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10983a  No.17085182[View All]

>>17082788 pb

yes, where it's easier to censor

>>17080032 pb


they're running out of a burning building and grabbing all the cash they can

they know they will be unelected soon.

>>17079970 pb

obama is a royal

did yo see he latest fake q'?

or did the bread it was on, get taken down?

4 24 yesterday afternoon

there's no proper trip.

what happened to spam

went back to look for some info and found quite a few breads deleted. the ones I was looking for too.

701 posts omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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9bafdb  No.17088049


so sick of these people

repeal the 19th amendment and reinstate the 13th TONA

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b95bd3  No.17088050



no digits, why the checked?

are you a moran?

>rhetorical question

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645570  No.17088053


some of his memes really good

luv, luv, luv pig's general douglas macarthur meme

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0a3bd3  No.17088055


Time Travel is Fun

Order Restoration in progress

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4cc68e  No.17088056



a comm O dating.

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eaa9cf  No.17088058



Let the fear start. BoJo, lock everything down, except for those "immigrants" coming into ports like Felixstowe stowed away in shipping containers.

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cda6d2  No.17088059


Got more info on Cisco anon?

I know they’re clown outfit, first time hearing about Fortinet though

I ask cause I’ve had a few dreams involving Cisco burning down

I call it Cisco Inferno

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2ef2b1  No.17088060


I think it killed my Sister died last week reoccurrence of cancer stroke after cancer treatment fully vaxxed wouldnt listen to me not down as adverse reaction

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fc08fb  No.17088063

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627733  No.17088064



I just knew this would come back to Romney. Mike Leavitt is Mitt Romney's wing man.


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d5ae45  No.17088066




do tell.

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df479a  No.17088069


lye soap & sugar poultice will draw out infections

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6f5366  No.17088072


hope this is what you wanted

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a52888  No.17088073


it is days like this that make the bad ones worth it a bit more.

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ed3b5f  No.17088074

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c14aa0  No.17088076


Imagine if the gun grabbers went after the bad guys with illegal guns, instead of citizens exercising their sacrosanct constitutional right to bear arms.

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8ac58c  No.17088081


tripcode already showed

shame you suck at your job so much


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873daa  No.17088087


>Canadians eating bugs

i knew there was still something good about living in a blue state…..

(sorry canucks)

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1044da  No.17088092


A lot of gold under that area.

Shame PG&E had all those accidents. People of California get to pay those fines.

One of Jerry Brown's last actions as Governor.

Crazy how that works.


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d68b6a  No.17088093

Are you Ready for this?

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14bf38  No.17088097


>Schizoid behavior brought on by getting vaxxed.

Imagine, if you will, a world gone mad from the vax.

Cue the Twilight Zone music.

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0189cd  No.17088099


True dat.

Why are US Marshals protecting Potato?

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d0fe54  No.17088100





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d700ec  No.17088101



your own musings or are there some spots you might recommend some reading to get a glimpse…?

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34116b  No.17088102

This is the only midterm talking point for Democrats: Miller

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f6063c  No.17088103




Torpedo juice is American slang for an alcoholic beverage, first mixed in World War II, made from the alcohol fuel used in United States Navy torpedo motors.

The standard recipe is two parts 180+proof ethyl alcohol and three parts pineapple juice.

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a8d696  No.17088104




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87e346  No.17088105


> niggerfaggot

nobody says that but a newfag

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6a45df  No.17088106


dont let anons down, faggit!

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47ccb8  No.17088109

Prince Charles Denies Wrongdoing After Report of Accepting Suitcases of Cash from a Qatari Sheik

Prince Charles’ office has denied there was any wrongdoing in the heir to the British throne accepting bags full of cash as charity donations from a Qatari politician.

The Sunday Times said the prince was given a total of 3 million euros ($3.2 million) by Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani, the former prime minister of Qatar. It said the money was handed over to Charles at private meetings between 2011 and 2015 – on one occasion in a suitcase, and on another in shopping bags from London’s Fortnum & Mason department store.

The newspaper said the money was deposited into the accounts of the Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund. It did not allege that anything illegal was done.

Charles’ office, Clarence House, said in a statement that the donations “were passed immediately to one of the prince’s charities who carried out the appropriate governance and have assured us that all the correct processes were followed.”

The prince’s charitable fund told the newspaper it had verified “that the donor was a legitimate and verified counterparty … and our auditors signed off on the donation after a specific enquiry during the audit. There was no failure of governance.”

Qatar’s government communications office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

As Qatar’s prime minister between 2007 and 2013, Hamad oversaw the oil-rich state’s sovereign wealth fund, which has major property investments around the world, including London’s Shard skyscraper, Heathrow Airport and Harrods department store.

London police are currently investigating a separate allegation that people associated with another of the prince’s charities, the Prince’s Foundation, offered to help a Saudi billionaire secure honors and citizenship in return for donations. Clarence House has said Charles had no knowledge of any such offer.


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d263b2  No.17088112

Nancy Pelosi’s trading is just uncanny. She literally nailed the exact NASDAQ bottom on May 24th buying those $AAPL and $MSFT calls. I mean… She’s 82yo, yet trades options better than a Citadel algo running on a dedicated $300m mainframe computer.

Bingo or Bridge, this is not.


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cde8e1  No.17088114


prosecuting johnsons

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809ce2  No.17088115


>plant-based foods

We talking grains because wheat and corn or the "goat-tested, vegan-approved" stuff that even during hurricane panic buying sits on the shelves?

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5023ff  No.17088116


yes, good goy

embrace your new mixed race mongrel replacements

we all need to mix into one global eurasian-negroid race to own the deep state

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86b00a  No.17088117



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ec59fb  No.17088118


Leviticus 20:11: "And the man that lieth with his father's wife hath uncovered his father's nakedness".

You really haven't read the Bible, have you?

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f7d2d4  No.17088119


sad but true, FBI has jumped the shark

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34116b  No.17088121



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cadcf7  No.17088122


Secret courts exist.

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8a198d  No.17088123

"Dozens of NATO commandos are working on the territory of Ukraine as well as CIA operatives. CIA operatives are directing weapon deliveries from Kiev. NATO commandos are likely working with Ukrainian military units and providing recon & targeting coordinates/calculations. American “battlefield” software on NATO provided tablets enables Ukrainians to use NATO satellites to target Russian forces & its highly likely these tablets are being closely guarded by those very same NATO forces present on ground in Ukraine.

Russia has said this since the start, now New York Times admitted it. — this whole time this was “russian propaganda” according to BBC, Sky news, CNN, twitter “experts” and all other pro-Ukrop trash."


They're trying too hard to get the Ukrainians to fight their dirty war. They want Putin gone. They keep running stories that his health is bad, several balloons tossed up to see if something will float. There are a LOT of cells amongst us. McCarthy was dead nuts on. Helluva wrap up smear they pulled off. Then they call the writers icons, like Carl Sandberg (total Commie)

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9153ea  No.17088125

Thanks, Bake

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1447cd  No.17088127


Announced on Fox2 News, June 7, 2022

STL County employee indicted for pandemic relief kickback scheme

Tony Weaver, a political appointee of St. Louis County Executive Sam Page has been indicted on 4 counts of wire fraud and turned himself in to federal authorities after being accused in a COVID-19 relief funds fraud scheme.

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877f88  No.17088130






Dishonest people are claiming the Highland Park shooter is “right wing”

How many conservatives have you met that look like this 👇





Truth Ninja


Replying to


Abbott Labs employee


8:42 PM · Jul 4, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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de1f73  No.17088133



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43dfc4  No.17088134

Song playing right now at Trump rally:

The lunatic is on the grass

The lunatic is on the grass

Remembering games

And daisy chains and laughs

Got to keep the loonies on the path

The lunatic is in the hall

The lunatics are in my hall

The paper holds their folded faces to the floor

And every day the paper boy brings more

And if the dam breaks open many years too soon

And if there is no room upon the hill

And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too

I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

The lunatic is in my head

The lunatic is in my head

You raise the blade

You make the change

You rearrange me 'till I'm sane

You lock the door

And throw away the key

And there's someone in my head, but it's not me

And if the cloud bursts thunder in your ear

You shout and no one seems to hear

And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes

I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

"I can't think of anything to say except… HaHaHa!"

and assuming they play the "part 2"

All that you touch

All that you see

All that you taste

All you feel

All that you love

All that you hate

All you distrust

All you save

All that you give

All that you deal

All that you buy

Beg, borrow or steal

All you create

All you destroy

All that you do

And all that you say

And all that you eat

And everyone you meet (everyone you meet)

All that you slight

And everyone you fight

All that is now

All that is gone

All that's to come

And everything under the sun is in tune

But the sun is eclipsed by the moon

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156fd5  No.17088135



Q boss, if really you, please provide appropriate IDEN

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929c84  No.17088137


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 03/28/2020 15:21:09 ID: fead75

8kun/qresearch: 8601061

The entire world is watching.

Patriots from around the world are praying for AMERICA.

We are all bound by a feeling deep inside, a feeling that cannot be publicly expressed for fear of ridicule, a feeling that challenges the mainstream (narrative), against that which we are told to accept and dare not question, put simply, that people are being abused by those in power and time is running out.

Remember the battles of Lexington and Concord - "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!"

For far too long we have been silent and allowed our bands of strength, that we once formed to defend FREEDOM and LIBERTY, to deteriorate.

We became divided.

We became weak.

We elected TRAITORS to govern us.

We allowed EVIL to prey on us.

Those who claimed to represent us gave us false hope, made false promises.

The evil and corruption only grew.


This is more than party politics.

This is about restoring OLD GLORY.

This is about saving our land and our people from those who wish us harm.

This is about preserving our REPUBLIC.

This is about preserving our SAFETY.

This is about restoring our STRENGTH.


This is about PROTECTING our children.


We are all God's children.

We are, FATHERS.

We are, MOTHERS.


We are, SONS.


We are, SISTERS.

We do not look at race.

We do not look at skin color.


We are, and will always be, PATRIOTS.








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6cda1a  No.17088139



This stupid broad deserves some form of compensation for her image being used so much.

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24b36b  No.17088140


Please do if any men are dumb enough to hit on you…and did you specify genders???

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5e1f3f  No.17088141


One of them meant prison or death for ALL of them.

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