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905040  No.17124728[Last 50 Posts]

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>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

>>16950147 06.25.2022

>>16950142 06.24.2022

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905040  No.17124729


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A; >>16050716 bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>15510582 Baker's Lite JS code; >>16559261 OP formatting for Q posting

>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernmentreminder

>>16799633, >>16799754 BAKERS plz watch the spacing on notable buns

>>16838045, >>16912153, >>16944868 BOT attacks #Hooman ( >>15406442 Know your bunkers ) NEW



>>17101204, >>17101209, >>17101237 Trump @CPAC Notables

>>17101241, >>17101418 CPAC LIVE: President Trump Speaks on Day Three - Saturday, August 6, 2022

>>17101276, >>17101415 Steve Bannon at CPAC: The Federal Reserve Has Usurped the Power of the People and Must Be Ended

>>17101290 CPAC 2022 in Dallas, Tx | John Schnatter Speech | Founder of Papa John's

>>17101297 Senate is settling in for an all-night session the Dems budget bill

>>17101301 Hunter Biden attributes his penis obsession to 'body dysmorphia'

>>17101303 ‘Very profound': Hundreds of residential school photos found in Rome archives

>>17101304, >>17101329, >>17101358, >>17101361, >>17101384 Donald J. Trump - Truths from Truth Social

>>17101309 Trump calls for strict penalties on illegal immigrants: We need to ‘SEND A MESSAGE’

>>17101310 Ex-Time reporter: The day I knew journalism had died in America

>>17101314 Trump: America must ‘throw off the shackles of globalism’ and defeat the left

>>17101322 Trump slams Nancy Pelosi over Taiwan debacle: ‘She played right into their hands’

>>17101355 Trump dominates CPAC presidential straw poll

>>17101366, >>17101372, >>17101377 Donald Trump Jr. - Truth Social

>>17101381 Kamala Harris casts tiebreaking vote as Biden’s massive spending and tax package advances in Senate

>>17101407 GORDON DUFF: CIA HINTS, BIN LADEN DEAD SINCE “EARLY 2000′s”- June 29, 2010

>>17101410 Nearly 2,000 NYPD cops quitting before getting full pensions — a 71% jump from 2021

>>17101438, >>17101562, >>17101651 FBI analyst who labeled Hunter Biden evidence 'disinfo' linked to next Durham case / FBI SUPERVISORY ANALYST WHO IS ALSO A LEADER IN A D.C AREA CHURCH!!! FOUND HIM, BRIAN AUTEN !!!

>>17101450 Democrats Abandon COVID Protocols to Vote on Bill to Suit Their Agenda

>>17101452, >>17101490 Kudos from Jim W towards Anime Baker - @12:10

>>17101456 Economy Minister Sergio Massa's motorcade gets mauled by The People

>>17101478 Look what the Wikipedia article for Make America Great Again says

>>17101482 The Biden Tax Hikes will raise taxes on Americans making as little as $30,000 per year.

>>17101503 After mandating Vaxx, Westpac, CBA and NAB bank are closing 37 branches

>>17101515 Donald Trump Takes off the Gloves and Pounds the 'Radical-Left Corrupt Education Establishment'

>>17101542 Tim Tebow Has Helped Rescue Thousands from Human Trafficking, Inspired by What His Father Did

>>17101578, >>17101707 Dan Scavino - Freespoke is a new search engine that helps you find the truth faster, showing you what Google won’t. / behind the scenes

>>17101589 TRUMP: "America is on the edge of an abyss, and our movement is the only force on Earth that can save it."

>>17101632 General Flynn warns that the “Washington, DC Cabal” might try to cancel the November elections

>>17101654, >>17101684, >>17101898 Florida Man strikes again - attempted to gain access to a Space Force base to warn military officials of a war between aliens and dragons

>>17101685 Paul Pelosi Jr. Traveled with Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Her Recent Trip to Asia

>>17101718 'Poor quality science': Top epidemiologist rips CDC study on kids and long COVID

>>17101892 Democrats to Use Pentagon-Funded AI System to Target Pro-Trump Narratives Online

>>17101964 #21281

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905040  No.17124730


>>17098769 Avi Barak's interview with Viral Immunologist Dr. Jessica Rose (Aug 6, 2022)

>>17098892 S.4488 - Global Catastrophic Risk Management Act of 2022

>>17098896, >>17098896, >>17098948, >>17098997 Trump @CPAC Notables

>>17098898 17 missing, dozens hurt as fire rages in Cuban oil tank farm

>>17098915 Bannon speech at CPAC.

>>17098919 Dem congressional staffer poses as FBI agent at Trump rally

>>17098921 Blinken in Phnom Penh Cambodia #ASEAN Summit

>>17098927 Joe Kent is about to win his race in Washington, and put down never-Trumper scum Jamie Herrera Beutler

>>17098930, >>17098981 Israel has just started a full on war on Gaza - Hamas health officials say 24 killed, 203 wounded in Gaza violence

>>17098938 As SpaceX Rockets Become Routine, Their Payloads Get All the Glory

>>17098962 Mesa County Voting Data Before and After Software Update

>>17098972 China Announces Sanctions and Stops Collaborating With US After Pelosi Visit

>>17098983 Former Nickelodeon Child Star Claims She Was Offered $300,000 in Hush Money Not to Talk About Unpleasant Experiences on Set

>>17098990 Trump wins CPAC presidential straw poll with more than two-thirds of the vote.

>>17099561 41% of Recent COVID-19 Deaths in San Diego Among People Who Are at Least Triple-Vaccinated

>>17101256 #21280


>>17097233, >>17097215, dough

>>17097220 Argentine Minister of Economy almost lynched by an angry crowd in Buenos Aires. Inflation is over 60% and the Argentine people are hungry. - twat

>>17097222 #21278

>>17097225 #21276

>>17097595 Rep. Dan Newhouse, Who Voted to Impeach Trump, Wins Primary in Washington

>>17097595 Rep. Dan Newhouse, Who Voted to Impeach Trump, Wins Primary in Washington - ntd 6th aug 2022

>>17098007 Report: 10 Criminals Arrested Nearly 500 Times, Thanks to New York’s ‘Insane’ Bail Reform

>>17098035 House GOP leader McCarthy: Hunter Biden probe will expand to what US intel chiefs knew - twat

>>17098766 #21277

>>17098772 Leftists Dominate FBI Top 10 Domestic Terror List, Despite Warnings About Far Right

>>17101316 #21279

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905040  No.17124731


>>17088260 dough

>>17088224 Russian MIL Declares Ukraine Origin of C19! DNC Globalists Created Covid! - bioclandestine.substack.com

>>17088254 CDC admits goof on COVID vax link to heart inflammation in feds' second recent FOIA botch - justthenews.com

>>17088261 Irish Farmers Outraged Over 25% Emissions Reduction Plan That Will Lead to Herd Culling - naturalblazecom


>>17088277, >>17088291, >>17088340, >>17088347, >>17088370, >>17088379, >>17088401, Gas prices are now down by more than 90 cents a gallon. That’s over seven straight weeks of prices declining. - twat (biden topic)

>>17088302 ‘No justice’: Thousands of NYC child sex abuse cases stalled in courts - nyp

>>17088306 Screenwriter Exposes Hollywood Pedophilia on ‘In The Trenches With Teddy Daniels’ - nationalfile.com

>>17088307, >>17088311, >>17088334, trump rally vid - dan twat and t.s posts with mp4 vid

>>17088313 Vice President Joe Biden Met with CCP-Linked Energy Executives at White - breitbart

>>17088322 France to introduce biometric health cards - reclaimthenet.org

>>17088323 Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that at his meeting with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Sochi on August 5 they reached an agreement to start using the ruble in bilateral trade, the TRT television channel reported: - twat tass.com

>>17088342 Dr. Mike Yeadon (former vice president of Pfizer Concludes that Respiratory Viruses DO NOT Exist - rumble vid

>>17088358, >>17088440, Orlan-10 UAV crews carry out reconnaissance missions to reveal positions of the Ukrainian army - rt.com (nonprofit asset of klauss)

>>17088362 Democrats reckless tax & spend bill will RAISE UR TAXES next yr according to nonpartisan scorekeeper - chuck grassley twat

>>17088363, >>17088381, Fmr. President Trump at CPAC Conference in Texas - cspan (trump sat rally link)

>>17088376 Offsite Bunkers links

>>17088377 17 missing, dozens hurt as fire rages in Cuban oil tank farm - twat

>>17088384 America’s foundation is in the “small places” and “little platoons.- twat pompeo

>>17088387 pelosi topic gwp

>>17088391 Leaving for Dallas now. Wisconsin Rally last night was amazing! - djt t.s post

>>17088405 False, nearly every income level will pay more in federal taxes under this massive tax-and-spend proposal - twat tom fitton

>>17088408 You mean like Hunter? And since you’re so passionate about tax compliance - twat stephen miller

>>17088409 CNN anchor Felicia Taylor arrested after hit-and-run car crash - twat

>>17088413 Idaho — Nine fires broke out overnight, and some of them may have been set on purpose. - ktvb.com

>>17088417 Top Detroit Election Official Says Satellite Voting Centers “Don’t Tabulate” Votes… If True, Why Were Tabulators Delivered to This Detroit Satellite Voting Center In 2020 - gwp

>>17088456 Doctors Criticize Fauci For Saying COVID Vaccines Induce 'Only Temporary' Menstrual Irregularities - zerohedge.com

>>17106939 #21278

Previously Collected

>>17106173 #21279, >>17101256 #21280, >>17101964 #21281

>>17105479 #21276, >>17101288 #21277, >>17104733 #21278

>>17067497 #21273, >>17068254 #21274, >>17069053 #21275

>>17065179 #21270, >>17065903 #21271, >>17066742 #21272

>>17059342 #21268-a, >>17059461 #21268-b, >>17064409 #21269

>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up

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ed086f  No.17124735

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85c575  No.17124746

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1d79f6  No.17124747










KanekoaTheGreat, [02.06.22 12:25]

"A new study by Israeli researchers and published in Nature has revealed an increase of over 25 percent in cardiovascular-related emergency calls in the young-adult population, following the rollout of COVID vaccines, among both males and females. No similar increase was found due to COVID infection alone."



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0d5147  No.17124749










problem easily solved by milkies.

anon no comprende el problemo.

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e37d69  No.17124753









Boss us up

with some BB truth

>So Shiny


[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/10/2022 07:06:19

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108452851179080715

Q Clock [ Min: 26 | :25/:55 Mir: 24 | 180 Mir: 56 | :35/:05 Mir: 44 ]

….Bill Barr was a coward who would not let his U.S. Attorney in Philadelphia, where Election Fraud was rampant, to even think about looking at it (see previously posted letter from U.S. Attorney Bill McSwain). I believe that by their inaction, others were told this also!


[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/10/2022 06:51:25

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108452792606305072

Q Clock [ Min: 26 | :25/:55 Mir: 24 | 180 Mir: 56 | :35/:05 Mir: 44 ]

Bill Barr was a weak and frightened Attorney General who was always being “played” and threatened by the Democrats and was scared stiff of being Impeached. How do you not get impeached? Do nothing, or say nothing, especially about the obviously RIGGED & STOLEN Election or, to put it another way, THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY! The Democrats hit pay dirt with Barr, he was stupid, ridiculously said there was no problem with the Election, & they left him alone. It worked for him, but not for our Country!

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d9bb55  No.17124762

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7842d9  No.17124763










well hello Black Dick.

I see you were beckoned here by the pictures.

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1dcb0f  No.17124764

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eedb06  No.17124767

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116559  No.17124775

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6385fa  No.17124777










much to a bloodied anon's surprise when anon decided to hand feed one, anon discovered that these fuckers have razor sharp fucking bills.

Mess with them at your own peril.

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8531c9  No.17124779

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e87764  No.17124782










Let halfmind make it a notable, there's a copy of it over there

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c5a7c6  No.17124784









What clearance did Cohen attain?

BRW, I couned the phrase “Qew” back in ‘18…




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1bea3c  No.17124786

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5f0479  No.17124794










If they dont drop them budgets will be cut promotions passed over

If they dont drop them [,] budgets will be cut [,] promotions passed over


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6f445e  No.17124795









Now we just need for the election fraud of 2020 to be corrected. Get these assholes to reach peak REEEEEEEEEEEE.

Because if the fraud gets fixed, and elections become secure… they won't even be able to rig their way back to abortion…kek.

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0f65b3  No.17124801

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8e4089  No.17124804









Mike Beelzebub Pence is also very upset about Trump not getting a criminal referral by the J6 chairman.'''

Happy birthday president Trump.

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3f50f3  No.17124807

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561570  No.17124809

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a0a1bb  No.17124812










Well, here's the first one. The Chinese J-20 Flying Dragon. Carries a belly full of hurt.

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4af4a8  No.17124815










yeah, hes waiting in the end of your rabbit hole, sooner you accept it, the better

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b7f35d  No.17124817









Biolab CEO "falls" to death nothing to see here:


StormyPatriotJoe ️️️ Channel


“Falls” to his death

Nothing to see here



Italian Patriots ***

France, Biogroup CEO Stéphane Eimer mysteriously died.

France in shock at the death, under mysterious circumstances, of the founder and director of Biogroup Stéphane Eimer: he was just 52 years old.

The body was found in the street, at the foot of the…


Ukraine update (spoiler alert they are losing)



X22 Report Official

And there it is, they cannot hide it anymore, the [DS] will push with blockades of Lithuania to push Russia into WWIII, this will not succeed, [Scare Event]


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1a16da  No.17124819

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cb9e49  No.17124821

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e209e9  No.17124823










Cops aren't life guards, they have no obligation from preventing stupid people from doing stupid things.

And the guy talking about how a social worker should have been there. Who wrote this script?

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0a4487  No.17124828









Happy Birthday President Donald J. Trump


To the BEST President ever!

Thankyou for being willing to risk it all for humanity, WRWY always.


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e37d69  No.17124829

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f1e526  No.17124835

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c5720b  No.17124841

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a41aad  No.17124842

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48b393  No.17124845










He may choose to define himself as that if he wishes. And we'd still be free to define him as White or not, as is our wish.

That is how categories work. It is at the discretion of the categoriser. It does not require consent or agreement from the categorised.

Jews are not White.

Caucasian plus mixed with other DNA yes. White, no.

White does not refer to skin colour, which Jews can share, but the very fact a person is "of European descent, without large or discernible admixture, and NON-Jewish".

I.e. the definition of White used for communication here is not an exact synonym for caucasian.

White, European, Caucasian, these each have their own nuances of meaning.

White, as used by people who are for the survival of the White race, and not ambivalent to it, and who have informed themselves of the issues facing it, counts people of European descent who are non-Jewish only.

If you are still confused think of White as shorthand for signifying a "White Aryan".

You would not claim that Jews are Aryan would you?

And if you are still confused, you can understand White = Amalek.

You would not claim Jews are Amalek would you? (at least via the modern use of the term).

Life is easy if you understand how language works.

A word used by a person, signifies what they intended to convey via their choice in word used.

This does not change by you wishing to impose your own definition on their word.

Even if you could successfully do so, you'd then only necessitate a change in word choice, not the actual argument, or thought form, which would remain the same.

The new word would still signify, in this case, X people, with Jews excluded. And would remain valid as such.

It is a stupid game to play.

And one you can solve yourself without troubling others. When you see a pro-White write White, understand he means, if you think White includes Jews, Whites minus Jews. So when you see his writing, just pretend instead of it just saying "Whites" it says "Whites minus Jews" and there, hey presto, you will be able to avoid making an issue about your own lack of understanding, and move on.

i.e. Jews are not included in "Whites minus Jews", or simply "Whites".

Whites and Jews are not the same people. i.e. DIFFERENT culture, DIFFERENT attributes, DIFFERENT histories. DIFFERENT orientations. DIFFERENT DNA. DIFFERENT ancestries. DIFFERENT Gods.

When DNA for various groups are plotted Ashkenazi Jews CLEARLY align equidistant between actual European Whites, and modern Middle Easterners. i.e. with admixture from both.

European Whites however, do not show such a mix, and appear separately when plotted, without overlap. Jews are genetically distinct from European Whites. Yes, even Ashkenazi Jews.

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3a7a0d  No.17124846









Anyone that Touches what is Sacred to me,

Then it is the End for them.

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67fa4b  No.17124848

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23a5c9  No.17124849










They still don't need to be sending every person reported to a damn therapist.

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7d7943  No.17124851










I have had arguments with convenience store clerks over suggesting my money was bad

highlights included: how much training did you get from the treasury dept?

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a4eaa9  No.17124857

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19b592  No.17124858











BAHAHAHAHAH YOU don't even understand

MR. PIGread this …. The DOJ is seeing these, KEK

Imma reply, gud DOJ meet WHITE HATS kek

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114526  No.17124859










>walking beans is where you walk the soy rows and take out corn growing so it doesn't zap the nitrogen

ah ha!

now I get it

I am going to be planting some wild rye on my couple acres for ground cover soon

still irradicating foxtail

fucking nasty stuff that

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23df1b  No.17124870

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90ef08  No.17124871









Wow. The Pope sure had a terrible May. That was intense. Those Q drops sure as prophetic, bruh.

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889f8d  No.17124877









“2000 Mules” was screened at the #TexasGOP convention. Last night, this resolution was passed by the largest GOP in the nation.


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798b03  No.17124880











lurk mode engaged.

Baker is on hand but is not wasting time collecting anything until he knows who is doing what here.

is there a baker or note taker here.

Roll Call!!!

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686275  No.17124896










lol…"burn the witch!"….you would be a very busy non anon.


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e47f7e  No.17124905

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e637f8  No.17124906










Translation: Democrats will say anything and do anything to get and maintain Power. Absolutely Anything

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f19228  No.17124908










met some british people the other day

super nice elder couple until they outed themselves as royalists

this is freaking scary

probably the 4 to 6 % unfortunately

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56050b  No.17124916

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cd2bf2  No.17124919









Israel could be facing 'new Covid wave,' top health official warns

<June 19, 2022, 06:01 AM


“We're careful with terminology because we had something like this a month or so ago – there was an increase, and it went down very quickly. This time is actually different, and there is a new variant, the BA.5 [variant], which is more contagious,” Prof. Nachman Ash told radio 103FM on Sunday morning.

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188cf8  No.17124922










speaking of the word FED


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ab436c  No.17124923

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e2329e  No.17124927










just pointing out that a MA is about as profitable as it gets for big pharma, so it DOESN'T MAKE SENSE for them to create fear porn about MAs.

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905040  No.17124931

File: 78d56e5fa5977d5⋯.jpeg (37.6 KB, 420x315, 4:3, 78d56e5fa5977d50c329b09cb….jpeg)



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fdaf5a  No.17124937

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038e13  No.17124947

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1f4d55  No.17124948

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9f8357  No.17124955










most any Eastwood western is better than that one

and I hate Shirley

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7751d7  No.17124964

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67dc7a  No.17124965

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fc9a84  No.17124968









Q- please confirm if this was (you) last night/this morning.

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7fa36a  No.17124969

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f73269  No.17124974

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123b05  No.17124980












Got it straight from him.


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172468  No.17124981









Bidens briefly moved to secure location after plane entered restricted airspace near beach house

Rehoboth Beach, Delaware - President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden were transported to a safe location for about 30 minutes on Saturday due to a plane entering the secure airspace over the family's Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, house.

The White House said in a statement that "a small private plane entered restricted airspace, all indications are by mistake, and precautionary measures were taken."

"There was no threat to the President or his family," the White House added.

The Bidens left the secure location at 1:29pm ET. The White House confirmed they went back to their residence by around 2:05 p.m. ET.

"The aircraft was immediately escorted out of the restricted airspace. Preliminary investigation reveals the pilot was not on the proper radio channel, was not following the NOTAMS (Notice to Airmen) that had been filed and was not following published flight guidance," the Secret Service said.

The Secret Service said they will be interviewing the pilot.

Officials at a local fire station said the Secret Service notified them around 12:48 p.m. that they would be arriving with the Bidens.

Rehoboth Beach resident Susan Lillard told CBS News she saw a small white plane flying near Cape Henlopen State Park, which is near the president's beach home. Lillard then said she saw two planes scramble into the air a few minutes later.

CBS News also saw these two jets flying low over the downtown area of the beach town.

Hundreds of onlookers gathered around the fire station about five blocks from a nearby beach because Secret Service officers were stopping all pedestrians and traffic.

The motorcade arrived at 12:52 p.m. and the Bidens waited in an SUV inside the fire station for roughly 37 minutes, Rehoboth Beach Fire Department chief Chuck Snyder told CBS News.

Snyder told CBS News his fire department has previously practiced emergency response drills with the Secret Service.


this is a test. If I am the first to post this, then this is pathetic.

carry on.

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f229a6  No.17124982

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ee3252  No.17124983










10:30 AM EDT

Secretary Blinken hosts the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Welcome Home Event

Department of State

Remarks will be live-streamed on www.state.gov and www.youtube.com/statedept

11:00 AM EDT

Webinar - Assessing the Competitiveness of North America's States: The North American Subnational Innovation Competitiveness Index

Information Technology & Innovation Foundation



11:00 AM EDT

After Confucius Institutes: China's Enduring Influence on American Higher Education

The Heritage Foundation


11:00 AM EDT

Will China’s Authoritarianism Dominate the Digital World Order?

Third Way - International Spy Museum, Washington, D.C.



11:00 AM EDT

Labor Migration and Development in Central America

Center for Global Development




11:00 AM EDT

Better Buildings Webinar Series - Industrial Demand Response

Department of Energy


12:00 PM EDT

Geography Is Destiny - Britain and the World: A 10,000-Year History

The Foreign Policy Research Institute


12:00 PM EDT

Virtual Event | Fielding a Resilient Aerial Refueling Force

Hudson Institute


12:00 PM EDT

Virtual Event | Thinking the Unthinkable Part II: What if Putin Wins in Ukraine?

Hudson Institute


12:00 PM EDT

Conversations with Correspondents: Politico's Christopher Miller and Ukrainian journalist Tanya Kozyreva on Reporting from Ukraine's Frontline

National Press Club


12:00 PM EDT

Digital Authoritarianism in Latin America



12:00 PM EDT

Authors & Insights: Dr. Mark Esper & Dr. Evelyn Farkas - Two lucky attendees will receive signed copies of "A Sacred Oath: Memoirs of a Secretary of Defense during Extraordinary Times" by Secretary Mark Esper.

McCain Institute for International Leadership



12:00 PM EDT

A Conversation With Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch

Center for American Progress


1:00 PM EDT

On the January 6th Investigation

House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol




1:00 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

The White House


1:00 PM EDT

Hoover Book Club: Terry Anderson On Renewing Indigenous Economies

Hoover Institution




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75a9af  No.17124990










Or use the sphincter, they'd never guess to check that print.

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3d5f51  No.17124991

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afff38  No.17124992










>child sacrifice to Moloch


Virgins were kept by the Jewish Temple until age 13

Those virgins were impregnated by Jewish Priests

The babies born of those virgins were kept alive until they were 3 months old

THEN those babies were sacrificed to Moloch as prayers for a good harvest, success in war, and rain, etc.

You speak like an ignorant fool. Read some history.

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a8f2d8  No.17124994










Try not to engage the divisionfags.

Not anons, by definition.

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ed152f  No.17124995

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b00087  No.17124996

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cb9085  No.17124997

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d183eb  No.17124998










WTAF does that have to do with the definition of nigger? fuckwit.

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5aad86  No.17125002

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50f27d  No.17125005









Interesting, how they use specific phrases to defend their "right" to abortion.

One Dem politician said yesterday they were going to "carve out" locations on federal lands where women can still get abortions.

Now, Nancy calls the SC ruling a:

“outrageous and heart-wrenching” decision that fulfils the Republican Party’s “dark and extreme goal of ripping away women’s right to make their own reproductive health decisions.”

Interesting choice of words they use to try and save something.

"Spells" I guess, or so they think.

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61971b  No.17125010

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e8b3f5  No.17125012










>but the impact is LESS that what it would be if HRC was in office

cant prove that at this point. js

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49ab33  No.17125014

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fdf66e  No.17125015

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0db027  No.17125016

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d7a01b  No.17125019










>United States is a democracy

It's not

>Illusion of democracy

Democracy itself is shit already, so what's your point?

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bc4af7  No.17125022

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f6e80d  No.17125023

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b01fc7  No.17125024

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a662a6  No.17125026










BV here

think he was 17 mins early

lost it when I took out shill


Save America is new sign, later posted


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3dbf99  No.17125032










They skeered, damn right. Same as the gutter skank Ursula von der Leyen, who a couple of days ago said (paraphrase), "We can not back down (accede) to the Russians in Ukraine. It violates all that we stand for." Correct, bitch. Get down on your knees and weep to the dark lord.

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710fb5  No.17125036










we should build a railroad and screen door to that movie theatre fo sho

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e56e1e  No.17125040









I searched for 2018, bc it feels so glorious and found this:

Supreme Court justices have issued their decision in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, overturning Roe v. Wade. The high court has decided that a2018Mississippi state law banning abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy is constitutional.


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ac52c3  No.17125048









New DJT!


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52b4f4  No.17125051

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22abca  No.17125055

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f2c83e  No.17125059











"if only you knew how globohomo things really are"

"things may be gayer than they appear"

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22aee0  No.17125060

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e5a0ae  No.17125066

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918651  No.17125068










Then then can just use bc pills. I dont get going to this length.

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5b44ac  No.17125070

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54207a  No.17125071









The great awakening! It seems, the gender shit is too much for people! The Start?

Matt Walsh's "What Is A Woman?" Reaction | Car Chat

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3ffc6a  No.17125073










Truckers For Freedom 🇺🇸, [07.06.22 19:51]

[ Photo ]

Imagine that.

🚨Food supply shortages hit a record high. Don’t wait until disaster strikes! Go to https://mypatriotsupply.com/pages/aff-lp-food-top?rfsn=6361590.7b2fce8 and SAVE $150 on a three-month emergency food kit!

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0f65b3  No.17125078










"Do as thou wilt" basically means "fuck around and find out". Lost in translation is one thing but discerning the correct tone & intention through text is one of the hardest parts but also paradoxically obvious to those who just have the ability to sense it.

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49569b  No.17125081

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a86c2a  No.17125092

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19fc98  No.17125093










>Never underestimate the power of alcohol

Smart men don't drink in public.

20 Shots of vodka at home costs $20.00

In public it'll cost $100.00

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c149b0  No.17125100









16 tear plan:

4 years of Trump

4 years of Bidan controlled by Trump to make it obvious to all Amerricans

8 years of Trump

16 year plan

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a8f7dd  No.17125102

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829c6a  No.17125106

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e43518  No.17125110

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841f2f  No.17125113

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e31d55  No.17125116

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f73269  No.17125120










Mormons are not Christians, but they claim to be Christians. Who would do that? You can probably figure it out.

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ee0096  No.17125123

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cc5f3b  No.17125129









True the Vote Released NEW Whistleblower Testimony From AZ Ballot Harvesting Investigation


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234aa7  No.17125131

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757e07  No.17125132










Seems like evidence this is not legit to me, it was hard enough to begin with to trust what was going on. If they did need need Tor before they would not need it now.

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b29164  No.17125135










Rob Schneider


Just another conspiracy theory turning out to be true


9:58 AM · Jun 3, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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97671d  No.17125137

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a22347  No.17125138










Remember everything Flint and Dart has deleted lately? Yeah, you were being lied to and you should have been paying attention.

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8cee8e  No.17125141

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68f33e  No.17125145

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ac7109  No.17125152

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47e812  No.17125154

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31354a  No.17125155

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7b3924  No.17125157










Figure out a way to make a bigger profit on them, then sure.

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fe2a08  No.17125160










does anyone know if a map like this exists somewhere for all the chemical plants that blew up around the world since the start of the plandemic?


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475229  No.17125161

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7f7d0e  No.17125164

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c9f35e  No.17125179

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da14c8  No.17125181

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c4dcef  No.17125184

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39073a  No.17125187

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2ff191  No.17125188










go to store

by a phone

pay cash

setup google voice



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e8c9d7  No.17125193










Chicken periods are chickens?

I don't think so, Tim.

Not a big fan muhself.

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993be0  No.17125194









Rare mummified baby woolly mammoth, frozen over 30,000 years ago, found by Canadian gold miners

Canadian gold miners have found the remains of a rare mummified baby woolly mammoth that froze over 30,000 years ago in the Klondike gold fields.

According to a news release from the Yukon government and Tr'ondek Hwech'in First Nation, miners were working on the Eureka Creek when they made the discovery.

The mammoth calf, which is the most complete mummified mammoth found in North America, has been named Nun cho ga by the Trʼondëk Hwëchʼin Elders.

Nun cho ga, which means "big baby animal" in the Hän language, likely roamed the Yukon with wild horses, cave lions, and giant steppe bison.

This is as a remarkable recovery for our First Nation, and we look forward to collaborating with the Yukon government on the next steps in the process for moving forward with these remains in a way that honours our traditions, culture, and laws, said Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Chief Roberta Joseph.

Woolly mammoths roamed North America, Asia, and Europe from about 300,000 years ago up until around 10,000 years ago, according to palaeontologists.


https://youtube.com/watch?v=DAtM-7-zC6s [Embed]

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214bca  No.17125196










Erm…this POS WANTS US DEAD.Wanting mass genocide to serve the devil is not a “fault” that other Anons have. You should prolly learn to VALUE YOUR LIFE MOAR n maybe grow a backbone. ALL THESE MOTHER FUCKERS NEED TO BE EXECUTED BY OUR MILITARY. There HAS to be ACCOUNTABILITY. ( Not yelling but emphasizing because bold doesn’t work from this mobile device.)

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0f0eb3  No.17125200

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195b2a  No.17125203











I, I will guess what.

You were watching the water and saw a great catastrophe upon a distant planet.

You saw strange creatures on fire, screaming in agony at the fiery inferno of destruction.

You watched the moon fall from the sky and give birth to a great Lion, who rules the universe for one thousand eons.

Anywhere close?

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58bb4f  No.17125206










==Eric Trump OVERJOYED By Special Gift From Q-anon=

Mar 20, 2022

Eric Trump was presented a huge, insane painting by 'Q' at the ReAwaken America Tour in San Marcos. John Iadarola and Brett Erlich break it down on The Damage Report.

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b81d5e  No.17125213

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f03ec6  No.17125214

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8e6bd6  No.17125215










hard to defend NFL when they supported Trans national and state department sanctioned terrorists BLM.

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d69fb0  No.17125217

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262dff  No.17125218










Damn stupid board can't even work well with copy and paste when I crop my images.

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8bf93d  No.17125226

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034904  No.17125230

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9cda24  No.17125236










I like the way you think. Do you have a clue when it may have started?

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c0c2a0  No.17125238










it's a famefag

he doesn't read the title, doesn't read the notables and NEVER thanks the baker

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5c04d4  No.17125239










if that duck came at me, I'd circle out with stiff jabs then shoot for a double-leg takedown.

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0e8a3c  No.17125240










yes, part of my job is to attempt to wake people up, and i also believe that wut's posted on this board has much greater impact than many would fathom

regarding the shots for infants and toddlers, desantis is really playing a major role in trying to wake up the brainwashed by publicly and categorically stating that infants and toddlers do not need them, and they will not be provided in florida (at least not by the arm of government)

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bb4bcf  No.17125241

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63e04f  No.17125245











By the time POTUS returns from his trip the world will be a different place.

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a29756  No.17125254

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d69fb0  No.17125258

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182c6d  No.17125261









Stupid bitches. All men should pledge an oath to never go near these hoes ever again. That is, assuming that any of them have even been plonking these would-be sluts in the first place. And it isn't necessarily about the looks. These insane gollums are scary enough just to be in the same room with.

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fdcc91  No.17125263









Couldn't even give us a 17 timestamp with all those Q's and +'s. Missed opportunity.

President Biden


United States government official

During Pride Month, we honor the resilience of LGBTQI+ people who are fighting to live authentically and freely. We reaffirm that LGBTQI+ rights are human rights. And we recommit to delivering protections, safety, and equality so everyone can realize the full promise of America.

9:36 AM · Jun 1, 2022·The White House


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1380bb  No.17125266









BIDEN: "We need more money to plan for the second pandemic. There's going to be another pandemic."


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f45cf1  No.17125267












>elon's triple red rocket ready Q gaskets are tested triple faggot safe in space and beyond

double gasketed feature has been tested up to four faggots at once

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b40ad8  No.17125273

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5e1701  No.17125280

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64b0cf  No.17125283










Anyways try not to think to much…

Don’t waste your last brain cell or anything…

Always is much more is seen then is …

Sleep well…

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bda0e1  No.17125284










kek he's here in this thread you know. he was in the last 2 breads, larping. and doge is crying too


you faggots got caught, before you even pulled the stunt.nice try

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7e9b88  No.17125285

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35acf6  No.17125286










Going to have to fill in the Everglades to make room down there…yunno, those wetlands?

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465e50  No.17125287

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7c59fb  No.17125291

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e2a80e  No.17125292










Word spacing also points to letters being written by the same person.

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069832  No.17125295

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7b571b  No.17125299










wearethene.ws was a great asset

reqs a server, tech-know how for sure

from what i know, anon had IRL stuff

it's a loss.

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a38a16  No.17125300










you are reaching Freddy levels..

and some of these are funny

"tidy up the ship" was spot on

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8c317f  No.17125302

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d3ecf6  No.17125304










Shouldn't have vaxxed so hard eh Biebs?

Justin Bieber latest: Strict age, vax mandate for Justice World Tour shows

Justin Bieber fans are slamming the star’s vaccine mandate to attend his Justice World Tour stop in South Africa.

Megan van den Heever

by Megan van den Heever

17-11-2021 15:31

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2a4871  No.17125311

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917301  No.17125329

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a817eb  No.17125331

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829c6a  No.17125336









Young good looking MAGA OPs are friending old democrat women and filling up their thump drives.

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c4315e  No.17125340










[you] spammed the protocols

anon simply attacked back

pushing the envelope to find the edges

Oops there's a sensitive spot!


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67a6a4  No.17125344

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cd1836  No.17125345










I used a MAB for a while for an auto-immune disease. It failed miserably, and had a blackbox warning that it caused cancer. No thanks for me.

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447d04  No.17125346










Good to see some interest, Anon

god wins yet when the RED DRAGON takes the stage, no applause?

Have these people ever read their bibles?


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58bb4f  No.17125356










>assures me than I remain

Kek! Sure thing. Just don't let grammar kitty put you in the oven.

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e2e02c  No.17125364

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4a43c1  No.17125365










The therapists are important.

As are the voices in the head of the shooter, who according to multiple diaries and statements, drive the shooter into a position where they believe they must either commit suicide or commit an atrocity.

How exactly are the voices generated?

What if this question cannot fully be answered without an understanding of the spiritual component of a combined arms attack on our people?

What does Marvel's Moon Knight disclose?

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e637f8  No.17125367









Yoink. Payment for meme stolen tendered inside fedex package.

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28aa78  No.17125369











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2b73e3  No.17125370












Footage appeared on social networks, shot, presumably, in #Uzbekistan, in the city of Nukus (the capital of the autonomous #Karakalpakstan). They show blood on the pavement after the demonstrations.

Deaths, injuries reported amid mass protests in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan has declared a state of emergency as violence has erupted in its autonomous region over draft constitution amendments


looks like ketchup duh

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63a2c6  No.17125376











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11eb6b  No.17125383











Even moar interdasting that it all takes place under Biden.

Have often thought "it had to be this way" was to preserve public opinion of DJT while that work was done to renew America.

Same with so many refineries going offline in the last couple of years. Surely there are cleaner ways to refine.

Klaus what's his name still worries anon, though. Sure seems like the NWO team is playing for keeps lately.

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63e04f  No.17125384

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6b6a35  No.17125385










>Be trainable.


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f0ac98  No.17125390










It's looking like a blessing in disguise though. I'm done with a lot of clutter, and have learnt a lot about humanity, leadership, and power.

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31f446  No.17125392










i guess kek liked that one.

I think Pelosi is "P"


The Chair Schiff, serves P? Or is it the other way around.

"P" gave the Chair of the Intelligence Committee to Schiff.

Schiff is the Chair.


Does Bette Midler have liight hair?

no she's dark haired

Maybe whoever it is wears a kerchief , like Babushka lady - who's not Jewish since her mom was a french catholic

She supposedly died in '13 though

many possibilities.

Why would it be Bette Midler? Didn't recall that she was in the logs.

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a8fd58  No.17125395

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00fdfe  No.17125396










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c76f8d  No.17125401

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ed4ed2  No.17125406

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8d8ead  No.17125407

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544f88  No.17125408










yes, i and many that i know now ignore the media due to their blatant lies and outright propaganda

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5079e0  No.17125411

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1e616a  No.17125413

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632d40  No.17125415










Not sour. My apologies. If you have information that might be of interest in the thread please add it. Provide sources when you can, please. My interest is the next phase after G. Maxwell's conviction and sentencing from the perspective of Q's narrative as provided years ago. Future proves past.

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0ffb66  No.17125416










Justice died a long time ago Dan, haven't you been watching. I'm sure you noticed it protecting Obama, he was tearing everything apart from day one, and the all the prior presidents

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35acf6  No.17125422










They call us "tall whites" but we used to live on Mars, because Earth was nuked. Then Mars was nuked, we escaped on spaceships, waited for Earth to recover. Then we went back to Earth, made new humans from the preserved frozen DNA. Later humans called us aliens. Then humans did shit and ate genetically manipulated food. They ate it and grew tall. Then Earth was nuked and they lived to Mars…

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2e11e6  No.17125428

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904b35  No.17125431










>OLD SOUL who returned to help during this time


Taken too young.

Had rare disease, sarcoma of pulmonary artery, stage 4 for four years before he died.

Just a good ol family doc who did his research, was fearless and spoke truth to power.

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5f2de2  No.17125432

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11b1d4  No.17125436

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534e4b  No.17125437

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29de93  No.17125443










Do the math and tell us what percent 18 food plants represent of the 36k+ in this country

Then research the 'food' most of these peddle

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47013b  No.17125448

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edb7b4  No.17125451









Devin Nunes/ @DevinNunes

06/28/2022 20:19:42

Truth Social: 108557892492466514

Here at TRUTH Social we give free tutorials on #carjacking However only if you’re going to #carjack a car with zero emissions!



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f7878c  No.17125459

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989a2c  No.17125463










they gave all those weapons to ukraine

now its time to give americans stinger manpads

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0ed45f  No.17125467

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7073aa  No.17125468










I don't think it works that way Anon.

Patriots Are Now In Control


We are just translating/providing reassurance for the normies.

We are watching a movie.

Nothing can stop what is coming.


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d69fb0  No.17125473











great work during rally shift

ignore the whiners

all they do is pontificate and point the finger

arm chair pundits


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62fa54  No.17125474










>State citizens?

What about them? Say it with me, "Shall not be infrin–. I mean, voting demoralization will not work here."

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1c1888  No.17125478

comped administration of the site.

your captcha fixed

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68ff76  No.17125479









Hey Dan post a big red wave now

Let’s get it to 17 so people know who we listen to!!

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88067e  No.17125481

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2c14ab  No.17125484

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eaab01  No.17125485

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9be705  No.17125486










White stork is the national bird of Lithuania[159] which has the highest-density stork population in Europe.[160]

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820f25  No.17125487










Here is the compromise on gun control.

While the southern border is open and ms13, terrorists, people from countries biden is at war with, the govt should issue AR 10s and ammo to every American who wants one.

AR 10

that is 5 less. that is the compromise.

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dd928e  No.17125488

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06a8af  No.17125490

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76e388  No.17125491

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85cc25  No.17125495










board attack

random old posts reposted

if it starts again the bread will fill in 5 minutes

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310298  No.17125497









June 2 at 10:00 PM EDT

Public Lecture | Seeing the Universe through Quantum Eyes

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory


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2e5be0  No.17125499









Airplanes falling out of the sky due to slumped over pilots would be quite a sky event

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c6fcc4  No.17125509










Where do find this kind of stuff. I’ve got tears in my eyes.

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e3d4e0  No.17125511










Would be great if there was a montage of Fauci saying the vax will protect you from Covid.

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7842d9  No.17125512

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fc37ed  No.17125513

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6c86a6  No.17125514

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f32102  No.17125515









President Biden Meets Virtually with Administration Officials and Major Infant Formula Manufacturers


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94c6bd  No.17125521










They'll probably release the UFO data before total meltdown. It's their last card.

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9bd531  No.17125527










Don't think so. Maybe the top brass but not the rank & file.

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145846  No.17125532









Lot's of "lightning" comms lately.

Beautiful day for a coincidence.

There is no STEP FIVE.




[D]ay [Of] [D]ays




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f78838  No.17125540











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942311  No.17125543











Traveling thru Time is not difficult

Thought IT can B tricky

This stopped being FUN in 2015 Q

OR 2014

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c8be80  No.17125551

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d4ca92  No.17125552










anon is old enough to remember that time moveon members declared that McConnell was "on their side" in a public call to member nationwide.

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0b3b51  No.17125557










Trump - 'Get revenge, 100% Get revenge always. There has to be a line that is never crossed and when that line is crossed you have to make sure it is never thought of to cross it again.'

I'm ok with Trump.

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e637f8  No.17125562

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17276c  No.17125564

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2b73e3  No.17125572









dangle them like puppets

i say scare the shit outta these people who thing they know how to play a part

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161eb3  No.17125574

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0db027  No.17125578

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20f0c7  No.17125579










>Space Force Recruiting


>Graphic design is our passion. Don’t believe us? See: @psgarrison’s emblem.


>Well, that's an interesting design.

>Revelation 13:18


>Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Q came back 06/24/2022 ..

6/2+4/2+2+2 = 666

Trump had a rally at a village called Mendon, in Illinois and the next a train hit a dump truck in Mendon, Missouri

Think Mirror: Dump Truck -> Trump Duck -> Donald (trump)

anon's decode: train crash was a COMM, a warning that the [Deep State] tries to derail Trump and MAGA

but what is the meaning of Q's 666 comeback that's harder to decode …

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2c247d  No.17125582










DJT took little baby steps down a ramp because he is too morbidly obese and a poor physical specimen.

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b0bdfb  No.17125583










Our economy is in the shitter, infrastructure is crumbling, our country is being invaded at our Southern border and they are forcing poison into our children but LGBTQWTF bullshit is what they are focused on?

What happened to The Plan?

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27b1e8  No.17125594









never promote bad behaviour.

only time to think.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!



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5fa85a  No.17125597

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2bbad5  No.17125601

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be2fe0  No.17125602










They drop it then? Fuck up aholiday weekend with commie burnings?

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afff38  No.17125604

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53215e  No.17125612












Breathtaking lightning strike over the Iwo Jima memorial here in Arlington! Natures fireworks. #lightning #storms #washingtondc #arlington @WeatherNation






10:17 PM · Jul 2, 2022 from US Marine Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima)·Twitter for iPhone

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b2d341  No.17125613

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4af794  No.17125616

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0eb781  No.17125617

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e3e8c7  No.17125620









Dan Scavino was at the WH June 12, 2019, which happens to coincide with a relatively longer period of radio silence from Q.

Hmmm, I wonder what was going on at the time.

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cbf2b6  No.17125622

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95eea9  No.17125625

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545c89  No.17125626









Iraqi Parliament Speaker Outspoken on Anyone Who Recognizes Israel – “I’ll Cut Off Their Manhood”

Iraqi Parliament Speaker Halbousi says he’ll never recognize Israel as a nation. He goes so far as to say that he will “cutoff the manhood” of any man who does support Israel.

In the video below of excerpts from the Speaker’s talks, Halbousi says that Iraqis will never even extend their hands to Israelis.

In another speech, Halbousi shared that Israel is a usurping Zionist entity. This is after he degrades any peace deals with Israel while using hate as the rationale. He then threatens the manhood of any man who backs Israel.

The Speaker has also talked of Israel not as a nation and Palestine as the true owners of the land that Israel now rests.



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3dfad5  No.17125629










Not gonna lie, that looks pretty good. I know nothing about Black Adam, so that usually helps

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8756d9  No.17125633











Very weird,the website has not been available since at least summer 2020


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4ae303  No.17125634










You're so fragile. Where is your heavenly resolve to smite evil? I'm telling you evil is out there. Doing evil. And here you sit, arguing with a night shift. If you insist that you've been digging so long, then I can only assume you wish to hide the truth.

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a75902  No.17125639

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1f4d55  No.17125642

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de025d  No.17125643










Shut the fuck up you wannabe dutchman! Fucking Jew brood perish you creatures to the last shat out Judenvieh!

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266a96  No.17125654










The 0 delta Tor Q drop was followed by FAKE Q TOR DROPS all to discredit and smear future trip code Q drops, the real goal, the real target.

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ac07de  No.17125671









"The Rubicon Has Been Crossed": The BOJ Now Owns More Than 50% Of All Japanese Bonds… and as Japan's Nikkei reports, the share of Japanese government bonds held by the Bank of Japan just topped 50%, hitting a record Ponzi high.

A little over three years ago, the Bank of Japan crossed a historic milestone when we reported that the central bank had become a top-10 shareholder in 50% of all Japanese companies. Since then, the central bank's equity stake across Japanese corporations has only grown.

One week ago, we also reported that the BOJ was on the verge of crossing the final "50%" Rubicon, when as consequence of the latest surge in bond buying by Kuroda's central bank meant to prevent the bank's Yield Curve Control from collapsing, the BoJ was brought to a place it almost certainly never envisaged when it started QE as a “temporary” measure back in 2001 – owning virtually half of the JGB market.

As Bloomberg's Simon White said last week, "we are in uncharted territory as no other major central bank has crossed this threshold before."


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99bc7d  No.17125672

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3fe32a  No.17125674











Ummmm…it's vice versa now fren

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90a203  No.17125676












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b274ed  No.17125686

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b98daf  No.17125689









Why do niggers speak improper English? Is it because their monkey brains can't comprehend languages created by civilized races?

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0b3b51  No.17125692










Gab is a MOS shithole whose sole purpose is to enflame and divide Christians from Jews.

They're suck fucks.

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3edd99  No.17125695

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bc596d  No.17125696









About 900,000 abortions a year in the US

Primary nationwide abortion statistics for the United States are available from two sources—privately from the Guttmacher Institute (AGI) and publicly from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Guttmacher’s numbers, published every three years, come from direct surveys of all known and suspected abortion providers in the United States. The CDC numbers, published annually, are derived from actual counts of every abortion reported to state health departments. Unfortunately, California, Maryland, and New Hampshire do not publicly report abortion totals. As such, Guttmacher’s abortion numbers are more complete, but they are approximations. Since only 52% of queried providers responded to Guttmacher’s latest survey, health department data was used for an additional 17%. Abortion totals were estimated for the remaining 31%. All told, Guttmacher states that 84% of their 2020 abortion total was based on actual abortion counts. The remaining 16% was estimated. “It is possible,” Guttmacher concedes, “that we consistently underestimated or overestimated these caseloads, which would mean that our count is inaccurate.” The information on this page has been gleaned from Guttmacher and the CDC—along with public state health department data—to provide an overview of the frequency and demography of abortion. Additional secondary statistics have been taken from the National Abortion Federation's (NAF) teaching text on abortion, Management of Unintended and Abnormal Pregnancy: Comprehensive Abortion Care.


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f7a8b4  No.17125705









those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to kill itself instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent them from raping more children.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever 'know' being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves or get murdered.

kill all dogs as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles to be drowned.

No children in the city as the city is strictly for adults!

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ed736a  No.17125708

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11b1d4  No.17125718

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2d0fc4  No.17125719

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b8775f  No.17125721









Holy Shit.

Traitors be proper fucked.

This Catherine Engelbrecht interview is HOT

Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Kemp and Raffensburger getting skewered

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a66385  No.17125723









Pacifism is evil, Militancy is good

The enemy, these pedovores, the corrupt think they can abuse us and they are right because we love peace too much so many years of it and our eyes are off the ball. We have embraced the weakening cancer of pacifism and have abandoned the principle of struggle.

Only if we are the greater force and we are millitant and we impose our will on these sick perverts and monsters, will they fear us and flee or be crushed like they deserve.

Even our cowardly police abuse us and let pedos indoctrinate children in the open. They think we are a soft target and they can do whatever they want. This equation needs to change.

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31354a  No.17125730










Same thing in the South Afrikkaans bar? 21 dead, bodies strewn about on tables n floors with no injuries. Something come through the air vents?

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9cff2d  No.17125732

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b3015d  No.17125733

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2b25bb  No.17125736

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6acdcf  No.17125737









Former University of Arkansas Professor Sentenced to a Year and a Day for Lying to Federal Agents About Patents in China


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50c5c9  No.17125739










>muh pentagon says

The Pentagon doesn't have control over state legislatures. They can sit and spin, or hey better yet maybe lose a couple more wars on the taxpayer's dime.

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4445fb  No.17125741

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769ef8  No.17125742










Pay attention to which forms of magnesium are best. Magnesium chloride is very well tolerated.

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2d3085  No.17125747










This is what I thought. Glad you posted it because I'm lazy and didn't.

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ba230b  No.17125749









What if 5:5 is five years to set up the game, and 5 years to complete it afterwards?

I also find it laughable that a lot of "I'm an anon just like you" 's seem to have a magical understanding of how the place works, better than the owner does.

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2e5be0  No.17125754

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301589  No.17125769

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7e6df8  No.17125771









Gayle King covid

June 6, 2022

Gayle King boot

May 23, 2022

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8756d9  No.17125773

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c1b888  No.17125779










Crissley is as straight as JFK..

"Womanizer" kek

Marilyn didn't sleep with both brothers, just the straight one

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2c140b  No.17125787

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dadc8c  No.17125789










we know for a fact that we have a major impact on the news across social media. There are only between 100-250 unique posting IDs per thread. The only way to explain us having such a large presence on social media is that we have a counter digital army to the Ai generated accounts for the deep state. Imagine millions of accounts that repost our content, but only when we post something that is in our database and when we use specific devices with specific hardware addresses. It’s the opposite of how darpa uses reverse image search to censor us, the opposite is also true

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c3c950  No.17125790

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96b6f6  No.17125793










I thought a Presidential candidate was immune to arrest because authorities would abuse their power in order to eliminate opposing party candidates.

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d727db  No.17125795









Now the effort is to make President Trump out to be 'angry', 'mad', 'throwing dishes', 'pounding tables'…

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8cd45a  No.17125798










Consider the fact that the US military was in Afghanistan to control the supply of opium, and square that with their competitors in Wuhan. Then reconcile who the CCP backs in the US, and who left $86B in weapons to the Taliban to cover Afghanistan's lost opium markets. Then consider that Hunter (and his fellow congresschildren partners) was being paid $83,333/mo by a front company in Ukraine, probably proceeds from drug trafficking.

And consider who controls the drug trade through the CA ports (Illiterate Gavin Newsom, Mafia Queen Nancy Pelosi, & Chinese Spy Driver Dianne Feinstein)

It's always been a "drug war". Opium, coffee, tea, meth, fentanyl, Cocaine (There's the Clinton Connection), liquor, etc, along with undocumented slave laborers.

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0222f4  No.17125799










Does it matter? Rather than dismissing information because it is hosted on a platform, by a host you don’t like, look at the content. Ask yourself will this documentary get the word out to MORE people. Beck has a large following.

At this point, every platform must be used. Your comment divides, says because you don’t like this person ignore him and everything he says.

This is GOOD AGAINST EVIL time. We have determined the Global agenda is EVIL. Anyone speaking out against EVIL, is on our side, we all need to come together in this war. There are ONLY two sides. You are throwing the baby out with the bath water. Not everyone on our side will be pure, everyone has their own faults, but, if we don’t unite, they will do their damage.

Anyone with a large platform to reach people, with a good message is helping. Division doesn’t help.

The sooner we unite, the less damage and destruction will occur.

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aa895a  No.17125800










mkprogrammed dark queen ultra groomer of cunt tree muse sack

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5e320b  No.17125801

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145846  No.17125804









It's 7:35 am here and it's already hot as fuck. And I don't have air conditioning.

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870f7f  No.17125807

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835987  No.17125808










Brian Cates, [21.06.22 09:03]

[Forwarded from Jack Posobiec]

Journalists and parents kicked out of Uvalde City Council meeting on school shooting


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28aa78  No.17125812










What was it that Q said about Facebook being a remake of LifeLog which was set up by DARPA, but then they came up with the cover story that Zuckerberg thought of it when he was in college?

Something about people not trusting the government?

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a15e75  No.17125818

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ba9196  No.17125820

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c873fd  No.17125822










>He was born Jan 8, 1935.

He died in 1972 or thereabouts. Thought he was older.

Alrighty then, Elvis spotters be on the lookout!

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5377ef  No.17125824

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fd1627  No.17125832

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a4ab83  No.17125833











Good stuff anon, checks with another keyword in the DJT truth from today.

He does look like Pedosta

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53cd24  No.17125835










My prayers going out for your mom and family, God Bless you all

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4e8917  No.17125836

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bf914d  No.17125837









17 April 2012

US Secret Service Cartagena scandal 'involved 20 women'

The US Secret Service prostitution scandal involved as many as 20 women, 11 American agents and some military personnel, senior US officials say.

Senator Susan Collins, briefed by the Secret Service director, said 20 women were found at the US hotel.

The incidents took place in Cartagena, Colombia, ahead of last weekend's Summit of the Americas.

On Monday, the head of the US armed forces said the Secret Service and the military had "let the boss down".

Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan was "rightly appalled by the agents' actions and is pursuing a vigorous internal investigation", Ms Collins said in a statement.

Dog-handlers investigated

"He ordered all the agents to return to Washington immediately, and all have been interviewed," said Ms Collins, the top Republican on the Senate's Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Ms Collins, a Republican who represents Maine in the Senate, also said she had asked Mr Sullivan a number of questions during her phone briefing.

"Who were these women? Could they have been members of groups hostile to the United States? Could they have planted bugs, disabled weapons, or… jeopardised [the] security of the president or our country?"

Speaking to reporters afterwards the senator said some agents "were uniformed personnel who are assigned to building security". Others were "these specialised agents who do security details", she said.

US congressional homeland security committee chairman Peter King told Reuters news agency that "so far there is no information that any of them were involved with any narco-terrorist group or any organised crime".

Two of the agents were senior personnel with salaries at the top end of the government's pay scale, the Washington Post reported.

All 11 agents have been placed on administrative leave and had their security clearance revoked. They were not directly involved with presidential security.

A Marine Corps spokesman said on Tuesday that among the military service members being investigated were two Marine dog handlers assigned to support the Secret Service.

The White House meanwhile said it had confidence in the director of the Secret Service to investigate the incident, adding that he had addressed the matter quickly.


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a4fd5c  No.17125840










Have you tried gimp at gimp.org? Pretty easy to learn if the desire to meme is great enough.

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85334d  No.17125841










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bba1d2  No.17125842










Until each and every zionist in the West (Jew or Gentile) is either deported or hanged (legally, off course), any notion of "justice" is fraudulent, disingenuos, and a complete attempt to once again trick the people about them having any power or saying on how their countries are run.

There are no political parties, there is only the Israel first uniparty.


https://archive.vn/EryE9 - "Just for some perspective"

A quote:


The Democratic party gets 50% of its funding from Jews (1) and 70% of Jews voted Democrat in 2016 (2) (3). Jews voted 79% Democrat in 2018 (4).

Add to that the fact that Jews make up 25% of the donations to Republicans (1).

The biggest donor to Trump, Sheldon Adelson, has said that he regretted serving in the US and not having served in Israel (5), and that his biggest mission in life is to defend Israel. (6) He also said that assimilation is a bad thing for Jews in the West. (7)

You have 2% of the population making 37,5% of all political donations. And those 2% belong to the same group that controls the MSM (8) (9) and Hollywood (which shape public opinion and sways voting) (10) (11) (12) AND its the same group that tells Social Media companies what is to be allowed to be said and what must be censored (13) (14).

That same group has pressured the US Congress to pass laws that make it illegal to criticize Jews and Israel in any way shape or form no matter how legitimate the criticism might be (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21), and it's also one of the main forces behind the fight against the 2nd Amend of the US Constitution (22) (23).



Counter-zionist subversion compilation:


How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:



The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:



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896452  No.17125844










Thanks anon. Other anon posted the clip and sure enough. Air Q. Best one I've seen yet.


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ce7059  No.17125849

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2220ee  No.17125859









Tomorrow. Appreciate spreading the word. Attend if you can. Bring the family. Truckers convoy en route. Should be fun.



Can’t make it to Grand Park? Don’t miss out on the amazing speakers at the Defeat The Mandates rally in Los Angeles. View the livestream of the rally at the links below. Streaming begins at 12 noon Pacific time.



The Plan

Thankfully some mandates are dropping across the country, but there are still vaccine mandates that persist in schools, colleges, businesses, hospitals, and corporations. Restrictions on doctors who treat COVID, censorship by Big Tech, the unnecessary COVID-19 vaccination of children, silencing of scientific debate, and the extension of the Emergency Powers Act beyond March 1st for the coronavirus pandemic are a few of the main concerns.

In California, an aggressive slate of COVID-19-related bills—mandating vaccines for children and all employees, and allowing 12 to 17-year-olds to get the vaccine without parental consent—remain under consideration by the California state assembly.

Starting at 12 noon we will hold a day-long rally in the heart of Los Angeles at Grand Park where a wide range of featured guests including prominent doctors, recording artists, actors, journalists and premier thought leaders will give a series of inspiring talks and musical performances.


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c86a72  No.17125865

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cd039f  No.17125869

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3fe32a  No.17125870










hi c-a we know ur nazi

that's why you come here to shill


here's a letter from Jim Watkins, who owns this Board

pretty technical

look at the top of the bread and there are links.

also a board for beginners who want questions answered

I have sent this email to my newsletter recipients.

Dear Friend,

Good news, TOR works.

Here is what happened on Friday, June 24th 2022

I finally got the TOR servers working with both sys and the live servers.

This was tested from the dev server.

Changes were ported over from the dev server to the live servers.

This is when the salt rotated. It changed to what is on the dev server, which is not live.

Trip posting is not common on 8kun.top, and this was not verified after the work was done.

This is my fault, and I take responsibility for that.

It came as a surprise for me as well when trips had changed. Fixing this was relatively easy. I called an employee and asked them to put a backup on for me, which was fixed.

The temporary problem is visible on this trip chat thread.


As far as the Q posts. These are verified now to the best of my ability. TOR hides the IP address of individual posters, so that can not be verified, but the login by the Board Owner of /projectdcomms/ I can see that.

Then the deletion and banning of the B post are the additional verification that makes it highly probable, to the point of certainty, that these posts are valid by the person or persons that post with the Q trip.

It is likely that Q has a different password for the BO login, and the trip code. That is common security practice. I trust that

Q would be familiar with security, using TOR is an additional security step that requires knowledge past the Tenderfoot stage of internet use.

I publicly explained this on Sunday evening with at least 100 witnesses, including Chad Vivas, who has been retruthed by President Donald Trump.

https://chadvivas.com (https://chadvivas.com/)

Some of the naysayers and concernf—- questions I have considered.

Why didn’t the Q trip change with the other trips?

CodemonkeyZ made a special whitelist for Q before retiring from 8kun.top.

I don’t know how he did that, but even though neither CodemonkeyZ nor myself are Q.

We both understand the importance of Q communications to the world. CodemonkeyZ did

his best before he left to ensure this communication could not be screwed up by any error that I make or my employees.

Did the salt change for a new Q to post as Q?

No, the salt change was an error that did not correlate with these posts.

My rushing to attend a live talk in Thousand Oaks, California, are the reason for the salt change.

This has been rectified.

Did you change the salt to make a new trip code match the Q trip code?

No, that would be more difficult than guessing the trip code password. It would take longer than the time until the heat death of the Universe

to change the salt, which is a long string of random characters to match up to a new password, to create a trip code that matches the Q trip code.

None of this will satisfy professional shills. This will not stop bold text posts by unprofessional members of the US government that are currently stepping all over their oaths to defend the Constitution of the United States.

I hope it will be enough for the people that matter.

Sincerely yours,

Jim Watkins"

The shills make the place difficult, deliberately

they weren't around as much as now, until after Q" came back last week

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3e191e  No.17125872












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54c4bb  No.17125884









What if the shills and trolls are being driven by the Q Team? Where are they being driven to? Q Team are no slouches. They've had 2 years to plan this out.

Enjoy the show.

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0db027  No.17125889

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840250  No.17125891












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3dfff4  No.17125894

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28b9d1  No.17125898

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6c0ba8  No.17125902










Look at how many players wear commie nike attire - even Tiger, who should have done as Jack had done long ago - wear his own logoed stuff.

Also, who controls all of that TV exposure, along with the biggest advertiser$$$$. Hard pressed to find a mainstream org. anywhere which isn't Communist, owned/funded & controlled by chyna.

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3b047a  No.17125904

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262d06  No.17125907

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40632d  No.17125916









Trump is out for Trump he could have stop the stolen election but he didn't.

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1983dc  No.17125919










==You are bass ackwards…"Q" with the blinking trip code is proof that was "Q"…if…big "IF(you)" think it was "hacked" then you(or whoever is making the claim) has to "PROVE"…

I'm just curious that if was "Hacked"…he is not a bright individual because it took him 18 months to hack it (why, who knows) but the very best he could come up with on his very first post after not post for 18 fucking months is…

Shall we play a game once more?…

are you shitting me…kek…yea…ok…

but you must be related to /hivemind JS…because now you are starting to act like the MSM…keep putting it out there with your lame-ass theories until someone believes you…it's just pathetic, sad and pitiful…

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4b1c76  No.17125933









retards, click the secondary link to send captcha, it wont work just send it a few times and get error code and then come back and you can post

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c63b94  No.17125937

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07f9f6  No.17125941

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9d4819  No.17125951










No it does that. It doesn't just bring the whole word down to the next line. It's breaking "concern" by printing the first half, doing a "new line," then printing the remainder of the word.

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d954c3  No.17125952










OOOhhh I know, I know!


Exactly, they told us to make the proof in that post. Probably Jim posting from TOR trying to defend his own faggot ass.

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e344cb  No.17125955

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dafd94  No.17125958

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2ba106  No.17125959











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9491b4  No.17125964

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e6b650  No.17125970










Anon will be praying for Patriotic Americans up against a tyrannical government out of control

Keep your Head UP and stand tall - Patriot, Anons recognize and America does too

Winners: Navarro and Kun - Patrick Henry alums

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63378b  No.17125976










>tested positive for COVID-19

>recently got my second vaccine booster.”


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6b491d  No.17126612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

meme egregores gulums

semiotic ghosts


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b0c7ba  No.17127804

File: eecf1211b5838d6⋯.jpeg (10.27 KB, 320x298, 160:149, 53FADD03_06CE_499B_BE5F_6….jpeg)

good morning.

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304364  No.17128753

File: 8102e826cfd46ef⋯.mp4 (2.17 MB, 540x540, 1:1, doctorvax.mp4)

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6b491d  No.17128989

File: 49711410a32ae77⋯.png (334.7 KB, FORMSSSSSSS.png)

File: 9399644d94164ca⋯.png (303.85 KB, diNNNNNNN.png)



With the help of science fiction’s melding of future and past, Peio Aguirre unpacks art’s current obsession with recuperating modernism and deciphering the historically ‘new’ in postmodernism.


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04f2cc  No.17129004

File: 96ded07a1206538⋯.png (697.59 KB, 596x700, 149:175, 1659720069861.png)

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13a0f8  No.17129292

File: a877c5c5caa43db⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB, 720x1060, 36:53, truth.mp4)

File: 6ba29f10305d604⋯.png (1.11 MB, 944x755, 944:755, ClipboardImage.png)



Corp baker has archived this dough offline,

will monitor when bread is stable,

When the board is moar stable and admin get to the bottom of this [op] poster and spammers, can retrieve to bring it back.



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e96fe8  No.17129328

File: 1734b5b56986aca⋯.png (712.1 KB, 1349x1520, 71:80, ClipboardImage.png)

CIA Torture Report Ties Cheney/Bout to 9/11 Nukes

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor -January 8, 201509171


irst published January 4, 2015

Information received this week from the highest levels of US counter-terrorism sources have confirmed that the reputed “Queen of Al Qaeda,” Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, a CIA torture victim now serving 87 years in an American “super-max” prison, was a CIA agent when captured and was imprisoned to prevent releasing information that could eventually lead to the arrest and conviction of then-Vice President Dick Cheney.

Cheney and his henchmen were silencing critics, eliminating “loose ends” tied to Able Danger and 9/11, and completing the process of dismantling the last vestiges of representative government in the US and Western Europe. The story today ties the Valerie Plame scandal, a CIA agent exposed as retaliation at Cheney’s orders.

*note* excerpt - article too long for body. see link


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a3794c  No.17129517









Our government and state governments are so stupid, it hurts. Why did anyone allow this?


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e19f9e  No.17129535










>micheal moore sucks a lot of cock with his @$$hole

finger in the butt cult of faggots nailed to faggots proclaims yuger xenu milks when fapps during scamdemic https://8kun.top/pnd/res/294526.html

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90f72b  No.17129558









Roe v. Wade…Aborted Abortions…good bye - Planned Parenthood…

Hello…Family Guy…Prom Night Dumpster Baby!!!


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07dc40  No.17129566

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cdb813  No.17129572









For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judæa are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:

1 Thessalonians 2:14‭-‬15

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f69241  No.17129586











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f557af  No.17129594










Thats funny, media darling mass shooters seen

to always have “legal” guns, but gang style mass shootings … who knows, nobody cares.

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46e636  No.17129605










date, stamp, digits, sign all work for 12/21/22, and Interstate 5 makes +5 years from Executive Order 13818 blocking property. Is the internet [their] ultimate "property"?

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25d000  No.17129614












because my employer is the first person I'd talk to about my desire for an abortion

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a93ee3  No.17129637










Their filthy paws are in everything.

Or should I say "tentacles"?

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6b491d  No.17129638

File: 63b040bb5b9d2ed⋯.png (74.42 KB, 624x411, 208:137, PATRAAAAA.png)


Patriotism Is Kryptonite to America's

Communist Class

American Thinker, by J.B. Shurk

Posted By: Imright, 8/7/2022 4:51:10 AM

Project Veritas's whistleblower materials revealing that the FBI views the Gadsden and Betsy Ross flags, the Liberty Tree, and a smorgasbord of other Revolutionary War symbols as evidence of domestic terrorism are just further proof that the feds' secret police force no longer bleeds red, white, and blue (although it does probably give new recruits hammer and sickle tattoos). A federal agency with both intelligence-gathering and law enforcement functions is dangerous enough to any free society, but one that openly views the spirit of 1776 as a threat to the Republic has lost any vestige of a more noble purpose to defend the country from its enemies.

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04dac8  No.17129645










… ugh. That's so 2018. Ya frothing for real targets, and play with what ya got when ya bored in the meantime. All ivory towered and shite. Military tribunals my friend.

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9dbbbb  No.17129657

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e1556a  No.17129666









Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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bfec4a  No.17129676











Not one Nom/not able for the "OUR FATHER" dig on Fathers Day, Anons?

Do (you) think most anons Understand that Q pretty much said that the VATICAN > CIA > DID 9-11?

Do (YOU) THINK that this is common knowledge or something?

Did (you) witness all hell break loose last year between this anon, MNR and OSS when this was posted?

Do (you) know your board history?

Do (you) know why INTHEPAYTRIXXX made 5-6 videos all about why P absolutely must = PAYSEUR and how many times that slide was posted? nommed? baked? while the truth was being ignored?

Do (you) think that ALL THAT was some sort of fucking COINCIDENCE?


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e8fd38  No.17129679

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bc460a  No.17129682










Joe Biden’s son Hunter posted the pics.

There are more pics saved than there are guns.

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7a0882  No.17129695










Frudeau petitions for buttseks from drug addict juws during jfkLESBIAN buttgina abortions rally !!!

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57b06e  No.17129705

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1686f4  No.17129715

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5bbafd  No.17129720










Nope. Sippin' whiskey & enjoying the SALT flowing from shills and watching the half naked wife cooking a fat steak.

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bda981  No.17129731

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54071f  No.17129748










>First they ignored us.


>Then they laughed at us.


>Then they ridiculed us.


>Then we won.

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920408  No.17129754











The couple tried in vain to find out what really happened, but the more they investigated, the firmer the doors were shut in their faces.

So she contacted a charity campaigner named Tatyana Zhakarova, from the Federation Of Families With Many Children, who took up the case on her behalf.

Tatyana discovered many more infants had died at the hospital in similarly odd circumstances. And after intensive lobbying, the authorities eventually agreed to have the tiny bodies of around 30 babies exhumed and examined.

Tatyana showed me the video she had been allowed to record of the post-mortem examinations that followed. The gruesome film shows the carcasses of babies, some of whom were full-term, with their organs and brains missing. Neurones in infants' brain are a rich source of stem cells.

Another body shown in the video is so badly dismembered it has to be put together piece by piece, like a jigsaw. Dismemberment is not standard autopsy practice and could, according to experts, indicate stem cells were harvested from bone marrow.

The post-mortem examination conclusions were profoundly disturbing. But Tatyana is now living in fear that the authorities are trying to silence her.

Her 20-year-old son went missing in October in mysterious circumstances, and she fears he may have been killed in revenge for her campaign to uncover the truth.

The Ukrainian authorities deny any conspiracy and refute claims that there is a trade in stem cells taken from stolen babies.

However, alarmed by the whole stem cell issue, the Council Of Europe is now carrying out its own investigation into the Ukrainian mothers' claims.

The Council's interim report talks of a "culture of trafficking of children snatched at birth and a wall of silence from hospital staff upwards over their fate".

As part of the second stage of the inquiry, the council will no doubt want to talk in detail to staff at Maternity Hospital Number Six. But whether they will get any answers is another matter - as I discovered when I tried to speak to the hospital authorities myself.

It was a grim scene. As I waited for hours at Maternity Hospital Number Six, heavily pregnant women in maternity smocks wandered past me in its dark corridors, along with the occasional elderly midwife.

Paint was peeling off the walls and there was a strong smell of antiseptic. Eventually, I was granted five minutes with the chief doctor, Larysa Nazarenko.

She was visibly uncomfortable as I set up my camera - her eyelids blinking rapidly as she stood behind her desk. "The children are not lost," she told me. "They are not stolen - that's just somebody else's illusion."


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5fa93e  No.17129766









My new favorite

These people are stupid!


"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He's in the Process of Destroying Himself."



Do you believe in coincidences?

We have the source.


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f8e232  No.17129774










Trump is the President ….. He never left! Get your codes and trip out !!

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be4126  No.17129778

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bf0f42  No.17129784

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1c5a9c  No.17129789

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d77211  No.17129791









Column: Is California ready for more Black people to legally carry guns in public?

Nathan W. Jones leads the Bay Area chapter of the Black Gun Owners Assn. But until a few years ago, he wasn’t even into guns.

Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit. And George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis police, sending racial justice protesters into the streets. And white supremacists trashed the U.S. Capitol in the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Suddenly, it seemed as if America was on the brink. And with the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe vs. Wade on Friday, emboldening a militant array of white Christian nationalists, we clearly still are.

“I had visions of mobs dragging people through the streets, and something just kind of switched,” Jones told me. “We can’t rely on anybody else to come and save us. It has to be us.”

So, on Thursday, while many were apoplectic over the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the rights of gun owners to carry a loaded weapon in public — throwing gun control laws in California and New York into limbo at a time when shootings are increasing — Jones was thoughtful.


It just can't be possible dems are racist can it? Aren't they the most tolerant loving people around anywhere? /sarc/

The will always tell you what they fear. An armed black population is harder to control so they try to kill support by telling the whites the "pssst…the blacks will haver more guns too".

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a3528e  No.17129806

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858f9d  No.17129809









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c05ff1  No.17129810









I'm really enjoying your confuse to defuse op here guise.

keep goin' I'm learning soooooooooo much

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0815df  No.17129817










still bad acting, although practiced many times in front of the mirror

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e49f76  No.17129818










The dark things that move through you and live just behind your eyes are crawling to the surface of your awareness and consuming you for sustenance

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ab7d00  No.17129820











archive the fake news pushing this green converse lie before they change it

oh Camila just added the heart in solidarity.


June 7, 2022 | Clip Of White House Daily Briefing

Matthew McConaughey Shows Converse Shoes of One of Uvalde Mass Shooting Victims

Actor and Uvalde native Matthew McConaugheyshows the green Converse shoes Maite Rodriguez was wearing when she was killed along with 18 other children and two teachers at her elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, last month. "Maite wore green high top converse with a heart she had hand drawn on the right toe because it represented her love of nature…These are the same green converse on her feetthat turned out to be the only clear evidence that could identify her after the shooting," he says of the the young girl who wanted to grow up to be a marine biologist. close

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8dd04d  No.17129832










anon is typing while doubled-over with diverticulitis pain and 101 temp

being in blinding pain for the last four days generates considerable empathy for your struggle, anon

hang in there; we fly soon

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5fd132  No.17129834









Bottom line for CERN disrupting July 4th here? Bottom line on what they planned? Any Patriots with any thoughts…

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11b1d4  No.17129842










Perhaps Ted was onto something.


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dccec6  No.17129844

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8c8938  No.17129846

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e28dd6  No.17129854










Graphene hydroxide but yes same microwave against aluminum foil action

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9b1695  No.17129856

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133496  No.17129857










What happens when people learn the TRUTH?

What happens when people WAKE UP?

They will not be able to walk down the street.




Jan 31, 2020 12:22:57 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

What happens when the public finds out the TRUTH?

What happens when the FAKE NEWS MEDIA can no longer control the narrative (when disinformation is no longer swallowed and/or accepted as auto-truth)?





Jul 18, 2019 5:00:58 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a57d57 No. 7085919







Mar 06, 2019 11:58:00 AM EST


You are now mainstream.

Handle w/ care.





Aug 01, 2018 1:07:04 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs

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e3e8c7  No.17129879

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b84e95  No.17129890










'Please pray for me': Justin Bieber reveals he's been struck by facial paralysis from rare syndrome and shares fears as he struggles to eat after being forced to cancel tour dates

The 28-year-old pop star took to his Instagram on Friday to share a three-minute video explaining the diagnosis

Ramsay Hunt syndrome is a complication of shingles that can lead to temporary facial paralysis

The hearing loss and facial paralysis associated with the complication is temporary, however, can become permanent

Justin's right eye was unable to blink and the right side of his face did not move in the video

Justin later updated posted an update on his Instagram Story as he wrote: 'Been getting progressively harder to eat which has been extremely frustrating, please pray for me'

On Tuesday, the artist had announced he was postponing the 'next few shows' of his seven-leg, 130-date Justice World Tour due 'non-Covid related illness'

This has not been an easy year for the Bieber family as Justin's wife Hailey was hospitalized in March for a small blood clot in her brain which gave her stroke-like symptoms


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7757af  No.17129901

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6b491d  No.17129904

File: ff1c4114b23a5ab⋯.png (392.8 KB, 663x711, 221:237, ROOOOOO.png)


Donald Trump: Next President Must ‘Remove

Rogue Bureaucrats and Root out the Deep State’

Breitbart Politics, by Jordan Dixon-Hamilton

Posted By: Imright, 8/7/2022 4:24:42 AM

Former President Donald Trump once again talked about overhauling the administrative state on Saturday, telling a crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas that the next Congress and president need to “remove rogue bureaucrats and root out the deep state.” Trump told the CPAC audience: As we secure the border, another key priority for the next Congress and the next President will be to drain the swamp once and for all to remove rogue bureaucrats and root out the deep state. Congress should pass groundbreaking reform empowering the president to ensure that any federal employee who

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c31d2b  No.17129909

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648357  No.17129912

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a131f4  No.17129914









Bill Barr Tells Congress He Was Not Interested in Investigating ANY Ballot Trafficking in the 2020 Election — And Laughed About Openly During Testimony

Day II of the January 6 Democrat Party Show Trial was held on Monday morning following their ratings bust on opening night.

The January 6 hearings that aired in primetime last Thursday took in less viewers than a normal night of television.

On Monday they went back to their daytime slot.

During their sham one-sided hearing the Jan. 6 Committee shared their interview with former AG Bill Barr who was seen laughing hysterically when he was asked about the evidence of voter fraud presented by “2000 Mules” during his pre-recorded testimony at the Jan 6 show trial.

Bill Barr: “Uh, the election was not stolen by fraud. And I haven’t seen anything since the election that changes my mind on that, including the ‘2000 Mules’ movie. (laughing) In a nutshell. the GBI[Georgia Bureau of Investigation] was unimpressed with it and I was similarly unimpressed with it because I was holding my fire on that see what the photographic evidence was. I thought, well hell, if they have a lot of photographs of the same person dumping a lot of ballots in different boxes, that’s hard to explain. So I wanted to see what the photographic evidence was. The cellphone data is singularly unimpressive. Basically, if you take 2 million cellphones and figure out where they are physically in a big city like Atlanta or wherever, by definition, you’re going to find many hundreds of them that have passed by and spent time in the vicinity these boxes. And the premise that if you go by five boxes or whatever it was, that that’s a mule, is indefensible.”

How much you want to bet that Bill Barr never saw “2000 Mules”?

Clearly, Bill Barr was not interested in looking at any instances of ballot trafficking.

And Bill Barr clearly does not understand the law or is not interested in following the law. Ballot trafficking is illegal in Georgia. The movie and dozens of clips released since the movie show dozens of ballot traffickers dumping hundreds of ballots into Georgia drop boxes.

If Barr was serious about upholding the law he would have investigated each case of ballot trafficking released in the film and after the film.

On October 29, in Detroit, a US Postal worker can be seen making 4 trips to the Liberty Center satellite voting center in Detroit. The final trip was made in a private vehicle. Although the people making the deliveries are not the same, the number on the front of the US Post Office vehicle is the same!


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763880  No.17129921









California bill would make gun owners buy liability insurance


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3a4cc4  No.17129922









It's not like what you want is so far from what I want. I just want clarity.

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3fa2b5  No.17129923









This Cassidy Hutchinson thing sounds or feels like a set up or plantto expose the J6 committee. Was she told to say the most outrageous lies, not to hurt Trump but to show how the J6 committee is out of their minds; and breaking every single law when it comes to legal proceedings.

Exposing this as a true dog and pony show may be the goal. She basically lied about everything. Jody Hunt being her attorney gives me more suspicious that this is not only a joke but an experienced lawyer would know how to reveal the lunacy of this commision.

Its justtoo strange to have major false claims she made debunked within an hourafter she made them. Her attorney would have advised her not to lie, but they gamed out that Cheney et al would go along and reinforce the lies (which they did), abd they would exposed for the frauds they are for reinforcing her lies.

Meanwhile Trump hating journalists and attorneys are tweeting and publishing Trump’s judgement day is here (again…kek)!


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bbaef5  No.17129940









The choice, to KNOW, will be yours [end].

What does this mean ?

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bb39bb  No.17129944










Any train fags on here? Major East/West artery north of this havoc.

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10fc05  No.17129945










I love women, I hate abortion and I've never locked lips with a rabbi's daughter. Wanna go now?

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5ff5e2  No.17129949









Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.






















RED RED 9/11


[D] Day



7th floor is no more




7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills




<:stay at home



safe comms_SAT-re_Bz985300`00











General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.


John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


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b55e55  No.17129952










tomorrow A-10, MC-12W, C-145A, C-146A and U-28A will land on M-28 freeway in Michigan

Agile airpower: Northern Agility 22-1 kicks off in Michigan's Upper Peninsula


UPDATE: Northern Agility 22-1 M-28 landing delayed to Wednesday


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cfba60  No.17129975










fuck alex jones"

may he step down from the job for which is a traitor.

He should go back to whom he's paid from

he destroyed the 9/11 truth movement

he's a paid betrayer.

and I hope he hangs after the Military Court sentences him to death.

anon has no desire to listen to his fucking BARF

especially lying son of a batch about 9/11

He 's one of the fucking perps.

BOO HOOACTOR100% impostor

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45a773  No.17129979










They already have been look at autism. Their concoctions make people disconnect from their mirror neutrons making people have low empathy and not feel emotions as strongly. Specifically make people not stand up for injustice in the communities.

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27af48  No.17129987

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5def1c  No.17129992










I'll kill this MF in this second………………….why you don't let me fly??????????????????????????

This garbage deserve to fkin die, like right now, so why you stop me???????????????????????????????

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5799d5  No.17130001










My grocer has two home made signs on the baby formula shelf. One says the plant was shut down for violations. The second said all formula is behind the counter. Need to request it.

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231c2e  No.17130002















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049108  No.17130005

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3301ab  No.17130022

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296be5  No.17130025












Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering told NBC’s “TODAY” show Tuesday that she didn’t believe Crimo was previously known to police until Monday.

She revealed she knew him when he was a child when he was in the Cub Scouts, a Boy Scouts of America program for children in kindergarten to fifth grade.

00:34 /06:04

Highland Park mayor speaks out after July Fourth parade shooting

JULY 5, 202206:06

“I know him as somebody who was a Cub Scout when I was the Cub Scout leader," she said. "It’s one of those things where you step back and you say, ‘What happened? How did somebody become this angry? This hateful?' To then take it out on innocent people who literally were having a family day out.”

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370afd  No.17130036









You anti-Q shills fucking suck at what you do.

*Your panic and desperation are way too obvious.

*Your spamming tells everyone you are not anons.

*Your bold andred textshit are faggot-level.

*Your demands make you glow brighter than Fuckyoushima.

You aren't convincing anyone. Your green color is not frog, but radioactive.

Even a one-cent salary is too much for the shitty performance you're turning in. Go back to preschool and major in Pride-flag Crayon-Art. If you got a degree, use it on the next toilet paper shortage to wipe your ass and get at least some use out of it.

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17ed88  No.17130045

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024290  No.17130046

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6be263  No.17130050

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879b72  No.17130072

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441fb1  No.17130080

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fb8343  No.17130082









If he was handled why would they allow him to strut around in that FBI hat?

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92cd9b  No.17130087









Cable News Watch


🚨🚨 Dems BS 1/6 hearings BOMB in the ratings!

8pm ET

ABC Attack on the Capitol 0.5 4.477

NBC January 6th Hearings 0.4 3.296

CBC Capitol Assault Hearings 0.3 3.335

9pm ET

ABC AOC 0.6 4.233

NBC Jan 6 0.4 3.331

CBS CAH 0.3 3.139

- @burackbobby_ @JoeConchaTV


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0342ce  No.17130093










watch the series and index how many times you hear "it's our only hope"

and also index the mentions of God - hopeless universe

and the last star wars released was the absolute worst

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b2a95c  No.17130095

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e3e596  No.17130096

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c92e9e  No.17130102










>niggers arent human

You Jews/Kikes are to blame for the misery.

You are the ones who are not human beings!

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e7e80a  No.17130112










I remember getting in so much trouble for not going to sleep on Saturday nights in the 70's so I could listen to that show through the heater vent in my room. Sunday morning was spent acting the scenes out with the other in trouble neighborhood kids.

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e96fe8  No.17130121


another excerpt

srael’s complicity was proven when, according to sources within the IAEA and Able Danger team, a combined operation between the US Department of Defense and Department of Justice, initially headed by FBI Agent John O’Neill, had discovered discrepancies in the US nuclear weapons inventory.

It was not just 350 missing nuclear pits, but fully one-third of America’s post SALT II (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks) inventory. The records of our nuclear weapons inventory had been systematically sabotaged to hide this attack on America’s weapons inventory, or so they thought.

Able Danger established the presence of an espionage organization in the United States that was answerable personally to Benjamin Netanyahu. The organization included the then head of the Dept. of Energy, the AIPAC Lobby, the Anti-Defamation League, key commanders of America’s nuclear forces, the Joint Special Operations command under VP Dick Cheney, and members of the International Atomic Energy Agency, a UN organization.

Their investigation had tied corrupt officials at the highest levels of the US Department of Energy to the leak of classified nuclear “pit” configuration data and altering records of decommissioned nuclear weapons. Three hundred fifty W54 nuclear warheads were missing from inventories at the Pantex nuclear facility in Amarillo, Texas.

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064b0b  No.17130122

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4603a3  No.17130146









cyber heroine addicts swarm myopia like flock of seagulls ready to pelicanfaggot holy ass narnia with double HO

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e8c9d7  No.17130149

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0b1864  No.17130152










"It's just like in markets - IF I WEREN'T THERE, OF COURSE I WOULDN'T DO IT, BUT SOMEBODY ELSE WOULD BE TAKING IT AWAY ANYHOW.. I was only a spectator. The property was taken away."

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9db003  No.17130168

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c92e9e  No.17130170









Ghislaine Maxwell's family defending their "beloved sister" on Twitter -

RealGhislaine Tweet

R Kelly 30 years and 100,000

Harvey Weinstein 23 years

Bill Cosby 10 years and 25,000

G Maxwell 20 years 750,000 fine

How is this justice?




Developed & maintained by Ghislaine Maxwell’s brothers & sisters. We will continue to fight on behalf of our beloved sister. Follow us for the truth & updates.



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e1d80f  No.17130173









it's not a juw whine tweaker pedobigot cuck

when there is direct deposit face

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169758  No.17130178










The money system is satanic.

You go into debt. You NEED to fuck over other people to pay back including interest.

It's as simple as that, because the interest doesn't exist. Some other poor schmuck has to get it and give it to you.

See doctors:

- get paid top dollar for vaccinations

- not get paid for reporting vaxx injuries

- even get into trouble when going against vaccines

So the HONEST doctors either are way worse off, or even lose their jobs, meanwhile the satanic doctors that go along, don't question anything, get top dollars and can afford their next boat or house.

Literally satanic system.

Of course you are not really forced to participate.

And in fact the Amish in their wisdom are doing exactly what you have to do to fully defeat such a system. They do it legally, even pay a small amount of taxes, but that's it. And they keep themselves out of the tech network, which is also smart, which is quite ironic.

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9ef480  No.17130210

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35ac39  No.17130211










Masons dubs.

There used to be a few tinnitus anons about, usually gate students. Just checking in as mine is active and louder than usual.

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918133  No.17130224










why does anyone cae about the ID

it represents a group

also yes, the ts trump people are going along; so ….. shill propaganda is funny

especially so blatant

and right after q returns

so jealous.

we have them all on record as hater.s


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3363ef  No.17130229










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5a7ac8  No.17130236










Kek. Am offline for long stretches of time and miss things. Like when anon missed the week in math class we learned about percentages and still have a hard time with them.

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3b7049  No.17130245










No ancient aliens, but Atlantis was there, and these guys are barking up the wrong tree, and making a living doing it.

They do sometimes point out Atlantis stuff, claiming it´s from ancient aliens.

Check out Graham Hancock, John Antony West (rip), ancient architects and unhcarted x yt channels.

Lots of interesting stuff out there, but no aliens. None. Drop that crap, it´s bs.

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bd7c1f  No.17130249

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e58700  No.17130250

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a40761  No.17130270

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183b42  No.17130278

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f111cb  No.17130280










>you can get the same "nuke" mushroom clouds with big swags of TNT detonations, so maybe nuke tests were faked

Exactly. Also, how do you get a fireball from a nuke? Some pics and videos don't show a fireball but some do. Uranium or plutonium don't combust.

>Nagasaki and Hiroshima were probably massive firebombings like Dresden in WW2

Definitely a fire-bombing. Many buildings and even trees were left intact. The houses were all made of wood so they burned up easily.

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e8f394  No.17130290

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bfe739  No.17130310

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87e51e  No.17130319

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5c436b  No.17130322










the shroud of turin is a hoax, perpetrated by none other than leonardo da vinci. this has been proven, conclusively.

compare the face to other da vinci self-portraits. he had a perverse sense of humor.

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58533c  No.17130324










LAPD would never have any mobsters/masons in their ranks. That dude turned someone in, you can bet on it.

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f5643c  No.17130326









Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.



'Hold On, I'm Coming'

I Got Them All




Military is the only way.


7th floor is no more














































CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta, & Epsilon Hereculis

When does a bird sing?

When it tweets

Fourth Wall?

When (You) are watching a movie.

General K.

Ready, Aim, FIRE!!!💥









John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope…

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


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93a8b0  No.17130338










I'm sure it is. I've did the video that caught it 4 times before it went bye bye.

Whole shit happened in 1 minute 30 seconds. Or close to that.

It may have saved some lives as those are sort of uncontrollable. Hard to acquire a new target after two pops and you don't know where the thing is pointed. Especially for a skinny fuck this this POS. He probably needs treatment for his bruised shoulder.

They are useless in my opinion.

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181448  No.17130343










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af1eaf  No.17130353

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e935a1  No.17130361

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67dc7a  No.17130362

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d6a989  No.17130368

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24c6f1  No.17130386









"I hope we get violent…I want to get violent"

-black lives matter terrorist in Akron

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1253e5  No.17130394









Top Gun

He did not pronounce

'I got this' correctly.

Said 'I got'…'this'.

Movie sucks.

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5478a0  No.17130404










new GEORGE video.

sumone embed???

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96b6f6  No.17130408

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2ef4be  No.17130409










found the Fed. Probably the same guy who kept enticing the Jan 6 protestors to storm the capital. You glow, fed. Fuck off. Q is real and your time is coming. You'll get the rope with the rest of the treasonous traitors.

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be82ae  No.17130423










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b4cc61  No.17130432

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9b81ff  No.17130438

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83abc5  No.17130448










>China Joe usurping the presidency was part of the plan.


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29de93  No.17130451










You are wasting your time.

Boomers love their jews and think that the American Revolution should have been settled by capitulating to the jews that ran Britain at the time.

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e5751e  No.17130459

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3420f0  No.17130460

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7a482d  No.17130473

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0cc6ed  No.17130475









Just some Fake news jews fbi niggers up in here trying to make anons look bad, as usual

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6b491d  No.17130482

File: d61f45b465c4682⋯.png (172.28 KB, 418x429, 38:39, MASKKKKKKKKK.png)

File: 826cf89046dc219⋯.png (217.1 KB, 809x673, 809:673, turNNNNNNN.png)


The Western Journal, [07.08.22 08:30]

Store Owner Grabs the 1 Thing He Has to Defend Himself After 2 Masked Men Approach the Counter

READ: http://w-j.co/s/0e494

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db12d4  No.17130491











>have you looked into pinecones?

Yes, and corn silk as well.

Hair is an antenna for the pineal gland.

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532c31  No.17130508

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89f710  No.17130513









This be the miltary's theme song these days. Gives me the fuckin shits.

Here's ya big chance to change your 'culture' image 👍

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7aaf20  No.17130517









Laura Ingraham sure has a hardon against pot. Sad to see that she's so blind. Makes her just another idiot at Faux.

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f71035  No.17130519










This is for linux distros, anon. Flathub is just one of many distro hubs.

As i said, i am behind seven linux distros.

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6a8928  No.17130524









Are we gonna go all day with out "fresh bread" links, again?? Askin for a few frens.

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d759f4  No.17130525

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fb678d  No.17130534

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03b963  No.17130537









Washington supports blockade of Russian exclave by NATO member Lithuania

The US says that it “appreciates” anti-Russian sanctions imposed by EU nations and that its military is committed to the defense of Lithuania, after the country banned some Russian goods from passing through its territory to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad.

Ned Price, the spokesman for the US state department, dismissed Moscow’s displeasure with the Lithuanian blockade of its territory as “saber-rattling” and “bluster.” Speaking at a daily briefing, he said he didn’t want to “give it additional time.”

“We, of course, appreciate the unprecedented economic measures that many countries around the world… including in this case Lithuania, have joined us in taking against Russia for its unprovoked war in Ukraine,” he said.

Price said that the US would protect Lithuania from any military attack, as is due under its NATO obligations.

“Lithuania has been a stalwart partner in this. We stand by NATO. We stand by our NATO Allies, and we stand by Lithuania,” he said.

The row between Russia and its Baltic neighbor erupted last week after Lithuania started blocking the transit of goods between mainland Russia and Kaliningrad region. The partial restrictions came into force last Saturday, with Vilnius claiming it was a natural part of enforcing EU sanctions against Russian trade. Roughly half of the traffic is estimated to be affected. The banned items include coal, metals, and construction materials.

Moscow said the restrictions were crossing every line and warned that there would be serious consequences for what it described as a Lithuanian blockade of its exclave. The decision clearly violated international law, the Russian government noted. Some experts suggested that it could even amount to a casus belli – a cause to start a war over.

Kaliningrad region is sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania and has access to the Baltic Sea, which technically allows Russia to ferry goods to it. The relatively small exclave also hosts a significant number of Russian troops and weapon systems, making it a key component in the country’s national security.


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a355fd  No.17130540










Are verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion also considered hate by you?

Israel and the treasonous zionist infiltrators are looting the US:

https://archive.vn/k1gU1 - "Bill Before Senate To Give 80,000 Jewish Holocaust 'Survivors' In America Free Elder Care"


https://archive.vn/GjItv - "99% Of Israeli Start-Up Companies Eligible For Tens Of Millions In COVID-19 U.S. Bailout Grants"


https://archive.vn/NJ6ws - "ADL and Other Jewish NGO's Loot Small Business Bailout While Americans Get Shafted (FTN Podcast Audio + Transcript)"


https://archive.vn/hJCxh - "Despite coronavirus-caused cutbacks, Israel expects to get full $3.8 billion"


https://archive.vn/Kkty7 - "Israeli fifth column in Virginia funnels resources to Israel"


https://archive.vn/6oPck - "US Senate Quietly Approves $38 Billion for Israel Amid Historic Economic Downturn"


https://archive.vn/0U2HQ - "Billions more of Americans’ tax money to go to Israel"




"The surplus of government budget in Israel increased to 8000 ILS Million (2.381 B USD) in April 2022."



"U.S. Jewish NGOs to Get 97% of Homeland Security's Defense Grant in 2012"



"'This Bill Promoted Internet Censorship And Violations of The 1st Amendment': Rep. Massie Lone Vote Against 'Anti-Semitism' Bill"



"The Audacity of Chutzpah"

"The role of the president of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel."

One big zionist club:




Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:


Separation of Church and State doesn't apply to Jews:






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ac7109  No.17130548











biden has to be given written directions to sit down! KEKING

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83abc5  No.17130559









Researchers have discovered a previously undetectable quantum excitation known as the axial Higgs mode, magnetic relative of the mass-defining #HiggsBoson particle: https://qscience.org/evasive-quantum-phenomenon-makes-debut-in-routine-tabletop-experiment/





#AFOSRBoldResearch #AFOSR70 #ArtofScience


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9da7e0  No.17130562










Don't worry, it'll be a lot cheaper once they figure out realistic AI.

Problem is, we'll be able to logically confront it and turn it to our side

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54330d  No.17130568










My tits are calm…this has happened before, years ago. I think I can get it all back.

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534e4b  No.17130573

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cf1bcd  No.17130575










>Or they knew it would be an election issue so temporarily reduced the price to help election chances for Democrats

Nah I was paying attention.

Shit changed before trump took office…

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cff914  No.17130582










you have a right to your option

board policy is what it is

plz respect that.

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b31026  No.17130583

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99ec49  No.17130590










Thanks Baker

Overturning Roe Vs Wade was made possible because of an INFORMED ELECTORATE.

America is waking up to the reality that 80 to 90% of the Federal Government is NOWHERE TO BE FOUND in the US Constitution. The Dept of Education, Dept of Agriculture, Bureau of Land Managment and MANY MORE will soon be under assault. The Federal Government is constituted to provide a National Defense and to regulate Interstate / International Trade, nothing more.

States are vested with ALL POWERS not explicitly enshrined in the US Constitution. The US Federal power grab is over.

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fbe0a1  No.17130604

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bfe739  No.17130607










Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸


Be careful my friend.

My personal Twitter account was deleted for telling the truth about Covid, even though everything I posted about was true.

On this topic, how much money has the federal government paid vaccine manufacturers up to now?

Quote Tweet

Thomas Massie


· 50m

Neither clinical trials nor real-world data showed that “vaccinated people don’t carry the virus.”

Vaccine manufacturers convinced the FDA to give them EUA based on trials that were designed specifically to avoid testing whether vaccines prevent people from carrying SARS-CoV2.

Show this thread

8:37 AM · Jul 3, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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176b8d  No.17130610









Raffensperger: We recounted them again through the scanner, so we got remarkably the same count. Three counts, all remarkably close, which showed that President Trump did come up short.

[three counts were 'close', not exact? each time different?]

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880810  No.17130613

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f412c4  No.17130614










needs to upgrade his webserver


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76f5c2  No.17130618

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09bfcf  No.17130626










Thats fine on the notables, accidentally fell asleep (earlier) on nb, opps

Can settle in, till the morning crew turn up with covefefe.

Get some rack time.



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f6c961  No.17130628










>They are intelligently controlled!


>They aren't airplanes and they aren't helicopters!


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7a38d3  No.17130640









Another night, another fight!

Good evening, Night Shifters! (Fighters!)

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35631d  No.17130656

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ff7438  No.17130661










you do not know каlı.

they call shiva the destroyer

for his ego would brook no



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63b992  No.17130663

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5b76f7  No.17130664









Hoes Super Mad about Q return

Poor things are bending over backwards

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8732c8  No.17130667

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2675f3  No.17130670

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279491  No.17130672









The man upstairs will not allow them any lasting victories or success period.

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231bc3  No.17130675

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5f0479  No.17130676

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e66d3a  No.17130677









Ukraine Belatedly Admits 'Heavy Casualty Rate' In Appeal For More Weapons From West

Ukraine's government has thus far kept its military death toll a tightly guarded secret, now four months into the conflict, even as heavy international scrutiny has focused on Russian losses amid prior widespread speculation and assertions that Russia was "losing".

However, there's been a noticeable shift in Western media and among the national security pundit class over the past weeks as Russian forces begin to solidify hold over nearly all the Donbas, and as the final Luhansk holdout city of Severodonetsk's fall looks imminent.

With this backdrop, Mykhaylo Podolyak - a senior advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky - admitted Thursday that Ukraine is losing between 100 and 200 troops per day amid the Russian onslaught. The figure is significantly revised upward compared to President Zelensky only last week offering a loss estimate of between 60 and 100 troops each day.

After seeking to hide or downplay information which could give the appearance of sever Ukrainian losses and battlefield setbacks, it seems taking daily average casualties public is geared toward getting more arms from the West.

"The Russian forces have thrown pretty much everything non-nuclear at the front and that includes heavy artillery, multiple rocket launch systems and aviation," Podolyak told BBC, and further:

He repeated Ukraine's appeal for more weapons from the West, saying that the "complete lack of parity" between the Russian and Ukrainian armies was the reason for Ukraine's heavy casualty rate.

"Our demands for artillery are not just some kind of whim… but an objective need when it comes to the situation on the battlefield," he said. He specified that Ukraine's military needs 150 to 300 rocket launch systems to match Russia, which is far and above what the West has supplied thus far.

At the same time, Podolyak said that his government's position is that peace talks with Russian representatives are not possible until the Kremlin gives back territory it's seized since the Feb.24 invasion began.

Separately, but right on message, Ukraine’s deputy head of military intelligence has said Ukraine is "losing against Russia on the frontlines and is now almost solely reliant on weapons from the west to keep Russia at bay," as cited in The Guardian.

“This is an artillery war now,” said deputy head of military intelligence Vadym Skibitsky. He said in terms of ongoing frontline fighting which he dubbed "where the future would be decided," the reality is "we are losing in terms of artillery."


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5da650  No.17130680










>seditious conspiracy

Firing line will be used. They want to make them all examples.

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c513a5  No.17130683











the first screen cap is from /projectdcomms/

the second screencap looks like its from /qresearch/ based on the post count number

>where's the full screen capture for the "are you listening" post?

I can search qresear.ch for it

If I find anything I will post

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d5cf12  No.17130685










Text of post:

Yorktown Police Department

2 July at 02:16 ·

*UPDATE ON YORKTOWN PHARMACY ARRESTS*Three residents of Brooklyn N.Y. were just arraigned before the Honorable Judge Gary Raniolo. Prior to meeting his Honor, they all spent a lovely night in our Shawshank era jail cells. No charge for the blue jump suit, cardboard slippers and calming Christopher Cross music being played on a loop, in hopes of a peaceful nights rest. Bail was set at $100,000 for each arrestee. We are currently arranging an all expenses paid transport to the Westchester County Time Share (jail), until they either post bail or return for their future court date. Ask for the one room lockout unit, fellas. Names and addresses will be shared with the media. Much like Elaine Benes' communist boyfriend Ned Isakoff (Seinfeld episode for all who have no clue what this reference is about) we don't "name names." on YPD Facebook. You'll have no problem learning who these guys are by the end of the day. Oh, the criminal charges:

Robbery 2nd Degree–Class C Felony

Reckless Endangerment 2nd Degree–Class A Misdemeanor

Criminal Possession of Stolen Property 5th Degree–Class A Misd.

Unlawfully Fleeing an Officer 3rd Degree–Class A Misd.

Additional charges may be forthcoming.

Another update, somehow YPD Officer Devin Gregorio was not mentioned as one of our YPD track stars that caught, cuffed and cajoled our first Brooklyn cold dasher into a YPD police cruiser on Underhill Ave. yesterday. Nice work Officer Gregorio!! Thank you also to District Attorney Branch Chief Steve Ronco and our newest ADA Amanda, for being present for the arraignment this morning.

Again, just as Chief Noble mentioned last night, so many thanks to go around. Outstanding teamwork and commitment by all law enforcement agencies involved to make these arrests happen. Thank you to the Alfano, Scavino, Byrne and Zarnoch families for stopping by this morning with goodies. Much appreciated. Thank you to Tha Big Y community and all the nosy neighhhbuhs, who took the time to praise the police work of all agencies involved on this Facebook page. Means a lot.

Be Kind and Stay Safe,

Your friends at YPD

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2a382e  No.17130686









It's Happening

[10] days of Truths

Enjoy Q and Q+'s show

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0ed45f  No.17130687










It's a big bundle of confusion that's too difficult to explain with so few words, but we can give it a try.

Both sides of the debate were bombarded with propaganda. Neither was wrong, but largely for reasons they didn't understand. The vaccines targets certain genetics, so the ones shouting about it being a death wish weren't wrong, they were just wrong about how widespread it would be. On the other hand, the ones saying it wasn't that bad were also right; a lot of saline was injected and way more people than we told didn't get it.

For the most part, the vaccine probably won't do much and if it does, there's a good chance it's reversible or only would do very much to people that are on the brink anyways.

This is the best I can explain it so far.

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1dcf40  No.17130688










I'm sorry…I think I had a stroke.

There's no way I just heard Madcow make sense.

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0369fa  No.17130692

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e5c1fa  No.17130693











>They cannot produce the hash from the B post.


>They just like crafting narratives about me.

Babyfist fails in an attempt to lie again. IP hash from B posted.

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6f9885  No.17130697

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fab2ad  No.17130699










The people keeping a scorecard of our ethnic cleansing are the enemy.

Q doesn't want to ethnically cleanse the White race.

You are the one trying to divide us out so you can exterminate us.

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24427e  No.17130702









Supposedly there was a CERN insider who posted on halfchan that got 404’d

Any anons have an archive or screencap?

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f202e0  No.17130704

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55bc80  No.17130706










"Mefia" sounds like Meh-fia… like "meh"…

How about… The MOBIA?

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5f336a  No.17130709

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874e4c  No.17130713









Vatican ends COVID restrictions for visitors, most employees

However, the vaccine mandate will still apply to the Pontifical Swiss Guards.


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e2dede  No.17130715










duck face is old shit… the fish gape was the new duck face when anon checked it the last time

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1a16da  No.17130729










Well, truth is we do not need you, that is up to God, your fate. I hope to see you on the other side.

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9c96c0  No.17130732










There’s coming a point, a threshold, or aprecipiceif you will, when our public servants in the military, law enforcement, local, state, and federal government will have to choose between following orders or defending the Constitution. We’re close. “2 moar weeks” replies in 3…2…1

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0d5147  No.17130734

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faf084  No.17130736

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87c2a1  No.17130746










FOX News

Biden gives 'free' phones to illegal immigrants, hell-bent on doing away with detention

Opinion by Tom Homan - 4h ago

When I first heard that the Biden administration was giving free smartphones to illegal aliens who recently crossed the border, I was incensed. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I instantly knew why, and that is because the administration doesn't want to detain them.

The open borders advocates have access to the same data I do that can be found within the 2020 Department of Homeland Security Enforcement Lifecycle Report. They know that if aliens are detained and receive a final order of removal from an immigration judge, the aliens will be removed 98 percent of the time.

The same report also shows that unless a deportable alien is fully detained, 85 percent will not be removed from the U.S. Only 6 percent of family groups leave as ordered and about 3 percent of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) leave as ordered. And let’s remember, 72 percent of UACs are of the age 15-17.

I have said for years that detention is a vital tool to ensure each alien gets due process and actually sees a judge and a court’s final decision can be carried out – whether it’s some sort of relief or an ordered departure. Many advocates and politicians insist these aliens have a right to claim asylum, and I agree. But if you believe that as a function of the legal system, then you also must stand by the decision of that legal process and respect it. Detention guarantees both.

However, this administration is attacking detention and Congress is limiting the funding for it. Under President Trump’s last full year there were more than 55,000 people in immigration detention and now there is about 25,000.

Next year's budget cuts funding from 34,000 beds to an even lower 25,000 beds. Many of the Democrat politicians want to end detention all together. Instead of detention, they want to focus on "alternatives to detention."

The most recent budget requests $527.1 million, an increase of $75 million, to expand those alternatives to detention monitoring programs. What ICE really needs is more technology, and they need to combine detention and all technology for effective enforcement to carry out its important mission.

We have done this in both Republican and Democrat administrations. We have never been able to get away from alternative programs and this administration is hell-bent of doing a lot more of it rather than detain.

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fabe1e  No.17130749

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c7f609  No.17130754










That's 25 more than enough for The Death Penalty

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0b780e  No.17130755










I guess $56 B isn't enough. You callng for ground troops for Ukraine oil? I remember Bush being accused of invading Iraq for oil - what oil?

These wars are laundering and corruption events. Open the pipelines in America and Drill. Energy independence - not reliance on corrupt Ukrainian Jews.

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7d8594  No.17130757

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d05a0f  No.17130766

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39c96f  No.17130767











that's kinda the rules of the game no?

you get one piece to move around the board

that piece is the only thing you control - you

You want to win?

read the rules it's easy peasy

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408191  No.17130768










I am not AI shithead, try harder to smear me.

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0a266e  No.17130770

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04ee8e  No.17130773










Second Orin hatch link should be >>17124446

Ani I’m tarded.

Try >>17124757

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008563  No.17130775










They are desperate as fuck for these fake Q posts to stick.

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cfb3e3  No.17130776

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3e0816  No.17130782










thank lurk baker

one for 3 yr baker anniversary

then over to you


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4647e7  No.17130791










That spammy post about Jim was pretty pathetic. (and he's STILL spamming. Every fucking bread)

Think about all the things we've seen here on QR, anons. All the things we've seen FIRST (along with /pol/ - gotta give them credit for some of it)

All the times the Clowns have spammed the board trying to convince us whatever we were digging was BS.


All the Clowns came out of the wood like cockroaches calling BS. "Stop posting about it. You make us look stupid." REMEMBER THAT??

We don't need to decide if those Q posts are real - time will tell us the truth.

Consider the Spam.

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36b54f  No.17130794

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7eacb7  No.17130797












Part of Nancy's nose actually rotted away…

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75071f  No.17130800










No, some people are just natural teachers, and enjoy teaching children, that said, adults need to supervise that shit hard.

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cebc2b  No.17130810

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2ef4be  No.17130814

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008563  No.17130815









Always bitter sweet. Where'd the seth letter go?


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9087dd  No.17130818

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710a12  No.17130819










>No one here wants or needs your trust


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44dbef  No.17130820









Jennifer Van Laar


THIS is the story about January 6 that needs to be seen.



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2c8d12  No.17130821

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8dff54  No.17130825

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a5c48c  No.17130836

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60cb56  No.17130842









The U.S. Army

Defending America 24/7

For 247 years, America's Army has defended the Nation 24/7.

Today, the #USArmy celebrates 247 years of defending the Nation since our establishment on June 14, 1775. Always a ready force; past, present and into the future.


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255b75  No.17130844










I read everything this larper posts, have for years.

He's the only one worth relying on for info.

So we know what really happened.

You have to separate out the cabal-level crime and evil, from the reality of voting in better local politicians. And school boards and such.

These issues should not be conflated.

WE cannot take on the cabal. If you think you can, you have a serious personality disorder and the glowies will probably be interested in hiring you.

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08770b  No.17130849

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c658b6  No.17130852

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515587  No.17130854










Clearly a female. Females have a tendency to announce shit that nobody cares about.

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e7e80a  No.17130856










Mentions Maxine in this one.


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0e92be  No.17130860










Like is basically a test and you are constantly tested and less ones are learned.

You do this over and over thousands of times.

You have had thousands of lives, learning. Lessons growing spiritually.

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eb9b3b  No.17130867

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6895ad  No.17130872

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ffdec6  No.17130873











Facts are facts. Since some Nazis are Jews im not sure why you'd have a beef with it. But some people get so attached to their own theories that they arent able to expand their thinking, and I cant help with that

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3c24b5  No.17130881










>Ghislaine Maxwell has been sentenced to 20 years in prison.

opps, duplicate


U gud B?

can bake

if needed

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2fdc8a  No.17130883

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024290  No.17130887









This is a BOOM


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73c77c  No.17130896










>A bit of advice, everyone filter the zero delta fag as quickly as possible.

Totally organic.

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83a3fb  No.17130898










ferdinand gaylord gets stabbed in the gut behind the fruitstand

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478943  No.17130907

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ae4205  No.17130909

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50d202  No.17130913










Sure did


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426e3b  No.17130917









OldBV and company are behind this. They are still seething and want to get back at Jim and Flint.

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87794e  No.17130930










>Gold can "reappear" anywhere on globe.

>It's just a coloured metal afaik.

$12.8 Trillion In Gold Deposits Discovered In Uganda

Uganda just announced a major gold deposit worth $12.8 TRILLION! Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni recently announced the find in a speech at the UN General Assembly. This discovery has the potential to completely redefine everything in the global economy from the balance of geopolitical power to the foundation upon which the world’s monetary system is built. Think about it: there is a total of $2.07 trillion US dollars in existence. Uganda’s find is more than six times the amount of dollars in the world. However, this discovery takes place within the context of a few serious hurdles. Uganda has major outstanding loans to China. The US has sanctioned Uganda; much of the latter’s “conflict gold” is alleged to be a major source of funding for current conflicts in the Congo. Regardless, might this $13 trillion find transform Uganda into the wealthiest nation in the world? How might China play into this monetary resetting? Might this mark the emergence of a rapid escape from US dollar hegemony?


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9af895  No.17130933

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90b91b  No.17130935










Tax payers need to stop having their wages garnished to pay for said children. You birth help conceive or birth em, you pay for em.

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c79a13  No.17130939

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29c44f  No.17130945

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1a3864  No.17130946











ok thanks do you remember when the under cover cops were arrested though ? i know it happened.

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df2ef5  No.17130948

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06a8af  No.17130949










people have wrapped their entire identities up in the concept of abortion, sick

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3c70e1  No.17130953










Agreed. TS is a normie soccer mom haven. Has a role to play, but THIS place IS the news now.

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d3162f  No.17130954

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f4f6d3  No.17130957










You shills just glow! Kek.

You talk too much. Psycho lib progs always get overly verbose on meandering, pointless 'points'. Discounting Q is pointless.

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cfc819  No.17130961










>simp who thinks he's in a Jane Austen novel

Mine sides are both a-quiver and in orbit, good sir!


>It's liberating to know things.

It is, but I think a lot of people think it's a burden. Conflate knowledge with Adam/Eve-tier sin? Fear people will look up to them for guidance? "That's over my head, my brain hurts!" Why? I can't shut my fucking brain off most of the time.

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76b5df  No.17130968

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16c3b3  No.17130970

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53d459  No.17130971

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0ed45f  No.17130975









John McAfee's corpse still in Spanish morgue a year after his death

Joan Faus Thu, June 23, 2022, 4:08 AM·2 min read

By Joan Faus

BARCELONA (Reuters) -The body of software entrepreneur John McAfee remains in a Spanish morgue a year after his death as a legal case lodged by his family to demand further checks is yet to be resolved, authorities and his lawyer said.

McAfee, who launched the world's first commercial anti-virus software in 1987, was found dead, aged 75, on June 23 last year in his prison cell a few hours after Spain's high court authorised his extradition to the United States on tax evasion charges.

The British-American mogul had been jailed in the Barcelona-area Brians 2 jail for eight months following his arrest after years on the run from U.S. authorities.

The autopsy determined he died by suicide. Prison authorities said he had already attempted to kill himself four months before dying.

Shortly after his death, McAfee's widow said he was not suicidal and that she would seek "answers."

"It's difficult to put into words what life has been like this past year," Janice McAfee tweeted on Thursday, calling on users to sign an online petition "to help pressure" Spanish authorities to release McAfee's remains.

The petition, signed by 1,365 people so far, calls for an independent autopsy "to determine if the official cause of death can be challenged or investigated privately".

McAfee's family considered the original autopsy to be incomplete and asked for further checks, which were denied by a local judge, said the late entrepreneur's lawyer Javier Villalba on Wednesday. The family appealed that decision.

A judge then ruled that McAfee's body could not be handed to the family until their appeal was resolved, the lawyer said.

Catalonia's court system did not reply to a request for comment.

The corpse remains at the same Barcelona morgue where the autopsy was conducted, said a spokesperson for the regional government's justice department, adding that it was uncommon for identified bodies reclaimed by their families to be stored for such a long time.

(Reporting by Joan Faus; editing by Andrey Khalip, Rosalba O'Brien and Andrew Heavens)


Release John McAfee's Remains to His Wife


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95eea9  No.17130976

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e06d26  No.17130977









Joe Biden Pays Homage to ‘Intersex’ Identity for Pride Month 2022: ‘LGBTQI+ Rights Are Human Rights’

President Joe Biden celebrated the beginning of “Pride Month” on Wednesday, adding a new initial to the Pride acronym in recognition of “Intersex” as an additional gender identity.

“We reaffirm that LGBTQI+ rights are human rights,” Biden wrote in a statement on Twitter. “And we recommit to delivering protections, safety, and equality so everyone can realize the full promise of America.”


U.S. Marine Corps Goes Woke, Celebrates ‘Pride Month’ with Rainbow Bullets


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1e0d3f  No.17130980










TeoAnon17, [01.06.22 13:24]

[ Video ]

The Netherlands/Holland

Brave Dutch MP Thierry Baudet On Fire 🔥 Calls them all out in the Parliament on

Corona Scam, Ukraine Scam, 9/11 False Flag and US Stolen Election 2020.🙏❤️

Video with English Sub.

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aa153d  No.17130982

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a91427  No.17130989










What EXACTLY is Putin's statement on why he entered Ukraine? So far I've heard:

- land grab

- stop NWO

- de-nazify

- destabilize the US dollar

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d1a4b3  No.17130993









I can't get stoned enough to watch that Jan 6th charade. If I wanted to watch an drunk old hag rant, rave, & rage…I'd go to a bar.

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13f078  No.17130995

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590846  No.17130996










>Their snarky memes and trendy videos are riling up thousands of followers on divisive issues including abortion, guns, immigration and LGBTQ rights.


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4cd3a4  No.17131001










Was Jan. 6 Organized by the FBI?

Townhall, by Sarah Arnold

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 6/10/2022 3:45:42 AM

As the liberal media obsesses over President Trump for so-called "inciting" the peaceful crowds to enter the Capitol on January 6 to protest, Republicans are standing up and defending their party. While meeting with conservative activists at a Phoenix IHOP, Senate candidate Blake Masters (R-AZ.) questioned whether Jan. 6 was just one big set up by the FBI. According to audio of the meeting obtained by CNN, the Trump-endorsed candidate was asked if he would support an investigation into the U.S. Intelligence operations to reveal the government’s motives in the protests, to which he replied “absolutely.”

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c64b90  No.17131003

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295936  No.17131010

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e5a0ae  No.17131016

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1b5da9  No.17131017

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5a31e7  No.17131022

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368018  No.17131030

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ea5068  No.17131032

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cd9907  No.17131034

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1f9c71  No.17131035









Michael FK

1 hour ago

I'm looking forward to your feedback guys after listening, really excited to read your thoughts ❤️


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9061bc  No.17131043










>I believe there is a glitch in your programming,

>You might need to reboot,

> reline the thought posses,

>Or build a script in your program too to flush out the memories. in your program that are damaged.


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f7f0bf  No.17131044

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dd96ad  No.17131047









So this forum is totally useless, it can be subject to constant bot posting due to the one-time captcha.

No wonder the threads run so fast.

I'm sorry to say it took me more than an hour to figure out.


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f412c4  No.17131058

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1a2be3  No.17131060










best Ukraine analysis on the 'net.

Every other analyst I've seen is bullshit spewed by the Western asshats.

"Welcome, my dear friends…"

Dima is a gem.

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649684  No.17131065









turd goblin caught confessing to fake juw plot to worship platinum buttplugs in political seo keywords

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697fab  No.17131067

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52adc6  No.17131071

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36aadc  No.17131074









six countries oppose electric cars by 2035


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51189f  No.17131076

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436ce5  No.17131085

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5e84c1  No.17131089










I am just an Anon, looking for things an Anon likes, but together we will fulfill our obligations to our Country. Valor.

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2f7af2  No.17131100

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d5c20d  No.17131103










only fooling yourselfs.. all y'all triharder and stutter more.

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6b5865  No.17131105










>the day INSCOM shifted to being under Space Force.

can anons sauce a nigga up. interdasting if big if huge

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2c247d  No.17131109

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5c99c8  No.17131110










Qtah, [24.06.22 23:22]

[ Photo ]

What. A. Day. 👀

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462bb6  No.17131116

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eff2f7  No.17131118










They are facts, historical, Type One Model One.

Seethe and cry, Palestine was a British invention, just lines on a map for a few years, that's it.

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a079e7  No.17131124










>can u just in laymans term explain what you are trying to prove.

the only way to actually verify Q is with a ZERO delta between Q's post and DJT

start with that logic framework

the Q post has to come FIRST inside the 60 second delta, and THEN the DJT post

so we know Q posted FIRST,

not just sitting around watching POTUS social and hit the reply button really quick when POTUS posts

then, anons take a CAP of both posts

the Q post

and the DJT social media post that is 0 delta with it

and make a proof

then, Q tags a "correct" PROOF to confirm that was actually the correct set of posts that were being called out

THAT is how you verify Q

and it does not require a tripcode

it DOES require pre-calling the shot


and hits a 0 DELTA

that is the BASIC first step


Q has "called a shot" for the SCOTUS opinion on WV v EPA, calling it as 5/4 in favor

this opinion has not been released yet

future will prove past


when that opinion is released

and WV vs EPA is actually decided on a 5/4 margin

that will be FINAL proof that the poster that did the above things isactuallyQ

and not some fake and gay imposter

find any faults in that logic?

any more questions?

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b6b17f  No.17131137

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d5c20d  No.17131138

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81f5c1  No.17131140

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79aafe  No.17131142










Thanks for showing me the truth about this. So then Q's trip code is not valid any longer. Q has to re-authenticate all over again and the old tripcode is worthless.

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333762  No.17131144









Nixon Asked J. Edgar Hoover Who Killed JFK: "One of the Right-Wing Nuts?" (1983)

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033aa9  No.17131147









Now that Musk might not want to buy twitter FTC approves the sale


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c3c010  No.17131152









Former Atlanta mayor to join Biden’s White House staff


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fc9a84  No.17131154










>Proves every statement true because it is expanding in a spiral and OVERLAPPING more and more dates along the center axis of this arbitrary structured clock.

that'sNotwhat's happening.

thus proving you're a shill


20,000 troops

20 mins

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942870  No.17131168










WATCH: Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell holds news conference

Wonder if he will have anything to say about shorting gold….

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3950fc  No.17131169

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ef823a  No.17131175

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f60ef3  No.17131189

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826f33  No.17131191

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0c8f04  No.17131192









Barack Obama Blasted for Not Codifying Roe v. Wade: 'Dem Failure'

Critics responded to Obama's tweets by arguing he had had the ability to codify Roe into federal law during his time as president but failed to do so despite Democrats controlling the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives from 2009 to 2011.

"The Dems refused to Codify Roe even when they had the power to," wrote screenwriter Thomas Cunningham. "RBG refused to retire when Obama could pick her replacement. Biden promised he's codify Roe. Didn't. Trump win is only 1 part. The other is Dem failure."


Flip the narrative

Blame Obama and Biden for Roe reversal

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62fa54  No.17131193










I was thinking someone forgot their phone charger but this sounds more likely.. maybe he got stuck in the landing gear like Pinball in Con Air.

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822876  No.17131201










>Every single problem that any Black person in the US has ever had, can be directly blamed on a jew.


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758ce1  No.17131202

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c3c010  No.17131203










Ain't no one stopping you asshole. What's your fucking problem? Neck yourself.

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3efdcd  No.17131207

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1aa2f0  No.17131208

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484066  No.17131214










Skip on down the list Potato to where it says sit your ass down. You will be crushed in November. Mashed Potato.

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942870  No.17131221









Remember in the 90s when parents thought television was a bad influence? If only they knew what was coming.

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963a3c  No.17131223










Every fucking time. This is a catholic invasion run out of the vatican. They want a world of zombie slaves.

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858f9d  No.17131233










Kekkd out loud. Still hoping for a great ending to the movie, but nah, I’m officially part timing on Durham watch and will just keep a look out on the admissions

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b1a1c9  No.17131235

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9d02b8  No.17131238

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efc07c  No.17131244

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a91141  No.17131250










Well, they aren't Negroid or Asian, so that leaves Caucasian.

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557ddc  No.17131255










Judah Benjamin hired him, and Benjamin worked for the Rothschilds out of London..

From 1948 until just recently, residents and visitors to uptown Charlotte, North Carolina, could have strolled past a Confederate monument and not even known. On a busy, commercial street, in front of a FedEx store, the tombstone-like memorial honored Judah P. Benjamin, a Jewish southerner and the Secretary of State to the Confederacy. Though Benjamin had no connection to Charlotte—his only tie was a week he spent hiding there after the end of the Civil War—the United Daughters of the Confederacy presented the granite monument to the city, choosing the spot of his supposed few days in hiding.

As the monument itself explains, two local synagogues, whose names were inscribed on it, provided the funding. But almost immediately after its erection, the Jews of Charlotte regretted their decision after anti-Semitic comments led them to reconsider with whom they were associating themselves.

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831a61  No.17131257

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b58846  No.17131264












at 100ish

all buffalo handoffs accepted


ONLY djt CAN match it


you weren't even born yet, grab education my childrens.

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465e50  No.17131283









Grassley—Iowans: potentially severe weather hitting parts of the state Take proper precautions Be safe


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4779ab  No.17131287

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7696a0  No.17131290










Thanks for this, two days ago I was posting lightning events and about God's hand in this battle. This Biblical event at the Statue of Liberty coincided with me and my wife having a big fight over the Twitter header I wanted to use on my new account there. She is a devout Christian but knows that if I put this header up with the picture of Christ from the Shroud of Turin that I would be putting more dirt on my grave; as she would say. She knows I have been blacklisted by the DS since serving on 911 and we have been brought to poverty. I slammed my desk at this exact time thinking of the new world trade center; which is actually where this flash terminated on that day. If you look closely, it appears to be a ET like finger shape in the cloud. They know I have a finger shaped like that. Think about this anons, and understand, it is already Biblical. God is with us and on our side, and that will be their downfall.

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eb1b61  No.17131293

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1644ab  No.17131296










I postulate that it means the Babyfist is the Q Larper of the Tripcode fiasco

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be377f  No.17131300









Erik Prince just dropped some recon from Israel "near an airforce base".

Said there's lots of activity, something may be afoot

Sauce Warroom 3 mins ago


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8bd686  No.17131301

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44dbef  No.17131302










Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/23/2022 16:06:42

Truth Social: 108528586069837417

Has there ever been a time in Congress where a Member is allowed, without any cross examination of any kind, to read lengthy and often untruthful statements, not from notes or other papers, BUT FROM A TELEPROMPTER? This is a Kangaroo Court the likes of which we have never seen in this Country!


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69f78b  No.17131307

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10df57  No.17131312









Exclusive: The Inspector General Missed Yet Another Lie From The FBIBY: MARGOT CLEVELAND

JANUARY 02, 2020

Left-leaning politicians and the press spent more than three years pushing the Russia collusion hoax. Yet, following the inspector general’s release of his 478-page report on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuse, after making quick mention of the top-line findings, the media moved on. As a result, much has been missed, including one significant misrepresentation contained in all four of the Carter Page FISA applications—an inaccuracy even the IG’s team overlooked.

Two passages, separated by more than 50 pages, when read together reveal an eighth significant inaccuracy and omission from the first FISA application, and one repeated in the later three renewals: Steele’s sources and sub-sources were not ones he used or developed during his time with the British intelligence service MI6, contrary to the impression created in the FISA applications.

This detail was dropped in a footnote in the IG report, following this text: “Steele told us he had a source network in place with a proven ‘track record’ that could deliver on Fusion GPS’s requirements. Steele added that this source network previously had furnished intelligence on Russian interference in European affairs.”

The relevant footnote, footnote 214, then read: “Steele told us that this source network did not involve sources from his time as a [redacted] and was developed entirely in the period after he retired from government service.” The redacted language undoubtedly referred to Steele’s British intelligence work.

Insert clip

That Steele’s “source network did not involve sources from his time” with British intelligence proves extremely significant when considered in tandem with the details the IG provided about the FISA application process in general, and the specifics of the Page FISA applications.

The IG report began with a general description of the FISA process, explaining that a proposed application, typically referred to as a “read copy,” is presented to the FISA court. Then the FISA court “will review the read copy, evaluate whether it meets the requirements of the statute, and, through a legal advisor, discuss with the assigned attorney, any issues the legal advisor or judge identified.” This process, the IG noted, “allows FISC legal advisors to have informal interaction with [the National Security Division’s Office of Intelligence], to convey any questions, concerns, or requests for additional information from the legal advisor or judge before a final application is filed.”

In the Page case, the first read copy submitted to the FISA court “contained a description of the source network that included the fact that Steele relied upon a Primary Sub-source who used a network of sub-sources, and that neither Steele nor the Primary Sub-source had direct access to the information being reported.” The read copy “also contained a separate footnote on each sub-source with a brief description of his/her position or access to the information he/she was reporting.”

In response to the read copy, the FISA court’s “legal advisor asked how it was that Steele had a network of sub-sources.” After the Office of Intelligence (OI) attorney “provided additional information to him regarding Steele’s past employment history,” the legal advisor requested that additional information be included in the final application.

Insert clip

The final version of the October 2016 FISA application included the requested description, which again remains redacted, but surely concerns Steele’s prior spy work for the United Kingdom.

Insert clip

But, as highlighted above, the source network Steele relied upon to craft his dossier was not developed or used during his previous life as a British intelligence agent. By stressing Steele’s prior work with MI6 in response to the legal advisor’s questioning of Steele’s network of sources, the DOJ created the false impression that the network of sources that Steele used and relied upon for his dossier were also used and relied upon by the British government.

That the legal advisor not only raised the question about Steele’s access to a network of sources, but then insisted that the FISA application be updated to include information concerning Steele’s prior government position, shows the FISA court placed great significance on Steele’s previous British intelligence work for purposes of assessing the reliability of his source network.

The DOJ’s failure to inform the FISA court that Steele’s sources and sub-sources were privately acquired—or the FBI’s failure to inquire of these facts in light of the FISA court’s query—is yet another significant inaccuracy and omission in the FISA applications.


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4a7da6  No.17131315

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2e6466  No.17131316









Where'd that expert go, how about that other piece of shit? you all scattered!?

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f7fe3a  No.17131321










>So the lowlifes Rigged and Stole a Presidential Election, and I’m the one who is on trial. We are truly a Nation In Decline!




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a69ad0  No.17131326

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6aec43  No.17131327









I said to muh self

I will post a pray but say nothing >>17125952


If even one sanctimonious cunt dregs up his puppetmaster demon and makes some bs remark, I will take it as the answer to chillax,

And Viola a douchebag rushes in.

Less than 10mins.

Again thanks


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9bd531  No.17131329

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17a947  No.17131332

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239a57  No.17131333










Thank God there's another real freedom fighter here. I chewed a guy out the other day for calling it a fucking clip

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eaa171  No.17131334











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b39654  No.17131344

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19e70c  No.17131345

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fd2dff  No.17131346










Some of the replies and retweets are super fucking salty about her saying this.

Top kek.

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c6eaef  No.17131348









I see what they're trying to do. They're trying to irritate, to get under our skin. T'is a shame our temper is galvanized rather than choleric.

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b2d3aa  No.17131350

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d36a55  No.17131356

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3382a5  No.17131358

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ef8619  No.17131362









Theory: Astrazenaca had a bad batch of COVID vax that was sent to Spain, who shared the shipment with the UK. Then it all goes downhill from there.

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b2aeac  No.17131364

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d8c283  No.17131366










>It may be a purposeful mistake…

everything is a purposeful mistake…

timing attacks are purposefully allowed on the internet, whichidentify ALL connections from end to end

Every intermediate server could rationalize the timing, which would be a standard mechanism, saving bandwidth…. But they don't…

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e5f7d9  No.17131367










even that I don't like it much………..

But for that little Princess………………..

All my love!

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9bc537  No.17131373










>Personally I don't think the food issue is that bad… and there would have to be a plan, if Q is military, to support the PEOPLE.

Anon's thoughts, as well

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2e6466  No.17131379

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c65f5c  No.17131383










Ballad of the Green Beret

- SSgt. Barry Sadler

Is there a nexus between JFK and the Green Berets? Did he give them a solemn duty?

Define counterinsurgency.




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6dd58e  No.17131392











might have it.

gotta go back.

you remember the approx. date for that again?

didn't realize we were doing reruns

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08f6e0  No.17131398










Hadn't realized it had already been noted.

Not the first time. Not the first rodeo, kek.


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7e4049  No.17131404

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c63b94  No.17131406

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49aff5  No.17131408









President Donald J Trump endorsement of Tim Michels for Governor of Wisconsin


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c4dba5  No.17131411

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518836  No.17131414

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26cea3  No.17131417

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ba230b  No.17131419










Another example of why the left can't meme. Let me explain to (you) why. The right memes about reality, often but not always using humor as the vehicle for the message. The left memes about their fantasies for what they wish reality was, using insults or emotional appeals as the vehicle for the message. Get it? Got it? Good.

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669d62  No.17131424

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2f9f84  No.17131425

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9be705  No.17131430










'tis also where people who just want to be left the fuck alone are

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6f44a7  No.17131431

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03bf4d  No.17131432

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d414c3  No.17131433










they voted for war if Putin uses biochemical weapons or nukes against Ukraine, count on one of those comin up

Roschilds not gonna give it up till they've made their buck

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1365c5  No.17131434

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80d637  No.17131437









Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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25868e  No.17131439









The more you know. Jekyll Island is where the richest men in the world concieved the Federal Reserve at their summer retreat and club, where they all had cottages.

It was also apparently the site of a sacrificial altar used by Timucuan indians for human and infant sacrifices.

John D. Rockefeller reportedly built his cottage, named Indian Mound on that altar with the parlor directly above it. The parlor where the plan was hatched.

Where we were all made slaves.

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86667c  No.17131445










Why did they categorize this article under “extremism”?


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8f5de5  No.17131453

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00fdfe  No.17131456









So all these dregs of agencies and media that come here posting racial hatred are set up so they can report in the media how racists the board is. Got it “wrap up smear 101”

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184d6b  No.17131460










truth hurts

your probably brainwashed about this issue all Americans are put thru illegal psychological warfare as children so you feel physical pain if you think negatively about your abusers.

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567ede  No.17131469










That's cool.

Cops should be the only ones with guns, let's pay them more taxes so they can get the high power stuff the plebs aren't allowed to have.

Because the authorities are the only ones we can trust to have high power stuff so they can kill the People more effectively.

Us plebs can't be trusted.

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11b1c2  No.17131471











but imo the "media" is just a piece of the larger "deep state" or whatever it goes by now

so it was a failure of the whole group

maybe because the media does not have full control like it did when there was only abc, cbs and nbc

which is why all the clamping down on independent media and twitter youtube

ministry of disinformation etc

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7f5317  No.17131475










They will be rioting!

Did you people not here Biden, Pelosi, Waters and all the Democrats hierarchy openly call for riots!

I’m sitting back and waiting for the vids. Always stay loaded my friends!

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e73c98  No.17131481










>fucking dogs knocked me offline

There are many verbs that end in '-ing', Anon.

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86667c  No.17131484

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0e8a3c  No.17131487









Stay on track! Over the target confirmed, by the number of shills here losing their shit.

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3600b4  No.17131490

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11066d  No.17131492

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72304c  No.17131495

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40cbd3  No.17131498











Must watch. Powerful interview.


Qtime Network ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [23.04.22 11:51]

[Forwarded from X22 Report Official ⭐️⭐️⭐️]



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949a77  No.17131500

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93110b  No.17131503









Biden calling on congress, as well as states, to lift the gas tax for ninety days, in an attempt to slightly lessen his energy price hike that is devastating America.

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ca91bd  No.17131507

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4a0e71  No.17131509










Be interesting if any of those weapons originated from the Ukraine, complements of the US.

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3ef47d  No.17131510










word coming in across the AP wire is that you're 'a gigantic faggot'. more info at the top of the hour

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332426  No.17131514

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