png)

File: 3b19792370a4837⋯.png (846.09 KB, 1397x786, 1397:786, Screenshot_2022_08_08_at_2….png)

File: 0b22c5d38b0e524⋯.png (891.04 KB, 1397x786, 1397:786, Screenshot_2022_08_08_at_2….png)

File: a27e83a4a6c6e15⋯.png (782.38 KB, 1397x786, 1397:786, Screenshot_2022_08_08_at_2….png)

File: d7814fd1fedd3c9⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1397x786, 1397:786, Screenshot_2022_08_08_at_2….png)

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7786e2  No.17283345

File: 1dd4641d56c0d9c⋯.jpg (50.02 KB, 1154x569, 1154:569, u2isqmg8jc.jpg)


Yep. There they are.

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cec898  No.17283352

File: e2614c1e7f17bb9⋯.png (1.26 MB, 962x757, 962:757, ClipboardImage.png)

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108dcf  No.17283355

File: 935914b77215c5d⋯.jpg (46.9 KB, 1142x533, 1142:533, mvxe255.jpg)


Shit, I always get those two confused….Mark Meadows & Kevin McCarthy & I don't know why.

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bd5a78  No.17283358

File: 3cfa7df26b2d733⋯.jpg (50.92 KB, 1035x641, 1035:641, 44pfmc39e32ke.jpg)



How many times do I have to tell you…

Get the sand outta your vagina. You'll feel better.

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8d6f4b  No.17283360

File: 2c9f679bb19c99d⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 1181x586, 1181:586, yukl21k1s2gbul.jpg)


Satan is a path, a choice to live on the earth as a predator

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26418c  No.17283361

File: ea2a5a2bc6f7e06⋯.jpg (56.13 KB, 1050x712, 525:356, iggald6ug2.jpg)


honored to persevere

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054ad6  No.17283370

File: a2def28c4b04ee4⋯.jpg (54.12 KB, 1135x641, 1135:641, lpbcb8hzx.jpg)


HENRY ADAMS (Descendant of President John Adams), in a letter to John Hay, October 1895

"The Jewish question is really the most serious of our problems."

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51c4f4  No.17283377

File: 1e114cf0455779a⋯.jpg (53.55 KB, 989x718, 989:718, mmre8i9za6.jpg)

>built like a brick shithouse

>narrow eyes

>pointy beak with curvature

>thin fish lips

>claim to fame was literally whoring herself out on ebay in 2007 that was played off as a publicity stunt when it was really just whoring

>pushes cancel culture

>pushes homo agenda

significant amounts of yid detected, captain

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eae9f6  No.17283379

File: 2108583b852a20e⋯.jpg (52.96 KB, 1075x663, 1075:663, kzfamizv.jpg)

The big secret is that we create our reality / timeline.

This is why they try to keep you struggling through life and your thoughts negative.

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6d10c9  No.17283380

File: 2a9f700e0e99be6⋯.jpg (48.4 KB, 981x643, 981:643, 8p3m5n.jpg)


100% Pure Schumann Resonance for Grounding, Stability, & Well-Being [9-hours] 🙏


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d57df2  No.17283381

File: d9d23b2e1790907⋯.jpg (45.35 KB, 1158x498, 193:83, 93o4lwptv7.jpg)

Lauren Boebert up now.

From the CSV of the 963 banned from Russia, including top ten language translations:

$ grep -i lauren AFTER_963_of_963_the963.csv |grep -i boebert

Лорен БОБЕРТ,Lauren Opal Boebert,член Палаты представителей от Республиканской партии (шт. Колорадо),Lauren BOBERT,Лорен Опал Боберт,Member of the Republican House of Representatives (Colorado),劳伦·博伯特,劳伦蛋白石博伯特,共和党众议院议员(科罗拉多州),लॉरेन BOBERT,लॉरेन ओपल बोएबर्ट,रिपब्लिकन हाउस ऑफ रिप्रेजेंटेटिव्स के सदस्य (कोलोराडो),lauren bobert,Lauren Opal Boebert,Miembro de la Cámara de Representantes Republicana (Colorado),Lauren BOBERT,Lauren Opale Boebert,Membre de la Chambre des représentants républicaine (Colorado), , , (),লরেন বোবার্ট,লরেন ওপাল বোয়েবার্ট,রিপাবলিকান হাউস অফ রিপ্রেজেন্টেটিভস (কলোরাডো) এর সদস্য,Lauren BOBERT,Lauren Opala Boebert,Membro da Câmara dos Deputados Republicana (Colorado), , , ()

Full CSV (can't attach CSV files here apparently):


Anon's not sure why she's in the list. She's saying things that sound good. But that list…

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963cbc  No.17283391

File: 30228c915a3a104⋯.jpg (52.64 KB, 1012x688, 253:172, py62lbx5c6t6.jpg)


>if i'm right, i might be an actor in an upcoming part

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ad099d  No.17283399

File: 91e129da10c706a⋯.jpg (44.04 KB, 1056x531, 352:177, jc72p1.jpg)


History of Organ Harvesting in Ukraine

(1 of 2)

A thorough and lengthy investigation would be required to verify or refute events or statements made over the past few decades which is beyond our capabilities. So, to give some idea of the history relating to organ harvesting in Ukraine, what follows are simply extracts from two sources namely, an article published by Frontier Post and another by New Eastern Outlook. There are, however, numerous resources available online.

More than 100,000 people are currently on the waiting list for organ transplants in the United States, most of whom are awaiting kidney transplants, according to data published on the statistical information portal Statista. It should be noted that there is a shortage of donor organs not only in the United States but also in many other countries and demand creates supply.

The main sources of organs for illicit trade are third world countries and hotspots. Many researchers note that Ukraine has become one of the main centres of black-market transplantation in recent years.

After the start of the Russian special operation to demilitarise Ukraine, the advancing Russian troops and the armies of the republics of Donbass discovered mass graves, which, presumably, contain the remains of people who were killed by members of the Ukrainian national battalions. Many of them likely became victims of black-market transplants.

In the 1990s the chief doctor of the Lviv regional clinical hospital Bogdan Fedak founded a crime ring selling children’s organs to foreign countries, mostly to the US. An investigation concluded that around 130 infants went missing in Lviv.

In 2007, Ukraine witnessed a scandal around the Israeli citizen Michael Zis who was accused of practising black-market transplant surgery. Zis was detained on 13 October 2007 in Donetsk on request from law-enforcement agencies.

The flourishing of illegal organ trafficking in Ukraine began to be discussed as early as 2014, when, after the start of the so-called anti-terrorist operation in the east of the country, reports of disappearances began to arrive en masse. At the same time, information began to appear about the activities of mobile hospitals in the country, the main activity of which was to extract donor organs with their subsequent shipment abroad. Their victims were both civilians and LDNR militia, and soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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5ec4ba  No.17283406

File: c4ccf75fdc0df64⋯.jpg (120.3 KB, 556x545, 556:545, BECAUSE_PIG_CAN.jpg)

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dc9317  No.17283407

File: e18ec39cc94c172⋯.jpg (46.98 KB, 1190x518, 85:37, lphbrpn2vss.jpg)


most likely his wallet, cigs, and car key because he's only wearing underwear with no pockets.

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81701c  No.17283410

File: 2a0085fd6f0e784⋯.jpg (46.56 KB, 1026x591, 342:197, 12hbk9.jpg)




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41f9d1  No.17283413

File: 141dac124da70cc⋯.jpg (61.77 KB, 1164x727, 1164:727, 7tkamy9qo4.jpg)


pride blinds him

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5fd8bd  No.17283419

File: 1d1ea69f0661709⋯.jpg (51.01 KB, 1121x607, 1121:607, 7n8fzwaw.jpg)

Did someone try to take out Biden…

you never know with these Deep Staters. they used his bike as a weapon…

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1a590b  No.17283420

File: c4ebfeb965c5db3⋯.jpg (46.44 KB, 1044x572, 261:143, ty80xs90v2p2.jpg)




yet one could not let the neos have it

they shame humans as an whole

not an easy feat

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ba95d2  No.17283428

File: 6d2222da9eb06a9⋯.jpg (57.07 KB, 1135x681, 5:3, oupvcey2ysd.jpg)


Checked and ZZ'd

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d31c82  No.17283432

File: a2e2382dace1ff3⋯.jpg (51.01 KB, 1073x627, 1073:627, 225x0rji53a4.jpg)



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c6b910  No.17283449

File: 6a128f8012881a8⋯.jpg (51.39 KB, 1046x650, 523:325, oppak8bo.jpg)




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d0c8b5  No.17283453

File: 754d1a263ef9515⋯.jpg (53.29 KB, 1195x594, 1195:594, kpcs4cc7poxc.jpg)


In NY. Noticed what looked like that picture over my house a few weeks ago. Lately not as many, but more than it use to be. Today it clear blue sky as far as the eye can see, which is a nice change. (big fluffy cloud filled sky is still my favorite)

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d99ab7  No.17283454

File: 136a887ad547962⋯.jpg (57.17 KB, 1191x663, 397:221, 1i7vfxnl0.jpg)


…The 'ringing' could be a resonant frequency.

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fd6e4e  No.17283461

File: 1d73f66ac124251⋯.jpg (45.74 KB, 1034x573, 1034:573, xw0mty5hkjrf9.jpg)


>IP hop #5

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dc9317  No.17283463

File: 8a2f32f21f57f51⋯.jpg (48.11 KB, 1149x546, 383:182, rpd2b2yh3c.jpg)


You are a legit MORON….

By your logic, if I claimed we all go to Kansas when we die, and YOU could not disprove it, that would make me right…

You are STUPID.

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a745f9  No.17283468

File: e21afd7d0fd237f⋯.jpg (58.74 KB, 1065x742, 1065:742, xsk3ff.jpg)

Got boring real fast. See you on the next bandwagon.

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39fb75  No.17283475

File: 335774984a3d7e9⋯.jpg (45.31 KB, 964x607, 964:607, 610nbbey.jpg)


Who mentioned Q?

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e8ec63  No.17283484

File: b1ba4bc1316a110⋯.jpg (50.26 KB, 1113x596, 1113:596, k6dcj92ov.jpg)


That just means the vaxxxxxxed is working….

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26f83b  No.17283485

File: 38dc6822122d8bf⋯.jpg (57.35 KB, 1080x716, 270:179, 4rn0bbckxg.jpg)


Too vague, why not just say love others like yourself then? They way you're talking sounds commie, are you saying Jesus was a commie? He certainly whipped the merchants in the Synagogue and flipped their tables. Did Jesus whip himself and flip his own tables?

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ad21e1  No.17283486

File: ed2dcfde25ec9f4⋯.jpg (49.51 KB, 969x661, 969:661, 19dg60.jpg)

Manufacturing Plants Aren’t Just Mysteriously Getting Burned Down In The United States, It’s Happening Around The World…


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221377  No.17283494

File: 215bd517e027acc⋯.jpg (48.4 KB, 1007x632, 1007:632, 24tcvag.jpg)



Nope did not say that ME I COULD DO IT. I said an ADMIN can. because its clear from the code. you are being obtuse because you can't admit the code in front of your face.


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5ec4ba  No.17283498

File: 6415c0c57cc878f⋯.jpg (107.3 KB, 482x611, 482:611, PATRIOT_STRONG.jpg)

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6767f4  No.17283500

File: 7668e8a617a04c9⋯.jpg (58.01 KB, 1156x679, 1156:679, 4vfrn2.jpg)

Just hear me out anons

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fede76  No.17283505

File: 8956b76f8db2732⋯.jpg (47.95 KB, 1072x591, 1072:591, 2a1ysfg.jpg)



(from pb Notables, #21617)


Anon saved a flash card from a speech President Trump gave several years ago: "THEY SAY BLACK LIVES MATTER BUT YOU KILL YOU" (3rd picrel; 1st two from pb).

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319d6d  No.17283516

File: 6c4fc04b681d95d⋯.jpg (44.11 KB, 1004x559, 1004:559, kq6bygxtxc.jpg)



Power went off for a moment. Old ID: e3ebe8

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810574  No.17283518

File: f2c0c0f647c4ef1⋯.jpg (47.85 KB, 1084x583, 1084:583, 1j4uxwlrfus.jpg)


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463ce0  No.17283525

File: 127631e3cdec49a⋯.jpg (41.18 KB, 966x529, 42:23, nulym7xgzk3pq.jpg)



can solve any food resource problems

can make farms in desert terrain

can replenish depleted soils naturally

can remove salts that have accumulated in soils

can feed cattle with GRASS not grains

to prevent farting problems

we don't just eat beef

we drink milk

flours can be made from many other sources than wheat


I can be as fat as I want

and no socialist sociopath can dictate otherwise

what a bunch of medieval dimwits

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8a474a  No.17283535

File: cc479212db13c44⋯.jpg (54.17 KB, 1178x619, 1178:619, lq69biz3.jpg)


We had the Beta.

The struggle was real.


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ebc931  No.17283539

File: 7c50554daf046dc⋯.jpg (59.89 KB, 1147x712, 1147:712, 2cggcuqezw70.jpg)

Happy jumping frogs humping horny toads in clean blue water on a sunny day with flowers and ladybugs.

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c16408  No.17283541

File: 4544a6edd37f1f5⋯.jpg (43.79 KB, 1040x544, 65:34, jfdg4jys.jpg)

kill all child rapists.

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e2d7b6  No.17283542

File: 9d37cf9e0b6ba49⋯.jpg (44.16 KB, 1092x522, 182:87, d1kngxqjrc7p.jpg)




Just thinking out loud.

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cfaf19  No.17283544

File: 55d11028567cce3⋯.jpg (52.4 KB, 1163x606, 1163:606, jj1900ebytf3.jpg)

There's that number again

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36790d  No.17283548

File: 41d8eb0685cda62⋯.jpg (48 KB, 1002x609, 334:203, 7hzwl188gk.jpg)


brave new ebot world

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221377  No.17283551

File: d33f90ef7ca3be0⋯.jpg (61.74 KB, 1161x725, 1161:725, aprh5lcd6xg.jpg)


if you can not see

your assumptions

based upon hearsay

it is of no concern.

if you mislead others

that will be recompensed

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c0fa81  No.17283558

File: 69de86bfb9dffb5⋯.jpg (49.57 KB, 1207x543, 1207:543, 90exh1es3.jpg)


Are you mad you can't get posts to spread around the clock?

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d21a77  No.17283563

File: 8adaec45be004ad⋯.jpg (46.82 KB, 1107x549, 123:61, ggwlkukwnh.jpg)


>So is this something you configured anon or is this from the inards here?

its from the public repo on github for the 8kun source code

there is no proof that it currently exists in the live instance of 8kun running right now

but itISin the source codee this website was built from

the retarded cripple freddy benson posted it

I mean, I call him a cripple

but 8chan worked so much better than this mess of a website

cripple code is something I currently miss

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63372e  No.17283564

File: 81781d4994ce407⋯.jpg (42.04 KB, 1005x525, 67:35, jk907w.jpg)



Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.1706]

(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\fifth>ping 8kun.top

Pinging 8kun.top [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=163ms TTL=49

Reply from bytes=32 time=162ms TTL=49

Reply from bytes=32 time=163ms TTL=49

Reply from bytes=32 time=182ms TTL=49

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 162ms, Maximum = 182ms, Average = 167ms

C:\Users\fifth>tracert 8kun.top

Tracing route to 8kun.top []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 74 ms 77 ms 76 ms

2 84 ms 77 ms 74 ms

3 75 ms 74 ms 74 ms

4 74 ms 75 ms 73 ms eth.8.1.bb1.ash0.phoenixnap.com []

5 * * * Request timed out.

6 * * * Request timed out.

7 153 ms 156 ms 175 ms ams-ix.retn.net []

8 167 ms 155 ms 157 ms ae1-5.RT.SRV.MEP.NL.retn.net []

9 166 ms 163 ms 162 ms GW-MIRhosting.retn.net []

10 165 ms 176 ms 166 ms

11 366 ms 547 ms 445 ms

12 161 ms 169 ms 179 ms v441479.hosted-by-vdsina.ru []

Trace complete.


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d8a935  No.17283567

File: b1ce144ee880891⋯.jpg (46.48 KB, 1024x590, 512:295, x8cb6o8q04s2ks.jpg)



>you see Dr. Fauci has developed this scientific PCR test that detects child molesters

>this way we can detect and exterminate them all, isn't that great?

>Yay, science

>you trust the government, do you

>if you have doubts, you are a child molester as well and down you go into a camp too

Fascism in a nutshell.

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26f83b  No.17283576

File: 5ee762bdf1d7a48⋯.jpg (51.77 KB, 1054x654, 527:327, i91kuwzn.jpg)


A positive indication that we all might just survive another week.

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ad21e1  No.17283581

File: 3f25b4ee7823e17⋯.jpg (54.46 KB, 1064x685, 1064:685, v5tj3tekauubg7.jpg)


The Washington Pundit, [10.06.22 13:19]

[Forwarded from RT News & Sputnik(🇿🇦 Mirror)]

Healthcare workers call in sick because of gas prices


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cff997  No.17283595

File: dde8ea812e93938⋯.jpg (53.9 KB, 1171x620, 1171:620, x2s1btjzh4.jpg)


I think you misunderstand what "colonialism" actually means.

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21096d  No.17283597

File: 07af6dfcbc89c5d⋯.jpg (51.78 KB, 980x689, 980:689, ff6936j8.jpg)


Because he got what he wanted - sworn testimony in court that links HRC and the DNC to crimes. Sussman's conviction wouldn't have changed the value of that testimony, so it didn't matter whether he went to jail or went scot free.

Durham isn't concerned with wins and losses, it's how well he plays the game; and this is just the first play of the game.

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5ec4ba  No.17283599

File: df433491db9d464⋯.jpg (117.89 KB, 848x558, 424:279, MR_P.jpg)

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5b9a2d  No.17283602

File: 7d7813f15d4124e⋯.png (887.98 KB, 914x646, 457:323, biggest_fear.png)

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cfaf19  No.17283603

File: 7405e0f24e5ec06⋯.jpg (44.67 KB, 1103x527, 1103:527, ckgouotmiu26e.jpg)

















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eae9f6  No.17283607

File: b185be99a51cf08⋯.jpg (42.51 KB, 979x549, 979:549, yhdct7gumla4.jpg)


It's a sign or pleasant reminder, I have some bread to bake this afternoon

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4fc637  No.17283608

File: de8a90e38daa51c⋯.jpg (59.75 KB, 1178x694, 589:347, y3n6p1ghcu.jpg)



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3fffd6  No.17283613

File: a2cccb6dd239e9c⋯.jpg (46.31 KB, 1042x571, 1042:571, qquolzg7v5jhaa.jpg)


you weren't terrible in titanic but you still died nonetheless

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33e686  No.17283621

File: 8b1a665a0977f69⋯.jpg (53.21 KB, 1190x607, 1190:607, jfqr3m03sf.jpg)


Along with the other 90%.

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51c4f4  No.17283624

File: c6d1159f5f652a3⋯.jpg (44.07 KB, 1135x500, 227:100, yyzap6chjxda2.jpg)


Masonic bee and digis confirm

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7786e2  No.17283630

File: 22e6b4d713ffe5d⋯.jpg (59.98 KB, 1106x735, 158:105, cxk31mpps7ii.jpg)


anyone who has a brain knows about the jewish menace, however there are many npc's in here who still believe in muh holocaust fairy tale

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837041  No.17283633

File: 9970f02a1debd1c⋯.jpg (48.6 KB, 1125x563, 1125:563, qgvgbcti.jpg)

Was there a q post that included "choose wisely"? I feel like I remember one, but can't find it ..if so.

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49805b  No.17283644

File: 624b0756b049326⋯.jpg (46.88 KB, 1002x596, 501:298, oz4xj1z.jpg)


>Abortions in Texas have ceased

They can just move back to CA to get abortions

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5287ca  No.17283645

File: 7eac11885409a1e⋯.jpg (54.38 KB, 1065x685, 213:137, tl1anu.jpg)


561 days


Thus says the LORD,

    “Preserve justice and do righteousness,

   For My salvation is about to come

  And My righteousness to be revealed.


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563949  No.17283648

File: 856404ed843e9f8⋯.jpg (51.9 KB, 1127x616, 161:88, u86ea0ak.jpg)


they are just being trolls

seen it.

they're not new

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4d6fb3  No.17283651

File: 251685317219089⋯.jpg (50.03 KB, 1157x575, 1157:575, oupiwkud.jpg)


The factory is crumbling under the weight of the termites.

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d5a93f  No.17283659

File: 3603961aa00e2eb⋯.jpg (53.9 KB, 1206x604, 603:302, gwznirzolo.jpg)


I don’t eat the buns. Not homophobic, carbophobic.

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786608  No.17283665

File: 03bfe5a61922130⋯.jpg (41.16 KB, 976x530, 488:265, ll780z.jpg)


Great work.

The answer is "both," in no particular order.

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7b2fbd  No.17283667

File: 58c49dde67d93cc⋯.jpg (60.48 KB, 1157x712, 13:8, 0r7z9yx.jpg)


Moar victims for the victim God

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675b1b  No.17283673

File: 629894481de484b⋯.jpg (40.18 KB, 965x519, 965:519, je2or5nh.jpg)


>chocolate is believed to be about waist-high

Brown pants, red shirt.

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e0a637  No.17283675

File: cf3aa6f87594a9c⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 963x634, 963:634, vf2ievorz6f2k.jpg)


Thankfully it survived the annihilation by the new world order. The tribulation, the resurrection is in your past. Welcome to the short season where all nations and people are fooled. Don't be a fool.

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d0c8b5  No.17283678

File: b08ce8f459ce308⋯.jpg (53.27 KB, 964x724, 241:181, o8mg8cea4m0.jpg)


was he double helmeted though?

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319d6d  No.17283692

File: 485e1987a02b50a⋯.jpg (52.34 KB, 1002x682, 501:341, vw5gxsje.jpg)

Today's gas (auto) price in Russia 92, 95, 98% & diesel

Gas is not going up in Russia. They pay a lot less and they earn a lot less.

about 16 minutes in. Dude does maffs freestyle. Impressive.

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a61b92  No.17283697

File: 21a9dcd60148e82⋯.jpg (56.57 KB, 1070x706, 535:353, 91vdb4pg3jgiq.jpg)


Of course, facts matter what I mean is there is a possibility that there is a fake Q posting. Just wondering if anons have figured anything out.

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c6a45d  No.17283698

File: 8a2027dd7088742⋯.jpg (57.06 KB, 1080x712, 135:89, ukuzvjh3wek9y.jpg)


It's not about the placeholder who sits in the chair.

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d858a0  No.17283700

File: 7ef21d6f61ed2ff⋯.jpg (44.13 KB, 1081x523, 1081:523, pg9onpmjtgca2.jpg)

Adams, and his corrupt little group of 'officials', keep insisting that, "nothing has changed".

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2c8cd9  No.17283705

File: 8f415fc9e588bd9⋯.jpg (42.76 KB, 967x555, 967:555, 0jggr0.jpg)


Then, you are in my prayers Anon!

God Bless you!

God Bless and protect all Anons!

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4ccee1  No.17283706

File: 5aa431cc670a8b2⋯.jpg (56.63 KB, 1099x694, 1099:694, gnhdb526vjc3t9.jpg)

RNC Research


Joe Biden calls Kamala Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, the “First Gentleman.”

Emhoff is the Second Gentleman.

9:16 AM · Jun 23, 2022 · Twitter Media Studio


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26f83b  No.17283709

File: b058cde4b8352db⋯.jpg (52.01 KB, 1159x608, 61:32, f093swey3d.jpg)


Sussman's argument is only recycling HRC's. Podesta, Mook, Sullivan and Perkins Coie claimsthat all communications including those including enacting the coup is Atty Client Privilege

Further Durham isn't using and doesn't want "logs" that only say we received an email or sent an email. He wants the substance of all communication that is NOT atty client privilege that went into the Russiagate Hoax and Coup against the President. They are all trying to claim anything said planning the demise of Trump and the presidency was Attorney/Client privilege…..bold but kekkity and insane

Sussman is doing word salad here, thinking the 2nd circuit judge is so dumb he wouldn't understand the exact wording and law.(hey I've been following this for a couple of months, I don't have a law degree, and I understand exactly what he's doing)

Ultimately these pleadings won't win, but they are seriously trying to DELAY big time, anons, what do they expect to delay or stop the entire SC's investigation,that's what we need to focus on

I hope Durham and team have extra special protection, unless Bidan would be so stupid as to cause WWIII with Russia to protect HRC and all of them.

I wouldn't put it past them

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894e8c  No.17283718

File: dafddea2b42d282⋯.jpg (40.11 KB, 1000x525, 40:21, 6ww53j7fjacn9w.jpg)


Who the hell is BO these days?

Can't still be Fap Jack…cannit?

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121319  No.17283724

File: eb48173f06a4147⋯.jpg (42.94 KB, 1035x517, 1035:517, jx2bx5q.jpg)


frens win

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d44889  No.17283725

File: bb88851d0ef5a5a⋯.jpg (45.89 KB, 1097x543, 1097:543, ehymoca4g.jpg)


have you tried….

voting harder?

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8a474a  No.17283728

File: 59cb9aac15f9aae⋯.jpg (54.52 KB, 1137x644, 1137:644, us2hcoxtki.jpg)


Just make sure it’s clean

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ae37e3  No.17283729

File: b6d85285a105561⋯.jpg (45.17 KB, 1051x555, 1051:555, i3gnf81e54v.jpg)


can always tell it's a babyfist fake Q because the phraseology is so contrived.

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a7fd78  No.17283735

File: e3faece8db2566a⋯.jpg (44.13 KB, 1018x557, 1018:557, 5obtcy0524acq.jpg)


They were dressing little boys as girls back then too eh

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4fc637  No.17283736

File: 26af0c49cf76512⋯.jpg (43 KB, 1002x531, 334:177, uv7atayiyf.jpg)

(Headline) Lithium salts could be declared health hazard in EU

(Excerpt) However, the entire concept could falter with the European Commission’s upcoming legislation. Namely, it is considering the proposal from the European Chemicals Agency, ECHA, to declare key lithium salts hazardous for human health, Reuters reported. If lithium carbonate, lithium chloride and lithium hydroxide are classified as dangerous, it would complicate the import procedure, production and handling of the materials.

ECHA’s Risk Assessment Committee accepted the demand from France in September to classify lithium salts as damaging for fertility and unborn children and to declare the substances harmful for breastfed children.

Adding lithium salts to the list of materials hazardous for health may prompt the revision of a range of projects in the industry

Stricter rules mean higher costs, so any lithium ore processing plant project, like the one in the Jadar area in Serbia, would need to be given a second look with regard to its environmental impact and feasibility.

Albemarle, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, has indicated it may be forced to close its plant in Langelsheim in north Germany if the plan is accepted. In that case, Chief Financial Officer Scott Tozier said, the company wouldn’t be able to import lithium chloride, its primary feedstock.

The unit’s annual revenue is USD 500 million and the plant has over 600 employees. Tozier warned a decision to declare lithium salts hazardous would prompt an exodus of EU producers including battery recyclers.

The decision is expected to be reached by early next year, the article adds.


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68a815  No.17283737

File: a663c4d2b12f3c6⋯.jpg (52.07 KB, 1054x658, 527:329, 2nbmbptf.jpg)


the one they signed an NDA concerning?


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76413e  No.17283739

File: d2e4889488caa43⋯.jpg (57.55 KB, 1156x674, 578:337, 44kmsxv1we.jpg)


Interesting. Many Thanks!

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e96a09  No.17283752

File: 4895eed67710cdd⋯.jpg (48.65 KB, 1161x545, 1161:545, sz99g3qc05n.jpg)

We overlooked a hero's anniversary yesterday. 2004

Fuck Authority.

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41f9d1  No.17283770

File: 6a2726736d57c83⋯.jpg (45.15 KB, 1127x514, 1127:514, f5plo4r07r.jpg)


Clipboard roodypoo chekt

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b4275a  No.17283771

File: cc411263ef2ae25⋯.jpg (58.91 KB, 1142x700, 571:350, uwug0w4.jpg)


>Is also the name of George Washington Carver's mother

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d78f35  No.17283773

File: 90d386ca66206a6⋯.jpg (49.51 KB, 1056x618, 176:103, pgwmhsabap.jpg)



Just no.

You fucked up.

Go home.

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2b9b18  No.17283776

File: 4e70e41e05ed470⋯.jpg (51.16 KB, 1164x589, 1164:589, kqw1di8yxgg8s.jpg)



Gay Mafia is real & made everyone believe everything said is in jest & if you take their own words seriously, then you are a white supremacist nazi whatever-overly-used-word-is-popular

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b79bf8  No.17283788

File: 415cfca4cb75df8⋯.jpg (51.26 KB, 1108x611, 1108:611, 92d2iijqfca.jpg)

Flooding pauses baby formula production at Abbott's Sturgis, MI Plant


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a29677  No.17283790

File: f3159f279c8fdbb⋯.jpg (53.4 KB, 1037x685, 1037:685, 7b3i1lcjg.jpg)



Wanting verification isn't seething. The very act implies the acceptance of the possibility of being wrong. We still have not gotten verification yet however.

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eb5c70  No.17283792

File: 623c88f676c77a6⋯.jpg (56.82 KB, 1046x733, 1046:733, 1ryi5e.jpg)


researching what? The narrative pushed by the faggot OSS crew?

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36790d  No.17283803

File: e3a0051b6e44efa⋯.jpg (53.84 KB, 1168x621, 1168:621, jk0dtzcuyqa1rk.jpg)

Worth remembering.

Think Chess.

Do you attack the KING in the beginning or middle-to-end?

QUEEN protects KING?


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6f2b46  No.17283811

File: ff3846b68c51845⋯.jpg (46.18 KB, 1020x588, 85:49, xdw6z706u1j.jpg)

This appears to be heating up…

Sanctions sought against FBI over Civil War gold dig videos


The FBI either lied to a federal judge about having video of its secretive 2018 dig for Civil War-era gold, or illegally destroyed the video to prevent a father-son team of treasure hunters from gaining access to it, an attorney for the duo asserted in new legal filings that allege a government cover-up.

The FBI has long insisted its agents recovered nothing of value when they went looking for the fabled gold cache. But Finders Keepers, a treasure-hunting company that led agents to the remote woodland site in Pennsylvania in hopes of getting a finder’s fee, suspect the FBI found tons of gold and made off with it.

After Finders Keepers began pressing the government for information about the dig, the FBI initially said it could produce 17 relevant video files. Then, without explanation, the FBI reduced that number to four. Last week, under court order, the agency finally revealed what it said were the contents of those four videos — and it turns out all had been provided to the FBI by Finders Keepers co-owner Dennis Parada himself, weeks before the dig, at a time when he was offering his evidence for buried treasure.

The FBI did not say it had any video of the actual excavation, which is what Finders Keepers is seeking. The treasure hunters say they have evidence the FBI indeed shot video of the dig — and they are seeking sanctions against the FBI for what their lawyer cast as a blatant, bad-faith effort to mislead.

On March 13, 2018, Parada's hidden trail camera captured what appears to be an FBI agent in front of a video camera at the hillside dig site, with other agents in the background. The trail-cam image was included in a legal filing late Friday by lawyer Anne Weismann, who represents Finders Keepers in its Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the government.

The photo “suggests either the FBI has falsely claimed to have no other responsive videotapes or the FBI illegally destroyed responsive videotapes in an effort to circumvent the FOIA’s disclosure requirements," Weismann wrote.

She asked a judge to order the Justice Department to pay a portion of Finders' Keepers legal fees to compensate for the legal wrangling over the videos, and hold the FBI accountable for “covering up the results of its excavation … that highly advanced scientific technology indicated contained multiple tons of gold."

A message was sent to the FBI seeking comment Monday.

The government's initial court-ordered release of documents last month included a geophysical survey commissioned by the FBI that suggested an object with a mass of up to 9 tons and a density consistent with gold was buried at the site. The FBI used the consultant’s work to obtain a warrant to seize any gold found at the site at Dent’s Run, about 135 miles (220 kilometers) northeast of Pittsburgh, where legend says an 1863 shipment of Union gold was either lost or stolen on its way to the U.S. Mint in Philadelphia.

The agency has adamantly denied it found anything. The treasure hunters say the FBI has consistently stonewalled.

“For the FBI to now say it has no videotapes of the dig strains credulity and takes this whole affair to the next level,” Warren Getler, who has worked closely with Finders Keepers, said Monday. “We have incontrovertible photographic evidence of them videotaping the dig and interviewing their operational leader at the site. It raises a lot of serious questions.”

In addition to seeking legal fees, Weismann also asked the court to give Finders Keepers the ability to depose three FBI officials: Jacob Archer of the FBI’s art crime team in Philadelphia, who oversaw the dig; the unidentified videographer shown in the trail-cam still; and Michael Seidel, the FBI section chief for records dissemination.

“We want to answer two questions. Did the FBI create videotapes during the excavation? The picture certainly seems to answer that question. And if so, what happened to those videotapes? It seems to me these are the people best situated to have that information,” Weismann, a veteran FOIA lawyer who formerly worked at the Justice Department, said in an interview Monday.

Weismann indicated in court documents that the Justice Department opposes both requests.

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cec898  No.17283816

File: a68fcb887fe505f⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


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8b6814  No.17283819

File: edb8b4939fa8092⋯.jpg (59.84 KB, 1202x688, 601:344, 1cq7ax8oo03aa.jpg)


>point all that stuff out anonymously and be called fake news by the dumb fucks

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7dffdc  No.17283825

File: 150281e1135d022⋯.jpg (57.91 KB, 1152x685, 1152:685, w63jzh.jpg)


>what's been the best part of all of this? and the worst?

prolapsepocalypse and stupid questions.

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e8ec63  No.17283832

File: a2fc77e3512a9b0⋯.jpg (52.75 KB, 1060x658, 530:329, zdx1lwnqgb.jpg)


Guess friendly Anons are shills now


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f16604  No.17283833

File: 72fce8d7eb9c2b1⋯.jpg (45.89 KB, 988x597, 988:597, xcquh3svyi8g3.jpg)

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4e81c0  No.17283839

File: 961c02d76914f10⋯.jpg (47.93 KB, 1073x578, 1073:578, tc23ql7j.jpg)

NATO's Stoltenberg calls on Westerners to ignore their need for food and warmth amid high prices in the name of Ukraine support

Subscribe to Uncensored RT: @RTnewseu


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c6b910  No.17283842

File: cca145e230403cf⋯.jpg (43.59 KB, 1098x501, 366:167, 8eofado1.jpg)


… don't forget to gloat about the first born…

… and somehow…. this is my problem. Never murdered noone.

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319d6d  No.17283845

File: 3f049acc039d98b⋯.jpg (62.36 KB, 1194x720, 199:120, wp5rrn.jpg)


We are Q

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6f0b03  No.17283850

File: c4912214e19c38a⋯.jpg (52.42 KB, 1082x647, 1082:647, lhwdy52zszs4i.jpg)


winner, winner

chicken dinner

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d858a0  No.17283856

File: 5d9c7d7cd9659ad⋯.jpg (50.72 KB, 1189x566, 1189:566, v3dy8i.jpg)




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00f436  No.17283859

File: 99ab29ab98646e7⋯.jpg (48.53 KB, 970x649, 970:649, m8oayx75hhto.jpg)


monsanto recently lost an appeal re roundup/fckUup.

cancer case???

saw big article in aust MSM, recently (maybe week?)

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41f9d1  No.17283861

File: 6ffa7ee3e748cd3⋯.jpg (51.24 KB, 1013x662, 1013:662, zugw7ryqtiaa.jpg)


i see you!

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d793a5  No.17283864

File: ddab2dcdbeb93a9⋯.jpg (52.39 KB, 1033x665, 1033:665, a1r22xglsl0tc7.jpg)


I knew there was a joke somewhere there, just couldn't phrase it right…kek…

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ea4dff  No.17283869

File: 63fb2b9fe52cf84⋯.jpg (50.77 KB, 1191x566, 1191:566, c2ztxf553c3zk.jpg)


4.95 today in Pa

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33e686  No.17283870

File: 7f068d5ca93bfad⋯.jpg (56.11 KB, 1056x709, 1056:709, hz44k94f.jpg)


Link to video…sorry.

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dc9317  No.17283871

File: db044471cc6f18c⋯.jpg (48.58 KB, 1067x597, 1067:597, 64l202lrs3q5mr.jpg)


my ammo has ammo

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c1a432  No.17283873

File: 4f9fc6ace35a79e⋯.jpg (43.01 KB, 1068x506, 534:253, kh6rouyp0c.jpg)


"You get a whiff of that, Dan?"

"No sir…?"

"It's the smell of winning."

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cff997  No.17283874

File: 334b8089ba21347⋯.jpg (44.91 KB, 1080x533, 1080:533, c3kruma8a9.jpg)


Night Shift

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dd7385  No.17283877

File: ae4b34969a4fb50⋯.jpg (58.71 KB, 1140x692, 285:173, 1655obg.jpg)


>Senstor Kennedy

His downhome performance is second to none

Central casting.

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2b9b18  No.17283881

File: 827c7591598a330⋯.jpg (58.83 KB, 1201x670, 1201:670, tuutvx8s652.jpg)


Maybe you never read the first post of EVERY DANGED THREAD here.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

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d71edf  No.17283898

File: 18cb24ae14e0ec1⋯.jpg (42.2 KB, 964x546, 482:273, m6hetpoaawas.jpg)


Been telling normies for decades but since the source is not the television or radio then it's all from some "whackjob conspiracy theorist.'

Until each one has felt personal pain normies will remain believers of what ever "authority" and media tell them. Can't just pop their little bubbles, have to let the air out slowly. Each must see for themselves how they've been lied to and used.

Then the attitudes towards "conspiracy theorists" will change

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369ae4  No.17283900

File: 4357e259ade4fab⋯.jpg (62.61 KB, 1206x714, 201:119, tbuplqw8.jpg)

Sean gets a lot of haters, I wonder why? Kek


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dd7957  No.17283902

File: ca0c521308b1316⋯.jpg (50.75 KB, 1063x635, 1063:635, hsnbk0e1y.jpg)

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to kill itself instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent them from raping more children.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever 'know' being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves or get murdered.

kill all dogs as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles to be drowned.

No children in the city as the city is strictly for adults!

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b1b336  No.17283905

File: 03faf472cd037e7⋯.jpg (56.23 KB, 1177x645, 1177:645, 57uwud18klvd7.jpg)


Welcome back my friends

to the show that never ends

we're so glad you could attend

come inside come inside

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5aad2b  No.17283907

File: 0d428c02773861b⋯.jpg (56.72 KB, 1036x732, 259:183, skmn49iw.jpg)


>That agent a tranny?

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9a245b  No.17283911

File: e4e3e9569ee2156⋯.jpg (46.49 KB, 1123x532, 1123:532, kw1ww8spptr3.jpg)


Richard Grenell is here?



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963cbc  No.17283915

File: 4c9e594e0bf89aa⋯.jpg (44.22 KB, 1079x523, 1079:523, zy2n1bj.jpg)


49 is maybe a company

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a61b92  No.17283923

File: 896c33bee8f456e⋯.jpg (49.05 KB, 1153x559, 1153:559, 3205nkn1w.jpg)


pretty sure their antarctica base is abandoned

the reichsdeutsche operate off mars now, mostly

they've come a long way technologically since the 1940's

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f16604  No.17283928

File: c9b0a1cf605404c⋯.jpg (44.2 KB, 1026x550, 513:275, kvtfkkg2.jpg)


and i prefer superfaggotnigger

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21096d  No.17283929

File: c423d7f558f736d⋯.jpg (60.42 KB, 1205x685, 241:137, lgp1jj58fcvusx.jpg)

Whole clock

There is always moar.


On the QClock.

In the news.

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c6b910  No.17283936

File: 832894aeb9cddb0⋯.jpg (52.62 KB, 1118x631, 1118:631, c6ieq0jo0v.jpg)


>Renews Gym Membership

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26f83b  No.17283937

File: 0ab69c4579a7626⋯.jpg (47.57 KB, 989x629, 989:629, eg7bvfxb.jpg)


I think we are far away from celebrating anon, so much more needs to be done

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c40a2b  No.17283940

File: d958f584a9ac3e1⋯.jpg (47.59 KB, 1064x588, 38:21, ul6cbtbn.jpg)


wait…. wha?

now that's some military-grade psychobabble jargonspeak.

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236a94  No.17283944

File: 9a00799d4803541⋯.jpg (43.44 KB, 1112x500, 278:125, rnjfao76hxojd.jpg)

BREAKING!!! FBI agents were at Jeffrey Clark's house yesterday. He's from Pres. Trump's admin and is due to testify before the J6 committee today. Andria Mitchell has the news.

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cc507d  No.17283950

File: c7d100a7f66eb55⋯.jpg (54.43 KB, 983x735, 983:735, 3o9lbby1k.jpg)

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57232c  No.17283957

File: 5fda7d14d3382b6⋯.jpg (61.47 KB, 1177x709, 1177:709, md7v288m68bq.jpg)

Let Assange go!!!

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1ca603  No.17283958

File: 703b0156ecd45a8⋯.jpg (62.67 KB, 1177x726, 107:66, rtkzy8beo4fj.jpg)


b.c we had the pfieizer……..

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da8366  No.17283971

File: e68b5eea274f091⋯.jpg (51.17 KB, 1118x614, 559:307, gjeg8k4c8mqrft.jpg)


Moar Snowden.

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dc9317  No.17283976

File: cf3c9e05eed4815⋯.jpg (43 KB, 988x554, 494:277, mm9aga4k.jpg)


Was up 39 hours, rested now

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287bdf  No.17283982

File: 4b54b8a6b82d7a2⋯.jpg (48.15 KB, 1183x531, 1183:531, 4e3xygmtzn.jpg)


The secret service didn't handle presidential security at that time, they were tasked with fighting counterfeit money. Also, Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1965 while the SS was established July 5, 1865. Anon has the basic math skills to know that these two dates are not within 24 hrs of each other.

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f020d7  No.17283993

File: 02dbd1d5dab396a⋯.jpg (44.75 KB, 1106x514, 553:257, yoknjoshd6mce.jpg)


pinata my miata

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f12966  No.17283995

File: ea7a14bb233241b⋯.jpg (47.76 KB, 1001x635, 1001:635, d9vz31.jpg)


oh look, a miniature cop –Longest Yard

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463ce0  No.17283997

File: b6a63c2db8f8150⋯.jpg (48.71 KB, 1009x632, 1009:632, isbplk.jpg)


Cabal didn't like that post. They bumped my update counter to 320 sec.

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e96a09  No.17283998

File: 540dc99993bacf0⋯.jpg (48.59 KB, 1119x573, 373:191, 26lu79o26.jpg)

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30c725  No.17284014

File: 9aeab256754fbe5⋯.jpg (39.37 KB, 965x499, 965:499, 8sob077bz43h9.jpg)


The highest ranking turd, no doubt.

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afeac2  No.17284017

File: b27f1d97589bd32⋯.jpg (43.44 KB, 995x568, 995:568, x9vi479tawwpf.jpg)


casino slut want shitler to rapist theRAPY you dough ball

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052428  No.17284021

File: 026a9e54fc2798a⋯.jpg (53.14 KB, 1028x681, 1028:681, zoxu6q7h6le.jpg)

Far-Left MSNBC Host: Republicans Are Going to “Cheat” in the Midterms – “They Know Their Policies Are Trash”

Far-left MSNBC host Tiffany Cross on Saturday said Republicans are going to “cheat” in the midterm elections because no one likes their policies.

Tiffany Cross was referring to a recent report by Politico detailing GOP plans to ‘contest elections.’

Via Politico:

Video recordings of Republican Party operatives meeting with grassroots activists provide an inside look at a multi-pronged strategy to target and potentially overturn votes in Democratic precincts: Install trained recruits as regular poll workers and put them in direct contact with party attorneys.

The plan, as outlined by a Republican National Committee staffer in Michigan, includes utilizing rules designed to provide political balance among poll workers to install party-trained volunteers prepared to challenge voters at Democratic-majority polling places, developing a website to connect those workers to local lawyers and establishing a network of party-friendly district attorneys who could intervene to block vote counts at certain precincts.

“Being a poll worker, you just have so many more rights and things you can do to stop something than [as] a poll challenger,” said Matthew Seifried, the RNC’s election integrity director for Michigan, stressing the importance of obtaining official designations as poll workers in a meeting with GOP activists in Wayne County last Nov. 6. It is one of a series of recordings of GOP meetings between summer of 2021 and May of this year obtained by POLITICO.

Backing up those front-line workers, “it’s going to be an army,” Seifried promised at an Oct. 5 training session. “We’re going to have more lawyers than we’ve ever recruited, because let’s be honest, that’s where it’s going to be fought, right?”

“They know their policies are trash. They know they can’t win elections on merit,” Cross said on Saturday.

Typical projection.

VIDEO via Grabien News:


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5287ca  No.17284029

File: a67486ad27af9de⋯.jpg (54 KB, 1040x690, 104:69, i23wev37oe8.jpg)




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dc4f9a  No.17284032

File: a697fac7a4f78e3⋯.jpg (41.99 KB, 1017x513, 113:57, dov1ai4vzx.jpg)


There is no such thing as “disinformation” or “misinformation” anon.

There is only “information” and one’s own ability to discern and arrive at their own conclusions. Don’t acknowledge such idiotic made up words. It only plays into (((their))) hands. The only way to win is not to play.

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eae9f6  No.17284036

File: 143973dbbec53bd⋯.jpg (51.94 KB, 1078x647, 1078:647, 8sjt5o.jpg)

After Columbine,

after Sandy Hook,

after Charleston,

after Orlando,

after Las Vegas,

after Parkland,

nothing has been done.

This time, that can’t be true. This time, we must actually do something.

Okay… stop using tax $$$$ for your FF operations then?

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560afa  No.17284047

File: 3d0eb44b37801d7⋯.jpg (48.27 KB, 1013x624, 1013:624, qqowi636dclzoh.jpg)



IIRC Real Raw News said that the military are blowing up tunnels under SC.

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41d913  No.17284049

File: c0ff34a9a6455d7⋯.jpg (51.59 KB, 1056x653, 1056:653, eyuwfnz.jpg)



no need to even look at the early life section on wiki for that one

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1a4e79  No.17284057

File: 2aaac61197c1d09⋯.jpg (55.77 KB, 1208x627, 1208:627, kl0e19hb.jpg)



I think toxoplasmosis is related to cats, anyone that has cats are exposed to their parasites. Anyone with a cat should ivermectin regularly

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7d5138  No.17284058

File: 0de0a90bc056ad1⋯.jpg (50.54 KB, 1036x645, 1036:645, 8b7hjp96.jpg)


rent: +80%

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ea4dff  No.17284059

File: 74ad60cbf2eaa86⋯.jpg (43.83 KB, 1002x549, 334:183, vp1o4ilw6x.jpg)










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bc0817  No.17284061

File: 8f3cdbc4bd4fe8e⋯.jpg (46.26 KB, 1107x541, 1107:541, rjygc3lmx7d94.jpg)

The online BRICS summit has begun. On the screen are Brazil, South Africa, India, China (to which neither Biden nor Zelensky have been able to get through for a month now).

This is an important meeting…


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221377  No.17284067

File: 8029acd9d4daae9⋯.jpg (58.51 KB, 1195x671, 1195:671, z9k0odjwq.jpg)


Well the spartans were Butt Fuckers too, but they made great offensive line fodder.

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e2d7b6  No.17284069

File: 828cbaa7777575b⋯.jpg (64.16 KB, 1199x738, 1199:738, qcmfnp.jpg)


Really good video after the Patel Patriot Video,Gregg says Sheriffs are helping a lot

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f9209b  No.17284070

File: ccdf8214b2525e0⋯.jpg (54.43 KB, 1132x648, 283:162, xn2t7l42gv.jpg)

obama farts gahy rainbows at duckrain trotsky

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133ba9  No.17284071

File: d717dfb3a52e240⋯.jpg (46.21 KB, 1158x515, 1158:515, ha90doup.jpg)

Eldamar Official

Cathie Wood & Elon Musk : Latest Cryptocurrency | Bitcoin & Ethereum News | ARK Invest LIVE

Started streaming 92 minutes ago


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26418c  No.17284080

File: 760fda62fbc1787⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 1140x632, 285:158, 34mgeybhqd72lu.jpg)


If you don't know by now, my guess is NOT white.

If he was white you'd know it, it'd becalled a racist attack by a white right wing maniac with bad gun instead of a intruder killed by hero cop with good gun.

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dd7385  No.17284081

File: 0ce57994813ce7d⋯.jpg (45.77 KB, 1167x511, 1167:511, r9pe6opwltu.jpg)


>In my paradigm…ALWAYS a way to salvation…God knows our hearts. A change in heart always possible and always met with salvation.

This is Christianity

The (((inbreeding))) poster is some kind of bot/human operated bot. It posts all the time about how raped children have no soul etc. They are a disgusting, Satanic waste of your time

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b778a0  No.17284082

File: 9817766ff79086d⋯.jpg (44.98 KB, 1148x505, 1148:505, u1t8rp9u0s30.jpg)



the sacred calf has been demolished.

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d8a935  No.17284083

File: 81b1ff6d3b9b190⋯.jpg (49.39 KB, 1042x619, 1042:619, 5n4oswx.jpg)















































Previously Collected






General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/



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2b9b18  No.17284086

File: b2f1d4b428a6009⋯.jpg (48.51 KB, 1146x547, 1146:547, 9orbrw1.jpg)

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837041  No.17284099

File: b5f0987b684f8bc⋯.jpg (60.48 KB, 1157x711, 1157:711, ku1p0wxm.jpg)


I'm in AZ. I know.

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4e81c0  No.17284104

File: 57ae5fd57756d64⋯.jpg (51.9 KB, 1049x659, 1049:659, lohpc045.jpg)

UPDATED Challenge Rules 2022.

1. Get Jab and get the bad cells like under the dark light scope. (photo 2)

2. 2 weeks or less.

3. Jump Right in the MRI

that link in the photo…is dead use the archiver…


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463ce0  No.17284110

File: d41df25cedc1675⋯.jpg (46.74 KB, 1014x600, 169:100, f4pvjst.jpg)


thats a lot of faggin ganon, LOVE 'ET

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40c5a6  No.17284111

File: c2f828c55189ddf⋯.jpg (58.33 KB, 1162x677, 1162:677, mfe1z4o.jpg)


or visa versa?

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054ad6  No.17284115

File: 01b4d57e8e9bb78⋯.jpg (50.72 KB, 1029x649, 1029:649, rkf2gbqf9ic25j.jpg)


why would (((they))) have anything to worry about with you?

You wont even consider being anyones "enemy". Soo…. why would they give a fuck?

Seriously. With that attitude, you pose ZERO threat to them.

You might as well go march in a gay parade, faggot

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62e375  No.17284116

File: 166d631224eea82⋯.jpg (53.95 KB, 969x721, 969:721, cblfyvvi5scv0t.jpg)


Q is using a 10 character passcode, less than 5 months to break. But the Trip wasn't brute forced anyway, the SALT was gamed to output the trip they wanted. This has been established.

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d9eb5a  No.17284120

File: 1de7323bf689e88⋯.jpg (39.78 KB, 976x508, 244:127, qilvub.jpg)



In some autistic way, yup!

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afeac2  No.17284125

File: 2f87477e661fa8e⋯.jpg (49.25 KB, 1117x582, 1117:582, b29ups.jpg)


ThanQ Ghost Baker!

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65a3be  No.17284132

File: 81561c4fa2f3e0f⋯.jpg (43.3 KB, 1011x538, 1011:538, w564y4ca7e.jpg)

Hillary's signed off mix everywhere. Love it.

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236a94  No.17284133

File: 9ee68ffd5664051⋯.jpg (57.62 KB, 1072x733, 1072:733, k3rd86gl35be1.jpg)




Here’s a meme

Get the word out faggots

Force the mainstream media to pick up the story

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052428  No.17284134

File: 984474b36d7bceb⋯.jpg (51.84 KB, 1050x663, 350:221, j5482l0qswiwo.jpg)


because they killed every other one?

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c05615  No.17284136

File: 1a6a8b780b9ef74⋯.jpg (51.61 KB, 1162x590, 581:295, lxvd6c9kd.jpg)


Desperate times call for desperate measures

Quick to act, while not thinking through the consequences

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d858a0  No.17284137

File: e8af7cb4cf2748a⋯.jpg (46.82 KB, 1197x505, 1197:505, hdc4i5bu287.jpg)

Zoos across North America announce LGBT ‘pride month’ events

This is a colonization, and it is nearly complete.


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fa92fc  No.17284139

File: f274e85d3fb8c50⋯.jpg (44.25 KB, 999x577, 999:577, nlcef3gh3e73ij.jpg)

He took the bait.


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61c239  No.17284140

File: 748e167518a1e6b⋯.jpg (51.32 KB, 1080x635, 216:127, 1tvnfbd3qr.jpg)

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7e1d70  No.17284147

File: 318cda4414cb6dc⋯.jpg (49.14 KB, 1134x575, 1134:575, 1la12uv.jpg)


Man Refuses To Surrender ‘FCK BLM’ License Plate Despite City Warnings



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807140  No.17284148

File: 3b9ef44da7b335e⋯.jpg (46.11 KB, 1152x519, 384:173, okm6x9ftdtsdja.jpg)



>Nice helREEcopter

very noice nik'd both

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5fd8bd  No.17284149

File: 574190635f9f23d⋯.jpg (42.4 KB, 1031x519, 1031:519, xj3osrvemg.jpg)



please replace




in pf line


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563949  No.17284150

File: 0b02296d0f20dea⋯.jpg (57.44 KB, 1053x731, 1053:731, oxt0xg7g1.jpg)


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bb2347  No.17284156

File: c9895fc0c00b9bf⋯.jpg (49.72 KB, 1071x609, 51:29, azdeo2.jpg)


other interdasting call signs: MEANY, SAVER, PICK13, POBOY AND DEALS33…

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8405d0  No.17284159

File: d1293abc5a5c321⋯.jpg (49.04 KB, 1046x623, 1046:623, 3shtu1852ean.jpg)


BV here

think he was 17 mins early

lost it when I took out shill


Save America is new sign, later posted


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c5ae9f  No.17284173

File: 2983937f91a3fd7⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 1194x635, 1194:635, ghk18o6.jpg)



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6f0b03  No.17284174

File: 5f8bb9aeb5bb26d⋯.jpg (56.03 KB, 1103x683, 1103:683, ibqxx5pdsax86.jpg)



I can't find it either.


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fede76  No.17284180

File: 9b9c9e2991ea76a⋯.jpg (46.99 KB, 1138x537, 1138:537, ex31ka.jpg)


But i do find it entertaining

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46f48b  No.17284185

File: a909cbf1f795221⋯.jpg (51.89 KB, 1184x587, 1184:587, tp8691ry2wpw2.jpg)

Stay with us Normies

You're Gonna Love this Next Bit

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3755b2  No.17284187

File: c0432ffdbbd45e5⋯.jpg (41.16 KB, 1015x498, 1015:498, w86mmh1u4x4309.jpg)


>COVID related

It's the vax. The babies are lucky to be alive.

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dc9317  No.17284188

File: 104c224dd096ca8⋯.jpg (39.72 KB, 975x511, 975:511, gmy6a7c2gu.jpg)


this is a 5 day old account btw

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bb51b8  No.17284197

File: f4de05b96f2bf4e⋯.jpg (58.64 KB, 1127x705, 1127:705, 2fzi6a3smwt.jpg)


More joke fodder for the cowardly peeps.

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21096d  No.17284208

File: d0729086a8c7658⋯.jpg (55.93 KB, 1050x711, 350:237, x2vhka7.jpg)

Great newsletter this morning Jim. Perfect synopsis of the Q post from last night.

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675b1b  No.17284215

File: 76b133eed8f61ce⋯.jpg (49.65 KB, 988x658, 494:329, laev1u.jpg)


I guess Bidan is waking up lefties

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f0c111  No.17284216

File: a597ae4be5be815⋯.jpg (61.41 KB, 1175x718, 1175:718, 3150rvw.jpg)


>The J6 Committee Went Full Jussie Smollett Today and It is Hilarious


Am over these distractions…

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7ca501  No.17284217

File: 916cddd3427d744⋯.jpg (39.93 KB, 961x510, 961:510, bsqubf8.jpg)


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5ec4ba  No.17284218

File: f4102cd8492fd9f⋯.jpg (132.91 KB, 564x459, 188:153, BIDENS_ECON.jpg)

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28e742  No.17284219

File: d41c0e74ff61600⋯.jpg (52.87 KB, 1014x684, 169:114, nlj64a.jpg)



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319d6d  No.17284223

File: 272fda20d5c9666⋯.jpg (41.73 KB, 993x527, 993:527, o13keo1pnk.jpg)


you fucking fucking gestapo.

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33e686  No.17284230

File: bdc4f23129a0d6d⋯.jpg (42.38 KB, 1046x505, 1046:505, ko66qob40tycm.jpg)

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d78f35  No.17284235

File: afbb09cb68a827a⋯.jpg (53.83 KB, 1072x675, 1072:675, fzjkpp0rp6.jpg)



There comes a time when a populace must stand united and say “enough is enough” to the government’s abuses, even if it means getting rid of the political parties in power.

Believing that “we the people” have a natural and divine right to direct our own lives, here are truths about the power of the people and how we arrived at the decision to sever our ties to the government:

All people are created equal.

All people possess certain innate rights that no government or agency or individual can take away from them. Among these are the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The government’s job is to protect the people’s innate rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The government’s power comes from the will of the people.

Whenever any government abuses its power, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish that government and replace it with a new government that will respect and protect the rights of the people.

It is not wise to get rid of a government for minor transgressions. In fact, as history has shown, people resist change and are inclined to suffer all manner of abuses to which they have become accustomed.

However, when the people have been subjected to repeated abuses and power grabs, carried out with the purpose of establishing a tyrannical government, people have a right and duty to do away with that tyrannical government and to replace it with a new government that will protect and preserve their innate rights for their future wellbeing.

This is exactly the state of affairs we are under suffering under right now, which is why it is necessary that we change this imperial system of government.

The history of the present Imperial Government is a history of repeated abuses and power grabs, carried out with the intention of establishing absolute tyranny over the country.

To prove this, consider the following:

The government has, through its own negligence and arrogance, refused to adopt urgent and necessary laws for the good of the people.

The government has threatened to hold up critical laws unless the people agree to relinquish their right to be fully represented in the Legislature.

In order to expand its power and bring about compliance with its dictates, the government has made it nearly impossible for the people to make their views and needs heard by their representatives.


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cfaf19  No.17284239

File: 2f3484965097fe7⋯.jpg (52.6 KB, 1075x649, 1075:649, wt5o9q8pn.jpg)

missing fart barge seeking tons of baby diaretics for cutting missing kilos

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9e0025  No.17284243

File: 50391ff54013780⋯.jpg (46.22 KB, 1024x588, 256:147, ecq8h9k14io6.jpg)

The Hill


Ten laws impacting LGBTQ+ rights set to take effect today



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c16408  No.17284248

File: ad9702e40da89b2⋯.jpg (55.24 KB, 1196x632, 299:158, vs9shhtpz.jpg)


I agree. I watched one old movie last month

The happening.

It caused tension and anxiety in me and I knew what they were doing.

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7e8b05  No.17284263

File: decf43fe906c19a⋯.jpg (46.83 KB, 987x611, 21:13, 9xno70ntqtpz.jpg)

Does The Plan realise that tomorrow is not guaranteed?

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7d5138  No.17284273

File: 0da4fc43753bcac⋯.jpg (50.87 KB, 1063x637, 1063:637, jq9ilkcjsoa.jpg)


>Remember what they took from you.


>Remember what they took from you.

see you post this often & I agree

but also in my 60 years the one constant that has always bee is if its something you love or enjoy it will be taken from you.

not necessarily by DS or evil forces but that seems (In my life) to be the way life works.

So there is something to be said for be thankful for & cherish what you have

the memories remain & i have no bitterness but if i didnt joke about everything that is gone, i would scream

started with JFK being my POTUS- gone

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289f04  No.17284275

File: a29d148578731dc⋯.jpg (46.53 KB, 1073x568, 1073:568, qt1tzpfu.jpg)

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2643b3  No.17284277

File: 1dfe935f6b54854⋯.png (109.17 KB, 255x198, 85:66, 5E052A02_B79F_4EC2_8B15_6E….png)

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87516d  No.17284280

File: b2871e1f224cc9f⋯.jpg (42.22 KB, 1025x514, 1025:514, 92qgfwv.jpg)


Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

Why don't you zero delta re-verify, Q?

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610dc8  No.17284285

File: 9d37ed3fc5620f1⋯.jpg (46.78 KB, 1111x545, 1111:545, 0chowjmtnu7.jpg)


Thanks Baker.

Anons, the stock market is being driven down just to shake the GME / AMC /DWAC Retail out of the market. And… it's not working! Hedge Funds are slowly beginning to realize they're trapped. RDBX failed miserably.

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2b9b18  No.17284289

File: fa67078f5491a43⋯.jpg (51.2 KB, 979x686, 979:686, fcjbnv.jpg)

never promote bad behaviour.

only time to think.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!



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02c596  No.17284295

File: 69c8d5fe96f10fc⋯.jpg (54.71 KB, 1108x662, 554:331, l60491j6.jpg)


disband DHS partisan scum.

whose "homeland" does it secure? Not ours

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f9209b  No.17284297

File: 148846f58903d44⋯.jpg (58.32 KB, 1102x713, 1102:713, amry82dzxh.jpg)


No, he isn't. Stop all the nonsense. The first arrest is going to be millions of innocent Americans. That's where this is all going.

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b4275a  No.17284300

File: 75a7edaeee614f9⋯.jpg (53.97 KB, 1001x744, 1001:744, kjv2t8.jpg)

Amazon workers ask for time off to grieve after Roe, demand company not do business in pro-life states

The letter also requests more remote work options and an audit of political donations.

someone. ask Q where is sanity. and when can we just. conquer like we know we must.


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ad099d  No.17284320

File: ead83ae0413da00⋯.jpg (47.74 KB, 1181x530, 1181:530, gm2oo3.jpg)

They are Pushing WATER

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cff997  No.17284321

File: fb7568f0cd97c3e⋯.jpg (56.86 KB, 1122x679, 1122:679, 2zfflmrczxy2i.jpg)


Because once the cheating is exposed they will all be arrested and hanged for treason.

oh wait

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bb51b8  No.17284324

File: 7d1d8f3b916aa1d⋯.jpg (54.73 KB, 1159x638, 1159:638, bds3uwu.jpg)


This is a STUPID GAME!

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63372e  No.17284329

File: e5705aaafb8ebc3⋯.jpg (54.61 KB, 1122x652, 561:326, i6qrckpq.jpg)


>For the nein, nein, nein, nein

Could as well just mean no, no, no, no.

or with the "3 in front of it" could be no, no, no for the 'Pronoun' which means no, no, no.

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675b1b  No.17284340

File: a93bb47037edfaa⋯.jpg (45.57 KB, 1129x520, 1129:520, eimv2mrjhupb.jpg)


We’ve been trained for years to scrutinize - trust but verify - due diligence. Use discretion

As much as I want them to be real, my hopium and soonium are biases I try to keep in check.

If babyfist is a person (not /ourguy) that pic of all pics posted not once but multiple times is too much to ignore

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a29677  No.17284342

File: 0900abc50dfdf3e⋯.jpg (45.08 KB, 1118x515, 1118:515, b8tlvld.jpg)


>What a fucking wild week.


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b0b6a6  No.17284343

File: 33b29c0f2a4ac5c⋯.jpg (55.83 KB, 1114x675, 1114:675, bpa5dx.jpg)


Haaretz is like the Israeli version of the NYTimes.


>-New SCOTUS Justics sworn in shortly there

anon pointed this "stay at home" bit yesterday…was in notables. If in DC, keep your head on a swivel.

searching "noon" also get the Counter Insurgency Manual and 0blowholes inauguration comment.

Perhaps High Noon, they're officially in retreat: >>17283340

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806ae8  No.17284346

File: 81dec2e3fbec757⋯.jpg (55.34 KB, 1166x645, 1166:645, gkdngru.jpg)

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319d6d  No.17284348

File: 38997cc93347273⋯.jpg (52.51 KB, 1208x582, 604:291, 6wrw1q.jpg)


I didn't say it would be easy. I said it was the law.

Many times, before discovery, I have my clients send out FOIA requests.


Because when I ask for discovery, and show that the FOIA laws were not followed, the judge favors my requests most of the time.

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fede76  No.17284349

File: 78ab4dee7f67fa2⋯.jpg (51.37 KB, 1000x699, 1000:699, sndxm7iz4is.jpg)

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76312a  No.17284352

File: 61af42120e6f489⋯.jpg (43.37 KB, 974x569, 974:569, b6tlkpzl47cutv.jpg)

Sir George Williams was Boris Johnsons great-great-grandfather.

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785430  No.17284363

File: 3b7c66fe890ded9⋯.jpg (53.33 KB, 1092x654, 182:109, 7zv7zuq3x5ztoz.jpg)


Okay. That explains it. There was a post before mine in which the poster said it was a $70K truck.

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61ee0c  No.17284365

File: b96cdd00d287ff1⋯.jpg (49.21 KB, 1007x645, 1007:645, oecrx5wqghe0c.jpg)


At the truth you seethe and have nothing left to attack but the spacing of Reddit, If you could conjure a stronger deflection I could give you some credit.

In anger you resort to ad hominem and project you're going to filter, but we both know you can't look away and it's because your emo state is off kilter.

Facing the truth the brainwashed might try and cast me a hex, But the best you can come up with is the boardwalk girl "You wrote so much text".

Sucked in until the end my words make your feels bleed, Your desperate final act of defeat and proof you read all will be "Too long didn't read".

Faced with cognitive dissonance your last stand is to call me a paid shill, In ten years from now when the swamp is still here you'll finally understand the ballad of the red pill.

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d774ff  No.17284367

File: 5cee4a34c0478a8⋯.jpg (45.83 KB, 1167x507, 389:169, kopc4ggl8lx3hm.jpg)


Scores of politicians and only one snake ?

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7786e2  No.17284377

File: d7a8cff178cce72⋯.jpg (51.29 KB, 1119x614, 1119:614, h9tzzed3.jpg)

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51e94c  No.17284381

File: 0d27f3fef59754d⋯.jpg (43.18 KB, 1054x517, 1054:517, nkyucnqk6a1.jpg)


well good for you you have an opinion. glad to know your research on webmd panned out for you now if they could only remove your sanctimonious head from your ass that truly would be a medical marvel.

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589cc0  No.17284895

File: 7fffd984da77d43⋯.jpeg (52.6 KB, 625x415, 125:83, c8b1a85e52855209ed34d1875….jpeg)

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cefab5  No.17284897

Joe Biden in Kentucky: “The Weather May be Beyond Our Control For Now, But It’s Not Beyond Our Control” (VIDEO)


Patriots control the weather, not them. Kek!

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589cc0  No.17284903

File: 18e9bda138d2a70⋯.png (256.31 KB, 500x375, 4:3, a88d21420e8353bb5716fea66b….png)

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c674a3  No.17284909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2d93aa  No.17284917


.__....._ _.....__,
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e62a4c  No.17284925

whats up with all the cack pics?

( • )( • )

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565137  No.17284930

I get the point, but I'm not sure the context. Could we please stop posting spam dick pics? Call it what it is. If only you and the person whose dick it is, you're being annoying.

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565137  No.17284937


*know* should go in there somewhere. Say whose dick it is, or stop spamming.

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c674a3  No.17284943

That wouldn't bePANICwould it?

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72839b  No.17285267

File: 060dd905604e50e⋯.jpg (190.42 KB, 1778x999, 1778:999, elf.jpg)

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700c55  No.17285338


the question is, why do they stop posting them?

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47f15c  No.17285470

File: 261e95bd7660a54⋯.jpg (67.73 KB, 500x751, 500:751, 6pcq7f.jpg)

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700c55  No.17285657

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jim's on

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565137  No.17285719

Elon was right about irony?

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c674a3  No.17285721

File: e1cfd5deb4e6bce⋯.mp4 (13.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Canadians_are_counting_on_….mp4)

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565137  No.17285723


Elon is just an anagram for Noel.

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565137  No.17285822

No el.

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e62a4c  No.17285908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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352d09  No.17285987

File: 7b4d3a2051ca9a1⋯.jpg (373.13 KB, 872x418, 436:209, Robin_Voted_Joe.jpg)

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c674a3  No.17286151

File: b46095a091ca0ef⋯.png (305.02 KB, 574x504, 41:36, ClipboardImage.png)


Young Castro

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7f88cd  No.17286344

Did Jim figure out how to block the 1%?

thank you Jim

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3cbafb  No.17286576

File: eaef77d0b9c46a7⋯.jpg (165.51 KB, 1212x847, 1212:847, Dan_Scavino_Post.jpg)

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2d93d2  No.17286633

File: 4c6f409e7d8dd35⋯.jpeg (221.34 KB, 676x548, 169:137, apu_cigar.jpeg)

The fuck is up with this board?

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cec898  No.17286767


When Jim appears the spam stops. Reconcile.

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c674a3  No.17287500

File: df0013a996ca9c9⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB, 848x464, 53:29, Lindsey_Graham_John_McCain….mp4)

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94a4d8  No.17288090

File: b9c8e0f8799f671⋯.jpeg (42.32 KB, 1026x524, 513:262, b9c8e0f8799f671e0646d196c….jpeg)

←Is this the pict of the day?

Asking for a friend.

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c674a3  No.17288185

File: ebda2321be1554e⋯.mp4 (4.07 MB, 898x718, 449:359, imnotfuckinleavin.mp4)

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c674a3  No.17288580

File: 2c8d5ec1f04baf1⋯.png (569.56 KB, 500x700, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)


>The fuck is up with this board?


that's a lot of dicks

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9b9918  No.17288617

File: f8054f9f6b86a77⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1170x1442, 585:721, f8054f9f6b86a770c5d319d254….png)

Any planefags on this?

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91c380  No.17288634

Wiener laptop kept on a “safe” place?


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b779c8  No.17288852


Fuckin' rights, ladz

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94a4d8  No.17288864


When Boomer Jim appears, the fun stops.


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b22c9f  No.17289436

File: 16c02be8c5e8643⋯.png (72.38 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 70C8114D_A8D9_46D1_B380_FE….png)

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700c55  No.17289896

File: d073eb5cd34c1a1⋯.png (42.33 KB, 458x203, 458:203, ClipboardImage.png)


because they're stuck in my decoy threads

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cec898  No.17290115


Imagine for a minute, Jim bombards with spam, and when he appears the spam stops. Then his fanclub congratulates him as if he were a hero.


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31f50f  No.17290149

File: 1575e55d7b9357d⋯.png (179.08 KB, 389x466, 389:466, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2cd7cebaac589ad⋯.mp4 (2.36 MB, 1440x1080, 4:3, Meme_Wars_with_Dan_Scavino….mp4)


TO30808 (19) (1)

Q / @Q 08/08/2022 22:53:21

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108790651366634081

Q Clock [ Min: 25 | :25/:55 Mir: 25 | 180 Mir: 55 | :35/:05 Mir: 45 ]

Image Name: 0705ab8e67026666.jpg

Filename: 0705ab8e67026666.jpg


vid sawZ:





>>17288185, >>17288852

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700a39  No.17290160

File: f94b8ca5e1d951a⋯.png (120.97 KB, 257x354, 257:354, ClipboardImage.png)

Has Dick Poster dies from his vaxx yet ?

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1e252a  No.17290376


No, it's filling other breads atm.

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4b0e4b  No.17290379

File: e6603604d6f9ced⋯.png (203.51 KB, 998x1742, 499:871, 3728_POTUS_unharmed_today.png)

File: cf90a12a8bebf8d⋯.jpg (231.58 KB, 1444x900, 361:225, Pepe_Hold_the_Line.jpg)

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47f15c  No.17290532

Ron loses

Spambot throws shit fit

Just saying

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700c55  No.17290555

File: d22b51a92195010⋯.png (22.49 KB, 308x211, 308:211, ClipboardImage.png)


he's stuck in here

you guys can do this too, you know

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a39b2e  No.17290710

File: 96318e8e37478c6⋯.png (623.86 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, discount2.png)

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1e252a  No.17290810

File: 15d0562e280a871⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB, 848x432, 53:27, Wake_up_anon.mp4)


You're a spam bot. You just don't realize it yet.

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700c55  No.17290939


I'm the one keeping the thread clean while you bitch about it

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94a4d8  No.17291012


They appear to me more truthful and fun than this one.

This board is toast.

Oh, how I long for the days of AFlB the fucking tranny jew larping as a Canadian.



And the boomers and the jews wonder why NORMAL DECENT people want to KILL every last one of them. fits the MO.

Then there are the faggot captchas written in the handwritting of a faggot.

I had no idea that codemonkey was a flaming faggot.

Like father like son, I suppose.

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c674a3  No.17291052

File: 8de1ceb1fe49c4b⋯.png (838.7 KB, 1206x794, 603:397, epstein_white_house.png)

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a8eff8  No.17291110

File: 9160f2bd81bda2f⋯.mp4 (733.9 KB, 480x352, 15:11, trump_Never_Give_Up_wwg1wg….mp4)

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4b0e4b  No.17291206

File: 7afb23f20199ec5⋯.png (904.89 KB, 544x638, 272:319, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5394dea6c5a81e⋯.png (860.66 KB, 1109x551, 1109:551, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b74079c8b4706f1⋯.png (53.83 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f3c9a0b9d90529⋯.png (662.62 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, ClipboardImage.png)

August 8th, 2022: USA’s Under Secretary of Defense “confirms” that Ukraine was supplied with “anti radiation missiles” which could be launched from an unmentioned Ukrainian aircraft.

The statement came after the publication of images which showed a wreckage of the American AGM-88 HARM anti radiation missile. The missile was fired onto Russian positions. This is the most capable anti-radiation (anti radar) missile in the west, despite being in service since 1985, it is a serious missile. The missile homes in on enemy radio frequency emissions from over 100KM away. This makes them ideal for neutralising ground radars and air defence sites of the enemy.

This is the 1st time in history that the missile was used by anyone other than the US military. What raises serious doubts about Ukraine being the one who fired this missile is Ukraine’s lack of aircraft known to be compatible with the missile. There’s a high possibility that the missile was fired by NATO aircraft secretly supporting the Ukrainian Military.

August 8, 2022


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f88eef  No.17291289

File: 2900393f82ac7b0⋯.jpeg (419.9 KB, 1093x1363, 1093:1363, CF8C6B04_1D0A_46BC_9F6B_6….jpeg)

Spam will never stop Olga pics from spreading.

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1e252a  No.17291406

File: 9d90103ce4e3e6a⋯.png (470.8 KB, 506x655, 506:655, fuck_off_shill.png)


Oh pardon me, you saved anons! kek fuck off

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700c55  No.17291529


like clockwork, fake gary enters the thread

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cec898  No.17291606

File: d448c7652e86fe9⋯.jpg (57.61 KB, 750x747, 250:249, FIIb_7nXIAEnWym.jpg)


I still remember Ron's anger at not receiving DJT support.

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4b0e4b  No.17291906

File: 97797626052fccd⋯.jpg (12.5 KB, 255x236, 255:236, Shits_on_fire_yo.jpg)

File: 17abe7a05cb0b1b⋯.jpg (39.46 KB, 1280x541, 1280:541, Spiderman_Movie_and_popcor….jpg)

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c674a3  No.17291907

File: 647f3a2840beb19⋯.png (460.09 KB, 1829x930, 59:30, ClipboardImage.png)


>There’s a high possibility that the missile was fired by NATO aircraft secretly supporting the Ukrainian Military.


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d60cbd  No.17291908

Evenin’ Nightshift

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31f50f  No.17291910

File: 1aaad5222767ca1⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB, 1078x720, 539:360, FRENS_gaelick_BANDbacksTog….mp4)

File: eb629380deb47ed⋯.png (40.69 KB, 480x480, 1:1, NightShift_Frens_v1.png)

File: c993165a7d0e07e⋯.jpg (84.76 KB, 534x680, 267:340, pepe_FrenPILL_Roman12_21.jpg)

File: 7325211f46d763c⋯.gif (4.56 MB, 499x267, 499:267, pepe_SpartaKEKS_Frogs_of_A….gif)

File: 342b7533e629698⋯.png (219.33 KB, 398x474, 199:237, pepe_t_o_s_s_MAGA_2022_07_….png)

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47f15c  No.17291912

File: 11f426443d4a968⋯.jpg (79.86 KB, 683x742, 683:742, 20210916_103156.jpg)

Trump is literally growing stronger by the minute.

The country is now praying for Trump

Sides are being revealed in all media.

What a colossal fail.

Best. Timeline . Ever.

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700c55  No.17291924

File: 3cee543416e145f⋯.png (11.53 KB, 147x227, 147:227, ClipboardImage.png)


threads full, time to bake another

bitch MOAR

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700a39  No.17292066

File: c7b172637782915⋯.png (287.92 KB, 542x437, 542:437, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47ead06013bf080⋯.png (22.85 KB, 434x267, 434:267, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a932629f67cbe0⋯.png (268.27 KB, 254x1125, 254:1125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b472a5542bc47c⋯.png (75.86 KB, 238x281, 238:281, ClipboardImage.png)

Dan told us POTUS was going to get his door kicked in…

-90 till election.

Shits about to get REAL !

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2d93aa  No.17292069

ok. silly question.

What exactly was the cabal convinced that Trump had in his safe that they got desperate enough to raid him…

Nightshift memes?

I mean, it would need to be something that they would think they could exploit against him and/or something that they needed to get rid of?

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cec898  No.17292179

File: f1397721f43043b⋯.png (171.74 KB, 620x931, 620:931, ClipboardImage.png)

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2d93d2  No.17292339

Fuckin epic Bongino rant.


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47f15c  No.17292413

File: 5cbd173299864cf⋯.jpg (68.57 KB, 500x691, 500:691, 4t7f3k.jpg)


Pelosi laptop

Hunter's laptop

Weiner's laptop

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0956a8  No.17292483

File: 5f09c143a9d199f⋯.jpeg (92.85 KB, 1080x1068, 90:89, 5f09c143a9d199febdc17712d….jpeg)



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5ec297  No.17292509

File: a283e88609ebeca⋯.mp4 (5.77 MB, 640x360, 16:9, dan_b_bullshit.mp4)

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94a4d8  No.17292562


Like Cockwork, another JEW-LOVING BOOMER WEIGHS in.

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700c55  No.17292566


whatever(((GARLAND)))says was in his safe

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c674a3  No.17292629

File: 0b7909c6bf86c5e⋯.mp4 (591.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, deadpool.mp4)

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c674a3  No.17292768

File: 043ecdea5afe0f5⋯.png (56.14 KB, 255x192, 85:64, Bongino.png)

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af5f48  No.17292849

File: ba52c4a56183a88⋯.png (242.57 KB, 748x471, 748:471, ClipboardImage.png)



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700c55  No.17292864

File: 50ade83c34a3f01⋯.png (510.18 KB, 1027x1200, 1027:1200, happymerchant.png)

File: 50ade83c34a3f01⋯.png (510.18 KB, 1027x1200, 1027:1200, happymerchant.png)

File: 50ade83c34a3f01⋯.png (510.18 KB, 1027x1200, 1027:1200, happymerchant.png)


>radical left democrats

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b22c9f  No.17292877

File: 376dae9aafd49cf⋯.jpeg (97.83 KB, 600x431, 600:431, DE845B08_40A9_4DC8_9CC3_3….jpeg)

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520f86  No.17293049


I threw up a couple spam pots. How many do you want?

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6e41bf  No.17293366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2d93d2  No.17293382

So, will Trump be the first arrest that shocks the world?

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31f50f  No.17293660

File: 33db9ff8f736431⋯.png (2.94 MB, 1700x1328, 425:332, The_Farmer_s_Hands_Jeremia….png)

File: 8abeae1191beebb⋯.png (58.87 KB, 887x727, 887:727, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a6eed3336e90b6⋯.png (12.63 KB, 384x183, 128:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58de26f58e785e9⋯.png (267.03 KB, 388x1647, 388:1647, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 846603fde8ae884⋯.png (31.94 KB, 386x517, 386:517, ClipboardImage.png)


>Shits about to get REAL !


6+ (8+9) =

6+ Q ^ @23

@painful GAME?

4954 (22) (4)

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 06/24/2022 21:26:19 ID: 30012a

8kun/qresearch: 16504957

Q Clock [ Min: 40 | :25/:55 Mir: 10 | 180 Mir: 10 | :35/:05 Mir: 30 ]

Shall we play a game once more?


From and including: Friday, June 24, 2022

To and including: Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Result: 47 days

It is 47 days from the start date to the end date, end date included.

^= https://qagg.news/?read=47

Or 1 month, 17 days including the end date.

^= https://qagg.news/?read=117

Alternative time units

47 days can be converted to one of these units:

4,060,800 seconds

67,680 minutes

1128 hours

47 days

6 weeks and 5 days

12.88% of 2022

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0956a8  No.17293730


Right! They just sealed his election win!


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c64308  No.17293867


i was thinking same

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700c55  No.17294033


it's up to you, anon. I'll do a few more. If you format right, it works.

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d60cbd  No.17294302

Nice and comfy in here

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2d93aa  No.17294495

File: d2966edc5aaf0ee⋯.png (428.69 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


What is crimes against humanity in Haiti, Alex?

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603ff8  No.17294510

File: c08053b5fe16a1e⋯.png (276.82 KB, 772x800, 193:200, ClipboardImage.png)


Been on my shortlist for a while.

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dfdacb  No.17294814


>Dan told us POTUS was going to get his door kicked in…

Imagine, if you will…

Trump’s safe was full of dirt on everyone.

How do you introduce evidence?

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2d93aa  No.17295151


oh shit…. This one is it, isn't it.

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c64308  No.17295607


Agree. This backfired big time, KeK!

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a39b2e  No.17295639

File: e41526944774021⋯.png (980.37 KB, 1000x810, 100:81, trumpvault1.png)

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af5f48  No.17295901

File: 82348d5f93f4891⋯.png (195.69 KB, 561x353, 561:353, ClipboardImage.png)

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c674a3  No.17295904

File: 75240c4ce653081⋯.jpeg (75.39 KB, 500x500, 1:1, eyes.jpeg)


>How do you introduce evidence?

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31f50f  No.17296420

File: b2d3439d0ded99d⋯.png (402.87 KB, 377x480, 377:480, BeBEST_FilterBESTbe.png)

File: c2f23d0627237e6⋯.png (90.96 KB, 3000x3000, 1:1, Meme_Filter_Buster_Rotate_….png)

File: 36aa800c42b8f6f⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1200x1452, 100:121, DAN_B_RedE_taRUMBuuuuuLLee….png)

File: 357c3a725d96120⋯.png (179.27 KB, 1070x1228, 535:614, Pepe_TFI_DANK_Destroyer.png)

File: ad78d8de06e5724⋯.png (408.29 KB, 600x800, 3:4, LaunchTHEmemes_saveTHEworl….png)



@ 3sec MARK:

D.Bongino host of "unfiltered" / NO FILTERS

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cec898  No.17296640

File: c53b421f96dea40⋯.png (395.27 KB, 602x711, 602:711, Screenshot_2022_08_09_at_0….png)

Luke Broadwater☀️


In the wake of the FBI search of Trump’s property in Florida, the House Jan. 6 committee is gearing up to meet with 2 potentially key witnesses in its separate inquiry on Tuesday

-Mike Pompeo, fmr Secretary of State

-Doug Mastriano, GOP nominee for PA gov


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47f15c  No.17296652


Things in Trump's safe:

33,000 clinton emails

Hunter bidan

The potato in quarantine


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4b0e4b  No.17296658

File: e12785212313b72⋯.png (242.15 KB, 861x744, 287:248, Pepe_2_Wolves.png)


That's nice (and it just entered muh meme distribution network) kek

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a8eff8  No.17296674

File: 3b0dedb915cf58b⋯.png (3.18 MB, 1362x2048, 681:1024, ClipboardImage.png)


WHile 90%+ of Trump supporters hearing the news were somewhere between upset and seething, I suddenly donned a big smile and thought THIS IS GREAT!

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e62a4c  No.17296768


nah they want epstein court files… Trump testified against him or something 'memeber?

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700c55  No.17296949

File: 4a752d17cfc347c⋯.png (14.65 KB, 152x214, 76:107, ClipboardImage.png)

be advised, BO doesn't want bread numbers on the dummy threads, and they still work without the numbers

>>17212015 ob

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47f15c  No.17297161

File: 683ddb9335a0b43⋯.jpg (64.05 KB, 500x632, 125:158, 20210612_184907.jpg)

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c674a3  No.17297201

File: 6b485a5e1383497⋯.jpg (47.69 KB, 634x355, 634:355, cloth.jpg)


>Things in Trump's safe:

>33,000 Clinton emails


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700c55  No.17297552

File: e4555d36725c731⋯.png (42.82 KB, 525x497, 75:71, ClipboardImage.png)

when you see picrel, just wait a little not a whole hour

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a39b2e  No.17297601

File: cb73baa6ebf5f8f⋯.png (280.41 KB, 482x480, 241:240, safeemails1.png)

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31f50f  No.17298446

File: 2e0db28df8f6baa⋯.png (808.73 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa8ea7eb1484cb7⋯.png (2.87 MB, 1400x933, 1400:933, F_22_Neon_Raptor_NS2.png)

File: 879766ed64dfe80⋯.png (542.03 KB, 1240x736, 155:92, NS_01xh.png)

File: 4f81d6dbde22f00⋯.jpg (41.97 KB, 255x227, 255:227, MeMe_Investigative_pepe.jpg)



meme sawZ:


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47f15c  No.17299403

File: 5ce865ee4319371⋯.gif (3.14 MB, 500x500, 1:1, rIXXbLUDx4ZZfw9Gy8KJ_03_56….gif)

They must guzzle their own kool-aid to believe raiding the most popular president ever was a good plan

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4b0e4b  No.17299496

File: b2aa8850daec16b⋯.png (3.02 MB, 1500x996, 125:83, ClipboardImage.png)


Reno 911, cutting edge coppin'

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47f15c  No.17300425

File: c04af6a099a2133⋯.jpg (54.79 KB, 656x467, 656:467, 20210815_125646.jpg)

Now that! …was a Panic Monday

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2d93aa  No.17300514

File: ec6e3200cb953cd⋯.png (914.17 KB, 1197x780, 399:260, ClipboardImage.png)

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31f50f  No.17300636

File: bdc90b353874a01⋯.png (3.2 MB, 1362x2048, 681:1024, Hunter_Successful_WITCH_hu….png)

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48ac1a  No.17300896

File: db25351e7f2704c⋯.gif (2.28 MB, 600x324, 50:27, comfy3.gif)

I'm pretty damn comfy

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4f12fc  No.17300957

File: fc0774744f31db0⋯.webm (642.95 KB, 622x478, 311:239, Pelosi_Good_Morning_Sunda….webm)


>a Panic Monday

Nanshee wishes it was Sunday

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49b7f4  No.17301009


Does that make it fair game after they broke the unwritten rule not to go after former presidents?

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2d93d2  No.17301014

File: 17907baea504195⋯.png (757.12 KB, 1169x669, 1169:669, ClipboardImage.png)

What kind of badge is this shitstain wearing?


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bb7111  No.17301015

File: f7db97dd9f1f862⋯.gif (503.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, f7db97dd9f1f86248db82dc2e7….gif)

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700a39  No.17301059


Does in my book.

Honestly, I don't give a fuck if you were the President… commit a crime, do the time.

I believe it says equal Justice under the law, amirite ?!

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6e41bf  No.17301231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b78505  No.17301262

File: 7ed3b2c344664f7⋯.jpeg (111.59 KB, 500x725, 20:29, D96C90BE_8C52_4A23_A592_5….jpeg)

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700c55  No.17301272

File: d17083e7562a3a4⋯.png (358.4 KB, 938x432, 469:216, ClipboardImage.png)

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c674a3  No.17301279

File: 3d41ed538629a53⋯.png (298.94 KB, 510x930, 17:31, ClipboardImage.png)

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d63e66  No.17301281

File: d6ae5a29d3e943a⋯.jpg (191.74 KB, 466x616, 233:308, Baker_paraRedpill.jpg)

File: fdbeec7b5fa42e9⋯.jpeg (119.83 KB, 828x778, 414:389, BeReadyStorm.jpeg)

File: 493e0c6228e7e05⋯.jpg (413.93 KB, 1840x1125, 368:225, BidenCray.jpg)

File: b326844b5847b87⋯.jpg (94.94 KB, 500x600, 5:6, DOE_Fireworks_with_QAnon.jpg)

File: 95ccb908a0202b9⋯.jpg (1.49 MB, 2880x1800, 8:5, GreatAwakeningChild.jpg)


That's not mine!kekekekekekekek!

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49b7f4  No.17301286


Does anyone know what the grounds were for the raid?

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33997b  No.17301292

File: 73406759306a2fa⋯.jpg (67.86 KB, 497x524, 497:524, g_114.jpg)

Did obummer clinton and bush consult before making this bonehead move?

These people really are stupid.

Trump interview saying he'd like to lose it all and see who his frens are.mp4

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d6901d  No.17301301

File: 7f646c6deb55f98⋯.png (668.85 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

they will fuck us every way

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d6901d  No.17301326

they will fuck us every wayListen to @EricTrump perfectly explain what we are watching play out.

“They will do anything they can to take him out, to take me out, to take Don out, to take Ivanka out, to take our family out… They make our lives hell every single day because they are threatened by Donald J. Trump…

I’m saying for the first time: I hope he he goes out and beats these guys again because honestly, this country can’t survive this nonsense…”


Bless this family 🙏🏼🇺🇸


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6e41bf  No.17301327


… yeah yeah they gotta see it…

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dfdacb  No.17301332

File: 06306361ba0884a⋯.jpeg (35.56 KB, 394x394, 1:1, 3B001B43_C7C2_4998_A8DC_3….jpeg)


>they will fuck us every way

Some generations have learned to expect that as the norm.

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f43897  No.17301340

File: 0af367d143c7979⋯.jpeg (70.03 KB, 856x482, 428:241, 75C710B0_53F3_47C6_A290_6….jpeg)

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f14489  No.17301344

August 9, 2022

8+9+2+0+2+2 = 23

Now Comes the Pain.

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dfdacb  No.17301349


Global reported

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31f50f  No.17301352

File: a9be6464d87734d⋯.png (332.74 KB, 439x440, 439:440, armor_of_God_prayer_patrio….png)

File: e55e06f94fd8d91⋯.png (53.56 KB, 741x721, 741:721, pepe_praying_on_bed.png)

File: 6b484d9f6cabcee⋯.png (152.45 KB, 351x504, 39:56, DIG_MEME_PRAY_DEFEND_FREED….png)

File: 0fad7b31b87c13d⋯.png (753.11 KB, 863x885, 863:885, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20a3588307001c1⋯.mp4 (7.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, EricTRUMP_joined_Sean_Hann….mp4)



<~>Bless this family 🙏🏼🇺🇸<~>

Eric Trump Says Safe Cracked Open By FBI Was Empty (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila

Published August 8, 2022 at 10:20pm


Donald Trump’s son Eric joined Sean Hannity Monday evening to discuss the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago.

More than 3 dozen federal agents descended on Trump’s Florida residence on Monday.

An agent with a machine gun was photographed outside of Trump’s compound.


President Trump was not in Florida at the time of the raid.

According to the Associated Press, FBI agents were looking for classified documents that Trump may have taken from the White House while he was president.

Fox News reported that the FBI agents “looked in every single office, safe, and grabbed documents and boxes without going through them on the property.”

The FBI “was not being judicious” about what they took.

They are manufacturing a crime.

It’s all about stopping Trump from running again in 2024.

The feds broke into a safe, President Trump said in his statement about the raid.

According to Eric Trump, the safe breached by the FBI was empty.


NEW: Eric Trump says safe at Mar-A-Lago breached by the FBI was empty

– https://breaking911.com/breaking-fbi-raids-donald-trumps-mar-a-lago-resort/ { https://archive.ph/cGpkD }

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) August 9, 2022



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a0ee40  No.17301353


I heard the national archives asked for the raid. No sauce.

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752292  No.17301354

File: 54a0b6136bc8af3⋯.png (469.64 KB, 453x400, 453:400, Wasn_t_ME.png)

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

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ec6008  No.17301356

File: d79e3369cae5ad5⋯.png (198.82 KB, 1080x984, 45:41, Screenshot_20220809_020644….png)


Remember what Kash already said anon.

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fe4ffe  No.17301422

File: c3a380613fe93b7⋯.jpg (48.57 KB, 1133x562, 1133:562, e6jale1k2cos.jpg)

U.K. Recession Now on the Economic Horizon

Wells Fargo Securities Jul 01 22, 16:06 GMT

While the U.K. economy showed some resilience at the start of 2022, there are increasing signs that a more meaningful slowdown is approaching. Elevated inflation should contribute to declining real incomes, weighing on consumer spending and overall GDP.

With the U.S. economy, in our view, now expected to fall into recession in 2023, we also expect the U.K. to experience an economic recession by early next year.


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3d97d3  No.17301432

File: 9c2bf7375e5cdd5⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 1111x565, 1111:565, l0cqos.jpg)


From the movie..

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1eb86d  No.17301513

File: 1fc36c034334c67⋯.jpg (57.21 KB, 1096x703, 1096:703, 8qnbsqytfci.jpg)





ug.. Am pooped.. Promise to miss me if I leave?

Back at 3am ish.

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0d165e  No.17301565

File: 96495c9abe2a626⋯.jpg (54.46 KB, 1017x705, 339:235, v7hhowb.jpg)

Decision 1


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3d5a1b  No.17301573

File: 36db18bac534bdc⋯.jpg (43.08 KB, 1042x521, 2:1, 08cwugk9hcyvb.jpg)

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c4b50c  No.17301595

File: a7f50ba7be71cbf⋯.jpg (42.44 KB, 971x547, 971:547, 2hfr32b.jpg)


Enough is Enough

Death to Traitors

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4e8500  No.17301656

File: 9b61aca4577a603⋯.jpg (42.72 KB, 1033x523, 1033:523, otzd7af18l6h2n.jpg)

Q never said to Trust Durham

Does this reporter get it wrong? :-)


"Durham’s job was to run out the clock during the Trump Administration — he was there to protect Obama and Biden and the national security state from any accountability. Think about it. Why did you trust Durham at all? You trusted John Durham because you were told to trust him by Bill Barr — and the same people who told you to trust Barr were the ones who told you to trust Rod Rosenstein. Before that, you were told that Matt Whitaker was riding to the rescue. Do you even remember being told to trust John Huber? And who can forget trusting Jeff Sessions?

Do you see where this is going?"

"Meanwhile, you were told: sit back and watch the show.

You were told: trust the plan.

The question is: why were you dumb enough to believe Durham in the first place?"

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a2f86d  No.17301659

File: 305d5ba16b0bd78⋯.png (514.96 KB, 1620x2160, 3:4, 81ACC095_2F44_47E3_A9C6_57….png)

File: 74a8e7be4c28378⋯.png (452.9 KB, 604x680, 151:170, 37E0095C_0864_4A70_9807_BB….png)

When Geraldo Rivera cracked open Al Ca-pone's secret vault on live TV on April 27, 1986, America didn't know what to expect. Big Al's best silk boxers? His favorite baseball bat? An Eliot Ness dartboard? Anticipation was high, and Rivera, already renowned for theatrics as an ABC news reporter, played to the audience with trademark skill. Standing in the basement of Chicago's abandoned Lexington Hotel, once the notorious prohibition-era gangster's headquarters and site of the vault, Rivera breathlessly proclaimed, This mystery is going to be resolved! Then he blasted away with a Thompson submachine gun and blew down a chunk of wall using a gangster-style dynamite plunger.

But the payoff, alas, never came. After nearly two hours of frenzied buildup, with IRS agents and police crime-lab technicians standing by in case loot-or bodies-were unearthed, Rivera gathered his excavation crew around him, peered into the hole, and admitted to the folks at home that what he had turned up was pure dirt.


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320551  No.17301701

File: a11913c8eb396b4⋯.jpg (58.08 KB, 1192x672, 149:84, 9lqjx22n.jpg)


we missed this March 11


notable in this thread see corresponding information

Marker 11.3

"Today, we can say with near absolute certainty that, when designing and constructing its intercontinental ballistic missile, the DPRK used RD-250 rocket engines produced at the Ukrainian Yuzhmash machine-building plant in the city of Dnepropetrovsk."


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7f0f73  No.17301729

File: 6865f5a2398dbf9⋯.jpg (50.39 KB, 1206x555, 402:185, w49dmiumti.jpg)


One such mole was Kushner in IMHO.

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5dc60a  No.17301828

File: 53c5a9fc31dfe6d⋯.jpg (61.01 KB, 1148x722, 574:361, vseawz59cbl.jpg)


put your big hands on elon already

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5b70df  No.17301860

File: 4e1b79c68dd9a0f⋯.jpg (41.89 KB, 1002x518, 501:259, 0x2hn5941y.jpg)


>After Jim's "explanation", I don't think daddy's coming back, anons…

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4dd30b  No.17301870

File: 038fb284fad0d28⋯.jpg (50.34 KB, 1060x621, 1060:621, vz3pwl1hrxm.jpg)

IMHO, Belarus is going to join Russia and act as a bridge. Wait and see.


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a8f151  No.17301937

File: 6730ace085c8d9b⋯.jpg (54.26 KB, 1070x673, 1070:673, ehdh7gj2kp.jpg)


>My gut tells me the winning move is not to play.

we are expendable pawns to both sides

they know who we are

make no doubt

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fa4c19  No.17302210

File: 9ddcd67ac065fe5⋯.jpg (52.58 KB, 972x705, 324:235, bej6otf1t7ez.jpg)


Hate to break it to you, this was debunked when it first appeared after Parkland….

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f7dacd  No.17302333

File: 20e8a1b4c6e5c6b⋯.jpg (54.61 KB, 971x737, 971:737, y6k2qwcvmj8snp.jpg)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

No children in the city as the city is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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a88854  No.17302344

File: 9071833bbdddf69⋯.jpg (44.16 KB, 1015x552, 1015:552, mvuectz.jpg)



possible comms

head on a swivel anons

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c559c5  No.17302365

File: e7d5da19a7e2842⋯.jpg (56.08 KB, 1136x665, 1136:665, bv434enw2pu.jpg)

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531682  No.17302452

File: 9f19f112e20a99f⋯.jpg (46.88 KB, 1010x595, 202:119, q8h47t.jpg)


10m just got spilt onto a freeway somewhere.

comms in that "accident" reporting?

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f7dacd  No.17302472

File: 07ca02911574fb6⋯.jpg (47.54 KB, 1172x536, 293:134, caks1biqg0dyh.jpg)


work on pic, b/c if wasn't for you to comm….

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b3ef50  No.17302479

File: 40b47472fb09399⋯.jpg (50.57 KB, 1052x635, 1052:635, 603jsz46qqj.jpg)


> the ends if the target

the ends IS the target

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6e41bf  No.17302489


Poem Muh

Muh MK Ultra

Muh Taxation

Muh Central Banking

Muh Fractional Reserve Lending

Muh Quantitative Easing

Muh Quantitative Tightening


Muh Hotdogs

Muh Pizza

Muh Red Shoes

Muh Gamergate

Muh Pizzagate

Muh Watergate

Muh Obamagate

Muh Weapons Trafficking

Muh Child Trafficking

Muh Human Trafficking

Muh Drug Trafficking

Muh Sex Trafficking

Muh Uranium One Deal

Muh 16 Year Plan



Muh Depression

Muh Post Natal Depression

Muh Meds

Muh Big Pharma

Muh Vaccines

Muh Autism

Muh Vaccine Injuries

Muh Lying

Muh Cheating

Muh Corruption

Muh Stealing

Muh Backroom Deals

Muh Naked Shorts

Muh Insider Trading

Muh Fuel Price


Muh Climate Change

Muh Cow Farts

Muh Transgenderism

Muh Homosexuality

Muh Slavery

Muh Racism

Muh Sexism

Muh Ageism

Muh Religiousism

Muh Car Rego

Muh Customs

Muh Poker Machines

Muh Voter Fraud

Muh Social Credit Score

Muh Socialism

Muh Communism

Muh Spying

Muh AI

Muh Deep Fakes

Muh Greenscreens

Muh Operation Paperclip

Muh Cicada

Muh Phone Tapping

Muh Surveillance Cameras

Muh Road Tolls

Muh Inflation

Muh Julian Assange


Muh Seth Rich

Muh Kurt Cobain

Muh John Lennon

Muh Michael Jackson

Muh Project Blubeam

Muh Agent Orange

Muh Clockwork Orange

Muh Monsanto

Muh DuPont

Muh Abortion

Muh Cloning

Muh Adrenochrome

Muh Spirit Cooking

Muh Pedophilia

Muh Pedovores

Muh Circumcision

Muh Genital Mutilation

Muh Plastic Surgery

Muh Breast Enlargements

Muh Liposuction

Muh Nose Job

Muh Facelift

Muh Napalm

Muh A1 Cows Milk

Muh Suicide


Muh Genocide

Muh Ethnic Cleansing

Muh Amazon Destruction

Muh Masks

Muh Kidnapping

Muh Murder

Muh Gangstalking

Muh Targeted Individuals

Muh Rape

Muh Tastes Like Human

Muh WMDs


Muh Signing Fat Man

Muh Precious Metals Manipulation

Muh Hindenburg

Muh Titanic

Muh Loss Of Purchasing Power


Muh UN


Muh Globalism

Muh Animal Farm

Muh 1984

Muh Brave New World

Muh Cancer

Muh Aids

Muh Epilepsy


Muh Asbestos

Muh Cane Toad

Muh Carp

Muh Lead

Muh Hold The Handrail

Muh Control Your Luggage

Muh Report Suspicious Persons

Muh Hysterectomy

Muh Sterility

Muh Horse Meat

Muh 7 out of 10 Plane Crashes

Muh Gang Of 8

Muh Dossier

Muh Sabotage

Muh Match Fixing

Muh Bread and Circus

Muh Interest Rates

Muh Built to Fail

Muh Built to Replace

Muh Kuru

Muh Building 7

Muh Pentagon

Muh Twin Towers

Muh Bali Bombings

Muh Blackmail

Muh Duress

Muh War

Muh Information War

Muh War on your Mind

Muh Gaslighting

Muh Fake News

Muh More More More?

Muh Poem

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a88854  No.17302509

File: e772aae003b33f2⋯.jpg (47.94 KB, 1040x602, 520:301, z0ie60jxubyph.jpg)


Lottsa sheeet 's gonna be revealed! Little children!!!! How were they getting more and more fetuses, organs, blood, etc?

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59a241  No.17302529

File: 4557fba7c8781af⋯.jpg (47.27 KB, 963x636, 321:212, ej85oo49lf.jpg)


Sovereign person is the correct term really.

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922d25  No.17302596

File: d644581b6b39630⋯.jpg (52.98 KB, 1183x602, 169:86, bm758cye0zg8py.jpg)


like dis?

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136c81  No.17302603

File: 53a02f7fc7c25d0⋯.jpg (45.73 KB, 1072x554, 536:277, qb25eypahrd.jpg)








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6bcae5  No.17302605

File: bb65993b72c55e5⋯.jpg (49.93 KB, 1158x572, 579:286, e41lq2h5ya1bs.jpg)


and Jesus Himself

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625502  No.17302619

File: 286ab608b8e9959⋯.jpg (46.87 KB, 1047x582, 349:194, 4dghy66bty4.jpg)

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549b66  No.17302709

File: 8b4c5d503bf6eaf⋯.jpg (46.07 KB, 1105x538, 1105:538, qxtdp2tkuhmy.jpg)


Could be taking about Ayyyys…

Think this d00d is on your side?

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078d21  No.17302728

File: e67de35da87e1ce⋯.jpg (51.26 KB, 1173x578, 69:34, g46lzkbcc40z.jpg)


I don't think Q will come back

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4a78c5  No.17302742

File: 31002429d4d6c3d⋯.jpg (60.11 KB, 1138x716, 569:358, qznl4mqdhat.jpg)


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df97ce  No.17302864

File: fcb17ee42b78ae5⋯.jpg (53 KB, 1141x621, 1141:621, cpxrmroebsxa5r.jpg)




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922d25  No.17302871

File: 04bdf83beca448e⋯.jpg (46.37 KB, 1140x523, 1140:523, f9z5j6al8.jpg)


No, just dont.

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549b66  No.17302886

File: 3f597cc877adf8d⋯.jpg (52.28 KB, 1108x630, 554:315, p4uoe6izji5py.jpg)


Then take the shot. What is with you guys? Just take the shot.

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a39cf2  No.17303779

File: 0fd32afa98d6674⋯.jpg (54.22 KB, 1110x666, 5:3, nfbkqu7g6ne.jpg)

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